#pro choice forever
Conservatives: 12 year olds are too young to know that they're gay
Also conservatives: they are old enough to give birth
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ainsanepencil · 2 years
I will only listen to pro-lifers arguments if they bother about kids in foster- care , mothers mental health, the chances of kids having a good life , babies of rape chances of a good life and if child support can be paid , young mothers home life , support systems for mothers , childcare and if they do their research
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middleearthpixie · 2 years
Just a note - pro-choice is NOT by default pro-abortion. It means just that, pro the right for each individual to choose what is best for them, to acknowledge and understand that no one has the right to make so personal a decision for another woman and I don't care how you try to justify otherwise.
If you think overturning Roe means abortion will end, you are fooling yourself or are incredibly naive. All it will end is access to SAFE abortions.
If you're right now patting yourself on the back for all the babies that will be saved, guess again. Women who desperately do not want to be pregnant WILL find a way to terminate said pregnancy. And women will die as a result. Remember, women are people, too.
We do not harvest organs from people who do not agree to it. A dead person who has not consented to having their organs harvested cannot have their organs harvested. We do not forcibly take bone marrow from people who do not agree to it. Doing these things could save another life, but we do not do it. Why? Because people have bodily autonomy. Or at least, they did. Now, seriously, a dead body has more bodily autonomy than a living woman.
And it will NOT end with Roe. They will or are already looking to overturn:
Obergefell v. Hodges - Legalized gay marriage
Lawrence v. Texas - ruled that criminal punishment for those who commit sodomy was unconstitutional
Eisenstadt v. Baird - Extended privacy protections regarding birth control and unmarried people.
Griswold v. Connecticut - legalized access to birth control for married couples.
It's entirely possible Loving v. Virginia - which legalized interracial marriage could be on the chopping block as well.
Also remember that at the heart of Griswold, Eisenstadt, Lawrence, and Roe was an American's inherent right to privacy. That is the basis that ALL of these cases were argued upon. The right to privacy does NOT exist in the US Constitution. This SCOTUS ruling, at its heart, means no American has the inherent right to privacy. Remember that. What goes on in YOUR bedroom is no longer between just you and whoever else might be in that room with you.
Today is not a victory for anyone. It is a loss for all who believe in freedom, equality, the right to bodily autonomy, and the right to privacy.
Women will die again.
Abortions will NOT end.
This is only the beginning of what rights the SCOTUS could look to strip away from Americans.
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thereadersmuse · 2 years
I don't answer shitty anons. You just get blocked and deleted. If you have an intelligent, thoughtful question or desire for a respectful debate, act like it. But you pro-life people don't. Do you? 🤔 Nah. You are just the pond scum internet version of the people that harass women seeking healthcare and bomb clinics. Mmmm so pro-life you want everyone to die. Lmao. And the comments about men needing equality in this issue is- 👌. Thanks for the giggle.
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upward · 2 years
The Things We Own
Eight years ago, we bought an old truck. Something from the 70s. Big and steel and white and blue. It is very clean and there is hardly any rust. 
It is so simply put together that you can see exactly where the gas pedal connects to the throttle. Fascinated, I followed the linkage once. I could see the pieces clicking together through a hole under the steering wheel. Everything is simple. Which is good given how many times I have locked the keys inside. That’s why we always keep a wire coat hanger around. 
We never throw those hangers out. Just in case. I found two of them while cleaning today. And then a third, bent so much as to be unrecognizable from the most recent time I locked myself out. It was painted at one point. As it was bent - repeatedly until it took the shape of the tool it needed to be but didn’t sign up for - the white shellac chipped and buckled and flaked away. Dark steel pockets cratering a dingy once-white plastic. I kept them all and wondered what new shapes we would have to twist them into now.
Not we. Me. Because it’s always my fault the keys end up inside. 
For a wild moment, I wondered where I should donate them. Or if I should hang onto them for a friend. They are very clean and thin. There is no rust. I know someone else will need them. I would like to be generous with this boon but they feel precious now. I don’t think anyone has paid attention to the wire hanger supply.
Someone should. 
Perhaps a group of people. Six would suffice, I’m sure. 
I will show them how to slip the wire inside. How many times you need to pull it back out and bend it a little more. And then again. And again. Until it no longer looks like the thing you started with. I will tell them how each lock is different. I will tell them how sometimes you get locked out late at night in a strange town or sometimes in your own driveway. I will tell them how I broke the lock on the passenger side door because I was not careful. I will tell them how I persuaded a neighbor not to call the police because it was a simple misunderstanding in the dark when my husband wasn’t home to explain. I will tell them how I pricked my thumb on the sharp end and how they should clean it right away because blood is so corrosive and the wire is so thin.
Of course I will tell them not to worry. These things happen all the time and they will get used to it. It is the hazard of owning what we own, after all.
For now - in the absence of that esteemed committee who would mind the precise and useful twists and turns of that thin steel - I tuck the two coat hangers away next to my funeral dress, just like always.
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kbfoto · 2 years
To everyone saying, “I can disagree with you and still be your friend”, I have some news for you. You’re not wrong. But you’re not correct either.
On minor and trivial things, absolutely. We can disagree and still be friends. Those debates and opinions don’t ultimately reflect our person.
However, when it comes to topics that substantially affect your morals, your responsibilities, your entire embodiment and thought process, that’s specifically how I choose my friends. I surround myself with people who share similar views, ideologies, and shared morals.
Friendship is literally based from mutual trust. If I can’t trust my friend to have approximately the same moral justifications as me, then we quite frankly, cannot be friends. That’s just how it is.
If you don’t like how I feel about this, darn, I guess that just proves my point. We can’t be friends.
