#recipes for students
No Fuss Microwave Pasta:
Recipe adapted from here
Serves: 1, Prep time: > 2 minutes (min), Cook time: 15 minutes
Single serving of pasta (~75g)
2-3 tbsp tomato puree
Seasonings of choice (e.g basil, oregano, garlic, chilli flakes etc.)
Cheese (optional)
In a microwavable bowl put your pasta with salt then cover with boiling water. Pouring a cm or two is above the pasta.
Place in microwave cooking as long as directed by package instructions baring in mind to stir every 2-3 minutes to prevent sticking.
Once pasta is cooked you should have enough water to cover the bottom of the bowl add the tomato puree to this, allowing the water to thin the puree.
You can now add any seasonings you desire. I used about 1/2 tsp of basil and oregano with a tsp of garlic granules.
Mix then at this point you can cover the top with cheese then place back in the microwave for 2-3 minutes stirring occasionally to prevent the sauce from burning.
Once done check the seasoning then enjoy.
This is a nice cheap, lazy dish for days when you're not up to cooking. The recipe is fairly simple so can easily be adapted I added spinach for some vegetable during the fourth step as well as a tbsp of butter to add some creaminess and combat any acidity in the tomato. It is also at this stage you could add any precooked protein. This is intended as a no prep sort of dish but obviously you could use fresh garlic, vegetables and also cook some protein to go along with it but it works well on its own.
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thelailasblog · 1 month
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ruthlesslistener · 11 months
Not to sound like a tradwife or anything but I genuinely believe that everyone should learn how to make bone broth (or, as I affectionatly call it, scrap stew). I'm not gonna call it an easy or simple recipe because you do have to let it simmer for 11 hours and strain it, but if you have a day off to make it its relatively low-effort and cost-efficient and also is a great base for upping the nutritional value of simple foods like cup ramen or plain rice when you're in a pinch for time, as well as cutting down on veggie waste (anything starting to wilt or scraps like carrot peelings can be tossed in there and still make a good broth)
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milkbreadtoast · 2 years
I made mushroom carbonara and it was freaking delicious so wanted to share the recipe... I used to make this all the time in college lol it's v easy and so tasty!!! (*note: the mushrooms r optional!!)
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shlrleystudies · 9 months
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my go-to pizza at uni (recipe below)
tomato + spinach veggie pizza
naan bread
tomato sauce
red onion
vegetable oil
salt + pepper
chili flakes (optional)
parsley flakes (optional)
add onto the naan bread in the following order: tomato sauce, red onion slices, tofu crumbles, grated cheese, spinach
drizzle some vegetable oil on top
bake at 300 degrees C for 10-15 minutes or until the cheese is melted
add salt, pepper, and (optional) chili flakes and parsley
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tulipsstudyblr · 1 month
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Super random but I tried a new drink today! I made my own version of the iced London Fog. I love having a nice drink to have for studying and today this was definitely it!
I didn’t make the cold foam in the original recipe, but I did have a salted caramel cold foam so I used that. It was definitely still suuuuper good. It was definitely a nice new study drink for this evening.
I was still pretty productive today as well!
I had a tutoring session today that went very well
Went to the grocery store and found a sale on Pringles (chips are one of my favorite study snacks)
Got a pitcher for my iced coffee (I like to make the night before it so it’s easier in the morning)
Did all my English homework (including getting through like 6 chapters of Dracula and if you know anything about that book…whew)
Got through my French homework and Honors homework in about an hour
Had time to do a full shower with shaving and hair washing + did a face mask and properly moisturized
Listening to the audiobooks of textbooks I struggle to get through has definitely been a help to me this week. 10/10 recommend. I do it when I need to do other things like chores, other written homework, but also need to read for a couple hours.
(the recipe isn’t mine, found on Pinterest @ https://pin.it/5LlIRAbaV)
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athina-blaine · 2 months
His own breath ragged, Ambrosius leaned in again, just close enough for his lips to graze against Ballister's.
“Let me take care of you.”
Ballister loses track of the time and gets caught in the rain. Ambrosius rises to the occasion.
