#so along with the turkey from yesterday
jakemyboy · 2 years
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He's being an absolute turkey monster! He refused to go to bed tonight, he knows the fridge has tons of turkey in it! I caved in and gave him a little more, and he's finally on his bed, drifting to sleep.
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lazyevaluationranch · 2 months
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17-03-2024 Vulture.
The turkey vultures spend the winter in Venezuela, fly North along the mainland, and circle in groups above the shoreline. In the air they mostly lock their wings open and glide, not flap. So where the land ends they must circle at the water's edge and wait for the wind to be right to glide across to the islands in a group.
For months there have been no vultures, and then suddenly yesterday the wind opened their way home and the island's whole population is here, all at once. It's like someone found a giant knife switch labeled "Vultures" in a cave and shoved it to "on" with a satisfying "KA-VULTURE" sound.
The house is perched atop a stony ridge. The sun falls on the bare dark glacier-scraped slope behind the house and warms the stone, and from the warm stone a column of warm air rises. The vultures enter this invisible pillar of air and circle around its edges, upwards, upwards, around and above the house on ink-dark wings that glow where the sunlight comes through the edges of the feathers.
Sometimes they leave this air-column and glide over to the next stone ridge, the next invisible column of air, and the next beyond it, the next beyond that. Watching the vultures trace out the locations of the pillars, you get a sense of a whole vast structure of warmth and wind, like some grand invisible temple rising hundreds of meters into the bright brazen sky.
It's always here, I think, the huge columns, the invisible temple the glaciers built, made of air and light. But I can only see its structure when the vultures trace it out for me, like architectural drawings. Glad someone found the KA-VULTURE switch this year.
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l-egionaire · 5 months
You know what? I'm bored, and I've got some ideas, so here are my Ilvermony headcanons.
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The separate houses are treated as little more than an aesthetic difference by the students. While there might be rivalries and prank wars between the houses, it never gets to the levels of near discrimination that it gets to at Hogwarts. The students all just consider themselves students of the same school and members of the houses intermingle and hang out with each other all the time. They're even allowed to be in each other's dorms for limited amounts of time each day. The teachers encourage it as they often say that each house represents a part of what every great wizard needs, and coming together helps bring them all together towards the ideal wizard.
It's not uncommon for there to be students from other countries who don't speak English perfectly. Thankfully, there are charms to help translate their speech for the teacher, and the only part of their work that needs to be spoken English are their incantations. Though some might still ask for help in getting the pronunciation correct.
The dining hall students eat in is vastly different from Hogwarts's Great Hall, being a large room with mahogany walls filled with multiple circular tables covered in red tablecloths with gold trim and set with silver untensils, fine blue China plates, and crystal glasses. In the center of the room is a vast roaring fireplace with a picture of the Sayre family overtop of it. During feasts, the Pukwudgies bring out platters and pitchers of food and drink that stay magically hot and cold until the students serve themselves from them. Students are allowed to sit at whatever table they please, and the staff eat at a massive table in the middle of all the others.
The dorms are just different buildings of the castle that have five floors of T-shaped hallways with long red and gold rugs bearing the houses symbol. Along the walls of each hallways are dorm rooms for each years students. Students are assigned two each to a dorm, with their roommates's names being included with the letters they receive at the start of each new year. Roommates can't be changed unless two students agree to trade with each other. The dorms all have two large half poster beds with red and gold sheets and blankets, the blankets also carrying their houses symbol and pillows with blue pillow cases. There's also two desks, half dressers, wardrobes, and a set of three shelves above the dressers on both sides (the rooms are enhanced with expansion charms to give them extra space). The halls for younger students all have a dorm manager in them, an older student who was chosen to sleep on their floor to act as a chaperone and disciplinary figure to the students.
The students get to the school by way of multiple magical single decker busses that all arrive at Rockfeller Center in New York. They drive for around an hour before making a stop at a magically hidden pit stop where the students can get snacks, drinks and use the bathroom before the rest of the journey.
Thanksgivings at Ilvermony are always huge. The decorations include fall leaves that flutter and blow themselves through the halls, realistic turkey figures that jump around and gobble, and in the center of each dining room table is a red and gold hat that plays music. Each table gets its own turkey to carve (any leftovers are served over the next few days as sandwiches) along with boats of gravy and cranberry sauce, bowls of corn, mashed potatoes and carrots. And for dessert, a veritable buffet of pies, including Ilvermony's famous cranberry pie, the recipe said to have been invented by Isolt Sayre herself.
Any students without a wand before coming to school is allowed to select one from the hall of wands just past the sorting room. The hall holds hundreds of wands stacked inside their case along the walls. The room holds both wands so new they were just ordered yesterday and so old they were created at the very start of the school. After each sorting ceremony, the head of the school helps each first year's find a wand that "chooses" them, a process that can take up to an hour at most. It's also heavily guarded at all times by both a pair of heavily armed, muscular Pukwudgies and a rotating member of the staff as it's a prime target for thievery either by students or dark wizards.
Ilvermorny boasts a massive roaster of international magical studies electives. In each one, students can study the government, magical creatures, and magical history of the country of their choosing. Some even go on summer trips to those countries to further their studies.
Rather than O.W.L.s, Ilvermorny students takes the W.I.T. or Wizarding Intuition Tests, something similar to an SAT tests. The tests are taken twice, once during sixth year and once during seventh year for each class the students take, and the combined scores of each year are added together, and that average becomes their score. The better the score in certain subjects, the more job opportunities the students have.
To receive mail, students go to the mail room in a tall tower at the southern side of the castle where every owl goes to bring packages and letters for their deliveriees to receive. The mail room is student run and students are selected at random to do the job.
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matan4il · 5 months
Daily update post:
Yesterday, there was an independent terrorist attack carried out, where the terrorist stabbed two people. The terrorist was a 23 year old Israeli Arab from East Jerusalem. He was neutralized. His victims are a young man and woman, 20 and 25 years old. Today, there was another independent terrorist attack, this time the terrorist ran over with his vehicle no less than 4 people, and one of them, a 25 years old man, is in a condition defined as "between moderate to serious." All four of the wounded are in their 20's. The attacker was neutralized. He was 16 years old, from Hebron.
It is now confirmed that in addition to Hamas and the PIJ (Palestinian Islamic Jihad), another Palestinian terrorist organization that participated in the Oct 7 massacre was the DFLP (the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, another Palestinian terrorist organization). The terrorist attack for which they're most known in Israel is the 1974 invasion of an Israeli school, holding a group of 100 school girls and their teachers hostage, and then massacring them as Israeli soldiers broke into the school, trying to save the hostages. This terror attack happened before I was born, but I think like many other Israelis, this image of it is forever etched into my brain, Israeli soldiers carrying away bleeding, but saved students:
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Along with the drone attack on Israel's north yesterday, there were also rockets that hit Kiryat Shmona, which is in the same area.
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In Turkey, 32 ISIS terrorists were arrested for planning to attack local synagogues and churches.
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There's been a lot of speculation regarding who knew about the planned Oct 7 invasion and massacre, since clearly a lot of the funding, training and planning was done by Iran. Yesterday, a Hamas senior in Lebanon said that Hezbollah, another Iranian proxy) was only alerted to the plan about to be implemented half an hour before it started. Currently, according to Israel's Minister of Defence, Israel is being attacked on 7 physical fronts (Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Yemen and independent terrorist attacks) and one front online (cyber attacks), BUT it's only fighting a full fledged war with Hamas in Gaza. Had Hezbollah been alerted earlier, would it have joined Gaza's terrorists? Would Israel currently been in a full out war on two fronts? Due to not knowing enough time in advance, Hezbollah lost the element of surprise, and ended up joining in attacks that are far from a full scale war.
I was made aware that antisemites are posting about the existence of Israeli military censorship as some sort of "proof" that Israel is not a free, democratic society (as if other democracies don't apply similar censorship to intelligence and operational details, when they believe publishing the info might endanger lives). So I just wanna point out that there is a LOT of info that isn't being censored, stuff that isn't comfortable for Israel to be published (like the story of the hostages being accidentally shot by IDF soldiers. No one else was there, it could have been so easy to bury that story, but Israel published it. Not any external journalistic source. That's who we are, as a society), and explain how some of the info that IS censored is specifically what can be demonstrated to endanger people's lives. For example, journalists can write about the hostages, but not about certain details regarding their professions or military service, present or past. We KNOW Palestinian terrorists follow the news, and if they find out they hold someone they can try and extract info from, they WILL torture that person. If journalists discuss everyone BUT a specific hostage in terms of this aspect, that's also telling the terrorists who to look at. So that's why they're just censoring all of it in regards to this specific aspect. Or another example, when it comes to rocket attacks, some of the details will be censored, because past experience has shown that the terrorists listen to reports on where their rockets hit, and they use that intel to finetune their aiming at Israeli targets.
Here is a NYT piece on the sexual violence of Hamas during the massacre, and in case this is behind a paywall, here is a report on that piece, which details some of what was published. At what point will the people who screamed for evidence of rape, actually come forward and apologized for the way they victimized those sexually brutalized by Hamas, a second time?
This is a CNN host choking up as he reads the letter of Liora Argamani, as she writes to the US president, begging to see and hug her daughter one last time, before she died of brain cancer:
These are Liora Argamani, and her daughter, Noa:
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And these are Gadi Chagai and his wife, Judy weinstein:
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I've shared their picture once before, when it was discovered that Gadi was actually murdered on Oct 7, and his body was kidnapped to Gaza. At that point, his wife 70 years old Judy was known to have been wounded on that day, but she was still believed to be alive, and the oldest woman in captivity in Gaza (the oldest man is 86 years old Shlomo Mansour). Yesterday, we got confirmation that Judy wasn't just wounded, she was killed on Oct 7, and her body was also taken hostage. May their memories be a blessing.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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Alternative Universe Father-In-Law
Word Count: 2,700
Summary: Bruce enters a portal by mistake, leading him to bring back someone from another universe for a nice breakfest.
Pairing: Bruce x female!reader
Notes: I enojyed the comic and the animated movie where thomas meets bruce and i had an idea to write for it. also give alfred some well desserved flowers in being a dad. #alfreddesreveshisflowers
Warnings: dad that has come back with the milk
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'I am telling you, Lois. Clark is stubborn, but he has a weak spot; mention the missing turkey of '08, and he will shut up and let you do whatever you want. "
'Wait! That really works?'
'Of course, it does. I have known Clark for 7 years, and I was the witness to that crime, so just mention it: he will fall back, trust me. Now I have to go. I am home.'
'Thanks, doll!'
'No worries, bye!'
Opening the big door, you enter with your phone nestled on top of your shoulder as you held the grocery bags. Stepping into the manor, you noticed the living room where Alfred was dusting behind the plasma screen.
'Mistress y/n. Welcome back.' The cheerful butler spoke as he walked to you, grabbing the grocery bags
'Thank you, Alfred. How was your day?' I asked him, striding next to him as we entered the spacious kitchen that held the marble island in the middle, placing the bags on top of it
'My day was good. The gardener came by and took care of the bush that Master Damian had 'shaped' with his swords yesterday. Although the poor man left with a terrible mind haze after finishing the Herculean task, managing to shape it back into a proper bush, and not some rhombus as Master Damian did.'
'Do remind me to tell Damian to leave the shrubs at peace. Maybe he can use those swords' skills to cut up meat when we have BBQs.'
'That seems like a great idea.'
The two hushed and resumed their conversation as Damian entered, his smile non-existent, his eyes scrunched into a tight-knit. You turn to him, saying with a slight chuckle
'Speak of the devil. What's up, Dami?'
The child walked between Alfred and you, crossing his arms and with a deep sigh, he articulated gradually
'Father has disappeared.'
You look at Alfred, knowing fully well that sometimes Bruce disappears to follow a clue, 'He will turn up by the end of the day. Bruce is like that, don't worry, sweetheart.'
'That is true, even before his vigilante lifestyle, Master Bruce was always the one to go with no notice but always turned up when his belly rumbled.'
With a giggle nestled in Alfred's sentence, Damian spoke again, shaking his head 'No. Father and I have been working on a portal and when I was grabbing a tool, he connected two wires, which opened a portal and pulled him in. By the time I came close, the portal closed.'
Looking at Alfred with a concerned look, you spoke what you two were thinking, 'And how come you two didn't tell us about that portal?'
Damian shook his head 'I-I have no clue, y/n.'
'Okay... and do you know where the portal leads to?'
'Between our world and other 456 parallel universes.'
Sighing deeply, you look at Damian 'So we have 1 in a 456 chance of finding him?'
'Yes. So are we going?' Damina asked, ready to jump into the adventure of the chance to jump from one universe to another
'No. We aren't. Damian, I can barely turn on the TV here without asking for help. And by no means will I manage to open a portal. We only have to wait and be next to the Bat computer to see if there are any anomalies. If an anomalie happens, I know someone who can help us.' I say, looking at the small assasin child
Damian looks up at you, his eyes asking questions, 'Who do you know, mother?'
'A friend, someone I knew way before you and Bruce. Even before I met Clark.'
You look at Alfred smiling 'He will show up, right Alfred?'
Alfred responds, faying his smile 'Of course, Misstress y/n.'
While the day dragged along in a snail-pace of time, you felt yourself doze off on the bat computer, a small trail of drool leaving a trail on the keyboard that was far too uncomfortable, but when you are fatigued, anything can be a pillow, and that stiff neck fo yours is a problem in the morning.
A shift in the air moved and circled, stirring you up from your slumber. Your eyes slowly open, adjusting to the luminous light that materialized in the Batcave, the wind pushing around the whirlpool of light as a tall, a dark shadow exited out. Staying up on numb legs, you felt the same pull you felt with Bruce, a warm safe space that drew you two always closer.
'Bruce?' you asked cautiously as you paused. The shadow you saw his features, the sharp hairstyle that was always in place, his tall and muscled build that was engraved in your mind. You knew that was him. Moving to him, you felt a wave of relief wash over you but another one followed, disappointment.
'Where were you?! We were worried sick about your stupid ass! How could you not tell me that you were making a goddamn portal in the house, Bruce!' you directed your words at him, the light of the rustled and shined over his taller-than-usual figure but nonetheless, you continued, 'And don't think for a fact you went to another universe that means I will get any sympathy from me. You are sleeping on the couch for the next 3 weeks.'
As the portal began to size down the light shimmered down you step back letting yourself catch a breath, sure you were mad but you were also glad that he was alive.
With the portal gone, the shadow started to dissipate bringing back the man you loved. You waited, a small smile on your face as you heard him speak a few shades deeper than what you know 'You were right. She is a firecracker.' Stepping back few more steps at the unfamiliar tone you watched a shape move behind him tall as him, same as him, did Bruce duplicate?
Leaning on the Bat computer, ready to press the button on the keyboard to call the remainder of the Bat Family you watched carefully as one moved closer to you, revealing... Bruce, your Bruce with a small smile.
'Sorry I was gone, dalrin.''
'Bruce, what is going on?'
'I met someone along the way.' Bruce steps for you to see the man that you talked to, with one confident step the man steps to you, his features coming to light, grey hair styled in a way that not even the wind could move one strand, his blue eyes decorated with wrinkles and his smile eerily identical to Bruce's looking at them side by side it struck you
'Love, this is my father, Thomas Wayne. In the universe I stumbled upon was a universe where my father was the Batman, and I was shot that night.'
Thomas smiled warmly at you, offering a hand to shake 'It is a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. L/n. Bruce has told me a great deal about you.' Shaking his strong hand, you think
What a great first impression. First, I thought he was Bruce and second I gave him an earful. What a great first impression.
'It is great to meet you, Dr. Wayne. I apologize for my actions beforehand, I thought you were Bruce and wel-'
'No worries about that. It is great to know that my son has someone who keeps him in check.' He spoke as you awkwardly laughed it off.
Bruce stood next to you, placing a hand on your waist 'Let's try this one more time. Father, this is Y/n, she is the love of my life, and the woman I wish to marry and spend the rest of my life.'
It's your time to be shocked yet again. You and Bruce never talked about it, only joking about being called Mrs.Wayne but he never communicated his desire to get married. Thomas glimpsed at the two of you, Bruce stood proudly with you while you tried your best to conceal your red cheeks and shocked eyes at his claims 'You better treat her right, son.' Thomas spoke
'He does, Dr. Wayne.'
You uttered, looking at the alternative universe father-in-law as Bruce examined your expression and in that moment, he felt himself fall in love yet again with you.
'How about we grab a bite? I am sure that Dr. Wayne would appreciate a good breakfast.'
Thomas nodded his head in agreement, beaming 'I'd love that, but y/n, no need for formalities. Call me Thomas. I haven't been a doctor in decades.'
'Sure. Thomas.'
Grabbing Bruce's hand you three exit the Batcave and head to the living room.
Strolling into the living room, you smelt Alfred's mouthwatering breakfast, scented the familiar maple syrup, and took notice of the sizzling bacon.
'I am bringing our guests.' You announced and Alfred cracked a smile as he watched you bring Bruce into the dining room where Damian was already seated. Alfred placed the lofty breakfast on the table. Pivoted to Bruce switching into scolding mode 'Now, young Master, I think we could have a great and lenghty chat about what goes in the Batcave.'
