#sigh why did i think it was a good idea to start a fanfic where football plays an intergral role when i know NOTHING about footie
soficide · 2 years
does anyone want to explain football (not rugby) to me 
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What do the dorm leaders + a few more students do when you leave them without saying goodbye / you go missing? (Series)
Genre: Fluff/ Angst Pairing: Riddle x Gn Reader
A/n: I wanted to get this idea out of my system, maybe I should have written this into a full fanfic, but what do you think? Let me know your thoughts in the comments (If you want to). This was supposed to be all the dorm leaders, but Riddle’s got too long so I’m going to separate them into series, most likely every character in Twisted Wonderland once I get ideas, some of them would link to each other's one-shots If I got enough smarty juice for it, but first let’s go for our boy Riddle, I hope you like it! Again, I'll make this into a series I hope you stay tuned!
Credits: The design was made by me in Canva and the art that was used is all from the Official Twisted Wonderland Cards. NOT BETA READ! Masterlist Part two: Leona x Gn reader -----------------
Sypnosis: You went off already, actually, they didn’t even know where you were right now, Grimm was worried about you, where have you gone? You just vanished into the mirror that you were talking to every midnight, he knew that he should have listened to his gut feeling when he realized that you were warning him about your sudden disappearance. The moment he went dashing out of Ramshackle, paws cold from the snow that he stepped on and it was really bad that when he needed Hornton he wasn’t there. 
Riddle: He was the first to respond, he was a light sleeper due to his mother’s sudden outbursts in the middle of the night sometimes, so when he heard Grim’s cries from outside, he went to investigate immediately, especially since he saw that you weren’t with the little cat.
“Riddle!” Grim cried out, clinging to Riddle’s shirt “They’re gone!” He looked confused before grabbing Grim under his shoulders and lifting him a bit “What? Where did you last see them?” he questioned, Grim who looked miserable and seemed shaken as well “I don’t know they-!” he sobbed out “The moment I woke up, there was a gush of wind and the mirror shaking, and they were gone!”
 Riddle inhaled and sighed deeply, trying to remain composed “Would you like to rest here for now? I don’t want to wake the others up, we can look for them tomorrow” he went to open the door much wider now, while his thoughts were focused on you, he didn’t want to try to find you when it’s so dark out but at the same time, he wanted to throw away his rationality and go search the campus from up to down; you were always good to him, you saved him when he almost died, you’re basically a good friend to him; however, it was too dark outside, finding you would just be useless; but Grim seemed to think otherwise, he let out a loud whine which made Riddle wince at the noise. “Riddle! Please!” he begged, clinging again to the guy’s leg “I can’t leave Prefect alone!”
“Alright, alright,” Riddle said, sighing “Have you really checked everywhere?” He asked, and that’s where they started to plan out how to find you, he went to wake up the others, Trey, Cater, Ace, and Deuce to help with the search, of course, all four students agreed to help despite being late. 
Although they’ve been out for hours, there was nothing, no trace of your presence anywhere, where the hell did you go? Riddle’s eyebrows were basically knitted tight together for hours now, he can’t sense you, why? Where are you? 
The moment that the sun rose, not one idea or clue did the housewarden get from any deep search about you, and it left him frustrated. He decided since it was morning, Crowley might have any leads. 
And that’s where the matter was off of his hands… somehow, he still got updates, and he made his own investigations to try to find you, at least any leads; but nothing, even if he did get any leads it got him into a dead end. 
Days passed, weeks passed to the point it went into years passing, you still weren’t around, Grim was under his supervision, he basically got half custody with all the housewardens, especially when Grim seemed to not want to do anything else, other than get upset and lash out, he knew that feeling all too well when everything feels like it’s suffocating him. 
While he did pass everything in his academics, and now he’s graduating, he didn’t think that the impact of your presence before would make so much difference to him right now, he struggled and almost failed some of his subjects due to the lack of sleep and his mental health deteriorating. 
And throughout all of those, he realized that he actually loved you, isn’t that funny? He never thought that his affection for you would be anything more than just being acquaintances with you, the lingering stares he gave and the little adjustments he made of your uniform cause you weren’t wearing your tie properly, the way you never made him feel like an outsider, and everything else. The moments you and he were alone, he never made a move to get to know you better, he was the only one being asked questions about his family, his stories, and his future. He knew that saying he loved you was stupid, especially when he didn’t make any more effort in understanding you and knowing your story. 
The moment Riddle was wearing his Toga, something he was aiming for years, to become the valedictorian of his whole batch, he knew he should feel elated, his mother giving those business smiles he always see, Cater and Trey being there with him, graduating with him; Ace and Deuce watching their Housewarden graduate too. He was supposed to be happy; he was supposed to be-
Where are you? Why aren’t you here with him? 
Riddle felt tears strolling down his cheeks when he was delivering his speech, an encouragement that he was supposed to give, yet here he was, tears strolling down his pristine face, in front of everyone, in front of his mother who looked shocked and pissed at him suddenly for showing such a shameful façade. 
“Riddle!” His mother shouted, almost wanting to stand up from her seat, but Trey stopped her, grabbing her shoulder and shaking his head. “There was one person that changed a lot of the student's perspective in magic… and how much they changed me as well.”
After that, Riddle stood in the bathroom, looking down the sink, face wet, he was crazy, telling everyone how Prefect, a missing student for years changed his life, and how he basically confessed how much he loved you, is he crazy? Maybe he went insane, now thinking about it, maybe all those searching for hours and sacrificing his sleep for you might be the reason. 
But even so, his heart yearned to see your face again, he missed you so much and he knew that he wasn’t the only one. 
He lifted his head, staring into the mirror, his eyes were puffy from crying, he looked pathetic, and he wanted to laugh about it.
Suddenly, the mirror started to wobble…? Was he hallucinating or does he see your face? 
“…iddle?” an echo of a voice all too familiar rang in his ears, his eyes widened as the wobbling of the mirror started to go harder, “Riddle… away… get away… the mirror” while he understood what “you,” said, he still didn’t budge, and that’s where the mirror spat you out, making him catch you.
His arms wrapped around your waist, he was shocked when he looked at you, you looked… the same? You looked a bit older, more gorgeous for sure. 
“Riddle!” you chirped, wrapping your arms around him, “You’ve changed so much!” he grew a bit, you were the same height now, but the other seemed to be surprised, his grip on your waist never leaving as he stared at you, “Riddle?” you asked, a bit worried.
“… Prefect?” he placed his hand on your cheek, rubbing it fondly with his thumb “Is that really you?” 
He wanted to kiss you, you stupid idiot, why did you vanish for years and come back looking prettier than you used to?
So, he did. He kissed you deeply, all the yearning and pain he felt for years, he put it in the kiss he gave you.
Welcome back, Prefect. 
Word count: 1,266
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drabbles-mc · 5 months
Nowhere To Be
Opie Winston x F!Reader
For one of my favorite people, @justreblogginfics with the prompt: The party was great but now it’s time to find their way home, in the middle of the night in the freezing cold in high heels and a party dress.
For @storiesofsvu Holiday Bingo 2023 prompt: New Years
Warnings: 18+, language, implied/referenced smut, pining
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: I have missed Opie so much, so thank you for giving me the inspo and the opportunity to write this fun little somethin' for him! Happy New Year! 🥰💖
SOA Taglist: @espieviolet99 @littlekittymeow @i-just-read-stuff @fuckyeahopie @withmyteeth @buckybarneshairpullingkink @paintballkid711 @jitterbugs927 @fanfic-n-tabulous @mijagif @frattsparty @choochoo284 @artemiseamoon @darqchilddaydreamz @nessamc @garbinge @winchestershiresauce (If you want to be added to any of my taglists, please let me know!)
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“It is cold in California!” you said, exasperated.
Opie chuckled as he stood beside you. Part of him wanted to make a comment about the fact that you knew that, that you’d grown up in Charming just like him. Sure, you’d been on the East Coast for a few years but it wasn’t nearly long enough to wipe your memory clean of it. Plus, you’d been back in Cali long enough to have not made this mistake—you were just too tempted by the idea of a party and getting dressed up and going out.
He wanted to say all of that, could have, but instead he just said, “Yeah, it is.”
Turning to face him, you huffed out a sigh. “Why is it cold in California? I thought it was supposed to be all beaches and sunshine here.”
“You probably wouldn’t be so cold if you didn’t—”
“I look good,” you cut him off, knowing exactly where his sentence was going. “That’s not the issue here.”
“I mean,” he shifted so that he was pressed closer to you, his fingertips dragging up the side of your leg that was left exposed by the short dress that you’d worn to the party, “this feels like it might be part of the issue.”
You rolled your eyes, glad that you could say the goosebumps breaking out over your skin were because of the cold and not because of the feelings and thoughts that were coursing through you at just the slightest touch. Despite your initial impulse, you swatted his hand away.
“You didn’t seem to think it was much of an issue about an hour ago when we snuck off to the bathroom and—”
“Alright,” it was his turn to cut you off, chuckling as he did so.
He shrugged off his leather jacket, one of the million layers he always seemed to be wearing whether it was the first day of January or the last day of July. He held it out for you to take and for as much as you liked giving him a hard time, you weren’t quite committed enough to that endeavor to turn down the opportunity for some extra warmth. You snatched it out of his hand and slipped your arms into the sleeves, feeling relief not just because you immediately felt warmer, but also because the jacket smelled like him and there was comfort to be had in that too.
“Thank you,” you said, leaning into him, hands pressed against his chest.
He smiled. “Welcome.”
You tilted your head just a little farther back so that you could get a better look at him. He had one arm draped around your waist, hand resting on the small of your back. His other hand was placed on your hip, not holding you too tightly but it also would’ve taken some effort if you really wanted to pry yourself away. Not that you had any interest in that.
“Can I tell you something?” you asked.
He scanned your face for a moment, wishing that he had any idea at all where your next sentence was going to go. He knew what he wanted you to say next, but he also knew better than to hold his breath over it. Plus it was New Year��s Eve, or rather New Year’s Day by hardly an hour. And you were drunk not just off the alcohol you’d both had all night but also from the energy of the party. He knew better than to get his hopes up, and yet.
“Confessing crimes already? Year just started,” he joked.
You laughed and shook your head. “No, no crimes.” You leaned a little more onto him, taking the weight off one of your feet. “Ugh, these heels are killing me. I can’t even think.”
“Yeah, I don’t think that’s why you can’t think.”
You laughed, giving him a playful shove. “Shut up.”
“What’d you wanna—”
You cut him off, not meaning to, but you were already moving onto the next thing. “We gotta get back to the hotel. Because if I have to stay in these shoes any longer, I’m gonna,” you laughed, “then I’m gonna commit some crimes to confess to.”
He chuckled. “You remember how to get back?”
You turned and looked at him. You tried to hold in your laughter and failed. “No.”
He wanted to be annoyed but he had sort of seen it coming. It wasn’t surprising, to say the least. “This was your idea,” he teased as you pulled out your phone.
You waved him off. “Going out was so much easier before.”
“Yeah? Why’s that?”
You looked up from the GPS on your phone for a moment so that you could look him in the eye. Keeping your tone and facial expression as serious as ever, you said, “Because all the streets in New York are fuckin’ numbered, Ope.”
The statement hung in the air for a second between the two of you before you both started laughing. Opie shook his head at you, knowing that if it had been anyone else he would’ve left them to their own devices awhile ago. But it was you. He wasn’t going anywhere if it was you.
By the time you got yourself somewhat back under control, your GPS had loaded directions for how to walk back to your hotel. Lucky for you, it wasn’t as far away as you thought that it was going to be.
“I got it,” you said as you showed him your phone.
“Let me see that,” he replied, reaching to take the phone from your hand.
You swatted him away. “Hands off! You don’t think I know how to get us back?”
He raised his eyebrows slightly. “You want my real answer to that?”
You rolled your eyes. “I know how to follow a map.”
He shook his head, reaching for your phone again. “You don’t even look like you know how to follow a sidewalk right now.”
You gestured angrily at your heels. “That’s because of these shoes. Honestly, you might just have to carry me back.”
He chuckled, following behind you as you set off down the sidewalk in the direction your map was telling you to. “Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah.” You looked over your shoulder at him. “That, or you can just drag me behind you like a caveman.”
He fell into stride next to you. Draping his arm over your shoulders, he said, “That sounds more like me.”
“Yeah, goes with the caveman beard you’ve got going on now,” you joked, reaching and toying with the ends of his beard for a moment. It was so much longer than it had been the last time you were home. Jury was still out on how you really felt about it—it took away the last of his baby-face.
He shook his head, knowing that you were always going to come up with something to give him grief about. Of the many things that had changed over the years, that was something about you that had remained constant. Infuriating and amusing all at once. He let you have that.
“Stick around long enough and you’ll get used to it,” he finally said.
“I told you,” you leaned deeper into his side for emphasis, “I’m back for good.”
He liked the sound of that, but he knew better than to buy too heavily into it. He pressed a quick kiss to the side of your head. “We’ll see.”
