#This is one of those things where like. I don’t ned it to follow the comic necessarily
acesammy · 6 months
The only spn show I would like to see at this point is a pre-series miniseries adaptation of ‘rising son’
let’s see John come inches away from putting his 7 year old son down like a dog he suspects could’ve been exposed to rabies
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babybells123 · 7 days
I recently posted about Sansa Stark on TikTok particularly concerning themes of beauty, love and romanticism (Jonsa if you SQUINT)!! It’s gotten over 2000 likes so far, and the comments have all been positive, but I just received a comment saying “Aegon VI will save her” and had to resist the urge to scratch my eyes out …
Look, I for one want nothing more than for Sansa to be with a man who loves her undoubtedly (and chooses her over her claim, countering all the previous men who have been betrothed to/married to/attempted to abuse Sansa). But I find it incredibly ironic that this is likely an individual who is aware of the Ashford Tourney (hell, maybe they’re even aware of the really subtle Targaryen imagery in Sansa’a chapters - but only if they’re in conjunction with Aegon VI, certainly not the secret cousin who just so happens to also be a Targaryen)… but I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they are an alt shift x fan who has watched his brief Ashford Tourney video which barely scratches the surface of the theory (and I too, enjoy Alt’s videos so don’t get me wrong here) but here’s what bothers me - why is the fandom so incredibly intent on ‘proving’ that it is Aegon?
He could be the loveliest, kindest man alive and I still wouldn’t budge on my stance of this marriage doing absolutely nothing to progress Sansa’s narrative arc organically.
How does it challenge her belief of conventionality? Particularly concerning southern ideals of beauty? What is the whole point of Sansa retracting from her current journey, travelling South yet again to marry a man whom she’s never met before? We’ve already been made privy to how wary Sansa is of Harry the Heir, for he could be a “comely monster,” she knows that beauty is deceptive - so already she’d be experiencing those similar feelings of despair … What purpose would it serve to send Sansa back to King’s Landing? A place where she was abused and married against her will? The place where her father was murdered in front of her eyes? The place where she was hostage with no true friends and no family to trust or rely on? Walking on eggshells every day of her life? These are all negative associations. Anyone with eyes and a brain can see that Sansa’a arc is pointing North.
This is the same girl who spends hours building a scale model of her home, Winterfell - in the snow. This is the same girl who refers to herself as the blood of Winterfell, the daughter of Lord Eddard and Lady Catelyn - who derives strength from that in the face of her abuser. This is the same girl who at the age of 11, manages to dissociate when faced with the head of her father on a spike, looking North and North until she can see Winterfell in her mind’s eye, whose direwolf - part of her soul, is buried in the North ; who to quote Ned “belongs in the North.” This is the same girl who has been passed around like a vessel of politics since her very first betrothal. Who has been viewed as nothing more than a claim to a vast Kingdom, who is not allowed to exercise that claim in her own right. Who has been denied her inheritance on the basis of her marriage to Tyrion - not just by Stannis , but also by the brother she has loved and idolised (and isn’t that just heartbreaking for Sansa?) - need I remind you of the one single person in this entire series who has not overhauled Sansa’s claim ? Despite it being the one thing he’s ever truly wanted? His hearts most intrinsic desire??
“By right Winterfell should go to my sister Sansa." (Jon I ADWD)
“Jon said, "Winterfell belongs to my sister Sansa." (Jon IV ADWD).
I mean, those two phrases in conjunction with;
“It is not me she wants her son to marry, it is my claim. No one will ever marry me for love.” (Sansa VI ASOS) - which as we know, is followed by a Jon chapter just a page later.
Jon has already unknowingly refuted half of Sansa’s despairing words, as well as silently fulfilling those knightly ideals she believes no longer exist.
So yeah, it annoys me beyond belief when people “theorise” that Sansa will marry Aegon VI/Young Griff. Because it removes her agency yet again, it pushes her further away from her identity and her home that she has slowly but surely been reclaiming - she goes five steps backwards, and regardless of whether you like her character or not, from a writing perspective and how character arcs are meant to unfold - it really doesn’t make sense for her to go back to the place where she has been tormented for most of the series - but then, who am I kidding - these are the same people who don’t believe sansa is an important character and that her arc will either remain stagnant or she’ll just be pushed out of the way whilst other characters are allowed narratively conclusive endings.
But even with all this, even with Valarr Targaryen being a non-Targaryen looking prince with brown hair described as a black prince with a white guardian (gee, I wonder whose image THAT invokes), even with GRRM sitting down and writing a family tree where a Jonnel ‘One Eye’ Stark marries a half niece called Sansa Stark to solve a succession crisis. Quite literally spelling it out on paper for people this fandom just cannot come to any logical conclusions that would make sense narratively, thematically, politically and on a character level. It truly blows my mind.
*sigh.* I’m very tired.
Anyway, to quote GRRM; resolve to be Sansa Stark and take the North. ✌️
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Interrupting a white veil occasion | Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Summary: Peter's childhood crush is going to get married to someone else...so he has to speak before it's too late
Word count: 1k
Request: Please do speak now x peter parker <3
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When Peter heard about the wedding — your wedding —, he swung his way to the top of the highest building in New York and screamed his emotions out. It felt good, but only for a few seconds. The wedding was still happening.
He couldn’t believe his friend who he had been in love with since childhood was marrying this other guy. Peter didn’t really know him, but he hated him. He hated every guy who dated you, which had caused some friction on your friendship over the years.
Like that time Peter purposely ruined your date with the swim team captain. He made up an emergency about someone trying to break into the Avengers tower, but the only person who did a bad thing that night was Peter by lying to you.
‘’He’s a player, he’s gonna break your heart.’’
That night, you made Peter promise to stop sticking his nose in your dating-life.
Swim team captain ended up breaking your heart as Peter had predicted, but Peter let you cry on his shoulder and wrapped an arm around you to stop himself from swinging to that jerk’s house and breaking his perfect jawline.
During the years that followed, there were so many times Peter wanted to confess his feelings to you, but everytime he would chicken out by fear of ruining your friendship. He’d rather love you in secret than lose you in his life.
‘’She’s getting married tomorrow,’’ Ned recalled as they were sitting in their shared apartment, watching the new Star Wars.
‘’Shut up.’’ Peter released a heavy breath. ‘’I'm trying not to think about it.’’
He didn’t say it to hurt Peter and push the knife deeper into his heart. Ned just wanted to remind him that it was happening. That the girl he loved was going to marry someone else tomorrow and he didn’t have much time left before it was too late.
‘’Maybe you should think about it. If you really love her, I think you should tell her….before she says ‘I do’.’’
Twelve hours later, Peter was putting on a suit and running to the place the wedding was held. He didn’t plan to go, but after getting a call from Tony Stark begging him to take his last chance and talk to you, Peter had no other choice but to come.
He didn't want to be a wedding-crasher, but as Tony and Ned had said, this was his last chance to get his girl.
‘’Dad, where have you been?’’ you said as your father opened the door of the room you were hiding in. You had been calling for your father for twenty minutes and no one had been able to find him, not even Pepper.
‘’I was…getting a drink. You know me!’’ Tony flashed you a smile, holding his glass of scotch.
You narrowed your eyes at him. ‘’I think you should slow down on the scotch, Dad. It’s not even 2pm.’’
He waved her off, taking another sip of his drink. ‘’It’s my first drink. It helps with the nerves.’’
You laughed softly. ‘’I’m the one getting married, I should be the one needing a drink for my nerves.’’
‘’I’m nervous about something else….’’ Tony said lowly. ‘’Please don’t be angry with me.’’ He stepped over as your face twisted in confusion, allowing Peter to step in. He was wearing a suit, but the jacket was missing and the shirt underneath had visibly not been ironed. ‘’I’ll just…leave the two of you alone,’’ your father said, then closed the door.
Peter was the last person you expected to see walking through those doors. He had responded ‘will not be attending’ on his invitation, which stung when you opened it.
‘’What are you doing here?’’
‘’The last thing I wanted today was show up to your wedding, but Mr. Stark called and—’’ Peter interrupted himself, needing to get straight to the point now or else he’s chicken out for the very last time. ‘’Don’t marry him.’’
‘’Don’t say ‘yes’. Don’t marry him,’’ he repeated, stepping closer with pleading eyes. ‘’I am not the kind of guy who rudely barges in on a white veil occasion, but this guy that’s waiting for you at the altar is not the right one for you, Y/N. Even your father thinks so!’’
You rolled your eyes. ‘’My father thinks no one will ever be good enough for me.’’
‘’Up until twenty-three minutes ago, I was not planning on showing up. I was moping in my bed and cursing myself for not speaking up when I had time, but your father called me…and here I am. I love you, Y/N Stark. I’ve loved you since we met at the aquarium under the huge tunnel.’’
It was over ten years ago, but Peter remembered that day as if it was yesterday.
‘’You were there with your nanny and I was on a field trip with my science class. My feet got tangled and I tripped and you helped me up. We didn’t know each other, but when I took your hand and looked into your eyes, I thought you were the prettiest girl in the whole wide world.’’
A smile curled on your glossed lips as a light flush covered your cheeks. Thankfully, it was covered by makeup. ‘’You had glasses back then. And a missing front tooth.’’
Peter scrunched his nose. ‘’Yeah, it was a terrible look.’’
You laughed at the memories. His missing tooth was actually adorable. 
‘’I think you looked cute.’’
It was Peter’s turn to flush. 
If your groom-to-be were to hear or see you, he would throw a fit. The woman he was about to marry was verbally cheating with another men. 
Peter stepped in with shaky hands, your eyes on him. ‘’Please, don't marry him.’’
He wasn't asking you to marry him instead. That would be crazy and way too rushed. 
All Peter was asking was to call off the wedding. 
Your eyes filled with tears and you crumbled in the seat by the large mirror, at loss with your emotions. ‘’There’s hundreds of people out there waiting for me, Pete. I-I can’t not—’’
‘’I know,’’ Peter said, crouching before you, ‘’but these people also want you to be happy and you're not gonna be happy with this guy.’’ 
Marvel taglist: @xenasolos @chrizzierbsstuff @ayamenimthiriel @alina02 @turtleshavesoulmates @staygoldsquatchling02 @daemonslittlebitch  @wetwilliam02 @haileyismoo @manofworm @rhydianissuperior @supersanelyromantic @nicangel13 @mxxny-lupin  @sweeterheartxamerica @viridwityy @izzy-laufeyson @kenzi-woycehoski @arunaposeidondottie @liidiaaag @katsukis1wife  @amithesimpoffandoms @acornacreacure @chaotic-fangirl-blog  @hawkegfs @mommyruuetrue @youdontneedtoknowthisinformation  @aabananaa @starrrslove  @angeliod @nmedina8611 @1stevelacyfan  @yourfavdummy @laylasbunbunny  @slytherhoes @pedrosprincess  @luvvtxinityy @Eddiefrickenmunson @wandaswigglywoos @mikaelsonsstuff  @tcddszn  @skyesthebomb @a1mzcruml3y @red1culous  @popeheywardssecretgf
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
i'm writing other things but, c'mon now, it's valentines.
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Genre: fluffy
Word Count: 1.4K
Summary: you send a valentine to peter and hopes he shows up.
Matt broke up with Cynthia and it was rattling the walls of Midtown High. 
Especially because it was valentines day, couples can break up any day but one would assume, birthdays, anniversaries and major holidays would be safe, no one breaks up on those days. 
Except for Matt.
Cynthia is letting the holiday play into her will. Wails coated the school, people pressured to not show love to their honey, people scared their honey will do the same. She was ripping apart flowers Matt had given her before he dumped her, a pretty brutal move on his end. 
You watched with wide eyes, mostly everyone peering over at the girl on the outskirts of campus absolutely losing it. Looking back and forth between the line and the girl you looked to the side of you at MJ, “How long until the resource guards come?” 
Cops. They were cops with a safer sounding name, but they were still cops that would detain, handcuff and transport her to somewhere under lock and key. 
“She’s absolutely batshit right now.” MJ peered at her through her sunglasses, you snorted and took a step forward. You start to peer at the menu, deciphering which flower seemed best. You heard a scream, “Matt! Don’t do this, don’t let them do this!” 
Cynthia was in a full sprint, looping in circles. Yelling out pleas to her ex while he hid his face and let out an “Oh my fucking god,” as she was trying to dodge a cop on foot and a cop in a golf cart. You’ve never seen a more interesting show on valentines, when Cynthia comes back to earth she can never show her face again. You could never live through this humiliation. 
“Hi Y/N! Hi MJ!” Betty gave an over exaggerated wave, her eyes hidden by red tinted heart sunglasses. Her earrings were dangled hearts and she wore a cupid’s arrow pin on her shirt. She looked her part, you always commend her full commitment. 
“Hey Bets! You look awesome, the booth looks even better!” MJ nods at your words, “You make valentines look classy.” 
“Aw guys! I love you both, cause today is love day!” 
MJ grimaced, she preferred to pretend she wasn’t doing this because she had a crush, but because she could. 
You smiled, glad to finally have a reason to spoil your person. 
Betty clapped her hands and got her pen ready. 
“Okay! Y/N, which flowers are you going with?” 
You point, “Secret admirer, crush and I love you.” Betty squeals and begins to cluster the flowers, different colors, each with a tag to explain what they meant to the receiver. “Would you like to write a note to send with it?” You did, and then sat for a minute trying to think of what to say. 
You settled, “If I am who you think I am, I’ll be waiting.” 
Ominus, you know. But it made sense, he would get it. Or at least you hoped he would. He should. 
“And where is this going, and who to?” 
Betty and MJ grinned at you, anxious to hear what they already knew. 
“Peter B. Parker, homeroom one oh three.” 
MJ clapped you on the shoulder, “That’s my girl. I want the yellow one, Bets. It’s for Brad.” 
You held in a laugh, you know MJ and that she’s participating means she’s smitten. However the flower she’s chosen has quite an adorable title, “I notice you,” which could be a little crush or an “hey, you’re not invisible.” 
