#saying how she made is special and all that
Friendly face
A/N: Aaron Hotchner, thank you for being there when our fathers weren’t 🙏🙏
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Receptionist!Reader.
Summary: The higher ups decided that the BAU needed their own reception area so that visitors and the agents had their own friendly face whenever they come back from a case. Hotch already has a soft spot for her.
Word Count: 741
Warnings: just a little fluff for my first Hotch fic, because receptionist!reader and Hotch makes me feral
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When they first told her that she’d be moved from the normal reception to a special one being made for her up in the BAU, she thought that she’d been sent a spam email. Laughing it off and getting back to her baking.
Until her boss escorted her up to her new desk the next morning.
Thankfully, all her belongings had been boxed up by other staff, and had already been moved up in boxes for her to unpack. 
Her days were long, and she was routinely one of the first people in the building, which meant she had more than enough time to sort through her boxes before any of the actual team turned up for the first time.
Apparently they’d had a few issues with people getting in that weren’t the most savoury of characters. So she was moved up as an extra layer of protection before the public were allowed into the bullpen. But being on the same floor as profilers wasn’t going to stop her from decorating as she always had.
Besides, she didn’t have to share this desk with anyone, so she got the entire space to decorate herself.
Putting her box of biscuits, made and decorated the night before, on the top of the desk, she got to work. Getting into her own little world as she sorted out the boring bits first. Putting away important files she always needed to have on hand, and setting up the monitor to make sure all the information worked to let people in.
Eventually, thankfully, she got to the more fun aspects of her unpacking.
A lilac notebook, a collection of glittery pens (that, sadly, still had to be black ink), a sweet bowl since she knows how many agents have kids, and a plush lilac blanket over the back of her chair. She runs cold, and will have that over her lap if she starts to freeze.
Just as she started to unload her pretty, pastel post-it notes, there was a voice from beyond the desk.
“Are these for us?”
She shot up, hand going to her chest, thankfully also somewhat startling the man in front of her desk. At least she recognised him, SSA Aaron Hotchner, she’d been the one to sign him in most days when she worked downstairs.
Giving him a small smile as she leant over to pop the lid, the smell of shortbread biscuits immediately hitting the area and making them both hungry.
“Of course, sir, and since you’re the first here, you can have two.”
Her original shock lessened as she smiled up at the man, who did immediately take two biscuits for himself. He’d never say no to her baking again - it had made her upset and she hadn’t spoken to him for three days.
“You don’t need to call me sir, not now we work together. It’s good to have you on the floor.”
“It’s good to be here.” Smiling nervously as she shifted into her chair, the clock telling her that more people were going to start coming in soon. “I can only deal with Maria’s constant bad date stories before I go mad.”
There was that small smile on his face, one she’d seen very few times, but still made her all warm and gooey whenever she did. Brushing her hair back behind her ear and glancing away to boot up the monitor for the morning.
Looking back at him one last time, just to catch him sneaking a sweet from the pot, not even stopping when she caught him. Shoving it into his pocket and stepping away a little.
“I’ll stop by later on, make sure you’re settled.”
He nodded, as if he’d do that for anyone else, and she smiled. God. He could drown in her smile.
But as he went to walk off, she waved a hand for his attention, neither of them noticing Spencer coming through the elevator doors, freezing at seeing the interaction between them. Not sure what to make of the smile on his Unit Chief's face.
“I’ll save a biscuit, so you can take one home to Jack. I’ll sign you in, go on, you workaholic.”
Accepting and returning his little wave until she turned back to her desk with a stupidly daft smile on her face. Which she didn’t even try to dampen when she spotted Spencer, beckoning him forward.
“Morning Doctor, have a biscuit, I’ll sign you in.”
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januaryembrs · 1 day
hot chocolate!
what about reader who hates people being anywhere near her except when it comes to spencer
i’m talking is lost whenever he’s not next to her or in the middle of looking at victimology realizes he’s not there and readers brain literally short circuits cuz she can’t feel his body next to her
BIRTHDAY GIRL | Spencer Reid x reader
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description: The BAU knew not to be offended by your aversion to touch, just as well as they knew Spencer was special.
length: 0.9k
warnings: aversion to touch? fluff? Derek picks you up for like a second
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“Where is she?” 
“Where do you think?” Morgan sighed as Emily pointed over her shoulder with a lazy thumb, not so much as looking up from her paperwork to check if you were still there. Because she knew Reid was sitting at his desk reading, which told her all she needed to know. 
Morgan’s eyes trailed up where her finger pointed out, striding over to where the two of you all but shared a swivelly seat as he positioned on the floor in between your legs, your fingertips brushing through his hair without much thought.
“Birthday girl!” Derek called, and you had only a few moments to snap your eyes from where they were focused on his scalp, before two strong hands swivelled you around in your seat and yanked you away from Spencer. 
Derek hooked his hands around your waist, pulling you up into a giant hug that damn near squeezed the life out of you, and you accepted it with a tight grin, the discomfort clear on your face.
“You get a hall pass, today only, Morgan,”  You said in between a forced smile, giving him a pat on the back gently, and he set you down to the ground, and the agent went yet another step further to ruffle your hair affectionately. 
“Best hope that Penelope didn’t hear that, baby girl has got a tonne of cuddles with your name written all over them,” He said, a cheeky grin carrying his words as you straightened your shirt out, taking a seat back in your desk chair, trying not to look too afraid of the blonde bombshell that had been waited years to get her loving hands on you.
Derek chuckled at your expression, dropping a small, expensive looking bag onto your desk, the top looped with a blush pink bow that screamed something fancy. 
“Until next year, dollface.” Derek shot you a wink, and you smiled at him, truly grateful despite your aversion to touch, and another hand sneaked up to the arm of your chair, whirling you back around to the man waiting patiently on the floor.
“You okay?” Spencer murmured, reading the flustered expression on your face easier than the words on the page, and you nodded silently, not wanting to seem almost rude by showing just how ruffled Derek’s closeness had made you feel, “They know you love them still,” He reassured with saccharine sweetness, because he knew what thoughts banged and clanked around in that brain of yours without even having to say it. 
You nodded again with a sigh, trying to tell yourself that Spencer was right and you weren’t bad for not liking being mauled like a cute puppy at a kid’s party, and as if to prove you right, Spencer got to his feet, laying his book face down beside the present, and tucked your hair behind your ear, leaning forward to kiss your forehead. You preened under his touch, the only exception to your made up rule, your hand flying out to grab his wrist when he made an attempt to move away, not wanting him to let go for even a second. 
“Do you want to go get coffee, birthday girl?” Spencer asked, sticking his hand out, prime for the taking which worked like a charm as you hopped out of your wheely chair, entwining your fingers through his and falling into step with him, judging the apple of your cheeks into his arm affectionately. 
Touching Spencer was different, but then, he always had been special to you. 
“Hey, angel, do you know where Spencer is?” Your voice was worried as you crept into Penelope’s lair, your eyes darting to every crevice of the room like he was waiting to jump out and scare you. Her pigtails swished as she shot a look at you, her cheeks rosy and sweet when she smiled knowingly. 
“Hotch sent him upstairs to get more paper, fax machine ran out,” She explained, watching the way you wrung your fingers, “Don’t worry, honey, he’ll be right back.” 
You nodded, feeling almost dumb for being thrown so far out the loop knowing he was an entire floor away, but then that was, what, one little elevator button up? You needed to get a hold of yourself. You were an FBI agent for christ sakes, you’d faced murders and kidnappers and psychopaths, being a few measly steps away from Spencer Reid shouldn’t be so-
You felt your whole body deflate when he strolled through the door to ‘the bat cave’ Garcia had forced everyone to officially name it, and your hands released one another to weave your fingers through the belt loop on his jeans. 
“Sorry, Hotch really needed something sending over from LAPD,” He apologised, seeing the crease in your brow smoothing out almost immediately, and he kissed it just for good measure. 
“It’s fine, no biggy,” You brushed off, even though your face painted and entirely different picture as you seemed to have relaxed entirely into mush, the cogs in your brain all but switching off now that he was back glued to your side. “You wanna go get lunch?”
Anything to win even an hour back with him, where you could kiss his face and lips and hands and there would be no consequence in the form of HR meetings and Hotch’s disapproving yet knowing glares. 
He smiled, kissing your hairline again, because he knew Penelope didn’t mind loving gestures in the cover of her office, taking your hand in his and heading for the door, “There’s that new burger place on the corner, do you wanna try there?” 
Hotch hid his smile as he watched his two youngest agents leave the precinct for food, your usually aloof touch all but smothering Reid as you walked as close to him as physically possible. He pretended not to see the small peck you graced Spencer’s lips, telling himself he simply couldn’t be bothered with the paperwork, and stuck his nose back into his report. It was your birthday, afterall.
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spideyjimin · 1 day
what was i made for | jk
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⏤ pairing: jungkook x female reader 
⏤ genre: strangers to lovers, fluff, and smut 
⏤ rating: 18+
⏤ warnings: a tiny bit of sad oc, alcohol consumption, oral sex (m receiving), swearing, some teasing, praising, penetrative sex, protected sex, rough sex, creampie, and multiple orgasms 
⏤ words: 8,833
⏤ summary: have you ever met someone with whom you instantly clicked? well yes, but never to the extent of how it happened with jungkook. in a matter of days, he made you feel like the prettiest and most special woman. right there and then, you understood what you were made for. 
 ⏤ author’s note: hi loves! here you have this fic! it was a pleasure to write it since it's been a while that i haven't written fluffy fics. i hope you enjoy it & it's always a pleasure to know what you think about it! have a wonderful day & week ahead!
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Turning 30 wasn’t exactly how you pictured it to be. Since a very young age, you thought that by this stage you’d be in a long-term relationship and probably a mother. As years passed by, you simply hoped that you’d be in a relationship but all the dates you endured the past year made you realize that it would never be the case. 
Being single has never made you sad, you actually always enjoyed being on your own. Being independent is something you always sought to have, and you deeply treasure having it. However, this is quite a milestone in life and this time, being alone has a bit of a bittersweet taste. And it hurts. Although, in a way, you try to convince yourself that it’s better to be alone than in a bad relationship. 
As you’re looking at the people sitting at the table, most of them are engaged or married or living together, or having a child. Before, it used to not hurt you but today, it’s quite hard to look at them all with happiness. Nonetheless, the reason why you’re all gathered today truly makes you happy. Your best friend, Jin proposed to his girlfriend, Iseul and they reunited all their close friends to announce the fantastic news. You’re the only one aware of this because he asked for your advice for the proposal. 
The only other person aware of this is Jimin, Iseul’s brother. Jin prefers to have his approval since they are very close. He also asked for her father’s approval as the gentleman that he is. You got to meet Iseul’s brother quite a lot of times and he’s definitely a sweetheart. Jin and Iseul tried to set you up but between you, there’s only friendship, nothing more. 
While looking, your eyes land on a man who catches your attention. He’s honestly quite handsome, a kind of handsome you’ve never seen before. He looks innocent without looking innocent. It sort of doesn’t make sense but that’s how you’d describe him. Looking at his cute features makes him look quite innocent but then, his vibe definitely breathes ‘not innocent’. Maybe it’s caused by his short haircut. You’re not sure although that’s how you perceive him. 
For sure, you’re convinced that he’s probably already in a relationship. Guys like him are usually taken. They don’t stay single for a long time, they easily charm every person around them, and they can find their person quite fast. Your eyes meet and he offers you a little smile, one that you return. 
“Hey guys,” Jin says a little louder to get everybody’s attention. “Today, Iseul and I gathered you here to share some wonderful news.” 
A bright smile appears on your face. 
Iseul shows her left hand with her engagement ring and points it out. “We’re getting married,” she yells with evident joy. 
Everybody starts congratulating them for their engagement, and they all seem extremely happy with this announcement. It warms your heart to be a part of this big step in their lives. Getting married is quite something, and you’re deeply and truly happy for them. 
During the dinner, you find out that the hot guy’s name is Jungkook. He’s actually Iseul’s cousin. Him and Jimin are quite close. Jimin frequently mentions him and you’ve heard many stories about them. It’s great to finally put a face on a name. Especially since he’s a very good looking man. 
At some point, you realize that everybody is discussing in the living room, except for you, Jimin, and Jungkook. Throughout the evening, they slowly moved, leaving you alone with them. You’re having a very animated conversation about desserts. 
“Tiramisu is the best dessert ever,” you say. “There’s nothing you can say that will change my mind.”
They are trying to convince you that chocolate mousse or lemon cheesecake are much better than anything else. For sure, those are good desserts but not as good as a tiramisu. Nothing will ever beat a good old tiramisu. 
“Pff, you’re saying nonsense, yn,” Jimin replies. 
You roll your eyes which makes Jungkook laugh. Honestly, it’s been fantastic to interact with them. They are super funny, they have a very good dynamic. Through that, you get to see that Jungkook isn’t just pretty on the outside, he definitely seems to have a good heart. That convinces you even more that this man isn’t single at all. A man like him isn’t on the market anymore. A lucky girl must be waiting for him at home.      
“Every word that leaves my mouth is only the truth,” you say with a little smirk on your face. 
Both men laugh even more. They aren’t convinced at all that you only say the truth, they actually don’t agree with you that tiramisu is the best dessert ever. 
“You’re very funny, yn!” Jimin says.  
You roll your eyes once more but you’re simply happy to share this moment with them. They manage to make you forget how sad you’ve been feeling for the past month. It’s been hard but you’ve been trying to cheer yourself up because it’s a feeling that is not easy to deal with. 
“I quickly need to go to the bathroom,” Jimin adds. 
You and Jungkook simply nod before your friend leaves you alone. For a brief moment, there’s a little silence between you but it’s not an awkward one. Then, his eyes meet yours with a little smile on his face. 
“I’m happy to finally meet the girl Iseul tried to set Jimin up with,” he says. 
“Oh, you heard about that,” you reply with a smile appearing on your face. 
“Of course,” he responds. “Iseul talked so much about it, she really wanted you to be together.” 
She told you that a million times but you and Jimin weren’t meant to be together. At least that’s what you believe. There’s a lot of love and respect between you but it will never be more than that. He’s simply a close friend. A friend you’re more than grateful to have in your life.  
“She’s terrible!” you shake your head with a little smile on your face. “I don’t get why she had to tell everybody about it.” 
For sure, it annoys you a bit that she had to tell the world she wanted you to be with her little brother. But she’s one of your bestest friends, and you cherish her friendship more than anything else. It was such a sweet gesture to try to help you out with your love life.  
Then, right there, you see in his eyes the pity appearing. He doesn’t need to say anything else for you to understand what he’s going to say. They all give you that look when they’re about to say that you’re single. 
“She wants to help her dear friend to find someone,” he mumbles. 
Your eyes glance down at your hands. It’s better that he doesn’t see the sadness appearing all over your face. Even though it comes from a good intention, it makes you feel like a pathetic girl that isn’t able to find someone, especially when you’re talking about it with a handsome man. 
“She’s also been wanting to do it with me,” he adds. “She keeps saying that a soldier shouldn’t be single. It doesn’t make any sense to me but I guess she simply adores setting people together.” 
A smile appears on your face before you look up. In a way, you feel like he said that to cheer you up but it still feels nice that he tried to not make you feel alone. However, you’re a bit surprised to hear that he’s a soldier. You would have never imagined him serving in the military. 
“Probably,” you reply. “But in my case, it’s mostly out of pity because I’m 30 and still single. All our friends are in relationships, married or parents.” 
“I’m sure that’s not the reason,” you instantly say. “Iseul is like that, she loves to help.” 
You take a deep breath, he’s absolutely right but it’s becoming heavy to be the only single one out of all your friends. Every single friend of yours present here is in a relationship. Most of them are already married, and a couple of them are parents. It’s not easy to look around and see everybody succeeding on all those aspects in life. The only thing you can brag about is your career. 
And because of all that, sometimes you wonder what you are made for.
“I know she just wants to help because she’s aware of how heavy the pressure from society can be,” you tell him. “And it has been quite heavy since I turned 30. It’s hard to look around and see everybody getting married or buying their houses or announcing a pregnancy while I’m extremely far from achieving that.” 
Jungkook nods. You’re not convinced he can understand you, you’re not sure he’s even single as he’s claiming. Society treats men and women completely differently. For a man, it’s totally okay to not be married or to have a child by the age of 30. It’s even remarkable if they put their careers first. But you’re fully aware that everything isn’t rainbows and sunshines for men as well. 
Nonetheless, it is surprising how comfortable this man has made you feel. This morning, you weren’t even aware of his existence, and now, you’re talking about how you’ve been feeling. What you ignore is that it's a shared feeling.
“I’m sorry to be talking about my problems,” you say. 
“No, no,” he says. “Don’t worry at all about that!” 
You swiftly start discussing other topics. At some point, you find yourself wondering where Jimin is but he has discreetly joined the others in the living room, leaving you alone. He noticed the way you were deeply talking, and he didn’t want to disturb you. For sure, you appreciated the opportunity because you got to learn a bit more about Jungkook. 
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After the engagement party of Iseul and Jin, you exchanged numbers with Jungkook and since then, you’ve been spending your days texting him. It has been making you extremely happy. He’s making you feel seen, a sensation that has been absent from your life for a while. Not all the men you dated elicited that feeling in you, but it’s also not something new. However, right now, you don’t want to think about the ex that provoked that feeling.  
What you truly appreciate about Jungkook is the fact that he always warns you when he will take some time to reply. He always tells you when he’s going to do a certain thing that will cause him to go to sleep at 4 am and that he won’t be able to reply. Nonetheless, he always texts you before going to sleep, no matter the time. 
“How are things going with my cousin?” Iseul asks while you’re walking to her car. 
It truly amazes you how this woman ends up discovering everything when it comes to the dating life of someone. 
“How do you know?” you inquire. 
A smirk appears on her face. 
“Well, at my engagement party, you were all over each other, which made me extremely happy, to be honest,” she explains. “Since then, you’ve been smiling like an idiot all the time, and your phone crazily buzzes. It’s not complicated to understand that you two are flirting.” 
The word ‘flirting’ violently hits you. You never considered that you were flirting but now that she’s saying it out loud, it definitely is the truth. 
“I should have thought about trying to set you up together,” she says. 
You roll your eyes while shaking your head. She’s always thinking about setting people together but that’s one of her charms. She’s always so considerate of people around her, she wants people to be happy. 
“Maybe if you had that idea, it would have never worked,” you reply. 
The thought of being set up with Jungkook is weird because you adore the way things started between you. You can’t imagine it any other way. Now, you’re simply grateful he’s part of your life. For the past month, he’s been contributing a lot to your happiness, and you only hope that it’ll be the case for a long time. 
“Probably,” she quickly replies, “but I’m glad you’re talking and discovering each other,” she adds. “You deserve more than anyone else to be happy.” 
She takes you in a heartfelt hug, one that warms your soul. She’d noticed how sad you’d been since you turned 30, and it shattered her heart to see you like that. She’s seen how hard it has been for you to not find your person even though you said the opposite. She could see the pain behind the smile you were always showing. 
She’s fully aware that being in a relationship doesn’t determine the person you are, but she knows how it can sometimes make you feel lonely. When it happens, it hurts, and not just a bit. Iseul admires you. You’re so independent, you don’t rely on anybody else. Most of the time, when she needs to go somewhere, she calls somebody to not be alone because she hates that feeling. 
She drops you out at your place, and you enjoy a bit of your time alone at home. After being out with Iseul, you need a few hours of rest. Honestly, she exhausted you. Thankfully, tomorrow is Sunday and you’re planning on staying at home the full day. But someone ruins your moment alone by ringing at the door. 
As you open the door, you’re graced with a man holding a massive bouquet of flowers. 
“Ms y/l/n?” the man raises as he takes the bouquet down. 
“Yes,” you reply and frown. 
“This is a delivery I have for you,” he hands you the bouquet. “Can you please sign here?”
“Let me just put the bouquet down, please,” the man nods while you place the bouquet on your table. 
You come back real quick and sign the receipt. The man leaves, you close the door, and go to the living room to take a proper look at the bouquet. It’s a very impressive one but it’s definitely a wonderful one. There’s a little card on it which intrigues you. Who could possibly send it? 
‘A wonderful bouquet for the most wonderful woman, Jungkook. Ps: sorry I couldn’t hand it myself to you.’ 
Your heart melts right there. This man is slowly but surely making you fall in love with him. The bouquet is so pretty, it’s actually the prettiest a man has ever given to you. It’s for sure a pity he couldn’t have given it himself, you would have wanted him to be here with you right now. Nevertheless, it’s still a magnificent gesture. One that you’ll cherish for a long moment.
Jungkook is on a special mission this weekend which prevents him from returning home. Usually, he only works during the week but there was an unexpected event this weekend. To be honest, it kind of broke your heart because you were eager to spend some time with him. Since he works and sleeps in the barracks during the week, the only time you get to see him is the weekend. 
Being away from you doesn’t prevent him from speaking with you and calling you every day, but it’s very different from being together. Nonetheless, you feel like it also helps to build a stronger connection. Once you get to see each other, you try to get the most out of it.  
You grab your phone and send him a message. Jungkook told you that his phone will remain at the quarters and that he wouldn’t be able to speak with you. So calling him will be useless, it’s best to leave a message that he’ll see when he’s back. 
That night, you fell asleep with the brightest smile. Jungkook has been making you feel so special since the moment you met him. There’s no doubt that you’ll try to keep him around as long as possible. 
The next Monday, after leaving work, you find Jungkook at the main entrance. After this intense and tough work day, it definitely makes your day a hundred times better. As soon as he sees you, he smiles and walks in your direction to meet you halfway. While getting closer to him, you notice that he’s wearing his military uniform. The first thought that crosses your mind is that he came straight after leaving the barrack. In a way, it warms your heart he did it, however, you can’t help but think of how tired he must be. 
Also, seeing him with the uniform makes you weak. It’s the first time you’re seeing him for real wearing it, and let’s just say that he’s more than fine. Without sounding too horny, you’d even say that you’d open your legs right now if he’d ask.  
“Hey, Jungkook,” you say once you’re right in front of him. “What are you doing here?” 
The man in front of you kisses your cheek, causing shivers all over your body. Your smile grows bigger. This part of your life is filled with so much happiness, something you wouldn’t have imagined a couple of months ago when you turned 30. It’s so surprising how life can completely change in a second. Meeting Jungkook has drastically changed your life but you wouldn’t have wanted it in any other way. 
“Hello, yn,” his eyes don’t leave yours. “Just wanted to see your pretty face since I couldn’t for the past week.” 
Your cheeks instantly turn red but you take the compliment. Your eyes are lost in his, people around you completely disappeared. It’s just you and him. For a brief moment, his eyes look down at your lips yet you don’t notice it otherwise you would have maybe kissed him. His right hand caresses your cheek causing your eyes to close for a split second. 
“There’s a nice bar/coffee place where I’d like to take you,” he breaks this intimate moment with his words. 
