#tbh i love this i hope i can go see them with my mum sometime
canirove · 1 year
The Princess & the Football Player | Chapter 1
Summary: "They say they want to make the monarchy more modern, to be closer to the people, but then your parents would prefer it if you married a guy whose Godfather is the freaking Prince of Monaco, instead of a guy from Kingston." Or the love story between Princess Eleanor, heir to the British throne, and Declan Rice, English football player. 
Author’s note: This story has been sitting on my drafts for maybe two months because I never was completely happy with it, and tbh, I still feel the same. Though sometimes those are the ones people like the most 😂 I got inspired to write it during the World Cup when people here in Spain went crazy about the idea of Princess Leonor and Gavi dating and him becoming the future King because she, apparently, is her fan and has a crush on him 😅 That's why on this story, the British Royal family has the name of the Spanish one 😁   Hope you like it, and thank you for reading! 💜
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"Ok, ask me one more."
"Just one more, please."
"Fine" I say, rolling my eyes. "Who is that one?" I ask, pointing at the papers he has on his hands.
"That's easy. Aaron Ramsdale, goalkeeper, plays for Arsenal."
"See? You know them all. Relax."
"I just want to do this right. You are the one into sports, not me."
"You'll be fine, you already know them all from the Euros."
"Yeah" he says, letting out a big sigh. "What about you? Are you nervous?"
"Why would I be?"
"You may be meeting one of your crushers."
"I don't have a crush on anyone on the national team."
"Oh, c'mon Eleanor. You watch all their games, you must fancy at least one of them."
"I don't" I shrug.
"Not even Mason Mount? I've heard girls think he is fit."
"That he is what?" I laugh.
"Fit. That's what Sophie says about boys who are handsome and attractive."
"Yes, Sophie. But not you."
"Why? Because I'm old?"
"No, because you are the King of England."
"Whatever" he says. "You don't like anyone, then?"
"No one. So you better not try anything or do what you did when we met One Direction years ago."
"What did I do?"
"Tell Niall Horan that I had a crush on him? That I had photos of him in my room?"
"Oh, yes" he chuckles. "But don't worry, I won't do it again. I learnt my lesson."
"You better. Just imagine that someone hears something and runs to the press with it. I can already see the headlines: Princess Eleanor in love with a football player. And they'll probably pick the worst option."
"Like Grealish."
"You said it, I didn't" I laugh.
"We've arrived, sir" our driver says.
"Good, good. Are you ready?"
"Ready" I say, taking a deep breath before we step out of the car.
As part of all the media events the national football team is doing before they travel to Canada for the World Cup, we are meeting with them to say our farewells and also give them a little something to remember the occasion. And when I say we, I mean my dad, King Philip of England, and I, Princess Eleanor, heir to the throne.
"Welcome to St. George's Park, your Royal Highness" Gareth Southgate says when we walk in. "The boys are waiting over here."
"Wonderful" my dad says. "How are they feeling?"
"Ready. They can't wait to get on that plane."
After a few words from my dad and the gaffer, it's time to give the players that little something we had for them: a shirt with their number and the name of all the players who have previously worn it.
"We'll do one each, ok?" my dad tells me.
We start calling each player, congratulating them and posing for a photo, everything going smoothly... until it doesn't. Until I froze in place when I find myself looking at the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen.
"Your Royal Highness" he says with a smile as breathtaking as his eyes.
"Hi" I reply, my voice sounding all squeaky.
"I was looking forward to meeting you."
"Me? Really?"
"Yes, ma'am. My mum is a big fan of yours, she says you are the best royal."
"Oh, she's too kind" I giggle. I giggled. Why did I do that? What am I, 12?
"Should we pose for the photo?"
"Uh?" I ask, still looking at him. How is he real? How is it possible that I had never noticed that Declan Rice was this handsome?
"The photo, Eleanor" my dad says behind me.
"Oh, yes, sorry. The photo" I repeat, trying to compose myself a bit.
"Big smiles... Perfect" the photographer says.
"Thank you" Declan smiles, taking the box where the shirt is, our fingers touching slightly but making me feel electricity through my whole body. And call me crazy, but judging by the way he looked at me when it happened, he felt the same.
Once we are done giving all the shirts, Southgate gives my dad and I a tour of St. George's Park, but I can't stop thinking about Declan. About his eyes, his smile, about the way that small touch made me feel. I still don't know how I managed to keep going, to be honest.
When we walk outside, some players are practicing free kicks on the training pitch, Declan among them.
"Eleanor, why don't you show these boys how it is done?" my dad says.
"We all saw you training with the lionesses, ma'am. That right foot of yours can do things" Mount chuckles.
"But I'm not wearing the right shoes."
"C'mon, ma'am" Southgate insists.
"Ok, then. But if I end up breaking a window, or worse, my ankle... it is your fault" I say, making them all laugh.
"Ready, Rambo?" Rashford asks before shooting.
"Give me your best!" Ramsdale shouts.
"That was so good" my dad says when Rashford scores. "Your turn now, darling."
"Ma'am" Declan says, giving me a ball.
"Thank you" I reply, trying to avoid looking at him, my cheeks already getting hot. "Don't go soft on me, Ramsdale."
"I won't, ma'am" he says with that big smile of his.
"See?" I sigh after shooting and sending the ball far far away. "Wrong shoes."
"Try again" Declan says, putting another ball in front of me. "I know you can do it."
"Will you pay for the window I'm going to break?"
"And I'll carry you to the infirmary myself if you break your ankle" he smirks, making me feel funny things on my stomach, and my father clear his throat behind us.
"Ok" I whisper, trying to forget the thought of his arms around me and taking a deep breath, focusing only on the ball.
"I knew it!" Declan says next to me when the ball goes in, Ramsdale not being able to stop it.
"You believed in me more than I did."
"I've seen you play before, I know what you can do."
"You have?"
"Yep. When you were like... 15? You played a charity game in my area and my mum took the whole family to watch you. I remember that you scored and amazing free kick."
"Oh, wow. I don't know if I remember that day" I chuckle. "I'll have to check the photos back home. I may even see you."
"I didn't look this good, tho. You may not recognize me" Declan says with a cheeky smile.
"But you still had the same eyes, didn't you? Those are hard to miss."
"Thank you, ma'am" he replies, his cheeks turning a dark shade of pink. Did I just make him blush? Me? Oh, wow. "I also remember that I didn't expect a princess to play football like that."
"What did you expect, then?" I ask, raising a brow.
"I don't know" he shrugs. "Maybe that you enjoyed other type of sports, like cricket or that thing with the horses."
"That one, yes."
"Posh sports."
"Yeah..." he chuckles, scratching the back of his head and making the muscles on his arm pop. Why did he have to do that when I was finally acting normal around him, maybe even flirting? Now I'm stuck again just looking at him.
"We must go, Eleanor."
"It's time for us to go, the boys have to train" my dad says.
"Oh, yes, of course."
"It was really nice meeting you, ma'am" Declan says.
"You too."
"See you in Canada?"
"See you in Canada" I repeat
"Great" he says with a big smile that makes whatever I'm feeling on my stomach be more intense. "Until then."
"Bye" I say, definitely smiling like an idiot.
"That was nice, wasn't it?" my dad says once we are back in the car.
"Really nice, yes."
"Fell in love with any of them?"
"What?" I say, feeling my cheeks getting hotter and hotter by the second.
"I was only joking, relax."
"Oh" I reply with a nervous laugh.
"You are a clever girl. You know that you can't fall in love with a football player."
"Why not? You married mum and she was a journalist."
"One with a degree and a PhD, a serious career. These boys have nothing beyond money and being good looking. At least some of them" he chuckles.
"These days more and more players are studying while playing, tho" I point out.
"Still, it isn't enough. You are meant to be the next Queen of England. You must marry accordingly."
"Dad, this isn't the 15th century."
"I know, I know. But there are certain things that must still be kept in mind. So when you travel to Canada to support the team, do not fall for any of them, ok?" he laughs.
"Ok" I say, rolling my eyes and looking out the window, thinking that it may be a bit late for that.
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not-poignant · 3 months
I get the impression that there’s some tough times over there so I’m sending all the love and support I can x
There have indeed been some tough times, anon <3
It's just a few things converging all into this year (including my ongoing tumour/cancer surveillance to make sure my head/neck tumours aren't growing or that I don't have any new ones), on top of training an intense little enthusiastic smart puppy who we discovered has pretty serious Separation Anxiety and then instigating slow and tedious separation training which is exhausting (imagine having ADHD and then having to get up every 2 minutes around 10-30 times a day to go to the door to desensitise to it and ask me how your hyperfocus is holding up sadlkfjas).
He's wonderful, but he's also currently in puppy jail (the lounge behind baby gates lmao) because he's just discovered that it's fun to chase our elderly cat, so I think I'm back to having to leash him when we go outside into the back garden.
Tbh between overworking on the writing front for about a year, raising Toby to be a responsible little canine dude, some interpersonal stuff (those three words are doing some real heavy lifting), and some health stuff, the death of my uncle in December (on my Mum's side, and one of the few family members who I was close to), and the state of the entire world right now, I'm just very much done with it all a lot of the time and taking breaks wherever I can get them.
Today is a work day though, I've got some editing on the table, I want to do more Relaxation Training with Toby (I was hoping to do some trick training as well, but instead I'm waiting for his brain to calm down enough that he just disengages from Maybe (miss elderly cat)), I was hoping to cook tonight (we'll see), and the weekend promises to be pretty busy!
