#she has the longest tail i have ever seen on a cat
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crunchy update
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writinandcrying · 2 years
Needs - Rottmnt Raph x GN Reader
Tw: mentions of death, sickness, fear of losing someone, hospital talk, oldest siblings syndrome, extremely self indulgent, shit is really sad sorry loldnjdjd
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You haven’t returned Raphael’s texts.
Or Donnie’s, or April’s, didn’t visualize any of Leo’s memes, not even when the youngest threatened that doctor feelings would make a visit, they didn’t respond, it wasn’t really a surprise, but still unsettling, lately y/n has been isolating themselves since the beginning of the year, everyone understood some sudden disappearances, taking care of a sick parent was no easy job, and to handle it alone was even harder, they knew you needed comfort, a shoulder to cry on, and they all thought they had made progress with opening up, the past 2 months they would discuss their issues more openly, but something changed in the past days
Raph waited, he knew you could be a lot like Donnie in stressful moments, Sometimes Raph likes to imagine his crush as a cat, he knew they would be the cutest, most cuddle-able, fluffy cat ever, but he also knew that you need to give space to a kitty somtimes until they finally feel comfortable enough to come to you on their own
Othertimes you have to meet them halfway
After a week of not responding, Raphael decided to pay y/n a visit, as would Donnie say, if his calculations were right, he wouldn’t like the view he was about to encounter
Raphael always tried to land “softly” or “quietly” on y/n’s firescape, concerned he would frighten any human with such loud noise over his body size, and god forbid he ever wanted to scare them away, tonight he let his patience slide a bit to the side, as anxiety bubbled inside of his heart, his landing was precise, he could feel at least 2 sections of the firescape under him shake with his arrival, quickly entering y/n bedroom window, he didn’t want to be seen as the sun was still setting in the skyline
a slightly damp nose meet his face, following along with many licks on his cheek “Hi, hi there, I missed you” y/n’s dog loved Raphael, Raph whisper the response as she showed her belly to him, tail wagging hassle waited for pets, between the boys, Mikey and Raph would always take the longest time into giving her attention her, so undoubtedly, they had become best buddies, and she specifically gave him the puppy eyesTM when movie night was at y/n place. The dog knew Raph couldn’t say no to those. “clever puppy“it didn’t really matter if she wasnt a puppy anymore, Raph could not hold that thought every time he saw her, the embodiment of excitement and cuteness
“She missed you too” a muffled voice came from the undone bed, at first, Raph thought you only left your window opened, as there was no signs of lights or well- Life, on your apartment complex, just a barely standing light on the door way was on, but he knew you always left that one on for your dog to find her way to her water bowl. Red slowly stood up, scanning the room for evidence, half a dozen empty water bottles on the floor, discarded granola bars around the furniture, along with a thin lair of dust covering 80% of your nightstand, your books, the notebook you loved to doodle in so much, forgotten like it was just a memory, waiting to be picked up again, clothes lazily unfolded one the infamously “dirty clothes”chair, yeah, Raphael’s calculations were right, unfortunately
“What about you?” Raph chuckled right after, to be truthful, forced it out, he didn’t want misinterpretation right now, he knows he needs to start with a light conversation and depending on your tone, shift it, take it more seriously if that’s what you needed
“Always” A hand slowly appear from out of the covers, searching to hold Raph’s, even when you were sad, you managed to comfort someone, to be there for someone when they barely could there for your self, he loved and also hated that about you, how selfless you could be even in your lowest
You could feel Raph lying next to you, by the weight distribution he was in his back, facing the celling, hands briefly connected, as your fingers slowly caressed eachother’s“Do you remember when my mom got sick? “ you spoke after a few minutes of being in silence, you werent ready to lift the covers from your face, you knew that when the turtle saw your state, he would bless you with the most tender embrace anyone could ask for, and you also know you wouldn’t be able to complete a single sentence if they got that right now “really sick, when she had to get hospitalized” you cleared their throat, after so many months, after seeing the worst of the worst, you would get get used to talking about it. No one ever prepares you to see the one who has always taken care of you become so… weak. So tired, lifeless, hopeless, that you will have to be the one to bathe them, to clean them, to dry their tears, to set boundaries because no, they can’t do what they have always done it before, their body can’t handle it. To stop your life because there’s no one else to take care of them, or at least, no one that cares enough to do so, so you take the burden. And god forbid you cry in front of them, otherwise they won’t even tell what they are truly feeling ever again, Guess it never becomes easy.
“Is she alright?” Raph held his breath, y/n wasn’t even the oldest, yet here you are, another victim of oldest sibling syndrome, something Raphael unfortunately knew it very well, he knew what taking all in made it to someone’s mental and physical state. Y/n couldn’t go to the hospital when their mom was first being hospitalized, due covid was still around, you had to stay home and wait for any news, Raphael promised to himself to never let you get to that stage again, how desperate, how broken you looked, how your sobs echoed in his mind every time he thought about you getting slightly sad or worried, Red has seen people cry out fear from their own life being taken away, but to see someone crying over someone they love, out of fear you might not ever see again? that’s another story, it hurts on a different level
“It’s not her” Raphael slowly reached for the duvet’s, as he let out a sigh he didn’t even knew he was holding in. Only dragging enough to see y/n eyes and puffy nose, Raphael could see trails of tears descending from their eyes to their nose bridge, eyes were puffy and red from crying for probably what has been hours by now, “she hasnt even finish all her chemo sections, and now she will have to take someone else along side wit her”
Raphael held his breath one more time, he stopped on his tracks to listen closely “my dad” “for the love of- please start with that next time” a large hand cupped your check, accidentally slipping a smile align side a soft snort, “sorry, I’m just” “I know. It’s ok” Raph closed his own eyes, he didn’t know it was possible to feel relief and sorrow at the same time
“I can’t go through it again Raph” you met his eyes for the first time, fear, regret, sadness, tiredness, there was so many emotions traveling through them, as heavy tears once again slid on their skin “my mom hasn’t even recovered from all of it, and now we’ll have to go through it, again? Where does it end?” There was no response to that, no one can predict it, seeing so upclose did bring some enlightenment to Raphael tho, his family had it rough, yes. but living a life without health issues was a gift he would never take it from granted again.
“I just wish, I just” hiccups interrupted your speech, it was hard processing thoughts, feelings, reality on that moment “whoever is writing my life, to fucking drop the parental death scare plot, shit is getting tiring” Raphael finally pulled you to his embrace, a heart warming hug, he felt his own eyes stinging with unshed tears
“It is”
“I’m so tired”
“I know”
“it’s so unfair”
“I know, I’m sorry”
There isn’t really a manual on what to do in this situations, or what to say, no one really knows, specially those who are living through it, the only thing Raphael thought it might help right now, was giving them physical security, a long, grounding hug, someone to rock y/n thoughout their sobs and shaking body, to caress their hair and just for a moment- be their rock, as they have been someone else’s through so long
And that’s exactly what y/n needed.
Authors note: I didn’t proof read this, I’m sorry if there’s any grammar mistakes
but yeah
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I’m ok everything is ok hope you guys like whatever this was
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hannah--bug · 10 months
A Cat Introductory
Sometimes I surprise myself with how little cat content is on my Tumblr. I don't even think I posted when we got new kittens...! So I made this for fun : )
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Pepsi, aka Beep or Beepus (it comes from a Bepis mispronunciation) is a Victorian woman trapped in the small body of a cat. She has the patience of a saint and a very angry resting face. Out of all our cats ever, we've had her the longest. She has no interest in sinning and very much dislikes being picked up in "improper" ways. She's currently ten years old! Wow!
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Saffron is not very smart, but we love him anyway <3 He's naturally very greasy, which is one of the easiest way to distinguish him from Sphinx (seen in bg here). He likes to sleep on his back and goes so, so ham with his favorite toys that he loses them almost instantaneously. He also has a concussion in this picture that he gave himself mysteriously, hence the differently sized pupils. He's currently three and has Feline Leukemia Virus
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Sterling, seen here angrily wearing Hunny as a hat, has issues. We don't know why he has issues. He has them. He was incredibly ill as a kitten (the vet literally told us "good luck") and I guess that traumatized him...? He's quite loving, but is so wicked neurotic. He might actually have anxiety. Saffron is his absolute favorite guy and he always meows very loud when hitting someone whether he's playing or not. He's currently two and has mouth herpes, which was a surprise
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Sasha is currently our smallest adult and he likes to sit like a jellyfish (shown above). I don't understand how he breaks his spine to sit on it like this, but he sure thinks it's comfy...! He's a very sweet boy who's more of one for following you from room to room than he is for a petting sesh. He comes in my room every day at regular intervals to check on me and meow for a head pat <3 He's two, very near Sterling's age
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Sphinx is our largest (and possibly fluffiest) adult. He has an insane neck mane and enjoys playing fetch with his favorite toys. Will got absolutely insane for hair ties. Seriously. He'll probably hurt you because he's just so excited. He has a teeny tiny meow and likes to be held and cuddled for specific periods of time only known to him. Loves going outside and behaves the best out of everybody out there. He'll even wear a harness like a good boy! He's two and very near Sasha and Sterling's age
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Rowan, like Beepus, is pissed off, but she has a different vibe. While Beep simply has a resting angry face, Rowan is mad. She's so mad. She hates you, she hates everyone, and she has the poofiest little butt ever. When happy, she holds her tail up so high that it bends down and touches her back! She enjoys hoarding toys under chairs and sitting on strings like they're railroad tracks. She's coming up on her second birthday very soon. She's a Siamese/Turkish Vaan
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Magpie is, and I mean with the upmost of love, the dumbest cat we have. I sometimes joke that she's autistic because she just... doesn't quite do social interactions right. It's like she doesn't know how to read the other cats...! Despite this, she means well. She gets wicked hyper at the drop of a pin and used to be besties with Rowan, but got tired of being slapped around!! Her fur hangs down kind of weirdly, like it's heavy. It makes her look sort of flabby <3 Will go insane for string (seriously...) She's two years old
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Ophelia (the Mighty Huntress) is just the sweetest little lady. She gives you her head to pet with the utmost trust and arches her back very high while doing so. She doesn't mind being held for long periods of time, but doesn't necessarily enjoy being pet much. She exudes sweet innocence somehow, all the time. She just has a sweet little face, I guess...! She's currently one year old and has a silly little (big) primordial pouch <3
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Raven is my little baby - a cat I specifically picked out. She's growing into a delightful watermelon, by which I mean she's fat and we have to watch her diet. She does not like being pet unless she says so, especially on the head!! She's the master of slinking away from unsolicited hands and will dodge very severely if you try to give her a head pat when not allowed. She enjoys meowing at nothing and playing with strings, which she will brings you. She has a chronic condition I forget the name of that leaves her with a squinty, watery left eye. She's one year old and close in age to Ophee
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Monkey is the cat Al picked out very near the time I got Raven. He was very matted and dirty when we got him, which is why he's rocking the homemade lion cut in the picture. His fur's finally almost grown back out now! He's part British Shorthair and I think he looks very interesting! He has exactly one meow that he uses at all opportunities. Loves to play, but mostly only with other cats, which results in constant screaming and crying for them to come playyyy. Come play...! Come plaaaaaaaYYYY. His little eyebrow poof makes him look either very concerned or very angry depending on the lighting. One year old
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Juniper, as you can see here, weighs 0 pounds. She's very sweet, quick to purr, and has mysteriously broken all the whiskers off the right side of her face. While she gets hyper just like everybody else, she tends to have this tiny calm contemplativeness about her. Just a tiny little lady in a big world... She's coming up on six months and is littermates with Fergus
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Fergus is a darling little orange with the tiniest eyes ever. He tends to sit and look very concerned with them. Does a lot of just sitting there... thinking. What is he pondering? We just don't know. He likes ball toys, which is rare among our cats, and has a very poofy tail! He's littermates with Juniper and is nearing six months
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Molotov Cocktail (aka Molly) is another cat I was lucky enough to be allowed to pick out. True to her name, she's a wild little spitfire! But she also enjoys cuddling and sleeping next to people. She has the highest rate of sin out of the kittens and is nearing six months (but is two weeks or so younger than the other two). If you don't give her what she wants, she goes on a wild sin rampage...!
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moon-sparrow22 · 6 months
OC introduction!!!
Hello, I will be introducing my OCs in this post l. I hope you like them, will be also posting their story. This is something I will be doing with my friend @sam-cats
This is their blog !!↓
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Lutia is a moon siren
The moon siren race is one that thrives during the night. They do most of their activities the night because they feel the most week during the day. They tend to sleep further day but can function during the sunrise and sunset. The best time to gain energy is midnight.
Lutia herself has been deemed "cursed" by the gods. According to the other moon sirens she "has to pay for her parents sins"
She is called "cursed" for the fact that she was born with no voice
Lutia did not get to meet her parents due to their deaths shortly after her birth.
"What is a siren without her siren song?'
Now she lived with her grandmother in the caves hidden behind the coral.
Lutia is a siren with a very pale complexion. Her scales have a holographic glow to them. Long translucent fins attach to her hips same for her tail fins. The longest fins anyone has ever seen in these waters. The fins also have a sort of holographic glow to them. She has some silver hair that goes down to the middle of her tail. Hidden behind her locks you can find her ears, long and pointed around the outside. A normal characteristic for moon sirens are their pointy teeth. During the night many of the available resources for food are predators, so they're pointy teeth help them defend themselves and hunt for food. They also use their sharp nails for this. Her eyes resemble a cats, her iris sharp. The color of her eyes is a light blue with green undertones.
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Elias is a type of species that lives in the woods. They appear to be a mix of human and bird. This species is called Altarians.
Elias has big wings that spread wide. The feathers that decorate them are variants of browns and tans.
He is one of the protectors of his village and offense helps provide for them. He is held of high regard due to his contributions to his village. He constantly shows an aloof personality. He feels as if he can't let his emotions in the way of protecting his people.
He lives with his mother, father and younger siblings.
His skin is tan and he has brown wavy hair that lays over his shoulders. He has a lean body type, tall and muscular.
His only goal is to keep those who he loves safe.
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Thank you so much for reading! Sorry it's short but I promise the actual chapters will be longer. Feel free to ask any questions!! If you think there is anything I need to improve on please let me know!! Don't forget to check out @sam-cats blog!!
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agustdakasuga · 4 years
A Place Called Home | Chapter 6
Genre: Hybrid!AU, Poly!AU?, Soulmate AU, romance, fluff, humour
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: vet!reader, Arcticfox!Seokjin, Panther!Yoongi, Goldenretriever!Hoseok, Wolf!Namjoon, Calicocat!Jimin, Tiger!Taehyung, Rabbit!Jungkook
Summary: Having saved your own injured hybrid, you were determined to try and help any other hybrid that crossed your path who needed saving. But being a vet in a small hospital wasn’t enough for you. You wanted to do more, you wanted to make a difference. You wanted to give them a home.
Jin sees you struggling and finally decides that enough is enough. He wants Yoongi to fix things. At the same time, the three of you are ready for the new additions to your home and family. 
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It had been days since the incident with Yoongi. He was still making an effort to avoid you as much as possible and it was breaking your heart. Namjoon, Jin and Taehyung knew that you were forcing your smiles and acting like you were happy to not worry them. But they wee hybrids, they felt your feelings and hear your cries. 
“Yah. Min Yoongi.” Jin opened the door, finally at his breaking point. He had just got off the phone with you and you said that you were staying at the hospital for the night so they shouldn’t stay up to wait. 
“Yes, hyung?” Yoongi sat up from his bed. He wasn’t in any better shape either. 
“I know you’re doing this because you think being near her, you will hurt her again. But let me tell you, you doing this is hurting her more.” Jin said. 
“It’s for her safety.” Yoongi mumbled. 
“You think she’s any safer? Have you seen her? I can’t make her eat, she’s losing more weight, she isn’t sleeping. She’s blaming herself for you feeling like this! I can’t see her like this anymore. She’s not even coming home tonight.” Jin informed bitterly. 
“Why?” Yoongi frowned.
“Ask yourself that. You need to stop thinking about yourself and tell yourself that it is for her own good when you don’t know how much you’re killing her. Doing this doesn’t save her from you, it just leads to both of you hurting.” 
“I’ll talk to her soon.” Yoongi looked down. 
“Look, Yoongs. I know this happened before any of us came. But that’s exactly it. You’ve been with her the longest. No one can replace your spot in her heart, not even me. You need her as much as she needs you. She needs you to remind her to take her hospital beeper, tell her to eat, lecture her when she doesn’t care about her health.” Jin told her. 
“I need to go.” Yoongi grabbed his jacket and ran out of the house. 
You grabbed your third cup of coffee, sinking into your seat. Tonight, you had volunteered to take over a night shift since you wanted to avoid going home and feeling that awkwardness.
“Doctor (y/l/n), have you eaten dinner?” One of your nurses poked her head into your office.
“I’ll eat later. Please go ahead.” You smiled. She nodded and left. Once you heard the door close, your head fell onto your desk. You turned your head to look at the picture of you and Yoongi on your board. Reaching up, you grabbed the photo and held it. 
“Even if you don’t want to talk to me again, at least the scars will be my memory of you.” You whispered. 
“Are you seriously talking to a photo?” A voice said, making you jump. Immediately, you stood up and saw Yoongi standing there. He was in his leather jacket with a black cap. In his hands, there were multiple plastic bags. 
“Y-Yoongi.” You were in shock. He came in and closed the door. 
“You’re skipping meals again, aren’t you kitten?” He shook his head, ignoring your shocked face. He cleared your desk, laying out all the takeout containers. You realised that the food was from your favourite pasta place. You still stood there in shock, tears blurring your vision. 
“What are you doing here?” You forced out.
“Jin hyung slapped some sense into me... Aish, I hate that I’m the cause of these tears.” He stepped closer to you, lifting his hand to cup your cheek, wiping your fallen tears with his thumb. 
“Of course they’re because of you! I thought you hated me and never wanted to talk to me again!” You cried, outraged. 
“I could never hate you, kitten.” He whispered. 
“I thought I was protecting you when I was actually hurting you. I can’t believe I nearly hurt you again the other night. I’m so sorry, kitten. Will you ever forgive this stupid cat?” His tail circled around you, pulling you close to him. You wrapped your arms around him. Yoongi would always have a special place in your heart and in your life. 
“Of course I forgive you. I never blamed you to begin with.” You murmured against his chest. He kissed your forehead. 
“Now, let’s eat. I got your favourite.” He sat opposite you and opened all the containers. You smiled and wiped your tears, giving Yoongi a pair of chopsticks before digging in. Pasta never tasted so good. 
“I should apologise to Taehyung too. I know that kid is blaming himself too.” Yoongi sighed. 
“He fits in well, huh?” You said. 
“Yeah. I guess you can say there’s no need for us to wait until the foster period is up.” He spoke. That made you surprised but happy that Taehyung managed to charm Yoongi to the point that Yoongi was ready for Taehyung’s permanent adoption right away. 
“About Namjoon...” He cast you a wary glance. 
“You know we have more than enough space in our home. It’s up to you guys and Namjoon.” You shrugged. 
“We can ask him. The house will just get livelier. When we see a fit to our family, we shouldn’t let them go, huh?” He joked. Your knew what he meant was that he was open to the fact that there would probably be more hybrids joining your family. It made your heart feel warm that the other hybrids were comfortable with you possibly opening your home to more rescued hybrids. 
“Let’s eat up before I get called away.” You smiled and he nodded, putting a chopstick full of pasta into his mouth. 
“You should go home. My shift ends at 6.” You told him once you were done. 
“I can wait here.” He said.
“You should sleep in your bed, Yoongi. Besides, it might not be so professional if my hybrid is crashing on my couch while I’m working.” You said. Yoongi nodded, understanding where you’re coming from. He leaned down to give you a kiss on the cheek before grabbing all the trash and leaving. 
Your beeper went off and you stood up, grabbing your coat and leaving your office. You entered your allocated consultation room with your nurse following shortly behind you. 
“Good work today. Have a nice rest.” You parted ways with the other doctor and nurses, entering your car. 
“(y/n)!” Taehyung was there to greet you with open arms the moment you entered through the front door. You stepped back slightly but managed to prevent yourself from falling. Taehyung nuzzled his head against your neck, purring softly. 
“Yoongi hyung came back and apologised to me. He also told me everything is back to normal!” The tiger was nearly vibrating with happiness. 
