#posh circus
thecrownnet · 2 years
The Crown Season 5 - Olivia Williams on joining the 'posh circus' of a show and the amazing cast ♚
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dragonanon · 22 days
I’ve been into skin care lately, and I am having just the SOFTEST thoughts lately about indulging in some self care with Caine. 😩 Like he’s an AI so he’s probably never taken a bath or applied body butter before, and I just want to sit and relax in a hot bath with him whilst enjoying the scent of a LUSH bath bomb, eating some snacks, and watching Forensic Files.
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jackienova · 7 months
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🎪 XV. The Devil
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pinktinselmonstrosity · 5 months
twelve minutes into saltburn........ i don't think i can do this lmao it's hitting way WAY too close to home
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runesinthenight · 2 months
Batfam accent headcanons
Bruce has a vaguely British accent. He sounds mostly American, but he was raised by a British butler and it shows.
Dick's accent doesn't have a name because he can't stick to one accent. He picked up bits and pieces of language from the different people in Haly's Circus as well as from different places the circus stopped over the years. Dick can and will used 10 different accents in one sentence.
Jason has the thickest Jersey accent. He sounds like Tony Soprano, which does womders for him as a crime boss. It also helps him connect with the people of Crime Alley because he sounds like he belongs.
Tim has a vaguely transatlantic accent because his parents wanted him to sound posh and sophisticated when they brought him to galas. It's still the voice he uses for meetings, interviews, galas, social functions, etc. He developed a more.standard American accent while training prior to becoming Robin so his accent couldn't tie them together.
Damian has an upper class Arabic accent. He was raised in the League of Assassins as the heir of the Demon Head. He was raised to believe he was better than everyone else. His accent reflects that. He sounds slightly more American as Robin, but not by much.
Babs and Steph also have Jersey accemts but they're not nearly as strong as Jason’s. Steph's accent is stronger than Babs's. I feel like Babs has the tiniest bit of New Yorker accent.
Cass doesn't speak much, but when she does she tends to mimic aspects of the person she's talking with's accent. She has a bit of a mish mash of accents that she stole from various Batfam members, but she's nowhere near as bad as Dick.
Duke has an accent somewhere between a Jersey accent and AAVE. It's distinctly different from Jason’s Jersey accent.
Alfred is British.
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rabbitsonthemoon · 4 months
Oh, I remember when Hazbin Lucifer was a mystery, just a picture, a whisper, a hint of lore. He's the king. Evil? Incredibly evil? Posh? Deranged? Does he want to sabotage his daughter? Does he torture people for fun? Is he the most feared in all of Hell?
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After all this time, we get this absolutely beautiful. magnificent. rubber ducky-obsessed circus fiend who sincerely adores his daughter. I wish he was my dad. their duet made me cry.
I hope there's loads more of him. He's gotta be one of my favourite characters, design to personality. Thank you for coming to my 12am Lucifer appreciation post, there's complimentary rubber ducky-themed party favors by the door.
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blackkatmagic · 11 months
Xanatos/Cody - Love at 1st Snark
“Oh, stars and stupid little birds,” Obi-Wan says, entirely exasperated. “Why did it have to be you?”
Cody raises his head from where he’s been trying to chew through the gag. Anything that can get his general sounding like that promises to be entertaining, to say the least.
“It’s pronounced thank you, little brother,” a posh-sounding voice—no Coruscanti accent, but something more liquid, a lot less Core, which is interesting—says, precisely aimed to cause maximum irritation. “And I take payment in credits or peggats, whichever you have on you at the moment.”
“I'm naked,” Obi-Wan says, offended. “Clearly I don’t have any credits, Xanatos—”
“A shame. I suppose I’ll have to leave you to Hondo, then.” Steps sail past Obi-Wan’s cell, and there's a curse, the sound of struggling, but they don’t turn back. Cody raises a brow, and a moment later the fancy bastard who matches the voice sweeps around to the door of his cell, raises a lightsaber with a gleaming white blade, and brings it down sharply. The door thumps down flat, and Xanatos steps over it, then sweeps a look over Cody, brows rising.
“Well hello,” he says. He purrs, and Cody levels a brow right back. It makes Xanatos grin, sauntering into the cell.
“He doesn’t have any credits either, Xanatos!” Obi-Wan calls from the other cell, annoyed.
“For him I’ll make an exception, and rescue him out of the goodness of my heart,” Xanatos calls back, smirking at the sound of offense it gets him. Sinking down to one knee, he pulls a very nice knife from his sleeve, then leans in to cut through Cody's gag, and then says, “You will be repaying my altruism, I presume. You don’t seem as rude as Obi-Wan.”
Cody doesn’t laugh, just leans to the side so he can spit the gag out, then says, “Of course. Wouldn’t want anyone’s altruism to be without some kind of benefit, right?”
“Obi-Wan!” Hondo says, loudly and delightedly, from the next cell. “My friend, you seem to be in a bind! Perhaps this old pirate can help you out?”
“If my choices are you or him, you’d be my first choice every time, Captain,” Obi-Wan says sincerely.
Xanatos rolls his eyes, moving to deactivate Cody's binders. “I don’t know why I bother,” he says. “This whole family is a nightmare. I should have run away when I was fifteen and joined a circus.”
“You’d make a beautiful clown,” Cody tells him gravely, and surprise washes over his face for an instant before he laughs.
“Thank you, I like to think so too.” Getting a hand under Cody's arm, he tugs him to his feet, then asks, “Every limb still attached?”
“All the important ones,” Cody says mildly. “Commander Cody, thanks for the save.”
It gets him a lazy smile, full of intent. “Xanatos, with the 501st, but I think you can call me whatever you like.”
If this is the Jedi Rex has been refusing to introduce Cody to, Cody's going to have to turn Rex upside down and dunk his head in dye or something. “Yeah? That include—?”
“Cody. You don’t even know where he’s been.”
“Sorry, General,” Cody says, not sorry at all. When Xanatos sweeps his fur-trimmed cloak off and offers it, he takes it with dignity, slinging it around his shoulders.
“Well now,” Xanatos says, and that smirk is an invitation. “That’s quite the look, Commander. Makes me want to lay you down in front of a roaring fireplace—”
“I think if we keep scandalizing the general, he might have a coronary,” Cody says gravely. “Be a shame to rob Hondo of his company.”
