#ransom drysdale x oc series
demonangelsworld · 1 year
Entangled In Him
✨Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x OC! Orianna Wolfe
✨Summary: Orianna and Ransom had an unconventional start to their relationship. Despite this, they still stuck through, pushing past their rough beginnings, Ransom's family, and Orianna’s. They have done things they're not proud of, and their relationship is far from perfect, but she and Ransom know they’ll make it. They don’t know how far it will be tested when Ransom’s grandfather commits suicide the night of his birthday party. 
✨Warnings: Bullying, an attempt at manipulation, angst
✨W/C: 2.6k 
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Chapter One: How We Started
I take a breath looking up at the building in front of me, Ryder Springs Private Academy. I worked my ass off to ensure I could attend this school and not one of the public schools. It feels good to see the fruits of my labor. This school is my ticket to the start of a better life; I'll make every minute count.
I tighten my grip on my backpack, straighten the skirt of my uniform, and head inside. I hold back my awe at the grandiose entryway. There's a big, plush, red carpet lining the hallway and a staircase to one side. Everything looks expensive and fancy—definitely something I need to get used to.
Some students walk the halls, all wearing the same uniform as I am. Black flats with stockings, a deep blue skirt that goes to the knees, a white blouse, and a tie with the school's crest on it for the girls. Black dress shoes, deep blue pants, a white dress shirt, and the same tie for the boys.
“Hey!” I jump a little as a loud, high-pitched voice breaks me out of my gawking state. Turning, I see a girl my age with dark skin, dreads falling from her head, and a braces-filled smile on her face. “You're the new girl, right? My name is Rio. I'm part of the welcoming committee.” She cheerfully holds her hand out to me.
This girl exudes bubbly happiness. It's nearly overwhelming. How can someone be this happy in high school? 
“Yeah, that's me. My name is Orianna.” I shake her hand with a small smile of my own.
“Your name is so pretty! How did your parents think of that?” Rio gushes.
“My mom told me I'm named after my great-grandmother. Your name is pretty too. How did you get yours?” I hum, toying with my backpack strap.
“I was born in Rio; my parents aren't very creative.” Rio laughs. “So, since it's your first day, I was tasked with showing you around and getting you settled before your homeroom begins. Do you have your schedule?”
“Oh, yeah, I do.” I pull the schedule out of my pocket; I was so happy when I saw the skirt had pockets.
I hold it out to her, and she reads it for a moment. “Oh, awesome! We have 6th-period lunch together. Wanna eat with me then?”
“Sure! That sounds great!” I nod with a grin. I know she's just being nice since she's part of the welcoming committee, but maybe I could get to know her and become friends.
“Wonderful! I'll guide you to your locker, then show you around.” Rio hooks her elbow in mine, and we head off into the school.
During my tour, I got to know Rio more; she loves animals and science and hopes to go into conservation. The complete opposite of myself, who loves to write, read, and hopes to become an editor. Rio's parents are prominent advocates against deforestation. They are often in other countries working to replant the forests that have been taken down over the years—leaving her to live with her Grandmother most of the time here in Boston. We had to part ways when the bell rang; after that, it was like any other school day.
Any other school day if you add in stuck-up private school kids. When I got to homeroom, I chose a seat near the front. I hum as I pull out my notebooks and pens, ignoring all the desks with laptops on them surrounding me. I begin writing little notes when I feel someone jabbing at my shoulder. Turning around, I spot a girl with black hair and jade eyes slyly grinning at me, her eyes roaming over my uniform for a moment. 
“Yes?” I raise a brow when she doesn’t say anything after a moment. 
“Aren’t you the girl that got in on the Thrombey writing scholarship?” The girl asks, fiddling with one of those stupidly gaudy pens with a pom-pom on top. 
“Yeah, and?” I prompt again, wondering where this is going. I don’t like the way she’s looking at me. Like she’s trying to find my insecurities to tear out, it seems like I met my first private school prep. 
“Must be embarrassing, having to come here with just the money from some rich old guy. How did you manage to land that? You sleep with him?” The girl grins conspicuously at me and leans closer. My jaw drops, and my face twists into that disgust. Other girls around her lean close, and I realize what’s happening.  
These absolute bitches. 
After taking a moment to compose myself, I give them my grin and lean forward. “You really wanna know?” I murmur as quietly as I can. They all eagerly nod, especially the main bitch that started this. 
“It’s called dedication and hard work. Something you assholes will never learn. Because you’re nothing but spoiled bitches that will get everything handed to you until the day you die. Now, I suggest you leave me alone before I show you what someone of ‘my standing’ is willing to do to protect myself.” I blow them all a kiss, and the girl’s expressions change to horror or hatred. 
The head bitch goes to bark something back, but I turn around and ignore her. Girls like that aren’t worth my time. Soon the teacher walks in and begins class on economics. Despite his presence, I still hear the girls whispering to get my attention. 
“Scholarship. Hey, Scholarship. Scholarship!” 
Those girls weren’t the only ones to cause me problems and call me that name throughout the day. It’s like they all somehow immediately knew who I am, my status, everything. I must be the only one here on scholarship. That has to be the reason. It was all so annoying, and I had to keep myself in check on more than one occasion. I don’t want to make any more enemies today. I don’t think I could handle any more drama. 
I let out a little sigh as I walked into the school's dining hall. Lunch tables scatter the area, most of them already packed. Thankfully I don't hear all the chatter thanks to my earbuds blaring a true crime podcast into my ears instead. I move to the lunch line, going through the motions of grabbing food. Today it's mac n cheese, fruit, and juice. Honestly, I was expecting something a little fancier from this place, but I'm not complaining. A good, hot meal without me having to cook? I'll take it.
I glance around before finally seeing Rio waving frantically, trying to catch my attention. I laugh at her dramatics and make my way over. I focus on my podcast as I walk, ‘...the body was found at the bottom of the steps of the man stalking her for days prior.’   
I get entrapped in the story, almost to the table, when someone suddenly backs up right in front of me. 
“Shit!” I gasp. I attempt to catch myself as my feet hit their ankles, but it's too late. 
My precious mac' n cheese goes right on the person's shirt. They shout something incoherent as I land flat on my face. My head spins a bit from the impact on the floor; carefully, I reach up to check if I broke the skin on my forehead. When I don't feel the blood stickiness, I sigh in relief, only to pause when the laughter begins. The flush of embarrassment immediately makes its way to my cheeks. It's just my luck that I made a fool of myself on the first day.
“Clumsy little bitch.” I hear the person I dumped my food on growl. I scowl at their words and manage to push myself up to my knees. I go to bark back my insult but stop short.
Holy shit, the guy is hot. He glares down at me with icy blue eyes. His dirty blonde hair pushed back on his head. His tie is undone, and a couple of his shirt buttons give the classic 'schools rebel' vibe. Lowering my eyes slightly, I cringe at the enormous yellow stain on his shirt from where my food landed.
He suddenly smirks at me; shit, how long have I been staring at him? “Hit your head too hard? Or are you just checking me out?”
I flush at his words but quickly glare, remembering what he called me. “You fucking wish. Why don't you watch where you're going next time?” I feel a hand on my arm and smile, seeing Rio helping me to my feet.
“I should be saying that to you, scholarship. You ruined my shirt; it probably costs more than whatever hole you live in.” The guy bites out with venom dripping in his tone.
I grunt hearing that little nickname. This guy isn't the first person to have called me that today. I'm tired of being looked down on for getting a little help. 
“Do I look like I give a fuck? No. I'm sure your ass can afford to get a new one.” I bare my teeth at him, showing him I won't back down or be ridiculed.
“Ransom, just leave her alone, okay? It wasn't even her fault. Your friend pushed you into her.” Rio murmurs, looking everywhere but him. Does this guy make her nervous? Yeah, he's bigger than the two of us, but he's not scary in the slightest, at least not to me. It takes a lot to scare me.
“My fault, huh? You're really brave to accuse me like that, loner freak.” Ransom shoots his glare over to Rio.
I step in front of Rio, blocking her from his view. “She's not accusing you. She's stating what she saw. Look, I'm sorry for ruining your precious shirt. Now can we move along and get back to lunch? I'm personally rather hungry, and we're losing precious minutes of our free time by arguing over something stupid.”
“Awe, you're hungry, scholarship? Are you so poor that you're not getting enough food at home? Poor thing.” Ransom cooes in a false, overly sweet tone. I roll my eyes, refusing to take his bait, and argue back at him. He chuckles when I say nothing, “Fine, I'll let you run off and finish your lunch, but this isn't over. I want compensation for my shirt.” He wiggles his fingers at me as he struts off with his laughing buddies, “see you later, Scholarship.” I stand there, glaring daggers into his back as Rio tries to pull me away from the scene. 
“Orianna, this isn't good. He's the school's trouble kid.” She murmurs when we get over to the table she was sitting at earlier.
“And? I'm not going to let his reputation scare me. He seems to be all bark and no bite.” I scoff. I've met his type a hundred times over. They all think they're big shit until someone pushes back.
“Ori, he's known for getting girls and guys alike to bend at his will. He knows how to manipulate and get his way. I've seen it happen...” Rio looks down with sadness clouding her eyes.
My concern immediately grows, “Rio, did he do something to you?”
Rio immediately shakes her head, “Not me, my ex-girlfriend. He liked her for a while, but she refused him in front of many people and then dated me. I don't know how Ransom did it, but he convinced her to break up with me and get with him. Then he broke up with her in front of the whole school during one of the assemblies. She was so humiliated she moved schools.”
“What a fucking horrible thing to do,” I shake my head a bit. People are horrible. Who would go through all that trouble just to make someone hurt? “Don't worry, I won't let him get to me. Believe me. I've dealt with some fucked up people in my time. I think I can handle a pretentious shitwad like him.”
Rio sends me a small smile, “I hope you're right, Orianna; you seem so nice. You don't deserve to be hurt by him.”
“Thanks, Rio.” I give her a soft smile, and she offers me half her tuna sandwich since I lost my lunch. I grin and happily eat with my new friend.
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By the end of the day, I'm feeling the first day of school wear out. If today is just a glimpse of what the year will bring for me, I'm so screwed. Thankfully, I'm a junior, so I only have to deal with this hell for two years instead of four. Then it's off to the bliss of a college education with mature adults, not children like these assholes.
I shut my locker and head out of school, thinking about everything I would need to grab at the market for dinner. I fumble with my bike lock for a moment when I hear the voice from earlier that makes me want to grind my teeth. 
“Scholarship!” Ransom yells as he walks over, his friends all laughing a few feet away.
“Hell no, not today,” I mutter under my breath and quickly put in the combination. Quickly tossing on my helmet, I swing my leg over my bike, only for Ransom to grab the handlebar at the last moment.
“Where are you going? Didn't you hear me calling for you?” He frowns down at me, and I roll my eyes.
“Oh, no, I heard. I'm just choosing to ignore you, now hands-off.” I swat at Ransom's hands, and his frown morphs into a scowl.
“You might want to be a little nicer to me, scholarship. I did some digging and saw you got in here purely on the Harlan Thrombey young writers award.” Ransom's scowl turns into a sadistic smirk.
My stomach turns at the sight, but I push away my unease. “And? What about it?” I glance at my watch and wince, “look, can we hurry this up? I got places to be.”
“Well, here's the deal, scholarship.” Ransom lets go of my bike and steps away from me, confidence coming from every pore on him. “Harlan Thrombey is my grandfather.”
“Congratulations?” I stare at him, confused, as I ready myself to ride off again.
Ransom scoffs at me, “Do you know what that means? It means I could have him pull your funding if I wanted to. So, you have to do what I say and when I say it.”
I snicker under my breath, attempting to control the laughter bubbling inside me. Is this asshole serious? He's hilarious! The dam breaks, and I burst into laughter, clutching my stomach.
“What's so funny?! Don't you realize the mess you're in?!” Ransom demands, looking at me incredulously.
“What mess? I'm not scared. I earned that scholarship by proving my worth and hard work. If your grandpa is dumb enough to listen to you and pull my funding, so be it. I'll find somewhere else to go or work my ass off in the public school. I don't have to do shit for you!” I push off on my bike and start heading to the market.
“You still owe me compensation for my shirt!” Ransom yells at me as I ride off.
“MHM, SURE!” I flip him the bird and continue, not even bothering to listen to whatever intelligent come back he thinks off. The spoiled little rich boy really thought he had me cornered. I'm a lot smarter than that, though. A lot smarter than him too. 
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halfrican-heat · 2 years
Ain't Shit Masterlist (R. Drysdale)
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SUMMARY: Set in the Knives Out universe. Amalia Wright was completely fine with raising her son alone. But when Ransom shows up with life-altering news, Amalia must decide if she can trust him. More than that, she must protect her son from the Thrombey family at all costs. As always, there is more to the story...Who can Amalia trust?
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Black!OC, Ransom Drysdale x Amalia Wright
General Warnings: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Soft(ish)!Ransom, OOC! Ransom, Cheating, Lying, Explicit Sexual Content, Dysfunctional Family Dynamics, Theft, Character Death (canon-compliant), Canon Typical Violence, Cursing, Depictions of Racism and Microaggressions, Other Original Characters, Depictions of Mental Health Struggles, Single Mom!OC, Depictions of Drug Use
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Ain't Shit
Bad Reputation
This Way
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elles-archives · 2 years
If anyone wants one shots to go along with this book requests are open.
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trinittyy · 10 months
fic recs
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just a little assortment of my favorite works to keep track of them and also show love to the respective writers.
note - a majority, if not all, of the following works contain dark content that some could find triggering. tread carefully.
