#so it's harder to figure out how old they actually are because they don't look as old as they are
thethingything · 3 months
a fun thing about 🍬 is that ever since learning about coppiced trees he's been maybe kind of obsessed with them and the local woodlands used to be working woodlands so they're absolutely full of them.
I've never seen a man so delighted by trees. like just getting so excited about almost every tree he saw, which was a lot given the location. incredibly whimsical experience
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wakebymoonsleepbysun · 4 months
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Dogday!! Trying to figure out a way to send a Y/N in there to help him.
Rambles under the cut.
(I drew my sona in these cuz self-indulgent, but if I ever write anything it'll be a reader insert with little to no canon design.)
Design notes: Took some elements from his game model as well as his cartoon design. I think when we see him, he is emaciated and/or stretched out, the way CatNap is said to be able to stretch. Don't know if that's an ability all Smiling Critters have though. For now I'm saying it is SOMEWHAT but CatNap is the better at it by MILES. In any case, that's why he's not quite as lanky as he is in game, and is also a bit shorter.
I also he can be bipedal or quadrupedal, much like CatNap seems to be able to switch back and forth. A bit more animalistic than his cartoon counterpart, but part of that is just him not wanting to tower over the children and employees all the time, so drops down to all fours quite a bit.
The fur texture on his ears in the game cave him a floofy cocker spaniel look so I went with that instead of the less floofy ears he has in the cartoon and his original plushie.
The white pupils being absent when we see him I believe is a sign of how weak he is. When healthy, all the Bigger Bodies Smiling Critters have them, much like CatNap does.
Trying to actually keep his huge open-mouth smile at all times, unlike with my FNAF stuff where I give them more of an ability to emote. That said trying to get him to look angry or sad was a challenge. Sad I think worked okay but the one where I meant him to look angry he looks more cocky or smirky than mad. Tender moments are a bit harder too, as keeping that huge grin with more tender eyes results in him looking either drunk or horney or just like he's not taking the moment very seriously, haha.
And the story? Not sure yet, bouncing around a few ideas, though I don't think I'll have the reader and the player be the same person. Reader might be someone who came up in PlayCare alongside Dogday. Perhaps they knew each other as kids when Dogday was still human. Haven't decided how much of this Dogday remembers or at what point the reader realizes Dogday is their old friend who got "adopted".
Reader grows up the Playcare and is given a job once they're an adult. (Something something starting the brainwashing and normalization of bullshit early to make employees who are more willing to look the other way?)
Dogday somehow kept them hidden during the Hour of Joy and the reader's been living in the caves ever since. (The caves open up so much possibility for people being hidden in the factory. Much easier to say there's an unknown offshoot of a natural cave system than an unknown part of the factory.)
How are they staying fed? Uhhhh...cave mushrooms? Trips to the surface? Moss? Stale vending machine candy? I don't know yet.
Not sure how to pull a happy ending out of this horror but I'm trying. Maybe the reader convinces Dogday to leave after Ch 3 because he'd be too weak to help anyway or something? And uh...I'm just gonna pretend since he's kinda a plushie he can be sewn back together even though I'm PRETTY SURE canonically the inclusion of blood and guts makes that...not a thing.
Just remember guys...all winds blow away...eventually.
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mischieveousmayhem · 1 month
hiiii!!🩷 how are you?
I saw that you would like some requests in the #batmom so I have a fic idea
The idea is about each one of the batboys says to Batmom "your not my real mother" like angst/fluff and how would the bat mom react to it and handle it
Not my mother.
Pairing: Jason Todd x Batmom
Genre: Angst to fluff
Warnings: None (?), idk english that well 💀
Synopsis: He loves you , or maybe not?
"Jason, this is crazy. How do you have all F's 3 weeks into the semester?"
A disappointed Batmom stood in front of 13(?) year old Jason Todd. She had a frown drawn on her face. Jason looked down, sad that he is disappointing you and angry at himself.
"Do you not do your homework when I tell you to?" She asks a little more assertive while reading all the negative comments the teachers had left.
"I don't know." He responded quietly.
"How do you NOT know?" She was getting heated and it was clear in her tone. "All I want for you is to do your best and you don't even listen to me."
"I do listen to you." He speaks louder, aggressiveness in his tone.
"Jason Peter Todd, do not get an attitude with me because you have consequences to your actions. Now what is going on with you sleeping in class and not paying attention?" Your hands were now on your hips.
"Why do you even care?" You using his middle name made him mad.
"I am trying my best to make sure my son is set up to do good in life." Your hands now on your hips, "Until these grades are fixed, you are to not go on patrol because that is probably the root of these issues."
Jason was at this point angry. You were scolding him like a little kid, on top of that what's Batman without his Robin.
You we're about to walk away but then,
You stopped dead in your tracks. How do you respond to that? You just want what's best for your sweetest Jason.
You turned back to face him, his face was red probably from anger. You were pale, trying to process what your son had said.
"You know what..." You trailed off, "I'll just let your father handle this." You sat down the paper before walking off leaving Jason alone.
Which after he picks up the paper and looks at it.
Oh dear. What has he done?
It's obvious you were actually just caring for him. He was processing everything himself. He just got so angry, angry because he was sad that you were disappointed.
In your bedroom shared with your loving husband, you cried endlessly.
Have you failed as a mother? You just want your son to do his best. You didn't understand why he would say that. Maybe you just came off in the wrong way and it triggered him to go off on you.
Just as you were lost in your thoughts Bruce walked in.
"I was looking—" He stopped when he saw you crying and rushed to your side.
Dearest Bruce Wayne only had a soft spot for his wife and kids.
His arm wrapped around you tightly as your cried into his shoulder.
"What happened?" He asks.
"Well Jason brought home bad g—" You stopped for a minute to gasp in between sobs, "Home bad grades and then I was scolding him but I didn't mean to come off wrong and I told him not patrol and then he said.."
"He said what?"
"He said I'm not his real mom!" You exclaimed then cried harder. "I know it's true but I love him so much and it still hurts."
"Y/N, darling." He grabs your chin with his fingers so you're looking his eyes. "You know he probably didn't mean it. He is probably still adjusting to us too. It still won't slide though, I'll talk to him, ok?"
You nod as he pecks your cheek.
You were knocked out cold. You probably fell asleep while crying. But your awaken when you feel a smaller body climb in the bed next to you in the bed.
You wanted to smile but you were still half asleep and upset. You roll over to face the figure.
"Hey Y/N." The voice spoke.
"Hi Jay." You responded softly, the tone of sadness in your voice even though you tried to cover it up. However, Jason Todd knew that his mother was upset and he frowned.
You two faced each other while laying there in silence. This lasted for about two minutes before he broke the silence.
"I'm sorry I said what I did."
"I know. It's ok."
"Then why are you do sad?" He questioned.
"Words hurt sometimes Jay and I know you didn't mean it but it still felt like a dagger to my heart."
He frowned even more. He hurt you. The woman who is his mother figure and cares so much for him.
"But I will always forgive you my little one. I'm sorry for being a bad mother." You apologized.
"You're not a bad mother, you're a perfect mother. I'm just a kid who didn't understand you were doing your job until after." He said.
"Jay, I just want you to do good, and always follow your dreams."
"I will mom, I promise." When he said mom you smiled.
He scooted closer to you and you wrapped your arms around him, holding him tight.
This was a mothers love, that is what made you his mom.
"I love you mom."
"I love you most, Jason."
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bunni-v1 · 8 months
Could I request the nrc staff + grim finding out you‘re a girl (plantonic)?
Or do they all know straight from the start?
TW: None
Info: Crowley, Grim, Sam, Cruel, Trien x Reader (Platonic)
🍓Hello lovely! I didn't want to make a whole long post about this, but I do want to talk about it. I'm so glad you asked! So the staff is... made aware of the situation, obviously. But, I think I'll go a little into depth on how each member deals with this information.
Crowley knows because... well... he sees you out of the ceremonial robes before anyone else does. He handles it as well as he does every other issue he comes across. "Just cover it up!" Famously said by Crowley. He's not unkind though, he does ensure that you get the help you need and he makes sure you keep what you need hidden, well, hidden. But... he won't do more than the bare minimum unless his hand is forced. Like... with Scarabia, he pretty much threatened the whole dorm with expulsion if they so much as uttered a word to anyone but amongst themselves. He is, unsurprisingly, not a father figure to you. He's more like... you're weird quirky uncle that you like, but only in small doses.
Grim, our little guy, finds out at the same time as Crowley... and he's a little harder to convince to keep his mouth shut to start. He doesn't like you, okay, you stole his position at NRC (like he had a chance at all). With a few well-placed cans of tuna from both you and Crowley, he keeps his little rat mouth shut. However, when you're actually granted studentship as NRC? His tune changes. It changes because Crowley holds his position as a student over his head, but it changes. Not a SINGLE person will ever hear you're a woman from Grim. He can't lose this position, not after so much work to get where he's gotten to. Besides, he grows to really love you! You're family to him, and no one out family. Seriously, he's so protective of it, once Ace and Deuce figure it out they're too scared to talk because of Grim's looming presence.
Sam is the first member of Staff to find out, other than Crowley. How? Crowley's sudden interest in pads, tampons, birth control, and all the fun stuff that comes with being a woman. Sam usually would just shrug his shoulders and excuse Crowley's quirky behavior, but then you come in looking like a lost deer and he gets it. He is genuinely so nice to you though! If you ever feel unsafe on campus, you talk to Sam and he'll handle it for you, okay? Sure, he jacks up the prices on your feminine products, but it's considerably less than his normal prices. Hell, if you're short, he'll "suddenly" remember he's got a discount on those items. He's like a cool older brother, honestly. He lets you hang out in the back of the shop and do homework when you ask, and he gives you snacks at a discount when you're there!
Crewel doesn't really treat you any differently than anyone else. Admittedly though, he's fond of you, even if you're a troublemaker. When you come into his class on your first day in a uniform six times too big for you, he feels pity for you. You didn't ask to be here, and now you have to wear that atrocious old uniform? You poor little pup. He's not exactly easy on you, but he's more understanding of your mistakes. Eventually, after you get to know him better, he offers to get you a nicer uniform and also privately tutor you. This is his excuse for keeping you busy so that you don't have as many chances to get found out, and it's also because you are horrifically failing his class and it looks bad on him.
Trien treats you the most differently out of everyone on staff. The SECOND he found out you were a girl and were being forced to hide that fact for Crowley's sake? Oh my god, grandpa was PISSED. Crowley got an EARFUL after that meeting. This man makes it his mission to make your stay as comfortable as he possibly can make it because sevens know Crowley won't be doing SHIT. After he meets you? Oh my god, you remind him of his own girls when they were little. He absolutely adores you, and everyone can tell. It's so odd to the other students because he clearly favors you, and when they ask you about it you've got no clue. He is your dad here at NRC, as out of character as that might be. You are a young woman lost in a world that is not kind to you going through so much more than you need to. He doesn't want to add more to your plate. You can come to him for anything and he will provide as best as he can.
