#that I haven’t gotten notes on my eddie fics
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eddiernunson · 11 months
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Really Drives Me Mad | EX-bfs dad!Eddie Munson x Reader | 18+
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Word Count: 10k
Warnings; degradation/praise, deep throating, eating out, edging
Author's note: Hope you don't mind but I made the reader both a swifitie and team Edward this chapter. I do appreciate all the love I've gotten for this fic. Here's part 3!
The general reaction you’ve received over the last two weeks was Are you out of your mind? 
While Bethany heard you out on how it happened and why it felt like a sigh of relief being with Eddie, your mom lost her damn mind. As you spoke to her, you did your best to have a civil conversation until it just ended up being her lecturing you over the speaker while you finished up cleaning the dishes.
When she realizes you haven’t responded in a while and asks if you're still there, you pick up the phone from the window ledge and unmute yourself. “Mom, seems like you’re not interested in what I have to say about this, only about how it looks. Until you’re ready to listen, I’ll let you go.” Your finger hits the red hang up button, noting the time to the call being 45 minutes. You told her the situation about five minutes in and ever since, she had spent her time venting about Eddie and how irresponsible you were, as if she hadn't listened to anything you had to say about it. 
“Are you sure you really thought this through?” Skyler, your roommate asks you as she brings her bowl over to you. 
You huff, grabbing it from her and soaking it in the hot soapy water. “Thought what through?”
“You and him. Long term.”
You resist the urge to roll your eyes at her. “Who said anything about this being long term? What if it’s just for now?” 
“Is it just for now? Because you went into it with Dylan claiming all you wanted was someone to commit to you.” She pauses, and you look her in the eyes as if to say get on with it. “When you had someone fully committed, someone willing to stay in it for the long haul, you left him.” 
“I didn’t get scared of his commitment, Sky!” You exclaimed, a little thrown off by it. 
“Really? Because you were so eager to introduce him to literally anyone?” Skyler throws at you, and she had a point. Your hesitation in meeting Eddie had everything to do with the fact that Dylan was more committed to your relationship than you were.
You were literally every guy you had hooked up with before Dylan, getting angry that he would act like a boyfriend except for the life long stuff. 
Fuck. What a hypocrite you were. 
“Fine, his commitment scared me a bit.” You admit, washing one last dish before draining the sink. “But it’s not why I left him.”
“For his dad.”
You sigh, eyebrows raised at her tone. “Yes, for his dad.” 
“Have you considered that when you’re his age, he’ll be in his 60s?”
“So?” You ask her, moving to the couch in the living room. 
“That’s not a relationship built to last.”
“Why can’t that be up to us to decide?” You ask her, wrapping the throw blanket around you and tucking yourself into the couch. “Look, I get your concern. I truly do. From the outside, me and Dylan were doing everything right. Having adventures, going Instagram official. Then we were meeting the families, getting comfortable.” You pause, rubbing your hair out of your face. “If I was 19/20, I would completely understand. I mean, I wouldn’t, but if that were the scenario, your concern would make sense. But I’m not. I’m 25. My frontal lobe is fully developed. I know that if I get together with Eddie then he’ll always be 20 years older than me. He’ll always have a different perspective on life than I do.” 
“You’ll always be tied to Dylan.” She points out. 
“We dated for six weeks.” You counter, a pinch appearing between your brows. “While we haven’t discussed our long term goals, I don’t see this being casual. It’s different with him. Nothing feels off about being with him. I’ve never felt safer.”
She pauses, assessing your face and the way you relax as you start talking about Eddie. “Fuck. You’ve never seemed this relaxed when talking about Dylan. Not once.”
“I wasn’t.” 
The comfort of Eddie’s chest breathing in and out underneath you as you lie right on top of him on the living room couch was soothing as you watched Twilight together. It took some convincing, but he let you press play on it and smirked over your shoulder at the blue filter.
No one had ever told him that the soundtrack was so good, though. 
It was maybe a half hour into the movie, and Eddie couldn’t figure out why every guy in her school just had to have her. The smile on your face as you settled into a comfort movie was worth the watch, though. 
You had texted him a few days prior, Eddie having given you his number before dropping you off at your apartment to face the real world. He was due back at his shop, having to settle management bullshit and deal with an unhappy customer or two to settle their complaints over the new apprentice. Ownership was nice, when they knew how to do their job. 
When can I see you next? 
When the six words lit up his screen, Eddie wanted to tell you to drive on over to his shop. He wanted to get in his truck and drive over to wherever the hell you are so he could text back Right Now. He knew your words were calculated, something not to seem too desperate to see him next, but truth be told, even if you were desperate it wouldn’t have made any difference; he was already hooked on you. He texted back to tell you the following Saturday, a day he knew he had no plans for the following day, so you could spend the night. 
He felt fucking crazy for thinking it, but now that he'd had you in his bed, it felt too big without you. 
Now here you lay with him, he sat in the corner of his couch while you snuggle up to him, and he could stay like this for hours, the sweet shampoo in his nose and the sound of your breaths comforting. He feels you slowly relax into him, all your body losing its tension. Occasionally, your arm would tighten around his torso or you would dig into him deeper. He appreciates the feeling, rubbing his fingers delicately along your skin.
The front door opens, and he feels you tense up as Dylan makes his way in. “Oh, great.” He mutters, and turns around to head straight up the stairs. 
Your body jerks to watch him, and your eyes catch Eddie’s for a moment. “I’ll be right back.” 
Eddie nods, seeing the fixed line your mouth made. He leans in to kiss you, an act of care more than anything else. You lean into it, your eyes closing automatically, breath hitching. “I’ll be here.”
The length up the stairs seemed to grow as you reached the top, this act something you have been dreading for days. Having told Bethany and Skyler about Eddie, they both felt bad for Dylan. In fact, your shitty attempt at an apology was met with a smack on the head with a nearby scrap paper by Sky. You knew Dylan deserved better. Fuck, did you know that. 
Here you stand in front of his door, sounds of a tv show on in the background while he presumably plays on his computer. Dylan was more the type to create joy out of finding a new favourite hiking trail or to take an archery class, but Eddie has said he’s been cooped up in his room. He goes to work, comes home and says barely two words before retreating upstairs. 
Not like you blamed him for it. 
Before you could hesitate any longer, you finally knock on his door. The sounds of his keys stop, and you barely hear the footsteps towards the door over your own heartbeat. The door opens to Dylan, and the disappointment when he sees you is evident, his face hardening. “What?”
“Can I come in?”
He seems to think on this, and you hope the outfit you have chosen, jeans with an oversized sweatshirt and your hair in a messy bun helps with the psychology of it, but when it came down to it, it was his decision. “…Sure.” You light up in surprise, having expected to do the apologizing in his door frame. You follow him in, and it’s an awkward moment of silence before he goes to sit in his desk chair. “Have a seat, I guess.” 
Your butt hits the edge of the bed, barely scraping the box spring. “Would it be cheesy if I recommended you listened to Speak Now, track 3?”
His eyebrows furrow, and it’s so like you to recommend a fucking Taylor song for the scenario. He has to laugh. “Taylor’s Version?”
“Of course.”
“Which is…?”
“Back To December.”
He tilts his head, this situation incredibly peculiar. “Remind me how that goes?”
A smile reaches your face, and you look at your lap sheepishly. 
“She apologizes…and clearly admits she was in the wrong after a person treats her very well and didn’t deserve it.” You pause, looking up at him.
“A little bit.” He admits, but the first wall is down. The look in his eye when he sees you doesn’t scream rage. 
“I can’t express how sorry I am for hurting you the way I did.” You start, watching for his reaction. “First, for stringing you along… But, you were the best looking guy at that mixer, and at that moment in time I truly did want to know you. None of that was fake.” He nods, considering this. “Then it started to feel, I don’t know, comfortable. I had people telling me how lucky I was to have you, daily, and with the men out there, god they were so right.” You gulp, and he can’t seem to look you in the eye. “I felt like there must’ve been something wrong with me not to be head over heels for you, cause there wasn’t anything wrong with you.”
“When did you know you wanted to break up with me?” 
“I can’t say for sure.” You tell him, and it was probably about two weeks ago, but that felt cruel. “But the moment we got back into your car I should’ve ended things.”
“You knew about him that fast, huh?” He asks you, his eyes appearing glossy. “You know, if you would’ve been honest I would have been absolutely choked, confused even, but I would have given you his number.”
You nod, because of fucking course Dylan would’ve been nice enough. “See, you’re so kind because that never occurred to me. I thought you would’ve dropped me off at home.”
“Probably.” Dylan admits, thinking about the possibilities if you’d broken up with him earlier. “Maybe not.”
“I’m so sorry for cheating on you, though. Of course, knowing your mom’s history shouldn’t have made a difference but—”
“Yeah. Kind of fucked me up.” Dylan leans back in his chair, and a smile reaches his face as he looks back to you. 
“I know that if me and Eddie keep dating that I could never, ever even remotely be a parental figure, and frankly I’m not looking to be your mom, but I hope one day you can trust me again.”
“See, how do I know you won’t do the same thing to him?”
It hurt, but it was fair. “You made me feel safe. But your dad—” he cringes, “Eddie, he makes me feel free.” 
Dylan turns around in his chair, considering this. “I believe that.”
“Wait, you do?”
“Yeah. When I walked in today sure, I was annoyed. Seeing my ex girlfriend in a new happy relationship with the person she cheated on me with is kind of annoying. But you were never that comfortable with me. That look of…contentment. I’ve never seen it before.” He sighs, doing another turn in his chair. 
“Have you and your dad spoken about it?”
“No. I’m pretty fucking mad at him. I’ll forgive him, one day. If you’re sticking around, I'll have to, because I’m not staying with my mom and her new perfect family. But we dated for six weeks. I was only starting to think I was falling in love with you. Thank god I never got there. Even then.”
“Don’t put all the blame on him.” You jump to his defense, and wow, did this sound bad. “I made the first move.”
“Good to know.” He pauses. “That’s all I want to know, for the record. No more details… I've heard enough.”
“I am sorry, though Dylan. In another universe, we date and I let you down properly and you meet your dad’s girlfriend a few weeks later who turns out to be your ex.” You laugh, just picturing it. 
“Sounds like a rom com.” 
“Honestly it’s an intriguing concept.” You get up from his bed, the conversation having met its end. 
“I can’t forgive you, yet. But that was the fucking apology I deserved the first time.”
You cringe at it, this memory is something you can already see haunting you at 3am.
“Can we pretend like that one never happened?”
“No. It’s great material to have in a back pocket. Who apologizes to their ex with brand new hickeys on their neck?"
“Okay, point taken!” You yell at him as you walk out the door. 
“Bye.” He calls out, and the door shuts behind you. 
You meet Eddie back at the couch, the movie paused while he scrolls through his phone. “What are you scrolling on?” You tease him, sitting easily back where you were before.
“Oh the uh, Facebook videos.” He says off-handedly, and you roll your eyes. “What?”
“Who uses Facebook nowadays?” You joke, knowing full you still updated yours occasionally.
He chuckles, nipping at your shoulder. You grab the remote by his leg, pressing play. “How did it go?”
“Better.” You sigh, watching Bella awkwardly ask him to hang out at the beach. “Much, much better. Doesn’t scream pure hatred in his face every time he looks at me anymore.”
“Makes one of us.” Eddie jokes, and you grab his hand to place a kiss, comforting him. 
The movie continues, and Eddie has never fully paid attention to the movie before, having come out in his late 20s. It was ridiculous, to say the least. The plot thickens as Bella discovers his true nature and Eddie can't help but notice a particular smile creep on your face as Edward mutters something about a lion falling in love with a lamb. Creepy. 
“Do-do you have a crush on Edward?” He asks, his voice particularly bewildered. 
Your eyes bug out, and you bite back the smile breaking out on your face with much failure.
“What? No.”
“Oh, you totally do.” Eddie chuckles, shaking his head. 
“Shut up.”
Another five minutes pass and your stomach rumbles, prompting Eddie to get up and walk to the kitchen to make you something. “Want something with chicken, rice, spice, what do you want, baby?” He calls out, and you now stare openly at the tv as the baseball scene is showing, and you’ve always considered Edward just to be a bit extra hot in this scene. 
His question takes a moment to register. “Butter chicken?” You ask him. 
He peeks his head out to the music on the screen, and immediately sees the look on your face. A big smile is plastered on your face, chin resting on your fingertips as you sit cross legged. Fucking. Teenage Vampires. He rolls his eyes, rejecting the jealousy. He isn't going to be jealous over this. Nope.
He finishes the food, putting a bowl out for you, Dylan, and himself out. “Dylan! Food if you want it!” He calls out, and he brings two of the bowls for you and him, the smell of his cooking more than welcome. “Here baby.” He kisses your forehead, sitting next to you as you take a big inhale. 
“Holy shit, thank you, Ed.” You tell him, and Eddie is perplexed at your ability to forget to eat a single thing until the hunger pains kick in. He supposes his food habits at 25 weren’t the greatest, either. Now that he thinks about it, he pretty much lived off energy drinks, coffee, and the occasional hot food Wayne would force down his throat.
You inhale the food, the empty bowl on the coffee table within minutes. “Want more?” You’re hypnotized by the screen, having barely heard him. Why did he want to fight a seventeen-year-old vampire? “Baby?”
“Want more?”
“Oh sure! Thank you.” The shine in your eyes brightens up as you look up at him, and it settles his jealousy. For the most part. 
Eddie scoops himself and you another bowl, seeing Dylan hasn’t grabbed his yet. “Dylan! Food’s getting cold! Come eat!” 
Dylan comes out, actually looking like he was in a better mood than he was before.
“Oh, shit, Twilight?” He comments, shaking his head. “She’s a hard Team Edward girl. Hard.” 
“I’ve noticed. Here.” Eddie would’ve usually taken the win from his son joking with him but the jealousy that sat eating his gut was so fucking annoying. Why the fuck was he so annoyed at this stupid vampire?
“Oh it's not so fun now, is it?” Dylan calls out, running back up the stairs. 
This makes Eddie smile, like things might go back to normal. The screaming match with him after you had left made him believe he truly severed his relationship with him, but this gave him an inch of hope. 
Eddie gives you the second serving and you tear through it again, leaving the bowl in front of you empty. As Eddie finishes his own, he starts to lean into you, placing delicate kisses on the little exposed skin you provided for him today. He moves you so you’re lying on top of him.
The movie is about to end, Bella waking up in a hospital with frankly, an off-putting delivery of the lines she was given. His hands make their way up past the hem of your sweater, reaching to touch some skin as he continues. A pinch makes its way in between your eyebrows down at him. “What’s this about?”
“Nothing. Just wanted to touch you.” You don't believe him, but you also don't mind the touches, as they were certainly doing their job as far as foreplay goes, so you lean back into him. Just when Eddie thought the end was near there’s a whole-ass prom scene and he nearly groans in frustration. Your legs intertwine with his, and he gets a sneaky idea, peering over your shoulder to move his leg over the teensiest bit. 
He moves his leg as if he was lifting one leg to rest on its foot. He moves it a bit faster than necessary, aiming for where your ass sat lower than normal on his body. 
As his knee jerks into your cunt, you gasp, a heat having already gathered from the movie alone, his teasing doing nothing to help. 
“Shit, sorry baby. Was just trying to move my leg.” One look at his face tells you it was a bold-faced lie and you give him an exasperated look. “What?” A series of shots that didn’t make the movie at the end show and Eddie rolls his eyes. “Prick.” He mutters under his breath to an image of Edward on the screen. 
“What was that?” You ask him, unsure you even heard him right. “Eddie, were you jealous?” You ask incredulously, the very idea of it is just bizarre. 
“What? No!” Eddie dismisses it far too quickly, but the satisfaction as he turns the tv off is too much to deny. 
“Eddie! He’s a fictional character. You do realize you share the same name, right?” Eddie rolls his eyes, slightly ticked off he let himself get caught being jealous. You crawl up to his face, the knee against your cunt having left a throb of more want. “Besides, there’s nothing to be jealous of.” You lean in to kiss him, still lying on top of him. As you tilt your head to deepen it, Eddie feels weak as your tongue meets his own and the way you’re gasping into his open mouth is filthy. “Nothing.” You emphasize, biting on his bottom lip. 
Eddie bites back a moan, his eyes rolling back as your teeth linger. You frame his face, kissing along the path of his stubble, his gorgeous jaw line, his freckled neck, the dip of his collarbone. 
You pause, taking a quick pause to suck on the collarbone lightly, biting into it to make one little claim of your own. You sit back on it, admiring the way it's already started to bruise. You continue, your hand absentmindedly moving his shirt up his torso so you could kiss your way down. You lick across a nipple, and his chest stunts in response. Down his torso you go until you meet the treasure of all treasure trails. You pause, inhaling at the scent, and the musk intoxicates you so much that you can’t help yourself, licking at it. Fuck. 
Finally, you get to his jean waistband, and you tug twice, making sure it's okay. Eddie moves to unbutton it for you, and you swat him away. “I wanna do it.” You tell him, picking up where he left off. You tug the jeans off, your fingers hooked meticulously so his boxers come off with them. 
His cock springs free and you look up to his face. By now Eddie has lost all clear thought, and he’s sure it started the moment you started working on his collarbone. Somehow it just got better and better as you went further down, every touch of your tongue against his skin sending fucking waves through him. But the look of…elation that you give him as you free his cock, like you couldn’t believe you get to be so lucky to suck on it, had him in pure ecstasy. 
You leaned in to take a long swipe on it, a slow lick from the base to the tip, and his cock is nearly down your throat before he could even register it. Relentlessly, you bob your head, fist gripping what you can't fit. You hear him swear loudly, and you let go with a popping sound. His hand finds its way to your face, framing it. You peer up at him, and his half opened eyes and a disbelieving smile gives you an unmatched sense of pride. 
“Holy shit.” He mutters, his thumb crossing your bottom lip slowly. 
You smile, lifting his hand from your face and into your hair, curling your fist over his so he would grip it tightly. You go back to work, mouth watering as you continue to bob up and down. Eddie slowly starts pushing on your head, forcing you to take a little bit more of him at a time. Your gag reflex fights it, and he can feel it. 
“Relax your throat baby.” He whispers. “Just relax it.” You think about it, letting the tense muscles of your jaw and attempting to swallow the spit to soften. He can feel a shift, his cock still in the heat of your mouth. “Oh, good girl.” 
He thrusts his hips up, and his cock finds itself down your throat, a feat you’ve never been able to accomplish before. The base of his cock meets your nose, and he stops, watching you adjust as tears come to your eyes from the stinging. “Holy shit, good fucking girl.” He mumbles, sweeping his hand through your hair. “So good.”
He pulls on your scalp so you move up and back down a few times, and you find it impossibly easy to submit yourself to him, allowing him to fuck your throat.
Eddie guides you off his cock, you look up at him for his appraisal and he frames your face to wonder how he was so lucky as he looks at your cocked-out eyes. “Oh, what a good little slut.” He mutters, pulling you up to his face. 
You crawl up eagerly, and he kisses you gently, not chaste, but not quite as dirty as before. He breaks away, still connecting your foreheads. “Let’s go upstairs, yeah?”
You nod readily; lust filled eyes staring back into his. You wait patiently for him to put his jeans back over on his cock and make your way back up the stairs to his room. 
As soon as his door is shut Eddie rids himself of his clothes, and you end up watching from his bed eagerly, enjoying the show. He dives onto the bed, and a squeal of giggles involuntarily leaves your throat at the wild eyes captivating his face. He dives down to kiss you, his tongue delicious against your own and he sucks on it, luring a whimper right out of you. One of his hands rubs against your thigh, and this pair of pants wasn’t something he could feel you up through. Eddie’s thumb messaged extra rough, and the touch alone manages more whimpers. 
“Touch me.” You choke out, breathing heavily, breathing him. “Please.”
Eddie grins, both his hands working down to unbutton the tight jeans you wore. A hand slips in and starts to tease along the slick of your folds and your breath hitches as Eddie focuses on making you feel good. He rubs them in small circles, the touch light but enough to give you release. You can tell he isn't necessarily driving you towards an orgasm and it drives a laugh of impatience out of you against his lips. 
“Baby” You whine, “Fuck.” You couldn’t even put words to it, because somehow you knew he’d find a way to twist it. 
Eddie leans into your neck, the heat of his cruel laughter closing your eyes. “Oh, you wanted me to touch you and get off? Well why didn’t you say so?” 
The pressure increases, a defined difference in his touch as he rubs against your clit, and the sounds he draws from you was worth the tease. He hikes your oversized sweater up, revealing skin and your bra, and as his fingers move absentmindedly he kisses your stomach with light tongue, the wet warmth sending shivers up your body as the feeling in your tummy starts to pool. 
He sits up suddenly, and you whimper from the loss. He chuckles at this, pride in how pathetic he can make you feel. “Aww, poor baby.” He mocks you, and your eyebrows furrow in slight embarrassment. “It’s okay, I know you just wanna cum…gonna get you to cum all over my face.” His hands tug on your jeans, and he barely needs any help from you to yank them off, unceremoniously throwing them onto the floor. “Oh, fuck, finally.” He mutters as he sees your pussy, prettier than he remembered when he jacked himself off in the shower this morning. 
He leans in, sucking on your clit and the heat expands from it into your legs and the feeling in your stomach doubles. From no release to every bit, you could already feel the knot threatening to snap. “Holy shit, fuck.” You mutter, your thighs clamping against him. 
He feels the intensity in your body shift, continuing to suck on your clit rhythmically. Your breathing increases, and Eddie slowly sucks harder, and harder, and as your heels dig in his upper back, he stops. 
An audible whine leaves you, the edge just right there. “Fuck, Ed.” You whimper, somehow knowing it was on purpose. 
He chuckles, watching your beautiful cunt react as well. “I know, baby, I know.” 
“I was so close.” 
“Imagine how good it’ll feel when you do cum, yeah?” He teases, still watching your face. Your leg muscles spasm and the kisses he trails down your thigh are no help. 
You whine again, toes curling and the extra fabric of your sweater self consciously curls up around your fists. “Ed.”
“I know.” He says one last time, and goes in for the kill. 
There was really no delay this time, the edge was only a step away and he pushed you over, his fingers fucking into you and tongue working over time on your clit, a heat into an explosion as your legs shake and pussy spasms. Eddie pays close attention to it, admiring the glisten of your slick coating you, dripping to your ass and on his sheets and it's a piece of art. 
Eddie kisses one last time against your clit, crawling back up to you to assess. “Sweetheart?”
You smile lazily at him, the orgasm having left a smile on your face and a glow amongst your features. “Hmm?”
“Wanna fuck still?” He asks, his hand petting your face softly. 
Your eyes fucking light up, nodding enthusiastically. He chuckles, moving the sweater slowly up and over your head. He moves around your torso, single handedly unhooking your bra, revealing those gorgeous tits. 
He looks like heaven above you, a shadow of stubble, brown eyes darkened as he takes you in, and the lust in his eyes sends a pool of wetness between your legs. Your legs open, and he sits himself between them, kissing the nearest skin he can as he puts his cock into you. 
Your legs close on the feeling, mouth falling open in a silent moan. God, what a sight. 
You sleepily look up at him as he puts his chest on yours, just drinking in the moment of him in you. He does the same, your hands framing his face.
He kisses you, slow and sweet. “So, so, good, Ed.” You manage out between them, sighing up at him. 
He moves back a bit, thrusting into you lightly and you whimper into his mouth. He separates himself to get a good look as he continually fucks into you, and your mouth is open in unspoken words. Too fucking good. 
