#pero ahora es too much
tortademaracuya · 10 months
"Capáz no vale la pena" "nonono es CLAVE que lleve esto" te podés decidir mamita me quiero ir a mimir
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tacomateita · 4 months
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a little cover redraw i did for @somerandomdudelmao 's Cass Apocalyptic Series anniversary !!!
it's not much but i wanted to do a little something and someone on tiktok (desilufajardo, i think you know them lmao) mentioned that we, the hispanic part of the fandom(?), should do something special for today so...here it is!
i wanted to write something nice but i've tried putting my gratitude into words and it always ends up sounding very lame and sappy so...i'll just thank you, your work has such an impact on me and many others, i'm sure you're aware of it. i hope things go great for you and i wish you the best.
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pablitogavii · 9 months
After seeing what happened to Pedri during his latest interview, I came up with a similar idea for Gavi :)
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Pablo was doing an interview today with Residency and he was very happy he will get to engage more with his fans and answer some of their questions.
Everyone knows Pablo isn't much of a talker and doesn't like the publicity he quickly gained but this was a way for him to give back to his supporters.
"Welcome Gavi! one of the guys said and he shook his hand smiling and saying he was happy to participate.
"This is Avaline, she will interview you first" he showed to the girl who was smirking at Pablo before giving him a playful wink which already made him more uncomfortable than before.
Pablo was in an official relationship and everyone knew about it. After a few months, you guys decided to become official in order to avoid any gossip and guesses from all over the internet even though keep most of your relationship private.
"Um..o.okay" he said sitting down and the girl immediately moved closer saying they will share one microphone. He knew that you trusted him but he didn't want you to have to watch numerous videos of him sharing a microphone with this girl who was clearly flirting all along.
"Hay otro micrófono?" Pablo asked the guy who smiled quickly catching on and giving him his while girl just clenched her jaw. She wasn't giving up still always trying to touch Pablo while he was answering her questions.
"I think I and all the girls out there wanna know what's your type?" she smirked and Pablo heard the translation to her question playing with his shirt because he was very uncomfortable.
"Bueno. Creo que todos lo saben ahora que han visto a mi novia. Ella tiene un hermoso cabello castaño largo, ojos oscuros y la sonrisa más hermosa." [Well. I think everyone knows that now that they've seen my girlfriend. She has beuitful long brown hair, dark eyes and the most beuitful smile.] Pablo said using this as an opportunity to clearly show the girl he was taken and not interested in her.
"Yes but I'm sure there are other girls you find attractive also?" she said and now Pablo was really nervous shaking his head trying to change the topic but she just wouldn't let him.
"No. Yo... um, no miro a nadie más." [No. I don't look at anyone else] Pablo answered and the girl joked saying that he was just too shy to admit it on camera. She was really making him look bad and he was looking to the side thinking of the way to end this interview politely.
"Puedo tomar un descanso, por favor?" [Can I have a break please?] he looked at the guy not even looking to see what girl had to say about it. When the man nodded, Pablo quickly grabbed his phone and left outside. He called Pedri.
"Oi hermano? Cuando hiciste tu entrevista con Residency, ¿había una chica que te entrevistó?" [When you did your interview with Residency, was there a girl who interviewed you?] Pablo asked
"Si, tío. Y ella me pasó su número después." [Yes, man. And she slipped me her number afterwards.] Pedri said and before Pablo could respond he heard her annoying voice calling for him.
"Pablito! You know I really like shy guys.." she reached to touch my collar but I pulled away quickly shaking my head in disbelief that she would invade my space like that. This was defiantly crossing the boundaries.
"Don't call me that and stop making me uncomfortable. I am a taken man and I really need you to back off!" Pablo said surprised himself how direct he was but he needed to make things clear.
"Oh come on! I know footballers love to have some on the side..I won't tell if you don't??" she was still trying to get closer until Pablo rolled his eyes walking past her shocked face to the menager.
"Vine por mis fans, pero esto es muy poco profesional." [I came because of my fans but this is very unprofessional.] Pablo was mad now and the menager apologized saying the gurl will leave immediately and he will finish his interview with him instead.
After the said interview, Pablo came home and told you the whole story. You were cuddling on the couch listening to his story while munching on some fruits.
"And you really told her not to call you that??" you said with a big smile looking up at him really wishing you could see her face.
"Mhm..only mi amor can call me that" he said kissing your forehead lovingly and you smiled nodding your head.
"You're too sweet Pablito" you said and then he kissed your lips. Just when you were about to forget all about that topic did you get a notification that someone commented on your old photo.
"What did you say her name was Pablito?" you ask seeing the mean comment she left on your picture on Instagram. When Pablo saw that he wanted to immediately react but you asked him to just let it go.
"Let's not give her what she wants amor.." you say taking his phone from his hands as he sighs feeling awful that this was happening to you because of him.
Barcelona, Spain
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date night outfit💕 tagged: pablogavi
pablogavi: perfectaa 😍
y.n.bebe: te amo muchisimoo❤️
aurorapaezg: wow hermanita! 😍😍
y.n.bebe: I have the best stylist 😘
pablopaezgfanclub: she's so gorgeous!!
y/npablofans: best couple!!
fcbarcelonawags: most gorgeous of the wags!!
mikkykiemeney: princesa 💛
y.n.bebe: te amo!!
avalineee: hiding her face cause she's ugly lmaoo! everybody knows pablo with her only bc he feels bad like he can do so much better!! check out my page besties ;))
pablogavifanss: attention seeker!!
gavirafamfans: this girl literally harassed pablo during an interview!
gavigavipablo: y/n is gorgeous!!
pablopaezgaviraa: and by better you think you!? pls pablo doesn't like all plastic girls with no charm! his girl is an angel and we all love her!!❤️
Even though Pablo promised you not to reply anything and give the girl any attention, he still posted the story that same night because he couldn't sleep without defending you 😊
pablogavi sotries
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For those who don't know, this is my PERFECT girlfriend! 😍
SO many people reposted his story tagging the girl who hated you with quirky comments. It was a clear message since Pablo never writes anything in English. He wanted her to understand every word!
pablitoofans: @avalineee oh no he don't want you HAHAHA
y/npabloship: him defending his girl!! YES pablo!!
gavirafanclub: @avalineee beng mean to this angel is unacceptable but pablo is there to protect her always ❤️❤️❤️
The next morning, when he went to training he was happy that people were writing you love because that's all you deserve.
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themasterreader69 · 30 days
Enzo Vogrincic x Reader
Enzo Vogrincic te invita a tomarte unas vacaciones en la chacra de sus padres, a las afueras de la tumultuosa ciudad de Montevideo, Uruguay.
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Íbamos por la ruta 5 hacia la chacra, yo nunca había visitado el departamento de Durazno así que esto era como una pequeña aventura para mí. Viajamos en un Chevrolet Cruze gris que ya tenía varios kilómetros de uso. A Enzoconducir se le daba realmente bien, seguro debido a lo atento que es –una de sus mejores cualidades–. 
     Los temas melancólicos de Jeff Buckley tomaban el auto, él tarareaba Lover, You Should've Come Over y yo no pude evitar cantar a todo pulmón ‹but maybe I'm just too young, to keep good love from going wrong› esa línea dolía, las canciones de Jeff me recordaban a un amante que prefería olvidar, pero en ese momento, ese verso, era solamente para él. 
     Me sentía jóven e iluso a su lado, mis padres siempre bromeaban «¡10 años de diferencia no son nada!» a mí me llenaba de preocupación sentir que no era suficiente para él. ‹big spoon, you have so much to do and I have nothing ahead of me› pasó por mi cabeza. Mi rostro cambió, mi postura también, caí en sobrepensar. Él se dió cuenta –es atento ¿recuerdan?– pareció que iba a decir algo pero se abstuvo y simplemente cambió de canción, entonces Grace sonó. El inglés de Enzo no era particularmente bueno –por no decir que su conocimiento era nulo– pero me daba mucha ternura escucharlo cantar como podía gueit indefaie gueit indefaaaai (wait in the fire). 
     Me encantaba ser copiloto, ser copiloto para mí significaba sentarme a admirar la belleza del piloto, así que el trabajo se me daba naturalmente bien, como prueba de esto voy a describir lo que mis enamorados ojos veían; llevaba una coleta –él decía que le ayudaba a enfocarse– de la que salían algunos mechones de pelos sueltos que quedaban revoloteando por el viento.  Sus ojos radiantes por la luz solar, los rayos que buscaban contornear la forma de su nariz. Simplemente me encantaba su perfil y ver sus brazos firmes, extendidos, tomando el volante con seguridad. 
