#spn + sleeping at last
shallowstories · 1 year
Saturn by Sleeping at Last
Lyrics start around 2:20
You taught me the courage of stars before you left How light carries on endlessly, even after death With shortness of breath You explained the infinite And how rare and beautiful it is to even exist
I couldn't help but ask for you to say it all again I tried to write it down, but I could never find a pen I'd give anything to hear you say it one more time That the universe was made just to be seen by my eyes
I couldn't help but ask for you to say it all again I tried to write it down, but I could never find a pen I'd give anything to hear you say it one more time That the universe was made just to be seen by my eyes
With shortness of breath I'll try to explain the infinite And how rare and beautiful it is to even exist
With shortness of breath I'll try to explain the infinite And how rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist
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denimshortsdean · 9 months
Cas really read dean to filth within an inch of his LIFE three (3) minutes after meeting him (What's the matter? You don't think you deserve to be saved?), threatened him the very next time he saw him (You should show me some respect. I'm the one who dragged you out of hell. I can throw you back in.), then the time after that overshared about being a good little soldier (Can I tell you something if you promise not to tell another soul? I'm not a... hammer, as you say. I have questions. I have doubts)
absolutely insane writing from the destiel show
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casdeans-pie · 10 months
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It's just that, when you think about it, the blood that runs under Dean's skin, that keeps him alive, is just like the Grace that runs under Castiel's.
There's no touch for this healing - no barrier of skin. It's just the inner workings of Cas reaching out to touch the inner workings of Dean. Knitting him back together
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adammilligans · 16 days
and what if i said Adam was terrified of thunder?
not to mention his fear of thunder would’ve gotten 10x worse after the cage
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acesammy · 6 months
The only spn show I would like to see at this point is a pre-series miniseries adaptation of ‘rising son’
let’s see John come inches away from putting his 7 year old son down like a dog he suspects could’ve been exposed to rabies
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michaelectras · 10 months
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misc midamoodles
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ft kate junior
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clairenatural · 1 year
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ardentpoop · 5 months
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lifblogs · 7 months
"With shortness of breath I'll explain the infinite How rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist"
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the-rainbow-meme · 8 months
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everything everywhere all at once (2022) / 'Girls Just Want to Have Fun' - Cyndi Lauper / Tumblr user honeytuesday / Lady Bird (2018) / The Big Bang Theory 12x22: 'The Maternal Conclusion' / Supernatural 12x22: 'Who We Are' / 'Bright Sadness' - Sleeping at Last
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cheridraws · 2 years
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Sorry for the lack of content, I haven’t had much energy to draw lately. I did manage to make some doodles tho :]
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kittywolves · 2 months
i need new people to follow my dash is so dead 😭
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billiewena · 2 years
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"this idyllic vision” oh my god they could’ve been happy...they could’ve had peace when they were done...
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shinelikethunder · 2 years
lads i'm starting to suspect that the ur-daddy-issues - the Alpha Daddy, if you will - might be SPN's own self-consciousness about not being the X-Files
i mean... compelled to mention its dad all the time whether or not anyone asked; insists to the point of petulance that it's Not Dad and Dad's Not Here Now; crushingly aware that it's stepping into daddy's shoes (ecological niche on network TV) and terrified of being too cringe to fill them; also, at the same time, SO terrified of repeating daddy's mistakes that it pre-emptively lampshades sins that have nothing to do with the ones it's actually committing....
....and oh, yeah, after six and a half seasons to find its feet and become its own person, it can't even get through a fun little homage/fakeout like "alien abductions? nope, made ya look, those are just what people's minds invent to fill in the blanks of being Taken By The Fae" without getting excruciatingly hung up on the silliness of its own Evil Fairies alt-explanation plot. like SO hung up that self-deprecating jokes weren't enough, it just HAD to have Dean do a haha-whoopsie honest-to-god literal hate crime about it.
i... fuck, i'm almost impressed. fractal daddy issues with fractally deranged coping mechanisms. as above so below, over and over and over into infinity, because it's dads all the way down.
(i'm given to understand that SPN's other closest ancestor is Buffy and i'll take a wild guess, based on guest-star casting alone, that it also has some buck-wild mommy issues. can't comment on those firsthand, though, because my grudge-aversion to giving Whedon evangelists the satisfaction of ever watching their shit... is SO much older and SO much deeper than my late, lamented, utterly vindicated, decade-plus insistence that i was not going to watch SPN because i knew it would just make me mad.)
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youchangedmedestiel · 7 months
WHY ?????
Why is it always when I'm tired and fully settled under the covers, feeling all warmed up, my glasses removed, that an idea for a Tumblr post or a fanfic pops into my head and that I feel the need to write it down on my phone in case I forgot about it the next morning, loosing the warm, hurting my eyes with the screen's light and typing with mistakes because I don't see really well?
Why doesn't this happen in broad daylight when I'm sitting in front of my computer, looking into the void searching for inspiration?
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(That's totally how it happened for this post actually, in case you were wondering, I hope you enjoy the full and detailled context at least.)
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ladybobofdoom · 1 year
Is there a destiel Titanic AU? Because 5 siblings + fiancé Firstclass!Cas and Thirdclass!Dean/Sam would be 🧑‍🍳😗👌 (They all live of course, Dean can‘t draw for shit but he spits expertly. They sell the big blue piece of junk and buy a farm.)
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