“I know baby, I know.” He tells you. He kisses your neck, down your throat and down to a tit bouncing lightly from the impact of his cock fucking into you. He latches his tongue onto the nipple, your pussy tightening around him in response. He grazes his teeth lightly, mewls leaving your throat at the sheer pleasure mixed with pain and he lets go. 
He leans up from you, taking one of your legs and placing it against his shoulder up towards the ceiling and you can feel him deeper, his thrusts starting to hit harder. Your moans are interrupted by each thrust. “Ed. So. Good. Fuck.”
His hand gently caresses your leg on his shoulder, focusing on the warmth of your pussy engulfing him. “Oh, tight pussy. So fuckable.” 
“Yours.” You whine out. 
“Oh, that’s right. My pussy.”
“All yours.” You choke out. 
“Oh that’s fuckin right. You’re mine. All mine. My good fuckable slut.”
The words hit the right spot, making your eyes roll back. “Fuck, Ed. Cum in me.”
“Yeah, wanna be filled with me?"
“Oh fuck.” Eddie reaches his high faster than he was expecting, his hips jerking into you and the feeling of his cock pulsating while it spurts inside you is everything. 
Eddie pants, lightly pushing your leg off his chest. He leans forward to give you a kiss, his body covered in sweat, the slick smell being something you need to memorize. “Holy shit, sweetheart."
You giggle, your legs holding him there. “Stay a while?”
“Love to cockwarm, huh, baby?” 
“Only with you,” You mutter, a yawn leaving you. And if it was anything like the first time, you’ll be asleep within minutes. “So full.” 
He chuckles, turning on the tv next to his bed. He tugs the blanket out from under you and pulls it over the two of you. You snuggle into his arms as he wraps them around you. “You know, we can cuddle without—” Eddie starts.
“No, no. That’s crazy talk.” You interrupt him, and he feels a smile up against his chest.
As you fall asleep, you hear one last thing from him, something you don’t think you were supposed to hear. “Beat that, you sparkly fucker.”
Somehow, the power of making Eddie jealous over a fictional vampire didn’t go straight to your head, but goddamn it felt good to be this wanted. 
The tickle of the sheet against your abdomen comes to mind as you wake up on your side, calf in between Eddie’s legs and your face buried in his chest. His snoring is gentle but deep, his arm lazily wrapped around you. You figure he eventually got himself out of you, the subtle loss something you probably whined at. 
You feel a smile creep its way onto your face, the satisfaction of waking up how you did fills your lungs with air. You peer your head back to get a look at his face, relaxed and unguarded, even from sex. Your eyes take in every detail of his handsome face, the slight hook of his nose, the stray hairs by his left eyebrow, the freckles scattered… God, he is beautiful. 
You lean in to kiss his jawline, nuzzling your nose into the scratch of his stubble. The arm around your torso flexes, a snore interrupted. A huff of laughter escapes you, the simplicity of it just so mesmerizing. He shifts slightly, arm tightening around you as he adjusts himself. You cuddle yourself closer into his chest, inhaling the scent that was unmistakably him. No cologne, deodorant or aftershave disguising it. The smell alone makes you shudder in happiness. 
You lay breathing him in for another thirty minutes before he finally stirs awake.
When he finally does, eyes squinting around as he blinks awake, arms flexing away as he yawns and stretches, you lay there patiently as he gets his bearings.
“Fuck.” His arms go limp, and he buries himself into your hair, breathing in the scent. “How long—” he yawns, cutting himself off. “How long have you been awake?”
Your shoulders shrug, and he huffs out a breath of laughter. He feels your stomach grumble against his. “Long enough, huh.” He kisses into your hair, giving you one last good squeeze. “Alright, let’s go get some food.”
You protest getting out of bed with him but the second growl your stomach makes, this one even more audible, has Eddie give a look to say it wasn’t debatable. Food first.
Down the stairs, you sit in a pair of shorts with the same over sized sweater at the kitchen island, chewing happily on the food Eddie prepared for you, a fucking snack tray. He put it in front of you, and you look up at him with an eyebrow raised peculiarly. “I fucking love snacks.” He says, grabbing a slice of cheese off your tray.
Dylan jogs into the kitchen, stealing a cracker off your plate as he dashes around the counter. “Going out with friends, be back later.” He looks dressed up for a bar, an outfit you knew he would wear to impress. It's a weird thought that you know him like this. 
“Don’t be stupid, don’t drink and drive.” Eddie tells him, leaning forward on the island. 
“Got it!” 
“Was that good or bad, I couldn’t tell.” You ask him when the front door closes. 
“I wouldn’t go towards either. He’s being civil for the sake of you but he’s much more pissed when you’re not here. Trust me.” Eddie answers you, eyes wide at the end of the sentence.
A pang of guilt hits you square in the chest. He sees your expression falter, giving you a soft look. “Don’t feel guilty. I deserve it. He damn well has a right to act this way when I betrayed him.”
Fuck, that was a level of emotional maturity you weren’t used to seeing in men. Threw you for a loop. 
“So, sweetheart. I got a question for you.” You perk up, leaning towards him at the opposite end of the island counter. “Will you allow me to take you out on a proper date?”
The sentence drives your heart wild, your stomach turning itself inside out. You nod your head rapidly, gulping. “When?”
“Well it’s four o’clock now…if I drive you home so you can get ready we could probably make our 7 o’clock reservation.”
Now you find yourself in your bathroom, your makeup scattered across the counter as you dance to an upbeat playlist, your quick glance to the clock indicating you still have an hour before he comes to pick you up at 6:45. 
You're driving yourself mad with the want to outdo yourself, you want a visual reaction from this man. He was kind enough to let you know it was more upscale, but that was all the detail he was willing to provide to you. You knew your initial reaction to wear something to rile him up wasn’t any good, and the warning he had given you had driven you to believe he knew you well enough to know you would if he hadn’t.
You hear the front door of the apartment close, Skyler getting home from day working at a cellphone carrier store. She hated the dumb customers but loved the commission she made when she sold plans. She places her things down, making her way straight to the bathroom to where the blaring music could be heard. “Going out somewhere?” She asks, slightly yelling to be heard over the music. 
You reach to the Bluetooth speaker, turning down the volume a few notches. “Hot date with Eddie!” You tell her excitedly, leaning in to finish the last of the eyeliner. 
“Oh, I didn’t know you had one planned!”
“Neither did I! He told me about the reservation just like an hour ago after he dropped me off.”
“Just like that?” She asks, leaning in. 
You pause the movement of your brush on your face, using some setting powder for a final touch. “Just like that.” 
Her eyebrows raised to her forehead quickly. “Okay, damn. That’s…that’s romantic.”
A smile lands on your face, and you close it to prevent the wider smile making its way to prevent teasing. “Mmmhmm.” 
Face setting spray finishes your face before you run to your room to do the most daunting thing about getting ready…picking out your outfit. 
It has to be something your ex hasn't taken off you either. There goes that hot blue little dress, and this green strappy number, and that really cute skirt…damn this might be harder than you thought. You used a lot of secret weapons from your arsenal with Dylan. 
“I’m out of clothes!” You yell to your roommate, frustrated out of your mind. 
“You still haven’t used that pretty dress you bought last month…the one still with a tag on it?” She calls out, referring to a dress you found that fit you perfectly but didn’t have anything to wear it for.
“That one is for special occasions!”
“Bitch, your boyfriend made spontaneous dinner date plans for your first date. It’s a special occasion, wear the damn dress!”
As it cascades down your body as you place it over your head, it couldn’t have been more perfect. 
Sitting in your living room while waiting to be picked up should not be this jittery, butterflies doing a little dancey-dance in your stomach as Skyler absentmindedly binge-watches Buffy. You sent Eddie your address at his request about ten minutes ago, and now it's just a waiting game. 
Three knocks at the door find you standing in a second, tripping over your own feet to get to the door. You open it to him, standing there with a single red rose. He's dressed in a gorgeous leather outdoor jacket, one only a man as fine as he is could pull off as well as he does and still make it look classy. He wears a pair of slacks with a dark red button down tucked loosely into it, the first three buttons undone. 
Something tells you he’ll be moving his sleeves up his arms later. Fuck. He has never looked hotter. 
“Hi, gorgeous. Ready?”
You nodded frantically, picking the open jacket up from the coatrack you had placed conveniently by the door. You turn back to face to your roommate to tell her not to wait up and face her, her mouth wide open. “I see it now.” She whispers, her jaw dropping again. 
Your eyebrows raise to her in response but a glare reaches as your face as you turn around, something in you stupidly angry about this. Good. Look from afar. 
The drive down is filled to the brim with unbridled anticipation, neither one saying much as you watch the pretty lights pass by on the way to the unspecified restaurant. 
He places his hand on your thigh, thumb caressing it gently. Your dress is just long enough for his pinky to touch your leg but the rest lay on the soft material. “You look gorgeous, by the way.” He compliments you, and you suddenly realize he’s barely watching the road. 
“Hmm.” You answer, nodding at the road. “My heart stopped when I opened the door, you are unfairly handsome.”
“Unfairly?” Eddie asks, voice incredulous at your word choice. 
He chuckles, suddenly making a left turn into a group of scattered restaurants and your breath hitches, wondering, no. 
Holy fuck, it is. 
He pulls up and you’re peering up at what is known as the most expensive restaurant in town, the kind of place you only went with when your parents were celebrating an anniversary or something and were paying.
The kind of place that had good ass food, but you need to be able to pay minimum, 100 per person. The wine is automatically served, and the only music is a light piano melody. “Wanted to take you out for a treat. Somewhere I know damn well men your age can’t afford.”
That sentence alone drenches the lacy panties you wore. 
He walks to your side after getting out, opening the door for you. The act isn’t much, something a man or two has done before him, but from him, it was like a goddamn touch of Midas. 
The low light and piano music engulfs you, the conversation low as you see everyone is dressed in their best. You find yourself intimidated but Eddie walks in like he belongs. 
Cause he does. 
He asks for a reservation under his last name, and the waitress finds it right away. You can’t help but notice the way her eyes light up and damn, you usually don’t describe yourself as the jealous type but when it comes to him it's hard not to be. 
As you get to your booth, Eddie takes off his jacket, revealing his sleeves up to his elbows, and it’s literally mouth watering. He does it so swiftly, and before you can even sit, he holds his hand out for your jacket as well. You take it off to hand it over, which he hangs ever so gently over his jacket on the hook. 
Your hostess asks for drinks, Eddie asks for the drink menu and some water, you ask for water as well, hoping to find a suitable cocktail when the menu comes along. 
The low lighting is flattering on him sitting across from you, and all his attention is on you, even as his eyes roam the menu. The conversation flows effortlessly, and you finally ask Eddie for his story, something even through the lust you’ve had a desire to know. 
He describes growing up in Hawkins, Indiana, a rebel without a cause with a touch for the dramatics and running a role play DnD group. He describes his struggles as he failed grade twelve twice due to a large population chalking it up to laziness when in reality no one listened to his inability to sit down long enough to learn anything. He tells you about this group of friends he made in his final and successful attempt at grade 12, the ones that eventually kicked his ass into gear and none of them he would’ve been here without, and though they were all older like him, you hoped one day you’d be lucky enough to meet them face-to-face. 
His attempt at college, realizing it wasn’t for him and dropping out a semester in when a local mechanic he knew offered an apprenticeship spot at his garage.
2 years into it, he finds out he enjoys it and he made enough money to move out. At 22 he meets a woman who comes into his shop with a check engine light on, and that was how he met Dylan's mom. You fought so hard not to roll your eyes as he described building a life with her and finding out she was pregnant, but it was hard not to be jealous. 
Apparently she was the perfect mom from the outside, her connection to her son was unbeatable. Eddie soon found out she was having an affair with one of her co-workers, the same one she had told him time and time again that, no, of course he didn’t have a crush on her, that’s silly. 
(They were fucking the whole time.)
If anything, it was the reason he had let Dylan find out so quickly. An affair would’ve made it ten times worse. 
He finishes off, describing how difficult it was to raise him after she ran off with the co-worker, eventually finding something that worked for them. All in all, he was proud of the person he had raised Dylan to become, hopeful for their relationship. 
You hung onto every word he told you through that meal like he had hung the moon and the stars. As he finishes, wiping his hands on his napkin as he ate, your eyes fixated on his forearms flexing, he apologizes, claiming he felt bad for talking the whole time.
“Oh, I could listen to you for hours.” It falls out of your mouth before you could stop it.
“Well I’m sick of myself. Tell me about you.” He comments, so you did. 
You tell him about being raised in the small town in rural America, being a teenager in the 2010s a slight difference than in the late 90s. Your stupid first boyfriend who dumped you as soon as he slept with you, your mom who meant well but often valued the opinions of others over her daughters needs and wants, your stoner of a best friend who had an opinion that you valued most of all, and how you met your current roommate through a facebook ad but it turned out you really clicked. 
Your story had no beginning and no end, just going off your life based on what you felt like you had wanted to tell him. 
“Dylan is a good boyfriend, by the way.” Eddie laughed at the absurdity of your sentence, all plates in front of you containing any food long gone while you had your third cocktail and Eddie drank some whiskey. Were you a bit tipsy? Yes. That sentence couldn’t have left your mouth without it. “After the lack of commitment on a stupid amount of dudes, his willingness to go all in, as we said that’s what we had both wanted, was exceedingly refreshing.” You took another gulp of it, the sugary drink hitting nicely. “He was stable, kind, thoughtful, but something was missing. In him I felt safety.” You pause, looking at him. “In you, I feel freedom.” 
The conversation moved away from Dylan, thank God. As he asks for one more before the bill you can't help yourself. “Where do you see this going?” You gulp, scratching your nose, and paying close attention to your glass. “If you say anything other than long term, I might be sick.”
To Eddie, your level of honesty was refreshing. “Baby, anything but long-term has never been an option to me.”
Eddie gives his credit card to the waitress, a moon eyed girl who he had barely paid attention to. Either because he was being courteous with his attention or he just didn’t bother when you were right in front of him, it didn’t matter, but the thing itself gave you immense satisfaction. (It was the latter, for the record. Eddie had barely noticed her.)
As he helped you back into your jacket, slipping on his own, a feeling of intense satisfaction, pure bliss invaded your entire system. There was no first date that would ever be as good as this one. The set up, picking you up, the nice ass restaurant, the easy conversation, and lastly, the knowledge that when you got to his, he would be all over you, and you him. 
Nothing was ever gonna be this good. 
Good. You didn’t want anyone or anything but him. 
Your head found his shoulder on the way back to his place, hands intertwined on your lap on the silent ride home, soft rock playing on his radio. As his truck reaches his driveway, you notice it's empty. Eddie picked up on this as your head perks up upon the observation. 
“Asked if he could crash at a friend’s place tonight.” Eddie explains, having placed the truck in park, sitting back in his seat. “We got the place to ourselves.” 
You grinned giddily, and you weren’t sure if it was the three and a half drinks or the troublesome feeling of your lacy panties being thoroughly soaked, but you were out his truck door before he could even register it. He climbs out, quickly shuffling behind you and he makes a giggle pour out of you as he scares you as you wait patiently at the door for him to unlock it. 
He kisses your neck as he reaches in with one hand to unlock the door, and you open it and turn to him, yanking on the collar of his leather jacket. “Need you.” You mutter in between kisses, only in the entrance of the house but if you took another step without kissing him, you were gonna lose your mind. “Want. You.” 
Your need is outrageously attractive, Eddie leaning into every kiss you've given him with the same amount of fervor, his hands holding your waist and fisting at the deliciously beautiful dress you had worn. You just had this dress? Waiting around? And you hadn’t blessed anyone with the perfect sight that was you dressed in it until now? What a goddamn sin.
It’ll be a shame when it hits the floor but this dress is only second to how goddamn good you looked naked as far as Eddie's concerned. Speaking of which…
Eddie continually kisses you, pulling you in against him, your breath hitches pulling your coat off and letting it fall to the floor. He backs you up to the stairs, and your foot hits the first step up, and as you’re starting to climb backwards Eddie pushes his body on yours, forcing you to sit. He takes it a step further by leaning in to kiss your neck, and your back falls onto the steps as well, just like he was hoping. Your legs open, welcoming his hips into yours. 
Eddie only starts with soft kisses, just to smell your perfume and to feel your skin beneath his lips. “This dress, baby, this dress.” He pauses, a look of lust deep within his brown eyes. “Oh, fuck, this dress.” He couldn’t seem to tell you anything else, but you were thankful the gut feeling that told you to buy it was right. You tug on his collar, pulling it down his back to take it off.
Eddie assists you, letting the jacket fall clumsily down the three steps.
“My dress? This shirt!” You gasp, gripping onto it softly. “You look so good. The buttons undone on the top were..” You sigh as he kisses his way down to your shoulder. “…a nice touch.”
His hand pushes up your dress, hands roughly smoothing up your thigh, and one gets to the lacey panties. As his hand brushes the panties to take them off he gives you a manic smile. He takes them off, slowly, head against your shoulder as he does so. As the pair is taken off your foot, he inhales sharply at the sight of them, holding them in front of your body where he can see them. You see his hands touch where you soaked it all night, playing with the slick that has already gathered. “You’re not getting these back.”
He tosses them back playfully, going back to attack your neck. Eventually he leaves kisses all down your torso, and he kisses down your clothed thigh before making a big show of lifting the dress hem up, kissing along your thigh again. Only this time, your thigh wasn’t covered, and it was towards your now uncovered and absolutely throbbing cunt. As he moves closer, you start to whine, as with each kiss he adds more wetness, more tongue. Finally his mouth is right next to your core, and with his head in your skirt, he reaches for each leg to put them on his shoulders. 
He goes straight in, tongue attacking your clit, your still covered feet dig into his back and a choked out moan leaves your throat. Eddie’s lips leave your pussy, his shining eyes in your sight as he popped his head from underneath your dress. “Be loud, show me how much you love my tongue all over your pussy. C’mon. Wanna hear you. If I catch you holding back again you’ll be sorry.” He leans in without another thought, and his tongue takes no time to continue. 
“Oh, fuck!” You felt slightly embarrassed by it, but you were more worried about what he meant at the end there, by you’ll be sorry. If he edged you just for the hell of it, what was he gonna do as a punishment? “Your tongue, feels so fucking good, Ed.”
“Tastes—” he mutters, mostly to himself. “Tastes like heaven. Love your sweet, perfect, beautiful pussy.” The acoustics of talking through your dress didn’t make sense, but you could hear him loud and clear. “Look how wet this pussy is already for me, just dripping, oh fuck.”
“Fuck, you look, fuck, so good Ed. So fucking hot.” 
“You were wet from my appearance alone?” Eddie asks, peering up at you from behind your dress.
“Since the first time I met you.” You gasp out, leaning onto your elbows on the step but finding your head heavy on your neck to look up at him.
“Jesus christ.” You smiled down at him, hand reaching forward for him. He interlocks his with yours and keeps it there as he dives back in your dress. Something feels different…the heat concentrates on your clit as he feverishly attacks it. 
“Holy shit--!” You cry out, jerking your upper body forward. “Ed, holy fuck keep doing that.” His other hand joins him, hooking into you and immediately connecting with your g-spot. As you get closer, he can feel your hand tighten on his own as your moans lose all inhibition and you whine, all high pitched, the sound echoing beautifully in the empty house. “Ed, fuck—” Your orgasm snuck up on you, the heat expanding through your thighs and legs until the edge hits you in a silent scream, and you gush all over his face and your dress and the stairs. 
Thank god Eddie had hardwood. 
He comes out from your dress, and you look at him in disbelief. “What—” you start, still unraveling. “I don’t even—” 
“C’mon.” He mutters, kissing your forehead. You follow him up to his room, knees already weak but moving anyway. 
Your bodies collide with one another, lips mashing in hot, dirty kisses. “Need to fuck you now.” Eddie breathes, his hands working at the zipper on your back. The dress drops to reveal what he already knew, and that it was you weren't wearing a bra. “Perfect fucking tits, fuck.”
He tugs at his belt and untucks his pants, making him look like a horny teenager. Maybe not horny, just a few drinks in. But when he had what he called the hottest girlfriend, he felt like anyone could hardly blame him. His pants fly off and he undoes the last few buttons on his shirt before he yanks it off by the back. 
When he’s finally undressed, he pauses as he gets a good look at you, the both of you ridiculously exposed. “Fuck. Am I so goddamn lucky I get to spend my night with you?”
“Just kiss me.” You tell him, reaching out for him and he lurches forward, wrapping his hands in your hair and taking your lips in a wet kiss. He leads you to his bed, taking step by step as you fall backwards onto it, and none of it is awkward, just perfect. He crawls on top as your leg makes its way around his hips, and he can’t even bother to tease you because if he doesn’t get his cock inside you he is gonna lose it. 
You didn’t expect it so soon, usually getting a tease but the shock pulls out a loud moan from you, Eddie moaning at the same time as he pushes himself into you. He puts his forehead against yours, eyes closed. Yours are too, taking in the feeling of his cock inside you. No matter how many times, it's like you forgot how fucking good it felt, every time. 
“God. I didn’t know a pussy could feel this…fuck.” He mutters as his words make you tighten around him. “Fucking intoxicating.” He leans in to nip lightly against your neck, whispering into your skin. “Can’t fucking get enough of it. And when I—” he lips his hips out of yours, fucking into you slowly, “—fuck you, there’s nothing fucking better.” 
His hips continue, his head remaining in your neck, his body against yours as he just feels you against him. Your hands roam the muscles of his back, nails digging in as his hips gradually fuck you harder. “You always take my cock so goddamn well, baby. Such a good whore for me.” 
You whimper; all coherent thought gone as the feeling of him is pure perfection. 
“Fucking love your cock in me Ed! Fuck, just like- just like that.” 
“Oh, I know you love my cock. You moan like a whore for it. Let me hear you baby.” 
The whines you didn’t realize you were holding back came out of your mouth and he grabbed your hair harshly, and you let out a higher one. “Don’t hold back, remember?”
You nod your head, a restricted move because of his hold on you. Eddie lets go, his hand framing your face delicately. He leans in to kiss you, fierce and protective. “God, you’re so much more…more than I had ever wanted…ever hoped for…” his voice is softer now, whispering into your neck. 
“Ed. You’re so good…to me. So lucky.” 
He places a hand on your clit, rubbing gently at it. “Fuck, baby I’m gonna cum. Cum with me?”
“What am I gonna say, no? To that?” you gasp out. He chuckles softly, the laughter hot against your neck. 
“Close.” You tell him and he picks up the pace, holding back a bit for you. “Eddie I—” and a full moan leaves your lips and as you tighten around him, his hips rutting into you. 
Eddie moans loudly as he cums, a sound you wouldn’t blame angels for if they had used at the gates of heaven. 
His weight is heavy on you, having collapsed. He kisses whatever skin he can reach, your shoulder, collarbone, jawline, corner of your mouth before wrapping your lips in a kiss you can only describe as breathtakingly romantic. 
Fuck were you falling, falling hard. And as Eddie lay on top of you for a solid ten minutes, caressing your skin and kissing you softly, still inside you while basking in the afterglow, he is thinking the exact same thing.
Also that he needs to clean the stairs before Dylan gets home. 
