#the first tier was Okay and the gear was REALLY COOL
stoneclaw · 3 months
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Okay since I have yapped about my fave male characters before, I shall now yap about some of fave female characters, for anyone interested. And trust me, when you read this list, you'll start to notice a pattern.
First up, Genshin Impact. I will pick my top 3 favourite girls. Yelan. I love her a lot. She's strong, she's cool, she's confident, got an air of mystery about her. She could step on me and I'd thank her for the experience. Such a good voice too. Top tier.
Shenhe. I adore her character design. Another woman who is so strong that she could pick me up no effort and carry me around bridal style. My dream. I love her backstory and I think she's interesting. Also zero tact when she talks, she's so damn blunt I find it hilarious.
Arlecchino. I will admit, recency bias is probably playing a big part in this but I love her. Strong, capable woman. Not completely a good guy either which is nice for a change. Completely dominating aura, I would fall on my knees for Father :) I love how one of her idle animations is her just glitching out of reality. Can relate.
Honkai Star Rail. Fave three women again. I'll start with Kafka. She scares me but I also like her. She arouses me but I'm also terrified of her. She could ask anything of me and I'll probably do it. Another woman with an air of mystery to her. Would love to get to know her, I think she would wine and dine me and I would appreciate it.
Black Swan. Oh my god I love her. Great character design. Looks like a massive flirt and tease and I have the distinct feeling she would like chubby girls and tease them so much god please let it be true I like her so much. I can't wait until her banner comes back around I had to skip her for my stupid, dragon husband I'm so sorry babe I'll come back for you I swear.
Acheron. I just wanna hold her hand. She's been through so much. I wanna stay up and have late night conversations with her. She doesn't even have to talk, just listen to me ramble I can fill the silence with my yapping. Very pretty woman, so strong I'm so glad I got her she has helped me clear harder stuff in swarm disaster and golden gears.
And now, some rapid fire fandoms and girls. My favorutie Yugioh girl is Aki Izayoi from 5ds. She has a sad backstory. She has a cool design. I love her Black Rose Dragon. Psychic Duellist are cool. She's scary at first because she pushes people away but once she starts to trust she is so sweet and caring.
Nico Robin from One Piece. Oh my god, favourite strawhat and woman of the show. I love her so much. Her backstory made me so sad. That one scene from Enies Lobby had me in fucking tears. I cannot watch that scene without crying. Such a caring woman. And strong too. And I love watching her get passionate about her hobbies. She's also a little weird too and I like them a little weird as well.
Android 21 from Dragon Ball franchise. Yeah, who would of guessed? I like the hot, Android milf. Android 18 is cool too but I really like Android 21. The fact that she has a ridiculous sweet tooth is something I relate to because girl, same. She would indulge my sweet tooth and I would appreciate it.
Persona Series. I don't know why but apparently I must have a thing for the girls of the Priestess Arcana because I romanced Mokoto in Persona 5 and then I romanced Fuuka of Persona 3 reload. I'll let you guys figure that one out lol.
If there are any other series or girls you are curious on, please let me know and I will tell you my opinion of them. Thanks for reading my ramblings.
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
okay so at level 21 and sorta bad at minecraft (but better than I was!), here are my general vault hunters tips for anyone who has been inspired to play because I won’t shut up:
your first skill point should go to heal. yes I know other skills look nice but this is the only point you have to spend a certain way, and it’s “get one level of heal”. you can then spend more as you want (I currently have six points in it to get the best of the second tier of healing), but that first point in healing makes vaults SO much easier that it doesn’t even really compare. bind it to an easy key to hit (or a mouse button if you’d prefer).
similarly, stonefall on an easy keybind is very useful if you’re bad at MLG water buckets.
iskall’s singleplayer strat of “build farms as you need things” is very nice at making sure you only have to go find things once. small farms with continuous output are just as good as big farms early on and will still run while you’re in vaults if they’re in your spawn chunks.
use the animal pens the animal pens are SO NICE.
if you see a rabbit put it in a jar, when you start needing bundles they’ll be handy.
the first of the various vault gear pedestals you should make when you can afford it is the vault artisan table. not the forge, not the recycler, the one that lets you re-roll things using focuses. you can’t afford to make your own gear early game. you just can’t. no matter how cool it is. do not make my mistakes.
magnets last basically forever so if you make one you’ll be good for a while. they’re really nice on skyblock early on for “not losing resources to the void” reasons. otherwise you probably don’t need it until you have a pouch with a pickup upgrade because your inventory will fill up too fast if you break chests otherwise.
shulker boxes, bundles, and eventually pouches are your friend. you actively need to bring shulkers into the vault until you get pouches, in fact, because you’ll run out of inventory before you run out of time otherwise.
the vault compass makes navigation a non-issue. if you’re good at navigating anyway there’s no need to buy it, but if you’re bad at navigation (like I am, for example), buying the compass is worth it and will save your life.
you can get a LOT of chromatic iron in the chromatic iron rooms in the vault. if you’re playing skyblock, this is where you get your chromatic iron. if you’re playing regular, it’s still probably worth it if you happen to see the room to stop what you’re doing to mine it, given that you will get like, a LOT of raw chromatic iron. otherwise, I’ve heard “unexposed to air on chunk borders” for you normal players.
at the end of the day none of the mods are required in any way, they just all make your life a little easier (especially as altars start costing more). my one advice for how to spend your points is honestly “check the recipes for the thing you want to do with the mod you’re buying before you buy it”. some mods will probably be too expensive for where you currently are in the game, recipe-wise, and you’ll want to know that ahead of time! beyond that, buy whatever seems most useful to you right now, paying some attention to what will be made more expensive as you buy it (in case that changes your decision on something like the big mods, which basically gate each other out for a while when you buy one).
driftwood and magic silk are both used for modded recipes, even if they seem somewhat useless now.
one level of haste skill, efficiency v, and a netherite pick pretty much guarantees you can break spawners between spawn cycles at POIs. anything less I make no guarantees with.
you will go through vault plating like candy once you start doing things with gear, magnets, or vault pickaxes.
you should make a bounty table the MOMENT you can afford one. there is literally no downside to this, the rewards are literally always worth it. there is, however, an eight-hour penalty to abandoning a bounty once you’ve taken it, during which time that bounty won’t reroll. this is sometimes still worth it, especially if you don’t have the bronze to otherwise reroll. otherwise, it takes 30 minutes for a new bounty to roll after you complete one. you can only do one at a time, so keep that in mind too!
similarly, you should make a black market the moment you can afford one. you won’t be able to afford a soul diffuser for a while (it costs five black chromatic steel ingots, which are the blocker here, since that in turn costs sixteen black opal and a full 40 chromatic steel ingots), but you’ll passively pick up enough soul shards killing things in the vault to make being able to spend them worth it. if you see something both rare and expensive that you want, do not panic! skyblock players, this is when you use your free crystals to pillar up in front of a spawner in the vault (or two spawners if you’re lucky) and start killing. doing this i averaged around 100 soul shards a vault. (if you are a regular player, since those crystals aren’t free, it’s up to you if you can spare those resources.)
every elite except for the spider can easily be beat by pillaring up three blocks
bosses have trouble with the hallways; my method of cheering them is to block the hallway at the entrance three blocks up then run in the moment i light the last obelisk. it will start throwing snowballs or doing its AOE to try to get you and may eventually teleport to you as well, but running through the hallway can get you away and I’ve normally been able to get decent damage in before it teleports. this might not work for everyone I may have just gotten lucky but it feels like it works.
and that’s what I can think of for now I am having so much fun. I am sure people have more optimal ways of playing but these are the advices I have right now personally!
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I think people like to forget even more so the people defending rwby that the show never was meant to be revolutionary or full with rep or even that deep. It was a passion project with fun and cool concepts. Its a what if red riding hood would be a badass but naive monster hunter. And sure stories like this can still have a lot of depth but we all saw the first seasons and knew its gonna be more on the cool and fun site. And thats okey! Stories dont need to be revolutionary or have a lot of depth to be enjoyable. But some fans act like its the gold of storytelling and foreshadowing when its not and never will be. Again thats okey! Just wish the rwby stans would pop a few chill pills before watching or going on tumblr to write paraghraphs about a youtube cartoon.
Hey anon! I agree completely, in the early volumes of RWBY we were sold a fighting anime set in a school with flashy fights and cool weapons and semblances where Corgi's get fired out of a canon and live to tell the tale. I do not say this to bash the show at all! There is nothing wrong with shows like this, back then when that was the show, I loved it. The fights where fun and exciting to watch, I was eager to see the new weapons and semblances of characters we hadn't seen yet. It was a blast and we need shows like that honestly. Lighter shows that are fun and an escape from the hellscape we find ourselves in right now. Like another favorite show of mine is Phineas and Ferb. It's fun its silly its quirky it has memorable and loveable characters and it never goes that deep at all in any of its themes or stories but I adore it because of that. It's light its fun and safe content to consume.
I get wanting a show to be deeper then it really is. Going back to my Phineas and Ferb example, the show sprinkles in these hints that the main antagonist's brother who is beloved by everyone at his core is a bad and almost cruel person. We get these nuggets and I keep hoping the show will delve into more and go into their childhoods and they never do and that's okay because the show was never supposed to be about those kinds of topics, its about the adventures of two kids trying to make the most of their summer vacation and having fantastic adventures with their friends with a side plot about their pet platypus who is a secret agent. It's a silly show and their is nothing wrong with that. RWBY could have been a fantastic slice of life show about battling the monster of the week and I would have adored it. But the show wanted to try and be more then the writers knew how to handle.
RWBY is not the gold standard for storytelling, hell its not even the bronze standard. It's got a lot of flaws and plot holes and retcons and unretcons? Undoing of retcons? I don't even know the proper terminology for this but it is retcons of retcons and back to the original and it is insane trying to keep up with it all. But that is okay. You do not need to justify enjoying a show, just as you do not need to justify not liking a show or why you chose to criticize its flaws. But trying to pretend RWBY is something its not is only setting people up for disappointment. If you promise a deep and emotional story with top tier story telling and they get RWBY people are going to be upset and frustrated.
I remember when a college friend told me about Ruby and she showed me all the trailers and I was so excited because it looked so fun. She told me I was getting a fun fighting show based off of fairytale characters and I was down for that. It sounded fun and exciting and I didn't care the animation was....flawed lolz. I didn't care about that, I was just here for the fun ride. And hell the show deciding to try and switch gears and try to tackle heavier topics is also fine! Shows can successfully make that kind of transition, but RWBY's writers simply where not prepared to be able to tackle these topics. They weren't ready to do the necessary research and have the necessary conversations to do so properly and respectfully. That really at the end of the day is the problem. A lack of willingness to do the work to try and become the show RWBY and its fans try to pretend it is now. I just wish the fans would accept that the writers just didn't have the tools needed to write the story they where trying to.
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knowlessman · 1 year
bnha s3e14-16
new OP. …okay this is pretty good. -- huh. the end shot of it puts Hagukure front and center.
"the last sparks of One for All have gone out, and I can't really keep my muscle form any more. except for a couple frames now and then for a laugh"
"oh yeah, I'm not at home." you can tell your all might shrines apart?
what… why DOES iida do that arm thing now? what is it? did he use to do it before and I just didn't notice? is… is he stimming? is iida autistic rep
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two signature moves. wonder if bakugo will have an issue since his power does basically one - wait a minute, what constitutes a signature move for hagukure? just like with the physical exam, I have questions about how a static Quirk that doesn't enhance or grant any active abilities interacts with this and don't think I can expect them to be answered : / -- …if hagukure was secretly also able to throw her voice that would be amazing -- random thought: melissa's gauntlets are the #1 thing from the first movie that I wish would show up in the show but definitely (?) won't. #2 is hagukure's rock-paper-scissors signs
you already have ultimate moves, Deku. : / you just stole them from All Might. and in theory, you should eventually be able to do that stuff without breaking your arms? in theory?
"I thought about doing a lightning sword or something" …Kaminari, if you learn to do that without going saitama-face, and stop palling around with mineta, you just might go up a tier or two
("teaching for dummies") 'XD well at least he's making an honest effort?
"if there was some sort of brace that could support the movement of my arms…" IF ONLY, HUH. IF ONLY SOMEONE COULD INVENT SOME KIND OF PROTECTIVE GEAR FOR YOUR ARMS. IT'D BE AMAZING IF SOMEONE LIKE THAT EXISTED, HUH???
: | I was looking forward to seeing Mei again, but now it looks like she's here to enable uraraka's… whatever-this-is nonsense (I don't think it's tsundere? just regular pointless denial?). well, long as she's also here to do cool gadgeteer shit -- "I'm the guy you used as a billboard during the tournament!" hehe. good times, good times.
"midoriya, you fight with your fists and fingers, right?" …yeah, he does. kinda weird now that you say it out loud, but that's how he was doing things up to now, just cashing bits in one at a time.
…and hatsume moves down a tier (from wherevertf she was, idk I forgot about her tbh) with the groping : | dangit
mei: "if you want to cool off your legs, why don't you run with your arms?" deku (having an epiphany): "oh yeah… I have LEGS…" -- "it's like…" oh boy, how is he gonna tie microwaves into this one -- (aw we didn't get another wacky metaphor : [ )
"you should have changed your whole look" says the diaper pervert
tokoyami how are you this edgy and somehow not cringe
"Armor-Piercing Shot!" some uncharacteristic restraint from God Explosion Murder
we get it kaminari, you got a duel disc
(neutral) goddamn high school romance bullshit
is this other school actually just a police academy. why've they all got cop hats -- Ed! that's who he's reminding me of! Ed from Ed Edd n Eddy
VAMPIRE ALERT. I think. I think that's vampire girl, with Joker's school? she got pointy teef. …I forget whether knife girl has those
touchy guy alert. : / He's grabbing everyone's hands because of something to do with his quirk, I just know it.
…laser tag? no, dodgeball. a combination of the two. weird
"The keys will be teamwork and cooperation, and information gathering" also aim. Aim seems kind of important.
"Shikkui Makabe! Quirk Name: I'm Putting a Rock in This One!" also you sir are a pokemon
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you sir are literally saitama in a wig
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aw, why did you have to save diaper pervert, I was looking forward to seeing less of him
…you madam are… not a vampire, I guess.
