#thank you for the ask btw! glad i could clear this up
wisteriasymphony · 3 months
Btw how old is claudia/the cast of tweos?
18-19. Adrien turns 19 during March of '09 (which will probably be in very late part 2), whereas character like Claudia and Luka are '89 babies and as such are already 19
(Now that I think about it, Luka would likely turn 20 over the course of the story if I keep his birthday in Feb... I will admit most of the side characters have malleable birthdays lolol)
The major birthdays/ages that I know for a fact will stick are:
Adrien: March 13th, 1990 (18-19)
Claudia: August 28th, 1989 (19)
Marinette: July 7th, 1990 (18)
Originally I was going to have the cast be 17-18, but even with the minimal level of adult stuff that happens in TWEOS (which is mostly kept implicit and for the themes instead of like... spice for the sake of it, which i doubt i will ever do), it felt a little too murky for my liking. Still, the transition to adulthood and becoming your own person as you break away from your parents is still a big theme, so it wouldn't make much sense for me to make them all any older than 19, imo. Adrien just probably got held back an extra year due to his homeschooling being too specific to his talents rather than covering the basics lol.
But yeah, assume the main cast is 18 or around there. Other than the kwamis, but they sort of transcend age anyways lol
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skxllz · 6 months
Hi! If I can, I'd like to request something with Carl Gallagher and a fem reader! Can you please write about a mature and slightly stoic reader with two younger siblings, that lost their parents at a young age and she had to be the mother figure in their lives? I really like your writing and I thought you would make it a great short drabble.
(btw, the difference between the reader and her siblings is like, 2-4 years apart. Also, can the siblings be adopted by their really sweet and overprotective aunt? Thanks!)
I'm not sure if this is what you wanted anon but I'm lacking motivation so bear with me 😭
“ what was it like for you growing up? ” carl asked suddenly, his grey-ish blue eyes darting around amongst the night sky.
the two of you had ditched the party in your aunt's house, a celebration for your younger sister who had scored the lead in the romeo and juliet play at school, to lie out on the roof and point out different constellations. although carl didn't know shit about astronomy, you somewhat knew what you were talking about.
the question he asked arose after he explained a situation to you he remembered from when he was younger. involving his brother, some angry asshole and him taking out the guy's leg with the infamous baseball bat they keep on the stairwell of the living room. you managed a small grin from the story, but that was about it.
“ shitty. ” you replied in a short, blank tone. your stare remained on the different stars that lingered in the sky — unfortunately, not so many appeared that night, so you didn't have much to go on.
carl noticed you didn't exactly elaborate on why or how. and, even though he figured it had something to do with your parents not being around, he felt the need to push at it. would that make him an asshole? probably. but he's known you for seven months now and knew little about you, aside from the fact that you're rather... empty- or straightforward? with your responses.
let's just say, you could take shit in a way he never could. he's witnessed you getting yelled at with little to no reaction — if that were him, he'd lose it.
“ uh- ” he cleared his throat, turning to look at you with a lop sided smile. he almost seemed nervous to ask. “ how shitty? ”
you spared him a glance out of the corner of your eye. you seemed annoyed, but in reality, it was just your face- actually, you were surprised carl had the balls to ask. you knew the male was bold, he's shown that many times, but he's also been polite enough not to press into the business of your life.
you're glad he did though, in a way... you kind of wanted to tell somebody.
I mean, it's not like it was a secret. but to just get the weight off would be nice.
so with a sigh, you turned onto your side and tucked your arm under your head; balancing the weight of your head of your fist while you stared the brunette down. “ my parents died when I was little. that's why no one ever talks about them — also why my siblings live here with my aunt. ”
carl's brows shot up at this information, and his eyes slightly widened. “ oh, shit- ”
you cut him off from saying anything sympathetic. “ I had ta’ take care of ‘em when I was only ten. and, yeah I knew how to make ramen in the microwave, but I had no clue how to cook eggs. had no clue how to make acceptable meals for younger children - hell, I was reading out of cookbooks and it was confusing as fuck. ” you blinked away your frustration, ceasing the crease that began to form between your brows “ but I did it. I learned. ”
it was sad, really. listening to you rant on and on about how you had to clean up after them, teach your younger brother how to properly read because the school system wasn't shit. how you had to teach both your siblings how to tie their shoes, comb their hair on their own, prep their own meals as they got older - until finally their aunt stepped up to adopt them out. you were fifteen by then.
she took on you, as well, but you were gone by time your eighteenth birthday came around. of course you checked in with them everyday, but your aunt would always reassure you they were doing just fine and shooed you out.
“ jesus christ, y/n. ” carl mumbled, staring at you with a melted look of sympathy and.. something else. something unspecified. all he knows, it that it reminded him of his situation with fiona and their siblings - only, their parents weren't dead.
you pressed your lips together and averted your gaze to the sky again; once more rolling onto your back, tucking your arms behind your head to get comfortable. “ don't... look ‘t me like that. I'm fine, okay? that's the past. I'm just glad my brother and sister grew up alright. ”
“ but you had to take on a lot- ” carl pointed out with a frown, orbs dancing over your face in sadness. he did not want to see the girl he liked just push this shit off like it was nothing.
“ it's fine. ” you dully croaked, only to clear your throat right after. you refused to give in and tear down any walls that you've built up. “ I'm alright. ”
carl hesitated for a moment, leaning forward as if he were going to hug you- his arm lifted... but then, he lowered it back down to his side. gulping down any words that wanted to leave his mouth out of disagreement. “ alright... but I'm here for you. ”
you didn't reply at first, too caught up in your own head, but you heard him. you absorbed what he said.
and, for just a moment, a real smile lifted to your lips.
“ thank you, ” you mumbled, “ I appreciate it. ”
carl grinned, turning his eyes back onto the sky. “ anytime. ”
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vampykween · 6 months
hi mic :D
i just read your toxic!husband!ghost fics and would like to ask if u could write one where the reader just gives up on their relationship, maybe they finally file for divorce?
loved your writing btw! ♡
hi hi! thank u! i’m so glad y’all are enjoying toxichusband!ghost hehe
i hope i did your idea justice. i have a problem with just letting asks get away from me oops! but kiss ur brain for this idea cause i loved this! i get way too excited writing angsty stuff
you would realize you’ve had enough on the most random of days. after looking after your kids all day and finally getting your house cleaned, laundry all done. simon would come home and not even stop to greet you. he instantly strips from his fatigues and tosses them somewhere on the couch, turns on the tv to watch the game, and kicks up his feet and perches them on the clean coffee table. just the sight of him makes your blood boil. you make a mental note right then to talk to a divorce lawyer cause jesus you couldn’t take anymore of this.