Anyway, there are good things too! I'm just... sometimes very sad or depressed or being sucked down a whirling vortex of despair at the moment, and that makes it harder to appreciate the good things. The love and support are so very appreciated anon. I am doing my best, as I suspect we all are! <3
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Do you think that wr Christopher had a “type” prior to pretty? Like I don’t think he was exclusive with whatever his type was for but I can also imagine him not having dated someone with pretty’s body type before. Not because of any phobia but just cause he just hadn’t or it’s just who he was set up with. So like when he met pretty for the first time, when it clicked that this was his mate one of his only thoughts about her body besides his physical attraction is just excited because there was just more to love.
Like man loves his soft squish mate and the fact he can squish her. Idk if that makes sense I hope it does. Man just loves pretty in every context and form and I want what they have
Also you know he’s the biggest dork in love and would put on sunnies when he sees her sometimes because “baby you’re just too radiant for my poor eyes”
i love this question, you've got no idea just how much.
anyway, this is LONG. i got carried away, so please bear with me:
i don't think he had a type! or i guess the more accurate statement is that he wasn't aware that he had a type.
wr!chris is very people driven. i don't think he cared much about how his partners looked like as long as they were someone he clicked with. although i do think that he probably enjoyed it a lot when his partners had big thighs, for.... obvious reasons.
see, the mind of someone like him works a bit differently when it comes to physical attraction, right? so he most likely looked at curvier people and found himself appreciating the way they looked, but not necessarily going bark bark awoooga, if you know what i mean.
i guess a person with big thighs generally also comes with a tummy and other more... fleshier parts. if he was seeing someone with these attributes, i'm sure he thoroughly enjoyed them, even when back then he might've reasoned it was because he really liked that person he was with. i do think it's possible that he never dated someone that looked just like our prettiest mum, though.
i think also that it wasn't until he met pretty that he became aware that he had a type and that his body reacted to it. like, i'm sure it didn't take long after they met for him to find himself on some p*rn site like "chubby girl amateur" or looking for something similar enough lol
tbh in general wr!chris probably hadn't dated much before pretty. you can probably count former partners with one hand, but i suppose that small pool might've been diverse enough that he never suspected he had a type.
with that being said, even if he wasn't aware, i feel like someone close to him, like changbin, most definitely noticed that chris had his preferences (because after seeing your long-time friend almost give himself whiplash when he turned back to look at someone that walked by was probably a good giveaway that something was going on lol).
ultimately, pretty was born to be his mate, right? her physical appearance could change and he'd still love her with his whole heart, but if he had a say (which he doesn't, because she's her own person and he knows this, but if he had a say...), her current appearance (chubby, fat, curvy, thick, however you wanna call it) is very much his preference. which makes me believe that it's very likely that she'll always be like this.
i suppose more fat means more to squish and grab and kiss and nibble, as well as more cushioning for when he allows himself to be a bit rougher to appease the horny dog controlling his brain. and i love that for him.
hope this makes sense!! feel free to let me know if it doesn't.
anyway, here's a wr!chris meme i made the other day while chatting with a friend:
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it makes me chuckle every time.
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minimoefoe · 8 months
ftwd 8.08 thoughts
the vibe here is basically 'i thought i'd hate it but actualy for the most part i stan'
- charlie shoulda been the character image for this ep, not luciana (love her tho and it's good to see her again)
- charlie surviving was something i felt was kinda unnecessary when I found out about it bc like, they got rid of so many characters in kinda meh ways but charlie had an easy death explanation right there that they coulda used but I actually love that she was brought back and only for a small amount of time tbh
like we get to see some great stuff with her - madison finding out she killed nick, troy talking to her about nick - but don't have to have her around for the rest of the season when we only have 4 eps left and an already large cast to give screen time
- I think charlie basically killing herself for the cause makes sense. like I dont feel like they had her kill herself bc they didn't know what else to do with her (tho I'm sure if she stayed alive they wouldn't have known what to do with her lmao)
- charlie defo looked too young and her hair was shit but I can forgive it for the good content
- the nick flashbacks :( I miss him
- was some drama on twt bc some ppl said kim dickens isn't the best actor and my two cents is they're kinda right sorry. she's not bad all the time but she's rarely absolutely incredible. she's probs the weakest actor of all our main characters and has been since the early days. I will say tho that the sometimes the meh dialogue doesn't do her any favours
- daniel saying how he's gonna strangle troy with his bare hands... ily king but plz don't do that 😭
- I love that charlie and luciana are basically daniel's daughters, love them all a lot
- already knew about nick's ashes from leaks and it was another thing I was a bit ??? about bc I felt like they were doing that for the sake of having a bunch of references in the final eps but I think they explained why they have his remains pretty well actually and it being part of why madison didn't stay pissed at charlie was good
- troy going around chopping off walker arms to make madison think she's seeing alicia everywhere is so 😭 like first of all I'm a genius bc I called it and second of all I said in that post that I thought it would be a bit silly but it kinda works actually. I hope the reason he's doing that is bc he lied about killing her (tho I can defo see him cutting arms even if he has actually killed her)
- the tracy stuff was the stuff I was most iffy on bc the idea of troy having a daughter and a significant other is crazy to me and I do still feel that way a little but I also loved the scenes about it a lot so.. I'm optimistic.
- something about seeing troy be genuinely worried about someone is great. I loved madison and troy both being out there while he was running around worried for his kid idk like something about him kinda dropping that 'I'm tough and in charge' thing for a moment while he was worried about tracy and while madison was literally right there with him is the shit I'm SO in this for like AHHH. need more of it
- troy's daughter being called tracy is still dumb as fuck and I don't think they're gonna be able to give an explanation for her being called that that makes it less dumb. (like even troy being the kid's adoptive dad and not biological dad and the kid was already born before he met the kid's mother would still be a stupid explanation bc what are the odds)
- I know troy said that tracy's mum is the woman who saved him but I really hope there's more to it than 'troy was saved by a woman, they fell in love and had a kid and then madison killed the mum at some point' like.. the madison killing the mum part is really interesting and I'm excited to know more (my initial thought a while ago was that she killed the mum when her and tracy were out somewhere and took tracy to padre but clearly tracy isn't with padre so now idk) but the other stuff feels very fanfic-y and not in a good way idkkkk
so far everything I thought I'd be meh has actually been pretty good so it's very possible if that IS what's happened I'll still like it a lot but I want there to be more to it than that i think
- I feel like I'm at such a weird point right now where I loved the tracy stuff we got in this ep and I'm very intrigued by who the mum and is and what happened to her but at the same time I'm like troy having a wife(?) and kid still doesn't fully track in my mind so I keep going back and forth on how I feel avout it 😭 I basically just can't wrap my mind around him being a shagger sorry idk how else to say that
actually seeing it play out will probs warm me up to it a lot more bc that's what's been happening so far. I think the main reason I still find it odd is just that it's hard to take the 12yr time gap into consideration like he's not s3 troy anymore yknow A LOT has happened since then and he's obviously older and has experienced shit (that I would kill for a ton more information on)
- looking forward to the next ep but currently it's screaming that troy won't be in it much/at all which is Sad but if that is the case I'd rather get that out the way sooner than later
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watmalik · 2 months
I was looking at tags and i think you're the first person I've seen to actually suggest maybe Eddie's cultural heritage and upbringing accounts for his sassiness and expressive face and body language, so thank you for that. When everyone just says "it's because he's gay!" (which is pure fanon so far) it feels to me like it's kind of erasing his Latino-ness and personality 🫤
I’m going to approach this with a reality based type of answer, anon, as well as a care free type/wholesome answer. Apologies for the essay. I gave an intro/general context around the subject, my reality type answer (based on canon) and what I know as latino and my genuine answer of what I hope to see ( I call it wholesome answer). And just as a heads up, I disagree with you thinking buddies are trying to “erase” Eddie’s Latino-ness, but more like people tend to just mention/talk about things they know about, everything is answered under the cut and I hope it makes sense sense :)
Majority of the users here are perhaps of mainly European decent and/or just African/Asian only background (I don’t want to say white/black/brown, as it’s just colours that can fit within minority communities as well and not someone’s ethnicity) and majority of tumblr users are not emerged into Latino (Hispanic) culture as much as the next person. Although, there’s no feature in tumblr that could prove my statement regarding everyone’s ethnicity, I’m just speculating as a rule of thumb and things I’ve picked up along the way. The top 5 countries that use tumblr are not even in LATAM, nor Hispanic, and yes, although a majority of users are from the US, and yes there’s plenty of Latino (Hispanics) from there…they’re still minorities. So as rule of thumb, in tumblr? we’re minorities here as well.
Context: as a Latin@, born and raised in Latin America, I would say that Latino men are very affectionate with each other and when do these things majority of the times it means absolutely…nothing regarding their sexual orientation.
Tbh I’d compare Latino men to frat boys, majority love fútbol, hugging excessively, fake kiss, touching, don’t know what personal space is, and being the ultimate smart ass (depending on which regions they’re from lol) and don’t get me started if they’re the youngest of their family bc boy they sure are sassy 😂 and my god can they dance/twerk on anyone 💀
Women are pretty similar with each other like this, but they do portray it differently ofc. We literally hold each other to go shopping (link arms), we kiss each other’s cheeks as greeting, fake kiss when were drunk and that don’t mean anything most of the time.
(A/N:Everyone is just super affectionate and huggy (ugh I’m kinda glad I don’t live there no more, I hate this sometimes 🫠)
And they are just heterosexual people, but then there’s some of them that are not.
End of context.
Now with that in mind, let’s go in with Buck and Eddie. I’ve actually met people similar to Eddie in my life, the one’s that’ve done big gestures for friends, hell my uncle (who’s not blood related to me but is my father’s best friend since forever, is my godfather, and literally was my neighbour growing up bc he wanted to be close to my dad and their friend group. He promised to my dad and mum, if something were to happen to them no matter my age, he will take care of me as a daughter).
