#so i thought it'd be nice if there was. of course. a small ring of light donned over his head
andromeda-vita · 1 month
okaayyyy first on the list of designnsssss,,, rayman !! yeah incredible , ik ik just. stay with me here
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a brief rundown of it is taking that whole "guardian of this world" concept, and being an embodiment of dreams, bravery and light.. then making it into a silly forest spirit,,
some inspos are sky children of the light, over the garden wall, adventure time, and zelda . again , weird mix , i knowwww . but!!!
i would need an entire doc to list all the things i've written on him thus far but i'd love asks/questions (and perhaps suggestions!)
im gonna be real here... most of the changes have to be the fact he has a cape and, messy hair, with flowers/leaves caught in it (ever heard of a brush???)
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samalong1 · 7 months
Songbird Hannibal x Operareader
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Yandere hannibal tw obsessive reltionship, controlling behavior,manupliation, and briefly mentioned baby trapping
You were his song bird, he'd always say it, it was his Nickname for you. He wasn't ashamed of it either infront of a crowd of all his dinner guests he'd call out for his song bird to come make a host
Such a nice reminder of how you met and fell in love, you even had the ticket Hannibal bought to your opera show framed so it was nice he was also sentimental
But it was much diffrent from hannibal's view
He saw your performances many times before you even met him. Every time he was smitten
Your voice it came from deep down as if it was your soul singing
It indirectly brought him to his childhood your look,voice,and even smell reminded him of his mother's room, the smell of all her perfume and the admiration he had for all the beauty and small details, it was hard to fully put into words but he just knew he had to have you
Although he wanted to simply sweep you up have you in his arms, he had to be patient if he wanted you to sing
A song bird could be trapped in the prettiest golden cage and fed the best quality food but never sing, they'd fall into depression being aware of their lack of freedom.
So he moved slowely charming you one night after a performance when he spotted you in the lobby. He'd take you ok the finest dates and gift you the finest golden jewelry he could find
Of course you were charmed, a respectable well groomed well educated man wanting to give you the world would charm anyone he was like a winning lotto ticket sticking out from any deadbeat,messy,rude, or childish boyfreinds you've had before
If the song bird is unaware of their captivity, the golden bars too far away for them to feel trapped, too busy with toys to want to fly away and it'd be content singing
This is what he did you thought you could go anywhere but he made very sure you'd never be too far away, not that you would wonder off he would do so much with you that you were too tired to go out without him.
He loved hearing your voice In the theatre and seeing how you moved everyone. But his greed was far more powerful, he wanted your voice to only move him to speak directly to him your voice only sung for him. At every performance he'd imagine your voice hitting a note so high everyone but him would shatter like glass leaving him the only one worthy to enjoy your melodies
So he played the long game soon wrapping your finger in a wedding ring, to lure you into the grand cage
After that it was easy to get you to abdonen your career with phrases like, "why work for others when I am more than able to provide", "you could write your own songs with the free time",and the one that hit the hardest "if we had children won't you want to be around them, of course I support working mothers but all the time you spend practicing and when you perform in other states even countries woudnt you rather be with them"
Of course there were a ton mire tactics he used to persuade you, he was very manipulative part of that is what made life to him a game if chess always needing to plot your next move or words
Soon it worked, his song bird was in the cage clueless about the trap and he locked the door
It took years but finally he had his pretty song bird in a golden cage where only he could be blessed with the singing, where only he held the key to free the bird but it remained unaware happily singing
You were happy either way wrapped around him
It was funny you worried that he didn't love you at times or that you were a bother due to how stoic he was and how hard it was to read him
Of course he'd assure you how loved you are but it was funny, you were worried that you were annoying him when he did so much for you to "annoy" him
Everyone saw through the bars even you, you were lucky you married a rich respectful docter who loved you
You'd still sing for the public but not as a profession whenever there was a open mic or any exuse he'd happily watch his songbird sing and the awe in others
He saw it as a blessing to the strangers a rare moment where he'd bring his golden cage to the public to allow others to hear the singing
He'd sketch you alot, you'd be drawn as many Greek Goddesses frequently as aphrodite, or on a stage singing to a audience that was empty exept for one man, him
He never shown you the sketches but he wasn't ashamed its just what he did to keep his mind busy you woudnt show him your middle school doodles
If you ever saw them he'd just admit that he drew them and move on
Though he'd ask you to model for paintings drawing you in so many poses some erotic but some classical, as if you were a medival monarch
Though he usually painted from real life he had one he painted without your modeling, it was you wearing flowing silk while in a golden swing in a golden cage seeming unaware
Oh how he favored it, it was hung in his office for any patients or freinds to see. You felt unease when seeing it but could never put a finger on it
Because a happy songbird was unaware of its cage,it didn't see itself as trapped so it woudnt recognize any depiction of themselves as trapped
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just-jordie-things · 1 year
Hi hi, just so yk i absolutely love you.
If you havent already do you think you could do how jjk men would propose to you (or just gojo i dont mind)
thanks :)
yes i need to be wifed up by these men :3
contrary to popular belief, i don't think satoru would go all out with a fancy restaurant and a huge public display. i think the proposal itself is going to be so casually intimate that it throws you totally off guard when he does it. i'm also convinced that he'd surprise himself when he proposes too.
with both of you having a free night (a rarity!) he'd suggested that you order takeout, sit on the couch in your pajamas, and watch the soapy drama you liked that he had also gotten hooked on.
while he goes to pick up the food, you're at home making the living room the coziest place in the house. he'd only tasked you with grabbing your favorite blankets for the sofa, but you thought it'd be nice to throw up some fairy lights rather than use the too-bright living room lamp. it wasn't much extra work, but it definitely added to the atmosphere.
so when you're boyfriend returned home with your food, he was quite surprised at the romantic, cozy setting you'd created for you two. and maybe it was the dim twinkling of your beloved fairy lights, but there was just something about you that made you glow. and the little box that had carried around for two months now never felt heavier in his pocket.
your back was turned as you washed your hands, babbling on that it was always a special occasion when you both had a night off, and what better to make it special than some string lights and a bottle of wine, and satoru could barely focus on a thing you were saying, too focused on the velvet box in his hand and how he just had to stop carrying it around.
when you turn around to find him on one knee and a twinkling diamond outstretched towards you, there's a squeal of excitement that gets caught in your throat as your shock chokes you up instantly.
"that's- that's a ring? that's an engagement ring? for getting engaged? you want to be engaged? you want to marry me?"
you're speaking so fast that you're stammering, and satoru can't help but laugh a little at your total state of surprise.
"you gotta let me ask, sweetheart-"
"yes!" you've leapt into his arms, almost sending him to the floor at the sudden impact. "yes! yes! yes!"
satoru blinks, holding tight to the small box in his hand, afraid that your erratic movements might knock it out of his hold. although he can't complain as you shower his face in kisses, strawberry lipgloss smearing everywhere you can reach.
"i don't know what people are talking about," he teases as he finally presents you with the ring, sliding it perfectly over your finger. "that was easy"
for the rest of the night, your attention is caught between him, and the sparkling jewelry sitting on your finger. ___
megumi, sweet, romantic, adorable megumi, is a fucking disaster.
if he'd had it his way, he would have proposed to you months ago. but it had taken him far too long to settle on a ring (none of them were good enough for you!!) and then of course he had to have a whole plan for the actual proposal. and again, he ran into the same problem. nothing seemed good enough.
where would he even do it? your favorite restaurant that you two frequented so often the staff knew your orders? in the comfort of your home during a quiet moment? the beach at sunset? should he order a pair of doves to release at the exact moment he dropped to one knee?
safe to say, megumi is overthinking the hell out of it. even though he had the ring and knew in his heart he wanted to marry you, and that's what really mattered, he just wanted it all to be perfect for you. he wanted you to be so swept away by it all that you'd remember it forever as a picture perfect memory. he wanted to portray every ounce of love he had for you in this one moment, so you'd never forget how he felt.
noticing that megumi had been on edge for a few weeks now, when a nice night came along and you both had the evening free, you asked him to take a walk with you. megumi wants to stay home and work on the massive speech he was preparing for you, but he's practically incapable of saying no to you, so that's how he finds himself walking hand in hand with you under the stars.
it's a surprisingly warm fall night in Tokyo, with just enough of a breeze here and there to tousle your hair around your shoulders. you both comment you're not sure when the weather had been more perfect.
you're looking at the stars and talking about your days, complaining just a little about an assignment he had coming up that would take him overseas for a few weeks, but megumi tells you he doesn't want to dwell on the future too much, and instead focus on the present.
you giggle.
"i can't help but think of the future when it comes to you," you're teasing, but the words are so sweet that megumi's heart melts a little. "is it so bad i want us to be together all the time?" you stick your tongue out at him playfully.
he squeezes your hand.
"careful what you wish for" he half-jokes back.
again, you laugh, and when he looks at you, there's a warm smile on our lips and a sparkle in your eyes that makes him forget about the cloudless night. staring at you still made his face feel warm, even after all this time together.
"i wish on every shooting star that i can spend forever with you," you tell him, dropping your teasing tone for a softer one.
megumi's heart is officially melted into mush, victim again to your ruthless loveliness.
"you're my favorite person in the whole world," you continue, your smile only brightening when you see a blush rise to his cheeks. "I love you, 'gumi"
he stops walking, and you show no irritation or confusion as he stands before you, staring at you with nothing but adoration.
"you really mean that?" he asks, his voice more of a mumble than he means to be, but with his heart coming back to life and pounding in his ears, it's hard to speak clearly.
"of course" your voice is nothing but genuine, punctuated with an affirming, curt nod of your head.
you effectively make him throw every plan in his mind out the window, and he's speaking before he can even realize this.
"marry me"
his voice is still a whisper, but it's clear nonetheless.
your smile drops as your lips part, and your eyes rounding, unblinking in your surprise.
with his free hand, he reaches into his pocket, and retrieves a black velvet box, only solidifying that he meant what he said.
your eyes travel from the box in his palm, to his again. he chuckles at your frozen features, before pushing the box towards you.
"open it" he murmurs.
as though willed by his command, you reach for it, and flick the top open. there sat the prettiest ring you've ever seen in your life, just your size and just your style. your eyes well with tears, both from the overwhelming happiness and the fact you haven't blinked.
you blink now to will the waterworks to stop from coming.
"what do you think?" megumi asks, his heart thrumming in his chest harder the longer you stand in stunned silence. "forever?"
your lips split into a wide grin, before you lean up to press your lips against his passionately. you're both smiling into the kiss, which makes it a little messy, but you're holding onto each other so tightly and your hearts are beating in sync that it's the most beautiful kiss you've ever shared.
when you finally part, your tears have slipped down your cheeks. megumi wipes them away before helping you try the ring on.
"i love it," you admire how perfect the jewelry sat on your finger. "i love you"
"i love you too, favorite person" he hums, kissing the crown of your head as you're still distracted by the ring.
"i'll have to think of a new wish now" you tell him as your hands intertwine again and you continue your walk.
"i'll make that one come true, too" he winks at you, sending the both of you into a giggling fit. ___
yuuta had thought about proposing for a long time. he's known he's wanted to marry you since pretty early on in your relationship actually, he's a total romantic like that, but your lives are pretty chaotic so he holds it in and makes himself wait until the timing is right.
even still, it's not exactly a huge ordeal.
you were both lounging, reading your books in near silence together, but it was comfortable. at some point you went from sitting on the couch beside him to laying in his lap, propping your book above your face. he'd been more than happy to be a little more cuddly, his fingers playing with your hair while he continued to read.
but it didn't take long for him to get distracted, until he completely forgot about the book in his hand and was just staring down at you while you read.
yuuta liked watching you read, he even asked you to read to him sometimes. you always seemed the most at peace, your features soft until something exciting happened in the plot. he could almost guess what was happening in your story depending on your face. if something romantic or steamy happened you would blush, if there was a betrayal or major character death your mouth would hang open and our eyes would flit across the page a little faster, and if your favorite pairing had a tragic ending, you'd always be teary eyed. yuuta thought you were just so pretty when you were lost in a book.
he's not sure how long he'd sat there staring at you without you noticing, but you'd turned the page a few times now, too immersed to even feel his gaze.
maybe he shouldn't have sprung such a question on you out of seemingly nowhere, but he couldn't help himself. you were so pretty, and so comfortable with him, that he could pass away and float off into the sky right here. so he speaks his mind freely.
"i want to marry you"
it comes out in a dreamy sigh, and you think he's just being a softie and messing with you, so you giggle, not even looking away from the page you were on.
"sure you do, sweetheart," you murmur, shaking your head just a little. "you just bein' sweet to me because your leg's fallen' asleep?" you ask in a hum.
"no, i mean it," yuuta declares. "i want to marry you. i want to get married to you," he clarifies as if he wasn't already perfectly clear, but you obviously think he's playing a joke on you.
finally, you drop your book, holding it to your chest as you stare at him, studying his features just to be sure he's genuine.