“Yes, he came to see me too and we talked a lot. I’m glad things are okay now. Were you really so happy you waited for me at 7 am?” You couldn’t help but laugh. He even nodded his head in confirmation. 
“Wanna help me make breakfast for the boys? I think sleeping now will mess my body clock.” You chuckled. Taehyung nodded enthusiastically. You ruffled his hair and went to take a quick shower before changing into more comfortable. Tying your hair into a loose bun, you and Taehyung began making pancakes. 
“Can you make the juice? I’ll fry the bacon.” You handed him all the oranges. He began slicing them and putting them through the juicer. 
“How are your ribs, Taetae?” You asked. 
“Good. They’re not hurting or sore anymore and Jin hyung has been helping me with the tape.” He turned around and lifted his shirt slightly. You washed your hands, stepping away from the pan to check it. 
“They really do look better. You can stop taping them at the end of the week.” You smiled. 
“(y/n)?” You heard Jin call you, half asleep. You hummed in reply and he came down, wrapping his arms around you to latch onto you. He yawned and rest his chin on your shoulder comfortably. Giving you a kiss on the cheek, he pulled away to ruffle Taehyung’s hair and sat down at his place. 
Yoongi and Namjoon came down and took their seats. Taehyung gave out the juice and plates of food. It felt nice to have everyone eating together again. Breakfast went by peacefully. 
“Tae, Yoongi and I were talking. I spoke with Jin about this the other day. We decided, we don’t have to wait until the end of the foster period.” You said. 
“What do you mean?” He tilted his head. 
“Well, you fit into our family and get along well with everyone. So why wait for the foster period to be up? If you would like to join our family, we can file for adoption right now.” You explained. Taehyung’s eyes lit up, looking at you, Jin and Yoongi with shimmering eyes. He was speechless, leaping to hug you as he continued nodding. 
“Yes! I want to stay!” He was finally able to speak. 
“Another thing. Namjoon, I know you’re here to recover and your recovery rate has been remarkable. But you’ve been a great help to the house and if you would like to stay too...” You started. 
“Really? You would want me?” Namjoon asked in disbelief. 
“I do. But it’s entirely up to you. I don��t want you to feel pressured by our wants. It’s what you want.” You nodded. 
“But I’m scarred. I’ve killed, I could be a danger to you and everyone here.” 
“I’m not going to judge because everyone has their own scars, Namjoon. No one is perfect. And I believe that you never wanted to do all those things. You were forced to so I never have and never will blame you. You’re not a danger to anyone.” You smiled. 
“Is it really okay?” Namjoon looked at Jin and Yoongi. 
“You’re my brother. Of course I want you here.” Yoongi said and Jin nodded in agreement. 
“Then, if it’s okay with you, I would like to stay.” Namjoon finally smiled, showing the dimple n the side of his face. You grinned and reached out to hug him. Two new additions to your family in one day. 
“I’ll get the adoption papers ready then. After I take a nap, of course.” You yawned. The boys were quick to send you up to your room and tuck you into bed. After that, Jin and Yoongi went to work while Namjoon and Taehyung helped with the chores around the house. You were finally able to sleep well. 
Your alarm woke you up at 4pm. You washed your face and called your friend that worked at the hybrid bureau. 
“Mhmm. Tiger Kim Taehyung and Wolf Kim Namjoon.” You spoke. 
“What do you mean?... Well, he’s obviously not dead. He’s right here. Okay, I’ll bring him down tomorrow.” You sighed, hearing her speak. After a few more things, you hung up. 
“Umm, Namjoon?” You went downstairs. He and Taehyung looked up from their movie. You cleared your throat and nodded over to the stairs. 
“May I speak with you privately?” You asked. He nodded and followed you up, leaving Taehyung on the couch. Namjoon followed you into the room and you closed the door. You rubbed your forehead, leaning against the wall. 
“I just called my friend at the bureau. She’s a good connection that gets my adoptions done quickly without a fuss. There is a small issue with your adoption. Taehyung... his owner passed away and the place he was from kept him illegally without papers. As for you, your owner, I’m guessing the fighting ring leader, declared you dead.” You revealed. 
“I see...” Namjoon was also at a lost. 
“Don’t worry though. You’ll have to come down with me tomorrow to show that you’re in fact, still alive.” You told him. Namjoon nodded. 
“Did you have this problem with Yoongi? You look quite distraught.” Namjoon pointed out. 
“I didn’t have a problem because Yoongi was a stray. He was also kept illegally. He never had an owner. Jin also never had a problem because he was from an exotic pet auction that came with papers.” You confessed. 
“I’m sorry for the trouble.” Namjoon kept his head low. 
“No, Namjoon. Don’t apologise, this isn’t your fault. Don’t worry, alright? I promise to try my best to make sure you never have to go back to that place or that horrible person.” You walked up to him and hugged him. Namjoon was hesitant but he slowly wrapped his arms around you. You smiled and he left the room. 
“Let’s settle this first.” You printed Taehyung’s adoption papers that were sent to your email. After you were done, you called Taehyung up to sign it privately, not wanting to make Namjoon feel worse. 
“There was a small issue with Namjoon’s adoption papers but I’ll settle it soon. For now, let’s not mention your papers too much, alright?” You smiled. 
“Okay.” Taehyung nodded obediently. The two of you went back down and you decided to make cookies for everyone. Taehyung and Namjoon even came over to help you. 
“I smell cookies!” Jin sang as he came in, Yoongi shuffling in behind him. You laughed and walked out to greet the oldest two. Before they arrived home, you had separately informed the two of them about the situation with Namjoon’s adoption in the event they decide to bring it up. The boys all waited for the cookies with their cold glasses of milk. 
“Be careful, they’re hot.” You placed the trays down from the oven, putting in the next two trays. 
The next day, you and Namjoon got ready to head to the hybrid bureau. Taehyung tagged along for moral support. As you parked and walked in, you squeezed Namjoon’s hand, giving him a reassuring smile. 
“Here to see Park Soyeon?” You said to the receptionist. She nodded and smiled, asking you to follow her into the office. After knocking on the door, she let the three of you in. Seeing your good friend, you immediately smiled and ran to hug her tightly. 
“It’s been a while!” She giggled happily. 
“It has been but you look good. These are the two new editions to my family, Kim Taehyung and Kim Namjoon.” You introduced and the two boys bowed. 
“Nice to meet you. I’m Park Soyeon. You can just call me Soyeon. Come and sit.” She gestured. She sat on the couch opposite the two of you. You placed your folders down. 
“This is Taehyung’s.” You slid it over to her. She flipped through the forms, nodding her head in approval before closing it. 
“Now, Namjoon. I’m sure (y/n) told you about the situation, which is why we’re here. But don’t worry. Your picture matches the one on the file. In fact, you look a lot healthier and better now. So I can say you’re very much alive. That being said, we will have to make a new hybrid file for you since your other file says deceased.” Soyeon informed. 
“I understand.” Namjoon nodded his head. 
“The adoption can happen, no problem. But that would mean you have to do a full hybrid evaluation. Physical and mental evaluation.” Soyeon continued. 
“What will happen then?” You asked.
“Don’t be so worried, (y/n). I’ve already sorted it out. Before you sign Namjoon’s adoption papers, you’re still technically only his doctor. You can sign the evaluation papers, clearing his physical and mental. Then file for adoption.” She shrugged with a smile. 
“Ah... You scared me!” You scrunched your nose at her. 
“It’s fun to see you scared sometimes.” Soyeon stood up and headed back to her desk, sitting in front of the computer. She typed away and the printing of papers were heard. 
“Here. This and this.” She placed the papers in front of you. You sat at her desk and began to fill up the first form. The boys that were still sitting on the couch saw how serious and deep in thought you were that they didn’t want to disturb you. Instead, they spoke to Soyeon. 
“So how do you know (y/n)?” Taehyung asked. 
“We’re actually both part of an organisation that helps hybrids. Not just bureau level things but we are also active in big illegal business busts as well. (y/n) is the head doctor of the medical team that treats the injured.” She explained.
“I see.” 
“Yeah. That’s how we busted the circus you’re from, Taehyung.” Soyeon revealed and Taehyung’s eyes widened. 
“I didn’t know...” He looked over at your hunched back, that was focused on writing. If possible, Taehyung felt even more gratefulness towards you. You helped put his ring master in jail so he wouldn’t have to be afraid of ever getting caught and being put in a circus again. Soyeon smiled softly when she saw how the two were looking at you. 
“Yoongi was from the same ring as you, right Namjoon?” She asked. 
“Yes.” Namjoon nodded. 
“Ever since Yoongi entered her life, (y/n) has been actively trying to track down the leaders. I think with you now being there too, it gives her even more motivation to find those thugs and stop them.” Soyeon said. 
“Done!” You stood up with a smile. You handed her the stack of papers and Soyeon looked through them carefully. She nodded her head as she read through. Once she was done, she shot all of you smiles. She went back to her desk and retrieved something. 
“If you two agree to be adopted by (y/n), all that’s left is your thumbprints on the adoption certificate.” Soyeon smiled. The two were quick to obey. 
“There. Congratulations, you three.” Soyeon handed you the adoption certificates. You looked at the two boys in adoration, pulling both of them in for a hug. 
“Thank you, Soyeon.” You moved to hug her. 
“No worries. I’ll see you soon.” She patted your shoulder and escorted you out. The drive back home was quiet but peaceful. Taehyung softly hummed to himself while Namjoon looked out the window. Never did he think he would be free from the ring, the only thing that would grant him that would be his death. But here he was, sitting in a car with a crazy doctor lady, adopted. 
“Tae, why don’t you go in first?” You asked as you pulled up. Taehyung nodded and ran into the house. 
“Everything alright?” You faced Namjoon. Finally, he let his wall down and covered his face with his hand. Tears fell down his cheeks as soft sobs escaped his lips. You smiled softly and went to hug him. 
“I never thought I would be free. And here I am.” He sobbed. 
“I’m so proud of you, Namjoon. You never gave up. You’re here because of your own effort.” You patted his head. He wrapped his arms around your waist, burying his face in your shoulder. In the ring, they always told him that he was born to fight, born to kill. 
“Let’s go home.” You squeezed Namjoon’s hand and he nodded. 
“Home.” Namjoon repeated and the two of you entered through the door. Jin and Yoongi got up from the couch with worried looks on their faces. They had come home early, wanting to know how it went. 
“How did it go? Taehyung didn’t tell us anything.” Yoongi grumbled. 
“Jin. Yoongi. Our family just got bigger.” You took out the adoption certificates. Jin came up and inspected the two pieces of paper. He looked back at Yoongi and nodded, confirming that they were indeed real. Yoongi stepped up to hug Namjoon while Jin slung his arm around Taehyung, the two welcoming their new brothers to the home. 
“This is your home now.” You giggled as Taehyung put his arms around you.
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kaz11283 · 3 years
Where Were You
1) Dont You Say That....Not you
31) Your Alive
10) Where Were You When I Needed You
Ok so this was originally an ask but I goofed and just posted the prompts. So after saving them and trying to figure out what to write for the longest I have no idea who requested this because they were anonymous (so this is for you Anon if your out there)
Characters: you x Loki
Warnings: angst, fluff at the end, Loki being a slight asshat, hurt reader
Summary: You were Lokis only good thing that had happened in his life but when the hunger to rule over the kingdom gets the best of him and he fails where does that lead you? Your one love gone to never come back.
Announcement: I have been on a much needed LOA and after coming back I have been elbows deep trying to catch up woth everything going on at work. Was the trip worth it? Yes and i had some much needed time off with the fam and the babe. Would i do it again? In a heart beat. Did I miss work? Gods no but I did miss my little tumblr family that i have. So after a good bit of relaxing and my toes in the sand i am back!
I also wanna give a shout out to @high-functioning-lokipath for reading over this MULTIPULE times while I was freaking out about what to do!
Loki Masterlist
"Loki!" You ran after him as he headed to the bit frost. "Please stop! You dont have to do this! You dont have to be someone that your not!"
"See that right there is the problem everyone seems to be having lately. Maybe this is who I am. Maybe this is who I want to be. After all Lady Y/n you are the one that has always told me that i could be anything I want to be. And I want to be king of Asguard." He said turning on you.
"Loki you are smarter than this! You are just upset about finding out who you truly are." You walked up to him and placed your hand on his cheek. You seen him almost give in before snapping back out of it.
"Ah yes, a frost giant? Someone who couldnt be loved by neither the family who abandoned me or the family that took me in." He spit the words at you.
"Loki, I love you. I have always loved you. You know that better than anyone." You grabbed at his emerald green cloak pulling at it causing him to turn around to face you with a cold look. You could tell that all emotion was gone at that point. You took a step away from him.
"You might love me but I have never truly loved you. You were mearly there to keep my bed warm at night" He said stepping closer to you. With the words came a cold creeping into your chest. Pain literally tore through your heart as they slowly sunk in.
You raised your hand and slapped him as hard as you could causing his head to jerk to the side. "Dont you say that, Loki Odinson, dont you dare compair me to one of your whores."
"Get out of my way." He said grabbing you by the shoulders and shoving you to the side. You crumpled to the cold stone floor moving your hand to your stomach as you watched the man that you had loved your entire life walk out the front of the castle.
You wasnt really sure how long you sat there crying when you looked up you could see the sun barly peeking over the horizon and you stumbled to your feet and slowly made your way back to the room you and Loki had shared.
Pushing the door open you heard a sniffle and seen Thor sitting on the bed, his head in his hands. "Thor?" He jump up off the bed and ran to you pulling you into him.
"Lady Y/n! I didn't know what had happened to you. I thought.... I thought that he might have done something before....before." He pulled you away to look at your face.
"Before what Thor?" He turned away from you a tear trailing down his face. "Before what Thor?!" You yelled.
"He fell." Your heart sank, emptyness filled you with the darkest feeling you would have never thought possible. You stumbled to the nearest chair and collapsed into it barely feeling the warmth of the fire that was slowly dying out. "I looked for you after. I couldnt find you, I thought that maybe he had done something, but I knew that he would never do anything to hurt you."
"Thor, I have to tell you something that not even Loki knew." You stared directly into the flames watching as they slowly died as the sun rose higher in the sky. "I was waiting till this was all over but now I wont get a chance to tell him." You take a deep breath and look up at him. "I'm pregnant. I am going to have his baby and he isnt even here to do this with me." You placed your head in your hands and started to cry.
"We will figure this out Lady Y/N. We cannot let father know but we can tell mother and she will help us." Thor said pulling you up from the chair and rushing from the room.
Two years later
You sat with your daughter in the all mothers garden waiting for your husband to arrive.
"Astrid, please dont chase the cat." You called watching her almost grab its tail. The almost two year old stopped to look back at you and giggle before taking off again. She was so much like her father with her black hair and green eyes along with her always trying to cause trouble.
"Lady Y/N, your husband will be arriving soon. He asked that you meet him in the throne room, but let one of the maids take the princess back to your living quarters." One of the guards called walking into the garden.
"She is always there to greet him when he returns. What could possibly keep him from wanting her there?" You asked as your daughter ran up to you giggling.
"Dada." She cooed clinging to your leg.
"He has brought a prisoner and he doesnt think that she should be there. He hopes that you will understand, and that once everything is said and done he will be able to spend some much needed time with his family." Your heart sank at the words prisoner. Leading Astrid to one of the ladies in waiting and kissing her head you promised you would be back soon. As you walked down the halls you could swear that you heard your heart hammering. As you opened the door to the thron room your eyes locked with Thor.
"Darling! I am so glad you are home." You said throwing your arms around his neck and kissing his cheek.
"I see it didnt take you long to find another prince to bed, my pet." Your blood ran cold as ice when you heard the voice from behind you. As you turned you looked at none other than Loki. Tears sprang to your eyes as you looked at him. He looked weak, thinner than you remembered almost sickly.
"I thought you died." You placed a hand over your mouth in shock.
"Seeing what has become of my once true love I wish I would have." He said looking between you and Thor.
"Loki, hold your tongue." Frigga said from across the room.
"But arent you proud mother? With me out of the way all your dreams came true it looks like." He said smirking looking back at you and Thor. You had grabbed ahold of his arm for support.
"Loki th-" The door had burst open at that point as Astrid came running to you and Thor a maid chasing behind her.
"Dada! Dada!" She threw herself into Thors arms as he picked her up.
"Hello my little love." Thor said kissing her and tickling her with his beard causing her to giggle. Loki stood observing, watching everything take place. He wasnt blind to the black hair that she had or the mischievous gint in her eye that he also had.
"Wow, stricking resemblance brother. She looks just like you." He grined looking between you and Thor.
"Loki, shut up." Thor said handing your daughter to you. "Why dont you take Astrid back to our quarters and I shall be there in a moment." He said kissing the top of your head.
"How sweet brother, a girl who simply rolls from one bed to another, and now a built in family. The girl must be about two now? How absolutly interesting."
You sat Astrid down next to Thor and walked over to the man that use to mean everything to you and stood right in front of him. "You, Loki Odinson, do not need to look, breath, or assume anything. Not towards my daughter."
"Interesting use of words dear my-" he was cut off by a sharp slap across the face.
"Come darling. Lets get you in the bath." You said opening your arms, your daughter running into them.
After you have made sure all the dirt was washed from her and she was nesseled into your bed nice and warm you sat by the fire with tears streaming down your face when Thor finally entered the room looking exhausted.
"Let me help you take your armor off. There is a warm bath for you also. Make sure the dirt is all off before climbing into bed, those are clean sheets." You stood walking over to him and undoing the straps that held his chest plate on.
"What did I do to deserve this kindness from you?" He asked placing his finger under your chin making you look up at him.
"You took me in, loved me after your brother couldnt, you have helped me raise a child that is not your but you let her call you dad. Me and my child both think the world of you Thor and honestly I couldnt imagine it without you in my life." You placed a hand on his cheek and brought him down to kiss him.
He leaned his head agintst yours and sighed. "You must go talk to my brother. He is down in the cells."
"What if I dont want to? What if I want to keep this happy little bubble that we have created?" A tear rolled down your cheek.
"If not for you or me, go talk to him for her." He said motioning over to Astrid who was snorring lightly in the middle of the bed. "I will look over her. For tonight and for always, it doesnt matter what happens tonight I will always love both you and her. And I know you will love me to but not as much as you have loved my brother." You were both crying now, you had decided two years prior that you would give this man what was left of your heart because the love of your life was gone but now? Now you were torn between the safty of being with Thor and the uncertainty of if Loki could ever love you the way he had before.
You kissed Thor on the cheek again making him promise to take a bath before going to bed causing him to laugh. "Yes I promise. Now go before I decide to keep you here with me." He handed you your dark blue cloak and shoved you out of the room.
Silently you made your ways to the dungeons under the castle not being noticed by anyone at this time of night, you pulled the hood up as not to be spotted by any of the other prisoners.
"I was wondering if you was going to make an apperance Y/N." Loki said, he was facing away from you his hands placed behind his back. "You've made quite the impression on my brother. Such a good impression that you two are married. Tell me dear is he as good as I was?" He asked turning to finally face you. You stood there shocked.
"Loki," you looked up at him. "This is not the time nor place for talk like that. I came here to ask what happened to you? I thought you had died."
"So you crawl in bed with my brother?!" He yelled hitting the shield between you and him with his fist.
"So I married your brother to save not only me but our daughter!" His jaw dropped at the admission. "Oh dont act so suprised. I know you know that she is yours. For norms sake she has your hair."
"I never thought you would admit it."
"I cant hide it Loki. Your mother is the one that came up with the plan for me to marry Thor."
"I bet father loved the fact that you were pregnant before the wedding." He said rolling his eyes.
"Odin would have killed us if he knew the secret!" You yelled, fire in your eyes. "Its not like you were around to protect us, to keep us safe. Your daughter has magic and is part Jötunn." He froze staring at you wide eyed. "Where were you Loki! Where were you when I needed you? When we needed you?" You screamed at him tears running down your face.
Neither of you had noticed Thor or Frigga talking to the guard in the shadows, neither of you had realized that the shield keeping Loki in his cell had been dropped until Loki had actually reached for you yanking you to his body. You clung to him like if you let go he would disappear all over again. You buried your face in his neck, his hair tickling your face as you felt his pulse aginst your lips for the first time in a long time. His hand was at the base of your neck as his face was buried in your hair, you felt his tears land on your cheek. He pulled back from you, both hands now on the side of your face as he wiped your tears away with his thumbs.
