#sorry this is late!!! my power went out on thursday and came back on today and my phone died!
Steddie Upside-Down AU Part 78
Part 1 Part 77
Eddie always thought he’d be in jail before all this hard labor bullshit starts. Still, here he is, chipping away at the cold earth with a shovel Mama Byers stole from Merill’s shed. And it’s all to save the same man who’s busted his balls more times than he can count.
But Steve had pointed, and Eddie’d started digging. 
He’s sitting now, criss-cross as he stares down at the ground like he can see through it, feet crossed, and t-shirt on backwards. Eddie had thrown it over his head as Steve walked out of the house, while While stuffed his sockless feet into his tennis shoes as best as he could. It’s not right. He’s not right. 
Eddie can still feel the thread tying them together, but it’s brittle now, obvious next to the nylon still twined between Eddie and Will. 
Steve’s barely there at all.
He’s always lived in an empty house, been an empty house. The thing inside him is just the first to take up residence – to fill the vacancy. 
Eddie wants his empty house back.
He’d spent a year watching Steve blossom, filling that emptiness with laughter and cooking and someone to come home to. Eddie’d helped Steve move in, rearrange the furniture in his mind and feng shui that shit until the sun was always shining. He’d seen the curtains begin to open.
It’s jarring, now, to look into his eyes and see the glassy windows of an abandoned home. 
So Eddie does all he can; he digs. The hole grows bigger and bigger, growing at the same rate as the blister on the side of his right thumb. He takes turns with Mama Byers, her lithe frame hiding surprising strength. 
She’s the one at the mantle when the shovel strikes air. She pushes it down hard, gasping as it falls straight through, clattering somewhere below with the dull thud of metal on packed earth. 
“Well, shit,” she says, staring down at the far-too small hole in the earth, just big enough to lose a shovel in. 
Eddie peers down with her, eyeing the loosened sides and the distance of the drop. “Think we can stomp the rest out?”
“I don’t think that’s–” Mama Byers starts, but Eddie’s already stomped down.
The dirt crumbles easier than he expects, like all it wants is to tumble down into the unknown with the shovel. Eddie’s whole foot goes through, and he tumbles down with it. 
It’s not far, but he lands on the handle of the shovel, feels it reverberate up his spine. He closes his eyes against the pain, groaning as he rolls away from the impact site. 
“Eddie?” Will and Mama Byers both call down to him. He opens his eyes to look up at their worried faces, haloed by the dim gray of the November sky. Steve doesn’t make an appearance, but he can still dimly feel him up there.
“I’m fine!” he calls, hoisting himself onto knees and hands and hoping it’s true. 
His ankle twinges as he gets it under him but it holds his weight as he levers himself upright. He barely even notices the pain because then he sees him: Hopper. He’s on the ground, and he’s not moving, as the vines writhe around him.
“Shit!” Eddie cries, rushing over and dropping down next to the man. “Shit, shit, shit!”
He says it like a mantra, barely noticing Mama Byers calling down at him, demanding he tell her what’s happening. 
Eddie yanks at the vine, trying to wrench it from the man’s throat with little success. He sobs when Hopper croaks out a quiet, “knife.” It’s the first sign of life the man’s shown and Eddie will take it with both hands. 
“Where?” Eddie cries. “Where is it?”
“It’s there!” Mama Byers calls. She’s collapsed on the ground, winded from her own fall into the tunnel. Eddie follows her pointing finger to his right.
He lurches for it as Mama Byers crawls up to take his place holding the vines away from Hopper’s windpipe.
Eddie saws at the vine around his neck, around his torso, around his wrists. He loses time to hacking away, barely noticing the viscous black blood that oozes out of it and splatters his clothes, hands, face. 
All he knows is Steve’s barely there at all anymore, and this is the same fucking thing that had slithered down his throat
 and made its home inside him in the first place. 
He can hear Hopper coughing, Mama Byers calling his name, but it’s all muffled, like he’s under water. Like he’s still in the Harrington pool, drowning. Like he never made it to the other side. 
Maybe he didn’t. 
Maybe he’s still down there, sucking down chlorine like it’ll quench his thirst. At least down there, he’d had a hold on Steve. But, now, he can feel the tether turning to ash in his mouth. He’s so thirsty. He wants to swallow the world.
He keeps hacking away at the vines, like they’ll stop strangling Stevie. Like this will be the thing that saves them.
Like they’re what’s strangling him, smoke and helplessness clogging Steve’s esophagus and making a home within him. 
There are warm hands gripping his wrist, hard. Warmer than Steve’s been. Eddie looks up, and Hopper’’s staring at him, ragged and dirty and panting, but alive. Eddie looks down at the wrist he’s holding. Hopper’s knife is clutched hard enough that it hurts. 
“You got them,” Hopper says, voice that soothing, gruff timber he uses on little kids, and victims. “You can let go.” He squeezes Eddie’s wrist before loosening his hold and running his thumb up the veins of his inner wrist. “You saved me, kid. You did good.”
It hurts when he drops the knife, tendons protesting the change of position after he knows how long clenching down. Hopper drops his wrist, clasping his shoulder and squeezing that instead. “You did good,” he says again, and then again, like that’ll stop Eddie’s shaking. It doesn’t.
Eddie nods, still looking down at the knife. His hand clenches on air. He feels bereft, so he pulls on the threads that bind. One made of titanium, and one made of dust he can barely feel at all. 
He jerks his head up at the ceiling, straining his neck to see Steve and Will’s faces. He needs to know that they’re both still there, waiting for him to come back. That Steve’s still Steve, waiting for Eddie to save him. 
Steve’s always dying. Eddie’s always trying to save him. 
But Steve’s not there at all. 
There’s just dirt, only a shovel as proof of the morning spent digging a hole. Digging a grave for them to disappear in. 
“No, no, no!” Eddie cries, scrambling up. 
“Munson, what–”
“He’s gone!” He lurches forward, grabbing for the shovel, like he can somehow dig his way back. He hears Mama Byers gasp as he pushes the shovel up into the dirt. It doesn’t give. He pushes harder.
“Eddie, sweetie.” Mama Byers says, reaching up to pat his shoulder. “Will’s got him.” 
Will’s got him. Will, who’s bright light he can feel at Steve’s side, just above. Will’s got him.
Eddie drops the shovel on a sob, still looking, up, up, up.
“But how are we going to get out of her?” Eddie asks. No one answers because no one knows.
Digging a hole and escaping a grave are two very different things. 
Like the answer to a prayer Eddie would never send up, there’s a shout behind him. “Go!”
Eddie spins, and there’s a man in a Hvac suit, with a gun pointed straight at him. He stumbles back, feels Mama Byers’ steadying hands on his lower back. 
“Get out of here!” the man calls, voice muffled through his helmet. He gestures with the butt of his gun behind him. “Go! Go!”
Eddie flits by him, keeping as much distance as the small tunnel will allow just as something inhuman begins shrieking behind him. 
He doesn’t hesitate anymore. He bolts, Mama Byers and Hop hot on his heels, visions of Demogon’s on his heels pushing him faster. 
He passes more suits and more guns, and keeps going. The ground begins sloping upward toward the light of an open tunnel. He stops for a second, shocked by an end to the darkness.
The safety of right-side-up is steps away. The warmth of light and air and his people are so close, he can almost taste it. 
That’s when the screaming starts, from a voice he would know anywhere. Even like this. Even loud and wretched with pain. 
Eddie runs toward the sounds of his angel screaming. 
Part 79
Taglist: @deany-baby @estrellami-1 @altocumulustranslucidus @evillittleguy @carlprocastinator1000 @1-8oo-wtfbro @hallucinatedjosten @goodolefashionedloverboi @newtstabber @lunabyrd @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @manda-panda-monium @disrespectedgoatman @finntheehumaneater @ive-been-bamboozled @harringrieve @grimmfitzz @is-emily-real @dontstealmycake @angeldreamsoffanfic @a-couchpotato @5ammi90 @mac-attack19 @genderless-spoon @kas-eddie-munson @louismeds @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @pansexuality-activated @ellietheasexylibrarian @nebulainajar @mightbeasleep @neonfruitbowl @beth--b @silenzioperso @best-selling-show @v3lv3tf0x @bookworm0690 @paintsplatteredandimperfect @wonderland-girl143-blog @nerdsconquerall @sharingisntkaren
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kimoralov3 · 3 years
Let Me Buy You a Coffee
Requested by: Anonymous
Word Count: 1861
Pairing: Erik Lehnsherr x mutant!fem!reader
Warnings: swearing
(Y/N)'s POV
"One medium black coffee and an extra large iced coffee." The barista called from the counter. I walked up and grabbed the coffee, thanking the barista then making my way back to the table where me and Alex were sitting.
"You keep drinking all that coffee and you're gonna have a heart attack." He said as I handed him his coffee. I chuckled as I sat down, throwing my balled up straw paper at him.
"Well, I haven't died yet and you only live once, so why not enjoy the life you have." I said as I took a sip of my coffee. "So, how's working at the school going for you?"
"About as well as working with elementary to high school aged kids could go. I know I'm probably not supposed to say this, but some of those kids would make the devil himself blush with their 'pranks'." 
"Damn, that bad?"
"(Y/N), if you think we were bad as kids, wait till you meet these ones. They're fucking ruthless."
"Maybe I should take back my application for student counselor." 
"No, those kids need someone like you to set them straight. Maybe then they'd stop putting hair dye in the coffee creamer." He groaned out as he took a sip of his coffee.
"Damn, these kids are ruthless."
Erik's POV
"Are you sure this is the coffee shop Alex always runs away to?" I asked Charles as we walked inside the small shop.
"Yes, he mentioned that he has started meeting an old friend of his a few weeks ago. What kind of coffee do you want?"
"Just get me a latte, I'll find us a table to sit at." Charles nodded and walked to the counter while I got us a table by the window. This place could use a thorough clean. Or two. Charles came back and sat down, setting up the chess set he brought along. "Do you really need to drag that around everywhere?"
"There's nothing wrong with having a game of chess at the ready. So, how do you like being a history teacher?" Charles asked as he made the first move. 
"It's going as well as it can go, I guess. I still can't believe that you decided to create a school for mutant children, but waste their time making them learn human history."
"No matter what they are now, they should still know their ancestors' history. Especially if it's still holding an effect on how they're treated now."
"I guess you're right. How's your search for a student counselor going?" I asked as Charles took one of my pieces. 
"So far only 2 people have applied. The first one I interviewed just didn't seem right, and the other one's interview is tomorrow evening." 
"Well, I wish you the best of luck."
"One latte and one green tea!" The barista called from the counter. While Charles went to get our drinks, I took the chance to get a good look at the place. Besides the obvious need for a clean, this place looked pretty nice. 
"Here you go." Charles handed me my coffee while he sat down. I muttered a thank you, looking across the room. Who is that with Alex? Charles followed my line of eyesight, chuckling when he saw what I was staring at. "That's Alex's friend I presume."
"Who knew that there could be anyone who could deal with Alex." I said as I took a sip of my coffee.
"You should go say hello to her." Charles suggested as he sipped his tea.
"What? No, that's insane. Why would I do that?"
"Because you think she's cute."
"What makes you say that?" I asked as I leaned back in the chair, crossing my arms over my chest.
"I may be a telepath, Erik, but even a blind man could tell that your eyes sparkled when you saw her."
"You're delusional."
"Whatever you say."
(Y/N)'s POV
I walked down the hallways, searching for the principal's office. Why is this school so damn big? I'd been wandering around for about 15 minutes now, and if I didn't find his office soon I would be late for my interview. I should've asked Alex for directions yesterday.
"Do you need some help?" A voice called from behind me. I turned around to see a man - a very cute one at that - standing outside a classroom. 
"Yes please. I'm looking for the principal's office, could you point me in that direction?" I asked as I walked up to him. He towers over me. It would be intimidating if we were under different circumstances. 
"Leave it to Charles to forget to give people simple instructions. His office is down this way, 3rd door on the left. Would you like me to walk you there?" 
"Yes, thank you so much. What's your name by the way?" I asked as we started walking towards our destination.
"Erik. What's yours?"
"(Y/N). So, are you a teacher here?"
"Yes, I teach history. What made you decide to apply for student counselor?"
"Well my friend Alex is also a teacher here, and he told me that there was a new position opening up. I've always loved working with children, so this job seems like a perfect fit." I explained. 
"Well, you'll do great here. These kids may be a handful, but I have no doubt that you'll be able to handle them." He said as we came to a stop outside Charles' office. 
"Thank you. And thank you for helping me find his office. I hope to see you again soon."
"As do I. And I wish you the best of luck on your interview."
It's been a few weeks since I officially started working at the school, but I haven't seen Erik anywhere around lately. Maybe he's avoiding me. 
"Knock knock knock. Are you busy?" Alex asked as he knocked on my office door. I looked up from my paperwork, nodding my head. 
"Yeah, I have a lot of paperwork to fill out. Some kids got hurt earlier today, and I have to fill out reports for that. Then some other students have just been coming to me for advice for what to do after they graduate, so I'm looking up mutant friendly places that will be hiring around that time." 
"Sheesh. Seems like you'll be busy for the next few days. You want me to pick up some coffee from our favorite place?" He asked as he leaned against the door frame. 
"Yes please, I haven't had coffee in 3 days and I'm 5 minutes away from exploding." I said as I gave him the money for my coffee.
"Sounds like you'll need an extra large today. This will be the only time I encourage your addiction though, so don't get used to it." 
"Whatever you say, Summers."
Erik's POV
"The paper is due next Thursday, so that will give you plenty of time to research and revise whatever you need to. Class dismissed." I said as I wrote the instructions and due date for the paper on the chalkboard. 
"Wait Professor Lehnsherr, could I ask you a question?" Jean asked as she walked up to my desk. I nodded, sitting down at my desk. "Have you talked to the new student counselor?"
"Only once. Why?" I asked as I adjusted my glasses. 
"Oh, no reason. That's all I was wondering." She said before she hurried off. That's strange. I sighed, packing up my stuff before exiting the classroom. 
"Sounds like you'll need an extra large today. This will be the only time I encourage your addiction though, so don't get used to it." 
"Whatever you say, Summers."
Alex walked out of (Y/N)'s office, giving me a nod before continuing about his day. I haven't talked to (Y/N) since the day of her interview, I should probably go say hi. I walked into her office, knocking on the door frame. (Y/N) looked up, smiling and putting her work away when she saw me. 
"Hey Erik. What brings you here?" She asked as she sat up straight.
"I was just stopping by to talk to you. Sorry I didn't get a chance to stop by sooner."
"Well you're here now. Go ahead, sit down." She said as she gestured to one of the chairs in front of her desk. I smiled slightly, taking a seat in the seat positioned directly in front of her. 
"So, how have you been adjusting to working at the school?" I rested my chin in the palm of my hand, giving (Y/N) my full attention. She cleared her throat before speaking. 
"I've been getting along great. The rest of the faculty don't seem to mind me too much, and most of the students love me."
"Do you have any favorites?"
"Now now professor, you know we're not supposed to have favorites." (Y/N) joked as she leaned back in her chair. I chuckled, shaking my head.
"You can call me Erik. And there's no harm in having students you can bear more than others. You're telling me you don't have even one of those students?"
"Well I may have one or two." She finally confessed.
"Do tell."
"Jean Grey and Peter Maximoff. They both have very different personalities, but they're the most sincere kids at this school."
"How do you know?"
"Empathic abilities plus being able to tell when someone is lying. Comes in pretty handy sometimes."
"That's fascinating. I've never seen something quite like that."
"Why thank you."
"Well, I shouldn't keep you long. You seem to have a lot of work to fill out and I have a lot of papers to grade. I'll make sure to visit you soon, though." I said as I stood up, fixing my coat. (Y/N) nodded, walking me to the door.
"See you around, Erik."
(Y/N)'s POV
I pulled the door open, walking into the coffee shop and stopping for a second to take in the pleasant smell. The smell of coffee will always feel like home. 
"(Y/N)?" A voice called from the side of the shop. I turned around to see Erik seated at a table, briefcase spewing with papers. I smiled, walking over to him.
"I wasn't expecting to see you here. You having fun grading those papers?" I asked as I sat down in front of him. 
"As much fun as you can when your students don't know when to use a comma or a semicolon. Would you like a coffee?"
"Yeah, but I'll pay for it." I reached into my purse but my hand stopped midway. "Are you using your powers on me?"
"Maybe. Let me pay for your coffee. You're gonna have to sit here and listen to me complain about my students horrible grammar, the least I could do is provide you with some fuel."
"Are you asking me on a date?" I asked as I tilted my head to the side.
"Only if you want it to be. What do you say?"
I pretended to think about it for a moment before sighing. "Fine, but I'm buying the next round of coffee. Deal?"
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vcg73 · 3 years
FIC: Kurt Birthday Drabbles
Earlier this week @elledelajoie left a comment on something I wrote all the way back in 2014.  I had genuinely forgotten I ever started it, but the original idea was to write 21 Kurt Hummel birthday drabbles. I had written just 7 of them, but after we chatted about it, I decided to go ahead and finish.  
If you’re not familiar, a drabble is a scene of exactly 100 words, not counting title headers. Since Chris Colfer and Kurt Hummel’s co-birthday (May 27) is coming up this Thursday, here they are. This goes definite AU at Birthday #19. Because you know I would never sentence my beloved Kurt to a life of being a doormat to people who did not appreciate and value him.
Never underestimate the power of feedback!
Birthday #1
Kurt’s blue eyes went wide as a frosted cupcake was set upon his high-chair tray, a single candle ablaze on its surface.  
When Mommy, Daddy, Uncle Andy, Grandpa Curtis and Grandma Eileen started singing to him, he smiled and clapped both hands hard around the tempting pile of frosting.
Kurt laughed when the sugary topping went flying and a big splatter of white abruptly decorated Daddy’s surprised face.
Everyone else started laughed too, including the startled father, who retaliated by giving his birthday boy a sticky peck on the cheek and then helped him to blow out a new candle.
Birthday #2
Kurt looked between his presents, confused.
Mommy had given him the pretty dolly he had begged for at the store. Daddy had given him a truck, not big enough to ride but too big to live with the little cars Daddy gave him at Christmas.
His parents seemed to be mad at each other.
Kurt looked at the doll, then at the truck. He smiled and placed Dolly inside the truck and began to drive her around the carpet.
Mommy and Daddy seemed surprised by his actions, but then they laughed, and Kurt knew he had figured out the puzzle.
 Birthday #3
His shoes were black and shiny, buckles on the sides and 1-inch heels on the base. He clomped over the hardwood floors, listening to the click-tap-click-tap in delight. They went perfectly with his dove gray coveralls with “Kurt” sewn on the pocket in black sequins. Mommy had made the outfit for him.
Spotting Daddy watching him, Kurt threw himself into waiting arms. Daddy’s smile looked like he had an owie but was trying to be a big boy and not cry.
Kurt hugged him. “It’s okay, Daddy.”
Burt looked surprised but hugged him back. “Yeah, buddy. I think it is.”
 Birthday #4
Ballet girls were nice. When they heard it was his birthday today, they threw him a party. Kurt puffed up with pleasure when presented with cookies, a sparkly wand and a tiara that read ‘Happy Birthday’ in shiny letters. He was not as fond of the kisses they gave, but four was very grown up, so he screwed up his face and allowed it. The teacher even let him wear the special puffy pink tutu over his little black leotard! 
 He saw Mommy and Daddy up in the gallery taking pictures, so he waved.
Kurt hoped today would last forever.
  Birthday #5
“Can I have cupcakes?”
Kurt’s mother looked up from her book. “I don’t think we have any, sweetheart.”
“Can we have some Thursday?  My birthday is the last day of preschool.”
“It is?” she said, looking surprised. “Is it your birthday already?”
He nodded seriously. “Don’t you remember, Mommy? You were there.”
She laughed. “Well, you have me there.  What kind of cupcakes would you like, sweetie? And don’t say cheesecake. Those are two completely different kinds of dessert.”
Kurt’s hopeful expression fell. “Oh,” he said, clearly disappointed. Then his face brightened again. “Chocolate?”