Keep in mind, Eddie is also an army man and that level of camaraderie is quite unique as well and now going to a fire house on top of this? When you risk your life with others, it creates this big connection, specially as a single guy and parents that are… certainly special on their own ways (derogatory).
His and Buck’s relationship is quite beautiful and there’s no hint in the show that’s goes into say either of them are anything but heterosexual.
That’s my serious answer.
Now going into my wholesome, care free answer, anon.
It be awesome if they turn their story around into a romantic one, I can see why others will view them that way and tbh? The story is there. If you flip everything I’ve told you about Latino men and what we know about them, and let’s say if Buck or Eddie did this for a woman? It would look like an actual romantic relationship under society eyes. So, I see the double standard here.
I tend to ship those relationships actually, rivals turned to great friends turn to lovers, and also…some of those looks they give each other? Gosh, it may be from what I said earlier, but it could also be something else. And hell, even though neither of them have been in relationships with men before (that we know of) sometimes you catch feelings from someone you didn’t expect out of nowhere yk? And that’ll be cool to see. The chemistry is there.
Sometimes, it’s fun not to take things so seriously. It’s fun to ship characters!
That being said, I genuinely don’t think buddies are trying to erase Eddie’s bg but I think because majority of tumblr users are not of Latino ethnicity they tend to, not forget about Eddie’s Latinoness (like you’re calling it), but will like to relate him to with what they know. And what they do know is being queer (again I’m assuming based on polls I’ve seen and as a rule of thumb, there a big sum of people who are queer and are also buddie fans/tumblr users), and just like everyone in this world, like every minority, they want to be represented :)
Representation for minority groups is always good. There’s not a lot of Hispanic/latino queer representation in TV and if we were to get it, I know that’ll make someone’s life better out there. Maybe not life changing but perhaps tell them that they’re not alone and that everything is and will be fine. Specially for those who unfortunately are not allowed to be their true selves. It gives people hope, that there’s some sense of belonging, out there, and that they can relate and feel included.
Sorry for the long post and thank you for the ask 🫡
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hirsuteandcute · 6 months
Do you have any tips to get my mum to stop trying to shave my moustache it's new and I'm very proud of it but she dosent like it
Do you have any advice to get my mum to leave my mustache alone
She keeps trying to pluck it without my permission 😒
Sorry I missed your first message last month 😣 I wish I had some magical advice that would just get her to stop but I know mums can be really hard tbh. I know some people can stand up to their mums but I really can't, honestly. If I try to present a rational argument or discussion to her I feel like she gets angry because she basically still sees me as her property so I should obey her no matter what, even at 27.
Whether you feel able to confront her about it is something that is entirely up to you, I don't want to give you advice that might put you in a difficult situation with your mum. Ideally you'd be able to tell her that this is a decision you've made and you're happy with, and it's not your responsibility to conform to other people's desires, but if your mum is anything like mine, I know that may not really be possible 😬
Is she like physically coming at you with hair removing tools? That's insane wtf (parents do crazy things like that sometimes tho so I'm not really surprised). It's actually sad she'd go to such extremes to remove your hair as physically trying to force you like I can't imagine doing that to anyone let alone my own child.
I guess the only other thing I can say is that maybe if you just quietly continue to show her that you want it to stay and continue to live your life without removing it yourself, she'll eventually tire out and stop harassing you so much. That's basically been the situation with my mum. When I was younger she'd be like "the wax pot is on, get over here now so I can wax you" and I'd be like "okay mum :(" because I was young and scared and insecure, but now she knows she can't force me anymore.
Her comments still hurt, especially since she's so critical of so many aspects of my appearance and always has been, but now I just ignore them and they bother me less over time. Actually I feel kind of sorry for her, I know it's only because she's been conditioned to believe hair on women is a horrible, ugly thing that needs to be gotten rid of that she's like this. I actually think I'm more free and happier than her because I'm not scared of all these unimportant things like body or facial hair. If I have a moustache or sideburns or a unibrow I don't panic, it's just like whatever, whereas she panics if her eyebrows are a little bit overgrown. What a sad way to live, always worrying if you have a little bit of hair on your face or body.
Anyway, I hope if nothing else this has given you a little bit of comfort, I pray that some day in the not too distant future you'll be at a point where your mum can't bother you anymore and you can just live a happy life with your moustache. Love from me, your hairy friend xxx
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xflippinfrogx · 7 months
1, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 22, 33, 40, 50, 56, 57, 58, 67, 68, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 81, 82, 96, 97, 100, 101, 113, 114, 117, 118, 119, 120, 127, 128, 133, 134, 135, 137, 142, 144, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? My best friend because we’re both clingy 🤭
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Honestly it was probably you ash, I haven’t gotten too deep irl recently. 12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? 1. Stick season~ Noah Kahan 2. New Year’s Day~ Taylor swift 3. Kiss me~ Sixpence none the richer 4. The end~ Phoebe Bridgers 5. Bags~ Clairo
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? People don’t normally play with mine I’m usually the hair player bUT I LOVE IT SO MUCH AGHHHH
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? Hmmm not sure about miracles but luck sure! I myself have pretty awful luck so we can only hope miracles do exist so it stops😂
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? I’m sure there probably is somewhere in the universe. It might not be exactly like us but cmon there has to be SOMETHING out there?!
22. Where would you like to travel? YOUR HOUSE👹 33. Spell your name with your chin.
40. What do you want to do after high school? I want to go to college maybe start a band or something like that. Honestly I don’t really know I just can’t wait to move out and have my own little apartment somewhere or something. 50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? Uhhhhh does it count if I’m wearing it right now? Because it’s grey. 56. Favourite colour? Light green and dark red like cherries
57. Favourite food? I love chicken rolls more than life itself🤤 58. Last thing you ate? Funny enough it was a chicken roll- 67. Facebook or Twitter? I don’t actually have twitter so Facebook? I hardly use it though 68. Twitter or Tumblr? TUMBLR 100% I spend half my life on here
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? UH DUH
75. Favourite animal? CATS AND PIDGEONS 77. Chocolate or Vanilla? I love both but for different things
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? Cookies and cream 81. Favourite tv show? I watch so many but maybe the owl house 82. Favourite movie? Juno 96. Favourite actress? Maya Hawke but mainly because I have a big fat crush on her x 97. Favourite actor? hmmmm maybe Matthew Perry 100. How are you feeling? Im actually really hungry but it’s like 2am so I can’t just go get food rn 101. Do you type fast? If you know me at all you’ll know I absolutely do and my fingers move too fast for my brain sometimes and I tend to misspell things lmao 113. What was your childhood nickname? My mum use to call me Lany but she doesn’t anymore 114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? *County and yes I have loads of times 117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? I LIVE LAUGH LOVE CHICKEN SO YESSS 118. Do you like Chinese food? Yeah it’s alright, tbh the Chinese takeaway here isn’t amazing but I like the wontons 119. Favourite book? Cemetery Boys 120. Are you afraid of the dark? No I find it really peaceful. 127. What makes you happy? Seeing my friends happy<3 128. Would you change your name? I don’t think I would now but I didn’t like it when I was younger. 133. Favourite lyrics right now? Will you still want me when I’m nothing new?- Nothing new Taylor swift & Phoebe Bridgers 134. Can you count to one million? Let’s see shall we 1, 2, 3, 4….. (five million hours later) ONE MILLION I DID IT 135. Dumbest lie you ever told? i use to pretend I was a fairy and I told my friends I was friends with the tooth fairy or something 😭 137. How tall are you? Like 5’2? I could be wrong but yeah
142. Favourite month? OCTOBER OMG I LOVE AUTUMN AND HALLOWEEN AND MY BIRTHDAYS IN OCTOBER ITS JUST OERFECT 145. Tea or Coffee? Iced coffee and hot tea💕 146. Was today a good day? Today was kinda boring but yeah it was pretty good 148. What’s your favourite quote? This is one from my music teacher “If you’re only feeling 60% then give 100% of your 60%!” Another one from him, “GUYS THE CARBON IS ALL OUT OF WHACK” 149. Do you believe in ghosts? Id love if they were real because that would be so cool!!! 150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?  All my books are in bags rn because of the renovations so I can’t do this one😭
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t4yce · 2 years
I want to thank you for all of your great Drag Race UK gifs from both the finale (I can’t believe you did so many so quickly) and throughout the season💝
I also wanted to know what you thought of the episode. I was a little worried about how the song mashup would go but I really loved it and the performance was amazing (and I loved how they brought back the other queens for both the finale runway and the performance🤩). I knew it would come down to Danny and Cheddar for the top two (and they were both my faves) and I feel like I kept going back and forth between who I wanted to win but I’m definitely happy with the winner (even though I was hoping for a tie since I honestly couldn’t pick🙈)
And since I’m already in your inbox I also wanted to talk about Drag Race Italia and make a gif request (if that’s okay). If you wouldn’t mind would you be able to gif Nehellenia winning this week and all the cuteness surrounding it (like her going over to hug Aura and Diamond and how happy they were🥰)? I really enjoyed this episode (and I’m loving the season as a whole) and I just love how close all the queens are to one another (and it was so sweet when La Diamond asked Aura to be her drag daughter☺️)
Thank you in advance for the gif and once again thank you for all your great gifs you gift us with for so many different drag shows and thanks for continually being amazing💗
