#pro choice and proud
ainsanepencil · 2 years
I will only listen to pro-lifers arguments if they bother about kids in foster- care , mothers mental health, the chances of kids having a good life , babies of rape chances of a good life and if child support can be paid , young mothers home life , support systems for mothers , childcare and if they do their research
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unwashedace · 2 years
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These are up in my Official Store for pre-order. I can't wait to have my stock in hand at the end of this month. Thank you to everyone who has pre-ordered items. It helps out a lot!
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liberate-women-now · 2 months
Not wanting to be pregnant is the only reason a woman should have to give to be able to have an abortion. That’s it. No more explaining to misogynists that abortion can actually save a woman’s life, or trying to pull at their heart by showing a pregnant child, rape victim, or incest pregnancy. Abortion should be an unapologetic human right every female should have access to.
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
If you chose to have a child, then you signed up for:
A disabled child
A neurodivergent child
A queer child
A child who's an imperfect human being with humanity
You're no hero or martyr if you chose to be a parent. You're a parent with a child who needs you.
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august-beee · 11 months
Something I’ve noticed is a lot of y’all are VERY performative when it comes to being pro choice.
You say you support women but then harass them when they have male partners, especially when said partnership leads to an unwanted pregnancy.
You say you support women but don’t support young mothers or poor mothers keeping their babies.
You say you support women but that support stops when they indulge in their opposite sex attraction in any way.
You say you support women but it’s very conditional.
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keepscrollinghun · 9 months
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onesaltysir · 5 months
Parents will post the dumbest shit I swear to god
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Rant under cut
Idk Kelli, maybe your son was looking for you because you're his parent, and children typically go to their parents when they want something. I PROMISE you, your five year old with skibidi ipad cocomelon tiktok syndrome who can't read does not understand the concept of perfect parents.
Quit praising yourself for taking on a job that you chose to do. If your kid wants his mum, he's going to go to his mum. Like that is the simplest thing. He dgaf if you're perfect, he just wants something. You're not some angelic queen because you chose to be a mother.
Parents, you do not deserve special treatment for raw dogging it and then popping out some little shit named Braxteyighnn or Ahshahleyigh. Stop acting like you're some angel when all you do is shove an ipad in your kid's face while you post about how your parenting is so perfect and you're some magical blessing on this world.
Parents who do this shit are not a blessing, they're the bane of my existence.
Get off your mommy blog, get off your high horse, and do the fucking job you chose to do.
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faggot-friday · 2 years
Okay, I think that's enough historical events for one decade
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lovely-hikari-cosplay · 9 months
Alright, atp, Tricolor needs to be reworked so that the team in the lead is always defending (since Tricolor is supposed to be a catch-up opportunity for the losing teams) or the points need to be reduced.
There is no reason for Tricolor to still be 18 points if the leading team can be in any position, meaning they have a greater chance at winning period and thus unable to be unseated from the lead position.
You can correctly assume who is winning Tricolor by who wins the popular vote every time since they changed it to get more matches made, and that is antithetical to the purpose of Tricolor battles
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these comments are literally disgusting like i feel sick now
how can they speak of babies with such hatred? it’s so disheartening and disturbing
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annasellheim · 2 years
I tried my best at a Jersey accent - it didn’t go well.
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shameless-fujoshi · 1 year
Today, Minnesota becomes the next state to:
Protect gender-affirming health care
Ban conversion therapy
Protect people seeking and providing abortions
I'm so proud of my state today. And there are more amazing bills on the way! So much great work is being done by the DFL party.
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august-beee · 1 year
“Well I would never get an abortion so I don’t support other people doing it!” Well I’d never want to eat meat but I don’t say other people can’t do I? Because what is best for everyone is different!
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bisexualbuddie · 2 years
Pleaaaaaaaaaase if you like Giacomo Gianniotti(Andrew DeLuca) then please listen to the new (6/13/2022) ‘The Man Enough podcast’
Hell even if you have no idea who that is but you don’t understand abortion rights or if you’re confused about it all please give this a listen. He explains it all so freaking well.
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onesaltysir · 10 months
Happy international childfree day everyone!!
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brickgirl1993 · 2 years
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I live in Minnesota, near the MSP airport, I don’t have room where I live to house people, but if you need a friendly person to talk to or someone to drive you I’m your girl!
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