She nodded. “That we can do.”
   Birthday #6
Burt sat up just in time to catch the little body that launched at him. “What’s wrong, slugger?”
“It’s my birthday!”
Grinning despite the way his heart was hammering at the abrupt awakening, Burt asked, “Yeah? I like birthdays. Do I get a present?”
“No,” the boy scoffed. “I get presents!”
 Burt squinted at the clock. 3:15am. “Not until morning, you don’t.”
Kurt pouted and tried, “It’s almost morning.”
“Not close enough, kid. C’mere,” Burt pulled him into the warm bed between himself and his wife.
Kurt snuggled down and went right back to sleep.  
Burt was less lucky.
 Birthday #7
Kids had started treating him funny this year. He was too fancy, too girly, holding hands was weird.
Nobody was coming.
“I’m sorry, sweetie.”
“Am I too late?”
They jumped as a little black girl with pom-pom hair popped out of nowhere.
“I’m Mercedes,” she greeted. “We just moved here. Mom said you would have invited me if you’d known.”
“I’m Kurt.” He smiled. “Do you like tea parties?”
“Is there cake?”
Mrs. Hummel beamed. “Cake, ice cream, and Kool-Aid.”
Kurt shrugged. “Nobody else came.”
She grabbed his hand like she’d known him forever. “More for us!  Happy Birthday, Kurt.”
 Birthday #8
Kurt took a deep breath, thought for a moment, and carefully blew out the candles. All but the extra one that his parents always put on his cake.
“Aren’t you gonna finish, bud?”
He looked from Daddy over to his mother, home again, but so frail he was sometimes afraid to hug her, worried she might pop like a fragile soap bubble. He offered her the candle. “Here, Mommy. Blow it out. Maybe you’ll get another year to grow on.”
The eyes of the two adults met, then Mommy nodded. The three of them blew out the final candle together.
 Birthday #9
Barely daring to hope, Kurt came down the stairs.  Birthday cakes and presents had been Mommy’s specialty.  Daddy had forgotten his own birthday and had nearly forgotten Christmas.
Kurt gasped when he saw it, waiting, shining and spectacular against the front door.
“A bike!”
Bright green, sissy bars with foil streamers, and a banana seat. Perfect!
Burt smiled. He had scoffed a such a “girly” bike when Kurt spotted it at the toy store. But now, looking at the all-too-rare joy in his son’s eyes and feeling the approving smile his wife would have given, he nodded. It was perfect.
 Birthday #10
Buying gifts was tough when your kid always clammed up on you. A dad had to be observant.
Ten years old. A landmark like that needed something special, but the only thing Kurt seemed into was clothes. He had enough of those for ten kids.  
He’d probably like a Barbie he could change in and out of different outfits, but Burt cringed at the thought.
He did doodle pretty good though. Sure, it was mostly pictures of clothes, but that was a start.
A fancy sketchpad with a case and a hundred different colored pencils. Yeah, that was the ticket.
 Birthday #11
“Dad, where are we going?”
“You’ll see.”
Kurt sighed with exaggerated impatience. He had come home from school to find Dad waiting at the truck, ordering him to get in, then not saying another word. The suspense was killing him.
They had pulled up in front of a nondescript brick building. “Columbus Culinary Arts?”
“You like to cook right?  Well, we’re gonna fix your birthday dinner this year with the help of a real chef. Lessons are once a week for the next couple months.”
Gourmet cooking lessons!
“Oh wow. Dad, this is amazing!”
Burt grinned. “Happy Birthday, kid.”
 Birthday #12
Last year’s surprise had gone so well that Burt had decided on a repeat. But when he saw the excitement on Kurt’s face at finding a pair of tickets inside his birthday card turn to disappointment and horror, quickly masked with a fake smile, he knew he’d goofed.
“I know baseball isn’t your thing,” he said, almost pleading. “But you’ve never seen a live game before. It’s a whole different experience. It’s a home game. We can yell and scream, and cheer our team on with thousands of other fans.”
The stiff not-smile never wavered. “Sounds . . . fun.”
 Birthday #13
Dad had bought out one of the partners at the garage this spring and now owned a majority share of the renamed “Hummel Tires & Lube”. Kurt wanted to snicker at that name, but he was proud too.
His birthday this year coincided with Friday Night Dinner. Dad had invited all the mechanics over for a potluck. They’d had Mary’s special fried chicken, Cassius’s homemade cornbread, and Davy’s mac’n’cheese. Now Dad brought out the cake.
Kurt laughed. A sheet-cake with a tow-truck and two little plastic mechanics for decoration.
“You and me kid. Partners.”
The mechanics cheered and everybody dug in.
  Birthday #14
Kurt froze when he saw tickets peeping out of his card. Not again. Noise, sunburn, unhealthy food, tacky uniforms, and Dad trying so hard to make a boring sport seem like fun.
He sighed and pasted on a smile, which quickly transformed into shock.
“Wicked?” he squeaked, staring hard at the little papers as if the printing might change if he dared to look away.
“Embassy Theater is giving regional business owners a discount this year,” Burt said apologetically. “It’s just a traveling production, not real Broadway, but I …”
His apology was cut off by a joyful teenaged hug.
 Birthday #15
“Don’t worry, son, you got this.  Just remember everything I taught you.  You got a whole year to get ready for the practical test.”
“I know.”
“And it’s okay if you don’t get it right the first time. Not everybody does.”
“I’m fine, Dad.”
“I’ll be right here waiting for you when you’re through.”
“I know that, Dad. I’ll be okay, really.”
At that moment, Kurt’s name was called and he sprang from his hard green plastic chair. His dad’s repeated reassurances were making him jumpy.
Twenty minutes later, a brightly grinning Kurt was waving his freshly minted driver’s permit.
 Birthday #16
Burt patted the giant blue bow the dealership had provided over the hood of the shining black Lincoln Navigator.  
Kurt was gonna flip! He’d passed his DMV test with flying colors and was no doubt showing off his shiny new license to all his friends at school.  
He paused. Did Kurt have any friends to share this accomplishment with? He always seemed so alone.
Maybe that’s why he had decided to spoil his son with a huge birthday gift.
It wasn’t right for such a good kid to be all alone. Maybe having his own ride would help change that.
  Birthday #17
A dozen teens gathered in Kurt’s basement to celebrate the end-of-school, non-disbanding of Glee, and Kurt’s birthday, all in one.
“Not like ten years ago,” Mercedes said to Kurt, as they watched Mike and Brittany dance.
“Ten years?”
“Your seventh? It was just you, me, your mom, and lots of chocolate cake.”
Kurt was astounded. “That was you?”
“You forgot?”
“I remember a little girl who showed up and invited herself to my party.”
“And I remember a little boy who needed a friend as much as I did.”
He squeezed her hand. “Thanks for coming.”
She squeezed back. “Always.”
 Birthday #18
Kurt stared at his birthday cake, unable to think of anything to wish for.
He was 18-years-old today, a legal adult. He had new family in Carole and Finn, his dad was on the mend, he would be back at McKinley for senior year, he had made his first visit to New York City, and he had a boyfriend! One who had just told Kurt that he loved him for the very first time.
‘I wish for next year to be as good as this,” he thought, taking a deep breath and blowing.
The flames flickered out, all except one.
 Birthday #19
Senior year had been a disaster, and now he had not gotten into NYADA, despite his well-praised audition.
“Blaine wants me to spend another year here,” he whispered. “I just can’t.”
Burt’s callused hand squeezed his neck. “Then don’t. You’re 19 now, a man. You got talents galore, work experience from the garage, enough drive for ten kids, and your mom’s life insurance money to give you a start.”
“No buts,” Burt said firmly. “You go on to New York and grab life by the balls.”
Kurt felt his optimism rise. “Help me look for apartments?”
“You got it.”
 Birthday #20
What a difference a year made.
He’d dumped Blaine after being cheated on less than a month after leaving Lima.  He was enrolled at FIT and sharing a shoebox apartment with a fellow design student and a Broadway hopeful, but both were young gay men from small towns, and they had a lot in common.
“Happy Birthday!” Elliott shouted, tossing a handful of glittery sequins at him.
Adam came in playing the birthday song on a kazoo he had gotten from who-knows-where. “Ready for Callbacks? $20 on who gets the first hot guy’s number!”
“I already have yours. I win!”
 Birthday #21
“I have the honor of presenting your first official grown-up drink,” Adam said, smiling lovingly at his grinning boyfriend of nearly a year. He set down a martini glass with a cherry floating on top. “A Manhattan seemed appropriate.”
Kurt beamed and gave him a kiss, then took an experimental sip. “I’ve had alcohol before,” he admitted. “Mostly wine, though.  Mm, this is good!”
“I thought you’d like it. Happy Birthday, my love.  May the future bring every good thing you wish for, and never more heartache than you can handle.”
Kurt could not have asked for a better sentiment.
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aceavatar · 3 years
Coffee Shop
Shoto Todoroki x gn!Reader
Warnings: none, just fluff!
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It was a Tuesday morning. I was going to be late to school. I shrugged it off and decided, “I might as well just miss my first class instead of arriving more than halfway through.”
I tugged at my white shirt. Each class wore different shirts. I hated that mine was white that year; it seemed like it could never stay clean.
A small coffee shop caught my eye on the walk there, so I decided, why not? I opened the door, making the bell jingle a little bit. I breathed in through my nose and closed my eyes for a second, enjoying the smell. That’s when it all went wrong.
A strong force collided with me, making me stumble backwards, my chest burning.
“Oh- oh no, I’m so sorry,” a voice said. I opened my eyes to see there was a boy about my age, covered in coffee (just like I was).
“Oh, it’s fine,” I said, looking down at my stained shirt.
“You were wearing a white shirt, that makes it worse, ugh.” He tossed the to go cup in the trash can and got some napkins for the both of us.
“Thanks. It’s okay, I always carry a backup. I just hope I don’t spill my coffee on me. Knowing myself, it’s likely.” I joked, lightening the mood.
He shook his head, attempting to pat me dry before doing it to himself.
“That’s good.” He muttered. “Again, I’m sorry, will you allow me to pay for your drink?”
I tilted my head. “You don’t have to, I’m going to get a coffee for my teacher as well, that’s too much-“
“Please, it’s nothing.” He said sincerely.
I looked into his multicolored eyes. He wanted to. “Well, okay. Thank you..?”
“Todoroki.” He said.
“Y/n.” I replied, smiling softly at him. We stood in line for a minute, and I ordered a mocha for me and a cappuccino for Ms. Joke, and he got himself a new black coffee. “Hey, thank you for the coffee.” I said with a smile.
“No problem, sorry about the shirt.” He nodded at me and we parted ways.
The next time, it was a Thursday morning. It was much earlier; I was on time for school. He was too.
“Hey, Y/n, right?” A voice said quietly.
I turned my head to face a familiar boy. “Todoroki, hello, nice to see you again!” I said with a smile.
“You too.” The corners of his lips turned upwards ever so slightly. We stood in line together, chatting briefly while we waited for our coffee. “So where do you go to school?” He asked, tilting his head backwards a bit and looking down at me.
“Oh, I go to Ketsubutsu.” I said, kicking my shoe on the floor. “How about you?”
“Oh, I go to UA.” He said quietly.
“Really? Woah, that’s amazing.” I said, impressed.
He shrugged. “It’s okay.”
“I tried to get in; I just missed it. I was one or two past the cutoff.” I frowned, remembering how crushed I was when I discovered I was so close, but not close enough. I’m still grateful that I got into another good hero school, but it’s not UA.
“Wow, that sucks. Still, you must be pretty powerful, and Ketsubutsu’s still a really good school.”
I shrugged. “Don’t like thinking about it.”
“Understandable.” He nodded, shoving his hands in his pockets. “So what’s your quirk?”
I smiled at him, silently thanking him for changing the conversation. “It’s nothing great,” I muttered. “It’s-“
“Coffee for Y/n!” The woman behind the counter shouted, making eye contact with me.
“A story for next time I guess.” I glanced at my watch before going up and taking my coffee, thanking the barista. “Bye.” I quickly told him, heading for the door.
“Bye.” He called back.
The third time, it was even earlier. It was a Friday morning and I decided to head out extra early so I could grab a table and study for a math test that I had later in the afternoon.
I was sitting, legs crossed, pencil in my hand as I stared down at polynomials.
“Hey.” The now recognizable voice said.
I looked up and smiled at him. “Todoroki! Hi!”
“Mind if I join you?” He nodded at the seat across from me.
“Not at all, please do.”
“Thanks.” He put his backpack in the chair and went to get a coffee.
When he came back, I nodded at the cup in his hand. “Black?”
“Yep.” He chuckled a bit at the fact that I remembered.
He pulled out a biology textbook and started writing in it as we both studied in a comfortable silence together.
After a bit, my phone started buzzing. “Ugh, what?” I muttered to myself, picking it up. It was Shindou, begging for me to get him some breakfast. I typed a quick no, setting it down. It started buzzing again, making me roll my eyes and put it on do not disturb.
“Someone bothering you?” Todoroki raised an eyebrow, nodding at my phone.
“Ah, kinda, but it’s okay. Just Shindou wanting me to buy him breakfast.” I shook my head, chuckling. “He always eats his own breakfast, he doesn’t need another.”
He laughed out his nose, looking back down at his textbook.
After a while, it’s time for us to leave for school. “Ooh, it’s chilly.” I commented at the changing weather.
“Want my jacket?” Todoroki asked.
“It’s okay, I don’t wanna bother. Thanks though.”
“Y/n, you’ll freeze. A cold front is supposed to move in today.” He insisted, shrugging it off.
“You don’t ha-“ I’m cut off by his jacket being draped over my shoulders. “Won’t you be cold?”
“Nah.” He says, pointing at his left side.
“Oh yeah.” I laugh a bit, smiling up at him. “Thank you. Again.”
“It’s no problem. I will need it back though, so, do you wanna meet for coffee here again tomorrow morning? Spring break starts tomorrow, so we wouldn’t have to worry about getting to school on time.” He asked nervously.
A grin crept up on my face. “Todorki, are you asking me on a coffee date?”
“I mean, if you want it to be a date…”
“Yes.” I said, smiling and putting my arms through the sleeves. I moved closer to him, putting a hand on his jaw to hold him in place. Standing on my tiptoes, I press a quick kiss to his cheek before turning and walking (more like skipping) to school. I turned around, waving and shouting a goodbye.
He stood there, a smile gracing his face, cheeks pink. He waved back before brushing his hair out of his eyes, biting back a smile.
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the idea of loving you | 3
Being in love is never easy. Especially with a certain blonde-haired Slytherin around.. /4th year, Voldemort not coming back/
pairing: Draco x Ravenclaw reader
word count: 2600
warnings: none
a/n: I’ve been listening to a lot of girl in red lately, and is shows lol. Also thank you SOO much for all the support. It honestly makes my day <3 
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After the incident with Malfoy, you went back to Harry and you talked for another hour or so, before leaving together to head back to the castle. Draco left the inn shortly after your little talk. You felt relieved, knowing that he won't bother you anymore, so you can focus all your attention on the brown-haired boy who's been patiently waiting for you to come back. But oh boy, you were wrong. You couldn't get Malfoy and his intoxicating smell out of your mind, and it once again drove you crazy. He should be illegal, you thought.
As you got back to your common room, you saw Luna sitting on a blue velvet sofa alone, with a book in her hand. She wasn't reading it or anything, she just held it in her hand, as she stared out of the window. Luna Lovegood. You met her last year, on the train heading to Hogwarts. You were a bit late, so all the cabins were full, except for the one Luna was in. She sat alone, not bothering to look in your direction when you opened the door. Not out of rudeness, she just simply didn't notice you, as she was lost in her thoughts, similar to how you found her on the sofa just now. When you first saw her, she wore colorful clothes and a funny looking necklace made out of Butterbeer caps. You voiced your fascination towards the odd jewelry, saying you've never seen anything like that before. She didn't reply but smiled at you as she took it off and gave it to you. Being friends with her meant being together in silence doing completely different things, just enjoying each other's company. It meant long walks to feed the Thestrals, even though you didn't see them, and going stargazing together. You were out on a warm September night, in your half-tied shoes and wrinkled shirt sitting on the grass, filling the silence with meaningless jibber when she kissed you. This was the first kiss you've shared together. It ended as quickly as it began. Her kissing you took you off guard, but you didn't mind it. Her lips were soft and tasted like strawberries. She smiled at you as you laid back, spreading out on the grass as if nothing ever happened, and continued talking. Your second kiss happened briefly a month after that. It was no secret that Luna was weird. Everyone knew that, and they liked bullying her because of it. She was usually good at not caring and shutting them out, but on that particular day, she broke. You two were sitting on the floor in Myrtle's bathroom while she cried, and it honestly broke your heart. It was now you that started the kiss. It was delicate, slow, and full of emotion, but it wasn't romantically motivated, and you both knew it. You've never talked about this kiss again. You wanted to walk up to her and ask her about her day, but Cho stopped you. "Oh, y/n, thank Merlin you're back. We were just talking with Marietta about the ball. It's a week away, and we still don't have dresses," she stressed. You realized she was right. You definitely needed to visit Hogsmeade before next Friday. Maybe you could invite Luna too. You knew she was not into all the dressing up, putting on expensive jewelry and makeup, but you'd give it a try, you thought. "And also, I heard Ced invited you to their little get-together. I'm so happy you're coming, you don't even know. I've never even talked to these guys before, so I probably would've felt very awkward sitting with them," she laughed. That was true. Cho was easily intimidated, and she got all shy when she was with people she didn’t know well, so you were happy you accepted Cedric's offer. In the end, you didn't get to talk to Luna, because Cho and Marietta dragged you with them to the library to meet up with some other friends. That's where you saw him. Hair as blonde as ever, eyes piercing, and he wore an annoyed look on his face. You gulped. You hadn't been expecting to see him here. You diverted your eyes as if you didn't even see him, and sat down at a table to join your friends. It's not weird he's here, he's a student after all, you thought. But still, seeing him after what he did to your heart previously that day made your cheeks heat up. 
You were trying to listen to one of the Ravenclaw girl's story about what happened in her DADA class when you've heard Hermione call your name. When you turned to her, she gestured for you to go over there, so you did. Hermione and Harry was sitting at another table with Ron. When you got there you swore you could see a blush on Harry’s cheeks, but you didn’t mention it. "Hey guys, what's up?" you asked, but your question was met with silence and awkward glances. You started to get worried. "Is everything alright?" Hermione let out an audible sigh, "tell her what you told us, Harry, she should know." You looked at Harry with a confused look on your face, waiting for an explanation. "So?" Harry frowned, and he let a long sigh escape his mouth. "I've seen how Malfoy bothered you in the Three Broomsticks today. You took so long in the bathroom, I got worried and went after you. And I've seen what happened." "Harry, I-" you didn't know what to say. You felt so guilty and irresponsible. You were on a date for Merlin's sake, and you almost let Draco kiss you. You were honestly disappointed in yourself. "It's okay, y/n," he interrupted you quickly. "It's not your fault," he said, but you really weren't sure about that. "When we got back to the castle, I saw Malfoy, and I got angry. I-I just couldn't control myself."
"Leave y/n alone, Malfoy," Harry said firmly, after he saw the Slytherin boy walking down the hallway with Crabble. Draco let out a laugh. "Why? Are you upset, because I stole the girl you wanted to take to the ball, Potter?" Malfoy said, visibly enjoying the enraged boy in front of him. Confusion settled on Harry's face, not knowing how Malfoy could've possibly known about that. "You know," Draco continued, " you should really keep your voice down when you talk. Someone might overhear you. 'Do you think I should ask her? What if she says no?' he quoted Harry mockingly. "Grow up, Potter."  "Are you serious? You asked her to the ball, so I couldn't go with her?" "Seems like the chosen one wasn't chosen this time" Draco sneered, then walked away with his minion, leaving the Gryffindor boy infuriated.