You nod. He takes your hand to guide you until the place he’s talking about. It’s actually not too far from your workplace. As you step inside, you can’t help but find it extremely cozy. There are quite a few people, not a lot but still. At the end, you notice there’s a photobooth. A couple is leaving it with a bright smile on their faces before they check out the pictures they took. As you see them, you desire nothing more than to try it with Jungkook. It’ll create great memories. 
“Could we take pictures in the photobooth?” you ask pouting to get what you want. 
The man holding your hand doesn’t resist so he nods. A broad smile spreads across your face, filling you with happiness that he accepted. Now, you’re the one guiding him to the end of the bar. He’s also smiling as it brings a lot of joy to him to be with you right now. It’s his only free day of the week, and all he wanted was to be with you. You’ve brightened his life the second you appeared. 
When you open the curtains to get inside the little cabin, you freeze as you realize that there’s only a small stool. But before you say anything, Jungkook gets inside, sits on the tool and places you on his lap. It definitely surprises you but it also warms your heart. You close the curtain before taking a look at the man that has been making your heart beat for the past month. 
“Since we’re here,” he starts. 
You notice a little bit of nervousness in his eyes, and for some unknown reason, it increases the pace of your heartbeat. 
“The reason I wanted to bring you here,” he’s clearly nervous, especially since you’re really close to him. “Because I wanted to ask you if you’d want to become my girlfriend.” 
Now, for sure, your heart is beating like crazy and at the same time melting at his words. It’s incredibly adorable that he actually raised the question, none of your exes did it previously. On top of it, he looks absolutely charming. This man owns your heart. Honestly, it means the world that he took the time to raise the question. At least, it will be official the second you say ‘yes’. 
Since he’s scared to be rejected, he starts to fill the void. “It’s my only day off and all I wanted was to see you to ask...” Before he can even finish his sentence, you gently press your lips on his while grabbing his face in your hands. It’s a simple smack but one that says a thousand words. One that finally happens after all those weeks of flirting. One that finally resumes how you’ve been feeling. Hopelessly in love. 
“Yes,” you reply when you break the kiss. 
The largest and most radiant smile lights up his face. His smile is quite contagious as you smile back at him. The two of you are simply and utterly filled with happiness. Jungkook presses his lips on yours for a passionate kiss. 
The kiss is sweet and tender, there’s no rush or anything else in it. This moment has been desired by the two of you for a little while already. His strong arms wrap tighter around you almost as if he’s scared you’ll disappear.  
His lips are so soft on yours, the tenderness of the kiss making your heart melt completely. Never a man has kissed you like that. Your heart is pounding extremely hard on your chest while the butterflies on your lower stomach are making you feel completely alive. 
Your little hands cup his face while you kiss him passionately. There’s absolutely no doubt that he’s a good kisser. This first kiss with him will for sure be a memorable one unless he gets even better at kissing with time. Out of breath, you break the kiss. 
“Maybe we should take those pictures before people throw us out of here,” you say. 
Jungkook nods before inserting a coin. In a matter of seconds, the little screen shows that you should press play, and he follows the instruction. You strike a first pose, you’re both looking at the camera with a gleaming smile. For the second pose, Jungkook presses a kiss on your cheek which makes you blush. For the third one, he kisses you tenderly. 
This will be without any doubt a memorable day. 
Once the kiss is over, you leave the little cabin. Two sets of pictures are printed. You grab them and hand one to Jungkook. Your eyes stare at the pictures, they are wonderful. For you, they clearly show the way you feel about each other. The way Jungkook makes you happy. The way you love him. 
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For the past 3 months, you’ve been in a relationship with Jungkook. It’s a bit odd to be dating a soldier. Honestly, you always kind of had a bad image of them when it comes to relationships. Yes, they are brave, and it’s truly admirable that they sacrifice themselves for the nation. But you always believed they were womanizers, something that your boyfriend has been proving you wrong. He’s actually far from being a Don Juan. Iseul has also mentioned it a million times. 
As you noticed, even if he’s assertive when it comes to you, he’s actually quite reserved. Hence, he never had a lot of girlfriends. It’s difficult for him to approach women but he confessed that with you, it was easy. He felt that he could be himself without feeling judged. He felt that he didn’t need to hold back to impress. He felt that he could simply be Jungkook. Sometimes, you feel that his shyness and his job are simply contradictory. But for you, it’s what makes him special. 
Today, Jungkook gets to leave the barrack a bit earlier and he invites you to spend the night at his place. Quite frankly, you’re a bit nervous. Lately, your conversation almost always deviates in a way into sex, you’re grateful to have those conversations. However, you realize that one day, you’ll make love. You haven’t done anything so far, even oral sex. None of you has really made it happen even though it’s quite obvious that there’s a massive physical attraction. 
Having sex is making you nervous because it’s been a while since you last did it. Of course, it’s naturally something you crave but you’re scared to be bad at it. You’re scared that this first time together will be a disaster which you don’t want. You don’t want it to be perfect too. All you want it to be is pleasurable.  
When you’re at the door of the building complex, you ring the doorbell. He lets you in so you take the elevator to reach the 5th floor. Jungkook is living in a little building complex, it only has 5 floors so his apartment is on the last floor. Per floors, there aren’t many apartments which makes this little complex quite cozy. When you reach the 5th floor, you walk until the door of his apartment. The door is a tiny bit opened, you still knock at the door. 
“Come in,” Jungkook screams. 
You do as he says, but you make sure to close the door behind you. The apartment is plunged into darkness, except it is lit with candles a bit everywhere. There are petals indicating you the path to follow, this is incredibly romantic. As you reach the living room, you notice that a table was put in the middle with dinner already served. Next to the table, Jungkook is standing tall with a bright smile on his face. In his hand, he’s holding a bouquet. It’s a pretty massive one but a wonderful one.
He looks absolutely stunning. 
Even in the darkness of the room, you can see how handsome he looks, and honestly, as long as he’s smiling, he looks stunning to you. With Jungkook, it’s not only about the looks. Most of the time, you find him stunning on the inside. The way he brings you comfort, the way he takes care of you, the way he treats you makes him absolutely handsome. His extremely hot physique is only an extra.   
A smile instantly appears on your face as you walk in his direction. 
“This is your monthly bouquet,” he says while handing you the bouquet. 
You take it, while plunging your nose in it to smell the sweet fragrance of the flowers. The bouquets that he chooses always have the best perfume. Your apartment always smells like heaven, and the sweet fragrance of flowers is something that you now associate with Jungkook. 
“This time around you went out of your way to offer them,” you teasingly say. 
The smile on your boyfriend’s face grows bigger. He looks particularly glowy today, something special irradiates from him. He breaks the tiny little space between you, you move the bouquet to your right so Jungkook doesn’t smash it as he gets closer to you. His right hand rests on your back, drawing you nearer to him. You look up at him, your faces barely away from each other, and before you can even comprehend he crashes his lips on yours for a gentle kiss. 
“I’ll do everything to make my girlfriend happy,” he whispers against your lips. 
Those words free some little butterflies in your stomach, and you can’t help but smile at his words. Never before have you been this happy. You rest your head against his chest. Every day for the past months, you’ve been feeling extra lucky. Jungkook holds you tight in this heartfelt embrace. 
“I’m so lucky to have you,” you mutter. 
Even if you thought he didn’t listen to you, he did but said nothing. All he did was smile like an idiot and feel even more grateful to have met you. 
His entire life he thought he’d never manage to find someone because it’s been hard to find someone that looks beyond his body. Every girl that he meets simply wants to have sex with him. The combo of being in the military and having a buff body has attracted many girls, but they crave something that he doesn’t want. Plus, he’s also quite shy so he feels awkward every time he’s around a good-looking girl.  
But he fell hard for you. And every day, he falls even harder, something he never thought possible. 
He presses a gentle kiss on your head. “We should start eating before it gets too cold,” he informs you. You nod before breaking apart from him. 
He suggests putting the flowers on the little coffee table that he put in one corner. You look once more around you, it astonishes you how wonderful his place looks when being lit up by candles. Jungkook takes the time to admire his marvelous girlfriend, you. You’re wearing a light pastel orange dress, it’s a nice dress you found in Zara. A bit expensive but a pretty one for a date. 
The dinner goes quite well, but you both drink a lot of wine. To some extent, it was a way for you to relax a bit, you’re quite obviously a bit nervous. Your boyfriend notices it. However, he understands it. The sexual conversations have turned him on, and his girlfriend is extremely sexy. Every time he lays eyes on you, he can’t help but think that you’re the sexiest woman he has ever seen. Even his exes don’t even get close to how sexy you are. 
And that dress you’re wearing, uff… he can’t even think properly. 
Jungkook is aware that you haven’t shared an intimate moment with a man in a while so he perfectly understands your nervousness. His last intercourse happened like 8 months ago, it was with a girl Iseul was trying to set him up with. Needless to say, a couple of days later, it ended. 
As the gentleman that he is, he doesn’t try anything nor does he say anything sexual. His priority is to make you feel safe around him. He can wait, there are other ways to relieve himself while he patiently waits for you to be ready. On your side, you’re genuinely thankful he exhibits great patience with you.  
In the end, you ended up falling asleep in his bed with him. Both of you wanted to spend the night together. For sure, you’re aware that there are some chances that you end up making love but with the alcohol in your system, it kind of makes you less nervous about it. 
In the middle of the night, you’re both woken up by a strange noise. At first, it definitely seems weird but quickly, the noise is accompanied by moans. You blush as you realize that Jungkook’s neighbors are having sex. You hide yourself under the blanket, and it makes Jungkook chuckle. 
“It’s not funny,” you tell him. 
“It is,” he says as he joins you under the blanket. 
There’s barely any light so you can’t properly see him. 
“It’s so embarrassing to hear people making love.” 
“Why so?” he raises. 
“Because it’s supposed to be an intimate moment and knowing that neighbors can hear you destroys the intimacy of the moment,” you answer. 
A little smile appears on his face. He undoubtedly finds you extremely adorable, and it’s incredibly obvious that it’s been a while since your last intercourse. When it comes to sex, sometimes, he feels like he’s older than you due to the obvious fact that he has some more experience. In reality, you’re older than him but most of the time, it doesn’t feel like it.     
“They don’t even realize that,” he says.  
“How could they? I mean, they should know that they are being loud.” 
“They are enjoying the moment and not realizing that they are moaning a bit too loud,” he adds. “Don’t you remember the last time you made love?” he asks. “Normally, you’re so absorbed that you don’t even comprehend if you’re making too much noise or not.”   
For a minute, you think about it. He’s not wrong, when you’re in the moment, you only care about the pleasure, not about the noises nor how dirty sex can be. It’s just you and your partner. 
“They definitely sound like they’re having fun,” he teasingly adds. 
You know that he’s trying to lighten the mood but you’re still slightly embarrassed. You try to relax a bit, this is a natural thing. Couples make love, even strangers have sex for fun. In any case, it’s normal. There’s no need to be ashamed or embarrassed. 
“For sure,” you reply with a little smile. 
Jungkook is glad that you’re replying to his little tease. Your boyfriend gets a little closer to you, his hand caressing your arm. 
“Even under the blanket, we can perfectly hear them,” he retorts. 
You chuckle at his words. You’re grateful that he’s trying to make you feel comfortable. For you, it proves once more how beautiful on the inside he is. 
“But let me tell you that they are even louder during the day,” he tells you. “They make love a lot of time.” 
“Oh, so you’ve been listening to this quite a lot?” you ask. 
“Yep,” he simply says. “On a Friday evening, when I come back from the army, I get to hear them all night long to my greatest delight. And don’t be here on a Sunday…” 
Now, it’s a little laugh that escapes your lips. This sound is what warms your boyfriend’s heart. He loves to hear you laugh, and what he adores more is to see the way your face lights up. Right now, he can’t see your face well so he pictures it.   
“It mustn't be funny,” you say. “It also explains why we barely come here.”
“Eeeh, you finally get it,” he states. 
His hand moves higher to reach your cheek and he keeps doing some circles to shoote you. It certainly works. 
“They are always on fire so it’s better to avoid being here,” he adds. “Especially when I was single.” 
“So now that you’re not single, it’s easier?” you ask while raising an eyebrow. 
A smile appears on his face. Having you has made everything easier. And for sure, it’s less of a torture to hear his neighbors having sex because all he can think about is you.
“For sure, I can think of my wonderful girlfriend to distract myself from this torture.”   
Now, your hand moves to his cheek to caress it. Your boyfriend closes his eyes when your soft fingers touch him. 
“I still don’t get how such a wonderful man like you had trouble finding someone,” you express. 
His hand places a strand of hair behind your ear. 
“Nice men have trouble finding someone,” he informs you. “Girls usually prefer bad boys over a guy that treats them right. I was shy too so it definitely didn't help and being in the army only attracted women who wanted sex. I was never interesting enough.” 
You can hear his voice breaking at the end. It hurts to hear those words, especially coming from a man with a golden heart. In just over 3 months, he has made you feel so special like no other man has before. 
But he only states the truth. Most girls chase bad boys, almost as if they hope to change them into nice boys but it’s never the case. They always end up breaking their hearts. Nice men are not seen enough, and it breaks your heart, especially since now you’re dating one. 
“You are more than interesting, Jk,” you say. 
You press a soft kiss on his lips. 
“You’re the first girl that truly sees me for who I am.” 
This breaks your heart even more. Jungkook deserves the world, and he deserves more than anybody else to be happy. 
“And you’re the first man that truly sees me for who I am,” you instantly tell him. 
His neighbors are still making love but now you don’t hear them, you are simply absorbed by each other. There’s only you. The world around you completely disappeared. 
Now, it’s Jungkook who presses a gentle kiss on your lips. His lips are so soft on yours, the tenderness of the kiss making your heart melt completely. However, this gentle kiss slowly turns into a passionate and fervent one. A kiss that speaks a thousand words. A kiss that says that you love each other. A kiss that makes you both feel seen. It’s a kiss that you both craved for years.  
You’re deeply kissing each other, and by the looks of it, this kiss is for sure going to take a heated turn. A turn that both of you want. You’ve been obviously nervous about this but right now, there’s nothing more that you crave. Your only wish right now is to feel even more loved by this wonderful soldier. 
His impatient hands move down to your waist to bring you even closer to him. They run up and down your waist, making you more than happy to have his large tattooed hands on your body. Your hands, on the other side, go to his hair to softly run through it. 
“I’ve fallen so hard in love with you, yn,” he says as he breaks the kiss. 
As much as you can, you look at him with an idiot smile on your face. There are millions of fireworks inside you caused by what he just said. There’s no more doubt that you’re madly in love with this man. He owns your heart. 
“Maybe not as much as I did,” you add.       
Jungkook presses a peck on your lips before he kisses the corner of your lips down to the underside of your jaw, causing little moans to escape your mouth each time his lips touch your skin. Jungkook is making you feel alive and also driving you into complete euphoria. Even though you’re starting to get lost, you’re slowly realising what is about to happen. You’re going to make love with your boyfriend.  
In the end, there was no reason to feel nervous to share an intimate moment with your boyfriend. He loves you. And he will obviously do everything to help you feel good.  
He drops his head to your neck, kissing the base of your throat. You moan as he starts leaving a trail of kisses, the feeling of his mouth on your throat is divine. Everything he does exceeds all your expectations. Regardless of your nervousness, you of course dreamt of what it would be to have sex with him. So far, he’s undoubtedly surpassing all of your expectations.  
Your hands run through his hair, tugging at the roots. A moan escapes his pretty lips, his voice vibrating against your skin. This slowly starts to feel like heaven. His lips move up again to meet yours for another fervent kiss. 
“It’s getting too hot under this blanket,” he affirms. 
“Yep,” you manage to say. 
Jungkook removes the blanket from your bodies, and you can finally see him somewhat better. His short hair looks messy, causing a bright smile to appear on your face. Instantly, the urge to run your fingers through his hair comes across your mind. There’s no need to say that you did it, and that he loved feeling your fingers in his hair. 
“You’re breathtakingly beautiful,” he whispers while his eyes scan your face. 
“Thanks, Jk,” you smile at him. “And you’re the prettiest man I’ve ever laid eyes on.” 
The way you both make each other feel is so indescribable but you’re absolutely sure to have found the right person. You make each other feel special. 
“I want to make love to you, yn,” he lets you know. “I’m craving you so much.” 
You kiss him. You also crave him in an unimaginable way. His large hands caress your waist while you both look intensely at each other before you uncover your bodies frim the blanket. In a matter of seconds, you’re fully naked in front of each other. Your eyes glance down at his cock. In all honesty, it’s quite big.
“It’s massive,” you look up at him. “How have you been hiding it in your pants?” he giggles at your words.
“That’s something that I’ve been wondering every day for the past 3 months,” he says, clearly making you understand that he gets pretty hard around you every day. 
Without any warning, you wrap your hand around the base of his dick. This sudden move surprises him which causes him to whimper. Your eyes watch down at his impressive crotch. The head is red, precum running down his length and over that prominent vein that lines it. You rub your thumb over the tip before going down on his shaft, spreading his arousal all over him. A deep moan leaves his lips as your hands finally touch him, his head falling completely on the pillow.       
“Oh,” he growls. 
Slowly, you start pumping him, taking your time, your hand gliding up and down his length. A trail of groans leaves his lips while you pump him nice and slow, giving him a dreamy handjob. Every time your hand reaches the base, Jungkook shivers, loving deeply how you’re pleasing him.
Your boyfriend is a bit surprised by the fact that you’re doing this handjob quite amazingly. Sometimes, with your reactions when it comes to sex, he forgets that you had exes so for sure you have some experience. Maybe not a lot but it’s still something. And now, he’s realizing that you perfectly know how to do things.   
On your side, you want to give him more. You know your hand is just not enough, he needs more to come undone. So you dip down to kiss the head of his cock, his eyes instantly opening as this is unexpected. You lick his tip, his precum coating your wet muscle before you wrap your mouth entirely around his cock, sinking down fully on his length. 
“Damn, yn,” he groans, loving the warmth of your mouth around him. He swears that he’s about to fall apart, covering your mouth with his cum. 
Your eyes look up to meet with his. The moment they lock ⏤ both your eyes completely filled with lust ⏤ he looks away, too scared to burst right there. As much as he’d love to fill your pretty mouth with his seed, he doesn’t want to come right now. There’s still so much to be done. 
“Love,” he says while his hand moves down to your hair, grabbing it before pulling your head a little. “I don’t want to come right now.” 
Your lips leave his length, letting it slap against his lower abdomen before you crawl up his body to kiss him again languidly. Jungkook can taste his salty precum on your lips and he adores it. Damn, he loves everything about this moment with you. 
“Do you have a condom?” you whisper on his lips. 
“Of course, angel,” he replies. 
Well, he always has some condoms in his bedroom as well as in his wallet. He’s always prepared in case anything like this happens. Even if he adores you, there’s no way that he’s doing it without protection. Your health is more important than anything else and also, it’s way too soon to take the risk of having a baby. 
While he stands up to grab a condom in a drawer of the nightstand, you lay on your back, your eyes looking up at the ceiling. Strangely, you feel extremely happy that you’re taking this step in your relationship. It’s creating a deeper connection between you. A very intimate bond. When Jungkook gets back on the bed with his condom in his hand, he bites his bottom lip. 
“You’re so beautiful, love,” he whispers, scanning every part of your body. You’re even prettier than in his dream. 
The man doesn’t waste any time ripping the plastic and putting the condom on his length. Honestly, you ignore what to do so you simply watch him. On his knees, he gets closer to your body and he slowly and delicately spreads your legs. For a brief moment, he gazes at your core, causing him to bite his lower lip. While holding his cock, he brushes it against your pussy to get you wetter. He wants you to be as wet as possible to be ready for him. 
“Can I?” he asks. 
It melts your heart that this man asks for your consent before going any further. Rare are the men who did it before. Once again, it proves to you that you found the right person.   
When you nod, he slowly buries his thick cock inside your soaked core, stretching your velvety walls. His large hands find their way to your waist, caressing your soft skin while his doe eyes filled with lust look into yours. Both of you groan as he slowly pushes his long and thick cock inside you.  
“So good,” you mumble as your eyes roll back. 
You have to admit that it hurts a bit since it’s been a while since you last had sexual intercourse but the fact that he’s slowly filling you up to the brim helps. It gives time to your body to get used to this massive intrusion. But it feels so damn good to have him inside you. This is even better than in your wildest dreams. Jungkook leans closer, pushing his cock a bit deeper inside you and snatching a loud moan out of you. 
“It feels so good, love,” his deep voice groans in your ear. “Even better than in my dreams.” 
The fact that he has been dreaming about this too gets you wetter. In a way, it makes sense to you since you’ve had some heated exchanges. You kiss his shoulder before giving it a gentle bite. 
“Oh, looks like the prude yn hides a wild side of her,” he teasingly says while pulling back a bit. 
“Good girls are bad girls that haven’t been caught,” you sing, making reference to a band, 5 Seconds of Summer, that you love. 
“Couldn’t agree more with that sentence,” your boyfriend adds as he keeps pushing back to only leave the tip of his cock inside you. 
Brutally, he pushes his cock fully inside you, and a loud moan leaves your lips. For a little while, he doesn't move, hovering over you and watching you with delight. His eyes look down on your body. He’s surprised by how insanely perfect you are. Your body is for sure the prettiest one he has ever seen. 
Unlike what everyone thinks, he’s not fond of skinny bodies. He loves curves and imperfect bodies because they show life. They show that their owners eat to live, and your curves drive him crazy. He could come just by looking at your ass.  
His lips meet yours for a sloppy kiss before going down to your neck, leaving another trail of kisses on your skin. Needless to say, it makes you moan a bit more. Once he has tortured you enough, his eyes get lost in your body again, groaning as he watches himself buried deep inside you. 
“Uff, you’re driving me crazy, my love.”
You close your eyes, completely enjoying having him fully inside you. You’re completely euphoric at the feeling of him stretching your walls. Once he sees that you’re ready to take more, he pulls back brutally before slamming himself back into you. The bed under you squeaks, the headboard hitting the wall just behind you. The slick sound of your pussy soaking his cock as well as your moans quickly fill the room. 
“Jungkook,” you gasp while he thrusts into you.
This all causes sparks of pleasure to shoot throughout your body, your arousal dripping from your core and creaming his cock. Jungkook smirks as he notices the sticky mess you’re causing. You grip the sheets as hard as possible to steady yourself from Jungkook’s hard thrusts. 
Neither of you can believe that this is happening tonight. In some way, you’re grateful that his neighbors started having some nasty time. Without them, probably nothing would have happened. You can’t even believe you were so nervous and embarrassed minutes ago. And now, you’re making love with the man you love.  
“You’re so wet, love,” he hisses before biting his lower lip. His hands press harder into your skin when he feels your walls tighten around him. “And making such a mess on my cock.” 
Every time he pushes his hips back, he watches with delight the way his cock is completely covered with your arousal. Nothing drives him crazier than seeing this, it is as if your bodies were made for each other.  
