#the amount of times cas and sam and literally everyone have said
sensitivesiren · 5 months
supernatural, in a nutshell: Dean, I'm so sorry, you were right all along - About EVERYTHING.
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angelsdean · 1 year
What bothers me with DeanLisa is that Sam pushes Dean toward Lisa because of something Dean fantasizes about... 40 years earlier. Before the Apocalypse, before knowing angels and God exist, before being tortured 30 years in Hell (and spending 10 years torturing)... Sam, being oblivious, doesn't take any of that into account. Dean has changed too much since he dreamt about this for their relationship to work (I think DeanLisa could have worked if they were both in the same mindstate than s3 but)
yea there are a lot of reasons why deanlisa was never going to really work out in that context. i think if circumstances had been different then maybe. but i just have a lot of issues with deanlisa, they're not my fave and i can't get over how plot device-y they are, but that's an issue with the writing and i don't actually hate lisa as a character or anything. i know a lot of multishippers like deanlisa so i don't wanna step on any toes and i think in fanon, giving them more depth than the narrative ever did helps make them more interesting and complex. but when i'm like putting my analytical hat on and looking at what the text actually does and critiquing what they actually gave us versus what they didn't give us or what they could've done it's well :/ like narratively she, and ben, are presented as this ready made family fantasy and that's about it. that's their sole "function" and lisa never gets much depth or complexity to her character and it's just very :/
i think dean has a huge heart, and i while i def question him showing up out of the blue to move in with a woman he knew collectively maybe 2 weeks out of his life, i do think dean IS the kind of person who "falls in love" a little bit with everyone he meets that treats him with genuine kindness and affection. and i think there are different degrees and shades and intensities to that "love" and it's not always the kind of One True Love definition of love. like he also only spends about 2 - 3 weeks with cassie but says she was his first love. and that love is important and meaningful but also very different from say, his love for cas which gets 12 years to grow. but neither is "better" than the other, they're just different! so like, i think he definitely cared for lisa and loved her in some way, and maybe if, like you said, circumstance had been different, they could have worked out and maybe grown to really love each other deeply. but in the circumstances they were in it always felt a little doomed. (here's a really good post about this).
as much as we can debate whether dean really loved her or not, i think dean would probs Never have sought her out if sam hadn't pushed him toward her w/ is "dying wish" of dean being a happy little suburban man. i don't think dean was thinking abt her all those yrs or holding a torch for her. and dean might've wanted that fantasy family life at one point but yea for dean those dreams were a long time ago. i think by the end of s5 dean doesn't really think that life is in the cards for him anymore.
my reading of the situation is: dean is numb with grief. dean has lost nearly everyone (bobby's still around but that's about it, and they don't seem to be in contact). dean is trying to honor his brother's "dying" wish. except sam isn't actually dead! (i forget who brought this up but i saw it recently and!!!!) sam literally isn't dead when he goes into the cage !!! he's spending eternity being tortured by the devil as far as dean knows. i think that would cause dean a great amount of stress / worry / anguish on top of his grief. i don't think dean would be able to just move on and play happy family forever. so, he's numb, depressed, going through the motions, and holding on to this one (1) thing he now has, this perfect little family. and it's what he should want !! it's what he used to dream about !! but so much has changed. and he cares about lisa, he does. she's great and she's trying to help him. and ben is a great kid and dean loves him too. but it was never going to work, not really, because dean's issues are SO huge and all encompassing at that point AND this life wasn't really his choice. it's not what he would have chosen if sam hadn't nudged him in that direction. he's there, and he's trying, but it's not enough. he's got unresolved hell trauma, unresolved grief, probably constantly thinking abt sam being tortured in hell by the devil after dean very recently spent 40 yrs !! in that place. he's also lost cas, his best friend, who in dean's eyes abandoned him for heaven. based on past and future behavior he's probably also feeling like he doesn't deserve to be alive, possibly is passively suicidal. he's got a lot going on, and of course you don't have to be perfect or have your shit together to be in a relationship, but i don't think dean was in the right place to be in a relationship or to be playing the role of suburban dad and husband. and i think that's kind of the point, i think the narrative wants us to see that friction and see the cracks in the fantasy.
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Episode 55 Transcript: This Episode is Cohosted by Birds
[Context for the title: Throughout the episode, there is a lot of background noise from birds that could not be edited out.]
[intro guitar music]
G: Hello! My name is Grey.
C: And my name is Crystal.
G: And this is Busty Asian Beauties, the Supernatural commentary podcast where I, someone who has seen this show several times-
C: And I, someone who only knows about the show through social media, discuss every single episode of Supernatural from start to finish. Also, we are both Asian.
G: Both Asian! For today's episode, we will be discussing Season 3, Episode 11: "Mystery Spot," written by Jeremy Carver and Emily McLaughlin, directed by Kim Manners.
C: Who is Emily McLaughlin?
G: Let us check.
C: This is the only one that Emily McLaughlin has written, but she was an assistant for a lot of people.
G: Maybe, you know. [laughing] I was gonna say "She's a keeper, but they just can't keep her" [both laughing] because I was- [both laughing]
C: I'm gonna ignore that.
G: Jokes that are completely incomprehensible to anyone but us.
C: Anyone who listens to NCT, which is not me, could also understand that.
G: Yeah. I would say, maybe we should attribute the good parts of this episode to her. Just maybe!
C: Yeah.
G: Yeah.
C: Sure, let's do that.
G: I mean, when has Jeremy Carver ever proven to be a writer that we like? His- oh, no! "Very Supernatural Christmas" was his.
C: Yeah.
G: But "Sin City" was also his, so...
C: Right.
G: Okay, actually, let's look at what his list of episodes are.
C: Yeah, I'm looking right now. Huh. Okay, there's- the ones that I recognize are "In the Beginning," "Death-"
G: Oh, he wrote "Free to be You and Me"!
C: Aww. Yeah, okay, I recognize some of these as good episodes. Like, I feel that I know the general plot of "The Rapture," and I feel like that is pretty good.
G: Yeah, "Free to be You and Me," literally, Dean and Cas go on a date while Sam fights for his fucking life. [C laughs] Love content like that.
C: Yeah. I think "In the Beginning" is probably pretty good- or, okay, by "It's probably pretty good," [laughing] it means I've seen young Mary's face-
G: So real.
C: - and decided it must be a wonderful episode.
G: That is so true. "Sacrifice." Pretty slay.
C: But I guess he is responsible for Cas's transphobia.
G: Oh, yeah! There's also like-
C: Yeah, okay, so he wrote- the thing is, he wrote "Changing Channels," which I know is also a Gabriel episode-
G: Yep.
C: - and is also funny, so I feel like he probably is a good humor writer. So maybe we can attribute some of the good things in this episode to him. Sadly.
G: Yeah. Sadly! Yeah.
C: Sadly.
G: I mean, he was also a showrunner. [laughs]
C: He did make that father of two shave his chest, so like- that's pretty important.
G: Yeah. It's important. I thought he wrote 9.03- or, no, 9.06. "Heaven Can't Wait." But no, that's the other guy. Robert Berens.
C: Oh, yeah. That's a guy.
G: Yeah. [laughs] Lots- I mean, I feel like everyone has an opinion about Robert Berens. But we'll have our opinions when we get to his first episode.
C: In 5 million years, or whatever.
G: Yeah. [laughs] I mean, in 5 million years, I feel like we would have released this episode [laughing] because of how long it takes us to release episodes nowadays.
C: Oh, right. Happy 2023, or honestly, maybe happy 2024 at this point, people. [laughs]
G: Honestly. Happy Year of the... Bunny? Is it the year of the rabbit?
C: God, I don't remember the like, order of the animals.
G: Yeah, I think it's Year of the Rabbit, and I love that I said "Year of the Bunny." Like, that is so cute.
C: Yeah. It literally is the Year of the Bunny. So real.
G: Yeah. [laughs] So I mean, let's get into this episode.
C: Sure!
G: What did you know about it before we watched- before, like, you watched it?
C: A decent amount. I knew it was a time loop episode, that it would open with "Heat of the Moment" by Asia [laughs], which is such a funny band name. And that Dean was gonna to die over and over again, and that it would be the funniest, greatest thing in the world to see. [G laughs] And that one of the deaths involves like, a dog, which I thought was really funny. And then I knew that Gabriel would be responsible, and that he would be doing it to try to get Sam to realize that he can't save Dean. And also that- I thought it was going to be like, I think it was like a month after or something, but it turned out to be 6 months after, when Sam kills Bobby, but Bobby is actually Gabriel. So yeah, those are the things I knew.
G: Yeah. I mean, for me, I, within the last 2 years, watched this episode because I made an AMV to it-
C: Yes.
G: Which I am insanely proud of. I think it's the funniest thing to ever come out of my soul and spirit. It's really good.
C: Yes. I forgot, which 1D song is it?
G: I think it's like, "Live While We're Young." [laughs]
C: Yes.
G: And it's like, a Dean death compilation/Sabriel or Saybriel- however you pronounce it- AMV. Yeah. It's iconic, and I- maybe I should reblog it in BABPod.
C: Yeah! You should.
G: Yeah. In our BABPod Tumblr account. Because that's in my old account that I don't use anymore. [laughs] So like, it's okay. So real.
G: Let's start with the actual episode.
C: Okay. So there is a quick little "Road So Far," where in one of the scenes, it shows them killing Gabriel/the Trickster. And that's the only part that he comes up in the "Road So Far," which I think is good because so many "Road So Far"s just give you like massive spoilers for the episode, so I'm glad they didn't do a whole Gabriel re-run. Yeah, it's just stuff. And then we have the teaser. We have the iconic shot of, you know, Sam's in bed, his eyes are closed, "Heat of the Moment" by Asia starts coming on the radio, and his eyes open. We will see this shot a lot. And, you know, it's a regular old day. Dean's having a good time. Sam says that if he hears this song ever again, he's gonna kill himself. [laughs]
G: Well, first of all, he says, "Dude. Asia?"
C: [laughing] Oh my god, yes, he-
G: "Dude. Asia?" [both laughing]
C: And I paused and laughed for like 5 minutes.
G: So real.
C: Literally. "Dude, Asia? Eww!"
G: I mean, why did they name themselves Asia?
C: I don't know.
G: There's a band named like, Boston, right?
C: Yeah, that feels different, though. Like I'm assuming they're from Boston, are they not?
G: Do you think the Asia guys are Asian? [laughs]
C: No, I looked them up. They- I mean, they could be, but they do not look like it.
G: Oh, it's English rock.
C: Yep. They're an English rock group. They're like, 4 guys. They look sort of like heterosexual Queen or something? [G laughs]
G: So real.
C: Yeah, huh. I don't see anything about why they named their band Asia.
G: Wow. Apparently "Heat of the Moment" is like their first single or something.
C: Mm.
G: Debut album, yeah. Good for them.
C: Good for them.
G: [singing] "Heat of the moment"- it's a good song.
C: Yeah.
G: I mean, it's a good song for what Supernatural uses it as.
C: Yeah. Yeah.
Right, he says, "Dude, Asia?" And then he says if he ever hears the song again, he'll kill himself. He's such a Redditor. God bless.
G: God bless.
C: Yeah, so you know, Dean's in the bathroom. He gargles a lot. All these are things that will happen again because of the time loop.
G: Yeah.
C: And they head out to breakfast, but Dean pulls like, a black bra out of a bag.
G: Okay, okay, pause for a minute. I am concerned by your wording of "he gargles a lot." Is this not normal? [both laugh]
C: I think I just don't really gargle in general.
G: You're so for real.
C: Maybe he's gargling a completely normal amount, and I'm just really bad at my dental care.
G: I think he's trying to piss off Sam, but I think this is like, you know, like when dads gargle?
C: Yes.
G: This is how dads gargle.
C: Okay, is this a dad thing? Are dad's fucking obsessed with mouthwash? My dad is obsessed with mouthwash.
G: I think so.
C: He has like a bottle in the kitchen, [G laughs] so that as soon as he's done eating, he can fucking gargle it at the kitchen sink. It's not even in his bathroom.
G: That's so for real of him. I mean, my dad is also obsessed with gargling. [C laughs] So- And I learned how to gargle, like the back throat gargle, from him. [C laughs] So like, that's a slay.
C: Yeah. So he has this black bra, right? So like, okay, the assumption is that one of his hookups left it behind. Who the fuck gets dressed and forgets their bra? Those things are like $30 at least. Yeah, and Dean makes a joke that's like, "Haha! Is this yours, Sam?" Okay.
G: It's his. That's my hot take. It's Dean's.
C: It's Dean's. It literally is Dean's. Yeah, no, he saw it, and he was like, "Shit, I need to pass this off-" It's Dean's. And they head out to a diner and, like, someone named Mr. Pickett is leaving, and the cashier tells him to drive safely. And then a waitress is talking to some guy named Cal, who looks kind of disheveled, and says that he can't stay unless he order something. And they sit down, and Dean sees that today's special is "Tuesday: Pig in a Poke."
G: Mm-hm.
C: Yeah, which is- Pig in a Poke Tuesday is a semi-reoccurring weekly Supernatural Tumblr thing, right? Like it's no Fingers in My Mouth Friday or anything, but it's still something
G: Yeah. I don't know. I think the only thing this episode, gifset or whatever that I see is, you know, "Yesterday was Tuesday, but today was Tuesday too!" like every Tuesday. So real.
C: That's true. Okay, you know how like, the big, famous version of that post, like- someone who reblogged it has "wincest" in their URL. So whenever I'm checking if a Supernatural blog is safe, I like, search the word "Wincest," and usually, it's safe, but that one post shows up, and I'm like, "Okay." Sad.
G: I mean, I don't follow people anymore. Like, you're either in it, baby, or you're never gonna be in. "It" being my Tumblr following. But there was a time where I really had to like, not even just Wincest, right? [laughs] Because that's the automatic thing you look up to see if you should follow someone. Like, do we like, fundamentally disagree on this one thing. But also, it's like, "Do they like Cas enough?" [both laugh] Like, I literally would look up "Castiel," and if there's like, 5 posts, I'm like, "They don't love Castiel enough. They don't deserve my attention." Or like, I'll look up like Crowley, and if they like Crowley, I wouldn't follow. [laughing] I'm literally so horrible.
C: Oh, god. Yeah, I like when you're at that phase in a fandom where you have so many specific opinions that you have to do like, 10 different checks before you follow someone.
G: Exactly. It's very rewarding.
C: It's really good
G: When you find someone who fits all your boxes and will never disappoint you.
C: Yeah, I think there was a time when I would like, look up "Uncle Sam" and not follow if they call Sam Jack's uncle.
G: I know exactly what you mean. I know exactly what you mean. And I don't think I did this, but I think I did like, some variation of Jack something. I forgot what, but like, I also had very strong opinions about how people talked about Jack, which we will discover in a couple of years.
C: So many years later, yes.
So yeah, Dean orders the special with a side of bacon and coffee. Sam orders a coffee and some pancakes. And they mentioned briefly that they should be hunting down Bela because she has the Colt, but they're currently working on a case about a missing professor named Dexter Hasselback, and the last place that he visited was the Mystery Spot. And they look at a flyer for this tourist attraction, and the back of it is just what goes through my brain every time I have to do math or physics, [G laughs] which is just equations with questions.
G: It's like, "E=mc^2," question mark question mark question mark.
C: E=mc squared? A=pi*r squared? F=whatever the fuck?
G: So real. [both] Yeah.
C: And the tagline of this place is "Where the laws of physics have no meaning." And the waitress, Doris, comes over, and she has some hot sauce on the tray that falls and smashes on the floor. So they go outside. They pass a barking dog. Dean expresses skepticism about this Mystery Spot. They bump into this woman carrying a stack of paper, and as she walks away, Dean like, turns fully around to look at her because I guess she's pretty.
G: Yeah! You guess she's pretty? That's the most passive aggressive thing-
C: I mean, she probably is.
G: We don't see her face that clearly.
C: I don't see her face, yeah.
G: She is the only woman in this episode.
C: Huh. No, but what about Doris? The waitress.
G: Oh, yeah! Yeah, that's true. So I was gonna say "Maybe that warrants a misogyny point," but since there were two women in this episode-
C: Yeah. Two whole women.
G: Two whole women.
C: Yeah.
G: Wait, at this point, have we passed the Bechdel Test ever in Supernatural?
C: Have two... I don't think two women have ever talked to each other in Supernatural.
G: I mean like, what's their name? Jo and Ellen.
C: Oh.
G: Maybe, right.
C: Well, I think when they talked, I feel like Jo's dad usually came up, or other times, Sam and Dean putting her in danger came up.
G: No, but there was this scene where it's like, "I want to hunt, and here's my case." But like, Sam and Dean interrupt, so I don't know if that's-
C: Yeah. I don't know
G: I can't believe, like- this is like- [laughs] When yo- the very, very, very, very bottom of the barrel of like, feminist analysis of media, you know what I mean?
C: Yeah, it's not like, particularly applicable to like, most media analysis, but it's still fun to be like, "They didn't even pass the Bechdel test."
G: Yeah.
C: And yet, sapphicnatural people continue working their asses off-
G: Literally.
C: - and I'm so proud of all of them.
G: Yeah. Exactly. Annamary shippers, on another level. That's all I'll say. Like, the shit I read for Annamary? Insane. Good for them.
C: So they passed by two people like, moving some giant cabinet or something, and one of them is like, "I told you it wouldn't fit," and the other one's like, "What do you want? A Pulitzer?" Which is, I don't understand.
G: A Pulitzer is like, for literature, right? Or like, media?
C: Yeah. So I just don't see how this is relevant to the moving of this cabinet thing. But okay, whatever.
G: The only Pulitzer Prize that I know is like, DAMN. by Kendrick Lamar. Good for him.
C: Oh, yeah. Good for him. I'm trying to remember if I- I feel like I remember books, but I also don't. So I don't.
So they go- So Sam and Dean decide that they're gonna sneak into the Mystery Spot after hours to see what's up. And they do that, and it's just- there's like this hallway with like this black spiral painted onto it that looks like a whole optical version thing, and most of the inside is just like, tables glued to the walls and shit. And then the owner shows up with a gun and is like, "What the fuck are you doing here? Are you stealing from me?" And he is very high-strung and he's yelling a lot. And Dean moves to put the gun down, and the owner shoots him, and he dies.
G: He dies.
C: Hahahaha.
G: There's like, super sad music, and like, I love the progression of like, the first few deaths have super sad music, and then once you come to the goofier deaths, it's like funky music now. And I think that's super fun.
C: Yeah, it's like [singing] "womp womp womp-"
G: Yeah, exactly. I think it's super fun. And also, something that I find super fun as someone who has watched this episode quite recently but not recently enough is that I know what the deaths are gonna be, but I don't know in what order, I don't know when it's gonna come up. I sincerely thought the very first death was Dean getting hit by the car, so like, when he didn't get hit by the car, I was like, "Ooh. I am taken in for one hell of a ride, baby!" Like, I'm so excited. And that's super fun. Guessing which one is gonna be the next death is also super fun.
C: Yeah, that is fun.
And so he's dead. It's great. I love it. It's so good.
Yeah, Sam's so sad. He's like, crying. He's going, "Oh, no, not like this. No, Dean!" Hahahahaha. And then it's the splash screen.
G: Yeah. Splash screen thirty minutes into our discussion. [both laugh]
C: Great. Love it.
G: Love that! Love that.
G: Okay, so we go back to Sam waking up. And he's very confused about everything because it's like, the same. And instead of doing the things that he did yesterday, he just spends pretty much the whole time like, staring at Dean like "What is happening?"
C: Yeah, and okay, like, I watched this with my ex-fiancee, and she brought up that it's fucking stupid that at no point did Sam consider that this might be a psychic dream, especially because things start out exactly the same that day.
G: They do say, like, later that "Isn't this one of your psychic dreams?" And he just straight up says, "No." And I love that. They acknowledge it, and then they just say, "No, it's not" without any explanation whatsoever. I mean, maybe his head doesn't hurt. Like maybe he's not going, "Ouchie! Oww!" and that's why it's not a psychic dream.
C: Yeah, I mean maybe it's just different now that Azazel's dead. Maybe Azazel's sending him dreams from the Empty so he doesn't have the power to make his head hurt anymore. We don't know that. He doesn't know that.
G: Yeah. I mean, I don't know. But they do acknowledge it, just not well, so. Anyway. Yeah. And as Dean gargles, he asks, like, "Are you okay?" And Sam just goes, "I had a weird dream." And then Dean goes, "Clowns or midgets?"
C: I hate everything, and I hope everyone dies.
G: At first, I was like, "Wait, Sam is also afraid of midgets?" [laughs] Because I was like, "He's afraid of clowns." And I thought Dean was talking about something he was afraid of. Which I was- like, I was shocked by this, and then I thought back to the episode with the little people. What was that one called?
C: "Everybody Loves a Clown."
G: Oh yeah, the one we hated so so so much?
C: Yeah.
G: And I was like, "No." And then I realized what the joke was about, and I was like, "I think that's even more horrible."
C: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I hope Dean dies forever and ever, and he will! [G laughs] Thank you.
G: Yeah, but he goes to heaven. RIP.
C: Ugh.
G: He goes to like, fake heaven with like, terrifying ideals of what it means to be in paradise, so it's fine.
C: Yeah. Literally drove for 40 years.
G: [laughs] And people were like [mocking voice], "He didn't drive for 40 years! Like, he just drove for a bit!"
C: [mocking voice] "Time works differently!"
G: [still mocking] "And then Sam showed up!" Yeah. Like, it's okay. Take the fucking L, bro.
C: Yeah.
G: Like, he drove for 40 years.
C: [overlapping] He literally did drive for 40 years. [G laughs]
G: I mean, you can't defend the finale and also complain about it. Like, choose one lane and stick to it. Just be a hater. It's fine.
C: Yeah.
G: Yeah. So they enter the diner, and it's the same, like "Tuesday, pig in a poke," blah blah blah. Wait. What does pig in a poke mean? Is it like hot dogs on a stick?
C: It's like a hot dog, like- I think it's like, in some kind of a bread thing. I'm not actually sure.
G: It's like a corndog situation?
C: Sorry, I just looked up "pig in a poke" on images, and it's literally just pigs in bags, and now I'm really confused. [G laughs]
G: Well. Anyway, Dean, orders his special order. And Sam is like, "I won't have anything.": And Dean continues on, like, "We gotta look for Bela." And Sam is like, "Huh?" And then Sam starts saying like, "Doesn't it feel like this has happened before?" And Dean goes, "Like deja vu." And Sam's like, "No, no, no, like it really did happen before," and [laughs] Dean is like, "Like deja vu." And like, they just keep on going like this, and Sam just literally goes like, "Forget about fucking deja vu, man!" And Dean is like, "How is that not deja vu?" And Sam just like, is about to kill him, which he should. There is a scene in the show, in the episode, where-
C: [laughing] He does!
G: He does kill Dean! [both laughing]
C: Soo good.
G: I was like, "This is such a traumatic experience for him, but I'm having so much."
C: Yeah, I mean, this sucks for Sam. But has he considered that this has brought joy to millions of people around the world, so he should get over it? [G laughs]
G: Yeah, and he should have done it intentionally at least once. I feel like that will be like the kind of crazy shift that you do when you're on a time loop, right?
C: Yeah, right. And I feel like my ex-fiancee mentioned that we could get like a really good character moment where, like, Sam knows that it's going to be reset, so he like, yells at Dean and says a bunch of horrible things that he actually thinks about Dean-
G: Yeah.
C: - and then Dean doesn't remember the next day.
G: Yeah, but it's not that kind of episode, according to Jeremy Carver and Emily McLaughlin.
C: Yeah.
G: RIP. Yeah. Sam catches the hot sauce bottle before it falls, and it's like, "Ooh, good for him. He's so hot." [laughs]
C: His hair looks pretty good this episode.
G: Yeah. I mean, he looks iconic this episode. There's a scene where he like, rips off his shirt, and I wasn't appalled, so, good for him. [laughs] That's so mean! That's such a mean thing to say. I'm so sorry. [C laughs]
But yeah, they go out, and it's the dog, and it's the blonde girl. And Dean is like, "You know, this is crazy for us. 'Dingo ate my baby' crazy. Are you sure it's not psychic?"
C: Yeah. A dingo did eat that woman's baby, though?
G: Wait, what is this in reference to?
C: I think it was like a news story or something. Like in Australia, a dingo, which is like a wild dog thing, ran off with a woman's baby and ate it or something.
G: No, that's so horrible.
C: But people thought it was a really like, memeable sentence or something, I think.
G: Naur...
C: Let me check. I may be talking out of my ass.
G: [laughs] I feel so bad because I just said "naur," and like, you're talking about an Australian story so like, maybe to people, it sounds intention, but it wasn't. I'm so sorry.
C: Yeah, okay. So yeah, it was- Okay, yeah. So this person's actual baby- yeah. Okay, so she claimed that her 9-week-old daughter was taken from like, her tent on a camping trip by a dingo, and people were like, "That's not true." And they tried to convict her of murdering her child, but eventually the case was dismissed or something. They were like, "Yeah, you did not do it. It like, literally was a dingo who took your baby-"
G: Ate your baby? Oh my god.
C: "- and attacked it." Yeah. That must be such a fucking awful experience to go through.
G: Why were they on a camping trip?
C: What? Why did they go on a camping trip?
G: [laughing] This is like the type of shit lawyers would be asking in the courtroom. [deepens voice] "Why did you go on a camping trip with a 9-week-old baby?" That's my lawyer voice. [laughs] It's half an octave lower. Yeah.
So Sam starts saying, like, "No no no, this is way too vivid to be a premonition. And we were at the Mystery Spot, and then-" and then he cuts himself off, and he's all angsty, like he doesn't want to tell Dean that Dean dies. And Dean is like, "What happens?" and he's like [dramatically], "I woke up." [laughs] It's so dramatic! Like, just tell him. And I know he tells him the next day. But like, at this moment, I was like, "You're such a- Like, just tell him."
C: I mean, okay, I guess I get how angsty he is because like this is directly following- Like, the last episode, it ended with Dean telling Sam like, "I just realized that I actually really don't want to die. Can you please help save me?" Right? So like this is a bad- this is a really bad emotional follow-up in Sam's heart.
G: Yeah, I suppose so. That makes sense.