Vargas (I'm sorry for forgetting about him lol) is a lot like Crewel in the fact that he doesn't treat you too differently from his other students. You're still made to push yourself to your upper limits for gym, still expected to keep up with your peers, and still expected to meet his general expectations. However, if it's way too much for you to do, out of fear of Crowley and Trien breathing down his neck, he'll lessen your load. Otherwise, he doesn't really have much chance to be around you outside of class. He finds you amusing and knows you've got a good head on your shoulders, but that's about it from him.
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roosterforme · 1 year
The Younger Kind Part 1 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: As a single dad trying to start dating again, Bradley feels like he's constantly running in circles. Hiring a twenty-four year old student to babysit should have made things easier, but no matter how hard he fights it, you're too irresistible to stay away from. 
Warnings: Angst, swearing, fluff, and age gap (eventually 18+)
Length: 3300 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
Check out my masterlist for more!
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Bradley cradled his forehead in his hands as he leaned against the bar. He hated being interrogated like this. He knew it was coming eventually, but he really wasn't expecting it today.
"You need a babysitter?" Nat asked with vivid interest. "Who are you going on a date with?"
He groaned. "What makes you think I need a babysitter so I can go on a date? Maybe I just need a couple hours to myself."
Nat rolled her eyes. "Because when you need an hour or two to yourself, you always ask me if I can come over and stay with Noah. And I always oblige, because I am the best person you know. So this must be something else. Who is it?"
"Rebel asked me out," Bradley murmured, looking at his friend out of the corner of his eye.
"Rebel! She's only been at Top Gun for a week!" Nat said, eyes wide as she examined his face. "She literally arrived from Lemoore seven days ago, and she already made a move on you? Damn, some of these pilots are quick."
"She just asked me out for coffee. I only said yes, because you keep telling me I should start dating again!"
"Well, you should start dating again. But I figured you'd download an app, find some cute women and get your rocks off. Not go on a date with a coworker!" Nat said, exasperated. 
Bradley just gaped at her as Penny dropped off two more beers. "I haven't done this in a while. Forgive me for not knowing precisely what you intended for me to do here, Nat," he said with a massive eye roll. 
She turned her nose up at him. "You're forgiven. But you need to give me your phone," she said, holding out her hand. 
"For what?" he asked skeptically.
"Just gimme."
Bradley handed it to her and she entered his passcode from memory. "Just don't order anything on my Amazon account, okay? I like my Hawaiian shirts just fine, and I donated all the shit you charged to my credit card last time."
"I'm not ordering you new clothes," she scoffed, tapping away on his screen. "I'm solving all your problems. Now look at me and smile."
Bradley glared at her instead as she snapped a few photos. "These look terrible," she mumbled under her breath as she switched to her own phone. "I have one where you look halfway decent... oh, here it is."
Then she was back on his phone again, and he just gave up trying to understand half of what she did when she wasn't in the air with him.
"Nat, I just don't know that I'll ever get serious with anyone again. Meredith kind of ruined that for me."
Nat was scrolling along on his phone as she said, "Meredith was a flaming asshat. I never liked her. The best thing she ever did was get pregnant with Noah and then dump you."
Bradley was back to cradling his head in his hand. He did not like thinking about the fact that his ex bailed on him and their son when he was just a few months old. It made him feel sick. And now he was partening alone, which was harder than anything he had ever done. 
"Shit," Bradley said, checking his watch. "I need to pick Noah up from daycare. Give me my phone," he said before finishing the last sip of his beer.
"I'm not done yet," Nat mumbled, a frightening grin creeping across her face. "Just one more minute."
Bradley thought about texting Rebel and canceling their tentative coffee date. Nat was probably right about dating another aviator. He didn't even know her actual first name, and she only ever called Bradley Rooster. What the hell kind of weird date would that be like? Talking Super Hornet specs? Comparing tales of punching out and parachute deployments?
He listened to a rapid string of alerts from his phone. "Is someone texting me?" he asked, reaching for his phone. "That's a lot of alerts. Is it Noah's daycare?"
But Nat was holding his phone tight and grinning. "Not texts. Women. Women who think you are cute and like your dating profile."
His eyes went wide. "What the fuck did you do?" he asked, his voice deadly calm. 
"Got you about ten dates if you want them. You're welcome," she said, handing his phone back to him. 
He scrolled through all of the profiles on his screen. "What am I looking at exactly?"
"Well, here's your profile. I used the only decent photos of you in existence. And that's your bio."
Bradley squinted at the screen. "All it says is that I'm 36, a naval aviator, and I like working out. And I have golden retriever energy? What the hell does that mean?"
"It means you're energetic. They'll take that to mean in the bedroom."
"Jesus, Nat. Shouldn't I disclose important things? Like the fact that I'm a dad?"
She shook her head. "Not yet. That's second date material. They are going to want to size you up and see if you're a daddy before they need to know that you're a dad."
He shoved his phone in his pocket as he stood. "I don't have time for this," he grunted, pulling out his wallet and waving at Penny. "If I don't find a babysitter, none of this is going to make any difference anyway."
Penny took his credit card and then paused. "You need a babysitter for Noah? Mav and I can watch him if you need a break, you know that, right?"
Bradley sighed. "Thanks Pen. Yeah, I know that. I'm just looking for something a little more regular. Gonna try dating again," he said, glaring at Nat out of the corner of his eye. 
"I might know someone who would be interested," Penny said, handing the card back to Bradley. "She's a student in her early twenties, I guess. Really smart and seems sweet. Noah would probably like her. She's in classes during the day, but she was looking to babysit at night."
"How do you know her?" Bradley asked, already hesitant to leave his kid alone with a stranger. 
"She's renting a house on my street. I ran into her a few times, and we got to talking. She fed Luna, watered my plants, and got the mail when I took Amelia sailing."
Nat placed her hand on his arm. "I know this is a big step, but you could meet her first before you offer her the job."
Bradley stroked his mustache. "Any chance she would come over and meet me and Noah? So I can make sure she's not creepy?" he asked Penny.
Penny just laughed. "She's not creepy. How about I give her your number if she says she's interested in watching Noah."
"Sounds good," Bradley replied quickly, barely listening to Penny now. "I need to go pick him up. Bye, Nat."
"Don't forget to swipe through all your matches!" she called after him. 
He just waved and made his way to his Bronco. Bradley always felt like he was running all over the place. As much as it bothered him to take Noah to daycare on a Saturday, he felt like he was losing his grip on his life. His friends rarely ever remembered to invite him to the Hard Deck, correctly assuming he wouldn't be able to go. But it would still be nice to be invited. 
Everything felt impossible on his own. He wasn't getting enough sleep. As soon as Noah went to bed, it was a race to try to get every chore finished. Then he had to wake up an hour earlier to insure he had time to get Noah ready and dropped off at daycare on time. Every day was a damn marathon, and he really wished he could get some help.
He would never ever admit it to Nat, but he was lonely. Just the idea of getting to spend an evening eating dinner with a woman practically had him popping a boner. Having the chance to get to know someone again, get to have sex again? He couldn't think about it too long. He'd been spending so much time with his right hand and his imagination. 
As he pulled into the daycare parking lot, he sighed. This was the reason he had forfeited dating. His son. His adorable, perfect son. 
"Ready to go?" he asked, and Noach climbed up into his arms. 
"Yep, daddy," he said, and Bradley carried him out after thanking the daycare staff. 
"Let's get home and eat dinner," Bradley said, pushing Noah's dark curls away from his forehead and kissing him.
And this was the reason Bradley would only ever consider dating someone who liked kids and didn't mind dating a single dad. In spite of the daycare schedule, and the exhaustion and loneliness, Noah was his top priority. 
You were just getting back from class and unloading your books from your car when you saw Penny waving to you from her mailbox. As soon as you waved awkwardly with your arms full, she was heading your way.
"Hey, Penny," you said as she walked up your driveway.
"I wanted to chat for a minute. Is it a bad time?" she asked, eyeing up everything in your arms.
You nodded toward the house. "Come inside so I can set everything down."
She followed you in, already going on about someone named Bradley. "He's sweet, and he has an adorable three year old son named Noah. They are looking for a reliable sitter, and I know you mentioned an interest."
"Oh," you replied, dumping everything onto your couch. "This Bradley guy? He's not creepy or anything, right?"
Penny laughed. "He asked the same about you. He's very hesitant to let a stranger watch Noah, but I told him I'd give you his number if you wanted to contact him. Maybe you could just go meet them one day. He's not creepy. He works with Pete. And I swear Noah is irresistable."
You sighed. You really needed some extra income. And you loved kids. And you'd probably be able to study after Noah went to bed for the night. As long as this Bradley wasn't giving off weird vibes, you'd probably want the job.
"Okay, I'll take his number," you said, and soon you were adding Bradley Bradshaw to your contacts. "Thanks, Penny. Hopefully this will work out."
You got lost in your research for the rest of the day on Saturday, and purposely avoided returning texts from Greyson. He only wanted to see you when you were too busy, and he never wanted to see you when you had time for him.
"He's being a douchebag," you whispered as you scrolled through the idiotic things he was sending you. 
Then you opened a new conversation and typed out a draft to this Bradley guy.
Hi, I got your number from Penny Benjamin. She told me you're looking for a reliable babysitter. Any chance you have some free time so I can meet you and your son?
It was late, so you decided to let it sit in your drafts until the following morning. But apparently it wasn't too late for Greyson, who was now asking if you wanted him to send you a dick pic. 
You switched your phone to do not disturb mode after telling him that you would really appreciate it if he didn't send you one. Then you went to bed and dozed off fantasizing about dating a guy who acted like an adult. 
It was so late when you woke up, you decided to skip breakfast and just make yourself lunch. When you switched your phone back to receive messages, you were flooded with a bunch, mostly from Greyson. Luckily there was no dick pic to speak of, but he'd sent you a bunch of nonsense while he was probably drunk or high. 
Then you noticed the draft to Bradley Bradshaw, so you hit send on that one. You had a reply from him before you were even done making a sandwich.
Bradley Bradshaw: Yes, I am looking for a sitter for my son Noah. Penny highly recommended you. I can make time to meet you whenever you are free. Just to be clear, I want to make sure Noah and I are both comfortable around you before proceeding. 
You rolled your eyes. A grown adult man should not be as concerned about you as you should be about him. But, you could see where he was coming from about the prospect of letting a stranger stay with his son. So you replied and started eating your sandwich.
I could stop by this evening to meet you both if you're free.
He wrote back quickly again.
Bradley Bradshaw: That would be great. Anytime after 4. I'll attach my address.
If this guy was creepy or if his son was weird, Penny was going to be hearing about it for the rest of the year.
Bradley was just cooking dinner while Noah sat in his high chair coloring, when he heard his doorbell ring. "That might be your potential babysitter, bub," Bradley told him, kissing the top of his head as he grabbed a dish towel and headed for the front door while drying his hands.