As Bruce stood behind you, Thomas' voice boomed into the ear of the butler 'I agree, Pennyworth. He surely needs that talk."
Alfred froze when he heard that voice. His eyes caught onto Thomas and he felt and thought that he was dead, joining the afterlife as there was no way that the deceased Thomas Wayne was standing before him.
'Master Wayne?' Alfred weaved quietly towards the man, and Thomas smiled 'Hello, old friend.'
He spoke, grabbing the longtime friend into a bone-crushing hug. Smiling at the interaction, Damian stood from his seat, walking towards his alternative universe grandfather 'So by my conclusion…you are my grandfather?'
Thomas stepped and crouched down to his eye level, smiling 'Yes, but I am. From another world.'
'I figured as much.'
Thomas looked at Damian and Bruce, his gaze shifting from one to another 'The resemblance is uncanny. He is your and y/n's copy.'
You felt yourself freeze as you interrupted him 'Thomas, he isn't mine. I--i mean he is my son but he didn't come from my stomach. Damian's mother is a leader of a group of assassins.'
Thomas stood up, watching his son 'You cheated, son?'
Bruce shook his head 'Father, no. Damian's mother and I met before me and y/n. Damian's mother was a --'
'She is a cold-hearted assassin who doesn't care about me or my well-being.' Damian cut in, saying what he considered his mother.
Thomas looks to the side, a bit shy about this situation, thanks Bruce.
Alfred coughs dryly, breaking the tension 'Let us all sit for a nice breakfast.'
Sitting next to Bruce you saw his smile, his true smile. The one reserved for you, comfort moments you both encountered and made, a smile that told you he felt at peace.
As everyone ate you desired to ask questions your father-in-law 'So Thomas, what do you think about Bruce being this world's Batman?'
Thomas looks at you a slight smile 'I always believed in the multiverse, and I alwats hoped that in one of them my son is alive and living his life. Being Batman, I suppose, is a part of the Wayne lineage, but what I mostly hold important in my heart is that my son is happy.' And he smiles bigger. 'And I can see that he truly is.’
Blushing at Thomas' words you looked at Bruce, your eyes twinkling with love while his blue irises showered you in silent praise 'I definitely am.'
Damian whispers to Thomas 'Thanks a lot. Now they will make-out in front of us.' Thomas laughs, whispering in the exact low tone 'That's good. It's better than to fight, besides, Martha adn I were the same. Always in love, never apart.'
Bruce turns to Damian saying slyly, 'You are aware that you are across the table, and not 40 meters away, Damian. We can still hear you.'
Damian rolls his eyes, playfully but nonetheless taking his grandfather's words to heart. It is definitely better for them to be in love and not fight. 'I have to feed Bat-Cow. Y/n, will you help me? I am too short to get the ball of hay.'
Smiling you stand up, leaving with Damian. Alfred, Thomas, and Bruce stayed at the table.
'Bat-Cow?' Thomas asked, perplexed, while his hands tingled
'No worries, Master Wayne. Thankfully, it is not a hybrid of a cow and bat; it is just a plain cow with an artistic name.' Alfred spoke
'Father, stay.' Bruce blurred out, declaring the thing he wished he would receive an optimistic answer to
'Bruce... I can't. If I stay long enough, my universe will disappear. Besides, if I did.... I don't want you to grieve all over again.'
'Believe me, Master Wayne...Master Bruce still grieves to this day.'
Thomas stands up from his seat, hugging his son 'I love you, Bruce. There is no need to grieve anymore. It won't change anything. You have no idea how much it brings me happiness to see you happy with Alfred, your son, and Y/n.’ Thomas didn't let Bruce stand up, not to see the small pixel-like specs encircling Thomas' legs. Alfred noticed the scene but stayed silent.
'When I see you looking at your son and Y/n I see myself and my life I had before that night. And it makes me so happy to see it. I know that it can be better. You make me proud every day, and will continue to do so."
The pixels reached Bruce's eyesight, standing up to look at hIs father, Bruce weakly said 'Stay...please.'
'It's not me to decide but I am happy I had a nice meal with your family.'
Kissing his forehead, Thomas dissipated back into his universe. Bruce looks at Alfred a small tears escaping his eye. The two men stand up, hugging each other, leaning on this moment. Bruce wanted to talk to his father more to make up for the lost and stolen time. It was time that he wanted nothing more than to be a son again. Alfred wanted to talk more to Thomas about Bruce. To tell him how he has matured, how he traveled the world and yet came back home, in Gotham, to make the city shine brighter than ever. To tell him how Bruce keeps an engagement ring for y/n ever since she moved into the manor but is not sure when to pop the question.
Both Bruce and Alfred wanted to tell him about their path of trying to grasp at straws to find justice in this forsaken town.
Pulling away from the hug Alfred spoke, 'As you can see, your father is proud at you. And I believe that goes for every Thomas Wayne in any alternative universe.'
Bruce looked at Alfred, nodding in confirmation 'I do believe that but I also am proud of the father that raised me as well. The one standing in front of me.'
Alfred's eyes twinkled in appreciation no words needed to be spoken at that response, there simply weren't those words that could how Alfred felt in this moment.
Steps echo closer and closer as you come back, with no sight of Thomas.
'Is he gone?' You ask, seeing Bruce walk to you, a smile on his face.
Bruce nods, hugging you, Feeling a bit sad at not being able to say goodbye to your father-in-law you ask Bruce 'How are you feeling?'
Pulling away Bruce chuckles 'Good. This moment made me realize some things. About my family.'
Bruce understood. The reason he went into that portal and brought his father here, it was a shifting moment for him, a moment to bring him in a more grateful state, he knew how lucky he was to have Alfred as his father figure, his son, and you, possibly his future fiancee.
That is until he pops the question.
Hope you enjoyed it!
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Your Harry, Your Winner.
a/n: in honour of the manchester city winning the champions league last night, (which for fictional purposes, harry plays for manchester city and is a die hard fan.) here’s a cute lil concept i came up with, enjoy my huns.🫶 🫶
masterlist || ask me anything <3
likes and re-blogs are very much appreciated!!
word count - 7k
in which, you’ve been there since day one when it comes to the love of your life’s football journey, ten years on and your husband harry finally has the chance to play in a me of the biggest games of his career, with your support, he can take on anything, you’ll always be his number one girl.
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It was a bright sunny day in July, the sun was shining down against your body as your sunglasses rested on the bridge of your nose, you hair tied up in a high ponytail as you sat on the bench in the park where you were waiting for your boyfriend, Harry.
You were both eighteen when the two of you met, and your relationship had definitely been a whirl wind, it was when you were in the gym, you had just come out of college and wanted to go and get in a quick work out before heading home, he had helped you do the weights when he could see that you needed a bit of help.
Harry was the most perfect boyfriend, he was sports crazy. He loved to play football and it was his lifelong dream to play with Manchester City one day, it would make him the happiest man on earth if that ever happened. He had invited you to the games he played with his local team, and you were always there wearing a shirt with his name on the back of it, cheering him on along with his Mother, Sister and Step-father.
"(Y/N)!" A voice shouted as he approached you, making you remove the sunglasses you were wearing to see who it was.
Your eyes settled on your boyfriend, who was running towards you with wide eyes. "You won't believe what just happened!"
"What? What happened?" You asked, standing up and approaching him, what can you say, your curiosity had piqued.
"I just got scouted by Manchester City!"
He was barely able to contain his excitement as he showed you the piece of paper that he was holding in his hands.
Your eyes widened in surprise, chancing a look down at the letter and letting your eyes skim over it briefly before looking back at him. "What? Are you serious?"
Harry nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! I went to this football camp yesterday, and one of the coaches was from Man City. He saw me play, and he said he was impressed with my skills and wanted me to try out for their academy."
His dream was finally coming true.
This was all he had wanted since you had known him, and now he had finally got it, you couldn't be any more prouder than you were right now.
You felt proud of Harry's achievement and leaned forward to hug him tightly. "That's amazing, H! I always knew you had it in you."
He grinned widely. "Thanks, babe! I couldn't have done it without your support."
You didn't think that you played a massive part in his journey, you hadn't known him when his football journey started, you had only come into his life recently so really, the ones supporting him where his family.
"I promise to come watch you play," You enthused, smiling at your boyfriend. "I'll be cheering you on from the side lines."
That was a promise.
Harry smiled back at you, leaning forward to press a kiss to the crown of your head. "Thank you, (Y/N). You're the best girlfriend ever."
As you opened your eyes on the Tenth of June, 2023, a sense of warmth encased your body, as you turned on your side and slid your arm around your fiancé's waist, snuggling in closer to him like you did every morning.
The sunlight filtered through the curtains, as you lifted your head up slightly to see that your fiancé was fast asleep, eyes closed and face relaxed, breathing steady.
Today was the day, today was the day of the Champions League Final, and your fiancé, Harry was playing in it.
The final was taking place in Istanbul, Turkey and you had flown out to support him seeing as you absolutely wouldn’t miss it for the world. This was his day and his day only.
You knew for a fact how nervous he was feeling, it was one of the biggest games of his career and he had been explaining to you all along that he couldn't mess today up, too many people were relying on him to perform well.
Knowing that he had to get up soon, you gently shook his shoulder and run another hand through his curls (that desperately needed a trim) so that he would flutter his eyes open. "Wake up, sleepy head."
You watched as the man you loved groaned slightly before opening his eyes up and letting his green orbs land on your figure that was resting next to him. He ran a hand through his own hair before sitting up in the bed and entwining your fingers together liked you usually did in the mornings.
"Morning," His raspy voice murmured, as he pressed a kiss to your lips, not caring about the morning breath you both had. "Today's the day...I can't believe it."
You sat up a tiny bit more, and offered him a reassuring smile. "Stop thinking what I know your thinking and just listen to me for a second, your going to do great, you always do, stop worrying and just think positive."
Thinking back to ten years ago when Harry surprised you with the news that he had been scouted by his boy hood team, you knew that he would be going places one day, and he had.
Over the course of his ten year career, he had scored important goals, but not once had he played in a Champions League Final, the last time Manchester City were in the final back in 2021, (where they were beaten by Chelsea.) your fiancé was injured with an ACL injury and couldn't play. It was agonising seeing him in so much pain.
You found him sat on the sofa, head in his hands, as his leg was outstretched on the coffee table, crutches resting next to him, the tv was playing in the background, but you could only focus on him.
Harry had recently torn his ACL in the last game he played, the game right before the 2021 Champions League Final, he had been looking forward to the game all season and now, he had nothing to look forward to.
He was devastated that he wouldn't be able to play for at least nine months.
"H," you gained his attention, taking a seat next to him and placing a hand on his thigh. "Talk to me, what's going on inside that head of yours?"
"I just can't believe that this happened," He spoke, voice laced with emotion. "I've been working so hard for this, and now it's all for nothing."
You were in the crowd when you saw him get tackled by a Liverpool player. He went straight down onto the floor, holding his knee, and soon had to be stretchered off the pitch by the medics, your heart broke in half for him.
He had to be rushed straight to the hospital for a surgery and that was when the doctors confirmed that he would be out for the rest of the season and would just be back in time for the world cup.
"I know, sweet boy," You nodded your head, resting your head on his shoulder and inhaling his familiar scent. "But you have to remember that they're will be other games, you'll have plenty of opportunities to score in the FA cup final, I've got faith in you, we all do."
"But this was the Champions League Final," He lifted his head and let out a small sniffle as he wiped at his under eyes. "It's like the biggest game of the season...I wanted to be out there with my team."
"I know you did," You sympathised. "And everyone on that team knows just how hard you have been working, you've been working harder then anyone else, but you have to understand that they'll want you to take care of yourself, that's all they'll want."
He then leaned his head slightly against your shoulder and heard him let out a small sigh, another tear falling down his cheeks." I just hate feeling like I let everyone down."
"H, listen to me, you did not let a single person down," You informed him firmly, making him smile slightly at your tone of voice, despite the ache his leg was currently feeling. "You got hurt, and that is no ones fault except that pricky Liverpool player, your still an important part of the team even if your not out there with them in the dug out."
He looked up at you with red rimmed eyes. "Thank you."
You kissed his forehead. "Anytime, baby, anytime."
“Today is the day,” You nodded, placing a reassuring smile, “— are you feeling okay?”
You knew for a fact that he would be feeling a multitude of emotions today, every time he played in an important game, he always got too caught up in his thoughts and feelings.
“I just can’t seem to shake my nerves,” He let out a deep breath, turning to look at your face with solace as he confessed what was going on in his head. “The pressure is just so overwhelming sometimes, all I can think about is what if I make a mistake? What if I let the team down?”
“Listen to me for a second, sweet boy,” You slid closer to him, wrapping an arm even tighter around his waist, trying to ground him for a moment. “You are talented, dedicated and even stronger than you think you are. You’ve been training for this moment for as long as I can remember.”
You heard him take in a small breath as you continued to speak. “Trust in yourself, believe in your ability just like I do, just like all your fans do.”
His gaze appeared to soften as he took in your words, finding comfort in what you had to say.
“It’s such a significant game,”Your fiancé began to explain, voice small. “— sometimes I can’t help but feel this immense pressure, I want to give my all to the team and our supporters.”
You nodded understandingly and sat up in the bed so that you were the same level, the hotel duvet pooling your waists, his bare torso on display whilst you had on an oversized shirt of his and a pair of his boxer shorts.
You rested your head on his shoulder, not before pressing a kiss to it. “You’ve come so far my love, remember the strength and resilience that you have shown time and time again, no matter the challenges that you have faced, remember that this is your time to shine.”
“Your right,” He spoke, the lines of worry that were etched on his face slowly disappearing as he seemed to acknowledge what you were saying to him. “— I’ve worked so hard to be here, nothings going to be holding me back out here on the pitch.”
A soft sound broke out through the Turkish hotel room, a gentle stirring if you must erupting from the foot of the bed you and your husband were currently resting in.
That indicated that your two year old was awake.
“Mama…dada…” Your little one cried out, voice filled to the brim with innocence and affection upon setting his sights on the two of us.
A smile appeared on your face and Harry’s eyes filled with delight.
“He’s awake.” You murmured as you stood up from the bed and made your way towards the crib that your son was standing up in.
Hunter Robin Styles.
Born four weeks after the 2021 champions league final, the perfect addition to your lives.
He was his father’s replica, brown curls settled onto his head, green eyes that resembled the colour of emeralds and dimples indented in his cheeks.
As you scooped him up into your arms, he rested his head against your shoulder, thumb instinctively entering his mouth.
The two of you returned back to bed to join your husband, Hunter scurrying over to his father like the total daddies boy he is and you moved closer to cuddle into Harry, wanting to feel his warmth once again.
The conversation shifted now that your son was on the bed, weaving in and out of words exchanged between the two of you and the laughter of little Hunter. It was a symphony of love, a reminder of the family that anchored your husband's heart amidst the chaos of the final. As a family, you spoke of dreams and hopes, fears and aspirations, all while your little one basked in the warmth of Harry’s embrace.
The conversation once again drifted, this time the past made its way into our thoughts as Harry’s voice began to tremble ever so slightly as he spoke.
“I couldn’t play last time due to my injury,” He spoke in a voice so soft that you almost didn’t hear it. “— it’s been haunting me since forever, but now this opportunity is presented to me again, I’m going to make every second count, there’s no doubt about it.”
“You’ve already won battles no one ever thought you could overcome.” You squeezed his hand reassuringly, reminding him of his bravery and resilience, as Hunter played with the cross necklace dangling around his neck. “— you need to remember that your worth is not defined by an injury, your an incredible footballer and I’m not just saying that because I’m entitled to, me and Hunter love you, we’re insanely proud of you, we always will be.”
Little Hunter looked between the two of you with sparkling eyes filled with admiration, and that when was Harry realised the he had a family that loved him unconditionally.
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The hotel restaurant emanated an atmosphere you could only describe as tranquil as you sat at a table eating lunch with Hunter, Anne and Gemma.
Other family members from the team were also in the restaurant, when you were entering you had waved to Jack Grealish’s mum and dad, had a small conversation with Erling Haaland girlfriend and ruffled Phil Foden’s son's hair.
Little Hunter sat comfortable in his stroller after he refused to sit in a high chair, he was staring at his surroundings with curiosity filled eyes.
As your eyes glanced down at the menu, the three of us women engaged in a delightful conversation, halfway through, you spotted your son reaching towards the table where the basket of bread was located.
“Are you getting hungry, sweet boy?” You asked, leaning forward in your seat slightly so that you could meet his gaze. “— our food is going to be here soon, don’t worry, angel baby.”
Hunter’s face scrunched up slightly and he threw his head back with a small whine, his toddler babble mixed with his gestures, making it clear that he wanted to be part of the dining experience.
Harry’s sister, Gemma, chuckled, her eyes showing clear signs of amusement. “He seems to be quite the food enthusiast, takes after H.”
