#plot prompt
writingraven · 2 years
Writing Tips
Basic Plots
basic ≠ bad
many of these can & will overlap — that’s okay! it only adds more depth and tension to your story
stories should have: a main plot — the central idea, includes initial trigger and primary obstacles, subplots — branch from the main plot; less important but do affect the events of the story, and parallel plots — occur away from the reader’s view but affect the main plot
⤷ adventure
⤑ protagonist sets on a journey through a new world usually filled with constant danger and action; they will endure an evolvement of their understanding of reality
⤷ ascension
⤑ protagonist undergoes successive changes as a result of events; shows the character rising to be a better person or in a higher position
⤷ descension
⤑ protagonist undergoes successive changes as a result of events; shows the character falling to be a worse person or in a lower position
⤷ discovery
⤑ protagonist discovers something important and hidden about themselves or their surroundings
⤷ escape
⤑ protagonist is held against their will and tries to get out
⤷ forbidden love
⤑ protagonist(s) develop romantic feelings for someone they cannot be with due to external factors; may or may not overcome these obstacles
⤷ love
⤑ protagonist(s) develop romantic feelings for someone, overcoming any obstacles that may stand in their way of being together
⤷ maturation
⤑ protagonist evolves from a state of innocence into a state of wisdom; usually refers to childhood into adulthood
⤷ metamorphosis
⤑ protagonist physically evolves into another form; represents their inner changes
⤷ overcoming the monster
⤑ protagonist sets out to defeat the antagonist; will usually be against the odds to win, but the protagonist overcomes these obstacles to eventually be victorious; the monster can be anything really — actual beast, villain, system, circumstance, etc.
⤷ pursuit
⤑ one character chases the other (protagonist pursuing the antagonist or vise versa)
⤷ quest
⤑ protagonist searches for ~something~ which takes them on a journey of wonderment, temptation, and obstacles in order to accomplish their goal; this something can be anything, but it must be profound enough for them to take the risks
⤷ rags to riches
⤑ a generally insignificant person (often maltreated and dejected) undergoes amelioration to become extraordinary; usually through a hidden talent or secret of some sort
⤷ rebirth
⤑ the protagonist is a generally unlikable character who eventually redeems themselves through the course of the story
⤷ rescue
⤑ protagonist searches for someone or something the antagonist has taken; usually the antagonist places obstacles the protagonist must overcome
⤷ revenge
⤑ protagonist retaliates against antagonist
⤷ riddle
⤑ protagonist searches for the hidden meaning of something ambiguous
⤷ rivalry
⤑ protagonist competes against someone who shares their goal; usually these characters will have similar ability levels
⤷ sacrifice
⤑ protagonist tests their limits in order to achieve their goal, losing cherished items, people, or morals along the way
⤷ temptation
⤑ protagonist is persuaded to do something against their moral code
⤷ tradegy
⤑ the protagonist’s downfall is a cause for celebration; typically they will have a fatal character flaw that is ultimately their undoing
⤷ transformation
⤑ protagonist evolves from one character state to another as a result of events
⤷ underdog
⤑ protagonist has a disadvantage and is faced with overwhelming odds while trying to accomplish their goal
⤷ wretched excess
⤑ protagonist pushes the limits of acceptable behavior either due to mental unbalance or being trapped by circumstances; results in declination of stability and total loss of control
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enchantingepics · 1 month
Story Prompt 95
With each step taken, the ground quivered beneath them, echoing the weight of their actions. The air they breathed seemed to carry a heavy toll, as if every inhale spelled doom for countless others. Despite prevailing in battle, one final obstacle remained – the last remnants of a hero.
Sauntering along the desolate road, they spotted him, sitting alone with an air of defiance. "Pathetic," they muttered, their voice laced with contempt. "You dare call yourself a hero?"
Meeting their gaze with unwavering resolve, the hero remained steadfast. "No need for concern," they whispered to themselves, a smirk tugging at their lips as they approached.
Leaning in close, they spoke softly into his ear, their words dripping with malice. "Even with your courage, you should've fled when you had the chance, you fool."
