#right now you experience horrors beyond what can be put into words. but you will make it
craycraybluejay · 1 month
what kind of novel is it you have in the works? (at first i was going to ask the standard "what's your novel about" but that's a bit more restrictive maybe, so please pick whichever question has a vibe more applicable to your project, if you want to respond at all that is)
I could tell you my novel is about x character or x scenario or x trope or x happens in it.
But really, my novel is about hope. About community, adventure, change, and hope. I want someone young and afraid like I've been for a long time to one day read this novel and think, I'm not going to die like this.
To think, I'm not alone. Or, I can save myself. Or, there are good people out there who I will one day meet. Or even, I deserve to be safe and happy and free-- I deserve to have my childhood back.
These are all important and extremely valuable ideas to give both children and adults in impossibly horrible situations, and this novel is by and for survivors of abuse, assault, poverty, homelessness, etc. This will be a novel that says "yeah, you CAN'T always fight and defeat your dragons. But you can run, you can find or make a safe place. There is no shame in doing what you need to do to protect yourself. A lot of stories like this one end in tragedy. But not this story. This is a happy, hopeful story that spits in the face of other stories that tell you you cannot outrun the evil. It's a story that yells NO when told you won't make it, that it's always best to stay with the familiar evil rather than taking a leap of faith. This story is a happy story for unhappy people."
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elenamegan14 · 3 months
Yandere One Piece - Irish/Nordic Fae Folk Myth X F!Reader - Pookah!Luffy
PROLOGUE Pookah - a mischievous yet friendly fae, capable of shapeshifting into any form as they please - malevolent ones included. Legends have told that anyone lucky or unlucky enough to get a ride from Pookah will experience the wildest travel of their lives. 
You barely have the time to calm yourself when the Pookah circles you around like a wolf waiting for its prey to move. You’ve been here for a few minutes and already you encountered a fairy folk! Fortunately, luck seemed to be on your side - Pookahs are not relatively dangerous unless you treat them with care. 
However, Pookah’s personality is proven to be quite a challenge,  considering this one has the childish personality of a hyperactive boy, drunk with too many candies. Also, he seems to be the talkative type too, jumping around whenever you tried to side-stepped him. 
“A human! Sweet! Haven’t seen a human for a while! I mean, on my side anyway. My brothers saw humans all the time because they got permission for it, but I don’t!” The Pookah grumbled, “They said that I need to practice more on my human transformation, but I think it’s perfect!” He gestured towards himself, forgetting about his longish furry ears and tail. 
“I… see. That’s very nice, but I have to go.” 
Frustratingly, Luffy seems to follow you around, not giving you a moment of rest. It did not help that he had no sense of personal space, always coming in inches close to you - a new toy that he had never seen. 
“By the way, my name is Luffy! What’s yours?” 
You are about to instinctively answer but a particular warning from your parents hit you on the head. An iron-clad superstition rules that any good children must follow to survive Grand Line if they happened to stumble upon it. 
Never tell them your real name, Y/N. That’s how they control you - words have more power in the fairy world than in the human world. 
Frowning, you turned your head away from Luffy, “You don’t need to know.” 
“Aw, you’re no fun! What am I supposed to call you then? Seaweed? Meat-girl? Oh! I can call you… ‘Wet Blankie’! Because, you know-” 
“Alright, I got it! Call me any way you like but you’ll never find out what my name is!” You boldly asserted, keeping to yourself that you can endure the humiliation of being weirdly dubbed for now. 
“Fine!” Luffy stuck his tongue out, “...wet blankie.” he added the last part with a laugh, earning him a scowl. 
Hurriedly, you walked at a faster pace, hoping to leave the Pookah to his ministrations 
“So, whatcha doing here? Are you going somewhere?” “No, I’m lost! I don’t know where I am, what time is it…” You trailed mournfully, “I even started to lose my way around this place.” 
“Oh well, Grand Line can be a maze sometimes. Heck, even my friend, Zoro got lost here plenty of times… and he’s a native!”
A certain name from Luffy’s speech puts you into a standstill horror, “Grand Line? As in… THE Grand Line? I’m here in THAT Grand Line?” 
“Dang, no need to say three times. But yeah, you’re in Grand Line! You’ll love it! There are so many fun places here - there are so many interesting things happening around here-” 
A shudder of panic courses through your body, “No, no, no, no, no! I’m not supposed to be here! My parents told me to stay away from this place! That’s where the fairy folks live, I’ve heard stories of what they’ll do to humans! I have to get out of here!” 
Unbeknownst to you, Luffy studied you a little more carefully than the first time he met you. As if he can sense something beyond your appearance. 
“That’s… an interesting way to put it,” Luffy droned, “Somehow, you felt different than other humans who fell here.” “You mean there are other humans besides me here?” “Great!” You raised your hands exasperatedly, “I’m lost in this god-forsaken forest,  I can’t find my classmates, and I’m supposed to be home right now! But I’m stuck here! This sucks!” You sobbed
“If you like to… I can give you a ride,” Luffy smiled gently, “I know my way around Grand Line, I can take you to the entrance.” You gasped indignantly at his idiocy, “Are you mad? I can’t trust fairies - that’s the third most important rule that everybody knows!” Luffy’s eyebrows raised in confusion, “Really? Then what’s the second one? I mean, you did tell me the first rule is-” 
“-not to reveal my real name to a fairy, I KNOW. You KNOW,” You repeated the rule as if you were schooling a first grader, “The second rule is not to eat and drink anything that the fairies offer.” 
“What?!” Luffy jumped in horror, “That’s a terrible rule! You can't do that! Everybody has to eat! Who made that? This is the first time I’ve ever heard it!” 
You rolled your eyes in irritation, “Not if you’re a human. They’ll be bound to the fairy world forever if they eat anything in here, and I still want to go home.” 
“Not if I can ask the bigwigs to change it!” An optimistic grin burst from Luffy’s face, “I mean, I managed to change a few rules after causing some trouble from time to time again. Which reminds me - I need to hide from my grandpa - he is so pissed off after I destroyed the palace’s garden the other day.” 
“You do that while I’m searching for any entrances here,” you murmured, slipping by Luffy.
“Alright, suit yourself!” Luffy shrugged nonchalantly. 
Time passed, and you still need to find an entrance. You felt as if the forest was keen on making you even more lost on your path - each shrub seemed to change, pebbles moving out of your marked gaze, not giving you the slightest hope of any exit. What makes matters worse is that you estimated that the sun will set soon. The risk of falling under the clutches of the fairy folk increases with each second you have wasted. 
Just as you circled anguishedly around the rock for the fourth time, Luffy popped back again, keeping his irritating grin at your hopeless attempt. “You know, I still can help-”
“Oh, alright!” You snapped, realizing that it’s futile to rely on your own… for now, “But be warned - I have ways to kill you if you break your promise. Got it?” 
“Sure thing! I can still take you on if you do! Shishishi!” Luffy innocently chuckled - you felt tempted to smack his head at his indifference. 
In just one breath, Luffy transformed himself into a creature that wasn’t a horse but not a mammal either. It was more of like… a rabbit-horse. You were hesitant to approach him but Luffy casually grinned again, lowering his back before. 
“Hop on! Don’t worry, I’ll make sure that you won’t fall!” 
“I’ll make sure of it too.” You murmured, climbing onto his back. 
Luffy is proof that all legends about Pookah giving their passengers the wildest ride of their lives are true. As you let yourself settle in, Luffy sprints at a breakneck speed - so fast and rough that you must hang onto his neck for your dear life. You didn’t even try to utter a scream, only small whimpers in fear of biting your tongue. 
So many thoughts ran through your head. Is it a mistake to trust Luffy? How much time had passed - hopefully you would only miss a day or two. And will you make it out of here? You can almost imagine yourself running through the exit out of Grand Line, ignoring any of Luffy’s farewells and just stomping straight to Stelly and Sarie, giving them the beating of their lifetimes at the dining hall. There was also a huge hope that you would be reunited home again with your parents, maybe you could explain why you had lost your iron earrings and being in the Grand Line in the first place-
Luffy suddenly came to an abrupt stop. Before you can recollect yourself, Luffy turned back into his default form, unaware that he let his occupant fall behind his back. 
You quickly rose to your feet, nursing your sore arm, “W-Wha? Why did you stop-?” 
Luffy’s eyes grimaced, “Someone’s in our path. Look.” Luffy pointed towards a figure in a near distance. 
It was a male fairy - an intimidating one at that. Build impressively in a visage fit for royalty, but contains plenty of rebelliousness on the side. Freckles adorn his face like stars and black, wavy hair frames his fiery visage. Behind his back are a pair of transparent, fiery wings that almost resemble that of a hawk. By mortal standards, he is… magnificent.
Your blood ran cold. You recognize the mark on his wings from the illustrations that your mother once drew. She is an impressive artist, painting one bestiary after another with near accuracy. There was no doubt that right in front of your mortal eyes was the son of the Fairy King himself, Portgas D. Ace.
The very same one who thinks burning mortals who pissed him off can be considered normal in Grand Line. 
“Wha- what is he doing here? H-H-He’s not supposed to be here-” You stammered. 
“Who’s not here who?” Luffy stared at you in question.
“That fairy! Ace! I heard stories about him - he’s dangerous! We have to go!” You furiously shook your head, already searching for a hiding spot. 
Upon looking at the fairy in question, Luffy’s face lightens up, “Oh, yeah! You’re right! That’s my brother! OII! ACE-!” 
You felt your heart drop at this revelation. Brother. He just has to be Luffy’s brother - why not? It didn’t help that Ace’s attention was stirred by Luffy’s ruckus. Rushing to Luffy’s side, you grabbed his arm as tightly as possible. 
“No!” You pleaded, shaking, “Don’t let him see me! I can’t be seen by a fae folk, especially him!” 
“What? Why not? I know Ace very well, he won’t hurt-” 
“Luffy, please.” 
There was a slight hesitation when Luffy analyzed the fear in your voice. It was a gamble, whether or not Luffy would listen to you. Pouting always works, that’s how you got a leeway from the authorities if you happen to be in any sort of problem - like that time you accidentally broke Mayor Woodlsap’s window for a lighter punishment from him. You put your best one yet, coupled with a doe eye that made you seem helpless and innocent. 
A few seconds later, Luffy solemnly nodded, “Okay, I won’t tell him that you’re here. Just hide wherever you can, alright? I’ll come and get you when he’s gone.”
You didn’t think twice and made a run for the nearest bushes and rocks that concealed your entire body. Your head peered out upon the two fairy brothers conversing after Ace made his way to Luffy. 
Everything about Ace is breathtaking. His beauty is every bit as true as the stories told by swoony-eyed village women. You also have to remind yourself - thanks to your father’s stern warnings time and time again - that Ace is also well-known for his trickery. He is a fairy that would burn humans into a pile of dust or turn them into trinkets if he fancies. 
The fact that Ace is unpredictably harmful.
It felt like forever when you counted until five minutes passed by, trying to make out what Ace was saying to Luffy. He seems to whisper something into Luffy’s ears, but the distance is far too wide for you to listen. So you rely on your eyes instead, observing Luffy’s face slowly form into an enthusiastic expression as Ace conversed excitedly with his brother. 
You silently breathed in relief when Luffy waved goodbye to Ace, gently coaxing you out of the hiding spot, “He’s gone, don’t worry.”
“What are you talking about with Ace?” You brushed off the dirt in a hurry and climbed to Luffy’s back once more. 
“Noooo….thing?” Luffy innocently answered - you rolled your eyes. 
“Okay, fine. How far are we to the edge of the entrance?” 
“Won't be long now. We just need to make a BIIIG dash straight there…” Luffy pointed straight at a cluster of trees. 
“Alright,” you nodded, “Let’s go.” 
You barely notice a sliver of Luffy’s dark grin as he runs with all his might towards the clearing. You ignored all the branches, the leaves, and the force of the wind that blinded you - all you care about is reaching the end - to home. 
A bright light blinded you at the end of the path. When Luffy stops and lets you off his back carefully, you slowly adjust your eyes to the new surroundings. 
But it wasn't the entrance as you might have hoped. 
It was a lakeside. 
A lakeside that is also full of various fairy folks - bathing and playing and hanging around one another. 
It dawns on you that Ace had persuaded his brother to lead you to a trap. 
“Hey, guys!” Luffy shouted, dragging you towards them, “I brought a new friend!” 
A green-haired demon-like fae folk sighed exasperatedly, getting out of the water, “Luffy. How many times do we have to tell you not to bring any more weird people-” 
That’s when his eyes landed on you. 
Everything went quiet. Several eyes gazed upon you in interest for a few seconds. 
And then it exploded into elated chatters. 
Oh no. 
“Luffy…” A blonde nymph-like man with swirly eyebrows eyed you as if his birthday came early, “You didn't tell me that you caught a human girl.” 
His statement brought an ominous wonder to the rest of the occupants in the lake. 
“Somehow, you know how to lighten our day, Luffy.” A fae with a top hat chuckled, already getting up from his position, and making his way carefully around you. 
“Come little human, would you like to join us…?” A pretty maiden with long dark hair and piercing blue gaze, a Huldufolk, she recognized, put down her book, and extended her arm at her. 
“Listen up, I want her first.” A large troll with red hair quipped, taking in your fearful form. 
“Mind your turn, Eustass-ya,” Another fae, dark and attractive, scanned your visage, “It’s been a while since I have a human to play with. The last one didn’t last long on my table.” 
An overwhelming sensation flooded your brain - the fae folks sauntered towards you closely, each with every step you took back. Luffy’s reckless decision had earned you a cold, hard target from every fae folk on your back. In a split second, you did the only thing you could think of.
