#sometimes i can't believe i was the one who built it and decorated it and landscaped it
kalims Β· 5 months
he's a ten but he...
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premise. sometimes certain bad habits of theirs make their overall rating just a tad bit lowerβ€”besides the fact that they keep doing it.
characters. dorm leaders
content. gender neutral reader
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malleus (doesn't have a sense of space)
"look beastie, that flower is a native of ours,"
"I agree mal, but I didn't think you taking up the entirety of my seat will make me see it better,"
he blinks, then shrugs.
like i said, has NO sense of space.
if an average person would make an excuse to constantly be in physical contact with who they admire, then malleus is the complete opposite. well, not entirely but he doesn't even bother to construct an explanation as to why he's literally sat over your seat when you coincidentally get put in a table together.
if you start questioning him about it the most you'll get in a very outright 'because he wanted to.' it's not even one of those sarcastic replies he's 100% serious!
cause he believes there's no use in lying about things to be honest.. to further emphasize that, if he ever acts like he does hold fondness for you that surpasses the platonic meter but doesn't mention it he probably hasn't realized yet.
if he did he'd already walk over and bluntly tell you about it.
(I wish I could be that unbothered.)
lilia thinks it's the cutest thing though. you swear you see flashes of light for a split second from the ceiling but when you look up there's only a suspicious swinging chandelier.
^ totally has his own album full of pictures.
if malleus ever discovers it he won't even be disturbed, probably would ask for a copy πŸ’―
since human lives, and their bodies are so fragile he'd taken it upon himself to protect you from harm. even if it means trailing behind you everywhere way too close for comfort, or standing a bees wing away.
while he is respectful most of the time, he's encouraged if you don't comment. if anything, he seems pleased you dont seem to be bothered! (and it'll get harder to tell him to stop when he's so happy the more you let it happen..)
"child of man, have you slept?"
*starts leaning his body forward, to squint at your eyes.* practically right in front of your face.
not even a warning or anything! but atleast he's concerned?
idia (won't even show up for anything and insists a 'virtual' date is better.')
user: where tf r u??
ghoul666: WDYM? at the dorm?
unintentionally stood you up πŸ’€
you literally have to tell him that you're waiting for him to arrive at the specified area you discussed where your date would take place but would end up vastly irritated when he questions if you guys even did.
ghoul666: we do??
user: I'm taking my minecraft bed away from urs.
ghoul666: NO PLS
ghoul666: HELLO????
next time you log in minecraft it's probably because he begged you to play, you WILL end up seeing some kind of structure that probably took days to make. that's not even the entire thing cause the inside is entirely decorated to your taste.
in short: he constructed some kind of venue for a wedding.. even changed his skin to wear a tuxedo 😭
though he has sparked your pettiness, hence the ignoring him period. even you have got to admit that it's freaking adorable...
big sign, emphasis on please: Im sorry pls put ur minecraft bed back I can't sleep w/o u and I have to wait entire days for it to turn into morning :(
with what he's built you're sure it's 65% true.
if you do end up forgiving him, few weeks later attempting to schedule another date will only end up in naught.
ghoul666: can we not go there
user: 😐
user: you are testing my patience love
ghoul666: πŸ˜“ (he is screeching about the term of endearment part btw KABSJAJSAJA ortho would enter his room very concerned.)
ghoul666: how abt
ghoul666: mimic together? call
user: sighs
user: I'm only agreeing cause I want to spend time with you
queue more screeching from his end that you're completely oblivious to.
the only screeching you're gonna hear though is when you guys do get into call as you play, and it's mainly out of terror when his soul gets sent to the void ascending when the entity pops out of a corner and starts chasing him.
"I GOT THIS. ILL CARRY U THIS IS FINE" *screams again* but really wants to impress you so he pushes through.
unsurprisingly does carry you.
asks to match avatars right after (idia love languange)
vil (frets over you way too much.)
"vil, did you see the chocolate in the freezer?"
"oh, that? I noticed that you've already gone through the ideal number of bars this week so I took it upon myself to make sure you don't go sick on me,"
"I love you but please give it backβ€”"
"I love you too, and no."
disclaimer: he does this for your own good 😜 (average mom excuse.)
looks out for you more than he does for his own dorm residents. everyone is wondering where he ran off to after class, especially since he's the one that scheduled the pomefiore meeting every fridays!
and to think he was the one getting irritated over the more newer first years for being late..
*shows up literally half an hour in*
why you ask? you simply shouldn't have texted him about abandoning your daily walk together through the gardens in favor of catching sleep since you called in sick (you're suspicious if crewel really did go in to check for proof, and not concern.)
vil's really feeling the absolute regret of not checking his phone during classes.. well, he only saw the message which was coincidentally sent like somehow ONE minute after the lecture started and he's only seeing it 59 minutes later.
oh you poor thing!! though the lunch break is short, he has about 5 minutes for a trip to the mirror chamber..
you'd think the 'seen' icon below your message was a weird omen for something you're not sure but it must be doom cause vil is right at the front porch of your crappy dorm. at his own expense?! looking more disheveled than you've seen him before.
if a few stray hairs was disheveled at all. more importantly, he still looked drop dead gorgeous!
you probably looked quite terrible with the blanket draped around your shoulders looking like you just crawled out of your grave, because he looked absolutely mortified at your state.
"oh great sevens.." he looked like he was faint, huffing and fanning himself with his hand. "look at you, why didn't you tell me sooner, darling?"
you blink, swallowing to make your throat less dry but your voice still comes out raspy. "I did, like an hour agoβ€”" without your invitation whatsoever, he steps in. promptly shutting the door behind him (which surprisingly still stands sturdy.)
vil takes a hold of your shoulders before reaching his hands upwards to tilt your face around. "you should have sent earlier," he says. you keep in the comment that you were sleeping during it, and you told him about it during second period so.. "your face is so pale."
you sigh.
"yeah, I just saw. I know, I look hideous right now."
vil frowns at you, stopping to angle your face at him. "don't ever say that. I always find you beautiful even if you are.." he glances at you from face to toe, then back up. "sickly."
"... I feel offended."
"hmph, shush now. let me draw you a bath then I know something that will boost your system."
after much coaxing in his end, you reluctantly take a warm bath in the hopefully hygienic bathroom. true to his word, vil did... concoct something. though it looked pretty the random steam that flew from it was really suspicious.
the residents don't dare to question, except rook of course. who already knew what transpired! :)
epel: πŸ˜ƒ (atleast vil wasn't around.)
"roi du poison~ tell me, tell me! is the trickster well? have you cured them with your love?"
"rook, you have 5 seconds to get out of my face."
rook giggles away.
kalim (thinks money will buy anything, including your forgiveness.)
"here!" there's a suspiciously bright smile on his face as he hands you.. some keys?
you deadpan, jingling it in your hands. it weighs heavy than the average, probably because of the fact that it's literally made of gold. "... kalim what is this?" you emit a sigh, from suspicion and concern.
"a gift!"
"wait why does it say lot 111--"
as you can already, that was an actual, literal house. which you imagine would probably be a lots more grand, and new compared to your old baby ramshackle.
but you do love it despite it's love for falling apart at the most inconvenient of times..
fighting with kalim was rare but it was hard to even argue with him because the notion of disagreements are so bizarre to him that he unintentionally doesn't treat you seriously with your concerns, accidentally downplaying them aaaand now you're upset.
after the ranting to jamil about how you must be busy with a lot, since you haven't even talked to him in the past 2 days. all it took was a side glance to his friend in denial and jamil immediately knew.
"what do you mean they're mad!? D:"
"just.. go apologize, I don't want to get caught up in this."
if his definition of an apology is buying you an entire house...
( ^ it is btw.)
kalim really doesn't mean any harm. he just really wants to sate whatever anger you held for him <- maybe he's overthinking it but it's kalim so he's 99% sure it's his fault! even though it hasn't even been confirmed from your end he'd probably accept it whole heartedly.
he wanted you to talk to him again so badly that he wouldn’t mind showering you with houses... since your living situation doesn't live up to your kindness (sorry ramshackle love u xx)
you know what. he wouldn't even notice he's the reason you're upset at first even though he's been asking around on who put you in that mood. despite himself being the perpetrator but he didn't really know that did he?
the only reason he does is because he assumed you were just because you avoided him like some sort of.. cockroach! (he dislikes those.) and he couldn't take it anymore.
was probably 1 sec away from barging into your dorm which wouldn't take a lot of effort since one ram to the door would probably break it.
bless jamil for jailing all the carpets so kalim doesn't find them.
even if said carpets fling him off when he's riding them.
"kalim, why would you buy a literal house... and you also got a rare address paid--"
"for them! ;D"
"... you do know they'd be more offended by the fact that you'd try to replace that.., ahem. dorm, right?"
"oh... should I buy them a vehicle then?"
you only promise to forgive him once he takes back the keys, and the house entirely...
(grim begged you to keep it, 'house for him apparently.')
azul (keeps trying to offer you discounts thinking it's a good excuse to have you over.)
"I assure you. you'll find no deal better than this."
"I'm not even that hungry for sea food, actually I'm craving some--"
"you're in luck then! ahem, it's 26% off due to a special event for today."
pro tip: keep insisting to eat at other places cause he's gonna keep increasing the discount by 2% until you eventually relent. once, you made him go to the point of 75% off, it's almost hilarious if not for the fact it only worked once.
now he won't go last 50!
ahem. if you look closely you can almost spot tiny cracks accumulating with each denial you respond with, and each increase of his discount. he's grown to be wary about the bullshit 'lucky' promos you just happen to stumble on.
last time you did he practically lost a week's worth of the presumed income he's predicted cause you actually went around and told your first year friends about it... who.. in turn told some, other friends of theirs about it and you could guess.
love must hurt.. and unfortunately it's his wallet wailing.
but azul is not so easily swayed by this! for you have swayed him first! *wink wonk*
but azul has another trick up his sleeve... keeping on roping jade and floyd into it; whom are far too enthusiastic cause finallyβ€” something fun to do! someone to bother! not only have you got the most stubborn octopus having frequent suspicious 'deals' but here are his equally suspicious lackeys.
who keeps.. talking about fried octopus..
yeah, you're not sure if preaching about azul’s species is the job they were assigned.
they're fairly easy to point in the right direction anyways. the tweels have always associated you with the word 'fun' so just a little, friendly suggestion from and they were off to their merry way. mortifying every single person you come across with their sudden attachment.
one of their tricks? following you around. and just somehow, every single place you enter is just mysteriously full even though you peered inside and there was like 7 tables empty. what are they hosting? ghosts? spirits?
they do look like they've seen some though..
jade rn: "a shame indeed, you must be hungry. why don't we escort you back to monstro lounge?" :)
long story short you can't even reply cause the sleek eel is already guiding you around by the use of his hands on your shoulders. just to make sure you don't stray away from the destination, he says.
"didn't you say that yesterday's promo was like, a one day thing?" you quirk a brow, and you almost fool yourself into thinking he flinched.
azul clears his throat. "wellβ€”today is.. the month before you've graced octavinelle with your assistanceβ€”"
he praises himself for his quick thinking.
COME ON! it doesn't matter if you're sick of eating stir fried shrimp, or the butter one, or every single dish they serve that includes shrimp! (also do not mention that you ate somewhere else before you just decide to visit his dorm because that establishment just mysteriously got filed a non-legal business report.)
then you've got floyd chasing you around with a fork. which is more terrifying because he's holding it in a notion that would seem like he'd just stab down at you when he catches up with your little goose chase.
it's just.. you're not sure if your stomach could take another bite of the poor food he stabbed into, and is now chasing you around with.
you screech. "JADE PLEASE."
the man shrugs. "it's a free taste."
"... only on a condition of course."
frankly. it took all the balls he had to actually sputter out the most simplest sentence ever, cause during the time he rehearsed that in front of his mirror it just plagued him with embarrassment but he's getting desperate.
'I'd like to take you out to dinner, somewhere else of course.'
actually, maybe obliterating any possible craving for the food of his lounge just might've been part of his plans to ask you out..?
leona (prevents you from actually being productive via dragging you down to 'nap' every. single. time.)
"I will literally fail if you don't let go of me right now."
"hmph. so what? it's not like failing a grade killed anyone."
"leona just because you've lived through a lot of fails doesn't mean I have to, we're not all rich enough to not finish school."
to which he'd retaliate that all you'd need is to marry him and you'd be set for life.
there is no winning an argument with leona when it comes to his naps. if he states that you're to be next to him as he sleeps, its final. no buts, no retaliations, cause apparently they're all invalid according to him even if you drag him to court.
rhetorically of course, that if its a comical court scene his only statements are; 'well you're wrong', 'who cares', and 'i dont care'. one way or another he's still gonna win you over and now you're fit snugly in his arms, lamenting.
and if crowley chastises you for not doing the errands (via leona's common interference.) the only thing you need to honestly do is to complain to leona about it and suddenly crowley has the kindness to forgive you for your 'laziness' then says something about enjoying your time together?
leona's work no doubt.
you suppose he does has its perks. even if most of it isn't exactly ideal.
if you're being smart then you should give him an ultimatum or something, or bribe him. but... that really has no guarantee to work either cause you're ending up defeated, or just defeated and flustered since he's somehow unconsciously flirty.
at the end of the day you can't really hate him cause the following day you find out he sent an already sleep deprived ruggie to do your work. 'so you can shut your fussing up and let me enjoy you.' he says, and you quote.
it goes something like;
"if i finish my work i'll stick by you all day."
a stready flow of confidence keeps your voice firm as you glower down at the blank-faced leona sat on the grass. he merely tilts his head, raising a brow at you and seemingly pondering from the way his eyes fly to the sky.
you'd think that maybe your plan actually worked but he merely grunts and flops backwards, holding the back of his head with his palms as he laid. and! he ignores you.
...this little greedy man... "why should i care whether or not you finish your work?" he huffs, like the evil, arrogant spawn he is but you can't really defend yourself cause said evil spawn bewitched you so much that you actually still like him.
"because you care about me?"
"...fine," he scowls, releasing a breath you'd mistake for irritation. "then, do you really think i need you to finish your work when i can just keep you right here?"
you sulk. "i'll do anything you want?"
he deadpans as if you said something stupid. "i don't need you to anything else but sit still and be pretty."
see what i mean about him eventually winning you over? yeah.
next morning there's a rebellion in savanaclaw about overworked residents and ruggie is the head of them.
"he said that he doesn't need you today." <- ruggie, steering you away.
"really?" <- you, confused
riddle (overthinks TOO HARD.)
β€œI'm just a little busy.”
β€œI understand,” riddle says.
β€œI'm just a little busy.” he understands.
β€œa little busy.” its just… a small thought…
β€œI'm just busy.” his mind is a hazard at this point.Β 
for someone as supposedly maintained as riddleβ€”you'd think his mind is as composed as it is organized. like the pens you'd perfectly align in correlation to order of colors, or the neat pile of clothing folded neatly, tucked in some corner in your closet that is farther in since it's used less.
that's just how he is, or at least seems to be. a bundle of organized thoughts, every thought connected to another. a mind too clean to be going on haywire (when he isn't in a particular mood, that is.)
you're just busy. he thinks. you said it yourself, with that agonizingly nice smile that must be sprinkled with some kind of spell from the way it just eradicated all the protests in his throat upon sight. he isn't one to question it, he wants to help but not if you don't ask.
he can only stare with resigned acceptance at your insomnia induced eyes.
but when the curtain of darkness befalls night raven college, even in the comfort of heartslabyul is he still thinking about that thought–and he can’t help but wonder; why exactly are you busy? its not that he’s suddenly hyper aware of your lack of presence since you’ve been attached to the hip the previous week and now you’re just.
riddle likes to think of himself as a level-headed, private person. like the boy he raised himself to be and therefore proud of. but its way past 10AM. which is usually the time he sleeps, and let me tell you that he’s never once broke the cycle for years. yet here he is, a frown of frustration present on his face as he wills his mind to sleep.
somehow closing his eyes felt forced, he immediately snapped them open once his mind decides to conjure an image of you even in the darkness his lids offers.
and the yell promptly woke up the entire dorm from the ferocity of his scream. (and of course gave them the flashback of their year.)
that night was one of the worst he’s ever had because he woke up with red rimmed eyes and a pounding headache that ensured his bad mood the rest of the day.
everyone noted to steer clear.
and he unknowingly steered clear of yours since you were β€˜busy.’