“Where else am I gonna go?” you asked, your mock offense not landing the way it should’ve when you were nearly tripping on the gaps in the sidewalk concrete.
He steadied you without having to give it a second thought. “Don’t know.” He chuckled. “Right now I don’t even think you’re gonna get us back to the hotel.”
You gave him a shove, not enough to really make any difference. Even on your best day in much steadier shoes it would be difficult to get him to move if he didn’t want to. All the Winston’s were like that. Your half-attempt only served to make him pull you tighter into him, which worked better for you anyway.
His hand was still resting on your shoulder, fingers pressing into the leather of his jacket that was yours for the present moment. Like it was a reflex, you reached up with your free hand and threaded your fingers with his as the two of you walked. You gave his hand a light squeeze as the two of you reached the end of the block. You gave him no warning that the two of you were turning rather than continuing forward and using the crosswalk. You knew it, too, laughing as you made a sharp right turn and pulled him with you.
You were lucky enough to catch him mid-stride, knocking him just enough off-kilter to make him follow your lead. You hadn’t been expecting it to work, and you nearly stumbled and fell in the process. Laughing, you took another half-balanced step until you felt your back rest against the side of the brick building behind you. Opie had followed your steps, his palm bracing against the wall beside your head, one leg positioned between both of yours. Your shoulders shook as you tried to hold in your laughter, your face heating up so much you were certain that if Opie touched you, he’d be able to feel it.
You placed your palm against his chest. There were words caught in the back of your throat, things that you wanted to say, things you’d been wanting to say all night, but you couldn’t get them out. You opened your mouth, hoping that would force them out, but all that came out instead was laughter that faded into a hum as you tried to get yourself under control.
When you finally resigned yourself to not being able to say anything, you slid your hand up from his chest so that it was on the back of his neck. You pulled him down into a kiss, one that he gave into easily and eagerly, pinning you between him and the wall behind you, his hand that wasn’t bracing him against the wall gripping tightly onto your hip.
His hand slid down from your hip onto your thigh, and he was about to start sliding it right back up and underneath the thin fabric of your dress. You could feel it in his movements, the way that he had to convince himself to stop. You couldn’t help but to smile into your kiss, eventually letting the laughter bubble over when he pulled his lips off of yours.
Your body was still pinned, not that you had any desire to really be anywhere else in that moment. You let your hand stray from the back of his neck. Your fingertips ghosted along his cheek, brushing along the edge of his beard. Maybe it wasn’t so bad.
“Never gonna make it back at this rate,” Opie finally spoke up, not that he really seemed like he was in any great rush to go.
You laughed, head resting back against the wall behind you. “Got somewhere else you need to be?”
He smiled, shaking his head before snagging another kiss from you. “No. I got nowhere to be.”
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eternalmarvel · 6 months
MK1 BI-HAN X READER ~ belong ~
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an: hello everyone ❄️ decided to write some more small fluff / filler content ! i swear there's not enough bi-han love man LETS KEEP THOSE FANFICS AND HEADCANONS ROLLING 😈also i came up with this idea while i was h!gh as hell so please excuse me if the idea itself seems a bit weird this is why i need requests from people because i am TOO lazy to think of any good ideas on my own
if u guys want something different to spice things up like headcanons or smthn just ask :-) honestly i don't know how good i'd be at writing smut so it's not of priority right now but if people request it i can certainly try
anyways i hope u guys enjoy some fluffiness to kick off the winter szn !!
note; bi-han and reader are married in this story + a little bit of toxicness but it's not from bi-han
++ this isn't proofread so sorry for any mistakes
you had been married to bi-han for about a year now. your duties separate from the lin kuei often required you to travel far and abroad where you couldn't see your husband for weeks at the time. you didn't complain too much at first, but it got a bit frustrating after some time -- nothing that you couldn't overcome though. on the other hand, bi-han was IRRITABLE. it felt like the whole stronghold was walking on eggshells around its grandmaster, careful not to say or do the one thing that would set him off. he was sexually frustrated and grumpy on incomprehensible levels. everyone around the clan noticed how much angrier he had become. he'd bark orders at an unprecedented rate and mean mugged everyone who came across his path. even having the kitchen staff make all his favourite meals from when he was younger did nothing to wipe the horrible scowl painted on his face. when you were at the lin kuei stronghold, you and bi-han collectively sat down with the rest of the ninjas for dinners -- something that bi-han often avoided before meeting you. however, with a bit of nudging from you, he started to participate in group dinners more, even enjoying them (though he would never admit to this). there would still be a grimace on his face, but having you beside him made everything more palatable anyway. when asked why he seemed a little more irritable than usual, he stormed off and dismissed the question.
"i am the grandmaster, i will NOT answer to you."
smoke had realized that soon enough the only way to get him over his mood fluctuations and have some semblance of peace would be to get you back at the dojo. your phone's ringtone blared alarmingly, and you picked up the call in annoyance.
"tomas? what are you calling me about? can it wait? i'm really busy right now."
smoke lets out a sigh of relief now that he's gotten ahold of you.
"(name)! we really need you back at the lin kuei. bi-han's really ...cranky without you there," he whispers the last part, almost like he's scared bi-han will snatch him up out of nowhere. you pay no heed to tomas' concerning remarks, continuing to write down on the ledger on your desk.
"i'm sure my husband is just a little overwhelmed with his duties right now, this has nothing to do with me. give him some slack. he's fine."
smoke spoke with more urgency now.
"(name), he really is frustrated because of you. today, frost said '(name)’s hair' but he thought she meant '(name)’s here' and i swear i thought i saw his eyes gloss over like a dog seeing its owner for the first time in forever. ever since he found out frost was talking about your hair and not about you actually being here, he's been giving frost dirty looks. i think she's starting to get pissed off now that i think about it..."
you put down your pen and look up at the curtains of the hotel room in front of you, sighing. it was more serious than you previously expected. your face twisted in cruel humour, and you knew it'd be funny to use this opportunity to prank your husband and see what his reaction is.
"you know what tomas. i'm sure i can get out of these meetings and make it back to the stronghold by tomorrow dawn. i'll come back."
tomas sighs, finally unanxious.
"thank you, (name)! i knew you'd pu-"
"but i wanna play a prank on him. and you're gonna help me observe and set the environment."
tomas sighs once again, but out of exasperation.
"i don't wanna participate if it's too extreme. i've already caught the brunt of bi-han's verbal torment this week." you chuckle at his expense. "don't worry tomas, i'll make sure he doesn't hurl an ice pick at you. this prank is harmless, i promise. it's just for me to see his reaction." "fine. what are you planning on doing?" "sit tight and don't stress. i'll tell you when i'm on my way back."
you had informed tomas of the most perfect plan. you'd get back to your husband -- not long enough that he'd go back to his normal, serene state when he was with you but enough that he'd manage to calm his heartrate a bit. you were planning on inviting the daughter of a family friend of bi-han's family when he was younger. she had eyes for him all these years, still pointing to hints that she would pursue him despite the fact that he was now married to you. you would invite her over and have her bug bi-han (dare you say, flirt) and follow him all around the stronghold. you wanted to see if that so-called sexual frustration that tomas was referring to earlier really mattered in the case of every woman or if it was exclusive to only you. was it toxic? perhaps. could it be considered manipulative to use his father's family friend's daughter who had probably loved him for the last 10 years to get him closer to you? most likely. would you love every second of it nonetheless? absolutely.
you didn't inform bi-han of your arrival. as far as he knew, you were still going to be a few weeks out from coming back. you walked in through a secret back entrance bi-han had only told you about just in case the stronghold was ever attacked and he needed to get you out safely. you walked through the corridors and heard your husband's hoarse voice coming from the large drawing room across from you. you walked in quietly and sneakily, but obviously not subtly enough considering bi-han had his eyes immediately on you.
"(name)....," he almost whispered, his eyes widening.
you give everyone in the room a wave, including the senior ninjas, which they kindly return with a nod of their own.
"clear the room," bi-han asserts hastily. his tone isn't as harsh as it was before. the ninjas comply almost immediately when they've noticed his demeanor soften up a bit, realizing that you've worked your magic. as soon as the last ninja is out the door, bi-han is by your side in a half of an instant, taking your face into his broad hands.
"hey," you say softly. you were tired from your trip, but being in his presence and ironically his warmth doubled the exhaustion and fatigue your body had attempted to so valiantly fight off.
"you didn't inform me of your early arrival."
you smile into his palm, your head tilting a bit as you rest your own palm on his hand.
"wanted to surprise you, my love."
he looks at you intensely for a few seconds before snapping back to reality.
"i will excuse myself from my duties today. perhaps i can get kuai liang to take over for me."
"why, bi-han? we can catch up late. i don't want you neglecting your duties because of me."
a small scoff escapes his lips.
"it's been much of the other way around. we have not seen each other in weeks. the lin kuei can do without its grandmaster for a few hours."
you look at him mischievously for a brief second before you hear the faint sounds of footsteps outside the drawing room. your plan was coming to fruition before your eyes. rina had come along just on time.
"actually, bi-han, i think we might have a change of plans. rina is coming over today!"
bi-han shifted his gaze from you to rina, who was standing out in the hallway. it was safe to say he was unamused.
"rina. i wasn't aware you were going to be here. it seems as though i've been misinformed on MANY fronts," he says, side-eyeing you. you pay him no mind, bringing rina closer.
"i have to deal with a bit more business-"
bi-han looked at you in disbelief. who the hell did you think you were, the president? a grandmaster yourself?
"--BUT i promise it won't take too long. rina wanted to catch up with you too, so i thought why not kill two birds with one stone?," you say, trying to resist the impending smirk on your face. bi-han was clearly displeased but you gave his arm a squeeze and whispered, "just a few hours," and he knew he'd have your company again in no time. he sighed quietly, before slightly nodding again.
"if i must."
you disappeared to find smoke and left bi-han with rina to do god knows what. you found tomas sparring with some of the newer initiates out in the courtyard and ran up to him, dragging him away from kombat.
"h-hey!," smoke exclaimed.
"c'mon! i finally got bi-han to agree to meeting with rina. now we gotta go hide around the place and see how he reacts with her around."
"this is ... not nice.." smoke remarks uneasily.
you roll your eyes. yeah it isn't nice, but it's funny and it's not like you actually meant any harm by this prank. you and tomas make your way to the blindspots around the lin kuei and spot bi-han walking as rina edges closer to him. you guys get in close enough to try and make sense of their conversation.
bi-han walks into his room and changes into a new hanfu, the same shade of dark blue he often wears. the collar part of the attire is folded, and rina brings her hand closer to fix it but just as she’s about to mend it, bi-han grabs her hand.
“what do you think you’re doing,” he lowly seethes, his eyebrows furrowing in anger.
rina shakes him off, annoyed. “i was just trying to help you, calm down!”
“unless i ask for your assistance, it is not required.” he says stoically before making his way down the corridor again. you and tomas both exchange a strange look. you didn’t want rina dead by the end of this prank. silence is shared between bi-han and rina for the next minute before the latter pipes up again.
"you haven't seen your wife in a while, huh?" rina asks coyly. bi-han turns to look at her for a second before turning back around and keeping that stern look on his face.
"no. her business keeps her away from m-the stronghold quite often,” bi-han remarks quietly.
“you know most wives stick with their husbands and don’t just leave them on their own for weeks on end. perhaps there may be something that you aren’t aware of…,” rina whispers before her statement trails off.
bi-han stops in his tracks and turns around yo face her.
“do not think to insinuate such horrible things about my wife again so shamelessly. you forget your place when you spew these things -- do not forget, SHE invited you here as a token of her hospitality. i did not."
rina chuckles. at first glance, it would seem that she does this sarcastically at first, but it seems like those words really stung rina.
"i'm leaving."
"you know your way out."
tomas sucks a deep breath in while you look down in defeat.
"ooh, boy. alright, i think you were right." "you needed a prank to prove that?!"
you wave tomas away.
"i will make sure there are no further casualties," you say to tomas, as you give him a small hit on his arm and make your way to your marital bedroom. on your way there, you see rina coming your way. you have to pretend like you didn't just witness your husband eat up this poor woman. you smile and put your hands together, bowing to her.
"hey rina! how's it going? i wa-" she puts her palm towards your face and continues walking away.
"i don't wanna hear from you." you watch her as she leaves, staring off into the distance momentarily and sighing. thank god she was an asshole or else it'd be really hard not to sympathize with her.
you walk into your bedroom and see bi-han on the bed. it seems he's getting ready for a bath -- he has a robe-like hanfu loosely draped around his body with his chest visible and and legs exposed. his hair is down and he is reaching for his back like it's aching.
"done with all my duties." you say innocently, your arms behind your back.
bi-han only looks at you momentarily and not even fully before going back to closing his eyes and mending his backache. you walk up to him carefully before sitting down beside him, using your hand to gently knead his back. he lets out a small groan of relief at your gesture.
"you've probably missed my massages all week," you say coyly.