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another cowgirl? wonder what they've gone and named this one
…okay Ed is OP, I can't even pick a joke, that was some heckin stuff
(ninja girl's shown up) everybody wants to invade deku's personal space all the time, damn -- …whuh - oh. mimic -- ohhhh so ninja girl's a mimic. well dang, that's powerful -- : | great, we got two nudists in this show and only one of them has the "I'm invisible but we don't have invisible clothing technology" excuse
wait where are her target thingies? she's cheating! …are hagukure's targets on her gloves and shoes? why's this show got to have mineta and nudists in it
an entire school is just the ninja clan hidden in the… uh… it's a straight fucking line and I'm tired, I got nothing. they're all different primary colors, so it's the clan hidden in the teletubby house I guess
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-- you fight like a Kirby boss
it is… irresponsibly late, as usual, so I guess I'm cutting it here
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CYOP - Tutorial Sword
(This one might have some mistakes, because at one point I accidentally copied half of one and pasted it into another, but I think it’s all fixed now...let me know if there are any sets I missed.)
she/her type pronouns: she/her/hers/herself “she was”
“Hey, who’s that Necromancer over there? Do you know ter pronouns? The one with the silver sword and the skeleton dog over by the forge. Do you know where mys got that sword? It looks awesome. Do you think mys’d trade me?”
“Oh, [Name]? [Her] pronouns are [she]/[her]/[hers]/[herself]. And as for the sword, no, I don’t think [she]’d trade you for it. That sword is Sentimental for [her], since it originally belonged to [her] parent, and they got it off a commander they defeated, so no, I don’t think you’ll have any luck convincing [her] to trade it for yours. No one wants one of the standard issue ones, they’re all too impatient and reckless.
“Why do you think you’re the only one who still has theirs? These idiots  say they’re cursed, can you believe it? A sword that can’t be looted, that tells you everything you need to know about this game, and they want nothing to do with it. Most of these idiots get rid of it the first battle they face. If you didn’t know, when you defeat an enemy in battle, you can loot any items from them that you want except for their base layer of clothing, and any Sentimental items. You know how I said [Name] got [her] sword from [her] parent? Yeah, that means it’s Sentimental, and no one is allowed to loot it, since the Sentimental Exemption applies to it. The rules for what can and can’t be Sentimental are pretty complicated, so I won’t go into them now, but that’s also why [Name] has two swords, since everyone has to carry at least one weapon that can be looted. Anyone can carry multiple weapons, but after a while it just becomes cumbersome.
“You don’t get an extra carry slot when you have a Sentimental object, and with the extra weapon you’re required to carry if you have a Sentimental weapon, you end up permanently losing a slot, and especially when it comes to the higher tier battles, every item you bring counts, which is why not a lot of people keep Sentimental items, or at least not Sentimental weapons.” 
“So let me get this right, everyone hates the default swords because they give you a tutorial, but then you’re also going to give me a tutorial?”
“Yeah, because I get paid to tell the new people how things work. Everyone gets rid of their standard issue sword the first chance they get, so they end up not knowing how to do even basic things like bathing or weapon and armour maintenance. So since I decided to keep mine around until I actually knew what I was doing, everyone decided to elect me the official tutorial tutor, since none of the other experienced players have the patience to teach new people. Everyone who survives a battle using techniques or skills I taught them gives me at 10% of any coins they picked up during the fight.”
“Wait, so now I’m going to have to pay you since you’re telling me this? You could have lead with that! That’s not fair!”
“No, no, you’re still Level 1, so you’re exempt. Plus, you still have your sword, so it could teach you anything I can. You’d only have to start paying me once you hit Level 3 if you’d already gotten rid of your sword. You don’t have to worry about paying me as long as you have that sword. The lessons it gives you run out at Level 50, so you can imagine the slack I’m picking up by teaching the people who got rid of their sword during their first fight. Without me, this team wouldn’t have any idea how to do Spells or Techniques or Crafting. I was one of the founding four, and trust me, if I hadn’t had the common sense to keep my sword, this team wouldn’t even exist right now.”
“Wow. So you’ve been doing this for five years?”
“Yep. Almost six, actually, the anniversary is next month on the 2nd.”
“Woah. So, okay, if you know everything, is there a way I can change how my sword looks without getting rid of it? I like the tutorial feature, but it’s really plain looking. I want something dramatic or cool. Or at least I want to change the color, I have my eye on an outfit from the Jareq’s and I want it to match.”
“Well, you’re in luck. Remember our sentimental Necromancer over there?”
“[She]’s our Craftsmaster. [She] can reforge your sword into different shapes and styles, and can dye it different colors for you too. If you’re patient enough, [she]’ll even teach you how to do it yourself. [She]’s always complaining that [she] has to do everything because no one else wants to learn. I think at this point [she]’s literally paying people to become [her] apprentice, just so [she] can have someone to help out with the list of orders.”
“Wait, really?”
“Well, you’d have to ask [her] if that offer is still on, I’ve been too busy with the new recruits to hang out with [her] the last few days. [She]’s friendly, especially towards new people, and [her] skele doesn’t bite anyone that doesn’t threaten [her], so don’t worry about talking to [her] or anything. 
“If you want, I’ll even walk you over and introduce you and ask [her] about reforging your sword. But before we do, you should think of a name for your sword if you haven’t already, you have to give it a name when you reforge it, and it has to be unique. If you open your journal, you can check which names are available, and it’ll suggest some for you if you can’t think of one.”
“Well, I’ve been calling it Chirithy in my head...uh, it’s from a video game, one of the older ones that you played on a cellphone.”
“Well, lets go to your journal and check if that name’s available. It definitely sounds unique so I bet it is--ah, look at that, it is! So we’d better hurry and get your sword reforged now, someone else out there might have the same idea! Trust me when I tell you that when you find a name you want, do not hesitate to claim it. Just don’t. Don’t worry about picking the new form for it yet, you can just reforge it into something quick and basic just to save the name, then you can come back later and choose a more intricate form. Come on, I’ll introduce you!”
“Okay, yeah, let’s go!”
 “Hey, [Name]! Get that forge started back up to five, we need you to reforge a sword quick before the name gets taken!”
“Don’t yell at [her], [she]’ll get mad!”
“Oh, don’t worry kid, this is just what we do. Plus, it takes time to heat the forge to the right temperature, and [she] hates having to wait when [she] could be doing something productive. Trust me, if we waited until we got all the way over there to tell [her] what temperature we need, and then [she] had to stand around and wait for it to get to the right heat even after [she] already knew what [she] was going to make, [she]’d be a lot less happy to help.”
“Oh. Hey, wait a second, do I have to pay [her] to reforge my sword? I only the have fifteen coins the opening fight gave me, and I don’t know what the economy is like yet…”
“[She] usually charges around fifty coins for a reforging to cover the cost of the materials, but this one’s on me. Fifteen coins isn’t a lot, it’s mainly supposed to get you buying things, since the basic gear from Jareq only cost two coins each. While you’re buying the basic armour, you also get to look at all the cooler stuff you can buy later, so you’ll want to get more coins to buy them, so you’ll keep coming back for more fights. And since they release new outfits every other month, you always have a reason to keep coming back.”
“Please take this as a compliment--I can tell you’re the teacher around here.”
“I do take it as a compliment. Thank you!”
“So why are you paying for my sword? I mean, I’m grateful, and I’ll pay you back later, but why? Do you just have a lot of coins?”
“I’ll tell you why. It’s because you’re reforging your standard issue sword. The more you like that thing, the more likely you’ll keep it, and the longer you keep it, the less work there is for me as long as you stick around. You know how I said [Name] is sick of being the only crafter? Well I’m sick of being the only one around here who can or will teach anyone how to do stuff. We need another jack of all trades, and if you’re willing to keep that sword around, you might just become it.”
“So [Name] will pay me to be [her] apprentice, and you’re bribing me to become your apprentice too?”
“Are there any other teachers around here who are willing to pay for students?”
“Oh you better believe it.”
he/him type pronouns: he/him/his/himself “he was”
“Hey, who’s that Necromancer over there? Do you know ter pronouns? The one with the silver sword and the skeleton dog over by the forge. Do you know where mys got that sword? It looks awesome. Do you think mys’d trade me?”
“Oh, [Name]? [His] pronouns are [he]/[him]/[his]/[himself]. And as for the sword, no, I don’t think [he]’d trade you for it. That sword is Sentimental for [him], since it originally belonged to [his] parent, and they got it off a commander they defeated, so no, I don’t think you’ll have any luck convincing [him] to trade it for yours. No one wants one of the standard issue ones, they’re all too impatient and reckless.
“Why do you think you’re the only one who still has theirs? These idiots  say they’re cursed, can you believe it? A sword that can’t be looted, that tells you everything you need to know about this game, and they want nothing to do with it. Most of these idiots get rid of it the first battle they face. If you didn’t know, when you defeat an enemy in battle, you can loot any items from them that you want except for their base layer of clothing, and any Sentimental items. You know how I said [Name] got [his] sword from [his] parent? Yeah, that means it’s Sentimental, and no one is allowed to loot it, since the Sentimental Exemption applies to it. The rules for what can and can’t be Sentimental are pretty complicated, so I won’t go into them now, but that’s also why [Name] has two swords, since everyone has to carry at least one weapon that can be looted. Anyone can carry multiple weapons, but after a while it just becomes cumbersome.
“You don’t get an extra carry slot when you have a Sentimental object, and with the extra weapon you’re required to carry if you have a Sentimental weapon, you end up permanently losing a slot, and especially when it comes to the higher tier battles, every item you bring counts, which is why not a lot of people keep Sentimental items, or at least not Sentimental weapons.” 
“So let me get this right, everyone hates the default swords because they give you a tutorial, but then you’re also going to give me a tutorial?”
“Yeah, because I get paid to tell the new people how things work. Everyone gets rid of their standard issue sword the first chance they get, so they end up not knowing how to do even basic things like bathing or weapon and armour maintenance. So since I decided to keep mine around until I actually knew what I was doing, everyone decided to elect me the official tutorial tutor, since none of the other experienced players have the patience to teach new people. Everyone who survives a battle using techniques or skills I taught them gives me at 10% of any coins they picked up during the fight.”
“Wait, so now I’m going to have to pay you since you’re telling me this? You could have lead with that! That’s not fair!”
“No, no, you’re still level 1, so you’re exempt. Plus, you still have your sword, so it could teach you anything I can. You’d only have to start paying me once you hit level 3 if you’d already gotten rid of your sword. You don’t have to worry about paying me as long as you have that sword. The lessons it gives you run out at level 50, so you can imagine the slack I’m picking up by teaching the people who got rid of their sword during their first fight. Without me, this team wouldn’t have any idea how to do Spells or Techniques or Crafting. I was one of the founding four, and trust me, if I hadn’t had the common sense to keep my sword, this team wouldn’t even exist right now.”
“Wow. So you’ve been doing this for five years?”
“Yep. Almost six, actually, the anniversary is next month on the 2nd.”
“Woah. So, okay, if you know everything, is there a way I can change how my sword looks without getting rid of it? I like the tutorial feature, but it’s really plain looking. I want something dramatic or cool. Or at least I want to change the color, I have my eye on an outfit from the Jareq’s and I want it to match.”
“Well, you’re in luck. Remember our sentimental Necromancer over there?”
“[He]’s our Craftsmaster. [He] can reforge your sword into different shapes and styles, and can dye it different colors for you too. If you’re patient enough, [he]’ll even teach you how to do it yourself. [He]’s always complaining that [he] has to do everything because no one else wants to learn. I think at this point [he]’s literally paying people to become [his] apprentice, just so [he] can have someone to help out with the list of orders.”
“Wait, really?”
“Well, you’d have to ask [him] if that offer is still on, I’ve been too busy with the new recruits to hang out with [him] the last few days. [He]’s friendly, especially towards new people, and [his] skele doesn’t bite anyone that doesn’t threaten [him], so don’t worry about talking to [him] or anything. 
“If you want, I’ll even walk you over and introduce you and ask [him] about reforging your sword. But before we do, you should think of a name for your sword if you haven’t already, you have to give it a name when you reforge it, and it has to be unique. If you open your journal, you can check which names are available, and it’ll suggest some for you if you can’t think of one.”
“Well, I’ve been calling it Chirithy in my head...uh, it’s from a video game, one of the older ones that you played on a cellphone.”
“Well, lets go to your journal and check if that name’s available. It definitely sounds unique so I bet it is--ah, look at that, it is! So we’d better hurry and get your sword reforged now, someone else out there might have the same idea! Trust me when I tell you that when you find a name you want, do not hesitate to claim it. Just don’t. Don’t worry about picking the new form for it yet, you can just reforge it into something quick and basic just to save the name, then you can come back later and choose a more intricate form. Come on, I’ll introduce you!”
“Okay, yeah, let’s go!”
 “Hey, [Name]! Get that forge started back up to five, we need you to reforge a sword quick before the name gets taken!”
“Don’t yell at [him], [he]’ll get mad!”
“Oh, don’t worry kid, this is just what we do. Plus, it takes time to heat the forge to the right temperature, and [he] hates having to wait when [he] could be doing something productive. Trust me, if we waited until we got all the way over there to tell [him] what temperature we need, and then [he] had to stand around and wait for it to get to the right heat even after [he] already knew what [he] was going to make, [he]’d be a lot less happy to help.”
“Oh. Hey, wait a second, do I have to pay [him] to reforge my sword? I only the have fifteen coins the opening fight gave me, and I don’t know what the economy is like yet…”
“[He] usually charges around fifty coins for a reforging to cover the cost of the materials, but this one’s on me. Fifteen coins isn’t a lot, it’s mainly supposed to get you buying things, since the basic gear from Jareq only cost two coins each. While you’re buying the basic armour, you also get to look at all the cooler stuff you can buy later, so you’ll want to get more coins to buy them, so you’ll keep coming back for more fights. And since they release new outfits every other month, you always have a reason to keep coming back.”
“Please take this as a compliment--I can tell you’re the teacher around here.”
“I do take it as a compliment. Thank you!”
“So why are you paying for my sword? I mean, I’m grateful, and I’ll pay you back later, but why? Do you just have a lot of coins?”
“I’ll tell you why. It’s because you’re reforging your standard issue sword. The more you like that thing, the more likely you’ll keep it, and the longer you keep it, the less work there is for me as long as you stick around. You know how I said [Name] is sick of being the only crafter? Well I’m sick of being the only one around here who can or will teach anyone how to do stuff. We need another jack of all trades, and if you’re willing to keep that sword around, you might just become it.”
