#ramona flowers smut
stitched-mouth · 6 months
Being Friends With Benefits With Ramona Flowers…
Pairing: Ramona Flowers x GN! Reader.
Summary: What being FWB with Ramona Flowers would include.
Warnings: Smut, NSFW, FWB, casual sex, mention of semi public sex, this is extremely tame for me.
Format: Kinktober Headcannons, Day 3.
Writing Time: 10 minutes.
Word Count: 276.
Kinktober Day 3!
Back in my Tumblr early days (so like only 2 years ago) I’d write a lot of HCs for SPVSTW like these and they’d do quite well. So I’m hoping I can bring them back maybe? I stopped doing it because I hated the format and lack of detail but I had to no ideas at the time but people still seemed to like it.
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• Being FWB with Ramona would be beyond exciting.
• Like, how could it not be? Ramona is beautiful.
• She is definitely very kinky, so your sex life is never boring.
• I imagine Ramona having the biggest Mommy kink ever.
• Call her Mommy and she will be pulling at both your clothes immediately.
• Ramona doesn’t mind quickies if she’s that horny, so you two have definitely done some semi-public stuff.
• However Ramona does prefer the slow more intimate sessions so you’ll have though too.
• Just so that y’all have time to practice whatever kinks you like.
• But quickies will be the go to with Ramona.
• Especially since you two are just FWB and not actually dating.
• She’s definitely the type to text you that she’s coming over and then show up late with a notebook full of things she wants to try.
• I’d call her a fuck girl.
• You two definitely have sex at least once a day.
• Ramona is usually only there for the sex, but if you need some romance or warming up she is usually more than happy to start slow.
• The sex is better for both you if you’re both comfortable and eager so Ramona will try her best to keep you happy.
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Being Friends With Benefits With Ramona Flowers
Pairing: Ramona Flowers x GN! Reader.
Summary: What being FWB with Ramona Flowers would include.
Warnings: Smut, NSFW, FWB, casual sex, mention of semi public sex, this is extremely tame for me.
Format: Kinktober Headcannons, Day 3.
Writing Time: 10 minutes.
Word Count: 276.
Kinktober Day 3!
Back in my Tumblr early days (so like only 2 years ago) I'd write a lot of HCs for SPVSTW like these and they'd do quite well. So I'm hoping I can bring them back maybe? I stopped doing it because I hated the format and lack of detail but I had to no ideas at the time but people still seemed to like it.
Here is the masterlist for all my Kinktober 2023 works.
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• Being FWB with Ramona would be beyond exciting.
• Like, how could it not be? Ramona is beautiful.
• She is definitely very kinky, so your sex life is never boring.
• I imagine Ramona having the biggest Mommy kink ever.
• Call her Mommy and she will be pulling at both your clothes immediately.
• Ramona doesn't mind quickies if she's that horny, so you two have definitely done some semi-public stuff.
• However Ramona does prefer the slow more intimate sessions so you'll have though too.
• Just so that y'all have time to practice whatever kinks you like.
• But quickies will be the go to with Ramona.
• Especially since you two are just FWB and not actually dating.
• She's definitely the type to text you that she's coming over and then show up late with a notebook full of things she wants to try.
• I'd call her a fuck girl.
• You two definitely have sex at least once a day.
• Ramona is usually only there for the sex, but if you need some romance or warming up she is usually more than happy to start slow.
• The sex is better for both you if you're both comfortable and eager so Ramona will try her best to keep you happy.
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egotisticaleverything · 6 months
Gideon Graves general HC/Drabbles
I’ve been in love with this man since I saw Scott Pilgrim vs the world at age 10 and the animated series has reactivated my attraction to him 🤭
This is unedited and as always NSFW BELOW THE CUT
- Definitely a little selfish at first, kinda just ignoring you in favour of doing producer shit until you finally give him a wake up call by basically dragging him away from his desk and talking to him intervention style.
- he feels bad, I mean considering his past now can he NOT feel bad?
- definitely the type of guy to buy you things as an apology
- “Babe I’m rich I can buy you whatever you want please stop crying”
- you kinda have to teach him how to be emotionally available and how to deal with emotions
- he still overworks himself
- it’s inevitable
- you’ve found him passed out at his desk multiple times
- he won’t say it aloud but he loves when you take care of him
- he’ll eat you out real sloppy style
- he does not care how much your thighs are shaking or how many times you came he will keep going
- sitting next to him in the chaos theatre n he just leans down to quietly whisper the dirtiest shit to you
- he’s a busy guy so multitasking is a big thing aka shower sex
- you crawl under his desk at home while is on the phone and he looks down and mouths “what”
- he didn’t hang up the phone either he was just struggling for his LIFE
- he won’t admit it but he likes when you take charge sometimes
- very much a groaner
- the master of dirty talk he basically has the term trademarked
- little degrading but mostly praise
- “good girl”
- thighs and ass guy for sure
- loves him some tiddies but he has his favourites
- he sees you in dolfin shorts and literally starts drooling
- he’s just like staring for a solid 10 minutes
- you ask if he’s good and he just goes “sit on my face… please” without looking away from your ass
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suzukis-posts · 1 month
𝗛𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗼𝗰𝘂𝗿𝗶𝗼𝘀𝗶𝘁𝘆 - 𝗦𝗖𝗢𝗧𝗧 𝗣𝗜𝗟𝗚𝗥𝗜𝗠
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Heterocurious!Scott Pilgrim x Gay!Male!Reader
𝗔𝗗𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗧𝗘𝗡𝗖𝗜𝗔: Menciones y efectos de alcohol, masturbación mutua, sexo semi público, engaño, NSFW en general.