"i want to move in together and decorate our place together and be together all the time," he continues, the lovesickness in his heart reaching his brain and making it all hazy with adoration as he stares at you. "i want to plan a wedding together and invite all our friends and your family and i want everyone to see us get married, and we'll have a huge party after and we can dance together all night. and then when it's over we can go back to our own place, together, and i'll be your husband and you'll be my wife"
your cheeks are gaining more color with every word he speaks. it's more romantic than any book, or any piece of poetry you've ever read.
"okay" you whisper.
"okay," you repeat, nodding your head as you move to sit up, just enough to bring your face to his. "i'll marry you"
his soft smile is replaced with a face splitting grin, excitement flooding through him in an instant.
"really?" he asks, cupping your face in his hands as his eyes flicker between yours eagerly. you laugh, nodding your head.
"yeah, really" you tell him, and you've barely finished speaking before he's slamming his lips to yours triumphantly.
your hands find his shoulders to steady yourself, because your heart was doing somersaults and the sensation was bound to make you dizzy.
yuuta's hands slide around your jaw when you pull away, his eyes half lidded as he admires every pretty feature of your face. he's so overcome with his love for you that he's ready to plan the wedding now.
"i'm thinking fall" he hums.
you hum in return.
"i think you better get me a ring first, lover boy" ___
he says 'mustard leaf?' and you just know what he means. jk. but that would be funny, right?
toge actually spent a long time taking advice from his friends to find just the right way to propose to you. in a perfect world, he'd give you a long winded speech about how you light up his life with your angelic glow, but it's a little hard to translate that to onigiri ingredients, so he'll have to improvise.
panda suggests hiring a sky writer, but it turns out those are expensive. also maki had said that idea was corny and lame.
yuuta said that he should dim the lights, light some candles, play some soft music, and pop the question with some rose petals spelled out on the bed. toge liked this idea too, it was romantic and sensual, but again, maki had said this was lame.
gojo said he didn't even need words, and that he should take you to a fancy restaurant, and after dessert, make a whole display of getting on one knee. he'd claimed the action alone was enough to make his intentions clear, and you and everyone around you would know what was happening. toge thought that wasn't a bad idea either, it wasn't often that you two went on classier dates, so it would be special. once more, maki shot it down with a scoff, saying public proposals were tacky and annoying to those around them.
at this point, toge was annoyed and frustrated. every time he thought he'd found the right way to do it, she would shoot the idea down and tell him was terrible, and he was tired of hearing all the negativity without her actually telling him what he should do.
it's not until they've wrapped up an assignment together that he makes his irritation with her clear.
"you're upset that i don't want you to give (y/n) a shitty proposal?" she asks, raising a brow.
toge's frowning as he nods curtly at her. maki chuckles to herself.
"ikura" he curses under his breath. it does nothing to faze her.
"it's not that i don't want you to propose. i do. i know she'll say yes, you're soulmates," maki tells him the first nice thing he's heard her say in regards to his plan. "but you have to do it your way, dummy," she flicks his forehead to solidify her point. "it's gotta come from you. that's all that really matters, isn't it?"
oh, he thinks, finally realizing what she'd been trying to convey all this time.
"so, you know, just do what's right" she shrugs.
they're picked up at the airport by panda and yuuta, and of course, you. panda shows off the cool pikachu balloon he'd brought just for fun, and while maki's telling him that you're adults now and he really doesn't have to bring a balloon for every mission you all return from, you're jumping into your boyfriend's open arms and hugging him tightly.
"i missed you so much!" you tell him, followed by a sweet kiss once you pull away from the hug.
"salmon" the markings around toge's mouth are stretched out as he smiles back at you.
"how was it anyways? easy, huh?" you glance over him quickly to make note of any possible injury, but you don't find anything, and toge laughs to himself at your little routine every time he comes home from an assignment.
he places his hands on your shoulders, making you take a step back before he reaches into his pocket.
"a souvenir?" you grin when he produces a little box.
the black velvet makes you raise a brow. jewelry wasn't usually your thing, so it wasn't common for him to gift it to you.
the rest of your friends are standing around you with dropped jaws and pale faces. here? now? this is when he decides to pop the most important question in any relationship? was he for real?
"jewelry?" you asked, not picking up on the implication of the small size of the square box at all.
but then again, how could you? the guy is proposing to you in an airport, and it's not like he has words to help him.
toge nods, grinning ear to ear, and then reaches over to open the box to show you the sizable ring he'd picked out. your curious expression dropped to shock once you saw the diamond ring, finally getting what this was about.
"oh my god" yuuta mumbles, before smacking a hand over his mouth to keep any other commentary from coming out.
panda is hiding his face behind his paws, afraid that the lack of romantic display would cause you to awkwardly laugh and turn him down. he shifts around to peek through his fur so he could still see, though.
and maki is stunned frozen, just as you are right now, too curious to know what happens next to look away.
toge smiles at you, his free hand reaching forward and cupping your cheek, bringing your attention back to him. his lavender eyes are crinkled at their corners, before he leans forward to gently tap his forehead against yours.
there was more love in one soft gesture than he could have ever conveyed in words, you think. tears prick in your eyes as you stare back at him with your lips parted.
"i love you too," you murmur, your own hand resting over his, pressing your cheek further into the warmth of his palm. "of course i'll marry you"
your friends all sigh in relief before cheering for the both of you. yeah, they'd all been holding their breaths, but they really shouldn't have doubted toge, because you never have and you never will.
you wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him happily, and when you pull away you're bouncing as you tell him to, "put the ring on me put the ring on me!"
you're huddled around with your friends, tucked into toge's side as you show off the ring he picked out, even though they'd already seen it because he'd dragged them with him when he was shopping for it. but it's worth it to see you excitedly show it off.
maki supposed the advice she'd given was perfect after all, even if toge took it in a pretty literal and immediate way. ___
not me getting butterflies writing these hehe
xoxo ~ jordie
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irishmammonagenda · 3 months
How I Think The Obey Me Dateables + Co Would React to The Rumours™️
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Summary: Rumours have been floating around the Devildom. Rumours about a certain Angel and Sorcerer...how will the demon brothers react? Word Count: funny joke! Content Warnings: nothing i dont think Disclaimer: This will probably not make a lot of sense unless you've read this fic here for context, but ykw life doesnt make sense you do you <3
[Brothers Version]
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dividers by @cafekitsune
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You had left the Sorcerers' Society feeling quite flustered, but also extremely pleased with yourself. Take that Solomon. You grin. In all the excitement of the following days, you'd forgotten about the rumour you had accidentally spread around the Devildom. Perhaps you shouldn't've pretended to be Archangel Michael to gain entry....
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Finds out about the rumours relatively quickly, Little D No.2 sees him nearly dropping a plate before catching it with his tail. He was sworn to secrecy.
Poor Little D No.2
His first thought is shock, his second thought is.
'What did you do MC?'
smiling he dials your number on his DDD.
You were in the middle of doing homework, or rather, sitting at your desk staring at your homework when Barbatos called. "Hiya Barbs!" You grin into your DDD. "Hello MC." You can hear the Butler's smile through the phone. "What's got you calling Barbie?" "There have been some rumours of a certian bastard sorcerer and Archangel in a romantic relationship...you wouldn't happen to know anything of it?" You laugh. "My assassination attempt went wrong." Barbatos lets out a small chuckle along with you. "I can't say Solomon doesn't deserve it." You pause. "Barbs?" "Yes, MC?" "Would you maybe wanna...go to the next Devildom Carnival with me?" You mumble into the phone, but he catches it. Thankfully, he was feeling nice, and did not teasingly ask you to repeat it. "Of course I would MC," Barbatos tone softens, smile visible in his voice. "Perhaps you can tell me more of this assassination attempt going aray?" "It'd be my pleasure Barbie."
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Barbatos tells him.
Remember the sticker incident? Yeah. Diavolo laughs when he hears about it
This could be a great help in uniting the 3 realms!!!
And hey, if someone commissions Asmo to make stickers of Michael x Solomon, dont look at Diavolo who is very suspiciously whistling innocently.
"Hi Asmo!" Lord Diavolo steps out from the shadows. Asmodeus shrieks, loosing all colour in his face before gaining it back again and grinning excitedly." Diavolo! What are you doing in my room?~" Diavolo shooshes him, pale golden eyes widening as he looks around the Avatar of Lust's room. "Not so loud." After deeming it safe enough, the Demon Prince continues, "I snuck away from Barbatos" Asmo makes a noise of understanding, he looks up at the other through foxlike eyes. "So what can I do for you Dia? ~" The Prince smiles ear to ear. "Remember the stickers you made of me and Lucifer. Well, I'd like to commission something." Asmodeus gasps excitedly, moving a stray champagne coloured lock from his forehead, he grabs his bejeweled pen and journal. "Of course! We can discuss pricing later on! First things first! What would you like?~" "Well..." Diavolo lets out a booming laugh, "Maybe something quite similar to the stickers of me and Lucifer, except with Michael and Solomon?" Asmodeus sets his pen and sketchbook down, looking up at the Devildom's present goofball and future ruler. "Y'know what, Diavolo?" He smirks mischievously. "It's on the house." Diavolo pouts, "At least let me buy you Majolish's new line of clothes." "Awww!~ If I had a ring that I didn't want to keep for myself I'd propose to you!~" Diavolo laughs. These stickers were going to be amazing.
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Haha L Solomon
Knows it's fake from the moment she hears it.
Upset she didn't think to start it....but when she finds out from Satan you had a hand in it?
Damn bbg she's about to have your hand in marriage😏
You were just trying to walk home from RAD, having finally gotten a moment of peace from your idiots when an extremely loud 'VROOOM' startles you. A black motorcycle with pink accents traverses the streets of the Devildom like it's attempting to audition for Fast and Furious, before going rogue and coming straight towards you. Scared, you start to sprint, alas, even as an angel,you can't outrun motorcycles. You don't wanna die! The mystery rider drives beside your sprinting, catching up to you before reaching their leather gloved hands out and; YOINK! The motorcyclist pulls you flush against their chest, holding you there with one arm as they use the other to steer. You've been kidnapped by a motorcyclist who thinks they're in GTA. Great. Being kidnapped by a crazed motorcyclist before GTA 6....actually, maybe this was GTA 6. "As much as I'd love to hear your screams in a different context MC, can you stop screaming?" A voice asks through the Motorcycle helmet, you immediately stop squirming to get out of the Motorcyclist's arms. "Thirteen?!" She laughs, "Awww, I love it when you say my name!" You drive in relative silence for a while until she reaches a small cafe. She stops the bike and takes her helmet off, her long ombre hair is tied in a ponytail, she takes out the bauble and lets it fall down. Bloodied emerald eyes lock onto yours as she pulls you in for a kiss. "What's this about you dying and not giving me your soul...." She says in mock sadness before jumping off of the motorcycle, helping a dazed you to your feet. "No bother!" She flirts, tucking a stray hair away from your face, "You can just give me your soul, and your heart, and your body, and your mind!" You blush. "W-why are you in the Devildom Tee?" "Well a certain someone-" She pinches your cheek, "made up a fabulous rumour about that Rat-Bastard! So I'm here to give them a lovely little dinner date and my hand in marriage as a reward!" "Excuse me? Could you repeat that?!" You ask, heart racing. Thirteen just laughs and gives you a kiss that leaves you breathless, a soft blush of her own showing up on her porcelain skin. You walked out of your impromptu unofficial kidnapping dinner date a married MC. Time to go to Vegas to make it official!
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The man found out because you told him.
He is not impressed. Couldn't you have made up a rumour about Lucifer dating someone?!
No MC, this is a serious newspaper! He is not posting gossip. Or advertising fanfictions. Especially ones with a name like that!
What do you mean Lord Diavolo would 'want you to do it, Mephisto!!' are you trying to emotionally blackmail him?!
"Pleaseeeee!" "No." You try again. "Mephisto pleaseeeeeee?" He gives you a rather rude look. Damn, rich people really were good at looking at people like they were dirt on their shoes. "I won't ask for anything ever again!" "You will, and the answer is still no MC." He glares at you. Pear green eyes filled with annoyance. "The RAD newspaper is sacred! I'm not posting fanfiction on there! We are a serious organisation!" "You post popularity polls." You deadpan. "This is why I hate rich people." "Let me go wipe my tears with my various stacks of grimm lying around. Speaking of which, how did you get into my house, MC?" You grin sheepishly. "No comment!" "MC." "Your little brother let me in! He's very nice, unlike you! Now please I'm begging you!" Mephisto raises an eyebrow. "You don't look like you're begging." "I'm not getting down on my knees. I'm going to piss in your cereal." Mephistopheles scoffs. "I don't eat cereal. That's poor people behaviour." You sniffle, deciding that the best course of action would be to annoy him. "You know, you're acting like Lucifer right now! Not letting me post this in the Newspaper." Mephisto waggles his finger at you, "Send me a Devilmail of what you want included later." "Yay!" You cheer. Satan was going to be so happy when he found out you managed to get your fanfic mentioned in the RAD Newspaper!
