#that man has NO spice tolerance
Sirius moving into the Potter household
james: “this is really good, mum, what did you put in—“
sirius, red-faced, a sheen layer of sweat covering his face, desperately looking for water: “WHAT’S IN HERE, A GHOST PEPPER?!”
euphemia: “uh. . .red pepper, darling.”
james: “no, like black pepper but like, red.”
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c4n1d43cup1d · 7 months
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very quick shitpost i drew while thinking about my favorite chips
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commsroom · 1 year
it is a little funny to me that zach valenti is a vegetarian and seems generally health conscious, considering that doug eiffel is... not that. the opposite of that, even. eiffel would say french fries should count as a vegetable. eiffel thinks ham & pineapple pizza covers all necessary food groups. eiffel has a meat & carbs & grease based diet, sustained by a quick metabolism and an iron stomach. and he is like aggressively american; eiffel is the guy they make novelty fast food items for. there is nothing in this world he wants more than a burger that is also a pizza. doritos® locos tacos and baja blast. that radioactive looking flamin' hot cheetos mac and cheese? he would eat that. no question. that guy loves koolaid flavors that don't even resemble artificial fruit.
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fastfists · 11 days
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"You know, might seem counterproductive but I do 'ave ah couple o' m'tribes dishes t'at 'r cold but also spicy. T'ose would be good right now too."
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stupidartthings · 1 year
Would you take a popsicle from him? 🤔
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sydneyofalltrades · 11 months
Moni’s the one in the relationship to say the nastiest things with the straightest face and Mason will just stare at her with his face redder than a tomato
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atypi-cals · 17 hours
im the kinda white guy who is like "pepper spicy!" but NOT because I have a low spice tolerance OK? Any time possible I put hot peppers on things. I once made a jalapeño waffle that was barely spicy to me but a bite of which took my partner right out. I have a box of the species curry mix you can buy in my area in my cupboard. I can and will eat those extra spicy buldak ramen packages. pepper is just unique OK? it makes me cough and sneeze and it tastes like burnt wood. it's spicy and im not ashamed to admit it.
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pyeonqie · 1 year
my dad made buldak ramen and put in the whole pack save him
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hyunnie04 · 4 months
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“i smell something burning.” you sniff, poking your head through the bright room. seungmin and felix had just finished their daengnyang school live, texting you to quickly come over. you were already on your way to them anyways, but suspicion immediately came into mind once you saw the message.
you had no idea what they were up to, but whatever it was, it wasn't good. all you heard was that they were preparing something food related.
felix is amazing when it came to baking and cooking but when seungmin is involved, it all somehow goes down hill. what did the kitty cat and puppy do now?
you do a once over at the room, slightly amused of the damage they've caused in such a short amount of time. the condiments and other baking materials were scattered all throughout the table, the pan they've used also had burnt batter residue sticking to it, probably the sole cause of the slight fog that engulfed the room.
“y/n, try it! i made this for you.” seungmin practically beams, shooting from up his seat and holding a plate out. it was a normal enough looking bungeo-ppang, but he has a grin that says evil written all over it.
you glance over at yongbok, the blonde's face morphs into an immediate 'no don’t do it' face while shaking his head vehemently. now you're curious. "what's in this?"
"you have to guess!"
“is this gonna kill me?” 
“no, i promise.” he laughs, holding it to your mouth.
“if i die i'll kill you.” you decide to humor him, taking a very, very small bite out of it. it was spicy and a bit tangy, but the subtle sweetness of the batter contrasted with it in a strange yet palatable way.
“oh, it’s actually pretty good.” you say, grabbing seungmin's wrist to take another bite. felix just watches you with pure disappointment in his eyes.
“see!” the puppy says quite proudly, tail practically wagging.
“what’s in it?”
“sriracha and wasabi.”
“you are trying to kill me!”
"but you liked it!"
"you should try this one y/n." felix says, lifting up his own plate with his creation. you didn't need to think twice since yongbok made it, it's bound to be better than seungmin's. it was different, you thought, tasting cheese and some sort of sauce in the filling.
you went back to taste the sriacha wasabi bungeo-ppang and comparing it to the vaguely pizza flavored one. oddly enough, you found yourself still liking seungmin's better, the expression is clear in your face.
"what?!" seungmin laughs at felix's reaction, patting his back. "you're weird," the blonde snickered, shaking his head.