β€œwhy are you sulking?” a voice queried, spoken as though they were eating something as they asked. a reprimand rises in his throat, but it all just dies down once his sharp eyes settle on you, slipping into the seat in front of him then raising a brow and the traces of irritation practically evaporates from his eyes.
he feels the need to cough–so he does. β€œi’m– i’m not.” he clears his throat, avoiding your eyes but still sneaking in glances, something he notes is that you’re still looking everytime he does. (and boring an unimpressed face because he knows you don’t believe him at all.)
guilt rises in his mind, because he feels a slither of annoyance and its the presence of pettiness that bothers him. riddle knows you’re not at fault, just his mind at convincing that you just somehow decided in the span of a day that you might not like him anymore–so he can’t help the bite.Β 
β€œwhy are you here?” a glance not intended to look mean.
β€œi thought you were busy.” he adds.
your brows raise, he spots your teeth holding your lips back from showing your grin and he feels warm. β€œwhat?” he hisses defensively, despite you not even having replied to him yet.
he leans backwards, straightening up in his seat when your chin leans forward, resting on your intertwined fingers. you flash him a smile.Β 
β€œmr. rosehearts, are you perhaps… sulking because i’m busy?”
β€œno.” he repeats, weaker.
β€œwell,” you continue, beaming. β€œi heard from ace that you were awake the entire night, and that you kept him awake too. are you alright?” 
he sputters. β€œit wasn’t because of you!”
you snort. β€œi didn’t even say anything about me.”
so you incline to following riddle around, poking fun at him and still trailing after the seemingly enraged red head because despite his angry protests, demanding you to go away because you’re annoying he keeps glancing back to see if you’ll follow,
so cute…….
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oncomingnight Β· 5 months
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Ezra was the guitarist of the well known five-man group, 'Corrupted Minds'. He co-founded the band during the early 1980's alongside his good friend, their creativity resulting in the group growing to five and gaining a prominent title in the rock scene. Not only that, some notoriety also bubbled up due to several instances regarding band mates brawling with hecklers or other members of popular rock/alternative groups.
Ezra could be some as an intimidating man of some sorts, but that assumption was only built upon his darkly framed appearance, never the actions he went through with, whether they were committed in public or private. He was known as the calmer one of the bunch, despite the lewd, sometimes even frightening tattoos that adorned his body and the quite obvious fact that he had his fair share of lace and leather decorated groupies.
Expanding on his charming behavior, he's extremely keen on keeping up with you. In other words, he's incredibly attentive towards your likes, dislikes, wants and needs. Even during your first meeting, it was severely apparent that he was it for you, he seemed to understand you as astronomers do the sky. He can't remember any other time where he's felt as protective over anything as he is over you, the mere thought of anyone disturbing your peace drives him up the wall.
Back on the topic of the band gaining some notoriety owed to many fights that the group had involvement in, most of the brawls were in your defense. There were a handful of low quality videos that circulated during the early 80's showing Ezra ferociously pounding his fists against whoever offended you at the time. Any articles depicting the horrific injuries the person suffered, their dozens of stitches or police reports are immediately wiped off by the band's management.
He's quite shameless when it comes to his tactics he uses when proving not only his love but devotion towards you. In his opinion, there's nothing to apologize or feel sympathy for when he hasn't done anything wrong. Anyone that says they wouldn't commit 'crimes' or step outside of their moral beliefs for their lover are either lying or are complete cowards.
His words not mine.
You're constantly by his side which in turn results in you spending quite a large amount of time with the rest of the band as well. He's extremely fond of having you around the studio or venue while they're either recording or rehearsing, especially if you give him a congratulatory kiss after he finishes a show.
Ezra strongly believes that you saved him from the haunting thoughts that clouded his mind as well as his unfaltering addictions to several substances. Your boisterous laugh, the unwavering gleam you have in your eye while looking up at him, the way you tightly hold onto him (even in your sleep), how proud you seem to be after he does something he's never been praised for.
No one has loved him the way you do.
"you know, you're my reason for changing, I'm not like who I used to be." He's no longer self destructive, he no longer believes he deserves ever demeaning glare or degrading term thrown at him for a simple mistake he's made. You make him feel normal, which he's never felt for most of his life. Not only that, but you make him feel as though he's truly worth loving, sure, he's had girls tell him how amazing he is in the past but it meant nothing coming from them. After all, they were only a fleeting moment, they weren't here to stay as long as it was up to him.
Despite how emotional he can be, he isn't always like that. He's an extremely confident man that smirks in acknowledgment of his reputation when the time calls for it.
He is very soft spoken even when saying something with an aggressive tone. Nothing could ever make him raise his voice at you, the only time he comes close to it is when you were in a dangerous situation. Though he raises his voice, it's never directed at you and he always expresses his anger in mutters. There are several instances where he has gotten into a bar fight because someone mentioned you during an argument just to set him off. Ezra isn't afraid to use anything near him as a weapon in a blind rage, whether it be shot glasses, whiskey bottles, his boot against their face, his fists, his fingers reaching to gouge their eyes out.
"stupid son of a bitch, thinkin' he can just throw that bottle over here...almost hittin' you."
He believes that you deserve only the best in absolutely every sense. Ezra is the type of boyfriend soon to be husband to spoil you every single day. Whether it be with gifts, dinner or trips, it really doesn't matter, he'll give you anything you ask for. Though, he knows you're far too cautious and shy to outright ask him, he purchases everything he knows you'll take an extreme liking to without you having to say anything.
Ezra is really touchy when it comes to you and he doesn't feel the slightest bit of shame over that. His silver ring covered hands circle around your waist whenever you're sitting on his lap, spooning with him or if he's just hugging you from behind as you cook a meal for the both of you.
On the topic of cooking, one of his favorite places is in the kitchen, it's basically in his top three.
1. By your side
2. On stage
3. In your shared kitchen
He absolutely adores watching your face with intense intent as you take a bite out of the pesto pasta he made with ingredients from your shared garden.
His band members quite obviously noticed how much of a good change you were for Ezra's character, he seemed to be much more open to talking in interviews than he was before, he's smoking a lot less, he doesn't even touch alcohol anymore, if anything, he's disgusted by it. He wants to be better for you. Another example is that you guys have a garden together for fuck's sake, who would've thought THE Ezra Taylor would be tending to a garden while also being tied down to the love of his life. Though, they're not complaining, as a matter of fact, they're glad to see him so radiant. They also frequent your house to taste test Ezra's newest recipes, they mainly want to eat the cooking you whip up when they come over, they swear you make the best dessert.
Ezra is an extreme fanatic of anything involving horror to the point where he collects horror game instruction manuals, graphic manga, dvds and photograph/art books created by his favorite horror writers and directors.
He always talks about you during podcasts he's featured on or interviews involving other members of the band. They'll often jump in on what he's saying about you, often adding in, "He's absolutely whipped, man. He doesn't even hide it!" "I've never seen him like this before, you know? It's nice, though." "Y/n is a nice fit for him, she's a sweetheart and she's always here to support him." He gets extremely happy when he's able to converse to whoever will listen on the topic of you, "yeah, i just really love her, man. She showed me just how great I can really be and i try to show her just how much i truly love her every second of every day. She deserves it."
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tabbyrocks Β· 9 months
Original heaven concept by little ol' me!!
okay so recently I binged the entirety of good omens and thought "hey wouldn't it be so cool if I made my own version of heaven for AU's and stuff" so here we are.
The social hierarchy and wing clipping.
there is no such thing as hell. hell is a myth used to scare human children into behaving. Heaven has no need for hell due to them already having their own method for punishing angels that disrupt the flow of things.
the punishment is clipping the offenders' wings.
because, you see, angel feathers don't grow back. when an angel's wings are clipped, they lose their ability to fly.
flight, for angels, is a sign of holiness, purity and all that good stuff. So, when an angel's wings are clipped, they fall significantly down the social higharchy.
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(social higharchy chart I made)
Shunning and mistreatment of other angels would usually get you in big trouble, but clipped angels are the exception. this is why hell does not exist. the true punishment is being hated.
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(random wing clipping chart I found on google)
The amount of wing clipped depends on the crime. Partial clips are for lesser crimes while full clips are for the relatively bad ones.
of course, crimes in the context of heaven are things that would be very minor on earth. like lying, questioning gods will, jealousy ect.
Fae / Faeries
Even though hell doesn't exist, angels still have enemies. and Faeries are one of them.
Fae live on earth. they have no rules, and just do whatever they want. most the time, they cause chaos. they love messing with humans, but they especially love messing with angels whenever they happen to be performing any sort of earthly duties assigned to them.
The fae also believe in wing symbolism. their wings, to them, are a sign of freedom. but angels think that their bug-like wings are dirty and impure.
Humanity and the afterlife.
since hell doesn't exist, humans are resurrected. if the person who died was good, they are resurrected into a more well-off body (born into wealth, no disabilities or illnesses etc.) and the opposite for those who were bad.
but there is a special exception to people who were, well, exceptionally good. their soul is taken from the loop, and they become angels, they will just have no memory of their human life.
a few more important details i should mention
Angels all have jobs to do. high angels lead the bigger jobs, like creating things. things like new planets, animals, and even new angels. sometimes they will let normal angels work with them, as helpers. clipped angels still have the jobs that normal angels have, they just aren't allowed to work with high angels.
Baby angels don't exist. Angels are created for a purpose, so it wouldn't make sense for them to need to develop physically or mentally. this also means that angels don't reproduce and are completely asexual. (This means they don't have sexual organs either. built like a ken doll.)
even though faeries don't follow any rules, its relatively frowned upon to befriend an angel.
angels and fae can both shapeshift, they just have a main form they stick to for comfort purposes.
an angel's wings are a permanent part of their form, which means they can't shapeshift them to be normal if they are clipped. they can hide them though. this doesn't apply to fae.
angel wings are ALWAYS white. fae wings can be any color as long as they still are somewhat see-through. Fae wings can't be butterfly-ish or moth-ish, because the clear bug wing is a defining trait of a fae.
angels, from the moment they are created, are taught that sin is bad (duh) and that's mainly why clipped angels are hated, everyone is just brainwashed basically.
High angels often have another pair of smaller, decorative wings somewhere on their body to show their status. the more wings, the more important they are. If the angel has to get its wings clipped, the extra pair of wings are simply removed. this leaves a scar.
Fae kind of just come from the ground, while Angels are sculpted from clay. (so technically they both come from the ground) When an angel's form is completed, holy water is dumped on the statue to bring it "to life" (important note, holy water can only be created by god)
Angels bleed grey, like watered down clay. if an angel loses a limb, it can be reconstructed with clay. holy water must be dumped onto the limb once it's attached for it to, well, not be clay anymore.
Since angels are sculpted, limbs or new wings must be attached by scoring the area first (scoring is a pottery thing. its where you have to scratch up the parts of the clay you want to attach something to so the clay sticks better).
alright, that's all of it! if you use this idea for any ocs or aus PLEASE credit me.
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simgerale Β· 2 years
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the sun sets as crickets start to sing.
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my-misplaced-stew Β· 2 years
The mercs + Miss Pauling and what pets they would have
I was given this idea by my lovely friend who has no idea this blog is a tf2 x reader blog
TW: Ask to tag
A dog! Yes it's been said a million times but it's right! He's a very high energy guy and needs a pet that can keep up. I can imagine him with any kind of dog really, but if I were to specify I'd say a Boarder Collie. They are very high energy dogs who love to run around and I feel like he would love it. He would probably name it Spot or something along those lines.
Any kind of reptile but most likely a snake! Snakes love heat and would love Pyro, they would stick to him like a magnet. Pyro would probably pick a ball python because they're just so cuute! They love to snuggle up with their little snake after battle and watch them slither around. Pyro would totally name them Noodles because why would an animal look so much like a noodle? Its destiny!
He already has his raccoons but I think he would find a little baby skunk one day and add it to his army. Everyone is worried about it stinking up the base but Soldier reassures them that it will only spray those to un-American! That doesn't reassure anyone. But he keeps his word and surprisingly no one has been sprayed. The little guy's name is Sargent Nibbles! Because the little cutie just loves to chew on Soldiers fingers.
He would want something that didn't need attention 24/7. So he gets a black cat! He believes the myths surrounding black cats are just scary stories and the little kitties shouldn't be so hated. Heavy is very good at naming his guns but couldn't seem to think of a name that suited the little cat. So he just calls her Kitty. He loves it when he sits down to read a book then Kitty jumps up and immediately starts purring. Her fur is so soft he can't believe it! But every now and then he does get startled by a black mass with two glowing eyes staring at him in the middle of the night.
He doesn't have much time for a high maintenance pet, so he gets a hermit crab! He keeps the tank in his workshop since that's where he is most of the time. He makes sure the tank is up to par so the little guy can live comfortably. Sometimes he just sits in front of the tank to watch it scuttle around just to relax. He probably names it something normal like Dave or something really weird like Bike Pedal [B.P for short]. When it comes time for it to change shells he alwasy makes sure it has options that are big enough for it.
Demo loves aquatic creatures, so he gets a Fire-bellied toad. He wanted something that could keep him company while making his bombs or just relaxing. A main reason he got a toad is because it looked super cool and he had been wanting a pet for a while. Names the little guy Fireball because of his stomach is a bright fire red. When hes drunk hes alwasy mesmerized by Fireball's movements. It's just crazy how such a tiny little toad can jump around so much!
He already has his doves and he has his baboon if you count that as a pet. He doesn't exactly have the time to take care of a cat or a dog so he decides on a bunch of fish. Mainly exotic fish in a massive tank he has built into a wall. He cleans the tank on a regular basis, makes sure to feed then when necessary and decorates the tank with items that match their natural environment. He doesn't name all them because he believes it's unnecessary to name them.
I think he would have a bird. I'm not sure what kind of bird but he would have one. He loves the thing to death. I like to think hes terrible at naming stuff, especially pets, so he just called it Birdie. Often talks with Medic about how to care for birds because he knows the basics but needs some advice sometimes. If Birdie ever got hurt or sick Sniper would be running straight to Medic. He's hesitant about bringing Birdie to Medic but no one else really knows how to care for a bird so he just deals with it.
Everyone expects Spy to get a cat or maybe those dogs old women keep in their purse but he has a pair of rats. He finds the "rodents" adorable and surprisingly have simple care routine. He doesn't mind if they climb on him while he wears his suit, one of the few things he doesn't mind on his suit. He named them after his favorite flowers, Wisteria and Daffodil. He makes sure he spends lots of time with them and makes sure their cage is spacious with tons of enrichment for when hes not there.
Miss Pauling
I cant really imagine her with a pet. Even if she didn't work for the Administrator I dont think she would have a pet. But let's say she did have a pet. I feel like she would take excellent care of it, spend time and love the hell out of it. She would name it something like Blue despite the animal not even being blue.
[Sorry for Miss Paulings part being so short, I will try to write more for her next time]
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nestable Β· 3 years
Bring it on Home to me by Sam Cooke is on of my favorite songs in the word and I highly recommend you go have a listen if you havent heard it, I promise you wont regret it. I was listening to it the other day and instantly thought of how these lyrics resonated with nessian, cassian more especially and couldn't resist writing this fic. Just a little soft, SFW, domestic Nessian. πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜­
"Nes." Cassian groaned as he rolled closer to her side of the bed. "Nesta?"
After being met with stark silence, Cassian outstretched his hand only for it to collapse onto cold sheets.
No Nesta, he realized with a start.
Though he and his Nesta have been mated for some months now, all of which have been without an incident, he can't help but worry.
Each night he reassures himself with the knowledge of their bond, the heat of her body pressed against his own, the words of love and loyalty she ensures he hears everyday, that she is safe and finally happy.
Not miserable and balancing on the cusp of oblivion where he found her last year. Juggling between drowning her sorrows and indulging in sub-par sex just to feel something, just to deny the connection they share because she felt that she wasnt worthy of him. No, that was all over now, but he can't help when the memories resurface.
