#she doesn’t want to do it ! but if she does she’s VERY HAPPY WITH THE TRADEOFF!
totaly-obsessed · 14 hours
Goals and Glitter
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Alexia Putellas x reader
-> Alexia comes in to teach a class for Alba and her co-worker
-> Happy early birthday to @wosoamazing!
-> Word Count: 3.100
➳ Masterlist
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“Alba have you seen my - Oh.”
Stunned Alexia stood still in her sister's living room. She had just given herself entry to Alba’s house, trying to find one of her favorite dresses that she couldn’t find since the last time that her sister had visited her.
But she hadn’t exactly expected her sister to have someone over. This wasn’t the first time that the footballer had barged in on Alba’s situation-ships, but this looked quite different than she was used to.
Papers were scattered all around the room, and she had nearly stepped into an open glue stick that was just left on the ground. Alba was sitting on the floor, as close to the coffee table as humanly possible, covered in glitter and paper scraps. 
But she wasn’t alone. Next to her, just as messy as her sister were you. Eyes wide in surprise at the blonde who had just loudly made an entrance to the room that had previously been filled with excited chatter, just the music was playing in the background.
Alba couldn’t help but laugh at her sister, who had always been awkward when she was confronted with unusual or unsuspected situations.
Dear God, You weren’t any better either.
The soft music kept playing in the background until Alba couldn’t take it any longer. “Alexia, this is y/n, the teacher I am sharing my class with this year, you know the one I already told you about? y/n, this is Alexia, my older sister, she’s a weirdo who doesn’t respect my privacy. Or closed doors.”
The room plunged into awkward silence while Alexia and you stared at each other, Alba taking a figurative step back, watching the two of you, like it was a tennis match, even though nothing was happening.
“Do - Do you want to join us? We’re trying to make the next PE lessons for the kids.” The blonde still just stood there, frozen in the door as you looked at her, a hopeful glint in your eyes.
“It’s football.”
Well if you would have said that first, the footballer would have already said yes yesterday, but it had been Alba, who knew how to get her sister back to earth. “We’re trying to explain the rules to the kids.” As if to underline your co-workers, and friends, statements, you held up a hot-pink flashcard, with ‘Goal kick’ in fancy letters at the top and a definition beneath that.
“A type of restart where the ball is kicked from inside the goal area; awarded to the defending team when a ball that crossed the goal line was last touched by a player on the attacking team.”
The midfielder's eyebrows went up with hesitation. “You’re gonna use that, to explain to seven-year-olds?”
Alba’s head snapped up, ready to pounce on the opportunity. “Well we’re not the pros, you are! So what do you think? Could re-work the cards and come into class to teach the kids first hand!”
The footballer seemed to consider, eyebrows still furrowed as she looked at one of the other flashcards. “Well you could use some help, that’s for sure.”
“Great! You have time tomorrow, and so does y/n. Same time, at your place!” Alba didn’t give her sister time to protest, instead stacking all her already-made cards together before shoving them into Alexia's hands.
“I’ll send you her number, we need to go now!” And with that the young teacher pulled you up by your hand, dragging you out of the door, leaving Alexia behind, who was still frozen in place, now all alone in a house that wasn’t hers.
Why was she here again?
The following day Alexia was pacing in her living room, a simple rule book on her coffee table, anxiously waiting for you to arrive. Alba had indeed given her your number, leaving it up to the blonde to contact you. And she did, with a timid “Hey, it’s Alexia! Here’s my address, does the time still work for you?”
Your much more cheerful response had been very much welcomed by the footballer, who for some reason, unbeknownst to her, couldn’t stop smiling at a silly picture of you and Alba that you had set as your profile picture.
While she had been waiting for you to come, the actual sound of the doorbell startled her to no end, before hurrying towards it, hearing Narla bark quietly, somewhere else in her house.
“Hi Ale!”
A shy smile was on the midfielders as she opened the door further, gesturing for you to come in. While she was closing the door, you had already taken off your shoes, placing them neatly on the ground.
“Oh you could have just kept them on, no need to have cold -” Just at that moment you pulled out a pair of fluffy slippers out of your massive handbag and put them on, “-feet.”
“My Mama would kill me if she knew I was wearing shoes in such a lovely house Ale.” 
The blonde could hear her own mother scolding her for entering her childhood home with dirty sneakers over and over again. But Alexia had always been in a hurry, even as a child. Scarfing down dinner so that she could go out and play football with her friends, not even changing her clothes. “You brought slippers.”
“Mhmm, I did! I always have them on me, never know when your feet start hurting.”
And in that moment Alexia knew that Eli would love you.
The Spaniard leads you through a gorgeous hallway into an even prettier living room. It was light and warm. It felt familiar and in many places, you could see a little bit of your best friend Alba shine through. She definitely chose that pink fluffy blanket for when she came over, and the amount of pictures on the walls truly showed how much Alexia loved her family and friends, sometimes she wasn’t even in them.
“Don’t be mad, but I got rid of your flashcards.” She looked at you in anticipation, after all, she had gotten rid of your and Alba’s work, and she knew how her sister would react if she had been here. “Oh, no worries! You know the game best at the end of the day!”
Well, that had gone over much better than expected.
“Would you like a coffee?”
“That would be lovely Ale, thank you so much!”
In the kitchen, she could take a couple of deep breaths. Why was she so nervous? The only thing she’s supposed to do is help you with your class, help them learn about football - her life. But now with you sitting there on her couch, the prettiest smile and pink fluffy slippers she could feel herself melting like vapor in the sun.
“Oh hello!”
Your voice was an entire octave higher than before, as you greeted someone. Shit, she forgot about Nala. A tray of coffee, milk, and sugar was thrown together as quickly as the blonde could before she hurried back to the living room, fearing how her small, but feisty dog was attacking you.
“You’re such a good girl!”
Much to Alexia’s surprise Nala was on the couch, laying in your lap, letting you pet her stomach. The dog was writhing back and forth with happy little yips, looking at you offended once you stopped, nudging your hand with her nose so that you would continue.
“Oh, sorry! Is she not allowed on the couch?”
Alexia was still standing there, tray in hand and had not moved an inch. Seems to be a common theme once you are around. What was up with her? You’re just meeting so she can tell you about football. No other reason. 
“No! Uhmm, Nala’s fine, don’t worry. She just doesn’t like new people. Well, usually.”
With a shrug, you gestured for her to sit down, as she was still standing there. The sun hit her back perfectly, bathing her in a glowy afternoon sun. She was the most stunning person you had ever seen, an incredible physique with an even better smile, and an awkward personality upon first meeting, that you just had to love.
There wasn’t much planning done, the blonde reassuring you that she would take care of it after deciding on a date, where (coincidentally of course) Alba wasn’t there. Most of the time together was spent drinking coffee and chatting about the most random things like Alexia’s dog lead collection and your incredibly large caffeine consumption. The blonde didn’t want to agree, that it was very on-brand for a teacher to drink a lot of coffee and energy drinks, insisting that it was very unhealthy and her coaches and trainers would have her head. Alexia loved watching you laugh, saying the weirdest things that she knew would make you laugh, talking a lot about Alba and Nala, hoping that you would never stop.
“I think I should get going now, it’s already getting dark. Thank you so much for having me Ale, and I will see you on Friday! Let me know if something comes up?” Alexia was adamant that there was nothing in this world that could make her forget, or come in between their agreed on date.
You had warmed your students up to Alexia coming, reminding them again and again to be calm not yell too much, and to listen to your guest. So when Friday arrived the kids knew what was coming. You had cleared the rest of the day, pushing the lessons back and cutting out what wasn’t needed just so your new ‘friend’ would be in no time rush. 
When there was a timid knock at the door the kids straightened up in their seats, excited to meet the woman that you had been talking so much about and to finally see her in person. After introducing the idea of Alexia coming into your students, a few girls squealed in excitement - telling you all about how big fans they were, and that they watched her play on TV.
“¡Hola clase!”
The footballer was met with a silent classroom as came in, but she could see the jitters and bouncing legs of the students as they looked at her with wide-open eyes.
"What did we practice yesterday, class?” the students jumped up from their seats, standing in the walkways “¡Buenos días Alexia!”. Well, that wasn’t what you had practiced. The older teachers make the students stand behind their chairs and greet them in a choir, it seems like their brains defaulted back to what they know instead of just staying seated like they usually do in your and Alba’s classes.
“Good job you guys! Right, so let’s all grab our gym bags and then we’ll make our way to the gym. Remember to find your buddy in two rows please!”
Alexia was stunned, watching you talk to twenty kids like it was nothing, floating back and forth, making sure all kids were accounted for and had their change of clothes.
“¡Hola Ale! Thank you so much for coming, the Kids are so excited!” And so were you. Not that you would ever say it but you had called Alba in a hurry, asking her what to wear and what to bring for food, insisting on bringing something for her sister 
The younger Putellas was greatly amused, telling their mother all about the mutual forming crushes between you and her sister. You had met Eli at a summer festivity last year, where you and Alba had decided to take on a class together, and it was safe to say that the women loved you. Just like her daughters, she had been enamored with your smile and friendly personality. Hearing that Alexia had taken a liking to you, filled her with joy. A perfect fit.
“Thank you for having me, I am also really excited to meet them!” Those kids meant the world to you, and she could see it. Your hand was clutching her forearm before shoving a lunchbox into her bag. “Would you mind walking in the back? So that no one gets lost? I still get a bit anxious about making the trip.”
The footballer was much more on the calmer side, watching as you counted the kids again and again. “Don’t worry, no one will get lost on our watch, we’ve got this. Hmm?” With a gentle squeeze of your hand, she let go, making her way to the back of the line, immediately helping one of the shorter girls to put on her jacket.
Ben, a very anxious little guy, was already at the front of the line waiting to hold your hand like he usually did when the class left the room. “Let’s go then!”
You led the kids to the changing rooms before taking Alexia to one of the teacher's rooms. “Uhm, you can change here if you want to. I’ll look for another one!” Before you can close the door a warm hand closes around your wrist. “We can both change here if that’s alright with you. It's a big room.”
Alexia could see your nervousness as you turned around. “I won’t look, promise.” With a deep sigh, you decided to give in. Finding another unoccupied room would take too long and it was a part of the job, right? She probably changed in front of 10 people daily. But you were not a footballer that worked out three times a day.
There was a smug smile on Alexia’s face after she caught you staring at her abs in the mirror. “Hard work and dedication.” You could feel the heat shoot into your face as you looked away ashamed. She looked good and she knew it. The blonde was quite happy that you didn’t catch her staring at you. After all, she had a persona to fulfill. “Come on, let’s go!”
Even though she didn’t know where she was going, Alexia led you out of the room in the direction of shouting children. “Is it a possibility to go outside with the kids?” Sure she could do the exercises indoors, but most football was played outdoors and the weather was ideal for it. “Yeah, we have a small pitch just behind the gym.”
The kids were happy to hear you would go out, running in front of Alexia and you, who hand back to chat, in no need to hurry. But Ben was now glued to Alexia's hand, which felt very different in comparison to yours.
“Are you married to our teacher Miss Alexia?”
His endearing little voice sliced through the comfortable silence that took over after talking about your guy's plan. Ale couldn’t help but laugh at his innocent question and the way you seemed to find the floor incredibly interesting. “No, I’m not!”
The little boy let go of his new hero's hand and started running to his classmates, “That’s really sad!”, and then he was off.
“Well, he is certainly a character.” The blonde's arm brushed against yours, sending tingles all through your body. “Usually he’s quite shy. Sorry, I didn’t think he’d say that.” The smile was back on Alexia's face, “Oh don’t you worry.” Your head whipped up, questioning her statement as she continued to look ahead with a perfect poker face.
On the field, which admittedly could have been mowed before going there, the kids sat down, not caring that their clothes got dirty as Alexia stood in front of them, a book in her hands
“Hello everyone! I’m Alexia, and your teacher Miss Putellas, is my little sister! I am here today to teach you guys a little about football, my favorite sport of all time. Does anyone else like football here?” Seeing little girls jump up, with arms in the air shouting “Me! Me!” warmed the blonde's heart. 
How far the women’s game has come.
The next hour was filled with kids laughing as Alexia pushed them back and forth while explaining set pieces and general rules of the game, while you sat to the side, giving her a ball if she needed one.
An unexpected arm makes its way around your shoulders before a warm breath hits your ear “How’s it going?”
It was Alba, who had now sat down next to you, a cheeky smile on her face, that didn’t look that far off from her sister’s smug one. “What are you doing here?”
“Well I couldn’t just leave you two love birds alone here, could I?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Sure. And you weren’t staring at her ass.”
“You’re delusional.”
Hearing her sister's loud laugh made Alexia turn her head at an impressive speed, catching her pinching your cheek in teasing. Quickly she told the kids what to practice before jogging over to you and Alba. “What are you doing here?”
“Hello to you too, dear sister! This is my class as well if you haven’t forgotten?”
Of course, she hadn’t. Really. How could she ever forget about her sister?
“I thought you didn’t have the class today?”
Alba couldn’t help but laugh at her sister's annoyed face. Her plan had worked, she had officially crashed whatever this was. “I didn't. But I can’t miss out on seeing you in my workspace, can I?” Her sister grunted, annoyed that she couldn’t have the day to herself. And the kids of course.
The rest of the day was spent with Alexia teaching the kids, managing incredibly well for someone who doesn’t usually work with 22 kids under the age of 10. Meanwhile, Alba made good use of her time by teasing you left, right, and center, not missing a chance to make fun of your obvious attraction to her sister, while you tried to help the footballer with moving cones or explaining something again.
The kids were much quieter on the way back, Ale had tired them out quite well, but Ben still wouldn’t leave Alexia’s side.
“Miss Alexia?”
“Yes, Ben?”
“Evie said that people date before they get married. So are you and Miss y/n dating?”
And there it was again, that nagging heat in your cheeks as Alexia looked up from your student, into your eyes. “I don’t know Ben, let me ask your teacher.”
Alba was trying not to scream while walking a couple of paces in front of you, pushing kids back into line when they wandered off, many of them trying to get back to her sister as they were now very interested in the blond woman.
“Would you like to go out on a date with me?”
“I would love to go on a date with you Alexia.”
A squeal left young Ben’s mouth before he let go of your new date’s hand, sprinting back to his friends and grabbing Alba’s hand. 
“I did it, Miss Putellas! They’re gonna get married!”
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Friendly face (Part 3)
A/N: I know I said I always succumb to peer pressure, but that did not need to be tested. Also if I did a Hotch(or Spencer) taglist, would anyone be interested, also.. how do you do a taglist?? I may be 20 and from the UK, but I have only been using tumblr for about two months, I’m learning (slowly). [I’ve made a form for a taglist!! it’s underneath the parts!!]
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Receptionist!Reader.
Summary: Little does the team know, their little receptionist and their Unit Chief had been closer for a lot longer than any of them knew. And while he’s brilliant at hiding it, she is now.
Word Count: 825
Warnings: please, stop requesting the fluff it hurts my little heart
part 1! and 2!!
be added to the taglist!!
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Honestly, she could come to work with a massive neon sign floating above her head saying ‘stupidly in love with Aaron Hotchner’ and it would have probably the same effect as she normally does to him.
While he goes through the rules, needing to check about whether their relationship - yes, relationship - was actually legal, they needed to keep it secret.
A serious conversation they’d had over dinner well over six months ago, one that she’d seem to conveniently forget whenever they were actually in the office together. Thankfully that isn’t very often, unless he’s personally asked for files she stays by her desk.
Sometimes, he will admit, he requests reports just to get her into the office, but not very often.
However, it seemed to have been just often enough for his coworkers - Emily, mostly - to realise. From there, and after getting everyone else to join her, they were trying to find exactly how much the pair actually cared for each other.
Crowding together at the round table, quickly giving everything they’d noticed before Hotch arrived.
Emily starts, grinning at both Morgan and Spencer, nothing better than a bit of office gossip.
“So, she doesn’t hide anything. But, we’re all well aware that he sometimes uses excuses to get her into his office. But I noticed that she always leaves post-it notes on the files that she does give him, and they do look sickeningly sweet. It’s hard to believe Hotch actually likes that.”