Jungkook bends down, pressing a sloppy kiss on your lips while his thrusts slow down. A desperate whine gushes from you, a sound that he proudly swallows. His hands go up to your body, grabbing your breasts and squeezing them to make you moan with desire before his mouth goes down on your body to play with your nipples. 
“It feels so good,” you whine. 
His thrusts are slow and harsh again, and his teeth on your nipples are just too much for you. Gradually, Jungkook begins to thrust hard into you again, and you moan at the feeling of his brutal thrust. Your walls suck his cock as he slams his hips into you with more force. Everything that your boyfriend does pushes you closer and closer to the edge. 
His eyes look up at you, contorting with pleasure as it slowly builds within you. Little moans keep flooding out of your mouth, and Jungkook is adoring to hear you moan. His hands can feel the way your body quivers with each thrust. The way he’s torturing your body is only making you lose yourself further. He just knows how to pleasure you perfectly like he became a master of your body in just some minutes.   
“Your cunt is clenching so hard, love,” he says when he feels the warmth of your walls wrapping tighter around him
As you glance up at him, you can’t help but find him extremely attractive. His eyes stare down at you with passion and lust as his tongue licks his lower lips. He simply can’t believe that this is really happening. He can’t believe that he’s making love to the prettiest woman in the world. He leans forward once more to press another sloppy kiss on your lips. He loves to feel your lips on his, even if the kiss is a disaster. 
“Oh my god,” you barely manage to say while you have a first orgasm. Your body shakes crazily, and Jungkook is happier than ever to see you being overwhelmed by pleasure.   
The vision of you coming undone makes his cock twitch inside of you. However, he wants you to experience more orgasms. There’s no way that he’s going to end this moment without having you come more than once. One of his hands slowly goes down on your body, passing your stomach, and landing on your throbbing clit. His fingers start to rub your sensitive spot. 
To be honest, this action only makes your orgasm more intense and longer. Your arousal completely covers his cock and your walls squeeze him over and over again. This is heaven for him. He could stop right now and he’d be more than happy because he gave you a lot of pleasure. 
He speeds up the pace of his hips slamming into you. The coil in his lower stomach tightens inside of him, and it completely clouds his thoughts. His increase in pace causes you to have a second orgasm in a matter of seconds.  
Breathy whines escape his pretty lips as he looks down at the mess you’re making on his cock. A desperate moan leaves his mouth when his orgasm hits him hard. His eyes roll back with pleasure as his body tenses up and releases his load inside the condom. He collapses next to you, both of your bodies covered in sweat after this intense sex session. Your heavy breathing is now the only thing that can be heard in your bedroom. 
Jungkook throws the condom on the floor before laying again next to you on his bed. His eyes look at you with marvel. You’re so damn wonderful. 
“Uff, love! This was something,” he says as he presses a gentle kiss on your cheek. “Did you enjoy it?”
Even though you had 2 orgasms one after the other, he still wants to make sure that you loved this steamy session. 
“Of course!” you directly answer. 
Your lips find his for a little kiss. 
“I’m glad to hear that!” a bright smile appears on his face. 
As you look at your delighted boyfriend, you feel a wave of happiness wash over you. Yep, this is what you’ve been desiring for years. Being this in love and sharing such a wonderful intimate moment with the person you love is what you’ve been looking for. 
Right there and then, you comprehend what you were made for. You were made to fall in love with Jungkook.
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girlgenius1111 · 2 days
one of your girls
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alexia x jenni x leila x reader a celebration is in order after leila makes her return to the national team. smut, 18+. part of the rush verse... for context: Read Part One here Read Part Two here Read Part Three here Read Part Four here Read Part Five here Read Part Six here Read Part Seven here Read Part Eight here authors note: this is very much a co-written fic. it would not be what it is without @vixwritesagain. i can't really say enough about how incredibly & insanely talented vix is. however good you think she is, multiply it by like 10. and you'll feel how i feel after watching her write in real time. for every comment you leave, you better take your horny asses over to vix's inbox and give her all the love. <3
“I-” You interrupted yourself, pressing a gentle kiss to Leila’s lips. “-Am so proud of you.” 
She grinned bashfully back at you, a rare show of shyness that few got to enjoy. “How proud?” 
“So proud, Lei. You were incredible. I couldn’t take my eyes off you.” 
“Proud enough for a reward?”
You threw your head back and laughed at the hopeful expression on her face. 
Leaning in eagerly, you sank into the kiss your girlfriend pressed to your lips. It only lasted a second, though. Leila’s arms kept you tightly held against her, even when you tried to pull away at the light knock at the door. You broke the kiss, but Leila just shifted, attaching her lips to your pulse point. 
“Hmm?” Leila hummed. You could feel the grin on her face, and you were pretty sure you knew the answer to the question you were about to ask.
“Who is at the door?” 
Leila pulled back, ignoring the second knock at the door, this one harder and somehow more aggressive. “My reward.” She told you, smiling mischievously as you raised an eyebrow. 
“You… arranged your own reward?” Your lip twitched as Leila refused to look embarrassed. 
“Sí!” Leila said happily, giving you a gentle shove in the direction of the door. With a roll of your eyes, one that was really just for show, you padded over to the door and looked through the peephole. On the other side, Jenni was holding Alexia’s wrist with an amused smile. The blonde looked to be trying to convince her girlfriend to let her knock again. 
Fighting a smile of your own, you unlocked the door and swung it open.
“Hi, cari.” Jenni greeted easily. Next to her, Alexia remained silent, but the small curve of her lips at the sight of you had you fighting a smile of your own. You stepped to the side to allow the two women in, Jenni walking right past to head for your girlfriend. Alexia stopped next to you, though, looking hesitantly at your hand for a minute, before taking it in hers and tugging you further into the room.
“There she is. Ready to celebrate, Lei?" Jenni teased, flopping onto the bed next to your girlfriend, who seemed to be too excited to sit still. "I think you deserve something special for your first game back."
"You scored." Leila pointed out, but her bright grin gave away her delight.
"Jenni always scores." Alexia hummed with an unmistakable note of pride. "And she's always well rewarded for it."
Alexia shifted from your side and took a seat on the other side of Leila. You were left standing while all three women sat on the bed, but you didn’t mind watching them converse. Alexia made it clear that you were still on her mind when she addressed Leila, but spoke English.
“So we can start with you. What do you want your prize to be?” She husked.
“You can have whatever you want, Lei. I am sure you brought plenty of toys.” Jenni added. 
Leila nodded, looking between the two Spaniards on each side of her. Until this point, you weren’t quite sure where you fit into this. When Leila looked up at you, a twinkle in her eye, you were suddenly very sure where this was going. 
“I want you to fuck her.” She said nonchalantly, nodding her head in your direction. Jenni grinned, pulling the other brunette in until their lips met. Alexia turned to you instantly, confusion radiating off her. Even as she reached towards you, standing and pulling you closer by the hem of your shirt, she looked at Leila like she’d grown a third head. 
“For your reward… you want us to fuck your girlfriend? In front of you?” 
Leila tilted her neck to the side, allowing Jenni to begin to leave faint marks on her tan skin. “Sí.” She grinned, looking at Alexia expectantly. 
“That is what you want?” Alexia asked again. She grabbed at your shirt before you could move any closer to her, dragging it up and over your head, even as her attention was still fixed on your girlfriend. 
Leila giggled, and Jenni pulled away from her neck with a smirk on her face. She was highly amused at how Alexia was baffled at Leila’s willingness to share you, whilst simultaneously wasting no time in pawing at your bra. “What, Ale, do you want her to change her mind? Take your toy away from you?” 
At her girlfriend’s words, the blonde frowned. “No,” Alexia all but growled, seemingly looking to prove a point when she turned you both around, and pushed you onto the bed. She was on top of you within a second, and you let out a surprised huff at the sudden movement, raising your eyebrows at Alexia as she settled over you. Her hazel eyes were suddenly just inches from yours, pupils dilated and jaw clenched tightly as she regarded you. Then, her expression softened, just barely. 
“Vale?” She asked, waiting until you nodded to press her body down, her lips capturing yours in what you had come to know as a very Alexia kiss. Once Alexia got started, she didn’t stop. Even when she began running her hand over your bare abdomen, her kisses were demanding. Her mouth moved in sync with yours, anticipating your every move. Before you could part your lips and press your tongue into her mouth, she beat you to it. Before you could let out the content noise building inside of you, Alexia was exhaling harshly into your mouth. Kissing Alexia didn’t give you any space to think about anything but kissing her back. 
You barely heard Jenni clear her throat from next to you, but you did hear the annoyed grunt Alexia let out. 
“Ale,” Jenni called. 
“¿Qué quieres?” Alexia snapped, refusing to look at her girlfriend, instead moving her lips to trail down your neck and chest. 
“Oye. Leila said she wanted us to fuck her.” 
“So fuck her?” Alexia asked impatiently, giving her girlfriend an exasperated look. 
Jenni considered for a moment, before taking advantage of Alexia’s slightly off balance position over you. It only took a single gentle push from Jenni for Alexia to roll off of you with a small gasp. The brunette pulled you closer, and away from Alexia, craning her neck down so she could kiss you. 
You wondered how much time would need to pass before kissing Jenni felt unfamiliar. You’d gone years before, and more recently a few weeks without kissing her, but it still felt like the most natural thing in the world. 
You were rapidly pulled out of that more sentimental thought by Alexia gripping your chin and yanking your face towards hers. You leaned your head away instinctually at the harsh action, a bit startled at the contrast between Jenni’s gentle and Alexia’s rough. You weren’t sure what your hesitance was, but luckily Jenni gave you a moment to think. 
A hand on Alexia’s chest stopped her from moving in again. “What now?” She groaned. 
“Give her a second to catch up, Ale,” Jenni said. Her tone was both comforting and a tad  condescending. 
“I do not remember her needing a second last time.” Alexia grumbled, raising a single eyebrow at you. 
At the mention of last time, you flushed bright red. It was one thing to be between them again, and entirely another to remember the last time it had happened. To suddenly be sent spiralling, full force, into memories of that night. Those hours spent with Alexia, Jenni, and your girlfriend had served as an overwhelmingly hot distraction since. You thought about it in the car on the way to training, in the shower when your mind wandered. You even thought about it when you were with Leila, but seeing as though she was often the one to bring it up, you didn’t feel too guilty about that. A deep breath, in and out. Then, you forced yourself to relax into Jenni’s arms and looked expectantly at Alexia. 
“Get on with it, Putellas.” You said impatiently, refusing to give in to the midfielder’s blazing gaze. Leila chuckled from where she sat on the edge of the bed, smugly grinning at Alexia. The blonde’s gaze flickered to her for a second, then back to your lips. 
Alexia licked into your mouth, hot, wet and demanding. The hand on your jaw slid down until it cuffed your neck. You could feel Jenni’s hand wandering over the swaths of bare skin, then teasing at the waistband of your sweats. 
Groaning into her girlfriend’s mouth, your own palm found Jenni’s bicep. Your legs squeezed together at the tense of her muscles, shifting against the sheets to feel the heat of them both. 
“Needy.” Jenni accused as your hips squirmed when she stroked over them. 
You were quick to pull away from Alexia, twisting to the striker. “More, Jen.” 
Jenni chuckled, lifting her hand to press your stray hairs behind your ear. “Oh, you think you're in charge now?”
Alexia ducked down to kiss at your neck, shifting her hand only a fraction to give herself some space. You could feel her move, kneeling on the bed at your side. 
“Just-” You squeaked as Alexia unceremoniously groped at your covered chest. 
“Just?” Jenni sang, reaching her hand down to pull at the drawstrings of your pants. “Just let us play. Take what we give you and maybe we’ll let you come.”
Alexia pulled at the cups of your bra, exposing both breasts to the cool of the A/C at the same time. The shock was short lived. Half a second, then her hot mouth covered one. 
Gasping, your hand cradled her head to hold her against you. Her tongue swirled around your nipple, feeling it harden with every pointed flick. With the speed of someone who had down this many times, Alexia unclipped your bra with one hand, sliding it away. Her mouth never left your body.
You hardly registered Jenni slipping off the bed to stand. Her fingers made quick work of the knot and before you could so much as whine, she pulled the sweats down your legs. 
You could already feel the wetness between them, but if it wasn’t crystal clear, Jenni made it so when she pressed your thighs open. She let out a breathy groan before bending between them to mouth at the tender skin. 
A sharp bite to your nipple made you jolt. Jenni’s fingers dug in, holding your legs open as your back arched. 
“Again.” The striker demanded. 
Alexia switched sides instantly, gently grazing her teeth over your breast before sucking at the peak. She waited until your nipple was hard and sensitive before biting down. 
“Fuck!” You whined as your eyes tried to focus on the swirls of the hotel room ceiling. 
Then came Jenni’s thumb, stroking up and down your underwear to let you feel how wet you’d grown. Just a few seconds, then the heat of her mouth kissing at the fabric. Your hips bucked against her at the tease. 
Jenni hummed back, pecking at your thighs once more. “Ale. Get behind and spread her for me.” You could feel her hot breath between your legs before her fingers hooked on the waistband of your underwear.
As you helped - squeezing your legs together enough for Jenni to pull the fabric away - Alexia shifted. Strong hands pushed and pulled, manhandling your body until your back pressed against her t-shirt. A peck to your neck, then her hands slid to your inner thighs and spread them wide. 
“How does she look?” Alexia asked as your head dropped back onto her shoulder. 
“So pretty for us.” Jenni hummed. “And so wet. Can you see how wet she is, Lei?” 
You forced your eyes open, scanning the room until you found your girlfriend, comfortably reclined in the armchair in the corner of the room. You recalled the chair being in a different spot yesterday; Leila must have moved it earlier to give herself a better view. 
Your girlfriend didn’t have her signature smile on her face. Instead, she frowned slightly at Jenni, her forehead creasing in what you knew to be faux concern. “I can see.” Leila sighed. “I get her wetter.” 
There was no jealousy behind your girlfriend's words. Just some playful disappointment, and a hint of a challenge. And while you knew if the comment had been directed at Alexia, she would have let her competitiveness take over, Jenni did not. 
“It is more fun to take it slow. Make her beg for us. Right Ale?” 
Alexia hummed in response, one of her hands sliding up your midsection to pinch at one of your nipples. 
“You think I don’t make her beg?” Leila laughed. 
Jenni pulled away, turning her neck slightly to reply to Leila, but you had lost your patience. You grabbed the back of her head and attempted to bring her closer to your core. Jenni froze, showing an enormous amount of neck strength as she fixed her gaze on your face. 
Her hazel eyes stared into yours as she cocked an eyebrow, daring you to keep testing her. You waited a beat before begrudgingly pulling your hand away from Jenni’s head. 
“She just needs to look at you, bebé? And you’ll do whatever she wants?” Leila teased. 
Cheeks turning red, you shut your eyes and relaxed back into Alexia while you flipped your girlfriend off. You felt the blonde behind you smile into your neck, returning her hand to your leg to keep them spread wide.
 Jenni worked with a renewed passion, now, showing that she definitely had taken Leila’s comment to heart. Her tongue moved expertly. It didn’t matter how many times Jenni went down on you, it would always be shockingly good. 
“Tell me how Jenni’s mouth feels.” Alexia demanded. Her voice was quiet but her tone left no room for negotiation. 
“Good,” you breathed. You knew it wouldn’t be enough when Alexia’s hands tightened their grip on your thighs. 
“More. I have heard I am supposed to work on my English.” 
You struggled to force your mind to focus, especially as Jenni’s tongue quickened its strokes over your clit. Your hips rolled against her, picking up her fast rhythm as much as they could with Alexia holding you open.
“She feels… her mouth is hot.” You sighed, not entirely sure you were making much sense. 
“Hot.” Alexia repeated. “What else?” 
“She’s- I’m close,” you groaned, shivering at the harsh licks. “I’m really close.” 
“Sí? Are you going to come all over Jenni’s face?” Alexia cooed. Her tone was mocking and it shouldn’t have pushed you towards the edge the way it did. 
“Yeah,” you managed, your back arching slightly off of Alexia’s body. You were so close, just needing a hint more pressure from Jenni’s tongue, a touch more stimulation. 
“Don’t tell us. Tell Leila.” Alexia whispered, her words hot on your ear. 
“Lei, I- fuck,” You tried. One of your hands found its way to tangle in Jenni’s hair as you tried to bring her closer, make her go faster. “Lei I’m gonna come,” 
“Go ahead, bebé.” Leila sang. You could hear the bright smile in her voice. 
Jenni pressed her face closer, taking your clit into her mouth and sucking. Hard. That was all it took for you to cry out as your orgasm broke. One of your hands tightened in Jenni’s hair, the other frantically grabbing at the sheets as your hips bucked against her face. 
“There you go,” Alexia hummed. “Tan rápido.” You should have been suspicious at how gentle she was being, but you weren’t in the right mindset to do so. Instead, you were completely focused on Jenni’s tongue still flicking against you. You were coming down hard when you felt one of Jenni’s fingers teasing at your tight cunt. You flinched, but Alexia’s strong arms held you firm. 
“Jesus Jenni,” You cried as she pressed inside. 
It was more understandable why Alexia was being so nice. Especially when she banded one arm around your stomach and reached her hand up to grip your throat. She didn’t tighten her fingers. Her hand just rested there, giving a glimpse of the control you knew Alexia was dying to show. 
Hands occupied, Alexia couldn’t stop your lower body from moving. Your legs twitched and squirmed as one finger became two. The stimulation was just on the edge of being too much. Jenni knew what she was doing though, pulling away from your clit for the moment and focusing on pumping her fingers in and out of your pussy. It was a quicker build up this time, and you were getting close to finishing frighteningly quickly. 
Jenni’s fingers curled and twisted perfectly, hitting different spots with every thrust. You could hear how soaked you were, listening to the wet slide of Jenni’s fingers in and out of you. The sound alone was dizzying, and the feeling was otherworldly. 
“Jen,” You moaned again, not sure what you were trying to tell her. It was almost too much, but you definitely didn’t want her to stop. 
“Cari?” Jenni asked innocently, a third finger teasing at your entrance.
“That’s what I’m doing.” Jenni smirked, pressing the third inside. “Now be good and make a mess on my fingers. And then I’ll let Ale have a turn.” 
Alexia’s spare hand danced over your bare skin while her fingers tightened around your throat. It was just enough to restrict your airflow, and an overwhelming sensitivity seemed to take over every nerve ending in your body. You shivered, clumsily reaching up to place your hand over Alexia’s. 
She could feel your rapid pulse under her fingers, hear the quiet whimpers finding their way out of your mouth. “Venga.” She whispered impatiently, “I want to fuck you.”
The hiss of words in your ear did it. A loud whine left your mouth as you came, the muscles in your abdomen tightening as you went hurtling over the edge. The pleasure was mind numbing, blinding, and you were unaware of what your body was doing until it began to ebb.
You practically went limp against Alexia a minute later, a long exhale escaping your mouth as Jenni’s fingers pulled out of your tight centre. 
“Good?” Jenni chuckled. 
You didn’t reply, your attention instead focused on Jenni’s slick fingers reaching up to push into Alexia’s mouth. Alexia parted her lips eagerly, and you noted somewhere in your mind that it was the easiest you had ever seen Alexia comply with what Jenni wanted. You watched as Alexia licked at her girlfriend’s fingers. Her lips closed around them and she began to suck, grunting lowly at the taste of you.
Suddenly, the warmth of Jenni was missing from in between your legs, her fingers extracting themselves from Alexia’s mouth. Together, Jenni and Alexia shifted you over and away, leaving you resting comfortably against the pillows.
You couldn’t help but pout at the loss of contact. Your bare skin left you exposed against the sheets, the only one in the room to be naked.
“You look so pretty waiting for them.” Leila said quietly, more than a hint of affection in her voice. You relaxed into the pillows, feeling your face flush slightly at the way in which Leila’s eyes bore into yours. 
“Leila, ¿así es como se hace su maleta? Es un desastre.” Alexia asked, frowning in disgust as she rifled through the suitcase. 
“She asked you here to fuck her girlfriend, not insult her packing skills.” Jenni flicked her lightly on the ear. “Lei, which is your favourite?” 
The striker held up two dildos, as if she was asking which beverage Leila wanted. As if you couldn’t feel the phantom of both pressing inside of you. 
“Left. But there is another in there she likes more.” 
“Dónde? Debajo de este suéter feo?” Alexia mumbled quietly, ignoring the look Jenni sent her way. 
“Hurry up.” You cut in, your voice embarrassingly whiny.
Frustratingly, neither Alexia nor Jenni even glanced in your direction. They continued to bicker quietly, this time over who got to wear what strap, and you shared an amused smile with your girlfriend. The argument was decided with Alexia silenced by a look you’d never seen on her girlfriend’s face before. 
The two harnesses and two dildos were left on the desk as Alexia reached for the hem of her girlfriend’s shirt, but Jenni swatted her hand away with a roll of her eyes. “This is not about you Ale. Ask Leila if she wants us naked.” 
“I want you naked.” You commented from the bed, sighing in frustration when all you got was an amused look from Jenni. 
“Ouahabi?” Alexia asked impatiently, slowly pulling at Jenni’s shirt as if she was going to sneak it off her. 
The defender hummed. “If you want to come in her pussy, you should take your clothes off, no?”
All was still for a second, then Jenni grinned and slid her hands under Alexia’s shirt. They undressed each other impatiently, not sparing a second to take the other in as more and more smooth skin was revealed. 
You took it all in, though, watching with your jaw hanging open as muscular abs and quads and biceps and everything went on display. You only snapped out of your daze when both women had secured the straps to themselves, turning to you with downright evil grins on their faces. 
You only had time to look fleetingly at Leila, comforted just enough by the warm brown of her eyes that were on you, and only you.  
You were sitting up when Alexia moved across the mattress and settled between your legs. She pushed at your chest, sending you back into the pillows, before she pushed your legs apart. Your eyes were stuck on Alexia’s muscular form. You could have sworn she was flexing as she smirked down at you. 
“Bebé?” Leila called. Alexia frowned when you instantly tore your attention from her, and looked towards your girlfriend. “I want you to be good for them, sí?” 
You nodded, ready and willing to do whatever any of them asked. 
Alexia flicked at your nipple, startling your attention back to her. 
“And I want you to be loud.” She stated, shifting her hips forward so the tip of the strap pressed against you. The heat of her thighs nudged up against your own. “Shouldn't be hard for you. Let Leila hear how well I fuck her whore.” 
part 1 of 4 :)
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surielstea · 15 hours
Desperate Males
1k celebration request!
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Pairing: Poly!Batboys x Fem!Reader
Summary: Morrigan convinces Reader to indulge in her fantasies with the three winged Illyrians, the ones that the reader resents for the way they treat her home court, the hewn city.