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divider by @firefly-graphics
toxic affection - @love-toxin
warnings: harassment, bullying, some violence, forced relationship
pairing: yandere!bakugou x reader
literally unashamed to say that BNHA fanfiction is what brought me to Tumblr
but this was one of the first I found and it's epic
what's your escape - @gotnofucks
warnings: obsession, possessive behavior, non-con
pairing: dark!sherlock holmes x reader
the man is disastrously down bad for the poor reader
she was so witty and clever but in the end, he got what he wanted in the most satisfying way
infatuation - @darkficsyouneveraskedfor - masterlist
warnings: mentions of stalking, obsession, non-con
pairing: dark!clark kent x reader
poor girl didn't have a clue or a chance in the world to escape this man
sidenote: I can't add Roo to the recs without mentioning just how talented she is. She was the first proper introduction to dark fics in the Marvel fandom and I've been hooked ever since. The amount of detail and dedication that goes into her work is noticeable and she's a talent that deserves recognition. It's one thing to make me like a fic or two of my favorite Marvel men but another to have me thirst over shit I didn't think I'd like.
naughty ransom holiday tales - @jtargaryen18
warnings: kidnapping, non-con, dub-con
pairing: dark!ransom drysdale x reader
guilty pleasure series
hate to love ransom but I can't help it
what the king has - @sincerelythedarkside
warnings: dub-con, character death
pairing: soft!dark steve rogers x reader
royal au
love me a good jealous steve
plot twist shocked the shit outta me
smut was out of this fucking world
love bites - @cherienymphe - masterlist
warnings: character death, jealousy, non-con
pairing: dark!steve rogers x reader, peter parker x reader
modern vampire au (what's not to love there)
this actually made me cry like a bitch
ongoing series
sidenote: Seeing as Cherie will be on this list many times, I have to say it's difficult not to add every piece of work on this list because while some writers have a magnum opus, everything she writes is a work of art. Her range and the backstory she puts in her characters make each story feel like a movie I just can't get enough of. Will forever love her writing.
kryptonite - @cherienymphe
warnings: non-con, obsession
pairing: dark!bruce wayne x reader
the build-up and tension gave me actual chills
trailer park babydoll - @mypoisonedvine
warnings: dub-con, infidelity, age gap
pairing: wayne munson x reader
guilty pleasure fic
absolute filthy smut
wrath of the dragon - @straywords
warnings: non-con, chasing
pairing: dark!daemon targaryen x reader
yet another down bad man
overdue - @darkficsyouneveraskedfor
warnings: creepy curtis, non-con, obsessive behavior
pairing: dark!curtis everett x reader
there's little to nothing i love more than a good ole broody man with attachment issues
anxious - @syntheticavenger
warnings: stalking, kidnapping
pairing: dark!peter parker x reader
tasm peter
cutest in a way lol little fic
the dream that got away - @dotieeee
there's not nearly enough dark fics ft my fave peter so I love this one
warnings: dub-con, non-con, manipulation, controlling behavior, obsession
pairing: dark!morpheus x oc!mera
probably the first dark fic about morpheus
each chapter was a masterpiece
and i still haven't seen the show lol
thanks for the invite - @syntheticavenger
warnings: non-con, bitchy friend behavior, implied drugging (i think), oral (f receiving), slight bondage
pairing: dark!lloyd hansen x reader
a funny little unhinged lloyd fic
rsvp - @syntheticavenger
warnings: dub-con, hide and seek, exasperated bodyguard, exhibitionism (a bit)
sequel to the fic listed above
lloyd is still unhinged and reader is still suffering
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wiypt-writes · 1 year
Brothers In Arms
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Part 9: I Believe In You
Summary: You and Ransom take time to heal, both yourselves and each other, and look forward to a future without having to glance back over your shoulders…
Warnings: Bad language, violence, smut (NSFW) 18+ guns and stuff…
Pairing: MOB Ransom Drysdale x Reader.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any of the characters contained within this series bar the Reader and any other OCs that may or may not be mentioned. I do not give permission for this to be translated and/or reposted on any other platforms. Reblogs are fine: Sharing is caring.
By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
So this is it, the tenth and final part. There will be an epilogue eventually but for now it’s goodbye to Ran and his Princess. Thank you to all who have read and reblogged along the way. And to my darling beta @spectre-posts 💙❤️
Brothers in Arms Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Part 9
W/C: 6.5k ish…
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With Ari’s blessing, you stayed in Boston for a few days.
Okay, maybe blessing would be pushing it a little too far. It was more like a begrudging acceptance, punctuated with sarcasm about how you favoured that asshole to your own brother.
You knew he was mostly joking, however. That said, when you got news that Ari was being discharged, you flew back to New York, to be there for your brother.
Three days after that, Ransom was given the okay to return to Queens, under strict instructions to take it easy.
When the two of you had talked, you’d made it clear that your reconciliation was taking place at your speed. You hadn’t been quite ready to jump all the way back in just straight away. Instead, you wanted to take it slow, build what you had back up from the very foundations which had been shook.
So far you had spent most of your days with Ransom at the mansion whilst he was still recovering. Be it watching TV or taking short walks around the grounds. You cooked or ordered in, snuggled up together but each night you’d drawn the line in the sand and headed back to Ari’s, your intimacy not passing the kissing stage.
Ransom hadn’t argued, he hadn’t pushed. He’d simply agreed to give you the time you needed, his only request being that if you still weren’t ready to move back in by the time the baby arrived, you at least agreed to stay in the house and he would go back to his penthouse, to allow you and your future son or daughter somewhere comfortable to begin your life together.
You’d agreed, although you knew deep-down it wouldn’t come to that. You wanted to move on. You forgave Ransom, you had to if you wanted to make things work. You just needed the time to navigate this new start, but you were confident you could.
You smiled at Ransom, as he stood in the open doorway as you pulled up the drive.
“You should be resting.” You looked at him. He was dressed casually, in a pair of dark blue denims and a cream cable knit cashmere sweater.
“I’m fine.” He rolled his eyes as you stopped in front of him. You stood on your toes to peck him on the lips. He then moved back to let you walk into the hallway.
You smiled a little at the Christmas decorations that had been installed over the weekend. Usually you liked to decorate yourself, but with everything that had been going on, and the fact you were now two weeks into December, you’d agreed to let Ransom pay for someone to come and do it.
“Have you drunk enough water?” He asked and you couldn’t help the chuckle. Today was your first ultrasound, the first time you’d get to see your baby and hear its heartbeat. And of course, Ransom had been reading up all about the process.
“I…yeah, I guess. I mean I’m peeing every fifteen minutes or so. In fact, I need to go now.”
Ransom snorted as you headed off and made his way to the kitchen to wait for you. Soon you joined him, and he slid a small water bottle to you from the fridge, along with some carrot sticks which seemed to be a snack you couldn’t get enough of at the moment.
“Carter or Blanc can drive us today.” He offered, “I would myself but…”
“You’re not allowed yet.” You chuckled, swallowing your snack. “I can drive, it’s no issue. I drove here.”
Ransom popped a shoulder. “I’d prefer it if you let them, please.”
You looked at him and then smiled softly, deciding to let him have his way. “Okay.”
“And I thought if you wanted after, we could go for lunch.”
“Sounds great.” You nodded.
After a quick cup of coffee, decaf for you, you headed out to the car and we’re soon pulling up outside the private clinic.
Ransom stepped out first, and you didn’t miss the little wince he gave. You sighed and then leaned between the seats to speak quickly to Carter.
“Thank you, I know you know what’s going on.”
“Don’t know what you mean, Miss.” he shot back, flashing you a wink.
With a smile, you moved to step out of the car and took Ransom’s hand.
“Do we find out what it is today?” Ransom asked as you walked into reception, and you laughed.
“No, I’m only…well, about 8 weeks or so. We won’t see that for a good few months. That is if we decide to.”
“Oh.” He then blinked. “You don’t wanna find out?”
“I dunno.” You shrugged, “maybe, maybe not. I like the idea of it being a total surprise.”
Ransom smiled and pulled your hand up to kiss your wrist, “whatever you want, baby.”
Soon enough, you were called in after waiting in a small, comfortable room and you led on the bed, the cold jelly spreading over your stomach as the doctor moved the wand. Your ears then filled with the rhythmic thumping and your eyes caught the first glance of your baby on the little screen.
You smiled and glanced at Ransom, his eyes were fixed on the image, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed.
The Doctor smiled, then showed you where your baby’s head was, their heartbeat.
“And from the size then, yes, I’d estimate you’re between seven and eight weeks. So that gives us a due date of…the 29th of July.”
You swallowed and dropped your head. You’d secretly been hoping for s miracle, that you wouldn’t actually be that far along. But you knew deep down that had been stupid. Because no matter how much you did the maths, no matter what apps you keyed the dates of your cycle into, it still came back to the same thing. That your baby was likely conceived at any point really from 28th October to 12th November. It could belong to either of the twins.
“Can…can I get a copy, can we get a copy?” Ransom asked, his eyes still on the screen as he raised your hand to his lips.
“Absolutely.” The Doctor smiled. “I’ll grab you one now and we’ll get you booked in for your next ultrasound and I’ll get you some information leaflets on our Lamaze classes.” She smiled as Ransom leaned over to kiss your head. You spluttered as you wiped your eyes. “Is there anything you wanna ask me?”
Ransom launched into a myriad of questions about what you could and couldn’t do, what you had to stop eating, drinking and you couldn’t help but some out, instead focusing on his face.
You took a deep breath, and as you watched Ransom intently listening to the doctor, your heart swelled. Your momentary wobble flew from your mind as you were reminded that it didn’t matter. He was all in, you could see that. As far as Ransom was concerned, this baby was his. And when you logically thought about the odds, it probably was.
You’d agreed when you’d decided to make things work, not to dwell on any of this. And now it was time for you to live up to the bargain. Your baby was a Drysdale, not a Rogers.
You heard the Doctor tell you she’d be back soon, and you smiled as she wiped the gel from your stomach and left.
Ransom turned to you, your hand still held in his. “You okay, Princess?”
“I’m fine.” You nodded, “that was just…”
“Yeah…did you see him?”
“Oh, it’s a him?”
“Yup.” Ransom nodded, smirking. “My son and heir.”
“You know, it might be a girl. Girls are just as capable of being bad asses.” He playfully wrinkled his nose, and you slapped his arm. “Oh, wait till I tell Natasha your opinions on-”
“Err, there’s no need for that.” He cut you off, chuckling. The room fell silent, and he took a deep breath, his hand round yours as he looked at the floor. “Listen, Y/N. I know…I know we said we’d take things at your pace, and I’m, well, maybe happy to do that is the wrong phrase, but I understand. I know it’s what you want, and it’s the least I can do after…after everything I did, because I don’t deserve you.”
“Ran, please…we agreed not to dwell-“
“No, I know…lemme finish, please baby.” His blue eyes bore into yours, imploring you to let him have his day and you closed your mouth. You watched him, as the hand that wasn’t wrapped around yours moved into his pocket. When he brought it back out, you blinked as you recognised the small ring box he held in his palm. “I’d like you to have this back. It’s yours. And…maybe when you’re ready, you can put it back on. Whenever that may be…if you…if you ever are.”
You licked your lips and swallowed the lump in your throat, but it stuck in your chest. You inhaled through your nose and sighed out of your mouth. You bit the inside of your cheek. The look in his eyes appeared defeated. It didn't sway the way your heart felt. Your eyes flicked back to the box. Then you nodded and gently took it.
Ransom exhaled loudly as you smiled and nodded towards your bag.
“Imma need to put it in there…”
"Okay," he nodded. He figured that was what you wanted.
He passed it over and you stored the box carefully, zipping it into the compartment for safe keeping.
Soon enough, the two of you were on your way, copied of the ultrasound pictures with you. He took you to lunch in the Harbor. The changing of the seasons didn't make for a great view, but the gesture was there. The pair of you chatted, in a way you’d always been able to. About anything and everything.
Certain subjects were off limits, elephants in the room. But it was smooth. The ride back to the mansion was quiet but not unbearable. Your mind whirred. So much had gone on in the last few hours it seemed, and it had you thinking. Your eyes would flick to your bag at your feet, and you'd chew on your cheek.
"Hmm?" You hummed softly.
“Are you coming in or do you want to head back to…to Ari’s?”
"I'd like to stay a little longer," you admitted.
“You can stay as long as you want.” Ransom took a deep breath. “If it was up to me you’d never leave.”
You softly smiled at the sentiment as he opened his door. He strode round to yours and offered you his hand.
You took it and allowed him to help you out of the car. His hand settled on the small of your back as he led you to the front doors. Once inside, he took the time to follow you into the foyer and then toward the kitchen where you left your bag on the island. You took the ultrasound images out of your purse and set the on the marble.
"Can I keep one?" Ransom asked as he stood behind you, his arms snaking around your middle to rest his hands on your stomach.
"You can have more than one." You turned your chin, so you looked up at him.
“Yeah?” His lips curled up at the side.
"Yeah, you can have half if you'd like, they gave us six," you chuckled.
Ransom snorted as he kissed your neck, “I think I’ll stick one to the fridge.”
"Oh my, that's a big step," you sniggered. "Big Mob Boss Ransom Drysdale puts a picture on the stainless steel."
“Hey, that’s my future son and heir.”
"Or daughter."
"I'm only kidding," you leaned back into him a little.
“Me too, sorta. I don’t mind what they turn out to be. As long as they’re healthy.”