     Vestía unos jeans tradicionales, remera de algodón color crema que probablemente habría comprado en Hering y unos championes New Balance clásicos –cabe aclarar que yo jamás habría elegido unos championes claros para andar en la tierra, es más, yo llevaba mis Converse que suplicaban piedad, pero él tiene tanta elegancia que simplemente no lo puede evitar– muchos creerían que ahora que colabora en la industria de la moda, él caería en las garras del consumismo, pero lejos de eso, él es un tipo simple y a mí me gusta eso de él.
Durante el camino, Enzo compartió historias alegres de su infancia, nos reímos mucho. En sus historias se notaba un amor filial palpable –aunque incomprensible para mí– yo también compartí algunas anécdotas, alteradas tal vez, para volverlas más alegres de lo que eran.
A minutos de las tres treinta, le bajó poco a poco el volumen a la música.
—Vos sabés que... –él movía su pulgar derecho sobre el volante con cierta inquietud–. Siempre quise poder dejarle a mis viejos un lugar donde puedan disfrutar del buen vivir, respirando aire fresco, todo eso... –vi como mordía el interior de su cachete–. Como para devolverles un poco todo lo que me dieron.
     Extendí mi mano sobre su pierna haciendo una mueca.
—Bueno el punto es que... –siguió–. Esto es un logro para mí y me hace muy feliz poder compartir esto contigo— Dijo mientras soltaba una sonrisa sincera.
     Las palabras de Enzo resonaban con un afecto genuino. No había en sus palabras, nada más que honestidad y para mí eso era un alivio, venía de años de dudas, toda mi vida dudando del cariño de otros pero su querer era algo certero.
Al llegar a la chacra la inmensidad del lugar dejaba boquiabierto, la chacra se reveló como un edén –que bello mi paísito– quería aprovechar estas vacaciones para conectar con la tranquilidad de la naturaleza. De todas formas las vacaciones iban a ser breves, era más como una escapada, ya que Enzo andaba firmando más contratos otra vez.
     Yo quedé impresionado por la fusión perfecta entre lo contemporáneo y lo rústico de la arquitectura al entrar al lugar, tenía detalles modernos, pero la esencia del campo se mantenía intacta. ¡Qué hijo de puta cómo ama a sus padres! –nosotros compartimos un diminuto apartamento en Montevideo–
Estábamos explorando la moderna cocina, yo mantenía la vista sobre el techo de dos aguas que añadía un toque distintivo a la estructura, cuando Enzo irrumpió mis pensamientos con su voz.
—Tanta ruta me dio hambre, me voy a preparar unos wraps vegetarianos ¿te hago unos?
—Tranqui, no tengo hambre. Comé vos —Le dije sin apartar la vista del techo, que placer los buenos ángulos en una casa, siempre escasean—.
—¿Posta no querés comer nada? Le pongo abundante aguacate como te gusta a vos — Insistió mientras se acercaba para jugar con mi cabello.
—No es que no quiera comer nada ¿o acaso estás vos en el menú? — Respondí mientras lo tomaba por sus caderas. Riéndome.
     Enzo soltó una carcajada y sostuvo mis manos.
—Mejor sigo mostrándote la chacra, así te sentís como en casa.
Me presentó las mascotas que nos recibieron con entusiasmo.
—Este es Garfio. — Decía mientras se agachaba para sacudir sus manos detrás de las orejas de un galgo de pelaje oscuro que no dejaba de dar vueltas a nuestro alrededor, celebrándonos con cada movimiento.
     Aunque no suelen gustarme los perros, la alegría con la que Enzo miraba a Garfio me contagió de emoción. Con una sonrisa –como amo verle sonreír– me contó la conmovedora historia de cómo rescató a este compañero leal en la misma ruta por la que habíamos llegado más temprano. 
     Mientras nos acercábamos a dos gatas persas que se encontraban plácidamente descansando en los sillones del living dijo: Estas son mis reinas más preciadas, Thelma y Louise. 
     Me quedé fascinado con ellas.
—¿Sabías que las dos miran películas conmigo?—Me dijo.
    Sentí en ese momento que Enzo actuaba como un niño, todo le causaba ilusión, me quería hablar de todo, contarme todo, compartir todo. Me subieron unas inmensas ganas de sostenerle.
—¿En serio? Me muero del amor— Le respondí pero sin prestarle mucha atención –ya que toda mi atención estaba en Thelma y Louise– mientras me turnaba para darle besitos en la frente a cada una de ellas.
     Con la tentación de quedarme jugando con Thelma y Louise, Enzo me recordó que aún había más por descubrir. La salida trasera reveló un ventanal inmenso que permitía que la luz natural inundara el amplio living.
Me llevó a un pequeño establo donde conocí a Trueno, un majestuoso caballo negro. 
     Curioso, le pregunté a Enzo si sabía montar a caballo, y con una sonrisa, confesó que recién ahora estaba aprendiendo y que su padre era el verdadero experto en la materia. Luego de interactuar un poco con Trueno, Enzo me llevó a conocer los conejos que su madre criaba cerca de un pequeño invernadero que había en el lugar. 
     Los conejos eran unos seres adorables que él agarraba con tal gentileza que mi corazón no pudo evitar derretirse allí mismo.
—Todavía no terminamos, yo sé que desde la ruta las viste, vamos a saludarlas. 
     Nos dirigimos hacia la zona donde pastaban una diversidad de vacas. 
—¡Y no te enojes conmigo! —Dijo alzando las manos—. Pero te tengo que decir que ninguna tiene nombre. Son sólo "Las Vacas".
     Me reí, miré alrededor, el territorio era tan vasto que era difícil no sentirse ínfimo. Encontré un tronco caído a la lejanía y me senté sobre él. Por suerte, Enzo no me siguió y en cambio se quedó hablándole a las vacas. Mientras tanto, yo estaba cargado de muchísimas emociones, la melancolía me recorría el cuerpo.
—Que locura, no merezco esto— Dije mientras me mordía los labios aguantando el llanto.
     No sé si era la brisa veraniega, el canto de los pájaros, el hermoso atardecer que a lo lejos ocurría, la inmensa cantidad de árboles, los animales o el inexplicable y particular olor a eucalipto que tenía el lugar –ni idea de dónde venía porque la plantación de eucalipto la habíamos pasado hacía muchísimos kilómetros– o quizá era todo eso junto, o nada de eso. 
Al regresar nos sumergimos en la habitación –aún inexplorada por mí– buscando un merecido descanso después de la aventura del día.
      Me dejé caer en la cama, inhalando profundamente. Enzo, de pie, me observaba y pude anticipar un comentario del estilo "¿Ya te vas a dormir?". A pesar de que ya era tarde para una siesta, la idea de cerrar los ojos me tentó lo suficiente como para finalmente hacerlo sin culpa. Sutilmente, Enzo se unió a mí en la cama y con delicadeza, posicionó sus piernas entre las mías y se recostó sobre mi pecho. Sentí una paz inconmensurable. Deseaba quedarme eternamente en ese momento. Creo que la paz fue tal, que hasta tuve un momento de meditación y todo. 
—Entonces... —Volteó a verme con sus preciosos ojos marrones—. ¿Te gustó la chacra?
—Me encantó, cada rincón tiene su encanto.
—Me alegra mucho —Me abrazó con una inmensa fuerza mientras que, susurrando con gran timidez, de una forma casi imperceptible le escuché decir "Cuando te veo relajado, siento que todo vale la pena".
No estoy seguro de si transcurrió mucho tiempo mientras reflexionaba sobre cuál sería mi respuesta a eso, sin embargo, cuando me disponía a dar una respuesta, me percaté de que Enzo ya se encontraba en el dulce abrazo del sueño. La serenidad del entorno parecía haberlo envuelto en un manto de descanso antes de que pudiera compartir mis palabras. Con el pasar de los minutos, la atmósfera apacible y la sensación reconfortante me llevaron también a mí.
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gyancastle · 2 years
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I was finally able to post something.
Sorry if I haven't been able to be very active this time. I've been having problems that haven't let me be in a very good mood, but now I'm a little better and decided to catch up on my drawings and my social media.
I've been thinking that Jazz and Jason could have their own TV show (like Sam & Cat) and be like a really weird couple of friends. It came to my mind after reading the first chapter of the fanfic Can't help falling in love (with you) by gilbirda, I think it would be funny.
Jason and the bats are doing their missions and for some reason this girl always appears on the scene and ends up helping them, at some point Red Hood is the only one who meets her all the time, and in the end he doesn't even question why the girl it is there.
I suppose that on this occasion they would only be good friends, but one of those friends who would die if something happens to the other, or one of those who finishes the sentence the other said.
I guess this series could not be so dark and would also have comedy,
(I think I wrote too much, if my English is not well expressed please tell me)
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Finalmente he podido publicar algo.