“You’re right, of course.” Xanatos offers Cody his arm, and, wholly amused, Cody takes it like he’s a senator at a fancy gala. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
“I'm going to toss you out an airlock,” Obi-Wan says crossly, limping down the corridor to join them. Hondo has one of Obi-Wan’s arms pulled over his shoulder, and his hat is askew. “You’d better not have dragged Feemor along—”
“Oh no, my dear padawan brother,” Xanatos says airily. “I brought Qui-Gon.”
Obi-Wan blanches, at in the same moment, something distant explodes, shaking the whole base.
“Time to run,” Xanatos advises Cody, and takes off, hauling Cody right along with him.
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blitzwhore · 9 days
37 with stolitz?
37. Kissing it better
Stolitz | 1.1 k | G | kid fic (The Circus flashback), Stolas likes Blitzo, Stolas needs a hug, child neglect, fluff, tree-climbing, Blitzo likes pirates
On AO3
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Blitzo was having so much fun. Now that the whole stealing stunt was over and done with and most of his anxiety had finally left him, he was in such a great mood. 
Against all odds, he genuinely liked Stolas. The kid was a bit weird, sure—and very, very gullible—but he also seemed kind, and he'd said Blitzo would be a good boss, which was always nice to hear. 
Energized, he climbed the tree again. It was so huge, and, admittedly, beautiful. He got to the nearest branch and once again stood on it, extending his arms to keep his balance and imagining himself on the circus’ tightrope before a roaring audience. He jumped up and down, and he could almost hear the cheers growing louder just for him. 
“What are you doing?” Stolas asked curiously from where he was still sitting at the tree's base. 
“What do you mean?” 
Stolas turned his head inquisitively. 
“I mean… why do you keep climbing the tree?” 
Huh? What kind of question was that? 
“Uh, because it's fun.” Blitzo shrugged. This kid didn't seem to know what that word meant. “Haven't you ever climbed it before?” 
At that, Stolas chuckled, like Blitzo's suggestion was the weirdest thing he'd ever heard.
“Of course not!” he said, in that adorable, posh accent he had. 
Blitzo gaped, and promptly decided that having a giant tree in your garden and not climbing it had to be illegal. 
He hopped down onto a root, extended a hand, and said, “Let's do it!”
“What?” Stolas’ eyes widened with concern. “But I—I don't know if I can.”
“It's okay, I'll teach you. Come on, I won't let you fall!” Blitzo said with a smile. Stolas’ cheeks went slightly pink. 
“O-Okay,” he stammered. He left his fancy book on the floor and stood, taking Blitzo's hand. “How do we…?” 
“Put your hands here and here,” Blitzo instructed, guiding Stolas’ black talons to two small lumps on the trunk. “Now put one foot here and the other over here.” 
Stolas followed his instructions with trembling hands.
“Okay, n-now what?” he asked, looking back at Blitzo. 
“Now what? Now you climb!” Blitzo cheered him. “Push yourself up and grab that other lump. Come on, I'll be right behind you!” 
“V-Very well,” Stolas hesitantly agreed, and actually began to push himself up, maddeningly slowly at first, but progressively faster as his confidence grew.
“Let's get to that branch!” Blitzo said, pointing to it, and Stolas hummed and reached out toward it. But, just then, his foot slipped and almost kicked Blitzo in the face. 
“Ow!” Stolas winced. Before he could lose his grip on the tree's trunk, though, Blitzo extended a hand and grabbed Stolas by the leg, helping him stabilize himself by guiding it back to the bump it had slipped off of.
“Told ya I had you,” Blitzo said with immense pride. “Come on, you're almost there!” 
When Stolas made it to the branch, Blitzo jumped up beside him, and they sat next to one another. Stolas was looking down at the ground with worry, but Blitzo was looking right at Stolas, and saw the moment the boy's eyes darted up and his concern turned to wonder when he noticed the leaf-covered branches that surrounded them. 
“We're so high up!” Stolas said, awed. Looking much more relaxed now, he let go of his grip on the branch and rested his hands on his legs—and then hissed. Blitzo looked down just as Stolas moved his hand to reveal a scratch on his… well, Blitzo didn't know that much about bird anatomy, but he guessed it was best described as his front knee. 
“Oh,” Stolas murmured. 
“Ouch,” Blitzo agreed. “Happens sometimes. Here, my mama has the best remedy for these.” 
Careful not to lose his balance, Blitzo leaned down and pressed a tiny kiss next to the scratch. 
It was only after sitting back up and noticing Stolas’ bewildered expression that he realised maybe randomly kissing a royal better the way he would Barbie or Fizz wasn't the smartest decision.
“Uh.” Blitzo winced. “Sorry if that was weird.”
Stolas’ cheeks had gone completely pink, and all four of his eyes were wide open. 
“Oh,” he hooted, a high-pitched little sound. “Um.” He shook his head. Several times. “It's more than okay, please don't apologise. I just wasn't expecting to have my first kiss just now.” 
“Your—” Blitzo shook his head in utter shock. What was this guy on about?! “First kisses only count if they're on the lips!” 
Stolas’ eyes grew impossibly wider, the pink on his cheeks beginning to properly glow.
“W-Well, typically in romance books, that's true,” he argued, “but this was my first… overall kiss. Surely you know what I mean.” 
“Ermmmm… nope,” Blitzo said. 
“What I mean is, we all have our first regular kiss, and our first romantic kiss on the lips.” 
Blitzo shook his head. 
“That makes no sense. Your first regular kiss happens when you're a baby and your parents kiss you goodnight, you can't remember it.” 
Stolas looked away, and his face contorted with something close to... shame? 
“I suppose so,” he murmured. “That's probably true for most people.” 
Blitzo had no idea what to say to that. Surely Stolas was messing with him, right? 
… Right? 
Though, his dad had kind of seemed… off, earlier, when he'd chastised Stolas for bowing to Blitzo. And then he'd left so quickly, leaving them to their own devices in this gigantic, eerily empty palace. 
Not to mention the lack of family portraits in the palace's walls. For all the fancy decorations across the hallways and rooms, every single portrait had been of just… Stolas. All alone. 
Could it really be…?  
“In any case,” Stolas said all of a sudden, turning back to Blitzo with a shy smile. “What I meant to say is I'm glad it was you. Thank you, Blitzo.” 
“Er—you're welcome,” he said awkwardly. He didn't know how to feel about this. He really hadn't meant for it to be a big deal. 
