#that it takes a long time for her to stop loving someone
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pairing: wanda maximoff x fem!reader
summary: you use numbing gel on wanda, and she punishes you for it with some gel of her own.
content warnings: smut, fingering, numbing gel, sensitivity gel, overstimulation, subspace
word count: 5.7k+
comments and reblogs are always appreciated! happy reading ♡
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You were so sick of the fucking silence. 
Honestly, you loved your girlfriend. She was the best part of your life, the most important person to you and the one you knew you’d marry… but her work days were long. And you were so fucking bored. The silence that filled the large house you shared was only temporarily broken by your music, blasting from your speaker as you worked. Or the sound of the TV, loud enough to be heard from the kitchen as you meal prepped. 
But eventually, the speaker would die. Or you’d get bored of whatever show you were watching. Then, the silence would creep in, reminding you of the emptiness that crowded you. Then, you’d start to think about your girlfriend. 
God. She was the best thing that had ever happened to you. 
You’d met her almost a year ago. You’d been bored in a bar, your friend dragging you along to some fancy work party of hers. She was off talking to some important people or something, and your social battery had died a long time ago. 
Someone had gently touched your shoulder, and you’d turned around in surprise. Your eyes met sparkling green ones, taking in high cheekbones and soft auburn hair, and you’d fallen in love immediately. 
Wanda Maximoff was perfect in every way. Doting, attentive, communicating with you every day. She was soft and commanding, her touch gentle yet firm. She was the light of your life, the only person you fully trusted in every aspect. She was absolutely the best girlfriend in the whole world. 
She was also your dominant, so when she ordered you to do something, you listened. 
That week, she had just so happened to order you not to touch yourself while she was at work. It was only Thursday, and you were slowly losing your mind. You’d finished all your chores, including some extra work around the house just to keep yourself busy, but it wasn’t enough. 
So here you were, four in the afternoon, laying on your stomach on the bed. Scrolling through your phone, finding nothing interesting enough to hold your attention. 
Sighing, you threw your phone down, dropping your face onto the comforter. You felt like throwing a tantrum, or breaking her rules and sending Wanda a video or picture of you masturbating. She would be pissed, but maybe she would punish you with overstimulation. At least then you’d actually have some relief from the ever-present ache between your legs. 
Your phone pinged, an email coming through. That got your attention, and you immediately perked up as you quickly snatched your phone up. Unlocking it, you smiled widely at the notification. 
‘Your order has been delivered.’
Leaping up, and almost tripping over yourself, you made your way downstairs. Your footsteps dully thudded on the carpet as you raced towards the front door, and you swore under your breath when your shoulder caught on a door frame. Shaking it off, you continued towards the entrance of your home, stopping yourself with your hands on the door before unlocking it. As you caught your breath, you peeked through the curtain, gripping the door handle as you ensured the delivery driver was making their way back to their truck. 
Wanda had drilled a rule about deliveries into your head. 
‘Don’t open the door until the driver is gone. It’s not safe for submissives to open the door when a stranger is nearby.’
A door slammed shut, and you jolted out of your thoughts. Watching closely, you smiled as the delivery truck drove away, slowly counting to ten in your head. As soon as you reached ten, you unlocked the door with trembling fingers, your heart racing as you caught sight of the small package resting innocently on the doorstep. 
Scooping it up, you quickly closed the door, locking it behind you. Checking the time, you noted that you still had around 45 minutes before your girlfriend would be home. 
That was just enough time for you to hide your new package next to the other toys Wanda kept in the playroom. It also gave you the chance to hide the packaging in the outside garbage. Wanda would never find it, since it was part of your chores to take the trash out.
Mentally patting yourself on the back, you raced to hide your package. 
This was going to be a fun night. 
If Wanda had noticed your badly concealed excitement, she didn’t acknowledge it beyond a simple raised eyebrow. 
You were practically vibrating, your eyes shining as you took her coat and kissed her gently. Her hands lingered around your waist, fingers skirting over the silky material of your skirt, dipping slightly below the waistband as she smirked.
Wanda was touchy. That was always a good sign. 
You eagerly took in the sight of her, your imagination not quite good enough to conjure up the magnificent beauty in front of you that you got to call your girlfriend. Honestly, between her perfectly sculpted eyebrows and her long fingers currently curled around your waist, it was hard to not melt into a puddle of goo whenever she was around.
Her clothes were still pristine even after a long workday, not a single wrinkle in her dress shirt or blazer. You wondered how she managed that, or how her hair was still as soft and curled as it was when she left this morning. 
“Oh, sorry. Did you say something?” You shake your head, clearing it as you look up from your pasta. 
Wanda’s green eyes sparkle with amusement. She takes a bite, her lips wrapping around her fork. She maintains eye contact as your grip goes slack around your own utensil, eyes watching her glossy lips as she drinks from her wine glass.
“I asked if you had a good day, sweetheart.”
“Oh- I… well, yes.” you manage, clearing your throat as your sentence dies. 
Another raised eyebrow, and an expectant look. Those lips are on the rim of her wine glass again. You want to touch them, to feel them against your skin as she nibbles and sucks her way towards your lips. 
God, you want her tongue too. You want to feel it dragging across your stomach, making its way to your chest and swirling it around your nipples. Her plump lips wrapping fully around them as she sucks, her eyes dilated and needy. Your neck, damp from the warmth of her mouth as her tongue drags up, your head thrown back from the sensation against your most sensitive spot. 
“Sweetheart,” Wanda’s voice is hard, her hand gripping your thigh under the table. “Focus when Mommy is talking to you.”
You wince, feeling her nails digging into your skin. 
“I’m sorry Mommy,” you trail off, casting your gaze back onto your plate. Eye contact made you nervous, and Wanda’s green eyes had a way of reducing you to a stuttering mess. 
“Don’t mumble.”
Wanda’s fingers squeezed once more - a reminder to behave - before they disappeared. Her fork clinked against her plate, and you smiled as she ate. You knew that she loved this dish, and when she was happy and relaxed, she normally allowed you a bit more freedom in the bedroom. 
That’s all you need. A little bit of leniency. 
Your body is on fire. Wanda’s hands run over your waist, over your chest, and up the sides of your neck. Her fingers leave trails of scorching fire across your skin, your core throbbing with need. Her lips slide smoothly against yours, her tongue gently swiping over them as she presses you against the wall. Her body is fully against yours, her hips pressing into you as she grinds her hips against yours. It is almost enough to make you break.
Gasping for air, you gently press against Wanda’s sternum. She pulls back, her lips swollen and red, eyes dilated as they search yours. Her fingers twitch, still gliding across your skin as she kneads your body beneath her palms. 
Shuddering, you slow your breathing, reminding yourself of your mission for the night. 
“Wanna try something,” your words come out breathy, and not at all commanding like you were hoping. 
Wanda’s eyes bounce between yours, her hands stilling around your waist.
“What did you have in mind, baby?”
“Can I show you?” Your eyes light up, hands eagerly touching Wanda’s face. Your fingers trace her cheekbones, running over her jaw as she thinks. “Please?” You add, letting the word drop into a whimper at the end. 
Even Wanda can’t resist that. 
You look so desperate, your eyes pleading as you gently guide her towards the desk. Pulling out the chair, you usher her into it, kissing her deeply as her hands attempt to pull you onto her lap. You resist, tucking her hair behind her ear as she furrows her brows. 
“Just let me try this, Mommy. I promise it’ll be fun.”
Wanda’s green eyes are dark, the warm light from the lamp casting shadows over her sharp features. Her hands fall to her lap, head turned towards you as you reach into the desk drawer, having prepared your supplies earlier in the day. She can’t help but smile, one hand reaching up to cup your cheek as you determinedly grab the items you’d stored. 
Turning your wide eyes towards her, you take in your girlfriend. 
She’s relaxed, her fingers gently caressing your face while her other hand is loosely gripping your waist. Her eyes remain sharp, assessing everything around her. They linger around your arms, her head tilting as she attempts to see what you’re holding behind your back. 
You cluck your tongue at her, gulping at the raised eyebrow she sends back.
“Close your eyes,” you try to sound commanding, but you see the faint smirk Wanda wears as she slowly closes her eyes. “Please,” you add quickly, not wanting to face unnecessary punishment later for your lack of manners. 
Wanda lets out a quick huff of laughter, her hands squeezing your waist. 
With one hand, you reach towards her hand, bringing it in front of you and squeezing her wrist briefly to silently tell her to keep it there. You do the same to the other, watching her face carefully. 
Those perfect eyebrows furrow slightly, her eyelids fluttering as she fights the urge to open them. 
You act quickly, securing a cuff around one wrist as her eyes fly open. You grip her other arm tightly as you strap the second cuff around her other wrist. Pulling slightly, you test the strength of the restraints, the soft, thick leather comfortable around her wrists.
“Darling,” Wanda begins, and you smile nervously at her. “Think very carefully about what you’re doing.”
You lean in, pecking her on the lips gently. “I know what I’m doing, I promise.”
Pushing gently, you move her wrists behind her back. Wanda is completely still beneath you, her body rigid as she allows you to maneuver her to your will. Her eyes are locked on your face, and you avoid any eye contact, knowing your confidence will shatter the second you meet those knowing green eyes. 
With a click, you secure her cuffs. You’ve effectively restrained her, and you pull back as she tests the strength of the cuffs. 
Wanda’s brow furrows even more when she can’t escape from her restraints, her muscles flexing as she attempts to pull herself loose. You can tell she’s seconds away from ordering you to release her. 
“Baby, I need you to let me-” 
You slap a hand over her mouth, your eyes widening. If Wanda gave you a command, you would cave immediately. You couldn’t let that happen. 
“Let me take care of you, okay?” Your voice was pleading. You could hear the whine at the end of the sentence, but couldn’t bring yourself to care. 
Wanda’s eyebrows raised, and you quickly removed your hand. 
“Alright,” she began, adjusting her weight until she was seated more comfortably. You tried not to salivate at the effortless display of power. God, she was strong. “Remember, pup. I’m in charge.”
Nodding quickly, you place a quick kiss on Wanda’s lips. You almost forget yourself, lingering as her lips press gently against yours, her tongue quickly swiping over yours. You could kiss her for hours, soft moans escaping you as Wanda effortlessly slides her plump, soft lips against yours. 
The chair scrapes against the floor as you stand. Your hands are gentle, eyes questioning as you unbutton her pants. 
Wanda nods, and you smile brightly. Pulling her pants down quickly, you let your fingers linger on her thighs, feeling her muscles tense and twitch beneath you. God, you could already smell her arousal. You slowly peel her damp underwear from her, watching the shiny juices coat her pussy as you remove the offending garment. 
Drinking in the sight of her, your pupils dilate. Wanda can hear your soft pants as you resist the urge to taste her, your fingers shaking slightly as you dig into her thighs. She rolls her hips, just slightly, and you seemingly snap out of your daze, snapping your head up and standing. 
The abrupt action has Wanda’s eyes narrowing, her posture tense as you walk towards the dresser. 
Opening the bottom drawer, you pull out a black tube. 
Wanda relaxes, recognizing the discreet packaging as sensitivity gel. She takes in your stance, your fingers excitedly opening the tube as you put on a black latex glove. Smiling, Wanda remembers your aversion to any type of liquids, gels, or creams on your hands. She’s never even seen you use lotion on your palms, instead, you would rub the back of your hands together whenever your knuckles grew dry. 
Shaking herself from her thoughts, Wanda watches you squeeze out some gel, smearing it on your fingertips. Her eyes lock on yours, watching the way your brows tighten and furrow in concentration, your eyes glancing up at hers every so often. 
Your fingers prod gently at her, and Wanda has to hold back a moan as she feels the cool gel against her warm, swollen pussy. She can hear her ragged breaths, her fingers clenching as she tries not to rut against your hand. 
A wide smile spreads across your face, and Wanda has the good sense to let some suspicion cross her mind. She tilts her head and watches your eyes widen at the action. 
But then, your fingers are circling her clit, smearing the gel all over it, and a moan escapes her treacherous throat. 
“Baby,” Wanda begins, feeling warmth gather in her abdomen. 
Two fingers thrust into her, and Wanda forgets how to speak. Your eyes are sparkling as you look at her. There’s something behind your eyes, something Wanda can’t quite focus on. She can’t discern what the unreadable look you're giving her means and blinks in an attempt to focus. You curl your fingers, and she throws her head back in pleasure, forgetting about it in an instant. 
The sudden roughness of your fingers pulling out of her draws a soft whimper from her throat. 
“Don’t worry, I’ve got you.” Your voice is soft, and Wanda narrows her eyes at you as she attempts to get her breathing back under control. The fingers that were buried in her a few moments ago now rub her clit, your eyes watching her face carefully. 
Something isn’t right. 
Wanda rolls her hips again. She can feel the pressure of your fingers against her and hear the sounds of her arousal as you work her clit… but there’s only a faint prickling sensation. It feels almost cold - as if that entire area has fallen asleep. 
Last Wanda had checked, there was only one way to make that happen. 
“Darling,” Wanda growls, her eyes dark. “I need you to be very honest with me.”
You gulp, your fingers still moving. Wanda’s hips are still, her attention focused solely on you. Her body isn’t responding to your touch anymore, and you slowly withdraw your hand as you take off your glove.
The tension in the room feels like a bowstring drawn too tight, Wanda’s eyes on you sucking the very air from your lungs as she works her jaw. You hear the sound of leather rubbing against skin and know that she’s attempting to escape from her cuffs. The danger in her expression makes you want to grovel and beg for forgiveness almost as much as it turns you on. 
“That gel,” Wanda watches your eyes widen as she speaks, a guilty look appearing on your face. “Was it numbing gel?”
Her voice is low and quiet, but you hear every word. You can hear your frantic breaths as you search your head for an excuse, an answer, anything really. Anything but the truth.
Looking up, you meet her eyes. 
They search yours, her head tilted slightly as her gaze unrelentingly locks with yours. The air crackles with anticipation, heavy with the weight of your unspoken words. With each passing moment feeling like an eternity, you search for the right words. They’re on the tip of your tongue, just waiting to be spoken, but trapped under the weight of Wanda’s gaze. 
She’s waiting, her eyes demanding acknowledgment of her question, yet also challenging you to disobey her. It’s a deliciously delicate balance between mercy and dominance, and you feel yourself crack under its weight.
“Yes, Mommy.” 
Wanda’s eyes turn stormy and you watch her chest heave as she attempts to calm herself down. Her hips twitch, and you can tell she’s fighting the urge to roll them. It wouldn’t matter if she did, you’ve ensured that everything is completely numb. She won’t be feeling any sensation for a few hours. 
Standing, you feel a surge of power. You’re looking down at her, meeting her frustrated gaze as her arms flex. She keeps trying to pull her hands free, her feet planted on the ground in an attempt to gain some leverage. Wanda’s lips are partially open, glistening as she breathes quickly, her green eyes slightly watery as her frustration builds. Catching sight of her spread legs, you watch in awe as her arousal smears over her inner thighs and down onto the chair.
God, she looks so pathetic.
You move to sit on her lap, acutely aware of her eyes following your every movement. Feeling your legs spread as you do, you smile when her eyes flit down towards your chest. You’d left too many buttons undone, and you arch your back slightly as you hear Wanda make a low noise in the back of her throat.
“Don’t tease.” Wanda’s voice is tight, sounding like she’s holding back a storm. Her words are clipped, each syllable heavy with warning.
Smiling, you lean in. Your mouth brushes her cheek as one of your hands moves to grip the back of the chair, the other sliding in between your bodies, “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
Whatever Wanda was going to say in response is swallowed by a gasp as you crash your lips against hers. You can tell that she wants to be upset and deny you any pleasure to punish you for misbehaving. But then her tongue moves smoothly against yours and you swallow her soft moan, and you know that you’ve won.
Moving blindly, your fingers find Wanda’s warm, slippery pussy. Two fingers slide in easily, curling as you begin to slowly pump in and out of her. 
Wanda doesn’t react. 
You smile into the kiss, maneuvering your thumb to rub harshly over her protruding clit. Normally, Wanda would jerk and gasp slightly when you stimulated her sensitive bundle of nerves, but not tonight. 
That gel was working almost a little too well.
Teeth bite harshly into your lower lip, and you suddenly find yourself struggling to think properly. Wanda is unforgiving, sucking your lip into her mouth as you moan, your fingers faltering against her. 
Wanda might not be able to feel anything, but her pussy knows that it’s being stimulated. You can feel her juices soaking your fingers, running onto your hand and down your wrist as you thrust into her. It’s intoxicating, and you feel your own underwear dampen significantly as you grind yourself onto her lap. 
“Fuck,” You whisper, feeling Wanda’s small smile against your lips. 
You’re focused, the sensation of her slick pussy clenching around your fingers holding all of your attention. The sound of leather and skin barely registers in your mind, your senses overwhelmed by the smell of Wanda’s vanilla perfume and the feeling of her lips fervently moving against yours. 
God, you think you could last in this moment for an eternity and never be unhappy. 
A hand wraps around your throat. 
Eyes flying open, you barely register the victorious look on Wanda’s face before she’s lifting you off her lap and throwing you onto the bed. The leather cuffs dangle from one of her wrists, her other slightly red from her efforts to escape. There’s a thunderous look in her eyes, and you find yourself slowly backing up on the bed as she advances. 
“You can’t run now, baby.” Wanda’s voice is low and there’s a small smirk on her face. 
She keeps advancing, her head tilting. 
You freeze in place, watching as she makes her way towards you. Her deft fingers quickly undo the cuffs from her wrist, her grip strong as she grabs your arm. 
Swinging a leg over your hips, Wanda straddles you. Her thighs clench around you, and her hands grip your wrists tightly. You don’t fight it, your body refusing to relax as you watch Wanda with wide eyes. Her fingers make quick work of the cuffs, tightening them around your wrists and attaching them to the headboard as you squirm slightly. 
“Did you really think you could get away with it?” Wanda asks, her eyes boring into yours. 
A flush makes its way onto your face, your nerves on fire. Adrenaline floods your system, the thrill of being caught racing through you. You quickly shake your head, eyes widening when Wanda erupts in soft laughter. 
“Stupid pet,” She mutters, removing herself from you as you watch with wide eyes, feeling your core grow warm at the degrading words. “You should know that Mommy always wins in the end.”
Your jaw works as you try to formulate a response. You can’t think of anything, a foggy haze coming over your mind as you watch Wanda. 
Soft footsteps reach your ears as you watch your girlfriend quickly make her way toward the closet. She disappears, and you hear her rummaging through the drawers. You throw your head back, breathing deeply as you control your nerves. 
You were so fucked. God, what were you thinking? 
Pulling against your cuffs, which Wanda had secured to your wrists extremely tight, you rethought your decisions. The numbing cream had been a great purchase, truly. But actually using it on Wanda? 
Worst possible decision. 
The doorway darkens, and you feel your mouth go dry when you see Wanda’s silhouette. Your eyes drag down over her body, the curve of her nude waist and hips sending you further into an arousal-driven state of mind. You wouldn’t be surprised if you were drooling for her, your hips rolling slightly as you catch a glimpse of the thick, scarlet strapon now tied around her hips. 
Her fingers wrap around a familiar-looking tube, the design eerily similar to the numbing cream you had purchased. Looking closer, however, there were numerous differences. The end of the tube was wider, and the dark pigment of the packaging was more matte than the numbing cream. 
You feel the color leave your face. Your legs close of their own accord, a spark of fear traveling down your spine. 
Wanda smirks. 
Reaching out, your girlfriend quickly grasps your ankles, pulling your legs apart roughly. There’s a warning look in her eyes, and your brief struggle against her ceases immediately. The last thing you wanted to do was make her even more frustrated than she already was, although, judging by the look on her face, you were failing.
“Don’t test me,” Wanda’s voice is tight, a sign of her growing ire. “You’ve already earned a big fucking punishment.”
A low moan sounds out. 
Your eyes widen at the sound as it escapes your treacherous throat, along with Wanda’s. A smile slowly begins to form on her face, one of her hands slowly moving towards the apex of your thighs. 
“You must really like the idea of being punished, is that it baby?” Wanda asks, her voice soft. Her fingers are anything but gentle, swooping through your slick arousal as she harshly flicks your protruding clit. “Do you get off on the thought of me being mean to you?”
Wanda’s other hand drops the bottle of gel onto the comforter, her fingers grasping your jaw tightly when you attempt to hang your head. 
“Nuh-uh,” She clicks her tongue, forcing you to look at her. “Dumb sluts don’t get to hide after they tease Mommy. Answer the question, honey.”
A strangled whimper claws its way out from your chest, a shaky exhale accompanying it as you nod your head to the best of your ability. Wanda’s grip on your jaw doesn’t falter, but she feels your attempt, her eyes darkening. 
“You really are a masochist,” Wanda mutters, releasing her tight hold on you. “I love it.”
Your eyes light up, relief cascading through you at her words. Then, you remember the compromising position you’re in and the situation you’ve created. Your elation fades, eyes watching every movement Wanda makes. 
Nimble fingers quickly open the bottle, the minimalist logo of Wanda’s favorite brand of sensitivity gel flashing in your vision before she squirts a generous amount on her fingers. The lid closes with a click, and the bottle is thrown somewhere onto the bed. 
“Now this,” Wanda begins, smearing the gel messily over your pussy. “This gel is purely for my entertainment. You and I both know that you’re already desperate and needy enough that my touch alone could send you over the edge at any moment.”
Two of her fingers rub the gel onto your clit, the rough stimulation causing your legs to jerk. Wanda pauses, looking up at you. Her eyes are dark, the green of her irises barely a sliver around her dilated pupils. Her face is set, a dangerous, almost predatory look taking over her features. 
“Stay still.”
Immediately, you feel your body comply. Your muscles feel as though they’re made of stone, your breaths shallow from the effort it takes to not squirm as Wanda mixes the sensitivity gel with your juices.
You feel a tingling sensation start, the barest brush of air against your bulbous clit sending electric pleasure straight to your core. Your pussy feels both enlarged and sore, the need to cum overtaking you in an instant. 
The ache. Oh, god. The fucking ache between your legs. It consumes you, every errant thought in your brain evaporating as you find yourself unable to focus on anything but the throbbing heat at your core. 
Wanda looks up, hearing your rough breathing, her eyes widening in pleasure at the sight of your heaving chest. You look absolutely wrecked, your cheeks flushed as sweat drips down your temple. Your eyes are wide and unfocused, your pupils expanded so severely they look like endless black pits of ink. 
“You look pathetic.” 
Biting your lip tightly, you suppress the wanton moan that threatens to erupt at Wanda’s words. 
She doesn’t seem to notice, moving onto her knees between your spread legs and wrapping her hand around her strapon. A mixture of your arousal and the gel glistens on her fingers, and you feel yourself throb as you watch her lewdly stroke herself.
Teasingly, and agonizingly slowly, Wanda lines the tip of her strap against your clit. She presses in slightly, the barest hint of pleasure sending your head reeling. You feel like you’re going slightly insane, the need for stimulation forcing a stream of words from your lips. 
“Please, Wanda. I’m so sorry, I’ll never trick you like that again. I promise. I need you so bad, Mommy. I’ll be the perfect little toy for you, just please fuck me. Fuck me with your big strap, you can go whatever pace you want I just… I fucking need it. Please.” You end your begging with a whine, your words breathless. You don’t care. “I’ll do anything.” 
