#wissym asks
wisteriasymphony · 2 months
which tweos character would use a ouija board to try commune with the recently deceased chat noir?
Juleka and Rose would do it after getting hammered one night. Luka would know he's not dead but spam Marinette with texts about it just to fuck with her. Marinette would read these and actually believe for a moment that Chat is dead after all and that this proves she is also somehow psychic now.
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 3 months
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wisteriasymphony · 3 months
Btw how old is claudia/the cast of tweos?
18-19. Adrien turns 19 during March of '09 (which will probably be in very late part 2), whereas character like Claudia and Luka are '89 babies and as such are already 19
(Now that I think about it, Luka would likely turn 20 over the course of the story if I keep his birthday in Feb... I will admit most of the side characters have malleable birthdays lolol)
The major birthdays/ages that I know for a fact will stick are:
Adrien: March 13th, 1990 (18-19)
Claudia: August 28th, 1989 (19)
Marinette: July 7th, 1990 (18)
Originally I was going to have the cast be 17-18, but even with the minimal level of adult stuff that happens in TWEOS (which is mostly kept implicit and for the themes instead of like... spice for the sake of it, which i doubt i will ever do), it felt a little too murky for my liking. Still, the transition to adulthood and becoming your own person as you break away from your parents is still a big theme, so it wouldn't make much sense for me to make them all any older than 19, imo. Adrien just probably got held back an extra year due to his homeschooling being too specific to his talents rather than covering the basics lol.
But yeah, assume the main cast is 18 or around there. Other than the kwamis, but they sort of transcend age anyways lol
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wisteriasymphony · 3 months
☆ for the ask game ☆
omg, love the stars!
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
I love people theorizing or speculating in my comments. And/or declaring they've picked up on more subtle things (Nobody has ever written down an epiphany about the implications of Plagg and Tikki already knowing Gabriel's identity.... 😔).
What I would love more of, though, is critique. Or if you catch a typo. TELL ME IF YOU CATCH A TYPO. P L E A S E. i'll kiss you on the lips for it (if you want it ofc, if not then you can get a handshake).
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Graphic smut. I fried my brain by finding the worst shit I could when I was 14-16, and now I can't stand the stuff. It'd have to be written masterfully for me to even be able to begrudgingly tolerate it. Nothing against smut likers, obviously!! I just can only stand it when it's in the most abstract, non-graphic, "are they even fucking or am i just misinterpreting things" kind of style.
Also, this is kind of MLB-based, but I feel like not enough people treat their fan-kwamis as their own characters? More often than not, they're just an extension to the OCs the writer pairs them with, which I consider such a huge miss. Whenever I write Post-TWEOS exercise drabbles or ideas, I often treat Karra as just as much a 'human' as Adrien and Claudia. Whether she's their fake teenage daughter or a fake Nahuatl teacher for Adrien that looks as old as dirt, I feel like she needs to be included in their adventures just because she would 100% do it. I consider her almost like the Meowth of the group.
Finally: Orbs. If you're using that in 2024 without a shred of irony or self-awareness, what are you even doing at this point?
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
Other than what I'm already writing? ...I think a JJBA/Miraculous crossover has potential to be fun.
Either that, or a companion piece to TWEOS that serializes Lucky Lucky Ladybug taking down various akumas in line with what canon has, both before and after Chat defects from the group. The "Imposter" Chat Akuma would be hilarious if it happened after our own Chat jumps ship.
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
....Does Paradise Lost count as Bible Fanfic in your books? For the love of God (or, maybe Satan), read Paradise Lost. Satan was the OG morally gray hot brooding bad boy. There's a fucking reason I reference it directly in TWEOS (and plan to again lol).
If that doesn't count, Penumbra by Selkie077 on Ao3 is one I've started and would definitely reccomend. Though maybe I have a bias that favors Adrien being put through shit situations...
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wisteriasymphony · 4 months
Wis….wis what do you mean a akuma happen with a 14 year old and a spouse?????
Also chat noir cult 👀
(Also before I forgot) would you ever draw or write what happen if the canon ml cast meet you’re au? Or like, if the 2 Adrien’s accidentally went to each other’s universe?? 👀 👀
pffft-- I meant that a 14 year old Ladybug/Chat would be the one having to talk a stranger down from akumatization because said stranger found their partner cheating. And 14 year old are very much not equipped to be therapists to adults so it doesn't totally go well. Sorry for the confusion.
A Chat Noir cult would probably be very tempting to TWEOS Adrien (He starts to get a bit of what could probably be described as a 'Lucifer Complex'), but canon Chat would just be confused. Why would he ever bring about the apocalypse and destroy the moon? That might make his lady sad!