Warnings: smut | minors dni | 18+ only | p in v | riding | mating press | multi-orgasm | dirty talk | foursome (f, m, m, m) | and probably a lot others
A. Note: Thank you my lovely Lex (@lexluvswriting) for helping me finish this because I was STRUGGLING but I’m happy with how it turned out in the end :)
8.1k words .. half of it’s smut, whoops.
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Rita's was packed full of lusting fae and grinding figures, every single body in the pleasure hall was glistening with sweat beneath the dim lighting as they continued to rut against each other.
I was sat in the corner of the building, at a small booth I was sharing with Morrigan, gossiping about our relationship issues over a few too many glasses of wine.
Mor was one of the only people I could tolerate ever since Rhys dragged me out of the Court of Nightmares and to Velaris. I hadn't had much of a choice, the moment he found out I was his mate, he felt some form of entitlement to me, he was fortunate he wasn't ripping me away from anything special, less fortunate when he realized I held the mating bond with his two best friends as well. All three of them, sanctioned to me, a female who had no intention of ever accepting any of their bonds.
Mor was from the hewn city as well, born and raised in that wretched court. It made it easier to talk to her, she understood what I meant when I said it felt like I was living a lie, too good to be true and she knew what I meant when I tried to explain my fear of the ever-imposing threat that it'd be ripped out right from under me at any moment. No one could truly understand the way she could, and though my resentment towards the inner circle was much stronger than hers, she made an effort to relate and be there for me.
"So, how are the boys?" Mor grins suggestively before taking a sip from her drink. I groan, slumping into my seat as I think about the three very annoying males she was referring to.
"Desperate," I grumble and she chuckles into her glass.
"How so?" She smiles, leaning onto her hand propped up by her elbow. "Give me some examples," She urges.
I shake my head with an eye roll, saying, "I don't have any." She gives me an undefeated look, a raise of her brows telling me she was waiting for me to go on. "The stories are too long," I argue but she still remains unwavering.
"Good thing we've got time," She leans back in her seat, getting comfortable as if she was prepared to stay in the pleasure hall with me all night. "Start with Rhys."
Rhysand had a tendency of showing up to the house of wind unannounced, quite a lot. So much so that the male has probably been in this house more than his own. To be fair, he was the one paying for it so I suppose this was just as much his house as any of his other residences, but ever since I started living here his visits began to grow personal. I've only been residing in Velaris for a few months now but he still made it his mission to see me at least every other day. Each time he welcomed himself into the large house he'd have some sort of gift with him, tonight was no exception.
I didn't startle when I heard the front door open, and I barely even flinched when his baritone voice crooned from the direction of the couch as I entered the sitting room. He had his long legs stretched across the couch, his head tilted back against the armrest, and his arms crossed over his chest.
"Evening, darling," He drawls and I look at him with an indifferent expression.
"It's the middle of the night," I grumble, going into the kitchen and grabbing a cup from the cabinet.
"I knew you were awake," He intoned and I rolled my eyes, filling my glass up with cold water.
"I'm about to go to bed," I claim, approaching the sitting room to look at him. He angles his head to meet my gaze, a sloppy smirk on his lips.
"Can I join?" He bats his eyelashes dramatically and I debate splashing my freshly poured water into his face. I decide not to, instead silently turning on my heel and retreating down the hallway. He shuffles off the couch and follows right behind me but I pay him no mind. I push open my bedroom door, leaving it open for his entry, because even if he agitated me it'd be a lie to say I disliked his attention. I was a simple female, and making him chase me like this so successfully was amusing, if not a little cruel.
"I have a gift for you," He informs in a sing-song tune.
"When do you not?" I say, placing my water down onto my nightstand and crawling into my large bed, Rhys had insisted on the size when we went furniture shopping so it could fit his wings, I had ignored his foolish assumption that he would ever sleep in my bed, but let him buy me the most expensive mattress anyway.
He reaches into a pocket dimension and removes a flat, rectangular, velvet box, one made for holding tiaras.
"I don't want your money Rhys," I sigh, watching as he situated himself on my bed, his long legs on either side of my hips, encasing me as I practically sit in his lap. "It's not money," He puts a hand up, waving me off. "I don't want your jewels or crowns either," I huff as he places the velvet box directly in front of me.
"It's not— just open it, will you?" His eyes plead with me more than his words. I stifle a curse and pick the ornate box up. It was heavier than I had been expecting, my brows crease as I slowly tilt the lid open, revealing what was inside. It wasn't money or gems, or even a fancy tiara, but a sleek dagger.
The hilt was solid obsidian, embellished with gold detailing, so well crafted it almost felt wrong to be in my hands. Deep red rubies adorned the top of the hilt in a teardrop shape, pointing up to the blade that's been polished to an impossibly sharp edge, Illyrian steel based upon the rich color of the metal. It was utterly elegant, in such a lethally arresting way.
I take the dagger from its confining box, my touch is delicate as I admire it from all angles, the blade moves so fluidly like the steel morphed into liquid when moving through the air. "You like it?" Rhys' voice breaks me from my trance and I grip the hilt a little tighter, looking up at him with an innocent gaze.
"It's unlike anything I've seen before," I murmur, still entranced by its beauty and the way it moved. He smiled at that, proud of himself for finding a way to impress me.
"It's an heirloom," He confesses and my expression drops, looking up at him.
"I can't take this," I immediately say, attempting to shove the dagger back into his hands.
"Sure you can," He sighs. "I have no use for it, and I heard you have a collection of pretty blades," He says, leaning back on his palms and ignoring the way I was haphazardly thrusting the dagger toward him.
"No, Rhys," I declare and his ears perk at the use of his nickname, he's been only Rhysand specifically for the last few months. "I can't, you're only doing all of this because we're supposed to be mates," I say. "I'm not worthy of your gifts, you're just blinded by the effects of the bond,” I say but my explanation must’ve failed to reach his ears because his smile simply remains.
"Darling, I'm a powerful male, if I didn't want the mating bond to affect me I wouldn't let it," He says cockily and I struggle to keep my eyes from rolling at his pride. "I'm doing this, because I want to, it's that simple," He places his large hands on mine, closing my fingers around the dagger. "But, if you don't want it then—" He starts and I shake my head hurriedly. "No, no I do want it," I grip his hands tighter and his brows raise a fraction. "Perfect," His smile returns, but his hands don't let go of mine and maybe for a moment I let myself indulge in his comforting touch.
"And you're telling me the two of you didn't fuck after that?" Mor questioned, an appalled look on her face as I ended my story about the High Lord.
"He gave me a blade, it wasn't exactly getting me hot and bothered," I scoff and she smirks.
"He could've given you another blade," She murmured under her breath but it wasn't quiet enough for me to miss. "Mor!" I look at her with wide eyes but she only snickers.
"Okay, I'm not totally convinced you dislike him, but tell me about Cass," She urges and I deadpan.
"Are you going to make sex jokes again?" I raise an assuming brow.
"No promises," She croons. "Now tell me about him."
Cassian loved to strut around half-naked. His shirt was often absent when I was around. It was an obvious ploy to swoop me off my feet, to get me drooling over his more than impressive abdomen and his arms that could crush my head in. And perhaps I did drool over him in the solitude of my bedroom, but I'd never let him know that.
I was sitting at the kitchen table enjoying my dinner when I nearly choked on my bite of food as Cassian strolled in, clad in nothing but pants and glistening in sweat from training. His hair was tied up in a messy bun that sat at the back of his head, a sword half the size of me slung over his shoulder in a sheath. I swallow my food with effort, my eyes unable to avert from every expanse of skin starting below his neck.
"Hey sweetheart," He says, kicking the front door shut. I snapped my gaze to his but the smirk on his face made it evident that he caught me staring. "Did you make dinner?" He asked, propping his sword up against the side of the counter. I didn’t make dinner, he knew that, because if I had I would be retroactively accepting the mating bond, he just wanted to put the idea in my head.
"Az did," I say through bites, the shadow singer beside me, silently reading a book, successfully not paying Cassian any mind unlike me.
"Is it any good or do you miss my cooking?" He asks with an amused smile, earning him a glare from the spymaster.
"It's delicious," I say, taking another large bite. I hadn't meant to indirectly compliment Azriel but he slightly smiled at my insult on Cassian, then returning to his reading.
The other male grumbled beneath his breath like a toddler throwing a fit as he made himself a plate that seemed more like a feast fit for a starving man, walking to the table and sitting down directly in front of me.
"You're not going to change?" I ask and he raises a brow and looks down at himself.
"Do you, want me to?" He said, slightly confused.
"Well, what if I started showing up to dinner shirtless?" I cross my arms with a scowl, Cassian's eyes light with amusement and Azriel begins to choke on his own air, muffling his coughs as he stuffed his face into his arms.
"I don't think we'd mind," Cassian winked at me and I looked down at my plate, silently cursing myself for walking right into that one.
"I just think it's bad table manners, is all," I murmur, leaning onto my hand as I roll my food over with my fork, playing with it aimlessly.
"If it has that much of an effect on you, I'll go change," He begins to stand and I whip my gaze up, staring at him with creased brows, not wanting him to think I was entirely bothered by it.
"It doesn't have an effect on me," I blurt out and a smirk curves his lips.
"Then I won't change," He sits back down.
"Fine," I say.
"Fine," He agrees.
Dinner went on a regularity from there, that was until I was clearly done with my food and I hadn't retreated to my room like usual, instead, I was far too distracted analyzing all the scars on Cassian's tanned skin, the ones that had stories behind them that I'd most likely never hear, the ones I would've never seen if he hadn't come home without a shirt.
His chest was on full display, rippling in muscle, a tight abdomen that would have me lying if I said my mouth wasn't watering when I stared at it for a moment too long. And gods, his arms made my thoughts wander beyond just arousal, it was more than a craving. My hands were practically shaking in my lap and I was just grateful they were beneath the table.
My eyes snag on a particular scar cutting across his ribs and up to his sternum, it must've been a mess of blood and gore when he got it, only for it to heal over as a simple line slightly darker than his skin tone, beautiful.
"I got it in a duel," Cassian said and I whipped my head up, locking eyes with him.
"What?" I say, my back ramrod straight, visibly embarrassed by the fact that I was just caught for staring so unabashedly.
"My scar," He places a hand over it, tracing two fingers down the raised skin with a practiced, rehearsed movement like he's down it thousands of times before. "It was from an angry husband, his wife neglected to mention she was married and he took some offense towards our, familiarity." He explained. "Insisted on a duel," He shrugged, and I blinked in slight shock.
"You, lost a duel?" I said like the idea was obscene. "Aren't you considered one of the best swordsmen on the continent?" I raised a brow and he shrugged.
"Seemed like the right thing to do," He flashed a charming smile that's guaranteed to have dropped panties before. "You're ridiculous," I said, standing up and grabbing my plate, walking into the kitchen to place my dishes in the sink. The Illyrian followed after me with his own plate, reaching over me and placing it in the basin beside mine.
I whirl around, which turned out to be admittedly a mistake. His bare chest was so close to my face that it was an effort to crane my neck up, keeping eye contact and not letting myself crumble beneath his gaze. "What do you think?" He asks and my eyes regrettably flick down to the scar, and I can't help myself as I reach forward, my fingers brushing over the rough line of skin and I swear for a moment both of us stop breathing. I tentatively pull my hand away, looking up at him with a smirk.
"I think you have enough testosterone to fuel an army," I hum, patting his chest before pushing past him and removing myself from the kitchen, attempting to ignore the way my hand remembered the feel of his skin against it.
Cassian turned to Azriel as soon as I was out of earshot. "That's a good thing, right?" The male mutters with a line between his brows. Azriel's eyes flick up from his novel to look at his brother. "I don't think so, no." He shakes his head, then returns to his page while Cassian's shoulders slump in defeat and he retreats to his room to find a shirt.
"You're telling me, you had your hand on Cassian, the male pushing seven feet, skin to skin and you didn't immediately surrender?" Morrigan says, her brows creased as she grows increasingly worried about my well-being. "Are you sick or something?" She reaches over the table, pressing a hand to my forehead and I scoff, the annoyed sound turning into a laugh as I push her hand away.
"I'm not sick," I claim. "Just a female who has no interest in large, muscular, beautiful, tan males," I grumble, taking a sip from my glass, my voice trailing off as I go on about how truly magnificent they are.
"Right," She settles back into her seat, crossing her arms over her chest, unconvinced. "So," She smirks. "I know you've been saving the best for last," She leans forward, her grin uncontrollable as she rests her elbows on the table while she insists, "Tell me about Azriel."
My experience in Velaris so far was enjoyable— despite the three winged males, the people were kind here, the men didn't stare, the children weren't sickly, and the women held more value than the curvature of their bodies. It was nice here, like some false paradise.
A small part of me would forever hate Rhys and all the others living in his secret city for blindly living their perfect lives, while innocent people dreaded waking up every morning— because the best time they spent was unconscious, in their horrid city just below the mountain, only a short trip away. Such a drastic shift of atmosphere.
Sometimes when my guilt of being happy began to grow too unbearable I found myself in the library. The first and only place so far I've felt entirely safe. It was quiet here, enough to clear my thoughts, but not enough for unwanted ones to creep in. Priestesses bustled around the building with carts and stacks of books, keeping the tenor lively and welcoming.
So it was a shock when my safe space was suddenly and harshly ripped away from me when I saw a familiar winged Illyrian sitting in the spot I always chose. It wasn't mine by any means, but the bastard must've known this was the alcove I selected every time I came here, there was no way he just so happened to favor this spot as well with the amount of floors alone this place had.
"Move," I was particularly upset this morning due to lack of sleep from incessant nightmares. He only smirks, his eyes slow as they left the book he was so engrossed with, and dragged up to my features. Hazel pools flickering with amusement as he meets my gaze.
"Oh? Is this your spot?" He tilts his head mockingly and I grip my book harder.
I disliked Rhys for how he acts in the Hewn City, and Cassian for his overtly boisterous and arrogant behavior, but Azriel— no one quite got under my skin like Azriel. I couldn't exactly pin down why he made me so frustrated, perhaps it was because he would be the easiest to like, or maybe it was because I always thought he was the prettiest whenever they'd make their annual appearance in my home court, something about that particular fact made me hot with both rage and excitation.
"Well, I haven't exactly seen you sitting here before," I argue, clutching my book to my chest with furrowed brows.
"Fair point," He hums while scooting over and offering me a few more inches of space. It wasn't exactly the largest amount of seating area but he was kind enough to move, and I was far too tired to continue arguing. So I settled in beside him.
The spot I favored over all the others was nestled in a carved-out alcove, hidden from any peering eyes, located between shelves full of various hardback spines. The only viewpoint was from the balcony upstairs, or straight ahead. It felt safe, and I've yet to find any other place I liked as much as this one, so I was open to sharing as long as he kept to his book and I kept to mine, silently.
But the olive green couch wasn't big enough for the both of us and I quietly cursed his insanely large wings for taking up the entire area, one of the dark limbs spread out behind me while the other hung off the edge of the couch, the one behind my back however forced me closer to him, my side pressed against his, and my legs that I had pressed to my chest leaning onto his lap, so much so that I might as well have just been sitting in it, we must've looked ridiculous.
Nevertheless, he opened his book back up and offered me the peaceful quiet I craved. I did the same, cracking my book and finding the page I was on.
It was nice for a moment, the awkward silence morphing into something more comfortable as it grew familiar between us. I had even gotten a few chapters in before I reached a much more, graphic, chapter. The descriptions were downright erotic, and suddenly everything the male did stopped mattering because I was now entirely consumed by the book I had randomly picked off the shelves this morning.
"What are you reading?" He was so very close to my ear that I felt his breath against it, and I snapped my book shut, the sound echoing off the shelves of the quiet library.
"None of your business," I retort, whipping my head to him with stern brows, he narrows his at me suspiciously. "What about you?" I jerk my head towards his closed book like it's been neglected for more than just a few seconds. "Is it a guide on how to kill your brothers? Because I might be interested in reading that one next," I say with a smirk and he mirrors it.
"I wish, Cass practically kicked me out this morning with his atrocious singing while he made himself lunch," He grumbled and my lip quivered upward, my amusement unmanageable at the scene he put in my head, and I cursed myself because, of course, he notices.
"Oh, you think I'm funny?" He says and he was so damned close that one inch closer would result in noses brushing.
"Shh." I press my pointer finger to his soft lips. "No talking in the library." I smirk at him teasingly, removing my touch from his sensuous lips, dragging the bottom one down only for it to spring back up when I let go in an oddly satisfying way.
"We don't have to talk," He suggests, catching my hand before it can fall to my lap. My cheeks grow hot as he interlaces our fingers, palms pressing together, soft skin against scars. He notices my blush and moves that lethal inch closer, the tip of his nose ghosting against mine. "You want to kiss me so badly," He continues his taunts and I scowl, but I don't dare move away.
"Shut up," I bite back.
"Are you going to make me?" He arches a perfect brow and I grit my teeth, deciding I won't play his stupid games. I detangle our hands and turn away from him, but I can still feel his eyes on me.
"You're just as bad as your brothers," I claim, opening my book again.
"You wound me," He gasps in faux pain and I roll my eyes.
"Aren't you supposed to be the quiet one?" I huff, attempting to find the page I was on.
"Just because they're loud doesn't mean I don't speak too," He states, resting his chin on my shoulder.
"Whatever," I grumble, and his wing curls around me a little tighter. He stayed silent for a moment, just a moment of relieving peace, but it was over as soon as it began and I was grateful for the second, but the opposite of gratitude came over me when he spoke again.
"This is filthy, love," He runs his finger down the edge of my book and I close the novel again, this time quietly so it doesn't reverberate throughout the library again.
"I'm not shaming you," His voice is deep and seductive as he speaks, so very close to my ear I swear with every word I could feel it vibrate down my spine. "Just wanted to let you know I'm open to recreating it," He suggested and I sighed, deciding I'd had enough of his banter, and stood up, clutching my book to my chest as I looked back to him.
"You're relentless," I say and he shrugs with a coy smile.
"No goodbye kiss?" He hums and I only shake my head and storm out of the alcove, leaving the library more frustrated than I was when I arrived.
"And?" Mor gestures her hands, demanding more.
"That was it," I shrug.
"You didn't go back and make out with him?" She creased her brows like I was insane.
"No, because I don't need a male to enjoy my life," I say. "You are one to understand that," I suggest with my brows raising and she simply rolls her eyes with dissatisfaction.
"Yeah, but— that doesn't mean you should strip yourself the pleasure of having all three of them," She wiggles her brows and my cheeks grow hot. "Or you could just pick one and miss out with the rest," She adds, before taking a sip from her glass, the liquid inside nearly gone.
I thought it might've been impossible to just pick one. They all had their own personalities and unique qualities, and what if I somehow chose wrong? What if my decision came between the three of them? Then again why can't I just have all three of them? They're all so kind to me, and they're funny, and so very gorgeous, and— "Oh gods, I'm in love," I gasp quietly, my hand cupping over my mouth at the devastating recognition.
Morrigan only nods with a wide grin, like she's been waiting for me to realize since we sat down in this booth. "What do I do?" Suddenly I don't know how to think, or how to act.
"Put them out of their misery and feed those poor bastards," She proposed and I groaned with defiance.
“I’ve been working so hard to ignore their pathetic acts for the last five months, I can’t just give in now.” I practically melt onto the table, my head falling into my arms dramatically.
“Hey, listen to me,” She grabs me by the face, smushing my cheeks as she emphasizes every word. “Do you want them to fuck you senseless?” She asks and I sigh, but inevitably nod with a pitying frown. “Then go." She releases my face and shoos me with her hands and I smile as I stand up. “You’re the best Morrigan,” I claim and she winks at me. “I know,” She shrugs and I blow her a kiss before winnowing to where the tether between the three men felt the strongest.
Which landed me in a cabin I'd never been in before, the sitting room warmed by the crackling fire in the hearth.
Whatever conversation the three males were having halted when I showed up. They all looked at me with analyzing eyes, raking up and down my figure, still in my party dress from Rita's, the material tight, hugging every curve and dip of my body and ending high on my thighs, showing off the entirety of my legs and an obscene amount of cleavage, which the males definitely didn't miss.
Cassian and Rhys were sat on a sofa in front of the fire, Azriel was situated in a large leather chair that he claimed like some sort of king, distanced from the fire I notice. All three of them had short crystal glasses, a matching decanter sat on the coffee table halfway filled with an amber liquid.
"Hey, sweetheart," Cassian was the first to speak. "What brings you here?" He hums and I clench my jaw. What was I doing here? Silently I whirl on my heel and walk towards the kitchen, finding a bowl of fruit situated on the counter. I grabbed an orange from the variety, taking my time to peel the rind off, the three of them staring at me curiously as I approached them again, splitting the pieces of the fruit into thirds, handing each of them a slice without a single word.
"Are oranges supposed to pair well with whiskey?" Rhys held the fruit up, staring at it confused as if the High Lord truly didn't understand what was going on. He wasn't seriously going to make me say it, was he?
"Eat," I demand but they only stare at me with blank eyes and I sigh, my shoulders sagging. "Whoever's orange is gone first I'll make out with," I say and within the blink of an eye all three of their slices of fruit were gone, but I caught Azriel swallowing first so I approach him and take the liberty of sliding over his lap.
He wastes no time before putting his hands on me and pulling me into him, his lips immediately finding mine.
I smile at the citrusy taste still ghosting his tongue as he pushes it into my mouth, tasting every inch he can find like a starved animal, craving more. My hand goes into his hair while his scarred ones slowly slip beneath my dress, gripping me tightly and pinning me down onto his hips, allowing me to feel just how hard he was beneath me.
Desperate, indeed.
"Az," I whine softly and he groans at the sound, his kisses turning sloppy as he loses himself entirely in the taste of me.
"Alright," Cassian's voice calls, familiar, large hands coming to my waist and pulling me off of Azriel's lap with ease, throwing me over a broad shoulder.
"Is this what it's going to be like mated to you three?" I say, still upside down as Cassian's hands roam the backs of my thighs, then higher. "Passed around between you three like some doll?" I say, secretly not minding the idea.
"If you don't want to be passed around," He tosses me down onto a large bed. "We can always share at once," He hums and I had an unshakable feeling that I would be split in half if I took all of them for the first time, at once.
"No, I like being passed around," I say with bright red cheeks and he smirks, guiding me up onto the bed, my head meeting the pillows.
"Then who do you want first?" He hums, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.
"Rhys," I look to the high lord. "I want Rhys," I say and the violet-eyed male raised a brow, his smirk uncontrollable as he approached the bedside. Cassian moved off of me and Rhys took his place over me, his lips finding mine with ease.
He kisses softly at first but that only last so long before he's leaving my mouth and beginning to nip and suck on my neck, licking over it to soothe the marks. I writhe beneath him, my hands in his dark hair as I ache for more. I reach for his pants, unbuckling his belt with one hand before moving to the ties confining his hardened bulge.