"they were not the thing i missed."
you feel a blush creeping up on your cheek. being away from you for so long made him starved, like a dog meekly asking his owner for more rations. you felt horrible for being away for so long.
"i won't leave again for a while. i promise. we have lost-time to make up for," you say quietly. you prod at his hand and he envelops your hand in his, grazing the outside with his thumb.
"i'd rather not have lies spoken to me for the sake of momentary comfort."
you get up and gently move his right leg further to the right so you can sit on his thigh.
"now you know i can give you more than momentary comfort," you say smirking (but still VERY nervous).
in the blink of an eye, bi-han flips your body over and pins you to the bed, planting a long and voracious kiss at your lips. you bite at his lower lip and he responds by wrestling your tongue with his own. after what seems like an eternity of your mouths fighting for dominance with each other, you break the kiss as a string of saliva follows your mouths.
"you know, i saw everything that unfolded with rina. i think it really is safe to say we belong to one another."
bi-han looks at you with a hint of amusement. "i should have known you didn't have pure intentions with inviting her over." he slips his hand down your frame, erecting shivers from you. he plants small kisses trailing down your midsize.
"perhaps the rest of the lin kuei should know the grandmaster's wife isn't really as much of an angel as she lets everyone think she is."
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wandafiction · 4 months
I've Seen The Edits
Warnings: Lil angst, Overthinking, Cuteness and fluff.
You're smiling to yourself as you enter the living room, carrying two plates of food in your hand, as you see your wife on her phone seemingly flicking through something. You place the plates down on the coffee table, bending down to give her a kiss on the forehead and try to sneak a peek at what she is looking at but she is quick to turn her phone off and tilt her head so she can kiss your lips a few times. 
"Thank you for lunch my love." You smile, giving her another kiss.
"I'm just going to grab the drinks, don't wait up." You chuckle to yourself when she immediately leans forward grabbing her plate and lifting the peanut butter and jelly sandwich to her mouth. 
You let your mind wander at what could have been on her phone, what was she trying to hide from you, not that you didn't trust her but she was only ever on her phone for work calls or with Rose’s dad. You shake your head quickly, trying not to overthink it as you grab the two glasses of water and start heading back into the living room only to stop when you see Scarlett talking to her phone.
"I've seen the edits." You choke on air, stopping in the doorway for a second, your mind reeling at the idea. You knew exactly what she meant. 
You see you were a fan when you met Scarlett, still are of course and now you can say your her biggest fan and you know it to be true, and just like any other fan you too enjoyed watching edits and maybe reading 1 or 2 fanfics on wattpad…Okay many fanfics but that's not the important detail, the important detail is that she has seen them….ALL… 
"Whatcha doing?" You manage to hide your shock, and now slightly sweaty palms, as you sit down next to her acting like you definitely don't know what she is doing. 
"I'm just making a video telling my fans that I have seen the edits they have made of me. And someone also mentioned something called wattpad, which turns out to be an app where people write books. So I downloaded it to take a look and it's interesting." You raise a brow as you take a shaky sip of your water. 
"Interesting how?" Scarlett smiles at your question moving so she is sitting criss-cross applesauce on the couch facing you. 
"Well I searched my name, because why not, and lots of different things popped up. Did you know people write books about me?" 
"Uh, no." You take another drink clearing your throat. "I mean I know people edit videos but the book thing. Nope, definitely not." 
"Oh really so Scarlett's bitch isn't you?" She smirks as your mouth opens and closes again as you try to answer. 
"I mean I am your bitch right?" She simply raises a brow and you let out a defeated sigh. 
"Show me the account." You hold your hand out and she places her phone in it before snuggling up to your side and resting her head against your shoulder. 
"So is it you?" You take a quick glance at Scarlett then back to the phone where you can see your old wattpad account. 
"Nope, not me." Before you can try and close the app down Scarlett snatches her phone back. 
"But you admit to having it." She says with a sly smirk and a raised brow, damn she's good. 
"I mean, sure I had wattpad at one point or another." You shrug moving to stand off the couch feeling a little weird that she is finding these things out. 
"Baby where are you going?" You turn around to look at her, her phone now face down against the couch cushion with her brows furrowed in curiosity, before she lets out an oh. "So that account is yours."
"We didn't know each other at this point, in fact I didn't think we would ever meet at any point in time. So I decided to, you know, read some stuff and live my life vicariously through other people's writings." You bite your lip pulling at your fingers as you try to defend yourself. 
"Okay, but it says here that you've also written a few." She picks her phone back up pointing out the fact you most definitely did write a few of your own books, many books in fact. 
"I…I…can we just forget about this. Like I said I didn't ever think I'd actually meet you and it's embarrassing that you managed to find it. Hang on, how did you find it?" You continue to pull at your nails as Scarlett puts her phone down, standing up so she can make her way towards you pulling your hands apart and holding them in hers  
"Baby, take a breath. I'm not mad or angry or even weirded out. I just thought it was curious that people not only make edits but also write stories about me for other people to - what did you say - vicariously live their lives through. And as for figuring out that it was probably you, you set your location as between Scarlett's legs. And your little bio thing says that you're a simp for Scarlett and would me run you over with a car." She giggles as you groan. "Oh and the profile picture is of your car."
"Oh god." You let out an embarrassed sigh as you look down at the floor. "Look, you were never meant to know about it, about any of it. Fuck I'm such an idiot for not deleting my account when I got with you, I mean I completely forgot about it once we got serious and only because you mentioned it do I remember. I will delete it now, then we can just move on."
"Baby why are you getting so defensive about it? I've already said I'm not weirded out by it, I was genuinely just curious what people write about me." Scarlett tries her best to gauge what's going on but you pull away from her rubbing your hand harshly across your brows.
"Because it's weird for me, okay!" You scoff trying to get her to understand. "It's weird for me! I was a fan. A nobody. Someone who never in a million years thought that someone that they read about and watched edits about would ever even say hello to them let alone marry them! So yes Scarlett, it's weird for me that you know this about me." 
You run your hand frustratedly through your hair having an internal freak out about the fact that she found everything. Your hand fumbles in your pocket as you go to pull out your phone, only to realise you've left it in the bedroom and without saying a word hurriedly walk to go and grab it. 
"Baby. Where are you going?" You ignore her, not really hearing her anyway as your one goal is to delete everything off of your wattpad. 
You walk into the bedroom in a daze, looking for your phone as your hands scramble around the bed covers trying to find it. Your groan in frustration deciding to toss the cover in the air a few times, not thinking about the consequences until you see your phone flying upwards then down to the carpeted floor. 
"Fucking shit." You quickly grab your phone relieved when you see no cracks on the screen and immediately re-download wattpad just to be able to delete everything. 
"Baby come on. Why are you being so weird about this?" You turn to face Scarlett who is leaning against the doorframe of the bedroom. "I think it's kind of sweet that you used to watch the edits and that. Wait, what are you doing?"
"I'm deleting my wattpad account. I can't have you reading what I used to write or looking at what I used to read. Your fans are probably losing their shit at the fact that you know about everything and I'm included in that category." 
"Baby. Come on. Don't be so rash. Sure I'm surprised that people write books about me, about me personally. I know what fanfiction is, so I know about the Natasha stuff but I just didn't expect the real life stuff. You would have put a lot of effort into those books, just because they are about me doesn't make them any less than what they are." 
"It's just weird. Some of the stuff I was reading and writing, makes me a little uncomfortable that I'm now with the woman it's all about." You drop your phone onto the bed, your profile still on the screen, as you sit down putting your head in your hands. 
"Baby what's this really about?" Scarlett pushes herself off the doorframe crouching down in front of you, resting her hands on your knees when she hears a small sniffle. "Talk to me baby." 
"I just feel like you could do so much better than me, you know? Like you have so many adoring fans and celebrities no doubt who all love you, and, and…and I just feel like you could do better. We met in a coffee shop where I used to work, and our story started there. That's like wattpad 101….it's just….I…."
"You feel like this is all too good to be true sometimes?" You give a defeated nod, rubbing your hands harshly across your face. 
"I mean yeah. I love you so much that it hurts and I know we are married living in this house. We have Rose. But sometimes I go to sleep and think maybe this is when I wake up to find out it's all a dream." You feel your hands being pulled away from your face, looking down to your wife you see nothing but love in her eyes. 
"This isn't a dream, my love. This is real life. I saw you in that coffee shop the first few times I went in there, and you were so kind, funny and amazing. I had known that you knew who I was because of the way your eyes went wide the first time I walked in. But you didn't act any differently towards me, didn't ask for any photos or say anything about who I was until you said and I quote 'enjoy your coffee miss Johansson and I hope you have a great day'. I kept going back because of the way you treated me as a normal human being and not someone in the limelight. I fell for you, I crushed hard. Like so fucking hard on you. Who asked who out first?"
"You." You mumble as you listen to her retell the story, a wide smile on her face but a note of seriousness behind her features. 
"Exactly. Me. I pursued you. I took you on a date, out of town so we couldn't be snooped on. You sang and danced to your heart's content as I drove us, and I felt myself falling further. The second date you took me to a little private picnic area where I would feel comfortable being out in the open because of my lifestyle. The third date we ended back at your place watching movies and eating junk food. You always waited for me to be okay with something, you waited for me to be comfortable with being who I was in public. You waited for me to feel comfortable about outing our relationship when I panicked because of the media's rumours about me because I wasn't out of the closet. Who asked who to move in?"
"Who asked who to marry the other?"
"Who is in front of you right now telling you all of these things?"
"Exactly. Baby, this isn't a story that someone has taken the time to write and plan and share with others. This isn't something that can be edited and made to feel like you're in a movie or a 30 second video that you watch over and over to live vicariously through your phone." 
Scarlett stands up standing between your legs, and pulls your head to rest against her stomach. Your arms wrap around her body holding on tightly as you pull her closer. You let out a small hum when you feel one of her hands start weaving through the top of your hair while the other rubs gentle circles at the top of your back. 
"This is 100 percent real. No one needs to write about our love to make it real because we can feel it between us every day. The way you look at me with those soft eyes that tell 1000s of stories, with so much history behind them and it's so easy for me to get lost and trapped in your stare. The way you care for me and Rose is beyond what any words can describe. You may have been a fan first, and I hope you still are."
"I am." You giggle against her stomach and she pats your back lightly.
"Let me finish."
"Sorry." You smile, planting a small kiss on her stomach as she continues her movements of rubbing your back.
"As I was saying. You may have been a fan like so many others, but the person I fell for. The person I love and cherish. The person I hold close to my heart. The person who is in front of me, holding me as I say this. I never once thought that anyone could be better than them because they are the best person I know. Just because you were a fan who watched edits and read fanfiction about me does not mean that I will love you any less. You are it for me Y/n. There is never going to be anyone else. I don't see anyone else when in a room of celebrities or fans because the only person I am looking at is you on the sidelines supporting me, loving me, and waiting for me."
"Your fans probably write me as the bad guy." You laugh as you get another pat on the back, this one a little harsher than the last but the way Scarlett is laughing you know she means no harm. 
"Well I think you'd make a very sexy bad guy." You lean back slightly keeping your hold on her waist with your lip between your teeth.
"Oh yeah." You wiggle your eyebrows both you and Scarlett giggling as she leans down to kiss your lips a few times. "Even when they make me cheat on you, because they need to have some drama."
"Mmm, okay maybe not but I also know that you'd never cheat on me because you're so smitten with me."
"Nope, never ever." She smiles against your lips before pulling away and looking down at you. 
"Cuddles and a movie?" 
"Cuddles, movies and junk food in bed?" Scarlett rolls her eyes with a smile. 
"Just this once." She tries to remain serious as she holds up one finger at you but you quickly slap it away and pull her down on top of you, both of you laughing at your silliness. 
You giggle to yourself when you feel Scarlett yawn against your neck, her body is completely on top of yours, her legs tangled with yours as her arms wrap securely around your waist. 
"Tired, my love?" You gently weave a hand through her hair feeling her nod against you and a small kiss being planted against your neck. 
"I wanna finish the movie." She turns her head slightly so she can see the TV through one eye from just under your jaw and you turn your head so your chin is resting on her temple so she can see it better. "Wait since when were we watching tik tok edits?" 
"Since you said you liked them so I've been streaming them to the TV but someone's been asleep on top of me and hasn't noticed."
"My biggest fan." Scarlett smiles as she sits up, straddling your lap with her hands resting on your chest. 
"Always." Your hands land on her thighs gently rubbing them up and down as you look up at her, smiling when you see another tiny yawn part her lips. "Holy shit. I gotta show you something."
You sit up and Scarlett rolls off of you with a groan, spreading out on the bed as you dart into the ensuite bathroom. She lifts her head to try and see what you are doing when she hears a few things drop on the floor, but gives up and lays her head back down when all she can see is your shadow moving about in the harsh bathroom light. Her eyes close for just a second before they ping open when she feels things being dropped next to her. 