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He finds out after you print out the published parts of the fanfiction you and Satan wrote.
He's an author after all! What better person to get constructive criticism from?!
Someone please save this poor man.
Solomon looked up at Michael with dull eyes devoid of emotion, just previously they had shone with tears, now they were just dead. A graveyard of feeling. "Take it back Michael." The sorcerer mutters, but Michael heard him clearly. "What you said about Humankind...take it back!" "It's the truth Solomon!" Michael raises his voice, the rain dropping like bullets against the windows of Cocytus Hall. "I can't do this anymore!" Solomon blurts out, before turning on his heel, cape flapping, as he runs out of the door, into the storm outside, his arms cover tear-stricken his face. "Solomon wait!" Michael races out after him braving the- "MC..." Simeon looks up at you, he takes his reading glasses off and gently sets the paper down, attempting to avoid looking at anything else written on it. "MC, what is this?" "Art." You nod seriously. "It is good writing MC, but, why?" "Why not?" You tilt your head. "With all the love in my heart, darling, I'm forcing myself to forget this story's existence." You pat Simeon's back. "That's probably for the best Simmy."
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Solomon? Michael was going out with Solomon?
This worked out great for him actually, this meant he could eat Solomon's food more often. How delicious!
Disappointed when he finds out the rumours aren't true.
"Raphael for the last time, do I look like the type of person that would date Solomon?!" Michael says exasperatedly, covering his face with his hands and fake sobbing. Drama king. "You are a bit odd. Are you sure you're not dating him? I won't judge you, Michael, I respect you a lot." Raphael nods seriously. "I am not dating Solomon." Raphael pouts, "I see. Have you considered dating Solomon?" Michael grabs a pillow and screams into it.
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Finds out through Asmo
Is that a fanficiton, MC?
Two can play at this game.
You enter your room when you feel a hand go over your mouth. You attempt to scream, but seeing as there's a hand over your mouth, it doesn't exactly go very well for you. "Relax Mc, It's just me." You turn your head around to see Solomon and that signature sneaky smile on his face. You scream louder. He chuckles and mutters a few words, all of a sudden you feel very sleepy.... Hours later, you wake up on your bed, now around 3 feet tall and with familiar pink wool, your hands and feet are now hooves, beside you Solomon had been oh so kind as to leave you a note. Cant write Fanfiction if you don't have hands. Jokes on him. You're a co-author.
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hears some demons talking about it at RAD while he´s in Devildom history
Michael are Solomon are DATING??!!!
Michael and Solomon are getting MARRIED??!!
Is Solomon his dad now?
Luckily for Luke and Unluckily for Michael, Michael is still in the Devildom, so when Luke gets home, he goes to ask Michael about it.
Sounds of sizzling and chopping can be heard from the kitchen in Purgatory Hall, and thankfully, it's not Solomon. Michael hums as he expertly dices the onions up and puts them into the blender with the tomatoes, broccoli and cauliflower. His long golden hair had been haphazardly thrown into a plait, small curls that didn't feel like conforming popping out here and there, sauce stains found themselves a home on his dark skin, he stuck his tongue out in concentration. Frozen meatballs had been left out to thaw, and now the Archangel was making the vegetables in the sauce so they'd undetectable to a certain fussy young angel. "Michael?" The young angel in question calls out in the doorway resulting in Michael exclaiming something that sounded like 'GAH!' and attempting to hide Luke's view of the blender. "Hiya Lukey!" Michael grins awkwardly. "What's up with you today? Haha." Now long used to Michael's strangeness, Luke pays it no mind. "Michael, I have a question." The archangel turns the various pans on the stove to the lowest heat before sitting on a stool on the kitchen island and pulling Luke up to sit on his knee. "What's up Kiddo?" He grins, tilting his head at the boy. Luke fiddles with his thumbs, his blue eyes meeting Michael's red ones. "Is it true you and Solomon are getting married?" Michael's smile drops. He pats Luke's blond hair, "No Lukey, me and Solomon are not getting married, nor are we in a relationship." Luke's face flushes, he clenches his tiny fists. "Those demons! Making up lies!" Michael shakes the image of you from his mind. "Yeah. Demons. Yup!"
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lads im gonna be honest here i havent met mephsitles or hwoever u spell it a lot in game (as well as thirteen and raphael) so apologies if theyre really ooc😰
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ooo-yeah-baby · 4 months
im the anon from earlier lol
can i request a yandere gilbert blythe where it's his and the readers' wedding day? and then maybe including at the end them "cuddling" in bed together but it's really him holding her tightly whispering about some future together while she cries
sorry if that's a little morbid, i just thought it'd be a cool part two to the first one you posted
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Arranged Pt 2
Yandere Gilbert Blythe x reader
I only write sfw, feel free to make requests. Thank you for asking!! Kinda short and not proof read. Enjoy :)
I love you..." his voice rings in your ears. 
"You're so beautiful..." his words make your skin crawl. 
"Are you listening?" You have no choice. 
From the moment your mother made you let him in to the note on the school board to shuffling down the isle this morning, you were miserable. 
Possibly the only enjoyable part of this was seeing how proud your mother was the whole way through. She had fixed up her old wedding dress and fitted it to you. She made you up like a doll for the ceremony. And as your father walked you down the isle you could see tears falling from her eyes. He was so happy. It would have been discomforting if you had thought too much into it though.
Gilbert stared in astonishment as you walked down the aisle in the church. When you arrived at the altar you wanted so badly to repeat the same actions as  Prissy had. Run out of the church and into the field. But you couldn't bring yourself to do it.
After the ceremony the reception was held. Your family and friends all told stories of both you and Gilbert- which were very much exaggerated for the occasion. 
Anne had written a poem, Josey made a few snide comments, Ruby talked up every interaction you'd had with Gilbert as if she hadn't been in love with him just a year ago.
It all made you so sick that you couldn't even swallow your food. 
Finally you were here. In Gilbert's home. Bash in the room next door caring for his baby, and Gilbert hugging you from behind, his face in the crook of your neck. 
"Are you listening Y/N?" He repeats, giving your body a small squeeze. You nod, tears sliding down your cheeks and over your nose. "I'm sorry..." he takes a deep breath. 
"For what?" You ask, knowing the answer. He'd done this countless of times in the last few months. Apologizing but never changing. 
"I want you to be happy..." you don't respond. It's easier to tune him out. "I'm aware you didn't want thus marriage..." you've fought him every step of the way on this. "So I'm sorry for forcing this onto you..." he's not sorry. He's quite right happy with himself. "But I do love you." The tears begin streaming down your face. "and I'll make sure you're happy. We can have a happy little family- if you want!" He stutters a bit. "We don't have to have kids if you don't want any. It's up to you." He thinks for a second. "It could just be us- and Bash and Delphine, of course."
This isn't love, to you. It's possession. It's kidnapping. It's grotesque and disgusting. Love is supposed to be flowery and sweet.
Maybe you could've had a real romance if Gilbert had approached you correctly; Walked up to you in class, talked to you about your day, invited you over for a nice meal and took your wants and needs into consideration. But that's not what he did. He went to your parents, who gave him his guaranteed spouse. It was as if nothing you thought or felt mattered. 
"I love you, Y/N..." he leans over and kisses you on the cheek. "You don't have to say it back." Then reaches over and blows out the candle. 
You rub your eyes dry and your cheek raw. 
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hearts4golbach · 4 months
The Night Shift.
chapter 2.
Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader.
It was all so fucking Repetitive.
So fucking repetitive. 5 hours of taking orders and making them. Tonight made me want to curl up in someone's arms and cry. But I didn't have anyone waiting for me at my tiny apartment. I had never even had a boyfriend before. My parents were so insistent that I find a beautiful, tall, blonde boy who plays football. I had never found that.
Repetitive. The ringing of the bell on the door snapped me out of my thoughts. i didn't bother brightening my expression, assuming it was just another drunk.
"What can I get for you?" I asked in a monotone voice, not looking up from the register.
"Y/n?" a familiar voice called. "You okay?" I looked up, my eyes meeting Johnnie's.
"Oh, hey. Sorry, it's been a long night. Seeing you is the first good thing that has happened to me tonight."
"Do you wanna sit down and talk about it?" He offered.
A small smile grew on my face. "why not? let me take your order first."
"Can I try a large vanilla coffee? Iced, please." His tone was calm and sweet, and he seemed less tired than he did last night.
He began to take out his wallet. "This one's on me." I commented. "Any updates about your ex?"
"I haven't heard much from her, and that makes me paranoid." he replied. "let me pay, Y/n. it's your paycheck."
I rolled my eyes. "You got me a donut last night, it's the least I can do." I smiled as he threw up his hands in defeat. "maybe she got bored."
"I hope so." he sighed, leaning over the counter has he did last night. "Do you have any crazy exes?"
My face flushed. "I've never dated anyone."
His eyes widened. "That's shocking, you're really pretty. Sorry if that offended you or something."
I shook my head, my face as red as a beet. He was very attractive himself, so the compliment caught me off guard. I had no idea what to say. "Thank you, uh, you're attractive yourself." i stuttered, muttering out the first thing that came to mind.
a small blush spread across his face as he smiled with his teeth. "what's stopped you from having a boyfriend?" he asked as I brought his coffee, as well as one I made for myself, to the nearest table. he sat across from me.
"My parents want me to have the perfect guy. Blonde, football, blue eyes, you know." i stopped and looked at him, seeing a dissapointed look on his face. "But that's not what I want. So I guess I've just been waiting for someone to come to me."
His facial muscles rested. "cool." he replied, taking a sip of his coffee. "this is really fucking good."
I laughed. "did it catch you off guard? I can't believe you, johnnie. I don't make shitty coffee." I teased.
he immediately shook his head. "no, I just usually don't like coffee."
I made an 'ah' sound and took a sip of my own.
"There's a new year's party this weekend, me and my best friend are going. You should go." he smiled. "Me and Jake can give you a ride and everything."
"hmm. I can try, but I don't see why I wouldn't be able to go. I've never been to a party."
"Oh Jesus. Have you ever drank?"
"Thats like asking if I breathe air." I rolled my eyes. "why 'oh jesus?'" I questioned in a mocking tone.
"New years parties are always fucking insane, in my opinion. I'm always reeking of some sort of alcohol even if I don't drink." he scrunched his nose slightly, as if he could smell it already.
"sounds like my type of event." I smirked, taking another drink.
He smiled with his teeth. "So you'll go?" he said excitedly.
"of course." I smiled. "it'd be nice to get out of the house."
"Tell me more about your family." He replied, intertwining his fingers.
"Well, my grandparents spent their whole lives saving up to buy this cafe." I began, mimicking my parents voices. "and, in their will, they passed it down to my mom and dad. I've been spending majority of my time in this building for as long as I can remember."
"are you a peoples person?" Johnnie asked me.
"like, am I good with people and like to be around them?" he nodded. "I guess so, but I like being alone, too. like, if I'm alone too long I get tired or if I'm with people for too long I get tired. I don't know, it's weird."
"understandable." Johnnie acknowledged.
"what about you?"
"I'm just like you. But I lean more towards being with, like, two people than being alone or in a big group." he explained, waving his hand around.
I nodded in agreement. Maybe it was a bad idea to go to this party, but I had little to lose.
"Can I get your number?" He asked me. I quickly wrote it down on a napkin.
my heart fluttered. I gave a guy my number. I wasn't expecting anything to come from me and johnnie, though.
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jackhues · 7 months
🦋sidney crosby🦋
midnight rain - taylor swift
also, i promise i don't hate new york, this just fit 😭 also i rlly like this! and there are time jumps between each block of lyrics!
don't forget to like and reblog!
my town was a wasteland full of cages, full of fences pageant queens and big pretenders but for some, it was paradise
born and raised in new york, you thought you knew how to navigate the entire world.
it was the 'concrete jungle', it was a place where people went to find themselves, it was a place where they went if they wanted to be someone.
you knew so many "actors" or "singers". people from your elementary school who were convinced they were going to get their big break eventually.
you saw the cages, the fences -- you saw the grip the city had on everyone. if they became famous, they revolved their entire life around it. once someone entered the city, they rarely left.
of course, those people saw the city as paradise.
my boy was a montage a slow-motion, love potion jumping off things in the ocean
sidney was everything those caught in the grasp of your city weren't.
he was a small town canadian boy. he played hockey because it was fun, because it was what he loved. but he never cared for the fame it brought him.
he was a boy with a bright smile and no worries. he was a breath of fresh air from the city that tried to drown you.
"c'mon, follow me," he said one day, taking your hand.
you were returning from a dinner date, and instead of going home, he decided to take you somewhere else.
you followed him through the alleys and roads, surprised at how well he knew your city.