“... So,” Stolas said, “what do you do once you've climbed a tree?” 
Oooh, now that Blitzo could confidently answer.
“Well, that's easy.” He grinned as he stood. “When you climb a tree with someone else, you have to carefully choose your sacred sword”—he snapped off a big enough branch from above his head and pointed it menacingly at Stolas—“so you can defend your honor in a pirate's combat!” 
“A pirate's combat?!” asked Stolas. When he saw Blitzo's devilish grin, he hesitantly stood, and looked nervously around for a fitting branch. Man, he was such a dorky kid. It was adorable.
Charging toward a barely ready Stolas, Blitzo laughed with glee and shrieked, “A pirate's combat… to the death!!!!!!!”
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caffeinelemur · 1 month
Stolitz Communication Styles
I feel like I need to talk about this.
Stolas’ high education and verbal gymnastics, versus Blitzø’s lack of equivalent education, dyslexia, and difficulty expressing emotions, especially through words. Because it plays a huge part in why they haven’t been, and still aren’t, communicating effectively. Also both of them are neurodivergent as fuck and communication is a bitch for us anyway.
Specifically, this is a dive into that different classes/mindsets dynamic, leading up to a look at that text conversation at the end of Western Energy, and how it leads into their possible growth.
From the very start of the series, Blitzø shows that he has difficulty with writing/spelling and prefers verbal communication. (Even if we look outside the instagrams, which are not technically canon.) The first episode has the billboard that was entirely speech-to-text and not proofread, (he’s too uncomfortable writing that big of a message out, and he thought it was easier to just say it, and was thus not equipped to proofread or edit it, as that would mean he was capable of knowing how to write it out correctly in the first place), his text messages and notes are generally short and often full of typos and phonetic spelling, and his whiteboard is usually covered in doodles and small attempts at writing that varies in levels of spelling prowess. He uses pictographs to help in proving his point or explaining his thought process. He has trouble expressing himself verbally, as his true feelings are expressed through actions, but his direct, vulgar, and often angry or insensitive wording and tone make it difficult for most people to see past this to his actual true feelings, (not to mention he often lies to others and to himself about those anyway). Issues with tone and blunt speech are a big thing with neurodivergent people, autistic and ADHD people especially, of which I think Blitzø is both. Stan an AuDHD king.
Stolas is rich, highly educated, and spent much of his life, especially early on, reading books instead of socializing. His house basically doubles as a library. He said himself that he “loves words”, and got excited about reading legal documents. He uses flowery, posh language and carefully talks around other people using this skill. His emotionally abusive past, both with his father and with Stella, make him a careful people-pleaser, and so he’s constantly giving others the upper hand in a conversation, more give than take, in attempts to not anger or have his intentions misunderstood and then incite said anger. A common thing in both abuse victims and neurodivergent people, especially autistic people, which Stolas clearly is. He does also have issues with tone and knowing when he should and shouldn’t say certain things, and he can often misunderstand others’ points and questions, and then answers or responds too bluntly or literally. Hashtag Just Autism Things.
Blitzø is an imp, the lowest class alongside hellhounds, and was raised in a circus. He clearly did not grow up wealthy in any respect (as his father resorted to selling his son and stealing from the fucking Ars Goetia so quickly, though that could also be attributed to just being living trash), nor is he particularly affluent now, as his small apartment has literally one bedroom, for Loona, and he sleeps on the couch. He outright says he can’t afford art classes. He hasn’t had the same level of educational opportunities as Stolas. On top of that, he’s also dyslexic, based on how, when he does write, it’s either written phonetically, as he would say the word, or he gets letters flipped around. He can write coherently, he’s not illiterate, but usually only when he tries really hard. He mixes capitals and lowercase in the same word sometimes. He’s even worse at texting than he is at writing by hand, with many typos, and resorting to text-speak abbreviations and emojis to lessen the amount of time he has to take trying to type shit out, and, again, doesn’t proofread.
Taking all of this into account, Blitzø is not going to understand a lot of what Stolas says when he uses larger words and talks around a point, especially since, unlike Stolas most of the time, Blitzø is very direct and uncensored when he talks (as in, no brain-to-mouth filter, but also he uses vulgarity in place of more eloquent speech), and when he is trying to say things with actual forethought, he ends up stuttering and has trouble finding the right words (ADHD brain fail ftw), and then gets angry at himself, and occasionally takes it out on others too (poor Moxxie). Stolas tries to talk around the point and backtracks his own words even more in stressful or emotional situations, giving more ground to the other, and this difference in stress response plays a part in their misunderstanding and inability to see from the other’s perspective.
In the first episode, during Stolas’ inopportune phone call, Blitzø thinks he’s being insulted when Stolas uses the word “grimoire,” because he doesn’t know it and always jumps to this conclusion, then has to get Stolas to stop using flowery language to talk around the point by telling him to “stop using your fancy ass rich people talk,” and Stolas has to change the way he’s been speaking to be more direct and clear. (He doesn’t retain this information for later, sadly).
All of this, to talk about the post-Ozzie’s text conversations. We know several things now:
1) Blitzø is not good with spelling and is more comfortable using pictographs to make his point, which you can’t do in a text. He’s also uncomfortable with honest emotional expression and has problems with tone.
2) Stolas uses overly flowery and complicated language to express himself, leading to paragraphs of talking around the main point in an attempt to explain his meaning, often to the extent that it’s extremely unclear what the point is that he’s actually trying to get to. This gets worse when he’s trying too hard to express himself or is thinking too much about the other person’s response.
3) They both have little experience with conversation of an emotional nature that’s not coming with some sort of protective front (Stolas’ open-ended people-pleasing statements, Blitzø’s use of false anger and vulgarity to push people away), so when they do try to say something without the mask, the other is unequipped for the change and misunderstands the intentions, especially when it’s through text.
Blitzø is uncomfortable with writing and especially with texting, and so says very little, using short abbreviated text-speak and emojis to express himself, like he would with his drawings. Stolas overexplains and writes paragraphs of vague statements and loquaciousness in an attempt to get a point across. These are very different approaches to the situation, and from the other’s perspective they come across differently than they intend, due to the conflicting communication styles.
In the text conversations we see in Western Energy, Blitzø says very little, and doesn’t initiates the conversation. Stolas sends walls of text, overexplaining and going back and forth on his intent and the purpose of the text.
