#ragnarok stories
carmasi · 11 months
Mercenary for hire chapter 16- part 2
While I’m posting My as well come with the next part, this only have  2 part didn’t see it fit to have 3 
He stepped out of the guild where his teacher and master awaited him with arms crossed, the heavy cling of the clothe he now worn sound with each step, he looked up at his master’s violet eyes whom look back at him with a email 
“Good job Wrightstone” 
Killian looked over his hand still not believing he was able to pass his chivalry test this time, thinking back at how stupid he must’ve been back when he was a teen, or just how damaged he must have been not to care about anyone for himself. 
“Thanks…” Killian replied in awe, as he brought his hand up into a fist  not yet.. But a little closer. He felt the hand of his tutor hook his neck and he almost fell over.
“Alright let's celebrate!” Allen cheered, and  Killian managed to get away. It had become a habit of his teacher to hook him up like that. He tried to fix his hair as he pulled back, he had listened to his teacher’s wife and gotten it cute, and away from his silver eyes. He didn't’ have a way to covered his scared face, but Lily had said his eyes where his best featured. 
 “Don’t go overboard, I still have a long way to go”
Allen huffed, and crossed his arms above his chest “ You really can’t be thinking of taking off to become a Lord Knight so soon, what’s the rush?” Allen brow raise and Killian silver eyes looked up at the sky where the sun shine bright  
“The sun doesn’t wait for no one, so I got to move”
Allen chuckled, he didn’t know why but the man had been making way too many references to the sun in the last couple weeks. 
“Alright then, let's get back to the training ground , I’d like to reach out to my mentor so we can get you settle” 
Kyrius was prompt up on her desk at her Prontera home, while going over some of her most recently acquired books, the mage guild had sent her a request for translation and she wasn’t thrilled about it. It wasn’t because she hated the job, she welcomed any request that was made of her from any guild, but this one was written in a language that was hard for her to grasp. 
She tried to reach out to some of her friends to help, but they were all occupied with other matters.  She played with the plume on her finger as she paid a little too much time to specific runes she couldn’t make out. A  cup of tea was place on the side of the desk and she looked up to find her familiar 
“You needn't lose yourself in work, you have bags under your eyes” Kyrius looked into his crimson eyes and saw worry in them. Before she grabbed a compact mirror she kept it on her desk.  “You needn't lie to get me to stop working” she restored as she put the compact down. The incubus almost but growled at her reposed, he was a little over protective of her at times
“I know you’re just worried , But I’m okay. My head’s been all over the place lately and I am having a hard time concentrating.. Can you send a word to my mother? I'll be needing access to the castle library.. There is  just a couple Runes I can’t seem to recognize” 
Chase nodded and with a swift motion he disappeared into the shadows. She knew her incubus would reach her mother faster than any courier she sent their way, which meant  she would have access by this afternoon at the latest.  Kyrius made sure she gathered what she needed and ready herself.  Her hair was prompted up in a ponytail with strands of braids that were tight from the front to the back and  her usual braided crown across her head. 
She made it to the castle. She wanted to finish this job as soon as she could, part of her didn’t mind it, but another part of her wanted to leave and go somewhere, where she didn’t have the constant reminder,  the constant looming desire to go find him. To show up at the mercenary’s guild and ask for him. He’d been gone since that day, and no one had heard from him. At least no at the guild
Within no less than an hour she got word back from her incubus, her mother was at the library for once, which was actually perfect for what she needed to confirm. So Kyrius made her way to the castle and once there she walked through the halls and into the double doors that  lead to the Castle library. 
“Hello Ms Keeper”  one of the guards greeted, she greeted back. 
“I’m here to see my mother” The guard looked at the woman up and down, the glimmer on his eyes evidently. She was used to those stares, they had scared her once, they had made her feel like an odd creature, made her retreat into a shell before. But she grew into those looks now, she grew used to the eyes that wondered her figure those who always saw her for the beautiful thing she was, and not the warlock in front of them.
 “My mother?” she asked again and the guard had to cough himself into reality.
“Oh right, Ms Lily is at the training guard, Sir Allen mentioned something about a celebration” 
Kyrius tilted her head to the side and blinked in surprise. She was used to her mother waiting for her to arrive, but if her father had called her out. Knowing how close her parents were, she knew her mother would pick him over all. Kyrius chuckled, a love like the one her parents shared was something  to cherish after all.