"No darling, you're going to ride me," He says breathily into my neck and my hand halts on his pants. He smirked at my reaction and flipped us over so I was on top. He unzips the back of my dress with ease, helps me slip it off with gentle hands as I straddle over his hips, now completely bare for all three of them, but it was only Rhys' eyes I was focused on at the moment.
I rut my hips down over the imprint in his pants, releasing a soft sigh as the action puts friction on my clit. He smiled up at me and how needy I was for him already.
He takes his pants the rest of the way off, his boxers along with it and I can't help but smile at the sight of him, his tip pulsing and red, and the length of him was intimidating enough on its own. "You think you're ready for me?" He asks, ripping my panties off with an ease I marveled at, but before I could reply to his question he swiped his fingers through my folds and my breath hitched at the stimulation, my arousal soaking his fingers, he pulls them back for me to see and I flush in embarrassment at how wet I already was.
"Oh, darling I've barely touched you," he smirks and I look away from his eyes, attempting to get my blush under control. "There's no need to be shy," He guides my face back to look at him. "Be good and take all of me, yeah?" He arches a dark brow and I nod, placing my hands on his chest as I rise on my knees while he helps align himself with my entrance.
He looks at me pointedly and I nod, then sink myself down onto him, ever so slowly.
"That's it," He grunts out as my cunt swallows around the head of his cock. He throws his head back into the pillows as I sink deeper, reaching the halfway point and clenching around him hard.
My nails scratched down his chest as the unfamiliar stretched, his eyes gleaming with pure lust until eventually my hips pressed against his and I let out a sinful moan as he brushed up against that bundle of nerves deep inside of me, kissing it softly.
"Rhys," I sigh, my nails digging into his abdomen as my cunt twitched around him. His hands come to my hips, slowly guiding me back and forth, manually making me grind on him.
"Fuck, taking me so well," He grits between his teeth, already restraining himself.
My back involuntarily arches as he kisses up against that sensitive spot again, moans tumbling from my lips as I begin to bounce myself up and down on his cock. He smiles hazily, his hands leaving my waist in favor of cupping my breasts, rubbing his calloused thumbs over my peaked nipples. My breath hitched at the sensation, clenching around him tighter as he groped them, tweaking them between his fingers, making my release barrel closer.
"So good for me, getting yourself off on my cock," He admires and I nod, a whimper slipping from my lips as I pull myself out to his tip then let gravity slam me back down onto him, the head of his length pounding into my sacred spot, making me release a lewd moan, screaming out his name as I clamp around the width of him, a ring of white forming around the base of his cock.
"Feels so, so good darling," He says breathlessly. "Such a good girl," He murmurs and I throw my head back at the praise.
"I'm close— Rhys, I can't," I pant out, unable to catch my breath with the way he relentlessly pounded into my cunt. "Me too, fuck— keep doing that," He grunted. "Keep squeezing me so tight, just like that," He instructs and I nod, my pussy taking all of him as he twitches deep inside of me, signaling that he was close.
I go faster, my thighs burning with the movement but I ignore the pain, delighting in the pleasure he was giving me. He pounds into me relentlessly, both of us teetering along that edge, and the moment his hands find my nipples again I'm left helpless, and suddenly I rise to my climax, coming to a crescendo as I meet my peak of pleasure.
I gasp as his warm cum seeps into my cunt, spurting out of his cock with one last clench of my core and he released a thick white liquid. "Gods, such a good girl," He sighs out, his large hands groping my breasts one last time before they dip down to my waist, and help guide me off of his length, laying me back into the bed.
"Cass," I murmured, keeping my legs together in order to hold Rhys' release inside of me. "Cassian, I want you next," I pant out, still not entirely over the high that Rhys left me with but I already wanted more, and lucky for me the male was there quickly, switching with Rhys as he hovers over me, his pants already absent and his cock leaking a milky substance, the sight making my mouth water. He was noticeably wider than Rhys, and I debated whether or not he'd tear me in two.
"Flip around, wanna feel your pretty pussy from behind," He hums and I do as he says, turning onto my stomach and hiking up onto my knees. His calloused hands find my hips, helping me guide them up higher, my back forming a perfect crescent as I keep my face in the pillows and maximize my arch.
"You ready for more sweetheart?" He asks and I nod, tears welling in my eyes as his heavy cock slaps against my soaking folds, my arousal dripping onto him as Rhys' release cascaded down my thighs. He lathers himself in my liquids, his pre-cum adding to the mixture.
"Want you, Cass," I murmur. "Don't hold back," I add and I can practically feel the way he was smirking. His tip prodding against my pulsing entrance.
"Tell me if it's too much alright?" He kisses my shoulder softly, his rough voice gentle as it meets my ear. I nod, but before any more words are spoken he grips my hips tighter and thrusts inside of me.
I gasp, breath being lost on me as I fist the sheets beneath me. "Cass," I cry out, the width of him stretching against my walls, molding me to him.
"Fuck, you feel so good wrapped around me," He sighs out and I gripe, writhing beneath him as he pushes deeper and deeper, forcing my legs wider so he could enter more comfortably.
My breathing is labored as his hips finally snap against my ass. He groans at the feeling of his cock entirely sheathed inside of my cunt, stretching me beyond capacity like a sleeve made just for him.
"Please, Cass," I whine and he leans over me, my back bowing against his chest, his lips coming beside my ear.
"We only just started, sweetheart," He taunted, nipping at my shoulder.
Ever so slowly he pulls out, removing himself only about halfway before slamming back into me with an outmatched force. I screamed at the switch of pace, his thrusts coming quickly, pushing me up the bed.
I reached forward, gripping the headboard to stop my body from unconsciously running away from him. He drove his hips forward harshly, his balls slapping against my folds. His hands left my hips in favor of my ass, handling me roughly as I arched beneath him, feeling his width deeper the lower into the pillows I went.
"Good girl.” He throws his head back, sweat glistening as it rolls down his chest, into the groves of his abdomen. I mewl loudly, incapable of forming words as he fucks me beyond sentences.
"Such pretty noises you're making for me," He hums, his lips ghosting against the shell of my ear. "Am I making you feel good?" He whispers and I swallow thickly, tears brimming my eyes as I nod helplessly, defenseless under him like this. He smirks at my unsolicited actions as I grip around his shaft tighter, delighting in how good it feels as he stretches me.
His hands returned to the curve of my ass, gripping the plush skin in his large hands, loving the way it left red imprints, marking me as his, as theirs.
"Pull my hair," I murmur.
"What was that, pretty girl?" He leans over me and I flush shyly, I knew he heard me the first time.
"Pull my hair," I repeat and he smiles.
"Yeah? You want that?" He wraps his hand around my locks, gripping the back of my skull before tugging on it and I moan, my release catching up to me as he manhandles me, just how I wanted. His grip tightens as I squeeze around his cock, his heavy balls continuing to clap against my neglected folds. "That's it, baby, just like that," He assures, watching as I lose myself in the heat, fire blooming over my skin as my release barrels closer and closer.
"Please," Tears slip down my cheeks. "Let me cum, I’m close," I mewl, gripping the headboard tighter, my nails denting the wood.
"Already?" He teased and I nod, pushing myself back onto his cock and he grunts, twitching inside of me and brushing against my elastic walls. "Go ahead, make a mess sweetheart," He allows and I immediately follow his order, my orgasm ripping through me for the second time tonight, his following soon after, shooting his load of cum into me, filling my every crevice and mixing with Rhysand's inside of me.
I grip at the sheets as he pumps into me one last time and I clamp down on him, milking his cock as he slowly removes himself from me and collapses down onto the bed beside me.
My legs ache as I sink back down into the mattress, my intense high slowly fading away as I flip over onto my back.
I jolt as a cold sensation runs up my thighs, skidding across my waist and meeting my breasts, shadows swirling around the peaks of my nipples, slowly tightening and beginning to tweak the hardened buds.
"Az," I sigh, shaking my head. "I can't," I murmur, far too overstimulated to even think about taking another round.
"You can." He comes between my legs, shadows forming at my thighs and prying them open, forcing them to stay even when I try to close them. I can make out the way Cassian's cum seeps out of my cunt and down my ass, the feeling making my mouth water for Azriel's cum too, wanted all of their release to mix in my womb.
"There's so many things I've wanted to do to you," He leans down, pressing a gentle kiss to my collarbone. "Things I've imagined doing to you," He confesses, beginning to place soft pecks up the side of my neck, to my jaw. "Which one of us do you think of when you touch yourself?" He asks, his lips ghosting over mine and my brows bunch because it'd be a lie if I said I ever thought about just one of them.
"I asked you a question," He purrs, his hands coming to my wrists, gathering them up above my head. "Be a good girl and answer it for me." The tip of his nose runs along the side of my neck before his lips make contact with the side of my throat, teeth grazing over the sensitive flesh.
"All of you," I confess, pulling slightly at my wrists as he lets go but shadows have them pinned down too.
"Yeah? Do you like to imagine all three of us ruining all your pretty, wet holes at once?" He croons, his mouth just beside my ear and I writhe, unable to even grind against my own thighs since his shadows were holding me open, leaving me desperate and vulnerable for his own pleasure.
"Az," I whine.
"Tell me," He demands. "Tell me what you think about when your fingers are stuffed in your needy cunt," He hums and my brows crease at how humiliating this all was.
"I think about all three of you, fucking all my pretty holes," I confess and he smiles proudly.
"Yeah? Does that get you off?" He hums and I nod with a whimper, murmuring a pathetic, "Mhm."
His fingers are barely there as he drags them up my figure, then back down to my hips, keeping me restrained as I clench around nothing.
"I need you inside of me, please," I beg and he manically grins, kissing along my jaw, nipping at it as I continue to pull against his shadows.
"Such a needy little thing aren't you?" He taunts and I nod, agreeing with whatever he wants me to as long as he pushes himself inside of me. "Yeah? Don't worry baby, I'm going to ruin you." He said, his grip tightening on my hips as he pressed his tip to my entrance, and without another warning, pushed inside of me.
I screamed his name loudly at the intense feeling, he didn't waste time and he most definitely wasn't gentle like Rhys, or kind like Cassian, he was fucking me like an animal, and I loved every second of it.
Maybe it was because I was overstimulated but he felt so fucking long inside of me, and when his length was fully sheathed in my cunt I swore he was up against my cervix.
Shadows released my thighs for only a moment so that he could adjust my legs, pulling them up to my sides and putting me into a mating press.
"Gods, you're taking me so well," He admires, staring down at me with low-lidded eyes as I let him withdraw everything he wants from me, his cock nestled deep inside of me as I take him deeper and deeper while he fucked me into the mattress, unrelenting and so very stimulating.
"That's it, so fucking good," He throws his head back at the feeling of my puffy cunt squeezing around him torturously tight. "Gods, I'm going to fuck this wet pussy until you beg me to stop," He groans and I moan at his lewd words, and the sounds of his hips slapping against the backs of my thighs, his full balls smacking into my ass as he continued his rough pace.
He looks down at me, sweat lining my forehead and a permanent blush over my cheeks, tears running down the sides of my face as he uses me.
"You look so pretty tied up like this," He smirks, analyzing my every breath, as if needing to remember this for later.
My mouth is open, moans escaping the base of my throat with each of his thrusts, the head of his long cock kissing my cervix and I scream, my nails digging into my palms as I fight off my orgasm, feeling my encroaching climax grow closer and closer.
"Az—" I start, barely able to get his name out before I'm cut off by another moan. "I have to—" I can't even say it, tears blurring my vision as he continues to pummel into me and I deflect my third release. "You already have to cum baby?" He smirks down at me and I nod, so grateful he understood but my gratitude dwindled away with his next words. "You wanna cum? You think you've earned it?"
I nod fervently, my body aching at the position he had me stuck in. I convulse around the base thick of his cock, the back of my head buried in the pillows as I plead for my climax but he wasn't allowing it until he came too.
I force my legs open wider and he hits into me deeper, earning a grunt of pleasure from him.
"I can't Az," I plead. "I promise, I'll be a good girl just, let me cum," I say and he groans at how I sounded begging for my own release, the sounds of my moans pushing him closer to that edge.
"Alright baby, go ahead, come all over my cock," He commands and I obey without another thought, my release slamming into me hard, resulting in me shaking beneath him, my legs jolting as he slowly unpins them and lets me wrap my legs around his torso, riding out my high as he presses into my cervix and with one last harsh thrust he grunts and releases his seed into my womb, mixing it with Rhysand's and Cassian's.
My cunt is left red and swollen as he removes himself from my entrance, I close my legs as soon as he was gone, not letting any of their releases escape me, keeping it tucked inside. The mating bond affected me so much that I wanted to feel this fucked out all the time, have them fill me at every moment, drunk on their cocks.
"You did so well for us," Azriel hums, sinking into the bed beside me, my ass up against him as I flip onto my side and face Cassian, his lips finding mine, biting at my lower one while Rhys' hands fondle my oversensitive breasts. "Poor baby, she thinks we're done," Azriel hums, his cock hardening again, pressing to my ass.
"Please," I whimper but none of them stop their movements.
"It's time to take us all at once, darling," Rhys said and I gasped as I felt his hand cup my heat.
"You ready, sweetheart?" Cass asks and I can only nod helplessly.
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257 notes · View notes
blarshwritezz · 3 days
I was just at the store and heard an innocent conversation between a father and his young son and got me thinking……..Yan! Father and child son looking for their new wife/mother darling while out doing errands??
Ah, this is so cute!
Yandere Father & Son x Reader
M yan(s) x F reader
TW - Kind manipulation, implied plans of kidnapping, honestly pretty tame
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"How about her, daddy? She looks pretty."
"Buddy, I think that woman is a bit too old to be your mommy."
The man smiled looking down at his son. He was a bit more selective about the woman who'd become his wife. Though, he couldn't help but be amused by the young boy's eagerness to find a mother.
But the woman he'd pointed out was clearly a decade or two older than the man. Not suitable at all.
They walked through the grocery store, the son eagerly pointing out woman after woman. But none of them were right. Regardless, the man kept a calm smile on his face.
But he got curious when his usually rambunctious and loud boy went quiet. He looked down at as son, who was staring off.
"Daddy...I need her to be my mommy." The boy slowly pointed one of his little fingers at a figure, one that also caught the man by surprise.
You were gorgeous. Not exactly wearing anything special, no makeup, and your hair was barely brushed. It was just a little grocery trip, after all.
But still, you remained show stopping to the two. Something about you was just...flawless. It screamed that you were your one they've been searching for. Your hair, perhaps? Your eyes? Your skin? Your figure? All of it, they wanted all of it.
"Yes...go say hi to mommy."
Your late night grocery shopping was suddenly interrupted by a small child crashing into you, holding your legs tightly.
"Mommy! I missed you!" The little boy cried as you looked down at him.
"Ah- look, kid, I'm not your mom." You tried to explain while being gentle. He was just a kid after all. A kid that was getting tears all over your pants.
"But you are, mommy!" He insisted, holding you tighter. How the heck could this kid have such a strong grip?
Just then, a man who must've been the boys gather rushed over and picked him up. "I'm so sorry, miss. My son must've just gotten confused. You see, you look a little like my late wife..."
And suddenly, your night was so much more awkward. Did this kid really think you were his dead mom? Made you feel bad for the poor thing...
"Oh no, not at all. I'm so sorry to hear about that." It wasn't the kid's fault. He was probably really struggling to comprehend that. He was so young...
After a bit of small talk, and a lot of insistence on the man's end, he ended up paying for your groceries. You parted ways, thinking that'd be the end of it. An odd encounter for sure.
"Daddy, I liked her a lot. She's my mommy!" The boy exclaimed to his father as they drove home. "When will she come home?"
"Let's see...how about next month?"
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I feel like this one's a bit short, oh well!
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hoe4sports · 24 hours
Birds of a feather, we should stick together
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Jessie Fleming x reader
-A part of the future prodigy series
A/N: Another Jessie fic. No big triggers. Fluff.
The bliss of a particularly hot summer morning in London was lingering in the warm air. You watched your daughter in the rear view mirror of your Lexus. Watching her was like watching your sister as a child, the resemblance was chilling. Your thoughts had been as chaotic as the first day of a snowstorm in New York. Would your sister approve of this? You had done everything in your power to take care of Clara. You knew that Clara loved Jessie. Your parents loved Jessie. But how could you know if your late sister would’ve loved her?
Today you were heading over to Jessie’s new house that she had purchased a few months ago. Or, rather your new familyhome. It had happened quite fast; one night you and Jessie had gotten wine drunk on a bottle of rosé and Jessie ended up suggesting moving in together. You thought she was crazy; how would a young woman that was on a high if her career want a single mother and her daughter? But Jessie had convinced you and she had decided that you both had too small apartments to raise your daughter in, and Jessie wanted Clara to have her own room with a big garden to play in. For most people, Clara was a shy 4 year old. For you and Jessie, Clara was a chirpy little 4 year old with the biggest fomo. She loved observing, thinking and wondering about the mysteries of life. You had talked to Clara about moving in with Jessie and that she was allowed to say no, but Clara had always been happy about it. Jessie had been quite the sport about the process, wanting to have everything ready before you moved in so that Clara felt safe and that there wouldn’t be any immediate changes after moving in. After all, Clara had a lot of trauma and her anxiety that needed to be accounted for. That lead you to today, the day where you were bringing your daughter over to your new family home.
“Mommy, are we there yet?” Clara asked curiously while her little eyes were scanning in the houses around the street you were driving in. Her hair moving with the wind coming from the half opened window. “Soon baby, how do you feel?” You asked while you took a left turn on the road. “Happy, but mommy, do you think Clara wants to play football with me?” The question made you smile even though Clara practically whispered the last part. When she brushed off her feelings, you knew that she felt safe and good. “I know that Jessie would love to play football with you” you said as you spotted the beautiful driveway with greenery and trees. Clara smiled in the back as she held a steady grip on her teddy. You pulled up to the double garage and parked next to Jessie’s car. It made you smile as it reminded you of when Jessie had insisted on getting a car seat for Clara just weeks after she had met her. You had told her that you could purchase one for Jessie’s car, but Jessie had been adamant about being in this for the long haul. “Ma, it’s Jessie” Clara squealed as she saw Jessie standing by the double doors. Jessie waved to Clara and Clara and waved enthusiastically right back. “Mommy, mommy! It’s Jessie!” Clara squealed again as you turned around to face your daughter. “Yes princess, it is Jessie” you smiled when you noticed the huge smile on Clara’s little face.
You hopped out to get your daughter from her seat, but Jessie beat you to it. Clara was wearing her Canada jersey picked out by nobody but herself with a pink skirt. “Jessie!” Clara chirped as she was playfully tossed in the air. “Is it my favourite girl in the whole wide world? Coming to see her new house, yeah?” Jessie asked and Clara nodded in response. “Yes, my biggestest special house!” The interaction melted your heart in only a way a child could. Clara really loved Jessie with all her little heart. Clara was excited to see her room. You hadn’t really had a garden or a house before considering life as a single mother in London with a 4 year old was expensive. But Jessie didn’t care, she had taken you to tons of viewings until she found the house that she wanted the three of you to live in. She had settled on this gorgeous white house with a big beautiful garden and she had made sure to have professionals install a playground for Clara. Clara was slowly becoming the centre of her world, and you loved it. «Lets go see your new house, Princess!» Jessie said as she put Clara down. Clara immediately sprinted towards the front door while she laughed. Jessie looked towards you, grabbed your hand, pulled you close and whispered “Welcome home baby” before kissing your hand.
When you walked in, the house was finished like you had planned on. Everything from the placing of the couch to the pictures that had been put up. Jessie had made sure that everything you both had written down was perfect, and when Clara was away with her Grandparents for the weekend; you had gotten together and done the last work on the house. “Are you ready Claramell?” Jessie asked as her hand rested on the door handle in the hallway. “Yes, Jessie! I am, I promise I am” Clara giggled as she tucked herself into Jessie’s side. “Let’s go see your new house princess” and with that the exploring of this new home begun.
“This is the kitchen” Jessie said as you followed Clara who had practically run into the room. Clara’s eyes scanned around the room while analysing all the little details. “Come here, let me show you something” you said to Clara as you walked to the big island. You pressed on a drawer and a microwave came out of it. It was a little microwave drawer created so that kids could reach it. Clara studied it as her tiny hands fiddled with the drawer pushing it in and out a couple of times before she nodded. “Can we use it to make pizza bites?” Clara said as she looked into the drawer. “Yes, you can have all the pizza bites you want pretty girl” you said as Clara giggled. She looked around the room before she headed over to the dining table. “Are we gonna have dinner here mommy?” She asked as she climbed up to the chair and onto the table so she could look out the window. “Yes, we are gonna have dinner her as a family here every night” you confirmed. She frowned «oh» she mumbled clearly disappointed. “What’s on your mind Clarabear?” Jessie said as she picked Clara up from the table and held her. “I thought maybe we could sometimes eat in the garden like at grandma’s” You looked at Jessie with a huge grin, this little girl of yours was so well spoken. “Yes, we can eat outside! And I promise, we can even eat in front of the tv sometimes, but don’t tell mommy” Jessie whispered the last part as she winked to Clara who lit up light a Christmas tree.
Clara had found the toy kitchen in the living room and was busy making tea and biscuits for Jessie. It made you giggle, especially when Clara told Jessie that her card had declined. Clara suddenly stopped in her tracks like a deer in headlights when she saw the grand staircase. It was like she had never seen a staircase before, except she had. “What’s up doll?” You asked as you reached for your daughter’s hand. Her big brown eyes were glancing up at the staircase. “What’s that?” Clara whispered as she pulled herself close into you. Jessie scooted closer to the pair of you and tucked Clara’s brown hair behind her ear. “That’s a staircase, it leads to the second floor where your bedroom is and mommy’s bedroom is. Do you want to come check it out?” Jessie asked as Clara’s eyes still hadn’t left the staircase. Her nervousness breaking through in form of biting her pointer. She gently nodded as she grabbed Jessie’s hand tight, still feeling a bit insecure about the thought of living in a two story house.
“Big bed” Clara said her eyes widened at the sight of your and Jessie’s bed. Jessie nodded as she put the tiny girl down on the bed while holding her hands, Clara immediately started jumping like a little money while squealing. Jessie laughed with her and after 4 bounces she jumped straight into Jessie’s arms. The laughter calmed down with Clara laying her head on Jessie’s shoulder.
The moment was interrupted as Clara was looking around when her face formed a confused grin. “Jessie, where’s my bed?” Clara questioned. “You get your very own big girl room with your own big girl bed and your own big girl covers” Jessie announced excitedly. “Jessie has spent a lot of time on making your big girl room Clare” you said as you leaned into the doorframe. Jessie walked with Clara in her arms across the hallway and put Clara down infront of her room. On her door, there a beautifully painted sign was hung up with “Clara” on it in pink. “This is your room, Clarabear” Jessie said as she tapped the door. Clara’s hand touched the doorhandle to open it, and she pushed the door open. Her tiny eyes looked like they were about to fall out of her head. She stepped inside completely speechless while you and Jessie followed close behind. The room was big and had a natural calmness to it. The windows were rather big, and you could see the beautifully fenced garden behind the house. The curtains were hung from the top of the wall all the way down to the floor. The walls were painted in a soft beige color expect from one wall who was painted in a muted pink tone. There was a pink bed in the corner with a pink bed canopy over it to create a safe space for Clara. In one of the corners of her room were all her toys in a set up of playboxes. There was a brand new dollhouse next to the boxes with ponies and little people in it. All her favourite Barbies were lined up next to each other and there was a small ball pit.