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you’ve been agonizing over doing this for the past week. hidden in your nightstand drawer was an envelope that was going to change your life forever, and not just yours, your children’s lives too. that thought has stifled your desire for a divorce just ever so slightly, as much as you can’t take a loveless marriage anymore you know your kids will be hurt by this.
you and simon are lounging in your bed and you’re losing your edge to serve him the papers. you’re worn out from cooking dinner and doing the usual nighttime routine with the kids. you suck in a deep breath and remind yourself that this decision is for the best; you don’t deserve to be chained down by someone who won’t appreciate you.
“yeah?” he doesn’t look up from whatever he’s engrossed in on his phone and you roll your eyes exasperatedly. you’re swiftly reminded why you’re in this position.
“i- um, we need to talk.” god your palms were sweaty and your heart was hammering in your chest. why was this so much harder than you thought it would be. simon still doesn’t give you his attention and you figure you should just rip the bandaid off already.
your shaky hands open the nightstand drawer and fish out the large yellow envelope you’ve been holding onto for the past week. you nudge his shoulder with enough force to get him to look up at you, and shove the envelope in his now free hand.
he quirks an eyebrow at you curiously, “the hell is this?”
you gulp painfully and whisper at him to just open it. his large digits tear open the paper easily and as he’s scanning through the lengthy paper, you can see it clear on his face the moment he realizes what’s happening. he turns his body fully towards yours and you can see the fury in his eyes.
“have you lost your fuckin’ head. why on earth would ya want a divorce?” the bass in your husband’s voice rattles his words around in your head, simon doesn’t yell often, but god do you hate it when he does.
“simon, i just can’t anymore.” his eyes bulge incredulously at your words, but you ignore his idiotic look and continue. “i’m constantly bending over backwards to do everything for this family and you don’t even appreciate it. hell it doesn’t feel like you love me at all.”
“fuckin’ hell. you think you’re the only one putting in work for this family. what do you think i’m doing all day? and when i’m deployed? ya think i’m just fuckin’ around for fun?”
“oh my- are you serious?! of course i know that you work hard to provide for this family. did you even listen to a word i just said? i have to nag you to clean, to do laundry, to stop giving the kids all the things i tell them they can’t have. i have to literally beg you to kiss me and take me on dates! you never tell me you love me anymore simon!”
the rage behind simon’s eyes dims and he grasps both your hands in his. “love. baby, please you can’t leave me. you’re right, you do so much for us all and i know im shit about saying thank you, but who’s going to do all the stuff ya do if you leave?”
your face starts to grow hot as you begin to boil over with anger. you rip your hands from his hold forcibly. “you’ve got to be fucking kidding me! you can’t even convince me to stay because you love me. you want me here so i can do everything for you. you know what? fuck you! i’m so sorry your poor mommy is gone and you need someone to fill that void, and i was stupid enough to play that role for this long, but i’m not doing it anymore.”
“oh you’re a fuckin’ cunt for that. bringing up my mum, you’re fucked in the head!” simon barks at you. you should feel bad, it was a low blow, but you couldn’t care less.
you scramble out of the bed, storming around the room looking for a pen. you’re throwing open drawers with so much force they’re just a hair from ripping straight out. when you eventually find one, you thrust it into simon’s large hand.
“don’t fucking care. you’re an absolute piece of shit. sign the fucking papers, please, so i no longer have to hold back the urge to kill you with my bare hands.”
“what about the kids? you’re just gonna take them away from me?! if you do, i’ll spend every day trying to remind them they’ve got a right bitch for a mum,” simon sneers at you.
all the love you had for simon has vanished, but hearing him say he’d spend eternity making sure your kids hated you? that tore your heart in two. your throat begins to constrict as tears begin to build behind your eyes. you really didn’t want to cry in front of him, but you were suddenly hit with the realization that the life you dreamed of was never going to be real.
you think back to your wedding day, your husband had written the most beautiful vows, which shocked you as you hadn’t expected him to be able to express his love for you that way. he had promised to always make you feel like you deserved the world. suddenly you woke up one day and the man you once loved was gone, replaced by a shitty, co-dependent, workaholic who sucked out all the life in you.
in this moment, you simply prayed that one day, you wouldn’t feel like every choice you made lead to this terrible life you have now.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
A little girl starts following Tangerine around and he’s annoyed with, but he will kill everyone and himself for her if it came to it
I quite literally don’t know a title for this.. but enjoy. You’re the kids parents btw.
@kpopgirlbtssvt @little-miss-dilf-lover @earth-elemental18
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You turned around for one second and bam, she’s gone.
You look around frantically, hoping she wasn’t kidnapped or taken in the seconds you looked away.
You cried out her name and she could not be seen or heard anywhere.
Instead, she ran into a nice man. She was running and had a stuffed animal in her hand. She ran into his leg and dropped it.
Tangerine looked down, then back up to see if any parents were around.
She stood back up, and looked up at him.
He crouched down next to her.
“Where are your parents, love?” He asked, concerned. His voice was low.
“I don’t know.” she said.
He furrowed his eyebrows and scratched the back of his neck.
He looked around again and stood up. He sighed. She was a cute kid.
“Come on, let’s go find your parents.” He said, she looked up at him and followed him.
He left his cart as he walked around aisles, you were talking to a store manager who was trying to help.
He looked behind him and she still was following him.
“Uhm..” he cleared his throat. “I’m sorry, but is she yours? She ran into me…” he looked at you. You gasped as you turned your head to her and you quickly ran to her.
“Thank you, so much sir.” You said to him.
“Of course, I’m glad that I could help. She’s cute.”
You smiled at him “Yeah.”
(I don’t like this but whatever)
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kitsune-oji · 3 months
hiii it's the luci and Satan anon again!! sorry for not being too specific (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•⁠) as for ideas, maybe nicknames they'd give the reader, how they'd care for them (if they're strict or not and the like!), activities they'd enjoy with them?
and thank u for telling me about the term btw!! I had no idea (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠) I'll be more careful in da future!
Carer! Lucifer & Satan
Yeah sure, I hope this is what you meant! And no problem, I think there's no shame in not knowing something before. We all learn smth new every day and it's better not to assume something has been done out of maliciousness if it could be lack of knowledge. So I'm glad that I could help out in that way :) /gen
Gn! Reader
Relationships: Lucifer & Mc, Satan & Mc
Warnings/Tags: Age Regression, Regressor Reader, Fictional Carers, punishment mention, rules mention, headpats, bugs mention
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Nicknames for tiny: little one, prince/ss/x, my child, puppy (depending on what you're ok with or like of course)
As a carer, Lucifer tends to be on the stricter side
This means he has clear rules and consequences for if you break them. However, they're mostly rules like not eating too much candy, brushing your teeth on time, managing screen time and making sure to drink enough water (not just juice!)