Betty’s smile falters. “You sure that’s the one? If you want I can throw in a crush for you, on me?” MJ shakes her head, “No, I think just the yellow is fine.” 
You hear an oof, you look to the left and see Cynthia laid out. Two cops laid on top of her, screams never failing. You follow your eyes to Peter who’s watching with his fist to his mouth with Ned, he takes a sharp inhale as the bigger cop elbows her. 
He looks over and waves, you give him one back before throwing a bill at Betty and jogging to catch up. 
Peter’s eyebrows raise, “Candygrams?” 
“I did fall for the capitalist scheme.” 
Peter laughs, “I’m better than buying into all the valentines crap.” You frown slightly, sure it’s mostly junk but sometimes the meaning behind the gift has more value. 
“Because, I did my own.” He pauses to lower his backpack, Ned keeps walking. Peter unzips and digs for a moment, then pulls out a card. You can’t help the growing smile stretching across your face, “You didn’t have to.” 
He shrugs, “I wanted to.” 
You peel the page open. 
“Happy Valentine's Day, Y/N. I’m glad to have you in my life and I’m glad you make me feel like I have to write you a Valentine’s day card. It’s a feeling I haven’t had before, I’d been waiting on it for a while. Love, Peter.” 
A pout takes over your lip, Peter rolls his eyes. He’s glad you like it, but he’s pretending like he doesn’t care if you like it. 
“Peter!” You reach for a hug, he complies. You talk in his ear, he holds tighter. “Thank you, Peter. I love it.” 
“Yeah, yeah. Make sure you frame it. It took me all night thinking of what to say.” He sounds joking but he’s serious. 
You are too. “Seriously, Peter. You have no idea how much this means to me.” 
But he does know, it’s that same feeling he gets at homeroom. 
He’s never had a valentine, or given one so this is pretty special for him. Peter nearly slaps himself when his name is announced for a valentine, his name was called clearly. “Peter B. Parker?” Yup, that’s him alright. 
He raises his hand shyly, half convinced it’s a prank. But it’s real, three flowers are dropped on his desk, a red, pink and white one. Each had a special meaning, he had to stop himself from taking a whiff right then. 
Then remembered it came with a note, his hands nearly shook when he opened it. 
“If I am who you think I am, I’ll be waiting.” 
He doesn’t know who he thinks you are, but he knows who he hopes you are.
So, he waits. 
He waits like he hopes you are, he’ll only be a few more minutes. 
You’ve talked about it before. The butterfly museum. 
How bad you’ve always wanted to go on a date there, how cute it sounded. You’d tell him, “to get butterflies with butterflies is the kind of on the nose I’m into.” He hummed and agreed it would be cute, because it would. You would just be so happy to be there, and he’d move heaven and earth to see you happy. 
He assumes you’re there. 
He hopes you’re there. 
Peter holds his breath when he opens the enclosure. A burst of air shoots him, then he’s surrounded. Colorful wings decorated the plants and ceiling, he’s never seen anything so beautiful. He understands why you’ve talked about it so much, how beautiful it was. 
Nearly forgetting why he’s there he tightens the hold on the flowers behind his back, the ones you’ve gifted him. Peter looks in awe and follows some butterflies as they float in front of him, he’s feeling nearly defeated. 
Maybe he has the wrong person, he assumed it was you. But he’s looked all around and couldn’t find you, he had hoped he was right. He wanted it to be you. 
He was ready to turn away, until he heard you laugh. His heart is soaring, he looks around then sees behind a bush you stand with a butterfly in your arm. You hold it in front of you and whisper, Peter can’t help the love that tugs at him. 
How delicate and gentle you are. 
He clears his throat and walks to you, he moves in right behind you. His voice is low in your ear, you jump slightly and turn. In his hand are three flowers. He stretches them out to you. 
“Tag. You’re it.” 
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atopvisenyashill · 2 months
so if lyanna had lived and Robert had died and Rhaegar had lived..... and yknow what someho so did Elia and her kids
WHAT HAPPENS THEN? your hcs please l love them <3
thank you for the compliment <3
I've essentially answered this one before here and here with the general answer being that Lyanna's best bet is always the rebels winning, and Rhaegar does not have a clean "win" on his side (and also Ned dying makes me sad for Catelyn and Lyanna so I try not to think about that scenario lmao). Since you didn't say Ned dies, let's get more specific and also I’m just gonna make some executive decisions in a few places here-
Rhaegar kills Robert at the Trident, the Northern host breaks and runs for the hills to regroup. The nearest castle to the Ruby Ford is Harrenhal and while the Whents are friends to Rhaegar they are also related to the Tullys. I can't recall any specific information on what the Whents were doing during the war but I do wonder if there's a kind of Dayne situation going on here ie Oswell is still loyal to Rhaegar and the rest of the Whents are like "dude what is your problem he kidnapped a teenager." I think Ned probably takes what's left of his host to Harrenhal to regroup and figure out what the hell he does from here.
Again, Catelyn is at Riverrun, pregnant (just about to give birth even? the timeline here is a little fuzzy) and the moment she hears the Trident didn't go their way, she's gearing up for a siege. Probably she's trying to figure out how to get into contact with Jon Arryn, Ned, Hoster, and the Blackfish, if only to get an idea of where their heads are.
Poor Stannis and Renly are at Storm's End, increasingly desperate and increasingly stubborn. Stannis is now Lord of Storm's End and technically speaking, Robert’s claim to kingship has fallen to him.
Rhaegar imo doesn't bother following anyone after the battle though, he goes straight back to the capital to deal with his father. He only came out of hiding because the Kingsguard came to get him and said "hey your dad has Elia and the kids at King's Landing, they're all in serious trouble." Still likely imo that Jaime has killed Aerys (he was planning on blowing up KL long before Tywin showed up at the gates) so Rhaegar is now King.
Now king...and facing three separate sieges. Regardless of the Westerlands joining Rhaegar, the Stormlands, the North, the Vale, and the Riverlands are still in open rebellion, and he's got a hysterical teenaged Kingslayer who his wife is insisting be spared.
If Rhaegar wants to seem different from his father, he might send terms: something like Ned (probably Stannis too) goes to the Wall, Renly becomes Lord of Storm's End, Lyanna is given equal status to Elia as a Queen, Catelyn and Ned's kid can be Lord of Winterfell. But the thing is - Dorne is gonna be pissed off at the idea of Lyanna being an equal Queen, they will want Jon to stay a bastard and probably raised not just far away from Lyanna but far away from King's Landing as well. Ned, Stannis, and Catelyn are not stupid enough to accept those terms though - they will all assume it’s a trap and they’ll be brutally tortured to death like Rickard, Brandon, and the others.
I’m not super great with “rhaegar lives” aus simply bc i do not like that man and i just want Jaime to get stab happy and kill him too lmao and also. Like ultimately what i WANT to happen is for Ned to find Lyanna, take her and Jon North, and the rest of Westeros to give Rhaegar the middle finger. If Ned lives, that might be possible but….
But I think if enough of the Northern host (and whatever of the rest of them is left) can get to Harrenhal, they can probably coordinate with Riverrun, the North, and the Vale as well. HOWEVER. The Iron Islands are likely to start raiding, and the Westermen are likely to try to sack several Riverlands towns as they march. I don’t think it’s a far stretch to say the rebels manage to take back most of the major castles in the Riverlands while Rhaegar is dealing with the capital but more likely, I think everyone just settles in for a long and hopeless siege.
And MEANWHILE while Ned is figuring out what to do in the Riverlands…well the thing is we don’t know who told him about Lyanna, or why, or when. My personal theory is Ashara said something but we don’t know! If Ned is perhaps somewhere easier to locate than just running his ass to Storm’s End, does he get the message sooner? Make a play to get to Lyanna but brings an entire host with him to take the Tower?
Idk I’m not really great at like ~battle~ stuff and that’s essentially what it comes down to if Robert dies - Can Ned outsmart Rhaegar? Ned is smarter than that man but he just lost a lot of his men, basically every leader of his rebellion, and he still doesn’t know where Lyanna is. At the same time, while the Dornish host is heavily depleted, the Westerlands and the Reach are mostly untouched. There’s the Vale, and considering Bronze Yohn wanted to side with Robb, it’s possible he wants to continue fighting with Ned and i’m assuming it’s mostly the Royce’s calling the shots right now with basically every Arryn dead and Harry the Heir like a literal toddler. The issue is basically just strategy vs brute force.
But. idk okay let’s just agree that Ned manages to get the Vale to back him up and he starts to take back most of the Riverlands, then marches on the Tower early to save Lyanna. Smart thing is to take some guys, grab Lyanna, and book it back out of Dorne. Safest to set her in Riverrun with Catelyn, resupply, then keep fighting (would it be easier to set up with Riverrun as the main base of operations? I suppose it depends on how the fighting with the rest of the Dornish faction and the Westerlands go). Maybe he tries to force Rhaegar to terms by being like -well now i’ve got my sister and your fucking baby so give me something good and i’ll calm down. But what terms can possibly end the fighting at this point?
Rhaegar will not give up his crown, he's convinced the prince will come from his line
Ned is not handing over Lyanna
Dorne will not accept Elia and Lyanna as co queens
Stannis and Renly are still starving at Storm’s End
It’s an awful stalemate. No one will give in. The fighting will continue. It has to. If Ned gives in, he’s thinking he’s getting burned alive. If Rhaegar gives in, he very likely loses his crown and maybe his head. Rhaegar has all these lofty ideals about being a good king and it’s hard to keep insisting on that while he’s fighting this war when Ned had a VERY VALID reason to rebel. I THINK finding out Jon is a boy might force Rhaegar to come to the table. His prophecy was wrong, his line is not chosen, and he’s just destroyed the realm for nothing. But he’s also got Tywin in his ear telling him that it’s better to be feared than laughed at, and he’s lost most of the Kingsguard who were probably the ones keeping him mostly centered before he lost it over Lyanna. BUT. He also has his MOTHER. He has ELIA. He has his other fucking kids to think about.
I don’t know that anything could convince Ned to come to the table here if he’s offered anything less than a full pardon and the ability to take everyone back home. He agrees to the Wall at the end AGOT only because of Sansa - otherwise he was perfectly willing to go to the block swearing Joffrey is no true king and he'd do it here too. I think it’s the same scenario as the end of the war of five kings - these pockets of rebellion keep cropping up until the seven kingdoms are forced to split or Rhaegar just takes Tywin’s advice and utterly decimates what’s left is the rebellion. But again. Elia and Rhaella!
Probably maybe idk this stalemate ends in splitting the kingdoms but the thing is, while the Riverlands, Vale, and North are all grouped together, the Stormlands are on the opposite side of the Crownlands. So you can't really split it up. So probably maybe idk either Rhaegar makes some incredible concessions here or Ned loses his head eventually.
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ctrl-alt-em · 6 months
Horse theft is a crime, Delacy
The sun was just barely starting to raise when Silas was woken up by Delacy stumbling around as he pulled his boot on.
“What are you doing this early, kid?” he asked as he rubbed the crick in his neck.
Delacy looked at the window. “It’s not early. It’s morning.” He put on his hat. “I’m heading to the stables.”
Silas groaned and got out of bed. “Why are you going to the stables?”
Delacy smiled. “I’m going to get Humble Ned ready and bring him to the station.”
Silas raised an eyebrow, “Humble Ned, a horse, is going to get on a passenger train with us?”
Delacy nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah! I saw Arlo, the train ticket man, last night after me and Garnet left the doctor’s office. He said that a lot of the trains have horse cars so I’m gonna buy him a ticket.” He pulled a crinkled advertisement from one of his pockets. Across the top it read ‘KEYSTONE PALACE HORSE CAR COMPANY’, in the middle was a drawing of a livestock car with a clerestory roof and a horse being loaded onto it, and in smaller print at the bottom ‘5 cents per mile per horse. Limited to 12 horses per car. Number of cars varied by train. Feed can be provided by owner prior to departure or purchased from car supplies.’
“Uh huh, so you’re actually planning on taking the horse with you?”
Delacy tilted his head. “‘Course, he’s coming. Why would I leave him here?”
Silas dragged his hand over his face. “Because you never actually paid for the horse and you didn’t win that bet neither. You just shot the man in the leg. The only reason you haven’t been hanged for horse theft is the lack of a sheriff or marshall in town.”
“If there’s no sheriff or marshall to stop me, why can’t I take Humble Ned with me?”
Silas gave the boy a stern look. “Because theiving is a crime and I’m not gonna be traveling with a kid that thinks shooting people will get him whatever he wants. If someone stole your gun from you and said there wasn’t anyone here to enforce the law so why not take it, would you be fine with that?”
Delacy glared at the floor and pouted, “No one better try to steal Rooster.”
“And you shouldn’t steal Humble Ned. Hell, you got a fortune on you now. We’ll head over there and you can pay him $200. Tell him you got the money plus some now that your job is done.”
Delacy gasped, “But he said the horse was $150! Why the hell would I give him $200?!”
“You shot him in the leg, Delacy,” answered Silas, “There’s not a lot of men who will let that slide just because you're a kid. Paying him off is the easiest way to make sure he keeps quiet and doesn’t decide to cause trouble for you or us later on.”
Delacy thought about it for a moment. “Why can I just shoot him dead then?”
Silas rolled his eyes upwards. “That’s murder and will also get you hanged.”
“We killed those other guys for money,” said Delacy, “How’s that different from killing the stable owner for Humble Ned.”
Silas was ready to go back to bed and the sun wasn’t even fully up. He took a deep breath. “Those were bad people who liked hurting good people. No Deposit Bill is an honest man trying to make a living. The only thing you think he’s done wrong is have something you want. Understand?”
Delacy crossed his arms. “What if he’s not an honest man? What if he’s done bad things we just don’t know about?”
“You can’t shoot a man for something you don’t know. Maybe he is a serial killer, maybe he’s a saint. Unless you have some proof of his wrongdoing, then that’s not justice. It’s just killing for the thrill of it.”
“I guess,” he said with a pout.
