#the hair is still serving though thank god
art-from-within · 29 days
Thinking about the fact that aside from the obvious (having your limbs torn off is not a nice feeling), Grafting a foreign body part onto yourself may also very well be EXTREMELY painful, and that Godrick probably suffers alot but still does it anyway because going through magic surgery without painkillers feels better than his reoccurring episodes of crippling self loathing.
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luveline · 1 month
Maybe colt comforting reader when things for her film aren’t going right 🫶🏽🫶🏽
Colt comes to your rescue (clumsily) when you have a hard day. fem!reader, 1k words
Very minor plot spoilers for The Fall Guy (2024) if any
“I think he’s mad at you.” 
You pause where you’d been scrubbing your eyes with your hands, though you don’t look at him. Colt Seavers seems to follow you everywhere you go, and consequently plays witness to your many breakdowns. “Thanks, Colt. That’s astute.” 
“Are you mad at me? Why are you mad at me? It’s been ten seconds,” he complains. He has a unique talent for sounding flirty and needy at once. 
“No, Colt. I’m tired, it’s been a long day.” 
Colt is grinning when you meet his eyes. He has blood, fake or real undetermined, drying in the scruff of his facial hair. You gesture to yourself in a slow circle in the approximate area, to which Colt smiles again. 
“You look perfect,” he says confidently. 
“You have blood in your beard.” 
“Oh, right.” 
You sigh heavily, taking the few paces back to a stack of safety mattresses for a quick break. You’ll get up and help whoever needs helping as soon as you can feel your toes. Colt stays where he is, squinting against the sun, strands of blonde ends kissing his tan forehead. The summer shoots are good for him, he always looks so beachy. You’re exhausted all the time. 
As he notices. “Are you getting enough sleep?” he asks. 
“‘Cos I was sleeping badly and then I got this new mattress that has four hybrid layers, there’s a foam layer, and then there’s titanium springs,” —he sees your distant expression and his own flickers— “anyways, you could try it if you want. Test it out with me. Or– Not with me. With me if you want. We’d have fun. But not with me if you don’t want to.” 
You’d laugh if you had the energy. “Do you wanna sit down?” you ask. 
“God, yes, please.” 
He has another talent for being insanely handsome no matter the day. You look like you’ve been badly rewarmed before serving, where he looks like he rolled out of bed with a smile. He’s smiling at you now, the foolish kind that’ll fluster you if you let him do it for too long. “Stop,” you say quietly. 
“You’re doing amazing.” 
“Thank you. You’re the only person who thinks so, unfortunately.” 
You smile at him weakly. Worried you look pathetic, you turn your face to your lap and clasp your fingers together. 
“That’s not true. Mayview is old-fashioned, that’s all, he was around when they were still killing horses on TV.” 
You grimace. “Yikes.”
“But it’s the modern era. He doesn’t get to make you feel like shit, or I’ll make him feel like shit.” He pretends to charge a sucker punch. 
You lean forward a touch, not quite hugging your knees but tempted to fold in on yourself nonetheless, the heat of the sun a memory on your neck as the evening begins and cloud cover floods in. 
The safety mattresses beneath you squeak and shush against each other. Your weight and Colt’s slides together slowly. He might be pushing himself a little with his boot, but you pretend not to notice as his hand comes to rest between your shoulders. 
“I just can’t do anything right,” you mumble. 
As soon as you’ve said it you’re hoping he can’t hear you, but he does. He might have injured pretty much anything that can be fractured, sprained, or just plain broken, but he has stellar hearing. “You do everything right. You do!” he says, quietly and passionately at once, “They don’t realise it, but you’re the glue keeping this whole thing together.” 
“What are you?” you ask, bemused.
His hand is warm on your shoulder, unafraid where he hesitates to answer, “I don’t know. The test dummy? The guy who gets set on fire a lot?” 
“How is that?” 
“Warm,” he says, beaming, his face so unexpectedly close that you can see the glucose shining in the blood on his cheek. Fake blood. “You wanna try it? I’m sure I could convince the guys.” 
“No, I’m okay.” 
His voice turns silky. “Good, I wasn’t gonna let you anyway.” 
“Let me?” 
“You could get hurt.”
You give in, melted maybe by his warm tones, or exhausted by a day of playing mom for a director who can barely tell his left from his right. Your face presses to his shoulder and your spine sags under his hand, prompting Colt to pull you flush against his side. He always waits for your signals for stuff like this, no matter how desperate he might confess to being. “Can you make them all leave me alone?” you mumble into his jacket, the fabric rough against your nose. 
“Obviously I can, but… We could run away.” 
“Where would we go?” 
“I don’t know. Somewhere sunny. You can rub sunblock on my back, I can hold the umbrella over your head while you read.” 
“They have stands for that sort of stuff. Or you can shove it in the sand, you know.”
“I wanna do something nice for you,” he interrupts, the sound of a smile in his voice as he gives you a friendly jostle. “That’s the point.” 
“You’re plenty nice, Colt.” 
And he is. He saw you were upset and he came jogging upto you valiantly, and your side-armed cuddle is really pushing the pep back into your life. You take a few deep breaths under the weight of his arm before turning to him, brave, ready to go back to work if it means he’s gonna drive you home tonight. “Thank you for caring.” You kiss his cheek, careful of the fake blood. “You’re super nice.” 
You miss the heat of him the second you stand, but there really is work to do. 
“I’m super nice?” he calls. “How nice is super? Nice enough to get another one of those, or what? Are they by the metre?” 
You bite back a smile. 
“Hello? Can you hear me?” He must catch someone’s eye. “She can’t hear me. It’s cool. We like each other.” 
Nobody saves face quite like Colt. 
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charlie-lec-stories · 5 months
Good enough // CL16 & MV1
Pairing: Charles Leclerc / Original Female Character / Max Verstappen
Summary: Max is not always the confident man he looks like.
Warnings: Self-esteem issues, some dark thoughts, talks about eating disorders.
Author’s Note: Men can also suffer from low self-esteem and body insecurities. Rate: +16 (inappropriate language)
She always slept in the middle and Max was okay with that, because even though he loved to cuddle Charles, he was a living heater, like Max. Y/N was like an ice cube and it was great to have her in the middle, cooling them down. Watching her peaceful face in the morning was also a plus. That was the sight he found that morning, her laying face up, her lips slightly parted, Charles half on top of her, his nose buried on the crook of her neck and his left arm over her protectively, his fingers brushing Max's middle. The Monegasque was snoring softly, the noise muffled by Y/N's collarbones. As always, Charles was shirtless, it was impossible for him to rest well with clothes and it wasn't like the Dutchman or their girl would complain about it. On the contrary, she started progressively to sleep with less clothes on. Max wasn't sure when it happened but she went from loving to trying different PJ's and seeing which one was more comfortable to sleeping in just a tank top and a pair of cotton panties. Again, there were no complaints about that. Max could never complain about seeing them with little to no clothing, they were literally the most beautiful people he had ever met.
He knew that she was perfect since the first time he laid eyes on her, while they were teenagers. He felt his breath itch just looking at her face, and when they became closer and she started hugging him more, he became addicted to the touch of her skin, soft and plush under his fingers. He could remember the first time he saw her in underwear like a core memory, they were still friends and he had never felt so guilty for anything as he felt for his thoughts that night. She spent the night at his house, they both had a race the next day and her parents couldn't take her, so he offered her to stay at his house and go with him the next day. His father was less than pleased with his idea, but agreed anyway. She changed in front of him like it was the most normal thing in the world, he was her best friend and she felt safe with him, the tug of guilt he felt in his heart for looking at her like she was a whole meal still haunted him. But he thought she was breath-taking, every inch of her body was just too perfect to be real. He was seventeen at the time, so his mind went to places that he wasn't proud of, but even if he wasn't sexualizing her all the time now that they were older, he still could say that she was the most beautiful woman in the world.
Then there was Charles, who Max knew for a fact was the most wanted man in motorsport. People just worshiped his body like it was a whole temple and Max couldn't agree more with those people. He would definitely join a cult about Charles' body. From his cute, messy hair to his toned legs, Charles was a living Greek God and Max thanked Zeus every day for making his boyfriend figuratively allergic to wearing shirts. Summer Charles was his favorite, all hot and bothered, walking around sporting his smallest shorts and needing someone to apply sunscreen on his back three times a day. Max would always volunteer for that. But Spring Charles was also great, always wearing half buttoned shirts, chest showing teasingly. Max's second favorite was Autumn Charles, who liked to work out in compression shirts, leaving him and Y/N looking at his body the whole time they should be training. Winter Charles was less of a show off, but that doesn't mean he didn't serve... There were few sights as beautiful as the Monegasque in winter attire, with his nose reddened and smile on full display. Max could spend hours just looking at Charles sitting in front of the fire, warming up while chatting with Y/N about all of his favorite things.
He watched them both sleep for a few minutes, following the ups and downs of their chests, the covers up to Charles' hips, giving away just a peek of the navy blue panties Y/N wore that time to sleep. He felt lucky, but he also felt terrible about himself. As he got up from the bed, he sighed softly, doing the best he could to suppress the negative thoughts that tried to settle down on his mind. Walking down the hallway and towards the kitchen, he couldn't stop his body and it positioned itself in front of the mirror at the entrance of the living room. He looked at his reflection with a shy gaze, the dark shirt made him look slimmer, or at least he told himself that. The deep breath he took was shaky and when his hands moved to his hips, the hem of it tensed, highlighting a little roll on his lower belly. He looked away disgusted, his hands falling back down by his sides and walked quickly to the kitchen to start breakfast. He focused on his Stroopwafels, he wanted them to be ready before Charles woke up, or else he would complain about eating in the morning and skip breakfast. His boyfriend was a disaster when it came to food, he didn't like many dishes, and the Stroopwafels were one of the few things Charles liked to eat in the morning.
Max thought about skipping breakfast and instead going for a run, burning that roll he saw in the mirror, but he knew that it was not healthy behavior. He didn't like the way he looked, he did feel ugly, but he was aware of the limits between feeling bad about himself and doing risky things to achieve the body he wanted. Still, once in a while, his low self-esteem would entertain the idea of skipping a meal or extending a training session. He didn't resent his partners for being physically perfect, but he did feel like he wasn't good enough for their perfection. He would sometimes look at them, so incredibly good-looking together, and think that he didn't look as good as he should, like he was out of place with their beauty. The fact that they loved him was important to him, he understood that they loved him for his personality and not for his looks, and he wasn't a superficial man, constantly thinking about his or other people's looks, still, he sometimes wondered what they saw in him. When he was making out with them and they felt so into it, he would ask himself once in a while how it was possible that someone like him could turn them on. It was some kind of miracle that a woman who could have any man in the world, who already had Charles fucking Leclerc would want to have sex with him, or al least that's how he felt like.
"Morning, Amor". (Love). He heard Y/N voice as her arms wrapped around him, her cheek pressed against his back. He felt her kissing his shoulder and then playfully bite him. He laughed.
"Morning, Schat. How did you sleep?". He took the last Stroopwafel out of the pan and then turned around to face her.
"Bien, but woke up around 3 am wanting to peet and went back to sleep right away because you both were squeezing me so bad that I couldn't even go to the bathroom". (Good). She pouted and then giggled, making him smirk, loved her giggles. She stood on her tip-toes and kissed him, her hands moving to his hair to pull at it a little, he moaned but gathered his composure back quickly.
"No funny business, no time for that". He said against her lips and she huffed. It was a Wednesday and they were all traveling to the USA for the triple-header.
"It won't take too long, I promise". She dragged her hands down his torso, he loved every second of that, until she reached the hem of his shirt and her fingers touched the skin of his lower belly. He grew self conscious fast and then pushed her hands away. She looked at him worried, not for him not wanting to have sex but for him to refuse her touch as if it was burning him. He had those reactions once in a while and it always made her wonder what was wrong, but he never seemed open to talk about it.
"I just don't want us to be late, Schat". He quickly lied and she let it slide. He kissed her again, just to let her know that they were good. They heard Charles' footsteps and the conversation died there.
In Austin, they were gratefully surprised with the fact that they were staying all in the same hotel, which meant that they could share a room all five nights. Charles and Y/N didn't even bother on settling down in their rooms, knowing that they weren't spending a second there, instead, they took their suitcases to Max's room and then plopped down on the bed. Max was still acting weird, he barely let them cuddle him on the plane, didn't ramble about anything and then just went straight to the shower, taking his sweet time there. Charles, even though he had been close to Max for less time, also picked up on his strange behavior. They knew that Max was allowed to have bad days and be moody, but these episodes were different from being moody. He looked sad, like the spark he usually had suddenly lacked power. The two talked about it, wondering what could have happened and how to bring up the subject to Max without scaring him off. The last thing they wanted was to make him feel uncomfortable or pressured to open up about something he wasn't ready. Once he walked out of the bathroom, completely dressed to bed, they made themselves comfortable and drifted off.
"You look stunning today, Y/N". Max heard one of the reporters say while they were all on the media pan. Max suppressed an eye-roll, she always looked great and someone always had to point it out. He was a little jealous, but the fact that he had felt particularly bad about himself the last few days didn't help.
"Thank you". She said with a tight grin, she wasn't a fan of physical compliments, she would rather people calling her a good driver instead. The reporter proceeded with his question about her good Qualifying that afternoon and she then gave him a complete answer with her feedback about the track and the car. He watched her talk, the way her hands moved as she explained something, her lips that did the best they could as she struggled with her pronunciation and how her nose scrunched when she talked about the least things she liked about the track.
"Max". He turned around to look at Charles, the Monegasque discreetly leading him to an empty room when the media pan was over. "Are you alright, babe?".
"Yeah, sure". He tried to play it cool, but the concerned look on Charles' eyes was making it really hard.
"Are you sure? Because you haven't looked fine for a few days now". Max knew what he meant, he knew that Charles was talking about his mood, but Max couldn't help but associate Charles' words to his body."I know I don't look fine, I'll do better". He walked out of the room, leaving Charles even more confused than before.
Austin went terribly for Charles and Y/N, both of them ending up disqualified after the race, the Ferrari driver losing a P6 and the Mercedes a podium. Max had won and still he didn't feel any better, so the mood back in the room wasn't the best. "Couples that get disqualified together, stay together" was the caption that their PR managers decided to use when they posted their joint post about the FIA's decision. Max looked at the picture over and over again, even sad they looked nice. Or maybe it was him that loved them so much that was unable to see a single defect in them. He didn't care, they were perfect in his eyes, and he wasn't good enough, no matter how much he could win. The next stop was Mexico and Max was already in a bad mood to also having to deal with Checo's fans. He got the chance to share his podium with Charles and Y/N there and that made everything a little bit better, but watching their pictures online, the three of them together was painful. And to top it, between Mexico and Brazil, Y/N trended on Twitter when a particularly good picture of her after the race "broke the internet". She was being called the most beautiful woman of motorsport, and it was all too much for Max.
Charles walked inside the room with his spare key, they were both at the same hotel in Brazil and Y/N staying just a block away, to find Max on the bed. His knees were all the way up to his chest and Charles could see that he was crying, thanks to the shaky movement of his back. With soft steps, he walked to the bed and sat down next to Max, placing his hand atop his shoulder and squeezing. The sob that the Dutchman let out broke Charles' heart in a million pieces. He quickly pulled out his phone and sent a short text to his girlfriend, requesting her presence, then he got into bed with Max, pulling him to his chest and letting him cry as much as he needed. Y/N arrived 20 minutes later, having to work her way through some PR duties before she could be free. Max was a lot more calm when she made it there, her two boyfriends resting on the bed, while Charles moved his hands up and down Max's back. The Ferrari driver looked up when he heard her walk in and they shared a look before she sat down at the other side of Max and ran her fingers through his blonde locks. She saw him let out a sigh and then a few more tears fell down his cheeks.
"Amor, what is it?". She spoke as gently as she could, not wanting to startle him. "Please, we want to help, Max".
"You can't. I'm the problem, not you". His voice was hoarse, the crying taking a toll on his throat.
"You're not a problem, Max. What are you saying?". Charles was almost offended at Max's comment, how could he call himself a problem when he was so darn amazing?
"Okay, we're not avoiding this anymore". She changed her tone from sweet to serious. "Both of you, sit up". They followed the order, Max resting his back against the headboard of the bed. "What's up with you?"
"Don't play dumb". Charles warned him after he saw Max was ready to straight up lie to them again. They waited patiently, and Max just looked around the room, feeling self-conscious. Their gazes were too intense and he couldn't take them.
"I've been feeling bad about myself". He whispered it, hoping that they wouldn't ask for him to repeat himself. They didn't.
"About your body?". Y/N placed a hand on his thigh as she asked the question, Max just nodded.
"But why? There's nothing wrong about you, Max". Charles made the comment so nonchalantly that Max almost laughed.
"Everything is wrong with my body!". He laughed bittersweetly as he said that, like he was amused by the fact that they didn't understand.
"Max, you're going to have to elaborate on that, because we can't see anything wrong with you". He could see that she was concerned, it wasn't just the tone of her voice, but also how hard she was pressing her hand against his tight.
"I'm ugly, so ugly. I don't even understand how you don't see it!". Charles was straight up horrified by the comment, Y/N kept a neutral face, she wanted to see where this was leading so she could fix it. "I'm fat and my face is not pretty or anything like that. Clothes don't fit me right and I look terrible in pictures".
"This stupid, you're saying stupid things". Charles couldn't believe what he was hearing and the string of French curses he let out after his comment just proved further that he was not agreeing with Max's perspective of himself. Y/N was more concerned about Max fat-shaming himself, as if gaining weight was something bad or even him getting fatter was true, considering he was a pretty fit guy. They had a long journey of self-love ahead.
"Charlie, you're not helping". She tried to calm him down, but Charles was angry.
"He's saying stupid stuff! How can he say that?!". Max stayed quiet. "Anyone would kill to be you, you're fucking perfect!".
"What?". That took Max by surprise. He had called them perfect for so much time that he felt the term foreign when it was directed towards himself.
"There's nothing wrong with you, Max". He turned to look at Y/N, she moved her hand from his leg to his face, running her thumb over his cheekbone. "We think you're amazing, perfect".
"But why? You're both so good-looking!". He couldn't believe it. "How could you think that of me looking like you guys do?"
"This is stupid". Y/N rolled her eyes.
"Looks like "stupid" is the word of the day". That made Max laugh softly, she smiled and shifted her position on the bed to sit on his lap. "I love your smile, I love it even more when it reaches your eyes because they look even better".
"You make it sound like he's doing it himself, it's easy for his eyes to look great when he has those eyes''. Charles was being actually useful with his angry comebacks.
"I also said that I love his smile".
"He has the whitest, most perfect teeth on Earth, you could turn off the lights and still find him if he smiles". Max smiled at that, looking at the frowning Charles that huffed and kept cursing in French. Y/N grabbed Max's face and made him look at her.
"We love you, Max. Not just the fact that you're an incredible person or a generational talent driving cars. I love looking at you and I love having sex with you". He blushed, she giggled. "I'm not sure where this idea of you being ugly came from, but I can assure you that you're extremely handsome and hot to me".
"Of course he is! Mon Dieu, thinking he's ugly... Simply stupid". (My God).
"He agrees". Max properly laughed this time. She kissed him, pressing herself against him to make him feel her heartbeat. They broke apart after a moment, both needing to breathe. "I know that getting those thoughts out of your head is not easy, but please, if you ever, ever think about yourself like that again, tell us. I promise you, we will prove you wrong".
"Yes, really. We love you, even when you talk stupid".
Hope you guys like it!! Happy New Year everyone, and have a great 2024.