“Oh one hundred percent,” Anne, Harry’s mother, agreed, letting out a small chuckle. “He’s certainly inherited his fathers love for good food.”
Understanding your son's eagerness to join the table, you unfastened the stroller straps and carefully lifted him out. He squirmed with excitement, his chubby legs kicking in anticipation as he settled into a high chair beside you.
"Now you can see all the delicious dishes, just like us!" You exclaimed, placing a colourful bib around your son's neck. "You're officially part of the lunchtime feast."
Our son's face lit up with glee, his wide eyes scanning the table, eagerly awaiting the culinary delights. He pointed at the plates, naming the different foods as best he could, his baby gibberish filling the air.
As your meals arrived, a symphony of mouth watering aromas filled the air, and your taste buds tingled with anticipation. The three of you savoured each bite, sharing anecdotes and laughter, while Hunter observed intently, his eyes fixed on the delectable dishes.
"I think he wants to try everything," Anne said, chuckling as she noticed her grandson's animated gestures.
Gemma reached over and playfully offered a spoonful of mashed potatoes to her nephew.
"Here you go, little food critic," she said, grinning. "Tell us what you think."
Hunter’s eyes widened, and he eagerly accepted the spoon, tasting the creamy potatoes. His face lit up with delight, and he clapped his hands, a clear sign of his approval.
"He definitely has his father's discerning palate," You mused, exchanging knowing glances with the two women you called family.
As you continued your feast, your son became an active participant in the lunchtime conversation. His babbling intermingled with your dialogue, adding an innocent charm to the atmosphere.
Gemma once again leaned closer to your son, her voice filled with affection. "Tell us, little one, what do you think of this restaurant? Is it worthy of a future family gathering?"
Hunter responded with an enthusiastic nod, his face beaming with joy. His tiny hands clapped, as if applauding the notion of future family celebrations in this very place.
“So how’s Harry feeling about the final tonight?” Anne asked, regarding her son as she leaned forward ever so slightly.
A small smile tugged on the corners of your lips as you contemplated her question and thought about an answer. “— he’s definitely feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement.”
“He’s been training diligently for this moment his whole life,” Gemma added, a touch of pride evident in the way she spoke about her younger brother. “It’s such a significant match for him, for the whole team even.”
“He’s eager to get on the pitch and give it his all,” You nodded in agreement, your heart swelling with admiration. “But the weight of the final definitely comes with its fair share of pressure.”
“Tell him that we’re going to be in the crowd and supporting him.” Anne told you.
You knew for a fact when you had a chance to tell this to Harry he would feel a lot better then he would be, knowing his mother and sister were backing him was all he really wanted.
“Of course,” A warm smile spread across your face, you were touched by her words. “I'll definitely tell him his biggest fans are rooting for him.”
Leaning down to look at your son who was sitting in his high chair with mashed up avocado lingering on his hands, you spoke to him, wanting to involve him in the conversation. “—Daddy has a very important football match tonight, he’s going to make us all proud, isn't he?”
Elijah’s face lit up with a radiant smile, his tiny hands clapping together in excitement.
"Daddy!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with adoration for the father he idolised.
Anne chuckled warmly, her eyes gleaming with affection. "He knows, doesn't he? Even at his young age, he understands the significance."
You nodded, a sense of pride swelling within your chest. "Children have an incredible intuition, They can sense the love and anticipation that surrounds them."
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As the early evening settled in Turkey, you led Hunter to the en-suite bathroom located in your hotel room, his hand holding onto yours as he held his light blue baby blanket in his hand.
His blanket was a present that Anne had knitted him when he was first born and he still to this day went everywhere with it.
Bath time was definitely one of Hunter’s favourite times of the day. He liked it even more when Harry would be the one bathing him, but he was often at training so he never really got the chance to.
The bath was already filled up, bubbles resting on the top of it and a few rubber duckies and other bath toys floating in the water.
"Are you ready for a fun bath, angel baby?" You asked, lifting him into the tub filled with warm, bubbly water. "We need to get all squeaky clean before the game!"
Your son giggled, splashing the water with delight, his tiny hands reaching out for his favourite bath toys. As you gently washed him, the two of you engaged in playful banter, his infectious laughter filling the room.
His laugh sounded so much like his fathers.
“Mama,” Hunter gained your attention. “— quack, quack!”
You nodded in encouragement as he presented you with the rubber duck he was holding. “Yeah a ducky does go quack quack, you're such a clever little boy.”
About thirty seconds later, the two year old seemed to get bored of the duck he was playing with and threw it back down in the water, and that was when you got the perfect opportunity to put some bath wash on a sponge and clean over his petite body.
Hunter squirmed a little bit and tried to wiggle away from you but you were quicker and knew his movements like the back of your hand and held him softly in place.
Once he was out of the bath and dried off, you decided to take him into the main area of the hotel room where you grabbed a miniature sized jersey out of his suitcase.
“Alright, arms up, angel baby.” You held the shirt in your hands and slipped the shirt over his head smoothly.
Once the shirt was situated on his body, you smoothed down his brown curls that had become slightly dishevelled due to the friction of the shirt.
He was clad in a Manchester City shirt with the shirts, socks and toddler football boots.
Instead of having his name on the back, he had ‘𝙳𝙰𝙳𝙳𝚈’ and number ‘𝟷𝟽’ on the back of it.
Once you had gotten Hunter ready, you decided to take a shower yourself, the two year old followed you into the bathroom.
As the warm water cascaded over your body, you took a moment to relax, the sound of rushing water creating a serene backdrop. Your son, perched on the bathroom floor, watched with curiosity as you applied a gentle face cleanser and let the steam envelop you.
With the shower complete, you stepped out onto the bath mat, a towel wrapped around your body. Your son clapped his hands in approval, appreciating the simplicity of the post-shower routine.
"Now it's time for mommy to get ready," You explained, brushing your damp hair and reaching for your makeup bag. "We want to look our best when we cheer for Daddy!"
Hunter observed attentively, his big eyes studying your every move.
"What's that, Mommy?" he asked, pointing to the makeup brushes.
You chuckled softly, giving him a gentle explanation.
"This is called makeup, sweetheart. It helps enhance our natural beauty," You replied, dabbing a bit of foundation onto your skin.
As you continued applying makeup, your son's curiosity grew. He mimicked your actions, using his fingers to pretend to apply his own makeup, a charming sight that filled your heart with warmth.
After finishing your makeup, you turned to your suitcase, selecting a Manchester City shirt of your own with ‘𝚂𝚃𝚈𝙻𝙴𝚂 𝟷𝟽’ on the back of its.
Tour son toddled over, his eyes bright with anticipation.
"We’re matching, Mommy!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with innocence and adoration.
You scooped him up into your arms, holding him close.
"Thank you, my love. Now we're both ready to cheer for Daddy," you replied, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead.
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As you sat in the stands of the Atatürk Olympic Stadium, surrounded by fellow Manchester City supporters and in a box with the family members for the team members, your heart was pounding with a mix of excitement and nerves.
Harry was about to showcase his skills on the grand stage.
Beside you were his mother, Anne, and his sister, Gemma, both filled with anticipation and pride.
Your two-year-old son was perched on your lap, his wide eyes filled with wonder as he took in the electric atmosphere. The noise from the roaring crowd seemed to mesmerise him, but as the game kicked off, it wasn't long before the excitement overwhelmed his little body. Hunter's eyelids grew heavy, and he soon succumbed to the exhaustion of the day, drifting into a peaceful slumber.
"He's out like a light," Anne chuckled softly, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. "It's quite a spectacle, isn't it? I can hardly believe our Harry is here, playing in the final."
Gemma nodded, her eyes shining with pride. "He's worked so hard for this moment. It's incredible to see him on this stage. I'm so proud of him."
The match unfolded with breathtaking speed and intensity.
Manchester City displayed their trademark attacking prowess, weaving intricate passes and creating scoring opportunities. The crowd's excitement was infectious, and the chants of "City! City!" reverberated throughout the stadium.
Anne leaned closer, her voice filled with excitement. "Do you remember when Daniel used to kick a ball around in the backyard? He always dreamed of playing on a big stage like this. And now, here he is!"
That was true, when you first met Harry, he used to invite you to the park all the time and you would always be kicking a ball about with him, now he got to teach his son the same things he taught you.
A roar erupted from the crowd as Manchester City came close to scoring.
Gemma jumped to her feet, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "Come on! Score that goal!"
As the game progressed, the tension mounted. The opposing team proved to be a formidable adversary, putting up a strong defence and launching swift counterattacks.
The match seemed like a true battle of titans, with both teams leaving everything on the field.
"He's playing brilliantly, isn't he?" You whispered to Anne, nodding toward your fiancé , who was skillfully manoeuvring through defenders.
Anne beamed, her eyes shimmering with pride. "He's always had that talent, that special something. It's as if he was born to play football. Look at him out there, giving it his all."
Suddenly, the referee blew the whistle for halftime. As the players retreated to the dressing room, you gently shifted Hunter's weight on your lap, careful not to wake him.
The buzz of excitement filled the air as we joined the other Manchester City family members near the tunnel, eager to offer our support and encouragement.
You watched as the man you loved emerged, sweat dripping down his face, but a determined glint in his eyes.
He approached were the four of you were standing, pressing a short kiss to your lips and mustering how much he loved you, you and him exchanged brief words of encouragement, his gratitude shining through.
He kissed Hunter's forehead gently, whispering, "Daddy's going to bring that trophy home for you, little man."
Back in your seats, the second half kicked off with renewed intensity.
The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as Manchester City pushed forward, relentlessly seeking that winning goal. The opposition fought back, with bone-crunching tackles and acrobatic saves from their goalkeeper.
With each near-miss and near-goal, your emotions soared and plummeted. You all held your breath with every shot, every corner, and every daring run. The tension was palpable, but you remained hopeful.
Suddenly, a collective gasp swept through the crowd as Manchester City was awarded a penalty.
Gemma grabbed your arm, her voice trembling with excitement. "This is it! H, can do this!"
There was no doubt within the squad that your Harry was the designated penalty taker for the team, he was a forward and The Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola had given Harry the responsibility for them.
This was his moment.
This was his time to shine.
The stadium fell into a hushed silence as Harry stepped up to take the penalty. His focus was unwavering as he placed the ball on the spot, the weight of the entire season resting on his shoulders. The opposing goalkeeper eyed him intently, trying to psych him out.
"Come on, Haz! You've got this!" You whispered, your voice filled with hope.
Gemma and Anne joined in, their voices merging with your own. "You've trained for this moment, Harry ! Show them what you're made of!"
You watched with bated breath as Harry took a deep breath, blocking out the noise around him.
He began his run-up, his strides purposeful and determined. The moment his foot made contact with the ball, it soared towards the goal, driven by the sheer force of his will.
Time seemed to slow down as you watched the ball sail through the air, evading the outstretched hands of the goalkeeper. The net rippled as the ball found its rightful place, and the stadium erupted into a chorus of cheers, applause, and chants of victory.
"He did it! He scored!" I exclaimed, my voice filled with elation. Hunter stirred in my arms, his eyes fluttering open as if sensing the surge of joy around him.
Anne wiped away tears of joy, her voice trembling with pride. "That's our boy! He's done it!"
Gemma wrapped her arms around you in a tight embrace, joining in the celebration. "I knew he had it in him. What a moment!"
Manchester City we’re one nil up.
Not only that, but your Harry had scored.
He had scored in a final.
After all the heartbreak that he endured in the last final back in 2021, he had scored and put his team one point ahead.
You were beyond proud of him.
As the game continued, Manchester City pressed on with newfound confidence. The energy of Harry’s goal had ignited the team, fueling their determination to secure the trophy.
They fought fiercely, defending against the opposing team's attacks and launching their own relentless assault.
With every minute that ticked by, your anticipation grew. The final whistle drew nearer, and the realisation that victory was within reach became palpable.
The stadium buzzed with excitement, as if the crowd could taste the impending triumph.
And then, as the final whistle pierced the air, the crowd erupted into a deafening roar. Manchester City had emerged as the victors of the Champions League final. Ecstasy washed over you as you witnessed Harry and his teammates embrace, their joy overflowing.
Hunter clapped his tiny hands, mirroring the celebration around him.
“Yay, Daddy!" he squealed, his eyes filled with innocent delight.
The three of you joined Hunter's applause, your voices joining the chorus of cheers reverberating throughout the stadium.
Tears of joy streamed down your faces as you reveled in this extraordinary moment, a memory etched in our hearts forever.
You Harry had won the Champions League for his team.
With tears of elation streaming down your face, the three of you including little Hunter joined the chorus of chants, shouting, "City! City!"
Your eyes never left the pitch once as you anxiously waited for the moment when your lover and his teammates would lift the trophy high above their heads.
You all watched as the opposing team collected there runners up medals before it was time for the winners.
On the field, the players formed a jubilant huddle, their faces beaming with triumph. Moments later, they made their way towards the presentation stage.
You and the family quickly descended the stairs, Hunter clinging onto your hip with his thumb in his mouth, eager to get as close as possible to the historic moment that was about to unfold.
The crowd surged forward, a sea of blue and white, as you found a spot near the front. Beside you, other family members and friends of the Manchester City players beamed with anticipation, their voices filled with excitement.
Anne squeezed my hand tightly. "This is it, dear. We're about to witness something incredible."
Gemma nodded with a wide grin. "I can't believe it's happening! Our brother, lifting the Champions League trophy!"
The roar of the crowd grew deafening as the players ascended the stage one by one.
Finally, Harry stepped forward, his face radiant with a mixture of pride and disbelief. The trophy glistened in the spotlight, a symbol of their hard-fought victory.
A hush fell over the stadium as the captain of Manchester City, wearing the armband proudly, lifted the trophy high into the air.
A surge of emotions coursed through your body, and you let out a cheer that blended with the cheers of thousands of fans around.
Anne leaned in, her voice filled with admiration. "Look at him, my boy, holding that trophy. It's a moment I'll cherish forever."
Gemma wiped away tears of joy, her voice filled with pride. "He did it! Haz did it! I couldn't be prouder!"
As the players celebrated, their triumphant shouts and laughter filled the air.
Harry turned towards the direction you were sitting in, his eyes finding yours in the sea of cheering faces.
A smile spread across his face, and you could see the overwhelming happiness in his eyes. With a wave, he acknowledged his family's presence, and your heart swelled with love for this incredible man.
"He did it, Mum! Harry did it!" You exclaimed, your voice choked with emotion.
Anne pulled you into a tight embrace, tears streaming down her face. "Yes, he did, dear. My son is a champion!"
Gemma joined our embrace, forming a circle of love and pride. "We always believed in him, didn't we? This is just the beginning of his greatness."
Carefully making your way through the jubilant crowd, you reached the edge of the field, where security personnel guided you towards a designated area for family members. Anne and Gemma were already there, their smiles as bright as the stadium lights.
Harry spotted the four of you from a distance, his eyes lighting up with delight.
Covered in sweat and mud, he hurried towards you, a mix of exhaustion and elation on his face. You gently put Hunter down, allowing him to take his first steps on the hallowed ground of the pitch.
"Daddy!" Hunter exclaimed, his little arms outstretched, his voice filled with excitement.
Harry scooped him up, holding him close. "There's my little champion! Daddy did it!"
Anne embraced you, tears of joy streaming down her face. "Look at them, dear. Our son and grandson, basking in this incredible moment."
Gemma joined in the embrace, her voice trembling with emotion. "I'm so proud of him, sis. He's worked so hard for this."
As the celebrations continued around you, Harry held Hunter high in the air, their joyous laughter blending with the cheers of the crowd. The energy of the stadium seemed to infuse their bond, a testament to the incredible journey they had embarked on together.
"He's so proud of you, Harry," you whispered, your voice filled with love and admiration.
Harry nodded, his eyes shimmering with tears of happiness. "I couldn't have done it without you and Hunter by my side. You're my biggest supporters, my inspiration."
Hunter reached out, his tiny fingers brushing against his fathers cheek. "Daddy strong!"
Harry kissed Hunter's forehead, his voice filled with tenderness. "Yes, my little champion, Daddy is strong because of you."
At that moment, time seemed to stand still.
You were surrounded by a sea of jubilant supporters, but it felt as though it was just the five of you, locked in an embrace of love and pride. The Champions League trophy glimmered in the distance, a symbol of their collective victory.
As the team gathered for a celebratory photo, Harry held Hunter on his hip, their smiles mirroring one another.
You captured the moment with your phone, knowing that it would forever be etched in the family's history.
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Lying in bed, the weight of the day finally beginning to lift from your tired bodies, your fiancé and you basked in the quiet afterglow of his triumphant victory in the Champions League. The room was dimly lit, and a soft sense of contentment enveloped us.
Harry propped himself up on his elbow, his eyes reflecting a mixture of exhaustion and elation.
"What a game, love," he whispered, his voice filled with a hint of disbelief.
What a game indeed.
You reached out, gently brushing your fingers through his hair. "You were incredible, Harry. I'm so proud of you."
Proud was an understatement.
A small smile graced his lips as he turned to face you in the hotel bed. "I couldn't have done it without you and Hunter. You're my rocks, my biggest supporters."