Silas shrugged. That’s probably as far as he’s gonna get with Delacy today. “Good, then let’s head over to the stables and see if Bill’s around so you can make things right.”
Delacy scrapped his boot on the floor. “Okay,” he muttered and followed Silas.
The two told Nate where they were going and headed out. The town was as quiet as ever. The sun was starting to rise and the night chill was slowly lessening.
No Deposit Bill was in the corral, putting out a bail of hay as the two walked up to the fence. Silas tilted his hat so he couldn’t see the horses inside the corral.
“Mornin’,” Silas called out. “We have some business if you free.”
The man looked up, caught sight of Delacy, and immediately started limping towards the stable as quickly as he could.
“Goddammit, man, get back here. The boy is here to pay you, not shoot you!”
“Do you think I’m stupid enough to fall for that again!” He yelled back.
“It’s true! I’ll hold his gun if you just come over here!” yelled Silas. “We don’t have time for this nonsense.”
“You didn’t say anything about…” started Delacy. Silas quickly slapped his hand over his mouth.
“Behave, Delacy, or that horse stays here.”
Delacy scowled but stopped struggling.
The stable owner had stopped. He eyed the two uneasily. “Alright. Take his gun then and back up.”
Silas held out his hand. “Delacy.”
The boy begrungently unholstered his gun and handed it to Silas.
The stable owner watched closely. He took a few steps forward. “What is it you want, boy? Come to ruin my other leg?”
“I thought about it but Silas said that was wrong,” Delacy said with a shrug. “He says I have to pay you for Humble Ned and your leg. So here.” Delacy rifled through his pocket and pulled out a wad of bills.
Bill walked up slowly, looking between Delacy and Silas for any signs of movement. He stanched the bills from Delacy’s hand and back up. His eyes widened. “Do you know how much this is, kid?”
Delacy shuffled his boots in the dirt and shoved his hands in his pockets. “200 dollars. Silas helped me count it.”
“It’s 150 for the horse and 50 for you not to go saying there was any ‘miscommunication’ between you two initially,” explained Silas a nod, his spare hand resting his own gun. “Should be more than enough for your troubles.”
Bill looked between Silas, Delacy, and the small fortune in his hand. “Are you folks leaving town today?” he asked Silas.
Silas nodded, “First train this morning.”
Bill shoved the money in his pocket. “Take the damn horse and get out of here. As long as I don’t see the boy again, I’ll consider us even.”
Delacy took off running towards the stable.
Silas nodded at the man. “Much obliged.”
Bill turned away with a dismissive wave and a grunt.
Silas waited across the street from the stables. Delacy walked out leading Humble Ned who had a bridle and saddle on him
Silas raised an eyebrow, “Please tell me you bought that saddle.”
“Victoria let me have it from her stable.” Delacy frowned and wrinkled his nose. “I don’t have to pay her for it, do I? She said I could keep it and then she tried to kill us.” Beneath Delacy’s shirt, the top of his bandages could be seen.
“Nah, if anything we should have taken more,” answered Silas, patting the boy on the back.
Silas stood on the opposite side of Delacy from Humble Ned and tilted hat to block his view again. He was willing to tolerate the beast but that didn’t mean he liked him.
Delacy led Humble Ned and Silas to the train station to wait for the others to join them. The clock above them showed 8:00. “Delacy, why don’t you hitch up Humble Ned and go buy our tickets?”
Delacy smiled and nodded. He took his horse to a hitching post.
Silas collapsed on the bench and lowered his hat over his eyes. After a while, he noticed Delacy wasn’t back yet.
Putting his hat back on right, he glanced around for the blond boy. Over by Humble Ned, Delacy had started braiding the horse’s mane.
“Delacy, what are you doing?”
“Braiding his mane,” he answered without looking away.
Silas raised an eyebrow. “I see that. What I meant is, why?”
“I want Humble Ned to look good for his first train ride,” Delacy said, moving on to the next lock of hair.
Despite himself, Silas couldn’t help but grin. He relaxed back on the bench, listening to Delacy tell his horse about another horse named Buckthorn.
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jasntodds · 2 years
Angsty peter x reader like enemies to lovers
I have nothing to say for how long this got besides I just like angst lol
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Words: 2,542
Warnings: Angst, mentions of a sprained ankle, mention of blood and a scraped knee, fluff
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Back in high school, you and Peter were really good friends, practically inseparable. You shared a lot of similar interests and you both balanced each other out really well. There was never really a time that you and Peter were ever even angry with each other. Not a fight had ever happened until one night. The night you found out he was Spider-Man.
Peter had bailed on you again and it wasn’t sitting right with you. Despite being a good friend, Peter did have quite the habit of canceling last minute which got a little annoying but you always let it go. But not this time because it was your birthday. He missed it and you were pissed so as any other completely rational teenager would do, you stormed over to Peter’s apartment after your party.
You were kind to May when she opened the door, of course, but the kindness washed away as you thought of everything you were gonna start yelling at Peter for while you walked to his room. Your fists balled at your sides, just knowing you were really going to go off on Peter for the first time. But something in you also knew that he would look at you with those big puppy-dog eyes and you’d shut up. You would let it go because he’s Peter. But, then, you reached Peter’s room and there he was, the blue and red Spider-Man suit is pulled down to his waist as he’s sat on his bed.
“What the fuck?” Your voice is a whisper as you look at Peter, sitting on his bed with a cut on his cheek and the first aid kit open on his bed.
“Y/n…” Peter’s eyes shoot open while his jaw drops. He looks down, seeing the suit and back to you and you’re just stood there. Tears swelled in the back of your eyes as you shook your head.
You’re his best friend and he couldn’t tell you he was Spider-Man? Does he really not trust you?
“Unbelievable.” You scoff before turning away, Peter is quick to get up from his bed, trying his best to follow you as he trips.
“Wait, y/n!” Peter yells, stripping the rest of the suit away from him and grabbing a pair of sweatpants.
You ignore him though and keep walking, trying to keep tears from falling down your face until you’re actually outside of the building. Your hurt and pissed. Friends don’t hide those kinds of things from each other. Not when they trust them and Peter’s always said he trusted you but now you’re finding out he’s been lying to you for three years. He missed your birthday to help strangers and a part of you wants to be so selfish about it because he chose strangers over you. You understand that saving people should come first but right now, that is not where your head is. He could have told you.
“Let me explain.” Peter’s voice is exasperated behind as you walk down the sidewalk, heading back towards your own place.
“Leave me alone, Peter.” You mumble, arms crossed over yourself, head looking towards the ground.
A sigh leaves Peter’s lips but he’s keeping up with you now. “I wanted to tell you--”
You come to an abrupt stop, turning to face him. “Then why didn’t you?” You yell at him.
Peter jerks back, almost losing everything he was going to say. You’ve never yelled at him before. “I…I don’t…I don’t know! I was--”
“Because you don’t trust me, right?” You snap, letting everything out as you hold back tears. “That’s the only reason for you not to tell me! You don’t trust me enough and then you’re just out there, getting hurt and it’s my birthday! You were supposed to be there and you just…what? Saved a cat from a tree or something?”
“That’s not it.” Peter groans, getting frustrated. He didn’t think this would be a big deal. He knew it was but he never knew it was like…this. “I trust you--”
“Then why didn’t you tell me, Peter? Is that why MJ and Ned were telling me to leave you alone when I said I was coming here? Do they know?”
Peter freezes and that’s when he knew he had fucked up. They knew not on purpose. Both of them found out by accident but maybe he should have told you when MJ figured it out. Now you were the last to know and only because he missed your birthday. Truthfully, Peter doesn’t know why he never told you, maybe to protect you? You worry a lot and if you knew, you’d only ever worry about him.
“Wow.” You nod and a single tear falls down your cheek. “Okay, then. Awesome.”
“Y/n, please--” Peter tried to beg but you hold a hand up, shaking your head.
“I…don’t wanna hear it.” It’s a dry and painful laugh that leaves your lips. “Have a nice life, Peter Parker.” You turn away from him, leaving Peter standing there.
“T-that’s it?” He asks and you can hear the heartbreak in his voice. It sends a knife through your heart but clearly,  you were never as close as you thought you were.
“Yeah,” You look over your shoulder. “I trusted you and you lied to me. And you…told everyone else.” You turn back around and Peter stands there, watching you. 
Peter thought maybe you just needed to cool down and in a few days, he could try to smooth it over. But, those days turned into weeks and then months and now it’s been three years. He tried to talk to you but you told him that you hated him and didn’t want anything to do with him anymore. The betrayal he put you through was excruciating and something you didn’t feel you could ever forgive. So, from there, you went from best friends to these enemies. He even started to hate you a little for it, resentful of you even because in those first few months he could barely concentrate on Spider-Man. There were small snide remarks made either to each other or about each other. Nothing that was ever actually cruel or something either of you had confided in with each other because despite your dislike for each other now, neither of you would cross that line. But there were remarks anyway on both sides until after high school.
You ended up going to the same college and had a few classes together but both of you kept your distance from each other. Instead of the snide remarks and nasty glares that could kill, you didn’t even look at each other. You lived your separate lives and that was okay with the both of you.
So, now both of you are going through your usual routines. You’re walking back to your dorm after having dinner with a friend and Peter is patrolling. You see him around as Spider-Man sometimes and you pretend he doesn’t exist even if sometimes you still worry about the person you used to call your best friend. Peter worries about everyone but on this occasion, he’s swinging right near you and he spots you trip and fall over a lip in the sidewalk, completely face-planting on the concrete. Peter winces at the sight while you let out a pained yell.
“Are you okay?” Peter swings down to you, standing right above you before squatting beside you.
You look up to him, rolling your eyes. “I’m fine.” You scoff, moving from your front and onto your butt. Your ankle is in agony. It doesn’t feel broke but something isn’t quite right.
“You’re hurt, let me help.” Peter offers, his voice clearer through the mask than you expected and it’s like a rush comes back over you for the person you used to know and how much you cared for him once. But, you’re sure he still hates you and this is his moral responsibility thing.
“I said, I’m fine.” Your voice is stern as you pull your leg up to see if your ankle is bleeding or if anything looks dislocated.
Peter takes a seat beside you while letting out a sigh. He pulls his legs up to his chest, watching you examine your ankle, completely ignoring the blood on your knee from the fall. You glance over at him through the corner of your eye, wondering why he’s just sitting there.
“Can I help you?” You snark, looking back to him fully.
“I’m not gonna leave you. It’s probably sprained, you didn’t even notice the scrape on your knee.” Peter points to the scrape.
Your brows furrow before you slowly look to your knee and see the scrape. Your nose scrunches at the sight. “So? I’ll be fine. Go on, protect the stray cats from the menacing trees.”
“Seriously? Why do you do that? I lied one time--”
“Several, actually.” You correct him.
Peter shakes his head. It was several times but it was about one thing. It's not like he lied about everything. He did trust you with everything. This whole thing got so blown up and even though he went into hating you, there’s a part of him that really wishes he could have done something and asked why that’s what ended your friendship. You were never an angry person and you always let people explain themselves why not him? And maybe that’s part of why he hated you, because you wouldn’t hear him out but you hear everyone else out.
“Well, thanks for that so I’m gonna keep walking.” You try to stand up but your ankle shoots lighting pain up your leg.
“Can I take you at least?” Peter asks, his voice a bit flat.
“No.” You mutter, slowly and finally getting to your feet before you start limping away.
“It’s going to take you an hour. Just let me take you and you can continue to hate me.”
You pause for a second, looking in front of you before you roll your eyes. “Whatever.” You groan. You don’t really want to walk on a sprained ankle and it would take you a long time. So, while he offers, you might as well take it.
Peter holds onto you with one arm, directing you to hold onto his neck with your arms and wrap your legs around him. You hold him tight while he swings a web above you. As you’re swinging through the air, you get a glimpse of the city and it’s pretty cool from where you are. This is what Peter gets to see every night? It’s nice and you can’t help but admire it.
“You okay?” Peter asks through a yell.
“Yep.” You answer shortly and maybe you feel a little guilty.
Maybe you should have heard him out, listened. But you were scared and hurt and maybe it was always easier to run away from it. However, Peter is still here and he’s holding onto you, despite the fact that he hates you. You know he won't let you fall and you knew down on that sidewalk, he’d never have left you. Even if you turned him down, you know, somewhere in your heart, he would have just followed you to make sure you got back okay.
“Thanks.” You mumble, letting go of Peter once you’re outside your dorm and on solid ground.
“You’re welcome.” Peter answers and you wish you could see his face. The eyes of the mask are reactive but it’s not the same as seeing Peter’s eyes. Peter never had a good poker face and you wanna know what he’s thinking. “See ya around, then.” Peter raises his arm but your words are quick.
“I don’t hate you.” The words are a rush but Peter hears them and drops his arm. “Anymore.”
The eyes of the mask narrow as he looks at you. “S-seems like you do?”
You shrug. “Well, it’s easier to hate someone who hates you, too, I guess.”
“I d-don’t hate you.” Peter scoffs. “I did but that was…when it was fresh.”
You nod with understanding. “Yeah…”
Peter sucks in a breath and maybe he can tell you everything he always wanted to be before because you aren’t friends and haven’t been. What’s the worst you’re going to do now? He knows you’ll never tell anyone about Spider-Man and you’ve already hated him. He has nothing to lose here.
“You know,” Peter swallows thickly. “I didn’t tell you because I knew you’d worry too much.” 
Your brows furrow. “What?”
“I wanted to tell you but I knew you’d be worried about me being out there. Most stuff is pretty easy, um, but sometimes there are bigger things and you’d be worried.”
You take a seat on the steps that lead inside the door, figuring this is more of a discussion than you intended. “I still worry about you. Always have.”
“Exactly.” He shakes his head. “I-if I know that then…what if I make a mistake and people die or I…” He trails off.