You ran. 
Several cries of “Come back!”, “Play with us!” rang all across the field. But you did not listen. No, not when every mere form of danger is right by your footsteps. 
Hurt. Sickened. Betrayed. These are the only things that are in your mind. Oh, how foolish you are - no matter how good his intentions are, Luffy is still a fairy who plays tricks upon humans - and now you are his next victim. 
Your mind is made up in determination when Luffy springs before you again, trying to explain something. By now, you have already pulled out the cross from your bag and brandished it upon Luffy who backed away. 
“I shouldn’t have trusted you,” You growled dangerously, hovering the cross like a weapon.
“Wait! What’s-your-name, I can explain-!” 
“Oh, you have already explained enough! Now begone!” 
Luffy drew a wicked grin, “Yeah, I was planning to take you back…” Luffy circled you in a predatory manner, “...but my brother Ace had better plans.”
Luffy effortlessly dodged the cross that you had swiped at him, “GET AWAY FROM ME! I wasted enough time with you around! I’ll go home myself!” 
“I like you, you’re interesting. Join my pack.” You gasped - Luffy’s arms started to stretch like rubber, coiling onto your other weaponless arm. 
“I refuse!” You hissed, trying to escape from his bond. 
“Then I refuse your refusal!” Luffy starts to lose his calmness, and he holds you even tighter, “Please Wet blankie! What’s-your-name! I promise you, they are not going to hurt you-!” 
“Go away!” You screeched with all your might, pushing Luffy away and hoping that your cross might make a nick on him. You kept running, you could care less if Luffy begged you to stop, you can't simply look back. Perhaps you assumed that Ace summoned himself right next to Luffy, his eyes boring at your running form. He grabbed Luffy by his shoulder, in a regality fit for a king.
“Don't let her go, Luff,” Ace spoke, honeyed and full of dark intent, “All of us had waited years to have her back. We can’t lose her now.” 
“No…” Luffy nodded, “I won’t. We’ll get her.” 
There is nothing worse than to run from fairies and get lost again in their forest. Exhausted as you are, there is no willingness from you to yield from their relentless pursuit. You are going home, and that is final. 
Then your nose picked up a salt-like scent. The ground is becoming more coarser as well. You finally realize that as you are busy fleeing for your life, you end up on a sandy beach. Not too distant from you is an ominous cave on the seawater, far too eerie to enter. 
And yet, as if curiosity overrides your logic, you decided to take a closer look at it instead. 
“Come here…” You jumped. There was a faint voice coming from the cave. So you know how to play this game. You firmly planted your foot into the sand, ignoring the voice that keeps persistently trying to coax you inside. 
You crossed your arms and looked away.
The cave lets out a guttural growl - something comes out. You kept your fingers clenched onto the cross as a creature, a merman-like being, swims out, and reaches near you. Aside from his long hair, a striking feature of him is his strange triangle-shaped eyebrows that frame his sharp eyes. 
“Must you be so stubborn, child? I know what was going on here, and I am here to help.” He drawled. 
Basil Hawkins, the Marmennill, is here to lead you.
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elliespuns · 6 months
Quiet the Winter Harbor
Summary: After Ellie experienced horrors beyond her comprehension and was forced to do what was necessary, it completely broke her. Not knowing whether he was still alive or not, she slowly started to lose all hope of seeing Joel ever again. Terrified, helpless, and lost—that's how he found her when he appeared and took some of her pain away.
Pairing: Ellie & Joel, father-daughter
Wordcount: 1.5k
Tags/Warnings: canonverse, angst, comfort, fluff, found family, platonic relationship, father-daughter, soft Joel, baby girl Ellie, Joel POV, Ellie POV
Note: This one-shot of a 'story' is based on the actual TLOU game events; on a scene where Ellie kills David and Joel comes to take her away. Ellie & Joel mean so much to me. Writing them into fluffy scenarios will always make me happy. Hope this silly little 'scene' can make you happy too.
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Rushing away from the burning building that's slowly tumbling down as the flames lick the air, Joel's arm is wrapped around the little girl's petite back as he's leading her away from the danger. She's trembling. She would never thought that she'd ever go through something like this. Ellie has killed people before, but this? This was different. He was trying to—was he? He definitely was. She keeps replaying the last few moments before her eyes, sobbing softly. She had to do it. She had no choice. She didn't want any of this to happen. Yet it still did, and it absolutely broke her.
The young girl who needs him right now is falling apart right next to him, and he has no idea what to do or what to say. The man Joel wishes to torture to death was trying to hurt her in ways no girl should ever experience. She's so young, innocent and fragile. There are no right words to empathise with something like this.
Instead of opening his mouth to say something that would only make her feel worse, he just gives her shoulder a gentle, loving squeeze with his hand and pulls her closer to him as the tears keep running down her freckles and leaving salty taste on her lips.
She's quiet. He is too. He feels miserable. If only if got there sooner. The anger, the frustration, the helplessness that suffocates him knowing he can't turn back the time to do something, and her little, quiet sniffs are not making this any easier on him. All Joel wants to do is to bring that motherfucker back to life, only to torture him and make him suffer in an agonizing way. Make him experience evil—evils that he had the nerve to put Ellie through.
And even after all this, he still can't believe what a brave and courageous kid she is. Hell of a fighter. He had never seen so much strength in a person before, let alone in a little girl.
When he arrived at the scene and he witnessed what she has done to the man, he knew that he would've done exactly the same thing. Except she's a kid. She shouldn't know what this feels like. Having her clinging to him tighly as she cried, embracing her, he finally realized that she must have gone out of her way to save his life. In that moment, he regretted everything he said to her back at the farm house and from this moment on, he decided to make his life's mission to dedicate his all this kid.
He should do something. Say something. He owes her so much. If it weren't for her, he wouldn't have been here right now. Feeling helpless, with nothing but love inside his heart for her right now, he can't take this deafening silence any longer. He stops and crouches down in front of her, putting them at eye-lever with one another. The freezing, snowy path sends an icy cold feeling through his entire body as soon as his knee hits the ground and his hands reach for hers, having her lift her red, puffy eyes on him. "Listen, Ellie. I er… I have no idea what to say because, honestly, there is nothing I can say or do to take away what you've just gone through." He says softly, his voice deep but full of endearment and understanding as he caresses the knuckles on her fists with his thumbs, warming her extremely cold hands.
"Joel, I don't wanna—" She sobs, her words stuck in her throat, her teeth chattering from the cold.
"You don't have to say anything. Just know that I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry for everything. For every damn mean thing I said to you. I didn't mean any of it." He says, regretting the harsh words that left his mouth at the farmhouse before everything went down so fast and he has come to realize that he hurt her. "You deserve so much more." He assures her, his huge palms covering her fists.
"Joel, can we just—"
"No, listen. Listen, Ellie…" He stops her by cupping her wet, icy cheeks that are somehow burning up, wiping her tears away with his calloused thumbs as her sad, pained eyes peer into his and her lower lip quivers. "You are the bravest fucking kid, do you understand?" He says, his voice trembling as if he's on the verge of crying himself. "And you saved my life. No one else would care enough to take so many risks to do that for someone like me." He adds and smiles, his cold hands sticking to her cheeks as he's refusing to let go. "And you still did. You matter, okay? You matter to me. I should've never left your side and—"
It's when his words are cut short as the frail girl in front of him throws herself his way and wraps her arms around him, burying her face in his jacket and weepeing softly. "I was so scared, Joel. I was so fucking scared that I lost you." She mumbles into his neck, searching for comfort in the smell of his shirt and coat.
It was as if his heart stopped beating for a second the moment she clung to him. His arms are suddenly taking on a life of their own when they instinctively wrap around her and pull her closer before one of his hands comes up to caress the back of her head as she keeps sobbing, leaving wet traces of her tears in the crook of his neck.
They never embraced each other like this before. Freezing on the cold ground, Joel's knee that's buried deep in the snow to keep his balance steady for her starts getting numb. But he doesn't mind. He doesn't care. It's the warmth of her heart that's softly beating through her chest right against his as they keep hugging tightly, quietly, and affectionately. If it weren't for the howling of the wind, he could have sworn he heard it too.
This girl means everything to him. How did this happen? He has no idea. But he curses himself for all the time he made her life a living hell by constantly rejecting her charming, beamy, and at times, ridiculously goofy personality. She might be the best thing that has ever happened to him after Sarah, and all he has ever done till now was be an asshole. Now he's going to do better with her.
Carefully breaking the embrace, he cups her cheek again. "You don't ever need to feel like you have to talk to me about what happened there, okay? Just remember… if there's ever going to be a day when you feel like laying all this burden out on me, don't hesitate." He pays her a smile. A smile so warm and full of love it made her heart flutter.
She's devastated after all that happened, but this? This smile on his face? Smile that he never gave her before? Smile that says, 'You'll never be alone ever again.' She can't help but nod and crack a tiny smile too, wiping her tears with the sleeve of her jacket. "Okay." She sniffs, her voice trembling as she's doing her best not to cry anymore. She doesn't know how, but Joel is making her feel better. He wouldn't take away the horrors she's still replying in her mind over and over again, but it means a lot. She's never thought that one day this stranger of a man would be someone that she deeply cares about. Someone whose love would mean the world to her.
"Okay, kiddo. I don't want to spoil the emotional moment we have here, but… you're going to need to help your old man." He chuckles, trying to loosen up the tension by using humor—the one thing he knows always wins with Ellie. "I think my knee got stuck to the ground, and I also can't feel it anymore."
Ellie smiles and wipes her nose with the back of her hand before she reaches for his. "You're such a dumbass." She shakes her head and lets a few little giggles out, helping him on his feet.
Slapping the snow and filth off his jeans, he reaches behind him to grab something that appears to look like Ellie's backpack. "Here. I believe you have a few valuable things in this thing." He hands it to her, watching her eyes beam at the sight of her pack that she thought she'd never see again.
"You might be old and helpless sometimes, but you're not totally worthless." She jokes, grinning at him before she flings the pack over her shoulder.
"There she is." Joel chuckles and is head over heels for his baby girl's smile, which he thought he had lost too.
The end.
Author's note: This is not an actual attempt at a fic or a story that has a continuation. This is just a silly little one-shot I wrote for myself, and the nice people here helped me overcome my fear of oversharing my privacy, so I finally posted some of it. If anyone else already wrote fics based on this scene, just know that I got inspired by the scene itself, not by any of the stories related to it. Anyway, I hope it's not that terrible, and keep in mind that English is not my mother language. Typos are possible.
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
I can’t want what I don’t have.
A/n: This is very, very rushed cuz I loved this movie very much and had to get something out asap.
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“C’mon Wanda darling, just look at our children you can’t say no to those faces now can you?” You said as you crouched down besides young Billy and Tommy who had asked for your aid in persuading their mother, your wife, into allowing them to sneak an early taste of her cooking batter but your wife was being quite persistent in preventing you three from doing so. As though on cue from an unknown director the children brought out their puppy dog eyes up at Wanda who was trying her best not to break under the sweet domestic moment she was having with her beloved family by concealing it with a typical parental stare she’s trained her face to contort into whenever you or the children we’re up to no good; If Wanda initially thought Pietro was a bad influence she was obviously looking past the true negative influence her significant other. The love of her life.
Yet she couldn’t bring herself to get annoyed at you nor the kids. A family was something she’s always wanted, even as a little kid watching those old black and white low budget sitcoms with her family all those nights ago where she was once a naive child to the horrors that laid beyond the doorway that would put the monster in her closest to shame. Ever since she met you at the avengers compound where you became close after the events of the civil war that broke your team apart for some time. That dream only amplified when she saw how you acted towards children of the less fortunate by performing magic to ease their nerves and help them embrace their laughter instead, taking their minds off of the horrors that laid beyond; protecting them from the things Wanda wished she could protect her younger self from. She remembered the times where you’d visit her in her room during her worst days with her favourite sitcoms and food along with some plushie friends that she kept on your shared bed much to your chagrin. You meant so much to her that the mere thought of you being taken away from her was a furlong dream she never wished to experience as the pain would be enough to push her over the edge she was already teetering on with the loss of Vision. Wanda considered herself lucky enough to have you by her side during those dark times that sooner or later she realised that she was forming feeling for you and naturally she was scared; for being loved by her and loving her was a death sentence. Everyone who Wanda had ever loved or has ever loved her only ended up dead but when you showed persistence during your fights and stubbornness when she tried to push you away for your own safety the words you told her that day still rang true when she looked into your eyes.
“Wanda I love you, I love you in every possible reality imaginable because loving you is the most beautiful I could ever experience. I could care less if I died right here right now as it meant I lived a full life being loved by you and loving you to the fullest of my being. Your not getting rid of me that easily Wanda darling,” you brought your hands against hers as both of your (f/c) magic and her scarlet magic became acquainted with one another, “we’re meant to be, Wanda maximoff and Y/n Maximoff. Together forever.” Wanda only chuckled as you three stared at her impatiently. “Please mom we promise to be really, really good afterwards.” Tommy begged as he clung to your side. “Yeah, we’ll staring cleaning our room more and going to sleep on time.” Billy chimed in with a wide innocent smile as his brother only looked at him in betrayal, “you done ratting us out yet Billy?” Billy only looked to his brother with a apologetic smile, “sorry Tommy but you should know better then to make me keep secretes, I’m a terrible secrete keeper especially to our parents!” You and Wanda laughed as they squabbled their way into the living room as brothers do as you decided to hug her from behind as she continued to cook.