Clara walked around the room and touched things. Jessie looked concerned. “Give her a second” you whispered. She saw her dinosaurs. She touched her carpet as she walked across the room, the same carpet from home that she got from her parents before the accident. She walked around with stars in her eyes. There were pictures on the wall of herself, her family, her grandparents, her parents, and the three of you on the pitch after Clara’s first game watching Jessie. She walked towards the bed where she looked at the bedding. It was her favourite princess; Aurora. She sat down on her bed just looking at the room. Jessie looked over to her and smiled. “How do you feel about it? We can paint it or buy new toys or maybe new furniture?” Jessie suggested. Clara shook her head before tearing up. Jessie looked panicked for a second, but you recognised the happy tears from a mile away. Clara stood up and launched herself at Jessie. “I love my big girl room, thank you Jessie” she sniffled. Jessie picked her up and hugged her tight feeling as grateful as ever.
Something about the small one bedroom apartment that you had shared her whole life was comforting and intimate. This new house was big, and it felt empty. But the emptiness was about to be filled with memories of bliss, football in the garden, late dinners, laughter, friends coming over, early breakfasts and first day’s of school. The bliss of a childhood was like a seed that had been planted within the walls of this house. This didn’t just mark the start of something new; it marked the start of the rest of your lives.
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quinnylouhughesx43 · 6 hours
𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 - 𝐥𝐡𝟒𝟑
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summary: requested by @toasttt11 : “I don’t think I’ve ever met someone that makes me want to treat them like they’re royalty, like they do” in which luke yaps out about his girl to jack, luke hasn’t told his girl exactly how much he likes her, jack takes matters into his own hands.
warnings: use of y/n, couple uses of profanity, really it’s just luke being a massive s!mp for his girl so fluff fluff fluff, jack meddling (again)
word count: 2.25k
notes: thank you toast for this prompt request I had a lot of writing this!!! i didn’t think i would finish it so quickly but the tournament i was supposed to ref got cancelled so im stuck in a hotel with nothing to do but read and write… hopefully its good because i already wrote a 6 year in the future pt 2
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As Luke slid the key into the lock, a warm, fuzzy feeling filled him up like a cup of his favorite grandma’s homemade hot chocolate after a long day of playing on the outdoor rink as a kid. He had just returned home from his date with a girl he had become absolutely smitten with. Her name was y/n, and she had this alluring way about her that made him feel as if he was walking on the clouds. It was in the way she laughed, how she would talk about her family, it reminded Luke of the way he talked about his family, it was the way she smiled when she talked about her favorite things. To Luke everything about her was perfect.
And now, here he was, back at his shared apartment with his middle older brother, grinning from ear to ear like an idiot. Jack, had spotted him as he was about to enter the apartment through the windows and was gingerly waiting to ask him what had him so smiley.
Luke routinely wears this tight lip, apprehensive smile but after being around her or simply just the thought of her was enough to bring out his genuine smile. “Who or what has you so giddy? You look like a child who was just told they were given unlimited access to a toy store for the next year.” Jack questioned. Scampering around their small living room to stay right on his younger brother’s heels. Attempting to insure he didn’t miss Luke’s answer. Luke didn't even need to think about it before he replied, "I’ve been seeing someone...and let’s say, if someone would have asked me what I wanted them to put together in a female, she is it. Wholly everything." He paused for a moment, letting the words sink in for Jack. Luke’s heart was still beating rapidly even after being away from y/n for half an hour now. He was truly down bad.
Jack's eyebrows raised, his mouth agape. Not believing what he just heard quite yet, "Wait, you mean you're in a relationship with someone?" He asked, trying to keep the incredulous tone out of his voice. Luke shook his head no, feeling a little self-conscious suddenly. Jack narrowed his eyebrows as if to question him why no, but didn’t just yet. Sometimes dating exclusively just doesn’t happen. "And this girl, she's...she's really special?" He prodded. Luke nodded again only a yes this time, and more confidently. "Yeah, Jack. Y/n is really special. I don't think I've ever met another girl that makes me want to treat her like she's royalty all the time, like she does." He paused, letting the words hang in the air. "I think...I think I might be falling in love with her." The silence that followed was deafening. Jack beginning to think Luke just might be serious.
Jack looked at Luke, attempting to gauge if he was serious or if he was just being his typical sarcastic self. But when he studied Luke’s eyes and noticed the sincerity shining through and the emotions held in each word he spoke that this definitely was not a joke. There was no way this was just another one of Luke's short flops either. He was serious about this girl.
For a short lived moment, Jack felt a pang of jealousy that the youngest was seemingly finding himself in a serious relationship. Only he quickly reminded himself that it wasn't like he was necessarily someone who had truly went out and tried to find himself someone special either. It also wasn't like Luke had ever been the kind to want anything that was deemed as just a good time or an easy lay. However, he also wasn’t one to talk about love, girlfriends, and all that over the top mushy stuff. Those topics were more of Quinn’s realm of interest. Jack had never thought he'd hear any of this from his younger brother. At least he didn’t expect it fresh out of his rookie year when women throw themselves at him.
Luke shifted uncomfortably, moving to sit on the couch next to Jack, emptying out his pockets onto the table, all while being under Jack's intense studying stare. "What?" He asked, not entirely sure how to react to his brother's silence. “So, you want to treat her like royalty?” Jack reiterated Luke’s previous comment. Luke nodded, feeling the heat in his cheeks intensify. Luke dropped his face into his hand for a few moments thinking how he’s going to approach his response before he spoke.
Jack took his chance and grabbed Luke’s phone. He knew his brother all toowell. He knew he would likely never be brave enough to spill out whatever confession he is about word vomit to him out again, let alone to y/n. He quickly shot off a text to her about it being from Jack, and that he was calling her but needed her to listen to the conversation, not talk to him unless he talks to her. Does Jack feel bad for tricking his baby brother and this girl? Oh definitely. But he thinks it will help him, he hopes it will at least. He’s grateful that Luke even mentioned her name.
“Yes I do want to treat her right. I don’t know her past relationships, and I’m not sure that they even matter? If it is her and I, I hope she never thinks of him or them again. I want to give her every reason to forget they ever even existed. I want to make her world be an entirely different place than it is now. Make it different. Better. Because she deserves it. So. Yeah Jack, yes, I want to be the guy who opens the door for her, who treats her like she's the most important person in the room, shit the most important person in this world. I want to make her feel special, you know?" He shrugged, looking up for the first time before meeting his brother's gaze. Thank goodness, Jack had the phone discreetly placed. Luke could continue his rambling which Jack knew by the way his eyes were glassed and his pupils dilated so large, “Go ahead, continue talking about her. You’ve stayed quiet about her for a while apparently, let’s hear it.” Jack wasn’t that interested or invested in Luke’s overtly smitten relationship but he was happy seeing his baby brother so happy.
Luke let out a small laugh, feeling the warmth spread from his chest to his fingertips. "Y/n is amazing, Jack. She's funny, and so damn smart, I am talking mom smart. I have never met anyone else as smart as mom until her, and...and the best part, get this she had no idea who I was before I introduced myself. I was just Luke to her, I wasn’t Luke Hughes, New Jersey Devil. I was just Luke again. I didn’t have to overcome some preconceived idea she already had of me. I only had to worry about the one she would form of me when we first met. She knows now that I play for the Devils, I wanted to be open about it but it was so nice to meet with out having to fight for showing someone that I am more than hockey. So for her, although it has only been a few true dates and a couple times seeing each other I want to show her that to me, she's as important as a princess." Luke paused, there was a faraway look in his eyes, as if he was imagining the moments of treating her, loving her. "She hates being paid for, but I want to give her everything she desires, needs, I don’t want to do it because I’m fortunate enough to be able to. I want to because she never puts herself first. If she’ll be with me, one day she’ll be the first in my universe.” Luke turned his to look at his older brother, hoping that he was getting through to him. He sure was. Jack was nothing short of wonderstruck.
"She's a lucky girl, you know that? To have someone like you who genuinely cares for her, who sees beyond the superficial layers and goes deep, who wants to make her feel so special." Luke nodded, a small smile playing at the corner of his lips. "No. You’re wrong. I am the lucky one. I just hope she knows how I feel. I don't want to mess this up." Jack reached over and pulled Luke into him by the shoulder, a normal gesture of affection from the older brother. "Just be you, little bro. That's all you can do, seems it already worked for you. Right? Mr. Just Luke. Question is though, have you even began to tell her any of this?” Jack asked him possibly the most important question of the entire conversation.
Luke paused for a moment, his expression turning down from the previous glowing high. "Not yet. Us Hughes boys do have a track record of doing or saying dumb shit too early. I don't want to put any pressure on her to reciprocate the same feelings. I just want her to know that she makes me happy, that she's special to me. But I want her to feel it, see it in my actions, without having to say it." He sighed, resting his head back against the couch. "But I know I should tell her, right?”
Jack flashed him a smile, retracting his his arm from over his shoulders and dropping it over to pat Luke's knee. "Yeah, you should. But you've got this, little bro. You've got a good head on your shoulders, and you're being genuine. She'll see it. And if you're still worried about it, well, I'll always be here to help you. Like now.” Jack revealed that he had stolen Luke’s phone off the coffee table when he had dropped his head earlier in the conversation. Y/n listened silently hearing his verbose words he shared over their time together. Her heart palpitated a few times over things he had said specifically about her. No one had ever talked about her the way Luke did. It made her feel ways she was unsure how to put into words just yet.
A few moments of shared unutterable silence spread across the three of them when Jack had announced that y/n was on the phone and she inevitably had heard Luke’s emotional admiration for her, y/n’s voice finally broke through the speaker of the phone.
"Luke, I'm so glad you told him that. Or well both of us that.. It's just... well, you know... I am just me, a normal person. There’s no need to overplay it silly boy." Her voice was soft, almost shy like it was the night Luke and her me. Probably because Jack was listening, but there was still the hint of that playfulness that Luke had started to love. "I can't even tell you how much it means to me that you see past all of my quirky interests and...” She paused for just a split second “Can I come off speaker phone? Uhm.. I really just want Luke to hear this.” Jack handed Luke his phone with a smug I told you so look plastered on his face. “Hey, it’s just you and I now.” Luke told her, even getting up off couch to allow space between him and his nosey brother. Luke had a smile so big spread across his face. Jack couldn’t help but smile too. His baby brother was growing up on him. Y/n continued, “and most of all I like that you're just Luke for me, and that you felt comfortable enough to still tell me so quickly about your life when you could’ve kept me in the dark for however long you wanted to. You may be this hockey star, but for me you’re just Luke. I mean, I know you're amazing at hockey and all, but that doesn’t define who you are in life. You are so much more. You're funny and sweet and thoughtful, and I just... I just can't help but feel lucky that I get to spend time with you. And I hope you know that." She paused, her voice catching a little, and Luke could swear he could hear her sniffling. "So, um, yeah. I guess what I'm trying to say is... I want you to know that I feel the same way.” Luke’s face kept flushing deeper shades of red it was nearly burgundy by the time y/n was finished talking. He couldn’t form a coherent sentence without stammering entirely over his words. He pulled his phone away from his ear and opened their text thread.
“Can I come to your place? I think we should finish talking in person?”
Luke pressed send and heard her cute giggle through the phone speaker. “Yes. I’ll see you soon.” The two shared their goodbyes before hanging up the phone. “Jack. You’re dead when I get back, but thank you.” Luke said to his brother scurrying around the living room for his shirt he discarded earlier and his sneakers.
Luke grabs his keys and wallet from the bowl in the table by the door. Murmuring a goodbye to Jack and essentially leaps out the door. He has a very little talking he wants to complete and a lot of affection to start giving. Y/N is anticipating his arrival because first thing she plans on doing is nabbing a kiss from the sweetest boy on this planet. Both of them riddled with anticipation to see each other. If they turn out not to be meant for each other, then there is no way soulmates exist. Luke and y/n are two halves apart that become one when close to one another.
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cheeeeseburger · 3 days
Ilicit affairs
Sergio Perez x Reader
A/N: Hi, I'm not sure about this one! English is not my first language, apologies for the mistakes!
You and Sergio had just gotten into a fight.  It was a big one, the kind that left you wanting space from the other. Since the hotel room forced you to be in the same space, you had gotten on a long walk around town. You had time to think, and although it hurt, your choice was made.
As soon as you walked in the hotel room, Sergio got up from where he was sitting on the bed. “Mi pastelito, I was worried you were not going to come back.” He pulled you in his arms. You hugged him back, taking care to note how he smells, the way it feels to be in his arms, how loved you felt. “This was a stupid fight. Let’s forget about it, okay?” he asked while carefully brushing your hair with his fingers. You immediately got teary eyes.
“Sergio, we need to talk.” You pulled his hand, so you were both sitting on the edge of the bed. He looked so concerned that it only made you want to cry harder. “¿Qué pasa?” You took a deep breath before saying out loud something that would break both of your hearts.
“I think we should stop seeing each other. I can’t be your mistress anymore.”
Every single word from those two sentences hurt. You had been his mistress for the last two years, ever since you had fallen for his charms at a GP. Since you were working for an F1 team, you were at all the races, and you and him naturally started and affair. You knew what you two shared wasn’t right, you knew you were the other woman, but you two shared something so special that you ignored all your moral judgement. You just listened to a lot of Lana Del Rey and cried whenever the urge to publicly show off your love was too strong.
Being his lover was a terribly beautiful thing. Nobody on Earth could ever feel as loved as you when you were with Sergio in private. He adored you and worshiped you for your mind, your body, your love. During those moments, you pretended he was your fiancé, your husband, the father of your children. You cosplayed as his wife. But your fantasy was always interrupted. In public, he had his wife and kids, and you stood to the side, pretending your heart was not longing for more, acting like you didn’t even know him. You let guys flirt with you since you were technically single. They all thought you were playing hard to get when you didn’t text them back.
But after two years of this illicit affair, your heart couldn’t take it anymore. The guilt was starting to be overwhelming. You were afraid of confessing everything anytime someone mentioned his name. This wasn’t fair to you or his family, and that’s why you had to stop seeing each other.
“What? Are you serious?” Unfortunately, you were. You batted your eyelashes to chase the tears away. “Sergio, this has been going on for too long. I can’t live with the thought that I’m possibly a homewrecker.” He looked at his ring finger that was always empty whenever you were together.
“Mi pastelito, you’re not a homewrecker, my wife doesn’t know about us, and she will never find out! We don’t have to stop, please don’t make us stop.” He was in agony, truly panicking when he thought about losing you. You caressed his face, trying to comfort him. You needed comforting too.  “Baby, you know the truth always comes out, especially with your level of fame. This isn’t fair to your children or your wife. I can’t be the one to ruin your relationship with your family.” A selfish little voice inside of you was screaming at you to ruin his family, make him divorce his wife so he’d finally fully be yours. Mine mine mine mine
“I’ll divorce my wife. My children, they’ll understand. It will be fine!” The selfish voice roared at his words, but the rest of you didn’t.  At this point, he was desperate, trying everything to make you stay. “Don’t say that. You don’t mean it. If you divorce your wife to be with me, one day, you will wake up and realize that this was all a mistake, that you should have stayed with her. You’ll start to resent me, I’m sure. I love you too much to let you do that,” you said softly, like you would to a child.
Sergio closed his eyes and let you comfort him. You continued: “I don’t want to be the other woman anymore. I want to be someone’s girlfriend in public, maybe even someone’s wife. I want to kiss you after a race, I want to go out in a restaurant with you, I want the whole world to know we’re in love, but I know you can’t give it to me.”
He immediately protested. “Mi pastelito, that’s what I’m saying! I’ll get a divorce, and I’ll marry you instead. I’ll get you a big diamond ring. We can have a big wedding, so everyone will see. Please, mi amor, give us a chance!”
You gave him a soft kiss. Saying yes would be so easy, and it was everything you wanted. But you could never live with yourself if he let his family down for you. “Baby, it’s okay. It’s all okay. In a few minutes, I’m going to leave this hotel room, and you’ll have to let me go, okay? We will probably see each other at the races, but we will look away and continue walking. The only thing I ask for is that you be the best version of yourself for your wife and your children. Please, work on your marriage, take care of your wife, be the perfect father for your children. You owe me that much.” You were both crying now, realizing that in a few minutes, you would never be in each other’s lives ever again. In a few minutes, you would walk out as a free woman, heartbroken but free, nonetheless.
“I promise. I’ll really try, even though you will always be in my heart. I will always look for you in a crowd, always wish that things had been different. I love you, mi pastelito.” It was his turn to comfort you. He took your hands and gently caressed them.
“I love you too, so much it hurts.” You smiled weakly through the tears. “When I’ll see you with you wife and children, I will be happy. I’ll know that we have done the right things. And when you see me in the paddock with some other guy, you’ll have to be happy, too.” He made a pained face at the last part.
“You know I could never be happy to see you with someone else. You should be with me.” He looked so sad, so hurt.
“Then you know how I have felt for the last two years, whenever I saw you with your wife. That’s why I must go, baby.” You kissed him, and Sergio and you knew it was the last kiss you two would ever share.
It was tender, filled with love and adoration for the other. It tasted like “maybe in another life” and “how come we can’t be together in this one?”. The kiss felt like heartbreak and love at the same time. When you pulled away, the look in his eyes almost crushed you to death. Leaving him was the most difficult thing you had ever done. When you stood up from the bed, he did not let go of your hand. He tried to pull you back, but you stood strong. When he realized you were actually leaving, he kissed your hand and laid his head on your arm. This was the final act of your story. You were the one that got away. If this was a movie, the director would get an Oscar for filmography and another one for screenplay.
He finally let go of you, after what could’ve been minutes or hours. You did not dare to look back as you stepped out of the room, because you knew the look of anguish and despair on his face would be the death of you. When you closed the door, you were not longer a mistress, but a lovesick woman. At least, you were guilt-free. Almost guilt-free.
The next few weeks were hell. You were missing your lover like crazy, and apparently, so did he, because he had sent multiple texts asking to see you again. Even though the temptation was there, you did not reply to any of his messages. You did read them multiple times and cried a lot over them, but that doesn’t count, right?
The fact that you were working in F1 and attending all the races didn’t help. You wanted to swoon every time you saw Sergio’s face on a poster. On a few occasions you almost ran into him, but you always managed to hide before he could see you. Your heartbeat was so fast and so loud, you swore he would discover you because of it.
To distract you and to respect your part of the deal, you started seeing an engineer. It had been four months since you lost your title of Sergio’s mistress, and when he asked you out, you said yes. He was kind, gentle, and way more into you than you were into him. In other words, he was the perfect rebound.
It was the week of the Australian GP, and the guy who was now your boyfriend took you to a nice restaurant to celebrate your two months. Honestly, things were going great. You were taking things slow with him, and although your stupid heart betrayed you by beating fast every time you saw Sergio, you weren’t nearly as upset as you were three months ago. You felt good about yourself.
You excused yourself to go to the bathroom before dessert. It really was a nice place. You might have had one too many Aperol Spritz, though.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, please excuse me!” You apologized as you ran into a man. When you looked up, it was Mr. Sergio Perez himself, thankfully without Mrs. Perez. That would have been awkward, or at least more awkward than this already was.
“Mi pastelito, it’s you. It’s really you,” was all Sergio said. He wasn’t sure if you were real or not. Perhaps you were cake?
“Hi,” you avoided his gaze and tried to runaway, but he grabbed your arm. His touch immediately took you back to endless illicit nights spend together, where you had to restrain yourself from leaving marks on his body. Instead, he left love bites on yours.
“Are you really going to run away from me? Hide from me once again?” Oh, so he had seen you. Oops.
“Sergio, I don’t think this is a good idea. I’m on a date right now, we’re celebrating our two months” you confessed sheepishly.
He held on to your arm possessively. “Yes, I heard everything about that new boyfriend of yours. Congratulations, I guess.” He pulled you closer to him, so he could whisper in your ear. “But I don’t think you’ve truly moved on. I know I sure as hell haven’t. Mi pastelito, does he know you’ll never love him like you loved me? Like you still love me?” He pulled back then kissed you on each cheek, like you were old acquaintances meeting again. “It was lovely to see you. Have fun on your date, mi amor.”
He left you standing there, in shock and more in love with him than you had ever been. A five-minute interaction with him made you head over heels once again. How cruel was that for you, but also for your new boyfriend. When you went back to your seat, your boyfriend happily informed you that an anonymous gentleman had picked up your tab. You didn’t need to be Sherlock Holmes to figure out who was the mysterious man.
The next morning, you broke up with your boyfriend.
Oh, you were definitely tipsy. Perhaps even drunk? But that’s the Miami GP afterparties for you!
Hey baby, it’s me!!!!!!!
Sergio jumped when he saw your name pop on his notifications. It was like a siren call he had hoped for in vain since you left him. He replied immediately.
Hello, are you okay mi amor?
Are you alone?
Yes, why?
Can I call you?
“Hello?” Sergio picked up the phone, confused but happy that you were calling him at midnight.
“Hiiiiiiiiiiii baby, it’s me!” He chuckled when he realized that you were drunk. He would have preferred that you had called him sober, but when it came to you, he would take anything.
“Hello, mi pastelito. Are you alright?” He hoped you were not passed out somewhere. He heard people shouting your name in the background, so you were probably with friends, thankfully.
“Oh baby, I’m doing soooooooo good actually. These guys keep buying me shots. It’s great!” He definitely didn’t like to hear that.
“I think you should slow down. Tell these guys to back off.” You were pleased to hear his possessive tone.
“Are you jealous? Because if you are, that’s hot. All of this is your fault, anyway.”
“Really? How come? And when it comes to you, I am always jealous.” He heard you sigh.
“Well, because I saw you the other day, I had to break off with my boyfriend. It wasn’t fair to him. Now, I’m drunk in the club, and I keep telling people it’s because I just broke up with my boyfriend but really, I’m trying to get over you.” He softened at your words.
“I don’t want you to get over me, mi amor. In fact, I’m glad that you’re not with that other guy anymore. Why don’t you come over and we can talk about it?” You were drunk, but not drunk enough to forget why you shouldn’t see him.
“Checo, I really, really, really think that this is a bad idea. We were doing so good, we hadn’t seen each other in months.” You whined. “But I just miss you so much, I can’t help it.” He smiled at your words. This was the longest conversation you two had since you broke up.
“Don’t fight it, mi amor. Text me the address, and I’ll come pick you up.” Oh, he was good. It almost worked.