"just a little further," he promised, helping you up a fire escape.
the two of you climbed all the way to the top, freezing at the sight. there weren't many stars in new york, but the lights of the skyscrapers from this height were just as pretty.
"it's beautiful," you realized. for the first time... your city looked beautiful to you.
"it really is," he agreed.
you didn't have to look to know he was staring at you and not the lights.
in the city that threw you to the darkness, sidney still managed to help you find the light.
i broke his heart 'cause he was nice he was sunshine, I was midnight rain he wanted it comfortable i wanted that pain
"so that's it?" sidney asked. "you're just -- you're just tired of us? after six years?"
"it was fun while it lasted," you shrugged. "but i'm over it."
"okay," sidney muttered to himself after a pause. he stared at the wall behind you, "well, i hope you find whatever it is you're looking for one day."
you waited until sidney packed up everything and left, locking the door behind him. you took a shaky breath, not allowing yourself to feel anything more.
you weren't allowed to cry, you weren't allowed to watch him from your balcony.
you were the one who broke his heart.
he was too nice for you, you reminded yourself. six years of spending all this time with you, all this time in this city, and he was still as bright as the sun.
you didn't get it. you had no idea how this city had no effect on him.
sidney stayed because he wanted a life with you, he saw a life with you. but you were from this cursed city.
you knew nothing but how to hurt him.
he wanted a bride i was making my own name chasing that fame he stayed the same all of me changed like midnight
you found the ring years later, in a box, in a corner of your bedroom.
sidney had wanted to propose for years, but you held him off. telling him you wanted to do something for yourself before you became a wife.
he agreed, because he believed you.
and when he left, he left nothing behind... except the ring he never used. you didn't know if it was on purpose, if he wouldn't have been able to keep that ring himself because it'd remind him of you. or maybe he just forgot it.
you shook off the thoughts of the ring, tucking it back away in it's little corner. making your way to the living room, you flipped through the channels on t.v.
but it seemed like the world was working against your plans of trying to dispel all thoughts of sidney, because the first thing you saw was sidney doing an interview.
unable to help yourself, you watched the interview.
he had the same smile, the same laugh. he even held himself the same way as he did all those years ago in interviews. only answering the questions and giving nothing more away.
all those years passed, and nothing had changed about him.
but you. every part of you had changed.
even sidney, the one part you thought was going to stay, wasn't there anymore.
send in a 🦋 and a player/driver, and i'll write a song blurb
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duchess-kyuupid · 1 year
hi there
can you write idia’s reaction to his fem or gn s/o singing “good riddance” from Hades (the video game) pls? this song and idia both live rent free in my head rn lmao
have a nice day 😸
OMG You literally made my day with this ask, darling <333 I love Hades, and the first time I heard Eurydice singing it I was nearly brought to tears ToT Of course, I'll be more than happy to fulfill your request, and I hope that you enjoy!! For anyone who hasn't played Hades or just wants to listen to the song anon is referring to, here it is! (The audio comes out too loud for me, so I'd recommend lowering your volume a touch just in case! When I was testing it, the sound was just blaring into my ears and I don't know how to make it quieter;;)
~Idia Hears Fem! Reader Singing~
[Tw: Soft angst to comfort] *Don't need to know/play Hades to read*
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To say that today has been a bad day for Idia Shroud would be an understatement. It's been one thing after another, each terrible thing piling up on his shoulders heavier than the last. They say that when it rains, it pours- and Idia feels that this statement could not be closer to the truth. He feels exhausted just thinking about how long this day has been, and it's barely even 3 pm! But he's had enough social interaction in all of today to make up for a lifetime of self-isolation. He's tired, his battery has run out- there's no chance that anyone's going to be seeing him leaving his room at least for the next week, and even when he does leave it'll be with his floating tablet.
At last he makes it back to his room, but he's far too tired to do anything but to crawl into his bed and lie there, doing nothing but hope to start feeling better. He doesn't want to see anyone, doesn't want to hear anyone, he just wants some peace and quiet, away from everything that's making him anxious. But apparently he can't even have that, as a sudden knock on his door pulls him away from his sulking. "Big brother, big brother! I have something to show you!" Ortho says excitedly, "I know you'll just love it! Can I come in?"
'I can't have Ortho seeing me like this,' Idia thinks, 'I'm just a useless Housewarden who can't do anything... Ortho doesn't need to see his brother being so cowardly, so utterly worthless that it'd be better if I'd just go back home to the underworld and never see this place again...'
"If you don't wanna open the door, I'll just play it for you from out here!" Ortho exclaims, and suddenly Idia is pulled from his gloomy thoughts when he hears a golden tune ring out from behind the door.
'Farewell, to all the earthly remains,' wait, Idia knows that voice... 'No burdens, No further debts to be paid,' that's the voice of the one person who could make his day even slightly better.
'Atlas, Can rest his weary bones, The weight of the world, All falls away, In time,' That's right, it's you. You're singing. To him.
'Goodbye, To all the plans that we made,' Wait, are you actually outside of the door with Ortho? You're actually here? To see him?
'No contracts, I’m free to do as I may,' Idia heard your voice continue to sing, to ring out beautifully as if your voice was weaving gold through a spindle.
And he couldn't take it any longer. He wanted to hear your singing, not through the door of his room, but right next to him, and he wanted to hold you and have all of his worries from today melt away with you in his arms. He rushes out of his bed and opens the door, his eyes glimmering with hope of seeing you behind it, only for the small smile that was invisibly growing on his face to extinguish when he realizes that Ortho was the only one there.
Ah, and now he feels even worse. His disappointment was so apparent, he didn't even try to hide it when his eyes met Ortho's big, bright, and innocent ones. He felt bad that he was so disappointed that it was his baby brother, because don't get him wrong, he absolutely adores Ortho, it's just-
It's just that today's been really long. He already felt shitty enough. But he should have known that you weren't going to actually be there, after all you were travelling outside of the college for once to see the world of Twisted Wonderland. You had told him before you left that you were going to be gone for a while, which makes him even more miserable, knowing that he won't be able to be with you when he's already so stressed out.
But is it really so bad that he had even a glimmer of hope? The hope that maybe, just maybe, you had decided to come back early and surprise him with a visit?
"There you are, big brother!" Ortho says, unaffected by Idia's visible disappointment in seeing him, "I know that you've been missing miss (Name) a lot recently, so I've got this recording of her singing for you!"
"U-uhm, thank you, Ortho...Where did you even get this recording from?" Idia asks timidly.
"I came across her one day when she was singing on her own in the woods! So I used the recording feature you installed in my programming so that I could show it to you," Ortho states, and even though his mouth was covered, you could basically hear his radiating smile. Idia smiles softly and his eyes soften as he replies,
"Thanks Ortho, would you mind sending me the file? I wanna listen to it through my headphones for a while."
"Of course, big brother! I've already sent it to your phone." Ortho 'smiles' brightly as Idia thanks him and closes the door. And without a second thought, Idia pulls up his phone, finds the recording file and starts to play it through his headphones, drowning out the rests of the world in preference to the sound of your voice.
'No hunger, No sleep except to dream, Mild and warm, Safe from all harm, Calm....' As you sing these lyrics in particular, Idia feels pounds of his anxiety and stress wash off of him in waves. As if your voice itself was a spell, Idia was in a trance. And he feels mild, and warm...He feels safe from all harm...and calm.
'Good riddance, To all the thieves, To all the fools that stifled me, They’ve come and gone, And passed me by, Good riddance, To all...' 'Farewell To all the earthly remains...' 'No burdens No further debts to be paid,'
'Atlas, Can rest his weary bones, The weight of the world, All falls away, In time...' And by the time your lovely song is over, he's already manually repeating the recording. It looked like there was probably an extra two or three minutes of empty sound at the end of the recording, and Idia wanted- no, needed to hear your voice right now, he didn't want to wait like 3 minutes before the song automatically looped, after all he could have listened to your whole song again in that timeframe!
It came to no surprise to him that he accidentally fell asleep listening to you sing. Again, it's been a really, really, long day, and just,, being able to listen to you like this was just what he needed to begin to relax and calm down.
What did come to him as a surprise though, was when he woke up early the next morning and your song was still playing through his headphones. And he felt good, he never knew that this is how feeling truly rested feels like. So as he's lounging on his bed, staring at his ceiling as your song continues to ring through his head like silk, and he figures that he'd listen to the rest of your song one last time, and then he'd get up and get something to eat, or perhaps he'd go take a shower or something.
So the song ends, and he's left with the empty sound at the end of the recording. He sighs and stretches out languidly, and then he starts to move to take off the headphones before he's surprised to hear a startled gasp, followed by the sound of you talking.
"Ortho! Geez, you nearly gave me a heart attack there! How long have you been there for?" "Sorry miss (Name)! I heard you singing and I wanted to come and listen!" "My singing? Oh, it's not that good, really." "I disagree! I heard your whole song, your voice is so pretty!" "Why thank you."
Idia hears you chuckle breathlessly. 'Your laugh is beautiful' he thinks.
"Actually miss (Name), do you mind if I keep your song as a recording? I'm sure that big brother would be ecstatic to hear you sing!" "I don't mind. As a matter of fact, I was thinking of him when I was singing it anyway, so it would be nice if you did show it to him. I don't know if I'd be able to sing it in front of him perfectly like that without knowing what his reaction would be.. Oh, but are you going to keep this conversation in?" "Don't worry, I'm not going to!" "Actually, do you think you can leave this in? I wanna leave a message for him, if you don't mind." "Okay, sure thing! I'll make sure that he listens to it."
He hears you walk closer to Ortho, and he's holding his breath as if he wouldn't be able to hear your message if he took even a single breath of air. But what you say, though, knocks the wind right out of him, because he realizes that he's been asleep listening to you talking to his beloved younger brother (and he's so, so happy that you care for Ortho as if he was your own brother too), and that he's been asleep listening to you say these last few words saved for the very end of the recording.
"Idia, I love you."
LITERALLY this was so cute to write TwT I think this might be my favorite so far.... Eurydice is my comfort character ngl and I spent like this whole morning listening to her sing (even singing along myself to get a feel for what kinds of emotions she's trying to convey) and just generally I had so, so much fun with this prompt. Thank you anon for the request, and I hope that you all enjoyed reading!
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Your fics are great! They always make me feel amazing!
Can I request Sopmod, RO and M4 giving their S/O a present?
(GFL) M4 SOPMOD II, RO635, and M4A1 giving S/O a present
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SOPMOD proudly presented a miniature version of herself and a lovingly recreated tiny S/O.
(S/O) "It's...It's us!"
(SOPMOD) "Uh-huh! From me to you, S/O!"
(S/O) "It's adorable, thank you so much! How did you make this?"
SOPMOD dodged the question by smiling and giving S/O a passionate kiss, redirecting their attention back to the gifts.
(SOPMOD) "Now we can have our mini-me's do our work around base!"
(S/O) "...A-Are they capable of doing that?"
(SOPMOD) "Iunno, guess we're gonna find out!"
She laughs as the both of them watch their tinier versions give each other a high five, then scurry about like they were hyperactive pets.
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(RO635) "U-Um...S/O, here you go!"
RO shyly hands S/O their gift, it being wrapped with a great deal of care.
Her cheeks begin heating up as her eyes refuses to meet theirs, her fingers fidgeting on the sides of her waist.
(RO635) "I-I hope you like it..."
(S/O) "Of course I'll like it, it came from you after all!"
The reassurance made RO smile and finally look at them as they opened it, her eyes widening a little in anticipation.
It was a small but pretty necklace, the colors matching her eyes: half red, half yellow.
(RO635) "I thought it'd be nice to have something from me if I'm not around s-so..."
She yelps in surprise as she receives a kiss on her cheek, but she quickly relaxes, seeing their smile. They liked the gift, mission accomplished.
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M4 hands S/O a small box, her lips growing into a soft smile.
(M4A1) "I got you something while I was out there. It's nothing too fancy but...I hope you like it all the same."
When S/O opened it, the box revealed a small ring with an emerald on top of it.
The the green tint was reminscent of M4's green streak.
(S/O) "It's beautiful, much like a certain someone I know."
(M4A1) "Heh, who would that be?"
She puts her forehead on S/O's as she gently puts it on their ring finger, next to their OATH ring, matching hers.
(M4A1) "I'm glad you like it, dear."
(S/O) "I wish I could get you something just as pretty."
(M4A1) "I'm not quite sure you could get something prettier. After all, the best one is standing right in front of me."
Although she was normally far more shy, her confidence seemed to skyrocket seeing S/O blush at her words.
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okay, asks for TLB and Tasmintello
Preferred body part? 👀
Favorite position? 😏 (cuddles or otherwise)
Favorite place to be kissed in? 😘 (living room, kitchen, closet?)
The worst baby fever has ever gotten? 🤧 (what year/day/month/season is baby fever at its highest?)