The memory of Nesta writhing and arched in her bed as silver flames wreathed her body like a shroud. The screams of pain and anguish that left her lips only to be swallowed by starless night and Deaths flames. How the very mountain trembled beneath their feet, bracing itself for the potential explotion that Cassian could sense building up. Somehow he knew that Velaris would've been crumpled to dust that night and become a fond memory. He felt it in his gut. Just the same way he felt her night terrors take hold of her for her powers to bask in centre stage. And in the same breath, he also felt that he could stop it. Whether that was pure male arrogance or the suspicion of the bond that lay between them, that was yet to be found. And it was...the moment her powers seized in intensity when he said her name. Once, twice, just enough for Rhys to gain control and save them all.
No, he would never forget that and he'd be damned if it were to happen again and catch him in a helpless position as the first time he witnessed the extent of her power. A power that mostly returned back to the Cauldron, only to be replaced by 3 Dread troves and the Mothers favour. A different sort of threat perhaps. One sweeter, kinder, even benign from what he's witnessed.
Nesta barely speaks about the power the same way she did with her Cauldron gifts. She reassures him that these were different, these she understands and smiled every time he enquired about her connection with the Mother. He wishes to know more, his body yearns for it, but his mate has always loved surprises.
Cassian threw on a pair of his undershorts before leaving his and Nestas new room. Though the House of Wind has become their shared abode, its ill advised to walk around naked with the possibility of Azriel becoming an unwilling spectator with his prowling around the halls in the dead of night like he's been doing for the past year.
Cassian loves his brother, sometimes more than kin normally do, he believes sometimes, but he'll never forgive him for that night he ruined his birthday night when he walked in on Nesta modelling her new negligee in the library. He's never jumped from one intense emotion to another so quickly. Blinded by the red lace of her silk garments only to see red of a different kind when the blue of Azriels siphon opened the door.
The territorial male part of him nearly took over that night and he was inclined to let it ride him had Nesta not winnowed them to their room and pushed him onto the bed. The anger, the curiosity he had as to how Nesta was able to winnow around the House when no one else could were obscured then turned insignificant by the view of Nesta sitting astride on his thighs.
Cassian followed the music swimming through the hall which brought him to a new lounge area that didn't present itself in the centuries that he's been living here until Nesta inherited the place.
Many new things have made their presence known and sprung to life since Nestas made the House her home. Hidden rooms have materialized, troves have opened and a gorgeous garden has flourished on the top of the mountain. As if in preparation of someone, or little someone's who might need it.
Cassian isn't blind to the fact that the House makes things available according to Nestas hopes, dreams and wishes. All of which make Cassian excited for the future and a forever with his mate even more.
Nesta was leaning against the cream white wall that she and Cassian painted just last night, holding an A2 canvas painting in both hands. He couldn't decipher her facial expression or read some of the wild thoughts that were evidently bouncing around her head as Nesta was inclined to raising her mental walls to him when she was stressed. He'd once asked why and she told him that she didnt want to plague him with her problems. Didnt want to bother him. Little did she know that Cassian was built for her, problems and all. Nothing about Nesta could bother him. Not even the parts that bothered her.
"Hi." He whispered which startled Nesta before she composed herself. For her to be so drawn into her thoughts that she didnt notice him approaching, instantly put him on edge him.
"Hi." She said, plastering a lazy smile onto her face.
Cassian took that as an invitation to enter. His eyes swept across the room, taking in the organized clutter. From the closed boxes filling the lounge, the half hung snow white gossamer curtains blowing in from the open balcony, to the slightly dusty white marble tiles that were installed just last week.
Cassian was a bit skeptical when Nesta told him of her plans to decorate this room in all white. White cushions, white couches, white walls, white flower arrangements, white chandeliers and white fur carpets felt like a fever dream to Cassian, but now that it's all coming to life, he can see the vision of beauty that Nesta had in mind. A vision not only limited to this lounge but the entire House of Wind that Nesta will decorate herself with the input of the House itself to revitalize the place. All of which will be paid for by Rhys.
How the Cauldron matched him to such a female, not mere female but god, he'll never know. All he can do is be grateful and work to be worthy and deserve the gift to draw breath in her presence.
Now that Nestas accepted her Human emissary role and is the courts newly appointed courtier, she's recieving the same fat salary like the rest of the IC, but Cassian doubts that Rhysand will ever let Nesta access her funds because he insists on paying for everything for her. Which goes to show that Rhys' gratitude for Nesta runs very far. Or guilt, or both.
What Nesta did for Feyre, Nyx and Rhys was something that couldnt be described with words. She saved their lives and in doing so the entire court. Rhys failed to tell his family about him and Feyres decision and never left a plan of action to follow after his death. Had he died, the role of High Lord could've fallen to anyone. Probably Keir or one of Mors detestable brothers because they are Rhys closest male blood relatives. What they would've done to Velaris, done to the entire court....Cassian seldom contemplates that. Nestas sacrifice and mercy saved them all and in doing so, opened herself to a higher form of being that is yet to be seen.
"What are you doing up so late?"
"I had a lot on my mind. I couldn't sleep so I decided to come and get this room in order." She explained, flipping her golden brown hair over her shoulder.
"What's been on your mind?" Cassian asked casually, taking a step closer.
He'd have embraced her and held her against his chest if it weren't for the massive painting in her hands. A painting that he can feel is the source of all her trepidation.
Nesta bit her lip before turning the canvas toward him and placing it in his hands. "Feyre finally finished that and it was delivered yesterday afternoon. I was too afraid to open it then- but I figured that I wouldn't be able to sleep until I saw it."
At first glance, anyone would assume that the muse was Nesta. From the steel eyes to the clear skin and poise in the pose. But upon further inspection, the age of the woman, the beauty spot beneath her right eye and slight darker tresses reveals the truth.
"This is your mother..." Cassian said lowly. The weight of the image, not the canvas itself but the obvious memories, pain and loss the painting held settled on him.
"Was." She uttered a bit sharply. Her throat bobbing up and down.
Cassians eyes darted between Nesta and the painting. Surprise and admiration pouring into him in droves. Her sisters did mention more than once that Nesta is their mothers spitting image, but this...it was as though the same person had been born twice.
"You stole her whole face." He chuckled, bringing a sweet curve to Nestas lip.
"I know...I know." She shrugged.
Cassian lay the painting carefully against the wall then wrapped his arms around his mates shoulders. Her own found their home around his waist as she rested her chin atop his chest so that their eyes could meet.
If it were a few months ago, a year, she would've furiously blinked away the tears that have settled in her eyes, or rejected their proximity entirely. Only to retain a semblance of control that shes strived so hard to maintain. But now shes opened herself to him entirely. Made him a part of both her happiness and pain, loss and gain, victories and failure. Just as their mating vows ordered.
"Talk to me." He whispered, dragging his fingers through her hair.
"I- I just...I know that my mother was not the best of mothers, nor did she love us in the ways that a mother should but....but that doesn't make me love her any less. She might've trained me instead of raised me, saw me as a ticket to wealth and leisure or lived vicariously through me but she was still my mother." Her tears fell down her cheeks as if a damn had been broken. "There were good moments as well as bad and I'm not going to pretend that she was never loving or good to me. Elain and Feyre might've forgotten her, but I can't... I wont."
Cassian lowered his head to press soft kisses to her cheeks where her tears left stains. "I know." He murmured. "You dont share the same memories as Elain and Feyre, it's only natural that you saw her much differently and remember her in a better light than they do." He rubbed feather light circles on the back of her neck in an attempt to assuage her from her pain.
"It broke my heart when I walked through Feyres house that day and didn't see a piece of myself or her. It felt like I was being erased, forgotten. Now I've found my place in that hall but she hasn't. I couldn't allow that to happen. I couldn't let her be erased just like that."
"And she wont be, not if you will it. I'll remember her with you." Cassians lips found Nestas and before they knew it, the couple found themselves descending into a deep kiss that only a mating bond could conjure.
"You know that's one of the reasons I love you?" He stated, to which Nesta replied with a raised brow. "Your compassion, your massive heart, your loyalty... these are all qualities that you motivate me to pursue everyday. You've kept your soft side hidden for a long time and now we're starting to see it." She smiled. By far the most beautiful sight he's ever seen. "That sweet love. Just bring it on home to me."
A giggle was shared between them as soon as the words left his mouth. The lyrics of a song, their song, that came on the day of their mating ceremony that they had on repeat for 2 hours straight. Cassian had never heard a song that spoke to him and his experience with love the way that one did. One that Nesta knew would speak to his very marrow and chose not to warn him in advance, only to see his reaction.
"You're insufferable." She said, only to hug him tighter and lay her head on his chest.
"Well then you're going to have to get used to it, Nes. We only have forever left together."
Just when Cassian expected Nesta to respond, the soft melody of a piano begun in the corner of the room from Nesta symphoniam, followed by the ever true lyrics that might've been written for them, that might as well have been their wedding and mating vows.
If you ever change your mind
About leaving, leaving me behind
Baby, bring it to me
Bring your sweet loving
Bring it on home to me
Yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah)
Nesta begun the dance. Cassian followed with no hesitation. Though it was a far cry from the pulsating waltz they'd done in Hewn city or other court events thereafter. It was far more intimate, passionate. Just a sway of the hips and foot movements that reforged and strengthened the golden bond that surged through them on Winter Solstice and polished it to a shimmer. Their bond was not a mere tether, not a chain. It was a rainbow. Shimmering through storms and sunny days. It didnt only make its presence known or surge when they were in the throes of passion, it became more sentient when they were upset with each other. It was the musical and colourful road that led mate back to mate. Self back to self.
I know I laughed when you left
But now I know I only hurt myself
Baby, bring it to me
Bring your sweet loving
Bring it on home to me
Yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah)
His heart cracked at the words and the truth they carry. The memories when they were so at odds with each other that they could barely be in the same room longer than necessary. The nights when he thought the immense sadness and grief at the prospect of losing her entirely would drown him and suffocate him. When he wished that he could rip his heart out of his chest only to get a reprieve from his anguish. Anguish he attempted to expunge with throwing himself into work and training only to realize that the further they moved from one another, the further they moved from themselves.
As if Nesta could hear and feel those memories, she held onto him tighter. This female, his tether to reality, his anchor, the tree that was able to weather a thunderstorm that left the land decimated only to come back and continue to grow with fruits and flowers on display for all to see.
I'll give you jewellery and money, too
That ain't all, that ain't all I'll do for you
Oh, if you bring it to me
Bring your sweet loving
Bring it on home to me
Yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah)
Cassian knew that from the moment he met Nesta, there was nothing in the world that he wouldn't do for her. Nothing too out of reach that if she should request, he would give. He was already hers in mind, body and soul. Their bond might've snapped into being after she emerged from the cauldeon, but the draw he felt toward her was infinite. Like their souls were made from the same essence but placed on earth in different time periods so that they know life without the other, to appreciate being together more.
You know I'll always be your slave
'Til I'm buried, buried in my grave
Oh honey, bring it to me
Bring your sweet loving
Bring it on home to me
Yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah)
Cassian held up Nestas hand so that he may look upon the wedding and mating band. She requested that she have both and went to the best jeweler in Velaris to fuse both choices so that they sit as one on her finger. Both were made of rose gold, the slimmer wedding ring was imbued with three tanzanite diamonds and the larger mating band sports just one giant diamond that would need it's own security team. Cassian knew his mate loved nice things and made him pay a pretty penny to get it. He'd do again if only to see the stars that twinkled in her eyes when they chose the bands at the jeweler.
He looked at his own jeweled finger. A simple silver band that stood out more than he expected it to. He wanted to get black carbon fiber but Nesta threatened not to speak to him again if he had. Now he can't stop looking at it. He loves how it makes an appearance even though he's bedecked in full illyrian armour. He'll never forget the swell of pride he felt when his soldiers eyes zoned in on the piece of metal that could've easily been obscured by the red siphon that rests atop his hand, but chose to stand out and make its presence known. A symbol of his immature bachelorhood dead and gone, giving life to a new stage in his life. A stage he's waited for longer than he cares to admit.
He remembers using the word 'shackled' when describing his mating bond with Nesta when he was upset with her, but now that word seems appropriate. If the pieces of metal sitting on their matching fingers are the shackles of which he spoke, then he'd wear his shackles with pride.
One more thing
I tried to treat you right
But you stayed out, stayed out at night
But I forgive you, bring it to me
Bring your sweet loving
Bring it on home to me
Yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah)
Cassian rarely thinks about the time they spent apart. When resentment, self punishment and grief pulled them apart only because those memories are nothing in comparison to the centuries he spent without her.
Living life believing the words of the ignorant and seeing oneself as a inferior and undeserving of the love that he relishes in now. The love that has somehow wiped away centuries of self hate and lack of self awareness. He figures that the reason why he used to be the first to throw himself into deadly missions were all desperate plea to prove himself, to put it into stone that he isn't a mere worthless bastard but is someone worthy of respect. But now his outlook has completely shifted. He is no longer living only for himself, but for another. He remembers the blind terror he felt when he thought that Nesta was swallowed by the black water in the Bog, or how she screamed when she thought that she lost him on Mount Ramiel.
He doesnt want either of them to go through that again. To be without the other. To feel that their very heart was ripped out of their chest, when both had taken permanent residence in the other.
He saw how Feyre reacted when Rhys died, and heard when Rhys screamed when Feyre was on deaths doorstop. The mere thought of Nesta experiencing that pain or him has softened his daring heart.
He will live, he will love and he will do it with Nesta in his arms.
As the song drew to a close, Nesta shifted from her position on his chest, too look upon him again. She brought her slim fingers to his cheeks and smiled. "Forever."
He could offer nothing but the same. A truth that had been both a promise and a prayer from the moment they met, "Forever."
Tag: @bakingandbooks3 @rhysandsdarlingfeyre @arinbelle @silvernesta @darklobe @haepaw @carlieg20 @illyrianshadowhunter
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may-day-voice Β· 3 years
Haunted House Escapades
Pro-Hero AU Timelines | 172732014
please do not repost, but you have permission to reblog :)
β€’ Watch/ Listen on YouTube: https://youtu.be/w2JEQMOPpj0
β€’ Read on Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/1138586296-oneshots-pro-hero-au-172732014-haunted-house
The spooky season has come out to play, now with the city decorating itself with pumpkins and candles, creepy crawlies and ghouls. An invite from Idaten's principal mechanic caught many off-guard, but ever since the reunion night, they had been fervent to make connections, and in turn, create all the support items required by all who were close to Iida.
Still, free invitations to the first fully-functional and interactive haunted house was something nobody could ignore, at least for most. But it came with one condition.
All that had received an invitation, must dress for the occasion.
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You stared up at the attraction in awe, watching the lights flicker from inside the makeshift house, casting shadows of figures that creaked and swayed. The haunted house attraction at the indoor amusement park was a sight to see, having been built by Iida's top mechanic. You wondered what was in store while you stood by the makeshift gate that opened up to a mechanized yet very convincing looking courtyard filled with gravestones.
"Yeah, I heard this place had wicked scares," commented Kirishima with a grin, his red hood hanging over his head while his unruly red hair draped from within its canopy.
You peered up at the redhead with a smirk, fixing his hood so that his face was open to see from underneath. "I still can't believe you dressed as Red Riding Hood. At least one with pants," you teased.
"It's kinda like a tradition," he explained with a wry smile, revealing his teeth playfully. "Ever since Bakugou dressed as a werewolf back at the academy on our first Halloween there, it's been our thing."
"Why am I not surprised?" You chuckled while you fixed the collar of your shirt and the straps of your trousers that held the large faux axe by its belt. Arriving at the amusement park was a pleasant surprise after spotting and meeting with Kirishima's ragtag friends who all received an invite to the attraction. His reasoning for his costume was soon self-explanatory after finding Bakugou indeed dressed as a werewolf for the day. You were bewildered that the blond came dressed in the first place while his arm encircled around his fiance's shoulders, but you didn't want to question it.
"So, shall we?" You asked, your eyes still drawn towards your axe.
"Yeah..." Kirishima's voice trailed off with uncertainty while you still fiddled with the axe, ensuring that it wouldn't swing aimlessly around before you entered the attraction. Your attention was absent, focused more so on your costume from malfunctioning before-
"You go first," suggested Kirishima with a light push, tripping your boots momentarily into the cobblestones that lined the path towards the house.
