#ransom drysdale/oc
ronearoundblindly · 7 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Ok, I sat on this for a month because I do not self-promote. It is not at all my nature.
Fools Rush In but specifically This All Day -- This is the first Reader-fic I ever wrote, and it still holds up as the comfort story I always intended it to be.
The Root of All Ransom -- Talk about writing a character you are not!!! I got into the mind of a complete douchebag and even I'm stunned at how well it turned out.
Smells Like Team Spirit -- Again, this one was a stretch for me. Never written anything like this before or since. I think @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 said it best in one comment when describing it as a 'polyamory whose dynamics I can understand.' I also highly doubt I'd have managed to write this without practicing a new mindset in Root of All Ransom.
The Stark Legacy -- Look, I get that Tumblr or anyone is not big on Original Characters in fanfic, but this story is my baby. It's the fic that brought me back to fic and writing in general which brings me such joy. I forget that sometimes. I am also super proud of the breadth and complexity of this story; I blended comic and MCU canon (up until 2019 just before Endgame came out) to create an alternate universe where Tony Stark's kid becomes an accidental villain.
A Forced, Fresh Start from Autumn Is Healing -- Yes, it's angsty and a little dark, but I loved exploring the realistic side of existing like Bucky/'Winter' (and the female version of 'Autumn'). I had to think of a way to describe breaking that programming and how frustrating it would be on a human trying to be as normal as possible after such treatment. I am proud of the way this one turned out.
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Hello lovelies! And welcome to the reading list for March 2023. I hope this month has been kind to you. And if it hasn't, I hope you'll still be kind to yourself. Kick off those shoes, put do not disturb on your door or your phone or what have you and take a dive into any one of these fics. You're here and you made it.
Thank you, all you talented writers for providing us with an escape. It's so needed and appreciated. You're awesome. 😘
Happy Reading!
2023 reading list | fic rec masterlist
Dividers provided by @firefly-graphics
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Hold On by @princessmisery666 Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Bucky is tired of you being a brat. Warnings: smut, angry Bucky, preludes to roughness, could be perceived as non-con I guess.
My Girl by @girl-next-door-writes Bucky Barnes x Reader Just some fluff about Bucky slowly realising why he feels so happy lately.
Best Girl by @there-must-be-a-lock Steve Rogers x Reader Prompt: I’ll fuck you until you fall asleep… maybe after that too Warnings: 18+. Steve is equal parts sweet and nasty. Lil bit of degradation, lil bit of possessive dirty talk.
Star Wars
"That's terribly distracting" by @softlyspector Din Djarin x Gender Neutral Reader Request: “Please stop rolling your shirt sleeves up, it’s terribly distracting” with Din except instead of shirt sleeves he’s removing pieces of his armor? Warnings: very lightly nsfw-ish toward the end
Significant by @softlyspector Din Djarin x Gender Neutral Reader Din has been calling you riduur for months. You finally find out what it means, and get a little more than you bargained for. Warnings: pining, absolute FOOLS in love, bit of grumpy x sunshine, lil angsty, possibly incorrect lore, fluff, lots of Mando'a (translations for the Mando'a at the end)
Not Your Friend by @smol-and-grumpy Dean Winchester x Reader Prompt: “Friends? I don’t think so. Friends don’t know the way you taste.”Warnings: Public stuff, dirty talk, praise kink
Can't Keep My Hands to Myself by @carryonmywaywardcaptain Dean Winchester x Female Reader While attending a black-tie event, Dean has trouble keeping his hands (and thoughts) to himself. Warnings: teeny bit of dirty talk and touching, implied future smut
Huh, Not That Complicated After All by @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior Dean Winchester x Y/N Dean figures out show to make shower sex not so complicated. Warnings: Explicit 18+. Smut - this is just all smut. No plot. Shower sex, brief semi-public sex, fingering, overstimulation, edging, showerhead as vibrator, mentions of oral sex (f receiving).
Livin' a Lie by @deanwinchesterswitch Dean Winchester x Female Reader Dean thinks he’s doing the right thing, believes it’s for the best. Still, he struggles to let go, even when he overhears that you’ve moved on with someone new. Warnings: 18+ Angst; Some fluff; Dean being Dean; Language; Mentions of smut; Canon divergence.
People Will Notice by @princessmisery666 Sam Winchester x Reader You interrupt Sam while he’s in a compromising position and he thinks you should finish him off. Warnings: smut, language, slight public sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), soulless!Sam.
A Hunter's Heart by @deanwinchesterswitch Choose your Winchester Kink: Cardiophilia Warnings: Mild smut, NSFW-18+ only
Top Gun: Maverick
No One's In The Room series by @princessmisery666 fwb - Ryleigh x Fanboy, eventual Ryleigh x Hangman, platonic Rooster x Ryleigh Jake and Ryleigh find themselves stranded in a remote location when a mission goes sideways. Injured and dependent on his help, she gets a glimpse of the man beneath the façade of ‘The Terminator’. Once they are rescued, the bubble of their personal Vegas bursts, and Jake struggles with new emotions while Ryleigh hopes he will finally see the man she came to know when no one else is in the room. Warnings: enemies to lovers, slow burn, cheating mentioned, bad family relationships, friends with benefits, fluff, angst, asshole!Jake.
Other Characters
First Class by @lokislastlove Ransom Drysdale x Reader Prompt: I could just pull your panties to the side, no one will notice Warnings: Public Sex, fingering, implied kidnapping/hostage.
Soiled by @navybrat817 Motocross!Curtis Everett x Female Reader Curtis can't stand you. At least, that's what he tells himself. Warnings: Very mild eventual enemies to lovers, quick judgement, light banter, Curtis doesn't want to admit he wants you. Motocross!Curtis Everett (he's a warning, okay?)
Dominion by @deanwinchesterswitch Jensen Ackles x Reader
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po03sficrecs · 1 year
Authors I 10/10 recommend
A.N.: This list will be updated from time to time as I discover new writers on this app, also, if there are favourites of yours that aren’t here let me now, I’ll check them out ! Also some of these might be 18+ only so please respect each author’s rules/guidelines.
Chris Evans
Chris Evans’ Characters
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ashbrat488 · 11 months
Speak Now - Ransom Drysdale One Shot
Ransom Drysdale x OFC Angst, fluff Word Count: 1,594
Written: July 6, 2023
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Brittan grew up as best friends with Ransom Drysdale her whole life. She was smart, getting a scholarship to his private high school, one his parents afforded no problem. They never accepted Brittan when he started to date her in their junior year of high school. Tolerated would be a better choice of word; barely tolerated.
In college, plans were made... they would graduate, him majoring in creative writing and her in accounting, and then they would marry. But when he told his parents...
1 year ago, just before the start of their senior year in college...
"What do you mean we can't get married?" Brittan frowns, looking down at the ring on her finger; a ring Ransom had specially made just for her with a small emerald cut sapphire with two small diamonds on either side. It was perfect and she was in love with it.
Ransom flinches slightly at the sound of Brittan raising her voice to him, something she never did. He grabbed her hand, turning her attention back up to him with a groan, his heart clenched tightly in his chest, plummeting to the ground at the first sight of the tears welling in her eyes. "I'm sorry. If I don't marry Camille, my parents will cut me off. And--"
"So?" She rips her hand away from him as he tries to remain calm, keeping his emotions at bay. "You're choosing your money over me?"
"No! I—"
"Yes!" She yells, bringing her hand up to her head, shaking it as she becomes angrier and angrier. "That's what you just said, Ransom!"
"If I don't break up with you and agree to marry Camille, they'll stop paying for college—"
"So what! We can—"
Ransom grabs her, hauling her against his chest, causing her to gasp as he placed his hand over her mouth. "Stop interrupting me, woman!" He takes a few deep breaths as she huffs into his hand, furrowing her brows at him. "If I don't graduate, my grandfather won't give me the publishing company."
She waits until he releases her, fixing her dress with a scoff. "Again, I say... so what? We can help you build your own."
"It's my right as a Thrombey! It's my familial right!"
"Who cares! Aren't I more important?"
"You are important..." Ransom's voice lowers as he watches her chin quiver, his heart shattering as he shatters hers. "But it's the principle of the matter."
"You mean your pride and your money are more important than love," she states as firmly as she can, holding back the tears that threaten to stream her cheeks. "Get out."
"Get out!" She yells, pulling the ring off her finger to throw at his chest.
He barely catches it before she turns her back on him and he glances down at the small ring. "Britt..." he pleads one final time as he is met with only silence. Reluctantly, he turns to leave her apartment, standing at the open door. "I'll never love anyone else," he mumbles before shutting the door behind him.
His final statement is what finally breaks her, plopping onto the couch in a ball, letting the tears flow easily.
Night Before The Wedding...
Brittan sighs as she hears a knock on the door, forcing her to pause her movie. She knew what was happening this weekend and insisted on hiding in her apartment alone all weekend. She opens the door, surprised to find Ransom's best friend, James standing in front of her. "What are you doing here?"
"Can I come in?"
She sighs but moves to the side to let him enter her apartment. "If you're here to tell me not to show up tomorrow, don't worry, I won't..."
"No," he laughs, shaking his head with his hands raised in a small sign of surrender. "Ransom doesn't know I'm here. And I came to ask you to do the opposite..."
"What?" She crosses her arms over her chest, wondering if this was some sort of joke or prank.