Mientras los ritmos palpitantes de la música techno resonaban en la casa de Julie, Scott se encontró mirando al hermano mayor de Ramona. Scott estaba on la mirada fija en ti, estabas bebiendo un cóctel rojo brillante. Ligeramente borracho por demasiados brebajes alcohólicos estabas en un mar de hormonas alimentadas por la atmósfera de fiesta.
Scott sintió una atracción desconocida hacia ti, a pesar de ser heterosexual hasta este momento de su vida no podía evitar sentir cierta atracción curiosa hacía tu persona en general. Ramona no estaba a la vista alrededor de Scott, probablemente estaba bebiendo con Kim algo de tequila mexicano, así que no pasó mucho tiempo antes de que sus caminos se cruzaran mientras se abrían paso entre la multitud de personas las cuales estaban bailando música de la época.
── Hola. ── Murmuró Scott suavemente cerca de tu oído, esto debido al volumen de la música mientras se rozaban.
Un sutil olor a perfume barato mezclado con cuerpos sudorosos asaltó las fosas nasales de Scott al acercarse a tu cuerpo con la misma brusquedad. El olor pareció intensificar algún deseo secreto que había estado latente dentro de él. Dudó pero se lanzó hacia adelante de todos modos más cerca de tu cuerpo, aferrándose a una audacia que ni siquiera sabía que existía dentro de él.
── ¿Quieres tomar un poco de aire? Escuché que hay un balcón aquí. ── Un sonrojo apareció en tus mejillas al oír a Scott, la proximidad en la cuál estaba Scott causó cierto cosquilleo en ti.
Asientes vacilante, no sabiendo como sentirte en estos momentos debidos a los efectos del alcohol, sintiendo la inusual atracción de Scott y sin oponerse exactamente a la idea. Ambos subieron una escalera de caracol poco iluminada y adornada con unos pequeños grafitis hasta que finalmente llegaron al balcón donde el aire frío de la noche los recibió.
Los brillantes letreros de neón del centro de Toronto parpadeaban en su periferia mientras se apoyaban en la barandilla de hierro forjado, con los rostros apartados el uno del otro pero sus miradas atraídas hacia ella.
El corazón de Scott latía salvajemente dentro de su pecho como si lo instase a perseguir este anhelo secreto que había estado cargando dentro de su cuerpo. ── Tú... no quiero forzarte a nada, pero... ── Se detuvo sin estar seguro de hasta dónde había llegado. Estaba dispuesto a aventurarse por este curioso camino.
Un suave suspiro escapó de tus labios, ya suponías esta pequeña invitación, murmuras un suave ── Continúa. ── Alentado por esta ligera aceptación de insinuaciones que no deberían ocurrir entre él y tú, comparten un momento de borrachera en una de las fiestas infestadas de Julie, Scott se mostró más audaz.
── Yo simplemente... no puedo alejar mis pensamientos de tí... desde que te vi por primera vez sentí una especie de... sentimiento en mi cuerpo. ── Las palabras flotaron en el aire de la noche mientras Scott sentía que sus mejillas ardían más a cada segundo.
Se sentía realmente confundido, no sabía si debía sentirse bien, mal o aliviado con respecto a su confesión. Scott se consideraba heterosexual y realmente amaba a Ramona pero se sentía realmente extraño o curioso cada vez que te veía.
Se obligó a mirar en tu dirección y observa una mezcla de curiosidad, sorpresa y tal vez incluso emoción parpadeando dentro de tus ojos que parecían tan misteriosos en medio de la tenue iluminación.
Acortas ligeramente la distancia entre él hasta que sus cuerpos están a centímetros de distancia. ── Tal vez... deberíamos intentar algo. Si es que es así como te sientes. ── A pesar de que estabas borracho, ambos eran conscientes de lo electrizante que se sentía esta conexión física.
Scott sintiendo un entusiasmo arrastrándose en tu comportamiento, se acercó aún más hasta que sus labios finalmente se encontraron con tus labios en un suave beso, era suave, cálido y provocativo con la tentación suficiente para avivar aún más sus deseos.
Mientras te inclinabas más profundamente hacia el beso de Scott, una inesperada ola de necesidad lo invadió. Tus manos encontraron su camino alrededor del cuello de Scott y tiraron juguetonamente, una clara señal de que querías más de este extraño afecto cuya mera presencia había provocado hambre secreta en lo más profundo de tu cuerpo.
Sintiéndose envalentonado por la respuesta que estaba recibiendo Scott por tu parte, su pasión se hizo más feroz; sus propias manos se movieron hacia arriba para cubrir la parte posterior de tu cabeza mientras se presionaba más contra ti, vertiendo cada pedacito de deseo en su beso que gradualmente se volvió insaciablemente caliente.
Mientras se alejaban jadeando por respirar, compartieron una mirada rebosante con pensamientos no expresados, pensamientos que prometían mucho más que una simple conexión fugaz.
No sabías como sentirte al respecto, sabías que Scott estaba saliendo con tu hermana Ramona pero él sentía esta curiosidad por el deseo de experimentar contigo.
Querías más y él también.
La electricidad entre ambos se intensificó, dejándolos ansiosos por explorar más.
Sin ningún reconocimiento verbal, te inclinas más cerca del oído de Scott, tu aliento era cálido y embriagador mientras susurrabas sensualmente. ── Quiero mostrarte algo.
Llevas a Scott de la mano hacia una de las habitaciones vacías de Julie. La habitación estaba llena de cojines, débilmente iluminados por la luz parpadeante; era perfecto para lo que tenías en mente.
