#sorry if i dont respond to any comments but i ADORE any that i come across
wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
You’re literally my favourite PTJ verse writer! I love your writing so muchhh!
Dude 😭😭😭 thank you so much for saying that 😭😭 it's extremely flattering. I've just had a lot to say with these silly little characters but this fandom has the best writers. Making a whole story out of a crumb!
I've actually been waning like wth is this stuff I've been writing so this has been such a lovely pick me up 😭😭 (who is using this emoji excessively?!)
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sourslices · 1 year
hc that the titans know/knew dick better than the batfam — and it makes sense, but i dont feel like elaborating on this part. anyway...
it'd be nice to see too, yk... considering dick is the eldest in the batfam and (in at least fan content) he's known to be very caring about family and yadda yadda.
dick was the first. the first child hero/sidekick, the first robin... the leader of the titans. a charismatic leader, a faithful friend. most people idolise him, and even if you get disillusioned after getting to know him personally, there's still a certain amount of admiration and respect that will never go away when it comes to nightwing.
this also works with the yj universe — esp yj because dick's the youngest out of all of them (not too sure abt the titans, but ik he isnt the youngest)
damian's perhaps the closest to dick out of the batfam. most people are aware of the distance between them and him but jason and tim don't realise that they don't know a lot about his brother...
it starts with cass calling him out for pretending to be okay and even trying to adjust his body language to hide his fatigue and his wounds. it goes on with jason commenting about a movie night that dick had wrestled everyone into (the movie had been steph's choice btw) and then either roy or kori respond like this.
jason: *off-handedly commenting abt the movie night and dick*
roy/kori: ???
roy/kori: we saw that movie when it came out. dick hated it and swore not to watch it ever again lmaooo
or maybe it was food. jason talks abt alfred's meals and then kori chuckles and recalls how dick had told her that he wasn't too fond of alfred's cooking. jason had been like "???" because dick always acted like he loved it and then roy goes like no lmaooo dick finds most of alfred's food kinda tasteless. something about british men and not knowing how to put seasoning
when jason confronts dick, dick admits to it
dick: okay yeah true
dick: i didnt rlly like alfie's cooking when i first came here but he got better... gradually. it's better than before but
dick: ...if you ask me, i prefer his baking.
jason: roy said smth about him trying to make one of your ma's recipes
dick: i never asked him again.
dick: (starts thinking about how he had nobody to teach him how to cook like his parents did and becomes SadTM)
and then cass damian and duke all go like "??? im not alone ??" because in reality they all find alfred's cooking a little... subpar. its not bad per say but u have to rmbr alfred is old white british man and there are battles you lose. anyway, cass damian duke and dick all bond over this because they thought it was only them who found the meals prepared a little... yk. alfred still works on getting better but there is nothing that will beat food made by hands who know how it shld taste yk...
(sorry about the alfred slander)
anyway, tim starts to realise despite being dick's little brother, and the only little brother dickie had for a while, there's a lot he still doesnt know abt the guy. which is funny because tim used to essentially stalk him
kori and dick make up after a long discussion about assault and victim blaming and there are a lot of apologies and they resolve their remaining issues (that doesn't mean what happened was okay, or it was forgotten or whatever)
dick actually asks for some space and tells her their friendship will probably never be what it was and kori is sad but is like. okay. they're still friends after a few months of distance and a lot of therapy on dick's side. he didn't blame her for any of it but he still needed... time
roy and dick also sort their shit out. im unclear as to what that shit actually is because roy used to adore dick when they were speedy and robin but whatever they sort it out and there's some homoerotic tension between them im telling u... dick still asks for space el oh el it takes a while to recover from years of distance and they're not the same
but just because they aren't the same doesn't mean everything's different.
the titans are subjected to the changes in dick and they watch him interact with the batfam, meanwhile batfam realises they don't know a lot abt dickie while watching the titans take care of him in several different ways while they, despite being a family of investigators, didnt know smth was up. it's mostly donna who does the "taking care of"
ik i actually didn't mention many of the titans but... yeah
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00belle00lovely00 · 3 months
ok uhmm... This is a bit akward🥲 but can you make Bobby x Picky headcanons? Plss I need more content of them😭😭😭 Im starving😭😭😭😭
The chef x the mfer who is putting love potions inside the food.
Lovey-dovey and sucker for romance pansexual x "that's my lady right there you'll, can't get better than this you guys" lesbian and food enjoyer
Alright, hear me out on this one you guys. Bobby + chocolates + giving them to picky = INSTANT GIRLFRIEND!
Live laugh love country Picky. We all want a home girl to have an Applejack kind of accent. And as for Bobby?... HMMMM... I KINDA WANT HER TO BE FRENCH. IT WOULD MAKE SENSE, RIGHT? (pls, don't go after me in the comments I'm Hispanic-french myself.)
let's all just agree that picky GOTTA snort when she laughs.
I always like to think that Picky is an in-denial hypocrite, especially when it comes to eating. She's the one in the group always scolding everyone for not eating healthy as it is, yet SHE is the one that sneaks on 3 AM in the middle of the night to each last week's cake from Kickin's party. And yet... rather coincidentally and out of pure chances, Bobby is a sucker for sweets too. So they just work each other out in helping each other with eating problems AND/OR trying to make an excuse to eat dessert before dinner.
PDA?... is that even a question with Bobby around?
Once again, I bestow before you one of my favourite headcanons; Bobby has separation anxiety. And BECAUSE of that she would be messaging/spamming on Picky phone about where she was, if she would come over, if she wanted HER to come over, if they wanted to hang out, etc. What was Picky doing meanwhile? The simple answer passed out on the floor after thinking it was a good idea to try to mix all fast foods known to man into a single meal.
they're both dumb but they don't know it/know it.
Picky would be so proud of pulling up Cupid herself lmao.
I think Bobby would treat this relationship like they were in some romantic novel.
@11sugarplum11 (since you ALSO asked for it! Dw didn't forget about you!)
That's it you guys, maybe I'll be answering a few 4 or less but I'm REALLY stressed about catching up to all the commissions. I hope im not breaking anybody's hopes for all of their headcanons to be answered.
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ssreeder · 1 year
SORRY I KNOW U SAID U DONT WANT TO KEEP TALKING ABOUT THIS AND YOU DONT EVEN HAVE TO ANSWER THIS ASK OR U CAN ANSWER IT PRIVATELY IF YOU'D RATHER i just really cant shut up ever and one thing i cant stand is fic writers getting shit in any capacity like omg what is up with unsolicited 'advice'? in some ways i find it WORSE than if people were just actively rude bc it's so backhanded and passive aggressive that you can't really respond how you want to bc they're not technically being nasty and they say it under the guise of being 'helpful' and it's just YUCK. like shut up!!!! who even asked you!!!!! writing fic is a free, beautiful hobby and for some reason people feel entitled to it in ways they really wouldn't with literally any other hobby and it does my head in, so pls pls dont feel like ur being sensitive. that's the main reason im sending an ask bc i get you've acknowledged that it's annoyed you and why so again sorry if im beating a dead horse here, it's just i hate to see you undermining your feelings about something that IS genuinely really frustrating and disheartening. like it will never not baffle me how oblivious some ao3 commenters are to how much their words can impact a writer. just like you, 99% of all my comments are positive, and yet i can probably list verbatim the handful of not-so-nice comments ive had in the years ive been on ao3 bc they just STICK with me. so yeah. you're very valid and i know you dont need me to tell you but you've got a whole army of people who love your work and have your back, so just remember that when someone decides to be obnoxious xxx
Haha hella I adore you & I don’t ever want you to stop talking.
Yeah I think the reason it irked me more this time was because after I got a few scattered comments I didn’t enjoy I kindly asked people not to do it anymore & then the very next chapter someone did it lol. & even asked if I was getting enough sleep … like…. damn it… really?
again I do think I’m being sensitive because fuck it I’m probably not getting enough sleep haha but damn you don’t gotta call me out like that! Lol. & I get so many wonderful comments and fanart and asks and all that jazz but I can’t help but hyper-fixate on the one not so nice comment haha
& then I over think everything & it ruins the fun hobby I’m supposed to be enjoying lol
I love that you get it, thanks for always being so awesome & now for the second or third time coming to have my back. You’re the best hella :)<3
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escriturasss · 2 years
You know, after saving the world for a reasonable amount of times, you would think you can win against whatever. And if you save the world from interdimensional bloodthirsty monsters, one of them killing with his mind, then you think nothing surprises you anymore.
-But how Maedhros got to be there, wasnt his hand cuffed to a montain?-
Eddie whines and, covering his face with his hands, responds- YOU ARE NOT LISTENING STEVE. FINGON SAVED HIM BY CHOPPING HIS HAND OFF.
-oh!- Steve nodded absentmindly- auch that gotta hurt.
Eddie gives him an indifferent gaze.
They were hanging out in Steves house, the kids and part of his older friends. Nancy and Robin couldnt come because of job, but Eddie said he made time to come with Dustin. But the he got trapped between them and their stupid Tolkien obssesion. In reality, Steve couldnt give two shits bout what The Silmarillion was about. But Eddie and Dustin keep doing this weird, rare, funny for them, alegories or metaphores that he does not understand.
He hates not understanding.
Eddie keeps talking moving the plot 'And then Luthien just wins the battle with her awesome song, beating Sauron... Harrington are you even listening.
-Yeah yeah of course, she was going after that stone.- Honestly? He isnt even listening. Watching Eddie explaining and talking something he is passionate about is art in itself. The voices, the expressions his face makes, how his hands keep doing this gestures he couldnt keep his eyes off, everything is far more interesting than whatever is speaking.
-ITS NOT A STONE ITS A SILMARIL. -Eddie lets a frustrated sigh and sits back on the couch.
-Dude youre not gonna make him listen to anything. He is just, like, fucking boring- comments Dustin who is in front of them.
-Okay, rude.
Ruffling his hair with his hand, Eddie lets a 'tch' out ouf his mouth and groans.
-Im sorry if i dont find the Lord of the Rings very appeling.
Dustin and Eddie turn they heads to watch at him with wide eyes as if Steve grew another head.
-ITS THE SILMARILLION- shouts Dustin and Steve slaps his tight while exclaming:
-So thats why you didnt mention Frodo.
Dustin watches horrorized as Steve lains back on the couch with a grin. He turns to glare at Eddie, who is with his mouth shut in a thin line, crearly trying to not slap Steves face.
-Listen, The Silmarillion its about all the first age, the creation of the Earth, the lands, the riots between the Elves, the rules and Melkor, the curse of the silmarils and the story behind them that follows Feanor sons and...
-Dude, dude! Slow down!- interrupts Steve amused at Eddie with his mouth hanging open from being talked over.
Dustins agonizes passing a hand through his face and, with a monotonous voice explains -The Lord of the Rings is a battle between races to destroy the one ring. The Silmarillion is about cursed and powerful stones that glow.
Looking at Eddie with a sly grin, Steves says- That wasnt difficult to do. right, Munson?
-Alright, im done.
Eddie gets up and storms off the living room, clearly pissed. Steve follows him.
-Aw cmon Munson! Im joking, of course i know what The Silmarillion is about. Ive listened.
-Prove it.- defies Eddie while opening a beer, not even looking at him.
-Ok so you have these three stones that are very pretty and Feanor, their creator, is weirdly obssesed with- Steve looks at Eddie trying to get a reaction out of him, disappointed when he dont find any, he is not even looking at him. -And like Feanor defies Aule and...
-Manwe- the other corrects him.
-Yeah, Manwe, and says his rules are pretty stupid. So he gathers all elves, his sons, nieces and brothers to go to find a land for themselves. Actually im with Nerdanel in this one, thats pretty fucking stupid.
Eddie eyes perk up at his opinion and gestures him to continue.
-I mean, you have all this fucking glorious land with fucking parties and pretty people and everyone adores you and you have lived all your life and like there are like fucking gods and trees that glow and you decide to go and comit fucking arson because you dont want to SHARE YOUR STONES!
Eddie lets of a laugh, amused at Steves lashing.
-That actually didnt happen like that but its ok. You were listening, Harrington. I give you that.- and Eddie toast his can of beer to the air and chugs a sip from it.
-Well, now that i proved it to you that im a great listener i think i deserve something in return.
At this, Eddie sounds surprised. He laids back on the kitchen counter and, smiling at him comments:
-Do you want a fucking prize for being a listener?
-A listener for your hobbies.
-oh wow thats actually amazing, thanks for being a decent person.
-Aw, cmon. It does not have to be something grand.
Eddie watches him with a sly grin and shouted:
-Yo! Dustin! Steve says he wants a prize for being a good listener!
Steve can hear the wheeze that Dustin makes.
Eddia can see how Steve pouts at Dustins response and murmurs -i can give you a kiss if you want...
Steve flips his head so fast it makes him dizzy but what the fuck did he just heard.
-EW EW EW- Says Dustin while pretending to gag.
Eddie blushes and cusses- WHAT do you have like a supersonic hearing??? This is something you adquired in the upside down??? Do you upgrade your habilites after some trauma??
Hearing this, Dustin laughs while Steve points an acussative finger to him, screaming something like dont change the subject. Eddie holds his hands in the air in surrender, smirking.
Dustin groans and goes straight to the living room again, trying to find Mike who is calling him.
While glancing around, Steve leans onto Eddies personal space and, hugging him from his waist, smiles.
-So, do you think they know?
At Eddies snort, he grins even wider.
-Yeah, no shit. After the flirting you pulled over there i think they do.
-Does that mean i can claim my prize?
Eddie smirk, -No. You have to tell me all the Lord of the Rings Lore- He grins watching Steve whines and complain.
Yeah, maybe he can give him all the prizes in the world.
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catgirl13131 · 2 years
So, I can't talk about this on other media because I'm not sure if all of the family knows and frankly, I don't want the usual "I'm so sorry" comments or inspirational quotes that I have to fake a thank you to. It's not that I don't appreciate the kindness and empathy, I do, I love that people care it's just that I don't feel thankful right now. My heart is broken and I'm confused, freaked out and not really grasping the fact that one of my friends killed themselves and it was discovered today. Nobody knows me here and nobody follows me so Im going to get this out, right here, right now. So sorry in advance to anyone who stumbles upon it. It's gonna be wordy. It doesn't really have a point except I need to set it down. It's too heavy
I keep thinking that it can't really be true, it's a mistake. I don't believe he would do that. I know he did, obviously, but still I cannot accept that he would do that. He loves his kids. He's adored by everyone. He's had a hard life and had been through some serious shit. Even prison. He's a survivor. A. Survivor. He worked 2 jobs. He did it because he had mouths to feed. He worked so damn hard. I have no idea how he got any sleep at all. He is so spiritual. Truly, someone strong in his Faith and beliefs. Life dealt him some bad hands but he was so faithful in a higher power, he just played those bad cards as best he could. He was pretty graceful about it. It was impressive and admirable. He loved people. I mean if you were in his circle, he loved you. He was protective and caring. And funny. And so very sweet. His soul is beautiful. He's never said a bitter word about life to me and he has reason to. He was a talented poet. He is my friend. Like, really, a friend. I adore him. I trust him. I count on him to be there. In the world. With me. Every day.