“So [Name] will pay me to be [his] apprentice, and you’re bribing me to become your apprentice too?”
“Are there any other teachers around here who are willing to pay for students?”
“Oh you better believe it.”
they/them type pronouns: they/them/their/theirs/themselves “they were”
“Hey, who’s that Necromancer over there? Do you know ter pronouns? The one with the silver sword and the skeleton dog over by the forge. Do you know where mys got that sword? It looks awesome. Do you think mys’d trade me?”
“Oh, [Name]? [Their] pronouns are [they]/[them]/[their]/[themself]. And as for the sword, no, I don’t think [they]’d trade you for it. That sword is Sentimental for [them], since it originally belonged to [their] parent, and they got it off a commander they defeated, so no, I don’t think you’ll have any luck convincing [them] to trade it for yours. No one wants one of the standard issue ones, they’re all too impatient and reckless.
“Why do you think you’re the only one who still has theirs? These idiots  say they’re cursed, can you believe it? A sword that can’t be looted, that tells you everything you need to know about this game, and they want nothing to do with it. Most of these idiots get rid of it the first battle they face. If you didn’t know, when you defeat an enemy in battle, you can loot any items from them that you want except for their base layer of clothing, and any Sentimental items. You know how I said [Name] got [their] sword from [their] parent? Yeah, that means it’s Sentimental, and no one is allowed to loot it, since the Sentimental Exemption applies to it. The rules for what can and can’t be Sentimental are pretty complicated, so I won’t go into them now, but that’s also why [Name] has two swords, since everyone has to carry at least one weapon that can be looted. Anyone can carry multiple weapons, but after a while it just becomes cumbersome.
“You don’t get an extra carry slot when you have a Sentimental object, and with the extra weapon you’re required to carry if you have a Sentimental weapon, you end up permanently losing a slot, and especially when it comes to the higher tier battles, every item you bring counts, which is why not a lot of people keep Sentimental items, or at least not Sentimental weapons.” 
“So let me get this right, everyone hates the default swords because they give you a tutorial, but then you’re also going to give me a tutorial?”
“Yeah, because I get paid to tell the new people how things work. Everyone gets rid of their standard issue sword the first chance they get, so they end up not knowing how to do even basic things like bathing or weapon and armour maintenance. So since I decided to keep mine around until I actually knew what I was doing, everyone decided to elect me the official tutorial tutor, since none of the other experienced players have the patience to teach new people. Everyone who survives a battle using techniques or skills I taught them gives me at 10% of any coins they picked up during the fight.”
“Wait, so now I’m going to have to pay you since you’re telling me this? You could have lead with that! That’s not fair!”
“No, no, you’re still level 1, so you’re exempt. Plus, you still have your sword, so it could teach you anything I can. You’d only have to start paying me once you hit level 3 if you’d already gotten rid of your sword. You don’t have to worry about paying me as long as you have that sword. The lessons it gives you run out at level 50, so you can imagine the slack I’m picking up by teaching the people who got rid of their sword during their first fight. Without me, this team wouldn’t have any idea how to do Spells or Techniques or Crafting. I was one of the founding four, and trust me, if I hadn’t had the common sense to keep my sword, this team wouldn’t even exist right now.”
“Wow. So you’ve been doing this for five years?”
“Yep. Almost six, actually, the anniversary is next month on the 2nd.”
“Woah. So, okay, if you know everything, is there a way I can change how my sword looks without getting rid of it? I like the tutorial feature, but it’s really plain looking. I want something dramatic or cool. Or at least I want to change the color, I have my eye on an outfit from the Jareq’s and I want it to match.”
“Well, you’re in luck. Remember our sentimental Necromancer over there?”
“[They]’re our Craftsmaster. [They] can reforge your sword into different shapes and styles, and can dye it different colors for you too. If you’re patient enough, [they]’ll even teach you how to do it yourself. [They]’re always complaining that [they] have to do everything because no one else wants to learn. I think at this point [they]’re literally paying people to become [their] apprentice, just so [they] can have someone to help out with the list of orders.”
“Wait, really?”
“Well, you’d have to ask [them] if that offer is still on, I’ve been too busy with the new recruits to hang out with [her] the last few days. [They]’re friendly, especially towards new people, and [their] skele doesn’t bite anyone that doesn’t threaten [them], so don’t worry about talking to [them] or anything. 
“If you want, I’ll even walk you over and introduce you and ask [her] about reforging your sword. But before we do, you should think of a name for your sword if you haven’t already, you have to give it a name when you reforge it, and it has to be unique. If you open your journal, you can check which names are available, and it’ll suggest some for you if you can’t think of one.”
“Well, I’ve been calling it Chirithy in my head...uh, it’s from a video game, one of the older ones that you played on a cellphone.”
“Well, lets go to your journal and check if that name’s available. It definitely sounds unique so I bet it is--ah, look at that, it is! So we’d better hurry and get your sword reforged now, someone else out there might have the same idea! Trust me when I tell you that when you find a name you want, do not hesitate to claim it. Just don’t. Don’t worry about picking the new form for it yet, you can just reforge it into something quick and basic just to save the name, then you can come back later and choose a more intricate form. Come on, I’ll introduce you!”
“Okay, yeah, let’s go!”
 “Hey, [Name]! Get that forge started back up to five, we need you to reforge a sword quick before the name gets taken!”
“Don’t yell at [them], [they]’ll get mad!”
“Oh, don’t worry kid, this is just what we do. Plus, it takes time to heat the forge to the right temperature, and [they] hate having to wait when [they] could be doing something productive. Trust me, if we waited until we got all the way over there to tell [them] what temperature we need, and then [they] had to stand around and wait for it to get to the right heat even after [they] already knew what [they] were going to make, [they]’d be a lot less happy to help.”
“Oh. Hey, wait a second, do I have to pay [them] to reforge my sword? I only the have fifteen coins the opening fight gave me, and I don’t know what the economy is like yet…”
“[They] usually charge around fifty coins for a reforging to cover the cost of the materials, but this one’s on me. Fifteen coins isn’t a lot, it’s mainly supposed to get you buying things, since the basic gear from Jareq only cost two coins each. While you’re buying the basic armour, you also get to look at all the cooler stuff you can buy later, so you’ll want to get more coins to buy them, so you’ll keep coming back for more fights. And since they release new outfits every other month, you always have a reason to keep coming back.”
“Please take this as a compliment--I can tell you’re the teacher around here.”
“I do take it as a compliment. Thank you!”
“So why are you paying for my sword? I mean, I’m grateful, and I’ll pay you back later, but why? Do you just have a lot of coins?”
“I’ll tell you why. It’s because you’re reforging your standard issue sword. The more you like that thing, the more likely you’ll keep it, and the longer you keep it, the less work there is for me as long as you stick around. You know how I said [Name] is sick of being the only crafter? Well I’m sick of being the only one around here who can or will teach anyone how to do stuff. We need another jack of all trades, and if you’re willing to keep that sword around, you might just become it.”
“So [Name] will pay me to be [their] apprentice, and you’re bribing me to become your apprentice too?”
“Are there any other teachers around here who are willing to pay for students?”
“Oh you better believe it.”
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takoyakitenchou · 3 years
masquerade ch.9
If anyone at Totsuki’s 92nd scouting gala a few years ago had told Souma that he would earn three Michelin stars within three and a half years of graduation, celebrate for all of thirty minutes with his girl best friend, then be dragged by said journalist to Evanston to start prepping for his second restaurant — which had somehow magically been constructed and staffed (again, by said journalist) without him knowing — he would have laughed and passed the recruiter another champagne.
But alas, as fate would have it, he was dozing off on a stool under a recently replaced lightbulb in Origin half a block down from Northwestern U on the waterfront of Lake Michigan when his best friend/relationship counselor walked in wearing her varsity volleyball uniform. She was typing furiously on her phone, an NU pen stuck between her teeth as she expertly maneuvered through the labyrinthine setup of the dining hall. 
“Your posture never ceases to amaze me,” she said through closed lips without looking up.
Souma yawned, got off the stool, and picked up the faulty lightbulb.
Marina finished her email, opened the battered Wildcats duffel bag slipping off her shoulder, dug through neatly folded gear, and spiked a wrapped something at him. “Coach’s Gateau Breton is to die for and I’m betting you haven’t eaten anything today. What the hell is the point of being a god-tier chef if you can’t even make yourself an instant ramen? Basic necessity, Souma. Food and sleep. You do zero of that shit.”
“You noticed?”
“No shit, Sherlock,” she frowned, taking the pen out of her mouth. “You haven’t been in your flat since last week. I bet you’ve been sleeping in the backroom.”
Ah, that was true.
She glanced over the hall. “At least you got all the deco done.”
“No shit, Sherlock,” Souma mimicked.
She rolled her eyes. “We both have a big night ahead,” she reminded him. “I’m going to have to write a shit ton of articles.”
“I’m assuming that’s a friendly warning not to fuck up, right?”
Marina gave an exaggerated gasp. “You know me so well!” Then her expression turned serious. “Is Erina coming?”
Souma paused, the French cake half in his mouth. “Actually, I don’t know. I asked but she hasn’t texted back in a few days.”
“Don’t you have her Google calendar on your phone?”
“Oh, she made me sign out,” he said dejectedly. “Now I have nothing to do on my phone.”
Marina laughed. “Trust me, you should just call her until she picks up.”
“She’ll block me,” Souma pointed out.
“Erina might be a tsundere, but even I know that she’s soft for you, and I have yet to talk to her in person. Girl’s gotta have a limit. She can’t keep up the masquerade forever.”
Souma gestured with the Gateau Breton. “You think that’s true?”
“I know it’s true. Try it out, and if she blocks you I’ll just get you a new phone. But in the meantime, go sleep while I do finishing touches. As your official relationship counselor, I absolutely forbid you to look like a caffeine-dependent brick when the love of your life walks through those doors. AND! I said sleep, not cold storage! You’ve already checked on the fish sixty-four times today.”
It was five minutes into the debut of Origin, and Takumi Aldini figured that Yukihira Souma had never been so nervously excited in his entire life, not even when the investors had agreed to support his first enterprise with Fountainhead. He was practically a goddamn newborn lamb; it didn’t take much brainpower to guess why. Nakiri Erina had texted him earlier when they were getting the house ready for opening, letting him know that she was going to be there and threatening him with a multitude of god tongue-esque punishments should he disappoint her. That text had completely unwound Souma, and try as he might, temporary sous chef Takumi had been unfortunately incapable of getting his best friend’s shit back together until the doors were actually open.
Souma literally went to the front doors to wait for them, to hell with all the inquisitive stares directed his way, but then Erina walked in and barely spared him half a glance before she breezed cooly past him. Takumi swore he saw something shatter inside Souma.
“I read it wrong?” Souma asked as he returned to the kitchen, sounding more annoyed than confused as a hostess seated her, Alice, Hisako, Ryo, and Akira at the best table in the house. 
“Love is hard, bro.”
Takumi gave him a sympathetic shoulder pat and said, “Never said it was easy, bro.”
“Then it wouldn’t be worth it. You’re right, man, let’s do this.”
When the night was over and the journalists had had their fill of his (forced) witty banter, Souma grinned his billion-watt smile and posed for final pictures with Takumi but the only thing on his mind was that lilac-eyed blonde lingering at the front doors. As if she had any right to do so. After ignoring him the entire night, Souma wouldn’t have been surprised if she’d bolted from the place like a damn jet the second she’d finished her food. 
“Night, Yukihira,” Takumi said finally. “You sure you’ll be okay talking to her?”
Souma nodded. “Yeah. Thanks for helping out. Night, Takumi.”
The Italian took his leave with a final wave, and then it was just the two in the restaurant.
Souma took his time changing out of his whites, checking storage, running through ingredient orders for the next week, hoping that by the time he had nothing else to do, she would be long gone.
But alas, it seemed the universe loved screwing around with Yukihira Souma as much as his old man did. Erina approached him as he headed past the dining hall towards the front doors.
“Sup,” he said tersely as he passed her.
“Yukihira,” she began. “You’re ignoring me?”
Souma scoffed, knowing how petty he was being but not really caring, because there was no way in hell he was letting her off so damn easily. “I’m ignoring you? You’re one to talk.” Then whatever half-assed mode of anger had been brewing in his stomach during dinner service dissipated and he gave a long sigh. “Sorry. I’m just tired. But you literally didn’t even say hi.”
“Look, I just wasn’t sure where we stood. I’m sorry about my indiscretion.”
“Yeah, I know,” Souma replied. “It’s fine. How was the food?”
Erina gave a Nakiri-esque roll of her lilac eyes. “I couldn’t tell if I was eating food or your irritation.”
“So it was good, then. The whole face of the chef type shit.”
“Don’t delude yourself.” She squinted at him carefully. “Hey, are we cool, Yukihira?”
“Of course, Nakiri. Since when are we not?”
The god tongue released a repressed sigh of relief, but Souma wasn’t done. He grabbed her by the wrist, closed the distance between them, and kissed her, a lot longer and harder than he should have (to be honest, it shouldn’t have happened at all). Erina’s lips parted for his almost immediately and she started kissing him back, running her fingers up his spine until her hand was at the nape of his neck, the other locked in place by his, but before long they realized what in fuck’s name they were doing and jerked away from each other.
“I’m sorry,” he said, looking anything but. “I just wanted to make sure I remember.”
Erina replied, her cheeks flushed, “Remember what?”
“How to kiss you.”
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mashbits · 4 years
so I’m a tiny small brain who accidentally lost the original request bc I hit post instead of save draft 😭 I’m so sorry
but I got a request for an amazonian female mc with the brothers + undatables, so here it is 👉👈
Obey me boys + an Amazonian MC
Warnings ;; n/a
Fem!MC for this one!