Perdón si no he podido esta muy activa últimamente. He estado teniendo problemas que no me han dejado estar muy bien de animo, pero ahora estoy un poco mejor y decidí ponerme al día con mis dibujos y mis redes sociales.
He estado pensando que Jazz y Jason podrían tener su propio show de televisión (como Sam & Cat) y serian como una pareja de amigos muy rara. Se me ocurrió después de leer el primer capitulo del fanfic Can't help falling in love (with you) de @gilbirda , pienso que seria gracioso.
Jason y los murciélagos están haciendo sus misiones y por alguna razón esta chica siempre aparece en escena y termina ayudándolos, en algún punto Red Hood es el único que se la encuentra todo el tiempo, y al final ni siquiera se cuestiona el porque ella esta allí.
Supongo que en esta ocasión ellos solo serien bueno amigo, pero de esos buenos amigos que morirían si algo le llega a pasar al otro, o de los que termina la frase que el otro dijo.
supongo que esta serie no podría ser tan sombría y tendría que tener comedia también.
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didishawn · 1 year
Dumb boy (Gavi x Reader)
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Warnings: Gavi is an asshole to you because he hasn't grown up from his kindergarten-like flirting phase, still an asshole, you don't take his shit, he goes too far with his comments, enemies that somehow are still together after so many years, angst, not a good ending at all unless anyone wants a second part, I actually love Gavi even if by the nature of this fic it doesn't seem so, lots of Spanish
Pablo Martín Páez Gavira is the name of the boy you hate the most, unfortunately, it seems that your destiny will always be next to him.
You were kids when you met, age four and in the same class back in your hometown, he spent his days pulling on your pigtails and making fun of you. You shared the same classes and friends but never truly got along.
Unfortunately your parents did get along, becoming fast friends and with the ages, you two were forced multiple times to hang out.
You were most exited when you found out Gavi was moving to Barcelona, even if you unlike the others didn't quite see his talent, you were glad he was supposedly good enough for Barça.
Your joy didn't last long, though, as a couple weeks later your father too informed you of you family moving to the very same city.
You cheered yourself up by thinking maybe everything wouldn't be that bad, with Gavi in La Masía and you on your own school. But of course nothing ever goes good for you, with your parents still into forcing you two to hang out and you eventually meeting some of Gavi's teammates and friendships being formed.
"¿Qué pasa entre Gavi y tú que se odian tanto?" one of the boys, Ansu asks you one day. (what's the matter between you and Gavi that makes you both hate each other so much?)
"Es un idiota ese amigo tuyo, parece que no tiene nada más que hacer que molestarme" (that friend of yours is an idiot, has nothing better to do than bother me)
Ansu makes sure to keep that information on mind for later times, even if he has personally never seen Gavi being as bad as his usual self towards you.
It isn't until some years pass that he realises how cruel his friend can be when it comes to you.
Gavi has just debuted on the first team, a reason to celebrate. Not for you, but it was just your luck you both end up in the same house party, him with his teammates, you with a couple friends, inicially only approaching each other so you can greet everyone but him.
You are dressed in a short red dress, so tight it leaves nothing to imagination, that your friends forced you into.
"No puedes seguir llorando por el gilipollas ese. Tienes que salir y olvidarte de él por completo" one of them told you, her phylosophy on life is to go out partying to forget any broken hearts. (you can't keep crying for that idiot. You, have to go out, and completely forgey him)
Broken hearts like yours after that douchebag you used to call your boyfriend, the one you had been dating for year and a half, decided to cheat on you out of nowhere.
The boys, the ones you know and are friends with are quick to compliment you on you, appearance, making you blush, meanwhile Gavi rolls his eyes and glares at you. He looks you up and down, he hasn't uttered a word yet, he lets out a mean laugh.
"Ahora entiendo por qué el gilipollas ese te puso los cuernos" (now I understand why that asshole cheated on you)
All of you are wide eyed as you turn to him "¿Perdona?" (excuse me?)
"¿Me estás diciendo que no te parece normal que te pongan los cuernos cuando tú básicamente vas por ahí vestida como una puta? Probablemente tú hiciste lo mismo con él" (you are telling me you don't find it normal for him to cheat on you when you go out dressing like a whore? You probably did the very same thing)
"¿Pero que dices, payaso?" Ansu yells at him, hitting him on the back of the head, Pedri too glares at him. (the fuck are you saying, you clown?)
"¿Ustedes no piensan lo mismo? Por favor, poco más y lleva un cartel con: follame en la frente. Como si alguien fuese a querer con ella" (don't you both think the same? Please, she is one step away from having a sign with: fuck me on her forehead. As if someone would ever want something with her)
"¿Se puede saber cuál es tu puto problema?" you finally manage to say, trying your best to contain your tears. (what the fuck is your problem?)
"Ay, por favor, no te hagas la tonta. Es normal que el tipo ese te engañara, no entiendo ni como aguanto tenerte tan cerca durante tanto tiempo, si es que eres insoportable y tampoco gran cosa" (oh please, don't play dumb. It's normal that the guy cheated on you, I can't ever understand how he lasted that long with you near him, you are insufferable and your looks aren't good either)
Before Gavi has time to realise, his head is tilted sideways and there is a sting in his cheek, you are pushing against his shoulder, and run straight into the bathroom. He receives another push, this time from Ansu as he glares furiously at him, Pedri too looks disappointed.
"¿Se puede saber que coño te pasa?" Pedri shouts at him, his jaw is clenched, so is Gavi's. (care to tell us what the fuck is wrong with you?)
"No necesitáis defenderla para que se os abra de piernas, probablemente ya está ahí dentro esperandoos a ambos" (you don't have to defend her to get her legs wide open, she is probably waiting for you both already)
That night, Gavi arrives home with a purple eye given to him by Ansu Fati.
You two don't see each other in a long while, he believes you to be avoiding him, it bothers him. Meanwhile, you are glad your parents no longer make you hang out with him.
A month or two have gone by before you have to face him again, it's your father's birthday, his best friend is Gavi's dad, and of course they force the asshole to come too. You ignore him, and it annoys him a lot.
He manages to catch you when you try to sneak upstairs into your room.
"He visto que te has hecho muy amiga de Ansu, ¿o capaz algo más?" (I have seen you and Ansu are really good friends now, or perhaps something more?)
"¿De verdad vienes otra vez a tocarme la polla? ¿No te basto el otro día? Déjame en paz, Gavi, olvídate de mi existencia como yo estoy intentando hacer contigo" (you seriously come again to fuck with me? Didn't you have enough the other day? Leave me alone, Gavi, forget about my existence like I am trying to do with yours)
Gavi's usual stone cold gaze when he watches turns soft, sad "Yo no quiero olvidarme de tu existencia, me gustan las cosas como están ahora" (I don't want to forget about you, I like things like they are now)
"¿Tú haciéndome la vida imposible y dejándome en claro lo horrible que soy? Paso" (you making my life impossible and making it clear how horrible I am? Hard pass)
"Esto es lo nuestro, y/n, yo jodiendote y tu picandote, nuestro juego" (this is our thing, y/n, I bothering you and you hating it, our game)
"No, Gavi, este eres tú siendo un gilipollas y odiandome sin ningún motivo" (no, Gavi, this is you being an asshole and hating me without a motive)
You try to leave, he stops you.
"No te odio" (I don't hate you)
"Si, claro" (yeah, right)
"Me gustas, y/n, ¿tan difícil es de comprender?" (I like you, y/n, is it that hard to understand?)
You are incredulous as you watch him, you tear your arm from his hold.
"¿De verdad me estás diciendo que me has tratado como auténtica mierda porque eres un gilipollas con edad mental de niño de tres años? ¿Te piensas que por joderme la vida me ibas a gustar?" (are you seriously telling me you have treated me as if I were shit because you are an idiot with the mental capacity of a three-year-old? You really think that ruining my life would make me like you?)
Gavi knows it's a dumb thing to do, but still does.
"Escúchame bien, tú nunca me vas a gustar, así que olvídate de mi, Gavi. Si de verdad te pensabas que iba a ser una historia donde yo soy la tonta y te perdono años de acoso estás bien equivocado" (listen to me clearly, I will never like you, so forget about me, Gavi. If you really thought this would be one of those stories with me as the dumb main character that forgives you after all this bullying, you are so wrong)
"Haré lo que sea para que me perdones, pero por favor, no me saques de tu vida" (I will do whatever you wish me to so you forgive me, but please let me stay in your life)
"Ya es tarde, te digo que te olvides de mi, cualquier mierda que se te ocurra no será bastante" (it's too late, forget about me I tell you, any shitty idea you have won't be enough)
You do leave this time, leaving a broken boy chastising himself over his stupidity all throughout the years. He understands you hating him, he does too.