"we should give this to chan-hyung." the black haired puppy snaps his fingers. your eyes widen, just because you liked it, it doesn't mean chan is gonna think the same way. that man has an abysmal spice tolerance.
"you're planning on giving this to chan? are you trying to kill him?"
before he can reason out why he wants to give this to poor chan, you take the plate out of his hands. "…give it here."
a/n: yeah i know it wasn't that bad so i had to take artistic liberties HAHA but i would eat the sriracha one ok just to spare channie LOL
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cocomuffy · 21 days
Food Headcanons
Bruce Wayne: Now, it's funny to say that this guy can't take spice. I do agree with this. However, that does not mean that he does not EAT IT. Someone decides to pick something up and it's like... pepperoni pizza and even if his eyes start to water and he has to leave the room, he will eat the pepper that came with it. Come on, Jason's staring him down! He has to! (I think this thought mostly comes from the WFA episode where he out-petties a pta mom) But he likes weird little snacky dishes because he doesn't have time to sit down for a full meal. ESPECIALLY things that can be dipped. I think he he likes the fact he can control it. I have a weird feeling that he'd be obsessed with bruschetta, but that might just be a me thing.
Dick Grayson: I honestly think that this man goes to the grocery store once a week, picks whatever he thinks he can make in less than twenty five minutes, and then lives off that. But he also gives me major pasta vibes. I feel like that man likes chicken alfredo. I feel it in my soul. He also definitely seems to be the kind of person to put peppercorns on it after it's done, too.
Jason Todd: Makes me think of Sonic's diet. I imagine a lot of "American" foods like hamburgers, hotdogs, fries. Something convenient, but a little fresher than Dick. I think he likes chips in his sandwiches. Don't know why, he just gives that off. He can handle spice miraculously well, actually.
Tim Drake: Operating under Grayson rules, but honestly... He doesn't have a spice tolerance either. And unlike Bruce, he isn't going to try and be the bigger man or whatever. Nah, he'll gladly just make himself mac and cheese and take it to his room. Then, he can get back to work.
Damian Wayne: It needs to be VERY spicy, VERY sweet, or VERY sour. No in-between. He lives for extreme foods. I don't really know why this is the case. Maybe it's just me and it's because me and my sister were like that when we were kids, or maybe it's just that I think of Damian as a very literal person who wants everything to be categorized. But maybe that's just me. I don't know.
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chocsra · 3 months
✧ more personal chuuya hcs !!
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✧ appearence hcs:
has a small small face
long, naturally curled, luscious eyelashes
soft and silky ass hair
very smooth, soft looking ivory skin
repping mestiso community, described as beautiful and unique
he actually glows in like any good lighting, golden hour does him best
his beauty is like majestic but gets called pretty a lot
bones did him soo wrong, he has toned sleeper build guys trust
naturally low-lided, sleepy eyes
he has really pretty brown eyes
has russet hair, NOT a ginger, he's more of a reddish brunette
slim, large hands that are really attractive
he has a few pretty freckles
old money aesthetic
90s hot.
my personal hc is that his appearence comes from some sort of european descent, be it french or spanish blood that made his features so unique
looks so unreal that he looks otherworldly or like a doll; alien beauty
his skin reminds you of porcelain; this man's skin is mad flawless
ties his hair up at home into either a manbun or ponytail
has an 8+ step skincare routine..
has a super raspy voice in the morning/night
always takes his gloves off in the cuntiest manner - either biting the fingertips off one by one or that one manga panel where he bites the wrist part
whines when he stretches and it always catches u off guard
✧ crack/general hcs:
dances like hyunjin from skz (knows how to and practices his moonwalk)
bro is a WHEEZER when he genuinely laughs, he also feels the need to say ur not funny to keep ur ego in check when he is in fact laughing his ass off
when yall are laughing ur ass off (drunk or not) just know yall will be collasping on the floor feeling the six pack coming in
rip chuuya - you would've loved making electric guitar thirst traps on tiktok
he LOVES rollarcoasters or anything with a kick to it tbh (fast car or motorcycle rides) bc he loves gravity dzuh, but yknow what he CANT take??