Lucifer 🐺
He probably knew what to expect since he selected you
But w o w
He’s definitely a switch
You’re almost as tall as him, making eye-to-eye talks so much easier
He probably assumes you could take care of yourself for the most part, you look strong
But you’re still human
So he keeps an eye out, subtly staying by your side to keep you safe
Lowkey let him feel your muscles
And also if you compliment him. It will boost his ego
Yes he admires strong people don’t judge him
He keeps his cool most of the time, but if you two get closer
Lord Diavolo help him
Mammon 💸
Lowkey he’d be intimidated at first
But remember this boy is a dumbass who doesn’t know how to fear (mostly)
He’d boast about being your protector and stuff all the time
But in reality you’re the one beating up hoe ass demons for him
If you carry him bridal style he will pass away
Here lies Mammon, his human killed him and he’s okay with that
If you show a lot of skin around him he’ll die even faster
Curse his head in the gutter
If you wanna make him happy you can say he’s your hero/compliment his own strength
Coming from you, he will cry
He loves you a lot okay 😭💞
Leviathan 🕹
Tbh he doesn’t care at first
He’s a shut in, yucky otaku anyways
You may be super tall for a human, really strong, beautiful, big thighs-
No! He has more important things to focus on
Like Ruri-Chan
If you show interest in his likes he’ll be hella tsundere about it
But also really happy 👉👈
You probably remind him of one of his favorite female heroine from a game or anime series
Cosplay said heroine and he will faint on the spot
Pls be the big spoon he really needs the affection
Touch starved b a b y
If you show a lot of skin he’ll get a nose bleed I’m telling you
Satan 📚
Oh he’s read about this before
He’s read a lot about humans and their races, cultures, traditions, etc.
He finds it interesting
He’d want to hear it from the source though
He’ll casually ask you about your family, lowkey eager to learn
Fucking nerd I love him
He’d love to see you stand up to Lucifer
Again, despite your strength, he knows demons are very much more powerful than humans
But he’d have fun seeing you try and beat one up
Who am I kidding you would win
You can see his devilish gears running
Admires you and your strength
Asmodeus 💅🏻
You’re so??? Fucking??? Gorgeous?!!??!
What’s your skin care routine 😭
He’ll want to style your hair and feel your body (non-sexually I swear) and just
A b s
Biceps yes pls
He’d want to have fashion shows with you
Definitely goes out to get custom made clothes to better fit your body and shape
Also to show off your muscles
He’ll want to paint your nails and shit too
Just let this boy admire your beauty sob
Ofc no ones as beautiful as him
But goddamn you’re up there
Beelzebub 🍔
He doesn’t hawk over you like the others
He’s definitely a personality guy overall sobs
But he’ll want to work out with you if you’re okay with that
He likes that you’re strong and capable, but he also likes everything about you
The hugs
Two strong ppl hugging each other
Pure bliss
He’s definitely larger when it comes to muscles
But that doesn’t matter
Pls just cuddle with him and eat together after working out he’ll appreciate it
Belphegor 🛌
Tall and muscular?
His cup of tea
For a new pillow
He’s used to using Beel for naps, so you best be ready for Belphie to cuddle with you
Naps with you are 👌👌
You feel comfy and familiar, it’s a refreshing feeling
Also doesn’t care about looks, but he will admire your beauty
Strong jaws are his weakness don’t @ me
If you’re dating he’ll want to lazy kiss you all over
Big or little spoon he doesn’t care
As long as he gets strong girl naps 😔✊
Diavolo 👑
Again, he also knew what you’d look like before you arrived
But uh
New queen?? Is that you???
Diavolo will compliment you as much as he can
His hugs with you are also top tier I stg
Proud man
He’s happy you’re fitting in with the program, and definitely feels better knowing you can handle yourself
Strong both physically and mentally is sexy
He will get on one knee
Barbatos 🌓
He’s just following Diavolo man
Definitely finds you interesting however
He’s a scrawny demon sobs
He doesn’t actively seek out to interact with you, but he enjoys talking
Okay look maybe he’ll get a crush on you if he sees you at one of Diavolos parties, dressed up where he can see your curves and muscles still
But he’s a butler, a serious man!
Feelings can’t come first
Pls appreciate him he’s doing his best and succeeding
Solomon 🐍
Again, he finds you interesting
Prefers to watch from the sidelines
Shady bitch but we stan
He’ll make sly comments about you and your strength, but smirk cause he’s got the advantage with magic
He refuses to be submissive I swear
So maybe he’s intimidated and doesn’t want to lose his stance
But at the same time he’ll definitely drop in subtle compliments
You’re hot what can I say
He likes a strong woman wink wonk
Simeon 🕊
He’s so sweet wtf
Body doesn’t matter to him either but he admires you so much from your first meeting??
Humans are so fascinating!
He’s just a good boy pls
He’s the dad to your mom
You’re legally married if you adopt Luke and honestly he’s okay with that
Will also compliment you tons but he compliments both beauty and personality
Luke 🐶
B a b y
You don’t adopt him he adopts you
He’ll hide behind you when he’s afraid of a demon
While denying it of course
But he thinks you’re so cool!! You could fight off the bad demons and he’ll laugh
His mom is a badass (but he’s not allowed to swear)
Protect him with your life or I will
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leggomylino · 4 years
Stray Kids Playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons
♪♫ -ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ- ♪♫ -ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ- ♪♫ -ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ- ♪♫
A/n: M.List linked down below! | My very first reaction!!! :D I hope you all enjoy <3
Tag List: @distrikt9​ @hanniiesuckle17 @smolboiseavey (Let me know if you’d like to be added!)
♪♫ -ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ- ♪♫ -ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ- ♪♫ -ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ- ♪♫
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✧ Bang Chan ⇢ STAY Island ✧
Passport Title ⇢ Crisp Ringleader
Okay family
As our ENFJ king Chan would totally have a island that revolved around the others 
Sure he’d have his own space too
But he’d def be one to put up lots of fun camping space and interactive inventions
A cute little barbecue grill on the beach with a wooden table and log benches 🥺🥺 and a picnic area too
I feel like he’d also go out of his way to breed black roses but that may just be me 😂🤷🏻‍♀️
Black and white flowers everywhere, and maybe some red roses too?
He’d also be a generous donator and frequently visit the others to see if anyone needed help with anything
Just stopping by to check in and drop off some hardwood, or iron, maybe even gold 
...That’s a big maybe on the gold cause we all know that stuff ain’t common and if you want Marshal on your island you better have some handy
In addition to this, I think that the generosity would only go so far and he’d be quite the tease too
Running around left and right ratting the others out during pranks and “borrowing” things from the others
“where’d my recipe for gold armor go???”
🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ “idk bro I think I saw Minho running off with it?”
For villagers, he’d have a plethora of the animal kingdom on his island
Anyone is welcome
You get what you get and you don’t throw a fit 🥴
He’d def have mentions of Stay on his island too
And the guys, his squad
A Stay flag and Stray Kids written in the sand somewhere
Maybe vice versa
His character would likely be of similar resemblance but I can totally see him playing with the fun hair colors and face paint 
His wardrobe would consist of similar attire too: black, white, caps, hoodies, and chains 
Y’all AC fans know that one punk outfit with the chains across the bodice? He’d own that
His home is a toss up: on one hand it could be very chill and cozy, but on another I’m seeing workout gear in one corner and iron tables and a TV and radio going, maybe (definitely) a music studio setup (similar to Weber’s home but more hardcore LMAO)
All in all, I think Chan would be a chill/causal player that would be happy to help his friends and community while also playing hard ball once in a while just to mess with everyone 😂♥️
♪♫ -ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ- ♪♫ -ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ- ♪♫ -ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ- ♪♫ 
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✧ Lee Minho ⇢ Soodori Island ✧
Passport Title ⇢ Total Genius
Soodori is a combination of Minho’s cats
Your boy Minho couldn’t resist the ingenious idea
He’d pondered for the longest time which of his precious babies was going to be awarded the title of his island; an impossible decision
Then along comes our creative leader, “why don’t you just use all three?”
Genius!1!1!!1!1 😩✨
On Soodori, you bet all the villagers are cats; if you don’t have pointy ears and a swishing tail, Access Denied 🙅🏻‍♀️
This means you, Han 
Villagers included would consist of Raymond, who may or may not be an island celebrity
And let’s not forget Queen Ankha
But to Minho, all his cat citizens are equally loved and cherished as a valid part of the community
His whole aesthetic would be cats too
That includes a cat cafe
His flag would probably be a paw print 🐾 or his cat’s names, maybe a cute scribbling of their faces
And if you disrespected that, there’d be blood to pay
I can see his character closely resembling him as well, with a little paw print on his cheek? Maybe some whiskers? 
He’d thoroughly enjoy visiting the others islands “if he absolutely had to”
Swipe some goods
And bundle them up to go on the plane out ✈️
For the most part, I see him being more of a hermit on his island that only heads out On Demand
Even then, it’s kind of a toss up: good luck getting him to leave his children behind 
If you’re nice to him, he MIGHT let you come and view the splendor...m a y b e
But you better not touch or take anything 🗿🔥
Shoot, when it came to special visitors, like Redd or K.K., he’d probably try chasing them off
Put those tools to use
There’s more than one way to skin a cat
(Don’t tell him I said that tho 👀💧)
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✧ Seo Changbin ⇢ DARK Island ✧
Passport Title ⇢ Music-Loving Loner
Dark, dark, dark
We all done knew, didn’t we?
Changbin is the KING of darkness
So it goes without saying that his whole island would radiate the stuff, too
It may seem depressing and a little emo at first, but eventually the concept comes off being pretty cool
...In an angsty, Evanescence sort of way
He’d probably be very lost on how to play at first...at first
He’s got Felix and Chan to help him tho, so he’d be breeding black flowers before you know it
Maybe a little gray and navy blue tones to break up the solidarity somewhere
I’m seeing a kind of night sky aesthetic, maybe some astrology furniture???
Look out, Celeste
She’s gonna be running to Big Brother Blathers saying some scary short guy is following her around the woods
Poor Binnie just wants a Starry Sky wall...until he sees how bright it actually is
Then it’s 💯 a fat pass
Binnie would kindly welcome all sorts of villagers while being minorly selective
After all, we can’t break the darkness with some cheery-idol-wannabe villager, or some Judy the anime bear
I can say with utmost certainty at 95% that his whole wardrobe would be black caps and hoodies
Maybe a plain black tee
Some black pants
White or black sneakers 🥴✨
I think he would be pretty intent on building up his island...in particular, collecting all the artifacts and critters for the museum 
He’d work hard but not go crazy or stress about it and still take lots of time to just chill in his deep dark vibes
Maybe get out once in a while to visit Felix and learn a thing or two
Overall, we see through your front, Bin; you may have a dark vibe but you’re really just a small big softie ☺️
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✧ Hwang Hyunjin ⇢ Kkami Island ✧
Passport Title ⇢ Soothing Season
Welcome to Kkami Island, which was almost named something else aesthetically cute like Honeycomb or Applepuff
However, like Minho, Hyun simply couldn’t resist a chance to use his precious baby’s name
On Kkami, life is pretty chill: EXCEPT WHEN ITS SERIOUS 🔥
That’s right folks
This boy may have some vibing days and go at his own pace
But don’t be fooled: he plays to win
Plant those money trees
Enter those QR codes
Carve out those pathways
Where is Blathers we have a donation 😤😤
Hyunjin would be a steady-paced worker bee 🐝 
He’d likely be selective of his villagers and go for cute ones
Possibly top to secondary tier
When it came to games and get togethers, you’d likely find him chasing another member with a net or an axe, in most cases Jisung
“qUiT LEaViNG TrASh oN mY iSLaNd!!1!1!1!” 💢
“DROP THAT DIY!1!1!1!!1”
Let’s see
His whole island aesthetic would be cute and peaceful:
Plants, terrariums, soft sunlight...
There’d be so many flowers!!! Hyunjin would have a whole colorful flower field 🥰🌸
White and wooden furniture in and around the home
An adorable tea and snack time plaza too! And a library!!! 📖✨
Very cozy and sweet ♥️
Though, shoot, if he had the energy, this guy may just build himself a palace... 🏰
Regardless, just look for the boy with the staple headband and likely some face paint to boot
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✧ Han Jisung ⇢ Swag HOT Island ✧
Passport Title ⇢ Trendy Supreme Being 
(Edit: Minho convinced Felix to hack his account and changed this to Untossable Trash)
Ohhh boy
I bet y’all were waiting patiently for this one
Or maybe you jumped right to it
Either way here we go:
Han Jisung would be the king of the trash heap
And by that I mean this guy would save up all his bells and buy himself a crown 👑 where he’d sit atop a throne of garbage
This guy would be yeeting furniture and garbage all over the place
...Okay maybe that was a bit overdramatic 
Maybe not EVERYWHERE...
...It’d be pretty messy tho
He’d probs have traps set up too
You step off the plane and get catapulted into the ocean, if that were a thing
You’d have to navigate and hop around discarded junk for sure
He’d have clothes here, a fan there, a...urinal...on the beach???
.........o k a y ._.💧
Han Jisung wouldn’t be all that competitive when it came to gathering every fruit or collecting all the fish
He doesn’t have the patience for that
He needs to run around and be free, letting his mind wander while wrecking havoc for everyone else; which is also Minnie’s job but we’ll get to that later
For villagers, he’d have at least one squirrel or two (Marshal?! :D) but I’m not so sure it’d really matter...all that much?
I’m not sure he’d even want many villagers at all
He’d be spending most of his time crashing other member’s islands and leaving little surprises like a useless DIY they already have or a fake painting he got roped into buying bc he was too lazy to check if it was genuine =_=
Everyone got sick of it pretty quickly but no one like Minho or Hyunjin; he’s permanently banned from those two locations and Jeongin’s considering adding him to the list next
Despite there being so much junk, his house would have an almost decent vibe: lots of instruments and fun gear, along with some random clothes, a lava lamp, and...another urinal 🗿💧
Seriously, someone get this boy a closet and some coaching in organization
Chan and Changbin are working on hiring Minnie but it’s not going too well; for one he charges too much
Maybe you can talk some sense into him...