But Bradley almost dropped the towel when he opened the door and got a look at you. As your wide eyes drifted up his body and landed on his face, you smiled up at him. 
"Mr. Bradshaw?"
You were stunning. Beautiful, and so fucking young. He swallowed against the saliva pooling in his mouth. Oh shit. 
"Uh, yeah. Hi," he managed, moving out of the doorway so you could step past him and into the living room. "Thanks for coming."
"No problem," you said with a shrug. "I'm looking forward to meeting Noah." You brushed past Bradley, and he closed his eyes. Your lip gloss was distractingly shiny. You smelled like beach grass or wildflowers. You looked like you were barely old enough to drink. 
"He's in the kitchen," Bradley rasped, trying to pull himself together. "Back this way."
You followed Bradley through the house, and as soon as you saw his son sitting in the high chair, you went right to him.
"Hey, Noah! What are you coloring?"
"Dinosaurs," Noah told you, holding out a pink crayon. 
"Cool. I love pink dinosaurs," you replied, starting to color a pterodactyl on the page next to the one he was working on.
"Me too. I like pink and blue dinosaurs the best," he replied. 
Bradley watched you interacting with Noah. You seemed sweet, coloring each dinosaur the color he requested. When Noah mispronounced your name, you just laughed and told him he could call you that. 
When you bent down to retrieve a yellow crayon as it rolled across the floor, Bradley got an excellent view of the backs of your bare thighs as your sundress rode up. He dropped the spatula into the pan, nearly burning himself. He was also nearly burning his dinner.
"Shit," he mumbled as you turned to smile at him before handing the crayon back to Noah. 
"What else do you like to do? Besides color?" you asked. 
Noah started telling you all about drawing with chalk and playing with bubbles outside. "I like snacks and movies. And hiking."
Bradley laughed. "By hiking he means walking around the block if I make it home from work before it's dark out."
"Oh," you said. "I can take you on a hike one day, Noah. I like hiking around the block, too. Maybe we can collect some things like rocks and leaves." 
Bradley listened to Noah tell you about some particularly good rocks he had found last week, and you somehow responded in just the right way.
"You're in the navy?" you eventually asked Bradley, shrugging out of your denim jacket in the hot kitchen, giving Bradley a view of even more of your flawless skin. "Like Pete?"
He cleared his throat, mixing everything in the pan on the stove. "Yeah, I work with him. I'm an aviator."
"Do you want me to call you by your rank? Instead of Mr. Bradshaw?" 
Bradley had to press his lips together, a little scared to know what hearing you call him Lieutenant Bradshaw would do to him. "You can just call me Bradley."
"Okay, Bradley," you said, and unfortunately that did something to him too. "You've got a cute kid. I think Noah and I could have a lot of fun together."
"How old are you?" The words were out of Bradley's mouth before he could rethink them. He almost sounded accusatory, but really he needed to know how bad it was that he couldn't stop looking at your legs.
"Twenty-four," you replied casually. 
Jesus. He was twelve years older than you. But you looked even younger than that. Sweet. Too innocent. 
"I'm in grad school for nursing," you continued. "I'm certified in CPR, and I can treat injuries. I know how to swim. I'm free every day starting at 4. You can run a background check on me if you want to."
Noah looked up at you and asked if you wanted to build blocks with him, and Bradley knew he already felt comfortable enough to leave his son with you while he went on a date with Rebel. 
He could feel his phone vibrating in his pocket. He hadn't taken the time to figure out how to use the dating app that Nat installed, and he was being inundated with matches and messages. He also hadn't given Rebel, whose first name was Grace, a solid answer about when he could get coffee with her.
But for some reason, in spite of the laundry list of women from the app who were interested in going on a date with him, he couldn't take his eyes off of you. 
"Do you want to stay for dinner?" Bradley asked as you built a block tower with Noah on the high chair tray. 
"Oh, no. That's nice of you to ask, but I don't want to crash your meal," you told him over your shoulder. "Here, put this little block on the top. Let's see if we can make it stay," you told Noah, keeping your hands around the sides of the tower until he successfully set down the last piece. Then you tossed your hands into the air and cheered.
Noah turned and looked at you in surprise and you just laughed. "You're good at coloring and blocks?" He just giggled, and soon you were both knocking down the tower and starting over. 
As Bradley scraped his half burned dinner onto a plate, he felt a little disappointed that you were grabbing your jacket and getting ready to leave. Noah looked a little sad, too. 
"Well," Bradley told you, watching you gracefully shrug into your jacket, "you're hired if you think you can put up with the two of us."
You laughed and took a step closer to him. "Noah? He seems like an angel. You on the other hand?"
Bradley's eyes went wide, and you just laughed harder. 
"Only kidding! I'm sure I'll be able to put up with both of you if you think you can put up with me."
You were young and beautiful, and for some reason Bradley wanted to feed you dinner, even though the food he made looked barely edible. 
"I don't think that will be a problem."
I hope you enjoy your Daddy Rooster and babysitter fic @beyondthesefourwalls !!
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k-germsworld · 9 months
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Sinb x M! Reader
Hate sex! Humiliation!
2.6k words
Sinb and I attend the same university. Although one year apart, she and I study the same subject and semester. She was famous in college for her pretty face and sexy figure. Sinb has always been the school beauty in college, and many boys like her. However, she is a whore. She usually regards sex as her hobby, and it can also be said that she is a professional.
Sinb usually randomly picks some boys she is interested in to have sex with. It is not a problem for her to seduce a boy to have sex. Besides, if that boy is also interested in Sinb, then she is more likely to succeed.  So far, she has not failed once.  There is a rumor stating that Sinb had sex with a professor to get high credit for it.  Although it's just a rumor, many people already think that she had sex with a professor to get high grades.  However, she didn't take the rumor seriously. She also regards sex as her college entertainment.
I'm just a nerd without friends. I was bullied by my classmates every time. Because of my nerdy appearance, they disliked me and even bullied me. She is the main reason why I get bullied. I have good grades, so Sinb sometimes comes to ask me questions. It was because she came to ask me questions that aroused their jealousy, so they bullied me. I thought she would be different from others, but I was overthinking it. Not only did she not dissuade them, but she offered herself as a condition of exchange, she asked them to bully me more severely. She was enjoying and laughing at my embarrassed look. My cowardice prevents me from resisting, so I have always been submissive. However, this matter soon turned around in the second semester.
Second Semester
Everyone is very busy during the beginning of school, so busy that they almost forget to eat or sleep. I was also so busy that I couldn't go home until almost evening every day. On the contrary, my classmates left as soon as the class ended.
As usual, I was busy with my assignment and couldn't leave until evening. Just when I was about to walk out of the campus, I suddenly heard a fierce collision from the old building. I mustered up my courage and headed to the old building. I chased the sound until I found the place where it came from.
"Ah....ah..... harder, please !!! " A voice came from a girl. I stood aside to watch what was going on. When I looked carefully, I saw that it was our professor and a girl. I watched my professor fucking a girl, but I couldn't tell who the girl was. Just when I was confused, the professor pulled the girl's ponytail and let me see clearly that the girl being fucked was Sinb. It reminded me that the rumors were actually true when I saw her being fucked by a professor. She really had sex as an exchange with the professor to get high marks.
The more I look at her orgasmic expression while being fucked, the more it reminds me of her arrogant face when she ordered others to bully me. I couldn't hold back my anger, but I didn't want to leave like this. So, I recorded their sex clip in exchange for her not ordering people to bully me. After I recorded for a while, I realized they weren't done yet, so I left the area and went home.
I can't finish my assignment, because all I can think about is Sinb's lustful expression during sex. I opened the video I recorded and masturbated while listening to her lustful moans. This is my first time masturbating. I usually don't even watch porn, but this time I actually jerked off to my classmate. This video made me find out that her body is so fucking hot and she is so sexy. She made me cum quickly for the first time in my life. I watch the cum on my hands and realize how to get the most out of this video.
The next day, I still stayed on campus until evening. But today is a little different because Sinb also stayed until evening like me. I was a little confused but I quickly dismissed it. Suddenly, she came over and asked me a question. I was also happy to answer it for her. While I was answering, I looked at her beautiful face and couldn't help but kiss her. She wiped her face in disgust and scold me: " How dare you kiss me, you fucking loser? So disgusting!! Ew....." I wanted to forgive her for everything she did to me, but her insults made me very angry. Then, I took out the video and showed her how slutty she was being fucked by the professor. She didn't take the video seriously because every student in school knew that sex was her hobby. However, when I said that I would upload this video on the Internet so that the whole world could know how you got high marks in school, her expression instantly changed from arrogance to fear. She begged me not to upload it on the Internet, as she didn’t want her family or principal to know about it.
I had no response to her pleas and she was furious. "If you dare to be angry once again, I will make this video viral on the Internet." Upon hearing this, Sinb had to say to me calmly: "What do you want then, or I'll let you fuck me once and you delete this video, please." I was very shocked to death about the offer she offering me. She saw that I didn't respond, so she took me to one of the classrooms in that old building.
"Come on, faster fuck me and delete the video after you cum." Sinb said in a classroom. The original intention was to use this video to threaten Sinb for having sex with me, but when it actually happened, I really didn't dare to do it. I was wondering and my hands kept moving back and forth in front of her, not daring to touch her. "What are you waiting for? There is such a beautiful and sexy woman here waiting for you to fuck her. Are you only bluffing but can't do it?" She said to me who was still hesitant. " How? If you don't do anything, I'll leave. " I'm still hesitating even though she's urging me. " You don't even dare to fuck me if I ask you to, you are such a fucking coward. Maybe you are just an impotent man so you don't dare to. You're just fucking wasting my time. Bye fucking loser."
What she said totally pissed me off. I grabbed her hair as she left and bent her over the table. "Fucking bitch, I'm going to prove to you right now that I'm not impotent." I quickly took out my cock, then took off only her panties and fucked her. Since this was my first time having sex, I didn’t know which one is vagina and which one is an ass hole. So I randomly fucked a hole. The moment I thrust into it, she didn't moan but shouted.
"Ah.... ah..... Fucking loser, you fuck the wrong hole. That is not pussy, that is my ass. You fuck my ass without getting it wet, it's fucking pain."
"Shut up, bitch! I don't care which hole I am fucking, I just want you to experience the pain."
Her ass is so fucking tight, her ass took my dick so tight. I pushed my cock deeper, making Sinb scream louder. All she could do now was beg me not to go so deep in her ass. I laughed at the originally arrogant Sinb, but now she could only pathetically beg me not to fuck her ass. It didn't take long for me to cum in her ass because the tightness of her ass made me want to cum within a few thrusts. This was my first time fucking a woman and I am even fucking her ass.