"Hey!" You exclaimed while you found your feet, turning to Kirishima with a huff. "We're in this together!"
"You're the Huntsman!" He exclaimed in protest before he clutched on his hood, swaying coyly with a turn of his feet on his toes. "Aren't you going to protect me?"
The bubbling sensation in your throat pushed through your nostrils, chortling a little at his display before clearing your throat with a horrible attempt to keep the laughter at bay. Sometimes you couldn't take Kirishima seriously when he teased boldly.
"All right Mister Scaredy Cat, let's go," you coaxed while you reached out for his hand, grabbing his large palms and leading him into the attraction, through the fog and the voices that echoed around the courtyard.
Kirishima didn't object, smiling at your back while you entered the front doors. "Aw, you're my hero Thumper," he cooed with a tease.
You only turned to razz, sticking your tongue out in jest while you walked deeper into the dark shadows of the house with Kirishima in tow. He followed right after with no resistance against your pull, excited to see what was in store.
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SHOUTO TODOROKI | Shoot First...
Arriving at the amusement park came with a few greetings when you found most of Todoroki's friends by the haunted house that you were invited to experience. You expected to meet Iida and his plus one from UA's reunion, but finding Midoriya by the large gates with his fiance was, in fact, a relief. You weren't one for horror attractions, let alone walking through a haunted house filled with who knew what with no boundaries between yourself and the attraction. As impressive as the set felt with its atmosphere befitting of Halloween, it wasn't a welcoming sight.
You clutched onto Todoroki's arm while walking through the attraction, thanks to some coaxing from Iida's mechanic and the creator of such a horror. They gave you one lifeline, directing you to the secret exit out from the attraction if the experience became too much for you to take. Unfortunately, that secret entrance was halfway through.
And you both had lost Midoriya and his fiance some time ago.
"Well, so far so good," you uttered while your eyes roamed about every dark corner you found, your body hugging tightly into Todoroki now that you had bypassed the foyer of the house and had chosen to roam one of three halls filled with eerie paintings on the walls.
"It's an improvement from the experience back at UA's Culture Festival," hummed Todoroki, his aloof eyes staring at the paintings with not a sign of fright. "There's a lot of attention to detail."
"It was only the one time with Class 1-C. I don't think any other class made one that topped theirs."
Todoroki hummed in acknowledgement of your recollection while he still observed the paintings, staring into their eyes which you surely thought were following the both of you through the dimly-lit hallway. His arm linked your waist into his, almost hiding underneath his dark cloak and keeping you close. In the mood light of the halls, you found his costume to befit the scenery with his tall pointed collars framing his face and his hair tied messily behind his head. You figured that he was impartial to dressing up as a vampire for the Halloween season, given the few Halloween celebrations back at UA, but it oddly suited his calm and collected demeanour.
He smiled while his hand trailed up to your shoulders, squeezing it gently to comfort you from the fear that never left. "The exit isn't too far away," he reassured. "We can leave when we reach it."
A sudden jolt in your dress' train caught you by surprise, gasping before a squeak escaped your throat. You felt Todoroki's hands brace your shoulders, turning to find your train caught what looked like a pile of bones scattered on the edges of the hall. You felt a shiver run up your spine while Todoroki released your train, gently coiling it up to hold in his arms. It didn't trail behind too far, but your Ice Queen ensemble was a staple of yours since high school.
It seemed that old habits die hard between Todoroki and yourself.
"This is honestly very tame," continued Todoroki while he handed your train to you, leading you by the arm once more. "This isn't that sca-"
You had successfully left the haunted house by the secret exit, relieved to leave the dark confines of the attraction. But that didn't go without a simple explanation to the damages caused by Todoroki.
"I had to burn it down," he dryly explained with no sign of remorse.
"I tried to stop him," you followed after.
"Todoroki!" reprimanded Iida, having stayed by the exit as a favour after hearing of your reluctance to enter the haunted manor.
Leaving the attraction damp from the emergency sprinklers and smelling of smoke from the fire wasn't a pleasant way to end the experience. But luckily, Todoroki was able to dry off the moisture from the costumes you wore once the both of you were brought out from the dark. It happened so quickly when out of nowhere, from behind the walls, jumped a large werewolf, its eyes burning brightly red and its fur glowing fluorescently under the lights. It snarled, baring its teeth with its arms held up high and its claws jutting out towards the both of you. You felt Todoroki's body seize next to you, until in a knee-jerk reaction to the jumpscare, set the animatronic on fire.
"Are you serious?" cried out a hapless sigh from a very exasperated mechanic, their eyes filled with disbelief until, like a switch, they became thoughtful of the event. "At least the emergency systems work well isolated. It gives others a chance to experience the manor without any interruptions."
You watched their smile widen with pride, confused that they weren't too upset about the damage, until they read your face with a grin.
"I'll be able to swap out Canis Major for her brother without interrupting Midoriya's experience," they explained.
You sighed exasperatedly at the explanation. But at the very least, both Todoroki and yourself survived the manor.
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HANTA SERO | Trick Or Treat
Ah, Halloween. The best season to be amongst the people in costume without anyone batting an eye. All it took was a few... accessories. After a bit of "borrowing" across the city, you found the pieces you needed to dress up, well, just two that were perfect for the job - a fox mask complete with ears, and an attachable tail. Walking out in public was a piece of cake, being greeted by Halloween-goers who revelled in the festivities, and a few poor souls that you could pickpocket for your amusement or need.
A stroll through the streets turned your curious eye towards Fukuoka, where a very familiar head of hair crossed your line of sight entering into a building. You learnt that it was an amusement park built indoors, entering to follow the man towards a large attraction, lit up from the inside out, covered in fog and mist, and built with moving parts, all different kinds. It intrigued you furthermore when Sero met up with his gaggle of friends, all dressed up for the season, about to embark on their adventure into said attraction.
Hiding away through the crowd, you immediately shot a ball of light towards one of many open windows of the mechanised haunted manor, jumping into the large foyer and perching yourself amongst the number of statues that decorated the ceiling. It was nothing different from sneaking into a bank or a museum, but with the doors opening from the front of the lobby, you spotted Sero enter along with a short man dressed comically in a cloak. It was no surprise who that was, having the pleasure of meeting him once before.
"Honestly, what are you supposed to be?" asked Mineta, eyeing Sero's slightly plain-looking outfit. "Kirishima's partner did it better than you."
"You're one to talk," he rebutted, eyeing the short cape and the fangs that protruded out from Mineta's mouth.
"Chicks dig vampires."
"Yeah, well, you look more like a bat."
You tried your very best to hold in your laughter, chuckling deeply in your lungs before you breathed to relax once more. You eyed Sero's costume, finding that you couldn't agree more with Mineta on his observation, however, you noticed a few accessories that stood out, most notably the toy crossbow that hung from Sero's back. In the back of your mind, you wondered what he could be dressed as, scrounging through any recollection on horror-related creatures and characters. A hunter perhaps? He didn't wear long coats or wore any large-brimmed hats, but he looked very woodsman-like. It was enjoyable to stare at.
"Say, did you see the look of them outside?" asked Mineta, catching your ear. "Maybe a bit rough around the edges, but if Iida isn't tapping that, I might have a chance."
"Really man? That's all you're thinking about?" asked Sero with a sigh, making his way towards three doors to choose from.
You shook your head disappointingly, not surprised to hear the short man speak about prospective partners, if not hookups given your experience with him at that reunion. But you couldn't fault him. He did have good taste, and Sero had explained briefly during your impromptu Christmas visit that he wasn't all that bad.
"That corset on them was just divine," cooed Mineta, his face pulling ever so lewdly.
On second thought...
"Good luck with that," ended Sero, entering one of the doors with Mineta in tow.
You smirked before shooting yourself in a beam of light through the crack of the door before it slammed shut behind the men, engulfing the hall with a flash before you shot into the dark ahead. You couldn't help but smile at the sound of a squeak from Mineta, sliding across the floor before meeting with the skull of a decomposing skeleton by the wall, its eye peering back at you with its naked stare.
"Huh," you uttered, admiring the attention to detail. Whoever made this attraction was an artist, you thought, eying the shadows of both men down the hall with an idea you couldn't pass up. With a multitude of light that sparked from your palms, you sent them out with a gentle flick of your wrist, their bright flickers decorating the hallway before they disappeared into the dark.
"Ah, what are those?" pointed out Mineta, the fear prickling up at the back of his spine.
"Eh, just some lights," nonchalantly replied Sero. "Come on dude, it's the oldest trick in the book." His eye turned back into the dark hallway, decrepit and covered in dust and cobwebs, until one ball of light languidly floated towards him, drunkenly wobbling in the air. He stared at it curious before it immediately shot away into the dark above, soon followed by a clang and a smash of items falling from the sky.
Mainly next to Mineta.
Mineta screamed with every item that dropped near him, from plastic vases, broken wooden goods, and the occasional skull, until suddenly, something large fell atop his head, its arms draped across his shoulders and its head leaning by his side. He turned to stare into the naked eye of a skeleton still with flesh attached to its bones and matted hair that draped across its face. He cried and screamed while he ran in circles, the skeleton still attached to his shoulders until it finally fell from them, falling in a heap onto the floorboards.
Sero couldn't help but watch the spectacle with an outrageous laugh, bowling over with his arms and hands against his chest. The sight almost made him die of laughter.
"Is my pain that much entertainment for you?" cried Mineta, curled in a ball on the floor away from the rotten skeleton that laid by the wall.
"Oh... yes," replied Sero with a grin.
A flash of light caught his eye before something light floated before him. A card, the stock very familiar to his eye. While Mineta still laid on the floor, Sero grabbed the card, turning to spot your familiar handwriting.
Trick or Treat, Bucky. Let me entertain you.
He sighed exasperatedly, knowing that you were somehow involved, seeing how much bolder you've become in making yourself a part of his waking life. But this was going to be an unforgettable experience.
And he loved you for it.
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KATSUKI BAKUGOU | ... Ask Questions Later
It took some convincing to get Bakugou to agree for this invite, after hearing that all his friends had also received one for this haunted house experience. It wasn't more so the invite that perturbed him, it was the condition added on top. Bakugou refused to dress for Halloween, and was more than happy to forgo participating in something as mundane as an experience. But after a few phone calls from friends, and a very convincing argument from Kirishima, he folded. He agreed to dress as a werewolf for the day, his usual go-to according to Kirishima. The aforementioned redhead had already pre-warned you that he was dressing as Red Riding Hood, so as the both of you didn't double up on the costume fiasco. It left you wondering what you could dress up as for the occasion, actually going through an endless black hole of image searching for some inspiration.
The day of the invitation came with a meet-and-greet, finding familiar faces by the large faux gates of the attraction, and a squeal from Iida's mechanic at the sight of you, dressed prim and proper in Victorian Steampunk fashion. After an excitable introduction, both Bakugou and yourself entered the courtyard grounds along with Kaminari who decided to tag along, walking through the large front doors to be met by an impressive-looking foyer.
"Sky Pirate?" questioned Kaminari while he strolled alongside Bakugou and yourself through the lobby, eyeing the three doors ahead.
"Yeah, I've got nothing," you admitted. "Plus it kind of fits my personality."
A scoff answered that statement, finding Bakugou's scowl embedded into his brow while he turned his eye towards each door, contemplating on which one to enter based on the instructions given by that mechanic outside.
"You're really against my own reasoning?" you questioned with a sceptical brow, staring up at the wolfed up man.
"You chose a costume that is vague," he reiterated, making his way towards a door with Kaminari and yourself in tow. "You could be anything you label yourself with the way you're dressed. And besides, fitting your personality? Airhead."
"Oh? And what does the Big Bad Wolf think?" you teased, raising your hands above your head in place for ears.
Bakugou slowly opened the door, eyeing your teasing gesture before he pulled you in, his hands cradling you in his arms while he edged his fangs closer. He growled under his breath, very befitting of his costume choice while the door continued to open, revealing a long corridor decorated in a multitude of lights. "How about I sink my fangs into your neck and you can find out?"
The offer was abrupt and out of nowhere, staring into Bakugou's almost glowing eyes until a colourful creature jumped from the door.
Bakugou's fist swung straight into the face of a toothy clown, covered in dirt and blood, and keeling over from the strength he exuded in that one swing. You stared at the clown, whimpering and holding his face before he crawled back into the dark, most likely disappearing into the walls of the hallway ahead. Bakugou's hands clutched onto your body, pulling you into him tightly while his hand still held out in a fist. The look on his face was curdled with a sneer, but his eyes were wide and, to his dismay, filled with irritation.
He soon relaxed, feeling his arms releasing you from his tight grip that almost crushed you if given the chance. A huff escaped his nostrils, turning his eye onto Kaminari who stared at him smugly at what had transpired.
"It's not my fault the clown put his face near my fist," excused Bakugou, half-reasoning, half-threatening.
"Kaachan, just admit that you were scared and you punched his face by accident," smoothly suggested Kaminari with that smug smile plastered on his face.
"I wasn't scared, Franken-Dumbass."
"Um... Devil," pointed out Kaminari, pointing at the horns that sat atop his head, and showing off the smart formal dress he wore.
Bakugou scoffed irritably before he pulled you into the hallway with him, ignoring Kaminari's presence. Leaving the jovial blond behind, you turned to Bakugou, wrapping your arm around his waist in comfort. He rarely showed any forms of weakness in public, but while with you, alone in this experience of horror, he gripped tighter on your waist in return, hugging you against his chest.
At least with his reflexes, you felt you wouldn't gain as many scares as the attraction would offer.
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IZUKU MIDORIYA | Be In Good Company
You had a good laugh upon arriving at the amusement park, finding that Kirishima and yourself came as the same character. Despite the momentary pout from the redhead, you couldn't help your giggles at how apt the choice was for him to go as such. For you, it felt pretty simple seeing you already owned a red cloak in the form of your Hero outfit. It only needed another set of clothes to make the look, rummaging around for anything plain-looking to make the cloak the centrepiece of the costume. Still, standing by Midoriya's taller figure draped in a white sheet and cloak made for a sight between the two.
Eventually, the both of you entered the attraction, joined by Todoroki and his fiance who somewhat complemented their outfits. The foyer seemed the staple - a large introduction to the attraction setting the mood before you all were presented with doors to enter. You all decided to go in together, following each other in the dark.
Until you both lost Todoroki sometime ago.
"I think we should've turned back," you suggested while you eyed the brightly coloured lights that flickered through the halls and the melodies of fanfare echoing eerily around. "This hallway changed somehow. Weren't there paintings on the walls?"
"Um... yeah... I'm not sure what happened," uttered Midoriya, his arms shrinking within the white cloak he wore.
You retraced your steps back, finding the point of origin not too far from where you stood when the hallways changed scenery. Except there was nothing, no indication as to where the hallways began or ended while your hands scrounged around the walls for any evidence for a point of entry. "Looks like a mechanised wall?" you inferred.
"Ah!" cried Midoriya from behind you.
You turned to look around the hall, finding nothing out of the ordinary except for Midoriya hiding his face away under his hood. You turned to face him, attempting to find his face while you pulled the hood from his head, only to find his hands covering his eyes. You sighed at the sight, wondering what to do while you stared at this tall Number One Hero cower behind his palms.
"Is it still there?" he asked timidly.
You couldn't blame Midoriya for his reaction. He was first and foremost a bundle of nerves before he was headstrong. In fact, you never thought you would see him in this state, at least in a haunted manor, which wasn't really haunted. "Really?" you asked, earning a small nod from Midoriya. You smiled while you turned, ready to face whatever actor or animatronic stood by the halls.
"What would the Number One be afraid of-"
"Ah!" You yelled, clutching into Midoriya's chest, causing him to immediately grab you in his embrace and hug you tightly into him. The spotlight lit a glittering display, his outfit sparkling in sequins while he stood with a rapier in hand. His skin glowed under the light, which after your scare, you soon realised it was some form of body paint.
"Aoyama?" asked Midoriya, spotting the blond standing in the bright spotlight with a cheeky smile.
"Oui oui, I couldn't help myself," he purred with a smile, opening his arms out to lead the both of you down the corridor. "Please pass through."