“Alright I’ll go meet them” 
Kyrius roamed the halls looking for her parents who somehow were more difficult to find than a needle on a haystack. “Where could they be?'' she looked around with books in hand   before she heard the loud laugh of no one but her father “alright! Follow the sound!” she grinned remembering a game they played as children where her father always lost because of his laughter. She reached the veranda and looked down to see if she could spot her targets, soon enough the lilac color of her mother’s hair caught her attention.
“Bingo!” she cheered with a smile. But the smile on her face halted, when her lips parted as if she couldn’t believe what she saw. Standing there,  between her parents. Face as serious as it could be,  dark rich skin and eyes, as silver as the full moon at the top of a night sky.  The books she held in her hand were almost instantly discarded as they fell to the floor because of her shock. Her legs moved  on their own, and she ran.  Why are you here?” she asked herself  internally  as she frantically tried to find a way down to them, to him.
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nin-ei · 29 days
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Save me God of War Ragnarok (Prints available here)
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admdiamond · 6 months
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came from someone that broke our neck with her toes and now saving our life
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loki-stuff · 3 months
Being: i’m gonna kill you!
Loki: oh really? how original. i’ve died so many times my gravestone says BRB instead of RIP on it
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glouris · 1 year
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“they are very annoying and irritating” are you familiar with the concept of fun and being entertained by drama
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platinumrosetail · 4 months
Okay so could I request Adam, Poseidon, Loki and Shiva with a mischievous god reader that acts like the Cheshire cat he basically has his disappearing power thingy?
Also if you're fine with it can you make him a cat-human hybrid?
Sure! The Cheshire Cat is my favorite from Alice and wonderland! Though it’s been a while since I last seen Alice in wonderland so some things might be wrong so I’m sorry for that but I’ll try my best to make it as in character as possible.
Warning: noob author, male reader, and others.
Characters: Adam, Poseidon, Loki, shiva.
You were a cat like god with a mischievous personality almost like Loki but less destructive and more in a fun pranking way as well as giving out riddles for fun to confuse your guest when they show up.
So it wasn’t a shock that you decided to play a playful little prank on the father of humanity though what you didn’t know was that he saw this coming, he copied your disappearing ability and teleported behind you spooking you in the process.
You of course was shocked at first before a big grin appeared on your face, amused at how the tables had turned on your little failed attempt of a prank on the father of humanity.
That was how both of you met, you two spend some time together afterwards though it’s usually you the one talking, whether it be about pranks and how they went or possible riddles to give to others you also give some to Adam but it’s more the ones that he can solve a bit easier instead of left confused on what you mean when you give riddles to other.
You usually lay on his lap when you’re not busy pranking or doing something else that requires your attention.
he pets your head and give little scratches behind your ears making you purr at the nice feeling.
Adam finds it cute that you’re cat like and has fun seeing how cat like you were with the help of inventions his children has created for cats to use and play with, you noticed it and decided to humor him though you soon came to found out that the cat toys are very fun to play with which made you like humans more for creating them, that made Adam proud of his children more than before especially on how it made your cute and docile as well as more tamed and not planking anybody as much.
You had pulled a pranked Poseidon that ended with him covered in in mud and chicken feathers, you quickly put the blame on Loki, thankfully you can disappear and tun invisible and escape out of trouble but unfortunately for Loki he now has the wrath of the god of the sea trying to skewer him with his trident as he was the closest when it happened and it doesn’t help that he has a bad reputation when it comes to pranks more so than you do.
You like to hang around Poseidon even though many suggest you shouldn’t as he would kill your soon enough but you always declined that with a riddle like answer.
You mostly appeared in your vat form that you have as he actually gives your pets and scratches while in that form.
You mostly nap in that form on Poseidon’s lap but when you’re in your more human form you begin to tease him.
Poseidon didn’t want to admit to it but he found you cute especially your full cat form which was half why you weren’t a corpse yet.
Poseidon usually make empty threats which you would laugh at as you knew that he loved you too much to do that though he did say that was your words and not his which you also knew was false.
You lightly prank him and surprisingly enough he does prank about which in turn makes you tease him some more after that, you just hope it’s not revealed that you were the one that pranked him instead of Loki as you knew that would get you in so much trouble with Poseidon, what you didn’t know was that he already knew.