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breadbrobin · 4 months
So i saw of a guy getting lipstick kisses on him and im just obssessed with it. I want it with Luke but maybe we could have Luke put our lipstick on to mark us with kisses? Thanks for the lovely Luke fics ;3
revenge is best served red
luke castellan x reader — percy jackson and the olympians
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[fem!reader, from any cabin]
summary: little pranks are a great way to keep a relationship fun, and if they involve lipstick? well, neither of you are going to complain too much.
warnings: kissing, reader wears makeup (lipstick mostly stated), slightly suggestive content
word count: 786
(hiiii!! i love this request it’s so cute! thank you for the awesome request, i hope you like it!)
one thing new campers often noticed about luke castellan were the lipstick stains on his collar and skin and the silver bracelet on his wrist, both a perfect match to your lips and your own wrist. he wore both with pride, always one to wear his heart on his sleeve and, well, your lipstick on his shirts.
you’d never tried to hide your relationship. how could you, after all, when luke stumbled out from behind your cabin with lipstick marks all over his face and you followed him not long later, makeup smudged and hair messy? that was a pretty good giveaway that you were together.
luke had always liked revenge. good, cold, sweet revenge. but you had never been a target. nope. never.
until he drew a heart with an ‘L’ in it on your cheek while you slept one night, and you went around camp as usual for three hours before you realised it was there. then all bets were off.
you wore your brightest, boldest lip looks, pressing kisses to his cheeks, to his hands to the corner of his mouth. he wore them with pride.
“you’re never embarrassed,” you’d whined to him one day.
he’d wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer, smiling. “i’d never be embarrassed by you. how could i be?”
that had been enough for you to shut him up with more deep red kisses for a while.
revenge came to you one day though. cold and sweet.
you went simple. and cold. definitely cold.
a bucket of ice was tipped over luke just before he was set to start training, courtesy of you, of course. what you hadn’t expected, was getting chased by a soaked, cold, luke, and hugged tightly as the ice permeated through your clothes too. regardless, he admitted that you’d got him, and finally, you could relax. pranks had never been your strong suit anyway.
as time went on, all of that took a backseat. more than anything else, you were just… happy.
luke was, first and foremost, a picture perfect boyfriend. always opening doors for you, pressing kisses to your cheeks and lips, carrying your bags and always respecting you. but he was so annoying sometimes.
like now, as he sat on your with your makeup bag in front of him, tipped out onto your sheets.
you were sitting on the floor with a colouring book as he sorted through your products, studying some of them and swatching them on his hand and wrist. you weren’t quite sure was he was doing—you had your back to him—but whatever it was was making you slightly nervous. he hummed every now and then, either in confusion or satisfaction, you weren’t quite sure. that was the only thing that broke up the silence in the otherwise empty cabin.
“hey, babe,” he said suddenly.
“yeah?” you didn’t look back at him.
“what colour lipstick do you think would suit me best?”
you frowned and turned around, then covered your mouth with a giggle. “oh my gods.”
luke’s lips were painted in a deep red, messy and over-lined more than kylie jenner. he was smiling goofily. “what?”
“you look like the joker. and not the cool one.” you giggled, hand still over your mouth.
“so not this colour?” he grinned.
you shook your head, lowering your hand with a laugh. “no, not that colour.”
“hm…” he looked in a handheld mirror and pouted dramatically. “guess i’ve got to take this off then.”
you were about to reach for your makeup wipes when his lips landed on yours. you were confused for a moment, before you couldn’t help but laugh into the kiss as the lipstick rubbed off onto your lips and face.
he pulled away and smiled. “i see why you like doing that.”
“like doing what?” you asked breathlessly.
his thumb smeared the lipstick just below your lips slowly. “making such a mess.”
he kissed you again, slowly guiding you up and pushing your makeup aside so you were on your bed with him, then pushing you down gently so you were lying below him.
he peppered lipsticked kisses all over your face, eliciting giggles from you, and, when he finally pulled back, your face was more red and pink than anything else. he smiled down at you, his hand resting on your waist as he shifted his weight to the side. “yeah. i get it now.”
“i hate you.” you teased.
“yeah, i hate you too. but revenge is sweet. at least i’m not freezing you right now.” he grinned, his lips meeting yours again as you both laughed. you didn’t even mind that he was wasting your lipstick. with luke, nothing was a waste.
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rashomonss · 4 months
I couldn't stop thinking about this after reading your "Readjusting" hc
Imagine that the reason MC started acting like a "proper" attendant was because Barbatos couldn't stand how improper and casual Mc was with the brothers. He decides to take her under his wing but he isn't gentle about it, not even when it becomes clear that MC is human, on the contraire, he becomes harsher with his methods until even the brothers notice. Meanwhile MC could be in the state of mind to believe that they deserve to be treated in such ways because they feel guilty over letting everyone assume they were a demon
Also think about how this treatment would affect MC relationship with Barbatos. Imagine MC slipping up in front of him and immediately tensing and starting to apologize. How scared MC would be of even the thought of doing something NB!Barbatos though them was wrong and undignified of her to do/say as the brothers attendant.
And how heartbroken OM!Barbatos would be at seeing MC be so terrified of him.
so I’m currently deep diving thru my drafts and inbox and this was from forever ago so I’m so sorry I’m only getting it done now (,,Ծ‸Ծ,, )
anyway oh. my. god.
i absolutely love this idea! the angst potential this ask has is literally to die for. i’ll be incorporating a few of my readjusting ideas as well and yeah i know nightbringer didn’t go in this direction but im going in it anyway, so i hope yall enjoy! (๑>؂•̀๑)
you’re nothing more and nothing less
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You admired yourself in the mirror then stared at the reflection looking back at you. 
Sighing you gave yourself a small smile, then remembered his words before giving yourself one last look in the mirror. 
“You really do look decent when you know how to clean up.” 
An attendant is supposed to look sharp, and presentable no matter the circumstance. They are a direct representation of who they’re serving. How was a noble demon supposed to take the seven rulers of hell seriously if their attendant didn’t even know how to properly dress or present themselves? 
Your tie had to be perfectly crisp and presentable, same with the cuffs of your uniform; not a wrinkle should be present. Next, your preferred uniform bottom was ironed with no wrinkle in sight, and your shoes shined to the point you could see your reflection. Each plead and fold was sharp, crisp, and perfect.
Your hair looked presentable and you carried out your normal face routine making sure you looked awake and ready for the day. Finally, you organized your belongings and sat them by your table in a neat fashion ready to be grabbed once you headed off to RAD. 
You then made your way to the kitchen and prepared breakfast for everyone as well as coffee and tea for those who usually required it. 
As you were finishing up most of the food Beel walked into the kitchen heading straight for the fridge. “Morning MC,” he said catching his breath. 
“Good Morning Beel, how was your run? Also, your snack is on the counter so please refrain from eating anything in the fridge,” you replied, as you continued cooking. 
“Oh thank you.” he smiled while closing the fridge. As he sat at the counter watching you cook he couldn’t help but become confused at the sight. “Wasn’t it Levi’s turn to make breakfast this morning?” 
“It was but he stayed up late last night, and I had a feeling he would oversleep so I took the liberty of making it myself. Not to worry though because I have nothing against cooking for all of you” 
Beel frowned in response “Yeah but this is the third day in a row you’ve prepared breakfast and dinner” 
“Is it now? Well I have no problems with it unless the rest of you do, I am your attendant after all.”
Beel stopped eating and frowned again, “MC you’re an exchange student from the human realm. You’re back home; there’s no reason for you to still act as our attendant.”
You didn’t respond, instead you finished up the food and began to plate each brothers breakfast. Beel tried to speak again but you cut him off.
“Apologies but could you do me a favor and wake up your brothers for breakfast? I wouldn’t want them to be late for classes.”
Beel gave you a sympathetic look and nodded just before leaving the kitchen.
You did stop to think about his words though. After all everything that happened in the past didn’t need to be continued in the present, you could go back to living how you normally did before.
The only problem was that you didn’t know how to go back to that carefree lifestyle. After being on edge constantly while being stuck in the past you found yourself adapting to that lifestyle. So breaking it all of a sudden was much harder than everyone understood.
Humans are adaptable creatures, they adapt and survive to whatever environment they are thrown into, no matter the circumstances; at least that’s how he explained it.
He drilled it into your head that if you wanted to survive against the best of the best you needed to be superior in every way. It didn’t matter to him if you were a demon or human, neither was an acceptable excuse for not being absolutely perfect.
This mindset had been engraved into your soul during the small time period you were there, so for everyone to just tell you to forget about it was something you couldn’t do even if you tried. They all needed to accept that this was how you were now; and maybe with due time you’ll revert back to your old self.
Numerous voices could be heard in the dining room causing you to snap out of your thoughts. You sighed and then took a deep breath before walking into the room with everyone’s plates.
“Good morning everyone, how’s are all of you?” You asked placing plates in front of each brother at the table.
“Mornin’ MC, I’m fine how are ya?” Mammon said yawning.
“I’m good thank you for asking, but I would be even better if you fixed your tie and shirt” you smiled, placing his food in front of him.
“Dah you sound like Lucifer…” he groaned. It did work however because he buttoned up his shirt and tightened his tie before eating, to which you smiled at him in response.
“That goes for all of you as well, fix your uniforms please.” you said, placing the last plate in Lucifer’s spot. Each groaned and fixed themselves as well before they began to eat.
A laugh was then heard from the doorway which made you look up in response. The oldest then greeted you with a kiss to the cheek before sitting down.
“I see your keeping them on a tighter leash than I am.” Lucifer said looked up at you.
“Well of course. How is anyone supposed to take the seven of you seriously when you don’t even wear the uniform properly.” The room fell silent and Lucifer raised an eyebrow. “Thank you MC, but you realize that you don’t have to worry about our images anymore. You know your home correct..? You don’t have to continue being our attendant.”
You sighed then spoke after a few minutes. “Thank you for your concern I appreciate it, but if you’ll excuse me I have to get the dishes clean”
“Wait you’re not having breakfast with us dear?” Asmo asked worried.
“You haven’t eaten with us at all since you came back. Come on MC, please?” Satan then said.
“I appreciate the concern but I already ate. Thank you for the offer though, I do appreciate it. Now if you’ll excuse me.”
“As their attendant you should not be eating with them unless permitted on a special occasion. It’s basic etiquette as a servant to eat in the kitchen. So you will eat when I eat. Understand?”
That phrase popped in you head again and you sighed heading towards the kitchen.
. . .
The walk to RAD was normal, for you at least, the brothers were a different story entirely.
They tried engaging with you or even walking next to you but you stayed silent and walked behind them.
Normally you’d walk at the same pace and would engage in any kind of small talk but ever since you returned walks to a from RAD had been awkward for the brothers.
Barbatos never walked next to Diavolo, and he taught you to do the same with the brothers.
“You aren’t from the same status, so you should take your place behind them as a result.”
That phrase played in your head as Mammon talked to you about his latest new scheme. You realized that he was walking at the same pace you were so you slowed down ever so slight and engaged in a bit of small talk with him.
The second born frowned as he saw you retreating again, so with a sigh he finished talking and walked a bit faster to catch up with the eldest.
You could see them shorting you glances and whispering to each other but neither said a word to you.
You understood they probably weren’t a fan of this behavior either, but it’s not as if you could break it anytime soon, after all what would he think if you were acting casual with everyone again?
. . .
“Good morning MC” Barbatos spoke, smiling as he slightly waved at you.
Upon seeing him your posture straightened up and you immediately greeted him back with a wave and a nod, in the same fashion he greeted you with. You held eye contact for a brief moment then looked over towards Lucifer.
“I believe we should head out now. There’s paperwork to be done. It was lovely running into you but we’ll be on our way now” you said to the butler.
Before he even had a chance to respond you grabbed Lucifer and dragged him through the hall leaving a confused Barbatos alone in the hallway.
Lucifer tried to question you about your behavior towards the butler but you always avoided talking about it.
Diavolo tried his hand as well and you had given him the same excuse you gave Lucifer. Sighing, the two decided to talk to you over tea instead, hoping that it might calm the mood.
So you followed Lucifer into the council room where Diavolo sat, waiting with a smile. The minute you saw him you smiled back, but soon tensed when Barbatos appeared behind him.
“Sit down MC” Diavolo gestured as soon as you reached the table.
You bowed slightly and did as you were told, making sure to keep yourself in line while Barbatos was present.
Barbatos from the past despised when you were casual with Lord Diavolo and shut down your relationship with him the second he took you as an apprentice.
As Diavolo began to speak you listened attentively and sat up straight making sure to hold eye contact just as Barbatos had instructed you to do before
“MC…” he started. “I understand that it's taken you awhile to try and readjust to everything again, and while we don’t want to pester your progress we do want to talk to you about a few things.”
Were you in trouble? Your heart sank to your stomach as you gripped your uniform bottoms under the table.
“What can I help you with then?” You asked.
“Well for starters you needn’t be so tense, we’re close after all! It’s okay to let loose around us” Diavolo smiled as he gestured towards Lucifer who nodded in response.
“I thank you for your concern, and I will try to relax as you asked” you then nodded.
Your formal response tugged at a frown on Diavolo’s face. “Thank you, now then let’s enjoy some tea.” he said, trying to quickly change the subject.
You froze on the spot as Barbatos brought out the cart of tea and a few snacks. Immediately you jumped up and helped him set the table, much to everyone’s surprise.
“MC, you can leave it to me.” Barbatos said after a moment.
“I understand” you nodded yet still continued picking up the tray of snacks and placing plates in front of Lucifer and Diavolo.
After you finished you stepped behind Barbatos, almost as if you were his shadow. With a sigh he turned to you and tried to ask you to sit back down but you refused.
So instead he tried to guide you to your seat and you stepped away from him in response, the further you took a step back the closer he took a step forward. It wasn’t until you hit the snack cart had you realized how close the two of you were.
However that was short lived as the dish holding the sugar fell off the cart and shattered on the floor the moment you hit it.
Your eyes went wide in horror and you fell to the floor to clean it up in an instant, muttering to yourself silently.
“MC, are you-“
“I’m so sorry, Lord Diavolo, I'll clean this up right away. Please forgive me” you said swiftly picking up the shattered glass and trying your best to clean everything.
“It’s okay, don’t worry it was an accident” Diavolo said as he got up to make sure you were okay.
You shook your head as you went back to cleaning. You were positive Barbatos was going to kill you, he made sure to let you know if you ever messed up in Lord Diavolo’s presence.
So when his figure loomed over you your body tensed with fear as you looked up at him. However his expression didn’t match what you assumed it would’ve been.
He looked concerned and bent down to inspect your hands, hoping there wasn’t any blood due to the shards of glass from the dish.
You immediately retracted your hand when you noticed a cut and Barbatos stiffened.
“I’ll clean this up right away, excuse me” you said as you jumped to your feet and ran out of the council room, leaving three very confused and concerned demons behind.
As the door flew open when you left Solomon walked in with a bewildered look as you rushed out. “What happened? Is everything okay?” He asked as his eyes followed your figure rushing down the hall.
“It’s MC,” Lucifer sighed.
“What about them?” Solomon questioned.
“Long story short they were helping Barbatos and dropped the sugar then bolted out of the room in a panic when Barbatos grabbed their hand to see if they were okay.” Diavolo said with a sigh.
“Ah, that explains things then.” Solomon nodded. “And Barbatos I would refrain from touching or even being near MC for the time being”
“And why is that?” Barbatos questioned with a frown.
“Because MC is probably still on edge after serving alongside you in the past. Let’s just say your methods weren’t exactly…ideal, for a human.” He sighed.
His heart broke upon hearing those words. Barbatos frowned upon learning he was the reason for their rigid behavior and unwillingness to open up to him or Lord Diavolo again.
“I understand,” he sighed.
“If we just talk to MC I’m sure they’ll understand-“ Diavolo started.
“You can, but they haven’t changed their behavior with the brothers so I doubt they change it now. I’ll talk to them when I see them again” Solomon sighed.
Lucifer made a sour expression upon hearing Solomon’s words, mainly because he knew they were true. After all he had spoken to MC countless times yet nothing has changed.
Solomon handed a few papers to Diavolo who read over them in surprise. “Cocytus Hall? That place hasn’t been used in ages, and you wish to move in there?”
“Yes, well Mc and I.” He nodded. “All the paperwork should be there if you’ll allow it”
Lucifer shot the sorcerer a glare and shook his head. “Is that really necessary? That’s quite the opposite of having MC adapt back to the present”
“On the contrary I didn’t suggest this. They did, and if it's what they want I don’t mind indulging my sweet apprentice” He smiled.
The three frowned at Solomon’s words. No matter how annoyed he made them, they all agreed that he was the only one you talked to like normal.
It wasn’t fair that he was the only one that got that attention from you. After a few more minutes of going back and forth Diavolo finally approved the idea, much to Lucifer’s protests.
It was just a thought but Diavolo hoped that if he did this you would eventually come back to them, and not the you that was terrified and uptight, he missed the carefree human who could brighten up the room.
With a sigh the room fell silent as Solomon left, all three demons were running out of ideas and the longer you avoided them the more painful it had become.
How long were they supposed to stay like this? They all wondered with tense sighs.
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hoseoksluna · 20 days
VAPOR, pt III. | jjk ft. myg
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pairing: boyfriend!jungkook x steam!oc 
genre: smut
word count: 9.9k
summary: the naughtiest of times bring about the greatest of healing.
pinterest board: vapor
warnings: punishment, spanking, oral sex (f. and m. receiving), a little bit of ass play, cum eating, raw sex, multiple orgasms, sex toy included, praise kink, jk smokes:), jk also reveals a past pain:(
note: nawt my best work, but i guess it's alright:( here it is, my loves—the very end to the steam series. i enjoyed indulging myself in this world and i'd like to thank all of you for allowing me to do that. thank you so much for all the love and support. i do all of this for you:) wink wink. this is pure smut and nothing else, and i hope you like this at least a little bit. i love you all so much, pwease give me your feedback, thank you. <3
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Jungkook thought brushing his teeth with you in the morning while you wore his boxers and stole one of his white, ribbed tank tops was heaven enough. That was until he couldn’t lay his sleepy gaze off of you when you sat on his balcony with a cigarette between your two fingers and a cup of strong coffee in the other two and your thumb. 
Still can’t. 
He’s never been a morning person. To him, all mornings resembled some kind of hell that you suffer through until afternoon rolls around until you finally awaken. But seeing you like this, delighted, with two of your pleasures… he might become an early bird. Wake up each morning with joy just to see yours. Just to watch you be at complete peace, puffing out the smoke out into the sun-breathed air. 
The weather is a stark contrast to yesterday’s funeral of clouds. Not one is in sight, sun rays envelop the heavens in a golden light that spills through your hair—half done in a messy knot of some sort at the back of your head while wisps of shorter strands frame your face and your neck. He’s given you his spirally hair tie that he wore in his pre-military days. Your eyes almost popped out of their sockets when he told you how long he let his hair grow because he knew shaving his head was inevitable and it served as some kind of strange preparation for him. You brushed your fingers through his hair, then, unbelief painting your face in cutesy colors. As if you tried to feel the long-gone memory of his long tufts of hair that curled at the ends. He was so touched by it—maybe it’s one of the reasons why he can’t stop looking at you now.
It’s dawning on him that you love him. That you’re his. It wasn’t a dream, after all. 
And you’re such a stark image of effortless beauty—even with your puffy eyelids and mouth, with your healthily flushed cheeks. How can he not look at you… he fears if he does, you’ll disappear into the thin air. He can’t afford that, not when he went through so much pain to get to this point. 
This is his reality now. It’s difficult to get used to. He’d never thought he’d get this lucky. Perhaps, heaven does care about him, wants to see him after all, because it blessed him with you, blessed him with freedom that he can indulge in hand in hand with you. 
Jungkook feels an inkling to find a church and kneel at the altar. Thank God for what he’s done for him. Call his dad and tell him that he found Him.
The thought of how happy he’d be fills him with vigor redolent of the last of the summer creeping in. There’s so much of it that Jungkook finds it hard to breathe, his lungs taut with all this joy and love that he feels. 