Thank you so much for reading! I love to read comments and replies and tags and as always reblogging is the best way to support fic writers on tumblr
Taglist: @pinkcowracing @yourthebrokengirl @skrzydlak @thirddeadlysin @sammararaven @bebe07011 @prettylovley @josephquinncore @forget-you-morelike-fuck-you
Those who requested for this fic: @yunnie-f1 @hollster88 @corrodedcoffincumslut @daisyridleyyyy @daniellabrandt @lail1010 @alicentswife @names-were-taken
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mirkwoodshewolf · 7 months
Metal type; Eddie Munson x reader
*Author's note*
Well this came at a funny moment, plus after seeing some posts of how Eddie Munson and Patrick Verona from 10 things I hate about you are similar, I figured why not do this fic with a fun little twist at the ending. Unlike my Halloween fic there's not much warnings here but I'll still list them as followed:
Warnings: parental death, grief, drugs (not hardcore just cigarettes and joints mentioned), some angst but ends with fluff at the end.
Enjoy the fic my darlings :)
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There’s been a lot of rumors going around lately.  Now me I typically stay out of that gossiping chain because it’s just a bunch of hens clucking up the coop where they don’t need to be sticking their beaks into.  But when the rumor’s involve (Y/n), that starts perking up my ears like a deer.
Now lately my girl’s (well at least in my head she’s my girl, I haven’t gotten the balls to ask her out yet but I have my reasons! Like this for example) been going through a rough patch.  Her mom just passed away from breast cancer and it’s been hard on her not only having to go through the whole funeral process and trying to figure out how to keep the house, and trying to deal with all of that whilst still going to school and trying to finish off senior year.
She shouldn’t need all this stress.  She deserves to have fun her last year of school, not be dealing with house mortgage, trying to sell her mom’s stuff or put it in storage, keep paying off the funeral and hospital bills, Jesus Christ she shouldn’t deal with this.  Now I have tried to at least help her but she’s been pushing me away telling me and the guys that she’s fine and that she doesn’t want to burden us with all this family drama.
Now I may have been young when I lost my mom, but I remember the stress that Wayne felt having to go through mom’s stuff since my old man sure as hell wasn’t going to do any of it.  But that’s not even the worst part of the rumors.
Hawkins is a small town where everyone knows everyone blah blah blah blah, but there is a new face that’s been around Hawkins since the start of the new year.  Some guy from Seattle named Patrick Verona.  Now if I’m honest, he seems like a descent guy.  Good taste in music, pretty metal looking, not into sports or anything like most guys are.  But he’s been hanging around (Y/n) far too much and he doesn’t even go to our school and yet people are saying they’re dating.
Again I’ve tried not to believe the rumors but I have seen how Patrick seems to be there whenever (Y/n) is too depressed to be around anyone else.  Always having an arm around her, allowing her a shoulder to cry on, and even kissing her tears away.  I can do all of that, hell we’ve been friends since middle school! Why can’t she allow me to do any of that stuff for her!? I want to be there for her so why isn’t she letting me help her out!?
It was lunchtime and once again (Y/n) hadn’t shown up for lunch.  I silently munched on my pretzels.
“(Y/n) not joining us again?” I heard Henderson say.
“Nope.” Said Jeff.
“I think I heard she went off with that Patrick guy again. Saw his bike coming up during third block just before the lunch bell rang.” Said Gareth.
“And my best guess is she’s gonna miss Hellfire again.” Whined Wheeler.
“Back off Wheeler!” I snapped throwing a pretzel at his head.  “She has a very good excuse to miss so many meetings. Grief isn’t something that can just be put on hold like a stupid laundry basket game or a dentist appointment.”
“Ow! Jesus…..” Wheeler whined.
“He didn’t mean it Eddie.” Henderson tried to lighten up Wheeler’s insensitive comment.
“Really cause I think he was making a statement on how I should run my club. Am I wrong Wheeler?” I sneered lowly.
“No Eddie I swear I didn’t mean it like that. I’m sorry.” Even for his weak-ass apology, I dropped it and went back to my snacked lunch.
“To be fair though Eddie, normally this many missed Hellfire meetings results in automatic banishment from the club. You sure you ain’t just going easy on her because you love her?” Gareth said bluntly.  I smacked him upside the head.
“Continue to say stupid shit like that and I’ll think about the banishment for another member of this group.” I threatened which got him to shut up and look back down at his tray.  When I looked up I soon spotted (Y/n) heading for the back doors.
Quickly I grabbed my lunchbox and chased after her.  I at least wanted to check up on her and see how she’s been doing since last I saw her a week or so ago.
“(N/n) wait! Wait!” I charged out the main doors of the school and she turned to face me.
“Oh Eddie, it’s you.”
“Yeah, sorry bout that didn’t mean to startle you.”
“You didn’t.” she looked extremely exhausted.  Bags upon bags were under her eyes and the poor thing looked exhausted.  The usual bubbly girl that I loved was nothing more than a shell of her former self.  Hell this girl would even sleep in class, the one thing she’s never done for as long as I’ve known her.
“So—so listen I uhh—I know it’s been hard lately for you. But I-uhh…I was wondering if you’d like to uhh…..have a movie night after Hellfire at my place? I’ll let you pick out any of your favorites, even if it’s that cheesy rom-com shit that I don’t like.”
“Eddie, that’s sweet of you but I—”
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“Hey girlie, everything alright here?” that Australian accent (which I think is fake) came up and soon Patrick came up wrapping an arm around (Y/n)’s shoulders and in his other hand a bag of McDonalds, all the while holding a toothpick between his teeth.
“Everything’s fine Patrick.” My jaw ticked as (Y/n) introduced us, “I don’t think you both have been properly introduced. Eddie this is Patrick, Pat this is Eddie Munson.”
“Ohh Eddie? The Eddie Munson? Well nice to meet you mate.” Being the gentleman, we both shook hands and I said trying not to sound condescending.
“You too man. Nice ride.”
“What that old thing? A hand me down by my dad. Trying to save up for a real sweet ride. May even take this little lady for a joy ride. God knows she needs it.” He lightly jostled her which made her smile what almost resembled her real, sunshine smile (the smile that I always got out of her, the smile that rivals all the stars in the sky, the smile that I wish I could make her do again, but they all seem to be reserved for Patrick Verona now).
“So uhh about……” I started back up the conversation between (Y/n) and I but she said.
“Eddie I’m sorry but Patrick and I have some plans tonight. Maybe some other time?”
“Yeah, yeah sure no uhh—no problem. Just figure I’d offer.” I said nonchalantly as I stuffed my hands in my pockets and kicked a couple of pebbles at my feet.
“And Eddie, about Hellfire I……”
“No need. Your temporary leave is still accepted. Just come to me whenever you’re ready to return.”
“Thanks for understanding Eddie.”
“C’mon sugar glider, better get going before someone sees us.” Patrick said as he took them over to his bike.
“See yah around Eddie.” She said to me.
“Yeah, yeah see yah.” She got behind Patrick and wrapped her arms around him as he placed a second helmet on her head before revving his bike and pulled on out of the parking lot driving off down the road. “That manipulative son of a bitch.” I walked back inside and prepared for the remaining day of hell.
The day came and went and I found myself over at Family video just to browse but also to return some of the movies that needed to be returned (they may also have been late I honestly can’t remember).
“And he just waltz up and has her pinned up to his side like an ornament.” I ranted.  “And seriously I cannot take that accent seriously, don’t you think it’s fake?”
“Eddie, you’ve gotta stop obsessing over this Patrick guy, it’s not healthy.” Robin told me. 
“I can’t Robin! The guy’s completely taking advantage of her! I can’t just sit idly by anymore as some metal-head biker punk comes into town, and swoops down at her like a hawk.”
“You know it is kinda scary how he almost resembles you. Same wild hair, same eyes, you sure you don’t gotta brother or something?” Steve asked as he was stacking some videos.
“Not helping here Harrington.” I grumbled.
“Eddie, how do you know this is like a romantic thing? I mean, take me and Steve. We hang out all the time and we’re not together.”
“Oh absolutely not. Yet I’ll always have Robin’s back if she needs it.”
“Strictly platonic. With a capital PLAH. Have you seen them kiss on the lips?”
“No. But that doesn’t mean they probably don’t do it behind closed doors. Plus couples don’t always make lip to lip contact in public.”
“You can kiss platonically too. I see the cheerleaders doing it all the time, course it’s that fake Barbie air-cheek kiss but still they do it. You’re letting your imagination run wild, again.”
“Plus man if you had told her how you felt in the first place, maybe this wouldn’t be happening.” Steve added.
“I told you man, I was going to tell her but then she got the call from the hospital about her mom’s diagnosis. It—didn’t feel right to tell her. She needed her best friend, not a confession to think over while her mom’s dealing with sudden stage 4 breast cancer.”
“I agree with him on that Steve.” Robin said.
“Okay, okay but still you just…..gotta relax, okay? Look maybe he’ll move on after a while and forget about (Y/n).”
“It’s impossible to forget about her, that girl can make anyone fall in love with her.” I grumbled.  The bell rang and speak of the devil himself, Patrick came strolling in and he said.
“I’m told this is where you can get some good films.”
“Yeah, yeah what can we help you with?” Steve spoke up.
“Something upbeat and funny. Sugar glider needs it for tonight.” Sugar glider? Wait that’s what he had called (Y/n) yesterday, she isn’t…..after rejecting our daily movie night she goes off and has a movie night with this asshole? I swear if he weren’t so relatable, I’d beat his ass right now.
“Okay well comedies are just over there man.”
“Thanks mate, say you two wouldn’t happen to be Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley would you?”
“We are, how do you know our names?” Robin said.
“(Y/n) has told me a lot about you two. Especially how you two have been helping her out with sorting through her mum’s belongings. My thanks to you both.” So she goes off and tells this guy about all of us but she doesn’t say a word about you?
“Yeah, yeah it was no problem. She’s helped us out so it was only fitting we’d help her out.” Robin said as she was stacking some tapes along the shelf.  As Patrick picked out some of (Y/n)’s favorite comedies like Beverly Hills Cop, Ferris Buller’s Day off, Back to the Future, and the Princess Bride. As Robin rang them up for him, he turned to me and asked, “Now (Y/n) told me you’re the one to go to with some good deals on weed. You got anything in stock?”
Weed? Doesn’t he know that (Y/n) hates the smell of weed? Hell the girl’s allergic to cigarette smoke! Which is why I always make it appoint to never, ever under any circumstances wear the same clothes I smoke in around her let alone smoke around her.  Hell I’ll have the trailer burning multiple scented candles just to rid of the smell, yeah it gives me and Wayne headaches but it’s worth it so that she’s comfortable.
“What’s the occasion?” I demanded.
“Nothing special, just need a refill. Ran out of my own stuff and of course (Y/n) don’t have anything.” Jesus this guy is really gonna smoke around her?
“Regretfully I’m out of stock at the moment.”
“Damn, oh well. Gas station always has some smokes.” Jesus this guy is a grade A asshole.  And not in the popular jock standard, I mean just straight up insensitive asshole.  “Later.” He then walked out after paying for the videos.
“You see what I mean?!” I snapped lowly.
“The guy’s just asking for some smokes Eddie. You do it all the time.” Said Steve.
“Yeah but not around (Y/n)! Jesus I don’t even know why I’m still talking to you guys.” I rubbed my face into my hands in annoyance.
“Eddie, why don’t you just go home? Relax, have a drink, and just get your mind off of Patrick and (Y/n). I’m telling you you’re getting too involved in this and your imagination is running away with you.” Suggested Robin.  I stuffed my hand into the twizzlers jar taking a handful of them, bit into one and stormed out of the store.
As I lay across my bed twirling a twizzler in my hand I couldn’t help but think about (Y/n) and Patrick.  The more I thought about them together, the more my blood boiled and my other hand kept fidgeting with my rings.
“Screw it!” I sneered lowly before getting up, grabbing my keys and racing off toward her house.  I parked a bit off from her house and slowly walked up towards her hedges and hid behind them.  I slowly peeked over her window and saw (Y/n) sitting on the couch talking on the phone with someone while her TV was paused on Beverly Hills Cop.
Patrick soon came in with two beers and plopped down right next to her.  He set the beers down and had an arm wrapped around her and he looked at her concerningly.  His ringed hand stroking the top of her shoulder.  She then hung the phone up and I saw her lower her face into her hands in defeat.  Patrick stroked his hand through her hair and the two of them briefly exchanged words.
I then watched as (Y/n) got up from the couch but Patrick suddenly grabbed her by her waist and pulled her over his lap and he gave her a peck to her forehead.  She gave him a gently slap to the chest before he allowed her to get up off his lap.  But again, just as she walked two steps, he sat up, grabbed her by the waist again and pulled her back across his lap and pecked her twice this time on both her cheeks.  She shoved at his face playfully and told him something that I couldn’t understand but he allowed her to get up a third time.
As she got up, he then grabbed her and they playfully went down to the ground as he wrestled on top of her tickling her, I could hear the faint sounds of her laughter coming out from the window.
So it is true, she really did find someone better than me.  Well if that’s her decision then—I can’t stop her.  But this guy should at least have the decency in knowing of what she likes.  I walked over to the door and knocked on it rapidly.  I heard the laughter stop and footsteps coming to the door and opening it was (Y/n)m her hair a bit disheveled from their wrestling I had just seen.
“Eddie, what are you—”
“I need to talk to Patrick.”
“Uhh okay.” I didn’t wait for her to open the door as I just stormed in.  When I saw him getting up from the floor, he looked up at me and said.
“Well this is a surprise. Did you end up finding some smokes left over?” that smug-eating grin came across his face.
“Even if I did have any smokes or left over joints, I would tell you one thing. Don’t you ever smoke it around (Y/n), okay? She can’t stand the smell of it, not to mention she’s allergic to cigarette smoke. And that’s no joke, okay? Her breathing becomes so tight she can barely breathe, it’s like she’s going into anaphylactic shock if she even smells a whiff of it. So if you’re gonna date her, don’t you ever do that in front of her.”
“What?” he said confused with a head tilt.
“No, no you pay attention because you don’t know just how lucky you are man!” I snapped.  I jostled his shoulders and emphasized each point I made with a firm poke to his chest.  “You better treat this lady like a Queen, okay? Because if I had someone like (Y/n) (L/n) I would bring her her favorite flowers every chance I got. And they aren’t roses because she says roses are too cliché, you understand? Her favorite flowers are blue orchids, you got that blue orchids. Because they bring out her bright, beautiful eyes. And when she’s sick, she gets chicken ramen just like how her mom used to make for her with a side of saltine crackers. I would be her shoulder to cry on and her best friend. And I would spend every second of every day trying to get her to smile because she—she has the most beautiful smile that I’ve missed so much. And that I would do anything to see that smile again.”
I turned to look at (Y/n) who was staring at me with this wide-eyed look of awe.  Even though my heart was aching at the fact I had now spilled my feelings for her even though she’d never be mine, I—I had to at least let her know that I’ll always be there for her.
“But she chose you. So……you better do just that. And much more to make her happy, especially now. Because that’s what I would do.” I released Patrick’s shoulders and went to walk out the door but (Y/n) quickly got to the door before me and shut it, staring up at me with soft but sad eyes.
We both stared at each other until she slowly walked towards me.  I looked down shamefully but I soon felt her take my face in between her hands and her lips soon met mine.  Her arms slid around my neck and I wrapped mine around her waist bringing her closer to me as I kissed her back.
“See what’d I tell yah? He’s your penguin.” Patrick’s voice said.  We separated and saw he was leaning up against the wall, toothpick in mouth with a wide grin.
“Eddie, I’d like for you to formally meet Patrick Verona. My cousin.” She told me.  I looked to Patrick in shock who grinned at us again and gave me a two-finger salute.
“Your—your cousin……”
“Well when we call each other cousins its more loosely. I treat my little sugar glider like she’s my little sister.” Patrick told me. 
“He’s been a real familial support system that I haven’t been getting with the rest of the family ever since mom got sick. After the funeral he just—showed up and he’s been staying here ever since helping me out with all this stuff.”
“Aunt (M/n) was the glue that kept the family together and ever since her death, the family’s been divided and (Y/n) has been stuck in the middle while still trying to finish school. I couldn’t let her go through all that drama and stress alone. One of us has to at least be successful, right sis?” He gave her a wink which made (Y/n) shake her head.
“They were right, I’m a complete dumbass.” I muttered.
“Look mate, any man whose willing to allow me to take this girl as my own, is a real man in my books. Even though if we did hook up we’d have some ugly-ass kids.” The three of us softly laughed.  Patrick came up to me and placed a strong hand to my shoulder softly jostling it around, “You know, I haven’t heard my little sugar glider talk about a boy the way she talks about you Eddie Munson. Now I see that you are truly something special to my little cousin.” I turned over to (Y/n) and said.
“More than anything in this whole world.” (Y/n) softly smiled as she placed her hand over her heart.
“Then you have my permission to date her, but just know this. If you ever break her heart or mistreat her,” the sound of a switchblade came out and I froze as the gleam of the blade came below my chin.
“Patrick!” (Y/n) exclaimed. As quick as he had brought it out, he sheathed it back and put it back into his pocket.
“Just for a word of warning.” He gave me a hard pat on the back and walked out ruffling (Y/n) hair before saying.  “Be back in a few hours, don’t have too much fun you two lovebirds.” Patrick then left the house leaving the two of us alone.
“I am so sorry about that, I swear that man acts like the fucking Joker sometimes.”
“He’s more metal than I ever could be.” (Y/n) came up and wrapped her arms around me.
“I think you are just the right amount of metal for me Eddie.”
“Really, really.” We both smiled and kissed each other again when a bang at the window spooked us apart and there stood Patrick giving us a warning glare (well mainly at me).  (Y/n) flipped him off and tossed a pillow at the window.  He stuck his tongue mockingly before disappearing from the window.
So the rest of the night was spent cuddling up on the couch watching her favorite movies until we both ended up falling asleep together.  By morning I noticed a blanket had been put around us both and I knew I wasn’t the one to have done it and neither had (Y/n).  There I saw a note on the table and it read:
Take care of my little sugar glider. And if you’re ever interested in some embarrassing stories she hasn’t told you from when we were kids, meet me for some smokes later this evening at the Hideout.
I smiled and looked down at my best girl and kissed the top of her head.  At least we both had something in common besides physical appearances and our outlook on the world, we both care deeply for this girl that’s in my arms and want nothing but the best for her as she tries to move on from her grief.
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shybunnie20 · 1 year
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Bff!Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader x Bff!Dustin Henderson
★My Masterlist
Summary: The last thing you want is to bring your friends down with you, so you decide against telling them how much you've been struggling. They find out in the worst way imaginable.
Author's Note: Thank you for another request, Anon! This is the darkest fic I've written thus far. It was cathartic to channel some of my personal experiences and I hope that reading it provides similar relief.
Not suitable for sensitive readers! Extreme angst with a bittersweet ending. No use of Y/N. Inspired by the song Sara - We Three. Be sure to reblog, follow, and show some love ♡
Word count: 4.8k
Warnings: MDNI 18+! Depression and anxiety, self-harm (cutting), panic attacks, suicidal ideation and attempt (overdose), substance abuse, Eddie being a crybaby, includes swearing.
Do not proceed if the warnings are triggering for you. Read Down & to the Left instead, it has a similar theme but it's far less intense.
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There are people in this world who have the luxury of not knowing what it’s like to experience mental illness. From the outside looking in, depression is nothing more than being exceptionally sad. Unsolicited advice comes with such naivety. A myriad of superficial solutions to the multidimensional hardship that isn’t so easily soaked away by a candle-lit bubble bath or intensive exercise.
You’ve been dubbed as moody, complicated, and sensitive. These surface-level generalizations indicate that your friends wouldn’t understand what you’re going through. At this rate, it’s not worth trying to explain the corrosion eating away at your cheeks. Therefore, you continue the everlasting game of bloody knuckles and you have yet to say “mercy.” With one foot in the grave, you daydream about what your funeral will be like. Does anyone even care enough to know what your favorite flower is for the floral arrangements?
Draping a sheet over your bedroom window is essential because it makes it trickier for your demons to find you. Instead of them ripping you apart limb by limb, you dissolve into your blankets in the dark. The quietude instills a false sense of security that you hold near and dear. It’s lonesome, but you don’t want another person’s presence. Numbness is the company that you ache for. Christ, what you wouldn’t give for it to swallow you whole.
In art mediums, blue is considered the color of sadness, but it isn’t for you. With a blade as your brush, the crimson drawn to the surface of your skin is the paint. The picture you’ve created is less than pleasant but it’s certainly eye-catching. Looking in the mirror feels like seeing your scars on the wall of an art gallery, a mocking image of everything you’ve failed to be. You avoid your reflection at all costs, the full-length mirror in your bathroom is without exception.
Perhaps you’re a sucker for devastation because frankly, smiling feels unnatural. Any flicker of happiness feels repulsive and out of place. You’ve accepted that it’s not an emotion you’re meant to experience. At one point you’d felt envious of the carefree spirits who live vibrantly, but that’s not the life you’re meant to live. As if assembled with faulty parts, you’ve always felt defective.
You haven’t been going through this unaccompanied though. Dustin and Eddie have always had your back. You couldn’t ask for more reasonable best friends. Considering that you don’t open up to just anyone, it’s comforting that you can confide in these two dorks. The panic attacks have been occurring for a while now and the boys figured out how to effectively help you through them. Dustin has gotten especially adept at detecting the symptoms before you’ve noticed them yourself.
However, their awareness doesn’t go beyond your experience with anxiety. You’d think they could piece together the rest considering how often they come over to tidy up your place and make sure you’re taking care of yourself. But at the end of the day, they’re simple creatures. Even though it’s right under their noses, they don’t realize the gravity of what you’re dealing with. You refuse to drag them into the darkness with you. They’re so full of love and light, they don’t deserve exposure to emotional turmoil of this degree.
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You didn’t think you could be any more exhausted but another demanding day at work has proven otherwise. More than anything you want to lay in bed to drift away from the agony.
After dropping your keys while aiming to stick them in the lock, you scoop them up and successfully open the front door.
You convincingly mirror the expression on the beaming faces of Nancy, Jonathan, Steve, and Robin while simultaneously noticing the bundles of balloons and the handmade banner. “Oh, wow. You guys, this is- amazing.” You’re startled by the sound of a party horn crinkling as Dustin bounces out of his hiding place. He insisted on hiding even though no one else did.
“Y’Little shit.” You chuckle and wrap your arm around his shoulders, pulling him in for a side hug. “You’re the mastermind behind this, huh?” 
Dustin tries to dodge the attempt you make at tussling his coffee-colored ringlets but fails miserably. “I couldn’t let my party planning skills go to waste. It turned out pretty great if I do say so myself.” His eyes twinkle with a sense of achievement while they search yours for approval.
“Everything looks great, Dusty Bun. Thank you.” Your arm is still draped around his shoulder, so you give him a squeeze. He cringes at the use of his pet name as you make your way across the room to greet the remainder of your guests.
Nancy is perched on Jonathan’s lap while Robin is on the opposite end of the couch, which leaves the middle cushion available for you. As much as you don’t want to be this close in proximity to anyone right now, your body is far too sore to stand for much longer. Steve pours everyone’s beverages of choice and has Dustin deliver them from the kitchen. It takes a minute for you to find the ideal spot between your friends where your thighs aren’t touching theirs.
You drown out the lively chit-chat and music by descending into yourself. Birthdays don’t mean shit anymore. They’re simply a reminder that you just spent another 364 days pretending that you’re fine. Your preoccupation with death is always breathing hotly down your neck.
Just as your throat tightens and your eyes are on the verge of watering, the front door swings open. While balancing a carton of candles and a stack of paper plates on top of a pink bakery box, Eddie attempts to shake frizzy curls out of his face. He’s slightly winded from hustling in the hopes of making it back before you did. When his eyes meet yours, the expression of tizzy deflates. “Son of a bitch. I missed it?”