Now, we know that Stolas is trying to give Blitzø space and options, and clearly cares a lot about his feelings, and is going out of his way to make sure he’s comfortable with the situation. In doing so, he gives him several outs, minimizes the entire experience at Ozzie’s at his own expense (and therefore Blitzø’s, but he doesn’t understand that yet), and pokes at the idea of talking emotionally far too soon for Blitzø, who is freshly re-traumatizing himself from said experience at Ozzie’s.
Stolas, from his own perspective, is giving so much and getting very little in return (a common theme in his life). He would see this lack of reciprocity in communication as lack of interest or being upset. A common thing irl, it’s easy to read a “K” after a long emotional message as a negative or indifferent response, regardless of the other party’s true feelings. (Which is possibly why a lot of people get upset on Stolas’ behalf in this moment, thinking Blitzø doesn’t care as much about Stolas as Stolas does him. It’s a common thing to experience. It’s not true, though.)
Meanwhile, Blitzø already hates writing, is bad at expressing himself in general, and reads into everything as negative. He thinks that when someone says something he doesn’t fully understand that they’re insulting him or making fun of him, or he misunderstands the intention and wording to be an insult (tonal and indirect or vague speech issues), like with that first phone call with Stolas, the “that’s what she said” joke Loona made, and Crimson’s mention of hearing things about him. He has a lifetime of evidence to back up this thought process. He is constantly demeaned and insulted by larger Hell society, and was treated as unworthy and lesser since childhood. He also just fucking hates himself and blames himself for everything. He’s not gonna suddenly gush his feelings, especially over text. He’s also gonna read into others’ words extremely negatively, until the true meaning is explicitly explained to him. Which isn’t very likely in a text conversation, when he’s not going to ask for proper clarification and the other party can’t tell that he’s misconstruing the intention and so doesn’t know they need to explain more anyway.
So, he isn’t going to initiate a text conversation unless it’s for a serious reason. He clearly doesn’t use it as a method of conversation as much as a quick way to get in touch with other people and exchange information (ex- his seemingly “impossible to misunderstand” text to Loopty in C.H.E.R.U.B. & his conversation about the portal with Millie in Seeing Stars). In Blitzø’s eyes, Stolas says "hey this is/isn’t happening", and he says "ok got the info" and he moves on from there. Information exchange. Then Stolas starts trying too hard, after Ozzie’s, to take his feelings into account without fully understanding Blitzø’s feelings to begin with, and starts backtracking and talking around the point again. He already got Blitzø’s reply, but then backtracks, which doesn’t give Blitzø the direct information he needs, leading to him misunderstand the proffered options as a dismissal instead of a clear confirmation with the option for him to refuse. Blitzø already is going to have issues reading/fully understanding the long wordy messages Stolas sends, he isn’t going to understand the nuance that Stolas’ specific phrasing is trying to say, and is going to see a “but you don’t have to/only if you want” attempt at giving him autonomy and boundaries, as a “don’t/I don’t want you to” full negation.
Stolas is also downplaying their experience at Ozzie’s, which is not only negating his own traumatic experiences with being shamed and insulted (not the healthiest mindset), but also minimizes Blitzø’s feelings and experience then as a result. Blitzø is going to see this as confirmation that it wasn’t as important/emotionally painful to Stolas as it was to Blitzø. Stolas making light of a situation that started a breakdown for Blitzø just proves to Blitzø that he’s the one overreacting, and that Stolas does find him less important, as the entire situation was already about Stolas valuing him less, in his eyes.
Stolas trying to overexplain and backtrack in the lack of access to Blitzø’s own thoughts is hurting them both in this situation. None of his pushing and flip-flopping is going to make Blitzø more eager to initiate a conversation or respond more, especially through a form he’s uncomfortable with using. And this makes Stolas feel unheard and undervalued, which leads to him try even harder, which leads to Blitzø shutting himself off even more, and so on. A lovely miscommunication feedback loop.
And knowing all of this is what makes that last text so important.
Blitzø initates the conversation for the first time. He writes what is, for him, a full sentence, with an emoji. He’s expressing himself as best he can, and is showing his actual feelings in the message. He’s going out of his way to say something to Stolas.
Which then… Stolas overwhelms him with more emotions and words. He’s not comfortable with emotional conversation and too much at once would freak him out, and the immediate upfront honest thoughts Stolas sends in the wake of Blitzø’s own emotional expression aren’t what he necessarily needs or wants to deal with, especially so soon after that worldview-shattering realization, the following guilt spiral, and the subsequent opening up that the first text is.
Yet he then, in spite of these hurdles, starts to reply.
But he gives up.
We don’t know for sure what he was going to say, but an easy read of his thoughts would be: he tried to express his feelings again in some way, was failing to do it right, was overwhelmed with feelings he didn’t know how to handle, and angrily gave up. Probably cursing himself out for even trying.
It’s not callous or uncaring or lacking reciprocity. It’s the full opposite. He’s trying so hard, but failing again. He cares so much and is incapable of expressing it verbally and unable to receive similar care in return.
Look back to the other time he tried this hard to write something emotional. The letter for Fizz. The love letter. And see how that situation went? He got overwhelmed, angry at everything and at himself for thinking he could try at all, and it all ended in fucking disaster. That he blames himself for. That he hates himself for. But here he tried to do it again anyway, while thinking, again, what happened to Stolas was his fault. That one message means so fucking much.
To Blitzø, the idea of visiting Stolas in the hospital was out of the question entirely, and him being asked to so immediately and candidly would make his guilty brain fall over itself even more. He’s never been allowed to visit his loved ones in the hospital, and the entire reason they were hospitalized to begin with was because of Blitzø, so how could this situation be any different? He wasn’t allowed to visit Fizz or Barbie, people who at least at one point he believed cared about him, so he’s definitely not going to be allowed to visit Stolas, who he already thinks doesn’t really give a shit.
That text was the best he could do at that time.
To really communicate effectively, these two need to sit down in front of each other and actually explain where they’re coming from. The lack of knowledge of the other’s position and situation, both in their past and currently in this relationship, is hurting them, and making understanding each other more difficult. The class difference and the differences in upbringing, despite both having garbage fathers and fucking meeting each other as children, are impeding their understanding and view of the other. Both Stolas’ obliviousness toward the actual differences in station and opportunity between him and imps as a whole, and inability to realize Blitzø’s personal difficulties with communication (based in the same place he’s blind to), and Blitzø’s (valid) disdain for the upper class and his view of the stronger, and especially of Stolas, as too good and important to bother with him and too powerful to feel actual pain, are the things they need to fucking address.