"Me either. But it'd be interesting to see you with a daughter. It'd be entirely comical to see you with a son."
“Why comical?”
"Because I can see it." You turned in his arms and wrapped your own around his neck after they slid up his chest. "A little boy with your eyes that reins terror over this house and your kingdom. God help you when they're sixteen."
Ransoms brows flicked up before he gave a lowly chuckle, “well, maybe having a girl wouldn’t be so bad. There’s one obvious upside to that too.”
"Which is?" You cocked your head to the side a little as you looked up.
“They’re more likely to be like you, less like me. Not quite as fucked up.”
Your face softened, "Ransom." Your eyes welled up, "don't you ever say that again."
He licked his lips and hung his head, “I’m sorry…”
Your hands moved from around his neck to his jawline, your fingers spreading over his cheeks. "You're not a perfect man, but you're not fucked up either. You fell from grace, but that doesn't mean you can't change, or you haven't already made changes. I see you for what you're worth, Ransom. Our children will too."
At that he swallowed, his eyes misted over before he frowned a little, a soft smirk spreading across his face. “Children?”
You gave a soft smirk and a little pop to your shoulder, "I won't rule it out."
Ransom opened his mouth, but closed it again, and instead his hands cupped your face. “I don’t deserve you.”
You could see the turmoil in his eyes, he felt guilty. Guilty over what he’d put you through, ashamed of what he’d done to you, how he’d hurt you the way he did.
"We're gonna get through this," you encouraged. "It doesn't feel like it, but we will. I still love you."
“I love you too, so fucking much princess.” He sniffed.
You swallowed and sniffed, "I know."
He leaned down to you, his nose bumping yours gently before he kissed you.
There was something different to this kiss than the others you’d shared since you agreed to work things through. It was laden with emotion. Your eyes fluttered shut, the tenderness behind his lips made your stomach somersault. Your fingers pressed into the nape of his neck as a small whimper slipped through your throat.
“Fahk…” Ransom wrenched his lips away and pressed his head to yours.
You were a little breathless and lightheaded. "Ransom...."
“I know…too soon.”
"Just kiss me again."
With a surprised blink that merged into a soft smile, Ransom did exactly as you asked.
Again, the kiss was heady and needy. You needed him, no, you for the first time in a long time, you wanted him.
“Take me to bed.” You whispered, your eyes closed as he pulled away, lips mere centimetres from each other.
"Yeah?" It was barely a whisper, in fact you weren't sure he spoke at all, but you felt the word on your lips.
His lips were back on yours, those hands that cupped your face slid down your arms to your hips before they curled around your thighs.
In an easy movement he lifted you off your feet, your legs wrapping around his waist. He grimaced slightly, but made no moves to set you down.
"Be careful," you spoke gently. "You're still healing.”
“I’m fine, princess.”
"Okay," you kissed him again.
Somehow you ended up in the bedroom you once shared, him having carried you up the stairs.
Ransom set you down gently on the bed, bending at his waist to continue kissing you. When he pulled away for just a moment, you saw a hunger in his eyes you hadn't seen in a long time. A hunger that made you tingle and a spark that set your inside on fire. But there was a softness behind the hunger that made you want him more. You easily took the lead and grabbed the side of your sweater, pulling it up and over your head, tossing it to the floor.
Ransom wanted to touch you, put his hands on you. Felt desperate to have your skin at his fingertips. You waited on bated breath for him to do something.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing," he swallowed.
A step forward closed the space between you, and he settled between your legs. His hand cupped your face and settled into a cradle against your jaw. He rubbed his thumb across your cheek bone then slowly dragged along the column of your neck until he reached your sternum. With a flat palm, he gently pushed until your back hit the mattress.
You couldn’t help the little giggle that flew from your lips as your head hit the soft surface of the comforter.
You watched as Ransom pulled his own sweater off, tossing it somewhere over his head.
Your eyes glazed over with desire as you watched him kneel against the mattress and began to cover your body with his. But you didn’t miss the scar that ran along his side, where his brother had done his best to take his life.
It was still red and raised. A mark that wouldn't fade for a long while. Your fingers reached out and lightly grazed it.
Ransom swallowed as he watched your eyes follow your fingers before your gaze flicked to his.
“It’s the only thing left of him.” He shook his head, as he reached for your hand. “And soon, it’ll fade to nothing. Like he has.” His lips kissed the pads of your fingers.
You nodded, your lip tucked between your teeth. It was the only truth you needed. The baby in your belly was his and only his. Nothing else mattered.
He let go of your hand and leaned over, his lips brushing yours before they moved to the hinge of your jaw.
Your mouth parted in a sigh as you bent upward to kiss him. You traced the seam of his lips with your tongue and Ransom eagerly responded but kept allowing you to lead the pace.
There was a fear in the back of his mind that you'd change your mind, tell him to stop. That all this was a mistake. But the minute your hand slid up over his shoulder, nails caressing the short hair at the nape of his neck, that fear left him.
He kissed your lips, your jaw, your neck. He nipped gently at your collarbone, fluttered kisses between your bra covered breasts and you hissed as he palmed your left one with his right hand.
"Are you okay?" Ransome wondered against your skin.
"Just sensitive," you smirked.
“I don’t wanna hurt you.”
"You won't."
“Tell me if I do.”
"I want you. I want...I want this. Stop stalling."
“I’m sorry.” He sighed.
You cupped his face, "no more sorry."
Okay…” he nodded, as he took a deep breath. “I love you.”
"I...we love you."
With a soft expression on his face, his lips were back on yours.
With tenderness you knew he was capable of, he stripped you, kissing every inch of skin he could find.
You sighed and gasped, hummed and whimpered. You were already wet between your legs and by the time you were naked, you were squeezing your thighs together for relief.
As his knee nudged your thighs apart, his hands reached up and his fingers slipped between yours.
You felt his tip kiss at your slit, and you titled your hips upward. Ransom slid in with a slow and shallow thrust.
"Oh my god...”
“Shit, princess. Fahk…”
"You feel so good, baby...."
“You too…” he groaned as he pulled back, and then pushed deeper into you with a roll of his hips.
Your back arched off the mattress as your body curled around him completely. You crossed your ankles at the small of his back and squeezed his fingers between yours.
His lips crashed back to yours in a desperate kiss.
Your tongue forced upon his and he growled against your kiss. You whimpered at the thrust he reciprocated with. It only made you speak against his lips.
"Faster," you begged.
With a low moan, he gripped your hands tighter as his hips began to thrust.
"Oh fuck, thassit, Ransom..."
“Oh, baby…” he choked, his lips latching onto your pulse point, “I missed this. I missed you.”
“Oh shit," you whined. "Me...too..."
“My Queen…” he whispered, his nose brushing the shell of your ear.
"My King," you rasped.
You felt him shudder, a soft whimper escaping his mouth and it made your insides burn. The power you held over him, the way you could reduce him to a quivering wreck. Such a ruthless man in his business, ruling his kingdom with an iron fist and yet you could undo him simply with words.
"S'close, Ran," you moaned.
“Me too, baby.”
He knew how to read your body like a cartographer knew how to read a map. He knew where to touch, where to kiss, where to brush gently and where to grab a little more firmly…
The beginning flutters of your orgasm coiled around his cock and your fingers began to squeeze his a little harder. "Ransom, I'm....I'm gonna..." You sighed with a high pitch to your breath as you came. Your body tenderly tensed around him as your heels pressed against him, your toes curled.
“Oh, thassit…” his eyes watched your face. He loved seeing you fall apart, the way your jaw laxed, how your eyelashes kissed your cheeks like the fluttering wings of a butterfly.
He wasn't far behind you. His body flexed above you, his fingers tight and palms pressing the back of your hands into the mattress.
When you opened your eyes, you saw the look on his face before he whimpered and let himself press into you a little more, his face buried into your neck.
"Oh, baby," you cooed.
He didn’t reply, simply nuzzled into you more. And it was only when you felt the wetness against your skin that you realise he was crying.
Your eyes stung, too. There were a lot of emotions that came through the course of the day, and it seemed to have settled between the two of you at the end of your physical reconnecting. You kissed his shoulder and whispered that things were okay. That you were okay, and the two of you were okay.
Eventually he pulled back, and you wriggled your fingers free from his. With a soft smile you reached up and brushed back the longer strands of hair that had flipped forward over his forehead.
"I wanna come home," you whispered wetly.
“You are…” Ransom’s voice cracked, “you don’t ever have to leave.”
You stayed that night. And you stayed the next night. And the night after that. On the fourth day your engagement ring was back on your finger, and by the seventh most of your stuff was back from Ari’s. The items you left, which Carter had put into storage instead of being destroyed as Ransom had instructed, were returned to their rightful place and it was as if you’d never been gone.
Christmas came and went, you spent it at home, just you, Ransom and Ari. The New Year passed, the snow melted, the spring flowers emerged. And, as the seasons changed, so did your body. Your bump blossomed like the trees, your eyes shone like the diamond on your hand, and to Ransom you were simply more beautiful with each day that passed.
Before you knew it, six months had passed. Things on Ransom's 'business' end were still a tight ship.
He hadn’t attempted to seize Brooklyn, instead he’d left the power vacuum to sort it sort itself out. His personal involvement with the ‘dodgy dealings’ had become less and less, his outside focus mainly on the Publishing Company. His attempt was to at least appear more straight on the outside, the unborn baby in your belly his number one priority.
He didn’t want your son, or daughter, being born into any kind of turf war, despite him joking about them being heir to his empire. He wanted safety, security for them, and if that meant appearing to go straight, so be it. He kept peace with the other factions and mobs in the area.
But he still ruled his own with an iron fist.
One particular day in April, you’d met your friend for a spa day, a bit of pampering whilst he held a meeting in his office.
“So, whaddya want me to do boss?” Langley asked, “send a message? I mean, do we want the Maximoffs muscling in on this?”
Ransom pondered for a moment, then looked across the table to Stark. “What do you think?”
Tony wrinkled his nose, “it depends, do you wanna rock the boat?”
Ransom tapped his fingers on the desk, “leave it be, it ain’t important. Let them take their shipment. It won’t have a big effect.”
“You’re the boss.” Langley shrugged.
An hour or so later, the rest of his men had left, leaving him and Langley alone.
“I gotta hand it to you, Dysdale, you really have calmed down a lot. Impending Fatherhood suits you.”
Ransom merely flicked his brows.
“I know what happened with Rogers was shitty, but… well, looks like it all turned out for the best, huh?” Langley stood from his chair, “whoever it was that sent that photo to you did you a favour in the long run.”
Random cocked his head to one side, studying the man in front of him through narrowed eyes. “Hmmm.”
“Anyway, I have stuff to do so I will see you tomorrow, Boss.”
“Sure.” Ransom nodded, reaching into his desk drawer.
With a final nod, Bryce turned to go, but stopped dead when he heard the loud click of a gun mechanism being cocked.
“You know, I knew Walt had to have someone pushing his buttons. The Iago to his Othello, so to speak, but I never expected it to be you.” Ransom’s voice was cool and collected as Langley turned to him, his eyes narrowing.
“Boss, I’m not-“
“I told no one I’d been sent those photos,” Ransom chewed the inside of his cheek as he rose gracefully from his seat.
“What?” Langley’s voice was a whisper as he swallowed, realising his mistake. His eyes were fearful as he watched Ransom round the desk and advance on him, like a tiger stalking its prey.
“So, the only possible explanation for you knowing is if you were the one who did. And, if you knew Rumlow was going to be there, with Walt, then you had to have known about it from the start.”
Bryce floundered like a fish outta water, looking for a viable story on a dime. His eyes flicked from Ransom, then to the gun which was trained at his head.
“Why?” Ransom exhaled, “come on, humour me. And don’t try and tell me it was all Walt, because we both know if brains were dynamite he wouldn’t have enough to blow off his eyebrow. He might have wanted the head seat at the table but there’s no way he’d have come up with something so elaborate. So, here’s your moment. The big confession before I blow your brains out.”
Langley blinked, before his jaw set, and an angry look crossed his face. Ransom recognised it as resignation, and he openly smirked. He knew his childhood friend too well, Bryce understood his time was up and he wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to explain, gaud Ransom one last time.
“The plan was to get rid of you and Steve, frame it as a rivalry gone wrong with the Maximoffs. Then Walt would take the lot, the business, inheritance. I’d get twenty percent, plus Brooklyn.” He clicked his tongue, “only Rumlow fucked the hit up, hit Peggy instead. It could have screwed it all up-“
“Then Steve killed Rumlow…and you saw your next opportunity, right?” Ransom arched a brow, “I played right into your hands, I listened to you, and I didn’t give Steve an alibi for Rumlow’s murder.”
“You always listened to me,” Bryce scoffed, “Walt was right, you were too soft. You’d have done it for him, despite everything that had happened between you. But I convinced you and then we had a new plan. We’d wait, bide our time, feed Steve a little metaphorical ammo and then he’d come after you.”
“So, you’re the reason he thought I organised the hit?”
Langley nodded, “I expected him to kill you, take out a hit of his own…but as time went on, it never came. Then it all went to shit. We didn’t expect Steve to get out as quickly as he did, not before we had come up with another plan. I mean, I wasn’t bothered at first, I expected him to kill you, not to…well…anyway, he totally fucked the whole thing up. And I knew it would only be a matter of time before you both started digging and the truth came out.”
“So, you panicked.” Ransom felt the nerve in his jaw tick. “You sent the photos to get yourself off the hook.”