Dustin snorts mockingly while motioning to you. “Obviously, dude. She beat you by a couple of minutes.”
“God dammit!” Eddie throws his head back with a groan. “I was really looking forward to yelling ‘surprise.’ I’ve always wanted to do that.”
Eddie’s pout curls into a grin when he catches the eye roll you give in response to his belatedness. He quickly dresses the cake with candles and lights them with his trusty Zippo. Even with the pep in his step, he manages to approach you slowly enough that all of the candles remain lit.
Steve kills the lights and your friends begin to sing “Happy Birthday.” Not only is Dustin intentionally off-key but he’s ad-libbing through the whole song as well.
For as long as you can remember, you’ve been uncomfortable during the duration of the tune. Rather unsure of what to do with yourself while being serenaded. Are you supposed to be singing along? Where should you be looking? Luckily your counterfeit smile is realistic enough that it’s not obvious how uncomfortable you are right now.
Eddie crouches at your feet while balancing the cake over your knees. He grins sweetly, his honey-colored irises reflecting the swaying flames atop the multicolored candles. “Okay, baby doll. Time to make your wish and make it a good one.” He winks with a nod.
The room is hushed save for the record player continuing to spin a faint melody. You can feel everyone’s eyes boring into you and it makes you want to peel your skin off. All of your friends are buzzing with merriment but you can only think about the unorthodox method of relief you’re desperately craving. What’s your birthday wish? It’s for this to be over already.
You blow out the candles with a shallow breath and the tightness in your throat exacerbates as the dark room swells with clapping and whooping before Steve turns the lights back on. Those few seconds allow you to rid your cheeks of the tears that escaped before anyone can notice.
The last thing on your mind right now is eating cake but you force yourself to do so in order to play the part of being the birthday girl. Everyone is having a blast celebrating your existence while clueless as to how badly you want to die. Even though you’re surrounded by people who love you, it doesn’t quell the provocation from within. You can’t picture anything past this birthday and you’d be content with it being the last one.
To be honest, you’ve never been very good at coping. It’s become impossible to ignore the need to etch into the plush of your thigh. You’re not going to be able to get through the remainder of this party if you don’t get it out of your system. After politely excusing yourself, the pounding in your head thunders and you slip away to your bedroom.
Once you’ve closed the door, you hastily shimmy your pants off and plop yourself at the foot of the bed. A blade is drawn from the top drawer of your nightstand and with a fierce inhale you sink the straight edge into the existing lines to deeply reopen them. Your teeth chew the inside of your lip and a dull ache shoots through your body. This is it, this is how you’re supposed to feel. You’re not meant to feel content, you’re destined to self-destruct. The countdown ticks on, though you don’t know precisely how much time you have left before you finally beg for mercy.
You’re brought out of your thoughts by Eddie’s zestful voice before the door opens. “Are you ready to tear into your presents? We’re-” With his mouth slightly agape, Eddie’s eyes lock onto the blood dripping down the curvature of your calf.
Well, the cat’s out of the bag. You intended to lock the door but failed to do so in your rash state of mind. You try to think of an excuse as if there’s a rational way to dismiss the damaging act. Your thinned forcefield evaporates and tears flood your vision once more. It’s awfully convenient because you can no longer see Eddie’s crestfallen mug.
Without further hesitation, Eddie closes the door behind him. He’s shaking from head to toe, eyes lingering on the bloodied razor blade still pinched between your fingers. He approaches cautiously, removes it from your hold, and places it in his jacket pocket. Out of sight out of mind. Eddie slides onto the bed behind you with his legs stretched alongside yours. After snaking his arms around your shoulders, he gently guides you backward against his chest.
He’s rigid for the first few seconds, but the sound of your wailing reminds him that his intention is to be a haven right now. You cling to him, fingernails digging into his forearms that are folded across your sternum. Eddie squeezes his eyes closed so tightly that the insides of his eyelids are splashed with tingling colors.
Every fighting gasp for air that you take between the silent screams causes panging in his chest as if atomic bombs are going off. He can’t afford to be distracted by his profuse concern because his priority is bringing you down from your heightened state. His mind is racing and yet it feels so blank at the same time. The blood transfers from your bare leg onto his jeans.
Of your friends in the living room, Dustin is the only one who hears the muffled commotion. He strolls down the hall to investigate. “Hey, guyyyys. The super awesome party I threw is out here.”
Eddie is quick to respond before the doorknob turns. “Don’t come in!” He knows Dustin will let himself in just as he had done moments ago. Eddie doesn’t want you to feel even more mortified by Dustin seeing you like this. “She’s not feeling well. Just uh- have everybody go home.”
“Did she hurl or something?” Dustin presses his ear against the door to try and determine what’s happening on the other side. You seemed fine a couple of minutes ago, how sick could you possibly be?
“Dude, please. Tell them she’s too tired for all the socializing tonight.” Eddie shushes you calmingly while you swallow your whimpers to avoid giving yourself away. “And you’ll need to catch a ride from Steve.”
Dustin doesn’t understand why he doesn’t get to stay and comfort you, he’s your best friend too. He cares about you just as much as Eddie, he would even argue that he loves you more than Eddie does. Regardless, he doesn’t bother arguing because judging by the tone of Eddie’s instruction, it’s not up for debate. He rallies your other pals to gather the accumulated trash on their way out. Dustin feels that his effort in making your birthday special was overlooked. He spent weeks planning out your party with the objective of impressing you.
Once the front door slams shut, your mental breakdown resumes in full force. Eddie scoops you up into his lap and rocks you gently. With your head bowed, your hair catches the tears plummeting from Eddie’s eyes. By the time you’ve stopped hyperventilating, your voice is coarse like sandpaper from screaming through the tears. “I’m sorry. I’m so s-sorry.” You whine exasperatedly. Your nasal passage is blocked, forcing you to breathe out of your mouth. It feels like your head is full of helium and the pressure is pushing against your eyes. It’s making it unbearable to keep them open.
Eddie rests his cheek on the crown of your head and exhales steadily to release the pent-up tension. He assumes that you’re apologizing for injuring yourself but that’s far from the truth. You’re not sorry for doing it, you’re just sorry he saw it. Eddie refuses to let go regardless of the pins and needles swarming his legs.
The two of you sit in silence, the only noises being your sniffles and labored breathing. Once the pattern has returned to normal and he feels confident that you can drink safely, Eddie gets to his feet to leave the room. He stops in his tracks when you tug at his hand in protest. You’re visibly troubled by being unattended.
“Sit tight, sweetheart. I’ll be back in two shakes.” Eddie pets your hair and you reluctantly release his hand from your own.
Upon his return, he’s gathered a glass of water, a wet cloth, and your first aid kit. Your arms are far too feeble to support the weight of the glass, so Eddie tips it attentively as you drink. “Thank you,” You say breathily between sips.
Eddie wipes dribbled water from your chin with a subtle hum. After placing the cup aside, he kneels at the edge of the bed. He looks up at you for permission and you nod weakly, wincing when he uses the warm cloth to rid your leg of the dried blood. The site is visibly inflamed so he’s being as gentle as he can. Once the wound is clean, Eddie applies antibiotic ointment and a bandage. Lastly, he presses a barely-there kiss to the site in order to help make it feel better.
He spares you much back and forth, so as to not overwhelm you. “Arms up.”
Ever so compliant, you raise your arms. Eddie pulls your shirt off and tosses it in the hamper. Prior to this evening, being half-naked in front of him would’ve been awkward. Although, having been pantsless up until now, you could give a shit. Being caught doing what you were was more undignified than wearing one less article of clothing would be.
“That’s goin’ too,” he motions to your bra, turning away from you to dig through your dresser.
While you’re tugging off the garment, Eddie runs his palm over the folded pajamas to see which ones are the softest and will in turn be the most pacifying. He pulls out a band tee that he hadn’t realized you’d swiped from him and the corner of his mouth quirks up but he can’t form a full grin.
You take the shirt from his extended reach and pull it over your head. “Okay.” You utter raspily as the cue that you’re decent and he can turn around.
Eddie hands you a tissue because he can hear that you’re only breathing through your mouth. You blow your nose harshly, far too spent to care about how gross it sounds. After clearing your airway with a few tissues, Eddie discards them and then uses the clean side of the wet cloth to wipe the remaining mess from under your nose. “There we go. That’s much better, isn’t it?”
With a sheepish nod, you scoot backward on the bed and lay down gradually, your muscles like stiffening cement. Eddie tucks you under the covers and as soon as your head makes contact with the pillow, your eyes fall closed and don’t reopen.
Minutes after you succumb to exhaustion, Eddie cries quietly to himself. For hours, he lays here watching you sleep and strokes your tear-stained cheek with the pad of his thumb. His eyes remain open, unwilling to rest because he’s fearful that something bad will happen if he dozes off. Eddie needs to guard you, even if that means he has to protect you from yourself. Losing you would be the worst thing that could happen to him.
Despite trying, he can’t get the image out of his head. The scattered scars that surrounded your fresh wound are burned into his memory. This wasn’t a one-time thing. Whatever is going on with you is unmistakably severe enough that you’re hiding it from him and have been for a while.
How is he going to tell Dustin? Maybe he'll leave it at the fact that you’re having a difficult time and omit the part about you hurting yourself. It would positively crush him if he found out. Besides, Eddie doesn’t want to jeopardize everything by violating your trust.
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You made Eddie promise not to tell a soul what happened that day, including Dustin. He agreed on the terms that you’d inform him when you need help from thereon out. You wish you could keep your word but that’s easier said than done. How are you supposed to vocalize the wretched things your brain tells you? It’s a language only you can comprehend, it’s meant to torment you specifically. 
You’re not stupid, you know how much that evening shook him up. To put Eddie’s heart at ease you’ve gotten better at feigning that everything is peachy keen. Not dissimilarly, Eddie is playing pretend too. He acts as though he doesn’t see you differently knowing what he does now. Obviously, you don’t want to discuss it so he continues to act like it never happened.
Eddie thinks about it every day and he’s had an abundance of nightmares that replay like an echo. He can’t move past it because not only is he concerned that you’re still hurting yourself, but you’re also refusing to let him in. You’re effectively shutting out the person you’ve told everything. Certainly, if he tried to talk to you about it, you’d remove yourself from his life entirely.
To his credit, he’s right on the money. Not only that, but your state of well-being has worsened. The daydreaming is more vivid and you ponder what the least painful way to go would be. Existing already hurts so much, you want to feel at peace when you rest.
It has surpassed psychological pain nowadays. The entirety of your body is overrun with fatigue. You just want to be free from it all. It’s like a home invasion where anxiety and depression ransack your mind in search of valuables. Anxiety leaves no stone unturned while depression covers your mouth and presses a gun to your temple.
Dustin and Eddie are still your best friends, but you’ve met someone new. Their name is Ativan and god, they’re a treat. Although prescribed as needed for your panic attacks, they offer you access to a realm of serenity that you can’t reach without them.
At the end of every grueling day, the first thing you do when you get home is swig down a tablet. By the time you’ve changed out of your work clothes and crawled into bed, you’re seeping into the dimension that connects this world to another. It feels dense but it isn’t warm or cold and it doesn’t hug nor choke you. It simply carries you away from worthlessness and inadequacy.
At the thirty-minute mark, your brain has melted to slush. Your surroundings smudge together, erasing any previously discernable objects. It’s best to be in bed because with how uncoordinated and sluggish it makes you, you become one with whatever surface you end up on.
The day Eddie caught you, you learned that he truly thinks the world of you. But when it comes down to it, you need to be more secretive in order to shield not only him but Dustin too. You hate that Eddie checks in on you from time to time. You don’t hate that he cares enough to ask, it’s that it pains you to lie every time he does.
Ideally, if you withdraw from your friends subtly enough, no one will feel majorly impacted when you decide to call it quits. People say that suicide is selfish but that’s not entirely true. If anything it’s inherently selfless because you believe that you’re freeing your loved ones of the burden that you perceive yourself as.
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Today is another one of those days where you can’t be bothered to get out of bed. You missed your shift at work in its entirety by having slept for 14 hours straight. It doesn’t matter. You’d much rather lie here to rot, so you did. Asleep or awake, all you can think about is that feeling of pure ease. A state beyond numbness and unconsciousness. Rather, it’s nothingness. That’s where you want to be.
You’re hanging on by a thread worn too thin. The apathy bites at your toes and gnaws its way up your body. Tears well in your eyes and drip onto your pillowcase. You feel nauseated and woozy. Living day after day has slashed you to the point of being able to see through yourself. Your headstone is half engraved, only missing today’s date.
While choking on the reasons why you should give up, there’s no flavor of justification for continuing to live. You subconsciously rip open tallied scabs on your wrist from last night’s bloodletting. The bedsheets run red, blood smearing across your skin. You can’t feel it, it’s not enough. The ringing demand is painfully loud. You have to make it stop.
The brittleness of your lungs causes you to claw for a rickety breath. Spit drips down your chin as your burnt-out throat fails to produce a scream. You clutch the sheets with bloodied fingers. Gotta make it stop. After rolling off of the mattress, your palms hit the floor before you can get to your feet.
You use the wall to brace yourself as you stagger to the bathroom. The medicine cabinet is torn open and rattling fills the small room as bottles fall into the basin below. The thunder in your brain overrides your senses, impairing your ability to see and hear. Your hips press against the sink to keep yourself vertical while you search the cabinet. 
With the desired bottles in hand, you pop the caps and they bounce when they hit the floor. You dump the contents into your palm, balling your fist to ensure that you don’t drop any. You don’t care how many are left, it just needs to be enough. With a few gulps of booze from the bottle tucked beside the bathtub, you throw back the handful of tablets and swallow thickly. The sensation of the bitter liquid searing your throat is tranquilizing in itself, ensuring that solace is soon to come.
Due to your stomach being empty, the shift hits like a whirlwind. You sit on the cold floor with your back against the side of the tub. The tears stop, your heart rate slows, and an unfamiliar warmth washes over you. Finally, the urge is satiated. As the full-body trembling ceases and the earth stops turning, your eyelids seal as you melt in the stillness.
Your phone rings twice only moments after you’ve taken the pills. Ten minutes later your front door opens and slams shut.
Dustin toes off his sneakers, eyeing Eddie while he does the same. “If she’s working late shouldn’t we just wait for her to get home? I don’t think she'll appreciate us being here unsupervised.”
Eddie shakes the spare house key he snagged from its hiding place. “She won’t even know we were here. We’re just gonna dig around real quick. My lighter has got to be here ‘cause I’ve looked everywhere.” He ties his hair back with a rubber band and shucks off his denim jacket.
“There’s no way you looked everywhere.” Dustin remarks, earning an annoyed look from Eddie.
“Yeah, no shit. That’s why we’re here, genius.” Eddie commences the hunt by lifting couch cushions and tossing around the decorative pillows.
Dustin fake scours for a beat before heading toward the hall.
“Where are you going?” Eddie dramatically shakes out a throw blanket as if it’ll make his Zippo appear like a magic trick. 
“Seriously? I told you not to drink a whole can of pop.”
“Well, I did.” Dustin crosses his arms defensively. “And if I hold it any longer I'll spontaneously combust. Do you wanna have to clean that up?”
“Gross, no thanks.” Eddie tosses the blanket back on the couch, neglecting to refold it. “Just hurry up and don’t touch anything.”
“Why would I?” Dustin squints.
Eddie mirrors the teen’s prickly body language. “Uh, ‘cause you’re nosey as hell.” He states matter-of-factly.
“Am not,” Dustin calls out as he pivots down the hall. He stops in the doorway to the bathroom, met with the sight of you slumped on your side. “Eddie…”
“What? Found it?” Eddie cocks his head at Dustin’s statue-like stance. He approaches and peeks into the bathroom, then abruptly brushes past Dustin to get to you. Eddie’s knees bruise from the sheer force at which they smack the porcelain tile. He guides you to sit upright but your unsupported head rolls forward. “Nononono shit shit shit!”
When he scoops you up into his arms, he feels the subtle warmth of your skin against his own. Still alive. Thrust into panic mode, Eddie repeatedly taps your cheek to elicit a reaction but to no avail. Tears pour from his eyes as he secures your head to his heaving chest. “Go call for help!”
Dustin doesn’t flinch, his mouth hanging open and eyes unblinking. Utterly frozen in carbonite as he witnesses his best friend dying on the bathroom floor.
“NOW!” Eddie booms pressingly.
Dustin dashes away to dial 911. In the meantime, Eddie cradles you and sobs. “We’re here, sweetheart. We’re here now.”
After all this time, the way you’ve been feeling has finally broken the surface. Your emotions are now presented in their rawest form, revealing how broken you’ve been feeling.
“Hurry, Dustin!” Eddie beseeches through a wet cough. The tears cascade from his cheeks onto your limp body, soaking into the fabric of your shirt. “Just hold on for me, okay?” His voice cracks, “Please don’t go.” The knot in his stomach is taut while he focuses on the jagged passing of air through your nostrils.
He kisses your temple and nuzzles his blotchy cheek in its wake. “Please, god. Please please please… don’t take her from us.” Eddie is doing his damndest to keep you from slipping away by stimulating you with his voice and touch. A faint rattle spills from your throat, your brain is convinced that you’re floating but you’re sinking fast. “Dustin!”
On cue, he reappears in the doorway with puffy bloodshot eyes and a wet sheen trailing from his nose, pooling in his Cupid’s bow. “They’re on the way.”
“We gotta keep her warm,” Eddie sniffles with glossily desperate eyes. Dustin gets on his knees and complies. The two of them cocoon you in their body heat until the paramedics arrive.
The boys are forced out of the bathroom and they stand in the living room to stay out of the way. Dustin is enveloped in Eddie’s trembling arms. He buries his face into the crook of Eddie’s neck to dampen the sound of his unbridled blubbering.
Eddie shields him from looking as you’re wheeled out of the bathroom on the gurney. He has to be strong for Dustin because you couldn’t say the same for yourself.
Dustin grabs fistfuls of Eddie's shirt and tugs so hard that the seams snap. “She’s gonna be okay, right?” He rasps with a saturated cry.
“Yeah-” Eddie refuses to think for even a second that it’ll just be the two of them from now on. You’re a part of the unit, it’s meant to stay that way. He tightens his embrace, holding Dustin impossibly closer. ”She’s stronger than both of us combined. She’s gonna pull through this, I know it.” 
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Author's Note Cont.: Eddie and Dustin are so proud of you for trying your best every day, even when it doesn’t feel like you have much to show for it.
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Reblogs are greatly appreciated! ♡
★My Masterlist
★Ko-fi ♡
tags: @protecteddiemunson4vr @nj01
235 notes · View notes
megxplryxb · 2 years
Green With Envy Pt. 2
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Hello beautiful people! I'm extremely sorry for the long ass wait on part two. I have rewritten this story more times than I can count and I'm still not totally happy with it but I don't think I'm ever going to get it just perfect. It's longer than part 1 but I felt it needed more background this time around. Just wanted to say a HUGE thank you for the kind words and support with part one of this fic, It really means so much to me.
Pairings - Steve Harrington x fem!reader
Warnings - Mild sexual harassment
Disclaimer: GIF is not mine.
Taglist: @johnricharddeacy @strangermarvelgirl @anisahgonzalez @ingrid-ingrid-ingrid @freezaz123 @kennedy-brooke @lia-winther @literallyjustwanttoread @boop369 @shireentapestry @imagineme2you @gracieluvthemoon
“This was the car ride from hell.” Steve thought to himself, completely regretting the decision not to take Nancy up on her offer to drive Eddie and Robin home earlier. He just needed this shitty day to be over, he needed space, needed his bed and most importantly he needed to forget the last hour had ever happened before he had accidentally revealed his true feelings for you to Robin, Eddie and Nancy. Eddie Munson however, was making it damn near impossible to forget, constantly reminding Steve that you were currently on a date with Tommy H’s cousin, wondering where you had gone and what base Eric had gotten with you.
“So this guy came in to the store the other day and it was so obvious that he was looking to rent some porno flicks but he got totally embarrassed when he saw a girl behind the counter and not a guy, so he went to the romance section instead and then—"
“Dude, I still can’t believe it’s taken you so long to realise that you’re in to her.” Eddie cackled in the front seat of Steve’s car, interrupting Robin’s story, not grasping that she was trying to change the subject for her friend’s sake and sanity. She could tell Steve was trying his best to tune Eddie’s voice out but judging by the colour of his knuckles that were currently gripping the steering wheel, his plan wasn’t working too well. “I mean, shit Harrington, I know I haven’t been a part of this wacky ass group as long as everybody else but even I could’ve told you a long time ago that you were carrying a torch for her, man.” Eddie teased as Robin lightly smacked the back of his head.
“What the hell was that for Buckley?” He shrieked, turning his head to face the brunette in the back seat. “Eddie, please just stop talking.” She begged as he stretched out his arms in defence. “What? I’m just saying, if our boy here had cut the bullshit and admitted how he felt earlier, maybe he’d be on a date right now instead of that assclown.” Eddie muttered, cracking his knuckles while Steve finally broke his silence.
“Do you want to walk the rest of the way Munson? Cause I’m about five god damn seconds from pulling over and shoving your ass out.” He threatened as Eddie let out a loud howl. “Finally, he speaks! Where was that fire when you let your girl drive off with Hagan huh?” The longer haired boy challenged as Steve clenched his jaw.
“God damn it Munson, she’s not my girl alright? Christ, just give it a rest already.” Steve pleaded, shaking his head in frustration as he continued to drive towards the trailer park.
“Come on man, she obviously digs you too! She practically waited on those stairs for you to stop her from going earlier.” Eddie explained as Steve scoffed bitterly. “She seemed pretty excited for her date, from where I was standing.”
“Buckley, help me out here?” The hellfire club leader begged the girl in the back, realising he wasn’t getting anywhere with his friend. Steve glanced in the rear view mirror to look back at Robin who was biting her lip, pondering on whether to say something or not.
“Steve look, I know Munson is being a total pain in the ass right now—”
“Duly noted.” Eddie apologised, raising a hand as Robin rolled her eyes playfully. “But—and please don’t kick me out of the car for saying this—I don’t think he’s entirely wrong.” She winced as Eddie grinned like an idiot.
“Oh yeah, and what makes you think she’s in to me, Robin?” Steve asked, an annoyed tone in his voice that this conversation was still happening. Why couldn’t they just leave it alone?
“Uh, I don’t know dingus, maybe because I’m a bit of a pro when it comes to hiding my feelings since I’ve had to hide my feelings from every girl I’ve ever liked because I wasn’t supposed to like girls?” She replied.
“m’sorry.” He whispered as she smiled at him, patting his back.
“Look, she’s my best friend, I think I know her better than anyone. I’ve seen the way she is with you Steve, the way she looks at you, I’ve seen the way she pretends not to care when you’re flirting with a customer at work….and I saw the look on her face that night when you got dragged under water to the Upside Down. We all thought you were a goner but she didn’t waste a second in going in after you anyway.” Robin revealed as Eddie nodded in agreement. “Not a damn second.”
Steve sighed, finally pulling up to Eddie’s trailer, relieved that the conversation had ultimately reached its conclusion. “End of the line Munson, it was a pleasure as always.” He muttered sarcastically, reaching over his friend to open the door for him, ushering him out as Eddie shook his head in laughter.  
“Alright Harrington, ignore everything we just said if you want to.” The metal head declared getting out of the BMW. “But take it from a guy who wishes he got a chance to tell the girl he liked how he felt, because now Chrissy’s gone and I lie awake every night wondering what could’ve been if I’d have just told her how crazy I was about her.” Eddie admitted closing the car door, winking at Steve and waving to Robin as he disappeared in to the trailer, leaving Steve with some things to think about.