"Hello my love" was his daily greeting. It's always my first smile of my day. "Hi my sweet Ty Guy" my daily response. We called each other "My Buddy". He cannot be gone. We need him. A lot of us depend on him to just be in our lives because he's that important. Just be here. Alive. I want to know that he knew that. I cant stop hoping that he knew that. That he mattered. That he was important and loved. He just disappeared about 5 days ago. Didn't come to work, no contact with anyone. He posted about fixing dinner then he just vanished. He was responding on that post, then he just stopped. My last words to him were "Yum". I would have wanted them to be "Hey, love ya My Buddy" or even "Please dont fucking do that. Don't fucking leave us like that". He did leave us though. So "Yum" it is. I feel like if I was having this conversation with him, we would stupid laugh about that "Yum". We aren't going to stupid laugh anymore My Buddy. They found his body today. What the fuck happened? My mind keeps searching and searching. My first thought when my phone rang and a mutual friend told me was " No way, he wouldnt do that" then the horror of it washed over me and I actually felt chest pain as my heart broke. I cried. For the next 2 hours until I couldnt cry any more. Why couldn't he reach out like he's done before? He never worried about expressing his feelings. Happy, sad, mad, he said what he needed to say. He had lived that kind of life that made you understand that nobody could really stop you from doing just that and life is way too short to not be real. As I'm writing this, I'm not unaware of the irony and synchronicity of that. He understood consequences and owning it. He was a gentleman in the truest sense of the word. Rare.
I'm just lost. My heart is completely shattered but it's aching so badly. It hurts me that he was in that much pain. That's the part that I can't get out of my head. I cried it out already but suddenly it just pops in my head, that he must have been in so much pain and my soul dies a little. I feel like I just better prepare for that to keep happening for quite some time. Again, that's why we are all so stunned. He wouldn't do that to his people. When he just vanished, everyone thought someone had done something to him or he was in trouble but not one person thought of this. He was sad about relationship stuff. He was down but not like that. A bad break up. Prison, the streets, that didn't break him but this did? I don't understand but then again I do because under that hard-core exterior, his heart was just too loving. I know I'll learn to accept this. Time gives you the tools to learn to live with pain. I know from experience. I'm just so fucking angry and hurt. I hurt for those of us left behind to grieve. Those little ones that need him. How will they ever understand why he's gone. I hurt for him because this shouldn't have been the only option that he could choose to find peace. I think that's why I feel angry. It didn't have to be that way. So, the world has an empty spot that will never be filled and the world is a lesser place without him.
Tomorrow, there will be no greeting from My Buddy and there will be no smile. I'm not ready for this My Ty Guy, I just can't. You would say "Naw. You're good. You got this" so for now, see ya tomorrow friend. Then You say " I'll be here" and I'll say "You know that's the only reason I keep coming back to this place. Miss you already!" I'll see that sunshine grin of yours. And it's still true. I miss you already.
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Chaos Magnet
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: None :)
Genre: FLUFF, HUMOR, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: When Y/N get invited onto a stream with the gang by Jack (Sean) she’s not sure what to expect but it’s safe to say that such chaos is not something she could’ve ever imagined.
Requested by Anon. Hi hun! Thank you so much for your lovely request, it really had me laughing and still had me be awe-struck by the adorableness of the idea. Sorry it’s been such a long time since you put in the request but I still hope you come across the fic and read it! Love, Vy ❤
“Alright people, silence in the call for a moment!“ Jack calls out when the lobby’s counter has finally reached up to nine, leaving room for one more person who is yet to join, but apparently he doesn’t care much that he’ll probably have to repeat himself when the tenth person enters the call and lobby.
“Jack, you should know by now, the day there’s silence in this call is when some supernatural force murders all ten of our mics. It just won’t happen, deal with it.“ Charlie, who was having an ‘intense’ discussion with Toast up until Jack’s interruption, says sarcastically, chuckling ever so slightly, enough for it to be contagious and make me crack a smile as well.
“There won’t be silence, I’ll be talking. If only the rest of you would LET ME.“ Jack replies just as sarcastically, getting Charlie to let out an actual fit of laughter. When his chuckling subsides along with the rest of the chatter in the call, Jack finally gets to have the speech he mentioned, “Right, ok so here’s the deal folks: today we have a guest addition to the stream, curtesy of mine because I’m obsessed with her channel. As you might or might not have noticed, there’s one person missing from the lobby but she’s gonna be joining us any minute now. As I said, I’m a huge fan so you better not embarrass me or I swear I’m gonna kill you first when I get to be an impostor.”
I don’t know what the others are thinking - probably something similar as what I’m thinking though: Noted, embarrass Jack to the best of your ability. Trust me, getting him flustered in front of his YouTube idol is well worth the death in Among Us he’s threatening us with.
“Also keep in mind that she’s of a different kind, not of our breed if you will - she’s an ASMR YouTuber. Not those who eat in the mic just because they think it’d be pleasant for people to hear.“ Jack goes on to explain, the way he’s described this girl’s craft is quite intriguing, especially when you consider how confidently Jack expressed his distaste with ASMR in the past. He’s always claimed not to be a fan but here we are, I guess people really do change.
“Thank you for making it seem like I do more than just cut up soaps, Jack. I really appreciate it but don’t bump the bar up that high, people will be disappointed when they actually visit my channel.“ An unfamiliar voice appears in the call out of nowhere. Though, unfamiliar is not the adjective I should focus on when describing this girl’s voice. I’ll list a few more but even they won’t do it justice: pleasant, awing, mesmerizing, unbelievable, out-of-this-world...I really could keep going.
“Oh come on, Y/N, you don’t just cut up soap. You turn them into bath bombs too!“ Jack laughs, earning him a playful scoff from the newcomer. “Oh yeah, almost forgot - Everyone, this is Y/N, our ASMR artist.“
“Please, some ‘artist’ I am. The people in my comment section would disagree with that description.“ She giggles after kindly responding to each and every greeting the gang sends her way, myself included. “The word I’ve seen people use most when describing my channel is ‘cringey’ so....yeah.“ She laughs, a genuine laugh instead of the bitter one I was expecting to follow such words.
“That seems to be the cool kids’ favorite word, don’t dwell too much on it.“ Rae tells her reassuringly, “What’s important is what word would you use to describe your channel?“
Y/N hums, sounding as though she’s fallen in thought but that’s only one brief moment before she answers. Or begins to, at least, “Well, if I were to describe my channel with one word it’d be....BEEFY!”
That one out-of-context word, screamed out by such an angelic voice has me breaking down with overwhelming laughter collapsing all my ability to hold back.
“Out of all the words, you’d choose beefy?“ I somehow manage to ask between fits of laughter that render me breathless.
“She’s a vegetarian, I think, I don’t know why she’d choose that word.“ Jack too is laughing his butt off but has a significantly better grip on it, “Y/N, care to explain your peculiar choice?“
There’s a lot of shuffling and random noise on Y/N’s end before her reply finally comes, accompanied by a weak meow, “Sorry guys, that was a classic cat of Mr. Beef Stronganoff seeking attention by being chaotic.” She says through laughter, her words followed by another meow which was a lot more clear, seemingly closer to the mic, “He took down my mic, and he seems like he wants to do it again....BEEFY NO!”
For some reason, even with that explanation in mind, I can’t keep myself from laughing. Come to think of it, I think the explanation only makes it funnier.
“Ugh, darn it! I saved my mic but he ran across my keyboard and turned my webcam off how do I turn it back on?“ Her voice dies down for a few secs before it reemerges from her end, “Ok nevermind I got it. Now I can answer...what was the question again?“
Recovering from his laughing fit, Jack manages to repeat the question, “What word would you use to describe your channel?”
“Oh that! Right, ok. Um, I’d call it aesthetically pleasing and BEEFY NOT THE ROUTER CABLE YOU DUMMIE!“
She’s insane. Or her cat’s insane. I can’t tell. Maybe both. Either way, I can’t help but feel like I’ve found a soulmate in this literal stranger. It’s safe to say us chaos magnets like her and I, we don’t only attract chaos, but also chaotic individuals. I’m so glad she magnetized me to herself. Or was it the other way around? We may never know - mystery is in the nature of us chaos magnets, you know.
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ssplague · 3 years
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Chapter Two
A rough start we get off too
Series Masterlist
Katsuki B. X Reader
Rated M
⚠️Warnings: SMUT, improper use/depiction of certain kinks, abusive, manipulative, toxic behavior, unreal ideals of sex, use of daddy, ddlg themes, hard Dom, etc.
Let the SMUT commence
The way each pair of lips fit so perfectly together was absolutely enthralling: Passion was raw, ferocity was made so obviously evident from the growl he emitted at each attempt you made at sucking his tounge into your mouth. Only separating to take in a few large gulps of much needed oxygen, before diving back in to repeat the process over again.
“Please….P-Pleaseee…Kat..Suki…I-“ he presses a finger to your lips. That brief period of oxygen deprivation seemed to of induced a delirium of sorts. Assessing your thoughts has become similar to sifting through wet sand; Try as you might, you just can’t seem to comprehend what exactly you’d been attempting to beg him for in the first place. This look of empty headed confusion is also something Bakugou commits to memory, a first glimpse of his dumb little girl. He surveys you with bemused interest, looking as composed as ever.
“Down that bad for me hah? All I did was kiss ya a little and you’re already falling to pieces on me” the finger on your lips slides down to tilt your chin up, while he dips his head down to whisper in your ear. “Cant even imagine what kinda mess you’ll become once I finally split cha open with this big cock, such a stupid little girl”.
You suck in a deep shuddering breath as your legs suddenly give out beneath you, leaving you helplessly sliding down the wall. Bakugou laughs in such a condescending baritone as he effortlessly picks you up and deposits you on his bed. Picking his chair back up, he moves it beside the bed to take a seat in front of you.
“Listen real close to what I’m about to tell ya cause its important, open those fuckin’ ears princess cause if I end up havin’ to constantly keep repeatin’ myself…” he leaves the implicated threat hanging in the air between you two. Swallowing what remains of your now virtually non existent pride: You sit up straight and lean forward slightly, making sure to hold eye contact while he spoke. As the one sided conversation progresses and you inevitably begin to feel the need to either scoff or mouth off, you lightly bite your tounge. When the need to roll your eyes seems irresistible you make sure to blink a few times.
Bakugou and his ego always seem to have a way of destroying any sort of illusion that he is anything other than a self-righteous narcissist. Well, now he’s YOUR self-righteous narcissist…CORRECTION; You cant think like that anymore….from now on he’s….daddy.
The thought accompanies a brief pang in your metaphorical gut, is it regret? Maybe guilt? You aren’t sure.
“-Last ones, your still paying attention right princess?”.
Hearing his question has your eyes immediately snapping back into focus. You take in the handsome (but grumpy) face in front of you, nervously wondering when exactly he’d invaded your personal space.
“Y-Yes daddy, I’m listening to you” you stutter slightly, now noticing he’s actually kneeling on the mattress with you.
“So every day I expect you to do your absolute best” now with each statement he leans further into you, “You’re always going to remember how much daddy cares about you”. He presses a large hand against your chest, forcing your back down against the pillows behind you. “Realize that daddy always knows what’s best for you” both hands now rest on either side of you, effectively caging you in.
“You’ll always know that you can rely on daddy, and will trust him one hundred percent of the time”.
The intensity of his crimson stare has your face burning up, and heart rapidly pounding in your chest. It’s now taking a serious amount of conscious effort to keep your eyes locked with his. “Any questions? Comments?…..concerns?” he puts an emphasis on that last word, wolffish grin firmly in place.
Shaking your head apparently wasn’t a good enough answer because its followed with a stern; “Use your words princess, you either say: Yes daddy or No daddy….understood?”.
“I understand daddy….I’ll follow your rules daddy” you reply, embarrassment evident at having to repeat the unfamiliar word.
“You sure? It’s not like you to have absolutely nothing to say” he’s testing you, you’ll play into it this time.
“Well if you insist…..I do have a question, just one” at this his eyes instantly narrow and you could have sworn you’d seen a few stray sparks emit from his palms.
“Would it be too much to ask daddy if he wouldn’t mind kissing me again?”
Euphie checks her phone for the eigth time since she’d last texted you over forty-five minutes ago. Why weren’t you responding? Maybe she really had pushed you too far this time….A large hand comes to rest over her much smaller one, at this she finally sets her phone facedown on the table with a sigh.
“She wont stay angry with you forever, her and Bakubro might be having such a good time together that she’s forgotten all about her phone” Kirishima tries his best to reassure with his usual smile. The sudden wide eyed, dead pan stare he gets in return whipes that smile from his now reddening face. He’s realized far too late at what his words seem to of implied.
“I didn’t mean it like that! Really! I promise I didn’t! M’sorry”. Seeing the red head this flustered is so adorable, his companion cant help but giggle.
“I know Eji, dont worry about it”.
Entrusting your care to Bakugou was fine: He cares about you almost as much as she herself does. If she wasn’t certain how genuine the boy’s feelings toward you were, none of this would ever have happened.
Yeah, everything is going to be just fine….You’ll thank her one day.
Bakugou’s crimson gaze is way too intense while roaming over the female laying down on his bed. Having her completely bare, and spread out before him is an accomplishment he shamelessly contragulates himself for. She’s getting self conscious now: Delicate hands come up to cover her chest, and plush thighs press together in an attempt to hide the drooling mess kept between them. It’s all or naught though as her legs are suddenly wrenched apart, and each wrist is now pinned above her head, held in just a single one of his hands.
“Nu-uh princess, no hiding….keep those legs open…wanna see all of you” condescending words only seem to widen his feral grin.
Seeing his cock now freed from its previously strained confinements as its looms above you, standing tall, has your leaky little hole twitching. The smooth inner walls inside repeatedly clenching in anticipation. Bakugou trails a finger from clit to slit as he hums in approval.