"I promise on all nine realms y/n I will never leave you or my daughter again. I promise that i will never leave you alone, I will always be there as I should have been in the begining of it all. You should not have had to go through alone." He leaned forward kissing you. You melted into the kiss, it had been forever since you had felt so connected with anyone like this. His lips were cool aginst yours as you both moved in perfect sync batteling for dominace over the other finally you gave into him. You pulled away slightly out of breath.
"I wasn't alone, I knew that I had a peice of you with me and i knew I wasnt alone at all. I knew you would come back. You always come back." You smiled at him.
"For you my queen, always." He said pulling you into his arms again whispering words of love.
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tallstars-rewrite · 3 years
Chapter 18
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The walk back to camp was the longest it had ever felt. Everyone was quiet. Tallpaw’s despair was wrestling with a tiny flare of helpless frustration that wavered and died before sputtering back up again. He just so desperately wanted his father to understand. He wanted to support him however he could, but he could not go back into the tunnels. Sandstone walked just ahead, but hadn’t so much as glanced back on their way home, muttering unintelligibly under his breath. Just when camp was in sight, Tallpaw slowed his pace, knowing his father was keeping in step with him until eventually the rest of the patrol pulled ahead, seemingly willing to let them be alone. It took Tallpaw a while to find his voice again.
“Are you mad at me?”
Sandstone barely looked at him “I am disappointed, Tallpaw. Your mistake was dangerous. You need to do better in the future. I thought you could handle an excavation, but next time we’ll focus more on the basics of walking through the smaller, more stable tunnels, since that’s where your skills apparently are right now.”
Tallpaw chest clenched up “But I--”
“And we’ll have a lot of catching up to do since you had to waste so much of your apprenticeship so far.”
“But Father--”
“Dawnstripe will just have to understand, this can’t be humored any longer. Plumclaw was so far along at your age that I just know further delay will make it harder, you’ll never build up the right muscles to--”
“Father!” Tallpaw struggled to keep the tremor out of his voice as he at last could bear it no longer, “I don’t want to!”
Sandstone whipped around to glare at him, dark eyes flashing. “Don’t talk over me Tallpaw. At the very least you should have been taught manners when speaking to your senior warriors by now, especially to your kin.”
Sandstone hadn’t even seemed to hear him. Tallpaw felt his burst of courage already begin to shrivel. But it was too late now, he couldn’t bottle it up again. “You’re not listening to me,” he said miserably. “I said I can’t. I don’t want to tunnel again! Ever!”
Sandstone only blinked at him “Tallpaw, you’ve had only one bad experience. You haven’t even seen an inch of what tunneling can offer. You don’t know enough to make a decision like that.”
“No! I can’t stand being underground, I couldn’t breathe, I thought I was going to die. I never even said that I wanted to be a tunneler, you just told me I wanted to, and I thought there wasn’t a choice, and-and-” he took a shuddering breath “I’m sorry, I really am, I know how much the tunnels mean to you and I want your plan to succeed, but I just can’t do this.”
“Can’t or won’t?” Sandstone’s voice was dangerously quiet now, the fur on his back beginning to rise. “Being a good warrior isn’t always about doing what you want.”
“I can’t, please understand, I’m just...” he couldn’t think of what to say. All he felt was another flash of anger, anger he hadn’t realized was there, a building resentment that he felt awful for harboring at all, but it was coming out anyway. “Why don’t you care about anything other than the tunnels!? Why is that all there is?”
“I care about the future of this clan, as all warriors should!” Sandstone hissed. “How dare you accuse me of anything else? Everything I’ve done, I’ve done because I care! What about you?”
“That’s not fair--”
Tallpaw was suddenly aware now of how silent it was despite being right outside of camp. His breath caught in his throat as he spotted Dawnstripe coming down the hill, and she looked like she was bristling. Oh no…
Sandstone whipped around to her. “Why don’t you ever mind your own business?” he snapped. “This conversation doesn’t involve you!”
Tallapw wasn’t sure he’d ever seen Dawnstripe look so angry, her ears pinned flat as she glowered at Sandstone. “Actually, it does involve me. As his mentor, this apprentice is my responsibility. I’ve watched him run about trying to please you and so far I have seen you do nothing but discourage his training with me. And now, I hear from Plumclaw there was a collapse! Where in StarClan's name did you take him!?”
“Collapse is dramatic,” Sandstone rolled his eyes. “He got scared of falling dirt.”
“You know how dangerous tunnels are!” rage shook in her voice. “How dare you take him somewhere you weren’t sure was safe? Do you have any idea what could have happened if he’d run down the wrong tunnel trying to get out!?” 
“I wouldn’t have had to rush if Heatherstar wasn’t making my job so difficult! If anything, she’s to blame for not lending me any support to maintain our systems. You moor runners don’t understand anything about the tunnels, and clearly you don't know anything about Tallpaw either. I know what’s best for my own son, and what's best isn’t coddling and moving at a snail's pace. Nothing happened to him that wasn’t in his own head from how soft he’s become in his current training.”
“You wouldn’t know anything about his current training because you don’t care about it! I knew I shouldn’t have let him go, he’s my apprentice, Tallpaw is not a tunneler and he is not yours to control!”
“Control?” Sandstone snarled. “I’m the one trying to control him? He wanted to be a tunneler all through his kithood and then you and Heatherstar took that decision away from him! He doesn’t know what he wants anymore!”
I just tried to tell you what I want! Tallpaw screeched internally, but his voice had abandoned him.
“He is not a kit and is capable of making his own decisions! Do whatever you want with the tunnels for all I care, but if you try to interfere with my training any further, I’m going to have to get the leader involved. ”
Sandstone’s thin fur bristled. “Oh, you're going to get the leader involved, are you really trying to threaten me? You’re not even fit to be a mentor, I was a respected warrior when you were still mewling in the nursery, you don’t scare me!”
Dawnstripe didn’t respond to Sandstone again. “Tallpaw, please join me in camp,” she said curtly. 
Tallpaw sat frozen and desperately wished he could sink into the grass. I didn’t want to start fighting…! Sandstone’s eyes were colder than he’d ever seen them, as if daring Tallpaw to turn his back and follow her. He couldn’t stand being under his furious gaze anymore. He slunk away with his tail dragging behind him.
“Turn your back on your family and our pride then!” Sandstone spat. “Turn your back on everything you could have been! Don’t ever expect me to help you though. No son of mine would behave like such a selfish coward. If you want to be on your own, then you’re on your own!” 
A vicious sting shot through Tallpaw's chest, but he still didn’t look back. Coward. The word echoed in his head. He tried to ignore the other tunnelers murmuring amongst each other as Tallpaw found his way to Dawnstripe. She shouldn’t have had to do that. This wasn’t how he wanted the cats he looked up to to see of him. 
To his surprise, Dawnstripe only sighed quietly and said, “I’m sorry, Tallpaw.”
“Why would you be sorry? None of this is your fault.” Tallpaw dared to look up and saw the sadness in her eyes. 
“I’m afraid I may have made things more difficult. That shouldn’t have been done in front of you. I know how much you care about trying to do right by your family, but every time Sandstone speaks to you, it seems to weigh on you, and you get distracted when you're upset. I hate seeing you beating yourself up so much just because your father's path wasn’t right for you. I wish you could choose your own path and have a good relationship with your father. The last thing I want is to make you feel like you have to choose between your training and your kin. I hope he doesn’t try to make you suffer more because of what I’ve said to him.”
Tallpaw nodded stiffly, but didn’t respond. Dawnstripe touched her nose to his head. “I’m proud of what you’ve accomplished Tallpaw. You will be a worthy warrior. I hope your father will see that someday too. I’ll give you some space. Take the rest of the day to rest and wash yourself off.” 
Tallpaw wasn’t sure he could bring himself to believe that. The tunnelers were talking now, and it was too hard not to listen. Were they talking about him? Sandstone and Woollycloud were facing each other. Sandstone still looked angry, and to Tallpaw’s surprise, Woollycloud did too. Woollycloud had a half eaten rabbit at his paws and he was gesturing to it. Tallpaw knew he shouldn’t, but he scooted a bit closer. Suddenly, Woollycloud called his name and he froze.
“Tallpaw,” the tunneler said, his eyes were intense and Tallpaw braced himself. “Fennelpelt tells me you caught this rabbit. Did you catch it near the warrens where we just were?”
“Y-yes?” Tallpaw had no idea what this had to do with anything. Woollycloud turned from him back to Sandstone.
“Look at this Sandstone. Look at the belly of this doe. This is exactly what I feared would happen.”
Plumclaw sniffed at it “What on earth is that? Is there meat in this rabbit's belly? Since when do rabbits hunt?”
“They don’t,” Woollycloud said. “This was a mother rabbit. It is her own young that lay in her belly. The hunting in the east side of the moor has been getting poorer since we first started the plans for this idea last newleaf. We’re crowding them, we are tormenting them constantly with our presence underground. A mother does not feast upon her own unless she feels she is in such danger that they can’t be cared for. We’re treading into their burrows, there is nowhere they feel safe to raise their young and replenish their numbers! If our prey cannot survive here, then we will not survive here. Five extra rabbits that will never grow to have their own, or to feed us.”
“Now you're going to blame rabbits doing absurd things on us?” Sandstone hissed. “That’s what you’ve come to now? Have you run so far out of excuses?”
“Sandstone I’ve been telling you for moons that you are trying to push this tunnel project too far too fast. This didn’t happen for no reason, and it is not the first time it’s happened with a rabbit from near that area. We cannot abuse our land.”
Tallpaw was confused. Woollycloud had criticisms of the tunnel project now? He had never seen Woollycloud do anything other than support his father. He curled his tail tightly around himself in fear. Is Sandstone going to blame this on me too? If I had never caught that rabbit...
“We are not abusing our land, we are shaping it, as it was given to us and as we have the right to do. StarClan blessed us with our gifts for a reason, to use them to their fullest potential!” Sandstone shot back.
“Hazelnose has already reported the possibility that the tunnel path you wish to take will run far too close to both the eastern warrens as well the western one! We cannot afford to lose our prey, not when they haven’t even fully recovered from the sickness that brought the famine seasons ago. You want the tunnels to be more than they were ever intended to be. It was dangerous to go down there today, and you know it. Not just for our safety, but for the stability of the moors.”
“The rabbits being upset is a small issue that will repair itself. The prey will adjust or they will move to a new warren if we disturb theirs!”
“Or they will move off the moors entirely!”
“Why are you the only cat that thinks so then?” Sandstone retorted. “No other tunneler, at least none who actually helps tunnel and bothers to stay knowledgeable about our current progress, has these misgivings. And since when would you trust another cat's worries over my knowledge after all the experiences we’ve had together? This is to be our legacy, and we must fight for it, not back down because some cats are afraid!” 
Sandstone had extra edge in his voice when he mentioned the tunnelers ‘who actually helped.’ Tallpaw wasn’t sure who he could be referring to though. Weren’t all of the tunnelers helping? Well...aside from Palebird of course, as she was still ill.
Mistmouse raised her paw and Sandstone turned, Tallpaw could imagine the fierceness of his glare but Mistmouse didn’t look away from the attention this time. “It’s not just…” She started before finding her voice “It’s not just Woollycloud. I’ve spoken to Hazelnose and...he’s worried as well. He said the type of soil he smells in the area isn’t the kind that is likely to hold up the way we need it to for this project. We hit soft mud so fast today, and that always spells danger. It’s what it smelled like last time there was a… bad collapse. I know we hoped it would work but...maybe it is too dangerous.”
Plumclaw finally spoke up, sounding ruffled “Yeah, but Hazelnose has seemed more and more interested lately in hunting with his moor runner mate than with us. How confident are you that he just doesn’t want to dedicate the hard time it will take to work around the issue?”
Mistmouse looked taken aback “That’s...that’s not why…”
Woollycloud started to sound pleading, “Plumclaw you aren’t being fair. Hazelnose has always been a hard worker and never complained about it! Haven’t any of you considered that there might be a reason Badgerstar was never able to complete planning this project?”
“Badgerstar couldn’t complete it because WindClan was suffering too much at the time,” Sandstone protested. “But we are stronger now and we owe it to her memory to realize the dream she had.”
“Badgerstar didn’t have enough time planning this dream to sort out the potential dangers it may have had. Her dream was for her clan to be safe, and that must be our priority. I’ve had misgivings about this for moons, and after today I am even more sure. It could have been so much worse if we’d dug a bit farther. We don’t have the power to run tunnels all over the moor, and certainly not beyond it, without hurting something, or someone, else...I can’t pretend to have confidence that the risk of injury or death will be outweighed by the benefits we think it may have. Sandstone I've always stood by you, but as your tunneling partner I have to say I'm growing concerned that you care more about prioritizing your legacy and vision than what we can actually do. You are demanding more than our home can provide for us!”
Sandstone bristled at the accusation. Tallpaw couldn’t listen anymore. All this fighting was because of him. For all he knew, maybe he had disturbed the rabbit into eating her young. Maybe it was his fault the tunnel collapsed, he barely knew how to dig correctly after all. He’d hurt Mistmouse and now she was nervous too. He didn’t want to be around when the group finally broke up. He certainly didn’t want to know if his father would come back and blame him for all this new doubt.
While wondering if he should hide somewhere outside camp altogether, Tallpaw stumbled into the frail old molly Hen. She was laying on her side watching the clouds, and she looked down to smile kindly at him with her sun-golden eyes. He wondered if she’d overheard the clan fighting as well. 
“Where are you running to, little one?” she rasped, “It’s cold out now. You won’t feel much better out there.”
She seemed a bit distant, and even skinnier than when she first arrived. There was an off scent about her he couldn’t place, perhaps of the unknown sickness inside her. Whatever it was felt wrong. Her eyes looked glazed and far off, almost dreamlike, though if she was in pain, she didn’t show it. 
“You should be resting, shouldn’t you?” he said awkwardly, inching closer to the edge of camp.
“Rest. Indeed.” She murmured. “You know little one, these things too will pass. All things come to an end. Good things yes, but bad things as well. Keep your chin up and have some faith in yourself.”
Maybe Hen had been listening after all. Or maybe she was just rambling nonsense. It didn’t make much difference, he didn’t want empty comfort. 
At last he let out a defeated sigh and opted to simply hide away in the back of the apprentice den, with all the spare fronds of heather he could find to camouflage him. If anyone looked over, hopefully it would appear empty. Just a lumpy pile of heather with nothing underneath.
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jamespotterthefirst · 4 years
Enchant Me
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Lilac Allende) Word count: 2.5K (sorry!) Warning: None  Author’s Note: AU where Ethan is the one asking MC questions for the fMRI scan (book 1, ch 6).
Catch up here.
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Green eyes meet his briefly before hurriedly glancing away, the movement so fleeting that he could have attributed it to his imagination. Except, the way his stomach flutters as a result is very real and very annoying to Ethan. When at last he forces his treasonous mind to the task at hand, he determines she is nervous, the tense energy radiating from her almost palpable in the bright imaging lab. 
Guilt takes root in his stomach as he begins to regret asking this of her. The flimsy request for her help, blurted out after he reluctantly turned down her party invitation, seems downright embarrassing now. What the hell had he been thinking? 
He pauses to consider that therein lies the problem: He hadn't been thinking. What a dangerous and inane side effect of being in her presence. What a humbling yet disconcerting notion that all it takes to disarm an intelligent, highly educated man is a pair of clever, emerald eyes, a lovely dusting of freckles, and a pretty smile. 
Ethan opens his mouth to offer himself up as the subject instead, but Lilac gives him a brave, determined half smile. Her cheeks flush and he can see the visible effort she spends in getting the words out. “There is no dignified way of saying this, so please don't fire me,” she begins, not looking at him. 
“I won't fire you for changing your mind, Rookie.”
Lilac shakes her head. “It's not that. It's just that I'll need an injection of the magnetic contrast media…” Her eyes swivel to meet his pointedly, as though expecting him to catch her meaning from it. 
Ethan is not following and that much must be evident in his face because she sighs. 
“I can't have any metal on me,” she continues, face growing bright pink to the root of her dark hair. “So I'll have to remove my bra.”
“I… Erm... That's…” Ethan's ears flare with heat, his throat feeling suddenly dry. “That's true. I'll leave the room.”
“No need,” she assures him, already peeling off her coat. Before Ethan can even react, she reaches behind her back and under her blouse. 
He is momentarily frozen, eyes watching her expertly work the clasps, before hastily turning his back on her and busying himself with the gadolinium. The way his heart clamors wildly at his ears is guarantee enough of the sinful thoughts his mind will torture him with later, thoughts of Lilac undressing in many different ways for him. 
Get it together, Ramsey. 
“I'm ready,” she announces to his sheer relief. 
That relief is short-lived, however, when his eyes catch a glimpse of the lacy, bright red garment on the floor, unsuccessfully concealed by her discarded lab coat. Every inch of his traitorous body reacts on sight, reducing him to just another weak-willed man, uninhibited by the mere sight of a bra. 
Lilac, meanwhile, watches him from where she lays on the table, decent enough in her loose fitting blouse. That lopsided smirk of hers makes a reappearance and it only makes his thoughts sputter further. 
“Stay still,” he manages to instruct, his voice quiet and gentle. 
When his fingers palpate the veins in her arms, Ethan struggles to think of much else but the feel of her soft skin against his, incinerating his fingertips. He makes the mistake of meeting her eyes, finding that all traces of humor are long gone as she watches him, lips slightly parted. A white hot current of tension crackles between them, dangerous and capable of consuming him whole. With a surge of recklessness, he finds that he wants it to. The blazing look she fixes him with makes Ethan wonder if she wants it too. 
Swallowing hard, Ethan forces himself to glance away. 
After a brief pause, she teases, “You do know how to perform an intravenous injection, don't you?” 
“Ha. Ha,” he returns sarcastically. Her own genuine laughter rings around the imaging lab. 
Ethan injects her with ease and presses the button to slide the table inside the magnet enclosure, hiding that infuriatingly distracting smile from view. Soon after, he sits at the workstation, checking on Lilac through the glass and powering up the magnet. 
“How's it looking up there, Doc?” 
“Like a brain,” he says dryly. 
“Very average.” 
Ethan allows a resigned grin, shaking his head and feeling a wide lightness spread in his chest. Silence ensues after their banter and he realizes she waits for his question. 
A thrill shoots through his core at the ocean of possibilities before him. At last, he can catch a true glimpse of the mystery she has proven to be. Isn't that what he longs to know the most ? Isn't the enigma that is Lilac Allende the true allure for him? Isn't that the reason he can't stop thinking about her? 
He can ask anything, and finally know the answer. 
“Do you prefer cats or dogs?” 
There is an anticlimactic pause and Ethan wants to slam his head against the console. 
Really, Ethan? Cats or dogs? 
Lilac is silent, so silent Ethan wonders if the speaker system is working. 
“That's the type of question you have for me?” 
Ethan rolls his eyes. “Just answer it, Rookie.”
The image shows activity in the temporal lobe at the use of the nickname. 
“I like them both,” she answers before Ethan can interpret the previous reading. “Though dogs tend to love me almost instantly.”
An uninvited mental image of Jenner, paws on her chest, tail wagging at blurring speed upon meeting her, crosses his mind. Ethan dismisses it as an impossibility, unable to think of a scenario where both creatures would meet. 
“We have a family dog back in LA named Lobo,” she continues. 
“The third,” she adds cheerfully. “My parents name all of our dogs Lobo or Oso.”
The memory elicits notable activity in the hippocampus. Ethan is unable to see her face but he finds the reminiscent lull of her voice utterly endearing. Catching his own reaction with a flare of annoyance, he dismisses it, clears his throat, and moves on to the next question. 
“What inspired you to become a doctor?” 
The longest pause yet befalls them. Already there is activity in the right temporal cortex, peaking his own curiosity. Every second that she doesn't answer is agony. 
Finally, she says, “Pass.”
“Excuse me?” 
“I pass on this question. I plead the fifth.”
“You can't do that,” she protests, though he can hear the laughter in her voice. 
“Just answer the question, Rookie.”
There is a loaded, tense silence that slowly tapers to a boiling point, then—
Ethan blinks, speechless. 
“Don't you remember?” she says, an edge of embarrassment dripping from her voice. “You signed Landry's book for me.”
“Who?” he blurts out. Not waiting for an answer, he asks, “Wait, so you didn't keep that book, Rookie? I am offended.”
“No, my copy is much more worn, annotated, and well-loved,” she explains with a chuckle. 