them seats in the movie theatre where they move according to the movie, he gets way too invested in movies and the seats moving like crazy fries his brain (IM SORRY IF U DONT KNOW WHAT IM TALKING AB, THEYRE CALLED DBOX)
he ofc has a weakness for dogs but if he ever tries to feed a stray cat and it runs away or hisses he gets a little sassy and hisses back
sleeps like a dying victorian child. you walked onto him sleeping once and contemplated on calling a priest
one of those people who have copies of the same clothing item, or they're like barely any different. you see his hat rack and he gets offended bc "all his hats are completely different"
he scoffs a lot
starts chasing you if you ever MENTION the times when he was 15 (has made cringy youtube diss tracks with dazai, lost the login, now that videos up forever..)
if you're short like him and tell a story complaining about how ppl call u short, he gets personally offended FOR you
likes reading books but they vary from sophisticated novels to books like "HOW TO STAND ON BUSINESS?!?!"
his spice tolerance is wild, even if he can't actually take it he still will to prove a point
since his voice is pretty guttural whenever he has a voice crack while speaking you both pause and look at each other in silence before you laugh and he just goes "shut up.. shut up.. 😒"
he likes to mock ppl (lovingly) w higher voices like higuchi (especially when shes talking ab aku) bc it's older brother vibes and their reactions are always priceless
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✧ chocsra™
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eggcats · 29 days
I've seen accidental sugar daddy Alastor to Angel, but what about with Vox?
Alastor senses something in his radio static and searches the pentagram to find the culprit. (He does not take kindly to others trying to steal his thing. HE is the Radio Demon, and there are not allowed to be any upstarts).
Instead, he finds Vox, freshly fallen, homeless somewhere.
*poking him with his staff* "What are you?"
Vox is confused and alarmed, but he is not one to be cowed. Alastor is intrigued and just takes him home with him. (Vox is not saying no to some random attractive man taking him in. He figures it can't be worse than how he's currently living).
Vox suddenly goes from closeted man in the 50s to homeless denizen of hell to being a house husband to a very powerful man. He is enjoying this. He is living his domestic housewife dreams.
(1950s cuisine included, Vox can't cook for shit. Luckily, Alastor mostly eats raw deer so Vox can still pretend to have a nice meal waiting for "his husband" when he comes home.)
(Alastor cooks for Vox because he saw what HE was going to eat and refused to let him continue. Vox, while crying, did not complain about the spice. This endears him to Alastor, who now does make food less spicy for him. He is training Vox to have a higher spice tolerance, however. )
So now Vox is living ENTIRELY on Alastor's dime, and he is loving it. He doesn't have to work AND has an attractive, powerful man coming home to HIM every night? If he could've done this when he was alive, he wouldn't have even BOTHERED starting a cult.
It's up to you if this is one-sided or not, but regardless, Alastor absolutely does not realize that he accidentally kidnapped himself a husband.
He only finds out when he introduces Vox to Rosie and is so confused why his charming picture box suddenly can't get himself to be polite to her. (He's jealous. She finds it amusing.)
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11rosebunny · 6 days
Togame has tried to interlock his toes with yours while cuddling together once.
Taiga cleans almost every part on his body whenever he showers, he's a spanking clean man (even cleans the back of his ears, behind his knees, heels, shins, lower back, bellybutton, literally every place you can think of).
Sometimes, Suo likes to speak to you in different languages to see if you can understand him (he often listens to different languages). One time he insulted you in your native tongue and was surprised that you snapped back.
Sakura has the worse spice tolerance.
Hiragi has no clue what an indirect kiss is. He'll pass you his drink or food that he just put his lips on and have no problem with you biting the same place where he just bit. Umemiya called him out one time for him sharing an indirect kiss with you. He ended up beating the man.
Kaji will beat the shit out of anyone, regardless of your gender (only if you pick a fight with him first).
Endo has a specialty for breaking teeth (stole this from Hanma from TR....).
Mitsuki has fallen asleep from you talking once. He wouldn't stop apologizing for days when you ignored him.
When you're finally dating Taiga, he has no shame farting in front of you. He'll do it right beside you and say "Oops, sorry."
Tomiyama used to bite people when he was younger.
Nirei would always lose his pencils and pens and one time used a half bitten off pencil that he found on the floor right before test during elementary.
Mitsuki is a horder. He keeps all of the packaging for any of his belongings (boxes, plastic wraps with designs, cardboard boxes of the company, etc) purely because he thinks they're too good quality to throw out. On the side note, he finds some of the packaging to be too cute to throw away.
Sugishita really hates doing his hair, thus why it's always kept down all the time.