Spencer chimes in, wringing his fingers lightly. He loves gossip as much as the next person, but the receptionist is a sweetheart and treats him so kindly, plus he doesn’t really believe in talking about other people’s business.
However, he’s invested in her happiness, and knows that there’s more to the pair than meets the eye.
“Well.. he smiles at her, more than I’ve ever really seen. And he does things for her that he wouldn’t do for anyone else. He helped her set up her desk and made sure she settled properly with the team.. plus Penelope found the paperwork and he requested her to be moved up.”
“What?! She didn’t tell me that!” Morgan looked pretty dejected, and Emily could only pat his back apologetically. But as much as they want to say that Morgan is her favourite, Spencer is everyone’s favourite.
He just shrugged, and Morgan kept talking, needing to add in what he’d seen - and profiled - about the two of them.
“Whatever. We’ve all seen how smitten Jack is with her, kid practically has hearts coming from his eyes. And I heard them talking about her having stayed over on the weekend. And we all see the way Hotch is with the two of them, it’s like the past decade of the job lifts off him.”
They all eventually came to the agreement that they believed that Hotch and their receptionist were together, and they needed to know more. The achilles heel of most profilers, the desire for gossip whenever they can get it.
Hearing footsteps approaching, they quickly nominated Spencer to ask Hotch, panicking the younger agent as he spluttered over his words.
As Hotch stepped through, with her following close behind, files in her hands as she waited for Hotch to take them. Waving to the rest of the team happily, very grateful the images weren’t on screen yet. Emily booted Spencer under the table and he jolted, getting Hotch’s attention.
“Hotch!” His voice cracked, how cute. “I uh- we, we wondered if you and uhm.. if you two--”
Christ, she wanted to take pity on the poor boy, looking up at Aaron. Thankfully he seemed amused rather than irritated that they’d worked it out. Looks like they got their answers on whether or not the relationship was allowed.
He nodded at her softly and she grinned, leaning up to peck his lips quickly, stuffing the files into his hands.
“Let me know if you take the case?”
“I’ll text you.”
Grinning, she winked at Spencer, which earned her a warning “sweetheart”, which only fed into her giddiness now that they didn’t have to hide it. Loving the surprised looks on their faces, even though Morgan was definitely acting as if he knew the whole time. Exactly as Aaron said he would, god she loves that he knows them so well.
“Stay safe you lot. Bring my boyfriend home safe or I’ll hunt you down!”
As she walked out of the briefing room, she smacked Aaron’s ass and scampered off giggling, being followed with his scolding voice.
Eventually, he had to turn back around to his grinning teammates - bar a very embarrassed Spencer who now avoided his boss’ gaze - he sunk into his chair. Waiting for whichever one was going to say something first.
Emily, of course, was the one to speak up first, looking at him all innocently as if she didn’t know damn well what she was doing.
“Don’t push it.”
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Want more?! Good!
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Hi! I have gi request: can you do headcanons about reader being best friends with some characters? Namely, Wanderer, Nahida, Furina and Albedo. If you don't feel like doing all of them, at least someone is fine! Thank you <3
Being best friends with Wanderer, Nahida, Furina and Albedo
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Being the best friend of the wandering reformed puppet includes listening to him bitch and moan about how having friends makes your life better and how it cannot go wrong ever. Note the sarcasm. He does really like having you as a friend since you’ve never done anything to think you’d betray or abandon him and shows it through his actions
Being the best friend of the wandering reformed puppet includes having to explain to others that it took a while for Wanderer to stop trying to ditch you the first few months/a year and assuring others that he’s not an awful person he just has a resting bitch face.
Being the best friend of the wandering reformed puppet includes drinking bitter tea and helping make delicious dishes but being scolded if you don’t help with cleaning the dishes. You also enjoy how annoyed he is at the many people who follow him for being fond of him and incidentally playing hide-and-seek when you can’t find Wanderer.
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Being the best friend of the Dendro Archon includes hearing the best advice whether it’s being given to you or someone else that you’re around and having a relaxing afternoon in the forest or strolling around the streets of Sumeru city.
Being the best friend of the Dendro Archon includes hanging out with all of the Aranaras who are very happy to have a new friend and play games with. Both you and Nahida love dancing at night with fireflies flying around while the Aranara play songs and joyfully skip around one another.
Being the best friend of the Dendro Archon includes listening to Wanderer bitch about working with Nahida even though he’s glad too and making candied nuts. Making flower crowns out of wildflowers growing around the goddess and using vines to weave intricate designs with the flowers highlighting the crown.
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Being the best friend of Lady Furina includes being overly dramatic with her almost constantly and acting out miniature favorite scenes from plays. She invites you to all the plays she is in and excitedly tells you all the funny behind-the-scenes tales she can without getting in trouble.
Being the best friend of Lady Furina includes trying and eating so many cakes and sweet foods that you both get full instantly. Seriously though both of you will get stomaches but are also welcomed back to the restaurant by the owners.
Being the best friend of Lady Furina includes cuddling with her hydro creations and having many tea parties with them. You both have so much fun popping the bubbles made by them and training gracefully like you’re dancing.
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Being the best friend of the chief alchemist includes so much hijinx that it’s almost like rolling a wheel every day to see what shit will ensue and you will also have to drag the homunculus out of his office for breaks. There are many times when you won’t see Albedo for days or weeks and then out of nowhere, he’ll show up on your doorstep asking if you want to get breakfast or lunch.
Being the best friend of the chief alchemist includes spending so much time with Klee regardless of whether Albedo is with you and trying your best not to let her get herself into trouble. Of course, it sometimes doesn’t work but Albedo is so fond and grateful that you have such a good relationship with his sister.
Being the best friend of the chief alchemist includes being very concerned that he eats spiders and desperately trying to get him to stop. You’ve tried so many things and all of them failed at one point Albedo tried to get you to eat a spider which ended with you slapping him.
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Jihyo Fluff Alphabet (Requested!)
a/n: hi everyone! apologizes for a later fic, I had been feeling a bit under the weather but I'm starting to feel better now! sorry for those who were looking for the return of these fluff alphabets - I didn't mean to take a month and a half off 0_0 anyways I hope you enjoy this and thank you to the person who requested this!
tw: none!
♡ Masterlist ♡
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Affection (How do they show their affection? What love language(s) do they use?)
Jihyo shows most of her affection for you via acts of service and words of affirmation. She’s always the first to wipe your tears when you’re feeling down, and the first to tell you how amazing you are when it feels like you’re nothing but.
Beauty (What do they admire about their S/O? What makes their S/O beautiful?)
Jihyo admires your compassion for people (and animals, if you’re an animal lover!). You always find a way to help others, whenever possible, and it warms your heart. In terms of physical appearance, she loves your smile… especially if she caused it with a bad joke or some mutual teasing!
Comfort (How would they help their S/O if they were having a rough day?)
Jihyo will race to your side if she doesn’t have any schedules for the day. She will gently rub your back and hold you in her arms as long as you need her to. If Jihyo can’t be there, she’ll FaceTime you and comfort you with her sweet words as long as she can.
Dreams (How do they picture their future with their S/O?)
Jihyo definitely dreams of a “stereotypical” life for the two of you - settling down someplace quiet, getting married, and introducing kids into your lives. Of course, you both have career ambitions and need time to figure out what you both want out of life, so she’s in no rush. As long as you’re together, you’ll figure it out with time.
Equal (Do they tend to be more dominant or passive in the relationship?)
Jihyo tends to be the more dominant person in the relationship - she’s very chivalrous towards you and she’s often the one planning dates due to her busy schedule. If she’s busy with work or is worn out from a long day, Jihyo will happily let you take care of her instead.
Fight (Would they easily forgive their S/O after a fight? How would a typical fight go?)
You two don’t get into big fights, but your bickering can get on each other’s nerves at times. Jihyo can be a little headstrong, so she has to take a moment to calm down before apologizing to you if things go too far. If you apologize first, she’ll admit her fault and apologize back to you if needed.
Gratitude (How grateful are they for everything that their S/O does for them?)
Jihyo always expresses her gratitude for you with actions or words. If you prepare lunch for her the next day because she’s busy, she makes sure to buy you lunch some time during the week. She’s all about reciprocating the love she receives.
Honesty (Do they tend to keep secrets from their S/O, or do they share everything?)
Jihyo definitely shares everything with you, her partner, and it may be overwhelming if you’re someone who is a bit more reserved. She’s totally understanding towards your reserved nature and will give you space, but she’s also happy to learn lots about you if you want to reveal more about yourself.
Inspiration (Did their S/O change them, or was it the other way around?)
You definitely are inspired by Jihyo because she’s a hardworking, passionate woman - who wouldn’t be? She puts her all into everything, and it makes you want to do the same. She rubs off on you so much that improves you as a person, even if your paths aren’t destined to be intertwined forever.
Jealousy  (Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?)
Jihyo swears up and down that she doesn’t get jealous, but if she sees someone flirting with you, her jaw clenches and she’s folding her arms with a disappointed look on her face. Not towards you, of course, but the other person - you and her had walked in together, how could they have not noticed? Jihyo fights with herself for a bit before deciding to confront the person - kindly, of course - before they run away in embarrassment after realizing what they’ve done.
Kiss (How often do they kiss you? Where do they like to kiss you?)
Jihyo likes to kiss your cheeks and lips the most. Cheek kisses are an easy greeting/goodbye between the two of you, and kissing you on the lips is an easy romantic gesture that the both of you enjoy. She will often kiss you on the cheek, in public or not, but kisses on the lips are saved for times when the two of you are alone.
Lazy Day (How do they like to spend days off with their S/O?)
Jihyo doesn’t mind going out or staying in - either are fine with her, as long as you’re spending time together. If you go out, you’ll go to dinner together and see a movie/show before heading home. If you stay in, you’ll order food from her favorite place and spend the night playing board/video games and catching up on your favorite shows.
Marriage (Do they want to get married? How often do they think about marrying their S/O?)
Jihyo definitely thinks about marrying you quite often - in the more domesticated moments, where you’re making dinner together, folding laundry, or just cuddling under the couch on a cold winter’s night. It feels so natural between the two of you, like you’re meant to be together like this for the rest of your lives.
Nicknames (What do they call their S/O?)
Babe, dear, love
Jihyo is a mix of old-fashioned and new-fashioned nicknames. She’ll often call you the one that makes you the most flustered because she thinks it’s funny to see you so flustered. (and she hopes that you’ll do it back to her).
On Cloud Nine (What are they like when they are in love? Is it extremely obvious to others?)
Jihyo mostly goes about her business as per usual - she won’t be too revealing of your relationship or of you. She says your name in passing, as she would a friend, until the two of you are serious enough to introduce each other to family and friends. Once you do, she talks about you lovingly and constantly until the other person has to change the topic of conversation.
PDA (Are they very upfront with their relationship, or do they prefer to keep things quiet?)
Jihyo gives you moderate amounts of affection in public - cheek kisses, a warm hug, or holding hands. She wants you to feel comfortable around her, so she won’t be more affectionate in public unless you are more affectionate towards her in public.
Quirk (Some random personality trait that makes them an excellent partner.)
Her loud voice is something that she uses to help you and herself. If you’re being talked over or simply not listened to, Jihyo will command people’s attention with a few words before lovingly looking at you and asking you to continue talking so she can listen to you, along with everyone else.
Romance (Are they a born romantic ready to woo their S/O at any moment, or do they struggle to spark romantic moments with their S/O?)
Jihyo leans more towards being a natural romantic. She doesn’t struggle to make you blush with her words, or to “sweep you off your feet” with a sweet date or kind action.
Support (How do they help support their S/O to reach their goals?)
If you’re passionate about your goals, then Jihyo is also passionate about your goals. She’s supporting you by being physically there for you - picking you up if there’s a bump in the road, or celebrating with you if things go right.
Thrill (Do they like trying out new things to spice up their relationship, or do they prefer to stick to a routine?)
Jihyo likes to try out new things, together with you. It’s always fun to explore the world around you with a willing partner who wants to learn and grow with you.
Understanding (How well do they know their partner?)
Jihyo understands you when it comes to your emotions. If you’re feeling upset, she knows how to comfort you. If you’re happy, she knows how to keep the good mood going.
Value (How important is the relationship to the person versus other relationships and things in their life?)
She values your relationship as much as she values her platonic and familial relationships. You’ve become an important part of her life over the years, just as her family and friends have, and you all should have equal importance to her.
Wild Card (A random fluffy headcanon that you have about the relationship?)
I’ve talked about this in another fic, but Jihyo is the best hype woman. She’s always there to support you, however she possibly can. If you’re feeling down, she’s immediately at your side so she can comfort you so you can feel better as soon as possible.
XOXO (Do they like to kiss, hug, and cuddle you? How often do they do so?)
Jihyo loves to hug, kiss, and cuddle you, but she understands place and time. You probably don’t want her all over you when you’re in public, so she saves the cuddling and lingering kisses for times when the two of you are alone.
Yearning (How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?)
Jihyo calls/FaceTimes you whenever you’re apart due to work or other plans. She always works off of your time zone, if your time zones are different. It’s sweet of her, especially since she falls asleep on camera and you have plenty of screenshots to show her when she wakes up.
Zeal (Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?)
Jihyo will definitely go to great lengths for the relationship, given that you will do the same for the relationship. When she puts all of herself in the relationship, she expects you to do the same. It’s about balance between the two of you - sometimes one has to do a bit more to make up for the partner who may be feeling a little down.
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meganelixabethh · 2 days
I know I won’t get it- but I want Sunrise on the Reaping to be about Effie Trinket- it would be such a good book!!! All we really know is that the book starts on the 50th reaping and that it’s a look at propaganda. We also know our girl Suzanne only writes when she has something to say- and what better time to make the Effie Trinket Point than now?
Don’t get me wrong- I love to read the fanfics of Effie being disenfranchised from the top of the first book and helping the rebels every step of the way- I live for it- but I also don’t think it’s reality for the canon. Effie Trinket is a character with grey morality at best in the first book. No she’s not organising the games, or planning them, she’s not the iron fist that forces the children to comply nor is she the driving force behind the tradition- hell if she didn’t do it someone else would, right? But she picks the names. She chooses to be close to it. She isn’t as horrified as she should be
But if you asked her- if you sat her down and said heart of hearts, do you care about these children? She would say yes. She has a complete mental disconnect between the harm she is causing and the compassion she feels for the people being harmed. This is a direct comparison to the modern approach to harm. Just look at Palestine.
I also don’t believe Effie saw anything wrong with the games until one very specific moment. She looked at the glass ball at the 75th reaping and saw a single piece of paper, and she thought ‘this isn’t chance. This isn’t a game. This is a choice and I don’t want to pick up that slip of paper’. I whole heartedly believe it took an emotional closeness to the person being harmed to make her realise all those people were just the same as her- EXACTLY LIKE WE DO IN THE WEST.
Further details under the cut. TW for death, implied SA and pregnancy loss.
So the book starts with the 50th reaping- Effie is between 6 and 16 depending on how old you think she is. I personally think she’s about 8-10. I also think this is the first games where she’s really gotten involved in and is interested in the whole thing from start to finish. She watches the reapings and is absolutely enraptured with Haymitch from the moment he gets on stage- full on little girl crush mode. She follows the whole game and is so happy when he wins. This is the summer she decides she wants to work in the games. She follows the games every summer, gets a glamorous games job in the Capitol when she graduates (I think she went to uni tbh our girl is smart) and then became an escort.
When she’s offered 12 she’s annoyed- after all she’s the darling of the games circuit and she’s put her time in- but 12 is the only job going and if she wants the promotion she needs to take it. She thinks fondly of Haymitch’s games though. She no longer has her little girl crush on him, but she assumes the drunkenness must be an act for the Capitol, some kind of play. When she gets to 12 she realises it’s not. She sees how broken he is. She sees that this destroyed him and she just… doesn’t get it. She develops a fondness for him, still completely believing in the games, and they work together happily enough as far as she’s concerned. She starts dragging him out of bed and shoving him into nice clothes to make the district look good at first, but then she does it because she thinks it might be the only time he has anyone making sure he looks after himself. She is genuinely sad when their tributes die every year. She cries in her room at night after they go, and Haymitch can hear her through the wall when he’s sober enough.