The hero's expression remained resolute, silently accepting his fate. With a swift motion, they plunged their hand into his abdomen, tearing through flesh with a ruthless efficiency.
As life ebbed from the hero's eyes, he managed a bitter chuckle. "You may believe yourself human," he gasped, his voice barely a whisper, "but your humanity died long ago."
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Plot/ Dialogue prompt
Characters A and B frequently get into fight scenarios in which they team up, quite often life-or-death type of fights.
After a while of working together Character A starts calling Character B “Six.”
At the end of the fic, Character B brings it up, finally asking about it.
Character B: “You always call me “Six”. It’s because I cover your dead angle, right? The blind spot you can’t see while you march on.”
Character A: “Took you long enough to figure that out.”
Covering Character A’s dead angle can be meant figuratively or literally; also this doesn’t have to be a ship-situation.
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Plot prompt, 11/19/2023
Persona A is going through a gradual transformation (as literal or figurative as you want). They are hiding it from Persona B. Little do they know that B is also being transformed. The same way? Different?
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plots-and-prompts · 1 year
Plot Prompt #56
The Person with awful handwriting is the one writing love letters for their love interest
✧・゚: ✧・゚:  Word of The Day  :・゚✧:・゚✧
Burgeon (v. Old French, 14th century): Begin to grow or increase rapidly; flourish
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barbwireandblood · 2 years
Send 🔈 for something my muse is reluctant to say out loud
send 🔇 for something they would never admit
please specify muse
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Ship prompt: Baker x Cat Rescue Owner [because they both love loaves]
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Writing Prompt
Character A is an undercover cop, sicc’d on drug dealers. Relevant: A’s same-gender sibling is also a cop, not undercover.
Characters B and C are drug dealers.
Character C: Whoa, wait man! This guy’s a cop! I have seen him before! I know his face! That guy’s a cop! I know he’s a cop!
Character B: If you’re a cop you have to tell us, it’s law. [A/N: It’s not]
Character A: No? I’m not a freaking cop. My piece of shit brother is. How the fuck do you know my brother? You an informant? Why do you know cops?
Character C: Hey man.
Character A: Bro, your guy’s a fucking narc! I’m not buying from a fucking narc! Forget it, I’m out!
Character B: You’re going to do some explaining, C!
Despite this prompt being tailored for a cop-character, ACAB, and if you can make a private investigator work in this prompt, please do!
A non-fed undercover investigator would make this better but that needs more built-up than just this dialogue prompt. And imho, a disillusioned ex-cop who became a private investigator and hates the system that made/ trained him is always the best option for an investigator.
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writeroftheprompts · 2 years
Paranormal Writing Prompts 👻
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whumpberry-cookie · 2 years
Plot prompt
(Cv: trauma, panick attack, betrayal)
Heroes have to cooperate with a Villain (Whumper) to fight the Supervillain.
One day Whumpee walks in the common room and sees their old Whumper casually sitting in an armchair.
"Don't worry, hun. I'm not here for you this time" Whumper chuckes "But I have to admit, I liked you bloody more"
Will Whumpee run out of the room in absolute terror?
Will Whumpee have a complete breakdown and panic attack afterwards?
Will Whumpee completly lose trust in Caretaker after finding out it was him who invited Whumper?
Will Whumpee's trust issues deepen to the point they won't be able to trust anyone again?
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psychidion · 2 years
plot prompts based on random words:
Joke~ a] The class clown suddenly shows up very unlike themselves. b] 2 groups of friends since they were young kids have had a semi-annual prank war against each other, which is mostly lighthearted but can get very competitive. But then someone from one group falls in love with someone from the other… Pie~ A’s great aunt is famous for her baking skills and whenever A visited as a kid, they would always bake something together. However, no one would ever believe A and always said they had too big of an imagination whenever they talked about the guests that would come to eat their great aunt’s food with them. That is everyone except their great aunt. Agenda~ A is a very disciplined and orderly person who hardly ever takes breaks or tries to have fun. Until they have a nervous breakdown and are encouraged by their doctors to take a long break. So they go on vacation begrudgingly and end up meeting some people who teach them the value of fun. Warning~ a] A receives an odd letter from an old friend they haven’t heard from in years that tells them their life is about to change. b] A character, when they were a child, was always told not to go into the nearby woods, but no one could ever offer up a reason why. Despite these warnings, they were still very curious about it and when they considered themselves old enough, they decided to investigate.