Blitzø already got this worldview fucked with, between seeing Stolas worry so much over his daughter, and then actually getting badly hurt. He now knows Stolas can care, and that he can feel pain, and that makes him at least peripherally aware that he’s able to be emotionally hurt.
By Blitzø.
Stolas, meanwhile, is vaguely at the point of comprehending he holds more power in their dynamic because of their differences in status, and him holding the key to Blitzø’s entire business and livelihood. He now knows Blitzø didn’t think he wanted anything other than sex, because of his hasty and overly selfish attempt at keeping him around. And it was a sex deal! He realizes he was wrong for holding that over Blitzø and that his actions and words in the past helped cause the misunderstanding that he didn’t care for Blitzø past getting sexual favors.
Stolas is gonna try to fix this power imbalance by giving up the entire premise of their current relationship, in the vain hope Blitzø will understand and then reciprocate his actual feelings, while Blitzø is now vaguely trying to actively prove he gives a shit about people, even while unsure of Stolas’ feelings toward him, and the result of these intentions clashing is gonna be a goddamn mess, unless miraculously they can communicate around the inevitable misunderstanding.
Please somebody let them explain themselves and have the other fucking listen.
They both love each other, but are fucked up from trauma and are neurodivergent, so they express themselves differently and can barely figure out their own shit, let alone explain it to the other. Get therapy and try new communication styles.
But they are slowly learning. They have the tools and ability to figure this out if they both try. It’s not futile. It just might take some fuck ups and more time to fully get there.
Sincerely, an AuDHD emotional abuse victim that sees themself in both of these idiots and wants to scream.
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swifty-fox · 7 days
Okay I apologize profusely if I'm wrong, but I thought I saw a post where you said you were British? If yes, I'm totally obsessed with the history of British accents and how you can tell someone's class and where they grew up and how an accent can change every mile. It makes me curious then about Callum's accent. I first clocked it when hearing that him and Eddie Redmayne grew up very close to each other yet their accents, while similar, also sound totally different? I understand it has a lot to do with class and to my ears I can hear the kinda more posh RP intonations of Eddie and sometimes Callum almost sounds like stereotypical cockney but not? And then every time he imitates his mom he puts on an even more exaggerated cockney (?) accent so what would you consider his accent to be? Does he sound cockney? Or has growing up in Chelsea make his accent a little bit more posh?
Feel free to ignore this, I just find it SO fascinating.
tagging resident brit @sig-nifier to confirm
i am NOT british, I'm new england haha. I just dated a South East London gal for a couple years and was raised with British friends online (got adopted by a bunch of 14 year old nice jewish boys when I was eleven)
I think Britian is definitely unique for how many dialects and accents there are in such a small place. Especially London, some people can tell what borough you're from from the accent.
From my understanding (and the fact my Ex could clock a Chelsea boy in 20 seconds flat) Chelsea is a pretty middle-class area. So still got some rough to it but it's pretty solidly a 'nice' area (not going to touch on how race plays into socioeconomic politics in London. i don't live there, never had, not my monkeys not my circus)
I don't think he sounds cockney and my ex was cockney. But she was SE London Cockney, Second gen indian immigrant cockney. There's so much nuance to it.
he DID grow up on a council estate which is essentially public/subsidized housing in the UK. So they also weren't growing up especially wealthy. So his accent isn't cockney, but it isn't that refined either. He's just kind of your average guy??? Like new yorker grew up in brooklynn has the accent sorta vibes.
You sound like what you grow up hearing. A pittsbugh accent is very familiar to me cause that's where my family is from even though I grew up 10 hours away.
*terms and conditions to 'nice' apply. They were fourteen year old boys in the mid to late aughts.
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avlillustrations · 9 months
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God damn I'm soooo happy with how this turned out! Especially after how much trouble Jazz's pose was to draw. Seriously Vlads pose came together so easily and I struggled for hours to draw Jazz. I have no idea why.
So I didn't really change Vlad and Jazz's designs for this au (except Jazz's bag) but I've been thinking about it a lot and decided to tweak their part in the story a little bit. Mostly I just want to keep Jazz and Vlad together instead of them joining the main trio separately. Yeah, so no more slave traders in this update.
Okay, so to outline their backstory. Vlad was born into a wealthy family and went to a very prestigious boarding school where he met Jack Fenton. Unlike Jack, who was very gung-ho about joining the hunters and slaying supernaturals, Vlad was more apathetic about the entire situation. Until an incident at the school led to Vlad being rescued by a supernatural.
Jack meets Maddie at the hunter academy. They fall in love, get married, (Vlad is Jack's best man at the wedding), and have their only daughter Jazz. (I should also mention Vlad is her Godfather in this au.) While Jack and Maddie are steadily rising through the hunters ranks and their missions take them far and long from home, Vlad pulls triple duty. Volunteering as an informant (now officially titled Advisors) in order to feed false information to the hunters, aiding supernaturals in crossing the border into the neighboring kingdom, and looking after his goddaughter.
Which means bailing her out of trouble with the hunters because she's an outspoken activist and supernatural sympathizer. Jazz is lucky her parents have such a high standing in the hunters organization and that Vlad is wealthy enough to bribe her out of trouble. Unfortunately, as the story goes, her luck (and Vlads) runs out.
Vlad is attacked by a panicked vampire, not realizing he wasn't a threat to her, and is turned. He tries to go about his days as usual. Trying to deal with the bloodlust on his lonesome (without his sire to guide him). He does everything he can to stave off his hunger. Feeding on small animals, biting his own hands; it helps, but only just.
Until finally, he goes too long in the day without a drop to keep himself sane. Nearly attacking Jazz, he is only just stops himself. A testament to his impeccable self control. Unfortunately Jack and Maddie had returned home (with a sizable hunter escort) at just the absolute worst moment, and see Vlad in his feral state. The hunters attack. Vlad fends them off as best as he's able, but he's outnumbered.
During the struggle Jazz tries to defend Vlad. Arguing with her parents, trying to get them to see the Vlad is not a monster. He's still their friend. In an adrenaline filled moment she attacks one of the hunters with whatever posh hallway decoration she can get her hands on. And with that her luck has finally run out.