Then the 74th happen. She loves Katniss and Peeta- I fully believe that. She likes them from the beginning, she agrees they have a chance, and when she’s not trying for sponsors, her and Haymitch sit in silence in the penthouse, watching and watching and watching. She grips his hand tightly for hours at a time, eyes almost unblinking and fixed on the screen, knees drawn up to her chest. It’s the first time he sees her as human, and she almost breaks his knuckles during the finale with the mutts. The moment they win, she lets out a breath she didn’t realise she was holding and went to celebrate her first victors. She deliberately turned her face away from the horror because it was easier to not feel the breadth of it. She does exactly what we did to Ukraine. What we continue to do to Palestine.
To be completely clear- she still thinks the games are right through all of this. When she comes back for the victory tour she still thinks this is all fantastic. That mental disconnect is still there. But then eleven happens. If I’m remembering right she gets blood on her and is freaking out about her dress but I would like to see that from her side. I want to see that an innocent man was shot through the head so close to her, his blood and brains splattered across her dress and her skin. I want to see her freak out and everyone assume it’s about the dress but it’s actually about the fact she saw the light leave his eyes. This is the night she goes to Haymitch. She asks him for a drink and she asks him if he thought the man felt it. He isn’t kind to her. He asks her if she ever wondered if the kids felt it? If he felt it? This is the first time they sleep together. She doesn’t spend the night in his cabin. Their physical relationship continues but nothing else changes.
Then the quarter quell- she’s upset when Snow announces the rules. She feels hard done by but also scared for Katniss, Peeta and Haymitch. She understands that she’s avoiding the issue in her mind but she clings to the idea that the games are good so she doesn’t have to face up to the horror she helped meter out. It’s that glass reaping ball that does it. That glass ball with a single slip of paper in that breaks the back of her indoctrination. It all falls on top of her all at once. Her sobs after the bloodbath, alone in her room, the desperation she felt, not just for Katniss and Peeta to live, but for her to not have to watch them die, the man in eleven, the quarter quell, Hatmitch’s sharp words, the drink she craved after she saw it, the smile she plastered on, Haymitch’s hand gripped tightly in hers, the most genuine connection she’s felt in years and oh god are you supposed to be this fucking tired when you’re only 35? She looks at that paper and she is almost incandescent with rage. She loves Katniss and she doesn’t want to be the one who says her name. She doesn’t want to do this anymore. She doesn’t want this life. She doesn’t want the games to happen at all. She’s done.
But now she’s afraid. She’s seen avoxes, she knows what happens to rebels and she’s not quite brave enough to say anything to Haymitch other than veiled comments. She’s not sure he agrees with her and he’s not sure it wasn’t an accidental turn of phrase. The moment the arena blows out she’s dragged away in handcuffs. The prison is harrowing. What little hair she has is shaved off and she spends hours having questions thrown at her that she doesn’t have the answers to. She’s beaten, electrocuted and starved. Her bones are broken, they pull a few of her teeth out and some of the things they do are so awful she can’t even bring herself to think about it inside her own head. She doesn’t feel brave. She doesn’t have the answers to give them and she’s not sure she wouldn’t tell them if she did. She’s too Capitol for the rebels and too district for the Capitol. She’s not rescued, she’s released at the end of the war. Well, ‘released’ is a strong word. The guards unlock all the doors and tell them they have been pardoned and then walk out. She drags herself outside, clutching the walls and collapses in the courtyard as a humanitarian aid worker rushes over.
She spends the first tumultuous month sedated in a hospital bed, blissfully unaware of Coin’s assassination and the last games. When she comes to, Haymitch is sat at her bedside, looking haggard and tired. She looks better than she did on the floor of the courtyard, but not by much. When he sees her open her eyes he smiles, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. He apologises for not managing to get her out. She knows she should be cross with him, but she can’t find the energy to blame him. They’ve both wasted so much time already. She pushes herself up shakily and wraps her atrophied arms around his neck, telling him that it doesn’t matter, that he’s here now. When he lowers her back down, she asks immediately after Katniss and Peeta. He tells her what happened in as painless terms as he can find, and when he’s done, she can barely keep her eyes open, tears tracking silently down her hollowed cheeks. He gently kisses her on the forehead and says he’ll be back tomorrow. It takes her a long, long time to recover.
She finds out the rest of what happened while she was imprisoned and hospitalised in dribs and drabs. Some from him, some from news, some from conversations she overhears. It takes months and months before she tells him, in halting sentences, when happened in the prison. She doesn’t tell him everything. Some things are too awful to know. They’ve not resumed their physical relationship, but they feel inexplicably drawn to one another, and in a fit of impulsivity, he invites her to come to 12 when he leaves and she does. He doesn’t ask a lot of questions, but she does tell him, eventually, all the things that led to her renouncing the games just before the rebellion. He admits to her the doctor told him she was pregnant when they found her, but miscarried while she was asleep. She can’t get out of bed for days afterwards and he brings her food and water until she’s ready to get up again. She’s glad he knows in a way. She’s glad she never had to tell him.
The next summer rolls around, and Effie is finally well enough to walk up to the woods outside the district and spends all day picking wildflowers. She ties them into attractive arrangements just like her mother taught her, using brown string instead of satin ribbons. Haymitch is in the newly built square when she arrives with her flowers. She lays them all gently on the ground, one for each child she reaped, including Prim. Haymitch walks over to her as she bows her head, slipping her hand into his. She says she’s sorry, he says ‘I know sweetheart’ and the book ends there
I know we aren’t going to get this, it’s not even a possibility but a girl can dream.
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Am I the asshole for complimenting my friend behind her back?
I have 2 friends. We’re all in our 20’s. Mary* and Suzy* are both my friend but have history. I’m close to Mary even though I’ve known Suzy same amount of time, but Suzy and I have recently started to hang out more.
I know both girls aren’t giving me the full drama what happen when I ask. Basically they use to be friends and then Suzy ghosted Mary. Suzy told me they were friends, but Mary started using her as a a punching bag and Suzy let it go on for too long and no longer wanted to be her friend. She didn’t offer repair of their relationship because she thought the friendship had runned its course. What I don’t know is what was Mary doing? Like what are some examples. Mary tells me Suzy just stopped talking to her one day and started hanging out with more “sucessful” people. Suzy has always been an extrovert while Mary likes to stay in more.
Anyway I’ve been hanging out with Suzy a lot. She often accommodates me (drives me, or pays for the Uber) she’ll often buy my meal. Suzy also has a lot of good anxiety advice which I was suprised about and she’s a good listener. It makes me sad that she doesn’t like Mary because I think Mary does need someone like Suzy in her life. I know Suzy has a little more deeper feelings than just “we were done so I just left” because it seems like reconnection is not an option. I just feel like Suzy doesn’t want to paint Mary in a bad light because she knows Mary and I are friends.
I have mentioned reconnection but Suzy always declines. Mary secretly not out right but has expressed she wouldn’t mind reconnecting with Suzy. Shes said “maybe we should all get together sometime.” Shell ask if Suzy talks about her (she doesn’t).
I was able to get them together a few times for a few events. Suzy was very surface level with her just asking her how she is but not getting deep. Mary had actual said a few passive things about herself and Suzy. Suzy wouldn’t respond to the passive aggressive to herself or she would say something postive about Mary when Mary was self deprecating.
At my last event Suzy got drunk and Mary had offered to drive her home since Mary was sober. It was like Mary had genuinely wanted to talk to her alone and maybe clear the air. Suzy declined her offer four times (she was getting an Uber)
After that event Suzy had told me she doesn’t really want to see Mary and I asked her why and she said she just doesn’t like being around her. I tried to pry a little more and Suzy just told me she very much values my friendship but doesn’t want to hangout with Mary.
Mary has actually been mad that Suzy didn’t accept her car ride offer home. Mary was mad that Suzy would rather pay an overpriced cab than spend a 20 minute car ride with her. That I understood. But then Mary started going deeper saying that Suzy isn’t smart with her money and has always been stuck up, that she would rather Suzy be hateful to her face and not behind her back, and that Suzy is just a coward.
I felt bad because I know Mary has unresolved feelings about Suzy, but I realized that Suzy had probably been keeping the peace for me.
My next hang out with Mary she was digging into Suzy’s character saying she drinks too much and partied too much. I told Mary she doesn’t give Suzy enough credit, Suzy is very understanding and kind and generous and that her partying and drinking doesn’t make her a bad person. Mary went quiet.
Mary didn’t talk to me for a week and then apologized. She said Suzy is a sore subject and that me being friends with her is hard because she wishes she could ask me not to be friends with her but won’t because Suzy does make me happy and it seems like Suzy isn’t actively out to ruin our friendship. She doesn’t want to hear about Suzy when we’re together.
I feel bad because it wasn’t until early in my reconnection with Suzy I knew she was a sore spot for Mary. I thought if I got them together they could be friends again, but the more Suzy backs away the more Mary gets angry, and I don’t know whose really justified since they both don’t tell me full stories. But I also feel like I really triggered Mary when I defended Suzy because I had known she felt rough about that rejection and I just didn’t let her vent on it .
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seriouslysam8 · 9 hours
What is Maia’s personality like? As a baby and as she grew up? What about her sister?
I’ve only ever written Maia as a five month old baby so far. Therefore, I don’t have a strong grasp of her personality yet. So things may be subject to change as I start to write her and develop her more.
As a baby, she’s very happy. How could she not be?? Harry’s enamored. Sirius would rather carry both kids in his arms instead of using a pram. Marlene dotes on her. Everyone loves her. She comes during a very dark time and brightens up this little family in the way they need it.
As she’s older, I picture her having Harry and Sirius wrapped around her little finger. They would do anything for her. Marlene’s the only one who sees past her bullshit. She’s loving, caring, funny, too smart for her own good, but I also picture her being reckless and impulsive. She doesn’t think of the consequences of her actions. Even if Harry would point out a bad consequence, she’s stubborn and will barrel on ahead anyway. Because Harry isn’t one to say I told you so, she struggles to learn from her mistakes. She just wants to have fun and doesn’t appreciate the safety rules that Sirius and Marlene have put into place. She’s protective of her loved ones. She’s the first person who would go stomping across the yard to chew out someone who said one negative thing about Harry. It’s part of the reason her and Ginny get along so well. Let’s just say that Ginny’s take no shit attitude rubs off on Maia as they grow up.
As for the little one. I have even less of a concrete idea of who she is. I haven’t even settled on a name for her yet!! (Suggestions are welcome. I like Maia because it’s more modern but also a star name. That’s a big part of my criteria.) But as the youngest of three - especially one who is several years younger than the two older very close in age - she often feels left out. Harry and Maia run off and little one is just left in the dust. I picture her also being the comedian of the family, liking the attention and making people laugh like a classic younger child. I also view her as very lazy because she’s the youngest and everyone just does everything for her. But she’s sweet and kind. Not fiery like Maia because she’s the one used to being babies. I could very well picture her saying to someone making fun of her, “I’ll tell my brother!” in hopes that will instill enough fear in them.
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borathae · 12 hours
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↳ Index [Chapter 08 - Lake]
Warnings: good days and good feels and people being happy <3, emotional conversations by a bonfire, this is pure comfort, ah yes there is also skinny dipping by the lake, and a cute picnic date <3
Wordcount: 10k
a/n: now this is the end :( thank you so much for coming on this journey with me, i hope that you guys could find comfort and healing in this story and here to so many more stories about this universe 💙
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Taehyung startles awake, meeting Yoongi’s eyes. The latter is standing over him, staring at the peculiar scene with scrunched brows. 
“Hyung”, Taehyung clears his sleepy throat and sits up, “what are you doing here?” 
They are whispering. 
“Just checking if any of you are awake. How did you manage to share this small bed?” 
Taehyung looks to his side where you and Jungkook are cuddled together. Jungkook has both his arms wrapped around you. You have your chin against his chest which results in your neck to be bent into a weird position and for your mouth to be agape. Jungkook sleeps with his chin almost swallowed in your mouth and his own lips widely agape. 
“These two seem completely gone”, Taehyung stifles a laugh. 
“Yeah, doesn’t look comfortable at all.” 
“Agreed. Come, let us let them sleep”, Taehyung says and rolls out of bed. He makes sure to tug you and Jungkook back in and leaves the room with Yoongi.
“You look better.” 
“I do? What do you mean?” 
Yoongi points at Taehyung’s ankle. 
“You’re not in pain anymore.” 
“I am? Oh! I am!” Taehyung widens his eyes in joyful realization, “oh this is remarkable. I can walk again.”
“Mhm good. You guys were reckless yesterday.” 
Taehyung clicks his tongue, “why can’t you merely be happy for me once? Why must you always turn everything into a lecture?” he is teasing, which makes Yoongi laugh. 
“It’s the age, I can’t help it.”
He jogs down the stairs in a light step. Taehyung does the same. 
“Good morning”, your grandmother greets them. She is knitting, sitting on the window seat with a mug of tea by her side.
“Good morning, Agatha. Did you sleep well?”
“I did, thank you for asking, Yoongi dear. And you?” 
“Like a baby.” 
Your grandma scans her eyes over Taehyung’s ankle.
“How are you doing today, Taehyung dear? ___ told me that you and Jungkook had a little accident yesterday. We were worried.” 
“We stupidly jumped down the hayloft.”
“You did? Oh my, oh my”, she gasps, throwing her hand over her mouth.
“Indeed. Jungkook jumped first and I followed in blind worry. Truly, you must know that in the real world we could jump down buildings without hurting ourselves.”
“Oh my, oh my. It was instinct then.”
“Indeed it was and we paid the price. Silly us.”
“But you’re okay again?”
“I am. It feels as if nothing ever happened. Yoongi’s spell truly helped. As did whatever was in the porridge yesterday. I thank you for making it. It was truly remarkable.”
Your grandmother smiles mischievously, “that’s good to hear.”
“What did you put in it for it to taste so healing?” 
“Magic, my dear. Just a little bit of magic.”
“I see. Well, it was truly wonderful. Thank you. Like this, I can enjoy our last day here.”
“Is it already the last day? Oh my, time flies by too quickly”, she says and looks back at her knitting, “what a shame, I got so used to having you here with us.” 
“We will definitely come back many more times”, Taehyung promises.
“Good, oh that is very good to hear”, she snickers mischievously, “I will have to beat you at Schnaps one day.”
Taehyung laughs, “then I must tell you that I will not lose without a fight.”
She laughs, “good. I wouldn’t want an easy fight either way.” 
They exchange a mischievous look with each other and then Taehyung turns his attention to Yoongi instead. The latter is busy making coffee and tea. 
Taehyung comes up behind him to hug his middle, resting his chin on his shoulder. The melody once leaving Yoongi’s lips, gets stuck in his throat, his body tenses up. 
“What are you doing?”
“Friendship hug. I have a lot of catching up to do now that we are friends.”
“Does it have to be hugs? Can’t it be a handshake or a friendly nod?”
“No. No, it has to be hugs”, Taehyung says and gives Yoongi a little squeeze.
“You’re so weird”, Yoongi murmurs, but gives Taehyung’s hand an awkward pet. Just twice then he already pulls back, “okay enough. It’s getting uncomfortable.”
“You held out longer than I imagined”, Taehyung says and steps back, “you are very huggable, hyung.”
“This feels like a curse when you say it”, he jokes and follows it up with a gentle nudge to Taehyung’s chin and a fond, “brat.” 
Then he turns his attention back to the coffee. Taehyung smiles, feeling flutters in his chest. 
“Have you thought about our plan more?” 
“What plan?” Yoongi asks.
“The plan to find your friends.”
“Ah”, Yoongi says and shakes his head, “not yet. I need time.”
“I understand. Well, if you need company on your endeavours, you can always count on me.”
“Thank you, Tae. I appreciate it.” 
The eye contact is fleeting because Yoongi is shy. He clears his throat, scratching the side of his neck.
“Uhm”, he begins and clears his throat again, “carry the tea.”
He walks off with two mugs of coffee and Taehyung is left alone with two mugs of tea. He takes them and follows Yoongi upstairs.
“What are we going to do with them?”