“You won’t.” You look around to make sure no one else is around. “You’re Peter Parker.” There’s a light huff coming from Peter, one you knew meant he was smiling under his mask. “I’m sorry I got so mad at you. I think, it was easier for me to hate you. I think I always liked you and finding out you were Spider-Man on my birthday and that you couldn’t just tell me, hurt. And I could have gotten over that but finding out MJ knew, too…” You shrug your shoulders. “I always thought you liked her so I felt that kind of confirmed it a little.” You pause but immediately start talking when you realize it sounds like you were only friends with him because you had a crush on him. “Not that I was only friends with you to try and date you or something. I just mean that it hurt more because of that. It felt like a deeper betrayal kind of. So, yeah maybe it was just easier for me to hate you instead of watch you get hurt and shove my crush to the back of my head.”
“I didn’t like MJ.” Peter walks over to you and sits beside you. “I, uh, I-I always liked you. Um, when you said you hated me, I decided to join you on that because it was easier than fighting to get you to hear me out.”
You laugh softly, looking up at the sky. “Well, we really could have just hashed that out three years ago. Maybe everything would be different.” You look back to Peter and he can see the sadness in your eyes.
“C-could be different now, if you want.”
“What are you talking about, Parker?”
Peter shrugs. “D-do you wanna try this? Like…go on a date…with me?”
“After all this?” You ask and Peter just nods, you can’t see it but his eyes are hopeful and he’s got a nervous smile across his face. “Okay, by the state of my ankle,” You point down. “Might have to just be a movie night here.”
“I’ll bring food.” Peter’s voice is cheery and it’s a voice you’ve missed more than you’ve ever admitted.
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17k celebration
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winter-turtle · 2 years
Could you maybe do a fic where Tony finds out about Peter and Mj without Peter telling him. Like maybe he walks in on them kissing or May just casually says “his girlfriend” or and Tony’s like “excuse me WHOS girlfriend?” Or something similar. Thanks!! 💜
It's finally here
The Birds and The Bees
Peter’s internship was on Tuesday and Thursday. The weekends were optional, but the kid made a point to show up on either Saturday or Sunday. Tony looked forward to those days. They worked in the lab, figuring out all possible improvements to the spider suit or tinkered with some of Tony’s inventions, and if the kid wasn’t feeling up to anything, they’d simply order pizza and watch a movie.
That, however, began to change.
“Sorry, Mr. Stark. I won’t be able to make it this Thursday.”
“We have a big test on Monday, so we’ll be studying the whole weekend.”
“Decathlon practice got moved, can’t make it today.”
“I’m helping to move some furniture as Spider-Man tomorrow, don’t wait for me.”
Now, don’t get him wrong, the kid has cancelled a session here and there before. That’s why he hasn’t picked on anything suspicious the last few weeks. Life happened, Tony understood. Not everyone was a superhero billionaire able to cancel and reschedule things without repercussions.
The final nail in the coffin came in the form of Peter last-minute cancelling every single session these last two weeks.
There was only one possible explanation.
Peter was avoiding him.
The next Monday, Tony walked into a quiet coffee shop, heading straight for their – well, “their” – booth. May was already there, looking at the menu.
He slid into the seat opposite of her. “Hey, May.”
“Hey, Tony,” she greeted with a smile, setting the menu aside.
After the whole Homecoming disaster and the kid’s accidental identity reveal to his aunt – and the following yelling, tears and negotiations – Tony and May came to an agreement to meet once a month to discuss their spiderling. May would talk about Peter’s grades, and Tony about the internship and adjoined activities. If either of them found something unsatisfactory, they would push the kid into the right direction.
Peter not getting enough sleep or his grades slipping? Reduce patrol time. May worrying about his safety? Work on upgrading the suit.
 A form of co-parenting, you could say.
Sure, he could push the responsibility onto Pepper, but ultimately decided against it in fear for his own safety. She and May were in a different (terrifying) league, already got along too well, and with the kid having Pepper wrapped around his finger, Tony would be the one to receive the scolding even though it was Peter’s chemical reaction that covered the walls with extra sticky webs, Pepper, I swear it wasn’t my fault—
Placing their usual order for chocolate cappuccino and butter croissant for May and black coffee and blueberry muffin for himself, they went over their “checklist”. Grades were great, the kid was healthy, and his social life hasn’t suffered.
Usually, Tony would’ve already known that Peter aced the big chemistry exam or was helping Ned build a new Lego set. He could keep smiling and nodding along, pretending that everything was okay, but May’s threat of “ripping him a new one” if he kept something from her again made him reconsider.
“He’s avoiding me,” he admitted. “I have no idea what I did, but he’s avoiding me. Every time we are supposed to meet, he has some excuse.”
And then May laughed at him. Well, more like chuckled, but still.
“Don’t worry, he’s not ditching you or anything,” she said, wiping her mouth with a napkin. “He’s just spending time with his girlfriend. You know how beginnings of relationships are. First, they can’t get enough of each other, and once the lovey-dovey stage passes, it’s more or less back to normal.”
“Oh. Okay. That’s good then.” Tony reached for his cup and took a long sip, tension bleeding from his shoulders. So, the kid hasn’t suddenly decided to ditch him. He was just being a teenager, doing teenager-y things and spending time with his—
Tony spat out the coffee.
“His what?!”
Thursday rolled around, and Tony found himself parking on the street opposite of Midtown, far enough to not be noticed but still having a good view, waiting for the final bell to ring. He hasn't gotten any text cancelling the internship yet, but Tony wasn't taking any chances. They were talking today and on his turf.
He wouldn't be able to handle the ridicule May would no doubt put him through if he attempted it in the Parkers' apartment.
A swarm of teenagers left the building at last. For a moment, a panic seized Tony. What if Peter slipped past him in the hormonal tsunami?
His worries evaporated once he spotted a familiar mop of brown curls sitting on the stairs near the entrance. And he wasn't alone.
Because there she was, nonchalant as if she hasn't caused Tony to lose sleep.
Peter said something that made the girl - Michelle, or MJ, his brain supplied - roll her eyes, then leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
A weak sound escaped Tony's mouth, and if he had a pearl necklace, he would’ve clutched the hell out of it.
Huh. Maybe he should start wearing one. Who knows, he even might set up a new trend. Pearl necklace and three-piece suits.
Tony started the car and pulled up into the pickup lane before things could further escalate. He honked twice, then stuck his head out of the window. "Peter!" he waved, going for the casual approach, and happily ignoring the previous deal to not draw attention.
A man shows up one time in the Iron Man suit while being driven by a personal driver in a cabriolet and suddenly the kid starts using the metro to go to the tower. Ridiculous.
Well, at least no one could claim that Peter's internship was fake anymore.
As expected, Tony's shout attracted looks; first at Tony, then at Peter. And then the whispers started.
The kid looked like a deer caught in a headlight, his head whipping left and right, trying to assess the damage. Under different circumstances, Tony would've felt bad about smoking the kid out like this, but oh well. Desperate times called for desperate measures.
"Come on, Parker! I'm not getting any younger here!" he shouted again, keeping the smile plastered on his face.
Peter exchanged a few words with the girl, with her looking smug and him looking like he hoped the ground would open up and swallowed him whole. Some quick nods and waves later, the kid marched over to the car and threw himself in. No kisses.
"Hi, Mr. Stark. Uh, first of all; what the hell?" he asked.
"Nice to see you too," Tony replied and pulled into the traffic.
"You promised!" Peter cried out. "No more drawing attention to me, that was the deal! Do you realize that means the prank war is back on?"
"I'll get you pizza from that fancy place you like."
A pause.
"Garlic bread too?"
"Yep. And the bread sticks."
The kid mulled over the offer before bobbing his head. "You're forgiven. For now," he added. "So... what brought you here?"
Okay, careful now. Don't make it obvious, Tony thought. "I wanted to catch up. It's been a while since we saw each other, and I've got this cool upgrade to your suit. But about that later. How have you been? Anything... interesting going on in your life?"
"Oh, you know. Same old."
"Are you sure?"
Ever so slowly, Peter leaned away from him, eyes narrowing in suspicion. "Yeah? Why are you asking?"
"I just told you."
"Well, I don't believe you."
"I missed you!" Tony nearly yelled, his voice strained. "Am I not allowed to miss my favorite spider kid? You barely come by anymore."
"I was busy!"
Alright then, subtlety won't lead anywhere. Time for a true Stark-fashioned honesty. "Oh yeah? Doing what? Smooching your new girlfriend?"
The instant the words left his mouth, the kid's cheeks turned bright red. "I- ho- wha- I mean..." he stammered.
Tony, ever so merciful, decided to spare Peter the misery. "Yeah, I know about that. I've seen everything on those stairs; the whole tonsil examination." Okay, he was exaggerating. So what?
"Tha-that's not what happened!"
The light turned red, and Tony whirled his whole upper body in Peter's direction. "I'm not ready to be a grandpa!” he said, wide-eyed as he gripped Peter’s shoulders. “You're a baby. A baby can't have a baby, that's against the nature! Don't you know how babies are made? By holding hands and kissing!"
Peter hid his face in his hands. "I'm sixteen, not six. I know how babies are made, and it's not the way you described."
"We'll have to plan your wedding.” The light turned green, and Tony’s hand retuned to the steering wheel. “Or Pepper will have to plan it, she's better at it than I am."
"What? No! No wedding!"
"Then no girlfriend! You can have girl friends, but no girlfriends until you're at least twenty-five." Nu-uh. No way. The kid tended to forget to tie his shoelaces. As he said, Peter was a baby. His baby. “This wouldn’t have happened if you spent more time with me in the lab. There are no temptations,” he grumbled under his breath, almost inaudibly.
In the following silence, Tony realized that almost inaudibly meant loud and clear for the kid.
"Mr. Stark," Peter said slowly, and Tony could swear he saw gears turning in that smart head of his. "Are you... jealous?"
"Pffft, please,” Tony sniffed. “What could I be jealous of?"
Peter sat up a bit straighter. "Oh my god, you are! You're jealous I'm spending more time with MJ than with you!" he exclaimed like he solved a particularly difficult equation.
"Am not."
"Are so."
"Am not!"
"Are so!"
Come on, that was ridiculous! Tony was never jealous. No, no, no. He just missed the time spent with Peter, missed the way he blabbered about stuff and confined in him, and it felt a bit like a betrayal that the kid hasn’t shared the news with him…
“Okay, maybe – and that’s a big maybe – I am a teeny-tiny bit jealous. Don’t laugh at me,” Tony pouted.
What the world has come to? He, Tony Stark, getting laughed at by a teenager.
“Sorry, I’m sorry,” the kid wheezed out, not sounding apologetic at all, “oh, this is so good. MJ will love it.”
“Well, I’m glad you find my worries about you becoming a single mother entertaining.”
“It’s okay, Mr. Stark. I promise you I won’t become a single mother like you.”
“Good. Good, good, good.” Another light turned red. "Did you get the… uh, talk about the birds and the bees?"
The seat belt clicked, and Tony’s head snapped in Peter’s direction. His eyes shift from the kid’s face to his hand halfway towards the handle, then back to his face. “Don’t try it,” he raised a finger
"I'm pretty sure this is a kidnapping."
Neither Tony nor Peter moved, frozen in a stalemate. The faster one wins.
They both lunged at the same time, but luck was on Tony’s side. He pressed a button and the doors locked, leaving the kid to fruitlessly claw at the handle. "I take it as a no, then. So, let's begin."
Peter screamed.
"And that's how you do it correctly and avoid the rash," Tony finished as he pulled up into his garage and unlocked the door.
“My life is over,” Peter muttered as he clutched his head in embarrassment. “This conversation should never happen. Just launch me into the sun.”
Tony rolled his eyes and unbuckled his seatbelt. “Oh, come on, don’t be so dramatic.” Peter was a good kid, but it was better to be safe than sorry. If a little embarrassment was all it took to ensure Tony wouldn’t become a grandpa just yet, then so be it.
Just then, Peter’s head snapped up. “I’m telling Pepper!”
“Wait, no—” Tony said, not fast enough to lock the door again; the kid was already out and sprinting to the elevator. “I’ll get you two pizzas! Three!”
Peter only smiled in a way that promised revenge and waved before the elevator door slid shut.
Ooh, Tony was going to be in so much trouble once he stepped foot in the penthouse.