Her parents high status can no longer save her from punishment. Normally she would've been hanged for treason however, Jazz and Vlad aren't the only supernatural sympathizers in this world. The hunters are losing favor with the public. Jazz and Vlad may just be their ticket to regaining it.
As in the original version of this the hunters enlist Freakshow and his circus to transport Vlad to the capital. Their instructions are to starve him completely so the he'll be absolutely monstrous and deadly. Their plan is to feed Jazz to him before sentencing him to death and hoping it will be enough to quell any further misgivings the public may have about the hunters and why they hunt.
Don't worry, Vlad and Jazz will be saved. Unfortunately not before Vlads feral appearance does exactly what the hunters want it to.
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count-alucard-tepes · 6 months
Have any of us ever asked? how or where op hotties and s/o live?
in which blue seas?
what kind of island?
live in a ship or in a house?
in a village, town or a remote place?
I’m not an expert at the different seas and reading about it confuses me so I’ll give just a general idea of where they’re live😆
Kizaru ✨: he would live in a fancy house that’s close to the new Marineford that’s probably not too far from the city where there’s great restaurants and bars.
Akainu🌋: he resides at Marineford during the week in apartment that has all that he needs and on weekends, he’s in the countryside where he lives in his traditional Japanese style home with lots of plants on a small island.
Ryokugyu 🌱: he lives on an island that is secluded from the rest of the world and is overgrown with all of his plants. He has a modern style house and even a vineyard. Akainu loves to visit him there…just to see the plants of course.
Fujitora 🐅: he lives close to Marineford because it’s easier for him to navigate around and he enjoys the soba restaurants there. He has a simple home with some plants that Ryokugyu had gifted him, they are a way for him to spy on Fujitora to find out if he is okay.
Sir Crocodile 🐊: he has various mansions across the world but he does fancy staying in the high rise posh apartments in his casinos because they’re easier for him to monitor how his various business ventures are doing and being in the city makes him quite happy as well.
Doflamingo Donquixote 🦩: he lives in a Spanish mansion in Dressrosa which is also part of the palace. He redecorated to fit his aesthetic.
Benn Beckman 🔫: he lives on the Red Hair pirate ship for most of his days but when he does get a chance to leave, he lives in a small town cottage that even has livestock that he cares for.
Katakuri Charlotte 🍡: he lives in the flour town of which he is the minister of. He lives in a house that’s not made of sweets (or donuts or I dare say) surprisingly. His siblings love visiting him though just for chats or to get big bro cuddles.
Killer🔪: he lives on the Kidd pirates ship all the time but he eventually wants to have a small home on the beach one day.
Kaido🐉: well he had one of the most epic homes ever that took him 5 years to finish until some terrorist named Luffy and 17 other dudes jumped him on the roof!
King 👑 : he spends his time from Onigashima and Skypedia. He loves living in the skies, he never really liked the ocean from the time he was a kid.
Queen👑: he lives on an island that has the best nightlife ever! He needs space away from where he works.
Izou🔫🔫: he lives on his ship with his crew but he does wish to live back in the countryside, he misses it so much.
Dragon D Monkey 🐉🐒: he lives in a pretty nice home that’s where the Revolutionary army resides but it has a nice garden where he can relax and have his private time.
Oven Charlotte 🍞: he lives in the Browned food island and lives in a cute home that’s very much like his aesthetic. He also has a real nice kitchen that only he’s allowed to use! He’s very particular!
Buggy🤡: he lives on an island and his home is styled like a circus tent where the rest of his crew lives too. He loves everything about it!
Marco the Phoenix 🦅: he lives on an island in a simple cottage not too far from his hospital that he built from scratch. He really enjoys not being at sea anymore.
Eustass Kidd🤘🎸: he lives on his ship with his crew and absolutely loves it. He’s always been an on the move kind of guy.
Rosinantè Donquixote aka Cora-San💕: he lives with his dad, Sengoku. He never liked being alone ever since him and Doffy got separated so he never moved out either. He also likes being dotted on by his Sen-dad since Doffy got a lot more attention than him when they were kids.
Who’s-Who ❤️‍🔥👹: after Onigashima was destroyed, he moved to an island that’s pretty small and livable. He doesn’t want to deal with too many people but somehow the Tobiroppo found him and they all live together in a pretty nice house with lots of cats around.
Gecko Moria🦇: he still lives in his ship/island even after that terrorist, Luffy invaded it. He’s still not fucking over it and literally goes in the opposite direction every time he hears the Strawhats are near him.
Iceburg💜: he lives in his mansion on Water 7. He’s upgraded his security after the last time he got assaulted and shot in his own damn house. He’s fucking over it.
Gild Tesoro⚜️🏅: he lives on his ship because it’s literally an island! Everything is super fancy and gold. Only his baby girls can come visit him at home quarters though😉
Rob Lucci🐆: he lives in a very fancy and pristine apartment on an island close to the World Government HQ. Let’s just say no one has seen in the inside of Lucci’s home except for the cleaning lady and Hattori.
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thislovintime · 7 months
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The Monkees promoting Head in the Bay Area, 1968. Photo 2 courtesy of Oakland Tribune.