Part 2 (Bad ending for Gavi)
Part 2 (Good ending for Gavi)
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darkacua · 9 months
The rarer the Ship the BETTER
I know as a fandom we made a lot of jokes about Silver and Deuce trying to get their parents together in a relationship just for the hell of it. Who doesn't love a little nonsense about two people who love their single parents too much and only want the best for them?
The idea that Eric Venue, the big name actor, has somehow started dating Deuce's mom is funnier than anything else to me, for a host of reasons.
Because you and I know that Vil is going to hate the idea for the first few months, you're not going to tell me that this 18-year-old actor and supermodel is not a jealous son.
He has been the most important of his father all his life, he has never had to share his attention and/or love with anyone else even once, since even with his father's scattered schedules he has shown to be someone who always has in mind. count Vil and support him with whatever he is doing.
And he's not willing to share the man who raised him with anyone now, or in the near future.
He calms down as time goes by and after the first time they all have dinner together.
Yes, that includes Deuce in the plans to “introduce my son to my current partner”, it confuses him a little and makes him nervous that his mother is dating not only famous movie actor (“Mom, where the hell did you meet this man?”), if not said superstar, IS THE DAD OF ONE OF HIS SUPERIOR.
A few very uncomfortable months are approaching for this chick-loving boy and our beloved model.
Español bajo el corte.
Se que como fandom hicimos muchos chistes sobre Silver y Deuce intentando juntar a sus padres en una relación solo porque sí ¿Quién no ama un poco de tonterías sobre dos personas que aman demasiado a sus padres solteros y solo quieren lo mejor para ellos?
La idea de que Eric Venue, el gran actor de renombre, de alguna forma haya empezado a salir con la madre de Deuce es más cómica que cualquier otra cosa para mi, por un sinfín de razones.
Porque ustedes y yo sabemos que Vil va a odiar la idea por los primeros meses, a mi no me van a decir que este actor y supermodelo de 18 años no es un hijo celoso.
El a sido lo más importante de su padre toda su vida, nunca a tenido que compartir su atención y/o amor con nadie más ni una sola vez, ya que incluso con los horarios desparramados de su padre a demostrado ser alguien que siempre tiene en cuenta a Vil y lo apoya con todo lo que esté haciendo.
Y no está dispuesto a compartir al hombre que lo crió con nadie ahora, ni en un futuro cercano.
Se calma con el paso del tiempo y después de la primera vez que cenan todos juntos.
Si, eso incluye a Deuce en los planes de “presentar a mi hijo a mi pareja actual”, lo confunde un poco y lo pone nervioso el hecho de que su madre este saliendo no solo con famoso actor de cine (“¿Mama, donde diablos conociste a este hombre?”) si no que dicha superestrella, ES EL PAPÁ DE UNO DE SUS SUPERIORES.
Se aproximan unos meses muy incómodos para este chico amante de los polluelos y nuestro amado modelo.
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elysiantrait · 7 months
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With Niah back in school and Enoch at work, Savannah's days have been filled with taking care of her youngest three babies. Whenever she has some free time to make a full meal, she's been working on her gourmet cooking. This has been proven useful, as she is now a Head Caterer at work. Enoch has also been promoted to a Surgeon, he is well on his way to becoming one of the Chief Doctors at his hospital.
The kids are doing well, the twins beginning to hit their milestones without too much trouble. They both have good appetites, but apart from that they don't seem to yet have much in common. Maddox loves wakeup time and frequently hiccups, while Maverick hates being held but will self-soothe. Niah's grades are good and she's been pretty on-top of her assignments, even when Dae shows off her destructive trait by wrecking her projects. It appears that Daedallys has too much energy to spend throughout the day, as she is a heavy sleeper who also happens to be an early riser. Needless to say, the terrible twos are quite apparent with this one.
Previous ~ Next
Con Niah de regreso en la escuela y Enoch en el trabajo, los días de Savannah han estado ocupados cuidando a sus tres bebés más pequeños. Siempre que tiene algo de tiempo libre para preparar una comida completa, practica su comida gourmet. Esto ha demostrado ser útil, ya que ahora es jefa de catering en el trabajo. Enoch también ha sido ascendido a cirujano y está en camino de convertirse en uno de los médicos jefes de su hospital. A los niños les va bien y los gemelos comienzan a alcanzar sus hitos sin demasiados problemas. Ambos tienen buen apetito, pero aparte de eso no parecen tener mucho en común todavía. A Maddox le encanta la hora de despertarse y con frecuencia tiene hipo, mientras que Maverick odia que lo carguen, pero se calma solo. Las calificaciones de Niah son buenas y ha estado bastante al tanto de sus tareas, incluso cuando Dae muestra su rasgo destructivo al arruinar sus proyectos. Parece que Daedallys tiene demasiada energía para gastar durante el día, ya que tiene el sueño pesado y también se levanta temprano. No hace falta decir que los terribles dos son bastante evidentes en ella.
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impulsivefanwriter · 10 months
Ninjago Fic Rec Week — Day 2: Movieverse, AUs, &/or Jay
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28136997/chapters/68942907 — Same People But Not Really (SPBNR)
Top-tier fic right here by the glorious @kittydemon9000 (go shower them in positive comments!) with a great Discord, this fantastic fic features our beloved show Kai (Smith) finding himself in the movieverse after Garmadon blasts him with the Megaweapon. Full of fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, and damn good writing, one of my favourite fics of all time :D
https://archiveofourown.org/works/34723405 — Divided for Keeps
A brilliantly written one-shot based on an AU for SPBNR (the above fic) where Smith lands in the movieverse without his memories and is adopted by Garmadon. All he has is his phone with photos of his family- but when his phone gets smashed by some of the Dorksquad for fear their identities will be revealed to Garmadon, he decides to never again let friends into his heart. Perhaps a certain overheard conversation can change his mind...
https://archiveofourown.org/works/38467489/chapters/96140524 — Keep Your Secrets Near
Another SPBNR inspired fic, this time a pre-curser to Smith's arrival. In this AU, movie!Kai is too injured to become a ninja, and finds his siblings' increasingly concerning behaviour suspicious.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/38652201 — The Venomari Venom Incident
Yet another fantastic SPBNR inspired fic, this time featuring so much hilarious shenanigans. When a prank against movie!Lloyd (Green) goes wrong, Smith is doused in venomari venom. Naturally, things go wrong immediately.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/40019130/chapters/100220688 — SPBNR pero ahora Smith es un gato :D (Spanish)
And yet ANOTHER amazing SPBNR inspired fic, this time featuring Cat!Smith :D This one is in Spanish!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/37665907?view_full_work=true — Ninjago University: A Tale of Idiots Who Are Just Trying Their Best at This Point, Okay?
You guessed it, another great SPBNR inspired fic. This one features a merged show and movieverse and our two favourite groups of ninja university students interacting with hilarious shenanigans and pining
https://archiveofourown.org/works/41063274/chapters/102920622 — Find My Place
What if S11 Zane got zapped to the movieverse instead of the Neverrealm? Why, he becomes a substitute teacher, obviously! Go show this great fic some love!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/44418760/chapters/111722089 — Shogun: Becoming
(also inspired by SPBNR) What if instead of Zane, S11 Kai got zapped to the movieverse instead of the Neverrealm? Struggling with missing his family, the temptation of the staff, and his weakened powers, Kai must figure out how to get home while befriending this universe's ninja-- a struggle all of its own
https://archiveofourown.org/series/1441819 — The Grass is Always Greener (Series)
A fantastic series by the extremely talented @sunnylighter (go shower their blog in love) featuring a crossover between the show and movie with many amazing instalments (and a great Monkie Kid crossover fic too) that includes elements from S2-S4 and a ton of great head canons, jokes, moments to laugh or cry, and an overall great time
https://archiveofourown.org/series/2107311 The Ninja Legacy Whip (Series)
Oh gosh, where do I even start with this one? It's absolutely brilliant, one of my all-time favourites, that merge the events of the show with the world of the movie so perfectly with amazing lore, expansion on beloved show scenes by making them even cooler, and introducing some concepts that still make me go feral to this day (outbursts and surprise are still the two coolest things EVER!!!). Every character gets a chance to shine, and shine they do. Go shower the super talented @weekend-whip with positivity, they deserve it with this beast of a series I love rereading
https://archiveofourown.org/works/44770108/chapters/112641901 — Ninjas and Demons — Movieverse Crossover + Monkie Kid
When the threat of an ancient demon reawakens in Ninjago, Wu sends the ninja away to a distant realm. Turns out, another world's Wu had the same idea with his ninja, and now both teams find themselves in the world of the Monkey King and his successor
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26303986?view_full_work=true — Those Linked By Destiny
A very great fic about how the Dorksquad first met (one of my personal favourites of this variety), one by one by one, and became the ironclad friend group we all know and love
https://archiveofourown.org/series/2178393 — Green Empathy (Series)
Love movieverse Lloyd and think he's a sad little meow meow? Then this series featuring him with empathy powers is perfect for you!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27586439/chapters/67483652 — That's Ninja Swag (it's nothing new)
A very intriguing AU where the Dorksquad are reincarnations of the original show ninja and slowly remember their past
https://archiveofourown.org/works/20742584 — Oh, haven't you heard?