Langley licked his lips, “when I heard that Levinson was looking into it, yeah. I cut my losses and sent him the photo with the intent of leading him to Walt. Then that asshole Barnes stabbed him so…”
“You sent it to me.” Ransom finished.
Langley nodded.
“Ransom took a deep breath. “You seriously did all this for money? You caused all this for…”
“No, it wasn’t just for money!” Langley’s face grew red, and Ransom notices with some amusement the man was shaking, a combination of fear and anger no doubt. “I wanted my share, what I was owed, what is my birthright!”
“What are you talking about?” Ransom narrowed his eyes.
“Your shit head father?”
“What about him? He’s been dead for fuckin’ decades….”
“He was my shit head father too!”
For the first time since the confrontation began, Ransom wavered. His gun lowered slightly, “he…you’re my…”
“Half-brother? Yeah, that’s right, he was fucking my mother, and he left her pregnant and penniless! You two got the big house, the private education, the family business…I got fuck all!”
“I…I had no idea.” Ransom shook his head.
“Neither did I until a few years back. But would it have made a difference?” Bryce scoffed.
Ransom hesitated for a moment, before he licked his lips, “you know, had you told me before all this…honestly? Yeah…yeah it would. I’d have done something…I mean…I was always closer to you than I was to my own twin!”
Ransom swallowed. This betrayal was hard to take. He’d always loved Bryce as a brother and had often wished he were his twin, not Steve. They’d been inseparable from the day they met, and Ransom had done everything he could to help Bryce. It had started with sharing sweets and toys, and in the end becoming his right hand man, paying him a wage he knew would set him up for life.
But all that…all that was crashing down around him.
He ran his hand over his face, groaning a little. “What a fuckin’ mess…”
“Ransom…” Bryce spotted the chink in the mob boss’ armour and jumped on it, “look, we can…I know I fucked up, but we can get through this.”
Ransom lowered his gun even more, and Langley let out a breath of relief, as Ransom looked at him.
“See…the thing is, Y/N.”
“What about her?” Bryce frowned.
“She’s my world. I killed my own twin because of what he did to her. And then I…I hurt her even more because of my anger and stupidity and I was so goddamned easily manipulated and twisted by what he did. I’ll never forgive myself for being so cruel and fucking weak.”
“But she’s forgiven-“
“And now I find out… all that was down to you and Walt.” Ransom finished, cutting Bryce off and the man stuttered.
“What, no, I-“
“Steve did what he did because he thought I killed his wife. Which, I suppose is understandable. I’d have done the same, well maybe not the exact same but I’d want revenge.” Ransom pondered for a moment and Langley waited, his entire body tense as he watched Ransom slowly raise the gun again. “Y/N has suffered the way she has because of Walt and your actions. You arranged the hit, you then let him think it was me. And for that…”
Ransom pulled the trigger, blowing a hole right through Langley’s eyes, exactly the same way he had done with Steve. He grimaced as, once more, bits of blood, bone and brain matter splattered across his face. This time they belonged to his half-brother.
The door to the room flew open and Carter bustled in, gun raises. He stopped dead as he looked from the smoking pistol in Ransom’s hand, to Langley, then back again, “boss…what-“
“He was in on it,” Ransom jerked out of his trance and turned to Carter. “With Walt.”
There was a moments pause and Carter let out a soft sigh, and Ransom saw the man’s eyes full with tears.
“I’m…I’m sorry none of this will bring Peggy back,” Ransom licked his lips, shaking his head a little, “I only hope you find comfort from knowing the men truly responsible are dead.”
Carter nodded and opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Ransom’s phone. He reached into his pocket and a smile spread across his face.
“Yeah, erm, I’m just on my way home.“ your voice was soothing, as it always was, and he took a deep breath.
“How was the spa?”
“Amazing…erm, do you mind if we just get pizza and a film tonight instead of going out? I…I just wanna curl up and relax now. Plus, our little bean seems to be doing the tango on my bladder…”
“Whatever you want.”
“Okay, have you finished your meetings?”
“Yeah,” Ransom glanced down at Langley’s body, and the mess in his office, “I just need to tidy up a couple of things then I’m done.
“Okay, well I’ll see you soon. We love you.”
“Love you both, too.”
He slipped the phone in his pocket and looked at Carter. He drew his shoulders back and wiped the forearm of the hand that still clutched the gun across his face, smearing the blood and gore over the sleeve of his shirt.
“Get someone to clean this up.” He instructed, his tone still softer than normal and Carter nodded.
With that, Ransom stepped over the body of his dead half-brother and swept from the room, without so much as a glance back.
He was done looking over his shoulder. The only thing he cared about was you, and his baby.
And no one was ever going to threaten what the pair of you had ever again.
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lavender-annd-lilac · 2 years
Fic Recs - 💕Sharing is Caring 💕
Have you ever wanted to share without having to give away any of your own possessions? Have you ever wanted to feel generous and charitable but fear that the world will take advantage of your kindness? 
There’s a solution for that! 
What if you could share something more valuable than money, more meaningful than love and more thoughtful than wisdom? That would be incredible right? 
Well, let us know when you figure out how to make it happen. In the meantime, here are some fics you can share, along with suggested audiences to share them with. Enjoy! 🥰
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Fic: In the Pines - by @the-iceni-bitch
Pairing: Curtis Everett x fem!Reader, past Bryce Langley x fem!reader
Who to share with: Church goers (or other attendees of a  spiritual/religious congregation) 
Throw a deadbolt on those doors, swallow the key, and start reading this fic. Let your audience truly experience god (or other spiritual/religious being) for the first time in their lives. 😵
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Fic: His New Obsession - by @luxeavenger​
Pairing: Dark!Winter Soldier!Bucky Barnes x reader
Who to share with: Your job interviewer
Not only is this a sneaky share they will never expect, it’s also one that helps you! Why? Because now, you can finally give an honest answer when they ask “what is your biggest weakness?”. Look them dead in the eyes, whisper “This fic is my Achilles heel, I would die for this fic”, and then start reading.  You might not get the job, but at least you shared. 🙃
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Fic: The Things You Do  - by @traitorjoelite​
Pairing:  fwb!steve rogers x fem!reader
Who to share with: Millions of listeners on Spotify
So you’re In the studio, and Selena Gomez has invited you to be the guest rapper on her new single. You want to bring your A-game right? Once she finishes her verse, go ahead and start reading this aloud. It doesn’t rhyme, and will definitely make the song way too long to be radio friendly, but no one will care when you and Selena sweep all the awards for this years Grammys. 🥳
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Fic: Just Like Love (ongoing series) - by @fortheloveoffanfic​
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Reader
Who to share with: Your fellow commuters
Are you a people person? Do you think that sharing requires a certain amount of physical intimacy? Have you ever wanted to have a literal captive audience without actually taking hostages? If any of these apply to you, the packed subway car is the perfect setting to share this fic with others! Please let the passengers know ahead of time that you will not be responsible for any missed stops. 😬
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Fic: Breach (completed series) by - @darkficsyouneveraskedfor​
Pairing: dark!Winter Soldier x Reader 
Who to share with: A select group of people who want to read but either can’t read, dislike the physical sensation of reading, or don’t have the time to sit down and read 
You’re back in the studio! Except this time you’ve been hired as an Audiobook narrator. I don’t have any advice on how to get this job, but once you have it, read this right into the mic because I guarantee you it’s better than the material you were given. 🤭
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Fic: What I Hate About You - by @sidepartskinnyjeans​
Pairing: Steve x Reader/OC - but from Bucky’s POV
Who to share with: Your therapist 
Do you have trouble articulating your feelings? Do you struggle when talking about your experiences because it’s one of those things where “you had to be there”? Is it hard to describe your emotions because language is a construct that cannot convey our deepest personal thoughts? Your solution is right here! Share this fic with your therapist and maybe, just maybe they will understand your rollercoaster of emotions. 🥲
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Fic: Scream (and pt 2 here) - by @st3rgirl
Pairings: bucky barnes x reader (with steve rogers, natasha romanoff, johnny storm, jake jensen, and brief mentions of andy barber & robert pronge)
Who to share with: The armed intruder who has just entered your home
Do you hate the panic and anxiety you feel when someone breaks into your home? Are you sick of hiding in the closet from violent criminals? Why don’t you give them a taste of their own medicine and let THEM feel the fear for once. The hunter becomes the hunted. 👹
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Fic: Shame On You (Blame On Me) - by @lilbabycee​
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x reader
Who to share with: Everyone within earshot at karaoke night
Are you tired of Melissa always stealing the spotlight with her Ariana Grande vocals? Do people keep “forgetting” to queue up your songs and skip over your turn? Just say you’re going to perform an original piece and then start reading this sucker. Everyone will have their lighters out for encores. 🤩
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Fic: Karma (2 pt series) - by @onsunnyside​
Pairings: ghostface!boyfriends!: Ari Levinson, Steve Rogers, Curtis Everett, Ransom Drysdale x cheater!reader
Who to share with: The angels at the pearly gates of heaven (or whatever supernatural being that guards the entrance to your preferred afterlife) 
Was your lifestyle not rock ‘n roll enough to gain admittance to the sizzling hot party downstairs? Did all work and no play make you a dull, boring person? Don’t worry, just read this sinful fic and the angels will escort you straight to the eternal damnation you crave. 😈
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Fic: Of Honey and Broken Glass (ongoing series) - by @vivianandherlily
Pairing: Mafia!Lloyd Hansen x Housekeeper F!Reader
Who to share with: Your thesis defense committee 
Do you just want to get your masters degree? Are you tired of being outnumbered and overpowered by so called “intellectuals”? Hospital bills piling up because you lack the speed, strength and stamina to mount a proper offense? Can’t afford to lose another hand after your last one was very ceremoniously chopped off by an especially aggressive professor? Prepare yourself PROPERLY next time with the ultimate weapon - this fic. Because 1) let’s be real, it’s probably better than your thesis and 2) this bad boy will take out so many academics that you just might find urself the new dean of your university. 😏
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Fic: Redemption (ongoing series) - by @syntheticavenger​
Pairings: Ransom Drysdale x Female Reader / Steve Rogers x Female Reader /  Andy Barber x Female Reader
Who to share with: Your fellow mourners 
You have been chosen to read the funeral eulogy, and the crowd looks pretty tough. There may even be some hecklers out there. It doesn’t matter though, because this fic is guaranteed to get those tears flowing. If it’s still not enough, then unfortunately you will have to do something more extreme. Like leave them on a cliffhanger. 😵‍💫
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And as a bonus share, this Bucky headcannon by @adrinktostopyourthirst​
Who to share with: A jury of your peers
Save money by being your own lawyer and reading this fic as your defense. Boom. Guaranteed acquittal. Then use the money you saved to help us build our adoption clinic! What adoption clinic? Read to find out! 😉
💕 That’s all folks!! 💕
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foreversecrets · 1 year
When Ransom Submitted to Tori
Part of my Rogers Family Expansion series
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Victoria Stark (OC)
Summary: His family has never asked him for anything his entire life, but now they may just ask far to much for playboy Ransom Drysdale.
Rating: General
Victoria adored her family, let's make that abundantly clear-she would do anything for her brother, niece, and her sister-in-law. But, she wanted nothing to do with the family business. She’d watched her father and brother growing up, their actions reason enough for her to want nothing to do with the mafia world. A decision they wholeheartedly supported when she went to college and eventually became a math professor. Honoring her wishes, the family kept her out of the business, that is until today.
Victoria doesn’t know what to say as she places the contract back down on her brother's desk and rubs her temples. How is she supposed to process the reality that an archaic practice is something her brother is urging her to accept? An arranged marriage. Her eyes linger on the picture of the youngest Rogers brother, he’s not unattractive but his appearance and personality are irrelevant when the core of the matter is choice. She didn’t choose this, granted Tony was asking not telling her but the reason this contract was even drafted was the Rogers Family is massive while the Stark Family has narrowed down to only four members. The probability of the Starks becoming an extinct lineage drastically falls if they do not receive the favor of the Rogers. What stronger alliance than for them to become family?
“I won’t make you do this,” Tony promises. “Rogers and his wife have been trying for a kid, I could agree to Morgan marrying their first born but-”
“But she’s a toddler and none of us wants to set her future for her.” Pepper snaps looking at her husband, clearly peeved with this whole arrangement. “Not that we want to do that to you but we wouldn’t ask this if-”
“It’s alright Pep, I understand.” sighing Victoria looks at the terms again, if she does this it's for life. 
Neither her nor Ransom can terminate the marriage at any time and she herself will be unable to have children with anyone other than Ransom. Bodily autonomy will remain a decision by both parties at all times so she is reassured she will never have to bear a child. But the file on Ransom describes him as a pompous, spoiled, unemployed member of the family meaning he wasn’t invested in the mafia business like her and she doubted he’d want children anymore than she does. She’d always loved her role of being the cool aunt but the idea of having a kid herself that was a lifelong commitment and responsibility had never been appealing to her.
“I want the lake house,” she looks at her brother. If she’s doing this she wants to be able to escape for a day or two from her husband instead of being trapped in a home she may or may not get along with.
“Well-” Tony starts only to be interrupted by his wife. 
“Whatever you want.” she promises. In reality it was a cheap price to pay for Victoria’s future, she could ask for so much more and Pepper would willingly give her whatever she desired. 
“And I demand you two have another child.” she laughed, rising from her seat. Tony was clearly eager to fulfill that while Pepper rolled her eyes and excused herself from the room. “So, when do I meet Ransom and when is the wedding?”