You sighed along with Midoriya, relieved that it wasn't a statue that actually animated itself to life. Cautiously walking past Aoyama, you continued on with Midoriya, your hands clutching tightly in his, while he did the same. The sounds that echoed in the hall echoed around, wondering whether they were projected from a sound system, or were created from whoever still lurked in the attraction. That all faded into the back of your mind when you caught a whiff of something in the air.
"Do you smell smoke?" you asked, a little concerned.
"Let's just get through the rest of this place," suggested Midoriya, earning a rushed nod from you, wandering through the hallway until you reached the end.
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The house was eerily quiet, but not so much from the experience, eyeing the dark broody Hero that joined Shinsou and yourself in the attraction. Walking through the hallways became a bit boring, for lack of a better word, seeing nothing, if not nobody else but yourselves.
"Dude, you scared the rest of the scarers away," stated Shinsou with a little fluster in his tone.
"It is a nice temple of darkness. I do appreciate your attempt to frighten me," commented Tokoyami nonchalantly while he eyed the decor and the design of the hallway, covered in cobwebs and lit with striking purples and blues.
"So it didn't work."
Shinsou sighed to himself with a small pout, trying his best to not show how much care he took to attempt scaring the Jet-Black Hero. You were with him every step of the way, planning ahead with Iida's mechanic and employing as many actors as possible to achieve the goal. It sounded like a fun idea, until you all stepped into the dimly-lit corridor. You both didn't account for Dark Shadow's presence, even so small, freezing every actor from performing any potential jumpscares in the halls.
"At least you tried," you reassured, hoping those words would soothe Shinsou's disappointment, but to no avail. He frowned through his face paint and his dark hood, earning a nervous chuckle from you.
"I'm sure Fumi appreciated the effort," spoke Tokoyami's partner beside him, their arms neatly wrapped around his own while he led them through the corridor. "I hardly hear anything except for whatever those noises are coming from above."
"That's the loudspeaker, Beloved," informed Tokoyami, earning a small chuckle from his plus one to this attraction.
You smiled at the both of them, finding how considerate Tokoyami was leading his plus one and ensuring they did not crash into anything through the corridor. Just as much as they dressed simply for the attraction, both Shinsou and yourself opted to pick up cloaks and decorate your faces with designs, if only to look ghoulish. If it met the condition, entry was allowed, which helped in managing this giant scare for Tokoyami, which failed.
"It's actually pretty sweet," you stated, catching Shinsou's ear.
"What?" he asked.
"Them. Sure Tokoyami is a brooding guy, but he really did it to keep them safe. Can't fault him for that."
Shinsou sighed again, half in agreement, the other half in irritation while his eyes trailed after the black and white cloaks from their entourage disappeared into the dark ahead.
You had never seen Shinsou utterly disappointed in himself, especially over a scare. However, with all the effort he put into working with Iida's mechanic, you understood the energy he expended to ensure the scares would be not only brutal, but also epic. It was a habit of Shinsou's that you learnt over the years, of him wanting to make a huge statement in the smallest ways. With a smile, you wrapped your fingers around his, holding it close while you began to pull him into the corridor, walking past the cobwebs and the few bones scattered around.
"Come on, let's enjoy the rest of the trip. Maybe there's an animatronic we didn't account for," you suggested with an optimistic tone.
"Always the way, Kitten," he cooed after, allowing you to lead him down the corridor after Tokoyami.
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Denki Kaminari stood by the door that Bakugou and his fiance had already entered after their minor altercation with an unfortunate actor. He wondered how much Iida's mechanic was paying them, seeing that they had to contend with people like Bakugou today to begin with, almost whispering a little prayer for them should they come face-to-face with the wolf in the dark. He fixed his collar and the horns that sat atop his head, aligning it as best as possible so that he wouldn't lose them through the manor. An oldie, but a classic, the Devil outfit still stuck with him from UA. He just couldn't pass up how suave he felt in the look.
He breathed a deep sigh, trying to wash the tension away while he swayed on his heels, scuffing the cheap knock-off Chelseas while he eyed the large front double doors. Has it been that long already? He wondered if he should just leave, even if he was able to open the front doors from the inside. It seemed redundant to even enjoy a horror experience without someone with him.
The front doors opened with a creak, seizing his heart before he laid his eyes on you, dressed in your witch's costume and that large pointed hat that scraped against the door before you shut it behind you. He watched you on approach, careful on your boots while you swayed a little.
"Everything okay?" he asked, watching you reach him with a light step.
"Yeah, I just didn't feel well for a while," you admitted, fixing the large hat atop your head. "I'm good to go now."
"Are you sure?" he asked. "We could sit this one out."
"No, don't, you looked so excited when we got the invite. Besides, I should get out more instead of being stuck in a room. You said so yourself."
Kaminari smiled at your optimism and enthusiasm, something that had to be rebuilt for a time. He was glad that there was a bit of reprieve, a calm and hopefully no storm in sight. He dug into his pockets and pulled out a ring, small and thin, but it glistened despite the dim lights that flickered in the foyer. He watched your smile brighten at the sight, giving your hand to him.
"Thanks for holding onto it for me," you softly spoke, while he slipped it on your fingers, soon gently holding onto your hand.
"Now tell me if you feel any different any time during this," advised Kaminari, linking your arm into his.
"You'll know when I do," you replied, taking in a deep breath before the both of you stepped through the threshold into the dark.
10 notes Β· View notes
flowercrown-bucky Β· 4 years
The Secrets We Hide
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Warnings: Swearing
Summary: Loki has a secret. A big secret. When Thor needs his help finding Odin, his secret may be exposed.
Authors’ Note: My very favourite reader of my Loki series, Lavender Blue, asked for some more Thor, and whilst thinking about it I got a little carried away
Also Y/N has a last name in this that might make sense if you get to the end oop
If you’re waiting for the next part of Lavender Blue I fucking SUCK at writing smut someone help me-
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"Where are we going, brother?" Thor looked curiously at Loki.
He'd been to Britain a handful of times in his life.
The very first had been sometime during what would later become colloquially know as the dark ages, in the early sixth century, he was inclined to believe. Earth, he had found, was wholly unremarkable, if England was anything to go by.
It was on this occasion that he had learned of his brother's magical talents, travelling on horseback through the countryside. He'd stumbled onto a (Remarkably small, he noticed) kingdom, ruled over by a gentleman by the name of Arthur. The real shock, however, had come to him upon entering the banquet hall in his host's castle, only to find his younger brother - who was, needless to say, not pleased to see him - sat next to his host. The lengths he'd gone to disguise himself were commendable, and the beard he'd magicked up was impressive, but there was no mistaking the mischievous twinkle in the eyes of Loki of Asgard.
However, the England Thor found himself in now was a far cry from the country of his memory. Winchester, he had been informed, was where the bifrost had brought them, but the cobbled streets he was walking on were about as unfamiliar to him as unicorn land.
Loki, however, definitely knew where he was. He had clearly been here many times before.
He'd replied to his brother's questioning with a disparaging look, continuing to walk on. All Thor knew about where they were going is that it had something to do with where Loki had placed their father three years ago. As for his personal theories? His mind was drawing a blank.
Eventually, Loki came to a stop in front of a single house within a terrace. A tall, unremarkable house, by all means, built with honey-coloured sandstone, the paint on the windows flaking with age, several panes baring the circular marks of a pontil. Three tall steps led to the front door, and the view of the living room through large window next to it allowing some insight as to the nature of its inhabitant.
Through the hazy glass, Thor could see a remarkably cluttered, disorganised room. A large leather armchair sat in the corner of the room, worn from use and decorated by a patchwork quilt. A similar rug lay on the wooden floor, a tapestry of fabric scraps. Opposite the TV was a grey cord sofa, upon which a number of odd and brightly coloured socks were strewn.
It was fairly safe to assume, Thor reckoned, that the inhabitant of this house - who was currently upstairs, based on the light coming through the window - was not his father.
So what the hell were they doing here?
Loki's three short raps of the knocker elicited a response from the house's inhabitant. They could hear them scurrying down the stairs and towards the door, and fumbling with the lock before opening it.
The woman on the other side was not what he was expecting.
The arrival of your visitors had come as somewhat of a shock to you, that much was apparent from your face. The second thing Thor noticed, was that you clearly knew Loki.
Your hair, slightly damp from the shower, was pulled up on top of your head, secured by a scrunchie, the deep green shade of which complimented your eyes. You were dressed simply in a pair of jeans and a red woollen jumper, your feet bare save for a silver ring around the second toe on your left foot and chipped nail polish on your toenails.
The third thing Thor noticed about you, was that you were very pretty.
"Father?" His voice came out as a squeak.
Out of the corner of his eye, he could see his brother laughing.
"Your father I most certainly am not." Your right eyebrow quirked bemusedly, crossing your arms. "But this is a surprise."
"Sorry, I must've forgotten to mention it." Loki grinned at you. "Can we come in?"
You stepped aside, beckoning the brothers through the door and into your home. You shot Loki a pointed look as he entered, prompting him to roll his eyes and, begrudgingly, remove his shoes and place them neatly by the door. In the interest of remaining polite, Thor followed suit.
"I take it this is not a social visit?" You asked, leading them into your kitchen.
The kitchen, Thor noticed, was nice. Homely. Small, but still, homely. The stone floor was cool under his socked feet, although his left being slightly warmer than the right led him to suspect your floor was central-heated, and the aga opposite him would probably heat the entire house. The beams supporting the ceiling were low enough that he'd hit his head twice, although he had noticed Loki had ducked, his posture automatically slouched so as to avoid collision.
Loki had clearly spent a lot of time in this house, in this kitchen.
You hopped up onto the counter, crossing your legs at the knee.
"Perceptive as ever, I see." Loki chuckled. "Although, my manners seem to have momentarily lost me. Y/N, this is my brother, Thor. Thor, this is Y/N Hudson. She's.... She's a friend of mine."
Thor did not miss the curious glance you shot at his brother.
"As delighted as I am to see you, Loki," You rolled your eyes. "What do you want?"
"It would seem that my dear brother has managed to lose our father." Thor glared at the dark haired man.
"I would dearly love to know how exactly one goes about losing one's father." Your lips quirked into an amused smile.
"And you're the only living being on this dull little planet who's capable of finding him." Loki ignored your attempt at riling him, catching your gaze.
"I don't understand." Thor furrowed his brow. "What are you, a witch? Do you have some sort of tracking abilities?"
"No, she's just very intelligent." Loki corrected. "Would you give Y/N and I a moment alone, brother mine?"
Thor nodded gruffly, watching you hop off the counter and walk out of the kitchen, into the room he'd first seen through the window.
He did not miss how his brother bit his lip as he looked you up and down.
Your front room was Loki's favourite place on Midgard.
It might even be his favourite place in the nine realms.
It had quickly become his bolt-hole, his safe place. It was the first place he'd ever been shown true kindness, where you'd brought him after you found him in a back alley, dying and alone. It was where you'd laid him on the sofa, where he'd been tucked under a blanket for the first time, where he'd drunk his first ever cup of midgardian tea. It was where you'd allowed him, a complete stranger, to rest and heal.
It was where he'd returned to pester this annoying, intriguing little human being, a process within which he discovered you were possibly less annoying and entirely more intriguing than he'd initially assumed.
He trailed his fingers across the back of your sofa absent mindedly, staring at the rings on your coffee table. You had a habit of leaving half-drunk, cold cups of coffee on this table - hence, the rings - something that irked him to no end.
The long hairs on the cushion caught his eye, and he wondered where the furry little beast might be hiding. Your cat, Kenneth, did not like Loki, a sentiment he wholeheartedly reciprocated. If you weren't so fond of it, he would more than happily fling the little monster into some unreachable pocket of a distant dimension.
His eyes reached where you'd perched on the arm of your armchair, one leg stretched out in front of you. He allowed his gaze to lazily climb the length of your body, taking all of you in.
Gods, did he love your legs.
"I've missed you, darling." He grinned up at you.
"I've not seen you for two weeks, Loki." Your voice was slow, deliberate. "And you come to me now, because you need me?"
He bit his lip, you had him there. He never was quite sure how to gauge your emotions, never sure how you’d react. Everything you did was carefully considered.
Even after all this time with you, you were still something of an enigma to him. It was one of the things that had initially drawn him to you, one of the things that he loved about you.
"On the contrary, my sweet." His voice had dropped, so much so that he was almost purring. "I always need you."
"Don't you try to charm me, silvertongue." You raised one finger in front of you, pointing it at him; a warning.
"Is it working?" He raised one eyebrow at you as he spoke.
"I'll let you know." You grumbled.
A soft chuckle left his lips, crossing the distance between you in two strides, dropping to his knees before your outstretched legs. He glanced up at you inquisitively, a massive grin stretching across his face at your nod of confirmation.
Gently, he lifted his hands up so his fingertips pressed at your stomach, at the little gap of skin between the bottom of your jumper and the waistband of your jeans. His fingers slid gently under your jumper, taking the woolen garment with it until his palms were flat against your stomach.
"Hey, little one." He cooed. "I can't believe how tiny you are. I can barely see you."
You laughed quietly, bringing your hand down to rest on top of his much larger one. He kissed the soft skin of your slightly swollen belly, and the intimacy of the small gesture made your heart swell with love and affection for both him and the child growing inside you.
"I wonder if they'll be blue." You mused, running your fingers through the ends of his hair.
"Why, in the name of all things unholy," He looked up from his ministrations. "Would it be blue?"
"Because, you're, well, you know..." You waved your hands expressively. "Nevermind. I had a scan a few days ago, do you want to see?"
You fished in your back pocket, pulling out a small folded piece of paper.
Desperation was not something Thor was used to.
However, in that moment, it was exactly what he as feeling.
He'd crossed his legs, he'd shifted his weight from leg to leg uncomfortably. But however hard he tried, he just could not shift the feeling. He needed to go to the toilet, and he needed to go to the toilet badly.
As the age-old saying went, when you gotta go, you gotta go.
He'd uncomfortably wandered towards where he'd seen you and his brother wander off to.
What he was not expecting to see, was Loki knelt between your legs.
His hands flew up to his face, shielding his view. He'd seen this before, and it scarred him for life.
What even had he seen?Β 
His brother, kneeling between the legs of a mortal woman. Your jeans, he noted, were entirely done up.
Loki was kissing your stomach, caressing it, a dark piece of paper clutched in his other hand.
"Your daddy loves you so, so much," His brother had whispered to your stomach. "But don't give your mummy too much grief, ok?"
Words escaped Thor.
This woman Loki had brought him to, was pregnant. With Loki's child.
He cleared his throat, startling both you and his brother. Loki scrambled to his feet, anxious about being caught in such an intimate moment with you.
"I needed the toilet." Thor's voice came out in a much higher pitch than his intention.
"On your left."Β  Loki's voice was barely a croak, his voice hoarse.
"I'm okay," His voice came out in a more nervous way than he was expecting. "Congratulations are in order, I think?"
"Yes." Loki's voice was gruff, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "Thank you, brother."
"Thank you, Thor." You smiled warmly at the god.
"Anyway," Loki was evidently in a hurry to change the subject. "Do you know where the Allfather is?"
"He's in Norway. That's all I know. He's hidden himself well." You rubbed your chin thoughtfully. "But I do know a man who might be able to tell you more."
Loki's lips curled into a satisfied grin.
Thor's state of confusion remained long after they left your house. He was, as the mortals would say, totally gobsmacked.
Unable to provide the location of Odin, you'd handed Loki a neatly folded piece of paper. As far as Thor knew, his brother had not yet opened it.
Loki had kissed you passionately before he left, an uncharacteristic display of affection and one that made Thor deeply uncomfortable. He'd cleared his throat in a pitiful attempt to stifle a laugh, met only by his brother's middle finger in his face.
He glanced at his brother as they walked. He'd not said a word since they’d left, but his hair was mussed from your fingers and his cheeks flushed from your embrace.
β€œI’m shocked.” He mused. β€œA woman - an attractive woman - likes you.”
β€œHarsh.” Loki frowned. β€œAnd she didn’t, at first. Like me, that is.”
β€œSmart woman.” He chuckled, eliciting a punch from the taller of the two.
In his many, many years of existence, he would never have guessed that Loki would be the first of the two of them to become a dad. He never would’ve even imagined his brother as a father in his wildest dreams.