The car ride to Robin’s house had been mostly silent other than her softly humming to the radio, trying to break the awkwardness that was filling the space between the two friends.
Robin had climbed in to the front of Steve’s car the moment Eddie had departed, frowning at her best friend who was shifting uncomfortably in the driver’s seat. “Steve, she’ll be alright.” The brunette assured the boy who kept his gaze on the road trying to focus himself on anything other than you. She could see how much the whole situation was bothering him even though he was trying hard not to be so obvious about it but it was only the two of them in the car now and he didn’t have to hide anything from her. “You don’t know him like I do, Robin, the guy is bad news.” He sighed heavily, pulling in to the Buckley drive way, turning the ignition off.
“Ok fine, you’re right I don’t know the guy that well but I know my friend and I know she’s more than capable of taking care of herself.” Robin said confidently. Steve too, knew you could fend for yourself, shit, you had helped him kill more than your fair share of supernatural creatures over the last couple of years but Eric Hagan was a different kind of creature. Steve had seen him at enough parties to know his only goal when it came to girls was adding another notch to his bed post. He had never seen him with an actual girlfriend in all of the time that he had known him, just a handful of one night stands and girls left with broken hearts and empty promises. It was all a game to Eric and he had made it clear you were his next challenge.
As much as you hated to admit it to yourself, Steve was right, Eric Hagan was in fact, an asshole.
He had spent the entire car ride from the Wheeler’s house to the movie theatre trying to convince you that Skull Rock would be a far better place to go to “get to know each other”. An idea you instantly rejected, quickly figuring out his true intentions and also knowing it was your co-worker’s high school escapades that made it such a popular spot in the first place. The thoughts of going to the place that Steve Harrington had made famous, doing god knows what with how ever many girls made you feel nauseous beyond belief.
You could tell by the surprised look on Eric’s face that the older boy wasn’t exactly used to getting turned down when the offer of a trip to Lovers Lake was extended but you weren’t the type of girl to give it up on the first date, even if you had implied otherwise to Steve earlier when he tried to warn you that Eric was only interested in sex. You weren’t really sure why you’d said it but the moment the words fell from your lips you were dying to see Steve’s reaction, swearing you had seen the slightest hint of jealousy in his eyes. He had been on your mind a lot lately, way more than you’d care to admit and even now while on a date with someone else, Steve Harrington was all you could think about. Jesus, Robin would laugh if she knew.
“You look really hot.” Eric whispered, interrupting you from your thoughts, placing a hand on your leg as you smiled uneasily, trying to focus on the movie. You were relieved that you had managed to persuade him to take you to the movies as originally planned, already certain there wouldn’t be a second date to follow. Maybe this was your karma for teasing Steve about Stacey Carter earlier.
“Can I be honest with you?” He whispered again, an arm slinging around your shoulder as you shifted uncomfortably.
“Sure?” You said as he licked his lips, lowering his eyes to your cleavage. “I have no idea what’s going on in this movie because I can’t take my eyes off of you.” Oh god, you wanted to be sick.
“Well, it’s not really that hard to follow if you’ve seen—” You spoke before feeling his lips on your mouth, then to your neck as he tried to slide his hand between your legs.
“Eric, stop.”
“Why baby? No one can see us.” He reassured, while you swotted his hand away.
“I don't care, just don’t touch me like that.”
“Too much, too soon? Fine, let’s just make out for a while first, that’ll get you in the mood.” Eric grinned, trying to kiss you again.
“No!” You growled, shoving him back as he looked at you in disbelief.
“What are you frigid or something?” He questioned, getting annoyed at your constant rejection.
“I’m out of here.” You stated, rolling your eyes, trying to get up but he pulled you down to the seat again, grabbing your wrist.
“No chick walks out of a date on Eric Hagan, sweetheart. A slut like you should be grateful I even asked—” You didn’t give him a chance to finish his sentence, connecting your fist with his nose instead.
“Guess there’s a first time for everything, asshole.” You spat, removing yourself from the seat once more, heading for the exit as your date wailed in agony.
You shook your hand in pain, hurting yourself in the process of punching Eric but fuck it had been worth it. Back on the now dark street, you looked up and down the road for a pay phone, needing to call Nancy or Jonathan for a ride to Robin’s house. Christ, why hadn’t you listened to Steve earlier? He warned you this would happen.
Fuck, he’d never let you live this down.
“Hey! Are you crazy? You almost broke my fucking nose!” Eric yelled hysterically, grabbing your arm, wiping the blood from his nose on to his shirt. “Let me go you creep!” You yelled, struggling in his grasp. The sound of a car breaking heavily and a door slamming hard, distracting him before he could harm you any further.
“Get your hands off of her, Hagan.” A familiar voice yelled, walking towards you both.
“Steve Harrington, fuck I haven’t seen you around in forever. Still slinging ice cream for a living?” Eric joked as Steve gritted his teeth.
“I won’t tell you again, get...your…hands…off of her.” He demanded, the other boy finally letting you out of his grasp as Steve moved closer to you, pulling you behind him.
“She your girlfriend or something?” Eric questioned, Steve looking back at you, hands on hips, biting his bottom lip as if he was contemplating what you actually were to him. Not even you knew the answer to that.
“She’s a friend.”
“Well your “friend” damn near broke my nose, Harrington.” The older boy stated as you scoffed at him. Was he seriously trying to play the victim?“Because you’re a fucking pervert, Eric!”
“I didn’t do anything you weren't asking for, sweetheart.” He smirked, until Steve grabbed his shirt, pining him to the wall with a darkness in his eyes that you'd never seen before.
"Woah, easy Harrington!" Eric gasped, raising his hands in defence.
"What the fuck did you do to her?" Steve snarled, tightening his grip on the other boy. The thoughts of Eric hurting you, sending him in to a rage.
"Steve, stop! He's not worth it." You pleaded as he ignored you, keeping his eyes firmly on Eric.
"Tried to make a move on her and the bitch punched me!"
"Because I told you to stop and you didn't!" You spat, Steve hearing more than enough, punching Eric hard in the jaw.
"Come on Harrington, that all you got? Tommy told me you'd gone soft but he didn't say anything about you being pussy whipped." Eric goaded, spitting blood from his mouth as Steve grabbed him again. You tried your best to pull him away but he was too strong, too pissed and too full of adrenaline for you to move him. Eric tried to fight back, connecting one shot to Steve’s face, forcing him back to the wall to catch his balance. You winced, watching Steve get hit but the boy quickly regrouped, giving you a nod to let you know he was alright. Eric attempted to swing for Steve again, but he ducked instinctively, punching his former friend's cousin in the stomach causing him to drop to the floor, completely winded by the blow.
“Enough!” You demanded, Steve looking at you with concern on his face then back to Eric again as he bent down to face him
"Come near her again and a broken nose will be the least of your worries, understand?" Steve whispered to Eric as he nodded in agreement, trying to catch his breath. The older boy searching for his keys, hobbling towards his car once he got back to his feet, defeated, too embarrassed to even look your way. You remained quiet, trying to comprehend what had just happened between Eric and Steve, feeling slightly responsible for the fight that had occurred between the two and the bruise that was now forming on Steve’s face.
"You okay?” Steve asked moving closer to you as you stepped back, folding your arms. “Yeah…I’m fine, I just… what the hell were you even doing here?” You questioned as Steve scoffed at your tone.
“Gee Steve, thanks for saving my ass I really appreciate it.” He mocked.
“I had it under control."
“Oh yeah, it really looked like it.” He said, a sarcastic tone in his voice as he shook his head. You wanted to fight back, to defend yourself but you knew Steve was right, you just wouldn't admit that to him.
"You didn't answer my question."
"About what?" He huffed.
"About what you were doing here?"
"I was on my way home." Steve lied.
"Your house is in the other direction, idiot."
"I'm well aware of that, thank you. I was...going to grab some...uhh dinner after I dropped Robin and Eddie home and I—." He mumbled as your brows knitted together, interrupting him. "You're a god awful liar Steve Harrington, almost as bad as Robin."
"m'not lying."
"Were you spying on me or something?" You asked as Steve laughed nervously. "Oh and why would I do that?"
"I don't know, maybe because you almost lost your shit when you found out I was going on a date with Eric earlier."
"Yeah and for good fucking reason too, look what would have happened if I hadn't come along when I did!" Steve argued.
"And why would it matter to you if something happened to me, Harrington? You can't even stand—"
"Because I fucking care about you!" He confessed, taking a deep breath, running a hand through his thick hair. Cheeks flushing ever so slightly as you stood in silence, not really knowing what to say. The last thing you had expected Steve to say was that he cared about you. You didn't even think he considered you a friend.
"Look, I had a bad feeling about the whole thing so I drove past the movie theatre to make sure thats where he had actually taken you. I wasn't spying, honestly, I jus—“
"Thank you." You mumbled softly, looking straight in to Steve's eyes, grateful for the way he had defended and protected you. In all honesty, you didn't know what would have happened had Steve not shown up and while you might not say it, you were relieved it was Steve who came to your rescue.
"It was nothing." He smiled back, finally sensing a truce between you both.
Steve watched you run your hands up and down your arms, noticing the little goosebumps forming on your skin as he began to unzip his own jacket, throwing it over your shoulders without hesitation.
"Oh no, i'm ok you don't have to—“
"Jesus, do you always have to argue with me, sweetheart?" He teased, laughing at you as you rolled your eyes giving in to him, wrapping the jacket around your slender form, his scent immediately making you feel warm and safe inside.
"Come on, I'll take you to Robin's." He said, opening the passenger side door for you.
"Fine, but I swear, if you even mutter the words "I told you so", Harrington." You warned.
"I won't, cross my heart and hope to die." He promised, brown eyes gazing at you, ushering you in to the car. You couldn't remember the last time you had been in Steve's car by yourself, maybe it was when you were running late for your shift that one time and you had no choice but to call Steve for a ride? It was usually filled with the younger teens, talking about d&d, arguing over what music to play and Steve yelling at them for "spilling shit all over the god damn seats" or with Robin, constantly gushing about Vickie.
"Does that hurt?" Steve asked, brushing his fingers gently over your bruised and cut knuckles, his touch sending a shiver down your spine. "Just stings a little. Robin's gonna freak when I tell her what happened, m'not sure i'm ready for the interrogation, honestly." You joked as his eyes widened, keeping his focus on the road.
"You could always come back to mine for a while, I mean, if you want? I know what Robin gets like." He laughed as you looked at him with surprise.
"Really? Are you sure you wouldn't mind?" You asked, as he finally glanced at you, giving you a reassuring grin.
"I'm positive."
The car ride to Steve's seemed quick, house in complete darkness as he pulled in to the empty driveway. You figured his parents were off the radar again as there was no sign of life, other than you and Steve. He opened the front door, guiding you in first as he closed it behind him, sending an echo down the dark, dreary hallway. The house, although beautiful seemed so cold and lonely as you watched Steve walk through to the kitchen turning on lights and closing curtains, almost trying to gather up as much warmth from it as he possibly could.
"M’just gonna run upstairs real quick, phones on the wall by the refrigerator if you wanna give Robin a call, let her know you're ok?" He gestured towards the kitchen.
"Thanks Steve." You smiled gratefully. picking up the phone to call your best friend.
As expected, Robin freaked out about the whole situation with Eric. Wanting to know what happened, why it happened, how it happened and most importantly how you had managed to end up at Steve's house of all places. You tried to calm her down as much as possible, telling her not to worry and that you were safe with Steve now, deciding to leave out the part about your co-worker getting in to a fist fight with Eric until you met her later in person.
"Did she freak?" Steve joked, leaning against the door frame, holding a blue hoodie and a small green box as you hung up the telephone.
"Only a little bit but once she knew I was under your supervision she relaxed." You teased as Steve lightly chuckled, as your stomach started to rumble loudly.
"You hungry?" He laughed as you nodded your head in embarrassment. "Yeah, I didn't eat all day. I usually don't eat before I go on dates."
"Wanna order a pizza or somethin'? I'm actually pretty hungry too, my treat?" He offered.
"I'd love a pizza but I'm buying, as a thank you for saving my ass back at the movie theatre. " You insisted as Steve shook his head.
"Absolutely not. It's on me, honestly, I've got it."
"No, really will you just let me—"
"Why do we argue about everything?" He interrupted as you both chuckled. "We're not arguing, we're just disagreeing." You explained as he threw his head back.
"Fuck, if the others could see us now huh?" He joked as you laughed in agreement. "I know, they’d think hell just froze over."
"Totally." Steve replied, locking eyes with you as a silence fell between you. It wasn't necessarily an awkward silence, not on Steve's part at least. He had so many things he wanted to say to you, so many things he wanted to apologise for and he didn't know where to start.
"So, pizza?" You finally spoke, biting your lip nervously, snapping Steve out of his thoughts as he came back to earth again.
"Oh yeah—pizza, right. I'll uh, call it in now, any special requests?” He questioned as you shrugged unbothered. "Once it doesn't have pineapple, I'm good."
"Finally, something we agree on." He muttered, placing the order over the phone.
Once Steve had the food ordered, he handed you the blue hoodie to wear instead of the jacket he had given you earlier, figuring it was a little too heavy for indoor wear. He caught your hand as you unzipped the jacket, inspecting your knuckles again, frowning at the small wound and black and blue bruise.
"We should clean that up before the food gets here." He suggested, grabbing the first aid box that he usually kept in his room.
“It’s fine, I’ve had way worse happen than a few banged up knuckles.” You laughed, swiping a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Yeah, don't I know it?" He joked, referring to the many battles you had both endured over the past couple of years with the rest of the group. "Come on, sit up on the counter top near the sink and run your hand under the water for a couple of seconds while I get this stuff ready, okay?” He said softly, walking towards the fridge, grabbing an ice pack. You sighed, knowing he wouldn't take no for an answer, hopping up on the counter as requested, turning on the tap.
"Man, I can't believe you actually clocked Hagan, I'd have paid big money to see that." Steve chuckled, rummaging through the box, taking out some saline water, bandages and tape.
"I never hit anyone in my life, didn't realise his stupid face would hurt my hand so much." You pouted as Steve walked towards you, placing himself between your knees, dabbing your knuckles lightly with a cotton pad and cleansing water. Your heart raced again at how close he was to you and you couldn't help but notice just how insanely handsome he was, even with an emerging black eye. He was being so gentle with his movements, not wanting to hurt you in the slightest as the pad wiped away the dried blood.
"He uh, he didn't hurt you or anything though right? I mean, like...he didn’t,—”. Steve nervously asked as you shook your head, a little embarrassed.
"Oh, umm, well he wanted to bring me to Skull Rock and skip the movies completely but I said no and then at the movie theatre he kissed me unexpectedly and I pushed him away..." You explained as Steve tensed his body, hearing about how Eric kissed you, jealously rising a little to the surface again. "Then, just like you said he would, he tried to sneak his hand up my skirt and I asked him to stop and when I tried to leave he grabbed me, so I punched him."
"You're a total badass." Steve grinned, making you giggle as he finished wrapping the bandage around your hand. "m'sorry about your date, he really is a piece of shit but m'glad you're okay." He said softly as you took the ice pack from the counter top beside you, holding it lightly on the corner of his eye.
"And I'm sorry about that." You sighed, Steve wincing a little, brushing off your apologies.
"I've had worse." He mocked, as you frowned, looking down.
"No, if I hadn't been so fucking stubborn and just listened to you earlier, none of this would have happened, this is all my fault." You admitted, your voice starting to break a little.
"Hey, none of this is your fault, sweetheart." He reassured you, cupping your face. "Fuck, I never should've let you walk out of that basement in the first place, I knew what he was like.”
"You tried to warn me Steve and I just ignored you." You interrupted as he spoke again.
"Yeah because I was being a total dick to you, like always. If I had spoken to you like a normal human being for once maybe then I could have—.”
"Steve, stop. We've both been pretty shitty to each other over the years okay, it hasn't exactly been one sided." You frowned, tugging your lips to one side, still holding the ice pack to his face as his hand settled on yours.
"You never deserved any of the things I said to you or the way I treated you, m'really sorry." Steve sighed, a guilty look on his face as he struggled to lift his head.
"Why do you hate me so much?" You asked softly, Steve finally catching your gaze as he took a deep breath, hopping up on the counter beside you.
"Do you remember the first time you walked in to Scoops?" He quizzed as you shrugged your shoulders, not being able to recall. It had been well over two years ago, in your defence.
"Well I do." He half laughed, keeping his eyes on the ground as he gripped the marble countertop. "I was still pretty hung up on Nance at the time y'know? I knew it was over but I guess I was still coming to terms with the break up and all...anyways, I was serving a couple of shithead teenagers at the till while Robin was signing for a delivery in the back and this girl walked in to the shop in converse, long hair in a messy bun, JCPenneys lanyard around her neck, wearing an AC/DC t-shirt and denim shorts."
"Oh my god, how do you remember that?" You laughed, placing a hand over your mouth.
"How could I not? You were honestly the most beautiful girl I'd ever laid my eyes on." He admitted, staring at you as you felt the heat rush to your cheeks. "I mean, christ, I had this major crush on you when we started Highschool, but we ran in different circles and then I met Nance, so I decided to be a jerk to you to get you to hate me and to get over my crush on you." He laughed, mortified by his own immaturity as you sat in shock. "And then when I met Robin at Scoops, she kept pushing me to ask someone out on a date, get back out there again and then you were there, still as pretty as ever....and you completely ignored me." He chuckled, as you joined in with him, bursting in to fits of laughter.
"I did, didn't I?" You giggled, throwing your head back, trying to hide your face.
"Yep!" He continued to laugh as your bodies leaned against each other for balance. "Not that I blamed you or anything, I totally understood why you did it but it still sucked because I knew I wasn't that guy anymore and instead of trying to make you see that, I went back to acting like an asshole because it was easier than admitting my actual feelings and getting my heart broken again. So yeah, to answer your question, I never hated you, not even a little bit. Quite the opposite, actually." He confessed, locking his brown eyes with yours as you bit your bottom lip nervously, trying to take it all in. You weren't sure how you looked on the outside but inside, your stomach was doing somersaults and your heart was beating out of your chest but you could see panic starting to form on Steve's face with how silent you were and he began babbling out of embarrassment.
"You don't have to say anything, I mean, I didn't even really realise myself until you left with Eric earlier and the others pretty much called me out on how jealous I was acting. It's just you looked so fucking beautiful and I hated that you were going on a date, not just because it was with Eric but because I wanted to be the one who took you on a date and Eddie just kept saying that I should just tell you how I feel because he didn't get to tell Chrissy and I'm really sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable or anything and I know you probably hate me but—.”
"Steve, shut up for a second." You laughed, putting a hand over his mouth as he mumbled a "sorry" in to your palm. Your fingers moving to the bruise on his eye, brushing over it gently before placing your palm on his cheek. He swallowed hard, closing his eyes for a slight second, welcoming your warm touch before he opened them again, looking straight to your lips and back to your eyes again. He really was beautiful.
“First of all, I don't hate you, you drive me fucking crazy sometimes but I never hated you and secondly, I don't intend on breaking your heart, Steve Harrington." You whispered, finally leaning in as his hand rushed around the back of your neck, pulling you closer, meeting your lips with his for the first time. It was as if you had both waited a lifetime for this moment, afraid it was never going to happen as you devoured each other, fearful it had all been a dream, one you'd wake up from at any minute and go back to despising each other. Steve groaned in to your mouth as you tugged at his hair, gasping lightly as your tongue licked his lower lip. "I can’t believe this is happening, right now, that I’m actually kissing you." He murmured in to your mouth as you smiled, pulling at his shirt, trying to move him as close to your body as humanly possible. Your movements so fluid, so in sync that you’d swear you had kissed him a million times before. Lewd sounds coming from you both as feelings were finally laid bare for the other to see, years of sexual tension being released all at once and you knew if it wasn’t for the doorbell ringing at that very moment, you’d have let Steve Harrington take you upstairs. He cursed the pizza delivery guys timing as he slid off of the counter beside you, unwrapping himself from you begrudgingly. “Saved by the bell.” He teased, making his way to the front door. You tried to catch your breath, low on oxygen from the make out session you had just had with Steve, cheeks flushing, noticing the very apparent tight bulge in his jeans as he walked back through the house with the pizza in hand. You couldn’t help but giggle as he walked towards you, moving between your knees, digging his fingers in to your hips to bring you closer to him, wrapping your legs around his waist as he rested his forehead on yours, so content to have you in his arms.
"What's so funny beautiful?" Steve muttered in between kisses as you slid your arms around his neck. "Out of all the things I thought could happen on my date with Eric Hagan tonight, making out with you in your kitchen was definitely not one of them, Harrington."
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Eddie Valentine.
Eddie Munson x plus size female reader
Authors note- okay ghouls, goblins, and fellow gremlins this may be a very self indulgent fic of me working through my hatred for Valentine’s Day and it may or may not be somewhat based on true events on things that have happened in life so let’s just go with it <3
Warnings- mentions of bullying, swearing, fluff, smut. Oral f receiving. Protected p in v. Wrap it before you tap it ghouls
Summary- for Eddie’s first Valentine’s Day with his girlfriend he wants to make it as sappy romantic and special as possible. Until he finds out she hates Valentine’s Day. 4.8k words
February 14th. The day for couples to show their love for each other, the day Arizona was accepted as a state, and the day of the Saint Valentine’s Day massacre. Whoever you are wherever you are there’s something to do on this day.
Eddie Munson had the day marked on his calendar for weeks and he was all too excited for it. Valentine’s Day was tomorrow and he was determined to make it special. Being the freak of the town meant that Eddie had never truly celebrated Valentine’s Day with someone special before. Hell even in elementary school when kids would pass out candy and cards to the whole class, Eddie was always somehow left out or forgotten. That was until he met you.
You two had started going out within the last year and this is your first Valentine’s Day together. He was nervous to say the least but mostly just excited to have a day where he gets to show all his love for you.
Eddie sat at the head of the lunch table lost in thought daydreaming about his girlfriend and how special he wanted Valentine’s Day to be for her. Valentine’s Day was on a Tuesday this year which meant they’d both be spending the day at school but that didn’t mean he couldn’t try to make it special. He sat there thinking about the gift he had gotten you and the candy he knew you’d love. In the morning he’d pick you up some of her favourite flowers.
He’d been so lost in thought that the rest of the hellfire table was now sitting around wondering why the dungeon master wasn’t being his usual self. He felt the eyes of the table on him and finally looked up to see their faces.
“What do you mean “what” Eddie we’ve been here for like 5 minutes and you haven’t said a single word” Jeff said in a confused tone as he bit into his sandwich.
“Sorry, I was just thinking. Hey Jeff, where's y/n?”
“Last period she said she had to drop a book off at the library so she’d be late to lunch.”
“Well while I have you guys to myself for a second can I run a couple ideas for Valentine’s Day by you guys?”
“Seriously man, you're worried about Valentine’s Day? I thought you’d be more concerned with our next campaign?”
Eddie threw a pretzel at Gareth
“It’s our first Valentine’s Day together and I want to make it special.”
Dustin raised a hand to interject “Eddie we’re sure whatever you have planned she’s gonna love because she loves you and it’ll be special because it’s you two.”
Eddie opened his mouth to speak again but quickly closed it and snapped his head around to the other side of the table next to him where you had suddenly appeared and pulled the chair out to sit down.
“What’s gonna be special?” You asked as you made yourself comfortable.
Eddie didn’t say anything as you looked at him so you looked back to Dustin.