helloo 🤗 i was a couple of eps behind on italia but i just finished catching up and am ready to read your thoughts!! but druk first! honestly neither can i 😅 when i came on tumblr the next morning i was wow ok that was a lot :P sometimes i finish an ep with so many screen recordings i just have to go go go otherwise i probably wont get round to them unless someone requests but anyway yes i thought it was a great finale i really enjoyed it!! the mashup was a nice twist and i thought they all did pretty well and yes it was so nice to see all the eliminated queens again! they looked amazing! oh and the finale lipsync!? so good!! i thought that might make the winner more clear but no they were both equally amazing i really don’t know how ru picked tbh but i’m very happy danny won 💕 a lot of the uk queens do tv appearances here (especially viv + lawrence) and i feel like it’ll be just the same for danny! yes ofc thats okay, i’ll get it done tomorrow ^^ that was adorable i’m glad she finally got her win! and yes the drag daughter moment was super cute, i loved that moment too and fully understand why many people had asked to be aura’s drag mother, shes so sweet and charming 🥰 (also i think this was the first italia episode where i fully agreed with the placements so that was nice too lol) and can i just say in ep5, i loved how chiara went full pageant mum during the rehearsals and rusical 🤣 an icon and no problem, its nice to connect with people about drag through gifs! and thank you for always being so kind, i hope this coming festive season is nice to you 💖💕
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flibo23 · 3 months
I really have to thank my mum who sometimes decides to make me watch some shoujo anime out of the blue, so I stop just watching stupid shonen all day. I started watching Candy Candy kind of ironically with her but then I really started liking the anime, although it was made for children I got used to the style after a bit. It has so much charm, it's earnest, it's so sweet that when bad things happen it hurts even more. Life can be all this but also difficult, and seeing Candy braving through all of it was really heartwarming. 115 episodes and I could have watched more. I don't think I would have done the same things Candy did at some point, but she's just better than me lol. She was honestly a really good role model for girls, I'm glad this story exists
I think maybe, aside from Candy Candy, the male characters had more charm than the female ones, but it depends on the person: I had very conflicting feelings on Annie, because sometimes she was not a great friend tbh, but Patty was really sweet. Anthony and Terence were something else tho: Anthony will always be in my heart, such a cutie pie, and Terence is timeless. I really felt like a girl from the 80s cheering for him and Candy ahah
Obviously special mention for my boy Stear, my number 1 fave but I thought he was called Steve for like... 60 episodes. The wonder of watching stuff without subtitles. A total sweetie, loved his arc. His brother Archie is an enjoyable character too, love how he's always ready to throw hands, but compared to other characters there isn't a whole lot
I love starting things casually but then falling in love with them, maybe I should follow my mum's advice a little more
Anyway, spoiler for the 40 years old anime
So... shonen are good, but do they make you cry thinking about how fragile young love is. Anthony's death was terrible and probably the first time I thought things could get serious in this time, actually cried for him... The way this completely blindsided me. Their sweet love was true and filled with joy, its end shocked me. But I'm glad that although she moved on, Candy never stopped thinking about him in some way
Terence and Candy were perfect for each other, nothing else to say. Them slowly falling in love at college, Terence being a child-friendly bad boy who actually listened to her, who defended her when she was hassled by her bullies, them growing together. And when Terence left the school Candy had no reason to remain either. Their break up was so painful to me, and later seeing Terence so destroyed made me forgive him completely; that situation totally sucks and it's a bit convoluted tbh, but I understand
I love how in the second Italian dub they snuck "Terence leaving Susanna" in the final episode just to give hope to the readers lmao, I totally fell for it and then my mum told me it was an addition
Albert ??? I had a feeling he was part of the Andrew family but I didn't expect all that. I like his affection for Candy and how their stories tie together so well, especially how they're connected by Anthony. The build up to it was insane. Although I didn't think he could a love interest due to the age gap but I don't mind tbh. From what I understood they do end up together in the manga
I think I have stronger feelings for Terence but in the end every love interest was perfect for the life stage Candy was on, maybe this is the most realistic part, nothing assures you a person will be with you forever
My God, Stear... At first I felt weird saying he is my favourite but who else. He's silly, kind, always there to help, wears glasses (which is always a plus), I loved to see him on screen. Hearing his reasons to go to war made me reconsider him a bit, for the better: wanting to stop "being a rich kid who spends his time making useless inventions", I can see why a boy of his time would decide going to fight for a better future was a good option, even though he knew how terrible war can be. I already found him charming enough when he made "useless inventions" because they were mostly made for his friends, and I enjoyed seeing him becoming more skilled and basically an engineer, taking care of an airplane and making the carillon, but seeing him mature was amazing, realising how lucky he was, while people on the other side of the ocean kept dying and suffering while he lived in luxury. The fact even his brother didn't take him seriously when he told him he wanted to make something more of his life is just so sad. And his death scene ? I actually hoped we wouldn't see it but it was better this way: he saw his dead friend in the enemy in front of him and couldn't shoot. It's a slow and beautiful arc for him, I can't even be mad about it
I peeked at the manga, Patty says they had a vacant grave, I actually wondered watching it if they had retrived his body but that's sombering
Such a good person all around, he deserved the world
so yeah this anime ruined me, can you tell
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rrxnjun · 1 year
stress is deff a bitch but i feel like me and stress are the same now so🤡🤡
it's the 20th of august🤭 nooo that's a bit sad that u couldn't add urs but ur still a king for adding three birthdays in there🫡
WELL I HOPE THAT WONT HAPPEN AGAIN!!🤣 whaaattt that's such a long time oh my but the fact that u still had it is jaw dropping tbh
i don't understand why middle aged women have to be so rude sometimes☹️ wait i completely forgot that accents exist oh my god now thats even worse🥲 YEYY U SHOULD ARANGE ONE IN OCTOBER AS WELL COME TO THE 5SOS SHOW WITH ME/j (i'm heartbroken i have no one to go with so i probably can't attend) (i hope this doesn't break ur heart more cuz i saw ur posts about them sorry if it does☹️☹️hope i didn't cross a line with this joke☹️)
NOT TELLING ANYONE🫢 i look up to u for that cuz i'm still pretty much unable to do i suck💔 SO TRUE THE BEST DESCRIPTION I HEARD OF THEM JUST SOME GUYS!! i was so sad when yedam and mashiho left and i understand the soft spot he is such a lovely guy🥹 being a treasure stan is fun and a heartbreak but glad u admit now that ur a teume 🥲😌 ofc ofc we are sharing😵‍💫 HE IS SUCH A MENACE AND ITS SO FUNNY tbh he was the reason why i came back to tumblr cuz i wanted to see more content and things about him then i ran into the same problem as u that there are not that many writers in the fandom here tbh (or i just can't find them)💔 (sooo if u end up writing something for jihoon i will be waiting🫣)
IT SHOULDNT BREAK UR HEART IM SORRY IT WAS A CRY IN A POSITIVE WAY!!! i think it just means u portray emotions well (?) cuz every time there is a good sad scene in movies or books i just have to fight the tears back even when i was in a good mood before💔 AND THANK U FOR BEING AN AMAZING WRITER AND JUST BEING LOVELY AND READING MY LONG ASS REPLIES LMAO U ARE JUST TOO NICE OF A PERSON💖💕💝 (liebestraum anon💕)
omg 20th august is such a good bday to have im noting it down!!! 😌😌
IT IS the fic was originally supposed to be a part of collab but the writer deactivated and cancelled it but when i asked if i can keep the idea they were ok with it!! so yeah hopefully one day 💓
LOOK lets go to the concert together 😭😭 im like,, half serious and half joking 😭😭😭 i keep telling my mum about it and like the bus tickets to budapest are only 7€ and then i can find a cheap hotel and shit and i have money saved for the tickets 😭😭😭 like. budapest is objectively the closest stop to me ((even tho im still salty there is no vienna then i would go for sure) and i wanted to visit anyway 😌 but my mum doesnt wanna go w me and my dad doesnt either and i have no friends that would wanna go w me either and i am not allowed to go alone so. theres that 😭😭 i dont think ill get to go tbh im still kinda heartbroken but oh well its not the first time :// if i didnt live in such a shitty ass place this would all be easier 😭
girl i think its a miracle tbh but i got the names down. thanking my hyperfixation tendencies 💓💓💓 when i saw it i was so shocked tbh and now i keep getting sad mashidam edits on my tiktok fp and living through the pain LMAO. GIRL my crush on jihoon is getting out of control like genuinely what the fuck is happening to me- WHY IS TEUMEBLR SO DRY THO WHERE ARE THE FICS ??? i found like 3 fics and the rest are like 2 years old headcanon posts its such a struggle 😭😭 do i really have to do everything myself on this site.... (dont feed my delusions but give it a few months and if i dont fall out of them i can see myself creating a seperate treasure blog.....got a jihoon drabble idea the other day but. i will contain myself. so far he's the new main side character of the mark fic im writing 🥴)
awh you are too sweet 😭😭😭😭 thank u so so much !!!! this means the whole world to me 💓 once again was happy to hear from u, hope youre doing well ily xx
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princelouisau · 2 years
tbh it's not twitter if people aren't making up reasons to fight. and omg i love scrolling through fandom drama, especially fandoms i'm not a part of, it's like all the entertainment and no stress dkfljsd
rant buddies <3 that would be so cute!! me and my sister are both huge louis fans so my parents have to deal with a lot lmao. my mom just smiles and nods but my dad lowkey exhibits fan behavior sometimes (he's points out the number 28 whenever we see it anywhere 😭). he didn't escape the louis effect on straight men i fear
i loveee cooking shows and as an american i can tell u that even americans have no idea what's going on in those cooking shows. the amount of cheese and meat they use is genuinely terrifying sometimes
i knew you'd be a zouis baby :,) a zouis edit can make me cry on my best day i miss them sm 😭 the parasocial relationship really hits with them bc i want them to be friends again and interact so badly,, every time louis likes one of zayn's posts 5 years are added to my life
qotd because i'm curious: how did you get into stanning 1d/louis, and where are u at with all that rn slkdfjkl basically what's ur fandom journey?