You head resting into the crook of her neck, lips barely brushing her skin making her insides practically burst into flames upon contact. “Now that trouble makers one and two are gone how about you let me get a taste of that sweetness.” You said cheekily as you wiggles your fingers, using your magic to pull the cooking batter out of her range and into your hands when Wanda swatted your hand away laughing at your silliness, moving in your arms to raise her own hand to flick your forehead lightly as punishment. “You should know better by now then to ask for things that aren’t yours to ask for.” Wanda teased as you rubbed your forehead before a smile creeped up on your lips as you brought your face close to hers as though your words were too sacred for your children to hear in on, “that wasn’t the sweetness I wasn’t asking a taste of my gorgeous wife.” With Wanda taken off guard it gave you the opportunity to give her a innocent kiss on the lips while your other hands did their literal magic and lifted the bowl containing the batter into the air and across the room to the living room where Tommy and Billy had settled their dispute in favour of watching cartoons and laid before them on the coffee table causing them to gasp; Billy, ever the mommy’s boy, noticed straight away that this was your doing and turned on the couch so he was facing you and Wanda, “Mommy, y/n used their magic!” while his brother delved fingers first into the sweet cooking batter with zero regard, looking at him with disappointment as he continued to smear more chocolate across his lips, muttering under his breath of how much his brother was a goody two shoes suck up.
Wanda, pulling away from your soft lips to look at you with a raised brow as you raised your hands, not realising that one of them was coated in (f/c) magic until it was too late. “What do you have to say for yourself?” Wanda asked as she crossed her arms as Billy waddled over to her side to copy her pose as he looked at you with an attempted scowl but his baby face made it look as though he was pouting for reading someone’s mind the sixth time that week. “Alright, alright I’m guilty of the most heinous of crimes, what is my punishment oh powerful and mighty Wanda,” Billy coughed into his hand, “oh and the amazing Billy Maximoff.” You added making him smile. Wanda’s heart warmed at the interaction before kneeling down to her son, “what should we do?” She asked as he made a questioning face before whispering sometime in her ear as she smiled back at him agreeably, bringing herself back up to her feet as she stared you down. “Your punishment, made by the ever so wise Billy, is death by cuddles.” Before you could utter a word in response, Wanda, Billy and Tommy all jumped at you at once as they squeezed you tightly in their arms as hard as they could as laughter filled the home. Laughters of love, laughter of fun and most of all the laughter of a beloved family.
Wanda awoke from her dream with a gasp, listing herself up from her bed as she instinctively looked over at the other side which would’ve belonged to you as though you were still alive and well as you were in her dreams. Her heart broke when it laid as vacant as the day you left on a suicide mission, never to return as a familiar bitterness filled her chest as she cradled the shirt that was placed over the pillow she rested her head upon that night; the shirt that once belonged to you but yet as like everything in life did, your scent began to fade away with time and soon enough your shirt would soon become another random shirt that will join your other belongs at the bottom of her wardrobe when finally looses your scent. Reminding her of the worst day of her life over and over and over again. Your laughter from her dreams haunt her as tears bite her eyes when she recollected the events leading up to her reclusion within her own magic to keep your memory alive as though she was scared that you’d one day be forgotten.
A fate of which Wanda refused to allow as loosing all memory of you would be like loosing all memory of what made you love her and what made her love you. Yes she wanted to marry you, yes she wanted to raise kids with you, adopted or not because either way they would be yours to protect and love until you couldn’t. Fate had taken you away from her and now she couldn’t help but be envious of every variant of herself that got to live a life where she kept you, Billy and Tommy; It wasn’t fair! It just wasn’t! How come they got to live the life that SHE wanted and not her! Her heart broke whenever you kissed her variants lips over and over and over again, wishing that it was her lips you were kissing. Her heart broke when she had to watch through her variants eyes as you played with your children in the backyard or taking them on their first day of school or when Billy, roughly age 18 in context of the dream, coming home from his first date with his boyfriend. Wanda wanted all that and more yet she drew the short straw and was doomed to watch others being happy and forcing herself to be happy for them when she wanted to be the one with the happy ending. She wanted you. She never got the chance to tell you that she loved you before you left and ever since she’s regretted it every day that she was allowed to live.
Now that her powers had awakened to their full potential she won’t stop until she had you, Billy and Tommy in her arms once more like she did in Westview, she didn’t care for the repercussions of her actions as they weren’t hers to deal with because she was justified in her anger, Stephen said it so, which is why the multiverse would pay for hanging you in front of her living a life with those who aren’t her yet share her likeness and name. After all you belong to her did you not?
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ddarker-dreams · 7 months
Re: Nexus V.
Barking, growling, scratching at the walls, kicking in doors, engaging in acts of extreme vandalism, relegated to a bystander as my mind constructs an immersive universe and rips it apart at the seams, cheering my psyche on in the background as it tears itself to shreds. As someone whose universal response to inconvenitences of any degree is to instantly self-destruct in a way that leaves as much collateral as possible, N darling is such a captivating ̶v̶i̶c̶t̶i̶m̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶c̶r̶i̶m̶e̶s̶ ̶w̶o̶r̶t̶h̶y̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶m̶i̶n̶d̶s̶h̶a̶t̶t̶e̶r̶i̶n̶g̶,̶ ̶i̶d̶e̶n̶t̶i̶t̶y̶ ̶f̶r̶a̶c̶t̶u̶r̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶s̶e̶q̶u̶e̶n̶c̶e̶s̶ ahem protagonist. Regarding the annotations at the end, she was only a little difficult to identify with, but that was just because her audacity comes in a different form to mine, but in a very acceptable and necessary way. And you were very right that the Horror of (percieved) Womanhood™️ binds all Afab individuals on an intrinsic level. Its so easy to identify with because it IS shared identity for a whole lot of people.
She's so nuanced that it's easy to root for her and become invested, though, regardless of how much you see in her beyond the physical aspect, which is also an incredibly meaningful of a trait for a MC to have. Spending so long with her commentary is both hilarious and endearing, too, so at a point it will become harder to NOT like her.
Anyway just phoning in to say I am so, utterly, not normal about your writing, the experience I've had reading has been ingrained in my psyche. Truly, words fail me in terms of any articulate feedback. The passion and effort it takes to maintain such a comprehensive universe and keep it at such a consistently immersive and relevant scale. And the characterisation??? Phenomenal. Genuinely superior in ever way to the massacre they made of recent 'canon' HCQuintet Lore (looking at you companion mission dialogue that contradicts all known character lore to date).
I have been put. THROUGH the wringer. Experienced the full cycle of the spectrum of human emotion. Gone through every stage of Grief. Ranged from being absolutely infuriated (in the best way possible, on behalf of Ms Phaeles who has been absolutely victimised) to tickled pink, to devastated and hopeless, to. Aww they're kissing again Yknow what, if you ignore all of the context, actually this wouldn't be so bad .
Is this what it feels like to be laundry. Round and round the washing machine I go being thoroughly deprived of all the accumulated layers of defense I have spent my time cultivating.
I feel both a sense of closure and the looming foreboding feeling that I will devour any further scraps with no regard to the delicate balance I need to maintain to function like a human being for the foreseeable future. I feel like im experiencing a fraction of what an addict that has to be weaned off after exposure feels ajdjsksnsnsn
What a ride, thank you for all of the flavour you've added to my life recently, I am deeply appreciative and I hope I can reflect even a fragment of that in this absolute nonsensical rambling < 3
FJGKSJFDKL !!!!!!!!!! i loved reading your thoughts on n darling, she's a protagonist i care for deeply now 🥺
'Spending so long with her commentary is both hilarious and endearing, too, so at a point it will become harder to NOT like her.'
this is what i was hoping for by having the story take place exclusively from her POV!! there were a few times i felt tempted to switch to kafka's perspective, but i stayed strong. since a main concept in the story is exploring minds, it made sense to me that the MC's emotional state and thought process is well-known to the reader.
'And the characterisation??? Phenomenal. Genuinely superior in ever way to the massacre they made of recent 'canon' HCQuintet Lore (looking at you companion mission dialogue that contradicts all known character lore to date).'
OH GOD the companion mission... i have no idea what was going on over there. very confusing storytelling, ig ?? the quality drop in writing felt tangible. not all of it was bad, but what was bad overshadowed any decent glimmers. i've always considered characterization to be the most vital aspect in fanfic, since characters are what inspire people to read/write them 99.99% of the time. blade was a bit tricky at first, but by the third chapter, i felt more confident writing him.
'if you ignore all of the context, actually this wouldn't be so bad'
this got me GJSKDLS so many of my stories could be summed up like that 😭😭
reading this was an absolute joy, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!! 🥺💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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ornithia · 1 year
lmao i got blocked for this
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i, a living, breathing, real-life existing aroace individual, a literal example of the very category you specifically attempted to white-knight, asked a genuine question regarding the puritanical "white-washing" of the general identity to which i and several of my peers belong to - but i suppose confronting your own bigotry was just too much to handle, eh?
let's go over your "values":
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so you're not a "radical inclusionist" (w/e that means) ... but by your own logic, excluding certain marginalised groups (such as the select "undesirable" and "dirty" asexuals that do not fit the pure stereotype mold) precisely means you're also not a real leftist, but a "Republican in training" (this is literally YOUR own definition in YOUR own words)
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so ... people like you, then? also awfully convenient that all of this info that constitutes blocking was hidden below a read-more, btw. (also, you commented on someone ELSE's post. i'd say that's fair game - maybe DON'T comment publicly at all if you truly don't want to engage with anyone, especially not if you're requiring them to read a whole TOS essay of your "voids" and "warranties")
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this one was a little further down ... buddy. MOST people who ship alastor are asexuals themselves, safely exploring their identities and analysing their experiences through a fictional proxy. i can ASSURE you the majority of us are not aphobic, we're simply diverse, as human beings are wont to be. trying to fit us all into a neat little box and weeding out those who do not fit your standards or rhetoric, on the other hand - now THAT'S aphobic as all shit
going over the DNI list now and:
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lmao WHAT. please research the history of humanity and the arts, i GUARANTEE you that most people who've written/created analogs of terrible things (since the very dawn of human creativity) have not PERSONALLY engaged in horrific deviancy so much as commentated on it, in order to make a point about its horrors and use it to tell a greater message. (also "predators in the making" is literally a dog whistle used in right-wing circles, specifically the ones that embrace terf-rhetoric, are homophobic, anti-feminist, and pro-censorship with the intended goal of resetting society to the "nuclear family" aka institute a social order in which the queers don't exist, women exist purely to spread their legs and pop out babies for their masters Men, children are DANGEROUSLY isolated and taught to be ignorant of the world that exists beyond their neighborhood so that when they eventually grow up they end up xenophobic Adults unable to cope with the notions of Different and New and far less able to creatively relate, empathise, or put themselves in others' shoes, for better or worse.
also, THIS is why ACTUAL critical thinking matters, and not just lazy broad strokes of some supposed "general morality", like holy shit you'd think you'd realise this given you consider yourself a "💜Beginner Satantic-Pagan Witch" and all the maligned things that THAT would imply based on a surface-level understanding of satan/lucifer's origins without actual research into the religion, like - based on the name alone, most people would assume you have a sadistic and LAUGHABLY disproportionate desire to see humans suffer due to a petty and envious "sibling rivalry" over the fact that god doted on humans just a little "too much" for lucifer's personal liking (per the canonical texts of the abrahamic religions)
OBVIOUSLY that's not the case, as there's ALWAYS more to the picture; you criticals should try applying this philosophy more often, you all seem so miserable all the time it's hard to imagine how this COULDN'T help
as for the rest of the list ... honestly, it isn't terrible. MOST of it is reasonable. pity, as we could've potentially been friends - had you just chosen to NOT speak on behalf of ALL asexuals with 0 consideration for our varied and complex nuance and spooked yourself into blocking me over a reality check
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boinurmom13 · 1 year
HELLO! Spoilers for the “???” Mr. Qi Event, which you unlock after seeing the “Treasure Cave” event in year 4 and beyond.
If you have already seen the event, OR you’re cool with spoilers and such, then by all means, read on! I can’t really stop you.
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The event itself was a heavy hitter for me, as it left me feeling like there will be something more to experience in the upcoming SVE Updates (super excited for 2.0, by the way). After experiencing the quest, it got me thinking of who Mr. Qi is as a person. I’ve never taken him as a villain, just more as an unhinged guy who happens to see and hear everything. Now that I’ve seen some events featuring him, and, admittedly, some fan content, I’m more inclined to believe he’s so much more than some creepy stalker. It’s shown in an event having to do with the jukebox, that he knows about the fourth wall, and how Stardew Valley is a video game. It’s hinted at in the ??? event, too. And sure, it’s pretty much a guarantee with how he is in the vanilla game, if you read in between the lines. But I like taking things literally when it comes to these things. If it’s not yet been confirmed that Mr. Qi is aware, then I’d only take it as a headcanon. In the expanded world, it’s obvious he is aware.
Anyhow, there’s a lot of speculation about Mr. Qi. I believe he’s the mastermind behind literally everything. He claims destiny and whatnot, but I refuse to believe he isn’t some eldritch horror setting shit up behind the scenes. There’s no way he isn’t behind something.
My thoughts about Qi isn’t really the main point of this post; the main point was to describe how my farmer, or Bo, would react to this event. I didn’t put an in-depth analysis on how Bo thinks and functions in my fanfiction, because I felt I wanted to focus more on the comedy side of things, less on the seriousness. But here’s that in depth description now:
Bo has always dreaded the idea of destiny and becoming a famous figure in the adventuring world. He grew up resenting his fellow comrades, and any other guildee he’d meet. The only person stopping him, at the time, from running away from Northmill (his first guild/school) was Amelia. Amelia herself is quite a character, as she’s firmly set in monster hunting. She was labeled as a legend amongst her colleagues, due to her exceptional skills and kind nature. Amelia grew up loving adventuring, making it her lifelong goal to correct what’s wrong in the world (monsters). If it weren’t for her death, Bo would be fighting right alongside her. He’d serve many guilds (e.g., Northmill, his magic tutors, Pelican Town’s, and probably Castle Village, working with Amelia). 