C: Yeah. And also, I think this is- I think the writer's strike happens a little bit after this episode, but I think that originally, "Mystery Spot" was considered as like, the season finale or even this entire show finale in case it got cancelled, which I think is wild.
G: Oh! What do you mean by this? Like at the end of the season, this is the show? Or this is like, the end of it, like, this episode.
C: It's like, the writer's strike happened, and they had a bunch of scripts written, so they had to decide like, how to order it and how to like finish out the season-
G: Oh, okay, got it, got it.
C: So this was considered as a possible-
G: As one of those. Yeah, that's fascinating. Yeah.
So Dean is like, "Okay, let's go to the Mystery Spot right now, where it's crowded." He calls Sam a freak. Love that.
C: So many times.
G: Yeah. And Dean continues walking-
C: Yeah!!!
G: He gets hit by a car, baby!
C: He gets hit by a caaar!!
G: He looks so bad in this scene. Like, I get that he's on the floor dead [C laughing], but he looks so goofy. And it's so funny because it genuinely looks, it does look so goofy, but it's like, you know. Like, it's an emotional scene. Sam is sad! But it does look goofy.
C: It's soo funny. We rewatched it two times.
G: [laughs] You're horrible.
C: We screamed and cheered so loud each time. It was so funny each time.
G: Dean dying is my sports.
C: Yeah.
G: So yeah. I mean, Sam wakes up again in the motel.
C: Yeah, he sure does. And you know, Sam's having a day. When they go to the diner, Sam orders for Dean, and [sighs] Dean says, "Sammy, I get all tingly when you take control like that."
G: Horrible line. I hate it.
C: At this point, are they knowing- do they know who they're catering to? How big is their fanbase at this point?
G: Exactly, that's the deal. I feel like pretty big, and most of them are like that.
C: I feel like they know at this point who they're catering to, and they're like, "Well. Let's throw them a bone."
G: When did the conventions start?
C: Huh.
G: What was the very first one?
C: There's one called like "Jus in Bello convention," right?
G: Yeah, JIBCon. That one is in like, Italy or something.
C: Yeah.
G: And it's like, famous for being the only one with a Jensen-Misha panel [laughing], which I think is so funny. They literally will not let those two men connect.
C: Interesting.
G: It's known as the one con where that happens.
C: Okay, so they did come to Comic-Con in 2007, so yeah, they'd had one of them.
G: This is way before that. This was released 2008. I mean this is way after that.
C: Yeah, yeah. But I guess they wrote this before 2008.
G: Yeah, perhaps.
C: They had like, small cons before that. Are these real? No, wait. This list includes fan conventions. So let me see.
G: Just the ones where Jared Padalecki was in.
C: 2006, okay, the Paley Television Festival, they went there. [G laughs] So that's a con that they went to officially. Aww, Jared Padalecki, he still has early Sam hair in these pictures, and it makes me forget that he's Jared Padalecki! [laughs] Okay. So yeah, they had cons.
G: The Supernatural convention circuit is actually ball-to-the-wall fucking insane if you think about.
C: Oh, definitely.
G: This is the only show that I know that does this on the reg. Like, why is it so intense? And you have people there who show up, and they were like in two episodes.
C: Yeah. It's wild.
G: What goes on?
C: I don't know.
G: Is it like literally just milking money?
C: Oh, definitely.
G: Yeah. I mean, wasn't there like one article where- or maybe like-
C: Yeah, this was an article about how someone-
G: - about how it was just like a-
C: - going to a con.
G: And he was so fucking depressed about it?
C: Yeah, he was like, "Everything felt so dull and sad, and like, the Pamela actress who was in like, two episodes, was there, and everyone was cheering and screaming for her, and all the jokes sucked, and there was no spirit there" or whatever. Yeah, it was a decent article. We have both read it.
I want to know more about like, the marketing directors of Supernatural. 'Cause, like, I feel like the cons, the #SupernaturalFamily hashtag. Like, they put a lot of work into like engineering parasocial relationships between like, the cast and the fanbase. Like, way more than any other show I've seen. And that is fascinating to me. I hope that there's a JSTOR article I can look at about this after the recording.
G: I mean, like, you know how like the #SPNFamily phenomena is very- like, you know, "Always keep fighting," blah blah, blah. And I appreciate the, you know, like the focus on, like, you know, like, building each other up mental health-wise, blah blah blah. Like, I'm not gonna be like, "Oh, that's so funny!" you know? But like, it is like a money-making machine.
C: Yeah.
G: And sometimes I do feel like, "isn't this irresponsible to put this kind of like, I mean, messaging on like something so built on being something commercial?" But you know, I am in fact not a sociologist or whoever studies this.
C: Yeah.
G: I'm just a little guy!
C: Yeah, I should ask the sociologists I know and tell them to write something.
G: I literally should.
C: Remember the J2 fallout? And I would be going on Twitter to see J2's tweets because I thought they were hilarious, and like, you'd see the replies, and these were like, people genuinely heartbroken, being like, "I can't believe this. I always thought you two were like brothers. You were like brothers to me, too," you know, like- wild! 
G: Yeah.
C: Absolutely wild! And like, these are like people experiencing, like, genuine pain and hurt over this.
G: Yeah, exactly. When you put that much emphasis on those aspects of your entertainment, it's gonna have repercussions. And I feel like the J2 fallout, like, on our side, it was absolutely hilarious, so funny-
C: The funniest thing ever.
G: Funniest thing to have ever happened, second only to [both laughing] Misha Collins coming out as straight. But like, for those people, it was horrible!
C: Yeah.
G: And that's not their fault. That was something engineered by like, the marketing, through the marketing of this.
C: Yeah. Right. Sorry to all these people. I hope you find something else fulfilling in your lives.
G: Yeah. I mean, also, if you're listening to this, and you would consider yourself one of the people that we are talking about, like, I don't want you to feel bad. That's not the point.
C: There are real people in your lives who you can become invested in who will actually be invested in you back, and I hope that you can find them and spend time with them.
G: Yeah. Also, there's nothing wrong with having like, normal [C laughs] liking of, I think, like, actors and stuff. I can't think of anyone that I feel that way about, but I mean, many people do it, so it must be normal. Like, there should be like some things, I feel, that you put a line in the sand for where it should be for you, and you know, I hope people find that line for themselves.
C: Yeah. Anyway, what the fuck were we talking about in the episode? [G laughs] Oh, the Wincest line.
G: [laughing] Wait! I just want to say, I read this headline once, where it's like, "With his exorbitant ticket prices and his-" like, exorbitant ticket prices and something about like, how he is as an entertainer, "we are owed Harry Styles's identity."
C: Oh my god.
G: Have you read this? Yeah.
C: I have not. What the fuck?
G: And it's like one of those things where sometimes, it crosses my mind, and I literally get jolted out of my psyche, like, what is this? Who are these people saying this? So yeah. I just remember it, and it's like, "Oh, okay, some people really are like this."
C: Jesus Christ.
G: So like, draw a line in the sand, you guys. Draw a line in the sand.
C: Mm. Well.
C: Anyway, so we're in the diner. [both laughing]
G: It's been an hour! It's been 50 minutes of us recording. What is happening??
C: [laughing] I hate this. But I'm having fun. So... [to themself] Wincest line, "control like this-" [G laughs]
G: [laughing] We were on the Wincest line, and that's what started this? I hate it here.
C: So yeah. So Sam explains that he's in a time loop, like Groundhog Day. And Dean says that this is crazy. Sam predicts the line that he's going to say afterwards. And then Doris comes over and Sam catches the hot sauce because he knew it was gonna fall.
G: Ooh.
He says that, like, for the first time. Because yesterday he was like, "Oh, I just catched it." And now he's like, [deep, serious voice] "I knew it was gonna happen, Dean." [C laughs] He literally says it like that, though. He's so agitated.
C: I mean he saw his brother die twice, I get it. [G laughs] And now he won't believe that he's in grave danger. Like, this is the funniest episode ever, but I guess if we put ourselves in Sam's shoes, we understand why he's so emo about the funniest thing in the world.
G: Yeah. That's true. He's sad for a good reason.
C: Right. And I guess for the people who were watching this for the first time who didn't really know what was going on yet, like, do you think they were actually like, super sad when Dean died that first time?
G: No. I mean, it's akin to him dying in "Faith," you know?
C: Fair. Yeah, it happens like, in the teaser. It's not gonna be permanent.
G: Yeah.
C: Yeah. So Sam explains that in this time loop, Dean dies. Oh, and he also says that Dean has to listen to him because "You owe me that much." Nice. Cool. Interesting happenings.
G: I think that's a reference to what he said last time, right? Like, "I want to be alive," and it's like, "No, you owe me this much because you're dying because-" blah blah blah blah blah blah. You know what I mean. Is that what he's saying by "You owe me this much"?
C: I think so. I think it's like, "You like, made a deal, and it's making me miserable, so you should listen to me." Yeah.
G: Mm-hm.
C: Right. And, you know, Dean finally listens, and he's like, "Okay, like, I don't believe you still, but sure, let's do your thing. We'll try to prevent my death. Whatevs."
G: Yeah. They go out, and they- I don't even know. They go to the- they were supposed to go to the Mystery Spot. So they're walking down the street, and Dean almost gets hit by the car, and he's like, "Wait. Did yesterday- did I get hit by the car?" And Sam was like, "Yeah." And he goes, "And?" [C laughs] And Sam's like, "And what?" And Dean goes, "Did it look cool? Like in the movies?"
C: Yess.
G: Yeah. I love that line, actually.
C: It's a good line. I like it.
G: I feel like that is such a- what's the term? It's so quintessentially Dean that of course he'll think that. Like, "Did it look cool? Like in the movies," like, that's how he's gonna crack that kind of joke in that kind of tense situation, and I love it.
And Sam goes, "You fucking peed yourself." [both laugh] And then Dean was like [whiny], "Of course I did! I was hit by a car! Come on!" And then they continue.
And they're in the Mystery Spot now, and they're like, interviewing the guy. And he's like- the guy- is putting on this very like, "ooh, intrigue!" voice, but Sam is having none of it. He's like, "Oh, are there anything strange that's happening here?" And the guy's like, "Strange? Strange happens all the time!" Like, he's very playing the role. Until Sam, like, straight up just gets mad, like, "Just answer the question!" And the owner is like, "Gimme a break," like, "I bought this place like, at an auction like, last March." And he's like, "Just leave me alone, dude. Like, nothing suspicious is going on here and the police scoured the place, and nothing happened." And Sam was like, super mad, and Dean tells him to "Let's just go out. Let's just go out."
C: Yeah, this guy sort of does suck, though, right? Because he says that he used to sell bail bonds.
G: What does that mean? I have no idea what that means.
C: Right, so it's like- you know, like you go to jail, and it's like-
G: Oh, okay, bail.
C: Yeah. "Oh, you have to appear on trial." Yeah, and it's like, you have to pay a certain amount, and you'll get it back- a percentage of it back- if you come to trial on time. So yeah, he was in charge of that, and I think- Right, and he would be charging the defendant some kind of a fee to like, sign off on it.
G: It's so that you're not in jail, right? Yeah.
C: Yeah. Oh, interesting. It says here that the commercial bail bond system exists only in the United States and the Philippines. [G laughing]
G: Twinning!
C: Yeah. [laughs] Twinning. Great. Love it.
G: Twinning! That was such a- like, when you said Philippines, I was like, "OMG, we're included for once. [C laughs] We're so special."
C: Yeah, I'm glad we both have an atrocious thing.
G: 'Cause usually with things like that, it's like, "It's only in the Vatican and the Philippines." But no, it's the United States. Isn't that so wonderful? [both laughing]
C: Yeah.
G: By the way, the Vatican/Philippines thing is divorce. We don't have divorce here.
C: Yeah, no divorce. Jesus Christ.
G: No divorce, baby! So it's just the Vatican and us.
C: So Dean is like, "Okay, well, the solution here is just for us to make it 24 hours without me dying." And they're walking outside on the road they were at earlier, and Sam's like, "Okay, that's a pretty good idea." And Dean says, "Who wants Chinese?" and then is immediately killed. [both laughing] Soooo true!
G: I knoww! I love this.
C: So correct.
G: Literally- [both laughing]
C: Literally, like, "You wanna eat chao mian? Fucking die."
G: Exactly.
C: Right. The movers from earlier, like, they have this rope, and they're trying to get the cabinet through a window, and the rope snaps, and it falls on Dean, and it's hilarious, and we also watched it three times.
G: I love this stuff. I think it's so much fun. It's so funny. It's so funny. And yeah, that's my take on it.
C: Yup.
G: Literally "Who wants Chinese?" And then a piano falls over your head. [C laughing]
C: Agh, it's great. Best thing ever. And, you know. "Heat of the Moment" again.
C: So yeah, Sam wakes up again, you know.
G: Yeah.
C: It's great.
C: You know. Yeah. What follows is sort of just like, a montage of Dean dying a lot.
G: Yeah! Love it!
C: And it's great. So fun. Best thing in the world. Sorry about all the trauma Sam's accumulating right now.
G: Yeah. [laughing] At first, he chokes on a sausage.
C: I knowww. I know. I know.
G: I love that. I love it because he chokes on a sausage, and then he dies by eating tacos, which is like, excellent bisexual representation, I feel like. [C laughing]
C: Noo, for real! Yeah. Right. It's so, so good. Right. Like Dean's like, "I'm gonna change up this whole time loop thing by ordering sausage instead of bacon," and then he immediately dies for sucking dick.
G: Yeah.
C: It's not even a big bite. Like, you see him bite it. It is not a big bite. He's so weak. He could not deep throat.
G: [at the same time] He has a weak throat game.
C: Yeah.
G: He is not the throat GOAT is all I am saying.
C: I literally said that exact sentence to my ex-fiancee. [G laughs] God.
G: He isn't the throat GOAT. Sorry, guys.
C: Yeah. And then- right, Sam prevents Dean from going to the diner the next day, and then Dean, like, slips in the shower and hits his head. And then, right, they get takeout, they get tacos, and Dean says-
G: He goes, "Does this taco-"
C: "-taste funny to you?"
G: [laughing] "Does this taco taste funny to you?" And then it immediately cuts to Sam waking up, which I think is hilarious. I love that he wasn't even like, "Oh, I have food poisoning, let me vomit." Like, it immediately is just like, "Okay, he dies. Okay. Next death."
C: Next death. Yeah. How bad- like, what do you think was in the taco that could kill Dean within 24 hours?
G: I mean, like, if you get food poisoning, there are some food poisonings that's like, within the hour, right?
C: Oh, really? Huh.
G: I mean, yeah.
C: Didn't know that. That sounds bad.
G: I don't know which ones specifically, so I may be wrong. Not a doctor! [both laugh] To much of my parents' disappointment. [both laughing]
C: Yeah.
G: So real. I remember when we started this podcast, and I was like, "I'm gonna become a doctor!" Oh my god. Young Grey was so hopeful.
C: Did you say that? For real?
G: I think I really did say, "I'm gonna become a doctor" in the podcast.
C: God, that's hilarious.
G: I think I said, "I may or may not become a doctor." And then that changed.
C: Yeah. Currently, we've promised the listeners that you're gonna be a lawyer, right?
G: I know. Yeah.
C: Yeah. Let's see how that one goes.
And then in the next scene, Dean gets electrocuted by like, plugging in his razor to the wall.
G: Yeah, and it's a funny scene, too. The electrocution is pretty funny.
C: It is pretty funny. The like, special effects team did a really good job this episode at like, making things very comedic.
G: Yeah! So real.
C: [laughing] And then we have a scene where [G laughs] Sam has gone a little off the rails. They have duct-taped and tied up the owner of the Mystery Spot, and Sam's like, hacking the walls open with an axe. And then Dean's telling Sam to calm down, and then, like, he goes to like, argue with Sam, and the argument is offscreen, but like, you can hear like, "Hey, stop swinging that axe around. Like, give it to me." "No, give it to me!" And then, like, blood sprays on the tied-up guy's face. [laughs]
G: Yes!
C: Sam literally killed Dean. He murdered that man.
G: He literally did kill Dean. And I love that this is a comedic moment.
C: He manslaughtered that man, but it's still so funny.
G: Manslaughtered or man's laughter? You choose. [C laughing]
I literally laughed as a man, so it was man's laughter.
C: It was man's laughter.
G: It was so funny. Like, I did not remember that this scene happened, and when it happened, I was so shocked. Like, they literally made Sam kill Dean! [C laughs] I was so shocked.
C: And they don't do anything with that! 
G: They- Literally, they were like, "We're not gonna focus on this. We're not going to think about it. It just happened, okay? It's okay."
C: Yeah. God bless.
G: It's literally not okay, though. But like- [laughs] God.
C: Yeah, like Sam remembers all of this.
G: Yeah!
C: Yeah, like, does that not bother him sometimes? Remember when demon!Dean chased Sam around with an axe in the bunker?
G: Yeah, exactly! That's what I was thinking. It's like that, yeah.
C: Right. Was Sam like, "Well."
G: That was his revenge.
C: Yeah. [laughs]
Oh, also- right, no, okay. My ex-fiancee made a joke, and I promised her that I'd put it in, even though she said it wasn't funny, and it was "Dean will never get a reservation at Dorcia now!" So yeah.
G: I have no idea what that means. What's Dorcia?
C: Oh, it's an American Psycho- or is it pronounced door-sha? It's an American Psycho reference because the shot with the axe and the spraying on the face is very similar.
G: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
C: Anyway.
G: So we go to this diner scene, and Sam is genuinely so fucking upset. He's so sad. And he, you know, completely straight-faced. The cashier is like, hands like, Mr. Pickett the key or something-
C: Yeah, it's his car-
G: And Sam swipes it off the guy. And then, you know, it's- there's a man there, and he has like, pancakes and maple syrup. And okay, this guy, the guy who's like, ordering pancakes and maple syrup, he becomes visible this scene. Like, he was- he was in the other scenes, but not as visibly as he is here, and like, for obvious reasons, as we go later in the episode. But I do wish that like- there's like one scene where he passes by someone or something by the camera, and it's very clear. And I wish that they had that at least at the very beginning so there's a sense of like, you know, like, "Ooh, it's that guy." Instead of like, just hammering it in here at the end. Yeah. That's my only complaint. It's okay.
C: Yeah.
G: So Dean orders his food, and Sam is like- and Doris is like, "What do you want, young man?" at Sam. And Sam is like, "You know what I want? What I'd like for you is to log in some more hours at the archery range. You're a terrible shot." [laughs]
C: Yeah, I'm so sad we didn't see the scene where she accidentally kills Dean with an archery bow and arrow! That would be so cool.
G: I know. I like, was scouring my brain like, "When did Doris kill Dean Winchester?" And the answer is, "Not in this episode, she didn't."
C: Yeah. Probably in like, a cut scene for time or something, which is so sad.
G: Yeah. They should have put it in, because I feel like women deserve to [laughing] kill Dean Winchester.
C: I agree.
G: Yeah, so.
C: Especially because he calls her like, "sweetheart" at some point when he- when he orders something. And I don't- like, people seem to be acting like this is just like, diner etiquette in like, fic-
G: Is it?
C: I don't think it is!
G: Yeah, I also don't think it is. But I mean, diner cultures and like, tip culture and stuff like that, like-
C: Hm.
G: Okay, I know we talked about tips before, but I'm gonna ask this. I don't think I asked this before. Is there not a service fee? Like, why- like, if you go to a restaurant and you pay, do they not add like, 8% or something as service fees?
C: For large parties, they will add something as a service fee.
G: Large parties as in a party, or like a group of people.
C: Like, at least- I think it's like, 6 or more or something like that.
G: Oh. Why don't they just do that for everything?
C: I don't know. Because they love paying people below minimum wage.
G: Yeah. Anyway.
Doris is like, "How'd you know that?" And Sam's like, "Lucky guess," and he's so angry and upset. And Dean asks like, "Oh, what's this thing you're in again?" And Sam's like, "Time loop." And he's very upset. He's like, "There's no way to stop it." Dean goes, "Oh, aren't you so grumpy?" And Sam's like, "Yeah, I am. You know why? Because this is the hundredth- hundredth- one hundredth- Tuesday in a row that I've been through.
C: This has been going-
G: And he goes, "It never stops."
C: What was I even doing 3 months? Jesus Christ.
G: Well, fucking recording this podcast! [both laugh]
C: That's true.
G: This is the only constant in my life. [laughs] Like, everything changes, but the fact that we are recording a Supernatural podcast will stay the same.
C: That's true. That is good.
G: And he starts doing this thing where everything that he- that is about to happen, he says it. So he says "hot sauce," and then the waiter arrives, and the hot sauce falls, and it's like, "Ooh!" And Dean goes like, "Nice reflexes." And Sam's like, [seriously] "I knew it was gonna happen, Dean. I know everything that's gonna happen." Dean is like, "You don't know everything." And Sam goes, "Yeah, I do." And then he starts mimicking Dean's every sentence and then responding and then mimicking the next sentence and responding, and it's actually quite funny.
C: It's so funny. It's very like- It's fast-paced, it's good, like, they're both like, leaning in aggressively. Like, it's good.
G: Yeah. And it's like, "Yeah, right." "Nice guess." And it's like [laughs], it's super fun, and then he was like, "You think you're being funny, but you're being really really childish! Sam Winchester wears makeup. Sam Winchester cries his way through sex. Sam Winchester keeps a ruler by the side of his bed and-" It's actually pretty funny.
C: Yeah. "Every morning, he wakes up and-" They don't let him finish and say that he measures his penis, but-
G: Literally-
C: It's important to measure your bottom growth while you're on T! It's a good thing to keep track of!
G: Exactly.
C: It's not his fault. Yeah.
G: It's not his fault!
C: Okay, yeah. Okay. Which of those things do you think is true? Well, I think that it would be very cool and sexy of Sam to wear makeup. And [laughing] I think he does cry during sex. [G laughs]
G: No, we've seen him, but he's very...
C: Right. [laughs] That's true. Sam's sexsona [G laughs] is very different from Sam.
G: I love that. Sexsona. I'm gonna start integrating that to my vocabulary.
C: Alright. [laughs] Knock yourself out.
G: I mean, I think Sam wearing makeup is fun. What kind of makeup do you think he'll wear? Maybe eyeliner?
C: Yeah, I was gonna say eyeliner.
G: Perhaps even... guyliner? [C laughing]
C: Maybe even guyliner.
I feel like Sam would have had like a goth or like, punk phase at some point when he was like, "I'm gonna make Dad really angry." But John was never around long enough to see Sam in the like, fishnets and eyeliner, anyway.
G: Yeah.
Sam is like, walking down the street now- Oh, no no no. So Sam is saying that like, Randy the cashier is skimming through the register, and like, he starts outlining like, every single person in the diner and saying, like, "This person is doing that, this person is doing that. I've lived through every possible Tuesday. I've watched you die every possible way. I have ripped apart the Mystery Spot, burnt it down-" [both laughing] He's fucking crazy, dude.
C: God! I can't believe we didn't get to see the arson scene! It'd be so fun.
G: Yeah!
C: He would probably look soo good like, turning his back to the fire, and, like the lighting would be so good. [laughs] Anyway.
G: Yeah. And he's like, "I tried to save your life, and I really can't. No matter what I do, you die, and then I wake up, and then it's Tuesday again." And like, I like that line because it's like, foreshadowing also for season 3. Like, no matter what happens, you die. That's just it.
C: Yeah.
G: And maybe you need an angel to resurrect you. [C laughs]
C: Maybe so.
C: So. They are walking outside. Sam predicts what everyone's gonna say as they pass by people. And when the woman who bumped into them the first time bumps into them, Dean says out loud, "She's kind of cute" and then turns around and like, is like, "Okay, I'm gonna break the cycle." So he runs after her, and he asks her if he can have one of her flyers. And it's a missing poster that she's made for her dad, who is the professor that they are doing this whole- that they were doing this original case about. So, you know, that's interesting. And then [laughs] Sam goes to follow her to ask her some questions, and Dean sees the dog, and he goes, "Hi, buddy!"
G: He goes, "Hi, little doggy!"
C: "Somebody need a friend?"
G: [laughing] And then the dog kills him!
C: "Who's a good boy?" And then there's a growl, and he screams. [laughs] So true.
G: Has a dog ever attacked you? What's your relationship with dogs?
C: I mean, I like dogs well enough. I think once, there was a dog that like, chased me down the street, and that was pretty scary. [both laugh]
G: Yeah, it is.
C: But the owner got it under control eventually. My sister really likes dogs, but also, I think, like, our neighbor's dog once like, chewed up her favorite stuffed animals, so maybe she holds a grudge against dogs because of that.
G: Aww.
C: But yeah, dogs are all right.
G: Yeah. I once got bitten in the mouth-
C: What?
G: In the lip.
C: How? Jesus.
G: Buy our dog. 
C: Nooo!
G: So it's like, our dog. It's fine. It's okay.
C: Okay.
G: And I had to get injected like, on the lip by like, the anti-rabies was on the arm, and then the other injection, I think, was like, anti-tetanus-
C: Tetanus?
G: - was injected to me on the lip. I don't know. Like, because it was so near my brain they had to inject something else. I don't know if it's tetanus. And I had a swollen lip for like, a whole week, and it was super fun. [C laughs] Yeah, but like, that dog is so sweet. She's just a little like, you know, hyper, but she's so sweet. Yeah, I love dogs.
C: Yeah.
G: [laughs] And I feel like it's true sometimes that dogs can feel when a person has bad vibes. Like, if it's a generally good dog-
C: Yeah.
G: - and if you have bad vibes-
C: So you're saying you have bad vibes?
G: So my point here is- No, no, no! The dog was like, playing with me, and that's why she accidentally bit my lip.
C: Aww.
G: Like, she's like, super excited to see me, and I was like, "Hello! Hello! How are you?" and then like, she bit my lip.
C: Aw.
G: I'm saying Dean [laughs]- I'm saying Dean has bad vibes.
C: Ohh. So fucking true. He does have terrible, terrible vibes.
C: So Sam wakes up again. "Heat of the Moment"'s playing. And they're in the diner, and Sam notices that the man with the pancakes- in the past, he's always had a thing of maple syrup next to him, but this time, it's pink. It is strawberry syrup. And-
G: You know how he notices this?
C: What?