i made my mum and little sister louies!! my mum has been a louis girl since 1d days like she always screamed ‘my little louis’ every time his parts came on 😭
i reaaally feel you on the zouis like i am like oh yeah i know they have lives and probably won’t ever be close again but part of me needs them to reconcile as if it’s my own friendship lmao
my 1d stan story is very longwinded hsksj but basically i hated them for the first 3 years because i was annoying and ~ not like other girls ~ but then i had a really bad breakup at 16 and basically had nothing to cling onto and somehow ended up a 1d fan lmao. I was primarily a harry girl at first and then slipped into larry and then disappeared a bit post-hiatus and only really kept up with harry before finding louis again during lockdown in 2020 and he’s had my heart since then, i came back to the fandom around that time too. Nowadays I wouldn’t say I was heavily involved, i don’t really enjoy the larrie side anymore and i’m not super active on twitter anymore but i’ll always be about to support louis even if it’s just a quick thing. I have a lot of other complicated feelings around it but this is already too much of a rant shskdj basically i’m here but i’m not here, idc about 1d anymore and i’m mostly here for my friends and louis tweets, and i’ll write fics if people continue to want them because i like writing!
that was so much omg i’m sorry! i hope you’ve had a good day ♥️
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sapphic-hobbit · 5 years
Pavol Hammel a Prúdy - Strašidlo
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ko-riacchi · 3 years
Pairing: Dabi x F!Reader (x Shouto) Genre: Smut Length: 3.8k Tags: Cuckolding, Creampie, Rough Sex, no prep Warnings: Non-Con, Netorare
Synopsis: It was a normal day on patrol for you and your fiancé Shouto. It was about to take a turn for the worse however.
I created the Word file for this fic in September of 2019, so if that tells you anything about how long it takes me to actually sit down and write...
Feedback/Concrit/etc. is appreciated. I’m not confident in my writing at all tbh
Your workday had been boring so far. You and Shouto had been patrolling the outskirts of town for the better part of five hours, conversing quietly while letting your gaze wander around to check for anything unusual or sketchy.
So far, nothing had happened and your feet guided you towards the industrial part of the city, the last part of your route before you would head back and report to the hero agency before doing some paperwork and finally being able to leave for the day.
“So, what would you like me to cook today,” you asked Shouto, your hands playing around with the skirt that made up the bottom part of your hero outfit.
“Hmm…,” Shouto began and fell silent for a moment. He lifted his right hand to his face stroking his chin while looking at you.
You gave him a look. “Shouto, we had Soba yesterday, we can’t eat Soba every day,” you chided him.
“Why?” He looked you in the eyes, appearing to honestly be curious about why it wouldn’t be possible to eat soba daily.
“Because…,” you started to explain, then huffed, looked at Shouto and smiled a little. “Let me just pick it out then.”
Shouto answered your smile with one of his own. “Okay.”
You continued your patrol through the industrial area, making sure to pass all the spots where drug dealer, small-time villains and shady people in general liked to conduct their business. Although, since it was barely ten past five and the weather was nice and sunny without any clouds in sight, you didn’t have high hopes to actually find something or someone out of the ordinary.
Stopping and stretching your arms up to the sky, you let out a little sigh, enjoying the warmth of the sun, and closed your eyes for a second before jogging up to Shouto and taking his right hand into your left.
“By the way, my mum called the other day and asked if we still needed anything for the wedding. I told her we would be fine but if you can think of something, let me know, so I can call her.”
Giddily, you swung your arm that was connected to Shouto’s, who let you do as you wanted, smiling softly as he saw your anticipation every time you two talked about the upcoming wedding.
“I will,” he told you and gripped your hand a bit more tightly. His way of showing love and anticipation was subtler than yours but over the years you had become quite good in deciphering the stoic man.
In that fashion, you continued to make your way through the industrial area, sometimes conversing about interesting things that had happened at work or with your friends, sometimes just silently enjoying patrol together.
 You had almost completed your last stop of the day when you noticed a figure in the corner of your eye, standing in the shadows of an alley way and grinning at you. It took you a second to process exactly who was standing there but when you did, you started sprinting towards him. You left behind a confused Shouto, who had just been looking in the opposite direction, but he immediately collected himself and started running after you. If you had started sprinting, you had to have a good reason for that; a villain or something equally sinister must have caught your eye.
You had a head start of around 15 meters and Shouto ran behind you, watching your figure as you exited the alleyway. Your feet came to a halt in an open space, an area which at one point must’ve been a truck loading area, judging from the surrounding buildings. In front of you, a figure stood, a good 5 meters between them and you, and Shouto could see you changing your stance, ready to react should the figure attack.
As he was nearing you two, he finally managed to make out who exactly it was standing before you. The black clothing and hair had been pretty non-descriptive but as soon as Shouto saw the burn scars that covered almost all of his body, his eyes widened and he started running faster, hoping to catch up with you before the fight that surely was about to break out had begun.
 Only 5 meters separated you from Shouto now and another second and he would’ve been at your side, when suddenly he crashed head-first into… nothing? He ricocheted off something and fell to the floor but when he lifted his head, he couldn’t see anything. He got up and tried to walk forward, only to feel an invisible wall in his way. Both hands collided with the barrier and he frantically moved them to the left and right to find a way out. In the end, Shouto realized that he had been trapped from all sides. From his positions, he could now see that Dabi was walking leisurely towards you, you stepping back every time he took one step forward but not taking the chance to turn around to see where Shouto was and give Dabi an opening to attack.
Shouto stepped back from the wall and positioned himself sideways, a stomp creating a wave of ice that rushed towards the barrier in hopes of destroying it. It collided with the wall and crushed into bits and pieces, proving to be futile. He just HAD to get through this wall and to you! So he started to barrage his prison with spear after spear of ice, in hope to weaken it enough for it to break down.
You were still cautiously monitoring Dabi’s movement, keeping as much distance as possible, in case he suddenly decided to attack. He had not said anything so far, only sent a lopsided grin your way as he continued his leisure pace towards you. That was about to change though.
“What a pleasant surprise meeting you two here!” he spoke, his tone that of a person meeting friends after a long time.
“Too bad I can’t say the same!” you snarled back and took another step backwards. You had heard Shouto behind you when he had sent out attacks against something, but you hadn’t seen what occupied him exactly and only knew that he had to be not too far behind you.
For now, you needed to get closer to Shoto so you could come up with a plan on how to take on Dabi and any possible allies that were lurking in the dark. You continued stepping backwards. The sounds of Shoto in the background got louder and louder but you could not hear the telltale sounds of a fight taking place. What was occupying him?
Dabi had taken a step forward each time you stepped back but it didn’t seem like he was trying to close the distance just yet. You knew very well that he was capable of sending his flames towards you, so you figured that he just didn’t see the need. Another step backwards had you crashing into something solid and in instinct your head flew around to see what was blocking your path. You couldn’t remember there being a wall behind you, surely you would’ve registered that.
But when you turned around you found… nothing? Only Shouto, standing a meter away from you, panting like he had just run a marathon. Your body was still angled towards Dabi, so you quickly turned back to face him, a soft sigh of relief leaving your lips when you saw that he was still standing away a few meters. Your hand extended backwards, and sure enough, you felt a barrier just behind you.
“Is that a quirk?” you asked Shoto, hoping that he would be able to hear you through whatever that thing was.
“Seems like it,” he answered, his voice strained. “I can’t break through it with my ice. You have to get the person who’s doing this… I can’t help you like this.”
Dabi let out a chuckle. “Oh, I don’t think I’ll let you do that,” she said, coming closer now.
You weren’t sure what to do, step aside and around the invisible wall? If that was even possible. Or stay and let Dabi come dangerously close to you. You eventually made your mind up, taking a step to the side and feeling around the wall, trying to see where it would lead.
The only warning you got was a “I don’t think so” from Dabi and suddenly he was standing right in front of you, blocking your way off. Your eyes widened and your heart rate picked up. How had he managed to come close this quickly?
You ducked and tried to slip away sideways, but Dabi grabbed your arm and pulled you back, slamming you against the barrier. You heard Shoto shouting from behind you, telling Dabi to let you go but he only grinned in answer and lifted his free arm, a blue flame igniting in his palm. “I don’t think you’re in the position to make any demands right now,” he chuckled, bringing the flame dangerously close to your face. You leaned back as much as you could, your entire body pressed up against the wall, the heat of the flames uncomfortably licking over your skin.
“What do you want?” you asked, and you hated your voice for sounding so weak in this moment.
“Me?” Dabi said, extinguishing the flame and grabbing you face with his hand instead. “I just wanna have some fun,” he grinned. “Work’s been pretty boring lately, you know…” His fingers pressed harder down on your cheeks, making your lips pucker and your jaw ache. “And I think I just found just the perfect plaything.”
Shouto banged on the walls. “Leave her alone!” he shouted, another barrage of ice banging against the barrier. You could feel the vibrations on you back where it was pressed against it, but the barrier itself didn’t move, didn’t break or shatter. It was solid.
Dabi let go of your face and leered at Shouto over your shoulder. “I don’t think I will,” he said, his hand now moving down to trail along your thighs. Your hero costume consisted of a bodysuit, a short skirt covering your hips and waist, but your legs were bare, so when Dabi touched you, you could feel it on your skin and it erupted into goosebumps immediately. Was he about to do what you were thinking? No, surely this was just to make you nervous, fuck with your head a bit. Sadly though, it was working and in a split-second decision, you felt like you needed to get away from the villain and pulled at the arm he was holding harshly, hoping that he would lose his balance and you could get away. You ducked under his arms and tried to flee but his grip on your arm had not faltered and he pulled you back, this time slamming you against the wall with your chest, stepping close behind you to hold you there with his body.