🩷🖤🩷 [Gonna answer this one with TLB and make a separate post for Tamsitello~ just so the tagging is easier 🤭 also small mention of abuse warning! ⚠️]
Favorite Body part? 👀
[David and Chrysta]
David loves Chrysta's eyes. It's the first thing that drew him in the first time he ever saw her, and probably the first thing he fell in love with.
He loves how expressive they can be, and how they completely give away whatever she's thinking about or what feelings she's hiding.
How big and glassy they are when she's feeling playful and peeking over Dwayne’s shoulder, or soft and tender when she's sleepy and he's the first face she wakes up to.
Or the way they look under her wet lashes when he has her in tears of overstimulation, and when they roll back into her head when he fucks her in just the right places. 👀
[Dwayne and Chrysta]
Dwayne loves everything on this woman. I believe Dwayne just couldn't pick if you asked, there's nothing he doesn't feel like praising on Chrysta's body.
He likes the chubbier parts in her, like her thighs, ass, tummy, hips, etc. Especially when she starts having kids or when she stopped being so worried about keeping up some slim figure to keep up with the latest fashion trend.
There's no part he doesn't want to leave untouched, pinched, squeezed, kissed, licked, all of it.
[Paul and Chrysta]
Paul adores Chrysta's hands. They're the softest thing he's ever felt, and in an mortal life before when the only womanly hands that ever touched him were to strike him across the face or hit him... But to have a girl of his own who touches him only ever to make him feel safe and feel good, he just turns into putty.
He loves how she seems to just have a habit of tracing or fidgeting with him or the other boys hands, and he likes the feeling of her twisting and playing with some of his rings, or her fingers tangled in his hair, braiding it or just combing her hands through it.
He also loves it when she claws at his back during sex, leading a long trail of red lines starting at his lower back all the way up to his shoulder blades. Or if she pulls his hair when he's eating her out like a man starved.
[Marko and Chrysta]
Marko is a tits man 100%. And he looves his angel's boobs to such a high degree she could wear the baggiest clothes known to man and he'd still say "nice tits bella." 👏
it might not even just be Chrysta's boobs that he likes, but he just loves her chest area in general. Like when she was still human, he loved fucking her hard enough to watch her breath hard and heavy, her chest heaving with labored breaths.
He'd sometimes even just rest his head against her chest (when he decides to have her fully faced during sex) while railing her to hear her heart beating so fast he thought it'd explode if he didn't calm down a bit. Or after finishing things up he'd just keep his head buried in between her breasts, waiting till her heart calmed down enough he felt he could start cleaning things up a little bit.
Favorite position? 😏
[David and Chrysta]
I know a lot of people believe David likes being in charge/on top if not all the time, most of the time. But I think he's a low key sucker for riding. Sure it takes a little convincing (begging) but once he's hooked on the idea, you ain't backing down.
He loves having a smoke while his little lady puts on a show for him, pleasuring herself on him while he sits back and watches.... Of course he's still in charge of what's going on at all times. (Sometimes he'll give a little buck of his hips to get a reaction.)
[Dwayne and Chrysta]
Not exactly sure about the name of the position, but Dwayne likes super sleepy sex in the morning. [er- well- sunset maybe??? I'd assume that's when they start waking up.] So it's usually with both on their side and Chrysta's back to his chest.
He likes whispering sleepy, slurred sweet nothings into her ear while she moans and whines his name softly. It's a nice little way to wake up for a night! And don't tell anyone, but a little part if him likes the jealous glares he gets from the other boys when they can smell him all over Cherri. 🤭
[Paul and Chrysta]
Uh... Don't think it counts as a position or not but adding to Paul's public/humiliation kink, he likes it when he can 'take' Chrysta on his bike. 'A ride for two' he likes to call it.
It's usually with her facing him on his bike with her straddled on his hips while he rests his head on her shoulder so he can keep his eyes on the road. He likes to be brat sometime and he'll swerve a little, or pop a wheelie/do some trick that makes her squeal and scold him.
[This woman is MAD to think she can go a night wearing a mini skirt without driving home with Paul on her heels the whole night]
[Marko and Chrysta]
Marko's go to is doggy, or any postion they'd end up in after some wrestling/play fighting and she finally gives in. But it's mostly him taking her from the back.
He likes how even if he's the smaller of the guys (uh- stature wise com on now 👁👁) he likes how much he looms over or envelopes Chrysta's underneath him, and can glide his hands down her arms, intertwining his fingers between her knuckles gripping at the sheets.
Favorite place to be kissed in? 😘
Anywhere and everywhere. 😶
The worst the baby fever has ever gotten? 🤧
Literally right after Anastasia was born. These boys were just itching to get her pregnant again, all fighting for who would be the next to get a little bundle of fangs from their baby mama.
So I'd say around late January, early Febuary was when it hit pretty hard? [Annie was born December 19th.] Spring fever amiright??
It was literally a Sunday, which Chrysta goes to the Emersons once a week to clean some laundry or take a shower, bathe Annie, get some parenting advice from Lucy, etc. And the second she stepped back into the cave, it was like a moth to a flame. I am not joking when I say she was SPRINTING away from from four vampires, with a baby on in her arms while screaming, "NO MORE BABIES TILL WE GET A WEDDING DATE PLANNED!!"
And most of the babies were the outcome of a nasty case of baby fever- especially Dwayne... My girl couldn't walk straight for the first few weeks. ✊️😔
🖤🩷🖤 TYSM for the ask, lovely anon! I hope I answered and gave enough info! (or too much 😬) stay tuned for part two with Donnie~ 👀🤭 💜💜
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Restless Nights
Aki Hayakawa x Reader (I don't think there's any mentions of gender and if there is please yell at me because there's not supposed to be)
Fandom: Chainsaw Man
CW: manga spoilers!!! mentions of character death, angst, implied nightmares, hurt/comfort (but mostly hurt), unrequited love, non-sexual bed sharing, aki makes for really good angst sorry
1st Person
This is sfw but I have explicit content on my blog, minors, do not interact with my content. I don't want y'all here.
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Aki Hayakawa had an expiration date far sooner than anyone his age should.
It was painfully obvious to everyone including myself; I mean, the Curse Devil alone was evidence enough but with the impossible, unwavering goal of killing the Gun Devil I wouldn't be surprised if death came knocking next week. It shouldn't hurt me as much as it did, I was trained not to be phased by friends' deaths given the profession and typically avoided friendships altogether but it'd be a lie to say I was okay with it.
Truth be told, I'd fallen for him entirely. It was stupid, of course, you'd have to be blind not to notice Himeno's attempts to stray him–I most certainly didn't have a chance–but the strain in my heart at the mere sight of him couldn't be helped. The thought of being his was lovely but even if he wasn't so cold and closed off; his contracts were so detrimental the idea of a future with him was nothing more than a pathetic pipe dream.
The only comfort I had was knowing I wasn't alone in being rejected or simply having their affections ignored. Himeno obviously but even his new buddy; the Angel Devil were so clearly in love but he never bat an eye at them. Not in the way they wanted him too at least. I suppose Angel would never admit that though, probably scolding me and giving the lecture on how he's a devil first, an angel second. It didn't matter. We both understood that we'd sit on the sidelines, helpless to aid in the prevention of his downfall or end up like Himeno. Whichever came first.
I had seen him less and less as of late though. It was to be expected. I suppose Makima was closing in on the Gun Devil so it came as a surprise when I was told that I would be looking into very likely rumors of a devil a few cities away with Aki. Nonetheless I took the job graciously and headed to the train station with a backpack containing sleepwear for both of us.
Upon arrival I called him, not catching sight of him anywhere. As the phone rang longer I felt my patience dissipating. I had no doubt he'd shown up, I was told he'd be here before me, but this was supposed to be my day off, we'd have to stay the night at a hotel, and I was already tired from the week. If it weren't for my paranoia about Aki's well being and a guttural feeling that as the Gun Devil grew closer to being killed Aki's time grew nearer I would've said no to going. But. The man I was in love with would be dead soon, I should enjoy whatever fleeting moments I can take. After all, his best case scenario was only two years and a few months.
At the third ring a small poke on my arm signified the presence of the man I was looking for. I smiled.
"Glad you found me, wanna get going?" He nodded in response, giving out a ghost of a smile. I grinned and took his hand, selfishly stealing what small contact I could. As I headed to the train he stumbled slightly. Slowing I looked back at him. He may not have said anything, claiming he was just fine without it, but there were small things I'd noticed that he was clearly struggling to adjust to after losing an arm. The most apparent being the few times I had been able to come over and needing to help him cook. He hated it and it was obvious. Prior to his bout with the Darkness Devil he was always ready with an intricate dinner before anyone was walking through the door. I shook the thought.
We boarded and sat in silence, the only noises on the train being the occasional sound of shuffling, rustling paper, and soft whispers. It was nice. I glanced at Aki to see a calm expression gracing his features as he gazed out the window. Moments like this were rare and I made a mental portrait of the way the afternoon sun seemed to make his blue eyes shine as it hit them. I looked away soon after though. He'd called me out for staring before and I didn't want to upset him. He didn't want a relationship, that was made obvious. The train ride would be long. I opted to sleep on the way there.
Upon arriving at the somewhat rural city (though just about every town and city tended to look rural when coming fresh from Tokyo) we asked around. Quickly able to surmise that tip about a devil in the area was correct and taking residence in a decrepit old house on the edge of town. It bolted after seeing us, immediately heading into a wooded area bordering the yard on the house. It was rather weak, the most difficult part of killing it being how good it was at fleeing. After taking care of the body we found a hotel close to the station we'd be departing from the next morning and checked in.
I sat on the couch and gave Aki a tired smile. He returned it before heading to the bathroom and starting hot water for a shower. I followed him in, setting his clothes on the counter.
"I'll go after you so don't take to long okay?" I said before leaving, closing the door behind me. He groaned.
"You act like I'm known for long showers," he muttered though it was audible through the door. I giggled in response before returning to the couch and staring at the ceiling. I had contemplated trying to find something on tv but I was tired and the thought of putting effort into anything right now felt like a chore. He was out quickly as promised, hair down and looking exhausted. Going to one of the beds in the room and pulling back the covers to tuck himself in he was out almost immediately.
After taking my shower and putting on a tee shirt and sweats I let my gaze fall on Aki for a moment. It wasn't a common occurrence to see him at peace to begin with but after Himeno's death he seemed perpetually distraught. Sighing I turned the lights off and muttered a small good night before getting under the covers of the other bed and letting myself drift off.
I woke up to the sound of crying and turned over to see Aki, still asleep, whimpering as tears fell from his closed eyes. I avoided letting any come to my own at the sight as I climbed out of bed and padded towards him.
"Hey... hey, c'mon. Wake up," I whispered as I shook his shoulder gently. He opened his eyes slowly before quickly sitting up, startling me slightly. Bringing a hand up to his face he wiped away his tears and let out a shaky breath.
"S-sorry," he mumbled. His voice was broken and barely audible. I shook my head and after a moment of hesitation rubbed circles into his back.
"It's okay. You've gone through a lot, you can cry about it if you want to," I offered. It felt stupid coming out of my mouth but seemed to strike a nerve as he looked up at me, his brows knitted and eyes were glossy with tears. He pulled me by my waist and buried his head into my stomach as sobs racked his body. I brought my hand not busy rubbing circles into his back to his head, holding him close and petting his hair.
"Please stay with me tonight," he mumbled. I almost didn't catch it, his voice was weak and muffled by my shirt. But I did. I sighed and moved to sit on the bed before laying down, gently pulling him with me. He curled into himself and nestled further into me. I knew it would hurt, that this was likely the only time he would show anyone, let alone me, any type of vulnerability. That if it had happened to be someone else here who was kind enough to show him compassion and knew him well enough he would've likely had the same reaction. It didn't have to be me. He just needed a warm body and if that's all he ever wanted from me then so be it.
I was utterly whipped and just for tonight I could fool myself into thinking he cared even a fraction about me in the same way I did for him.
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immobiliter · 8 days
@avaere sent: " hey hey hey hey ! - " now now, come on ! who could truly blame this guy ? this totally normal guy with normal horns and a normal approach to the metallic beetle that found itself on the table of the poor lady that just so happened to be at the wrong place and totally wrong time; " - lemme get it , i swear , bro - ah , sorry , where are my manners . . . miss bro - i'm not gonna hog your snacks, alright, i just want that funny lookin' beetle you've got there . . . on the edge of the table. . . just. . . "
reaching two hands out , the oni took a wide stance , shifting crimson gaze flickering between her and the beetle. it sat so calmly. man! it'd be such an easy catch . . . if he just. . . inched. . . closer. . . closer. . . hands opening up, hovering over the shiny specimen. . . oh man what a large one ! these fontaine beetles sure were something else and nothing like the ones back in inazuma ! maybe it was meant to be that the oni had come a little late to the film festival.