G: Don't you think it's so funny? Because they were- like, Sam did some research on what the girl said, probably, right? And he's like, "Oh, this guy, he's spent his whole life crapping on mystery spots, like, debunking them and stuff." And Dean actually goes, "Oh, you did a lot of research," and Sam is like, "Yeah, heh." At this point, he didn't tell Dean that like, he's dying over and over again. And then Dean, like says, like, "Isn't it so ironic? Like, it's kind of poetic. It's like just desserts." 
C: Oh, yeah.
G: And Sam goes, "You're right. That is just desserts." [laughing] And then his eyes linger over at the dessert.
C: Yeah. That's fun.
G: [laughing] And it's soo stupid! It's so stupid, but it's so fun, so I support that 100%.
C: Right. So Sam notices this, and he's like, "What the fuck. This is something new." And he runs outside. He's about to run outside to follow this guy because he says, "Nothing ever changes in this diner except for me." And then he's immediately hit with the sleep blast, and he wakes up again.
G: I know! That's actually like, amazing story telling, I feel.
C: Yeah, I like that a lot.
G: To tell us that he's on the right track, that the Trickster literally just woke him up already. I love that.
C: Yeah, it's good.
G: I think it's pretty cool. And then he wakes up, and he's got Super Serious Sam Face.
C: [laughs] Yes.
G: And he's like, man on a mission. And Sam follows- like, they're in a diner, and then Sam follows the guy, and he corners him and puts a stake- is it by his neck? By his throat, right?
C: Yeah.
G: And the man is like, [begging] "Oh my god, please don't kill me!" [laughs] Every time I make a voice now, I remember that one person who was like, "I like the voices that Grey makes in the podcast," [C laughs] and I'm like, "Aww, thank you." Somebody  appreciates the little voices I make.
C: Yeah, they're good.
G: Sam keeps on insisting that like, "Yeah. You just give people just desserts. You love that, don't you?" Yeah. And it's like- the thing is like, the guy has a sweet tooth. The Trickster has a sweet tooth, which they don't mention in this episode, but it's true. Like, we've established that. So yeah. I actually thought what happens here is he sees the guy eating a lollipop, and that's how he figures it out.
C: No, that was in-
G: I think it's "Changing Channels," yeah yeah yeah.
Finally, they just- the man is like, insistent that he's just some guy. And Sam is like, "No! Don't fucking lie to me. I know who you are." And the man is like- Oh, no, no, Sam says, "I know who you are. We killed one of your kind before." And the Trickster goes, "Actually, you didn't!" And then transforms into Gabriel. 
C: Whoo!
G: Well, the Trickster at this point. Do we like Gabriel or do we not like Gabriel?
C: I don't like him very much, but like- yeah. That's it, actually.
G: Completely understand that. I mean, I think the whole like, suave guy who's very like, "I'm gonna have sex," blah blah blah, is like, a bit tired, you know?
C: Yeah.
G: I mean, I think there are ways to be a guy who has sex without being like a sleazy motherfucker, you know?
C: Yeah. I agree.
G: Yeah. And I don't think this is like a symptom-
C: I mean, the last time we saw him, it was like, awful. He was just making women out of thin air to giggle and have sex with him.
G: Yeah.
C: Like, that's shitty. I don't like it.
G: Yeah. And we have-
C: And I know he's gonna be in "Hammer of the Gods," so I already hate him for that.
G: Yeah. And I mean, his character is like- I don't know. Don't like it that much. And it's so absolutely hilarious to me that people ship him with Sam. [laughs] It's so funny.
C: I mean, yeah, I mean, again, I cannot cast judgment yet but, you know.
G: Yeah. Will you cast judgment in season 14 when they Sabriel bait to hell and back?
C: I- probably. Yes. Oh, wait, someone I follow on Tumblr wrote a Sabriel fic recently, and I wanted to read it before this episode, so that I could recommend another Sabriel fic, but I didn't read it, so I can't recommend it yet.
G: RIP. R.I.P.
So Sam's like, "Why are you doing this?" And the trickster's like, "You literally tried to fucking kill me. That's why I'm doing this."
C: Which is fair.
G: And he said that the guy who he killed didn't believe in wormholes, "so I dropped him in one."
C: [laughs] Jesus Christ.
G: Wormhole being like, space wormhole?
C: I guess. Like, I don't even know.
G: Isn't that- Okay, I'm not a science-y guy-
C: Aren't wormholes proven? It's, okay, a hypothetical.
G: Yeah. But like, there's stuff that like, are hypothetical above the universe that are like, you know, you don't go out and say like, "I don't believe in wormholes."
C: Right. [laughs]
G: Like, who says that, for real? Who is willing to stand that ground?
C: I mean, what was he a professor of? What was he a professor of?
G: I think physics.
C: Oh, then, okay, then, that makes sense, I think. Like, academics get really fired up. Like, some biologists care so much about whether or not the meteors actually completely wiped out the dinosaurs, or if there's like-
G: No, I mean, that's like, a for real thing, though. Like, "The meteor wiped out the dinosaurs, what percentage of that is true?" is like, an actual thing that did happen.
C: Yeah. But like-
G: But something theoretical, something hypothetical- Well, okay, I get what you mean. Theoretical is not the right word.
C: Yeah. I mean, I think, yeah, I think his position is just like, "I understand that the math says that wormholes are possible, but I don't think that any of them actually exist." I understand, like, caring strongly about that if you're a physics professor.
G: Yeah, perhaps.
C: God, what a thing for Gabriel to do, though. Is he really strongly on pro-wormhole side of the debate?
G: I mean, do you think like, this is them canonizing it in Supernatural that wormholes do exist?
C: Yeah, I guess so. Right. I guess Gabriel was annoyed because this guy like, went around and thought he was Mythbusters and like, went and reviewed a bunch of tourist traps that were wormhole-related. But like, still. Come on, dude. What a thing to get worked up about.
G: Yeah. This guy's jobless. Start a podcast. [both laugh] That's my advice to Gabriel so that he can better his life. He should start a podcast.
C: Yeah, yeah. I'm sure that it will not make him any more annoying in any way.
G: Yeah, exactly.
C: I think BABPod has made me worse.
G: Sam asks, like, "Is this fun for you?" I love that phrase.
C: Yeah.
G: "Is this fun for you, killing Dean over and over?" And he's like "Well, one, yes, it is fun. Two, it's not about that. It's about you, Sam."
C: So good.
G: "Watching your brother die every day." Sam says "son of a bitch." Whoo! [laughs]
C: So the whole time, he has Gabriel like, pinned against a wall, semi-homoerotically, and like they're like-
G: I know!
C: And I think- okay. And like Dean is just standing off to the side, like, occasionally making like, facial expressions.
G: He's like, "Okay." Is this gay slug reaction?
C: Right. And my ex-fiancee was like, "Dean has such 'I to am in this episode' vibes in this scene," and I love that.
G: Oh yeah! I thought about that. But, like, I think there is still some- like, he's not a real person this episode, Dean Winchester.
C: Yeah. Yeah, they fridge him. [G laughing]
G: I mean, I will neither confirm nor deny that statement. [C laughs] But yeah, I love that he to is in this episode.
C: Mm.
G: Yeah. Sam says, "you son of a bitch." Love that. [C laughs] And yeah, the Trickster says the thesis of what he's doing, which is, "How long will it take you to realize you can't save your brother, no matter what." And Sam is like, "Okay, I'll kill you then." And the Trickster is like, "Well, I'll just make you wake up, and then it's gonna be Wednesday." And he says, "If you don't believe me, you know where I am, which is having pancakes in a diner."
C: He literally doesn't have to go back there, though. Like, he can walk somewhere else. This is not a good promise.
G: Yeah. And then Sam wakes up, and it's not playing Asia anymore.
C: Yeah. So okay, what is-
G: You know I have a cousin named Asia?
C: Huh. Nice.
G: Maybe it is a name.
C: Yeah, it is a name, I think I've met-
G: I know someone named Filipina, I think.
C: [laughs] Nice.
G: Filipino or something. And then- yeah, it was a schoolmate. Fun times! Imagine being named- what's the Chinese word for Chinese?
C: Like, zhong'guo or- well, okay, there's a word "hua," like hua'ren, which means Chinese people, and that is [laughing] one of the characters in my Chinese name. [G laughs]
G: So real!
C: My name is literally China.
G: So real.
C: Yeah. So like, what the fuck is Gabriel's motivation here? Like, why does he care whether or not Sam realizes that he can't save Dean?
G: I mean, he just wants to fuck with them! But like, his actual motivations? Well, maybe it's like- Does he know that they are the vessels? He does, right?
C: Yeah, yeah. I was trying to think about it in terms of that, too, because, like, if Sam actually succeeds in saving Dean, then, like, the first seal would never be broken. But, like, Gabriel doesn't want the- does he want the apocalypse? I don't think he does, does he?
G: I don't know. Like, from his motivation later, what we're made to feel or think is that he just wants out. Like, he doesn't wanna be involved.
C: Huh. He's being quite involved right now.
G: I think- no, no, no. like. I think what's happening, 'cause like, in "Changing Channels," it's like, "play your part." And like, I feel like here, it's also that. Like, "If the apocalypse is gonna happen, so be it. Just play your fucking part. Like, let Dean die because that's what's supposed to happen."
C: Yeah.
G: Wow. Excellent character analysis happening in BABPod right now. [C laughs]
C: So true. You just have to wade through like, 2 hours of nonsense. [G laughs]
G: Hey, I'm gonna cut it out! It's gonna be at the end of the episode.
C: I love that. The episode will end, and then there will be half an hour afterwards. [G laughing]
G: Of just random shit we've talked about? That's so real. This is- I'm gonna keep this in the episode so that people know that there is something at the end of some episodes where we just talk shit.
C: Yeah, that's exciting.
G: Yeah.
C: Yeah. But also I feel like a lot of Sabriel motivation also comes from this episode where they're like, "He's just psychosexually obsessed with Sam. Why else would he put him through these mind games?" [laughs] Which I think is a very fun interpretation.
G: Yeah, perhaps. Yeah.
C: Yeah. So it is indeed a new song on the radio, and it is Wednesday. And Dean's like, "Yeah, duh." And- right. Dean asks how many Tuesdays Sam had, and, you know, Sam asks what Dean remembers, and apparently, Dean just remembered the last day with them running into the Trickster and all that. So he does not know a lot of the details. So yeah, he also just remembered the Trickster and then just woke up. But he is apparently totally fine with not remembering a whole day. And Sam says that they should get the fuck out of town. And we cut to the scene where, you know, Dean's loading up Baby, ready to go, and then Cal shows up, who's the guy from the diner earlier, who, like, the waitress was trying to kick out, and he has a gun, and he is trying to mug Dean. He, you know, is not- clearly like, going through something. He's not doing well. And he is also telling Dean to give him his wallet. And Dean goes like, "Hey. Let's just talk about this." And then there's a gunshot, and Dean's dead. Hahahahaha! It's so funny.
C: Yeah, and Sam's devastated, you know, because this one's actually gonna count. And he's, you know, begging him like, "No, please not today," etc., etc. And he waits to wake up, and he doesn't. RIP.
How much time does he have left on his deal?
G: I don't know. Which is why I think this episode is fascinating. Maybe- I think around 6 months, maybe, he has.
C: Oh, wait, I thought the initial deal was for 6 months. Was it for a year?
G: A year, yeah yeah yeah.
C: Well, we're more than halfway through this season, so I would assume that he has less than 6 months.
G: Yeah, yeah. Perhaps.
C: Yeah. Well, F to Dean.
G: Yeah. I felt emotional when Sam said, like, "I'm supposed to wake up." I was like, "Aww!" Poor him. Like, all he wanted to do was get out of the loop, and now he's out, and it's like, actually worse. That's so sad, and he's wishing he's back in.
G: Anyway, 6 months later, Sam's driving down the road. He's so sad.
C: I know he's having an awful time, but it's just so funny. It's so funny how dramatic and sad he is.
G: He is so dramatic and sad. And it's like Bobby leaving him a voicemail like, "You took care of that demon in Death Valley, but it's been three months since we talked, so it'd be nice if you would give me a call."
C: Yeah.
C: Do you think it's- do you think Sam throwing himself in hunting after Dean's death is what you would imagine would happen?
G: No.
C: Yeah. It doesn't feel right. But I don't know what I would imagine.
G: I think here, because here, he's hunting something down, like, he's hunting the Trickster down. So it makes sense, because it's like, for revenge. Like, there is a very concrete way to avenge it, in comparison to like, if he died in "Faith."
C: Mm-hm.
G: Like, that's not the monster's fault. That's Dean being a stupid ass. [both laugh]
C: Right. Yeah, yeah. So all these other cases are just like, side hustles, I guess. Or like, he saw something and he was like, "Maybe the Trickster's here," but it was something else, and he was like, "Okay, time to do different murders than the one I planned."
G: Mm-hm. Exactly. Yeah. So what happens next is [laughs], Sam literally steps out of the car, and he's bloody. And he goes to a room, like a bathroom or something, and he- he's bloody, right? So he starts cutting up his shirt, and then he, like, takes out a bullet from his abdomen.
C: Yeah, with tweezers himself. God.
G: And they're doing the thing where they're like, "He's so rough and tough, baby. He doesn't even flinch!" Girl, flinch.
C: I- did they try to make this like, sexual in any way, or am I just a terrible person? [G laughs]
G: You wanna fuck his bullet hole? What's-
C: Noo! God, no. I just feel like the angle that this was shot at. Okay, yeah, I feel like the "he's so rough and tough" is often shot in a way that is sexual because virility is related to like, toughness and masculinity, so yeah, I think it was just all packaged together.
G: Mm-hm. Yeah, perhaps. But yeah. And then, you know, it's voiceover again of Bobby going, "I'm worried about you! Tell me you're not sitting alone-" like, it's so funny because he's sitting down, and he's staring at this wall of red string. You know, the ones. And Bobby is like, "Tell me you're not sitting alone, completely obsessed with the Trickster" and stuff like that. And he mentions another case that Sam did good at, and finally, it's a voice message again of Bobby saying that- saying, "I found him."
C: Yeah, okay. Also, like, there's a scene where, like, in the montage, where it's like, Sam wakes up, and he like, sits up in bed like a fucking Sim.
G: Love that.
C: Like, did you notice this? Like, just fully straight back, like, bending only at like, the hip.
G: Ohh, okay! Yeah, yeah, yeah. The one where he's like, he brushes his teeth, right?
C: I think?
G: I don't know.
C: King of dental care
G: King of dental care.
C: Yeah, I don't know. It's just- it's so funny. Jared Padalecki sure is an actor. He was like, "In order to portray grief, he will not change his face at any second, and he will cut his food with a knife in the most like, dramatic way ever-" and yeah, I just-
G: He literally- yeah.
C: Like, 6 months is like, a long time. Like, grief is a lot, but it is not like, monotone, you know?
G: Yeah, I feel like-
C: Like, there are moments where you're like laughing hysterically; there are moments of joy; there are moments of crying. Like, you can't just be like, stolid and stoic the entire time.
G: Yeah, like, grief is an ugly, ugly thing, and I feel like Supernatural is so afraid of that ugliness. Like, because it could be seen as way too emotional. Like, you know, like, they don't even let Dean cry when John dies. He just smashes up a car because it looks cool. [C laughs] Like, when Charlie dies, no one sheds a tear. Everyone's just mad.
C: Dean just yells and tells Sam that he wishes that it was him.
G: Yeah. I thought to myself, "Yeah." And then, "The only time Dean cried was like, when Mary died and also when Cas died," and my heart like did like a little like, "ough!"
C: Aww.
G: So sad. Devastating!
C: I have seen the scene where Sam cries over Dean's body in the season 3 finale [G laughs], and I think that that was actually a decent amount of crying?
G: Yeah, but it's not like- Like, Supernatural, is not good at like showing-
C: Yeah, the whole process.
G: - grief as like, a long period of time. Or, I don't know. I think they did the grieving John- Do you think they did that well? I was gonna say I think they did it well, but like, eh. I don't know.
C: I don't remember season 2 anymore. That's the past. That was a different Crystal. That was a different show.
G: Yeah. It was a long time ago.
C: Yeah. [laughs]
C: So Sam finally goes to Bobby because of the call about how Bobby has found a way to get the Trickster. And, you know, he has a book; there is a whole ritual set up, and Bobby like, comes over and he hugs Sam. God, isn't it so sad that, like-
G: This is fake Bobby?
C: Yeah, how many Sam and Bobby hugs do we ever get? Like, okay, like, the last- like, the first time we see Bobby like, seeming to be really nice to Sam, he was just tricking Sam because he knew that, like, Meg was possessing him. And now this is fake Bobby hugging Sam. It's sad.
G: Mm-hm. Yeah. I mean, I hate it.
C: Yeah. Like, okay, Dean says things about how Bobby's like a dad to him, and I guess Bobby sometimes talks about Sam and Dean as his sons, like, together in one sentence. But like, does he ever do anything for Sam specifically?
G: Bobby?
C: Yeah. [G laughing]
G: I mean, there was a scene where he was like, "I'm gonna play baseball with the kids," and it's just Dean! [C laughing] I love that so much. Like, he didn't even take Sam out to play ball with him. It was just Dean.
C: [laughing] God, that's so funny.
G: I think about that constantly.
C: God bless.
G: God fucking bless.
C: Yeah, Sam to is in my family.
G: Yeah!
C: Yeah, so yeah. Bobby hugs Sam, and he says that there's a summoning ritual to bring the Trickster here, and what they need is a gallon of blood that is fresh. And Sam says that it means we have to bleed a person dry. It didn't say it all had to be from the same person, right?
G: Yeah.
C: Like, we looked this up, and a gallon is 8 pints. If you get 8 people, like, it would just be like a blood drive donation each.
G: Yeah.
C: And like, right, and my ex-fiancee was like, "This is why hunters need like, more of a community or whatever." Because if you just hit up the hunter groupchat and say, like, "There's this dangerous reality-bending thing that we're after, and what we need is 8 total pints of blood," like, people would volunteer, and they would drive over.
G: Yeah, I think so too.
C: It's stupid.
G: I love the concept of a hunter groupchat.
C: [laughs] Yeah.
G: Yeah. Who do you think is the guy that's like, sending like, you know those memes that are like, "Good morning!"
C: [laughing] What?
G: Do you have like a- do you not have a family member who sends like, good morning text to everyone in the groupchat?
C: Huh.
G: "Have a good day," and it's like a purple butterfly, sparkly Picsart thing. [C laughs] I'm serious!
C: No, I trust that this is true, but, no, I don't think so. I mean, some of my family members are more like, WeChat sticker-heavy than other ones-
G: Oh, yeah, of course.
C: But yeah, I don't know about that.
G: In the US, what's- is it iMessage? Well, you don't have iMessage. But what do people do, usually, for messaging? What application?
C: Hm. I think most people just use, like, text. Like SMS.
G: Yeah, but like, you need load for that.
C: You need what for that?
G: Load. It's the- [laughing]
C: Load?
G: That's such a funny thing to say. Is that not something you say in the US? You need load?
C: You need a fat load on your face? What? [G laughing]
G: Load, as in like, to text someone, you need something in your phone, like load. I don't- [laughs] This is so stupid.
C: Huh. Maybe this is a real thing, and I'm revealing myself as a dumbass right now.
G: Wait, wait. Load. What is it called?
Ah, okay! "In America and many other countries, people have a cell phone data plan by the month." Is this what you have?
C: Yeah. Wait, do you not? Is this not how cell phones work?
G: Well, there are people who do that, but that's usually like, rich people. "In the Philippines and many other countries, you buy data by time." Here, it's called loading your phone. You buy load. "What is load called in other countries?" And it's on Quora, and I have to start a free trial to see the full response, and I'm not going to. [C laughs]
C: Huh. Yeah. I think everyone- I feel like I haven't really met many people who can't just use SMS messaging. Yeah, I guess people-
G: Oh, in the UK, it's called "top up." It's called prepaid.
C: Oh, that's what that means. Interesting. I always assumed people charging their phones.
G: No, charging is like for battery.
C: Yeah, no no no- when one people said "top up" their phone in British shows, I assumed they meant they had to charge them.
G: Yeah, yeah. In the Philippines, it's called prepaid and post-paid. Post-paid is you pay it after, so you have a plan, and then prepaid is you pay it before. So you buy load, and then you use up the load, which is what I do.
C: Huh. Neat.
G: Yeah.
C: Yeah.
G: Anyway. So yeah, you just have load, then. Love that.
C: Yeah. Just have load. So-
G: [laughs] Lots and lots of loads.
C: Yup.
And Bobby says that, "Oh, this is only going to work if we do it tonight, or else it won't work for another 50 years!"
G: Love that.
C: And Sam's fucking ready to murder a guy. Sam's like, "Okay, cool."
G: I mean, we can assume that the reason why-
C: That's true.
G: - is he knows this is not Bobby.
C: Yeah, so he could just be saying shit. Yeah.
G: Yeah.
C: But what what point does he know that it's not Bobby?
G: I don't know. Well, at what point did you know it's not Bobby?
C: I mean, I already knew, because I knew that Sam kills Bobby but doesn't actually kill Bobby in this episode.
G: Ugh. Loser.
C: Sorry. I think I saw a post-
G: I didn't know that. I completely forgot this.
C: You forgot? You forgor?
G: Yeah.
C: Oh, that's fun.
G: I forgor.
C: At what point did you know that it wasn't him?
G: Oh, when he was like, "You have to kill me." [both laugh] I was like, "This is not Bobby. Bobby does not give a fuck about Sam." [C laughing]
C: But he cares about Dean.
G: No, I mean, he was like- Do you think he's gonna be like, to Dean, like, "Dean, your brother is dead. Like, you have to move on." And then to Sam, he's like, "Let's bring Dean back!" Do you think this is gonna happen?
C: [laughing] No, I don't. Yeah, you're right. He would just say, "Get over it, boy-"
G: "Get over it, boy."
C: - and then slap Sam on the back or something.
G: Yeah.
C: Okay, but also, okay, this whole 6 months is like, real, though, right?
G: Yeah yeah yeah. I do like-
C: Where's the actual Bobby, and how did he take Dean's death?
G: I mean-
C: Also, isn't it sad? I assumed that Ellen would also be calling Sam during this time, but we only get Bobby voicemails.
G: I don't know. I mean, it's not relevant to his journey.
C: Yeah.
G: Maybe Ellen's voicemail was like- she didn't know about the hunt, and like, what we needed to know as the audience is that Sam has been hunting, so...
C: Right, yeah.
G: It was erased. Viciously.
C: Yeah. Sad.
G: Sad!
C: So Bobby's like, "You break my heart, kid." 'Cause yeah, he says, like, "I don't want you to murder an innocent man, and I only brought you here because you would not come and see me unless it was something related to the Trickster. And I thought that this would sort of snap you out of it." And yeah, Sam's like, [whiny] "It's none of your business what I do! Just let me kill people! Get over it!" So yeah, Bobby's like, "Okay, if you want Dean back so bad, then like, here. Kill me instead, 'cause it's better than a civilian." And he hands Sam, like, a big ol' knife. And Bobby's like, "Hey, okay. It's okay. I'm old!" And Jim Beaver proceeds to be in 12 more seasons of Supernatural and also The Boys. "I'm old! Like, I'm gonna die soon! But like, you can keep like, hunting and saving people, but you can't do it without Dean, so I will do this for you." So like, yeah. That shit. Yeah and he says that Sam and Dean the closest thing that he has family God, and what is Rufus to you? Chopped liver? Get over yourself. [G laughs]
Well, but it's Gabriel. Gabriel doesn't know about Rufus, I guess.
G: Yeah.
C: And yeah, Bobby like, turns around and he's like, kneeling. He's like, ready to get his head chopped off execution style, or something. And-
G: Yeah. [laughs] It's such a goofy scene. Like, I'm so sorry, I know this is supposed to be emotional, but it's so goofy. He's like, "Just make it quick." And I'm like, "Girl. [both laugh] Stop it."
C: Yeah. Yeah. Like, you're telling me Bobby doesn't have like, 6 friends who can contribute the other pints? God!
G: Yeah.
C: So Sam swithces the knife to like, the stake that, like- what's the special type of stake that kills tricksters?
G: I don't know. Evergreen, I think, is for the pagan gods, so maybe this is also evergreen.
C: Sure, yeah.
G: Because, I mean, the Trickster is a quote- no, not pagan god. It's like, Norse god, right?
C: Yeah, they considered Loki to be a trickster form.
G: Yeah.
C: Yeah. And Sam's like, "Okay, sure, I will kill you, but because you're not actually Bobby." And he stabs fake Bobby in the back with the stake.
G: And he was like, so upset when he thought for a second he was wrong, and I was like, "Well, at least you have the 8 pints of blood." [laughs]
C: Yeah, you got it! Don't worry. Hurry up! You have to do it tonight, or else you can't do it in 50 years!
G: Exactly.
C: Yeah. But, you know, Sam has limits, and one of his limits is that he doesn't actually wanna kill Bobby. What a good son.
G: [laughs] Yeah. Sure. [C laughs]
C: Yeah, so nothing happens, and Sam starts getting panicked and yelling for Bobby, but then, you know, eventually his corpse vanishes and the Trickster is here.
G: Yeah.
C: And was like, “Haha, yeah, I was just messing with you.” Yeah, he also says, “Whoever said Dean was the dysfunctional one has never seen you with a sharp object in your hands.” Which I guess is a fun, like, "Dean to is in this episode" moment.
G: Line, yeah.
C: Yeah. Yeah. I like it whenever they try to remember that Sam's the main character. You know, Sam demands that Gabriel bring Dean back, and he's like, "Uh, no. He, like, is dead, like, for real, and he is in Hell right now." Okay, so like, if you die- Okay, so, okay. If you make the deal at any point, if you die afterwards, then you're going to Hell. It's not just if the hellhounds get you.
G: Yeah, I think so.
C: Okay. Neat. Yeah. Dean's been tortured so much these past 6 months. Do you think he's broken yet down there?
G: Well, I mean, it took him 4 months to break last time.
C: Okay, so he is- he's down there torturing people now. Good for him. [laughs] So-
G: Yeah, perhaps.
C: So Sam says that, you know, "We won't come after you if you just take us back to that Tuesday or Wednesday." And I think it it did make me a little sad that he was like using "we," like, in that sentence. He does feel like Dean is still with him, or he like, can't get used to Dean not being still with him. And the Trickster is like, “I could, but I don't fucking want to, because I am trying to teach you a lesson here. Because you're way too obsessed with saving Dean, and you two keep sacrificing yourselves for each other, and nothing good comes out of it, just blood and pain. Dean’s your weakness, and the bad guys know it, too." Yeah, he says that, you know, this is gonna kill Sam, and sometimes he just has to let people go. And this will be a speech that is increasingly more relevant as each season of Supernatural goes off the rails more, I guess.