Te hundes sobre una pila de cojines de felpa antes de tirar de Scott a tu lado hasta que estuvieron muslo con muslo. Sus ojos se encontraron con los tuyos, rebosantes de lujuria cruda que ahora era inconfundible.
Los ojos de Scott recorrieron tu cuerpo, deteniéndose en la suave extensión de piel revelada por tu camiseta ligeramente desordenada. No pudo evitar sentir un anhelo tácito por lo que había debajo de esos jeans tuyos, un deseo que sabía que no debería existir entre tú y él.
Como si leyeras sus pensamientos, frotas suavemente el muslo de Scott; la caricia provocadora lo hizo estremecerse de deseo mientras enviaba una ráfaga de calor recorriendo sus venas. Scott gimió suavemente cuando tu mano se movió por encima de su muslo, el calor que irradiaba lo hizo desear más contacto. Se acercó y dudó por una fracción de segundo antes de pasar delicadamente sus dedos a lo largo de la suave curva de tu cadera de a través del material de mezclilla que la cubría, una tentadora vista previa de lo que realmente quería sentir contra su piel.
El corazón de Scott latía salvajemente mientras sus dedos se deslizaban hacia abajo, finalmente enganchándose debajo de la cintura de tus jeans. La sensación de tu cálida piel suave contra su palma lo hizo gemir profundamente, una acción que te llevó a inclinarte y besarlo apasionadamente mientras acercabas a Scott a tu brazo.
Tus manos comenzaron a vagar libremente sobre el cuerpo del otro con un hambre voraz que rayaba en la desesperación; La ropa se descartaba sin ningún cuidado real por la discreción, a medida que se perdían cada vez más en sus crecientes pasiones.
Scott se encontró deleitando con la vista de tu pecho, tus contornos brillando bajo la luz de la ligera luz que emitía la lámpara. Scott, sin mucho apuro, pasó sus dedos por tu hebras de cabello húmedo que cubrían tu ligero rostro sudado antes de arrastrar sus manos hacia tus abdominales que temblaban con cada respiración entrecortada.
Te acercas aún más a Scott, juntando sus cuerpos ligeramente desnudos. El intenso calor generado por la excitación de Scott era innegable ahora, prácticamente quemó el aire a su alrededor mientras Scott se apoyaba contra tu cuerpo. Como si estuvieran controlados por alguna fuerza invisible, sus dedos comenzaron a explorar más hacia abajo hasta que alcanzaron el objetivo final del deseo: tu erección ya endurecida que se liberó de tu prisión de mezclilla y se frotó con entusiasmo contra la propia longitud hinchada de Scott.
Con un gemido de placer que sonó casi de dolor, Scott bajó la cabeza para succionar uno de tus pezones tensos, su boca lo reclamaba con tal necesidad y urgencia que no pudo evitar imaginar cuánto mejor sabría.
Dejas escapar un suspiro tembloroso cuando la lengua de Scott pasó por tu pezón provocativamente antes de envolverlo por completo. Arqueas tu espalda ante el tacto, sintiendo una explosión de placer dispararse directamente a tu ingle, donde ambos miembros se frotaban entre sí en círculos rítmicos; cada frote iba acompañada de un gemido que escapaba desde lo más profundo del interior de Scott.
El olor a sudor mezclado con almizcle llenó el aire entre ambos mientras sus caderas se frotaban implacablemente una contra la otra buscando una fricción que acercara aún más ambos clímax. Scott no pudo resistir más: sus manos se movieron aún más abajo hasta que se envolvieron alrededor de tu duro eje, mientras su pulgar acariciaba la sensible hendidura en tu punta.
Un escalofrío recorrió tu espalda mientras echabas la cabeza hacia atrás con un jadeo de éxtasis, entregándote por completo a este acto salvaje de lujuria apasionada.
Tu propia mano encontró su camino hacia la palpitante longitud de Scott que pulsaba ansiosamente contra tí, tus dedos se entrelazaron y comenzaron a moverse juntos en un ritmo cada vez más frenético que reflejaba sus corazones acelerados.
A medida que se perdían más en este abrazo desinhibido, lleno sólo de un deseo puro por los cuerpos del otro, ambos pudieron sentir algo sorprendente creciendo en lo más profundo de ellos: una explosión esperando justo en el borde antes de derramarse como una fuerza incontrolable que ninguno de los dos había experimentado nunca en el exterior. Sus propias fantasías solitarias hasta esta noche bajo el techo de Julie, muy por encima de las luces de la ciudad de Toronto que parpadean muy por debajo de ellos.
Scott jadeó bruscamente cuando su orgasmo estalló repentinamente con tal ferocidad que amenazó con consumirlo por completo. Agarró tu eje con más fuerza, acercando tu erección contra él mientras chorros de esperma caliente estallaban en cuerdas que pintaban sus cuerpos y cojines a su alrededor, un testimonio de la cruda pasión que los había llevado a ambos al límite en un bruma de puro éxtasis.
Un segundo después, sientes una rigidez en respuesta, gimiendo fuerte mientras derramabas tu propia semilla sobre la mano y el abdomen de Scott mientras enterrabas tu rostro profundamente en el cuello de Scott, jadeando pesadamente como si acabaras de correr una maratón.
Cuando su respiración comenzó a disminuir, Scott se acercó suavemente a tu cuerpo apoyándose cómodamente en una de tus extremidades sudorosas; Se sentía como si acabaran de compartir una experiencia mucho más intensa que la que cualquier simple acto físico podría ofrecer. Con un suspiro de satisfacción, Scott acarició con sus dedos tu cabello húmedos de tu cabeza, un pequeño gesto de afecto que parecía perfectamente adecuado para el tierno momento en el que se encontraban atrapados.