“What’s this hah? Such a fuckin’ mess your makin’ down here”
“S-Sorry daddy…I cant help it…Just want you so bad…dont wanna wait any longer…Please dont make me wait more” a soft roll of your hips accompanies your pleading whines. Your continuous begging for his cock has that monster stirring in him again, he has to forcibly push the dark thoughts away before addressing you again.
“If I dont prep you then-“ you interrupt him.
“It’s fine! I can take it, please just take me…” he notices your moment of hesitation before you lock eyes with him while adding “make it hurt”.
You’re just so fucking bold!
Trying to make demands, disguised as requests! Its so cute he cant help but caress your cheek before bestowing upon you the last gentle kiss you’ll get until he’s throughly DESTROYED you for anyone else.
“Dont ever fucking tell me what to do again” he growls before slamming his hips forward.
He’s buried balls deep inside you: Your initial gasp at the sudden intrusion, now morphs into a silent scream that has a you arching up off the mattress.
“Got that you greedy little slut? See what happens?” He taunts through gritted teeth.
Your cunt squeezing and spasming around his cock feels incredible, to the point he has to busy himself with sucking harshly on your neck to keep from releasing desperate whimpers of his own.
“I can take it…please move….m’sorry daddy…please don’ be mad a’me….”
“M’not mad at you baby….s’okay” He manages to reassure you through his clenched jaw. He finally starts to move inside of you, desperately trying so hard to take it easy on you. All precedent falls apart when your legs wrap around his waist, now he’s digging you out.
“Y’okay?” He rasps while continuously ravaging your tight cunt.
“M-mm-more than okay” you stutter.
“Taking my cock so well baby girl….Fucking hell!” His lewd compliment causing your insides to involuntarily clench.
“Deeper! Deeper!” You plead.
Katsuki thought you’d preferred his shallow thrusts, but if you really wanted your guts rearranged he’d be pleased to make it happen. He grabs one of your legs, placing it up on his broad shoulder, while the other remains curled around his hip. Straightening up he smirks down at you, before delivering a harsh slap to your clit. Now beginning to rapidly piston his hips while taunting you: “What did I tell you earlier hah? Answer me dammit!”.
His hot hand comes down on your inner thigh and you cry out: “N-Not supposed t-to tell y-you what to d-do!”. It shouldn’t be possible for you to be squeezing him even tighter, but somehow you do. That can mean only one thing… “Gonna cum aren’t you princess? I can feel ya choking the life outta my cock”.
A pathetic whine accompanies your vigorous head nods and he growls in response: “You.better.fucking.not” a thrust accompanying each word, “Y’dont fuckin’ listen, shouldn’t let ya cum at all with how you keep misbehavin’, better start fuckin’ beggin”.
Horrified at the thought, you fight through the fog permeating your brain and force movement out of your lolling tounge.
“P-please daddy, I’ll b-be good from now on if y-you’ll just let me c-cum! Y-you’re just making me feel so good daddy, no one’s ever made me feel this i-incredible before” your panting breaths making it too difficult to continue speaking. Even if he doesn’t believe it, your words are entirely true, this is the first time you can ever recall feeling like this during sex. A foreign sensation is making its way into your gut, your limbs are moving of their own accord, you cant think straight when you manage to speak next: “Its too much! Too big, Too deep, Too intense! I c-cant take anymore please make it stop!”.
“Stop? Oh fuck no princess, after all this lip you’ve been giving me, you think I’m gonna let you tap out like a little bitch? Think again” his thumb begins to rub harsh circles against your clit. “We’re not stopping until you cream all over my cock like a nasty girl like you is supposed to, then you’re gonna do it again when I blow my load inside this tight fucking cunt and you’ll scream my name while I fucking do it because this pussy is all mine! Got all that you fucking whore?”.
“Yes daddy” you whimper, face screwed up in tight concentration as he finally pushes you over the edge. Your eyes fly open as you blindly search for his hand, gripping it tightly in attempts to anchor yourself in reality as a sudden rush of dopamine floods your brain. White hot pleasure seemingly overwhelming every single nerve in your body, making your legs shiver as you faintly hear yourself calling out his name repeatedly. Katsuki is the only thing you know in this strange foreign place: This comforting warmth suddenly invades your tummy, continuously being pumped inside you while you moan at the newfound sensation.
A pair of strong arms wind themselves around you, pulling you closer, making you feel safe, at ease, loved?
“Come…back…..come back to me” he’s calling for you. Your soul had to of vacated your body; You feel Weightless, you’re floating, “Daddy?”. Suddenly you start sinking, and without warning your body jolts, “Katsuki?!”.
“M’right here princess, daddy’s got you….Disappeared on me for a lil while” his familiar voice is grounding. His fingers card gently through your hair, and for the very first time you’re seeing a “Soft” side to this so easily angered man. Sighing contentedly you snuggle into his chest, letting his caramel scented sweat overwhelm your senses.
“I really like this”
“Hah?! That’s all you have to say?!”
Ah there he goes, moment ruined, illusion shattered.
“I’m sorry. But I’m not entirely coherent just yet…you uh…you kinda did a number on me there” you mutter sheepishly, making an attempt to escape his embrace. Its immediately thwarted, and your pulled right back against his chest. “Ah fuck…knew I shoulda just made you wait and prepped you properly….Sorry about that, guess I just got caught up in everything”. Surely hell has frozen over: Katsuki Bakugou just not only admitted a possible wrong doing, but APOLGIZED for it as well!
“Ive wanted to do this with you for so long: Fuck you, hold you, be with you, and I fucked it up! Just like I always seem to fucking do, I-“
“Daddy” your voice effectively silences his self-depreciating rant. His hand begins to gently run up and down your back as he mumbles a “Yes princess?”.
You lean back slightly, tilting your head up so those cute doe eyes can stare up into his, the smile your wearing makes his chest tighten.
“M’not hurt, sore but not damaged….I wasn’t referring to my body, I meant you did a number on my mind…Besides I asked for it remember? I’ve wanted this for a long time too, so I got impatient…Please dont berate yourself, lets just enjoy this moment as the first of many now…Kay?”.
That’s right, you’re his now; Along with the opportunity to care for and make sure to correct you…he’ll be able to do this with you again. You had given yourself to him after all, so he can have you as many times as he wants, whenever he wants! He’s far too occupied with his lewd thoughts to care about the foreboding darkness thats begun to emerge from its confines within his skull.
You don’t remember falling asleep but Katsuki gently prods you awake: “Baby…wake up, Its dinner time…I made food for us…c’mon princess you need to eat”.
You whine, attempting to burrow further beneath the blankets, “Not hungryyyy...wanna sleep more!”.
“Dont make daddy ask you again, you wont like what happens”.
Not interested in ruining such a wonderful night, you begrudgingly sit up. Noticing he’s seated at his desk, with a large steaming bowl set infront of him. You slide out of bed, standing up and realizing you’re naked, but strangely not embarrassed by it.
“Here” he tosses you a shirt, “Now c’mere, hurry up before it gets cold!”. Pulling his shirt over your head as you pad over to him and take a seat on his lap. Noticing the single spoon and bowl has you looking at him with genuine curiosity. “Since you like actin like a damn baby so much, figured I’d continue treatin’ you like one” his words make you grin sheepishly again, and you hold out your hand expectantly waiting for him to hand you the spoon….he doesn’t.
Taking an impressive spoonful of the steaming food he then proceeds to blow on it before bringing it up to your lips.
“Say ahh, brat”.
Taking advantage of the opportunity, he shoves the spoon into your open mouth. Of course it tastes amazing, but he doesn’t plan on keeping this up right? WRONG!
Repeating the pattern of giving you a bite and then taking one himself.
“I can feed myself y’know…” you mutter growing increasingly flustered at the insulting action but more so the fact that its making you feel….excited?
“I dont think you can princess….I always hear Euphie bitchin at ya for skipping breakfast or to hurry up and come eat dinner” pausing to feed himself, then repositioning the now loaded spoon back infront of you before continuing.
“That shit ends today, gonna teach ya how important it is to take care of yourself, and if you wont? Then I guess daddy will have to do it for ya”.
You’re squirming in his lap by the time you accept the last bite,swallowing thickly before making an attempt at vaulting off his lap. Large hands immediately snag you around the middle before your feet even touch the ground.
“No, No, thats not how we do things around here, where the fuck are your manners?” he slips a hand between your clenched thighs to move them apart, and then brings a slap down to the inside of each. You dont even know why he’d done that and the shock is evident on your face. “You like when I baby ya, dont lie to me LITTLE girl”.
“No I-“
“What’s this then?” he quickly interupts while holding up the palm he’d previously slapped you with. Glimmering in the low light is your sticky arousal coating his palm.
“Sorry” your voice is barely audible as you hang your head in shame.
“Mhm sure you are…Here I am being a good care taker to you and what did you do? Sat there thinking all kinds of nasty things while I spoon feed you, you really are a fuckin depraved slut aren’t you princess?”
You bite your lip as your eyes start to water,still refusing to look up and far too embarrassed to respond. A finger beneath your chin forces your head up and his breath hitches when he notices tears getting ready to fall. A malicious smile now turns his lips upward as he cups your cheek, “Look at that…shes about to start crying and all because of what? Cuz you just exposed yourself for being the depraved little slut you are?”.
“NO! No im not I-“.
“You are” his grip tightens painfully on your jaw, pulling your face forward so its now just an inch away from his own, “And I fuckin’ love it”. Then he’s surging forward pressing his lips against yours; Forcing his tongue into your mouth, hand coming around to grip the back of your head. Your lungs are on fire while his hand slips under your shirt to harshly grope at your chest. Clawing his forearms is finally enough to get his attention and he reluctantly pulls away. You’ve just barely began catching your breath when he suddenly stands up, keeping a firm grip on your ass to carry you, before dropping you onto the bed.
“Take that off and-“
*knock knock knock*
The sudden knocking followed abruptly by Kirishima’s muffled shouting, startles both you and Katsuki, and the rattling door knob has you immediately springing into action.
“Hey we brought back desert to share with you guys! So just meet us at my room whenever you feel like it, Euphie’s changing her clothes and then she’ll be there too, we’re gonna watch a movie if you two wanna join us!”.
He must have heard Bakugou’s standard non-committal grunt in response, because you hear his retreating footsteps trail off down the hall.
Grabbing your skirt out from underneath the bed, you stand back up.
Just as you’d gotten to your feet your immediately pushed face first onto the mattress. A sweaty hand takes hold of your hip in a bruising grip, while the other delivers a sharp pinch to your ass cheek. Yelping in response to the sudden harsh yank of your hair that proceeds a whisper of:
“You didn’t really think I would let you off that easy did you? Your fuckin’ cake can wait brat, we’re done when I fuckin say we are, got it?”.
A/N: I hope this chapter was to everyone’s liking, I’m actually kind of nervous to post it but 🤷🏼‍♀️ Chapter 3 has a fair amount of smut in it as well so look forward to that. I’m hoping to get another one shot up for “A man of his word” this week, if you like extreme Yandere Bakugou check that out. I have one penned but it needs to be typed up.
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hqhunybuns · 4 years
hiiii can u plz do a kuroo first time blowjob?? thanks i love your blog!!!!!
hi sorry i was too busy playing animal crossing but im back
First Time Head with Kuroo
It was a bad idea that popped into your head, a terribly devilish thought that you were sure would get you in trouble-- but it was worth a shot, wasn't it? 
You were the Nekoma volleyball team manager, and also the captain's girlfriend. What a wonderful world you live in; the team adored you, your boyfriend thought you were as sweet as sugar. The truth be told, you and Tetsurou had only gotten to first base the entirety of your eight month relationship. You were shy when it came to physical affection, and you had a bad habit of getting too nervous when your boyfriend's hands started wandering further than your shoulders. He was always the perfect gentleman when you had to stop due to your erratic heartbeat, and while you profusely apologized every time, he took it in stride and never pressured you to do anything you weren't comfortable with.
It wasn't that you didn't think he was attractive, it was quite the opposite. He was Adonis-- tall, lean muscle, abs, strong jaw line, hair that you wanted to run your hands through. He was too perfect and it intimidated you. Other than the physical limitations you had set, it was a great relationship. The two of you could talk for hours, joking and laughing. His personality fit yours, he didn't get upset at your sarcastic quips, he actually enjoyed then and retorted back with just as much sass.
"Y/n, what's the problem? Why do you look so nervous?" your friend Aimee asked once class had been released for lunch.
"Yeah, and you look really sweaty..." your other friend Sayori mentioned, motioning to your red face.
Fanning your face with your hands, you admitted, "I'm going to do the deed today, that's why I look like a hot mess."
The two girls grinned and squealed, gaining the attention of the few stragglers in the classroom. You hushed then quickly, hiding your head in your arms. "Guys, please! This is already a stressful day! I don't need you all screaming and making a big deal of it." you mumbled into your arms.
Someone patted your head and ruffled your hair. "You really must be nervous if you're scolding us instead of screaming too."
"You may be right, Sayori-chan, normally Y/n is the first one of us to scream about something exciting."
You lifted your head and glared at your friends while trying to hide your growing smile. Aimee grabbed your cheeks and squished them together while Sayori hoped with excitement, "You're finally growing up! You put on your big girl thong today!"
"Oh my God, please don't ever say that again!" you groaned, trying to push the brown haired girls hands away from your hurting cheeks.
Sayori stopped her jumping and put her hands on small hips. "But it's true, you're going to be be the first one of us to actually put one of those things in your mouth."
Aimee stopped her assault on your poor face and rebutted, "Hey! I almost did!"
"Yeah, but then you woke up from your dream and realized Morisuke wasn't actually there." you teased light heartily.
The three of you laughed and you finally stood from your desk, stepping out of the classroom with your two best friends. Your trio hiked up the steps to the roof, opening the door and scoping it out, making sure no one had claimed your lunch spot for themselves. The warn sun caressed your face and the breeze carried the scent of the freshly bloomed flowers with it, pollen included. It was a gorgeous day, barely any clouds in the sky and birds happily perched on the edge of the roof, singing songs in hopes of finding a mate.
Plopping down on one of the benches, you confessed, "I've never seen his... you know what in person, what if I hurt him?"
Sayori tied her red hair in a messy bun before responding. "I've given a hand job before, they're surprisingly durable; you're only going to hurt him if you bite him or something like that."
Before you could respond with a smart ass comment, the devil named Tetsurou texted you.