Consequences depend on the rule you broke, so for example if you ate candy in secret and lied, Lucifer would not hand out anymore candy for a certain amount of time or if you don't brush your teeth, he will come to you every night and brush them together with you to make sure you keep up with it now
"punishments" just turn out to do more harm than good usually and at least with you, he tries to restrain himself and show that he cares for you and your wellbeing, instead of making you fear and avoid him
Lucifer is also a big fan of work sheets and if you're old enough to work on them, likes to set you up in his office so you two can do "work" side by side
He even grades papers if possible, gives you little gold stickers and other rewards like candy and praises you for a job well done
Let's you sleep in his lap while he works too - he won't even complain when his legs fall asleep and just summon a cushion to make it easier on his legs while letting you sleep
Pats your head a lot - when he praises you, when he walks past you as you play, when you hug or cuddle and so on
Nicknames for tiny: kitty, pumpkin, kiddo, little one, bud (depending on what you're ok with or like of course)
As a carer, Satan is not necessarily strict per se but definitely goes more in that direction
He sets up a whole plan with you, makes little to do lists with illustrations so you remember to do things like brush your teeth, wash your face etc before bed for example
Having read into parenting books and tips to make sure he's not doing anything wrong, Satan understands quite a bit more about what things can help you, why you may react in some ways and how to work on problems in a way that isn't forced but a collaborative effort between you two
He's very enamored with you and even plays with you with stuffies if you like that. There are a bunch of cat stuffies that found their way on his bed and towers of books over time - so there's always one on hand when he wants to talk to you 'through' them
"Mr Claw wants to ask if you want to read a book together? How about..."
Favorite activity together is definitely reading out loud for you. Especially when it's an interactive book, like the ones that have little images instead of words so the kid can read out loud together with the adult
Also loves going outside though and playing in the park. If you like bugs, you can catch them and figure out what it's called together with an encyclopedia or if you don't, there are enough plants and the like outside you can identify!
Likes to give you little tasks/activities like finding something for every color of the rainbow and doing fun quizzes on stuff you learnt that day
Ruffles your hair if it's fine with you, otherwise just pats you on the head - when you're joking around, when you've gotten something right/done a good job and so on
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spicyspiders · 1 year
hi dear how are you?:3 i just have an idea so here we go: what if the 141 boys caught Ghost and male reader makeing out (or something like that) in the kitchen🧍‍♂️ isjssjjshs ohm btw i luv ur writing!! they are so good🤭
Thanks! I'm doing well, hope you are too!
Ghost kissed like how he acted on the battlefield: a constant push and pull. He would push all that he could into his kisses, and then he pull you in so you couldn’t get away. 
It was a storm that you found yourself in the eye in. You didn’t want to get away, but, your body has its natural limitations. 
“Keep kissing me,” Ghost whined when you pulled back from a rather intense kiss. 
You chuckled breathily, “I gotta breathe, baby,” you responded. You moved your hands up from where they rested on his broad chest to wrap around his shoulders. 
In turn, Ghost tightened the grip he had on your hips. You could feel the warm puffs of his breath hitting your mouth before his lips were pressed to yours again. On the slick press of his tongue to the seam of your lips, you could see the darkness of your closed eyelids suddenly get much brighter. 
Metaphorically because of what you knew what his tongue in your mouth would do to you, as well as physically. 
“Oh shit,” Soap said from the doorway of the kitchen. 
Your eyes shot open and you pulled back and met the gaze of not only Soap, but also Gaz and John. 
“Oh shit,” you parroted. 
John was the one to break the resulting silence, “evening, gentlemen,” he said awkwardly after clearing his throat. 
You pulled away from Ghost and turned to face the men, leaning back against the counter. You didn’t meet their gaze, only keeping your eyes glued to the floor. The floor that you really hoped would swallow you so you could not be in this situation. 
In your peripheral, you could see Ghost do the same thing. He pulled up his mask before responding, “commander,” he said tersely. 
“I’m glad you two are together,” Soap began, “but I’d rather not see you two making out where we all eat.”
You watched as Gaz shouldered past the two men and into the kitchen. He opened the fridge and tossed a bottle of water at John and then Soap, “are you homophobic, sergeant?” he asked as he grabbed a third bottle for himself. 
Soap, now looking like he had been slapped, responded quickly, “no! I for one am very happy for these two. It sure makes him,” he gestured with one hand at Ghost, “less grumpy.”
You barked out a laugh, and John and Gaz each let out a laugh of their own. You glanced over at Ghost and laughed harder when you could see him glaring intensely at Soap. You placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, “you’re not grumpy,” you said to him softly. 
Ghost’s gaze softened, and he pulled his eyes away to send you a warm look.
“Don’t lie to him,” Soap said, cutting his eyes at you. 
You held your hands up in surrender, trying to hold back the smile from your face. 
You couldn’t tell if he let out a growl or a grunt, but Ghost stepped up in front of you protectively. 
“See!” Gaz yelled. He waved his arms out widley to gesture at Ghost, his bottle of water nearly flying out of his hand. 
“Goodnight, soldiers!” John announced. He left the room, followed by Soap and Gaz. You could hear Gaz’s laugh echo down the hallway as they all headed to their rooms.
When they were gone, Ghost turned to face you and you wrapped your arms back around his neck. 
You raised a brow in question at him, “you said they would be gone for their evening run.”
“They’re usually gone longer, but Soap probably started complaining and they turned around,” Ghost placed his hands back around your hips to pull you closer. 
You let out a light chuckle, “you are grumpy,” you said affectionately. You hooked your fingers into his mask and pull it down. You moved one of your hands onto his now maskless cheek and Ghost leaned into the touch. 
“We were interrupted,” Ghost said, a slight defensive edge to his voice. 
“Not anymore,” you teased.
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captain-mj · 7 months
Can you do another part for alien korangi au? I'm starving 🙏😔 (love ur writing btw❤️)
Part 1 Part 2
Thank you!
Horangi sighed as König left. He really doubted that he'd actually be back. Maybe the next solar cycle of his species when he got horny again. As nice as being swept away sounded, it just didn't actually happen. All kinds of people and non people promised him this.
Horangi checked his debt, seeing the giant chunk taken out of it by König's generous payment. He had tipped heavily, easily paying a month of Horangi's work.
Two months passed. Horangi continued to work as normal. Sometimes, his mind would wander to König again.
The biggest part that he missed was the intimacy of it. König didn't speak the majority of the time but he had pressed into him and held him so tight.
It was a lot better than most of his clients who left him aching and starving for a nice hand through his hair.
Horangi groaned and stretched, back arching. He checked his debt.
5 coins.
Horangi could go outside and ask that of someone.
He quickly went to check who deposited so much money.
Colonel König. As a tip.
Horangi stared at it for a long time.
5 coins.
Someone knocked and he sat up quickly. He scrambled up and got dressed before opening the door.
König didn't speak. His hood kept his face covered. But he did lean down and brush their cheeks together. "My Liebling."
Horangi growled and shoved him before yanking him closer to him by his belt loops. "Not a word for two months!! Not a word! I thought you had given up on me!"
König shook his head. "Worked a bunch of overtime. Was too busy. Also didn't want to waste any money." He yanked him along before making himself calm down and instead gently lead him.
"Why leave 5 coins?" Horangi had none of the same scruples, yanking König to him constantly and making them bumbled around.