"Look, Britt, I like you. And Ransom loves you. You can't let him marry that monster. I don't care if she is better for him on paper according to their families. You and I both know he should be with you. Fight for him."
She scoffs, rolling her eyes as she takes her spot back on her couch, grabbing her glass of wine to down the rest. "I did. I asked him to choose me and that we would work it out. But no, he chose his money and her over me... so. He doesn't give a shit."
"He does..." James digs in his pocket, pulling out something before shoving it into her hand. "He still carries this with him wherever he goes. I only got it away from him because he's wasted already. He's miserable without you. You're both too stubborn to go to the other, so here I am. Come tomorrow, as my date. Stop the wedding..."
Brittan laughs, shaking her head as she looks down at her engagement ring. "You're not serious."
"I'm a thousand percent serious Britt. Please. Don't let him do this..." He watches her continue to stare at the ring. He leans over, kissing the top of her head, hovering for a moment. "They're getting married at 11."
She glances up at him as he smiles before turning to leave her alone in her apartment. She looked back down at the ring, turning it over in her hand...
Wedding day...
Ransom groans, his hand coming up to his chest as James enters the small room he was getting dressed. "Ready to go?"
Ransom takes a deep breath, swallowing the bile in his throat as he nodded. He proceeded to follow James before grabbing his arm. "Do you know what happened to Brittan's ring? I couldn't find it anywhere this morning."
"I have no idea, man. You were pretty out of it last night though. I'm sure you'll find it." He takes his place beside Ransom in the front of the church as he checks his watch: 11:10... She was late. Maybe she wasn't coming. He sighed, wondering if he should say something before the bridal march started and everyone stood.
Ransom tried to find a smile that matched the giant one on Camille's face as she entered the church, but the most he could muster was a grimace as he watched her approach him.
Brittan parked her car in the back of the church, sneaking in the back just as she watched Camille and Ransom. No one had noticed her yet as she backed up into the foyer. "You can do this," she mumbled to herself, smoothing out the line of her red bodycon dress. She nodded to herself, giving herself one more bump of encouragement as she looked down at the engagement ring on her finger.
She hears the words she was waiting for... "Speak now..."
She enters the church with a deep breath, this time letting the doors shut loudly behind her, causing everyone to turn to her. She sees the smile on James' face, giving her more confidence as she walks down the aisle, everyone's eyes burning through her. Her gaze catches on Ransom's as he smiles back at her, his first genuine smile in months.
"Britt..." he whispers as Camille whines beside him.
"Ransom! Make her leave!"
Brittan doesn't let Camille deter her, or Ransom's parents who were trying to move to put a barrier between them before James nudged them out of the way. 6 feet away from them, she stops. "I am not the kind of girl, who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion. But you are not the kind of boy, who should be marrying the wrong girl."
"Britt," he repeats, dropping Camille's hands as he takes a step toward her as Camille tries to stop him but he nudges her away and his eyes fall down to Brittan's engagement ring back on her finger where it belonged. He turned his head toward James as he smirked back at him. 
"Don't say yes, run away now. I'll meet you when you're out of the church at the back door..."
Ransom swallows hard the lump in his throat as he watches her gracefully turn to leave the church and his attention is pulled back to Camille, her whiney voice piercing his eardrums.
He shakes his head, looking back at her, his heart fluttering in his chest for the first time since he walked out of Brittan's door over a year before. "I'm sorry. You can keep the ring..." He runs to the back of the church where he got dressed, shoving his things into his bag before slipping out the side door before anyone could reach him.
Brittan leaned nervously against the passenger side door of her car. She glanced up at the sound of a door shutting to find Ransom running toward her, pulling her into his arms as he reached her. He kissed her hard, pouring in as much emotion he had been holding in for the last year as he could.
He cradled her cheeks when he pulled away, smiling down at her as tears welled her eyes. "I didn't say my vows. I'm so glad you were around. I'm sorry."
"We don't have to speak now. Just get in..." She climbs into the driver's seat as Ransom throws his bag into the back, jumping into the passenger seat as his mother and Camille with her family come out of the church charging for them. Brittan laughs, pulling out onto the road as Ransom grabs her hand... 
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hollybee8917 · 1 year
Don't Die Easy
Characters: Ransom Drysdale, Andy Barber, Rosalie Coleman (OC)
Plot: Ransom breaks her heart. Andy picks up the pieces.
Warnings: Cheating, mentions of divorce, angst with a happy ending, swearing
Rosalie sat alone on the bench, tear tracks drying on her cheeks. A ragged sigh then a sniffle. The young woman looked across to the boats in the harbor. Today was the day. It was growing closer to the hour. It was the time that the man she had professed to love despite his erratic scheming would get married. But not to her. Her shoulders dropped and she tried to remember when he had been kind to her. With a sad gulp, she stared across the bay and wiped a tear from her cheek.
“You okay?”
Rosalie Coleman looked up from her blanket to find a handsome stranger looking down at her. She smiled at him, “I’m fine. I was just taking a bit of a nap.”
The young man cocked an eyebrow, “Well, don’t let me stop you.”
She sat up, “It’s alright. I needed to wake up anyhow.”
He motioned to an empty spot on her blanket, “Mind if I join you?”
Rosalie nodded, “Sure.”
The guy plopped down, “I’m Ransom. Ransom Drysdale. And you are?”
“I’m Rosalie.”
Looking down at her watch, Rosalie watched the seconds tick by. She knew that every second brought her closer to being alone. Children played behind her. People shouted. The squeaking of an ice cream cart’s wheels didn’t even faze her. Her heart was breaking too much for her to care.
“I don’t understand!! HELP me understand!” Rosalie roared at her boyfriend of two years.
Ransom slammed his hand on the table, “I have to do this to secure the company’s future. You wouldn’t know anything about the politics of accounting firms and buyouts and mergers. You are too stupid to get it.”
“Wow. Just wow.” Tears pricked the corners of Rosalie’s eyes, “You really are an asshole, you know that?”
“It’s just good business. I swear. We don’t even know if the merger will be successful but it would help things if I was with her. Honey, it isn’t personal. I swear. I don’t even know the girl.”
“And yet you agreed to be with her to help a merger? You keep saying you don’t know her but I have spotted the two of you out for dates repeatedly over the last three weeks. You looked pretty comfortable with her when I saw you.”
Her boyfriend sneered, “As if you would understand what it means to be comfortable in a relationship.”
“Oh my God! Seriously Hugh? I have given everything up for you. My friends, my career, my hobbies. I wanted you to be happy so I sacrificed. And now you accuse me of not being comfortable in a relationship?”
He slammed his bag against the wall making her jump, “Rosalie, you need to grow up! I never asked you to do all that!”
“You’re right. You didn’t. I did it because I LOVED YOU! I was stupid to think maybe you loved me too.”
“I DO LOVE YOU!” Ransom roared, “I will come back to you. I swear. Maybe in a couple of years, I will divorce the girl and we can be together.”
The tears flowed down Rosalie’s cheeks freely now, “Divorce? So you are going to marry her?”
Ransom’s shoulders dropped, “Yeah. We’re getting married in three months. I am sorry, Rosie. Truly I am. Can you promise to wait for me?”
But Rosalie looked out the window and didn’t respond.
The alarm on her phone went off and Rosalie broke down on the bench. Through her sobs, she felt her heart completely shatter. The paper in her lap was stained with her tears. A loud wail burst through her lips. He was gone. She had lost.
“Hey, hey, you okay?” A strange voice floated to her ears.
The young woman hastily wiped her eyes and nose on her sleeve and turned to the newcomer. He was very handsome with blue eyes filled with concern. He was also tentatively perched on the edge of the bench. His eyes questioned if it was okay for him to come closer. Rosalie tried to find her voice but it was gone.
He offered her a handkerchief, “Here. You can use this.”
Rosalie took it with a sad twitch of the mouth. The man was extremely attractive. His hair was a fluffy brown and his beard was well-groomed. She noted that he had no ring on his finger and wondered to herself how someone like him could be unmarried. He wore a dark gray tee with a dark leather jacket over it and well-fitted jeans.
The man addressed her again, “Do you mind if I join you?”
Rosalie spoke softly, “Sure.”
He slid onto the bench, “I used to like to come here with my family. That was before my wife left me. I guess she’s my ex-wife now. Divorce was finalized two weeks ago. Today was the first day I was brave enough to venture out here. My boy decided he wanted to go with her. I can’t blame him. I guess he thought I wasn’t good enough and he wanted to be somewhere with my wife’s, now my ex-wife’s, lover as his father instead because he was richer than I was.”
She sniffled, “I’m so sorry.”
He smiled gently at her, “You lost someone too, huh?”
She nodded, “Yeah. My ex-boyfriend. He dumped me so he could marry the daughter of a businessman in order to secure a merger between their companies.”
“His loss.”
“Not really,” Rosalie replied, “She’s much prettier than I am.”
He looked at her with tenderness, “Oh, I doubt that. You are very beautiful. You just need someone to help you dust the dirt off of you and help you shine again. I think we both do.”
Rosalie sighed, “Someone like you?”
He shrugged then smiled at her and extended his hand, “Maybe. I’m Andy by the way. Andy Barber.”
For the first time in months, Rosalie felt herself smile, “Nice to meet you Andy Barber. I’m Rosalie Coleman.”