I was satisfied and unloaded a big load into her ass. After she knew I had cum inside her, she got up and asked me, " Are you satisfied now? Can you please delete the video? " I'm very dissatisfied with her attitude in speaking so I rejected her request. "No, unless you let me fuck you one more time." Sinb laughed and her expression was like she already knew what I were going to do. "Men are all the same, only want to fuck me no matter what." She looked at my cock while she spoke and she was very surprised by the size of my cock. She felt a little happy, but she didn't want me to see it. So she pretended to lie down on the table reluctantly, and open her legs wider showing me where her pussy. However, her expression totally said different because her expression right now was like she was saying come and fuck me.
Her pussy was very beautiful in my eyes, so I slowly approached her and stuffed my dick into her pussy. At first, I thrust slowly but Sinb hates my foreplay very much. " Stop teasing me, just fuck me deep! " After hearing her words, I became particularly sensitive. "Stop ordering me, you slutty bitch! I'm the one who fucking you, stop acting like you are the one who controlled this , fucking cunt! " After saying that, I liberated my animal nature. I grabbed her waist and fucked her quickly. I had lost my mind at this time. I saw that she was still wearing clothes, so I tear her clothes off hard. The buttons of her clothes fell to the ground as I tear them violently. Then, I unbuttoned her bra and grabbed her tits very hard. Sinb moaned and begged me not to be so rough. "Where has your arrogant attitude gone? Now you're like a bitch who only begs for mercy. Where did the happiness you felt when you ordered people to bully me go?" At this point I was vented all my anger on her for what she had done to me in the first semester. My strength made her unable to even apologize, what she could do was keep moaning.
"Ah.....ah.... fucking... loser...." she still has a hard mouth, but I can know she was so enjoyed the way I fuck her because I can felt warm liquid was starting to squirt out from her pussy. As soon as I took my cock out, her juices started to spurt out. Her juices squirted onto me and wet my clothes. After she squirted, her body twitched very hard. As I looked at her twitching body, I realized how wonderful she is. So I ignored her twitching and I pushed her against the wall with her back to me. I quickly put my cock into her sensitive pussy. She was so sensitive right now, she moaned as soon as I thrusted in.
"Ah......ah.... fuck me more deep, please.... Master!"
"Mas....Mas.....Master !? " I was shocked by her sudden call.
"Yes.... Master! Please use me like your sex doll. Fuck me roughly and deeply, Master !"
Although it was strange to be called master, her lewd talk excited me even more. I grabbed Sinb's hand pressed it against the wall and start fucking her deep. She is just a moan mess now. No matter how I fuck her, she will only moan lustfully. Her horny moan made me more aroused. Since her hands were against the wall, so her ass became more raised. I grabbed her ass with both hands so I could fuck her harder.
"Spank me, Master!" I also responded to her request and spanked her. She was not satisfied with only one spanking, so she asked me to spank her again. I kept spanking her causing her pussy to get tighter and tighter, making me want to cum. I shot all my semen into her pussy. It was too tired for me as a nerd , I use too much power to fuck Sinb. I sat on a chair to rest while she knelt on the ground panting. I felt my eyes closing, but suddenly I felt a warm sensation coming from my cock. It turned out to be Sinb giving me a blowjob. She stopped in her movements when she noticed me looking at her but my dick was still in her mouth. Then she motioned for me to face fuck her. I saw such a slutty Sinb that I couldn't help but want to fuck her again. So, I grabbed her ponytail and started face fuck her. When I got to her throat, I stopped there. I want to see her struggle when I fuck her face. After a while she patted my leg and asked me to let her breathe. I immediately took my cock out and watched her get her breath back.
There was Sinb's saliva on my dick. I used the saliva as a lubricant to moisten my dick. However, her tongue was still dripping with saliva and she was begging me to let her take my cock again. "Master..... please.....give me more...." I kissed her greedily and touched her boobs. My cock also got bigger while kissing her. So I picked her up and fucked her in a stand-and-carry position. I can use this position to fuck her deeper. The sound of flesh colliding with Sinb's moans filled the classroom. This position took too much energy, so I fucked her for a while in this position and put her on the ground. Then, I fucked her in missionary. I can grope her tits and sucked her nipples while fucking her in this position. It didn't take long before I came inside her again.
"Cum inside me Master! Make me your cumdump. " She also had her second orgasm.
We were both very tired, but she was still horny. So we had sex again. We fucked from the chair to the table, to the podium, and then to the hallway. We fucked from dusk to night. We didn't stop until I finally creampied her again in the hallway. Sinb's whole body was covered in sweat, all my semen leaked out of her vagina, and her whole body was twitching. She was too tired to move, so she lay down in the hallway until she got enough rest.
Since that time, Sinb has completely become my sex slave. We had sex secretly while we were in class and we had sex on the back stairs. We would have sex whenever we could. I am no longer bullied by my classmates because now I am their great benefactor. I'm tired of having sex all the time with Sinb. So as her master, I use her body to make money. When someone wants to fuck Sinb, just give me a sum of money and she can fuck Sinb once. Of course, if you want to fuck her as many times as you want, you have to pay me the corresponding amount. Sinb also enjoys being fucked by different people, even the teacher will come to fuck Sinb also. Sometimes they fuck in class, sometimes right on my desk letting me watch her being fucked by others. If she gets a complaint, I'll punish her with my cock so she can serve others better. I made a lot of money using her body. I was happily counting the money while she was happily being fucked.
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a-998h · 4 months
I’m so sorry if I’m like bothering you😭 But like I just have so many questions-
So what if in the same scenario where (Reader) is like really strong and kills monsters like the ask from before
And once they find out that some of the Archons/other people are really old they’ll make soo many jokes about it-
Like if Zhongli was like “Please (Reader), I don’t mind if you see me as a father-figure, I won’t be mad if you call me Dad,”
And (Reader) who’s like 12-14 years old is like “You’re too old to be my Dad, you’re more like a grandpa.” And then they just walk away, and Zhongli just lays on the floor, heartbroken
And if (Reader) beefs with Wanderer, and he’s being mean they’ll be like “Shut up old man!” Or like “Your still this immature at your grown age?”
And for Nahida, they would just hold her in their arms, she would be the only few people that (Reader) doesn’t actively make fun of, and they’ll show genuine interest on how she’s so old but looks so young, and they would like sit with her and talk about their world
But suddenly everything takes a turn when (Reader) is sitting with a character (One who’s thousands of years old) and (Reader) just turns to them and’s like “Y’know, I realized if I stay in this world, that means you and a lot of the others are still gonna be here when I die” and then they’ll just calmly turn back to look up back at the starry night-
You pick which ones would be bawling their eyes out or how each character would react-
And then reader would go up to characters who aren’t thousands of years old and would assume they are and they would be like “You look old” or like “I feel like your actually an old person”
Like they would say this to Itto, Cyno, Diluc or any other characters of your choosing (Hopefully those three aren’t thousands of years old from what I know💀)
Have a good day!
🍉 Anon you never fail to inspire me and my devious little mind, and for that I thank you. I'll start with the mocking age headcanons then move into the existential dread the Creator inspires.
(Included characters: Venti, Zhongli, Ei, Nahida, Itto, Wander, Diluc, Cyno, Xiao, Neuvillette, and Xianyun)
Age jokes
“Please (Reader), I don’t mind if you see me as a father-figure, I won’t be mad if you call me Dad,”
“You’re too old to be my Dad, you’re more like a grandpa.”
Your response/ jab at his age makes him pause
At this point no one in Teyvat besides Traveler and Paimon know that Zhongli is Rex Lapis
Is not surprised the great Creator knows things, but he wasn't expecting you to know that
Uses the jokes to mess with you in small ways
Whenever you ask to do any monster killing he'll pull the deaf old man bit, just to annoy you
Will also make you do harder chores by pulling the old man = bad back
It's funny... to him, he also uses this as a teaching moment
Laughs it off
Another that uses your jokes to mess with you
When you ask him to do something, he'll hold his hand to his ear and say "I'm sorry little windblume, I didn't hear you. My hearing must be going at this age,"
But jokes on him, you use his perceived old age to try and limit his wine drinking
That fails, but you tried kid
Whenever you run around Mondstadt or do monster killing, he sighs and talks about when he was young
You both annoy each other and it is glorious
She is shocked
She knew you liked to joke, but she didn't think she was that old
Because you're talking to the Riaden Shogun puppet most of the time, you don't get a reaction
Your jokes don't get turned on you
It's kind of boring
Only one who doesn't get age jokes
You are genuinely curious about how she looks young but is really hundreds of years old
You both talk about the advantages and disadvantages of being physically young but mentally older
Still unnerved by your monster killing and has her friend Wanderer watch over you
Huffs of annoyance
she then scolds you herself before snitching on you to Neuvillette
In the ends she'll forgive you, once you bribe her with sweets
“Shut up old man!”
How dare you!
His face turns shades of red no one knew were possible
Will respond by calling you brat and saying how cute you are in a teasing tone
Will be petty
“Your still this immature at your grown age?”
Turns even redder
You both beef with each other and it makes other worried
Will granny pinch your cheeks
Still smug about your monster killing, if bribed he'll help you
Your beef is both worrying and entertaining
He doesn't really understand the ages jokes
Thinks that you're just being mean
He'll snitch to grandpa Zhongli
Once it's explained to him by Zhongli
He just is confused
Why are you joking that he's old?
Just a really clueless when it comes to these jokes
He thinks it's because his hair is white
Now, he'll try his best to be the cool young uncle to you
He also doesn't want to think about how old he is
Will try and go monster killing with you
When he sees your strength... proud
Will carry you around and be like "Look at my awesome friend!"
So yeah, like a grandma showing off pictures of her grandkids
Is surprised
It's probably his grumpy face and his voice
Whenever you make ages jokes he tries to scold you about it
Whenever you run into the desert to do monster killing he'll chase after you to stop you
Try and pull this in the rainforest and he'll have Tighnari case you do to stop you
He thinks you make jokes about his age because of his hair color
Proud of your strength but still worrys about you
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This is the face he has on the inside
His voice and resting bitch face is probably what makes you think he's old, at least he thinks so
Think Kaeya is the one who is telling you he's old
He canonically 22 so this hits him hard
Tries to keep you in the manor at night
When he sees you sneaking out to kill monsters.... dad mode ™️
The more he scolds, and tries to act like a dad the more you call him old
You'll be the reason he ends up with grey hair, eyes bag, and wrinkles
Grandpa number 2
He already deals with Furina, so he's prepared
Whenever you poke fun at his age, he'll scold you for it
He'll never say it in public but you and Furina are his grandbabies
Your monster killing worries him, like a lot
So much that he has the melusine spy on you and report back
You often get scolded for reckless behavior
He is the more strict of your grandfather figures
Glares and scolds you whenever you call him old
He thinks your jokes are very disrespectful
Would be upset if they started rubbing off on Furina
Considering she tells Paimon to "respect your elders" when Paimon made her mad
She doesn't really care
To her, age = experience
She will act unaffordable by you monster killing, but it scares her
When you joke about her being a grandma, she plays into it
It's not to annoy you either, she just thinks she's your grandma
Will do standard grandma things
Whenever you try and get her to stop, she just responds with "nonsense!"