A fantastically hilarious movieverse fic featuring our beloved (secretly) son of a warlord vs. the crack of Buzzfeed Unsolved
https://archiveofourown.org/works/29490180 — Home Is Where You Are
Movieverse Lloyd gets stabbed and his cousin Morro wants to stab people as a result
https://archiveofourown.org/works/30888539 — Who’s the New Guy? He Looks Awfully Green
Even more Movieverse Lloyd being a sad little meow meow, this time with him finally finding friends and hoping to his grandfather they don't find out he's the Lloyd Garmadon
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26722576 — Kind
A bawler in the most wholesome way; a movieverse fic featuring the "words people think about you appear on your skin" AU, staring Lloyd Garmadon, AKA the second most hated person in the city. Seriously, this one shot fic is amazing and is so worth the read
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12748683/1/Dork-Squad-Assemble — Dork Squad, Assemble
Another fantastically written fic of how the Dorksquad met and formed, and the trials and tribulations that followed
https://www.tumblr.com/angeldrawsstuffs/722519952725262336/its-not-easy-being-chen?source=share — It’s Not Easy Being Chen(?)
A fun one-shot featuring a mean, ruthless, cheerleading bully... or is he?
https://www.tumblr.com/angeldrawsstuffs/711788606697701377/the-letter?source=share — The Letter
show!Kai, trapped in a Pixie Hollow Movieverse, receives a... short letter from his little brother.
https://www.tumblr.com/angeldrawsstuffs/707259828912996352/a-lost-father?source=share — A Lost Father
movie!Zane's Papa Whint goes out one day to buy milk.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28298904/chapters/69342846 — From a Laboratory
In which Zane is an digital AI that suddenly finds himself uploaded to a physical body and must unwind a spiralling conspiracy of hidden experiments
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28112301 — Observational Astronomy
A soft one-shot of a "platonic soulmates appear as a constellation of stars on your skin called a cluster" variety
https://archiveofourown.org/works/30933857/chapters/76392629 — One Hell of a Summer Job
After a fight with a bully on school grounds, Kai finds himself exiled to manual labour on a farm. He despises everything about the job... except the three cute young farmhands working there
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23239126/chapters/55643689 — Ruler From Another Realm 
Ice Emperor Zane... but not a manipulated genocidal evil villain :D
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24110224/chapters/58039936 — Time Break
During the fight with the Time Twins, the ninja find themselves sent back in time... to the middle of the Elemental Alliance
https://archiveofourown.org/works/31642349/chapters/78306116 — history doesn't repeat itself (but it often rhymes)
A fun AU filled with magic, mystery, and mystical accessories (and perhaps a hidden underground cave system or two)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12732393/chapters/29033811 — Pretty Penny Tavern
A classic fic for a good reason; the owner of the Pretty Penny Tavern is a very suspicious shady character named Ronin who pays well to keep their noses out of his buisness, but that doesn't stop his young tavern workers from trying to uncover his secrets
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25156273/chapters/60957967 — Sit Still, Look Pretty
A Detroit: Become Human style AU where newly built Zane is 'gifted' to the ninja... who begin to suspect there may be more to the android than meets the eye
https://archiveofourown.org/works/38299120/chapters/95698927 — So A Traumatized Teen And Two Dragons Get Sent Back In Time
Kai finds himself back in the events of the pilots with no memory of how he got there along with two small amnesiac dragons he can suddenly understand (pssst- this one was also written by @kittydemon9000! Go shower their ask box with positivity!)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/42440016/chapters/106583067 — No Wu AU
In an world where Wu doesn't seek out the ninja (or at least, was successful at finding them) until later, the group bonds over trying to learn about their powers and staying alive
https://archiveofourown.org/works/37437592/chapters/93429598 — Ignitus
During the reign of Emperor Chen, Elemental Masters are outlawed. Morro escapes from an experimental facility but finds himself handcuffed to Kai, who failed to capture him again. When Morro reveals that the ninja don't know the whole story, the two go on the run and build a team of elemental masters to take down Chen for good
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13626984/1/The-Idiots-Guide-to-Not-Despising-Your-Cousin — The Idiots’ Guide to Not Despising Your Cousin
Lloyd takes his reformed 'cousin' Morro on a road trip of hell to recreate the scene from Sharknado. Hilarious shenanigans and begrudging cousin bonding ensues, complete with an emotional shouting match, a rocket launcher, and a stolen shark
https://archiveofourown.org/works/29928969/chapters/73666074 — The Call of Magic
Another great magic AU filled with learning new powers (and hiding said powers), stopping hidden enemies trying to kill them, and combating an ancient prophecy
https://archiveofourown.org/works/23449558/chapters/56209675 — Caught Red-Handed
A hitman Kai AU full of angst and some hilarious crack as he finesses his way through a labyrinth of underground criminals... and falls for three good-guys along the way who could screw up everything (or even save his life); this great fic was written by the extremely talented @fanfalc-616 who you can go shower in positive comments
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27799876/chapters/68058064 — Time for Amnesia
Another amazingly written fic by @fanfalc-616, this time featuring an amnesiac Kai being utterly (and angrily) baffled by the ninja, some of which (a freaking robot that's totally evil, an annoying idiot, and a kinda scary stick in the mud) claiming to be his boyfriends while another claims to be his younger brother.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28612956/chapters/70128354 — When your love rival is a frog
This one. This one right here is gold (and a personal comfort fic). Movie Kai has had a crush on Jay since, well, forever- but the one thing getting in his way of flat-out proposing is a slimy green frog named Kyle. Brilliantly written and stitches-inducing hilarity ensues.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/33701395 — I'll chase you to the moon and back
A cute one-shot of movie Jay feeling insecure about his place in the team... and his teammates doing something about it
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13854819?view_full_work=true — Earbuds
In a world where the ninja don't know each other's civilian identities, Kai finds out the identity of his crush, Jay. A fantastic plasma story filled with pining, an oblivious electric boy, and a smashed window or two
https://archiveofourown.org/works/36058093?view_full_work=true — Like Looking In a Digital Mirror
Movie Jay stumbles into Prime Empire and meets... himself?
https://archiveofourown.org/works/37798150/chapters/94374718 — Would You Like To Enter Stardust?
An absolutely heart-wrenching "everything is terrible" angst-fest of a Prime Empire fic for all you SRJ angst-lovers :D
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15404622/chapters/35752608 — Lost in the Void
In which Jay discovers a secret new power to his element and everything goes great(?) from there
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24324337/chapters/58644697 — Cold Nights
Snake jay content my beloved
https://archiveofourown.org/works/36920599/chapters/92111470 — Changes
More snake jay content my beloved
https://archiveofourown.org/works/46263796 — Play to Win
A beautifully written fic that makes me go feral of Nadakhan forcing Jay and Cole into a Scrap n' Tap match... against each other
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32716111/chapters/81165256 — Habits of Home(lessness)
A "5 times + 1" fic about Jay being incredibly concerned and confused by the mysterious habits of his team
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27700081/chapters/67792351 — Your Mistakes Are Yours to Keep (BEING REWRITTEN)
Post Skybound angst my beloved
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19375495?view_full_work=true — The Woodsman And The Wizard
Oh, this one is fun (I say, as if the rest aren't just as great)- A Beauty and the Beast styled AU where Cole wanders into the woods and finds a mysterious castle with a powerful wizard who may not be as brave or arrogant as he tries to appear
https://archiveofourown.org/series/3557314 — Overload (Series)
Jay goes missing, and an investigation into a nearby power plant leads to... so much terrible trouble
https://archiveofourown.org/works/39091860/chapters/97792278 — Walk a Mile
A fun bodyswap fic featuring Kai & Jay learning to tolerate each other
https://archiveofourown.org/works/49508392/chapters/124953220 - Blue Goes Boom
An angsty fic that explores the S4 mech explosion and aftermath in more detail. Jay gives poor Kai several heart-attacks
https://archiveofourown.org/works/48647455?view_full_work=true - Survivors
REALLY GOOD FIC HERE- Lloyd struggling with survivor's guilt post s9 and Jay's the one to talk with him about it (and then the others take care of Jay <3) The Jay characterization is ON POINT
https://archiveofourown.org/works/47798566?view_full_work=true - Would You Like To Enter Prime Empire?