You shifted closer, resting your head against his chest. "We'll always be here for you, Harry. You worked so hard for this moment."
He sighed, his fingers tracing patterns on your lower back. "You know, love, after the final whistle, I wanted to celebrate with just you and Hunter. It's moments like these that I cherish the most."
So that explains why he decided not to celebrate with his team mates.
You looked up at him, your heart swelling with love. "I understand, Harry. It's about those intimate moments, the ones that remind you of what truly matters."
His gaze softened, his voice filled with vulnerability. "That penalty... I was so nervous, love. It felt like everything was riding on that one moment. But when the ball hit the back of the net, it was pure relief and joy."
You placed a gentle kiss on his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart beneath your lips. "You did it, Harry. You seized the opportunity and made it count. It was a testament to your skill, your determination, and your unwavering belief in yourself."
He wrapped his arms around your body, drawing you closer. "Thank you, love. Your belief in me has always meant the world. You and Hunter are my greatest motivation.”
You snuggled in closer, finding comfort in his embrace. "We'll always be there, Harry. Through the highs and the lows, celebrating every victory and lifting you up in moments of doubt. You're our champion, on and off the pitch."
His voice grew softer as he spoke, his words carrying a sense of gratitude and reflection. "You know, love, throughout the game, when I looked up into the stands, seeing you and Hunter, your faces filled with love and support, it gave me an extra boost. It reminded me why I play this beautiful game, why I give it my all. It's for you and our little boy."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you listened to Harry's heartfelt words. "We'll always be your biggest fans, Harry. Seeing you out there, chasing your dreams, it fills our hearts with pride and joy."
He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. "I love you so much, my beautiful fiancé . And our little Hunter, he's growing up surrounded by so much love and inspiration."
You nestled deeper into his embrace, feeling a surge of warmth and love envelop the two of you. "We're creating memories, Harry. Memories that Hunter will carry with him throughout his life. He'll look back on this moment, knowing that his dad is a champion, a man who followed his dreams and achieved greatness."
Harry's voice grew soft, his tone filled with a sense of wonder. "I never want to forget this feeling, lying here with you, relishing in our love and celebrating a victory. It's a moment frozen in time, one that I'll cherish forever."
You intertwined your fingers with his, savouring the connection you seemed to share. "We'll always have these moments, Harry.”
You shifted slightly, careful not to disturb the little bundle of joy nestled between you and your lover,. Hunter had fallen asleep during the celebration, his small body curled up against Harry's side.
Such a daddies boy.
Harry's eyes softened as he looked down at your sleeping son. "Look at him, love. Our little champion, exhausted from all the excitement."
You smiled, brushing a lock of hair away from Hunter's forehead. "He's been cheering for you the whole game. I think he used up all his energy celebrating your victory."
Harry chuckled softly, his hand gently stroking Hunter's back. "I'm glad he got to witness this. One day, he'll look back and know that he was here, part of this unforgettable moment."
You nodded, feeling a surge of emotion welling up inside of your chest. "He's so lucky to have you as his role model, Harry. You're showing him what it means to work hard, to chase your dreams, and to never give up."
Harry's gaze met your own, his eyes filled with love and gratitude. "And you, love, you're the anchor that keeps us grounded. Your unwavering support and belief in me, in us, it means everything."
The two of you sat in silence for a while, enveloped in the warmth of your shared love. The room was filled with a sense of peacefulness and fulfillment, a testament to the journey you had traveled together.
As Hunter stirred in his sleep, Harry's voice broke the stillness. "You know, love, scoring that penalty... It was like a release of all the pressure, all the hard work coming to fruition. But what mattered most in that moment was knowing I had my family by my side."
You kissed Hunter's forehead, then leaned over to place a tender kiss on Harry's lips. "We'll always be by your side, Harry, through every triumph and every challenge. You make us proud every single day."
Harry's arms tightened around you and Hunter, pulling you into an embrace that felt like home. "I love you both more than words can express. Thank you for being my everything."
The room filled with a sense of love and gratitude, as the three of you lay there, a family united in celebration, reflection, and profound connection.
In that quiet moment, the two of you knew that this victory was not just Harry's, but your families as well, and together, you would continue to write the pages of your story, one filled with love, resilience, and the shared joy of chasing dreams and achieving greatness, as a family united on and off the pitch.
As you drifted off into a blissful slumber one thought lingered in your brain.
The love of your life was a Champions League Winner.
Your Harry, Your Winner.
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Best and Worst of Both worlds (part 23)
Tw: Montgomery's really touchy n doesn know what is no
part 24
You were sent home. Because all you wanted to do was collapse on your bed and sleep the night away. The rain makes it extra cozy for you to cuddle under the blankets. Once your head hit the pillow, you were out like a light.
You woke up to your phone buzzing. But it isn't Yves this time. It's Evangeline.
You picked it up and brought it to your ear, giving her a groggy 'hello'?
"Wake up, damn it! You're going to miss class again, daddy's already waiting outside for you!" You let out a yelp as you heard loud honking from outside.
You whined as you got out of bed, throwing a mini tantrum by stomping out of your room. You wish that Yves was here, he would have woken you up on the right side of bed every day. Yves would have been gentle and stress-free, he would have stroked your hair and given you soft kisses as an alarm. There wouldn't be any loud noises or sudden surprises.
You grumbled as you got yourself ready for the day.
This time, you remembered to bring the premade meals Yves prepared in the fridge. Sharing yesterday's lunch with Evangeline while you ate the fresher one today. Mr. Jones fussed with you about wearing sunscreen, so now you're protected from the sun.
Yves only sent you a singular text this morning at 8:30am.
"Good morning, my dear. May you have a lovely day, (name)."
No reminders, no updates about what he did or saw, no requests to contact him. You brushed it off as him being busy, deciding to favour Evangeline's attention over his. You didn't even reply to his only message, thinking that Yves would mind too much about it.
"Mmm! This is delicious, Sir Yves is a really great cook!" Complimented Evangeline as she took another bite of the cold wrap. You're eating your own meal that has specific instructions to microwave it, luckily there are some that you could use in the student's lounge.
"Aww, he's such a sweet partner too. Look!" She showed you a message left by Yves, that was attached to the wrapper of yesterday's meal.
"Lunch for (full name)- Monday.
Meal: Turkey and Apricot Wrap. Do not heat. Eat as it is.
Ingredients: lactose-free cream cheese, apricot reserves, wheat tortillas, shredded turkey, spices, arugula. Contains gluten.
Remember to put on sunscreen. There is no need to be nervous as I know you will do well on your first day. I will be thinking of you always. Call me if you want to talk about your day, I will listen.
You never realized that there was a whole paragraph plastered on its wrapping. So you decided to check your container for any similar texts. Sure enough, you found one.
"Lunch for (name)- Tuesday
Meal: Coq au vin. Microwave with lid partially open, 3-4 minutes. Be careful as the contents will be hot.
Ingredients: Chicken, pearl onions, garlic, spices, pinot noir red wine, button mushrooms, bacon, butter, tomato paste, flour, homemade beef stock, tagliatelle. Contains gluten and lactose.
Well done, my dear (name). You have reached your second day. I hope you find my cooking so far to be appetizing, your thoughts would be very much appreciated. As always, do not hesitate to contact me if you need me. I will always be there for you. Be careful not to burn your tongue.
She gushed over today's note. "That's so cute! I can see why you're into older men now."
You lightly punched her on the shoulder and laughed along.
You and her were eating peacefully, now that you have exhausted all the conversation topics. Both of you ate in silence, enjoying the food from Yves.
But then, all of the sudden, a pair of hands clamped down onto your shoulders. Causing you to shriek and jump in your seat.
"Scared ya, didn't I?" You felt his stubble scraped against your skin that has been softened by the skincare routine Yves set for you.
Colour drain from Evangeline's and your faces.
You tried swatting him away, but he took a deep sniff of your hair, inhaling all your scent. You protested as he buries his nose into your head, Montgomery is really loud in his sniffing. "You smell so good..." He mumbled lazily as he held you from behind.
Evangeline stood up and pried him away from you, but only successfully to a certain extent.
"Fine, fine. I'll save the lovey-dovey stuff for later when you're easier to win over." He massaged your shoulders with his thumb. You frown because he doesn't seem to understand that his strength is too much, you think you will bruise.
"You are hurting (name)." Evangeline firmly told him off. To your shock though, he immediately lets go and stroke your hair in an unnaturally, tender way.
"Oh! I'm so sorry darlin'... You're so soft and sweet, I sure forgot I can be a damn brute sometimes." You looked up at him and there was a considerable amount of guilt being expressed on his face.
He ignored Evangeline and invited himself to your table, sitting on the chair adjacent to yours.
"Here, I got us lunch."
Montgomery sets down a paper bag that has an imposing fast food logo printed on it. The smell of piping hot french fries and meat patties wafted throughout the air. He began unpacking it, placing a thin, cardboard box containing a large burger in front of you. Even though you're clearly eating the well crafted meal Yves made.
"And I didn't forget about yer rich friend." He took out a much smaller sandwich, wrapped in wax paper. Albeit begrudgingly.
"It ain't like she's gonna appreciate it anyways..." He muttered under his breath.
"Thank you very much, Sir Montgomery." Although she was kind and friendly in her response, you sensed a bit of animosity radiating from her. Montgomery seems to pick it up faster than you and tenfold the intensity.
He shot her a dirty look before going back to showcasing what he bought.
"I got ya' your favourite soda in a jumbo cup." He carefully pulled out a huge plastic vessel containing an ice-cooled liquid, you can hear it noisily sloshing and fizzing. It looks intimidating to say the least; you definitely can't finish it even with the help of Evangeline.
"You gotta fuel your brain somehow through those soul killin' classes." He stuck his hand back into the bag.
"I got ya' a cookie, a cupcake, some fries aaand..." He rummaged through the bag and pulled out something so small, that it's entirely engulfed by his hand. "A nice, little gift for ya."
He smiled and presented to you in a closed fist. You shakily uncurled his rough fingers off his palm to reveal... a nice little keychain?
"They said it's a limited edition! So I got ya one, I saw a bunch of youngins' goin' crazy over it. Must be the newest, hottest thing among the kids these days."
You sucked your lips in and stared at it, wide eye. You're not admitting it to anyone, but you secretly longed for it ever since you saw a promotional advertisement on your social media feed. You knew back then you could never afford it because it's $30 for this piece of metal alloy and you had to buy a meal to be eligible to get it.
However, you're not fooling anyone. Montgomery and Evangeline can see how obvious you desperately wanted it upon presentation. Evangeline shook her head, now knowing that her friend is susceptible to predatory marketing tactics. Montgomery grinned from ear to ear, knowing that he could take advantage of this situation.
Before your twitchy fingers could grab it, Montgomery pulled it away and dangled it over your head.
"Where's my thanks?" He teasingly brought his face closer to yours.
You quickly mumbled some words of gratitude before trying to reach for that desired toy. He laughed at your pathetic attempt to grab it, he's too tall for you and you're too unathletic to hop far.
Evangeline almost shot up when she saw his other hand hovering around your waist. Montgomery noticed this reaction of hers and decided to place it on the table, where you and her could see.
"I only accept gratitude in kisses or phone numbers." He pressed his forehead against yours while smirking cockily.
You sat back down. Despair surfaced in your eyes as you went back to eating the coq au Vin.
"Huh? You don't wanna take it?" You shook your head and did not say a word more. The conversation is over and it's not worth it for a piece of overpriced trash.
Montgomery's smile dropped and he turned his focus to Evangeline, who simply gave him a polite, but smug smile.
"You know, it isn't a gift if you expect something in return." Evangeline innocently commented, unwrapping her burger. "It's a transaction now."
Montgomery looked away and paid no mind to her words.
She continued to jab at him verbally.
"So... is your relationship with (name)... transactional? Are you their sugar daddy?"
Anger flashed on his face as he whipped his head to Evangeline. She grinned toothily as she felt a sense of accomplishment by striking a nerve in Montgomery.
"Hey, you watch your mouth, spoiled brat." He hissed through a clenched jaw while pointing menacingly at her.
"I'm just asking a question, sir. It really does seem like you're doing all these seemingly nice gestures, just to get something back." She batted her eyelashes and pouted.
"Shut your trap, you ain't know nothin' about our relationship." Montgomery's veins are starting to show, you cower in the corner, staring at Evangeline and silently pleading her not to go on. But all she did was give you a reassuring look, mixed with a devilish one.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend sir. You're right, I don't know anything about your relationship with (name). That's why, I'm asking! I want to educate myself, so I can do better!" She spoke in the most fake performative tone ever, you could tell she was doing this on purpose to rile Montgomery up.
"You ask too many questions, Goldilocks. Ya' need to mind ya' own business." Montgomery started gritting his teeth and balling his fists.
"I'm not judging! I promise. There isn't anything wrong with having a transactional relationship, I think it's a good thing we can choose how to define our-"
"I was just kiddin', Baby." Montgomery cooed at you. Simultaneously cutting Evangeline off.
He fixed the keychain onto the zipper of your bag. "You ain't need to give anything back. I'm doin' all these because that's what a good man would do for their partners." He ruffled your hair.
Montgomery glared at Evangeline who is now having a self-congratulatory grin on her blemish-free face.
"God, y'all rich people sound the same." He grumbled, taking out his own burger and began eating.
"Thank you! We take our speech classes very seriously." That earned a scoff from Montgomery.
She hummed and tapped her chin. Brewing up more ways to mess with Montgomery.
While she took her sweet time, you finished your meal from Yves. You're not hungry anymore, so you didn't touch the food Montgomery brought.
Of course, he noticed it. "Yer food is gonna get cold, soggy fries are the worst." He tipped the bag so you would have easier access to its contents. "Dig in, sweetheart. Ain't nothin' to be shy about. They're all for ya'."
You declined, saying that you're full.
"Aw, come on. You gotta eat, you're growin'! You need your nutrients and-"
"Aren't you a bit too old to be sitting with us?" Evangeline crossed her legs and watched him intently, her pupils dilated out of mischief and curiosity. He groaned and rolled his eyes at her.
"I'm not playin' with you. Shut up." He snarled while he opened your burger box for you to eat out of.
"But sir! You're--"
Montgomery slammed his fist on the table.
"I'm grown, they're grown, you're grown. Age ain't nothin' but a number at this point. We're all adults here, you better start actin' like one, ya' little shit." He rose from his chair and made himself look bigger to intimidate Evangeline into stopping. But she persisted with that irritatingly confident smirk of hers.
"Hmm. I wouldn't conflate legality with morality. (Name) and I are still very young, after all. I'm sure you're wise and mature, it comes with age. We can learn a lot from you, sir!" Her tone became increasingly condescending and mocking, her baby blues bore holes into Montgomery's dark eyes.
You could see his lower eyelid twitching out of fury. Your friend is definitely going to get pummeled into a pulp if she doesn't back down. But she either refused to heed your quiet warnings or is oblivious to it.
"Listen here, you piece of--"
He was interrupted by an alarm blaring from his back pocket. Montgomery fished it out and took a look at his phone screen.
He frowned, grumbling incoherently under his breath as he began packing up.
"You were saying? And, where are you going--"
"To work! God damn! You're fuckin' annoying!" He exclaimed at her. All Evangeline did was maintain her straight posture and sweet smile.
"Aw. I'm sorry to hear that. Could you please tell me what I did wrong? I only wanted to learn..." He ignored her completely and whipped out his wallet. Montgomery pulled out two $20 notes and stuffed it into your bag. The man made sure to zip it up, so it wouldn't slip out.
"Treat yourself to somethin' nice after class. I'll be late, so don't wait up- go home with goldie, it ain't that safe to use the bus at night. Unless you wanna give me your number..." The man looked at you with hopeful eyes. You shook your head and he rolled his eyes in annoyance.
"That's so sweet of you! Giving (name) some money to spend, just like a sugar daddy would!" She clapped her hands in excitement.
"Shut. Up." He pointed his index finger at her. Evangeline gave him Jazz hands and an open-mouth smile. Then, Montgomery turned to you.
"You gotta pick better friends, baby." He kissed you on the forehead before you could react. Cringing at how his stubble would scratch you and his hair leaving a mild greasy residue on your skin. His lips were dry and leathery, the experience was disgusting to you.
You let out a shout and tried your best to shove him away. But all you did was make him sway a little.
"Bye honey, I'll see you around." He gave you a brief, affectionate pinch on the cheek before taking off.
You and Evangeline looked at the vast number of food items he left for you. Neither of you took a bite out of anything.
You asked her if she wanted to bring it back home. She shook her head.
You decided to pack them up for your housemates instead, hopefully gaining some of their favour while Yves is away.
Evangeline wrapped her own untouched burger back up and dumped it into the paper bag.
You felt a buzz in your pocket. So you fished it out to see what was causing it.
A text from Yves was displayed on your notifications.
"I miss you."
You deem it as something unimportant, just a random thought that your boyfriend opt to share just for the sake of sharing. Totally not hinting you to call him back. So you turned your phone off and returned your device back to your pocket.
