#pantheon renewed
inside job and pantheon were cancelled...
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y-rhywbeth2 · 4 months
Gods & Clergy: Bhaal #2
Link: Disclaimer regarding D&D "canon" & Index [tldr: D&D lore is a giant conflicting mess. Larian's lore is also a conflicting mess. You learn to take what you want and leave the rest]
Religion | Gods | Shar | Selûne | Bhaal #1 | Bhaal #2 | Mystra | Jergal | Bane #1 | Bane #2 | Bane #3 | Myrkul | Lathander | Kelemvor | Tyr | Helm | Ilmater | Mielikki | Oghma | Gond | Tempus | Silvanus | Talos | Umberlee | Corellon | Moradin | Yondalla | Garl Glittergold | Eilistraee | Lolth | Laduguer | Gruumsh | Bahamut | Tiamat | Amodeus | The rest of the Faerûnian Pantheon --WIP
Because I found some extra stuff on Bhaalists.
Briefly featuring; secret identities, how to consecrate an altar, acceptable targets for sacrifice, red rooms, mummification, do not steal a Bhaalist's knife, and maybe some other stuff.
"Murder is natural. Slaying is what all creatures in Faerûn do, daily if they can. At least daily, slay something living—and the Lord of Murder is most pleased if the victim is one of your own kind and as formidable as, or more powerful than, you. Kill with swift skill, not by torture, forced suicide, falls, or collisions. Do it personally, with ever-greater deftness and elegance, and teach others the skills and the delights of slaying. "Deathbringers are to slay with enough skill that witnesses are impressed. They are always to challenge those more powerful than themselves, the clergy of other deities being prize targets. Slay with pleasure, but never with anger. Be in exquisite control of yourself. Utter the name of Bhaal so the victim can hear it. Ideally, it should be the last word a victim hears." - more Bhaalist dogma
Deathbringer appears to be a generic term for a Bhaalist who is part of the church. Or it's an alternative term for Deathstalker, it's hard to tell. Going on context, I assume it means the former.
In the time between his death and his resurrection, Bhaal no longer spoke directly to his followers even though he seemed to be answering prayers. He contacted them only rarely, and only in the form of nightmares.
Worshipping Bhaal is legal and persecuting his followers is considered... risky. Nobody wants to offend the gods. Murder, on the other hand, is very much illegal. Due to the fact that Bhaal is worshipped by committing very illegal murders, this gets complicated.
As with all evil and disruptive faiths, Bhaalists are permitted to worship so long as they don't disrupt functioning society and follow various stipulations: keeping their religious practices out of public view; not rocking the boat and causing the public to panic; and performing agreed upon services for the government for example. If they keep their end of the agreement, the law politely turns to look away.
Bhaalists protect their ability to worship the Lord of Murder by courting the halls of power, making themselves indispensable to the local government and nobility, and infiltrating law enforcement to cover their tracks. Many of them cut out the middleman and take positions of power themselves.
To make life easier for themselves, most Bhaalists have a "daytime identity" as a regular citizen, and keep their personal shrines out of sight (part of the restriction violent and evil faiths must follow in order to be permitted to operate in the Realms). The public should not be able to identify random Bhaalists walking amongst them.
Incidentally, Bhaalist shrines are kept holy by being anointed with the followers' own blood.
Bhaalists use their daily life to observe the city and consider their target. Preferred targets include:
Adventurers and travellers nobody knows. -
Criminals and troublemakers people will be glad to be rid of. -
People who are rising in power who might cause trouble for Bhaalists with that power -
The clergy of Bhaal's enemies: (Chauntea, goddess of agriculture; Helm, god of guards and law; Lathander, god of birth and renewal; Torm, protector of the common folk; Ilmater, god of martyrs; and Lliira, goddess of joy)
Favourite hunting grounds for Bhaalists tend to be either the main streets and markets (if they're looking to draw attention to the sacrifice, perhaps to make a statement) or the slums and poorer areas.
A daily murder is preferred by Bhaal, but only once a tenday is the murder of a person mandated. When the time comes, the Bhaalist will don their religious clothing and head out on their hunt.
Once the target is dead, they will take some trophy from them (and likely strip them of their wealth and possibly ransack their house, if possible). This trophy could be a personal possession, or a body part (for example; a finger, or their heart). The "trophy" is offered up to Bhaal on the altar, with a prayer, and Bhaal permits his followers to keep whatever wealth they acquire to fund their daily life and "continue their holy work." Many Bhaalists aim for a wealthy life, both for the comfort and for the fact that power and money are great ways to avoid anybody arresting you if you fuck up.
If in a city with a larger temple, then the worshipper is to tithe 50% of all coins taken this way to the temple.
If there is no temple in the area, then every member will be assigned a higher ranking priest as a handler of sorts, and they will give that 50% to them instead.
The church couldn't care less about non-monetary gains and land deeds, you can keep those.
Temples are not open to the public and may not be placed in view of the public, hence why they are built beneath the streets. There are also remote monasteries and monastic orders beyond the reach of the cities, which presumably hunt travellers on the roads at night and put the fear of their god into the hearts of nearby villages and farmers.
Bhaalists recruit by essentially running red rooms and snuff shows in secret locations at night; often cellars, basements and also private rooms in the upper floors of more well-to-do buildings. Guests wear masks to protect their privacy (the Bhaalists will presumably be wearing their full religious veils instead of masks).
The targets chosen for the spectacle will typically be those public opinion deems deserving of death. Violent criminals, for example. These slayings will not be considered a crime by viewers, and with a reputation for vigilantism, the cult may even come to be viewed favourably by some. Joining the cult means you get to "volunteer" the next guest star.
While I don't know how widely practiced this is, Bhaalists do mummify their dead. Invading a Bhaalist tomb may backfire when the long-dead priests take issue with their visitors.
Bhaalists blades may be cursed, in case they're stolen (particularly those they bury with their dead). Once unsheathed, the blades can't be returned to their scabbard until they've been used to take a life. Attempts to remove the curse with counter-magic will cause them to explode violently in a burst of metal shrapnel and fatal poison (which will be absorbed into the body on skin contact).
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starsarefire824 · 9 months
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The Star
"In a general context, The Star indicates hope for the future, inspiration and contentment. With this Major Arcana card it evokes very positive feelings, motivated and free. The Star brings hope, renewed power, and strength to carry on with life. It shows how abundantly blessed you are by the universe as evidenced by the various things around you. It may not be directly evident at the moment, for this card follows the trauma of the Tower card. The Star indicates that you have come through the tough times with a renewed sense of self and the world around you. It is full of calm, well-balanced energy and represents the openness to healing wounds of the past. Whatever mental, emotional, physical or spiritual issues that were experienced...they are now behind you. You are ready to embrace what your future holds. Trust that the universe has a plan for you and trust the feeling you have that everything is going to be okay.  The card represents confidence and trust that people will like you for who you are. The Star can also indicate creativity and artistic flair. " "When the Star card is reversed, it means that you are feeling as though everything has turned against you. The challenges that you would normally see as exciting seem instead to make you feel as though you cannot overcome them. You have lost faith in something, whether inside yourself or with something you normally find dear.  Without hope, without faith, we cannot find the motivation to progress forward in the challenges that we face. Where in your life are you feeling hopeless? In what ways do you already feel defeated? And how does that affect your actions? The star reversed asks us to nurture our sense of hope and positive energy to help propel our actions with joy instead of fear. " The bird is an Ibis. In the Star card it is perched by the tree. It is associated with the Egyptian God Thoth, the scribe of the Egyptian pantheon that is associated with learning, science, magic and the moon. Thoth was often depicted as a healer and an arbiter.