In all honesty, he had never imagined a woman taking Loki as her lover.
He shuddered at the mental image. Yeugh.
β€œCongratulations, I guess.” A sudden fondness overwhelmed him. β€œDad.”
β€œThey are everything to me.” Loki’s voice was clear, concise in a way he had never before heard from his mischievous brother - he was, after all, the God of Lies. β€œI would gladly give my life to save theirs. I’d give yours, for that matter.”
β€œYour sentiment is touching.” He grunted. β€œAnyway, where are we even going, brother?”
He turned to his suit-clad little brother, watching him withdraw the piece of folded paper from his pocket. He unfolded it carefully, revealing your delicate, printed writing.
S. Holmes
221B, Baker Street, London.
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muzachio Β· 3 years
A Sisyphean task
Or why explaining chronic pain/chronic illness can sometimes feel like being crushed by a rolling boulder you just pushed.
The pandemic is not over, and that means wearing masks is still a safety measure we should all maintain. I wear my mask with pride, I use the safest model available because I want to keep myself and others safe.
What I don't usually talk about is how much they hurt me, and for how long.
The issue of trying to explain to others that - thankfully - don't feel the same pain I do has become more and more apparent. It is hard to explain that yes, I have tried everything. Yes, I have tried to "get used to it". But I can't control my pain. I can't control how my defective body responds to pain triggers. My system is broken from the core and I cannot change that. Believe me, I've spent half of my life searching for a way to fix this thing that just stubbornly exists wrong inside of me.
My body creates great amounts of pain from stimuli that are trivial for most other people. The response is out of my control entirely and it is not my fault. If it needs to be said, I can say it: I hate that I was born with a weird invisible and undetectable and incurable and almost untreatable condition that fucking defines my existence in more ways than I like to admit. Living a life that is based on constantly - consciously or not - functioning around the possible pain you might feel is exhausting and limiting. On top of that, I would hate to let myself be limited by my condition and would hate to be seen as someone less capable, so I make all that look easy. I have built a facade of complete normalcy. I don't "look" chronically ill. I don't want to. I don't need it to validate my experience.
The hard shit is when I have to explain that underneath all the decoration is someone who struggles a lot. For the most part, I'm fine. But I'm fine because I have learnt those hard lessons of existing around the pain, of being able despite a disability. I am a master of managing my own body. Or at least I try to be.
Today, I was trying to tell my dad how frustrating it was to be asked if I had tried to wear a different design of mask to avoid the migraine they cause me. But before I could finish the sentence, I broke down. My voice came out as a loud sob and I just couldn't stop crying as they - dad and sister - held me in the middle of the living room. Not being understood makes me feel like it's my fault, somehow. The question of "have you tried this" for me, dealing with this condition for almost two decades now, makes me feel like I haven't done enough, even if I know the intention of those words is not that at all. I get that it comes from a place of love, of not being accustomed to having your hands tied while your loved one suffers. I know. This same feeling of impotence fucks me up too. I'm not trying to tell others what they are saying but to let it be clear how it makes me feel. In this case, it makes me feel like the other person does not believe in my pain, or that I'm unwilling to be uncomfortable to get better.
This is why I never talk about how hard it is for me to wear masks. It is really hard to make others understand that the contact of the mask with my face is enough. It's a mild discomfort that I am willing to endure even though I know it will turn into hours of - sometimes extreme - physical pain. It's not the shape, the material, or anything to do with how the mask is made. It's just something on my face, signalling that my face senses touch which my body apparently sees as a reason for punishment. A large number of physical sensations can trigger my migraine, so I guess you can see how complicated it is to manage all that, let alone explain it.
Masks are a novelty to me, but I also can't wear most earrings, hats, heavy necklaces, tight shoes, tight belts, tight shirts or skirts, scarves, appropriately sized glasses, fake eyelashes, hair bands, etc. I also can't be too hot or too cold, can't eat too much sugar, or eat too little; drink not enough water but also not too much water. I can't enter perfume stores; I can't deal with strong scents in general. I can't be around incense or smoke, or cigarettes. I have to drink coffee every day. I have to avoid chocolate as much as possible. I can't be in spaces with dim lights, I can't have a light shining on my eyes. I need to be constantly vigilant of repetitive sounds. I literally cannot with whistles. I can't lie down in the middle of the day, and naps are dangerous. Headphones have a daily limited time of usage too. Even going to the movies is Russian roulette.
This list is an extensive but not at all exhaustive list of things I have to precisely balance so I'm not in constant physical distress. My method of discovery is empirical and not fun to repeat.
Part of the cruel nature of this condition is that sometimes I "do everything right" and still, the pain simply happens without a discernible reason.
I can hold a burp, but I can't stop my stomach from producing it. I can choose what I eat, but I can't stop my body from releasing the wrong amount of insulin. I can close my eyes, but I can't stop my brain from suddenly start hurting. The point is: I have a limit to what I can do to control my migraine. That's just the reality of things. What also I can't do is fight it, pay too much attention to it, or waste time being upset about it. It saves me energy and it’s generally better for me to just learn how to live with it and find ways to improve this parasitic relationship.
The feeling of guilt, shame, and of being responsible for my issues is something I've dealt with many times, but when my condition got under control - which mostly is despite everything - these questions of "how are you causing this" coming from other people stopped. So, it is adding insult to injury - quite literally - to be going through this reaction again now that something seems to be out of order.
I hear you, I am empathetic to your discomfort when you know you can’t cure my pain. At the same time, please stop suggesting what I should do differently because I probably am or did, and ultimately cannot work around some obstacles. Please, just believe my lifelong practice of trial and error. And remember that as much as it feels bad that you can’t do anything from the outside, I’m still glad you don’t fully understand this challenging existence because nobody should have to live through it.
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the-wonder-wall Β· 3 years
Willow: The Basics
Tw: Under the cut/readmore topics such as bugs (maggots), self/harm (during hallucinatory episodes), and sexual manipulation (Predeviancy) will be discussed. There are also censored reference photos. Stick to the area above to avoid that.
Species: Android
Height: 5'4
Pronouns: They/them
Sexuality: Pansexual
Created: May 2034
Deviated: October 31, 2035
Quick Notes:
β€’ Michael had named Willow Angelica, often calling them his angel, they changed their name to Willow shortly after deviating
β€’ They also hate angel's because of this, would not recommend using that as a pet name unless you want to upset them
β€’ Because of how they deviated it is very hard for them to trust someone enough to repair them, if they do let someone repair them the circumstances are likely to be extreme
β€’ Due to the amount of damage they've sustained, both self-inflicted and by others, their self healing program is barely functioning
β€’ While they are still durable and can take a hit, they recover much slower than previously
β€’ As of 2038 they live in the Junkyard, after the revolution pretty much any android there is dead. Willow see's the lack of life as a sign of safety, even if they are very lonely
β€’ Although they're skittish, Willow is far too friendly for their own good. They can also be very gullible
β€’ Willow doesn't quite grasp that stealing is wrong, only that stealing certain items are wrong. They don't steal to be malicious, they just assume it's ok if the item is either abundant or appears to be abandoned
β€’ If told not to steal they are likely to take it as "Don't steal this particular item."
β€’ They do not like being approached from the right as they can't see due to the missing eye
β€’ The damage under their clothes is just as severe, if not more, than the damage to their face.
β€’ While they don't want to be violent, there are situations where they'll feel there's no choice. They carry a switchblade for their own safety
β€’ On the off chance that they kill someone, the memory files of the incident have and will corrupt for the sake of their own sanity. It's worth noting that they will continously try and fail to open the memory files as they badly want to know what happened.
β€’ Will occasionally crack jokes, they're still learning humor and this tends to adapt to the people they hang around
β€’ Will hide wherever they deem safe before going into stasis, usually in closes spaces at the junkyard
β€’ Voicebox is severely damaged, causing their voice to sound distorted when they speak
β€’ Created as a female android, has fully functional genitalia but they are non-binary
β€’ Has never interfaced, isn't even sure what it is beyond android's holding hands and deactivating their skin programs
β€’ They have no cooking program, but they were taught a small amount of recipes that their ex owner and his college aged daughter (Monica) wanted Willow to know
β€’ They will sometimes try to avoid answering certain questions if they're uncomfortable
β€’ Michael (ex owner) hade Willow's sense of touch made to be as close to human as possible. They feel chronic pain from their injuries
β€’ They are highly susceptible to cold due to the open wounds allowing air exposure to their bio components. If their temperature drops too low they will be forced into stasis
β€’ They also can't get too wet because of the exposed bio components. While water is unlikely to kill them it will certainly hurt them
Willow is a custom made android created for their ex owner Michael with the intended purpose of being a fancy Halloween decoration. Before the Revolution he was well known for his increasingly horrofic Haunted Houses, gaining fame for his use of android's and how realistically their responses to stimuli, most notably fear, were.
To make everything more authentic feeling he would pay to have custom android's built to his liking, only giving them the program's he felt they'd need.
For Willow this means that they were built without the ability to scan, communicate through their mind, or use search functions to look things up. Michael intended for them to be entirely reliant on him. As a result they're as naΓ―ve as they are curious.
One perk they do have is their durability. Having become annoyed with how easily the previous android's shutdown during the deviation process, Michael had Willow built for durability. This is a huge reason Willow has yet to succumb to the damage they've sustained.
He also had them built with a feature that'd force them into an Emergency Stasis if they were to begin to self-destruct, after deviation this feature keeps them alive during hallucinatory episodes.
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[Note that I forgot to draw their LED in one pic, they do have one]
Willow's Deviation:
From May 2034 to October 30, 2035 Willow lived with Michael, his college aged daughter Monica, and a few miscellaneous android's, blissfully ignorant as to what their intended purpose was. While weren't deviant, there were feelings of love. They had been led to believe that Michael cared for them as someone would a spouse. It's worth noting that he had installed Willow with sexual programs for his own perverted reasons, naturally Willow had gotten the wrong idea. Michael, however, was not about to correct them as he was well aware that the emotional whiplash would only aid in the deviation process. Which he saw more as damaged coding than actual sentience.
To cause Willow to deviate Michael had created several open wounds, burning the edges of the wounds to ensure the damage would heal as little as possible.
This was also to create as much pain as possible, as with each android Michael had continuously worked to make their sense of touch as strong as possible, both inside and out.
Once that was done he filled the wounds with rotten meat and maggots, locking them in a cage as a prop for the Haunted House.
He also installed metal wings to play up the angel aesthetic, these were ripped out when Willow met Kelli
Normally, early the next morning, Michael would put the android out of it's misery if it survived the night, but Monica, having begun to question if these reactions were really just broken coding, took pity on Willow and allowed them to escape.
After deviating Willow suffers from hallucinatory episodes where they believe the maggots are still inside of them. It is essentially bits of the memory replaying, overtime it began to spread much like a virus until they could see/feel the maggots on areas of their body that hadn't been harmed when they deviated.
During these episodes they attempt to dig the maggots out, usually with the switchblade they often carry, the episode will not end until they're forced into Emergency Stasis. During these episodes, if someone approaches them, Willow will likely perceive them as a threat or as Micheal himself. They are very likely to attack someone during this time.
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[The reference photo with the flowers was created by a friend who wishes to remain anonymous. All other art is by me, though some is older]
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askdoloresmoore Β· 4 years
I got this wonderful list from @hyunsu-jung
Original Post: here!
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Not that anyone cares,but I thought this would be fun!!
Character's Name: Dolores Moore
Part I: Let's Start at the Beginning...
1. What's your name?
"Mrs.Dolores Moore"
2. Give me your full name...
*sighs* "Dolores Lily Moore "
3. Do you have a nickname? If yes, what is it and how did you come to have it?
"The only nickname that comes to mind , at the moment, is what mr. Brown, my uncle if you will,calls me. He seems really keen on calling me Dolly, no matter how annoying I find the subject. "
4. What species are you? (Human, werewolf, etc? Or are you an alien?)
"I am quite certain that I am a human. Although I must inquire..What exactly is an alien?"
5. Where were you born?
"I was born on a small farm outside the town of Blackwater, WE"
6. I see. And that would make your age...?
"25 to be exact "
7. Okay, now...are you a good guy, or a bad guy?
"I would like to consider my self a good guy. Although that matter is quite subjective ,don't you think?"
Part II: Tell Us More About Yourself...
8. How would you describe your personality?
"I consider myself quite kind-hearted and patient "
9. Would you say you're someone who can handle pressure?
"It depends on the day. Although on most days I must say I cannot."
10. Do you like to read?
"Oh yes, quite! It's one of my favourite pastimes, alongside drawing "
11. Favorite color?
"It would have to be blue, particularly the lighter shades "
12. Do you get along with others?
"I'm quite the easygoing person , I believe. "
13. Do you have any enemies?
"Not that I'm aware of"
14. How about friends?
"I used to have, back east, but I'm quite certain they must have forgotten me by now."
15. Are you patient?
"Yes,as I mentioned. I believe it to be one of my greatest qualities. "
Part III: Hypothetically...
16. Suppose that you could become any creature you know of. What would you pick, and why?
"Any creature? Well I'm aware that my answer might be quite dull and somewhat predictable but I would like to be a cat. They always fascinated me and when I was a child I used to envy their neatness. There was this one time when I was little, when I..." mrs. Moore pauses and composes herself. " I must apologise for going off topic "
17. One of your enemies in question 13 just complimented you. Response?
"While I'm not aware of any enemies, if a supposed one gave me a compliment, I would certainly politely accept it, even though it would be completely surprising for me."
18. One of your friends in Question 14 just insulted you. Response?
"Even though that would be unlikely, given that they are high society women, I would let them know I was offended "
19. If you could change anything about yourself...
"One thing that I would change about myself, given the opportunity, would be my submissive nature. I find that aspect of me quite annoying sometimes. I think it hinders my advance as a person."
20. About your home...
"I've had several during my life, so I'll give a brief description of all of them. My childhood home was a beautiful farmhouse in California. I remember the beautiful golden hue , the sunset would give the wheat fields my parents had. My husband's house in New York, is a stunning manor,so big that I used to get lost in when I first got there. Lastly my current residence is a two story cottage my uncle, mr. Brown and some workers he hired built. While it is nowhere near my last residence in size, I've grown to love it. It is still in the process of being decorated though. "
Part IV: Now We Get Personal
21. What're your parents like?
"My parents... Well they both were great people. Caring, loving and very much in love with each other till the end. "
22. Do you have any siblings?
" I guess I can say I had. My brother...My poor brother John. He has been missing for some time now."
23. What's your occupation?
"At the moment I do not work. Although I have been a housemaid in the past."
24. I see, that's a good job to have. Do you like it?
" I did not enjoy being a housemaid at all."
25. Are you seeing/dating anyone?
"No , not at the moment... "
26. Married/Engaged/Other?
*Dolore's eyes water a little at the sound of this question*
" I was married, yes. To a lovely man, John Moore. "
27 If yes, how did you meet?
" I used to work as a housemaid at his estate. We fell in love and the rest is history. "
28. Tell us your biggest secret.
"I'm sorry but I dont think it's quite appropriate to admit something like that."
29. Your worst fear? You don't have to answer this one if you don't want to.
" I am very afraid of losing what family I have left."
30. Favorite food?
" it is more of a dessert than a food, but I am very fond of apple pies"
30. Favorite drink?
" That would be chilled champagne, without a doubt."
31. Tell us one thing you're the most proud of.
"I guess my hat pin collection "
32. Something embarrassing? You don't have to answer this one, either.
" Well.." she hesitates, thinking " I believe it's rather embarrassing that I am afraid of the dark!"
33. If you didn't answer Questions 29 and/or 33, tell me why.
" I did answer, so I guess I do not have to answer this one!"
34. Is that a good reason?
" and this one neither "
Part VI: Closing
35. Are you satisfied with your life?
"Truly I cannot say. Sometimes I think I've lived life to the fullest, other times I think my life is living me, if that makes sense."
36. Anything you feel like you have to do? It can be something long-term, like a bucket list, or something you need to do right now.
"I do believe I should finish my embroidery project sometime!!"