In one smooth motion, Wanda buries her strap inside you. 
“Mommy's going to fuck you until she can feel pleasure again,” Wanda says harshly, grabbing your throat and squeezing lightly in warning when you squirm. You try to protest, your nerves feeling as though they’ve been lit on fire as you shake beneath her. Wanda doesn't let you. 
“No baby, shut the fuck up and take it, I've got to punish the brat out of my good little girl."
Then, she’s finally moving. It feels like absolute heaven, her strap dragging roughly against your walls as you clench around her. Wanda adjusts her hips, the tip of the toy hitting your G-spot with each thrust, and you blink stars from your vision. 
Any functional part of your brain has completely abandoned you. Your chest bounces with each rough slap of Wanda’s hips against you, the strap disappearing and reappearing quickly as it’s coated with your juices. 
The scent of your arousal fills the room, the air heavy as you suck in desperate breaths between frantic moans. Your body feels like a live wire, muscles taut as your legs spread wider. 
Wanda grips your ankles firmly, her strength surprising you. She moves, pressing your legs against your chest as her strap fucks deeper into you. With how hard and fast she’s fucking you, you’re impressed with her stamina and ability to maneuver you into position. 
Pleasure and pain morph into one, endless sensation. Every nerve pulsates with need, a symphony of conflicting sensations as Wanda relentlessly, almost ruthlessly fucks into you. Her eyes pierce yours, holding your gaze captive as she works you closer and closer to nirvana.
The very fabric of your reality seems to shift and bend, every sensation smothered with a surreal hue of an indistinguishable mixture of pleasure and pain. Your mind feels fractured, floating in a fuzzy embrace even as Wanda’s sharp thrusts splinter your mindscape. The thrum of your frantic heartbeat reverberates throughout your body, matching the throbbing of your clit as Wanda’s pelvis presses against it with each harsh movement. 
Your orgasm creeps up on you, feeling every bit like a death march. 
In the back of your mind, you know that Wanda won’t take mercy on you. She won’t stop using you until she’s completely satisfied, until… What had she said? Oh, that’s right. Until she could feel sensation again. 
If you were correctly remembering the description and online reviews of the gel you’d bought, Wanda wouldn’t be feeling anything for a couple of hours. 
A particularly harsh thrust has your thoughts halting instantly. Your mind focuses, the need to cum overtaking your senses as you feel every inch of Wanda’s strap buried inside you. Your swollen pussy clamps down around her, your clit throbbing with need as she relentlessly fucks into you. 
The sounds of your soaked pussy reverberate around the bedroom, spurring Wanda on. She can feel your sticky arousal smearing over her thighs as she steadily plunges the strap inside your greedy pussy. 
Watching her strap disappear into your tight, eager heat only serves to motivate Wanda. A surge of motivation surges through her veins. Her thrusts have a renewed energy, her movements almost frantic as she fucks into you with abandon. Throwing her head back, she loses herself in an intoxicating surge of power, one hand wrapping around your throat. 
You feel your back arch, pussy spasming against your will. Wanda’s fingers tighten, just barely, but it's enough to send your frazzled body over the edge. 
Every synapse in your body fires, your senses overwhelmed by the cascading waves of pleasure as they sweep through your limbs forcefully. Your body trembles, Wanda’s strong hands pinning you down as you attempt to escape from the violent aftershocks of your orgasm. Her fingers skirt down your sides, gripping your hips and leaving trails of electricity in their wake. 
“Oh, god. Its-” You stutter, feeling Wanda’s hands press your hips full into the mattress, immobilizing you. “Too much, Mommy.”
The words sound slurred, Wanda’s green eyes trapping your attention. You want to float away, your mind wrapping itself with vanilla-scented cotton as your ears ring. 
A coiling feeling, spreading throughout your core. Hot tears prick at the corners of your eyes, your mind barely tethered to your body.
“Let go, sweetheart.” Wanda’s gentle voice washes over you. 
The unbearable tension in your abdomen tightens, spreading blazing tendrils of fire throughout your being. Your tears escape fully, sliding down your cheeks as you register Wanda’s smile, the intensity of her gaze sending you over the edge again. 
You’re barely retaining your grasp on reality, your mind firmly in subspace as a vanilla-tinged fuzziness encapsulates your thoughts. 
“Fuck,” Wanda mumbles, looking down. 
Following her gaze, your eyebrows rise as you watch her glistening strap slip out of you. Strings of fluid web between the toy and your overheated pussy, and you belatedly realize that it's your cum. 
Wanda moves, bottoming out as her strap easily slides into you. 
Black dots dance around the corners of your vision, another orgasm washing over you as liquid-hot pleasure flows through your veins. You barely register Wanda’s soft voice, your eyes rolling towards the ceiling as you feel her pull you closer with each thrust of her hips. 
The pleasure is unrelenting and strong. It ebbs over you like an endless tide, threatening to smother your mind. With each pulse of pure ecstasy, you feel your consciousness teetering on the edge of oblivion, the thin line between reality and euphoria dimming into nothingness.
Green eyes capture your attention, Wanda’s face appearing fuzzy around the edges as your senses are finally overwhelmed. You feel your body and mind succumb to the intoxicating bliss washing over you as Wanda continues to use your overworked body. 
A final, shuddering breath and you slip into the welcoming embrace of unconsciousness, your mind firmly wrapped in thick layers of vanilla-tinged pleasure.
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gffa · 3 days
Disney, hire me as your Attachment Advisor, I will shove so many George Lucas quotes at your producers and writers, I will shove so many context-laden clips from the movies and TCW at your creatives, I will make powerpoint essays about how it's more Buddhist-aligned, not Attachment Theory-aligned, I will cite literally every time attachment has ever been discussed by Lucas AND in the show itself and show you that it's always aligned with fear, possessive feelings, and selfishness, I will do this work for you for free, I can even literally just point you to my Jedi Citations collection, DISNEY, HIRE ME AS YOUR ATTACHMENT ADVISOR, I CAN HELP YOU.
Everything I saw in the show aligned perfectly with my view of what the Jedi mean by attachment from the movies (especially with Episode II). You fail to understand that George Lucas words outside of the movies mean shit. You cane have the largest collection of words that has come out of Lucas's ass and it still does not change the movies. Look at the poster for AOTC. A Jedi shall not know love. Obi-Wan speaks beautifully about the undercurrent of remorse he feels for not being able to have an attachment with Satine because he lives by the Jedi Code which forbids it.
You people are so delusional.
Hi! You are so right bestie it has been way too long since I've talked about my love for Mace Windu! You are so right to have brought this up and I will meet your challenge! He is the Force's strongest soldier because the absolute nonsense he has to put up with every day, as someone who deals with the rest of the Council being hilarious assholes, who deals with Kenobi and Skywalker's nonsense, who has Yoda as a friend, and yet he seems to genuinely like all of these people?? Even when they're bonkers?? My man is stronger than I could ever be.
Not to mention, he goes on a whole ass mission with Jar-Jar, has to watch him make out with his girlfriend, the queen of the planet who told falsehoods about your family, and you have nothing but patience and kind words to say about them, and you only roll your eyes a little at Jar-Jar's antics, something even Padme does and she's worked with him even longer than you have, and by the end, you're friends with him, you like him and would probably hang out with him again if the chance arose???? Mace Windu is on ANOTHER LEVEL from what I would have done in his position!
And he's a former theater nerd! "The Council's gain was the theater's loss." Jocasta Nu says about how he didn't have time for it anymore after he got so busy with the Council, like can you IMAGINE Mace Windu doing plays? I want to know sooooooo bad how Jedi plays are different from non-Force-sensitive people's plays, I want to know what kind of cool effects they create with the Force, I want to know if they use their psychic empath abilities to literally connect with their audience! I want to know DOES MACE WINDU HELP THE YOUNGLINGS STAGE CUTE LITTLE PLAYS IN THE CRECHE? BECAUSE I BET HE DOES.
Because that man is so good with kids! Remember that Star Wars Adventures comic where he was so gentle and sweet with the little Twi'lek girl? Reaching down to help her up, smiling openly at her, walking with her back to her village to make sure she was safe, talking with her to make sure she understood how important and valuable she was in the galaxy? Because I'm still not over that!
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His relationship with Anakin in canon is pretty great, too, like, yeah, Anakin should take a seat and stop borderline pitching a fit about getting a rank he didn't earn, and Mace still offered to believe him, despite that Anakin had accepted Palpatine's forcing the Council to put him on it. He still trusted Anakin to help him in that fight against Palpatine! Plus, oh, man, their banter on the Endurance when they're teaching the cadets? That was such good-natured teasing, that was exactly the kind of banter Anakin would have had with Obi-Wan, and by the end of that whole fiasco (do you ever think about when Anakin was in danger and Mace yelled, "Anakin!" and desperately yanked him to safety, because he was worried about him? because I think about that a lot), Mace complimented Artoo by saying he saw what Anakin saw in him, that he was complimenting Anakin at the same time? Or pretty much EVERY interaction between Mace and Yoda is absolute hilarity, the side-eye they give each other, the teasing Yoda does when Mace is on a mission with Jar-Jar, the way Mace holds his hand out in the comics for Yoda to springboard off of into the middle of a fight? ICONIC FRIENDSHIP, I WOULD TAKE A WHOLE NOVEL ABOUT IT, DISNEY.
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Or that time even AT THE END OF THE CLONE WARS, like they are just a MONTH out from Revenge of the Sith, if that, and Mace is STILL trying to get the droids to stand down, that he's destroyed thousands of them, none of them have listened, but he's still trying, offering them a better life away from the war, a purpose again, even if he knows it probably won't work, that man still believed in compassion for anyone and everyone. Like, baby Boba Fett TRIED TO KILL HIM and Mace STILL argued for leniency and rehabilitation, rather than jail, because he saw a young child who was hurting and he wanted better for him. He was direct with Boba, he didn't try to befriend him, Boba would never have accepted that, but he told him, you're going to have to get over your hatred for me, he says this for Boba's sake, not his own, because he knows what poison the desire for revenge is, look at the path it's already leading Boba down.
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Or EVERYTHING WITH THE ZILLO BEAST, he tried so hard to rescue that poor creature, he fought the Senate so hard, he was so gentle with the hand he carefully pressed to its face, even when the Zillo beast was dangerous, even when it had attacked them and could so easily kill more, he wanted leniency for it, he wanted to save it because he understood where it was coming from.
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Or EVERYTHING WITH PROSSET DIBS, that guy tried to murder him, was ranting about how he would dance on their graves or whatever, and Mace looks at him and says, we need to help him, it's our duty to help him find the light again. And his big punishment is literally just library duty, because when Mace can decide the outcome, that guy always goes for helping people, always goes for the option that would bring them back to the light.
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Even as a young Padawan, his greatest struggle was to temper his anger, which was sparked because PEOPLE WERE BEING HURT by the false prophet on Mathas, he was angry because he saw how many people were suffering and the people in charge just let it happen, his heart hangs heavy when he witnesses people in pain, because Mace Windu deeply, deeply cares about the people in the galaxy.
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He cared about civilians, he cared about clones, he cared about his fellow Jedi, he didn't have to be bouncy or super smiley to show that, either. It was in every action he took. He cared so much.
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icyg4l · 3 days
PAC: Energy Check-In
Hello beautiful people! I have been so inconsistent with posting. Thank you all for your patience. But anyway, tonight's reading will consist of an energy check-in. We all need one, even me! Also, the Five Dollar Friday Sale will still happen! It will take place from 12 AM-11PM. Thank you guys so much for your support! Don't forget to check out the guidelines before booking with me. Dm me privately if you have any questions. Without further ado, please select your pile!
Left-to-Right: (1-3)
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Pile One: I feel like you are currently trying to figure out what to do with yourself. I heard "I got so much energy!" in my head. Your sacral chakra is booming. I feel like you could be super horny or feeling like you need to create something. But you are trying to figure out a way to do this in an appropriate manner. The solution will come quick. There could be a partnership coming your way that will allow you to be more free flowing. It is essential at this time that you find ways to express yourself. Do not feed into self-limiting beliefs. You are prone to making impulsive decisions like dying your hair late at night or buying clothes that you won't even put on a year from now. Focus on what will fulfill you in the long run and stop trying to scratch an unscratchable itch. It will make you see things much easier.
Cards Used: 8 of Swords, 5 of Swords, The Hierophant, Ace of Wands, 8 of Wands, Queen of Wands.
Pile Two: Someone has you feeling real good. Princess treatment will do that to you. When you have the right people around you, you feel unstoppable. I heard "Who you feeling like?" in my head. Right now, you could be receiving lots of compliments, which boost your morale as a result. I am seeing a young girl toss her hair from side to side with her fingertips. In the back of your mind, you may worry about how long this version of you will last. You need to not allow the past comments of hate get to you at this time. Do not self-sabotage yourself because people could not see the light in you. Let the haters do the hating for you. You could have Saturn in the 12th house which relates to the subconscious. You need to have conversations with your inner child to heal. Move forward from the angst and the hurt people have caused you. Start anew. And most importantly, forgive yourself.
Cards Used: Ace of Wands, 2 of Cups, 10 of Cups, King of Discs, 4 of Cups, The Devil, 6 of Cups.
Pile Three: You are in this lover girl energy. It almost feels familiar --- the scenario that you have found yourself to be in. You need to look closer with this person. Everyone will pass your test if you don't do any further investigation. You have the tendency to get "stuck on" crushes for a long time. You could be prone to limerence. You are going to get the answer that you are looking for, a reality check. But it will be in your best interest, don't worry. You are trying to investigate from afar but this won't really benefit you. You need to pay close attention and start being less lenient. You're a cute girl and you know that, don't you? But what is cute if it means you lose your mind every time you find someone attractive? Part of your lesson in this life is to be more comfortable with accepting your beauty as is. You are not incomplete if you are not in an "OTP", love.
Cards Used: The Moon, The Empress, 4 of Discs, 4 of Wands, 10 of Cups, 5 of Wands, Justice, 2 of Discs
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lucysarah-c · 1 day
Not sure if this is like, allowed to be answered and feel free not to of course. But reaction to Levi finding out someone tried to assault his s/o, or just hurting them in general like a more targeted instance rather than a battle, even before they are partners and could just be friends, you think more of a quick death or Levi would get sorta sadistic?
Have a great one 🐞 and thanks for always feeding us amazing works
Hi dear! Ah, no one has called me "bug" in years!!! Haha, thank you—that was so sweet of you!
Don’t thank me! Thank you for reading and stopping by my blog.
I really like this ask… Maybe because I’ve had a similar scenario in mind for my fic, but I just can't seem to find the right approach to it. I’ll try my best here! I’m 100% a "violence doesn’t solve anything" kind of person, and even when someone is truly horrible, I can't stand seeing them get hurt, especially physically. I’m that "sensitive" type, sorry haha. I feel Levi would say something similar to what my mother always tells me: "Don’t try to be more Catholic than the Pope" (a saying we have in Argentina, meaning "Don’t be too nice because people will take advantage of you. Be a little bit tough when necessary").
So, I’ll be completely honest with you: No, this ask doesn’t make me uncomfortable. But I do believe that Levi would resort to violence in certain situations. Levi killed a couple of guys just because they messed with Isabel’s hair. If his special someone (be it a friend, girlfriend, etc.) got hurt or was assaulted, Levi wouldn’t wait to see if she filed a report or went to the police.
He would simply stare at her and demand, "Who was it? Do you know them? Can you identify them?"
If it happened recently and she still shows signs of the struggle, she might try to downplay it. "It’s over now… It doesn’t hurt that much—"
"I didn’t ask if it hurt or if it was over. I asked who did it," he’d reply firmly.
She might avoid giving straight answers, trying to brush it off, perhaps out of shock, embarrassment, or fear—fear for Levi and the trouble he might get into. "I already filed a report and—"
"Have you ever seen any of those bastards behind bars because of a report?" Levi would counter. "Who was it? Give me a name."
"I pressed charges—"
"I’m sorry to break it to you, but men aren’t scared of charges. They know they can get away with it. They know they have friends who will bail them out, who will erase the charges, who will stand up for them," Levi explained. "Do you know what the only thing those assholes fear is? Being treated and beaten down the way they treat others. Beasts like them only understand their own language."
If the person responsible is someone Levi can’t directly deal with, like a higher-ranking officer or an MP, he’d still find a way to make them pay. He’d beat them up so thoroughly and probably in public to humiliate them. Levi knows the military can't afford to lose him, so while he might not be able to kill them, he’d ensure they couldn't sit straight for a long time. The most sadistic I can imagine him being is if he beats them so badly that they end up begging for mercy. And then Levi, lifting them by their hair, would say, "Don’t beg me—beg her."
Now, if the perpetrator is a regular citizen… they’re dead without a second chance. I can’t see Levi being sadistic in the sense of torturing someone, but he wouldn’t give them a quick death either.
So, that’s it. I hope I managed to write this well enough!
Thank you so much!
Have a lovely day.
Link to my masterlist and my other works if you feel like checking them out. Tags!: @nube55 @justkon @notgoodforlife @nmlkys @humanitys-strongest-bamf @quillinhand @thoreeo @darkstarlight82 @angelofthorr @aomi04 @levisbrat25 @l3visthighs @hum4n-wr3ckag3 @hannieslovebot @starrylevi @rithty @mariaace @ackrmntea @emilyyyy-08 @levisfavoriteteashop @katestrophes @levistealeaf @an-ever-angry-bi @youre-ackermine @fxnnyackerman @secretmoneybearvoid @trashblackrainbow @flxrartsstuff @katharinasdiaryy @levisecretgfblog @searriously @blackdxggr @ackermanswifee @galactict3a @abiatackerman @braunsbabe @moonchild-12345 Wanna join my tag list? Here!
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sillysistersusi · 1 day
Craving Warmth
Fandom: Baldur's Gate
Astarion x Tav
Summary: Astarion doesn't know how to ask Tav to cuddle with him. Their relationship is still fresh, and he hasn't gotten used to the idea that she could love him for more than his body.
Warnings: Just the usual Astarion trauma
A/N: I recently discovered Bg3 and lets just say I'm addicted... 😅 I did only watch other people play it, though, since I have no money to buy it myself right now. But I hope I will be able to in the future.
Tav's chest rose and fell as she inhaled gently. Astarion had realised early on how much he enjoyed watching her sleep. She seemed so peaceful, as if nothing painful had ever happened to her. And every time he looked at her like that, he could forget all the pain deep inside of him for a brief moment.
But recently it was no longer enough just to watch her sleep. He wanted to touch her, press his face into the crook of her neck and breathe in her scent. He wanted her to touch him, stroke his back or run a hand through his hair.
He wanted to feel her warmth on his skin, feel her warm sleepy breath on his face. But he didn't know why.
They had made love only a few hours ago, why did he want to be close to her again? And why didn't he feel the slightest desire to touch her breasts or lose himself in her heat?
Astarion did not feel the same desire as usual. He wanted her body to press against his, not to make love, but to feel her warmth. He just didn't understand why he would want something like that. They already told each other that they loved each other, they had sex, that was all that loving was about. Why did he want her to stroke his hair or lie on top of him and surround him completely with her warmth without him wanting to take her?
Tav already gave him so much, why did he want more? Why should he want more? It wasn't fair, now he had something to live for, someone to live for, he became selfish.
She certainly wouldn't be so happy if she knew about all his thoughts. About the desire to bury his face in her shoulder when he felt the need to cry. About how he sometimes dreamed of what it would be like if she gently washed his hair. Those were strange thoughts. Thoughts that he had never thought before.
He should just sleep, he knew that, but whenever he closed his eyes and no longer saw her, he was enveloped in a fear he hadn't realised he could feel. He wanted her to be near him. He wanted to feel that Tav was there. That he was not alone, because he was so afraid of that. Thoughts of the darkness in which he had been alone for so long came up when he closed his eyes. Memories of the blood on his hands and the pain in a heart that had long ago stopped beating.
He needed Tav, because he felt safe with her. Secure. As if he could forget the last two hundred years if only she held him tight enough.
Astarion reached out a hand and placed it on the back of one of her hands, which lay stretched out next to her sleeping body.
Her skin was so soft and felt more soothing than anything else. But it wasn't enough. He wanted to feel more of her, and he knew that was wrong. He should be satisfied with what he had and not be so greedy. That Tav wanted anything from him at all was a miracle in itself. After all, he was used and dirty and broken. He'd liked to cover it up at first, but now that they were together he couldn't push those thoughts back down anymore. So many hands had touched his body that he never wanted to feel on him. On so many evenings when all he wanted was to be held by another person. Even though there was no one who would have liked him enough to hug him back then. He had been alone.
Until now.
Now he had Tav, and feeling her warmth was enough to not feel alone anymore. Her hands on his skin wiped away the unwanted touches of the others that made him feel unclean. But when she wasn't touching him, it felt like his skin was covered in a layer of dirt. As if he could feel every handprint on his skin that didn't come from her, that wasn't wanted.
Tav had never touched him when he didn't ask her to, so why did he want her touch so much now.
And because Astarion couldn't control himself, he moved closer to her. If he had had a beating heart, it would have been pounding like crazy.
He stopped an inch before he actually touched her and only leant his forehead lightly against her shoulder.
But what now? He couldn't stay like this for the rest of the night. He was too afraid she would wake up before him and see him like this.
His heart sank. He had woken her. And only because he couldn't pull himself together. Why did he always have to think only of himself? He had managed without the warmth of another person for so long, so why hadn't he managed it this one night?
"I'm sorry- "
But at the same moment, she said with a worried undertone in her voice: "You're all shivering, are you all right, Astarion?"
And when he looked up, he saw only concern in her face, not anger. He was expecting anger. He had done something wrong. He had gone too far. Tav should be angry.
His vision blurred, but he swallowed most of his tears. But it was too late, Tav had seen the gleam in his eyes, for her gaze softened even more.
"What happened?" she breathed softly, and the sound of her voice alone was enough to increase Astarion's desire to be held in her arms.
He wanted to lie. Tell her it was nothing and that she should go back to sleep, but he knew Tav wouldn't believe him and wouldn't rest until she knew. It was his fault. He had let it get this far, and now he had to make up for his mistake.
"I wanted to feel your warmth," he whispered, watching her face for a change in expression, but nothing came. Her gaze remained gentle, like a spring breeze. "But- but not like usual. It was- it was different. I didn't want to sleep with you, I just wanted to lie close to you. And I wanted to feel your hands on me. Not like when we make love, but different. Softer. I- " he swallowed as he felt a squeeze behind his eyes. "I wanted you to stroke my hair."
"Astarion, my little star," Tav whispered. He could feel her warm breath on his face. And like every time she used that nickname, he just melted. There was a small part of him that would probably never get used to the way she gently said his name. Like he wasn't a monster. Like he wasn't something disgusting. He sounded beautiful in her voice. "You know there's more to love than just sex, right?"
Astarion pressed his lips together. He had seen other couples holding hands or dancing. But that was something he couldn't have, right? He didn't deserve it.
All he could offer Tav was his body. It was the only part of him that was beautiful, but it was used and dirty. If Tav wanted him the way he wanted her, then his body was all he could offer her.
Everything else about him was weak and broken, and even if he dared to show that side to her, it could never be the reason she loved him.