This is the first I chose in a Stranger Things Tarot set I am starting. I think in the past I would have seen Will as the Hanged Man or The Fool, but with Season 4 and the prospect of Season 5 I think The Star is a perfect fit for him. <3
@cloudycleric @wheelersboy @perexcri @foodiewithdahoodie
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The Mystical Significance of the Crow in Witchcraft and Magick
In the vast tapestry of symbols and beings that populate the world of witchcraft and magick, few hold as much intrigue and mystique as the crow. Revered by many cultures throughout history, the crow has come to symbolize wisdom, magic, and transformation in the realm of the occult. Let's explore the significance of this enigmatic bird and its role in witchcraft and magick.
1. **Messenger of the Otherworld:**
In various mythologies and belief systems, crows are often seen as messengers between the earthly realm and the realm of spirits. Their black plumage and keen intelligence evoke an air of mystery, making them natural conduits for communication with the unseen realms. In witchcraft and magick, practitioners may invoke the presence of crows to seek guidance, protection, or insight from the spirit world.
2. **Bearer of Wisdom:**
Crows are highly intelligent birds known for their problem-solving abilities and complex social behaviors. In many cultures, they are revered as symbols of wisdom and knowledge. In witchcraft, the crow is often associated with the archetype of the wise old crone, a figure steeped in ancient wisdom and magickal prowess. Through their association with crows, witches seek to tap into the deep well of knowledge that these birds are said to possess.
3. **Guardian of the Sacred:**
In some traditions, crows are believed to be guardians of sacred spaces and magickal practitioners. They are said to watch over witches and protect them from harm, serving as loyal allies and guides on their spiritual journey. In rituals and spells, practitioners may call upon the energy of the crow to provide a shield of protection or to keep unwanted influences at bay.
4. **Agent of Transformation:**
Crows are creatures of the liminal spaces – the thresholds between light and darkness, life and death, the mundane and the magickal. As scavengers, they feed on the remains of the old, transforming death into new life. In witchcraft, crows are often associated with the process of transformation and renewal. They remind practitioners that change is a natural and necessary part of life, and that through death and decay comes the opportunity for rebirth and growth.
5. **Symbol of Magickal Power:**
Throughout history, crows have been associated with magickal power and the ability to shape-shift or transform. In folklore and mythology, witches are often depicted as being able to take on the form of crows or to summon them to do their bidding. In modern witchcraft, crows are revered as symbols of personal empowerment and mastery over one's own destiny.
The crow holds a special place in the pantheon of symbols used in witchcraft and magick. As a messenger, guardian, and symbol of wisdom and transformation, it serves as a powerful ally for practitioners seeking to deepen their connection to the mysteries of the universe. Whether invoked in rituals, spells, or meditation, the crow embodies the essence of magickal power and spiritual insight, guiding witches on their path to enlightenment and empowerment.
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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Eye of Ra Talon Abraxas
The Eye of Ra carries several layers of symbolism and meaning.
The symbol is often invoked as a protective amulet to ward off evil and provide safety. It is believed to offer the wearer divine protection against harm and danger. This feature of the eye is usually depicted as a lioness or a uraeus (i.e. a stylized, upright form of cobra in ancient Egypt).
The eye represents the incredible power and authority of the sun god Ra. It serves as a reminder of his control over creation and the forces of the universe.
Also, the symbol embodies duality and balance. It can switch between benevolence and aggression, creation and destruction, highlighting the concept of harmony and equilibrium in the cosmos.
In some contexts, the Eye of Ra is associated with healing and restoration. This aspect is linked to the myth of the healing of Horus’s eye, which was damaged during a conflict with Seth (Set) and later restored by Thoth.
According to scholars and some Egyptologists, ancient Egyptians saw the Eye of Ra as a celestial symbol. They believed that it was connected to both the sun and the moon. The eye’s waxing and waning can be seen as a metaphor for the phases of the moon, while its fiery nature ties it to the sun’s light and energy.
Finally, the myth of the healing and restoration of the Eye of Ra reflects themes of renewal and rebirth. This symbolism is closely tied to the cycles of nature and the regeneration of life. --Eye of Ra – Origin Story, Meaning & Importance Ra Egyptian God of the Sun: 9 Ways to Work With Him Ra. His name feels primal when spoken. Powerful when written and read. As an Egyptian God of the Sun, Ra’s cult spanned dynasties and regions in ancient times. Some would argue he is perhaps the most important Ancient Egyptian god, syncretizing with other sun gods over thousands of years and adapting to new politics and belief systems. In this article, we travel to the land of the pharaohs and learn more about Ra the Egyptian God of the Sun, Ra’s symbol, powers, and how to work with him in your pagan or spiritual practice. You’ll find he is a protective, enlightening god with a desire to be honored by modern practitioners.
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jotun-philosopher · 2 months
If you liked that, you might like this: Good Omens and World Of The Five Gods
Heyo! Time for another ramble~!
Good Omens has given me a bit of a taste for theologically interesting fantasy, which led me to the World of the Five Gods series by Lois McMaster Bujold -- let me tell you about it! (Not everything, but hopefully enough to whet your appetite and spark your curiosity ^_^)
Putting everything under a cut, because while this isn't really a meta and I'm going to try to avoid spoilers as far as possible, I am going to be infodumping so it's gonna get loooooooooong XD #AutismForTheWin
So! World of the Five Gods is set in a sort of fantasy-counterpart-culture version of Medieval Europe (more or less late Reconquista era), but with the map rotated 180 degrees. Consistent across countries and cultures is the Quintarian religion, which involves worship of a pantheon of five gods:
The Father of Winter, who deals with mature manhood, fatherhood, justice, fairness, leadership, natural deaths, male virility and suchlike. His colours are grey and black.
The Mother of Summer, who covers mature womanhood, motherhood, love and its results, female sexuality, birth, renewal and healing/medicine, among others. Her colour is green.
The Daughter of Spring, whose purview is youth, beauty, virginity, education and planting. Her colour is blue, which is frequently trimmed with white.
The Son of Autumn, who covers war, hunting, courage, harvest and emotion. His colours are red and orange.
The Bastard, the broadly benevolent but frequently inscrutable trickster figure of the pantheon. His purview is orphans, demons, disasters and chaos, illegitimate children, queer folks, executioners, divine justice where mortal justice fails, lives unnaturally cut short, "all things out of season". His colour is white. He likes it when his followers 'pray' to him by cursing him out, both because they're actually *thinking* about their situations and because he finds it hilarious. (His sense of humour is a bit odd...) At the uttermost end of mortal justice, when all else has failed, one can pray to the Bastard for a 'death miracle', which if successful will kill both you and the intended target via one of the Bastard's demons taking your soul and theirs.
The Quadrene religion views the Bastard as a demon rather than a god, and reviles as heretical those matters which fall within his purview.
The gods have total power over the world of spirit, but their ability to affect the world of matter is highly limited at best; they thus have to rely on mortal agents. The tool is not the work, though -- tools get broken, after all -- so being a tool of the gods tends to really fucking suck.
WotFG has (at time of writing) three novels and twelve novellas.