“Wake the others. It’s the last day here, they should spend it well, not sleep till noon.” 
“Yes. I agree. Oh hyung, I am very excited. We could take a walk in the forest or make music together.”
“Mhm, sounds nice.” 
Yoongi uses his elbow to open the bedroom door.
“Wake up you two”, he says as he carries the coffee to the bedside table. He places the mugs on it then gives you and Jungkook a little shake, “wake up.”
Jungkook wakes first, flinching aggressively which in return wakes you. You whine, rolling to your other side so you could bury your face in the pillow. Jungkook grumbles quietly and hides away in the pillow instantly to continue sleeping.
“No snoozing, wake up”, Yoongi tells you in a soft voice and his fingers tracing your hairline. He is smiling fondly, thinking to himself that you look especially beautiful in the morning.
“Go away”, you mumble into the pillow.
He laughs and bends down to kiss your temple, “I’m not leaving.”
“I was dreaming so well, you’re so mean.”
“And you’re missing out on a nice day. Wake up”, he kisses your cheek then straightens up to reach over you to Jungkook. He shakes him gently, cradling his cheek afterwards, “you too, Kookie. Wake up.”
“Five more minutes”, he lulls.
“You two”, Yoongi laughs and steps back, “you’re gonna miss the entire day.”
“Listen to him”, Taehyung says and throws himself over you and Jungkook. He rolls around on top of you, earning himself loud whines, “wake up or I will tickle you.”
“Tae please”, you whine.
“Get off”, Jungkook whines.
“No”, Taehyung says and pinches his side.
Jungkook squeaks and sits up instantly, hitting his hand away.
“It’s not cool, don’t do that”, he whines with a pout.
“But it managed to wake you”, Taehyung says and pinches your side next.
“Tae”, you squeak and writhe away, “don’t do that.”
“Wake up, darling”, Taehyung coos and tickles you again.
“God, you’re so annoying”, you laugh, swiping his hands away as you roll onto your back.
Taehyung laughs and leans down to kiss your cheek. His hands are still on your waist.
“Are you going to fall back to sleep?”
“No god, just don’t tickle me again.”
Taehyung gets off bed, grinning at Yoongi.
“Mission accomplished.”
Yoongi snorts in amusement, “you definitely did. Coffee and tea are on the bedside table. Come down once you’re ready. We’re making breakfast.”
“Oh brekkie”, Jungkook coos with sparkling eyes.
“Mhm, we’re gonna eat it by the lake”, Yoongi says and leaves the room.
“Oh my god, picnic”, you gush, sitting up in excitement.
“Mhm, come on Tae we have lots to do.”
“Do you truly trust me with the kitchen, hyung?” he is teasing, bumping his shoulder with Yoongi as a snicker leaves him.
“No, but I’ll make sure you don’t burn the whole house down”, Yoongi throws back jokingly, making Taehyung laugh and then hug his arm.
The door falls closed behind them. Only you and Jungkook are left. You exchange a look with him. His hair is messy, the pillow is still marked onto his face in red streaks. He meets your eyes and grins sleepily, leaning in to kiss your lips before moving past you to get the coffee.
He sips on it, turning his back to you so he could sit by the window and look outside.
You take the mug of tea, then climb onto his lap. He wraps his arm around you, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“Did you sleep well?” he asks.
“Mhm yeah. My neck’s killing me though. What did I do?”
“Don’t know”, Jungkook kisses your neck as he talks, “probably slept weird.”
“Mhm probably”, you say and take a sip of the tea, “mhm Yoongi definitely made this.”
“Yeah, the coffee too. It tastes Yoongi made.”
Jungkook rests his chin on your shoulder again, travelling his hand up and down your waist mindlessly.
“Did you sleep well too?” you ask him.
“Mh-hm so well”, he says, “I didn’t even notice that the bed’s so small.”
“Yeah, it’s probably magical because I also had enough space.”
“Magical. Mhm that could be it”, he says and gives you a soft squeeze, “can’t we just stay like this forever? You’re so comfy on my lap.”
You giggle, snuggling closer into him, “I wouldn’t mind. You’re very comfy too.”
“My knees don’t hurt anymore, by the way.”
“They don’t?” you turn in his lap, “Kookie this is amazing. So the magic worked?”
“I think it did. Look”, he lifts you off his lap and hands you his mug so he can lie on his back and kick his feet into the air, “I can do this and it doesn’t hurt.”
“I’m so happy. I was so worried.”
“You did really well”, Jungkook sits up and kisses your cheek, “you’re so cool.”
“Yoongi did most of the work.”
“Yeah, well you helped so this makes you just as cool”, he says with a cute smile.
“Thank you, oh god”, you mumble, feeling shy.
He kisses your cheek, then sits back to sip on his coffee, letting his eyes race over your features.
“What?” you ask him shyly.
“I like looking at you”, he smiles softly, “you’re so beautiful.”
“Oh god”, you instinctively reach up to fix your hair, “I just woke up though.”
“And? I woke up too and do you think I’m ugly?”
“Of course not.”
“You’re not ugly either.”
“Gah Jungkook, stop it”, you gasp and nudge his chest, having to giggle, “you’re so sweet.”
“Heh, you too”, he says and kisses your cheek.
You wash your face and brush your teeth while Jungkook showers. Once he is done, you are already finished, having left the bathroom to get dressed and leave for downstairs. 
Yoongi and Taehyung are in the kitchen. They have the radio running. Taehyung sits by the dining table, slicing fruits while Yoongi is in the midst of filling up containers with breakfast. 
“This already smells amazing.”
They turn their heads in synch, looking at you.
“My darling, you are finally here.”
“I am”, you greet him with a kiss, “how is your ankle?”
“It is as good as new. Look, I can move it without pain.”
“That’s so good to hear. Gosh darling you, I was worried yesterday”, you say, ruffling his hair.
Taehyung grins and looks back at the fruits.
“And you”, you walk to Yoongi, hugging him from the back, “how are you doing, my love?”
“Good. I made breakfast and your grandmother made bread which we can take.”
“Gosh, I’m so happy. Where are they anyways?”
“In town again. Deborah needed that favour today.”
Deborah was one of your grandmother’s friends. Last night, your grandmother told you that she met her friend in town and that she needed help with fixing the lightning and that it could happen that they needed to leave for town today. 
“I see. Gosh, now I’m sad. It’s our last day here and we can’t see them.”
“They promised to be back before dinner.”
“Good. Yeah. I think I would have cried  if we had to leave before saying goodbye to them”, you say and look around the counter, “can I help you with something?”
“No, I’m almost done.”
“Yes, I can manage”, Yoongi assures you and leaves the hug so he can store the finished breakfast in baskets.
Now without a task and with Yoongi very obviously busy, you sit down next to Taehyung.
“Can I at least help you with something?”
“No, thank you. I am almost finished.”
“It seems that I’m really useless here”, you joke.
“Not useless. We simply enjoy spoiling you”, Taehyung says with a kiss to your cheek.
“Gosh, you guys are all so sweet.”
“Mhm this already smells amazing”, Jungkook comes downstairs, dressed in a modern hanbok and with his long hair in a ponytail.
“You look very handsome”, Taehyung says, gazing at him.
“Thank you. It’s a modern hanbok, I thought I’d save it up for the last day”, Jungkook says, posing for all of you.
“It’s very pretty”, you say.
“It fits you”, Yoongi says.
“You are so handsome, truly”, Taehyung says.
Jungkook smiles, then looks around the cottage.
“Are your grandparents outside?”
“No, they’re in town again.”
“Ah. Sad, I would have loved to see them again before we leave.”
“They’ll be back by dinner”, Yoongi assures him and shoulders one of the baskets, “take the second basket, we’re leaving.”
“Okay, hyungie.”
Taehyung takes the third basket and you are tasked with carrying the fabrics bag. Like this and with good mood all around you, you make your way to the lake. The song of birds and the buzzing of insects accompanies you just like every day and the scent of the forest is especially nice today.
The spot, where you and Yoongi had the picnic last time, is already under the shade of the tree. You like that it is because the sun is very hot today. You and Taehyung lay out the blanket and pillows, while Jungkook and Yoongi lay out the food afterwards. It is also important to mention that Taehyung excused himself for a moment and disappeared into the forest. None of you knew what he was planning to do, but you suggested that perhaps he just needed to relieve himself.
You sit down in a circle, leaving a space for Taehyung between you and Jungkook. Yoongi sits opposite of the empty space, pouring lemonade into four cups.
“You can already start”, he tells you, not looking up.
“Shouldn’t we wait for Tae to come back?”
“We should. Where is he anyways? It’s been ten minutes.”
“Maybe he went back to the house because he needed to poop.”
“That could be it, yeah.”
“When I first met you and you ran away from me, I thought that maybe you really needed to poop.”
Jungkook laughs, while Yoongi glances at you awkwardly.
“You did?”
“I did, yeah.”
“Oh god, this is bad. Now I’m embarrassed”, Jungkook snickers.
“I know better these days”, you joke.
“You guys are weird”, Yoongi murmurs, handing out the cups.
“Hey, I didn’t know that you guys don’t have these urges back then”, you defend yourself, making Jungkook chuckle and Yoongi glance at you.
“Okay, if you say so”, he says dryly and looks up, “where were you?”
You and Jungkook look at the path. Taehyung is walking back to you with his hands behind his back.
“I got something for the picnic”, he says and sits down on the empty space. He pulls his hands from behind his back, revealing a bouquet of forest flowers.
“Wow Tae, this is so pretty”, you gasp.
“I plucked them myself. We passed a very big field of flowers when we walked here, so I went back to get some. Do you like them? I thought that perhaps they could add beauty to the picnic.”
“We love them. They’re so pretty. Thank you for plucking them”, you say, pecking his cheek.
“They’re really pretty. Wow, you must have worked so hard”, Jungkook praises him.
“Thanks Tae, you can put them in here”, Yoongi says and fills a fifth cup with water.
Taehyung smiles at all of you with flushed cheeks. You each compliment the flowers one more time and then finally begin with the breakfast. It is useless to say that the breakfast is the best breakfast you have ever tasted. Yoongi’s food has this effect. It is prepared well and it is prepared with love – not only for the food itself but also for the people he makes it for – and one can truly taste it in every bite.
Some time passes where nothing truly significant happens, except that the food gets less and less and your tummies get fuller and fuller. You talk about things just as insignificant and it was so perfectly good this way.
You have reached the sweet part of the breakfast, snacking on the fruits Taehyung sliced when Jungkook lets his eyes run over the wood cutting spot.
“Is this were you cut wood last time, hyungie?”
Yoongi glances at it for a moment, then nods his head.
“Nice, that’s cool”, he looks at the lake, “does anyone wanna take a swim later?”
“Definitely”, you say.
“Me too”, Taehyung agrees, “would it bother you if I painted for a while however? The sunlight looks so beautiful right now.”
“Of course not. I could paint something as well”, Jungkook agrees.
And so it happens that the day of insignificant happenings continues after breakfast. Taehyung and Jungkook paint, while you and Yoongi loose yourselves in books. You read and he writes. Truly there is no day more insignificant than this day and that is exactly what makes it so perfect to all of you. It is peaceful, sunny and nice. God knows, you haven’t had such days in a very long time. Knowing that nothing will happen may seem boring to others, but not to your family. Because as long as the most exciting thing of your day is painting and books, it means that the world is at peace and your family is safe.
Jungkook places his pen aside when his drawing is halfway done. He rolls his neck and shoulders, letting out the kind of sound a person makes when they stretch their rusty bodies. Taehyung looks up from the painting.
“Do you want to swim?” he asks him.
“Just taking a short break. I sat in the same position for too long”, he stretches his arms high above his head, squeezing his eyes shut as he groans, “how do humans do that? Aren’t you in constant pain?”
“Are you okay?” you ask him in a chuckle. You are resting with your head on Yoongi’s tummy while the latter uses the basket as a back rest.
“Yeah, just really stiff”, he says mid-stretch. Then he drops his arms again, smacking his lips, “ah, that was nice. What are you painting?” he asks, getting on all fours so he could glance at Taehyung’s painting, “damn, the detail.”
“Do you like it? I find these flowers so beautiful that I needed to paint them.”
“It’s really pretty. Do you wanna see what I drew?”
“I do.”
Jungkook flips his sketchbook. He captured the current moment in black ink. Taehyung with a concentrated pout painting the flowers, Yoongi with the pen between his lips as he thinks of poetry and you with your widened eyes glued to the words in the book. The details aren’t perfect yet, but it is clear which silhouette is supposed to be who.
“Oh”, Taehyung lets out, meeting Jungkook’s eyes.
“Do you guys wanna see too?”
“Of course, show us.”
Jungkook flips the book.
“Kookie, wow”, you sit up, “this is so beautiful.”
Yoongi gawks with parted lips, which means that he is totally enchanted by the drawing.
“Thanks yeah. I still need to draw the details, but my eyes are tired. I need a break”, Jungkook says.
“It’s so pretty, I love it so much. Can I see what you painted too?”
“Of course.”
You crawl over the blanket to look at Taehyung’s canvas. The latter, drapes his arm around your waist and kisses your shoulder.
“Gosh, this is so pretty too. The colours are so nice.”
“Thank you. Do you like the book you are reading?”
“I do. It’s really captivating.”
“I am glad that you do.”
You and he exchange a soft kiss, then you sit back down again, preparing a new cup of lemonade because you feel thirsty.
“Tae, do you wanna take the swim now?” Jungkook asks.
“I do”, Taehyung says and begins undressing himself. Jungkook stands up as well, following his example.
Yoongi glances at them, while you run your eyes over them nonchalantly.
“What are you doing?” Yoongi gasps, ogling their briefs. He regrets it when seconds later, Taehyung pulls it down and exposes everything. Yoongi holds his breath in shock, gawking into his notebook with big eyes.
“Going for a swim”, Taehyung says and takes Jungkook’s hand, “the last one in the water is a stinky loser.”
“Tae wait, I wasn’t ready”, Jungkook follows him with laughter.
The two men play fight for a little, pushing and pulling each other to stop the other from getting into the water first. Jungkook ends the fight by suddenly wrapping his arm around Taehyung’s thighs and throwing him over his shoulder this way.
Taehyung squeaks, trying to fight his grip, but he can’t. Jungkook walks into the water with him, only letting him down once his head would be under water.
“Now there’s no winner”, Jungkook says.
“You are awful”, Taehyung whines, splashing his face with water.
Jungkook chuckles and drags Taehyung further out the lake with his arm around his waist.
You avert your eyes from them, studying Yoongi. His face is red.
“I didn’t expect them to strip.”
“Me neither”, he says, lowering his book so he could look at you, “I saw Tae’s dick. I didn’t wanna know how he looks.”
“I mean, it’s a good view.”
“You’re not funny.”
You chuckle, “sorry.”
“Brat”, Yoongi says, running his eyes over your hand, “what’s wrong, love?”
“What do you mean?”
“You keep touching your neck.”
“Ah that. I think I slept weird. It hurts, it’s giving me a headache.”
Yoongi sits up and places his hands on your shoulders.
“Lie down, I’ll make it better.”
“Really? Oh my god, I love massages”, you say and lie down so your head was resting in the crook of his crossed legs.
Yoongi fixes your hair for you so it wasn’t tugging and pulling, then runs his palms along your forehead and scalp. You grin, closing your eyes.
“This is already amazing.”
“Mhm”, Yoongi hums and begins his massage. He pays special attention to every inch of your tense neck, traces your features and massages your scalp and shoulders. He even dances his hands up and down your arms. All while the background is filled with Taehyung’s and Jungkook’s inaudible chatter and the song of birds. A slow wind has picked up which makes the leaves dance and babble as well. The sunlight breaks through the canopies, dancing behind your closed eyelids in shades of red and black.
“I can’t believe that today’s the last day. I want this to last forever”, you say after so many moments of nice silence.
“I know. We had a good time here. Although I’m a little sad you didn’t spend the night with me.”
You look up at him.
“Yeah. I looked for you when I didn’t see you in bed, but you were already sleeping when I found you.”
“Gosh no, I’m sorry. The porridge knocked me right out.”
“It’s okay, I figured.”