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jacine-the-queen · 2 years
Dumb fuck hick calling everyone who is pro choice a nazi, when nazis were literally all about controlling people's bodies, when conservatives and Republicans have the closest ties to fascist and nazi groups in the US and this cunt thinks a clump of cells is the equivalent of a person
These scum can die in a fire
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themeanstoanend · 1 year
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Sign up to help at a pro-life bake sale. Sell cups of uncooked batter and insist that they're actually cupcakes.
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cyarskj1899 · 2 years
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If you are pro life, fuck you.
If you are happy and celebrating the fact that so many people with uteruses will die or face many mental issues, fuck you.
If you are content with knowing that so many children will die of reasons like financial issues or abusive households, fuck you.
And remember, every child's and parent's poor mental health is on you.
The blood of those children and parents are on your hands.
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ainsanepencil · 2 years
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Currently overthinking: how obsessed some of fandom is with the idea of punishment for the sake of punishment, instead of learning from mistakes, and how the Jedi are very clearly team learn and grow.
The most “punishment” thing I can think of that we see the Jedi do is assigning Ahsoka to archives duty, but that is clearly meant as ‘get you off the front lines and have you reflect on your actions’ time, not so much a true punishment.
Where we see the Jedi go hard on proclaiming their allegiance to team learn and grow is Dark Disciple (if you haven’t read and don’t want to be spoiled, turn back now because I am about to spoil the shit out of that book).
Vos falls.
Not just dabble a little in the dark side falls.
Falls and pledges himself to Dooku and kills Jedi and clones.
Jedi Knight Kav Bayons
Jedi Knight Akar-Deshu
They died because of Vos.
It can be argued it was unintentional (Vos shoved Deshu into Bayons causing Deshu to sting Bayons. Losing his stinger also would have killed Deshu, but Vos killed him first) but that doesn’t change the fact that Vos is responsible for the deaths of two Jedi, as well as the clones killed in his escape with Dooku (catch me being forever salty over the unnamed clones who die).
He goes by Admiral Enigma and terrorizes the GAR for months.
When the story resolves and Vos returns to the light, do we see him thrown in prison? Executed?
No. We don’t see either of those things.
We see the council intentionally obfuscate and hide these facts from the military (because the military does love punishment and executions).
We see Vos confined to the temple while he heals.
We see Master Yoda spend extra time with him to ensure he rehabilitates successfully.
We see a probationary period to determine if he has really came back to the light.
This is extra important because earlier in the story we saw him return to the Jedi and fool them (some of them, Master Windu was so suspicious of him because Master Windu is a smart smart person)!
And yet, they still believed that he could return to the light and should be given that opportunity.
And he does! He comes back. And he resumes his role in the war. And when everything falls apart he continues trying to help.
And he gets that opportunity because the Jedi do not believe in punishment as justice the way some do.
Repentance and growth. That is the Jedi.
And yet, every day, I see people trying to set the Jedi up as enforcers of prison terms and executioners, because they don’t think people got what they ‘deserved’ in canon.
But that is all a gross misrepresentation of the Jedi.
Ahsoka’s trial and possible execution was not the way the Jedi would have proceeded- it was the GAR and the Republic. Which is probably why the GAR ensured the Jedi couldn’t handle it themselves - there would have been no justice theatre and no blood.
It is not pro-Jedi to insist on punishment and retribution as justice. At its heart, punishment is revenge. And revenge is not the Jedi way.
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pet-cemetery-emotes · 3 months
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exsqueeze me
OKAY slash gen for a sec but. Actually, hang on im struggling to figure out the most concise and polite way to say this but. Im gonna try!
You can take my emojis and run! It's free, and easy! Collect them in a burner Discord server if you have Nitro! Pop em in a server with every antiendo in the world. idgaf, i genuinely dont want to limit who has the ability to vocalize themselves. I dont think accessibility should hinge on being the correct kind of person, or not being "annoying", or not being traumatized in a consumable or polite way. We're all on our own journeys. I hope we all arrive at a place where we can be compassionate to each other, even if we will never understand each other. So anyone on god's green earth can use my emojis.
But anti-endo rhetoric is triggering to me. And I've said this before, in addition to the paragraph above - Do not interact with me if you are anti-endo! I will block you, for my own safety and peace of mind. You can still access my emojis by viewing them from desktop at this link if you Really want them. Anon, this ask was the least tactful thing you could've done. You could not have found a more direct way to make yourself known to me, and you are summarily IP blocked for it. Lol
I'm giving anyone who reads this permission to not tell me things. It's okay. These are free to use stickers, and I mean that. I hope you use them with kindness in your hearts, but that is out of my hands. Whether or not I would like you should matter way less than your ability to advocate for and express yourself, and if using my work is the easiest way to do that, then I want you to take that. :)
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creatrixcymraes · 10 months
one (no baby in me)
two (no baby in me)
three (no baby in me)
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kbfoto · 2 years
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Made this for a cover photo for Fb. ✊🏻🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈💯
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deathsweetblossoms · 1 year
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“I belong to no one, but my heart belongs to you.”
Elain wants a deep, true love with someone where she is seen, understood, heard, valued. She does not want to be owned. She wants a love who can hear her heart beating, who takes the time to really see her, not because they were forced together, but because that person chose to see her. Chose to listen. Deeply understands her. She values these things OVER fated or preordained soulmates. (Feyre even admits she won’t give Lucy any hope because she suspects Elain might still try to find a way to be with Grayson, despite the bond. Canonically, she will find a way to be with who she wants to be with, despite a bond. )
And, quite frankly, after a life of living in Nesta’s shadow, she deserves to stand on her own and make her own decisions. She deserves to be seen and understood.
Her story is going to revolve around choice, autonomy, hope, deep and tender love, and quiet strength. And I cannot wait for it.
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