As for the last one-- I kind of did! The Deception of Edouard Agresté over on ao3 is a crossover where a much older TWEOS!Adrien (Eddí) straight up murders Gabriel before The Final Day can even happen (it's kind of rushed tbh, but the jist of it is there), but I have ideas here and there for small interactions between my scrunklies and their younger canon counterparts. The funniest ones are those with TWEOS!Marinette involved tbh, I have a feeling she would make canon Mari deeply uncomfortable. I also had a short idea that involved Rabbit Noir being sent into Claudia's apartment by accident and Eddí and Claudia basically have to look after him until he can go back?
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wisteriasymphony · 3 months
Rotten lovesquare adrinette reminds me of "love you like an alcoholic"(on Adrien's part), and on Mari side it reminds me of "me and my husband"
(also pls keep posting your writing! I absolutely adore your writing and it's always amazing to read it)
also you're so based for this, i love those two songs with my whole heart. iirc they're also on my huge writing playlist so it makes me unfathomably happy that i can translate my music taste into writing vibes.
also, (and I'm plugging it again cause i don't know how much you guys know of my stuff if you keep sending in anon asks hrhrgrrhh) wisteria_symphony has all this writing and much more! it's not very adrinette heavy yet, but I will probably add more angsty failing marriage adrinette stuff to Path of Succession in the future, if that's your cup of tea.
also I'm working on more Claudrien marriage shenanigans as we speak so that'll probably be posted within the next hour or so lolz
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wisteriasymphony · 16 days
Pimple Asker here. Shortly after I posted that, I fell half-asleep and dreamt of vast rooms with bright shiny metal floors and dark surfaces that were sometimes plastic, sometimes leather. There were countless stainless steel nails, sticking up from the floor, growing and shrinking across the floor like ripples in a pond. As I visualised them, it was as if they were entering my brain, accompanied by a visceral static sound between my ears.
I think this is a divine punishment.
yeah sounds about right. that was hell you just visited, and you were sent there for a little timeout to think about your actions, and the effects they have on people.
confess your identity to me and maybe, just maybe, i will have it in my heart to forgive you.
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...but he won't.
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wisteriasymphony · 21 days
Sentitrio (Adrien, Kagami, Felix) are 100% autistic coded. However I'd absolutely argue that they're all queer coded too, either sexuality-wise or gender-wise. I have no doubt about that
I'd love to hear that argument! (Not that I would, like, argue argue. I'd just want to hear your thoughts. I like talking to people about these things :3 )
I also do agree that they're autistic-coded, even if that doesn't translate to Adrien himself being explicitly a teacher's pet type or "gifted" outside of the many talents he takes lessons for (and even that could be explained as the result of rigorous tutoring and not necessarily a natural result of being a savant). I will say that I specifically headcanon Adrien as AuDHD (as I've mentioned in this post), but you'd have to get back to me later on whether I think Kagami or Felix are the same.
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wisteriasymphony · 30 days
tell us of the failed adrientte plz
Okay, so we have to go into the TWEOS lore with this one, irrefutable fact:
Adrien and Marinette were supposed to be made for each other.
This is because, like in canon, the miraculouses work better with strong bonds and like. In canon Adrinette is brought up multiple times to be the best relation to ever ship. In TWEOS, this is basically the kwamis playing matchmaker with their paper dolls. Because, in essence, that is what all holders are to them.
This is why both Marinette and Adrien display obsessive tendencies, albeit towards different people—The idea was that they'd latch onto one person (each other), and then it would stick.
Instance 1: Marinette latched onto Adrien long before she ever got her Miraculous.
The issue: She latched onto the idea of him marketed by Gabriel. No umbrella scene whatsoever. Adrien is her celebrity crush that she loves as if she's been in a years-long committed relationship.
Instance #2: Adrien latched onto... Claudia.
The issue: Not Marinette. Very much not Marinette. Despite everything any of the kwamis (or anyone else in Adrien's life) could ever do to pry him away from Claudia, Adrien will refuse to budge. He was practically designed to be a codependent partner, and it will show.
Next point—Because Adrinette is endgame, neither Marinette nor Adrien can have a fulfilling relationship before that. So Luka, Marinette's "fake" boyfriend, is an asshole who wants to have his cake of the Viperbug celebrity pairing and also be a womanizing local rockstar. Likewise, Kagami, Adrien's betrothed, never clicks with him, and her limited perspective means she's unwilling to fully relate to him without reflecting on the ways her mother has lied to her.
(There's also parallels between Kagami and Marinette in terms of their view of Adrien, even though the reverse between Luka and Adrien isn't as strong since Adrien has never really considered Marinette as a romantic interest. —unless, of course, that's the parallel in which case we found it!)
"But Wis, Claudia and Adrien are working out?"
...............eh. I can't even safely say they don't make each other worse, just that they're not getting worse alone. Also, by the point that Claudia and Adrien accept that they're a thing (and Claudia starts to close off because she suddenly realizes her flirtations have consequences), the scaffolding is already crumbling and also on fire. It would take a miracle for Adrinette to be healthy at that point, and yet Plagg and Tikki are still trying to get the Adrinette train back on track.