“The next time we visit, I will make it up to you. I promise.”
“Mhm”, he traces your brows, “I don’t doubt it.”
He leans down and kisses your lips, smiling fondly when you caress his cheeks.
“I hope you’re not too sad or angry.”
“No. I just wanted to tell you that you owe me cuddles now”, he jokes, making you laugh.
“Min Yoongi, are you actually talking cute right now?”
He chuckles, rolling his eyes at you fondly.
“Maybe. Don’t tell anyone.”
You roll to your tummy and sit up, resting your weight on your hands so you could kiss his lips. He cradles your cheeks for it, letting you show him the rhythm with a fluttering heart.
You break the kiss with a gentle bite to his lower lip, eliciting a sigh from him.
“My lips are sealed, lover boy”, you whisper, giggling when he rolls his eyes at you.
“That’s a dumb nickname.”
“Yeah? Just like Boongie was?”
“No”, he chuckles, “Boongie was never bad.”
“I see”, you say, closing your eyes when he pulls you into a kiss. He shows you the rhythm this time around, sending flutters through your chest. His kiss tastes so goddamn good. He breaks it with a stub of his nose, sliding his big, tender hands to your neck.
“How’s the headache?” he asks you, rubbing circles on your skin.
“I can’t feel it anymore. You really helped.”
“That’s good”, his eyes soften, he caresses your chin, “princess.”
You lean into his touch, feeling so incredibly giddy.
“Boongie, can you watch me?”
You sit back and lift your hand, closing your eyes to focus on the energies around you. The trees, the water and sun, the flowers. You focus on the sweet scent and dancing colours, using their good energies to create a flower. You open your eyes, presenting the flower to Yoongi with a blinding smile.
“You’re such a good girl, princess. Look at you making flowers all on your own”, he praises, making you giggle and do a little happy dance.
“It’s for you”, you say, “can I put it in your hair?”
He tilts his head to you, closing his eyes as you put the blue flower into his hair. You give his ear a little rub before you pull back, gazing at him.
He leans in to kiss you, kissing you on the cheek afterwards.
“My little witch”, he whispers. 
“Yoongi, stop”, you gasp, feeling your heart skip a beat or two.
He smiles lazily, tracing your lips before he pokes your nose.
“Yoongi, oh my god”, you squeak, falling around his neck to cackle into the crook of his neck.
He laughs, hugging you in order not to fall on his back from the intensity of your love attack.
“What’s wrong? I didn’t even do anything”, he says calmly, even if his racing heart gives him away.
“Oh stop it you, you know exactly what you did. You did the boop”, you say, sitting back to poke his nose, “the boop.”
He ogles your finger, swiping it away gently to hold it instead.
“You’re cute.”
You and Yoongi turn your heads upon hearing your name being called. Jungkook is coming out of the water with his eyes glued to you, seeming very determined. He is trying very hard to look cool and mysterious, but the slippery stones and pokey roots make it very hard not to wobble. He is definitely cute.
“Already cold?” you ask him.
“You”, he points at you with furrowed brows.
You point at yourself, “me?”
“You’re coming with me.”
You glance at Taehyung in the background, who obviously waits for Jungkook with a mischievous grin. Almost as if these two made up a plan. A plan to get you.
“I don’t seem to follow.”
Jungkook reaches your side. He picks you up and throws you over his shoulder, giving your butt a playful spank. He flicks water into Yoongi’s face, calling it a “distraction tactic” when the older man complains in a whine.
“Now you’re mine”, he says, walking back down to the lake.
You finally understand. He is going to carry you into the water.
“Wait Kook wait”, you squeak, wiggling in his hold, “let me at least take off my dress.”
The water is coming closer and closer.
“Kookie please”, you laugh.
Jungkook changes his grip on you so you are in his arms bridal style. He steps into the water and squats down slowly.
“Kook, wait my clothes please”, you beg and wiggle in his arms with lines of laughter on your face.
Jungkook snickers and turns to place you on dry land.
“You are lucky that your begs are my weakness”, he jokes.
You slap his chest gently, “you meanie, you”, you snicker and hurry to get undressed.
You drop your stuff on the ground, squeaking loudly when Jungkook sweeps you off your feet again the second you are naked. Now there is no stopping him. He is walking into the water with you in his arms, smiling oh so brightly at the happy squeaks and squeals you let out.
“Oh it’s so cold! I’m gonna pay you back so bad!” you complain and then you are already submerged completely.
“It’s not even that bad”, Jungkook laughs, carrying you further out onto the lake.
“Yes it is. I was forced to my luck, you meanie you.”
Jungkook giggles when you bite his neck gently, feeling his heart skip a beat.
Taehyung takes over for Jungkook, carrying you in his arms and with his lips nibbling on your jawline.
“Hello there, my beautiful. It seems that our plan to kidnap you was successful”, he coos.
“God you two are awful. Brr it’s so chilly”, you laugh, snuggling yourself closer to Taehyung.
“We’ll warm you”, he purrs, snuggling you back.
Jungkook presses himself close to you on your other side so you are cocooned between them. You must admit, their technique helps splendidly. You are so warm and cozy between their heated bodies despite the cold water. The three of you snicker and laugh, exchanging little kisses as you enjoy the carefree moment.
Soon Taehyung lets go of you, giving you the freedom to swim on your own.
“We were thinking of swimming to the middle of the lake”, Taehyung says, “are you with us?”
“Of course I am”, you say and look at Yoongi, “my love, we’re swimming to the middle. Okay?”
He gives you a thumbs-up and lies down, covering his face with the edge of the blanket.
“He seems happy”, you say and look at your two boys, “loser gets his butt spanked. Go!”
You swim off quickly, cackling mischievously when your two boys whine in complaint.
“Spanks weren’t part of the deal”, Taehyung laughs.
“Hey, I wasn’t ready”, Jungkook whines.
They catch up with you soon. Taehyung pulls you back gently by your ankle.
“Come back you”, he warns with fondness in his eyes.
“I was only kidding”, you laugh and slow down so you were swimming between them, “let’s not race.”
“You are just scared that we would have beat you”, Jungkook says.
“Excuse me, mister? I am a better swimmer than you.”
“Mhm sure you are.”
You flick water at his face, earning yourself a flick of water back.
“Okay, okay truce. Truce”, you cackle.
“Fine, truce”, Jungkook agrees and looks around at the scenery, “it’s so nice here.”
“It truly is”, Taehyung agrees, “and it is the perfect weather for swimming. We must arrange more swimming days at the lake once we are home again.”
“I’d be down for that. It’s gonna be hot in the next few weeks, so it’s perfect.”
“I heard that too. I bet the lake’s gonna be really nice”, Jungkook says.
“We must take Jimin with us as well. He loves to swim in the lake”, Taehyung says, feeling nervous for a while because of past distaste between his best friend and the others.
“Sure, the more the merrier”, you agree.
“I won’t go easy on him by the way, so warn him”, Jungkook jokes, “I will beat him in swimming.”
Taehyung relaxes in relief, “he hates an easy win, so this is perfect.”
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You stay by the lake until the sun begins its slow decent. You went for two more swims, taking Jungkook and Taehyung with you each time. Yoongi never went into the water and you didn’t pressure him. He seemed very content in lying under the tree and enjoying the silence.  
Your grandparents have already cooked dinner when you arrive back home, welcoming you with smiles and amazing food. You talk a lot during dinner, taking more time than usual because nobody really wanted this last dinner together to end. In fact, you take so much time that your grandparents excuse themselves straight to bed after dinner, telling you a good night. You decided to stay one more night and leave by the morning, which is why you were only a little bit sad when you watched them leave.
It is Taehyung, who suggests keeping the night going by having a bonfire outside. You and Jungkook agreed instantly and Yoongi did too after he saw how happy you seemed about the idea.
So now bundled up in warmer clothes, you are outside, preparing the fire.
Taehyung hurries to the pile of wood, picking up as many as his arms can carry. Like this, he waddles to the fire pit, peeking over the pieces of wood.
“Help me. I cannot carry all of it alone”, he says.
“Do you even know how to make a fire?” Yoongi teases, walking to the wood pile as well.
“Of course I do. I was born in a time where the only sources of heat were fires”, Taehyung explains, hurrying back to the pile after dropping the logs next to the stone circle.
“It doesn’t mean that you spoiled brat didn’t unlearn it again”, Yoongi says.
Taehyung sends him a look.
“I shall poke you with a stick soon, hyung” he warns, making Yoongi chuckle.
He squats down next to Taehyung and picks up firewood.
“The question is if you still know how to start a fire”, Taehyung says as he nudges him with his shoulder.
“Why?” there is amusement in Yoongi’s eyes as he meets Taehyung’s gaze.
“Because you locked yourself up for most of your life like a little baby.”
Yoongi laughs and slaps his arm gently, “I think we’re equal now.”
Taehyung laughs and nudges Yoongi’s arm. They did enough teasing for now. They both stand up with firewood in their hands and waddle to the fireplace. Taehyung places his stacks down first, sorting them into a pile. Yoongi goes next, letting Taehyung do the sorting because he seems to have his own technique behind it.
“Where should we put it?” you ask with a pile of firewood in your arms.
Jungkook is beside you, carrying even more.
“Put it aside for now. We’ll use it once the fire’s shrinking.”
“Okie dokie”, Jungkook says and helps you set down the wood. He claps into his hands afterwards, resting his hands on his hips, “what now? How are we gonna start the fire?”
“___ is gonna start it.”
“Me? But I have no idea how to.”
“Yeah, you do”, Yoongi says and snaps his fingers to let a small flame appear.
“Wooah”, you and Jungkook gasp, while Taehyung seems as if he already knew the trick.
Yoongi closes his hand. The flame disappears.
“The important thing about fire magic is to remember that fire will always be stronger than you. There is nothing about fire which doesn’t want to consume you if you let it get out of control.”
“And you want me to do what you just did? What if I lose control?”
“You won’t. It’s fairly easy to create a flame and to keep it small”, Yoongi says and starts a flame again, “it’s also important to remember that for as long as the fire you create is still connected with you, it can’t hurt you”, he explains as he allows the flame to consume his entire hand.
“Yoongi, stop. You’re gonna hurt yourself”, you gasp and try to reach for him.
“I don’t feel it at all. The danger is in setting it free. Once the fire leaves your hand, it will do what fire does best. Consume. That is when you can get burned, so never set it free unless you need to.”
“I don’t know if I can do this. I’m scared.”
Yoongi stops the fire in his hand and brushes your cheek gently. His hand feels warm, but not hot. So it truly isn’t dangerous for the person creating it.
“You don’t feel ready?”
You shake your head, “I, I don’t wanna hurt anyone.”
“Okay, then I’ll do it. Yes?”
You nod your head, “yes, please.”
“Good job, princess. A good witch knows when a spell is too difficult for them. You’ve done very well in knowing your own limits”, he praises, sending flutters through your tummy.
“Thanks”, you mumble with heated cheeks.
“So how are you going to light the fire now?” Jungkook asks.
“Easy”, Yoongi says and squats down in front of the wood pile. He lights his hand on fire and grabs one of the wooden logs. He grasps it tightly, infecting it with the hot flames until it glows all on its own. He places the log under the other pieces and grabs another one to light it as well. He extinguishes his hand and stands up. His eyes flash orange for a second as he forces the fire to grow. It pulsates rhythmically like a heartbeat and within seconds, the entire pile is aflame in bright, hot fire.
“And you thought that I could do that? This was seriously so impressive.”
“Seriously, hyung. You’re so cool.”
You and Jungkook gush, making Yoongi’s cheeks flush rosy.
“It’s not even that difficult. Fire magic is actually very easy to learn because fire is such a powerful source. It’s dangerous, but easy, which honestly makes it as dangerous as it is.”
“Because every idiot can learn it, right?” Jungkook asks.
Yoongi nods his head, “exactly. Every idiot can learn it and many pay the price because of it.”
“I can imagine. Fire has always been scary to me. I really respect it.”
“And you should. Fire isn’t something to play with.”
Taehyung chuckles, making the rest of you look at him.
“Why are you laughing?” Jungkook asks.
“Just because our dear Yoongi can never stop preaching.”
“Yah, I’m just saying”, Yoongi complains, but relaxes when he hears you and Jungkook snicker. He scoffs, softening his features, “I guess I really can’t stop preaching.”
“You’re like a dad”, Jungkook teases.
“I literally said on Tuesday that he’d be the type of dad who would be overly worried at all times and who’d always tell the kids to be careful.”
“Yes, this would be so him”, Jungkook laughs, caressing Yoongi’s back fondly.
“You guys are brats”, Yoongi mumbles and escapes his giddy feelings by sitting down on the ground.
“Wait, hyung I’ll get some blankets and pillows”, Taehyung says and disappears to run to the house.
“Why’s he running? Dirt never hurt anyone before.”
“You’ll complain about it later”, you say. You stand right behind Yoongi, running your fingers over his scalp in a tingly massage.
Yoongi tilts his head back, resting it against your legs.
“Whatever, brat”, he mumbles and closes his eyes, “that feels good.”
“You’re so cool, my love.”
Yoongi hums, but his face stays stoic otherwise. You know him well enough by now, that you are aware that this is his way of showing gratitude for a compliment.
Taehyung soon returns with the pillows and blanket you used for the picnic. You help him set it up, using the tree trunks, your grandfather laid around the fire pit to sit on, as your backrests.
You sit between Yoongi and Taehyung, while Jungkook sits on the other side of Yoongi. You are bundled up like this, sharing both the warmth of the fire and that of your bodies.
“So what are we gonna do now?” you ask into the silence.
“I don’t know”, Jungkook answers you.
“We could roast a few marshmallows”, Taehyung suggests.
“I’m not really hungry though.”
“I must admit, me neither”, Taehyung says and takes a deep breath, releasing it with a slight pout.
“What if we read something?” Jungkook suggests.
“But I don’t really want to.”
“Yeah, me neither actually”, Jungkook gives up with a pout.
“What if we play UNO?”
“No, this game is awful”, Taehyung instantly says.
“It’s only awful because you always lose”, you laugh.
“And must there be another reason for it to be awful? It is impossible to win.”
“No, it’s not. You’re just bad at it”, Jungkook teases.
“How dare you”, Taehyung gasps, clutching his imaginary pearls and making you and Jungkook laugh with it.
“Ah, you’re so funny”, you say and sigh contently, letting your eyes run over the endless flames. Their dance is almost hypnotising. Never ending and rhythmic, “have we reached a point in our day where we’re bored?” you ask, eyes still glued to the flame as if you were zoning out. It is so relaxing to watch the fire.
“Perhaps, we have.”
“Wow, that’s something new. I genuinely can’t remember a day where we were genuinely bored. Either one of us had to be somewhere or we were fighting some evil or we were too busy hunting shadows or being mad at each other. I don’t think that we had a day where we were all bored together.”
“True, yeah.”
“I must admit that I prefer the boredom.”
“Yeah”, you snuggle into Taehyung, “yeah I kinda do too.”
Jungkook rubs Yoongi’s upper back.
“Do you like it too, hyungie?”
“Yeah, I guess”, he says, touching his own ear nervously.
“You don’t seem like it.”
“N-no I do. It just…makes me nervous.”
“The boredom?”
“The peace said boredom means.”
Jungkook kisses his cheek even if that flusters Yoongi immensely.
“Do you wanna talk about it? We’re here for you if you do.”
Yoongi shakes his head, “I guess I’m just paranoid.”
“I’m sorry you feel this way, my love”, you say, caressing his thigh.
Yoongi gives you a shy smile, “it’s okay. Thanks”, he takes a deep breath. The darker aura still surrounds him however. You exchange a worried look with Jungkook.
“I have an idea”, Jungkook says.
“Tell us.” 
“How about we each write down something we want to get rid off and then we throw it into the flames?”
“Like a cleansing ritual?”
“Yeah. I think we could all use that. We’ve been through a lot lately and I think we have a few bad things weighing us down. Maybe we could use the last night here to leave the bad things behind.”
“And come back from this journey as people further up their paths of healing”, Taehyung says.
“I love this idea very much. I know that I have quite a few things weighing me down.”
“I can think of a few things as well”, you say.