The novels are:
The Curse of Chalion -- The Daughter's book. An escapee from a slave galley seeks a position in the household of his old patroness, is assigned as secretary-tutor to the Royesse (= princess) of Chalion (roughly equivalent to Castile in Reconquista-era Spain) and does his darndest to protect her from the deadly court machinations of the PROFOUNDLY evil chancellor and his brother while also seeking a way to break the curse of the title. (Seriously, get you someone who's as fiercely loyal and devoted to you as Cazaril is to 'his ladies'!)
Paladin of Souls -- The Bastard's book, and direct sequel to Curse, taking place a few years later. Ista, Dowager Royina of Chalion, is fed up of being locked in her rural castle by well-meaning caretakers who mistake her god-touched status for insanity. She goes on what is ostensibly a pilgrimage for her mother's soul, and finds that the gods are not done with her yet... (not quite the little-old-lady fantasy hero I've seen tumblr posts about -- Ista's in her forties -- but she is *very* badass and outspoken; one can imagine her being played by Catherine Tate)
The Hallowed Hunt -- The Son's book, set about 250 years before Curse, in the Weald (roughly analogous to Germanic areas). Ingrey kin Wolfcliff is dispatched to a remote castle to collect a young woman called Ijada, as well as the corpse of the highborn would-be rapist whose head she bashed in with a giant war hammer. Devious machinations and long-laid schemes abound surrounding the Hallow Kingship of the Weald, into which Ingrey and Ijada are swiftly drawn.
The twelve (so far) novellas focus on Learned Penric kin Jurald, scholar and sorcerer-divine of the Bastard's order, and his demon Desdemona. They take place roughly 150 years after Hunt (so, about a century before the start of Curse) and start out set in the Cantons (equivalent to Switzerland), but Penric (and the stories) travel around a fair bit. There is some interesting gender-wibbliness involved as well, because all of Desdemona's hosts prior to Penric were female, still live on in some way within her such that Penric can channel and converse with them, and Penric has to cross-dress more than once (particularly and memorably channelling the courtesan Mira).
In terms of approximate internal chronology, the Penric novellas are:
Penric's Demon, Penric and the Shaman, Penric's Fox (collected in the omnibus titled 'Penric's Progress')
Penric's Mission, Mira's Last Dance, The Prisoner of Limnos (collected in the omnibus titled 'Penric's Travels')
Masquerade In Lodi [chronologically earlier than the stories in Penric's Travels], The Orphans of Raspay, The Physicians of Vilnoc (collected in the omnibus titled 'Penric's Labors')
The Assassins of Thasalon, Knot of Shadows, Demon Daughter (at time of writing, to the best of my knowledge, only available in e-book format)
The novels and novellas can technically be read in any order (though, being a sequel to Curse, Paladin of Souls contains spoilers for that book). Personally, I find the worldbuilding easiest to digest when reading the novels in publication order (Curse, Paladin, Hunt), then the Penric stories. It's up to you, though!
The setting of WotFG as a whole (as I mentioned at the start) is informed to varying degrees by the history of Spain's 'Reconquista' era; the influence is especially strong in The Curse of Chalion, to the point that I'd strongly advise against making a drinking game out of it -- there are parallels to persons and events you wouldn't think could *have* parallels! Good fodder for a history-side-of-tumblr meta post, though, eh? ;-) (pls tag me if you do make one, I'd love to read it!)
Having come to WotFG from Good Omens, I have a particular soft spot for the Penric stories -- there are a few parallels with GO (a small enough number that it's probably safe to make a drinking game out of it -- though I'd still recommend tumblr meta-posts as the safer and healthier alternative!), all of which are more than likely genuine coincidences, but enough to add an ineffably lovely layer of enjoyment :D Have fun finding 'em ^^ (Srsly, the AU fanfics almost write themselves...)
Happy reading!
(tagging @ao3cassandraic and @vidavalor -- I get the feeling you'll like WotFG if you haven't run across the series already)
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askshinyglaceon · 7 months
What do you mean by ‘the Cycle’?
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Oh… Geez. Okay. You’re honestly better off reading a book than asking me, but.
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If you’ve heard of “the circle of life”, that’s essentially what it means.
Everything in this world lives and dies and lives again, and the different ‘phases of life’ are named after the four seasons.
There’s spirits, like Shaymin and Xerneas, that are more obvious and direct manifestations of those concepts— but everyone is a part of it. Temporary and always moving.
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We like to put a lot of emphasis on all that. I know that other dimensions have entire pantheons of gods, with Arceus being the Creator, but our Arceus is The Cycle.
Not… a physical deity, but everything that is. And everything— everyone— is Arceus. So… I’m Arceus, this grass is Arceus, a Magikarp is Arceus; all of the Cycle is Arceus, and Arceus is all of us.
Our world is something divine experiencing existence in a million different forms all at once. Rather than, say, an architect that built a city and all its people. Or something.
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This is getting away from me— Just imagine that Arceus is a giant tree, and spirits like myself and Ho-oh are its branches, and everything else is the… leaves…? Sure. And the tree blossoms, and turns green, and loses its leaves, which feed the roots, and so on for eternity.
Sheesh. I’ve said ‘Arceus’ way too much. Anyway, that’s the abstract answer.
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It’s also the catch-all term for all of the major factions that sprung up around the different phases and spirits in the Cycle. Most people here (as in, This Universe) align themselves with one of them. They’re like covens, if you care about Witch and Wizard politics.
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Each “court” is like… The ‘state of being’ for each phase in the Cycle; a rest. Beginnings, Middles, Endings, Renewal. Central Court encompasses Everything.
And each “gate” is meant to be the transition between two phases; the action. Birth, Life, Death, Spirit.
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So… If that made any sense at all, congratulations. You pass. It’s way too late for any of this, frankly— Yawn.
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dandelion-blues · 3 months
I was Never the Gods’ Hero
Percy Jackson just wanted a break. He didn't ask to be favored by ancient beings. He didn't want to be a hero, he needed to, but here he is expected to be a hero again! And in another universe already filled with heroes to boot!
Percy Jackson x DC crossover fanfic
Chapter 1
Gasping, clawing, trembling for air. He can't breathe! His hands are on his throat gasping desperately for oxygen. The all-encompassing pressure surrounds him from every inch of his body, suffocating and consuming him. It's a thick and oppressive void of blackness where there is no color, no light, and no hope. It's a parasyte waiting to consume, where it's solid in the freezing, crushing pressure that cracks his bones and liquid as it oozes into his skin and feasts itself in his blood and lungs and brain. It lets him feel everything all at once, all of his nerves alight with agony as they are targeted too slowly and individually, yet numbing his body in less than a second.
It is still too slow! It felt as neverending and unrelenting cycle of continual pain and torture. More torment than even Styx could give to her river.
Then, as the pressure finally grinds his bones and organs to sand, and freezes and suffocates him molecule by molecule, there is the blinding light, electrifying and raging. It renews his once frozen and distorted body instantly to energize him with a thousand suns, making his body a inferno of heat and agony. His numbness shocked back into awareness with a potency much greater than lightning that sears though his being. Only, for his eyes to see light before they burn away to husks of ashes along with his skin, blood, and bones.
Over and over again, this cycle of crushing darkness and searing light, all at once and yet separate at the same time. He feels as if he is dying and given life all at once. He is pulled apart then put back together again and again. His very atoms pulled apart and then back together.