Unfortunately, her death lead to him dropping out of the field. At the time of her death, he was working with Jubilee and Juno, the Gotoran wizards who’d been teaching him how to control his own magic. He’d end up retreating to another country, moving away from all things adventuring and getting a job in a, albeit small, monster-free country. Things fast-forward, and we get to the point that I document now, in my fic. Where he still actively tries to stay away from monster hunting, but still finds himself being dragged back into it. 
He doesn’t want to be a legacy. He doesn’t feel like he should follow in Amelia’s footsteps, as he’d end up being second best to her. Disappointing others isn’t the best feeling in the world. With that, his entire life plan to create a half-decent farm to live on. Forget monster hunting, retire his sword, and put all of that behind him. It’s difficult as hell, definitely, but he still thinks he can do it. The problem arrises when he meets Qi, who puts more pressure on him than he wants.
After having forced his way through the Badlands, mostly for his own personal research, Bo did stumble upon the treasure cave, putting himself in more shit than he wants. The event with Qi plays out like normal, with Qi claiming that Bo is, in the most basic of words, “The Chosen One.”
And that throws him for a fucking loop. He was too distraught to react there with Qi, so once he got home, he threw a fucking fit. Without being able to properly communicate it with his roommates, he panics. Bo has always been suscpetible to anger and destruction when feeling intense emotion, like a meltdown. When he has that chance to let out all the frustrations of knowing that he’s destined for something more, you’d damn bet he’d go on a long ass rant about it. Crying, yelling, throwing things, breaking things, all while ranting about a destiny he’s not suited for. And he can’t tell his roommates, or ANYONE for that matter, what brought this on. If it weren’t for the fact that there are people relying on him, such as Cain and Jack, he’d probably blow his brains out. And, right, that sounds dramatic and whatnot, but this is a guy who’s spent his entire life running away from a destiny. From being told that he’s the one. And now, it’s caught up to him.
Overall, I feel like this single event would cause Bo to go down a spiral of lunacy. He’d go crazy. Batshit fucking insane. In all honesty, I could write an entire novel about this subject. Strictly about the relationship Bo and Qi would have. Not a good one, mind you. It’d start out comedic, and then it’d spiral into some 25 year old dude ACTUALLY losing his mind over destiny.
That’s really all, I feel like. I love this event, and I love making up how my farmer specifically would react to certain events. I can’t wait to see what Flashshifter has in store for Qi in 2.0 and beyond (if there is one).
Sorry for the long post, this blog is usually centered around comedy shit and stuff, but I LOVE this event so much. Made me feel stuff I usually don’t.
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maple-the-awesome · 1 year
Ackerman's Sister || Chapter 10
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Sister Reader (strictly platonic), Erwin Smith x Reader
Words: 2,259
Overview: For most of your life, you had never even seen the sky before, but now, you'll get to see the outside world, too, and you know what means: getting to encounter a titan for the first time.
Series Masterlist🤎 AOT Masterlist🤎 Fandom Masterlist
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You expected to be more nervous than this. Based on the endless horror stories you've been told, most soldiers experience permanent chills down their spines and difficulty holding onto their horses' reins given how much their nerves shake.
You expected to be the same way even if it would seem out of character for yourself, but on the contrary. You're calm, maintaining a proper grip to the reins as you stare ahead in preparation, then again, it’s possible that the reality of the situation hasn't hit you just yet.
If you had to guess, you'd say Levi's feeling the same. He merely blinks at Furlan's own worry which bounces off your group, a hint of regret laced in his voice as he realizes there's truly no turning back at this point. Maybe that's the true reason as to why you're so calm right now. For you, the point of no return was stepping outside of the Underground for the first time; exiting the Walls should be nothing compared to that.
Advancing through that old gate was like drawing back a curtain to look at the morning sun. Despite it being day both inside and out, the world that greets beyond the bare safety of society seems vastly brighter. Here, there are no roads aside from the beaten down path worn into place by the hundreds of former Scouts whose footsteps you now trace. Aside from that, you can't spot a single sign of human touch. This land is beyond humanity's territory; from here on out, you're at the mercy of titans.
"It's so vast..." you feel the need to comment aloud, your newborn appreciation for this landscape feeling misplaced when considering the scared shitless expressions of some of the other soldiers around you.
"It's amazin'!" Isabell agrees, holding her arms out as if to embrace the sun shining over you all.
"...Yeah..." Levi's agreement comes in a hushed tone, yet with one glance his way, you know it's true. His own eyes glitter in astonishment, mouth parted slightly as he takes in the sight. To think neither of you had even seen the sun for most of your lives. Now you’re a part of the few people able to see beyond the Walls…
"Shit, this wasn't the plan, (Y/n)..." Furlan hisses beside you, the formation luckily spread out enough so that no one else will likely hear," we weren't meant to get pushed outside the Walls like this. We should've gotten those papers before this point."
"While I agree that putting ourselves in this type of danger isn’t desirable, no plan is without its setbacks, Furlan, and if we can't adapt to them, we can't expect to achieve our goals," you answer, narrowing your eyes towards the front of the formation," we also need to be willingly to make bets here. My bet at the moment is that Erwin’s been carrying those documents on him, possibly the whole time. If I’m correct about that, then that means it was unavoidable getting to this point. The chances of taking them directly from himand getting away with it were slimmer inside the Walls…but perhaps this new situation can actually play in our favor.”
You exchange a look with Levi who bows his head in understanding. Out in the fields of such dangerous territory, chaos can erupt at any given second. If Erwin happens to die after being separated in the haze from his squad, then who's to say it wasn’t by a titan’s hand?
"Don't worry about the titans. I can handle them," Levi announces, although that does little to calm Furlan.
"They're titans!"
"So? You don't trust me?"
"It's not that..." Furlan complains bashfully, gaining a teasing chuckle from Isabell.
"Poor Furlan! You're already tremblin' and we haven't seen nothin' yet!"
"I'm not trembling!"
"Well I'm not scared! I'd be able to take care of those titans licky-split-!"
"-Stop with the chit chatting!" All four of you glance over your shoulders, glaring at the dark haired soldier who dared interrupting. He's from your squad and has already proven himself a pain in the ass before.
True to such a title, he quickly gains speed to reach your group, his expression furious," the titans aren't to be taken lightly! Even the most elite veterans of the Survey Corps have been killed by them! What makes you think four Underground rats like yourselves stand any better chance!?"
"Be careful what you say," Isabell challenges, becoming rather serious in a matter of seconds," if we Underground rats end up makin' it back alive, that'll make us better than your 'elite veterans', yeah?"
Her counter only further angers the scout who opens his mouth, ready to curse the redhead, however he receives no time to even start. Levi is quick to direct his horse between the scout and Isabell, making him jerk back and give the four of you space again. For a second, it looks like he might just say something anyways, but his arguments die in his throat after receiving a single glare from your brother.
"Sairam, knock it off! Titans can appear at any moment! You wanna keep fighting like children or maintain the ranks like the soldiers we're expected to be!?" Squad Leader Flagon interrupts, inserting himself into the group," this is the real deal out here! From here on out, nothing will be like training so remain prepared!"
You understand his words are implied to all of you, although you've already assumed them to be the case. It would be embarrassing if the Scouts have been struggling this whole time against still targets like the dummies you tear to shreds back at camp. For their dignity, you're hoping titans prove to be more of a challenge, however with such a thought finally comes that small ounce of fear curling in your stomach.
"Levi," he looks to you at the sound of his name, his eyebrow raised," don't get too cocky out here."
He huffs his offense," now you're doubting me, too?"
"I'm not doubting you, I'm being a concerned sister who doesn't want to see her baby brother turned to mush against the grass," Levi clicks his tongue at this, his cheeks dusted in pink embarrassment," I'm only reminding you to be careful and think things through. We have nothing to prove at this moment other than we can stay alive."
Levi rolls his eyes, yet that's proof enough that he at least heard you. Turning, you look to Isabell and Furlan next," same goes to you two. It's not a race to kill as many titans as possible. All we gotta do is complete our mission and get home alive, got it? Then we'll no longer be those useless Underground rats everyone sees us as."
"Yes, ma'am!" Isabell salutes excitedly, Furlan offering a tired smile that shows he still isn't too convicted about the situation, but he'll put his trust in your command regardless.
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Everyone's heads turn to the shout, many desperately searching around in fear of where the beast could be. Fortunately, it isn't too close when you spot it yourself, although you still can't help but stare. They truly are creepy, this one in particular standing at 15 meters with a sinister grin upon its ugly face as it struts out of the tree line towards the wagons of supplies, ignoring the first line of scouts who try to stop it; it’s an abnormal.
Some of the more 'advanced' squads immediately engage into battle with the monster, attempting to cut it down before it reaches its destination, but it doesn’t go well.
The titan has no issue grabbing one of the scouts from the air, coming to a complete stop while bringing the man to its mouth. His friend attempts to quickly make the kill and save him, however the titan suddenly begins swinging its massive arms wildly. This results in several scouts nearly being knocked out of the air, one being bitten clean in half after getting too close to the titan’s mouth and the man trapped within its grip being crushed to death. In seconds, the titan leaves behind the carnage and continues towards the wagons.
"We'll be screwed if we get hit by those arms when it's swinging around like that," Levi observes, riding alongside you as you both keep close eyes on the enemy.
"But it wasn't moving its legs at the same time..." you add, giving a hum of thought before coming to a swift decision," right then! I'll distract it from the front while the three of you remain behind! Furlan, Isabell, once it starts swinging at me, it should stop moving! Take the opportunity to slash its ankles and knock it off its feet! When it’s down, Levi will go in for the kill! We must work quickly without pause nor hesitation; don’t give the fucker a chance to respond to you! Understood!?”
"Loud and clear!" Isabell smiles.
"Why not..." Furlan tries to.
Levi is the only one not to answer, his eyes narrowing further when he realizes you're actually waiting for his reply. Finally, he grumbles," don't try to be some hotshot hero and get yourself killed."
You blink before smirking," well, well, look who's being doubtful now? Don’t worry. I’ll be just as careful as I expect the rest of you to be. We’ve got this!”
With the plan confirmed, you hit the reins, speeding to catch up to the titan. You can hear Flagon shout something behind the four of you, although seeing that he's been left in your dust, you can only barely make out his protests.
You're rookies, ill-prepared to take on a titan on your own, at least in his eyes. As you told the others moments ago, none of you have anything to prove here, but it'll still be nice to give everyone the idea that they’re wrong about you guys. Besides, you’re confident in this attack strategy; you’d never put your brother and friends in danger if you weren’t.
Circling to the side of the titan at a safe distance, you stand on top of your horse before shooting your hooks into the giant’s hip. From there, you propel yourself forward, not worrying about getting any hits in and instead focusing on being mindful of those arms. As you had predicted, the titan comes to a complete stop before swinging at you, but being prepared, you easily speed out of the way at the last second, reaching high into the sky which forces it to keep its head cranked upward, unaware of the scouts coming up behind.
Following your instructions, Furlan and Isabell both use the opportunity for their own counters. Having been trailing directly behind the titan, they leap off their horses and race forward to slice into its ankles, causing it to lose balance immediately and fall face first into the ground. Before it can even think of pushing itself upright, Levi passes by you, spinning himself in the air then downwards to deliver a forceful blow to the titans nape.
By the time you land, steam is already melting away the titan’s flesh and bones just as the instructors said occurs upon the monsters’ deaths. You watch this sight, the feeling of victory setting in your own bones alongside the pride you feel when catching up to the others.
Isabell bounces in excitement, giddy over the success while Furlan sighs his relief, managing his first chuckle of the day. Even Levi, despite how indifferent he attempts to appear, has a glow in his eyes that shines brighter when you set a hand upon his shoulder, giving him a smile that you extend to the others too.
"Excellent work everyone!"
"I wanna see them try comparing us to those elites now!" Isabell cheers, pulling on Furlan's arm," how's that for Underground rats, huh!? We didn’t die, not even a scratch!"
"Don't go jinxing us, Isabell! That was only one titan. There's bound to be more!"
"Then we'll cut them all into pieces, too! They'll be no match for us!"
"Stop shouting, you're making my ears hurt," Levi warns, stubbornly looking away when Isabell throws her arm over his shoulder, yet he makes no effort to actually pull away from her grasp.
"Aw, don't act so cranky, Levi! You looked so cool out there! You and big sis both! We all looked super badass! Like professionals!"
You chuckle at Isabell's fiery spirit, happy to see your family so uplifted during what most would consider a stressful situation. You’re not sure what caused you to intentionally look away from them. Perhaps a slight movement in the corner of your eyes? Whatever the reason, you end up looking over your shoulder, locking eyes with Erwin Smith.
He stands mounted on his horse several yards away, watching your group with a grin tugging on his lips. You almost roll your eyes at this, prepared to let him ruin your good mood. Is it a grin of mocking? One forced as he must begrudgingly admit you fared well in your first real fight? Then you dwell on his expression further, realizing neither answer fits...No, the blond doesn't mock nor resent your victory. Instead, he wears a smile dripping with awe.