“Valentine’s Day of course!” Dustin said with a megawatt smile.
As soon as he said it your entire body tensed and you grew quiet. The smile slipping from your face.
Eddie however didn’t notice this as he threw a pretzel matched with a death glare at Dustin. Eddie began to speak quietly before looking at you.
“Yeah sweets since it’s our first Valentine’s Day together I was thinking I could pick you up for school and then immediately after we can go on a date”
You swallowed the lump in your throat and looked down at your hands in your lap instead of facing Eddie.
“I’m not coming to school tomorrow. Sorry Ed’s.”
You stood up fast from the table. “I think I left something in the library. I’ll see you guys later.”
You were gone from the cafeteria before Eddie could catch you but honestly he hadn’t even tried to.
He was too stunned. You’d never rejected him for a date without reason before and you’d especially never rushed out of a room like that before. What confused him even more is why you wouldn’t be at school on a Tuesday. You were a great student and he’s never seen you miss a day of school. But to reject him for Valentine’s Day plans? Had he done something wrong? Eddie's mind was racing a million miles a minute.
He stood from the hellfire table and made his way out of the cafeteria and to the library. Only when he got to the library you were nowhere to be found. He made his way out to the parking lot to see if you’d gone to get something from your car only to find your car missing entirely.
As you sat in your car on the way home you couldn’t help but feel guilty for what you’d done to Eddie. You knew he meant well but honestly since he hadn’t mentioned it at all recently you were hoping he’d forgotten about Valentine’s Day altogether or maybe didn’t want to celebrate it.
You knew you should have just told him the truth of why you didn’t like Valentine’s Day and why you wouldn’t go to school but deep down there was a part of you that thought he’d be angry with you for being upset over something so stupid that happened so long ago. Yet you continued driving home.
Once you got home you ran straight to your room and shut the door. Collapsing on the bed and running your hands over your face from exhaustion.
Later in the day you’d gotten multiple phone calls from who you were assuming was Eddie but you did nothing but lay in bed and watch the time pass. Hoping you would wake up and it would be Wednesday and everything could just go back to normal.
Back at Eddie’s trailer he was absolutely losing his mind wondering what on earth he could have done wrong to screw this up so badly. But he was determined he wasn’t going to let this day go to waste and he certainly wasn’t going to lose you on Valentine’s Day of all days.
The later it got the more defeated he felt when you didn’t answer any of his calls. He flopped down on the couch and threw his head back and groaned. He looked over at the clock that read 12:53 am and he decided fuck it.
He went to his room and grabbed his leather jacket and the gifts he’d gotten you for Valentine’s Day and then his keys and rushed out the door.
You were sound asleep in bed when a brutal tapping began to work its way into your dream, eventually waking you from that dream when you realised the tapping was real. You looked over at your clock that read 1:15 am and then you turned to find the source of the noise.
As you turn towards your window you can see Eddie standing outside as he knocks his rings against the glass. You sigh and stand up from your bed walking over to the window and sliding it open.
“Eddie, what are you doing here? It’s 1 in the morning!”
“Well when my girlfriend rejects me and runs off and stops answering my phone calls I get a little concerned sweetheart” he said with a sort of lopsided smile to where you could tell he’s a little hurt.
You move out of the way and he crawls into your room and you can’t help but notice the bag of items he has with him.
“Eddie please can we not do this? Everything will be back to normal on Wednesday I promise.”
Eddie dropped the bag of items gently on the floor of your room and stepped closer to you.
“Sweetheart what is going on? Please just talk to me. I want to spend Valentine’s Day with my girlfriend and I can’t help but feel like you don’t want that?”
You sighed and stepped away from him, walking back towards your bed and sitting on the edge of it. You pull your knees up to your chest and hug yourself.
“It has nothing to do with you Eddie I swear. I just hate Valentine’s Day is all.”
Eddie walked towards you at the edge of the bed and sat beside you.
“Why do you hate Valentine’s Day?”
Sighing you begin to fiddle with the end of the shirt you’re wearing as you begin to tell your tale.
“As a kid I got bullied a lot for being fat and nerdy Eddie. But when I got to middle school boys were ruthless. They’d pretend to ask me out and then laugh in my face and then run off to tell their friends and I’d sit there watching them all laugh at me. Then one year on Valentine’s Day my school did this event where you could buy time on the morning announcements to send a love note to somebody. Only the guy I liked at the time was very popular and apparently knew that I liked him. So he had bribed a few of his friends on the morning announcements to read a humiliating statement about me in front of the whole school and I got laughed at. Even by teachers. I tried not to let it get to me but then the next year for Valentine’s Day I got a candy gram which had a note of someone confessing that they liked me on it and as soon as I read it and smiled a group of boys laughed at me and told me it was fake. I couldn’t take being the butt of the joke every year on Valentine’s Day so I just stopped celebrating it and showing up for school on that day. The public humiliation just isn’t worth it.”
You didn’t look at Eddie but you could feel as he grabbed your hand and rubbed soothing circles on the back with his thumb. He used his other hand and brought it to your face as he gently guided you to look at him.
Once you finally forced your eyes to look at his you could see the tears brimming in his eyes. He brought you closer and laid the most gentle kiss possible on your forehead.
“Sweetheart, I'm so sorry. I’m so fucking sorry. You didn’t deserve that. But I just want you to know you can talk to me about this. I’m the town freak, remember. Valentine’s Day has never been very great for me either. I’ll say it's not as bad as yours but still.”
You knew he was right. And you began to sniffle a little bit as you fought and lost to hold back your tears but Eddie’s fingers were there to wipe them away.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner Eddie it’s just- well it’s just something I don’t like to talk about or think of often.”
“If it’s alright with you sweetheart I’d really like a chance to make Valentine’s Day special for you. If you’ll let me.”
You nodded your head yes and he gave you another kiss on the forehead.
“Okay sweetheart. How about we go to sleep and when we wake up we can spend the whole day together. We’ll both skip school and then we can do whatever you want.”
“That sounds really nice Eddie.”
The two of you got comfortable in bed and drifted off. Staying asleep well into the day.
When the two of you wake up the sun is streaming through your room and you can feel Eddie’s arms wrapped tightly around you holding you against him.
“Morning sweetheart” he whispers in a husky morning voice and you can’t help but feel slightly aroused upon hearing it.
“I’m pretty sure it’s past noon Ed’s” you say in a slight giggle as you pull yourself from his arms and swing your feet over the edge of the bed.
“So sweetheart what’s on the agenda for today?” Eddie asks as he rolls over in your bed.
“How about we spend the day here and make it special? I was thinking we could go downstairs and bake some cupcakes then we can watch a movie?”
He smiles over at you and gets out of bed.
“You had me at cupcakes babe.”
The two of you go downstairs into the kitchen and you pull out the ingredients to bake the cake and you begin.
Of course having to correct when Eddie gets eggshells in the batter and having to take the bowl away when he starts stirring too vigorously and gets batter everywhere but you can’t help but giggle. Eventually you get the cupcakes in the oven and they come out perfect.
As you’re icing the cupcakes together Eddie takes a dollop of frosting onto his finger and swipes it on your nose.
“Ah! Eddie What are you doing!”
You take some frosting on your fingers and smear it across his face and he pulls you into him laughing and kissing the frosting off of your nose before placing a kiss on your lips. You can taste the frosting as you kiss him and you wrap your arms around his neck as you two deepen the kiss.
Eddie leans down as he kisses you and lifts you up in one swift motion as you wrap your legs around his waist as the two of you continue to make out in your kitchen.
After a few minutes of making out you pull away and drop back down to the ground smiling like an idiot. The two of you turn your attention back to the cupcakes and finish icing them.
Once done you each lift up a cupcake but Eddie insists that you two feed each other. As Eddie feeds you your bite you give a nice gentle sigh. As you feed Eddie his he lets out a loud moan that sounds like he just came in his pants and it makes you laugh.
“They’re heaven baby. Heaven. You’re magic.”
“Hey, you helped. If anything were magic together.”
He pulls you into him and kisses you with a mouth full of cupcakes. “Oh we definitely make magic together baby.” He finishes the sentence with a wink.
You slap his arm lightly and begin to clean the kitchen from your cupcake adventure. Once the kitchen is clean you head to the bathroom real quick and tell Eddie to go to your room so the two of you can watch a movie.
Once you walk In the room you see Eddie sat up against the headboard of your bed with a movie already in the VCR on pause. You see the case for the movie sitting on your side table and immediately recognize it as your favourite movie and your heart swells a little bit at just how well he knows you.
You jump into bed next to him and curl into his side as you enjoy the movie. Laughing together and enjoying each others presence. As the movie plays Eddie’s hands rub up and down your spine and every once in awhile he runs his hands gently through your hair and cradles your head. It’s almost like he doesn’t even know he’s doing it but the small touches make you feel so loved. So you hug yourself closer to him.
You guys stay like that for most of the afternoon, just watching movies and cuddling together. Until Eddie declares its present time so he runs to your room where he left the bag of goodies and returns to the living room.
He sits next to you on the couch and watches as you open your gifts.
First is a large bag of your favourite type of candy. Then you open the bag with the main gift and find a little brown Teddy bear with curly fur that’s wearing a little guitar pick necklace. You grab the card that sits beneath the bear and you begin to read it.
“Teddy from your Eddie I love you so much baby. Spending this life with you is all I could ask for and I hope we have many more valentines days together- love your teddy Eddie.”
Eddie begins to worry as he watches your face contort and then he sees the tear running down your face.
“Oh baby what’s wrong? Do you not like it?”
You sniffle again and wipe your nose.
“No! No! Eddie I love it. I love it so much. I just. Well. Nobody’s ever done something this sweet for me before.”
Eddie leans forward and captures you in a hug that you accept. Once the tears stopped falling and you stopped sniffling you pull away from the hug ever so slightly so that you can look at Eddie.
When you look at him and see those big brown eyes staring back at you so lovingly you just can’t hold back as you tackle him back onto the couch in a kiss.
Eddie makes a noise of surprise as he’s pushed back down on the couch and moves to where you two can comfortably make out. As you continue to make out your mind begins to drift onto an idea. A way to repay Eddie for making your day so special and something that would solidify today as a great day for the both of you. Eddie begins to realise you seem lost in thought so he pulls away from the kiss leaving your mouth feeling empty.
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours sweets?”
You move to straddle him on the couch and you brush some hair out of his face.
“Well I was just thinkin. Maybe we could…well I wanted to….I was thinking we could maybe take things further today.”
Eddie's face wasn’t what you were expecting. You couldn’t quite read his reaction. He knew what you were asking and it’s not that he didn’t want to. He’s just surprised. You guys had done other stuff like giving each other head or handjobs but you guys had never done that.
Gradually a smile appears on Eddie’s face and your nerves begin to dissipate.
“Well sweetheart if that’s what you really want I think we can make that happen.”
He grabs your hand and intertwines his fingers with yours before he moves and stands from the couch with you. He guides you back to your room and closes the door.
Once he closes the door he turns to see you in the middle of the room undressing yourself and he just can’t have that.
“Nuh uh sweetheart hands up.”
“Hands up sweetheart. That’s my job.”
You drop your hands to your sides. And wait as Eddie approaches you from across the room. When he gets to you he puts his hands on your waist and trails them down to the hem of your shirt before he ever so slowly lifts it up your body and fully removes the garment. Next he moves to your pants. He looks at you and raises a brow just to ask for confirmation. You give him a nod and he slides the pants down your legs. Getting close to the floor he lifts each leg in his hands and slips the pants fully off your body and discards them.
He returns to his full height towering above you as he slowly strips himself down to his boxers. Once you’re both standing there in nothing but your underwear he moves forward and kisses you as he guides you to the bed to lay down.
As you lay down on the bed you pull him to fall on top of you and he groans as you spread your legs for him to lay between and the two of you make out and begin to grind on each other.
Having so few layers between the two of you was making you even wetter. Feeling his growing erection rubbing between your folds was making you lose your mind as you two whine and moan into each other's mouths until Eddie begins to trail kisses down your neck to your torso. He gets to your bra and looks up at you for confirmation and when you nod he slips it off your body and throws it off the bed. Eddie then massages your left breast with his hands as he takes your right breast into his mouth causing a loud moan to slip past your lips. He then alternates between the two until your nipples are so hard they could cut glass.
Once he’s satisfied with his work on your breasts and can feel that you’ve soaked through your panties he travels lower and leaves kisses along your hips and stops at the waistband of your panties.
He looks up at your already fucked out expression. “Sweets look at me real quick”
You look down at him between your legs.
“I’m gonna eat you out to get you ready first okay baby. Give me an orgasm and I’ll give you what you want okay baby?”
You nod your head yes.
“Come on sweetheart I know you can give me words.”
“Yes Eddie.”
He grabs hold of your hips and takes your panties between his fingers and slides them down and off your legs. He then settles back on the bed and spreads your legs. Settling them over his shoulders. He makes himself comfortable (With ample room to grind into the mattress) and dives in.
He starts by wrapping his lips around your clit and sucking gently just to get you going before upping the pace. The more you moan the better he knows he is doing. He knows your body almost as well as you do at this point so he knows what you really want. He moves his fingers up and down your lips and parts them before dipping one finger in your entrance. But he knows it’s not enough for you. Yet he takes it slow and moves his lone finger in and out a few times listening to your little gasps before he pushes in that second finger. Two fingers is as much as you two have used together before. But Eddie knows he has to prepare you for what’s to come.
He lifts his head up for a moment. “Baby I’m gonna use another finger to get you ready for me okay. You want me to stop or if anything feels uncomfortable you tell me okay?”
“O-okay Eddie.”
He goes back to sucking your clit and moving his two fingers in and out until he feels that you’re ready for a third. When he adds the third finger he hears you wince a little and he slows down.
You feel his fingers deep within you pumping in and out. After the stretch of the third finger you’re hungering for more but you promised him and orgasm first so you know he wouldn’t agree to fucking you first. As you lay there and take everything he’s giving you, your body suddenly convulses. Eddie had curled his fingers and found just the right spot. You’re practically seeing stars Every Time he hits that spot.
Eddie meanwhile is in heaven. Grinding on the mattress trying to find some relief for his hard on but he doesn’t care when he can see the way your body is reacting above him. He knows you’re getting close and he wants to push you over the edge.
He uses his free hand to travel up your body and pinch one of your nipples between his fingers as he speeds up the pace of his fingers and his tongue swirling around your clit and your back arches off the bed and your thighs clamped around his head as you cum crying his name.
He works you through your high and then when your thighs release him he moves back up to your face where he places a gentle kiss upon his lips. You open your eyes and look up at him.
“Hi Ed’s.” You say with a dopey smile.
“Hey pretty girl” he says as he moves the hair from your face. He leans down and kisses you again but gasps when he feels your hand wrap around his still clothed cock.
He swallows and looks down at you. “Are you sure about this sweetheart?”
You squeeze him again and say yes. He moves back and slides his boxers off and tosses them off the bed. He then reaches over to your bedside table and grabs the box of condoms that you knew was there but you didn’t know he knew they were there.
You swat his arm. “Eddie!”
“What?” He says with a Cheshire grin.
“You’ve been snooping in my room!”
“I wouldn’t call it snooping sweetheart I was investigating.”
“Oh really? Investigating what? My panties?”
“Exactly.” He leans down and gives you a kiss.
He takes the wrapping off of the condom and slides it down onto his cock. Fisting himself a couple times before leaning back down and grinding against your wet form.
You spread your legs a little further and he settles between your legs. He rests both his arms next to your head bracing himself and looking into your eyes before he pushes just the mushroom tip into your entrance. You gasp and reach for him grabbing onto him for dear life the further he pushes in.
“Geez Ed’s shoulda used 4 fingers. Maybe 5 Jesus Christ.”
He laughs and kisses your forehead before bottoming out. Once he’s bottomed out he rests there and gives you a moment.m to adjust and gather yourself before you nod. He pulls out almost completely and pushes back in. The force of it makes you gasp like all the air has been knocked out of your lungs.
The pleasure of it is intense but you know it could be better.
“Harder Ed’s. Harder.”
He snaps his hips a bit rougher and changes the angle and he knows he’s found that spot again when you whine fairly loud and he feels you gush wetness around his cock. He keeps snapping his hips at that pace and he looks down at you to study your face and finds your eyes closed. Suddenly everything stops. You whine very loud and open your eyes to look up at him.
“Keep your eyes open for me sweetheart.”
He kisses your forehead again and starts up with his unrelenting pace. Your moans and whines are getting louder and louder.
You push on his ribs and flip the two of you over with him still inside you. This takes Eddie by surprise but he’s not complaining in the slightest. He watches you adjust yourself and find your pace as you begin bouncing on his cock.
As he watches your lovely tits bounce in his face and the way you squeeze around his cock so perfectly he knows he won’t last much longer but he wants you to come with him. He snakes a hand down between the two of you and finds your clit and begins to move in figures around your clit in the way he knows you’ll like. He begins fucking up into you so the even more ferver.
He moves his face to your breast where he begins sucking hickies onto your sensitive breasts. He takes your nipples into his mouth and massages your other breasts with his free hand.
Just like that you’re coming undone on top of him crying his name into his neck and hanging onto him for dear life. It doesn’t take long after that for Eddie to give a few final thrusts before he’s spilling himself into the condom and whining your name into your ears.
He lifts you off of him gently and places you onto the bed and gives you a kiss on the forehead. He then stands up and puts on his boxers and goes to the bathroom and disposes of the condom before grabbing a towel and heading back to the bed where he wipes between your legs and then crawls back into bed next to you.
You’re looking up at him with the most lovestruck eyes you could possibly muster and Eddie feels like his heart is going to explode.
“Happy Valentine’s Day sweetheart.”
“Thank you Eddie. Happy Valentine’s Day.”
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madlori · 2 years
Do you have any 911 fic recs? I was sucked into the show by yours and I'm really in it now!
Boy, do I. This fandom moves VERY fast with the fics but here are some of my faves so far. Note: most presume you’ve seen all of the show through season five.
Those Two Firefighters by darkfairytale (dunno if they have a tumblr)- Buck and Eddie go viral after the incident with the botfly larvae with the hashtag #thosetwofirefighters. I love love love a good social media based fic and I think I've read this one eight times by now. Also has a follow-up.
Leave the Light On (I'll Be Coming Home) by @hmslusitania. Eddie is missing and presumed dead after a rescue goes awry and Buck takes custody of Christopher, but must deal with Eddie's parents challenging his parental rights while mourning the man he loved but had never told. This author's other works are also a good place to keep reading.
I Like You So Much (It's Kinda Gross) by @gayhoediaz (best username too) and @dickley-buddie. A story told in tweets wherein Buck is a firefighter who is super thirsty for MMA fighter Eddie.
Everything's Coming Up Milhouse by @henswilsons. Part one of a series. The viral Twitter adventures of Eddie Diaz, aka Mr. LAFD Updates Man. Delightful. Note: if you haven’t gotten this far, this really happened. In the second half of season five, Eddie left the 118 to be a public outreach officer for the LAFD at Dispatch (and got to be friends with Linda which is delightful) and part of his job was manning the LAFD Twitter. He did this because he didn’t want Chris to worry about him getting hurt at work. No worries, he went back to the 118 at the end of the season.
I Know a Place We Can Go by @somaybeamystery. The boys' adventures getting hit on during calls in WeHo. Cute and romantic.
Forest for the Trees by lamardeuse. Just a great getting-together fic.
listen to you breathing (is where i wanna be) by @theladyyavilee. Oh god this one is a gut punch in the best way - Buck is caught in a building collapse during an earthquake and presumed dead for like two days.
Actually, Truly by milenadaniels. I loooooove an outsider POV and this is a great one - Helena and Ramon Diaz come to LA in the aftermath of Eddie's shooting and Helena is confused to find Buck everywhere in her son and grandson's life.
That'll get you started. BTW if anyone knows the tumblrs of the ones I didn't know, let me know and I"ll edit.
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melodyfics · 2 years
fridays, part 1
eddie munson x female reader
summary: you run into your high school crush, eddie munson, at family video. your surprise turns into excitement when he asks you to come over to his trailer to watch a movie.
warnings: horror movie mention.
word count: ~1.9k
a/n: i finally indulge in writing a eddie x shy!reader fanfic. she’s so adorable, tbh. there’s also wingman!steve and more horror fan!eddie. eddie and y/n are just the biggest idiots in this fic. they are both so clueless and clumsy, and i honestly think that’s hilarious and cute. there will be a sequel to this fic (i’m even thinking about making it a series), so i promise it gets less awkward lol. slow burn, slow burn! hope you enjoy!
part 2
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The door opened behind you while you were checking out a movie at Family Video.
“Hey, Steve, what’s up?”
Hearing that voice made your breath hitch in your throat. Your eyes turned to the source of the sound, and you saw a black-clad man with a mop of curly, long hair.
“Munson? Eddie Munson?” you said, trying to hide the trembling of your voice.
Eddie turned to look at you, a puzzled look on his face. “Hey, Y/N.”
Your heart leapt in your chest. Eddie remembered your name!
It was strange that he knew about you, though. No one seemed to notice you back in high school, while Eddie was always in the spotlight. You recalled quietly eating your lunch while he walked on the tables, lost in one of his monologues. Some called him a freak, but you yourself were, honestly, absolutely smitten. Seeing him now, you were glad that he had not lost his glistening eyes.
Realizing that you were probably just staring at him like a madwoman, you opened your mouth. “I haven’t seen you since high school.”
“Yes, yes.”
“How are you?”
“Still in high school,” he replied, scratching the back of his head.
“Oh, that’s okay.”
He looked at the movie in your hands. “A Nightmare on Elm Street? I never saw you as the kind of girl who watched horror movies.” The corners of his mouth went up slightly, revealing his teeth, and you thanked the heavens that his striking smile remained untouched.
“Oh, yeah,” you gulped. “I’ve gotten into them recently. I try to watch one every week but haven’t gotten past the classics yet.”
“Okay, Y/N, we’re all done,” Steve stated.
“Thank you. Bye, Eddie.” You grabbed the movie quickly and bolted out of the store, adjusting your glasses to hide the blush on your cheeks with your hand.  
It surprised you to find him in the store next week when you went to rent the sequel to Elm Street. You walked up to the desk where Steve and Eddie were talking.
“Oh, hey, Y/N,” Eddie said. “Did you like the movie?”
“Hi. It was alright,” you adjusted your glasses. “I’m here to rent the second film.”
“Yes, Y/N, you’ve come here like three Fridays in a row,” Steve noted. “Are you trying to watch every horror movie in existence?”
You tittered. “That’s the point, Steve, yes.”
“Eddie here is a big horror fan, aren’t you, Eddie?”
Eddie looked surprised. “Oh, mmm, yeah, I guess I am.”
“Maybe he could help you out with your quest.”
You looked at Eddie and found his eyes wide and on Steve. Then, his gaze turned to you. “Oh,” he cleared his throat. “Yeah, I could.”
“That’s great, Eddie, thank you.”
“Okay, yes. See you here next week, then.”
“Next week?” Steve looked at him with a frown on his face. Eddie pressed his lips together and his gaze fell to the ground.
“That’s okay. Next week works. Thank you, Eddie. Bye, Steve.”
Next Friday, you found him already inside the store when you arrived. Steve pointed at you and Eddie turned around. He waved.
“Hi, Steve. Hi, Eddie.”
“Hey, Y/N,” they both said at the same time.
“Okay, Eddie, what do you have in mind?”
“Oh, yeah. Let’s go.”
You both went to the horror section.
“Okay, Y/N. Have you watched The Exorcist yet?”
“Of course, Eddie. It was the first one I watched, obviously.”