If he were given even a second to breathe he might even notice how when he was torn apart and put back together he wasn’t put back the same… how he no longer bled red, and how his very senses and being enhanced; to be more than human. However, all he felt was the agony, shocking and suffocating and burning. Percy Jackson just wanted it to end!
Red blood of mortality,
Tastes sweet with immortality.
Colors were in shades of gray,
Enhanced through his decay.
Gold was for the riches,
Now in his blood so much it itches.
A mother's son forever since,
Crowned a God's prince.
Percy woke up, tremors racking his body. A silent scream tore at his throat, his heart pounding in his chest.
What was that?!
He looked widely around the dark room, his body high on alert, but still he wasn't prepared for the being awaiting him the darkness behind him.
The being cradled Percy and forced him back to sleep, wiping the tears from his eyes.
“It's too soon,” the being whispered.
The ‘dream’ all but forgotten the next day as Percy awoke in the morning in his home in Manhattan, New York.
Still Percy’s nightmares weren't just in his dreams. They have been a part of his life ever since he was introduced, since he was born, as a half-blood.
Percy Jackson was done with the Greco-Roman pantheon. He fought and won their wars, and watched so many people, kids - Hades he was still a kid - die around him and he almost died too many times to count while the Gods did the bare minimum to just save themselves, for him to deal with any of their shit again. Yet, here he was, packing up traveling bags to see his father in Atlantis. Oh, he might have forgotten to mention that his father is Poseidon the Earthshaker, Stormbringer, and Father of Horses (yeah, all horses are Percy’s thousand time removed nephews and nieces, but best not to think about that) and don’t forget the God of the Sea.
Percy was just celebrating his seventeenth birthday with his Mom and Paul in their apartment when his Dad just showed up! He’s pulled this before on Percy’s fifteenth birthday, but Percy thought that was a once in a life-time thing. Gods don’t just show up for their kids! Then, his Dad pulls him into his room and proceeds to invite Percy to Atlantis in a week in order to get to know his godly side of the family better and relax without having to deal with the stress of being a leader for both camps.
At first, Percy just wanted to tell him no and tell him to leave, because where was his Father when he needed him, but the little self preservation that Percy had told him that would be a terrible idea to anger one of the Gods that was on his side. Plus, Chiron sent him home to take a break and heal; that there was enough help at the camps to rebuild and he could tell Percy was not okay and needed a break from being a leader. Then, Percy also thought of Tyson, his little cyclops brother, and Percy caved. Thus, Percy told Poseidon that he’d love to come. Poseidon got a wide smile on his face, and hugged Percy and told him how excited he was for Percy to come. Then, Poseidon just transported away.
Percy remembered his Dad’s genuine excitement and warm hug, and that made him smile that maybe it would be worth it to go to Atlantis and be with his Dad. Percy was also excited to really see Atlantis, after all it’s been a while (a year) since the end of their war with Oceanus, and surely more would be rebuilt now. Restored to some of its former glory.
Some part of him, though, was incredibly worried about his step-mother Amphritrite’s, and his brother Triton's judgment even though they became closer after the second Titan war when he came to Atlantis on the weekends - it was only for three months a blink in the time of immortals. Not to mention Kym, she just tried to kill him! Then, Percy was angry, because what right did the Gods have to judge him and treat him like scum just because he was born and that he had to work extra hard just for them to treat him indifferently! However, Percy was raised by Sally Jackson and he would do his best to be nice and polite until they crossed a line, respect was earned after all.
(Also, Percy thought secretly, hopefully, that maybe he could have a big brother to look up to and train with, and a step-mother to confide in.)
Then, came the part of explaining the trip to Atlantis to his mother. Yeah, that was fun to explain to his mom, especially when this was the first time Percy has been able to see her in almost a year thanks to a certain Cow Queen (aka the Queen of Olympus, Hera). Luckily, Sally Jackson is a queen amongst women and understood that Percy needed a break, and that maybe this would turn out really good for him.
Sally saw how her baby came back littered with more scars, haunted eyes, and worn down from life that no one, especially a teenager, should feel. Gods, when Sally first saw her son at that door, she held onto him for dear life and they both ended up crying and falling asleep in each other's arms on the couch because they couldn’t let go of each other, at least until Paul came home and joined the hug pile. Sally quietly wiped a tear from her eye at letting Percy out of her sight so soon, but she knew a demigod’s life was never without chaos, and he deserved to get to know his father. Maybe he would confide in his father what was haunting him, that maybe Poseidon would understand and help. Sally heard Percy’s screams when he woke up in the middle of the night, and his flinches from sudden touches - flinches that were going away as reminders from that monster of ex-husband, Gabe Ugliano.
Gods, Sally Jackson wished she never married him. She thought that she protected her son by having Gabe’s horrendous smell protect Percy from monsters, then sending Percy away to boarding schools to be away from Gabe and his terrible influence, but no the real monster lived with them all along. Sally Jackson had to work two jobs just to make ends meet, and would often end up having to leave Percy alone in the house when Percy was home, and Gabe used that opportunity to abuse her son! She never saw the signs, she thought it was bullies or having to change schools every year, but no it was her ex-husband. She was too focused on protecting him from the divine world, that she wasn't able to protect him from Gabe! She could remember all clear as day when Percy, just having turned thirteen, and finished his first quest, flinched and curled in on himself when a loud drunk man walked by them when going home. She proceeded to question him when they got home, remembering all too well her own tells, and he told her how Gabe beat him, berated him, and humiliated him.
The next thing Percy says, Sally remembers word for word when she asks why he didn’t tell her, “I thought I was p-protecting you mom,” he sea-green eyes shined with tears, “G-gabe said that if I said anything to a-anyone he would b-beat y-you t-too,” he gasps and his breath hitches from crying and closes his eyes. Then, he looks up to Sally, and gives her a look that breaks her heart, “B-but I failed y-you, I saw you f-flinch, M-mom. I-I couldn’t protect you!” It was then that Sally knew that she failed as a mother, and proceeded to tell him that it was her job to protect him, and that she failed, that she loved him and there was nothing that he could do that could change that.
From then on, Percy and Sally began to confide in each other their traumas of Gabe, but Sally could still tell he was holding back, trying to protect her. He still barely told her anything of his quests, and Sally just wished that he didn’t inherit her stubbornness and selflessness, but Gods Percy made her so proud and heartbroken at the same time because he is so strong and so so good, and that is Sally's Jackson's son, dammit!
However, he is also Poseidon's son, and with that unfortunately comes monsters and tragedy that Sally can only understand the bare minimum of either through her own research or of Percy's own recounts, heck even when Sally sees the monsters they just ignore her.
'Hopefully, Poseidon can protect her baby. Afterall, hasn't he done more than enough, he deserves a break and to be with his father. I just hope this trip to Atlantis will be good for him,' thinks Sally as she watches Percy pack his things.
Percy finishes putting the last items in his bag and looks up to his mother. She has a few more gray hairs and wrinkles around her eyes and forehead, but she looks so full of life especially when Percy came back. He feels terrible for leaving her again even if she said that it was more than alright. Percy is just so tired of the divine world, but he still loves his father even when he's mad at him - he's just so tired of being scared and alone and wants to feel safe again! Safe like he felt in his father's cabin before Hera kidnapped him. Safe in his mother's arms from when he was young and she protected him from monsters and bullies.
Percy takes a breath, and says tentatively "Mom?" Sally's deep blue eyes look into Percy's and soften, "Yes, seastar?" Just with Percy's nickname he smiles, and states, "Mom, how… how do I learn to not be afraid?"