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jadeykitties · 1 year
the thing is everyone thinks they have what it takes to reinvent scooby doo but half the time they’re running on half-informed memories of the original series with no attempts to even LOOK into what came after, repeating the same superficial jokes that are regurgitated by pop cultural consciousness based on assumptions - without actually understanding the source material! 
which is FINE when it comes to fanwork like fanart and fanfiction - doesn’t interest me, i don’t like it, but it’s objectively fine. i’m not expecting a casual viewer or artist who is drawing something for fun to have intimate and extensive understanding of scooby doo’s history as a franchise. but it’s not so fine when you’ve got big productions who keep doing the same thing over and over but INSIST theyre REVITALIZING and REIMAGINING the franchise, that they’re BREAKING NEW GROUND and whatever else they want to claim, and yet. falling into the same pitfalls as anyone else who is barely familiar with the source material they’re trying to produce new content for, backed by corporations.
for example people will make jokes about hating scrappy and how he’s the worst but not having ever watched the series where he’s introduced, or any of the ones following that used his character! relying only on the pop cultural impression that he sucked (he literally saved the franchise but whatever) or relying on the live action scooby doo! so you have to ask, how familiar with scrappy are they actually! what do they actually KNOW about scrappy? do they just regurgitate the opinion of another for lack of knowledge, or is the distaste founded on their own perspective following a watch of the series he stars in?
similarly, people will make all kinds of claims about the members of mystery inc without actually knowing a thing about them as introduced in the original series - thinking of fred as the jock when shaggy is actually the jock, and fred is more of a nerd like velma. though granted fred did become kind of jock-adjacent in what’s new scooby doo, so it’s not really inaccurate... but, like. without understanding fred’s character they’ll insist he’s just some boring guy and assume that because he’s not as gangly looking as shaggy, he’s the self-centered stereotypical popular guy jock when that’s not really a true thing in the actual animated series (until, you know.) - really, he’s more like velma than shaggy is. and so they’ll go and they’ll make their pitches based on this preconception of who those characters are, and they’ll insist they did something new! and yet it’ll be the same thing someone has already done, with no unique twist because it was all based on a farce to begin with.
so anyways, while a lot of what scooby doo: mystery incorporated did wrong was a dealbreaker in terms of what i’m willing to put up with in a work of fiction, it also did a lot right and took inspiration from a lot of previous scooby doo works - though i don’t even know why they created barty and nan to be daphne’s parents when ned and elizabeth already existed and franky with how many sisters daphne had it would have made more sense for daphne’s mother to be a thicker woman than nan was but i digress. it was still rather clear that there was a lot of inspiration from previous works incorporated into sdmi, and it did a decent job of setting up both a series-long storyline with mystery AND episode-to-episode mysteries and stakes. and although i don’t like what it did with daphne’s entire character and relationship with fred, or the handling of shaggy and velma’s relationship - it still was able to do something new without claiming they were improving anything or otherwise reinventing the wheel.
so if anyone gets the idea they can reinvent the wheel, they should definitely be forced to do more research into the subject before finalizing their pitches. need more ian flynns and francisco angones...es... and less randos who don’t care that much about the characters they get to play with, getting to helm any kind of big project involving the scooby doo cast. like, watching the original series and sdmi as research, at the very least. ideally a pup named scooby doo and be cool scooby doo also but that one’s personal preferences. that’s not even getting into the hanna-barbera scooby doo sequels following the original series prior to apnsd serving as the catalyst for returning everything back to the basics, or any of the animated movies that i feel are also valuable to the franchise, like zombie island, witch’s ghost, and cyberchase... ect... there’s a lot out there, man, there’s a lot that’s been done with the gang, i don’t see why you’d go out of your way to insist that the characters have all ALWAYS been boring and there’s NEVER been new or different things done with them! you’re not going to be the one who invents the wheel! it’s already invented! just build a cool ass cart and get your ass across the finish line.
and on an unrelated note, for the love of god bring back marcie fleach. i’m tired of this
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thatoneacecryptid · 2 years
My Favorite Things About Every Arc of The Adventure Zone (so far)
I recently finished TAZ Ethersea and really want to just talk about all of the lovely characters that the boys have given us. Feel free to add your own in whatever ways you see fit.
Fair warning, this may be long folks
! There are potentially spoilers for every arc ahead so read at your own risk gang !
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Magnus: Magnus Burnsides’ whole journey throughout the campaign is wonderfully heartbreaking. Protector of a family he did not remember who also harbors a heartache for his second family that he lost. Travis was teased for having a bible of a backstory but I think in Magnus’ case it was entirely essential. So much of that background informed everything about Magnus and his constant protection of everyone (and every animal) around him makes so much sense narratively as well as mechanically and I think Travis did a phenomenal job. 
Taako: Taako is a very deep character with a lot of complexity that you wouldn’t know based on everything about him and I do not want to downplay that at all, however, my favorite thing about Taako is simply the aesthetic and the vibes. A king, an icon. We love to see it.
Merle: My favorite thing about Merle is his capacity for love and goodness. He always choses the path of love and joy and its incredibly important. For goodness sakes he asked the BBEG if they were friends. A sweetheart.
Favorite NPC: Angus McDonald
My favorite section of this season in particular has to be Eleventh Hour, the aesthetics were great, the concept was super cool and we got so many cool moments out of it. 
See You Later is my favorite track from the season followed by Purple Worm.
Balance is such a labor of love and you can feel it through every part of the story and it never loses any luster no matter how many times you relisten to it.
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Aubrey: Aubrey Little is a badass and that is incredibly important but I think what I like most about her is that she screws up a lot. I don’t mean that I like that she’s a failure, what I mean is that she isn’t perfect. A lot of the time when playing games like these, there is a tendency (for some, certainly not all, we stan flawed characters in this house) to create do-gooder characters that have perfectly mastered their skills and perfectly save the day. Aubrey is not that. She makes mistakes all the time and recognizes that. The scene where she asks Janelle to take her magic away hits me every time because she thinks, and to a degree rightfully so, that she is a danger to those around her and she would rather give up her super cool magic fire powers than continue to do that. She continues to try and learn how her powers work and how to properly use them so it works out, but the moment was there. Aubrey Little has these incredible powers at her disposal but she is only human and I love her journey to pieces.
Duck: I relate to the tired vibes harder than I probably should for the age I am but that’s probably okay. A reluctant chosen one is an incredibly interesting idea that I am super proud of Justin for coming up with. Duck’s destiny scares the living crap out of him and his reaction, though strange in a narrative format, would most likely be how a regular person would react to being given a grand cosmic destiny where you have to actually fight evil monsters. Duck is amazing and I love him.
Ned: Ned is hilarious but also, his entire arc during the Shapeshifter hunt was incredible. The letters still make me cry to this day. Its always super fascinating when a character who appears to be (as much as you can in an RPG) comic relief at the beginning, get incredibly serious further down the line. Ned cared so much about his friends and I am so glad that Griffin gave Clint the opportunities to take over the narrative for a little while to give us those speeches.
Thacker: A goofy guy with some really weird snacks. Thacker was not Ned that is for sure but, he was a very nice inclusion. I always like explorer characters and Thacker is interesting, having explored somewhere dangerous, suffering the consequences but coming back with valuable information for the team.
Favorite NPC: Barclay
My favorite hunt is the Hunt for The Beast, it is the first one and there is so much else in the season to love but the aesthetics and vibes of this one were incredible. My favorite section of narration comes from the end of the third episode! “Which looks up at the sky, and then, with otherworldly malice, back down at the three of you...”
Amnesty’s and Graduation’s theme songs are tied for my favorites, they both make me smile so much.
The Amnesty Lodge themes are some of my favorite pieces of music ever. Never has any music ever made me feel as comforted as those two songs do.
This season’s vibe, setting, aesthetics, characters and inspirations are exactly my niche interest so, as much as I love all of the seasons of TAZ, Amnesty is by far my favorite.
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Nadia: We love a girl boss. 
Kardala: I like the research that Justin did into creating the character, and in classic Justin fashion, made her the funniest character in the arc.
Remy: He’s such a little guy. Remy is a springy little spiderman-esque guy who just wants to save the day.
Favorite NPC: N/A
Commitment is not my favorite of the seasons but I do like what Clint did with it, the story was unique and interesting.
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Errol: A werewolf who wanted to president? Are you kidding? I love this little guy! I really liked that Errol lived in town but didn’t necessarily fall in line with the werewolf pack there. Him, instead, having a street that he looks after and protects is such a nice image. That and his whole attitude and semi-awkward personality, Errol was very easily my favorite of the bunch (not that I didn’t love the others)
Augustus: Augustus was an excuse for Justin to be hilarious with a ridiculous voice and I loved it. 
Gandy: Her enthusiasm for many of the situations that arose during the investigation was really nice. 
Favorite NPC: The Banshee
I loved this one! I continue to hope that they go back to Dust and even though that is unlikely, I still really liked the ideas behind this mini arc. A western, taking place at night, where werewolves and vampires make appearances, along with a whodunnit mystery taking place all at the same time? Sign me up! (Once again, an arc very much within my niche)
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Fitzroy: A king, honestly. Fitzroy is hilarious and such an interesting concept for Griffin to play. The voice and the vibes are immaculate and I am so proud of this boy’s progress. Also, he’s ACE!!!
Firbolg: He’s so 🥺. That’s the best I can articulate my thoughts.
Argo: My boy! Argo is such a sweet little guy who, just like his fellow roomies, did not deserve any of the bad things that had happened to them. Argonaut Keene is an absolute sweetheart and I wish him the best post canon fics. His voice and aesthetic are great. Also, he’s the first PC rogue! My class (and favorite subclass)!
Favorite NPC: Althea Song
School campaign!!! These boys deserve the very best and I loved every second of their journey. The entire campaign I was either aww-ing at the sweetness of the moments or cheering on these boys’ hairbrained schemes. 
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Devo: Devo’s accent is wonderful and I also really like how concerned he was about taking care of Beck and Skittles as well as his speech about saving the animals for future children to see and learn about. That speech in general got me to tear up a little bit given the state of our real life world.
Amber: I love sharks and I do not wish to see any harm come to them, however, the blink shark hunter thing coming back from the prologues was very funny and a welcome inclusion. It brought us some really cool moments with said sharks and I appreciated that. I also really liked how strong she was in her own opinions. No one was going to make her move. Not to mention the vibe checks were always awesome.
Zoox: Zoox’s journey of self discovery was very cool. I love that our little Brinar ended up being something all their own.
Favorite NPC: Ol’ Joshy
What I think was most interesting about this season, beside the looming fear of anything being out there in the depths of the ocean, was that the boys made this world together. This was not something that one of them made for the purposes of the others playing in it. They played a separate game to make the world they would be playing in. It was intensely collaborative and I think that was really cool. 
Cannot wait to see what’s next!
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isabelpsaroslunnen · 2 years
[Original date: 5 July 2016]
The more I write, the more I feel that “Oh, but it’s a fantasy world! You’re not actually depicting any real cultures” is not at all useful or productive. For one, if you can’t see the connections between things like Lord of the Rings or A Song of Ice and Fire and medieval Europe, I don’t know what to say to you. They are not direct depictions, but they are very, very evidently rooted in history and culture—and the baggage that comes with them.
It’s true that the connecting fibers are much thinner for some works than others, but while most are not on quite the scale of Middle-earth or Westeros, many follow in that kind of tradition. Speaking as a writer—in my day job (such as it is), I study early modern and eighteenth century British literature, and my interest in those periods constantly pervades my fiction. I did as much historical research for the first chapter of my fantasy novel as for straightforward historical fiction, because many aspects absolutely are drawn straight from history.
At the same time, of course, it is a fantasy and a secondary world, and those are never going to be directly equivalent.
For instance, ASOIAF is obviously and unabashedly inspired by the Wars of the Roses, enacted across a continent rather than one small island, but the Starks and Lannisters are not simply fantasy versions of the Yorks and Lancasters. During the Wars of the Roses, both families were Plantagenets, branches of the royal house of England with rival claims to the throne. In ASOIAF, neither the Starks nor Lannisters have any direct claim to the Iron Throne at all—we see the Plantagenet vs Plantagenet dynamic more with the deposed Targaryens vs their Baratheon cousins who won the previous phase of the conflict.
The Baratheons’ ebullient warrior-king, Robert, is probably most comparable to Edward IV, and his beautiful, ambitious wife to Elizabeth Woodville. However, Cersei Lannister is altogether a wilder, more amoral figure than Elizabeth, and Robert marries her out of political expediency rather than Edward’s passion for the unsuitable Elizabeth. Also unlike Elizabeth, Cersei triumphs over the austere northern lord who would strip power from her and her children, where Elizabeth lost the immediate battle to Richard of Gloucester—a far more ambiguous figure than Ned Stark.
In character, Cersei is perhaps more akin to the Lucrezia Borgia of legend, if not history. She comes with an ambitious, highly intelligent father who ruthlessly uses all his children (Tywin Lannister/Alexander VI), an incestuous brother-lover locked into an order that denies him an inheritance (Jaime Lannister/Cesare Borgia), and a second, widely loathed brother (Tyrion Lannister/Juan Borgia).
The parallels aren’t exact there, either, though. Cesare’s strategic and administrative brilliance goes to Tyrion, Lucrezia’s overriding loyalty to her family at odds with (in the fictionalized versions) a burgeoning conscience goes to Jaime, and Juan’s incompetent, wild recklessness goes to Cersei.
As far as Wars of the Roses analogues go, Daenerys Targaryen’s place seems to draw nearest to Henry Tudor, Earl of Richmond, the future Henry VII. Daenerys and Henry are, respectively, exiled survivors of the deposed branches of the royal family (Targaryen/Lancastrian) who, with local and foreign support, return to reclaim the kingdom. Yet Daenerys is wildly dissimilar from Henry. Even her claim to the throne differs. Where Daenerys is the only surviving, legitimate child of the old king, Henry’s Lancastrian heritage came through an illegitimate and female line, and he had a prudent, restrained personality in general, more like—say, Jon Snow.
That’s ASOIAF. If you jump to Tolkien, it’s not surprising that he linked Gondor to the Byzantine Empire in its decline. Like the Byzantine Empire, Gondor is the surviving half of a once-towering empire, holding on while the other half (Arnor/Holy Roman) loses its territory and decays into little states and feuding communities. The Battle of the Pelennor Fields has striking parallels to the fall of Constantinople, and Tolkien directly referred to Minas Tirith as a take on Constantinople.
Yet again, the parallels are not 1:1, even setting aside the basic fact that it turns out completely differently. Denethor is at most a tragic inversion of Emperor Constantine, but even that seems a stretch. His sons, Boromir and Faramir, don’t plug into any particular historical figures, and the faithful Rohirrim don’t exactly map onto anyone despite their clear Germanic inspiration.
Gondor is also heavily inspired by various regions of Italy, complete with internal strife and ruling princes who have discretion about sending armies to the Pope Steward to defend Rome Minas Tirith. Tolkien insisted that the rejuvenated Gondor at the end of LOTR is not Northern European, but essentially a restored Roman Empire with its seat at Rome. He identified various areas of Italy as the real life counterparts to Gondor, most notably Venice/Pelargir and Assisi/Lossarnach.
However, Gondor is geographically far larger than Italy, large enough to extend to Greece and Turkey, and has influences from ancient Egypt as well. The Egyptian influence lies not only in Gondor’s embalming practices but their massive monuments, their religion (which also has Jewish influences), royal imagery (especially with regard to the crown), and the general trends of Gondorian culture.
None of these, of course, are perfect models of reference—though at least you could legitimately argue that the films’ casting choices for Gondorian Dúnedain weren’t actually accurate to “Tolkien’s vision,” as is often claimed. But these are probably the most recognizable models for Gondor, with strong connections to history—and even with those, the references are multi-layered and flexible.