“Yeah, well, sorry for asking!”
You laughed at his overreaction.
“What about Friday the 13th?”
“It was the next one on my list, actually.”
“Great minds think alike.”
He grabbed the movie and you both went to the counter. Steve had a big smile on his face when he saw you and while he was typing your information into the computer. You paid and turned to Eddie.
“Thank you, Eddie.”
“I’m glad to help.”
When you started leaving, you heard a soft punch, a faint ouch, and some angry mumbling that you thought came from Steve.
“Oh, Y/N?”
You turned around to look at Eddie.
“I was wondering, uh, if you maybe wanted to go over to my place and watch the movie there?”
His question caught you by surprise and you blinked.
“Don’t worry!” Eddie blurted out. “It’s okay if you can’t or don’t want to.”
“No, Eddie,” you dropped your gaze and smiled, then looked up to say, “It would be nice.”
Steve smirked.
“Okay, let’s go, then,” Eddie said.
You hopped into his van and rode over to his trailer. Once you got there, Eddie opened the door, signaling for you to go in first. You looked around.
“So, this is where I live!” Eddie said, raising his arms. “You can sit there on the couch while I go make popcorn. Oh, well, if you want me to. Do you want popcorn, Y/N?”
You smiled at his visible uneasiness. “Yeah, that’d be alright. Thanks, Eddie.”
The man headed over to the kitchen and started looking around for popcorn, flustered, as if this wasn’t even his house. He was mumbling while he moved around the place. Apparently, he had forgotten where everything was. When he found the popcorn and put it into the microwave, you heard the beep of the keys, and soon after he was looking for a bowl. He found a blue one, thankfully, because his edginess was making you feel anxious, too. The microwave announced that the popcorn was ready, and he got it out and into the bowl, returning to the living room.
Eddie gave you the popcorn and went back to the kitchen counter where he had left the film. He walked over to the VHS, put it in, and sat down on a chair beside the sofa.
You wondered why he was so far away. Had you made him uncomfortable?
“Hey, Eddie,” your words came out almost as a whisper. “Don’t you want popcorn?”
“Oh! Yeah, that would be nice.”
Eddie got up, rubbing his palms together, and sat next to you. He didn’t grab some popcorn right away, though. The bowl was on your lap, and he didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable. Noticing the mental battle that was going on behind his eyes, you passed him the popcorn. You crossed your arms over your stomach and shifted down slightly in the couch. The man’s legs were jumping.
“Eddie,” you blurted out. “Please, pause the movie for a second.”
He snatched the remote by his side and paused the movie.
“Are you okay?”
He didn’t expect that question. “Um, yes, I am. Yeah.”
“Then why are you all jumpy?”
He scanned around his mind for an answer. “Oh, it’s nothing. I’ve just- I’ve got a lot on my mind, you know?”
“Okay… If you’re not feeling well, you can ask me to leave. I won’t-”
“No, Y/N, don’t,” he interrupted. “It has nothing to do with you.” Or at least, not how you think, he added in his head. “Being with someone helps me feel better. Just give me a moment to wind down.”
You nodded, licking your lips.
Eddie resumed the movie, although he couldn’t pay attention because he was focusing too hard on calming down. He had almost ruined his chance; you almost left. If he wanted this to go well, he would have to relax.
He tried concentrating on the movie, and, after a while, he felt calmer. You were very much into the movie, enough to not notice Eddie looking at you with the corner of his eye. Seeing you with your arms crossed, your fingers playing with your beautiful bottom lip, took him back to being in class with you last year. The look on your face was the same as it was when you were completely focused on the math the teacher was doing on the board, writing your notes quickly. Maybe all that staring was what made me fail math, he chuckled at the thought.
You covered your mouth slightly every time a death scene came on to hide your giggles; they were all ridiculous. When you were a kid, horror movies terrified you, but now that you were an adult, you just thought they were funny.
“Are you laughing, Y/N?”  
When you turned your head to face him, there was a grin on Eddie’s face. You adjusted your glasses and sank into the chair a little, your arms still crossed, stifling a smile.
“I would’ve never thought that Y/N would watch a horror movie, let alone laugh at it.”
You looked up at him through your lashes, embarrassed. “It’s, uhm, they’re just hilarious.”
Eddie chortled. “Slashers are!”
A chuckle escaped your lips, and you managed to look into Eddie’s eyes. They were beaming: two drops of shiny caramel looking straight at you. Your shyness had never let you look at them properly, but now that you were doing it, you savored the fullness of his mellow irises. He was on the same boat as you, entranced by the deepness of your stare.
Eddie had to drop his gaze after a few seconds, and you snapped out of your fantasies. Realizing what had just happened, your cheeks turned pink.
As the night went on, you started feeling less shy, to the point where you were laughing out loud and making jokes about the movie. Eddie also felt less nervous around you, and he even shortly put his hand on your leg or arm excitedly while he talked. He probably didn’t even notice he was touching you, but every time his palms landed on your body, you went cold.
The movie ended and you clapped. “Woo, Eddie! Great choice!”
He stood up and bowed repeatedly, waving. “Thank you, thank you. You were all so kind today, thank you.”
You laughed at his performance. When you were both done clowning around, Eddie took the movie out and gave the tape back to you, smiling. You took it and smiled back at him. He offered you his hand to help you get up. Your skin only met his for the tiny moment that you were standing up, but, once again, you felt your fingers buzzing.
“I’m glad you liked the movie, Y/N.”
“Yes, it was good.”
Eddie looked down and smiled. “I also liked spending time with you. I liked it a lot.”
The corners of your mouth went up for a second. “Yes, me too.”
Your gazes met and you looked into his dilated pupils. His lips were still raised a little bit.
“Want me to order pizza?”
“Eddie, sorry, I can’t stay any longer. I’ve got lots of homework. I’ll make sure to set aside time to stay for dinner next week, though.”
His eyebrows shot up. “Next week?”
“I mean, can I?”
“Yes, oh, yes, sure!” he cleared his throat, collecting himself. “I think I can, too.”
“Same time next Friday at Family Video, then?”
Eddie opened the door for you. A few seconds after going out, you stopped and looked back to see Eddie resting his head on the frame of the door, eyes on you. You waved at him, and he took one of his hands out of the pockets of his leather jacket to wave back. When you turned and your face was hidden from him, you grinned so much that you scrunched up your nose. You couldn’t wait for next Friday.
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A teasing look at a fic I'll be publishing on AO3 when it's done. Everyone loves Steve in glasses and for good reason. But I give you... Eddie in glasses.
Edit: Finished fic
“Oh please,” Eddie said on a particularly hot July day. “You cannot read that sign from here.” He rolled his eyes and stretched up before leaning back against his trailer. “You don’t have to pretend to show off or whatever.”
The look Dustin gave him was downright indescribable. “You’re messing with me, right?”
And that’s how Eddie learned he couldn’t fucking see.
Dustin was quick to turn him into a test subject and use signs and distances around the trailer park to test Eddie. He’d never realized how much writing surrounded him, but Dustin had a knack for finding it. Only because they were focusing on things he’d never paid attention to before did Eddie believe Dustin that he could, in fact, see that far away.
Wayne was beside himself when he found out that evening. “I should have gotten you tested years ago! All that time you struggled with notes in school—I had no idea it was because you couldn’t see the board.”
“I thought that was normal!” Eddie said, more to defend Wayne than anything else. Maybe he himself should have noticed things getting fuzzier, but Wayne had never hesitated to get him medical attention when it was actively needed. “Besides, we didn’t have the insurance, and I didn’t realize I needed to. You can’t blame yourself.”
If it had been purely up to him, Eddie still wouldn’t have gone to the eye doctor. Glasses didn’t seem particularly metal, and he’d never noticed a significant enough impact to notice that he needed them; clearly that meant he didn’t. He’d probably break them right away or maybe lose them. It was a ridiculous amount of money to spend just to make things a little sharper. Surely it wouldn’t make a big difference one way or another.
It was Steve who pitched a fit.
“You deserve to be able to see well, Eddie.” His hands were on his hips. Eddie was fucked. Hands on the hips was never a good sign; it usually meant Steve was just getting started. “Besides, if you can’t see things like the board at the front of a classroom, you are missing all kinds of things while you’re driving. Like no wonder you’re kind of a shit driver. Bad habits, sure, but your reflexes don’t stand a chance. What if something happens when you have the kids in the car?”
Eddie wished he could have had a better comeback, but the idea of endangering the children that they pseudo-parented together kind of pushed out anything else. He couldn’t even defend his own driving here.
It was another month before he actually could actually get an appointment, but Eddie didn’t have to go alone. Steve waited in the lobby area while he went back and answered whether one or two was clearer a million times, sometimes not even sure if he was answering correctly. Eventually, though, he and his new eye doctor figured it out. He had a prescription. Now he needed the glasses.
As he walked out into the waiting area, he found Steve already inspected the various pairs up on the wall display.
“Don’t bother.” Eddie shrugged to himself and shoved his hands in his pockets. “I’m going to get literally the cheapest pair they have. No sense spending extra just for the looks.”
Steve glared at him and held up a little piece of plastic. “My parents haven’t cut me off yet, so it’s at my discretion to use this however I want to. We’re finding you glasses that make you look hot.”
Maybe it was the wording that threw Eddie so much. He could have handled “that look nice,” “fit current trends,” or even “suit your face.” But look hot? He didn’t stand a chance. Instead he let Steve shove pair after pair in his hands. He’d put them on, look in the mirror, and if he liked them, turn around to show Steve and the woman helping them. Eddie felt bad that he didn’t know what she was. A technician? A receptionist? A nurse? Regardless she had only pleasant opinions from herself but nodded along to every scathing response Steve had. They were damned and determiend to make sure Eddie ended up with the perfect pair.
“Try these ones,” the woman suggested, handing the pair not to Eddie but to Steve.
Steve considered them for a moment and nodded. “They’re shaped like those other ones that looked good on you, and the color’s better. Try ‘em.”
Eddie obediently put them on his face and promptly tried to ignore the gut-punched look on Steve’s face.
“That bad?” he joked before turning to look in the mirror. Despite himself, Eddie let out a low whistle. “I think we found them, Stevie boy. I look hot.”
“They certainly fit your face well,” the woman said, and Eddie was pretty sure that was the closest she could get to agreeing with him on the job.
He glanced back at Steve. “Like them?” He flushed slightly but hoped niether would notice. Doubtful when both were looking at his face.
Steve swallowed audibly and nodded. “They’ll do.”
Eddie felt a pleased stirring low in his stomach, but he ignored it. Now was definitely not the time to consider such things.
“It’ll be about two weeks before they come in,” the woman said. “We’ll give you a call when they do.”
“Thanks,” Steve said as she swiped his card.
Eddie still don’t know how to feel about Steve spending this kind of money on him. He leaned over, letting their shoulders bump together. “Thanks again,” he mumbled, voice low.
Steve smiled, like there was a secret Eddie didn’t know. “I’m glad I could help. You know it’s not about the money?”
Eddie snorted and pointed out, “You know you have to have money to think it’s not about that?”
“I know.” He paused. “But you know what I mean?”
Eddie sighed. “Yes, Stevie, I know what you mean.”
When he got the call about his glasses two weeks later, Eddie went to get them.
He wasn’t dealing anymore. (Hopper wouldn’t let him.) He had picked up spare hours here and there at a local mechanics, but they didn’t need full time help right now. Eddie was home more than he wasn’t. He tried not to let it bother him, but it was dificult not having a job when it was his fault Wayne had to patch their lives back together. They’d barely been able to keep anything from the trailer, and while government hush money had gotten them a new place, it didn’t replace all the little touches that made up their lives. Wayne hadn’t saved up much, but he was spending it all trying to piece things together.
But until Eddie could convince someone to hire him full time, he was home most of the day. At least that made picking up his glasses easy.
Once he had them on, the same woman as before leaned forward, arms folded on the counter. “How do they feel?”
“Pretty good,” Eddie said as he blinked a couple times. He looked across the store, mouth almost falling open at the level of detail he could see. Holy shit, had he been blind? Maybe he just had super vision now.
“If you have any problems like headaches and eyestrain or think your vision still isn’t where it should be, let us know. We’ll do a followup with you in the future, but you’ll know something’s up long before we will.”
Eddie nodded his understanding and headed outside. He stopped short in the sunlight, scanning the road around him. He could read store signs and—fuck, Steve had been right about his dangers as a driver—even road signs that Eddie had never been able to make out from this far away before.
After a moment of marveling, he got in the van. Eddie contemplated just driving around for a while, but he wanted someone to react to his new look honestly. He considered heading to see one of the kids, but none of them would let him hear the end of it if he “chose” someone else to show first.
Right. Decision made then. He was going to see Steve.
And Robin, Eddie reminded himself as he pulled out of the parkingly. She could marvel seeing his new look for the first time. Of course, Steve got to see the full effect with lenses and everything, so that was a bonus. He also didn’t know Eddie’s glasses had arrived today. It seemed like a nice little test to surprise him and see how Steve genuinely reacted seeing them again.
Eddie parked down the block like he usually did since his van was bad for business.
He had a bit of bounce in his step as he approached the door.
He pushed it open.
Steve made eye contact from behind the counter.
He’d been half-leaning with his head propped up against one arm. When he saw Eddie, Steve’s arm slipped.
Eddie winced as he heard as well as saw Steve’s chin hit the counter.
“Dingus!” Robin called from somewhere among the movie shelves. “What did you just do?”
Steve stood back up straight, rubbing at his jaw. “Eddie’s here.”
“What did Eddie do?” Robin asked, her voice floating as she moved closer to the counter. When she emerged, Robin stopped short. She gawked at him for a moment before letting out a bark of laughter.
“That bad?” Eddie asked. He tried to make it sound teasing, but he still grabbed his haid and pulled it in front of his face. He could see it against his glasses. That was weird.
“Not bad,” Robin promised, and Eddie peeked out from behind his hair. “You look really good actually. I’m laughing at this one.” She jerked her head toward Steve.
“Hey!” Steve protested. “Why do we have to laugh at me?”
Robin sent him a look that Eddie couldn’t read, and Steve sent one back. Apparently that was the end of that conversation because Robin hopped up onto the counter instead of going around it. “So… Lifechanging yet?”
“I can see.” Eddie personally felt that answered the question.
“They look pretty good,” Robin said, and her eyes flicked toward Steve. “Don’t they, Steve?”
He cleared his throat. “I should think so. I helped pick them out.”
Robin rolled her eyes. “Your fashion sense is not a promise of anything around here.”
She and Eddie grinned at each other as Steve protested.
Robin continued on as though she hadn’t heard him. “So are you going to wear them all the time?”
Eddie shrugged. “Originally the plan was just for driving and when I really need them, but I might wear them a lot more. Obviously no concerts or anything. They’ll never survive a pit, and I’m afraid they aren’t going to be great for my cred on stage.”
“I don’t think you’re giving people enough credit,” Steve managed, but he wasn’t looking at Eddie again. Curious.
“We’ll see.”
Eddie couldn’t help his smile, and Robin grinned right back. They’d discussed some possibilities that she refused to violate best friend privileges to confirm or deny. This, though, was confirmation. Steve liked the way Eddie looked, and he especially seemed to like the way Eddie looked in the glasses.
Time for some fun.
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luvmarigold · 2 years
opposites attract (eddie munson x fem!reader)
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summary: as one of the most desired girls at hawkins high, being associated eddie “the freak” munson would destroy your reputation. however, you just couldn’t find it within yourself to care.
pairings: eddie munson x reader (reader is over 18)
wc: 1,234
warnings: fluff, slight bullying, cliches
important note: this fic has NOT been stolen! i, the original writer, am reposting this on my new blog as my previous blog (spiderl0rd) was wrongfully deleted. thank you for your continued support! || divider by @firefly-graphics
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you watched with sad eyes as eddie stormed out of the cafeteria doors. moments before, he had begun to go on one of his rants about his disdain for jason and the rest of the basketball meatheads when the golden boy himself took it upon himself to dump his tray of spaghetti directly onto eddie’s head.
you frown, shaking your head and turning your attention back to the blonde. “seriously, jason? was that really necessary?”
jason just laughed it off, not seeing what the big deal was. “come on y/n, you heard how he was talking about us. he deserved it.”
you roll your eyes, rising from your seat next to him and gathering your belongings. “you’re a dick, you know that right?” you mumble to him before walking off. “don’t be like that, y/n. where are you going?” you hear him shout after you. fed up with his asshole behavior, you ignore him, flipping him off before heading out the doors to search for eddie.
despite the fact that you were considered one of the “popular” girls at hawkins, you found that you never really cared about stupid high school cliques and made-up social hierarchies. none of that crap mattered in the real world anyway. you preferred to give everyone an equal chance, reputation be damned.
you found eddie sitting at the old picnic table in the woods behind the school. his face was scrunched up in disgust as he attempted to scrub the giant red stain out of his hellfire club t-shirt.
“hey, eddie.” you quietly say, hesitant to approach him. his body immediately tenses, pausing his movements as he slowly turns his head, brown eyes finally meeting your own. you throw your hands up in surrender, offering him a shy smile, “i come in peace.”
“you come to dump your lunch on me too, sweetheart?” he questioned. you found yourself pausing at the nickname, confused at the feeling of your heart skipping a beat. you let out a humorless laugh, “no. i came to see if you’re okay. i’m sorry about jason, he can be a real douchebag sometimes.”
he barked out a loud laugh “that is quite the understatement but i’m fine, really. it’s nothing i haven’t dealt with before. i’m just kinda peeved that he got fucking spaghetti sauce all over my shirt, this stain is never gonna come out.”
you finally plant yourself in the seat beside him, holding out your hand for a napkin, “may i?” he hesitates for a moment before placing a stack in your hand, “knock yourself out.”
you two sit in comfortable silence for a long while as you slowly work the stain out of his shirt. you’ve never been in such close proximity to the brunette but now that you’ve gotten the chance to look at him, really look at him, you realized how fucking pretty he is.
“did you seriously just call me pretty?”
you freeze “…what?”
“you just called me pretty,” he says, looking smug.
shit. you hadn’t realized you said that out loud. not knowing what to do, you opt to just play dumb. “i don’t know what you’re talking about, munson.”
“hm…okay.” another long silence passes and when you finally lock eyes with him again, you find the goofiest grin on his face. you feel the heat rising to your face, butterflies growing in your belly. “why are you smiling at me like that?”
“like what?”
“like this,” you say mimicking his expression.
“oh, no reason really. it’s just…you’re cute when you blush, that’s all,” he says with an almost imperceptible smirk.
“shut up… i am not blushing” you grumble, going back to focusing on the task at hand. 
“oh, but you are. it’s okay, though i am a bit shocked. i mean, who would’ve ever thought that i, eddie munson, would be making the y/n y/l/n blush?” he asks teasingly.
“hey, eddie?”
“i suggest you stop talking if you want me to finish helping you.”
“yes, ma’am.” dimples on full display as he tries to hold in his laugh.
you playfully swat him on the shoulder, getting back to work on the stain. after a few more minutes, you’re almost able to get the stain completely out. “there, good as new…almost.” 
he fans at his eyes, feigning emotion “you’re a godsend, y/n. how could i ever repay you?”
you just chuckle, bringing your knees up to your chest. “it’s no problem, really. no repayment needed.”
“if you say so,” he says looking at you tenderly. his eyes take you in, never in a million years did he think he’d be in such close proximity to you – much less talk to you. he’d figured that now is the perfect opportunity to pick your brain. “can i ask you something?”
“how’d you know where to find me?”
“i dunno, i just took an educated guess i suppose. i’ve seen you out here a couple of times so i kinda had a feeling this is where you’d be.”
he found himself pausing at this. “you’ve noticed me before?”
“oh my gosh, are you kidding? it’s sort of impossible not to, you’re quite infamous around here.”
he snickers, “yeah, i suppose i am.”
you scoot closer to him, nudging him with your foot, “they’re wrong about you, y’know. you’re not all that bad.”
“yeah.” you softly say.
“you’re not at all what i expected either, y/l/n.”
“how so?”
“i guess i just assumed you’d be more like jason or carol but you’re not. you’re…sweet.”
you beam at him, leaning over to ruffle his already messy hair, “aw, you getting soft on me now, eddie?”
“psh, not at all.”
you throw him a knowing look, yeah right.
“okay, okay, maybe a little. i’m just pleasantly surprised” he says moving to stand. you try to hide your disappointment, “leaving so soon?”
“unfortunately. i promised the guys that i’d check out the new comic book store downtown.”
you hum, hesitating before asking your next question, nervous about what he’d say, “…you doing anything after?”
you can tell that your inquiry caught him by surprise, “uh, no not that i know of. why do you ask?”
“would you…maybe want to catch a movie or something? i heard ferris bueller’s pretty good. or, if that’s not your thing, we can grab a bite to eat?”
his shock is evident on his face, “well i’ll be damned. are you asking me on a date?”
you feel the heat return to your face, turning your gaze away from his intense stare to pick at a loose thread on your sleeve “yeah, i guess i am.”
“i’d be honored to go to the movies with you.”
your eyes shoot back up to his “wait, really?”
“are you kidding? i’ve been wanting to ask you out for-fucking-ever. i’d be an idiot to say no. how’s 8 o’clock sound?”
you bite your lip trying to hide the shit-eating grin trying to break through, “8 o’clock sounds perfect.”
his expression mirrors yours, “perfect.”
you turn to write your address down on one of the extra napkins before grabbing your belongings to head back to class. “i’ll see you later?”
“you sure will.”
you had only made it about six feet away before you heard him shouting after you, “hey y/n! by the way…”
“yeah?” you question, turning back around to face him.
“i think you’re really pretty, too.”
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Stranger Things That 70s Show AU~ That 80s Show
That 80s Show Background and Headcanons 
(Eventual Eddie Munson x fem!reader)
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Author’s Note: This is for the eventual fic that I want to write because I am soft for grumpy x sunshine otps and Jackie x Hyde were the definition of that. So the background is important for this AU I think.
Who knows if I will fully write a fic about this? But I love this idea, I just don’t know if anyone else will. I also wrote this while I was bored at work if you couldn’t tell.
I don’t know if I should cross-publish here and on AO3 or just AO3??? Idk? This really is a “guess I have to do it myself” fanfic scenario, as I am combining one show with a fav of mine. 
✌  I had this in my head for a while so this is what you need to know if you  haven’t seen That 70’s Show. The main group is a feminist, a conspiracy hippy, a horny foreign exchange student, a peppy cheerleader, a complete dork, and the definition of getting by on looks alone.
✌   I am getting rid of Fez’s character (the foreign exchange student) because I don’t know where to include him in this story, he wouldn’t fit in Hawkins.
✌   This is also a universe where the Upside Down doesn’t exist, and that means everyone lives! So now they are living in a goofy sitcom show instead of a paranormal drama show.
✌  I think Robin and Donna from That 70’s show would get along up to a certain point. Robin and Nancy I think could make a total feminist power couple. Nancy has the “I will fuck shit up and you up if you don’t listen to me” like Donna had and Robin has a better sense of humor than Donna.
✌  Steve could make a total Kelso and Eric combo. I feel like he’s got some hidden nerdiness in him that he doesn’t want to be known, and in this AU he’s childhood friends with Nancy, Robin, and Eddie and so this confident, popular act makes a sort of shield around his friends, to know they can’t be messed with. He also babysits the neighborhood kids from time to time, and so he’s the golden boy of Hawkins, popular, sweet, and responsible.