Obviously he had been silent for too long, because Tav's eyebrows had drawn together in a worried expression. She placed a hand on his cheek. Her soft skin felt wonderful. As if she could heal his deepest wounds by just touching him. "I love everything about you. If you were to tell me today that you wished we never slept with each other again, than we just wouldn't. All I want is for you to be happy. Having sex is a nice addition, but it's never the reason for love. I could do without it for you and I wouldn't miss it a day because you'd still be there and that is what really matters."
He didn't know what to say. It was as if he could feel blood flowing through his veins again, he felt so warm.
"Come here," she whispered, lying down on her back and spreading her arms.
After craving it all evening, he didn't need to be told twice. He carefully climbed under the blanket, which she had lifted a little for him, and settled down gently on her invitingly warm body. He placed one of his legs between hers and his chest rested gently on hers. He could feel her heartbeat. The beat of a heart that loved him. And even though he found it hard to really take in her words, he believed her. Because Tav had proven time and again that she wasn't lying to him or playing with his feelings. She meant what she said.
He buried his face in the crook of her neck and inhaled her wonderful scent deeply.
And then, all of a sudden, he felt one of her hands find its way to his curls and begin to gently stroke them. He couldn't stop a soft whimper from escaping his lips.
Tav's warmth enveloped him and he felt safe.
And by lying on top of her, he felt like he was protecting her from something too. As if he was not only taking from her but also giving something.
He felt Tav's soft lips on his forehead before she whispered, "It's all right. I've wanted to cuddle with you for a long time too, my star, I was just afraid you weren't ready yet. I wanted to give you time."
"Thank you," Astarion whispered against her hot skin. "I appreciate it. You're always so considerate of me, and I'm so grateful for that." His voice broke a little on the last word, because the truth was terrifying. Tav could ask anything of him and he would do it without giving it a second thought. Only she had that power over him. But she didn't use it. She didn't take advantage of him. She treated him with respect, like he was a sentient being and not a thing to be used and thrown away as soon as it was broken.
Tav got the best out of him. Something he hadn't even realised was there before he met her.
"That's not what you should thank for, love." she said softly. "I love you, and someone who loves you, really loves you, would never hurt you."
Astarion knew she was speaking the truth. He knew that Tav wouldn't hurt him. And this certainty gave him stability in many moments.
"I love you too, darling," he whispered softly before kissing the skin on her neck gently and finally being ready to close his eyes.
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travelbasscase · 1 day
Okay. I love Wilson. But sometimes he is so out of line.
Forcing your best friend to attend his abusive father's funeral and give a praising eulogy? Cruel.
Denying him access to his mobility aid after you kidnapped him to take him to said funeral? Atrocious.
Doing that after you claimed that your twenty years' of friendship with him were fake and dropped him for four months? Horrendously vicious.
Doing all of that after he risked his life to try to save your girlfriend??? I'm not sure if the English language even contains the right words to describe how massive that betrayal was.
House put himself into a cardiac arrest, and Wilson didn't give him time to recover before running after Amber. Wilson pressured House into doing a dangerous procedure with the risk of scrambling his brains after he'd already had a concussion and his heart had stopped beating earlier that day, and then when House had a seizure during said dangerous procedure, Wilson ran out of the room to go care for Amber. Yeah, he loves her, but when you're a doctor and someone is having a seizure, you don't run out of the room to go to the bedside of a person who (while critically ill) is currently stable enough on bypass to survive long enough for you to treat the seizure, especially when the person seizing is your best friend.
Wilson is a wonderful character, and House's Head/Wilson's Heart are excellent episodes of television, but sometimes he makes me want to scream. Sometimes he doesn't deserve House.
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swampstew · 2 days
You Picked Dare
Summary: Why the hell would you play truth or dare with a bunch of pirates? Warnings: nsfw but mostly language and suggestive content, no actual smut, Kid Pirates being the Kid Pirates. Killer x Female reader x Kid
Inspired by the mega awesome @magnuspirate who did this delighful tease of two hunky hunks hunking around
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Your bold statement had come out smug and confident, echoing in your head with a twinge of regret.
The Dare was to go into the hot springs and take a photo – of Killer and your Captain. Damn the others for knowing your kryptonite.
There was an opt-out option – to clean the communal bathrooms for a month. No fucking way.
As you walked through the island you took nervous hits of your blunt to ease the butterflies in your stomach. All you had to do was take a picture. There were no restrictions, you could be seen or hidden, as long as you got a photo of them that was all you needed to escape this torturous dare disguised as a group bonding activity.
Fuck the crew! You loved them but also fuck them. You were gonna get them back.
About a hundred yards away from the hot spring you took a final drag and snuffed out the remaining blunt. Giving yourself an internal pep talk as you took each step.
‘Position self behind a bush. Snap a picture. Sneak away and then run like the devil’s on my heels.’
Picturing your devil of a captain, your stomach coiled with anxiousness. Oh how you wished you could light up the roach.
Creeping between the foliage, you could hear Kid and Killer talking to each other in relaxed conversation. They didn’t appear to notice you, silently cursing as you realized they were still too far to take a photo.
Tip toeing on the patches of grass, you could make out their conversation more clearly.
“Ya ever think about sleeping with someone on the crew?” Kid suddenly asked Killer. You nearly fell over yourself when you heard the statement.
“Once in a while, rarely act on it though. You?” Killer mused.
“All the time.”
“Horn dog,” Killer scoffed.
“Can ya blame me? All our girls are hot as fuck.”
“Yeah, but I also see most of them as sisters…”
“You’re so pure,” Kid laughed. “Yeah they’re family, but they’re also not. I’m not saying I’d do anything about it either but it’s tempting some times.”
You felt as if you weren’t breathing, skillfully crawling around the shrubs eager to hear and see more, as silent as the dead. One breath and they were sure to discover you.
“Ahh is this about Y/N again?”
Time stopped. Your heart stopped. You didn’t dare move.
“Could be,” there was a tilt in Kid’s voice. “Don’t pretend you don’t think about her and what it could be like.”
“You’re being vulgar, which isn’t surprising, but what do you expect me to say? ‘Sure Kid I’ll bow out from another person of interest to give you the advantage as your friend.’” Killer legitimately sounded a little mad. Well like, personal hurt mad, not crazy mad which he was every single second.
“I’m a man with needs too. And I LIKE her.”
You wished to be a small lizard so you could watch them argue about you. Maybe the blunt was laced with something – wouldn’t put it past your crew to be honest.
Low growling preceded a laugh, and you could hear the sound of water splashing. Oh to the gods to be a fish in that spring.
“Alright fair enough. Would it make you feel better if we do it together? It’d be her choice who she’d choose no matter what, no hurt fee fees over it. Maybe if we come at her with a multi-partner thing, 50/50 she agrees?”
“Stop it.”
“Damn 10/90?”
More splashing of water, waves of it crashing over your coverage and wetting your clothes. Practicing your breathing exercises, you mentally pumped yourself up to get it over with. One snap and bam, you’re gone.
“What if we show her our dicks first?”
“Whadd’ya say Y/N? Wanna check the goods before you sample them?” Kid couldn’t hold back his laughter.
Gods be damned. They all sucked.
Gathering the last ounce of dignity and lighting your roach, you jumped out from behind the foliage with your camera, looking to the side as you snapped the picture. Whether is was worthy enough to pass was no longer your priority.
“IT WAS A DARE!!!!” you screeched as your turned on your heel and bolted. You poor thing, you didn’t make it past 1 yard.
“Oh you’re not going anywhere, Y/N,” Kid taunted as Killer wrapped his arms around you and picked you up. His towel becoming loose and distressed from your struggling. Bringing you back to the hot spring.
Taking the camera, Kid tossed it in the water with the smuggest face a motherfucker could make.
“We showed you ours, now we dare you to show yours.”
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tsukimefuku · 1 day
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masterlist link | mdni!
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❀ mistake of fact.
the concept “mistake of fact” describes a situation in which someone acts unaware of circumstances that could turn their actions into criminal acts. this can affect the assessment of their intent or culpability, reducing their penalty or even excluding the criminal nature of said act.
wc: 7.2K | ❀ pairing for the series: professor!higuruma x student!reader
❀ summary.
classes, law Firm meetings, and a little grit about it all. after taking and not doing so well on your first criminal law class assessment test, you decide to get hammered at the campus party. you just didn’t expect to accidentally bump into the professor of said class there.
❀ tags and c/w.
non-curse au. college au. silly slow-burn rom-com between professor and college student (this is purely a work of fiction, okay guys?). smoking and drinking. corporate trauma. itafushi is also a slow-burn. higuruma hates doing cardio (mood). nanami needed a subplot and kusakabe had to be in it, the voices told me so. exams suck. campus parties are a special kind of hell. the return of the ugly red scarf.
❀ notes etc.
as i said previously, some characters will have their subplots, hope you enjoy reading them too (they all tie into the main plot). yes I’m working through some issues regarding the lawyering world while writing this fic, how did you notice?
also, some love for the betas: @redlikerozez and @dottedsilktie thank you two so much 💛
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You had a habit, a very ugly one. Ironically, the habit you used to unwind was currently driving you insane as you tapped around your pockets, failing to find the lighter for the cigarette you held in your mouth for the past two minutes. You stroked your bangs back in annoyance and grunted, a strand of hair poking up like a spike.
“Fucking hell,” you muttered to yourself the moment the bells went off, letting you know it was time for yet another Criminal Law class. At least this time you managed to wake up somewhat early and were already by the building.
Good job, me.
“Oh, hey!” you heard the light-hearted voice chirp from a distance. Darting your eyes towards it, there came the fluffy ball of pink hair and upbeat mood frolicking in your direction.
“Hey, Itadori! Do you by any chance have a lighter?”
He shrugged, “no, I’m sorry.”
Of course he didn’t. As the best track field runner you had ever met, you wondered if Itadori even knew what a cigarette was.
“You should stop smoking,” a broodier voice said. You noticed the spiky black hair student who was also approaching.
“Ah, get off my case, Fushiguro,” you retorted, putting your cigarette away, “which class are you guys here for?”
“Criminal law! And you?” Itadori replied.
“Oh, me too. I didn’t see you guys in his class last week, though.”
“We saw you!” Yuuji answered, completely oblivious that this was definitely something which would render you uncomfortable. You blushed, and after a few seconds, Fushiguro elbowed him. “Ouch, why did you do that?”
 Fushiguro sighed loudly at his friend’s cluelessness, and you sheepishly giggled.
“Yeah… I guess everybody saw me.”
The three of you were sharing an uncomfortable silence for a few moments before Itadori spoke again.
“So… Why isn’t Kugisaki enrolled?”
 You shrugged, “she wanted to have other classes during this year to fast track her internship opportunities, I guess. I kind of did the same thing.”
“Is that allowed?” Yuuji inquired.
 “Yeah, it is, as long as you take some other 101 classes before doing it,” you answered, while you three began walking into the building.
 “I did that too, I want to pursue an internship in the public defense office as soon as possible,” Megumi interjected.
 “Oh, nice! Me too,” you answered him, “but I’d totally take a position in a private law firm if given the chance.”
Fushiguro made a face you couldn’t quite identify, and didn’t answer anything in return.
The conversation about an internship in criminal defense died down as the three of you entered the elevator together, and while you were walking towards the classroom, Yuuji and Megumi began bantering.
More specifically, Itadori seemed keen on making small-talk about amenities, meanwhile Fushiguro simply did not take the hint and was shooting down every conversation topic his friend tried to bring up. You felt for Yuuji, noticing he was clearly eager to engage Megumi in a conversation, but the guy wouldn’t budge. At that point, you entertained Itadori for the remainder of the quick walk down the corridor.
Perhaps, you thought to yourself, Megumi was the clueless one.
Entering the classroom, you saw Professor Higuruma already seated by his desk fidgeting around with his glasses. This time, there was no suit jacket in sight, and he wore a white buttoned up shirt with a black tie, all under a suit vest.
You weren’t too proud to realize that you noticed the way his vest hugged his torso just right.
To top it off, after he was finished fidgeting with his glasses, Higuruma opened the cuffs of his white shirt, rolled up the sleeves up to his elbows, and slightly loosened his tie with two fingers hooked around it.
The way his arm muscles popped while he was sliding his fingers side to side around the fabric of the tie had every thought in your head poofing away instantly, and you looked away before your staring became too obvious.
The other students were coming in quickly. You made your way towards three miraculously empty seats in the front and sat on one end, while the boys took their places right beside you.
Higuruma noticed you and nodded softly as you met his eyes. You weren’t sure if he’d remember your face, but given the circumstances, it’d probably be hard not to. You greeted him back, smiling, and gestured around your regular-not-pajamas blouse, to which he replied by discreetly gesturing down his clean, not-coffee stained white buttoned up shirt.
This time you thought that maybe sitting in the front would keep you safe from the Professor’s experiments. You had already tested your luck sitting in the back and it surely backfired — no pun intended.
After the students were settled, Higuruma got himself up and walked towards the white board, writing self-defense on it. He then turned on his heels, shoved his hands in his pockets and asked, “can anybody tell me what self-defense is?”
From your row, only Megumi raised his hand, but Higuruma’s eyes landed on Yuuji.
“You. What’s your name?” the Professor inquired, pointing at Itadori.
You heard him gulping by your side at that very same moment.
“Itadori Yuuji.”
“Then, Itadori, tell me what you think self-defense is.”
“I mean… self-defense is protecting yourself from someone trying to hurt you.”
Higuruma nodded, “you’re on the right track, but that’s not the entire answer. There is still something missing. Criminal Law occupies itself with criminal activities, so why do we need to study acts taken under self-defense? What else can you tell me about self-defense?”
Yuuji didn’t come up with something else to say, so Higuruma lifted the whiteboard marker in front of him.
“Itadori, I’ll throw this at you now.”
You and Megumi were instantly shocked, and Itadori began stuttering.
Higuruma actually threw the marker towards Yuuji’s chest, but Yuuji quickly grabbed it, glancing incredulously at the Professor.
“Now, that wasn’t self-defense in the way that it interests Criminal Law,” Higuruma noted, resuming the class as if nothing had happened.
Truth was, you could try sitting in the back, in the front, or anywhere in between,  but when it came to Higuruma Hiromi’s class, apparently, there was no safe place to hide.
“It wasn’t?!” Itadori exclaimed.
“No. Self-defense, you see, is used to exclude the illegal quality of an action that would otherwise be considered a crime, like assault and battery, for example.”
Higuruma stepped into Yuuji’s direction, and excused himself as he picked the marker back in his hand, leaving the three of you dumbfounded as to how he could nonchalantly do these absurd things and think it was just alright.
The professor began writing on the white board and the classroom was filled with scribbling and typing sounds.
“Self-defense is when someone uses force, against another person, to protect themselves from harm or imminent danger offered by this other person’s criminal actions. In that sense, you didn’t use force against me, you solely protected yourself, hence, that’s not actually self-defense as the concept that matters to us in this classroom.”
Well, the example was crystal clear, indeed. Once again, he illustrated what he wanted to say brilliantly.
But holy shit, did he really have to do those crazy things every damn time?
“Before we proceed, I have some leisure homework for you all. I’d like everybody to watch the first three episodes of this TV series for us to discuss during our next lecture the evolution from legitimate self-defense to extrapolating it and finally committing a crime.”
He wrote the name for the show on the white board.
A shy hand lifted on the other end of the class, and a girl with blue hair and crooked bangs spoke after Higuruma pointed at her.
“Professor, won’t you ask us to watch one of those old movies other teachers usually do in introductory classes?”
“Most definitely not,” he answered — not without scoffing first, “this is Criminal Law, here things are interesting. If you’d like to sleep, go to Professor Nanami’s class, Commercial Law I.”
A tiny chuckle echoed from the back.
“Someone gets it,” he concluded before proceeding with the lecture.
The class went on without a hiccup with Yuuji quickly forgetting the marker debacle a few minutes in. After Higuruma was finished talking about the day’s topic, though, he remembered everyone about next week's assessment test, receiving mumbled complaints in return.
“Yeah, I know. I hate these things too, but unfortunately we have orders from above. Be sure to study everything up until the end of the self-defense module,” Higuruma said as he sank into his desk’s chair and fished his phone out of his pocket, “I wish you all best of luck.”
As the class was done, everyone began leaving.
 “So, where are you going now?” Yuuji asked as you were currently fumbling around in your bag looking for your lighter — perhaps it wasn’t in your pockets after all, right?
 “I… if you two are tight on time just go without me, I’m looking for something in here and it might take some time,” you answered, thinking that some physics law might’ve been broken. Your bag seemed larger from the inside than from outside, and your lighter had surely disintegrated into thin air.
 “It’s fine, we can wait,” Fushiguro answered.
Yuuji suddenly seemed to remember something and came at you sort of hyped, asking “will you be at the campus party by the end of next week?!”
 “Sure, sure,” you answered absentmindedly, still fondling your things around and considering flipping it all on the ground.
 “There will be a party next week on campus?” Higuruma asked with his eyes still glued to his phone’s screen.
Fushiguro elbowed Yuuji again, as it was kind of a secret from faculty members, just so none of them would butt in — there were the clueless ones, like Professor Gojo, for instance, that would always find their way into the free drinks and free food celebrations that were supposedly just for students.
 “Y-Yes… it will be pretty late, though.”
Higuruma hummed, completely unfazed, “when I was a student here, we’d usually have those after 11PM to avoid faculty members, it’s a good idea. My suggestion is that you all just keep the noise down and use the space behind the brown brick building, there’s a blind spot there from the rest of the campus.”
Yuuji and Megumi shared a look before nodding hesitantly. Higuruma noticed they were both somewhat worried and sighed.
 “Don’t worry, I’m not telling the other Professors, and you can all be completely sure I won’t be there.”
The bated breath the two students shared finally subsided.
“God fucking damnit where is this fucking lighter?” you mumbled to yourself.
That caught Higuruma’s attention, and he called your name.
Your hand stammered inside your bag and you looked at him.
 “Do you need a lighter?” he asked you, lifting his eyes from his phone towards your direction.
You had the impression his eye bags were smaller that day.
 “Yes, I lost mine.”
He reached into one of his pockets and pulled a small, yellow, disposable lighter, stretching his arm in your direction, “you can take this one, I have tons of these.”
You got up, threw your bag over your shoulder, and went to pick it up from his hands. As your fingers wrapped around the lighter, you accidentally locked eyes with him, now sure his eye bags were definitely smaller. Higuruma spared you a small smile and you immediately felt your cheeks warm as you took the tiny yellow lighter from his fingers and stepped back.
I’m pathetic.
 “So, we’re good to go?” Fushiguro asked, looking at you.
“We’re good to go,” you answered him, then looking at Higuruma, “thank you, Professor.”
 “It’s no trouble, Sanrio” he answered, redirecting his attention back to his phone, completely unaware he had just called you that out loud.
After a few seconds, realizing what he'd just done, Higuruma sheepishly lifted his eyes, seeing two confused boys and you looking away with your hand over your mouth, coughing softly. You bore the same weirdly twisted face you made days before, when he asked you to leave in the mock expulsion.
Truth was you wanted to laugh, equal parts amused and mortified.
“Sanrio? What?” Yuuji asked.
“My next class is Civil Law II! What about you, Fushiguro? We should go!” you blurted out, ignoring Yuuji’s question while stepping away, “bye, Professor. See you next class!”
 “You three have a good day,” Higuruma muttered, sinking further into his chair as he looked away to conceal his own embarrassment.
The boys, still at a loss, followed you outside, also bidding Higuruma a good day.
This is hell. I’m a smoker and this is my personal, dantesque circle of hell for that sin.
With one leg launching in front of the other at a steady pace, Higuruma was jogging down the street while accompanied solely by the rhythmic thuds of his feet on the pavement. He had already put at least a mile behind him.
His blood felt like battery acid pumping through his veins, and lungs and muscles were burning with the strain of an exercise he was doing for the third time this week thanks to the encouragement of his best friend.
This time, however, there was no distraction from the discomfort while Higuruma dragged himself completely alone on this morning run. His usual jogging partner, Nanami, told him just ten minutes before the scheduled time that he would not be able to make it.
 “Did something happen?” Higuruma asked on the phone, “It’s unlike you to cancel appointments with such short notice.”
Truthfully, Nanami was someone extremely considerate of other people’s time.
 “Nothing too serious. I’ll have to be in a meeting with a Labor Law associate. It involves one of the companies we represent here at the firm,” he replied with an involuntary sigh. Nanami did not enjoy being taken by surprise like this.
 “A meeting for one of those Union settlements?”
 “Yeesh, good luck with that. Don’t be too harsh on the workers, though.”
 “I’ll just be there to oversee the meeting and report the outcome to our client, I have no say in the matter.”
 “Really? Couldn’t the Labor Law associate do that, then?”
 “It’s Kusakabe. He doesn’t do anything he’s not specifically paid to do.”
 “Oh, right.” 
Higuruma paused for a moment. He was already at their usual meeting point, all propped up and ready to go, but didn’t quite feel like subjecting himself to that torture alone.
 “You should just do your run today, I’ll join you back after tomorrow,” Nanami told him, as if reading his mind.
 “I don’t know. Having company makes this slightly more bearable.”
 “Is that so?” Nanami barely concealed the hint of amusement in his voice.
 “Tsk, shut up.” Higuruma retorted.
 Nanami huffed, nearly a chuckle, and proceeded, “this routine seems to have affected you positively, you shouldn’t miss a day for such a pedestrian reason.”
It was true. As a consolation prize for this suffering, the Professor had managed to sleep better those past few days and his mood had improved too.
Prior to his breakdown, Higuruma had never given much thought about his overall health. After he came back to normal life — or as normal as it could be —, he tried to eat properly and exercise at the gym most days of the week. 
“I guess,” Higuruma finally conceded, defeated, loathing cardio with every fiber of his being.
 “Then, off you go.”
“Okay. I’ll run and suffer alone today after being ditched,” Higuruma stated, half in jest.
 “Don’t be so dramatic, Hiromi,” Nanami remarked, “you can do it just fine.”
Just fine… I’m not sure if “fine” is the word I’d choose for this self-imposed torture.
Taking one of the final turns, Higuruma passed by a storefront. On it, there was a big illustration of Hello Kitty that covered most of the space. He hadn’t noticed that store before, but seeing the cartoonish cat with its pink bow brought an amused smile to his face as he remembered the student that, for some random reason, decided to attend his class using a kitty’s pajamas — you.
That moment got him to reminisce on the occasions that he, himself, was also too tired or too out of it to properly change before going to class, leading to some similar debacles during his undergrad years.
Ever since that day, the Professor had nicknamed you Sanrio in his head, a silly inside joke with himself. 
As he reached the end of the usual route, Higuruma paused and hunched over, inhaling deeply through his mouth, oxygen failing to properly enter his cells — or at least it felt like it. 
I wonder if I can take a taxi to go back home...
Involuntarily hearing Nanami’s voice in his head chastising him for wanting to take the easy shortcut, Higuruma grunted and took a deep breath before jogging his way back.
Nanami churned on his coffee’s last sip as if that alone would be enough to realign his chakras and soothe his growing headache. 
It wasn’t.
Nanami rarely saw himself pulled into other people’s work, but he detested each and every time it happened. As someone that usually planned his day thoroughly, with every minute properly accounted for, these types of unforeseen events would, most times, end up causing a domino effect over everything he had arranged in his schedule.