“We will iron out the details tonight, our families are getting together for dinner at Steve’s tonight.”
Nodding, she promises to be there before heading home to her apartment, needing to mentally prepare for the evening. When she enters her tiny but cozy studio apartment she absolutely adores, a sadness rises. Ransom will make her sell her furniture, she doesn’t imagine he’d allow her to completely rearrange his abode. Prepahs she can convince Tony to move her furniture to the lakehouse and sell what is already there. Questions of what her new life would look like once she moved in with Ransom started to pop into her head. One of the reasons none of her previous relationships worked out was her love of privacy and hatred of sharing her space, maybe that’s why she asked her brother for the lakehouse. That and her commitment issues that Tony had always promised her would fade over she found the right partner, Pepper had been the blessing to mix that in Tony along with so many other issues her brother had. Everytime Tony found there was improvement that Victoria needed to make in her life would magically be solved once she found the love of her life. Once upon a time she would have rolled her eyes at his reassurances but now she finds herself regretting that she’d never get to prove her brother wrong or right. 
Then her thoughts shifted to Ransom, would they have a normal happy relationship or would they just be two adults cohabiting? She didn’t want to live a loveless life, where her husband and herself would have a string of lovers but never truly getting that happily ever after. Monogamy, though something she’d always been afraid of, was something she craved. She’d seen the way her parents loved one another, the way Tony loved Pepper and she had to admit she was envious. Failing time and time again maybe this arrangement wasn’t the worst thing that could happen to her. It was Ransom or no one now, she really hoped this would work out for the better. 
Pushing all thoughts from her mind, she decided to take a nice hot shower and doll up, the process always relaxed her and boosted her confidence. She’d never dolled up for a man before, always doing it for herself because she liked the way she felt afterwards. But more often than not she went without makeup so that would be something Ransom would have to deal with. It also gave her an edge when she wasn’t sure what she was walking into. 
Tony offered to pick her up for dinner but her car was a lifebuoy should things go south, so she took the address from her brother and began the journey just outside the city. Rogers Estate was too over the top for her tastes but it was far cozier looking than Tony’s luxury penthouse. When she pulled up there was only one car parked, a light colored beamer she assumed belonged to Mrs. Rogers. She couldn’t imagine a massive man like Steve Rogers cramping into the driver seat when he could easily afford a more spacious vehicle. When she knocked on the front door she began regretting it, wishing she’d waited for her brother to arrive before going to the door.
“Oh! You’re here!” the excitement in the women is above what she would expect for some household staff, leading her to believe the woman was Mrs. Rogers. “Please come in! Ransom and Steve are locked up in the office but should be joining us soon.”
“Thank you, this is for you” Victoria held out a bottle of wine that would not serve everyone attending dinner. Tony had said both families would be in attendance, meaning all the Rogers and their partners. 5 Starks and 14 Rogers. Joseph Rogers really needed to have a vasectomy earlier-who the hell wants to have 9 kids! Granted the Alder and Levinson’s had been twins but still, to have 9 children all so close together!? Her hips hurt just thinking about the 7 women who had the misfortune of contributing to Joseph Rogers brood. 
“Thank you!” Mrs. Rogers' look of genuine gratitude endeared Tori, even more so when she could see the woman mentally scolding herself. “Where are my manners! I’m Annie.” Tori shook the woman's hand and offered her name though it was clear who she was. 
“I begged my husband not to be so medieval for this alliance, you just say the word and I’ll stop this whole thing.” Annie whispered into her ear, making Tori laugh again.
Amused Tori questioned her, “You’d go against Mr. Rogers?”
“It wouldn’t be the first time, my husband learned early on what battles weren’t worth fighting me on.”
Tori tried to maintain her composure as she tried to picture this ball of sweetness ever taking a raised tone of voice with her bulky husband who probably stood a good two feet taller than herself.
“How else would they solidify the alliance?”
“A contract! They love the damn things so much I don’t see why they are complicated matters.” Oh Tori was absolutely in love with Annabelle Rogers. This arranged marriage would be worth it if it meant she got to interact with Annie on a regular basis.:If you need the arrangement to end, just say rosebush and I will get you out of this.” Annie conspired.
“We will see how the evening pans out,” Tori finally breaks and offers a chuckle. “Rosebush, I got it.” she smiles.
Annie dotes on Tori while they wait for everyone to join them, getting to know Annie in the span of about an hour and a half. She understands why Annie is so positive and nurturing, she grew up outside the mod world with a normal little middle class family she adored. She had the life Tori had only imagined as a kid, what would an uncorrupted childhood have been like, one where she hadn’t seen her first murder at 7 years old? 
“Babydoll?” a voice calls out Tori assumes it belongs to Steve Rogers.
“Here comes trouble,” Annie winks at Tori. “In here honey!”
Tori stands for introductions as Steven and Ransom enter the room, her eyes instantly falling on her intended. His face is still red, his brow furrowed, whatever he was discussing with his brother (she suspects it to be the marriage) he was not happy about it. Steve gives his wife a quick peck on the lips before shaking Tori’s hand in an introduction.
“And this is my brother Ransom.”
Tori puts her hand out towards Ransom who looks at it only a moment before sneering and walking towards the opened wine bottle and grabbing a glass for himself. Either oblivious or not caring about the tension he has caused he indulges in the sweet dessert wine as the doorbell rings. Steve Rogers is apparently adverse to awkward situations because he scurries away as quickly as possible to answer the door himself. Annie takes a deep breath before addressing Ransom again. 
“Here’s how this is going to go, we give it a try and if we find ourselves incompatible, be the terms of the contract we can just be roommates.”
Ransom annoyance transforms into curiosity. “I have a one bedroom home.” 
“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”
She watches as the tension slowly eases from his shoulders, he takes a deep breath as his face morphs into a neutral expression. He walks over, she maintains her composure and allows him to take her hand to place a quick kiss to one of her knuckles. A relieved breath escapes her as she offers him a kind smile. Regaining his posture, conversation doesn’t resume but the room is lighter now, while it doesn’t resume until her niece and brother enter the room.
“Who's ready for dinner?” 
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nocluejustexisting · 9 months
Warning: the aesthetic aspect is a bit ugly, but I'll be fixing that later 😭💀
The Poor Way - Ransom Drysdale x StreetRacer! Reader Series
[1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
Resurfacing Shadows - Steve Rogers x OC Villain Series [Coming Soon]
Sneak Peak [1],[2]
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roguerecs · 2 years
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last updated: august 2022
𝑬𝒙𝒉𝒊𝒃𝒊𝒕: 𝑹𝒐𝒈𝒖𝒆'𝒔 𝑹𝒆𝒄𝒔
- Look at those signs! Let’s go read them!
Welcome to my reading/fic recs archive! This is basically a blog to keep all my readings/fic recs organized instead of having to dig through my main for a fic. Feel free to send any of your own fics/fic recs! 
Everything here will mainly be one-shots, drabbles, and completed series I’ve read. Check my main for writer recs + their masterlists, current series I’m reading, upcoming series I plan to read, and more!
Before interacting with a work, please remember to: Look and respect the author’s rules/guidelines! Carefully read all tagged warnings and author notes before proceeding. You are responsible for your own media consumption.
As majority of fics I recommend are 18+ plus, minors DNI!!! You will be blocked so please leave while you’re ahead! Blank blogs (no posts and default pfp) and blogs with no age indicators will be assumed to be minors and be blocked as well.
Below the cut is links to all the tags I currently have, and this list will be updated as I get more tags! 
𝑻𝒚𝒑𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒌:
one-shot. ┊ drabble. ┊ series.
angst.┊ fluff. ┊smut. dark. ┊  soft!dark.
𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒇𝒊𝒄 𝑭𝒊𝒄 / 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒂𝒈𝒔:
reader fics. ┊ original character (oc) fics.
! PSA: for specific reader/fic tags, i tag according to what the author tags.  
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to find fics with specific tags and character, use this format:  [NAME] x [SPECIFIC TAG] example: ari levinson x female reader
𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔 𝑬𝒗𝒂𝒏𝒔 & 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔: 
chris evans. ┊ ari levinson. andy barber. ┊ colin shea. curtis everett. ┊ dennis baker. frank adler. ┊ jake jensen. johnny storm. ┊ lloyd hansen. mr. freezy. ┊ ransom drysdale. steve rogers.
bucky barnes. peter parker (tasm!peter & mcu!peter). natasha romanoff. ┊ sam wilson. stucky. ┊ wanda maximoff. xu shang-chi.
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a/b/o. ┊ baker. best friend’s dad. ┊ biker. cam. ┊ ceo. ┊ college. cowboy. ┊ dad’s best friend. dilf/milf. ┊ frat. ┊ hybrid. lumberjack. ┊ mafia. ┊ medieval. mythology. ┊ royal. single parent. ┊ supernatural.
𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔 (𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒔 𝒊𝒅𝒌?): 
...with benefits. exes to lovers. friends to lovers. friends/lovers to enemies/exes. fake dating. ┊ forced proximity. neighbors. ┊ only one bed. roommates. ┊ sex pollen.
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𝑶𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒂𝒈𝒔:
tom holland. crossover. ┊ comfort fics. all time faves.
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bhxrdy · 5 months
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Collection of all my writing wrapped under one sheet. To the intrigued, hope you will enjoy! lots of love 💕
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thank you @arcielee for these wonderful dividers! thank you @itbmojojoejo for showing me the ways of canva 💕
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babyjakes · 2 years
softie | like father, like daughter. [blurb.]
〈 disclaimer: this blog posts content not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. minors are strictly prohibited from viewing, sharing, or interacting with this blog. for more information on this blog's commitment to protecting minors, read our full statement here. 〉
series masterlist
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event | stuffies for all
summary | when sheepy needs a run through the wash, ransom lets georgia borrow his own little friend for the day.
pairing | soft!dad!ransom drysdale x georgia pine (oc)
warnings | georgia also being the sweetest little friend, sheepy gets some food spills and has to face the dreaded washer, soft!ransom, just so fucking cute it hurts, kind of hurt/comfort vibes
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“Oh Georgie, it’s okay-” Ransom soothes as he crouches down beside the little girl, his heart breaking a bit in his chest at the sight of her wide bambi eyes overflowing with tears. “It was just an accident, sweetheart. It’s alright. Here,” he murmurs, collecting the child’s toy from her hands into his own as she struggles to swallow down her sobs.
“D-didn’ mean to,” the girl whimpers as she eyes her prized Sheepy, whose tummy is now covered in sticky strawberry jam.
“I know you didn’t, sweetie. It’s okay, we’re gonna get Sheepy all washed up and he’ll be good as new, yeah? Just gotta toss him in the washer real fast; he’ll be done and dry by bedtime tonight.” Nodding with wide eyes, little Georgia follows her father as he takes her hand, guiding her to the washing machine in the closet next to the main-floor washroom.
“Here we go, Georgie. Look, I’ve got a nice little bag he can sit in so he’s all safe in the machine, okay?” Ransom shows the child as he crouches down once more, letting her help him place the beloved toy in the delicates bag before zipping it up. “And we’ll put plenty of those detergent beads you like so much in there, the ones that smell like sugar cookies, remember?” Georgia nods as she watches her daddy toss the bag and the beads in the bottom machine, her eyes widening as it roars to life after the pressing of a few buttons. “It’s okay, sweetheart. He’s just getting a nice bath in there,” the man reassures her as he brushes her puffy hair back away from her face, hating the sight of her so upset.
“Oh- and you know what? I think I know someone else who could keep you company 'til Sheepy’s cycles are done.” Taking the little girl’s hand once more, he leads her up to his bedroom, going into his large closet to retrieve one of the many cardboard boxes stacked along the top shelves beneath the ceiling.
Bringing the box back down to place on the floor in front of Georgia, Ransom opens it up, pulling out an old worn stuffed animal of his own, something he hasn’t taken out since it was stuffed away so long ago at the end of his childhood. “Georgia, meet Lamby.”
With wide eyes, the girl accepts the small animal in her hands, her eyes drying up as she sniffles away the last of her tears. “Lamby,” she repeats, her gaze trailing carefully over the light-grey fabric.
“That’s right, he’s a little guy just like your Sheepy. Seems like maybe I was a lot like you when I was little,” Ransom chuckles as he takes in the wonderful sight of his daughter holding his life-long best friend. Wrapping the lamb up in her arms, Georgia gives him a big hug, nestling her nose against the toy’s fluff.
“Smells like Daddy,” she hums softly, her eyes getting a little droopy as she clings to the stuffie.
“Yeah? I bet he does, we spent many nights snuggled up for bedtime. Many naps, too. And speaking of, looks like it’s just about time for yours, little lady,” Ransom smiles gently as he scoops the small girl up along with the stuffed animal, his heart swelling in his chest as she snuggles up into his shoulder. “By the time you get up, Sheepy will be switched into the dryer.”
“Can’t wait for him to meet Lamby,” Georgia mumbles as she tucks her thumb in her mouth, struggling to blink to keep herself away. “Gonna be bes’ friends. Daddy, Lamby, Sheepy, 'n me.”
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sstan-hoe · 3 years
𝐷𝑎𝑑𝑑𝑦 𝐾𝑖𝑛𝑘 — 𝐴𝑛𝑑𝑦 𝐵𝑎𝑟𝑏𝑒𝑟
𝑃𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 — Andy Barber x Fem!reader
𝑊𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 — SMUT, Daddy kink, unprotected sex, forplay, kinda sick/weird side of the kink
𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑑 — Idk what to say tbh, *not my gif, reblog and comment! I would call this fashionable late haha
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„You‘re sick!” You shouted at the man infront of you who was known as Andy Barber, he had just presented the idea of you calling him ‘daddy’ while sex. While you two did have kinks like praise, sex toys and some other stuff this was never a part of it.