G: [laughs] Exactly.
C: Yeah. And Sam goes like, "Well, he's my brother." But, you know, the Trickster is like, "No. Well, you just have to get used to what life will be like without him." And I think this is a pretty good like, season 3 episode. Because, like, I feel like it says- it shows us what everything would be like if Sam didn't have Ruby after Dean's death. And yeah. Good for Ruby. Thank you for being there.
G: Yeah.
C: And manipulating him, as you should. [G laughs] Yeah, so the Trickster is eventually like, “Ugh, whatever, I’m like fucking bored of this or whatever." He says, “You’re Travis Bickle in a skirt,” and I don't. I don't understand that. Like, I looked up-
G: What's Travis- who's Travis Bickle?
C: Okay, so I looked that up, and he is the protagonist of Taxi Cab, and I don't remember the specifics. He was like, a veteran, and then he was like, started like acting out violent fantasies or something. I don't really remember. I think he was just a guy who did a lot of violence in a movie.
G: W- wait. You're talking about the guy or the character of the movie?
C: Oh, the character! The character!
G: Oh my god.
C: God, no.
G: Okay. Okay.
C: He's a fictional- he's a fictional character.
G: Okay, yeah, I have no idea what this means.
C: Oh, he was played by Robert de Niro, who, you know, also played Goncharov, of course. [laughs]
G: I have that word muted and stuff, so I don't know anything about it.
C: Oh, you didn't- okay, you didn't enjoy the Goncharov week?
G: No, I didn't.
C: I enjoyed the Goncharov week.
G: I actively hated it.
C: That's fair. Okay.
G: Yeah, sorry for not being Tumblrina enough.
C: I understand. Oh, yeah, and I guess for anyone who's listening who like, has had trouble with Goncharov because of the lack of unreality warnings, it's not a real movie, and hashtag unreality here. Okay.
So right, so that's who Travis Bickle is, but the skirt thing doesn't make any sense. Like, I looked up "Travis Bickle skirt," "Travis Bickle in a skirt," [G laughs] and like, the only things that came up were like, skirts with his face on it-
G: Oh, I support that.
C: Or people just being confused about this line in Supernatural. See, I think- is Gabriel just calling Sam gay? I feel like that may just be what's happening.
G: Is Robert de Niro, like, a short king.
C: I don't know. Let me look it up.
G: What's the- It's not on his Wikipedia page!
C: Are people's heights on their-
G: Maybe I'm thinking of like, character, like, you know how like, if you go to Ace Attorney Wiki, there's like, "height of the character"-
C: Okay, he's somewhere between 5'7 and 5'9.
G: I mean, that's still pretty tall. But like, short king core.
C: Yeah.
G: Who's the Tumblrina short king? There is a guy, right? He's like on Sunny something. It's Always Sunny. Danny Devito!
C: Oh, right. Danny Devito.
G: [laughing] It's so funny. Because when you said "Robert de Niro," I legitimately was thinking of Danny Devito. [both laugh] So like, when you were like, "He was out of the military, he was a veteran who became a very violent man," I was imagining [laughing] Danny Devito in that role.
C: [laughing] Yeah, no.
G: So that's super fun.
C: Yeah.
G: I mean, their names basically rhyme.
C: They do rhyme. That's pretty fun.
G: At this point, Danny Devito, [in unison] Robert de Niro.
C: Yeah. It's a good rhythm. They could be like, rhyming lines in like, a verse of a song.
G: Exactly.
C: Yeah. So, right. The Trickster says that he's "over it," and then just snaps. And then Sam wakes up on Wednesday again. Which is a pretty unsatisfying conclusion, I think.
G: And then he sits up, and he's like- you know, Dean is brushing his teeth, and it's like Wednesday, on repeat. And I feel like Sam is very scared here that it's just gonna be a Tuesday thing again.
C: Mm.
G: So he's very careful that like, "You can't go anywhere alone," blah blah blah. And he hugs Dean. And Dean asks like, "How many Tuesdays have you had?" And Sam goes, "Way too many" or something. "Enough." He says, "Enough." And Dean doesn't remember anything, but they go pack the car, and Sam's like, out of it. And he just said, "I just had a really weird dream." And Dean [laughing]-
C: God.
G: Asks the question he asked on the second day. "Clowns or midgets?" And it's like- yeah. And then they go out, and Sam like, looks at his bed one last time, closes the light, and the episode ends as the music makes you sad, I guess [C laughs], is what it's supposed to do.
C: Yeah. A weak ending.
G: Yeah. Weak ending, I agree. But it's a hug. It's a solid hug.
C: Yeah. Yeah, that was sweet. Because it didn't happen the first Wednesday.
G: Yeah, yeah, yeah. It didn't.
C: And also, you know, Sam decides to not tell Dean about the 6 months that he spent after Dean's death. Which, what do you think the motivation behind that choice was?
G: Well, I think maybe perhaps talking about it is going to make it real, you know? Stuff like that.
C: Yeah, he just wants to forget it.
G: And also like, Dean is gonna die.
C: Yeah.
G: And if Sam reveals that like, "When you died, I became this person," it's gonna be a lot of concern on Dean's end that like, "When I die for realsies this time, is Sam gonna become that person?"
C: Right. Yeah. And Sam kept saying that, you know, "I want you to be worried about yourself, not about me." But during that argument, he also said, like, "I am going to be fine," but that is not true, as we can see.
G: Okay. So Best Line/Worst Line.
C: Oh, god, I don't even know.
G: I think my best line- I'll start. My best line is, "You were supposed to wake up." Like, that genuinely made me emotional.
C: Aww.
G: Oh, "I was supposed to wake up."
C: Yeah. Oh, god. Do I know any fucking line?
G: I mean, I think "Clowns or midgets?" is the worst line.
C: Yeah. Yeah. It is. I agree with that one.
G: There's no really, like, bad lines in this episode except that one, which is just like a joke with poor taste, I feel.
C: Yeah, I mean, I guess there is some like misogynistic bits too, but yeah. Oh god. What the fuck is the best line? Are there best lines? There are no lines in this episode.
G: Maybe there are none.
C: Oh, okay. Well, "Did it look cool, like in the movies?" That was fun.
G: Oh, yeah, that was fun.
C: I'll take that one.
G: Yeah. So how about, what's the term? Spreadsheet! What's our spreadsheet ratings?
When we record this podcast, do you just have the spreadsheet out? Or do you summon it in the middle of the recording?
C: I open it. I summon it when it's time.
G: Yeah.
C: So, okay.
G: So I think it's a 0 on racism, just because there are no people of color.
C: Yeah.
G: Or maybe there are, but I don't remember.
C: Not that I recall. Definitely no one prominent. And they didn't make any specifically racist jokes, as far as I can recall.
G: Yeah.
C: Yeah. It's so fun when they manage to get racism points, even when there's not a person of color in the episode, [G laughs] which they have managed before.
G: What's the- what's the misogyny tab?
C: Um, I don't know. Like, it was a little bit. Like a one, probably?
G: What, because of "sweetheart"? Stuff like that?
C: Yeah, I don't know. Okay, you're right. There were like insults directed at Sam that I feel like could have been homophobic or misogynistic?
G: Mm, I was thinking that's more homophobia.
C: Yeah, I feel like- well, yeah, a lot of Dean's homophobia is built off of misogyny, but yeah, I think I think it makes more sense to put that in the homophobia.
G: I think it's- yeah. So I think misogyny, it's a 0, congratulations. [C laughs] And in homophobia, perhaps a 1.
C: Yeah. Just a tad.
G: Yeah. Just a tad.
Okay, what is our- I know this is highly rated. For sure.
C: Yeah, I know this is high.
G: Maybe one of the most highly rated, I would say. 9.4 is my bet.
C: 9.4? I was going- I was gonna go like, like a lot lower. I was just gonna go for like a regular 9.
G: Okay.
C: Alright.
G: Let's see.
C: What?
G: Got it, baby. 9.4.
C: It's literally 9.4, exactly on the dot?
G: It's literally 9.4
C: Wild. Congrats!
G: What's- Aw, "This is the episode I show people to introduce them to the series." Well, they will be sorely disappointed.
C: Yeah.
G: Yeah. "Best of Supernatural." I do think it's a really good episode, though. Like-
C: It's decent.
G: Like, it's weak, the ending is weak, I do agree with that. But I think there's enough intrigue, and there's like- maybe I just like that it's Sam-centric. Have we considered that?
C: Yeah, that part's nice.
G: Yeah. Like, after so many episodes of him just being to in this episode-
C: Yeah, I do like that. And, you know, it was very nice of Gabriel to decide to create something that narratively fit so well in the season, and then say that he did that for that purpose. Yeah, I mean, I thought it was funny. I guess I just didn't really get emotional at parts where I was supposed to, because I knew everything.
G: Aww!
C: What?
G: There's a review where it says, "My favorite part was, and I don't know if anyone noticed, but I didn't at first. When Sam was eating in the motel room after Dean died for seemed permanently, we can see that he bought his brother his bacon cheeseburger even though there was no Dean to eat it. That was just so so sad."
C: Oh, shit. Okay. That is really sad.
G: Okay.
C: Fine. That was a good detail. Congratulations.
G: This part is like, "What is annoying me about this episode is that the 'bad guys' are always convincing Sam that Dean is his weakness, and he will be the death of him-" Well, here it's like, "We all know Dean is Sam's guardian angel, and if it wasn't for him, Sam would have been killed several times already." Like, that's their point. But for me, my point is, it's just repetitive.
C: Yeah.
G: Like, we've seen this film before, over and over again.
C: We've seen so many things before. [G screams] What?
G: Next review is, "I can watch Dean die forever."
C: So fucking real.
G: "Absolutely hilarious, and Dean at his best" is him dying over and over again.
C: So real.
G: "The whole he finally dies in 6 months thing is kind of blah, though." Love that.
[laughs] "The dumbest episode of Supernatural so far. How to cram 6 months of Sam-going-bad character development into one episode just to then completely delete it all again. Might have been enjoyable to watch, but it's insanely stupid in context." Well, that's true. I think that is true.
C: That's fair, yeah.
G: Oh my god! "I have watched this show for 15 years. I do a complete rewatch at least once a year"?
C: What is wrong with you? What year was this posted in?
G: Don't say that! Don't be so mean!
C: You're right. What year was this posted in, though?
G: 2020. November 23.
C: So, like, the whole 327 episodes each year?
G: No, no, no. Like, it's like, I think what's happening here is, before season 15 airs, they watch 1-14. Before 14 airs, they watch 1-13. You know what I mean?
C: Huh.
G: Because it says, "I've been watching this show for 15 years" at 2020, which is when the show ended.
C: Okay, fair. Okay, so it's just- Yeah, okay, that's not as bad, I suppose.
G: It's just like you're rewatching before- you're refreshing your memory before the episodes, you know. Before the season starts.
C: Yeah. That's a lot. There's a lot that you're refreshing, though. Like, so much.
G: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So that's it for this episode of [enunciating aggressively] Busty Asian Beauties. [both laugh]
C: Why did you say it like that?
G: I have no idea! Next week, we will be discussing Season 3, Episode 12: "Jus in Bello." Leave us a rating or a review wherever you get your podcasts!
C: Follow us on social media. We are on Twitter at twitter.com/BeautiesPodcast and on Tumblr at bustyasianbeautiespod.tumblr.com. Our official tag is #BABPod, B-A-B-POD. And thank you to everyone who's donated to our Ko-Fi at ko-fi.com/bustyasianbeautiespod.
G: You can give us any feedback, comments, or inquiries at [email protected]. See you next time! [both] Bye!
[guitar music]
G: I need to stop saying "slay," and I need to stop thinking about NCT.
C: Yeah. I mean, what can you do when she's a slayer but you just can't slay her? [G laughs] But yes.
G: Exactly.
G: Wait, I'm gonna- I have a little tidbit to share at the end of this podcast, which is that, did you know that I can recite like, I don't know how many digits, but the 8 digits or something of-
C: Pi?
G: No, the light- no, not pi, the speed of light, c?
C: Oh, that's new. You're special. You're not like other girls.
G: I know, I'm so special. I'm literally so not like anyone else. But like, in our school, we had a song for it, which I think is so much fun. Like, I literally went from a school with a song for like, the Old Testament books to a school with a song about the speed of light. And the song goes like, "I'll be by your side, faster than the speed of light." And then there's a portion where they go [singing] "2 9 9 7 9 2 4 5 8 meters per second / That's the speed of light." It's so wonderful. And I wish I could link it, but then I'll be doxxing my school, and I don't wanna, so.
C: Yeah. That is sad.
G: Horrible experience. Such great conflict in my life.
C: I like that it was a whole song.
G: Oh, it was.
C: Like, it wasn't just the numbers to a tune. It was like, there were lyrics, there was a storyline, there was a love story in there. Wow.
G: Yeah. There's like, a rap verse! [C laughs] It was that intense.
C: God, that's so funny.
G: It was so good, yeah. Like, literally, "I'll be by your side, faster than the speed of light"!
C: Yeah. So real.
G: Maybe Supernatural was making points.
C: Mm?
G: Probably not, though. [both laugh]
C: [swallowing sound] Sorry, I'm drinking water. [G laughs]
G: I know, I can hear. [C laughs] [makes exaggerated swallowing sounds] [both laughing]
C: So...
G: See, I told you I am mean to you now!
C: [laughing] I don't think that was mean! But yeah-
G: It was funny, though.
C: It was funny, though. So...
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sarah-dipitous · 7 months
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 308
The Scar
I’m gonna catch up on doctor who over the weekend. After the stupid af end to the work day, running errands, and then building a cat tree, I’m wiped
“The Scar”
Plot Description: with little recollection of his disappearance, Dean sports a mysterious scar. Jack fights to save a dying girl’s life without his powers
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: No one died
It’s BARELY a beard. It’s a glorified goatee
Omg…yeah, I had the same reaction, Dean. Please, Sam, you do not need to—ok at least he asked them not to call him Chief
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Oh shit, was that the Kaia doppelgänger?? I was hoping that wouldn’t have been completely dropped
Despite being the de facto leader of everyone in the bunker, the amount of trepidation Sam is exhibiting is a little concerning
Ok but what does he want Dean to talk to him about? If Dean remembers nothing about when Michael was possessing him, what CAN he talk about when it comes to the past few weeks?
Ok. Dean clearly has to process SOMETHING but like….what? Does he even know?!
Fucking hell, Jack. You can’t leave the same way Nick did…man, he gave up on Maggie super quickly and is now focused on this new girl lmao
Oh, these must be some of Michael’s hybrids that au Kaia killed and…kept the heads of to put on spikes
When the witch who took this girl in said that she kept her young, I think she meant literally
Mmmmmmmm, Dean can’t live with what Michael did in his body. He might not know the full details, but he knows enough to know it was BAD. So he’s choosing not to face it. Cool, Dean
Actually, her putting the hybrids’ heads on spikes makes a lot more sense in the “don’t send more. This is what will happen to them” way than just a cruelty way, even if au Kaia isn’t like regular Kaia
I can’t believe Dean has named au Castiel and Bobby Bad Cas and New Bobby lmao
I already figured out that the witch meant it literally, Jack. Keep up. Now, you do have the ability to do the rest that I can’t: destroy the cursed jewelry. He cured her! It is a little like sleeping beauty!!
God…Michael made Dean dress like an absolute douche. Hey buddy, peaky blinders called, they want it all back (that joke would land better here if I told you that Dean told Sam earlier that duck dynasty called and wanted it all back in regards to his beard)
Just because au Kaia left doesn’t mean she’s gone….yeah. She just went to get her spear to kill the hybrids
Omggggg Cas recognizing that Jack has the mind and heart of a hunter and offering to take him on a hunting trip….you know, if Jack wants 💖
I’m not trusting this cough Jack has now though…
Oh fuck. It was more than just that Michael was (and still is) creating near indestructible monsters at at the helm of Dean’s body. It’s that Dean tried fighting him that whole time and it felt like drowning, and he feels like all of this is his fault for saying yes in the first place
No, Jack. That’s not a normal amount of blood to be coughing up. The normal amount is ZERO
0 notes
luxshine · 4 years
“Yo  a ti, Cas” Or how mexican dubbing gripped us tight and raised us from Despair.
Ok. So I promised a big meta about the dubbing thing and so while I don’t have all the answers YET, here’s a bit of perspective on the differences between Despair and The Truth.
  First, a little background. I am a former professional dubbing translator. While I worked on anime series from Japanese to Spanish, rather than in live action ones from English to Spanish, the process is not that different. Also, I worked in Mexico, where Supernatural is dubbed, so that’s why I can make the assumptions I make. Finally, my specialization in college was translation from English to Spanish, so I guess I know what the hell I’m talking about.
  So let’s start on HOW you translate something for a dub. Back in the day, you got a ton of VHS tapes with the episodes on them with time codes, and, if you were lucky, a shooting script. This is to say, it was not a transcript of the actual words said in the episode, but the script BEFORE the actors, directors, and everyone else had a hand on what was said and changed. And thus, anything adlibbed? Is not going to be in that script which, at least for the anime side of things? Was a nightmare as the script was usually “And here X actor can say whatever they want” and I had to go and listen to the scene ten thousand times. Now a days, you get either a video file or a streaming link, and sometimes, the shooting script. If you get a script, btw, you can also not get a script in the original language. I know that the person who had to translate Sprited Away to Spanish was working off a German script, not the Japanese one. So yeah, some things can be lost in translation there.
  THEN you get to translate. BUT you can’t just translate word by word. You have to adapt it so that it will sound like something a person will say, and sometimes, literally is not the way to do it. And in particular, Mexican dubbing has a reputation to uphold as the “Neutral” dub that is send to most Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America, so we can’t use certain words (I don’t have the list at hand, but I remember that I couldn’t use “Llanta” for Tire, and so I had to use “Neumatico”. And no “sweaters” or “hotcakes” or stuff like that), AND we have to match the lips of the original video. Which is like, the worst nightmare ever because of what we call “labiales”, that is to say, the letters where lips close.
  I can’t tell you how much we all loved when a character gave a long winded speech with their back to the camera due to those damned closed lip letters.
  All this is to say that sometimes, the line could be “We are all in this together for good or bad”, and the translation become something more like “Estamos en esto, por las buenas o las malas” (We’re on this, the good way or the bad way) or “Estamos juntos en las buenas y en las malas” (We’re together in the good and the bad), depending on the translator, dub director, and voice actor.
  Depending on the client, that is, the original owner of the series, sometimes they will review the translation once it’s all dubbed and edited. I know that in the Avengers movie, a Disney rep was present on the cabin and forbade any changes from the script, which resulted on a couple of awkward lines in the end result. I don’t know if that’s the case for Supernatural, but I honestly doubt it. Still, translators can’t make huge changes for the dialogue. One couldn’t just ADD a relationship that wasn’t there, no matter what.
  (As an aside, due to the very conservative mindset of some tv stations, it’s more common that gay relationships become more ambiguous, by changing “I love you” to “Te quiero” which can be more of a filial love than a romantic one. And well, that one case in Sailor Moon where a gay character was changed into a woman because the dub director honestly thought the character was a woman. But that was in the nineties)
  Now, let’s go to how Castiel’s speech was translated.
  The original, according to Superwiki, went like this:
  Castiel:  You're the most caring man on Earth. You are the most selfless, loving human being I will ever know. You know, ever since we met, ever since I pulled you out of Hell, knowing you has changed me. Because you cared, I cared. I cared about you. I cared about Sam. I cared about Jack. I cared about the whole world because of you. You changed me, Dean.
Dean: Why does this sound like a goodbye? Castiel: Because it is. I love you. Dean: Don't do this, Cas. Cas.
  And the translation, as it was aired, went like this (And people, you have no idea the war flashbacks transcribing this gave me, so I hope you appreciate it):
  Castiel: Eres el hombre mas amoroso sobre la Tierra. Un hombre sin egoismo; el hombre mas generoso que haya visto, y que jamas vere. Sabes que desde que nos conocimos y desde que te saque del infierno, el conocerte me ha cambiado. Porque a ti te importa. Y a mi me importa. Me importas tu. Y me importa Sam, me importa Jack, me importa todo el mundo. Y fue por ti. Tu me cambiaste, Dean.
  Dean: Porque suena esto a despedida?
  Castiel: Porque asi fue. Te amo.
  Dean: Yo a ti, Cas. (The empty appears and Billie opens the door) Cas…
  Castiel: Adios Dean
  Dean: No!
  Ok. So… At first glance, they’re pretty much the same until we get to the I love you. BUT let’s dissect it a little bit.
  Cas begins with a “Eres el hombre mas amoroso sobre la Tierra” which is not how I would’ve translated “The most caring man on Earth” since “caring” is more like “Cariñoso” rather than “amoroso” which would be “loving”, and yes, there’s a difference. Plus, “el hombre mas amoroso” sounds a bit clunky, so Personally, I’d have gone with “Eres el hombre mas cariñoso en la Tierra”, that would’ve given us more time for the rest of the speech, but I wonder if the translator choice for Amoroso instead was more due to the fact that “amor” (love) is more clearly romantic than “care” (cariño, in a sense, more on this later) and so it foreshadows the end.
  Again, with the literal clunkyness we have “Un hombre sin egoismo” (A man without egoism) which sounds weird no matter what language you speak, and it should’ve been “Un hombre dadivoso” (A giving man) or “un hombre desinteresado” (a selfless man) although the second could be mis-construed as “a man without interests” so “dadivoso” would’ve better. But the more puzzling is that the Spanish separates the selfless man from the next, which is REALLY confusing as the English is “the most loving man”, which would be “el hombre mas amoroso” making it quite redundant, so the Spanish changes it to “the most generous man”, “el hombre mas generoso”. To add to this, Cas continues with “that I have seen and I will ever see” instead of “That I know”, because it’s far more poetic. And loving.
  So yeah, Mexican Cas is basically saying that Dean Winchester is made of love and puppies.
  The next part “You know, ever since I pulled you out of hell, you’ve changed me” is more or less word for word, and the only thing that changes is that the English sounds more like a question and the Spanish one is an affirmation. YOU KNOW that ever since I pulled you out of hell, you changed me.” Little verb tense play, that doesn't change much except Cas’s resolution to say what he has to say.
  And then we get to the part that made me squeal out loud. Because we go from
  “Because you cared, I cared. I cared about you. I cared about Sam. I cared about Jack. I cared about the whole world because of you”
  “Porque a ti te importa. Y a mi me importa. Me importas tu. Y me importa Sam, me importa Jack, me importa todo el mundo.” Which at first glance is the same, but NOPE.
  First change: The original is in past tense “I cared”. Spanish version is in present tense: “I care”.
Which is a little non important thing except when you remember that simple present means “immutable absolute truth that won’t change with time”
  Second, the choice of word for care.
  I mentioned before that Care can be Cariño, as in filial, non romantic love (Or romantic love pet name, as it can also be Darling. It’s one of THOSE words). Other translations for care include “cuidado” (as in attention, concern, keeping, and worry), and of course “interesarse” (Which also can be care), “preocuparse” (care, bother, trouble, mind, fuss), and yes, “importar” but “importar” ONLY translates to English as a verb as “import”, “matter” “amount to” and notice how none of those words include “love”.
  Mexican Cas is not saying “you love the world, and so I do”. Mexican Cas is saying “The world matters to you, and thus it matters to me, but my feelings for the World (and Sam, and Jack) are not in the same league as my feelings for you.”
  And then Dean asks “Why does this sound like a Goodbye”, just like in English, in present tense…
  And Mexican Cas replies in PAST tense. “Porque asi fue”. And THIS is important because it means that everything he said before WAS the goodbye, and not what comes next. All the rest? Is in the past. “Because it was”. Not “Because it IS”. And the next part? Is their future.
  I love you.
  Te amo.
  Simple present. No ambiguity like “te quiero”. Spanish Te amo is for romantic love. Not brotherly, not family, not bro-mantic. ROMANTIC.
  It’s like “I’m IN love with you” (Although that’d be “Estoy enamorado de ti” and I doubt that would’ve fit in the time Misha spoke)
  And of course, the answer. “Yo a ti, Cas”. Not “And I, you” as I’ve seen it before (And I also thought it was, until transcribing the scene) but a simple “I, you, Cas.” Which ok, pretty cave-speak, but the meaning is pretty clear. Dean Winchester loves his gay angel.
  It is also telling that the empty doesn’t appear until AFTER Dean confessed, so no, Mexican Cas is not “happy with the saying”, he had to get to the “happy with the having”.
  And when Billy appears, it does seem as if he wants to say something more, but Cas is a love-sick selfsacrificing dumbass and so we all get our hearts broken.
I did get in contact with Dean Winchester’s mexican voice actor, and am waiting for answers to a small interview I did with him which includes the question “did that And I you, Cas” was in the script, and am trying to contact Castiel’s mexican voice actor. So I will be updating you on that. But I hope this clears up some of the questions about how Mexican dubbing made Destiel Canon :D
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fucktheroyals · 4 years
You know after reading and reading and reading peoples theories and the meta from before the spn finale aired and the meta writers reactions to the finale I think I have a theory of my own. We don't have any answers tho, so this is pure speculation. If you wanna add something to support or discredit any of this that's cool but there's too many things floating around. Know I dont have proof for this conclusion at all. A lot of what I say is just guesses based on previous facts.
This all came together in my head when I realized how much this finale REEKS of the original producers and who the show was originally for. It REEKS of Robert Singer. Like if the execs started saying they didn't want it, Robert Singer was the one pushing that the story was about the brothers. That kinda thing.
Then, I was thinking of the problems in this episode and it struck me these are all of Supernatural biggest issues and to be honest all of it feels completely deliberate.