Sally blue eyes water, “Oh my baby!” Sally grasps Percy's hands, his eyes looking down at the floor.
“Sometimes that fear will always be with you,” Sally remembered Gabe's beer-filled breathe as he leered over her, but then she thought of her family, her son and smiled, “but then I remembered all the things, the people, that make me happy, and I know that they be there for me. That I am loved.” Sally gently squeezes her son’s hands, and he looks up at her, “And baby I love you, and I’ll be here for you no matter what. So will Paul, your friends, and your father. We are here for you Percy.”
Percy’s green eyes swim with tears and he runs into his mom’s gasp as she opens her arms. He hugs her, a few tears escaping his eyes, but he feels all so loved.
“Thanks mom,” Percy says wetly and smiles after it feels as if they hugged for hours.
“Of course seastar,” Sally smiles back, "I love you so much, and I'll be right here when you get back."
Just then, a knock on the front door is heard. ‘What timing?’ both think and smile once again to one another.
Sally goes to open the door, and Percy follows shortly behind with his bag strapped around his back, and Poseidon greets them both at the door.
“Hello my dear Sally, beautiful as ever I see,” Poseidon winks playfully at Sally. Percy is to say the least, mortified.
“Ah son I see you’re all packed and ready, then let's make haste, I have a celebration planned in Atlantis!” Poseidon exclaims.
“Celebration?!” Percy exclaims.
“Of course my son, the Prince, is visiting after so long, a celebration is due of course.” Poseidon states.
“Prince?!” Percy yells, what is happening right now?!
Luckily Sally intervenes before anything can escalate, “Now boys, I know you're excited,” she says pointedly to Poseidon, “but Percy would have appreciated being notified about what he is doing instead of just forcing him into the spotlight like that.”
“Also, what’s this about Percy being a prince?”
Poseidon looks sheepish, “I’m sorry my dear, well I was just really excited that Percy agreed to visit and well one thing led to another, and after all Percy’s done for us, we agreed Percy should officially be crowned a Prince of Atlantis.”
Percy looks faint, luckily Poseidon notices and says, “It’s just an official ceremony and announcing it to the kingdom officially, but afterwards we can keep the party small to just family and close friends.” Poseidon, despite seeming oblivious, did notice that his son was never comfortable with the crowds for Olympus’s parties.
Percy smiles relieved at his dad, “Alright, I think I can manage that.”
Poseidon claps, “Alright, it’s really time we should go.”
Percy nods and gives his mom one last hug, melting into her embrace reassured in her love, but for some reason he felt like this would be their last hug for a very long time. Percy shrugs this off, surely he’ll be fine in the heart of his father’s domain, especially with no war or anything worrying going on.
A chuckle escapes an ancient being, their laugh reverberating throughout the lives held so tightly by the Fates.
“My young dear always had a knack for his future, didn't he? So powerful, so pure.” Their laugh echoing through the stars and galaxies, all mortal’s hearts beating in tandem.
“He’ll forever be Destiny’s chosen, after all.” Another being wrys, her smile so much like a serpent, so wide it could eat the world whole, “Perseus, my destroyer of my fates. You never could be confined by their roles, and it’s almost time for you to break free, to grasp your destiny!” Her light fills the darkness, lighting her descendants precious tapestry golden.
“Indeed, it’s Time,” The other being states, their word ineffable as the universe, as the past, present, and future are all ruled by the passage of Time.
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mrsgiovanna · 1 year
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Priceless Acquisitions (Yan!Don Giovanna x reader)
A slightly longer version of a drabble. Unhinged Don Giovanna, barely any interaction between Giorno and the reader
Warnings: kidnapping, obsessive behavior, implied minor character death, general yandere behaviors,
Prompt: She's so pure… the last pure thing in this dirty, filthy world
Word count: 2k
It all started when you had chosen to intervene that day. It was a day like any other, you rose early, took care of your meandering morning routine and had started making your way to work. Naples hadn't looked more beautiful in all her springtime glory, but the owner of a pair of emerald eyes begged to differ when his gaze had fallen on you. Giorno had watched you intently from his vantage point at the rooftop cafe he liked to frequent on mornings like those. He appreciated the birds-eye view, like a deity overlooking his pantheon, he watched the hustle and bustle and spotted you darting your way through the crowd when you had stopped abruptly, your gaze being caught by something he couldn't quite discern. He had set down the mocha latte he'd been nursing and concentrated at the scene unfolding below him.
You had seen your fair share of atrocities that had taken place under that beautiful Neapolitan sky, each had irked you more than the last, but when you had seen a child almost snatched by someone who looked like a tourist, your body moved to intervene before your mind could rationalize the action. It was a simple action, in a crowded place like that, any inkling that you had known the child would have spooked off the potential kidnapper. Blissfully unaware of the doom she was spared, the little girl had run off towards an older woman with outstretched arms, chants of Nonna in her tiny voice mingling with the noisy surroundings. You watched as they walked off, ensuring that she was safe before you had resumed your trip to work.
The irony of it all, the simple act of saving an innocent had sealed your own fate… transfixed by the events that unfolded below him, rooted to that spot, Giorno’s interest was piqued, for the first time in years he was moved by the actions of another. Dropping a hundred euro bill on the table the don had finally exited the establishment, the barista followed at a safe distance in order to flip the sign indicating that the place was now open to the public, having been closed on account of Giorno's presence. He hardly dwelled in public spaces, the few choice areas that he had chosen to frequent were under express instructions to remain closed off to the public while Giorno was there, of course, it was for his own safety, but I left him feeling isolated nonetheless… Although he was no stranger to this… his entire life had been one isolated existence after another, save for one bizarre week in 2001, however, even that was short-lived…
Still thinking about what had happened a few moments ago, he had sent a few instructions to his consigliere to take care of the stray vermin that had managed to escape his new regime undetected, and had trusted that his wishes would be carried out, of that he was certain. The thing that posed a challenge to him though, was you. Reminded of both himself and his savior and being a firm believer in the power of shaping one's own destiny, his renewed resolve revolved around getting to know you. Any other intel gathering mission would have been passed on to an underling, this time, however, he had taken on the task himself. After a few days of relentless searching and pouring over videos of you going about your day in his free time, he had felt confident that he had your routine pinned down to its finest details. He knew his interest had bordered on obsession, he saw it in the way Mista and Fugo had guarded themselves when the topic of you had come up in their conversations. But none of that mattered, he was too far in to back out, too invested to give up, too taken with you to go back to life before he encountered you…
His stage was set, with all the world's citizens serving as his marionettes, all that was left now was to insidiously insert himself into all the facets of your life… for one as charming as he, that was the easy part, or so he thought… what he wasn't banking on was your fighting spirit, that had resisted him at every turn. It was infuriating. He was so accustomed to getting his way in the years that he had been leading Passione, he was at a loss when his charming advances had all failed to make an impression. His failure had spurned him on and soon there was not a minute in your day that Giorno was not aware of… which had brought its own problems. For all intents and purposes, Giorna was a fair man… his methods may have left some room for questioning, however, there weren't many who could question his ideals… so when he had seen you ensconced in the arms of another, his moral dilemma wouldn't be one that had an easy answer.
It was the brightest summer morning and Giorno had gone to his favourite coffee spot, the one you would pass by on your morning walk before you had gone to work. It was seven-forty-five when Giorno had lifted his head from his phone and had laid eyes on you with them. His thoughts had become erratic, trying to conjure up reasons for your interaction to the nature of the relationship until that kiss had put all of those thoughts to rest.