"Look what I got." You smile widely as Scarlett sits up slightly prompting her body up with her elbows. 
"You brought stuff from the outset?" She asks so quietly you almost miss it as she sits up properly, her hands ghosting over the products next to her as she looks the items over before looking up at you. 
"Of course I did my love. You've been working so hard these past couple years on it and I knew from the get go it was going to be amazing and I just had to show my support by buying it all." You ramble as you flip the small bottles over so they are neatly lined up with the labels all facing upwards so she can read them. 
"You brought 2 of everything?" She scrunches her brows slightly and you press a small kiss between them to get them to relax. 
"Yes I did because, well, you know how Rose loves doing our makeup. Well I just thought that she could have her own so she could use the products on us before or after the make up. Then I also have one for daily use. Also these are amazing. I mean look at my skin. It's so soft and clear and you did an amazing job and I love you so much." You smile brightly as Scarlett bites her lips slightly, a few small tears brimming in her eyes. 
"Baby you didn't have to. I would have been fine with you using your normal products." You shake your head as you move the stuff off the bed and onto the bedside table before sitting in front of Scarlett and pulling her hands into your lap. 
"Firstly, as soon as this stuff arrived my old stuff went in the trash. Secondly, I will always support you in everything I do so of course I brought your skin care products. Thirdly, what sort of fan would I be if I didn't buy everything you make." Scarlett giggles as she wipes at her eyes.
"I love you so much. Thank you." You hold your arms open as an invitation for cuddles and Scarlett immediately leans forward wrapping her arms around you. 
"I love you more." You say as you manoeuvre the two of you so that she is back to laying on top of you and you start to trace your fingers up and down her back.
"Nope. I love you more." 
"Not possible, my love. You weren't the one who used to read books about me." Scarlett hits your chest gently lifting her head up to look at you. 
"I guess not, but if someone were to write a book about you now. Well I would most definitely read it." You roll your eyes, giving her butt a small tap and she giggles against your chest. 
"Well you do know your fans make edits of you and me. You and Lizzie. Natasha and Wanda." Scarlett sits up quickly looking down at you in slight shock. 
"Wait there's more?" 
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Everything at Once
Dieter Hellstrom × Original Fem Character
Heyyyy. So this is my first ever fanfic, I know it's not good. Please be nice!!! I hope y'all like it! There will be multiple parts to it, I didnt leave you on a cliffhanger for fun haha!
Warnings: cursing, N*zis, angst, discrimination, Dieter is kind of a dick, soon to be smut (still in the works you horndogs) violence maybe in the future. Still working out the kinks 😉😘 I do not support N*zis in any shape or form WWII should not be glamorized into thinking what N*zis did was okay. This is just for fun, for the Inglourious Basterds fandom, especially Hans Landa, Dieter Hellstrom and Landstrom ship.
Also, English is not my first language and writing in English is a little difficult so there will be some grammatical errors. I'm sorryyy Anything not in English will be translated! Please enjoy and let me know if you like it and if I should continue and if you wanna be tagged for the future.
(not my gif)
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It was a cold, gloomy morning in Nazi occupied Paris. The idea of a Nazi occupied Parisian life, sounded ideal to the Germans who'd forcefully make themselves comfortable. Croissants, berets, beautiful women, free-spirited music and lifestyle but of course, obligatory anti-semitic men in uniform terrorizing anyone they wanted.
A man in uniform is a well sought after type for women, just not these men.
It was around 8 o'clock on a Monday, the start of the work day. Cafe doors were unlocked, pastries were set out, and fresh coffee was slowly brewing. Camille wiped her hands on her apron and sighed.
"Hopefully more customers today..." she thought aloud.
Her father owned the bakery and since he was taken away by those horrible foreigners for "questioning", Camille was the sole inhabitant of the cafe.
She wiped a bead of sweat off her brow and looked out the window. It was still cold and cloudy but there was something different...
She heard birds sing. The birds havent sung in years! Will the sun shine? Will the clouds roll away?
The cafe door chimes ring violently as two men walked in the cafe. A tall, lanky, pale man all in black besides a red cuff and a shorter older man with his jacket littered with medals and emblems, clearly SS.
Camille, startled awake from her daydream greeted them.
"Bonjour messieurs, qu'avez-vous envie de manger" (Hello sirs, what would you like to eat?)
The tall, pale man stared at her. Little moles scattered his face like constellations, his undereyes dark and slightly pink. Looks like he hasn't slept in days. His black hair slicked back, he wore a neutral expression.
The older and superior man nudged his stonewall-faced friend out of his stupor and cleared his throat, "Ah, mademoiselle, deux cafés et deux strudels, s'il vous plaît." he replied, holding up his fingers when saying the number two. His little smug smile and Eagle-like eyes seemed like he was analyzing everything all at once.
(Ah, miss, two coffees and two strudels, please)
The taller man looked down at the other. Clearly more annoyed. "Hans...I dont want strudel. I don't eat that sweet shit." he said in German behind gritted teeth.
Hans, the other man hummed, amused in the annoyance. His smuggy smile grew.
"Oui, s'il vous plaît, asseyez-vous où vous voulez. Tout devrait bientôt sortir." Camille replied, blushing slightly as the tall man continued his gaze upon her. Why is he staring at me like that...?(Yes, please sit where you like. Everything will be out soon.)
The men sat near one of the window, close to the door. On the table was a white lace table cloth with small little pink flowers embroidered in and a vase full of different colored flowers. The pale man secretly watched Camille as she scurried around the kitchen, trying his absolute hardest not to look at her waist and not to be caught.
Hans took notice. "You're not much of a sly fox as you think you are, Dieter old boy." He whispered. The pale man scoffed and rolled his eyes. His fingers toying with the lace of the tablecloth.
As Camille grabbed the strudels off the warm rack and set them respectfully on the dishes, she caught a glimpse of the pale man. He got caught staring again. A slight rosey tint blushed on his cheeks, he found himself getting very annoyed.
Camille took short notice of the red cuff on his arm. Must be gestapo or some sort of high security. The Gestapo were never friendly. Clearly the Hans man was SS, high ranking. But, he seemed friendly? But, does it matter? Should she be afraid? They just want food. Right...?
Camille walked over to the men and set the strudels and coffee cups down for each of them. She poured the hot coffee into both cups from the kettle. The pale man visibly tensed as the women came closer to him.
Hans chuckled to himself quietly observing his nervous friend.
"Rien d'autre?" Camille asked, putting his hands behind her back. (Anything else?)
"Silence?" The pale man dismissed her with a wave and started to drink the coffee. Creme and sugar were already placed but he drank it black. Oof. Rough morning?
"Dieter! Must you!?" Hans scolded the man. 'Dieter' choked mid-sip of his coffee, nearly spraying the hot liquid everywhere as his superior chastised him in German, something about being rude or inconsiderate and also something about not keeping the coffee not in his trap or in the cup.
"D'accord. Je t'apporterai le chèque!" Camille said fast, trying to diffuse the situation. Her face beet red in embarrassment. (Its okay! I'll bring the check!) She quickly ran behind the counter to grab the check and few napkins and set them on their table and disappeared back behind the counter.
Great start. Two Nazis come in, one is a jerk with a staring problem and spilled coffee everywhere as his suspicious higher up is currently yelling at him about "arschloch" this and "dummkopf" that.
Camille busied herself in rearranging the pastries on the rack, trying not to over hear the little German she can understand.
To be continued 😘😘😘
@whore4waltz @rurivu @xoxocillian @fridaycanbesadsometimes @racheljo47 @whitechoc135 @officerh4t @blueberrypancakesworld @hanslandasstrudel
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winterlogysblog · 3 months
Note: I wrote this on a whim so it may not be good, but please enjoy
"Sin, what's wrong?" Nasiens asked, wondering why the small pink fox stopped walking.
Lancelot shook his head and started walking again. "It's nothing, I just remembered something, it's not anything you have to worry about."
He looks like them, the similarities are uncanny. He didn't think of too much in the looks department at first, it's just a coincidence he argued to himself but as days passed by he's sure of it... Nasiens... Nasiens is his cousin. He's the child his Uncle lost a long time ago, an event that tormented his heart and soul to this very day. Sometimes, he considers his heart reading to be a curse simply because he can hear everything, he can hear all the things that he shouldn't hear.
"Anne should calm down now." He changed the subject as quickly as he could.
"Yes, your method might be questionable but it certainly made her let out all of those feelings." Nasiens nodded. "Besides, what happened is quite unfortunate, losing his daughter like that."
Lancelot stayed silent for a while before hopping into the topic that would hopefully lead to his desired conversation.
"What about you? We're told that your grandfather found you in the Gorge, ever wonder about your real parents."
"I don't think my parents care about me anyway, they wouldn't abandon me like that if they did," Nasiens answered, glancing at Sin and wondering to himself what made the fox so chatty today.
"You're so sure about it, why is that?" Nasiens picked up a sudden shift in Sin's tone, it's like he's hurt.
"It's just... I can't help but think that they don't want anything to do with me. I mean, they left me in a forest, they probably think I'm already dead."
"Nasiens... Ever heard of a changeling."
"A changeling???"
"It's a ridiculous 'prank' that some fairies like to play where they would switch a fairy baby to a human baby, the Fairy King banned this practice, however, there are always some thick-headed miscreants who are too stupid to listen."
Nasiens gasped. "That's horrible!!"
"I know." Lancelot nodded.
"But, what does that have to do with... Do you mean to tell me that..."
"Don't jump to conclusions yet. I'm not certain, but it's a possibility."
"But, the others didn't tell me anything about this."
"They most likely didn't think of it that way," Sin answered.
"Then, why did you?"
Sin deeply sighed. "It's your magic... Mix Venom, it makes you completely immune to poisons right?" Nasiens nodded in response
"Immunity to poisons is rare in humans, it's commonly found in fairies though, and also one more thing... your scent."
"What about it?" Nasiens fiddled with his fingers, his curiosity about what Sin had been talking about turned to nervousness.
"A faint natural smell of Jasmine, quite interesting for a human."
"It's just a hunch, but you may just be a fairy, my friend." Sin chuckled. "But, what do I know!! It's your choice if you trust me or not."
Nasiens lowered his head. "The fairies in the forest also pointed that out when I was young but... I can't be a fairy!! I can't even fly or have wings!"
"Flightless fairies are surprisingly quite common, and as for the wings... I've been told that the Fairy King was once wingless."
"Sin... what exactly are you trying to say to me?"
"I dunno, like I said it's a hunch, you're found in a forest filled with fairies after all. It could be that your parents just lost you because of this stupid prank, fairy or not."
Nasiens smiled a bit, he didn't understand where it came from but he couldn't help but be glad at the idea of it. But a small thought did cross his mind.
"How do you know all this?" Nasiens asked.
"I'm acquainted with the Fairy King, he's quite knowledgeable about a lot of things."
"Really?! That's amazing!!"
While they're in the conversation of Fairies, Nasiens asks Sin a few things.
"What is he like?"
"Who?" Sin turned to Nasiens.
"The Fairy King, what is he like?" Nasiens asked.
Sin smiled warmly which Nasiens never thought was possible. The fox hopped up and rested on Nasiens' shoulder. "He's the kindest King I know." Sin started talking.
Nasiens smiles as Sin talks, seeing him like this makes Nasiens look at the creature from a different angle, Sin seems happy and cheery, Nasiens doesn't expect the ever-so-serious fox to laugh and giggle as he tells these stories.
"You seem to be more than acquainted with him you two seem to be rather close, for you to act as you do."
Sin chuckles. "I'll probably introduce you guys to him someday."
"Okay, you don't have to go that far." Nasiens sweated nervously.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 24 days
Ello! :3 I hope you're doing good. I'm a sucker for the Ragnarok family trope so I was wondering if you could write a fic with teen!reader who struggles to balance properly. Like ever since they were a child, they had balancing issues and they find it about reader after adopting them. Like reader was trying their best to keep it a secret but it became apparent really quick that they had balancing problems and when one of them tried to ask reader about it directly, reader just started crying thinking they're gonna be thrown out again.
Also happy mother's day, you're the mother of all our fanfic ideas 💀
-Carefully- carefully and slowly, those were the words you kept repeating to yourself as you were walking down the stairs of your new home.
-This family had been wonderful; they were so loving and had treated you with nothing but respect- you had never had a family like that before!
-All your previous adoptive families or foster families had always given up on you, claiming you were a burden for something you had no control over!
-You had issues with your balance, mainly with keeping your balance, but only right when you stood up or when you were on stairs, more going down than going up. You had gone to a few doctors, taken by your old families, demanding to know what was wrong with you, but when they couldn’t get an exact answer, that’s when they would take you back and abandon you.
-That’s why you were being so careful, walking down the stairs, not wanting to lose your balance, trip, and fall, because you didn’t want to be abandoned again. This was the first time that you felt like you had a home, a real home with a real family. You didn’t want to lose this!
-You were unaware that your family knew about your condition, as your case worker told them, as she legally had to, but they weren’t bothered, they were going to adopt you anyway, but you didn’t know that.