You and Loki are both very similar though only you give out riddles to prank people along with prancing people the normal; as normal as a god’s prank can get, way.
You and him both prank as many gods as you can without getting into too much trouble for it but there are some instance where either one of your or both of you get in trouble;le by one of the older gods; mostly being Odin, though Loki surprisingly tries to take the blame for you even though you never asked him to.
Both of you try to get the other out of trouble if one of you get caught and punished; which usually is basically a timeout, and so the other makes a plan to help break the other out of timeout, sometimes leading both of you getting timeout for longer than before if the one helping the other escape get caught in the act of trying to break the other out.
You like to go in your cat form and have Loki scratch and pet you, sometimes he’ll even turn himself into a cat along with you for fun and so he can see what it’s like to be a cat as well.
You sometimes give riddles for Loki to solve for fun, you give him hard ones as it’s fun seeing him. Frustrated after still not getting the right answer to the riddle which sometimes is a very common answer to the riddle, you also say no to the answer he gives even though it’s right and later revealing that he had got the answer right after all.
That leads you to being playfully chased by Loki who wants to give payback for that but he can hardly catch what with your ability to disappear and teleport.
You met him through Rudra who wanted you to meet his childhood friend shiva and shiva to meet his new friend that he met while traveling.
You interested him what with your powers of disappearing and reappearing with a big grin and your cat like features.
You like to prank him which results in a prank war with all three of you as well as other gods as well.
What with him having two pairs of arms make it soon becomes a paradise of pets when you’re in your full cat form as he has multiple hands to get at all of your favorite spots to scratch and pet at the same time.
You give him riddles all the time as he gets frustrated with what the answer could be if he gets it wrong.
You like to watch him do his dances and relax, sometimes rudra likes to come and join to relax and dance with shiva.
Shiva would join you when you take naps whether you’re in your cat form or human form, but you always find yourself cuddling next to him when you wake up close to him.
(A/n: hope y’all liked it! I don’t think i have anything else top say so hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!)
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valerieofavonlea · 7 months
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Sometimes you just need a hug from dad.
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nkp1981 · 6 months
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Tom Hiddleston And Mads Mikkelsen During “Tokyo Comic Con”, December 2023
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friendly-jester · 2 years
my brother, walking in the room: hey so- woah are you okay?
me, who’s obviously been crying:
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mandersie · 1 year
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Recently came back from a trip and was having a very tough artblock; had a lot of trouble to work on commissions. So I made this warmup of Dad of War to get back in the drawing zone 
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countlessofvoids · 23 days
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carmasi · 1 year
Mercenary For Hire chapter 7 - part 3
All he saw was the flashed of energy hit the  beast before it all went blank. The ice salamander, scratched yet again before the mercenary eyes blinked, he was out for what it seemed like a second before he came to it. The loud banging awoke him, he almost ran as he saw the claws of the beast clash with an invisible wall. He looked around, the warlock was by his side. She did her best to keep whatever it was that surrounded them. Her eyes were filled with tears. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry Wright, I’m sorry” she cried out. 
“ you can’t die, please, Wright, Wright  please don’t die” she sobbed, her voice a crack of a whisper. She was so worried. She was so focus, she haven’t even notice him wake. 
“I’m fine” he groaned,  bringing himself to stand.  She let out a sigh of relief before another loud thud was heard, and she shook. The claws of the beast hit the invisible wall again, as  she continue trembling, and so did the walls.
“What’s that?” he asked finally standing. She looked so strained.
“It’s a white prison” he raised a brow, still in awe, not understanding, he haven’t heard of such thing before. “It-it's meant to trap monsters” Kyrius sobbed as she tried explained. “No damage can be caused except from ghost property” it was the best she could describe it really, in their current situation she wasn’t able to get into the mechanics of it all. She trembled once more, the MVp’s attempt to reach them was taking a toll on her, mentally and physically. “can you attack?” he asked, but she shook her head.“ not while the prison is up” Kyrius  explained, worried filled her voice. They only had a good five, or ten seconds before the prison disappeared. “I’m sorry Mr. Wright I’ve brought you into this, I’ll distract him, you can escape, is alright” With a gentle smile,  she looked over at his clear silver eyes, hers were  teary  and fogged, but  still she smiled regardless. He frowned, as he picked his sword, “ bring this thing down” he called and almost made her jump in surprise,  she tried to complaint but he refuted. Hi sword now unsheathed, and his feet firm to the ground, he commanded, “ get one more spell ready, just one more. I’ll get that scale for you” his voice was low  when he spoke. He couldn't fathom the idea of letting her down.