ANOTHER REALLY GOOD FIC HERE- a re-write of Prime Empire with more emphasis on Jay (written by the above fic author so you know it's got peak Jay characterization and some really cool lightning power headcanons)
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ehcahache · 8 months
Translated with help from @vamossainz55 <3
I: We are here with Carlos Sainz. Carlos, how are you feeling? Because it has been really tense, this qualifying [session].
C: Yeah, it has been typical Monza qualifying. Very, very tight. Truthfully, from minute 1 the car has been much better than in Zandvoort the last race, and Carlos felt comfortable. He was fast in the FP1, 2, and 3 and then in quali too, no? But well, you have to deliver in quali and the last lap was a really good lap
I: It’s about working, fighting, and not throwing the towel. They knew here at home the result is important, especially for Carlos, not only to be in pole position but to be ahead of Charles Leclerc too.
C: Yes, in front of… to finish in quali in front of Max, of Charles, yes. It is a very good result especially being a Ferrari driver, getting pole in Monza has to be special, but now it’s sure that we need to move forward and focus on the race, try to do it the best way possible. We know that Max in the race and Ferrari’s degradation is a bit of a handicap, but we have to try, no?
I: This year we have experienced some situations during the race in which, whether it is for the strategy, or the indecisiveness of the engineer wall… We have experienced situations that have not favored Carlos. Whether it is for one reason or another. Are you scared that, despite it going well and being able to do his race…?
C: No, what I hope is that he does a good start and then the pace, well I hope he has pace and that he can fight for the podium, over anything try to win. But as I’ve been saying, unfortunately the experience with the (tyre) degradation… There has been a lot of difference between Red Bull, and last year it was in the race, Charles came out pole but there was no way to stop Verstappen, no? So, I think we have to, to push to the maximum. But with the experience from last year and this year’s experience, there is even more difference between the cars than there was last year, it’s going to be hard.
I: What advice are you going to give him tonight?
C: Advice? Well, the first thing I’m gonna do is congratulate him. Then, I’m telling him to have fun and do it the best possible way. To move on because qualifying has passed already and it doesn’t count, the points are made tomorrow and tomorrow has to be done the best way possible.
A: Estamos con Carlos Sainz, Carlos, ¿Cómo vas de emociones? Porqué ha sido realmente tensa esta clasificación.
C: Sí, ha sido típica clasificación de Monza. Muy, muy ajustada. La verdad que el coche desde el minuto 1 fue bastante mejor que en Zandvoort, la última carrera y Carlos se sintió cómodo. Fue rápido en el practice 1, 2 y 3, y luego la qualy, pues también, no? Pero bueno, la qualy hay que hacerlo y que la última vuelta ha sido una muy buena vuelta.
A: Son de trabajo, de luchar, de no tirar la toalla. Aquí en casa sabían que era un resultado importante y sobre todo para Carlos, estar no solamente en pole sino delante de Charles Leclerc también.
C: Sí, delante de... estar en qualy delante de Max, de Charles sí, es un muy buen resultado sobretodo siendo piloto de Ferrari, hacer la pole en Monza tiene que ser especial, pero seguro que ahora hay que pasar página ya y concentrarse en la carrera, intentar hacerlo lo mejor posible. Sabemos que Max en carrera y la degradación del Ferrari pues es un poco handicap, pero hay que intentarlo, ¿no?
A: Este año hemos vivido algunas situaciones en carrera en que, sea por la estrategia, sea por la indecisión del muro... se han vivido situaciones que no han favorecido a Carlos. Sea por una razón u otra. ¿Te da miedo mañana que, pese a salir bien y pueda hacer su carrera...?
C: No, yo lo que espero es que haga una buena salida y luego el ritmo, pues espero que tenga ritmo y que pueda luchar por lo que por el podium, sobre todo intentar ganar. Pero como digo, desgraciadamente la experiencia nos dice que la degradación... Hay mucha diferencia entre Red Bull y, el año pasado ya la hubo aquí en carrera, salió también Charles en Pole, que no hubo manera de contener a Verstappen, ¿no? entonces, yo creo que hay que intentarlo, empujar al máximo. Pero la experiencia del año pasado y la experiencia de este año, que todavía hay más diferencia de coche que lo que había la temporada pasada, nos dice que va a ser difícil.
A: ¿Qué consejo le vas a dar esta noche?
C: ¿Consejo? Bueno, lo primero le voy a dar la enhorabuena, lógicamente. Después, divertirse y hacerlo lo mejor posible. Pasar página porque la clasificación ha pasado ya y no cuentan, los puntos se hacen mañana y es mañana cuando hay que hacerlo lo mejor posible.
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cadeloverforever · 3 months
Hello! Today I bring one from Kenshi! I hope you like it, I will try to make it long, I don't have much inspiration and it takes me a long time 😭 (la versión en español está en esta misma publicación!) I hope you like it!
Kenshi Takahashi Headcanon!
★ after he lost his sight, every day you let him touch your face, so that in some way he could visualize you through his fingers, the feeling of his fingers running over your face is magnificent, while Kenshi runs over your face he tries to guess What part of your face is he touching, although I already memorize it clearly, it's like a little game between the two of you (simply cute in all its aspects ♥️)
★He may think that he is not enough for you simply because you cannot see according to him, but you deny it "oh... my sweet, I don't want to hear you say that to yourself again, you are my everything, you understand." "I love you, I love you now, I will love you tomorrow and I will love you in any damn universe", it is more of a small scolding for him, you love him too much and it breaks your heart when he thinks about himself, you also calm him down with a kiss and then with cuddles, he is the person you spoil too much
★You two have a pet chicken, Kenshi always takes care of it and when he goes on a mission he gives it to you to take care of it, it has specific care, he usually gives you a note with all the care (breakfast -6:30 am, lunch 12:00,Snack 7:00 pm--stay close to her when she eats, she likes to eat with someone). And also with the foods that the chicken likes and doesn't like, sometimes you think that he loves his chicken more than you (😔)
★He likes to dance with you whenever he has time, sometimes he just grabs your arm and starts dancing with you, it's something fun since you almost always never expect it, he does it at the most random moments possible, something you love about him
★Every February 14, Kenshi will ask Johnny to help with some gifts that he and Johnny chose for you. They would be nice, simple gifts but with great sentimental value.
¡Hola! ¡Hoy traigo uno de Kenshi! Espero que les guste, intentaré que sea largo, no tengo mucha inspiración y me lleva mucho tiempo 😭 espero les guste!
Kenshi Takahashi Headcanon!
★ después de que perdió la vista, todos los días le dejaste tocar tu rostro, para que de alguna manera pudiera visualizarte a través de sus dedos, la sensación de sus dedos recorriendo tu rostro es magnífica, mientras Kenshi corre sobre tu rostro intenta adivina que parte de tu cara esta tocando, aunque ya lo memorizo claramente, es como un jueguito entre ustedes dos (simplemente lindo en todos sus aspectos ♥️)
★Él puede pensar que no es suficiente para ti simplemente porque no puedes ver según él, pero lo niegas "oh... mi amor, no quiero oírte decir eso otra vez, eres mi todo". , tú entiendes." "Te amo, te amo ahora, te amaré mañana y te amaré en cualquier maldito universo", es más bien un pequeño regaño para él, lo amas demasiado y te rompe el corazón cuando piensa en eso. a si mismo, también lo calmas con un beso y luego con mimos, es la persona a la que mimas demasiado
★Ustedes dos tienen un pollo como mascota, Kenshi siempre lo cuida y cuando sale a una misión te lo entrega para que lo cuides, tiene cuidados específicos, normalmente te da una nota con todos los cuidados (desayuno - 6:30 am, almuerzo 12:00, merienda 7:00 pm (manténgase cerca de ella cuando come, le gusta comer con alguien). Y también con las comidas que le gustan y que no le gustan al pollo, a veces piensas que él ama más a su pollo que a ti (😔)
★Le gusta bailar contigo cuando tiene tiempo, a veces simplemente te agarra del brazo y comienza a bailar contigo, es algo divertido ya que casi nunca te lo esperas, lo hace en los momentos más aleatorios posibles, algo que te encanta de él
★Cada 14 de febrero, Kenshi le pedirá a Johnny que le ayude con algunos regalos que él y Johnny eligieron para ti. Serían regalos bonitos, sencillos pero con un gran valor sentimental.