It seems as though this time he will, in fact, live his life happily. Get rid of his alcoholic habits, drink from the fountain of you instead—make that a brand new habit. Keep his paints. Keep the memory of your features and your sleep-tousled hair engraved deeply in his brain so he can transfer it onto his sketchbook. Eternalize you for generations to come. Clutch those papers tight to his chest when God does take him to heaven once his time comes. 
Happiness. How did he deserve such a thing? 
He sighs, watches you suck the last of your cigarette. The sunlight radiates you with a glow too grand for his eyes to take in and as you breathe out the swirls of smoke, he has to look elsewhere. Your full breasts pebble against his tank top, too stretched out for your small form, and it douses him with liquid tendrils of desire for you. All due to the fact you’re wearing his clothes, that you’re bare underneath them, that your nakedness brought about so much pleasure for him last night—due to the very memory that you didn’t wear your underwear for him because they would get in his way. Fuck, his cock tightens under his joggers, the ones that match those you wore to bed. He hasn’t eaten yet and he thinks you’re the perfect choice of breakfast for the day. 
You put out your cigarette in the ashtray he found for you in the cabinet, left behind by the tenants that lived here before him, and a soft smile curls your slumber-kissed mouth. Your irises flick across the width of his chest, across his crossed forearms and biceps and your smile deepens. You cradle your cup of coffee in both of your hands, slouching in your chair. He’ll never tire of the way it feels to be looked at by you. The tendrils of desire thicken in him, flowing rapidly in his bloodstream. 
“What do you wanna eat for breakfast?” you ask, and there’s something dangerous about your eyes now, mingling with the light and joy, dimming it little by little. He likes it so much, likes your question all the more, that he props his elbows on his knees and hooks his fingers around the back of yours, thumbs fondling the round bones. 
The way his boxers don’t even cover the apex of your thighs, having ridden up so high—he stifles the hiss rising in his throat. They suit you so much he might let you keep them. That is, after he ruins them. 
“You,” he murmurs, smirking, and you grin at him so luminously that the speed of his bloodstream slows down. Suddenly, the movement of your hand as you set your cup down is in slow motion—your fingernails provoking him by lightly scratching down his forearms, too. You study his tattoos as you do it, your gaze darkening fully. 
You root them at the place, where he’s holding you. Palms flat against the back of his hands. Lean closer to him until you nudge your nose against his. The close proximity will always mess him up, no matter what. He feels himself bespangled by your light, by your celestiality, bringing in the heat until it’s all he knows. 
“What if I want to eat you first?” you whisper, head angling to kiss him on his jawline. Oh, he’s already done for; body charged with electricity all over. Your mouth closes over that bone so, so slowly, your tongue licking over that place in the same tempo, causing the hair on his body to stand up to attention. 
“Eat what?” He laughs through his nose and you take after him—your giggles a warm rumble that sends tingles down his back, even though all his body longs to do is whimper for you. He knows what you meant, but he simply wants to hear you say it. The memory of the way you rubbed your face in such a private part of him, not just once—but twice, floods his brain and he’s so hard for you that it’s unbearable. 
If he doesn’t get his release any time soon, he might combust. 
He’d much rather it happens in your mouth. Like it did in the dressing room last night. Oh, fuck. Those winged fuckers are going at it again in his stomach, bringing about his madness for you. 
“Your nose first, then your dick.” 
It’s now that he lets out that sound—he can’t help it, can’t hold it back. Might need that cigarette of yours, even though he only smokes casually. This is what you do to him. 
And you like that sound. You like it so much that you rise to your feet, only to straddle him. And, leaning back, he pushes you towards him until you’re flush against his body. To make you feel how aroused he is for you, your little pussy sitting against his imprint. At the feeling of it through such a thin barrier, you press your hum over his nose, kissing the ball of it with a sweet, soft giggle. His madness evolves into a frustration again and he wonders at the whole concept of it. Now that he has you all to himself, his sexual need for you tends to be on such a raging base, full of yearning, full of frenzy. So intense, so thunderous, so deafening. The world might break apart, fall upon every head with its destruction, if that need remains unfulfilled. 
It’s spine-chilling. Absolutely petrifying. And irrevocably thrilling with all its bolts of power. 
He kneads your bum with both of his hands, unraveling that melodramatic concept of his titillation for you with the strength he uses to squeeze your flesh with. Jungkook goes as far as to lift you onto your knees, raise the fabric of his boxers to reveal your skin and, holding it taut in his fist, he wetly kisses the red imprint of his hand that he left behind. 
And his need flutters with something still yet forbidden. 
Yours does, too. And it’s you who voices it out, setting it free like a bird that has been caged for centuries. It touches him, immensely—a deep sea of feelings resurfacing in him, sloshing to and fro, threatening to spill over. 
“Spank me.” 
Lust and love. A peculiar concoction of it that doesn’t exist in the realm of words. He feels it, feels it with every breath he takes. 
“I should, right?” he rasps, dragging his fingernails down your carmine bum, sneaking his fingers around the squishy bottom of the flesh. He might drench his joggers—he didn’t wear his boxers to sleep; you’re wearing them for him. “For wanting to bite my nose off.” He clicks his tongue, squeezing, other hand wraps around your waist, holding you still. “I should spank you until it hurts. Until you cry.” 
The most gentle of a moan spouts out of your mouth and he twitches, his need growing—all because you want it as much as he does.
Jungkook lifts his hand in a promise he’s about to do it and you shiver in anticipation. 
“Please,” is all you say, but he’s not going to give it to you. He places his hand back in a soft manner, lifting it again to tease you and you wiggle your butt, his boxers still tucked halfway in between, the flesh rippling and he groans. A sight to die for. “I deserve it. Please, do it. I want it.” 
He sighs, a wet spot forming in the place of the joggers where his tip is, and he can’t see anything. Can’t see shit when he lifts you up and takes you inside. Can’t see anything but you and the surface of his kitchen island, which he sets you down on, spreading your legs. 
Confused by the swift motion, you rise to your elbows, but he pushes you right back down—holding your hips in the air, just like he did last night. You will see what he’s about to do to you, nonetheless. No need for you to strain your arms. 
And when he closes his mouth over your clothed pussy, you roll your eyes back, moaning his name so loudly that it echoes throughout the kitchen, rooting around his dripping length. And his arousal for you is so overwhelming, so sensitive that one thrust of his hips against the fabric of his joggers brings him such pleasure coursing through his body that he might as well come like this. 
Jungkook rids you of his boxers in a blink of an eye, throwing them somewhere out of his sight. No need for them, either. 
Burying his nose in your clit as he licks your slit and plunges his tongue inside, he narrows his eyes at you as yet another wave of pleasure comes down upon him. This time from having you for breakfast, at last. You mewl so sweetly that it drives him to thrust his hips again and he groans, groans so deeply for you. Needs you to know what you’re doing to him. 
“You’re gonna be the death of me one day,” he breathes out, lightly dragging the tip of his tongue across your clit before he swallows, hissing at the delight of your taste. You moan, trembling, barely able to take it. Fuck one day, he’s about to die now. “And you’re gonna make me come in my pants like a fucking boy. Is that what you want?” 
Jungkook flicks your bud, fleetingly, just to make your sounds shudder in the sudden intensity. You clench your small fists in the air, your tremor so terribly visible and rigorous, and with your breath hitching in your throat, he sucks that delicious part of you into his mouth. 
You stammer, badly enough that he begins to feel a sliver of pity for you, not enough for him to stop. He’s ravaging your little princess parts so hard that it takes a few tries for you to get the words out in a steady flow and he doesn’t help you. Doesn’t ease up for you, at all. Flicking, sucking, licking you up all over, rolling his tongue—he simply doesn’t stop, does it so fast that you lose yourself in it, submitting to it with all your being. 
And along with your submission come out your words. 
In perfect fashion.
“No, I want to suck you off.” 
And along with those your orgasm, too. 
Jungkook watches you take it, eyes lidded heavily, take all the pleasure he gives to you as it unfolds throughout your quivering body that he holds tightly in his grasp so you wouldn’t fall over. He sucks your clit until his mouth goes numb, opening it to drink you, not letting a drop of your nectar go to waste. You struggle to reciprocate the eye contact and he finds it so endearing that he wants to make you come all over again. 
Setting you down, he caresses your wet little pussy with his thumb, palm spread wide across his tank top clothing your tummy. And while you try to catch your breath, he sends rays of his affection down to her the more he looks at her. He loves her so much that he bends down and kisses her. Over and over. Kisses the hickey he left on your left fold, the one below your hip bone as well. And then, he glances at you. Flushed and glowing, a personification of light. A girl most satisfied. So beautiful.
You sit up and the feeling of the coldness of the marble against your sensitive seashell makes you let out a whine, biting your lip briefly before you enclose it around his. You moan into the kiss and Jungkook knows why. He deepens it, hands drifting down your full breasts, your stiffened nipples. The touch makes you hum and grind your pussy against the island, opening your mouth. He takes the opportunity to slip his tongue inside, playing with you, beckoning out your mouth-watering little whines. And when his fingers reach the hem of his tank top, he takes it off of you—your breasts bouncing, the wet spot in his joggers enlarging. 
In this position, you’re forehead to forehead. And this time, he doesn’t want to kiss you. No, he wants to talk. 
“You taste good, don’t you?” Jungkook husks, an allusion to the way you moaned into the kiss, fists on either side of your outstretched thighs. You bite your lip and furrow your brows, a hand sneaking around his neck. Such horny expression, scraping his madness raw. He’s greedy for more; wants to bleed for you. “Tell me. Tell me how good you taste.” 
You sink your teeth so hard into your bottom lip at his words that you whimper once you let go, the pillow so reddened, so cute. The wrinkle between your brows deepens and you grind your hips again. Oh, he’ll put his hand there, on your still needy pussy, as soon as you answer him. 
And you do—and his whole bloodstream lines with a river of flames.
“I taste so good,” you whine and he rewards you for your goodness, for that heat. Places his fingers flat underneath your clit, palm up. You immediately roll your hips forward and whisk your eyes back. That sensitive you are, after such an intense orgasm. He swears. Takes it as a sign to rub your bud and, pushing them back with one hand, he gathers your slick and smears it upon it, making it all the more pleasurable for you. Gusts of breaths emit out of your mouth, intertwining with the squeaky sounds of your juices and Jungkook almost drools, aching to eat you out all over again. The feeling of your parted lips, your slipperiness, the softness of your swollen bud—he grows desperate for it. 
But he wants you to come like this, too.
“Ride my fingers,” he whispers, just for you to hear and not the angels surrounding him, whose favor he gained. “Come on. Grind your pussy on them, sweetheart.” 
You mewl and you listen, straightening your spine. Use his shoulders for stability as you swing your hips back and forth. The silkiness of your flesh, the wetness that makes this a smooth ride for you—he moans, sucking in his breath each time. And then you become so terribly whiny, eyes squeezed tight, that he can’t help but to strum your clit as fast as he can. Your shudders begin again, your breasts rippling and he just thinks they’re asking for his tongue. 
A flick of the muscle on your nipple. You cry out, arching your back, halting the movement of your pelvis and he takes over. Takes merely a minute to make you come all over his hand and scream out his name. 
And then… then he grabs you by the back of your neck and pulls you in—almost nose to nose. A gesture to make you listen. To make you pay attention to the words he wants to say to you. 
“This is what you deserve,” he purrs, speaking of the former mention of punishment, studying the way your eyes grow bigger than they already are. “To come again and again for me—and what’s more, I’m not finished with you yet. That wasn’t your last orgasm.” 
You mewl and it seems that it’s all that you’re capable of uttering, the clitoral orgasm stealing all of your vocabulary. 
Or at least he thought so. 
“But I want you to spank me,” you say, your voice a satiny softness. “I want it so bad that I’ll do anything for it.” 
Jungkook doesn’t know what’s more stimulating—whether the beauty of your strength or the sinfulness of your craving. The flames in him reach higher highs, burning his skin in a way that unfussily forces him to give you what you want; give in to you, surely and wholly.  
“Is that so?” 
You nod, leaning over and closing your mouth over the side of his neck, sucking the skin, making his eyes roll back. And when you begin to focus on his ear, your fingers sinking in his hair, he truly just might submit to that specific craving of yours, even though he wanted to save it for the cabin. 
He might just give you a taste of it now. 
It looks like you’re ready for it, but if he finds that your healing is incomplete, he’ll take care of you, undo the wrongness, distract your thoughts and fold your emotions into a cocoon of his love. 
Pulling you away from him, he lifts you off the island and bends you over it. You giggle in triumph and the dulcet sound falters once he brushes your hair back and, pressing his length against your bare bum, he reciprocates the same treatment you gave to him. He doesn’t destroy your neck more than he already has—he barely has any space left to scatter it with hickeys and he doesn’t wish to cause you discomfort. No, he mouths your ear and kisses the very unmarked skin beneath it, nibbling it ever so gently. 
It’s only when you circle your hips against him that he rips that gentleness away and bites, making you groan out. 
“So that’s what my sweetheart wants,” he breathes, hands drifting to the crooks of those hips, right where your thighs begin, cooling the flames he spat onto that sensitive spot of yours. “Pain.” 
The collision of his palm against your cheek is what steals your breath and you whimper in elation. 
“Oh, fuck yes.” 
He does it again, a bit harder this time, just to hear those delectable words, just to make sure you’re comfortable, rubbing your skin to soothe the sting. And when you pinch your nipples and moan, he gets on his fucking knees for you. Such a good girl; a strong angel.
At your ever persisting service. Eternal. 
Spreading you apart, he catches your dripping slick with his tongue and pushes it back inside, thumbing your other tiny hole—pulling away momentarily to spit on it, smearing the lubrication there before circling it. Jungkook hears the soft thud of your head slumping against the kitchen island and you take it, take his abuse so well that he rewards you by flicking the tip of his tongue over your clit. Over and over until there’s another thing he hears. 
He hears your phone ring. 
His stomach drops. He knows full well who’s calling. And you prove his deduction right. 
“It’s Yoongi,” you sigh, a bit of vexation evident in your voice, and Jungkook buries his face in your pussy, humming into her, purposefully. “Vi-video calling me yet ah-a-again. Oh, fuck.” 
Pleased, he laughs. “Let it ring.” Doesn’t give two shits that he’s calling, but is a little annoyed that he keeps bothering you. 
It doesn’t lessen his fire, though. 
“But.” He withdraws to let you talk. Doesn’t take his eyes off of the glistening of your flesh. “If I tell him off and if he sees what you’re doing to me, he’ll stop calling me.” 
His fire thickens, thrilling tendrils absorbing it. Very well. “Such a smart girl. Go for it, then.” He punctuates his sentence with a curt spank and you jump, rising onto your tippy toes as you curl your back, moans echoing. He caresses your legs all over, mouth latching over your slightly reddened cheek. Thinks it’s a perfect place for another hickey. And as he sucks the supple skin, he sinks a finger inside your heat, your walls welcoming him in. 
You answer the phone with a moan. “I’m busy.” 
You’ve placed your hand to the edge of the island, so Jungkook has a perfect view of what’s currently happening. You’ve hidden your squished breasts behind your forearm—like you did the first time he’d laid his eyes on you via Yoongi’s phone. How the tables have turned is so mind-boggling to him that it drives him to twirl circles on your other tiny hole, eating your ass with such verve that you can’t contain your sounds, especially not when he begins to caress your sweet little spot with his curling fingers. 
Your legs begin to shake. 
Yoongi calls you by your name. “What the fuck is this?” 
“W-what does it look like?” you retort, grinning, looking back at Jungkook, catching his glance. He sends you rays of his love, eyes crinkling, the tip of his tongue finally penetrating inside. “I’m getting my ass eaten and you’re—” You suck a breath in, trying your hardest to remain calm and not succumb to the pleasure. Jungkook worsens it for you; he syncs his finger and his tongue, fucking you in one fast rhythm in both holes at the same time, and your stammer returns. “You-you’re disturbin’ me, oh fuck.” You pant, heavily, letting go of your phone and scratching your nails down the surface, trying to grab onto something, anything. Jungkook hums, endearingly, and catches both of wrists in his hand at the small of your back. Seeing you bound like this, bound in pleasure mainly, while on the phone with your ex-boyfriend almost makes him come in his fucking pants. “I don’t want to fucking come looking at your face. I’m not on your timeline, stop calling me.” 
Oh, Jungkook wouldn’t even let you—and the reason why he intensified your pleasure was to spite your ex-boyfriend. It seems as though it worked because Yoongi remains silent, at loss for words in most probability, and you consider your job done, tugging up your arm. 
“Let me hang up,” you whisper to him and Jungkook loosens his fingers for you, the sound of the call ending etching a smirk on his face. 
He straightens his form and, turning you around, he pins you against the island, his smirk only widening. The love, the proudness he carries in his heart for you, the freedom that oozes out of his every pore—he uses it to kiss you, tenderly. Fights hard to stifle his grin, to mold his lips into yours, but to no avail. You mirror his expression of joy, looking up at him, both of your wrists back in his hold behind your back. 
“You took your spanks so well, enjoyed them,” he murmurs his praise, his other hand clasping around your binding. “Didn’t even think once about the past. And to top it all off, you basically told your ex-boyfriend to fuck off. Moaned your lungs out. I’m in awe,” he continues, his voice dropping an octave lower, meaning every word. “I’m in awe of you. What a good girl you are. The best.”
The glint in your irises bursts and spreads all around, your eyes becoming two lighthouses that gain a new instinct to bring him home, whatever form that might spur into. You blush for him, taken aback by his praise, and your lashes flutter so prettily that he grows weak in the knees. His reactions are constant, never-changing when it comes to you and he finds so much beauty in them, in you that he feels as though it’s golden sand in his fingers and all he longs to do is finish his job like you did. You rouse the inspiration in him—you always have.
And listening to his body, he stumbles back into his former position. On his knees for you, at your ever fucking eternal service. And he makes you come with his fingers stuffed in your heat and his tongue flicking your clit until your knees give out as well and he has to take you then and there. Against the window on the other side, your pleasured body embraced, almost, by the golden aura that spills from the sunlight. And he opens it out, stretches it, with every word that trickles out of his mouth and into yours with every swift stroke. A bunch of rays of ‘You’re mine’, ‘My pretty, tight pussy’ and ‘Good girl, take it all, it’s all yours’ permeate your skin, lighting you up from beneath and when you come around his cock, your light doesn’t fade into his and leave you barren. No, it melts, a conscious, ever-flowing stream, into him and soaks him up. It’s still one singular light, but in two bodies. 
And the two loads he filled you up with caused weariness to drop so heftily on you that he bathed you in the tub. Scrubbed you clean. Washed your hair. Made you smell like him. Was extra careful when touching the hickeys he left behind on your body, the other unmarked parts of you handled with similar care. 
He didn’t even forget about your candle. Borrowed them your shared light and you kissed him quite sweetly for it. 
Even when he dressed you in his clothes. A pair of old baggy jeans that don’t fit him anymore and the same white tank top, a clean one, fragrant with the wholeness of summer he will perpetually connect with you. You pecked him so cutely when he tapped your waist, signaling that you’re all done. He knows it was the deepest thank you that you could’ve ever expressed to him. And he hugged you, hugged you so tight that you merged into him, bunching your wet hair in his fist. 
It didn’t dry up until he parked by the cabin. Having curled into winsome waves, he couldn’t stop touching them when he lead you towards the front door and, most peculiarly, it ached when he had to let go in order to unlock the door. 
His clinginess to you constringes the longer he spends time in your presence and because you’ve graced him with such freedom, he doesn’t mind. Not one bit. You show no signs of being irritated by it and it causes him to think that, perhaps, when God made you, He put some mechanism in you that needs it. Just like he planted those roots of clinginess in him—for no one else but you to receive, to carry, to take care of. 
