#study slump
thephdpensieve · 6 months
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5/100 days of productivity • 29-Oct-23, Sunday
About today
Still could not get out of my PhD slump. Been feeling guilty all day. So if you have any hacks, please feel free to share <3
Went to lab and sat at desk for sometime, snacking on some mishti doi, a traditional Bengali dish that's sweetened cooked yogurt. (I live on campus, so going to lab is like taking a break from my room. Applies vice versa too)
Rested well, took an afternoon nap and feeling better with my cramps all gone
Cooked dinner - made chapati and paneer gravy
Exploring the first week of this #100daysOfProductvity thing, I am wondering if I should set Sundays to be strictly rest & recreation only. For, we all need time to wind down. But with my PhD schedule, I am not making such decisions right now. Once I get into the rhythm, I can take days off fully. Till then we are going with #NoZeroDays on Sundays too.
So how was your weekend, people?
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f1-stuff · 10 months
sportbible Carlos and Charles gave us the full low-down in our 'Sainz or Leclerc' Q&A ahead of the #SilverstoneGP
Who would make a better stand-up comedian? Carlos: If we were together we'd do a good job... Together or nothing. We come as a package. Charles: This is very cute, yes.
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the---hermit · 1 year
How to get out of a reading slump
A while back posted a list of ten books to help you get out of a reading slump, but I also wanted to post a more general list of tips I personally think are useful when you find yourself in a reading slump. (I have also talked about this topic in this ask). So here's some of my tips:
Take a break. Sometimes you can get in reading slumps because you are burned out, maybe not just because of reading, but that can be affected as well. You have no obligations when reading (unless of course if you have to do it for school/uni, in which case I would still recommend trying to get some time off or at least slow down a bit in order to get some energies back). Sometimes accepting that you are in a non-reading place in life it's the best solution.
If you feel like it's a book you are reading that is putting you in a reading slump dnf it, or at least try to switch between that and another book. I personally tend to get stuck when I have only one book in my currently reading pile, because I need to vary often, so I like to have at the very least two books that I am currently reading. Realizing this about myself made me read much more, because I have avoided a lot of reading slumps. I'd also like to add that there's no shame in dnf-ing a book, if you are not enjoying your time with it there's no reason you should keep forcing yourself to read that. Maybe it's not the right time, and you'll enjoy it more in the future, or simply the book is not made for you, which is totally fine.
Graphic novels are a great compromise to get some reading done when you are in a reading slump, but you still want to something to read. This is specifically my solution for when I am in a reading slump caused by being burned out. Graphic novels tend to require less brain energy, and the illustrations usually help a lot with the flow of the story. I think this is the safest option when you are in the worse reading slumps.
Audiobooks are your best friends, whether you want to listen to it while doing other activities, or you want the narrator to help you while you follow the page, I feel like this is another great option. I personally love audiobooks, and I like to always have one on the go. This is again a great option if you are feeling burned out, in those cases I really like to listen to the audiobook as I take a walk, or even as I play some mindless games online like tetris, and similar things. These are also a great option to help when the book you are reading is putting you in a reading slump but you really have to read it. I have used audiobooks a lot in high school to help when I had to read poems or big classics.
Short story collections can be one of the best options to get back into reading. These take off the pressure of being consistent in order to remember things, because you can pick them up and leave them as you like, since most stories won't be over 25 pages usually. There's also some great options of collections that include multiple genres, which can be very helpful when you are stuck and don't really know what you want to read.
Fairytales and kid's books might not come to mind as soon as you think of what to read, but they can be very helpful to get you out of reading slumps. They are short and lighthearted which are two fundamental characteristics of good books to get you back into reading. And rivisiting some childhood favourites is always a great choice in my opinion.
Reread an old favourite or a comfort book. I know some people don't love revisiting old favourites, but I personally love them. You always get something new out of the story, and rereading a plot you know already can take off a lot of the pressure of reading, because you don't have to pay the same attention as with a story you know nothing about. This can be very helpful when getting back into the habit of reading.