“Me too”, Jungkook agrees, “and you? Do you wanna join, hyungie?”
Yoongi falters for a moment, picking at his own skin.
“You don’t have to.”
“No, I”, he says, rubbing his neck shyly, “I want to.”
“Awesome, then we’ll do that. I’ll get the paper”, Jungkook says, leaving the fire.
“Don’t forget the pencils!” Taehyung calls after him.
Jungkook returns very soon, handing out papers and pens. He sits down cross legged, keeping a little distance to all of you so nobody could peek. Soon silence surrounds you where each of you writes down something you want to leave behind. Writing it down already feels healing. It comes easy to Taehyung and Jungkook and feels freeing to you. Yoongi looks around for the first few moments, refusing to write down what burdens him even if he knows every fucking word of it. He repeated it in his head over and over again to the point where he has created its own burdening poet about it. He knows what weighs him down, but is scared to put it on paper. Because writing it down finally makes it real and he doesn’t know if he is ready for that. And so it happens that each of you have finished your papers while Yoongi’s is still empty. You each return to the fire, sitting around it.
“Did everybody write something down?” Jungkook asks.
“I did.”
“Of course I did.”
“Yeah”, Yoongi lies, glancing at his empty paper.
“Nice, then let’s gather by the fire”, Jungkook says and stands up to walk to the fire. You follow his lead.
“Can I start?” he asks.
He lifts his hand over the flames, looking at the dancing fire, “I want to keep the uncontrollable hunger here. I know I’m not at the end of my journey to control and that I still have lots to learn, but I want to leave the uncontrollable hunger here. I want to return as a Ripper, who can kiss his lovers the way he was able to kiss them here. I want to return as a Ripper, who might not be able to drink human blood yet but who doesn’t go crazy at the mere sight of it. That’s what I want to leave here, those uncontrollable surges of hunger and violence”, he looks at you and the others, giving you a smile.
You and Taehyung return it, while Yoongi is too shy to do so. Jungkook looks back at the fire and opens his hand. The paper dances down and down until the flames finally swallow it. Jungkook takes a deep breath, folding his hands in front of his chest and closing his eyes as if he was praying.
You and the others do the same because it seemed important to Jungkook. You only open your eyes once you hear Jungkook sigh in relief. He smiles at all of you.
“That felt good. Who wants to go next?”
“May I?”
“Of course, Tae.”
Taehyung lifts his hand, looking into the fire.
“I want to rid myself of the traumatic memories haunting me. I made a lot of mistakes in my life, I am aware of them, so I want to leave this side of me here as well. I want to return as someone who uses his immortality to do good, to create art and make people happy. I want to be someone who stops doubting his place in this family because I finally became someone whose deeds are worthy of it. I want to return as someone who can heal from what was done to him so that one day I will be happy again. And, I know this isn’t something I want to rid myself of but a goal of myself, I want to help Jimin heal as well. He is my best friend and my true mate and one day, I want to see his smile reach his eyes again.”
Taehyung opens his hand, letting the paper sink into the flames. He folds his hands and closes his eyes, you all follow his lead, keeping them closed until he sighs in relief.
He wipes at his eyes.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes, I am more than fine”, he assures you, smiling honestly, “my heart feels lighter again. Thank you, Jungkook. This ritual was immensely healing.”
“I’m glad that it could help you. I like what you said”, Jungkook says, intertwining his fingers with Taehyung.
“My turn next”, you say.
“Go ahead.”
You lift your hand, looking into the flames.
“I was raised thinking that I’m unworthy of love, that I’m a burden and that for as long as I’m useful and make no mistakes, I’m wanted. I want to rid myself of this. Being here with you guys and spending time with my grandparents again made me realise that I am very easy to love unconditionally. I know that I’m far from perfect and that I make mistake or do stupid shit sometimes, but you guys and my grandparents never make me feel as if I’m loved less because of it. So I want to come back as someone who loves herself and who doesn’t beat herself up because of small mistakes. I’m human and humans aren’t perfect, but that doesn’t make them less worthy of love.”
You open your hand and let the paper fall into the flames. Just like Taehyung and Jungkook, you fold your hands and close your eyes, thinking your wishes far, far into the endlessness of the universe. Your boys only open their eyes once you sigh in relief.
You smile at them, “I feel so light all of a sudden. This really made me happy.”
“I’m glad it did. You also said really nice things”, Jungkook says, holding your hand as well.
When Yoongi doesn’t immediately start, you all look at him.
“It’s your turn, my love.”
“I know”, he whispers.
“We’re ready whenever you’re ready.”
“I know.”
He lifts his hand. He hesitates. He lowers it again.
“I lied. I didn’t write anything down”, he confesses, showing you the empty paper.
“Why not? Did you not think of anything?”
“I did, but…”
“But what?”
“If I write it down it becomes real.”
“Exactly and then you can throw it into the flames and watch it burn. You could try, maybe it will help.”
“I don’t know”, he looks into the fire with furrowed brows.
“You can also just tell us and throw away the paper as a symbol”, Jungkook suggests.
“I guess I could do that, yeah”, Yoongi whispers.
He needs a few moments to gain courage and when he finally does, he has crumbled the paper in his damp hand.
“I’m scared. I’m not nervous, I’m scared.”
Yoongi’s confession hangs heavy in the air. You are all looking at him. Yoongi doesn’t often confess that he is scared.
“Why are you scared, my love?” you ask him, holding his hand.
“Because one day you’ll have learned control and then we can create the cure.”
Taehyung and Jungkook exchange a look.
“And that means we have to see Namjoon again”, you say.
“Yeah”, Yoongi whispers, nodding his head and squeezing your hand, “I’m scared of that.”
“Because he’ll be mean to you?” Jungkook asks.
Yoongi shakes his head. 
“Are you scared that he might break free and use it on you?” Taehyung asks.
Yoongi shakes his head again.
“I’m scared that I won’t be able to do it and I guess…I guess I’m also scared that it might kill him.”
“Why are you scared of that? He deserves it”, Taehyung says snappishly, but flushes in embarrassment when you nudge him in warning.
“It’s because he was his best friend once. Let’s try to see his side as well”, you say.
“Is that so?” Taehyung asks, glancing at Yoongi.
Yoongi nods his head, staring into the flames.
“What if it kills him? Then I’m so alone.”
“No, you’re not. You will always have us”, Jungkook says.
“I know, but nobody who gets how it is to be a Creator. I don’t wanna be alone.”
“Oh, my love”, you get out, hugging him from the side.
“I’m so angry at myself. I know that he is a monster and that he is everything which makes vampires wrong. I know that he tortured too many people and killed far too many and yet I still don’t want him to die. I’m so angry at myself for feeling this way, for being so scared and, and being a, a fucking hopeful coward. I keep wishing that the cure will bring him back, that he will become the gentle, kind man he was in the past and I know that this is wrong of me to wish. He became a monster, he hurt people I should wish him dead, but I can’t. Why can’t I fucking want him dead?”
“My love, stop that. You’re being really mean to yourself right now.”
“Why shouldn’t I? I’m the worst.”
“No, you’re not”, you gasp.
“Yes, I am. I’m the reason why so many people burned in the Eternal Scorch, why we were cursed, why vampires exist. I’m even the reason why we are hated. Because I lost control we became hunted, my friends died and Namjoon was shot in the head. He became a monster because of me. I’m the fucking worst.”
“Hyung!” Jungkook exclaims in shock.
“Yoongi, please don’t say that”, you exclaim, “your past mistakes don’t define you anymore. Yeah, you did a lot of shit, but you learned from it and not everything bad which happened was your fault.”
“I can’t feel this way.”
“Do not speak like that”, Taehyung gasps, “you are so very far from being the worst”, he says, hurrying to Yoongi’s side so he could take his hand. Like this, they are clutching Yoongi’s crumbled paper together. 
Yoongi glances at him shyly.
“I have learned a great deal about you during this holiday. You are so very far from being the worst. You love people and you show it through a multitude of ways. Eventhough you always say that you seem cold and rude, you aren’t. You love to cook because it means that your family is fed well, you love to help because you cannot stand to know that people struggle alone, you always carry a fond word on your tongue because you want the people around you to feel good about themselves. You are filled with so much love, hyung, with so much love that you cannot shake the love you once felt for Namjoon.”
Yoongi tightens his jaw, trying so hard to keep the burning in his eyes from producing tears.
“___ always says that I’m full of love”, he whispers.
“Because she speaks the truth. You are. You are full of it and you will never be alone. I understand your hesitation and your fears, so do not struggle alone for you have people by your side who are willing to help you as well.”
Yoongi smiles, “thank you, kiddo”, he whispers and slides his hand out of Taehyung’s gentle hold. He lifts it over the flames.
“I’m scared, but I’m not alone. I guess, what I want to burn is my self-loathing. I get so angry at myself whenever I feel something unpleasant and instead of looking for help, I blame myself for my emotions to the point where I start hating myself. I guess, I don’t wanna hate myself anymore. I don’t know if I can do it, but I’ll try.”
“Trying already means that you are beginning to love yourself. If you still hated yourself, you wouldn’t want to try”, Jungkook says.
“Yeah, yeah I guess it does. Fuck, you guys, stop making me fucking emotional.”
You all laugh fondly, cuddling closer to Yoongi.
“Fuck, this is so stupid”, he says, but continues, “I want to burn my self-loathing and the fear of stuff I can’t control. As much as I try to control the outcome, some things are out of my control. Maybe Namjoon will die, but I can’t control this outcome so instead of being scared of it, I have to learn to live with it.”
He hesitates with opening his hand.
“Can I still wish that he doesn’t die?”
“Of course you can.”
“Then I wanna wish that he doesn’t die and that he becomes the gentle, kind man of the past again”, Yoongi says and opens his hand.
The fire swallows his paper, Yoongi squeezes your hand and Taehyung’s, staring into the flames until the paper is truly gone. He takes a deep breath, releasing it through his mouth.
“How do you feel?”
“I liked what you said, hyungie.”
Yoongi smiles at Jungkook.
“Thank you, kiddo. You had a good idea.”
“I’m grateful that you guys did it with me. Hoseok and Seokjin always do it with me whenever summer ends, so this tradition means a lot to me.”
“Maybe we can do it with them this year. We’ll include Jimin and Emma as well and have a barbeque in the garden”, you suggest.
“I love this idea so much, wow baby”, Jungkook gushes with sparkly eyes.
“I like it too. I wanna make the food”, Yoongi says.
“I bet it’s gonna be so delicious, my love.”
“And we shall each bring our instruments and make music until late into the night”, Taehyung says.
Yoongi smiles, “that’s a good idea, Tae. You know what we could do right now?”
“Tell us.”
“Make music.”
“Hyung, yes!” Taehyung exclaims, “we haven’t made music together in too long!”
“Okay, we’ll do it”, Yoongi says and reaches into the air to pull a guitar and violin from nothing.
“Woah, did you just pull a guitar and violin out of thin air?” 
“Yeah”, Yoongi says, handing the violin to Taehyung, “manifestation magic. The object’s not really permanent, but it’s gonna stay long enough to have fun with it.” 
“What do you channel for that to work?” 
“Yourself in a sense. You reach into your imagination and pull out whatever you imagine.”
“Wait. Like this?” you ask and try it only to fail, “well, bollocks”, you pout, sagging your shoulders.
Yoongi chuckles fondly, leaning in to kiss your cheek. 
“You’re cute. That’s difficult magic to learn, give it time.”
“I see. God, you’re so cool Yoongi.” 
‘Mmh”, another kiss then he sits down on the ground. He looks at his guitar and begins tuning it. Its soft clinking and strumming fills the air together with Taehyung tuning his violin. 
The rest of you sit down next to them.
Yoongi relaxes after a few moments by lying down and resting his head on Jungkook’s lap. He is playing the guitar softly, gazing up at him.
“Hey there, hyungie”, he says, combing his fingers through his bangs.
He blinks his eyes at the younger man slowly and gives him a toothless smile. Jungkook continues to play with his hair as Yoongi strums the guitar and gazes at him. 
“Done. Your magical violin was terribly out of tune”, Taehyung says and lies down as well, resting his head on your lap. 
“Mhm”, Yoongi hums. 
You meet Taehyung’s eyes, retorting his smile.
“Very, you have comfortable thighs.”
“You’re cute”, you say, combing your fingers through Taehyung’s soft locks.
Taehyung lifts the violin to his chin and begins playing. 
Something truly magical happens then. Yoongi and Taehyung sync within seconds, complimenting each other’s melody until it becomes one lively song. You imagine flowers blooming in spring and the beginning of a trickling stream. It is soft and gentle like a new beginning which will turn into something bigger with them. For now it dances shyly through the air, making the fire shine brighter and the scents of the night stronger. You glance at Jungkook, exchanging a fond smile with him. Life is well. Life is truly and honestly well.
The next song is lively, showcasing the happiness of life being so, so well. Yoongi and Taehyung have to sit up for it, matching each other’s tempos and supporting the other’s melody perfectly. There are parts where Yoongi’s guitar shines and others were Taehyung’s violin has its moment, while other parts are there for them to harmonise.
You think of running through fields or dancing in pubs when you listen to the melody.
They must have played together like this countless times before. Yoongi knows exactly what notes to play to support Taehyung’s vigorous play and Taehyung knows exactly when to slow down to give Yoongi his time to shine. You never figured that guitar and violin go so well together, but they do. Oh you want to jump up and dance. 
“Kookie, do you wanna dance with me?” 
“Dance with you?” Jungkook’s eyes light up, “yes. Oh my god, I would love to dance with you “ 
“Awesome. Come on”, you say and pull him up by his hands. 
And so it happens that you and Jungkook dance under the forest trees while Yoongi and Taehyung accompany you with music. The melodies and your squeaky laughter echoes through the forest, letting every way of life know that time together was a wonderful time.
It will always be a wonderful time.
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lilithlinen · 1 day
Turning Tables IIIII - Kevin Lomax, John Constantine x You.
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John's POV Outside, I lean against the wall, trying to catch my breath. My heart is pounding in my chest, and I feel overwhelmed by anger and frustration. I replay the conversation over and over in my mind, wondering what I could have done differently. As I think about you, alone with him in that place, I know that I must find a way to get you away from him. I push myself off the wall and start walking down the street, trying to come up with a plan. 
As I'm walking down the street, my mind races. I need to find a way to get you away from Kevin, to rescue you from this toxic relationship. But how? I have no legal grounds to take action, and as far as the law is concerned, he is your rightful husband. I consider my options, none of which are ideal. I'm lost in thought, trying to come up with a plan, when suddenly I hear a voice behind me. 
I turned around, recognizing the voice immediately. Lucifer (John Milton) stands before me, a sly smirk on his face. Great, just what I need. 
John: "What do you want, Lucifer?" 
Lucifer: "I see that you've met my son." 
I give him an incredulous look as he mentions Kevin. 
John: "Your son? You expect me to believe he's your son?”   
Lucifer: laughs "That's the truth, my friend. Kevin Lomax is one of my many offspring." 
I can’t believe what I’m hearing. Kevin Lomax, the pompous lawyer, son of the Devil himself? It shouldn’t come as a surprise to me, but it does. 
John: "So you're telling me that he's your son...and a lawyer."   
Lucifer: "Yep, that's correct. My boy's quite the lawyer, isn’t he? I must admit, I’m quite proud of him." 
John: "And why are you telling me this now? You expect me to believe that you just happen to have a son who happens to marry the love of my life?" 
Lucifer grins, an evil glint in his eyes. 
Lucifer: "Oh, it's not just a coincidence, my friend. I orchestrated this whole thing. You can think of it as my little joke."   
John: "Your joke? You did this on purpose?"   
Lucifer: "Of course I did. I figured it would be amusing to watch you suffer, watching the woman you love marry the son of Satan. It’s just too perfect, don’t you think?" 
I take a step forward, anger bubbling up inside of me. I want to punch that damn smirk off his face. 
John: "You son of a bitch. You think this is all a game? That my suffering is just a joke to you?"   
Lucifer: laughs "Oh, come now, Constantine. Lighten up. I thought you enjoyed a good laugh. Besides, you’ve got to admit, the irony is pretty funny. The woman you love, married to the son of the Devil." 