It’s what he thinks about when he makes you lunch while you smoke on the balcony, having finished with the fresh drinks you made for yourself and him. Elderberry with lemon and ice, with funky, colorful straws once again left behind by the past tenants, ready on the dining table. This time you will actually sit down to eat and Jungkook won’t get kissed on the face by the strong knuckles of his once-close friend. 
An emotion stirs within him as he flips the meat on the small indoor grill. Tears prick in his waterline because despite the fact he enjoyed spiting him, he still wonders how he’s handling this. Mourns the loss. Probably will for some time. There’s a certain freshness to it that won’t let go of him. 
Those liquid feelings almost dissipate when you wrap your arms around him from behind and kiss his spine. He’s not matching you that much—is wearing the only clean laundry he had. A white oversized tee, a zipper hoodie of the same color with jeans. But he feels the love you press onto his back as if your lips touch his bare skin, singing the two layers through and through. 
Jungkook reckons you’re saving him as you’re lingering there with your face buried between his shoulder blades. Saving him from spilling. 
“I can’t wait to visit the pond once we’re finished with our food,” you murmur and Jungkook hums in response, placing the rest of the meat onto a plate. 
“It’s done, we can eat now,” he croaks out, his voice touched by the residue of his emotions and you rub his belly with your hands. He smiles, fondly, at the gesture. You just keep on saving him.
“Do you think the water is cold?” 
Considering the rain that would not leave for days, the water is anything but suitable for swimming. And when he turns around, he meets your mischief, playfully toying with your features. A curled smirk, lifted brows, light flickering in your eyes, reflected in your lashes. He might let you dip your toe in. Just one. 
Only because you depict such distinct beauty and he can’t resist it. Can’t resist you, even if he tried his hardest. 
“Too cold,” he says, however. Just as playfully. “Freezing.” 
Helping him with the plates, you sit down to eat and before you dig in, you thank him once again in the form of a peck. Oh, he might spill, ultimately. In a much different way. Melt into liquid love for you—a putty at your disposal. He’s never come across someone as sweet as you. 
“My sweetheart, enjoy your food.” 
A sliver of comfortable silence hangs in the air as you finish your food and once he downs the drink you made for him, a different type of hunger itches in his throat. 
A hunger for a cigarette. 
He watches you as you take his plate and bring it into the kitchen, never forgetting to at least graze one part of your body as you depart away from him, his clinginess a full blown, ceaseless stream and when you come back to him and take his hand, he remains seated. Looks up at you. Is probably giving you a nasty set of puppy eyes, he can’t tell. Doesn’t really care. Interlocks his fingers with yours and brings your knee in between his. Just because. 
“You know what I want right now?” he says, stroking the back of your thigh, and you smile down at him all excitedly. “A cigarette.” 
You squeal and he didn’t expect such sound to come out of you, such display of joy at such mindless thing. You quiver, taking his other hand and pulling him to his feet. Grab your pack and lighter and drag him out to the balcony. 
And with a cigarette of your own hanging from your lips, you sink the butt of the spare one between his, your lighter ready in your hand, flicking it to life. Then, a sudden gust of wind blows your hair in front of your face in a grand, sublime way, the clouds shrouding the sunlight, a layer of grayness dispersing across the atmosphere. Jungkook is mesmerized, completely, strands of your hair tickling your cheeks as you focus on lighting his cigarette, such serious expression coating you. 
He almost forgets to suck on the cigarette when you cup the lighter, protecting the flame from the breath of the autumn slinking in. How can someone be so beautiful, so caring? He could’ve lighted up his hunger himself, but no—you wanted to do it. 
And because of that, he steals your cigarette and grabs your cheek in one hand, careful not to break it. Taking a delightful drag, he opens your mouth and puffs it inside. Watches you swallow it down, your eyes narrowed in a foreign pleasure, and to reward you, he kisses you deeply. But at the taste of his hunger on your tongue, the kiss grows tempestuous. He devours your mouth, makes it puffy all over again, and something else grows hard in tandem. 
Something in his pants. 
And the way you kiss him back—he has to physically pull himself away from you in order not to take you right here, in order not to bend you over this railing and bury himself so deeply inside you that all the animals in the forest scurry away at the sound of your squeaks. Much, much different ones. 
His body tingles, looking at you panting, longs to kiss you again—bring that notion into reality. It’s not merely you who’s become aroused because one swift glance over your body clad in his clothes reveals that you have, too. Your stiffened nipples protrude through his tank top and he has to hold onto that railing and take a deep drag of his cigarette in order to stick to his composure like his life depends on it. 
Perhaps, it truly does. 
“You’re so fucking irresistible,” he comments, mirroring your former actions—placing the cigarette between your lips that willingly open for him, lighting it up. “It’s crazy. I can’t spend one minute in your presence without wanting to fuck you brainless. What are you doing to me, huh?” 
You blush, but he didn’t mean it as a compliment. Thinks he should change his ways and call you beautiful more often, so you learn what a true compliment is, despite the fact how hard he finds it. His lungs constrict, choking the life out of him that you gave him—an unfond memory clouding his sight.
A blond set of hair swishing past. A roll of eyes as he threw that compliment in her way. The dismissal that still lives in him.   
“You sure it’s me?” you retort, angling your head to the side, two fingers widening slightly as you suck on your cigarette. You tossed the memory away and cuddled his headspace. “Maybe you have a problem.” 
Oh, he remembers this feistiness of yours. Missed it, dearly. Makes his cock needy. Even more prominently so now—now that you clothed him in healing. 
“True, one taste of you and I’ve become a nymphomaniac,” he says with a mighty, peculiar easiness. Clicks his tongue. “I guess I should go to therapy.” 
Your blush deepens and you hide your laughter behind your busy palm. Jungkook shakes his head, not believing something like that could flush your face like this with such rosy, radiant color. He pulls you towards himself, squeezes your bum. Takes a drag, loving the burn in his throat. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispers, fondling the sweet color of your cheek with his thumb. The smoke from his cigarette curls around your wavy hair. “Do you even know how beautiful you are?” 
It’s you who shakes your head and you place your palm flat on his chest. A gasp leaves your mouth when he spanks you for your disagreement. Then, your mouth ends tip. 
Jungkook laughs, softly. “Run. And if I catch you, I spank you again. On your bare bum this time.” 
He pushes you and you squeal, turning on your heel and heading for the stairs down that lead to the pond. He could run after you to make you happy—it doesn’t matter he’s wearing his home slides. He’s danced with them, even barefooted, so this is no big deal for him. But he wants to give you the thrill of the chase, so, flicking his cigarette into the ashtray, right next to yours, he slides his hands into his front pockets and waits until you’re halfway there at the pond. Then, then, he slowly makes his way down. 
You’ve stopped, however. Half turned, you watch him as he chases you down Michael Myers style. And when he’s at arms-length distance away from you, you begin to run away and this time your feet acknowledge themselves with the wood of the dock that floats above the surface of the still water. There’s nowhere for you to go and he fears you’ll jump into the water. Or, maybe you just want to get spanked that badly. 
He’s about to find out. 
Gray shadows envelop you, choking out your squeals again when you see Jungkook running after you and you edge dangerously close to the end, bum leaning against the ladder going down. 
He lifts his palm, signaling you to stop right there. 
And you surprise him. You kick your feet into momentum and as you run and collide into him, you throw him into the water. 
The iciness of the water stings and his breath lodges in his throat, submerged. Paralyzation takes a hold of him, but not enough for his body to emerge to the surface. He rubs his eyes as he inhales deeply, shaking off the water from his hair like a dog, his eyesight slowly unblurring and he sees you laughing. The trees bend at the sound, sighing along and the wind, once again, stills. 
You even have the nature wrapped around your finger, not just him. And he can’t be mad at you, not when your girlish giggles spark up a joy in his heaving chest, ridding him of the coldness he feels. 
But that doesn’t mean he won’t punish you for it. 
You asked for it. 
He swims to the dock and pulls himself up. The ease he did it with, his wet clothes that cling to his body and accentuate his muscles, it causes your dulcet laughter to falter, little by little and you back away from him. 
That aches a tiny bit. He relaxes his face, in case that’s what drove you to do that and he unzips his hoodie, throwing it at your feet. His T-shirt comes next and you swallow, dryly, your eyes drifting along his pecs and abdominal muscles. 
You hiss at the cold sensation of his knuckles against the fine sliver of skin of your stomach, the dip between the hem of his tank and his jeans as he unbuttons them and harshly tugs them down. You let him, placing your hands on his shoulders once he kneels and lifts both of your feet, folding the denim and flinging it onto the pile of his sopping hoodie. Your socks and his boxers follow along, leaving behind only his tank top. 
Bunching it in his fist, he tightens his mouth in a narrow line and pulls you in. More to cover you from the cold than to soak you and he raises his palm until it levels with your shoulder blade before he spanks you. The slapping noise vibrates through the canopy of the trees and he likes to think the weeping willow in his peripheral vision trembled at the reverberations. 
“That’s for me catching you.” 
Another spank. On the other cheek. Just as hard. 
“That’s for the way you pushed me into the water.” You don’t make a sound, only tiny little breaths spill out of your mouth as your big eyes ogle his dripping face. Taking it so well that his cock, achefully, hardens even more. “All this fucking forest all around and you decided to get on here, on this dock. Push me in.” A spank. “In the freezing.” Another one. “Fucking water.” Another. 
You moan, swaying on your feet and he straightens you, grabs your wrist and wraps it around the nape of his neck. 
“And this.” Jungkook licks his fingers, sneaks them between your bodies and finds your clit, rubbing it rapidly. “This is for the way you enjoy it. Enjoy being spanked. Being punished. Enjoy being a bad little sweetheart.” 
You moan, a wrinkle between your brows, and your legs begin to quiver, your orgasm fast approaching. And the fire in him, created by your playfulness and his own words, he becomes it. Like you’re the personification of light, he’s the flames that keep it warm. An oxymoron most profound, most perfect, unseen by the world. 
He rips your orgasm away. Spanks you. Kneads your ass. You whine so terribly that it beckons his pity. Enough for him to creep his thigh in between yours, grasp your hips and make you ride it. 
“You wanted me wet, so get off on it,” he orders, unlatching his hands, taking off the tank top and fisting your hair, trusting you to hump him well enough on your own. “I know you like it cold, so grind that pussy on my thigh. And don’t stop until you come.”
It’s fast, the way you move your hips and bring yourself to the absorption of your climax. You look at him the whole way through and Jungkook nods with his bottom lip between his teeth, encouraging you to ride out the wave. 
“Good girl, coming so fast. Get on your knees.” 
He takes off his even more drenched pants. You wait for him with an open mouth and he senses the welcoming embrace of death. 
When he plunges his length into that salivating hole, it’s his fire that he feeds you. Despite the coldness, pearls of sweat adorn your forehead and Jungkook grips your hair and fucks your mouth, not letting you be in control, uttering his guttural moans lowly. 
“That’s what you get, my love.” 
You swallow around him in response and his life flashes before his eyes. Pictures of you, pictures of this cabin dressed in all of the seasons and he halts his thrusts. Pushes your head, instead. Back and forth until he can’t fucking take it anymore. 
Your spit trickles down onto the wood. Tears line your vision. Hard, shiny cock in your face. He tells you what he thinks of the sight. 
“So beautiful. Look at how hard and wet you made it. You deserved every inch down in that pretty throat of yours.” 
It’s a start. Still has a demon on his own to conquer, one that sits around somewhere deep in his chest, where a string of his past relationship makes dents in his lungs. One that he doesn’t want to admit he still has. One that he’s learned to forget about. 
But he is changing his ways. For you. 
You moan and scratch your nails down his thighs, the fire forming into an animal in you. A feral, little thing that knows what it needs. And he’s going to give it to you, mind already working on the forgetting. 
“I love your cock. It’s all mine.” You mouth it, glide your puffy lips upon its length and despite the pleasure he gets from it, he pushes you away. 
Straddles your hips. Turns you onto your tummy. Knows the personal cock time was too brief for you, but he can’t risk having his orgasm like this. 
“Yes, my love, all yours. And I’m gonna fuck that brain out of your head with it.” 
You mewl. “Yes, please.” 
In contrary to your words, you try to crawl away when he sinks himself inside, your nails making pretty music on the wood. He brings you right back to him. Presses you down flat with his hand on your back. All while still inside of you. You sputter out your moans and, licking his thumb, he circles your other hole, making them grow in volume. 
“No, sweetheart. Don’t run from it. You can take it. Believe in yourself the way I believe in you.” 
The strokes he gives you are hard, engraving your rose tattoos made of hickeys onto the dock and he realizes that’s exactly what he wants. He desires to have everything he owns smell like you, look like you and carry remnants, memories and keepsakes of you for generations to come. And so he fucks you not only harder, but faster. 
Thinks your back is awfully bare and missing the rest of the marks. 
Jungkook bites onto the skin above your shoulder blade and you catch him off guard. 
“Jungkook, I’m gonna come like this.” 
He hums, fondly. How quickly your walls have gotten used to accommodating him. “Not yet, my love.” 
Swiveling you, he hooks your knees onto his shoulders, sinking back into you this way—sinking back home. 
And it begins to rain. 
Jungkook hears the touch of the droplets upon the surface of the pond first before the same ones pelt down his back. And the briskness that affects him, the conjunction of an autumn kissed by the last of summer—it drives him to crush his lips onto yours with such vigor that he hopes the autumn, at the sight of it, will be here to stay, in all its wholeness. No more triggers of the past seasons. Newness, only. Singularity. 
He doesn’t carry you away from the rain. No, he hides you with his own body. Takes every hit from the ruthless downpour for every lash across your heart, for every scar etched for all eternity on its flesh. Hands cradling your head, the broadness of his back a cover for the top half of your body and you keep him there with your hands gripping his hair, holding on for dear life. It stimulates him enough to fuck you just as hard, imprinting the lines of the wood onto your back. 
Not so bare anymore. 
You could never be an empty canvas. Not with him. 
Not when you care for him in the midst of the pleasure. 
“Jungkook, ah, you’re go-gonna catch a cold.” 
He kisses you for it, terribly touched. “But it feels so good.” A languid stroke, the squelching of your pussy; he rolls his eyes back, sucking in a breath. “Come for me and I’ll get you inside.” 
He picks up the pace, seizing your pleasure. But then you start moving your hips up and down and he feels you fill up every dent in his heart with each movement, each moan, each squeeze of your walls. And when you make yourself come on his cock, he considers himself strong enough to tell you all about it later. 
Carrying you inside while hiding your head from the rain in the crook of his neck, he takes you up to his room and sets you down like the princess you are underneath the ivory canopy above his bed. Senses your irises digging little pursed pecks into his back as he rummages in his dresser, fishing out a pink bottle of lube and a dildo. Smaller than his length, but almost the same as his girth. Skin-like. With balls attached. 
He’s smirking as he swivels, joy evident on his face. He’s eager to watch you ride it and your two lighthouses for eyes divulge to him just as how excited you are yourself. 
You spread your feet for him once he’s an inch away from you, smiling from ear to ear. “Fuck me with it,” you purr, wrapping your legs around his torso. 
Even the most solemn man in the world wouldn’t be able to not grin at this moment. Too bad he wouldn’t let him near you. His heart pounds, aches to say no to you, but he simply wants to watch you ride it. 
“No, sweetheart. I want to watch.” 
You frown. “But you haven’t cummed yet.” 
He caresses your small pout and you kiss his thumb. His smile widens. “That’s okay.” He might be throbbing, but watching you bounce on a silicone dick will bring him a great deal of pleasure, nonetheless. 
“Then, touch yourself for me.” 
He hums, his heart lodged in his throat. The turning of tables must be in the script to this movie that he considers his life shared with you. And he likes it more than he’s able to comprehend amidst his intense arousal. 
“You have to ride it well, then.” 
You suck on his thumb momentarily, a smirk quirking your lips. “I’ll do my best.” 
“I know you will.” 
Pecking you shortly, he squirts a ton of lube on the dildo and all around your princess parts, rubbing your clit to tease you. The gasp you let out causes him to laugh softly in endearment and then…
Then, he leaves you to it. 
Sitting back in his rocking chair, he fists his cock, the leftover lube making a squeaky sound on his skin. You get on your knees, line yourself up and Jungkook tugs down his foreskin for you, allowing you to see the drops of his male essence oozing out. It turns you on to the point that you moan and bite your lip, sinking down on the toy and he’s breathless. 
“Fuck, it’s not as big as you,” you whine, sitting down on it, fully, maintaining eye contact with him. His heart thuds in harsh staccatos. “I barely feel anything.” 
A sly remark about your ex-boyfriend’s length is on the tip of his tongue, but he bites it back. Doesn’t want to ruin the moment. He’s not a constant presence. Not anymore. So why bring him back? 
And what’s more, you’re lying. Because when you begin to bounce, tentatively, your eyes whisk back and you pinch your nipples, the squelching sound of your pretty little pussy driving him to fuck his fist just once. He knows if he keeps going, he might miss the whole experience, plagued by the shadow of his pleasure. He palms his balls instead, his cock protruding from the crook between his fingers and his thumb. Still wet from you. 
“Harder,” he commands, squeezing his balls when you listen and he hisses, fights with all his strength not to flutter his eyes closed like his body is begging him to. He can’t miss this. It’s too good to miss. He bites down on his lip. 
“Jerk off that cock, please,” you plead, your breasts bouncing and he bites down harder, the fire in him burning off his skin. “It doesn’t feel as good when you don’t.” 
He swears and begins to move his hand, gliding up and down, pressure hard. “Are you imagining it’s me?” 
“Yes, oh my God. I’m riding you and it feels so fucking good, Jungkook.” 
He moans, focusing on his sensitive head. Tips his chin up. Doesn’t break the eye contact. “Good girl. You’re doing so well.” 
The praise gets to you and your fingers sneak to your clit, rubbing fast little circles—and just like that he nears to the edge. Whimpering for you, he fucks his cock harder. Hot flashes surround your flushed face and you mimic his sounds. 
That’s his very fucking undoing. 
Getting on his feet, he paints your breasts and tummy white and you begin to shudder, his orgasm coaxing yours. You pinch your little hard nubs—and it’s almost like you’re milking him dry, spurts after spurts making new tattoos on your torso, white roses to mingle with your red and purplish ones. 
And his woozy brain can’t help but to look forward to see them fade to yellow. 
He kisses you so hard that he doesn’t feel you breathe and when he pulls away, he collects his cum and feeds it to you. Can’t have it go to waste when he knows what he’s planning for you. 
“That was so good,” he whispers, sealing such an intimate moment with another ravenous kiss. 
He doesn’t let you respond—he pins you back. Ass up, face down. Squirts lube all over that deliciousness and when he glances over at the ruined dildo, he whistles. Pearls after pearls of your girlish essence trickle down the length and he shows it to you. Hard all over again. 
“That’s a good fucking girl,” he praises and your eyes widen in that familiar way he likes, mouth parting, blush deepening. “Stick out your tongue.” You listen, so fucking well, and he plunges the silicone tip inside your mouth, circling it around that willing muscle. “That’s it, lick it up, sweetheart.” 
You look up at him as you do it, making smacking sounds, so terribly fucked out. Jungkook has to grip your hair in order to hold on to the last of his composure, and when you begin to suck on it—he can’t take it anymore. 
He fucks you with it. Fucks you into the mattress. Punishing you for the things you do to him, for the fire that grows hotter and hotter in his veins. And he loves you, dearly, with the entirety of his being, that his fingers cannot physically stay away from your little sopping clit. 
Neither can they when you come and gush out your arousal. Neither can they when he switches the dildo with his cock, raises you in the air and fucks you so hard, whispering little praises and sweet little nothings—“I’m getting you used to taking it from behind, my love. You’re doing so good. You’re so beautiful. So damn pretty.”—that you and he both, completely and wholly, fall apart when you come together. 