 Volleybitch (4) unread messages
Hey doll face (Ф∀Ф)
im bored Kenma wont stop playing fire emblem to talk to me
he keeps talking about defeating the death knight but idk who that is
we still on for tonight? you get to pick the movie as long as its good
 You rolled your eyes as you responded.
tell him to recruit lysithea and he can one shot him with her lol
yeah we're still on!! the fams gone for the weekend so we can actually use the big tv in the living room
 just promise to take a shower before we leave bc i dont want u sweating up my couch you stink
literally all the time
nasty sweaty man
Putting your phone away, you focused on your friends who were still more excited about your nights rendezvous than you were. It was true that you didn't want your boyfriend making your house smelling like a gym, but you didn't want to put your mouth on him when he was just running around getting sweaty. You had standards, and smelling and tasting sweat was not apart of those standards
"You ready to ditch this popsicle stand?" Kuroo asked, tossing his water bottle in his gym bag. His hair was slightly damp from the quick shower he had just had.
You rolled your eyes and replied sardonically, "With you? Never."
 "You're right, look at that eligible bachelor over there waiting to watch a shitty movie with you tonight." He walked over to you and flipped you, pointing at volleyball pole that was being put away. "That handsome man wants to take you to dinner, but he can only afford McDonalds. So sad, Y/n, you can only get something off of the dollar menu."
 You raised your eyebrows in fake consideration. "Perhaps, but he doesn't have any muscles, so it's a hard pass. Sorry, mister pole, but you're still single." 
Your tall boyfriend laughed and guided you towards the gym doors, his hand on your back. You bit back a blush when he rubbed your back slightly. You're about to give this man a blowjob and you wanna blush when he touches your back? You were hopeless.
Your tall boyfriend laughed and guided you towards the gym doors, his hand on your back. You bit back a blush when he rubbed your back slightly. You're about to give this man a blowjob and you wanna blush when he touches your back? You were hopeless.
"So what movie have you decided on? It better not be anything related to Minions or Legos, or I promise you I will cry." Tetsurou deadpanned.
Humming, you grinned. "It's a surprise."
The ten minute walk to your house felt like an hour. You and Kuroo talked about the tournament coming up, but all you think of was the fact that you were going to suck this hot man's cock. The thought made you blush and salivate. Ideally his shirt would be off, letting you see how his work out regime gave him a delicious torso. You wondered how big he was, how thick it would be; would he taste good, would he be shaved? What if he didn't want you to suck him off? Would he find it repulsive?
"Y/n? Hey, dollface, we're at your house, stop walking or you're going to end up at your neighbors front door," Tetsurou's voice brought you back from your daze.
"Oh, sorry, I was just thinking of a strategy for the team and I guess I got lost in thought." you chuckled nervously, forcing your blush to evade.
Unlocking the door and stepping inside, your heart officially started to race. How was this going to start? 
Right, start a movie! 
"I'll start a movie if you wanna go get us something to drink from the kitchen," you suggested as you made your way towards the living room.
You shut the blinds in fear your neighbors would end up looking into them and seeing your lewd actions and quickly double checked to see if you locked the front door. Call yourself paranoid, but you didn't need anything interrupting. 
Tetsurou returned with two glasses of water and a smirk. Once he placed the two glasses on the coffee table, he sink into the couch and gazed at the TV. "So, I see the decision is The Breakfast Club. Again."
"You know it's one of my favorite movies!" you argued, sitting beside him.
The movie started, and twenty minutes into the movie, it was time to start your plan. 
You took a deep breath, exhaling through your nose. With a shaky hand, you ran it down Tetsurou's arm idly, gaining his attention. You could see his eyebrows raise in question as he gazed at your fingers brushing against his bicep. You wet your lips and kissed his cheek, traveling to his mouth. 
This caught him completely off guard.
He didn't complain, though, shifting his body to make it more comfortable for the both of you. Feeling confident in yourself, your tongue brushed against his lips, asking permission to enter. He happily obliged, opening his mouth and letting your tongue graze his. His hands wandered to your shoulders, rubbing them as your tongues battled for dominance-- in the end, Tetsurou was victorious. 
Your lower stomach was getting hot, you could feel your panties begin to dampen with arousal. His hands trailed down your shoulders to your arms, rubbing them softly. Your hands went to his hair, running your fingers through the tresses. The black haired boy groaned in your mouth, making you clamp your thighs shut. Feeling a burst of confidence, you broke the kiss and climbed into his lap, shocking him.
His eyes were dark with lust as he panted, "This is a nice surprise."
"Hush, or I'll stop." you murmured, going back to his lips with newly found gusto.
You've never been this aroused, your panties were soaked and threatening to spill onto your inner thighs. You knew your face was flushed brightly, but kissing Kuroo and feeling him harden beneath you was making your brain numb. It buzzed with lust and you could only focus on how his hands moved to your sides and how they felt like hot fire, his finger tips leaving warmth.
Experimenting was never something you thought you'd do, but you swiveled your hips in his lap, earning a heartfelt groan from the man beneath you. Breaking the kiss once more, you gazed at him with glossy eyes. Remembering your research, you stepped off of his lap and kneeled in front of his sitting form, peering at him through your lashes.
You'd never seen Kuroo blush, but seeing you on your knees, flustered, hair tousled, and lips plump from kissing, you'd think he'd passed out. 
The tent in his shorts were impressive, no matter how baggy the shorts were. Licking your lips once more, your shaking hands tentatively rubbed up his thighs, nearing his growing cock. He stuttered and swallowed harshly. "What do you think you're doing, doll face?"
"I'm going to suck you off, Tetsurou," You swore you heard him groan. "Unless you have a problem with that?"
He shook his head. "Not at all."
Swallowing the sudden nerves, you helped him pull his shorts and underwear down, releasing his cock. Your eyes widened once you saw how impressive it was. Would that fit in your mouth? Licking your lips, you stuck your tongue out and grazed the head of his swollen member, enticing a hiss from your boyfriend.
"Fuck, Y/n..." he muttered, bringing one of his clenched fists to his mouth, biting it.
Gaining the confidence back you had originally, you popped the head into your mouth, sucking it lightly. Tetsurou stuttered out a moan, whispering your name. You went down his shaft a bit further, gripping one of his thighs for leverage. Kuroo was very vocal, giving you praises and groaning every time you sucked your cheeks in. Your other hand went to grip the rest of his cock that you couldn't fit into your sore mouth. He was girthy, your jaw was beginning to hurt from the unusual strain. You bobbed your head with more speed, glancing up at Tetsurou who had his head thrown back in pure bliss. Your neglected, throbbing sex was growing more aroused with slick, this boy was going to be the death of you. 
His hips started thrusting shallowly to meet your mouth, one of his hands going to your hair. His moans were becoming louder and the grip in your hair was growing tighter.
"That's it, Y/n, don't stop. God, who knew you had such a good mouth," he praised. 
Kuroo Tetsurou was coming undone before you and it was sexiest thing you've ever seen.
All because of you.
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outro-tearist · 3 years
paws of paradise - chapter 3 {bangtan ot7 x reader}
hi!!!!!!!! it's been a little longer than i thought to update this, but here it is! it's also summer so updates hopefully will be more frequent as i dont have school to worry about!
as per usual, i'd appreciate comments, thoughts, suggests, anons, anything! have a great day!
chap 1 chap 2 chap 3
That was what (Y/N) was doing, and had been doing for the past- How long had it been? The coldness that crept up onto Jimin had only happened yesterday, but the guilt overwhelmed her the more that she had thought about it. It felt like the incident had happened days ago when all she could think about was the crestfallen look Jimin had given her before he raced out of her shop.
It wasn’t his fault that he looked at Taehyung like he hung the stars in the sky. He was a gorgeous man, not to mention the genuine kindness he had shown any person he came across. It was hard to admit, but she had been very obviously jealous. Not only did that embarrass her, but it also made her feel worse for thinking those awful things about a dog owner just wanting to get his precious baby’s hair cut.
She decided to close the shop for today, officially saying she “needed more supplies”, but privately she knew she would not be able to focus.
Oh my god, Yoongi definitely saw her acting like a fool too! The blood that had flooded her cheeks seemed to swirl restlessly even more, just begging to be noticed and called out. He luckily hadn’t mentioned anything, probably to spare the shame she would feel in the moment.
Poor Jimin… He hadn’t done anything.... (Y/N) was being selfish and she recognized it as soon as they made eye contact. His appearance had startled her.
“Jimin! Hey..” (Y/N) started nervously as she saw the man enter through the back door like he usually did. He seemed shocked that he had been found so quickly, but awkwardly smiled back at his coworker.
“Oh. Yeah, hey.” Jimin said shortly. His curt tone had honestly hurt (Y/N) a little bit, but she took in a small breath and persevered.
‘It’s your fault he’s being distant,’ a horrible voice whispered in the back of her head. ‘He deserves more than you, someone better… someone more like Taehyung.’ It whispered again.
“I am so sorry about yesterday… I didn’t mean to dismiss you like that, I just- well, I got some bad news?” her last sentence sounded more like a question than an excuse, but Jimin had obviously softened after hearing her jittery voice.
“(Y/N), it’s not a problem. It did hurt my feelings, but I’m glad you’re telling me this now. I wish you would’ve told me earlier, but I won’t force you to tell me anything you don’t want to,” his smooth voice had felt like honey to her ears, slowly melting all her fears and anxieties that she had about not being forgiven.
Unfortunately, they quickly appeared again when rethinking her shitty excuse.
How was she supposed to explain that the “bad news” she had received was watching the man in front of her look so happy with someone else? It was an awful excuse and Jimin might be worried about her. (Y/N) would have to tell Jimin more about it later, she figured. All she had cared about at this point was just to get on speaking terms with her crush-- no. Her coworker.
“Thank you so much. Seriously. I don’t know what I would do without you, Jiminie.” (Y/N) tried to express her sincerity, but she was never the best with words anyways. It was all that she could muster up even with her head clogged with the image of Taehyung and Jimin practically glowing as they stared at each other.
Still, Jimin could seemingly read into her soul, knowing that she was as genuine as she could be through her words. She could not take her eyes off his kind eyes and perfectly shaped eyebrows and structured face and plump lips and...
“You know I’d do anything to help you, honey. All you need to do is to say the words.”
Pulse quickening and face warming, (Y/N) knocked herself out of her trance once the word “honey” had left Jimin’s lips. Maybe this little work crush was turning out to be a little bigger than she thought…
She giggled like an airhead in response, and if Jimin had seen the bright flush that had spread across her face and neck, he didn’t show any signs other than a slight smirk.
“This is kinda sudden, but um… Can I hug you?” (Y/N) shyly asked. If Jimin’s excited face said anything, the warm hug that had enveloped her completely confirmed everything she thought she saw.
He gently cradled her head in one hand as his other arm pulled her into his surprisingly built chest from the shoulders. He smelled of vanilla and another gentle sweet scent that (Y/N) couldn't put her finger on. It didn’t matter now. What did matter, though, was the feeling of Jimin’s head digging into the top of her head and how he deeply inhaled. Letting out a content hum, (Y/N) wrapped both her arms around his waist and snuggled into the crook of his neck.
“Out of curiosity… where did you have to go yesterday?” (Y/N) asked into Jimin’s neck. He shivered for a split second, before responding:
“Oh, Taehyung asked me if I wanted to spend the day together. That’s why I popped in yesterday, he told me we could meet up in the shop then grab some food or someth- is everything okay?” Jimin’s perplexed and concerned voice inquired above her.
As soon as he said Taehyung, (Y/N) froze up. He skipped work, where he would be with her and the cute dogs and be getting paid, just to see Taehyung.
‘It doesn’t mean that much,’ she tries to reassure herself. ‘He’s just wanting to see possibly the most gorgeous man you have ever seen in your life. It means nothing.’
‘Liar. He doesn’t want to hang out with you.’ The mean voice in her head spat back.
“(Y/N)?” Jimin tried to pull away and bent down to see her face. “Was it something I said?”
“NO! I mean, no. I’m just. Glad you got to get out for the day. How was it?” (Y/N) forced herself to smile and look back into Jimin’s furrowed eyebrows.
“I guess it was good, but I was still pretty worried about you. Are you sure you’re okay…?” Jimin tried again, but (Y/N) shook her head defiantly.
“Yes, I’m sure I’m good right now. Give me the juicy deets about you and Tae yesterday!” (Y/N) once again forced herself into the supportive best friend role. Jimin deserves a great person to be with him, and if that person is Kim Taehyung before it’s her, she will help her coworker in any way she could.
(Why did it hurt so much when she referred to Jimin as her coworker?)
A blush formed its way across his cheeks as he thought about the patience his TaeTae showed him after he was swamped with thoughts of (Y/N) and if she was ok.
“It was really nice… he’s a great guy and I really like being with him. He just- he gets me in ways I feel like nobody else does, y’know?” Jimin softly admits as he finds a seat next to one of the grooming stations.
(Y/N) feels faint. She basically crumbles onto the ground right in front of Jimin. She looks up at him expectantly, waiting for more information that would completely destroy her heart.
‘That was you. You were the person who got me as nobody else has.’ She thought somberly, wishing she could voice out her feelings to Jimin. ‘Was I not enough?’
“He’s so patient and understanding and… I could talk about him all day,” Jimin sighs dreamily as he rests his beautiful cheek into his palm, “It might be a little soon, but I think he might be my soulmate.”
(Y/N) physically recoiled. This was the slap in her face that she had been expecting, but him voicing his feelings was like a horrible moment of finality. She tried to play her flinch off as getting dog hair off her clothes, and Jimin hadn’t even thought twice about it.
Fuck. That cut way too deep, way more than she had prepared for. She keeps her head low so Jimin can’t try to make any eye contact.
“I’m really happy for you Jiminie.” (Y/N) says dully, but with some sincerity. “You seem to be so much happier when he’s around. You deserve this.”
Jimin’s adorable teeth flashed at her as a full smile graced his already perfect face. “You really think so? Wait, is it that obvious?!”
“You look at each other like you’re meant to be. You two must be soulmates!” (Y/N) grits out despite the tears wanting to well. “You have to tell him and let me know what happens!!”
“I’m gonna call him and see if he wants to hang out again tonight! You’re the best, honey, I love you!” he shouts as he runs out of the back.
She can’t even manage a response as she walks to the back door, shuts it, and locks it.
(Y/N) can’t see straight. She can’t think straight either, as she whips out her cell phone and dials the first contact she sees on her phone. She hadn’t even meant to call anyone, truly, but it was too late to stop her sluggish mind from pressing onto a name.
“Hello?” Min Yoongi answers the phone. A response doesn’t come, except for a loud sniffle and another sob. “(Y/N)-ssi? What’s wrong?”