“I see what you’re doing,” you could hear him laugh. “Here’s what going to happen, okay? I’ll convince some guy in the club to buy me some shots, and if it works and I get drunk enough, I’ll call a cab to go see you. Text me the address of your hotel, please, just in case.” He wasn’t so sure about your plan.
“I don’t like this. Why don’t I just come pick you up?” He especially didn’t like the part that involved you flirting your way to free shots.
“Come on, baby, learn to live a little! It’ll be a surprise. I’m going to hang up right now, okay?” He tried to stop you, but it was too late. He texted you his location and kept checking his phone to make sure he hadn’t missed your call or a message from you.
Finally, at one in the morning, his phone rang.
“Hey baby, it’s me again!” He liked that you had started calling him baby again. “I’m on my way to your hotel, will you please let me in?” He was already sprinting down to the hotel lobby.
“Of course, mi amor, I’ll be there.”
“Also, the last guy that bought me a drink was pissed that I was not coming home with him, until I said that I knew Sergio Perez really well. He said he would forgive me if you sent him an autograph. Do you think you could do that?” He laughed.
“Yeah baby, I can do that. Are you nearby? I’m in the lobby.”
“I’ll be there in a few minutes.” You shrieked when you got to the hotel. “Okay, I’m here. Bye bye now!” You hung up the phone and practically jumped out of the car. Maybe you shouldn’t have drunk that last sex on the beach.
“Mi pastelito, you look gorgeous.” He smiled in appreciation. It’s true, you did look gorgeous, in your short dress that barely covered anything. You gave him a little spin.
“Thank you, baby, it got me so many free drinks!” He chcukled at that, even if he didn’t like the thought of other guys circling you like sharks. “Although maybe I should’ve toned it down, because if I wasn’t so drunk, I wouldn’t be here.” You sighed. He pulled you in a hug, and it was like coming home. It was like nothing had changed. The mistress was back.
“I’m glad you’re here, mi amor.” He kissed the top of your head. “Let’s go inside.”
You didn’t make it to the elevator before you were all over him. As soon as the doors closed, you were kissing him like a starved woman, which is what you were. You had cut him off your diet, but the craving was too strong. He made you sit on the handrail to get a better angle. This could have been a shot straight out of a porn movie, the way you were both desperate to touch the other, the sounds you made. Plus, an elevator scene is always a hit.
“I just missed you so much, baby. I can’t help loving you!” You said between kisses.
“That’s good, because I love you too.” The elevator doors opened. Thank God there wasn’t anyone else. He led to you to his hotel room, never breaking the kiss. Your lover was talented.
Once you were inside the room, he pushed you against the wall to stun you with kisses all over the skin your dress showed. So, basically everywhere on your body. You were already moaning.
“Baby, we have to think. We shouldn’t be doing this. We are supposed to stay away from each other, remember? I’m drunk, so I have an excuse, but you don’t!” He took his sweet time to answer you, as he was too busy marking you.
“It’s funny, I can’t remember anything, except that I love you. Oh well.” You protested weakly. His touch on your body after months apart felt too good for you to remember your morals. You forced him to remove his shirt. You still remembered the number one rule of being a mistress: never leave a mark. You were very careful not to scratch him, even if that’s all you wanted to do. You both made your way to the bed tangled with each other.
“I want to be on top of you, baby, so I can remember this moment. This is our last time, for real this time.” He sat against the headboard and let you straddle him.
“Mi pastelido, I don’t think there’ll ever be a last time when it comes to you and me.” You shut him up by removing your dress. He looked you up and down lovingly. “I missed this, mi amor. You’re way too beautiful for your own good.” He made you blush.
“Thank you, baby.” You started to move on top of him. He gripped your waist to help you move while kissing you. Oh, your affair was so back, whether you wanted it or not.
When he started to unzip his pants, you suddenly remembered one tiny detail.
“After I dumped my boyfriend, I stopped taking the pill. I know it sucks, but do you have a condom?” Sergio shook his head.
“No, mi amor, I was not expecting you to come here, I don’t have anything.”
A big neon sign with the word DANGER flashed in your head, but stupid drunk you decided to ignore it. Having him again was just too good.
“I’m clean, so that’s okay. But we’ll have to be really careful!” He nodded.
“I’m clean too. I’ll pull out, it’s going to be okay.” He started to make you move on top of him again. You continued kissing him. The sign still flashed in your head.
After that, things got hot very quickly. When he got inside of you, you couldn’t help but scream his name everytime he moved. You started to breathe rapidly. Still, you were watching him to make sure he really did pull out. You were already in a big enough mess, adding to it was unnecessary.
“Baby, I swear, I’m going to come very soon.” He was too busy pleasing you to comment, but he did make grunting noises. Why did you two every stopped seeing each other again?
Only a short while later, when you were arching your back, you had your orgasm. It was heveanly, You fell lifelessly against his shoulder, and your guard slipped. You heard him finish inside of you at that exact moment. You gasped, and immediately tried to get off him.
“Oh no, this is bad, like really bad.” He realized his mistake.
“I really tried, I swear!” You weren’t listening to him. You were too busy freaking out.
“I have to... I have to go!” You were scrambling to get dressed. He was freaking out too, more by the fact that you were preparing to leave him once again.
“Mi amor, calm down! It’s going to be fine! At least stay the night, we'll deal with it in the morning!” He was desperately trying to get you to stay.
You were putting on your shoes. “I’m really sorry, but I have to go.” You hadn’t noticed, but you were crying. “This was a mistake. It won’t happen ever again!” You got out of the hotel room. He tried to chase you, but you were running down the hallway, and you were surprisingly fast, even with how much you had drunk.
When you looked at yourself in the mirror in the elevator, you had mascara tears running down your cheeks. You were nothing but an illicit affair. You saw nothing but the other woman in your reflection. This was your Black Swan moment.
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daisybianca · 1 day
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pairing: Lewis Hamilton x femalereader
summary: Lewis proposes in a special ceremony—and it’s dirty
warnings: mentions of sexual activities, slight jealousy
(a/n): this is written from Lewis’ pov cuz I love my man obsessed
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I MIGHT BE the filthiest person in her life right now. The dirtiest one, with the most disgusting thoughts about her. Do I care, though?
Absolutely not.
Will I let another man touch her?
Hah. Funny enough.
Because when this night is over, a ring will be circled around the fair flesh of her finger. And my initial will be curved into it. I’m sure of it.
My fiancé soon-to-be has chosen a red, long dress that hugs her curved body for tonight’s ceremony. I can see my parents eye her across the ballroom.
Our names are written on tonight’s sky. Mine and hers. The night is ours. And it’ll not be over until we say so.
Y/N appears at the very top of the stairs and her father rushes by her side, helping her to walk towards me. Reaching for her hand as soon as she reached the last step, the crowd ceases clapping.
I take her hand in mine. It fits perfectly, as always. She fits perfectly. Her body against mine. Her smart brain along with mine. Her eyes on mine.
Everything is perfect because she is a part of it.
“Lewis…” She approaches me and I can detect a particular glimpse of something in her beautiful eyes.
I curl my lips in a smile. “You’re the most beautiful woman in this room.” I say. I’m positive that everyone’s eyes and ears are focused on this moment. On us. “Probably in the entire world.”
She manages a smile, even though I can tell she’s nervous. About a hundred or so people have been gathered by me and her father to celebrate this day.
Three years ago, when the date was the same as it is this day, I met her.
Three years later, I’m marking her as mine. Officially, at least. Because I made sure she knew—and everyone else around us—she’s mind since the very first moment.
“Don’t be nervous, baby,” I push her towards me gently and cup her reddened cheeks with my hands.
Across my thumb, her initial is written on the surface with bold ink.
My hands are hers to use. Hers to lick. Hers to fuck. I wanted her to know that.
I turn around and smile at the guests. Toto gives me a reassuring father as he drinks a sip from his wine next to my father.
“Let’s dance,” I brush my lips across her ear, starting to make our way to the centre of the room.
“Lewis, you know I can’t dance in these shoes.” She lifts her right leg just a few inches and waves her dress so I can take a glimpse of her white heels.
I make sure to keep my tone quiet. “Y/N, I’ve seen you pole-dancing in stripper-heels.”
Her face turns into a darker shade of red. Her hands feels cold. Sweaty.
I don’t want her to fucking feel like that on a day as special as this one.
She has to calm down. And I’m the one obligated to make her do it.
I brush her long hair and press pecks on her temple, cheeks, lips… I stop on the neck because it’s a soft spot for me. Can’t let myself lose control in front of all my relatives, friends and coworkers. It’d be such a pity to grab her and take her to the closest room and ruin such an event.
I being a glass of red whine for her knowing how much she adores it. My hand never leaves her and I can tell that as the minutes pass, her breathing feels steadier.
One hour goes by.
It’s ten past something and about time I…
“Ladies and gentlemen.” I let y/n’s hand and climb on the stage, rolling the sleeves of my white shirt as I do so. “Thank you for attending tonight’s ceremony, to begin with. It is a special day for us and we are very pleased to share such a great moment with the people we love.”
The crowd above the stage claps, I can even take a glimpse of my dog, Roscoe, swirling around in Ricciardo’s embrace… everyone is overwhelmed and that brings a smile to my lips. But nothing compares to the burning sensation in my chest.
I don’t know what it is. But I know it’s a good feeling. I also got it the first time I met y/n. Or when I asked her out. Or when we first kissed or made love.
“I would like to invite my beautiful woman, y/n…” I control myself not to exclaim “fiancé” or “wife” instead of “woman”. I’m not hesitant to go on. “…on this stage with me.”
The people go thunderous and I help y/n to walk the few steps on the stage.
We arrive at the centre of the stage and the music stops.
All the lights on us. Everyone’s eyes.
It feels magical.
I look up and find the most beautiful pair of eyes I’ve ever seen already fixed on me. She’s smiling. It’s contagious so I grin as well. “Y/n…” I start but a voice interrupts my words.
“Go on one knee!” I identify Toyo’s voice in the first row as I reach for the velvet box in my pocket.
“On one knee!” Yells my father and then the guests go crazy.
I turn to my woman and smile. “Don’t ask me to go on one knee.” I say.
“As long as you don’t ask me to get on two knees.” She replies in a dirty voice, leaning towards me.”
“Baby, I want you in all for.”
She smiles again but no one hears our conversation. They still yell for me to propose on one knee.
Fuck. I’ll have to do this.
I grab the box tightly in my hand and do as asked. I get on my knees.
In front of my woman. The woman of my dreams.
I’ve been on my knees in front of y/n countless times before, but for educational purposes only. Nothing like this.
I raise my eyes. She’s crying.
I hold onto her hand. “Y/n…” I start. “Please make me the happiest man in the entire universe and accept this proposal.” I think my heart is going to explode. “Will you please marry me?”
The crowd erupts in a chaos of applause and I find myself trapped in her eyes. I expect her to say the word first, but she doesn’t.
She melts into my hands and buries her small face in my neck.
This has to be the most beautiful moment of my entire existence.
She’s crying and I think I am too honestly. “Yes, yes, yes! A million times yes, Lewis!” She almost creams and between tears, I grab her face and unite our temples. I apply a kiss on her mouth. It’s gently at first but then I can see her craving for more.
When I let her lips to catch my breath (I actually remembered that we are not alone, but in a room with our closest people and if she went on I would without hesitation forget their existence) I look into her eyes. I grab her delicate hand and take the ring out of the box.
It fits perfectly on her finger.
I look at her again and murmur, “Perfectly fitted. Just for you, baby. Just for my wife.”
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carolmunson · 2 days
8✨ with virgin Eddie cos he’s the loml
'I look you in the eyes, I try to read you thoughts. I ask you to go with me, to a far off place.' virgin!eddie (well, not so virgin anymore) from the 'the nerve' one shot. (18+, references to drinking. implied stancy wedding.)
Eddie didn't really love to dance. He always felt awkward, never really getting the beat to anything that wasn't related to a guitar slung across his chest. His hips always moved too jerkily, he never knew where to put his hands. When Mrs. Mitchell from across the park tried to teach him to waltz for prom he stepped on her toes so much she needed a brace.
It didn't even matter for anything, he didn't go to prom. That's another reason he doesn't like dancing, or dances. Couples nuzzling close while they hold their partners -- what was the point when no one was gonna dance with 'The Freak' anyway?
He drums his fingers along the white cloth covered table to the beat of the DJ's thumping music, sipping his third glass of pinot noir. You had stepped out to run an errand for Nancy and Steve after the ceremony, 'maid of honor' duties you called it. Something about fashion tape and bandaids for blisters. While the music slows down he feels his heart sink, another dance where he sits alone in the low light. It comes back to him in a haze, two months before his senior prom -- He woke up early to take a shower and shave the little facial hair that had started to grow on his upper lip and chin. Painstakingly finger coiling every wave on his head with gel he knicked from the five and dime down the street. He asked Wayne if he could borrow his smart black button down and Wayne even pressed it before he left for work the night before -- hanging it up in the living room by the mugs. He wore he least ratty jeans and cleaned his Reeboks with a toothbrush and bleach. Eddie had never felt more together, more sure, and if he would say so himelf -- more handsome than he did that morning.
He cracked open his campaign notebook to the last page where he'd scrawled a script he'd been working on for at least two weeks:
Hi Chrissy What's up, Chris? How are you, Chrissy? Hey Chrissy.
I know you might not be expecting this but This might come as a surprise, but I was wond It would be an honor if Would you want to go to prom with me? Prom?
It was the first time he was ever at a loss for words. Tripping over himself any time she'd ask for a pencil in Bio or walk by the drama room on her way to cheer practice.
He stopped at Melvald's for a small bouquet of daffodils -- it was all they had that morning, and made his way to school, stomach full of butterflies while he played the potential outcome in his head over and over. He knew he had to have caught her looking every now and again. Giggling at his jokes in class. Always asking him for a pencil or a ruler when she could ask anyone else.
He parks in the spot furthest from the school, using the brisk walk to calm his nerves. With a few rolls of his shoulders he pushes through the main doors to his locker, only four down from Chrissy's. She'd be there any minute, ponytail bouncing, lips glossed.
He leaned against the wall, checking his watch and each end of the hallway, a flurry of students making their way in and out. The humdrum of the morning making his heart beat faster, the slamming of metal, the sneakers on the tile.
And there she is -- a blonde beacon of something special. She's smiling -- grinning. Looking right at him. He gets up off the wall, heart racing -- This is it Munson, he thinks, you're gonna ask her.
Chrissy's smile turns into a jump, a celebration of sorts -- and from behind him, another cheerleader appears, running up and jumping with her. They hug tight, screaming the way girls do when they're excited about something.
"He literally made a sign for the whole team to hold on the field!" she titters, "I can't believe he asked me!" "You're going to prom with Jason! Ahhh!" her friend screams back.
Going to prom with Jason.
Jason Carver? That asshole?
The hallways spins, his heart has never dropped so fast before. He'd never felt something so fast before. Dissappointment? Embarrassment? Rage? He wasn't sure. All he knew was that Chrissy was going to prom with Jason Carver, and everything he planned was for nothing. Just standing there in the hall way with --
"That's a pretty bouqet, Eddie," Chrissy voice floats by, bringing him back to himself, "Whose the lucky girl?"
Coulda been you, he thinks.
His face sours, "Wouldn't you like to know."
Eddie's heart breaks again when she backs off, making her way to class when the bell rings. He chews on the inside of his cheek the whole way out of the school and back to his van -- making sure the shove the daffodils in the trash on the way out.
Right now feels the same, the only young guy sitting around while couples get up and jump around to Whitney's I Wanna Dance with Somebody when the music switches. He finishes his glass of pinot, sighing while he stands up to get another at the bar. He knows better, but something his gnawing in the pit of his chest -- that ache. He wishes you'd come back so he didn't have to keep putzing around like a lost puppy. Even Dustin had Suze out on the dancefloor.
Another ten minutes pass and he's settled back down at the table, the speakers rumbling down to a slow beat again, Luther Vandross's gentle croon floating over the room. Eddie swallows.
'Always and forever, Each moment with you, yeah Is just like a dream to me That somehow came true, yeah...'
It's then that he feels a warm hand on his back, sliding up to his shoulder, nails gliding comfortingly into the back of his hair. "Hi handsome," your voice like salve on his heart, "Did you miss me?" He turns, entranced by the way your dress hugs you and the scent of the perfume you have on tonight. There was no denying he picked right, no denying that he was right to wait for you this long.
"Of course, sweetheart," he smiles, smiling into the kiss you lean down to give him.
"You've just been sitting here while I was gone?" you furrow your brow, "C'mon, get up. Come dance with me."
He flushes, "No, no I'm...I'm not good at it..."
"Neither am I," you shrug, offering your hand, "C'mon."
He looks at your manicured nails, the bare finger that he wants to put a ring on now more than ever, then up at you. That little smirk you give him has never sold him quicker. With a deep breath he takes your hand, letting you lead him to the dance floor.
"Y'know, I've never slow danced with anyone," you say quietly, guiding his hand to your waist while you hold the other close to his shoulder. Eddie pulls you close, nose to nose, toe to toe. He can handle the gentle sway you start him with, a slow two step, winding bodies.
"Not even your ex? Seriously?" Eddie asks, mesmirized by your glossy lips.
"He never wanted to dance at the weddings we went to," you shrug, "Always thought it was lame. But I like to dance."
"What about prom?" he asks.
"I um," you look down and back up at him, "I didn't go to prom."
"No? How come?"
"Uh," you offer a tight smile in rememberance, accepting it, "No one asked me."
Eddie stops moving, hand holding yours going to your cheek. "No one asked you?"
You shake your head, "It ended up being okay, had a movie night with some other weirdos."
He remembers his own anti-prom with the guys, pizza and beer that he got Rick to buy for him.
"But it's okay," you reassure, "Cause now I get to have my first slow dance with you."
"We're doin' a lot of firsts together, aren't we?" he teases.
"Yeah," you nod, "And this is like, y'know, kinda like prom." "Sort of," he laughs, pulling you tighter, two stepping again to the rhythm. You give him a mischevious smile, teashing.
"Are you going to the after party? I hear they're gonna have winecoolers," you joke.
Eddie grins, boyish, "Oh yeah, yeah, I'll be there."
"Good 'cause uh," you lean to to whisper, giggling at your own bit, "They're gonna play seven minutes in heaven."
"No way," he gasps in fake astonishment, "Is there uh -- is there anyone you're hoping to land on?"
"Well um," you flick your eyes as him flirtily, "There's this one guy."
"This one guy?"
"Yeah and I was hoping like, after the dance." you continue in an exaggerated Valley Girl accent, "We could like, make out after."
"Yeah?" Eddie asks, voice deepening, smoky.
"Yeah, we can um," he leans in to kiss you, deep and slow, "We can definitely make out after."
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candysweetposts · 2 days
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New Gen Ep 4 Edit (pt 1)
I got inspired by @kaumalade's edit.
This episode was sure something. Because of the illustration, I thought Jason would be absent, but there he was. Also, this episode made me like him a bit more especially, seeing how he slightly went mask off.
The headcanon: I will point out mostly what went different.
In my HC, Castiel (like everyone else from the other game) is significantly older but still has many fans. He's like a rock legend now.
Elizabeth confessed that she hadn't lovers before and that is because she might have a warped image of a perfect man, being surrounded by high-class people all the time. Everyone looked a bit weirded out especially because she said it nonchalantly.
She thinks that relationships are something beautiful that needs to be taken care of and gave her parent's relationship as an example and how perfect it is.
She didn't understand why Roy and Brunde got into a relationship in the first place and that their public breakup seemed boring and didn't deserve to happen there.
Since everyone else from the old cast is... well, older, Thomas didn't have Lynn as a crush when he was little. Also, Lynn called Thomas her nephew.
When Elizabeth heard that Jason seemed to have a lot of girls around him she got jealous but tried to control herself.
She actually defended him when he confronted the Devenementiel team and even apologized, saying "WE are sorry". She tried to look good in front of him but everyone else didn't like that much (Everyone will remember that- meme)
She actually got picked up by Jason on her way home where they sort of talked. She mentioned looking at his Instagram profile but "it was nothing special 💅" to which he said "Really? Then why did you like every single one of them?😏", her answer being "...as a joke". And from there the conversation stopped for some reason. And yes, he has a driver.
Here's the outfit:
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mxdimitrescu · 3 days
Can you please do a Twice imagine where the usually shy reader is under in under influence and profusely confessing their love to them and the members just getting flustered and amused.
I hope this meets your expectation. It was fun to write this, send in more requests!
Unexpected Surprise
The music was loud, the lights flashed in every color imaginable, and the atmosphere at the party was electric. TWICE had decided to throw a small celebration to commemorate the success of their latest album. You, a close friend of the group, had been invited to join the festivities, which you happily accepted.
Normally, you were reserved, the kind of person who stayed in the background and enjoyed the company of others without drawing too much attention to yourself. You couldn't help but blush and get nervous whenever you talked to any of the TWICE members. But tonight was different. It was almost midnight, and you had perhaps indulged a bit too much in the alcohol.
As the party slowly dwindled down, the guests left one by one until you were the last one remaining. With all the alcohol running through your body, you felt more relaxed than usual. The shy barrier you usually held up was nowhere to be found, replaced by a giddy sense of freedom.
You spotted the TWICE members scattered around the room, cleaning up. In your slightly inebriated state, you felt a surge of emotion rise within you—an emotion that had been buried for a long time.
You looked around, and your eyes landed on Nayeon, who was laughing at something Jeongyeon had said while picking up the beer cans. Taking a deep breath, you made your way over to her, a determined expression on your face.
“Nayeon!” you called out, your voice louder than you had intended. She turned towards you, a smile already forming on her lips.
“Hey! Y/N, you’re looking lively tonight!” Nayeon exclaimed, clearly surprised by your bold approach.
“I... I need to tell you something,” you stammered, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks. Despite the alcohol in your system, you still felt a bit nervous.
Nayeon’s smile softened, and she gestured for you to continue. “What is it?”
“I... I love you, Nayeon. I’ve loved you for so long,” you blurted out, your words tumbling over each other in a rush. “You’re so beautiful and kind and funny. You always make me feel special, even when I’m too shy to say anything.”
Nayeon’s eyes widened, and a faint blush crept up her cheeks. She glanced around to see each of the TWICE members looking at both of you before turning back to cleaning. “Y/N, that’s so sweet,” she said softly. “But...”
Before she could continue, you spotted Jeongyeon nearby. Fueled by newfound courage, you turned to her next. “Jeongyeon! I need to tell you something too.”
Jeongyeon raised an eyebrow, clearly amused by your antics. “Oh? And what’s that?”
“I love you too, Jeongyeon,” you declared, your voice carrying over the music that was still playing. “You’re always so cool and confident. You make me feel safe, like everything’s going to be okay.”
Jeongyeon laughed, a light, musical sound. “Wow, Y/N. That’s quite the confession. Are you sure you’re okay?”