Rating: Explicit Relationships: Ballister Blackheart | Ballister Boldheart/Ambrosius Goldenloin Chapters: 1/1 Chapter Word Count: ~5k Additional Tags: Domestic Fluff, Light Angst, Pre-Canon, Service Top Ambrosius, Ballister Acts Like a Sad Wet Cat, Explicit Sexual Content
Inspired by @sefarlen's art here (NSFW), and a very happy Valentine's Day to you as well 😉😉😉 haha what do you mean it's apri
Closing the door behind him with a soft click, Ambrosius slipped off his running shoes before stepping inside the apartment. His heart still raced with exertion as he pulled down the hood of his rain-slicked jacket, sweat cooling on the back of his neck and face. The rain had brought down the temperature to a crisp, sublime briskness, and it had been perfect for his evening run (even if his hair could do without the humidity).
Hanging his jacket on the coat rack, chin bobbing to the beat of his music, his eyes passed over the row of shoes, lingering on the leftmost shelf. He paused. The black boots that usually occupied the space were still absent, the same as they were when Ambrosius had first gotten home.
It wasn’t often Ambrosius beat Ballister back at the end of the day, with Ballister usually having long since buried himself in his academy reports. Even rarer for Ambrosius to finish his run and still see that shelf empty. Perhaps he’d gotten carried away with his research project in the archives. Still, why not give Ambrosius a heads-up?
Ambrosius pushed down his growing anxiety. It’s not as if Ballister has never been this late coming home before, especially with their development reports due soon. Ambrosius would just need to call, that was all. Nothing to worry about.
But first, Ambrosius desperately needed a drink. Bending down to open the refrigerator, he retrieved his water bottle and took a slow sip, eyes surveying the inside of the fridge. His fingers tapped to the beat of his music against the fridge door. They haven’t already eaten through all of those strawberries, have they …?
Through his earbuds, he heard a muffled thud behind him. He glanced over just in time to see Ballister shuffle into the main room, his gait sluggish as he dragged his hand down his face. He didn’t seem to notice Ambrosius as he let out a tired sigh, running his hand through his hair.
Ambrosius straightened, letting the fridge door close, and Ballister’s eyes snapped upwards. When their gazes met, Ballister faltered. For a fleeting moment, Ambrosius could see him attempt to mask the fatigue in his eyes, but Ambrosius’ concern must have been obvious as he quickly gave up the charade. He raised a hand, a weary smile tugging his lips. “Sorry I didn’t call.”
[Continue on AO3]
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u-mspcoll · 1 month
Obesity: The Science, Culture, and Politics of Fatness in America 
In Fall 2023, students enrolled in Dr. Margot Finn's course on the science, culture, and politics of obesity worked in groups to research and write captions for food history materials.
Most of these items were from the Special Collections Research Center's Janice Bluestein Longone Culinary Archive.
These were featured on the Shapiro Library Screens in Bert's Study Lounge.
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M. L. Holbrook, Eating for Strength (New York, M. L. Holbrook & co. [c1888]). Library of Congress. 
The 1888 edition of Eating for Strength, a popular 19th century work on diet written by Martin Luther Holbrook approaches food in a scientific manner, outlining the dietary needs of various classes of people and looking at the healthfulness of various foods. This book includes information about food and diet in relation to health and work, together with several hundred recipes for different foods and drinks. All of these tables illustrate the protein, carbohydrate, and fat content of some of the most common foods that characterized the diets of that era. This underscores how even over 100 years ago, these three macronutrients were seen as important to monitor in order to curb obesity.
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Keeping Your Weight Down (Westfield, N.Y. : Welch Grape Juice Co., [1921?]). Janie Bluestein Longone Culinary Archive.
Published by Welch Juice Company in 1921, this recipe book called Keeping Your Weight Down suggests that Welch's Grape Juice can aid in weight maintenance, and emphasizes its importance in influencing desired health benefits with their beverage. The monochrome-purple book cover showcases an idealized “thin” model covered in loose night clothing, examining a weight scale. Inside, “Pudding and Desserts” recipes are listed in sections with the usage of Welch brand ingredients. Framing grapes as dessert, often eliminated in dieting practices, allows for the luxury of sweets within the strictures of losing weight.
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Ruth West, Stop Dieting! Start Losing! (New York : E.P. Dutton & Company, Inc., 1956.). Janice Bluestein Longone Culinary Archive. 