“If we were considering animals, David Jones would probably be a cocker spaniel; Micky Dolenz a poodle; Mike Nesmith a dachshund and Peter Tork an afghan… not a monkey among them. But, following an interview with the pre-teen dream makers, we are considering ‘The Monkees,’ who were live and reasonably sane in the Bay Area last week to plug their new movie, ‘Head,’ which opened Wednesday in the Eastbay. After chatting for an hour, individual personalities emerged… David Jones is… uh, well… a cocker spaniel; Micky Dolenz, a poodle…. There is just no way to describe the four musician-actors who have probably absorbed more sarcasm from critics, more distrust from the public and endured a faster-paced schedule than any other rock group on Planet Earth. There is something unreal about the four of them together — in an ‘in person’ interview in a posh hotel suite with promotion agents in the background. Their friendliness, cleanliness and politeness are real but their togetherness falls apart trying to come together. By now, anyone who reads even one of the world’s live languages knows they were brought together for the first time to star in a TV series by the same name. A marketable item made up of ex-jockey and musical-comedy (‘Oliver’) star David Jones; Grown up TV ‘Circus Boy’ wonder Micky Dolenz; country-western-folk singer from Texas, Mike Nesmith, and Greenwich Village vintage guitarist Peter Tork. The four speak to each other as acquaintances and one gets the impression of a working-hours-or-sessions relationship only. They appear to be a little too polite to each other, to aware of each other for comfort. Peter defers to Micky’s talent as a director. ‘You know, like we were doing one TV show with Micky directing,’ Peter imitates Micky’s muggings. ‘He takes the script, flips it open and says, “Let’s see here now… we shoot starting with page seven… here boys,” he calls over the camera crew and in bright sunlight shoots in four hours with no rehearsal what it normally takes 12 hours to shoot.’ Micky grins, bows politely with a ‘Thank you, kind sir.’ […] ‘We did some shows that we really liked,’ Peter said. ‘But there were so many formula shows where Micky played crazy villains, David always got the girl… we just couldn’t take another season of it.’ ‘In addition to the “7 to 7” hours at the studio,’ David said, ‘we’d have to get a song out for the show, plan concerts, rehearse for and record albums. Some nights I’d work until 3 a.m. then have to be back at the studio for makeup at 6 a.m. the same day.’ Still, their critical success came with their Marx-Brothers-ish approach to comedy, that aspect of their careers which has been the most time-consuming. ‘The Monkees’ don’t see it that way. Mike plots their future in music with visuals as an accompaniment rather than the focus. ‘Music was always the major thing even in our series,’ he said. Most reviews and public response do not agree with this. Past the pre-and-early-teens, people can more or less take or leave the ‘Monkees’ sound and it was considered little more than background to innovative comedy on their show.” - article by Peggy King, Oakland Tribune, December 7, 1968
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player1064 · 3 months
guess who’s back again 😂 finding out becks wasn’t gaz’s best man at his actual wedding is so crazy to me how about carraville wedding and this time becks actually makes it and does a killer best man speech
I always under-estimate how much time I'm going to spend on these things bc like. it's after 11pm and my quick little best man speech drabble is 1.2k words long (and brentford lost to west ham :(((((((((. which is unrelated but still tragic)
Everyone at the table groans when once again their conversations are interrupted by the clink of silverware against crystal.
David stands up, grinning at the boos and calls for him to sit back down, and he raises his glass.
“Alright, alright,” he says, “now that we’ve sat through the soppy bollocks of the grooms’ speeches, it’s time for the main event.”
(Said ‘soppy bollocks’ had featured heart-warming lines such as “I ‘ave a lot more money than him so we all know there’s no question that he’s sticking around”, and “I only said ‘til death do us part’ ‘cause it didn’t seem as long a commitment as ‘til Manchester United next win the league’.)
“Main event were about two hours ago,” Gary mutters from a few seats down.
Next to him, Jamie bumps their shoulders together with a laugh and says “main event’s gonna be in our hotel room later tonight.”
This earns him a few cheers and wolf-whistles, which David stands patiently through, glass still aloft.
“So,” he says eventually, “Ever since Gary called me last week to tell me that he was getting hitched and that I needed to drop everything I was doing and fly back to England to come to the wedding, I’ve been trying to think about what my best man speech should be.”
There are some more boos from around the table, including from Gary, who says “Yer not my best man, you twat, I don’t ‘ave a best man. Too old for all that nonsense. ‘sides, this is a casual wedding, like.”
David gives a pointed look around the room: they’re in a posh restaurant in London that they’d had the good foresight to book out for the entire evening, partly so as not to cause a media circus and partly so that they wouldn’t have to deal with the judgemental looks that come when you’re the ‘loud table’ in the place.
“Yeah, very casual,” he says, one eyebrow raised, then turns back to the rest of the table and continues. “Obviously, Gaz was best man at my wedding a quarter of a century ago,” (some groans from everyone round the table at the reminder of how old they all are) “and he did an alright job at it. Speech was pretty funny, but we have to deduct some points from his overall score for failing to get with any of the remaining Spice Girls. Though I suppose now we know why.” He says the last part with a wink and a nod towards Jamie.
“It’s nowt to do w’him bein’ gay,” Jamie heckles back, “it’s ‘cause he was a skinny little Manc with curtains.”
Gary drops his head to the table in exasperation.
“It was the nineties, Carragher, we all had curtains,” David shoots back. “Anyway, I’m tryna think of some funny stories to throw in, or something sort of – salacious, maybe, but then I realise that’ll leave me with the shortest speech in history because Gaz was always so bloody boring. You all already know this – whenever we were away with England, or with United, there’d be the lads going out for a piss-up,” (down the table, Giggsy and Butty cheer), “and then there’d be poor old Phil and Gary, still at the hotel and in bed by nine.”
Phil looks around the table with a smile at that, like it’s something to be proud of.
“And as curious as I am about the stripper incident, I’m not Carragher’s best man,” (“yer not anyone’s best man!”) “so that one’ll have to be lost to the sands of time. Then I thought, well, Gaz may’ve been boring off the pitch but on the pitch he had quite the reputation, so I thought we could do a little poll. Show of hands, how many people in this room have been kissed – on the mouth – by Gary Neville?”
About a half the table raise their hands: most of Gary’s friends from United, and, horrifyingly, a couple of Jamie’s lot who he’d played on England side with over the years.
“You little slag,” Jamie says, looking at Gary with a shit-eating grin.
“He wasn’t always successful, I should say – I think the one time he tried to kiss Roy he almost got another broken nose for his trouble,” adds David, raising his glass towards Roy who nods in confirmation.
David chuckles, “aw, but Gaz has always had hopeless taste in men. Not that he fancied you, Roy, you weren’t tall enough. D’you know, I think he almost fainted the first time Ruud walked into the dressing room.”
“Oi! Y’can’t call that hopeless, I’ll have you know me ‘n ‘im –” he claps a hand over his own mouth, wide-eyed, when he realises that he’s just told a room full of his closest friends something he’d been managing to keep to himself for the last twenty years.
That earns him a few more hollers and wolf-whistles, and when they die down David is looking at him with his lips pressed together like he’s trying not to laugh, eyes twinkling with mirth.
“I was gonna go on to talk about when you first met Jamie, but I think we’d all much rather stay on this for a while longer.”
“Oh my God,” Gary says, resting his forehead to Jamie’s shoulder with a groan, “please just do your Jamie bit. What’s it gonna be, reminding everyone how I hate Scousers?”