✌  Eddie I feel is a mix between Hyde and Eric, he’s definitely gotten the bad boy look down, listening to rock and metal, dealing weed, but he’s a total dork like Eric. He loves D&D, and Tolkien, and probably loves Star Wars and Star Trek as well.
✌   The town judged him too quickly based on his looks so the inner nerd in him kinda quiets down and is only known by his close friends. He becomes more theatrical, and dramatic, though, and starts to rave on the different conspiracies of the world to anyone who listens.
✌  Steve’s parents are Kitty and Red, since we don’t see the actual Harringtons, and I love them.
✌  The reader is a ray of sunshine, femme, and a cheerleader, who would fit into the role of Jackie but not outright Jackie. She’s into Star Wars and D&D but has to keep that quiet because she doesn’t want to get kicked off the cheer squad. She’s friends with Chrissy and they get along fairly well. She would be considered the golden girl of Hawkins.
✌   Steve keeps hitting on her (think like Season 1 or 2 Steve) and he won’t take the hint to leave her alone. She gives in and says one date and the possibility of meeting his friends as well (since she’s hoping to meet Eddie through Steve). He’s ecstatic and thinks that’s like two dates.
✌  She’s immediately drawn to Eddie, even with Steve hitting on her, she’s always had a thing for the whole bad boy aesthetic, and knowing Eddie likes the same music and movies as her??? Yeah, she’s full-on crushing.
✌  Eddie at first tries to keep up this grumpy bad boy facade so that the reader doesn’t know he likes her and also doesn’t want what little of her social status is left to come crumbling. However, once he knows she has an inner nerd like him, he kinda becomes his full dorky self that everyone loves from the show.
✌  The AU starts with everyone the same age, 16-17, in high school, so they are sophomores in high school at the start.
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Eddie x Reader, confessions- On The Run
Warnings: none I think.
Authors note: THIS IS PART 2 OF MY Steve x Reader x Eddie love triangle fic. If you haven’t yet, you can read part one here. Enjoy!!
“Eddie... Can I ask you something?” you say quietly, not sure if the brunette across from you has fallen asleep or not yet. Part of you wishes he has. Eddie hasn't gotten a lick of sleep since he saw Chrissy die. He just keeps replaying it in his mind over and over. Constantly looking over for his shoulder, awaiting what felt like an inevitable means to an end. His capture, his arrest, his death… He doesn't know what, but he knows something really bad is going to happen.
He isn't asleep. He couldn't sleep if he wanted to, blame the nerves, but he also wanted to keep an eye and ear out for trouble. He doesn’t know what he would do if something happened to you too. He’s actually asked you more than once to leave. He is now terrified of being alone with people. What if what happened to Chrissy… happens to you? He just couldn't bear it.
“Y/n please I am begging you. Just go with them, okay? I’ll be fine here. I don't want you getting hurt. What if Vecna has his eyes on me now? What if… What if by being around me you become a target? I could never forgive myself baby please,” Eddie begs, holding your hands in his as tears threaten to pool out of his eyes. You can't help but feel sick to your stomach when he calls you that. Baby. Does he enjoy confusing you? Torturing you like this? Of course not, Eddie is just a flirtatious person by nature. He always calls you that, it's probably just a habit. God, but it kills you every time you hear it. You just wish he meant it differently. Steve physically cringes when he hears Eddie call you that, adjusting his stance and looking over at Dustin. Dustin gives him a look of sympathy. He wants all of you to be happy. But he knows Steve still loves you, and you love Eddie. And he knows that Eddie loves you, but can't bring himself to admit it for whatever reason.
He has tried convincing Eddie to just open up to you and tell you the truth, but the thought of losing you for finally admitting his feelings is too much for Eddie to bear. “Eds nothing is going to happen to me. You need me right now and I am right here. I refuse to go anywhere. If anything happens, we will face it together, okay? I'm not leaving you,” you tell him, searching his big brown eyes that were filled with so much fear. He closes his eyes as his head falls, tears rolling down his cheeks. “Okay y/l/n, okay.”
“Yeah, yeah of course you can sweetheart,” Eddie responds. There he goes again with the pet names… Sitting up all the way, Eddie looks over at you. “What’s up?” You’re silent for a couple of minutes, making the boy wonder if you had fallen asleep. He can only make out the silhouette of your body through the darkness. “Do you ever feel… I don't know, maybe like… Like you have this weight? That just eats at you, and you know what you need to do but you just can't do it? You know you need to tell them the truth. But I mean what if everything falls apart- what if everything is ruined?”
Eddie’s mind immediately goes to his feelings for you. “Yeah, I've felt that way a few times. You just want to shout it from the rooftops but,” he pauses and takes a deep shaky breath. “What if everything goes to shit the second you do what you've gotta do…”
You nod, forgetting that he can't see you. “Yeah exactly! God, I wish I could just tell one person. Just let it out, just once,” you say, your words getting lost amongst the sounds of the woods coming alive at night. “You- you can tell me anything y/n. You know I’d never judge you. Shit, who am I to judge anyone? You can tell me. Just once… we never have to talk about it again if you don't want to. But if whatever it is, is eating at you this much, I think you should let it out.” he says. He starts to wonder, just maybe... Could it be..? No, there's no way. Don't even let your mind go there Eddie. Don't get your hopes up.
“I will if you tell me what it is for you? What is it that’s killing you, Eddie?” A sigh leaves the brunette boy’s lips. “You first,” he says softly.
“O-okay. Uhm… I just, I have um…” Eddie interrupts you, “you don't have to say it if you don't want to y/n, I just thought it might help.” Tears fall down your face as you let the words leave your lips. “Eddie I have always loved you. Like, truly loved you. And honestly, being your best friend these last few years has been so hard, because every ‘i love you’, every ‘sweetheart’, every ‘baby’, every subtle playful flirt kills me. Because I know you will never mean these things in the way I want you to…”
Eddie’s heart is racing inside his chest, he can’t believe what he is hearing. All this time? All this time you have felt the same? A moment passes before Eddie breaks the silence. “My turn?” he asks, pointing a finger at his chest. Standing up from his spot, he walks closer to where you are. “For the last two years, you have consumed every one of my thoughts. I lay in bed at night wishing you were there with me. Praying for the strength to just tell you how I really feel about you. You are the most incredible, fascinating, kind, beautiful girl I have ever met. How could I not fall in love with you y/n y/l/n? When you, are the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me? And… and when you got with steve I thought I had lost my shot. I really thought you guys were going to be happy, and that's what kept me from doing anything to sabotage it. That is why I kept my mouth shut then, I just wanted to let you be happy. I didn't care if I had to suffer, watching you leave my place in his car. Watching him pick you up from school like I always did. Listening to you complain about his obsessive ass, and every time he made you cry. You would come over to my place in shambles and all I wanted was to tell you it would be okay. That I love you, that nothing bad can happen as long as you are with me. That I would make him pay for your tears. But I never said a word. Not until now…”
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fletchingsandstars · 1 year
Ok so @elioherondale tagged me in this challenge and here is what I’ve come up with.
We’re going to start off with the Green Arrow on going. The most important thing to me for a Green Arrow run is getting the family all together. Because canon has gotten so weird around the Arrowfam, I’m going to do what I want and say Mia, Connor, and Emi all already live with Ollie. Emi is still pretty new to this, but they’re all an established family. I think a great way to explore and re establish the Arrowfam’s dynamics would be to do it with the perspective of a new Arrowkid joining the family. Enter Cissie! Ollie and Cissie both find out that he is her dad, so Cissie is moving in. We get to see Cissie’s struggles with finding a place in her new family, as well as Ollie’s struggles to be the parent all of his kids need. I think adding Cissie as a new kid would give a good perspective for people who are new to Arrowfam comics to show the dynamics and personalities of the family.
The big thing I want to explore with Ollie specifically is his childhood. We don’t get a lot on Ollie’s childhood or even really anything before he became Green Arrow, so I want to explore more of his formative years. Since most of what we know about Ollie as a kid comes from when he bonding with his own children, I want to do a series of small arcs where he connects with each kid and we get to see flashbacks to Ollie’s childhood to see why he can relate to them (side note: might make this a fic series). I know none of this is centered around a typical superhero plot but Ollie’s at his best when the comics focus on him as a person not as a hero persona.
As for Roy’s run, he’s definitely going to be Red Arrow and he’s getting Lian back. I’m ignoring everything they’ve doing with “Shoes” because it’s stupid, it makes no sense with Jade’s character, and they also made Lian like 10-ish years younger than Roy in current canon. It’s bad. So instead, we’re going back to young Lian and Roy and Jade are working out co parenting. I also want to get Roy to bond with his siblings. We haven’t really gotten a lot of Roy interacting with his younger siblings so I think it would be fun. Also I want to do a storyline where Tim North comes back, possibly as a “villain” who is pretending to be Roy as Speedy.
For the third character, this will be very predictable for me. I want an Eddie Fyers mini. He just disappeared after Ollie came back from the dead, so I want to explore what happened with him. I think this would be really fun because over the span of GA 1988, we watch Eddie go from a little rat with no morals to actually considering why Ollie does the things he does and starting to think about his own actions, plus he spent a lot of time helping out Connor. I think it would be really fun to see what happens to my favorite CIA hit man after he quit and took care of his homoerotic rival’s kid for a while. I also think it could be fun to narrate the whole thing as letters to Connor in a parody of that period where Roy wrote letters to Lian in his head.
If the third one needs to be an ongoing, it should go to Shado or Jade. They both deserve their own ongoing that respects them and gives them more good characterization.
As for an event to tie it all together, all I can come up with is Hard Traveling Heroes but with Ollie and the kids instead of just Ollie and Hal (Hal will still have a part in it). There’s a lot you could do with a modern version of this story as long as Ollie is written in character, and I think it could be a really great bonding moment for the whole family. I also think it could be a good way for Cissie to discover that she can be a hero without living up to her mother’s expectations and would be a good way for her to take up the Arrowette mantle again, since she definitely will if she’s in comics again.
People are more than welcome to add on if you have ideas.
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stwritings · 2 years
Funny Seeing You Here
Long time in-patient y/n was looking forward to her upcoming discharge date from the Hawkins Memorial Hospital. That is, until she became acquainted with an unlikely familiar face, Eddie Munson.
Author’s Note
This is a fix it fic following Stranger Things season 4, volume 2. In this fic, we’re going to forget the fact that the Duffer Brothers decided to delete Eddie from the series. :-) These events take place after the battle in the upside down. I’m also choosing to change the ending of season 4 by having the issue with the upside down resolved, therefore, Hawkins is not plagued by the massive earthquake that resulted in new portals being opened.
What To Expect
Slow burn, angst with a happy ending, fluff, smut in later chapters. ♡
Series Warnings
Mentions of mental health struggles, SMUT (in the later chapters, 18+ to read this story), angst with a happy ending, canon-typical violence.
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Chapter 7
Much to her dismay, y/n didn’t get to speak to Eddie for another grueling 3 days. Their schedules seemingly out of synch once again. She was itching for any kind of interaction with him, longing for that sweet feeling she would get in her stomach. Talking to him gave her something to look forward to, it made her days less dull.
Through no fault of her own, y/n had a bad habit of getting attached to people she deemed to be her “favorite person”. This would often lead to her mood being heavily affected whenever she wasn’t able to spend time with them. She couldn’t quite understand why Eddie had become her favorite person, given that they barely knew one another.
That didn’t seem to register for y/n, as the absence of Eddie in her life was taking a toll. She felt her mood start to shift, and not for the better. She was embarrassed. ‘Why does this happen’, she thought. ‘Why does my well-being depend on how often I see a person. One I barely even know.’
Those 3 days felt like weeks. She noticed it was getting harder to get out of bed in the morning, her daily routine seeming pointless. She knew thinking this way wasn’t healthy, but she also realized that her brain didn’t work like most people did. She wasn’t excusing her thought process, but rather being sympathetic towards herself; something she lacked in the past.
Part of her debated ending her interactions with Eddie altogether; ‘If I can’t bare 3 days without seeing him, I should probably cut our friendship short’ she thought. ‘Then again, I haven’t been this anxious to get to know someone in a long time...’
On the 4th day, y/n’s day consisted of a lot of pondering on the fate of her and Eddie’s friendship. She tried to look at it through a neutral lens, analyzing the pros and cons of pursuing it. The tricky part was that she wasn’t even sure what she was looking for. Despite Eddie being her current infatuation, she wasn’t sure if it was in a platonic or romantic way. She had a hard time discerning her emotions but also knew it was too soon for her to feel romantic feelings towards him. She had lost many friendships in the past due to this, and despite every fiber of her being screaming at her to pursue whatever the hell she felt, she muffled those thoughts and went against her better judgement, deciding to put a stop to any further interactions she might have with Eddie.
This decision absolutely broke her, but the thought of their friendship ending on her own terms made it hurt a little less. Come to think of it, he was probably none the wiser. Most likely assuming she had gotten discharged and not thinking twice about her absence.
It took about a week for y/n to regain a sense of stability. By this point, she had accepted that Eddie would no longer by apart of her life. In retrospect, it seemed silly that she had gotten so upset over the loss of their brief friendship. Despite it all, she felt a sense relief, like she had regained control in her everyday life. She was no longer relying on a person for her happiness; it was freeing.
This sense of bliss came to a halt when y/n was on one of her daily strolls, on the hunt for a snack, aiming for the vending machine on the 2nd floor. As she turned the corner, she came to a halt when she came face to face with none other than the boy she had virtually wiped from her brain; Eddie.
His warm dark eyes met hers, as a smile grew on his face when he registered who was in front of him. Y/n wasn’t expecting to come across Eddie given that the last time she had seen him, he was bed ridden.
“Hey stranger” he said in a playful tone.
She couldn’t help the smile that instantly grew on her face. She had missed him so much.
A slightly awkward pause occurred, as Eddie waited for y/n to continue the conversation. When he picked up on her frozen state, he took it upon himself to further the dialogue.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were avoiding me.” Although y/n knew he was only teasing, she felt her stomach drop. All previous feelings and emotions she felt towards him and the situation coming back, twice as hard.
Eddie noticed her face being painted in worry and quickly acted to fix it.
“Then again, the soup could have gotten to you as well, that shit will render most people out of commission for a few days.”
‘Nice save’ she thought, letting out a chuckle.
“Uh, no i-“ she paused, debating on telling him the truth. She wanted nothing more than to be honest with him; to be close. But she feared that would only drive him away. As far as she knew, Eddie wasn’t aware of her struggles, most of which occurred long after she graduated. At best, he may have been aware of her being admitted to the hospital, most likely unsure of the reason. She was plagued by this dilemma, time running out as Eddie was patiently waiting for a response, only a few feet away from her. To tell the truth or to not… That was the question.
Chapter 8
Author's Note: Not my best work, but we got the ball rolling and I'm out of my slump! :3
Let me know what you think & if you’re interested in being on my tag list ♡
Tag List: @motheraiya , @kik51199 , @munsontrash , @kaquaaqua , @munsonzzgfnzzgf , @haleighdriverriver , @thatlonelyalto , @ghoulsgraveyardraveyard , @braindelete , @sxpphicfxiry , @ladyapplejackdnd , @hellbaby237 , @grey-water-colors , @tubble-wubble , @moviefreak1205 , @piperd06 , @thegirlwhohides , @starryeyedkoko @thats-s0-ravenn , @piperd06 , @moviefreak1205 @tubble-wubble , @grey-water-colors
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fastcardotmp3 · 1 year
hi hello hi!! i have a lofty 556 words request from meta ch5 and yeah, okay, the max was 500 but it's not my fault YOU wrote all of my favorite lines in one scene. ANYWAY director's commentary pleeaaase <3
“My bad,” Eddie says offhandedly, but he still doesn’t leave, doesn’t run away from anything other than his own damn cowardice when he bucks up and blurts out, “can I read in here for a few minutes?”
His heart thrums, a painful thing, a sign of life. (Nothing hurts more than living. Eddie knows this firsthand.)
Steve doesn’t look up from where he’s jotting something down in the margins on his calendar, some sort of reminder to himself, but he scoots over to only take up half the bed and pats the other side twice with the flat of his palm.
“All yours, Ed.”
Fucking simple, fucking mundane and regular and easy, Eddie’s heart aches with the weight of it when he sits down on the right side of the bed, drops the letter in his hands to the nightstand and pulls the book that’s been hanging like an omen in his opposite hand into his lap.
Little notes sticking out and a pen stuffed into the soft, broken binding, Eddie pulls his knees up to prop the book upon them and flips past the library notations in the front cover to the page where he last left off.
And Eddie reads.
He tucks his socked toes under Steve’s comforter and lets the quiet scratching of Steve’s pen— and then later the soft shuffling of things around as Steve gets up to organize his desk for the coming week, put a pile of clothes crumpled on his chair away into their proper shelves and drawers— act as the white noise he needs to focus.
They don’t talk again for at least thirty minutes, just doing their own things in the same space, and Eddie knows why he had been so caught up in asking to stay, but it feels like folly in this moment.
“What’re you reading?” Steve is the one to break the silence as he climbs back into bed, pulls the covers up to his hips and adjusts the pillow behind him to lean against the headboard.
He has one of his car magazines in hand, the lights in the room dim with the late hour growing later, only the lamp on Steve’s side left to illuminate the small text growing smaller on the page in front of Eddie.
“Uh. Ovid?” Eddie clears his throat of disuse. “Roman guy— myths and poetry and stuff.”
“Huh,” Steve leans forward to peer at the cover screaming Metamorphoses like a direct line to the static that exists in Eddie’s head sometimes. “Like, uh, the gods and stuff,right?”
“Yeah, they’re in there,” Eddie explains, “lots of them actually, and mortals, half-mortals too. It’s kind of— lots of different stories in a way, so I haven’t gotten to all of it yet.”
He hasn’t gotten to Medusa yet, although he itches to jump straight there every time he opens the book, let himself stop wading through the density of a less-than-stellar translation and just get what he came here for.
Eddie isn’t sure why he’s taking the long road. That’s just sort of what he does, he supposes. “Any good ones yet?” Steve asks, settling back against his pillows, magazine forgotten in his lap as his eyes pave paths of sunlight across Eddie’s cheeks, his arms, the goosebumps at the back of his neck from the chill of night.
send me up to ~500 words from one of my fics and I'll give you a little director's commentary 💚
Okay god let's talk about it let's talk about it because it's a turning point but they're gonna be quiet about it aren't they?
I think it all really boils down to "Eddie isn’t sure why he’s taking the long road. That’s just sort of what he does, he supposes."
Because it refers to the fact that he can't quite make himself jump ahead to the story he's looking for, can't quite look it in the eye if you'll allow me some on-the-nose-ness here, but all of that in turn still just refers to the way he's healing.
He's going about it at his own pace, not really satisfied with his progress at any point and especially where other people are involved, but the fact that he's acknowledging that about himself while actively taking this step towards physical vulnerability is HUGE for our poor traumatized boy.
(traumatized because living is harder than being dead and he KNOWS that to be fact which I never shut up about in this fic because I'm obsessed with taking things that sound like metaphor and using them in the most literal sense possible SHH)
It's up to Eddie to set the pace here, Steve already told him that loud and clear, tells him that again by not making it a big deal when Eddie cranks the pace up by one singular notch and climbs into his bed.
They aren't touching, aren't even interacting with each other in a significant way beyond presence, but there's no escaping (for either of them) the understanding that a choice has been made here. A choice to show up and a choice to allow that showing up to come and go and be as simply and mundanely as possible, a thing of beauty to a guy who has seen a bit too much of the extraordinary in recent months.
Steve hands over the reins again and again in this fic (until the one time he doesn't) and "all yours, Ed" is just another instance of that that I wanted to show.
Because it's ALL about Eddie not skipping ahead in his book, it's ALL about letting himself take the long way around and getting something out of every step of it (as he does here later in the chapter with the Orpheus and Euridice stuff finding its own place in his little book of metaphors), and it's ALL about having the kind of people around who don't give him a deadline just because yet another sun has begun to rise.
I love this little world so much sorry for rambling thank you for asking 😭💚🐍
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tjmystic · 1 year
Just to let you know that I haven’t abandoned this lovely verse, here’s something else that will eventually go into Steve Harrington Isn’t That Bad. (I told you, I’m shit at updating.) It’s also a teasing reminder that, yes, they will eventually get together in this fic. Eventually.
Steve isn't good at casual.
That fact becomes abundantly clear within a week of their first kiss.
It’s just… he does things. These soft, impossible things that Eddie’s never seen or heard of another person doing. Maybe if he read romance novels, he would have, but he doesn’t, so he hasn’t. All he has for reference is his experience, and he has none in this arena.
Steve holds his face when they kiss. Not rough, not like he’s trying to force Eddie a certain direction or keep him captive. It’s more like he frames his face, one or both hands pressed gently to his skin, butterfly light but very much there. Sometimes, he’ll drop his hands to Eddie’s shoulders, or run them through his hair, but, sooner or later, they always come back to his face. And when they separate, Steve traces Eddie’s bottom lip with his thumb. Every single time. Like he’s searching for the imprint his own lips left there.
Eddie knows he won’t find it. It’s there, but it’s buried deep in his fucking soul or something. Nowhere so obvious as his mouth.
But Steve doesn’t seem to care. Every time they kiss, or even if he looks at Eddie for long enough, Steve gets this goofy, overjoyed expression on his face. He’d thought Steve was laughing at him the first time it happened—that’s how happy he looks in those moments.
It’s starting to wear him thin. He hasn’t been stretched this taut with anxiety since March.
And yeah, okay, that isn’t really a fair comparison. Obviously, having Steve to hug, and hold, and kiss is eons away from running for his life in an alternate Hell version of the town he grew up in. But it’s true all the same. Eddie’s been waiting for the bottom to drop out since that night in Steve’s living room.
Because that’s the other thing—all they’ve done is kiss. Even that night. They didn’t go upstairs. They didn’t get horizontal. They just… kissed. Then, Steve noted the time, said he had work the next morning, and escorted Eddie to his van like that was a thing guys just did for him. If Steve hadn’t been smiling the whole time and trying not-subtly-at-all to hold Eddie’s hand, he would’ve taken that as the inevitable brush-off.
It wasn’t.
Eight days later, and nothing has changed from that moment. Steve comes to visit him or calls him from work to invite him over to his place. He lingers in the Wheelers’ basement when he drops off the kids for D&D. Mostly, they just talk, or smoke, or drink, but, sometimes, they kiss. Always with Steve’s hands on him, holding his face like something he wants to keep close. Keep forever.
Eddie thinks back on poor Brenda Nichols and wonders if he had it wrong all those years ago. Maybe Steve hadn’t led her on like Eddie (and Brenda herself) had thought. Not on purpose, anyway. Maybe this is just how Steve is with his hookups—too soft, too sweet, too present. It’s hard not to fall for.
Scratch that—it’s impossible not to fall for.
Even before all of… this, he found himself hanging out at Family Video more often than was strictly necessary, especially given that he never rents anything. Anymore, though, it feels like he practically lives there. He won’t go so far as to ask Steve for his shift schedule, but he will go to the video store every fucking day just on the off-chance that Steve might be there.
Today isn’t one of those days. Today, it’s just Robin.
“—and, like, it’s perfectly normal to take a gap year, you know?” she says, mouth moving a mile a minute while Eddie stares on in amusement. He’d gotten as far as confirming that Steve wasn’t in today before she launched into her spiel. “I don’t get why it’s a big deal, my parents can’t afford to send me to college anyway, and it’s not like I’ve saved up enough money for it in just a year! This gives all of us more time! But noooooo, I’m being ‘irresponsible’ and ‘not thinking about my future’ and it’s just—ughhhhh.”
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