I take a deep breath, trying to control myself. 
John: "This is no laughing matter. You have any idea the hell I’m going through? Watching her with him, seeing how miserable she is…"   
Lucifer: smirks "Oh, but she’s not miserable, my friend. She may have been at first, but trust me, she’s enjoying her new life. The money, the power, the status…she’s eating it up like candy. She's never been better. AND...she loves Kevin." 
I feel like someone just punched me in the gut.  
John: "What are you saying? She...loves him?"   
Lucifer: "Oh, she absolutely does. She's completely smitten. In fact, they're quite a happy couple. They're even planning on starting a family soon." 
My mind reels at his words. Y/N? happy with him? Starting a family with him? It seems like a nightmare come true. 
John: "No. You’re lying. She doesn’t love him.”   
Lucifer: "Oh, but she does. I’m afraid it’s very true, my friend. And she does love you...in a way. But she loves Kevin more. Much, much more. And you should see them together. The way she looks at him, the way they touch each other...it’s quite beautiful, really. Come with me and I will show you if you don't believe me." 
Reluctantly, I follow Lucifer as he leads me down the street. My mind is racing, trying to process what he’s telling me. I can’t believe that Y/N is truly happy with Kevin, not after what I saw. But a part of me can’t shake off the feeling that this is all part of Lucifer’s plan to drive me insane.  
John: “Where are you taking me?” 
Lucifer smirks, obviously enjoying my torment. 
Lucifer: "You'll see, my friend. Just follow me."   
Back at the Penthouse
You sit on the floor, your head spinning. Everything that just happened feels like a dream, but the tears streaming down your face tell you it’s all too real. You hear Kevin walk back into the room, his footsteps echoing on the hardwood floor. He stands over you, looking down at you with an expression of disdain. 
“Are you pleased with yourself?” 
You wipe the tears from your eyes, looking up at him with defiance. But you can't find the words to defend yourself. “Of course you’re not. You’re pathetic. Crawling on the ground like a dog. Look at yourself. You’re a disgrace to our marriage.” 
You try to stand up, but your legs feel weak, like you’ll collapse at any moment. Kevin sneers at you, enjoying your helplessness. “Can’t even stand up straight, can you? You’re weak and pathetic. That’s why you ran back to him, isn’t it? You can’t handle being with a real man like me.” 
“You're disgusting! You fucking raped me! Your own wife!” You spit choked up. 
Kevin’s eyes narrow, and he takes a step closer, his face inches from yours. His voice is low and dangerous. “Don't you dare call me a rapist. I’m the only one who has ever given you any pleasure.” He grabs your chin, forcing you to meet his gaze. His eyes are cold and calculating.  
“You have no idea what it means to be with a real man until you’ve been with me. You’ll never find anyone else who can satisfy you like I do. You’re mine, Y/N, and that piece of shit can never compare to the power I have over you.” Kevin’s thick cock strains against his pants, evidence of his arousal, as he moves you towards the bed, pushing you down on it roughly. 
As you land on the bed, you flinch, expecting a blow. But he doesn’t hit you. Instead, he unbuttons his pants, revealing his thick, hard cock. He steps between your legs, forcing them open, his eyes never leaving yours. He grabs your ankles, pulling them up and onto his shoulders, exposing your wet, swollen pussy. 
 He licks his lips, his eyes filled with hunger. “You want this, don’t you, Y/N? You want me to bury my cock deep inside you and fuck you senseless.” He spits in his hand, rubbing it over your folds, before lining his cock up with your entrance. He looks at you, waiting for your response.  
“I’ll show you what it means to be with a real man and take everything you have to give.” He slowly pushes into your tightness, feeling you stretch around his cock. You can’t help the moan that escapes your lips, your body betraying you. “Now, tell me how much you need me, how much you love being my little whore.” He starts to thrust, slowly at first, then picking up speed. Each thrust sends jolts of pleasure through your body, despite your protests. 
“Tell me, Y/N. Tell me you’ll never choose anyone over me.” He slaps your ass, the sting making you gasp, as his cock fills you completely. You writhe beneath him, unable to deny the pleasure he gives you, even as you despise him for it. He fucks you harder and faster, each thrust slamming into your core.  
Your body arches, your hands digging into the sheets as you try to cling to something that isn’t his. Your pussy clenches around his cock, and he grins, knowing he has you right where he wants you. “That’s it, take it. You know you love it, don’t you?” 
He reaches down, gripping your nipples, rolling and pulling them mercilessly. You cry out, your body bucking against his, as the pleasure builds within you. “Cum for me, Y/N. Cum right now, like the good little slut you are.” He spits into your mouth, forcing you to swallow it. You choke on the saliva, your senses overwhelmed. 
“Come on, Y/N. Let go.” He slams into you one last time, his cock throbbing as he empties himself inside you. You can’t hold back any longer, your orgasm crashing over you in waves. He collapses onto you, his warm breath on your neck as you both come down from your high. 
“That’s right, Y/N. You belong to me, completely and utterly.” He pulls out of you, his cock leaving a wet, sticky trail. He gets off the bed, leaving you feeling empty, used, and utterly defeated, as he begins to redress. “Now, you’ll think twice before you consider straying from me, won’t you?” 
Feeling shattered, like your mind is disconnected from your body. You don’t move, don’t speak, don’t even look at him. Your eyes are fixed on the ceiling, trying to mentally distance yourself from the nightmare your life has become. You lay there, your body trembling, tears streaming down your face.  
You hate this, the way he uses you, the way he makes you feel. But even as you despise him, you can’t deny the pleasure he brings. He walks over to the bed, grabbing a tissue to clean up the mess he’s made of you. After, he walks to the window, looking out at the city skyline.  
“You’ll never leave me, Y/N. Never. I own you, and you’ll always come back to me.” He turns back to face you, his eyes dark and calculating. You feel a shiver run down your spine, realizing that you are truly his, body and soul.  
“And as long as you’re under my roof, you’ll behave. You’ll be the perfect wife, the perfect little sex slave.” He smirks, satisfied with your submission. You want to protest, to fight, but the look in his eyes tells you it’s futile.  
“Now, get up. We have a party to attend.” He extends his hand towards you, waiting for you to take it. You know you have no choice but to obey. “Oh, and just so we’re clear, this isn’t over.” 
Reluctantly, you take his hand, allowing him to help you off the bed. Your body is sore, your mind a jumbled mess of emotions. You don’t even know who you are anymore. You follow him out of the bedroom, your footsteps feeling heavy and lifeless. He leads you into the bathroom, where a steaming hot shower awaits. He motions for you to get in.  
“Clean yourself up. You have exactly 30 minutes to get ready. And remember, I want you to look absolutely perfect for this party.” 
You nod, numbly heading into the bathroom. The hot water feels good against your skin, the steam engulfing you. You scrub yourself clean, trying to wash away the shame and disgust. But no matter how hard you try, the memory of what happened lingers, a sickening, bitter taste in your mouth. When the thirty minutes are up, you step out of the shower, shivering from the cold. Kevin is waiting, a towel in his hand, ready to wrap you in it.  
“Let’s get you dressed.” He motions for you to follow him back into the bedroom. He selects a dress from your closet, a tight, red number that shows off your curves. He helps you into it, making sure everything is perfect. Once you’re dressed, he steps back, appraising you.  
“You look beautiful, Y/N. Just how I like you.” He grabs your chin, turning your face to meet his. His lips brush against yours in a quick, possessive kiss. He takes your hand, leading you out the door and into the waiting limo.  
Constantine stands in the shadows, watching as you climb into the back of the limo with Kevin. He feels a pang of jealousy mixed with anger, seeing you so close to Kevin. Lucifer (John Milton) stands beside him, an expression of satisfaction on his face. 
Lucifer: “Well, well, if it isn’t the happy couple.” 
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sith-shenanigans · 2 days
For the ask game where we send you an NPC, Talos Drellik? (I am totally not jumping up and down at the thought of following up on some tags/replies you left a while ago about Ahene and Talos, not at all)
aaaa it makes me so happy that you liked the tags and were not annoyed by the tags (let me put this under a readmore because it’s going to be extremely long)
Okay! So! Bearing in mind that this is a living work and Hoth is a long way away and I don’t know all of what will change—
There is a very not-entirely-normal dynamic here because it doesn’t progress in intensity so much as progress in what, precisely, the intensity is made up of.
Ahene’s first introduction to Talos is along the lines of “do you really want to talk to that guy? He’s strange,” and this endears him to her immediately. Ahene’s second introduction to Talos is walking into a Reclamation Service camp and not feeling like she’s home.
(She does, in fact, think of the camp outside the Rakatan ruin where she largely grew up as being “home.” She also often thinks of herself as not having a home. Or of the ruin itself being home, and the camp not.)
It is important to know, here, that Ahene’s relationship to her trauma is much more in the “continues to be attracted back to it and to things that remind her of it” category rather than the “avoid all reminders forever on pain of flashbacks” category. She actively enforces these reminders on herself whenever she feels she’s acting too much like she’s free—early on, it’s because she believes she isn’t, even if she and her master are the only ones who know that. Later on, it’s because a lot of her self-image is tied up in not being a “typical Sith,” and in her mind, her ability to treat herself harshly is proof she isn’t one (isn’t Like The Others). She hasn’t forgotten who—or what—she really is.
By and large, she feels safer in unsafe situations. She understands hierarchical relationships better than equal ones. She doesn’t know how to be a person, and she’s terrified she’ll forget how to not be. Obviously, this makes her kind of hate being a Sith, but it also makes her kind of prefer being a Sith—the social dynamics are very, very easy for her, even if she doesn’t feel she deserves the loyalty she gets for it.
Back on Tatooine, she worked with a Reclamation Service crew, and it was the most familiar thing she’s done since Korriban, except that this time she was a Sith to them. Which was simultaneously awful and “hey, the terrible thing that happened to you? You’re going to exist in proximity to it forever but it can’t hurt you anymore.” (Which, to someone who keeps trying to yank on her own trauma to prove it can’t hurt her…) Then everything went terribly wrong and Silthar got very badly injured, and they were depending on her, and she has never been able to avoid feeling responsible under those circumstances.
But there’s still this given hanging over it that the responsibility is unrequited. People will be grateful to her as a Sith that helps and protects them—more grateful than she thinks she deserves for doing what she perceives as bare-minimum decency towards anyone she has power over—but if she had been below them, they wouldn’t have treated her the way she treats those below her. She wouldn’t have been one of their people. She would have been one of their tools.
(The greatest exercise in loyalty, in her mind, is to give it without caring if it’s returned. She still loathes the Empire for not returning it towards its people, almost as much or even more than she hates it for what it did to her planet, because if it took care of them then she wouldn’t have to do it—but that’s because Imperials believe they’re doing something good. She doesn’t. She just takes care of them anyway, because it may not be the right thing to do, but it still makes the galaxy a little more just.)
By the time she gets to Hoth, though, she’s just having an awful time. The inquisitor story in the game only has things get really bad at the start of Act III, and before that you’re kind of fine? But Ahene is not fine. Ahene is also aware that she’s not fine. It might have started subtly, but at this point she’s just trying to sell herself on the idea that she can handle it until Thanaton is dealt with and then she can let the ghosts go and everything will be, if not fine, relatively fixed enough that she can spend about a week curled into a little ball in the corner of her ship until she can function normally again.
But, you know, for the most part, the ways she’s Not Fine aren’t externally visible yet. There was an incident on Quesh where she used the ghosts’ power and kind of halfway lost control and partly life-drained Cineratus, but because she didn’t stop at the station to get anybody inoculated, the only one who actually saw that was Khem. And she didn’t really… explain that. She hasn’t told anyone that she feels hollow all the time and barely gets physically hungry and hears the ghosts talking to her even when she isn’t alone. She can hide it. She can handle it. She doesn’t have enough of an advantage yet. This is enough this will be enough she can still put a stop to it.
So she arrives on Hoth, and she shows up at a Reclamation Service camp expecting for it to feel normal again—enough that it’s easy to slot into the proper role, that she doesn’t have to think about it. She knows the responsibility and the resentment, the fact that something about it always seems safer than anywhere else she’s been.
It doesn’t feel normal. It feels just a little bit like she hates everyone there.
(Or, more accurately, like somebody does. Ahene hates like hell freezes over—rarely, slowly, and with a sort of cold contempt that burns mostly in how impersonal it can be. But the spirits in the back of her mind know how to hate, and they’re much too happy to share.)
Talos looks at this Sith Lord, who appears to be unusually scruffy and looks like she’s developed dark side corruption without the glowing eyes, and—unlike Andronikos, unlike Silthar, unlike Sarnova, unlike Zaril—doesn’t come to the conclusion that someone needs to parent her. She’s moved a bit past giving off that energy. Instead he comes to the conclusion that she’s about to deliver the most fascinating problem he’s encountered this year, which is (because Talos is Talos) really what he finds ideal in a Sith.
Ahene looks at this strange, mostly fearless little archaeologist, and discovers that she is not immune to being treated like a totally reasonable and decent individual who is here for the love of history despite every indication otherwise. Many people make this discovery around Talos.
Their early interactions are still… fascinating. His aura of “everyone I talk to is fundamentally a decent fellow” can only do so much, especially since his version of “rationalizing” all the terrible things about the Empire is sweeping them all into a bucket of “things I can’t do anything about” to hyperfixate on archaeology. Ahene keeps him at arm’s length like she’s learned to do with most people. Ahene gets sucked into talking shop with him. They discover, to Talos’s delight and Ahene’s pleased-despite-herself annoyance, that they share a sense of humor. He treats his probe droids better than some people treated her, and exactly the same way that other people treated her. She gets attached to them too.
Somewhere in there—either before they find Horak-Mul or after, though I’m leaning towards before—he asks about her first dig.
She tells him it was the Verios ruin. The face he makes tells her everything she would have needed to know about Darth Kelshrin’s reputation with the Service, if she hadn’t already been aware.
Delicately, like someone trying to thread a conversational needle with as few actual words as possible, Talos suggests that you hear things about that dig, and they aren’t very good. People don’t like to talk about it, if they manage to get reassigned.
She says that she’s one of the reasons that people don’t like to talk about it, and watches him struggle to reconcile that with her entire demeanor for a moment, then clarifies that she was one of the children they had—probably still have—doing probe-work.
Because of course it does, this horrifies him. She shrugs and comments that she hadn’t realized Kelshrin was that much of an outlier; haven’t there ever been slaves on any of your digs? Talos starts to protest that yes, but none of them were children, and comes to the mid-sentence conclusion that actually, she doesn’t care.
His mouth clicks shut. They sit in silence for a little bit.
When he next speaks, he tells her that he’s sorry he wasn’t there.
She says that most people would have put an ‘and’ in the middle of that sentence. They would have found it absolving, that they weren’t there. And he makes a face, and says that yes, that’s true, but still—he wishes he’d been there. That perhaps he could have done something, if he had been. That at least he could have been—better than the others.
I’m sure you would have been, she says, touching his shoulder, in a voice that would be a threat if any of the bitterness were directed at him. It isn’t a threat. It’s just that half of her doesn’t believe him, and doesn’t blame him, and the other half wants to believe him—and hates so very much that someone like him existed this whole time, and never came for her.
They don’t talk very much about that part of her background, after that. She never makes a secret of what she was—it’s the first thing anyone knows about her anyway, the trash apprentice who brought back the Dark Temple expedition—but while she’ll talk about the ruin like it’s simultaneously a deathtrap and a lost home, she doesn’t tell him about the Service camp. It’s their armistice; it wouldn’t be fair.
She doesn’t blame him for what happened to her childhood. He doesn’t look at her like he’s afraid of her when she loses control of the ghosts’ power, when he walks in on her having snapping arguments with thin air, when the ghosts’ memories and personalities start leaking in and she reacts to something he said about the Great Hyperspace War like she was there.
It’s difficult not to care deeply about someone who sees you at your absolute, utter worst—half-dead, half-possessed, still suffering from a Horror Hunger despite knowing that there are few things she needs less than other people’s life energy—and treats it like it’s simply something that’s happening, and no more terrifying than any other serious illness.