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✧ Lee Felix ⇢ YEET Island ✧
Passport Title ⇢ Festive Chum
Okay y’all
Would be
ALL THE FRUITS!!! 🍎🍐🍊🍒🍑🥥
Boy would have a five star island all sorted into perfectly measured categories
An amusement park, a picnic area, a freaking ranch probably 🐮
Some awesome neighborhood for his tier one villagers with a YMCA down the street
A fancy one at that
I mean this boy would have it all
Expect a competitive softie that really just wants to have fun but like
He’s gonna win too lmao
He’s got his Nook Miles program all maxed out
When playing with the others, he comes up with really creative solutions when faced with a crisis
That’s because this smart cookie knows the ins and outs of the game
There was one time where he fenced Jisung in like the creepy Easter bunny and left him for ded oop
That was a bad day for Jisung and a hilarious day for everyone else
He felt bad about it but he also wanted that Subway gift card 🤷🏻‍♀️ 
Each day is a new hair color for Felix
Sometimes every few days or a week
He sometimes likes to synchronize it with his current hair color but
Experimenting is also fun
Face paint too! 🌈 He chooses a warpaint print he found on Pinterest, for days when the gang gets together for a game of tag or bug catching contests
Even if he doesn’t win, Felix always makes it into the Top 3
And he has a lot of fun doing so! 😊
He’s just one heck of a gamer is all
And his whole aesthetic shines brighter than the sun T-T ☀️
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✧ Kim Seungmin ⇢ Seungmin’s Island ✧
Passport Title ⇢ Radiant Boy
Like Felix, Seungmin would be an ace at AC
He wouldn’t get everything right off the bat
But he’d put in a logical tried-and-true effort, and once he got the ropes and found his groove, my oh my
This boy would have it all
Sophistication ✨
Class ✨✨
Flair ✨✨✨
He’s got a plethora of fruit and stylish attire too
And his aesthetic is so simple but chic
He’s got this whole clean and polished vibe
Lots of artwork and creativity
He’s even got traps that look like fancy furniture
Those are mainly for Han Jisung tho
That oughta teach him to quit nosing around and taking his DIYs <_<
One time he tried stealing a few apples for Swag HOT Island
Didn’t go well sis...
He made it to just outside the pier before getting lost in the hedge maze by Cafe Seungmin
After that Seungmin closed him into a corner as punishment and wouldn’t let him out until he dropped the Apple
But Jisung was feeling pretty prideful that day so he ate it instead 🗿💧
This guy would def make a character that looks just like him!
Would he try new hair colors and face paint? ...Maybe
It seems like a sorta-Seungmin thing to do
Seungmin would wanna be the best of the best while still staying true to himself, so you’ll likely see tier one and two villagers that he particularly fancies
Fancy you, fancy me 🥳✨💃🏻🎶
He’d also be one to go around admiring the chaos from the background while occasionally becoming the chaos
Kinda like the Cheshire Cat 😅
When challenging the others to an art contest (who could buy the most expensive artifact from Redd without using the internet) he switched some of the other members paintings while they were distracted by a meteor shower
“Look, a shooting star! And another one!”
“Make a wish.”
“How do I do that?!”
“Tilt your camera towards the sky and press A.”
“I’ve got my camera app open and it’s just taking photos???”
“Not you CAMERA camera—“
“Hey! Chan hyung, Minho just stole my star!!!”
“I didn’t see your NAME on it...”
“Don’t fight, you can each have half!”
“That’s not how it works at all...”
It was pretty comical until Changbin had to say something, about the art that is
Then Minnie had to bounce before the angry shovels and nets caught up to him
“Hey!!! Why is my painting on Minho’s side???”
“Why is everyone attacking me???”
“Oh, Hyunjin has my painting...”
“I do not! ...Oh hey I do? Why’d you put it over here?”
🛫 🏃🏻‍♀️💨
Poor Minnie just wanted to have some fun amongst the confusion 😔
When it gets right down to it, you better believe this boy would be an aesthetic and skillful player ✨
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✧ Yang Jeongin ⇢ Go Away Island ✧
Passport Title ⇢ Mistakingly Caught Son
Go Away Island means just what the title intends: go away :)
Initially, Jeongin was prepared for what he senior members would do
He knew there would be much anticipation to visit the 막��’s island and drive him crazy
Sometimes, he doesn’t mind it
But others he just wants to be left alone and do his own thing
When he started the game, it was one of those days
So he wanted to make the message clear 😤😤
Also, Don’t Bother Me seemed to be too long 🤷🏻‍♀️
Go Away was straight to the point ;D
On Go Away, you’ll encounter lots of cute characters 💓
Innie has a very cute and true-to-himself aesthetic
He doesn’t understand much of the mechanics but he’s working on it okay?
And he’s getting better every day!
Okay, so like, sometimes he’ll allow Chan to come over and help
Or Felix or maybe Seungmin if he promises to be genuine and behave
But like
The rest of the members are semi-banned
Hyunjin gets a pass if he whines enough
Or he’ll come up with a crafty excuse to come over
“Innie, look! I got peaches on my island! Don’t you want one? They’re cute like you! 😩❣️”
...He could do without that last embarrassing remark but okay sure
He really did want those peaches for his picnic garden 😔✊🏻
In terms of hair color? We’re on a rotation like Felix
We’re trying lots of hair colors
And a few aesthetic designs, too!
Jeongin is very resourceful when it comes to QR codes, something Felix and Seungmin taught him
He uses them to set flowers and stones pathways everywhere
And an especially prominent one leading to the door 👉🏻🚪 
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↬ Which island will you be visiting? 🌴✨
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ღ Stray Kids M.List | M.List ღ
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Lost Book of the White Countdown Event - Emotions
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Wistful Future
(Read on Ao3)
The sun was setting over the spires of New York, casting rich orange light onto the city below. Alec sat on the rooftop of the Institute, winding down after a long, heated training session. On the street below, leaves fluttered about as the cool, crisp wind blew around.
“Phew, that was the best training session I’ve had in ages,” Jace said from beside him, stretching his arms above his head. Alec shot him a fond exasperated smile.
“‘Course you’d say that,” he muttered, more tired than anything else.
Jace grinned at him. “I see being a father is taking its toll on you.”
“I slept two hours last night,” Alec admitted with a chaste smile. “It’s difficult but he’s worth it. Max.”
“Must be nice, having a family,” Jace mused, sounding wistful. “I wonder what Clary would think about having kids. I mean, we’ll have to get married first, obviously, otherwise Jocelyn will have my head.”
Jace laughed, but Alec turned his face away at those words. He must’ve noticed, because the laughter died away and he asked,
“Hey, you okay?”
Alec bit his lip consideringly, then blurted out, “I asked Magnus to marry me.”
Jace was silent a moment, then asked, “What did he say?”
A small smile appeared on Alec’s face. “He said yes, of course. But… he wants to wait until the law is changed.”
Jace frowned. “What? What does the law have to do with this?”
“If Magnus and I get married, the Clave won’t recognise the marriage as legal,” Alec explained. “I won’t be allowed to bear the runes. Even if we get married, I’ll still be a bachelor in the eyes of the close.” Alec rubbed the bridge of his nose. “I don’t blame Magnus, of course. He just wants the best. It’s just… changing the law will take a while.”
“You want to be the one to change it, don’t you?” Jace put it forward so simply, as if it were just another mundane task, as if it wasn’t the law they were talking about.
“Of course,” Alec said. “I’ve wanted to change it since our vacation, when I realised that the law wasn’t built to protect people like Magnus. We as Shadowhunters are meant to protect, but if that protection doesn’t extend to everyone in this world, then there’s no point in it.”
Jace clapped him on the back. “I’ll help you whatever way I can.”
Alec smiled at him. “I knew you would.”
“So what’s the plan? Are you going to stage a revolt?” Jace asked, leaning towards Alec.
Alec’s eyes widened. “No! No revolt!”
“Then you‘ll infiltrate the Clave’s ranks and pull the stupid law apart?”
Alec blinked. “Something like that.”
Jace grinned. “Great. You’re next in line for Head of Institute anyway. You can-“
“No,” Alec said. “As a Head, I can only suggest new laws. The ones capable of changing them are the Council, Consul and the Inquisitor. Consul, I could try after Jia’s term is over. Inquisitor is out of the question - they don’t really have a term, and Dad’s doing well so I doubt they’d replace him anytime soon. Until then, I’ll have to focus on getting a seat on the Council.”
Jace blinked, astonished. “You’ve got all this planned out, don’t you?”
Alec smiled and nodded, his face turned up to the open sky. “I just want to get married to him the way he wants, no matter how long it will take. He’s- I just love him so much, you know?”
Jace shot him a smile. “I know. And Alec?”
“I better be your suggenes.”
“Of course.” Alec grinned at him. “Can you keep it quiet for now, though? It’s not official yet, and I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea.”
Jace shrugged. “Okay. I’ll be able to tell them someday, though. Right?”
“Right.” Alec nodded, and they settled into a comfortable silence.
“You’re awfully quiet today,” Catarina commented.
She was sitting across from Magnus in the living room, her skin a lighter blue than usual and somewhat blurry around the edge - hardly surprising, considering that she was just a projection in the living room. Physically, Catarina was still at that Godforsaken Academy, where the mundanes, Simon included, were to face Ascension in two weeks.
“Just thinking,” Magnus said, waving his hand in a dismissive manner. His other hand was curled around Max, his and Alec’s newfound baby, who was fast asleep in Magnus’s lap.
Catarina frowned. “Please you’re thinking good things. You have a baby now. You can’t do any crazy stuff now-“
“First of all, I wasn’t planning on doing any crazy stuff,” Magnus protested. “Secondly, I was thinking of something else entirely. It’s just-“ Magnus bit his lip, then blurted out, “Alec asked me to marry him.”
Catarina’s eyes grew very wide and she nearly dropped her teacup. “What did you say?!”
“Yes, obviously, but…” Magnus hesitated, then continued, “I told him I wanted to wait for the law to change. I don’t want the Clave to see him as lesser because he’s married to me, and because their law doesn’t recognise our marriage as real. I just don’t want his life to be difficult because of me.”
Magnus’s voice went very low towards the end, and he heard Catarina sigh.
“Magnus,” she said softly, and he couldn’t help but look at her. Catarina was smiling at him, her teacup dangling between two fingers. “It doesn’t look to me like you’re making his life difficult. It’s the contrary, in fact. Everytime I’ve seen you both together, you looked so happy. Like it was enough just to be at each other’s side.”
“It is,” Magnus said. “It is more than enough. I’d gladly die by his side, if I could. But… I do want to marry him.”
And then, very quietly, he added, “No one’s ever asked me to marry them before.”
“He sure is something, huh?” Catarina said, resting her chin on top of her palm, having discarded her teacup somewhere. “I’m happy for you, Magnus. Really, I am. I hope that damn law gets changed soon.”
Magnus smiled at her. “Me too, Cat. Me too.”
“I’m telling you now,” Catarina said seriously, leaning forward. “I’m your best woman. Don’t let anyone else claim that spot.”
“Don’t you worry,” Magnus said with a grin. “I won’t.”
Catarina smiled, but something must’ve happened on her end because she looked away for a brief moment, then turned back to Magnus and said with a sigh,
“I have to go. Some stupid Shadowhunter decided to hurl a mace into the wall in the middle of the night. They’re calling me for damage repair.”
Magnus frowned at that. “Make the walls fuschia while you’re at it.”
Catarina shot him a wry smile. “Fashionable and makes a Shadowhunter mad. You’re really rubbing off on me.”
Magnus grinned. “I have that effect on people.” He blew her a kiss and waved his fingers at her. “I’ll talk to you later, then.”
Catarina waved back, and in the blink of an eye, faded away.
Magnus opened the main door to the apartment and wasn’t surprised to see Alec standing outside, his hand outstretched halfway towards the doorknob.
“Hey,” Alec said, smiling brightly at the sight of him, his eyes lighting up ever so beautifully.
“You’re here early,” Magnus said, leaning against the open door.
Alec shrugged. “Mom let me off today so I could be with Max. Speaking of which, where is he?”
Alec looked over his shoulder, looking for Max, but Magnus stopped him.
“He’s fast asleep,” he said. “Has been for over an hour. I don’t think he’ll wake up for a while.”
“Oh,” Alec said, and his shoulders relaxed. “Okay then.”
He stepped into the house, walking past Magnus, and dumped his bag of weapons in one corner. Magnus watched as Alec took off his gear jacket, hanging it up on a hook in the wall. He walked to him and put his arms around Alec’s waist, nuzzling his face into Alec’s neck.
“Did you have dinner?” Magnus asked.
“Not yet,” Alec said, turning his head into Magnus’s and giving him a chaste kiss on the lips. “I was thinking we could eat together.”
“Of course,” Magnus said with a wide smile. “Whatever you want.”
After a quick dinner of Italian, during which Magnus insisted on lighting candles as they ate simply because he was in a romantic mood, they curled up on the couch, some random movie playing on TV.
“I told Jace about our unofficial engagement,” Alec said, fiddling with one of the buttons on Magnus’s shirt. Magnus looked at him - he was resting his head against Magnus’s shoulder - and said,
“And I told Catarina.” He grinned. “She was very happy to hear the news.”
“So was Jace,” Alec added with a wistful smile. “I keep thinking about it, you know. What I’ll be like, to get married.”
“So do I,” Magnus admitted. “I personally want a three tiered cake with two mini figurines of us on top.”
Alec laughed. “That sounds nice. Maybe we could have one of those big chocolate fountains, too?”
They went back and forth like this for a while, talking about their plausible marriage in hushed tones, their hands intertwined between them. Magnus couldn’t help but remember a time when his life was much different, when his heart was slowly closing to the world no matter how much he didn’t want it to. Until Alec stepped in and stopped that, sending a flood of emotions into his heart, the good and the bad - happiness, want, love, heartbreak, peace, sorrow, and someday, grief. But for now, Magnus pushed away the thoughts of the inevitable grief that would find him, and focused on Alec - Alec here, Alec now, the warmth of his body against Magnus’s as they talked on the couch, his sweet voice tethering him to the mortal world.
Later, when it was late into the night and they were lying together in bed, Alec with his head on Magnus’s chest and arms around each other, Alec asked,
“Where do you want to get married?”
Even as sleep dragged him down, Magnus knew exactly was his answer was.
“The beach,” he said. “My first home was near one. The sound of waves, no matter where, reminds of that place.” He smiled into the dark. “It would be nice to hear the waves and think of something else for a change.”
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Please gearbox I am begging you just change the techspert mod's unique skill... it is so useless with Zane's current skill set at higher levels- and higher levels are when players are mostly going to be using legendary gear
The disparity between class mod usefulness via the unique skills in this game is soooo bad. In bl2 for example I could equip a legendary mod and get +5 in the listed skills the VH already has that I know work and want significantly buffed, because the tier 1 skills on each character were still pretty useful. This game you only get +5 across all listed skills which is fine cuz then u get the unique effect, the obvious draw this time around, but some of them are baaaaad
Tl;dr: I cry but also suggest class mod reworks? That are probably op with the current anointment system but shhh we'll fix that later too. I promise (ʘ‿ʘ✿)
I know it isn't just Zane who needs class mod buffs or reworks (I've seen some pretty bad Amara ones too, I'm sure Fl4k and Moze have some rough mods as well but I have less experience), but as a Zane main with the newest patch, hsgahakwygdiwjdks
Every sntnl build atm already has the drone out constantly without that mod, there's no reason to use it as the skill buffs in this game are not significant enough to warrant it, and the unique skill is useless. The difference between techspert or cold warrior and a mod like Seein Dead or even the executor mod is really sad. Only way the first 2 are viable is if ur playing at early levels and get a lucky or vending machine drop. But u can go to handsome jackpot and get an infinitely better mod there if you've got the dlc cuz the drop rate is incredibly high. I don't get it, those types of mods are basically just filler for the loot pool? Which really shouldn't happen with legendary gear when you have a ton of randomly generated guns for that purpose which is one of the highlights of ur marketing for the game.