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wedielikemen · 2 months
Sassiest TSC lines
See wit, candor and spoilers below. Jean is a sassy one and so is Neil
“Of course it’d be you, you tedious malcontent.” (Jean to Neil)
“You are only here now because you are an abominable cockroach,” (Jean to Neil)
With ten seconds left on the clock, Jean thought maybe he’d apologize to Nathaniel for calling the Foxes worthless trash bags.
“Let them all burn. I hope none of them survive.” (Jean to his roommates about the ravens )
“I assumed the Trojans were idiots,” Jean said. “Now I think you are all insane.” ​
“You’re a good man, Jean Moreau.” ​“
A ridiculous sentiment,” he said. (Jean to Cat)
“I made Jean try my ghost pepper sauce, is all. I knew the French were dramatic children but damn, this guy takes the cake. My theory that the Ravens think salt and pepper are exotic spices is starting to hold water.” (Cat to Jeremy)
“The Trojan obsession with fun has not gotten any easier to tolerate,” Jean said. ​“You could just say ‘no’,” Jeremy said dryly.
“Permission to break his face, Coach?” Jean asked. ​“Denied,” White said.
“Neil Josten,” one said as they both presented their badges. “We’d like a word with you.” ​“Tedious,” Neil said. “I’m trying to eat.”
A black SUV with tinted windows and government plates was parked at the curb out front. Neil, being the person he was, pointed at the fire hydrant adjacent to its front bumper and said, “That’s illegal, just so you know.”
Neil asked in French, “Chances of them understanding French?” ​“None. They’re American,” Jean said.
“Jean’s French,” Neil said. “He brings out violence in people every time he opens his mouth.”
“You’re one to accuse others of intolerable attitudes,” Browning said, and Neil only shrugged indifference.
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mont-umi · 5 months
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MK men finding out that reader has a very high spice tolerance.
Includes: Bi-Han, Kuai Liang, Johnny, and Syzoth.
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This man was just casually roaming around the temple trying to also find his certain lover. He then notice a silhouette near the kitchen and there he finds you eating a bowl of ramen. "What are you eating there snowflake?" The cryomancer asked as he stepped close to your shivering form. "Eating a hot bowl of ramen. It's freaking cold in here." You sneezed a bit as you sip more of the savory soup and it helped you warmed up. "Who made this for you?" He grabs the bowl from her and observes the delicious meal on his hand. "I did, no one was around the kitchen so I had to provide for myself." Nods at herself and watches as Bi-Han took a sip of her food and eventually the cryomancer ended up frozen in his place and puts down the bowl to a nearby table. "Next time warn me if the spice of your food would be like this." Grabs a nearby water and freeze the cup before drinking it. "Well I never thought you wouldn't eat it han'er." Grabs the bowl before sipping it back again. "how can you handle such a strong spice?" His words just made you giggle and went back to your spicy treat.
Kuai Liang
This man was laying down beside you as both of you spend your time talking about your jobs or simply reading a book. Kuai noticed you munching on something so he peeked and pokes your cheek. "Quite selfish for you to eat something and not offer me?" He jokingly says as he munches your cheek which made you ticklish and laugh. "Here, I got some candy tamarinds." Offers Kuai some tamarind candy which he happily have some. As he plopped the candy in his mouth and as minutes passed by. He noticed that a tingling sensation is now appearing in his mouth as he sat up and taste the flavor of the candy more. He finally realized that the candy he's eating is spicy and Nott he usual sweet flavor. "Why is this spicy?" His cute reaction made you sat up and laugh. "It's a spicy candy Kuai, be glad it's not those extra hot I always buy. It's just the mild ones." You said as you bring out the plastic bag of candy tamarinds. He was both amused and shocked to know that you can handle such spice "I'm still in shocked to know you can handle such spice." The two of you laugh and went ahead to cuddle even more and eating all your tamarind candy.
Johnny Cage
"hey babe! Have you seen my sunglasses?" He went out to the backyard where you are grilling some good food. He saw you wearing a bikini and apron while grilling some food and he knows you aren't bothered by it since you're used to grilling and cooking foods half naked or even naked. (it will be mention someday ahem!) And there he saw you grilling food while wearing his sunglasses and blasting some music on Alexa. He went behind you and hug your waist while kissing you shoulder. "You look hot in my sunglasses as always." The man noticed a covered bowl and went to open it and saw some raw meats and veggies soaking in a very pungent and eye watering marinate making him pull away. "Goddamn it babe! What the hell was that?!" The man coughs and tears up as he is now 7 feet away from you and the marinate. You just let out a laugh and smiles "this is only for me or unless some of our friends want to get a taste of it too." You smiled at him. "Look babe as much as I love you. Cover that up and make sure you put that 7 feet away from me." He just made you laugh out loud and hides the marinated raw foods away from him and goes back to grilling as the poor man just head inside the mansion.(heads up they bought a new and cheaper mansion will also be mention someday.)