37. Any hobbies?
"I must saythat I enjoy riding. I've been riding since childhood and ,although not perfect, I try to do it as often as possible. That and listening to any stories my unclehas to share about lawmen. These people always fascinated me. "
38. Quick, you get one wish! What did you just wish for? It's alright, you can tell me...
" I wished for my husband and brother to be here with me"
39. How would you describe that wish? Good? Bad? Selfish? Selfless? Other?
" I guess it can be seen as selfish, given the fact that wherever they are now, it can't be worse than this Earth. "
40. Have you been honest with these questions?
" Yes, an improper amount. "
41. Your personal quote?
"Perhaps it is our imperfections that make us perfect for one another "- Jane Austen. "
42. Do you like change?
"Even though I'm reluctant to pursue it at first, I do like change when it comes."
43. What's your most valued possession?
* Dolores rummages through her bag*
" This pocket watch . It belonged to my father."
44. Anything else you feel like sharing?
"Nothing comes to mind , at the moment. "
50. Last question! How do you feel?
" I must say this has been a quite enjoyable experience for me, so I must confess I feel delighted!"
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floret1 Β· 4 years
An hour later, the bus pulled into a parking lot and I had seen the Death City sign posted in front. A wiggle of hunger stirred in my stomach. I shifted my gaze around, almost surprised the place didn't have a high fence and a locked gate. Even after the events of practically a war months ago.
This was, after all, considered to be full of "troubled" teens.
Oh, I haven't introduced myself.
I'm A.C. Heard of me? Good. You're not suppose to anyways.
Well look. It's not, my thing, to come into this kind of world. Being surrounded by younglings whom pursue to abolish corrupted souls with their fighting abilities and magical Weapon-friends.
Anyways, back to A.C.'s first day.
While walking through the large city, I made it to a strange building with large candles, large skulls, and large spikes coming out of it. I'll give it some of my amazement, I think it's a unique architecture. I made it up the stairs and the front of the school was crowded with more human tee-....Lordie, can you say freaks?
One girl wore nothing but red -- red lipstick, red eye shadow, red pants, and a red long-sleeve shirt. Hadn't Red Riding Hood gone out of style? Where was this girl getting her fashion tips? Hadn't she read that colors are in? Like black is the new red? And then there was a boy near the front of the entrance. He had both his eyebrows pierced. There was even that one girl in the bus, her hair dyed three different colors - pink, lime green, and jet black.
They belonged together for sure. They all wore name tags that said 'Meister' or 'Weapon'.
But even in this supernatural part of the world, the stares started to grow. Not at Red Riding Hood. Not at the member of Big Hero 6. Not even Gajeel Redfox 2.0. Just ole me.
I couldn't blame them really, not everyone has long layered pink hair and blue-ish, grey eyes. But maybe that's not why they were staring at me, maybe my inhuman beauty. And I'm not being narcissistic or anything, it's just natural for my kind.
It grew distantly quiet but I didn't mind or care, I started walking into the entrance of the building and everyone murmured and murmured, getting out of my way. Whistles were heard and mouths dropped just a little, and I rolled my eyes in return.
Inside was like a great big private mansion, made of creamed-colored stone but had a line of red and black here and there. Ivy grew up one wall, and they'd let an OCD gardener have his way with the grounds. Extremely tidy.
I looked down on the map of the building that was in my hands and made it to the Shinigami's "office", called the Death Room.
"Hey kiddo!" The friendly voice was not welcoming in my ears, and the skull-masked creature with a cloak didn't make me laugh.
"Death" appeared as a being covered in a tattered piece of pitch black cloth with many jagged edges, decorated with a cartoony skull mask, which seems to serve the sole purpose of imitating an otherwise absent faceβ€”a means of rendering Death more humanoid and thus making him more comfortable for humans (particularly children) to communicate. He also appeared with large, foam gloved hands from his side, in which seemingly materialize.
Those enormously huge hands that could have been used more as weapons, "Good morning!
Welcome to DWMA! Today is the start of our new year, so sorry for the crowded entrance there."
"I'm guessing this is a urgent message? Enough to ask me to come to this place." I said. He chuckled a little, but my ears focused on the sound of wheels behind me.
I turned and a scientist (so it seemed) was a tall man, even by sitting on a chair, and had a handsome face. But then again....
He rolled through the long walkway and then collapsed, tripping over a crack. There was a moment of disbelief and Death must have felt the same way. Stitchy here scratched his head and stood up like nothing happened.
"Good morning Lord Death." He said and bowed to the Shinigami, I stared at him and read him like I did to the girl earlier today. Like how you would look at any person really. I looked, and then it happened again.
I call it Index Mode, when I can feel a thrill in my skin. Finding out his ability, his name, and his personality.
His most notable trait was likely the large screw-in bolt going through his head. He often turned this screw, a means to focus his thoughts or as he prepares to attack an opponent.
Another notable detail about Stein's body, as well as his clothes, are their zig-zag stitches. He has sewn stitches all over his body and clothing; even his house is covered in stitches. His most notable piece of clothing is his doctor's lab coat. He is also surprisingly well built for a man his age, due to a large portion of his time being devoted to combat training.
"Dr. Stein." I said and nodded, signaling a hello.
He looked at me with a mischievous smile, "So this is the special new student. I'm only able to see the personality and wavelength of one's soul."
"Did I miss something here?" I said and felt threatened by his conning, but the Shinigami laughed and no surprise there.
"Oh yes! We haven't made a deal did we?" He said childishly.
β€œUrgh, Shingamis are unbelievable.”
I rolled my eyes. "Yes. We did make one. I come here to help out with this new situation you're having and I get the benefit of having all the souls I need to hunt and eat." I said in my steely voice.
"Oh yeah!" He said and I face-palmed, "But to legally fulfill your desires, you must become a DWMA student." He said.
I sighed and crossed my arms, "Fine." I said, the Shinigami handed me a list and a rule book immediately after my approval.
"We got rules here that requires uniforms. Shibunsen has a huge variety of uniforms, you know? We let you mix and match any top or bottom, even mixing your casual clothes. Just as long as you have the DWMA emblem on you." He chuckles, "Sorry, but I guess you'll have to do school again. Well, if you ever have...haha!" He laughed quite barbarically, but I rolled my eyes in response. What else could I say to a no-brainer Death God. "Oh, and there's one more thing- "
Maka’s POVβ€”
"Soul! Come on!"
β€œStupid guy! He's always slacking off and can't keep up! Urgh!!!!!!”
"We're going to be late!" I exclaimed.
He regarded me calmly and silent like always. Sometimes he can be like a dark shadow come to life. Reserved yet aloof.
We made it up the stairs and all the freshman students were scurrying up and around.
"Newbies." Soul said with a grin, I grinned with him too.
"It was only a year ago, we were freshmans too." I said, feeling nostalgic.
With the city rebuilt and in order, I guess things are a whole lot better now.
"Yahoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at me my future slaves! I'm going to surpass God cause I'm the one and only star...Black Star!!! MUWAHAHAHA!!!!"
A hard slap on my forehead was an effort to wake myself from believing that Black Star was up on the spikes, again.
"G-good morning Maka-chan." Tsubaki came up to me while scratching the back of her head, embarrassed about her master, "He's going at it again." She gasped when we heard a large crack.
"BLACK STAR!" Tsubaki, worried for him as always and ran towards him
"Falling off the spikes again. Nothing changed..." I said, Soul snickered and laughed a little.
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?!" Kid came into the scene and was pestering with Black Star.
"Come on Soul." I said, he wasn't behind me and was joining Black Star. "Soul?! Guys!!" I stomped on the ground with frustration, "Urgh!!!"
I was ready hit someone with my textbook, but I felt a finger tap on my shoulder and I quickly turned around, Crona looked very nervous and held onto his arm.
Author Note: *rolling eyes* YES. I'm going to make Crona a boy!
"Crona! Ready for your sophomore year?" He smiles and nods as usual, but because of this year's new rule of uniforms, he wore tight pants and the boy's collar shirt and jacket. "You look great!" I exclaimed and gave him a smile, he blushed and smiled back. I rubbed his head and patted his back, he can be really cute at times.
"Hey guys. What's everyone getting all wild about? They're murmuring to each other." Liz pointed out.
"Maybe about my awesomeness!!" Black Star started leaping.
"Maybe your stupidity." I muttered.
"Shut up!" He said and pouted.
"Have you guys heard! There's a hot chick that came around this morning!" We heard someone exclaim.
"A new girl?" Soul said.
"What?! Someone is taking my spotlight!!" Black Star said.
I thought for a minute and rubbed my chin, β€œA new student huh?”
"9:30 A.M.: Meister and Weapon". I wrote on my planner while sitting on my row of Dr. Stein's classroom.
"Hey Soul, I wonder if that new girl is in our class." I said putting down my pen, I turned and he wasn't listening. I sighed and took out my ultimate-weapon-of-waking-up-idiots. "Maka Chop!!!" I strategically slammed my large, green book onto his head. Leaving it sizzling.
"Ow!!!! That hurts!" He said, I stuck my tongue out to make fun of him.
"Did you hear me or what?" I said, he fell onto his palm and lazily leaned on the table.
"Yeah yeah. Who knows?" He was uninterested, and did a terrible job of acting like he was paying attention.
"Have you seen the Pink Angel yet?" Some kid said.
"No, but I heard she's a sophomore! So she might be in our class!"
Some girls and boys kept talking about the new girl and made me curious.
"I haven't heard the students gossip so much since Kid's arrival." Tsubaki whispers.
"WHY WONT ANYONE TALK ABOUT ME?!" Black Star exclaims.
"Cause no one wants to." We all said in unison.
The door opens and Dr. Stein comes into the room, no one ever talks while he comes in cause, well, he's a nut-job.
"Morning class." He said with boredom and swivels on his chair with his usual, slump posture. I looked around and I didn't see anyone out of particular. New kids obviously, but not the description everyone talked about.
"Stein Sensei?" I rose my hand but he flicked his hand up first.
"I know you guys are dying to know about the new sophomore student, as I heard she already has a nickname. But she's not in this class and I don't want to hear anything else about it in front of me. This is class, not a social gossip club."
I immediately placed my hand down and everyone murmurs, β€œThat's weird, she's a sophomore but not in this class? Doesn't she have a partner?”
Soul Eater POV--
"Come on Soul, it's lunch now." Maka orders me again, and I nodded and lifted my head up off the table.
"Alright-alright." I placed each hand in my pockets and walked behind Maka. She walked happily across the hallway with Black Star, Tsubaki, Kid, Lizzy, Patty, and Crona.
She was, what I call....her "temporary" good mood. She was in her favorite place in the world: class.
"I'll meet you guys later." I said, moving myself to a different hallway.
"Where's he going?" I was still able to hear Black Star because of his projectile voice.
"To the music room." Maka said and their footsteps died down.
Maka and I can't afford a piano back at the apartment, or have enough room, but whatever. I sighed and scratched the back of my head.
Music room was written lazily on the black, foggy glass door and I stopped walking when I heard a violin coming out of the room. Yeah, a violin.
It was unusual for someone to be in there, the room was vacant and I was the only who had a key to it. But I heard a violinist without an accompanist, her tone was dark and light at the same time and was actually soothing into my ears. With strong chords and a lot of minors, it was intense music with a lot of intention.
I couldn't help but lean my back agianst the door, closing my eyes. My fingers couldn't help but tap rhythms on my lap and my mind imagined a perfect piano part for the piece. I had the urge to go inside and see who was playing, but I also didn't want the music to stop.
But what the heck, I'll go in quietly.
I opened the door slowly and peeked inside the room, the song perfectly finished and the last chord echoes. Huh, it was over. Might as well see who was playing.
"Hellooooo?" I called out. When the door was completely open, I jolted back with fear as something was thrown towards me, aimed just a few inches away from my skin.
"Shit!" I turned around and a violin bow was pierced against the wall. Like a arrow, it kept vibrating from the force.
"What the hell man?!" But there was no one in front of me, or in the room.
The lights weren't on and the room look untouched, it was like no one was here.
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sophygurl Β· 5 years
okay so I saw your fox way post (which i realise is from like 5 months ago so i'm sorry if it's not in your main interests anymore) and I wanted to know what you think would be some good descriptors for the organised comfy chaos that is their house. bc i love the idea of a house of miss-matched over stuffed sofas and everything everywhere that doesn't understand the concept of minimalism but I can't find anything online that looks like what I imagine. Thoughts?
omg so The Raven Cycle in general, and Fox Way in particular, is never out of my main interests so thank you for this!! I actually have a Bunch of other metas that I’ve kinda collected notes for and one of them is actual physical descriptions of 300 Fox Way?Β 
I feel bad because I’ve already promised @sparkly-things metas about Maura and Gray next up ages ago, but hopefully they won’t mind? And I happen to have a lil energy and time today, so here goes with every physical description of the house that I’ve collected during re-reads (may have missed stuff).Β 
This got long, and is perhaps not even what you were looking for, but I hope it helps you and/or others looking for descriptions of the house!Β 
Blue describes the architecture of the house, simply, as weird in TRB. In TDT she expands on that, saying itΒ β€œwas two houses knitted together, and neither structure had been a palace to begin with. Narrow hallways leaned eagerly toward one another.” I’m not sure if she means this literally, as in two small houses on nearby lots got made into one building somehow, or just that the way the house is built just makes it feel that way?Β 
She goes on to talk about aΒ β€œstray toilet gurgling somewhere” - since we know there is only the one bathroom is she talking about that or does this language mean there is maybe another toilet connected somewhere, like in a basement? ThenΒ β€œthe wood floors were as buckled as the sidewalk out front.” Some of the walls were painted in vivid purples and blues, and some had decades old wallpaper (in the same rooms or in different rooms?).Β β€œFaded black and white photographs hung beside Klimt prints and old metal scissors. The entire decor was a victim of too much thrift-shopping and too many strong personalities.”
Gansey describes the house as beingΒ β€œcramped with extraneous people and whimsical objects. It hummed with conversation, music, telephones, old appliances.” Malory calls the houseΒ β€œlovely” and seems to appreciate just how many walls there are.Β 
At one point, it’s said that 300 Fox Way is one mile away from Monmouth Manufacturing.Β 
The exterior is aΒ β€œlittle bright blue house”. There is a hand painted sign that readsΒ β€œPSYCHIC” and thenΒ β€œBy appointment only”. When turned around, the sign readsΒ β€œCLOSED COME BACK SOON!” I’m not sure if there is a porch, but there is a porch light referred to when opening the front door, so that’s a good guess. There is a front step, so it’s not a ground level entrance to the front of the house the way it seems to be in the back.Β 
Outside in the backyard - there’s Blue’s large Beech tree, which shades the entire backyard with it’s β€œbeautiful, perfectly symmetrical canopy” that kept out all but the heaviest of rains. There is a high wooden fence covered with honeysuckle that blocked out neighboring lights and the canopy of the tree blocked out the moonlight.
Right off the sliding glass door in the kitchen, there’s a cracked brick patio leading into the yard itself. There are chairs arranged on the patio.
In the kitchen, above the table, is the chandelier described as a β€œbadly designed stained-glass creation” (also described as β€œthe fake Tiffany lamp”) - the one they have difficulty changing the bulbs in. The process of changing the bulbs took at least three hands and was generally left until all the bulbs had burned out - so consider that the kitchen would have different levels of light depending on how far along in this process they might be. The kitchen counters seem always to be cluttered with mugs, teas being made and packaged, essential oils, flowers, pots boiling, etc. There is also a cabinet filled with glasses, either in the kitchen, or close enough to the kitchen for them to rattle when one gets down off of the kitchen table.Β 
Also in the kitchen - the door to the pantry that Artemus takes up residence in.Β 
You can see to the front hall and the base of the stairs from the kitchen, and there’s a main hallway that connects from the kitchen, which is at the back of the house, to the front of the house where the front door is, and so I imagine that the stairs are right there in that front hall area. I also believe there is only the one set of stairs connecting the two floors. The staircase has a railing with a knob on it.Β In the hallway, there is a table with a clock on it.Β 
The reading room can easily be gotten to from both the kitchen and the front hall, so I imagine it’s off to the other side of the stairs perhaps and maybe there’s a door from the hall and another to the back from the kitchen? There do seem to be multiple doors into the room, and since Adam describes it as a room meant to be a dining room, that makes sense to me. The doors are sometimes closed, so it’s not one of those rooms that is just separated off by archways or whatever.