If thinking clearly, you would’ve hated the way you feel the need to stare at him, cheeks warm yet mind conflicted. It's as if you can read his own thoughts suddenly, understanding that they disprove everything you've previously expected him to think of you ask, however you dare not admit this. What trouble would you be in if you admit there’s warmth invoked inside you by the idea of Erwin Smith's apparent attention and approval?
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cha0ticspacebi · 1 year
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The King of the Hellfire Club: Chapter 3
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Your dad promised this was the last move until after you graduate. You see Eddie Munson outside Nancy's house shortly after your arrival in Hawkins. Everyone tells you to stay away but you're sure there's more to him than he lets on. Now it's the day before spring break and you just have to work up the nerve to actually talk to him before you lose your chance.
Tags: 18+ MDNI, falling in love, full of cheesy cliche high school romance tropes, dungeon master Eddie, dom Eddie, rockstar Eddie, hurt/comfort, getting together, fluff/smut
dividers by firefly-graphics
Chapter 3/13 ☆ Previous chapter → Next chapter
☆ You can find me over on A03 as Cha0ticBi ☆ Master list link! ☆
You and Eddie walked back towards the school together. He explained that the hellfire sessions were held in a room that the school used to use for storage but was now home to their small band of misfits. The school would usually be empty this time of night, but tonight was the championship basketball game. The lot was full. Cheers could be heard coming from the gym. You looked around as a few late arrivals ran past you heading directly in to join the excitement. You rubbed your arms, night really had descended on Hawkins. The warmth of the morning sun was gone.
“Eddie? It’s cold. I’m going to grab my sweater,” You gesture towards your car.
“What kind of king would I be if I let a fair maiden wander this wasteland alone? You know there’s a lot of freaks out there.”
“How noble,” you dig in your bag for your keys.
“Damn, is this your car?” he glides his fingers across the polished surface.
Moving from LA brought a lot of changes but one thing that didn’t change was the feeling of letting your hair down, blowing in the hot, dry wind while driving way too fast. You loved your car. You grabbed your sweater from the passenger seat, “Yeah, too bad it’s colder than the arctic here in Indiana so I rarely get to let the top down but this is my baby.”
The distance between the two of you as you walked into the school and through the dark hallways may as well have been a mile. The silence painfully digging at your chest. You’ve wanted nothing more than to be this close to Eddie since catching a glimpse of his adorable face that tonight outside Nancy’s house. Somehow the darkness made you feel smaller and less confident than a short time ago in the woods. As if these empty halls would swallow you up right there for saying the wrong thing. 
“Soo,” Eddie’s voice echoed, “Where did you live before you moved here to the frozen tundra?”
This was easy. Small talk you could handle, “LA, my dad works for the government so we move a lot. He promised I’d be here at least until I graduate. But after that I’ll be headed off to college.”
His voice dropped, “College huh, an academic! Do you have a profession in mind, young scholar?” 
“To be honest no. I love reading but I don’t really want to spend the rest of my life as a librarian. What about you?”
“Me?” he sounded surprised, “Well I’m currently army crawling my way to a D in Ms. O’Donnell’s. If I don’t blow it this time I’m gonna walk that stage this year, grab my diploma and run like hell outta here!” His enthusiastic display put a smile on your face. You loved how easily he could make you laugh.
“Any plans for after that?”
“I’m in a band, you know? Yeah we actually draw a crowd…of about 5 drunks. You should come see us sometime, everyone has to start somewhere right? Here we are!” He stopped in front of an unmarked door, “Last chance for you to back out? Should you choose to proceed, who knows the untold horrors you will experience beyond this door!”
“I’m not afraid! Bring it on King Eddie! Do your worst.”
“Oh sweetheart, I’ll make you eat those words.”
The room was dark save for a few table lamps casting a red glow on the surface of the walls. A large table surrounded by chairs sat in the center. At the head of the table a screen propped up. It read Dungeons and Dragons . A picture of a red dragon on the cover of a book. No one else was here yet. You cautiously explored as Eddie set up the table. He rolled out a paper map and grabbed several small plastic creatures from a shelf and placed them behind the screen. He tossed his jacket on the large throne at the head of the table. 
“Before everyone else gets here you need a character.” He beckoned you to sit to his right.
“How does this work exactly? Remember, total rookie here.”
“You create a character and then through a combination of roleplay and dice rolls we tell a story together. You’ll be working with everyone else’s characters to navigate my world and attempt to defeat any evils you may encounter.”
You stopped listening after roleplay, “Roleplay like in the bedroom?” Before the words left your lips your eyes widened and you covered your mouth, “Oh my god I can’t believe I said that. Can you just kill me now?”
Eddie’s gaze was intense, “If that’s what you're into sweetheart.”
The door opened and you heard several voices behind you but your eyes were locked on Eddie. You swallowed hard and bit your lip again. A bad habit your mother has tried to get you to stop. 
“Holy Shit! I can’t believe you actually showed up!” Dustin shouted sitting across from you.
Eyes still caught in his stare, “Your leader here was very persuasive.”
Eddie may have pulled his eyes away from you and returned to normal but something held you in. An unseen force keeping your attention locked on him, “Of course! I put her under my spell and brought her here.” Everyone laughed.
The whole party loved having a new player.  They helped you make a character and explained the mechanics. You decided to play a cleric. Since you were there to help out it made the most sense to your very logical brain. When everything was all set, Eddie began speaking.
Your group is bloodied and beaten from your encounters in the forest. You see a new  face upon entering the town square. They are wearing a blue velvet robe with the hood up but you notice a symbol for the god of good health and prosperity on their back. Perhaps they can help you in your time of need. “What do you do?”
Dustin spoke, “I go talk to them.”
You approach the figure. She turns and lowers her hood revealing her radiance. Her hair glistens in the setting sun. Her eyes are bright as she greets you with a smile. Eddie looks directly in your eyes and lowers his voice, You’ve never seen a creature more beautiful than her. “Do you say anything fair maiden?”
Here goes nothing. Your first dungeons and dragons interaction. You had everything you were going to say planned out in your head but who the hell knows where it went because you were still replaying the last 30 seconds in your head wishing you could relive them. 
“Ah-h, hello travelers. How can I be of assistance to you?”
Mike spoke, “We require healing miss. We lost a fellow warrior and we are greatly wounded.”
After explaining to you how to heal them you do just that and continue with the game unable to shake the lust in Eddie’s eyes as he whispered those words to you, He was just describing the character. He was just playing the game.  
The story continued to develop. You found yourself getting really invested in the game and cheering every time someone landed a hit or made a successful roll. Eddie was an amazing story teller. He really made you feel like you’d been transported to the pages of one of your favorite books. His theatrics and natural charisma had you hanging on every word he said. Your characters came together and despite the dungeon master’s efforts you overcame all the challenges he put in your path. With your help the party defeated Lord Vecna and banished his cultists! The cheering rivaled those heard in the gymnasium when the final hit was landed and you knew the long battle was over at last. 
Everyone packed up their belongings and said good night. Well wishes for an enjoyable spring break and promises to meet up for a new adventure upon the return to school. You grabbed your character sheet that you planned to keep forever and clutched it to your chest, “Thanks Eddie. That was a lot of fun. Thank you for inviting me.”
He swung his jacket over his shoulders, “Thank you for giving it a chance. See I told you not like they say in the papers. You know, worshiping Satan and sacrificing virgins.”
You shook your head, “You’re a horrible influence Eddie Munson. I should be heading home. I’d love to play again sometime if you’ll have me.”
“Nothing. Not even Lord Vecna’s return with an army of demabats could keep me away from you.”
Your face flushed and pulse quickened. Eddie rocked awkwardly on his heels, “Sorry, I’m being creepy again. It’s late, can I walk you to your car?”
“I’d be honored sir.”
You felt yourself standing closer to him this time as you walked through the empty halls again. Your heart dropped as you approached your car knowing that you’d have to part ways and possibly not see one another until after break. Your steps slowed, wanting to spend as much time as possible in this moment but you couldn’t prolong it forever and eventually reached the driver's side door of your car.
You took a deep breath, “Thank you for the escort my king,”  your hand gripped the door handle tight, “Well, until we meet again.”
“Wait,” your hand felt the warmth of his rough skin stopping you from opening the door, “Before you go I have to know. You said earlier that you approached me because you wanted to see me. What did you mean by that? We’ve never spoken until today and I’m not exactly Mr. Popular.”
Your heart raced, threatening to beat right out of your chest. Your fingers pulled away from his curling together yet desperately wanting to reach out and grab his hand. You tried so hard to hear Nancy’s words, take your chance while you have it , “I uh, I was going to ask if you wanted to see a movie sometime. Thinking now that that would’ve been super weird, like you said we barely know each other - ”
“Stop overthinking. I’d love to,” Eddie’s hand grabbed yours, “Here’s my number. The ball is in your laundry basket my lady. I await your call.” He stuffed his hands in his pockets and disappeared into the night.
You stared at the small crumpled paper in your hand. Smile locked on your lips as you drove home. The house lights were still on as you walked in, “I’m home!”
“Hey sweetie, you're home late. Did you stay for the basketball game?” Mom pulled out a plate from the fridge and started heating it up for you. 
“No, actually I went to the dungeons and dragons club that Nancy’s brother is in. It was a lot of fun,” you ate the leftovers with a silly grin on your face.
Your mom joined you at the table, “I know that look! Did you meet someone?”
“His name is Eddie and he runs the club. He’s a senior, technically a super senior, but he’s such a gentleman. He is kind, funny, polite, and he offered to walk me to my car after.” 
“If you're happy I’m happy for you. So when can I meet him?”  
“I asked him to a movie so maybe after I get one date with him,” You shared a laugh before she gave you a kiss and you both headed to bed. 
You thumbed the paper in your fingers. The idea of calling him on the tip of your tongue. You should make sure he got home safely right? He walked you to your car, it’s only right you return the favor. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you were dialing the number.
Ring. Ring. With every unanswered ring your heart quickened. Maybe he went home and fell asleep.
“Hello?” his voice was just as intoxicating on the phone.
“Hey Eddie, it’s me.”
“Wow sweetheart I must have really left an impression. Just couldn’t wait to get your hands on me again hm?”
“You flatter yourself sir. I simply wanted to ensure the gracious king who walked me to my car also made it home safely.”
“I did indeed make the safe return journey to Castle Munson. Thank you for your concern,”
“Of course, If something happened to you, who else could replace you as dungeon master?”
“Using me for my incredible gifts I see.”
“No actually it’s your voice -” you stopped. Too mortified to continue speaking. 
You could practically see the grin on Eddie’s face, “My voice huh? Tell me fair maiden, what does my voice do to you?”
“I- I didn’t mean it like that. I meant only you can do character voices like that.”
“Hm, if you say so. Well. Since I have you on the phone now, what would you say to a movie tomorrow night? There’s a new horror movie out we could see.”
“I can't guarantee I won’t close my eyes but sure. It’s a date.”
“I’ll pick you up at 7:00. See you then sweetheart. Good night” 
“Night Eddie.” Click
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may-bell-flower · 1 year
Hello tumblr. I've decided I want to use this blog to ramble about things that interest me and random brain thoughts. Prepare yourself.
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'DEEP' vrs 'SHALLOW' media.
So, the way Im going to define 'deep' in this context is....rather literal? As in, for a piece of media to be 'deep' it needs to have multiple layers, or levels, of understanding. You can enjoy the piece as a fun entertaining time, but if you start 'digging in' to it, you reveal something more meaningful- usually some sort of commentary on the nature of existance or the human experience. See the above silly puppets for example.
(Another deep favourite of mine - Princess Tutu. That shit goes hard for a magical girl anime about having ballet powers. I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it, but just know that it's one of those shows that touched my actual soul. Seriously. Watch it.)
Something I haven't seen a lot of people mention is that if a piece of media is *obviously* about some important, meaningful thing...then it's not deep. That's not to say it's bad! But if it doesn't require any digging, it's not deep. ...right?
Now, it makes sense to say that the opposite of 'deep' is 'shallow'. That word has a lot of negative implications, so its not quite right, but bare with me. Some media for sure is 'shallow' in the sense that it really doesn't offer anything but entertainment (which is not a bad thing). But there are stories out there that are plenty meaningful, but aren't necessarily 'deep'. They're... to- the- point, upfront. They have something to say and they're not hiding it. I think that can be really good, as it's less likely the message of the piece will be lost. On the other hand, these stories can come across as on-the-nose or preachy. It's all a matter of balance.
I had media to put here in this category, but for some reason it's left my brain. I want to say the newer blade runner movie? I think it was pretty obvious going in what the messages would be and it delivered on that promise. I loved it, but it was in essence, a very typical distopian sci-fi that explored the things distapioan sci-fi is good at exploring. Compare that to the fist, which lead you to believe it might be a standered noir thriller with sci-fi flavour (and can be enjoyed as much) but also speaks to the wonder and horror of science and human innovation, the definition of humanity and intelligence, who gets to have rights, who is considered human, and a bunch more fun stuff. But I'm winging this part right now so I might be way off the mark. What do you guys think?
I also just realised while writing this... a lot of 'deep' stories are ones that are set up to look like they belong to a certain genre, then deliberately go against or go beyond the tropes and story beats expected of that genre. Fun stuff, I love it.