-When you made it to the bottom of the stairs you sighed deeply in relief, happy that you didn’t fall as you wandered around, looking for Anubis and Leonidas, who were going to teach you about the difference between their culture’s weapons.
-You learned that your family was kind of weird, as they were literal gods and warriors from all throughout history, but you didn’t really mind, as you found it fun to learn more about history and the different gods from around the world.
-You found the two outside, waving you over and you smiled warmly, greeting them before your eyes went wide, seeing all the weapons, “That’s a lot of weapons.” Leonidas chuckled at your shock, finding it funny before Anubis beamed, patting the seat next to him and they started the lesson.
-A few hours later, after watching them, and Hercules and Ares, when they came out, wanting to join in on the fun lesson, showing you how to use the different weapons, showing off their combat skills, Eve stepped out from the kitchen, “Lunch time!”
-They all got up quickly to rush inside and you did the same, forgetting and instantly you took a hard tumble, nearly hitting your head on the table as you landed hard on your hands and knees.
-Several voices called out your name and you flinched hard, quickly trying to stand again, trying to play it off nothing was wrong as you stumbled again, nearly going down again, had Ares not caught you.
-Your hands came to your head, covering it as you were quickly panicking as Eve ran out to help where she could as you were quickly panicking, “I’m okay- I’m fine- there’s nothing wrong with me!” Hearing your panicked words quickly had them glancing at each other in worry.
-Ares held you close as you were brought inside while Anubis ran to get the first aid kit after Leonidas saw some blood on your knees.
-Hercules was so gentle, kneeling in front of you, reaching up to cup your cheek, “Y/N- it’s okay. We all know.” Your eyes went huge as more fear seemed to appear, scared that they were going to give up on you again.
-However, Hercules was quick to see this, “No Y/N- we’re not going to take you back. We wanted you, even with this. It doesn’t make you any less worthy.”
-Your eyes widened before they quickly filled with tears, happy tears that quickly fell, and they all softened, trying to calm you down. You had never had anyone tell you that before, that just because you were wobbly and had balance issues, that you were just fine, and they wanted you, wobbles and all.
-You were never made to feel like you were a burden, your family was nothing but supportive, helping you where they could, making sure sharp corners were covered, basically baby-proofing the house just in case if you fell anywhere, so you wouldn’t be seriously hurt. They took you to actual specialty doctors and not just family doctors who didn’t know what to look for, standing by your side, learning along with you.
-It was so nice, having a real family, one that would support you, no matter what.
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nnaminxz · 7 months
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“𝕻𝖗𝖊𝖙𝖙𝖞 𝕲𝖎𝖗𝖑𝖘 𝕯𝖔𝖓’𝖙 𝕮𝖗𝖞“
↳ 𝔰𝔲𝔤𝔲𝔯𝔲 𝔤𝔢𝔱𝔬
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⤑ 𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢: smut & angst
⤑ 𝔰𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶: if the saying is “misery loves company” why isn’t Suguru happy right now?
⤑ 𝔱𝔞𝔤𝔰: Gojo Satoru slander I’m sorry but I had too, I love him very much tho, sad feelings, sad reader, suguru is kind of ass too, maybe a lil ooc but it’s fanfic so don’t attack me, vaginal sex, riding, the ending may be dumb but it’s whatever, minors dni
⤑ 𝔞𝔲𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔯𝔰 𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔢: I wrote this for an another fandom a WHILE ago and always wanted to redo it so I thought why not redo it for my first jjk fic. I hope you guys enjoy this is my first time posting for this fandom so I’m vv nervous/excited. Pls be kind
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Suguru always thought this would make him happy.
Seeing you around campus with Satoru made him angry enough, so he just knew that when the inevitable happened and Satoru started acting like well—Satoru again the sight was guaranteed to bring much happiness to his heart.
He knew it was sick, that he wanted to see whatever you and Satoru had going on fail but Suguru couldn't help it.
None of it mattered though because it didn’t happen.
Suguru sat in the same place for two hours watching the two of you—waiting for the feeling of bitter happiness to fill his bones but it never came.
In fact, it was the exact opposite.
Watching you fight to get Satoru’s attention made him sad. Seeing how no matter what you did he would rather pay more attention to everyone else made Suguru angry. And watching you finally leave the room and the other boy not even bat an eye made him furious.
If he was truly surprised or even thought the other boy would care, Suguru would’ve went over to him and said something but it wasn’t worth it. Satoru was just like him.
An idiot.
A dumbass.
They couldn’t tell when they had a good thing even if it’d slapped them across the face.
“Where you going?” Haibara questions as Suguru stands to his feet.
“Need a smoke,”
“Ah,” The other boy nodded his head. “Are you having fun?”
Suguru decides to lie again. The happiness on his friends face to pure to ruin with his sour mood.
“I told you coming out tonight would be a good idea.”
“Yeah,” Suguru fakes a grin. “I’ll be back.” He took the pack of cigarettes out his pocket waving them before walking away.
Suguru easily maneuvers his way through the thick crowd until he was standing on the back porch. The screen door shut with a thud causing you to swiftly snap around. There was a hopeful and expectant look on your face but when you saw it was him all that fell as you turned back around.
“Well, hello to you too,” Suguru jokes trying to hide the actual physical pain he was feeling in his heart.
That used to be him you were so eager to see.
“What do you want?” You huffed softly.
“Needed a smoke.”
The way you turned to look at him with such concern almost made Suguru laugh. Here you were angry at him, going through your own shit, and still somehow harbored enough care to be concerned with his health.
“I though you quit?”
Suguru plops down next to you pulling the carton out his pocket flipping the cap open. “I did.” He says showing you the empty pack..
“You carry around an empty pack?”
“It’s a good way for me to make an exit,”
You left out a long sigh. “I looked that pitiful huh?”
“You don’t look pitiful. He just looks stupid.”
Though you didn’t say anything back you didn’t need to for Suguru to already know what you were thinking. He knew you like the back of his hand and no doubt you were beating yourself up, angry with yourself when in reality you should’ve been focused on the one who deserved it.
“I’m so stupid,” You whisper and its so low that it Suguru wasn’t already so hyper-focused on your very existence he would’ve probably missed it.
“No, you’re not.”
“You told me he was like this.”
“People told you about me and you still gave me a chance,”
“So I am stupid.”
“You’re trusting,” Suguru counters. “You give people the benefit of the doubt.”
“why is it that trusting people always end up looking stupid?”
“because others take advantage of it.”
Something he knew all to well.
You both fall silent again. The only noise filling the space are the sounds of nature and the muffled thumping music that escaped the noisy house. Suguru looks over at you wishing there was something he could to do. Something he could say. Seeing you like this hurt him.
He hated seeing you cry.
He felt like dying when you were upset.
But it also hurt to see you happy so Suguru wasn’t exactly sure what he wanted.
All this shit was so weird. An uncharted territory before you came along.
Every time the screen door would creak open you’d twist around to see if it was him and every time you ended up turning back around in disappointment. As your disappointment grew, so did Suguru’s anger.
You only deserved the best things in life. None of this push and pull, ‘I’m here but around others I’m not’ bullshit.
Suguru was such a hypocrite.
Here he was furious with Satoru when he used to just as much of an asshole to you as well. He too would push and pull right until he pushed you away completely.
“I’m sorry,” He quietly apologizes. If he’d just gotten his act together sooner there would be no you and Satoru. You wouldn’t be sad and he would still have you.
You shake your head softly shushing him. “Not right now please,” You say. “Can you take me home? I just really want to go back home.”
Without saying anything else Suguru nodded. As both of  you were walking to his car you passed a big window. Sadly it was a clear shot to Satoru who now had another girl seated next to him in your place.
Not only had he not noticed your absence but that easily he’d replaced you.
“He’s such a fucking ass.”
“Yeah,” You agree. “Let’s just go,”
Suguru had evert urge to go in there and go off but when he looked back over you were already halfway to his car so he kept it moving. Satoru wasn’t worth it anyway. He was just another dick who thought way too much of himself.
Satoru didn’t deserve you.
Neither did Suguru.
One in the car Suguru sent Haibara a quick message saying he was going home before shifting the car into gear.
As expected the drive was silent. There wasn’t much to say. As much as Suguru wanted to comfort you he didn’t know what to do even if he did you probably wouldn’t want to hear it from him. Why would you?
Suguru knew every route to and from your apartment but decided to take the longest one. If you noticed you didn’t say anything. All you did was keep quiet as you looked out the window.
You stayed that way until he pulled up to you complex. Before getting out of the car you whisper as soft thank you and force a smile.
“yeah, no problem,” Suguru murmurs.
He’s about to pull away when out the corner of his eye he spots your small tube of lip gloss sitting in his cup holder. You had a million of them and even thought you probably wouldn’t even realize this one was missing Suguru still found himself on a journey to your front door.
Who know this could’ve been your favorite one.
The one in the pink tube was your favorite actually.
But Suguru already knew that.
“You left this,” Suguru says once you open the door.
“Thanks,” You mutter grabbing it from his hand. “I have a million in this flavor.”
“I know.”
For the first time tonight a genuine smile filled your lips. It was small and not the one he was used to seeing but for right now it would do. It was better than nothing.
Though your eyes were sad and bloodshot you were still as beautiful as ever to him.
“Please don’t cry over him. He doesn’t deserve your tears.”
“I just want something real,” You say in a small voice your arms wrapping around your body.
“What we had was real.”
“You were just like him.”
“I know.”
“I’m sorry,” Suguru adds, his voice wavering as he tries to get out the words. “I’m so fucking sorry.”
“I know,” you say this time.
Suguru is walking away when you call out his name. As soon as he turns back around your lips are on his. He’s shocked for a moment, standing there with wide eyes, but quickly he fall back into your old routine. His heart is pounding so hard against his chest and Suguru wonder if you could feel it as well.
With every kiss he pulls you closer to him. It’s been months since he’d last had you this close and Suguru didn’t want it to end any time soon. He missed this, the soft breaths that escape you, the fruity taste of your lip gloss, the way your hands cradle his face.
Slowly your hands roam from his face to his jacket and then finally when they land on his belt Suguru forces himself to pull away.
Suguru lets out a sigh resting his forehead against yours. “We can’t.” He mutters.
He wanted you but not this way. Not when you were like this.
“You’re….” his voice trails off.
“I’m sober,”
“You’re sad.” He counters.
You give him a shrug. “ I want this. I need this.”
Suguru knows what this was. A rebound fuck. Simply a way for you to get back at Satoru in your mind but couldn’t bring himself to care as he kisses you again. He knows this was going to hurt in the morning but he’d deal with that when it came.
A satisfied moan leaves your lips. “Please,” You beg and Suguru nods, not even needing to know what exactly you were asking for because he already was prepared to give you everything.
Reaching behind him Suguru pushed the front door closed. “Where?” Without saying anything you guided him both over to the couch lightly pushing him down before climbing on top.
You pulled off your dress and without a second thought, Suguru hands find their way to your breast, lifting the mounds out of the cups. His tongue gently swipes over both nipples before picking one to suck on while he twisted the other between his fingers.
“Fuck,” Soft moans escape your plump lips as you arch further into him. “It’s always about him.”
Suguru pulls away for a brief moment and shushes you before taking in the other nipple. He didn’t want to hear about you and Satoru. The thoughts tortured him enough. 
It did bring him a sick satisfaction to know that Satoru was a lazy lover.
“Don’t be. This is just about us right now.”
You nod, pressing your fingers underneath Suguru’s chin as lift up his head so you could kiss him again. Suguru’s hands were everywhere. From your ass to your stomach, your thighs, he couldn’t get enough.
“Touch me,” You command.
Suguru happily listens, his fingers easily finding their way into your panties. You were already so wet. The juices soaking him with just a few movements. His fingers dances across your clit pulling airy groans from your mouth. To him you look so beautiful, your head tossed back, eyes fluttering, as your hips rocks into his fingers.
“Need you in me.”
“Wanna taste you.”
You shake your head, big glossy needy eyes focused on him. “Next time maybe.”
His heart jumps at the words ‘next time’. Suguru really hopes there is a next time. Not even for the sex. He just wanted you.
You lift up allowing Suguru the room to pull his pants down. After pulling your own panties to the side you grab his cock and align it before sinking down.
Groans leave both of your mouths and before Suguru can even collect his thoughts you began to bounce up and down. Suguru isn’t even sure were to focus. Your bouncing breast, the perfect contortions of your face, or the lewd scene between your legs.
He leans forward and takes your nipple into his mouth again. You felt so good. So wet. So warm. The tight grip on his hair only sending more pleasure through his body while you alternate between bouncing and grinding. Your eyes were closed and you weren’t focused on anything but yourself.
You were using him but none of that mattered.
“Suguru,” you whine, finally looking at him. “feels so good. It feels so good.”
“Only ever want to make you feel good y/n,”
 Suguru says it so quietly that he wasn’t even sure you’d heard or if you did you’d understood what exactly he meant but when your eyes began to water again Suguru knew you had.