But they will fail.
@nocturnal-notes , because you like when i analyze my own stuff!
(other claudrien nation tags possibly pending, if i think it'd be worth it)
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wisteriasymphony · 30 days
im ngl ur the only one i trust wih characterising luka...hes such a terrible guy in tweos but still more likable than his canon counterpart to me 😭
willwood anon is this you??? are you at his first appearance in chapter 18 or are you somehow already at the Halloween chap??? shdhdjdjsj. here take a notebook drawing i did of him for you <3
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also yes yes him and Kagami got the worst of my revamp treatment but it'd be a lie to say i don't like them at all??? (more words under cut)
Kagami is at worst just naïve and stubborn but is very clearly suffering in the same ways Adrien is (and just isn't at the point where she notices it yet), and Luka Marcel is just like... an entitled little asshole who's only the "big brother" voice of reason when he's having to give Marinette (failed) reality checks.
Like Marinette, he's only into hero work for the glory, but he at least has the sense to realize that maybe Chat Noir going AWOL is not a victory? But I like him best when he's being an asshole. Like, he's 19-almost-20 dating a high schooler (unless you're one of the many one-night stands he has, in which he's totally single and did you know he's in a band? yeah Vampire Revival it's kind of a post-grunge-punk thing with a bit of screamo here's a CD—) so of course he's not a hero here. He's not benevolent or even good at using his miraculous, he's just a shitty guy who's occasionally right about things.
His shittiness also plays a huge role in the "botched Adrinette" dynamic which I can talk at length about if you guys want me to, but I'll cap it off here :P
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wisteriasymphony · 3 months
I am absolutely OBSESSED with tweos and claudrien, but I have to ask: is there anyone in canon you actually ship Adrien with? Love square or otherwise (especially otherwise). Or is everyone else just meh?
Can’t wait for more tweos updates btw!!!!!!
YEAHHHHHH CLAUDRIEN NATION GAINS A NEW CITIZENNNN (follow me so i can add you to the roster bestie <3)
I don't think I will ever be 100% down for any of the lovesquare lol. I'm not really sure why? Cause I used to think it just didn't have the 'right drama' to it, but then you see fics like FaOLL and they give it that and it's just... still not it to me? Maybe the lovesquare just needs homoerotic/cannibalistic vibes for me to be into it XD
As for other canon... Adribrina has grown on me. This is entirely @generalluxun and @lazyartist16s's doing, I will admit. If I can't have my boy be a melodramatic freak, then I'll at least let him be cute and adorable with someone who would truly appreciate him. Also it's a fellow cat/dog ship, so I physically, legally have to stan.
ok ok as for updates: it's been a long time coming because ch52 is heavy, and i've gotten stuck on a few things chief of which is I'm not sure how directly I want to describe gabriel lashing out at adrien. it's not for very long, buuuuut considering how difficult the Valentine's Day WIP is, I definitely have a lower tolerance for writing skin-crawling stuff than I think. (I think the relative ease that I churned out Ch37 is the cause of this delusion lol)
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wisteriasymphony · 3 months
mlwritingprompts is run by rjalker, a well-known Adrien salter who also runs the adriensaltprompts tumblr.
huh! ....dang, i was hoping to get in their good graces enough so that i could reach more people, but i guess they would probably hate me.
...i will admit i'm not opposed to the idea of picking apart adrien's character as adrien salters theoretically do (hell, tweos was the result of me practically doing so and then trying them construct a better character from that), as canon adrien is an utter waste of potential and perhaps even a travesty of a character. HOWEVER. adriensalters tend to do things with him in a very specific way that i can't get myself to gel well with. simply differences of opinion, i suppose.
i'll check out their blog and see if i find it not worth it to try and interact with them (mostly out of a recognition that our interpretations are incompatible, not out of any detestation). thank you for the tip!
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wisteriasymphony · 4 months
Hello! List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers :D (no pressure of course)
The ice cream sandwiches my college campus makes on-site :) They always have neat flavors like Huckleberry or Apple Pie!
2. Practicing for hours and hours before meeting up with the Concert Band I'm in and having it finally pay off (I have a bad habit of physically reacting to it, so people can often tell by the way I immediately freak out lolol)
3. Getting comments on my fics :) It always makes me happy when someone picks up on foreshadowing or has such a big reaction to what I'm writing that they just have to tell me.
4. Giving my friends weird gifts (Ex: One time I started a cult where one of my friends was the Messiah figure, and I learned how to make plush dolls specifically to create one in his likeness. Actually, not just one--two. The second one I still have with me.)
5. Listening to the same song over and over again until I basically have a frame-by-frame idea of the perfect edit/animatic to go along with it. One of these days I'll be talented enough to actually pull one off ... :,)
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 2 months
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