Essentially: this particular genre of quasi-historical fantasy absolutely draws from real history, sometimes closely, sometimes less so, which makes it perfectly possible to talk about accuracy, appropriation, and so on, in the context of fantasy. At the same time, it’s complicated by the fact that references are never direct and are worked out in the context of their own stories—a complication that is silenced rather than addressed by dismissing the relevance of history.
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2022 Writing Year in Review
thank you for the tag @northerngoshawk!! 💕
1. Number of stories posted to AO3: 18
2. Word count this year: 172,404 words! we could get really technical and subtract the word counts for the fics i technically wrote in 2021 but typed/posted in 2022, but that’s a lot of work i don’t feel like doing lol
3. Fandoms I wrote for: ATLA, Law & Order, MCU (+ Venom), Monk, and Medium. not sure i want to know what that says about me...
4. Pairings: petermj (mcu), allison/joe (medium), kincoy (claire/jack from l&o), zukaang (atla), tylara (atla), mjflash (mcu), and kataang (atla). a nice mixture!
5. Stories with the most:
Kudos: Walls (my mj&flash friendship fic) comes in first with 114 kudos
Bookmarks: Walls comes out on top again with 29 bookmarks!
Comment threads: this thing of darkness (i acknowledge mine), my mjflash + venom!flash fic, has the most comment threads by far with 47, the result of a small but loyal following of readers who made my day every time they commented 💛
Word count: by a hair, The Wrong Note (my monk x medium crossover) has the highest word count at 37,630 words! this thing of darkness (i acknowledge mine) has 37,011 words
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why): im proud of all my works for different reasons! today i shall spotlight my children will listen series, consisting of two waterbending-centric fics narrated by kanna and katara respectively; both stories explore cultural loss and intergenerational trauma. i’d never written companion pieces prior to that point, so im proud of how i was able to construct those parallel narratives! i also had a blast reworking one of my favorite shel silverstein poems to weave throughout the story
7. Work I’m least proud of (and why): ?? this is a silly question. fanfic is my hobby, im not writing it for journal publication. onto the next one!
8. Share or describe a favorite review you received: literally Every review i got on the children will listen series; i had no idea how impactful those fics would be or how many people would relate to it, but im so glad i ended up writing and publishing them! i also have to shoutout ocean’s review on time apart, time together (the tylara fic i wrote for her bday 💛) bc she truly Understood that story through and through, and i am equal parts delighted and relieved that she did (since it was written for her 💕)
9. A time when writing was really, really hard: i mean, im a college student. i almost never write fic during the semester, lol. i Literally haven’t written fic since,,,, august 2022. (technically i could have written some fic these past few weeks BUT it’s the holidays so i’ve been spending time with family + revising my research paper + loosely working on some original writing)
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: BRUH all of my law & order fics surprised me 😭 come on, babe (why don’t we paint the town?) contains Thee sexiest scene i’ve ever written; find a flask (we’re playing fast and loose) is written SOLELY from jack’s pov (a 50-year-old white man, how low have i fallen); and it was more than worth it (my kincoy magnum opus) was my first foray into nonlinear storytelling. all in all, 2022 was quite an experimental year for me!
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing: i’ve talked to death my favorite excerpt from it was more than worth it, so instead i’ll spotlight an excerpt from if memories could fade away (my mj birthday fic):
Ned sticks his tongue out at her, and MJ responds in turn before opening the door anyway, because he’s Ned and she’s MJ and it’s always been just them, the two of them, eight years going on eighteen.
“Damn, girl, you live like this?” Ned says as he enters, watching where he steps so he doesn’t trip over one of her many piles of everything—textbooks, clothes, journals, old CDs too scratched to use that will soon become the basis of MJ’s next art project: voices we no longer hear.
She remembers getting each CD, starting with Let Go on her tenth birthday, back when she lived in New Orleans and always kept her curly brown hair in symmetrical cornrows or cropped at the base of her neck because of the suffocating humidity. She remembers taking each CD and ripping the music to her computer so her dad could move it onto her tiny red MP3 player for the long, long ride to Queens that began the next day. She remembers two CDs breaking during the drive and one CD breaking when they arrived because she threw it at the wall of her empty new room, angry, so angry she’d been ripped from her home like music from a shiny silver disc and it wasn’t fair, it wasn’t fair—
“You see, guests usually stay downstairs,” MJ teases, pushing aside a pile of clothes so Ned has room to sit on her bed. She takes a seat at her desk, spinning the chair around to face her dearest friend. “If I’d known you were planning to invade my personal space, I might have considered making my living arrangements more presentable.”
Ned snickers. “Considered, and then not done a damn thing about them?”
MJ winks at him. “You know me so well.”
Ned has known her so long, known her messy room, known her impenetrable walls, known her since she was thrown into a new school in a new city expected to make new friends when Michelle knew even at ten that would never happen, not that year, because 5th graders had already chosen their loyal companions five, six, seven years ago and there was no room for a Black girl to fit into a white noise machine that already hummed along without her.
Her parents sent her to school anyway. She must not have been persuasive enough.
MJ MY BELOVED!!! 🥺💛 i enjoyed playing with sentence length/rhythm and metaphors/similes in this fic, and i think this excerpt in particular captures that experimentation
12. How did you grow as a writer this year: hmmmm well i tried my hand at some action sequences in this thing of darkness (i acknowledge mine), which probably counts for something. and like i already mentioned, it was more than worth it was my first foray into nonlinear storytelling (and a lot of people told me they enjoyed it!) + if memories could fade away involved stylistic experimentation. in other words, i think i grew as a writer simply by letting myself try new things, from how i told stories to what content i included within them!
13. How do you hope to grow next year: i just want to write more, honestly. the more i write, the more i can try, and hopefully the more i’ll grow! to be more specific, i want to try my hand at some sci-fi/near-future dystopian original stories (à la kazuo ishiguro’s klara and the sun)
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc): probably ocean and ambi! they always put up with my fic-related ramblings, are wonderful to bounce ideas off of, and by virtue of their existence (and enthusiasm) remind me why i love writing fic in the first place 💛 in terms of non-tumblr influences, haha, reading the promise by damon galgut was a GAME CHANGER for me. third person omniscient with no quotation marks?? the entire story is an allegory for post-apartheid south africa?? a stylistic and thematic MASTERPIECE. i can only dream of writing a novel with such artistic daring
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year: lol this thing of darkness (i acknowledge mine) is packedTM with shakespeare references and milton jokes; if memories could fade away explicitly mentions one of avril lavigne’s albums (seen in the provided excerpt); won’t you hang a picture? references nancy drew; and Walls involves a whole project about the picture of dorian gray. when narratively appropriate, i never hesitate to sneak in my own interests 😂
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: write for fun! write what you love! don’t be afraid to experiment! listen to the incredibles soundtrack while you write! read, read, read! write with a cat on your lap! never delete anything! write when you’re inspired and write when you’re not! if it brings you joy to create, then what you create is good enough!
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: honestly, i want to focus on my original writing and my research more, so i may not have as much time for fic. that said, i hope to write:
a sequel to this thing of darkness (i acknowledge mine)
the next part of my mcu medium!au
ml fic in general
atla fic in general
time will tell!
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read: i know a lot of people have been tagged for this already, so apologies if im bombarding you or if you’ve already done this! i’ll tag @justoceanmyth, @ambivalentmarvel, @seek--rest, and @shifuaang :)
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lee-minhoe · 1 year
Hi!!! Omg its been a minute, my weekends are so busy I can never get time just sit down and type these out im sorry Mel. But omg yesss that video of Minho showing Jeongin the dance is one of my absolute favorite videos! Especially because it really shows how soft he is for Jeongin, even when he’s not getting something or messing up Minho is endlessly patient but also teases him about it.
I totally get trying to like just one group, especially when they have so many members. Every group I liked when I first got into Kpop I was like ok its JUST going to be this one… these two…. Just these three and now I think my wrapped said I listened to like 200 Kpop groups this year lmao. All your groups are suchhh good choices I stan most of them too! I think p1h is the only one I haven’t really listed to  yet, mostly cause they debuted at the beginning of the huge jump in groups debuting that’s happened over the last few years, and I find them all so overwhelming. But omg I love flying, I really feel like they don’t get talked about enough when it comes to really good bands, hun is my Bias and they’re just a really silly group, I’m sure u’ll love them when u learn their names! Ok I listened to those nine.i songs and consider me sold omg?! Crazy that I’ve literally never heard of them before, like not even in passing, but I thank you for sharing because im hooked now haha. I totally get you on the gg thing, I like a few ggs a lot but I never ned up really following their regular content for some reason, and most I can only name a member or two just because I don’t get the consistency of seeing their faces all the time like with the bgs I stan. 
Ok what are some of your favorite colors or aesthetics? Also are there any looks/eras for Minho that are your favorites? (so I can start working on your present 🤭)
omg i read your first sentence "it's been a minute" and idk if you're an nct fan but i immediately thought of mark's rap in misfit hahaha vampire mark my beloved
no worries about the later reply, i hope you are doing well <3 and yes one of my fav things about lino is how you can see he changes the way he acts based on who he's with, like he is savage with seungmin but so soft with lix 🥺 (and jeongin too)
omg 200 groups on your spotify wrapped??? wow HAHAHA i love that <3 i remember when i first got into kpop in 2020 and my wrapped started saying that kpop was my top genre of the year and i was like oh no haha but now im like whatever i fully embrace it, 90% of my listening is kpop (maybe higher if you also count like krnb/k-indie and stuff lol). it's part of my personality now 😂 what was your top artist? and yes n.flying's music is so good!! i love the kbands :)) when i learn their names i will let you know who becomes my bias LOL. why is hun your bias hehe
YEAH THE NINE.I SONGS ARE SO GOOD i love the rock sound (?) in the songs, and the boys are such cuties too. they debuted earlier this year so it makes sense not a lot of people have heard of them yet (i only found them because i was listening to this k-rock playlist on spotify hahaha), but i think they have potential if they keep going in this direction ^^ i'm looking forward to seeing where they go
my top favorite color is blue 💙 i also love pastel colors in general!! oh and favorite minho looks/eras.......gosh where do i start hahaha 😂 hmmmmm well i really like the thunderous and maniac eras for lino!! let me list some of my favs (this might get long lol)
this thunderous outfit
this thunderous outfit 2
lino was so hot here lol
gods menu
literally any of the all in outfits
any of the maniac outfits LOL
in general i love when he wears a button down shirt and or suit lmaoo and when he has a bw cap on 🥴 or when he smiles hes just the cutest 🥺 honestly anything lino related and i will melt, i am very easy to please hahahaha
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You are here [P. P]
Andrew Garfield!Peter Parker x reader
Word count: 4.1k
A/N: I was very inspired to write this as soon as I saw the movie and couldn't wait. I'm sorry if I spoiled someone but hey, it's a risk you take when you enter social networks. I hope you like it and if you want more content follow me because I think Peter is here to stay <3
And I'm sorry if there is something wrong with the pronouns, I'm very tired and can't see well X2
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“Let me have Connors, I already healed him once. It's easy”, he pronounced, balancing in his hand the device that the youngest offered him. The two men looked at him for a second and he shrugged “What? It is easy"
"Huh, yeah cool" he replied, letting the boy in the robe search for his own work table.
“I think I can make an antiserum for Dr. Osborn. I've been thinking about that for a long time…” he heard behind him. He decided to focus on his own work and forgot the conversation the two variants of his were having when he started looking for the necessary chemicals.
The whole thing was crazy. He first he had fallen into that new universe he knew he was definitely not Spiderman, then he saw the villains on the news and it finally turned out to be those guys who found him. And he was grateful for that because at that moment he could realize how much they needed his help. That is, it would be much easier to beat the villains if you had someone on your team who had already fought them. And yet his variant wasn't just trying to beat them, he wanted to heal them. That was truly admirable.
He worked normally and I would even say a bit of enthusiasm when at one-point whispers in front of him caught his attention.
He and… well, the other Peter looked at the Peter from that timeline talking quietly to his friends and began to make up their own theories.
"Everything is fine?" asked the older one, who was still wearing his civilian clothes.
The youngest of the three turned and his friends did the same, but they could tell from the expressions on his faces that not much good news was coming.
"I think... huh... well, we have a friend who is... she's great with this engineering stuff and I think she can help us."
"Perfect, then call her" encouraged the boy with the robe. But the teenagers made another face. "After all, I don't think she cares much about the two of us, does she?"
"That's the thing" MJ began to explain "You... I remember you told us you lost your girlfriend, right?" she asked and he nodded barely perceptibly. He was still a wound that did not heal and he hated that someone reminded him "And that his name was Y/N"
"Kids, I'm sorry to interrupt you, but where do you want to go with all this?" murmured the older one, a little impatient.
"With the help of the girl we want to call we will finish in half the time, but she is also called Y/N and we don’t know if she looks the same as your dead girlfriend so we want to warn you that it is a possibility" Ned spoke, with so quickly that it was hardly possible to understand it.
Silence completely invaded the environment and it took everyone a second to assimilate what the boy said. All eyes were on Peter in the robe, who just hearing your name was so immersed in his own memories of him as to notice it.
"Come on, Peter!" you yelled in his direction, feeling the autumn wind hitting your face hard. Even though the boy had a city to protect, you had decided that a day off would do him good and that's why you were both in the Finger Lakes National Forest. You were a nature lover and Peter didn't hang out very often, so you thought it would be nice to go for a walk together.
Well, it was being nice to you, because he looked like a little boy complaining.
"Y/N, I wanna rest," he said pouting and stopping behind you "I'm cold and my feet hurt and I'm hungry...”
"You are a cry baby!" you complained in the direction of him, approaching him "Every night you run away from our bed so that dozens of guys hit you without saying anything and now you complain that your feet hurt"
"It also hurts when guys hit me!" he huffed and you laughed at his tantrum.
“So, the problem is when your girlfriend…?
"You’re my fiancée now" he corrected you, looking at the engagement ring on your left hand. He playfully took your hand and kissed your knuckles, completely loving the way you wore the ring that once belonged to his family. Now he was yours, you would become his family.