You hide your face into the crook of his neck, wrapping your arms around him. When your hips began to falter in pace Suguru knows your close. Once your pussy tightens and your legs begin to shake, Suguru lets himself fall apart too.
You both stay like that. Breathing labored wrapped in each other's arms not saying anything. You stay that way until he hears your little sniffles and feels the tears falling onto his shoulder.
“Don’t cry. Pretty girls don’t cry.”
“Then stop making me.”
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mrsshabana · 1 year
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Canon!Gyutaro x Modern!Reader
♥ CW: Female reader. Pure fluff!
♥ AN: Thank you again for 300 followers! I am posting this in celebration of this milestone. I wrote this months ago, just for fun. And it has been sitting in my drafts ever since. I think the theme is very fitting. And if you all like it, I wouldn't mind making a part two some day!
♥ WC: 1,117
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I wonder if Mrs.Shabana posted anything new today?
You think to yourself, pulling out your cellphone as you walk down a dank alleyway. Checking tumblr has become a daily ritual for you ever since your obsession began. Gyutaro from Demon Slayer. Something about him just called out to you, he made his way into your mind and never went away. Slowly spreading until the fictional character consumed every one of your thoughts. You just wish that he was real…
With a sigh, you continue walking. Having just gotten off a long shift, you’re excited to get home and go to sleep. Not before reading a fanfic or two first of course.
As you continue down the alley you stop for a moment, “Yes!” Gyusimp just posted a new oneshot. You’re too excited to wait, so you decide to read and walk at the same time.
So distracted by your phone, that you don’t realize something is stalking you. Something that wastes no time in pinning you to the ground, flipping you over so it can slit your neck with its weapon.
Something you thought was impossible.
“Gyutaro?!” You squeal with a mixture of excitement, shock, and fear.
He’s straddling you with his sickle held up to your neck. Hearing his name come out of your mouth, his eyes widen. Stumbling off of you as you take in his appearance with awe. He looks exactly as he does in the anime, handsome and sexy as all hell.
“You�� you’re Gyutaro!” you pinch yourself to make sure that you aren’t dreaming. Even though you are sure that your mental state has finally broken and your obsession is warping your perception of reality, you don’t care because Gyutaro Shabana is sitting right in front of you!
Knowing everything that you do, you should be deathly afraid of him. But your corrupted love for the man blinds you. Crawling forward to get a closer look at him.
When he opens his mouth to ask you a question, you have no idea what he’s trying to say. 
He’s speaking in Japanese.
Oh fuck, this isn’t good. You somehow get the opportunity to meet the love of your life and here you are unable to understand each other. At least his name is universal, which is probably the reason why you aren’t dead right now. 
“Um hold on…” you quickly pull out your phone to use a translator. Typing in what you want to say and letting it speak to him.
You type, “Please don’t kill me, I know who you are.”
Gyutaro cocks his head to the side and frowns, asking you another question in an irritated tone.
“I can’t speak Japanese,” your phone relays your message to him. He starts to scratch his skin but his expression softens a bit. You don’t know what you should do with him, if this is really happening then how the hell did he get here? Who knows, but you love this man so you’re gonna do everything you can to help him out.
“Follow me. I will take you to my home where it is safe.”
You hope that he’ll follow you. Not knowing what his current situation is, maybe he already has a safe place to stay? You assume that he doesn’t, as he begins following you.
You aren’t too far from your apartment, looking back every minute or so to make sure Gyutaro is still there. He follows from a distance, unsure if he can even trust you. You could be a demon slayer for all he knows.
You open the door to your apartment, and he hesitantly follows you inside. Once he’s in, you quickly run around to hide all of the Gyutaro merch you have. It’d be so awkward if he saw the body pillow…
Once everything has been shoved into your closet you bring out the translator again. You want to ask him so many questions but how will you even be able to understand his responses? You have an idea. On your translator app there’s an option for it to listen and translate the spoken words. So maybe you could go back and forth that way.
“This device will let us communicate with each other. Speak into it” you speak into your phone, it spits out your statement in Japanese.
Gyutaro opens his mouth to respond, and you hold the phone in front of him to speak into. 
He speaks in Japanese and after a few seconds your phone gives you a translation, “Who are you and how do you know me?”
“My name is Y/N. I know you from a TV show.”
Gyutaro furrows his brows, “I do not understand what it means…”
The translation isn’t perfect, but it gets the point across. So if he doesn’t know what TV is, then does that mean he’s actually from the past? From the exact same universe as demon slayer? You try to say things in a way that he might be able to understand.
“A lot of people here know you. I like you a lot, so I want to help you.”
Your words seem to be making him even more confused, so you decide to just get to the important questions.
“How did you get here? Do you know where you are?”
Gyutaro shakes his head, opening his mouth to respond but then deciding against it. There’s something that he seems like he doesn’t want to tell you, “Do not know…”
“You aren’t in Japan anymore and it’s the future. You need to be careful here,” you respond to him.
“Can not understand. I have to find my sister.”
“Daki?” you say directly to him. Hearing her name come out of your mouth his eyes widen and he nods.
“I can try to help you find her.”
“How is a weak person like you going to help me?”
For a moment you forgot how mean he was in the anime… “I’m from this world, so I know where things are and how things work. You’ll need a place to stay away from the sun too. You can stay here.”
Gyutaro scowls and looks you up and down before responding, “Fine.”
If he was back in his world he would have killed you already. But he doesn’t know this place, it’s strange to him. So far, he hasn’t encountered any of the other demons either. You seem to be the only person that knows him. He still doesn’t quite understand how or why, but he is desperate right now. Desperate to find his sister and go back home. Even though he despises humans, he will keep you alive in hopes that you really can help him.
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sunnycanvas · 11 months
Hi! New to Tumblr here and I love your Baldwin fanfics. Could you please do one where female reader is drunk? I just wanna know how would he reacts. Smut or fluff it's up to you hehe anyways have a good day 😊
Thank you for request, have a nice day as well
Baldwin iv was tired, the meetings with high court had taken much longer time than he expected. When he walked in the room he expected you to find in bed reading a book immediately smiling with the sound of door and opening your arms to welcome him. Alas, you weren't there. The room looked gloomy and small without you there. Has it been always like that? he wondered. He craved your smell, your affectionate smile, your beautiful eyes which lighten up whenever he sees you. He missed you so much. Baldwin iv felt bad he knew you felt neglected. He barely spends time with you and whenever he comes, he directly goes to sleep. You seemed upset but were understanding. Baldwin iv still felt that his royal duties were no excuse to neglect you
Just then he heard the door opening. Thinking it was you he turned around with excited smile. He was ready to pounce at you and shower you with kisses for ignoring you. However his expression soon turned to confusion to worry and lastly anger.
You entered red faced giggling. Baldwin iv was furious. You are engaged to king soon going to be future queen of Jerusalem. What were thinking going drunk like that? What if someone had taken advantage of your drunken state? Did you not think what would happen to him? Thinking someone taking advantage of you in your drunken state made Baldwin iv furious. Luckily your friend was nice enough to leave to your room
Seeing Baldwin iv cold gaze she placed you on bed, curtised the king and ran away as fast as she could, she was so fast that Baldwin iv didn't have time to scold her to be careless enough to let you get drunk.
He was soon distracted with your giggles. "Hey handsome, would you like to go for a drink with me"
"Your flattering wouldn't help you my lady, do you have any idea how dangerous it could be"
You frowned confused. Your frowned expression with flushed face tickled Baldwin iv's heart and he had strong urge to kiss you. It's difficult to stay angry at you he thought. You always have your way with your cute expression but this time Baldwin iv was determined not to let you win by charms.You got up and and layed your hands on his shoulder. You squinted your eyes as if you wanted to read his expression. At last you pounted and said
"I am afraid Sir, I don't recognise you"
Baldwin iv was mixed with worry and anger.
"Why would you drink to such an extent that you wouldn't recognise me, do you have any idea how what would happen to me if anything happened to you!? How could you be so careless?"
Hearing this you started cry. Baldwin iv was greatly upset seeing you crying. He never yelled at you also you were drunk. That must have gotten you emotional. Sighing he gently layed you down on bed in sleeping position. He layed beside you and hugged you. Whispering apologizes he kept kissing your temple. You sniffled and said
"Since you are kissing me sire, I am going to forgive"
This time Baldwin iv frowned and asked
"Angel you never call me sire"
You giggled hearing this and asked
"Do I know you?"
Baldwin iv remembered that you were too drunk to recognise him. He sighed and hugged as you both went back to sleep. "I will ensure to scold you tomorrow when you are well enough. Hopefully you don't get a hangover" he thought.
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axel-skz · 1 year
You’re not funny…
A/N: I feel not tired at all and kind of nauseous. I think I’m severely dehydrated but drinking the water gives me even more nausea so… tf do I do? Write a fanfic and ignore my problems. I did not proof read it and It’s not a literary masterpiece so please, lower your expectations lol (shuffled my stray kids playlist and we got thunderous this time ;) for our boys thunderous dance moves (I mean that was terrible but I wanna play a song for every fic now so, yeah lol))
Summary: Minho is expecting a nice weekend together that he needed very much but you’re planning to play a prank.
Minho x Gender neutral reader
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Minho had been getting frustrated very fast lately. Getting burnt out a lot because this comeback had been so demanding. He could see all the work coming too because they had been told, they were going on tour.
Now he was agitated because he was working all the time and he couldn’t spend time with his loved ones.
He knew what would make him feel better though. Spending time with you. All he was looking forward to all week was a whole weekend with you.
What he didn’t know was that the perfect storm was brewing. At the time where he wanted nothing but affection fhe most, you had the plan to play a prank on him.
You would try your best to swerve anytime he wanted a kiss or a hug. You had seen it on tiktok a lot recently and you just really wanted to try it out.
Horrible timing honestly but you had no idea.
He had called on monday and you would both be spending the weekend together. He hadn’t told you about the tour either because he hadn’t got the chance to. You would never be playing this prank if you knew.
Friday afternoon, he arrives. You hear him knocking on your door and instantly, you ready yourself. Usually you would run to him in the most dramatic way possible and give him a hug. He acted like he hated it but it made him feel wanted.
While he thought about how much he needed that hug, you were making sure you wouldn’t do it. As you opened the door, he stood there for what felt like a century, expecting the hug. You looked st him with confusion.
‘You good?’ You asked with a puzzled look.
‘You usually hug me when you open the door,’ he also looked extremely confused.
‘Oh, you hate it so I thought I wouldn’t do it. Come in,’ you smiled at him. As he walked in, you took the things he was carrying. It was your way of busying yourself.
He let out a sigh as he sat on the sofa, ‘I’m so tired. I could barely sleep yesterday.’
‘Aww, that’s sad. Have you had a hard time sleeping for a while or just last night?’ You came back after putting his bag in your room.
He looked at you and you could see how tired he was, ‘all week. So much work and I just don’t even want to think about it. It’s early as hell but can we watch a movie and take a nap?’
Code for watch something and cuddle. He wasn’t one to just outright ask for physical contact so you had gotten use to recognising when he wanted it and how he asked.
‘Of course we can do that,’ you smiled at him and set up everything for a movie.
You got some sweets and popcorn with the softest blankets. You picked a feel good movie that you both really liked and started to get settled. You played the movie and sat down on the floor.
He was surprised, ‘why are you on the floor? There’s plenty of room on the sofa.’
‘You should stretch out and get comfy. It’ll be easier to fall asleep. I have some work I need to do so I’ll sit here and do it when you fall asleep,’ you said while feigning interest in the movie.
It’s like you could feel him pouting. And he was.
‘Could you not do the work tomorrow?’
‘I’m sorry, my love. It’s urgent. I need to get it in by the end of the day.’
‘S’okay…’ he covered himself in blankets and got comfortable. He didn’t let it show just how hurt he was by it.
He fell asleep after a little while. He woke up a couple hours later and you had nodded off while working on the floor. Your brief was on the table and he looked at it.
He tried to help you with your work sometimes because you liked his opinions on it. As he read through it, he noticed it wasn’t due for another two weeks. That hurt him again because he didn’t understand why you lied.
He moved back and laid back down. He didn’t know how long he stared at the cieling before you woke up. He pretended to sleep when you got up to check on him. You picked up your stuff after you fixed the blanket so it was covering him properly.
After that, you started cooking for dinner. He took a little while before he got up. He acted groggy as he walked into kitchen. You heard him shuffle in and it was so hard not to hug him when he looked so cute with the wayward hair and the puffy cheeks.
‘Sleep well?’ You asked as you moved to the fridge.
‘Mhm, something about this place helps me sleep,’ he smiled.
‘Pff- you’re so sweet,’ you giggled a bit as you gave him some juice.
‘I was talking about your sofa and the tv but whatever helps you sleep at night.’
You playfully glared at him, ‘they’re mine and they help you so ultimately, it’s all me.’