After Harry told you what happened, you were baffled. You didn't want to believe it at first. Once again, you felt stupid. You weren't mad at Draco, you honestly just felt disappointed. He did all that to mess with Harry. He would've invited any girl Harry liked, and it left a bitter taste in your mouth. You swore boys will be the end of you. But you felt sorry for Harry more than you felt sorry for yourself. He was such a nice guy. He didn't deserve Malfoy's bullying, and he definitely didn't deserve you playing with his emotions. You felt guilt take over you. "I'm so sorry Harry, I would've loved to go with you. But I mean, if you'd still want to go together, I'm in. I'll just call it off with Draco." "Uhm, sorry y/n. When I heard you were going with someone I asked Parvati, and she said yes," he said. "But I could tell her that I changed my mind." "No. The ball is only a week away, ditching her now would be horrible," you said, giving him a reassuring smile.  After returning to your table, and telling your friends about what happened, calling them furious would be an understatement. "He is such a prick., I just can't believe he'd do that." Said the girl you sit with in Charms. "I mean, he's Malfoy, what else did you expect? asked Marietta. "I'm seriously going to choke him the next time I see him." You couldn't help but laugh at that.
The following week passed quickly. It was hectic and exciting,. Everyone was talking about the ball, and practicing dancing. On Tuesday, you went out with Cho, Marietta, and Luna to find your dresses. You managed to convince your blonde friend to go with you, using your irresistible charms on her. She just couldn't say no to you. It took you a while to find the perfect dress since it was either the wrong color or the fitting of it was off, but after trying on 7 dresses, you've found the one. "This is it," you whispered, looking at yourself in the mirror, taking in the sight before you. You looked amazing in the long satin dress. It fit you like a glove, and it's deep, blue color matched with the color of your house. You felt powerful and beautiful wearing it. Thursday came quickly, and you were lying if you said you weren't nervous. It was the day of the Hufflepuff party. You walked with a knot in your stomach the whole day. You weren't ready to see Cedric and Cho all lovely-dovely together yet, considering it's only been a week since you got your heart broken. But you had to be strong. For Cho. After classes, you headed back to your dorm, to change into something cooler than your uniform. When you entered Cho was already there, doing the same thing. When you were both done, you headed straight to the Hufflepuff common room. "Are you sure you want to go to the ball with Malfoy?" Cho asked hesitantly while walking down the stairs of the Ravenclaw Tower. You sighed. "What choice do I have? No one else invited me, and the ball is tomorrow." "Go with Harry," she said as if it was the most obvious thing ever. "I already asked him, and he's taking Parvati," you said. "That's a bummer." You agreed with her. It really was a bummer.
You got to the Hufflepuff's common room faster than you wanted to. Cedric was already waiting outside for you two. Going in, you were surprised to see how different this common room was from yours. Yours was wide and tall with big, arched windows. Very graceful looking. The Hufflepuff one on the other hand had a very low ceiling, with a bunch of plants and small circular windows. It looked so cozy and comforting, like a sip of hot cacao on a cold winter morning, or warm, fuzzy socks. You loved it. After you finished marveling, you noticed that everyone was already sitting in a circle near the fireplace, so you quickly joined them. You sat on Cho's left, and Cedric sat on her right. It was okay. You could do this, it's not as bad as it thought it would be, you thought naively. There weren't a lot of people invited, you assumed since there were only about 7 people besides Cho, Cedric and you. You recognized some of them, they were all pretty popular. Some of the guys were bullies of Luna, which disgusted you, and it also didn't help with the knot in your stomach. One of the guys poured some Firewhiskey into everyone's glass, and you've all started drinking and talking. After your 3rd glass, you didn't feel tense anymore. It was a rather nice feeling, really. You were all bubbly and no one seemed scary anymore. Not even Cedric. One of the guys was muggle-born, and he told you about a game, that muggles play in parties like this. "It's simple, just spin the bottle, and kiss whoever it lands on," he explained. There were a few uneasy glances exchanged. "What if the bottle stops at someone I don't want to kiss?" a girl asked worriedly. "If you chicken out, you have to leave. Those are the rules," he replied simply. "Any questions?" he asked after a pause. There were none, so you quickly started the game. The first few spins were fun to watch. Everyone was excited, waiting for their turn to spin. You were fired up too, literally, from all the Firewhiskey you drank. It was now Cedric's turn to spin. He smiled at Cho, who smiled back at him before he took the bottle in his hand to give it a spin. It spun for what it seemed like an eternity, before slowing down. All eyes were fixated on it. You held your breath in with your heart racing. Not me, not me, please just not me, your mind chanted. It got slower and slower with every second, and it looked as if it's going to stop at Cho, but it ran past her, choosing to stop at you instead. Silence fell on the room. Everyone knew that Cedric and Cho were a thing, so the fact that it stopped at you created tension, and everyone felt it. You looked at Cedric and found him already looking at you. To your surprise, he didn't seem like he was very much against it. He looked at you with a serious expression on his face, but his eyes were suggestive. As if he was saying, it's okay for me as long as it's okay for you. You glanced at Cho, and saw a big frown on her face, and how her lips trembled. She looked pained, and who could blame her? The boy she was seeing had to kiss her best friend. She knew it was her decision to make, and her face showed true despair. You've been waiting for a chance like this for years, but seeing her like this made your heart ache. You knew what you had to do.
"I'm sorry, I don't think I can do it. I guess I'm a chicken," you said, letting out a bitter laugh. Everyone was eyeing you, and no one said a word as you started getting up from your place. "You're not," you heard Cho say quietly. You looked at her with a frown as if she was crazy, shaking your head lightly. "You're not a chicken y/n," she said simply, a bit louder than last time, as she gave you a reassuring nod, gesturing for you to kiss the boy on her right. "You've heard her, go on. Do it if you don't want to leave," the muggle boy said strongly. You looked at him, with eyes that could kill, then glanced at Cedric. Your sharp eyes softened at his sight. You saw him and Cho exchanging glances before he looked you in the eyes. Your heart pounded in your chest, and you were glad you weren't standing because your knees would've definitely given up on you. You sneaked a guilty look at Cho as the Hufflepuff boy came closer to you. Heat rose from your stomach to your chest as Cedric's lips were getting closer and closer. His smell hit your nose, and he finally pressed his lips to yours. And it was honestly... underwhelming. You expected the time to stop as butterflies rose in your stomach. You expected your heart to skip a beat while your toes curl under you. But all you got was... a kiss. It wasn't magical or exceptional,  it was just normal. In the last few days, you didn't think of him as much as you used to, so kissing him scared you. You didn't want to get back into that headspace again. But you didn't. This kiss was exactly what you needed, to understand that you're healing. Little by little, you're getting over him.
chapter 4
taglist: @dreaming-about-fanfictions​
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heyheshi · 4 years
10 Years of One Direction
1.9k words
written and uploaded: July 23, 2020
🦋 - fluff
Please like and reblog! Also please don’t post my writings anywhere!
I wasn’t really planning on uploading this Thursday and this isn’t what I was supposed to write lmao, my mind is all over the place for the past few days due to 1D’s 10 year anniversary but oh well, here I am, waiting for Zayn to say something... anyway HAPPY 10 YEARS guys! More power to our family! Gosh I feel so old!
"I'm almost done with the frosting babe!", you yelled from the kitchen hoping your boyfriend can hear you from his room upstairs. Slowly but surely, you wrote the delicate letters on the cake you made just for this occasion, "10 Years of One Direction".
"Come quick!", you heard footsteps descending from the stairs, "I'm done upstairs love, just gotta bring up the drinks.", Harry kissed your cheeks as he brushed passed you and opened the fridge to get some soda.
"Don't forget the wine. Is the laptop set up?", you asked finishing off the lettering with three exclamation marks.
"It's all done Y/N", your boyfriend laughs at you, "you're much more stressed than me! Loosen up lovie", he winked at you and run back upstairs. You just rolled your eyes and smiled.
You carefully placed the cake on the clean counter and cleaned up your mess. 30 minutes before midnight and you're not on your decent clothes yet!
Now, it's not exactly your fault why you're doing the cake this late. Your boyfriend thought that you made 2 cakes as that's what you both talked about but you decided to just make one and completely forgot to tell him.
You woke up nearing lunch - making a checklist on the things you need to get done for the day as preparation. Quickly eating breakfast (more like brunch) Harry made and started cleaning his room and did his laundry.
You often spend the night at his house so doing the domestic stuff for him is not much of a big deal to you. You basically live here anyway - but today needs extra work.
Around 2 p.m., you started to make the base of the cake as Harry leaves to go to the gym. You finished it, deciding to make the frosting later, and took a nap.
You woke up around 7 p.m., just in time to make dinner. On your way to the kitchen, you can hear H humming, something he does when he's alone. You smiled at the thought, cannot hold back yourself from kissing your boyfriend welcome so you run to where he is - quickly stopping in your track once you see him.
"Hi baby! The cake tastes so good, it'll be phenomenal with your frosting", you saw Harry eating the base of the cake smiling at you. You don't know how to react. Your mind working miles per minute.
"Har- i- babe! I only made one!"
"What do you mean you only made one, lovie?", Harry asked still eating the cake.
"I got tired earlier and just decided to make one...", face-palming yourself for your own carelessness.
"Oh shi- I, we can make another one! I'll make it! I'm so sor-",
"It's alright", you rounded the counter and kissed his messy lips, "I'll make another one, you can finish this one", you smiled reassuringly at him and squeezing his shoulder quick.
"I'll make our dinner, yea?", he offered. You can tell that he feels bad about eating the cake but it's really not a big deal at all. It's food, you're raised to share food and not spoil it. Plus you couldn't really be mad at Harry as he is your boyfriend and it's his special day in a few hours.
"Of course, I'll just start on a new batch.", you kissed Harry once again as you both started working in the kitchen.
Placing the mixture in the oven, the two of you eat the dinner around 8 p.m., Harry made your favorite Alfredo pasta knowing that he's trying to make it up to you.
Both of you being the slowest eater that you are, spent more than an hour eating - always teasing and flirting to each other like it's still the early stages in your relationship.
You told H to get his room ready and that you'll do the dishes instead and a little past 10 p.m., you're only starting on the mixture of the frosting.
Now, finally, you're ready to head upstairs and change into much cleaner clothes. Delicately holding the cake and walking slowly, you finally made it to Harry's room.
It looked like a huge fort, with his bed full of pillows and snacks and his laptop connected to the t.v. with their old music videos playing. You never pictured your boyfriend as the fairy lights type of guy but oh well this night, he is.
His room looks and feels really cozy, he even got balloons on his ceiling and the banner you made a few days ago is hung near his headboard.
You saw your boyfriend fixing the plastic table on the room where more snacks and utensils are placed. As if he can feel your presence, he looked back to the door where you are standing and quickly getting the cake off your hands to place on the table.
"Go get changed love, might as well binge on our old videos while waiting for them.", you only noticed that your boyfriend is already dressed for the occasion.
You forced him to wear their 1D merch with you. He is currently sporting a 1D pajama set, a Liam socks, and a Zayn beanie.
"You look cute babes!", you teased him and run to the bathroom to take a quick shower. You can hear him laughing at you and saying something sounding like "love her to death".
You changed to your own 1D pajama set matching with H and putting on a Narry socks and a Louis beanie and exiting his bathroom.
Harry is singing along to Perfect when you entered his room. You plopped into his bed and cuddled him.
"Ready?", you asked him giddily as you went to his laptop to open the zoom app.
"One kiss and I'm ready.", he winked at you and hugged you from behind. You shrugged him as a joke and pecked his nose. 
After connecting his laptop on zoom, you both went back to bed and wait for the others. One by one, the other guys started joining the meeting.
"Harry! Y/N! Man, how's everything?", Liam greeted both of you with Bear on his lap. The three of you are in the middle of your conversation when another user joined in.
"Oi! What's up fuc- oh sh- sorry!", Louis raised his hand as he saw Bear on Liam's screen. El only laughed at her boyfriend and started talking with the rest of you.
Niall joined a bit later speaking without a sound. The rest of you reckoned that he's having a hard time setting up his zoom app until another user joined, and that's when Niall's audio started working.
"Ello lads! And ladies! And baby!", Niall cooed at Bear while Bear only stared at the web came, shyly.
"Sorry guys! Z is still in the bathroom! You know him!", the very pregnant Gigi joined the meeting as the others started talking to each other. You haven't met her in person so you're fangirling over her. Harry squeezed you to his side and laughed at you lightly.
"Hello hello!", at 11:59, Zayn finally appeared on the screen, Louis cheering for his best friend's appearance.
Everyone started talking, Bear being taken away to sleep after a few minutes.
"Was gonna egg your houses, except yours - Harry and Zayn. Liam and Niall, you keep dropping hints fooking hell!", Louis exclaimed while everyone laughed at him.
"I mea-"
"Shut up Liam!", Liam only laughed and put his hands in the air at Lou's antics.
"Harry, Y/N, you two looked like you really planned this!", Gigi complimented you both while you blushed whispering a thank you.
"She forced me to wear this! And look at her socks!", H raised your foot so the others can see it.
"Awe Y/N this is why I love youuu", Niall teased you. You haven't recovered from Gigi, now there's another teasing!
"Leave m’ girl alone! She's fangirling over Gigi!", you nudge Harry's ribs hard, feeling so embarrassed. 
"Oh gosh, that's cute! I wanna meet you in person! I've already met El when we did this photoshoot, right El?", Gigi enthusiastically said as Zayn rubs his girlfriend's belly.
"Yes! We have to hang out! Ni and Li! Make sure your girlfriends join us!", Eleanor looks so happy and it makes you wonder how she does it in the midst of all the hate she receives. You and Harry aren't public yet and it makes you think of what will happen when you do.
"Harry keep it in your pants!", Lou suddenly shouted when he saw your boyfriend staring at you.
"M not doing an-"
"Baby fever man!", Niall laughed at Harry for being so obvious. You're so embarrassed at this point so Harry just flexed his room and the cake you made to remove turn the attention away from the both of you.
"Man, how do you think they'll react to the Infinity video?", Niall asked.
"Gonna be a blast, they don't know that Zayn had a part!", your boyfriend exclaimed beside you while everyone agrees. Within the next few hours, different websites will premier it and everyone can hardly wait.
Everyone stayed up until 5 a.m. catching up and reminiscing until they have to forcefully go to sleep for later. They can't wait to see each other for the interview with BBC where they'll be announcing their plans.
Each said goodbyes with a promise to arrive early to spend more time together before the taping starts at 12 p.m.
You and Harry both went to the bathroom to brush your teeth, Harry staring at you through the mirror as you did so.
"Mhve iwn wifh mo."
You rinsed your mouth with the water and replied, "what? I couldn't exactly understand you baby."
Harry finished rinsing his mouth, "I said move in with me... please."
"I- Harry re you sure? I mea-"
"Yes, I am! You're basically living here anyway! I want to take the next step with you.", he tried to woo you while hugging you in front of the mirror.
You nod and said yes. Turning around to kiss him. 
"I love you", he said. 
"Love you more", you kissed him once more, "Let's head to bed! You gotta be up nice and fresh for later," you tugged his hands towards his room and settled down.
“I always look good babyyy...”, and as much as you wanted to fight your boyfriend, he looks really cuddly now.
“Yes, you do, got a killer genes and all”, you run your hands through his hair smiling softly at him, as you felt your eyes became heavy.
“You do too! Our kids gonna have badass looks!"
“You definitely go a baby fever huh? Let's focus on your interview tomorrow first, yeah?”, you hugged him tight and tickled the back of his neck.
H only laughed, "Definitely got one, wanna be a father to our kids but I also can't wait for our fans to know what we're up to!", Harry placed his head on the crook of your neck.
“Good thing I want you to be the father of my future kids then... and tomorrow, they’re gonna love it! Gonna be thrilled about your announcement! Everyone’s been waiting for it! Happy 10 years again, so proud of you and everyone behind your band's success."
“Thank you lovie", Harry replied as he kissed your neck.
With that, you kissed his forehead goodnight and made sure your alarm is on to start the day.
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ofsketchings · 3 years
flashback ; when she loved me...
Monday 15:24PM 09/08/2021
“I cannot think of anything worse than being in love with someone.” Lettie grumbled out loud to herself, sipping the bitter drink in her hand and sitting back on her sofa, staring at the text conversation between David and herself. What was once her excuse to dress up and throw a party had devolved into assuring him his boyfriend wouldn’t bolt the second he found out about the alter ego he harboured on stage. She wasn’t the best at pep talks on a good day, but pep talks about loving and secure relationships? She had never been in one, never even seen one, so how this was out of her comfort zone. One mention of the word “love” always sent her spiralling back to the time she believed in it, a time where she freely gave her heart away only for it to be crushed in the pretty manicured hands of her first and last real relationship.
Thursday 20:46PM 02/05/2013
Lettie didn’t mind attention, if anything, she basked in it. At sixteen, her rebellious stage had kicked in a hell of a lot quicker and harder than any of the other girls in her grade, hell, in her school. Even some of the seniors would never dare be as outspoken as she was. Perhaps, though, that was one of the perks of coming from a rich family and going to a private boarding school for girls - she could get away with it. Throughout her time at the school, she hadn’t exactly been popular. Sure, she was pretty and self assured, but her wealthy background as the step-daughter of a CEO hadn’t made her many friends. In fact, combined with her personality, it made her public enemy number one.
There was only one person Lettie knew didn’t care about any of that, one person who had only ever been kind - Tabitha.
Tabitha Lomax was a grade above her and beloved by many. In truth, she was perfect; good at sports, smart, obedient and charming to boot, not to mention drop dead gorgeous. The first time she acknowledged Lettie’s presence, she damn near fainted. Smiles in the corridors turned to greetings, then conversations at dinner until one fateful night, the elder asked her to join her on the roof. Happily, she agreed, and that night she had not only her first kiss but the night she gained better understanding of her own bisexuality. Before, she just thought girls were pretty, but now? This was a whole new ballpark. 
From then on, the two girls remained in a secret relationship, consisting of sneaking into each others’ dorms and breaking no end of rules just to see each other. Tabitha told her their relationship would not be taken well by the faculty and could even result in their expulsion.
“You may be off the hook,” Tabitha said one night on her way out of Lettie’s room, tucking a fiery piece of hair behind her girlfriend’s ear, “but I would certainly be kicked out… You wouldn’t want that, would you?”
No, she didn’t. And so, her affections were kept to herself in public, shown only around Tabitha’s friends - people they could trust.
Or so she thought.
Because now, here she was, centre of attention and despising it. Everyone was staring, whispering, pointing at her as she made her way through the crowds in search of her girlfriend. Something was off, she knew that from the weird feeling in her gut, but she soldiered on anyway, not wanting to break the promise she had made that she would be there. Tabitha had asked her to attend the senior graduation party the girls threw in secret every year, hiding away from their teachers in the old ballroom across the land, hidden in the overgrown forest. She had denied at first, saying it was only for seniors and she didn’t want to intrude on Tabby and her friends, but all it took was some watery blue eyes and a little begging, and Lettie was binding herself to her unknown fate.
Upon arrival, Lettie had been overjoyed. Her girlfriend was graduating, she would be leaving the school, and they could finally be together without the watchful eyes of their teachers and peers. No more sneaking around at night, no more hushed whispers and quick moments between classes. They could finally be a real couple.
Finding her had been difficult but the second she spotted the brunette, she was practically running towards her. All thoughts of the staring and judging were swept aside as she reached the older girl, a megawatt grin stretched across her face.
“Sorry I’m late, matron was out to get me today, I swear.”
Suddenly, Tabitha looked uncomfortable, and less than pleased to see her. “Oh… It’s alright I just… Didn’t think you’d actually come.”
“Why not?” Lettie tilted her head to one side slightly, a frown pulling at her brow. “You asked me to be here and I promised, so here I am!” She held her arms out and shook her hands, as if to say ‘ta-dah!’. Tabitha did not look impressed, if anything, she looked more upset than she did ten seconds ago. Almost… guilty.
“...Colette, you shouldn’t have come. I shouldn’t have asked you to-” Tabitha’s voice was low, soft, meant to be comforting but something about it made her stomach twist in apprehension. 
It was wrong. All of it was wrong. The staring, the whispering, her voice, the guilt, all of it was wrong.