Andy’s smile broadened, “Rosalie. What a beautiful name for a beautiful woman. What do you say we get out of here, Rosalie? I know a great little Italian place down the street where we can drink our problems away.”
She took his hand as he stood up, and let out a small laugh, “That sounds nice.”
Across the path, he stood there watching sinful and sorry.
@joannaliceevans-fanficblog @patzammit @saiyanprincessswanie @dangerouspursepeachbear
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halfrican-heat · 2 years
Ain't Shit Masterlist (R. Drysdale)
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SUMMARY: Set in the Knives Out universe. Amalia Wright was completely fine with raising her son alone. But when Ransom shows up with life-altering news, Amalia must decide if she can trust him. More than that, she must protect her son from the Thrombey family at all costs. As always, there is more to the story...Who can Amalia trust?
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Black!OC, Ransom Drysdale x Amalia Wright
General Warnings: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Soft(ish)!Ransom, OOC! Ransom, Cheating, Lying, Explicit Sexual Content, Dysfunctional Family Dynamics, Theft, Character Death (canon-compliant), Canon Typical Violence, Cursing, Depictions of Racism and Microaggressions, Other Original Characters, Depictions of Mental Health Struggles, Single Mom!OC, Depictions of Drug Use
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Ain't Shit
Bad Reputation
This Way
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annaweatherwrites · 5 months
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Meet Bridget Miller my Knives out Oc
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Relationship Status: taken ( dating Ransom Drysdale )
HOBBIES: shopping and living life in luxury
Skills: she is well versed in self defense and randomly mentions ways to kill people
LANGUAGES: english
VALUES: she’s loyal to a fault, she believes whatever she wants she either gets or takes
CHARACTER TRAITS: judgmental, flirty, passive aggressive, two faced
PHYSICAL STUFF: blond hair, she doesn’t change her hair often is often seen in designer
COPING STRATEGIES: killing people when she doesn’t get her way
EXTRA: she killed her last boyfriend
Location: New york
BORN: Brooklyn, New York
RAISED: New York
CURRENT LOCATION: the Drysdale estate
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foreversecrets · 1 year
Chapter 1 Hope
Ransom Drysdale x OC (Alice)
Summary: Ransom watched the mates of the pack not with envy but with almost a sense of relief that he dind't have to worry about doing right by his own mate because he met her years ago and purposely pushed her out of his life. But she's his true mate, could they reallly keep apart?
With Steve and Lloyd having successfully found their mates, the brothers had all started taking bets on who would be next, bets were on him. But Ransom knew it wouldn’t be him, because he met his mate long ago and he’d pushed Alice away; she was never coming back and part of him was glad for it. He’d saved her a life of pain and sorrow with him and his shitty family but part of him wonders if she’d be accepted by his new family now. The Thrombey’s would have never welcomed her into the pack but after seeing how Emma and Rebecca had been integrated and cared for he thinks she would have been happy. He hopes that she found an alpha similar to his brothers, someone to take care of her in the ways she deserves.
They’d met freshman year in college, even through the drugs, stress, and alcohol they’d known they were true mates. He’d tried to be a good alpha but even before things got started he knew he couldn’t be good enough for her, probably why he’d never given her his mark. From the get go they poorly matched him, the rich, playboy, asshole coasting through life while she was the fat, struggling, poor girl. Even before they tried dating he warned her fidelity wasn’t his strong suit, but credit where credit is due he remained faithful throughout the entirety of their relationship. One place that had seen eye to eye was never wanting pups, neither of them ever having learned how to be nurturing or loving because their parents had fucked them up enough, they didn’t need to do that to offspring. She had big dreams of being a career woman while he didn’t even know what he wanted to do with his life. 
“Ransom, are you alright?” the tired voice of Emma breaks him from his nostalgia. He looks up at Emma to see the exhaustion on her face. She’s been struggling with the terrible twos and work, Steve’s been doing his best to help around the house when he’s home but he still gets pulled away frequently for missions with the Avengers.
“I’m fine,” he growls out, not really angry at her but angry with himself and all the shit he’s put people through in his life. The pout on Emma’s face makes him sigh in exasperation, “I’m sorry Em, I was just in my own head.”
“Anything I can do to help?” true omega fashion, trying to fix things. 
“Not this time,” he kissed her on the cheek and headed into Sarah’s room to check on the toddler. She’s sleeping soundly finally, she’s been sick-a minor cold but between Sarah being sick and James teething Emma hasn’t had time to herself. Steve is resting now to relieve her soon but with the chaos of their household he, Andy, and Ari have been stopping by to try and give the couple a break. Lloyd and Rebecca are still gone off doing God knows what for their honeymoon, probably taking down drug cartels. 
“Ran, didn’t know you were still here,” Steve yawns exiting the master bedroom and tugging on a t-shirt. “Where’s Em?”
“Kitchen, she’s looking ragged.”
“I’ll get her to bed and take over kid duty, thank you again for stopping by and helping out.” Steve gives him an earnest look before heading towards the kitchen. A sense of longing enters him as he hears the whispered adoration between husband and wife followed by a reminder that he could have had all of this too if he had hung on and waited for Steve to come along to bring him and his omega into his pack.
Alice smiles down at her daughter, brow furrowed as she struggles with her homework. She’s been having a difficult time with math which luckily for Alice she’s a pro at. Kind of a requirement when you're an accountant, even the kind that works from home. A knock at the front door stops Alice’s staring, investigating she finds the one person she wishes would forget about her and Madison. She opens the door, a fake smile plastered on her face.
“Linda, I wasn’t expecting you, please come in.” Alice gestures to the apartment. She knows she doesn’t have to invite Linda Drysdale into the apartment, it's technically hers but she keeps up formalities to keep her happy. 
“Grandma!” Maddy cries in happiness, rushing to the door at having heard Alice speak Linda’s name.
For all her faults, Alice has to admit that Linda has wormed her way into Molly’s heart and developed a true affection for the girl she once thought was going to ruin the perfect image for her family. She’s a good grandmother but a shitty person. Alice plays the cordial but she can’t help the resentment she harbors for the woman who completely controls her life. The rules she follows have been set by Linda in exchange for his financial assistance in raising Maddy. Because of Linda Drysdale she’s never gotten the chance to repair things with her truth, not even been allowed to date because ‘I won’t provide for another bastard pup,’ was thrown in her face. She’s only allowed to work when Maddy is at school but even their Alice has to be there on time everyday for pick up and drop off because ‘Maddy needs constant care, and I give you more than enough to provide for the two of you.’ Linda Drysdale is the worst thing to have ever happened to her but she does have her moments of humanity, mostly centered around Maddy. She’s always available to take Maddy during her heats, while she suffers at home alone barely getting by and she’s never missed anything involving her granddaughter, from school events to holidays she’s always present. But it's just her, no one else knows about Maddy and she’s made damn sure of it.
“Hi pumpkin, grandma missed you.” Linda talks in a baby voice as if Maddy is still a toddler but Maddy just giggles and wraps her arms around Linda affectionately.
“I missed you too!” Linda pats her on the head. “Why don’t you take your homework in your room while your mother and I have a chat?”
Maddy pouts at Linda before sighing and looking to her mother, “If you get stuck on anything, make a note and we can go over it together later.” 
Maddy treks off leaving Alice alone with Linda in the kitchen, Alice trying to avoid whatever bad news Linda has by stirring the spaghetti sauce. But Linda doesn’t even seem phased as she makes herself comfortable at the dining room table, a ‘gift’ Linda had given them when Alice allowed her to take Maddy on a weekend trip a couple years ago.
“Is everything alright?” she breaks the silence for them, knowing Linda is waiting for her to ask. The control freak of Linda wanting the attention and respect Alice so badly wants to refuse. 
“Fine, I just need your help.”
“Of course, anything I can do to help you, you’ve done so much for us.” there’s too much sweetness in her voice, even she can tell it's painfully obvious she’s forcing it.
“Cheer up, you’re getting what you always wanted, a chance to reconcile with my son and introduce him to his daughter.”
Alice drops the wooden spoon, her gaze falling on Linda as she waits for an explanation. She’s begged and pleaded for years for Linda to at least allow Ransom the knowledge he is a father, even if she wouldn’t let Alice see him. The night she ‘broke’ his heart by storming out of a Thrombey family dinner and running away from Ransom the constant excuse for why Linda didn’t want Alice in Ransom’s life. Truly that night had been the night Ransom broke her heart and it wasn’t until her roommate in college helped her see another perspective that she realized Ransom pushed her away out of some selfless act to protect her from his shitty family. When she’d tried to reach him she was met with the immovable wall that is Linda, and when she found out she was pregnant Linda had tried to force her into terminating the pregnancy. It was in those months, the reasons Emma had given her made the most sense of Ransom’s actions.
“Ransom has cut all ties with his family, you are going to make him see reason and if he does I will allow Madison to be part of his life.”
“You’ll allow it? And what if Ransom wants nothing to do with us? More than likely he will resent me for keeping this from him all these years when I never really had a choice in the matter, did i?” she snaps.
“Watch your tone with me you little bitch. I can-”
“Yeah, yeah, take everything away from me but you know what I’m starting to think. A life of struggling is much preferred to having my life controlled by a narcissist like you.”