Silence… both in his mind and his surroundings. As if a wave had come crashing over his psyche, his eyes had darkened. Why was he limiting himself to the ordinary methods of acquiring you when both you and he were the furthest things from ordinary? He turned his attention back to his phone and sent a few messages to enact his plan. In order for this to work, he would need to know your whereabouts with pinpoint accuracy… a small task he initiated immediately as he used his ability to morph the tracking dot into a ladybug and had it settle into your bag just before you and your partner could disappear around the corner.
Blissfully unaware that your fate had already been sealed, you and your love had walked through the streets of Naples, enjoying the warm summer sunshine.
"So, has that guy ever tried his luck with you again?"
"Which guy?"
"Y'know, the well dressed one, dripping with swag… I bet just one of his watches costs more than my salary for a year…"
"None of that matters, I haven't seen him in a few days… Maybe the police finally listened to me… I don't know, I'm just happy I can go about my day unhindered," you had mused before branching off towards your office block. The day had gone by uneventfully, however, you couldn’t shake off the feeling that you were being watched.
You were just about to end work when you received a phone call from your partner, asking you to meet them for dinner. It was a short distance from your office so you suggested meeting them there. The sun had just started to go down when you had stepped outside and the air was warm and balmy from the day. A gentle breeze carrying a fresh, earthy scent blew as you walked down the street. It caught your attention because the smell felt out of place for all the bustling activity around you. You had arrived at the restaurant and saw that your partner wasn’t there, which you didn't think much of as you were ushered into a seat by the maitre’d. He wasn’t the person you were accustomed to seeing at the door. He was extremely tall, and had the most interesting, yet unsettling eyes you had ever seen, crimson irises affixed in obsidian. All your instincts had told you to leave, but you had ignored your better judgment and continued to wait. Your eyes wandered around the establishment and you realized that you didn't recognise any of the staff that were currently on duty.
Probably new owners… you thought, paging through a drinks menu. Settling on a glass of water, you had ordered your drink, and waited patiently still taking in your surroundings. You were one of the few patrons in there, and felt a little uneasy each time you locked eyes with the maitre'd. Suddenly, you had become hyper aware of the sensation of your blood flowing through your veins, rushing in your ears.
You willed yourself to stand but you had felt as if all the energy had been sapped from your body at once and then darkness.
A few moments had passed when Giorno had emerged from the back entrance, shedding his bloodied long coat and gloves, haphazardly tossing the items towards one of his men.
"Nero, is it done?"
The tall man looked in his Don's direction and nodded wordlessly.
"Good, remember, nobody learns about the events of today…"
"Dead men tell no tales, it's best you leave soon before rousing any suspicion,"
With a curt nod, Giorno had lifted you into his arms and gently carried you to the waiting car before speeding off to an unknown location. His hands ghosted over your face as if the mere action of touching you would cause you to vanish into a plume of smoke, but you were there, in the flesh, with all the obstacles that prevented him from being with you, eliminated.
He was a man who had rarely smiled but he could help himself as he mused thought about how flawlessly his plan had been executed. His consigliere had tentatively rolled down the partition to signal that they had arrived at the destination, and after passing through many layers of security Giorno had carefully placed you in your new bed. He gazed around the room with a barely-there smile, thankful that he had had the sense to incorporate some of your own belongings into the decor. Even though he retained a few knicknacks from your tiny apartment, easily acquired during your workday, his taste was evident in every detail of the room, from its high ceilings to the gilded details to the Egyptian cotton that you were now bundled in… nothing was too lavish. For too long he had been deprived and sought to make up for that time by unadulterated indulgence on the finer things in life. Your wardrobe had been filled with the most beautiful clothes and your bathroom stocked with the best care products. There was nothing that you could have wanted upon awakening. His position as don of Passione had also ensured that he had allies that possessed some of the strongest stand abilities known. His influence had spread and he built his network in tandem with a few other key players in Italy and Europe, and together, they had ruled from the shadows while maintaining a facade of reckless, privileged youth. He glanced at your form once more before leaving you to tend to the rest of his plans.
"Are… are you sure you want to go through with this Giovanna?" His Sicilian counterpart examined him with a hard stare, before tossing him a vial of ruby coloured liquid. Giorno turned it over in his hand a few times before setting it aside to pour them both a drink.
"Weren't you the one who suggested this? Didn't you take advantage of your crafty consiglieres' stand ability to acquire yourself a pretty little thing only a short while ago? Why do you look so concerned now?"
"I honestly didn't think you were crazy enough to do it… it was all fun and games until you took the bait and ruined my entertainment… although, annihilating that poor bastard was a step too far, even for you, no?" Giorno let out a mirthless laugh.
"Rich coming from someone they call 'The Reaper'," both men laughed before Giorno continued. "She's so pure… the last pure thing in this dirty, filthy world, I'll do anything to preserve that… anyway, salut,"
"What are we drinking to?"
Giorno thought for a moment, mulling over all godless things he'd done to get you under his control.
"To priceless acquisitions?"
His friend smiled and clinked his glass before reciprocating.
"May they always remain ours."
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justabrowncoatedwench · 8 months
Alternative gods that aren't Shar to turn to in times of sadness & mourning:
Kelemvor, Lord of the Dead
Jergal, the Final Scribe, servant of Kelemvor (Withers, maybe)
The Raven Queen, Goddess of Death/Dying (collector of memories & strong emotion, esp dealing with loss & sadness) - lesser known deity, largely worshipped by shadar-kai
Loviatar, the Maiden of Pain (a way to externalize internal pain)
Talona, Lady of Poison (worshiped by survivors of pestilence)
Myrkul, quasi-deity re power level, serves Kelemvor (oversees old age, among other pieces of his portfolio)
And that's just deities who also have Death as a cleric domain. This is just talking about broad Faerunian deities, most races also have their own pantheons, with their own deities they'd turn to in different situations. The majority of people in Faerun aren't solely worshiping a single deity, they worship deities within the situations & circumstances that that deity has jurisdiction over.
Deities of human/broad pantheon(s) who aren't Shar that you might turn to in a time of grief, sadness, or loss:
Chauntea, the Great Mother (OG nature goddess, these days goddess of agriculture & how civilization interacts w nature)
Selûne, the Moonmaiden (viwed as cyclical, & esp worshipped by human women during their menstrual cycles for example)
Ilmater, the Crying God (portfolio is endurance, suffering, martyrdom, perseverance)
Lathander, Morninglord, Lord of Birth & Renewal (the death rites are actually pretty neat imo)
Umberlee, Goddess of Oceans (for deaths at sea)
Etc etc etc
Basically, if a person has a deity they favor, every church/organization is going to have death & mourning rites. The majority of people aren't going to be turning from their other deities to seek succor at Shar's door just because they're mourning or sad; the kind of loss, and the solution Sharrans offer, is the way you'd rather forget what made you happy so you don't have to feel the pain of having lost it. That's what comfort Shar & her clerics offer.
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astarionsilverbough · 5 months
Okayyyy but I'm *****obsessed**** with Lathander accepting Astarion (am I understanding that right?) Because he vehemently hates the undead. He's just like baby you were born here, you belong here under my wing same as you were protected under your mother's wing...... He's also the god of renewal and Lord does Astarion need that... Deserves that .... Though he also pairs with Astarion well, esp guiding Astarion towards optimism.