“What’s… What’s going on?”
“Well, well, well, look what the Tabby cat dragged in.” 
Patricia was as mean as they came, entitled and vain, she ruled over everyone without a care in the world of what they thought. Love her or loathe her, everyone listened to Patricia Weston. She didn’t have to push her way through the crowds - people just moved, and if Lettie didn’t know any better, she’d say she was floating. God, she hated her. 
“You look a little too happy.” Lettie wasn’t sure what part of her face gave the impression that she was happy, but clearly it wasn’t miserable enough for the bitch. “I’m guessing she hasn’t told you yet? Well, don’t let me keep you.”
Slowly, without bothering to respond as she usually would, Lettie turned back to her girlfriend with confusion written all over her face. It only got worse to see Tabby staring back at her with indifference..
“God, you’re so stupid.”
“What?” It was all she could manage to push out of her mouth - it was too hard to breathe.
By now, the whole room had gathered around them, peeking over each other's shoulders and standing on their toes to see the confrontation of the year finally come about. Some girls were filming it on the phones they had smuggled in. Everyone seemed to be holding their breath for the moment the penny would drop for poor little Colette Sharp.
“It wasn’t real, Lettie. Any of it.” At least Tabitha had the decency to mock a sympathetic expression. “Trish didn’t like you, thought you needed to be knocked down a peg or two. I agreed. She said that you were too well protected by your background for the… traditional route.”
The sinking feeling in her stomach continued to weigh heavier the more Tabitha spoke. All the times she had been put in detention or isolation for things she should have been expelled for, all the times she had been let off because of her connections popped up briefly in her head. No wonder everyone hated her. 
“So when she noticed that you seemed to like me, she approached me. Of course, I was in straight away. I always thought you were self-involved and defiant and I hated that. I hated you.”
“Stop.” Lettie shook her head, starting to back away instead of just standing there and blinking like a deer in headlights, but the crowd wouldn’t let her. She tried to get Tabitha to stop talking but it seemed that a nod from Patricia was all she needed to continue. 
“You were so naïve. You believed me when I said I liked you, you let me do as I pleased, and it felt good. You were at my beck and call, you’d do anything for me. It was fun, to see you practically on your knees for once, instead of holding your influence over the rest of us like some sort of fragile royalty, a spoiled little princess acting out for attention. This time, it was me, I held the power… And you never realised.”
No doubt, the look on her face must have been priceless to everyone watching, enraptured by the real drama going on in front of them. 
“You never realised it was fake, and that’s your own fault.”
The mob finally gave way as Lettie stumbled backwards, heart hammering in her ears and the blood rushing to her face. No one caught her as she tripped over her own feet, falling to the floor in her haste to get away. It was all wrong, the laughing, the sneering, the camera flashes. She had to get out of there.
She didn’t spare Tabitha a glance as she scrambled to find her footing, eyes diverted to the floor whilst pushing past people all over again, this time in even more haste and desperation. Her only goal was to get out of that suffocating room, her lungs constricting as she struggled to escape the cruel giggles and shoves from those surrounding her.
It was clear to her that everyone was enjoying this. The Invincible Lettie Sharp, shot down by love. What a sight.
The trip back to her room was too long, too far. Every turn of a corner she would’ve usually taken so carefully, she practically threw herself round, no longer giving a damn whether she got caught or not. Perhaps it would have been better if she was caught - maybe they’d finally expel her? Save her from the embarrassment she was about to go through every day for the next year. Unfortunately, she knew that was unlikely and she spent the night crying herself to sleep while her somewhat-ex partied it up with her friends and celebrated her downfall.
The next couple weeks were pure torture. Everywhere she went she was confronted with the videos and the pictures, the snapshots of the biggest heartbreak of her life. No one had any sympathy for her, no one seemed to care when they could laugh at her expense instead. Slowly but surely, her wayward streak dulled, along with her once-cheerful and humorous personality. She became blunt, fiercer than before and determined to protect herself from further harm.
The ridicule continued until she graduated, everyone remembering the time the biggest rebel the school had ever seen was knocked on her ass and forced to settle down.
The experience was something she swore she would never talk about - it was easier for people to think she simply preferred lazy hook-ups and flirting at bars. People didn’t insist she was broken this way.  Even now, eight years later, the very thought of a relationship set a bitter taste in her mouth.
Monday 15:36PM 09/08/2021
She tossed her phone to the side, unwilling to reply to David just yet, and pulled her blanket around her tighter. The documentary Minjoon insisted she watch played in the background but she paid no attention as her thoughts wandered. Who needs love anyway, at least, in the romantic sense? She had her friends. She had Minjoon and Joongki who always made sure she ate because she was truly terrible at it. She had Ezra and Finch, her favourite troublemakers. She had David, someone she knew she could always rely on no matter what. She had Hwan… She didn’t need anything else, anyone else. 
Sighing heavily, she picked her phone up from the other side of the sofa and unlocking it, once again typing to convince David the world wasn’t going to end and that his boyfriend really did love him.
Not that she’d really know...
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jtargaryen18 · 4 years
Hot Girl Bummer Preview
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aka as the one that almost got deleted because of a power outage. Oy! lol
The university had sent you out to Atlanta for training on the new software system that would be implemented on campus. They gave you about 36 hours heads up which panicked you because of Charlie. If not for Michelle, Jensen’s sister, you’d have been sunk. You’d made arrangements at the school in person to have Charlie go home with April Thursday, back to school with her Friday morning and back home with April Friday evening.
You were playing it safe. You were supposed to be home by the time school was out on Friday. But that didn’t happen. Oh no. Your flight was delayed the first time until 3 PM. There you sat in the airport, certain that Charlie was well looked after but missing her. Missing home.
Okay, you knew Jensen was in town. Just maybe you were missing him too.
The texts came in from a number you didn’t recognize. It was always Jensen, but he didn’t use the same number more than once. It was strange.
The first set of pictures was of Charlie and April practicing soccer out in the yard. Then there was a video. You texted back.
 Thank you 😊
Unknown: Are you at the airport?
No, my flight was delayed. I’m sorry.
Unknown: For what? The girls are having a good time. Just let me know when you get to the airport. I’ll come get you.
In the hummer?
Unknown: You know you love the hummer.
 The next picture was a selfie of him with the girls, one on each side with their little arms around his neck. Your heart melted at the three of them.
You’d been out with Jensen a handful of times now and what wasn’t to like? You always had a good time. Yeah, he had crazy energy but you kind of liked his spontaneity. Hell, the last time you’d planned to go out, Michelle had needed you and your date had been an outing with you, Jensen, Charlie, and April. You’d ended up playing putt-putt golf and you couldn’t remember the last time you’d laughed so much between the three of them.
Jensen disappeared for his job a week or two at a time which was weird. You meant to ask him what he really did for a living. But that was the only drawback really because he was amazing with Charlie. You enjoyed spending time with him.
Well, there was one other thing…
But you were not going to think about climbing Jensen like a tree. Not in this airport.
When your flight got pushed back to 5 PM, you were losing your patience. It was nearly a five-hour flight. At this rate, you wouldn’t get into the airport until 9:30 and it was an hour away from your house. How was this going to work?
 My flight Is now 5 PM.
Unknown: Not a problem. Both girls are hoping you’ll get in late so Charlie can stay here tonight.
 You just bet they were.
 Michelle is okay with that?
Unknown: Of course.
Hey, since I don’t know when I’ll get in with my luck today, I’ll call an Uber to get me home. I’ll pick up Charlie tomorrow then.
 There was a pause.
 Unknown: My girlfriend is not calling an Uber. Just plan on Charlie staying here tonight. I’ll pick you up and take you home.
 Girlfriend, huh?
And just like that, your mind went into the gutter. What an opportunity. Charlie would stay at Michelle’s. Jensen was picking you up and taking you home to your empty house. Was there a downside to this?
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19mrs-barnes17 · 4 years
As Long As I Can Get -  Chapter Two: Fairfield
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Summary: Y/N Fairfield has spent the last 10 years pushing past all the hurt and putting all her focus into her career. A familiar face back in town threatens the peace she found. [prompt: Small Town Lovers AU]
Part: 2/5
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader (AU)
Warnings: at a hospital, mentions of death and abandonment
Word count: 3,198
A/N: It’s been a wild week but here it is, chapter two! Enjoy! Special thanks to @wxntersoldiers​ for beta reading.
“Y/N? You think you could pick up my shift tonight? Missy is running a fever and I can’t get ahold of my mother to come take care of her.” Holding the phone away from her face Y/N sighed heavily as she rolled out of bed.
“Of course Dawn, just call in for me and tell them I’m on my way would ya? Thanks, it’s no biggie. I’m happy to help, let me know how Missy is doing later.” Hanging up the phone she’s up and changing in a flash, quickly moving across her apartment and back. 
Within 6 minutes she’s in her scrubs and locking her apartment door, rushing down the stairs and out the front in another 3. She slides into the driver's seat, buckles in, and on the road to the highway in record time. 
This was becoming a routine every week, someone would have an emergency and she’d be asked to pick up the slack. Her regular shifts at the ER in town kept her busy through the day, but her Thursday or Friday nights were often filled up by favors and desperate calls. She had a limit though, each person could only ask her one favor a month and she would cover one emergency. But when the emergencies came she could tell when they were real or just another masked favor. So by now the only emergency usually came from a mother whose kid was hurt or sick. 
Pulling into the employee parking lot, she exited her car and speed walked into the building, making her way to the sign in at the station. She prayed this would be a tame night and that Dawn didn’t have any difficult new patients because she was far too tired to argue about something that she was more of an expert on. 
Covering for Dawn was usually not too bad, most of her patients typically being older and gentle folk who treated her like a loving grandkid. Always gave her some nickname, rarely ever calling her nurse or even her name. All of which was fine by her.
Being a nurse hadn’t always come easy for her, remembering all the medications, the proper doses, the schedules, and how to do every aspect of her job was a lot to take in. But the moments in which she connected with a patient were the reason she got into the specific role in the medical field. Well that and her father.
Most of her family had joined the field, all three of her brothers had either become paramedics or a physical therapist. Her mother was the chief physician at the ER in Brightbarrow and her father was a private care nurse typically working with elderly or terminal members of the town. On a few occasions he had brought her along to see his patients, acting as a distraction for those who were living with severe pain. Through these visits in her childhood she began to realize how she enjoyed helping people who were hurting, and giving them a sense of peace for a little while.
One college degree later and she was back in town applying to work in the ER, her scheduled shifts hardly ever including weekends unless someone needed a cover and she was the only one who could spare the time. Her work there was routine, but here at this hospital outside town? She had found some gentle souls that brightened her day.
“Oh my, is that you Sunshine?” Claudia was sitting up in the hospital bed, remote in her hand to flip through the limited channels. “What a lovely surprise.”
“How are we tonight? Take our medicine okay today?” Claudia smirks and nods, the crinkles in the corners of her eyes forming as a flicker of mischief shines in her eyes. “Mhhmm.”
“I have somethin’ for ya sunshine. Made it yesterday when they let me do some crafts.” Claudia reaches to the table rolled off to the side of her bed and picks up a bracelet with rainbow thread. Y/N walks over to the woman and allows her to gently tie off the multicolored bracelet around her wrist. “There, perfect size.”
“Thank you Claudia, that’s awfully kind of you.” A smile is shared between the two before Y/N motions for her to hand over the remote. “Now how about we shut this off and I read you a little something so you can doze off, sound good?”
“Only if it's that one you told me about, the one with the little guys.” Y/N chuckled at the description but nodded in agreement nonetheless as she powered down the television and left to get her novel. 
“Alright get comfy now.” She waited for Claudia to adjust her bed and helped her with the pillows before cracking open the small book and beginning the tale. “In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.”
“Ah that’s what they were, that’s right. Hobbits.”
At the end of her shift Y/N was exhausted and ready for bed, doing her best to keep wide awake on her drive back by playing her dad’s favorite rock station. Thankfully it did the trick and she made it into town without issue, turning down the volume and switching stations as she made her way through the town like she’d done a million times before.
Turning onto her street she was perplexed to notice a man walking the sidewalks this late in the night, his movements slow and steady. The closer she got to him the sooner she realized she knew exactly who the man was and she had some theories about what was keeping him up so late. Pulling to the side of the road she exited her car, slamming the door shut behind her before glancing up to meet the gaze of a man she hadn’t seen in ages.
Bucky Barnes stood across the street staring at her like he’d seen a ghost, his features painted with something along the lines of guilt or sorrow. The man was frozen in place by her, his eyes watching as she raised a sleepy hand to wave at her old friend. To her surprise he waved back and yet he didn’t move a muscle as she turned away from him to head to bed. 
The next morning she woke late, the Saturday sun shining through the cracks of her blinds stirring her from her sleep. Her stomach grumbled, craving some of Winifred Barnes’ cooking ASAP. Instead of driving she opted to walk over there, let the sun and the exercise wake her a little more.
Winnie’s Diner was the town staple, the place that every person went at least a few times a week. It was the kind of business that had become the heart of the town, the comfort and hospitality center. If you wanted to get a feel for the town you didn’t have to look any further than this diner, it was where Y/N had gotten her first job. She had one of her first dates in a corner booth and had been stood up in another. This building was a hub of memories, good and bad.
“Hey Y/N! Have a seat. I'll be right with you girl.” Becca was zooming around the place in a graceful hurry, placing plates and clearing tables as she went. “What can I get ya?”
“A coffee, a biscuit, some bacon, and an update. Please.” She watched as her best friend shook her head with a reluctant nod before dropping off the order. 
Once the coffee was poured she told her brother she was taking her 15 and slid into the other half of the booth. Y/N sat patiently, prepping her coffee as she waited for Becca to collect her thoughts.
“He’s back for good, got a job working for Thomas Geldin constructing those new homes over by your parent’s house.” Sipping her coffee Y/N did her best not to allow her emotions to betray her. 
“What changed?” 
“Not sure. He seems different, like his load is heavier. Almost like he was when Daddy died, just emotionally cut off and distant. But he is making an effort to get closer and he comes in here every day for his lunch break. Which is in a few minutes now.” Y/N coughed, nearly choking on her coffee as her eyes went wide. 
“Hey don’t look at me, you two just are fated to dine at the same time.” Becca smirks before rushing off to grab something to eat before her break ends. 
She hadn’t actually spoken a word to Bucky since he came back to town, and yet he suddenly lived across the street and worked by her old home. Now he would be here within minutes and she would once more feel compelled to initiate conversation, but she wouldn’t let herself. If he wanted to talk he would approach her, not the other way around. 
He arrived the same time her food did, his eyes scanning the room to presumably locate his sister but freezing on Y/N who sat before her. A mixture of emotions flashed across his features rapidly before settling on a guilt ridden expression. Bucky approached the booth, his sister pausing to greet him and casting a wink over her shoulder before speeding away. Standing before the booth he shifted his weight nervously as he seemed at a loss for what to say. His eyes are no longer able to maintain contact and he casts them to the empty seat.
Don’t invite him. Don’t invite him. It took all her strength to refrain from being polite, her eyes never leaving him as her gaze intensified.
“Mind if I join you?” Her heart dropped, she was expecting a simple hello or quick apology and not a full on meal with the guy. She nodded her head, refusing to take the bait just yet as he slid into the booth.
“Here’s your usual James.” Becca slid a plate with a steak and cheese melt and fries onto the table before rushing off again. She was pushing him, Y/N knew that his mother and the older townspeople were the only ones who used his actual name. To everyone else he was Bucky. 
“I’m sorry about not keeping in touch, there’s been a lot that I had to work through the past 10 years.” God she could hardly believe it had been that long since he left, an entire decade had passed by without him. “Can we start again?”
Once more she had to use all her might to restrain herself from instantly agreeing and forgiving what he had done. She didn’t understand why he cut her off so quickly and completely, their friendship wilting through high school and fading in the decade following. But she knew why he had become so emotionally reserved, after watching his father wither away slowly and gradually lose the ability to even function Bucky had begun to close himself off from everyone. He smiled less, got into more trouble with other kids, and barely made it enough to enlist. 
Sure she had missed him dearly and knew he had suffered greatly, probably even worse after his service, but she couldn’t risk getting too quickly attached again. Not when she knew how much his leaving her behind tore her apart. 
“I’ll have to think about it.” She could see her words striking a nerve within him, his appetite diminishing. “But I’d like to.”
His eyes snap up to meet hers, relief flooding them as he gazes at her fondly. Y/N wanted desperately to forget it all but she knew that proceeding with caution was the best course of action. She would let him have the opportunity to rectify his past mistakes, but it was up to him to take it.
“City noise or quiet town?” He knit his brow and gave her a perplexed look before taking a bite of a fry. “Pick one.”
“I’m not sure I have a preference anymore.”
“But you had one.”
“City noise.” She shook her head with a small smile, curiosity overtaking her careful approach. “Drowned everything out.”
“Patty’s coffee or city coffee?”
“Patty will forever have the world’s best coffee. No one in New York believed me, kept saying European coffee was where it was at.” 
“I’m going to move on before I get so offended I bring her coffee to New York.” Bucky laughed lightly, eyes crinkling shut as he shook his head at her. The sound warmed her heart and she could already tell this was going to be hard not to fall into. 
His break eventually comes close to an end and he has to rush back to work but leaves a napkin with his phone number behind. She shook her head at the gesture, he knew full well that she and Becca were very close friends and she could have gotten his number from his sister. One point to him for ensuring she had it. 
Becca was off at 3 so Y/N spent her time walking around the book shop, glancing at summaries and running her fingers over the spines. Her mind was far too crowded to pick anything out, focused on how she was going to make it through this renewal of friendship after so much pain. This place usually put her at ease, the sight of the full shelves and atmosphere calming her active mind. But today her mind had won and so she wandered around town until she had nowhere else to go but home. 
A knock sounded on her door an hour or two later and an exhausted Becca made her way inside to fall onto the couch and groan dramatically.
“I take it we’re getting pizza from Toni’s tonight?” This catches the attention of her best friend who suddenly perks right up.
“And wine.” Y/N opens her fridge door and pulls out a bottle, holding it up for Becca to see and receives a nod of approval.
“Pull up netflix and I’ll order the pizza.”
Several glasses of wine and pieces of pizza later the two are sitting on the floor going through a shoebox full of old memories. Memories of their friendship. 
“Oh remember this?” Becca holds up two ticket stubs, one to their high school dance and the other to see a Panic! concert. 
“We showed up in full formal wear, not thinking to pack another outfit to change into.” Y/N dug in the box and produced a photo of the two from that night, Panic! at the Disco tour shirts over their dresses. “I can’t believe we didn’t get caught until your mom saw the shirt in your laundry.”
“Almost the perfect crime. Kind of dumb of us to pay the money for the ticket when we never even went to the dance though.” The two fell into a fit of giggles and struggled to compose themselves. “We were not the best planners apparently.”
“Are you kidding? The College Bar Crawl fiasco?” 
“Oh Jesus, yeah we really should have thought through where we were going to end up staying the night. Next time we do something, we need a fully thought out plan.” 
“Agreed. It’s too dangerous for us to do any less. We might end up in Europe and somehow married.” Becca falls flat on her back as laughter bubbles through her, her head turning and spotting another box under the bed.
“What is this?” She slides the box out and removes the lid before Y/N can stop her, her fingers gingerly sifting through the contents as a smile tugs at her lips. “Oh, you’re a sentimental sap.”
“Gee thanks.” 
Inside were pictures of her, Bucky, and Steve throughout the few years they were all together. She instantly gravitated toward them when she moved to town at 8, sick of being the new girl and ready to settle into a place. They stuck up for her when she was mocked by some older kids, Bucky and Steve became her dearest friends in only a few years. 
There were more photos of her and Steve together, seeing as he was the only one out of the two boys to keep her in his life. Pictures of them at his prom, no girl seemed to see past his physical change and so he invited her. She remembered how her parents felt about that night, so proud of who they thought she was choosing to be with. A boy who was going to college, who had aspirations but remained loyal to his town. One with a kind heart and a gentle soul. She knew what they expected from the night, but they never understood that she and Steve were simply good friends and nothing more.