A small whirlwind of emotions takes root in Ethan, who is still at a loss for words. 
“In a literal sense, your research inspired me to go to med school,” she continues, interpreting his silence as encouragement to go on. “I read your book from cover to cover as an undergrad and was so inspired, for once in my life I knew where I had to go. I wanted to be here, at Edenbrook, working alongside the best.” 
Ethan's throat is tight as he listens, the activity in the scan completely forgotten. 
“The more sentimental reason I was inspired to be a doctor is, of course, my parents.” Lilac pauses and clears her throat as a pretense. “They– They came to this country in pursuit of a better life, leaving their family and everyone they loved behind. All to be in a brand new place, not knowing the language or the culture, often taking up backbreaking jobs for miserable pay...to be looked down by many as inferior. All that sacrifice, for us.” Her voice cracks at the last few words. It takes her a moment to recover. “That sacrifice drove me through my worst days in medical school. It's what drives me today.”
She says this with a renewed, fierce pride that evokes a surge of admiration from him. It tears through his chest unlike anything he has ever experienced before, but then again, she is unlike anything he had ever seen before. Wildly, he wishes they were sharing something so precious face to face. His hand flexes reflexively as his mind imagines sweeping a thumb across the ridge of her cheekbone. 
“If not a doctor, what career would you have chosen?” He is surprised by the gentleness of his own voice, the sound foreign to his ears. 
When she speaks, she sounds almost like her usual, cheeky self. “A beauty guru.” 
“A what?” 
“It's people online filming their makeup routines.”
Ethan has never heard of anything so pointless in his life. “Be serious.” 
“I am! There might still be some videos online of my failed attempts,” she says, laughing. “But in terms of a realistic career, I would've probably chosen to be a homicide detective or a forensic pathologist.”
He raises his eyebrows at this, stunned for a moment at their shared interest in detective work. “Why?” 
Lilac mulls over her answer in a characteristic silence. “Obviously, there is the allure of gathering evidence and solving a mystery.” A deliberate pause, then—“But I always thought that was a bit selfish.” 
Ethan can't help the outburst. After all, connecting the pieces of an unknown puzzle is precisely why he once considered that career. 
“Yes, some doctors want to deliver the perfect diagnosis in a self-congratulatory way. To help the patient, yes, but to walk away with the gratification of having conquered a mystery.”
His itch to argue is quelled by his curiosity and so he says nothing. 
“I wanted to be a detective to solve the mystery as a way to fight for the voiceless.” Her voice drops to almost a whisper as she admits this. With a rush of satisfaction, Ethan realizes he is probably the first one hearing this reasoning. “There is something sick about being able to name notorious serial killers without a problem, but we can't do the same for their victims. They are the ones whose stories should be told, whose memories should be celebrated. They are the ones who deserve the accolades and the justice of finally solving that mystery.”
Ethan has no rebuttal for the first time in his life. 
As his brain struggles to reconcile the young doctor's words with the inexplicable thundering of his pulse, Lilac laughs. 
“No offense, Dr. Ramsey, but I was expecting a different line of questioning here.”
Ethan forces himself to recover. “How so?” 
“If I were asking you questions, I'd be a lot noisier,” she says, unabashed.
Ethan allows a chuckle. “That's not surprising,” he comments. “What type of questions would you be asking?” 
“I don't know…” She trails off pensively. “Maybe your type?”
Ethan's mouth goes slack. He recovers enough to say something, though he is not sure what. Luckily, he doesn't have to know because she continues, “I'd definitely ask about relationships, past and current.”
By this point, his heartbeat is an uproar in his hearing. The brash comments should be concerning coming from a subordinate but he feels like a fraud when he considers chastising her. Though he would never admit it out loud, the answers to those questions intrigue him to the point of restlessness. 
“Fine,” he allows quietly. “Answer those.”
A surprised little laugh comes through the speakers. “Really?” 
“Yes, let the record show this was your idea, Rookie,” he says in what he hopes is a casual tone. “What was the first one you mentioned? Ah, yes—What's your type?” 
The image of her brain activity, which Ethan had forgotten to glance at until that moment, lights up at the amygdala. An emotional response. 
He can sense the reluctance in her silence. 
“Tall. Definitely taller than me,” she begins at long last, her voice dignified, as though she is forcing herself to push past any bashfulness. “Dark hair.”
The answer is exasperatingly vague. The descriptors easily fit the surgical intern he saw her kiss all those weeks ago and the muscular paramedic who glances at her with besotted eyes every chance he gets. 
“Intelligent,” she continues. 
The diagnostician in him almost discounts Lahela on the sole basis of being a surgical intern. 
Lilac clears her throat so subtly, he almost attributes it to static in the speakers. “Someone with a dry sense of humor and sarcastic to a fault,” she says, a lot softer now. “Someone who can keep me on my toes.”
The scan displays activity in the frontal lobe, similar to what he saw when he called her “Rookie”. The small media room, despite having the air conditioner at full blast, feels suddenly sweltering. 
“What did I say next for my questions?” she asks, saving his mind from traveling a dangerous path. 
“Right,” she says with an exhale. 
Ethan says nothing, afraid even the slightest sound will discourage her. 
“Past relationships are… complicated and mercifully ancient history.” On his screen, he sees the most activity yet. A visible reaction in the right hippocampus, the amygdala, both sides of the prefrontal cortex, and the insular cortex— undeniable anger. 
Lilac, however, does not elaborate any further. Instead, she hurries on, “Current relationships are also complicated, frustrating, and nonexistent.” 
The words hang between them, like a pendulum. He is convinced they carry more meaning but Ethan's own brain feels abuzz with activity, too tumultuous to formulate follow up questions. When his eyes fall on the clock, he notes they have been at this for almost an hour. 
“I think we're done here,” he says. 
He leaves the media room, deliberately pausing outside the imaging lab to give Lilac enough time to put all of her clothes back on. By the time he enters the room, she is throwing on her coat, hands raking through her shiny hair. 
“Everything working okay?” 
“Like a charm,” he responds, mind still spinning. 
An incessant stab of dread begins to pierce through him as they prepare to go back to work. His mind wanders to Naveen, weak and alone in his room, and icy twines of fear take root deep in Ethan’s stomach once again. 
“Thank you… for the assistance.”
Lilac flashes him an easy smile. “Any time.”
Ethan manages an awkward nod turning to leave. Something powerful holds him back before he can take another step. As full fledged panic about facing Naveen's new symptoms grips him, he wants nothing more than to confide in her. 
He stops and turns to face her. 
Lilac tilts her head to one side, watching him curiously. 
The magnitude of what he is about to do hits him like a train and his newfound courage vanishes at once. With a grimace, he waves the idea off and exits the room. 
Author’s Note: A HUGE thank you to everyone who sent me questions Ethan could ask. I tried my best to include them here. 
“Do you prefer cats or dogs?”-- @drethanramslay
“What inspired you to become a doctor?” -- Anon and @scorpiochick8
“If not a doctor, what career would you have chosen?” @scorpiochick8
The not so subtle questions about her love life-- @eramsey28
Answering the career question wit banter, then with a serious answer. -- @whippedforethanramsey 
Ethan’s slightly jealous thoughts about Bryce and Raf-- @schnitzelbutterfingers 
Sorry if I didn’t include all requests! This would have been 20 pages long if I hadn’t trimmed some of it lol. 
I swapped some of the dialogue from the original. Also, I’m so sorry to @takeharryandgo​ for the horrible brain science here. Forgive me, Doc.
What Lilac said about her parents is exactly how I feel about mine. So I just had to include that here.  
Finally, I intend to continue these from Ethan’s POV. However, for personal reasons, I will keep my next few projects under wraps. 
Tags:  @openheart12​ | @ethandaddyramsey​ | @noboundariesplease​ | @silverlitskies​ | @infinitiestones | @flyawayboo​ | @paulfwesley​ | @hatescapsicum​ | @myusualnerdyself​ | @thatysn​ | @choicesyouplayandmore​ | @chasingrobbie​ | @trappedinfandoms​ | @togetherwearerapture​ | @nooruleman​ | @caseyvalentineramsey​ | @axwalker​ | @parkerattano​ | @i-bloody-love-drake-walker​ | @kaavyaethanramsey​ | @edith-eggs1​ | @choices-lurker​ | @jens-diamondchoices​ | @tefigranger​ | @ethanrcmsey​ | @coffeebeandragon​ | @senator-adrian-raines-wifey​ | @aestheticartwriting​ | @binny1985​ | @mvalentine​ | @sanchita012​ | @drethanramslay​ | @ramseysno1rookie​ | @takeharryandgo​ | @aworldoffandoms​ | @desmaranj​ | @ josieplayschoices | @magicalshepherdtreeprofessor | @oofchoices​ | @ethxnrxmsey​ | @octobereighth​ | @colossalpainintheass | @kopenheart12​ | @lilyvalentine​ | @honeyandsunfl0wers​ | @virtualrain202 | @enmchoices​ | @tyrilstouch​ | @rookie-ramsey​​
@dulceghernandez |  @lion-ess24 | @emotionalswift2 | @the-soot-sprite |
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wolfs-hunt1 · 4 years
See me after class 4
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Pairing: Bucky x reader
Word count: 1573
Warnings: Alchool consuption, sexual themes
A/N: drunk drabble for @the-ss-horniest-book-club​ .  Can’t believe it took me so long to write this, but the ideia I had for it when out the window as soon as i wrote the first few words. I know I might have gotten way off topic XD. So this isnt like i had hoped for, but i do hope you’ll like it.
Part 3  
--- --- --- --- ---
The best part about Halloween season in university? All the parties being planed by the students. They were an annual occurrence, and the talk of the school for weeks before, making the corridors buzz with excitement for them. Some of your classmates were gonna dress up with matching costumes, but you?
You had something else planned. Bucky had agreed to go with you to one of the parties, since he put in for a transfer to another university the two of you could be a bit more open with your relationship, but now you couldn't really gawk up at him during classes anymore. Oh well. It was a small price to pay.
He had also agreed to let you choose your costumes. So you had decided to try and get creative with your costume, and maybe even try something new in the bedroom with him. You had chosen the costumes already, you only needed to hide them for a bit more from Bucky so that you could watch the surprise on his face when you showed him.
The week dragged on, and once the weekend came you were so excited to spend the next week with Bucky you barely managed to keep yourself from jumping up on him when he showed up at your apartment door.
"Wow there." Bucky leans down and gives you a long kiss, before looking longingly at you, "I know you are excited babe, but no need to jump me here in the hallway," he chuckles at you, leading you back inside, "we can wait for when we're inside." he waggles his eyebrows suggestively making you laugh and gently slap his arm.
"I've been two weeks without you, I don't want to wait." you two walk further into the apartment, him taking off his leather jacket and laying it on the back of the couch. You start kissing him, interlocking your fingers in his hair and pulling him to you gently. "I have something for you. It's a surprise." you say between kisses.
He hums and grabs onto your hips, walking you into a walk and moving his lips across your jaw up to your ear. "I do like surprises." he whispers lowly, making a shiver run down your spine. He sucks gently on your neck and gives a little bite before gently licking the spot to soothe the little pain. "So, what did you have planed?"
"I bought us matching costumes, and thought that maybe we could…. do some roleplay with them?" this intrigued Bucky.
"Roleplay? I think I like that idea. So… what costumes did you get us?" you felt giddiness course your veins at his question, so you moved from the wall, and pulled him with you to the bedroom. you walk up to the wardrobe and pull out two big costume bags to put them in the bed for Bucky to see.
"Go on, you can look." you say, a big smile adorning your lips while you waited expectantly for his response. He opened the bags and stopped, looking at the contents for the longest of times. There was a small smirk on his face when he took out the pair of fluffy ears and tail to inspect them better. He noticed the but plug in the tail and looked at you to see you biting your lips.
"Those are for me… and the rest is for you." Bucky put the items on the plush bed covers and looks inside the bags once more, he can see a red shirt, leather pants, and a dark red cape with a hood.
"Oh, I get it. So you're gonna be my big bad wolfy now, are you?"
"And you will be my little red riding hood." you nodded at him, getting closer to him until you stood right in front of him, between the bed.
"But here's the catch. We need to stay in the costumes all night at the party, and we can't do anything before we return home." with this is smile dropped and he forced a pout.
"Ah, babe, but watching you with that tail all night and not being able to touch will be torture to me." You lean ever closer to his body, mischieve in your eyes. You can feel him harden against your body, and so you rub harder against him, making his breath came out in hot pants. You suddenly step away, wanting and disappointment crossing Bucky's face, before he straightens himself up and concedes to your terms.
"Very well, no touching while at the party… but that doesn't mean I can't tease you." you think over his words before answering.
Dressing with Bucky constantly trying to tease and to grope you wasn't easy, he also made you not go to the party twice so you could stay home and fuck like mad rabbits. But you managed to take his insatiable hunger for your body and here you two were at one of the parties that were being thrown by the students.
His red shirt hugged his body in all the right places and the leather pants did little do hide his bulge, which seemed to refuse to leave every time he looked your way. The cape with the hood was a bit on the smaller side, only reaching his knees, but it was enough to know what he was dressed up as.
You had fishnets on with booty shorts, the but plug tail sticking out until your mid-thigh, swishing around every time you moved, its soft fur caressing your skin and making shivers run up your spine. You had also a leather corset, and some high heels on, making you almost as tall as Bucky himself.
His hands go to tour lower back, gently guiding you up the stairs of the frat house, before letting you walk through the door first. The entrance hall is filled with dancing monsters and fairies, everyone holding a cup of some alcohol or another. Everyone's costumes were on point and even the simpler ones had something special that put them apart from the others.
The loud music was making the entire floor boom, and the rumbly bass making your bones shake. You danced a bit around, rubbing up against bucky whenever the other people got too close to you and squeezed you to him. You could hear him hissing softly when your tail pressed up against his bulge, making you smile in triumph. You were so going to make tonight hard on him. Literally.
You did have a lot of compliments on your wolf costume, although you could see the other girl's eyes lingering more on Bucky than they should. That actually made you feel hotter, because you knew you were the one taking him home.
"I see Nat, by the bar, I'm gonna go say hi." you yell over the music, while he nodded at you and walked over to the food table.
"Hi, Nat!"
"(Y/N)!" she throws herself at you, hugging you tightly, making you stumble a bit on your heels and hug her back just as tightly. "You look hot, girl!"
"And you look devilish!", she stared at her. She, in her red lingerie and pair of black wings, was the sexiest rendition of a demon, anyone's probably seen that night.
"Wheres Wanda?"
She smiles and waggles her eyebrows, nodding to the dance floor behind you. "She's busy drooling over Vi." you looked at the place she had pointed to see Wanda and Vision dancing super close together, not even acknowledging anyone around them. "So... What about you? I see you're dressed has a cat?"
"Or that... did you bought matching costumes for your date?"
"Yes. He's my little red riding hood."
"Wow, I thought it was the other way around?"
"I thought to give it a twist." you grinned, calling the attention of the bartender to make you and Nat some shots. "Besides, he looks hot in those leather pants." you nod at Bucky only to see him swarmed with college girls, wearing even less than Natasha if that was even possible.
"Seems like they are trying to steal your little red. Wanna go wolf them down?" you think for a few seconds and decide that you would. you asked the bartender for some more drinks so you could bring one to Bucky, and walk throw the crowd to them.
"Here you have it, sweetie, your drink." you say seductively, catching Bucky's eye, and the other girls. He took the cup and pulled you to him, ignoring the girl that was cuddling up to his side altogether and pushing her aside.
"And hello back, babe, I missed you when you were gone." he took a sip from the cut, and with his arm still around your waist, moved over to where Nat was laughing her ass off over the girls disappointed and angry faces for having been ignored. "You know I only have eyes for you, right?"
"Oh I do my little red, but you seemed like you needed saving from those harpies, and who best than your own bad wolf?" your voice was but a whisper on his ear, leaving then a trail of nips and kissed down his neck making him shudder.
He didn't take much longer than that. He said goodbye to your friends and grabbed you over his shoulder, taking you home soon after and making you howl his name all night long.
Part 5
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bichlordstories · 3 years
Blood Sport (BNHA x gn!Reader)
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“Hi sweetie, welcome ba-“
A bowl filled with a gooey substance smashed onto the floor followed by a horrified shriek. Near the doorway of the kitchen was a 4 year old covered head to toe in blood, which left a large puddle beneath them.
Their mother nearly tripped as she rushed towards her child and picked them up. She didn’t mind the blood seeping through her clothes and snatched the keys by the door before heading towards the car, leaving the front door wide open.
~~~~time skip~~~~
You could feel the adrenaline and blood still pulsing through your body and out your pores like a raging river. You were in shock, and adding the fact that you were high on adrenaline just made you all the more dazed.
When you first arrived at the ER, the staff immediately rushed you to a room, shock written across their faces. The blood spurted from your eyes, nose and mouth but you were still breathing, and the doctors were dumbfounded on what the hell was going on.
You soon started sweating blood, essentially turning your entire body crimson. For 30 minutes, you bled enough blood for a 5 people to fill their bodies, and yet you sat on the bed, unfazed and feeling so, so alive.
It didn’t take long for one doctor to come to a conclusion.
“Your child’s quirk has developed, mrs. (L/n).”
Your mother was bewildered. Many whys, what’s, and buts entered her head but she couldn’t form a question.
“Despite losing so much blood, they seem to create more than what they had before, and their heart has pumped at such a fast rate, that they should have at least passed out.” The nurse explained before a doctor next to her spoke up.
“Your child is fine now, their adrenaline rush stopped as well as the blood, but we were wanting to-“
The rest of it was unimportant gibberish to you. You were hungry and really thirsty... and really, really tired.
For some odd reason, you enjoyed that... ‘adrenaline rush’ as the doctors seem to put it. It was unlike anything you had felt before. Yeah, the sticky, wet blood didn’t feel comfortable, but you loved the feeling nonetheless.
But you were tired now. Your blood levels were normal again, but you felt as though you exercised a lot, and it really got you cranky.
Once finished, you mother picked you up, disturbed by the revelation of your quirk, and left.
That night, you had the longest shower and bath of your life.
And it wouldn’t be the last.
Ever since then, your life slowly morphed into something you didn’t desire. You were normal up until then.
At first, your classmates were excited to see your quirk, congratulating you and begging to see your new power.
Let’s just say it didn’t go well with the kids, especially when you learned something new about your quirk.
Enhanced strength.
Now you were seen as an undesirable.
With your gorey quirk and your super strength and speed, you were seen as a future villain. Luckily for you, you weren’t the only one in that school with a villainized quirk. There were other ‘undesirables’ including that one kid with a brainwashing quirk that had it worse than you.
While the quirkless kids and brainwash boy was bullied senselessly, you were avoided, feared even. Granted, your classmates would ridicule you for having an “evil knock-off” quirk, but nothing got physical, after all... you weren’t called the All Might copy cat for nothing.
The first time you saw All Might in person, you hadn’t expected to see the man talking to some kid in a black uniform. The boy seemed to be crying tears of joy in front of what was once your idol.
The person you once looked up to.
This plain looking boy wouldn’t have caught your interest, not in a million years, and yet... something about him brought suspicion.
He seemed to know All Might more than a fan should, and you were going to get to the bottom of it.
So, you started following him.
Your actions may have been stalkerish, but you didn’t care.
You were supposed to be preparing yourself for the exams, but here you were, burning holes into the back of his head as All Might instructed him to move the junk across the beach.
After weeks of following this boy and All Might, you figured out that the hero intended to pass his quirk onto the greenette.
You couldn’t fathom the concept of your own hero passing his quirk, the very thing that made him All Might, onto some short little shrimp that looks like he hasn’t worked a day in his entire life until resently.
This bright eyed, bushy-tailed son of a bitch (I’m sorry Inko) was being given the opportunity of a life time without any real struggles. He didn’t even have a clue what becoming a hero would mean.
He’s just gonna be a copy of All Might. A knock-off.
And All Might will be there to save his ass.
You didn’t even hide yourself as you stomped off, fists clenched.
You could feel something salty fill your eyes and roll down your cheeks as you gritted your teeth.
It wasn’t tears, you knew that.
You would never cry, never.
No, you were going to become better than the brainless prodigy of All Might’s. You’ll be better than anybody else. You’ll be (L/n) (Y/n), the number 1 hero of Japan.
And you’ll just have to work harder than ever before.