The dog groomer barely knows this man, how he even got into her contacts was beyond her, but all she wanted was somebody next to her.
“Can you- can- come here please? The shop?” (Y/N) barely got the words out of her sore throat but Yoongi seems to understand them.
“I- Ok, I’ll be there in about 10 minutes. Do you want to stay on the line with me?” he asks the sobbing girl gently. His soft voice was soothing and nice, but it didn’t matter much.
She couldn’t respond. Her head was filled with three words. Three words that meant so much that hurt so much just because of the context.
I love you.
Taunting and repeating in her head for seemingly hours, until the front door jingled. She saw Yoongi burst into the store quickly and that was the last thing she saw before she closed her puffy and swollen eyes.
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words-for-holland · 4 years
Apple Tree Kisses | T.H.
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: The boys take Y/N out for apple picking on their day off. Much fun. Much cuteness. And lots and lots of apples.
A/N: So maybe another mini installment of fall adventures with Tom? Well see how it goes. Hoenstly dont even know I feel about this one lol.
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“We’re going apple picking this fall right?” Y/N asked the boys as they all sat down, scrolling through their phone in their cozy Berlin suite. Neither letting out an answer, as they all sighed in unison.
“Right?” Y/N asked again. “Tom, right?” She playfully shoved his shoulder hoping to grab her boyfriend’s attention. Y/N could easily see the slight smirk that grew on his face. Of course, Tom was never one to ignore his girlfriend, but he loved to tease her when it came to doing things she really wanted to do. In all the years they’ve been together, he knew Y/N was the most indecisive person in the world but when she knew what she wanted...she knew exactly what she wanted and would go the distance to get it.
“Mmm I dont know Y/N. We might be busy.” He chuckled, his pink sleeves engulfing Y/N in a cozy bear hug.
“Cmonnn. It’ll be fun. We cant miss it this year. It’s tradition.” She reasoned.
“I know Darling. Soon. I promise.” Tom gave her a chaste kiss on her slightly chapped frown, which slowly turned into the smile he always loved to see.
Needless to say, soon came a lot faster than Y/N anticipated. As she wrapped up a few emails from work, Tom, Harry, and Sam stood before her, leaning over the table, giving the Goofy Holland smile. “Whats up with you three?” Y/N giggled.
“We’re going on a trip. So you better get ready.” Sam answered as he walked away.
“Better hurry up before we leave you.” Harry joked around as he made his way out as well.
“I do suggest you wear something cute. I mean, you always look cute. You’re perfect, but Im just saying that red plaid shirt you got in the closet...just does things to me.” He groans, making his way to their room to get ready as well.
Y/N playfully rolls her eyes and scoffs out a chuckle. Of course all the boys finished up before her as they head to the car waiting for Y/N. She appears, wearing Tom’s suggestion with a white top undeneath the plaid shirt and black leggings, opening the door and sitting beside her giddy boyfriend, who was smiling from ear to ear. He sported a denim jacket and pants with a white shirt underneath and navy blue baseball hat, much like his character Arvin from Devil All the Time. Of course Tom very well knew, this look did things to Y/N after the first time she saw the film with him, making comments about how hot he looked as a southern bad boy. “Well you’re looking mighty fine there miss.” Tom flirts, displaying his southern accent for Y/N.
“Why thank you kind sir. You’re not too bad yourself.” She responds back, smirking at his comment. Tom leans in quickly to give her a small peck...only to go back in for another. And another..and another...
“Ugh, can we save the flirting and snogging till after the car ride. Please. Im trying to keep my lunch down for the next hour.” Harry groaned in the front seat.
“Sorry Harry.” The love birds mumble as they sit in their respective seats.
For those wondering, Harry did indeed survive the hour drive while keeping his lunch in tact. The group arrived at the German apple orchard called Alstead farms where they were dropped off at front.
Y/N took in her surroundings. Seeing the fall foliage, with autumn colored leaves sprinking the walkways, the sounds of the busy stands of food and fresh produce, the smell of freshly fried apple cider donuts it reminded her exactly why fall was her favorite season.
“Cmon darling, you’re supposed to be day dreaming about me not those apple cider donuts.” Tom teases as he grabs her hand in his.
“Trust me mate, I wouldnt blame Y/N if she was. Those donuts were absolutely amazing..” Sam muffled as he shoved another donut in his mouth.
“Oi, you already got yours?! And didnt even bother to share?” Harry questioned as he tried to grab the crumbled bag of sugary goodness.
Sam rolled his eyes at he reluctantly lent his last donut to his brother. The four grabbed their wagon, maps, and bags, ready to gather as much apples as they could. They went row by row, picking up macintosh, fuji, honey crisps, and empires. They tasted each one closing their eyes in delight, and scrunching their faces with ones that werent so sweet.
Harry took pictures of the surrounding and as he turned around he was given the perfect angle to capture a sweet moment between Tom and Y/N.
The two had their hands interlaced as they admired one tree with golden hues on the apple. Tom leaned in towards Y/N’s ear as he told her a funny apple pun, kissing the top of her head. When Y/N turned around to hear the clicks of the camera, she proceeded to cross her eyes and stick her tongue out.
“Thats attractive.” Harry comments with a hint of sarcasm as he looks through his camera. They all knew how camera shy Y/N got when she was aware of her picture being taken. In her words, posing for the camera while acting natural, made her feel like an awkward deer that’s about to get run over over....Dont ask, its a long story. “Okay, wait the lighting and this tree is perfect though. I want you and Tom up on that tree.” He commanded as he pointed at the sturdy tree with curly branches.
“Uhh...you sure about this?” Y/N asked, in an apprehensive tone. “What if I fall?”
“Oh c’mon darling you know I wont let you.” Tom said as he grabbed her hand to reassure you. “I’m not gonna let you fall. Ill hold on to you the entire time.”
“Sam, hold the apples for them and I’m begging you to please not eat my share.” Harry groaned at the thought.
Tom and Y/N had situated themselves on the tree not as high up from the ground as they had anticipated. At first they took a photostanding up. Tom towering over her as he stepped onto the higher branch, one arm hanging on the branch above him and another holding onto Y/N’s hand. They smiled and looked into each others eyes completely forgetting that they were on a tree and Harry was taking their pictures. Y/N took his navy hat and placed it on her own as they laughed. Tom licked his lips at the sight and couldnt help but to lean in, “You look so hot right now.”
“Oh god, stop you know thats not true.” Y/N giggles as her cheeks are tinted with a light pink blush. Tom continued to look at her smiling, and buting his lips. He really couldnt contain himself when she was acting this adorable. “Stop looking at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like you want to eat me.”
Tom laughs out loud at her comment. “But I kinda do...like everyday.”
“TOM WERE IN PUBLIC!” She squeals covering face.
“Okay love birds, stop the flirting and give me one more pose. If you can manage just kiss each other without falling, I think it’d be perfect.” Harry instructs.
“Dont have to tell me twice, brother.” Tom replies as he looks down at Y/N, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Tom he said kiss not snogg, dont get any ideas. We’re in public!” Sam yelled out.
“You three are such debbie downers, I swear.” Tom pouts.
“Yeah yeah, come on lover boy.” Y/N says curling her index finger to gesture him to lean forward. Tom happily accepts, as he leans down pressin his lips against her soft glossed ones. They stayed like this for sometime, feeling the slight tingles that came with it. Slowly...so very slowly did they pull away, but only for Tom to come in for two small pecks...three...well maybe four...Okay five but that was it.
“Wow...these actually came out good.” Harry said atonished by how well he captured the sweet moment between his brother and Y/N. Tom who was very excited to see how their came out, jumped down from the tree as he made his way towards Harry. Meanwhile Y/N took her time trying to make sure she didnt completely fall off the tree. Sam was watching Y/N as he had his phone recording her. He didnt think there would be much but knowing how clumsy she was anything was game.
She was barely 2 feet off the ground, but for some reason it felt like the empire state building. “Wha-Okay.” She speaks out as she takes a leap of faith. Y/N sticks the landing, she walks toward Sam, Tom, and Harry with confidence that only lasted 0.5 seconds.
“WHAAA.” Y/N sqeuals, as the branch hits her straight on the face.
While all three boy were heavily concerned, they couldnt help but laugh so hard at what happened to poor Y/N.
“IM SO GLAD I GOT THAT ON VIDEO.” Sam yells out, tears of laughter streaming down his face.
“My god that was priceless. Please send that to me.” Harry says emoting the same expression as his twin brother.
“Darling, are you okay?” Tom says stifling a laugh, as he checks her precious face. “How did you manage to hit the tree?”
“Honestly I dont know.” She cries laughing. “These things just happen.”
“It’s okay.” Tom places feather light kisses on the corner of her eye. “C’mon lets get you an apple cider donut.”
“This is going on instagram I hope you know that.” Harry yells out as the couple walks away.
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starryfreckles · 4 years
Flavie and Ayumi Live (26 mai 2020 on YouTube francetv slash) 
Translation/Summary -
(I apologise in advance for the typos. i didnt really read this over tbh)
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Interviewer: Where are you at the moment?
Flav: I’m at home, in my room
Ayumi: I’m at my country house in my room. [Her friend joined her there when deconfinement happen and now they’re living their best life. There’s sun and everything is good]
Flav is chilling “la vida loca” she says
Is it not too frustrating to live this 6th season in confinement and SKAM France has a reputation of having very involved fans and with the screenings?
A: Yes, its very frustrating but then again it’s something that I haven’t really lived the projections with the fans so I dont know what it does. But just the feedback of social media is incredible. Its a good preview at what can happen in a live screening.
F: Yea I agree. It is frustrating but seeing everyone on social media is kind of reassuring and comforting and like Ayumi said, we dont know that [the screenings] so its not that frustrating.
what kind of reactions have you guys had on social media?
[flav and ayumi arguing who goes first. Its the cutest thing ever. Flav always wants ayumi to go first]
A: Just love and positivity. On my end is really incredible. I thank everyone. It’s really just incredible.
F: Its so wonderful. At night, I really try to read all the dms on instagram and even if I cant respond to everyone, know that I read everything and I translate everything that isn’t in French. If I  were to reply to everyone, it would take a long time so that’s not possible. I dont speak all the languages of the world so I copy and paste is translate to understand.
-video cuts out-
I: we were talking about fan reactions so let’s continue. Have you gotten any that made you surprised, laugh, smile, made you emotional, etc?
A: what is beautiful is that ive gotten many messages from girls and boys who said that they had similar a similar relationship to Lola and Maya in the sense that one helps the other more because of addiction problems. And that’s always nice to hear that they just wanted to thank skam for writing and portraying this kind of story. And of course the reaction of la mif. It’s true the character Jo has been loved by fans. She is so funny and so great and she’s [actress who plays jo, louise] really like that in real life. Like literally from A to Z
Flav agrees.
A: “Louise just played Louise” and it’s just so funny. And everyone online says they want to be friends with jo becuase she made this joke pr did that but she’s really like that.
F: she’s always joking
A: and she just comes up with stuff on the spot
I: we really just can’t wait to see La Mif reunite and see how they are in real life because they are just awesome on screen.
Flav and ayumi agree
I: Maya’s arrival to the season that was a little intense, let’s not lie, is like a ray of light. What does that do to you for having that role of the character who brings light and wonder? (This is kinda hard to translate)
A: its incredible to bring that kind of message, like you said, this light. She is totally this kind of girl that I would love to be friend with. It’s hard to explain. It’s just so beautiful. Maybe flav has something to say.
F: it’s true that you and La Mif brought a light for everyone. Even me when I see my family and close ones they say that they are so funny and new and that they felt my pain [as lola] even if its a show and its feels weird to see you like that because you’re close to us but seeing them [lola + la mif] is a good mix. And ayumi you bring so much like when your face lights up when Lola comes up the stairs its incredible.
A: its a chemical reaction. Its incredible. But flav I saw you on screen and everything that you brought, what David saw. And we lived it but for us it seems natural and on screen and rediscovered the characters and the chemistry at the same time as everyone else.
Flav and Ayumi saying that they havent seen the whole thing before hand and are constantly check their phone for new clips. They have the notifications for the YouTube channel.
F: we at least have the hours for the clips AT LEASTT and thankfully
A: which flav sent me because I didnt have them and she left me panicked for 2 weeks and then she finally sent them over.
F: its great. They’re on my fridge and I cross off each day with my parents and we are one it. My dad everyday is like there’s a clip. So funny.
I: Just so we’re on the same page, there’s a clip today right?
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I: [fan question] what do you love the most and the least in the character you play?
A: flav please start
F: I love her “who the fuck are you talking to me like that” and her fuck you attitude. I love that she shows off that nothing moves her but deep down not really, like everyone I guess. I love that about her and she’s so natural. I love her, I really love her. Something negative. That’s hard.
I: you are a very happy, bubbly person. Is there not her depressed, dark side that bothers you?
F: well lola is just full of emotions where we’re going to see everything. But really what I dont like is her fashion sense.
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A: im dead. But I was going to say the same thing
F: maya’s fashion sense? You are crazy. And also girl it’s your clothes they used as costumes
A: no no but people have made edits with you know the big pink coat or my outfit at the supermarket and its there that I realised how ridiculous even if they not really.
F: well I think theyre great. Love the pink coat
A: ill send it to you with fedex. I dont have it but ill send it to you.
F: when we were doing costume fittings I told the costume designer that it was simple and that I would be stealing all of these looks. Im going to take a suitcase, im going to take ayumi’s clothes, put them in my suitcase and go back to Vance with them. And I took nothing from lola by the way. She just doesn’t have a style. She doesn’t neglect herself but its her I dont care attitude, again.
A; I love maya’s engagement and her will towards everything and everyone. Shes a teenager but that’s beautiful to be engaged in many causes. She just really wants everyone, her friends, to be well and happy. But otherwise things I dont like outside of her clothes I dont know. Clothes is like the best answer
F: you forgot about her makeup. The makeup artist did her eyeliner and dots under the eyes and I was there like do the same thing with me!
A: that is really the best thing in all of humanity. It was so cool.
F: honestly. The makeup artist gave everything on you but on me she went in the morning like poof poof ‘well that’s it honey, there’s nothing else I can do for you’
A: you forgot the drama hair!
F: oh my god. She would pour oils and everything you want on my head. “You could like cook French fries”
A: flavie says that but you know she can wear whatever she wants and still look good
F: awe I love you
I: Did the age difference between you hinder your ability to be friends?
A: no not at all. What do you think flav?
F: not at all. Im just the baby of the group, im the youngest but we all so dumb together that we don’t realise
A: exactly. We all act like we’re 7
F: all of us together is horrible. The whole mif. Intolerable.