Basically I like to over think and overanalyse and I recently realised...maybe some of y'all do too. And if I get media recommendations at the same time, well, that's a bonus. Let me know some of your fave deep/ not deep / shallow media please 🙏😊
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dairy-farmer · 2 years
It's ♡♡♡ anon, and I'm beyond stressed. I have dental surgery tomorrow (and I have a phobia of the dentist because of a few bad experiences where no one believed me when I said local anesthetic doesn't work on me :/// ) where I'll be fully sedated. I don't suppose you'd be willing to share any fluffy/adoring brutim snippets you've been planning/or thinking about? 🥺🥺🥺
Ooh, btw do you know DexDefyingStunts on AO3? I was rereading their soft and sweet series and like. I desperately need your thoughts on that, and maybe how delightful it would be to have canon bats in that AU in a dimension travel situation (since you love that trope too). Just the BadWrongSick sensation the canon bats have in that 'verse against the public acceptance of sex and how fully integrated it is in the world and public compared to their home reality where sex and anything pertaining to it mostly taboo outside of private situations. Also I just love image of soft batdad gently finger fucking his darling son Tim right infront of his alternate dimension guests and the utter horror and clash of what is effectively alien biology. Sorry, I'm just stressed, pls ignore me if this isn't something you've read/are into.
Cheers, ♡♡♡
oh im sorry anon! i know exactly how you feel with dentists and i do have a few things!!
i can offer some snippets of a more lighthearted and comedic brutim i have planned! hopefully you enjoy them!
but aside from that i do have some burgeoning ideas for brutim like how even before they get together, tim served as bruce's "voice" in a sense. as brucie bruce can't really speak his mind so tim does it for him <3. rejecting more alcoholic drinks because he's had enough. another thing is when they go out to a new restaurant and he orders for bruce because he has a habit of ordering things he thinks sound good but he won't like (so tim goes a few days early to try everything and scope out what bruce will enjoy).
tim just being overall very thoughtful and mindful towards bruce and his comfort which is what catches bruce's attention. tim knows that when bruce is in a slump or unhappy, or angry he can't make him feel less of those things so instead he does his best to make sure that bruce is at ease so he can work through those feelings.
tim just being the most considerate person in bruce's life and bruce falling for it ❤️❤️❤️❤️
and YES!! im a HUGE fan of dexdefyingstunts their tim fics are absolutely IMPECCABLE!!!!! and their soft and sweet series!!!!! just the overall tenderness present within a universe where its normalized for omegas to be “taken care of” by their packs! like its the perfect balance between gentle love and explicitness!! you can see in their actions and words that the alphas just want to help out their lovely little omegas that can’t help their biology <333!
BUT then adding in dimension travel!!!!! oh i cannot stress how much i LOVE that trope!!!! the canon bats and their purely platonic or familial dynamics being confronted with this- like to them so many things would be wrong, to them it’s be like ‘oh this is like a BAD universe, we’re not evil but everything else is just pretty shitty’. i love the contrast and drama brought about by their discomfort and how everything they stand for and believe says they need to put a stop to this, they need to save who they think are the victims. but this isn’t their universe and the general rule set up by the justice league is that unless another universe is an active threat to their own, it’s best if things be left alone.
but they’re still not happy because the canon bats are now sitting in a world so much like their own but with some pretty significant biological and societal differences. anything related to sex is hidden away and private
“so it’s shameful to you” they ask. a version of tim is in front of them so soft, so...young. they’re desperatly trying to ignore how they can see the red seam of his pussy where fingers are stuffed inside. the batman from this universe is casually speaking to them while his lap is occupied by a red-faced and panting tim. there is no indication that the action is forced.
if it was there’s not a single bat that would’ve stayed still but they don’t want another incident like what occurred when they first arrived. 
the sight of tim laid on on the mats, pants completely gone leaving him naked below as this bruce stuffed another finger into him, garnering a fresh flow of tears from his crying face.
to them it’d been clear what was happening. they reacted as they would’ve to the sight of an adult hovering over a child and touching them in an inappropriate manner.
“inappropriate?” this batman asks. “how is it inappropriate to alleviate a young omega’s suffering? do you know the health risks of an omega going their entire childhood without this kind of assistance? it could cause delays in puberty, contribute to an increased chance for depression and anxiety-”
realistically this batman could be lying. he could be just a perverse man who’s twisted this tim’s mind to believe that he needs this. he could be trying to twist their minds to make them think it’s alright. 
even while researching this universe they find information that corroborates this batman’s words. their are medical and pediatric journals published about what this batman is doing. 
they try to argue, point out facts about tim’s age, about how even in this universe his brain isn’t finished developing until he’s in his early 20s. there’s no way he’s mature enough to understand this. but this tim protests, saying he’s plenty mature and he can make as many choices as any omega!
it’s uncomfortable for them, not just because of the actions but because that’s their faces.
how can dick ever look at tim and bruce together again and not think of the sight of bruce fingerbanging tim who looked all of 13 years old.
bruce is also uncomfortable but for different reasons. he’s met other versions of himself. good, evil, neither, and something in between. bruce knows that just because he became a different person in another universe, it doesn’t necessarily indicate anything about him or his life.
but this batman...he can see the tenderness. the love in his eyes when he kisses his tim (on the mouth). there’s a gentle, parental air about him that contrasts so sharply with the image projected in front of them.
they’re all uncomfortable, the sight and being in that universe just messes with their heads.
tim, surprisingly, takes it the easiest. he can always reason himself into accepting anything. dick questions him on it when they’re back because they all see how bruce hasn’t made much of an effort to touch tim since they returned. no pats on the back no, small smiles. just an odd distance between them. it makes tim sad but he gets it, he tells as much to dick who’s still trying to process it all.
“aren’t you weirded out?” dick asks. “i mean that universe was kind of...intense.”
that’s a nice way of putting it. immediately after they returned they each drifted to their own corner of the manor and didn’t even look at each other until dinner.
but tim just shakes his head. 
“my parents were anthropologists, dick.” 
tim’s mom and dad always liked collecting artifacts more than they liked business meetings. it was their passion and when they were home they’d show tim some new piece they were adding to their collection. they liked to talk about it at the dinner table so tim picked up on those conversations.
“there’s this thing in anthropology when you’re studying a different culture, community that sort of thing. when you’re doing that you run the risk of finding something that clashes with what has been established in your culture as moral.”
adults fucking children, touching them intimately. it’s all around pretty firmly established as something very bad. yet in that universe, it was fine. encouraged even.
but it’s still immoral.
by their standards.
“when observing other cultures you can only determine or call something immoral so long as that society enforces that it’s unacceptable. if they don’t...well...”
tim remembers being nine years old and listening to his dad talk about the sambia of papa new guinea where boys his age are taken from their mothers and enter initiations to become men. initiations that could have people clutching their pearls and gasping at how “savage” they are.
“there are things in our world that are probably seen as immoral and grotesque not just by western sensibilities and standards but for other universes too.”
dick’s forehead is still creased, he’s biting his bottom lip. tim tells him about young boys who live in a culture that believes that to become a man you must undergo certain rites. rites like performing fellatio on older men in their tribe and being encouraged to drink the semen as often as possible in order to be virile. he tells about how anthropologists like his parents studied and asked the boys about what the most terrifying part of the rites were, and those boys who they expected to say some variation related to the sexual abuse- they said it was being ripped from the arms of their mother. 
to those boys, to those men, to that tribe, and in that culture. there was nothing sexual about the act. it was not an act of pleasure but one of duty.
that baman. that tim drake. 
it was simply a father caring for his beloved little child
“i do get it dick. those were our faces, that was us in another life but....but it’s not like we were the ones doing it.”
rather, shouldn’t they be happy to know that the tim from that universe was so clearly cared for and loved?
dick’s expression wasn’t satisfied, his eyes kept darting. and tim saw the brief flash on his face of disbelief.
tim decided to just leave it at that.
it’s not that dick was close minded. tim knew that but still...
sometimes he thought of that tim. thought of his blushy cheeks and his sweet smiles and how he clung to that bruce and that bruce clung to him back.
he thought of himself at that age. just as small but three times as desperate for his parent’s love.
it was weird. tim knew that but still...they seemed happy.
and didn’t that matter so much more?
Good Luck on your dental surgery anon!! much love and i hope your recovery goes well❤️❤️❤️❤️
Below is some snippets from a WIP called like a virgin (touched for the very first time)
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jtavington · 2 years
Byleth and Hevring
Eked some exposition out by sheer force of will.
A Crest was a sign of the Goddess’ blessing. Those she had chosen were given the right and responsibility of ruling. At least that was what some people believed. They had believed it so much that they had killed ten children. “Is that why the Seven were so keen on having a Hresvelg bear two Crests?” The words rushed out, sharp as a blade and too irresistible for her to stop. “You wanted to make sure one of them had the right to rule.”
Hevring dropped the parchment. His eyes went wide and his mouth parted, horror and terror making a stark contrast with his red face. “You know? How could you know?”
“Happenstance. And how I found out is not nearly as relevant as what happens next.” Part of her wanted to rebuild the gallows she had sworn never to use again. Whatever justification for silence he concocted would be inadequate. But that bloodthirsty lust for vengeance had never gotten her or those she loved anything but suffering. “This is what you were talking about the day I took the regency? You knew all this time that those children had been tortured and murdered and you did nothing. Why?”
He inhaled a long, shuddering breath and closed his eyes. “There’s nothing you could do to me that’s worse than killing Linhardt. The irony. We consented to save our children and now our children are dead. Maybe you really are an agent of the Goddess. Her retribution.”
Yes, he had implied his son was in danger, hadn’t he? “Then you’ve got nothing to lose. I’m going to get to the bottom of what happened. It would go a lot faster if you told me. I can piece together some things, but some of it is a mystery.”
“Of course it was a mystery. The entire Empire, even Her Majesty, conspired to keep what happened to her a secret. But I will tell you everything I know from the beginning. Perhaps you’ll be kind enough to chop off my head after.”
He leaned back in his chair and began.
“Ionius was a difficult man, to put it lightly. He wanted all the power in his own hands, so we seized it first. Adrestia was in shambles: the treasury was empty, Leopold’s father had left the army an undisciplined mess. The west was still recovering from the war with Dagda. But Ludwig said he had a plan to turn it all around. He had made the acquaintance of certain mages. They could make Adrestia great again. They would create for us a peerless warrior who could reunify all of Fodlan. We ministers, the whole country, would be rich beyond our wildest dreams. Of course they neglected to tell us the price.
“It was Arundel who discovered their true nature. He was suspicious of all these promises and decided to investigate. He never shared his findings with us, but whatever it was enough for him to take Her Majesty and disappear. The mage in charge was livid and said that their procedure couldn’t be done without all of the Imperial children. That was enough to make me and Leopold suspicious. We went digging, and it turned out Ludwig had dispatched his own mages to Ordelia. All the children in the household perished except for one of Ordelia’s daughters, and she had nearly died of a mysterious illness. Of course we confronted Ludwig. He laughed in our faces. The ‘royal brats’ didn’t matter. All that mattered was the wealth and power he would gain. Besides, the mages could not be stopped. They proved it some time later when Arundel returned with Her Majesty—except he was no longer Arundel.”
“What do you mean he was no longer—” Byleth froze. She had seen this tale play out before in Remire and the Sealed Forest. “Arundel was like Solon and Kronya.”
“Thales. Very highly placed in their organization, if not the leader. I don’t know what their true goal was, but they had magic fouler and more powerful than I had ever seen. They wanted the next Emperor to bear the Crest of Flames. And if any of us dared to interfere, our children would be the ones experimented on. And Thales would make sure they died.” He buried his face in his hands. “Like a coward, I acquiesced. And now Adrestia tinkers on the brink of collapse, the Imperial line is extinct, and my son is dead. That is what happened, Lord Regent. Now, please, I beg of you, either kill me or let me forget my cowardice.”
Byleth sank further into her chair. She believed Hevring, more or less. Some blanks had been filled in. The mages who had tortured Edelgard were the same as the ones who had killed her father and nearly ruined Dimitri’s life. But there was no justice to be had on that front because she had killed them without even knowing what they were. And it sounded as if their conspirators were long dead. If what he said was true, the only person still living who hadn’t been completely counted by them was Edelgard herself. “You’re right. There’s nothing I can do to you. So as Regent, I command you to continue in your position and let the ghosts punish you as they please. But answer me one question before I leave you to them: why did Edelgard work with the people who tortured her and killed her family?” It was a question she should have asked Edelgard herself, but Byleth couldn’t face her, not yet.
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cedarteef · 5 months
welcome to the deep forest, try not to step on the cryptids
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i’m cedar, kinoko, or whatever else you find fit.
disclaimer: i’m new to tumblr after avoiding it for years, so be patient with me
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refer to me as whatever you what
i’m an 18 y/o college student. i work as a server/waiter and, in the future, i plan to help the youth in the criminal justice system emotionally succeed. other than that, i am just a small little unknown mustelid.
pronouns, sexuality, gender, etc. it’s all up to you. i’m just someone struggling to grow beyond the curse of girlhood and however you define that is yours.
who i am is shown through the art and words i publish here, void of labels and societal standards :3
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what you’ll find here:
there will be trigger warnings on some of my posts. my writing/art is usually focused on my struggles with body image, family issues, and mental health struggles. i welcome you to find solace in our shared troubles
i have very bad habits and i self-medicate along with my prescribed medication. these actions are NOT encouraged. there will be trigger warnings for any mention of medication, smoking, getting high, drinking, or vaping.
i look up to dionysus for comfort and guidance, meaning i WILL talk about him and my worshipping of him. he is not my friend and i will not refer to him as such, considering he’s an omniscient being and i am just a follower. please do not disrespect him or any other greek mythological beings while on my page out of respect for my beliefs. the same respect for your religious/spiritual affiliation is always extended to you :>
i try to write poetry and short stories ! i’m not particularly proud of my work, but i will share some of it for the sake of vulnerability and expression.
i love to view and make art. i hold the belief that no form of art (visual, auditory, etc) can ever be labeled as “bad art” so feel free to interact and give tips geared towards growth.
i’m back into my warrior cats phase from 11 years ago, so pray for both me and my ocs teehee
if i was a furry, i’d be a ferret. that specific thought won’t ever come up again but i need you to know this. i fucking love ferrets oh my gawrsh (in voice of goofy)
i love psychology and analyzing works through the lens of the creator’s mind. i also love to read psychological studies and shit. share your findings and theories with me please.
i’m strange and off-putting sometimes. rabid, if you will. however, if i ever make you uncomfortable don’t be afraid to speak up or just block me ! it doesn’t matter whether we’ve interacted before, just do whichever puts your mind at ease.
i have the hiccups right now what if i DIED
update: it’s 10 minutes later and the hiccups are gone. praise the lord.