He loves you dearly enough that he can’t stop falling apart even in the shower. 
He tells you of the demon living in his chest. 
“When we’re together, I feel you healing me. I feel you giving me chances to live on with my life, do the things I’m scared of or wary of. Like today, when you didn’t believe me when I’d told you you were beautiful. I felt that fear I had in me for years, but saying it to you made it seem like nothing. There used to be a girl I was in love with. Whenever I would tell her things like this, she’d scrunch up her nose. It wasn’t enough for her. Her pride was too big for my words. I kept giving and giving and it was never enough. But when I give to you, you take it and you live with it and I can see it on you. I can see you wear it proudly. I can even see it now. And it’s so beautiful. So healing.” 
You kissed his scars. Kissed his hands. His neck. Washed him clean. Hugged him under the hot downpour of the shower. Reminded him of the way he healed you. Told him all the small details he never knew—and it only proved his words, tightened his love for you. 
He knows from this moment on that you will be the mother of his children. He’s not letting you go. Not until the day he dies. 
And the first shower he shared with you… Jungkook sketched it down that very night as you and him sipped on wine, listening to music. And he brimmed with the longing to bring it onto a canvas. Splatter it with colors. Purples and reds, with tiny hints of yellow that are about to appear on your body. 
And he will. Hang it up in this very cabin. The eternal keepsake of the movie that his life has become. 
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It has been several months of living this cinematic life with you. Weekends spent at the cabin, the weekdays spent separately, save for the regular dates. Dinners, trips, sight-seeing. A slow life filled with brand new art supplies, a pile of sketchbooks adorning the walls of his bedrooms. Both at his own apartment and the cabin. And another adornment has come to live with you and him, one of life-long permanency. 
He sealed your exclusive relationship with a matching tattoo. 
“Sweet” lines your left rib whereas “Heart” lines his—right above the mole you’ve come to love so much. Red ink, an illusion to your red roses, the dress you’ve worn for him on several occasions. Visiting him out of the blue in the middle of the week with black lingerie underneath and a trench coat to cover you up. Mindlessly at the cabin one weekend when drinking wine, smoking together on the balcony, listening to the whispers of the willow tree. And once on the last warm day of autumn, during which he paid you back for the way you had pushed him into the water of the pond. Just like he’d done the first time, he tossed you in, joining you right after, fucking you in the dress. He had eternalized it that very night, sitting by an easel. Paintings of you, some of both you and him, hang on the walls of the cabin. In the living room, in the bedroom. Everywhere one looks, one finds the scenes of your movie—and it brings him joy unlike any other. 
Yoongi… he hadn’t called you since that fateful day. You’d made the arrangements to see him after a month or so. Found out he was seeing a therapist. 
Quite literally. 
He’s banging his male therapist.
The information enveloped you in a dimmed glow. You were shocked, first and foremost, because you had no idea Yoongi liked men. Jungkook did, so it wasn’t a surprise to him—what was more of a groundbreaking surprise to him was the fact you didn’t know. That he never cared to tell you. 
And he never pushed it aside. As a matter of fact, he told him off about it the first time he saw him after everything. 
Yoongi cared very little because he considered the chapter finished. A similar light swathed him tautly, one he’d never seen on him, and Jungkook agreed. The chapter is finished. No need to get all hot again. 
Yoongi forgave him. Found love. Found healing. But he didn’t maintain his relations with you. Neither did he with Jungkook.
And while it hurt for a little while, Jungkook figured that maybe it was meant to be like this all along. 
He and you. A singularity. 
The nonexistent gap between the word sweetheart. 
No third party. 
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 9 months
Hello! May I request a reader x Keegan drabble where the reader is an artist in secret?
Sure, they roam the wake of no mans land in a ravaging war, but in the moments they are not on missions they capture the scenery around them. Wether it be on rooftops, surrounding woods or abandoned shelters, the reader revels in the few moments of silence they have before another bombardment of bloodshed is thrown their way to remember places or things around them before they eventually move again
How would Keegan react, let alone if he caught reader sketching him?
Thank you for your time, have a good day :D
—Paint The Dawn; Paint My Eyes
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 5k Drabble Masterlist ࿐ྂ
╰┈➤ ❝ [In the midst of war and death, there's little time for pleasure. All you had was a ripped-up sketchbook to call your own, its contents littered with the rough face of your comrade.] ❞
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The camp is quiet, and you are tired. 
Looking out along the wreckage of this wasted world, there seems to be no end to the broken valleys or the craters of rock—this desolation remains as if an angry God had thrown a tantrum, and smashed the earth to bits. Trees grew sideways, wreckage that could be bits of houses or even remnants of bone breed in the little spaces under moss and bush; where the rest died, nature took back what was hers. Thus, the cycle continued.
What breathes, dies, and with that firm and undisputable reality, you find beauty in moments like these. 
You blink down at what still breathes of the patchwork lungs of No Man’s Land, pencil in your hand still for but a moment of red-eyed concentration. The deer was down in the dip below the Ghosts’ quiet camp for the steadily growing night—white where it should be a tawny-blonde shade. Barely breathing, you watch with half of its albino form sketched out in short bursts of graphite on your sun-bleached possession. 
A sketchbook, old, and worn to the very binding of its pages, and yet to you a more prized possession had never been held in your grip. 
So focused on the deer and its white shadow; its lithe body as it grazes along the forest floor amidst a soft rustling of leaves, you don’t notice the man behind you—a man supposed to be sleeping. 
It’s a minute of looking at your awe-filled face before Keegan clears his throat, speaking in a low grumble. “Not every day you see that, huh?”
You startle back so quickly that your pencil slips out of your hand, bouncing off your thighs before clattering to the flat rock that serves as your lookout platform. A clink of metal on stone is all it takes, the pencil falling down into the lower land and striking through greenery as you gasp and snap your eyes away. The flighty heart of the deer all at once sparked in a puff of air from its nostrils and a flair of a raised tail. 
It disappears into the bushes and its white flash is seen until the thick foliage swallows it again. You look back just in time to grace your eyes with one last glimpse. 
A deep disappointment blooms and you level out a sigh as Keegan clicks his tongue, guiltily rubbing a hand on the back of his neck.
“Shit, Sweetheart,” he hums, “didn’t mean to…” Keegan tapers off with a low groan. “I’ll, uh, get you a new pencil when we’re back, yeah?” 
You stare at the forest a moment longer before huffing out and shifting—you turn and glance at the Sergeant before grumbling out, “You have a nasty habit of sneaking up on people, Russ. I don’t like it when it’s me.”
Blue eyes meet yours, his body still in gear and armed just like yours. Even sleeping, Ghosts bore the fangs of the living. Keegan’s face is down a mask, though, so you’re privy to see his built jaw and strong features in the moonlight. Black hair like a void. 
He sighs. 
“Again, didn’t mean to. Thought you knew I was there.” Your eyes roll, but a small smirk snaps your lip.
“Of course you did.” Huffing and shaking his head, the man comes to lean against your rock. 
“What ya workin’ on anyways? Seen you scribblin’ in that thing every chance you get. Got curious enough tonight to ask when I saw you up during Ajax’s watch.” He blinks at you, swirling with curiosity and dim intrigue. “You take over for him?”
You smile, shrugging. “Maybe.” Keegan stares and raises a dark brow as your form leans closer, presenting your object of patience and smudged graphite. “You gonna wake him up?”
The man takes the object and studies your half-finished work with an acute eye, taking in the lines and erased bits that indent the paper. He tilts his head at it and a moment later he grunts an answer, lost in thought. 
“Depends.” Blue meets your vision in a slow sweep. “You tired?”
Face burning, you clear your throat and begin to stutter a negative before the worst moment of your life takes place. 
Keegan grabs one page of your sketchbook and starts flipping. Heart lurching and eyes wrenching open to the size of dinner plates, your hand snatches at the old cover—but not before the damage is done.
The dead-gazed Sergeant locks onto a perfect image of his own sleeping body from hours earlier. Drawn face soft and calm in the gray of blended material that you’d had to use your finger to achieve, and limbs loose; he almost seemed to come off the page in an intensive display of detail. 
Keegan pauses and feels his jaw slightly slacken, eyes going that bit wider before his brows lift in shocked pleasure. Your hand latches onto the top of your book and rips it from the man’s grasp easily.
“Did anyone ever tell you it’s rude to go through people’s things?!” Your heart is racing, palms going clammy. At your chest, you hold your belonging with a tight scoff of embarrassment.
Keegan’s lids move up and down three times in quick succession before he replies. A tease is so deep in his words you cringe with a burning face.
“Anyone tell you it’s rude to watch people sleep, Sweetheart?” Glaring, you have to look away. 
It wasn’t exactly common knowledge to others that you liked the gruff man, but if anyone took one look into your sketchbook they’d know the truth. Pages were dedicated to finding the perfect slant of his eyes—that structure of his jaw and his broken-one-to-many-times nose. 
His lips and how his skin looked when he smirked. 
Shame tightens your face and you stare hard at the trees a few feet away; the sleeping forms of your comrades. Until a smooth chuckle leaves you breathless. 
A puff of air spreads over your cheek but you don’t dare turn your head. 
Keegan whispers to you slowly, that gravel in his tone and his lips brushing against your ear as he leans closer to you—arms crossed in front of him.
“If you wanted me to pose there, Doll, all you had to do was ask me. No use watchin’ from a distance…I’ll give you the full tour.” 
He walks off back to his mat of leaves and grass and you’re left gaping and choking on your own thoughts; honied vision dripping shock.
Keegan calls easily over his shoulder as if his comment hadn’t made your pulse pound, “I’m waking up Ajax—go back to bed. Scenery’ll be the same come morning.” 
You breathe in his sly quip, “trust me.”
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@luuvbuzz, @emerald-valkyrie, @anna-banana27, @blueoorchid, @cryingnotcrying, @writeforfandoms, @homicidal-slvt, @jade-jax, @frazie99, @elmoees, @littlemisstrouble, @alpineswinter, @phoenixhalliwell, @idocarealot, @lavalleon, @facelessmemories, @h-leigh, @20forty9, @glitter-anon-asks, @emily-who-killed-a-man, @neelehksttr, @aeneanc, @escapefromrealitysm, @i-d-1-0-t, @pparcxysm, @hawkscanendme, @caramlizedtomatos, @waves-against-a-cliff, @sanfransolomitatm, @maelstrom007, @jemandderkeinenusernamenfindet, @pheobees, @glitterypirateduck, @uselsshuman, @fan-of-encouragement, @halfmoth-halfman, @ghostlythunderbird, @I-inkage, @pukbadger, @kopatych11, @0nceinabluem00n, @cocrorapop, @knightofsexyness, @abnormalgeil, @smallseastone, @jacegons, @330bpm-whiplash, @simon-rileys-housewife, @4-atsu, @tiredmetalenthusiast
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prodbymaui · 1 year
Dinner Served
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hmm, I got a really big problem
PAIRING: mark lee x fem!reader
GENRE: pure filth, public sex, oral sex (giving)
WORD COUNT: 1.3k+ words
SYNOPSIS: already in a dinner with your boyfriend, yet you still craves for something else.
A/N: 'golden hour' got my brain all mush up, enjoy this 1k+ words about pure filth with the one and only, mark lee. stream golden hour and happy reading, everyone!
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A fancy dinner at a 5-michelin stars restaurant, something that one could expect from the one and only, Mark Lee, the ever so romantic man most people would do anything to be with. Too bad for them because clearly, the man they desperately desires only have his eyes fixated on you, full of love and adoration.
''We'll have creamed spinach stuffed salmon, smothered filet mignon and a bottle of wine for now,'' Giving the waiter a small smile, Mark dismisses him. He taps away on his phone, eyebrows scrunch to the center in concentration.
''Look-- we're nearing to finish my new single, kinda going through the concepts I want on the music video right now,'' The screen tells you how much progress was made, making you smile in a proud manner. ''What are your plans for the music video?''
Mark doesn't hesitate to go on about his plans and all, why would he? You've always made sure that your boyfriend won't be wary of crossing the 'talking too much' boundaries whenever he excitedly shares his adventures on his job. You love to see and hear him ramble about it, even though most of the time you can't understand anything.
Though, as much as you love the way he's so dedicated about his music, sometimes, the extreme passion results to the lack of attention towards you. It's not like you want him to choose you over his passion, no. You just couldn't prevent the feeling of longing.
Throughout, you nod at him and give comments or questions as interest pricked you from time to time. Now that Mark is distracted on his phone while he searches yet another story or TMI to tell you, you take in his appearance. Wearing his black dress shirt tucked in to his black jeans, watch and rings dawning his wrist and fingers, his quite long blonde hair braided on one side-- letting the other side falls naturally. You thank every possible gods and deities to exists that you are the lucky one to have Mark Lee as your lover.
''Oh,'' Flinching in a faux surprise, the spoon hitting the floor makes a slight tud sound, catching Mark's attention. You get off your chair to pick it up under the table, getting on your knees as you hold on to the hem of your dress, preventing it to ride up.
''Get back, babe. We'll just ask the waiter for a new one.''
''It's okay, I could just wipe it with the napkin,'' You rumble a chuckle when you hear a sound of disgust from Mark, taking back what you said, informing him that it's just a joke. You catch a glimpse of Mark's blonde strand peeking at you from under the table slightly.
''Have you found it?''
''Yeah, I found it,'' Shoving your face at the clothed crotch, you lap the outline of his dick, smiling against it when you feel him jerk, enjoying the reaction.
He gulps, eyes wavering as it roams around the place, observing the different groups of people who's busy chatting and eating. They seem to be indifferent to what's happening around them. Mark sighs, closing his eyes for a quick second before he turns his attention back on you. ''Just be quick, please?''
''Babe-- what do you think you're doing? Get the fuck out of there!'' He whispered but in a shouting manner, afraid that people might notice and see your face situated right in front of his dick. Humming in stubbornness, you fondle the bump, looking up and batting your eyes innocently at Mark when he lifts up the table cloth, cursing when his dark eyes meets your doe ones.
Your lips curves to form a cheeky smile, fingers working their way to open his pants and pull down the zipper, you place a gentle kiss to the certain area which you assumes his tip. Mark, himself, pulls down the front part of his jeans, revealing his near-hard shaft, waiting to be devoured.
Taking the cock in your hands, you move to lick from his balls to the slit of his tip, wiggling your tongue with a weak attempt to dig in the parting line. Giving you a last look, Mark fixes the table cloth, enough to cover your figure and slouches, enabling you to have a much better and easier access.
You suckle the tip lightly, spitting to have it wet. It is when you realizes that you don't have much time before the waiter comes back with your food and wine, so you relaxes your throat, opening your mouth widely enough as you take him fully.
Mark must've been sensitive because his hands travels down to grasps the back of your neck, his hips thrusting upwards slightly as he tries to cut your process of prolonging the activity. You closes your eyes shut, bobbing up and down while you adjusts to his girth, feeling his thighs flexing against your cheeks.
The dick is long enough that you have to use your hand to cover the rest of its length, pumping and circling it, matching the pace of your mouth. With the cock being wet enough, you stays on the head, mouthing and sucking it eagerly, as if you have little to no patience of having his release on your tongue. You let your hands do the work for the remaining length, biting your lip when you see the color of your lipstick staining his cock a bit.
Taking a breath, tears that prickles your eyes earlier finally escapes your lids, running down your cheeks as you push Mark's shaft inside your throat again, reaching the farthest that you can. Oh how you wish you could see your lover's expressions right now. If things are different, Mark will be cursing and whining loudly, his hand will be gripping your hair in a ponytail as he fucks your mouth.
But you're in a public place right now, and he can't do what he usually does, giving you the upper hand and power to control him because what can he possibly do? Thrust his hips feverishly while he holds your head in place and risk the public seeing their dear romantic boyfriend material, Mark Lee, railing his lover's mouth like it's her pussy?
Of course, he wouldn't do that. So you take advantage of it, pressing your nose near into his pelvis, pulling off of him as you passes the work to your hands again, moving your lips to take in one side of his balls, wetting it while you let your tongue taste his flavor, closing your eyes.
Your cheeks makes a contact with the spit on his cock, smearing it messily at the right side of your face. The mixture of saliva and tears on the surface of your skin feels so fucking dirty but that's what makes it hot, especially that you're not caged in the four corners of your bedroom, the possibility of someone noticing your figure under the table stirs the feeling of thrill inside you and Mark.
It isn't that long before your boyfriend tightens his grip on the back of your neck, signalling the nearing of his release. Yet the odds seems to not favor Mark right now as your ears rings at the footsteps you're sure is coming your way, pulling off of Mark completely as you sit back on your chair, fixing yourself before someone comes.
The activity would've been naturally pulled off if Mark didn't let his usual awkward and nervous persona take over him, fully giving it away as the waiter's eyes widens, clearing his throat while he tries to stop the stuttering when he places the foods and wine on your table. Smiling at him, you say your thank yous.
''Can I get a new spoon, please? And here's your tip, I apologize for the trouble,'' The waiter have no choice but to nod, hoping he wouldn't see the same scenario when he comes back with your new spoon.
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marie-swriting · 18 days
For The Very First Time - Emily Prentiss
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Summary : Emily always thought she'd end up with a man, however it's a woman that makes her heart beat faster.
Warnings : set during season 16 (spoiler free), alcohol consumption (be careful with your alcohol consumption!), questioning sexuality, happy ending, maybe some grammatical mistakes as English is not my first language, tell me if you see some or if I missed any warning.
Word count : 3.1k
French version (will be published today at 6pm)
Song inspiration : 10x better by Marielle Kraft
Emily Prentiss is nose deep in her Sicarius files. She re-reads every piece of information, searching for a detail she and her team might have missed, in vain. She runs a hand through her grey hair, sighing; she looks once again at the first page when you interrupt her reading.
“Excuse-me, I’ve waited until the last minute but I’m closing now and I’m going to ask you to leave, please.”
“Oh my God, sorry !” Emily apologises while glancing at her watch. “I didn’t see the time. You could have told me earlier, I would have understood.”
“Don’t worry, I had to clean everything behind and I noticed you were busy.” you reassure her with a gentle smile.
“That’s an understatement though it’s not an excuse. I’ll be more careful next time.”
“Are you working on something important ?” you ask as she packs her things in her bag.
“You could say that, yes.” 
“Where are you working ? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“I’m an FBI agent, more specifically I work with the Behavior Analysis Unit.” she informs, standing up.
“I get why you were tearing your hair out then” you joke.
“Stress comes with the job.”
“Not to the point of losing your beautiful hair I hope. I mean, I’ll probably be doing just the same at one point, this job is taking all my energy, though it’s clearly not the same. I’m not afraid of coffee beans.”
“You’ve been working here for a long time?” Emily questions.
“Since the opening, I’m the owner. I used to work in insurance and then, one day, I just decided to stop everything and open the café I had been dreaming of for years.”
“It was a good decision. I like this place a lot.” She sincerely compliments and it warms your heart.
“I’m gonna leave you alone. I wouldn’t want to make you work even later. Sorry again.”
“No worries.”
You start taking the coffee cup and the small plate when you hear the doorbell ring. You wait for the door to close when Emily’s voice resonates one last time in the café. 
“By the way, I’m Emily.”
“Y/N. Come back whenever you want.”
Emily gives you one last smile before leaving the café. You watch her leave through the window before closing the main door and finishing your cleaning. 
After that night, you don’t see Emily for weeks. You live your life as usual but you can’t deny you wish you could see her again. Emily has managed to get in your mind with one single conversation. Therefore, as soon as you end up seeing her again sitting at a table, you can’t help the smile on your face. Emily has at least three files spread in front of her and a pen in her right hand. Like last time, she goes through the different pages, a desperate expression on her face. You serve another client before coming to her.
“It looks like you need another coffee.” you say, making her raise her head.