You began washing some extra pots as you let him know what you were cooking and that it was almost done. You felt him get up and walk over. As he got closer, you quickly put what you were washing down and moved away to the stove.
A look of hurt and confusion flashed on his face for a second but it was gone as fast as it came. He followed to look at the food but kept a little distance. He didn’t understand at all what was going on.
You guys set the table up and ate your meal.
He was extremely silent the whole time and it was a very awkward 25 minutes. He offered to do the dishes and as he grabbed the last one, he leaned in to kiss you out of habit as he said thank you. You swerved and this seemed to be his breaking point.
He froze for a moment but then put the plate down and kneeled next to you. He took your hands in his and he looked into your eyes.
‘Y/N, what have I done? I don’t remember doing anything to hurt you and that may also be bad but whatever it is, I’m sorry. Please just tell me and let me fix it,’ he looked so torn up inside and it hurt your heart to see him like that.
And then you broke. (Because you would be a menace to society if you didn’t finally tell him what was going on)
‘I’M SO SORRY! Hold on… I’ll explain,’ You pulled him off the floor and took him over to the sofa. You both sat down. ‘It was such a stupid idea but I saw this prank on tik tok and I wanted to do it.’
The sad look on his face hurt your soul, ‘so you don’t hate me?’
‘God no! I could never!’ You leaned forward and gave him a hug. ‘I’m so sorry! It was a stupid idea!’
He hugged you back in an instant. You were basically in his lap, his face hidden in your neck. ‘Can we just stay like this for a while?’
You nodded and hugged him harder, ‘Can I turn off the kitchen light first?’
‘I’ll pay your electricity bill.’
‘I was kidding,’ you smiled.
‘Someone has to tell you, you’re not funny,’ you could feel him smirk.
‘So mean and hurtful, for what reason?!’ You jokingly sniffled.
‘Feel my pain,’ he laughed.
‘If it makes you feel better, fine,’ you hugged him a little tighter. ‘I’m sorry.’
‘S’okay. I’m just glad it was a prank.’
‘I love you most.’
‘I love you even more’
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A/N: I’m thinking of a part two for this. I dont know. Cus I mentioned a tour so maybe it’s worth playing that out a bit. Lemme know what you think.
Please like and reblog and submit your prompts/requests :)
I’m writing anything that comes to mind right now so suggestions would be great.
[I’ve tried to look over it but if there’s anything that isn’t gender neutral about the reader, lemme know and I’ll fix it]
The following parts will probably not come and this was made as a stand alone story. If you’re still wanting to continue reading after this, go for it :) I just wanted to warn you cus if I were you, Id want someone to warn me.
Part 2
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adrienneleclerc · 7 months
The Start of it All
Pairing: Walter Marshall x Hispanic!Reader
Summary: The day Y/N started working in Walter’s district and called him “Don Refri” for the first time
Warning: Masterlist pinned on my blog, it’s probably short.
A/N: i wanted to create a fanfic universe so it’s a series of one shots that take place in the same universe. Like a multi part series without the commitment which is literally PERFECT for me. If you have any ideas of what you want to see take place in this universe like in Walter and Y/N’s relationship, let me know!
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Walter was in his office with the commissioner wanted to talk to him.
“What is it? Is there something wrong?” Walter asked.
“There’s nothing wrong, I found a new records clerk.” Harper told him.
“Do we really need a glorified secretary? We’ve been handling the files just fine, Harper.” Walter said.
“The time you spend creating police reports could be used actually solving cases. Whether you like it or not, a records clerk will be here. You can’t do everything on your own, she starts tomorrow.” Harper said, walking out of Walter’s office.
Walter sighed, running his hand through his hair. He knows he had no reason to be mad that a new person would come work here. He just felt that a new person would ruin the flow of things. He won’t know until he meets her though.
Y/N moved to Saint Paul 3 weeks ago and she finally got a call about the job she applied for. She moved from Miami to Quantico for FBI training but when failed the physical assessment, even after weeks of training, she decided to move to Minnesota. Why Minnesota? Who knows, she’s not use to the cold, but it was a nice change of scenery. She managed to get a nice studio apartment with her savings from working as a receptionist in Miami. She applied as a records clerk for the Saint Paul Police Department, Western District (I’ve been researching, they don’t organize the police department by precincts, only few cities do), and she got it! Now she was talking to her Miami bestie.
“Why did you choose Minnesota instead of staying there in Virginia? Do you know how cold it’s going to be once it hits winter?” Her bestie, Melissa, said.
“I know, I know, ni me lo recuerdes, but I’ll be making more money here than in Florida.” Y/N said.
“Fine, what are you going to wear for your first day on the job?” Melissa asked.
It was the next day, Y/N was putting professional clothes to make a good first impression. She decided to leave her hair down and drove to the station. Once she found parking, she entered the precinct and saw five people standing by the cubicles.
“Good morning, Y/N, we spoke on the phone, I’m commissioner Harper, these are our technicians, Matthew and Glasgow, profiler and psychologist, Rachel, and our best detective, Walter.” Harper introduced everyone to Y/N, shaking everyone’s hands respectively.
When Y/N went to shake Walter’s hand, she felt a little spark when they touched. They made eye contact and thoughts that were running in their heads were less than professional. Y/N thought about how it would feel to run her hands through his hair or having his firm hands touch her body. Walter was thinking about how it would feel to kiss her and what sounds she would make when doing so. Maybe having a new person in the precinct won’t be so bad after all.
“It’s very nice to meet everyone, can’t wait to start working here.” Y/N said with a smile. Harper showed Y/N where her cubicle was and she settles down.
Walter watched Y/N for a whole before heading to his office. The morning was pretty calm, when Walter entered the break room to grab his lunch, he saw Y/N eating her lunch, talking to Rachel at the table like they were old friends. He stood by the counter to eat his sandwich.
“So what’s the story of the detective?” Y/N asked quietly.
“He’s a good detective, but he’s closed off, kind of a grouch, we call him detective grumpy but obviously not to his face. I mean, I understand why he’s closed off, I’ve seen the photos of the cases he works, it’s brutal. I can’t imagine actually being there in person.” Rachel said. Y/N looked back at the detective and looked away.
“I Can see that too, but I think it’s better to talk it out, a desahogarte.” Y/N commented. “Bottling up your feelings can’t be good in the long run.”
One night, Y/N and Walter stayed late at the district because they cracked a big case so Y/N is doing the paperwork for it right now. It was kind of quiet so Y/N decided to break the silence.
“So, Detective Marshall, what got you interested in working in homicide?” Y/N asked. Walter looked up from a file he was reading to look at the woman.
“Am I required to answer?” Walter asked.
“You don’t have to answer, I was just trying to make conversation seeing as we’re here, alone.” Y/N commented. Walter rolled his eyes.
“I was on SWAT before, then I switched to homicide.” Walter said.
“Why did you make the switch?” Y/N asked.
“I don’t want to talk about this, just finish your work.” Walter said, looking back at the file, reviewing Y/N’s work.
“Whatever you say, Don Refri.” Y/N commented and Walter looked back at Y/N, seeing her slightly smirk.
“What did you just call me?” Walter asked.
“It’s ‘mister fridge’ in Spanish. Since you’re kinda closed off, you don’t talk, you don’t let what you’re feeling be known. You have a poker face all the time, it’s good when you’re interrogating a perp, but it’s not so good for the soul. You’re kinda cold as well, so until you learn to express your feelings in a positive way and not bottle them up, you will be Don Refri, okay? Okay.” Y/N said as she continued typing. “I wanted to be an FBI profiler before coming here. I was in Quantico and everything, I was training for weeks but when it finally came to the physical assessment, I couldn’t do it. I failed the times 1.5 mile run and got a stress fracture. So now I’m here. But I don’t think I want to become a cop.” Y/N shared and Walter just hummed. “In my culture we’re very family oriented. I moved from Miami, I’m far away from my friends and family, I’m all alone. Since I’m reporting to you, I thought we could at least be friendly towards each other, guess not. I finished, look it over, I’m leaving.” Y/N said as she packed up her stuff to leave.
Walter felt like an asshole. He could at least replied or act interested in what she was saying.
The next morning, Y/N entered the station and when she walked to her cubicle, she saw a little box of chocolate chip cookies with a sticky note that said “Sorry -Don Refri” and that made Y/N smile.
Although Y/N really wanted a relationship with Walter, being friends with him seems like a step closer to the right direction.
The End
Taglist: @shellyshellshell
Hope y’all liked it! I did my research about the Saint Paul police department to make it accurate, and hopefully I gave Y/N a good background since I put in the first installment that she doesn’t do the cold, I made her be from a warmer state. Let me know if you want to be tagged!
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louissatturi · 23 days
So this fanfic idea is consuming me so I will probably Write it
So it's a fic where cumplane reincarnate as qijiu kids and whare Born during the time yqy (how did he birthed this kids as a teenager? Is he a omega? Trans? Affected with a weird fuck or die plant? Idk bro i also didn’t figured this out) in the lingxi caves, they ware Sadly Born prematurely but that didn’t affect them too much since they are transmigrators and stuff
So the premise is basicly twin cumplane being raised by a teen version of Yue qingyuan and trying to Change his fate of being killed in the end by luo binghe (since it's their dad lol)
Their plane consistes in Airplane becoming the next sect leader and shen yuan becoming his bff so the sect isn’t all ruined yk? (Yeah in this fic Airplane is not a an ding peak disciple but he gets the same amount of overwork don't worry)
Shen QingQiu is going insane and foaming at the mouth because there is 2 little clones of him and qi-ge as kids in the kids have some of the others features, his relationship with the kids is interesting (especially because he dosen't know that they are his kids) shen yuan looks almost identical to him if not for the color of the eyes and his nose that are 2 things that he was obssessed in his qi-ge, shen qingqiu just dosen't kill him on sight because that is the sect leader kid so that would be VERY stupid so they just torture each other in psycological warfear because sy hates his guts, his relationship with Airplane is interesting because he kinda indulges in his wish of being kind and tender with qi-ge thru him since he looks like his dad (Airplane is VERY scared and weirdout by it but since he wrote it he kinda just allows it to heppen)
Bingqiu and Moshang Would also heppen in this fic by the simple hilarity of Yue Qingyuan just looks at his kids boyfriends being literal demons and just giving a disapointing sigh but just aproving it because his baby's are happy
The other thing about this au is that the names of cumplane are not "shen yuan" and "shang qinghua" for abvious reasons and I gave them new names!
A little disclamer, i am HORRENDOUS with names like worst then Airplane and my mandarin knowledge is basicly a big and round 0 so please if you think the names are very ugly use your suspension of disbelif because the dad was like 17 give him a break! (But the names are passible to Change, don't worry to much)
I will start with Airplane, his name is Yue Cangshu (岳仓鼠), yes it's because of hamsters and I just think is really cute yqy taking a good look at him and going "omg he is so small and round... just like a rat... his name is rat now"
Shen yuan names Change was harder for me because before hand I was just going to call him "Yue Yuan' but since his twin got a longer name I decide to make one for him as well, his name is Yue YuanChun (岳垣春), his name is like these because of shen Qingqiu, since the qiu(秋) character means autmmun I was like "huuum yuan means wall... his name being "spring wall" would be really cute" so this is why he is called "YuanChun" now lol
I am obssessed with this au
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iamnotthere-idonotdie · 4 months
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synopsis: reader works a menial job where they meet bruce wayne. the two meet up later at a bar and spend the night together.
warnings: bruce wayne (battinson) x reader, one use of “fuck”, mention of sex, cheating, drinking
a/n: no use of y/n, physical attributes of protagonist is up to reader’s interpretation, some moments are probably ooc for pattinson’s bruce wayne but i had a visison, probably some typos, also sorry i have my auto-capitalization off, this is my first ever fanfic btw so be nice pls but also very much would love feedback, i got inspired by the song adored by sea girls so listen to that too if you want an idea of the vibe here, edit: here’s the whole playlist if you want
part 1 of 3
“jumping jack enterprises, how may i help you?”
you’re customer-service voice wasn’t in full-swing today. it was a long night with your boyfriend, john, and you just wanted friday to end. it was another night of screaming and fighting and you didn’t know how you’d make it through this. you loved him, but you’re starting to wonder if that’s enough. you’ve been trying to convince yourself that it’s only recently starting being rocky between the two of you, but the truth is you’re not sure anymore why you’re even still together.
you’ve been together 4 years now, it’s become your new normal to come home to john. to see him at his armchair by the fireplace, drinking a cocktail and reading one of his pretentious novels. but you’re only realizing now that what you thought was affection is just infatuation. the spark is gone. the honeymoon phase is over, if it ever was there to begin with.
“let me direct you to our marketing department and they’ll get you the help you’re looking for.”
you hang up the phone and glance again at the clock. 4:51. nine minutes to go until you’re able to go back home to what will probably be another night of senseless arguing.
you start to pack up your things and then the door swings open. you sigh, annoyed that someone’s come in this late to closing. but you look up to see bruce wayne. bruce wayne? what is he doing here?