"Wanted to pay it in person."
"This is crazy. You get this right? You paid so much money for me. You didn't even purchase me! Just paid off my debt like a crazy person!"
"I could've purchased you?' König sounded rather interested but it was clear he was joking. Especially since he was currently trying to nuzzle back into Horangi.
Horangi hit his ribs and kept following him.
König handed Horangi the money and Horangi paid the last of everything. It was a rather anti climatic. He was just... there. And he was free to leave for once.
König hummed. "Can I have my date now?"
"Gongjunim, you can have whatever you want." Horangi said smiling at him.
They ended up a parlor nearby. It served tons of things, the best being pastries. König paid for everything, insisting on it. Mostly because Horangi had no money.
He watched Horangi eat with a ton of interest. He didn't lift his hood very much so Horangi couldn't return the favor.
König purred happily when Horangi took another bite. "Any plans?"
"Not really. Burned a lot of bridges back home."
"Could get you a job working for me."
Horangi stared at him. This wasn't hesitation. Instead it was introspective. "Am I just going to be your paid secretary that you bang?"
Horangi's interest was immediately piqued. "Go on."
"You'd be a merc that I scouted that I bang." König said with a smile in his voice.
Horangi tapped his fingers. "Only when I want it."
König blinked in shock. "That was a question?"
Horangi found something about this man to be very attractive. He wasn't sure what exactly it was, but he did.
Some patrons were watching them with unease. Probably waiting for König to suddenly go crazy. Start eating people like some beast.
Horangi finished eating. "I'll take you up on it. For a little while. Something to get me on my feet yeah?"
König smiled at him. "You'll stay in my home."
Horangi hummed. "You don't have a harem like some of your species does right?"
"No.... If i did, we wouldn't have met. I'm very glad I don't have a harem." König didn't meet his eyes.
"Take me home then."
Horangi was on König's bed and being attacked. König kissed him all over, pulling him in between his thighs. He purred and wiggled, rubbing all over Horangi.
Horangi laid back and let König snuggle him. "My liebling.'' König cooed and put his face in Horangi's neck.
They existed tangled up for quite a while before things dragged König away.
At night, they once again intertwined, being rather insistent about it. They tangled together and kissed.
König's hood ended up on the floor. Horangi held him close and kissed him sweetly.
They started to make love. König was so sweet about it. So nice and sweet. He thrust into him over and over and over again. Driving right into his sweet spot.
Horangi held on and reveled in the pleasure of everything. König kissed him softly, licking into his mouth. "You're so sweet."
Horangi wailed when he came. He couldn't help it.
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reggieblk · 4 months
I want to hear about the cokewhore Tom AU! <3
aaaah thank you for asking !! <3
Cokewhore Tom is ... very dear to me. It's a collective work with @cindle-writes and @pinktom, as well as another friend who prefers to remain anonymous iirc (feel free to put anything you want about the fic in the reblogs btw). It has 5 parts, and should sit somewhere from 30-40k, and I need to finish it 😭 I actually don't know if I'm allowed to talk about this fic, I didn't run it by Cindle or Amelinda before including it in the tag game jdsbbd BUT you can have a snippet from part 1 which I wrote :
“Harry! It’s me!” The sound of someone talking on the other side of the door sent a renewed wave of dread throughout his body, but when, a second later, he recognised the voice, he deflated, irritation flaring through him. He marched over to the door and yanked it open, revealing a shivering, pale, thinly clad, Tom Riddle.  “Tom,” Harry said, his annoyance clear in his voice, “what the fuck is wrong with you? Do you want my neighbours to call the police?” “I don’t give a shit about that,” Tom snapped, teeth grinding as he scratched at his arm. “Go away,” Harry whispered, looking around at his neighbours’ doors compulsively. “Get the fuck away from my apartment.” “Please,” Tom said, reaching out to hold onto Harry’s sleeve, “please just—” “No,” Harry snapped. They’d gone over this all week—though this was the first time Tom had had the audacity to show up to his flat instead of harassing him over the phone.  “Please, I need it,” he begged, a pathetic quality to his voice. His eyes had dark smudges under them, purple verging on black, and his cheeks were hollowed out.  “Get in,” Harry hissed, unwilling to let this spectacle play out in the open hallway of his apartment complex. He grabbed Tom’s arm and dragged him into the flat, slamming the door behind them and locking it for good measure.  “I’ll get the money,” Tom said, and he was already pacing, hands in his hair in his distress. He kept clicking his teeth together, as if his jaw ached, and his shoulders were bunched up.  Harry sighed as he watched him, the anger dying down just a bit. “Tom, I thought you were going to try and get clean.” “I—I can’t,” he said hysterically. He tripped on a bottle on the floor, and almost fell but he caught himself on the sofa and sat down, legs jittering. Harry was glad he’d snatched the bag of coke up, or he was sure Tom would’ve snorted it all by then. He looked up, eyes wide and pleading. “Just one more time—” Harry hung his head— “I promise, one more time, just another two grams, please, then I’ll get clean. I’ll get you the money for the rest please, I just—” “Stop it, stop it,” Harry snapped, waving a hand in the air as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “Look at yourself, Tom. Look at you, you’re a fucking mess.” Tom was quiet for a moment, and when Harry looked down at him he had tears welling in his wide brown eyes. “Please,” he whispered.  “Tom, I’d like to help you out,” Harry said honestly, “but you’ve already lost me too much money. I’m sorry, really. But it’s no.” “I’ll pay you—” “We’ve already established that you can’t,” Harry said with a disbelieving laugh. “I’ll suck your cock,” Tom blurted out, and Harry’s blood ran cold before burning hot as he stared at him in disbelief. Tom’s cheeks were coated in red, humiliation so evident on his face and yet Harry could see that he meant it.
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b0r3dtod3ath · 5 days
i’d love to request a fic where maybe ben gets asked about you (his gf) at a post game interview and he just spills about how much he luvs u <333
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Cw: fem!reader (she/her)
An: thank you for requesting!!!! I hope you like it.
Ben had just come off the court after a hard-fought victory, his veins buzzing with post-match adrenaline. As he stepped into the press room, he was met with dozen of camera flashes and eager reporters which he was already used to by now. As he settled into his seat and adjusted the microphone in front of him, he flashed his trademark grin, filling fans’ stomachs with butterflies.
“Ben, congratulations on the win!” one reporter began. “Your performance was outstanding. How are you feeling right now?”. He smiled, running a hand through his slightly damp hair. “I’m feeling great. It was a tough match, it wasn’t so easy beating my opponent, but I’m glad I could pull through. The crowd was amazing, their support really kept me going”.