“Pretty much, yeah.” David puts on his terrible Manc accent, and says “’Becks, why the fuck are they putting this Scouse kid in midfield one game and left-back the next?’ ‘Oh my god, Becks, I think Sven’s lost his mind, he’s putting me in centre-back and giving my spot to fucking Carragher,’”
“And then somehow, right,” he continues, “somehow, it becomes ‘Becks, I were his captain, d’you think I should go say somethin’ comforting,’ and ‘if e’s takin’ my place while I'm out I should talk to him, right? Is it weird if I go talk to him?’, and once, when he was very very drunk, ‘I’d let ‘im tackle me any time, d’youknowwhatImean?’”
Gary, who doesn’t remember that last bit at all, feels himself flush with embarrassment at the thought of saying something so complimentary about his new husband. Said new husband reaches up to ruffle his hair before burying his face in it, fondly muttering “you are so pathetic” as he does.
“Anyway, all that to say that it wasn’t much of a surprise to me, when a few years ago I found out that the two of you had started hooking up.”
He holds his glass up again, waits for everyone to mirror him. “Jamie,” he says, “I think Gary’s finally met his match in you, so cheers to that. And Gaz… I’m sorry I never made it to your first wedding, but I’m glad I could be here for your last.”
“Dunno about that,” Jamie heckles, wrapping an arm around Gary’s shoulders in a tight squeeze, “might trade ‘im in for a younger model when ‘is hips go in a few years.”
For his sins, Gary curls a hand at the nape of his neck and pulls him into a rough kiss.
Through the cheers and laughter, David finishes with “to the happy couple! May you spend the rest of your lives tormenting each other instead of the rest of us!”
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colorfulyetsinful · 1 year
Happy new years everyone!!! I hope everyone had a good nesw years and if not...welp :/
Anways, I got more headcannons! :D
As I mentioned in m last hc post, these are hc I've written on my phone to send to my friend. I thought I write so much hc might as well post them. Also, Jason is Latino bc I’m Latino and I say so.
Ok, headcannon time!
Batfam Accents
Has a Romani / European accent
It’s a bit watered-down bc of him traveling in the circus
He knew english, but it was very broken
Or it sounded broken with how heavy his accent was
He learned how to switch accent and talk proper American english after becoming Robin as a way to further mask his identity
When he’s Robin and upset, he talks in his born dialect,
but in an American accent...
Yes, it is very funny
The teen titans thought he was going craz when he code switch
“Wait, you’re not (American) White?”
“Now where the fu-”
He uses his accent when in civilian form to keep the image
Is an immigrant from Dominican Republic,
but immigrated when he was a baby
He only knew Spanish for the first few years of his life, until his mother died
His accent is also watered-down, but it's still strong to your genric American
It works when being questioned by the police,
just pretend you don't know english
As he got older and learned more english his accent basically went away (Still there, technology, just not as stronger)
Since he's from Gotham's streets, he has a heavy Jersey/Gotham accent (If you ever heard a jersey-ian (?) talk then you know what I'm talking about)
When he met Batman, he tried to play the "No Hablo inglés"
and Bruce pulls the uno reverse card and starts throwing spanish right back at him
"Abort mission"
When he teams up with Roy, Roy find him hot when he speaks spanish
He also teaches Lian spanish bc "I'm basically raising her too, Roy. That's my child as much as she is your's, and I'm teaching her spanish, danmmit"
The only one withot an accent,
like he has a Gotham accent, but its posh Gotham (people with these accents are rich and think their shit dont stink)
Knows Korean and Yiddish fluently
Bc Tim is haft asian (I hc him as Korean and Jewish) and rich, ofc his parents had him learn a bunch of languages
Languages such as; Japanese, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Mandarin
One time the YJ (who didn't know his identity) ran into his civilian personal at a banquet and he had to speak Korean
Yj was on a mission, however, to watch over him (much to his displeasure) and he had to pretend to only speak Korean the whole night
When frustrated and/or in pain, he switches to one of the many languages he know
"What is your ethnicity? You're fluent in too many languages"
"Human. No more questions"
Is actually an immigrant
(At least, I believe so...corrent me if im wrong)
His accent is the heaviest out of all of them bc he grew up in the middle east for a good chunk of his life
He hides it with posh European english (how he was taught english)
Knows a lot of languages bc Talia said knowing all of them is important
He doesn't know Cantonese, Portugese, or Hawaiian
Still getting use to speaking more in english and not Arabic
Still wasn't able to properly mask his accent yet as some words are weird to pronounce.
Is taking speach therapy so she also doesn't really have an accent
She just speaks broken english bc she's getting used to talking
Talks very softly
Uses ASL mostly as it is an easier wa to communicate
Slowly gaining a Canadian accent bc her speech instructor is from Canada
Like jason, also has a Gotham/Jersey accent
Grew up in regular gotham streets, unlike Tim, so it's more slang words
The "Blaccent"
Is very heavy, like he cant turn it off
which is fine bc he's a gotham base vigilante
Teaches Damian Jersey slang
Bruce also has a posh Jersey accent that Tim as bc all rich and high society do
and Alfred is obviously british
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joesalw · 6 months
Doesn’t matter though, both are OOGLAY.
This! Her jewelry lately is absolutely hideous. She just looks tacky. It doesn't matter if that ring is from a friend or from TK bestie, it's tacky.
Compare the huge amount of jewelry she's been wearing lately (kitschy) to the jewelry she got from Joe Alwyn (that J necklace, that infinity bracelet). I'm sure it wasn't very expensive, he seems quite frugal, but it looked classy and timeless. The sort of pieces that your grandma could wear. Or your granddaughter 100 years into the future. Elegant and timeless.
If I learned anything from this circus is that money can't buy classiness. If you are tacky, you remain tacky, even as a billionaire.
Looks like Joe Alwyn took all the integrity and the classiness with him when he left.
Exactly, Joe's gifts were more sentimental and classy than anything she's been wearing right now. Swifties will literally cry about the price because they are bunch of 13 years old. But Joe has grown up in a posh british family, so his sense of class comes from within, which we can see in the stuff he bought, whereas anything Taylor has been wearing right now is flashy and tacky with a huge amount of price. Like the expense is the main factor for her jewellery and not the sentiment. Like it's the ultimate truth that money can't buy class lol.
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