“I need more than this.”
“Are you getting anywhere?”
“Slowly. Too slow for certain people.” Emily sighs, rubbing her neck.
“I’m sure you’ll find all the clues you need.” you softly tell her and you put your hand on her shoulder, making her heart beat faster. “I’m bringing you this coffee right away.”
Emily doesn’t move until you come back, still in shock because of your touch. Once you’re back, you give her her new cup of coffee and a small plate with a chocolate donut.
“I thought you’d need some sugar, too. It’s on the house.”
“You didn’t have to.”
“I want to.”
Before you can add something else, you hear one of your employees calling for you. You smile at Emily then you go see your employee.
Just like last time, all the clients have left, except Emily. And just like last time, you leave her alone whilst you do almost all the cleaning. The second you come back to her, Emily hears your steps and raises her head up before you can talk. She looks at her watch and sighs.
“I didn’t pay attention to the time. Again. Sorry.”
“Oh, don’t worry.” you smile, taking her dishes.
“Do you need help?” Emily asks. “It’s the least I could do to thank you for your patience and the donut - it was really good, by the way.”
“Thank you and I only have to wash the floor and your table and I’m done so no need.”
“I insist. Besides, it’ll get my head out of this case.”
“As you wish.”
Emily takes the broom while you wipe the table.
 “Do you often work late?” you ask, interrupting Emily in her task.
“More than I’d want to but it’s for a good cause.”
“And isn’t it too complicated with your personal life? I mean, I guess you have a lot of work to do and you have to travel quite regularly.”
“It can be complicated. My ex was also an FBI agent and even if it was nice because he could understand how busy our life could get, we ended up breaking up because of this. He was kind, it just wasn't working. It’s a bit more complicated to have a lasting relationship when there is distance.”
As you understand Emily’s last relationship was with a man, you feel dumb for thinking you could have a chance with her. Though, you quickly remind yourself she could be just as attracted to men as she is to women. However, you have to keep in mind that you might have zero chance with her.
“I get it but for me, it used to work with my ex. We broke up because our relationship had run its course, not because of the distance. I think that with the right person and the right efforts, it can work.” you genuinely admit.
“What’s his job?”
“She is a stewardess.”
Hearing you correcting the pronoun, Emily is embarrassed and yet, a part of her is also… reassured? She’s not sure why.
“Oh, sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed-”
“It’s okay.” you promise.
“You haven’t found someone else since?”
“No, I’ve been single for a year now so you can make me work late, I don’t mind.” you laugh.
“I still feel a bit guilty.”
You keep cleaning up as you get to know each other. Rapidly, you start laughing together. Emily is fascinated by you, she hadn’t felt this kind of connection with someone so quickly. She can’t stop asking you questions, she wants to know as much as possible about you. Once the café is completely cleaned, Emily is disappointed. She wishes this moment would never end.
“It was nice talking. We should do this more often.”
“Yeah, we should.”
“Maybe somewhere outside this café. What do you think?”
At your sentence, Emily stops functioning normally. Are you flirting with her? She can’t tell if you are though, she is sure of one thing: she wouldn’t mind it if you do. You give her your phone number, bid her goodbye then you walk to your car while Emily watches you leave, a million emotions running through her body.
As the weeks go by, you meet each other several times. At first, in public, in a park, at the movies, at the restaurant, then, one night, you invited her to finish the evening at your place and you discussed until late in the night.
Emily yearns for those moments with you. She always wants to be with you, listening to your voice, making you laugh. She doesn’t understand what’s happening to her. At first, she just thought she found a rare friendship but the more she thinks about it, the more she wonders if her feelings are only platonics. However, because of her work, she doesn’t have the time to question herself so she just juggles between her professional and personal lives. 
You invited Emily over for dinner. Emily is nervous about it though, she’s excited to see you, especially after the stressful day she’s had. She wants to relax and she knows with you, she can.
As you finish making the sauce, Emily knocks on your door. You open it and let her in. Right away, Emily inhales the smell coming from the kitchen.
“Oh my God, it smells so good.” she compliments as her mouth waters.
“Thanks! It’s the last recipe I learned at my cooking class. I hope you’re hungry.”
“Now more than ever!”
You give Emily a big smile before dragging her to the kitchen. As a way to whet her appetite, you make her taste the sauce and Emily thinks she’s never tasted anything better. Your cooking might compete with Rossi’s, though she’d never tell him.
After eating your supper, Emily’s stomach is perfectly full. You finish the evening sitting on the couch, a glass of red wine in your hands. Emily talks about her work and her team. She tells you some anecdotes and it makes you want to meet them even more. They seem to be important for her, to be her family. Whilst Emily is talking, you tenderly admire her as your bodies get closer and closer without both of you noticing. 
As soon as she looks up, Emily realises how close your faces are. Despite her, her eyes look at your lips. You see it and smile before breaking the distance a bit more. Emily doesn’t back up. Quite the contrary, she lightly leans in, only leaving a few inches between your lips. You’re about to press your lips on hers when a ringtone breaks the tension. Emily takes a step back and takes her phone, finding a new message indicating that there will be a meeting first thing in the morning with Miss. Davis, the attorney general.
“Nothing bad?” you question, frowning.
“No, just some information for a meeting tomorrow.”
After her sentence, there is a heavy silence between you two. This sudden interruption brought you back to Earth and you don’t know if you should act like nothing happened or try to get closer again. Embarrassed, you clear your throat before replying:
“You should go, then. I feel like you don’t sleep a lot and I wouldn’t want to be the reason why you’ll sleep at work.”
“You’re right. I’m gonna go,” Emily accepts and she stands up from the couch. “I had a great time tonight. We should do this again, at my place. Although, I can’t promise you a diner as good as yours.”
“As long as it’s made with love.”
Upon hearing your last word, Emily doesn’t know what to add. She wonders if your sentence was innocent or if you were implying something. She is an outstanding profiler and yet, you manage to make her lose her composure. And so, she simply says goodbye to you before leaving your apartment. 
On the way to her home, Emily can’t help but think back to your evening together and the moment you almost kissed. If her phone hadn’t rang, she could have an even more delicious memory than your food in her head. Before that night, she hadn’t realised how much she wanted your lips. As she thinks more about you, she ends up imagining a future with you where you’d be together and for the first time in her life, she’s not reluctant to it. She’s even delighted about some domestic moments, the same moments she used to get bored of in her previous relationships. She knows with you she won’t get bored. It’s different. What she feels for you, in spite of the fact that she might not fully understand it, already feels easier, more pleasant.
You might be in Emily’s mind more than she’d like to, the fact is, she has a case to solve. Indeed, when Emily is in her office, she’s professional. Sometimes, you find your way to her thoughts however, Emily doesn’t let you distract her. Still, her thoughts become louder and louder and Emily feels like she’ll explode. She needs to talk to someone, even if it’s the last thing she wants to do.
At the end of the day, someone knocks on her office door, getting her out of her head. She invites the person in and Tara appears.
“I wanted to say bye before leaving.”
At her sentence, Emily looks at her watch and discovers it’s almost 8:00 P.M. She sighs before looking up to her colleague.
“Tara, I’d like to talk to you before you leave.”
“Sure. Is it about Sicarius?” Tara wants to know before sitting in front of Emily.
“No, it’s… personal. Rebecca is the first woman you date, right? Before, you only dated men.”
“Yes, I did. Why?”
Tara stares at Emily, confused as Emily searches for her words. Never had Tara seen her in this state.
“How did you understand you wanted to be with Rebecca when…”
“When I had never been attracted to women before?” she finishes with a smile, finally getting where this conversation is leading. “First, now thinking back, I know I’ve been attracted to more women than I thought. As for Rebecca, it was just… natural. We met at a meeting and we clicked instantly. I admit I didn’t understand what was happening to me at first. Suddenly, I found myself wanting with her what I wanted with my exes, the only difference is that this time I found the right person. Why this question?  Did you meet someone?”
“You could say that,” Emily admits, avoiding Tara’s gaze. “Nothing is done, but I never felt this before. You know, when I was younger, I did everything to fit with kids my age, even if it meant making stupid mistakes. My relationships never really worked at first so I drafted a list for the ‘perfect man’ and whenever the man I thought I loved didn’t fit those criterias, I’d break up with him. The rare times a man checked the boxes, I would always search for a flaw. I always felt like something wasn’t working. I never knew if it came from them or me but those relationships never worked and those men always seemed more attached to me than I was to them.” Emily confesses, sighing. “The fact is, there was always a problem then I met her. Just like for you and Rebecca, we clicked instantly and it seems natural. I don’t feel like I’m playing a role and the more I think about her, the more I realise she fits everything I want in a relationship, even things I never thought about before. But… I don’t know…,” she says with hesitation, “I never imagined myself with a woman and yet, with her, I wouldn’t mind it. For the first time, I see a relationship with someone and it seems… peaceful. It’s ten times better than I thought. You know what I mean?”
“I totally get it.” Tara confirms with a big smile. “She really caught your eyes, didn’t she?”
“You have no idea. But I don’t know what to do. I know she likes women and I think sometimes she flirts with me but I don’t know.”
“You should talk with her. Trust my experience and update me.”
Emily hasn’t stopped thinking about her conversation with Tara and she rapidly understands she’s right. Thinking back, Emily knows what was missing in every of her relationships: she never liked those men, no matter her efforts to like them. Emily also knows the feelings she has for you are more than real so, she decided to invite you over so you can talk. 
Yet, once you’re at her place, Emily can’t bring the topic up. She does everything to avoid it. Emily always struggles to talk about her emotions as she learned dealing with them after the fact. However, once she sees your face brightens while you speak about the new things you want to do at your café, she only wants one thing and it’s to act emotionally and kiss you right now. You keep explaining the last baking recipes you want to add when Emily mutters:
“I want to kiss you so much.”
“What?” you exclaim, furrowing your eyebrows and with an ounce of hope.
“Huh… sorry, that’s not what I meant.” Emily apologises, blushing.
“Oh… okay.” you say before marking a pause and getting closer to her. “If it can make you feel any better, I wouldn’t be against it. I’ve been wanting to kiss you for months.”
“What held you back?”
“I wasn’t sure you were attracted to women.”
“I wasn’t sure about it either then, I met you and everything became clearer.” Emily admits, looking deeply in your eyes. “Since I was a kid, I knew I was different, but still I never understood why. And the minute we met, I understood why. I’m a lesbian and… Oh my God, it feels so good to say it out loud!” She screams, joyful and you lovingly look at her. “ I never thought I could be so at peace with who I am.”
“I get it. Realising who you are is never easy, even less when you realise this at our age but it’s so liberating. I’m happy you accepted yourself,” you state, taking her hand in yours.
“I still have some questions, but I think I’ve done the hardest part.”
“Well, I’d be happy to accompany you on this journey, unless you’d rather do it alone, which I wouldn't mind.”
“Did you forget the part where I want to kiss you?”
“Oh no, I still have it in mind.” you chuckle, “though I also know sometimes we need to be alone to unpack all of this. So, I’d understand if you didn’t want a relationship right away.”
“Quite the contrary, for once, everything is easy and I want you. I’m 100% sure about this and I’m not afraid of committing with you.
Determined, Emily puts her hands on your cheeks and gets closer until her lips touch yours. You smile while kissing her and one of your hands finds its way to her grey hair and the other to her waist. Whilst you keep kissing, Emily’s heart is about to explode in her chest. This kiss is the best one she’s ever had. This kiss is soft and yet, ten times better than all the ones she’s shared before. She could kiss you until she can’t breathe anymore and for the very time in her life, Emily knows she’s found the right person for her. In the end, the idea of the perfect man didn’t exist, simply because it was a woman, because it could never be anyone else but you and you’re ten times better than she imagined.
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heartshapedmisery · 15 days
thinking about art x fem reader whose also a tennis player, she gets hurt playing practice against art and he feels so bad.. leading to other things to help her feel better
like best friends to lovers type thing IDK JUST A THOUGHT for a blurb
IM LOVING THIS IDEA THANK U ANON! <3 (this was meant to be shorter but i got so carried away with it lmao)
tags: heavy makeout, slight dry-humping, fingering...
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No because Art truly is the competitive type, so if you were to suggest a friendly game after practice he would definitely take it way too seriously...
"What, you're giving up on me now?" he'd taunt when you were getting worn out, bent over with your hands on your knees to catch your breath. You looked up at him to see his knowing smirk, twirling the racket in his hand impatiently.
You didn't expect him to play so hard, since you thought it would just be light-hearted like you had suggested. Though that was the thing about Art; he never went easy on anybody, especially not you—his best friend.
"Nope," you said simply, brushing your fly-away hairs out of your face. "Just wondering why the hell I suggested this."
Art laughed, but didn't give you any sympathies. He waited for you to get back into position before serving to you, and you got back into the game.
It seemed to go well for a while, the bright yellow ball going back and forth between the two of you with a mix of grunts. Adrenaline coursed through your veins, which is why you didn't feel your ankle twist from underneath of you until your body fell onto the court harshly.
A confused whimper sounded from your throat as you rolled over, grasping at your ankle that was now searing with pain. A few tears welled in your eyes as your face contorted with discomfort, the sound of Art's racket smacking down against the court as he quickly jumped over the net and crouched down next to you.
"Oh my god," his eyes scanned your face, his heart sinking at the way you silently sobbed with your head lulled back on the court. He quickly examined your ankle, realizing that it was already swelling and needed to be iced.
"It's okay, it's okay," he assured you sweetly, helping you sit up before wrapping his arm around your waist. "Put your arm around my neck and we're gonna stand up, alright?"
You did as he told you, slinking it around his neck and fisting his shirt as you fought back a cry when he pulled you up, the pressure and bloodflow to your foot making the pain worse.
He tried to help you walk as best as you could, holding you upright while you put all of your weight on your left foot and hobbled with him back to his dorm since it was only a block away from the tennis courts.
When you did finally make it, he helped you over to his bed and helped you sit down gently, before going to his mini fridge and tying up an ice pack for you to put on your ankle.
"I'm so sorry, this is all my fault," he shook his head defeatedly, crouching down in front of you and carefully wrapping the bag around your ankle. The new sensation made your breath hitch, before the pain slowly started to subside.
"No its okay, it was an accident. It's no one's fault," you told him honestly, your mind slightly fogged at the feeling of his hand cupping the back of your calf as he held your foot up. He mindlessly rubbed your soft skin, unaware of the affect it had on you as his mind spiraled.
"No, but I pushed you too hard," he explained, his voice low. "It's my fault."
You shook your head, before taking his face in your hands. You cupped his jaw softly, your forgiving eyes holding his gaze.
"No it's not, stopping beating yourself up about it."
"I know, I just-"
You abruptly cut him off by bringing your lips to his, the apology falling dead in his mouth. You caught him completely off guard, but he still melted into the kiss, allowing his hands to run up the sides of your thighs.
"Now will you stop?" you whispered once you finally pulled away, running your fingers subconsciously through his blonde locks of hair.
He nodded, before pulling you back in for another kiss. He took it upon himself to lay you down against his bed, slotting himself in between your slightly spread legs.
You didn't know why, but this felt so easy. It didn't feel weird or awkward, given that he had been your best friend since high school. If anything, it made perfect sense.
"Is this okay?" he whispered, cradling your head with his free hand while the other ran up your side. You nodded eagerly, giving him the green light to bring his lips back to yours.
Your heartbeat picked up as you felt him harden beneath his shorts against your thigh the more intense the kiss became, his hips slowly beginning to move in seek of friction.
You slipped you tongue into his mouth, earning a moan from him as his hand wandered down your body before grasping your waist and thumbing your hip. Your non-injured leg wrapped around his waist in attempt to bring him closer with a moan, completely enthralled with the feeling of him.
Suddenly, your breath hitched at the feeling of his fingers slipping underneath the waistband of your skirt, dipping into your panties. You let out a shaky moan as Art sunk his middle and ring finger into your soaked cunt, curling them upwards gently as he continued kissing down your jaw and the soft skin of your neck.
It drove him wild how wet you already were for him, the muffled squelching sound of his fingers moving in and out of you making his dick harder.
It didn't take long for him to have your thighs shaking around his hips and your toes curling in your tennis shoes, disgruntled moans mixing with his soft grunts.
You would've never guessed you'd be sprawled out on your best friend's bed coming down from the orgasm he had just given you, but you definitely weren't complaining.
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155 notes · View notes
Welcome back! I have been enjoying your writing but never sent you request before. Would you write maybe Alfie and a younger reader and he likes her. He wants to marry her but she is not ready so he tells her he would wait forever and it's really sweet and patient. something like that I don't know. you can decide if you like it. Thank you!
“Libretto” — (Alfie Solomons x fem!Reader)
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SUMMARY — Age difference between you be damned, Alfie was quite happy to wait for you forever.
AUTHOR’S NOTE — Thank you so much for the request! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Feedback is always much appreciated.
WORD COUNT — 1,678
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The first time you met Alfie Solomons was purely an accident. At least, you had to lie and swear to the police that it had all been an accident, if only in order to wriggle yourself out of getting arrested.
Now, had you known the man you nearly ran over with your brother’s car was the gangster boss of Camden Town, you could have been persuaded to drive a little more carefully. Especially since the car had been “borrowed” as well.
But, of course, how could you have known? Which was precisely the reason why the first words you uttered to the man were:
“Watch where you’re fucking going!” 
All due credit to Alfie Solomons, he couldn’t have been more shocked.
Now, you have to understand that a man like Alfie Solomons, a particularly dangerous man like Alfie Solomons, usually wasn’t shocked by much. It was not every day, however, that he met a girl with eyes so full of rage, driving a fancy Bentley so obviously outrageous and most likely stolen. It was more than enough to get his interest.
“Well?!” you shouted again as you got out of the car. 
It wasn’t until two police officers approached you, however, that you changed your tune. Immediately spotting your confusion, it was time for Alfie to enter the game.
“Alright, Mr. Solomons?” one of the policemen asked, feigning concern, though both of them were so obviously in Alfie’s pocket that they would have arrested you on the spot—had Alfie still not been so mesmerised by your outburst. And so, to your astonishment, they simply awaited his orders.
To Alfie’s absolute delight, you tried your best not to show how scared you were at that moment, so Alfie took his sweet fucking time before saying:
“Right, gentlemen, thank God you’re here, ‘cause there I was, mindin’ me own business, yeah, an’ there she comes, driving like the Devil’s on her tail, hair a mess—!”
“I beg your pardon, my hair is not a mess!”
“Right now it is, yeah.”
“No, it is not!”
“Are ya suggestin’ I should lie about what I saw, Miss?”
“So you… want us to arrest the lady, sir?” one of the policemen interrupted that exchange, incredulous at the interaction between you and Alfie. 
It served Alfie right, however, since his reputation had always been one to take care of the women in his community. As things were between him and the law, that charity probably remained the only thing between him and the noose.
“Nah, ‘course not,” Alfie waved his hand dismissively. “She’s clearly in a hurry, ain’t ya, luv?” Alfie asked you, with a smirk so devious you felt your cheeks going hot.
“Yes,” you said meekly, then saw Alfie make a face to encourage you to keep going. To spin the tale. 
“I… You see, it’s my grandmother,” you said smoothly and Alfie’s smirk only grew. “That’s my brother’s car, he let me borrow it to fetch the doctor. It’s consumption, you see. Overtakin’ her as we speak.”
As the cherry on top, you stifled a fake sniff.
“Now you see, gentlemen, it’s a case of utmost emergency!” Alfie shouted, waving his cane about and obviously taking great pleasure in participating in your lie. “Thank you for your service, lads, there ya go.” 
As the policemen gladly accepted a not-so-discreet bonus to their payment, you saw your chance and started to get back to the car.
But you thoroughly underestimated Alfie’s game.