“It’s not going to work!” she cried out. “Please leave! Maheo was right, I’m incompetent, I am a disgrace to my class, and I don’t know what got into me to even think I could do this, I was never talented, I was not a talented wizard and Being a warlock doesn’t make it any different, I’m nothing but a failure” he bite his lips hearing how her voice cracked with each word, in the little time they’ve spend together he’s gotten used to a completely different side of her, to a warmth he wished never stopped. He clenched his fists. “He’s wrong!” he yelled, and Kyrius halted. “ I- I can’t  say I know you long, but you’re brilliant! You’re.. You’re beaming! Don’t let that guy get to you, now  … one more spell,  ger one more spell ready, you got this!” he scolded and took his sword in his stance “now!” she nodded and he charged again, she thought of something that would buy them enough time before she chanted  “Te-Tetra vortex” she casted nervously,  but nothing happened. She looked over at her hands shakingly “it didn’t work… I..” she looked up at him, he was fighting, giving it all he got  “ he’s doing his best and I-i can't even do this much”.
He noticed her hesitation, and as he saw her tremble, her knees almost buckle, again he could feel  her fears, and her uncertainties.  His sword clashed with the beast claws again. She continued to shake, taking a couple of steps back in misbelief.  “What, what did I do wrong , why won’t it work?” she continue to mumble, disappointment and humiliation filled her, still she stepped backwards, each step closer, and closer to the edge “Focus!” he screamed.  She was oh so near the edge of the cliff that was in the middle of the cave. As he called out she stopped, pebbles crashing down the steep cliff and all she saw was darkness down that pit. Her gaze place back in front of her and saw him fight, he was spent. “Think about what’s missing!” he screamed again, barely dodging another frost driver. “I D-don’t know, I ” she looked around the cave, as she tried her hardest to remember. What was she missing? What was the spell missing?  From the corner of her eyes she notice a  siroma, peek through and ran off. Poor thing must’ve been scare. Such a small creature, so round, and fluffy just like a snow - “ ball..”  her eyes grew wide when she finally remembered, of course. 
“summoning - Lighting ball!”
Kyrius murmured a couple times and soon was surrounded by circular energy pockets which crackle with wind magic and electric current. He smirked as he looked her way,  the determination in her eyes, the magic current that surrounded her, now embraced her. Unlike before, she was now in control. “TETRA VORTEX” at the top of her lungs she screamed words of the spell she prepared for, the blast of energy connecting with the beast, and another loud screech was heard, the beast was slain. The Ice salamander was down. He fell to his knees as he saw the salamander disappear, then looked back at her, a glimpse of a smile almost adorned his face, his all too serious face. 
Her face was smudge with dirt, but also relieved, her clothes were slightly torn off and the neat braid that adorned her hair when they first arrived was undone.  She looked almost feral, though, not as much as he did. She smiled when her eyes met his, but a rumble in the ground made her falter.  She missed a step, forgetting how close she was to the edge. She fell.  “is this.. Is this How I die?” she thought to herself while her body weight overtook her, darkness was all she could see as she was swallowed up by the cave’s mouth. She was too tired to even fight, her eyes closed as she let herself be swallowed whole. 
His silver eyes widen and he rushed to her when he saw her falter. Without thinking, he launched himself to the abyss in order to catch her. His arms quickly wrapped around her protectively, he wanted to make sure she wasn’t hurt. He could tell her body was tired and he could see her eyes were closed, she was unconscious by now. But  still, he will carried out his mission at whatever cost. He will protect her. He wanted to protect her. Not because it was his mission. “no”  he whimpered as he brought her face closer to his chest  “because…”  she was the woman he’d fallen for. 
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renegadesstuff · 7 months
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“It's a conclusion to 6 films, 12 episodes and 14 years of my life. It's been a journey.” 💚
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vertigoartgore · 2 months
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1995's Thor Vol.1 #494 cover by artist Mike Deodato Jr.
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salmonpiffy · 10 months
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Guys, I finally have an official name for my God of War AU
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puppeteerpoet · 5 months
Watching these two silly kids fall in love and just thinking “awww one day she’ll die and he will keep on living and grieve her for the rest of entirety<3”
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