Now time for existential dread
“Y’know, I realized if I stay in this world, that means you and a lot of the others are still gonna be here when I die”
Crying on the outside and the inside
Nahida, Itto, Venti, Furina
Cries on the inside only
Neuvillette, Zhongli, Diluc, Ei
Doesn't know how to properly talk to you abut it
Cyno, Xiao, Wanderer, Xianyun
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northwest-cryptid · 2 months
This may only be my opinion on the matter, and I know a few Natives myself who all have their own ideas about this. However; to me if you want to make a Native character, be they for a game, as an OC; whatever doesn't matter. All you need to do in order to make sure you're not being offensive? Just do like, the bare minimum research.
Step 1. Pick a location for your character.
If your character exists within some fantasy world or whatever then it can be a bit harder to pinpoint something like this. At this point skip to step 2.
If your character is of Earth, or is of our known universe (yes this includes sci fi settings), then trace their bloodline back to where they originally are from.
I say this because it will help you with step 2.
You need to know where, or at least roughly where your character is from.
Step 2. Pick a tribe from that location that makes sense for the character.
Again, even a basic level of research goes a long ways here, I know fanfic writers who would get put on a list looking up the ins and outs of some criminal shit just to accurately write a character, I know you have the ability to research shit so I trust you can do this here.
Figure out based on the location you picked for your character, what tribe they would reasonably be a part of. If you find that you'd rather have them in a specific tribe; perhaps one that's important to you or something; you can do Step 1 and Step 2 in reverse order.
The important thing here is that: If you have to make up a tribe, I'm going to understand you don't actually care about them being Native. If you have to give them a specific tribe but you don't bother to give that tribe the basic respect of knowing where they're from I am once again going to understand you just don't actually give two shits about Natives.
Okay so now that we have an understanding of what tribe our character is from, we can begin looking into that tribe's culture. This may be a bit difficult in some cases since not everything is going to just be out there on the internet, and you may also not have a fundamental understanding of the culture and how it's changed over the years. Guess what, that's fine! I'd rather see a character who's specifically said to be Lakota, and who knows about our deities and teachings even if they're the sort of thing most modern Natives don't believe in or care about. Accurate depiction of culture is not a stereotype!
Once we know what sort of things might be important to this character culturally, we can begin to weave small noticeable traits into them, or you can even make those traits a much larger part of the character. As a quick example, for my Vtuber's design I included not only the colors of the Four Directions but often depict them with a braid and use owl feathers as a sort of symbol of them. This all comes directly from the fact my Life Shield uses owl feathers to represent my family, includes the Four Directions, and I literally grew up with a braid and continue to grow out my hair as to have another; it's all part of the culture I was raised in, even if I amplified the importance of some aspects to sort of make them a trait for a character. Again, accuracy isn't a stereotype.
I also want to briefly mention that when you're naming your character I urge you to look up how people in the tribe are actually named, please don't just do the old "color + animal" thing or whatever and think it's fine. Just again, do the bare minimum research to figure out how people in that tribe are named and go from there. I once joked with my partner that "the only thing about the Natives in Twilight that's remotely accurate is that they have the most generic white American names"
If you want an actually pretty good example of what I'm talking about, look no further than Prey. No not the movie, no not the modern remake; but the game from like 2006.
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Our main character here is a Native man named Tommy, or rather Domasi "Tommy" Tawodi and he's actually said to be Cherokee. Now you can say what you will about his spirit powers and such, I get it.
But from a sheer design perspective?
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Yea that's not bad at all! Everything from the facial features to his name to his general aesthetic is spot on for the Cherokee I've met out at the reservation. This is what I mean when I say accurate depiction of a culture isn't some harmful stereotype.
I'd love to see more Natives in things, I'd love to see Native OCs; but I feel like people are so scared to make Natives a thing because doing so could be racist if you misrepresent us or something. Like okay let me tell you right now you're not gonna do it worse than people who have made millions off selling books and movies whether it's westerns that depict us all as uncivilized killers or whatever the hell was going on in twilight; you're gonna be fine so long as you TRY.
And yes it's actually as easy as a 3 step process, the same sort of thing you'd do for any character really.
I mean think about it, let's say I was some weeb who really wanted to make a Japanese character but I didn't want to do any research. I could make the mistake of putting them in these overly traditional outfits and settings and maybe at least some of the details would be accurate but overall it'd be pretty bad rep, or I could go the polar opposite direction and just make them look like they're some British street punk with their whole aesthetic being way off from the sort of actual street fashion of places like Tokyo; again misrepresenting a whole subculture there. Or maybe I could do what everyone does to Natives and deem them to be some fantasy race who must have super powers and make them into essentially just an anime character; obviously that would be some severely bad rep. All of which could be fixed if I just bothered to go "okay where do I want this person to be from? What sort of culture do people from there abide by in their day to day life? How could I reflect that in a character?"
Honestly that's just good practice for making any sort of character based on a real world group.
And going back to a point I stated in Step 1. If you want to include a Native character in a fantasy world where ya know, America doesn't exist and therefore we couldn't logically have Native Americans; pick a tribe and go off that. As long as it's accurate I don't believe it would be seen as disrespectful.
At the end of the day there will always be people who get up in arms about anything; like it's their job to twist anything into being racist. You will never make those people happy, don't bother trying.
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griefabyss69 · 2 months
Inside The Fall
Written for @steddiemicrofic!
[ AO3 ]
'FOOL' wc: 1987 | rated: T | cw: Mention of weed
(This is the April Fool's version of the prompt, it includes all of the words needed)
Steve's used to stepping up in life or death situations, but otherwise he's directionless. He isn't expecting Eddie to be so good at helping him figure out the other parts of his future.
(Continues after the readmore)
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"Step into my office," Eddie says with a guiding sweep of his arm.
"You mean your bedroom?" Steve asks just to be annoying.
Eddie's smile doesn't dim but his eyes narrow, all sharp and shit.
"Yes, well, sometimes you have to mix business and pleasure when you're waiting around on the sweet cash that's supposed to be coming in any day now," he says, shutting the door behind them.
Eddie's bedroom isn't really like the last one, though Steve had only seen that in the height of insanity, when it'd been newly deserted and then torn through in search of anti-Vecna music.
This one is neater, though still pretty chaotic. Steve can't help but like it, even though he has to wait for Eddie to clear off his desk before he can conduct his business.
"Come, make yourself comfortable," he says, gesturing at his unmade bed.
Steve ignores the thrill in his gut as he carefully sits down at the edge of it. He doesn't make a joke about cum, or about making himself more comfortable, or about Eddie offering up his bed. He's on his best behavior because otherwise he's going to go too far and Eddie's going to think he's still just a stupid jock who has bad jokes, despite all of the shit they went through together; old habits and all of that.
Once Eddie's cleared his desk, he moves to the other end of it, leaning against the wall but resting his ass against the stack of milk crates he uses for shelving. He nods at the chair, his smile all menacing as if Steve was one of his players and he was going to give him a hard battle.
"I'm not gonna hurt you," he says when Steve hesitates, pulling a box out of his pocket.
Steve has to laugh a little bit, and moves over to the chair, settling in with his elbows on the desk. He has to look up to meet Eddie's eyes, and that puts another thrill in him, this one is harder to ignore.
"Don't let me win," Steve says, smirking. He knows that's not how tarot cards work, but Eddie's laugh is worth it, like he gets the joke and doesn't think he’s actually stupid.
"I'd never do that," Eddie gasps, bending to spread the cards out on the desk. They're all face down, so Steve can only admire the cool design on the back, but maybe after Eddie's finished reading into his future or whatever he'll let him look through all of them.
He explains some of what he's doing, and it seems simple enough. He asks Eddie a question, Eddie gets him to shuffle the cards, then there’s some kind of sorting thing, then he pulls a few of them.
"What would you like to ask?"
He's tempted to ask something… easy. Something that doesn't matter, and doesn't show Eddie the inside of his head. But Eddie had offered this in the first place because Steve had admitted that his thoughts have been all fucked up, he's been pretty lost these days.
"What should I do with myself this summer?"
Eddie nods, considering that as he gestures to the cards.
Steve carefully shuffles them around in a big mess, as instructed. It's kind of fun, and he takes his time before sitting back, relaxing.
"Okay, that should be all mixed up," he says, stretching his legs out and crossing them at the ankles. He's determined to try to be comfortable, even with Eddie looming over him, his arms crossed over his chest.
He looks really good from here.
"Good," Eddie says, bends to corral the cards back into order, tapping it into neatness before he sets it down. "Split the deck in half for me."
Steve leans forward, meaning to find the exact center, but he ends up going with his gut and splits it closer to the bottom. For whatever reason, he's more curious about what's buried deeper.
"Thank you."
Eddie chews on his lip as he thinks, eyes going from Steve to the cards and back against a few times before he smiles.
"Draw three cards from here," he says, tapping the shorter stack. "Place them face down in a row."
Steve follows his instructions.
While he doesn't really believe that the cards are magic or whatever, he does believe in Eddie's ability to create an atmosphere. He's not even being dramatic or loud or anything, but he's bringing such an earnest seriousness to it that makes Steve decide to take it seriously too.
"Okay. If this doesn't answer your question at all, we can do another run of it, with more cards," he says, leaning his palms on the table. "Though usually unless a question involves a lot of people or a lot of moving parts, three is perfectly fine to answer it."
Steve starts to feel nervous, so he just nods and watches Eddie’s hands, thinks about how clean Eddie's new rings look, wondering when they'll start to get worn in by life like the last ones.
Eddie turns over the first card.
"The Knight of Swords," he says, his dimples coming out even as he tries to suppress a smile. "Other cards in this suit can be a warning, but this one is generally good."
Steve swallows. He knows he doesn't want bad news, but Eddie told him this all wasn't like, his destiny anyway. It's more of a guidance thing, like he can choose to take it's message or not.
Eddie flips the next one.
"The Seven of Wands."
He doesn't say anything else about it yet, just thinks for a moment before moving on, flipping the last one.
"The Fool."
Steve's eyebrows raise, because that doesn't sound good.
"Okay," Eddie says, leaning back against the wall, playing with one of his shiny rings. "What I'm getting for this is that you're restless, and that instead of all of the freaky monster adventures you've had, you really need a good adventure. Something new, maybe something a little different than you're used to, but ultimately you need to relax and just do what you want."
Steve looks at The Fool, about to walk off a cliff, and feels skeptical.
"Won't I end up like that?" he asks, pointing at it.
"Don't take the pictures so literally," Eddie says, and Steve has to sigh at him. "Your energy is high, like a magnet for good things," he elaborates, pointing at the Knight of Swords.
Next he points at the Seven of Wands.
"You're probably doubting yourself, dealing with a lot of fear and uncertainty, but good things are in store if you just do what you're scared of anyway. You need to remember that you're in charge of your life now."
Steve gets a lump in his throat. He hasn't ever felt in charge of his life.