If they wanted the mod to be useful for lower level characters who didn't spec into duration skills and don't grind until max level, fine, I guess? But the mod can still be useful for lower level characters AND higher level characters. Maybe change the skill to all of Zane's action skill durations/cooldowns get reset on kill? That'd be an incredible buff and keep the spirit of the mod intact. Hell it'd even buff the barrier since it buffs that trees skills ANYWAY. Srsly tho why it have a zoomer buff if it is a barrier tree mod. I don't get it. It's forcing a very specific playstyle cuz the +3-5 skill buffs are only really useful when u already have 4-5 in a skill outside of, like, brain freeze. If it gave a +5 in every skill like bl2 then I could see using it with zoomer without having to go down under cover but it doesn't soooo u have to get very lucky with the 1 skill u want to use?
Also. Cold Warrior is such a bad mod. I used it a bit after release at level 50 Zane bc I was trying for a cryo Zane and it was okay, but now at 65 with Mayhem 11, it is so bad. Why the random Dots. Zane isn't even supposed to be the elemental character beyond cryo unless I'm missing something Very Important. He had the shock damage when not targeted skill, but then they changed that to cryo (I'm actually a bit salty abt that, shock is great for shields as cryo is not as effective). Regardless he's not the DoT character and giving him a mod that applies random DoTs to frozen enemies is so out of left field. It really feels like a copy of Amara's mods but worse cuz Zane can't buff DoT damage (not that those types of Amara mods aren't Bad themselves, per se, but at least they fit her playstyle and skill set) beyond getting gear that buffs it, but that's trading off potential weapon or AS damage for elemental damage and... No thanks. Not when it's a Random element and not when Zane isn't even supposed to be the DoT character.
Cold Warrior would be a cool (ha) mod if it did other stuff to frozen enemies tho. For example, this is all off the top of my head, not even my job to think about stuff like this:
Allow him to insta freeze enemies using a melee attack with a short cooldown and give him double melee damage to frozen enemies. Give him +25-50% bonus cryo damage/efficiency to all damage dealt with the mod equipped ('oh but 25% damage is outshined by anointments' FUCK YA ANOINTMENTS THEY RUIN BALANCING). Release a free frozen heart nova when Zane is damaged to 50% or lower health that restores health and shields for 25% damage dealt by the nova with a 5-10s cooldown. If you want to keep in spirit with the mod's red text, which honestly I'm starting to think was the main driving factor in the creation of this mod and NOT making Zane a fully realized VH, all cryo damage dealt by Zane has a 15% chance to deal double damage in another random element, with a short cooldown (10s?). Like the hydrafrost gun (I believe that is the one). If ya think that's broken cuz of the current anointments in the game, come join us on the dark side where we advocate for anointment nerfs and character buffs for better balancing of the main game without dlcs.
Anywho, giving that mod Fuckin' Anything creative to buff his skill set instead of tacking on random stuff that has nothing to do with his preexisting skills. That'd be great and it could allow for more builds.
Similarly with the techspert mod, again these are off the top of my head and I literally cannot do testing as I'm not a dev:
Kill Skill: Kills have a 25% chance to refund all AS cooldown and reset all AS duration (least unique but it'd at least stay near to what they wanted the mod to be and would be far more useful during end game as it acts like an actual kill skill- the hexagon can even be Zane's class mod as a tiny icon, it'd be a real cute). As this mod buffs skills in the barrier tree, I'm gonna assume players are using the barrier action skill with this mod: the barrier gains 15% amp damage and amp damage is converted to bonus shock damage. When deployed, the barrier releases a shock nova that drains the shields of enemies near Zane and replenishes his shield by 25% max capacity. The barrier gives Zane 20% bonus reload speed and fire rate (held or not, does not matter). 1x per AS duration, Zane can hold down the barrier deploy key to end his barrier skill and release a cryo nova around it that instantly freezes enemies nearby (so you can throw down ur barrier and use it like a remote bomb for Calm Cool and Collected).
Iunno, some of these prob wouldn't work in practice, but literally anything other than "hey this class mod is Calm Cool and Collected but somehow worse even without the requirements" is good enough for me.
Changes pls :(
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bichlordstories · 3 years
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15: Blood Sport
Sekijiro quickly rushed towards Recovery Girl's recovery room with adrenaline rushing through his veins.
He never seen you like that. Never had he seen you go berserk on someone so harshly. Then again, it was most definitely because nobody was down there to hold you back, to remind you to redirect your fury to a villain.
But you weren't fighting a villain. You were fighting another student.
He burst through the door, expecting to see you, Todoroki and Recovery girl. Instead of just you three, there was two other people.
All Might and Endeavour.
"Sekijiro-san! What are you doing here?" All might asked.
"I came to see my student." Was all Sekijiro said.
Endeavour scowled at All Might, not even sparing Sekijiro a glance. He walked past the two men and stood next to your bed.
Most of the blood was cleaned off, but you were still covered in hints of crimson. Looking over to Todoroki, he was looking a lot better.
Recovery Girl walked between yours and Todoroki's beds and scanned you both, nodding at Todoroki's body. She turned to Endeavour and spoke in a friendly but not condescending tone.
"Your son is completely fine now, his wounds are all closed up."
"Hm." Endeavour grunted in relief.
"He did have a major concussion-"
Endeavour visibly tensed at this as well as All Might and Sekijiro.
"-but that has been fixed with the help of a donor's blood." The older woman waved off with a smile.
"A... donor?" Sekijiro muttered in surprise.
"(Y/n)..." All Might said, catching both Sekijiro's and Endeavour's attention.
"Yes... (L/n)-san here has special blood. Not only do their body reproduce blood at a fast rate, but it has regenerative properties within it." Recovery Girl explained.
Endeavour looked past the woman at your sleeping form.
Only hints of bruises and a large burn scar on your right arm, in fact, it covered your arm all the way to your shoulder. No doubt it was Recovery Girl's doing... but could it also be yours?
"Looks like he's awake! Hello there, young man!"
Endeavour snapped his head towards his own son, who was sitting up.
It was almost as though he wasn't hurt at all.
Once Shoto locked eyes with his father, he glared at the man and turned from him.
"You are looking a lot better young Todoroki!" All Might said proudly.
"Perhaps they will find themself awake soon?" Sekijiro said, referring to you, who was laying in bed.
"I'm not so sure... their blood doesn't work as well on them as it does on others." Recovery girl said.
This surprised the men a bit.
"Aizawa-san's facial fracture was completely healed due to (L/n)-san's blood. However,(L/n)-san's Blood doesn't really work that well on themselves, if at all. It's as though they're immune to the regeneration the blood provides." Recovery Girl explained.
The elderly woman walked over to you and slowly pulled the blanket over you, leaving your arms uncovered.
"I'm afraid they'll have to miss the ceremony today." She said.
You missed the reward ceremony, unfortunately.
While All Might had to leave because of the ceremony and Endeavour left because he had no more business in the clinic, Sekijiro stayed with you. Although Recovery Girl was extremely hesitant, she decided to leave due to Sekijiro's request.
"Just press that button right there in case of an emergency. I'll be sure to tell you about the ceremony after, okay?" The elderly woman said.
Sekijiro grunted and stayed in the his seat.
Within an hour or two, Recovery Girl walked back in... with Nezu and Aizawa.
Aizawa has his bandages off completely, leaving just a scar that wasn't really noticeable.
Recovery Girl excuses herself and left the three (four of you count your unconscious body) alone to discuss something.
Vlad King immediately stood up, Boeing a bit to the Chimera that was the principal.
"Principal Nezu." Was all he could say.
What was he supposed to say? He couldn't really defend you much this time, especially since you nearly beaten a kid to death long after he passed out.
Nezu raised a paw as if to say hi and chill out.
"Please, relax Vlad King! I am simply here to discuss (L/n) and your tutoring."
That did not ease the pit in Sekijiro's stomach.
"...I have failed as a teacher, Principal Nezu. This was an error on my behalf." Sekijiro quickly said with a bow in order to shift blame onto himself.
"Well I don't think that. I actually believe you both did a very good job!" Nezu smiles while referring to the two of you.
Sekijiro studied the anthropomorphic rat to see if there were any signs of him joking.
"But, Nezu, sir, they lost control."
"Yes. They did." Nezu replied before leaning in closer.
"In a battle."
As if this rat couldn't confuse Vlad King more...
"Sir, what are you saying?" He asked.
Nezu stood up straight with a wider smile.
"Todoroki and (L/n) were fighting in the first place. And although (L/n) had caused serious injuries, due to their blood and Recovery Girl, Todoroki came out completely fine, if not just a little sore." Nezu clapped his paws together and walked toward your sleeping body.
"People were quickly put at ease by Todoroki's quick recovery... though there is still some skepticism."
Nezu turned back to Sekijiro with an expression that told him he means business.
"While (L/n) was permitted to fight in the sports festival, it still brings some concerns to me." Nezu said.
"Although the reports from you say that they are improving significantly, they still lost control during the battle. Luckily for them, it was a battle, which helps to bring less suspicion to onlookers."
"So... what is it that you want me to do." Sekijiro asked.
"Not just you. Both you and Aizawa." Nezu held a paw out towards the scruffy teacher.
"For the most part, you have been handling (L/n)-san on your own. But with Aizawa, not only will you be able to deactivate their quirk immediately when it gets out of hand, but you'll also have another mind with different ways of teaching them!" Nezu said before his watch went off.
"Oh goodness! Would you look at that! Time for tea!" Nezu exclaimed happily.
"Principal Nezu, Wait-"
But he was already gone.
Aizawa silently stood next to your bed before sighing.
"...how troublesome..."
Sekijiro looked at Aizawa, then back down at you.
"I'm sorry you were wrapped into this." He said in a tired tone.
"I wasn't forced into this, I was the one to propose the idea." Aizawa said, surprising the large pro hero.
"You... want to-"
"Yes, I want to help this kid."
Aizawa walked around the bed to stand next to Sekijiro.
"The kid took down one of my best students, Sekijiro. But they aren't just a meathead like All Might or Endeavour, they have strategy. The only thing that clouds their judgement is their quirk."
The scruffy teacher brought out his phone, texting someone before continuing.
"They may not be my student, but they are a future worth protecting. Otherwise you wouldn't be there for them, would you?" Aizawa stopped and turned to the larger man.
"I guess." Sekijiro said simply.
The two men sat in silence, waiting for you to wake up or for Recovery Girl to return.
The door handle twisted and opened to reveal a couple students from 1B.
"Yo, (L/n)! We're here to-" Tetsutetsu said out loud before he was interrupted by a hand slapping over his mouth.
Kendo apologized to the two teachers and tried dragging Tetsutetsu out, only for Pony to slip past her and wrap her arms around you.
"Pony, no!" Kendo helped out in concern.
Your arm twitched before slowly wrapping around the horned girl's torso. Your eyes were still shut but you were becoming conscious.
"...what are you doing, stupid?" You muttered groggily, unaware of what was happening around you.
Monoma came up to the bed and crossed his arms while looking down at you.
"Damn, you look like shit-" Monoma said before earning a chop from Kendo.
"No swearing, Monoma-san." Sekijiro scolded.
"Only 20!?"
"Seriously? 20?"
"Wait, (L/n) has what now???"
To say the class was disappointed was an understatement. You had less internship offers than Tetsutetsu, and that sorta made the class a little more than exasperated.
"But, they got into 2nd place in the sports festival. In all 3 challenges. They carried class 1B to the finals- why do they have only 20 offers?" Rin asked.
"That's a load of bullshit!" Tetsutetsu yelled.
"Language please." Sekijiro sighed.
While everyone was ranting in some way, you were staring at your clenched hands. You weren't really having a great time today after people on the streets started avoiding you like the plague, which meant you couldn't pet any dogs. This also meant fearful glances from people... but the dogs are more important.
There was also the fact that you weren't getting many offers from heroes... but at least you got some... right?
"Maybe it's because they were too scary for most of heroes watching?" Tokage suggested bluntly with shrugged shoulders.
Everyone's mood slightly dampened at this until the silver haired girl, Reiko, spoke.
"...Maybe they just can't handle (Y/n)'s awesomeness." She said in a blunt, emotionless way.
Immediately, the class started smiling and chuckling.
"Yeah, they're leagues beyond heroes like some chick in a pink Ugandan knuckles costume." Kurorio said with a cheeky grin.
"Yeah, or some other trash-tier hero who's full of himself." Kosei added.
"(L/n) is too cool! So cool, in fact, they give penguins a brain freeze!!!" Tetsutetsu said enthusiastically.
You were taken out of your thoughts and stared at Tetsutetsu as if he was stupid.
Soon, your classmates started making stupid jokes, which brought you back to your usual self.
"...I'm surrounded by idiots." You said out loud as the compliments kept being thrown at you.
"Yeah but we're your idiots." Kosei smirked.
Immediately, you flushed red and told the boy to shut up and go to hell, earning a couple laughs from the guy.
"Alright, that's enough." Sekijiro said, finally done with the banter.
Your classmates settled down as the large man stood up from his own desk and let in a familiar woman with BDSM gear and stuff.
"You will be creating your own hero names. Whatever you put will be the alias you use for your internships, however, Midnight here will be the one to decide whether or not the name you choose is acceptable." Sekijiro passed out boards where you would sign your hero name.
One by one, your classmates signed the names they chose, some having to redo them due to Midnight rejecting the ridiculous names.
You were the last one with a still blank board and the only one with a marker hovering over the board.
There was no way you were going for crimson riot, though It probably would have fit you if it wasn't already in use. You weren't going for something stupid, but nothing downright edgy. You wanted a good name, not some label for a clown.
Unknown to you, the class was waiting on you, some even becoming impatient.
"Dude! Do blood god!" Kosei whispered/yelled to you.