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hollow15 · 2 months
Ella es Puffy, es mi Oc de Welcome home,
Es dulce, amable, sabe cantar y consoladora, si necesitas ayuda ella podrá ayudarte. ¡Es increíblemente fuerte!, ella no habla con muchos asique hay que conocerla paso a paso, tonto por tonto XD. Cocina pero aveces se le dificulta si son demasiados ingredientes o demasiada comida. Tiene hermanos si lo preguntas pero eso será para después.
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Le encanta estar con Barnaby ya que fue el primero en ser el vecino que vio (además de Wally claro) le enseño trucos y chistes y ella se reía pero cada vez que le hablaba más y más se congela... es su modo de procesar todo y por qué no sabe manejar muy bien si le hablas demasiado, como dice "Hablar en un tono calmado, alivia la cabeza"
Y por supuesto, ella ama el ballet, tuvo que ser más "Flexible" para sacar a sus hermanos adelante y a ella ya que tenía que cuidarlos sin la necesidad de padres... Por eso también eh de mencionar que es muy maternal o sabe manejar un poco con niños (Oh bueno ella es lo que piensa)
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—♥️Dibujo de San Valentín♥️—
Ahora en inglés
This is Puffy, she is my Oc from Welcome home,
She is sweet, kind, knows how to sing and is a comforter, if you need help she will be able to help you. She's incredibly strong! She doesn't talk to many so you have to get to know her step by step, fool by fool XD. He cooks but sometimes it is difficult if there are too many ingredients or too much food. He has brothers if you ask but that will be for later.
She loves being with Barnaby since he was the first neighbor she saw (besides Wally of course) he taught her tricks and jokes and she laughed but every time he talked to her more and more she freezes... it's her way of processing everything and why he doesn't know how to handle it very well if you talk to him too much, as he says "Talking in a calm tone eases the head"
And of course, she loves ballet, she had to be more "Flexible" to support her siblings and herself since she had to take care of them without the need for parents... That's why I should also mention that she is very maternal or knows how to drive. a little with children (Oh well she is what she thinks)
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flan-tasma · 8 months
hello again!~ about the xingqiu ask, i've searched as well and there's a mention about him being a young adult? (assuming he'd be around 18-mid twenties at most) I understand your discomfort/worries about it and I understand, would you be able to write slightly? spicy head canons, not full on nsfw but just a little spicy please do not feel pressured, I'm just curious <3
💖~ ok then, let's work in headcanons for Xingqiu!
Warning: spicy, Adult Xingqiu | Google Translate sponsors me (it's a lie) If I made any mistakes in the english translation, I would be happy to read your comments! | Content in spanish and english
Estoy tratando de mejorar a la hora de hacer estos banners, creo que este es mi favorito hasta ahora 💙
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Xingqiu es alguien bromista, tal vez demasiado para tu bien. Después de estar juntos por tanto tiempo ya hay un nivel de confianza en el que las bromas pasan de cambiar de lugar tu libro a dejar literatura erótica entre tus libros de estudio.
Y está bien, tal vez no es nada muy exagerado, pero te hace suspirar con algo de molestia fingida cuando esos libros tienen notas con cosas como "¿Probamos esto?". La respuesta es sí, Xingqiu, pero en otro momento.
Puede portarse un poco malcriado, a pesar de la tranquilidad con la que te pide besos, sabe que te está atrayendo a una trampa.
Busca la manera de salirse con la suya cuando están solos, te abraza por detrás y te susurra las cosas que le gustaría hacer contigo hasta que lo golpeas o lo besas, siempre pueden seguir jugando en otro momento.
Los apodos jamás acaban, siempre son tan lindos y se asegura de llamarte de las maneras más dulces mientras se besan.
Jamás lleva a cabo sus juegos frente a Chongyun, no lo quiere matar. Aunque hay veces en las que juega a que sí, solo cuando tiene tu permiso. Una vez que los amigos estaban conversando surgió el chiste de la razón por la que amabas a Xingqiu, el exorcista se rió demasiado y tu pareja casi le explica la versión tranquila de 50 sobras de Grey. No hace falta decir que a Chongyun casi le dan cuatro infartos antes de cubrir sus oídos.
Siempre tiene las manos encima de ti, tocando tus muslos o te sostiene por la cadera, te deja pasar primero y te ayuda a cruzar con una mano en tu espalda inferior, nunca se queda solo con eso, necesita poner toda su palma y apretar tu piel para estar satisfecho.
A pesar de que las buenas costumbres prohíben actos tan íntimos en público, él siempre roza su rodilla con la tuya, atrae tu atención con sus manos en tu brazo o tu hombro de una manera tan gentil que te pierdes en su toque, y luego sonríe para dejarte suspirando.
Los días más tranquilos son sus favoritos, simplemente se quedan flojeando en casa y duermen la siesta, no antes de que Xingqiu acaricie tus caderas, dice que lo calma para dormir.
A pesar de todos sus juegos, siempre es tan gentil cuando nota que no estás de humor para aguantarlo, también pueden disfrutar de la calma mientras leen algo o cuando espera a que termines lo que haces.
Le gusta formar corazones en tu espalda, en algunas ocasiones usa su visión hydro para crear gotas con forma de corazón y te pide que te quedes quieta mientras te besa.
Hablando de besos, él ama besarte. No le importa besar tus mejillas o tus manos, pero prefiere mil veces besar tus labios hasta dejarlos rojos e hinchados, besar y chupar tus hombros hasta dejar una mancha que sobresale y dice su nombre.
Xingqiu is someone who is joking, maybe too much for your good. After being together for so long there is a level of trust in which the jokes go from moving your book to leaving erotic literature between your study books.
And okay, maybe it's nothing too far-fetched, but it makes you sigh with some mock annoyance when those books have notes with things like "Shall we try this?" The answer is yes, Xingqiu, but at another time.
He can act a little spoiled, despite the calmness with which he asks you for kisses, he knows he is luring you into a trap.
He finds a way to get his way when you're alone, he hugs you from behind and whispers the things he'd like to do with you until you hit him or kiss him, you can always continue playing another time.
The pet names never end, they are always so cute and he makes sure to call you the sweetest things while you kiss.
He never plays his games in front of Chongyun, he doesn't want to kill him. Although there are times when he plays pretend, only when he has your permission. Once when friends were talking the joke came up about why you loved Xingqiu, the exorcist laughed too much and your partner almost explained the quiet version of 50 Leftovers of Grey. Needless to say, Chongyun almost had four heart attacks before covering his ears.
He always has his hands on top of you, touching your thighs or holding you by the hips, he lets you pass first and helps you cross with one hand on your lower back, he is never left alone with that, he needs to put his whole palm and squeeze your skin to be satisfied.
Even though good manners prohibit such intimate acts in public, he always brushes his knee against yours, draws your attention with his hands on your arm or shoulder in such a gentle way that you get lost in his touch, and then smiles to leave you sighing.
The quieter days are his favorite, you just laze around the house and take a nap, but not before Xingqiu caresses your hips, he says it calms him to sleep.
He likes to form hearts on your back, sometimes he uses his hydro vision to create heart-shaped drops and asks you to stay still while he kisses you.
Speaking of kisses, he loves kissing you. He doesn't mind kissing your cheeks or your hands, but he prefers a thousand times to kiss your lips until they are red and swollen and to kiss and suck on your shoulders until he leaves a stain that stands out and says his name.
Despite all his games, he is always so gentle when he notices that you are not in the mood to put up with him, you can also enjoy the calm while reading something or when he waits for you to finish what you are doing.
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ghqstfqce · 11 months
How would it be if Ethan had a crush for reader (she is Richie's girlfriend and this would be before Richie died)
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Pairing || Pre-Ethan Landry x Fem ! Reader
TW || Pre-Scream V, really before the canon in general. Slight Richie Kirsch x Fem ! Reader. Jealousy Ethan. Protective Ethan. Lovely Ethan. Ethan is a good boy:(. Ethan's just being a sweet lovesick boy, he's not hurting anyone. My bad english.
WA || 679 Spanish ver. — 734 English ver.
NA || Again, use google translate for this, I panicked and flunked English, so don't rely too much on my corrections. The translated part is after the Spanish version, I hope you like it. Thank you for requesting<3.
También, no ahonde mucho en una trama exacta ya que realmente tengo varias ideas sobre este tema de la novia de Richie y más ideas de historias para Ethan, pero prefiero pulirlas un poco más antes de soltar algo:(.
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• Está molesto, pero no contigo. No, no, no, tú no tienes la culpa de que siempre se le de todo a su tonto hermano. Está molesto con su hermano y un poco resentido con la vida, porque ante su punto de vista él ya tiene todo lo que podría querer y ahora tiene a la chica? Injusto.