“Darlin’ come on.” He looked at you with pleading eyes. You and Andy promised to each other that you will always be honest with one another including the talk about your kinks.
“No, Andy. I called my dad ‘daddy’ when I was a little kid, it’s weird.” You argued, Andy could understand how you felt he himself took long to accept the fact that he had a daddy kink.
It all started when your daughter was born, and you got in the routine of calling him ‘daddy’ around her because of her. But Andy loved it a bit to much and he thought he was insane for thinking like this.
Andy’s hands softly gazed over your inner thighs as he admired his view over your body as you layed sprawled out on your shared bed. “I could look at you all day.” He whispered in awe.
“You can look at me how long you want daddy…” You replied with a smile, Andy’s hand stroked over you slit.
Two of his fingers dipped into your soaked hole that was greedy for attention. “You’re such a greedy girl for daddy.” A desperate cry left your lips. One of his hands moves to rest on your thigh slightly pinching it.
“Daddy!” You moaned, your walls flutter and clench around his fingers.
“Andy!” You snapped your fingers in front of his face as he began spacing out. His head snapped torwards you with a light confused expression.
“What?” He asked but you just shook your head. Walking up to him you put your hands on his cheek, his warmth heating your cold hands. Andy leaned into your touch as he closed his eyes and closed his hand around yours.
“I love you Andy, and maybe one day I will be ready to do that but for now you’re just Reena’s daddy.” Andy saw guilty lacing in your eyes and morphed with your tone.
“It’s fine, I’m sorry for taking you by surprise like that.” You smiled at him, you felt bad that you couldn’t fulfill his wish.
Andy laid in bed turning around in his bed while you laid beside him sleeping soundly.
“Yes daddy…right there!” His thrusts speed up, getting rougher and quicker as he kept hitting the same spot every fucking time. “ Be quiet for daddy, baby, can’t have Reena or Jacob hear you.”
Hips snapping into you, the feeling of your cunt clenching around him, strangling his cock is too much for him. Andy didn’t want to come before you, he never did. But your moans mixed with you calling him ‘daddy’ was too much.
“Come daddy, fill me up with your cum…please daddy.” You begged him. Strands of his hair fell out as he thrusted in you.
Your hands came up to his cheeks making him look directly into your eyes. “I won’t come without you baby.” He promised you, letting out a silent cry your eyes roll into the back of your head as Andy divided his thumb down to you clit drawing harsh circles.
“Daddy s-“
Andy stirred awake, pushing himself up. “Fuck!” He exclaimed, instantly Andy looked over at you hoping you’d be still asleep. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Whispering to himself he thought ‘do I have a problem?’
𝑇𝑎𝑔𝑠 —
@slut-for-bucky-barnes @thehuntresswolf @wandalosthervision @til-my-feet-are-wet @tomhoelland01 @kaiparker-avengerssmut @evans-cavill @emmygrey21 @hrryflvoured @disappointmentofthefam @buckyxxrogers @anythingandeverything97 @buckysbabydolldude @poetic-heart @iambeeee @browneyedgirl365 @satzukim @xealia @patzammit @everything-burns-down @anonymousswritings @honeyyxashes @maybe-a-bi-witch @slutforchrisjamalevans @buckysbae @sunflowerfive @lewisjada03 @queenofthepouges @harrysthiccthighss @znylxcevans @iwannabekilledtwice @hallecarey1 @maybe-a-bi-witch @nostxlgia18 @slutforchrisjamalevans @multixfandomwriter @bunnyrecs @wednesdayaddamsmood @idfkgabby @miniaturesuitcasevoidstudent @yourssincerelytae @ambrosia-bloom @oliviabelova @fantasymindz @divinelycevans @moony-is-bae @lxdyred @justreadingficsdontmindme @johndeaconshands
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halfrican-heat · 2 years
This Way (Ain't Shit Series)
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SUMMARY: Amalia gets to the real reason behind Ransom's sudden visit.
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Black!OC; Ransom Drysdale x Amalia Wright
Warnings: Cursing, Dysfunctional Family Dynamics, Depictions of Fainting, Single Mom OC, Slightly!OC Ransom, Emotionally Stunted Individuals, Romantic Tension, Extremely Slow Burn, Angst; WC: 2134
A/N: Hey y'all. It has been over a month since the last update, so I really hope y'all are still interested! I started college so I have been trying to get situated here. Chapter two didn't do super well, but I chalked that up to a lack of Ransom (lol). Still, the responses I got were great! So please keep reading and sharing your thoughts. As always, enjoy!
Song Inspo: This Way - Khalid x H.E.R.
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My eyes flutter open and it takes a moment for me to focus. My vision is blurred and my head swirls lazily. The slow pulsing of my forehead has me momentarily dazed. When my eyes finally lock on Ransom’s striking blues, I find his eyes filled with worry. Little strands of hair escape his slick, upkept style. The throbbing in my head intensifies as I struggle to sit up. 
“Hey, hey. Take it easy. You passed out for a minute there.”
Ransom stops me from moving too quickly, gently helping me up. I slowly swing my legs off the couch, holding my head in my hands. He places a hand on my back hesitantly, rubbing in small circles. I press the heels of my hands into my eyes, hoping to stop the pulsating of my skull. I barely notice as he rises from the couch, returning with an opened bottle of water. He hands it to me wordlessly. When I’ve drained half the bottle, I hold it out to him. He takes it, setting it on the coffee table in front of us. 
I notice pillows and papers scattered on the floor along with Shiloh’s toys. 
“What happened here,” I ask, gesturing toward the mess on the floor.
“They were in the way,” He replies simply. 
I sigh, leaning back against the sofa.
For a while, I trace nonexistent patterns into the ceiling before sliding my eyes back to Ransom. He observes me pensively. I bite my lower lip, pulling at the dried skin. He looks away, resting his head in his hands. There’s a slight tremor in his knee as he bounces it. His breath is quicker than usual. 
I exhale heavily through my nose. He looks back at me, hands clasped in front of him. Ransom arches an eyebrow, waiting for me to speak. I purse my lips.
“I really passed out?”
He nods. 
“How long was I out?”
“A couple minutes or so. Felt like fucking forever though.”
I nod at his words, training my eyes back on the ceiling. I trace a few more patterns. 
“How dramatic of me.”
I look back to Ransom just as an unreadable expression crosses his features. I worry, for a moment, that I’ve upset him. But suddenly he bursts out laughing. Loud, hysterical laughter that has him throwing his head back. One hand slaps his chest and the other claps my shoulder. The hand on my shoulder, however, retreats as quickly as it comes and rests atop the other on his chest. He doubles over, his voice becoming hoarse from his manic laughter. 
I can’t help the way my lips curve slightly, enjoying his amusement. I’ve always loved Ransom’s laugh. The way he puts his entire being into it to express his joy reminds me of how infrequently he feels this way. Laughter like this is rare from him, but far more frequent when we’re alone. Longing fills my bones as I observe his full-body laughter. The moment feels familiar. As if I told one of our inside jokes and he’s now losing it over how hilarious and chaotic we are. But this is different. The circumstances have changed. 
Discomfort rises in me as I avert my eyes. Ransom’s elbows rest on his knees. He covers his face with his hands, chuckling occasionally, before sniffing and running a hand over his face. A fist to his mouth hides the smile that still lingers. Then he looks at me, resting his cheek against his fist. 
“Leave it to you to make a joke at a time like this,” He says, laughing again. 
His laugh is softer this time, a gentle rumble at the back of his throat. I don’t respond but that doesn’t phase him. He presses on. 
“That’s always been my favorite thing about you, Mala.”
My cheeks burn. Mala. A rush of desire burns through me as it rolls off his tongue. He says it so fondly, with such ease. As if he’d only been gone for one night and things were still the same between us. But they aren’t the same. They will never be the same. I look away and cross my arms tightly across my chest, heated desire fizzling into irritation.
“You don’t get to call me that anymore. Don’t make this personal.”
“We’ve passed personal, babe,” He scoffs. “Literally. Need I remind you how you fell into my arms?”
I roll my eyes. “That doesn’t mean anything.”
“It means you still trust me. At least a little.”
Our eyes clash as his words hang between us. I feel bare, naked under his scrutiny. Warmth filters into his gaze, softening as he observes me. His eyes drop to my lips almost imperceptibly. The caress of his gaze blazes through me, a heated path left in the wake of his roaming stare. I find myself leaning in, watching him with baited breath as his eyes finally return to mine. 
It’s when he leans forward that I snap back into myself. 
Shaking my head, I stand abruptly. My head swirls as I try to balance myself. I feel off-kilter but I can’t tell if it’s my headache or him. Maybe both. I press my fingers into my temple, massaging them in slow circles. Ransom’s hand comes to rest on my back. 
“Careful,” He says. “No need to rush.”
With my millionth eye roll of the evening, I remove myself from his touch and reach for my water. Quickly, Ransom grabs it before I can and holds it out to me. My eyes flit between him and the bottle. Turning on my heel, I head to the kitchen for a new one and ignore the exasperated sigh he lets out.
“You’re so damned stubborn, Amalia.”
“Deal with it,” I shoot back. 
“Yeah, I’ve been dealing with it,” He mutters. 
I pause, turning to glare at him. 
“Wanna say that a little louder, asshole?”
He clicks his teeth, running a hand over his face. 
“I’m just saying that a little help wouldn’t kill you.”
“Ha! And how can you help me?”
“There’s no harm in letting me be there for you. This has gone on long enough.”
I know what he means. I know what he wants but I won’t have it. I won’t give him what he wants. A vile, nasty urge wells up inside of me. It rears its ugly head and rises like a lion ready to feast. I narrow my eyes at him, my lip curling slightly. My fists ball at my sides as I take a deep breath to calm myself. Still, the rage demands my attention.
“My sister will be here soon,” I say, my tone biting. “I don’t need you.”
“Don’t fucking call me that again.”
Ransom sighs heavily and rests a hand on his hip, the other pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“I don’t want to argue with you.”
“Oh, but I sure as hell want to argue with you! Don’t play the bigger person and stop this now!”
“Someone fucking has to! I haven't held my son in two years,” he yells. “Two years!”
“It didn’t seem to bother you before now!” 
Then, I pause. Ransom continues, his words falling on deaf ears. 
“Of course it did--”
His words jumble together in my mind, forming a mishmash of meaningless sentiments. He hasn’t seen his son. His relationship with his grandfather was ruined. He hasn’t spoken to me properly for two years. He can’t go on like this. He wants us back in his life. The words spiral around me. 
His son. Can’t go on. Two years. His grandfather. 
His grandfather. 
Then, it all clicks into place. 
“Hey, are you even listening to me?”
“I get it now. That’s what you’re here for.”
Ransom scowls in confusion. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“Archie left half of his estate to me. Who got the other half?”
His jaw clenches as he looks away from me. 
It feels as though a rug has been pulled out from under me. I should have expected this. I should have fuckin’ known better. But like an idiot I wanted to believe that this time could be different. But all Ransom has ever cared about is Ransom so why would this sudden occurrence be any different?
Still, it pisses me the fuck off. 
“Your granddaddy cut you out of the will and now you want to run back to the baby mama, right?”
I throw my words like daggers, cutting deeper with each syllable. I aim to draw blood with my words. Ransom drops his placating stance, throwing his arms in frustration. 
“He cut me off a long time ago, dammit! This isn’t about that.”
“I don’t care what it’s about. I don’t want shit to do with whatever the hell you and your crazy ass family got going on.”
“Yeah, well, you didn’t mind messing with my crazy ass family as long as Archie was helping you out.”
The words sting like a slap in the face. They fall between us, heavy and full of malice. My ears ring as though I have truly been struck. A flicker of shock crosses Ransom’s face but it's immediately hidden behind an indifferent facade. My laugh is quiet and jaded as I wrap my arms around myself, nodding slightly. 
“There he is,” I say quietly. “There’s the Ransom I know.”
Ransom’s body is stone-like as his eyes roam around in an effort to avoid mine. His jaw clenches so tightly that his teeth are in danger of cracking. The way he shifts his weight awkwardly tells me all I need to know as he stews in his poorly hidden guilt. Ransom was deadass wrong for that and he knows it. I give Ransom another moment. Another chance to somehow save his ass. Ransom glances at me momentarily, taking in my piercing stare, before crossing his arms petulantly and turning away from me.
Nodding again, I cross to the front door. My shoulder brushes his as I pass by and I ignore the ripples that surge through my nerves at the sensation. Different emotions rise inside of me but I stomp them down as quickly as they emerge. Still, despite myself, I feel my eyes welling with tears. I pull the door open--
--And stop short as I find Stephania standing there prepared to knock. 
Shiloh sleeps soundly in her arms. I glance over my shoulder quickly, hoping Ransom hasn’t noticed. But, of course, he has. He approaches the door swiftly, only freezing in his tracks when I step between him and the front door. A myriad of emotions cross his features, astonishment being the most prominent. 
Steph looks between the two of us, a similar look of bewilderment in her eyes. Wordlessly, she turns around and retreats to her car. 
I step aside, avoiding Ransom’s eyes, and gesture to the open door. 
“You can’t possibly want me to leave now,” He says incredulously. At my silence, he presses further. “Amalia, don’t be fucking ridiculous!”