"Anyway, the problem is that I ask you to do something together?" you asked pretending to be hurt and he smiled sheepishly.
"I didn't mean that..." he started to say, looking genuinely sorry "You know I adore you"
"Well, it doesn't seem like it," you said crossing your arms and looking the other way. He smiled and leaned over to spray multiple, repeated kisses on your cheeks, which ended up making you laugh “Okay, okay. You win, Pete” you said amused, slapping his chest gently. You thought that maybe you were being a bit harsh with him, after all the boy must have brought the fatigue from the previous nights, “What do you say if we go over the bridge and sit down to eat something? I'm starving too” you confessed.
"Sounds great" he replied kindly. You began to walk hand in hand until you reached the bridge, where you let go and ran like an excited girl.
"Love, did you bring your camera? This place is beautiful for a photo” you said happily, climbing on the railing to sit there. Peter smiled and was about to tell you something when he felt a chill on the back of his neck. He saw everything as if it were a slow-motion shot, as you slipped backward and he ran in your direction to try to hold you down. However, he didn't make it, and instead, he threw a cobweb at your chest, hoping to keep you from falling into the river below you.
"Y/N!" he said worriedly. He poked his face down and sighed when he saw you safely "Are you okay?" he asked, climbing towards him little by little, but you could only answer him with a smile.
"I'm fine" you exclaimed naturally, but he didn't seem so amused "Come on, the worst that could happen is that he gets a dip" you continued and he shook his head. He kind of reminded you of your father when he was upset about something.
"It's not funny. I can't be saving you from all the falls that your clumsiness causes”
"And why not?" you said smiling and approaching him to wrap your hands around his neck "That's what superheroes do, right?" you asked softly. He tried to ignore you, but you brought your lips close to his, trying to steal a kiss from him, and after a bit of effort you finally got a smile out of him.
"You're lucky I can never get mad at you" he murmured pinching his nose. You finally connected your lips with his, forming a soft and slow kiss that made him melt.
“I'm not scared, Spidey. I know you will always catch me”
"Peter, are you okay?" the adult asked, pulling the boy out of his thoughts. He realized that he had to give an answer and he had to be quick if they wanted to defeat the villains.
"Yes..." he answered vaguely, trying to erase the images of the love of his life, dying in his arms. He had to focus, get over it, and move on. "No problem, do whatever it takes," he said, nodding and going back to working on the antidote at the previous pace. The three young men took that as green light and Ned put the ring back on, taking a deep breath.
"Okay, then let's find Y/N" he exclaimed nervously. He repeated the same process as when he had searched for Peter and after a few attempts, a portal opened in front of everyone, showing a disoriented girl. You were wearing a rather pretty skirt and a light blouse, as well as a pair of delicate slippers, like those of a ballet dancer.
"Y/N! I'm sorry we have to meet like this, but do you remember when you told me in avengers tower that I could call you when I needed your help? Well, this is the moment” the boy began to explain. Your hair looked different, with dyed strands of bright color, and you looked a little bigger than the last time he saw you, but he thought it was all due to the time you lost contact "I imagine you have seen the thousands of news"
"How do you know my name?" you asked scared. He didn't expect that kind of response.
"How do I know your name? Y/N, we work together on various missions, did you…?”
"Peter" interrupted MJ. When he turned to her, the girl pointed a finger at your hands: there was a ring. That was definitely not there before "I don't think she's our Y/N either"
There was no time to tell you anything else because a second later you noticed the other people in the room and you were already running towards the other Peter, whom you surrounded in a desperate hug.
“I knew you would be here. I was so scared and I didn't know what to do and I saw the news and I knew that I was not in my world and I didn't understand a damn about everything that was happening” you said frantically. You hugged him tightly, but he was completely still. When you felt his heavy breathing, you pulled away and saw his pale face like a sheet of paper “Are you okay? Something happened to you? I was with you and I fell from that building and a second later I appeared in this place, I don't understand how or why, but…”
You couldn't say anything else; you were interrupted by his lips desperately kissing yours.
You could feel the salty taste of his tears and the passion with which he wanted to kiss you as if he had never done it in your life. His hands clung to your waist and you felt the atmosphere fill with something like anguish. There were so many feelings floating in the air and so many feelings between your lips that you just started to get dizzy. You were short of breath, the touch was careless and rough, but still, Peter refused to let you go.
Finally, you carefully parted and when you looked at the boy you noticed that he was wrapped in tears. You understood absolutely nothing.
"You're here" was all he could whisper, shortly before wrapping you in his arms and letting go of crying. You looked over his shoulder at the rest of the people in the room and noticed that one of them was dressed as Spiderman. You knew him from the news, however, the other you had never seen. Still, they all seemed to know you and you felt like they clearly knew something that you didn't.
"Peter, what is it?" you asked in a whisper near his ear "Why are you crying, love?"
"You don't have a Y/N in your universe, do you?" Ned asked of the other man. What did he mean by a Y/N?
"Guys I'm sorry to ruin your moment, but time is really running out," said the boy you had seen on the news. Your boyfriend separated from you and wiped the tears with the sleeve of his robe because he had forgotten for a moment the difficult situation in which he found.
“I will explain absolutely everything. I promise” he sobbed and brought your lips together again. But this time it was a sweet and soft kiss, the kind that made you feel safe "Now we don't have time, we have to finish these artifacts"
“Well, Ned, find our Y/N. We still need an engineer” asked the young man, but you approached him immediately.
"I can help," you said watching them "I don't know what it is about, but ... I worked at Oscorp, I can repair almost anything"
"Oh, thank goodness you're not the least bit different from the one we have here,” said the boy. You didn't understand the comment, but you still let him guide you to a table where he already had several pieces. "Well, let's start with this..." he said, pointing to a set. He began to explain to you what it would be for and what he needed and then he got to work on his own project. You looked back and as if Peter had known he looked up from him as well. You still had a lot of questions, but you knew it wouldn't do any good to overwhelm him with it, so you showed him a sincere smile instead. Then he smiled in the same way and nodded softly, with that expression that could only mean: we’ll be alright.
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"So..." you started to say, never stopping working. To the surprise of the young people, you worked in half the time of the Y/N of their universe. That turned out to be a blessing. "From what I understood, all the people who know that Peter Parker is Spiderman are here thanks to a magical guy who you asked for help to make people in your universe forget that you are Spiderman, right?"
"And you want to help them avoid the fate of their own universe, which in this case is death."
"And the Lizard and Electro are here from our universe"
"It’s right"
"And you have three others even worse from another Peter's universe."
"Wow..." you exclaimed in amazement. It was a lot to digest "You guys are really screwed up, kid"
"Yes, I really appreciate your optimism," said the young man with evident sarcasm, while he was putting the finishing touches on the machine for Electro.
"It's not optimism, I'm just telling the truth" you smiled at him and when he was about to answer you, a voice interrupted him.
"Yes?" the three-spoke "Oh, sorry you mean..."
"Peter, Peter"
"We are all called Peter"
"Peter Parker"
"Same again, bro," they said in unison again and you stifled a laugh.
"Computer!" half yelled the brunette. Everyone was ready, so the smaller Peter started talking to them about the plan and you stood next to your boy. He looked more composed now, but you could still see a bit of terror in his gaze when he focused on you.
You listened to the whole plan carefully and to be honest you were a bit impressed by the confidence with which the boy spoke. Although he was young, he felt that spark of a leader that was impossible to ignore.
“Well, it's now or never. What do you always say?” he asked his girlfriend "If you hope to disappoint...”
"No," she interrupted, "Not this time. Let's kick butt”
"To heal" the man corrected. He made you think of an old man, but tenderly "To heal butt"
"To heal butt" repeated the brunette. It was agreed that the three Peter Parkers would be at the Statue of Liberty and the youngest's friends would stay in the apartment, communicated by a portal to protect the box.
"And me?" you asked the boy "How can I help?"
An awkward silence filled the atmosphere and you looked at everyone present. It seemed like you said something terrible.
"You stay here," your Peter said, quite firmly. You looked to your side expecting to see him smile, but it was not like that.
“You heard me. You stay here"
His tone of voice was severe and you could even tell that he looked angry, which only confused you more. The boy had cried, he had laughed, he had not stopped looking at you and now he looked annoyed, a whole cocktail of emotions that you did not know how to assimilate.
"I think it would be best to let you guys talk for a moment alone, youngsters," the man said in a low voice, gesturing for the three teenagers to move away a bit.
"What are you hiding from me?" you asked watching your fiancé. The whole thing was very strange "I know you and you have never spoken to me like that, what the hell is nobody telling me and everyone seems to know? Is there a villain there who has my face?” you said rolling your eyes.
"Y/N, you wouldn't understand" Peter began, as he made a poor attempt to breathe normally. Failing to do so, he simply closed his eyes and turned away to escape your accusing gaze. “Please, I just need you to stay here. When we return home, I will explain everything to you "
“Will they put that girl and boy in danger? I can help and you know it!” you insisted. You wanted to feel useful, for them to know that they had your support.
"I’ve said no"
"Why not?"
"Because I can't lose you Y/N! No again!"
The words you were about to say stayed in your throat and suddenly everything made sense, so that deathly silence was back, although this time with more heaviness.
You weren't stupid, you both knew it, and you had managed to connect the dots sooner than expected. Peter seemed to regret saying that instantly, as his eyes crystallized and you believed that he would start crying just as he had when you left that portal.
"Villains are not the only ones who are destined to die... are they?"
Peter started to shake his head, reluctant to talk about anything he had to do with it and pulled away from him to try and regulate his breathing, holding on to the nearest wall.
“Please don't ask me anything. I don't know if I can answer you” he said and his voice seemed to break on the last word.
You thought that knowing that the fall of the building had killed you would leave you in shock, but the truth is that you did not feel anything when you learned that information. You weren’t afraid because you knew that at that moment you were safe.
The only thing you were worried about was the trembling and sobbing boy in front of you.
"Peter..." you whispered again, moving closer to him. You wrapped him around his back and hugged him gently, trying to reassure him. You rested your cheek on his back and closed your eyes for a moment as you stroked the skin covered by his suit with your thumbs.
"I'm so sorry" he sobbed, still not wanting to look at you "It was my fault, I should never have let you accompany me”
"Shh," you whispered gently "I'm sorry I pushed you, I'm a fool. I… we'll talk about this later, okay? Forgive me"
"No, no... I..."
"Peter," you said seriously. You stopped hugging him to sneak in until you were between the wall and his body “We have to concentrate, that child needs your help. I didn’t know that this was so, otherwise I wouldn’t have asked you anything” carefully you extended your hand to his face, wiping the tears from his cheeks “I will stay here, safe. I promise. But I need you to promise me that you will stay safe too” you asked. The idea of ​​losing him terrified you more than the idea of ​​something happening to you.
"What if something happens to you?"
"Nothing's going to happen to me, darling," you exclaimed, trying to reassure him. By God, you felt so cruel about what had just happened and at the same time you were incredulous "Trust me, yes?"
"Yes," he exclaimed, nodding his head gently. He was scared, but he knew he had to focus and fight. For you.
Without warning, you approached her lips and gave her the third kiss of the night, one that now represented the promise of a next meeting and a hope. It was delicate and slow, but firm.
"Now go there and if you don't have time to come back for me then I hope the next time I see you will be in our universe," you said with a smile, gently caressing her cheek. A clear throat interrupted them and they saw the older Spiderman in front of you.
"Sorry to interrupt"
"No problem, Peter was leaving" the boy turned away from you and gave you another look, just to make sure you would stay there "Try to come back in one piece, you still owe me a wedding" you tried to joke and he smiled through tears.
"I will try"
The boy walked through the portal and you saw the other two versions of him watching you closely, but before your boy got too far you called him again.
"Yes?" he asked, turning around with a worried expression. You, on the other hand, smiled at him.
"I love you" you admitted. If it was a moment to say it, this was it.
The boy smiled widely and felt his heartache a little. He had heard those words so many times in his dreams that I doubt they were real this time.
"And I love you too"
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Night had already fallen in New York and winter was beginning to appear. Luckily your apartment was heated and the only window in the room was closed. The place felt familiar and homey, perhaps as it had never felt in your life.
Your body ached, the tears in your eyes seemed to have run out after he told you the full story of what he had lived without you, and your chest felt heavy with the emotional charge. But you were fine, even with all that, because you were finally by his side.
"Peter?" you asked when the noise of a siren woke you up. You turned towards him a little and simultaneously saw the clock on the nightstand. Even though you were seeing blurry, you could tell that it was already dawn and he was still looking up at the ceiling just like before you fell asleep.
"Huh?" he asked distractedly. He was not wearing a shirt and that allowed you to see some wounds from the battle he had fought hours before.
"Why are you still awake, love?"
"Oh... it's just, huh, I'm not sleepy" he tried to lie. But the dark circles under his tired eyes said otherwise.
"Yes? Well, I don't believe you a little bit "you whispered. You were sleepy, so you struggled a bit to keep your eyes open. You kept quiet, watching him for a few minutes, and then spoke again “You won the battle, everything is fine. Now you should sleep, you need to rest”
"I can’t. I'm scared" he admitted and finally turned his head to look at you.
"Scared of what?" you asked curiously. He was silent a second time and didn't speak again until he finally plucked up his courage:
"I am terrified of waking up and that you are no longer here"
Your heart contracted a little at his confession and the urge to cry washed over you. The darkness made him look even more vulnerable and his features had softened considerably.
You got up from your place and climbed onto his lap, lying on his semi-naked body, and stretched your neck until you reached to leave a kiss on his lips. As you kissed him you felt how the tension in his body was disappearing and the heat took its place.
"I'm not going anywhere" you whispered against his lips. You both felt dizzy with love "I promise you. But now I need you to rest, honey” you said quietly “Can you do that? For me?” you asked him in a whisper. He ended up giving up and nodded, as he held you tighter against himself. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep and you made sure of that so you could sleep too. The boy rested as he hadn’t in many months and slept well into the morning.
And when he woke up, you were still there.
