#renora's arc
howlingday · 16 days
Ren the Power Cuck
Nora: (Cooking on the grill)
Ren: ...Jaune, what do you think of Nora? She's pretty hot, huh?
Jaune: Uh, I, uh, never really... thought about it, to be honest, but I guess, that is, I mean-
Ren: She's a real... piece of ass, if you know what I mean... Don't you think?
Jaune: ...
Ren: Come on, Jaune, you can say it.
Jaune: I mean, I guess so, yeah. She's definitely very pretty.
Ren: Well, would you... You know? (Hanging arm on Jaune's shoulder) With her?
Jaune: (Looks to Nora)
Nora: (Sweats, Grins at burgers)
Ren: ...What? You want to do Nora, Jaune? Be my guest! I don't have a problem with it. (Drinks bottle)
Jaune: ...Ahahaha! Oh, you almost got me, Ren. That's pretty good.
Ren: I'm serious, Jaune. I know you've been lonely, ever since Pyrrha... passed away. And since Weiss has also moved on to bigger things, you haven't really had anyone to be... intimate with. Just know, Jaune, that I'm here for you.
Nora: (Walks in)
Ren: (Hugs Nora) WE'RE here for you.
Nora: (Kisses Ren) What'cha talkin' 'bout, Renny~?
Ren: Hm... I think I've had too much to drink. I can't remember. What were we talking about, Jaune? (Nods to Nora)
Nora: (Obliviously smiles)
Jaune: G... G... Gawrsh...
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rodanhoax · 1 year
Jaune: You know, you guys didn’t have to bring me along on your honeymoon. 
Nora: Aw, it was no issue Jaune. Right Ren? *Holds onto Rens arm*
Ren: Of course. Afterall, it was the least we could do after forgetting your birthday.
Jaune: It wasn’t that bad. Besides, you guys were busy preparing for your wedding, so it wasn’t your faults you forgot.
Nora: Either way, we thought you could enjoy the sights while we did some... newlywed activities. *Giggles like a child, still excited from their recent union*
Jaune: *Chuckles at Nora as he sets down their bags* Well, I guess all I can say is thanks. I’m gonna go grab the last of the luggage. You two just kick back and relax, alright?
Ren: Much appreciated Jaune. *Nods as he and his wife hold one another close, about to close in for a kiss*
Jaune: *Before leaving, he remembers something and pulls out an odd envelope from his pocket* Oh yeah, Ren, I almost forgot, this came in the mail before we left.
Ren: *Raises an eyebrow as he takes the envelope, opening its contents right as Jaune leaves the room*
Nora: Ooh~ That must be our marriage license.
Ren: Nora, this isn’t a marriage license. It’s a... restraining order?
Nora: *Shocked* Oh nuts! I was in such a rush I just grabbed the first form I saw and filled us both in.
Ren: It says we can’t be within... 25 yards of one another.
Nora: But 25 backyards is like... A lot! We got to get this fixed right away!
Ren: Nora, we need to file this to court if we wanna cancel it. And that may take a few days.
Nora: But... Our honeymoon. If we leave, we can’t enjoy it here. We’ve been looking forward to this for months.
Ren: I’m sorry, but unless we wanna risk breaking the law... again, there’s not really any other option.
Nora: No! I refuse! There’s gotta be something we can do to at least enjoy our honeymoon here, without getting in trouble, and until we can get this restraining order sorted out.
Jaune: *Kicks door open before coming in the rest of the luggage* Whew! Got the rest of the luggage guys! Anything else you two need before I head out?
Nora: ...
Ren: ...
RN: *Nod at one another*
Nora: Oh Jauney~ Do you think you could do us a big, BIG, favor?
Jaune: 🤨 ?