I LOVE DOCTOR WHO and horror and FNAF and supernatural and warrior cats and family guy (idfk man) and um and ferrets and women and damon salvatore and ICP and P!ATD(not urine man) and breaking bad/better call saul and domo and matthew lillard and SHIFTING (not shifted) and tattoos and tattooing
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some things i want for my blog:
- respect, which will ALWAYS go your way
- unbridled criticism that focuses objectively on the technique and not the content of my artistic and poetic works !!
- different opinions !!!! diversity and curiosity are the root of the human experience, don’t feel the need to fall in line with anybody here.
- be yourself
- NEVER BE AFRAID TO TALK TO ME ABOUT ANYTHING AT ALL !! i wrote that in all caps to put emphasis on it but now it seems like a threat. either way, yes.
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--> you, my beloved reader, can’t be controlled by me or anyone. i just ask for consideration and respect for myself and others. i welcome you to block me if you so desire :)
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my insta-blocks:
-> outward disrespect for my beliefs or the beliefs of ANYONE at all
-> outward disrespect for dionysus or other greek mythological beings
-> harassment
-> ideologies or actions i see as harmful or detrimental to myself or others
(my use of the block button is, infact, selfish and geared towards my own growth. my respect for you and for myself coexist but if one fails, the other is likely to as well. my goal is to live peacefully on here !)
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arya-skywalker · 6 months
Where do I belong? (Loki fanfic)
AO3 link
Summary: [Spoilers for Loki S2E5]
Canon divergence where Sylvie is right, they never needed the TVA and the multiverse being free is a good thing after all. The branches don’t die, no one is getting spaghettified, there is no multiversal war. However, no one from the TVA remembers it other than Loki. They have lives on the branched timelines, independent from each other.
Loki sends his friends back to their lives, but still feels lost. Without the TVA, where does he belong? Where else can he go?
With no better ideas, Loki decides to reunite with his brother and hope for the best. Thor had always believed in him, maybe they had a chance now to make things right.
Notes: I’ve drafted several different versions of Thor and Loki reuniting, but something always felt off— until S2E5 gave me an opening and I just had to take it before the finale. I am ignoring all of Love and Thunder; the reunion takes place near the end of Endgame, shortly before Thor says farewell to Valkyrie.
TWs: mild body horror, very vague references to past trauma
“What’s wrong with wanting something, Loki? What do you want?”
“I want to stop He Who Remains.”
“No, wrong. Try again. What is it you really want? Come on.”
“I want to save this. I want to save… everything. All of it.”
“Is it really that hard? Come on. Keep trying.”
“I want to save the TVA.”
“I want the TVA back.”
“I want my friends back. I don’t want to be alone.”
“See? We’re both selfish. I know this is hard, but your friends are back where they belong.”
“But without them… where do I belong?”
“We’re all writing our own stories now. Go write yours.”
Loki returned to what had become their makeshift base to give the news to the others. He urged them to live their lives and assured them everything was under control— and if that changed he knew where to find them. B-15 was the first to leave, returning to her hospital without much hassle. Casey argued over exactly where and when he could go, ultimately ending up somewhere safely away from Alcatraz but not in a bank.
Loki tried not to dwell on goodbyes. These weren’t the people he knew, only variants of them. If he forced them to dance to his tune, he was no better than He Who Remains. It was better this way. It had to be.
Mobius hesitated before going through the Timedoor. “You’re sure you’ve got everything handled?”
Loki nodded. “Go be with your sons. You belong with them,” he said, hoping he sounded more confident than he felt.
“Alright… well, if you change your mind about that jet ski, you let me know.”
His lips twitched into a smile. “Duly noted.” Loki offered his hand to shake. “Thank you. For… everything.”
Mobius shook his hand warmly. “I hope you find what you’re looking for.”
“Farewell.” Loki let go and stepped back, watching Mobius walk through the door. His heart sank, knowing that would likely be the last he saw of his friend.
O.B. closed the final Timedoor and turned to him. “Well, you’re welcome to stay if you want,” he offered. “I’d love to pick your brain about all the marvels you’ve seen and experienced.”
Loki smiled wanly. “Only until I find somewhere else,” he replied. “I wouldn’t want to intrude more than I have already. Thank you for all your help, truly.”
“Thank you for the experience! Beyond my wildest dreams. Oh! You can read my book in the meantime!” O.B. beamed at him and held out the novel he’d been trying and failing to promote since they met.
“Perhaps.” Loki accepted the book, absently flipping through it. Then he frowned and looked back at Ouroboros. “If you are a writer, then I presume you can imagine what would happen if any of this—“ Loki gestured to the TemPad and various notes around the room “—ended up in the wrong hands.”
“Of course. We wouldn’t want that.”
“Then do I have your word that you will not sell any TVA technology, nor tell anyone outside of the group we just assembled, not even in your books?” Loki put just a bit of power into his voice, a warning to ensure Ouroboros understood the severity of the situation. He didn’t want to frighten O.B. away, but he couldn’t risk the multiversal war starting simply because of an over-excited author.
O.B.’s smile faded. He nodded seriously. “Yes, I understand completely.”
“Wonderful, glad we have that sorted.” Loki tossed the book into his pocket dimension, then sank into a chair and exhaled slowly. Now what?
He thought he had found his place at the TVA. A purpose. Perhaps not as glorious as being a prince of Asgard, but a purpose nonetheless, with people he cared about. But now there was nothing. The TVA was gone and his friends were scattered across time with no memory of their adventures. Everything was falling apart. An infinite number of He Who Remain’s variants could attack at any moment, if there was any truth to what was said at the Citadel.
And yet Sylvie thought that was all a good thing. The multiverse was unleashed. Everyone had free will now. Their stories could be rewritten however they wanted.
But if no one from the TVA remembered him and Sylvie only barely tolerated his presence, then where else could he go?
With a sudden pang, Loki thought of his brother. Their relationship was rocky at best, antagonistic at worst. And yet, even when they fought, Thor always looked for the best in him and stubbornly clung to the hope that all would be resolved. If the TVA’s footage could be believed, Thor and him had grown closer over the years, and Thor mourned his death at the hands of Thanos.
He could run, forget about the TVA, get his life back. Avoid the mistakes his Sacred Timeline self had made, or bypass them entirely by skipping ahead.
Loki looked down at his hands. O.B. had said that theoretically he should be able to learn how to control the timeslipping, as long as he had a clear motivation and target. If it was a “fiction” problem, that would be enough. Sylvie had poked holes in his original “why” of saving the TVA, urging him to look deeper to his selfish core.
Reuniting with his brother, creating a life for himself on the timeline, would that be enough?
Only one way to find out.
Loki closed his eyes and focused. It would need to be a time after Thanos’s death, when Thor was alone. Ideally a time where Thor didn’t hate him and so would be open to reconnecting. A time where he hopefully wouldn’t cause too much of a disturbance. He focused on his feelings towards his brother, of wanting to apologize and grow closer once more.
He focused on the feeling of timeslipping, the pain of being torn apart and put back together and finding himself somewhere else.
He drew upon his magic and pulled.
With a cut-off yelp, Loki emerged on a grassy hill. He flipped his hair back and gasped for breath. Norns, would it always be so damn painful? Hardly a reliable method of travel.
He looked around, trying to get his bearings. The hill overlooked the sea. There was a village in the distance. There was—
“Loki?” Thor was staring at him, his expression shifting between shock and concern and painful grief. He looked different, too. Larger in more ways than one, with longer hair and beard. How far ahead had Loki jumped? Clearly the years and losses had worn Thor down.
Loki took a few hesitant steps closer. This could be a terrible idea. He had no idea how Thor would react to his presence. Nor how long before he was dragged back through time. But he was here now. He took a breath and nodded. “I-I’m here,” he said past the lump in his throat. “It’s me.”
Thor looked him up and down, still wary. “I heard you scream. What happened?”
Loki grimaced. “The method I used to reach you was… unpleasant, but I’m fine. It’s nothing for you to worry about.”
“Good.” Thor didn’t seem at all convinced. “Now that’s settled…” He picked up a rock and hurled it at him.
Loki cursed and dodged. “What was that for?!”
“If you’re really here, prove it!” Thor threw another rock, grazing Loki’s arm.
“Ow!” Loki rubbed at the spot the rock hit and took a step back. “Alright, I know this is confusing, but just give me a moment to explain—“
Thor stalked towards him and gripped his shoulders, shaking him. “Five years! It’s been five years, Loki! Five years that I could have sworn you were gone for good,” he shouted, tears in his eyes. “How many times must I mourn you? Do you enjoy my suffering so? Is this all some game to you?”
Loki winced, but let him. Five years. That explained the “when” at least. “Thor, I-I’m sorry. I didn’t—“ He took a breath. “I had to ensure Thanos was truly defeated before I returned. He had to believe I was dead.” A selfish wish, perhaps, but there was not much he could do about it now. This was his time to be selfish, anyway.
Thor crushed him in a hug. “I thought I had lost everything. That I failed as a son, a brother, a king.” He let out a sound between a sob and a laugh. “But you came back.”
Loki exhaled sharply and hugged back, for once not even annoyed at how tightly he was being held. “I’m sorry. For everything. For all the pain I’ve caused you. For all our stupid fights.”
“You are my brother, no matter what madness you’ve spun. You’re here now, that’s what matters. All is forgiven.”
It was too easy. Laughably so. Part of him sneered that he hadn’t earned it, that he wasn’t the version of himself that Thor truly missed. Loki only clung tighter to his brother, savoring the moment while it lasted. “Thank you, brother,” he whispered.
For some time, they simply stood in silence, holding each other, waiting for the tears to subside. Eventually, Thor let go, patting him on the back with a warm smile. “Come, let me show you around. Our people will be happy for your return.”
“Will they?” Loki asked with a grimace.
“Of course. They wouldn’t be here without your help.”
It wasn’t me, Loki bit back the protest, not ready to shatter the illusion just yet. He’d take what praise he could get. Instead he smiled and said, “They’d best not forget it.”
Thor draped an arm over his shoulders and led him to the village, pointing out various buildings and businesses. Whenever they came across someone, he’d happily exclaim that his brother had returned and Loki would smile charmingly or offer some witty remark. Most would bow, some utter thanks or welcome. A handful even offered gifts, which Loki gladly accepted. He was especially happy to receive a custom fitting for proper Asgardian attire; the TVA suit was annoyingly scratchy and stiff.
Gradually, Loki began to relax, his smile feeling less fake. He was respected and honored. Their people had a home. It was nothing compared to the Asgard they had left behind, but those that survived had carved lives for themselves. There was hope.
But of course Lokis weren’t allowed to be happy. He felt the familiar tearing-twisting sensation of timeslipping start to build. The world started to blur— No! Loki clenched his jaw and painfully pulled himself back together. Fighting it hurt more than letting it happen. But he wanted to stay. He wasn’t ready to leave. Not yet.
“Loki? Loki! Loki, can you hear me?” Thor shouted in his face, hands hovering as if to grab him.
“Thor, the whole town can hear you,” Loki retorted, lightly pushing him back.
“Are you hurt? You were… What was that?” Thor looked him up and down, brow furrowed in concern and confusion.
“It looks worse than it is. I’m fine.” Loki plastered a smile on his face.
“Did someone curse you? How do we stop it?”
“You don’t do anything. I have it under control.”
“That didn’t look like it was under control. It looked painful.”
“I’m still here in one piece. Therefore everything is fine,” Loki insisted.
“What the Hel is going on here?” A dark-haired woman strode over to them. “I heard shouting all the way by the docks.”
“Val! Look who I found!” Thor exclaimed with a grin.
She gave him an odd look. “Lackey? Is that you?”
“It’s Loki,” he corrected with a snarl. “I am no one’s lackey.” Not anymore, never again.
“Like a damn cockroach. Good for you.” She punched his shoulder in a comradely way, then nodded to Thor. “We’ll talk later, since you’re clearly busy. Just try not to kill each other in public, alright?”
“Of course,” Thor said with a smile, as if all this was perfectly normal.
Loki rubbed his arm, glaring as she walked away. “Rude of her,” he grumbled under his breath.
“That’s Valkyrie for you.”
Valkyrie. A Valkyrie still lived? And apparently knew them? How had that happened? And yet something about Val looked familiar. A glimpse from the TVA’s records, perhaps. He almost regretted not looking further into his Sacred Timeline life when he had the chance.
There was little time to dwell on it, as Thor was already leading him away from the concerned crowd that had gathered. Eventually they arrived at a hut on a hill, which looked the same as nearly every other building.
“And here we are, home sweet home!” Thor announced, opening the door dramatically.
Loki followed with much less enthusiasm. This was far from the palace. Inside was much worse. Filled with trash, poor furnishings, a thick layer of dust on half the surfaces, an unidentifiable foul odor.
He wrinkled his nose. “Really, brother? Do you never clean? At least let a servant help out, Norns! It’s disgusting in here!”