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tooktheladdedgbtq · 2 years
Second Chances (Peter Parker x Male Reader)
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A/N: this is a quick idea I had just for those like me, who haven’t recovered from NWH so.. spoilers for the ending of the movie!! it’s a bit sad at first but it has a happy ending.
Summary: Peter gets a surprise on Christmas.
Peter had done it. He had saved the multiverse, and you along with it. But with all he had accomplished on this last adventure, he didn’t feel like he had much to celebrate. He had lost everything and everyone close to him to a spell cast by the former sorcerer supreme. The spell that took away everyone’s memories of who Peter Parker was. The same spell that sent every visitor from another universe home. He knew he did the right thing, but it was still a huge price to pay. Peter could live without access to stark technology, or having the avengers on speed dial, but the one person he knew he couldn’t bare to be forgotten by was you. Y/N. You’d known Peter for as long as either of you could remember. You’d had countless memories together that go beyond just Spider-Man. In fact, Peter trusted you so much that you were the first person to find out about his secret identity directly from him. Now because of his actions you’d still remember spidey saving you from danger on multiple occasions, but you wouldn’t be able to recall the boy under the mask that rushed home to do math homework with you after his patrol. The boy that ached for your company when the mask came off.
Peter thought about ways to make you remember. Maybe showing up in costume and recreating the first time you saw him in his suit. Or maybe he’d just start telling you facts that only he could know. Then you’d have to believe him right? Either way, he had to make you remember. He promised he would before you shared your last kiss. He intended on keeping that promise. He really did. But that was before he’d seen how happy you were with the acceptance letter in your hands. You, Ned, & MJ had all gotten together to open the letters from your dream school. Thanks to the memory loss of everybody on earth, you’d gotten in. Peter knew he had made a promise to you to find you and make you remember him. But he couldn’t bare having you suffer because you knew him. He also wasn’t sure if he could make you remember in the first place. So instead of holding a conversation about multiversal doom and alternative versions of himself that you were sure to call bull crap on.. he walked into the bakery introduced himself to you, congratulated you on getting into university, ordered a bagel and some coffee from MJ, and left. He settled for a few awkward glances and a short back and forth.
That was the hardest thing Peter ever had to do. You were his safe space, his best friend, and the love of his life. Now he couldn’t even get over his sadness the way he normally would because you weren’t there. He was alone, in his apartment, on christmas eve. Having to start his life completely from scratch. But there was one thing Peter didn’t count on. After he’d left the diner you’d asked Ned and MJ if he’d seemed familiar at all to them. after they both said no, you felt compelled to follow him for a bit to see if that provided any answers for why it felt like you’d been close to him before. It didn’t, but you’d found out where he lived. After your stake out was over you still couldn’t shake him from your mind, and decided to do something about it. Peter had just returned from patrol when the landlord banged at his door startling him and making him stumble through the room. “Hey Parker! Somebody dropped something off for you!” the landlord’s voice boomed from behind the door. “UH- JUST A SECOND UH” peter frantically rushed trying to get his new suit off making tons of commotion. “Don’t bother. I’ll just leave it at the door. Happy Holidays kid.” and with that Peter’s landlord placed what sounded like a small box at the front door. Once he got his suit off and hid it, Peter shuffled towards the door wondering who on earth could’ve possibly left something for him and why? he opened the door to find a present conveniently gift wrapped in red with a blue ribbon atop it. Even more confused than before, he shook the box and decided that since it didn’t trigger his spidey sense he might as well open it.
Peter carefully placed the present down and slowly started unwrapping it to find a card and another box inside. The card was a typical christmas greeting card and Peter almost thought it was the landlord himself that got it for him. Then he started reading the writing inside the card, and that brought tears to his eyes. It was from you. “Hey. You probably don’t remember me from the coffee shop since it’s been a couple days and you’re also probably wondering how I found out where you live but.. I just wanted to say Merry Christmas and I hope we can get to know each other more in the future. see you around. xoxo - Y/N”. The bottom of the note had your number and a heart next to it. Peter couldn’t believe it. Did the mere sight of him make you remember something? Did you know he was Spider-man? So many questions ran through his mind he had almost forgotten you got him a gift. So, before rushing to see if you answered the number on the card, this time he hurried to open the last box. It was a snow globe of new york with some avengers flying overhead. He could see Spider-Man hanging on the side of a building. He wasn’t sure if this meant you remembered him, god he’d hoped. But it was a start. It seemed as though fate was determined for you two to be together no matter what the odds were. Peter’s heart started doing backflips at the thought. You both had been given a second chance.
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rachaelswrites · 3 years
My Favorite Boy
Peter Parker x Barnes!reader, Bucky Barnes x Daughter!reader
You only let your walls down for two people and when one of them is injured, your walls crumble down.
Word Count: 2,160
A/N: I need to write more for this pairing. I love them so much
Warnings: Description of injury (stab wound), mentions of blood and surgery. Several mentions of dying (let me know if I forget any)
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You were a cliche couple. The sweet, kind hearted, nerdy boyfriend with a girlfriend who shows love to those she cares about but is cold and harsh to others. Peter always brought out the tenderness in you, the opposite of how you had been brought up in HYDRA. Spending most of your life with them did not set you up well in the real world. Once you had settled into normal life, Tony and Steve suggested on top of the work you did with the Avengers, you could go to school and be normal. You fought the idea at first, but Peter had convinced you to go with him so you agreed. 
Your first day had been rough. You were snappy at everyone and rude to teachers. Peter understood but no one else did and he knew that. He helped you balance your stubbornness and being more open to other people. Your friendship grew from there and Peter fell in love with you more and more everyday. You didn’t admit it at first but you started getting a soft spot for him. Both MJ and Ned figured it out before you two did and without them, you and Peter never would have gotten together in the first place. 
Now, not only did you two walk the halls at school together, you were a powerhouse in the field. With both of your smarts and Peter’s powers and your background at HYDRA, you were practically unstoppable. You came in and out of places before you were noticed and problem solved like no tomorrow if something went wrong. Very rarely did something go wrong and when it did, it took you by surprise. 
“Peter, what's it like on your end?” you asked over comms. You were on different floors of the facility and there had been radio silence on his end for too long, “Peter?” you asked again, “What’s going on?”
He hadn’t responded and you were getting worried. Normally you had to always shush him since he used the comms as an invitation to ramble about Star Wars rather than talk about your mission. 
You pushed your worries away until you got the device you needed on your floor before you tried the comms again, “Peter I have the device. If you don’t respond in three seconds, I’ll come hunt you down,” you warned. You would much rather have him playing a practical joke on you rather than all the worst case scenarios running through your head. 
There was a small clicking sound that came through. You paused, thinking he was about to respond but he never did so you made your way up the staircase to the floor above you. The last time Peter talked to you, he said he was in the third corridor so that’s where you went first. You searched all the rooms in that hallway but he wasn’t there. You followed your instincts to go where you think Peter would go. It’s a good thing you did because you finally found him, laid out on the ground. 
“Peter!” you exclaimed, rushing over to his side. You crouched down next to him to see what was wrong. There was a long gash in the middle of his torso, soaking his suit a dark red color, “Oh my God what happened?”
“There was someone else here,” he sputtered out, trying not to focus on the pain coursing through his body, “I thought you would hear them,” he said, “I tried to fight them off but I couldn’t and they got away.”
“No I didn’t hear them I’m sorry,” you said, beginning to assess his situation. He lost blood but not too much. If you could get him out quickly and back to the compound, he should be okay, “I have to get you out of here,” you reached your arm around him to help pull him up, “Can you put pressure on it?” you asked, 
He nodded and you tried to find something to place over the wound. You quickly pulled the top of your suit up so you could reach the t-shirt you wore underneath it. You ripped off the bottom of the shirt and handed it to him. He took it and placed it on his stomach, holding it on his wound. 
You wanted to get him out of there fast but he was in too much pain to go as fast as you wanted. There was a Quinjet outside, Sam waiting in it and ready to take off when needed. 
“Sam!” you yelled through your comms, “Peter is hurt so we’re on our back. We need to hurry. He’s losing a lot of blood. 
“Got it,” he said. He started to get the jet ready for a takeoff and by the time the backdoor opened and the two of you sat down, you were off and in the air. 
Peter had gotten worse and worse on the ride back to the compound. You had been urging Sam to “step on it” and he tried his best to follow your demands. When it came to Peter, you didn’t mess around. Next to your dad, Peter was one of the only people who you let in on a vulnerable level. By now, you would consider the Avengers your best friends and some even family but not on the same level as Bucky and Peter. 
As soon as the landing gear touched the ground at the compound, you jumped from where you were sitting next to Peter and Sam came over to help you. The doors on the jet opened and Bruce was there, with Tony and several medical staff. 
“What happened?” Tony asked as Peter was laid onto a stretcher. 
“I’m not too sure you,” you said, watching your boyfriend get wheeled off into the building, “He said there were other people there and they hurt him. That’s all I got out of him.”
“Could you tell how long it had been before you found him? Or how much blood he lost?” Bruce asked.
You shook your head, “I-I don’t know,” you were finding it hard to not break down in front of them. 
“Hey,” Tony said softly, sensing the stress and panic radiating off of you, “He’s in good hands now. Take a deep breath.”
You did what he said and shook your head, “If I had been there earlier. I could’ve helped him. I didn’t even hear it. I was just one floor above him.”
“He knows you would have Y/n,” Sam added, “Don’t feel like this is your fault.”
You nodded and rubbed your eyes, trying to hide the tears beginning to form, “Is my dad here?” you asked them. 
Bruce nodded, “He and Steve are in the lounge but I think you should probably change into some fresh clothes,” he said, motioning to your torn under-shirt and your suit that had Peter’s blood on it, “I can take you up to your room if you’d like.”
“No I’m okay,” you said, already walking towards the door.
Luckily the lounge wasn’t on the way to your room. By now, everyone had heard what had happened to Peter and you just wanted to get into pajamas and crawl into bed. You wanted to cry until you couldn’t because your heart felt like it was shattered into a million pieces. You hadn’t been without Peter in months and even though he was just three floors away, it felt like he was miles away. The last time you were on separate floors, he was almost killed and that killed you. 
You walked over to your dresser and pulled out something comfortable and clean to wear. You didn’t care what it was, as long as it wasn’t what you were wearing now. You then moved into your bathroom and slipped out of your suit and kicked it near the tub. You would deal with that later. You changed into the new clothes and then washed your hands, making sure nothing was on them to remind you of the situation. 
You couldn’t hide out in your room for too much longer. Someone was bound to come check in on you soon and you would rather do it on your own terms. You finally left your bathroom and your room and made your way down to the lounge. 
All eyes landed on you when you entered the lounge. Everyone except Tony and Bruce were here, waiting for you to make the first move. 
“How is he?” was all you asked. You were trying to take attention away from you and focus on Peter. 
“They had to take him into surgery,” your dad explained, standing up from his chair. He walked over to you and placed his hands on your shoulders, “How are you doing?”
You shrugged him and stepped away from him, “I’m fine,” you snapped, “I was asking about Peter. I’m not the one who’s in surgery.”
“I know,” he said back, “But I want to know how you’re feeling. I’m worried about you now.”
“Well don’t be,” you snapped again. 
“Y/n,” Bucky warned, “Take a breath.”
“No!” you yelled, “I can’t take a breath when Peter is fighting for his life in an o.r. Tell me how I’m supposed to take a breath dad when he could be taking his last one!”
“Y/n come here,” your dad said, reaching to pull you closer to him. You pushed his hands away to keep him away from you. He was worried about what you would do next before you could run from him, he grabbed you and gently pulled you away from the lounge and to the kitchen for more privacy. This wasn’t something the rest of the team needed to see. 
When you reached the kitchen, you couldn’t hold on any longer. You collapsed into your dad’s arms and he held you, keeping you on your feet and supported. He had his arms wrapped around you tightly, one of his hands holding your head close to his chest as you sobbed into him. 
“Dad I’m scared,” you whimpered, “I don’t want to lose him.”
“You won’t lose him doll,” Bucky whispered, “He’s getting the best of care possible. He’ll pull through.”
You shook your head, still laying it against his chest, “If I was there. If I was there to help him this wouldn’t have happened. It’s my fault and if he dies,” you didn’t have the guts to finish that sentence. Another sob raked through your body and Bucky held you closer. 
“Shhh,” he shushed, “This is in no way your fault. There was no way either of you could have known that would happen.”
“I just don’t want him to be mad. I know he said he wasn’t but he could’ve lied to make me feel better.”
“In the whole time I have known Peter, he never would lie to you about that,” your dad reassured, “That boy loves you too much.”
While at first, Bucky was unsure about you dating Peter (and dating in general) but after he saw the two of you together, he couldn’t be happier for you. Ever since Peter came into your life, Bucky had seen you grow back into the person you were before HYDRA. Even though you were older, he could still see you as the little girl back from the 40s. You were the old you and Bucky wouldn’t ask for anything else. 
You nodded and before you could respond, Tony came running down the hallway, stopping when he saw you, “Peter is okay,” he said, partially out of breath, “He’s resting but you can go and see him.”
You immediately pulled away from your dad and followed Tony to the medbay. Bruce was standing next to Peter’s bed and fiddling with a machine. He turned around when he heard you coming, “His powers helped a lot,” he said, “Without them, he probably wouldn’t be as stable as he is. He should wake up soon.”
“Thank you,” you said, sitting in the chair at the end of the bed. Both Tony and Bruce left you alone with Peter. 
“Hey Petey,” you said, “I know you hate it when I call you that but I guess I was hoping you’d wake up. It’s probably too early for that. You just got out of surgery. I know you don’t blame me for this but I just want to tell you I’m sorry. I’m sorry for not hearing what happened and I’m sorry for not looking for you quicker. I hate to imagine what would have happened to you if I didn’t do what I did. I’m just glad you’re okay now.” 
You leaned over him and grabbed his hand, “God I don’t know what I would do without you,” you lowered your head and kissed his forehead, “Take your time in waking up. I want you to get better but don’t take too long. I miss you already.”
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