You looked up from your board and narrowed your eyes at the teen.
"The hell? No." You hissed back.
"Yeah, do it!" Kurorio said.
A couple desks away from you, the manga kid kid with the speech bubble for a head, Manga, had the words 'blood for our blood god' written on his face.
"Blood god." Tetsutetsu started.
"Blood god."
"Blood god."
Soon, the whole class started chanting. Your teacher and Midnight didn't even tell the kids to shut up, instead they just watched in amusement as they repeated the words over and over again.
A vein popped out of your neck as you forced the irritation down before scribbling your hero name down with incredible force.
You stalked up to the front with the board slammed it onto the chalkboard, somehow having it stick there.
"There, are you happy!?" You yelled to the class.
Your classmates were silent. And so was your teacher. Midnight looked at the paper before licking her lips seductively and smiling an approving smile.
"I'll accept that."
The class soon broke into cheers, papers being strewn across the floor as Kurorio, Kosei, and Juzo jumped from their seats and hugged each other, jumping up and down while Tetsutetsu cried tears of joy.
The girls and the sensible boys looked on unimpressed or in shock.
You were in awe... at how idiotic this class was. You almost wished Nezu kicked you out of UA. Almost.
Aizawa stopped mid sentence during his teachings and listened along with the rest of his class.
"...Blood god... Blood god... blood god..."
His eye twitched in disbelief and annoyance.
His students looked at each other in confusion, some whispering while others tried their best to ignore it.
The chanting stopped when something banged against the wall and an angry voice said something loudly.
After a couple seconds of quiet, Aizawa muttered something under his breathe loud enough for the students at front to hear.
"...what the hell are they doing..."
All of the sudden, there was cheering.
Cheers of joy, people shifting around and out of their seats next door.
"BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!" A voice exclaimed before the chanting became loud again.
"Blood god, blood god, blood god, blood god-"
"Dicks out for the blood- AHHHHHHH!!!!" Someone screamed.
Aizawa turned towards his door, muttering something under his breathe and walking towards the door.
"Stay here, I'll be right back." Aizawa said and disappeared out the door, leaving the class bewildered, amused, and kinda scared.
Y'all must be wondering who (L/n) is gonna intern with... lets just say a mass majority of you aren't gonna like it.
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@sorrowmarked || smoochie prompts || hehehehehe[this is cut bc it is SUPER FUCKING long. This is literally the longest thing I've written for you I think]
His team has had a couple of practice matches against the soccer club from Ken's school since they both entered high school, in part thanks to Daisuke's friendship with him. Even without any influence from dark gears or things like that Ken has managed to remain an excellent player with a wide reputation.
Daisuke is unknown, of course. There was no soccer club at his middle school, after all, so he wasn't able to play competitively. He stayed on top of fitness training, even adopting some of the rigorous conditioning routine his sister had used for prep after being scouted by a pro team. Still, with no reputation to boost him he had to earn his place on the main lineup when he entered high school.
...Which he's done, really. He's far exceeded anyone's expectations, especially his own. His drive, his vigor, and his honest love for playing have earned him a lot of strong friendships, and apparently also skyrocketed the morale and motivation of his teammates on more than one occasion. They went from a club thought of as 'not bad, but nothing special' to semifinalists at the prefectural tournament all within the course of his first year. They'd lost to Ken's school, in fact, by a single point shave in the last two minutes of the match.
At his school, first years who join the club via application and not recommendation don't play starting positions in tournament matches(common practice, really). Daisuke still managed to distinguish himself, though. When he was played as a starter in practice matches against Ken's school he was usually placed in a midfield winger position. It gave him some flexibility for movement while relying on the one thing the coach and captain already knew he had, which was stamina.
When their first tournament rolled around, he was put in as a substitute for their attacking midfielder. The position was considered the playmaker, as far as team structure. They were responsible for helping to direct the flow of the team's offensive play, connecting the defensive positions to the forward ones and managing the support for the striker, who was the primary goal scorer(and the position he had played in elementary). For Daisuke, it felt like a test, an opportunity and a show of faith all in one, and so he'd pushed himself past his limits to live up to those expectations.
His fierce, quick, and precise play style coupled with his apparently 'freakish' stamina and adaptability in the position have since earned him a place as its starter as well as the team's vice captain in his second year.
When he was ten or twelve, he'd have been gunning for the striker position. It was flashy and considered the really 'cool' position in most formations.
Now, though, he's stopped caring about looking cool. He wants to play his best, he wants to have fun- and he wants the rest of the team to have those things as well. Realizing that his play sense and his technical skill are best suited to that position when those goals are in mind, he's both content with and proud of his current place.
Ken is a striker. And in their practice matches this season his team has, as usual, come out on top(even if it's usually close).
In the prefectural finals this year, Daisuke's team drags Ken's into a lengthy and brutal double overtime- in the pouring rain, no less. Everyone is exhausted, sore, soaked and filthy. Losing momentum, losing cohesion, desperate for a goal just so things will be over.
...Daisuke, though, ignores it. His burning legs, the sharp pain of his overworked lungs, the chafing of his drenched uniform, the slick ground beneath him and the way the water impedes the ball's movement. He puts himself in a mindset as if he were playing a one on one scrimmage against his sister. She's a professional player on a high ranking team in the highest tier women's league of Japan's professional circuit and has even earned a place on its national team.
If Daisuke's stamina is freakish, then Jun's entire spectrum of skill is on the same level as a natural disaster. The ferocity and lack of hesitation she shows on the field would terrify any normal high schooler, boy or girl, and even a lot of capable players from the men's league.
Which means that even a casual match against her demands ignoring his body's pleas for a break and pushing past its screaming to keep playing at his top form no matter how exhausted he is.
That's the extent he exerts himself to in that double overtime. He's in a state where he barely even registers physical sensation because he's so focused. He barely even registers the directional tips he shouts to the other mid and forward positions, and he doesn't register at all the captain calling for everyone to follow Daisuke's lead.
There's a single thought in his head: keep moving. If he stops or even slows down for just a split second, he knows he'll keep losing steam and he won't get it back. He has to barrel forward no matter what until the game is over. He doesn't pay attention to the faces or numbers of the opposing team. He focuses on keeping the ball in play, keeping his body in motion and staying at least aware of where his teammates are, though he doesn't differentiate between them very well.
When he scoops the ball right out of Ken's grasp, turns sharp, rockets past him, he doesn't know that it's Ken. He doesn't try to close the full distance to the goal either. The moment he sees a small gap in the defense he shoots. For the left corner and with every ounce of strength he has left.
The ball hit's the keeper's open palms- and blasts right through them like they're made of paper, making a loud snap sound and spinning against the net. Daisuke watches it sail in, speechless, and slowly he sinks to his hands and knees, well past being completely spent.
His awareness comes back to him gradually in the several seconds both the players and spectators are left in shock to process the split second reversal and upset of a team that made it to the nationals last year. Even the referees take a few second to declare the clean goal. But once they do, everything erupts around him.
He hears it, registers the shouting and the celebration, the exhausted and frustrated but still impressed acceptance of the other team. And he lets himself laugh breathlessly in relief, still completely unaware that he left Ken dizzily in the dust a few moments ago. Right at that second, he's mostly glad he still pre-medicates with his inhaler before any kind of exercise and keeps it on hand as a rescue. He's going to need it.
His teammates, bless them, have the presence of mind not to jump on him the way they would normally. The captain and Ken make sure he's not injured and help him to his feet, and once he confirms he can walk with some support they help him to the sidelines. The teams shake hands, exchange congratulations. Both for a hard earned victory and a well played match despite a loss. The coaches and officials are able to get the attention of the crowd enough to let the players have some breathing room for a few minutes.
Ken informs Daisuke of exactly what he did in those last few seconds while he digs for his inhaler and then takes a long drink from his water bottle. Daisuke is a little shellshocked by it all now that he's properly registering it, but he's happy all the same. He's helped carry his team to nationals, a first time accomplishment for them.
Moreover, he had the time of his life with this match, even as exhausting as it was. The frail little kid he used to be would never believe he could accomplish something like this.
He makes a note to himself to call Jun with the news- this isn't the kind of thing he should relay via text. She'd just drop everything and call him to yell about it anyway.
There isn't a formal locker room building at this field, but there's covered areas around the benches and a lot of the seating. Daisuke and a lot of his teammates take some time to rinse the mud and sweat off of exposed skin, towel off, change into dry shoes from their cleats, put their warmups on to keep from catching cold.
Everything is so hectic that when he finally shoulders his bag and shambles off the grounds a half hour later he's completely forgotten that Hikari was planning to try and be at the match.
So when he sees her he's not really shocked, but he does sort of stare at her for a few seconds, brainless.
She's been his girlfriend for less than three months. Having her so openly focused on him is still a new experience. In general he's really not used to being anybody's first priority. He still pinches himself sometimes to make sure he's not dreaming when Hikari ducks under one of his arms to curl against his side on the train or in front of the television.
Still, he manages a weary smile, and greets her. "I'm glad you managed to make it out," he says, and his voice is hoarse, "I know you weren't sure you'd be able to see the whole game, or even be here at all."
He lifts his neck towel and wipes some lingering rainwater off of his face.
...She's a little flushed, he notes. Wearing a decent raincoat and carrying an umbrella. She's just a bit damp, where he's still pretty drenched. (the moisture and humidity add just a touch of wisp to her hair though, lift it just a little from its usual straight line. It's cute.)
A half suppressed laugh trickles out of her as she looks up at him. Daisuke's not very tall- he's right around average height- but he's strong, filling out a lot as he nears the end of his growth period, so Hikari looks almost tiny next to him now. (She certainly feels delicate when he hugs her)
Her eyes are shimmering. It's easy to see she's feeling pretty emotional right now, and she still hasn't said anything. Daisuke rifles a hand through his hair awkwardly.
"...Uh...Hikari-chan?" He asks, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," she blurts, beaming, "Sorry. You were just- you were incredible out there. I think you left everyone there starstruck."
"O-oh," he feels himself flush, "Y'think? Those last few minutes I was running on autopilot, so I wasn't really-"
The rest of whatever rambling he was launching into freezes and catches in his throat. If real life came with record scratches or freeze frames, this would be one of those moments.
She's usually the one to kiss him first. He's a little shy, still, not completely confident taking the initiative with affection yet.
But this is- she's never jerked him down by the collar before. Certainly not so suddenly and so sharply that he's actually unbalanced and brought in.
It's a hell of a kiss, to be frank. Firm, held out for so long, her hands moving to his shoulders, pulling herself in as close as she can until he has the presence of mind to lift her at the waist and kiss back.
He's outright dizzy when she finally lets him break away for air, and Hikari is flushed and beaming.
"Uh," he fumbles, "Oh, uh. Okay."
She peppers his face with short, sweet little pecks until he's laughing, and then she hugs him tight.
"I know how hard you worked to get here," She murmurs, "I'm so proud of you. Congratulations, Daisuke."
He tenses just a little in response. Hearing this kind of praise from anyone is always a bit of a tearjerker for him, but from Hikari it's a million times more significant.
"Yeah," He breathes, setting her down and holding his hand out for the umbrella. "...Let's get to the station, though. I want to get somewhere I can change into dry clothes. And then maybe pass out for a couple of hours. I'm beat."
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Bread’s Game Journal 08/14/20: The Shadowlands Pre-Patch Seems....Incredible.
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So, holy crap, The World of Warcraft Shadowlands pre-patch seems like a huge change to the game in a lot of ways, some big some small, but all of them pretty damn incredible!  There’s plenty of places you can go to get all the information on this thing in a way that’s far more explanatory and concise than my rantings, so i’ll for the most part just run down the things that excite me the most about it!  Without further ado:
- The Level Squish :
So we all knew the level squish resetting the level cap back to the games original 60 was coming, but did we know it was a part of the pre-patch?  Because I sure as hell didn’t!  I’m absolutely ecstatic, as someone who really loves the leveling process, that leveling a new character will finally be a manageable and semi breezy task.  No more will I have to dread certain outdated expansions being done in a hard line sequential order.  I’ll no longer need to worry that it’ll take me up to 60 hours, even with Heirlooms, just to get my new character up to the games newest content!  The level squish is so long over due that I almost can’t believe it’s actually happening.
- Chromie Time:
Chromie Time, on the other hand, is something I’ve desperately wished for for years now, and the fact it’s actually happening is astounding!  Essentially, instead of a linear path through all the old expansions, often outpacing all of them in very annoying ways, you can just pick to do whichever one you want!  Have a fondess for Cataclysm Era Old World?  Level your whole character there!  Want to relive Legions world ending stakes and excellently paced leveling zones?  You’re free to do so!  No more are expansions just pit stops on the way to cap, now they can finally be experienced and appreciated as the things they are, not just shells of the content they once were!  Hell, this will be the first time I’ve ever actually been able to properly play the Mists of Pandaria content, so that alone is huge for me!
- Plague of Undeath 2.0:
I honestly thought it was insane for Blizzard to do this event again with the whole....you know...actual real life plague going on, but damn if my excitement is proving to me why they probably stuck around with it.  I want to see it happen all again.  I want to see the zombies start out slow, not really a threat.  I want to see Stormwind devolve into a horde of the undead, I want to see it get worse and worse every day!  This was all so badass when it happened in BC that the idea of an updated version, one in which you also actually strike back at the zombies by going to Northrend to cut them out at the roots, just sounds about as cool as possible to me now.
- The Removal of Dreanor (and Legion!) Flight Requirements:
Okay this one is small, especially since I am a crazy person who already got Legion and Battle for Azeroth flying.  You know what I didn’t get though?  Warlords of Dreanor flying....and you know what I've desperately wanted for years now?  You guessed it!  Going back and earning flight in Warlords of Dreanor seemed genuinely crazy in 2020, like so much time wasted for a power that doesn’t really do anything for me now, but hot damn am I excited to hear that i’ll just be getting it for free in the Pre-Patch!  I can finally explore some of the weirder areas in Warlords of Dreanor without needing to be constrained by ground mount movement!  This could even be huge for this blog, I love the design of Dreanor so much but I never really wrote about it because it was such an odd outlier or an expansion for me to ever consider getting Screenshots of!