Mientras Scott miraba tu rostro sonrojado, no pudo evitar desear más. El deseo que se había desatado entre tú y él era ahora más fuerte que nunca; quería probar cada centímetro tu cuerpo desnudo y enterrarse profundamente dentro de él, reclamándolo de la manera más íntima posible. Tomando suavemente tu nuca, Scott bajó la cabeza y devoró tu boca en un beso ardiente lleno de hambre cruda; su lengua se hundió ansiosamente para explorar cada grieta hasta que ambos quedaron sin aliento.
Scott se apartó ligeramente del beso, mirándote a los ojos con una intensidad que no dejaba lugar a malas interpretaciones.
── Te necesito. ── Susurró Scott con voz ronca mientras sus manos comenzaban a recorrer tu cuerpo una vez más, esta vez trazando un camino hacia tus muslos extendidos ante él.
No pudo resistir más; Agachándose con cuidado sobre sus rodillas entre tus piernas, se inclinó hacia adelante para presionar un suave beso contra tu erección palpitante que todavía goteaba semen y deseo. Con una mano alrededor de él suavemente, Scott te mira través de párpados pesados llenos de intención lujuriosa mientras murmuraba seductoramente ── Déjame montarte...
Respiras hondo ante la petición de Scott, tus ojos brillaban de deseo mientras contemplabas la hermosa vista que se desarrollaba ante ti. Incapaz de resistir más, lentamente abres más las piernas mientras te levantabas ligeramente, una invitación que Scott no podía ignorar.
Subiendo suavemente a bordo, Scott se colocó entre tus muslos hasta que ambos miembros rozaban ligeramente; Por un momento vertiginoso, simplemente se miraron el uno al otro, perdidos en un intenso intercambio de deseo y anticipación antes de finalmente Scott se alineará, listo para montarte. Ambos suentan un gemido de satisfacción.
Cuando sus cuerpos se fusionaron, Scott comenzó a montarte a un ritmo lento que fue ganando velocidad constantemente a medida que sus caderas se movían más y más rápido. El placer fue abrumador: recorrió cada nervio con sensaciones exquisitas que nunca quiso que terminaran. Gimió profundamente mientras se hundía más en tu erección enterrada dentro de él; apretándolo con fuerza, queriendo más de lo que se sentía tan increíblemente bien.
Tus dedos se clavaron en la cintura de Scott mientras lo observas moverse encima de ti; su propio clímax ya se estaba construyendo constantemente. ── Mierda, sí... móntame más rápido... ── Jadeas y gruñes con voz ronca, tu voz estaba llena de deseo crudo que coincidía con cada movimiento de Scott.
Cada vez más cerca del borde del éxtasis, Scott comenzó a empujar aún más rápido hasta que su piel se unió húmedamente a la tuya en una embriagadora mezcla de sudor y arousal a su alrededor como una niebla sensual.
── A-Ah~ _______, mmm.. más r-rápido... ── El orgasmo de Scott se estrelló sobre él con tal fuerza que lo dejó momentáneamente sin aliento, cada músculo de su cuerpo se apretó con fuerza alrededor de ti, ordeñandolo con fuerza hasta que otra ola de placer lo invadió y estalló una vez más, cubriendo ambos.
El abdomen de Scott estaba cubierto por su propio esperma caliente. Perdido en esta neblina eufórica, Scott se desplomó sobre ti enterrando su rostro profundamente en el hueco de tu cuello mientras su corazón latía salvajemente al igual que el tuyo, conectados no solo por el deseo sino también por algo más profundo, más crudo; algo que desafiaba cualquier intento de explicación.
Aunque sabía que esto no era más que un fugaz encuentro en la fiesta de Julie y podría haber sido fruto de la lujuria alimentada por el alcohol, por ahora, ambos chicos estaban perdidos en esta burbuja donde los deseos habían chocado y entrelazado de manera tan inesperada.
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mercedesvince · 1 year
Hello I’m Vince!!
I am a writer who is open to writing requests for x reader
Just a heads up that English is not my first language so apologies for any grammar or wrong use of words :(
This is meant to be a blog for x male or non-binary x readers
I will not write for female readers as of now (but might change in future)
I will only write for series listed below
no smut (I am not comfortable with that)
There are characters listed below underage, all characters will at least be aged up to teenagers, but even so I will only go as far as kissing
I will not write any sort of NSFW for any character under 18 (what i mean when i say NSFW I mean in a sexual way, things like cussing or slight violence I can do)
I can write angst, fluff or both
If you see a mistake in my writing please inform me on it so I can improve in future :)
If i missed a TW or you notice something i should let the readers know before reading PLEASE let me know, i’d hate for someone to be negatively affected by my writing
Please be nice and respect everybody and there wishes!!
(If there is a character I have missed that is not on the list for a specific series and you would like a x reader for please ask and I will let you know whether or not I can write for them :))
South Park
Stan Marsh
Kyle Broflovski
Kenny McCornmick
Eric Cartman
Tolkien Black
Wendy Testaburger
Bebe Stevens
Heidi Turner
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
Emily Prentis
Jason Gideon
Jennifer Jareau
Penelope Garcia
David Rossi
Elle Greenaway
Matthew Simmons
Like Alvez
Kate Callahan
Tara Lewis
Sam Cooper
Gina LaSalle
Beth Griffin
Jonathan Simms
Mick Rawson
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World
Scott Pilgrim
Ramona Flowers
Envy Adams
Knives Chau
Kim Pine
Julie Powers
Wallace Wells
Lucas lee
Gideon Graves
Matthew Patel
Todd Ingram
Young Neil
Roxy Ritcher
Stacy Pilgrim
Stephen Stills
My Hero Academia
Disclaimer I have not watched the series recently, so I do not have everything up to date and can only write up to season 4 :(
Anyone from Class 1A
Anyone from Class 1B
Any Pro Hereos
Any Villians
Mirio Togata
Nejire Hado
Tamaki Amajiki
Saiki K.