"okay - keep quiet now," itto instructed further as he jumped forward, hands clasping onto the table to the point where there'd be a small tremble in both tea cups and plates. " HAH ! GOTCHA NOW BEETLE BUDDY ! THOUGHT YOU WERE A MATCH HUH ? A MATCH FOR THE UNBEATBLE, INDESTRUCTIBLE AAAAAND TOTALLY INVINCIBLE ARATAKI ITtoooooo... huh !?"
hands pressed down.
empty; ". . . aw man ! not a again ! " he could not believe this. hands would retract in a slumped stance. mumbling to himself, he'd soon redirect his attention to the poor person by the table (she must have been busy enjoying food or something). " almost had this time, it's so cruel ! can ya' imagine !? i came here for the film festival because my bro ayato pulled up in these parts, but man, i get here and it's done ! what's kinda cool though is that - oh, are you gonna eat that by the way? i'm kinda starvin' - "
an introduction would've been grand... but poor furina had now been wrapped up in an oni that took place by her table; " ... anyway, so i was on this boat and heading to the film festival hosted by this, i don't know, FURINA ? ? ? doesn't ring a bell but, but - man, i was so ready to offer my tough guy act for her movies - ! there's totally no oni that's badder, cooler and better than me ! ... seriously though, you gonna finish that ?"
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       Furina was sat just around the corner from Café Lutece, tea cup, plate of bulle souffle and several scripts piled up in front of her. The success of her directorial debut at the Fontaine Film Festival hadn't gone unnoticed, it had seemed; mere hours after the culmination of the event, scripts were being left in the post-box by her apartment — and, even more daring besides, being handed to her on the street as she ran her errands ( daily, she reminded herself, or else she'd once again become a recluse ). Sent and gifted by aspiring scriptwriters, all of them, who were now seemingly desperate to have a performer of Furina's experience working behind the camera in order to bring their vision to life. It was flattering and unexpected all at once and, perhaps for the first time since her retirement from public life, she felt the stirring of some kind of purpose.
       Even if she turned the vast majority of these scripts down, it was nice to sit outside, enjoy the sun on her face and render judgement on the pen and ink offered to —
       The voice nearly made her jump out of her chair. Heterochromatic eyes frantically looked for the source, landing on a tall, horned man with peculiar markings on his skin waving his hands at her. She froze, panic gripping her by the throat as half a dozen different scenarios played out in her mind's eye. What did he want? Who sent him? Was he here to hurt her? Instinctively, she looked for Clorinde — but, of course, the famed Marechaussee Hunter was no longer her personal bodyguard.
       I just want that funny lookin' beetle you've got there. I just want that funny lookin' beetle you've got there. Funny lookin' beetle. Right there. Look, Furina.
       The what?
       Furina followed his gaze then, not menacingly focused on her at all but trained on the mechanical insect — she believed they were called Subdetection Units, though she had always been less interested in them than she had the data they gathered for the Fontaine Research Institute that she could then peruse — that was perched on the edge of her table.
       Gloved hands gripping the table's edge, Furina's immediate panic receded, and she simply watched, dumbfounded, as this utterly strange man readied himself to catch the critter in both of his hands. Just as he pounced, her eyes widened and she reached for her teacup, swiping it from the table before the tremble of silverware had the chance to become a smash against the ground.
       At least, she supposed, now that she had it in her hands, she could take a small, unperturbed sip of her tea as her companion loudly proclaimed of his victory, casting a glance around them to see if he'd attracted an audience. Fortunately, he had not.
       But, it seemed he hadn't caught the beetle after all. Furina felt almost bad for him ( he had put in commendable effort, after all. she did not know what the correct stance was in order to catch oneself a beetle, but... he had certainly been sure of the one he had chosen ). Though she wasn't entirely sure what to make of the fact that this now meant his attention shifted entirely to her.
       “ Uhhhhh, no, by all means — ” With two fingers, Furina slowly pushed the dish of bulle fruit souffle over to him, making the most of the table that was still physically separating them. If he wished to eat it himself, then fine. Perhaps he'd eat her food and then quietly leave.
       Despite his meandering commentary, however, there were some words that jumped out, piquing her curiosity. He seemed friendly enough — you know, for a strange man who'd interrupted her work over a beetle.
       “ So, if you were late arriving for the Film Festival, that must mean that you're from Inazuma, right? ” It was true that not all Inazumans were the same, surely, just as Fontainians were all pretty different, but he seemed wildly unlike the group who had travelled here to collaborate on a film with them — and had he called himself an oni?
       Furina did not know much about Inazuma's folklore, but this man being an oni would certainly explain the horns.
       Carefully, she set her teacup down on its saucer, and hesitated. “ It's only that I worked with Miss Furina at the festival as... one of the extras on the movie that she was directing. There was a brother and sister involved — Ayato and... Ayaka, I think? ”
       She wasn't sure why she lied. He said he didn't know who Furina was. She could have told him. She could have outed herself as the former archon of Fontaine, former God of Justice, former starlet of the stage and screen who'd retired and, well, didn't have much of a role to play at all now in her nation's future. She could have slipped back into the role that was still a part of who she was. It would have been easy. Effortless. But she hadn't.
       Her next words were purely an attempt at being polite. “ It's a... shame you weren't here in time to join us — uh, what did you say your name was again? ”
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katyspersonal · 1 year
Spamton G Spamton
(From this ( x ) ask meme)
Oh boy... It's been 84 years since I got to talk about my other interests that are not Soulsb0rne xD Yes, I AM still waiting for Deltarune to be finished, just accept it </3
First impression: Bwahahaha, he is so funny! What the fuuuuuuuck xD I don't know how I never expected anyone like that from a COMPUTER-themed Chapter, but what the fuuuuck! xDDDD
Impression now: Honestly? This character cannot be OVER-rated. He is objectively good, and no amount of "hurr hurr mainstream :/" will make him cringe. Yes, that includes fanart that is not quite truthful to his real vibe. I just think he is a very good character - a much more sympathetic example of the character in the setting that gets to learn something he (probably) should have never known, and futility of fighting against it than, say, Jevil was. Jevil SIMPLY went mad, Jevil SIMPLY decided that if nothing is real then none are pain and deaths of people around him... Spamton, though? He still clings to the things he used to care about, he shares much more backstory from his former, more naive self, that 'self' is still alive within him, he wants to be 'real' rather than falling for complete insanity... There are just so many layers to him - all for the character whose EVERY fucking quote sounds like a shitpost. I appreciate the dissonance between his serious lore and his shitposty behavior a lot, actually. The classic of Indie games, hands down, one of the best Deltarune characters yet.
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Favorite moment: You remember THE horror we all felt when by following his directions, we walked in the dead end room, and then tried to walk out of it...... only for the layout of the former screen to fucking CHANGE and create another dead end ;-; Also, the creepy smiley faces in the darkness. Fuckin. Fuckin CLASSIC of pixeley indie RPGs. I loved that small moment soooooo much. It is not to belittle his other moments - every single time he interacts with us and Kris is GOLD anyway. xD
Idea for a story: Lol, that's a hard one, let me refresh my memory... Well, I remember I came up with an idea of him and Noelle interacting - as an AU, or maybe parallel turn of events, or maybe 'it could not have happened in the game or else the chapter would not be fun, so just imagine if Deltarune story was NOT a game'... Yeah. I thought she'd find him funny, and that'd be how they'd strike a conversation.. And in that case, instead of Kris putting the (metaphorical) engagement and marriage rings on her, it'd be placing metaphorical princess and queen crowns on her. She'd basically become his secret weapon, convinced that Kris was possessed by an entity (TECHNICALLY true, by the way...) and they needed to extract it for everyone's sake (of course, for Spamton's first of all, hahah). SO yeah, Noelle would arrive as his secret weapon and have battle with the team instead. It also happened before some LORE about Noelle and Spamton got dropped, so when I also learned THAT, I was pleasantly surprised xD I am a prophet for real sfdfdhsd
Unpopular opinion: Hmmm... Well, I think fandom should never forget that he is both very sleazy AND very much of a loser. x) The last time I checked the fandom, I saw him either as a cute babyboy that toooootally simps for Swatch, OR as a super smart badass mastermind. But he is neither! He is a loser and cringe and fail, but at the same time tries his best to be sneaky. Not a nice person, but not an evil mastermind. He is cringe, but not JUST a comic relief - he has a lot going on! Just imagine a trademark card dealer sneaky guy being struck with the knowledge beyond his understanding... That's it. Basically, my unpopular opinion is just that with Spamton, it is a constant fight of the balancing the character! He is simpler than fandom portrays him AND more complicated than fandom portrays him at the same time!
Favorite relationship: Lol, all his relationship SUCK (source: check his lore) and none of this stuff is genuine anymore </3 However, I am a huge sucker for backstory material where he was still a wholesome family with the Addisons. I see them as actual brothers (divisions of the same concept for Darkners), with Spamton being more like adopted one. But, they all were cringe salespeople at some point! The Knight just HAS to always pick the outcast... Like how Joker card is the least used (so we got Jevil), and how natually, spam is the least checked kind of e-mail and advertisement... But he WAS their cringe weird brother at some point, who was failing but tried his best, and they still accepted him!
Favorite headcanon:
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My favorite headcanon is that it was acid x) As much as I love the theme of a Darkner turning more toylike upon learning about the sheer HORROR of their existence, there are still other darkners who were not exposed to Chaos that show toy-like features. So yes, he had to be rebuild, I think.
Thank you for an ask! x) Sorry if anyone here doesn't like Deltarune (and maybe Undertale too). I don't get to talk about this interest all that often, but UTDR is still one of my favourite pieces of fiction, and this character in particular IS one of my all time favs </3
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angelatmidnight1 · 2 years
ok so👉👈 i used to do hip hop a couple of years ago, but while i did like that type of dance, i was also very, very shy, and I'd get nervous and a bit anxious whenever we would practice (it was a bit intimidating to have a lot of eyes on me). I would dance so much better if i was alone because I'd loosen up almost immediately. Oddly enough, I was able to loosen up just as much when we were performing on stage, go figure lol!
Anyway, if you're taking reader prompts, i thought it'd be nice if you wrote something like that, it doesn't have to be related to dance necessarily, it could be related to playing an instrument for example, or singing, some activity that the reader is kind of insecure and shy about, but then some legend (I dont know who exactly, maybe one of the girls?) would catch the reader doing said activity and would reassure them when they get all embarrassed and then would maybe tickle them until they promise to loosen up and smile more? i love your writing, thank you in advance!
Hips Don't Lie
You claim that you’re not a dancer, until Lifeline catches you grooving in the kitchen on a Saturday night. You stiffen up, embarrassed, and it’s up to her to get you moving again. 
“Ku deh. Only one squad left.”
Lifeline spoke, pinging the last team in the upper buildings at the Swamps. You turned towards the location and peeked around a large rock. At first, you didn’t see anything. But then…
You yelped. Whatever hit you left a big dent in your shields, and you immediately ducked back down. Pathfinder was quick to hand you a shield battery. 
“Here you go, friend! That sounded like a Kraber. Let’s recharge your shields so you don’t die.” Pathy said. You nodded and fully patched up your shields…only to have him hand you another one right away. You gave him a questioning look, and he responded with a thumbs up. “Go ahead, have another one! I collected plenty from the friends we killed.”
“Oh. Thanks, Path.” You answered, giving him a small smile. You pocketed the shield battery and gently patted his hand. “Nice of you to watch out for me.”
Pathfinder’s monitor displayed a smiley face. “Of course,” he chirped. “Good friends always look out for each other, just like good parents!”
You heard Lifeline sigh heavily. You glanced at her, then back at Pathfinder. “What—”
Pathy  moseyed on over to the medic, tapping the D.O.C. beside her.
“See? This is my son! Lifeline carries him for me, but I always make sure he’s kept safe and ready to help us.” He continued, proudly. He looked down at Ajay and cocked his head to the side. “Do you think I make a good daddy, Lifeline?”
“Yeah yeah, of course yuh do.” Lifeline answered; at this point, she thought it was easier to agree with him then re-hash the truth about D.O.C. “But let’s talk about yuh parentin’ skills later. We need to move to high ground.”
“Leave it to me!” Path lifted his head and scanned the area for a good perch. He pinged the one with the most cover and placed a zipline. Then, he zipped his way up, alternating between holding and letting go to avoid some bullets. “Woohoo! No place to go but up!”
You and Lifeline followed suit. Since Ajay was behind you, you fired some covering fire at the enemy squad to give her an easier time getting up. Ajay moved to thank you, until she saw the barrel of the Kraber pointing at you two and the person behind it: Vantage. She dragged you down onto the floor with her to avoid a hit. The shot narrowly missed.
“Damn, this new girl’s a good shot.” Ajay grunted. She pulled her 30-30 out of its holster and looked at you and Path. She made a ‘stay low’ motion with her hand. “Mind yuh heads, ya hear? We gon’ have to take this fight slow.”
You nodded, taking out your sniper class weapon. Pathy did the same. Then, the three of you took turns trading shots with the enemy squad, careful not to expose yourselves too much. You wanted to engage, but Lifeline was right; the other squad had the advantage, and the ring would decide your next move.