Next few questions were standard: strategies, key moments and his thoughts on the upcoming rounds. The player answered them with his usual confidence. Then, a reporter in the back raised her hand and asked a question that took him by surprise. “Hi, you seem to be on top of your game both on and off the court. We’ve heard rumours about your personal life. You recently shared a picture on Instagram with a girl that is assumed to be your girlfriend. How does she influence your game?” Ben’s eyes lit up and his expression softened at the mention of you. The room fell quiet, eager to hear about a mysterious girl that captured Ben’s heart. “Oh, you want to know about my girlfriend, huh? Well, where do I even start?” He took a deep breath, collecting all the racing thoughts of you. He leaned closer to the microphone, his eyes sparkling with affection “She’s incredible. She’s my biggest supporter, my rock. She keeps me confident and makes sure I don’t get too overconfident. Knowing she’s cheering on me gives me lots of strength”. A few reporters exchanged smiles and whispers, charmed at Ben’s emotional words. “Could you tell us a bit more about her?” another reporter asked.­­
“I mean.. Sure, her name is Y/N, and she’s my best friend and my biggest fan. We have been dating for some time now. She’s been there for me through thick and thin, and I can’t imagine my life without her. She helps me really think and look for good in every situation, pushes me to be a better version of myself, both on and off the court. She’s truly my inspiration”. A hint of blush crept onto his cheeks. The room fell even more silent than before, amazed at the confession. Then, the next reporter cleared his throat and brought the conversation back to tennis, but Ben’s mind was drifting to thoughts of you. He couldn’t wait to get home, to celebrate his victory. As the interview wrapped up, he felt a sense of relief and excitement. He pulled out his phone and smiled at your message where you congratulated him with way too much emojis, before sending you a quick text: “Just finished the interview. Can’t wait to see you. Love you <33”.
As Ben shared a peek into his private life that day, he became even more charming to everyone around, especially you.
June 1, 2024 (btw happy children’s day to everyone!)
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filmnoirsbian · 4 months
oh i forgot to update you - im the person who back in december asked for tips about flying for the first time. thank you btw. i was really nervous because [insert myriad of reasons] but i got through it, and the flight attendants were all so nice to me and i think could tell i was really nervous about messing up or getting in their way. at one point i didnt know what was going on with my bag and was afraid to miss my connecting flight (at my last flight they needed people to volunteer to check their bags for free, but then at the next airport i couldnt figure out where to go - there were two directions for different carousels - and i started panicking because i was afraid my bag wouldnt make it with me and i had like less than 15 minutes to find my bag and get to my flight) but they were super nice and helped me find my bag when i still couldnt figure out where it would be even though thats not their job (i dont think). i really appreciated it and i made sure to let them know because it really just, helped my anxiety deplete that they werent mad at me for being so panicked and not being able to clear my head to think straight and figure it out, they just helped and were understanding even though you guys have such long days. it really made it easier to handle especially because i have a lot of chronic illnesses (both physical & mental) so flying by myself already took a lot out of me. anyway sorry for rambling its just been on my mind that i had a really good experience :) and i took all your advice (except packing too many clothes. i made a mistake, thought i needed that many for 9 days. will not make it again lmao) and had a really good flight. thanks again for the advice :’) and also thank you for i guess doing your job? i know you werent one of my flight attendants - or i dont think you were - but the sentiment stands, i think. i think y’all are just as integral as any other worker and deserve to be thanked!! if i fly again im going to make sure to always thank my flight attendants :), i did when i flew this trip and it made me really happy to see how happy it made the attendants. at least, i hope it made them happy. either way, you really helped simplify some of my trip. thanks !
It probably really made them happy! It's always very rewarding feeling like I've helped a passenger have a better experience than they otherwise might have had, and I'm glad they got to do that for you! Thanks for the update 🖤
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radiosteve · 8 months
just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed reading I Knew You thank you so much for writing it 🥺 but I have to say as an Eddie girlie... I'm so curious what happened during that one time him and Baby made out like 😮‍💨
if you do write a blurb about it you best believe I'll eat it up so quick (if not that's fine too btw! my imagination will run wild I suppose HAHA)
I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I actually really wanted to write out this scene, so thanks for giving me a reason to! Hope you like it!
Baby Kiss It Better
Warnings: 18+, slight smut, language
Word count: 1.2k
You flung your backpack from your shoulders, leaving it to land on the mess that was Eddie Munson’s bedroom floor. With a sigh, you fell face-first onto his bed, shoving your head into his pillow. Eddie shut the door to his room softly, his worried, wide eyes gazing over your limp figure sprawled out on his bed. Wayne had already left for the day and Eddie couldn’t be more glad, knowing you needed privacy to unwind. 
“You alright kiddo?” he slowly approached the bed. Rather than use your words, you responded with a muffled groan, your position unchanged. Eddie sat on the edge of his bed, his hand coming down to pet your head as if you were a cat. Your head shot up then, shooting him a glare. Eddie held his hands up in defense, ceasing the motion. You rolled over onto your back, hugging Eddie’s pillow to your chest. 
“I can’t wait until we graduate, then I never have to see Steve’s stupid face again,” you pouted and Eddie leaned over you, his hair dangling in your face.
“Are you forgetting that you live next door to the guy?” he asked, eliciting another groan from you as you lifted your hands to push him away. Eddie just smirked, his smile looking like nothing but trouble. “You know what could make you feel better?” you propped yourself up on your elbows at Eddie’s question, ignoring how they uncomfortably sank into the bed as you did.
“What?” you asked, voice monotone as you still clung to your bad mood. Seemingly out of nowhere, Eddie produced a joint, holding it between his fingers as an offering to you. “I knew we were friends for a reason,” you smirked, snatching the joint from his hand and getting up to find a lighter in the mess of Eddie’s room. 
One joint later, the two of you were zoned out on the couch in Eddie’s living room, munching on stale popcorn and a way-too-old granola bar. Eddie had been staring at the same spot on the wall for the past five minutes while you tried to see how much popcorn you could put in his hair before he noticed. The TV played in the background, the low hum of static filling the silent room. You let out a sigh, coming to terms with the fact that Eddie wasn’t going to notice the popcorn’s new place of residency in his hair. 
“Fuck, I’d blow someone for a pizza right now,” you exclaimed, having no filter in your inebriated state. Eddie finally pulled his gaze from the wall, fully intending to look at you but getting distracted by the snacks in his hair. He picked up one piece at a time, munching away on each kernel.
“Pizza sounds otherworldly,” Eddie spoke after clearing the snack food from his hair. He got up and grabbed the phone from the kitchen, calling in an order for two large pizzas. He sat back next to you on the couch, spreading his legs wide, hardly noticing the way they brushed against yours.
“Do I have to blow you now?” you asked bluntly, still devoid of embarrassment given how strong your high was. Eddie’s head whipped towards you, eyebrows raised and wide-eyed.
“What? No. Why would you…” Eddie didn’t even finish his question before you cut him off, your words clashing with his.
“Because I said I’d blow… fuck, never mind,” you faced back towards the TV, crossing your arms over your chest with a huff. Why were you even mad? It’s not like you wanted to go down on him anyway, right? The question blurred in the fog of your mind, wires crossing and changing what would typically be a ‘no’ into a ‘yes’. You’d always felt at ease with Eddie and the two of you had a good rapport. So fuck it, it's fine.