"And our Fool here, what he says is that you need to pick something and try it out, whether it works or not. Do it thoughtfully, but you don't have to think that hard about it."
"Oh," Steve says. He hadn't expected to feel so… encouraged. Taken care of. "That's nice of him."
Eddie laughs, his voice quieter when he leans back down against the desk.
"It sounds like it'll be a good summer for you," he says.
After Eddie had cleaned up the cards and Steve had successfully kept himself from crying, they went off on the first nice adventure of Steve's summer.
Eddie had put a couple joints in with his smokes, and then they wandered off on a late afternoon walk, right into the shady forest, where it's not too dark yet.
"You know," Eddie begins as they walk side by side even though the path is kinda narrow. "I think you'd make a good Knight."
Steve thinks it's so not fair how much that makes him blush. He has to duck his head and grin at the ground just so he doesn't like, tackle Eddie and kiss him on the mouth and plummet off of the cliff of his own foolish behavior.
"Yeah? Do you think there'd a Knight for a baseball bat with nails in it?" he asks, looking back up to keep up his eyes on the area. Mostly it’s tree branches and nothing tougher than a squirrel.
Eddie laughs, nudges up against him as he moves, and because it's like, June, it's warm enough that he's just in his new Hellfire t-shirt, the sleeves rolled up. That means the skin of their arms brush together and Steve's brain lights right up.
"A nailbat is kind of like a sword," Eddie muses, the warm look in his eye doing irreparable damage to Steve's self control. "I might be more interested in what kind of Fool you are, though."
Steve blushes harder, mourning how it'd started to go back down just a moment ago. There's no way Eddie could've known what he'd been thinking of doing, but he knows and so do the blood vessels in his face.
"Uh, I'm not sure," he lies, shrugging. "I guess we'll find out."
Eddie beams, slides an arm around his shoulders as he says something that gets totally lost – Steve's brain has honed in on Eddie's body and only that, his feet starting to trip over themselves as he takes in the solid way they fit together.
"Easy," Eddie murmurs as he makes sure he doesn't face plant. "Is it too hard to walk this way?"
It's a little awkward, but there's no way Steve's letting him go.
"Nah, just had two left feet for a second," he says, turning his face to smile at Eddie and – Christ – he's right there. He has to go cross eyed to get a good look at him.
His gut pulls hard but he breathes through it. If anything, he knows how to be a gentleman and not just do whatever the hell he wants. Maybe his instinct for self protection is pretty busted by now, but at least he's not about to go around kissing random men just because he wants to.
Eddie laughs, and his eyes must be going cross eyed too, because they dip down to stare at his mouth instead, his long eyelashes showing off their thick, sweet curve.
"Girls would kill to have your eyelashes," he says, pleased when Eddie opens his eyes wide, shocked.
"What?" he laughs, glancing at the path before looking back at Steve. He's glad that one of them is looking out for tree roots, because Steve can't bring himself to care about anything but the feeling of Eddie's breath on his face.
"Your eyelashes, they're really long and nice," he says, less afraid to compliment him than he'd thought. "Most girls wear mascara to get theirs to look like yours."
"Oh." Eddie grins, turning his head to duck it all bashfully, and Jesus, Steve recognizes himself in that. "Thank you."
Steve can see the stones crumble from the cliff under his foot, knocking their way down the side until they disappear. He's about to do something really stupid – foolish – but his composure falls away under the force of every side of Eddie he sees.
"Eddie?" he asks, waiting until their eyes meet. "Will you kiss me?"
Eddie stumbles, barely catches himself from landing flat on his face, pulling Steve half down with him.
"Uh," he says, a nervous laugh chilling the air. "Why?"
Steve swallows hard, planting his ass on the ground so he's not halfway between straddling him or getting up.
"Because even though I'm scared, I should ask about what I want, right?"
"Oh, okay," Eddie’s voice is thin and strangled. "Sure."
It's a yes despite how Eddie looks scared now, so Steve leans in and crushes their mouths together, falling freely among the stones of his trepidation. Eddie kisses him back like they’re standing on solid ground.
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lastminutestarwarsfan · 3 months
Its honestly so painful to me, the sheer amount of turmoil that Anakin has experienced in his life. If you really sit down and think about what he's been through, he truly is one of the most tragic characters in fiction.
Born a slave to a single mother on a backwater, forgotten, barren world with no opportunities (Sidenote as much as we laugh at the "I don't like sand" meme, it actually is a meaningful line. He hates that world, that life, wants to put it behind him. Can't help but think of the mother he abandoned there)
Forced to choose between freedom and leaving his mother to her fate. A ridiculous amount of pressure to put on a 9 year old
Loses the only father figure he's had, and ultimately the only person to truly show faith in him, almost immediately after finding him
Becomes a burden and disappointment to a reluctant, inexperienced master (Before you come at me, I ADORE Obi-Wans and Anakins relationship. I love their banter, and I truly think they loved one another ridiculously and my heart breaks at what they became. But I do think that Anakin felt like a burden and disappointment sometimes. Especially at the beginning, Obi-Wan only really takes him on out of duty to Qui-Gon, it wouldn't have been his own choice. He didn't believe in him the way Qui-Gon did. And because Obi himself was grieving and young and inexperienced, he didn't have the confidence to guide Anakin the way he should have. He falls back on the rules too much, after bending them to take him on in the first place. He's too strict with him, too harsh. He doesn't tell him how much he loved him until it's too late, which just adds to the angst)
Is constantly told that he needs to let go of his attachment to his mother whilst being plagued my dreams of her death.
Watches his mother die in his arms with the knowledge if only he could have done something sooner he could have saved her (and this is the moment I think, pivotally, that his capacity for the dark side becomes real. Not the moment when he kills the Tuscans in anger just after. But in this quiet moment of death. The moment that voice in his head starts burrowing like a worm "Not enough, more, better, faster, stronger". If he could just burn hotter, brighter, push harder, then no one else would die.)
Is thrust into a war at 19
Is entrusted with a 14 year old apprentice at 20. Loves her like family only to watch the order he gave up everything for, the order that let his mother die, the order that is the reason he cannot have a normal life with his wife, drive his little sister away from him.
Plagued to madness by visions of his wife dying. Goes insane to try to save her only to be her own downfall. Is cut into pieces and left to burn alive by his brother. Suffers excruciating pain being pieced back together. Is forced to live with the knowledge that he led to the love of his life's death, where every breath is a reminder of the monster he has become.
Becomes increasingly aware that his new master, the only person he has left, the person he betrayed everyone for, the person he trusted in his times of need and thought understood him, would toss him away without a second thought and replace him with Luke.
That smile when he takes off the mask and looks at Luke in Return of the Jedi means so much. It's so pure, and light and carefree for those few seconds. The first time we've ever seen him truly at peace. He is finally free from the pain.
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george-weasleys-girl · 4 months
Hello lovely I don't know if you might like this idea but I was wondering if you could do story where the reader is from a Slytherin and George's friends tell him he can't make the girl fall in love with him, so he does it and she does false for him and he also falls for her and then she finds out that it was all a bet, and I don't know you can give it the end you want I just have that idea in my mind from a long time and I think you are the only one that can make it truth , also if you can make it Smutty that will be great. Anyway if you don't do it it's okay I just thought I could ask you and well thank you and I love your writing and I also love your George stories.🥰
The Serpent and the Lion
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George Weasley x Fem Slytherin!reader
Chapter 1
Warnings: none, yet. Hint at angst. Smut, eventually.
George had never expected things to get serious. At most, it'd be a quick fling. If it even got that far. He never actually believed that a Slytherin would fall for a Gryffindor. And yet, she did.
And he fell for her.
Harder than he'd ever fallen for anyone in his life.
And now it all lay in ruins because his stupid twin brother couldn't keep his big mouth shut.
"I can't believe you actually fell in love with her," Fred stared at his twin.
"Well, I did!" George clapped back. "And now, thanks to you, her heart is broken! And so is mine..." The last bit came out as barely a whisper, but Fred heard it anyway.
"Look mate, I - I'm sorry. I never thought that little crush of yours - " he reached out to pat George's shoulder, but his twin shrugged him off.
"Leave me alone," he mumbled and rose to grab his coat.
"Where are you going?" Fred stepped in front of him.
"I don't know. Somewhere I can think. Somewhere I can maybe figure out how to win Y/N back." He pushed around Fred. "Somewhere away from you."
3 months earlier
"I'm not fifteen years old anymore," George rolled his eyes.
"No, but you did have a crush on her when you were fifteen," Fred countered. "Now's your chance."
"I did not have a crush on her."
"Oh really?" Fred teased. "Is that why you were sneaking peeks at her every five seconds?"
"I was not sneaking... Look, I'll admit she's pretty... was pretty," George huffed. "But that didn't mean I wanted to go out with her. She's a Slytherin. Opposite of Gryffindor. Enemy of Gryffindor. In case you've forgotten."
Fred raised his hands in a conciliatory gesture. "Hey, if you think you've lost your touch..."
"Yeah, you are a little out of practice these days," Lee grinned. "When was the last time you went out on a date? Three months?"
"Or is it six months?" Fred smirked.
"Oh shove off, the both of you," George muttered and headed for the door. "I'm going for a walk."
"Uh huh. A walk, you say," Lee teased.
"Hey! Don't forget to say hello to our new neighbor for me," Fred yelled as his twin stomped away.
'How did they remember that stupid little crush?' George wondered, slamming the door behind him.
Hell, how did they even notice? He'd never said anything. To anyone. Not even Fred.
George sighed, raking his fingers through his hair. He should've known. Of course, Fred had noticed.
And remembered.
And now that Y/N had opened up an apothecary next door to the joke shop, Fred dove in for the kill. Because that's what Fred did.
George wandered around the new apothecary in awe. He wasn't sure what he was expecting, but it certainly wasn't this. Gone were the barrels of oozing slime. Gone was the smell of bad eggs and rotted cabbages. Instead, the once horrid miasma was replaced with the scent of mint and fresh flowers. Everything sparkled and gleamed as if it were brand new.
"Hi," said a soft voice behind him. "Can I help you find something?"
"Oh, um, hi," George fumbled. "I was, uh, just taking a look around. New shop and all," he turned in a slow circle. "It's loads different than the last apothecary. Brighter. Cleaner. Not a dungheap."
"Oh good," she nodded, the corners of her lips quirking up. "Not a dungheap was the exact aesthetic I was going for."
"Wait, I didn't mean ‐ " George whirled around to face her, his ears burning red hot. "I just meant that you've worked wonders. I can see my reflection in the chair cushions."
Y/N burst out laughing, sending an uncertain smile, along with a new wave of heat across his face. "You can see your reflection in the chair cushions? I'll take that as a compliment. Especially coming from the illustrious George Weasley."
George's jaw dropped. "You know who I am?"
"Of course I know who you are," she grinned. "Doesn't every ‐ "
" 'Scuse me miss," an elderly gentleman interrupted, tapping Y/N on the shoulder. "Could you tell me where to find the Horklump juice?"