I: how was youre guy’s first meet?
F: ok let me tell you from my point of view because its quite funny.
A: she was so annoying. She looked at me all weird. she was not cool No that’s not true at all. She was adorable. Trop cute
F: I arrive to the production offices and im with David signing contracts and he says don’t move I have a surprise. And im like oh no what has he brought me a croissant or something and he brings back ayumi. So we start talking for like 10 minutes and I did not who she was actually. And I was like who tf is this. I did not know. And im one point im like so she’s the one who plays Maya? It was so funny. It was cool. And then he brought Maxence
A: from my point of view, flavie was so shy and locked off. And I knew who she was and I was honoured and thrill. She was so small and closed off. But honestly NOT AT ALL. i quickly understood the next day that flavie is a bomb! You understand ?
F: at first maybe you were like “I just want to protect this little thing.”
I: so what was the first scene that you guys filmed together?
Ayumi makes it clear that it’s a scene that hasn’t been released yet. And Flavie can’t remember what it is.
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A: flav, you are putting our whole relationship in question!
F: I just dont know!
A: ok but the second scene we did together was the scene of Saturday morning after the first urban party
F: OHHH you right! I remember now!
I: but that’s a great scene that fans loved because of the chemistry and people loved it. How did you create that complexity? Was it the writing or did you try to meet up on your own?
F: honestly, not that much because the problem is that I live in Vance. We really tried to see each other but trains made it difficult to see each other just us two, but it still worked somehow. We worked a lot with David but not so much just us too and yet we still manage to create something really strong and powerful.
A: in between scenes we also just talked all the freaking time. And by the time David said action, it was like we just finishing our conversation in the scene.
F: every morning we were always happy to see each other and we didn’t see each other that much but that honestly wasn’t a problem at all.
I: in the YouTube comments, everyone is slightly making fun of flavie for living so “far”
A: [also starts making fun of flavie] oh yea yea basically 45 minutes.
F: BY TRAIN! By car its like 2 hours and a half, so sorry.
A: you don’t even have a driver license! So you have to take the train!
F: alright I almost have my drivers license! Soon supposedly! And don’t worry ill come pick you up in my ride!
Ayumi makes more fun of Flavie for her hours of driving and her basically driving illegally (in France you can only drive at 18 and flav is 17)
I: what was the most difficult scene to film for you?
F: well im not gonna answer. I can’t answer
A: honestly I dont have any. Oh wait yes yes yes! I just remembered. Flav you do know! It’s the scene where I tell you that ive missed you.
F: oh right! You were sick right!
A: yea I had shrimp for lunch. Bad shrimp and in the scene im in process of dying. I have never been in more pain and discomfort.
F: and I was like why is she angry at me? What did I do?
A: and flav is like are you okay and thank god you were there flav because she was telling me breathe and take it slow. It was the difficult
F: for me the most difficult that we’ve seen is was hard because of weather conditions. It was so cold on the whole set but it was the one where we were around the fire and jo sees eliott for the first time, the first urbex party. We were getting fire embers in our eyes so we were all crying and complaining. It was awful. Louise was actually crying so so hard.
A: it was so funny. Louise was actually crying and was joking at the same time whilst crying. We were laughing so hard.
The say that night was still a lot of fun and then they all went to Quentin’s apartment [actor who plays sekou] and the ambiance on set is better than on screen. It was a lot of fun
A: la mif always has a great time, messing around
F: David would say “FOCUS FOCUS”
I: it was mid November, and we all know skam france shooting is very intense and fast. So David was like a police officers. We cant wait to see the behind the scenes. David in the comments says thank you to all the extras who were there until 4am
F:  oh yea honestly. Thank you– just thank you
A: oh yea flav thanks for that. Its great.
I: we know there’s a clip today with a reunion. And fans are expecting a kiss. Are we getting that moment today?
A: listen if there is a kiss, it will happen at a perfect moment
I: there is a lot of pressure on this kiss becuase there are so many people from the LGBTQ+ community who are saying that this kind of relationship is rarely seen on screen. Do you feel the need to do good?
F: its so well written and directed that we do want to do really well. Ok your turn
A: the want to do good, of crows but its already something we want to do. We are not forcing ourselves, because its already there.
They say that its sad for the time being that they have to continue to fight for rights in the LGBTQ community and Ayumi says that with SKAM its all going to change. They always get lovely messages thanking them.
They talk about the ship name and how fans have decided that is going to be Mayla. Ayumi is happy that its Mayla. Flav wanted Loyla. Ayumi says it was their first “fight” and they weren’t agreeing. Even la mif voted on the ship. It was heavily debated.
I: Are we right to have so much faith in Mayla or are you going to break our hearts?
F: for that you’ll have to keep watching
A: well said flav
F: l’amour gange toujours
I: what is next for you two?
F: not much. Im seeing friends at a distant. Stay safe. I was starting to miss my social life. Not going out too much because I really dont want to get “this vicious/awful thing” so yea “la vida loca”
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F: project wise everything is on pause but im on a good path. Crossing my fingers. If it happens it happens. Its destiny
A: its destiny. Same thing. There was a movie that stopped before quarantine and won’t start again but there are castings. Until filming starts again, we are all waiting.
I: it’s funny, everything something is said, it gets translated in the comments in five or six languages. Have you taken something from your character and have you left them something?
A: her joy to live at everything. And give her my body to just exist
F: what I took, well nothing. I gave her 7kg more. Well actually I took from her 7kg. That’s it!
I: who forgets their lines the most?
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F: ME! But you too kinda. You just talk SOOO fast you start to stutter
A: I talk too fast and then I stutter and it was so cold that that doesn’t help. So in front of flavie, she really made fun of me.
F: I didnt always forget but sometimes when its really long I forgot.
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witchyspell · 4 years
Fear of Losing You
pairing: Jimmy Darling x gender neutral!reader
summary/request: Jimmy darling x male reader: dandy and reader both meet at a show and hit it off...spending more time with dandy ment less with jimmy...jimmy being jealous decides to get your attention 💖 requested by @kingreidx
word count: 2.5k+
warnings: swearing, alcohol abuse (very drunk jimmy), angst and fluff ofc, dandy’s god complex
A/N: i’m sorry this took so long! i’ve just been overwhelmed lately and suffering from, you guessed it, writer’s block. this made me want to watch freak show for the third time, i love that season so much...anyway, i hope you enjoy! :)
IMPORTANT NOTE: this request originally asked for a male!reader’s perspective. however, more than half way through, i realized i hadn’t mentioned any specific pronouns to designate the reader and that there were no details that implied their gender. i decided to change it to a gender neutral perspective so anyone (including a male reader) could read it. i hope you understand!
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[full credit to the owner of this gif!]
Eight months ago, you met the most caring and thoughtful person, Jimmy Darling. Never in your entire life had you ever encountered such a selfless and considerate soul. His laughter was unbelievably contagious and his charm so strong. His sole presence lit up any room instantly.
You first saw him when you attended Fräulein Elsa’s Cabinet of Curiosities or in other words, the town’s freak show. The idea of spending actual money to watch people perform and be treated like circus animals made you sick. They were still human no matter how they looked or what deformities they possessed, but your parents thought otherwise. They insisted it would be amusing and a ‘nice outing’.
You went anyway, the idea of defying your parents way too risky. Little did you know, that that evening, you’d meet the person who would soon become the light of your life.
From the moment he stepped on stage, you were immediately captivated. His chestnut curls drooped down over his forehead. And his eyes, despite being dark, shone under the stage lights. You didn’t notice anything unusual about him until he removed his hands from behind his back.
“These pinchers dont hold me back,” he exclaimed cheerfully. “Watch me juggle!”
The ‘pinchers’ in question resembled exactly that. They were quite large and his index and middle finger fused together as well as his ring and little finger.
The crowd oohed and aahed but you remained mostly unfazed. You studied his face a little longer, sensing something was off. Behind that joyful, cheery facade he looked unhappy, almost embarrassed.
His gaze caught yours as he wrapped up his performance, offering a smile to the audience (which you now knew wasn’t genuine) and showing off his abnormal hands one last time. Later that night, you introduced yourself to Jimmy Darling and entered his atypical, curious world.
✾ ✾ ✾
Sitting on one of the squeaky wooden chairs, you watched and absentmindedly listened as Bette and Dot practiced their singing for the upcoming show. Rehearsals had eventually become tedious and repetitive, since you never participated in the performances.
Your job was to sell tickets, and sell tickets you did. You also welcomed the spectators as they entered the show’s grounds, plastering on the biggest grin you could possibly muster.
You loved spending time and bonding with everyone but it was getting old. So old, you’d sometimes miss the show and wait in the makeup tent until you had to escort the audience out.
A quick peck to your cheek pulled you out of your thoughts and you blinked, your eyes readjusting to the intense show lights. You looked up and saw Jimmy watching you intently, waiting for you to react to his presence. He looked concerned when you didn’t respond and sat down next to you, wrapping his arms around your frame.
“Everythin’ alright, sweetheart?” Jimmy asked, cocking his head to the side.
You didn’t want to worry him so you simply nodded. What would you even tell him? That you were unhappy? That was false. You just craved something exciting...new.
“I’m fine, Jimmy. Really, I was just lost in thought that’s all,” you reassured him.
“Will you come to the show tonight, then?” Jimmy asked, pouting at you. He knew you couldn’t possibly refuse him, especially when he made that adorable face. You paused, feigning considering his offer before assuring him you were only teasing. “If you insist.”
He opened his mouth, most likely to make a witty comment, but you shut him up. You brushed your thumb over his cheek and leaned in, ever so softly kissing his pouty lips. He pulled you in even closer and you rested your head on his shoulder, watching the lights flicker as Dot’s voice echoed through the tent’s walls.
✾ ✾ ✾
Great amounts of people were rapidly flooding in, creating a large crowd. By the looks of it, tonight was going to be very busy and you were certainly not complaining. Lots of people meant lots of tips, which meant lots of publicity and propaganda for the show.
After gathering everyone and selling an impressive amount of tickets, it was nearly show time. You rushed to the makeup tent and made sure everyone was ready to perform, the perfectionist side of you definitely spilling out a little.
Elsa was the opening act, her voice never ceasing to amaze you. As you entered the tent, you spotted Jimmy pacing back in forth, seemingly nervous.
You walked over to him. “Jimmy, love...Is everything okay?” Concern laced your voice and you furrowed your eyebrows. He wasn’t a stranger to stage fright, on the contrary, it was a regular occurrence for him but it was rarely that bad.
“There’s- God, there’s so many people out there, Y/N! I don’t know if I can do it,” he shakily spoke, looking pale as a ghost.
“You’ve done this countless times, Jimmy! It’s just a few more people than usual, you can do it,” you soothed, your words only mildly reassuring him.
He shook his head and closed his eyes, the anxiety becoming overbearing. “No, it’s not the same-“
“I know it isn’t but there is absolutely nothing to worry about, okay? You always do great, tonight won’t be any different,” you engulfed him in a tight embrace and spoke in his ear. “Now, go show ‘em what you got.”
He smiled at you, whispered a quick ‘I love you’ and darted out of the tent. You followed him, confirmed every single performer was all set to go and sat in the audience. The lights dimmed, plunging the room in complete darkness and the curtains were drawn to reveal Elsa in beautiful makeup and a just as beautiful dress. Her graceful voice deeply moved you, feeling almost transported by it.
You subtly glanced around towards the end of her performance, trying to discern the look on people’s faces. Most of them looked disappointed, but you weren’t surprised. They were here for the ‘freaks’, not the real talent after all.
As your eyes scanned the crowd, a particular someone caught your eye.
He appeared to be in his mid twenties and was the textbook definition of ‘tall, dark and handsome’. He had slicked back seemingly black hair, perfectly parted down the middle. His baby blue irises, although adverted towards the stage, were still visible and bright. He wore an elegant, unique striped suit that probably cost ten times more than the most expensive item you owned.
Next to him sat an older, strawberry blonde woman who you assumed was his mother. It was clear they were significantly wealthy from their luxurious clothing.
Your attention was still fixated on the young man. Something about him was intriguing, but you couldn’t quite put your finger on it. Elsa had long left the stage by now and it was time for the others to shine. He looked mesmerized by everyone on stage. The fascination in his eyes was blatantly obvious, like a child in a candy shop.
He must have felt someone staring because his gaze met yours rather abruptly. You quickly spun your head back around, caught off guard. Slightly embarrassed, you shyly peered at him from the corner of your eye to make sure he was no longer paying attention to you.
Much to your surprise, he was now staring at you, an unreadable expression plastered on his face. He didn’t smile or nod, just stared. Jimmy appeared on stage just as you were beginning to get slightly anxious. You beamed at him, mouthing a silent ‘you got this’ and he flashed you his signature alluring grin in return.
The stranger still rumbled through your mind as you watched your boyfriend juggle four, five...six bowling pins. As soon as the show ended, you were about to make your way backstage to congratulate Jimmy, when a foreign male voice stopped you in your tracks.
“Excuse me?”
You hesitantly turned around and found yourself face to face with no other than the dapper young man. “Yes?” you answered skeptically.
“I noticed you speaking with one of the freaks earlier. Do you, perhaps, happen to work here?” he asked. You cringed at his choice of words but knowing correcting him wouldn’t get you anywhere, you ignored it.
“Uh, yes I do.” The awkward tension in the air was undeniably present and you slightly stuttered.
“Fascinating! You aren’t one of them I presume. You seem perfectly attractive...” he started. “Tell me, how is it living with freaks?” Your face, once again, twisted in disgust at his poor wording but you stayed calm. Jimmy on the other hand would have been fuming. The man before you had a posh way of speaking, his voice matching his wealth. It was drastically different from what you heard on a day to day basis.
“I didn’t even introduce myself! How foolish of me! Forgive me, my name is Dandy Mott,” he exclaimed, disregarding his previous question and holding his hand out.
You hesitantly took it. “Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N.” Dandy’s grip was strong as you shook his hand. He gave you a heartfelt, closed mouthed smile and bid you goodbye.
“I’ll certainly be looking forward to seeing you again, Y/N.”
✾ ✾ ✾
Ever since your first encounter with Dandy, he attended every single show with no exception. You had grown to enjoy his company even though he was strange at times. Both of you would often go on picnics and walks through town. You, of course, made sure he understood it was purely platonic. You might have been spending less time with Jimmy, but you still remained faithful. He respected your boundaries and didn’t make any advances.
Dandy was different and you liked that about him. You needed something different. Before him, every day felt the exact same and it was painfully exhausting.