“can you show me to jack bill’s office please?” he asks in a low voice.
“mr. bill is out today, actually. he’ll be back monday afternoon.”
“can you leave this for him then?” he hands you a yellow envelope, with nothing but mr. bill’s name on it.
“um sure thing, mr. wayne. is there anything else i can help you with?” you ask, hoping you’re voice doesn’t sound as shaky as you think it does.
“no, thank you.” he turns and leaves the way he came.
“have a nice day…” and the door shuts.
that was strange. what did bruce wayne need to see mr. bill for? and why leave such a mysterious envelope like that? you try not to think too deeply into it as you finish gathering your things and shutting down the computers to leave.
your phone buzzes. it’s john. he’s leaving for the weekend, to see his brother. to clear his head. to think things through. even though you should feel upset, you can’t help but feel a sense of relief at not having to fight again, at least for a few days.
you decide instead of going home to mope, you head to a local bar. you can’t remember the last time you went drinking alone. in fact, you can’t remember the last time you went drinking at all. maybe it’ll be good, a change of scenery.
you hail a taxi and ask to be taken to the jade jewel. the car zips through traffic and fights off the rain as you make your way to the bar.
you’re there, and you feel a sudden wave of anxiety. maybe this isn’t a good idea. alcohol is probably not what you need right now. but the taxi’s already left to find another fare, and now you’re stuck, in your work clothes, at the only bar in town your mind could conjure up. you reluctantly walk in and get a table.
the bar is not how you remember it. it’s now more of a chill jazz club. okay, maybe this will actually be good.
you order an old fashioned and listen to the live music, the piano and the bass intertwining to make beautiful melodies. time seems to stand still as you’re lightly swaying along in your seat to the music. turns out, this is exactly what you needed.
you don’t pay attention to how long you’ve been sitting there, but it seems to be a while as people are starting to leave. the door opens and closes as couples file out to go home, but then you see out of the corner of your eye a familiar face. before you can fully register who it is, he’s waking over to your table.
“you work at jumping jack right? i saw you there today, gave you that message for mr. bill.”
“yeah, that was me. i didn’t know you came around here.”
“it’s one of the few places i can go without worrying about the press. if no one expects you to be here, then they won’t look for you here.”
“that makes sense i suppose.”
“i apologize for leaving in that way. i didn’t want to keep you there too late.”
“it’s okay, i was just confused about the envelope.”
“it’s just a letter letting him know about a potential merger. he’s done some great research that i think we could both benefit from if we work together.”
“yeah that sounds like a great opportunity for him.”
he just nods slightly as he sits there, and the two of you turn to watch the band play.
the now mostly empty bar becomes quiet for a moment as the band switches songs. you and bruce lock eyes, and for a brief second, you get butterflies in your stomach. he lightly smiles at you and you smile back. then the music picks up again, a slow tempo, romantic song. bruce holds his hand out across the table.
“would you like to dance?”
you pause for a moment, confused by his question. bruce wayne does not seem like the dancing type. but you have one and a half drinks in you and without thinking anymore, you smile softly and nod. he takes your hand and you both get up from the table, moving over closer to the stage. he has one hand around you, pressing against your back and the other hand is holding yours. you sway slowly together, to the beat of the jazz band’s tune. after a minute of this, he slowly guides his hand lower down the small of your back and brings you in closer. you’re pressed against each other, tightly, as you two dance in the lowlight of the bar. you haven’t felt like this in a long time. john never danced with you, even when the relationship was at its best. after what seems like forever, the song ends. but you stay holding onto each other. you turn to look up at him and he’s looking at you too.
“the music’s stopped” you say quietly.
“i know.” he says even softer.
the sunlight pries your eyelids open as you blink to wake up. morning. saturday. you breathe in deep and let out a sigh.
bruce lays beside you, still snoring softly. you want to feel guilty. for fucks sake you’re waking up with bruce wayne next to you, in the bed you share with your boyfriend of 4 years.
but you don’t. because you just had the best night in a long time. you slowly get up out of bed and throw bruce’s shirt on. as you make your way to the kitchen, you can’t help but smile a bit.
you scoop the coffee grounds into the filter and pour some water in the machine, letting the bubbling of the coffee maker lull you into a daze. you just keep replaying the night you just had over and over. the music, the dancing, the sex. you can’t even remember the last time you and john had sex. you think of john, at his brother’s house, looking out the window at the same morning sky you’re seeing now. you start to feel a bit of guilt creep in when the coffee finishes brewing, and you pour a cup. you sit in the armchair, the same one john sits in, and sip. you force yourself to not think of john, to think of anything, just enjoy the coffee as it warms you up.
your daze is suddenly broken when you hear the sound of liquid pouring. you turn and bruce is making himself a cup. he’s wearing nothing but his underwear as he makes his way toward you. he leans down and you kiss him.
this is what you want to feel, right? an aching, longing feeling, like you miss him even though he’s right beside you. bruce sits in the chair next to you, and the two of you just drink the coffee, no words exchanged.
this is how you want your mornings to be. this is how you want to be.
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jackiequick · 1 year
Operation Baby Rescue / Fast & Furious Fic 🏁 (Part 1)
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Pairing: Deckard Shaw x Valentina Toretto
Fast and Furious fanfic
Setting: The Fate Of The Furious
Continuing to this fic 🏁
To say this wasn’t how she planned her week to go like this, was a understatement. One minute she’s doing a mission with her crew when suddenly her own brother turns to table, going completely rogue on them. How lovely—not! What made it even more or less weirder was that called to retrieve her playful Brit a week later, but before that she visited him, firsthand at the prison center for men like him. He walked in and sat in front of her, even in that jumpsuit he still looked amazing in her eyes.
She sat down picking up the phone on the wall, placing up to her ear, “How’ve you been, Deck?”
“Could be better. Hey, I’m sorry about what I did, you didn’t deserve that to happen. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” Deckard said with his ear up to the phone letting out a sigh, and give a side smile with made her return the gestures.
“We talked about it. It’s the past Deck, we can’t change anything that happened. We gotta move from it, honestly we should’ve been honest with each other.”
“We made it a rule when we first started seeing each other at the vacation homes, to not mention too much or stay in the past, be in the moment. We’ve should’ve known better and talk about it.”
“You’re being too forward, do you know something I don’t? I swear to god Deck if you plan on—”
“Relax! Val, I know better than to break out of here to see you. I’m not mad at you and Owen is alive god knows where.”
“Good…I miss you.”
“I miss you too…say we share a bit, as soon as once I get out of here?”
“I’ll be sooner than you think.”
Sooner happened rather quickly, as Mr. Nobody waited outside the prison center that he had Valentina hijack into about a exact week later. The sounds of shouting, alarms ringing, things breaking and running could be heard from the other side of the wall. Val put a timer on the clock as Mr.Nobody smirked watching the scene take place on his handheld tablet. It was priceless, 4 minutes and 27 seconds later Deckard Shaw and Luke Hobbs came rolling in a fighting standoff ready to pounce at one another. “Not bad, gentlemen.” Said Mr. Nobody with a grin and satisfying nod explaining his job for both men while Val was biting her lips smiling at the sight.
At the facility where everyone met, Valentina stayed behind for a moment, stepping into the room where Deckard was fixing his clothes. She stood outside the doorway with a grin as she said, “Nice view. You look good.”
He turned around with a matching grin and he walked over to the girl. “You’ve haven’t seen me in a while, that’s why your eyes are staring onto my face.” He said in pride in his voice knowing it was true and he was staring into at his girl the whole time here.
“You really miss me?”
“You have no idea.”
“Then kiss me.”
“Is that request or a demand?”
“You choice whichever one you believe it is. I like to think it—”
Valentina wasn’t given a chance to finish her sentence as Deckard laced his fingers crossed the back of her neck as his lips crashed gently but quickly onto her. A surprise gasp escape from her before she kissed him back and wrapped her hand onto the small of his back. A deep breath was taken away from the pair and smiles were laced on their faces. Val pulled away chuckling, “That was-i didn’t expect to you do it.”
Deck laughed with his hands still rested on her cheekbones, “Would you have expected anything else from me? I am determined.”
“Oh i know how determined you can get. Remember our first date in Italy? You asked me out right on the spot that afternoon.”
“I’m a man who knows what he wants, love. And in this case, it’s you. I made you feel happy, didn’t i?”
“Yeah you did, you still do.”
“But no more, funny business from you or i might have to make you mine.”
“Make me you’re what?”
“My wife.”
Before Valentina had a chance to give good comeback, Mr. Nobody called them out. Or should i say, Little Nobody called them out to see the team. Val went first and meet up with her gang, her friends—her family. They all talked about the idea of Dom going rogue and how they can get him back, especially with Cipher being the target with Dom. Just then Deckard Shaw made his appearance as Roman, Luke Hobbs and Tej stood up ready to pounce at the man. Letty rolled her eyes grumbling in annoyance and Ramey stayed quiet in her chair with a slight glare. Little Nobody and Mr. Nobody explained onto why Deckard was here and how he can help them find Dom. Soon enough they all got to work.
Ramey, Tej and Deckard used their brains and witty to track down Cipher and Dom’s current location which lead to their facility that was blown up by their bounty. Dom and Cipher came in exploring as he blow up the walls, threatening the group, even kissing in front of Letty who glared in disbelief as she yelled out her husband’s name. Val was in shock and glare at the pair, shaking in her head in disgust and disbelief. Soon enough they all left having the group ears ringing and glaring at the job at the hand involving Dom. Val stood up next to Roman and Tej while Ramey tried again to find their nearest next location, Val smirked figuring out the placement before they said the word. New York City.
And they were off to New York City undercover in a stinky mess of a fish truck, it took them a few hours to get there but they did. Mr. Nobody had a surprise up his sleeves, a warehouse filled with cars, gears and weapons to be used once Dom was found. Roman kept asking for the pretty bright orange car but after some negotiations he settled for a white one instead. Little did they all know, Domenic had plans out his own for the gang, needing two of the players to do a underground job for him. Deckard and Val. He needed them to rescue his son, a small package but a loving adorable one that needed to be delivered to his safe house safely, at least until the job was done.
Dom appeared in New York with his connections from his past undercover to deliver the message to Val and Deck when ready. Santos and Deckard’s mother Magdalene "Queenie" Shaw. Mr.Nobody called them out to the streets with Little Nobody coming with them in his own car. Val was set in her velvet vehicle driving off with the team behind Letty and Roman, Hobbs in his own truck, Ramey and Teri paired up together in a comfortable spot with it their car and Deckard driving next to the center cars when he received a message on his phone from mother and Dom Toretto, not knowing about all of the job set in stone yet.
Soon enough they were off! All of them against Dom for a suitcase with expressed interest inside for Mr. Nobody. To say they failed was a understatement to say the least, as Letty ran out of her car towards Dom and the assistant for Cipher to followed Dom around. It was a sad argument between the husband and wife, Val heard it from her walkie talkie as she noticed Deckard and Hobbs running as well. She followed. Val slides over and under crowds, ending up in street nearby an alleyway when she saw it. Dom yelling as he shot Deckard in the side causing the man to fall onto the pavement. Deckard was faced down on the ground not moving as Val let out a whimper from her lips, tears held back with a anger washed over all of it.
Dom glares towards Deckard soften as he noticed her standing there, giving his baby sister a certain type of look. It was a certain look at Val knew very well in fact, her big brother Dom had a plan set in stone. The man always had a plan in mind. He wasn’t the bad guy here, he never was and he was just being manipulated into doing the dirty work for Cipher for a reason. She’s holding something against him, to make Dom work for her but he couldn’t say it to the team. Val face soften as she noticed his body language shift as he looked into his sister soul with a slightly bruised, stone cold face. It was like a bruised shoulder of a a look that gave Val the signal to wait for it as Dom ran off. Before Val can say a word and race after her brother, Hobb swooped her into his arms and carried from the horrific scene.
Hours past, the place was silent as the crew looked around in frustration, concern and confusion at what just happened. Hobbs watched Letty and Val with a careful eye knowing what Dom did must’ve sting. Roman wanted to rub Letty’s shoulder for comfort but didn’t know what exactly would happen if he did to that. Val left a note for Mr. Nobody and Hobbs saying she doesn’t know if she’ll return for a while, needing some fresh air. Val walked out of the facility, stomping onto the pavement noticing a truck across the street and hummed in confusion but curiously.
Walking up to the truck, a light smirk placed on her lips. Val noticed it was Santos at the wheel grinning at the girl.
“Linda! Girl where you’ve been?” He said calling her ‘pretty’ in Spanish, holding up a small note for her, “Here.”
“Of course you were recruited!” She replied chuckling while taking the note from his hands and reading it, “Holy shit..”
Thank you for reading it. That was part one. Remember like, comment and share if you enjoyed it! ��🏼
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @t-nd-rfoot @mandylove1000 @blueboirick @sherlkore @meirafireshield @hanlueluver @rooster-84 @blackheart-beauty and etc
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