Before Alice can react Linda is up from her chair a stinging on her cheek indicating she’d been struck. “Now I’m going to allow that outburst because I understand this is a delicate situation. But you are going to bring Madison to this address at this time for a party.”
Alice looks down at the piece of paper, her confusion evident on her face. “This is Emma’s address.”
“My son joined her husband’s pack years ago,” Linda looks confused now. “How do you know Emma Rogers?”
“She’s my best friend.”
“So you haven’t been keeping away from my son.” she accuses.
“I haven’t seen him since that night, I didn’t know he was in her pack, she never talks about him. She didn’t even know we were ever together.”
“Well then you showing up for the party shouldn’t be too much of a surprise, should it?”
“Please Linda, let me go without Maddy. It will do more harm than good for both of them. The shock of learning he has a daughter will probably force him to withdraw from me too and introducing Maddy to her father only to have him ripped from his life again will destroy her.” The begging is back again, Linda had taken her pride long ago but having to beg this woman still hurts her more than anything. Which is probably why Linda actually listens to her argument and concedes. 
When she arrived Emma was pleasantly surprised, they’d texted about the party for Sarah’s birthday but as Linda wasn’t fond of some of Steve’s friends-specifically Bucky, Emma hadn’t bothered to invite her knowing it would be a no. Emma didn’t know names or who was involved but they’d been close friends since their freshman year in college when they shared a dorm room, so she’d endured all the venting Alice had done throughout the years and grew to hate Linda just as much as Alice. But Emma understood the need to provide for one child, there isn’t anything she wouldn’t do for Sarah or James and one of those kids wasn’t even talking yet. Alice placed Sarah’s gift on the proper table and blended into the background, content to observe Ransom as he interacted with the children present. When Linda explained Ransom had been part of Steve Rogers pack for the past five years but only over that last six months did he completely block everyone from his family apart from Harlan. A big no-no in Linda’s book which is why she was almost desperate to get back into her son's life. 
He’d been thinking of Alice a lot recently, so he assumed his mindle was manifesting that cedra and honeysuckle scent that was entirely her. He didn’t look for her in the crowd because he knew she wouldn’t be there but what would he say if she were here? I’m less of an ass now, let's try again? Or maybe explain he had a family that would respect and genuinely care for her, welcoming her into the fold simply because they were kind people. He’d just taken James from Steve so he could help Emma serve cake when he saw what he thought was a hallucination but he was entirely sober. No drugs or alcohol since Steve and Andy had helped him get clean years ago before bringing him into the pack. That couldn’t be Alice staring at him from the other room, barely enough line of sight from the dinning room to the living for him to make out those brown doe eyes he’d been so fond of. 
“Ransom,” she said softly, he shouldn’t have been able to hear her from the other room but that’s all he could hear. 
“Andy, take James.” Ransom ordered, passing the infant off to Andy before rushing into the living room and grasping the shoulders of his imagination. “You're real.” he breathed.
“Yeah,” she chuckled. “Hi Ran.”
“How are you here?”
“That’s a complicated story but I’m just on my way out.” Alice tried to pull away but he refused to let her go a second time. Instead he wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her chestnut hair to hide the few tears that slipped. “Ransom I can’t do this, you’re so happy I can’t participate in hurting you even if it costs me.”
He pulled back enough to meet her gaze, “You could never hurt me, please let's get out here, sit down and talk. So much has changed-”
“Ransom, you’re mother sent me here to coax you into opening a dialogue with her again but you’re so happy here I can’t help bring toxicity back in your life.”
“My mother? You are in contact with my mother.” he took a step back connecting dots. “How much is she paying you?” he growled out. “Never seemed like a gold digger before but things really must have changed.”
“Don’t you dare!” She raised her voice enough to earn the attention of the married Rogers pair. “I have endured so much shit because of your mother, you don’t get to paint me as the shallow villain.”
“So you are taking money from her,” he pushed her away from him. 
“Ransom! That’s enough!” Emma snapped coming to check on Alice before narrowing her eyes at Ransom, understanding registering as all the stories Alice had ever told her clicked into place. “She has done what she had to in order to support-”
“What happened to that fancy degree you were so insistent on? Decided you didn’t want to work so you could just siphon money from my mother.”
“I did it for your fucking daughter you asshole!” Alice screamed, everyone's attention on them now making her trying to calm her tone and tears. “I have endured so much humiliation, abided by her absurd and invasion rules, all to properly provide for your daughter I was forbidden from telling anyone about. So don’t you dare diminish my character Hugh.”
It was like they had never been apart as Ransom felt every ounce of her pain even as she rushed away. Ransom couldn’t focus on anything but the fact that he had a kid he’d never known about. Steve’s pleas for him to go after Alice went unacknowledged, with Emma’s urging Steve went after Alice while Emma sat Ransom down and tried to explain things. Emma Mentals kicks herself for never having pieced this together before, a wealthy family in this area that had connections in New York where she’d been relocated by the mother of her true mate she’d never see again. 
“Ransom,” Emma’s soft voice drew his attention to her features but he wasn’t sure he was actually hearing her. “Alice has endured years of having no control of her life because of your mother. She’d told me something happened and when she went to make amends with you, your mother threatened her with legal actions to keep her at bay. When she found out she was pregnant your mother tried to bribe her into getting rid of it.”
“What?” tears are falling freely down his face now as he processes the information.
“I remember asking her why she decided to keep the kid, she was adamant that if she couldn’t have you, she could at least have a part of you. So, she kept Madison in doing so Linda took full control of her life. In exchange for house, medical insurance, and really no financial stress at all Alice had to follow every request, endure verbal harassment-though I saw that bruise on her cheek bone and I think there may be physical abuse as well.”
“Request, what request?”
“Alice wasn’t allowed to tell anyone who the father was, she’s not allowed to date, she has to abide by a strict social schedule, she’s only allowed to work four hours a day, she can only go out without Madison once a month and even that is usually taken away. The only time Linda truly lets her have alone time is when she’s in heat and she even has strict rules for her to follow on that.”
“She can’t fuck with an omega’s heat.” Ransom growls, his mothers an alpha but surely even she knows how sensitive those times are.
“Alice hasn’t been allowed to have a sexual partner since she agreed to keep the pup, and Linda won’t let her get any toy or aides because she didn’t want Madison accidentally stumbling upon the items.”
“That’s cruel.”
“So, maybe now that we all know, we can help her out of that situation.” Emma reassures.
“You can’t,” Alice whispers, her eyes are red and puffy. She looks exhausted as she leans against Steve, whose eyes are focused on his wife now looking for clues to know what to do. “Linda said if I ever tried to end our arrangement she’d take Maddy away from me.” The tears are back, her voice is thick but she maintains her composure. “I can’t afford the legal teams she can to keep her and Maddy is all I have.”
Steve sends Ransom a look, nodding his head towards Alice trying to convey what he should do and say but Ransom hesitates. He’s not sure he deserves another chance with her, not sure he deserves to meet the kid she’s raised. Maddison is no doubt better off without him around fucking up her life but there’s that look in Alice’s eyes, that look that she’s reserved for since they met. It's a look that says she completely trusts him and relies on him for a feeling of security, that she sees his flaws and would still choose him every time. 
“Andy!” Ransom shouts drawing the other man into the room, still holding James with a mock confusion look on his face as if everyone hasn’t been listening in. “What can we do?”
“I would need to see the documents of Alice’s agreement with Linda but as a grandparent, unless she can produce clear evidence of Alice’s shortcomings as a mother, the probability of her getting full custody is slim.”
“I’ve never had legal trouble or a substance abuse problem and my whole life revolves around my daughter but anytime I make a decision Maddy doesn’t like she calls Linda with those fake tears… Linda records those calls.”
“So what you're saying is my mother doesn’t even let you raise our kid?” Ransom’s rage is for his mother but he can’t help feeling a little resentment at her for not telling him. He couldn’t have provided for them just as easily as Linda has without the restrictions. He reminds himself the last thing he said to her that night was cruel, ‘I could never love a fat, poor, bitch. It's been fun but it runs its course.’ Why would she reach out to him after he’d insulted her with her insecurities and her deepest fears? 
“I can’t lose her Ransom, I already lost you and practically all my friends-my family.”
“She doesn’t let you see your family?” Steve’s grunts, his anger rising too. Alice shakes her head no.
Ransom approached wrapping his arms around her, “You don’t have to do this alone anymore, maybe it was fate that brought you here today because you are all I’ve been thinking about lately. How I would make amends for past transgressions and finally give you my mark and now you're here and I have that chance and a kid I need to get to know. Say the word and I’ll help you get through this with or without us rekindling our bond.” She buries her face into his chest breathing deeply of his scent and nodding against his chest. “Andy, can my girl get that family discount?”
“I don’t typically do family law.” The pleading in Ransom, Emma, and Steve’s eyes are unnecessary because Andy is already thinking of contacts he can reach out to assist. “I have a few friends who owe me favors, I’ll call them up and get their assistance on this, in the meantime I suggest you pack up anything Linda hasn’t purchased and relocate you and your daughter.”
“I don’t have the funds to move, and New York is expensive.” Alice sighs looking over to Andy but not removing herself from Ransom’s arms.
“I have a nice place, I can convert one of the guestrooms into a room for Madison and …” he doesn’t want to assume she’ll welcome the idea of a shared bed but he doesn’t want to have this conversation in front of his chosen family. “There is more than enough room for you and Madison at my place.”