The photos of her and Bucky begin to dwindle around when she was 13, the year after his father died. Slowly Bucky grew apart from her and Steve, more the former than the latter. Something after her birthday party that year changed everything and she began to lose him piece by piece until he finally enlisted and left altogether. 
She held a photo of the two of them between her fingers, eyes tearing up at the sight of their smiles. It was the day of her party, when she could still make him smile and forget about his troubles even if just for a moment. Bucky had both arms around her torso, his head resting on her shoulder and a bright smile on his face. Her cheek was against his face, hands and arms resting on his forearms with a dopey big smile stretched across her face. 
“I swear I could kill that boy for what he did. I get losing touch while overseas, but cutting you out of his life while still in the same small town? That’s just cruel.” Becca sighed and took the photo from Y/N’s hands, placing everything back in the boxes before sliding both back under. “And to think I used to believe he liked you.”
“That would have made things worse.” 
“C’mon let’s forget about that punk and eat some chocolate.” Y/N leaned into Becca as she was held by her, sighing deeply. “You’ll always have me, and Steve. That boy would rather dive face first out of an airplane than ditch a friend.” 
“Ain’t that the truth.”
After Becca left Y/N spent some time cleaning up after their roller-coaster of a night. Her body was tired but her mind was far too active to rest. Thoughts of what she lost sticking in her brain as she watched out the window as Bucky exited his townhouse and began to walk aimlessly in the night. She almost wanted to join him, not speaking just walking.
Instead she readied herself for bed, lying under the covers and staring out the window at the stars. Her mind traveled to something Bucky once told her about his dad and how if he found the North Star then he would never be alone, because someone else was always looking too. 
And she knew exactly who that was.
Tags: @asphalt-cocktail​ @qtmeryr​ @broken-hearted-barnes​ @cantnkrusshedevil​ @gstran18​
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marvinswriting · 4 years
tiny swap part three: gretchen and janis part one , part two
Monday, 7:10 am
Janis crossed her arms, blowing a raspberry to Damian.
Her friend, obviously, did not seem to take this as a serious insult as he chuckled, turning is attention elsewhere. "Okay, Jan."
They all shared a first period, one that Janis normally slept through with Damian. 
But she was not with Damian and there would definitely be no sleeping since Gretchen sat in the very front row.
Fucking hell.
Damian said goodbye to the group as he made his way to the back and Janis frowned, wanting nothing more than to go with him.
Nothing against Gretchen.
She trusted Damian more.
A lot more.
Gretchen sat down and Janis allowed herself to be placed on the table, mindful of Damian's warnings earlier. 
Just one week. 
Tuesday, 7 am
Walking into school on Gretchen's shoulder felt new. Even in middle school, she would be with Karen.
Gretchen's right shoulder was reserved for Regina George and Regina George only.
Yet here she sat.
Janis threw Regina and peace sign for good measures and laughed as the girl returned a middle finger.
No real feelings hurt, Janis knew that.
Even Shane Omen didn't seem to know what to think of it as they passed him in the hall.
That was real power.
Janis didn't care for ruling the school.
But if sitting on Gretchen's shoulder as she and Karen walked the halls was all it took to stop getting harassed, she would have done this long ago.
Gretchen actually wasn't bad at the whole walking with a tiny on her shoulder. She had definitely improved since middle school at least. 
The giant stopped at her locker, slipping books in while talking with Karen- something about boys.
Janis gave no useful commentary to the conversation. The plastics didn't expect her too.
Maybe this week wouldn't be the most god awful thing.
Wednesday, 8:56 am
Janis frowned at her phone.
Regina was asking if she and Aaron wanted to stay after school just to talk. Call it English help.
Well, the nickname didn't make sense anymore since their giants knew what it entailed but, sure, Janis will humor her.
"Hey, Gretchen?"
The giant looked up from her school work.
"I got after school help today. Can you give me a ride?"
Gretchen sighed knowingly. "I haven't dropped you yet, dude. What could you have to whine about."
Gretchen laughed, nudging Janis with her pencil. "Yeah, I can drive you."
Wednesday, 4 pm
"Thanks for giving me a ride, Gretchen," Janis said as the plastic stepped into her car. 
"Of course, I wasn't just gonna let you stay at school overnight."
Janis smiled. It was only Wednesday but, she had grown to trust Gretchen a lot more this week. Gretchen hadn't dropped her- yet- and she was open and easy to talk too. It was something Janis never really noticed when she was always with Damian.
Gretchen turned on the car, a pop song playing softly. She scooped up Janis, pacing her in over in the cup holder and buckled up.
"If something happened to you because you were on my shoulder Damian would never forgive me." She explained when Janis gave her a questioning look.
"I won't fall! I can take care of myself."
"Uh-huh." Gretchen pulled out of the school parking lot. "So, what did you talk about?"
"Oh you know- bitchin'." Janis grinned.
Gretchen knew full well that Janis couldn't tell her. 
The specifics at least.
Hey, bitchin' wasn't a total lie.
But that was par for every meeting.
Maybe this week wasn't so different after all.
Thursday, 11:30 pm
"So," Gretchen's voice was a bit robotic as it came through the phone.
Janis sat at her easel, painting. "So."
"How was this week?" Gretchen asked. "I'm no Damian but I'd like to think I wasn't awful."
Janis smiled. "No, you weren't awful. At all. This week was great, actually. Regina is lucky to have you"
"-You think?"
"Yeah! Why wouldn't she?"
There was quiet on the other end. "I dunno. It's stupid but like-" Gretchen sighed.
Janis lowered her paintbrush, turning her full attention to her phone. "Gretchen, you talking to Janis Sarkisian about feelings. I guarantee it's not gonna be stupid. "
Gretchen laughed. "I know Regina hates all things that require feeling and having a heart. But I know she loves me and trusts me anyway I just- wish she'd show it more. I dunno. Is that selfish?"
"I don't think so?"
Gretchen continued. "Just, Cady and Aaron are so open with each other. You and Damian- well sometimes I'm convinced you share the same mind. Regina just won't let me in. Like- I can see something is bothering her, but she won't tell me what. I just wanna help."
Janis sighed sadly. "What you're saying now- it sounds a lot like a talk I had with Damian about a year into our friendship. After that, I worked to be more open. I tried to let him in more. And look at us now. You just gotta talk with Regina. I promise you it's not stupid."
"Thanks, Janis," Gretchen said. Janis could almost hear the smile. "Now I got to get to bed but- please don't stay up late painting."
"Oh, I will. I get Damian's pocket again tomorrow, I plan to pass out at lunch and sleep for a month."
Gretchen laughed. "Alright. Good night then."
"Bye, Gretchen."
Friday, 12 pm
Gretchen pushed her way past crowds in the cafeteria, steadily making her way to the gang's table.
Janis leaned closer to her neck as they passed. No matter who she was with, crowded hallways and cafes would forever be a no no. 
Gretchen sat at the table first, nobody else was here. 
"You excited to see Regina?" Janis asked as Gretchen lowered her to the table.
"Yeah. You ready to see Damian?"
"I'm ready for a nap."
Gretchen laughed. "I told you you should have gone to bed."
"Oooo! Look what we've got here!" A taunting voice cooed from behind Gretchen. 
Janis can't see over Gretchen's head, but its a voice she knows all too well.
"What can we do for you, Shane?" Gretchen sits up straighter. 
"I was just wondering how long you think little Space Dyke is gonna last?"
"I'm sorry?" Janis frowned as Gretchen stood up next to Shane.
"She's obviously replaced Regina. You really think she's gonna last long, Gretchen?"
Extreme distance filled Gretchen's features. "Janis didn't replace Regina."
"Then why have you been carrying around Space Dyke?"
"I'm allowed to carry around other friends." Gretchen crosses her arms, standing up straight. 
Gretchen was short. There was no denying that.
But when she drew herself to full hight? She was intimidating. You just never saw it because she let Regina do the talking.
Janis blinked in disbelief at the argument going on in front of her.
Gretchen looked-
Shane didn't seem to feel the same uneasiness as he glared down at Gretchen. "What's it matter to you? This is is between Space Dyke and I."
"It's not space dyke. It's Janis. And Janis is my friend."
Shane rolled his eyes. "Why don't you leave caring for the worthless tiny to that gay kid?"
Woah woah woah. Janis frowned, standing up, but Gretchen beat her to the punch.
"Damian? Yeah, he's got a name too. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, maybe you didn't know! I mean, I know because I know everything about everybody. I know things about you that can get you expelled. I know things about all your friends that could diminish Northshore's giant football team. I know shit. Maybe you don't! So I'll let you know right now. It's Damian and Janis. And you better leave them the fuck alone."
Shane rolls his eyes. "You wouldn't do shit without Regina George's permission."
Janis was vaguely aware of a crowd starting to form around the table. She didn't like it one bit.
They had done so well this week! No one was dropped nothing went wrong. Of course, the period they are supposed to switch back everything goes to shit.
Janis tried to ignore the crows around them and the way she felt suffocated.
"I don't need Regina's permission to destroy your reputation," Gretchen said, her voice was dangerously low, almost a growl. 
Shane swallowed, and momentarily, his bad boy look faltered, revealing a truly threatened Shane Omen. Only momentarily.
"Stay in your own fights." He said, glaring down at Gretchen. 
A low 'ooo' admitted from some of Shane's friends in the crowd.
Janis stiffened.
Shane smirked, seeming filled with a newfound confidence now that he was backed up by the crowd. He turned to Janis, the familiar malice in his eyes turning her blood cold.
This was just supposed to be a fun week, a nice experiment if you will. 
This wasn't supposed to happen.
Shane reached forward and Janis instinctively stepped backward.
She couldn't back up fast enough, Shane was quicker.
Shit shit shit.
A hand slammed in front of Janis, blocking Shane and shaking the table. 
"Fuck off." Gretchen all but snarled. 
Janis stared wide-eyed at the hand in front of her.
Holy shit.
She felt nauseous from the spike of adrenaline and her body was shaking involuntarily. 
Shane chuckled. "Seriously, Gretchen. Learn your plac-"
Gretchen reached forward, slapping Shane across the face. 
There was a gasp as the crowd fell silent.
All Shane's friends who were there to back him up stepped backward into the crowd.
Janis hugged herself slightly, pulling her knees to her chest. There was still a crowd around her and it felt like too much.
Too many people.
Too much noise.
Her breaths felt shallow.
"Did you just- slap me?"
Gretchen nodded, stepping forward as Shane stepped backward. "You leave my friends alone."
"Psycho bitch." Shane spat, turning and disappearing into the crowd.
Gretchen didn't turn around immodestly, she just watched Shane walk away.
Janis wrapped her jacket tighter around her, like that could protect her or anything. The crowd had dispersed but it left the cafeteria buzzing again and everything felt too loud. 
She was vaguely aware of two more tinies on the table, people sitting all around, but her brain couldn't comprehend. 
All Janis could do was tug her jacket tighter and tighter until it wouldn't go anymore. She stared numbly at her hands, knuckles white from pulling her jacket.
Fingers wrapped around her torso and Janis gasped, her arms shotting out to push at the fingers.
No no no.
"Jan- Janis. It's me."
 Damian. Janis relaxed, the last of her adrenaline fueled fight leaving her body. She allowed herself to be gently scooped up as Damian raised her to eye level.
"You okay?"
"I- yeah. I think?"
"You think?" Damian frowned.
"No like- Shane didn't touch me. I'm physically fine. Just shaken up, I guess."
"We were so close to a problem-free week." Regina comments from the table. She walks back over to Gretchen who picks her immediately. 
"Yeah." Janis sunk into Damian's hands. "So close."
Damian drew his hands to his chest, wordlessly holding Janis close.
Janis squeezed her eyes shut as she leaned into Damian's shirt, trying to will herself to calm down.
"I hate Shane Omen." Gretchen mumbled.
Janis laughed dryly, turning to look at her friends across the table.
Regina and Aaron had obviously already found way to their giant's shoulders and Gretchen was holding her hand against her cool water bottle.
"You okay?" Janis asked.
Gretchen grinned. "I hit him a bit harder then I meant to."
"Fucking good!" Regina said. 
Janis grinned. "He deserved it."
"Agreed." Damian said, his voice rumbling through Janis. 
She grinned, leaning into Damian's warmth. 
The week itself wasn't bad. Yeah, it was a rough ending but it was in no way Gretchen's fault.
If anything, it would have been worse without her. 
Janis grabbed onto the edge of Damian's jacket, pulling herself out of his hands and using folds in the fabric for leverage as she hoisted herself into the familiar pocket.
"Jesus, Janis. Are we back at this again?" 
Janis popped her head out of the jacket. "I held back all week just for you. But I'm not with Gretchen anymore."
Damian looked down at her but a small smile played on his lips, betraying his disappointment. "Just be careful."
"Always am!" Janis gave a salute to the table before sinking into the pocket, getting comfy.
At the end of the week, while all the giants were her friends, Damian was her giant. And she never wanted to do this little experiment again.
fuck shane omen, man @realmisspolarbear @musicallygt @smallsoysauce @sourishlemons
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Sweet Nothing (MHA Staff AU Fanfiction)
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Chapter 9
Warnings: None, swf.
Author’s note: Chapter 10 will hopefully be up later or tomorrow. I’m still editing it.
After my sudden outburst, Aizawa and I barely talked unless it involved the students or his injuries. Recovery Girl said at his last check-up that he would fully recover after four more visits, which was good to hear. I felt bad, but I was kind of relieved that I didn't have to deal with him for very long. I just wanted to keep our relationship professional. I didn't want to get into personal issues or have intimate connections with him. I thought he did too, but I could tell he was rather disappointed that I was completely dodging any chances to talk to him about anything else but work. Even at work, I mostly kept to myself, or I spoke with Lily and Kayama. With some occasional lunches with Iris and Toshinori. There was one time that I left to talk to Nezu about any other issues that erupted from parents and students about the festival and came back to my desk to see an iced coffee on my desk with a pastry next to it. At first, I assumed one of the girls or Toshinori got it for me. Heck, even Vlad sometimes brings me stuff whenever he grabs something off-campus. But there was a sticky note left on my mouse saying, "You skipped breakfast this morning." And I knew it was Aizawa. It helped create a lump in my throat and a sinking feeling in me out of guilt. But I mainly pushed it aside because I had to get ready for my meetings with students in preparation for the Sports Festival. Today was their last session before they had to go to the arena.
I packed up my stuff and grabbed my tablet to start heading to the separate counseling lounge that Nezu set up for the counselor's to use as he starts building separate offices for all of us. It was larger than the teacher lounge to separate the different counseling departments and give them small rooms to counsel students. Lily and I decided to split up the use this week. She got it Monday and Tuesday, I got it Wednesday and Thursday, and Friday was open to both of us. We just split it between the morning and afternoon. On the day of the festival, Todoroki asked to see me before it started. By the time I got to the lounge, I saw him standing outside the door waiting.
Oh god, he's like Endeavor and super early to things. I tapped his shoulder, "Good morning, Todoroki. I hope you weren't waiting for too long?"
Todoroki bowed his head a little, "No, I just got here. I didn't assume that you were still in the teacher's lounge."
"I'm sorry for being late then since you came early. Now let's go in and so we can get to what you wanted to talk about." I gave him a reassuring smile and guided him into the room. Once we were situated, I decided to spark up the conversation. "So, what was concerning you that you needed to come to me today?"
Todoroki played around with his fingers. Despite the boy being awkward and mostly stoic, he still had his moments where he showed nervousness. Most of them being in our sessions. "It's not really about the festival; it's mainly about my father. He's coming to see the festival like everyone else. And well, I don't want him to be expecting me to show off his training and his quirk."
The poor boy never really told anyone about what his father did to him and his family. He only felt inclined to tell me after I told him a little bit about how my family was with my quirk in our first session. Afterward, everything from the arranged quirk marriage, to his brother Touya, and his mother's psychotic break came pouring out of the fifteen-year-old's mouth. He felt that he could trust me because my grandparents saw me as nothing more than a weapon kind of how his father only wanted children to surpass All Might. "Have you spoken to your father at all today?"
"Not yet, but I know he'll want to talk to me between the rounds. I kind of want to use today as a way to prove that I am powerful without his quirk. But I wanted to know if you would do that?" He looked me in the eyes in all seriousness.
"I can't really tell you what to do, Todoroki. I wholeheartedly understand what you are feeling from my own experience. I mean, I never wanted to use my quirk, and I didn't until I went to UA, you know this. But remember that my quirk was my quirk. Not my mother's, not my grandparents. Just like your quirk. Yes, it has elements of your mother's and father's quirk. But overall, it is your quirk; you could do whatever you want with it as long as you're comfortable."
"That's not what I asked."
I sighed and pushed my glasses further up my nose. "You want me to tell you the truth? In retaliation against my teacher and Nezu, I refused to train with my quirk. Even when I did my first work-study, I didn't use it. It wasn't until one of my friends found out why I didn't want to use and told me the same thing I just told you that I decided to look at my quirk differently. So, once upon a time, I used not to use it because I didn't like it, and I wanted to prove that I didn't need it to be a hero." I looked at him sincerely, "It wasn't easy, especially with the way I was brought up with my family. That's why I am saying that it's best to do what's most comfortable but also to distance yourself and your quirk from that of your family."
He just stayed quiet, processing what I said.
"To be fair, I feel that you are efficient enough in your ice ability that you won't need to use the fire half of your quirk. So if you feel comfortable only using that, you will be fine. I just don't want you to be doing this because you're holding resentment over your father." I put a hand on his knee. "The worst thing you could do things out of anger and resentment because that will only bring yourself pain."
He simply nodded, "I just want him to feel some type of pain like he put us through. So he wouldn't be so prideful."
I gave him a sad smile, "Sometimes the most prideful people are the ones that hold the most pain. But I don't think you're ready to hear about that in correlation to your dad." He sent me a small, sad smile back. I decided to joke with him a little, "Don't worry, if the day doesn't come that your dad regrets everything and does nothing but apologizes to you and your beautiful family, I will personally beat him up and risk my Japanese hero license for you."
He let out a small laugh at the thought of his large father being pummeled by his small counselor, "I'll take you up on that offer. Thank you."
"Anytime, kid. Anything you need, just give me a call, and I'll be there." Todoroki got up and left the office. I don't think I fully helped him out yet. Honestly, I just wanted to call the authorities on Endeavor, but I knew with his status and money it wouldn't do anything and that the Todoroki family are just in the same state I was in the U.S. But I at least try to do what I can. I really hope one day he just starts living for himself, though, and not because he wants to anger his father.
I managed to squeeze by a few people that came early to the festival to find MIc and Aizawa waiting for me by the arena entrance. Mic gleamed at me and hugged me tightly, slightly lifting me, "I'm so excited that you decided to join us! It was Shota's idea, but I figured since you guys weren't buddy-buddy right now, you would've changed your mind."
I furrowed my eyebrows as Mic put me down and looped his arm around mine, "Aizawa told me you wanted him to ask me?"
"Well, I did after he mentioned that you should join us." He let out a toothy grin. I looked over at Aizawa, who just avoided my eyes and glared at Mic. "You look cute today; I like the sweatshirt." I was wearing my dark green sweatshirt from UCLA that I had since high school. It was one of my mom's old shirts from college that I managed to steal for myself. "Green fits you. Amongst other things."
I chuckled, "Always the flirt. Save that for Iris."
"Iris is too oblivious to notice Mic likes her." Aizawa grumbled.
"I don't think it's her being oblivious, more so naive." I defended.
"Anyways, here we are to the fantastic commentators' booth!" Mic held his hands out, showcasing the booth steering the conversation away from his crush. "This is where we will be for the next... three hours? Or four?"
"Four." Aizawa and I both answered.
"For the next four hours! So get comfy, mi amigos!" He yelled as he got a chair out for me.
"It's 'mis amigos'..." I muttered as I helped Aizawa sit down before sitting down myself. Mic just patted my head, avoiding my bun, and went straight to announcing the start of the festival.