Your class is in 10 minutes anyways, you and Evangeline better hurry and wrap up soon.
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mamaestapa · 1 year
The Morning After
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•pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
•series summary: Y/N Y/L/N moved to Cincinnati, Ohio for a new start. Move in day arrives and she discovers something terrible...the apartment complex gave her the wrong lease. Instead of living with who she originally was supposed to, she's now living with the hottest quarterback in the NFL, Joe Burrow. Y/N is stuck living in the same apartment with him for a year...which the two are not thrilled about. However, as time goes on, they realize that maybe this wasn't the worst thing that could happen to them. Will Y/N and Joe stay enemies, or will they find themselves falling in love?
•chapter summary: You and Joe have a very important conversation the morning after your post game rendezvous
•word count: 1.9K
•warnings: Mentions of sex, condoms, suggestive language, lots of fluff, a very rushed chapter lol
series masterlist
January 17, 2023
You woke up to the feeling of Joe's arms wrapped around your body. He was holding you so close to him. You snuggled into his chest and let out a content sigh as his arms instinctively pulled you even closer. You didn’t think it was possible for you to be any closer to Joe’s body, but he found a way to make it possible. His chest was soft, yet firm at the same time and his arms were warm, his embrace comforting.
Gosh, why couldn't we have done this months ago? You thought to yourself.
You were pulled out of your thoughts by Joe brushing his fingertips along the soft skin of your forearm. You tilted your head up and smiled softly at him. Joe stayed silent and returned the same smile. You laid your head back down, laying in silence and just enjoying the early morning with him. Until Joe's stomach growled loudly, ruining the moment and making both of your laughter fill the quiet room.
"Good morning to you too." you said, a teasing smile on your face.
"I'm sorry." He chuckled, "I haven't had anything to eat since before the game yesterday. I'm starving."
You giggled, "It sounds like it." You pulled yourself out of his arms and got out of bed, putting your panties back on and sliding one of Joe's shirts on over your naked body.
"I'll go make you something to eat. What sounds good?"
"You." He said with a smirk. You rolled your eyes. Of course he was already thinking about round two.
"Let's get some real food in your belly first. Then we'll talk." you replied, winking at him after you finished your sentence.
He smirked and reached out to grab your hand, succeeding in pulling you back down onto the bed. You laughed and leaned in to place a soft kiss on his pink lips. Joe smiled at you and brought his hand up to brush a strand of hair out of your face, tucking it behind your ear. You smiled and were about to say something to him, but Joe's growling stomach beat you to it. His eyes widened at his stomachs outburst, —which had ruined the moment once again. You giggled and stood from the bed, holding your hand out for him.
"Come on Joey, let's go feed ya."
He chuckled and grabbed your hand, "Yes ma'am." you pulled him up from the bed, Joe helping you by pushing himself off the mattress. You stumbled backwards as he stood from the bed, the two of you laughing as you regained your footing. You held onto his hand and brought him out from the bedroom and into the kitchen. You let go of his hand and opened the fridge, looking to see what type of breakfast food you or Joe had in the fridge.
"Um," you said, opening one of the fridge drawers, "we have turkey bacon, eggs, maybe some spinach?" you turned around to face Joe, "what sounds good?"
"You don't have to make me anything." He said, smiling softly. You rolled your eyes and got the ingredients for an omelette out of the fridge, setting them on the counter.
"Yes I do," you crossed your arms and turned to look at him. Winking after you said, "consider it a thank you for last night."
Joe just shook his head and chuckled. He sat down on the barstool in the kitchen as you prepared breakfast for the two of you. As you were making Joe's omelette, your thoughts wandered to last night. Oh last night...last night was so good. The Bengals won and you and Joe finally broke that growing tension between you. Last night couldn't have gone any better. It was truly something special.
You turned the stove off and plated the omelets. You picked the plates up and brought them over to where Joe was seated, placing his omelet down in front of him.
"Thanks sweets," he said, his mouth watering from the delicious smell of the meal in front of him, "this looks delicious."
"You're welcome," you smiled sweetly, "hopefully it tastes as good as it looks."
"Well, if it's anything like you, it should." He said as he picked up his fork and shot you a wink. A blush rose to your cheeks as you shook your head at his comment.
"Eat your breakfast you dork."
He chuckled at your response and took a bite of the omelet, moaning in delight as the mixture of egg, cheese, spinach, and turkey bacon touched his tongue. You grabbed your coffee cup and walked to the other side of the kitchen, looking at Joe with raised eyebrows as you sat down on the barstool next to him.
"That good?"
"Almost as good as you," he replied, a sly grin on his face as he looked at you with those soft blue eyes you loved so much.
You playfully rolled your eyes and took a sip of your hot coffee. Joe took a few more bites of his omelet before he set his fork down on the plate. The clinking of silverware against the plate caused you to look over at him. He cleared his throat and rubbed his palms over his thighs that were clad in his black athletic shorts. Joe wet his lips as he stared into your eyes, his expression hard to read.
"I think we should talk about," he laughed lightly, "well, everything."
Everything. Everything could mean so many different things.
You nodded in agreement. There was a lot you two needed to discuss. "I think we should too." you said softly, setting your fork down on your plate as you gave Joe your full attention. He took a deep breath before he started speaking, "Last night was a lot for me. Winning the game was great and all, but coming home to you was the best part. I always thought you hated me, I know you did at first, but-."
"Only because of the condoms," you interrupted Joe, making both of us laugh.
"Yes, only because of the condoms. Which, I promise will be kept in the bedroom from here on out."
"Good," you said chuckling softly, "we don't need our friends seeing condom wrappers on the counters when they come over."
Joe let out a laugh and nodded in agreement. You smiled, "Sorry, anyways continue."
Joe returned the smile and continued to talk. "but hearing you say that you love me makes me so happy. I remember when you first moved in, we didn't get along—at all. We butt heads over everything, and I was so convinced we'd never get past that. But we did, eventually. It took some time, but we slowly started to become friends. I always thought you were so beautiful and sweet. You gave me butterflies all the time during those first few months Y/n, and I haven't felt those in such a long time."
He reached out and grabbed my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.
"You still give me butterflies. Even more so now than you did back in October."
You could feel your heart swelling with joy. You never knew that you made Joe feel this way. At least, you didn’t know you’ve made him feel like this for so long.
"I pushed those feelings away for a while, but when you got with Evan, that's when I knew I couldn't deny my feelings anymore. I just felt so jealous and I wanted you to be with me and only me. Then the whole Jake situation just made it worse. I felt like I couldn't act on my feelings because as your roommate, I promised you that I wouldn't get in the way of your personal life. Just like you promised to me when you first moved in here. But you mean so much to me Y/n."
You smiled and squeezed Joe’s hand reassuringly as a way to silently urge him to continue.
He cleared his throat, and his nose scrunched up slightly, "I'm not the best at these kinds of conversations, but, I guess what I'm trying to say is," You noticed his breath hitch and his pink lips part slightly. He sighed softly before saying, "Last night was amazing with you. It gave me the confirmation that I needed. You're not just my roommate anymore, Y/n. You're the girl I'm in love with," he gulped, adams apple prominently bobbing in his throat, "and if you feel the same way, I'd love to make you more than just my roommate."
Your smile widened at his words. You couldn't help it as he confessed his feelings about you to you. Joe's confession was the perfect mix of quirky, sweet, and genuine. Just like him. You let go of his hand, instead placing your smaller hand gently on his left cheek. You leaned in and kissed him softly, putting all of your love into this one kiss. Your mouths moved in perfect sync as Joe placed his hands on your waist, pulling you off of the barstool and into his lap. You pulled away and rest your forehead against his as the two of you m stared into each others eyes. You planted one last kiss to his lips before taking your forehead away from his. You and Joe looked at each other with so much love and adoration. You let out a small, content sigh as you began to speak.
"If that's your way of asking me to be your girlfriend," a small smile pulled at your lips, "then my answers yes."
Joe's eyes crinkled up and his perfect white teeth were on display as he grinned happily. You have never seen Joe grin that big before. It made you so happy to see him this happy, especially knowing that you were the reason that beautiful smile of his was so bright. Joe pulled you into a gentle and comforting embrace, wrapping his muscular arms (that you swore grew bigger by the day) around your body. 
"I love you, Y/n." Joe mumbled as you stroked his back and hummed into his chest.
"And I love you, Joey." you said, slightly pulling away from his embrace so that you could look up at him. He smiled down at you, leaning his head down so he could place a sweet kiss on your lips. The two of you pulled away, wide grins on both of your faces as you sat back in tour barstools and enjoyed your breakfast together. Although this breakfast was very different from the rest. You were eating breakfast…
Not as roommates...
Not as friends...
But as an official couple.
And that made you and Joe so, so happy.
hey loves!!
first of all i just want to say, the joe content we've got in the last two days...we have been BLESSED😩 all i can think about right now is how good he looked in all of those photos, videos, and his press conference, MMM. i apologize for who i have become since all that content dropped
anyways lol, this chapter was a bit shorter than usual. but i was REALLY struggling with writers block on this one so that's why. i apologize if it's a bit underwhelming, but i think it's still sweet!
i don't have too much to say, just that we're getting very close to the end of the this book! there still more important things to come in the next few chapters, so hopefully that keeps you all interested to continue reading this story ;)
your support on this story means so much to me. i love and appreciate every single one of you that has taken the time to read, like, reblog and comment on these chapters. it truly means so much🤍
tags: @jackharloww @ilovejoeburroww @dandelionwrites8 @ijustcrypretty @sinners-98-world @a-moment-captured @stainednailpolishremover @spooky-stoner @xoxokiaraaxoxo @kkrenae
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chrisevansleftpeck · 2 years
That’s the stupidest title but i thought thanksgiving was bland 😭
Spencer Reid x Wife!Reader
Word Count: 800 (exactly 💅)
Content Warnings: slight mention of ED (mostly just reader forgetting to eat bc she’s so in love with this man)
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You tumbled into the kitchen, rifling through your grocery bags. As you unloaded your thanksgiving groceries you smiled, hearing tiny footsteps and little nonsensical babbles. You turned around to surprise your daughter and lift her into the air.
“Silly, wanna help mama cook for daddy and you?” You help her on your hip, sifting through the kitchen drawers for a pair of scissors. You heard a little “daddy” in your ear, and that was enough convincing for you. You placed the red kitchen scissors on the kitchen counter and placed your daughter in her high chair behind you. 
You walked over to the record player Spencer bought you last Christmas and put on some Taylor Swift. Back in the kitchen you cut open the package of frozen bread rolls and popped them in the oven to cook. Then you started on your turkey, mostly completely helpless. You had no idea how to cook a turkey, and you weren’t expected to know until you had a kid and you wanted to give her a real at-home thanksgiving. Basically a thanksgiving that wasn’t prepared by Rossi. 
You hummed to Taylor Swift as your daughter babbled in the background when your husband entered through the front door or your big apartment. You didn’t notice him, preoccupied on your phone searching for how to cook a turkey. Maybe you should’ve figured that out yesterday. Suddenly, Spencer’s arms wrapped around your waist as he planted a sweet kiss on your cheek.
“My girl.” He whispered, arms still around you as he stared down at the raw turkey. His eyebrows furrowed, “It’s three pm.”
“Yes.” You exhaled.
Spencer let go of you, standing beside you instead. “Want help?” You looked at him, wanting to reject him, but a desperate neediness shone through your eyes. He nodded, “How about I’ll take the bread out when it’s done-”
You cut him off, looking down at your feet then at your daughter. “It’s not homemade, sorry. Just frozen. I was busy.” Your face winced a little, trying to ignore the stingy feeling starting in your nose and the water building in your eyes. 
Spencer just walked over to his daughter, lifting her from her chair and placing her on his chest. He carried her over to you then pulled both of you into a hug. “I don’t care about homemade, as long as I get to eat it with my girls.” You smiled against Spencer’s neck, as he ran his hand along your back. “Also she’s one years old, she probably won’t remember this after two to three weeks.” 
You giggled, pulling away from Spencer and your daughter. You exhaled deeply, releasing your own built up tension. “Okay, what was your plan?”
Spencer set your daughter down in her high chair again then headed back to you, “I’ll take the bread out later, I’ll try to deal with the turkey, and you can make the mashed potatoes. Hopefully we’ll be on the same page by then and we can make the sweet potato casserole together.” You took all of his words in, so much clearer than before. You loved watching his mind work.
You simply nodded and got to work. Throughout the next hour you’d take the rolls out and feed a cool sample to your daughter, letting her chew on the bread. You’d also boop Spencer’s nose, leaving a little dot of mashed potatoes that he licked off. 
“Oh, god I hope our daughter doesn’t have that gene.” You laughed. 
Spencer smiled widely, “What?! It’s a talent. She’d be lucky to have it.” Spencer danced his way over to his daughter, holding a spatula in one hand, “A lucky ten percent, huh?” He smiled hearing you and your daughter's giggles mix together. 
It didn’t seem to matter to Spencer that dinner wasn’t finished until 4:50. He was still the happiest man in the world. 
When all three of you finally got to sit down and eat dinner Spencer moved your hand away from your daughter's spoon as you tried to feed her. “I’ll feed her tonight. For once you only have to worry about feeding yourself.” He smiled at your daughter, not breaking his gaze from her. You watched the scene, him flying the sweet, soft casserole into her mouth. 
“You enamor me, Spencer Reid.” You spoke, unable to keep the thought to yourself. He broke away from the two of you’s daughter to look at you.
He twitched a little, smiling softly, “What a beautiful woman.” He nodded at your plate, “Made with love, no reason not to eat it now.” 
You laughed, coming out of a trance only his eyes and his daughter’s could hold over you.
“Happy Thanksgiving, my loves.” Spencer looked at both of his girls, smiling proudly of his sweet little family.
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2012aura · 1 year
progression !
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summary : cont of free treats, this is part 3!
wanring : marijuan use, cursing & idk what else
pairing : college!ellie williams x black!reader
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the thing that you heard when you woke up was giggling, which wasn't unusual, dina and jessie were always laughing at some silly stuff. but when you moved around and realized that one, you were practically still cuddled against ellie and two your phone wasn't where you left it.
you touched everywhere, your boob, behind your back, even under the pillow, dina then came near you and saw you freaking out. "looking for something?" she said holding your phone with two fingers. these sneaky girls, jesus christ what kind of trouble did they get you into today? "real funny dina, can i have it back now?" you asked, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. she threw it to the empty space on the couch, and you swiftly grabbed it. you instantly went to instagram to see the post and you laughed.
you honestly thought it was gonna be a thousand times worse than them posting some pics of you and ellie cuddling. you laughed along with them, once they realized you weren't upset, rather you found it amusing. as long as ellie didn't see anything wrong with it, you would just leave it up. there wasn't anything bad about it, it just looks like friends cuddling, right? you yawned as you started to get up from the couch, letting the pads of your feet hit the cold floor. "damn what time did you guys come in?" you asked as you finally got up and made your way to the small makeshift kitchen, "around five i think, i honestly can't remember, me and dina were wasted." jessie said sitting on one of the chairs. "shall i make us my famous dish, es scrambled eggs and thee finest turkey bacon?" you said in a fake french accent, using your hands to pronounciate the words. "YES WE ARE STARVING!" jessie and dina yelled in union, and that woke ellie up.
"shit whatever it is, me too." ellie laughed, quickly adjusting to the setting in the room. you got started, using the last four eggs they had and the seven pieces of bacon they had, you made enough for everyone to eat once and have a leftover baked good from last night. well, the ones that were still left over, and once you were done chefing it up you served everyone. you all sat on the floor and joyed the silence between each other, speaking ever so often to mention something irrelevant. once everyone was done you did the dishes, the shorts you had on yesterday were rolled up because it became hot in the room quickly but you couldn't tell if it was because of ellie or the heat from the sun outside.
ellie was definitely checking you out the whole time and the other girls took notice, telling jokes within themselves about the obvious pinning. it was around eleven am, meaning you had to clock in to work in about an hour, and you decided to say goodbye to everyone. "guys i gotta go, duty calls! how about you guys come around and maybe we can hang out on my break, or even better after my shift and we can do something!" you said excitedly. they all gave you some form of agreement except for ellie, "sorry i can't make it, i have practice." that made you upset, you were looking forward to seeing ellie today but that was okay! you knew things came before you because you both were barely friends and not even CLOSE to dating so why should it affect you? "that's alright ellie, maybe next time!" you said cheerfully, knowing somewhere deep down it kind of hurt.
you left out the door with your pants from yesterday placed onto of your shorts and simply just left after the final goodbyes. you felt like you were missing something but you brushed it off, not remembering the bag that you had brought with you. but ellie definitely remembered, it smelt like pure weed and vodka and she just had to return it to you. it took you only around thirty minutes to get ready and you were off to your job. the walk wasn't too far, just around ten minutes so you took the short stroll and admired the outside life. it wasn't long before you arrived at one of your favorite places, this place felt like home to you. you opened the door and the little bell rang letting them know someone entered.