“I told you not to do that,” he growled, his hand heating up and singing your arm, the smell of burning flesh beginning to waft from it. Pain shot through your body and tears sprung up into your eyes as you cried out. “I get it! I get it!” you told him, sobbing at the pain. Dabi hummed in response and he reeled back the flames, his grip still iron-like on your arm however and pressing into the charred flesh. “Let’s hope I won’t have to do this again. Would be a shame to burn a cute face like yours.”
Shouto had once more banged against the walls, furiously trying to get them to shatter. How could he just… stand there while his fiancée was being tortured by Dabi. His hands curled into fists, tiny specs of blood trailing from where his nails had dug into his skin.
Dabi simply chuckled at Shouto’s desperate face, his free hand lifting up to your face, turning it towards him. “Really would be a shame,” he said with a grin, before leaning closer and pressing his lips to yours.
Your eyes widened and you tried to move away but when you felt the hand on your face heat up again, you stilled, tears leaking from your mouth while Dabi kissed you and pulled at you lower lip with his teeth. “Open up,” he growled when you didn’t move and you obeyed, feeling like there was no way for you to get out of this situation. Your quirk simply wasn’t made for close-range combat.
As soon as you had opened your mouth, Dabi’s tongue snaked inside, exploring every little nook and cranny that before had exclusively belong to Shouto. More tears rolled down your cheeks as Dabi made a slurping sound, pulling your upper lip into his mouth slightly before he parted from you, looking back at Shouto with a grin. “Delicious,” he commented, loving the way that Shouto looked at him with rage in his eyes.
“But this is not what I’m here for,” he eventually said, letting go of your face. You wanted to spit out the disgusting taste Dabi had left in your mouth, but you feared that this would only lead to him burning you again, so you held the desire back, hoping that he had simply done this to rile Shouto up a bit and this was it. He had said that this was not his goal after all, right?
While you were lost in your thoughts, trying to calculate the next step Dabi would take, he had sent Shouto another grin, making sure that the man’s eyes were on Dabi’s hands as they laid on your thigh again.
You shot up, turning your head to face Dabi with wide eyes.
“Unfortunately, we don’t have a lot of time,” Dabi lamented as he let his hand trail upwards and under your skirt. “So, I’m just gonna have get to the main part.”
You heard Shouto shouting but you couldn’t see him, your eyes still fixed on Dabi as he pulled at the bottom the bottom of your body suit to the side, uncovering your pussy for his fingers to explore.
“Don’t!” you shouted instinctively, trying to get him to stop but a slap to your pussy had you lurching forward and against the barrier. Dabi laughed and two of his fingers dipped inside you, prodding against your walls as your teeth clenched at the painful intrusion.
“Yeah, should work,” you heard Dabi mumbled behind you and the next second, his fingers left you and he popped them into his mouth, humming at the taste.
“Gotta say, this one really IS delicious,” he commented, his eyes looking at Shouto, who was watching the situation unfold in front of him with a painful look in his eyes.
Once Dabi had cleaned his fingers, he moved his hand towards his belt, expertly unbuckling it with one hand and shoving his pants down, just enough so he could pull out his cock from his pants.
“Relax or this is gonna hurt,” he whispered into your ear, his hand pushing against your back so your ass would stick out more.
Your wide eyes were looking at Shouto now, knowing what was about to happen. “Don’t, please,” you whispered, a sob leaving your lips. You were going to be violated in front of your fiancé. You were going to get fucked by a villain in front of the love of your life. “Shouto, please, close your eyes,” you begged him as he stood in front of you, both of his hands pressed against the barrier and his face directly in front of you. He shook his head. “I don’t want you to see me like this,” you begged and eventually, Shouto nodded and closed his eyes, a tear running down his cheek just as Dabi prodded your entrance with the tip of his dick.
“You better watch what I’m about to do,” Dabi warned him, not liking that he was not looking at them anymore. “Or your little bitch is gonna be a burnt little bitch by the time I’m done with her.”
At those words, Shoto’s eyes immediately opened again, looking at Dabi with fear in his eyes.
“Don’t watch me, watch her,” Dabi ordered with a grin and as soon as Shouto’s eyes had moved to your crying face again, Dabi pushed into you.
You let out a howl, your face contorting in pain as Dabi buried inch after inch inside your tight little cunt. Your eyes looked up, to the side, anywhere beside Shouto’s face with was still in front of you. You couldn’t bare looking at him.
Dabi let out a small groan. “Damn, you’re tight,” he said, pulling back a little before pushing in again, this time further. “You’re boytoy that small?” He laughed at his own joke and grabbed your hips to hold you still, slamming himself into your cunt to the hilt. Your body was jolted forward and against the wall, a pained cry leaving your lips as your eyes closed. Dabi was big, too big for you and it felt like he was splitting you open in the middle.
You didn’t have time to get used to him however, as Dabi immediately began to thrust into you. He was hunched over you, his head laying on your shoulder and his mouth directly next to your ear, so you could hear every little groan he made. It disgusted you and only made you sob harder.
It must’ve made you clench down on him however, as he let out a small hiss of pleasure and in turn made him only pick up his pace, your body now getting repeatedly slammed against the barrier with Shouto having no choice but to watch the horrifying things Dabi did to you.
After a while the initial pain had subsided, and your sobbing calmed down. All you tried to do now, was to dissociate from everything that was happening, hoping to get lost in your own world while Dabi used you for his pleasure.
Unfortunately for you, Dabi noticed the empty look on your face and he clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction. “That won’t do,” he growled into your ear and the hand that had been holding onto your arm up until now let go so he could beginning rubbing at your clit.
As soon as you felt his fingers rubbing you, you were brought back to reality and a pained whine left your lips.
“Say, how would you like to cum in front of your boyfriend?” Dabi whispered into your ear, his fingers picking up in speed and flicking at your clit in the same rhythm as his thrust. “I’m sure he would like to see you come undone at the hands of a villain.”
He laughed when he felt you clench around him and his eyes moved towards Shouto. “She likes the idea, I felt her squeeze my dick,” he told him.
“Fucking die and rot in hell,” Shouto simply replied, his brows furrowed and his eyes full of tears he refused to shed. You had it much worse than him, there was no way he could allow himself to cry.
Dabi let out a bellowing laugh. “Sorry, can’t die just yet. Still got some unfinished business, you see…”
He soon turned his attention back to you however and began pounding into you like a man possessed, his fingers bringing you closer and closer to an orgasm you desperately tried to hold back. He could hear you breathing hitch and felt your pussy trying to squeeze him dry; he knew it wouldn’t take much longer for you to cream on his dick.
A few more thrusts and he knew that he had reached his goal when you cried out, your muscles clenching around him and your entire body twitching as you came all over his dick.
“Fuck, you’re sucking me dry,” Dabi groaned, trying to continue his thrusts but finding it hard with how hard you were gripping his dick. “That desperate for my cum, huh?”
You were panting and crying and trying to calm down again, but those words made you perk up. “No! Don’t” you exclaimed, looking back at him with a horrified gaze.
“Don’t what?” Dabi asked with a snicker, although his breathing had picked up as well as he got closer and closer to his own peak.
“Please, don’t cum inside!” you begged. “Anything else but that!”
Dabi thrust once, twice, and felt his dick twitch as his orgasm crashed over him.
“Oops,” he said with a laugh as his dick spurted his thick cum deep into your cunt. “Too late.” He groaned, pressing inside you as far as he could, lazily thrusting into you a few more times before he pulled out and let go of you, watching as you crumbled down to the floor.
“That was fun and all,” he told you in a conversational tone as he stuffed his dick back inside his pants. “But I got places to be, you know.”
His attention shifted back to Shouto, who was looking at you sitting on the ground, a small pool of cum dripping from your pussy and onto the floor.
“Hope you have a great day, Todoroki Shouto,” Dabi said to him with a wave and a malicious grin and in an instant he was gone, as if he had never been there in the first place.
It was eerily silent now, and Shouto simply pressed against the barrier, wanting nothing more than to go to your side, comfort you and make sure you got to an hospital to look over your wounds.
It took a minute before the barrier vanished, and Shouto had been pressing against it so hard that he stumbled forward a step once it was gone.
He immediately rushed to your side, embracing you and whispering into your ear how sorry he was, that you needed to go to a hospital, get your wounds checked and maybe talk to someone.
You had been silent up until now, your gaze on the floor but when Shouto rambled on and on about how he would take you to people, TELL people what had just happened, your head shot up and you looked at him, shaking it with wide eyes.
“No,” you whispered, pushing his hands away from your body so you could get up. “No, I’m fine.”
You grimaced at the feeling of your sore cunt but ignored it, simply pushing your body suit back into place and dusting off your clothes. “I’m fine,” you repeated. “Let’s just go home…”
With those words, you began walking off, heading into the direction of your shared apartment. Shouto followed your movements with wide eyes, getting up again and trying to get you to reconsider but you ignored his words, simply continuing to walk back home.
Eventually, Shouto gave up trying to talk some sense into you. It would do neither him nor you any good if he forced you to go to the hospital, and so he could only make sure that no one paid any special attention to you until you had reached the safety of your apartment.
Hopefully, you would listen to him eventually.