"ALRIGHT GOOD MORNING! Here we are at the beginning of UA's famous annual sports festival! I am Present Mic, your friendly commentator, and I have Pro Hero Eraserhead and Pro Hero Zion joining me." Aizawa and I bid our hellos, and then Mic later explained the set up of the festival and how it all was broadcasted. "Yes, everything is being filmed via the robots surrounding the perimeter of the arena, catching every angle. There's even one in the booth with us. Wave you guys!"
The robot positioned itself right in front of the three of us, and I immediately turned into Aizawa's shoulder, "Mic! You didn't mention we were going to be on camera!"
"Awe, don't act camera-shy, number two! The camera loves you!" He rubbed my shoulder.
"I didn't bring my suit! I'm in my civilian clothes." I moved my hand to smack his away and then bringing it back up to cover my face.
Aizawa wrapped his arm around my head to help, "You didn't tell me either that we were going to be filmed."
"You guys are the smartest people I know; I thought it was common sense." Mic shrugged and then went back to talking, shoo-ing the camera robot away. "I'll make sure the robot doesn't get your face. It will focus on Eraser and me, okay?"
My head was still hiding in Aizawa, "I don't believe you, but fine." I felt a small vibration coming from his chest, and my ears heard a slick hearty chuckle that made my face burn and my heart stop. I felt him squeeze me a little as he did this, like a silent sign telling me that the camera was gone.
"The coast is clear." Aizawa's lips were centimeters away from my ear. His breath tickled the flushed skin, and his voice sent tingles down my spine. No, no, no. He can't still be able to do this to me.
I cautiously moved away from him and searched for the camera. It was situated at the corner focused on Mic as he talked. I looked over to Aizawa, who looked at me with nothing but warmth in his eyes. Damn, don't look at me like that. "I... uh... thanks." I felt my lips curl up nervously as my stomach went crazy doing gymnastics.
"You okay, Zion? You look flushed? You need us to turn down the heat or something?" Mic said into the microphone.
I looked at him, slightly mortified that my blush was that evident, "Yeah, I'm fine! Don't worry about me, heh, heh." Why are you like this?
The blond raised an eyebrow at me and went back to introducing the students to their first challenge, "Alright... Well, is there anything you want to say to the students as they go through the festival? Like any wise words that will help them through the rounds."
Aizawa grunted unamused, "They should look out for the door."
I laughed, "That might not seem helpful, but trust me, it is. I would just say to the kids that do not forget to have some fun. And to not pressure themselves for whatever reasons they have. The festival shows what you guys can do, but it is also meant to be enjoyable for everyone. Oh, and make sure you don't just focus on yourself in the games... Good luck!"
We sat back as the cameras cut to the students at the arena's entrance, struggling to go through the narrow hallway. Most of them haven't really figured out that this was kind of the first test. It's supposed to test your intelligence and strategic skills.
"Remember your first festival, Zion?" Mic spoke up and handed me the microphone.
"Ah, yeah, no one warned me about how it was going to be because I was new to the school and Japan. But I got the hang of it and ended up in first place." I reminisced. "I almost destroyed the arena, though, which made a lot of Japanese citizens unhappy with me." I rubbed my neck, and nervously laughed.
"Oh my god! Zion literally blasted the whole stage of the arena after mimicking Mister Blaster and using his quirk against him with a mix of her energy blast. It was totally awesome! Mainly because he was a huge jerk back then, so we all liked seeing him get a taste of his own medicine."
"Mic!" I smacked his chest.
"He's not wrong. We all did enjoy that fight." Aizawa commented.
"And these guys are pro heroes, everyone." I flatly said.
"We're just being honest. Oh look, your students were the first ones out." Mic pointed at the entrance, and there was Yaoyorozu, Todoroki, Kirishima, Bakugo, and Aoyama using their quirks to move ahead of everyone else through the entrance.
"Awe! I'm so proud of them!" I chanted. Aizawa just looked expectantly at them.
"You can't be biased while up here, Zion." Aizawa nudged me.
"I'm just saying I'm proud of them, that's all." I pouted.
Aizawa just shook his head and sighed at me. I decided to withhold my excitement throughout the rest of the rounds. My kids were so talented; I couldn't help but be happy at how well they were doing. The only thing that caused me concern was Bakugo's confidence; it really didn't sit well with the other students or even the audience. We knew that there was bad blood between the hero course students and the other students, especially with Class 1-A, which definitely worried me. Aizawa, however, really didn't care; he always said it adds character for the class. So really, this whole festival is mainly a competition for the other courses to bring down the hero course kids. Bakugo being overconfident, was only fueling the fire.
Midoriya was another concern. All Might gave him a pep talk about how this was practically his debut, which it wasn't, but now the kid has it in his head that he really has to prove himself today. So, essentially, I'm worried that if he pushes himself too much, he will end up hurting himself further instead of taking my advice and toning it down. I hate that the teachers told the students that they had to take this festival seriously because all the pros would be seeing them. Now all the kids are trying to get recruited when they need just to enjoy the festival. When there is no pressure, and they're stress-free, they can better use their quirks. Honestly, the students were going to put in their all anyway because it was common knowledge that the festival was broadcasted. They didn't need to be told that they needed to get recruited due to the festival. But alas, the new curriculum of the first years requires them to go through the same process as second years to be more prepared for their pro careers.
"Could you stop tapping your foot? The noise is a little distracting." Aizawa brought me out of my thoughts.
"Eraserhead, Zion, Class 1-A is super impressive in these rounds; what are you doing to get them to be this great?" Mic asked.
"I didn't do anything. This is all of the fruit of the fires they lit on their own." Aizawa answered seriously and pridefully.
"Zion? What about you?"
"I just give them encouragement." I shrugged.
"Well, there you have it, folks. Eraserhead is a terrible teacher, and Zion is great emotional support!" Mic happily belted out.
"I'm what?" Aizawa angrily asked as I laughed.
"Now, now, I actually think Eraserhead is a great teacher. He pushes the students out of their comfort zone and encourages them to follow their instincts and heart when it comes to their training and studies. All I do is make sure that he keeps doing that and doesn't burn out the students, which he hasn't. He treats his students with proper care and concern. Call it a good mix of tough love and emotional support." I defended Aizawa. "However, I don't think he likes that I pretty much see behind his stoic nature and point out how much he cares about his students."
"That was a nice sentiment, M&M. Nearly brought a tear in my eye. Would you say that he does most of the work involving Class 1-A, and you just piggyback off of him?" Mic teased.
I glared at him, "No. It's a mutual partnership."
"Yeah, I know all the late nights working on better lesson plans for the students you guys do." Mic wiggled his eyebrows at me and smirked at the camera. Both Aizawa and I were ready to throw hands at our friend.
"I might have my license suspended right now, but I am willing to throw you out of this booth if you don't take your commentary seriously, Mic." I threatened.
"OHHHHH, someone's acting catty now." Mic laughed. "I'm just messing around with you, my little M&M." He pinched my cheeks as I smacked his hand away from me.
By the first round, I noticed the students' placement and saw Midoriya was in the first place. Oh great, that's not good. I was afraid that this was going to happen. Now, he's going to know what it really means to be the top hero, even if it's just a festival. I wish you all the luck right now, Izuku. You're going to need it now since everyone is going to be after your spot.
Master list 😊
Tag list:
@inumorph @thatgirlwithcamera @mel-sanch @multifandoms916
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growingupautie · 4 years
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StoryTime: All That and a Bag of...
At my previous job, I and a coworker or two would often grab lunch at a local restaurant. Usually, it was just me and one other guy thought. Sometimes we'd go to the pizza place. Sometimes the Chinese place down the street. There were a few good spots but we went to them all the time so they got pretty boring. Isn't it funny how when you finally have access to almost any food, you end up feeling like nothing sounds good and taking it for granted?
One day, most of my coworkers were busy, and my go-to guy told me he had errands to run. I drove by the Chinese place we usually go to and parked my car. But as I got out, I saw the Subway next to it and decided that since nobody ever wanted to go there, I would do that instead. I closed my car door and felt someone watching behind me. It felt like they were ready to make their move and ambush me with something but there was a distinct lack of a feeling of ill-intent.
I started to rush off toward the entrance as I hear from the watcher behind me "HEY! Hey man! Can you uh...I don't get paid for two weeks and I just started a new job...Can you buy me lunch and I'll pay you back?" I look back and see an older man in his late 30's sitting in his beat-up work truck wearing a neon work vest frantically awaiting my answer. "Uh..." I said, not really wanting to interact with anyone that day but feeling like I was long overdue for a good deed. "Sure, man...Come on."
He said "Are you serious?! Thank you. Oh, God. Thank you. God Bless you." and he leaped out of his truck, and threw the door shut running toward me. He held the door open for me and said "I'll pay you back. I promise." When I do things like this for people, I don't really want to be paid back and as I told him, it "wouldn't be much of a good deed if I did." He thanked me with an oddly frantic nature and seemed to almost get teary-eyed.
I thought to myself about how rare kindness must be to him if that small amount elicited that response. Then I realized that it most certainly was to me, and that's about the same amount of kindness it would take to move me as well. "I haven't eaten in a few days..." he told me. "I just started this new job, and I'm in a bad way until I get paid." He added. As his words hit me I said with a somewhat heavier heart. "Well, you're eating today, man. Get whatever you want.
The person in line ahead of us turned around and mean mugged him, and looked at me as if to say I was being scammed. That the guy was just in it for a free meal. Honestly, He could've been right in that moment for all I knew. But the truth is, I didn't care. I'd rather it be a free food scam than any other type because it's still a good deed done in the name of goodness.
But at the same time, I felt like this guy was either legitimate or extremely exaggerating his actions to seem that way. Either way, I didn't care. And because of that, the joke would be on him if he was lying. He ordered a 6-inch sandwich, and I told him to make it a foot long if he hadn't eaten in so long. He almost broke down again but snapped out of it, and changed his order.
He added chips and a drink to it, but only after I insisted. Further taking away the idea that this was all a scam to get free food. He picked his sandwich and drink up and looked like he was ready to walk out. "Do you mind if I eat with you?" he asked me. I was taken aback. Most of the time when I had bought someone lunch over the years they either doubled their order, left as soon as it was ready, or both. "Uh...Yeah, man. Sure." I told him.
We went and sat down and he thanked me again frantically for the food. Then he pulled the sandwich out and started literally scarfing it down in front of me. And I mean scarfing. And for a brief moment, I thought to myself "Who eats like that?" until it clicked in my head that only someone who hadn't eaten a meal in a long time would... I immediately felt horrible. "How long has it been?" I asked. "Um...Been a few days. Maybe Saturday?" It was Tuesday.
"I'm sorry, my brother. I didn't realize how bad it was." I told him as tears burned in my eyes burning my nostrils as I was overcome with emotion. He told me he understood, and I did more than anyone else did for him. I explained my stance on doing the good for the good and he told me again he would pay me back. "No, my brother. I never expected you to. That's the whole point. His eyes welled up more than they had before as he kept eating.
"My wife left us..." he said. "us?" I asked seeing what I was assuming was his wedding ring on his necklace and worrying about his answer. "Yeah, me and my little boy. She left us, and went to Louisiana." (I believe) he told me. "She took almost everything with her leaving me broke, and without any way to provide for my son." He took another bite and continued. "I just started this job, and it pays good. But I ain't gonna see a dime until next Thursday."
I asked him when the last time his son ate was, and he told me he had been going without so he could feed his son. I believe he said he could only afford ramen and hot dog weiners and was making his son that. I had always wanted to be a dad and I didn't really have the best examples growing up. At that time I was questioning ability to be a father.
Kandace and I were either planning to or trying to conceive, at the time and all I could think was being in a situation where I couldn't afford to take care of my son and what that must be doing to him. Much less foregoing food for himself to do what little he could. Thinking about it now as a father makes the emotion so much worse but at that moment it nearly broke my heart.
He didn't ask me for money. He told me he was going to find a way to get some groceries. That he didn't have anything to sell, but he would find a way. He nearly finished his entire sandwich by that time, and I asked why he was eating so quickly. He told me he had spent 30 minutes of his 60-minute lunch break asking people outside to buy him lunch so he didn't black out at work with no food.
In that moment...I had had enough. I wasn't going to put up with a situation like that that I had the power to change. I packed the rest of my sandwich up to take to work and said. "My brother. I know you don't have much time left but can you follow me to the Grocery store real quick?" He said "uh..sure" unsure of why I would ask him that. He followed me over to the ATM directly inside and upon realizing where we were said "I...No, my brother. You've already helped me enough."
"My brother..." I told him. "I don't trust these humans out here to help you, and I'm not going to let a hard-working single father and his son starve. It's just not going to happen." He started actually crying at that point and I did all I could not to do the same. I pulled out what I could afford to give him.
The number is not important, and I can't remember anyway, but it's not as much as I wanted to give him. I told him that I hoped what I gave him would get him through to payday and he hugged me (After asking.) I told him they would be ok and that we was an amazing father to sacrifice for his son like he had. The kind of father many kids unfortunately never had. I knew he needed to hear that and I'm glad I said it.
He kept trying to tell me he wanted to pay me back. And in the end, I finally told him how he could. "When you are on your feet and can afford to. Find someone who needs help like you did, and help them." I said. "That's what I'm doing now, and that's why I'm doing it. I continued.
As an Autistic adult, I came from a place where nobody would hire me, and no matter what I tried to make money, I fell flat on my face. I have been plagued with bad luck most of my life and have often felt cursed, so when I finally get on my feet and out of the bad times and see someone struggling to do the same just like I did, my first thought isn't to judge them or tell them to pull themselves up. It's to help them up.
He was a single dad with a new job trying to do right by his son. He was pulling himself up. But he needed help. Sometimes when people help themselves up, they still need a hand. And in a world of apathetic "not my problem" attitudes. Be that hand. Be that hand in spite of the judgmental onlookers, and naysayers. Yes. Guard yourself against being used, and abused but do what you can afford to do to help make their world, and by extension the rest of the world a better place.
And wherever you are, my brother, if you are by some random happenstance reading this. I hope you and yours are as well as me and mine. Thank you for being a shining example of fatherhood in a time where I was questioning my ability to be one.
-Nathan Alan McConnell
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some-cookie-crumbz · 4 years
Years Wiser
Years Wiser Fandom: My Hero Academia Pairing: Toshinko Summary: Midoriya Inko and Yagi Toshinori may be grown adults with grown adult problems and grown adult lives, but that doesn’t mean they handle all of it like that. Age is most relative, after all. Standard Disclaimer: If you read and enjoy this, please give it a like/ reblog so I know if I should write more.
Midoriya Inko felt silly. Incredibly silly. Why was she sneaking about like some kind of hooligan? After all, what did she have to be timid or shy about? It wasn’t like she was doing anything wrong! No, not at all! She was just your average woman out doing average things and-! She flinched and darted around a corner when she heard an incredibly familiar laugh coming from the other side of the column she was ducked behind. “When you say it like that, Todoroki-Kun, you make it sound like I’m careless!” Izuku’s voice was light and filled with mirth, causing her to peer around the corner at him, staying just out of his line of sight.
Todoroki-Kun and Iida-Kun were walking to his left while Uraraka-Chan and Asui-Chan were walking to his right, if her memory served right. Iida-Kun made some kind of grand, exaggerated hand gesture. “While his wording may seem blunt, it is also incredibly accurate!”
“Especially since that’s exactly what I meant,”
“W-What? But that’s so mean to say! I’m not careless!”
“You act carelessly because you care so much, kero,” Asui-Chan chimed in quietly, poking the corner of her own mouth thoughtfully.
Izuku let out a small, distressed noise in response and a fond smile stretched across her face. It filled her with warmth to see her precious baby finding his way in life and finding new friends to help support and encourage him. She knew that it had been hard for him when he’d been thought to be quirkless, how he’d been bullied and had only a few scarce friends he could rely on. But as he adapted to his powers and grew, it was clear he was leaving the past behind him. It was enough to make her lower lip tremble and her eyes mist up! But, she reminded herself, that part of this was only thanks to the man she was actually here to see. She peered to make sure Izuku was distracted by his friends again, their voices starting to taper off, before turning and continuing on her path.
Behind her, she didn’t notice the large brown eyes watching her curiously. “Huh,” Uraraka mumbled to herself, tilting her head.
“Hm? What is it Ochako-Chan, kero?” Tsu asked politely.
“Oh! Sorry, I thought I saw Midoriya-San for a second!”
“Huh? Mom? What would she be doing here?” he mumbled quietly, turning around to peer over his shoulder. Thankfully enough, Inko had already disappeared around the corner out of sight.
Elsewhere, Inko floundered her way through trying to navigate the UA campus. She’d only visited a handful of times both since and following the construction of the dorms. She encountered a polite enough young man with purple hair who was able to direct her to the faculty office, making sure to thank him several times and bow for good measure. She adjusted her grip on the circular holder in her arms and adjusted the strap of her purse, reaching inside to make sure that the little gift box tucked inside wasn’t visible. Her cheeks immediately flooded with color as she recalled what she was doing here and Mitsuki’s remarks that morning.
Midoriya Inko had never had any real interest in Pro Heroes before. She appreciated the work they did, but that all changed when Izuku was accepted to UA. Suddenly, she was being dragged into the very real life of a Hero relative. It had been horrifying and heartbreaking and difficult at first. She remembered having so many panic attacks fretting over her beloved son - her only baby - being constantly placed in life or death scenarios and constantly breaking himself. She had been torn for so long over it all, over voicing her concerns. She wanted to do better for Izuku, to support and encourage him the way she hadn’t when he needed her before, but there was still the instinct in her to protect him. He was her whole world, her pride and joy, her moon and stars. She didn’t want to take his dreams from him again, not when they were so close. She had cowered and then she had lashed out in anger and then she came to acceptance. It was a roller coaster to say the least.
And from that all, she came to meet All Might, the Pro that had started it all for her son. And, much more importantly, she met Yagi Toshinori.
The man was an anomaly when she met him. She was used to seeing the large, muscle-bound form of him on television and the posters decorating her son’s walls. But when he appeared he was broken and bandaged, seeming like a wisp of the man so revered. She expected him to be haughty and confident and assert with her refusal to let her son continue on. She had expected a fight to break out. But, he had left her startled when he instead acknowledged his fault, bowed his whole form to her floor, pleaded with her to allow Izuku back into his tutelage and vowed to give his life for the boy. In that moment, she saw the first glimpse of who he was outside of the mask he wore, saw what lurked inside him deep down.
And she had been unable to reject that. Her whole life she had been vulnerable and breakable. How could she tear this man down further at his lowest point?
And at first, that was all there was to it. She had allowed her baby bird to leave the nest they’d made and take flight. It had been hard, being alone in the apartment most of the time. She had some part time work to do at a nearby library but that only filled the void up so much. The first call came in one late Thursday evening, as she was figuring out what to make herself for dinner, from a number she didn’t recognize. She chanced answering it, a brief part of her wondering if it was her ex-husband calling to check on things. Maybe he had caught wind of their son’s newfound abilities from all the way across the ocean and wanted to try and revive that relationship, she didn’t know. “Hello?”
“Ah, hello, Midoriya-San. I hope I’m not calling at an inconvenient time,” Yagi Toshinori said, his tone even albeit a bit awkward.
Red alarms went off in her mind. “What has happened? Is my Izuku okay? Did he hurt himself with his Quirk again?”
“N-No, no! Young Midoriya is doing just fine!” he answered her just as frantically. She released a small whimper of relief as she let her body sag into one of the kitchen chairs. “I’m so sorry, I should have thought this through better. I just… I wanted to call and offer to give you weekly updates on his progress.”
She blinked before feeling a small smile turn up on her lips. “I’d like that. Thank you, All Might,”
“Oh, no need to call me by that name! Just Yagi will be fine, going forward,” he said with a relieved chuckle.
And so began the weekly calls between them. At first they stayed to the topic of Izuku and his progress; how he was adapting to his Quirk, how his control was improving, how his grades were looking for his classes and the like. For a good few months that was all it was, until Izuku’s progress was steady enough that her worries were mostly abated and slowly new topics started to slip into the conversation. They learned of a shared adoration for silly competition shows centered around cooking, baking and other such things. Yagi confessed that, despite not being a particularly skilled cook himself, he always liked observing the process and feedback that was offered. She then invited him over one night for dinner and a season finale of something, and a new tradition started up. They’d try to get together once every week or two and watch the latest episodes of this or that together.
