#radical feminist dni
samijami · 30 days
Radfems are not feminists and never will be
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10reallybigants · 1 month
Me when my ideology is so rock solid and defendable that I have to spam tags discussing women's rights in an attempt to silence women. (people have been shouting over women for centuries to keep us from having discussions and being heard. it still isn't different)
calling women bitches in your reblogs is just proving my point 🫶🫶🫶
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I've seen people threaten suicide over radfems in trans tags but RULES FOR THEE NOT FOR ME right.
At least their reach is too small to do anything significant 🥰 I had all the spammers reported and blocked in like 2 mins XD
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redditreceipts · 15 days
daily reminder that if he does it once, he'll do it again
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museumofferedophelia · 9 months
Liberal Feminists: Decolonise sex work! Disenfranchised Indigenous women who don't meet Eurocentric beauty standards deserve to be raped and trafficked too 🥰
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nothing0fnothing · 4 months
I'm so sick of seeing terfs bring up pads and tampons as if they're a sacred resource trans women are stealing from us.
Do I know why a trans woman would buy pads or tampons? No. Do I care? Also no.
They're £3 a box and available in every supermarket, convenience shop and women's toilet in the country. They're not stealing resources from cis women or personally victimising you in any way by buying pads. Grow the fuck up. 💀
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i-3at-s0ap · 2 months
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"when I decide women and girls don't know how to label themselves and that my opinion is more valid than their lived experiences, it's because I'm a ✨feminist✨"
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nando161mando · 9 months
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samwisethewitch · 2 months
Something I've been thinking about lately: In conversations about being intentionally child-free, I see a lot of people talk about how much they resent constantly being told that they'll change their minds someday. And yeah, that sucks. When you tell someone that they'll regret their choices or go back on them someday, you're telling them you don't trust them to make their own decisions. And that's a dick move.
But what I see left out of a lot of these conversations is the fact that some people do change their minds about kids, and that is also okay.
People change. Our priorities and our values change. Someone identifying as child-free at 20 and then realizing at 30 that they actually do want to be a parent doesn't invalidate other people's decision not to have kids. It doesn't even invalidate that person's previous decision. They're growing. They're changing, and that's okay. Healthy even.
When I was 18, I felt very strongly that I would never marry and never have children. For me, this was a reaction to growing up in a religious environment where women were second-class citizens, and what little autonomy/independence single women had immediately went away when they got married. And once you had kids? Well, once you had kids, your personal life was officially over and your identity now started and ended with being so-and-so's mother.
If your only model of marriage and parenthood is a nuclear family where the husband is in charge and makes all of the decisions while his wife does all of the housework and childcare and not much else, OF COURSE you wouldn't want to get married or have kids! My thought process at 18 was basically, "Well, I want to have my own money and make my own choices and have an identity outside of being a mom, so clearly the family life isn't for me."
I'm 25 now. I'm married. My husband and I both kept our own last names, and we maintain separate bank accounts. I have a job that I'm good at, and a lot of people know me from my work. I still have my own money, make my own choices, and have my own identity. None of that went away when I got married. All that's changed is that I have a partner and best friend that I decided to do life with, and we had a ceremony and signed a piece of paper to make it official. We're not quite at the having kids stage yet, but it is something we both want someday.
Me wanting marriage and kids now doesn't invalidate my decision at 18. When I was 18, focusing on my education and career was absolutely the right choice for me. I needed to be able to focus on myself without considering how it would affect a spouse or kids. Eventually, I realized marriage and parenthood can look a lot of different ways. I realized I can decide what they look like for me. I don't have to follow the model I grew up with. And I realized I do want raising kids to be part of my life, just in a way that looks different from what others might expect.
This is a process a lot of people go through, especially women and femmes. If you're in the middle of it right now, just know that you're allowed to change.
And of course, a lot of people don't change their minds. A lot of people who identify as child-free at 20 still don't want kids at 30, 40, or 50. I've met people in their 80s and 90s who never had kids and don't regret that decision. My point here is that some people changing their minds about something doesn't mean it's not a good option for other people.
(And, let's be real, unfortunately a lot of people go the other way: they think they want kids until they have them. That's way more complicated because now there's a whole human person involved who is dependent on them for care and this definitely deserves its own post, but the best advice I can give is if you're young, you need to give yourself time to figure out what you want before committing to anything.)
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fluffytimearts · 10 hours
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Reblog to take the genderqueer colors back from the terfs/radfems
Like to give a "fuck you" to terfs/radfems
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samijami · 29 days
Radical feminism is actually a resurgence of second wave feminism ideals. You know, the one that fought for reproductive rights (roe v wade), financial independence(women couldnt have bank accounts until 1974? Literally only 50 years ago), workplace equality(titleVII) ? Learn what feminism actually is, kid.