You turned to Eddie once again, finding his eyes already glued to you. With a nod of permission, you threw one leg over him, sitting comfortably in his lap. He let out a small gasp at the contact, the round of your ass pressed flush against his thighs. That’s when you leaned in, your lips meeting his in a crash of hazy lust.
Eddie couldn’t help the moan that escaped him, the feel of you pressed against him driving him crazy. He’d only kissed two girls before you and was still very much a virgin with a capital V. So the feel of you on him, mixed with his steady high, brought a buzz to his skin that he just couldn’t shake. He couldn’t help the jerk of his hips as he rutted into you while you slipped your tongue against his. 
“Fuck,” you drawled out at the feeling, leaning back a bit to revel in the way his hard cock brushed your clothed core through your jeans. You had far more experience than Eddie, but your high set your skin alive too, making you more sensitive than normal. After a moment of Eddie’s eyes searching yours, he did it again, rutting against the rough material of your jeans. A whimper slipped from you then and brought your lips back to Eddie’s. You let your hands tangle through his hair, pulling his head back to place wet kisses on his thick neck.
“Christ,” Eddie cursed as you rolled your hips against his, setting a steady pace. Your lips trailed up from his neck, along his jawline, and back to his lips. “Feels so good, Baby,” Eddie mumbled against your lips as his hands trailed down to your waist, resting there as you ground into him. You couldn’t help the moan that escaped you at the combination of his words and the way his cock felt against your clit. 
Eddie’s breath picked up, getting way too close to blowing his load for comfort. But he didn’t want to stop, the weed keeping his head foggy enough to not think about the consequences. You panted into his mouth and your tits jiggled through your t-shirt, bouncing with each roll of your hips. Eddie had to close his eyes to stay in control, but it didn’t matter for very long. 
A knock sounded from the front door, suddenly snapping you both back to reality and dissipating your highs. You scrambled off of Eddie, a groan rising in his throat as you did. With a check of your hair and adjustment of your now wrinkled clothes, you opened the door to find the pizza delivery guy. Eddie’s eyes widened at the sight of the man in the doorway. He’d honestly forgotten that he ordered pizza. 
Eddie tossed you his wallet from his place on the couch, unwilling to get up and give the pizza guy a good look at his hardened length through his jeans. You paid for the pizzas and closed the door, setting them on the counter. Eddie’s gaze was drawn to the floor while your expression was hidden with a wince.  
“So,” you spoke faintly, teetering back and forth on your heels. Eddie peered up at you through his bangs, embarrassed as he waited for you to continue. “We never speak of this again?” you suggested and Eddie nodded instantly. The two of you sighed a breath of relief, knowing that this drug-induced makeout wouldn’t affect your friendship. You grabbed two plates from the cabinet, bringing the pizza boxes over to the coffee table. You sat next to Eddie, a soft smile on your lips as you both grabbed a slice.
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taringill · 15 days
Is Casey and Andrea planning to have kids in the future???? Does Andrea even know that Casey is from an alternative future or about his family, the Hamato family???? Also, has Casey ever been in a relationship with a boy before since he's bisexual? Love your art on rottmnt btw
Hi. Thank you, I am very pleased that you like my work on rottmnt🫶
Wow, I didn't expect questions about this couple. Well, since you've asked the questions, I'll answer them.
Yes, they are planning to. Spoiler: they will have a son named Cody Jones (who understood the reference, well done🤝).
Casey told Andrea that he was from an alternate future after a time when they were already dating. Imagine the look on her face as she listened to all this. Naturally, Andrea is aware of the Hamato family. Why was she not particularly surprised that these were mutants? I'm explaining. At the end of the film, we are clearly given to understand that people (New Yorkers at least) have become a little aware of the existence of turtles. And according to the plot, they are teenagers (minors), like Casey Jr. It is clear that he is still a child (he is about ±15 years old, Idk). Casey is the same age as the past/present turtles. And he met Andrea when they were both 21 years old. Accordingly, ± 6 years have passed since the end of the film (that's about it, this is my headcanon). At this point, all people are already aware of turtles, mutants and yokai. They begin to communicate, make friends, and so on. But this is my vision.
The fact that Casey Jr. is bisexual is my headcanon!
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All the characters drawn here are the same age as Casey. I drew them at the age they were when they met Casey. Andrea is also bisexual. Before Casey, she had a relationship with a girl when they were both 16. The relationship lasted about a year.
Casey didn't have relationships with guys (I mean romantic ones). But he had a crush named Max. Violetta initiated the breakup because she no longer loved Casey as a boyfriend. They broke up when they were both 16 years old. Casey was having a hard time breaking up because he loved Violetta. Even at the moment of separation. The guy's brain exploded. Imagine, he lived all his childhood in the apocalypse, when he had to survive every day, he lost all his loved ones and he did not want to part with the girl who gave him a feeling of euphoria. After all, she is not only his first friend in the new time, but also his first girlfriend (was). It was his first relationship in a new (for him) and peaceful time. But they remained friends, everything is fine with them.
As for Max, he and Casey study together and play on the same team (hockey). They became friends almost immediately after meeting. But over time, Casey realized that he had fallen in love with his friend. He liked Max very much, but they had nothing. And it could never be, because Max is heterosexual. That's how it happens... Casey, of course, was very upset. But he and Max remained friends. Of course, at first Casey was a little jealous of Max's girlfriend, who by that time had appeared at Max's🙃 But everything ended well. They didn't quarrel and Casey didn't interfere with the lovers in any way.
Eventually, 2 years later, he met Andrea (both were 21 years old at the time of their acquaintance), whom he started dating and with whom he would marry in the future, and they would have a son:3 With Violetta, he would not have been able to have at least one child, since she is a childfree (and also, she is aromantic). He found out about this after parting with her.
Andrea is a more family girl. But she does not want to be a mother with many children, because she herself comes from a large family. She had enough to sit with her younger twin brothers (they are 12 years old) and younger sister (4 years old). So she immediately told Casey: "Let's stop at one child and that's enough for us"😁
Thanks for the unexpected questions. I was glad to answer these questions for you:)
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vaguely-concerned · 1 month
A collection of Vox expressions that make my brain go :}
because I love looking at his little failcringe face <3
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clearly you don't own an air fryer
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big mood, he's saying what we're all thinking
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babyrage (I LOVE when his emotions get so big his features have to fight for real estate on his face fhsdka)
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the face of a man who honestly hadn't even noticed your seven year absence btw. in case you'd been wondering. (had you been wondering? while you were gone? for seven years? did you ever think about me? b/c I wasn't thinking about you so that would be pretty pathetic if you did lmao loser...)