It was all very simple and domestic and something she had missed dearly. She had missed having someone around her own age to converse with and watch shows with. She had missed sitting on the patio with a cup of warm tea, sprinkling an amicable silence with silly anecdotes from either of their times. She had missed all of it so very much and was so grateful to have befriended Yagi Toshinori. So, when she realized that his birthday - known because of Izuku - she had decided to get him a little something to show her gratitude. She had gone out and looked for a nice blend of orchid oolong tea to gift him, as well as taking the time to bake him a dark pearl chiffon cake. She had noticed that he tended to prefer his desserts with a bit of bite and tartness to them.
Bakugo Mitsuki had been over for lunch while she’d been working on the cake earlier that day, humming to herself as she skittered to and fro in her tiny kitchen, pouring the batter into the tin carefully. The blonde woman had a knowing grin on her lips as she watched her, leaning her cheek into the palm of her hand and leaning heavily on it. “It’s been a while since you’ve done some baking. Who is it for?” she asked conversationally, though there was a certain underlying tone in her voice.
Inko would have noticed it if she’d been giving her all her attention. “For a friend’s birthday today. I went and picked up a lovely tea to pair with it, too,” she said giddily, leaning over to carefully slide the tin into the oven.
“Ah, that tall blonde man, yeah? Seemed kinda familiar,” she mumbled before pushing up and heading in as well. She plucked the up the drained mixing bowl and spoon from the counter. “Anyway, I’m impressed and proud, Inko! It’s about damn time you got back in the game!”
“Back in the…? What do you mean?” she asked innocently.
The other raised an eyebrow while swirling the spoon in the bowl to get a good amount of excess batter on it. “You’re making this for your boyfriend, yeah?”
The green haired woman let out a loud squeal, the noise akin to an overheated tea kettle, while her face turned dark red. “W-What! N-N-No! Y-YYa-Yagi-K-Kun and I aren’t-!” She cut herself off to hide her face with her hands.
“Yagi-Kun…? Oh! All Might!” she hummed, lifting the spoon up and licking some batter from it. She let out a contented little sigh at the flavor. “Ah, amazing as usual, Inko. I have to say, the man has good taste; in desserts and in women.”
“M-M-Mit-Mitsuki! It isn’t like that!”
Ruby red eyes blinked slowly as they watched her. “But you want it to be, right? And so does he, if those looks he casts your way are anything to go by,” she said, waving the spoon about as she spoke, dripping a little bit of batter on to her arm.
Inko whimpered and slumped against the counter, her mind whirling. Had Yagi-Kun been looking at her like that? No, no! There was absolutely no way! Even if he wasn’t still working or able to appear as the man the public adored, this was still the All Might they were talking about! He was so well known and well loved he could have anyone he wanted! And even without the muscle, he had so many endearing qualities about him! He was kind but also bashful and overly polite, which was charming in its own way! And then there was that smile of his that, even now, still had this warmth to it that was comforting! And his eyes were such a lovely shade of blue, like a cloudless sky in early spring! He wouldn’t have to settle for someone like her; someone who was plump and anxious and meek and was raising her son all alone and-!
Her thoughts were cut off when a brief flash of pain flared up from the back of her head, making her yelp.
“I know what you were doing in that little head of yours, sweetheart, and you’re gonna stop it,” Mitsuki snorted, picking the abandoned spoon back up. She took another lick at it before pointing it at Inko. “You and Hi-Shithead haven’t been a thing for over seven years. The guy comes and visits you frequently. You two have similar hobbies and interests. He looks after your son better than that deadbeat ass that knocked you up. And you’re an absolute darling, Inko. You’re compassionate and affectionate and thoughtful. Any man would be lucky to have you on his arm; Pro Hero or not. So, what are you stalling for?” she prompted evenly.
She hadn’t known how to answer that. And, even now, with her heart hammering so hard it was rattling her body, she wasn’t sure. Perhaps it really was the fear of rejection, of being told she wasn’t good enough? That she wasn’t worth the time to invest? And what if he didn’t reciprocate? What if it ruined everything they already had, and she lost one of the few friends she had? That was a terrifying thought in and of itself.
Yagi-Kun and the time they spent together meant so much to her. She didn’t want to ruin that over what was most likely a crush.
“Excuse me,” An annoyed, deep voice barked at her, causing her to shriek and throw her arms up. She barely managed to use her Quirk to call the cake back to herself before it fell to the ground, taking a deep breath as she meekly peered over her shoulder at the form addressing her. Their appearance was dark and shaggy, as if they either didn’t have the time to put themselves together better or didn’t care enough to. She was inclined to think it was the former, though. He looked her up and down once before letting out a small hum. “You must be related to the problem child.”
She plastered on a tight smile at that, already certain she knew what he meant. “Midoriya Inko, it’s a pleasure to meet you. And thank you for taking care of my Izuku,” she said as she bowed.
He stared at her before turning to reach for a nearby door. “The student dorms are on the other side of the campus, but he may be doing some training with his friends. The grounds are-!”
“U-Um, actually!” she squeaked out, wilting a bit at how he stared at her for interrupting him. She adjusted the carrier in her hand again. “I wasn’t here for-! T-That is to say, um… I’m actually looking for All Might!” she managed to choke out, her eyes skirting about the tiled floor like mad.
“All Might?” he repeated. She nodded without lifting her head. He threw the door he’d been reaching for open and stepped inside. “All Might! There’s something going on with the problem child again!”
There was a clatter inside. “W-What? Is Young Midoriya okay? Is he in the infirmary? Or is he with Principal Nezu?” Yagi-s familiar voice asked frantically, perking Inko up and making her giggle a bit. She couldn’t blame him for the reaction.
She carefully stepped a bit closer, standing in the doorway and meekly waving at him. He was standing at his desk, hands on the surface as he looked ready to take off running. There were a few other teachers gathered in the area, reassuring her that she was at the faculty office like she’d wanted, but she could tell that even the ones that weren’t looking at them were paying attention. “Hello,” she said meekly.
“Midoriya-San? It’s good to see you, but what are you doing here?” he asked worriedly, carefully stepping around his desk and walking over to meet her.
She held the carrier up, taking a small breath to relax herself some and knowing that it would do nothing. “I, um… W-Well, today is your birthday and… I thought… I wanted to give you something! But I wasn’t really sure what kind of things you may want or need, so I thought that I could bake you something. It’s a cake! Oh, but that may have been obvious! A-And I did get a small something to go with that, too!” she rambled, reaching into her purse to hold out the little gift box where the tea tin rested.
She cautioned a glance up at him and was stunned to see his own cheeks tinted pink, one hand rubbing at the back of his neck shyly. But, a shy and genuine smile was turning up on his lips. “You’re incredible,” he breathed, the blush going darker.
She giggled and averted her gaze. “It’s nothing. Just… Just a thank you, for being you,” she said, holding his eye as she spoke.
His blue eyes widened, filling with an emotion she couldn’t place, before his smile brightened even more. “Would you like to come in for a while? I’ll start some water for the tea and we can have the cake together,” he suggested, offering one of his hands to her while ushering her inside with the other.
She nodded. “I’d like that very much, Yagi-Kun,”
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skgway · 4 years
1828 Dec., Sun. 28
11 1/2
At my desk at 7 1/2 – Wrote the few lines across the margin of page 220. Looking for an old Manchester Observer in which is a paragraph on the rights of women.
Take up (at 8) my letter written last Sunday to Miss McL– [MacLean] mentioning expecting M– [Mariana] for a couple of days and my promise to return with her for a fortnight or 3 weeks about the 31st. Then obliged to come back here for a few days, that it would be the end of January before I should be in London – Surely she would then be ready to return with me –
“I see that you are still, and that enough remains for Paris, and for me? Todo – For me! What can I do? Is it much, or little? ‘How little you still understand me’ – I lament over your thinking so, because perhaps every atom subtracted from your faith in my knowledge of you, may proportionally lessen my power to do you good – We know the efficiency of faith in working wonders – and I, perhaps, in spite of your scepticism, know you yourself better than you think – It is even possible, that I know you not less well than some whose penetration may seem to have more ‘in it of the intuitive and extraordinary’ – At all rates, may I not ask, did you know me well enough to guess, that I should muse over some parts of your last with deeper feelings of regret, then maybe trusted to my pen – There is more in the manner of doing a thing, than we are some times aware –
‘It is visible the fright some of your friends are in . . . . . . . Set your mind at ease, and you of your friends, you may depend on they need not dream even of a possibility of your being obliged to infringe on the liberties of’ – . . . . What was their feeling, Sibbella, when you wrote the above, and the much more connected with it? Perhaps I understand you sufficiently well to guess better than you imagine – At least, I am tempted to venture on asking you, if you understand me well enough for it once to have occurred to you, as your pen was writing on relentless, what would be the impression of pain or pleasure, that it would leave upon my mind –
If there was one single word in my last letter, with which you could, or did find fault, – If there was, at unawares, one single term of expression which might seem wanting in that high consideration which has never ceased to be associated with every sentiment I have ever felt towards you, – I can in no way account for it – Surely, surely Sibella, you do not quite understand me – 1st I mean not to pother you in any way – All I mean is, that I felt your manner of writing less gently considerate than usual, and that you will, in no case, find me less easy of persuasion, than in days of yore – I shall be delighted to see you, in the hope that I can then convince you better than now, that not only you need not ‘repent,’ but need not ‘feel a little vexed that I was so selfish as to accept your most kind invitation’ – ....
‘I would not on any account permit Cameron to come near me’ – I trust, you will soon see, that there is no necessity to carry caution so far as this – You will probably prefer McD– [MacDonald]; and I should therefore offer her to you, as I should offer you anything and everything in my power that I thought would please you best – In fact, Sibbella, my regard for you is a regard which makes me ever anxious for your comfort and happiness; – and to see you happy will probably make me as happy as I am capable of being under my present circumstances –
God grant that I may see you restored to health, in the possession of every blessing that a reasonable person can desire! I do not much like your account of the nervous attack you mention, but trust you will have no repetition of it –
There is one subject on the settling of which so satisfactory to yourself and others I heartily congratulate you – It is not that I do ‘not choose’ to enlarge upon it, but, simply, that I know of nothing to say, that will not be better said, when we meet – Surely we shall cross the water together; for surely, you will be ‘dismissed’ by the end of next month, tho’ the having ‘bile and cough still to send adrift’ makes me not sanguine” –
Then on page 3 little chit chat, answers to the different, other parts of her letter – Sorry for the bad accounts from Han Dieman’s land, etc. etc. Should like to be in the same house with her – Independent of the pleasure of her society “it would save me nearly 1/2 – I should not keep myself and Cameron under 2 guineas a day” –
“ . . . Have you been at Richmond Park? Poor Vere! May she have chosen well; and may she speedily be happy to her heart’s content! But checkered are the paths of life and love; and, after all, ‘tis but to all a vale of shadows in which we walk – Who would be immortal here? None, None, Sibbella, who have felt, and thought, and passed the age of thirty-five! How often those who seemed happiest have sighed in secret, and longed to flee away, and be at rest! But good night! I am beginning to prose – ‘Twere better far to nod’” –
Breakfast at 9 – Meant to have gone to Lightcliffe church, but it began to rain at a few minutes before 10, and no likelihood of fine weather so staid at home – My father went to church in spite of the rain – Staid talking to Marian about his queer temper throwing away of prospects, etc.
At 11 40/60 Marian and I read aloud the whole of the morning service in about 38 minutes – Then staid talking a while and came upstairs at 12 3/4 – Wrote 9 lines small and close at the bottom of page 3 of my letter to Miss McL– [MacLean], and 14 lines on the ends dated today – Her not hearing from me not owing to forgetfulness – Waited as she would – Of course conclude, to tell her something tolerably certain of my plans – Still unable to fix – Had scarcely written the first 3 pages when all was upset – M– [Mariana] prevented coming and I prevented going –
“Know nothing beyond the improbability of my being able to get off from here before the middle of next month, and that I shall avoid the necessity of returning if possible . . . . . . . . . If you understand me at all, you will be quite sure, that neither yourself nor your last letter has been long unthought of –
You have been daily with me in mind, and under graver circumstances of moody musing then you may have dreamed of – For every idle word that you have ever heard me utter, and for every written word that, faithless to my heart and to my intention, may have ever caused you any feeling of vexation, I entreat your forgiveness –
I, at least, ought not to be the one to add in any way to your annoyance or uneasiness; and we will try if it be not possible to make you forget all that it would be doing me a kindness to forget and to remember only what may give me a lasting claim to your good opinion and regard – I hope you will have no reason to repent trusting yourself across the water – But tho’, as you tell me, ‘the idlest of the idle,’ write me one cheering line or 2 as soon as you can, and believe me always your very affectionate friend AL– [Anne Lister]”
Till two and twenty minutes writing the last thirteen lines and what I wrote to Miss MacL[ean]. What will she answer? She does not quite expect all this perhaps. Has thought me huffy. I have treated her with too little romantic loverlike attention of late. Too much as if I had got all I wanted. Can I be more on P’s and Q’s when we next meet? I must try and then we shall doubtless do admirably. One does not like the not being able to get a thing, but otherwise I have had enough of particular intercourse with her –
Sent off by Jno [John] at 2 35/60 my letter to “Miss Maclean of Coll Mrs. W. Reid’s, 13 Nottingham Terrace or Road, London” – From 2 40/60 to 5 50/60 at my accounts – Dressed – Dinner at 6 20/60 –
My father read aloud sermon 6 volume 1 South – I knew little about it, being asleep sitting on the sofa almost all the time – Did not rouse up till 10 – Came upstairs to bed at 10 20/60 damp rainy day from 10 a.m. – Fahrenheit 52º in my room at 10 20/60 p.m. –
Read the following pamphlet lent me on Xmas [Christmas] day by the William Priestleys –
“Evangelical preaching, (commonly so denominated ∴ therefore) its character : errors : and tendency : in a letter to the right reverend the Cardinal bishop of Bath and wells: by the reverend Richard Warner, F.A.S. Honorary member of the Imperial Cæsar Society of natural history moscow; and of the Dutch society of sciences, Harlaem; and Rector of Great Chalfield, Wilts, and of Croscombe, Somerset. Ea si vera sunt, ingenuè ingenii mei tarditatem, qui mon assequor; certè sciens non reluctor veritati, et ex animo faveo libertati vere evangelicæ, et detestor quicquid adversatur evangelio. Eras. de lib. arbit. 3rd edition London : printed for C & J Rivington, St. Paul’s churchyard, and Waterloo-place, Pall-mall, 1828 price 2 /. [shillings]” London : printed by R. Gilbert, St. John’s square.” 8vo [octavo] 6 prefatory pp pages and 31 pp pages of the letter itself
[sideways in margin] Borrowe]d of Mrs. W[illiam] P– [Priestley] Thursday 25 December. Returned Monday 29 December. Reading this pamphlet (good) and writing out its title page as above took me till 10 50/60.
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Tuesday 30 August 1831
5 3/4
11 5/..
Fahrenheit 64˚ and damp rainy morning at 6 – putting things in my new cupboard etc. about an hour – dressed, out at 7 3/4 – to Lower Brea – took George Robinson to the new foot path to be made through Well Royde wood – had Joseph Wilkinson there – all agreeable – George had got a man ready to begin – set him to work and George to begin leading stone – then to old Mr Wilkinsons in the Hough – not at home – sat a little while with his wife explaining about water course, etc. – should be back again at 12 – and would see Mr Wilkinson then by the new Godley Road to Halifax, to the bank – got draft at sight on Messers Swann York for £14 payable to Mr Lawton, Proctor and £86 in cash – 
Then called and sat 24 minutes with Mrs Saltmarsh – very glad to see me – to excuse me to her mother if I could not call if not should write – I had intended to stay till December or longer – found this arrangement could not be managed – could not be made convenient to my sister – and I was obliged to be off at 2 or 3 a.m. next Monday at the latest – so hurried and busy because quite unprepared – had no idea of being able to stay – should explain more to her mother if I saw her but should swear her to secrecy as usual – 
Home at 10 1/2 – paid my father the £10 I borrowed on Saturday – breakfast at 10 55/.. – observed to George Robinson this morning that if Stump Cross Inn was ever to sell should not like it to go for nothing – begged George to let me know – he said Mitchell had valued it far too high – at 30/. a day-work on that hill side to farm – about 20 days work belongs to Hammertons and co. joint property – 
Mr Sunderland came to visit McDonald for her throat and then came in to my Aunt and me in the drawing room – thinks my father very well – he has quite rallied again – out and at Well Royde wood at 12 10/.. found Mr and Joseph Wilkinson and George Robinson there – more difficulty in settling the matter than I expected – part of bit of ground I wanted to wall in belonged to Upper Brea – well then, said I, measure it off and I’ll give Joseph a shilling a yard for the 16 yards – George Robinson sent down to Lower Brea for the money – I put it into Joseph’s hand and now ‘we’ll have the wall up as soon as we can – you can make no more objections’ – 
They talked of building a new barn at Upper Brea – Went with them to see where they would put it – Luckily it will be farther back and more out of sight – there ought to be a new house said they – I then asked if they would let me the old buildings – there was no room for me at Shibden – I might go and live there (Upper Brea) – well! they could make a lease for 20 years – well! said I, we’ll think of it – but that wont do like selling just the old buildings and a bit of ground about them – why! Joseph thought of living there himself and building a new house but not more than 4 rooms on a floor – went with George Robinson to the mill to see what he wants addressing – a new room about 6 yards square - £100 will do it – then spoke to me of enlarging the dam and making a new entrance to the mill – but he would do it himself – no! said I, I am not fond of that – why! that would not be wanted of 2 years – very well then said I say nothing about it yet – nobody knows what may happen before that time – perhaps I can make some better arrangement for everybody by then – observing that the field the mill stood in ought to belong to the mill – the new room to be done as soon as George gets rid of his partnership with his brother I to have seven percent for my money – 
Home at 2 10/.. found note from Mr James Edward Norris – compliments and is sorry it has not been in his power to give an answer sooner – ‘not been able to come to any terms with Mr Emmett, but through a friend he has some expectation of having a ‘price fixed for the plots of ground in question’ – Mr Emmett is and will be from home ten days or a fortnight’ after his return Mr Norris will through his friend endeavour to bring the business to a conclusion – Halifax 30 August’ – I must think about this – 
From 2 1/4 to 4 20/.. (interrupted myself by inking over a couple of very bad to make out pencil pages of my Dutch journals) wrote pages 2,3 and 4 and 1 page and 1 end of 1/2 sheet envelope to Isabella Norcliffe will write to Mrs Norcliffe before the 6th and direct post office Whitehaven – anxious about the boy (Joseph Booth) not missing the place in the racing stables at Mr Scotts (Whitewall Corner near Malton) and beg Isabella Norcliffe to do anything she can about it – mention my being so unexpectedly obliged to change all my staying at home plans, and be off as soon as I can to the Continent – cannot know till Friday or Saturday whether the plan at present in agitation can be managed – if it can, must be off very early on Monday at the latest – will write and tell her how it ends directed to croft – after Sunday will be too late find me here – she had best then direct to Messers Hammersleys bankers Pall Mall, London – 
Then wrote a kind, chit chat half sheet full (much in praiseful commentary on the 3 girls and Charles we had at Langton) to Mrs James Dalton – said I was unexpectedly obliged to change my plans or should have spent the winter here and paid my promised visit at Croft – then wrote very short letter on the back of my draft for £14 to Mr Lawton and then quickly and off hand, a half sheet full (quite to my mind?) to Mrs Milne, and went down to dinner at 5 3/4 instead of 5, as I had ordered it, having to go to Well Royde wood at 6 1/2 – came upstairs between the courses of my dinner for 10 minutes – 
and copied my letter to Mrs Milne dated today there is no merit my dear Harriet in giving if we are rewarded a hundred fold I had not nor could have ‘pleasanter contemplations than those arising from the assurance of your forgiveness and regard ‘bonheau’ bonne heure when the elements that destroyed one world revivify another not everything will translate so happily aux douces no the spirit would be gone all would be vapid and not even the kindness of an absent friend would ween that memory had ‘breathed up on the face of the waters’ yes a friend that word that means so little or so much I leave it in your keeping what but must be better in such charge? 