Set up a cozy place to read. I am all about romanticizing the small things in life, and this is a very effortless way to put you into a good mindset to read. I personally like to light a few candles, make myself a nice cup of tea, maybe get a little treat to eat, cuddle up under a blanket and just read. Of course your set up might change depending on your preferences, just have a little fun with it, you could even try to read a bit while you are taking a bath.
Try to read outside. Similarly to the last tip, changing your enviroiment can be helpful sometimes. Some people like to read in a cafè, but you could also go in your garden if you have one or in a park.
Consume bookish content. This might seem stupid at first but sometimes seeing other people be excited about reading and books is very motivating. It has personally helped me several times.
Start a buddy read with a friend you feel comfortable with. Sharing your thoughts with someone as you read a book can keep the motivation up and a buddy read can be a great option to help with motivation, but be sure that you are comfortable with this person so that you don't feel too pressure upon you. Be clear from the beginning set a small goal and have fun with your buddy.
At the moment these are all the tips that came to my mind when thinking about getting out of a reading slump. Of course different people might have different methods, but changing things up can always be helpful. As I said at the beginning you shouldn't feel pressure when reading, and if it's a no reading moment in your life there's not shame in it, but I have also been stuck in reading slumps where I actually did want to read but I couldn't bring myself to do so, and many of these things helped me.
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heavendraven · 10 months
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another photo study where I inserted vz just because I could
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shu-of-the-wind · 3 months
not doctor slump making me c r y actually "you didn't live your life wrong" god fuck stab me okay
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sailforvalinor · 3 days
Desperately want to know when and why “I want to go to college to study literature” became “I can’t wait to graduate college so I can read literature again”
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bunnihearted · 1 day
i feel so lonely and alone i feel like im dying
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liones-s · 10 months
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kyouka-supremacy · 5 months
I'm sorry I didn't answer your messages The Demons got me
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studynxiety · 9 months
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Accidentally wrote the date with the year '22 again. I haven't really been productive lately which makes me a little embarrassed to return here because I have nothing to offer.
The last week I had a couple of anxious breakdowns where I convinced myself no one loves me and then I got some good sleep and realized I was being dramatic. Other than that, one of my friends is leaving the country and I only found out recently when they're scheduled to leave this month. It's left me feeling a little hollow.
I'm not in a depressive mental state anymore but I have been having a difficult time not procrastinating. I think part of it is because I find the tasks I need to get done pretty daunting and also because there is so much I want to do that I just don't know how to make time for all of it.
On an unrelated note, the new Link Click episode was an absolute banger and I'm still reeling from the cliffhanger.
So instead, I played three hours of Genshin today and finally finished the Sumeru event. It's only 11 pm and I think I'll be up another two hours so I'd like to get some writing done in the meantime. Tomorrow, I'll do math, physics, and biology.
To Do Today:
Write 500 words
To Do Tomorrow:
The Physics Worksheet (Note: ask for help)
Photosynthesis Worksheet
Write 200 words
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ravinoforre · 1 month
I posted this on my twitter as a qrt but i may as well post it here too.
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Abandoned wip of my favourite gamecube siblings. I had the idea in my head a long while but didn't feel like I had the skills to pull it off, eventually put down this sketch sometime last year but only got as far as this for line art. Michael's pose was inexplicably giving me issues and I wasn't happy with what came out (along with the usual "not being able to draw him in a consistent style" problem I have), and I think the different angled poses I was using for refs just weren't working with each other like I'd hoped?
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its-hai-time · 6 months
hate when I go like two weeks without drawing and then I have to re familiarize myself with the entire process of drawing. Like what the fuck why won't the muscle memory?
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fidgetspringer · 7 months
God the Loomis method sucks ass. I hate that it works.
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pipsbriberymuffins · 10 months
im in such a reading slump rn, im reading a study in charlotte but the chapters are so long its daunting me. jamie and charlotte are so cute and clueless tho
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sidereon-spaceace · 9 months
Someone needs to come over to my place after work and hold me at gunpoint to finish these goddamned reference sheets
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genius idea guys. food critic tam and head chef/restaurant owner keefe.
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