Everything was going smoothly until one night, Dandy shared his beliefs about him being ‘a supreme being’. He had hinted at it before, but you brushed it off, thinking it was nothing more than an eccentric pleasantry. You were both standing in front of the freak show’s gates and its frightening entrance when he unveiled that side of himself.
“I am a god!” he had cried out. You were at a loss for words, not believing he truly felt that way at first.
“Is this some kind of joke?” you asked.
“No, this isn’t a joke! This is what I was destined to be. Don’t you get it?” Dandy was becoming more and more agitated by the second, stepping dangerously closer to you. “I would have preferred to tell you this somewhere more...formal. But here we are.”
“I thought you of all people would understand, Y/N. Why do you always have to make things so painfully complicated?” he sighed, sounding exasperated.
“Please Dandy...” Your voice trembled. “Leave, I just n-need you to leave.”
He shook his head and rolled his eyes, sighing dramatically once again. “You really are insufferable, aren’t you?” Right as he was reaching for you arm, Eve appeared.
“Y/N, there you are! There’s- uh, you see Jimmy-“ she fumbled over her words and you took it as an opportunity to flee the scene. You trusted Eve would take care of Dandy and send him home.
You entered the show’s campus and were immediately stunned by what you saw. A small, familiar crowd of people gathered around Jimmy as he flailed his arms around, nearly dropping and smashing the whiskey bottle in his right hand. His shirt was stained with what appeared to be sweat and vomit, from drinking all night. You immediately rushed over to him.
“Oh, look who finally showed up! Have fun with that prick? You manage to remove that stick up his ass yet?” he slurred, sarcastically tipping his hat at you.
“Are you insane? What the fuck are you doing?” You whisper-yelled, grabbing his arm and dragging him over to his caravan.
“Come on, Y/N! You’re no fun! I was just explaining to them how you ditched me for some rich jerk,” Jimmy blabbered on, nearly tripping over himself.
He dragged his feet in the dirt, ruining his already worn out shoes and dropped the bottle to the ground, completely shattering it. He muttered a simple ‘oops’, chuckling to himself. You practically shoved him inside the caravan and he stumbled onto the bed.
“Get up, you’re filthy,” you demanded, the stench of his clothes unbearable.
“So, this is what I have to do for you to notice me? Get shit-faced?” He sat up, a now hurt expression on his face.
“You know that’s not true,” you settled beside him and he raised his arms, a whiff of sweat hitting your nose instantly. You peeled off the dirty garment from his skin and threw it on the floor, at the foot of the bed. You gently tilted his chin up, forcing him to look at you. His breath reeked of booze but you ignored it.
“I thought I lost you,” Jimmy whispered, tears pricked at his eyes and threatened to fall down.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to distance myself from you, I just-“ you paused, contemplating your words. “I can’t live like this anymore, Jimmy. Not here. And I know it sounds selfish because it hasn’t even been a year, but it’s the truth. I just can’t.” Your voice cracked as a tight knot formed in your throat, and you desperately searched Jimmy’s face for anything that could indicate how he was feeling.
“Come here.”
You leaped into his arms as your tears wet his bare chest. Sobs racked your body as you finally let go of everything you kept bottled in and hidden deep within yourself. Jimmy’s calloused fingers soothingly rubbed circles on the exposed skin of your back while you cried, before slowly pulling away. You peered up at him with glassy eyes, your lower lip trembling.
“I’m so sorry for everything, Jimmy. Dandy he-“ you shakily started but Jimmy was quick to shush you.
“Shh...it’s okay, baby. I forgive you,” he warmly smiled. His eyes suddenly lit up, an imaginary lightbulb shining over his head. “Now, what do you say we run away together?”
Your eyes nearly popped out of their sockets at his outrageous proposition. So many questions ran through your mind but you chose the obvious one.
“Are you serious?” you asked, utterly baffled. Jimmy burst in a fit of laughter, his adoration for you clearer than ever.
“Of course I am! All I want is a shot at a normal life...with you.” He grinned from ear to ear, his beautiful face radiating with joy causing your heart to flutter.
“Then yes, without a doubt,” you said, tearing up once more. “I love you. ”
“And I love you,” Jimmy murmured, softly pressing his lips to the top of your head and laying down, lulling you both to sleep.
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I'm starting another love interest Tally, this one for the Umbrella Academy. Unlike the It tally, I don't really have any solid ideas for the characters but I DO have a pretty fucking big one for the reader. So, please let me know out of these character you would like to see as your love interest [BESIDES BEN, DONT WORRY THAT'S COMING]. If you have a preference and would like to vote, drop by my inbox [anonymously or otherwise, i don't mind either!], DM me, or comment here BUT remember, I can't respond to comments but I will see them, thanks and ily guys!
The Umbrella Academy x Reader [slight au] LI options:
Luther: ngl, I'm not crazy about him. I doubt he's gonna win cause I know he ain't usually a fan fav. Personally, I didn't really see a problem with him [until episode 8&9] in season one, I mean beside that whole weird allison subplot. Like the moon stuff, I didn't really notice it until people pointed it out then he got REALLY annoying the whole season. Season 2 luther I liked. Either way, I could easily mellow out his character if yall REALLY want him (lol kinda hope you don't 🤭)
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Diego: my sweetie sweet sweetheart. I love this adorable mommas boy, he just wants love and affection and to be accepted and with what I have planned for the reader's plot [which is a definite thing] these two could honestly work SO well together, and be the affection starved babies together and shower each other with love 💘 [EDIT: HE WON! Ideas and plots are being further developed as of the 10th of September 2020]
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Allison: I'm not gonna lie, yall I'm torn. Allison Hargreeves owns ALL my fucking uwus, she stole my fucking heart and I have a crush ngl. BUT I also LOVE her and Ray and the work they do and I sob so hard in season 2 for her and Ray and everyone and UGH I could NEVER TAKE THAT ARC AWAY FROM HER. I have an idea for reader and allison season 2 wise, her and ray would still be together lets just say
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Klaus: [I know he dates guys, and I would be able to fit in Dave but I'm pretty sure he's pan either way!] Honestly, I'm a little scared about this one. I haven't wrote a BUNCH of scenes with klaus yet, but the few I have i have not been super proud of. I don't think I write his character very well, and Idk if thats just me or because its new but I'm scared to jump into a whole series with him, especially as a LI but ill do it for you babies if that's what you really want. Can't promise it will be good, but I'm trying lol
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Five: honestly I'm scared about this one too. With the Ben fic, I haven't quite gotten to him yet so I don't know how i wrote him yet but I have some hope. Also, the age thing low key bothers me but he is a fan favorite and he does have some of the most screen time which would be convenient, his plot mixed with the readers plot would be VERY interesting indeed, and he does make me laugh so ehh its really up to you guys. Again, not sure how I feel??
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Ben? Im already working on a ben fic as some of you might know, but then I was in the shower and my brain was like "heheh he heh, I know you haven't even published the first chapter of your ben fic and have 3 unfinished series, and 2 independent WIP but here's a REALLY cool idea for yet ANOTHER umbrella academy rewrite. Also no you can't have any writing inspiration for any of them" again, I suppose he's doable and already this would be considered an au so it wouldn't be much of a leap to A] ressurect ben, but that worries me cause the end of season 2 and I'd have to rely on hope I could catch whatever s3 threw or B] work in a way reader could see Ben which would be kinda hard but not impossible given my plot [edit: probably won't do him honestly. Not for this one. I want to try different characters for this one. Again, unless you REALLY want him, but again, I'm already making one with him so nows your chance to vote to see someone else]
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Vanya: gorgeous baby angel, would be VERY interesting as a love interest and quite convient too. Plus she's adorable. Out of all of them, I have the most ideas for her
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And finally...
I'm so fucking sorry I can't stop coming up with ideas, I wish I wish I WISH I could just make a story and stick to it but, I've just never been like that I'm sorry.
💕💕💕 - Yurtle
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allisxonrxse · 4 years
It was a Friday, close to 10 PM. You were finishing up your studies as you were at college for the previous hours. Your best friend, Cathy, calls you at 10:07 pm, you answer and she yells on the phone, “ Y/N!! You have got to come to the pub tonight! I heard that there were some really cute guys there..?” she said that with a high pitched voice at the end. “Maybe,” you softly said, “ Maybe i'll come. I will just have to finish these papers. I'll call you when i'm finished, alright?” Cathy sighed, “ Alright, but you have to call me before 11 PM so that you're not late.” You mumbled, “Okay, just let me finish!” Cathy hangs up the call. You squealed a high pitched scream that sounded like you were excited.
“Finally, I finished.” You smirked, looking at your papers, then looking at the phone on your desk. Oh shit, I almost forgot. You ringed Cathy at 10:58 PM, she squealed “ Omg y/n, you took forever!” “Oh shut up!” you jokingly replied. Cathy sighed, tiredy,”I'll pick you up at 11:20, is that fine?” “Yup! Im gonna get ready.” You said confidently back. You hung up the phone then sprinted to the closet like an animal chasing a bunny. You found a beautiful red dress, all the way up to your knees. “This looks amazing!” You looked at yourself in the mirror, then grabbed the reddest lipstick you could find in the drawer. “Fuck,” you chirpped,”I messed up.” you then grabbed a makeup wipe and did it neatly. It was then 11:14, you took a black, small purse, and sprayed a nice perfume scent of roses on you.
Cathy honked her car 3 times, just to get your attention. “Damn.” You ran as fast as you could, out of your apartment,forgetting to lock your door, however, Cathy doesn’t notice it.
It took only 10 mins. To get there. “Hmm, smells like sweaty cigarettes.” You mumbled to Cathy. “Rightt…” It only took her just a few seconds to spot a stunning guy in the crowd. You sat down and sighed. But then you felt as if someone were taking a glance at you. You knew it. You felt it. You looked at the man who was playing the electric guitar. The both of you noticed that it wasn’t normal to spot someone just like that. You felt as if you had a connection somehow.
The show finished, Cathy left you at the pub, and drunkenly left with the stunning man she saw. Then so, the guitarist comes up to you, with his rosey cheeks and beautiful hair. “Hey.” He said with a deep voice, then smirked.”Hi.” You replied back, thinking that you did something wrong. You turned pink, slightly embarrassed. “ You look gorgeous.” He said, staring at you, while slightly grinning. You decided to be flirtatious for the night and replied back with, “You too, you look bloody handsome.” He blushed. “ You look smart.” You blurted out. Roger jumps up behind him and says, “He’s a smart lad, but so am I.” raising his eyebrow, then smirking. “ Really Roger?” Brian croaked, tiredly. “Yes, really. I uh- am uh- gonna be a uh- dentist?” Roger mentioned. “Oh fuck off, im tired of that.” Brian laughed and you lock eyes with him. “Woah now,” Roger soon mumbled, “ I can see you guys already fucking.” “Shut up!” You hit Roger playfully.
“So, wanna go out sometime? If you-” Brian tried to say, as you just interrupted him by handing him a drink. “Yess!” You said in excitement. Roger left the room as he was getting bored, and talked to Tim, the lead singer of, Smile. “We could go out right now if you’d like,” you croaked, “I dont have any plans.” You saw Brian try to hide his grinning face from you. “You look really cute, y’know?” You chirped out loud. “Oh- t-thanks.” Brian stumbled on his words. You just thought it was so adorable how he was shy when HE was that one who came up to you. If nothing would've happened, I could've done it myself.
You already saw the thought of you and brian kissing. “Too fast,” you thought to yourself, “too fast.” You didn’t know it yet, however, Brian was thinking the same. You gave him the choice, “Can we go to your house or mine?” Brian thought of it, then came the thought of it that you were just a girl who he noticed out of the crowd of people, he thought to himself,” She’s different.” Then Brian blurted out,” Uhh, we could go to yours.” He walks you to his car, and tells you what it's like to be in a band, and how hard it is, and how stressful it is. He kept on complaining to you, as if you were the only one that he could talk to.
You soon got home, and he came with you to your front door. “Juice?” you offered him. “Sure! That would be nice.” He replied back with. You got into the kitchen and started getting the glasses ready. You poured in the grapefruit juice, you guessed that he would like it. You returned back to the living room just to check on him. He looked overwhelmed to be quite honest. He looked so stressed out. “You okay?” You mumbled, hoping not to wake him up. “Yea, yea.” Brian said ever so softly. You fell in love with him at that point. Seeing him on that couch made you feel safe. Even though you weren’t even sure if he liked you back, you knew for a fact, you loved him.
You woke up on your bed, and you found brian facing you, right next to you. “Oh my fucking god.” You thought to yourself. He moves in the slightest way possible, and you hope he doesn’t wake up. You look at his big brown curly hair, and you start staring at his face. Brian feels like hes being watched, he opens his eyes, and wided them. “Y/N i am so so sorry,” he panicked, “I didn’t mean to.” You chuckled, giving him a small smirk. “I'm actually surprised.” you said back with the remaining of that smirk that soon turned into a grin. Brian got out of the bed quickly. He was still wearing what he wore to the pub last night.”You didn’t change?” you mentioned. “No, i dont have any clothes anyway.” Brian said. You got out of bed, still tired, but somehow, excited. Why do I feel this way? You thought to yourself. Brian walked to the kitchen, you saw him and he looked like he was cold.
“Brian,” you called out.”come here!” Brian quickly came to your room, shivering with small goosebumps on his arms. “Here,” you gave him a fur coat.”wear this.” You looked up at him and noticed how taller than you he was. He looked down at you, passionately. He held the back of your neck, and you felt his cold, long hand pull you closer to him. He pulled you closer until you could feel his hot breath. He grabbed you and closed his eyes, then you felt his lips touch yours. “Wow.” you thought to yourself while this was happening. You closed your eyes, and the kiss went longer than it was supposed to.
“I am so sorry, love!” Brian took a gasp. “No, no” you took 2 breaths, “i-i liked it..” “Really?” Brian mumbled. “Wait.” you noticed, “did you just call me love?” Brian gasped, he looked down at the floor, itched the back of his head, and cooed out, “Yea..” You saw him getting nervous. “Stop apologizing,” You croaked “You're too nice.” He looked at you up and down. You saw that. You licked your lips and eventually, your the one that risked it for a kiss. You grabbed the back of his head, pulled him close and you felt the friction of both of your lips touch together. You kissed passionately, it felt like this wasn’t the first time you did this. It wasn’t. You pulled back, “Im so so sorry.” You looked him in the face, and you were worried. Brian mocked you, “No, no” he chuckled, “i-i liked it.” Both of you grinned and smiled widely.