"we don't open for another ten- oh hey good morning [name], what good?" cameron said. his ginger fro sticking up, and glowing from the sunlight outside. "ah i see you listened about oiling your scalp, how does it feel?" you asked while you grabbed your apron from the hanger. "bitch it feels the same bye." he said jokingly before returning to preparing the baked goodies presentations, you laughed with him as you tried to stifle it. the owner of the shop came out from the back, flour all over his black apron. he was an elderly man, and it was his families bakery for years, and he loved what he did. he smiled at you both as she took a seat at one of the tables closest to you both, "good morning team, how are you both?" his low voice echoing because of the silence. "I'm good sir, spent the night at a friend-" cameron cut you off, "she means GIRL friend, sir," you hit cameron over the counter dividing you two.
that started a small and childish hitting battle between you both that your boss found amusing, "enough you two, but a girlfriend? I'm happy for you sunshine, if she hurts you in any way you know where to find me." he said laughing to himself, causing you to laugh along. "yes sir i know, thank you." you said walking your way behind the counter to finally start your shift, today was gonna be good, you could feel it in your bones. the shop started to fill immediately and you were on your feet at a fast pace, taking orders, making drinks, and serving them right up. one of your favorite artists came on, mac miller, the way featuring ariana grande. it was an absolute hit in your opinion, and you loved the song, it got you in such a happy mood. you were so wrapped up in work that you didn't notice ellie waiting to the side patiently. you told cameron to take over the register for a second so you could walk over to her, and he did. you walked over to her and looked at her for a brief moment before asking, "hey ellie, what did you need?"
she pointed to her back and you saw your bookbag, your sunflower-themed bookbag on her back, and that's what you had forgotten. "oh my lord, thank you ellie! i must've forgotten it on my way out," she handed you her bag, and you held it for a second. "well i should go now, i've got soccer practice, see you later!" she said as she walked out the shop. you were honestly left starstruck, and it took a second to get back to your sense. when you did you went back behind the register and threw your bag through the open kitchen doors and left it in the corner somewhere. you saw cameron and mr. anderson speaking secretly and you just knew cameron was spilling everything and anything he knew. the day went on and the customers were coming in nonstop which didn't bother you, and near the end of your shift, you saw jessie, dina, and ellie sitting down at a table. why was ellie here, didn't she have practice you thought to yourself as you finished your last drink of the day? you said goodbye to cameron and mr. anderson. taking off your apron and hanging it back up where it was first put this morning, you fixed your hair slightly and grabbed your bag from the back.
you walked up to their table and spoke, "seems like i have some stalkers today, hm?" you jokingly said as they got up from the table. ellie smiled at you as dina and jessie said hello to you by attacking you with bear hugs, you were still confused as to why ellie was here. "hi guys, i missed yall," you said into the tight hug. once they let go you asked ellie, "i thought you had practice today?" you said softly as you all were leaving out the door. "yeah i did but the coach's daughter got hurt pretty badly and she goes to a different university so he had to go to her, which means no practice till he comes back." ellie said joyfully. that was good news, you really wanted to see her pretty face again today. "alright folks lets go smoke in a park, first, we have to stop by my dorm to grab the goods," you said as yall started walking that way. it didn't take long for you all to arrive and you instantly unlocked the door with your keycard and let them all in. you all went up to your room and grabbed the weed and some snacks for the travels. the park wasn't too far and the whole time was spent talking and joking around so the walk was way shorter than it seemed.
ellie made sure to let you stand on the safe side of the street while she stood near the traffic. she came close to holding your hand a couple times as the other girls were wrapped in their own conversation. you guys arrived and went to your usual spot in the park which was a little beyond it in the near woods. well it was rather a walkway for couples but it had a lot of wooded area, and you all settled down on top of the "wood blanket" and opened the book bag. in it sat a bong, some weed, and snacks and that's all you guys needed, ellie started to pack a bowl for herself as you scrolled on your phone. as she started to hit it you took out your phone to take photos of her for instagram, once she was done she passed it to you. she has hit the whole thing so you had to refill it and hit it yourself, feeling the plant hit your lungs, you breathed it out. you started to subtly feel the effects as you all were talking.
it was no joke with this stuff, a little really does go a long way with these. you laid back onto the blanket and ellie lay beside you, you both were very starry-eyed and zoned out. ellie then pulled out a small joint from her pocket and lit it up, taking a hit and then passing it to you. you took a hit and then another and passed it back to her. until you got up and handed dina your phone and told her to take a picture of you with it in your mouth. she did and you laid back down once again, seeing your body drifting off like the wind blowing against you guys. you reached your hand to the side and you felt ellie's and you grabbed it. it was really warm so you kept holding it, and in ellie's dazed state she didn't mind, she found it comforting. the rest of the night was spent with you all goofing around and taking so many pictures to post later.
at one point you and ellie took a little walk down the path, holding hands and just enjoying the outside. the trees were beautiful and so was the moonlight. it hit you both so beautifully, and you both were now staring at each other with nothing but adoration and affection in your eyes. one thing led to another and now you both were very handsy making out behind a tree, but dina and jessie still had a very clear view of this. your lips hit ellie's with a powerful force, making her stumble back into the tree, your teeth slightly biting down on her lips as she moaned into it. she flipped you guys over so now your back was against the tree and she started to attack your neck with these bites. they weren't so painful but they made something inside you crave more, maybe it was the high or maybe you were genuinely enjoying it. but it all came to a halt when jessie and dina snuck up on you both and gasped loudly.
making ellie take her teeth off your skin and you cover your face in embarrassment, not that you were kissing ellie but that you were caught. after that, you all decided the responsible young adult thing to was head back to your dorm and sleep the high away, and that's exactly what you did. you and ellie shared and bed while dina and jessie shared the empty one in your room, but before you went to bed you had to post about your night.
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liked by elliewilliams, dinawina and 13 others
blackmacmiller the key to happiness is good weed, good company and late night adventures. i love you guys, @dinawina @ elliewilliams @jjessiemessy! my hearts in human form!
view all 34 comments
dinawina i love you, way more ⭐️
> blackmacmiller lying again? wowza
jjessiemessy i hate you all
> blackmacmiller we love you too baby
> dinawina facts
elliewilliams thanks for the super awesome night, hopefully we have more of these
> blackmacmiller anytime you want, els
> dinawina FLIRTING I SEEE
cameronwalker & you say she not yo gf … bye GIRL!
> blackmacmiller gtfo cam, i’ll see you tmr
and with that, you were out like a light, hoping that your morning tomorrow could outshine the amazing day you had today. but you knew deep inside, nothing could ever top this bonding experience with your favorite people.
how we feeling … how we FEELING!
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jesussavemenow11 · 4 months
Winter's the Only Season // Smosh
Pairing- Amanda Lehan-Canto // Fem!Reader
Warnings- I don’t think any but if there is let me know and I will add them!
Word count- 1716
Summery- You love your close friends and family, especially when it comes time for the excitement of winter parties and feasts. But ever since your childhood best friend moved away, it’s never quite felt the same. 
 Winter’s in Boston are brutal, always have been brutal, will most likely always be brutal. From the wind to the constant snowfall. And don’t get me started on the irritable individuals that live in this city. I have a big family, they all come together during the big holidays like Christmas. It’s nice to have them all together. Friends and neighbors will get together and enjoy one another's company in the many parties my parents throw. The nights get rowdy and drinks get shared along with secrets about anyone and everyone. The moms gravitate to one side of the room, while the dads crowd to the other. 
It’s been this way since I was a kid. But ever since Amanda moved away, things haven’t been the same. Don’t get me wrong, I’m so happy she got out of this god forsaken city, but I can’t help but be devastated with the truth of her not being around anymore. Amanda and I grew up as neighbors, our moms being highschool friends and our dads being forced to enjoy one another's company, and the constant playdates since we were babies, we couldn’t help falling into some sort of friendship. Amanda really only comes back into town for the winter excitement, due to her moms constant nagging and begging for her to at least visit during Christmas. Though I see her yearly, I still crave the day she flies back in and everything would feel normal and at peace again. Today was that day.
I drove home yesterday, returning back to the house I grew up in. I went through the typical emotional greetings. Now I sit by the window, picking at the loose fabric on the cuff of my jeans, waiting oh so impatiently for Amanda to show up once more. It had been a full year since I last saw her, hugged her, felt her arms wrap around me and smelled her signature honey and tea tree perfume. 
My mom walked into the living room, a wooden spoon in hand, she sighed contently at me perched by the window. “Oh, honey.” She giggled slightly. “Hm?” I hummed back, not daring to move my eyes away from the view of the end of the street. “She’ll get here soon, I promise!” My mother tried reassuring me. 
“While you wait, why don’t you help Cindy and I in the kitchen?” She said as she returned to the kitchen. 
I rolled my eyes, my impatients eating away at me. The anticipation for Amanda to get here was killing me. I didn’t want to miss her arrival, but I also would feel awful If I didn’t go help my mom. So reluctantly I left my spot in front of the window, making my way to the kitchen. Immediately I was hit with the smell of warm rolls, turkey keeping warm in the oven and many other yearly feasts. My dad stood beside the fridge complaining to Cindy about how my mom won’t let him cook the turkey anymore because last year he cooked it for too long and my mom sent him out to get something else. 
“She’s never Cooked the Turkey Cindy!” My dad complained, throwing his arms up, to an annoyed Cindy who stood chopping veggies while my nephew sorted them on a platter beside her. “I know Scott, but you have to have more faith in your own wife.” Cindy reassured the man. 
I tried squeezing past the two, not sneaky enough though, my dad stopped me saying, “Candy! Help your dad out, tell your mom she has nothing to worry about.” I rolled my eyes at my frazzled father. “No thanks daddio, I don’t want to get caught up in between you and moms arguments.” I responded. My dad shook his head and mumbled under his breath. I reached over my nephew grabbing some celery. “We aren’t arguing, just bickering!” My mom giggled and patted my dads back. 
“Whatever it is, I don’t want to be a part of it. Dad please stop calling me Candy, I turned 34 this year, It’s not the same.” I said through a mouth full of celery. “Not the same as what?” He said as I squeezed past him. “As when you were 33?” I went to glare at him until I heard the front door open and a screech from my mom. “Amanda’s home!!” She shouted. 
I practically threw my celery on the counter, sprinting to the front of the house. I looked out the window to see Amanda and her dad getting out of their car. My heart picked up, my excitement bubbling in my stomach and to my chest. Suddenly I felt sweaty and out of breath. I ran to the front door pushing it open. There she was, her hair up in a low pony-tail to be out of her face. She wore a ‘Smosh’ hoodie and blue jeans. She stretched as she got out of the car. Her long limbs reaching for the sky. I took in her beauty, even from here she was flawless. I have liked every part of her for so long, she was back home. She had let her hair grow out since I last saw her, her bangs longer and her skin seemed so tan compared to the falling snow. 
I ran off the porch and straight into her, wrapping my arms around her neck. She stumbled back slightly, the impact startling her. Once she regained her balance, she wrapped her arms around me. I immediately melted into her embrace, she lifted me off the ground just barely to emphasize the love poured into the hug. This hug was shared yearly, typically on the same day, and nearly always at the same spot. Yet every time it feels so fresh and new. Amanda means the world to me, and I couldn’t stand the thought of never seeing her again. This moment right here, her hugging me, the faint feeling of her lips secretly pushed to my neck, the scent of her floating around us, my chest pounding with content, this moment was an unwritten law. We were to share this moment last year, this year, and the many years to come. 
  Hours passed since Amanda returned home, the sun had set by now and we had all enjoyed dinner around the table. Per usual Amanda and I sat side by side. Her hand squeezed my knee from time to time under the table. I sat back and let the others reunite with her as I admired her from afar. My favorite is watching her play card games with some of the family and friends. The pure passion she has for winning, I love when she gets so into it she will start screaming and slamming her cards down in anger. Her and my dad will get into full blown arguments about what play was wrong and how the other is cheating. She’ll point at him and say: “How is that cheating?!” As he accuses her of a perfectly out of hand play. At the end of it all I will remind them both they forget rules way to easily. 
Now, the both of us sit in the living room, wine glasses in our hands, and the bottle that I stole from the kitchen, stands on the floor just close enough to reach when either of us needs a quick refill. Everyone else either already went home or still sat chatting in the dining room out of sight, we could still hear them though, their loud banter and the faint christmas records creating a gentle ambience. 
I shared a gentle moment of peace with Amanda, just the two of us in the living room on Christmas eve night. She took a sip from her wine, I watched her lips as she did so, so delicate, so soft. Her eyes shimmered in the light of the Christmas tree. 
“How has work been?” I asked, really just using it as an excuse to hear her talk again. She shrugged. “Pretty good.” She started, her voice raspy from all of her shouting. “The fans seem to be taking a liking to our long story series stuff so we’re doing a lot of that lately.” 
I nodded along listening to her every word. “I think they have been taking a good liking to you!” I pointed at her, wine glass still in hand. She quickly shook her head, but I could see a small blush cover her face. “I mean I can’t blame them!” I giggled. 
“Oh please!” Amanda rolled her eyes. “Yeah I’m a real hot commodity!” She laughed with me. Our fit of giggles fading slowly into the background noise. “I really missed you.” I said suddenly, my heart skipping a beat when she looked over to me, her smile lingering on her face. “I always miss you.” She replied. 
A silence fell over us once more, I couldn’t help but admire her. “You stare a lot.” She said, “You have a very stare-worthy face.” I replied quickly. Her smile dropped, and I inched forward, I had been waiting to feel this again, was the the moment? 
“You too.” She replied before leaning the rest of the way.
I kissed her, slow and tender. She returned the gentle kiss, treating me as if I were made of the finest marble and she didn’t dare make a scratch. I pushed deeper into the kiss, wanting to live in the moment all the time. Wanting to have her during all seasons, I want to have her near me everyday. I don’t want to wait for that one time of year that she comes home and I only get her for two weeks. I loved these two weeks, but I also despised them because I knew at the end I would have to say goodbye again. 
I knew that at the end she would go back to California and I would go back to my 9-5, as I counted down the days of her return. Winter was the only season we could be together.
I hope you enjoy this, this is my first EVER smosh fic. I hope you like it, leave critics and requests I am open to anything. I used to be a huge fanfic writer but haven't done it in a while so I'm a little rusty. Love you all!! - DOT
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taivansupremacy · 2 years
Act Like You Mean It (Part 1)
part 2 part 3
Summary: Robin asks you to be her fake girlfriend for a week so she can catch Vickie’s attention. What she doesn’t know is that she’s already caught yours.
A/N: Thank you to everyone who has shown love to the teaser that I posted yesterday! You all motivated me to finish the chapter today and get it posted. I hope that you enjoy! As usual, I got a bit carried away and it’s a little long, but I hope you like it nonetheless.
CW: swearing, pining, unrequited love
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“It would only be for a week, I swear! After prom next Saturday, we can forget about this entire thing.” Robin followed you around Family Video begging you to take part in her little scheme when all you were trying to do was find Nightmare on Elm Street, rent it, and get out of there.
All week, Robin had been asking you to pretend to date her so Vickie would notice her. She first brought it up at lunch on Monday and you almost choked on your turkey sandwich and immediately shut her down. Now, it was Saturday evening and Robin still wouldn't let the idea go.
“No!” You stopped in the middle of the aisle and turned to face your best friend, “You know I’m a shit liar. Why don’t you pretend to date Steve?”
It’s true, you were the worst liar that Robin’s ever met, but that wasn’t the main issue that you would face if you went along with her plan. You’d been head over heels for Robin since you met her at the video store at the beginning of your senior year. You often fantasized about what it would be like to date her, to be able to kiss her, hold her hand in public, and call her yours, but Robin only had eyes for Vickie and you knew that if you let yourself pretend she was yours for a week, when it was time to stop pretending, you’d break your own heart.
Robin looked at you like you’d asked her to eat bugs off the sidewalk. “First of all, gross. Second of all, I want Vickie to see that I’m gay. She’ll think I’m as straight as an arrow if she saw me with that dingus. Also, did I mention, gross.”
“Okay, okay, Robin you’ve made your point,” Steve looked up from the tapes that he was sorting through at the counter, “This may sound crazy, but have you ever considered just asking her out?”
“You know I can’t do that!” Robin threw her hands up and scoffed, “I can barely act like a functioning human around her. How do you expect me to ask her out and be smooth about it?”
You opened your mouth to reply, but Robin beat you to it.
“Please, y/n? I-I’ll let you rent movies for free for a month! I’ll write your next lab report for Freedman’s class!” The blonde started running off idea after idea. She even went as far as to say she’d do all your homework for chemistry class.
You always lost yourself when Robin would start to ramble, especially when she was this passionate. You found yourself staring at her blue eyes, finding as many little green specs as you can, staring at her lips as she talked a mile a minute and imagined what it would feel like to kiss them, you stared at her hands as they moved animatedly, imagining what it would be like to play with her rings when she held your hand and how strong her hands would feel holding your waist.
But as always, something snapped you out of your trance. This time, it was Robin herself.
“Hello? Earth to y/n!” Robin waved her hand in front of your face, smiling when she gained your attention, “So what do you say? Will you do it?