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but if evil... why so cute tho (definitely 100% for sure evil to be clear it's part of the charm)
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'unremarkable loser back from fucking off' still gets me every time. alastor doesn't just live rent free in vox' flatscreen head he charges him for the privilege of having him stay in there
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clearly you don't own an air fryer 2 (this can be easily remedied however allow me to sell you one for a very exorbitant exorbitantly reasonable price step right up -- )
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this one expression does SO much characterization work -- having him look like a scared little kid at the end underscores the blatant insecurity that's mostly been comedy material through the rest of the song with something more real and vulnerable and it adds so much depth. he's so much showmanship and flash and bluster and somewhere beneath all that when you strip it away from him... is also this.
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his shitty little grin here cracks me up so bad fhskjdafdas it's so funny that before he even gets mad he has a moment of asshole 'lmao oh wow how could anyone fuck up THIS bad' amusement. who sent him in there, tho, vox. whose fuckup is this, exactly. hmmm.
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perfectly hinged and utterly normal at all times. the height of calm rational professionalism & cunning. a pillar of implacable composure and cool calculation, untarnished by illogical emotion. thank you so much for asking glad we could clear that up!
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Unbothered. Sparking On All Circuts. Happy. In His Lane. Focused. Flourishing. Definitely not about to utterly humiliate himself on live television in front of all of Hell for absolutely no reason whatsoever except for his own hubris and terrible personality
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pokenimagines · 1 year
SFW Piers- Prompt: May I pls request Piers singing to S/o after they've had a night mare?
(btw I love your writing! Happy Thanksgiving to you if you celebrate it!)
Bruh, this was so cute and wholesome like what? Aight, let’s do this. Let’s DO THIS. Also super short since I’m writing it on my phone at work.
Rules | Discord Server (16+)
SFW Piers: Sing Me To Sleep
You woke up with a start, heart pounding in your chest and confused. You couldn’t even recall what you had been dreaming of, but you knew it terrified you. A small whine escaped your mouth as you held back a sob. Then you felt it; the pressure on the bed shifting and Piers moved next to you.
It was clear he was half asleep, but managed to wake up from your small sobs. He let out a small groan as he lifted himself to his arms and looked at you.
“What happened? Bad dream?” He managed to murmur in his half asleep daze.
“Y-ya…” you said, still terrified of whatever had appeared in your dream. You were glad you couldn’t remember it, or else you would’ve been far worse off.
“Want me to sing you to sleep?” He asked, wrapping an arm around your waist, pulling you into his chest. You sniffled a bit before looking at him.
“Sing me to sleep?” You asked, as Piers chuckled.
“Marnie used to wake up all the time from nightmares. I’d sing her to sleep all the time to get her mind off it. Want to try?” He questioned and you decided it was worth a shot.
“Okay…” you whispered.
Soon Pier’s voice filtered through your ears, a soothing melody you can’t recall ever hearing. It was peaceful and you could feel your anxiety slowly leaving your body. You began to relax your body and became limp in his arms.
Your head still felt fuzzy, but with how tired you were you couldn’t seem to stop yourself from dozing off to your boyfriends sweet hums.
•❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅• Thank you for reading! Did you know we have a discord? It has everything from RPs, General Discussions, and even an 18+ area to go hog wild in! We even do announcements early for when the inbox is opening for requests, as well as other events! Come in and join us!
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hazzybat · 4 months
Thanks for coming Mr Jordan
okay so remember this idea by @cinder-rose of Nace having certain exciting dreams about Jan? well I wrote a little intro and then kinda wrote chapter 1 I guess? maybe I'll make it into more but for now have this! (casual 1000+ words lol)
this is 18+ btw as it involves porn dreams
Nace relaxed on the couch, his shirt off and warmth enveloping him. He was seeing Jan over the holidays but he couldn't remember which holidays they were. The house was large, full of impossible rooms and the largest, softest couch Nace could imagine. Then Jan was sprawled out next to him, his body warm flush against his own. His arm was loose around his neck and his lips were so close to Nace's. He felt a pang of guilt. He had a girlfriend who was.... he didn't know where she was. But Jan was so inviting and soft, his chest hair rough against his own flushed skin. Those beautiful lips whispered out "Thanks for coming Mr Jordan" before they pressed themselves to Nace's. Jan was everywhere. He was hot and perfect and he ground their hips together and Nace could think of nothing but how amazing it felt. Jan's hand snaked down his pants and right as he held his cock and began to stroke him Nace woke up. He wondered for a moment why his bed was so empty, his sheets tangled around his hips and drool on his cheek. Then his mind caught up and he groaned angrily. He was now single. His girlfriend had split with him a week ago, a mutual decision that still broke his heart. They hadn't been good for a while, drifting further and further apart until he hardly felt he knew the woman in front of him. Her side of the bed was cold. His mind replayed the dream and he groaned again. Why had it been Jan? Sure he was close to Jan but why did his sleep filled mind decide to put the man in his sex dreams? Even in his dream he’d felt guilty for kissing him. His hand trailed down his body until it found his very erect cock, precum already leaking from the tip. There was no point in wasting a perfectly good boner he mused. Maybe once he got off he could clear his head. He brought up his favourite porn, choosing to look at the amateur threesome from some time in the 90s rather than dwell on dream-Jan's perfect fingers and lips and body.
The video did the trick, the two men touching and feeling the woman before they made out with each other over her, the low quality footage allowing him to imagine their faces however he wanted and the moans a perfect mix of deep masculine need and high feminine want. He came easily and for a moment allowed himself to remember Jan's deep raspy words, "Thanks for coming Mr Jordan" It was just a dream. He needed a shower and a coffee, his mind already sweeping away the details like cobwebs. It didn't mean anything anyway. ‐--------- "Thank you for coming Mr Jordan" Jan said from the couch when Nace walked into the studio. The statement sent a pulse of pleasure straight to his dick and his brain short circuited. Did Jan know somehow? Could he read minds? Could he see the blush that was steadily covering Nace's cheeks? What the fuck was going on? Jan was sitting in one of the armchairs, his laptop open on the coffee table in front of him. He had a black tie slung around his neck and a black blazer on top with no shirt to speak of. A pair of Nace spare glasses were perched atop his nose. Looking closer it was actually one of Nace's blazers he'd stolen as well. "Nice glasses, where'd you get them?" Nace asked in at attempt at humour, something to bring a sense of normality back to this very strange day. Jan didn't answer, instead he leaned back in the chair, pulling the blazer back to show off a nipple, which he began to stroke with a lazy finger. "I'm so glad you're here Mr Jordan, I've been going through your accounts and I'm afraid the numbers are all wrong" Jan was overacting, his voice exaggerated and breathy asthe hand as his nipple began to kneed at his non existent breasts. His other hand took off the glasses and bit down on the arm of it seductively, looking at Nace with dark eyes. Nace was thoroughly confused but his cock was enjoying the terrible acting a bit too much, twitching at every breathy moan Jan gave between words. Had he actually woken up this morning? Was he still in his strange porn dream?