Soon enough, the final ring began closing, and both squads would have to jump down. The ring pushed both squads down within seconds of each other, and the battle was on. It was chaotic; people were knocked, revived, and knocked again. But, channeling that chaos, you laser focused onto Vantage, Ash, and Newcastle, mowing them down with your Spitfire. Then, right before the ring could catch you, you heard…
“We have our Apex Champions!”
You exhaled and put your hands on your knees. All of the lights and cameras turned to your squad. Path wasted no time in celebrating.
“Wow, look at that! We’re the champion squad!” He cheered. He did his Squats emote to flaunt the victory. “Go us!”
Lifeline followed it up with her Fancy Footwork emote. That left you standing in the middle. You faltered, feeling shy all of a sudden. You swore the camera flashes got brighter after every match. And, were there this many people watching last time? You awkwardly smiled and waved, taking a step back behind your team. Pathfinder noticed you first.
“Where’re you going, friend?” He asked, following after you. “You ended the match with the most damage. You should be first in line to dance!”
You chuckled nervously. Lifeline turned to look at you too, and you felt your cheeks flush. “Ah, it’s okay.” You replied with a dismissive wave. “I’m not much of a dancer.”
Ajay stepped forward and affectionately patted your arm. She smiled. “Don’t worry about it. Yuh still did great,” she complimented. “Yuh’ve made a lot of progress.”
That was a big compliment coming from your mentor. You thanked her, returning the smile, and resumed giving the cameras your attention. 
But, the truth was, you weren’t honest with your squadmates. You actually loved to dance. But, all of those eyes made you nervous, and you got cold feet. It wasn’t until you were back in the dropship that you were comfortable enough to turn on some music, and let the rhythm move you.
It was a Saturday evening, but the night was young. Still, because it was close to 11pm, you opted to wear your Airpods, in case anyone was sleeping. You picked a playlist that Spotify curated just for you, shimmying throughout the kitchen while you prepared a meal. You have been listening to a lot of throwback songs lately, and this one in particular definitely got you moving. You rolled your hips side to side while you chopped vegetables, grinning. 
I never really knew that they could dance like this,
They make someone want to speak Spanish.
You dipped down low to grab a pan, bouncing back up along with the beat of the music. Then, while doing some body rolls, you lined the veggies into neat rows. 
¿Cómo se llama, bonito/a? 
Mi casa, su casa. 
When the chorus hit, and your food was in the oven, you were off to the races. You sang along, albeit loudly, and gathered what you needed to prepare the next part of your meal. While you were cooking, Lifeline strolled into the kitchen, stopping in the doorway. 
Although it was late, Ajay hadn’t eaten anything yet. She crashed once she returned to the dropship and got some much needed rest. But now, she was hungry, and figured she could just throw a quick meal in the microwave. The last thing she expected to find was you grooving, especially since you told her you couldn’t dance!  Chuckling, she leaned against the door frame, watching you. Then, when it wasn’t clear when you’d turn around and notice her, she strolled over to you. She gently tapped on your shoulder. You flinched and shrieked, whirling around to face the smiling medic. 
“Ajay?!” You gasped. You were still speaking loudly, subconsciously trying to speak over the music playing in your ears. Lifeline chuckled again and motioned to your ears, and you took your Airpods out. Your cheeks flushed; how long was she standing there? How much did she see? “I--you scared me! How come you were just standing there?”
“I wasn’t, I just got here.” Lifeline answered. You weren’t sure if that made you feel more or less embarrassed. Ajay continued, “I see yuh got a lil’ rhythm in yuh after all, huh?”
“No!” You interjected, your face growing redder. “I just like the beat! I wasn’t…you know…dancing.”
“Then what’cha call this?” Ajay mirrored the last dance move you did, and you felt your blush crawl up to your ears. You turned away, unsure how to respond. Ajay’s smile dropped and she moved closer to you. She put a hand on your shoulder. “Hey now, I’m sorry. I ain’t tryin’ to embarrass yuh. Just looked like yuh were havin’ a blast.”
You shrugged, not ready to meet her gaze. “I…guess I was,” you answered, quietly. Ajay smiled softly and squeezed your shoulder. 
“Then that’s all that matters, right?” Ajay encouraged, squeezing your shoulder again to prompt you to look at her. You hesitantly obliged and nodded. Lifeline wasn’t convinced that you were feeling any better, and she sighed. 
“Tell yuh what,” she continued, nodding towards the food you were cooking. “How ‘bout I go get my music and we jam together? After yuh gwann and make me a plate of whatever yuh cookin’, that is. It smells delicious.”
You rubbed the back of your neck, thinking. Dancing was always more fun when more people got involved. Plus, Lifeline was both your mentor and biggest supporter in the Games. Surely she wouldn’t be a harsh judge, right? “Okay,” you nodded, “I can try.”
Lifeline cheered. “Perfect! I could use someone who can keep up with me on the dance floor. Silva’s all over the place.” Lifeline snorted. She exited the kitchen, calling over her shoulder, “I’ll be right back!”
You nodded and returned to cooking your food. You shifted on your feet, feeling both nervous and excited, while you waited for Ajay to return. 
Turns out, it was much harder to dance in Ajay’s presence, no matter how supportive she was. You were stricken with stage fright and the more you tried to ignore it, the stronger it became. After messing up your steps for the fourth time, you let out an exasperated sigh. 
“Dammit, I can’t remember the steps now.” You complained. You flopped into a chair and grabbed your fork, stuffing your face with food. Lifeline smirked, tsking softly, and sat down across from you. 
“That’s cause yuh thinkin’ about ‘em too much.” she said. She brought her own plate of food in front of her to also eat. Then, once you were both finished, she hopped up first and strode over to you, taking your hands. “C’mon, show me again.”
Sighing again, you allowed her to pull you back onto your feet. She let you go, turning up the music, and you just stood there. Were you supposed to lean to the right, or the left? You couldn’t remember. Ajay’s eyes softened; dancing was supposed to be fun! She didn’t want to see you having a hard time. Then, all of a sudden, a mischievous glint shone in her eyes, and she maneuvered her way behind you. 
“Here,” She started, her hands ghosting over your hips. “Lemme help yuh.”
“Help me h-ho-ww⎯” Your breath hitched as she gripped onto the bones, squeezing them. She guided them to the beat of the music. A smirk tugged at the corner of her lips.
“This is how yuh were movin’ before.” she explained. You fidgeted in her hold, fighting back giggles. Lifeline’s smirk broadened, and she held on tighter. “Hang on now, I’m tryin’ to help!”
“Buhuhuhut thahahat tihihihickles!” You whined. You tried to grab her hands, and she avoided you by sticking her hands under both of your arms. You shrieked. “AHAhajahahahahahy!”
Ajay snickered. “What? Maybe it wouldn’t tickle if yuh weren’t so tense, hm?” she teased, scritching her nails along the center of your armpits. You let out a laugh and hugged your arms against your sides.
“Thahahahat dohohohesn’t mahahahke sehehehehense!” You squealed, hugging yourself tighter the more she tickled. When it still didn’t deter her, you squirmed with a renewed vigor, and wiggled yourself free from her hold. Lifeline followed after you. 
“Yes it does!” She argued, moving to jab your side. You stepped away to dodge her, so she just poked your other side instead. You squealed and batted at her hand, backpedaling as fast as your feet would take you. The medic chuckled, continuing to pursue you at a leisurely pace. “How’d yuh expect to dance if yuh stiff and got yuh face all twisted up?”
You didn’t have an answer for her. You were still giggling as you, unknowingly, backed into the corner that she aimed to box you in. It didn’t take you long to figure out that you were trapped, and you yelled as the medic lunged forward. 
Ajay hadn’t even touched you. You held one arm out to keep her at bay, keeping the other one tightly wound around your torso. She arched her brow, giggling along with you. “I haven’t even touched yuh yet.”
You sank down to your knees, panicking as the medic grew even closer. “I’ll loosen up! I promise! Plehehease dohOHOHOHN’T⎯”
Lifeline cut you off, dropping to the ground with you. She seized the arm around your torso and worked to pry it away. Then, with her free hand, she alternated between poking your sides and stomach. “I’m not sure. I’m convinced that yuh’ll just go back to frownin’.”
“Nohohohoho! No! I WOHOHOHOHN’T!” You protested, fighting against her grip. When it seemed like you’d get free again, Ajay focused on poking your stomach some more, drawing out squealing laughs. Your other hand flailed all over the place before it landed on her shoulder. You squeezed and pushed, momentarily stopping her. But it didn’t last; Ajay’s hands found your hips and she repeatedly pinched along the bones. “NAHAHA AJAHAHAHAY! STAHAHAHAP!”
Ajay refused to let up. She continued squeezing, making you flop around. She even had to duck a little bit to avoid getting hit. It took just a few squeezes more for her to take both of your arms and pin them against your chest using one arm. Then, she straddled your waist, still poking into your hips at random. You giggled loudly and bucked.
“Ajahahahahay, plehehehehease!” You begged, yelping when she suddenly pinched your hips. “I’m smihihihihling nohohohohow!”
“Mhm, so yuh are,” Ajay agreed. She wriggled her fingertips across your waist, easily keeping up with your movements as you squirmed. “But I think yuh can do better. I’ve seen yuh laugh harder at Elliott’s jokes…”
The blush returned to your face in full force. “Th-Thahahaht’s diffeheheheherent!” You protested. Ajay scoffed, snaking her hand up your side. 
“Is it? Or are yuh sayin’ I’m not as funny?” 
Your eyes snapped open and you frantically shook your head. “I’m nahahahaht sahahahahaying thahahaht!” You yelled, feeling her hand stray close to your stomach. You thrashed, fighting the grip she had on your arms. You didn’t remember Ajay being so strong…but, then again, she was a combat medic. Maybe you should’ve expected it.
What you weren’t expecting was Ajay changing course and sticking her hand back under your arm. You squealed and hugged your arms back against your sides, trapping her hand in place. It was getting harder for her to keep your hands pinned, so she pulled them above your head instead. This gave her more leverage, and more room to tickle. 
“No no, save it. I see how it is,” she hummed, now wriggling her nails along the length of your armpit. You arched your back, your protests lost in all of your giggling. “And after all I’ve done to help yuh? That’s how you gon’ treat me?”
“NOHohohohohohohohohoho!” You yelled, now full-on laughing. You writhed in her hold, bucking your hips again to try and throw her off. Not only did she stay put, she tightened her grip on your arms and jumped to your other armpit. “AHAHAHA! PLEHEhehehehehehase stahahahahahahap!”
Lifeline ignored you, using her thumb to prod and really get into those ticklish nerves. It was something that worked wonders on Octane, and also did the trick for you. She laughed aloud as you almost threw her off of your waist.
“Oh please, I’m barely doin’ anything!” She snickered. She surprised you again by suddenly worming her fingers into the side of your neck. You sputtered and brought your shoulders up, laughing harder. “I dunno how you n’ Silva can stand it, being so ticklish.”
“I CAHAHAHAHAHN’T!” You yelled, your eyes shutting from the force of your laughter. Lifeline smiled. She continued to tickle along your neck for a few more minutes before she pulled her hand away. Then, she playfully poked your cheeks and nose, which did nothing to calm down your giggles. 
“Breathe easy, I ain’t gon’ kill yuh.” Lifeline chuckled. She lifted a hand and lowered it towards your neck, as if she was going to tickle you again, but she stopped inches away. You flinched and instinctively yelped, making the medic laugh again. “See? Yuh gettin’ yuh-self all worked up over nothin’! All I’m tryin’ to do is get yuh to smile.”
“I am smiling! Look, look!” You, keeping your eyes on her hand, smiled the biggest smile you were able to muster. Lifeline hummed again and moved her hand, resting it on your side. There was a lull between you two, and just when you thought she’d let you go, you felt her hand snaking up your shirt.
“Nah, I still think yuh can do better.” She answered, prodding into your tummy with her fingertips. You screamed and jolted, dissolving into loud laughter. It was too difficult for Lifeline to keep your wrists pinned above your head with sheer will alone, so she let them go to focus on tickling. She hooked her thighs around your hips so she didn’t go flying off, continuing to tickle along the spot. 
Ajay tickled from one side of your stomach to the other, going back and forth, and she had to really work hard to not fall off of you. She laughed. 
“There, that’s the smile I wanted.” She said, easing up on the tickling after a few minutes. By the time she stopped, you were a puddle of laughter, and remained sprawled out on the floor even after she climbed off. At first, Lifeline waited, only to then reach across and playfully nudge your shoulder. “C’mon, get up. I only put yuh through half of what I normally put Silva through.”
You exhaled, pushing yourself up into a seated position. “Half was plenty,” you whined, smoothing your shirt out. Lifeline tsked and gently poked the side of your neck, making you recoil. “Ah! Hey!”