“I won’t let you drag him into this. We’re done here.”
Stealing a glance at him, I look up just in time to watch his eyes grow cold. His face is hard as he glares down at me. I stand my ground against him, refusing to falter. The corner of his lips lifts into a cruel smirk. He scoffs quietly. 
“Yeah? Well, I’m not done with you. This is far from over.”
He snatches his shoes from by the door, not bothering to put them on as he shoves past me. In a blink, he’s gone. I vaguely register the sound of his car rumbling down the road as Steph comes back with Shiloh. Her eyes are wide as she stands in the threshold, looking in the direction Ransom drove off in. She looks back at me. 
“So…what the hell did he want?”
She peeks into the living room with wide eyes. 
“Better yet, what the hell happened here?”
I take Shiloh from her, inhaling his sweet baby scent. I look at the living room behind me, taking in the mess of pillows and scattered paperwork. The mess taunts me, serving as a glaring reminder of his presence here. But when my eyes land on the stuffed bear he carelessly tossed aside earlier, I can’t help the pride that swells up in my chest. My baby shifts in my arms, babbling sleepily, and my joy expands infinitely. 
Shiloh is still here. Shiloh is still mine. 
I give my sister a tired smile and slight shrug. 
Quietly, I turn around and head down the hallway leaving her there slack jawed. Moments later, I hear the front door slam and I know Steph is hot on my heels.
“Uhm, bitch! I know you fuckin’ lyin’!”
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Banners: @maysdigitalarts
Dividers: @firefly-graphics
Title Card: me :)
Backup Blog: @thegirlonhamilton
Buy Me a Coffee!
Part Four (coming soon...)
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elles-archives · 2 years
Ransom Drysdale Series
First of all, thank you for the amount of interest there is in my new Ransom Drysdale story. I have now written a few chapters and although I still don't know when I am going to post it, it won't be long.
I will add a section on my taglist for anyone who wants to join it.
Now, as it stands, this is an x reader series. However, I know some people don't like reading Y/N. So I just wanted to know if anyone would prefer if I used my OC character instead.
Love Ellen xx
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Not my GIF. Just added to catch attention.
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candy-and-writing · 4 years
When Andy yelled at the kid "Don't look at her, look at me!"
Bro I felt that in my soul.........
148 notes · View notes
wiypt-writes · 1 year
Brothers In Arms
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Part 9: Spinning Around
Summary: After hearing about the events in Boston, you come to a decision about your future…
Warnings: Bad language, violence, smut (NSFW) 18+
Pairing: MOB Ransom Drysdale x Reader. Mentions of MOB Steve Rogers x Reader. 
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any of the characters contained within this series bar the Reader and any other OCs that may or may not be mentioned. I do not give permission for this to be translated and/or reposted on any other platforms. Reblogs are fine: Sharing is caring.
By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
A/N: Here we are, the penultimate chapter. Eeeek. thanks to @spectre-posts as always.
Brothers In Arms Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Part 8
W/C: 6k
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It wasn't long before you'd made it back to your brother. Natasha drove and you were thankful, as the entire way to the hospital your mind was distracted. Your thoughts remained on Ransom and the situation you were in. 
You’d decided to call him yourself and tell him Ari was awake, instead of asking Natasha do it. It felt more real that way. And also, if you were honest, a part of you wanted to hear his voice. 
You hadn’t been prepared, however, for the fact that the first thing he’d basically asked when you’d called was if there was something wrong with you or the baby. It was something you’d seen and heard other expectant fathers ask their pregnant partners when they called, and it had made you feel all sorts of emotions. 
You still didn’t know what you were going to do about the baby. Your heart and mind were so conflicted, not only over that but Ransom. It all made your head hurt when you thought about it. 
Setting foot into your brother's room, you noticed that there was a crowd. Ari in bed; looking more colorful than when you'd left him, Sam, Kebede and Max all stood round. Their words were in a hushed tone as they conversed. Silence began the moment you appeared in the doorway.
“What…what’s going on?” You asked, dropping the bag of Ari’s belongings onto one of the free chairs as Natasha hung back a little. She then excused herself as her phone rang, ducking out to answer.
"There's been a development," Ari spoke with zero emotion, as if he were back on the job.
You felt flushed from the inside out, heat coursing through you in a panic you hadn't yet identified. You felt your stomach knot as you asked, "what do you mean?"
"Walt's dead, Steve's dead and Ransom has been stabbed," Ari looked at you and no one else as he answered. He wanted you to know there was not one iota of mistruth in what he told you.
You blinked, “what…Walt? I…” and then your brain registered what else he had said, and your stomach stopped. “Ran…he’s…is he okay?”
Sammy stepped forward to catch you as you started to wobble, "sit down, love."
"I don't know," Ari admitted.
“I don’t…I don’t understand.” You looked at Ari, “what…what happened?”
"I called and when he answered he was in bad shape," your brother, again, replied stoically. "He asked for help, then the line went dead.
“But you got him help, right?”
"If they got to him in time," he nodded. "I haven't heard either way."
Your eyes filled with tears, and you were about to give your brother a full verbal lashing for his blasé attitude but you stopped yourself. Ari was angry about what Ransom did to you and what had happened to him. And deep down you knew he had every right to be. 
But that didn’t stop you worrying about Ransom. Because despite everything, you still loved him.
“Harlan found him.” 
You turned to look at Natasha, who waved her phone in explanation as she stepped into the room. “He’s lost a lot of blood but he’s alive.”
Your chest shuddered as the breath you held let go. Your left hand covered your mouth while your right clutched your chest, just over your heart. "I need to go, now. The fastest you can get me there," you looked only at Natasha. If you'd looked at your brother, you knew already the look on his face would be of sad eyes and disappointment. He'd try to delay your exit possibly only to talk you out of leaving in his mind.
Natasha nodded, “Harlan suspected you might say that. His private jet is on the way.”
You stood slowly and began to walk forward, one foot out the threshold when Ari stopped you.
"Y/N," he spoke. When you turned to face him, he spoke again, "Are you sure this is what you want?"
You took a deep breath and shook your head, a tear trickling down your cheek. “I don’t know what I want, but I need to see him, Ari. I still love him. I’m not asking you for permission, or for you to understand because fuck knows I don’t understand it myself. But I need to go.”
"Alright," he nodded. Ari looked to Max, "get her there safe. Then get back here so we can figure out how to clean this shit up. If he survives, that bastard owes me the rest of his life."
"Sure thing, boss," Max spoke with his gravely East Coast accent. He turned toward you and Natasha, with a single nod, and Nat began to follow. You took a final glance at your brother.
"Thank you," you whispered. Ari nodded and you were beyond the threshold.
Less than three hours later you were touching down in Boston. A car was waiting for you and Natasha, and she gently ushered you over the tarmac of the private air field towards it, Max casting a watchful eye from the top of the steps.
A familiar face was waiting for you in the driver’s seat.
“Carter…” it was almost a relief to see his face.
"Doll," he nodded at you. 
"How's..." you began but Carter interrupted you as Natasha slid in beside you. 
“He’s in a bad way, but being cared for by the best.” Carter swallowed. “I’m under instructions to take you straight to the house.”
“The house, is he not…”
“He’s being cared for by Doctors at Harlan’s mansion. We couldn’t call the authorities…too many questions.”
You had a few questions of your own, especially now you’d had an entire flight to sit and think about them.
“What happened? I know Steve stabbed him, but what…”
“Mr Thrombey has asked that I let him explain. He’s waiting for you, I’m under instructions to send you to see him before you see Ransom.”
"No, I want to see Ransom first, Carter," your voice held a pleading tone.
"Harlan first." Carter said firmly. He wasn't about to negotiate.
“Why does everyone in this damned family get off on pushing me around?” You grumbled.
Natasha caught your under-breath comment and smirked, "it keeps their dicks bigger. Mobsters lose control, they lose their rights."
You glanced at her, and she gave you a small smile as you scoffed. 
The drive to Harlan’s was a familiar one, you’d been plenty of times before. Soon, Carter was pulling the car up to the front of the house. You didn’t even wait for it to stop before you opened the door to let yourself out.
"She's eager," Carter joked with Natasha as you left the door open. 
Fran, Harlan's housemaid, thew open the door just as you reached for the handle. "He's in his study," she directed you.
You nodded, walking down the hall, ignoring both Ransom’s mother and father as your sneakers squeaked on the well-polished tiles. The mahogany doors were heavy as you pushed both open with your palms flat on their surface. You didn't even bother knocking, and frankly, you didn't give a shit. You wanted the answers you were seeking and you wanted to see Ransom.
Harlan wasn’t surprised to see you, he was stood by the window, clearly having seen you arrive.
“Y/N.” He gave you a soft smile.
“Where’s Ransom?” Your voice was quiet.
"He's upstairs," the oldest Thrombey said with softness. "You can see him in a moment, if you choose to after we talk. Have a seat."
"I'd rather stand," you stood your ground.
"Alright," he nodded.
You took a deep breath, waiting for Harlan to explain.
“The feud between Ransom and Steve, the one which you were regrettably caught in the middle of. It was started by Walt.”
You felt your jaw go slack as your brows furrowed and eyes squinted. "What?"
“Walter ordered the hit that went wrong. He’s the reason Peggy is dead and the reason Steve…well…” he trailed off.
“You know?” You whispered. 
Harlan nodded. “Ari came to me, not long after it happened.”
“I know, I just wasn’t sure if he told you everything.”
Harlan took a deep breath as you licked your lips.
"Why am I just hearing this?" You shook your head, "So much could have been...I could..."
"Unfortunately, this is how these things play out. It's pathetic really. Cliché dramas that sometimes translate from screen to life." Harlan’s tone was gentle. A little like you found the man himself to be, despite the fact he was a ruthless mob boss. “That and I didn’t know.” Harlan shook his head. “‘None of us did, not until photos of Walt meeting with Rumlow emerged.”
Harlan nodded. “Copies were sent to both your brother and Ransom.”
"Who took them?"
“No idea.” Harlan shrugged. “And I don’t think it matters much. Not now. Steve got his revenge, and then Ransom got his.”
Harlan studied you for a moment as you took the entire situation in. He watched as your face screwed up a little and you pinched the bridge of your nose, a desperate attempt to keep yourself from crying. Almost as if you didn’t want to give into the jumble of emotions you were feeling. Like you didn’t want to show weakness, or admit to anyone other than yourself that you cared what had happened to either of them. 
But he knew you did, because you were here. 
To Harlan, it was no wonder Ransom had fallen for you the way he had. You took crap from no one, but yet underneath it all, you were an incredibly kind hearted and loving person. You rounded off Ransom’s gruff and rough edges perfectly. And, as he stood there now, watching you in his study, it struck the older man exactly how much you reminded him of someone he knew extremely well, and missed every single day. 
You looked to him after a moment or two and wondered about the expression on his face. It was like he was somewhere else, but not quite, caught in a memory almost. And as you watched, a soft smile spread across his face. 
“Forgive me, but you’re a lot like Ransom’s mother, you know. Fierce, strong, independent. Well, she was until Rogers sucked it out of her. God I hated him. Cruel twist of fate really that the boys looked so much like him. Steve is…was his double, and well, apart from Ransom’s hair colour, he is too.”
At that you frowned, “their hair colour?”
“Steve is…was blonde, Ransom isn’t.” 
You frowned. “Steve…had different hair colour?”
Harlan nodded.
Your frown deepened. You’d done everything you could to push that night from your mind. But…how could you have not noticed? You swallowed as you tried and tried to remember. The bathroom had been dimly lit, it wasn’t like you’d really had chance to look at his hair either…but then you shook your head.
“That’s not possible.” You looked at Harlan, “they’re identical twins!”
Harlan gave you a curious glance, “they’re not identical, Honey. They’re fraternal. Or they were. I mean, they did look ridiculously alike, but there are subtle differences, the hair colour being one, and then there’s a slight height difference, not much but…”
You swallowed, again zoning out of the conversation as the impact of Harlan’s revelation hit you.
You had come to terms with the fact that you would never know for sure who was your baby’s father. A paternity test for identical twins would mean shit, as they had identical DNA. But fraternal ones however, did not. And now, you were fast realising that there was a way for you to find out if the baby you were carrying belonged to Ransom. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Harlan’s voice cut through the fog and you looked at him, nodding.
Your face felt void of emotion but your mind and heart were overflowing in competitive thoughts, "is he going to live?"
“Yes,” Harlan nodded. “He's battered and bruised, lost a lot of blood but they've patched him up. Unlike your brother, his spleen remains in act and nothing else was damaged apart from some muscle in his rib cage.”
The shaky breath you inhaled opened up your emotions for your eyes to flood, "I want to see him."
Harlan nodded. “He’s sleeping at the moment, still undergoing the blood transfusion, but he’ll be glad to see you. I haven’t mentioned you were coming in case you changed your mind.”
"Upstairs, the guest room to the left after the landing," he softly spoke. “The one the pair of you usually, well, did usually stay in.”
"Thank you," you whispered. You'd only just stood when Harlan spoke your name. You waited for him to continue. 
"Ransom has not made the best choices," he sighed, "but despite the unbearable act he's done to you, I know he loves you. I'm not trying to sway a decision for you, my dear. I only speak my truths with those I care for and you, no matter what, will always be a part of this family."
You swallowed, nodding as you licked your lips. “I…I still love him too, Harlan, but what I don’t know is whether if that’s gonna be enough, not after all this.”