Kusuo Saiki
Shun Kaido
Aren Kuboyasu
Aiura Mikoto
Kokomo Teruhashi
Reita Tortisuka
Riki Nendo
Kineshi Hairo
Chiyo Yumehara
Metori Saiko
Chisato Mera
Hunter X Hunter
Disclaimer I am only caught up on the series not the manga
Gon Freecss
Killua Zoldyck
Leorio Paradinight
Hisoka Morrow
Chrollo Lucifer
Any Phantom Troupe Memebers
Ging Freecss
Any Zodiac members
April O’neil
Stranger Things
Mike Wheeler
Will Byers
Dustin Henderson
Lucas Sinclair
Max mayfield
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Nancy Wheeler
Robin Buckley
Jonathan Byers
Disclaimer I have been trying my best to see the second movie but I have only managed to watch the first so I can only write for things relevant in the first movie :(
Stanley Uris
Ben Hanscom
Beverly Marsh
Bill Denbrough
Richie Tozier
Eddie Kaspbrak
Miles Morales (earth 1610 & earth 42)
Gwen Stacy
Peter B. Parker
Jessica Drew
Miguel O’hara
Hobie Brown
Pavitr Prabhakar
Spider Noir
Penny Parker
This Masterlist includes all works i’ve written on this blog so far!
That is all for now! Thank you so much for reading and feel free to request, I am new to tumblr so please feel free to let me know if I need to add or be more specific on something :))
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summeriseternal · 5 months
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Hello ❀
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ zena or z
🏖️accepting requests rn! she/her, 15, infp-t, always unmotivated, blur, gorillaz, weyes blood, jeff buckley, ethel cain, laufey, beabadoobee, the smith's, wave to earth. lame kid, madly in love with women, hufflepuff , diagnosed kid of apollo, dead poets society<3, whimsigoth, sleepy, smart orange cat owner. I don't just write for girls
Overall really cool
Where to find me;
What I won't write;
!! smut
!! big age gaps
!! death( I can't do it okay 😭)
Fandoms and characters I will write for;
Harry Potter(I do not at all support J.K Rowling 🤢)
𖦹 luna lovegood
𖦹 ron wesley
𖦹 neville longbottom
Scott Pilgrim vs the world
𖦹 ramona flowers
𖦹 kim pine
𖦹 knives chau
Riordanverse (pjo, hoo, toa)
𖦹 percy jackson
𖦹 annabeth chase
𖦹 leo valdez
𖦹 hazel levesque
𖦹 frank zhang
𖦹 piper mclean
𖦹 jason grace
(I won't write nico or will)
Extra character!!
𖦹 Todd Anderson
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mittenslist · 6 months
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no 1
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scott pilgrim
ramona flowers
kim pine
robin buckley
nancy wheeler
smut included
there will be warnings that there is kinks, some might be freaky and intentional to offend any.
amity blight
luz noceda
willow park
no smut included
these are minors, still even if there was a timeskip i don’t think dana would be comfortable with it, so no smut. there is only fluff, thank you.
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lonelystargirl133 · 2 years
☆ About Me ☆
About LonelyStarGirl13!!
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me: victoria. writer. reader. shifter. daydreamer. lover of green. obsessed with fictional men. annoying irl. sorta dumb. art museums are the best. fred weasley’s wife. newt scamander’s love. theseus scamander’s darling. smut writer. daryl dixon’s dream. 
general info: victoria. eighteen. white. american. she/her. enfp. aquarius. bisexual. over dramatic drama queen. talks too much.
Likes: writing. reading. shifting. harry potter. criminal minds. american horror story. tom hardy. dilfs in general. daydreaming. bats. hair dye. piercings. tattoos. fred weasley. spencer reid. peter pan. ramona flowers. rodrick heffley. beth harmon. kat stradford. scott pilgrim. kuropi. juno. rocky horror picture show.
Dislikes: my family. homophobes. rascists. school. socializing. 
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anasweetlywrites · 3 years
Fanfics / Imagines recommendation list - Part 2
Since I'm cleaning up the stuffs I've been liking here I also thought about making of blog with fanfics I like and recommend so whenever I'll want to read again I can tap the link and other people can discover them as well instead of scrolling and scrolling...
Warning !!! : smut,fluff,angst . All of them are x reader.
The tag limit its 50 people I’ll make multiple parts~ But this time I don’t think I reached that number in this part.
Part 1 : Bucky , Zemo, Benedict, Steve , Stucky , Sebastian Stan, Chris Evans
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Loki finding out about reader’s birthday @saberdeity
For dirty whispers in case you didn’t find their blog yet @lokis-dirty-whispers
POV: you're secretly dating your history(or english) professor, loki laufeyson. @ramona-thorns
All of these made by @clandestineloki
Coming Home to Loki After A Bad Day Would Include...
loki realizes his s/o has never received aftercare
Just The Touch Of Your Love
Softer (NSFW)
coming home to find you asleep in lingerie (nsfw)
Next To You
My Darling Dove
Before and After
I’m sure most of you know about Bee’s works @shiningloki . I’ve read almost all her one shots and I hope I’ll be able to make enough time to read /finish reading her series too.