"Of course, sir. Right this way," she said, then turned back to George. "If you need help with anything, just let me know."
The redhead watched Y/N as she disappeared around the corner, his mind tumbling back to his school days when a person was defined by their House, and the very idea of a Gryffindor dating a Slytherin was downright sacrilege.
Now, it didn't matter. Well, not as much. Things were changing. Albeit slowly. Yet, they were changing.
But more to the point...
She knew who he was.
Not one of the Weasley twins.
Not Gred or Forge.
She knew him.
"You're still here!" Y/N smiled, looking genuinely surprised. "I would've thought you'd be long gone by now."
Normally, he would have, being nearly an hour before she made her way back over to him. But she changed all that the moment she called him by his name. He was hooked now. "Decided to do a little bit of shopping," he said with a non-chalant shrug. "I noticed you have a few rare items." He held up a large sachet of Winterweed.
"Ah, Winterweed," Y/N nodded. "One of my most popular and hard to keep in stock items. It's because their growing time is so long. It takes two years for them to reach full maturity," she explained. "Not to mention, to achieve full potency, they must be harvested in the three days surrounding the winter solstice."
"Huh," George looked thoughtful. "I knew about the first part, but not the second."
"Most people don't, and too many producers take advantage of that and sell sub-par products at premium prices," she shook her head and opened up the sachet, pulling out a small vine. "See this vein running through the middle?"
George nodded, peering down at the little herb.
"It should be a bright neon blue. If it's white or pale blue, it was picked too early. If it's purple, it was picked too late."
"Wow, thanks," George marveled, uncertain whether he was more mesmerized by the unrestrained passion in her voice or the bright sparkle dancing in her eyes when she talked about something she so obviously loved.
"Of course," she smiled. "Is there anything else I can help you with before I ring you up?"
"How 'bout dinner?" he blurted out.
"Dinner?" Y/N froze, her eyes staring unblinking into his for a few long moments. "Did you just ask me out?"
"Y-yeah," George stammered. "I did."
She scrutinized him for a few seconds longer. "Why?"
The younger twin was taken aback. "Why?"
"Yeah. Why do you want to go out with me?"
"Because you... um... because you knew me. You knew I'm George. Not Fred. That doesn't happen often. Actually, that really doesn't happen at all. Not on the first meeting anyway."
"Oh," Y/N blinked. "Well, ok, then." A shy smile crossed her face. "Dinner sounds great."
@milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @xmjthewitchx @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley @samberriejams @nighttimemoonlover @jsjcue @wzrd-wheezes @mrsgweasley @hufflepuffie @morally-grey-obsessed @fredweasleyyyyy @anvaaryn @samshifts @asuperconfusedgirl @hmisa11 @superduckmilkshake @mysticsheepsoul @gemofthenight @1Lellykins @junerprsh @wolfkill16 @kaysau2510 @qmylovexoxo @planetkt @costheticbabe
@smallsweetvanillabean @hanne-montana @greenapplegrass @el-de-phi @lizzytrees @spididerman @yoursarahg @marvelgirlstories @theimpossible-girl-whowaited @ceehance @Havenater1920 @jelloangela @charmedfandomgal @loca4moony @whotfskai @netflix-addict @moonatician @lunacurlclaw @sierraluvzz @min-aaa @now-that-we-dontalk @lillisummers
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astraxxei · 5 months
I'm happy to see you're back pookie :)
Speaking of Leon from RE, I want him to put me in a chokehold with those big arms of his. I guess that's my request? Sorry for being immediately horny.
CHOKEHOLD ᶠᵗ : ˡᵉᵒⁿ ᵏᵉⁿⁿᵉᵈʸ.
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Warnings: Suggestive. Young minors DNI.
Male reader | reader uses he/him pronouns | Fem aligned DNI | Fujoshi DNI | reader is addressed as "you" and "y/n" | chokehold | size difference | slight degradation .
You and Leon are on a mission together for the first time, a mission to neutralize an abandoned building from the infected and retrieve a lost item from there. However, the whole situation with you two just walking around to search the first floor of the building and Leon being, without a doubt, extremely annoyed from having the most annoying brat, in his opinion, to ever work at the R.P.D. as his partner for the mission, is extremely entertaining for you. You wanted to see just how mad he could get, because you found it so attractive. The way his large, strong frame towered over your small and vulnerable figure ignited something inside you that you never even knew existed. You couldn't help but imagine him growling in your ear...
Leon scoffs and grunts in annoyance at your lively and mischievous attitude.
"We are on a very serious mission. Quit acting like an infant."
However, you just giggle and continue behaving exactly like he hated. You play around with his nerves. You pretend to purposefully kick a bunch of metal pipes to make noise that will attract the zombies. Leon exhales in desperation. He doesn't know what to do with you.
Minutes later, you both arrive at the center of the building. On a dusty desk, you find the old, shiny antique - ish item you're supposed to retrieve and return to the R. P. D. Leon reaches out his hand to take it, but with a grin, you snatch it and quickly climb up to damaged window up high, staring at him with this smile of yours.
"Hey! Y/n, what the hell do you think you're doing! We're on this mission together!"
However, his words have no impact on you whatsoever. You're extremely curious on how he's going to react.
"Aww, but what if I tell everyone that I found it first and that I'm more worthy of recognition. What are you going to do? Huh, Leon?"
You immediately knew you went too far when you felt his hand grab your leg and pull you off, and when as soon as you got up, you saw him slide behind you with a swift movement and wrap his strong, muscular arm around your neck.
He leans near your ear. You keep a tight hold on the item, holding onto it for dear life. You hear his heavy breathing and his voice roughening, as his huge arm feels so tight around your small neck you almost feel like you're going to pass out. His tall figure holds you up in place firmly, your feet not touching the ground anymore. You sway your legs slightly and let out a little whimper. Even though you can barely breathe, you can't say that you didn't want this to happen. He smiles and whispers near your ear.
"You though that I'd let you annoy me since we got in the car. Who do you think I am?"
You let out an audible breath, looking in his direction. His grip is tight, but not too tight, just enough to keep you conscious.
"Now apologize, y/n, and don't make this any harder for you dear. This would have never happened if you didn't make me mad...But oh, you look like, you wanted this after all... Didn't you, y/n? What a filthy boy you are."
Your head is spinning, and your heart is beating rapidly. Your fingers release the item and it falls to the ground. You nod your head eagerly, letting out little whimpers and short breaths.
"I- I'm s- sorry...I- I won't..do it again- nghh..."
Hearing your exclamation, he lets go of your neck and puts you to the ground. He towers over you and grins, ruffling your hair softly as he sees your pretty face flushed red and hearing your erratic breaths.
"Good. Now be a good boy and behave. I promise I will reward you if you're good and actually useful. If not, I will punish you. Got it?"
Looking into his eyes with heart shaped ones, you nod your head. You never imagined that he would make you so flustered. Let alone, that you would end up being this worked up because of him.
~ ♡ ~
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roosterr · 1 year
Hi *smiles shyly* i loved your Nik headcanons SOO much! You captured his character and charisma so well!
If that's not a problem can you do a similar thing for Price *pretty please*? He is so caring it makes my heart melt!
Anyway, have a good day! You made mine certainly better! :D
hello!!!! tysm i'm really glad you enjoyed <3 and of course i absolutely love price, so here's some headcanons for our old man! :D
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acts of service!! he loves to do things for you, but he'll never tell you when he does, he just leaves you to discover it yourself. he'll water all your plants for you so you don't have to worry about it, he'll hang up the pictures you've never found the time to, that kind of thing. if you ask him about any of it, he'll own up but he'll never let you thank him, he'll just brush it off, saying the satisfaction of helping you is enough for him.
he's a very private man, he doesn't want the whole world knowing his and your business. he'll wait until you're behind closed doors to shower you with his love, where only you can see the softer side of him. that doesn't mean he won't show you any affection in public though, he just prefers more subtle gestures, like resting a hand on the small of your back, or sitting just close enough to you that your legs can touch. it's possible he won't even tell the 141 about your relationship until they figure it out themselves, not because he's ashamed or doesn't want them to know, but because he enjoys having something just for himself.
he absolutely loves spending time with you, no matter what you're doing. i don't see him as a big touch guy (though he definitely still likes it, don't get me wrong) so if the two of you just chill in the same room, maybe you're both reading on the couch with your feet on his lap, he can't get enough of it. just simply being in your presence is enough for him, sitting quietly with you or even watching you while you do something. and yall 100% do paperwork together in his office, it makes him actually look forward to doing it.
if you're military, expect some light favouritism from him at work. he won't treat you too differently, and he definitely won't go easy on you though, he may even go a lil harder on you during training. but around base, he'll be so biassed. i'm talking like, allowing you to cut in front of him in the lunch line, or giving you all the fun chores, even letting you steal his hat occasionally. if anyone else tries doing what you do though, even gaz, he'll have them doing pushups before you can blink.
this man is protective af, he knows all too well how dangerous the world can be, and while he wants you to have your own life, he can't help the paranoia that creeps up when he's not with you. he likes to call you often, or if either of you are in a situation where you can't,  he'll text you too, just to check in with you or ask how your day's been. even when he's not with you though, the rest of the 141 will be there in his place, and when you have a guy like ghost following you around, there aren't many people who would mess with you.
he takes a lot of pride in his appearance, specifically his beard; shampoo, conditioner, beard oil, the works. it takes him a while, but eventually he will let you trim his beard for him. i picture him being a bit uncomfortable accepting help from other people, so you'll have to do a fair bit of convincing before he lets you do anything for him. it's a big gesture of trust from him, and it shows just how much he loves you <3
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wrengrif · 1 month
You know what we haven't done for awhile?
That's right. It's WHAT IF time.
Okay, but let me preface this What If with saying, I don't believe in the coffee theory. That it was poisoned or held some mystical juice or whatever. I believe Aziraphale went to Heaven because one, he really didn't have a choice and two, he thinks there is some way to really turn Heaven around. To make it an actual Good Place.
However ... I have read some compelling theories lately about not taking the Final Fifteen at face value and I got to say, it's gotten me to wondering.
I keep coming back to Neil and the other Good Omen creators saying, nothing in the story is accidental. Which got me thinking about themes. Themes that interwoven all throughout Season 2, emphasized in the background. One of the main themes was, in fact, subterfuge.
Hiding Gabriel from Heaven and Hell.
Saving Job's children.
The bullet catch, the photograph, the 'magical words' caught being lipped through a shop window.
Even Edinburgh, where they pulled a couple of flim-flams on the surgeon and on Elspeth. If Season One was about the power of them coming together, Season Two was about their ability to out-smart both Heaven and Hell on multiple occasions. Not always perfectly, as seen by Crowley getting dragged back down to Hell, or in fact the entire Armageddon plan.