While you were seething, you either didn’t notice or you didn’t care about the pair of eyes that watched you.
“A-All Might, who was that? do you think they saw?”
But the skinny man didn’t respond.
Somethings out you was... familiar.
He had seen you before, he had to.
There was no way had he hadn’t met you before.
He felt blood and bile come up his throat and spat out the red substance onto the sand before resting a hand on young Midoriya’s shoulder.
“Let’s continue this later...”
Sorry for the rushed prologue. I guess you can say that I’m kinda impatient to get to the juicy, meaty parts!
The next page will just be updated information on your quirk and family. You’ll learn more about your character and their personality and power later on in the story.
You’ll learn more about yourself later in the story.
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johannstutt413 · 3 years
(requested by anonymous)
“So...This is kind of awkward, isn’t it?” Swire swished a glass of whiskey between her fingers. “I’ve never seen you drink this much before.”
“She’d usually try and stop me.” Hoshiguma signaled for another stack, and the bartender dutifully refilled the pyramid of shot glasses in front of her.
The Feline shrugged. “She’d also know how when you’re in this kind of mood, and honestly? Kinda want to see what happens when you get drunk.”
“And tonight’s as good a night as any.” The Oni groaned. “Did she have to cut through my Hanya on top of everything else? I won’t have them watching me while I sleep tonight because they’re getting fixed by Vulcan. This sucks.”
“It’s weird to think she was the life of the party in our group, but I guess her getting flustered at everything we did or said gave us something to build off of, huh?”
Hoshi nodded with a sigh. “Yeah...Honestly, though? That cleared one thing up pretty good for me.”
“Oh, really?” She finally downed the shot in her hand. “And what’d that be?”
“Well, for the longest time, I was kinda torn, but I didn’t see what was right in front of me: Ch’en’s entire life is about duty, what she has to do to meet her expectations and get others around her to do the same. You, though? You know how to have fun, take a break from all the bullshit and just let loose...Yeah, there wasn’t ever really a choice, was there?”
Swire just stared at her as she talked. “You don’t...You’re sure you aren’t drunk or something already? Because if you’re talking about what I think you’re talking about-”
“It’s kinda lucky I didn’t make a move on her before now, honestly.” The Oni chuckled to herself. “Not like she would have said yes, anyway. She’s lonely, but she’d never admit that long enough to think about it. Still, that tail looked mighty strong for something that thin...”
“How long have you been thinking about this?”
She shrugged. “I’unno. A while. At least as long as I’ve known you, I think.”
“And you didn’t say something until now?!” The Feline smacked her glass on the bartop, and it shattered in her hand. “...Ow!”
“Why’re you so uppity right now? Come on, let’s go fix that up.” Hoshi left a few hundred LMD on the counter and sloshed off her barstool.
The money-cat nursed her wounded paw with her other hand. “I can feeeeel some of the glaaass got stuuuuck this suuuucks so muuuch.”
“You sing like a bird when you’re hurt. Here, let me see it.” She looked it over, holding Swire’s wrist for a moment before nodding to herself. “It’s all skin-deep. Nothing some medi-gel can’t stitch up.”
“That’s a relief. Um, Hoshi, are you going to give me my hand back?”
The Oni turned her eyes to the Feline’s, peering through them. “I’unno. You mind if I don’t?”
“...No?” It hadn't taken that much thought, but the answer surprised her more than anyone else. “But it’d be nice if you’d just come out and ask for what you want. Normally you’re way more dir-”
“Wanna go back to your place, fix your little scrape up, and let me squeeze you like one of those stuffed bunny dolls Closure sells so many of? That direct enough for ya?” She felt a stray drop of liquor on the corner of her lip and licked it off.
Swire nodded, shaking a little. “Y-yeah, loud and clear.”
“Good, now let’s-” The Feline wasn’t moving. “Look, the faster we get there, the faster your hand-”
“You have something on your face.” She hiccuped.
Hoshiguma considered just picking her up and taking her away like that, but it didn’t feel right somehow. Besides, she didn’t have a mirror; maybe there was something there. “Really?”
“I’ll get it.” And seemingly forgetting about the pain, the money-cat cupped the Oni’s face in her hands, stood on her toes, and tugged down to reduce the final distance between their lips to 0 for a moment. “...Heh. Now we can go back to my place~”
“Had to wait for the whiskey to hit your brain?” Now was the perfect time to sweep her off her feet, which Hoshi immediately did.
She shook her head. “No, it did that a whiiiiile ago. I just wantcha to know how I feel, even if I kinda don’t yet.”
“Gotcha.” The Oni let her eyes wander openly now that they had things settled. “Well, I read you loud and clear...”
The next morning, Swire noticed a few things in rapid succession: she hadn’t put on her pajamas last night, she’d fallen asleep on her couch - correction, on Hoshiguma, who was on her couch and also pajama-less - and from the little bit she remembered from last night...Apparently, this was going to be happening more than once.
Why was even just the thought of that enough to make her grin?
‘Y’know, I bet Ch’en would kill us for skipping out on work, but since she’s not here…’ The Feline talked herself into calling in sick as she stayed near-motionless except for the impossible-to-stop purring, her head comfortably sandwiched between two peaks while cradled in the Oni-Curve Valley. She felt like a puzzle piece that finally found where it fit.
An unknowable amount of time later, Hoshi’s breathing changed, but she similarly didn’t move. “G’morning,”she half-muttered, half-yawned.
“It sure is.” Swire sighed. “We don’t have to go to work today, do we?”
“Hmm...Nope. Doctor said we’re s’posed to take some time and breathe.” Saying that, she squeezed her arms a little tighter around her couchmate.
The purring intensified. “Good~ I’ll just work extra-hard tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow?” Hoshiguma sighed. “Maybe you’re more like her than I-”
“Only so I can spend more time with you. This is sooo nice, I don’t want the wonder to fade so quick, you know?”
The Oni thought for a moment before sliding Swire closer to her face. “C’mere for a second.”
“But I’m already h-” Smooch. “-heheh. You need something?”
“A lot more than I thought I did. For right now, though? I don’t want to think about tomorrow, or work, or Ch’en, or Lungmen, or anything, except you and me. Is that reasonable?”
The Feline giggled. “You’re asking the wrong girl about that, Hoshi.”
“Am I, now?” Smooch. Hoshi was already coming to like that option. “Then you don’t mind my being a little unreasonable for now? While we still have today?”
“While we still have today?...We might as well enjoy it to the fullest.” And so saying, Swire settled her head between the couch and the Oni’s neck, promising herself to do just that.
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kda-chat · 4 years
10 Years Later Headcannon
In this headcannon, the K/DA girls are much older and further along in their careers. Respectively in this headcannon, Akali is 32, Kai'sa is 33, Ahri is 34, and Evelynn is 35 (give or take). This headcannon will mostly focus on K/DA girls (sorry non-Sivir extras).
At this point in the headcannon, K/DA is still present but not as active as before. However, K/DA has not disbanded. The girls have moved out of the K/DA house and are on their own but they are still present in each other's lives as if they never moved out.
As the youngest member in her thirties, Akali has shown considerable amount of growth in her art style. She has branched out to different genres of music from ballad, 90s music, rock, classical, and much more. Akali has taken time to travel the world to study music styles from different cultures, appreciating what each community has to offer. When Akali is not working on her music, she is aiding in raising and developing music and art programs for children living in underprivileged areas.
On the side, Akali scouts new and trying artists. When she sees a potential artist, she reaches out to help start their career, using her platform to promote their work. Sometimes the project fails, she's had a few bad apples, but most artists are successful and thriving on their own.
Akali still wears a signature hat but not as often as usual. She constantly has her hair up but also likes to keep her hair down. When she wears her hair down, she usually wears a beanie. She doesn't dye her hair as often, so it's back to her usual shade of black. Being married to Evelynn, Akali's taste in clothing has gotten expensive.
Speaking of marriage, Akali and Evelynn married way before Kai'sa and Sivir. They were quick to tie the knot and gotten backlash from "fans" saying that they were moving too fast. Regardless, Evelynn and Akali are happily married for more than seven years, growing stronger than ever.
As a married woman, Akali learned how to effectively communicate with Evelynn and work with her on equal terms. It took a while for Akali to overcome the inferior complex she had (because she was always raised in a hierarchy system ever since she was little). She constantly saw Evelynn as superior to her, which Evelynn assured her that they were equals. The two of them worked together to establish their equality and that it was okay for Akali to be selfish and self-indulge without Evelynn at times.
The Queen of the Tabloids relinquished her title. She is not in "scandals" or drama as much anymore. Fans notice how mature she has gotten over the past years. While Evelynn loved music, she focused her career in acting and has gotten a massive amount of respect in her work. She has been nominated for various awards and won a fair share of them. The type of movies she has done ranges from drama, action, and romance.
On the side, Evelynn is a business woman. She established her own company where she designs her own clothing, makeup collections, and purses. She often has charity events and sales where the money raised goes to organizations that help LGBTQ youths, women recovering from abuse, and many others.
Evelynn has grown out her hair nice and long, almost similarly to Victoria (my OC/Evelynn's mother). Her style of clothing hasn't changed much. She loves wearing tight fitting, expensive clothing, but being married to Akali, she started to wear more casual/baggy clothing as well (much to the dismay of the male gazes, boo hoo).
As a married women, Evelynn parties/attends parties less often and focuses on working on her and Akali's forever home. She has specifically designed the house they are living in, making sure it had what Akali wanted and what she wanted. A massive mansion with plenty of room for a village, Evelynn is already in the progress of filling it up. She has adopted a number of dogs, which Ahri hates because she doesn't work well with any kind of pets. Ahri is getting use to it when she visits.
Speaking of adoption, Evelynn has expressed her desire for children with Akali. It's a step that they are taking slowly, mostly for Akali's sake because she's nervous about becoming a mother. Evelynn is open to a surrogate (because succubus can't actually birth children like humans, there's a whole succubus/incubus lore about it.) or adoption. [Akali does not want to have the baby herself, which Evelynn won't push her to do.]
Despite Akali's hesitation with having a child, she has been reading up on "Raising Children" books, studying intensely. She does want to have a child with Evelynn after all.
The immature and fiesty foxy has grown wiser over the years, shocking. Still dedicated to music, Ahri has released a number of hit singles and has been a judge on popular singing competitions. She continues her FOXY cosmetic business, jokingly saying she's competing with Evelynn's business.
When she's not working on music, Ahri works as an ambassador/executive director for Gumiho Organization, a special nonprofit organization for helping young children born with mythical powers, qualities, and/or characteristics (much like Ahri herself). With Evelynn's help, who supported the project, Ahri started this organization to help orphaned children that were left to figure out their unique abilites/identites/characteristic, find them homes, and provide them with an education that will help them in life.
Ahri keeps her hair short now, almost like how she did her prestige skin. It's just easier for her to manage. Ahri's style of clothing has turned more buisness like, wearing blazers and all. Her tails aren't crystals anymore, she missed her fluffy tails and wanted them back.
Ahri's relationship status is currently single. She has had a couple of partners that lasted for a few months. A year was the longest for Ahri. No permanent partner yet for her, but Ahri is more driven on working on her career than working on her love life. If worse comes to worse, Evelynn will begrudgingly make room in her mansion for Ahri to live with her and Akali.
In all seriousness, Ahri is considering adopting a kit child that she took an interest in. Nine-tailed foxes are rare to come by and this little one is the first one that Ahri seen since herself. Of Japanese origin, so they're called a kitsune, Ahri is seriously considering adopting this pup. The hesitation is because Ahri is worried that she might not be a suitable mother. It'll take Kai'sa and Evelynn's encouragement for Ahri to finalize her decision.
Dancing is still a huge passion for Kai'sa and she has choreographed numerous of dance routines with major artists. She starred as the lead in a movie about a dancer dealing with mental health and the pressures of the dance competition/community, a story that is greatly inspired by her own life. The movie made a positive impact, especially for other dancers.
With the success of the movie, Kai'sa has managed and organized dance programs across the world, teaching a class when she's on location. Kai'sa has written a book about mental health, as well as making a documentary on how she handles her Void PTSD. In the dance community, she is nicknamed as "Kai'Queen" and she has signature dance moves that are nicknamed the "Kai Kai", "Bokkie Bokkie", and "Kai'sa sa Slide".
Kai'sa doesn't sport her purple hair look anymore. It is back to her usual chocolate brown hair. However, she loves braiding her hair and always has it in some unique style that looks like it has been blessed by the gods. Her clothing style hasn't changed much. She still loves leggings and is always down with a comfortable sweater to top it off.
Kai'sa and Sivir were patient with their marriage. With Sivir's status as the heir of Azir's fortune, it took a long time for Sivir to adjust to her new lifestyle while dealing with the public eye. Many haters claimed Kai'sa was dating Sivir for money, but true fans knew that wasn't true. They married much later than Akalynn, currently hitting their one year anniversary. They had a quiet wedding with close friends and family.
The two of them live together in a lavish home. Marriage has taught Kai'sa to rely on Sivir more, especially when she has bad sleepless nights due to bad dreams and insomnia, and that she isn't alone (she never was, but sometimes she gets in her head).
Kai'sa and Sivir adopted one large Alaskan Malamute and a Maine Coon cat. Ahri is fine with the cat, surprisingly. The dog...not so much.
In regard to children, Kai'sa and Sivir are considering adoption but Kai'sa also expressed a willingness to hold the baby herself. Nothing is final, but both women are anticipating a wonderful addition to the family in the near future.
Hope you enjoyed this headcannon. I had a lot of ideas for this, I do have more, but maybe I'll save them for next time. Feel free to ask if you want to know more. ❤❤
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
When was the last time you wanted to wear something but it was still ‘in the wash’ or ‘not yet dried’? I wanted to wear my Baby Yoda/Grogu Christmas sweatshirt on Christmas, but it didn’t end up getting washed.
Any new subjects for the upcoming school year? I’m not in school anymore.
Last time you got a haircut? Back in February of last year. Almost a year ago now.
Have you ever rode Business Class? No.
Paris, Texas or Paris, France? Paris, France, please.
How much time/percentage is left on your laptop battery? It’s at 100% because it’s plugged in.
Do you like to know how things are made? Yeah, a lot of it is interesting.
Care to post the most recent tagged picture of you on Facebook? No.
HAVE YOU WATCHED BRUNO YET!?  I saw the first one. I don’t have any interest in seeing the new one.
Is there any song that’s stuck in your head?  Not at the moment.
What does your school bag look like?  --
Is it anyone’s birthday today? I’m sure it’s a lot of people’s birthday today, but no one I know.
With your guy friends, are you known as a girl or a buddy? I don’t have any friends.
Do you own a foam finger? No.
Where was the last place you dined in with your friends? It’s been a few years since the last time I did that, so I don’t recall. Yes, I actually used to have friends and I actually used to go out. *gasp*
Name all the websites on your bookmark toolbar here! Google, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, and Pinterest. 
Have you actually ever eaten a wedding cake? Yes.
Gotcher back to school outfit yet? Or do you just don’t care? --
Do you get email updates from Urban Dictionary?  No.
Do you think some babies are ugly? Aw, that’s mean.
Don’t you miss Chuck E. Cheese? Aw, those were fun times as a kid.
Do you think Fall Out Boy is gonna be a classic band, like Queen or AC/DC?  I don’t know. 
Do you love stuff crusted pizza? I don’t eat the crusts, so.
Is Lil Wayne all that he’s cracked up to be? I like some his features and songs.
Who are you usually attracted to in bands, the singer, the guitarist, bassist, or drummer? I wasn’t attracted to many band guys, honestly. 
Do you apply lotion after you bathe? No. I should.
What’s your favorite color? Pastels, rose gold, mint green, coral, and yellow.
Who did you have your most amazing kiss with?  Joseph.
Have you ever hugged a stranger?  No.
What’s a random act of kindness you have done to help a stranger? I’ve given money to homeless people.
Has a Youtube video of yours ever gotten over 10,000 views? Ha, no. What’s a fear you’ve conquered? Hmm. I don’t know.
Have you ever hugged someone for over a minute? Yeah.
Have you ever received a homemade card from someone?  Yes.
Would you ever get a tattoo on your collar bone? No.
Do you like Robert Frost poems?  I only know one.
Do you go to church every Sunday?  Yes. I attend via livestream. 
Ever had a drunken night in Mexico or Las Vegas? Nope.
Have you ever been to Arkansas?  No.
Where would you go on a road trip with your best friend? There’s so many places I’d love to travel to.
Do you know anyone with Harry Potter glasses?  Growing up I had the round frames.
Longest you’ve ever stayed on the phone? Houuuurs. I used to talk to my best friends in elementary and middle school on the phone for-fucking-EVER. I’m not sure of the longest bit of time though. <<< Haha, I actually used to do that, too, which is so shocking because I hate talking on the phone now. I kinda did that in high school the first two years a few times, but after that something switched and I never wanted to talk on the phone. It became just text me or message me online.
Have you ever been in a relationship on and off for more than a year?  Joseph and I, whatever it was we had going on, was off and on for a few years. We never were officially together, but we had something going on and it would seem it was going in that direction but then nope.
What about just for a year straight?  Like I said, it went on for 3 years.
Do gangs scare you?  I mean, yeah...
Have you met a best friend on a cruise before?  I’ve never been on a cruise.
How many high schools are in your city/town?  Like 4.
If offered, would you want to go to fashion week in Paris? Can I just have the trip to Paris?
If you had to get famous for one of the following, which would you choose: music, acting, writing, modeling? Writing. 
What are your thoughts on fake reality television? I’m a sucker for reality TV. *shrug*
Would you want to own your own island? Nah. I’m good with my Animal Crossing Island lol. <<< Ha, same.
Who killed John Bennet Ramsey?  Her brother is kinda sus. I could see it being a situation where the family covered up for him because he was just a child. Or, perhaps one of the parents. Again, it being an accidental situation and they just covered it up.
What do you think of girls with huge boobs that don’t wear bras in public? I don’t think about it. 
Do you even like politics? I don’t like it, but I try to follow it at least somewhat because it is important and affects all of us. It’s stressful and overwhelming and confusing, though, so I don’t follow it as closely as maybe I should.
Have you ever seen a guy wearing hoop or dangling earrings? Yeah.
What’s it like at raves? I’ve never been. I’ve never had any desire to go to one.
Do you do a nice Scottish accent?  I can’t do any accents.
Do you think that all people in England have really bad teeth?  No? That’s an awful stereotype.
What is your state nickname (The Golden State, The Cheese State, etc)? The Golden State.
Would you rather lose your best friend or your boyfriend? I’d rather not lose anyone in my life, thanks.
Do you think people who pay hundreds of dollars on perfume are ridiculous? Spend your money on what you want, but I don’t spend that much on perfume. I think it’s crazy how expensive they can be. 
What is the last thing you tried on in a store? A jacket. That’s the only thing I ever try on because I can easily just put it on real quick right there and it doesn’t require much. I never try on clothes or anything otherwise. 
Do you know who Georgia Nicholson is?  Nope.
Do you ever sleep through your alarm? It happens. Thankfully, it hasn’t happened for anything important in a long time, but I sometimes set alarms when I don’t want to sleep in too late or I want to try and get up by a certain time for whatever reason and oftentimes I just end up hitting snooze or turning it off.
What is the dominant color in the room you’re in?  There’s a lot of colors going on.
Do you think Sophia Bush is a good actress? I’ve only seen her in a couple things, I think.
When did you realize you are no longer a child?  I’m not sure if it was one specific moment. 
Is sleeping naked more comfortable then in clothes?  Noo, not for me. I don’t feel comfortable naked.
Does your best friend wear makeup? Yeah.
Who is someone you do not understand at all?  Myself. What is your morning routine? When I get up, I take my medicine and lie around for awhile checking social media and whatnot before finally dragging myself outta bed for coffee. 
Have you already met your true love?  No.
Have you ever had a dream in which you were making out, or more, with someone?  Yeah.
Do you prefer to fix the problems or just end the relationship? I would want to try and work on things first. I wouldn’t just end a relationship right away because we had a problem. Now, if we had a lot of problems and nothing was getting resolved or it just wasn’t working out even after trying to work on things, then it would be time to end the relationship. But you’re going to experience problems in a relationship, you can’t expect not to. It’s how you go about them.