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I was adding onto the DSMP Actor AU post, but it turned into Wilbur musician AU, haha rip me, and I only know SBI anyways so here’s a separate post. (It goes back to actor AU at the end.) It’s hypothetically still in the same universe though, and obviously inspired by it. If anything’s phrased weirdly, it’s cuz this was originally an addition to that. 
tbh I kinda adhered to their IRL careers too much compared to the OP but whatever it’s fine. 
Also frick the “Dream SMP” for not having a better title lmaooo
Wilbur is an indie artist really on the come up
Your City Gave Me Asthma was pretty good for a first release, popular with both new fans and fans of his acting.
He had starred in a short mystery/thriller-ish series that started off disguised as a normal sitcom: Chilly in Lincolnshire {Editor Wilbur ARG}
It had a prominent release because of Jack Massey’s involvement and previous fame, but production was abruptly scrapped before it tied everything up with a bow on top, so to speak. It’s still unclear if this was actually planned in order to tell the story the way they way wanted. 
Even before that, critics had mixed reviews, either applauding the storytelling and acting or calling it “irrationally confusing, an amateurish attempt to box unconventional storytelling into a conventional medium.”
Also SootHouse was a sitcom that achieved a cult following during the two seasons it ran before cancellation. Either you’re a fan or you’re never heard of it, and people constantly forget Wilbur was in it. 
(He was a few other old shows on his resume too. Wilbur always focuses on the newest project, so everyone always forgets about what he was in before.) 
Maybe I Was Boring EP was initially just bonus tracks on his website, but his fans liked it so much he gave it a wider release
In between, he had a few comedy songs go viral on youtube. Everybody was so confused when they realized it was the same Wilbur as musician/actor Wilbur. He laughed about it in an interview, saying “How many Wilburs do you know?” 
That’s when it came out that “Wilbur Soot” was actually a stage name. (”Ha, fair, only one.” “Make that zero-- my name’s not really Wilbur.”)
He kinda disappeared after that?? Didn’t do anything, really inactive on social media. It was semi-confirmed that he was both working on his mental health and prepping some stuff (music, auditions).
But anyways he just released a series of singles, combined into Digital Love {E-girl trilogy}-- he’s transformed his image yet again, but this time he does take ownership of all his past ventures.
The release of Digital Love bridges the end of SMP Earth and the beginning Dream SMP. 
But before that there was MCC and the other stuff.
They are shows where celebrities team up do stuff-- you know the type 
but Minecraft Monday is still inexplicably Minecraft Monday. Some Youtuber just managed to get all these up and coming celebrities to play a Minecraft tournament. 
And that’s where the Sleepy Bois (minus Tommy) met IRL so that’s where they meet here. 
SMP Earth, like Minecraft Manhunts, is also a former show they were on. I’m going to call it World Domination. Don’t @ me; I know that’s trash lol. 
They and the Dream Team met up because of their shared fanbases and were even talking a crossover, but it didn’t really work that well for the stories so they scrapped it
They make a non-canon cross over episode anyways {no IRL equivalent, I think}
Everybody loves the cons. Everytime there’s a con, five friendships are made and eight ideas are created. 
Techno backstory time
He’s done a lot of long running, though not exactly popular, serials and sitcoms: Blitz, Survival Games, and Sky Wars. 
Winstreak: 1000 {Bed Wars 1000 winstreak} was so popular they made a second season, but it never got as big as the first. He worked nearly exclusively with Hypixel Studios. 
He was doing lots of random content for their new Sky World universe {Skyblock} -- the small studio was big on experimentation -- , when a fictional documentary, The Great Potato War, went proper viral. 
They made two sequels WHILE he was doing those celebrity team challenge shows and then World Domination, and they were actually good sequels.
Got a reputation for being shallow and a sell-out, but he makes a joke of it so much he gets away with it and constantly self-promos.
Also a kinda scary to work with for the first time because of how single-minded he can get, but once you realize how socially awkward he is it’s okay.  
Now that’s he’s in a lot of stuff with worldbuilding, he practically has the wikis memorized. 
Tommy mainly did limited series and movies before World Domination, where he met the SBI.
He’d had been a fan of Wilbur for a while, and was super star-struck at first, but got over it really quickly in his Tommy style
He still is a total fanboy at concerts and whenever a new music video drops. “I’m friends with the guy! I know him, Wilbur Soot!” “Tommy, you’re famous too.” “Yeah, cuz I’m practically in the video!” “No--” 
Wilbur takes Tommy to one of his concerts and he’s so hyped the entire time, especially to go behind the scenes and on the stage. 
Sometimes he gets stressed about the pressure of being a child star, but Techno, Philza, and Wilbur promise to stand by him and they make him feel protected 
One time Wilbur’s drunk and almost hands Tommy a drink before swearing and going, “You’re a bloody child! You can’t have that! God, what would Philza think?” Tommy’s not sure whether to be relieved or disappointed. 
Philza laughs at the story and actually lets Tommy try a little in a more controlled, responsible situation. Tommy texts his mum first, and then hates the drink anyways. (”This is rubbish! I am a man, but I’m not drinking this!” Techno: “Alcohol is disappointing. I drink orphan’s tears instead.” “Techno WHAT--”)
Philza had been the star of a zombie apocalypse show: Golden Core 
He did canonically die to a child zombie in the movie version. Yes, they made a movie version of the TV show, because the Golden Core franchise actually has had many other shows {other hardcore series}. 
Everybody tries to get the child zombie props near him because of that (they’re puppets)
He’s done a lot of other things, like in the original actor AU post, but none of them came close in popularity. 
He gives the rest of the SBI the knowledge he’s gained from being in the biz for so long. 
There’s also a running joke about SBI meaning “Spy Boys Incorporated” and them starring in a comedy spy movie
The fans would very much actually like this to happen. There’s so many fanons for it (maybe I’ll write one....) 
Back to the DSMP. Maybe I’ll call it Dreamland or smth. 
Wilbur constantly asks Tommy if he’s okay after any difficult scenes
Especially when they were hanging out together a lot in the exile arc.
All the brother scenes were cut because Wilbur kept breaking down and crying in them.
Sometimes people actually ask Techno and Tommy if they’re actually brothers. Tommy tries to go along with it half the time on the basis of “it’s be funny,” so there’s a subset of casual fans that genuinely don’t know. 
After Alivebur was killed off, Wilbur was going to leave the show to concentrate on his music
But he missed the SMP and hanging so much that he just showed up on set one day saying “I’m a ghost now,” and everyone just rolled with it
Alivebur was so popular that, seeing that Wilbur was willing, they decided to bring him back for Season 3. He’s been avoiding doing heavy scenes, but he still seems really invested and like he wants to come back to the show.
Wilbur talks with Techno about writing and lore a lot
it’s one the few times Wilbur actually seems like the older one
Wilbur attempted to get a D&D group going in the cast, but the show was already close enough, with the amount of improvisation they can get by with
Tommy’s Pigstep cover happened, but the background was Philza clapping barely in time with just Wilbur on bass instead (and of course Techno’s “BAHP”s)
It was a charity stream. They had put on their costumes (clothes only) for a previous goal. 
This one was simply called “We rap.”
Some people were almost disappointed that Tommy was the only one actually rapping, but he was so funny it made up for it. 
Okay I spent the whole morning on this and it got way too long but I think I’m finally out of ideas. sorry haha hope you enjoyed! ^_^
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akakeiiji · 4 years
hi ☺️ may i request hcs for akaashi, kuroo, semi, oikawa, and kageyama w/ someone who’s extremely generous? like they would go and buy food, water, clothing for EVERY person they see in need and give them like $10 as well? i often get made fun of for doing this, it kinda hurts 🥺
hiii, sage! 😙👋 may i request some hcs for akaashi, kuroo, oikawa, and kageyama w/ a lover who’s a little 𝘵𝘰𝘰 generous? i just got done sobbing after my mum refused to let me give some leftover costco food and cash to a homeless. she said that i give away too much of my money and help strangers too much for my own good 🥺 p.s. i love your writings, it gives me so much emotions when i read them; i feel like i’m actually getting the boys’ real reactions. i hope you have a good day!
Hi, I’m back from my mini-hiatus!! I thought it would be gone for much longer but here I am.
This request is so cute, nonnie 🥺💕 you must be so sweet, it’s rare to see people like you nowadays. But make sure to take care of yourself too!! There is such a thing as being too generous, it’s not selfish to think about yourself every once in a while. Stay kind 💖
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-`,✎ Akaashi, Kuroo, Semi, Oikawa and Kageyama with a very generous S/O
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Akaashi Keiji
Akaashi is also a giver by nature
He enjoys being helpful and taking care of others
But you were on a whole other level
He didn’t think much of it at first
You’d pay for his food sometimes, buy him his favorite snacks but he just thought that it was because you two were dating and he’d always try to do the same for you
Then one time you bought food for the entire volleyball team
That was when he realized just how generous you were
His heart would flutter at the thought of being with someone with such a kind heart but at the same time he will try to limit how much you give
“Listen, I know you want to help, love, but you need that money to get home.”
“But, Keiji—”
He ended up donating for the both of you because you were so insistent
He always looks out for you, he loves how giving you are but he also makes sure you don’t forget about yourself
He’s super friggin sweet and knows how much joy it brings you to help those in need so he finds a new charity you two could donate to every month and it becomes a sort of tradition for the two of you
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Kuroo Tetsurou
“Where’s your lunch?”
“Oh, yeah. I gave it to an old lady I met at the bus stop.”
“You what?!”
That was the third time that happened that week, Kuroo is so tired
He doesn’t want to see you starving, okay?