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mikhaelwrites · 2 years
Writing Prompt (1)
Timmy loves this specific thing. He has a very specific interest. Its pretty niche. Timmy discovers a Goddess with mythology specifically based around this interest and this interest only. This Goddess? Isn't very well known. So, when she gets her first follower, out of excitement, she gives him the power of knowledge! The power of knowledge... only about this specific subject.
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enchantingepics · 1 month
Story Prompt 110
The clock on the wall ticked with a steady rhythm, filling the room with a sense of impending doom. Blood trickled down, staining the lips of the figure sitting bound in chains. Despite the evident pain and damage inflicted, there was a defiant glint in their eye, a spark of resilience that refused to be extinguished.
"You've fallen, just like they all do," sneered the captor from the shadows, their voice dripping with malice.
The figure chuckled softly, a dry, raspy sound that echoed in the dimly lit room. "Fallen? Perhaps. But a hero? That's a title I've never claimed."
The captor's laughter cut through the air like a knife, their amusement evident. "You may deny it, but your actions speak louder than words. Heroes always end up on their knees before me."
With a sudden crack, the chains binding the figure shattered into pieces, falling to the ground with a clang. The captor's eyes widened in disbelief as they watched the figure rise, their gaze burning with an intensity that sent shivers down their spine.
"A hero may fall," the figure growled, their voice low and menacing. "But they always rise again, stronger than before. And this time, I won't be the one forgotten."
A flash of crimson filled the captor's vision, a searing pain spreading through their body like wildfire. They stumbled back, clutching at their chest as if trying to quell the inferno burning within.
"Never again," the figure declared, their voice a haunting echo in the darkness. "Never again will I be at your mercy."
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Plot prompt, 12/5/2023
There is a woman they call "Lady Luck." She does not bring you good luck, oh no. She absorbs good fortune instead. She leeches it from people, places, good luck charms. It is all needed for her glorious purpose, and she must ensure success.
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plots-and-prompts · 11 months
Plot Prompt #57
A: A time-cop tracks down people who escape from their own time periods through "time leaks." B: a physical engineer who fixes the leaks. 
Their experiences with each other are out of sync (e.g. one’s first meeting is the other’s 52nd), but somehow they make it work.
During first meeting: the repair worker is thinking about how the cop looks attractive when they just comes up to kiss him. Repair worker faints.
✧・゚: ✧・゚:  Word of The Day  :・゚✧:・゚✧
Gazetteer (n. Italian, early 17th century): A geographical index or dictionary
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ichimerapunk · 2 months
Plot Bunny: Danny Is A Clone but with a Twist
Fanfics where Danny is a clone of one of the Bats are not unheard of; however, what about this twist to the idea:
So, writer’s choice on how it happens but regardless Danny and Tim realize they are an exact DNA match to each other. Everyone is assuming clone, but Danny has memories of growing up as a Fenton. Despite Danny’s disagreement, the Bats assume that false memories might be at play, but Danny’s birth records are proven to be real and show Danny is only a few months younger than Tim.
After some digging, they uncover that Danny is indeed a clone of Tim except it was because of a fertility clinic error. That Tim’s parents, Janet and Jack Drake, had used a fertility clinic to insure the one baby she was willing to have would come out with all their desired traits (male, no genetic defects, whatnot.). Once the ideal zygote was created it was cloned to have plenty to work with however many insemination procedures it might take.
However, because of an error, some of those eggs ended up being used for Danny’s parents when they used the clinic some weeks/months later. (Without their knowledge and certainly without the Drake’s consent.) And because his parents assumed Danny got his black hair and blue eyes from his dad, they never second-guessed Danny as not being their bio son. 
So, Danny is reeling realizing his parents aren’t his bio parents and Tim is reeling over the news he might not even be ‘the original’ considering how many fertilized eggs are generally used during IVF.   
So yeah, clones but not out of some nefarious plot or anything. Just mundane human error, dumb luck, and chance.
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