Take the sexism for example, Supernatural in it's later seasons largely out grew this, we have Jody, Rowena, Donna, Charlie, Mary, Claire (and even a wayward sisters pilot with MORE women/girls) all making regular appearances. They're mainly good characters and mostly aren't there to hurt our boys. Rowena, of course, is the one outlier being very about herself but it's clear she still cares for them, I mean its part of her development. But they're all real, with character flaws just like everyone else. (And we have Death too and she was POC 😭 THANK GOD)
Now look at the earlier half of Spn, we have Ellen and Jo, who's appearances were far in between. There's Bela in season 3, recurring for quite a bit (5 eps), but she is a character that is only there for herself, definitely not found family (unlike Ellen & Jo), and she's got more episodes in season 3 than Ellen and Jo in season 2 who aren't seen again til season 5. The "fans" send in hate mail after hate mail to try to get these characters off, and eventually they are. Then there's Ruby who's character stayed for a whole two seasons and was a largely recurring character. Why does she get to say so long? She's a plot device. She's supposed to be there to betray Sam. She has to stay (plus Jared obviously likes her). But she's not just a character the writers like writing about. Same with Lilith. Obviously not as recurring but still a plot device. Did they get hate mail tho? You can bet on it. Why? because tHeY'rE gOnNa PuSh ThE bOyS (Dean and Sam) aPaRt ThE sHoW iS aBoUt ThE bOyS oNlY. Without even thinking about the hate mail, just notice how large the difference is from how women are seen in the earlier seasons to the later seasons. Misha got tons of hate mail too for being a character that could split up the boys (probably only being allowed to say because he a man, thanks sexist producers and execs).
Only after Castiel was killed off and then Castiel fans successfully (thank you guys) got him back on the show did the hate mail largely simmer, which means female character's were allowed to stay! Which has lead us to a show with a good amount of female characters. But can you imagine having to kill characters off time and time again because people keep complaining that the show is "only about the boys." Fun times really.
So now we get to this final and we see sexism. But it wasn't just the plain old regular sexism you find in the earlier days of spn. Because now, there ARE women to talk about, talk to. But this episode was DESOLATE women wise, unless they were used for plot (which is also sexist!). Small scenes, they're barely there. Women gets her tongue cut out. Random women from s1 gets killed. Sam doesn't SPEAK of Eileen. Nothing. No mention of any female characters from the boys mouths unless they were from/in this episode itself. That's WIERD. I know we've all said it. But that goes beyond forgetting about characters. I mean its SAM'S GIRLFRIEND for Christ's sake. There is NO REASON they couldn't have said Eileen's name. Notice how Sam's wife is just... faceless. This is literally an age old sexist trope. Like... one of the things about bringing Mary back to life for s12+ is that it takes this trope... of basically a generic mother, and gives her life and feelings, whether you like them or not, they're real feelings. They said Mary isn't just a mom she's a person. Mary's existence in the later half of spn is to fix this kind of female tropes that fall upon her character, to not let these her stay a 2 dimensional character. They said we should know she's more than just the mom who tried to save her kid. Do that is the exact opposite of Sam getting a nameless, faceless wife. The sexism of the old spn wasn't just brought back, it was completely amplified. It wasn't just accidental or some exec "fixing" the story it was DELIBRATE. Whoever wrote that, didn't do ALL OF THAT by accident. Because an exec or a producer who doesn't see the flaws in old supernatural isn't going to write it that deliberately.
Let's bring it back to s10 when Charlie was killed (singer was mainly to blame). Dead in the bathtub, age old classic of burying ur gays. If you were here you know people never let Supernatural live that down. THEY KNOW what bury ur gays means. Hell, Robbie Thompson left because of Charlie's death and you think the writers don't know what it means? I mean both Bobo Berens (especially) and Steve Yockey's careers are centered around LGBT+ storytelling and you think they don't know? They know. They know.
And Dean wasn't just apart of the bury your gays trope, it is so far BEYOND that. Dean being killed on a rusty nail/screw, the tongues ripped out, things that seemed to be meant for other people. Jensen's acting in the last two episodes was giving us "DEAN RECIPROCATES" but no one ever actually saying it. I think it's clear that Dean was killed for being Bi. They didn't address it for a reason, they just silenced him. His narrative was supposed to be about letting him be HIM for the first time, to say what his feelings are instead of having them miscommunicated, and instead of doing that, they just silenced him. And the more we look at this scene the more horrific it gets. The more it's a complete slap in the face and it's supposed to be. Some guy who knows nothing about the LGBT can't write a scene this horrific.
Some guy who knows nothing about Dean couldn't write a scene that deconstructs all of Dean's character development and gives Dean his worst nightmare. I MEAN DEAN WANTED TO LIVE HIS LIFE! THEY DIDNT HIDE THAT JOB APPLICATION (or whatever job related thing that was) IN THERE FOR SHITS AND GIGGLES THEY WANT YOU TO KNOW THIS IS THE ABSOLUTE WORST SITUATION. Dean isn't Barney from HIMYM. If you watched HIMYM then you'll know Barney went from being a stereotypical ladies man and treating women terribly to being in love with a women and treating her right and working hard for it. The last episode of HIMYM (why its so bad) Barney's character development is thrown out and he's back to being a stereotypical ladies man. You don't need to know Barney's character very much to do that.
To kill Dean during a hunt his father never finished, to not have anyone at his funeral, to have Dean die young like his life didn't matter. Those are Dean's worst fears and you'd only truly know that if you watched the gin episode in s3, where they are basically laid out for you. You HAVE to know Dean's character to tear him apart like this.
This episode took all the core elements of the show and did a complete 180° the name of the episode itself is "Carry on" and Dean and Sam very much did not carry on. Sam grieving his entire life so that he good get to heaven and see Dean again. Dean being ready to live his life, despite the enormous pitfalls and learning to love himself only to be killed. "Family don't end with blood." Um.... it did in that episode either literally with Dean's death or you know BECAUSE NONE OF THEIR FOUND FAMILY WAS THERE. Not Jack, Not Cas, Not Eileen, Not Donna, Not Charlie, Not Jody, Not Claire... on and on we go. No one was there, nobody was even mentioned. Dean's funeral, no one even called that we know of. It was just Sam and Dean. Sam and Dean. And Bobby. Don't forget Bobby. But yeah Sam and Dean.
That's what the show is about right, the brothers.
Except it's not anymore. It hasn't been for years.
Cas not being there was deafening but it brought us to a major point. Becky. Becky's telling us about the terrible ending.
And many of us are wondering why would they literally tell us this is the worst ending and then... make it the ending.
Now before we move on, it very apparent many of you think Dabb doesn't ship Deancas. And Dabb doesn't care about the characters.
Say what you will about any plot holes in his writing, the point he is VERY GOOD at writing the characters, and giving us good ones.
Why do we know Dabb ships Deancas? (ill say when its cowrote, other wise its not) cowrote ep 8.02 - purgatory "I prayed to you, Cas, every night" "Cas, Buddy, I need you." "I have a price on my head, and I've been trying to stay one step ahead of them, to – to keep them away from you." 8.08 Hunteri Heroici - Cas helps them hunt! 😊❤ Dean & Cas have a serious convo about why Cas doesn't want to see/go to heaven. 8.22 Dean's mad at Cas. Sam's explanation of why Dean should be easy on Cas: "It's Cas." Dean then points out how he'd knife anybody else if they did what Cas did. 9.10 - Cas comforts Dean when Dean can't take seeing Sam (Gadreel) being tortured anymore. Also tons of Cas. 9.20 (bloodlines) - Canonical couple parallel "I was there, where were you" 9.22 The angels make Cas choose between them and killing Dean and he "gave up an entire army for one guy" 10.09 Claire's reintroduction. Cas heavy ep. DeanCas date. 10.22 THE PRISONER - u know the ep where Dean beats the shit out of Cas but loves him enough to not kill him.
We COULD keep going but I think I've made my point. If Robert Singer is the guy that is like "the show is about Sam and Dean only" Andrew Dabb is the DeanCas shipper. And you could even say a Cas stan.
Notice! How in s13 for SEVEN episodes we have a story that revolves around Dean's grief about losing Cas. Notice! How often the stories in all these seasons have a focus on their relationship. THAT is Andrew Dabb. If it weren't for him doing that, we wouldn't be able to easily say after Dean's lack of a response to Cas' confession, that Dean reciprocates.
To me, when I was (binge) watching s12 for the first time, I thought damn this is really got a lot of DeanCas. So I went to look at who was in charge, who was writing. I saw Andrew Dabb, associated him with Deancas episodes, saw all the new writers, Bobo, and then I saw that Yockey is known for same sex stories and it clicked. Dabb assembled a team to give us Destiel. THAT WAS IN SEASON 12!!!!!!!!
The amount of people saying he's homophobic flabbergast me. Open your eyes! That isn't what's going on.
Imagine making a show and trying to right all the wrongs of Supernatural. Imagine trying to write the greatest love story ever told and you have the entire season planned out for it to end off beautifully, it may possibly be your greatest achievement when it's done and then boom. someone comes in and tells you you aren't allowed to make Dean bi or make destiel endgame, after he was most probably already given the go ahead.
Sure. You could imply he's bi or into cas still in a way. Still make nice-ish ending. just give everyone what the kinda want.
Or you could scrap the last season, nothing close to a canonical bisexual Dean Winchester or Deancas endgame in site. People can be done with it be happy with the show, continue to live their lives in ignorance as to how close they were to Canon destiel.
OR you can lead everyone to the very closest you can get them to what you were aiming for and then show everyone the ugly truth and reality. Light it all on fire. Burn the show to the ground in your wake. Try your darnedest to making these people's (the people saying no) pockets suffer. Show us, the audience, what happened. Show us what this show really is.
I've seen people talk about the ending being changed during covid but I dont think that happened. I think what happened was Dabb already had this season planned out before it even started. Obviously the details were wobbly but it was all lead up to this ending. Destiel endgame, Canon Bisexual Dean, whatever it was. They were ready to write the greatest love story ever told and then someone shut it down.
Imagine the pain that must have caused them to be told no when they already said yes. They must have been so excited to give this to us.
I think someone (some producers) told him what this show is "really" about. The brothers. Can you imagine, after being told no, some kinda bullshit like this is said to you: "Why aren't you bringing it back to the brothers, Andrew? that's what the shows about. What with all this homosexual stuff, you know the audience won't like that. Not really." Imagine the original producers pushing this kind of view on you. "You know when we started it was Sam and Dean. It should end with Sam and Dean." That kinda sounds like someone huh? huh.
So why give us a nice acceptable finale, when you can take every problem Supernatural's had either up front or behind the scenes and create a finale so incredibly bad that people don't want to watch it anymore.
Someone made a good point about how Sam was originally supposed to be the main focus (this isn't to put any hate on Sam or Jared). Dean and Sam are the main characters but Sam was supposed to be the focus and for Dean to have become the focus, must have annoyed the producers because... well here we are. They wouldn't listen to Jensen. The producers liked this ending. Jensen's opinion didn't matter to them.
In some ways, if this is really what happened, it can be seen as childish from Dabb. To hurt all of us like that. Yes, he's hurting the producers, the execs, the cw. But to hurt us? Yeah it stings.
But in other ways, if this is really what happened, this is Dabb showing us the muck and gunk under the shiny surface. The hate for Misha. The hidden hate for Jensen. The underlying sexism. The underlying homophobia. The people REALLY in charge don't care about us, they just want our money. He needed to open our eyes and free us, at least free the people that he was writing for. The people he sees that care about this show.
This is the ending the powers that be wanted and its a big fuck you for a reason. I dont think this is Dabb spitting in our faces for loving this show, I think this is him trying to get revenge for us.
But from here, you can see it how u want it. If this is really what happened, I'm not in charge of your emotions, if you wanna be mad be mad if you wanna be grateful be grateful. And you don't have to believe me either I said this is speculation.
Also, as for all of the rumors like there being shots to the confession scene that we didn't see, which Jensen himself implied, I think that might have been a last ditch effort to canonized DeanCas but obviously it was cut. Like the name change was pretty clear. As for Misha possibly having shot some stuff for 20 I dont know what to tell you. If it's true I dont know where the blame would lie.
I do think however, that if all this was the case, the writers were prepared to become villians here. I mean they told us the writers were villians with Chuck right? So. Who knows what went down so they could give us such a vile ending. It could've been the producers or the writers, who truly knows. I do think tho that people we "trust" did some pretty shitty things to push the narrative in certain directions so now one would see this as the actual ending that was coming.
So again do with my SPECULATION what you will. This was in no way meant to put Dabb on a pedestal or anything. Just meant to give a bit of perspective.
(Also Jensen didn't unfollow Dabb recently he was already unfollowed for years)
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so get this. I was gonna roll around in Tombstone related fluff today - but no, no - this post came across my dash so Now We Are Gonna Discuss the Carnal Consumption of Meat as it appears on That Show Supernatural.  YEAH BUDDIES!
(also my sincere apologies to OP of the inspiration post who innocently tagged it with “lunch date!”  because I am about to go Elsewhere, cursedly).
Let’s all go meat man, after the cut!
This analysis centers primarily on 5x14 Bloody Valentine.  The title of course is a semi-homage to a 3D Slasher Film Jensen starred in circa 2009. 
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Which I will be renting soon I guess.  ,[<- parasocial panda GET BACK IN YOUR ENCLOSURE]
Also Its Really Fun that the trailer for Said Cinema ends with “nothing says date movie like a 3-D ride to hell” [are you also thinking of Cas pulling Dean out of hell, or are you normal?]  ***unironically the teaser for 5x14 is -
First date.
They then eat each other.  Literally they eat each others flesh.  They also do it while dirty talking about it.  SPN IS A SHOW 
ALICE Ugh! I've been so alone. So empty...
RUSSEL I know. Me too.
ALICE I want you, Russel---All of you... inside me...
[they both take bites out of each other, Alice chewing on a piece of Russel's flesh]
****Remember this detail, as it is important.
ANYWAY, it’s truly Cursed that not only are we doing an homage to this 3-D Jensen Horror Date Flick but also this episode is specifically centered on Valentine’s Day.  The day honoring romance and love Now Coopted by Hallmark, everyone, that is the day spn writers chose to introduce us to 
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Sir Horseman of THE Biblical Apocalypse Famine. 
Canonically, we are aware that the show is drawing from the book of Revelations in its depiction of the Four Horsemen.  Here’s what it says about Famine -
"When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, "Come." I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand.”
-Revelations 6:5
Famine holds scales (used to weigh out grain in times of food scarcity).  Spn’s depiction is represented as hunger, a bottomless pit of need.  It consumes souls (demon and human alike).  
Cas describes Famine a little more poetically:
"And then will come Famine riding on a black steed. He will ride into the land of plenty... "
"... and great will be the Horseman's hunger, for he is hunger. "
"His hunger will seep out and poison the air. "
***Consider a prior season in which we are introduced to the Seven Deadly Sins.  Which are the sins associated with hunger?
and Lust.
***this is also important
Back to the episode.  Case cold open, and we find out that Alice was a Nice Girl.  In that she didnt drink, smoke or
have premarital sex.
***So Alice’s hunger for the sin of Lust caused her to succumb to it; and her demise was presented as Gluttony (literally eating her partner’s flesh). HMM
Famine’s presence is affecting the town, and Cas is not immune.
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And when did you start eating?
Exactly. My hunger-- it's a clue, actually.
***They lay it out a little more in case you missed it ->
I thought famine meant starvation, like as in, you know, food.
Yes. Absolutely. But not just food. I mean, everyone seems to be starving for something--Sex, attention, drugs, love...
***this is so important.  but of course because its spn and our textual narrators are generally unreliable (even in a Ben Edlund episode, yes I know)
we get a red herring
Right. The cherub made them crave love, and then Famine came, and made them rabid for it.
***but that’s not accurate.  they didn’t get married or become obsessed with each other (remember the cursed coin in 4x08 Wishful Thinking and the unconditional love wish? not what happened here). they had premarital sex.  they did the thing Alice considers wrong, and dark, and sinful.  and then they ate each others’ flesh.
Okay, but what about you? I mean, since when do angels secretly hunger for White Castle?
It's my vessel-- Jimmy. His, uh, appetite for red meat has been touched by Famine's effect
***mad lad Jimmy Novak’s hunger is for...red meat?  He is starving for red meat?  You are telling me that the Novaks, red blooded conservative religious midwestern Novaks, ate RED MEAT SO SPARINGLY that Jimmy Novak was LITERALLY starving for it?!?!  No way.  Absolutely no way.  This is a man who was such a religious zealot he STUCK HIS HAND IN BOILING WATER and accepted an angel of the lord into his own body but his secret hunger was for fucking ground beef?
give me a damn break.
to me this is an absolute coverup.  Because Cas’s burger consumption is not related one iota to his vessel Jimmy Novak.
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it is a representation of Cas falling.  Cas’s cravings for meat represent his growing (and very much prohibited) feelings for...humanity (Dean Winchester), and they are presenting as Gluttony in the form of his downing more and more copious amounts of red meat.  
SERIOUSLY, consider this - at one point the depiction is so desperately carnal that he is eating raw ground beef with his bare hands. It is fucking uncomfortable.  and it is SUPPOSED to be.  Famine stirs up hunger for the prohibited.  For the sinful. That which we are starving for but do not believe we can ever have, so we lust and we lust and we LUST after it, but should we allow ourselves even just a taste of what we have been ravenously craving, we binge it until we ourselves disappear into the oblivion of our own sinful, dark desires.
Since You Want More Examples of why this cant possibly be hunger for Cheeseburgers and Cheeseburgers alone, Consider Famine’s effect on Dean.  Remember his doctor kink?
**when its revealed that Doctor Corman has succumbed to Famine’s poison by drinking himself to death, Dean - very uncharacteristically by the way - reacts by saying out loud
DEAN Thanks. Crap! I really kind of liked this guy.
***please note that Doctor Corman says the following to Dean in the prior scene they have together -
DR. CORMAN [to Dean]
Agent Marley, you just can't stay away.
****was that a flirtation?
***Also, Dean doesn’t want to go out and chase tail for Valentines Day.   
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I mean, what do you always call it-- Uh, unattached drifter Christmas?
Oh, yeah. Well... be that as it may...I don't know. Guess I'm not feeling it this year.
So you're not into bars full of lonely women?
Nah, I guess not. [takes a sip of his beer] Ahh. What?
That's when a dog doesn't eat-- That's when you know something's really wrong.
***oh look we are relating things to eating again.  sex/lust to gluttony.  hmmm hmmm hmmm
ANYHOW -  *takes deep breath*
 this is also the Episode Where This Scene Lives
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oh and speaking of jacting joices, this is also the Dean Notices Cupids Crotch Episode.
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frAckles, I am once again asking why you only permit celestial beings to hug you from behi-[gunshots]
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but Dean isn’t hungry.  Why? Famine has the explanation, and we get it after Dean immediately runs inside after Cas heads in to complete his portion of their plan barely giving him any time to do so because he misses him that much.
I disagree. [Famine moves closer to Dean and touches him] Yes. I see. That's one deep, dark nothing you got there, Dean. Can't fill it, can you? Not with food or drink. Not even with sex.
Oh, you're so full of crap.
Oh, you can smirk and joke and lie to your brother, lie to yourself, but not to me! 
***not Dean making all of those homophobic/homoerotic jokes every time he’s in danger or feeing uncomfortable; not that, that can’t possibly be what Famine is referencing, right?
I can see inside you, Dean. I can see how broken you are, how defeated. 
***not THIS parallel:
You're a mystery. I can see inside your heart. Feel the love you feel, except… It's cloaked in shame
You can't win, and you know it. But you just keep fighting. Just... keep going through the motions. 
***not the motions of performative heterosexuality!!
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***Dean’s not hungry because in his heart he truly believes that he can’t actually have what he hungers for.  That Thing Which This Episode Overtly but Also Very Clearly Made Obvious.  It’s an angel riding shotgun [I did Do That and I am Not Sorry], eating a burger in the front seat of the impala.  But, I’ve deviated from the meat of this essay [gunshots] [this time just for the bad joke].
there’s Exists another episode in which a man ravenously consumes red meat; eventually succumbing to eating raw beef with his bare hands in the season prior to this one.  
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Yes Supernatural the Show That Brought Us Not One But Two Scenes of Persons Carnally Consuming Red Meat With Their Bare Hands.  
This episode is a MOTW - the man in question is a rougaru - a monster that starts out as human but due to some specific genetic disorder (hmmm hmmm hmm crack in THE chassis hmmm hmmm) soon begins to be extremely hungry - “for everything, but eventually long pig.” AKA human flesh. 
Wanna know the kicker?  
Episode’s called Metamorphosis.
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(GIF by jackttwist)
I’ll see myself out.
[DOUBLE BONUS for extra credit:
if you really wanna wild out, go watch the scene of Jack the rougaru looking at himself in the mirror in 4x04 - and then meander on over to 7x01 and check out God!stiel looking in the mirror as the leviathans writhe inside him over there. It’s worth the walk.]
***oh and @lilac-void​ im tagging you in this one because in exchange for your KIND creator content nomination I guess I will respond by cursing you with an Honorary tag in this, a Meat Meta.  you’re welcome slash I'm sorry XO [but seriously thank you again for your kindness and appreciation; it really motivated me to sit down and get moving on making more content <3]
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duuhrayliegh · 3 years
Fuck Misogyny
request: Bucky uses his newly gained knowledge of feminism to squash misogynistic interview questions. @ptrs-prkrs
warnings: language, creepy men, feminist!bucky
a/n: hey babes!! i hope this lived up to what you wanted! i couldn’t find the exact video you were referencing but i know what you’re talking about, so i drew inspiration from a few others.
p.s.: my requests and tag lists are open!!
xoxo ray
full m.list
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The set up was simple. A long row of fold out tables covered in black fabric, microphones in front of each seat. Black papers were taped to the backs of the microphones with each team member's name. Bucky had told Evie that he wasn’t going to be able to work out with her today because of this so it better be worth it. The PR manager for the team, Amanda, had set everything up. Hired the mediator, notified the press, everything. Ever since they announced that they were going to be hosting an Avenger’s Q&A Panel, the internet quite literally broke.
Of course Bucky had been doing lives on TikTok with the group of five for the past couple of weeks now, so he was becoming quite comfortable in this format. He’s become increasingly active on his social media accounts, gaining more and more followers everyday. Granted, there were still haters, as Freddie called them, but Bucky ignored them for the most part.
Bucky was actually excited for this press meeting. He was finally gaining traction in the media and he knew how to correctly answer their questions. As Amanda had explained, there was going to be several questions from the mediator, tons from the press that they had invited, and then some fan questions as well. They apparently were going to be live streaming the conference on YouTube allowing them to read the comments and questions as it went on.
“Okay, everyone. You have two minutes until we start.” The team was in an empty board room in the Hilton hotel. Tony didn’t want everyone on the compound’s grass because he just had it fixed. Bucky scanned his fellow teammates. It was impossible for everyone to dress for the same event. Steve was wearing a shirt that was almost bursting at the seams with a pair of jeans and sneakers.
Tony was wearing a lovely Tom Ford, three piece, two-button, of course. Natasha and Wanda were wearing ripped jeans and casual tops. Vision was wearing a sweater vest and slacks, Bruce was clad in slacks as well a jacket covering his shoulders. Sam was wearing a button-up shirt and pressed jeans and he couldn’t find Clint anywhere, probably hiding in the rafters again.
Bucky had his iconic leather jacket donning his shoulders, a pair of slightly ripped jeans. His outfit was picked out by Cassie and Penny. “You need to look like you care but like you don’t at the same time.” Is what they said, the phrase made Bucky shake his head. His hair had finally started growing back and he wasn’t quite sure how he felt about it.
He had gotten help from Evie before he left Cassie’s apartment. She had pulled back the top half, braiding back two sections into the bun at the back of his head. There were pieces dangling in front of his eyes, “to accentuate the facial features, trust me they’ll love it.” Was Evie’s explanation as they pushed him out of the apartment, so he wouldn’t be late.
“Alright guys! They’re calling your names!” The team filed out of the board room and into a large ballroom. Bottles of water were placed beside each placemat. Tony went out first, followed by Steve, then Bruce, Natasha, Clint, Wanda, Vision, Sam and ending with Bucky. They all settled into their seats, Bucky peeled his jacket off himself, placing it on the back of his chair. His black short sleeved shirt highlighted the gold inlays of his vibranium arm.
“Oh, I see we’re showing some muscle today huh, Buck?” Sam teased as Bucky took his seat next to him. Bucky groaned in realization, covering his microphone so it didn’t pick up what he planned to say.
“Good God, is this what it’s going to be like the entire panel? You just bugging the shit outta me?” They shared a laugh making the rest of the members look at the pair. The audience clapped as they were introduced and continued clapping as they assembled before them.
“Thank you. We would like to welcome everyone to the first, of hopefully many, Avenger’s Q&A Panel.” The female mediator, Stacey, read the assigned lines off the sheet on her podium. “We are going to start with questions we curated for the team and then open it up to the members of the press. After that we will turn to our live stream and answer some viewer questions.” The press rustled in their seats, pulling out pens and journals as well as their phones to record. “Okay, starting off with a question directed at the Avengers in general. How are you feeling about coming before the media in this type of format?” Glances were exchanged between the members, not sure on who was going to start.
“I feel that this is a great way for the general public to learn a little bit more about each individual team member.” Vision was the first to respond and Steve added on.
“Yeah, I definitely think that there’s a common misconception that we don’t want to engage with the media or the general public. We do, unfortunately due to the amount of research and training that we are doing behind the scenes, it just goes to the back of our minds.”
“Right. So Tony and Bruce, we all know that you two are geniuses. What are your feelings on expanding the teachings of STEM courses to not only high school, but as far back as elementary school or even kindergarten?” The pair thought about the question before answering.
“Well, I definitely think that offering STEM-based classes at a younger age would be beneficial, especially if we were to allow the kids to continue to switch what they want to focus on.” Bruce started. “It’s incredibly anxiety-inducing for teenagers to have to decide what they’re going to do with their life right before they are thrust into an unforgiving world.”
“Yeah, I’ll never understand why we do that to our future leaders, it’s honestly baffling. Why do American schools wait until high school to require our children to learn foriegn languages, they aren’t going to retain that information. The same applies for such comprehensive courses like STEM-based ones. If you wait until their brains are already developed so far, then they’ve already decided what they think is interesting and if they don’t find those courses interesting then they aren’t going to pay attention.” Tony finished Bruce's thought before nodding to each other smugly, obviously proud of themselves for answering the question so well.
“Interesting that you see it that way. This last one goes out to everyone and then we’ll open it up to the reporters. How do you deal with the stress and anxiety that comes with being an Avenger? Do you feel a certain amount of pressure to always do the right thing?” Stacey shuffled her papers, tapping them twice on the podium.