“Yes,” You responded without thinking and immediately clue
You panicked as Robin picked you up and spins you around, thanking you profusely as realization washed over you.
What have you gotten yourself into?
A little while after you got back home, your phone rang. You picked it up off its cradle on your bedside table and pressed it to your ear. You had a feeling that you knew who it was.
“Hey, y/n.” Steve answered. You could already hear his sympathetic tone.
“What’s up, Steve?” You sighed, preparing yourself for Steve’s imminent scolding.
“What was that tonight at the video store?” There it was. “I thought you agreed not to get involved in this fake dating scheme. You and I both know that you're only gonna get hurt.”
Steve was the only person that knew how you felt about Robin. He’d noticed you staring one evening when you came to visit them at the video store and brought it up to you when Robin retreated to the back for a bathroom break. Now, he throws you sympathetic looks when Robin talks about Vickie, but you pretend not to see them.
When Steve caught wind of Robin’s fake dating plan, he immediately cornered you, telling you what you already knew, that you would wind up hurt if you went along with it. So, you promised him that you wouldn't get involved no matter what she said or did.
“I didn't plan on it!” You defended, “You know I zone out when Robin rambles and I wasn't entirely thinking straight when she asked me that last time.”
Steve sighed, “Just be careful, alright? And don’t get so stuck in your head that you don’t see what’s right in front of you.”
Translation: Don’t start fantasizing and convincing yourself that Robin is in love with you. Remember that it’s just pretend.
“Yeah, I promise.” You nod, although he can't see you, feeling more disappointed (and maybe even embarrassed) by the second.
“Alright, well, I’ll see you tomorrow at the store. Take care of yourself, y/n. You know I’m always here when you need to talk” Steve sounded sincere, yet melancholy.
You only hoped that his presence and listening ear would be enough to get you through the upcoming week.
The next evening, Robin showed up at your doorstep with a pizza, some sodas, and a few movies.
“Hey, Rob.” You stepped back to allow Robin to walk into the house and took the pizza out of her hands, as they looked pretty full. “What are you doing here?”
“Well, tomorrow starts our week of “dating” so I figured we could have a little practice run and maybe talk about the logistics of some things?”
You nodded wordlessly, leading the way up the stairs and to your bedroom. You set the pizza box on the floor and took a seat. Robin followed suit and grabbed a slice from the box, handing you one as well.
“So, I was thinking we could kinda set our boundaries tonight. Talk through what you’re comfortable with and what you aren’t PDA wise.” Robin took a bite of her pizza before cracking open a soda can. “How do you feel about hand holding, and kissing at school?”
“I’m fine with hand holding… and I would be comfortable with kissing if I had been kissed before.” You avert your eyes as your cheeks turned red. You stared down at the pizza in your hands as you waited for a response.
“Wait, y/n,” Robin put her piece of pizza down inside the box and turns to face you, “You’ve never been kissed?”
“Nope, never.” You mumbled.
Robin sensed the embarrassment in your voice and slipped a finger under your chin to lift your face up so you could look at her. Your heart fluttered at the gesture. It felt so intimate, so loving, and as much as your head cautioned you, told you not to get carried away by one small action, your heart wouldn’t listen. Her finger lingered for a minute as she spoke.
“Hey, you know that’s nothing to be embarrassed about, right?” Robin dropped her hand back into her lap and gives you a reassuring smile.
A beat of silence passed before Robin spoke up again.
“Maybe we could practice a little if you want. You know, that way we can use it this week if you’re comfortable and you can have a little experience under your belt for the real thing.” Robin’s smile faltered when she saw your panic-stricken face. “We don’t have to if you don’t want to, y/n.”
A million thoughts ran through your head at that moment. You had the chance to kiss Robin and even if it wouldn’t be “real,” the mere thought of that made your stomach erupt with butterflies. As much as you wanted to jump at the opportunity, Steve’s words of caution echoed in your brain. As usual, your heart won.
“N-No,” You started, “We could try it. It’d rather my first kiss be with you anyway.” Your eyes widened when you caught your mistake. “Because you’re my best friend… and you won’t break my heart!” You were saved, but the irony of that sentence wasn’t lost on you.
“If you’re sure.”
You nodded in response, following Robin to sit on your bed. Once you were seated, she placed her hands on your waist and starts leaning in slowly, giving you time to back out. She’s mere centimeters away from your lips when you wind your arms around her neck and pull her in. The moment her lips touch yours, you’re addicted. The scent of her perfume and strawberry shampoo consumed you and you taste the remnants of her favorite chapstick on her lips. Your heart beats at what you’re sure is a wildly unhealthy rate and you feel like you’re frozen in time; like nothing else exists in this world but you and Robin. Kissing her felt like home. She pulls away much too soon, but you could still taste the flavor of her chapstick that transferred onto your lips.
“Wow, y/l/n,” Robin chuckled, “Are you sure you’d never kissed before?”
You giggled nervously, fidgeting with your fingers in your lap. “Absolutely positive. You were my first.” The thought makes you feel warm inside.
“Well I’m honored,” She paused for a second, “So… how do you feel about kissing at school?”
You knew that you should decline and tell Robin that you still aren’t comfortable, but you were already thinking about the next time you would get to feel the warmth of her touch and her lips on yours. You really were in deep.
“We could do that!” You tried to hide your enthusiasm but failed miserably.
“Yes!” Robin launched forward and tackled you in a hug, “We are totally gonna sell our ‘relationship’ to Vickie!”
It was gonna be a long week.
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epigstolary · 2 years
A New Home
TW: Medical fatphobia and discussion of health issues, sadistic caregiver, immobility
I catch myself nervously fingering the sides of my belly, at the far extent of my reach, wishing I could be anywhere but here. Anywhere but having this skinny doctor, standing at the foot of my bed — one of those reinforced bariatric jobs, which I couldn’t leave without the help of a couple of strong orderlies, even if I could muster the will to try — very clearly disgusted by the sight of me, and lecturing me about what I would have to do if I wanted to salvage my health.
“You realize you’ve gotten yourself into a very dangerous situation, don’t you?” he says, palpating the flesh bulging from my thighs and underbelly, studying the darkening skin spreading from the folds. “You have allowed yourself to become extremely morbidly obese. I can see from the notes on your chart yesterday that you’re not able to lift yourself, not able to reposition yourself without assistance, you become very short of breath from any movement. And your lab numbers are very bad. Your cholesterol is very high, your blood pressure is consistently in the danger zone, and you’re ridiculously diabetic. That’s a very big hole you’re going to have to dig yourself out of.”
I had to scrutinize his expression to see if the double-meaning was intended — no sign of a smirk on that businesslike face, looking at the notes he was jotting on his tablet — but even so, I knew there was more truth in it than just what he meant. Just thinking about my situation was enough to make my blood run cold.
Today is the first day I’ve gotten to rest since I had to leave home. I say “had to,” when what I really mean is that I was made to. The power of attorney my feeder had made me sign — along with the gaining contract, the life insurance policy, and a bunch of other paperwork — had seemed so thrilling at the time, when we were just starting to fatten me up. Now, I wish I’d thought a little more carefully about it. Once I’d passed the half-ton mark, and my feeder had to start spending more time sponging my rolls than getting off to them, my days at home were numbered. I’m surprised he made it almost the full year. But he was well over it by then, and that little piece of paper was all he needed to sign me up for a one-way ambulance ride to this nursing home hellhole, and my bare room with a scenic view of the parking lot.
The ambulance was backed up to our house first thing in the morning two days ago. The first I knew about it was my feeder shaking my belly to wake me up, moments before two burly men in scrubs marched in and pulled off my bedsheets, one of them giving an involuntary whistle at the sight of my body filling the mattress before he recollected himself. I was still out of it, disoriented, and my oxygen wasn’t on yet, but I remember my feeder whispering in my ear that these men were here to help him, that I was going somewhere they could take better care of me, and that he was going to be right behind them. I didn’t even have a chance to protest before they started rolling me around, trying to maneuver some kind of tarp under me and strap a series of harnesses around my body. My bones and joints were sore and aching, and I was winded and out of breath just from the movement of all my weight, by the time they finished with me, trussed up like a Christmas turkey and totally unable to move.
Then a troupe of even more men joined them, the group having to exert all their effort just to slide me a couple of inches at a time, slowly working me closer and closer to the front door, with a heave and a plop each time. The whole thing was mortifying — I knew I was big, of course, but I had no idea I was so heavy that I could barely be moved by a half-dozen men exerting all their effort. I’ve never wanted to disappear more than when one young fireman, red-faced and muscles dewy with perspiration, let out a “Goddamn, that’s heavy” on the sixth or seventh heave through the living room. Nobody had to say it, but I knew they were all thinking about me that way, the person not much older than him who’d gorged themselves up to a quadruple-digit weight and beyond like it was their job.
Which it was; but they didn’t know that, and my feeder was doing his best impression of the dutiful but overwhelmed caretaker to leave them none the wiser. I was big when we met, he said, but not this big; he’d always tried to keep me to a healthy diet; I always found ways to fall off the wagon; eventually he had to give in and just help manage the fallout; I’d finally eaten myself too big for him to take care of me anymore, and he just didn’t know what he’d do without outside help. The lead paramedic was nodding sympathetically, saying obesity cases like mine happen more often than you’d think, eating up the entire sob story. If only he could have seen my feeder literally cramming eclairs down my throat the night before. The hypocrite.
It took the better part of the day getting me hauled out of the house, hoisted onto a reinforced gurney, maneuvered into the back of the ambulance, driven several cities over, rolled out at the nursing home, and hoisted onto my permanent bed. At one point, before the drive, they left me laying just outside the front door, having to watch the crowd of neighbors and other onlookers gawking at me, over 1,300 pounds of helpless flab, all bundled up for transport and barely able to wriggle my hands around. The embarrassment would have been obvious on my face if I wasn’t already beet red from just trying to keep my body from jiggling too wildly every time the team tried to move me. By the time I was settled in and able to catch my breath, it was already close to dusk.
The next day was no less hectic, but this time it was a series of doctors’ visits and tests to measure just how fat and out of shape I was. It took the nurse longer than I care to admit to find a vein he could use for blood testing, giving up on my flabby excuse for an elbow before struggling almost as badly on my fat-puffed hands. A seemingly endless rotation of doctors and nurses came to poke and prod me, doing nerve conduction tests on my feet and hands, taking more blood sugar readings, lifting every roll and checking every crevice for signs of lymphedema or other skin ailments. By the afternoon, I was ready to pass out from the combination of activity, the relentless nagging about needing to take better care of myself, and the (for me) complete lack of food their three conventionally-sized meals constituted.
After everyone left, I could hear the nurses talking about me in the hall, although they didn’t realize it.
“…chill for a couple minutes before we go turn them? Even with the winch, they’re heavy as fuck.”
“You get a feel for it after a while. How to maneuver around and everything.”
“How often do they actually get, you know, the really big ones back walking again? ‘Cause they have to lose, like, hundreds and hundreds of pounds to even get there, right?”
“I haven’t known but a couple who actually lost enough weight to discharge them. At least, not here. Most of the time, they can’t get over the food addiction. Like, you wouldn’t think someone the size of a house who can’t get out of bed could find a way to get food in here, but they always do.”
“Jeez. Really?”
“Yeah. It used to take a little bit of effort, before they could order whatever they want from their phones. But now a lot of them’ll just keep getting garbage delivered and putting it away until they have the big one.”
“Damn. Why doesn’t anyone stop them?”
“Do you have time to check everyone who walks through here, when two people don’t show for their shifts and you’ve got fifty beds to do? Bitch, please. Come on, I want a smoke before we go in.”
It was then that my feeder made his appearance. I saw him slip something to the nurse who showed him to my room. He looked at whatever it was in his palm and smiled before pocketing it, leaving the room, and locking the door behind him. Then I felt something warm land on my bare chest: a huge paper bag — heavy, stained with grease, and bearing the logo of my favorite fast food stop. From its weight, I knew it must contain almost a day’s worth of junk; and from the gleam in my feeder’s eye, I knew every bit of that junk would be going down my throat as quickly as my feeder could get it into my mouth.
“You must be starving, sweetheart, after having nothing but hospital fare for the last day or so. I hope you didn’t think I was actually going to make you start slimming down?” he said with a mocking solicitude. “No, I’m going to do everything I can to make sure you keep gaining, no matter what your doctors may do to try to rehabilitate you. You’re mine, my half-ton prize pig, and I’m making sure you stay that way until the very end.”
It took him the better part of two hours, but he made sure I ate every bite of food I’d usually eat in a full day, accepting no complaints and giving no comfort. He stared gleefully into my eyes as he gently but relentlessly pressed bite after bite into my overworked mouth. After my feeding was over and he’d cleaned the grease and crumbs off my face, I was panting and sweating, barely able to breathe even with oxygen from the pressure of all the food. It was then that he unlocked the door and summoned the two nurses who were outside earlier, telling them I looked really uncomfortable and asking if they could reposition me. He stood in the corner as they rigged up the bariatric hoist, sneaking videos and watching them work my wobbling body, overwhelmed by blubber, into the harness so it could slowly rotate me onto my belly. I could tell he was enjoying every second of seeing me manhandled, moved around more like some particularly bulky freight or livestock than a person. When the nurses finally finished after what seemed like an eternity and left the room, he followed, taking a handful of my chubby jowl and giving it a squeeze. “Same time tomorrow, slim? I guess I know where to find you, haha.”
I was left alone with my thoughts for what was really the first time since the move. I could feel my cheeks burning with shame, a pit of anxiety and embarrassment growing into a widening chasm in my overfull belly. Getting this fat had always been the goal; needing bariatric care was the apex for every extreme gainer and every encourager who tracked their progress. But now that I was here, and it was an actual fact — now that I really was too fat to move on my own, and had no choice but to submit to strangers for even the simplest tasks, no matter how private — the reality was horrifying. I had wrecked my body beyond the point of no return because my feeder and a bunch of random people on the internet that I would never meet found it hot. I had been proud of my gains, greedy for more, and I never really considered the ramifications of the end game. Now my body was choked with fat, pinned to this reinforced bed, with no hope of slimming down and every prospect of being made to balloon even more, all because some strangers wanted to get off. How could they do this to a person? To me?
“But you’re letting yourself off the hook by blaming them,” my conscience chimed in. “You wanted an easy life just as much as they wanted you to gain, if not more. You wanted to be able to graze and gorge, and to have nothing more to think about than your next meal. And you got exactly what you asked for; you got to kick back and compress a lifetime worth of calories into a few short years. It’s nobody’s fault but your own that you only get to enjoy that life for a couple more years, at the outside. Deal with it, fatass.”
And today here I am, getting harangued by an utterly unsympathetic doctor. Being run through the parade of horribles that will happen if I don’t commit to an ordinary diet, apply myself to an exercise routine designed to recover my mobility, attend to a medication regimen. In the back of my mind, I know this is all a waste of time. That I’m going to be pumped full of greasy burgers and fattening pastas and melted ice cream every day while the nurses are turning a blind eye. That my bloated legs and fat-laden arms and belly the size of a mattress aren’t going anywhere. That I’m ending my days here, probably at a weight closer to a ton than not, depending on how long I can hold out.
The fluorescent lights buzz incessantly above me. I can feel the waves of chilling air driven by the ceiling fan wafting across the expanse of my flab. My body wobbles slowly back and forth with each breath, machines trying to drive enough oxygen into me to keep me going. Outside, I can see one of the elderly residents shuffling by, braced against a tennis ball-bedecked metal walker. Slow. Ancient. And far more mobile than my youthful, three-quarter-ton blob body ever will be again. I fucked up big time. I’m too fat to fix it, and my feeder’s going to make sure I stay that way.
I’m never getting out of here.
Thanks to @gaining-at-all-times for suggesting the idea for this one, and providing a lot of the source material
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vneuns · 2 years
Eddie with a hippie gf??
i think of myself personally as a hippie so this ask? the SECOND. and yes i mean second. i got it i HAD to start writing— ooh what if i made this a series 🤭🫶🏾
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♡‧₊˚ lighting the stick of incense in your hand you placed it in your small vase you made in ceramics that was shaped like a women whilst the smoke flew out of her mouth.
you moved from your dresser by your tv over towards the plants by your window, leaning down you grabbed the small mist spray bottle your loving boyfriend had bought you and begun to spray each and everyone and giving each a compliment of how well they’d been growing.
jazz music played lightly in the background from your mint green radio as you stood up and looked over at your boyfriend who was passed out on your bed in his outside clothes, you cringed internally before deciding you’d let him be and leaving to go make some sandwiches for dinner.
when you came back you weren’t surprised to see the boy still asleep except this time he was facing the doorway drooling slightly on the pillow you gave him, and your frog you got from a thrift store not to long ago.
chuckling internally to yourself you placed the plate with two lettuce, cheese, tomato, mayonnaise and turkey sandwiches on your nightstand along with the cup of ice tea you’d made yesterday.
your eyes drifted over to eddie his chest rising and falling slowly and his eyelids fluttering slightly, smiling to yourself about how lucky you were to have him you leant down placing a single kiss to his forehead, before moving towards your closet grabbing a metallica t-shirt ed had left one time you’d claimed as your sleep shirt.
closing the door after grabbing your eddie’s shirt you pulled the white tank top from your body throwing it into your dirty clothes basket before doing the same thing with your long skirt and bra leaving you only in your underwear.