This time, however, he wasn’t sure if his distaste for the situation stemmed solely from the fact that his agenda got fondled around.
Something else about it was bothering him, even if he couldn’t quite put his finger on it.
The contrast on the meeting table was clear — on the company’s side, he sat with Kusakabe, at least three mid-level associates, two juniors and one random intern. Behind them, the firm’s logo hung high on the wall, casting its brushed steel sheen over the expensive mahogany table. 
On the other side, though, sat an Union representative with one single lawyer beside him. Since the firm had rescheduled this meeting on short notice four times, demanding it took place in one of their offices — which was everything but close to where the union-office was located —, the Union only had enough money to pay for the expenses of sending the minimum amount of people required to legally sign a settlement.
Nanami slowly realized, as the negotiations went on, what was bothering him so much.
This wasn’t a negotiation meeting.
It was a power play consisting of intimidation techniques. Clearly an attempt at wearing the Union down and pushing them into accepting any settlement to end the strike as soon as possible.
It all said we can take you on — if you don’t accept our offer and take this to Court, we have the money, the people and the ways to win this fight.
“These are our terms, as we had already discussed, printed and ready for you to sign,” Kusakabe remarked, as he pushed a pile of papers towards the two.
The Union representative seemed ready to crumble under a put-upon expression, his black hair parted in the middle and thick framed glasses not doing nearly enough to conceal it. He knew exactly what was going on, how this had happened, and also that this strike couldn’t go on for much longer without causing serious issues in the lives of all the workers. 
The company was successful in their attempt of making it look like they tried to settle the dispute, and it had been long enough that people would start falling like dominos in the firing list.
The blond woman beside him seemed ready to toss her attorney’s license in the nearest dumpster and go do something else with her life.
The Union representative took the pen in his hand and sighed.
 “Are you positive you want to do this, Ijichi?” the lawyer asked, looking at him with a tinge of concern in between her brows.
 “We don’t have another choice, Nitta,” he replied, signing those papers away so quickly it felt like his hands were about to get burned in the fiery pits of hell. 
She exhaled sharply while leaning back on her chair.
“I’m glad we got to settle this amicably. We expect you all back on the grounds by Monday,” Kusakabe concluded as he pulled the pile of papers back to him and lifted himself up on the chair.
Everyone got up, but when Kusakabe extended his hand towards Nitta, she and Ijichi just turned around, stepping towards the exit.
Nanami’s slight discomfort had grown into an actual stone weighing in his gut, and he didn’t quite think about what he ended up doing next.
He walked behind Nitta and Ijichi, and called them by their names — something that surprised them both, given they didn’t expect him and most of the people inside that meeting room to be paying any attention at all. 
“So, you did listen to that meeting and weren't there just to add numbers?” Nitta asked begrudgingly.
 “I did,” Nanami answered.
 “What do you want?” Ijichi inquired, itching to get himself out of that building as quickly as possible. He felt dirty, to say the least, and needed a minimum of three full baths to feel like himself again.
 “To give you both my business card.”
Both of them looked incredulous.
 “I don’t mean any harm nor am I trying to get something out of a terrible situation. I just... That was...” 
He really didn’t think this through.
 “What I mean to say is that if there is anything you both need, this is my contact info.”
Nanami pulled the slim piece of cardstock and offered it. Ijichi and Nitta shared a hesitant look right before she took it from his hands. With a bow, both of them left, still feeling a little dumbfounded.
 “Are you trying to get yourself in trouble? You’ve made it to Partner in the firm, leave it alone,” a slightly muffled voice echoed behind Nanami. It was Kusakabe, who had just shoved a lollipop in his mouth and had his hands inside his pockets.
 “That didn’t bother you at all?” Nanami inquired, gesturing towards the now emptying meeting room.
 “I’m not paid to get bothered. I come, I do my job, and I go home.”
 “Still,” Nanami remarked, “it was...”
 “I know,” Kusakabe answered him. He took a few moments before sighing, leaning himself against a wall, and repeated in a lower tone, “I know.”
For the briefest moment, Kusakabe’s expression resembled a slight grimace.
 “You don’t seem completely unbothered, even if you’re not getting paid to care,” Nanami stated.
Kusakabe looked at Nanami and said nothing as they made their way back into their respective offices.
Higuruma also had a bad habit.
Due to his terrible memory regarding people’s names, he gave everyone a nickname in his mind. Beyond calling you Sanrio, his nicknames for the pink haired fluffy guy and the brooding dude always by his side were, respectively, Clueless and Porcupine. 
At that moment, he watched as Sanrio, Clueless and Porcupine sat beside one another while taking their first assessment test for the Criminal Law class.
You were so laser focused on the test, eyes darting from one end to the other of the paper frantically, hand periodically brushing your bangs back in desperation, that he feared you might actually end up accidentally activating a laser beam and burning the thing. Clueless was… well, clueless. He looked like someone who had never been properly alphabetized in his entire life. And finally, Porcupine didn’t seem bothered in the slightest, calmly reading and selecting each answer with the ease and certainty of someone that knew what he was doing.
He was sort of amused to realize Sanrio’s bangs had a small lock of hair poking out.
Higuruma glanced his eyes over the class, and made the sad realization he’d have dozens upon dozens of tests to grade and submit to the Dean the following morning.
What a nightmare, I’ll be here forever grading these after hours.
He had completely forgotten, earlier that day, that he’d have to deal with assessment test shenanigans. The information popped back into his mind five minutes before he arrived at the Uni, and Higuruma got a little desperate, remembering he needed to pick up the pile of tests inside the brown brick building’s print center before darting his way to class.
At least, he was more accustomed to running by then.
After parking near the building, Higuruma ran against the clock, and made it by the skin of his teeth. The Professor was completely relieved, failing to realize that his memory had fucked him over more than once that day.
You, on the other hand, weren’t fending off much better.
What do I do, there is more than one answer to this, it fucking depends, goddammit, you cursed inside your mind while answering most of the questions in that assessment test.
I need a cigarette.
You were particularly bad at taking multiple choice tests, especially in subjective areas — which was definitely the case for Criminal Law.
You had this little curse of wanting to select two different answers in nearly every question and always choosing the wrong one.
At least I can drink this failure away at the party today. 
“Ten more minutes!” Higuruma’s voice echoed through the classroom, and you must’ve looked particularly more hectic than before, because you felt his eyes on you, and when looking up, noticed he seemed a little concerned.
Very charmingly concerned in that disheveled suit and slightly messy hair.
Ah, shut up, brain.
After the ten minutes flew by, a cacophony of pens being put down or clicked around could be heard. People got up, and one by one, the students put their tests over Higuruma’s desk. He dangled over his chair lazily, bidding his students a good morning with a mumble.
You were the last one left, and stared at your test like it was a nuke falling right into your future criminal defense attorney career. Sad wasn’t the best word for it — you felt disheartened.
Sighing defeatedly, you lifted yourself from your chair like your clothing was made of lead and walked towards Higuruma’s desk, handing him the paper. His eyes lifted towards you while he took the test from your hands. 
“What did you think of the test?” Higuruma inquired, organizing all the papers into a neat pile.
You huffed.
“Sanrio is worried about this test,” you replied, smiling while poking a little fun at him.
His eyes widened a little, and for a second, Higuruma looked embarrassed. 
“About that, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to...” he began.
“Oh! It’s...”
Completely okay. Kinda sweet. Something I might’ve actually liked. 
“Fine. I didn’t mind. It’s not always, but sometimes I nickname people in my head too.”
He offered you a discreet awkward nod, “okay, then.” 
Noticing you might’ve made him unnecessarily uncomfortable, you decided to lighten up the air.
“So... No random experiment for torturing your minions today? I mean, the students.” 
Higuruma chuckled softly.
“Ah, no. I figured this test was enough torture for one day,” he answered, spirited, “I’m not that ruthless.”
Remembering the Yuuji marker debacle, you thought about something for a moment before you resumed speaking.
“You know,” you began, “perhaps you should ask for students to volunteer before doing your… things.”
“I used to, actually,” he promptly answered.
“You did?” your voice sounded surprised.
Higuruma nodded, “Yes, but students rarely volunteered.”
That sounded a little off.
“Quick question, Professor. Did this scarcity of volunteers happen before or after the first volunteer demonstration?” you inquired.
“After. Why do you ask?” He asked while putting the tests into his briefcase.
Oh my God, he’s so clueless.
“No reason. Just curious.”
“Hey, people! I brought us beers!” Yuuji exclaimed, light spirited, as he walked towards you, Megumi, Nobara and Maki all seated on the grass behind the brick building. He quickly descended to sit beside the group.
“You are the best, but I’m not mixing today,” you thanked, greeting him with a cup full of pure vodka, “this should do the trick for tonight. Also, it’s pretty fucking cold for beer.” 
“Is that why you’re wearing that thing?” Nobara inquired while pointing at your ugly red scarf around your neck. 
“Get off my case, Nobara,” you retorted, gulping on your drink with some unidentifiable desperation.
“Shit, was the test that bad?” Maki asked you as she took a single can from Yuuji’s arms, while mindlessly pulling Nobara closer and kissing her head.
“It was weird, I was so confused, it felt like every question had at least two answers,” you complained, stretching your body over the grass. 
“You probably did fine, you tend to be overly dramatic about these things,” Nobara stated while pulling another can from Yuuji, smacking on his shoulder with a fist. He whined in complaint, and she chuckled like a tiny ginger demon. 
“I agree with Kugisaki, you’re smart!” Yuuji chirped in, while scrambling his way to sit beside Megumi, “I had no idea what I was doing. If you thought about at least two answers to each question, you’re already better than me.”
This poor, poor kid, you thought.
“There’s more to exams than just being smart, you need to know how to do them, and I do not, unfortunately…” you answered, a tinge of disappointment to your expression.
“This is solely an assessment test, anyway. It doesn’t compute in our final grades, there is no need to be so upset about it,” Megumi interjected, shushing himself when you glared at him. 
He was terrible at comforting people. 
“So, Fushiguro, I didn’t quite know what you’d like to drink, so I brought three types of beer,” Itadori mumbled, extending three different cans of beer towards Megumi like a raven with trinket offerings for his favorite human.
Not exactly smooth, but definitely cute.
Nobara and Maki shared a look, both of them with cheeky smiles on their faces. You covered your mouth to conceal your own smile — you were far from being as saucy as the power couple by your side — and waited with a bated breath for Megumi to pick up on the hint from Yuuji.
It was about time, considering it had been months of Yuuji trying to make a move. 
“No, thank you, I won’t drink today,” Fushiguro cluelessly replied, and Itadori visibly deflated from that. 
“T-then… I can grab a soda for you, or…” Itadori clumsily interjected, while scratching the back of his neck. 
“There’s no need, I will go-” 
Perhaps it was the vodka, the dreadful day or how much Megumi had just cock-blocked your shipping dreams, but you blurted out your next few words. 
“For fucks sake, Fushiguro, if you don’t take a beer can from Itadori right now, I will body slam you into oblivion.” 
“… We’re on the ground. How would that even-” 
“Bitch, don’t test me.”
Fushiguro was somewhat taken aback by your interjection, but hesitantly extended his hand and picked one of the three beers Itadori had selected for him, prying it open with a wheezing click. Megumi looked at you, then the beer can, then at Itadori, suspiciously taking a tiny sip. 
“It is… good,” he muttered, as a smile slowly returned to Yuuji’s Kirby persona. 
“Now, thank him,” you complemented, pointing at Yuuji, “he did find three types of beer in this God-forsaken campus party only for you, after all. I’d never have bothered to do so, and I bet Maki and Nobara feel the same.”
The power couple raised their drinks in agreement towards you, and Fushiguro sighed. 
“Thank you, Itadori.” 
Yuuji happily nodded, “you’re welcome! Do you want something to eat? I could-”
“Baby steps, buddy… baby steps,” you interrupted, putting your hand over Yuuji’s shoulder. He nodded sheepishly while Megumi was at a loss.
“O-okay,” Itadori acquiesced.
Suddenly, you all heard a voice calling Megumi’s name from a distance, sounding like some kind of haunting, and began looking around as he buried his face in his hands.
“Who is that?” you asked.
“Megumi! Where’s the food!?” the voice inquired in a light hearted tone. In the distance, you saw a fluffy, white ball of hair approaching under sunglasses. At night.
Megumi groaned from the depths of his soul.
“Argh, for fucks sake,” he complained, well aware as to who was coming.
Trying to dodge the faculty members didn’t do much to keep his adoptive father away, apparently.
Not so far from there, Higuruma sat in a poorly lit office grading the tests the entire class had taken that morning. After finishing grading yours — and you didn’t do very well, just as you had anticipated — he muttered to himself, out loud, “what happened there, Sanrio?”
The Professor failed to notice he did remember your name perfectly, even if he kept calling you Sanrio. 
“Will you sleep in here today?” a familiar voice scowled from the door, and Higuruma turned his face to meet the dusty blonde head of hair peeping through. 
“I’ll just finish grading these and then I’ll go home, Kento,” Higuruma answered with a tired smile on his face. 
“And couldn’t you have done that from home?” his friend asked, looking at the menacing pile of paper over the man’s desk, “or maybe tomorrow morning.” 
“Oh, I’d never get to it if I had left it for later. I’m already here, might as well just ditch this Pavlovian nightmare as soon as possible,” the other stated, flailing a test on his hand before proceeding, “what are these even meant to assess? Someone’s capabilities of answering formulaic questions like trained dogs? Ugh.”
Higuruma was ranting.
Nanami huffed a slightly amused chuckle, but underneath it, he seemed a little beaten down. 
“Is everything okay, Kento?” Higuruma asked, interrupting his ranting when noticing his deflated friend. 
“I’m… fine.”
Nanami had forgotten for a second that Higuruma, underneath all his antics, was a very perceptive person. 
“Are you sure?” Higuruma insisted, “you don’t look so well.” 
“It’s nothing. I’m just thinking about work, that’s all.”
And that he was. That meeting had stuck with him for those past few days. 
“Oh, how was the meeting with the Union?”
Nanami’s breath got caught for a second before he mustered up something to answer. 
“It wasn’t what I expected it to be. I might be switching things up soon,” Nanami said with some understated grave finality. 
“Truly?” Higuruma sounded surprised. 
“Yes. Perhaps exploring new fronts beyond Corporate Law.” 
“Well, then, let me know if there’s anything I can do to help apart from practicing law.”
Higuruma’s voice cracked softly right at the end of his sentence. ​Nanami didn’t fail to notice it, and kept silent as his friend seemed to mull over bitter memories. 
“Hiromi,” Nanami began. 
“I can’t, I… can’t.”
Higuruma had visibly tensed up, his fists unconsciously clenching as his forearms laid flat on the desk.
“It wasn’t your fault,” Nanami concluded, careful not to dig too deep on the matter.
Both of them shared an uncomfortable silence before Higuruma hesitantly steered his gaze to meet Nanami’s. Unsure, Higuruma gave his friend a tiny nod, and moved his attention back to the task in front of him. 
Understanding that the talk about it was over, at least for now, Nanami asked, “I’m leaving, do you want me to help you carry those to your car?” 
“Oh, there’s no need. I parked far, behind the…”
Oh, shit. 
“Nanami, what day is it today?”
“I’m not drunk,” you mumbled, while filling your third cup of vodka. 
“I’m not so sure about that,” Nobara said, giving you a light push to your shoulder, having you nearly tip over. Meanwhile, Megumi, Yuuji and Maki were entertained with Yuuji trying to score Gojo’s open mouth with peanuts like it was a basketball hoop.
Megumi was the least entertained of the trio.
“Knock it off!” you complained, slapping her hand away.
You fished your pack of cigarettes from your pocket, and she instantly grunted. 
“Those things stink and itch my nose, go smoke them somewhere else.” 
It was your time to grunt. 
“Ugh, fine. Then I’ll find a new best friend that’ll let me smoke — hell, one that might even smoke with me!” you  replied, getting ready to leave. 
“Make good choices!” she poked at you, and you playfully brushed her off. 
“I won’t!”
You walked away — not before hearing Yuuji and Gojo cheering right after Yuuji managed to score ten peanuts in a row — and gave your cup of vodka another sip, having the burning tingle dripping down your throat, warming you up against the cold wind.
After about two minutes or so of walking, sure your smoke wouldn’t blow on anyone’s faces, you put a cigarette into your mouth and pulled the lighter Professor Higuruma had given you, trying to light the cig up.
However, the wind wouldn’t let you, no matter how much you tried to tent your hand around it.
God, why? you thought to yourself, fidgeting with your bangs in annoyance.
While darting your eyes around, looking for any sort of shelter from the wind, you found a beat up, dark navy-blue car that surely had seen better days parked just behind the brick building. In your drunken haze, you figured that squatting between both would be the best idea.
Stumbling your way towards the gap, you quickly went down on the ground in a crouched position, holding your cup in one hand and the lighter on the other, cig strongly held in between your lips.
Flick, flick, flick.
God fucking damnit. 
“Hey!” a male voice exclaimed from behind you, scaring the shit out of your soul. 
Your body moved on instinct. You instantly jumped up, startled and screaming, and tossed the entire vodka contents from the cup towards whoever had nearly given you a heart attack.
Higuruma stood there, completely stunned and incredulous, as the beverage hit his shirt, vest, tie, face and coat. 
“… I didn’t mean to scare you,” he offered, taking his glasses off to shake the liquid from them before putting them back, “but why?”
For a split second, he was just glad this wasn’t coffee or wine, the staining demons of liquids. It could’ve been worse.
Oh my God. I can’t believe I assaulted this man with my drink again. This has to be a prank.
This time, already impaired from two full glasses of vodka in your system, and increasingly nervous at that situation, you couldn’t hold it in. 
You began cackling, directly to his face, as his expression became profoundly confused. He lifted an eyebrow, not knowing if he should feel scared, amused or offended.
"I-I just… Just laugh in i-inappropriate… moments- I’m sorry!" you tried explaining, in between laughs and huffs, drying a tear that bubbled up at the edge of your eye with the tip of your fingers.
You both stood there for a few seconds until your laughter died down, and he was then sure you definitely had a few screws loose.
It amused him.
“Here, let me use this to dry your shirt," you told Higuruma, approaching him with your red scarf, pressing it against his chest. He put his free hand over it and haphazardly rubbed it over the damp patches of his clothes alongside you.
This up close, he couldn’t help but notice once again that tiny hair lock which swirled away from your bangs.
Realizing he was staring at your hair, Higuruma diverted his eyes elsewhere, having them landing over the ugly red scarf. 
"Ah, that hideous thing." 
Shit, I said that out loud, he thought to himself, facepalming internally. 
To that, you looked at him, wide eyed, and laughed wholeheartedly, having Higuruma blushing embarrassment at his own incapacity to control his words. 
"It is hideous, isn't it?" you noted, surprising him.
For the second time in that interaction, he was nothing short of perplexed. The Professor was more than accustomed to having people get deeply offended at his talking mishaps from time to time.
"I thought you might be laughing because what I said was terribly inappropriate," Higuruma admitted, somewhat relieved.
"Oh, no. It was funny. I also laugh at funny things," you jested with a mindless smile pulling on your cheeks.
It was his time to chuckle, and you didn’t fail to notice, even in your tipsy fog, how a tiny crease would form on the edges of his hangdog eyes when he was laughing. And how his voice reverberated. And how his disheveled hair framed around his face beautifully, highlighting his beautiful hooked nose. And-
Shit. I have the hots for the Professor.
"... Is there still anything on my face?"
That snapped you out of it, but not entirely.
"Uh? Why?"
"Because you're staring at it."
Yeah. That checks out. 
“I just… never mind,” you told him while blushing discreetly, scrambling around to give him some space. It was only then that Higuruma noticed he had his hand resting over yours for a while after you stopped trying to pat him dry with the ugliest scarf known to mankind. 
Clearing his throat, he asked, “why were you slouching by my car?” 
“I was trying to light a cigarette,” you replied, pointing at the cig on the ground after the debacle, “the wind is pretty unforgiving today.”
“I see. I’m sorry about the fallen soldier,” he stated. 
“No worries, I’ve got more,” you replied, pulling your pack from your pocket, “do you want one?” 
I shouldn’t, smoking is bad, I’m doing cardio three times a we-
You pulled two cigarettes from the pack, put them both in your mouth, cupped your hand around the cigs to light them up, and it actually worked.
Well, that’s convenient.
You inhaled the smoke for a second, feeling it waving into your mouth. It immediately soothed your crave.
Taking one of them in between two fingers, you extended your hand towards Higuruma, who grabbed the smoke. 
“Thanks,” he offered in a calm tone.
“No worries, it’s the least I could do after assaulting you with vodka,” you shrugged with some embarrassment.
“It’s oka… pure vodka?” 
That’s… a lot.
He was a little taken aback, but decided not to ask anything. 
“Well, at least it won’t leave a stain, unlike coffee,” Higuruma remarked. 
“Yeah, it won’t,” you replied while mindlessly giggling.
Higuruma finally bowed his head towards you and you retributed the gesture, bidding him goodbye before leaving on your way to your dorm room. 
Once you were gone, he went inside his car, cracking the window open. As he was finally alone pulling the cigarette towards his lips, Higuruma noticed something around the edge of the cig. A soft pinkish-red ring that went all around it.
Is this… her lipstick?
It was.
Against his better judgment, Higuruma blushed softly, instantly shaking his head to weave off the heat that had pooled around in his cheeks before flipping the engine on.
Get a hold of yourself.
He did, however, hold the cig in mouth, smudging the faint lipstick tint it had on his lips until the smoke was all spent up.
Tag list:
@arusearu @yammy-yammy-yama @markleeisdabestdrug @redlikerozez @delirious-donna
@alwaysfreakingout @murderofravens @senseifupa @higurumapet @cindyneko-strider 
@ohhheymessa @bigbaddulce @actuallysaiyan @s-witch-bitch @pseudowho
@soft--cherry @bsaeshell @quinnyundertow @traffi
130 notes · View notes
planetaryupscaled · 1 hour
Tutoring 2: Hall Pass
Male Reader x Park Sooyoung (Joy)
Tags: 9k, age-gap, cheat, creampie, cuckold
The story is not ours; we simply alter the original story to our preferred settings.
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“So you’re not mad?” Sooyoung asked her husband as they sat down at the kitchen table... the same place where I’ve had my way with her so many times.
“I don’t think I am,” Hyoseob answered, truthfully.
He tried to imagine what it would have been like for me and Sooyoung in the school shower, and then in the car. He tried to picture her glistening pussy lips around my throbbing dick, and how I licked and caressed her dear wife. How much better was it that his dutiful wife chose infidelity not once, but twice. She cheated, willingly, despites of the rules, and this thought made his loins burn. Sooyoung was behaving like a wanton slut, which was in stark contrast to her prideful personality.
Among all the rules broken, the rule about it being recorded was the only one he truly hoped she would follow. But deep down, he wanted her to break the rules over and over again, and he only wanted to watch. He had that burning desire, but he couldn’t admit it, especially to Sooyoung.
“I don’t like admitting it, but he makes it kinda hard to resist,” Sooyoung stated, averting her gaze. “He’s so much different from what you think he’d be. His thrusts are so deliberate and so skillfully measured and confident. It makes me so-” she said, unable to finish her sentence.