“Oh, it’s been worse. Besides, I was busy saving the world and all, as heroes do. If it bothers you so much, you’re welcome to tidy up,” Thor teased in return.
“How generous of you, but I have no intention of cleaning up after you when you should be perfectly capable of doing so yourself.” Loki rolled his eyes and looked for a marginally-acceptable place to sit.
The couch was occupied by a man-shaped pile of rocks and a strange purple creature. The pile of rocks waved. “Hey, ghost! You’re still alive. Thought you were dead,” he said cheerfully. “Then again, I thought Miek here was dead after I accidentally stepped on him, but then he woke up perfectly fine! Isn’t that right, Miek?”
The purple creature chittered and waved with a blade-appendage. For a brief bizarre moment, Loki wondered if it was also one of his variants. But it wasn’t green and didn’t have horns, so it couldn’t be. Crisis averted.
“Yes, I am very much alive,” Loki said, forcing a smile. “It’s good to see you, too.” He hoped that was the right response, he hadn’t met either of them before.
He was saved from further awkwardness when Thor led him to a more private room. Finally, they were alone again.
After a moment, Thor cleared his throat. “I was going to offer the throne of New Asgard to Valkyrie, but now that you’re here… if you want it, it’s yours.”
Loki stared at him incredulously, searching for some trick, some test. “You would give me the throne, willingly? Just like that?”
“It’s what you’ve always wanted, isn’t it? You’ve shown your heroic nature.” Thor patted his back heartily. “Sitting on a chair telling people what to do, strategizing, that was never my strong suit. And, to be perfectly honest, I haven’t done a very good job of it these past few years. Valkyrie’s been cleaning up my messes more than I’d care to admit.”
It had been what he’d wanted, once upon a time. Now it was in his grasp. All he had to do was say yes. Take his rightful throne and rule over his people.
But it wouldn’t be without its dangers. This wasn’t truly Asgard, they were on Midgard. Midgard, which he knew well was not fond of him. And there was still the whole timeslipping issue and potential multiversal war on the horizon. Deep down, he knew he no longer needed a throne to be happy.
Loki shook his head slowly. No, it was time for the truth to come to light. “Thor, I’m not… I’m not the Loki you know. I… I’m from the past. I’ve been on a different journey. I don’t even know if it’s safe for me to be here, it probably isn’t. I’ve put you in danger just so I could see you one last time, to show you that I live. I can’t stay and rule, even if I wanted to. It would put far too great a target on our backs.”
Thor smiled sadly. “Whenever, wherever you come from, you are my brother, and I am glad you are here. Once I may have not understood your story, but I have time-traveled myself, I know it to be possible.” He placed his hand on Loki’s shoulder. “If you will not stay here, then come with me. Whatever dangers you face, we will face together. My new friend Rabbit has a ship, and the Guardians of the Galaxy have graciously invited me to join them. Surely they wouldn’t mind one more.”
His stupid sentimental brother, once again accepting him without hesitation, despite their troubled past. Loki exhaled slowly. “Thank you,” he said, then tilted his head to the side. “Who are the Guardians?”
“Well, there’s Rabbit, who is very fond of large guns. Tree, who speaks Groot, still rather young for their kind. The half-god who claims to be captain. The muscular one who struggles with metaphor. The lady with the antennae who can do some sort of emotional magic thing. The blue cyborg who was once an evil assassin but now she’s on our side. A rather motley assortment of misfits, but they helped me in one of my lowest points.”
Loki stared at him. A blue cyborg assassin. That couldn’t be a coincidence. “The blue cyborg wouldn’t happen to be named Nebula, would she?”
“Yes, indeed. Do you know her?”
Knowing her was an understatement. She had been there. The terribly named Sanctuary. Memories bubbled to the surface that he quickly shoved back down.
“Yes, I… I‘ve met her before,” Loki settled on. “You are certain she can be trusted?”
Thor nodded. “I trust her, brother. She may be a bit violent and prickly around the edges, but no worse than you.”
If a Daughter of Thanos could be on the team, then surely he could be accepted as well— more so than on Midgard where he would likely still be blamed for the attack on New York if he lingered too long. It might not be the most pleasant reunion, but it was a plan.
Loki nodded thoughtfully and put his hand on top of Thor’s. “I will stay by your side as long as I am able. But if we separate, do not waste further tears on me. You should know by now that I am a very difficult god to kill. Even if I seem to die, somehow I’ll be back in the future.“
Thor beamed at him. “Then so it shall be! Tonight we shall feast to your return, tomorrow we embark on a new journey!”
Loki only hoped he could stay that long. If time would be kind enough to grant him this space to belong.
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truckreincarnation · 6 months
A Gorehound's Game || Chapter 3 Motive
(CONTENT WARNING: Heavily referenced Graphic Violence, Implied Gun Violence, Unsanitary Topics, Description of Infection)
There is nothing special about the memory that claws its way to the top for you, with you browsing through a collection of tattoo pics. 
The lineart for the one you’re looking at right now is absolute shit - it’s only a simple shape, and even then it’s clear the tattoo artist’s hand was shaking slightly. Why anybody would try to use that to advertise is beyond you - although having a mother in marketing explains your inability to understand choices like this. It just strikes you as odd when some of the examples next to it are of much higher quality. There’s not even any dates, so it’s impossible to tell what’s new and what’s old. It’d suit them much better if they just lied and put up a false date, proclaiming their better works as more recent. 
Then again, it’s not as though you’d have kept the page open if the tattoo parlor happened to have wonderful ratings.
An oppressive fog of apathy wraps around you, constricting you until you can’t tell if you’re even still breathing. It doesn’t matter what happens outside your room - your little world - right now, not until it’s of use. It’s hard to even imagine anything exists out there when your heart feels so dead and still. How could anything be alive when every little thing seemed so pointless and empty, another dull weight attached to your feet to drag you further down?
The thought of pinching yourself - just to make sure there’s a little jolt of something - hits you like a brick, but you manage to resist the temptation. Instead, you go back to your laptop, going to type something into the search bar-
(CW: Referenced gun violence and graphic violence)
The sound of a gunshot catches your attention, and you finally acknowledge the television you had originally abandoned with a blank gaze. On the screen, a bullet makes contact with a woman’s face. The black-and-white clown that fired the gun isn’t satisfied yet though - and so several more bullets are fired to join it. It’s an ugly sight, one that isn’t for the faint of heart, but all you do is stare. Off the top of your head, you know what comes next, a corpse used as a display, and yet it elicits nothing from you. 
Your favorite film series can’t even make your heart leap anymore. 
With that reminder comes the bones of yearning and frustration, the structure too weak to be anything other than an outline. You stare blankly at the screen, as though something will change just because it’d be nice if it did. The world doesn’t work that way though, and so instead you sit there, unable to utter a word, nothing more than a living corpse stuck in the same endless loop.
A freak - one who needs things like this to confirm her own continuing existence in this world - who will never be free. 
You can remember the feeling of your heart racing, electricity going down your spine. You can remember when the sound of a scream was something novel - refreshing - instead of background noise. That level of violence, of terror, was something you knew you’d never experience personally, and it became all the more alluring as soon as the thought clicked. What followed was the slow transition from well-written horror stories to the need for things gorier and gorier, writing quality be damned. In the end, it doesn't matter to you - it never does - when it allows you to pretend to have some place in this world - to feel alive. 
(It doesn’t matter when this is what you love, when you look up reference after reference just to see and be. To understand the reality of guts and gore, blood and body. Not when it kills the apathy for just a second more.)
Your attention drifts back to your laptop. The reviews of that parlor were mixed - some customers had a wonderful experience, and some suffered from poorly done tattoo work. There weren’t any reports of death linked to the place, but…
(CW: Unsanitary Topics, Description of Infection) 
Off the top of your head, you know how easy it is for a poorly done tattoo to become fatal. All it takes is a bit of contamination on a needle - just a bit of dirt or grime or filth - and you could easily get an infection. It could be superficial, but it could just as easily be deep - and that spelled real trouble.
Septic shock: the deadly drop of blood pressure, blood vessels damaged and leaking until the blood can no longer reach the vital organs. 
Organ failure and… Well, does that one really need to be explained?
Endocarditis - the inflammation of heart valves, bacteria slowly attaching to the lining until the lining is overwhelmed, slowly working to grow and kill you in a number of less than pleasant ways. 
All of that from a single, filthy needle getting a few germs into the bloodstream.
(CW: End)
…This is not the time to fall into your own thoughts though. You just need to search one more thing, plugging in an address. The results, clear and simple, are enough to elicit a muted, bubbly sensation: glee.
You close your laptop after scrubbing the history - just to be safe - and change the television to the news before turning it off. It’s best not to risk an unfortunate privacy invasion, as unlikely as it is to happen. 
There’s a much more important fact to focus on right now anyways. 
The crime rate in Manchester is supposed to be especially high right now - better yet, it’s supposed to be even higher at night. The setting sun is visible from the window as you rush to throw open the door, a half-baked plan for your brand new tattoo forming in your mind. 
And isn’t the thought of something going so horribly wrong just thrilling? 
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hospitalterrorizer · 6 months
sunday - monday
saw fwwm in a theater, already a favorite but i loved seeing it on a huge screen. i cried a lot.
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it's hard to come up with a lot to say. or there's a lot to say about the movie, all i can really say about why it affects me so totally is i think there's a lot there that i just don't think i've seen much else approach so well. the dinner scene, for instance, i don't think much else really communicated that sort of experience of being talked down to by someone and being paralyzed/incapable of speaking, and demeaned continually, until all you can do is go to the bathroom and cry. this movie really makes the moments where you are out of something awful weigh on you, i guess because when you're given time to breathe/think all there is, is the weight of everything else that happened, so you are stuck ruminating/recovering, never long enough.
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obviously there will be like, spoilers, but it's so old like, go watch the show and this movie (i rec the fancut which adds all the missing pieces in, great stuff imo).
i shouldn't articulate too much about how i feel here, i have other writing for that. i do think it's interesting how people will watch this movie and think about leland as an equal victim to laura, but he really is obviously evil, totally. it's really awful.
maybe more interesting than people not getting twin peaks how most of the men in the show, are wrong. the only ones who aren't on some level wrong, by the end, are albert, chet, and the guy played by kiefer sutherland. it makes the redemption of certain characters in the return, and the failure of others, more touching i think that they all begin here/in this way.
i really love twin peaks, #basic of me i guess but it's hard to put into words, it's weird how it basically haunted me my whole life in other things i loved but i never really got to it until covid basically, and it only made all those other things i loved click (maybe i'm mostly just thinking of silent hill, and maybe some other stuff, it's all over a lot of japanese games, it feels tangentially related to yn even i guess). i guess anything that is essentially about the impossibility of normalcy/the intolerable charade of the regular and whatever, how there's always these frayed edges, the abject and the rapturous just kind of always there, touching on us and feeding us into some kind of extremity we're either going to attempt to ignore or embrace (embracing it totally is impossible, this is the tension bataille is so intent on tracing/observing).
it's interesting to see stuff that acts like it embraces those things, the transcendent and abject, when really all it does is absorb either and defuse them. i think the first screenshot i posted is really illustrative, the image is in tension w/ what happened to laura prior, she was brutally murdered, and instead of that image being redeemed with beauty, it's only an equal response, it doesn't feel like it does away with what happened to her, she is smiling and crying because it's all at least over now, there's peace in that, so dragged through broken glass and in shambles there is at least the freedom of not being right there, but knowing right there intimately. i guess, strangely i think of something like saw as what works in opposite, with all its efforts at morals and its extreme gore it doesn't really upset or move as deeply or provoke anything beyond the horror that this is now regular fantasy. maybe this is all too near together to be easy to read or something but i think i'm making sense, fwwm gets at the exact feeling, and the extreme states you might end up in emotionally, the images and sensations that travel in those places and it all together. i think there are probably workable critiques of the movie, i know a friend of mine would hate it, i also don't think he would sit and relate to laura like i do, which is good i think.
also i think the show is obv more complex/interesting than just having a lot to say about how men treat women (or maybe more broadly (definitely situated here i think more so) the feminine (as many quotes around that as you want)) but it keeps sticking to me, it feels like an in for the broader things the show wants to approach, i guess more or less the sense of something intolerable, all those secret lives uprooted, and in season 2 the mass psychosis of the town because their secret lives are in open air, and everyone is incapable of stopping anything awful from happening/everyone fed into it, and the return spreading this sense to everywhere in america, even back in history.
but whatever, or not whatever, but you know, i don't need to sit here and babble on, not articulating myself perfectly. i think there's a lot to say abt tp i just don't know if i can right now.
one thing, it's interesting how in the return dougie is like a literal sweetheart saint who makes me cry because he is so kind, and dale is only briefly the man we remember from the original run. he is largely colder, more afraid, focused and still failing. the tragedy of that really fucks me up.
the darkness of the night laura screams into, and the chalfont/treemont house, that part really fucks me up, the sense it gives you of things being forced to happen. it doesn't seem like fate, it's not like pessimistic that way i think, it's this thing where there's a wrongness so far back you can't prevent things from going wrong, the horror is always there, or something.
n e wayzzzzzzz, unrelated to tp, i didn't do a lot else. i did work on some sounds, i wrote some riffs, i think i have something like the start of a song here, but i dunno, i wanna mess around on guitar soon like actually and try to do some stuff that way, and tomorrow i am for sure going to have to just listen to every song i've got, see what i need to do, and re-export some songs with vocals on them that i have not done yet. but that should maybe be exciting seeing how much is done and what else i'll need to do. it might be like, a pleasant surprise. who knowzzz.
anyways i am sleeepyyyyyy
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