“Ran-” she starts but when she meets his gaze, it's almost like she’s back to her freshman year in college meeting her mate for the first time. She leans up and forces a kiss to his lips, Ransom only takes a second to reciprocate. It's clear from the way they move against one another she’s out of practice but he still remembers what to do to make her melt in his arms. A throat clears and they break apart, “thank you.”
“There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you.” he promises. 
With the mood now settling, Ari and Lloyd let the three year old Sarah enter the room following behind her. “So we're going to talk about how I won the bet?” Lloyd asks.
“Technically you didn’t win Lloyd,” Ransom moves himself and Alice to the couch for her to sit on his lap. “Alice and I met in college so I met my mate long before anyone else here.”
“A technicality since she doesn’t bare your mark.” Ari points out.
“I’ll rectify that tonight if she’ll let me,” he looks at her, surprised when she nods, not even hesitating to consider.
“Uh, Ransom, I hate to burst that bubble but there are rules you’re forgetting.” Rebecca looks uncomfortable as she reminds everyone. 
“She’s the mother of my kid.” Ransom counters.
“Laurie is the mother of mine,” Andy reminds solemnly.
“Are you really going to deny me my true mate?” Ransom asks.
“I’ve known Alice for some time now, she has my blessing.” Steve offers a reassuring smile to the confused omega sitting in his brother's lap. 
“That’s great for you but this is the first time the rest of us are meeting her.” Ari reminds me.
“It only took you twenty minutes to approve of Emam.” Ransom accuses.
“And it took three months before anyone would budge on Becca.” Lloyd reminds him. “We need time to get to know her and make up our minds.”
“No, you decide here and now because if you reject her you reject me.” Ransom stands, placing Alice back in his seat. “I came into this pack-”
“Ran no!” Alice pops up understanding what he is about to do. “Ransom they are your family, they make you happy. I’m not going to be the source of tension between you and them, I can” hear lip trembles. “I’ve been dealing with Linda for 8 years, I can handle another 10.”
“I’m not letting you go back there.” 
Ransom barks at the same time Ari shouts.
“She has my blessing,” curious looks from the others. “She clearly puts his happiness above her own, she wasn’t even going to do what Linda sent her here to do. When Ransom spotted her she tried to run out to the front door so he wouldn’t get to her.”
“No one has to be unhappy in this situation.” Lloyd sighs. “I give my blessing.”
All eyes turn to Andy, “I’m sorry Ran, I’ll help with the custody battle with your mom, I’ll help with the move, I’ll support the relationship but I’m not ready to give my blessing right now. It was because of a kid Laurie and I got married and mated in the first place so I can’t, not yet.”
Before Ransom can rebuff him Alice speaks up, “we understand, thank you. We don’t have to be mated yet but you truly won’t mind me being with Ransom?”
“Hey he’s your problem now.” Andy tries to joke before retreating, remorse washing over him as memories burn in his eyes. 
“Alice, come home with me tonight, we can figure things out and come up with a game plan for how to handle my mother."
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demonangelsworld · 1 year
Entangled In Him
✨Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x OC! Orianna Wolfe
✨Summary: Orianna and Ransom had an unconventional start to their relationship. Despite this, they still stuck through, pushing past their rough beginnings, Ransom's family, and Orianna’s. They have done things they're not proud of, and their relationship is far from perfect, but she and Ransom know they’ll make it. They don’t know how far it will be tested when Ransom’s grandfather commits suicide the night of his birthday party. 
✨Warnings: Bullying, an attempt at manipulation, angst
✨W/C: 2.6k 
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Chapter One: How We Started
I take a breath looking up at the building in front of me, Ryder Springs Private Academy. I worked my ass off to ensure I could attend this school and not one of the public schools. It feels good to see the fruits of my labor. This school is my ticket to the start of a better life; I'll make every minute count.
I tighten my grip on my backpack, straighten the skirt of my uniform, and head inside. I hold back my awe at the grandiose entryway. There's a big, plush, red carpet lining the hallway and a staircase to one side. Everything looks expensive and fancy—definitely something I need to get used to.
Some students walk the halls, all wearing the same uniform as I am. Black flats with stockings, a deep blue skirt that goes to the knees, a white blouse, and a tie with the school's crest on it for the girls. Black dress shoes, deep blue pants, a white dress shirt, and the same tie for the boys.
“Hey!” I jump a little as a loud, high-pitched voice breaks me out of my gawking state. Turning, I see a girl my age with dark skin, dreads falling from her head, and a braces-filled smile on her face. “You're the new girl, right? My name is Rio. I'm part of the welcoming committee.” She cheerfully holds her hand out to me.
This girl exudes bubbly happiness. It's nearly overwhelming. How can someone be this happy in high school? 
“Yeah, that's me. My name is Orianna.” I shake her hand with a small smile of my own.
“Your name is so pretty! How did your parents think of that?” Rio gushes.
“My mom told me I'm named after my great-grandmother. Your name is pretty too. How did you get yours?” I hum, toying with my backpack strap.
“I was born in Rio; my parents aren't very creative.” Rio laughs. “So, since it's your first day, I was tasked with showing you around and getting you settled before your homeroom begins. Do you have your schedule?”
“Oh, yeah, I do.” I pull the schedule out of my pocket; I was so happy when I saw the skirt had pockets.
I hold it out to her, and she reads it for a moment. “Oh, awesome! We have 6th-period lunch together. Wanna eat with me then?”
“Sure! That sounds great!” I nod with a grin. I know she's just being nice since she's part of the welcoming committee, but maybe I could get to know her and become friends.
“Wonderful! I'll guide you to your locker, then show you around.” Rio hooks her elbow in mine, and we head off into the school.
During my tour, I got to know Rio more; she loves animals and science and hopes to go into conservation. The complete opposite of myself, who loves to write, read, and hopes to become an editor. Rio's parents are prominent advocates against deforestation. They are often in other countries working to replant the forests that have been taken down over the years—leaving her to live with her Grandmother most of the time here in Boston. We had to part ways when the bell rang; after that, it was like any other school day.
Any other school day if you add in stuck-up private school kids. When I got to homeroom, I chose a seat near the front. I hum as I pull out my notebooks and pens, ignoring all the desks with laptops on them surrounding me. I begin writing little notes when I feel someone jabbing at my shoulder. Turning around, I spot a girl with black hair and jade eyes slyly grinning at me, her eyes roaming over my uniform for a moment. 
“Yes?” I raise a brow when she doesn’t say anything after a moment. 
“Aren’t you the girl that got in on the Thrombey writing scholarship?” The girl asks, fiddling with one of those stupidly gaudy pens with a pom-pom on top. 
“Yeah, and?” I prompt again, wondering where this is going. I don’t like the way she’s looking at me. Like she’s trying to find my insecurities to tear out, it seems like I met my first private school prep. 
“Must be embarrassing, having to come here with just the money from some rich old guy. How did you manage to land that? You sleep with him?” The girl grins conspicuously at me and leans closer. My jaw drops, and my face twists into that disgust. Other girls around her lean close, and I realize what’s happening.  
These absolute bitches. 
After taking a moment to compose myself, I give them my grin and lean forward. “You really wanna know?” I murmur as quietly as I can. They all eagerly nod, especially the main bitch that started this. 
“It’s called dedication and hard work. Something you assholes will never learn. Because you’re nothing but spoiled bitches that will get everything handed to you until the day you die. Now, I suggest you leave me alone before I show you what someone of ‘my standing’ is willing to do to protect myself.” I blow them all a kiss, and the girl’s expressions change to horror or hatred. 
The head bitch goes to bark something back, but I turn around and ignore her. Girls like that aren’t worth my time. Soon the teacher walks in and begins class on economics. Despite his presence, I still hear the girls whispering to get my attention. 
“Scholarship. Hey, Scholarship. Scholarship!” 
Those girls weren’t the only ones to cause me problems and call me that name throughout the day. It’s like they all somehow immediately knew who I am, my status, everything. I must be the only one here on scholarship. That has to be the reason. It was all so annoying, and I had to keep myself in check on more than one occasion. I don’t want to make any more enemies today. I don’t think I could handle any more drama. 
I let out a little sigh as I walked into the school's dining hall. Lunch tables scatter the area, most of them already packed. Thankfully I don't hear all the chatter thanks to my earbuds blaring a true crime podcast into my ears instead. I move to the lunch line, going through the motions of grabbing food. Today it's mac n cheese, fruit, and juice. Honestly, I was expecting something a little fancier from this place, but I'm not complaining. A good, hot meal without me having to cook? I'll take it.
I glance around before finally seeing Rio waving frantically, trying to catch my attention. I laugh at her dramatics and make my way over. I focus on my podcast as I walk, ‘...the body was found at the bottom of the steps of the man stalking her for days prior.’   
I get entrapped in the story, almost to the table, when someone suddenly backs up right in front of me. 
“Shit!” I gasp. I attempt to catch myself as my feet hit their ankles, but it's too late. 
My precious mac' n cheese goes right on the person's shirt. They shout something incoherent as I land flat on my face. My head spins a bit from the impact on the floor; carefully, I reach up to check if I broke the skin on my forehead. When I don't feel the blood stickiness, I sigh in relief, only to pause when the laughter begins. The flush of embarrassment immediately makes its way to my cheeks. It's just my luck that I made a fool of myself on the first day.