Have you ever accidentally stepped on a cat tail?  Not a cat, but a dog. I always feel like the worst person in the world whenever I’ve accidentally done that with their tail or paw. Gahhh. And my doggo (and my previous doggos) acts like she did something wrong and snuggles up next to me and is all lovey and it’s like, ‘nooo, I’m the evil one here you didn’t do anything wrong you precious angel!’
Did they meow really loud? They let out a yelp.
Do you ever go to Plyrics.com?  I’m sure that was one of the sites I used back in the day for lyrics. Nowadays I just quickly Google a song and the lyrics pop right up.
Did you know that when a worm is cut in two both pieces grow again and continue living?  Jlkfjkdfjl ew yes I’ve heard that. That gives me the creeps just thinking about it, thanks for ending on that note....
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awesomehoggirl · 4 years
it’s wip wednesday so i thought i’d share a quick writing wip from my multi chapter fem howince fic which will maybe be done in 20 years ! it’s got 8 chapters and i am still on chapter 2 if this gets finished it’ll be a miracle. the fic is called eau d’bedroom dancing because i love le tigre and imagine how fantastic riot grrl vince would be ...
mentioning before hand that i write all my first drafts and oneshots with no capitals because i find it a lot easier but with this fic when i go back over i’ll put capitals in :) (also this is a section from chapter one not the opening)
her name is vincenzia mirabella lucie-marié le manteau rafflesia vaisseau-spatial noire (the longest name in the class, and the only one never written up on the ‘star student!’ chalkboard) but everyone refers to her as vince. she’s new to the school, and seemingly england, but her accent is pure south london. two teachers have quit because of her already. holly moon has never been so interested in a person in her entire tiny life.
oh, she’s read up on musicians, heard their stories, wished ever so slightly that her life would someday be just as interesting — did you know nina simone had seven siblings, that john coltrane was in the navy? but the weirdness that seems to just bounce off vince’s tongue beats every story she’s ever read hands down.
it quickly becomes apparent that she’s borderline feral: if the staff-room murmurs of the teachers are to be believed, she came from a ‘neglectful home’; if vince’s own word is to be accepted, she was raised in the jungle by a cast of rock stars, animals and french nobility. holly is sensible enough to doubt her at first, but before long (and after many demonstrations of her ability to talk to animals) she’s genuinely on board. they sit behind the ash tree at lunch time, out of sight from dribbling boys and disapproving teachers, and holly figures out that through half a chocolate bar vince can be coaxed into revealing all sorts about her unorthodox childhood.
‘dunno why you’re so desperate to know about my life,’ vince complains once, when asked again to tell the story about the great order of frogs and the backwards waterfall. ‘why can’t i hear stories about you for a change?’
‘all in good time,’ says holly, whose mother is a tax attorney married to a geography teacher. ‘plus, i know you love the attention.’
and so vince sits there and talks until she goes hoarse, or loses interest, or feels like changing the subject right at a crucial moment, or the school bell rings and they have to go inside. she talks about her house made of bus tickets and her animal friends, her french duke uncle who would come down on bank holidays and teach her table manners, about joining the jackals for hunts, about skimming the treetops in the claws of squabbling vultures, about the hoots and screeches of the monkeys as they chased her through the undergrowth on the back of a hippopotamus. and holly will listen breathlessly, trying to seem nonplussed when in reality she is clinging to every last word. (tell me again about the paper-mache tiger and the rhinoceros’ game nights. tell me again again again.)
because no matter how hard her sensible brain tries, she really can’t prove them wrong. vince is hopeless at all forms of spelling or arithmetic. she is genuinely flabbergasted when explained to that, in fact, biting and shoving are not always seen as ‘playful’ in the human world. she swears like a sailor (or perhaps a rockstar) would, until the little old lady vicar gasps, snaps her bible shut and refuses to read to the year six class ever again. idioms are beyond her, let alone algebra, and the teachers insist there’s no hope — but they can’t help liking her, despite it all. there’s something so genuine about her ever-present toothy grin, her bubbly demeanour, that they soon allow her to get away with anything.
and yet holly is her best friend. and the only person (maybe in the world) vince will tell her stories to.
‘once upon a time,’ she begins one lunch break, dipping holly’s generous sacrifice of a curly wurly into her pocket for later, ‘i was out with jahooli the leopard, who was my best friend — he’d give me rides on his back when i was really small, swattin’ the bloodsuckers away with his giant tail. he’d catch me fish in his big strong jaws, crush ‘em up so i could eat ‘em right, i was just a nipper, i’d not got all my teeth in yet, but he was a right sweetheart about that sort of thing. on the surface jahooli always seemed to be a reckless character, a real rough-and-tumble kind of cat, but i knew the reality: he’d lost his mate and his litter and he was gettin’ on a bit, i was all he had left in terms of fatherhood. it meant he did get a bit invasive at times, yeah, he could be real clingy. i didn’t mind though, see, i’m wise beyond my years, so i was quite good with all that stuff, i let him vent to me when it all got a bit too much for his poor leopard heart to handle. anyway, this one day he was lookin’ after me, on account of my foster father bryan ferry being away on tour. and it was a hot afternoon, this one. really hot.’ she sinks down on her heels. ‘the kinda hot that drenches you in sweat no matter how still you stand. the kinda humid that makes your palms slick and your eyelashes heavy. most of the animals were tucked away underground by midday, but the bigger sorts like me and jahooli, we couldn’t exactly join them. so jahooli said, why don’t we make our way down to the river?’
holly feels her spine prickle. it is eerie, the way her friend’s stories pull her in.
she follows vince along to said river, feels jahooli’s long speckled tail curling round her shoulders, bumping against her collarbones, keeping her close. feels the slick wetness of the air, feels the burn of her lungs as they work in shallow pumping gasps. breathes in the hot dark of the bush, the low chatter of the canopy. soon the lumbering gait of the leopard slows, the river is in sight — the banks are busy with boars, bucks and buffalo, sunning lizards and mice. slow-blinking crocodiles cruise in the shallows. vince is not afraid of them. (holly would be.)
‘is it true if you’re being chased by a crocodile you should run in a zig-zag pattern?’ she interrupts (not because the story is getting a little too tense for her or anything).
vince rolls her eyes, makes a face as if holly has asked her the stupidest question in the world (considering just yesterday she asked holly whether all numbers bite or if the three digit ones are just especially fiesty, they clearly have different opinions on what counts as a ‘stupid question’). ‘if a crocodile were to haul its fat arse out of the nice cool water just to give you a bit of trouble, you probably did something awful to deserve it. why? are you plannin’ to go pokin’ sticks at ‘em? cause if you are, insult their music taste, they’ll go absolutely mental. most crocodiles are obsessed with alice cooper, so there’s a good starting point, have that one on me.’
‘so what’s—‘
‘oi, hush! do you want this story or not?’
holly shuts up. vince lowers her voice.
the jungle is sweaty now, the riverbanks a dripping piccadilly circus. jahooli has left vince’s side, gone to make conversation with ranbir the great panther, so she ventures alone to the water’s edge (the animals watch over her, they all like her, tiny and pink and strange as she is) and dips her feet in. the water is so clear and cold it hurts, but soon the pain ebbs and gives way to a calm coolness. she sits down, slides in up to her knees, lies back against the soft mud
the jungle is treacle now, bubbling and pooling, thick. vince soon drifts off and the leaves behind her eyelids are red. the stars are wheeling gulls, the air is thick with salt-spit, her eyelashes tangle and she slips down into the mud. somewhere else, the dulcet waves begin to lap. the elephants have arrived. jahooli and ranbir share a look before they approach, hackles raised (they are not mean-spirited creatures, but they do like to play a prank).
the jungle is long gone now, and vince dreams of strawberry ice cream. somewhere else, jahooli and ranbir wind around each other dizzyingly, teeth flashing slick and sharp. somewhere else, the elephants are fussing, distressed by their feline dance, their ashy trunks whirling as they back up their feet. pelts twist and brush together before the big-cats turn, open their jaws and let out a combined roar that wakes vince, sends animals scattering, splits the sky in two —
and the jungle rumbles. and the elephants charge.
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skrltwtch · 4 years
The Cat
Prompt: The most wanted woman in town has announced that she’ll only marry the one who can open her front door with the key around her cat’s neck. Many men try to hunt the cat down, chase and trap it, but to no avail. The cat is simply too quick, smart and clever, and always finds a way to evade and avoid them. You are the first one to figure out the obvious: Do not chase the cat. The cat is befriendable. Get the cat to trust you, to genuinely enjoy your company, and you can hang out with the cat. You may eventually be allowed to touch the cat. The cat will freely let you take the key.
Secondary plot twist: The woman is a shapeshifter. She is the cat. (Source of prompt in link at bottom of post.)
Word count: 1,840 words
Author's note: This is more of a little tale starring George as the lead and you as the mysterious woman, as opposed to a story about George MacKay the Actor. I kind of had Jack Marrowbone's look — and nothing else about him in that movie — in mind while writing this.
‘Let’s play a game! I will grant my hand in marriage to the person who succeeds in taking this key off my cat’s neck and unlocking my front door with it. Oh, won’t that be such fun?’
Only she can pull off such a stunt. She has put the village under some kind of spell, and I am one of its victims. One of the more prudent ones, at least, in the sense that I know well enough that I’ll never be able to win her heart. She has an entire village of men to choose from, most more remarkable than I in looks and/or calibre. I am but a simple baker of average frame with blonde locks that wishes for no kinship with a comb and blue eyes that gleam with neither transcendental allure nor immense potential; unless she were an ardent consumer of bread and pastries, I have nothing to offer her. I simply admire her from afar, pine for a connection that is real only in my wildest dreams.
No one quite knows what it is about her that sees a constant line of suitors supplanting her shadow whenever she comes into the village. That is to say, she isn’t not beautiful, neither is she not gracious. She keeps to herself mostly in her quaint cottage on the edge of the village. Her isolation and magnetism have made her the subject of many a fevered whisper: she is a witch, an enchantress, a nymph. Despite what one may think, the women of the village don’t resent her for the effect she has on their eligible male compatriots. The wedded men remain capable of remembering their vows in her presence. In that vein, her paramours are on equal standing: single, virile men who want to have the unhaveable.
Her game has sent the men into a frenzy. It’s amusing to see adult males chase after a cat, one just as unassuming as its owner. They hunt it, as if it were game. They harass it, as if it were a nuisance, an obstacle to their perceived prize. They seek to capture it with elaborate traps. They line the fishmonger’s pockets with gold for her finest catch of the day. It’s all for naught. The cat is, they’ll never admit to themselves, smarter than them. The days pass. She continues to wander around the village without a ring on her finger. The cat continues to taunt the men with its presence, parading the key around its chest like a gibe at their failures. It’s curious that they are never seen together.
Me? I don’t try. I’m not presuming myself to be above this endeavour. I do slip into reveries about emerging victorious every now and then. But see, the other men had never grown up with cats. The thing with cats is, you don’t try. You don’t try to get it to do what you want. You don’t hound a cat. And, as with all living things, you certainly don’t antagonise it. So, I bide my time.
That day soon arrives. As a customer leaves, the cat makes a mad dash into the bakery, maintaining the balance of two beings inside. It glides over the counter, its tail a hair’s breadth away from toppling the display of sourdough bread, and seeks refuge behind some boxes. Shortly after, Edward, its tormentor for today, it seems, enters and calls for the cat. Edward is a cheesemaker, with whom I interact solely out of business necessity. Our families go back a long way, our trades intertwined with one another’s. I do so long for someone else to assume the mantle from Edward.
‘Where is it? I saw it come in here,’ he says.
‘It’s behind here with me,’ I say, ‘but I’ll be damned if you dare make a scene on my premises.’
‘I can respect that.’ His response takes me aback. It seems I am not a contender, much less a threat, in this game of cat and mouse. Edward’s never been one to mince his words. ‘That cat will have to leave eventually, and when it does, it’ll be mine.’
‘Good luck, Edward. Goodbye.’
‘Goodbye, George. Thank you for having the good sense not to participate in what would be a futile endeavour for you.’
There it is.
I wave at him. He doesn’t reciprocate. It doesn’t matter: watching his outline fade into the distance and out of my sight for another day will never not be the highlight of our interactions.
I feel a warm presence weaving in and out between my legs. I kneel down to meet the cat’s gaze, two yellow diamonds set onto a doll-like face coated in pure onyx. I have wondered on occasion if some of the men’s malice toward it arises from the mere virtue of its colour. How preposterous, I imagine them thinking, that something as divine as she should possess such a vile creature. I offer it my finger. It gives it a tentative sniff. Two. Then it turns its head so that my finger is on its cheek, and it starts rubbing it. Its eyes are closed in contentment; its throat rumbles with soft purrs.
‘Did Edward hurt you?’
‘Meow.’ A once-over confirms it.
‘Are you hungry?’
I take that as a yes. No one has ever answered otherwise to this question while surrounded by MacKay creations. I grab a pumpernickel bagel from the counter, tear off a chunk, and lay it at its feet. As it eats, a metallic glint almost blinds me. The key. It calls to me. What’ll happen if I reach for it? What’ll I prove to Edward, who is patrolling the street outside, waiting for the chance to resume his reign of terror? No. I won’t. I don’t.
I speak to turn my attention from the small sheet of metal that’s turned the village upside down: ‘Are you having fun being the centre of attention? She must be relishing the peace, not having men fawn over her for the first time in a while. Is that why she hasn’t been visiting lately? I don’t fault her. It must be exhausting,’ I say, as I continue to ply it with bits of bagel.
It looks up at me, and it sizes me up and down. Its head cocks at what it’s registered in its mind’s eye. Of course. How rude of me. ‘I’m George,’ I say.
It rubs its head against my outstretched hand.
‘Nice kitty.’ I give it the rest of the bagel and lead it to the back door, through which it can avoid that scoundrel Edward and find safe passage home. ‘You can bring it back for her. Your mistress. Then maybe you can let me know if she liked it.’ I smile wistfully. ‘We’ve never actually met.’
‘Meow,’ it promises, then runs off.
Over time, more and more people quit the quest — Edward included. The unhaveable isn’t as appealing when it becomes haveable at the expense of hard work at best and deep gashes at worst. Her increased bouts of absence, too, seem to have made people’s hearts become less fonder, as if her glamour is wearing off. In contrast, the cat and I grow closer. We bond in my bakery. Then it stops coming to visit. I worry over whether it’s because someone else has succeeded. I work up the courage to go to her house. Seeing the cat play in her garden, the key still around its neck, fills me with relief, and I pick up from where I left off here in the grace of her garden. Oddly, she is never around when the cat’s there.
I make it special baked goods no one else has or will have access to and tell it to keep some for its mistress. I never find out whether she likes what I bake, but the cat definitely does. I tell the cat about myself in the hopes it’ll tell its mistress about me. I play with it using toys I buy from Christopher the merchant; he is happily married and has never shown interest in her. The men who gave up have spurned me for not taking the key when I’ve had ‘so many’ chances. They talk among themselves. I know what they say about me.
The truth is, I don’t know what’ll happen if I do take it. The cat and I have befriended each other. Will it think lesser of me for taking the key? Will I think I was befriending it under false pretences? It’s silly, I know, to care this much about what a cat thinks. But I suppose the cat is an extension of her. I feel so close to meeting the woman I’ve adored for the longest time, the woman who I knew in my gut from the moment I laid eyes on her is my soulmate. Sometimes I sneak glances into the house to see if she’s there, watching this. The cat redirects my attention to it when it catches me doing this, and I’m all the happier for it.
‘You’re lucky,’ I say to the cat. ‘You get to be with her while she doesn’t know I exist. I’ve loved her since I first saw her in the village. It’s foolish to feel like this about someone you don’t know, doesn’t it? But I know she’s kind and patient and has a good soul, and I know my heart flutters every time I see her.’
The cat jumps onto my lap. Its yellow gaze burns into me. It’s right. I don’t know what I was thinking, pouring my heart out to a cat. ‘You just want rubs,’ I say, and I’m happy to oblige.
It turns itself over, exposing its belly to me. I feel … honoured. In all our time spent together, this is the first time it’s done so. I slowly reach for its belly. When there is no sign I’ll lose my livelihood from what I’m about to do, I stroke it generously, fervently.
Then it uses its paws to nudge my hand toward the key.
I stop. ‘Are you … sure?’
I repeat my question. My hand has found itself an inch away from the key.
If it says so.
I undo the chain the key is on.
Suddenly, I am blinded by a white light, and — the air starts to smell of roses. It is a familiar aroma. I don’t need to use my sight to know why that is. But I don’t understand.
‘Hello, George.’
Before I can answer, I find myself in the kind of embrace reserved for lovers. My lips press up against hers, and I feel my world fall away in bliss. The warmth of her skin is unlike anything I ever felt. It’s magic. Pure magic. And now I understand.
‘We will have the rest of our lives to know each other better, love,’ she says, smiling, her eyes shining yellow under the sunlight. ‘Now, would you like to come in?’
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sakurasangcl · 5 years
Trial and Error - part one
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Pairing: clouded leopard hybrid!Yuta x black cat hybrid!Reader
Word Count: 10k (my longest yet!)
Genre: Angst and Fluff
Warnings: near sexual assault, bullying, name calling (in a non sexy, bullying way but nothing too bad), depression 
You met when you were little, as you were in the same class in your first year of middle school. Some of the other kids- human children- were picking on you. 
“You’re a black cat!” 
“Everyone knows they’re unlucky!”
“I’m allergic to cats- get away from me!” 
Yuta, one of the other hybrids in the class, came up to you after the bullies left you alone during recess. You were hiding in the shade of a tree crying, and he sat down next to you.
“You know, in Japanese culture black cats are good omens. My name is Yuta, by the way.” He tells you comfortingly. 
And from that day on, he became your best friend. You were practically inseparable, and he would often hold your hand and guide you in the hallway when you got scared. Yuta would walk you home, since he lived a few streets over. 
Best friends for life, that’s what you said. 
But because he was older, things got strained when he went to high school without you. Yuta had some sort of need to prove himself, or that’s what it seemed to you. He started making a bunch of other friends as well, and most of them were guys. They were never mean to you, but you didn’t feel like you belong. 
At first, your parents didn’t want you hanging out with them. You refused to sneak out to be with him, so when it was just you and him alone, things were awkward. A year later when you were in high school as well, you would hang out with them on campus, feeling very unwanted. However, Yuta had a way of giving you a comforting smile when you were with them, making you feel wanted. 
You felt horrible afterwards, always feeling unwanted and unnecessary after you were with them all. It became too much, so you began to distance yourself. It came naturally to you, as it was easy to stick your nose in a book and get lost in the plot or to seemingly disappear in the background. 
Again and again, the same abusive words from your peers would occur. 
“Black cats are bad luck. Get away from me.” 
“You’re just some lame hybrid, and you aren’t even special.” 
“You’re adopted. Do your parents even love you? Oh wait, they’re your owners, aren’t they?” 
It started getting worse and worse, and Yuta wasn’t always there to be with you.
You were being picked on once again in the hallways, and he walked by. Your eyes widened and you spoke his name, reaching out to him. However, he merely looked at you and kept walking without a pause in his stride. 
That day broke you inside in a way that you were never the same again. 
You were left alone and depressed. Your parents tried to help you the best that they could, but they were not hybrids and could not understand the things you went through. You went through many therapists, and you found solace with a female snow leopard psychologist. 
She was the sole reason your anxiety didn’t turn you entirely mute. Her name was Kim Eunji. She was also the only reason you graduated high school and made it into college. Most patients would see her biweekly, but you were weekly. And you needed it. 
Facing such a difficult loss didn’t help when you were going through puberty as well. And as a hybrid, you had the added bonus of starting a heat cycle when you were old enough. Yours started earlier than most female hybrids, including feline hybrids and other types as well (with the exception of rodents).
Without knowing when your biological mom started hers, or having any way of knowing how she worked with her’s… you were pretty much screwed. Since suppressants worked like other types of medicine where blood relations helped in knowing which would work best, you went through many different trials. Using those along with your other medicine was difficult, and when you’d slip up, you’d miss school for a week. 
You wondered if Yuta even noticed at first, but every time you came back he wasn’t there for you. You told yourself you didn’t need him anymore and that could protect yourself. In the end, it was just you. 
Since puberty starts later in males, it was a few years later when you were well aware Yuta started having ruts. You were never close enough to him to personally smell it, but he went missing for a couple of days every few months… and there were rumors. How he and his other friends would satisfy themselves and their instincts. 
With your suppressants, you never did that. You didn't want to catch an STD, your parents wouldn't understand it, and the list could go on. 