“Like just that one shower,” she rambled on, “I have no idea why I was so... receptive of his touch! I didn’t have it in mind to cheat at all and... suddenly it was already happening. I’m sorry, but his lips and his hands were so-”
Sooyoung stopped again. Her hands started fidgeting. The guilt was palpable, dripping from her words. Hyoseob had to make sure she was okay. He knew it was selfish, but he wanted to witness it himself, to see his wife being plowed like a wanton slut.
“Minho kissed you?” He probed. “Tell me.”
“Yes, well,” Sooyoung blushed and shrugged, “it was more intense and... amazing.”
“You kiss him back?” He asked again.
“A lot, actually. And... our tongues too,” she whispered in reply.
She was telling him everything, how it was just intense, amazing sex, that my abilities and stamina far outweighed his, but it was also just physical pleasure with no emotional attachment or love. Sooyoung swore to her husband that I meant nothing to her. He had to talk her into another meeting with me, this time with the recorder.
“Sounds like Minho has a fan,” He teased Sooyoung, but his tone gave him away. His heart pounded with both anxiety and excitement. Sooyoung cherished sex, and now she had shared it with someone other than him.
“Oh shut up,” Sooyoung said, but with a smile just lingering under the surface.
“So, what was the thing he said again?” Hyoseob asked.
“Yeah,” Sooyoung admitted as Hyoseob laid on top of her, “he said something like... ‘I’ll fuck you whenever I want.’” Her imitation of it was less than flattering.
“You want that?” Hyoseob dared to ask, excited at the idea of his lovely wife being taken against her will, during dubious consent, thrust into a willing participant by the magnificent skill of someone else.
“Maybe...” she purred, urging him to move his hips. Her admission sent shockwaves through him, as guilt and jealousy drove him deeper into his wife.
“And, ah, you wanted him to knock you up?” He asked, going a bit faster.
“Hyoseob, it was j-just talk,” Sooyoung purred. “I was just stroking his ego. But it worked. He cum so much inside me.”
“Yeah?” He panted.
“Yeah, babe.” she breathed. “So much. So thick, it clung to me.”
His breathing quickened as his mind conjured the image of Sooyoung sprawled beneath someone else in her car, in a damn near public parking lot. It didn’t take him long to cum deep inside her, unable to resist her words and description. She was more turned on by her cheating than he could have ever hoped for, so he told her that they needed it again and more. With the promise of more, they both fell into a deep slumber.
“I think we should stick with handjobs... reinforce the rules.,” Sooyoung suggested to her husband as she had scheduled another ‘Tutoring’ with me after school on Tuesday, but she was having second thoughts, wanting to reestablish the control they had lost. “I don’t think I want to have sex... with Minho again.”
“What?” Hyoseob asked, not believing his wife. “You’re joking,” He added. “If I sent you over there right now, you really think you’d only jerk him off?”
“Yeah?” Sooyoung answered unconvincingly.
He gave her a wry smile. “Then do it,” he said. “I’m giving you a hall pass to prove me wrong.” You haven’t done any ‘tutoring’ this week anyway.”
“Babe!” Sooyoung exclaimed, taken aback. “I can’t do that. It’s against the rules. And we were having this week off, remember?”
“That’s the point of a hall pass,” He chuckled, excited to see his wife relent. “Besides, you’d only be jerking him off, right? That’s well within the rules, even if it’s a hall pass.”
Sooyoung didn’t respond right away. She closed her eyes, trying not to be tempted by the challenge. It was as though she was afraid, afraid that she would succumb and more, prove him right in doing so.
“Don’t... don’t tempt me,” she said, finally. “Minho knows how to bend a girl to his will, honey.” She then cringed at her choice of words.
“Which is?” Hyoseob asked with a wide, hopeful smile.
She looked at him and then out into space. A smile spread across her lips, and her hand moved to his thigh.
“Just remember to record,” he said.
“Hey, I didn’t say I’m going over,” Sooyoung shot back, gently punching him with her other hand. “Remember, he got inside me last week, despite the rules. Twice, even. It’s... hard to resist him.”
“You said as much earlier,” He reminded.
“Yeah, he just feels amazing and does things that-” Sooyoung began before correcting herself. “…never mind.”
“That I can’t do?” Hyoseob said, finishing her sentence. Sooyoung’s silence spoke volumes, she took a breath, steadying her nerves. Then her eyes flashed in his direction, a devious expression growing.
“Okay,” Sooyoung said, “I’ll go, to prove you wrong.”
‘Im coming over,’ Sooyoung wrote, and soon after I met her once again at this house, and let her in through the back door. As it wasn’t conspicuous enough that Hyoseob’s wife snuck hurriedly across the street, looking up and down the street to make sure no one noticed.
“What about your parents?” Sooyoung whispered.
“Away, they usually are during the weekends,” I reassured, ushering her to their bedroom.
When we got through the door, I began feeling her up, eagerly ravaging her curvaceous yet trim body. Sooyoung initially did not react because she was unsure what to do. As my hands found their way to her soft, round ass, she began responding by kissing back with even more hunger. My fingers dug hungrily into the flesh hidden by her tight spandex pants. The ass she kept in shape for her husband. She hadn’t worn underwear, but she sure could feel my fingers running up and down her cheeks and inner thighs. Sooyoung spread them out, inviting me to go deeper.
Instead of shoving my fingers into her clothed fabric, I pushed her down onto the bed. My hands slid into the waistband and rolled her pants up her long legs. She lifted her hips as I tugged, letting the spandex to roll along with her panties.
“I can’t believe it’s been a week already,” I said, quickly removing her pink, silky, patterned top, revealing her round, fat tits, and tossing it over her other clothes.
“Damn, your tits look fucking nice,”
Sooyoung smiled as I stared at her body, groping and rubbing her left breast. My thick, erect member was tenting in my sweats. I pressed her tits together, climbed on top of her, and began licking all over them.
‘This is getting out of control,’ she thought. “C’mon, Minho,” Sooyoung whispered, pushing me to get my attention. Instead of slowing down, I licked and sucked her soft, creamy neck. “Minho… oh shit,” she whimpered, goosebumps rushing through her.
At some point, I must have angled my sweats down, because Sooyoung felt my swollen cock press against her opening, threatening entry. Her slit, wet with arousal, opened for me as I began sliding into this lovely wife.
“Unnnng,” Sooyoung groaned, helplessly succumbing to my touch, her pussy aching with anticipation.
It forces Sooyoung to admit her pleasure. She closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation. Sooyoung moaned in satisfaction, wrapping her arms tightly around my shoulders and neck. She knew her husband couldn’t compete in length, width, or technique, but feeling my size stretch and touch places that were severely under-stimulated brought her to new heights.
“I thought we were waiting till Tuesday,” I hummed as I lowered myself and dove into her neck once more. My cock slid almost completely into her tight warm hole, and my movements became quick, fluid motions that allowed me to pull almost completely out before driving deep inside.
“We were... ohhh,” Sooyoung groaned.
I was prepared to stretch, ruin, and ravish her, and all she planned was a handjob? The absurdity made her smile as she ran her fingernails up and down my back, enjoying the sensation of her tight pussy being stretched wide by someone that’s not her husband.
“Couldn’t wait, huh?” I teased.
“Hyoseob dared me to come over here and just jerk you off,” Sooyoung admitted, smiling up at me with a light sheen of sweat.
“How did that go?” I asked cheekily.
“Shut up,” Sooyoung smiled, squeezing me between her walls.
“Fuu-uck,” I groaned, shuffling my hips between her legs. “Nngg, you’re really gonna let me knock you up someday, aren’t you?”
“Hnnng, you keep that up and, oh god, maybe I will,” she gasped.
“Really? You like this cock knocking up your womb?” I pressed.
“Oh fuck,” Sooyoung hissed.
Sooyoung was getting increasingly vocal, moans of delight sounding out throughout the empty house as I kept slamming into her. My eyes were fixed on the beautiful teacher’s exposed breasts, rolling and flopping back and forth every time my body touched hers. Her nails clawed my back, and I grunted, feeling her walls tighten with each thrust. Her slickened insides massaging my dick, preparing for the next load...
I felt the cum start to boil over and surge to the end of my shaft. My cock was throbbing madly within her until it began releasing its hot fluids. I kept pumping, squirting over and over as I closed my eyes in satisfaction. Sooyoung felt her cunt ripple and pulse with each eruption. Her own juices flowed around the spewing shaft, coating my cock and dripping in a pool on the sheets under her.
I looked down at her. Her beautiful cheeks were flushed red and glistened with sweat. I pulled her head closer, pressing my forehead against hers, hanging low and grazing her face as I buried my softening dick in her womb, hoping to delay leaving her silky depths. She still moaned, feeling a gentle pumping within her. Sooyoung sighed, and we kissed.
Hyoseob smirked knowingly when his disheveled wife finally came through the door later that evening. Sooyoung didn’t even try to hide the slight waddle she’d acquired from the fucking, which made him snort a little laugh. She responded with a defiant glare, challenging him.
“We shouldn’t fool around with hall passes,” Sooyoung muttered, chuckling lightly.
“Did you record?”
“Not the first time...” Sooyoung said, a crooked smile creasing her face as she looked at him.
“How many times...” Hyoseob asked, trailing off. Sooyoung had been over there for two hours.
“How many...” she stalled. “Erm, three. Plus some foreplay here and there...”
“You slut!” He chided with a big grin.
“It’s your fault!” Sooyoung shot back. “Besides, how could you dare send him over there in the first place?!”
Hyoseob was as hard as a stone when he heard the news. Sooyoung pretended to be mad, but it was clear she enjoyed the whole experience.
“So… can we watch together?” He asked, hoping to experience some of his wife’s deviousness together.
“Oh yes, just make sure to hit ‘fast forward’ to skip all the dumb and unnecessary things. Minho was trying so hard to get me to clean his cock or whatever, but hell if I’m ever taking his dirty thing into my mouth... especially after sex... It smelled of us for gods’ sake.”
Hyoseob patted the seat beside him on the couch, inviting her to join him, but Sooyoung hesitated.
“Here?” she asked, rendering him a bit confused.
“Yeah? You’ve done stuff with Minho here, so what’s the big deal?”
“Nothing. You’re right,” Sooyoung decided and plopped down beside him.
She took the phone from her bag, a seductive smile on her face. It was clear the experience had opened a door Sooyoung hadn’t really anticipated. Now his wife seemed to be warming up to the idea of being intimate with another person, even if it was pure sex.
“So, before we watch this, we need to talk about the rules,” Sooyoung declared.
“Oh, come on!” He pouted.
“No, listen. I want the rules. The rules were: you need to be able to watch, you need to be able to say no, no intercourse, and once a week. We’ve broken all of them more or less. I told Minho before He left that we needed to abide by the rules from now on, that this evening was an exception. He can’t just fuck me whenever he wants... and vice versa I guess,” Sooyoung said.
“Abide by the rules from now on? Including ‘no intercourse’?” He asked. Sooyoung blushed at that.
“Well... I kinda thought you didn’t mind if we left that rule out from now on,” she said, somewhat shyly.
Sooyoung made a very strong point. Not one he had expected from her, either. Not just the sex rule, but generally. It was necessary to have some control over these things. Minho’s effect on her had become quite apparent. It was sex without consequences, and great sex at that. As a guy, he could relate. But her suggesting to snip that rule seemed so... it was just much more impactful.
“I think you have a point,” He agreed. “It was something that was out of our control, but now that the heat of the moment is over, it makes sense.”
Sooyoung smiled her response, but Hyoseob had a question.
“Just now, you didn’t want to watch the video on the couch. And before, you let Minho do you from behind, something you never let me. Is this a theme I’m sensing? Does Minho get to do stuff that I don’t? Like...” He trailed off, and his eyes shifted, staring intensely into hers.
“Well, yeah...” Sooyoung replied. “Isn’t that what you wanted though?”
Hyoseob gulped, realizing she was right. It was part of it, for him to give her experiences, he never could. He hadn’t thought that would mean ‘experiences he never would’, though perhaps not with such emphasis on ‘never’.
Sooyoung having experiences with others that should have been reserved for her husband, and then denying him the same liberties, was the ultimate tease. Sooyoung’s exploration of her sexuality with men other than him was an incredible thrill.
“I mean, yeah.” He relented and admitted.
“Good,” she purred. “Wanna watch me get fucked from behind?”
Sooyoung wasn’t shy of cursing, but hearing her put it so bluntly, combined with his knowledge that she was going to willingly cheat and break their wedding vows for some kid, sent a sharp heat straight to his balls. He’d never seen his wife like this, and she was irresistible.
“I want everything.” Hyoseob declared.
She giggled at that. She looked amazing. She was absolutely radiant; sexy, confident, and free. Sooyoung looked at him tenderly and lovingly, a sweet, promising look that only served to stir the building excitement and burning arousal.
There were three videos in total. One shorter, and two longer.
“We’ll probably have to save the last one for a rainy day,” she teased sensually in his ear, her hand trailing down onto his slack-covered bulge.
The first one showed Minho’s point of view of Sooyoung on her back, topless and with his massive cock between her breasts. She rubbed them up and down, looking up with desire and lust as his veiny appendage emerged and disappeared between her magnificent bosom. Hyoseob loins flared up as He was able to appreciate the sexual play at such close range and with Sooyoung’s large, firm orbs being groped and abused so well. Minho really knew how to push a woman’s buttons, he thought. It didn’t take long before his semen erupted from its tip, splattering over his wife’s chin, cheeks, and nose...
“He’s so virile... he gets hard again so fast... perks of being a young stud, I guess,” Sooyoung muttered. Hyoseob quickly shoved his pants down so she could get better access to his raging erection.
She was right when she said they’d probably save the last one, because He doubted he’d last all the way through the second video. The one Sooyoung hinted that she got fucked from behind. A view he never had.
Sooyoung clicked the video and resumed stroking him.
The angle on the video showed Sooyoung naked silhouette cascaded by the dimly lit room. Sooyoung, hands against the wall, presenting her fat ass.
“Ohh that looks like an ass that’s had some workouts,” Minho said from behind the phone’s lens.
“Less chatting and more pounding,” Sooyoung’s voice called from the dark.
Minho placed the phone on what Hyoseob guess was a dresser, facing the camera towards the back of his bent-over wife, her perfect figure illuminated perfectly by the nearby light, a tantalizing silhouette that invited and begged to be pounded. Minho’s hulking frame stepped close and shoved himself roughly into her waiting slit.
“Oh... oh-oh!” Sooyoung moaned, her hands suddenly clenching and gripping tighter against the wall, her hips twitching. “Harder. Fuck!” she begged.
Hyoseob turned his eyes from the video screen towards the same body parts, seeing the same hips on the couch next to him that Minho was grasping on the video as he fucked his lovely wife. Sooyoung noticed, her smile deepening. The sound of bodies slapping echoed from the device. Minho growled, grasping her tighter and pulling her to him as his hips rocked and pummeled his wife’s magnificent ass. Sooyoung’s large ass was quivering with the impacts and bounced, the flesh wobbling back and forth hypnotically. Minho fucked her mercilessly, relentlessly, hammering her from behind, but with deliberate purpose. Sooyoung started making a high-pitched sound. He had never seen her so receptive.
“Jesus, you really like that, huh?” Hyoseob breathed. Minho was fucking his wife so roughly.
Sooyoung merely nodded, as if embarrassed, turning her face to hide in the seat cushions. Minho grabbed and pulled her arms, pushing her back against him with a forceful thrust, burying his entire length deep inside her. Sooyoung’s walls trembled around him, squeezing his giant girth, wanting more. Minho eased most of his shaft out before plowing slowly, churning her insides with his cock, giving her a moment of relief. But it was temporary and she shuddered once again, clamping down and throbbing around the huge length.
“Unnnggh- Unnnng- Unnng,” she let out with each long, hard thrust.
Hyoseob’s eyes bulged as he watched his wife cum on another man’s cock, knowing she was experiencing something He could never give her to that extent.
“God! Harder! HARDER!” Sooyoung cried, and just like that Hyoseob came to the sounds of Minho fucking his wife better than He ever could.
“Christ!” the present Sooyoung said, sounding somewhat disgusted as his cum trickled over her hand. “You could’ve said something! I’d gotten a towel!”
Sooyoung rose up and headed off to the nearest bedroom to clean her hand.
Sooyoung couldn’t really concentrate the following day. A few times, she caught herself staring off into space, thinking of how nice Minho’s long, thick cock felt when he was on top of her, pummeling her body. But she had to go the entire weekend, and then some, before she could have it again. In her mind, that was simply too long a time to wait to get off like she did last night.
But it wasn’t just sex that had her brain distracted. The conversation with Hyoseob had gotten Sooyoung thinking of all sorts of dirty, taboo ideas. Hyoseob had admitted he liked it when she did things with Minho, such as exploring new things. Giving up some of her firsts for Minho, even. Like doggy, or a fucking her tits. She wasn’t sure what that entailed, or what she could do with that information, but she stored it away in her mind.
Sooyoung spent the rest of the weekend running track, lifting weights, and other physical activities to force her life back into normalcy, in addition to her school work. She decided she didn’t want sex to dictate her life, so while she looked forward to tutoring Minho on Tuesday, she dedicated her time to her life’s chores and commitments.
‘What are we doing for the tutoring?’ I texted her when she arrived at school on Monday. ‘Can we meet between classes? I need some help to get my balls drained before class so I can focus ;)’
‘Stop it, Minho,’ was all she replied, feeling a tingle of warmth and arousal ran down her spine nonetheless.
‘I was just kidding’ I replied.
I had responded with some teasing ‘Are you going to be wet on Tuesday’ and ‘Can’t stop thinking about it’ but eventually didn’t push it any further. She would assume I was probably too afraid to scare her off for the upcoming sessions, regardless of how horny I was. But throughout the day, Sooyoung felt increasingly needy herself, unable to resist fantasizing about our upcoming session.
It was hard for her to understand how her student having such a big dick had her so riled up... though some of my otherworldly skill probably had something to do with it. In addition to my prowess, I had been respectful. She supposed not every boy would have behaved so well and been so understanding, even if I relentlessly teased her for doing far more than the rules allowed.
Though my skill in the bedroom, the only reason Sooyoung would ever return to me was the thrill and pleasure it gave her husband. Hyoseob loved the humiliation of someone like me enjoying his wife, and her doing things with me that she would rarely, if ever, do with her husband.
Like allowing my cock between her tits. Or how I made her orgasm like a slutty nympho just by fucking her in a position she wouldn’t normally allow. All of this, combined with the non-committal, almost primal pleasure, made the whole experience tantalizing. It certainly was a lifestyle Sooyoung could learn to enjoy, if she didn’t already.
“Wait up, Ma’am,” I called to her after school as she was heading to her car. She crossed her arms, unintentionally revealing her generous cleavage.
“What is it?” Sooyoung asked, ignoring her sudden nervous excitement. She hoped I wouldn’t put her in such an awkward position out in the open.
I went to the same school where she worked, so we were bound to run into each other. However, it did not make it any less awkward. Even though no one was particularly close, there were still a lot of people around. I leaned against her car, and she leaned back against the same vehicle to play it casual. Just some teacher talking to some pupil. Nothing suspicious about two young adults standing next to her vehicle talking to one another, right?
“What did you want to talk about, Minho?” she repeated.
“So about tomorrow... just what should I expect? You know, for the tutoring,” I said, attempting to stall the conversation. I looked over her with a mischievous glint. Sooyoung’s heart raced, unsure whether she should regret this situation or revel in it.
“If you’re here early, maybe we can just fu-”
“Not today,” Sooyoung said with an all too friendly smirk as she casually pushed herself off the car, trying to end the conversation. “And no more about doing stuff between classes.”
I scoffed and began rubbing my bulge. She frowned, and as my smirk lingered, her gaze was drawn downward.
“H-hey!” she stammered, taking a step away. “That’s hardly appropriate. Especially with students walking by,” she hissed. Sooyoung wanted nothing more than to reach over and grab my cock, squeeze that long, veiny piece of flesh she loved so much.
“Well, when else should I talk to you about it?” I chuckled, taking the same step she had, closing the gap between us.
“You could’ve just texted like you usually do... but fine, hop in and I’ll drive you home. We can talk about it on the way,” She relented, trying to shut me up before anyone noticed and hoping to keep the conversation focused on the actual tutoring. “Now knock it off,” she finished.
I smiled proudly as I entered the passenger side. Sooyoung rolled her eyes and suppressed a groan before getting into the car with me, pushing thoughts away and putting the vehicle in gear.
We talked about the tutoring and homework and stayed relatively cordial the rest of the ride, with only a few irrelevant comments from my part because I couldn’t help but admire her tits and ass.
“So, do you ever teach in class? Like theory or whatever?” I asked.
“Pff, just how much do you skip, Minho?” Sooyoung laughed. “Yeah, sometimes. Usually, around football season so any day now. I even have my own classroom.”
“You gonna tutor me on that stuff eventually?” I asked.
“If you think you have use for it,” She replied. “I have booked the classroom a few times this semester for your actual tutorage, in fact.”
“Oh I’d love to have you in a classroom,” I teased. She looked over, amused, and wondered what I would do with such an opportunity.
“Would you want a private lesson, Mister? Detention maybe?” Sooyoung teased back.
“Oh please, Mrs. Sooyoung, I didn’t mean to pass my paper, could you give me an oral exam? To see if I deserve extra credit?” I grinned.
Sooyoung laughed pulling up at her house. “Then I think you’re in luck,” she said, turning the car into her driveway and switching the engine off. “Jokes aside, we can’t fool around at the school... not more than we already did anyway,” she said, not able to conceal a smirk at the memory.
“You mean to tell me you and Hyoseob never done anything naughty at school?” I replied.
“None of your business, and don’t you try any funny ideas there either.” Sooyoung glared at me. I raised my hands defensively, “Alright, alright.”
As I walked her to her door, my eyes lingered down to her breasts and ass. Sooyoung opened the door and turned to me. “See you tomorrow, then?” she asked.
I smirked as my gaze traced her body. From her big cleavage strutting out in front of her, to her waist and down to her wide childbearing hips, my eyes feasted on her, while she tried her best to ignore the reaction her body had.
“Damn, Sooyoung,” I sighed. She blushed and smiled up at me. “Your ass was so hot, stretching and jiggling as you got out of the car. Wish I had recorded that instead.”
“Glad you were entertained,” Sooyoung retorted.
We stood there in the doorway for a few moments, staring at one another. Sooyoung was waiting for me to leave, and I was ogling her body and thinking God knows what. Sooyoung looked stunning, especially given that her work attire frequently consisted of tight-fitting workout clothes. Tight shirts, shorts, or yoga pants, with a sweater tied around her waist. A bit lewd, maybe, but she wore it flawlessly. Sporty and sexy all in one package.
“You leaving?” Sooyoung inquired, ignoring my leering.
“When is Hyoseob coming home?” I asked.
“In about two hours, why? We’re not-” Sooyoung tried to say something, but I interrupted her by pushing her inside and closing the door behind her. Sooyoung stumbled backward, her mind reeling from the forwardness.
“We are not doing this,” Sooyoung said, though with much less vigour as my hands gripped her fat ass, making her gulp hard. My tongue trailed from her earlobe up to her ear. “Minho, please,” Sooyoung pleaded.