• Un pequeño oso de peluche para ti, trata de no ser obvio con su amor de cachorro y menos frente a su hermano, pero no puede evitar suspirar por ti y saltar en tu llamado en las veces que han tenido que interactuar.
• ¿Olvidaste algo en su casa? Lo está cuidando por ti, Richie no lo encontró, pero él sí y se encargará de que llegue bien a tus manos, no sin antes haberlo tenido con él unos días, necesita sentirse cerca de ti. Más si es ropa, nada sucio, solo dormir abrazado a dicha prenda u olerlo, quizás lo regrese cuando tu olor se vaya, si es que no se lo has pedido antes.
• ¿Se ha hecho noche y no puedes quedarte aunque Richie lo ofreció? Él te acompaña a casa, no puede permitir que te regañen y castigue con posibilidad de no volver pronto a su casa, también que ya no hay luz de sol y no sabes quien se oculta en esos callejones. Tu caballero jurado.
• Siempre el primero en felicitarte, ya sea por tu cumpleaños o algún logro que obtuviste. No te da regalos extravagantes por el bien de no ser descubierto, pero siempre habrá un pequeño detalle de él hacia ti.
• No dudará en ponerse de tu lado si hay alguna pelea entre tú y Richie, más si su padre se pone del lado de su hermano. Quinn no opina, así que siente que alguien en esa maldita familia debe cuidar a la dulce persona que los tolera. Eso levantará algunas cejas, pero es fácil ocultarlo en su imagen de chico bueno, solo está siendo un caballero.
• No lo negara, pero tampoco aceptar que es un poco mirón. Estés acompañada de Richie o no, él estará observando desde una distancia segura. No lo hace de forma espeluznante, es más sentarse a verte mientras imagina que no es Richie con quien te acurrucas, sino con él.
• Si antes te amaba, esta totalmente hasta el fondo en su enamoramiento por ti al momento en que saltes en su defensa cuando Richie o su padre estaban siendo algo idiotas. No puedes decir que eres su amiga, pero no dejaras que molesten o dejen de lado a tu dulce y amable cuñado.
• Si en algún momento le devuelves el gesto y le das regalos, ten por seguro que los guardará y cuidara como si su vida dependiera de ello. Hay una caja en su armario con cada cosa que le has dado y cuando esta pensando mucho en ti no duda en ir a verla. Solo Quinn sabe de ella y no puede evitar reírse un poco de él, pero nunca lo ha delatado.
• No eres tan inconsciente sobre sus sentimientos hacia a ti, pero solo te parece adorable y lo tratas como el pequeño niño que promete casarse contigo cuando crezca. Totalmente Ethan no está haciendo pucheros, pero tomará lo que pueda de ti hasta que no sea suficiente y sabe que a veces lo miras más de lo necesario, ¿tus sentimientos están cambiando, (Y/N)?
• Piensa que Richie no te merece y no solo por recibir todo, sino que Richie siempre esta tan concentrado en sus hobbies que pareces una pieza secundaria y si él fuera tu novio totalmente viviría para adorarte, no solo tenerte de fondo.
• Y como sabe que Richie no te merece, esta seguro que en algún momento meterá la pata y él estará totalmente ahí, listo para tomarte entre sus brazos y consolarte. Sabe que no será de un momento a otro, pero tiene esperanza de que algún día lo mires con otros ojos. Por mientras, seguirá siendo su yo adorable para ti.
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• He's upset, but not with you. No, no, no, it's not your fault that everything is always given to his idiot brother. Is he upset with his brother and a little resentful of life, because from his point of view he already has everything he could possibly want and now he has the girl? Unfair.
• A little teddy bear for you, he tries not to be obvious with his puppy love and less in front of his brother, but he can't help but sigh for you and jump at your call in the times they have had to interact.
• Did you forget something at home? He is taking care of it for you, Richie did not find it, but he did and he will make sure that it reaches your hands safely, but not before having had it with him for a few days, he needs to feel close to you. More if it's clothes, nothing dirty, just sleep hugging said garment or smell it, maybe he'll return it when your smell goes away, if you haven't asked him before.
• It's gotten dark and you can't stay even though Richie offered it? He accompanies you home, he cannot allow you to be scolded and punished with the possibility of not returning to his house soon, also that there is no sunlight and you don't know who is hiding in those alleys. Your sworn knight.
• Always the first to congratulate you, whether it's for your birthday or some achievement you got. He doesn't give you extravagant gifts for the sake of not getting caught, but there will always be a little something from him to you.
• He won't hesitate to side with you if there's a fight between you and Richie, especially if his father sides with his brother. Quinn doesn't have an opinion, so he feels like someone in that damn family should take care of the sweet person who tolerates them. That will raise some eyebrows, but it's easy to hide it in his nice guy image, he's just being a gentleman.
• He won't deny it, but he won't accept that he's a bit of a voyeur either. Whether you're with Richie or not, he'll be watching you from a safe distance. He doesn't do it in a creepy way, he's more like sitting and watching you while imagining that it's not Richie you're snuggling with, but him.
• If he loved you before, he's totally deep on his crush on you by the time you jump to his defense when Richie or his dad were being kind of jerks. You can't say you're his friend, but you won't let your sweet and kind brother-in-law be teased or pushed aside.
• If at any time you return the gesture and give him gifts, rest assured that he will keep and care for them as if his life depended on it. There's a box in his closet with everything you've given him and when he's thinking a lot about you, he doesn't hesitate to go see it. Only Quinn knows about her and she can't help but laugh a little at him, but she has never ratted him out.
• You're not that oblivious about his feelings towards you, but you just find him adorable and treat him like the little boy who promises to marry you when he grows up. Totally Ethan isn't pouting, but he'll take what he can from you until it's not enough and he knows sometimes you look at him more than necessary, are your feelings changing, (Y/N)?
• He thinks that Richie doesn't deserve you and not only for receiving everything, but Richie is always so focused on his hobbies that you seem like a secondary piece and if he were your boyfriend he would totally live to adore you, not just have you in the background.
• And since he knows that Richie doesn't deserve you, he is sure that at some point he will screw up and he will be totally there, ready to take you in his arms and comfort you. He knows that it won't be from one moment to the next, but he hopes that one day you will look at him with different eyes.You're not that oblivious about his feelings towards you, In the meantime, he will continue to be adorable to you.
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matteo000yepi3 · 6 days
Hace no mucho publiqué algo sobre mis ships de heathers favoritos, ahora hablaré sobre los que directamente no tolero/me gustan, está bien si te gustan solo es mi opinión...🔥💪
Not long ago I posted something about my favorite Heathers ships, now I'll talk about the ones I directly can't tolerate/like, it's okay if you like them, it's just my opinion...🔥💪
1= Chandean (no lo tolero, es el ship que menos me gusta de todos, buena dinámica pero DEMACIADA toxicidad, Chandler odia a JD más que a nadie)
2= JD x Martha (siquiera existe ese ship?, ew)
3= Jdronica [película/movie](simplemente lo odio.)
4= Rartha (RAM ES LO MAS ABUSIVO DEL MUNDO... y es tremendo gay)
5= Ramduke (ew-)
6= Jdnamara(es que...no coinciden sinceramente en nada)
1= Chandean (I can't tolerate it, it's my least favorite ship of all, good dynamics but TOO much toxicity, Chandler hates JD more than anyone)
2= ​​JD x Martha (does that ship even exist?, ew)
3= Jdronica [film/movie](I just hate it.)
4= Rartha (RAM IS THE MOST ABUSIVE THING IN THE WORLD... and he is tremendously gay)
5= Ramduke (ew-)
6= Jdnamara (it's just that...they don't sincerely agree on anything)
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3daveprints · 3 months
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And finally, we have Callie in her Splatoon 2 boss outfit. That's the end of this batch!
I had a hard time deciding which pose to use for this one since it has several featured ones, but I finally chose this one because, although it's not the most important, I personally like it quite a bit (and it is much easier to paint, which I appreciate). It has quite a bit of charisma. "Prepare to be rocked! Hey, DJ!"
Now all that's left is for me to paint them all, I hope it doesn't take too long.
Y finalmente, tenemos a Mar con su ropa de jefa de Splatoon 2. ¡Con ella acabamos esta tanda!
Me costó decidirme por qué pose usar para esta ya que tiene varias destacadas, pero finalmente elegí esta porque, aunque no es la más importante, personalmente me gusta bastante (y luego hace mucho más fácil pintarla, lo cual agradezco). Tiene bastante carisma. “¡Tendré que echaros por las malas! ¡Eh, Octovius!” (En español pierde bastante, las cosas como son)
Ahora sólo queda que pinte todas, espero no tardar demasiado.
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