Anyway, it is described as containingΒ β€œthe candles, the potted plants, the incense burners, the elaborate dining room chandelier, the rustic table that dominated the room, the lace curtains, and finally ... a framed photograph of Steve Martin.” Maura seems proud of that photograph, and makes sure to tell Whelk that it’s signed. It’s also described as having mismatched furniture, with an armchair at the head of the table.There’s a framed photograph of a standing stone on the wall. Also, apparently, there’s a phone in the reading room. There are blinds over the windows.Β 
There’s also a living room, which I’m thinking is further into the house, because you can’t see the front hall/door from there. There is a fuzzy mint green love seat, and a blue striped chair, and a wicker bench in front of the window. There’s also a couch. I’m also guessing this is where the TV is, unless there is a separate TV room as well, somewhere on the downstairs level?Β 
There is only one bathroom, and it’s upstairs. There’s a full bathtub.Β 
The upstairs phone, the one dedicated to the psychic phone line Orla had put in, is in the Phone/Sewing/Cat room, which has green gingham wallpaper and is β€œfull of a multitude of odds and ends”. I’m not sure if the long purple silk Calla does her aerial yoga in is always there, or of Calla sets it up before she does it each time? There are bins of sewing materials, a chair with a pillow on it, and I’m guessing this is the room with the sewing table in it?Β 
Blue had repurposed canvas trees glued to her bedroom walls, decorated with collaged and found-paper leaves. There was a card table shoved against her twin mattress with reading materials on it, and a nightstand with a dim green lamp. Her closet door was covered with glued dried flowers. She had a ceiling fan that was hung with colored feathers and lace, also leaves. And she had copied a poem on her ceiling. There was a bird painted on one wall with a talk bubble that readΒ β€œWORMS FOR ALL”. A shelf cluttered with buttons and scissors. A rotating fan in the corner. Blue’s room is adjacent to the Phone/Sewing/Cat room.
Maura has her own room, which is next door to the Phone/Sewing/Cat room. Calla describes it as being chaotic and messy and filled with too much shit.Β 
Calla and Jimi share a bedroom. It is my considered opinion that they also share a bed, but this is never mentioned or alluded to. We do know that on Calla’s dresser is kept the three statues of Oya, Oshun, and Yemaya, the Yoruban goddesses.
Persephone’s bedroom was at the end of the hall upstairs, past the Phone/Sewing/Cat room and bathroom, and the door to her room was painted red. She had a desk with a Victorian desk chair, and aΒ β€œhigh, elderly twin bed”. There was a shaggy rug.Β 
Presumably Orla has a bedroom somewhere up there and if there are other residents of the house (see the post referred to in this ask for why I wonder about that possibility), then perhaps there are also other bedrooms??
The attic is accessible from the second floor with a door that leads to the stairs that lead up to it. This door is at the very end of the hall, probably past Persephone’s room. A single light bulb lit the attic and it didn’t reach the stairs, so that was a dark stairway. Once up there, there are numerous slanting roof lines which means this is one of those houses with lots of angles and not just one flat or arched roof. There’s also unfinished wood floorboards and areas patched with plywood. There’s a porthole window (along with other windows apparently?), the leads out to the mismatched roof angles outside. Before Neeve moved in, there was nothing up there because Maura was against collecting things.Β 
When Calla and Blue go up to investigate once Neeve’s been living there, they find a mattress covered with throw rugs on the floor; lots of candles, bowls, and glasses cluttered together, bright painter’s tape making patterns between those objects, a half-burned plant stalk on a plate dusted with ashes, and in one of the narrow dormers - two full-length footed mirrors facing one another. Also a statue of a woman with eyes in her belly, a black leather mask with a large pointed beak, a red mask that matched it, a switch made of three sticks tied together with a red ribbon, and a little cloth bag with asafetida tied into it.
After they clear out Neeve’s things and it becomes Gwenllian’s room, the mirrors are still there, and the mattress, but it becomes cluttered with her own mess of things, also including candles and half-burnt plants.
So that’s what I got! LMK if you have more questions. I love this house and the people who live in so very much. Thanks for asking about it!Β 
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maxheadley Β· 6 years
Part 1; The Fairy Lights
Autumn was welcomed for two reasons; the slight shift of the weather changing from heat to cold, and the long-awaited day where two beloved, infamous star-crossed lovers wedded. Everyone was on their toes, anticipating the grand union, and not a single soul stopped for a second.
As morning arrived, Sebastian woke to the patterns of footsteps, going back and forth in the hallway of Creedence's home. He sighed, wishing they'd stop for just a split second, and give him a minute of silence. The last fews days were busy preparing for his wedding and it almost seemed like the world would never halt. Silence was a wish he would fail to receive.
He kicked off the stark white comforter and turned on his side, sliding a muscular arm under his fluffy pillow. His dark hair dangling dangerously close to his eyes, he pushed them away. He stared at the bare walls of his old bedroom. He recently moved his items into the master bedroom of Ben and his's newly built cottage (courtesy of the Fey folk). He left one item on the nightstand. The one thing he cared enough to leave with him that night. A picture of him, his brothers and sisters and his grandmother. The family he hardly knew except Creedence and Julissa. The family he came to know, the family he would've never traded for the world despite any faults or any bad luck following them. Or the corruption that followed a couple of them.
He ran his fingertips across the nine faces of his family, erasing a film of gathered dust off the glass. Sebastian stood at Creedence's side, snugly in the middle of Creedence, and Ambrosia. His smile was as bright as the sun as were the others. He had never known happiness like he did and rekindling the broken parts of his family helped and finding the love of his life wasn't bad at all. It was great. Too bad not everyone could see Sebastian achieve his goal he dreamt of since he was twelve. He thought of Alura trapped in the confines of chains, deeply hidden among the cells of Glessica's Castle's personal prison. Probably half driven out of her mind having nothing to do and no one to speak to except the shadows across the walls. And then he thought of Alexander, his twin but drastically different brother, who walked the forests of the Dark Fey. He had become trapped in misery, grief, and turmoil and wondered off to the darkest place he could escape to. Like those who are like him, encased in darkness and unfaltering misery, slowly destroying whatever light and love that fought inside them.
Sebastian hadn't known Alexander very well or really been close to Alura, but nonetheless he wished they'd witness their brother marry. He did ask if Anazul would release Alura for the hour of his wedding but obviously to no avail and none of the Fey could track down Alexander. He suspected his twin brother wouldn't want to be found, so he cloaked himself to remain untraceable and among the shadows of what he loss. Sadly.
He jumped, straight out of his reverie, when a knock sounded on his door. He cleared his throat and yelled. "Yeah? Come in!"
The door opened, revealing his brother standing there, one hand snaked around the doorknob and one hand holding the head of his cane. Creedence looked older and younger at the same time. He suffered a loss of his own. His wife committed suicide not wanting to live without her husband and without knowing he'd be resurrected. Though, unlike Alexander, Creedence had children to stay for. He couldn't wander off and leave it all behind. That'd be a mistake.
His hair was wet, probably from his shower, and his unusually thin, body was draped in an oversized black bathrobe tied at his waist. "Hey, Bash." Creedence's pale face broke out into a radiant smile, one which reached his eyes. Sebastian noticed for the first time in an age.
It brought his own smile to play. "Hey, Dee. If you thought you were going to wake me up, you've mistaken. The footsteps of others woke me up." He joked, sitting up and stretching his back. A couple cracks later, he was standing up and striding over to his brother. "Although, I appreciate the gesture."
"You know just because it's your wedding day doesn't mean you-" Creedence began, but Sebastian enveloped him into a huge bear hug. Creedence's laugh erupted into his ear and Sebastian couldn't help the grin that flew onto his face when they broke apart. "I'm going to miss living with you, Dee."
"I can't say that I won't miss you living here either. I know Cres and Reli will be different, but sometimes change is inevitable." Creedence beckoned to the working servants preparing the last of the decorations and tailoring for the children's attire. Not one of the servants bothered to take a break to glance at Creedence and Sebastian. He didn't blame them. One misstep could poke Crescent's skin or cause an unnecessary rip in one of the papier mache balls (used to cover the lights). No one wanted anything to go wrong at this point and Crescent would probably lit the seamstress on fire if she stabbed him with a needle. He hated needles.
"How are you holding up?" Sebastian asked, leaning over the iron railing and watching the seamstress tailor the last bits of material for Crescent's silver blazer. Crescent was staring at the rain splattered window unregistering anything else around him. Sebastian would have to have a thorough talk to his nephew once he had the chance.
Creedence put his free hand on Sebastian's shoulder and squeezed. "I'm excited. Truly." He smiled at his little brother. "I can't believe my little brother, my Bash is getting married this evening!"
"It is a shock? Isn't it? I can hardly believe it myself." Sebastian smiled, putting one hand in his hair. "Do you think Ben is doing well? I mean he's probably still asleep, but I mean all the wedding events and preparations have been a bit stressful. Do you think he's okay?"
"Ben's a tough cookie. He's unapologetically unafraid."
"You know, sometimes you can be too."
Creedence shrugged, pressing off the railing and stepped back. "I think we all can be, Bash."
Ben tried on his suit a thousand and one times since Rhea finished up the last of the silver detailing on the cuffs and collar of his blazer. He admired the way the suit did not make him appear too large nor too scrawny. It was exactly the right fit and shape for someone with his condition. Later, he'd confidently stand on the dais, waiting for his beloved, and have his stolen little moments of glory finally. He now stood in front of the extremely large wall mirror of his bathroom. He ran his freshly cleaned hands across the top of the white, silky like fabric smoothing any riffs.
He smiled. "Damn, I look good."
"You are the definition of handsome!" said the soft voice of his best friend, Ambrosia. He saw her appear in the reflection of the mirror at his side. She stood about five inches shorter, barely reaching his shoulder. She had one hand over her protruding stomach. She was beginning to show. Her second pregnancy wasn't as fast paced as her first for some strange reason. He couldn't help but have his heterochromic eyes drawn to the small baby bump hidden beneath a deep maroon soft fabric. But he said nothing onto the contrary. Instead, focusing on her words.
"Ah! Don't let Michael hear you say that. You know how jealous he gets!" Ben grinned, meeting her eyes in the mirror.
"Oh. Whatever." Ambrosia chuckled, gently pushing him. He barely stumbled and laughed. "Are you ready to be officially united with Sebastian?" Ambrosia added, her emerald-gold cat slitted eyes gleaming deviously.
"It's been a longtime coming.." Ben began, but trailed off. He stared at the reflection of Ambrosia. Before Michael, before Magnus, before Sebastian, he'd thought he'd be married off to Ambrosia procreating and leading the Wolf Pack. But God and Legend had other plans apparently. His destiny taking a broad turn for the best. He picked up after a couple of seconds because Ambrosia inquired more. "I thought you were the one I'd be married to one day. I never expected to fall for your brother. I didn't know he existed til about two years ago before I found out our memories of anytime before that were erased. But I wouldn't change a thing between you and me, nor me and Sebastian. I am happy our lives worked out this way. We're both happy."
Ambrosia's lips spread into a smile. "It's no lie you are happiest at his side. I think that's most important."
Ben could only smile, too.
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iamjomarj Β· 5 years
It was a privilege to feature on @EntreprUnite Community TweetChat on Tuesday 22nd of January 2018.
@EntreprUnite: Tonight, we have @IamJomar_J here to have a chat with.
I'll begin with the questions, and I'll let you know when to fire your shots.
Good evening Mr. Jimoh @IamJomar_J welcome to the cool seat...
So quickly tell us about you.
Me: My full name is Jimoh Razaq. A project Manager, Business Man and also the CEO of Jomarjimoh Universal Company Ltd. A small but fast growing Project Management firm.
Alumnus of University of Ibadan from Guidance and Counselling department. Had a series of training from Servant Leadership (Self taught), IT Security Settings (Maret Communication), Civil Engineering (From RCC), Counselling Psychologist (CASSON), to Interior Design.
EntreprUnite: I see you're packed! That's awesome! So, tell us about JomarJimoh Universal Company Limited
Me: JomarJimoh Universal Company Limited started out as a small scale contractor in Interior Decorations. It became incorporated in 2017 by the Corporate Affairs Commission as a private limited company under Companies and Allied Matters Act,1990 and since then has diversified into mainstream Project Management and building construction. For the building owner/occupier, we give better value for money through thoughtful design and quality construction process. While focusing on exceeding client's expectations, we ensure quality and excellence in our projects. Our strong relationships with consultants who are professionals of the built environment have been a major boost in our drive to assist building owners in achieving their dreams of a comfortable shelter.
EntreprUnite: From guidance and counseling to interior decoration to project management and building construction, how did that happen? We are curious
Me: Actually I just find myself in Guidance and Counselling (which I later fall in love with). My first University admission was 2007 to statistics department, I had little challenges, something like too know (effect of young blood) on the journey and that changed everything for me, I manage to end everything around 2010 but due to my passion for education and my parent's support I had to go back but this time as a Distance Learning Student and that's how I found myself in Counselling department.
But as DL student, it gives me room to channel my energy to another thing, I started hanging out with people that are older than me in everything, learn from them, do one or two businesses together. Though am the type that love fine buildings with good structure and nice interior so I put all my attention into it. And with the help of my older friends - I used the opportunity to learn one or two things that do with buildings.
And I forget to mention am from Engineering family, my Dad is a Civil Engineer, Mom is a builder (not practicing though) so I can say I continue from where they can't reach.
EntreprUnite: Impressive! Will you say you are where you want to be now?
Me: Career Choice? Yes.
But in growth? No. I want to keep growing, because there's no end in learning and making money. 😁😁😁
EntreprUnite: Yeah we all want to make the money!
Your company has come a long way, we would be kidding ourselves to think it is easy. What kind of challenges have you faced along the line and how did you overcome?
Me: Hmmm. To say the truth, without a right plug and rightful business behaviour, this type of business can't go far.
When I first started, I did most of the work like for free just for me to get a portfolio. I make sure I gave my clients what they deserve and at the same time make my team are happy. Then, some facilitators are the one getting all the profit that am suppose to make but I keep on doing it.
Sometimes clients will refuse to pay for balance after the work, workers fight on site, injuries, accident, etc. But all in all, the positive attitude, word of encouragement to myself, and the goal I set keeps me going and never for once it cross my mind to give up.
And because of my attitude towards my boys, they don't mind whatever we face on site, they work with their soul, supportive and understanding. Without them, we can't be where we are today.
EntreprUnite: Beautiful!
Do you have a philosophy you live by?
Me: Sure... Let me list some
*Believe you can do it and go out with all your might to get what you deserve.
*Thy shall not dish out what you can't take.
*When am wrong I don't pass the blame around. I don't claim to know what I don't and it gives room for me to learn more.
*I say more of "thank you and I'm sorry".
*There is no second chance for first impression, so I don't try hard to satisfy people, but I always make sure they meet the calm part of me, the one that listening more with less talk.
*I don't spend money that I don't have. I don't buy what I don't need. I don't know how to save so I invest more. I read books. I laugh always. I don't sleep angry. I don't think about unnecessary stuff much.
*I always want more, I always push myself to grow, I don't give up.
*I don't date who I can't marry. I don't rush my judgement. And my no is no, no going back.
Thank you.
EntreprUnite: You don't date who you can't marry, a lot of guys out here need to take a cue from you.
So what is your 5year plan?
Me: ☺️☺️☺️ Thanks
My 5years plan is to be in Forbes list of under 35 doing great for his nation. I want to be at the top.
EntreprUnite: Great!
We all want to be at the top. Any advice for up coming project managers?
Me: Prepare for the worst "I don't want to say the road is rough so it won't be a sign of discouragement (but it is) keep working and hoping for the best. Be of your best behaviour, make sure you find ways to always be part of people's thought, don't take part in any unnecessary drama because it will come back to hurt you. And above all be ready to be a Servant Leader.
EntreprUnite: That's the only way leadership can be effective.
So, are you married?
Me: No. I'm single
EntreprUnite: Hey Ladies get in here, we have a single Brother!
Are you searching?
Me: Seriously I don't know for now. I can say searching but there is no enough time for me to split yet, and so far I think that's one of the mistakes am making.
EntreprUnite: Oh wow... You, a CEO, you make mistakes too?
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