Learn that radical feminism is not and never will be feminism,
And is literaly just TERFs who find excuses to hate on women (whether cis or trans) for feeling any sort of dysphoria
The 'second wave' went down the wrong path. Maybe you should support actual feminism. Not some 'resurgence' that puts down women and also lowkey edges towards being sexist aswell as blatantly transphobic
Also why is it that when I am confronted by adults on this website, y'all call me 'kid' in an obviously demeaning manner? Is it some sort of superiority thing? That's also problematic 💀
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its-pluto2 · 2 years
"Women don't own womanhood" oh then who tf does? The 30-something year old man who decided he wanted to be a woman and knows nothing about what it's like to grow up silenced, marginalized, discriminated, harassed, treated like a sexual object, only validated based on unrealistic and even deadly beauty standards? Who must now be applauded for saying "I feel female!" Who must now, despite looking and sounding and behaving like a man, even before properly transitioning, be allowed into women-exclusive spaces which were only created to protect women from predators?
Right. Of course. (sarcasm, for those of you who can't understand the connotation)
All your progressive movements are crap; you guys have no idea what you're talking about, what you're saying, what messages you're actually conveying.
Woke culture is a dangerous, disgusting thing. Keep it out of feminism, we're actually fighting for our lives here.
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m0thmancore · 7 months
stumbled onto some radfucker blog by mistake. oops. snatching this meme away from them because babes. it’s about you.
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this is what every single terf does
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nothing0fnothing · 6 months
"Radical feminism is terf feminism. We all know what you mean when you tag #radfem on your man hating posts." - literally people who have no idea what radical feminism is, and I can't even blame them because terfs ruin everything for everyone.
Radical feminism is the belief that in order to have a truly equal sociey, old systems that uphold inequality need to be torn down and radically rebuilt anew. (Yes a truly gender equitable society includes trans people, why tf wouldn't it?) Feminists in the 70s beleived it and 50 years later its still true, we cannot create equality within an unfair system. We can patch the cracks to try to make it more equal than it was, but after 50 years of patching cracks we know better than ever that the reason people are still disenfranchised in 2023 is because they live in a society that was not created to fairly treat them.
Society will not be truly equal until we create a system that is. That is the core belief of all radical feminism.
Literally no part of that ideology requires gender essentialism to work. Actually gender essential ideology completely opposes radical feminism at its core and combining the two is pretty fucking braindead.
I mean, you're telling me that you beleive that terfs believe gender equality must be predicated by a society that has completely, radically changed every antiquated system and structure but the structure that needs to stay exactly the same as it was in the 1900s and never adapt into modernity or improve at all is the sociological understanding of gender itself? That's crazy. So crazy I'd argue that, No they don't beleive that.
Terfs beleive trans people are icky and gross but know "icky and gross" is not a valid argument, so they stick "feminist" in front of their weird cis only gender ideology thinking it gives it some validity. It doesn't. Terfs, real radfems see through you and the entire feminist community hate you and you know why.
Truly, terfs aren't actually feminists. They're bigots who identify as feminists. They want to be in progressive spaces because as women (and weirdly a lot of them are lesbians but thats a topic for another day) their views will not be heard in conservative ones, but that doesn't mean they belong here. Their circa 1910 inspired gender theory doesn't belong in any progressive, feminist space today, and they know it because on every lefist space they land in they're torn apart and on every Joe Rogan esque, Fox News inspired platform they thrive.
They don't like being called sugar tits on the street or being hit on by their boss, and they think that that makes them feminists, but the truth is the only change they want to see in the existing power structures is change that will only help them. They want a society that supports only cis women. Primarily the white, straight and wealthy women who are happy to conform to bioessentialist gender ideology and uphold patriarchal values, so long as they can work a 9 to 5 and call it #girlbossing at the same time.
They don't actually want to see old structures of power and inequality brought down and radically rebuilt anew. They don't care about most women and they're not radical feminists. They're feminist identified bigots, so I call them FIBs, because even their feminism is a lie.
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biddybumps · 6 months
terfs dni
i keep seeing terfs liking my posts and saying gross shit abt trans women and drag queens
transphobia is not welcome here!! I am a trans inclusive (intersectional) radfem
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redditreceipts · 5 months
im not really in the radfem online space anymore, but do tra still use clownfish as a gotcha? that was a massive gotcha back when i was in the community and got it was so cringe
no, actually they have moved on to another animal:
I actually think that they will slowly progress through different types of marine life, so I'd place a hot bet on sea slugs being the next talking point, as they are hermaphroditic and lose their penises during sex.
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sayatheprincess · 13 days
I’m VERY hesitant to call myself a feminist or use the feminist tags because one, I’m not really an activist. I just kinda post my thoughts and mind my business. But two, it’s a lot of pressure. I think when you call yourself a feminist, other people assume or project their specific values onto you. They’ll say “so you’re not a real one” and idk if I could deal with that. Like being proship and pro bď$m in of itself could p*ss some people off enough. EVEN THO I AM A WOMAN AND THE ADVANCEMENTS OF WOMENS RIGHTS IS DEEP IN MY HEART
Anyway I’ll use a feminist tag to get this post to the right audience but yeah.
Edit:wow turns out it’s hard to pull up tags that are non-terf
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