Honestly this man can eat anything as long as it's edible he will be okay with it. And now this man is helping you cook dinner you both noticed that the food needs some chili. So you went to grab a hefty amount of chili that you had a hard time holding it. "Do you need help with that darling?" He quickly grabs the Chilies for you and puts it on the counter top. "This is quite a lot. Are you sure you can handle this?" He looks at you worriedly. "Yeah! These chilies aren't even enough for me." Smiles at Syzoth who just has his eyes widen and looks at the chilies before back to you before letting out an amused laugh. "Looks like I need to learn more about my darling. And I am impressed with your spice tolerance." He comes and kisses your cheek before the two of you went back to cooking dinner.
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oncomingnight · 9 months
Soy Libre!
Yandere! Luchador x Fem Reader ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
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Ricardo Aguilar was the name of the incredibly boisterous and passionate man you fell in love with. He was mainly known for his demanding performance in the ring and his strikingly designed costumes. Ricardo always knew the career path he was destined to pursue, as he always went in head first when it came to going towards what he wanted, as his desires were far from anything he could conceal.
Especially when it came to the person he loved most in the world, you.
Ricardo is incredibly forward when it comes to expressing and sharing his affection towards you. He'd be seen giving you passion filled kisses as he cups your round face, seating you on his lap as the two of you lounge in his changing room, wrapping his tatted arm around your waist as he fails at attempting to keep his hands from wandering.
He takes immense pride in the adoration he holds for you, he feels completely tethered to you, and he couldn't want anything more. Everyday that the two of you spend together is a chance for him to show you just how much he truly loves you, how your entrancing presence builds walls around him that he wants no part in escaping.
Ricardo doesn't find humor in knowing that his opponents use you against him, as his weak spot isn't a specific area on his body, but rather a person. He will treat his opponent with an excessive amount of malice and damaging force, not caring about their irritating 'machismo' act. By the end of the match, his darkly colored coils of hair will be sticking to his swarthy toned skin, not a drop of his blood being spilled.
He highly enjoys being able to cook for you as his father taught him how to properly prepare traditional cuisine and how to nicely set a table. The joy that fills his beating heart when he sees you close your eyes & hum in contentment after taking a bite out of something he cooked for you is better than anything he's ever experienced.
What could possibly be better than nourishing and being attentive towards the love of his life?
Ricardo has a high spice tolerance as many of the foods he ate growing up contained grounded up spices. He enjoys eating gorditas filled with spicy meat stew along with an abundance of slick nopales, Tostadas paired with carefully prepared ceviche, but, his overall favorite is some menudo topped with chopped up jalepenos & onions, served with a sliced lime on the side.
Don't worry your head about it, though, he won't depend on you to cook all of that as he wouldn't even want you to. He wants to be the one to take care of you and prevent you from unnecessarily lifting a finger for a task.
He is the type of boyfriend to take an incredible amount of photos of you, it doesn't matter if you aren't dressed up and just lounging around the house. You'll hear the fast paced clicks from the colorfully decorated digital camera he carries around along with his flustering praises towards you.
"Ay, mirate, mami. Te miras tan bonita con tu pelo suelto."
Ricardo owns a photo album filled with photographs of the two of you together along with solo pictures of you. He decorated the cover of the book with pastel colored stickers, gems, ribbons and writings written in colorful marker. Many of the photos of you are taken with a Polaroid, the photograph being framed with a film adorned with adorable caricatures. Several of the photos are labeled with dates below them, but he will cherish one of them in an incredibly strong manner.
12-6-23 (The day she said 'yes'.)
Hello everyone, I'm incredibly grateful to be back and writing for you all. This specific piece was inspired by an upcoming movie by the name, "Cassandro", a film about an amateur Mexican wrestler from El Paso, Texas, an eventual incredible icon in the hispanic & latino community. I'm going to see this movie tomorrow and I'm very excited as the trailer pulled me into the story by every frame that came on screen. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy and never hesitate in reaching out to me.
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