He’s the one she goes to one night, when she needs to tell someone how terrified she is to die. He’s the only member of her crew she doesn’t feel some need to be strong for.
(He is, maybe, the person she tells that she thinks she could exorcise the ghosts. That she hasn’t tried, because she’s scared that it would work.)
It’s important that—by this point—he doesn’t feel like he has to be strong with her, either. He doesn’t have to pretend that he doesn’t notice how bad things are, or keep up a cheerful front through it, the way he nearly always does. It’s not that his cheerful front is insincere—it’s not that he’s lying—but that’s how he’s always dealt with his emotions, the same as Ahene deals with them by scrunching them up into a little ball and taking another step no matter what. They aren’t people who know how to seek comfort in other people, most of the time. Talos doesn’t have childhood trauma the way she has childhood trauma, but he did very much grow up in an abusive environment that he generally dismisses as “not so bad as all that” with a wave of his hand. So it’s… something, that they can be scared together of what’s going to come.
(This could so easily be read as romantic. It is not remotely. It’s also not remotely parental on Talos’s part. It’s just a very unlikely bordering-on-queerplatonic friendship.)
When Ahene walks out of the Dark Council chambers on Korriban with Thanaton’s body (Teneb Kel’s body) in her arms and a title she didn’t ask for or want, Talos makes sure the body ends up in a cryostasis tube until it can be properly entombed. When they head for Dromund Kaas right after, because the planet is being invaded, when she makes for the Dark Temple immediately when they arrive in the aftermath—Talos waits for her at the Dark Temple approach.
When she calls him and asks him to get another stasis chamber and never breathe a word of it to anyone, he does it, because they would trust each other with anything.
Up to and including the body of the Emperor’s Voice.
(The next couple months, she barely remembers, because she was under so much pressure and so much of the same kind of pressure that her dissociative memory issues cropped up again and turned it into a soup of events that 2V had to record and summarize for her. But Talos quite frequently knew what she was doing better than she did, at least when it came to the fact that she suddenly had to run the Reclamation Service. This has always been a team effort. Between her and all her crew, but still especially between the two of them.)
[npc opinions]
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Nimona headcanons I wrote instead of sleeping
Sometimes the boys forget that Nimona isn’t human 
Like they’re used to the shifting into animals aspect of Nimona because she does it as often as she breathes
But sometimes she’ll do some really creepy shit like make her arms longer to reach something when she’s too lazy to get up
One time they shifted just their neck to be like an owl so they could turn their head 180 degrees instead of just turning around cause that was “too boring” 
Or he’ll mimic people’s voices without realizing it 
Sometimes he’ll tell a story and suddenly he’s using Bal’s voice 
The first time she did this Bal searched the whole house cause he was convinced that Todd has snuck in
Or she’ll grow an extra arm to hold more shit and they take a moment to realize “oh yeah we adopted a little weirdo” 
They get used to it after a while and the arguments surrounding it are always funny because both the boys will complain and say “I don’t sound like that” and they have to be told “No love you do you really do” 
You know those videos of babies reacting to their parents shaving their facial hair or putting on glasses 
That’s Nimona's reaction every single time the boys change their appearance even the smallest bit they cant shave or wear their reading glasses because if they do he freaks out 
Talking some “help me Nemesis I heard bosses voice but I can’t find him” while Bal was standing right in front of them 
It was the first time he shaved his face in years and he’s never doing it again 
Mostly cause Ambrosius kept telling him he looked like a teenager and it was freaking him out 
I feel like Bal and Ambrosius are those kinds of people who will tell people about the little injuries but neglect the big ones 
Like Bal mentioned that he thinks he sprained his ankle during the fight at the institute but he won’t mention that he’s pretty sure he got a concussion 
(I’m bout to wrap this man in bubble wrap and give him a helmet because wtf) 
Ambrosius will complain the whole day about the fact that he has a paper cut
But will completely neglect to inform his doctors “Oh yeah I can’t move my left arm higher than my waist without pain and I can’t see that well out of my left eye or hear that well out of my left ear do you think that’ll be a problem?” 
It isn’t until Nimona makes an off handed comment about how this super weird that the laser did basically nothing to him that he told both of them
They literally dragged him to the ER because “Who thinks those symptoms are normal Nemesis what is wrong in that pretty little head of yours!!” 
When Bal tells Nimona she’s being a bit of a hypocrite (cause who refers to an arrow as a splinter?) she turns to him and says “I know you’re not saying something Mr. Human battering ram” 
It took literally everything in Ambrosius not to break down laughing
After that she forces them to have frequent checkups with the doctor because these dorks wouldn’t go otherwise
Honestly I'm fully convinced that some people in the kingdom don't know who Nimona is and are constantly confused why they let this little weirdo follow them around 
And finally the curiosity will eat away at them and they’ll finally ask 
Sometimes the boys will give some “normal” answers like “Oh that’s Nimona” and they won’t elaborate at all
Sometimes they’ll give funnier answers like “Oh that’s a raccoon we found in the garage who turned into a person one day” “I don’t know they just showed up in our living room” and their personal best “You see her too?” 
And their favorite that they only started using a couple of years down the line “Oh that’s our kid”
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aardvaark · 2 months
i was thinking about how i wished leverage had a birthday episode for some of the characters cause that would be sweet, but then i realised something and basically…. okay here’s my thoughts in quotes form, just for fun
hardison: so when’s your birthday? i could plan something for us and the team to do and-
parker: i dont know
hardison: you don’t know… your own birthday?
parker: no, how would i know? pshh, cmon, you’re telling me you remember EXACTLY when you were born? watch this - hey, eliot, do you know your exact birth date?
eliot, innocently passing by, who was canonically anonymously dropped off at a hospital as an infant: no, how would i know?
parker: that’s what i said!
hardison: excuse me?? what is going on right now
sophie, walking into the apartment: whats wrong?
hardison: parker and eliot- well, okay, when’s your birthday? i just have to prove something.
sophie: …….july 12th
hardison: why did you pause? wait, is that your birthday or sophie devereaux’s birthday?
sophie: ………… (guilty silence)
parker: see, no one knows their real birthday! haha you’re so weird sometimes, hardison
hardison: what the fuck guys
#leverageposting#wren speaks#leverage#parker leverage#alec hardison#nate knows his birthday i guess so i didn’t include him. if he was watching the whole time he would probably say ‘idk’ to mess w hardison#they’re having this convo in nate’s apartment but it’s like 3am & he’s asleep & they’ve all broken in to hang out#parker doesn’t know either bc of her ridiculously neglectful foster parents or bc she’s parker & her priorities are simply different to most#people. her birthday is irrelevant to thievery. and sadly probably not related to fun happy memories anyway.#sophie obviously is a good enough grifter to answer confidently but she feels a little bad abt lying to her family by now#meanwhile hardison had a normal foster nana who would have known his bday. most kids aren’t safe-surrendered like eliot so assumably#hardison would have a known bday. and he likes birthdays!#and he wants to throw parker a little party even if it’s a very unconventional parker bday that involves rappelling & jumping off buildings#but he is once again thwarted by the leverage team members having the strangest possible lives#he IS gonna give them each birthday parties tho. even if he has to make up some dates & stuff#sophie’s can be the fake date she gives if that’s what she rlly wants. nate’s real birthday is on file somewhere even if he’s being annoying#rn so hardison just has to do some basic hacking. eliot would have an approximate bday such as the day he was surrendered that his parents#would have celebrated throughout childhood. and parker’s would be april 1st bc that’s alice whites bday (and YOURE ALICE!!!)#as in it’s canonically in the online info abt alice white shown in the juror no.6 job & obvs that’s april fools so it’s funny :)#and hardison has a NORMAL bday unlike SOME ppl and yes he DOES expect presents you heathens!!
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kicktwine · 6 months
oh so alisaie’s exaggerated bully behavior is 80% fanon. saying this she casually picks up a large rock
#say one thing wrong to me and you will have a wonderful few days with the rock#if angry silly girls have 100 fans etc if they have 0 fans i have died#sorry i saw a YouTube meme i vehemently disliked on principle and got mad at the only child behavior-#kipspeak#she is just short tempered and uses anger to mask other more ‘shameful’ emotions!!! alphy did the same thing with just deciding not#to express them. which is still not good and I think why he breaks and ends up teary so often now#this shortness does not translate to actually being mean to people. she only uses being mean as a shield for herself and being snarky#Is just fun for her. it’s fun for Me. you have to inconsequentually tease people or they’ll never learn to laugh at themselves#the twins and thancred 🫵 do this thing where they have big emotions but they don’t want anyone to SEE they have big weird emotions#so alphy pretends he doesn’t have them under a veneer of dignity and alisaie pretends the emotions are Something Else. thancred is#just so emotionally constipated he has trouble expressing anything. he’s got enough baggage for a flatbed#anyways. alisaie is such a compassionate and kind girl and she learned how to make snarky jokes and went ham. and she hates appearing sad o#weak or vulnerable so she blocks it off with an unapproachable emotion so no one pities her and they maybe get on with the plot#it is in fact also great at getting ppl to move away from the sad or embarrassing topic. even if the tradeoff is being more offputting#she would never (grabs youtube meme) she would never seriously bully her brother. this is sibling ribbing only. Cain instinct#just leave her be she is learning how to snark humor and she loves it she loves being sharp. alphy has wit he just keeps it close#my brother didn’t learn how to tell or receive a joke until he was 14 he took everything so seriously. he can do it now though and he’s#HILARIOUS. Don’t tell him I said that. my man knows exactly where the funny points are even if he hasn’t learned when to stop yet#too many tags. Whatever. jokey snark alisaie who sometimes compliments is happy alisaie grouchy snappy angry alisaie is way too stressed#very easy way to tell between the two. even alphy can tell between the two I believe! He tends to rib back in protest if they’re having fun#and try to stop her if they’re not having fun. case in point ‘what is that supposed to mean?!’ vs ‘alisaie ryne was only trying to help.’#I know they’re twins but that’s such an intensely older sibling thing to do that it reels me#LONG TAGS AND THREE EDITS TO ADD ON SHORT I resent this stereotype taken too far into ooc behavior. it happened with nya#It will happen again and as a postscript let me regale you with Things U Can Notice About Character Motivation and Actions—#I’m not done let me s#she and raha are friends now I decree. ‘haha you like me’ SPUTTERING PROTEST FROM BOTH
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quietwingsinthesky · 10 months
we’ve all said it before but ill say it again, sam should have gotten lucifer pregnant and that should have been the jack origin. if she was jessifer at the time, even better <3
#lucifer mommy truthing again hi hii he needs this#it won’t fix him it will make him worse but it’ll be hot to see sam tormented by the pregnant devil#☺️ sam going to attack jessifer and she goes ‘don’t you care about our baby Sam? don’t you want to meet him?’#gets sam to touch her belly and talk to the baby and that’s when Jack does the whole ‘I’m The Perfect Paradise Baby Love Me 🥺🥺’ thing on sam#and now sam can’t kill her or their baby. he can’t. he loves jack too much. perhaps has also been hit with so many nephil happiness rays#that he looks up at lucifer and is like Oh. overwhelmed with sudden love for her. and his heads all mixed up. it’s like the vision where she#made him feel calm x1000 and. and. he loves her? he loves her doesn’t he? he gave her a baby and he loves her?#they’re going to raise their son together? and lucifer is so very pleased as sam presses his ear to her belly to hear jack’s heartbeat.#sam has quite literally been baby trapped. as in that baby set the trap and caught him in it before it was even sentient. mind control baby.#cue the rest of the pregnancy with lovestruck sam doing everything in his power to protect lucifer & jack#he’s like. fully aware he was scared of lucifer. that Lucifer is Bad this baby is Dangerous. but also. he loves them so much.#nothing else seems to matter when he loves them so much.#<3 I think Sam deserves to be mindfucked into being Lucifer’s little househusband for a bit.#oh. there are places this could go after Jack is born uhm uh. i uhm. that’s not the point I won’t say that.#the point is sam getting brainwashed to be happier and protective of pregnant!lucifer. and he IS happier. he’s just also high on good vibes.#😳 lucifer riding sam with his hand on her belly 😳😳😳😳#tw pregnancy#anyway. thoughts.#samifer#lucifer spn#Jess!lucifer#Jack kline#sam winchester
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gynecologistmsfrizzle · 8 months
“it’s so sad you can’t save karlach” you absolutely CAN save karlach and i have a paper to write about why nobody thinks you can
#bg3 spoilers#SHES HAPPY. SHE IS LITERALLY HAPPY TO BE A MIND FLAYER. SHE SAYS TO YOU ‘THIS IS INSANE BUT I FEEL CRAZY LUCKY RN’.#she doesn’t want to do it ! but if she does she’s VERY HAPPY WITH THE TRADEOFF!#bg3 snuck one of the most interesting thought-provoking Meditations On Beauty I’ve ever seen into their viddy game and I am CHEWING on it.#there’s obviously plenty to say about this relative to tav and the other characters as well#and the player’s inherent reluctance to take what is MECHANICALLY nothing but a boost#on the grounds that it will slightly alter their appearance#And like how (and whether!) we justify that as being what our characters would do etc etc yada yada#but it is LITERALLY lifesaving for karlach. The only other options for her are death or going back to a place#that she considers worse than death.#it’s a choice that she would have made happily if she knew going in that it would switch off her engine!#she is nothing but relieved if you talk to her afterwards! she looks radically different but she is the same person!#and YET as a player . Even knowing all of that!! it still sort of feels like losing her#and there’s REALLY something juicy there about how we think about appearance#and the nature of the self etc#also it’s definitely not that deep but I could say something about her appearance rework from EA#and how her being a conventionally ‘attractive’ character plays into this#like honestly? If it was laezel in the same situation I think we’d all be reacting very differently!#and I include myself in that! Through that whole scene I was going WOW this feels like such a hard choice#And at the same time looking at myself like holy shit you’re SO in the beauty complex soup!#anyways. Much to think about. Mind flayer karlach is adorable also.#Rhi talks
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mars-ipan · 1 year
currently thinking abt the despair disease and the character analysis potential it brings
#literally the best motive in the whole franchise <3333#i regularly think abt how it affected komaeda. he got the fucking Liar Disease#why? because he is completely and fully sincere in everything he does#he lies occasionally yes but overall he is honest and hides nothing#he’s an incredibly earnest person. that’s what makes him so scary#and it’s also why the liar disease would be the perfect source of despair for him. makes a lot of sense#personally i don’t believe that despair disease gives you the ‘opposite’ trait#just a trait you would hate to have or is very uncharacteristic of you#i mainly think that bc the opposite of ibuki isn’t ‘gullible.’ but she probably doesn’t like listening to others (punk and eccentric)#so the gullible disease that forces her to always believe what she’s told is despair inducing#and akane! obviously she’s very good at compartmentalizing#she never seems to show fear. ever!#as such the coward disease is Mortifying. she hates being anxious and she hates showing it even more. literal hell i’ve been there girlie#so overall. i think it’s a great way to analyze a character#obvi with komaeda it’s an EXCELLENT analysis tool bc it’s basically a roundabout truth serum#if everything you say is a lie then all you need to do is reverse it and that’s the full genuine truth#so we get confirmation of things with him. like his desire for companionship. and his genuine distress when he wants to tell everyone to be#hopeful but all he can say is ‘despair’- he gets so worked up about it that he collapses#i also like to imagine what it would have been like with other characters#what would hajime have? i’ve seen an honesty disease. i’ve also seen a happy disease#both are great. i think he has a good few options#personally though i think the thing that would stress him out a Ton would be an affectionate disease#not in like a silly friend ‘i hug everyone’ way#but in a ‘tells everyone specifically what qualities he admires about them and is vulnerable to others’ way#i think he’d be MORTIFIED. haji’s a very blunt snarky person#and he does have a lot of affection for his friends but it’s mostly shown in a teasing manner#he’s also quite closed off about his own insecurities. AND he finds komaeda incredibly offputting#to wake up one day and start both genuinely making himself vulnerable and praising everyone nagito-style would actualky be hell for him#maybe call it the admiration disease. or affectionate disease depends on ur perspective#other character have interesting possibilities too (even dr1 + v3) but I Care Hinata so. he gets spotlight for a sec
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