"Though liked for his many positive qualities, Lathander also had a reputation for displaying the flaws common to the young, such as zealotry, vanity, and excess" Forgotten Realms Wiki, totes Astarion
I also kinda love the sorta reflection of nature/light though Chauntea (goddess of agriculture) (also Lathander's second lover) with Halsin and Astarion. Also the possible reflection of Lathander and Tyche (who split into two diff goddesses after she died). Very interesting lore parallels. I know this is all probably unimportant to the story at large but I just love how you've incorporated everything into the game/lore!!!! ****Happy Autistic vibrations****
Yes! Yes u are! Astarion’s sitch is a lil more complicated than “undead”, but that will be revealed soon ;3 but yes, Lathander very much embraces Astarion immediately, he’s extremely important to the Morning Lord 😈
RIGHT LIKE??????? Lathander’s whole deal is SO Astarion!!! And then the fact that the sun is made so important for Astarion and mentioned so fucking much over every other vampire trope in DnD like?,?,,
EEEE THANK U thank u I LOVE pantheons and the DnD pantheon is SO fun and I love the parallel too of like. The earth cannot live without the sun, and Halsin ,,,,, it’s very true for him, like. It’s a miracle he made it to find Astarion again tbh
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mask131 · 1 year
Roman gods are not Greek gods: Venus
After doing Mars, I had to talk about Venus.
Now… Unlike Mars, who was always a very important Roman god and stayed important even after the Hellenization, Venus is one of those numerous deities that started out as secondary figures in the “original” Roman religion, before the Hellenization suddenly had them promoted to “main god” status.
Who was originally Venus, before being associated with the Greek Aphrodite? She was, like Mars, a goddess of vegetation – but a minor one. She was a small Italic deity, tied to the maturation of plants, the fecundation of flowers and the protection of vegetable gardens. Alongside goddesses such as Feronia of Flora, she was a spirit of sprung and fecundity, present in festivals such as the Floralia and the Vinalia rustica. But starting with the 2nd century BC, her association with Aphrodite suddenly raised her to the rank of “one of the twelve main gods” and she inherited almost everything from the Greek Aphrodite: she gained her personality, her legends, her attributes… She became the goddess of beauty, love and sexuality, and thanks to Caesar pushing forward her cult (since he claimed that his family, the gens Julia, descended from Aeneas, the son of Venus), she quickly became a very famous and powerful deity in the Roman pantheon. But even then, the Hellenization wasn’t complete as Venus kept a lot of unique traits separating her from Aphrodite.
Notably, her original role as a goddess of vegetation stayed prevalent in her post-Hellenization fame, which led to Venus’ take on beauty and sexuality being heavily focused on fertility and prosperity. She also kept her “natural” function as the goddess in charge of the “everyday wine”: the Romans separated the “sacred” wine, a wine for sacrifices and religious ceremonies, from the “common” wine used as a simple alcohol, and the latter was Venus’ wine. Her month was the month of April, the time in which the renewed nature filled itself with love. Of course, no need to tell you how the idea of a goddess bringing fruits could be tied to human sexuality: she was Venus Genetrix, the goddess of motherhood – and it was under this “motherly” concept that Julius Caesar presented her as his ancestress. It was under this same name that she was considered the “mother” of Rome and of all Romans, since she birthed Aeneas, the supposed founder of the Roman civilization. Even more than just a physical or cultural mother, Venus was also “Venus Physica”, the universal force of nature responsible for creating and shaping the physical world, connecting Venus’ motherly role to her powers as a vegetation goddess. She was basically a form of “Nature Mother”, which does cause a main split with the Greek Aphrodite, who was more of a “lover” figure than a “mother” one.
In fact, in a strange twist, despite still being recognized as a goddess of seduction and sexuality, Venus was a much more… “chaste” deity than Aphrodite, thanks to the Romans being much stricter when it came to their sexual life. For example some temples of Venus were thought to receive their funds from the payment imposed on women for sexual misdemeanors, and one of the biggest aspects of Venus was “Venus Verticordia”, “Venus the changer of hearts” – a role in which the goddess is supposed to turn lust into chastity. It was a cult closely tied to the cult of the virginal Vestals, and Venus Verticordia was even said to have been created as an answer to some Vestals transgressing their vow of virginity. Only the Romans could imagine a goddess of sexuality that would actually promote virginity… (You can also see how Venus went from “the adulterer” to “the perfect wife” in my post about Mars). Similarly, while the Greek Aphrodite seems to have been outside of the rule of Hera as a goddess of marriage, in the Roman world, Venus was one of the marriage goddesses alongside Juno – future brides offering gifts to the goddess, and in exchange Venus preparing the “bliss” of the bride and ensuring the fertility of the union. There was to Venus a very “lawful love and sexuality” aspect that is very different from Aphrodite’s… let’s say more “chaotic” approach to sex and couples.
Another aspect of Venus that is very Roman is her military role – because as I said, almost all Roman gods are military gods in one way or another, and Venus was thought to be a giver of victory under the name “Venus Victrix”, “Venus the Victorious”, a depiction of the goddess with weapons in her hands. In general people prayed to Venus not so much for love or physical pleasure, rather they expected from her all sorts of good things and more… we could say “abstract” pleasures. For example, as Venux Felix, “Lucky Venus”, she was an embodiment of fortune and luck, while as Venux Libertina, “Venus the Freedwoman”, she became a goddess of freedom and of the free women (remember, slavery was a common thing in Ancient Rome). She was also confused with the goddess Cloacina (a water goddess of the Etrusceans that became the goddess of the Roman sewers, the Cloaca Maxima), but as Venus Cloacina was “Venus the Purifier”, a goddess of cleansing and purification in both a literal way (getting rid of stench and filth) and a figurative way (Venus Cloacina was tied to the concept of reconciliation and peace-making) – plus, of course, in the same “lawful love” angle talked above, she was also responsible for making “pure” the sexual intercourses within the marriage and the married couple.
Speaking of water, this is probably the other main element that struck the Romans deeply: the Hesiodic birth of Aphrodite out of the foam of the sea. The Romans fell in love with this idea of a sea-born goddess, and tried as hard as they could to shape their Venus into a water deity and sea-goddess. It was again, still tied to her role as a goddess of vegetation: water brings life to plants and nature, the same way sexuality brings life to humanity. She was “Venus Euploia”, Venus of the fair voyage ; and Venus Pontia, Venus of the sea – a goddess worshiped by sailors and mariners, and whose task was to smooth the waves to ensure a good sea-travel, to the point some even considered her the “Queen of the Sea” and made her basically a Roman equivalent of the Greek Amphitrite. Fascinatingly, despite this strong association with water, Venus was also considered a celestial goddess – called names such as Venus Caelestis (Celestial Venus) or Venus Urania (Heavenly Venus), and according to Virgil it was in the form of the morning star (the planet Venus) that she guided her son Aeneas through his travels.
A final point about Venus I would like to make is that, under the many attributions and aspects of Venus, several strange ones kept popping out, bizarre regional alternate takes on the goddess that the Romans themselves were sometimes baffled by. Such as Venus Calva, aka the Bald Venus, which led to several legends being told to try to explain her lack of hair ; or Venus Barbata, the Bearded Venus, which was an hermaphrodite Venus, with the body and outfit of a woman, but the beard and genitalia of a man. (It is possible that this one is just a continuation of the fascinating deity known as Aphroditos, a male Aphrodite from Cyprus, I’ll let you check on this one – though Roman poets liked to explain it by just thinking it depicted Venus as the “ultimate nurturer”, uniting male and female attributes together for the purpose of… well, nurturing the world).