“There now, I’ll drive ya, luv, you can never be too careful in these parts,” he said and quickly, quicker than you anticipated for the man, he made himself comfortable in the driver’s seat.
“Wouldn’t want any more accidents on the way, now would we, luv?” Alfie grumbled as he promptly handed you his cane and proceeded to fumble with the breaks and the accelerator as if he was trying to tame the car, not run it.
“There we go,” he announced as the engine sputtered and roared and you two sped along the street in a no less reckless manner than you had been driving before.
“Watch out!” you shrieked as Alfie almost drove straight into a flower cart on the corner.
“Don’t worry, luv, I know the way!” Alfie replied, then made a sharp turn towards London Bridge.
“You do?!”
“Right, not exactly, no, but it’s plain as day you’re not from Camden, luv.”
“What gave it away…” you sniped. 
“Now, don’t get cocky, right, ya still almost ran me over an’ I have to tell ya, luv, that takes balls, right! ‘Cause as things stand, the bounty for me is as high as they go.”
You paled at the notion and when Alfie glanced at your expression in between the turns, he roared with laughter.
“Naaah, luv, don’t be like that! Just pullin’ your leg.”
“Very funny.”
“I like to think so, yeah.”
Obviously too pleased with himself to notice, Alfie missed you paying close attention to the cane you were still holding. It was definitely heavy and so well-used that you had trouble distinguishing what used to be the shape of its head.
“Right, seein’ as you almost ended me on my own bloody street, luv, you might as well give me your name,” Alfie interrupted your musings, not too pleased about your close inspection of his personal belongings (even though the contradicting bastard gave it to you for self-keeping himself).
But you gave him your name regardless and he remarked he thought it pretty. When you also gave him your address, he drove you straight home and even got out first to open the door for you. You thanked him quickly for what you supposed was straight up hijacking the car, but seeing as you had done so first to your brother, you thought the deeds even. You only prayed no one would see you with Alfie through the window. You knew your sisters would never let you forget it had they seen you two together.
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You couldn’t have known that wouldn’t be the last time you saw Alfie Solomons. Somehow throughout the following weeks you seemed to have more chance encounters together than the Fates could possibly allow.
He was always pleasant about it, though, and sometimes even brought you flowers. Then he started buying you lunches and somehow it turned into a little tradition just between you two. You ate lunch together every Thursday.
You weren’t stupid of course, you knew what Alfie was after, but truth be told… You wouldn’t exactly mind giving it to him.
He never outright proposed, but he hinted at marriage enough times that it became just one more piece of the regular fun little puzzle between you.
“An’ how’s my favourite girl this mornin’?” he would ask you when he met you for a stroll.
“Very well, thank you, Alfie,” you’d reply, your tone thoroughly overdone on the casual side. 
“Not too cold?”
“Not too hungry?”
“Don’t think so.”
“So how ‘bout you marry me today, luv?”
“Oh, I can’t, Alfie!” you giggled as you looped your arm through his and let him lead you around the park. “I’m—”
“Right, let me guess,” he smirked. “Got my shirt inside out again?”
“No, the shirt is very clean today. That’s very unlike you.”
“Well, that’s a first.”
“Well, I told you not to fire your housekeeper, haven’t I?” 
“Yeah, no harm done, I offered that old bat her bloody job back,” he grumbled and you giggled again.
“You’ll thank me later, Alfie.”
“I’m sure I won’t, luv.”
“You’re one stubborn man, d’you know that?”
“Yeah, can’t say I’ve never been told that one before.”
“So why can’t I marry you today, Alfie? You promised to guess.”
“Right, how’s about you’re too cold?”
“No, the weather’s quite nice.”
“Too hot?”
“Not really.”
“Too old?”
“Too young?”
You paused and so did he, because he somehow sensed this time it wasn’t just a game between you two. This time it wasn’t just banter; it was real.
“Luv, if I’m makin’ you do anythin’ you wouldn’t want to—”
“No!” you interrupted that train of thought as quickly as possible and took his hand in yours. “No. It’s just that… I don’t think I’m ready to be a wife, yet.”
“Right, in what way?”
“In… In every way, I suppose. I have no idea about running a household or ironing shirts or…”
“Right, thankfully yours truly has already been told he’s a slob.”
“Alfie, this is serious!”
He looked at you expectantly. You still haven’t let go of his hand, which he thought was rather promising.
“I just think I’d make a lousy wife, Alfie.”
“Yeah, that’s that then, luv, right, ‘cause look at the pair of us, I’d be a real lousy husband.”
That got him another giggle out of you, which he thought might have boosted his chances a little.
“Luv, if your parents don’t approve—”
“My parents don’t give two shits, Alfie, I’m not a princess or an heiress,” you chuckled. “I have two younger sisters and two brothers, as far as my chances stand I’d be happy if I scored a baker or some sort.”
“Right, funny you should say that…”
“A front doesn’t count, you madman!”
Even though you knew you crossed a line there by the way he looked around you two, he never did anything to chastise you or show his disapproval at the revelation you just uttered at full volume. In a way, it already told you everything there was to know about the man, had his previous behaviour not been proof enough that he cared about you a great deal.
You already knew you wanted to marry him, age difference between you be damned. So what were you so afraid of exactly?
“Luv, you already know I’m happy to wait for you forever if—”
You shook your head and got on your tiptoes to kiss him mid-speech, since you already knew that a speech was coming. The answer was, with Alfie by your side, you wouldn’t be afraid of anything.
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Note: requested by @tinumiel! as always; thank you! it's been a pleasure to write this one!
Warnings: 18+! fluff/smut/poor comedy attempt.
pairing: Sihtric x you (f)
summary: You and your husband, Sihtric, desperately needed some alone time. But having a herd of children, which were the result of those pleasant alone times, made it nearly impossible.
wordcount: 2,6k
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'It's urgent, darling.'
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'My wife,' Sihtric sighed, smiling as he watched you climb on top of him, 'my sweet, beautiful wife.'
You chuckled softly, raking your fingers through your husband's long, wild hair as he laid back on the wooden dinner table, in the middle of the great hall, his breeches down to his knees.
Sihtric was a Lord now, well respected and loved by the people of Dunholm, yet also feared by many brave men. But to you, he was still that sweet, lighthearted yet fierce loyal boy you fell in love with when you were younger. Except Sihtric wasn't a boy anymore, he was a whole man by now. But he never quite lost his boyish behaviour. Even after becoming a father, multiple times, he was still young at heart; playful and… incredibly horny. All the time. And you weren't complaining about that, it just wasn't that easy to find the time to do the deed.
'Get out of that dress,' Sihtric husked, tugging at the front laces, desperately wanting to free your bosom.
'We don't have much time,' you whispered with a chuckle.
You both knew your maids were preparing dinner, and it could be served any moment now.
'I don't need much time,' Sihtric grinned as you guided his fingers, helping to untie your dress, 'I'll be fast, I swear it.'
'And me?' you frowned, knowing your husband could finish in no time, but you couldn't, 'what if there's not enough time for me?'
The last thing you wanted was being left unsatisfied, even though that never happened if Sihtric could help it.
'Then I'll have you for dessert, darling,' Sihtric puckered his lips and blew you a kiss.
You gave him a cheeky smile. Sihtric knew all too well how to make it up to you if he couldn't get you to finish along with him, or before your children interrupted. The way he could make you feel by just using his tongue was incredible, and always enough to make you a moaning, begging mess in no time.
You pulled your skirt up, ready to sink down on your husband's perfect, deliciously sized length, but then a familiar crying sound suddenly seemed to close in, fast. You and Sihtric froze, stared at each other with big eyes and both got up as quickly as you could. You adjusted your skirt as smoothly as possible, while covering Sihtric behind you as he pulled up his breeches. You had only barely fixed up your clothes when the big, wooden doors to the great hall flew open, and your five children ran in.
Your youngest son was crying, your eldest son laughing, your daughter looked annoyed while your two other sons looked frightened. And you immediately knew what happened.
'What did I tell you about telling scary stories?' you gave your oldest a disapproving look as they all neared you.
Then, the maids walked out from the kitchen, and all seemed well again amongst the children as they got seated, ready for dinner. You looked at Sihtric, who shifted uncomfortably in the chair next to you, while his face carried the look of a man who regretted having this many children. It's been weeks since he last had you, and it started to gnaw at him.
After your youngest was born, several years ago, you had both agreed to not have any more kids. In truth, you and Sihtric would have been fine with only three pups, but alas, the gods had blessed you twice more. 
The real problem was that Sihtric simply loved the act that had led up to having a child, but at least you now knew of ways to prevent pregnancy. However, the most effective way lately was simply the way that you and Sihtric couldn't hump at all, because you could hardly ever get that needed alone time. You don't know what it was but, these last few seasons, the children only seem to grow more and more demanding of your time and attention, leaving you and Sihtric deprived of each other's touch and pleasure.
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Later that night, when the kids were finally asleep, your husband found you in the bedroom, folding some leftover laundry. You knew you had maids for that task, but you found it relaxing sometimes after a long day.
'How about that dessert?' Sihtric whispered in your ear with his arms snuck around you from behind, and his painful arousal pressing against your buttocks.
You giggled as Sihtric spun you around, taking your face in his hands and kissing your lips eagerly. He knew he didn't really need to ask if you wanted to hump or if he could please you, you had made it clear several times already that you were as desperate as he was, especially after being interrupted earlier that day. But Sihtric simply enjoyed the foreplay. He loved to tease you with his lips and tongue, making you beg for him, before he'd give you his all.
Sihtric smiled at you, his bottom lip drawn between his teeth while he took your hands in his. He pulled you onto the bed with him, where he was quick to wrap his arms around you, and rolled you over onto your back. Sihtric may be retired from battle, but he still used a move or two in the bedroom whenever he could, much to your delight, as you loved how small you felt in his strong arms. He pushed your skirt up, his warm hands slowly moving up your thighs, to your undergarments, which he removed with a smirk on his face. He pushed himself back up to meet your eyes, and gently kissed your lips.
'I love you,' Sihtric whispered, 'just as much as I loved you when we first met.'
'And I love you all the same,' you smiled, 'my love.'
'My life,' he replied, smiling.
You stole another kiss before Sihtric brought his face back between your thighs, and you let your head fall back when you felt him press a soft kiss to your wet folds, followed by a swirl of his tongue.
'Oh, gods,' you breathed, already feeling your soul leave your body.
Your hands moved into his hair as Sihtric held your hips in place, your leg resting over his broad shoulders. You felt the strokes of his tongue become firmer, but never faster. He simply knew how to drive you wild, and that's exactly what he was doing now, before he would finally hump you. You tugged his hair, earning a deep moan from your husband, which sent a pleasant vibration through your body.
'Oh, gods, Sihtric,' you moaned, 'yes-'
'Mommy!' your youngest suddenly called outside your door while he tried to open the heavy piece of wood at the same time, rattling the handle.
'Wha- Shit!' you hissed and perked up.
Sihtric quickly sat up in bed, and as you pushed him away in your panic to cover yourself up as fast as you could, you accidentally pushed him off the bed. Sihtric cursed loudly and rubbed the hip he fell on, while you ran to the door, answering your child's call.
'What is it, boy?' you breathed hard while feeling a little dizzy, and your legs were shaky.
'I… I threw up,' the child mumbled.
You looked back at Sihtric, who sat on the floor with his face in his hands, and you both muttered under your breath.
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'Just go and find them,' Sihtric said to your daughter, trying to encourage her, 'it will be fun, I swear it.'
'Fun?' she frowned, 'they're stupid! I don't like to play with them. Why do I have such dumb brothers?'
'Hey!' you gave your seven year old a disapproving look as you walked over to the commotion.
'Sorry,' she mumbled.
'Just, please,' Sihtric said, 'go out and find them?'
Your husband was desperate. The boys were all playing in the woods, near the river, and Sihtric tried to convince the young girl to go outside and play with them too. Sihtric had some plans of his own; playing with you. He just needed to get you alone for that.
'No!' she said, arms crossed, 'they're stupid! They only want to play warrior, and I always have to be the princess who needs to be rescued,' she yelled, 'but I want to be a warrior too!'
Sihtric looked up at you, not knowing what to say anymore, but you smiled proudly at your daughter, giving your husband a light shrug. Sihtric huffed and rolled his eyes, then faced the little warrior princess again.
'Well… just… I-,' Sihtric stammered, then looked back up at you, 'love?' he begged you.
Sihtric clearly needed your help here, to which you rolled your eyes this time.
'Honey,' you sighed and kneeled down next to your daughter, 'why don't you go and pick some flowers for me?' you tried, 'and then we can dry them and make a nice wreath tomorrow?'
'No!' she huffed, 'I want to stay here!'
'Okay,' you smiled at her stubbornness, which she could've inherited from either one of her parents, and you kissed her forehead.
You got up and turned to Sihtric, who was now leaning back against the dinner table, clearly frustrated. Sexually frustrated to be precise, and you walked over, feeling just as agitated as him about the situation.
'Darling,' you spoke softly, resting your hand on his chest while you pushed some loose strands of hair behind his ear, 'I know, my love,' you kissed his cheek, 'I feel the same, but we can't force her out of the house just because we want to… you know.'
'Are you sure?' he whispered, 'I mean, we could force her to work the fields-''
'Sihtric!' you hissed and kicked his shin, 'she's seven! How very dare you?'
'Sorry,' Sihtric mumbled and looked down at his feet, 'I'll just… go and find the boys.'
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A few days later your kids had all finally left home, to play outside, near the river again. Even your daughter had joined them, after your eldest said he had seen frogs last time he was there.
'Remember what uncle Finan said about licking frogs!' Sihtric yelled after the children as they ran off.
'Finally,' he sighed, and closed the doors with a loud slam.
He immediately stalked over to you, in the kitchen, where you were talking with one of your maids. Sihtric nearly kicked in the door and cleared his throat when he saw you weren't alone.
'I, eh, excuse me,' he apologised to the maid, 'I need my wife, it's an emergency.'
'Oh, my. Can I help?' the maid loyally asked, concerned.
You fought a grin, knowing the so-called emergency would be taking care of your husband's hard cock. But your poor maid had no idea.
'What? Oh, eh, no,' Sihtric said, surprised and confused by the sudden question, 'it's a… private matter.'
Sihtric held his hand out to you, and you dropped the rag you had in your hands while excusing yourself to your maid.
'It's urgent, darling,' Sihtric stressed, impatiently waving his hand, beckoning you to come with him, now.
You smiled, took his hand, and he was quick to pull you out of the kitchen, through the great hall, up the stairs, and into the bedroom. He closed the heavy wooden door while you quickly closed the curtains, and you both wasted no time loosening your belts. After all the interruptions, Sihtric didn't even want the foreplay today, and you both also didn't even need it. Your core was heated, tightened and you were simply soaked by the time your husband had pulled you up the stairs. And as every day since he last had you, Sihtric was already hard when he only did as much as think of your bare body on top of him. Or underneath him, he didn't have a preference today, he just needed to feel you.
You both dropped your leather belts onto the floor and nearly attacked each other. Lips pressed against each other, your hands in his hair, his hands squeezing your hips, while both your desperate, soft moans filled the air around you. Sihtric picked you up in his strong arms, easily, and he threw you onto the bed. He climbed on top of you, bared his teeth and ran his tongue over them. He was hungry, like a wild beast, and you weren't going to defend yourself. Instead, you wanted to be devoured completely by him.
And just when Sihtric brought his lips back to yours, you heard the maid call from downstairs, and you both froze.
'I know y-you have a private conversation,' she yelled innocently, 'but your children just returned, and… eh… three of them fell in swamp water.'
You groaned and Sihtric cursed once again.
'That's it,' he huffed and jumped out of bed.
Sihtric quickly tied his belt around his waist, keeping his leather tunic in place, and he stormed down the stairs. He picked up your youngest son and your daughter, holding one in each arm, while he angrily ordered those who were soaked with swamp water to follow him. 
You desperately tried to hold your laugh. This was just ridiculous. It was impossible to get your man alone and it was driving you to the brink of insanity, but it seemed that Sihtric had already crossed it, hissing like a mad man at his children, because he desperately needed to hump their mother.
'Where are we going?' your youngest cried in Sihtric's arm.
'Uncle Finan!' Sihtric huffed, walking as fast as he could across town, towards the Irish man.
Once there, he kicked the door with his leather boot before putting the two children back on their feet. And without waiting for Finan to open the door, Sihtric turned on his heels and stormed back home.
'Oi!' Finan shouted after the Dane, 'what's this!?' he looked down at the three drowned rats and the two wide-eyed youngsters in front of him.
'They're yours until nightfall!' Sihtric snarled over his shoulder, and Finan got the hint.
Once back again, Sihtric forcefully opened the doors to the hall and locked eyes with the maid.
'Out,' Sihtric said firmly, 'you have the day off. Close the doors behind you,' he said while sprinting up the stairs.
'Oh. Thank you, lor-' the maid was cut off by the hard slam of your bedroom door.
'Sihtric? Where did you bring the childre-' 
You were cut off by Sihtric's lips, capturing you in an angry, heated kiss. He ripped his belt off again and you quickly took off his tunic, after which Sihtric took off your dress in a rush. You had barely laid eyes on his impressive, muscular body, or he was already on top of you, pulling the furs up to cover the both of you.
'We could take it slow now,' you suggested, smiling as his lips sucked and kissed your neck eagerly.
'I can't,' Sihtric said with a desperate tone, 'and I won't,' he growled.
And before you could even prepare yourself, he already entered you with ease.
A pleased gasp left you both, and you wrapped your arms around his neck. Sihtric leaned in, his body pressed onto yours while propped up on his elbows, his hands in your hair and his face buried in your neck. He started to violently thrust into you, with a head spinning pace, doing exactly what you both needed. Your nails dug into his muscular back, but soon they found their way to the bed's headboard, desperately clinging onto the wooden beams as your husband showed no mercy. The bed rhythmically creaked underneath you and thumped loudly against the wall, in sync with each deep thrust. 
You both ran out of breath fast, and where you usually kissed each other all through your love making, you now just murmured while gazing into each other's half-open eyes.
'Needed this,' Sihtric breathed, 'needed to feel you around me, ah, gods,' he hissed, 'so tight.'
'Gods,' you moaned, 'I've been dreaming of your cock for weeks now,' you confessed with a light chuckle.
'Is this as good as in your dreams?' he husked in your ear, slamming into you even harder and faster.
'Better,' you cried out, nails scratching at the wood your fingers were curled around, 'so good,' you sighed, barely audible over the thumping sound of the bed and the sound of skin slamming against each other with force.
Then Sihtric suddenly pulled back. He sat up and grabbed your ankles, pulling you towards him, then threw your legs over his shoulders. He sheathed back inside you, smoothly, and the way your husband felt, made your cheeks heat up instantly. His groans, his hard thrusts and the intensity in his eyes were enough to push you over your edge within minutes, and Sihtric followed fast. 
He collapsed on top of you. Both breathing hard while being wrapped into each other's arms, recovering from your high as your warm, sweaty bodies were pressed together, underneath the furs. Sihtric peppered your neck and face with kisses while you played with his messy hair. You finally both felt calm again, after the hard, impatient and angry humping that had just occurred. 
And since it was still early in the afternoon, and the children were not to be brought home by Finan until the evening, you'd soon make up for all those times you were interrupted before.
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taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylasthegrim @bubbles-for-all-of-us @andakth @bel-bottoms @willowbrookesblog @lady-targaryens-world @skyofficialxx @diosademuerte @elle4404 @alexagirlie @sweetxime @solango @gemini-mama @cheyennep3107 @little-diable @jennifer0305 @drwstarkeyy @mrsarnasdelicious @verenahx @urmomsgirlfriend1
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Hello! I really love your works sm, can i request a sfw or nsfw head cannons of the angels from WHB? Thank you!!