He took the fur coat off the table, then put it on. You look in the closet for a hoodie. You find a big black hoodie, then you put it on. It covered your knees and you weren’t wearing shorts, you just wore underwear. You went to the kitchen, boiled 2 cups of tea, then got it ready for the two of you. The tea was finished, so you brought it, 1 cup by one. “Herbal tea?” Brian sniffed the drink. “Yea,” you responded.”Rosemary tea.” “Ooo, fancy.” Brian commented on the tea. “I thought it would be chamomile tea, as it is very common.” You stared at his hazel eyes, he stared back at you. You guys did this until brian noticed the time. 11:38. “Shit, what day is it?” brian grunted. “Its a saturday, dummy!” you chuckled out loud, and brian seemed to enjoy your laugh. “I dont have anything for today, you?” he questioned. “No, we can go out to the pub tonight.” You mentioned. The phone was ringing. Brian answered it and gave a playful smirk, “hello?” you heard him. A deep voice you were in love with. “Uh, yea shes here.” He talked to her and brian called you to the phone. “Hello?” you talked in the phone. It was Cathy. “Hey, sorry for leaving you at the pub, haha..?” She nervously said. “Whos with you? Did you sleep with him? Was he from the pub?” Cathy kept on interrupting you. “Oh my bloody hell. Let me talk!” you complained,jokingly, “His name is brian and i met him at the pub. And no i didnt sleep with him!” You hung up the phone embarrassed. He chuckled and mumbled, “I wish you slept with me.” leaving a small smirk on his face. “What?” you asked.”I couldn’t hear you.” “Oh nothing.” Brian responded with a small grin.
It was the afternoon, somewhere near 3 pm. “Wanna go to the movies tonight?” Brian asked, nervously. “Sure!” You replied back. Excited and dreamy, you decide to choose your clothes on what you're going to wear to the movie theatre. You picked up some blue bell bottoms and aside from that, a light yellow shirt. You also took a backpack for some stuff if you needed it. “When do you wanna go?” Brian asked all the way from down the hall. “I don't mind, at 9 or 10 probably.” “Ok, i'm going to leave and pick you up.” Brian said. He took a piece of paper and a marker, then wrote down his telephone number. “Wait, but-” you said as he closed the front door. You walked in the living room, half naked with only your underwear on. Brian came back in, “Oh my god, i'm so sorry!” He yelled out loud. You looked him up and down and so did he. “But you look amazing..” Brian said looking at your top. You saw the long print in his brown pants. He noticed you were looking at him. Then he covered it with his hand. “Oh- um sorry.” He mumbled. You uncovered your top and took off your underwear. “Wanna come?” you asked him, flirtatiously. “Yea..” brian looked at you and gave a seductive smirk. He followed you into your room, he pushed on the bed, passionately kissing you as if he knew you for so long. “I cant believe that this is happening.” You thought to yourself as he gave you love bites and started kissing your neck. You saw while he was kissing you, he was painfully hard. “Can i suck you?” you mumbled, looking him up and down. He took off his clothes so quickly that he had almost ripped them. He threw his clothes all over the room, causing it to look messy. He took a deep breath and groaned. You dropped to your knees and smirked,”Can i?” you asked. “Yes, please.” He was begging for it and his cock was rock hard. “Just for you.” He groaned. You put his cock in your mouth and started sucking him off. His head threw back and he kept on rolling his eyes. “Please, please, i wanna cum.” he said softly, moaning. He grunted with pleasure. “Keep going!” he said. You felt his pubic hairs on your nose. You choked on him, and he cummed in your throat. You could feel his heartbeat on the veins of his dick going faster and faster. He rolled his eyes and threw his head back once more. “Oh my god y/n, keep going.” Brian moaned while biting his bottom lip. You again felt his warm seed go down your throat as he bit his bottom lip even more. He rolled his eyes and he felt so good. “Wow y/n, you're really good.” He looked you up and down. You felt so honored for making him cum. You smirked. “I want you inside me.” you groaned. “Maybe..” brian croaked. After he recovered, he could finally do the things you wanted him to do. “I want you inside of me.” You repeated. “Fine, fine,” he chuckled so cutely. You looked at him and it looked like he was semi-hard. “y/n can i?” brian asked so politely. “Yes, thats what i want you to do.” you giggled, “y/n your laughs make me feel different, y’know?” brian mentioned. He ripped off your underwear and pushed you onto the bed. He kissed your thigh so lightly. He licked your thighs and he licked your pussy. Once he licked your pussy you needed you let it out. “Mhmm..” you moaned slightly. “Haha, already?” Brian laughed. He put in his long fingers and he instantly hit the spot. “Awwhhhh b-brian,” you moaned, “fuckkk…” he was so good at this already. He looked and you and licked your clit. You bit your lip so hard that you could taste the blood. He repeatedly licked your clit, over and over again. “Awhh fuckkk…” you moaned,”b-brian, dont stoppp..” He fingered your spot and you bit your lip and rolled your eyes. It felt so good. He used his tongue and licked your clit even faster, with more pressure. You moaned with pleasure. “Do you have condoms?” brian asked, slightly smirking. “Yea, I think.” you said, reaching over to your desk. He grabbed a condom out and placed it on his cock. He grinned and groaned, “Can i?” “Yes, put it in pleasee..” you moaned. He slid his dick on your wet folds and he kept on teasing you. “Bloody hell brian, stop teasing me!” you grew moody. Brian giggled. He slid his cock in, and you moaned,”oh my fucking god bri, its so big…” you bit your lip and rolled your eyes until you could see nothing but black. He hit your spot, it hurt but it felt so good. Both of you moaned at the same time, both giving you pleasure. “Fuck bri, this feels so fucking good.” you moaned once again. “Mmhmm..” brian said. “I love it when you call me that.” he groaned, going deeper. “Fuckkk..” you moaned louder than before. He thrusts his cock into you, faster, and you love this,”Fucking shit bri, dont stop!!” you can hear his whispers, (fuck,fuck,fuck) and him slightly moaning. This turns you on even more,”bri, your so hard.” you roll your eyes back and he moans,”im gon- im gonna c-” he cums. You wish he fucked you raw. You feel like he loves you, and this wasnt just a one time thing. You were sure that you loved him, but you didnt know if he loved you. He cleaned up and put his clothes back on, starting with his boxers. You changed your clothes and looked at brian, “I really liked that.” you mumbled. “So did i.” brian said, putting his shirt on. He looked you up and down,”i love you.” he mumbled. Did i hear that correctly? He loves me? “Wait-” you said as brian interrupted you with a passionate kiss. Now you knew that kiss was from his heart. You knew he loved you as much as you loved him.
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chocolatetakoyakis · 4 years
Hi there ❤️ can I request you some Headcanons for Ohma, Raian, Gaolang ans Saw from Kengan Ashura ! they are near the swimming pool and they noticed their crush coming in a very beautiful/ sexy Bikini. thanks !! ❤️
Iuhcduhefuhucheihiebd writing about sexy Fighters is 100% OKAY 🤤
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- well he isn’t really emotional in public, like damn the only time we saw him smile was when he was fighting or eating
- and when he saw you with this beautiful F/c bikini at the swimming pool, trust me he was definitely felling something.
- as you approach him to say hello, he will stare at you without any emotion but his brain is trying to analyse what his feelings are saying.
- Kaede is the first who is complimented you, followed by Lihito and our Ashura is still staring at you with piercing eyes.
- even when Lihito is starting to flirt with you he is not even pissed too focused on assembling the informations your awesome body was giving to his poor brain.
- “ this color looks good on you”
- still with his neutral face but now he is staring at your eyes like he is gonna eat your soul.
- I’m afraid this man doesn’t know how to flirt but you got it right.
- your Adorable “ thank you Ohma” made his day but he didn’t reply to you thinking the conversation was over.
- still watch you while you are talking with Kaede about coming to the Spa together
- he isn’t aware that he is staring at your chest, which made you a little uncomfortable but oddly you know that he isn’t a pervert.
- Lihito telling him discreetly to stop staring because it’s rude.
- now you’re all alone with him because Kaede went to her room to take her VIP card for the Spa you two are going to do and Lihito being Lihito accompanied her
- you are both silent while looking at each other
- you started the conversation by suggesting to go next to the beach waiting for them to come back ( because you were not comfortable with our Ashura’ gaze on you )
- before you walk back, he aggressively took your hands while pronouncing your name.
- INTENSE EYE CONTACT ( you’re dying inside )
- “ Y/n you look really Ho.....
- OHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMA ! ( bruh you know who it is)
- you being push in the water by Karla Kure ( damn she has a lot of strength for a teenager ) who is now stuck on Ohma’ Abs.
- him not realizing what happened started to freak out when he saw Karla’s lips next to his and ran away as fast as he can.
- he was not here anymore when you get out the water but oddly you felt really happy about what he almost said before YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT OR WHO push you on the water lol
⭐️ If you’re his crush and he doesn’t really knows you, he is gonna stare at you without any comment or shame in hope that you will notice him I guess. And then turn his head when he’ll get caught. Like a 10 y old boy basically
RAIAN KURE : my fav
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- oh fuck
- Sorry.
- basically like “ This bitch is showing off” “ she is not that pretty hmph”
- he is gonna feel many emotions when he’ll see you sunbathing alone on a long chair.
- First he is gonna mentally insult you I guess like why do you have to be so pretty and all, tries to convince himself that you are just doing it for attention ( DONT TRY TO UNDERSTANT ITS RAIAN )
- is glaring at you like a Mad dog
- Second, while glaring at you he’ll analyze your look and how your hairstyle, skin and bikini fit perfectly
- his gaze softened a bit as you take your sunglasses off, so he can see your beautiful eyes.
- after this 20 long minutes at staring at you and trust me having those dark eyes glaring at you during almost half an hour is SUPER LONG AND SCARY. he finally accepts the fact that you are hot and he is attracted to you ( I mean probably only sexually ) he will finally see you as a prey or as a trophy if he noticed that other men were looking at you.
- will go to see you ( more bother you because Raian is fucking Raian )
- the rest of his family being like : WTF IS THIS KID DOING AGAIN
- the whole swimming pool froze as he started walking toward you. ( this man almost killed a man remember )
- you greeted him with a normal but awesome smile “ Good Afternoon Raian. What’s up ?
- your cool attitude pissed him even more because you’re not afraid or anxious about him being next to you.
- is gonna make mean or childish comments about you and your relaxing position.
- you responding normally because you’re used to the Devil’s manners.
- Him getting even more pissed because you’re not loosing your cool
- showing off his Abs for SUUUUUUUURE
- Raian wouls smirk at every boys that were looking at you while talking to you to make them jealous, inferior and frustrated ( you can’t see him because you’re basically almost sleeping )
- threatens you to throw you into the cold water ( and will fucking do it )
- really don’t try him
- Shit.. too late you are in the swimming pool completely wet.
- he jumped with you in his arms so he is also in the swimming pool with you but doesn’t seem to be affected by the cold water
- if you can swin you’re gonna look at him like WTF IS YOUR PROBLEM ?! Before laughing I guess
- if you cannot swim you are gonna hug Raian very hard because your afraid I suppose. ( + him being proud because your boobs are stick to him )
⭐️ if he doesn’t know you, he is gonna have the same reaction but will not come to you directly. He is gonna try to make you noticing him first so he can catch you and do a famous SEXY SMIRK + SHOWING ABS at you.
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- awww it’s your turn pretty FacePalm guy
- probably at the swimming pool with Saw Paing and some other fighters
- noticed you immediately but didn’t stare because he knows it’s rude
- expects his crush to see him and doesn’t do anything
- finally understand that his Crush saw him but is too intimidated by his group of friends so she is not gonna come to say hello to him ( Bruh they’re so tAll and could kill you a simple flick )
- Gaolang going to the bar alone so you can go to him without being annoyed by his friends
- “ hi there Gaolang”
- is a little surprised by your presence at first but greeted you with a very warm smile
- invite you to take a drink with him ( it’s free for both of you because you’re VIP however he would have paid for you )
- interesting conversation
- talking about Japan in general because both of you are foreigners here ( if you are not then he’ll ask you many thing about Japanese cultures )
- is gonna talk about Thailand and ask about your country too
- you don’t even see the time passes because you two are enjoying yourself at the bar
- probably being interrupted by Saw Paing screaming somewhere so Gaolang has to go to stop his friend
- before leaving you he’ll give you a small cute smile meaning I’m coming back
- after stopping Saw Paing from terrorizing everyone he would come back to you and offer you to walk next to the sea while chatting
- You’re not crazy and you ACCEPTED IT OF COURSE
- after a long walk full of laught ( and romantical tension ) he would just says : I found you very pretty Y/n.
- you didn’t expected that ans you didn’t respond right now which made him feel anxious poor baby
- is finally reassured when you thanked him and is probably blushing
- will make sure you’re back to your hotel room safe and may even ask you for another date later in the week.
⭐️ if he doesn’t know you, he is the type that would observe you from afar before maybe I said maybe try to talk to you if he got the occasion.
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- do I really have to make this one ?
- Screams the second he saw you
- you being scared at first but once you noticed that it was Saw Paing you felt reassured in a way.
- SHOWER OF COMPLIMENTS your ego is fucking boosted to the level 100 easily
- has no shame
- will drag you to the beach with him because a lot of people were glaring at you two and he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable
- take your hands h24 to drag you somewhere
- you two planned to surf, I mean you wanted him to teach you a little ( sounds like a Date Bruh just imagine )
- really want to help you and is very tender in a way with you like he helps you with your position and all by gently touching you.
- in his head he really wanna get close to you only by helping you and not really By hitting on you like others guys ( what a cutie )
- cute nicknames game between you two
- sees you as the perfect teammate
- compliments, compliments, compliments and ALSO COMPLIMENTS
- your Surf class will end up with you two playing in the water like children
- he is very energetic but doesn’t want to accidentally hurt you so he is more calm in a way but still SCREAMING
- “ I Really Had Fun Today Y/n lets doit again !”
- him wanting you to meet Gaolang for sure ( or if you two met because of him, I’ll like the three of you to spend more time together )
- secretly stare at your Ass and legs sometimes
- May threaten you to throw you into the ocean if you don’t give him little kiss for the lesson maybe
- having many fighters shipping you two together
- probably you two eating snack together at the end of the day
- he is clearly proud to be seen with you for some reason
⭐️ If he didn’t know you and just saw you at the swimming pool, I feel like he would compliment you from afar but SAW PAING BEING SAW PAING you would notice him immediately because he is so fuckin loud and give him a cute smile.
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