My hands ran down from her wide hips, fingers pressing against the hem of her tights. Sooyoung shuddered in an oh-so-delicious anticipation as she realized how badly she’d longed for my touch these past days. Sooyoung realized she had subconsciously chosen to wear an outfit just for me. To tempt and agitate me. She wanted my warm embrace and confident assertiveness. She wanted my greedy lust to break her body and willpower, only to be soothed by my caring patience, stamina, and thickness.
“Bedroom?” I asked, eager to sink my cock in this lovely, formerly faithful wife.
“Yeah...” Sooyoung answered breathlessly, her pussy wet and her cheeks flushed red as she was powerless to resist me, so powerfully she wished I’d bend her over, rip off her tight-fitting garments and-
“Sooyoung? Are you back?” Hyoseob’s voice cut in through the silence, right at that moment.
“Hyoseob! Why’re you home so early? I thought you were staying at the office all day for your important deadline!” Sooyoung answered nervously, fidgeting with the front door for me to get out, looking as Hyoseob came out from the kitchen.
“Eh, they cancelled the deadline; was a miscommunication with the client, and a chance for me to… Sooyoung, what is going on?” He didn’t sound angry, but he had every right to be. Sooyoung was in the process of breaking the rules again, and probably several of them. She had no mind to record it, as it was full steam ahead.
“Well, what do we have here,” Hyoseob scolded playfully. He approached, inspecting her up-and-down as he circled Sooyoung and I, now somewhat frozen from the sudden shock.
“You’re a sight to see, baby,” he murmured and stood before us. “But not what I expected to come crashing through the door,” Hyoseob continued, “but I understand the appeal.”
He smiled as his wife’s mouth bobbed up and down with no words emerging. Her words were caught in her throat before she eventually found her voice.
“Don’t be upset babe, we were talking... then... I mean,” Sooyoung stuttered.
“Relax, I’m not angry,” Hyoseob assured. “Why should I be? Look, it is pretty hot to see you almost fall over, all stunned and panting at Minho.”
A nervous, giddy chuckle erupted from Sooyoung. She licked her lips and blinked slowly.
“Sorry to barge in like this,” I stated, my grip on Sooyoung’s waist still. “Just thought...”
“You’d fuck my wife?” Hyoseob replied.
“Listen, I’ll just leave,” I said.
“Leave?” Hyoseob asked in mock surprise, smiling coyly. “Are you fucking kidding me? You’ve started it. You can’t stop now.”
“Okay?” I breathed.
“Hey, this is my chance to watch it live. Consider it another hall pass,” Hyoseob said.
Sooyoung didn’t think they’d do any more hall passes, especially so soon after her last one, but she wasn’t going to argue, instead turning around and pressing her round butt against my bulge. I smirked, pressing back, reaching up to the rim of her short shirt, tracing the fabric, and skimming my fingers against the hem of her spandex tights, which I began rolling down her hips.
“Wait,” Sooyoung said. “Didn’t you say something about a bedroom?” she added, meeting Hyoseob’s stare. His eyes widened. ‘That’s right, I’m taking him to our marital bed,’ Sooyoung thought as she looked at her husband. If he was so accepting, let’s see how far he’d let her take it.
She grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs. She was powerless to stop herself now that she had free reign and was absolutely in heat; she needed to be fuck senseless like the horny slut she’d become, right in her and her husband’s marital bed, with her husband watching no less. Sooyoung entered the bedroom and stood by the footboard, pulling me in behind.
“Lay on your back,” I told her. “I wanna see those huge tits jiggle as I stretch out your pussy,” I added.
Sooyoung didn’t respond, but obeyed nonetheless, feeling even hotter from hearing the lewd order. She laid down, ready and wanting. She heard the sound of their breathing, mixed with Hyoseob’s, who silently sat watching on a chair off to the side.
I began stripping off, her gaze fixed on my body. It seemed like an eternity since we’d had each other. She had to admit her disappointment at having her fun cut short. But hopefully, we’d have a lot more time and wouldn’t have to rush or wait for Hyoseob’s arrival.
I moved closer to her, climbing onto the bed until my cock was above her face. A shiver went through her. Sooyoung laid down, extending a hand to wrap around my hovering girth. I chuckled as her soft grip met mine, her fingertips barely touching on both sides. My foreskin was tight and firm over the bulging cockhead, with a wispy cum beading on the slit. She raised her head, extending her neck, and touched my tip with her tongue, her eyes closed and breathing heavily. The wet tongue licked the bead, and she salivated at the unpleasant taste. She was in disbelief about her own actions, doing something so dirty with someone other than her husband. The shame fueled her even more, but she couldn’t push herself any further than this. She lowered her head back on the pillow, allowing the thick piece to hang in front of her, dragging along her chin and grazing over her tits, drooling even more heavily as it made its way, coating the firm boobs and pebbled nipples.
Sooyoung looked up to see me looking down at her, a smirk flashing across my coarse features. Sooyoung understood what I was looking for, what I desired. Despite her embarrassment, Sooyoung was hungry for my dick after tasting the copious amounts of delicious delight I could provide her with. However, as I climbed down her body, I did not align my cock with her. No, I wanted to show Hyoseob how much better I was without even using my cock, so I sunk down the married couple’s marital bed and buried my head between her flawless thighs.
“Oh god,” Sooyoung mumbled in pent-up anticipation for the oncoming onslaught.
Hyoseob sat in a chair in the corner of his own bedroom, watching me sink my head between his wife’s spread legs, obscuring his view of her dripping entrance. It was a hard feat to understand how well Sooyoung responded to my touches. It wrecked him as much as it aroused him, and witnessing the events before him was the worst kind of train carnage he couldn’t pull his eyes from.
“Oh- Ohhh,” Hyoseob heard his wife moan, a deep, almost painful groan escaping from her chest. His dick stirred when he saw her lost in pleasure. Her knees were drawn in the air, and her heels were sliding down my wide back, pushing her pelvis forward and mashing her opening against my tongue. His sexy prideful wife was being ravaged by one of her students. Right in front of him.
Sooyoung began panting as her hands took hold of my head, entangling her fingers in my hair and ensuring my face remained rooted in place as I tongue fucked her sopping, hungry pussy. my hands gripped this wife’s athletic thighs as she ground against mine, the bed creaking and rocking in the process. Sooyoung reached back with one arm, holding onto the headboard, while her other kept my head pressed in tightly, her jaw jutted out and her eyes focused.
I worked her like a pro. With each twitch and whimper, labored groan, and gasping squeak, I reacted accordingly, guiding her into a boiling heat that was gradually building in her core, until my skilled tongue finally broke her open, sending her shuddering into an explosive orgasm that drenched my tongue in her juices.
I knew right away that Sooyoung and her husband had never done or come close to accomplishing anything like this before. Nothing in our long sexual history compared.
“Fuck! How...” Sooyoung groaned as her convulsions subsided. She drew her arm back and lay there exhausted, my lips smirking against her sticky thighs.
My cock hadn’t gotten the pleasure it craved, and the impatience was evident in the rigid shaft. I was tall and proud on my knees above her. Sooyoung turned her head, realizing that my cock had not only missed her, but also been neglected. My thick piece had bobbed and bounced, waving and whipping in the air, and landing all over their sheets. I chuckled as the disheveled teacher regained her composure.
“Fuck, Minho, how’d you get so good at that?” She sighed as her fingers and gaze moved down my body. “It’s crazy how fast you can get me off, it’s unfair.”
“Had plenty of practice,” I told her.
“Yeah? With who?”
“Minju, Hana, Sujin, Eunha, so on,” Minho bragged.
“Eunha? Our neighbor?” Sooyoung asked.
It wasn’t typical of her to be so nosy, but Hyoseob could tell, my already extensive experience interested her. Meanwhile, He sat, enraged and jealous. Not only did I get to fuck his wife, but I also had free access to every teen girl in the neighborhood.
“This dirty cock has been in a lot of dirty places, then,” Sooyoung purred while stroking my cock between her legs, enticed by my obscenities. Hyoseob was taken aback by how hot she was, not just because I was in front of her, but also because she was so responsive to it. This was a very different Sooyoung, one who clearly enjoyed the experience and knowledge one had to offer, he thought.
“Turn over,” I instructed, “Get on your hands and knees for me.”
“God, yes,” Sooyoung hissed.
And just like that she was on all fours, knees far apart, her tight entrance exposed, wet, and more than ready. That big sexy ass I could fondle and worship for hours strutted out for mine to feast. I noticed her shaking from anticipation, the pleasurable experience in her pussy still burning and spreading like wildfire, warming her entire body from the inside out.
“Yesss...” she groaned as my cock head settled down against her outer lips, coating the bottom in her leaking juices. It was a hell of a tease.
“Unnh! Minho, come on. Just... FUCK ME!” Sooyoung begged.
“What’s that? What is it that you want?” I teased.
“Please.” Sooyoung inhaled sharply. “I want you!”
“If I fuck you, and I’m not your husband, what does that make him?” I teased, nodding in Hyoseob’s direction.
“A cuck-UGH!” Sooyoung groaned out as I started to push my cock inside her unfaithful hole, taking control.
I fully leaned over her and crawled my hands around and under her, getting ahold of her full tits, cock lodged deep within her as I mounted her. “That’s what I thought,” I muttered, before starting my slow pace.
Hyoseob’s dick throbbed wildly. What could He say about such a display? It was unlike anything he could have imagined or experienced. His own wife was having the time of her life right in front of him, and with someone else, not to mention, her student. He’d never seen her so hot.
“Minho! You’re so BIG. Fuck me!” she moaned, in complete surrender and acceptance of a situation.
“Damn, you are tight... i can’t believe how fucking tight you are!” I pounded her harder. The bed creaked rhythmically in tune with my hips snapping against her big ass.
The bedroom echoed with the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh, and the wife’s moan rang in his ears. Hyoseob could hear our breathing become heavier as I brought her to climax again. Sooyoung’s breath caught in her throat for a moment before she cried out in delight as I fucked her straight through her orgasm without mercy.
“Like that, Hyoseob?” I taunted him over the moans and whimpers that his lovely wife couldn’t restrain. “Like watching me make your wife cum?!” I asked.
It wasn’t the first time Hyoseob saw Sooyoung do sex acts he’d always fantasized about, but seeing live in front of him was both magnificent and terrifying, given that he couldn’t ever be the one to do those things with her. Or perhaps the only difference between my cock and him was that I knew how to please her far better than her husband could.
“Like to see me breaking your wife? Defiling your wife in your-fucking-bed?” I groaned, thrusting firm and hard. “I’ll never grow tired of a pussy like this! Never! What a fucking MILF!”
Sooyoung was so into it, fully submerging in the wild ride I was giving her. I wasn’t holding back, giving her the kind of rough treatment that no one else could give. That only I could. That her husband certainly couldn’t. Her insides wrapped around mine like a fist as I pummeled her from behind.
I gave Sooyoung long, deliberate, penetrating, slow, torturous thrusts before pounding her hard and deep, letting my cock bury its enormous mass inside. Her huge breasts, undulating back and forth on the surface, would slide a little, causing her hard nipples to briefly rub the fabric.
“He’s fucking me so hard, Hyoseob,” Sooyoung whimpered. “This is all your fault!”
“Holy shit,” He muttered.
“I’d never fuck this shithead if you hadn’t pushed for this!” Sooyoung cried.
“Oh god,” Hyoseob groaned, feeling his impending orgasm rise and then subside as he forced himself to stop jerking.
“Unnh-NNH! MINHO!”
“Tell him how deep my cock is going inside this sweet married pussy. How it stretches you,” I teased.
“Minho, uggh- your cuh-cuh-cocks SO DEEP! Fuck me harder... faster. My pussy is a-and, I need you t-to fuuuck-AAAA.” Sooyoung was incoherent as she exploded. Her body collapsed underneath me as her arms and elbows gave out from my force.
I’m panting profusely and abruptly pulling out of Sooyoung. “Get in there,” I instructed, getting out of bed.
Sooyoung rolled onto her back, allowing Hyoseob to climb between her thighs and eagerly plunge himself between us. The contrast was noticeable. He struggled to fill her with his own member, just as I did. She wrapped her arms around him, keeping him close as we rutted together.
“Feels really nice,” Sooyoung assured him earnestly, panting into his ear, but his depraved brain refused to believe her, unable to shake the fact that she had just been fucked hard, pounded deep, and railed thoroughly by someone much bigger.
“Shit... you’re so much looser,” Hyoseob said bluntly. Sooyoung closed her eyes, enjoying his body and ignoring what he had just said. She let out a series of pants and groans, but was lacking. I had really stretched her. He just hoped it didn’t mean that his relationship with his wife had changed.
“Oh god, keep doing it!” Sooyoung gasped and groaned beneath her husband, writhing her body as the waves of pleasure crashed into her. She writhed and contorted in front of him, receiving his shallow thrusts with relative ease.
But her orgasm never came. She panted and bucked against him, but the friction just wasn’t there enough to bring her over the edge. Hyoseob didn’t think Sooyoung realized it, but He wasn’t enough anymore. Not anymore. Not after being taken so far, stretched out, and then slammed, with so much weight and girth. It made a huge difference. She clenched hard around him but didn’t get it where she wanted. She needed something more than him.
The realization burned through him and almost made him cum right away, but instead, Hyoseob felt a tap on his shoulder.
“I’m going back in,” I smirked. “I’ll take care of it.”
I pushed him away and crawled back between Sooyoung’s thighs, forcing him to sit back and jerk off while he watched his wife being fucked by another guy. I don’t think Sooyoung noticed his withdrawal, especially since I reinserted my cock inside her. Sooyoung threw her head back and let out a howl. I picked up right away, maintaining the exact same pace of deep, hard strokes inside of her.
Hyoseob felt hurt being forced to climb back to the chair in the corner, hearing how much Sooyoung enjoys someone else more than him, but at the same time, he felt an intense arousal of humiliation to witness this sight. The way I’m dominantly forcing myself inside her lovely wife, pinning her in place and rekindling her pleasure. She cried for more.
“Take my cock! Take it like a slut!” I kept going.
“Uhnnnh... feels soooo gooood,” Sooyoung panted, clawing and pulling.
I paused just long enough to grab Sooyoung’s wrists and pin them above her head, taking on a male dominant position of ownership. As a bull over his cow, or in this case, a stud mounting his breeding mare. Hyoseob thought back to their lives together, him and Sooyoung. Everything they had experienced together, it all leading to her get fucked by another man.
She arched her back and pressed her breasts against my chest, squirming under me as the heat built up again, more and more, until, with the clench and tingle of pleasure in the stomach and thighs, Sooyoung lost herself in an orgasm, feeling an enormous pressure rising, climbing up from the depths of her pussy, pushing upwards, stretching. Sooyoung squirmed beneath my dominance, gasping, unable to grasp reality as every cell in her body became electrified in response to my hard pummeling.
I then slowed down, letting Sooyoung come down, sinking my lips against hers, and we began to kiss intimately.
“Minho...” She whispered in a raspy voice, gazing into mine.
Sooyoung could hardly speak. She tried, but the words fell short and were barely audible, a quiet and excited stuttering, but as the fog lifted and reality returned, and she started to remember the moment, her tone shifted. Her voice grew stronger, more aware of her situation. “Fuck...” she continued in a less reverent whisper. “Jesus Christ, what is going on...”
“Well... we’re cucking your husband,” I said bluntly.
“Are you mad? Am I in trouble?”
Sooyoung let out a giggle and let me drop my head to her neck, causing her giggle to turn into a moan as I began licking her soft skin while humping her womb.
“Are you going to talk?” I breathed, my full cock sinking slowly into her. “Come on. “Let him hear.”
“Oh my g-uuuh.” Sooyoung trailed off, the words cut off, distracted by massive tool filling her up, touching her walls.
“Now tell me again. Tell him, the reason you have allowed me to defile you,” I teased, not relenting my pace, while whispering in her ear.
“Ohhh,” Sooyoung moaned, shivering, clutching my muscles. Sooyoung whimpered, gritting her teeth to her effort. But not responding was beyond impossible. She had never felt so full.
“Your husbands’ too tiny, isn’t he?” I egged her on.
“My husband is great, I swear, but you’re so big and he’s not,” Sooyoung got out, my fat cock-head poking into her, brushing into a particularly sensitive spot in the inner wall.
“That’s right,” I said with satisfied smirk.
“Ohh!” Sooyoung groaned.
“That’s why you needed to cuck your husband.”
“God Minho...” Sooyoung moaned.
“Just answer.”
“Yes,” Sooyoung blurted out. “My husband is great, I promise- oh my! But he couldn’t fulfill all my needs, my cravings.” Sooyoung paused and closed her eyes. I slowed down because I didn’t want her orgasm to take her away just yet. “That’s why, fuck, I needed you here. So you could give me what I really needed.”
Sooyoung returned my gaze, a loving, heated expression on her face. I kissed her, pressing our lips and tongues together. And we resumed our fucking, moaning together and filling the bedroom with the sounds of flesh slapping, groans, and grunts.
Hyoseob raised his hand to stroke himself, rubbing his dick furiously. His body and mind were filled with emotions and stress. Sooyoung hadn’t been lying about his size, and watching how I held nothing back as my thick meat began stretching his wife again, plunging into her over and over... He had no idea how we were doing it; with our perfect fit, it must have felt like heaven. His eyes burned with a desire to break down. He is unsure whether he is feeling shame, happiness, anger, or passion. He closed his eyes for a second to concentrate on his wife’s agonizing moans and the obscene slick sounds of her being pounded so deliciously and thoroughly.
“Hyoseob, watch me make your wife cum again,” I said.
He could only nod and bite down his own moans, proving my statement correct. The display in front of him became more and more lewd and heated as she moved her mouth to my ears and allowed me to feel her warm breath, while our hips went insane, slamming into her like a high-powered machine.
“You want it,” I told her.
“Ah! Ah! Uuungh,” Sooyoung got out, a half groan, half whisper.
“Oh yes you do. Cum on my cock!” I commanded.
“Minho...” Sooyoung moaned in her raspy voice.
“Don’t bother to fight it, Ma’am.”
“Minho I’m so close, I’m going crazy here, just take my womb.”
I pummeled down deep, thrusting firmly and keeping my base flush. Sooyoung’s hips rose from the sheets and began bucking upward, meeting my heavy thrusts. Our speed increased together. “Minho!” she kept saying my name like a mantra. Sooyoung grunted as I pushed deeper inside of her. She had to scream as I kept my promise.
“Okay,” Sooyoung hissed after an eternity.
I smiled and slid off of her. Sooyoung leaned back into the mattress and spread her legs, arching her hips, watching as my cock come out covered in our collective fluids, thick, sticky, and white. It was hard to comprehend that all that had been inside her, and even more was still spilling out. It was so thick and creamy.
“I haven’t cum this hard since forever,” Sooyoung moaned.
“You did amazing. I can’t wait for a lot more,” I told Sooyoung.
“Yee-ees, me too, baby.” Sooyoung wrapped her arms and legs around me and kissed me eagerly as her eyes flashed towards her husband, a little unsure, maybe even scared, her glance uncertain, her pupils wide, and then she just looked straight at him.
“You okay, Hyoseob?” she asked.
He nodded. “Yeah, yeah... just hard to get over how much of that got in you,” Hyoseob said, laughing. While his expression was undoubtedly one of shock, he was actually doing more than fine. Watching his wife pleasured by another man is an image that will stay with him forever, and the experience left him oddly satisfied. It almost made him happy that she had gotten to experience something like this.
“Well, anyway,” I said, standing up. “I am drained. And we’re not in a real session, so I’m heading out.”
“Sure thing,” Sooyoung said. “And the session tomorrow? Let’s... Let’s put that one on hold for now, okay? We need a bit... a bit of control, I think.”
I nodded and began to dress up. It was reassuring when Sooyoung, the smart person she was, took the steering wheel. When the dust settled, she still considered her husband’s turmoil. Hyoseob was probably complacent enough for us to do more, but Sooyoung was probably right in pulling on the emergency brakes.
“So,” Sooyoung turned to Hyoseob after I left. “Wow, huh.”
He simply nodded, trying to process the event that had transpired. Sooyoung got up and moved in beside him.
“What just happened?” He asked, dumfounded.
“Well, we cucked you,” Sooyoung said, studying his expression as she waited for his reaction to her words. “Was it too much?”
“I... think so. I’m glad you got to experience it... but watching it in front of me was a bit much, perhaps.” He explained to her. “Like, yeah, you’re hot as hell. This entire event is extremely hot, and seeing another man fuck you so well is quite thrilling. But hearing you moan and say all of that... it was almost too much for me. I’m not sure if I can handle seeing it live... especially since he asked me to join in...”
Sooyoung nodded understanding. “So you think we should move on from this whole thing?”
“No! No, I love it. It makes it harder for me to return to the same things later,” he laughed. Sooyoung also giggled. “No, I’m all on for it still, but I think we need a cooling period,” he replied. “At the very least, I participated in real life... However, the videos are quite good.
“Sure thing,” Sooyoung said, with a warm, understanding smile. “And I won’t do anything until you’re ready for it to continue. If ever. I only enjoy this if you enjoy it.”
“You’d do that?” He asked. “Despite everything?”
“Of course... I know I failed before, but I would try with all my might. I don’t want to risk everything for something like that, and honestly, I don’t think Minho would either.”
They linger like that for a bit.
“Sooyoung, can I ask you something?” Hyoseob started. Sooyoung nodded. “Why is it so different? I mean, aside from the obvious physical things. You’re so much wilder with Minho.”
“Aside from how his bigger size just hits differently?” Sooyoung asked, shooting him a smirk, which He returned. “Well... I don’t know. Honestly, maybe it was always there, I just never brought it out. The raw physical aspect. And with Minho it is just that, so much more raw and physical action. I don’t love him, nowhere close, and I don’t think for a second he loves me. And for women sex and emotions are entwined and psychological. With Minho, there is no relationship like that, so it’s purely physical. It’s like I can let go more, if that makes sense. Have good sex with no repercussions, if that also makes sense.”
Hyoseob paused for a few seconds. “I guess that makes sense, yeah. When did you get so smart?” He joked.
“Shut up,” Sooyoung said, slapping his chest. “So everything okay? Anything more you wanna ask, because I want to answer everything you want to know as far as I can.”
“No, I think I’m good. Let’s put a breather on this whole thing then take it from there.”
“Okay, got it,” Sooyoung said with a smile, wrapping a hand around his husband, and cuddling into him as she laid her head on his chest. He placed an arm on her shoulder and held her close, her soft boobs pressing against him. The cuddle made them fall asleep, together, exhausted from the day’s adventure.
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(Once Bitten) Twice Shy
Chapter Nine
Plot summary : Desperate to get away from your controlling family, you take a job in New York as a wealthy vampire's blood source. A million dollars awaits if you can make it through a year, but life with Billy Russo is not going to be as simple as you think.
Pairing : Billy Russo x Reader
Story Rating : R  Chapter Rating : R
Warnings : [This is a fic for 18+ only, minors DNI] Smutty behaviour, use of toys. More sickening cuteness. All chapters will contain mentions of blood. Please check the warnings on each chapter if you choose to follow this story. 
Word Count : 5.3k
A/N : It's party night and that can only mean one thing; lots of drama and fun...
Chapter Nine
Within an hour, the penthouse was full.