I’m sorry to say but Kuroo would probably tease you too, it’s just in his nature
But he is the only one allowed to make fun of you, if anyone else tries they will meet his fists
He really does love how sweet you are though
He will try to make up for the things you gave to others, like when you give your food to others he’ll drag you to the cafeteria and buy your favorite food for you
He tries to scold you but he really can’t, you’re too precious
If anyone ever tries to take advantage of you then Kuroo will lose his shit
“What do you mean a first year took your wallet?”
“But they lost all their money, they said they were mugged.”
Needless to say, he got your money back and that first year wasn’t going to mess with you ever again
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Semi Eita
He thinks you are the sweetest, kindest person in the world and always brags about you to his teammates
He always has this smile on his face whenever you’re donating money or sharing food with someone
Then one time you gave away all your money to a homeless man you met on the streets
He lost his shit, to say the least
“But that was your entire monthly allowance!”
“He needed it more than I did though.”
He understands how generous you are but he needs you to think about yourself every once in a while, he always reminds you that you aren’t being selfish if you do
He always makes a point to treat you during meals and buy you things you like
You’ll always find his little presents in your dorm, he doesn’t let you return them to him and makes sure you don’t give them away
He always worries about you, he doesn’t want another repeat of the homeless guy incident so he always checks up on you to make sure you’re taking care of yourself
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Oikawa Tooru
He’s probably the one that understands you the least
Not that he’s inherently selfish, he just doesn’t get how a person can be this selfless
“Please don’t tell me you that you just gave that person your jacket.”
“But they were cold.”
“Now you’re cold!”
He chastises you as he puts his blazer over your shoulders
He slowly begins to understand your nature as you progress farther into your relationship
He subconsciously tries to be a bit more like you
You really started rubbing off on him, which he only realized after he gave Takeru way too much allowance leaving him with nothing
He always makes a point to shower you with affection and gifts, he wants you to receive just as much as you give
He absolutely hates when you disregard your own well being though, he always swoops in when you get carried away
When you’re out and you’ve already given a lot of your money to others that day, Oikawa would keep your wallet in his bag to make sure you have at least a little bit of money left for yourself
He buys you a new jacket by the way, he’s such a simp
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Kageyama Tobio
He is so confused tbh
He doesn’t understand why you keep pampering him and buying him his favorite milk drinks, food and stuff
It takes him some time to notice that you’re like this with literally everyone you encounter
He wouldn’t mind at first, he’d actually support it really, accompanying you when you donate or give stuff away
But once he notices your tendency to give a little too much, he’d start being stricter
“Dumbass, that was all your food!”
He’d always lecture you in his usual angry tone but you know there’s no actual malice in his words and that he’s trying to look out for you
Whenever he sees you getting carried away, he’d be silent and have this little pout on his face as he tugs on your sleeve which is his signal for you to stop  
He’s doing it for your own good!!
He becomes super flustered when you treat him, a blush would spread on his cheeks and he’d call you stupid as he accepts your gifts
He really appreciates you, he just sucks as expressing it
He does do it though through his actions because he sucks at expressing himself verbally
Like Oikawa, he’d find himself being more generous but whenever he donates or gives stuff to others he looks constipated because he doesn’t know how to act so he tries to mimic your mannerisms but it comes out weirdly
He’s trying, pls protect him
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
I don’t know if you’d recognize me but it’s Nona from AO3
I haven’t commented on your fics in a while but trust me I love for your fics just as much right now as I was before
Your content is amazing and it gives me life so thank you so much!
I don’t know when you’ll get this cause I know you have quite the fan following these days but I really wanted to see something and of course you don’t have to write it if you don’t want to but it’ll truly make my day if you would
And again, I know you included this in the Kate grieving her father fic (I can’t remember the name sorry lol) but
I am such a sucker for comforting Anthony and my favorite part in the book is when he helps Kate through her panic attack for the first time
I was wondering if you could do something along the same lines in your Bridgerton and Sons AU but after they’ve started dating. Something like Kate having a panic attack for the first time and Anthony freaking the hell out but then helping her through it. Aww my heart!!
Oh and before I forget, I think this should tell you how much I appreciate you! I didn’t have a tumblr account and I don’t follow anyone else. I created one just to follow you and I only actually follow you! So once again, thank you so much!
Ummmmmm OF COURSE I remember you! 
I may sound insane when I say this but I remember probably each and every one of you and when someone new likes one of my posts I’m like “You’re new here. I’m so sorry.” “Quite the fan following” My goodness! This made me chuckle! The thought of me having any kind of following is a little absurd to me tbh  😂 I took a birthday portrait for my cat yesterday, y’all. I’m. Yep. Just. Okay.  But also, you created a tumblr just for this content???  My god, that is so incredibly flattering and I hope it lives up to your expectations!
Okay! So! in my mind, the first time Anthony saw Kate have a panic attack (Which fortunately happen quite infrequently for her now) was that time in Dormant on the Anniversary of her Father’s death. So I’m instead going to tell you about the next time she has one. And, against all of her instincts, against every part of her telling her to run away and hide, She does what Anthony says. She finds Him. 
“Anthony, Honey are you sure that you-” His mother’s voice was cut off by the ringing of his phone. He glanced down at it, a little apologetically the name Kate Sheffield (Sex Goddess)  flashing across the screen.  “Sorry, Mum. It’s Kate. I’ll just be a second.” He said, his mother giving him an indulgent smile as he moved into the hallway, one of his own creeping onto his face as he answered. 
And he immediately knew something was wrong. He could hear deep breathing on the end of the phone, gasping for air, his fiancée’s voice choking out before he could start 
“Anthony, umm...” a pause and a deep breath “It’s Kate.” And his heart was in his throat his mind racing already  “Kate, honey. Is everything okay? Are Mary and Edwina okay?” He said, panic creeping into his own voice a little. He could hear her breath shuddering as she struggled the words from her chest.  “They’re... not here... You... Umm.. You told me to find you if this happened. and I know you’re helping your mum but Do you think-” She stuttered out and Anthony’s heart started racing. Kate was alone, having a panic attack. They’d spoken gently after the forst time it had happened, month’s ago now Mary and Edwina don’t know do they? He’d said gently and she’d shaken her head a little embarrassed Not anymore. And before she could even get the question out he was saying gently into the phone  “Are you at home?” She made a soft affirmative noise and his heart stuttered at how weak it sounded “Okay, just stay on the phone, I’m coming home.” Kate’s breath shuddered. 
“Mum.” Anthony said, forcing himself to remain calm as he ducked his head back into the living room “I’m gonna have to head out, Kate needs me at home.” His mother looked up, a little startled  “Is everything alright?” She said gently, her brow furrowing. Anthony forced himself to roll his eyes “Newton’s gotten himself into a sticky situation. He’ll be alright.” Violet chuckled lightly and said  “Say Hello to Kate for me, you really are so lucky, Anthony.” Anthony smiled at the truth of it and then he was gone. As soon as he was in the hall he was back on the phone, walking as quickly as he could, and when the front door closed behind him he was running down the street to his parked car. 
“Are you still there?” He said, keeping his voice soft, calm. Much calmer than the panic clawing at his chest as he reached the car. Kate took a deep breath though he could hear a soft sob coming from her and his heart broke.  “Yeah.” She said eventually as Anthony pulled into traffic.  “Why don’t you get Newton? He can keep you company until I get there. I’m coming, Kate. I’m on my way.” He whispered as the phone connected with the car’s system. He heard a shuffling, and then a whining noise and ridiculously Anthony’s panic calmed just slightly at the thought of Kate’s pudgy little dog at her side.  “I’ll be there in five minutes.”  “I’ll be there in four minutes.”  “I’ll be there in 2 minutes.”  “I’m right outside Honey, where are you?” Anthony counted down, listening to her stuttered breathing whispering soothing nothing’s as he drove weaving in and out of traffic as best he could.  “In the bedroom” She whispered just as he was parking the car. And then he was running, his heart thundering as he wrenched the door open, running up the stairs as fast as he could, bursting through the bedroom door, and the sight nearly stopped his heart. 
Kate was huddled at the foot if their bed, her arm wrapped around her middle, tears running down her face as sobs wracked her body, her breaths coming in harsh gulps. Anthony was practically panting as he moved gently towards her, Newton huddled in her lap, his nose pressed against her neck growled slightly as Anthony settled next to her.  “it’s okay, buddy. I’ve got her now.” He said gently as he wrapped his arms around her tightly. “I’m right here Kate, deep breaths...perfect.” He said gently has she gulped air into her system  “I love you, so much.” He said repeating it over and over as her breathing evened out, he felt her body relax into his and finally, her tiny voice “You shouldn’t marry me.” And his heart stopped again. “I’m a mess.”   Anthony forced himself to cluck his tongue  “Mmm but who else could put up with me?” He said, and he felt a choked laugh fight its way free from her chest, a little noise of disbelief.  “That’s probably true. I guess I’ll have to do it.” 
Anthony hummed again “Thank God.” they sat in silence for several seconds, Newton shifting to settle his head on Anthony’s lap. “I really am sorry you know.” Kate said “I don’t know what happened, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” and she couldn’t look him in the eyes, they were fixed on her hand, on the engagement ring there, her eyes burning into it. Anthony cupped her cheek forcing her to look in his eyes, to feel what he was saying “There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. And that is my completely unbiased opinion as your future husband.” She let out an odd, huffing laugh again, her eyes lighting up for just a moment “We all need help or support sometimes, Kate. And I can’t wait to support you for the rest of my life.” He finished, brushing his lips lightly against hers, his heart clenching as she sighed against them  “Careful, Mr Bridgerton, sounds like you’re calling me a gold-digger.” She said when she pulled back, a tiny smirk forming on her lips. Anthony forced his face into a surprised expression  “Aren’t you?! God, that is good news!” The sound of her laughter rang out through the room, and it was the best music he’d ever heard.  
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