I am very sincerely rejoiced to hear such good accounts of your invalids I hope and trust your mothers spirits and fortitude will support her thro so much anxiety I have twice taken the liberty of directing Cameron’s letters to the minster court not knowing exactly where Miss Pearson lives I shall venture to do so again as soon as I am able to fix the day of my departure without fear of further delay how provokingly you missed Mariana in spite of such rapidity of movement I hope and trust her rummage did her good may I ask you to be so good as give my love and thanks to Mr and Mrs Duffin for their long kind letter. You will see Isabella on Thursday and dear Isabel! she does not seem in very good travelling estate my kind regards to all your family circle and believe me a faithful guardian of the petit coin you are too kind to value and always my dear Harriet very affectionately yours AL  – 
Made up into a parcel to ‘Mr Fisher, Petergate, York’ my letter 5 pages and one end of the 1/2 sheet envelope) to ‘Miss Norcliffe, Mr Fisher’s, Petergate, York, (Tuesday 3 August 1831 per mail – carriage paid)’ and enclosed in the same envelope my letter (3 pages and under seal of 1/2 sheet) to ‘Mrs James Dalton, Croft Rectory. Darlington’ – put into the parcel my 1/2 sheet-full enclosed in little French envelope, to ‘Mrs Milne Minster-Court, York’ begging Mr Fisher (on the whitey brown paper in which it was folded) to forward it according to the address – Left the parcel with George and my letter for the post to ‘Mr Lawton, Proctor, Petergate, York’ – vide business letter book) – draft for £14 on Messers Swann, and saying it was my intention to execute the will in London and leave it at my bankers, Messers Hammersleys and co. of which I should be much obliged to Mr Lawton to make a memorandum – 
Off at 7 10/.. to Well Royde – found Mr George Robinson and his man Matthew who had just cleared out the line of foot path through the wood when I got there – sauntered back (along my walk) as I went and came in at 8 10/.. – wrote great part of the journal of yesterday and went downstairs at 9 1/4 and came up again at 10 40/.. – according to my letter from Paris my Aunt was to pay for herself and McDonald £90 a year on paying Marian for 4 months, from Tuesday 7 June day of arrival, to 7 October next, she said she should be satisfied with £80 which makes it one even sum per quarter – 
Fahrenheit 69˚ at 10 40/.. p.m. and windy – damp drizzling morning till near 9 – afterwards tolerably fine day –
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mikami · 5 years
Death Note Audio Drama 09
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Disc 9: Inherited Debt - a summary / partial translation
Prior translations / an explanation as to what the fuck this is.
SHIT FINALLY GOES DOWN. Mello and Near appear, Soichiro retires (or tries to) and L explores the afterlife!
Feet on sand. Watari’s voice coming closer.
WATARI: Mr. L! Mr. L!
L: Watari... It’s you! Oh wow, I’m so glad to see you.
WATARI: Pleasure is all mine, Mr. L. It’s been so long.
L: This place is really badly organized. They never tell you anything.
WATARI: I know, I know... it’s been quite hard. I deduced a little and hoped... well, that I would find you here.
L: I’m sorry that it had to be under these circumstances. But look, I need to go someplace, still.
WATARI: The meetings usually start on the full hour.
L: Yeah, I don’t wanna be late. Are you going to wait here until I’m done?
WATARI (chuckles): Where else would I even go, sir?
Bells ringing.
MAN: Sit down, please. I’ve got your file around here somewhere.
L: Am I late? Sorry if I’m late.
MAN: Oh, we’re all always late, Lawliet.
L: L. Please. People call me L.
MAN: Great. Yes. L. Aaah, there you are. Uh-huuuuh.... now look at all this paperwork. You’ve been really busy.
L: The devil finds work for idle hands.
MAN: Oh, really?  Uh-huh. I understand. Your case should have already been worked on a long while ago. Pardon the delay.
L: And here I still have so many things to do. I really need to get back to Tokyo, immediately.
MAN: Almost everyone still wants to take care of some things and there are ways of dealing with that. A lot of it will depend on your stamina and on how much you saved up.
L: Nobody ever explains anything around here.
MAN: I understand. Yes. You... slipped past us a little, because you... how should I put it? You were early. You came here before your time.
L: Oh, that explains a lot.
MAN: So... let’s start from the beginning, yes? Do you know where you are?`
L: Yeah?
MAN: And... you know who I am?
L: Yeah.
MAN: And... you also know you are dead.
L: Yes.
Many people talking.
MATSUDA: Do you want a drink?
SAYU: Already got one, thanks.
MATSUDA: Haha, maybe you need another.
SAYU: Thanks, I’m good.
MATSUDA: My name is Matsuda.
SAYU: I know. 
MATSUDA: Uh, and you...?
SAYU: You’ve always been nice, Matsuda, but, uh... you’re too old for me. And... I don’t date cops.
MATSUDA: But I didn’t say that I--- what is wrong with going out with a policeman?
SAYU: I don’t know... the long nights, waiting for a call, cancelled weekends...
MATSUDA: Uh... are you maybe a Yagami family member?
SAYU: That’s right.
MATSUDA: Oh my god! Sayu! It’s you! Sayu!
SAYU: You should have become a detective.
MATSUDA: Light’s little sister.... You’ve become... so mature.
SAYU: One of us had to.
Voices chattering. Soichiro is announced as a speaker.
SOICHIRO: Thank you, thank you all. I’m touched that so many of you made it here on this warm April evening.... just to say goodbye to an old inspector.
Cheering. Someone shouts “Free drinks certainly helped!”
SOICHIRO: I especially want to thank my wife Sachiko, who lied so coldbloodedly about why she wanted to go to a bar on a Thursday.
SACHIKO: I’m sorry, darling.
SOICHIRO: And my daughter Sayu, who is still sticking to my instructions to never marry a cop! So... hands off!
SOICHIRO: It’s now been 35 years since I finished my police training. Is Kitamura here, too? No? Well, alright. We didn’t always agree. Kitamura and I finished the academy together and he took the fastest path up into administration. And he took his hat and left, in the 30th year. I stayed. And most of you know it’s because of the special conditions of a very special case. That case still isn’t finished. That’s the reason I endured 5 further long years, to set the path for a young man, to give him time to finish the academy as well so he can take the poisoned baton from me. The Kira investigation. This man is my son.
SOMEONE: Nepotism!
SOICHIRO: Well nobody else wants the job! I’m sure he’d love to give it to you! Isn’t that right, son? I can be proud that my boy, my wonderful boy, is Detective Light Yagami now!
SOICHIRO: And if I’m still allowed, I’d like to take a short moment to remember those who aren’t lucky enough to be here today. It’s been a hard time, fighting this criminal who always did some unexpected turn, and the colleagues in our district have, perhaps more than others, had to deal with some very brutal murders. Not just comrades with a badge but also civilian investigators and friendly helpers. They all risked their lives and gave it. May God bless them. Here’s to absent friends.
MAN: You don’t quite understand me, L. There is no such thing as an afterlife.
L: Where am I, then?
MAN: That is... complicated. You are... nowhere. You are... nothing. 
L: Are you trying to tell me all of this is a hallucination? Just a product of my neurons randomly firing while my brain is kicking the bucket?
MAN: Uh, no. 
L: I know a thing or two about movies. And you could turn this into a 90 minute thriller, but not for five years. I’ve been here for five years.
MAN: I’m not sure you can apply the experiences from a cinema one on one to what happens after death. 
L: Well.. you haven’t really helped me understand much yet.
MAN: Did it ever occur to you that you share some of the blame? What if this whole---
L: Pathetic bureaucracy?
MAN: Harsh words. But if it suits you. What if this whole...  bureaucracy was made up by your soul to deal with the dream of your own passing? How about that?
L: So I’ve got a soul...? Something that lasts beyond death?
MAN: Hm. Well...
L: Life. After death. Indeed.
MAN: You didn’t have many friends, am I right?
L: Excuse me?
MAN: Or how did you deal with being this smart?
L: What I really want to deal with, Mr...?
MAN: Justin.
L: Mr. Justin... is which options I have. What sense is there in justice and retribution? If you’re an official here, official for what? Who’s in power here? I know there are gods of death, and I know there’s a life after death, because that’s where I’m stuck right now, it seems.
JUSTIN: There is no life after death. Human existence ends in nothingness. 
L: And yet, I’m here. And so is Watari. And who are all these people lurking about outside? Why are those here?
JUSTIN: You’ve got a whole eternity to think about it, dear L.
L: Oh really? Do I now? Human life is finite and life after death is infinite? Am I immortal now?
JUSTIN: Exactly. You’re correct. It’s not my task to let myself be interrogated here.
L: And who’s task is it then? Where do I finally get answers?
We hear someone talking to “Vladimir” in a friendly way. Very soon it becomes clear that it’s the US president speaking, a very obvious Trump parody. The thing is, I don’t take any joy in being reminded Trump exists, and this audio drama spends an extraordinary amount of time letting him talk. For my own sanity, I’m not going to actually translate those scenes in whole. If anyone REALLY wants to know what Death Note Audio Drama Trump is saying, I guess you can beg me for it? Just know that there is a lot of racism, sexism, and general being stupid. It’s exactly like you’d imagine Trump, really.
An exhausted secretary named Trevor tries to introduces Near to the president. Near succeeded Paula Virilio as SPK leader. Near has to explain the situation in baby-talk for the president to get it. But basically, they think Kira is still in Japan. In this verse, Near actually got all of L’s data and only the version in the task force was fully deleted. Near suspects that Kira is among the task force.
Near wants to act, now that Soichiro is retired. 
Bar noises.
SACHIKO: Alright, darling. Did you already think about how you want to spend your retirement?
SOICHIRO: Not really, Sachiko. I was just too busy.
SACHIKO: For 35 years.
SOICHIRO: Very funny. I don’t know... it seems an eternity ago that we were young. 
His phone rings.
SACHIKO: Don’t you dare pick up. Not tonight.
SOICHIRO: It’s Kitamura. 
SACHIKO: Then give it to me. I’m going to give him a piece of my mind.
She picks up.
SACHIKO: Koreyoshi Kitamura, you sad mutation of the human species. Was it really too much to ask to come to the goodbye party of my husband? After all you two went through over the years, you old rascal? If this is still about who I married, that’s been decades ago! Grow up! .... huh? Oh. I thought you were... Yes, er, this is his phone, but... Uh. Right. 
SOICHIRO: Who is that?
SACHIKO: Oh my god, no. No! You better talk to my husband about this. N-no, he’s right next to--- Don’t hang up! Don’t!
SOICHIRO: What’s wrong? Is he alright? 
SACHIKO: What is a Death Note....?
Kitamura talks to Mello, while he is tied to a chair. Mello introduces himself as M. He asks about the Kira case, but Kitamura doesn’t know much of use. Because this is an audio drama and the audience needs to know what’s up, Mello just randomly explains the concept of Wammy’s House to Kitamura. 
L: Looks like rain. As if there was a storm coming.
WATARI: But it will never come. It only feels like it, the whole time. Another strange aspect of this place. 
L: I’ll have to be back soon. When exactly?
WATARI: I don’t know, Mr. L. Time moves differently here. People stand around, they wait. Some are playing cards. I’m especially sorry for the young ones. 
L: Who?
WATARI: The millenials. They come here and they’re totally lost without their cell phones. They just hang around like... zombies. 
L: But not you, right Watari? You’re always busy. Keep the old brain moving, right?
WATARI: Well, Mr L, I gave my best to put the puzzle pieces together correctly. But it’s difficult.
L: Are there TVs here? Computers?
WATARI: Nothing like that. The only hints I can get come from other people who made the passage.
L: Oh, good. What did you find out?
WATARI: You and me... we were killed.
L: I got that part.
WATARI: I think it was because we got closer and closer to the truth. 
L: Well, that makes sense. What happened in the five years since?
WATARI: Wendy had an accident with her motorbike. Ivor died of liver cancer. The whole group of Yotsuba executives just dropped dead. All at the same time.
L: Someone did his homework.
WATARI: My thoughts exactly.
L: Kira is still active. The task force, who is leading that now?
WATARI: What do you think?
More attempts to explain the situation to Trump. They explain someone has been faking to be L. 
Kitamura has been kidnapped, but despite just having retired, Soichiro wants to stay and work on the case anyway. The kidnappers are asking for the Death Note in return. 
Mello accuses Kitamura of having been really fucking shit at handling the Kira case. He apparently looked at all the security camera material from HQ. He plays a recording from it that shows L.
L: You’re looking sad, Rem. Even more so than usual. What’s up? ..... Oh really, that’s it? Why did it take you so long?
For Kitamura, L is alone in the recording, so L is alone with Rem. We then flash back to the scene.
L: Did you come for me, Rem?
REM: I did not come to take life, but to gift it. 
L: To me?
REM: No, you have to die. And by defying fate, I’ll be destroyed.
L: Not dead? You said ‘destroyed’ as if total annihilation was a state equaling death. 
REM: These are the final seconds of your life L, prepare yourself. 
L: Prepare for what? Your existence along already implies that death isn’t the end for me. Your hesitation meanwhile implies that destruction is definitely your end. 
REM: I... I don’t know.
L: You spend your eternity feeding off the life of others. As long as you take life, you’ll live forever. But you’ll put an end to your existence today, just to stop me?
REM: Yes, I will.
L: Just, why? 
REM: Out of love.
L (laughs): Love? Love is the power that brings a goddess of death to her knees?
REM: Don’t mock me, L. Don’t you dare! 
L: You’re in love? You know I am very close to ending the case. 
REM: She sacrificed so much for him. This is the only way to restore her lifespan and guarantee her safety. 
L: The price is paid in human lives. The Death Note has a price... for her. I was right then. It was her. And she gave something up for the man she loves. And that can only---
REM: What’s that?
L: The emergency data transmission. It’s only activated when Watari is in danger. 
REM: He had to pass as well.
L: What?! The old man never even hurt a fly! He was a good person!
REM: He was just about to bring the evidence.
L: It’s just as I expected... The identity of the two Kiras... I was right!
REM: Your time is up. I have to kill you now and give my remaining time to her. 
L: I was right, do you hear that?! I was--- 
Glass shattering, falling noises.
Near also has this video, he points out sand falling on the video. He assumes that’s the death of a shinigami. 
The kidnappers call Soichiro again. When Soichiro refuses to give the notebook, they shoot Kitamura live on the phone. 
They already have Sayu present as a backup hostage too. 
WATARI: I knew it was a heart attack. And I knew I was being discarded. It was all I could do to press the emergency button. And I could still hear the alarm, I knew it worked.
L: So you deleted all data and transferred it to Winchester. 
WATARI: Mister Ruvie should have received them. And he surely knew how to interpret the circumstances.
L: Do we know what he did with that? Were my successors already ready?
WATARI: I am... not sure about that.
L: I’m sure you had someone in mind. You talked about a replacement for me time and time again.
WATARI: There were several candidates, yes. But the older one... was a little problematic. I am not sure he’s got the right personality.
L: And the younger one?
WATARI: Yes, he could have taken the responsibilities. But he really was so very young. I am not sure if he was ready.
L: I have to go back.
WATARI: We can’t go back. Death is a one-way street.
L: Is that really true?
Misa and Light on a phonecall. Misa suggests killing Sayu, so that Soichiro won’t exchange the notebook. Light refuses this. They have a longer debate about this, where Misa points out that they can’t let the notebook fall into the wrong hands, but Light remains in refusal.
Near, out of breath, arrives at the task force headquarters.
NEAR: I’m here to talk to chief inspector Yagami.
LIGHT: I am Yagami.
NEAR: Really? Is today open day and everyone’s bringing their children?
LIGHT: Looks like. And whose child are you?
NEAR: Call me Near. We just got here from the US.
LIGHT: Of course. I immediately noticed your subtle and humble approach. CIA?
NEAR: CIA, FBI, NSA, whatever you want. We’re a unity spanning through all organizations and we follow the same goals as you. 
Near explains that he replaced Virilio on her job and he’s very arrogant about it all. Light also remarks on that. The conversation is then interrupted by a call that Soichiro stole the notebook to do the exchange on his own.
Near then talks his way into cooperation in this case.
We now follow Soichiro as he goes to the place of exchange, which is now conveniently just still in Japan. It’s in Nagasaki.
Light introduces Near to the task force. They are tracking Soichiro via GPS. They decide to send a drone to Nagasaki, so they have a visual feed of the exchange when it happens.
Shidoh approaches Justin to ask about his Death Note. Justin deduces that it’s the one Kira is using on Earth. He stills Shidoh to go to L, because L can help him find the notebook.
Near is still flying a drone to follow Soichiro, amazing.. Light is contacting Nagasaki police. The whole exchange sequence is pretty long and not really relevant, it’s just a whole lot of description on who is where when.
Mello also uses a drone to bring the notebook away. The gangster who wasn’t killed in a notebook test gets arrested. 
The gangster gets interrogated by Matsuda, but nothing really comes out of it. Light and Near talk about it and the gangster’s file.
The gangster is part of the Kinzangumi. They’re California-based organized crime with Japanese roots.
A lawyer named Yumi Hosoda waltzes into the interrogation. She’s a lawyer of the Kinzangumi. She argues with Matsuda and her lawyering gets him freed. Her arguing style makes clear that she knows of the Death Note, because her argument style relies on knowing the task force will never bring the notebook up.
Near brings up Mello’s status as a “prototype” successor, who in the end did not meet expectations, thus establishing Mello as a suspect. We then launch into a flashback.
ROGER: I didn’t say “come in”.
MELLO: I didn’t knock.
He comes in and closes the door.
MELLO: When were you going to tell me?
ROGER: Tell you what?
MELLO: That Watari is dead.
ROGER: Who told you that?
MELLO: A system crash that killed the servers for exactly 24 hours. That only happens if someone presses the emergency button.
ROGER: ....yes. It seems like our patron was killed yesterday.
MELLO: That means L is gone, too. Time for me to take over. 
ROGER: Mello, I’m sorry, my boy.
MELLO: Here it comes.
ROGER: Well, this is a longer conversation, that we will have at another time.
MELLO: We’re having this conversation exactly now. 
ROGER: ... mhmm... Near will take over. 
MELLO: He’s still a child, he didn’t even notice the download!
ROGER: He simply proved himself appropriate for this task. He’s showing greater promise.
MELLO: You mean he just absorbs everything, waiting for orders so he knows what to do. That’s why I’m standing here now and he isn’t.
ROGER: I’m sorry, Mello.
MELLO: My whole life I’ve been trained for this moment, my whole life I’ve been the golden boy, before this little punk showed up-
ROGER: There are many other tasks you can fulfill. I’m sure we’ll find a position for you that is appropriate for your talents.
MELLO: I already had a position! I was supposed to be the next L! And now I should give that up for this little boy? I’m not letting myself be degraded to an errand boy. 
ROGER: Exactly this attitude is a part of the problem, if I’m honest.
MELLO: No. You are the problem. You and Watari. You never saw it. You’re wasting your time trying to bow to the system, to respect the law. If you want to catch Kira, you have to play by his rules.
ROGER: I was afraid you’d say something like that...
MELLO:  You can be afraid, Ruvie. I’m out. And I’m taking the data with me.
ROGER: They’re worthless to you. It’s going to take years to work through them.
MELLO: Then golden boy will at least be busy.
ROGER: Don’t let things end like this.
MELLO: It’s your end, Ruvie. You made this happen. 
ROGER: Near will be the new L.
MELLO: Yeah, maybe. And I’ll be the special edition, who doesn’t play the same game as everyone else. Go ahead, send the child to find L’s killer. I’ll be there first, you’ll see.
ROGER: But what’s the cost, Mello?
MELLO: Whatever it takes. 
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