- Transmog Changes:
Another small one, but also another no less cool one!  Starting with the pre patch, everything that isn’t armor earned via Shadowlands itself is fair game on all characters from level 10 onward!  Now there’s still room for improvement here for sure, I don’t see why Blizzard doesn’t open up all armor appearances to all classes, but that’s beside the point a little bit.  I was so sick and tired of being stuck with one look for my characters leveling through older content, and now I can just look like anything I want them to look like within their armor type almost right away!  Finally, my level 10 warlock can throw on tier gear and then get the crap kicked out him by a gnoll!  It’ll look cool, you’ll see!
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wxsuthorn · 4 years
ranking every single asian drama/series/movie that i have ever watched
(this isn’t 100% accurate cuz I’ve decided to include shows that are still airing and they may move up or down on the list once they’ve finished airing. Shows with multiple seasons/spin-offs will be counted as one unless I decided that they’re too different to be in one rank. And lastly, I don’t dislike the shows that are low on the list—unless I explicitly say so—I’ve just watched a shitload of dramas, so don’t attack me if ur fave is at 26 or smth lmao)
I did my best to keep the explanations short and avoid spoilers
1. The Gifted
Are you surprised? Do I even need to explain?
2. HIStory 3: Trapped
Again, should be pretty self-explanatory. The plot? The acting? The tropes? Utter perfection. 
3. 3 Will Be Free
Haha. 3wbf... is 3rd place. It’s just amazing and so criminally underrated. 
4. Until We Meet Again
5. He’s Coming To Me
a GODLY show !!! SO UNDERRATED. Ugh that rooftop scene TT.
6. The Untamed
I know it’s shocking that this isn’t higher up IM SORRY OKAY but this show was so good i cried so much lksjlfjdsfdjlkf GOD TIER.
7. Theory of Love
G O D L Y. It has the best scenes that just punch you in the gut and make you cry while you think about them at night.
8. Great Men Academy
WHY DOES NO ONE TALK ABOUT THIS SHOW. anyways i would die for tangmo.
9. Cherry Magic
MY FAVOURITE ON AIR SHOW. It’s so fucking good and it’s sooooo relatable and cute and fun and just GOOD. Ugh it’s a whole blessing. Literally the concept is also just amazing, plus the representation is actually accurate?? LIKE ITS SO RELATABLE JLSJFKJKJKD AND REAL. AND THE CHARACTERS ARE SO KLJLKFJDLKJLSKJD.
10. I Told Sunset About You
THE SETS ARE SO PRETTY. THE VISUALS. ASTOUNDING. THE ACTING KSLJFKJLDF. It exceeded my expectations holy crap and the chinese culture incorporated into it feels so nice and genuine. literally i watched some of it today before my chinese class lmao. OMG AND THE OST.
11. Mr. Heart
ugh this show stole my heart (pun intended).
12. Dark Blue Kiss
13. Oxygen
14. 2gether
would’ve been higher if it werent for the last two episodes of the show, but still2gether redeemed it quite a bit.
15. HIStory 2: Crossing The Line
16. Where Your Eyes Linger
17. HIStory 2: Right or Wrong
it’s so soft and at first i was so hesitant to watch it with the age gap but it was surprisingly like really healthy? and like the mom with the fruit knife?
18. Love By Chance
IM SORRY I PUT THIS SO LOW its just that klano and tumtar were not my cup of tea and i watched it mostly for aepete only for them to be apart at the end of season 1. I like season 2 but this time i only have tincan...
19. Gameboys
okay i was going to put this way higher because ITS SO FUCKING GOOD LITERALLY but then again i felt more impressed/attached to the ones above... BUT LITERALLY PEARL AND CAIREEL ARE JUST SDLSJDFSKDFL THE BEST.
20. Sotus
If i could put multiple shows in one rank i would but ive decided not too cuz then there would only be 6 ranks with 10 shows in each one... that’s why sotus is so low TT SORRY I LOVE IT BUT I LOVE OTHER SHOWS A LITTLE MORE.
21. 2Moons2
it was enjoyable. I didn’t like the main couple much tho.
22. Red Wine In The Dark Night
omg this movie i really liked it especially the ending it was really symbolic and i really like slight-horror type things. also FLUKE !!!! a KING of acting.
23. Transit Girls
24. My Engineer
don’t get me wrong i love this show BUT it’s yet another engineering concept and i just don’t see it going above the other dramas...
25. Why R U
the plot was messy but the chemistry between the actors saved the entire show.
26. TharnType
I KNOW ITS LOW DONT KILL ME the plot was good but i don’t like how lhong was painted as a misunderstood little boi like HE IS A CRIMINAL DONT GIVE HIM A REDEMPTION ARC AND DONT TRY TO MAKE ME PITY HIM. also the non-con was uncomfy as hell.
27. A Round Trip To Love
THE CINEMATOGRAPHY AND SYMBOLISM ON GOD ISLJFDLJD. i don’t see this movie as like... an example of a healthy relationship... but the story itself is really interesting and the way the characters change yet stay the same is cool.
28. The Shipper
i enjoyed watching it but i dont think i could rewatch it. it was good nonetheless, i don’t regret watching it at all.
29. Together With Me
it’s good. but the side plots/side couples were not it. yihwa is a queen tho.
30. Ingredients
31. The Effect
this show gave me depression but damn the theme was so real. 
32. Guardian
everything was going great until the jin ling dude got a girlfriend and the end happened.
33. History 3: Make Our Days Count
i was spoiled for the ending and it ruined my watching experience TT
34. YYY
i love it
35. Addicted
It was my first bl drama and i really liked it but again the non-con/kidnapping thing makes me uncomfy. also IT WAS DISCONTINUED IM SO SAD SLKDJFLSKJDFKSJD IT ENDED ON A CLIFFHANGER THEN WAS CANCELLED TT
36. Make It Right
fuse took too long to break up with his gf honestly oasflsajdfaldj bUT FRAME AND BOOK.
37. My Gear And Your Gown
CUTE but its another engineering x medical student trope and it’s still airing so i dont have too much of an opinion on it.
38. Pearl Next Door
its still airing (only 2 eps are out as of the time im writing this) and istg if pearlex isnt endgame im suing.
39. Friend Zone
first season was good but season two is gripping me by the throat. 
40. Because Of You 2020
41. The Lover
i only watched the bl cuts but they were cute
42. Lovesick
season one was great but season 2 was too long i skipped so much of it lmao.
43. Puppy Honey
ngl i only watched it for offgun lmao. season one was good and i watched the hets too but season 2 was when i only watched the offgun scenes lmao
44. En Of Love
tossara was my fave cuz they cute and healthy. 
45. As If You Whisper
it was so short but so nice TT.
46. I’m Tee, Me Too 
still airing... kinda pointless?
47. 2 Moons
the acting... oof
48. My Dream
it started out so promising but THE FUCKING ENDING WAS LKSDJFLKS
49. Kiss + Kiss Me Again
I only watched the petekao scenes lmao.
50. History 1: Away From Me
51. History 1: Obsession
52. HIStory 1: My Hero
53. My Day
i dropped it... tell me if i should get back into it cuz i kinda just wasn’t feeling it.
54. Lily Fever
cute wlw but it made no sense?
55. Hotel Stars
sorta dry lmao
56. The Best Twins
i dropped it but thor was epic
57. Reminders
PERTH’S ACTING KSJLFDJL but like what was the point? idk it was kinda frustrating.
58. 2Wish
i honestly don’t even remember what happened lmao
59. The Moment; I Need You
i just couldn’t when the guy faked an od. other than that it was eh. second season was better than the first (idk if it counts as a season tho cuz its so short)
60. Waterboyy (series)
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pixelgrotto · 3 years
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Remixing a tomb plus a highway to hell
Last month I finished DMing Tomb of Annihilation for one of my D&D groups. It’s a campaign that sees heroes adventuring to the land of Chult to stop big bad lich Acererak, who’s made a device known as the Soulmonger that’s emanating a Death Curse and screwing up the world’s resurrection magic. It’s also a spiritual successor to Tomb of Horrors, one of the classic deathtrap dungeons of tabletop RPG history that came about because D&D creator Gary Gygax wanted to screw his players over for opening doors wrong. In short, it’s certainly one of the more memorable adventures for D&D 5e, but the version of Tomb of Annihilation that I ran for my players was actually extremely remixed and hacked apart, as is the case with every official Wizards of the Coast module that I run. 
There were a few reasons for this - my players were coming into this campaign fresh out of Curse of Strahd, and everyone was level 8. One of the players had died early on in Curse of Strahd - in the very first session we played, hilariously enough - and was temporarily sustained by the mists of the Shadowfell only to collapse upon returning to the material plane. With this in mind, I felt that it would be a great twist to have the party venture on a quest of resurrection only to learn that resurrection magic throughout the world had stopped working due to Acererak’s nefarious plans.
Additionally, I wanted to give my players the chance to try out alternate characters if they so desired. In the name of grand ambition, I decided to have my players create two sets of characters, and wove a homebrew story, dubbed “Fiends in Waterdeep,” that would run analogous to and eventually intertwine with Tomb of Annihilation. The first set of characters - consisting of some of the veterans who had survived Curse of Strahd - would investigate the streets of Waterdeep, which was suffering from an invasion of devils and demons that seemed unconnected to Acererark’s dark doings. The second set, consisting of new level 8s, would venture to Chult, the vaguely African-inspired landmass in the south of the Forgotten Realms, to track down the source of the Death Curse. After progressing through seemingly unconnected storylines, at the end of the campaign the disparate plot threads would mesh. The Waterdeep explorers would travel to the Nine Hells only to learn that the fiend invasion was caused by the abduction of the Queen of Hell’s newly born infant - a soul-devouring mass of flesh that could open portals into other worlds with its burps and farts - while the Chult expedition would delve into the jungle to find Acererark, smash the Soulmonger and free the aforementioned child. 
In short, I basically made a complicated D&D adventure even more complicated by layering my own story on top of it and running two campaigns at once. I think I was looking for a challenge, and oh boy, I got one. I probably won’t be undertaking something like this ever again, because it required a lot of planning hurdles on my part. For instance, my players and I usually gamed for about 5-6 hours at most, which meant devoting 2 and a half or 3 hours to both sets of characters. If one battle lasted too long or a social interaction went south, I’d have to adjust this timeframe accordingly, and every DM knows that players will always defy your expectations in one way or another, so there was a lot of improv on the fly to make sure that our sessions stayed well-paced. 
In the name of pacing, I also stripped much of the fat out of Tomb of Annihilation, which is largely composed of a really long hexcrawl. D&D 5e’s hexcrawl exploration and survival rules have never been particularly good, in my opinion, and the rules in the book expect you to roll LOTS of random encounters and deal with stuff like inclement weather, mosquito attacks, hunting, getting lost, etc. I incorporated some of this stuff (the hunting, since we had two rangers in the party), but I pre-rolled all of the random encounters and potential locations the party could go ahead of time, getting rid of some of the ones I didn’t like, and largely handwaved stuff like getting hopelessly lost. Reddit explorations have revealed that by far and large, everyone running this campaign does the same thing - particularly for higher level players trying to get through the jungle without feeling like they’re wasting time. (And from my firsthand experience with Out of the Abyss, there’s nothing worse than going through multiple D&D sessions and feeling like you haven’t accomplished much.)
My approach to streamlining Acererak’s deathtrap lair at the end of the campaign was similar. I skimmed through the entire dungeon with all of its bajillion floors (which could take an average group months to get through) in favor of using the 10 rooms that I liked the most, which was more than enough. Tomb of Annihilation, while probably fairer than Gary Gygax’s Tomb of Horrors, is still in my opinion full of wacky stuff in the final dungeon that just isn’t my cup of tea for D&D, including one trap that can get characters stuck in real-world Victorian London. (Okay, that’s cool on paper, but to actually run it as a DM, especially when your players are in the final hours of their adventure? I’ll pass.)
Additionally, I made Ras Nsi - the warlord-turned-yuan-ti - into more of a developed NPC who was actually willing to help the players slay Acererak. In the book, he’s very much a Darth Maul-type bad guy who looks cool but has a minimum of characterization. This is because Tomb of Annihilation leans into the stereotype that Ras Nsi and the rest of the yuan-ti are all merciless bastards with inscrutable plans, and while this may be fine if you’re familiar with the Conan the Barbarian serpentfolk tropes that inspired the yuan-ti, it’s not great if you’re trying to build a believable world with compelling characters. Much has been written about how Chult stumbles at portraying a fantasy Africa - largely by depicting the characters as foreign saviors and the Chultans as relatively helpless - and while some of this was alleviated in my game by the fact that one player’s character actually was Chultan, I still felt it was necessary to give some of the indigenous races a chance to help undo the curse that, after all, was first and foremost affecting their land.
Switching gears, when it came to the accompanying Fiends in Waterdeep homebrew story, I recycled some material from Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, which I’d previously run for two different groups, and also took inspiration from the Wizards of the Coast module Descent into Avernus. At the time of planning, Descent Into Avernus was the most recent D&D hardcover, and all the reviews I’d read painted it as cool in concept but a major pain in the butt to run in reality. So, I decided to use only the nifty bits - a journey into the first layer of the Nine Hells via Mad Max-style tanks powered by souls - and mixed it with my own tale that was influenced by a profile of Fury, the dragon queen of hell, that I’d read in the third-party 5e supplement Legendary Dragons. It turned into a mildly amusing story about Fury warring against her ex-husband Asmodeus, and the players ended up serving as therapists in what amounted to an interplanar lover’s spat. I’d recently started therapy when I came up with the campaign concept, so this is probably one of those unique instances where real life truly influenced art. And hey, the unpredictable whims of all-powerful, world-shaping deities make for great adventure hooks, and judging by how Greek mythology seems to have re-entered the modern zeitgeist these days (I’m thinking about Hades, one of the most popular indie rougelikes out there, as well as that Netflix series Blood of Zeus) it seems like I was on the nose!
In the end, this two-tiered campaign lasted roughly 70 hours and climaxed with all sets of characters reaching level 10. Acererark’s Soulmonger was smashed, the feud between Fury and Asmodeus smoothed over, and after enduring the eerie mists of the Shadowfell, the hot temperatures of Chult and the flames of Avernus, the story of these motley players - who’d started questing with me back in 2018, and endured a move to online games in the era of COVID - came to a gentle end. I’m a believer in the reality that campaigns don’t necessarily need to last forever, and with real life throwing some of my players (and myself) a few recent curveballs, this seemed like a solid finale point. A consistent campaign running over two years is in many ways a dream for a lot of D&D players and DMs, and I’m glad I got the chance to make it happen.
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