Harlan seemed to have had an understanding for he only nodded once, dismissing you to go. So, with a deep breath, you headed up the grandiose staircase and turned to the left. You stopped at the cracked open door and closed your eyes. Your hands were shaking and your throat felt dry. Your eyes stung with salty tears but you took a steeling breath anyway and slowly cracked the door open enough for you to step in.
Looking small, feeble even, with his complexion pale, Ransom looked anaemic already. There was a canula under his nose along with a half full bag of blood which was being administered via IV into the back of his left hand. His body was covered by blankets and you stopped halfway between the door and the foot of the large bed, listening to the beeps and bleeps of the heart monitor.
His hair was out of place only a little, cuts and bruises, even dried blood was still visible and the sight worried and scared you. You swallowed the lump in your throat and closed the space between he and you. There was already a chair on his left side, presumably from Linda, whom no doubt had sat there to at least show face and play the part of worried mother so those on staff and the goons in and out of the house would buy into it. You didn't, not really. 
You took a seat at his right side and glanced down at your shaking hands. They felt cold even by your own touch. Worrying them in your lap, you slowly looked up, your eyes roaming over your former lover and fiancé.
As you sat there you tried to figure out why had Ransom not corrected you when you’d said there could be no way to know which one of the brothers had fathered your unborn child.
Why would he lie? The only plausible reason you could think of was that he didn’t want to know, and he didn’t want you to know either. Was this some cruel attempt to keep control of you?
“If you keep it…I’ll support you. I’ll do whatever, be as involved as a father or as not involved as you want, but you’ll want for nothing. Either of you. Whatever you decide…”
Whatever you decide…
“Oh, Ran…” you sniffed, your hand reached for his right. You gently held it, your thumb skating softly over his bruises and split knuckles as you looked at his face. “This is such a fucking mess.”
The beeping of his alarm was most certainly not welcome. Ransom was too warm, too comfortable.
There was a sleep laden grumble that wanted to force its way out of his throat but instead he grunted and slung his arm out to shut the damn thing off on his phone.
But his phone wasn’t there.
Nevertheless, the noise stopped and he turned himself over onto his other side, and felt the tickle of hair on his face.
He cracked an eye open, in surprise more than anything. You were here. Back in his bed. After everything…
His brow twitched downward and his chest tightened a bit. He sat up onto his elbow and took you in fully.
You were led on your side, back to him, the bed covers pulled up to your chin. Your features soft as you slept.
His hand reached out to run a knuckle over your cheek but he stopped. What if he touched you and you melted away? What if he touched you and you just vanished. But he had to know. So, he curled his first and fingers, delicately dragging them over your cheekbone towards your ear and down your jaw. You were real, you were there. He knew so now, his fingers over your soft skin. So kept going, slowly down your neck, pulling back that bedding just a bit.
His hand paused at the crook of your shoulder, before it carried on, slipping underneath the comforter. He traced a line down your ribs, your naked body felt just as he remembered. 
His heart filled with so many emotions. And those very emotions tickled his nose and made his eyes pool. His hand now opened wide and splayed over your little swollen belly.
The second his palm came to rest over the life which was growing inside of you, a long breath left his nose. It relaxed his chest and dropped his shoulders.
You stirred a little, your nose twitching in that adorable way it did when you were someplace between sleep and consciousness. 
His thumb swept up and down over your skin. His eyes flicked between your face and what he was doing. His mind whirring.
How did he get to this? How was this possible? Did he die and now this is his purgatory?
A soft sigh left you as Ransom shuffled and snuggled into you as closely as he could get. He pressed his lips to your bare shoulder, inhaling deeply.
"Hi...." you whispered as your arm covered his as it wrapped over you.
“Hi, Princess…”
"You been up long?"
“No,” his lips brushed your skin again. “Just woke…”
You hummed a little smile.
“I love you.” He whispered, his lips moving to your neck.
"We love you too."
His lips curved into a smile against your skin before he sniffed. “I can’t believe you’re here.”
You were caught off guard by the comment, "why wouldn't I be?" You turned your body towards him a little more so as not to crane your neck so hard.
“Because I’m a no good, son of a bitch who treat you like shit.”
"What? Did you have a bad dream or something?" You grew concerned. "Ransom, are you okay?"
That was when he noticed it, the sparkle and twinkle on your left hand.
“I…I…I don’t know.” He whispered.
You turned completely over, "hey," you cupped his cheek with your left hand, "whatever it is, it's okay. I'm here, baby. You can tell me."
He sighed, shaking his head. “It doesn’t matter…I have a feeling I’m dreaming now and…I just wanna stay here with you for as long as possible.”
You smiled warmly with a slight shake of your head. "Oh Ran...."
“I love you…and I’m so sorry…” he sniffed, as he pressed his lips to yours. 
He couldn’t help the moan that escaped him. It had been so long since ha had last kissed you.
You pulled back just a breath's distance, "I don't know," you kissed him, "what you're sorry for," your lips ghosted his. "But I love you too." You kissed him one more time, "soon we won't get mornings like this."
“Let’s make the most of it…” he whispered, his lips back on yours as his hand cupped your cheek.
He felt you shiver a bit as you hummed at his touch.
His lips never left yours as he eased himself over you, a little more, his hand sliding down your body and coming to rest at your hip.
He gave his baby in your belly enough space as he held himself up with his free arm. That hand at your hip gently rubbed along your skin as he moved down your thigh. His strong hand curled under knee and lifted your leg over his hip, opening you up for him.
You sighed, your nails running lightly up his back, coming to rest in the shorter strands of his hair at the back. Your eyes met his, and he saw nothing but love. A stark contrast to the fear and hurt he had seen in them the last time you’d been under him.
"I love you so much," he whispered with tears in his eyes. "Forgive me, baby, please forgive me." He whimpered as he bent to kiss you again, "I'm so sorry." His final apology was spoke against your lips. And whilst he kissed you, he slipped into you. 
He choked a little as your body responded to him. Your leg hooked round him, heel digging into his ass. Your head sank further into the pillows, leaving your neck bare for him to lavish affection on with his mouth and tongue.
You were made for him. 
How could he have ever hurt you the way he had? Why had he ever doubted you? He was disgusted. Ashamed.
Walt hadn’t made him do that to you. Neither had Steve. He did it himself. Blinded by the hurt and anger, he’d brutally fucked you, despite you asking him not to.
Ransom knew this wasn’t real. Each thrust and roll of his hips was ecstasy but he knew, it was all in his head.
Or he was dead, and this was his new forever.
Either way, he didn’t want it to end.
There was a sharp pain in his side, one which made him hiss and close his eyes in discomfort. And when he opened them, your features were blurring, as if he was seeing them through a dirty window.
“No, please…don’t…don’t go…” he begged.
You opened your mouth, his name a whisper, your voice soft and faraway.
And then there was that damned alarm again. A persistent, annoying fucking beeping.
Your eyes looked to the monitor as Ransom's heart rate had sped up. It worried you, your hand squeezing his.
“Ransom…” you spoke, your voice croaky. “Ran…”
"You came," he said hoarsely. Then he flinched as that searing pain came again.
“Yeah…” you squeezed his hand again, your heart thudding at the fact he was awake. “I did.”
“I didn’t…didn’t know if you would.” His speech was slow, quiet and you took a deep breath.
“Just take a moment, let me go find the doctor. I’m assuming he or she is around somewhere.”
His hand squeezed around yours, a silent plea for you to stay.
"I'll be right back, I promise."
You quickly headed out into the landing and called out for anyone. Fran immediately appeared from one of the other bedrooms and you looked at her.
“He’s awake…and he’s in a lot of pain.”
She nodded, “the doctor is in with Harlan, Linda and Richard, I’ll go get him.”
You nodded and return to Ransom's side. You knew a conversation needed to be had, but you weren't about to have it when doctors, and most likely his parents, were about to barge in.
"It'll be just a minute," you told him.
He nodded and lay back, his eyes closing. 
“Can’t believe the cunt stabbed me.” He grumbled.
“Yeah, well, you killed him so…I’d say you came out on top.” You swallowed as you looked at your hand where it still held his.
The doctor and, as you predicted, Linda and Richard came in quickly. His mother gave you a jerk of her head, but Richard barely registered your existence not that you cared. You’d never given much of a shit about either of them to be honest. 
You went to move from the chair to give them space. But Ransom's hold on your hand remained. You weren't going anywhere. You looked at him, squeezing right back, "It's okay."
You glanced up at the doctor, he wasn’t someone you recognised but it didn’t surprise you. The Thrombey firm had many a professional on its payroll, all of whom were willing to look the other way for backhanders.
You zoned out as he began to talk, instead your eyes simply focussed on your hand which was wrapped around Ransom’s battered one.
You inspected his knuckles, the bruises and the cuts that were raw and still covered with dried blood. In fact, you'd noticed that most of his still had some remnants of the blood bath he no doubt endured with his brother. You barely registered the doctor working on him and stepping away.
It was all a blur. 
But what broke through was the stern tone he had with Linda when he told them to go. Your glance shot up from his hand to his face. That busted lip moved as he spoke again.
"I want to talk to Y/N, alone. I don't need the two of you squabbling and worrying with your bullshit feelings right now."
Linda took a deep breath. “Son, we’re just…it’s a big shock. You, here like this. Steve…Steve dead…”
"Go, Linda." He demanded.
“Ransom…” Harlan spoke from the door, his voice soft but stern. 
Ransom groaned, “I’m sorry mom, but please. Go. I’ll see you in the morning.”
"Alright," she relented. Richard waled her out, his hands on her forearms. Harlan gave the two of you a nod and walked away.
Just before the doctor made his last check on Ransom, he spoke, "These won't take long to kick in. So, just so you're aware, you may nod off."
Ransom nodded.
Once the doctor was gone, you took a deep breath and turned back to him. You didn't know how to start, and maybe he didn't either. But the conversation needed to be had. So you started with the obvious. "Why?"
"It had to be done," he simply stated as if there were no other choice. "Walt and Steve both deserved it. This could have all been avoided." He settled himself with a wince. "Walt's wrecklessness caused a war. No matter what happens between you and I, I couldn't let Steve get away with what he'd done to you. I told Ari I’d kill him. And I did.”
“But I don’t understand, why did Walt arrange the hit in the first place?”
“Apparently he wanted the head seat and if he could frame me for Steve’s death it would lead the way. But…I don’t know, the more I think about it, the more I can’t understand it myself. But then Walt never was the sharpest tool in the box.”
"So this was over a seriously bent ego and power struggle?" You were deeply frowning as you registered Ransom’s explanation.
“That’s what Walt explained before Steve put a bullet in his head.”
You sighed. It hurt to think about all the logistics and how much damage was caused. How confusing even the smallest details were because of one man's jealousy. It trickled so far down the line that it had even affected you. Ari had become a target, he'd nearly died. And that assessment didn't even include what had happened to you. How Ransom had treated you, what he'd done to you. It was a lot to take in. But you had to press on, "And Steve? How..."
Ransom sighed, and looked up at the ceiling. “He…he figured it out. That you’re pregnant.” Ransom blinked heavily as he looked back to you. “When he stabbed me, he said he’d find you, and take you and the baby…and if it was the last thing I did, I wasn’t gonna let that happen. So I shot him. Same way be shot Walt, right between the eyes.”
You swallowed as Ransom took a deep breath, wincing a little as he did. 
“And I don’t regret it. What I do regret is the fact I hurt you, that I…I forced myself on you the way I did. I should have listened and believed you…and I’ll never forgive myself.”
You bowed your head and sighed. Your words stuck to your tongue like glue on a paper. You weakly nodded and lifted your eyes to meet his.
“I know, we never really talked about kids, I just thought it would be something we figured out together along the way. But…I meant what I said.” Ransom licked his lips, “I’ll support you in anyway that you want or need. I’m not expecting you to forgive me for what I did. I don’t expect you to take me back. But, if you wanna keep the baby, I’ll be there for you both. 
“Even if it isn’t yours?” You asked softly. 
As his eyes looked at yours, he blinked slowly. “You know, don’t you?  About me and Steve, how we’re not…”
You nodded. “Why didn’t you tell me?.”
Ransom licked his lips. “I was scared…” He took a deep breath, a grimace on his face. “I should have, but…I was scared that if you knew, you’d want to find out…and then I’d…I don’t know, if I could could…” he shook his head, “So, instead, whilst I still had hope that one day you could forgive me, then…I guess I didn’t want to know. Because whilst I didn’t for sure, then there would be a chance it is mine and for that reason alone I’d be able to love it like it is. But I see…you have a right to. That was wrong of me, and I’m sorry.”
In that split second, as you looked at his battered and bruised face, his eyes filled with remorseful tears, you suddenly realised there and what you wanted.
You didn’t truly understand why, after everything that happened but you did. You loved him, and the simple fact was you’d never love another in the same way. So, if Ransom was willing to go through life bringing up and loving you and your child, a child that may or may not be his, then who were you to stop him? Why would you deny your child a father? And why would you deny yourself the love of a man who you still loved with all your heart.
You didn’t need to know and, moreover, you didn’t want to know. It might be an ultimately selfish decision, but seeing as there hadn’t been a single thing in the shit show that had been your life for the last two months or so that you had been able to control, you were taking this one for yourself.
“I wanna keep it,” you spoke softly. “You’re right, the likelihood is that it is yours. And that’s…that’s good enough for me, if it is for you…”
“Y/N…” Ransom let out a little choked sob, and you sniffed, shushing him gently.
“I want you to be a part of its life.” You took his hand and kissed his knuckles, “and I want you to be a part of my life, too.”
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