You talked this through with Eunji one session, and she said something brilliant to you. "Since you are not wanting to be in the position of those other girls, is it perhaps that they're getting attention from him which you no longer get?" 
She was right, of course, but that didn't make it any easier. 
"It's hard to move on when you lose a best friend, especially those who used to always be there for you. You aren't wrong to still be upset. It's perfectly natural and okay to feel this way. There's no shame in crying either. I won't tell him." She consoled you.
You grew stronger with help. You focused yourself on school rather than people and friends. Students still would pick on you, but now it was also out of jealousy. You weren't the top of the class, but you were close. Your high scores would surprise others when they find out, and you would shrug it off. 
Without a social life, it was easy to hyper focus on schoolwork. 
When the other students would really get to you, your favorite teacher was there to look out for you. His name was Han Jihun and he was a crow hybrid and could relate to the things you went through. Mr Han was also bullied when he was younger for his species and would stick up for you and others who were being picked on as soon as he noticed. Mr Han was very strict to disobedient students, and you weren't one of them.
It was a regular day of class when hybrids came up once again, and he said he was a crow hybrid. You often wondered what type of bird hybrid he was, because he had large black wings and was an omnivore. 
After class ended you went up to him and asked, "is the reason you're so smart because you're a crow hybrid?" It was purely a joke, as you knew crows were one of the most intelligent species of birds. 
Mr Han let out a hearty laugh, throwing his head back and batting his wings a few times to keep balance. "That's the funniest and nicest thing I have ever heard, y/n. Thank you." He responds with a smile.
After that, he was much more fond of you, and would often protect you from being bullied - at least physically - in the hallways. Mr Han had a way of just surveying the school hallways and stopping people from bullying (and getting them in serious trouble), so it didn’t seem like you were a teacher’s pet or his favorite. It just so happened that he kept an eye out for you. 
Mr Han and the other teachers noticed your reclusive behavior, and allowed you into the teacher’s lounge when your anxiety got too bad, or if the cafeteria was just too loud. It was a perfect hiding spot away from the other seriously immature students. 
This maturity gap didn’t manifest any further, and with guidance from your parents and counselor, you decided on a university an hour away. They gave you a brilliant scholarship and was pretty even with hybrid to human ratio- if not more hybrids than humans. You would have preferred somewhere with more hybrids, but either they were private and you couldn’t afford it or they were so elite that you couldn’t dream of being accepted. 
So when you made it to your current university and moved there, you had your problems. Your first set of roommates sucked, but then again, they were humans. You went through trouble finding ones that were decent, until you managed to use your disability to get your own room, then find decent apartment mates. You kept to yourself, and they didn’t seem to mind. 
Your classes were going well, but your social life was non existent. A new friend from a class of yours invited you to go to anime club with her. The people there were very diverse and actually kind. So, you began to enjoy yourself. 
After about a month of you going, Yuta showed up to the club. It made sense; you had always had similar interests. But what surprised you was that he was a member of the club already and was normally extremely active in it. 
One of your new friends in the club, Nayeon, leaned over and whispered to you. “That’s Yuta, and he’s the vice president of the club. Since the current guy is a senior, he’ll probably take over next year. I brought Momo on your first time, and apparently he heard and didn’t show up. Turns out he wasn’t interested in being set up.” You look at Nayeon, your fox hybrid friend, in disbelief. “Oh, by the way, he’s a hybrid too. Under all that hair, he has two cat ears underneath all of his hair. He’s actually a-” 
“Clouded leopard hybrid. I know.” You supply, shaking your head. “I should… I should go. I’ll see you tomorrow in class.” You say, getting up and leaving silently. Nayeon tried to stop you, but you were too fast and desperate to get away. 
Little did you know, Yuta scents you and follows you into the hallway. 
“Y/N?” he asks, grabbing you by the wrist. “Is it really you?” he asks in disbelief, letting your arm go and surveying your face. 
You felt trapped, your breath stuck in your throat. He looks at you like he hasn’t properly seen you in years. His pupils were blown wide and you were awestruck at how attractive he had come over the years. You backed up against the wall, ears tucked against your head. 
“Get away from me. You have no right to act like you know me so well.” You hiss, your tail fluffing up in anger. 
Yuta let go of your arm, and you stalked away to your dorm. You felt anger burning through your veins, and you felt stupid and foolish for forgetting he went here too. 
Nayeon texts and calls you multiple times, but you text her back saying you made it to your room and you need some time alone. Needless to say, you hole yourself up in your room. 
Within the week, your heat came early and stronger than before. When Nayeon found out, she was a bit more gentle when she was with you, and you had your suspicions that she somehow figured out what had happened between the two of you. It wouldn’t have surprised you if she straight up asked Yuta and put the pieces together herself. 
You took your suppressants and only ventured out of your room for class. You got stares, catcalls, and the likes from other hybrids that scented you. You wouldn't normally go out so much and your heat scent was normally much lighter, but your encounter with Yuta seemed to make it drastically worse. 
On your final day of heat, you accidentally fell asleep in the library. You woke up to a gentle and familiar hand on your arm. 
"Y/n… Y/n… you need to wake up." Yuta whispers, trying to wake you. 
"Hmm?" you murmur, rubbing your eyes awake and your ears perking up. "What do you want?" You hiss once you realize it was him. 
He flashes his teeth in anger at your reaction, and you notice that he is visibly stressed. "Your in public by yourself, vulnerable and in heat. Let me take you home, or come to my place. I can tell that you've missed suppressants before this heat, and so can every other hybrid. You aren't safe."
"I'm not going anywhere with you, Yuta. Remember, I'm just a boring, plain black cat." You hiss, gathering your books and stuffing them into your backpack. "I will be fine on my own, thank you very much." 
Yuta grabs your wrist roughly and pins you to the wall behind you. His pupils were blown wide, his ears flat, and his tail thrashing. “Look, I’m only here because your girl friends were too scared to be with you and take you home by themselves. Let me take you to your apartment because I don’t want some random guy harming you. Do not test me, Y/N.” Yuta hisses at you, taking your hand and walking you out of the library. 
The way he manhandled you turns you on, and you can feel your underwear getting wet. His nose twitches and you blush, but he ignores whatever he scents and continues to walk you to your dorm. 
He takes your university ID from your shaking hands and swipes you in, promptly marching you to your room. Yuta then takes your keys before you can fall, and brings you into your room. His touch becomes significantly more gentle as he guides you to your bed and gets you some cold water. Because it’s late, he finds your medicine and gives it to you. 
You can’t help but tear up a little when you realize he got you the correct ones; he still remembered from years ago. 
He watches you take them and asks, “Where are your pajamas? Do you want me to get them, or-?”
You shake your head and try to get up, but your final wave of heat starts back up again and you’re doubling over in pain on your bed. You manage to meekly point to the proper drawer, and Yuta opens it and takes out your favorite pair. It was a simple flowery bottoms and a solid shirt, and there was no way he could tell they were your favorite as he had never seen them before. He set them on the bed beside you and kisses your forehead. 
“Change and sleep well, kitten. Don’t stay out like that until you are better, okay? I’m sorry if I scared or hurt you in the library… I just… wanted you to be safe.” Yuta admits, his face turning a little red. 
With that he’s out of your room and gone. 
You end up falling asleep without changing, and wake up irritated that he didn't try to find someone to help you change or at least make sure you took your bra off. 
Now that your heat was gone, you were irritable, hungry, and needed to shower. When you remembered it was Thursday, curiosity got the better of you. 
Anime club was yesterday, and Yuta found you. So, you texted Nayeon. 
Y/N: Hey, was Yuta at the club last night?
N: Dropping formalities now, are we? 😏
Y/N: Oh shut it I know you know that we were friends when we were little
N: I do 😊
N: But to answer your question, he got a text from someone and then ran tf off. 
N: Why do you ask? 
Y/N: Well fuck
Y/N: No reason
N: Don’t lie to your best friend! 
Y/N: Nayeon 🙄
Y/N: I’ll tell u later. Geesh. 
Thoughts were racing through your mind as you manage to get yourself ready for the day. You had to skip breakfast and were nearly late for your first class. You were disheveled, but it was that kind of day. 
You felt unnerved when you left class, so you naturally did your best to find someone to cling to. 
The first person you found was a goofy dog hybrid named Johnny. You never had the nerve to ask if he was a labrador hybrid, but you were pretty certain he was, given his outgoing and playful demeanor and long, strong tail that actually really hurt you one more than one occasion than you'd like to admit. 
You tightly grab onto his elbow and hold onto his arm for dear life, your ears flattening as you cling to him. 
"Hey Johnny," you say softly, not looking at him but merely walking with him out of the building. 
"Are you okay? I've been really worried about you. Your heats are rough, aren't they?" Johnny said softly, leading you to a more secluded area outside. 
You blush and nod as he pulls you down onto a bench, clearly not minding your death grip on his arm. "It snuck up on me and I don't want to miss class. I hate getting behind and it makes my anxiety worse." 
Johnny nods in understanding, listening intently. Even if he was a funny guy and really good at getting you to laugh and relax, he was also good at listening to how you felt. That was one of your favorite things about him, and it was one of the ways you knew he really does care about you. 
"You should have listened to me. I told you it was gonna happen soon. And I know for a fact that Jihyo reminded you to get your suppressants. Did you not?" 
You chew on your lip, feeling guilty. "I mean yeah, but I didn't start taking them early enough. I was a few days late and took them only the day before my heat instead of three days. And it was a different brand of the same medication… since I've been taking the one so long I don't think it was as effective." 
"Well let's make sure you have the right ones next time. And someone with you when you're not in your room. It would make us all the more comfortable." Johnny admits. 
"Us?" You ask, cutely tilting your head. He was obviously talking for someone else as well, and you were curious who it was caring for you so much. Sure, you knew your girl friends did, but they would say it themselves and honestly wouldn't be too upset if you were by yourself during your heat. They don't like being locked up for a time any more than you do. 
"I, uh, it's not my place to say. But also, you could have found someone to stay with you during your heat. And before you say you aren't like that, I've definitely had females stay with me during rut and nothing happened. She just made sure I ate and stuff. I would be more than happy to do it next time." Johnny genuinely offers. "Although then again, I'm pretty sure she came out as lesbian now so maybe that's why…" 
You softly laugh and squeeze his arm. "As much as I'd love something like that, I think it could end up being a bad idea. I've had… bad experiences during heat. And I don't want any of that negativity reflected onto you. I value you as a friend too much." You quietly admit, not looking at him. 
When you first started going into heat, it was often sporadic and unexpected. Because your parents were humans, they couldn't sense when it was coming to have you stay home. You were never sexually assaulted, but you were harassed far more often than you'd like to admit. Since it was also when you're friendship with Yuta origin began to dwindle, you didn't have a friend to help you. 
"You okay?" Johnny gently asks, noticing you space out. 
You shake your head to rid yourself of the thoughts, chewing your lip. "I will be." 
You two managed to get outside through your conversation, so your grip on his arm loosened some and your ears began to perk up. 
"Hey, do you know how Yuta found me in the library yesterday?" You ask him, tilting your head and looking up at him. 
You knew through Nayeon that he was at anime club last night, so it eliminated another option of who found you. 
"Well he got a text from Jungwoo. I'm not sure if you've met him yet? He's a very gently golden retriever hybrid. He can be pretty shy with people, especially girls. I'm not sure why he choose to text Yuta. I feel like Jaehyun or I would have been better since we're bigger." He chuckles softly, grinning cheekily at you. Johnny was smart; he knew exactly why you found him in the hallway to hold onto. 
"I've seen him around some, but we've never officially met. He is with Mark a lot, right?" 
"Yeah, they're pretty good friends. Unless you're thinking of Haechan… But he is a jaguar hybrid, not dog." 
"Okay, I think I know who you mean now," you respond with a decisive nod. 
Suddenly, you were face to face with a very angry Yuta. His pupils were dilated and his eyes narrow and as surveys you with Johnny. He gently takes your arm that was interlinked with Johnny's, clearly restraining himself with difficulty. He then grabs your wrist and pulls you along with him, hissing at Johnny. 
Yuta leads you to a more secluded spot on the side of the building, backing you against the wall. You blink in confusion, bewildered by his behavior until you smell the overwhelming sensation of him going into rut. You do your best to ignore your instincts as he sniffs you, his nose centimeters from your neck. 
"Why were you all over Johnny, hmm? Your heat is over but you're still needy, aren't you? First the library, now this… you didn't even shower this morning. Are you wanting all of the men to come chasing after you? Hmm? You've been acting like such a naughty slut. You need someone to put you in your place." He growls lowly, his anger more than evident. 
It took everything in you not to completely cower, and you were trying to convince yourself that he didn't mean what he was saying and that everything was fine. 
You don't trust your voice to speak, so Yuta continues. 
"You just want anyone to please you, but I know better. You're a naughty girl who loves being chased after and denying everyone. Even me. You'll deny me but will see how long that lasts, yeah? I'll have you in my bed screaming my name as I-" here, Yuta cut himself off. He was shaking slightly as he controls himself from continuing, him not wanting to make things worse between the two of you. 
Jaehyun soon shows up, having clearly ran here. Johnny was right by him, and they both looked surprised, confused, and very concerned. 
"Y/N, please leave," Jaehyun says very softly to you. He then turns to Yuta and tells him, "You really need to go back to your apartment. You don't want to do anything else that you will regret, do you? We will take you there if you want." 
You could practically see Jaehyun's reflexes preparing to pounce, and you slowly backed away. 
"Y/N. I want Y/N to be safe." Yuta manages to get out, starting to sweat. 
"Do you want me to take her to her dorm or class or wherever it is that she's going?" Johnny suggests. 
"No, not you," Yuta sneers.
Johnny raises his hands, calm somehow. 
Yuta's tail thrashes in anger, and your ears flatten. You find your last bit of courage before saying, "Yuta please go home. I need to shower before class and work. You need to take care of yourself too. Please don't worry about me." 
He turns and looks at you, his eyes more amber than usual. "Fine, but only if someone is with you. A female." He specifies. 
You sigh softly but don't refute him, knowing how sensitive males would get in rut. Normally they were that protective over their mates, so it was weird for him to be acting like that with you. You definitely weren't mates, nor were you really friends. 
"I just saw Seulgi and Yeri, I'll go grab them," Johnny says, quickly running off to get them. 
"I'll go with you, Jaehyun," Yuta huffs out, practically dragging himself away from his spot, his eyes only leaving you once you were with Seulgi and Yeri. 
Yeri gingerly takes your arm, letting you fume in silent anger as they walk. 
"You live in the Cultural and Technological dorm, right?" She gently asks as you got closer to that part of campus.
"Yes…" you say, your head still spinning. 
"Why don't you take some pain medicine once you get inside? That way it will kick in before you have to leave." Seulgi smartly suggests. 
Seulgi was another fox hybrid, and Yeri a ragdoll cat. 
Yeri purred a little as you nodded and used your card to unlock the building, letting them both in. 
"Are you feeling better?" She gently asks you. 
You nod slightly, still overwhelmed. 
"I'll make sure it works out. He needs to apologize and talk to you." Seulgi says. "I don't know everything that happened, but if he was that worked up he shouldn't have left his room. He could have done something terrible." 
"But he kinda did, Seulgi. He harassed her, technically. You can report that, you know, Y/N. It's up to you, obviously. We won't say anything if you don't want us too. I'll send you the link via text later and you can decide. No pressure." Yeri assures you. 
"I think he will come begging for forgiveness when he's… him again. We'll see. But Yeri-ah I'd right, Y/N. The ball is in your court, or whatever the saying is." Seulgi agrees. 
When you reached your door and were inside by your personal bedroom door, Yeri spoke up again. "If you need us or anything or want to talk or… whatever, really, you know how to contact us. And please feel free, okay?" She says, gently hugging you. 
"Take care of yourself," Seulgi adds before they leave you to your own devices.
The rest of the day was fairly normal, up until you were leaving work. That’s when Jaehyung found you, panting softly as though he had just run there. 
“Hey,” he says softly, smiling and showing his dimples. “Did everything end up okay?” he asks, falling into pace next to you. 
You shrug a little as you walk. “Yeah, I suppose so. But I think some people heard about what happened… and I really don’t know what to do.” You admit, your ears drooping a little. 
“Don’t worry too much about it. Take your time, too.” He kindly suggests, running a hand through his hair. 
“That’s easy for you to say,” you grumble, irritated that it’s been filling your mind all day. On the bright side, you’d be seeing your therapist tomorrow, so maybe that would help. 
“And about Yuta…” Jaehyung began, looking around a little and worrying his lip. “Well, we got him to the apartment and he’s safe there. He’s not going to be leaving anytime soon either, so you’ll be fine. We’re actually… We kind of are taking turns babysitting him.” Jaehyun admits with a soft chuckle. “I’ve never actually seen him this worked up.”
“You’re acting like it’s my fault,” you point out, the hairs on the back of your neck sticking up in irritation. 
Jaehyun shakes his head no quickly. “It’s not your fault at all. Sure, it may be Yuta’s feelings for you, but that isn’t your fault. He should have known and been in better control of himself.” he quickly tells you. “Seriously, he’s the one to blame so don’t you feel guilty. Are you headed back home?” 
“To my dorm, yeah,” you respond, not truly feeling as though it wasn’t your fault. 
“Do you mind me walking you back? I won’t go inside; I don’t want Yuta mad at me. Clouded leopards have sharp teeth. Way to sharp. I suppose that’s what they get for being smaller.” Jaehyun grumbles, shaking his head. 
“Says the liger hybrid,” you scoff, shaking your head. 
“I just have bulky size, okay? It’s not like I’m a giant or anything,” Jaehyun says defensively. 
“I know, I’m just teasing you a little,” you respond, a small smile finding its way onto your face. 
You can tell that Jaehyun is pouting slightly by the silence between you two as you continue to walk. 
“If you’re okay with it, we’re trying to see if Yuta will talk to you. I mean, he obviously needs to apologize and everything is up to you, but… I dunno. I think things need to be worked out between you two. Haven’t you been friends since you were little?” Jaehyun says. 
“We were friends when we were little,” you respond, emphasizing that it was in the past. 
Jaehyun lets out a hum while he things, shrugging some. “I’d say it’s not my business, but it kind of is right now because of Yuta’s behavior. I do prefer people talking to me because they want to let me know things rather than because they feel it’s necessary. So when you’re ready or if you just want to talk, I’d like to understand.” 
“Thanks, I think?” You respond, turning to Jaehyung as you near the entrance of the dorm. “I need time to think this all through. It’s a lot to process, and I haven’t really had any time to do so. But you’re right about him needing to apologize.” You sigh and shake your heads, swiping your card and opening the door. 
Before you go in, you turn back and add, “You know I could report him, right?” 
“Yes, I’m aware. Johnny is the one who mentioned it to me. He does not know though. I mean, he knows what he did was wrong but he doesn’t know that’s something reportable. Probably because he’s in rut. But we won’t tell him if you do or don’t report him, Y/N. That’s your prerogative.” Jaehyun responds.
When you got home and were laying in bed looking over your schedule for tomorrow, you were more than relieved to notice that in two more days, you were having a session with your therapist Eunji.  
The two days between your session felt slower than the rest of your life. You were completely on edge as you made your way to where Eunji's office was. 
Your phone buzzes a few times as you drive, and you don't get the chance to check it until your arriving at your session. 
You sign in as usual and sit down, reading over the text from Yuta. 
Hey, I'm really sorry about what happened the other day. They others were right about me not going out early. I really hope I can make it up to you somehow. 
Your name is called to deaf ears, until Eunji comes out to actually get you. 
"Let's go in and talk about that, yeah?" She suggests, gently guiding him back to her office. 
You glance at your phone again, nearly dropping it when you see the next message. 
If you want, I could take you out for dinner. That way I could explain things and be honest with you. Its past time, really. 
Let me know if that's okay with you. Whatever is the most comfortable for you. I don't want to scare you again. 
“What’s wrong, Y/N? Why don’t you put your phone down and you can explain what’s going on. Would you like some tea? I have your favorite.” Eunji says gently. 
You nod, a blank look on your face as you watch her fix up some tea. With a deep breath, you manage to start talking. 