I’m so glad you liked them!! So I’m tryna write the angels as best I can Gabriel is the only one I’ve met outside of a event, I’ve seen the other two in the Halloween event! I like em but ngl they have…unique kinks I needed to google hifth
I hope you enjoy!!
Over all cw: blaspheme (I think?? ((Angels worshiping you)), death (not main characters), abuse of power
Sfw/nsft hcs on Angels!
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Cw: inappropriate boners,
He basically a guard dog standing over your shoulder 24/7 to keep you safe, he calls you his ‘Lord/Lady/Highness’ and has an army of angels who think the same of you
He’s not very affectionate but if you just say ‘hold me/my hand’ or ‘kiss me’ he’d do it in a heart beat. As his God he only wants you pleased
He’s a terrible cook and somehow steals food and is terrifying good at getting away with it (it must be an angel thing??) he dosent even lie saying he made it, he’s just vague where it came from (only once have you caught him in the act and you made him apologize, but the person gave him the food regardless)
He dust a lot in your home and you cant help but notice the ‘home made’ duster he ‘found’ has feathers matching his wings…
Canon Kink: Hierophilia; deriving sexual pleasure from religion, religious places and objects as well as find the act itself religious
He enjoys watching you participate in religious activities…maybe too much. He also finds pleasure in treating you as his god.
You jokingly thought of making him go to church, only for him to jump at the chance. He lowkey regretted it when you didn’t touch him, and made him stay squirming in his seat instead of helping him get off. He for whatever reason thought you’d let him jerk off or would touch him yourself as you were holy, nothing you did was wrong but…touching himself in this place is
You’ve actually caught him touching himself to you praying before, he got bashful upon getting caught but you swear you’ve heard him doing it after that, you just don’t catch him in the act (though you’ve caught him awkwardly standing by and adjusting himself)
He’s got a adorablely small and sensitive cock and he genuinely doesn’t need it touched to cum, roll it between your fingers for a few minutes and he’s trembling as he spills out all his cum
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Cw: murder, inappropriate boners
He’s strict with everyone around you, but not you, in his eyes you are the law since he serves only you, you cant do wrong
He’s terrible if you have guest, he demands they now to you and though he’ll settle if you tell him to, he watches them like a hawk and makes sure nothing gets out of hand
You see that leash? If you get mad and pull on it, he will calm down and you have his full attention, give it another tug downwards, and he’ll drop to his knees in front of you, and anyone else in the room
He likes brushing and styling your hair, he’ll try to help you bathe, insisting you don’t need to lift a finger, he will take care of everything, just relax
Canon Kink: Erotophonophilia; ‘Muder kink’, deriving sexual gratification from killing or watching someone get killed (BOY IS THIS A HARD KINK TO CASUALLY WORK WOTH)
If push comes to shove he has a habit of killing people who harass you too much/threaten you, but he gets…really excited afterwards and is pressing his thighs together to hide his erection, especially if you’re clearly not in the mood
You’ve seen him get in fights while still aroused from the last kill an honestly, when in public you sometimes just force a chastity cage on him to discourage him acting out
Though he believes self pleasure, or just the act in general is…sinful, he will do anything for you with no qualms, he only feels good when you touch him anyway
He suffered from wet dreams whenever you’re around him or he has objects with your scent
When he want to fool around desperately he will walk right up to you, kneel and beg you to touch his neither regions, stroking, slapping, pinching, doesn’t matter as long as you touch him
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Cw: messy kitchens, messy person, furniture abuse,
He’s messy and kinda gets annoying at times since he discovered how much fun it is to smash condiment packages
He’s good about cleaning, and he even cooks to make up for the mess…but he’s a sloppy cook too but at least it’s not intentional this time
He doesn’t understand that the furniture isn’t trying to hurt you and doesn’t need to be punished. He’s broken threee tables, one bed post and five chairs since he’s moved to being your ‘Guardian Angel’, all for tripping you or you stubbed your toe on them
He’s not affectionate but he’s not distant, he just follows your lead, he stands close by and if you ask him to come over he flops in your lap and looks up at you like a puppy. He likes when you watch tv and let him lay across your lap, he falls asleep easily that way
Canon Kink: Automysophilia; getting sexual gratification from defiling oneself, being dirty or defiled
He enjoys getting messy with cum, blood, dirt, just about anything. He will be blissed if you strip him and cover him in…well it’s up to you ;)
He has no qualms with jerking off in front of you if you don’t want to touch him while he’s too messy, but he wants you to be fully clothed while he’s sprawled out naked in front of you
He’s fucked slime before since it feels…weirdly good around his shaft, to the point he gets excited when he sees it around the house. You had to punish him for thinking he could ‘fool around’ with it then hide it away again
He’s got a very sensitive halo, while other angels get off to them being touched like a devils horns, he avoids it since it brings him to his knees in seconds
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author's note: youre gonna forget this is an 'x leo valdez' smau real quick girls. god, i wrote mystery man too hot. GUYS DONT FORGET ABOUT LEO HE'LL FIX THIS OKAY DONT GET DISTRACTED WHILE IN THIS PART OF THE FIC OKAY STAY STRONG SOLDIERS
a week. you had been moping around for a week. and you were finally sick of it. how dare a man have this much control over your life?? a man that clearly doesn't give a shit. you swore if you saw calypso post one more photo of her on a date with leo, hickies clearly on display, you were gonna swallow a jar of bees.
but as piper blared 'unwritten,' you couldn't help but sing along with a wide smile. and, as cheesy as it was, you knew you would be okay. because you had these wonderful girls, who were curling your hair and doing your makeup and making you laugh. just because they loved you. and, most importantly, they were letting you root through their closet!! you stole a black mini skirt that did amazing things for your ass and mesh stockings from annabeth. from hazel, you borrowed a white tank top with a dainty little bow that drew your eyes straight to your stellar tits. piper lent you a long sleeve cardigan that didnt have buttons but was rather tied close, once more drawing eyes to where your cleavage was spilling out of hazel's top. you felt the tiniest bit slutty, but that all went away with the girl's calls of it serving cunt and whatnot.
and then you girl's were off to the clubs and bars!! annabeth was dd because she had some big test the next morning that she didn't want to be hungover for. though, you were certain she could ace it while hungover, you didn't say anything. to be completely, honest, you drank more than you should have. okay, sue me, you'd had a rough week, okay?? and with every shot, leo's face was getting more blurry in your brain, which just encouraged more shots.
"im gonna get more drinks," you shouted over the music as you gripped pipers arm. she giggled and spun you towards the bar, her silent acknowledgment that she heard you. you pressed a kiss to hazel's cheek as you passed her and she wrinkled her nose at you and squeezed your hand, sloppily.
"two shots of fireball, please, good sir!" you called to the bartender, leaning over the bar. he gave you a smile on nod before going off to fulfill your order. you were squinting, trying to read the names of the bottles on display while rapping your fingers against the bar countertop. you stumbled slightly, having lost your balance from trying to read, but strong arms caught you before you could fall too far.
"oh, jeez, im a mess. thank you, truly," you mused, turning to your savior before your jaw dropped, "travvy?"
"woah, yn, long- long time no see," travis stoll managed to get out through his shock, attempting to subtly look you up and down but clearly he'd been caught based off the smirk that grew on your face. travis cleared his throat and looked away, trying desperately to think of something to say. gods, you looked so different from the last time he'd seen you.
"yeah. tell me about it. what are ya doing around here? still in school?" you questioned, tilting your head and leaning towards the boy. nothing like liquid courage to get you flirting up a storm.
"nah. got a good job at a bank, ironically enough. i don't know why they hired me with my criminal record, but who am i to ask questions. what about you? you and leo still going strong?" travis asked, a glimmer in his eyes that begged you to say 'no.' and he was about to get his wish.
"HA. no, we aren't- we've never- he's with someone else," you explained vaguely, waving your hand around with a roll of you eyes. and while you were saying 'no,' travis could tell that your heart wanted to say 'yes.' which was more than a little soul crushing.
"hmm. i always thought you were valdez's girl," taunted travis as he took a sip of his drink, shrugging as he noticed the rage building in you.
"i am no ones girl. im my own girl," you hissed out, shoving at his shoulder with a playful glare.
"prove it."
"a-alright," you shuttered out, keeping your eyes on his begging ones before turning to the bartender that returned with your shots, "you got a sharpie?"
the bartender nodded, reaching down into his pocket and sliding the pen over to you as you rooted through your purse, getting cash to pay the man. but, travis was already setting his credit card down, telling the man that he had it covered with a wink in your direction. which just solidified your next actions. you pulled the cap of the pen off with your teeth and gripped travis' arm, pulling it towards yourself. you wrote your number down before recapping the pen and pretending to inspect his now ink covered skin.
"its missing something," you told the boy, looking up at him through your lashes before you pulled his wrist up to your lips, pressing a kiss against his veins, ensuring they left a kiss stain before pulling back. you inspected your handy work before taking your shots and beginning to walk away, calling over your shoulder to the boy with a wink.
"call me some time, travvy."
"if you think i won't, you're dead wrong, yn!"
you walked back to your friends, handing the shots over to them before looking over at the bar, watching travis watch you. you bit your lip in his direction, watching him sharpen his glare at you before turning back to your friends. all of there jaws were dropped, looking at you like you were the shit.
"yn, baby, im not sober, but is that travis stoll, staring at you like your a piece of meat???" piper questioned, a smile growing from her dropped jaw.
"whattttttt? nooooooo," you teased, winking at the girl, which left the two of you in a puddle of giggles, desperately holding onto each other to stay upright.
"well, i am sober, and that is definately travis stoll looking like he wants to eat yn alive," annabeth mused and you shoved her shoulder, holding a finger to your lips as a blush coated your cheeks. from the alcohol or the mentions of the boy, annabeth couldn't tell.
"stop, stop. he's gonna hear you, annie," you giggled out and annabeth just shook her head.
a few hours later and annabeth was regretting her decision to be dd. trying to get a single drunk girl to do anything you wanted was hard enough, three was like herding cats. the moment she got one of them into the car, the other two were whining about needing the toilet or something stupid. she had finally managed to get hazel and piper into the car, leaving just you sitting on the curb, eyes glazed over and a dopey smile on your face.
"c'mon, yn, just get in the damn car," annabeth whined, trying to drag you up to your feet but you were just going limp on her.
"noooooo. i wanna dance more," you cried and every second that passed annabeth could feel piper and hazel plotting on how to get out of the car.
"yn, you can dance at my house. please."
"need some help?" a voice called from behind annabeth, causing her to look over her shoulder. there travis stood, an amused look on his face. she nodded desperately and he made quick moves towards the pair, crouching in front of you.
"hey, honey, c'mere," he spoke easily and you were slumping against his chest like it was second nature. without breaking a sweat, he easily lifted you until your feet were under you. your legs were still wobbly so you leaned heavily against the man for support as he gently lead you to the car.
"i want mcdonalds," you all but drooled against travis' shirt. and he chuckled as he set you gently into the back seat with the other two girls, who perked up at the mentions of food.
"whatever you want, princess," travis laughed with an eye roll as he did your seatbelt for you. then he left the car, gently shutting the door as you leaned your head against hazel's shoulder. he smiled softly at the sight before nodding at annabeth and beginning to make his way towards the bar.
"hey, you need a ride home?" she offered and travis turned around, pretending to think his options over. walk home or spend more time with you? yeah, the choice seemed pretty clear.
"yeah, if you're willing."
"of course. you helped me wrangle the beasts, it's the least i can do in return," replied annabeth, like she didn't have ulterior motives. she loved leo, truly she did, but that boy was going to need more than a little jealousy to get him moving. and travis was going to be the perfect pawn in her masterplan to get you and leo together.
so, while she chauffeured the drunk girls around, she made sure to take plenty of pictures of travis and yn together. and all of them were gonna magically find there way to her twitter, posted for the whole world (leo) to see. but, most importantly, annabeth subtly mentioned that yn should make a tiktok. it was one of her favorite drunk pass times, the girl eagerly reaching for annabeth's phone and jumping out of the car to make it in the mcdonalds parking lot. and even though it wasn't trending anymore, annabeth made the subtle comment about the whole 'is it over now?' dance. you basically screamed, pulling piper out of the car with you before doing the same with travis, who nearly dropped all his mcnuggets at how hard you tugged him.
you were barely able to do the dance in your inebrated state, so you were mainly singing along. and the dancing was provocative as you sang about hips and thighs and whispered sighs. and then, whilst the song was playing lyrics about jumping off a very tall something, you pulled travis into frame, laughing as the lyrics continued on about someone coming running but you were struggling to sing along as travis wrapped his arms around you and lifted you off the ground, your drunken giggles bringing a smile to his lips. annabeth then stole her phone back and instantly posted it before shooing everyone back into the car. she dropped travis off at his apartment, you leaning out of the window and waving at him as annabeth drove off.
and annabeth could feel her phone buzzing with constant texts and comments and whatever else, a smirk growing on her lips.
man, she loved stirring the pot!!
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✶⋆.˚ taglist: @ssparksflyy @imasimpdealwithit @pro-oddity @aezuria @literallyimthenerdemoji @sunshine-of-ur-life @brodieland @ivyy-covered-walls @annybah @aryxchse @riordanness @stargirl-exe @shimas-pjo-addiction @shimas-things12 @butterandhoneytoast @pumpkinbxtch @balletfilmss @daniskywalkersolo @meerpea @mayo-0-o @hannenomical @eliseisclinicallyinsane @ellipsisspelled
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cheezbites · 9 months
Dating König
✎: My third blog already!!! (Thank you all so much for the previous notes on my Chris McLean blog LMAO)
♡Summary: Wholesome head cannons of dating König💕!!!
Bf!König dreaded shopping; but when it came to shopping with you? He’s down. He'd show he valued spending time together - being with you felt like a melody of heartbeats, each beat echoing his love. And since taking your sweet time, inspecting every cute item you saw, König would be exhausted after hours of consecutive shopping.
And still, he would do it all with a smile to make you smile. The worth-it part of it all to him was the astonishing Haul's he received after. From you trying on short skin-tight dresses, to matching onesies... He truly enjoyed it all, mostly for you. Aside from his complete oblivion to fashion or anything of that sort - he'd pretend for you.
Bf!König would reserve a table for you both at a nostalgic fast-food joint. When your meals were served to you - You could distinctly remember him asking for no pickles on his burger, yet they ended up being there.
"It's fine, I'll just take them out." He tried to reason with you because he knew how far you were willing to go over this for him; even if it was as minor as being over a pickle. You were a
"Excuse me, he asked for no pickles." Girlfriend, he was the reserved boyfriend who would awkwardly watch. At least you got a refund and a newly made burger for him. (He low-key loves it when you stand up for him, though).
Bf!König adored it when you cooked for him, he loved your meals and appreciated the time you spent making them. They were his happy place, he was a 'love goes through the stomach' kind of guy. "Danke, meine Liebe, du behandelst mich so gut." (Thank you, my love, you treat me so well.)
So you often teach König how to bake, cook, stir fry... all the basics. Most of your inside jokes were born from your failures, especially baking. You guys baked cookies this one time, they had increased in size tenfold. It was a giant cookie circle to put it simply. Every time you baked cookies, the 'Cookie Monster' joke would be repeated countless times.
Bf!König couldn't stand long separations, so you swapped pieces of clothing to keep each other's scents close. You wore his shirt (which looked like a baggy short dress on your figure), and you gave him a custom-made black bracelet and hair ties. As well as an oversized hoodie that looked normal on him.
Bf!König wasn't a morning person, at all. He would still routinely send you good morning texts that made you smile from ear to ear every time you received them.
"Guten Morgen, mein Liebling. Hope you slept well and dreamt of us. Sending u hugs and kisses"
"Guten Morgen, Liebling. Sending u extra ❤️ and virtual hugs to start your day off right. Ich vermisse dich"
Bf!König dealt with the spiders around the house for you, whenever he heard you unexpectedly screech, gasp, or gush "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." He knew what he had to do.
"See? They're harmless." He quipped as he guided them outside with the plate and glass combo.
"No, it was about to kill me! What if it bit me," you mindlessly blurted whilst rushing back and forth.
"Then you'd be Spider Woman, no? You'd fit perfectly being a badass superhero."
Bf!König shared a secret stash of snacks that you hide from everyone else and enjoy together during movie nights. When you fell asleep mid-movie, he carried you back to your room bridal style without disturbing you.
"Good night, meine Leibe." He silently muttered before gently planting a kiss on your head.
Bf!König Was perplexed whenever you held up two obscurely different eye shadows up to him, and asked him which one he preferred. To him, they appeared identical. But for you, one was a vibrant lavender, a touch too saturated, while the other, was a soft violet, more versatile for various outfits.
"Aren't they ... the same colour?"
"Excuse moi?!"
Bf!König Let you do his skincare. Though skincare was another thing he was completely oblivious to, he mildly enjoyed it. All he did was rinse his face with tap water, apply lotion and called it a night. On the other hand, your routine was the definition of intricate. And so before movie night, you used cleanser, face masks, serums, moisturisers and all that good stuff on him.
Enjoyed this blog? Then…
Read the Ghost version here!
(Or the Price version <3)
Soap Version
Gaz Version
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chuluoyi · 3 months
Or the angst/hurt/comfort could be reader having a bad day (could be anything from a stressful day or mentally) and gojo comforting her
you’re having a bad day and want nothing more than sleep. or at least just crash on the bed.
and that’s why when you got back home and satoru greeted you with his most stupidest grin, you only exhaled and passed by him because you truly have 0 energy to banter with him.
and your husband catches on it quick—how drained you are. he glances at the bathroom with a frown when you don’t come out in 30 minutes.
“hey, sweets, you alright in there?” he knocks on the door finally and he can hear the sound of the splashing water before you reply with, “oh yeah… just soaking. will come out soon.”
even your voice sounds exhausted. satoru plans his strategy then, so that when you’re out, he knows what he has to do to make you feel better.
after bath, somehow you get even more sleepy. but as soon as you come out with the bathrobe, satoru picks you up—
“satoru, what are you doing?” you asked in an annoyed tone. “i’m tired. please i want to change—”
“yes yes, i know. and you’ll get your rest soon, princess,” he replies swiftly with a hint of mischief. “let your footman here pamper you to your heart’s content—you don’t even need to lift a hand and i shall serve you!”
you be like 😟 at his sudden roleplay of princess and servant but relent because you’re too exhausted to think of any retorts. so you let him. he first changes you out of your bathrobe to your sleepwear, and sighs at the sight of your momentary naked form.
“ah look at how lucky i am,” satoru pats his chest in exaggerated manner. “the princess and her hot body—” he dabs an imaginary tear. “and here i am, just a humble servant, gets to be her husband.”
“satoru… i know you’re a pervert and a weirdo, but you’ve just reached another freaky level.”
afterwards he picks you up again and lays you down on the bed gently, still smiling widely. as you turn to your side to finally have some peace, his arms snake around your waist, pulling you close to his chest to be the big spoon.
you suddenly feel warm, feel like a bit of your exhaustion evaporates a bit upon the contact of your back against his sturdy chest. “comfy now?” he asks, lightly smooching your ear.
and you think you know what will be most comfortable for you so you flip your body to face him, before burying your face in his chest and hugging his torso, disregarding his slightly surprised face altogether.
“ooh, the princess wants cuddles?” satoru chuckles and presses you even closer to him, combing through your hair with his fingers. “okay okay let me cuddle you tight~”
he pats your back, kisses you on you forehead, and sighs against your hair. truly, this is heaven. you feel so light and safe in his arms. “there, there… whenever you want cuddles, just take me to the bed, okay?”
“good girl.” he hums, fondly looking at you in his embrace. “now have a good rest, princess apple pie.”
your eyes crack open though. “did you just… call me apple pie…?”
“oooh yes the princess needs a name so i think of the first thing that comes to mind?”
“…… satoru you’re so weird you must thank the gods i agreed to marry you.”
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