Nora: *Eating a nice stack of  chocolate chip pancakes*
Jaune: *Pops in with a bouquet of pink lotus flowers*
Nora: *Smiles as she takes them, waving outside the window to Ren, whom is currently doing some yoga*
Ren: *Driving a jet ski through ocean*
Nora: *Laughs joyously as her and Jaune water ski, her sitting atop his shoulders*
Jaune: *In absolute agony, trying his best to keep his balance, hold up Nora, and not vomit from the speed they were going*
Ren: *Ballroom dances with Jaune before releasing him with a spin*
Jaune: *Miraculously maintains his spin as he elegantly makes his way to Nora*
Nora: *Catches him before dropping him down onto the floor in an attempt to dip him*
We see Jaune in bed with someone, sweat dripping down his body as he thrusts wildly into them from above. The creaking sound of the bedframe could be heard 5 rooms over, the frame threatening to fall apart with each thrust, as well as the feminine wails of pleasure from his partner. This stops, as with one last push, the two let out loud sensual moan as they climax together, Jaune grinding himself as deep as he could as he filled them to the brim. Sliding himself out, Jaune moves over to the side of the bed, catching his breath before grabbing and pulling up his pants.
Jaune: So... Like that?
Ren: *Pants in exhaustion as he sits himself up* Yes... Just like that. Nora will love it. So don’t keep her waiting.
Jaune: *Sighs* Hope my aura’s ready this. *Stands up and cracks his back before rushing off to go break out Nora’s*
Ren could hear his footsteps as Jaune made his way over to the guestroom, where Nora had been patiently waiting. The rooms here had such thin walls, he wouldn’t be surprised if Nora had heard every bit of him and Jaunes passionate fornication. In fact, he wouldn’t be surprised if that only aroused her more.
Nora: Took ya long enough! Now come to mama fearless leader~ 
Ren lets out a small smile as he hears Jaune and Nora quickly begin their own bout of sexual intercourse, sounding just as wild and passionate as his own, if not more so. A yawn escaping his mouth, Ren decides it’s time to get some shut eye, excited to see what the next day brought them. Afterall...
That was just the first day of their honeymoon.
(2 Weeks Later)
RWBY: *Waiting by the bullheads to greet the newlyweds once they returned*
Ruby: *Eye widened as her friends came into view* Hey, there they are!
Yang: It’s about time. *Squints her eyes in confusion* Wait, why are those two standing so far apart from one another?
Blake: *Shrugs* Beats me. Looks like they enjoyed their time though.
Yang: *Smirks* How much you wanna bet it’s because they spent most of it breaking in their bed?
Weiss: Do you have to make everything so vulgar Yang?
Yang: Jeez Weissy, it’s just a joke. No need to be such a pru... Is Vomit Boy ok?
Blake: He looks like he’s been drained of every ounce of vitality he had.
Ruby: You think Ren and Nora had him do a lot of work for them?
Before they could continue, they watch as Jaune collapses onto the ground. The team quickly rushes over to their friend, wondering if he was alright. They come across Ren and Nora, having not moved to check on their leader for some reason, instead lower their heads in grief for their fallen teammate.
Ren: He was a good man.
Nora: *A tear fall down her cheek* And virile lover.
Ren: ... Yes.
RWBY: *Looks at the two in confusion, no clue as to what was even happening... that is until one of them happened to remember something*
Yang: ... Wait. Does this have something to do with joke restraining order I sent you?
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notmaplemable · 10 months
Battle Of The RWBY OT3s: Wildcard Round - Match 4
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ourimpavidheroine · 1 year
Chapters: 18/? Fandom: RWBY Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Lie Ren/Nora Valkyrie, Jaune Arc/Lie Ren, Jaune Arc & Lie Ren & Nora Valkyrie, Jaune Arc/Lie Ren/Nora Valkyrie Characters: Lie Ren, Nora Valkyrie, Jaune Arc, Saphron Cotta-Arc, Terra Cotta-Arc, Original RWBY Character(s) Additional Tags: Gap Filler, Team as Family, Missing Scenes, Friendship/Love, Canon Universe, Feels, Friends to Lovers, Pining, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Slow Burn, Alternate Universe - Canon, Sir this is my emotional support ninja, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Using Your Semblance Irresponsibly, An Unholy Amount of Chicken and Waffles Summary:
Team JNR arrives in Argus and waits for everyone else to show up.
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diddyspice · 2 years
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The subject was "So you wanna peg your boyfriends in your polycule?"
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fillmargarin · 9 months
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erros429 · 7 months
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rwby textposts pt38 or 39 or smth idk i lost count!! bet yall thought you saw the last of me >:)))) but alas you did not because i had to make this for one of the most wonderful people (and the first!) i have befriended on here @daladae for her birthday!! sorry it’s a teensy bit late but i hope you had an amazing day dalabae <3
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superiorsturgeon · 6 months
Showing Affection
Blake: …and then Yang actually picked me up and carried me through the puddle! 🥰 It was so romantic~!