The string quartet in the corner started to play and the wait staff started to circulate with trays of drinks. You’d lingered off to the side, near Billy but giving him enough distance to greet his guests without things being weird. You were there as his employee first and foremost as he’d reluctantly explained to you before the first guest arrived. Everything else was too complicated, and you were quick to agree with him; no one else needed to know your business.
But he pulled you towards him when Karen and her boyfriend Frank arrived. Karen gushed over your dress and you did likewise. Frank gave you an uncomfortable look from behind his mask, like he was sizing you up, but his attention quickly turned back to Billy. So did Karen’s.
You quickly came to realise that Billy had that effect on the people around him. Eyes were always on him, he was always the centre of attention. And Billy seemed to revel in it. You felt yourself almost shrink away as he spoke to his friends, until you felt his finger tip ghost your bare thigh through the slit in your dress.
“There’s someone I want to introduce Frankie to. Karen do you mind...?” He left the question unfinished but everyone understood. He wanted Karen to babysit you.
“Of course!” You spoke before you had the chance to say anything, putting her arm around. “Come on, I think Foggy and Matt are already here.”
You gave Billy one last look, catching his gaze darkening as she led you away. As you both made your way through the crowd, Karen stopped one of the wait staff and grabbed two glasses of champagne and handed one to you.
“So, what do you think of all this?” She asked, scanning the crowd, obviously looking for her friends.
“It’s -” you started before you’re breath caught, feeling the toy start to softly vibrate inside you. 
“Yeah, it’s a lot, isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” you answered, looking around and managing to spot Billy right where you’d left him.
The vibrations continued for a few seconds as your eyes caught his and he smiled. You held his gaze as he lifted his phone and finally stopped the toy.
“Don’t worry,” Karen said, hooking her arm through yours and giving a gentle tug, “I won’t let you get into any trouble.”
She gave you a smile that you didn’t entirely understand; whatever she thought of your relationship with Billy, it was clear she didn’t have a clue what was actually going on between the two of you.
“I guess I’m just a little nervous,” you explained. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been around this many people...”
“Oh don’t worry, you’ll love Matt and Foggy,” she told you, “Foggy is so funny and Matt is -”
“I’m what?” She was interrupted by the appearance of two men at her side, both smiling widely at her.
“I was going to say real pain in the ass, but you’ve ruined the surprise now,” Karen answered back before quickly introducing you to her friend.
They were both lawyers in Hell’s Kitchen, you quickly discovered. Foggy was the joker of the pair, while Matt was quieter, with a drier, charming sort of wit. You didn’t realise that Matt was blind until you noticed his cane. Neither asked what you were doing at the party or how you knew Billy, and you were more than happy to keep that information to yourself, in favour of learning all about them.
When they started talking in a way that close friends do, they still tried to include you and make sure you felt like part of the group, and it was something you’d never really experienced before. It felt nice, like you could be one of them one day, like you could have your own little group of friends and a normal life. All you needed to do was make it through a whole year with Billy and you’d be able to have the sort of life that you wanted.
Your hand trembled as you brought your glass to your lips, another unexpected wave of vibrations started and your thighs clenched. Turning, you looked around the party, trying to spot him, but in a room full of masked men in tuxedos, it was almost impossible. The vibrations intensified and you could almost feel his eyes on you; you could picture his smile as he watched you struggling to keep a straight face.
It felt like your cheeks were burning, every fibre of your being overcome with embarrassment at just how close you were to coming in such a crowded room. Trembling fingers adjusted your mask, your hand lingering, covering your face as your breath became short, uneven pants. You clenched around the toy, but that just made it worse.
A sigh of relief slipped from your lips when the vibrations suddenly stopped, leaving you on the precipice of an orgasm.
Finally, you were able to concentrate on Foggy again, trying to catch up with the story he was telling - something about Matt getting caught outside their dorm room in college in nothing but his underwear.
“You okay?” Karen asked suddenly, derailing her story and drawing everyone’s attention to you.
“Fine, just a little warm,” you lied. “I’m going to go grab some water.”
“I could do with some water too,” Matt said, “mind if I join you?”
“No, of course not,” you told him, taking a step forward and lightly placing your arm on his so he could follow you towards the kitchen.
“I hate that story,” Matt muttered, leaning towards you so you could hear him over the party as you walked together towards the kitchen. “Foggy always insists on telling it in front of pretty girls.”
Instantly, your cheeks started to warm.
“You mean Karen?” You dared to ask, trying to swallow down the lump in your throat.
“No, I don’t mean Karen.”
“But how -”
“He wouldn’t tell the story if you weren’t pretty,” Matt explained before you could finish the question. “He was trying to put you off me.”
“I thought he was your friend?” You asked, more confused than ever.
“He is, I just have a bit of a reputation and -”
You gasped as the toy started to vibrate again, the intensity stronger than before and catching you completely off-guard. It stopped just as suddenly as it started, but your shock hadn’t gone unnoticed.
“Are you alright?” Matt asked.
“Yeah,” you answered, “just my shoes pinching my feet.”
Fortunately, you’d managed to reach the kitchen and had the counter for support as you got a glass of water for Matt and then one for yourself.
“Thank you. I never could get used to the expensive stuff they serve at these things,” he explained.
You smiled and, suddenly, the intense vibrations started again but, this time, instead of cutting off after a couple of seconds, it carried on. It didn’t take long for you to realise what was going on; the first time had been a warning, this was the punishment. 
Billy was watching you and he was getting jealous. He wanted all your thoughts on him and not the man standing in front of you.
“Karen explained your situation here,” Matt went on, “but when you’re done working for Russo, if you ever want to go for dinner or coffee, or something...”
“Mhmm,” you hummed, barely thinking about what Matt was asking you.
You squeezed your thighs together but that just made the vibrations feel more accute.
“I know some great places in Hell’s Kitchen...”
Matt’s smile widened, completely unaware of your torment and just how wet your panties were. You pursed your lips and tried desperately not to let out the moan that was threatening to spill from you as Matt continued.
As awful as you felt the moment you had the thought, you were glad he couldn’t see the way you were squirming and the discomfort on your face as you struggled not to come in  front of him. Your eyes searched the crowd again, trying to find Billy wanting to plead with him to relent.
“There’s a great Vietnamese place that -” Matt’s fingers brushed your arm suddenly and you almost came.
“Hey Murdock, I think Karen wants you.”
Your breath caught as Billy appeared seemingly from nowhere
“Russo,” Matt muttered curtly.
“Said she needed you to settle a bet or something,” Billy told him, but he didn’t take his eyes off of you for a single second
Matt nodded, his attention briefly turning to you before he left; “don’t forget my offer.”
Billy barely waited until he was out of earshot to speak; “having fun?”
There was an edge to his tone, something that you didn’t like, something that you hadn’t heard before. He wasn’t used to sharing you and, clearly, he didn’t like it.
“If you didn’t want me to talk to people, you shouldn’t have left me on my own,” you answered back.
“I didn’t leave you on your own, I left you with Karen.”
Your breath caught as he stepped closer, placing a hand on the counter at your side, and making you feel boxed in.
“You can’t force Karen to babysit me. I wasn’t doing anything, I was just talking. I thought that was why you let me come tonight, so I could be around people.” You looked at him, finding uncertainty in his expression. He looked lost. “What’s wrong?”
His eyes found yours from behind his mask and, for a moment, he just stared at you, unsure whether to answer or not. He took your wrist in his hand, placing his fingers over your pulse before letting out a slow exhale.
“I can’t hear your heartbeat,” he told you with a longing that you knew he hadn’t wanted to share, like he was going through the worst torture imaginable. “I can’t -” he cut himself off with a frustrated huff.
There were no words, there was nothing you could say in response to any of it. You hated the frustration and agony on his face, hated the fact that there was nothing you could think of to do to fix it. 
So, instead, you stayed quiet, letting him keep his fingers over your racing pulse for as long as he needed to, while your hand discretely slipped into his jacket to rest on his waist. You remained that way for a few minutes, until Billy seemed to relax again.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered softly. “We don’t have to keep playing if you don’t want to.”
“I-I want to keep playing,” you answered just as softly.
“Yeah... you said you wanted me to spend the night thinking about you, but I -” you bit your lip and dropped your gaze for a moment, “- I want to know you’re thinking about me too,”
Billy leaned close and, for a second, you thought he was going to kiss you but he stopped himself.
“Of course I’m thinking about you,” he confessed, “you’re the only thing I can think about, little hummingbird. When I saw you over here with Murdock all I could think about was -”
He stopped abruptly, lips pulling into a snarl at whatever thought was tormenting him.
“What?” You gently prompted.
“That night, after we had dinner together. The way you begged and moaned as I fucked you with my fingers,” his voice turned low and dark, his gaze fixed on yours. “All I could think about was how wet your pussy was and how hard you came for me against this counter.”
Your thighs clenched and you struggled to draw breath. You knew he could feel just how fast your heart was racing and it seemed to settle him further - the fact that he could make your heart pound so hard seemed to relax him.
“Fuck,” he groaned, “I want to touch you.”
“Not yet. Not here. When everyone’s gone,” you told him, tearing your eyes away long enough to glance past him towards the party. “We should...”
“Yeah... before anyone notices...” he sighed, slowly stepping back.
For a moment you wanted to tell him that it didn’t matter, that you didn’t care if anyone saw, but you reminded yourself that it was for his benefit as much as your own; he’d warned you from the start how people tended to view arrangements like yours.
He forced himself to turn and started to walk away from you, pulling out his phone and making the toy give a gentle buzz inside you, ramping up your arousal all over again and letting you know he was still thinking about you, that he wasn’t going to stop thinking about you.
You made your way back to Karen and, when asked about it, explained that Billy was just checking that you were alright and making sure that no one was bothering you. She gave you a look and you weren’t sure that she believed you, but she let the matter drop.
To avoid causing Billy any distress, you stayed by Karen’s side for the next couple of hours. Every now and then, you’d feel a sudden buzz inside you. Sometimes it’d just be a couple of seconds, other times, he’d leave it a few minutes before turning it off, making you squirm uncomfortably. You tried to hide it by shifting your weight between your legs, telling Karen that your new shoes were hurting you.
But, after your sixth glass of champagne, you found yourself starting to feel a little bit tipsy and in need of the bathroom, so you excused yourself.
When you got there, there was already someone waiting outside.
“Are you waiting for the bathroom?” You asked, trying to be polite, and wondering if it would be quicker to go use your own bathroom on the other side of the penthouse.
She looked at you for a second, a cold smile growing on her lips.
“Oh, you’re the new one,” she remarked, barely containing her derision as her cold fingers brushed against your necklace. “I see he’s still putting collars on his pets.”
Collars? Pets? 
You wanted to say something. Anything. But the words wouldn’t come. 
“Where are my manners?” She laughed, offering you her hand. “I’m Krista Dumont, I used to be you until he got bored of me.”
You took her hand, feeling like you were running on autopilot, the need to be polite far outweighing trying to understand what the fuck was going on. Her skin was cold to the touch and her eyes were dark; there was no mistaking the fact that she was a vampire.
“You’re a pretty little thing, I can see why he picked you,” she continued. “But that’s the problem with men like William; they always get bored and move on to the next pretty thing.”
“I don’t -” you tried, hating how lost you felt.
Krista. Madani had mentioned a Krista, hadn’t she? You shook your head, trying to focus your thoughts, trying to remember the photos you’d been shown. She’d had your job working for Billy, but she was a vampire now...
Did that mean Billy had turned her?
“You poor thing,” Krista cooed, leaning towards you and placing a cold hand on your cheek. “Did you really think you were the first? That you were special? Does he like to listen to your racing heartbeat once he’s done fucking you or was that just for me?”
“No, we haven’t -” you shook your head, cheeks burning hotter despite her cold touch.
It couldn’t be true. Billy had promised not to lie. He’d told you that there hadn’t been any others like you.
You wanted to find him and ask him what was going on, but there was something about her, about the way she was looking at you; you couldn’t move, couldn’t turn away to look for help. You were stuck. Trapped.
“He will eventually. He just can’t help himself,” she told you, her gaze holding yours, forcing you to keep looking, to keep listening. “But it doesn’t have to be like that. I could help you, save you the way I was saved...”
You remained frozen as she leaned towards you, softly pressing her lips to your cheek, tongue lapping up a tear you didn’t even realise had spilled. Your heart was racing, lungs struggling to draw breath. You couldn’t stop her, couldn’t even lift your arms to push her away as her lips started to trail down towards your neck.
Fingers pulled open your necklace and let it fall to the floor.
“Let me show you who you really are,” she muttered against your neck, cold lips leaving goosebumps in their wake.
Yes. You found yourself wanting it, wanting whatever it was she wanted you to want. It was like your mind had turned blank and her voice was all that remained. You were in her thrall with no way of escaping.
Then came the scrape of teeth on flesh and -
You were pulled backwards as she was wrenched away from you. Curtis had her pressed against the wall while a strong pair of arms pulled you away. You felt limp, like a rag doll being half-led, half-carried into the library.
Whatever she’d done to you had started to wear off as you were pressed back against the door, and you realised you were with Billy. Somewhere along the way, both of you had lost your masks, but you couldn’t rightly say where.
His fingers were on your neck, eyes desperately searching for any sign of bite marks. When he didn’t find any, his hands moved to hold your face, catching your eyes with a concerned look that would have broken you at any other time. Then he was on you, his body against yours, pinning you in place while his lips slanted over yours and you sank into a devouring kiss. All you could do to respond was moan softly as his tongue slipped between your lips.
It took a few seconds for you to come back to your senses, and a moment more to realise that you were angry with him. You pushed him away, breaking the kiss. The space you created wasn’t much, but it was enough to see him, and for him to see how upset you were.
“You lied to me.” Your voice threatened to break. “You promised that you wouldn’t lie to me.”
The look on his face said more than his words ever could; he knew that he’d been caught out.
“I didn’t -”
“I asked if you’d done this with any of the others and you said no.”
“I said not like this,” he tried to explain.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means I fucked Krista,” he stated flatly. “That was all we did. We didn’t talk about literature or hang out, she didn’t make me laugh, she didn’t sit and watch the sunset with me. We fucked. And after three months of fucking, she wanted more from me. More than I wanted to give her.”
“What did she want?” You asked, even though you weren’t sure you wanted to know.
“Me. This life. She -” he sighed, “- she wanted to be bitten. She wanted me to turn her. She tried to get me to do it during sex when I was...” he trailed off for a moment, leaving you to fill in the blanks. She’d done it when he’d been struggling to control himself. “I told her I wouldn’t, that I couldn’t have her in my bed anymore, and she quit.”
“But she’s -”
“She’s a vampire now. She found someone else to turn her, then came back to me, thinking we could be together. And I - I couldn’t give her that. I didn’t want to give her that.” The more he spoke the more fraught he sounded. “So, yeah, I fucked up. I didn’t see what was right in front of me until it was too late. And if you want to know; yes, I’ve fucked others that have been in your position. But it’s never been like it is with you.”
“Then why didn’t you just tell me that from the start?” Your voice still broken, eyes threatening tears.
“So you could think that I just lure women here to take advantage of them? So you could think I was doing that to you?” He shook his head. “We shouldn’t work. Everything about you, it’s - you’re all the things I never thought I wanted. But I like being around you, I like the way I feel when I’m with you. We could stop all of this, I’d never touch you again, and I’d still want to spend time with you.”
You didn’t know how to respond to any of it. Instead, you found your fingers on your neck, remembering the necklace that was now gone.
“She called it a collar. She called me your pet.” Indignation replaced the upset in your tone.
“I’m sorry,” he sighed again, “I should’ve explained. The necklace was supposed to keep you safe, it’s supposed to signify to other vampires that you’re mine -”
“I’m yours? As in your property?” You asked angrily. 
“I just wanted to keep you safe. I know you’re not mine... I know that you’ll never be mine,” he said bitterly.
“How could I be yours when we can’t even have sex?”
You regretted the question the second it left your lips and you saw his face drop.
“You’re right,” he answered before letting out a humourless huff of laughter, dragging his fingers through his hair. “Irony is that I did everything different this time and it still got fucked up. I let myself enjoy just being with you, I tried to take things slow. I let myself care - but I couldn’t even do that right. I’ve been lying to myself, pretending that anyone could want me for me. But even you don’t. If it wasn’t for the money, you wouldn’t even be here...”
You watched as he took a step back and started to turn away from you but, before he could get away, you were reaching for his hand, pulling him back towards you. He gave you a confused look but didn’t say anything while you sorted through your conflicting emotions.
“I -” you started and stopped, not sure what you wanted to say, only knowing that you wanted to say something, “- I haven’t been doing any of this for the money. I like you, okay? A lot. I know that’s not what we agreed to and I know I’m not supposed to, but I can’t help it. That’s why it hurt that you lied to me, because you obviously liked her enough to sleep with her, and I -”
Before you could finish, he was on you again, pulling you into another eager kiss. The floor disappeared beneath your feet as he lifted you and carried you further into the library, not putting you down until he reached his desk. Your fingers grasped his jacket, keeping a tight hold of him while he kissed you.
“Let me show you how much I like you,” he muttered.
He sank to his knees without warning, his hands pushing your dress up and pulling your panties down. He took a moment to appreciate just how wet they were before throwing them over his shoulder. It was only then that he seemed to remember that the toy was still nestled inside you. With a wicked grin, he took his phone from his pocket and set the toy to a low vibration.
“Billy...” you breathed, watching as his head disappeared under your dress. 
The cold press of his lips on your thigh had your heart racing, and a quiet moan slipped from you when you felt him start sucking little marks into your skin, like he was claiming you. It felt like everything was happening in slow motion, each press of his lips and drag of his tongue bringing him closer and closer to where you desperately wanted him. Before he got there, you noticed his finger clumsily swiping at his phone, ramping up the vibrations.
His fingers parted your folds and you gasped as his tongue started to tease your clit.
You moaned, already feeling overwhelmed, feeling the pressure of a whole night's worth of teasing start to fill you. Your legs trembled, held apart by Billy’s strong hands, leaving you completely at his mercy, as he licked and sucked your throbbing, swollen clit. Gripping the edge of the desk, your back arched, and your moans only got louder and more desperate. Struggling to hold off the inevitable until -
“Come for me,” he groaned in that eager but commanding tone.
And you did as you were told.
Your whole body shook, finally able to relieve the tension that had been coiling in you since the moment he’d filled you with the toy. More wild moans escaped your lips and Billy’s tongue kept going until you were too sensitive to take anymore. The vibrations finally stopped and you felt Billy pull the toy from your trembling body and heard it drop but you didn’t look down.
Instead your eyes were fixed on Billy, as he finally emerged from beneath your dress. He stood and your arm instantly wrapped around his waist, while the hand of the other tenderly cupped his cheek, your thumb brushing over his wet lips.
“I like you too, hummingbird. A lot,” he finally dared to admit, drawing the softest laugh from you.
He leaned in to kiss you again, his hips settling between your thighs. You let out a soft moan against his lips, pulling him closer, needing him as close as possible, feeling the way his cock was straining against his pants. Now that he’d said the words, you felt closer to him than ever and you didn’t want the moment to end. When he pulled back, the look on his face was all it took to have you fumbling to undo his pants and free his achingly hard cock. Your hand ran up and down the length of him while he just looked at you.
“Are you sure you want this?” He asked, already sounding a little breathless.
“I want you,” you answered. 
Billy hesitated, looking almost reluctant, and it took you a couple of seconds to realise why; this was usually the point when he started to lose control and things fell apart.
Your free hand moved back to his cheek. “Are you here with me? Are you in control right now?”
“Then I want this.”
Billy relented with a nod. You took a breath as his arm hooked beneath your knee, lifting your leg, making sure you were spread open for him. Your hand dropped from his cock and moved to grip his jacket again as he pressed forwards. The tip of his cock parted your folds and pressed against your wet entrance and you felt your whole body start to tremble in nervous anticipation. He kissed you again, this time softly, savouring the taste of your lips as he slowly started to nudge inside you, drawing a moan from you.
Your grip on his jacket tightened and you tried not to wince as he stretched you. You knew there was going to be some initial discomfort because of his size, but you didn’t care. You wanted to finally feel him inside you.
“Are you still with me?” you asked him softly, trying in vain to hide your discomfort.
Billy nodded, lifting your leg a little higher, opening you further, enough for him to slowly start sinking deeper, almost enough for him to -
Suddenly the noise of the party spilled into the room and Billy recoiled, pulling out and leaving you trembling.
“You fuckin’ kiddin’ me, Bill?” An angry voice pulled you back to the moment and your heart stopped.
Billy pulled away, fumbling with his pants, turning to face Frank. Your shaking hands tried to right your dress as you got off the desk, your face burning with embarrassment as Frank leaned down to pick your discarded panties off the floor, a disgusted look on his face.
“You plannin’ on fuckin’ up that poor girl too? Can’t keep your dick in your pants, that it?”
“What -” the word left your lips in little more than a whisper and it was completely ignored.
“Fuck off, Frankie,” Billy growled. “It’s got nothing to do with you.”
“I ain’t lettin’ you fuck up another one, Bill. I told you, you don’t get to fuck around like this no more.”
“And I told you, you don’t get to tell me what to do. You’re the one that did this to me, Frankie. You don’t get to keep fucking up my life.” Billy answered back, pointing an angry finger at Frank.
Your embarrassment doubled when you realised that Karen was there. She moved past Frank, stepping towards you and offering you her hand. “Come on, they need to talk this out.”
Billy didn’t even look at you, he was too busy looking like he was about to tear Frank to shreds with his bare hands. 
You hated yourself for how easily you took her hand and let her lead you out of the library; like a child, being removed from a room by your mother because the adults were talking. You felt so lost, so completely and utterly mortified, that you barely even noticed that Karen led you back through the party and to your rooms, and into the kitchen.
“Are you okay?” Karen asked, closing the kitchen door and sealing you both in the tiny room and away from the sounds of the party.
“No, I’m not okay,” you responded sharply, “what was that?”
“Look, Billy is just -”
“Not Billy, you and Frank,” you clarified.
“I know you’re probably confused right now, but Billy really shouldn’t -”
“How is it any of your business?” You interrupted again, your voice shaking, tears threatening to spill. 
“Because it isn’t safe. Billy - when he’s like that, he isn’t safe,” she tried to tell you. “He’s sick, he -”
“I know.”
Karen faltered, obviously not expecting you to know anything about it. “He told you?”
“I’ve seen it,” you snapped, hating that you were being made to feel like a child who had no idea what was going on. “I’ve been helping him with it. And that, in there - it wasn’t that.”
Scrubbing at your eyes, you refused to cry in front of her, you refused to show anything but anger.
“I know it might seem like -”
“Like what? That he likes me?” Your voice threatened to break. “Is that really so hard to believe? That he might actually like me? That someone like him might actually want me?”
“That’s not what I meant,” Karen tried to explain, reaching out, trying to put a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
You shrugged away from her, moving towards the door and pulling it open. “Just get out.”
“I know you’re pissed, but I’m just trying to help,” Karen tried again, obviously trying to keep her own temper in check.
“I don’t need your help. I don’t want it. So, just go.”
She looked ready to argue but quickly gave up. You watched as she left and made her way back into the penthouse. 
You thought about going back to Billy but you couldn’t face anyone, you felt so embarrassed and angry, you felt like there was still so much going on that you didn’t understand. And you hated it. It made you feel like you were back home, with everyone around you making decisions for your life without bothering to consult you.