“We all have our own routines and ways that we decompress after missions so that really just depends on the person. Like I think that Bruce listens to opera music, and Wanda mediatates, Tony tinkers. It depends on the person.” Natasha answered concisely, making Bucky nod his head. He could recall all of those things to be true.
“Oh definitely, and it doesn’t hurt that we have a former VA Trauma Counselor on board to help us work through the harder stuff.” Steve added a gesture of his head to Sam.
“Speaking of that Sam, just a quick question before we open it up. How difficult was it for you to transition from regular Air Force missions to Avenger level missions?” Sam made a face at Stacey before answering.
“Um, I mean, it’s not that different. You’re always fighting one of the Big Three-- aliens, androids, or wizards, no matter what department you’re working with. The only transition I had to deal with was the Tony Stark-erized suits. Now that I think of it, Tony, can we make it tighter?” Sam quipped making the room laugh with ease.
“Alright, well now we’re going to open it up to the reporters. Starting with this gentleman in the front and then if we could also give a microphone to someone on that side of the room. Okay, thank you.” The first reporter stood up, holding the microphone in one hand and his phone in the other.
“Hello. John from Huffington Post. The Avengers inspire almost everyone around the world, so we would like to know who inspires you? Who do you look up to in terms of your idols?” He sat back down as the team contemplated their answers.
“Gandhi.” Bruce said, Tony snapped his fingers and pointed at him then added. “Pepper, she’s so amazing.” Steve looked down to Bucky, who shrugged.
“I would probably have to say that my sister, Sarah, inspires me. She raised her two sons, Cas and AJ, by herself after the Blip and was able to keep the family business going.” Sam’s answer made Bucky smile. Sam had brought him to their house in Delacroix, he remembered waking up to Cas and AJ playing in the kitchen, happy giggles filtering through reminding him of his time in Wakanda. By the time that Bucky had refocused on the conversation they had moved on without his answer. Several different questions went by, all directed to the team at large, until Chad.
“Hi, I’m Chad for the Daily Mail. My question is for Wanda and Natasha.” The pair of women perked up, excited to have a specific question. “Do you find that your equipment hinders you in doing your job as well as your male counterparts?” Stunned expressions settled over the womens faces, then annoyance. Bucky’s brows shot up to his hairline, appalled that someone had the balls to ask that. Wanda and Natasha handled the question with grace and much more restraint than Bucky would have.
“Well for me, I am able to move things with my mind so I can throw things randomly at people even if I’m not in the room. I’ve been very fortunate to work with Natasha who has Widow training, so my hand to hand combat is improving immensely. And being able to work with Princess Shuri in Wakanda to learn how to fully control my powers. It’s an ever evolving process that I’m always excited to take on.” Bucky nodded and turned his attention to Natasha.
“My favorite thing is training with either Steve or Bucky because they push me to do my best. We all have our specialties here and it’s nice to learn new skills or improve old ones with people who support you.” Natasha sat back in her chair, crossing her arms over her chest, throwing daggers with her eyes at Chad in the audience, waiting for him to say something else. Chad stood again, yelling so he could be heard over the crowd’s commotion.
“That’s great, ladies, but forgive me, you didn’t answer the question I asked.” Bucky pushed forward in his seat, leaning into his microphone.
“I’m sorry, I think I misunderstood what you asked them then. I would like for you to clarify what you mean by equipment.” Chad balked, not expecting a male’s voice to respond.
“You know what’s implied by equipment, sir.” Bucky’s jaw clenched at the man.
“Did you just ask two of the most capable women that I’ve ever known, if their equipment, which I’m assuming you’re referring their breasts, made it to where they couldn’t do their job as good as the rest of their male counterparts. Just to be clear, that’s what you’re asking?” Chad stuttered as he answered yes.
“Right, well first off that’s disgusting. Just a bit of background for you, Wanda is the strongest Avenger here, plain and simple. As for Natasha, she’s the smartest woman I’ve ever met and she can take down every single male here.” Bucky took a breath before continuing. “So, what I think you really want to know is how they encourage their teammates to keep up with them.” He dropped his head to look at the two women down the line.
“Don’t worry Chad, I’ll ask them the right question, since you can’t quite seem to understand how to respect women.” The team was holding back snickers at Chad’s reaction. “Wanda, Natasha. Chad wants to know how the hell you push your male teammates to be just as good as you are. What are your strategies to keep us on our toes while training?” Claps sounded from the women press members and Bucky awaited the pair's response. The next press member stood and asked a question.
“Hi, I’m Chloe from Vanity Fair. This question goes to everyone on the panel.” Bucky settled in for another question that didn’t matter. “How do you continue to be aware of things happening in our society today? Do you keep up-to-date through new channels, or social media?” The answers were rather generic from the team, all of them rather uncomfortable from the tension that Bucky and Chad had created. Stacey interrupted after Chloe’s question.
“Okay, we’re going to open it up to viewer questions from our live stream.” An iPad was placed on the podium in front of Stacey and her eyebrows rose. “Okay, there’s quite a variety here. Here’s one for Steve and Bucky.” Bucky perked up, nervous to answer because his adrenaline had worn off.
“One viewer asks, ‘Steve and Bucky, being from the 40’s, women were treated like second thoughts and were talked about like objects. Now, you’re in the 21st century, not much has changed. What have you been doing to support feminist causes?’”
“I just want to say that everyone should be answering this. It’s true that during the 40’s women were not treated the right way, and they still aren’t today. An 18 year old can’t walk down the street at nine o’clock at night without being catcalled. I am a proud feminist, as everyone should be. I think that as a team we are doing pretty well in that department. As far as what I’m doing to support feminist causes, I’m doing as much as I can. I actually recently enrolled in online classes to expand my knowledge on many subjects, seeing as how I am from the 40’s and all.” The crowd laughed along with Bucky.
“Almost all of my classes have to do with either psychology or gender studies, it’s a fascinatingly haunting subject. One book that I’m reading right now was suggested to me by my friend Cassie, it’s called Hood Feminism: Notes from the Women that a Movement Forgot. The author doesn’t let up and I’m only halfway through it. Look, I’m still educating myself, but I’m a strong believer in doing what is right for everyone, so I’m trying. Thankfully I have a few people keeping me in check as far as my actions.” Bucky thought his response was well thought out for being an on the fly question. He was new to the concept of feminism but that didn’t change the fact that it made total sense.
“I’m with Bucky on this. The 40’s were a rough time. I remember the first time I met Peggy Carter, I was astonished that a woman could be in such a powerful position. One of the first things she did after I met her was punch out someone who made a sexual comment to her. I’ve been supporting feminist causes ever since working with Peggy.” Steve added, a sad smile spreading on his face reminiscing Peggy.
“This one says, ‘As a total fan of all of you, I love seeing what you post on your social media accounts. When are the rest of the Avengers going to follow Bucky’s lead and download TikTok?’” Bucky’s head flew back into a full body laugh. Tony shifted forward in his seat, pointing his finger at the laughing man down the table.
“I would just like to say he didn’t get that approved before doing it. However, it did go over really well, so we’ll consider it.” Wanda’s mouth rolled inwards, stifling her laughter.
“We’ll consider it, you’re such an old man. Most of us have TikTok already, we just don’t make content on it like Barnes over here.” Sam said, tossing his head in Bucky’s direction.
“I’ve got like three videos on there!” Bucky and Sam began bantering back and forth.
“Yeah and one of them is dancing to a Cardi B song! Who even showed you that? I thought you only like 40’s music?” Bucky made a face at the man.
“Uh, just because I didn’t like your suggestions for music doesn’t mean I don’t have taste. My Spotify playlist is filling out quite nicely, Wilson.” Bucky and Sam didn’t quit fighting from then on, just little jabs at each other under the table.
“Here’s a good one,” Stacey had a smile on her face, “Are you allies of the LGBTQ+ community?” Bucky responded quickly with no hesitation.
“Yes, many of my friends are members of the Alphabet Mafia. Why wouldn’t we be?” Wanda nodded at his question, laughing at his use of the phrase Alphabet Mafia.
“Yeah, absolutely. I mean, I’m dating a fucking android, I’d be pretty hypocrictal if I wasn’t an ally. Nat, Clint what about you?” Clint bobbed his head in response.
“Oh yeah. We all are, even the Star Spangled Man with a Plan.” Steve’s shoulders shook with laughter at Clint’s nickname for him. The team broke out into laughter, joining Steve. Stacey cleared her throat, commanding the attention of the room again.
“Alright, everybody! That’s it for today.” She glanced down at her papers. “We would like to thank everyone for coming out today and joining the Avengers Q&A Panel. At this time we are unaware, if we will be conducting another one of these, but the odds look good based on the response.” The team filed out of the ballroom and into the empty boardroom. Bucky was the last to get into the room and he was approached by Natasha and Wanda immediately. Wanda wrapped her arms around him in a bear hug.
“That was so sick, Bucky!” She stepped back and Natasha offered him a side hug as well. “Where’d you learn all that? And since when are you taking online classes?”
“That guy was being an asshole, he needed to be put in his place. I hope you guys didn’t feel like I overstepped or anything.” Bucky hung his arm over Wanda’s shoulder, leaning his weight on her. “And I started about two months ago. They’re going really well, I’m learning a lot and enjoying it surprisingly. It’s a good thing to do in my free time since I’m not always on missions.”
“I’m proud of you James, that was impressive.” Natasha complimented him, she wasn’t usually a woman of many words so that was a lot. Bucky smiled at her, nodding his head. His phone began buzzing in his back pocket, so he excused himself from their conversation. His screen displayed one of Evie’s senior pictures, signalling that she was calling him. He pushed the green button and brought the phone to his ear to answer her call.
“Hello?” She ignored his greeting with a squeal.
“Check your Twitter! Bucky, you’re trending! Here I’m putting you on speaker, we’re all here Buck!” Shuffling noises were heard through the speaker as Evie began reading the tweets to Bucky. Laughs from Cassie, Freddie and Penny could be heard behind Evie’s voice.
“Oh my gosh Eve! Just let the man get back to what he was doing!” Freddie yelled at an excited Evie, who retaliated with a scoff.
“Okay, okay! Just remember we have a movie night tomorrow! It’s Penny’s turn to pick so we don’t know what to expect.” Evie mumbled the last part into her phone speaker. Bucky heard the impact of a pillow hit Evie, causing her to grunt in pain. “Okay! We’ll talk to you later, Buck! See you soon!” She hung up the phone before he could get a word in edgewise. Bucky shook his head as he shoved his phone back into his pocket. Amanda approached Bucky asking to speak with him privately.
“So we’re getting a flood of interview requests from networks and papers. We would like to start running with this. We’ll have to go over everything with our PR guy, Ryan, but it should work out. As long as you’re comfortable with all of this.” Bucky smiled and nodded, following after Amanda as she continued explaining what would happen going forward.
He was nervous, of course, but he could tell these nerves were coming from a place of excitement instead of fear, which was a new sensation for the man. It wasn’t unwelcome, it was the same as when he first started hanging out with Cassie, Penny, Freddie and Evie. It was the same when he went on his first mission with the team. Bucky was ready to tackle this next adventure, whatever it would entail.
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I know this has probably been done long ago, but I was feeling a periodic bout of Extreme Anger over the finale and I fell down a rabbit hole and am now in firm belief of the theory that Chuck won. Here's all the stuff I found as to why:
explicit 15x04/15x19/15x20 parallels with 15x04 literally canonically establishing why Chuck's intended ending was not a good ending, then the show ending in the exact same way. (meta post x and x)
unintentional?? parallel with Sam filling Dean's absence with his son/ John filling Mary's absence with his son (x)
Dean textually saying 'that's not who I am' in response to being called 'the ultimate killer' by Chuck, then dying as a killer.
an excellent meta post as to why Chuck winning makes sense when he's taken as an allegory to the network (not the writers!! there's a difference)
and in that context, the ending paralleling the 'planned' s5 ending with one brother dead and the other alive and suffering
alternate endings seen by Sam which are Chuck's (x)
Sam/Dean mirrors from 15 paralleling the Winchester in 15x20; bearing in mind that Chuck wrote the mirror characters like that on purpose and Lilith telling Sam and Dean and us as an audience that is was bad (x)
the entire theme?? of the show is found family??? Finale: O.O no really?? (x)
each of TFW getting an unhappy ending that is like specific to each character's worst insecurities (x)
Jack after becoming 'god' standing the exact, i mean the EXACT same way as Chuck (x) and like SERIOUS Jack/Chuck parallels (x)
After Cas' death (voluntary/his choice), the literal erasure of the impact he has had on all three remaining leads (involuntary/Chuck's doing 'cause he never liked Cas) (x), (x), this scene was cut whereafter we see no one mourn or acknowledge the 12 years Cas has been a part of the Winchesters' lives knowing that the last time Cas'd died Dean had gone off the fucking rails (x), (x)
Castiel literally meaning 'shield of god' and for so long being Cas (dropping the '-iel' which means 'of God' meaning that he rebelled/broke the narrative) only for Castiel to be carved on the table (the part that meant 'of God' is back) also (x) (it's a small thing but the symbolism is important here esp 'cause spn thrives off of subtext/mirrors/parallels/symbolic imagery etc)
miscellaneous literally-plot-doesn't-make-sense (x), (x), (x)
There's other stuff too, but mostly just like, you can't expect me to believe that Chuck wiped out everyone except these three dudes and didn't keep an eye on them for long enough for them to formulate a plan good enough to take him down?? And even the way they take him down- there was next to no build-up for the weird Jack-energy-suction-vacuum thing; the only build for that plot started literally IN that episode, which is conveniently after your only wildcard dies in a way he cannot return?? Huh. Funny how as soon as Cas- the only being not directly under the control of Chuck- dies, Sam, Dean and Jack suddenly manage to find what looks like a very deus ex machina solution that resolves the season long arc in a span of like 5 mins??
Also, one more thing that really bothered me was the sheer amount of plot-holes that came up after/because of 15x19/15x20 (either because established plotlines weren't followed up or new things with no explanation came up). Now, if TFW really did win, these don't really make sense at all; but if it was Chuck who won, it seems an awful lot like a writer just trying to wrap up a story/characters he's bored with. Chuck is done with these characters- they've given him so much shit trying to break out of the narrative. And now that Castiel is dead, he can predict if not control all the people left, so why not just rush through as fast as possible and be done with it?
“you know, i tried and i tried and i tried, but you're all just too stupid, too stubborn. too broken. you know what? i'm over it. i'm over you.” (15x17)
And I know that we all know that TPTB have done stuff externally to end up with the ending we did get, but the only way the ending makes sense (to me) IN CANON without any meta-context and what was going on outside of the canon universe is that Chuck really did win.
Also at least this way, it give more meaning to the ending as said (here) and literally is the only way i can think about the ending without spontaneously combusting.
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joviewinchester · 3 years
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Hey! So this is a Supernatural My Babysitter’s a Vampire crossover requested by @the-fifth-marauder101 The request wasn’t super specific so I kind of just ran with it. Jack’s a bit younger in this for the sake of the story. And I know that the timeline is off and stuff but like don’t @ me about it please. I know it’s off. Also this is a reader insert because, ya know, that’s literally all I write. Lol, but anyways, I hope you like it, and keep those requests coming!
Another school. Another town. Another day. That’s how it always went. Avoid making friends at all costs. Well, she had Jack at least.
“What are we here for again?” Y/N asked sighing.
“Your dad said something about vampires or werewolves. They don’t know what it is yet. Said something’s off with this one.” Jack replied glancing over at a group of whispering teens.
“What do you think their deal is?” Erica asked eyeing both Y/N and Jack.
“They don’t look like siblings, at the very least not biological ones.” Sarah responded.
“I don’t know, but can I just say, the girl is hot. Like hotter than anyone I’ve ever laid eyes on. Like if I had to choose between her and a young Carrie Fisher, I’d choose her.” Benny said.
“No way. You’re joking right?” Ethan asked.
“No. I never joke about a babe.” Benny said seriously.
“I don’t know. Personally I’d love to sink my teeth into either of them.” Erica smirked.
Y/N looked from the group to Jack in confusion. “Is it just me or do we have a literal fanclub?”
“I wouldn’t call them a fanclub. They’re just…unusually interested.” Jack responded.
“Should we introduce ourselves? Don’t get me wrong. I know we probably won’t stay for very long but…I just…it would be nice to make friends for once, you know?” She asked Jack as she looked at them, or more specifically looked at Benny.
“I mean, how could it hurt right?” They approached the group.
“Dude they’re coming over here.” Benny said while slapping Ethan’s arm.
“Yeah. I know. I can see dude.”
“Hi.” Y/N said shyly.
Jack stepped in at that point. “Hello. My name is Jack and this is my friend Y/N.” He introduced.
“It’s nice to meet you guys. I’m Sarah and this is Ethan, Benny, and Erica.” Sarah smiled.
Benny had a dumbstruck look on his face. “Excuse him. He gets nervous around girls he thinks are pretty.” Ethan said.
Benny looked at him with a glare. “Dude.” He whisper shouted at him. They then had a small slap fight.
“Alright you two are embarrassing yourselves. Hi, as Sarah said, I’m Erica, and I would love to take you under my wing, Y/N was it? Please let me give you a makeover tonight. You have so much potential if we removed the flannel and the old leggings.”
“Sorry. She’s straightforward like that. She doesn’t mean in a rude way or anything she just thinks your pretty and wants to do your makeup.” Sarah said.
“I guess I could come over.” Y/N said nervously. Jack have her a look and lowered his voice.
“Y/N, Dean said to come straight home after school, and that we can’t go out. You can’t. If you leave on my watch, Dean and Cas will, what is it that you say? ‘rip me a new one’” He quoted.
“Who’s Dean?” Ethan asked.
“My dad. He’s just a little bit overprotective, and if you don’t want me to go out without you, then just come with me.” Y/N said.
“So, you two like live together?” Sarah asked.
“Yeah. Our dads work together. It’s a whole thing.” Y/N said.
“Anyways, I’ll talk to him if he’s home and if not I’ll text him and let him know it shouldn’t be a big deal.” She said.
“Great. Sarah you’re coming too right?” Erica asked.
“Actually, I have to babysit Ethan and Jane tonight.”
“No problem we’ll just go over there.”
“Sarah’s your babysitter?” Jack asked.
“No! Well, I mean, yes, but it’s only because my mom doesn’t trust me to babysit my little sister. Benny you’re still coming over to play that new zombie game right?”
“Like I would miss that.”
“Think we have room for another player?” Ethan asked.
“Not if you’re talking about Rory.” Benny complained.
“I’m clearly talking about Jack, Benny.”
Sarah and Erica both rolled their eyes at their antics. “Come on, Y/N. We’ll walk you to class. Honestly, I swear you geeks almost scared her off.” Erica said.
Y/N waved goodbye at Benny, Ethan, and Jack, linking her arms with Erica and Sarah.
The bell then rang. “Do you guys know where Mr. G’s class is?” Jack asked.
“Yeah we have him for first period too. Follow us.” Ethan said.
School seemed to go by like a breeze with their new friends by their sides. Before they knew it, they were all heading out the doors.
“Alright. Jack and I need to head out, but we’ll meet you guys at Ethan’s house later. See ya.” Y/N said. There was a series of byes and Jack and Y/N hopped into the Jeep they had jacked from the bunker.
Erica left shortly after that saying something about how she needed to pack some clothes and makeup for later.
“I should give her a love potion.” Benny said.
“Do you remember how that turned out last time? I still have nightmares.” Ethan shuddered.
“Benny, don’t let this get to your head, but I think you might actually have a chance with her. She stared at you throughout the entirety of biology class. You should just ask her to see a movie with you or something.” Sarah advised.
“Yes. I need to be more like Han Solo. God, she’d be such a pretty Princess Leia.” Benny sighed dreamily.
“Okay lover boy. You wanna stand out here all day? We’re practically the only ones still here. Your grandma is gonna get mad if you make her wait any longer.” Sarah said glancing at the SUV Benny’s grandma sat in.
“Right. See you guys later!” Benny called.
“Bye!” They said in sync.
“I’ll see you later?” Ethan asked.
“Duh. If I want to get paid I don’t really have a choice.” Sarah joked. Ethan waved awkwardly and jogged to his mom’s car.
“Dorks.” She muttered to herself a slight smile on her face.
Y/N and Jack entered the place one of their hunter friends had loaned them and saw Sam researching by himself.
“Hey, Sam! Do you know when dad is gonna be back?” Y/N asked.
“Um…not really, but it probably won’t be for a few hours. He and Cas are interviewing at the moment. Why? Do you need something? Maybe I can help.”
“Well, Jack and I were wondering if we could go over to a friend’s house around seven ish? We’re just hanging out, nothing big.”
Sam looked up from his laptop. “You guys made friends?” He asked.
“Yeah. I know. I know. We probably won’t stay here, but it’s hard avoiding people everywhere we go and they’re really nice.” Y/N explained.
“Y/N, you don’t have to explain yourself to me. I think it’s good that you guys are making friends, and I think it’s fine if you go out as long as you’re back by 10:30 or Dean will flip.”
“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You’re the best uncle in the world.”
“Do you need any help with research?” Jack asked.
“No. It’s fine. You probably have homework to do.” Sam replied. Jack then headed to his room with his backpack slung over his shoulder.
“Hey, Sam?” Y/N asked sitting across from him.
“Can I talk to you about something?”
“You know that you can tell me anything Y/N.”
“I don’t…I don’t think that I can keep doing this.” She sighed.
“What do you mean?”
“The whole moving towns constantly and the saving people hunting things…I just don’t want to keep moving around. I know that it’s stupid. You’re saving the world. All of you, but I feel like I haven’t even lived. I’ve never really gotten to stop and smell the roses you know?”
“Y/N, it’s not like we can just leave you in a town by yourself. You’re only sixteen, but you’re in luck. We’re going to be here awhile. There are multiple cases in this one town and they all seem different. I don’t know what’s going on here. It’s like a Supernatural beacon.”
“Are you sure you don’t need help with research?” Y/N asked.
“No. You have homework too I’m assuming.”
“I finished all of mine in study hall. I’m available for four hours.”
Sam sighed. “Fine. You can help. I’m just looking through lore right now to try and figure out the first case.”
After about three and a half hours of researching, they both still came up with nothing. Y/N groaned.
“Are you sure there isn’t like more than one type of vampire?” She asked.
“Not according to any hunters I’ve met.” Sam said.
“Well, we didn’t think angels existed at one point and look at Cas. Look at Jack. We got an angel and a nephilim living in our house. Not to mention me. I’m a freak of nature.”
“I don’t know, Y/N. If we haven’t encountered one before, I don’t know why we would now.”
“Whatever. I’m gonna go upstairs and grab a few things, then Jack and I are leaving. I’ll see you later Sammy.”
Sam rolled his eyes at the nickname but told her goodbye nonetheless and went back to his research. Y/N grabbed her small bag that contained hand sanitizer, chapstick, lotion, a first aid kit and a pocket knife and knocked on Jack’s door.
“You ready?” She asked.
“Yeah let’s go before we’re stopped by Dean and Cas getting home.” Jack said.
They drove over to Ethan’s house and everyone else had already arrived. Y/N knocked on the door to see Benny with his mouth full of marshmallows. Y/N gasped in excitement.
“Are you guys seeing who can fit the most marshmallows in their mouth?! I bet I can win! I want in on this!” She exclaimed rushing past Jack and in the door.
“What’s the record I’m trying to beat?” Y/N asked Jane.
“It’s unclear. They argue all the time about which got the highest amount and what the highest amount is. I think it’s 176. You don’t need to waste your time here though. You should come play dress up with me and Sarah. I promise it’ll be much more fun.” Jane ranted grabbing her hand.
“Come on Y/N it’ll be way more fun.” Sarah joked. Y/N shrugged.
“You know what? Why not let’s go. You coming, Erica?”
“Playing ‘dress up’ with you is literally the only reason why I’m here. Of course I’m coming.” Erica replied grabbing her bag. They all rushed upstairs leaving the boys behind.
The marshmallows fell out of Benny’s mouth as he was watching Y/N go upstairs. Ethan fist pumped in victory.
“I win!” He yelled through a mouthful of marshmallows.
“Hey! Dude that is so not fair!”
“It’s completely fair! Just don’t get distracted next time and you might win.” Ethan said back smugly.
“Whatever. You guys wanna watch Star Wars or something?” Benny asked.
“I don’t know. Y/N might get mad if we watch it without her.” Jack half joked. Benny looked at him in exasperation.
“She likes Star Wars too?! What’s next?!”
Meanwhile, upstairs Erica had already began using Y/N as a human doll.
“Those dorks are literally not going to know what to do with themselves when they see you.” Erica praised.
“You look really pretty, Y/N. Dare I say, prettier than Debbie Dazzle.” Jane complimented.
“Is that a compliment? What’s a Debbie Dazzle?” Y/N asked Sarah.
“You mean you never had a Debbie Dazzle doll growing up?” Sarah asked. Y/N shook her head no and thought of her childhood.
“We…well, we’ve always moved around a lot, and I matured earlier than most kids. Never really got into that stuff, besides wouldn’t have anyone to play with it with anyways.”
“What about your dad or your mom?” Erica asked while brushing Y/N’s hair.
“My mom?” She asked mostly to herself. It’s not like she could straight up say that her mom was God’s sister. “My mom left us when I was young. I barely remember her.” She said. When she was born she automatically aged up to thirteen, similarly to Jack.
That was the end of that conversation. They didn’t want to pry into her personal life. Even if it felt like they’d known her for years, the truth of it was that they were practically strangers.
“Okay. All done.” Erica smiled. Y/N looked in the mirror Jane had in her room. She was shocked to say the least to see what was staring back at her. For the first time in her life, she felt normal. She felt like a regular teenage girl, not a demi-god who hunted monsters.
“Wow. I look-“
“Beautiful.” Sarah, Erica, and Jane all said at once.
“I was gonna say normal, but yeah.” She laughed.
There were a few seconds of silence then Y/N suddenly jumped out of her seat. “Is that the Star Wars theme song?!” She exclaimed. She started heading downstairs.
“What a cute little nerd.” Erica said.
“Can we go downstairs to get a snack?” Jane asked Sarah.
“Sure but you have to be in bed by 9:00 remember?” “9:30?” “Fine.”
When Y/N got downstairs she plopped on the couch in between Jack and Benny.