You nodded vigorously, your head spinning a little from the alcohol and the rush of adrenaline. “I’m fine! I just... I need to say it. I need you all to know how much I love you.”
Your eyes scanned the room, landing on Momo, was cleaning up. You made your way over to her, stumbling slightly as you went.
“Momo!” you called out, your voice almost a shout.
Momo turned around, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. “Y/N? What’s up?”
“I love you, Momo,” you said earnestly. “You’re so talented and passionate. When you dance, it’s like magic. You inspire me every day.”
Momo’s cheeks turned pink, and she giggled. “Thank you, Y/N. That’s really sweet.”
You moved on to Sana, who was chatting with Mina and Jihyo. “Sana! I need to tell you something,” you said, your voice wavering slightly.
Sana looked at you, a mischievous glint in her eye. “What’s that, Y/N?”
“I love you, Sana. You’re so cheerful and positive. You always know how to make me smile, even when I’m feeling down.”
Sana’s smile widened, and she pulled you into a hug. “Aww, Y/N! You’re so adorable!”
Mina and Jihyo exchanged amused looks as you turned to them. “I love you both too,” you said, your voice cracking with emotion.
“Mina, you’re so elegant and graceful. You make everything look effortless. And Jihyo, you’re such a great leader. You always know what to say and do. I look up to you so much.”
Mina’s eyes softened, and she gave you a gentle smile. “Thank you, Y/N. That means a lot.”
Jihyo nodded, her eyes twinkling with affection. “You’re too sweet, Y/N.”
You turned to Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu, who were standing together near the refreshments table picking up the empty cups.
“I love you guys too,” you said, your voice full of conviction. “Dahyun, you’re so funny and bright. You always know how to lighten the mood. Chaeyoung, you’re so creative and unique. You see the world in such a special way. And Tzuyu, you’re so kind and gentle. You have the biggest heart.”
Dahyun laughed, her eyes sparkling. “Y/N, you’re on a roll tonight!”
Chaeyoung grinned, giving you a thumbs-up. “Thanks, Y/N. That’s really nice of you to say.”
Tzuyu blushed, looking down at her feet. “Thank you, Y/N. That’s very sweet.”
By this point, the rest of the TWICE members had gathered around, clearly entertained by your heartfelt confessions. Nayeon stepped forward, placing a hand on your shoulder. “Y/N, we all love you too,” she said gently. “You’re an important part of our lives.”
Jeongyeon nodded in agreement. “Yeah, we’re lucky to have you as a friend.”
Momo giggled, hugging you tightly. “You’re so cute, Y/N!”
Sana joined in the hug, followed by Mina, Jihyo, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu. Surrounded by the warmth and affection of the members, you felt a wave of happiness wash over you. Even though your confessions had been fueled by alcohol, the emotions behind them were genuine.
As the cleaning continued, you found yourself sitting on the couch while the members kept a close eye on you, making sure you stayed safe and hydrated. They teased you playfully about your declarations, but there was an underlying sense of appreciation and love that permeated the air.
After the cleaning finished, Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Momo joined you on the couch.
“Y/N,” Nayeon said softly, “we know you were a bit tipsy tonight, but we really appreciate what you said. It takes a lot of courage to express your feelings like that.”
Jeongyeon nodded. “And we want you to know that we care about you a lot. You’re like family to us.”
Momo leaned her head on your shoulder, her voice gentle. “We love you too, Y/N. Always.”
You smiled, feeling a sense of contentment and belonging. “Thank you, guys. I love you all so much.”
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ffsg0jo · 2 hours
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𝖆𝖋𝖋𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓[𝖑𝖊𝖘𝖘] - 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1
no way. there's absolutely no way you're tutoring sukuna. never in a million years, not if there was a gun to your head, not if.... gojo's willing pay?? maybe you can make arrangements, after all you're always happy to help >_<
college au - various x fem! reader
warnings: swearing, sukuna, ooc characters, mentions of pregnancy (NOT the reader)
w/c: 2500 words+ (somewhat proofread)
a/n: this chapter took so so long and i apologise for that :(( thank you to @storiesoflilies for beta reading and for the encouragement!! and thank you to everyone who left a lovely comment too. they honestly give me so much motivation and energy to write more <33
series masterlist :: general masterlist
join the taglist here to be tagged in future chapters <33
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it was a beautiful and blessed day. somehow, the stars aligned, and you and shoko managed to wrap up your lectures early and go for lunch together. heaven knows you needed a break, and its light truly was shining down on you.
shoko, being a med student, had a packed timetable, and you rarely saw each other. you missed your best friend and spending your free time tutoring was taking a toll on you.
with your lunches comfortably settled into your stomachs, you both turned to your favourite pastime. gossiping.
“you know that one third year?”
“which one shoko? there’s literally hundreds?”
“the rude one, shit i’ve forgotten her name,” shoko rubs her forehead with one hand, a cigarette in the other. she puffs out smoke, manoeuvring her lips so it avoids hitting your face. “with the long brown hair? spilt her drink on you on purpose?”
“ohh you mean yorozu?” you say, finally realising who she was talking about.
you remembered that day like it was yesterday. you were sitting in the library tutoring geto when all of a sudden gojo comes waltzing in looking for him, his entourage hot on his tail.
apparently, yorozu didn’t like geto’s attention being on you (even though you were there for strictly business purposes), and ‘accidentally’ dropped her drink in your lap.
that might’ve been the only time gojo had been somewhat nice to you, grabbing a bunch of tissues from his pocket and offering you his jacket to cover up the stain.
still, it didn’t make up for the other 99 times he was a prick. and it only made yorozu hate you more.
you pause, taking a sip from your mug. “i don’t want to be mean, but she’s such a bitch.”
“she literally made fun of professors toji’s daughter who’s terminally ill, there’s a special place in hell for her,” shoko paused and took a long drag of her cigarette before continuing. “anyways apparently she’s pregnant with that one third year with the facial tattoos.”
your mouth falls open in shock, and the mug nearly falls out of your grasp.
“choso?!? choso got her pregnant?!!? there’s no way, choso would never, he’s so sweet! and if he did he’d tell me!”
“not choso you dumbass. sukuna.”
“oh,” you deadpan. “him.”
sukuna, whilst you’ve had the pleasure of never really interacting, was one of gojo’s little friends. you really didn’t want to judge people on appearances, but sukuna lived up to his expectations.
for the most part, he’d ignore you when gojo relentlessly bothered you. but sometimes you’d catch him giving you the dirtiest and most scathing looks. as if you personally replaced the feathers in his pillow with dog shit. how he and yuuji, the absolute sweetheart of a first year you tutored, were brothers was beyond you.
snorting at the look on your face, shoko brings her cigarette up to her mouth once more.
“wait sukuna?” you said somewhat confused. “i thought she was with geto?”
“they weren’t together. she was fucking both and was trying to sleep with gojo too.”
“how on earth do you know all of this?”
“gojo has a big mouth, and we have lab together.”
you hum in acknowledgement, remembering shoko complaining at the beginning of last semester, about how much of an annoyance he was.
“what about nanami?” you asked, trying to act nonchalant and disinterested. he was part of their friend group, and he could be considered attractive by a lot of people (definitely not your own words), so it was only natural to ask, you rationalise. shoko gives you a pointed look, slightly raising her eyebrow.
“she hasn’t slept with him if that’s what you’re worried about, she thinks he’s ‘too boring’.”
‘too boring my ass’ you mutter to yourself. nanami was one of the best listeners and conversationalists, you know, if not the best. and he was funny! sure, maybe his humour wasn’t for everyone, but his dry and witty remarks had you snorting ten out of ten times.
a part of you almost sighed in relief that nanami hadn’t fallen into her trap. she was beautiful and looked like a model. and whilst you were confident in your looks, you were certain you didn’t stand a chance next to her.
a sudden ping pulls you out of your thoughts. sheepishly apologising to shoko, you turn to put your phone on silent. she waves her hand at your apology and takes one last drag of her cigarette before stamping it out on the ashtray.
you quickly check the notification, eyebrows furring at the unknown number. shoko sees the look on your face and asks if everything’s okay. instead of responding, you show her the message.
‘hey it’s sukuna. need a tutor u free?’
speaking of the devil, you wonder how he got your number and why he thought to message you of all people. probably through yuuji, but he would’ve asked if you were okay with it first. you just got rid of a student, and you wanted some time to yourself. also, sukuna of all people wanted a tutor?!? he barely shows up to lectures and seminars there’s no way he’s serious about studying.
“just ignore him,” shoko said, seeing the turmoil on your face. for once, you decided to agree with her and took her advice. she’s right, you’re not obliged to tutor anyone, especially not someone like sukuna. you were trying to distance yourself from that group to avoid trouble anyway.
sighing you lock your phone, ignoring his message and turning back to shoko.
before long you’ve completely forgotten about his message, caught up in shoko’s wild escapades.
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it had almost been a week since sukuna first messaged you, and you still hadn’t responded. truthfully, sukuna had forgotten about it after a day or two. but then his academic advisor scheduled a meeting for him to discuss his future at the university, and he panicked, suddenly remembering his message.
‘too nice and too scared’ to refuse him his ass. nothing but pure waffle comes out of gojo’s mouth, he doesn’t know why they’re still friends if he’s being honest.
“why the sour face?”
sukuna turns to the girl lying beside him and resists rolling his eyes. he was hoping she’d have left by now, but here she was, on his bed. her hand on his chest was slowly moving further down.
“none ya business, don’t ya have anywhere to be?” he bites back.
the girl’s eyes narrow as she stares at sukuna coldly. retracting her hand, she moves off the bed and picks her clothes up off the floor, taking her time in putting her tights on.
“scan’s next week, baby should be the size of a plum, you coming?”
“’s not mine, go ask the twelve other guys you’ve slept with.”
yorozu falters, her dress still bunched up around her midsection. she turns away from him, rushing to roll her dress down and moves to the door. a part of sukuna feels bad, he really shouldn’t be nasty, but he was adamant the child wasn’t his. even at her insistence on her being on birth control, he never once went without a condom.
once she hurried out of his room, he let out a massive sigh. god, where did it all go wrong? here he was, about to flunk out of uni, potentially be stuck paying child support for the rest of his life, and loveless.
at least his brat brother was doing well. yuuji and sukuna were like night and day, but he thanked every god out there for the way yuuji turned out. sure, he was a little stupid at times, but his brother always gave it his all and had the purest heart. the effort he put into raising yuuji really paid off.
“morning kuna,” yuuji chirped as sukuna walked into the kitchen of their shared apartment. of course, he was already up and making breakfast for the two. “i’d ask if you slept well, but i saw that girl running out of your room.”
sukuna only grunted, scratching his bare stomach in response. yuuji continues scrambling the eggs as sukuna grabs two plates from the cupboards and places them next to the stove.
“dunno why you’re still with her kuna. i support all women, don’t get me wrong, but she’s horrible! the things she’s said about gumi’s sister, i’m embarrassed to know her by association!”
“s’nothing to do with me, quit yappin.”
yuuji side eyes his older brother with a look of disgust on his face. why sukuna insists on sleeping with her is beyond him. he knows for a fact sukuna has zero feelings for the girl and is just using her.
yuuji tuts and shakes his head, plating up the eggs and moving to the dining table where they both tuck in.
“thanks for breakfast brat,” sukuna says, mouth full of food,
“no problem big bro,” yuuji beams.
the youngest itadori glances at his watch and jumps up suddenly, realising the time and leaving his breakfast half uneaten. he runs into his room and comes back out 3 seconds later with a bunch of textbooks and papers.
“(name)’s coming over for our study session, she should be here now.”
you tutored yuuji? since when? just as sukuna’s about to ask his little brother someone knocks on the door of their apartment.
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you were feeling good today. with a lecture in the afternoon, you thought you’d fit in one of your students for an early study session, and who better than yuuji. he worked better in the mornings, and he was a pleasure to teach, so you were actually quite looking forward to it.
you knock on yuuji’s door and anxiously wait for him to open the door. you hear the lock turn, and the door creaks open; your face falls upon seeing who’s on the other side. the universe must hate you.
you’ve never once ran into sukuna whilst tutoring yuuji, thanking your lucky stars every day. but the one time you wanted to avoid him at all costs he’s there in all his glory.
there sukuna’s stood, topless and in his boxers, his bulky torso managing to take up the whole doorframe.
eyes naturally falling to his chest, you notice the tattoos across his body. the rings around his biceps and wrists, the delicious markings across the expanse of his torso, they complement the ones on his face so well, and you can appreciate good art when you see it.
wait, delicious? you snap out of your thoughts and meet sukuna’s gaze, who’s smirking down at you, having noticed your oogling. your face instantly morphs into a scowl.
“take a picture it’ll last longer”
“is yuuji home?” you say, choosing to ignore his words for your own sanity.
“aww you embarrassed about being caught staring?”
“it’s too early for this, if yuuji’s not home i can come back another day.” stepping back, you turn to walk away, but yuuji’s out-of-breath shriek stops you.
“kuna stop bothering her! ‘m here (name), was in a rush getting everything ready, just come in.”
you brush past sukuna, your elbow grazing his warm, bare skin. willing yourself to not think about it, you follow yuuji into the living room, where everything’s set up.
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surprisingly, sukuna leaves you both alone whilst you’re tutoring yuuji, choosing to take his breakfast into his room after forcing yuuji to finish his first. sukuna was many things, but a bad brother was not one of them you realised.
a part of your heart softened seeing him take care of yuuji, glad he had that support system in his life. but the other part of you got the heebie jeebies.
still, the last thing you wanted was sukuna to confront you about his message, knowing you had ignored it. as yuuji’s session was drawing to a close, you started forming an escape plan. if you ran fast enough, you could avoid ever bumping into sukuna on the off chance he decided to confront you. and if you just grabbed your shoes and put them on outside the apartment complex you’d be even quicker!
with your plan ready and all thought out, as soon as yuuji finished his last question, you packed up, said your goodbyes, and bolted towards the door. it was like you had developed tunnel vision, blurring everything out except the door. you were so close, and so far, there was no sign of sukuna. you could do this! you could pull this off!
“leavin without saying goodbye?”
you stopped in your tracks, recognising the irritating voice coming from behind you. maybe if you just ignored him he’d go away?
you couldn’t though, you raised yourself with good enough manners, so begrudgingly, you turn around to face sukuna.
sukuna had a massive smirk on his face. he saw the way you almost ran towards the door, evidently trying to avoid bumping into him. it was actually quite comical, to be honest.
he did feel a little bad for you. you didn’t have the best experiences with him and his friends, so it was somewhat understandable. but gojo would not stop talking about how you were smart and a great tutor, and he really needed someone’s help.
sukuna would never admit it, but the textbook and the hundreds of research papers were completely inaccessible to him. he couldn’t understand the results sections to even decipher whether the results were shown to be significant or not. and why do people accept the null hypothesis? what even is the null hypothesis? and what is that funky little r he sees everywhere?
anyway, the bottom line is he really needed the help. sukuna sighed and realised he needed to come at this from a different angle.
“listen ‘m sorry about ambushing you, but i really need a tutor.”
the apology and defeat in his voice struck you off guard. maybe you were wrong about sukuna. maybe he just had a really angry resting face all those times he stared at you like you murdered his family.
“can’t you ask anyone else,” you replied
“not many people can get through yuuji’s thick skull, so you must be one helluva tutor. and gojo'll pay for your time.”
you raised your eyebrows at that, not believing satoru gojo would be willing to pay you for tutoring someone else. regardless if he truly was, you weren't going to say no to money. especially since he was known throughout the university for his trust fund.
your shoulders dropped, and you looked up at the ceiling, trying to think of what to do. he was being uncharacteristically nice about it, and you can never say no to people when they’re polite. plus the money would be good.
“fine,” you acquiesced. “i’ll do it.”
“wait seriously?”
“yes, but i can only do wednesday afternoons.”
“but not this wednesday, we’ll start next week.”
“got it, next wednesday.”
sukuna was half expecting you to say no, but he’d take it. he gruffly thanked you, saying he’d message you about further details later and left you to put your shoes on in peace.
slipping them on, you mourned your no longer free wednesdays. you’d worry about lesson plans and everything later, but for now, you needed some strong coffee to get you through the rest of the day.
what had you gotten yourself into?
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© ffsg0jo 2024 — do not plagiarise, repost, modify, or translate any of my work, in any way shape or form; i will piss in your cereal if you do. all work belongs to me and me only.
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cannellee · 1 day
hiii you can totally ignore this if you want but today is my birthday! 🥳 and i was wondering if you could do mikey x reader where she wakes him up to go for a midnight motorcycle ride because she wants him to be the first to say happy bday to her and eat taiyaki together! and it’s all cute and cuddly 💕 
THANK YOUU and i love your tr hcs btw!!!
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୨୧ alpha! mikey x omega! reader
— celebrating your birthday with mikey
happy birthday to you!!
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you gently nudged mikey, trying to wake him up without startling him. with how the moonlight glowed on his face, you were able to see how sound asleep he was.
"mikey," you whispered, your voice barely above a murmur. "mikey wake up."
he slowly fluttered his eyes open, looking up at you and your eager gaze, with a sleepy yet curious expression. "what is it babe?", he asked groggily, rubbing his eyes and blindly searching for your waist among the nest. "is everything okay?"
you smiled, your excitement barely contained, "it's my birthday in a few minutes. I want you to be the first to say happy birthday to me."
mikey's eyes widened and he sat up quickly, a grin spreading across his face. you watched him look at his phone for the time before he leaned in to kiss the top of your head, "I'd love to do that baby."
you snuggled closer to him, breathing in his comforting scent. he then pulled back to look at you, a tender look in his eyes, "do you want to do something while we wait for midnight?"
you bit your lip, eyes twinkling with excitement, "I want to go for a ride on your motorcycle. just the two of us."
his eyes lit up even more, "you want a midnight ride for your birthday?", he said, already swinging his legs out of bed. "alright babe, let's make this birthday special."
only a few minutes later and the both of you were fully dressed and sneaking out of the house. mikey led you to his motorcycle, gently guiding you with your hand in his and handed you a helmet. he helped you put it on before securing his own.
"ready?" he asked, swinging his leg over the bike and settling into the seat.
"ready," you replied, climbing on behind him and wrapping your arms tightly around his waist.
when mikey started his bike and took off into the night, you felt a thrill of anticipation and you instinctively hugged him tighter, seeking his warmth. the cool breeze whipped past your faces and you couldn't feel more grateful for the empty streets which made it feel like it was only the two of you right now.
after a while, mikey pulled over near a small, hidden shop that sold taiyaki. he turned off the engine and looked back at you with a mischievous smile on his face. "how about some taiyaki to celebrate?"
you nodded eagerly, "yes, please!"
you both walked to the shop, hand in hand, simply enjoying each other's presence. you waited quietly as mikey ordered your favourite flavour, and soon enough, you were sitting on a bench outside, enjoying the treats.
after a while, you saw him take a quick glance at his phone before kissing you profusely across the face, almost making you drop your food. "happy birthday, babe. I love you."
"thank you, mikey," you said, voice filled with gratitude. "this is the best birthday ever"
and he smiled, appreciating your merry pheromones which hugged the two of you, and reached out to wipe a bit of taiyaki filling from your cheek. "anything for you, babe. I'm glad you're happy."
you leaned in, kissing him softly, a gentle chirping sound leaving your mouth. "I'm always happy with you."
as you finished eating your snack, you felt mikey wrap his arm around your shoulders, pulling you close. you relaxed onto him, loving how safe he made you feel. you then let out a happy sight, knowing that with him by your side, it would be a birthday you'd never forget.
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astars-things · 1 day
"You promised..." with nico and Hischier daughter!Reader. The reader just wants to spend time with her dad and nico had promised that they'd have a game night but the guys ask him to come out for a drink. She comes downstairs with all of the board games and nico is ready to leave to hangout with the guys.
nico Hischier x daughter!Reader.
"You promised..." I whispered, clutching the stack of board games to my chest. My voice trembled, barely audible over the sounds of Dad rushing about in the hallway. He paused, hand frozen on the doorknob, and turned to face me. His eyes, usually warm and full of life, looked pained and conflicted.
"Y/N," he began, running a hand through his messy hair. "I know I did, but—"
"But the guys," I interrupted, a hint of bitterness seeping into my tone. "I know. You always say that."
Dad sighed, glancing down at his watch. "It's just one drink. I'll be back before you know it. We can still play when I get home."
I stared at the stack of games in my arms—Monopoly, Clue, Candy Land, and our favorite, Settlers of Catan. Each one held memories of laughter and bonding, of rare moments when it was just the two of us. Dad was always so busy, his time consumed by practices, games, and events. Nights like this, where he promised to be all mine, were precious.
"You always say that too," I muttered, more to myself than to him. But he heard it, and I saw the guilt flash across his face.
He took a step towards me, his eyes softening. "Y/N, I love spending time with you. You know that, right? It's just... the team, they rely on me too."
I bit my lip, fighting back the sting of tears. "I rely on you, Dad. You promised tonight would be our night."
He glanced at his phone, which buzzed insistently in his pocket. "I know, sweetheart. How about this—I'll text the guys, tell them I'll be late. We'll play one game, and then I'll go. Deal?"
It wasn't what I wanted, but it was better than nothing. I nodded reluctantly, setting the games down on the coffee table. "One game. But you have to let me win."
Dad laughed, a genuine, warm sound that made my heart ache a little less. "Deal," he agreed, ruffling my hair as he passed by to grab a soda from the kitchen.
We settled on the floor, the living room cozy with the soft glow of the lamps. I chose Settlers of Catan, setting up the board while Dad read through the rules, pretending like he didn't already know them by heart. It was our routine, a small ritual that made the game feel special every time.
As we played, I could see the tension slowly leaving Dad's shoulders. His phone buzzed a few times, but he ignored it, focusing entirely on the game. For those brief moments, it was like nothing else existed but the two of us and the colorful hexagons on the board.
I managed to secure a victory, Dad playfully accusing me of cheating as he handed over the win. We laughed, the room echoing with our shared joy. It was perfect, just like I’d hoped.
But then reality intruded. His phone buzzed again, more insistent this time. He glanced at the screen and sighed, the weight of responsibility settling back onto his shoulders.
"I have to go now, Y/N," he said, standing up and stretching. "But that was fun. We'll do it again soon, I promise."
I forced a smile, nodding even though I knew soon might be weeks away. "Okay, Dad. Have fun."
He leaned down, pressing a quick kiss to the top of my head. "Love you, kiddo. I'll be back before you know it."
And then he was gone, the door clicking shut behind him. The living room felt emptier without him, the board games scattered on the table like forgotten promises. I sighed, gathering up the pieces and putting them away.
I knew Dad loved me, that he tried his best to balance everything. But sometimes, I wished his promises were more than just words. Sometimes, I wished I didn't have to share him with the rest of the world.
As I climbed the stairs to my room, I made a promise to myself: next time, I wouldn't let him leave so easily. Next time, I’d make sure our night together was too important to break.
part 2-> here
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