“Clumsy little bitch.” I hear the person I dumped my food on growl. I scowl at their words and manage to push myself up to my knees. I go to bark back my insult but stop short.
Holy shit, the guy is hot. He glares down at me with icy blue eyes. His dirty blonde hair pushed back on his head. His tie is undone, and a couple of his shirt buttons give the classic 'schools rebel' vibe. Lowering my eyes slightly, I cringe at the enormous yellow stain on his shirt from where my food landed.
He suddenly smirks at me; shit, how long have I been staring at him? “Hit your head too hard? Or are you just checking me out?”
I flush at his words but quickly glare, remembering what he called me. “You fucking wish. Why don't you watch where you're going next time?” I feel a hand on my arm and smile, seeing Rio helping me to my feet.
“I should be saying that to you, scholarship. You ruined my shirt; it probably costs more than whatever hole you live in.” The guy bites out with venom dripping in his tone.
I grunt hearing that little nickname. This guy isn't the first person to have called me that today. I'm tired of being looked down on for getting a little help. 
“Do I look like I give a fuck? No. I'm sure your ass can afford to get a new one.” I bare my teeth at him, showing him I won't back down or be ridiculed.
“Ransom, just leave her alone, okay? It wasn't even her fault. Your friend pushed you into her.” Rio murmurs, looking everywhere but him. Does this guy make her nervous? Yeah, he's bigger than the two of us, but he's not scary in the slightest, at least not to me. It takes a lot to scare me.
“My fault, huh? You're really brave to accuse me like that, loner freak.” Ransom shoots his glare over to Rio.
I step in front of Rio, blocking her from his view. “She's not accusing you. She's stating what she saw. Look, I'm sorry for ruining your precious shirt. Now can we move along and get back to lunch? I'm personally rather hungry, and we're losing precious minutes of our free time by arguing over something stupid.”
“Awe, you're hungry, scholarship? Are you so poor that you're not getting enough food at home? Poor thing.” Ransom cooes in a false, overly sweet tone. I roll my eyes, refusing to take his bait, and argue back at him. He chuckles when I say nothing, “Fine, I'll let you run off and finish your lunch, but this isn't over. I want compensation for my shirt.” He wiggles his fingers at me as he struts off with his laughing buddies, “see you later, Scholarship.” I stand there, glaring daggers into his back as Rio tries to pull me away from the scene. 
“Orianna, this isn't good. He's the school's trouble kid.” She murmurs when we get over to the table she was sitting at earlier.
“And? I'm not going to let his reputation scare me. He seems to be all bark and no bite.” I scoff. I've met his type a hundred times over. They all think they're big shit until someone pushes back.
“Ori, he's known for getting girls and guys alike to bend at his will. He knows how to manipulate and get his way. I've seen it happen...” Rio looks down with sadness clouding her eyes.
My concern immediately grows, “Rio, did he do something to you?”
Rio immediately shakes her head, “Not me, my ex-girlfriend. He liked her for a while, but she refused him in front of many people and then dated me. I don't know how Ransom did it, but he convinced her to break up with me and get with him. Then he broke up with her in front of the whole school during one of the assemblies. She was so humiliated she moved schools.”
“What a fucking horrible thing to do,” I shake my head a bit. People are horrible. Who would go through all that trouble just to make someone hurt? “Don't worry, I won't let him get to me. Believe me. I've dealt with some fucked up people in my time. I think I can handle a pretentious shitwad like him.”
Rio sends me a small smile, “I hope you're right, Orianna; you seem so nice. You don't deserve to be hurt by him.”
“Thanks, Rio.” I give her a soft smile, and she offers me half her tuna sandwich since I lost my lunch. I grin and happily eat with my new friend.
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By the end of the day, I'm feeling the first day of school wear out. If today is just a glimpse of what the year will bring for me, I'm so screwed. Thankfully, I'm a junior, so I only have to deal with this hell for two years instead of four. Then it's off to the bliss of a college education with mature adults, not children like these assholes.
I shut my locker and head out of school, thinking about everything I would need to grab at the market for dinner. I fumble with my bike lock for a moment when I hear the voice from earlier that makes me want to grind my teeth. 
“Scholarship!” Ransom yells as he walks over, his friends all laughing a few feet away.
“Hell no, not today,” I mutter under my breath and quickly put in the combination. Quickly tossing on my helmet, I swing my leg over my bike, only for Ransom to grab the handlebar at the last moment.
“Where are you going? Didn't you hear me calling for you?” He frowns down at me, and I roll my eyes.
“Oh, no, I heard. I'm just choosing to ignore you, now hands-off.” I swat at Ransom's hands, and his frown morphs into a scowl.
“You might want to be a little nicer to me, scholarship. I did some digging and saw you got in here purely on the Harlan Thrombey young writers award.” Ransom's scowl turns into a sadistic smirk.
My stomach turns at the sight, but I push away my unease. “And? What about it?” I glance at my watch and wince, “look, can we hurry this up? I got places to be.”
“Well, here's the deal, scholarship.” Ransom lets go of my bike and steps away from me, confidence coming from every pore on him. “Harlan Thrombey is my grandfather.”
“Congratulations?” I stare at him, confused, as I ready myself to ride off again.
Ransom scoffs at me, “Do you know what that means? It means I could have him pull your funding if I wanted to. So, you have to do what I say and when I say it.”
I snicker under my breath, attempting to control the laughter bubbling inside me. Is this asshole serious? He's hilarious! The dam breaks, and I burst into laughter, clutching my stomach.
“What's so funny?! Don't you realize the mess you're in?!” Ransom demands, looking at me incredulously.
“What mess? I'm not scared. I earned that scholarship by proving my worth and hard work. If your grandpa is dumb enough to listen to you and pull my funding, so be it. I'll find somewhere else to go or work my ass off in the public school. I don't have to do shit for you!” I push off on my bike and start heading to the market.
“You still owe me compensation for my shirt!” Ransom yells at me as I ride off.
“MHM, SURE!” I flip him the bird and continue, not even bothering to listen to whatever intelligent come back he thinks off. The spoiled little rich boy really thought he had me cornered. I'm a lot smarter than that, though. A lot smarter than him too. 
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Fanfics by Leia - The Master List
You can also find my work on Wattpad and coming soon to AO3. I will start to post them here very soon. I’ve got to get some graphics and everything too. I have several WIP fics and quite a few planned that I haven’t started. I’m only listing the ones that I’ve currently started writing with complete chapters. Everything I write does come with a mature rating whether or not it begins that way. The majority of my fics are mostly plot with some smut though I’m writing one that’s definitely more smut than plot. I will link to the chapters once I post them. For now this is just to show what’s coming.
The Magnetic Saga (X-Men/MCU Crossover)
About the Saga
The Reading Master List
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Mafia Princess Series
Multifandom Chris Evans Characters/Dark Mafia AU/Erotic Romance
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Go to the Mafia Princess Master List here.
Steve Rogers Fics
Go to the Steve Master List here.
Andy Barber Fics
Go to the Andy Master List here.
Ransom Drysdale Fics
Go to the Ransom Master List here.
Ari Levinson Fics
Go to the Ari Master List here.
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Go to the Multifandom Master List here.
In Development
I have three books for The Magnetic Saga in development, see the Series Post for the covers and titles. There will, also, be a third book in the Mafia Princess Series. There is also a Ransom Drysdale and Ari Levinson fic being developed. I have some more Andy Barber and Steve Rogers fics forming in my head too. There’s always more ideas coming!
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asirensrage · 2 years
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Oh man. okay let's go! Hope you enjoy @vixenofcourse!
Rating M Warnings: Stalking, Coercion, mention of possibility of murder... (also warning un-beta-ed)
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She caught his eye quickly. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary, just passing each other by as she left a coffee shop as he entered. It was her perfume though that reeled him in. It was subtle but with a floral undertone that made him want more. So many people nowadays seemed to drown themselves in perfume. She didn't. It was nice.
The beauty of having money wasn't just that he could do what he wanted, it was the fact that he could make others do what he wanted. In this moment, that meant finding out who she was.
It doesn't take long. Within a week he has everything there is to know about her...including her habits. Habits that involved following someone she knew around. Stalking them, to be precise. Which makes her far more interesting then he first suspected. She doesn't have his resources but as he watches her, from his car, his computer, he has to admit, that doesn't stop her. She keeps an eye on her target.
He's not sure what she wants. There are many possibilities and all of them are intriguing. He's never known someone who's so...in touch with their dark side, as his grandfather would say. Not like him.
So he makes a choice. He decides he wants her. Whatever she plans on doing is bound to be far less boring than the socialites he finds himself surrounded with.
He walks up to the table of the cafe where she's sitting. It's one of the few moments she's not following her target. He drops the folder that has her information in it on her table, over her phone that still has the other profile open. She glares up at him and he can't help but grin in response. Like he said, fun.
He drops down into the seat across from her and watches as she registers what's in the folder.
She leans back slightly, eyes narrowing on him. "What do you want?"
"To help," he says. "You and I are a lot alike. I think we can help each other out."
She doesn't take the bait but he wasn't expecting her to. Not with what he knows about her. "I don't think so."
"I do," he says. "You're going to let me in or I'm taking all of that to the cops."