Benny glanced at her and did a double take. “Woah. Erica did a really good job…not that you weren’t pretty before. You’re really pretty, either way. I’m so sorry. I’m totally rambling again.”
“Are you done?” She asked jokingly.
“Yeah…well, actually,” she laughed. “So no then?”
“Well, I was just wondering if you wanted to go see a movie sometime…with me. I’ll even suffer through the new Dusk if you want.”
“No way are we watching Dusk. Pick me up Friday. We’re watching the new Avengers movie.”
Benny elbowed Ethan. “Dude. Did you hear that?”
“Yes, Benny, congratulations.” Y/N’s phone abruptly began to ring.
“Shoot. I gotta take this.” She got up and walked into the other room.
“Hello?” She asked. “Y/N? Where the hell are you? I told you and Jack to come home and stay home after school. Sam is not your dad. I am. You could’ve at least called and asked.” Dean grumbled.
“And you would’ve told me no and I would’ve been mad and you would’ve been mad and it would just not be fun at all so…”
“Are there boys there?” Y/N rolled her eyes.
“Does is matter?”
“Yes. It matters a lot.”
“You don’t know. I could be a lesbian.” She stated.
“Cut the crap, kid. You and Jack need to get your sorry asses home or youre grounded. Both of you.”
Y/N ignored that statement. “Well, I’d love to talk more, but I’m gonna hang up now.”
“Y/N Elaine Winchester I swear to Chuck if you hang up…”
“Calm down. We’ll be home in like twenty minutes. Bye.” She hung up before he could say anything else.
“Jack, we have to go. Dean is flipping out.” She said walking back into the living room.
“Did you just refer to your dad by his first name?” Ethan asked.
“Yeah I did. Because I’m mad. It’s a symbol of defiance…even if he can’t hear it. Anyways, we’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
Y/N, with annoyance, walked into the kitchen and said goodbye to Erica, Sarah, and Jane as well, before leaving with Jack trailing behind her.
Once they got home, they were greeted by all three hunters still sitting at the table researching.
“What the hell are you wearing?” Dean asked in disgust.
“Clothes. Goodnight. Good riddance. Love you partially and all that jazz. I’m going to bed. I have school.” She said running upstairs not letting anyone else get a word in.
The three men sighed. “Were there boys there?” Dean asked Jack seriously as he had Y/N on the phone.
“Yeah. Just two. Y/N has a date Friday.” Jack responded casually.
“She what?!”
“Anyways goodnight. Good riddance. Love you. And all that jazz as Y/N would say. See you tomorrow.” Jack repeated charging up the stairs.
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mittensmorgul · 4 years
As Above, So Below
I’m still trying to pinpoint exactly why the focus on “heaven is fixed and actually a paradise now!” is just so deeply unsatisfying to me. And I think I need to preface this with a bit of backstory about me, because I think that gives the rest of this essay some relevant context.
I know this isn’t relevant to my main point here, but this is a metatextual and thematically identical example of the exact thing I’m gonna lay out, because context is always helpful. So please forgive this seemingly irrelevant detour, because I promise it will be relevant by the end.
(plus, would it really be an Essay By Mittens™ without at least one baffling tangent? no, it would not!)
Tangent time!
I think everyone that follows me knows how skeptical I was... or should I say how WARY I was of the way Eileen was returned to the narrative this season. We were warned in the PREVIOUS EPISODE how much Chuck was attempting to interfere in their lives. I was accused of some very nasty things, of hating the ship, or hating the character of Eileen, or of hating Sam and not wanting them to be happy. No amount of pointing at obvious warning signs in the text, no amount of yelling about Sam’s God Wound or the absolute klaxon warning that the wound had become “quiet” and his Chuck-O-Vision Nightmares had apparently stopped seemed to matter. I was declared “wrong” and told to shut up.
And then 15.09 happened, and basically everything I’d been wary of was shown to be what actually happened, but there were still unresolved issues. Eileen doubted her own feelings and walked away. She doubted what was actually real. And at the time, I said many times that I would be thrilled to see those issues resolved by the end of the season, and for her to truly know that what she’d felt growing between her and Sam was real. And by the end of the season, despite my personal horror at her previous situation (and having that personal horror compounded by the fandom literally gaslighting me and attempting to bully me into ignoring this basic actual plot detail of this specific growth process which... in the context of what my personal objection was to accepting her return at face value in the first place having been personal trauma associated with gaslighting and manipulation...) by the time 15.18 aired, I was 100% convinced that Sam and Eileen had fully chosen each other, and felt the traumatic pain Sam suffered during that text conversation with her during the snap. She NEEDED to come back, because she had been set up to be part of Sam’s Win. They were clearly each other’s future.
The show literally put in all the work to make even *me* feel this to be True and Right and Good. And then after that point we never even hear Eileen’s name again. We never were told that she was even returned at the end of 15.19. Sam, who had been so entirely devastated by her disappearance in the previous episode that he couldn’t even process it was apparently hit with an amnesia hammer and just... never even thought about her again through a long greyscale life with a blurry baby Dean factory vaguely in the background of a single scene of his life. I can’t credit or justify how after an entire year invested in making us all truly care about Sam and Eileen and the happiness they found in each other if only the cosmos would allow them to choose each other in the end would just... erase all of that in the series finale.
Which brings me to the second tangent, which is specifically about *me,* and how I feel about the cosmic order in the television show Supernatural. Because I feel a lot about it. Probably more than most people ever did. And this is also important to understanding the main underlying point I need to make here.
Something I’ve been most looking forward to, for YEARS, about Supernatural eventually ending someday was writing a book, or a thesis, or even just organizing and compiling all my observations into a cohesive narrative specifically about the cosmology of the Supernatural universe. I’ve been cobbling together my observations and realizations about the nature of heaven, hell, purgatory, the empty, the alternate universes we’ve seen, and yes, even the cosmic function of the mundane level of the story as told by events that transpired on Earth. So of everyone watching this dumb show for the last 15 years, I don’t actually know anyone who cared more that I did about finding a satisfactory resolution and transformation of every plane of existence-- the mortal world AND the “afterlife realms” we’ve experienced on this show. And in the wake of the finale, I feel cheated out of that. Because in the end, it wasn’t about the triumph of free will and a flip of the script, it was just more of the same.
And now that I have those two preliminaries out of the way, I’ll finally get to the point. :’D
(hooray, it didn’t even take 1k words to get there for once!)
The “main stage” of Supernatural has always been Earth. It’s always been “Humanity.” At the very start, we meet two men whose lives had always been dictated to them by higher powers. At first, that “higher power” was their father who raised them in his vengeance mission, who trained them to hunt the supernatural. It was the inciting incident of the entire series, after all, their realization that forces outside of their control had irrevocably altered the course of their lives. It had forever torn down what they’d trusted in family, in personal safety, and would become something they couldn’t outrun or fight back against for long before another wave of cosmic discord would settle over them once more.
We watched this story play out in ever increasing spheres of cosmic significance, until Gabriel laid it out on the table for them in the simplest possible terms (in 5.08).
GABRIEL: You do not know my family. What you guys call the apocalypse, I used to call Sunday dinner. That's why there's no stopping this, because this isn't about a war. It's about two brothers that loved each other and betrayed each other. You'd think you'd be able to relate. SAM: What are you talking about? GABRIEL: You sorry sons of bitches. Why do you think you two are the vessels? Think about it. Michael, the big brother, loyal to an absent father, and Lucifer, the little brother, rebellious of Daddy's plan. You were born to this, boys. It's your destiny! It was always you! As it is in heaven, so it must be on earth. One brother has to kill the other. DEAN: What the hell are you saying? GABRIEL: Why do you think I've always taken such an interest in you? Because from the moment Dad flipped on the lights around here, we knew it was all gonna end with you. Always. A long pause. SAM and DEAN look down, then at each other. DEAN: No. That's not gonna happen. GABRIEL: I'm sorry. But it is. GABRIEL sighs. GABRIEL: Guys. I wish this were a TV show. Easy answers, endings wrapped up in a bow...but this is real, and it's gonna end bloody for all of us. That's just how it's gotta be. ***
And isn’t that all even 1000x more painfully ironic that it all still happened even 10 years later? It was always going to end with them. And lol, “I wish this were a TV show” because if it was then it wouldn’t have to end bloody.
But this… was a Major Acknowledgement that the meta level of this story was consistent, and was telling us something important. It demonstrated that the Cosmic Structure Itself was the cause for Sam and Dean’s “destiny” in this story. But that’s not what the point of this story has ever been.
Nobody (including me, who is literally obsessed with this aspect of the story) has ever invested themselves in the narrative of Supernatural because they cared about the fate of the cosmic order over and above the fate of the characters who had committed to overthrowing it all, to “tearing up the pages” and writing their own destinies. I mean, we became invested because Sam, Dean, and Cas as characters took us by the hand and invited us to come along with them as they battled against fate for the good of EARTH and HUMANITY.
And certainly, Heaven being a horrific sort of eternal replay of the “highlights” of individual souls greatest hits, where free will didn’t apply as everyone was just boxed away into their individual holodecks to serve as some sort of giant Heaven Battery powering the furtherance of this narrative, this “cosmic order” that had become so powerful it dictated the events and manipulated the lives of people who still existed in the ostensible realm of free will and human life on Earth… that couldn’t stand in the end. But what the narrative (and people I’ve seen attempting to justify the finale as narratively sensible) seems to have forgotten was that all of that was Chuck’s construct to begin with. That without Chuck holding his kingdom in Heaven together, the walls of all those soul cubicles ceased to even be relevant.
After spending their entire lives to this point constantly fighting their way to the absolute pinnacle of the As Above, So Below narrative and pulling the plug on the original creator himself, Humanity should’ve triumphed. And I’d argue that it DID, through Jack restoring the missing essential “humanity” to the divine condition. And, silly me, I thought they’d achieved the promise of “paradise” heralded by Jack’s birth at last, and truly “flipped the entire script of the narrative.”
Ever since they thwarted the original apocalypse, I had hope that they would continue to achieve the same result right up the ladder. Metatron trying to fill the role of Chuck Junior hit his own narrative wall in TFW, while Dean’s battle with the Mark of Cain, and Cain telling him he was “living my life in reverse” and would succumb to destiny by killing his loved ones in the “reverse order” to Cain’s own path to downfall cemented this for me. Dean not only failed to kill any of his loved ones (you didn’t kill your own brother. why?), he SAVED them. He didn’t fulfil the prophecy in reverse, he subverted it. He UNMADE it.
Perhaps I was thinking on too grand a scale, that the ultimate inversion wouldn’t be “God is overthrown and replaced by more of the same,” but “God is overthrown and the entire order of the universe is restructured from the bottom up rather than the top down.
I’d hoped against hope that the conclusion of the narrative would be “As below, so above,” with the fundamental power of human love becoming the new foundation of the cosmic order. It never even occurred to me that “taking back the narrative to rewrite it for ourselves” was not the ultimate goal of Team Free Will, or the ultimate expression of their biggest win.
This whole “well heaven really needed to be rebuilt, there was still work to be done!” seems… irrelevant to me if they’d truly won free of the cosmic narrative. The entire structure of the universe-- including Heaven and Hell-- should’ve defaulted to the paradise state that Jack was literally born to bring to fruition. Wasn’t that the point of his entire role in the story, ultimately?
And if that wasn’t the case in the end, why did we never learn the fate of Hell? Was it just… irrelevant and unchanged after this? Or just… abandoned as a concept entirely? It’s just strange to me to put such a focus on heaven being the sole sphere of import in the end that it undercuts the essential humanity of the narrative for me.
The story itself had kept Heaven on a back burner for years, only occasionally mentioning that the structure of the place was falling further and further into disrepair with a dwindling force of angels struggling to keep the walls in place at all, that it seems like it could’ve been an afterthought at the end of the series rather than a focus so large it required the death of both main characters to make sure we all understood that Heaven Had Changed Now. Because TFW had never been fighting to make Heaven right. They’d been fighting to save the world itself, for humanity to all have a chance to live their lives as their own.
And we didn’t need to see that in the final hope they might get their own lives on Earth to explore. In the end, the fundamental narrative that Life On Earth was dictated by the cosmic structure of creation was never fully subverted. And for me, that’s the main reason I just… can’t accept the finale. It wasn’t a victory of free will and humanity, in the end it was just more of the same.
I appreciate the attempts to take the essential bones of the story we did get and apply a different polish to the surface of the skeleton, but to me it still feels like we’re looking at completely different beasts in the end. Like… to me this was as jarring a revelation as those drawing of modern animals reimagined as dinosaurs entirely based on their skeletons. Like, all along the narrative told me I was looking at a swan. They told me this skeleton they’re building out from is definitely a swan, without a doubt.  I know what a swan looks like-- a graceful feather-covered bird with magnificent wings. I trusted that in the end it would be at least remotely swan-looking. And then the finale ended up looking like this
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and I just don’t even know where everything went so wrong. Or maybe all along I just assumed they actually knew what a swan looked like, but weren’t sure they could actually pull it off and settled for whatever the heck this is instead. Either way, I’m actually kinda grateful to the finale for being so entirely disappointing on every level, because otherwise I probably would’ve tried to adopt the monstrosity of it anyway. And I’m really, really glad I don’t have to.
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dirtydancingdean · 3 years
something about how dean so completely parallels buffy summers from btvs like they are two iterations of the same character. i mean, buffy the vampire slayer is an undeniably a big influence on supernatural, even if the show itself wouldn’t exactly advertise that fact. you have sam’s sacrifice in swan song paralleling buffy’s sacrifice in the gift, the borrowing of a lot of demons and (god help me) lore, the weird amount of buffy actors in the show (sometimes playing vampires, which is hysterical), the campiness and horror. hell, even cas’s moment of pure happiness seems like a nod to angel’s moment of pure happiness. (dean and cas did it better though). but the biggest similarity is the way dean parallels buffy. he’s obviously not meant to. he’s supposed to be a gun-slinging, wise-cracking ladies man, but that’s not what he becomes. honestly that’s not even what he comes across as in the beginning. buffy and dean are both meant to be heroes, but buffy is the main character of her show, while that’s supposed to be sam in dean’s. and buffy and sam do share their similarities, particularly in their desire for normality which backfires on them because of their equally weighed desire to help people. but dean is so much more like buffy in so many ways?? like buffy, dean always feels everything is his responsibility (like he says in 7.05, “There’s always something eating at me. That’s who I am. something happens, I feel responsible, all right?”). this is largely in part thanks to j*hn winchester, while buffy’s sense of responsibility comes from the fact that a whole group of old white men have told her she’s the one girl in all the world who can fight evil. both of them kind of know on some level that this is kind of fucked up and even try attempting to fight back against their imposed duties occasionally. dean says it in 2.20: “Your happiness for all those people's lives, no contest. Right? But why? Why is it my job to save these people? Why do I have to be some kind of hero?” which is buffy to a t! that's what buffy is all about! the loneliness and unfairness of having this burden on your shoulders! buffy says this in prophecy girl: “I don't care! I don't care. Giles, I'm sixteen years old. I don't wanna die.” but they both always, always go back to do their job. they both always sacrifice their own happiness for others. none of the writers would have intended to have dean make a speech that is entirely parallel to buffy summers’s prophecy girl speech, right down to both sarah michelle gellar and jackles’s tears. because ha ha, buffy is a girl hero, while dean is the embodiment of every male fantasy about what an action hero is.
the thing is, though, when you make dean every male fantasy in the world - attractive, good with women, tough, strong, likes rock music, hates chick flick moments, knows how to shoot a gun, looks good doing it, etc - you make him every male fantasy about women too. which is how we get those slow, full-body shots of dean that you normally only get with women, how we get dean being a caretaker, dean being a pacifier between sam and john, dean watching dirty dancing and liking taylor swift, dean always being the bait, dean’s interactions with villains being framed sexually, dean getting called pretty twice a season. we joke about dean being a hot action girl but he is often objectified in the particular way only women in media are. the way buffy is - in the show i think they actually did a pretty good job of not objectifying buffy. but there are times where they do, and it’s uncomfortable, and it’s subtle, the way it is on spn. and buffy and dean are both used to this kind of treatment; they often weaponize their sexuality, using it when they feel threatened. in the first episode of s2, buffy’s just suffered the enormous trauma of being resurrected after having been bitten by a vampire whose violence has sexual undertones. when she comes back to her friends, they talk about how closed off and mean she’s being, culminating in the scene where she goes to the bronze. if you haven't seen that scene then i dont know how to explain the way she absolutely uses her sexuality against xander and angel, just like dean uses his as a front to protect himself against everyone. when buffy’s traumatized she pushes herself away from those closest to her, represses her emotions, and uses fighting demons as a distraction. sound familiar? buffy and dean both make witty pop culture references that monsters don’t understand and self-deprecating jokes about themselves to deal with when they feel threatened and their low opinions of themselves. buffy has a lot of lines that sound just like dean’s! @lazarusr1sing mentioned buffy saying, “I may be dead, but I’m still pretty, which is more than I can say for you,” as a line that dean literally could have said and it’s true! they’re both a fan of quirky banter during fights but they’re both so messed up when it comes to their opinions of themselves. buffy in 7x07: “I have all this power. I didn't ask for it. I don't deserve it. It's like... I wanted to be punished. I wanted to hurt like I thought I deserved. [...] I feel like I'm worse than anyone. Honestly, I'm beneath them. My friends, my boyfriends. I feel like I'm not worthy of their love. 'Cause even though they love me, it doesn't mean anything cause their opinions don't matter. They don't know. They haven't been through what I've been through. [...] Sometimes I feel...this is awful. I feel like I'm better than them. Superior.” yeah, that’s...dean.
and they absolutely dive into self guilt and hatred if something goes wrong, even if it’s not necessarily their fault. faith in 3x15 says to buffy, “In the balance, nobody's gonna cry over some random bystander who got caught in the crossfire,” and buffy says, “I am.” the amount of trauma buffy and dean both go through kind of desensitizes them to this idea - dean especially, i think, though that’s mainly the fault of the sheer amount of writers and episodes supernatural has - but if they get someone killed, they will do absolutely anything to make up for it.
the idea of sympathetic monsters in buffy and supernatural is met with scorn a lot of the time by buffy and dean. for buffy this is a matter of mental self-preservation. her job is to kill demons, and if she lets herself think all demons can be good, then that means she might have been killing sentient beings that could have done good or weren’t doing harm, since she was a teenager. she can’t let herself think that way so she closes herself off to the possibility of demons being good a lot of the time. we talk about how supernatural majorly drops the ball when it comes to empathizing with the monsters (where’s that post, you know, the, “saving people, hunting things, white men with guns decide which is which,” post), but when it comes to dean, part of that is because, like buffy, he doesn’t want to face the idea that he’s been killing things that aren’t evil since he was a child. he’ll make exceptions (cas, crowley, benny, rowena), like buffy makes exceptions (angel, spike, clem, oz, anya), but it’s easier if it’s all black and white. they’re both strangely attracted to monsters too, though, because part of them feels like they are monsters themselves. like @s4castiel said they have romantic or romantically implied relationships with things they’re meant to fight - dean with benny, cas, and crowley + buffy with angel, spike, and faith. and monsters change themselves for buffy and dean’s sakes – cas, benny, crowley, angel, spike, all become better for the sake of buffy and dean! like that leviathan in 7.06 who says dean doesn’t have relationships he has applications for sainthood!
they hate the idea of being seen as just a killer (dean in 3.10, “Daddy knew what you were. Good soldier and nothing else,” and buffy in 5.22, “Guess that means a Slayer really is just a killer after all.”) dean says, “[A killer] is not who I am,” to chuck in 15.19, just like buffy says, “A slayer is not a killer,” through the later seasons. spike’s speech in 5.07 i think, really says it: “Death is on your heels, baby, and sooner or later, it's gonna catch you. And part of you wants it, not only to stop the fear and uncertainty, but because you're just a little bit in love with it. Death is your art. You make it with your hands day after day, that final gasp, that look of peace.” their worst fear is that all they can do is hurt other people. they’ve been brought up to think violence is all they can do. but they both are first and foremost protectors, especially when it comes to sam and dawn, whose roles in both shows respectively is to be a reminder of dean and buffy’s humanity.
dawn, who first shows up in season 5 as buffy’s younger sister, is, represents buffy’s most beloved parts of herself, buffy’s humanity. sam is a lot like her in the respect that their destiny was to end the world; they’re both book-smart too, while buffy and dean act a lot like dumb blondes despite being incredibly intelligent in ways that aren’t clear to everyone. (not to go on a tangent but they’re both really good battle tacticians who make a lot of references to literature and tv shows and can perceive people and monsters’ weaknesses, etc.) dawn is dangerous to the world like sam is dangerous to the world in s2-s5, but buffy will not kill her like dean will not kill sam. you know how in the end 2009 dean realizes just how much 2014 dean has changed when he talks about killing sam as lucifer? sam is dean’s humanity like dawn is buffy’s humanity. they both put their siblings over everything else in the world. they sacrifice things that sam and dawn can’t begin to understand because dean and buffy shield them from it - dean in 2.22: “I had to take care of you. It’s my job,” and buffy in 6.14: “Dawn, the most important job that I have is looking out for you.” in s5 of buffy, if dawn lives, the world ends, and buffy doesn’t care because she can’t kill dawn. in 5.22 she says, “I don't understand. I don't know how to live in this world if these are the choices. If everything just gets stripped away. I don't see the point. I just wish that...I just wish my mom was here. [..] If Dawn dies, I’m done with it. I’m quitting,” paralleling dean quitting hunting after sam dies. they’re both insanely protective over dawn and sam - dean in 2.09: “You make a move on [Sam], you'll be dead before you hit the ground,” and buffy in 5.22: “I’ll kill anyone who comes near Dawn.” when sam dies in 2.22, dean doesn’t hesitate to offer up his soul in exchange for sam’s life; when dawn is about to die to save the world in 5.22, buffy doesn’t hesitate to die to save the world in dawn’s place. this all on top of the fact that sam and dawn are the babies, the ones dean and buffy have to take care of, which means that...no one is taking care of dean and buffy. like, dean in 3.10: “Sam, [John] doted on. Sam he loved,” and buffy’s mom in 5.05 hugging dawn and calling her “little punkin belly” and in response to buffy’s question of, “Did you ever have any names for me?” says, “No, I think you were always just Buffy.” when buffy’s mom gets sick in s5, buffy has to shoulder an incredible amount of responsibility - giving her mom her medicine, taking care of her, taking care of dawn, fighting a hellgod - and can’t break down in front of anyone because she has to be strong for dawn and her mom, the way dean has to be strong for sam and john (john in 2.01: “You took care of Sammy, you took care of me. You did that, and you didn't complain, not once.) they’re both so scared of opening up and being a burden - buffy’s nightmare hallucination of her deadbeat dad in 1.10 says the same kind of stuff about her being a burden and unwanted that zachariah’s projection of mary says in 5.16. it really is about the eldest sister complex in the end!!!
but they didn’t ever really mean to have dean be like buffy! buffy was literally meant to subvert traditional male action heroes. buffy summers is the male action hero, but she gets to have feelings and traditionally feminine traits too. she likes cheese and wearing pink and dressing up and having pretty hair, but she thinks about battle tactics and kills a vampire like every episode. dean? dean is meant to be the male action hero without the part about having feelings and traditionally feminine traits...except that backfires spectacularly. i mean, they give dean traits such as liking nightgowns to be like haha, wink-wink, nudge-nudge, isn’t that HILARIOUS. except it doesn’t come off that way, we know it doesn’t come off that way. so dean’s watched dead poets society and rent and he sings along to air supply and is good with kids and nerds out over cowboys, but he drives a classic muscle car and kills death and carries a gun with him everywhere he goes. dean and buffy both become multifaceted, complicated, human heroes – but it was intentional for buffy. it was unintentional for dean, so the narrative actively punishes him for it. i mean ymmv on how you feel about the ending of buffy, but she does get a satisfying happy ending. dean, on the other hand, is silenced and killed off and gets the worst possible ending for his character, all because they couldn’t control him.
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deancaskiss · 4 years
Prompt - unspoken. For your followers celebration if you are still doing that. 😊
“It’s just this unspoken thing, Sammy,” Dean said, taking another swig of beer as he watched a man and two women flirting with Cas at the end of the bar.
“You’re an idiot, Dean.”
“It’s been said.”
“No, I’m serious,” Sam said, putting his beer down. “It doesn’t have to be some unspoken thing between you two. Everyone knows how much you two want each other. Why won’t you just act on it?”
Dean sighed, draining the rest of his bottle and signaling to the bartender for another round. “It’s not what Cas wants. Some things are better left unspoken.”
“Oh, sure. Not what Cas wants? Because I’m pretty sure that despite the amount of people drooling over him right now, he literally hasn’t been able to tear his eyes away from you.”
Dean looked up and over to where Cas was for the thousandth time, only to see Cas was staring right at him, his eyes sparkling with something akin to longing before a man was jostling his arm and grabbing Cas’ attention again.
“Get up, go over there, grab him by the tie, kiss him in front of everyone, and then walk away,” Sam suggested.
“What about ‘unspoken thing’ do you not understand?” Dean snapped.
“The unspoken part,” Sam shot back. “Listen, I’ve suffered years of mutual pining from both of you, and I can’t take it anymore. Go over there, kiss him, and walk away. Don’t say a word. Then it’s still unspoken. If he chases after you, then you know it’s time to fucking cowboy up.”
Dean grabbed the new bottle of beer the bartender had just put down for him and drained the entire thing in one go. “You’re the worst wingman ever, Sam.”
“I’m the best and you know it. Now go over there and get your angel.”
Dropping his empty bottle down onto the bar, Dean got up and pushed his way through the crowd of people until he was standing in front of Cas; ignoring the angry protests of the drunk assholes who had been flirting with his angel.
“Dean?” Cas asked, voice laced with concern when he saw the look on Dean’s face.
Without saying anything, Dean reached out, wrapped his hand around Cas’ tie, and yanked him forwards off the stool. He let his breath ghost over Cas’ lips for a fraction of a second, before he closed the gap, melding their lips together.
Cas let out a muffled groan of surprise, before he was leaning into the kiss; little choked off whines being pressed into Dean’s mouth.
Dean darted his tongue out across the seam of Cas’ lips, moaning quietly when Cas opened his mouth and their tongues brushed against each other.
Everything inside Dean screamed to deepen the kiss, to slide his tongue into Cas’ mouth and to push him back against the bar; to claim his lips in every way possible.