“Uh-uh, don’t start whingin’. I did yuh a favor.”
You huffed and stuck your tongue out at her, squealing when she lunged towards you. Although you didn’t admit it, you did feel a lot better, and it showed in your next fluid dance moves. In fact, you and Lifeline came up with your own synchronized emotes for the next game, which definitely became a crowd favorite. But, after your next game, you had this burning question for the medic. 
“Hey, Ajay?” You called while lounging in the common room of the drop ship. Pathfinder was seated beside you, intently watching the show you’d put on TV. His presence made the question that much more pressing.
“Mhmm?” Ajay answered from the corner of the room, scrolling through a few apps on her phone. She peered up at you to see you smiling. She raised a brow; you only smiled like that right before you said something silly. “What’s on yuh mind, (Y/N)?”
There wasn’t really an easy way to phrase the question, so you just spit it out. 
“If Path thinks D.O.C. is his son, doesn’t that technically make you the step-mom?”
An exclamation point flashed on Pathfinder’s monitor, and he turned towards Lifeline. “Hey! I didn’t think of it that way,” he answered. Lifeline groaned and stuffed her phone into her pocket.
“He’s not, he ain’t even⎯now look what yuh’ve done, (Y/N).”
You snickered, turning back towards the TV. Path on the other hand, got up to meet Ajay halfway. 
“Aw, don’t worry, new mom-line. I’d love to raise D.O.C. together!” He said happily, easily picking her up to hug her. Path had a lot of practices hugging the other Legends, and he remembered to be gentle first and foremost. But, Ajay looked less than enthused, and tapped on his metallic arm. 
“Alright, alright, put me down.” Ajay huffed while leering at you. You gave her a small, cheeky smile, and hopped to your feet before Path could set her down.
“Hang on Path, Ajay doesn’t look too happy about this new parenthood thing, does she?” 
Pathfinder looked at Lifeline and then back at you. “Um, I don’t think so⎯”
“Path,” Ajay interjected. “Put me down!”
You knew that Lifeline knew where your mind was headed, and you had to act fast. Pathfinder, on the other hand, was stuck between listening to Ajay and trying to figure out why you were smiling so much…
A/N: I hope you liked this! I’m pretty rusty, but I loved this idea and had fun writing it. I may try something similar with other Legends :D. But yeah, I hope you liked this story.
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lex-n-weegie · 2 years
Promise Us.
Pairing(s): Sun/Moon and Evelyn
Warnings: None, but this doubles as an announcement post as well! (A tldr is at the end if you don't have the time to read everything)
"They had this idea in their mind for so long, they just weren't sure if she'd think of it the same way they were."
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A lot of things have changed since Evelyn arrived at the PizzaPlex.
Before, the animatronics seemed almost. Stressed. Easy to upset. Sad. They had lost close friends, got excited about new things that'd never come, and was often not told anything by the staff. When Hazel was announced, no one knew she was even supposed to be related to Freddy until they put up the posters.
And God, were they all treated terribly for awhile. Threats of them being scrapped, screaming and yelling, not an even a sliver of understanding was too found for the poor guys.
Now look at them!
More events were happening inside the PizzaPlex, from character takeovers to holidays and even birthdays for the animatronics! Areas were expanded, an old friend came back, along with a new one(Glamrock Bonnie and Foxy from the cartoons), and new permissions and freedoms were given. Everyone was so much happier. They were happier!
All because of her.
Oh how wonderful she was. Their little dewdrop.
"Mmm..." A small noise had snapped Moon out of their shared thought space, directing him to the short women who's head laid in their lap. They had started to stir from her nap.
"Hi Moony." Evelyn yawned, stretching a bit before relaxing again in Moon's lap. His fingers entangled themselves into her hair, lightly scratching her scalp, something that always made her melt in his hands.
"Hello starlight." Moony replied. "Did you dream well?"
"When I have the best dream catcher in the world, of course I do." She smiled. "Though, it was bittersweet."
"Bittersweet?" He leaned down a little more. "Do explain."
"Ah, well.... You remember my old family? The Toys?" Moon nodded.
"Of course, you're always drawing them."
"Well, it was about them. It was nice seeing them all again and hearing them talk, but...I miss them still." He listened silently, his fingers now simply rubbing some of the soft strands of her hair.
"It hurts, especially when everyone keeps reminding me of them."
"How so?" He asked.
"Well, Chica is a lot like Toy Chi, in almost every single way. Monty always reminds me of Toy Bon, though so does Roxy due to her small ego. Funnily enough Freddy, Bonnie, and Foxy remind me the most of the withered versions of the original four." She smiled as she made all of the comparisons. "You and Sun remind me of Mom as well, though I'm sure that's just because of the music box and your body types being the same." She giggled.
"Didn't you put the music box in my chest?" Moon lightly teased, poking her cheek a few time before she laughed and pushed his hand away.
"You love it so shush." She booped his nose, making the creepy jester let out a dark giggle. Silence followed for a bit, but it was a comfortable silence. It felt nice to get those thoughts out.
"How do you feel about jewelry?" The celestial moon asked.
"Hm? That's an odd question coming from you." She lightly teased. "Though I don't know exactly what you mean."
"Jewelry Dewdrop. Bracelets, necklaces, rings...those things."
"Oh, well I don't exactly have a problem with any of them. There's some really pretty jewelry out there, neat patterns and colors. Though I never understood why price mattered some some people." She began. "I've seen posts of people getting upset when they get something that's ''only'' $100 or something. Why be mad about that? Expensive jewelry isn't even that great anyways."
"What would be a good gift then?" He gently asked.
"Honestly? As long as it has meaning and isn't lower then 10 bucks it'd be lovely. It has my favorite color or animal? I'm happy as a clam." She then gave him a little mischievous smirk. "Thinking about getting me a ring buddy?"
"Hmm..." He tapped his chin. "I don't know, would a ring actually make you pretty?" Evelyn scoffed, lightly smacking his chest.
"You jerk! I'm very pretty thank you very much."
"Oh, hitting the Daycare Attendant? Naughty girl..." He scooped her up into a tight hug, making her squeal. "That means punishment 'Nette."
"Hey, you asked for it." She blew a small raspberry at him, to which he responded by beginning to kiss her neck.
"Ah! Moon that tickles haha! Stoooop!!" She laughed, trying to push him away.
"Why should I brat?" He joked.
"Because I hate tickling and you know that." She firmly said. He nodded understandingly and stopped, though he continued to speak.
"That means you'll have to except something later."
"I'll be waiting Moondrop." She gave him a small kiss on his cheek, leaving a red lipstick mark. His cheeks glew a faint red and he let out another small giggle.
Again, oh how wonderful she was.
"THAT'S WHY THIS HAS TO GO PERFECTLY!" Sun yelled himself, pacing back and forth between the daycare floor. "This has to be done exactly right! Perfect! Amazing in every way!"
"If we don't do this right, she could hate us! Leave us!"
"Sundrop!" Moon yelled in their shared mind space, stopping the worrying robot in his tracks.
"You're giving us a headache, take a moment and relax."
"Oh, but how can I Moony?" He put his face in his hands. "This...this is such a big thing! Huge even! Why can't you do it?!"
"Because" he began "you and her met first, and have shared more things together. It's more...symbolic. The start of our relationship." Sun simply let out an exasperated sigh. Moon was right, he was almost always right. It didn't make it any less hard to do though.
"Sunshine? It's me!"
Oh no. No no no no no why was she here already?! He wasn't ready!!! Nowhere near it!!!
Evelyn had opened the daycare door, her head peeking through and glancing around the room. She saw him, slightly hunched over with his hat turns towards her. Before she could say anything, he had whipped himself around.
"Cloud!! Hi!! You're early!!" He did his best to act normal, though that wasn't accomplished in the slightest.
"Am I?" The short women questioned, bringing out her phone from her jacket pocket and checking the time. "Uh, no, I'm right on time."
"O-Oh!! I-I guess time's just gotten away from me, hahaha!!" His nervous laughter was just the cherry on top, she definitely knew something was up.
"Sunny, you will do things down to the exact minute, there's no way you would have lost track of time unless something was seriously disturbing you. What's going on?" She asked, voice soft and gentle. Why did she have to know them so well?!
"I- Oh well, ya know! All the messes and lost toys and whatnot! J-just a stressful day!"
"Sun." Moon scolded him in their shared head space. "You're prolonging the inevitable."
Evelyn crossed her arms, giving him a "really?" look. "You were never a great lier to me. Seriously, what's going on?" The tall animatronic fidgeted in place, playing with his fingers.
"You can do it Sun." He looked up at her, feeling as if her bright blue eye was burning through him. "Just say the words."
He took a deep breath, despite not needing to breathe. He could do this. He just needed to relax.
"You...mean a lot to us Evie. We weren't exactly content, but we thought we were fine before. We didn't realize something was missing until..." He paused, gently holding her small hands into his own. "You came along."
"Aww, Sunbun-" he gently shushed her, pressing a finger gently against her lips before continuing.
"Before we were simply just...celestial jesters. A Sun and Moon. But you, you are the stars that shine bright in the night sky the clouds in the beautiful blue up above. We were just planets, but together we've made up the whole sky!" It seemed as if his smile grew, even if that wasn't possible.
"We...we want to make a promise with you. Or well, you to promise us." Evelyn silently tilted her head in a curious manner, opting to continue to let him talk instead of questioning anything out loud. He brushed the hair out of her face, letting her black eye with a white pupil free into the light. She was always so self conscious about it, but it was simply another thing they adored about her.
"We want to stay with you forever. Always holding your hand, there to help you and lift you up. We want to love you until the end of time...only if you'll do the same." His speech fumbled a bit there, his voice becoming noticably quieter.
"Forever? Like life partners?" She questioned, to which Sun simply nodded. She couldn't help but smile at him. She gently grabbed his face, placing a kiss on his mouth while saying only one thing.
"Of course."
"YES!!! YOO-HOO!!!" Sun scooped up Evelyn and spun her around, making her laugh as she held onto him herself.
"Oh oh!! I almost forgot!!" Sun set Evelyn down and quickly ran over to one of the kiddie tables, grabbing something before coming and and kneeling down. Gently grabbing her left arm, he slipped on a special bracelet that he and Moon worked on themselves. "We remembered what you said about jewelry and it having meaning, so we made this to celebrate the occasion!"
"Oooh, that's why Moon asked me about jewelry." She giggled, waving her arm around to listen to the bells jingle. "It's perfect." The happy robot clapped his hands, almost jumping up and down.
"Oh! Should we treat it like a wedding and have a party?"
"Sounds fun!! Though when should we throw it?"
"Oh oh!! Why not our anniversary?" He happily suggested. "It'd be perfect, right in the middle of winter!"
"Oh yes! A nice excuse for cuddles." She giggled. Sun then scooped her up into a tight, but comfortable hug.
"Who says ya need an excuse? We'll cuddle you all the time Dewdrop!!" She giggled, hugging him back herself.
"And I'll happily accept Sunnydrop."
Sworn as partners for life: Sun/Moon and Evelyn on December 22nd! Save the date!
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beelsbignaturals · 2 years
Talking about this on discord and IM LOVIN IT so .... (might do a part 2 with the others if there's interest) NSFW under the cut
Demon Brothers and Genital Piercings
• I feel like Lucifer would be hesitant to get any. The vulnerability of having your junk out for a stranger to stab??? No thanks
• If you have any though- You won't catch him complaining
• If you are a body piercer? Maybe he could be convinced to get something small. A little embellishment if you will.
• He has so many piercings. All gold. Some have gemstones. He has diamond nipple shields. And several gold rings on his dick.
• If you have them?? Good luck. He is always playing with them. Twisting and pulling...
• He's a baby when he gets stabbed. Always faints. Hold his hand please.
• I mean.... double the surface area if you subscribe to the ever popular headcanon of two dicks.
• I don't really see him getting many (if any) body mods but for the sake of this let's say he does.
• He has the potential for something unique. It'd be cool if he got a surface piercing between his dicks.
• Another one I feel would probably avoid piercings. But maybe a Prince Albert?
• If you have piercings he would go from Indifferent to Hot Damn in three seconds flat.
• If he did decide to get something done Satan would be researching everything and following aftercare to the letter. A model client.
• Dude. Of course he has piercings. Wanna play a game and find them all?
• He has so much cute jewelry too!
• If you ever want to get pierced he is jumping to help. He can get you in at the best studio in the Devildom babes!
• Helps you make sure everything is healing well 😘
• Hasn't thought of it until you bring up the fact you think piercings are hot and all of a sudden he is booking an appointment.
• I think a ladder but on the top? Would look nice. 
• Any piercing you have is his favourite. Half of the eating experience is in the presentation~
• As a former scene kid, he obviously has snakebites. I'm sorry it's the TRUTH.
• But as for Spicy Piercings... a ladder or perhaps a scrotum piercing?
● He thinks piercings look cool and wants matching nipple jewelry please🙏
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