He watches as her lips press together and wonders for a moment what she tastes like. He'll find out.
She grabs the folder and starts skimming through it. Finally, she looks up at him. "You think they'll believe you?"
"I think I can pay them too if I have to. Either way, you'd be screwed."
"Who are you?" she demands, her patience running out. She drops the folder back on the table.
"You can call me Ransom. For now."
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ridea celebrates halloween with drabbles!
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justabro-kenbitch · 2 years
ok I will start doing one shot or Headcanon on Chris Evans and many characters he has played, so please if you have any ideas of any kind (nsfw included) write them to me I will be very happy to read and write something about them.
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characters I know:
• Chris (obv)
• Andy Barber in Defending Jacob 2020
• Ari Levinson in Red Sea Diving 2019
• Steve Rogers in MCU 2011-2019
• Johnny Storm in MCU 2005-2007
• Lloyd Hansen in The Gray Man 2022
• Ransom Drysdale in Knives Out 2019
• Jake Jensen in The Losers 2010
• Colin Shea in (s)ex list 2011
• Frank Adler in Gifted 2017
• Curtis Everett in Snowpiercer 2013
• Paul Diskant in Street Kings 2008
• Mike Weiss in Puncture 2011
... write in many <33333333333333
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ashbrat488 · 1 year
State Of Grace - Ransom Drysdale Fic - Complete
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Grace enters the Thrombey house on Saturday afternoon, hearing everyone buzzing around where she is quickly greeted by Fran, the housekeeper.
"Grace! Ransom is in the back with his other friends."
Grace nodded, "thanks Fran." She sighed as she made her way to the backyard to see Ransom standing with a few of his male friends. She took a deep breath before approaching them, seeing them all eyeing her as if she was diseased. She touched Ransom's arm, watching him pull it away immediately, "happy graduation Ransom."
Ransom huffed, "thanks. Whatever."
She looked at his friends who only snickered as she pulled him away from them, "Ransom."
"Grace. What are you doing here?"
She crossed her arms in front of her chest, "we're friends? At least we are when you're alone. I love you, Ransom. I'm going to New York for school, come with me. You need to get away from this place and away from these so-called friends of yours."
Ransom rolled his eyes, "just go, Grace. We're better off without each other."
Grace felt her eyes welling with tears as she tried not to give his friends the satisfaction of seeing her cry. She raised her voice, "that's not what you've said when we're alone." She watched his friends whisper to each other as Ransom pulled her further away from them, laughing.
He looked down at her, "what are you doing?"
She placed her hand on his cheek, "I know you love me too. Now or never, Ransom." She felt him lean into her hand before he pulled away, walking back to his friends and she heard them laughing.
Ransom laughed with his friends as he watched Grace walk back into the house to leave, feeling the pit in his stomach growing. She was right, he did love her. But he knew she was better off without him.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 - Final
Wattpad Link
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hollybee8917 · 1 year
Loser's Standing Small
Sequel to Don't Die Easy
Characters: Ransom Drysdale, Andy Barber, Rosalie Coleman (OC)
Plot: Ransom wants Rosalie back. Too bad she's already gone.
Warnings: Fighting, Drinking
Ransom pulled his car up into the parking lot of her apartment building and parked in a space. Slowly, he made his way to the front. It had been a year since he had last seen her, sitting on the park bench with another man.
He shook his head at the memory. His friends had assured him it was probably a temporary fix on her part. At the desk, he was stopped by the super who was also one of his friends, “Ransom? What are you doing here?”
“I was just going to go up and see my girl, Rosalie.”
The friend shook his head, “She doesn’t live here anymore, man. Rosalie moved out four months ago. Wait, what do you mean ‘your girl’? I thought you married that Cassidy Jepson chick.”
Ransom shrugged, “I divorced her a week ago. It didn’t work out. She was useless and spent too much money. Hold on, what do you mean she moved? Where did she go?”
His pal tilted his head, “I don’t know but she left when her lease was up. Rumor is she moved in with that guy she was seeing. He came over a lot.”
Ransom’s heart sunk to his stomach, “What guy?”
With a scratch of the back of the neck, his buddy replied, “I hate to tell you man, but Rosalie has been seeing this high-profile lawyer. Actually, I think he is the assistant district attorney for the county.”
“Is it serious?”
The super nodded, “Serious enough that they are getting married soon. I actually got an invite to the wedding.”
The world began to spin around Ransom and he headed for the door numbly. His friend called out, “Ransom, I’m sorry man.”
Without knowing where he was headed, Ransom just began to walk. Was it true? Had he lost her for good? He turned left, then right, then right again and found himself standing in front of her favorite bakery.
Ransom considered going in to get Rosalie her favorite pastries and bring them to her at her work but he stopped.
There she was. She was sitting at a small table and talking to the owner. And she wasn’t alone. A man sat beside her. He was tall and well-dressed in a pressed suit.
He smiled at her and said something causing her to laugh and lean into him. She looked so in love. They leaned into each other in a gentle kiss and Ransom tore his eyes away.
She didn’t need him. She had someone else. He saw that now. He watched as she took a bite of cake then gave some to her companion.
With a heavy heart, he walked back the way he had come and out of her life forever.
Six months had passed since he last saw Rosalie and Ransom raised the bottle to his lips. Looking down at the piece of paper in front of him, he read it again.
You are cordially invited to celebrate the union of
Andrew Steven Barber
Rosalie Jane Coleman
on the 16th of June at Willowdale Estate.
 Reception to follow.
He picked up the stolen invitation and headed out the door. In his drunken state, he fumbled for his keys and started his BMW. Ransom pulled down the street and headed toward the venue.
The drive itself was not long and his eyes were a tad clearer by the time he arrived. Ransom grabbed the bottle of beer in passenger seat and gulped it down. Once that bottle was gone, Ransom popped open another and threw open the car door. Swaying, he made his way down the path toward the venue.
No one stopped the man as he made his way into the reception. He saw the couple dancing to a waltz. Rosalie was dressed in a beautiful white gown with a halter beaded bodice. Her husband, the lawyer, was in a three-piece Charcoal gray suit.
Ransom pushed his way through the crowd and called out, “SHE WAS MINE! SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE MINE!”
The music stopped and a hushed gasps fluttered through the crowd. Rosalie dipped behind her new husband and he clenched his fist, “What are you doing here, Drysdale?”
“I’m here to get my girl back,” the younger man replied, “Move.”
“You’ve been drinking. You need to leave.” Barber took a step toward Drysdale.
Ransom reached out and grabbed Andy by the lapel, “Make me.”
In the blink of an eye, Andy had broken Ransom’s grip. Ransom snarled and started toward Andy again. This time however, Andy reared back and smacked his fist into Ransom’s face. Drysdale hit the ground with a howl. Then he was up again, rushing at Andy who sidestepped and slammed his elbow into Ransom’s back as he passed.
Drysdale hit the ground again but this time he was brought to his feet by two men in the wedding party and held back. Andy rubbed his knuckles, “It’s time you left, Drysdale. Don’t come back. She’s not yours anymore. She’s mine. Leave.”
He jerked his head and the two men hauled Ransom Drysdale from the venue and threw him out. Ransom dropped to the ground outside and wept.
She was gone.
@joannaliceevans-fanficblog @patzammit @saiyanprincessswanie @dangerouspursepeachbear @lovebittenbyevans @worthypieceofshit
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halfrican-heat · 2 years
This Way (Ain't Shit Series)
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SUMMARY: Amalia gets to the real reason behind Ransom's sudden visit.
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Black!OC; Ransom Drysdale x Amalia Wright
Warnings: Cursing, Dysfunctional Family Dynamics, Depictions of Fainting, Single Mom OC, Slightly!OC Ransom, Emotionally Stunted Individuals, Romantic Tension, Extremely Slow Burn, Angst; WC: 2134
A/N: Hey y'all. It has been over a month since the last update, so I really hope y'all are still interested! I started college so I have been trying to get situated here. Chapter two didn't do super well, but I chalked that up to a lack of Ransom (lol). Still, the responses I got were great! So please keep reading and sharing your thoughts. As always, enjoy!
Song Inspo: This Way - Khalid x H.E.R.
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My eyes flutter open and it takes a moment for me to focus. My vision is blurred and my head swirls lazily. The slow pulsing of my forehead has me momentarily dazed. When my eyes finally lock on Ransom’s striking blues, I find his eyes filled with worry. Little strands of hair escape his slick, upkept style. The throbbing in my head intensifies as I struggle to sit up. 
“Hey, hey. Take it easy. You passed out for a minute there.”
Ransom stops me from moving too quickly, gently helping me up. I slowly swing my legs off the couch, holding my head in my hands. He places a hand on my back hesitantly, rubbing in small circles. I press the heels of my hands into my eyes, hoping to stop the pulsating of my skull. I barely notice as he rises from the couch, returning with an opened bottle of water. He hands it to me wordlessly. When I’ve drained half the bottle, I hold it out to him. He takes it, setting it on the coffee table in front of us. 
I notice pillows and papers scattered on the floor along with Shiloh’s toys. 
“What happened here,” I ask, gesturing toward the mess on the floor.
“They were in the way,” He replies simply. 
I sigh, leaning back against the sofa.