Late-night cravings  @maiden-of-asgard
Head-cannon: Loki finds out you’ve been trying to learn asgardian for him @multifandombitch666
His Shirt @anonymousfiction211
in charge @earlgreydream
Nothing would make me happier @the-emo-asgardian
Loki xxx Pollen @mrsaugustwalker
Wrong room @lokiskitten
happy place @umbrae-in-nive
Sweet Dom @imagine-loki
A Small Crime   @fadingfics
Driven to Distraction @grufflepuff-writes-stuff
Stop & Smell the Flowers @bellesque​
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Tony Stark
Monday mornings @agustdowney
Power outage @mostly-marvel-musings
Kiss @mostly-marvel-musings
All of these by @another-stark-sub
Your Name
Til Next Semester
Silver Fox
Having a one night stand with Tony
using your safe word for the first time with Tony
Pinned Down
Stress @disasterofastory
Sorry I guess I’m picky or... anyway enjoy if I will find more I’ll add them in the next part/parts.
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stitched-mouth · 9 months
Day 3 and 4 are done y’all
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Spoiler alert; Both are SPVSTW related.
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Smoking With Ramona Flowers and Kim Pines
Pairing: Kim Pines x GN! Reader, Ramona Flowers x GN! Reader.
Warnings: Weed/ Drug use. Ramona's part is nsfw. Just mentions of sex whilst high on weed.
Summary: Smoking with Kim and Ramona (separately) would include...
Writing Time: 20 minutes.
Word Count: 498.
Ayyy! I DID save one of my spvstw works from my last blog! Just this one though, I think. RIP to my other 30 spvstw works.
Surprised I wrote this clearly (I think) considering how tired I am. Enjoy!
Kim Pines
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• Kim is a usual weed smoker.
• All her friends are as well.
• Sex-Bomb absolutely writes songs and rehearse whilst baked.
• I bet it was a high Stephen Still who came up with the band name.
• If you go with Kim to any of these things or she smokes at home and you're coming, she'll warn you first.
• Just so you're not thrown into it, can avoid it if you don't like and to prevent peer pressure from her shitty band.
• But in this scenario you're all for it and you and Kim smoke a lot together.
• It's usually quite sweet when it's just the two of you.
• Causes some random high talk and munchies.
• But also a lot of cuddling and falling asleep in each other's arms.
• Kim is often quite loving and tender with you but it's a whole lot more when she's smoked.
• You two have definitely had a few emotional moments too whilst high.
• I imagine a few Breakfast Club circle scenes with just two of you after smoking and the weed possibly wearing off.
• Kim has definitely cried during these moments.
• Usually about how much she loves you and is scared of losing you.
Ramona Flowers
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• Like Kim, Ramona smoke quite often too.
• But I wouldn't say as much.
• Maybe only at parties or group hang outs.
• And if you go with Ramona to these things, she'll always forget to tell you there will be weed.
• Sorry to those who don't smoke or need a warning first, you won't get any of that with Ramona.
• If you want to just smoke together just the two of you, you'll have to ask her.
• May or may not say no depending on the occasion and how she feels in the moment.
• When you and Ramona smoke together it's usually a lot of laughing and eating.
• Also some nsfw.
• I imagine high Ramona being horny af.
• Tbh, Ramona is horny af all the time but even more so when she smokes.
• If you're into it then y'all definitely have sex right there.
• But if you're not down, Ramona will probably fuck off as soon as she realises she's not getting anything.
• Just so she can relief herself, not cause she's mad at you.
• And y’all probably smoke together again and the same thing will happen.
• Ramona doesn't going smoke with you planning to have sex but she's always prepared for it.
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cuntypyramidhead · 2 years
Characters I’ll write for
My hero academia
Izuku Midoriya
Katsuki Bakugo
Shoto Todoroki 
Ochaco Uraraka
Momo Yaoyorozu
Denki Kaminari
Ejiro Kirishima
All Might
Present Mic
The big 3
Tamaki Amajiki
Nejire Hado
Mirio Togato
Himiko Toga
All for one
Tomura Shigaraki
Deadman Wonderland
Ganta Igarashi
Five Nights at Freddy’s
Fnaf 1
Fnaf 2
Toy bonnie
Toy Chica
Toy Freddy
Withered Foxy
Withered Freddy
Withered Bonnie
Security Breach
Glamrock Freddy
Glamrock Chica
Daycare attendant (Sun, Moon)
Springtrap (Fnaf 3 or sb)
Michael Afton
William Afton
Attack on titan
Hange Zoe
Death Note
Seven deadly sins
Angels of death
Isaac Foster
Abraham Gray
Scott Pilgrim 
Ramona Flowers
The Riddler (Gotham)
Zsasz (Gotham)
Harley Quinn (DC)
Scarecrow (DC)
John Doe (MortisFox)
What I don’t write:
Smut (Maybe one day)
Character x Characters
What I will write:
X reader
Somewhat specific stuff
Tw: Self harm, eating disorders and mental illnesses. (It won’t be pro anything, just comfort and how the characters will react. I will always put a trigger warning.)
Headcannons, one-shots, possibly a series
Other important things to mention
All characters I write for will be over 18, which means I might have to change the story of certain characters. (For example; Students in 1A will be pro heroes.)
Feel free to dm me if you would like to discuss anything, or to send in a more specific request.
It may take me a while to write some things as I can be quite busy and lazy. 
I have the right to not accept requests if they make me uncomfortable or if I don’t feel like it.
I plan on adding more characters eventually, so you can give me ideas if you want.
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zodiyack · 4 years
Stranger Things Masterlist
Back to Masterlist 
Prompt List One / Prompt List Two / Smut Prompts  | Send Me Requests and/or feedback!