“So I started going to anime club like you recommended, and it turns out Yuta is the vice president. And after I was in heat, well, on my last day… I fell asleep in the library. One of his friends texted him and he came to the library. He took me home and was really sweet and gentle with me.” You started, even though she knew about anime club already.  “Anyways, he took me home and laid me in bed and it was so sweet. But then the very next day he got pissed at me for holding onto Johnny’s arm. He is just my FRIEND! Plus, I still had my heat scent on me and he’s pretty intimidating when he wants to be. But then Yuta… Well, he-he found us and got mad. His rut must have gotten triggered by me, and he… Well Seulgi and Yeri said he technically sexually harassed me. They said I could report him but I seriously don’t know what to do anymore. I thought being around him wouldn’t be a problem, but it clearly is!” You rant, bursting to tears as Eunji sets your tea down in front of you. 
She gets a box of tissues and sets them down, offering you a few. You take them as you cry, trying to calm down enough to be coherent. 
"So there's that, but then he just texted me and apologized and now… I don't know. I use to trust him completely, but I don't anymore. And I don't want anyone to hurt me, you know? I'm too sensitive for a terrible heartbreak. I'm so afraid that if I say yes and meet him, he'll confess. But if he does, I'm practically certain he will end up breaking my heart… he has once, so why not again?" 
"Y/N," Eunji whispers, slowly shaking her head. "Don't overthink things, okay? And what do you want to do?"
"I-I want to report him like they said, but my heart… I want to let him explain but I'm scared. I just… I will give him a second chance. People deserve second chances. If it doesn't go well, I can still report him. Right?" 
Eunji nods her head, taking notes as usual. "Exactly. And make sure you meet somewhere in public and don't go anywhere with just him until you're comfortable." 
"Unna, what if it was just because of me? They told me not to think this way, but what if my heat triggered his rut to be so aggressive? I know we aren't mates or anything, but is there no explanation?" 
Eunju smiles softly, clearly not surprised by your question. "You've known each other for so long, so he may still be naturally protective over you. That nature may be why he pinned you down. He didn't actually touch you or anything, did he?"
You shake your head no, realizing that he was respectful of your boundaries. 
"Besides, heats and ruts cant very triggered more than a week early, if even that much. Bodies can't take changes in hormones that quickly. So his would have been coming soon anyways. And at his age, I'm sure he knows what and who may trigger him, for the most part. And if you are one, then it was silly of him to go help you when you were in the library. It just as easily could have been Johnny." Eunji explains. 
You nod in thought, pleasantly surprised by her words. 
"Drink some of the tea as you process, then let me know what you're thinking," she gently urges you. 
You do as she asks, drinking in the delightful drink. Your mind was whirling and you calmed it with a few deep breaths and by focusing on the task at hand. How did you feel about Yuta? 
"I think I'm in love with him," you whisper, your eyes widening some. "I think I always have been…" 
Before your self hatred could creep in and strengthen, Eunji thankfully spoke up. "What does being in love with someone entail to you, Y/N?" She prompts you. 
"It's not that you think about them all the time, but when you do you crave their presence. Its like…. You get butterflies and blush because you care about them more than you would as friends. You know a lot about them and always want more. Words honestly can't do it justice… But Unnie, I've never had someone love me back. What if he rejects me?" 
"He may want to confess. If you do meet with him, let him speak first. But would you like to practice confessing to him? Thinking of a script will help you." 
"You're right, they normally do," you laugh, smiling now. You feel lighthearted and giddy, but nervous at the same time. And this was Eunji, not even Yuta. 
Eunji nods and smiles before getting into character, acting more serious. You take a deep breath and close your eyes, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. "Yuta, I need to be honest with you. I like you more than just friends should. I understand if you do not feel the same way, and would still like to go back to being friends, if that's okay with you?" 
Eunji nods and claps her hands. "Well done, Y/N! Remember, practice in the mirror! You'll be fine. But again, you don't need to meet him if you don't want to." 
"I do want to. But Eunji… can you help me reply? I do not know what to say." You say with a shy laugh. 
"Of course. So do you want to meet?"
"Alright, so why don't you say dinner would be nice, and then suggest a day and time. You can say you have something to tell him too, or keep that to yourself." Eunji advises. 
You nod before formulating your reply.
Yuta, I would really like that. Would Saturday around 5 work for you? Did you have some place in mind? 
You get a reply within seconds after sending the text. 
Don't be so formal with me, Y/N! I'm serious. It's weird coming from you! ☹ That works perfect, and I have the perfect restaurant in mind. I know you can be picky with food but you really will enjoy this place. I won't tell you where because it's a surprise! I can pick you up too, just let me know where you're at then! I will make a reservation for us too 😊
You can't help but laugh at how long his response is, but also feel touched. "Eunji Unnie, I'm going to need to go shopping now! What do people wear for this kind of thing? Is it a date?" 
She laughs gently and shakes her head. "It's a date if you both want it to be. Don't worry about that now. As for clothes, it depends on the restaurant. Since he didn't specify, I have a feeling its somewhere nice. I'd suggest a dress or skirt. Something a little more than casual but not too fancy. Think little black dress, but you may want to add color." 
You nod in thought, thinking of your wardrobe. "I'll have friends help me, since they can see what I have and maybe go shopping with them. That should work. Now I just have to navigate everything else between now and then…" You say nervously. 
"You'll be fine. When you get anxious about it and start thinking of how things will go wrong or badly, think of what to do if that happens. Challenge yourself to think of good outcomes. Practice with yourself in the mirror. You will be okay and you will make it through this. Okay Y/N?" 
You nod and let out a shaky sigh. 
"And our time is up. I'll head out with you, okay?" Eunji says as she stands up and exits the room.
You follow her through the hallway to the front desk and thank her. 
"Have a good time and stay safe, Y/N. It was a pleasure to see you as usual." She tells you with a smile. 
Saturday morning you woke up in a panic. You had to work until noon, and had completely forgotten to text Nayeon if she could help you get ready. You quickly send her one before getting ready for work. 
Your exhaustion is gone once you get to work, and instead you are full of nervous energy. Your coworker Tzuyu picks up on it and asks you about it, and you vaguely mention that you may have a date but you're not sure if you should call it that. 
She laughs kindly at your response and informs you, "I mean, it depends on the situation and how it goes. And if you both want it to be a date. If you don't want it to be a date, tell him. If you want it to be or aren't sure, you can ask afterwards or later." 
"That's actually… that's really great advice. Thanks, Tzuyu." You say, smiling and calming a little. 
The rest of work went surprisingly well, and before you knew it, you were hanging out with Nayeon. "We need to go clothes shopping. Since he knows you, he probably has seen most of your wardrobe. So let's find something a little out of your comfort zone but stunning." She suggests as she drives you to the mall. 
When you do start trying on dresses and outfits with varying levels of formality, you notice Nayeon sneakily texting someone. You pay no mind and hope she isn't too distracted by all of the guys that text her. 
"You need something with an open back. You're back is so pretty~" she says, holding up a dress. "Not this one, because it's a hideous color but you get me."
Eventually, you find a super cute sundress. It was peach and reached your calves. It had a decently modest neckline, as it didn't go too low but it still showed a lot of skin. It had little pink, ivory, and pastel yellow flowers on it as well. 
"Its super cute, Y/N, but I don't think it's the right occasion for that kind of dress. That's not to say you shouldn't get it, but we ought to keep looking." Nayeon tells you, which then gives you the feeling she knows more than is letting on. 
You sigh softly and change, trying to decide if you should or shouldn't buy the dress. When you check the tag you realize it was on sale, which managed to lift your anxiety into ease. 
"I'm going to buy it still. I hope we find the right dress soon…" you admit, checking the time. 
“There’s a new shop in the mall that I’ve been wanting to check out, and they hopefully will have something there. Apparently it has really nice dresses for pretty cheap.” Nayeon says, walking with you to the line to buy the sundress. 
“Well, there’s still more stores if this one doesn’t work, right?” you say, your voice slightly hopeful.
Nayeon gives you a halfhearted smile and shrugs. “I mean, there’s always thrift stores too. I know you never have much luck there, but we can always try.” 
You sigh softly as you buy the dress, silently praying that the next store will have something more appropriate. Once you’re done and she takes your arm, leading you to the store, you ask her, “Hey. How do you know that this dress won’t be right for the occasion?”
She blushes and looks away guiltily. “Well I know how you can get when you’re nervous and don’t know what to wear, so I figured that if I asked Yuta himself then it would be easier to find an outfit that would work. Please don’t be mad about it!”
“Nayeon!” You say, lightly swatting her arm. “It’s not fair, you know more about what’s going on than I do~” you whine, frowning slightly. 
“Don’t frown so much or you’ll get a frown line~” Nayeon teased, grinning mischievously as she took you into the store. “I promised him I wouldn’t say a thing, or else. He only told me where you’re going to eat but didn’t say anything specific like what he was planning on saying. Okay?”
“But what if I don't like anything on the menu~ You know I can be a picky eater, especially at new restaurants.” You complain, letting her lead you to the dresses. You let go of her arm and start looking through the ones in your size, picking out a few to try on. 
“You know he cares about you more than that? And you’re childhood friends, I’m sure he could help you choose something to eat. Don’t be such a worrywart, okay Y/N?” Nayeon responds, grabbing a few more dresses as well. 
Before you know it you’ve tried on at least ten dresses and only have one left. “If this one doesn’t work either I might scream,” you mumble to yourself. 
“Hey, we’re in public don’t you dare!” Nayeon teases, and you know she barely heard you. 
You huff as you try it on, the light blue complimenting your skin tone perfectly. You zip up the back and admire it in the mirror. “You were right, I do have a nice back,” You softly laugh as you open the door, revealing the dress to Nayeon. 
“It’s stunning, Y/N. Seriously. You look amazing. Completely stunning.” she compliments, making your cheeks heat up. 
“The halter neckline doesn’t look weird or anything?” You ask, gently touching the satin fabric where it meets above your collar bones.
“Not at all. Unless it feels like its choking you. Then we should find a different dress.” 
“No! No! I just, I didn’t want it to look weird. Are the straps aligned on my back? It doesn’t look bad without a bra? I normally wouldn’t go braless… but this dress is surprisingly well supportive.”
“It looks fine, don’t worry about it. You don’t even have any side boob showing.” Nayeon giggles, gently tracing where the fabric met your skin. 
“Stop, that tickles!” You say, stepping away from her.
“Sorry, sorry. I think this is definitely the one. Do you want me to do your hair and makeup? I don’t mind~” Nayeon suggests, letting you step back into the dressing room and change back into your clothes. 
“Hmm no. That’ll make it feel like it needs to be a date. Is it a date? Wait, don’t ask him! Or do. What if he doesn’t want it to be a date? What if he does want it to be a date?” 
“Well, do you want it to be a date?”
“I don’t know! Do I?” 
"I don't know the answer. You do." Nayeon responds. "Mina gets off soon, she could do your makeup if you want. We should do your hair up. Do you want to borrow any of my makeup?" 
You shake your head, gently taking her hands. "I'll be good. Let me change and pay for this because now we're in a time crunch. I should be good." You tell her, going back into the dressing room stall and putting your clothes back on. 
You sigh softly as you fix your hair and hang the dresses back up. You get rid of the ones that didn't work and keep the one the did, smiling at Nayeon as she joins you walking to the register. 
"You're gonna need to calm down because incan smell the anxiety coming off of you in strong waves. I know you're nervous but that scent isn't going to help anyone." Nayeon tells you after you pay, guiding you through the mall and to the car. "Do some self care before you go and you may as well ask him if he wants this to be a date or not. Then your anxiety can change and lessen because then you would know what to expect." 
"I know you're right, but that doesn't make it better. Plus I need to figure out if I want it to be a date or not. If I don't want it to be, then it shouldn't be… I think." You thoughtfully respond.
"Yes, he can't force things to be a date. Besides, he fucked shit up so if you don't want this to be a date he doesn't deserve it to be." Nayeon assures you as leave. 
She turns on your favorite playlist of hers as she drives you back, knowing it could help you stay calm. When you were at your place, she turns down the music and assures you, "you can do this. Now go have some fun!" 
A little over an hour later, you were dressed and ready with your hair up in a fancy ponytail and curls, your makeup the best you've ever done. You slid on your heels and grabbed your purse and keys, making sure he was our waiting for you. 
You tell him you are on your way down, glancing in the mirror one last time. Your eyes dilate some as you check to make sure your lipstick did not already smudge, and the next thing you knew you were outside. 
The soft clicking of your heels alerted Yuta that you were there, and he came out of his car with a brilliant smile. 
"For a minute there I thought you were about to stand me up. I'm glad I was wrong!" He says, clearly relieved by your presence as he opens the passenger door for you. Once you're in he gently shuts it and joins you, making sure you both have your seatbelts on before driving.
"I thought about it. But then again, it would have been a waste to look this good and stay home by myself." You tease, grinning playfully. 
Yuta laughs softly, and responds, "Yeah, it would be a shame. I'm honored to be able to appreciate your beauty for the night." He said it as a joke, but you knew better. He was glad that you were here and impressed at how beautiful you look.
"I could say the same for you. You look very nice in your suit. Did you even get it tailored?" You compliment and ask, tail lazily swishing back and forth as you admired his tuxedo. It was a classic black one, but it fit him well.
"Yes, I did. I figured it looks better this way. Was I right?" He responds, smiling as he teases you. 
"Yes... " you admit, cheeks heating up as you turn to look out the window. 
Yuta grins triumphantly, your (slightly forced) compliment making him happy. "I think you will really enjoy dinner. I managed to get in because Taeyong works there. Do you remember him? He is a waiter there and has been for a while. He owned me one anyways." Yuta says, filling in the silence of the car.
Your ears softly flick forwards to better listen to him, and you find yours staring out the window. "He was one of your friends from high school. Does he go to college nearby too?" You ask, not really interested in Taeyong but asking anyways. It was polite, after all. 
Yuta glances over at you with a smile. "I know you're just saying that. But yes, he is. I believe he does more online classes so he can schedule in working." 
You nod, forgetting that Yuta can't see you do so. "Good for him. It's hard to work and do school at the same time." You speak up, knowing the pain of scheduling work around class. 
"It is. And you've been doing it too, so good on you." Yuta easily compliments, making you blush. 
"Thank you," you shyly murmur, your ears flicking backwards. 
When you reach the restaurant, it was as high class and fancy as you expected. You made a mental note to thank Nayeon later for going dress shopping with you and making you get your current dress. Yuta handed the car over to the valet and led a very dazed and awed you inside. 
He went to the hostess and gave her his name, and soon you were being guided to your seats. Yuta, being the gentleman that you knew he was capable of being, pulls your chair out for you and gently pushes you back in. 
You read over the menu, shocked at the choices, expansiveness, and how confusing the dishes sounded. You hardly notice when Yuta orders a sweet rosé, as you are attempting to decipher the menu. 
"Hey, don't worry too much about it," Yuta gently chides you, knowing exactly what you were thinking. "I know exactly what to get you. Trust me on this." 
You nod and put down the menu, taking the time to survey your surroundings. There was a good mix of humans and hybrids, and most seem to be couples. Your eyes find many that ate a human and a hybrid, which makes you happy that they were publicly defying stereotypes and social norms. 
"Y/N, I'm really truly sorry about the other week. I wasn't thinking straight, and that's not an excuse, just an explanation. I don't usually get triggered into my rut early anymore, but I should have been more careful… especially around you." Yuta admits, breaking the silence between you two. He was being sincere, so much so that his eyes were wet as though he was on the verge of tears. "You-you mean a lot to me. I know it hasn't seemed like that for the past few years, but I really mean it. I- I'd like to, well, i don't want to start over, but if we can move forward… I'd really really like that. What I said was perfectly true too. I would like to be more than friends but I totally understand if you say no or want to start as just friends. I just… I just really miss you, Y/N..." Yuta says breathlessly, uncertain of how you would react. 
You took the chance to take a few gulps of wine, drinking half of what was in it. Your ears were twitching out of nervousness, and you could hear the pounding of your heart. You struggled to stay calm and not shred the napkin, preparing to answer when the waiter makes his appearance once more, asking if you were ready to order. 
Yuta smiles at him, and you could tell it was fake and very forced, even though to others it wouldn't come across that way. "She will have the special and I would like the filet mignon done medium rare." 
The waiter nods and leaves you both alone once more. 
Left with the need to answer, you lose your voice. You close your eyes and take a deep breath, doing your best to focus on things to stay grounded. "I think… I'd say uhm… we should rekindle our old friendship." you murmur, managing to get something out. 
Yuta looks ecstatic at your response, pleased that you'd even be willing to stay around him. 
"But," you add, looking away from him, "I wouldn't be opposed to this being a date and maybe being more than friends." 
Yuta's ears go straight forward, and his eyes widen. "Do you- do you mean it?" He asks. 
You shyly nod, glancing down at your lap. "I wouldn't have said so if I didn't," you giggle a little, your eyes meeting his. 
Yuta smiles a real smile this time, and you swear your heart skips a beat. You can't help the smile that makes its way onto your lips, as Yuta's is too contagious. 
"I'll make this the best date ever then," he assures you, purring softly. 
You feel the heat in your cheeks, and Yuta doesn't have the chance to comment or tease you as the food comes. The waiter sets down the most delicious looking salmon in front of you, alongside steamed asparagus. Your mouth waters as you look up at Yuta, who was smirking at you. 
"I remembered how much you love salmon," he admits with a shrug. "I pay attention to details sometimes." 
You giggle and take a bite, purring in satisfaction at the taste. Whatever light seasoning was on the fish was perfect, and you gladly consume your dinner. 
The conversation was easy thereafter, catching up with him. You avoided the burning question within you, not wanting to ruin the night. Your cheeks feel warmer than usual, and you realize quickly that you hadn't been drinking enough water with all of the wine. 
Your campus and therefore dorm was a dry campus. You couldn't have alcohol on campus, and that included in yourself… no matter how idiotic that rule may be. 
You try to voice this concern to Yuta as you leave, and he just shakes his head with a smile on his face. He, of course, was perfectly fine. If not, you wouldn't even consider getting in the car with him. 
"I didn't say the date was over yet," he tells you as the valet brings him his car. Yuta gingerly guides you into the passenger seat, buckling you in as you giggle and blush. "Watch your tail, kitten," he warns, waiting for you to move it inside the car completely before shutting the door. 
"Did you ever take Astronomy?" He asks you, buckling in and starting to drive. 
"No. I took Geology instead." You respond, turning on the seat warmer. 
Yuta notices and, at a stoplight, takes off his jacket and offers it to you. You take it and carefully put it on while Yuta explains his reason for the question. 
"Ah, good. There's this spot that I found for class outside of the city. You can see all of the stars and the night view is beautiful. It's a wonderful field that I want to show you. Then we can stargaze if you'd like." 
"I would like that," you tiredly murmur, falling asleep to the car's lulling movements. 
Yuta smiles at your sleeping figure, turning on the music softly and concentrating on driving. 
You wake when the engine stops, the white noise from it turning into the chirping of crickets. Yuta goes to the back of his car and retrieves blankets and a quilt. He then opens the door for you and guides you into the field. Yuta spreads out the quilt and helps you sit, gently holding your hand. He offers you a blanket which you gladly take, and soon you're laying side by side, looking up at the sky. 
"The view is outstanding. Without light pollution, you can see hundreds of stars." You say. 
"Yes, you're right," Yuta says, leaving you in silence for a while. "Do you know any constellations?" 
You shake your head and respond, "I know Orion's belt and the two dippers. I find the big dipper easier… I suppose if I can find Orion's belt I can find him…" 
Yuta smiled softly and began pointing out constellations and explaining the difference in star colors and the link to age. You listen, aw struck and the knowledge and size of the universe. 
"Out of all time and space, I'm glad I live now," he admits.
"Because I can be here with you, even if I fucked up our relationship so many times."
You can't help the heat that rises to your cheeks at his words. "You know, most of life is trial and error. All we can do is make the best of it to be our best selves. And if we mess up, just apologize and try to make it better." 
"Y/N," Yuta says, his voice sounding choked up. 
You hum in response, but his words are caught in his throat. 
After a while, you started to fall asleep. Yuta notices the change in your breathing, and a small smile forms on his face. 
“Let’s take you home, yeah?” he says softly, gently picking you up and putting you in the car. He gathers the blankets and puts them in the car. Yuta gently buckles you in.
Soon enough, you wake up to the car stopping. You were only half asleep as you went back upstairs. You felt like your entire evening was a dream as you laid down on your bed, a soft sigh of contentment escaping you. 
“Maybe things will be okay,” you whisper to yourself. 
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