Although Ruth West’s Stop Dieting! Start Losing! was a dieting recipe book published in 1956, the artifact has a startling resemblance to modern attitudes about weight, despite the huge body of research conducted on obesity since this time. Today, It’s easy to laugh at slogans like “how to lose 2 to 3 pounds a week” and “16 foods for sex appeal and vitality,” but how different are these claims from those we hear today from diet magazines, social media and even our own medical professionals? Is the rigor of evidence from then to now all that different? 
Read more!
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Delicious salad ideas
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urfavnegronerd · 5 months
free white women from making rice in the instant pot
its not hard. do yall want instructions? okay SO
i usually make a cup of dry jasmine rice
measure ur desired amount of dry rice
rinse that hoe off (im serious rinse ur mf rice and make sure to scrub the grains together to get off all the processing ickiness)
once the water runs clear, transfer ur rice to a pot (put the instant pot down)
make sure that ur rice is level
pour clean water (tap, from the sink, idgaf as long as it's clean, could be in a bottle if that's all the accessible clean water u have)
place ur index finger at the very bottom of the pot and make sure that your water goes past ur first knuckle and halfway towards your second knuckle. don't use a measure cup ur gonna fuck it up (i was raised around Caribbean women i know how the fuck to make rice do not use the measuring cup i don't fucking care) the amount of water HAS TO GO PAST YOUR FIRST KNUCKLE AND IS HALFWAY TO YOUR SECOND KNUCKLE. YOU HAVE A KNUCKLE AND A HALF WORTH OF WATER
PUT A BAY LEAF AND A PINCH OF SALT IN YOUR RICE DON'T QUESTION JUST DO IT (you can also put a teensy amount of coconut oil in it)
put a cover on your pot of rice and water, put it on medium heat (5-6) and let it boil for about 20 minutes (depending on the type of stove u have, if you have one of the bougie ass ones like on tv it could be done in less than twenty minutes, if you have a stove that's older (gas, old old old electric) then it could take longer)
once the twenty minutes is up, take the cover off the pot, and make sure that there isn't a lot of water left but there's still water in the pot. if there's still a lot of water, resume the process of letting it boil until there's not as much water that grains of rice are still floating around but there is still enough that there are some bubbles on the surface.
turn the stove to simmer (or the lowest possible temp) and let it sit for 5-10 minutes depending on the strength of your stove (i usually do 6 minutes)
when time is up FLUFF UR FUCKING RICE WITH A FORK U OBSCENE FUCKS and taste ur rice to make sure that it is soft but not porridge type soft
you have made rice <3
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theprayingteacher · 6 months
#Prayer Against #Negativity
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Fresh Pasta:
85g plain flour
1 egg
1tsp milk
1 drop of olive oil
1 pinch of salt
Combine the plain flour and salt in a bowl. Make a well in the centre.
Whisk the egg, milk and olive oil in a small bowl until well blended.
Gradually pour mixture into well while mixing with a fork to form a ball of dough.
Place dough on lightly floured surface and begin to knead dough. Continue kneading for 5 minutes or until smooth and elastic (adding more flour if necessary).
Wrap dough in plastic wrap and let stand for 15 minutes.
Unwrap dough and knead briefly on lightly floured surface. Using a lightly floured rolling pin, roll out dough to 5mm in thickness.
Carefully feed the pasta sheet through the pasta machine and choose your desired shape. Then lay the sheet of pasta on a clean piece of cling film and set off to the side to dry.
Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil and add pasta. Pasta is ready after 8 minutes or when al dente.
This is a basic pasta recipe so it can be adapted for other uses and flavours too, such as for ravioli or lasagne. I like to add garlic, any herbs or seasonings I'm using (e.g paprika, chilli powder/flakes etc.) straight to the dough. You can also add spinach, tomato or cocoa to colour the dough.
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thelailasblog · 1 month
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c-kiddo · 6 months
actually so mad i have to make and eat 3 meals a day . i want to be healthy and have the energy from it obviously but im sick of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😢
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shenji-yei-v2 · 8 months
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just made mysefl a lovely Damascus rose drinc folowing the low quality recipe I found on da internet. well its not that bad but I think I’m losin consciousness y’all 😄🤣🤣 bruh that was too flavored 4 me lol gotta post it before I forget my own ass name 😂🤣🤣🤣
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shlrleystudies · 11 months
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doing research + eating the most vegetarian looking meal I've ever made
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