"I think I can fix the numbers, but only if you do me a big, long, hard favour," Jan continued, rising from the couch and sauntering over to where Nace was still frozen to the spot. This was hell, Nace had died and this was his punishment for staring a bit to long at Jan's fingers when he played. Or maybe it was heaven with the way Jan looked at him, glasses still in fingers, the end in his mouth and tongue dancing over it obscenely. Jan reached him and wrapped his arms around Nace's neck. His hand instinctively found Jan's hips. His brain finally kicked into gear when he managed to ask "what the fuck is happening?" "We got 2 minutes boys!" Jure cheered from his spot behind the door, walking into the room with his phone, using it as a stopwatch and proudly displaying the time to the others. Bojan followed close behind, handing over a note to Jure and grumbling to Kris about "why couldn't he wait another 20 seconds". Jan hadn't moved from his arms and Nace was still thoroughly confused. Jan took pity on him and explained "Bojan found the tie and your spare glasses and somehow we ended up with the idea of a bad porn intro. Sorry you ended up our leading lady but we wanted to see how long it would take you to question things." Jan was grinning along with the others as he fished around in his wallet and handed Jure a note alongside Bojan's. Kris tutted at Nace as if disappointed, also handing over a note to the drummer who was gleefully counting his winnings. Nace was bright red. They were going to be the death of him he knew it. He reluctantly dropped his hands from Jan’s waist and tried to laugh along with the others. This was going to be a very long day.
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eddiesfairy · 2 years
꒰ battle of starcourt - s.h꒱
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summary : where steve and reader gets separated during the battle of starcourt and when they’re reunited they’re all worried and protective.
warnings : slight angst (?) can be read as gn!reader , fem!reader or masc!reader (pet name “sweetheart”), violence , flayed billy , protective!steve , slight detail to wounds
word count : 1.1k
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You were currently at Bradley’s with the kids, nancy and johnathan - trying to find a space where el can locate dustin.
After she locates him, and after Lucas’ episode with his coke (coke isn’t better, btw) you all decide to do some necessary shopping for supplies.
You’re worried about steve. you haven’t heard from him for the whole day. Is he safe? Is he in danger?
A hundred scenarios swivel in your mind of the current state that steve might be in. Nancy notices how much quieter you’ve gone.
“Hey y/n. Are you alright? You’ve been a little quiet today.” Nancy walks alongside you while the younger kids and johnathan walk ahead of you. You’ve always liked nancy. She is a great student and she’s always caring for others before herself.
“Yea i’m okay, i’m just worried about steve. I haven’t heard from him yet and it’s been a few hours.” you say as you fiddle with the hem of your shirt, clearly showing your anxiety. Nancy notices and stops you in your tracks, giving you a long hug.
“He’s fine, y/n. You know steve. He’s so stubborn and strong-minded. I’m sure that whatever is thrown at him, he will be able to handle. No questions asked.”
You both get in the car and make your way to Starcourt , where El supposedly located Dustin. Your heart sped up a bit. You hope that Steve will be with him, and that he would be alright. Little did you know the condition that you would find Steve in. But for now, curiosity brewed in your stomach.
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You finally arrived at starcourt, glancing at the bright neon sign before entering through the glass doors.
El led you to the center of the mall where you has a clear view of every shop, the escalator in front of you. You saw his hair before you saw him, running towards him full speed with an ache in your chest. You missed him.
You don’t think steve has ever looked this bad, not even after his fight with johnathan last year. “Jesus steve, what did they do to you? Who did this to you?” you state , your hand lightly caressing his face. Your motions stop when you see him wince when you touch along his eye, beaten to a blue-purple colour.
Before steve can open his mouth to tell you what happened Robin beats him to it. “He fought off like . . . ten russian guys at this underground russian base we found. There was this general guy and he gave us this weird injection and we couldn’t stop laughing and then we watched this movie about a mom trying to bang her son. Honestly? What has the world become?” Robin must have run out of breath, because steve finally got a chance to speak. “Okay thanks robin, we get it.” he says as he pushes robin to nancy so he could finally speak to you.
“So robin got you caught up pretty well. It was a russian military base and they wanted answers that i couldn’t tell them.” he says as he lotions to robin and facing you again.
“I’m just glad that you’re okay. If i’m honest, it looks kind of hot.” you joke as you ruffle his hair and giving him a calm smile. Internally you weren’t calm. Not at all. How did your boyfriend get messed up in all of this in the first place? What russian base? How did they get there?
Steve notices you’ve gone quiet but before he can say anything the roof of starcourt is shattering above you and a large spider-like arm reaches down.
As everyone screams and seeks shelter you get separated from steve who looks absolutely terrified as mike and nancy grab each of your arms and pulls you under a counter.
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The battle is now in full swing. You, nancy , will and mike are running out of fireworks, and el can only hold on for a while. Billy came strolling into starcourt , heading straight for el. You run past el and try to distract billy, throwing him with nearby salt and pepper shakers. He turns to you , looking at you with a deadly smile. You mumble a soft ‘oh shit’ before making a run for it.
From the second floor , steve notices a furious billy running after you, and let out the loudest scream he ever has. “Hey asshole! Up here!” that caught billy’s attention but before steve could blink, billy had you in his grip, whispering into your ear, “So fancy seeing you here my dear. It’s been far too long.” before grabbing you by your hair, dragging you to the mind flayer.
El suddenly grabs billy’s arm , as she was the one he was originally looking for. At the same time, she looked at Billy and spoke to him about his mother and the memory she had seen about them.
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Billy is dead. He died protecting max and her friends. You all. Steve swears he’s never run this fast in his life, stopping abruptly infront of your figure lying on the cold floor. You felt weak, and the room was spinning from all the adrenaline in your system. Steve cradled your head in his hands, like a baby. “You’re gonna be okay. The ambulance will be here soon.” Steve’s hands are shaking so much that you can feel your whole head shake slightly. You try to lighten the mood a bit.
“I look so hot right now.” you laugh and winch , a sharp pain shooting through your stomach. Steve laughs and shakes his head. Even when you’re in so much pain, you’re still joking and making him smile.
Soon enough the ambulance arrives and steve along with Nancy rides with you. Steve is sure he fell in love with you a little bit more than he already was, if that is possible.
Nancy is also sure he became ten times more protective about you after the whole incident, barely letting you out of his sight. Driving you to school, dropping you off at home and spending every single free moment with you.
“You know, when i go to college, you can’t be this clingy. You can’t go everywhere with me.” you joke as he lays splayed out on your bed, listening to the music softly playing from your vinyl player in the corner of your room.
Steve sits up on his elbows, looking at you with a sassy expression on his face. “Yea we’ll see about that sweetheart.” he stands up from your bed and embraces you in a hug. “S’wanna protect you” he says and kisses your head.
You loved moments like this with steve. Him being clingy and protective. It made you feel safe.
“I know, s’why i love you so much.” you smile and kiss him.
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⟡ author’s note
hello bubs ! i hope you liked this ! it’s my first time writing for steve so please let me know what you think !
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© eddiesfairy , 2022. do not copy, translate, or repost any of my works.
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