★ = smut
⋆ = presmut
♡ = fluff
☁ = angst/violence
☠ = death
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Stranger Things as things my friends my friends have said
Stranger Things as things my boyfriend has said
Billy Hargrove
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Series ~
Catching Feelings ☁ ♡ (Warnings may vary) (Incomplete) (On Hold)
The new guy can get to every girl except for Y/n, and he’s determined to change that. But one drunken accident resulted in the two of them sleeping together, as well as some bubbly giggles and confessions from Y/n. Maybe that was all it took to get THE Billy Hargrove to change. Just maybe.
Trailer. Prologue. Part One.
Billy Hargrove VS The World (Scott Pilgrim Vs the World AU) (Warnings Vary) (Incomplete)
Simple au, Scott Pilgrim goes after Ramona... but let’s shake things up. Billy goes after Y/n. A simple...well, not so simple girl, with “some serious battle scars dude.” Can he take on her “battle scars”? Or will they shut him down once and for all?
Part one. Part two. Part three. Part four. Part five. Part six. Part seven
Song Fics ~
True Colors - Cyndi Lauper ☁ ♡
Rude - Magic! (3,000+ follower special!! 1/3)   ☁ ♡
Fics and More ~
Dancing With You ♡
Billy is left home alone with nothing to do due to the rain outside, but when he hears a noise that bugs him, he decides to investigate, leading to the discovery of something beautiful
Christmas Special | Taking Billy To See Christmas Lights ♡
Billy doesn’t really do much on Christmas, so when his girlfriend talks about a Christmas surprise, he has some…ideas, but what really happens brings joyful laughs and moments to the couple.
A Very Random Valentines Day Special  ⋆ ♡
I did this with Tommy Shelby! As said, very random.
Happy Easter, Baby ♡ ☁
An Easter special while I write. Please read the note!!
Dinner With The Law ♡ ☁
Billy’s dating Hopper’s other daughter, Y/n, and when Eleven accidentally reveals Y/n is spoken for, Hopper demands to meet the “lucky guy”. Billy Hargrove wasn’t exactly who he had in mind.
Robin Buckley
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Fics And More ~
A Day At Scoops ♡
(Requested) Robin brings her girlfriend to visit while she works, and unfortunately, the girl doesn’t care much for warnings. Wet floor signs are no exception.
Steve Harrington
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Fics and More~
Man Of My Dreams ☁ ♡
(Request) I guess a good way to describe this is- Ever seen 50 First Dates? (if not, it’s an AU where reader has Anterograde Amnesia and remembers everything up to the point where she lost her memory, so after she meets Steve for the first time, she meets him again and again and again...for the first time.)
Adventures In Babysitting (500+ Follower Special) ☁ ♡
Steven and Henderson!reader are missing out on a date to take care of Dustin. So, feeling slightly guilty, Dustin finds a way to make up for it by making it fun again.
Nancy Wheeler
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(No fics yet, but feel free to request when requests happen to be open!)
Jonathan Byers
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Song Fics ~
Should I Stay Or Should I Go - The Clash ☁ ♡
Eddie Munson
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Head Cannons ~
PDA (The Headcannons)  ♡
Licking Eddie’s happy trail  ★
Song Fics ~
Separate Ways - Journey  ♡ ☁
Fics And More ~
Drug Date  ♡
Requested: Eddie and Y/n Henderson seem to be in the same place multiple times, Eddie getting too close for Dustin’s comfort. He assumes the worst when the infamous drug dealing freak drives off with Y/n in the middle of the night, but is met with a whole different situation
PDA (The Fic)  ♡
Requested: Eddie and Y/N are shameless about showing their affection, no matter the setting.
Flowers  ♡
Requested: Eddie was too shy to confess his feelings for his childhood crush and neighbor, until it was too late and she moved away just before highschool started. Ever since, the super senior has been haunted by her memory...but as his birthday draws near, it appears as though she never forgot him either.
Fingers  ★
Requested: based on a tiktok where guy is pretty much f!ngering his gf so fast he breaks his fingers
Your Type  ☁
Requested: Eddie and a cheerleader are dating, but when his friends ask about her, he says she’s not his type. Little does he know, she saw and heard the whole thing.
Your Type II  ☁
- Part two. (Inspired by “I Really F**ked It Up” - GIRLI) Can Eddie get her to forgive him?
Pick Up Lines  ♡
Requested: Dustin is absolutely disgusted and disappointed with Eddie and his sister. First they were just touchy, then they were annoying, touchy, and had horrible pick up lines.
Loosen Up A Little  ☁
Requested: Eddie goes to the beach with Y/N (GN!). At first hes super not into it, but he warms up to the place in no time, he just needed to Loosen Up A Little.
Coughing Fits
Requested: FTM!Reader is smoking with Eddie, when he suddenly begins to cough violently. Eddie is scared shitless, meanwhile, Y/N is just trying to get some water
Dear Diary  ★
Requested: Eddie’s best friend has a diary, which he finds, and in said diary, he discovers her love for him. Y/n comes home and Eddie shows her his feelings about her own.
A Shoulder To Lean On  ♡
Requested: Y/N has a PTSD flashback, and Eddie comforts her.
My Dancing Queen  ♡ 
Requested: Eddie swears he’d never play Dancing Queen, despite it being Y/N’s favorite song, but when she gets possessed by Vecna, he has to break that promise he made to himself.
But This Is Eddie  ♡ ☁
Requested: Eddie is an oblivious mess when his girlfriend gets jealous. She isn’t subtle about it either.
Henry Creel / 001 / Vecna / Peter Ballard
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(No fics yet, but feel free to request when requests happen to be open!)
Alexei Smirnoff
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Fics And More ~
Operation Ghost
(Request) Alexei survived, was taught English by Murray, and did his ghostly duty to finish his unfinished business.