For a while, I trace nonexistent patterns into the ceiling before sliding my eyes back to Ransom. He observes me pensively. I bite my lower lip, pulling at the dried skin. He looks away, resting his head in his hands. There’s a slight tremor in his knee as he bounces it. His breath is quicker than usual. 
I exhale heavily through my nose. He looks back at me, hands clasped in front of him. Ransom arches an eyebrow, waiting for me to speak. I purse my lips.
“I really passed out?”
He nods. 
“How long was I out?”
“A couple minutes or so. Felt like fucking forever though.”
I nod at his words, training my eyes back on the ceiling. I trace a few more patterns. 
“How dramatic of me.”
I look back to Ransom just as an unreadable expression crosses his features. I worry, for a moment, that I’ve upset him. But suddenly he bursts out laughing. Loud, hysterical laughter that has him throwing his head back. One hand slaps his chest and the other claps my shoulder. The hand on my shoulder, however, retreats as quickly as it comes and rests atop the other on his chest. He doubles over, his voice becoming hoarse from his manic laughter. 
I can’t help the way my lips curve slightly, enjoying his amusement. I’ve always loved Ransom’s laugh. The way he puts his entire being into it to express his joy reminds me of how infrequently he feels this way. Laughter like this is rare from him, but far more frequent when we’re alone. Longing fills my bones as I observe his full-body laughter. The moment feels familiar. As if I told one of our inside jokes and he’s now losing it over how hilarious and chaotic we are. But this is different. The circumstances have changed. 
Discomfort rises in me as I avert my eyes. Ransom’s elbows rest on his knees. He covers his face with his hands, chuckling occasionally, before sniffing and running a hand over his face. A fist to his mouth hides the smile that still lingers. Then he looks at me, resting his cheek against his fist. 
“Leave it to you to make a joke at a time like this,” He says, laughing again. 
His laugh is softer this time, a gentle rumble at the back of his throat. I don’t respond but that doesn’t phase him. He presses on. 
“That’s always been my favorite thing about you, Mala.”
My cheeks burn. Mala. A rush of desire burns through me as it rolls off his tongue. He says it so fondly, with such ease. As if he’d only been gone for one night and things were still the same between us. But they aren’t the same. They will never be the same. I look away and cross my arms tightly across my chest, heated desire fizzling into irritation.
“You don’t get to call me that anymore. Don’t make this personal.”
“We’ve passed personal, babe,” He scoffs. “Literally. Need I remind you how you fell into my arms?”
I roll my eyes. “That doesn’t mean anything.”
“It means you still trust me. At least a little.”
Our eyes clash as his words hang between us. I feel bare, naked under his scrutiny. Warmth filters into his gaze, softening as he observes me. His eyes drop to my lips almost imperceptibly. The caress of his gaze blazes through me, a heated path left in the wake of his roaming stare. I find myself leaning in, watching him with baited breath as his eyes finally return to mine. 
It’s when he leans forward that I snap back into myself. 
Shaking my head, I stand abruptly. My head swirls as I try to balance myself. I feel off-kilter but I can’t tell if it’s my headache or him. Maybe both. I press my fingers into my temple, massaging them in slow circles. Ransom’s hand comes to rest on my back. 
“Careful,” He says. “No need to rush.”
With my millionth eye roll of the evening, I remove myself from his touch and reach for my water. Quickly, Ransom grabs it before I can and holds it out to me. My eyes flit between him and the bottle. Turning on my heel, I head to the kitchen for a new one and ignore the exasperated sigh he lets out.
“You’re so damned stubborn, Amalia.”
“Deal with it,” I shoot back. 
“Yeah, I’ve been dealing with it,” He mutters. 
I pause, turning to glare at him. 
“Wanna say that a little louder, asshole?”
He clicks his teeth, running a hand over his face. 
“I’m just saying that a little help wouldn’t kill you.”
“Ha! And how can you help me?”
“There’s no harm in letting me be there for you. This has gone on long enough.”
I know what he means. I know what he wants but I won’t have it. I won’t give him what he wants. A vile, nasty urge wells up inside of me. It rears its ugly head and rises like a lion ready to feast. I narrow my eyes at him, my lip curling slightly. My fists ball at my sides as I take a deep breath to calm myself. Still, the rage demands my attention.
“My sister will be here soon,” I say, my tone biting. “I don’t need you.”
“Don’t fucking call me that again.”
Ransom sighs heavily and rests a hand on his hip, the other pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“I don’t want to argue with you.”
“Oh, but I sure as hell want to argue with you! Don’t play the bigger person and stop this now!”
“Someone fucking has to! I haven't held my son in two years,” he yells. “Two years!”
“It didn’t seem to bother you before now!” 
Then, I pause. Ransom continues, his words falling on deaf ears. 
“Of course it did--”
His words jumble together in my mind, forming a mishmash of meaningless sentiments. He hasn’t seen his son. His relationship with his grandfather was ruined. He hasn’t spoken to me properly for two years. He can’t go on like this. He wants us back in his life. The words spiral around me. 
His son. Can’t go on. Two years. His grandfather. 
His grandfather. 
Then, it all clicks into place. 
“Hey, are you even listening to me?”
“I get it now. That’s what you’re here for.”
Ransom scowls in confusion. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“Archie left half of his estate to me. Who got the other half?”
His jaw clenches as he looks away from me. 
It feels as though a rug has been pulled out from under me. I should have expected this. I should have fuckin’ known better. But like an idiot I wanted to believe that this time could be different. But all Ransom has ever cared about is Ransom so why would this sudden occurrence be any different?
Still, it pisses me the fuck off. 
“Your granddaddy cut you out of the will and now you want to run back to the baby mama, right?”
I throw my words like daggers, cutting deeper with each syllable. I aim to draw blood with my words. Ransom drops his placating stance, throwing his arms in frustration. 
“He cut me off a long time ago, dammit! This isn’t about that.”
“I don’t care what it’s about. I don’t want shit to do with whatever the hell you and your crazy ass family got going on.”
“Yeah, well, you didn’t mind messing with my crazy ass family as long as Archie was helping you out.”
The words sting like a slap in the face. They fall between us, heavy and full of malice. My ears ring as though I have truly been struck. A flicker of shock crosses Ransom’s face but it's immediately hidden behind an indifferent facade. My laugh is quiet and jaded as I wrap my arms around myself, nodding slightly. 
“There he is,” I say quietly. “There’s the Ransom I know.”
Ransom’s body is stone-like as his eyes roam around in an effort to avoid mine. His jaw clenches so tightly that his teeth are in danger of cracking. The way he shifts his weight awkwardly tells me all I need to know as he stews in his poorly hidden guilt. Ransom was deadass wrong for that and he knows it. I give Ransom another moment. Another chance to somehow save his ass. Ransom glances at me momentarily, taking in my piercing stare, before crossing his arms petulantly and turning away from me.
Nodding again, I cross to the front door. My shoulder brushes his as I pass by and I ignore the ripples that surge through my nerves at the sensation. Different emotions rise inside of me but I stomp them down as quickly as they emerge. Still, despite myself, I feel my eyes welling with tears. I pull the door open--
--And stop short as I find Stephania standing there prepared to knock. 
Shiloh sleeps soundly in her arms. I glance over my shoulder quickly, hoping Ransom hasn’t noticed. But, of course, he has. He approaches the door swiftly, only freezing in his tracks when I step between him and the front door. A myriad of emotions cross his features, astonishment being the most prominent. 
Steph looks between the two of us, a similar look of bewilderment in her eyes. Wordlessly, she turns around and retreats to her car. 
I step aside, avoiding Ransom’s eyes, and gesture to the open door. 
“You can’t possibly want me to leave now,” He says incredulously. At my silence, he presses further. “Amalia, don’t be fucking ridiculous!”
“I won’t let you drag him into this. We’re done here.”
Stealing a glance at him, I look up just in time to watch his eyes grow cold. His face is hard as he glares down at me. I stand my ground against him, refusing to falter. The corner of his lips lifts into a cruel smirk. He scoffs quietly. 
“Yeah? Well, I’m not done with you. This is far from over.”
He snatches his shoes from by the door, not bothering to put them on as he shoves past me. In a blink, he’s gone. I vaguely register the sound of his car rumbling down the road as Steph comes back with Shiloh. Her eyes are wide as she stands in the threshold, looking in the direction Ransom drove off in. She looks back at me. 
“So…what the hell did he want?”
She peeks into the living room with wide eyes. 
“Better yet, what the hell happened here?”
I take Shiloh from her, inhaling his sweet baby scent. I look at the living room behind me, taking in the mess of pillows and scattered paperwork. The mess taunts me, serving as a glaring reminder of his presence here. But when my eyes land on the stuffed bear he carelessly tossed aside earlier, I can’t help the pride that swells up in my chest. My baby shifts in my arms, babbling sleepily, and my joy expands infinitely. 
Shiloh is still here. Shiloh is still mine. 
I give my sister a tired smile and slight shrug. 
Quietly, I turn around and head down the hallway leaving her there slack jawed. Moments later, I hear the front door slam and I know Steph is hot on my heels.
“Uhm, bitch! I know you fuckin’ lyin’!”
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Banners: @maysdigitalarts
Dividers: @firefly-graphics
Title Card: me :)
Backup Blog: @thegirlonhamilton
Buy Me a Coffee!
Part Four (coming soon...)
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elles-archives · 2 years
If anyone wants one shots to go along with this book requests are open.
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