“Well isn’t this a sight to wake up to.” You looked over your shoulder at your boyfriend who was sat up slightly smirking at you. “Come over here baby,”
You pulled the stolen shirt over your head turning around and walking back towards the bed just before you had put your arms through the holes. Eddie moved back slightly so you’d have somewhere to sit.
immediately after sitting down his hands went to your waist rubbing your stomach softly before his hands went down a tiny bit farther and began rubbing at your stretch marks.
eddie was obsessed. with the marks that were lined up on your sides just above your hips.
“How was your nap?” your voice was low barely above a whisper but you knew he heard you when his head went back and his eyes rolled towards the back of your head.
A small laugh left your lips as your hands went to his hair rubbing gently at his scalp.
“Felt like I was sleeping on a kings mattress, definitely beat sleeping in the trailer.” Your lips curved in a frown at the mention of his living arrangements at the moment. “Eddie..” Your eyebrows furrowed sadly and before you could say anything he spoke.
“I know princess, and I appreciate your parents for offering but I wouldn’t be able to leave my uncle like that and you know that.” And it was true you did know, but you also know that after talking to his uncle he wants what’s best for his nephew and would prefer he lived with you than him. except you never told eddie that.
he was independent and liked things done when he wanted and on his own time, so you never forced him into anything ever.
too occupied in your own head you hadn’t notice how close the brunette had gotten, his forehead against yours his lips pecking yours trying to regain your attention.
“Hey.. I’m okay, I promise.” He told you his hands moving under your thighs and placing you on his lap so you were closer than before. you nodded trying to convince yourself that he genuinely was okay.
“I see you made your famous sandwiches,” he turned slightly towards the plate on your nightstand before picking it up and putting it on the opposite side of the two of you.
“Just the way you like it,” You told him moving your legs to wrap around his waist and crossing them behind his back.
eddie picked up one of the triangular cute sandwiches putting it towards your mouth allowing you to take a bit before doing the same.
you watched in awe as he chewed his mouth making circles every time and when he caught you staring he scrunched his nose and placed his head in between your shoulder and neck taking a small bite out of the skin in the middle.
“Eddie!” You screeched laughing, and in that point in time all you could think about was how madly in love you were with this man.
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rebelliousstories · 1 year
25 Days of Ficmas
Relationship: Pete “Maverick” Mitchell x Reader
Fandom: Top Gun: Maverick/Top Gun
Request: No
Warnings: Fluff, Brief Strong Language
Word Count: 2,109
Masterlist: Here
Top Gun Masterlist: Here
Summary: As the resident mom and dad of the Dagger Team, the Mitchell’s host the team for a festive night.
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“Honey! Can you get the turkey out of the oven? I’m a little occupied with the cookies.”
“Of course dear!”
It was currently 4:00 PM on a chilly December Saturday, and the energy in the Mitchell’s home was alive. They were currently preparing a feast to be had in a few hours, with lots of friends. The couple had offered to host a Christmas dinner for the aviators that couldn’t go home for the holidays, which was almost all of the Dagger team. Surprisingly, when you’re one of the most elite aviation squads on the planet, they like for you to be training constantly. But that was okay, because tonight they could forget about everything for a little while.
Pete set down the massive turkey on the counter, and checked the temperature to make sure that he wasn’t about to kill his team or wife. He basted the massive bird, and made sure that the potatoes and other vegetables in the pan below were cooked as well. The turkey would be alright to rest in the cooling oven until the team got here, so as to keep it nice and warm. Maverick went around the kitchen and made sure to double check that all the other sides were doing alright. They weren’t making much else other than the turkey, mashed potatoes, and roasted veggies, for dinner. Everyone from the team was suppose to be bringing something for the dinner. However the other thing that the Mitchell’s were in charge of, specifically Mrs. Mitchell, was the sweets.
She had been working all day on different sweets, and even longer on some of them. Her bakery had been closed that day for the holiday, and she made sure to bring home some sweets. Cookies, though, were always made the day of, as were cupcakes. The royal icing she was currently applying was turning a boring cookie, into a beautiful Christmas tree complete with little dots for ornaments, and a little star. She was working in peace, until she felt the familiar weight of her husband’s arms wrapped around her waist, and his chin on her shoulder.
“What do we have here, cupcake?” Pete asked, observing his wife’s creations spread out on the additional counter space. She chuckled at the nickname her husband insisted on. Ever since they started dating, he had been calling her all sorts of sweet themed nicknames. Sugar, cupcake, cookie, honey; the list goes on. She suspected that it stemmed from her working in a bakery and sweets shop, because the other explanation would have to be that it was popular in the 80’s and he hadn’t grown out of the habit. Either way, it warmed her heart that he still put in effort to make her smile.
“Just a few sweets. I had to replenish our hard candies, and being in the shop yesterday made me think that they’d like some sweet. There are some of my new raspberry and chocolate cupcakes chilling in the fridge as well.” Mrs. Mitchell was always coming up with something new, being the creative woman that she was. There were new and seasonal flavors in near constant rotation which helped keep things interesting around the shop. It also meant that whenever she pulled a late night at the shop creating and testing new flavors, Pete would inevitably become her taste tester when he came to pick her up.
“They look almost as good as you, sugar.” He pressed kisses along her neck, causing her to giggle and stop piping on the cookie. She tipped her head back, and closed her eyes, while Maverick began to sway them back and forth. His hands went under her shirt, and rested on her stomach.
Knock, knock, knock.
Pete stopped his activities, and sighed deeply. His forehead rested on her shoulder, and his shoulders slumped. His wife chuckled at him and pressed a kiss to his head.
“Should probably go open the door, Mav.” He nodded and reluctantly pulled himself away from his wife. But not without getting one more kiss, and he headed towards the front door. She turned back to her work as she heard the commotion by the front door.
“Bradley. How are ya?” Pete asked pulling the man in for a hug. The mustached pilot returned the affection eagerly before they pulled apart.
“I’m alright, Mav. Hope I’m not to obnoxiously early.” He stepped inside the home, and took a deep inhale at all the smells that were around them.
“Only a little bit. But you’re always welcome here.” The older man noticed the grocery bags in Rooster’s hands and showed him to the kitchen. They could see the woman from the other side, as she continued to work like nothing had happened. But the second she could, she threw down her piping bag and came over to the pilots.
“Bradley! How are you doing?” She brought him for a hug, while Maverick pulled the bags out of the young man’s hands. When they pulled away, they saw Maverick pulling booze out of the bags and he shot Bradley a look.
“Thought you were supposed to bring food today?” Maverick asked, placing beers in the fridge, and bottles of wine on the counter.
“You don’t want me to cook, trust me. Made one or two dates run off from that. Besides, can’t go wrong with booze.” The older man laughed at the younger’s statement, and nodded in agreement. While Mrs. Mitchell finished up the sweets for the evening, the men went into the living room to sit down and chat. She couldn’t hear much of what they were talking about, but it was nice background noise while she worked. It wasn’t long before she was done with the cookies, and made sure to double check on the cupcakes in the fridge, before she joined her husband and his godson in the living room.
One by one, the Dagger team showed up. Phoenix was next, as she arrived with Mac and cheese for the table. Hangman brought rolls not even five minutes after Phoenix arrived. It took a minute for Bob to show up, but the peach cobbler he brought looked worth it. No one was expecting Fanboy to show up with homemade deviled eggs, and boy did they look good. A few more minutes and Fanboy’s front seater, Payback, arrived with chips galore. Shockingly, Coyote was the last one to arrive with sodas, and a few fresh veggie trays. Slowly, but surely, the Mitchell’s counter space got eaten up by all the food that was now covering the table. Maverick went to get the turkey out of the oven while everyone helped set the table with all the food, plates, cups, and silverware.
The Dagger team sat down for a wonderful Christmas dinner together. Everyone was merry, and having an amazing night. They laughed, told stories, and what they wished for the coming year. Even if the team couldn’t be with their families that Christmas, it was still their favorite spent away from home. Once everyone stopped laughing at a story Maverick told about a toddler Rooster running naked around Miramar and nearly getting Goose a citation; said man was hiding his face in his hands, everyone made their way to the living room where they sprawled out. Hangman, Phoenix, and Rooster occupied one side of the L-shaped couch, while Coyote stretched out on the shorter side. Bob and Fanboy made themselves at home on the floor, and Payback relaxed in the recliner. After Pete had cleaned up dinner, and his wife had plated up their sweet treats, the couple made their way to the living room as well.
“Just make yourselves at home guys.” Maverick said, observing the distinct lack of shoes, and the way his team lounged about.
“It’s a very comfy home, pops.” Hangman shot back with a wink, to which the man shook is head at.
“Behind you, darling.” She said, holding a couple platters of sweets. The aviators perked up as she set down the trays filled with cookies and cupcakes. As the younger pilots dug in to the sweet confections, she made her way to sit down with her husband on the remaining loveseat in the living room. Or rather, she sat down on her husband, on the only remaining seating arrangement left in the room. Sounds of approval rang through the room.
“Mrs. M, this is the best cupcake I have ever had! What is this?” Fanboy asked, his nose tinted pint with frosting. She giggled, which sent the young man into a confused state. Her fingers rubbed her nose gently, and Fanboy finally realized what she was getting at. He blushed and wiped his nose with a nearby napkin.
“It’s a chocolate cake, with raspberry filling, and a raspberry frosting. One of the seasonal flavors in the shop this winter.” She could tell that the whole team was enjoying the cupcakes, which made her feel good. Maverick tapped her thigh twice to get her attention, and looked hopeful at her.
“Yes?” She whispered, careful not to disturb the conversation now happening in front of them.
“Could you go get me candy please? If I have one of those cupcakes, I think I’ll explode.” Her smile told him that she would go get him the candy, and he pressed an appreciative kiss to her cheek. His wife vacated his lap, and made her way back to the kitchen where the hard candies sat. Since he didn’t specify, she grabbed a few of each kind she had brought home from work yesterday, and put them in a small dish. Mrs. Mitchell made her way back into the living room, where her absence had finally been noticed. But, she simply took back her place on Maverick’s lap, and handed him the dish. As he popped one of the candies his mouth, the conversation shifted over to the couple on the chair.
“Whatcha got there, pops?” Hangman called out, taking another cookie off the plate. Maverick shook the little dish again to scramble the contents before he responded.
“Candies from the shop.” Pete placed another one in his mouth; this time a banana flavored one.
“Hard candies? You really are an old timer, huh?” The blonde pilot joked, as he bit off half of the cookie in one go.
“Careful Bagman,” Phoenix began, “Mav is still an ace.”
“And he can still kick your ass in the sky.” Rooster added.
“And on land.” Maverick chimed in, candy still in his mouth.
“Besides, hard candies remind me of my younger years. It’s practically the only thing on a navy carrier that’s sweet and doesn’t go bad after three months at sea.” He added, as everyone in the room could understand. Hard candies were the one type of candy that was virtually impossible to kill. Cakes, cookies, pastries; all of those would go bad on a carrier that’s going out for deployment. But not hard candy.
“Can I try one, Maverick?” Bob asked quietly form the ground. The elder pilot happily leaned down to share his sweets with the WSO. When he placed one in his mouth, his eyes got wide. Bob immediately turned to Pete’s wife with a wistful, childlike expression on his face.
“You make these?” He asked softly.
“We make them in house, yes. I usually don’t deal with that side of the shop except for flavor combinations, or if I need some candies for my side.” She explained, watching with glee as Bob seemed to be having an other worldly experience with the candy.
“Can I get some? When you open up again? That is the best candy I’ve ever had.” He said it with such conviction and sincerity, that she felt her cheeks heat up.
“Of course you can Bob. Just swing by whenever you can, and we’ll get you all the candies you want.” The WSO looked positively giddy at the prospect of having more of those delicious tiny drops of happiness. Maverick slide him another one when he saw the young man’s face.
“Thanks for inviting us, Mav.” Rooster said as the conversations came to a halt. Everyone was quick to chime in with a form of the sentiment, and Maverick waved them off.
“You’re welcome everybody. I’m glad we could do this for you guys. But if you ever insult my candies again, I’m going to throw you out.” Maverick pointed a finger at Hangman, as everyone laughed. The blonde pilot chuckled along, and leaned back in his seat. Everyone was glad to have this night of familiarity, and comfort, even if they couldn’t be at home with their family.
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notsofunsenpai · 5 months
Christmas Hangover
Your alarm blaring as your eyes open wide awake depending on if you should hit the snooze button for the 6th time or actually get up. You deiced you gotta get up so you turn the annyoing alarm off,sitting up grumbling to yourself as you gotta go back to ypur normal daily routine now that Christmas is over and done with for this year.
Your future husband was dead asleep next to you,but you'll wake him up later because right now, you yourself is finding the courage to get up even though you said you were a few minutes ago. Once you actually got up, the floorn was cold,so you quickly put on your warm slippers and go downstairs for some leftovers to eat for breakfast. It wasn't anything too big, just the leftover cassorle you saved from yesterday, then for lunch or dinner leftover turkey and stuff. You knew Kenji was going to wake up around noon so you just finish the cassorle off and he can find some,after you finished eating you washed the dishes and started slowly butnsurely cleaning up the kitchen from the holiday decorations that were in there including lots of garland and tinsel,putting it in a box that was conveniently placed there.
You cleaned the table and counters from any spills or messes that were made between now and yesterday. You then went to the bathroom to do your business and get cleaned up,and when you were done, you put clean clothes on and put the old ones in the laundry hamper. You almost forgot to put your promise ring on that you got yesterday from your lover (check out last part if you haven't read it ) ,you had tooken it off because you thought it was gonna get lost in the bed while you went to sleep. You went into the shared bedroom and started picking up the dirty clothes and trash that was in there along doing some organizing with the stack of xbox games ,putting them in a neat pile,and putting the controllers neatly next to the tv. You kissed the top of Kenji's head,ruffling his hair,"so cute." You said to no one but yourself,looking at the digital clock that had woke yoy up from earlier that has now read 11:40am,near noontime so you also decied to wake your cute lover up by gently shaking him and calling his name. He doesn't budge at first until you keep attacking his face with kisses, and he tries to hide himself from your attacks and the sunlight that was beaming into his face,"No..." his morning voice was horas, and it also cracked,trying also hid under the blankets.
"Kenji,time to get up sleepyhead." You softly said with a smile on your face,"Gotta help me clean up, then you can go back to sleep sooner once you do." You said hearing another groan in protest from your baby. You sighed, didn't wana do this, put you, took the blanket off of Kenji, hearing a loud groan followed by complaining how cold the room was. "Get up and help Kenji. You do have to do much but take out the trash,take down the tree and some other Christmas stuff along with taking the lights off outside the house." You said.
The brunette grumbles before sitting up slowly,eyes still closed with mess brown locks that are probably tangled because he likes to move around in his sleep. You kissed him softly,"Stop being so grumpy in the morning, love."
"Mmnot grumpy.." he huffed before opening his eyes to get adjusted with the rooms lighting before slowly getting up and going to the tasks you had asked him to.
"Love you." You called out to him, which he said it back,barely hearing it. You then fix the bed, making it neat and tighty again,tucking the ends into the mattress and fixing the pillows. You then went to the living room where Kenji had slowly started to take out the ornaments of the tree, and you gave him a hand so it'll be done quicker. You closed the boxes of orniments,putting them in the storage closet you guys have for next year as Kenji started putting the tree back in the box,he struggled with it for a moment or two but he managed to get it in then put that in the closet as well. "Are you going to do your office as well, love?" You suddenly remember there's stuff in there, and he shaked his head.
"I'll put that way when i get tired of seeing it or whenever im feeling up to it." He said as heads outside to take down the lights.
Meanwhile, you went back and got the laundry hamper,putting the dirty clothes in the washer,using lavander soap. You also went back into the kitchen to throw away any expired or left over food that you had waay before Christmas but was to lazy to throw it away,and whatever was left you organized the fridge and open bottom freezer even thought it'll be a mess later on. You made sure the garbage bags were tied well or double bag them just in case they break. Tomorrow is garbage day as well, so it works out in the end. You set them aside for Kenji to get for later,you washed your hands then did some more cleaning and organizing a few minutes later or about twenty Kenji came in with the box of lights,putting them in the closet as well. "I collect the garbage its near the wall in the kitchen,it just need to be thrown away." You said,you knew he was gonna groan but you beat him to the punch,"I'll give kisses afterwards if you don't make one complaint for the reest
of the day."
He gived it a thought,he really wanna complain but kisses and gived in and took the trash out along with the recycling that was fully with boxes from either open Christmas presents or random packages you guys bought.
He comes back in,giving you a hug as everything was mostly done and put away,"Want my kisses." He says puckering his lips,making you laugh and smile at him, happily giving your man all the kisses he wants and desires.
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