Jim Hopper
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(No fics yet, but feel free to request when requests happen to be open!)
Joyce Byers
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Fics and More ~
Lunch ♡
Young/Teen!Joyce and (Gender neutral)Y/n eat lunch under the stairs, Y/n subtly confesses their crush.
 Dmitri Antonov
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(No fics yet, but feel free to request when requests happen to be open!)
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stitched-mouth · 8 months
requesting Kim Pine and Ramona Flowers smoking weed headcanons w/ gn!reader
Smoking Weed With Kim Pine & Ramona Flowers
Pairing: Kim Pines x GN! Reader, Ramona Flowers x GN! Reader (separate).
Warnings: Weed/ Drug use. Ramona’s part is nsfw. Just mentions of sex whilst high on weed.
Summary: Smoking with Kim and Ramona (separately) would include…
Writing Time: 20 minutes.
Word Count: 504.
Format: Headcannons.
Surprised I wrote this clearly (I think) considering how tired I am. I hope that it’s clear that despite the way I write Ramona, I do like her. She’s just not a good person.
Kim Pines
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• Kim is usual weed smoker.
• All her friends are as well.
• Sex-Bomb absolutely writes songs and rehearse whilst baked.
• I bet it was a high Stephen Still who came up with the band’s name (I can’t remember if there is any canon story to the band’s name).
• If you go with Kim to any of these things or she smokes at home and you’re coming, she’ll warn you first.
• Just so you’re not thrown into it, can avoid it if you don’t like and to prevent peer pressure from her shitty band.
• But in this scenario you’re all for it and you and Kim smoke a lot together.
• It’s usually quite sweet when it’s just the two of you.
• Causes some random high talk and munchies.
• But also a lot of cuddling and falling asleep in each other’s arms.
• Kim is often quite loving and tender with you but it’s a whole lot more when she’s smoked.
• You two have definitely had a few emotional moments too whilst high.
• I imagine a few Breakfast Club circle scenes with just two of you after smoking and the weed possibly wearing off.
• Kim has definitely cried during these moments.
• Usually about how much she loves you and is scared of losing you.
Ramona Flowers
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• Like Kim, Ramona smoke quite often too.
• But I wouldn’t say as much.
• Maybe only at parties or group hang outs.
• And if you go with Ramona to these things, she’ll always forget to tell you there will be weed.
• Sorry to those who don’t smoke or need a warning first, you won’t get any of that with Ramona.
• If you want to just smoke together just the two of you, you’ll have to ask her.
• May or may not say no depending on the occasion and how she feels in the moment.
• When you and Ramona smoke together it’s usually a lot of laughing and eating.
• Also some nsfw.
• I imagine high Ramona being horny af.
• Tbh, Ramona is horny af all the time but even more so when she smokes.
• If you’re into it then y’all definitely have sex right there.
• But if you’re not down, Ramona will probably fuck off as soon as she realises she’s not getting anything.
• Just so she can relief herself, not cause she’s mad at you.
• And hall probably smoke together again and the same thing will happen.
• Ramona doesn’t going smoke with you planning to have sex but she’s always prepared for it.
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stitched-mouth · 3 years
Hey could you please do headcanons for being married to ramona flowers please? (unlikely o know but💞)
Marrying Ramona Flowers
Warnings: Sexual references but no smut.
Featuring; Ramona Flowers.
Notes: This was a pretty cute request. I hope you like it! I hope you don’t mind the sex part, but if you do you can skip it. I put lines to section the sexual part so you can avoid it if you want to.
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• Wow, I’m impressed.
• You got Ramona Flowers to marry you?
• That is certainly a big achievement.
• Mostly because Ramona doesn’t believe in marriage.
• Her belief in true love definitely lacks quite a lot so it’s only natural that her belief in marriage would do too.
• Wanna know her thoughts? Well here we go...
- “Why would any sane person stress themselves out so much by planning such an expensive one day event?”
- “Do they realise that they will probably never wear that million dollar dress again?’
- “Or that nobody will finish that massive 3 tier cake?”
- “Also do they know that literally nobody cares?”
• Good luck trying to convince her otherwise.
• Eventually when you finally make her agree to it, there are rules.
- Only a small wedding, with only close friends and family.
- Ramona will absolutely not dye her hair back or to another natural colour.
- Watch her dye it pink on your wedding day.
- She won’t wear heels, just because she can’t be bothered to.
- And no big poofy dress.
• Imagine that, your pink-haired bride walks down the aisle in pink converses and a white but skin tight and extremely short dress.
• It doesn’t even reach her knees.
• Oooh, how scandalous!
• Well it’s only close friends and family so I doubt they’ll care too much.
• You may get a few snide comments but nothing Ramona’s hammer can’t handle.
• You and Ramona go to Vanice for your honeymoon.
• Why? Idk. Ramona wanted to go or something...
• Ramona maybe a little lazy at times but walking around and exploring is something she absolutely loves, so you’ll be doing that for a lot of your vacation.
• I hope you like walking too because your legs are going to be very tired after.
• And not just from walking.
• When you’re not walking, you’re having sex.
• Yep. There will be lots of sex on you and Ramona’s honeymoon.
• The very first thing she packed was lingerie.
• And sex toys.
• But anyway, marrying Ramona would be a good decision.
• She loves you dearly and only wants to ensure your happiness.
• She has difficulty expressing her feelings sometimes so getting married might make it a little bit easier for her.
• Marriage doesn’t usually bring out the best in people, but for Ramona it will.
• She will calm down a little and start to understand yours and her own feelings a lot better.
• Ramona would make an amazing wife, both loving,caring and loyal.
• Congratulations 😁👍
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