Heading to your room, you locked the door behind you and changed into your pyjamas before crawling into bed, burying your face against the bear he'd bought you as the tears started to fall.
End Note : We're now referring to Frank as Frank-cockblock-Castle, and I hope everyone enjoyed some of the little cameos, some of them will be back in later chapters to cause more trouble. Anyway, hope this chapter lived up to expectations 😅 As always, thanks for reading/commenting/liking/reblogging, it really does mean so much to me every week!! Have a great weekend!!
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geotjwrs · 22 hours
Can u do a Jenna x Male reader that’s is not famous and is like a stay at home boyfriend that helps Jenna destress everytime she gets home. And Jenna decides she finally wants to reveal who she’s dating?
Pairings ; Jenna Ortega x Male!Reader
Warning/s ; none
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Jenna Ortega walked into her home, the exhaustion of another long day on set weighing heavily on her shoulders. As she closed the door behind her, she could already smell the comforting aroma of dinner cooking, and it brought a smile to her face. She knew that Y/N, her stay-at-home boyfriend, had once again prepared something special to help her unwind.
“Hey, babe,” Y/N called from the kitchen, turning to greet her with a warm smile. “How was your day?”
“Exhausting, as always,” Jenna replied, dropping her bag and walking over to him. She wrapped her arms around him from behind, resting her head against his back. “But it’s so much better now that I’m home.”
Y/N turned around to hug her properly, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. “I’ve made your favorite pasta. Go freshen up, and dinner will be ready.”
Jenna smiled gratefully and headed upstairs to change out of her work clothes and wash away the day’s stress. When she returned, they sat down to a delicious meal, Y/N’s cooking always managing to lift her spirits.
As they ate, Jenna recounted the highlights and lowlights of her day, Y/N listening attentively and offering words of encouragement. It was a routine they had developed, a way for Jenna to decompress and for them to connect after long hours apart. The simple act of sharing a meal and talking about their days helped Jenna feel grounded and loved.
After dinner, they settled on the couch, Jenna snuggling into Y/N’s side. He wrapped an arm around her, his presence soothing and comforting. They spent the evening talking and laughing, Jenna’s worries melting away with every passing moment. They watched a few episodes of their favorite show, but Jenna could hardly pay attention to the screen; she was too busy basking in the warmth and security of Y/N’s embrace.
The next morning, they decided to spend Jenna’s rare day off at the city’s renowned art museum, one of their favorite places to visit. As they walked through the quiet halls, admiring the beautiful works of art, Jenna felt a sense of peace and contentment. She knew she was incredibly lucky to have someone like Y/N by her side, someone who supported her and helped her find balance in her hectic life.
At one point, they stopped in front of a particularly striking painting. Jenna pulled out her phone and turned to Y/N. “Let’s take a picture together.”
Y/N smiled and leaned in close as Jenna snapped a selfie of the two of them, their faces glowing with happiness. Jenna looked at the photo and felt a sudden urge to share this moment with the world. She had been thinking about it for a while, and now, surrounded by beauty and with Y/N by her side, it felt like the right time.
“Y/N,” she began, her voice soft but determined. “I think I’m ready.”
Y/N looked at her, surprised but supportive. “Ready for what?”
“To share us with the world,” she replied. “I want people to know how much you mean to me.”
Y/N squeezed her hand. “If you’re sure, then I’m with you all the way.”
With a deep breath, Jenna opened her Instagram app and selected the photo they had just taken.
@jennaortega posted a photo!
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liked by username and 2,129,710 others
jennaortega A perfect day with my favorite person. i love you. 💗
She hit “post,” and almost immediately, her phone began buzzing with notifications. They continued their tour of the museum, periodically checking their phones to see the reactions. The response was overwhelmingly positive, with fans and friends expressing their love and support.
As they moved to another exhibit, Jenna’s phone buzzed with a message from her sister, Aliyah.
Aliyah: Finally! You two are adorable! So happy for you both! Can’t wait to double date soon!
Jenna laughed and showed the message to Y/N. “Looks like we’ve got plans to make.”
He grinned. “Sounds like fun.”
They spent hours exploring the museum, losing themselves in the art and each other’s company. They stopped frequently to take more pictures, capturing candid moments of laughter and joy. Jenna felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for these simple, precious moments with Y/N.
That evening, back at home, they curled up on the couch, scrolling through the positive comments and messages. Jenna’s phone buzzed again, this time with a call from her mom.
“Hey, Mom,” Jenna answered.
“Hi, sweetie! I saw your post. He seems like a wonderful guy. I can’t wait to meet him properly,” her mom said warmly.
“You’ll love him, Mom. He’s amazing,” Jenna replied, glancing over at Y/N with a smile.
After hanging up, Jenna turned to Y/N. “Ready for the family meet-and-greet?”
Y/N chuckled. “Absolutely. Bring it on.”
As they continued to read through the messages, one from her co-star, Emma caught her eye.
Emma ❤️‍🔥: I knew something was up! You two look so happy together. Congrats!
Jenna showed Y/N the message, and they both laughed. “Looks like we weren’t as subtle as we thought,” Y/N said with a grin.
Jenna snuggled closer to him, feeling a profound sense of contentment. They had taken a big step today, and it had brought them even closer together. No matter what opposition lay ahead, they knew they could face them together.
“Thank you for being patient with me,” Jenna said softly.
Y/N kissed her forehead. “Thank you for letting me be a part of your world.”
Over the next few weeks, Jenna and Y/N’s relationship continued to blossom. They navigated the new dynamic of being public with ease, their bond only growing stronger. Y/N became a fixture in Jenna’s world, attending events with her, supporting her through her busy schedule, and continuing to be her safe haven.
The response from fans and the public remained positive, with many praising Jenna for being open and honest about her relationship. It was a new chapter in their lives, one filled with love, laughter, and the promise of many more adventures together.
One evening, as they sat on the balcony, watching the sunset, Jenna turned to Y/N with a smile. “I’m so glad we did this.”
“Me too,” Y/N replied, taking her hand. “Here’s to many more perfect days together.”
They clinked their glasses in a toast, the future looking brighter than ever. Together, they had faced their fears and taken a leap of faith, and it had paid off in the most beautiful way possible. Their love was now out in the open, embraced by the people who mattered most, and they couldn’t be happier.
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jamiebluewind · 17 hours
Eclipse the kitten update
(please don't glitch tumblr it's the tenth time I've tried!!!)
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Previous post
Welp! Winter's boy has a respiratory infection. It was causing him to wheeze so to the vet we went! Luckily it wasn't a diaphram issue (which had us worried because of his umbilical hernia). His hernia also came up normal on his x-rays.
(X-rays left out because might bother people, but I can send them on request)
He's on meds several times a day and taking them like a champ, but had to be put in a pen with limited free playtime (because nothing will stop Mr Indestructible from running around the house with all the grace of a car with no breaks). We DID get a reply after just a week from a really nice person who was going to give us one (shocked us let me tell ya because it was BIG dog sized). Unfortunately, they left it outside for us to pick up and someone else just... took it. Right out of their yard. And since all we had was a small cat carrier to keep him in (which was kinda cruel for more than a day or two tops), we ordered a cat playpen that we got for a decent price. We kept looking until it got here, but no luck. Still! It's a nice playpen and we have it set up so he doesn't have to jump if he doesn't want to (plus more vertical to enjoy later on). Sarah's mom also let us borrow her water fountain!
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We went to a new vet as ours was booked up (and he had already been wheezing a day). Everyone basically fell in love with him instantly. He left with a little toy from the tech, they gave Winter a jar of honey (one of the people in the office has bees and they wanted to give her something for caring about a kitten that most wouldn't have despite him having a treatable condition), and they've been checking in on how he is recovering (very well since I first typed this actually). He's basically got an entire vet office wrapped around his little paw.
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Also, the non-profit we're taking him to for his surgery had a cancelation and his got moved up to the 12th! Counting down the days yall.
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Because I gotta kinda mention it, this hit us where it hurts. Between the vet visit and testing, the pen, and the estimated cost for the surgery and followup, it's gonna cost us more than $2k (as long as nothing ELSE goes wrong). We're lucky that we're all super careful with our money, but there's only so much we can save up with three people below the poverty line. Still worth it though. I mean, look at this doofus
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He is so stubborn that we can't leave scratch posts upright because he keeps doing THIS! XD
I'm linking Winter's paypal, but I 1000% understand if you can't help out. Still, a reblog and a word or three mean a LOT to all of us so if you got a minute, I'd love some new post additions to show Winter.
(Truth be told, the only reason all the updates are posted on my tumblr is because I'm the longest winded out of the three of us and I take like 5 billion pictures. XD )
Speaking of, there WOULD be a bonus pic of him and his sister (Melanite, aka Miel) playing under my chair as my cat (Danny) looks on from a safe place, but tumblr kept glitching when I added it.
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jyuansgf · 2 days
❀ nsfw content ahead. ruan mei x fem!reader (wlw) ⌗ use of sex toys (vibrator), multiple orgasms, praise. not proofread.
notes: wow i write for women.. jsfhdghggnhg this is lowkey a manifestation for her to come home to me on her rerun.. pls pray for my pulls T___T i just want her to call me a good girl!!! let me be ur lab rat!!!!! this woman!!!! i love her!!!!!!!
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even though you consider yourself lucky to be dating ruan mei–she has always been away due to work matters or anything that requires her attention. sometimes you would even find it frustrating to be away from your lover because god knows what’s taking her away from you but you know better than to not butt in to whatever she is working on, always, whether it would be an experiment or just another disaster that other people would have to deal with later on.
but of course, whenever she comes home–she never forgets to bring something for you, a present. it could be either some ornament, books, necklaces or anything that reminds her of you. but this time.. it was quite something that you weren’t familiar with, or at least. she says it was something to experiment on you, specifically. you even asked her what it was or who gave it to her, but she will only reply with: someone gave it to her as a gift. 
it didn’t even take you a minute to say yes to her, with how eager you have been for the pleasure derived from the touch of your loving girlfriend. yet there you are, placed on her work desk with your legs wide open. your dripping cunny exposed to her, desperate to be touched and to feel her fingers inside you. . even the vibrator lodged in to your warm hole wasn’t enough to fill in the gaps.
as she gently spoke, “is it not.. pleasuring you well? or should i do this?” do what exactly..? you thought to yourself. her hand resting on your soft thighs—not even looking up to you as her attention was between your thighs, studying the way your cunt reacts to the said toy before pulling out a remote, followed with a click sound. she must be increasing the vibrator.
“w–what is— ah!” you began to speak—until you were stopped by a sudden jolt of intense pleasure, making you arch your back as you tried to grab the edge of the desk to prevent you from falling. the way your cunt was making those squelching noises as your legs felt like it was gonna give up anytime was embarrassing.
“mhm,” ruan mei hummed as she was a bit startled by your reaction, but you swear to god that you heard her let out a soft chuckle with her signature smile. “feels good, isn’t it? i thought it would be a failed experiment. but just as i expected from you.” 
not even a single thought passed your mind at the situation you were in—and even though you wanted to say something it would only be converted into incoherent words. being reduced to a drooling, crying, overstimulated mess just from the vibrator as she gently wiped your tears before gently lifting up your chin to make you look at her, making you suck on her thumb.
“if you can cum again for me, i promise i’ll make it up to you,” as she placed a gentle kiss on your forehead, “what do you say, my pretty girl?” you could only nod your head, in sign of complete submission. too lost from the pleasure and desperation, as if this wasn’t your fourth orgasm. . but as long as you get to feel her warmth against your body again, you would do anything. 
“good girl.”
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butmakeitgayblog · 2 days
can we talk about how lexa would act if clarke came walking out the bathroom with no pants on and lexa just dead stops mid conversation and just stares mouth wide open even tho the conversation was a serious one at that. she doesnt even continue talking until clarke is out of site because she just cant get out of the bubble of clarke with no pants and smirking the hell out of her.the rest of the days meetings are just not gonna work for her anymore.
I actually think Lexa would be quite adorable when it came to having Clarke feeling so comfortable in her space. Don't get me wrong, I agree with you in that, at first, it would take some time for her to get used to it. Not just having someone in her space like that, but Clarke specifically in her space. And nude. On a regular basis.
I think at first she'd be rather struck by it. The feeling of waking up and looking over and seeing Clarke sleeping on her extra pillow. Hair a blonde trainwreck (idk why but i feel like canon Clarke is a messy sleeper when she actually gets a full 8hrs in an actual bed), mouth slightly open in little kitten snores, and yet all Lexa can do is try and breathe normally because her heart pounds so hard it almost hurts.
But more it's the casual intimacies I think that would hit Lexa the hardest (in entirely good ways). The moments of discussing their plans for the day as Clarke pads out of the bathroom fresh from a bath, her hair slightly darkened from the water and smelling like Lexa's soaps. Smelling like Lexa herself. Almost like a... Like a claim over her. Over each other. Because that's what they do now 😳. They really do smell like each other's soaps and perfumes. They get dressed together sleep together and eat dinner together, and also Clarke likes to steal Lexa's slightly too big lounge shirts that show off just a little bit of buttcheek and a whole lot of cleavage when perpetually left half undone, just to parade around her their room while she gets ready for bed. Like she owns it. (She does. She owns everything, including the contents of her wardrobe and also Lexa's entire ass.)
And just. Sometimes it'd be more than Lexa can really make any sense of.
Because love was supposed to be weakness, and while she is indeed weak for this fuckin chaotic mess of a woman, the moments when Clarke catches her staring and grins at her, when Lexa can't stop herself from grinning right back at being caught... nothing about this between them feels like anything other than strength. Certainly not when Clarke adds an extra sway to her hips just because she knows Lexa is watching. When Lexa gets to the point where it's not quite so overwhelming thinking about Clarke in her space and in her clothes and in her bed that she can walk right up and put her hands on those hips without questioning if the touch is welcome.
So yeah, I think it'd be a process, but also once the dams had been opened I think Lexa would've welcomed it. All she'd wanted from the start was for Clarke to want her to be close too, and while I think some lingering hesitance from fear of invoking Clarke's anger would linger for awhile, I believe wholeheartedly it wouldn't take long for Miss Body Glitter Sultry Eyes Grabby Hands kom Lesbiankru to relax into the reality of being with Clarke. I think she'd look, and enjoy looking. And more than that, I think she'd enjoy the fact that Clarke knows she's looking. Aaand I think, despite being a walking gay 404 error message at any given moment, I think that flirty little shit would be making bedroom eyes at Clarke whenever she got the chance.
Especially when it involved her girl wearing no pants.
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eww-y-tho · 15 hours
Okay, fair warning, this is long, so tldr, it's a rant about the "Debling is better" and "Colin should have suffered more" take, so just so you know, you know?
I can accept disliking friends to lovers or thinking they don't have chemistry (even though I don't agree with it and I think the people who say that don't know what chemistry is or means) except this bizarrely widespread Debling take and the "Colin hasn't suffered enough," take because that makes it clear that you weren't paying any attention to the season.
I'm sorry, but Penelope has been through the wringer. Her family only cares about her if she marries and treats her like trash otherwise, makes her feel inferior and incapable of being loved and cherished, and broke down her confidence. She is right when she says the ton considers her a spinster and a laughingstock, and Cressida among other women consistently sabotages her. She's not in a position where she can make demands and her main goal at the beginning of the season is to literally get away from her family.
Her (honestly not best) best friend has abandoned her and linked with Cressida and engages in gossip about her. Obviously, Eloise still cares for her a lot, but Penelope doesn't know that. She's lost hope that the one man who's always treated her well and with respect and actually listens to what she has to say before making a judgement and can speak freely about her deepest thoughts would ever love her back because of one stupid comment.
We know throughout her character arc that Penelope's yearning for love and a passionate romance, especially with Colin, has been a consistent desire for her.
As this is the darkest point in her character arc, the story demands that she deserves the one thing she's asking for: love. A person who will value her and cherish her and make her feel special and sexy and worthy of being with someone.
aka not Lord Debling.
Like, I don't know how you can stand on two feet with this argument because you're literally supporting Portia's opinion. You know, the character that's been insufferable the entire first half of s3 (and presumably the second half).
Colin is right when he says that Pen hardly knows Debling compared to him. Again, it's not about "which one you like better," it's about Penelope's character arc and what she needs to be fulfilled in the plot.
Also, anyone who says Colin hasn't suffered enough, like what??? Yes, Penelope's been rejected so many times it's almost ridiculous, but it's not like Colin wasn't affected by his denial/obliviousness/naivety either. He was depriving himself of the love of his life without even knowing it.
His intrinsic, hopeless romantic nature was beaten out of him with every subsequent season until he succumbed to society's expectations and pretended to be a rake despite his love and respect for the women in his life, and being a people pleaser because of his experiences literally stunted him.
S1 was him being deceived into a romantic relationship with someone who didn't love him and was using him, S2 was just a mess of an identity crisis mixed with a healthy dose of alcoholic beverages. He felt aimless in life and was isolated. His only saving grace was Penelope and her letters, so it's no surprise when Pen stops replying to them Colin freaks out some more.
People literally want to use Colin as a punching bag. His ONLY sin in the story is making the 2x8 comment. And I hate to be that guy but compare that to Anthony, who was at the altar with his love interest's SISTER.
Anyway, yeah, rant over.
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inevitablypazzi · 6 hours
Can I Be Him — A Pazzi Fic
Wherein Paige Bueckers, UConn’s prolific point guard, has been in love with Azzi Fudd, her longtime best friend and current teammate for the longest time. The persistence in scouting the girl to the huskies was not for nothing. But of course, Paige kept this fact to herself. Yet, even after all these years, behind the basketball star’s confident and cocky-like attitude, lies insecurities for seemingly not being enough for Azzi.  Azzi constantly reminding Paige of the reality that she may never have feelings for the girl the same way the girl has for her when she repeatedly talks to Paige about her boy problems, deflates the latter’s self-esteem, while Azzi remains unaware. With the next season around the corner and Paige’s newfound courage to move on from Azzi, what would become of their relationship?
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
word count: 1,127
“You know you can’t just bribe me with a Shirley Temple and not explain your side of what happened earlier.” Azzi laughs at Paige’s way of getting her to speak up and communicate. She sure knows how to make the younger laugh and open up to her.
Azzi places down her drink and gives in, “I was jealous of you and Nika.”
Paige, shocked by Azzi’s confession, chokes on her drink. Azzi panics, standing up and getting behind Paige, then proceeding to hardly slap her back repeatedly as an attempt to ‘save’ the girl.
“Azzi what the hell are you doing?!” Paige’s face was red from choking and was even struggling to question Azzi’s action.
“Helping! What does it look like I’m doing?!” Azzi seemed offended Paige was even asking that question.
“Well, stop it! You’re making me choke even more!” Azzi lets out a low ‘oh’ in realization and scratches her head, “My bad, went a little overboard.” She apologizes and sits back down, now avoiding eye contact with the blonde.
Silence followed Paige’s choking incident, but she wouldn’t let Azzi not expound on what she just said a while ago.
“What did you mean when you said you were jealous of me and Nika?” Paige breaks the silence and Azzi’s face turns hot in an instant, something Paige was oblivious to but Azzi felt like she was literally in the Sahara while being in an airconditioned establishment.
“Azzi?” Paige noticed Azzi looked out of it, growing concerned.
The older girl stretches her arm and feels Azzi’s face. When Azzi flinches, Paige grips her arm tightly but not roughly, “Are you sick?”
“What? No?” Azzi answers with a short and fake laugh to break the tension she felt.
Paige had her hand on Azzi’s face longer than she should have, not even realizing that she has been longing for Azzi’s presence after an entire summer of not seeing each other because of Azzi spending more time with Parker. She sees Azzi’s intense stare at her and pulls back her hand, clears her throat, and recoups herself.
“How are things with you and Parker?” Paige’s questions catches Azzi off guard, making her uncomfortable, but she plays it off not wanting Paige to think she’s the one making her feel that way when in fact it was the mention of Parker.
Azzi takes a sip of her drink before answering, “He’s funny. Nice. Great at basketball.”
“Are you interested in him?” The blue eyed girl asks Azzi with softness written all over her eyes and at this point, Azzi knew they were eyes she wanted to keep seeing for the rest of her life. So, despite knowing the answer to the question deep inside her heart, she chooses to lie.
“I am.” Two words that were enough for Paige’s heart to drop. Yet, she loves the girl too much. Enough for her to choose to lie to herself if it was to make the girl happy. She gives Azzi a genuine smile, “That’s all I needed to know.” Paige wanted to say so much more, but it was all she could get herself to say.
She was in pain, but that didn’t matter because her best friend had finally found herself someone and what she felt didn’t matter. She should be happy for Azzi and she was trying. If it was for Azzi, there’s nothing she wouldn’t do.
Seeing how Paige was seemingly happy for her, Azzi thought it was the perfect time to explain herself and the incident regarding Paige and Nika earlier, “About Nika. Ice made me realize I was jealous of the fact Nika and you are starting to have the friendship we share. Which sort of aggravated me once I saw you were also starting to care for her the same way you care for me, leading me to say those words to you.”
Paige just listened to the girl carefully, her heart too heavy to even say a word.
“I’m sorry for what I said, Paige. I truly am sorry. You are not careless nor stupid. If anyone was at that moment, it was me and I just–” Azzi starts rambling out of guilt and as Paige recognizes it, cutting off the curly haired girl immediately, “Can you stand for me?”
“Huh?” Azzi, confused, doesn’t do what Paige asks of her. 
Paige is forced to leave her seat, walks up to Azzi’s side, gently grabbing her arm up for her to stand, and hugs her. She hugs her tightly and although the shorter one was puzzled, she hugs her back in the same intensity she was being hugged. Azzi craved Paige’s presence just as much as Paige craved Azzi’s, yet none of them knew that. But for a moment, their hug communicated the longing the two had for each other.
“Close or far. With me or without me. Even if you see me or you don’t. You’ll always have me as your best friend, Paige.” And that was it. Azzi’s words were enough for Paige to hug her tighter and make up her mind about moving on because in the end this was the extent of their relationship.
Azzi will never see you as more than her best friend and it would be unfair for her if you do. A tear falls from Paige’s eye and she sniffles as a result, making it known to Azzi that her best friend had gotten emotional, but when she attempts to check up on Paige by releasing herself from the girl’s embrace, Paige repositions her left arm to Azzi’s head, pushing it gently back to her shoulder.
“You’ll always have me as your best friend too, Azzi.” This time, it was Azzi’s turn to be teary eyed and bury her head deeper into Paige’s shoulder.
“Let me make it up to you. From now on I’ll be a better best friend.” Paige promises and Azzi wasn’t so sure if she even wanted Paige to fulfill it.
I don’t want you to. A thought that stayed in Azzi’s mind, unable to get past her tongue because she was too scared. Too caught up in the possible consequences. Too frightened she’d lose the best thing she’s ever had. 
I’m yours. Words that Paige always told Azzi and she always never knew what to say in response, but right now, she did, although it may have been too late. Paige Bueckers was the best Azzi Fudd’s ever had and she’s known it since forever, but has been too much of a coward to admit it. Not until now that she’s starting to lose the girl. Meanwhile for Paige, all the years of her asking herself the question ‘Can I be him?’ has finally been answered: She no longer can.
a/n: here's a sort of filler chapter. sorry to have kept those who anticipate updates waiting. hopefully everyone's doing well. much love. <3
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