The point is though, that Crowley and Aziraphale are old hands at subterfuge. They were able to carry on a friendship, for over 6000 years, without getting caught by Heaven or Hell (note, I don't think they pulled a fast one on God. I'm pretty sure She knows and she's all for it. Number one shipper, Her.) They trust each other, implicitly.
So, when the Final Fifteen happened ... how are we to know that they weren't already communicating on an entirely different level? What they said, I have no real proof. However, I do think that Crowley and Aziraphale perhaps knew, from the get-go, that they were saying good-bye to one another. That Aziraphale was going to try and fix the problem from the inside, not Heaven itself per say, but the issue of them finally being free of Heaven and Hell so they could be together.
The whole fight was Crowley not arguing with Aziraphale about 'taking a new job', but instead about Aziraphale going alone. Begging Aziraphale not to go into the lion's den, that they could figure out a different way together, there, on Earth. Escape the Metatron, regroup, make up a plan. Aziraphale knew, though, that they were being watched and there was no way for them to get out of the Bookshop without both being destroyed. They went through the motions of fighting about one thing, while fighting about something else entirely.
They nearly made it through the whole fight within a fight, until Crowley cracked. He was scared he'd never see Aziraphale again and he had to let his angel know how he felt. Thus, The Kiss. The desperate, 'I love you, don't do this, don't leave me' kiss. Aziraphale kissed back, half-apology, half-confession, 'I love you too, I have to, they'll kill you'. When he pulls back he's mouthing, 'do it again', and he nearly says 'I love you', but says 'I forgive you'. Perhaps, I forgive you for making this even harder for me.
Crowley's mad, to be sure, but he plays it to the hilt. 'Don't bother'. 'No nightingales', perhaps code letting Aziraphale know not to to contact him until they knew it was safe, really safe. He walks out the door and then stands by The Bentley. Another message letting Aziraphale know he'll be there, on Earth, waiting. Aziraphale pausing, perhaps mouthing, 'Trust me', before disappearing into the elevator with the Metatron.
Honestly, this is all conjecture, but What If? What if they're already playing Nefertiti and the three shell game? Look here, at Aziraphale, but don't look over here, to see what Crowley is doing. Magic! Smoke and mirrors!
Aim for my mouth, but shoot past my ear.
What if?
(Note, NO ONE SHARE THIS WITH NEIL GAIMAN. This is just brain thoughts. Leave the man to his creative process and don't fuck with him.)
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ep2nd · 9 days
I really hope Macaria gets her own Hades game, and if not here's some of my ideas
It's like the opposite of Hades 1
Mac has long brown hair that kinda looks like Persephones hairdo pre-underworld, yellow and white based clothes, two green eyes, and oh yeah white wings, all weapons kinda float on her back. Very nice, kind, and sweet. More of Hallyday, joyous, flowers and rainbow vibe game
Mac is trapped on the mortal world, raised by Persephone, because that curse is like the opposite for her, she can't live in the underworld, lives in Persephones old farm
Trained by Chiron, taking Skelemesus(how do you spell??) Role. Also Triptolemus is here, mortal turned God by Demeter during Persephones disappearance, and Cyrene, amazing Hunter and Shepherd princess/queen turned Naiad, lover of Apollo and Ares too
Plot: The Primordal gods and Titans are awaking, aka they were all, mostly, asleep before this and will wake up and choose violence
Mainly Gaia, who's upset about the Titan things. The Olympians can't help cause they gotta deal with Typhon, so Mac gets help from minor gods and some Titans- Hebe, fun cus, Asclepius, bless his soul, Triton, nervous cus, Iris, gossip girl/hermes job, Nike, probably challenges you like Nem in Hades 2, Tyche, the IDK, Eros, seductive but is married(put shoulerd guards because of THE INCIDENT), Psyche, distant, loss vibe, but a sweetheart, Aeolus, laying down on a couch looking cloud, baby girl, Prometheus, holds tourch thats all I ask for, Themis, blindfold looking straight at you with hands on sword in the ground, stoic.... probably others, comment below
For Nyx kids this time around, basically everyone's who left, but primarily Phil(Philotes) Friendship Incarnate, the bestie who's like Hypnos, never met him though, she doesn't hang out with her other family, except Hemera! Also here, like the opposite Nyx, kinda duh Day Incarnate, also you wake Aither, Light Incarnate, same vibe as giddy Hypnos kinda. But then gets the worst Nyx kids, Oizys, Distress Incarnate, pessimism pro, Momus, Satire Incarnate, ridicules you for everything, the worse, more annoying Hypnos greeter, Dolos and Apate, Fraud and Deceit Incarnate, makes your job harder and kills you half the time, Geras, grumpy old man, anddddd Achlys, Misery Incarnate, who I make Nyx AND Erebus kid because the Chaos and Nyx kid might be too weird... also Asleep Primordal... but awakes, very much like Charon, they are best friends, enemies, and closest siblings, both taught by Erebus and hisses/growls to speak, also will kill you UNLESSS you offer her stuff, dumb enough to fight Charon... but he's also dumb enough to fight her so...
Also Erebus is here, who I like to say is all their dad because I love him, defiantly loving father who's been denied fatherhood too many times
Wake during the fight with Tartarus, who also wakes. They have beef. Fought each other and put eachother to sleep, on the day Eris was born, when the Twins were barely a year old(the order is different for reasons). Basically Erebus is gonna visist his entire family, also favors Charon because he's the first kid who he could ACTUALLY RAISE- looks at Hemera, Aither, and the Fates- let's not talk about Moros, Nemesis, Geras, Phil, Hypnos, Than, Eris, and Momus
Also others you awake- Oceanus, Pontus, Ananke, Astreaus, Uranus(maybe), Gaia, and other primordals/Titans prob, comment below for ideas
Other characters: Hippolytus, hates his dad(Theseus) loves Artemis(as in a Motherly figure/best friend, depending on how you see em) also loves his actually mom, Jason and Perseus hanging out together(congrats if ya got that reference), Atalanta, challenge you in everything and likes to berate Jason, Hippolyta, hates her Ex loves her son, Otrera, person you fight because why not?, Keto(Ceto) goddess of Sea Monsters, person you fight because I want that design, Midas, like takes Charons job for most of the game, also Pasithea, with children, help her get to Hypnos, others I don't know GIVE IDEAS
Weapons: main Scythe, because yes, at one point gets dual Swords, one is Aspect of Erebus, because yes, throwing knives, Aspect of Oizys, idk feels right, some type of spear thing, Aspect of Iris and Nike for those, whip? Aspect of Megeara because I'm funny, shields, either Aspect of Heracles or Achlys, and one for Perseus and Athena, mirror shield plus Medusa head one, Hammer/Mace, a Hypnos Ascpet it's funny guys, probably Momus too, and I don't know... that's all I got
For Romance options, I feel like Phil because she's very like Mac, Oizys for that Nemesis/Melinoe type, maybe an Iris one? She shows up in person eventually after you get her fountain, and if you wanna be REALLY funny, Meg or Than depending what ya chose for the first game
Finally, you get a big quest known as Phil's Tea Party, basically everytime you god a minor god or Nyx kid to join her Tea Party, at the end get the whole family, please, Phil loves her family despite them not loving her
I don't know, love to hear ideas
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extemts · 19 days
Hii!!!Idk if you write like brother x brother stuff (PLATONIC, NOT romantic), but id like a story where male! Reader (or you can make it g/n, its really your choice) finds out that joost is his like long lost half older brother, and they like meet and do everything together:33 Maybe child! Reader too??? I think Joost would be js so amazing to kids, thats why + its kinda comforting in a way
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No way? Mini me?
this idea is so cute!!! ugh i can't, enjoy this little story of 6-8 year old reader getting to know his older brother joost! i haven't written more than 1-2 things that are specifically about family yet so forgive me if this isn't perfect.
let's ignore joost's background family wise for this one because i have trouble to figure out how it could possibly work.
not proofread!
You always knew that family wise, something was missing. While you had the best friends at school that would always come over to your house after school, just to hang out in your garden now that summer was around the corner, you were longing for someone at home aswell, like a sibling, however your moms have explained to you why that isn't exactly possible.
"Mom! We found frogs today!" you yell excitedly as you run out of school and into the arms of your mother who was smiling from ear to ear as she swiftly picked you up and into her arms, saying something about how big and strong you've gotten, and how it's becoming harder to lift you. It was nice to see mom like this, so happy and relaxed, unlike usual when coming home from work. The fact she even picked you up a happy meal on her way to school had to mean that today was a really good day.
The drive home was mostly calm but just as you parked in front of your house and peaked into the garden, seeing a stranger with your mummy, something felt weird. "Listen kiddo, you're a big boy now and you should know this. You know how mummy and I took you into our care when you were very little?" your mom explained to you slowly, making sure you could follow her. "What we didn't know at that time was that you actually had an older brother. A few days ago we found out about him and he wants to meet you today." she carefully unbuckled you and opened the door the moment she could openly see the excitement on your face when the words 'older brother' fell. Leaving your bag in the car, you climb out of your seat to run straight to the gate, struggling to open it at first. When it finally clicked you fell right into your new found brothers arms who was following every step you made with a wide grin on his face.
"Easy there buddy!" the tall blonde man could only laugh, your excitement filling him with equally as much joy. "Now don't just claim Joost! Get to know him first." your mummy shook her head at the view of you two but all you could think about right now was how you finally had a brother to play with now. "Mum, mummy! I have a brother!! You're so cool!" Joost feels his heart warm up as he holds you in his arms, not caring about how dirty those clothes were from playing outside all day. You on the other hand couldn't believe that you had an older brother, someone with all these cool tattoos aswell! And a funny little mustache like the dads in all of your picture books. Now that you got a good look at him, all of the similarties became clear.
This whole brother thing was entirely new for the older one of the pair aswell- having only learned about this a few days ago when these two random women showed up at his front door only to explain to him that they were the mothers of a brother he didn't even know he had? That's a messy situation to just find out about, but knowing there was still a part of his parents running around somewhere while catching worms in the dirt, laughing with his knees bruised from falling off his bicycle just like him was something he couldn't possibly be happier about. Those last few days were filled with getting to know the mothers of his sibling and to his surprise, they truely got along perfectly, which might be because they were just a few years older than him. Now that Joost got to meet this little ball of joy who was pulling him all around the garden to show him his trampoline, the swing or his toys, all worries about this have dissappeared.
"Have you ever had a trampoline?" you kick off your shoes before staring up at him with big round eyes only to be surprised when receiving a head shake. "Come on!! You're missing out!" you giggle to yourself as you pull yourself up the high trampoline that was savely surrounded by a net. Letting yourself fall into it face first before scooting away when your brother, who's name was Joost which just made him even more awesome because thats what your favorite stuffed animal was called, joins you carefully while still talking to your mummys.
"Your adult stuff is boring!!" you stick out your tongue to all three of them before jumping up and right into your brother, taking him down onto the trampoline and pff of his legs.
It seems both of your lives have gained a new sun, giggling away the hours like both of you were little kids.
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