Yang: *flexes her arm* 😁
Weiss: Ruby actually managed to contact the cake chef my family employed in Atlas and made my favorite when I was having a difficult day. It was the most wonderful thing anyone has ever done for me!
Ruby: *blushing a bit, but proud* 😊
Nora: Oh yeah? Rennie made me a whole stack of heart-shaped pancakes! He didn’t even cut them to shape, he made them look like that in the pan!
Ren: 😌
Blake: Does Jaune do anything romantic for you, Pyrrha?
Pyrrha: The other day at lunch he sorted all the most tightly-curled curly fries out of his order and gave them to me!
Blake/Weiss/Ren: …uh…that’s nice?
Yang/Ruby/Nora: *all crying* 🥹 That’s the most romantic thing we’ve ever heard…! 😭
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brokentrafficknight · 10 days
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Renora's melodrama in v7 and v8 was horrendously forced and RT fumbled that shit so hard I'll never forgive it. Renora was the easiest thing to get right and they fucked that up.
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davidellisartworkstuff · 11 months
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They're so happy the boys got funded! Well done to everyone for funding the Team JNPR plushies!
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blueinkjpeg · 8 months
POV; the most insufferable class at Beacon (aka the vibes for volumes 1-3)
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rodanhoax · 1 year
Ozpin: Nora Valkyrie, do you take Lie Ren to be your lawful husband, to love and to hold for as long as you both shall live?
Nora: YES! To eternity if I have to!
Ozpin: *Chuckles* And Lie Ren, do you ta-
Ren: Yes.
Ren: Apologies. I can barely contain my excitement right now.
Nora: Oh Renny...
Jaune: *Cries tears of joy on the side*
Ozpin: Well, with the power vested in me by numerous Kingdoms and the God of Light, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the... best man?
Ren: ...
Jaune: What now?
Nora: Are you screwing around with us Oz? Now of all times?
Ozpin: Don't look at me, Oscar went and got this book at the adult section at the library.
Oscar: Sorry guys, that's my b.
Nora: *Sighs* Well, gotta do things by the book I guess. Pucker up Jauney!
Jaune: Nora, I don't think you have t-
Nora: *Grabs Jaunes head and brings it down for a quick sensual kiss*
Audience: *Gasp in shock*
Nora: *Releases Jaune and licks her lips* Did you eat some of the wedding pancakes?! Those were for later!
Ren: I... can't believe what I just witnessed.
Jaune: *Panicking* R-Ren, I'm so sorry! I-
Ren: We've been planning this wedding for months, and you call that a wedding kiss? *Grabs Jaune by the collar and dips him into a intensely passionate kiss for a full minute*
Audience: 😳
Nora: Oh Renny!~
Ren: Mmmmwa! *Finally releases Jaune before unceremoniously dropping him to the ground.* Now then, shall we? *Offers arm*
Nora: We shall! *Takes his arm as the two walk down the aisle, resuming the ceremony as the audience shrug and clap for the newlyweds*
Jaune: *Lays motionless on ground, trying to regain the soul that was just sucked out of him*
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notmaplemable · 10 months
Battle Of The RWBY OT3s: Wildcard Round - Match 8
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lord-of-rain · 1 month
Garnet: Daaaaad, why can't I date, Pyrrah Valkyrie?
Jaune: Okay, this is you. *places a pretzle on the table*
Garnet: O-okay?
Jaune: And this is Pyrrah. *smashes the prezle repeatedly with a hammer*
Garnet: That's actually kinda hot.
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sarahshoots1st · 11 months
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pilot-boi · 1 year
Okay but the way that nothing bad happened after the Bumbleby kiss because they weren’t jumping forward in their relationship
When the Renora kiss happened, Nora was leaping forward in their relationship. Ren wasn’t at the same point as she was because he still had angst this to figure out. Similarly, Nora herself wasn’t really ready for a relationship because she didn’t know who she was
When the Arkos kiss happened, Pyrrha was leaping forward in their relationship. This time it wasn’t because neither of them were ready to move forward, it was because Pyrrha had quite literally run out of time
But that didn’t happen with the Bees because they were in lockstep and ready to move to the next stage
This writing guys…
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