Instead, he forced himself to break the kiss, even though he ached to immediately chase Cas’ mouth again. With a smirk, Dean patted Cas’ ass, before he waltzed away.
Oh God, please let Sam be right. Please let Sam be-
Dean turned around at the exact second Cas caught up to him. With a smirk of his own, Cas shoved Dean back against the nearest wall, and slotted their mouths together in a dirty kiss that left Dean breathless, dizzy, and aroused.
“Not an unspoken thing anymore,” Dean panted against Cas’ lips.
“About damn time you made a move,” Cas shot back, before he leaned in and they were kissing again; desperate and needy and perfect.
Tag List Below:
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sarah-dipitous · 9 months
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 259
The Foundry
“The Foundry”
Plot Description: Mary and the boys explore an old house astir with the sounds of a crying baby. Cas is less than thrilled she he’s forced to partner up with Crowley
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: I guess? I’m like half asleep, but I don’t think anyone died
No, I won’t be having emotions about two beings who feel so out of place even though they’re with the people they care about most (Cas and Mary)
Cas is goin to Cleveland now!!!
The haircut Mary gave herself in the middle of the night looks good!
Oh geez…guess they did die. I probably wouldn’t have gone into the house
They’re all so awkward about this family hunting trip. No one in this room is behaving normally
Oh Castiel…you gotta get better at undercover names. You can’t be Agent Beyoncé, I’m so sorry, babes
When the summary said Cas was less than thrilled, that was an understatement
Oh, I hate that old, not taken care of porcelain doll
I can’t imagine how this must be making Mary feel. This is not normal boomer doesn’t get technology stuff. She literally wasn’t around it, and she’s so miserable. SHE feels as obsolete as the way she was taught to conduct investigations
I don’t think I’ve ever seen Cas care about how his hair looks. The way he’s comparing himself (and to an extent Crowley) to Sam and Dean is cute but a little pathetic. He’s just been out of this particular game
What is this acting choice? What side of Cas that we haven’t seen before (or at least in a very long while to the point that I’ve forgotten) is this?? Is he trying to be Dean? Is that it?
I miss Ro Ro’s gowns, she looks so modern now. It’s not bad, but it lacks flavor. And I hate how often she’s literally in chains. Free my girl. She did all that shit, but she deserves freedom
I really wanted Mary’s more analog way of doing to work. I know the point is she doesn’t belong here anymore but UGGGHHHH
Rowena also spends too much time afraid for her life. With pretty much everyone else, they’ll probably come back because they’re an angel or a demon or god’s favorite special little guys…but her? No one but me likes her
Ah damn, Mary’s been possessed. Can’t believe the writers made the boys fight their mom
There’s no one in the wrong here and that’s why it hurts so much. Mary’s leaving for some amount of time because she’s mourning what she lost when she died and when she left heaven, but you can hardly blame Dean for feeling hurt at her leaving. After 33 years, he finally had his mom back and after a couple days she leaves, not tragically but of her own volition. He can’t even look at her or say anything as she leaves, and poor Sam is just so shaken.
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perse-persecution · 3 years
more dream smp skin symbolism
I can go on and on about this, and so I will! I’ve already talked about how Tommy, Sam, Dream, and Quackity have skins that highlight who they are, especially in the prison. But it’s not just them that have this, it’s almost everyone in the SMP!
Some characters have stayed fully human throughout the SMP, never gaining wings or scars or anything that was permanent, like Tommy or Tubbo, or even Niki, really. There are others too! (Tubbo really was just hurt emotionally, he stayed human even though he made bad choices, and never really went too far[I’m counting Ghostbur as a human even though he was see-through because it’s Ghostbur. His skin is a ghost.]) And some characters have inhuman traits like wings (this is only Phil but y’know) or horns, or they just don’t have any human attributes on them except for their faces.
And some just have glasses that hide their faces, or roses that change color. Or a mask!
Niki- You might call me out, saying that ‘Niki wanted to murder Tommy with Jack and has no inhuman traits, so your idea is flawed!’ but Niki got over it. Niki is baking again, Jack burned his house down. Niki may not be Tommy, but she’s never gained horns or covered her face.
Jack- Jack has his headset and that comes with glasses, and that hides his eyes. That’s what makes him inhuman to me, and we never see his eyes. He’s always hidden from everyone, even slightly, and he’s not human. His response to Tommy’s death is great and very human, celebrating and then realizing it really wasn’t what he wanted-but then again, he still clawed his way back from hell through pure spite and anger. That is not human.
Eret- Eret has glasses as well, hiding their face, and that plays well into the ‘never meant to be’ bit, but might not work in the long run, but it still does! Eret is still lost in the past, really, trying to make up for it. He’s built a museum and wrote books upon books and apologized so many times, but the glasses are her way of keeping the betrayal with them, always reminding them of the fact. They aren’t human, they’re still trying to make up for battles long gone through keeping the past from being long-gone, and such they are the past.
Hannah- Hannah definitely isn’t human, the roses on her arms changing colors and being attached to her being the main reasons why, though there is still some symbolism even with that. With the Egg, Hannah tried to fix the egg with roses, taking stacks and stacks with her. She tried to give them to it, and was trapped in a hole. The symbolism here is that Hannah uses nature to fix her problems, and fixes the nature that’s wrong (fixing the server!!) and adds to it in ways that pleases her (all the red roses). She tries to fix everything with them, and when they all turn against her she goes with them into the Egg’s control.
Badboyhalo- The devil skin is a bit literal, considering the events of the Egg, but it still works before that too! Bad’s always been the ‘devil’ to Tommy and maybe Quackity I guess, shouting at them when they curse and never playing into some bits. But when the Egg takes control, the red accents on his skin turn white, and that shows that he feels like he’s doing the right thing, that it’s all to help Skeppy, but the devil skin shows that’s it’s not, and he’s the real devil here.
Skeppy- Speaking of Skeppy, he’s always been just a diamond with a derpy face, and that sums up everything that Skeppy did before the Egg perfectly. He’s bright and pretty sharp, in some ways, but but still hilarious and comedic to a fault. Diamond with a derpy face. But then the egg came along, and one, changed his skin from blue to red, and two, got rid of the highlights that made the diamond itself pop. There’s much, much more red on him that any of the server members, Ant, Ponk, and Punz just getting red eyes, and Bad having none at all, the red on him turning white. It makes sense for Skeppy, the one with the most red, to be the most under the Egg’s control, and for Bad, who has no red, to be angry at Skeppy, later, for spending so much time with it. But the highlight removal made Skeppy look just like the Egg. Made him pretty much just fade into it, become one with it. The derpy face is still there, though, symbolizing Bad’s hope for the blue Skeppy to come back, though the rest of Skeppy seems to symbolize the opposite.
Technoblade- Techno has always been an anarchist in royals garb, and throughout everything on the server it shows that he has one goal (anarchy) and he will do everything to get it, even be used as a tool and ‘just as the blade’ (the Red Banquet) (also being in royals garb). He’s inhuman because though he has had character development, from mocking Quackity at his execution setup even though it was, like, his execution setup, to complimenting Sam on the prison, even though he knew it was a trap. Even though he claims to be closed off, he’s become such great friends with Ranboo and cares too much about Carl and his wolves than he says he does. He calls Dream a sentimentalist, but even though he knew he would be getting out of the prison, he still gave hope to Dream by means of the toilet. That shows another part of his inhuman-ness. He’s a pig. Pigs are friendly, sensitive, and intelligent, according to Google, and this fits Techno well. He tries to give hope to Dream, was friends with Tommy, is friends with Phil, Ranboo, and Niki, and that goes into the next bit. Sensitive. Technoblade is very sensitive to being used just as the blade, and it goes vice versa as well. He was genuinely touched when the Syndicate through him a birthday party and Ranboo gave him the new axe to replace his last one. He’s also very intelligent, using a Totem to get out of death and collecting mass amounts of withers ‘just for decoration...for now’.
Ranboo- Ranboo is pretty easy, like c’mon. Enderwalk and Ranboo, the white side and the black side. Easy. BUT WAIT. THERE’S MORE. The white side is more commonly as the friendly side (even though enderwalk is just Ranboo with different motivations) and yet the white side has a red eye, a color that literally gets people riled up. It shows that even when Ranboo is not in Enderwalk, he’s not happy-go-lucky. There’s something dangerous with him, and Wilbur picked up on this! He didn’t want to talk to Ranboo, comparing him to ‘the weird neighbor kid’ who ‘had something in his basement’ and was ‘going to put a spatula right through my skull!’. There’s something off about Ranboo even when he’s not Enderwalking, and that’s shown by his red eye and what people like to refer to as tear scars on that side of his face (even though the enderman side would be the one burned by it) But speaking of Enderwalk, the black side has a green eye, Tubbo’s color, and the color that is used as friendship a lot. It shows that, for Ranboo, Enderwalk isn’t some evil being, he isn’t plotting to kill people, he might be meeting with Dream, but so was Techno! And he’s not inherently evil. And Wilbur adores Dream! And Ranboo stated that he wasn’t inherently evil. Enderwalk is just Ranboo with different motivations. He was Enderwalking through the whole Disc War finale, holding his fourth book, but made no move to help Dream-but he made no move to help Tommy and Tubbo. (Enderchest was also in Dream’s possession vault, so Ranboo obviously wasn’t fully trustworthy to Dream) He stared up at Dream as he rose to go to prison, but that was it. And Enderwalk Ranboo was also at the Banquet! He was holding an axe at some point (maybe when the lava came down, I can’t remember) but he never interfered. He was just up on the balcony. Ranboo wouldn’t interfere either, he’d be to scared too, he’s a people pleaser. Techno, Quackity, and Purpled aren’t. Enderwalk isn’t Ranboo in what he does, as Ranboo doesn’t really remember it, but they are the same in their reasonings and how and when they would do something.
Phil- Phil had wings in the first moments when he joined the server, and then protected Wilbur with them and so they were damaged. Phil had a very warped idea of what had gone on before he came through Wilburs lies, and I feel his inhuman-ness spans from that, and the fact the he kept that warped idea and went too far with it. He thought that Wilbur didn’t want L’manburg to exist, because he thought that Wilbur won the election, and so even after he was dead, and after the whole Butcher Army, Phil’s instinct (as well as Techno’s) was to just blow it up, get rid of it, because that was what his son wanted and it would send a message to the people. He said himself, to Jack, that he started blowing up countries when he was forced to kill his own son, but he could have stepped away there, because Wilbur really wasn’t the constant in the situation. Wilbur hadn’t chosen to blow up the country because he didn’t like it anymore, he was going to blow it up because Schlatt ruined it for him, and that Phil didn’t understand. That’s why he’s inhuman, since he chose to kill Wilbur, he wasn’t forced. Phil’s gone against peer pressure and orders before when he saw that they were wrong, and that was also by a relative, Fundy. He loopholed his way out of house arrest, he could have jumped away from Wilbur, or just put him in stone so he wouldn’t die. He’s inhuman because he made choices that were because of events that didn’t exist, because he was living in an alternate world, really.
Wilbur- Wilbur doesn’t have inhuman features. A clear face, no scars, and a beanie. His jacket and morals have rotted in the dark, but he’s still pretty human, though his opinions on Dream and L’manburg change every second. The white streak in his hair is supposed to represent stress, I think, and well, it’s Wilbur. He made a fancy revolutionary outfit and never washed it once, because he was too devoted to L’manburg to let go of it, or anything connected to it, for a single second. Then came Pogtopia, where he ditched everything in favor of clothes that blended in with the cave walls. He insulted the revolutionary outfit, and kept the trench coat until he died. Then, Revivebur had the bandage across his arm because he ran to the train too fast, showing how desperate Wilbur was to get out from death. He’s changed so much, and his changes are real, unlike Dream’s, as Dream has kept the same skin, but Wilbur hasn’t. He’s changed physically, and has gotten more and more torn outfits every time.
Ponk- He has a face mask that hides everything but his eyes, and I feel that shows his way of making sure you never know if he’s joking about something or not. He joked about how much time Sam spent with him, even though Sam hated the egg, and still tried to keep a keycard even after Sam was going to chop of his arm (and did so) for them. He has a chaotic nature to everyone, trying to prank Foolish right now and wearing red contacts only so the Eggpire would leave him alone. He made a Road Trip joke as his toast at the Banquet, and it was totally in character! His mouth being hidden makes it so that he can be joking and you’ll never see it coming.
Schlatt- The-the guy has horns. He’s a goat. Loud, (the EMPEROR of the GREAT NATION) cross eyed, (Schlatt is drunk for his introduction and his death, he is totally cross eyed). I’ve also seen people put him down as a ram, and that reckless ‘they want me to get them president, I’ll be my OWN president!’ and then tearing down the walls, executing Wilbur and Tommy, things that were so surprising and came out of nowhere they just about-they jus-they just rammed into us head on! He’s inhuman because he wants to be powerful (the BIg Man Gym) and wants to use the people around him to show his power, and is so reliant on them that he has no power at all.
Fundy- He’s a fox, and ha been compared as a ‘backbiter’ and ‘foxheart’ many times, and while those are viable ways to go, other parts on his skin, earlier, show some other things. In L’manburg, Fundy was the only person who had a different outfit from the others (at that time) and didn’t get any position in L’manburg at the end of the war, just being called Wilbur’s ‘little champion’. He had a crayon suit, and wasn’t respected by Wilbur at all, and when Schlatt came along and finally seemed to recognize him as someone who was valuable, Fundy shed the revolutionary garb quick, burning and building and leaving Niki quick as well. He might not be constantly switching his skin, like Wilbur, but after L’maburg he never was on aside for long enough to get a uniform other than L’manburg, his regular skin, and the aprons for the Butcher Army. He’s a fox that switches boat, and that makes him inhuman because everyone else is firmly on a side, against sides as a whole, or the thing everyone hates and is on his own side (Which is Dream).
Karl- Karl is very human, as he has a funky sweater and a normal human skin. But that skin changes when he gets back from time travelling, and when he is in the Tales. He’s like a chameleon, his skin fitting the environment in the Tales and the Inbetween, but the important bit is that when he gets back to the present he’s a very bright, multicolored blob. In the Inbetween he has an all white skin, in the Other Side it’s all black, and in the Masquerade specifically he kept to blues and purples, I think, as those were the colors his mask was. Him being a chameleon in the Tales also fits well with how he just fits right into the story, like an added fisherman, or a cameraman, or just another guest-the only ones he doesn’t fit in with are the ones that are closely tied with the real present. The Haunted mansion had Connor and Glatt in it, and Karl really just interrupted their fun. In The City That Went Mad, Karl was the narrator, and The City That Went Mad has been mentioned SO many times, Quackity being a descended from Helga and Ponk being descended from Jack the potato farmer. In the present, Karl stayed with Schlatt through the Pogtopia era after being the judge of the debate, and I have no idea why other than because he didn’t know what to do.
Purpled- Purpled is pretty much implied to be an alien, but for all skin measures he looks perfectly human, ignoring that everything he wears, and his eye color, is purple. I like Purpled, and the fact that he switched sides the same way Punz did, and used almost the same words Punz did, but he’s still so much different and more human? In a way? Than Punz, in how he reacts to being called a hero by Foolish, or joining Pogtopia the second he was going to be killed, since Manburg didn’t line up to his ideals anyways. Purpled isn’t the hero, he’s really just a background character for most of the lore, coming up a couple of times, but he’s not really too important, and he and Quackity know this, Quackity used it against him to try and get him to join Las Nevadas! He tries his best to be a hero and always falls short, not being able to save Foolish, having to join Las Nevadas, and that’s what makes him inhuman, because he’s trying. He tries his best to be the good guy, unlike Tommy, really, right now. Tommy knew breaking into the prison to kill Dream wasn’t the right thing to do, he said it himself! Tommy said he didn’t want to be a hero in response to Techno, but he’s still the protagonist. Purpled is trying, and we’re starting now to see that in full, and see how inhuman he really is because it’s not paying off.
Punz- Punz is like Purpled, until he’s not. He was hired to Manburg to fight for Schlatt and he did! He did fight for Schlatt, and had no qualms with it. He betrayed Dream to help Tommy and Tubbo, and then joined the Egg. He’s not the most human character, despite looking it, and he’s quite inhuman in the fact that he’s never been the hero. He was bribed by Tommy to help give him pearls and blaze rods in the first disc skirmish, and now was bribed to save them from Dream one last time! Punz wouldn’t do that if Tommy hadn’t given him money, he would have stayed neutral, and I feel that shows his inhuman-ness.
I’ll be doing Puffy, Connor, Calahan (maybe), Alyssa (maybe), Antfrost, and others as well as some more analyses soon!
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ladyartemisia28 · 3 years
Loop of Despair: Chapter 1
Chapter 1: Hurts Like Hell
Dean Winchester could not believe that his best friend, Castiel was confessing his feelings of love towards him.
But the message does settle in by the 4th or so time that he hears it.
15x18 time loop.
Word count:1978
Warnings:Major Character Death (repeatedly), Language, Suicide/Sacrifice.
Author's note: thank you to @castielsbeeslippers for teaching me to add a READ MORE on mobile💚💙.
Chapter Title in reference to the Song 'Hurts like Hell' By Fleurie
Dean momentarily blacked out as his heart began to physically fail him. He found himself coming back to consciousnesses standing hunched over near the entrance to the room. Dean sighed in relief as he looked over to see Castiel finishing up painting a protective sigil on the door with his angelic blood.
Dean could feel the literal death grip on his heart ease.
“Did it work?” Castiel asks and receives a nod as an answer. “I blocked her grip on you”
“Dean she said that wound was killing her.” Cas should with a small bit of hope in his voice. A knock interrupts his words. “Maybe we can wait her out.”
Dean walks away from Cas “Yeah and if we can’t?”
“Then we fight” he replies as he looks back at the door which has another knock coming from it.
“We’ll lose” Dean says as he reaches the chair in the middle of the demon circle. He turns to look at Cas who is now looking back as he continues his negative spiral. “I just led us into another trap.”
Another knock
“All because I couldn’t hurt Chuck” he looks downward. Another knock. “Because I was angry and because I just needed something to kill and because that is all I know how to do.”
“Dean” Cas says resolute as he approaches him
“It was Chuck all along.”
“We never should have left Sam and Jack we should be there with them now”
“Everybody’s gonna die, Cas. Everybody. I can’t stop it”
This time they both look at this knock while Dean moved towards Cas
“She’s gonna get through that door ”
Cas looks away from Dean while he replies “I know”
“And she’s gonna kill you. And then she’s gonna kill me”
Cas glances briefly at Dean and then looks away once again.
Dean sighs and looks down before he says “I’m sorry”
Cas looks into the middle distance back and forth like he was going over a plan in his mind. He appears to have found something, gulps and furrows his brow with determination
“Wait there is.”
Dean raises his head and turns his face to look at Cas with the smallest glimmer of hope.
“There’s one thing she’s afraid of. There’s one thing strong enough to stop her.” He finally turns his face to look at the eldest Winchester.
Dean looks at Cas and gulps listening intensely as Cas looks away.
“When Jack was dying, I…I made a deal” Cas returning his eyes to look at him once more. “To save him.”
“You what?”
“The… the price was my life” Cas says his eyes beginning to water with feeling “When I experienced a moment of true happiness The Empty would be summoned and it would take me forever”
Dean’s face was confused as he struggled with a responses.
“Why are you telling me this now?”
“I always wondered” Cas’s face turned to look away for the briefest of moments before he quickly found the resolve to turn his gaze fully at Dean. “Ever since I took that burden, that curse, I wondered what it could be. What my true happiness could even look like?”
“And I never found a answer”
“Because the one thing I want is something I know I can’t have.”
Dean is confused and silent.
“But I think I know, I think I know now. Happiness isn’t in the having…it’s in just being it’s in just saying it.”
Dean has to break his silence and ask in confusion.
“What are you talking about Man?”
Cas has a brighter expression on his face as he takes a step forward towards Dean.
“I know, I know how you see yourself Dean. You see yourself the same way our enemies see you. You’re destructive, you’re angry, You’re Broken. You’re Daddy’s blunt instrument.”
“You think that hate and anger that’s what drives you, that’s who you are.”
“It’s not. And everyone who know so you sees it. Everything you have done the good and the bad you have done for Love.”
“You raise your little brother for love, You fought for this whole world for love. That is who you are.”
Dean can no longer hold his gaze.
“You’re the most caring man on earth. You are the most selfless loving human being I will ever know.”
Cas’s sadily smiles
The knocking sounds further away at the moment.
“You know ever since we met, ever since I pulled you out of hell” a tear rolls slowly down Cas’s right eye “Knowing you has changed me. Because you cared I cared. I cared about you, I cared about Sam, I cared about Jack, I cared about the whole world because of you”
“You changed me Dean”
“Why does this sound like a goodbye?” Dean asks still very confused at what was happening.
“Because it is”
“I love you”
“Don’t do this Cas” Dean pleads for him to not be saying these words as a goodbye.
One final knock.
The Empty appears behind Dean and he turns to look. Then quickly back at Cas as the door slams open Billie appearing behind it.
“Cas” Dean starts to say. Too many things are happening at once, he feels overwhelmed.
Cas places his blood covered right hand on to Dean’s left shoulder
“Goodbye Dean”
He shoves Dean to the floor before Dean can protest. Cas gives him one final fond look and then takes a breath.
The Empty grabs both of the otherworldly beings.
Dean is left with the silence before all of the emotion and tears break free.
Dean momentarily blacked out as his heart began to physically fail him. He found himself coming back to consciousnesses standing hunched over near the entrance to the room. Dean blinked in confusion as he looked over to see Castiel finishing up painting a protective sigil on the door with his angelic blood.
Dean could feel the literal death grip on his heart ease.
“Did it work?” Cas asks with concern.
“Wha…what’s happening?” Dean asks as he shakes his head to try and clear the fog
“Billie is coming after us.”
Dean stayed silence as Cas continued speaking. His words began to give Dean a sense of déjà vu
“Wait…this” he says quietly to himself.
He stares at Cas who continues telling him about his deal and telling Dean about how he was not a killer and how he was motivated by love.
Once Dean hears the words “I love you” he turns to look behind him a split second faster than he did originally.
He sees the empty and just panics.
“Take me you fucking tar pit!” Dean shouts as he runs full speed at it ignoring the panicked shout of his name behind him.
The inky darkness stilled as he threw himself at it.
He found himself coming back to consciousnesses standing hunched over near the entrance to the room. Dean blinked with shock as he looked over to see Castiel finishing up painting a protective sigil on the door with his angelic blood.”
“Did it….”
“Cas, we are in a time loop” Dean interupts
“You summon the empty and you…”
“I summon the empty? But how?”
Dean could scream, ‘You fucking idjit! You gave him the idea!’
“You say a whole bunch of shit about me. I think letting me think that you love…”
“Which is such a dick move. The way you say it is really…”
“The one thing you can’t have? Like what do you think I’m going to think when you say that?!”
He places his hand back on the same shoulder
“I love you,”
“Uh, like a brother right?” Dean asks with an eyebrow raise. He momentarily forgets about the time loop. Cas gives him a look of amusement.
Dean trys to make sense of what Castiel is saying to him.
“You love me? As in flowers, and chocolates,….uh” Dean gulps before weakly asking “kissing?”
“I’m sorry if this has made you um, uncomfortable. But just saying my truth is what was needed to make me happy. I feel an incredible amount of peace now. I am sorry I was not brave enough to tell you at an earlier time.”
This caused Dean to remember what was coming. Or in this cause, what had already arrived. In his pure confused and shocked state he had completely ignored that The Empty had already made it’s arrival.
“NO!” Dean shouted as he turned to look back and feel the hand hit his shoulder as he heard Cas’s final words to him again.
“Goodbye Dean.”
He was again at the moment where he was pushed away to the ground. This time he happened to find his voice..
“Cas, stop!” He yelled helplessly.
After the disappearance of Castiel happened again Dean just wordlessly screamed at full volume.
Dean momentarily blacked out as his heart began to physically fail him. He found himself coming back to consciousnesses standing hunched over near the entrance to the room. Dean blinked this time with anger as he looked over to see Castiel finishing up painting a protective sigil on the door with his angelic blood.
Dean could feel the literal death grip on his heart ease.
“Did it work?”
Dean ignores Cas’s question as he steadys his body and then rushes over to the storage boxes.
‘Okay so telling him did NOT work, Damnit! I see now why Sammy was so pissed off during his Groundhog day loop.’
“We have to find SOMETHING in this room to help us with this!” Dean shouts He makes an angry noise at knock behind him.
“Why do we have all this useless shit!”
“What the fuck is this?!” Dean asks as he holds up spiky crown.
“That is uh the crown of thorns” Cas replies. “That would be of no use to us in this situation.”
“If it can’t stop Billie then WHAT USE IS IT!!!” Dean yells as he throws it full force at the wall.
“There is one thing that is strong enough”
Dean’s head shot up his eyes wide to look at Cas’s face.
“NO no nonono!” he moves back towards him.
“Don’t you dare Cas.” He growled at him with a pointed finger.
“Dean, I have something you need to hear.”
“I will set your fine feathery ass on fire with holy oil if you keep on speaking your truth or whatever.”
He brushed past his accidentally blurted out flirty comment.
Cas tries to start his speech when Dean decks him.
It only gives him brief pause.
All it does is cause him to head tilt and stare at Dean with confused narrowed eyes.
“what, was that Dean?”
“See I AM fueled by ANGER! You can’t tell me otherwise!” Dean laughs mirthlessly. “Don’t lie to me!”
“No you are caring you are fueled by love.”
“No, you are wrong….you have to be wrong…I’m not…you…” Dean protested and waved his hands at Castiel. He then looked away from Cas.
“I know how you see yourself. If anyone was their Daddy’s blunt instrument it would have been me. I remember the first time I saw your soul. It shown bright even after it had been damaged in hell.”
“In my whole existence the only thing that changed me was you, Dean. I cared for the whole world because of you.”
“Please Cas,” Dean’s voice breaks “please don’t, I can’t do this again.”
“Yes you can, you’re strong and brave and you will survive my passing. I have no doubt. ” Cas thought he was just referring to Cas dying once again.
“I love you.”
As he felt the hand land on his shoulder once more Dean felt his lips tremble and tears pour down his face.
The Empty makes it’s entrance.
Castiel tosses him and is stolen once more from Dean.
Dean lets his tired head fall and waits for his next chance to change things.
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