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blueheartbookclub · 6 months
"Enchanting Echoes of Mesopotamia: Unveiling Mystical Realms in Myths & Legends of Babylonia & Assyria"
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Lewis Spence's "Myths & Legends of Babylonia & Assyria" transcends time, beckoning readers into the rich tapestry of ancient Mesopotamian cultures with the enchanting grace of Evelyn Paul's illustrations. Spence, a luminary in mythological studies, skillfully navigates the complexities of Babylonian and Assyrian mythologies, breathing life into forgotten gods, heroes, and cosmic sagas. The book is a mesmerizing journey through the Euphrates and Tigris valleys, where the divine and mortal coalesce in tales of creation, epic battles, and profound wisdom.
Spence's narrative prowess shines as he unravels the intricate threads of these myths, exploring the divine pantheon with scholarly precision and a storyteller's finesse. Each page is adorned with Evelyn Paul's evocative illustrations, transporting readers to the mystical landscapes of ancient cities and sacred temples. The synergy between text and art elevates the reading experience, making the myths palpable and the legends vivid.
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(Image from the book: Assur-nazir-pal attended by a Winged Mythological Being.—Bas-relief from the north-western palace at Nimrûd.—Photo W. A. Mansell and Co.)
From the creation epic Enuma Elish to the heroic exploits of Gilgamesh, Spence masterfully distills the essence of each myth, offering readers a gateway to understanding the spiritual and cultural tapestry of ancient Mesopotamia. The book becomes not just a collection of stories but a portal to another era, where gods walked among mortals, and the cosmos held secrets waiting to be unveiled.
In "Myths & Legends of Babylonia & Assyria," Spence beckons readers to delve into the heart of Mesopotamian cosmology, where chaos and order dance in eternal rhythms. This captivating exploration of ancient lore is a testament to Spence's dedication to preserving the spiritual heritage of civilizations long past. As the myths unfold, readers are left with a profound sense of awe and a renewed appreciation for the enduring power of storytelling across the ages.
Lewis Spence's "Myths & Legends of Babylonia & Assyria" is available in Amazon in paperback 15.99$ and hardcover 23.99$ editions.
Number of pages: 396
Language: English
Rating: 9/10                                           
Link of the book!
Review By: King's Cat
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morablackbird · 11 days
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(Sorry for disappearing for a month I got a new job and it's been hard on me due to it being an early morning shift after a night shift)
These are some deities I created for a dnd campaign I'm currently running. I wanted to have a few deities in this campaign instead of several pantheons, so my partner and I made this pantheon. Some of these characters, if you are close friends with me, will recognize the names and designs of oc's I have.
Havnock (The First)
Life, Death, Time, Magic, Fate
Kavara (The Mother)
Land, Sea, Sky, Nature, Dreams
Imera (The Scarred)
Fear, Endurance, Misfortune, Renewal, Pain
Ortharnus (The Wise)
Knowledge, Secrets, Writing, Storytelling, innovation
Eira (The Strong)
Forge, Storms, Vengeance, Winter, War
Isariel (The Greiving)
Love, Beauty, Peace, Fertility, Healing
Arcus (The Fallen)
Art, Music, Trickery, Illusions, hope
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writes-wise-words · 7 months
Samhain Connections
Life changes whether we want it to or not. Seasons change as quickly as life does. We feel the new energies that come with each changing season and welcome them. In our own lives, it is much harder to welcome the changes, and the beauty of those changes, in our own lives.
Everything is connected and ever flowing. There is no better way to remember and celebrate this than Samhain. The time the spirit world opens as the cycle of birth and death renew.
According to Celtic tradition, the Otherworld opens for a short period of time to Sidh (shee), fairies, and other supernatural folk during Samhain. It is the beginning of the new year and death of the old. During this time, several Celts with clairvoyance and talents in divination, would go to a sacred location at midnight.
Those men that were courageous could look in the mists and see those spirits that would die in the coming year. Women would watch in scrying mirrors to see the future. This shows the great significance magic had and has during this time of year. Today, scrying is not only used to see the future but connect us with visions from the spirit realm that we and others need.
There are similar meanings of Sidh in many cultures under the Arctic Circle such as Turanian tribes of Russia. They hold a belief of Tshuds or vanishing supernatural inhabitants of the land. Not only that, but those that were regarded as Tshuds were part of an ancient Finno-Ugrian/ Turanian race that were traced from Russia to the Fir Sidhe (fear-say-shee), those that lived close to the fairy mounds, in Ireland and Scotland. Tshuds were witches much as the Fir Seidh were for Ireland and Scotland.
These commonalities could have been brought about by the Danes when they conquered in the 9th century along the coasts. This shows that we are all connected, not just by history but by our very blood. We are never truly alone, especially during this time of Samhain.
In Asia, they have Kami which are native elemental and supernatural entities to Asia, especially the Shintoism. They work similarly to the fae in Celtic tradition. Linguistically we can see how Sidh of Celtic tradition could have been shared with Asian traditions and vise versa. This could have happened along the old trade routes that began in the first century between European and Asian civilizations. These trade routes were the only way to communicate with other civilizations before the internet.  
Today, we have the internet and can connect with like-minded individuals a lot easier. We are connected in ways that our ancestors could never have imagined. We have access to so many modalities, pantheons, and traditions that make each path we take unique to us.
In Norse tradition, we see they have Seidh/ Seidr. Seidh (saythe) is a type of Norse magic that is concerned with the course of fate. It works to bring about change using ecstatic trances to interact with the spirit world. This was mainly used as a form of divination to weave and establish the fate of beings, especially villages. It was a highly regarded position in Norse culture and was usually only practiced by Völva (vaal-vuh), female practitioners, much like Freya.
It wasn’t until Odin learned that it became more widespread across all genders. According to Myth, he was the first male to learn the art. Norse tradition sees fate as ever weaving based on our decisions that we make each second of the day. It isn’t set in stone.
Celtic Samhain and Norse Seidh have many commonalities. There are scant references to Samhain also containing fertility rites much how Seidh magic uses ecstatic energy. Strong emotional and physical forces create more power and energy, so the practitioner is in a better position to gain the knowledge they seek. These types of tactics were also used during Aleister Crowley’s reign on witchcraft. While his methods are controversial, the effects of magic are considered the same as they are today.
The more energy we put into a spell, the stronger it becomes. Celtic and Norse traditions teach us not to be afraid of all our emotions. We can use heartache, pain, and loss just as strongly in a spell as love, hope, and healing.
Samhain is the time to bring the light and dark together. It marks the beginning of the darker half of the year and means summer’s end. It is important to remember that emotions are not bad. It is how we use them. Sometimes, to gain the affect you want in a spell. You need to include all the emotions that you are feeling. This is very taxing but worth it.
 Just as Samhain brings death and rebirth, so can opposite emotions do the same in our lives. Now is the perfect time to see what changes are happening in your life and affecting you. There are spiritual forces at work and sometimes we may need help. This is the wonderful thing about working with an entity or deity. They can guide you through when you cannot see through the storms in your own life. These can be physical, emotional, spiritual, etc.
Divination is a great way to communicate with those that are helping you along your journey, even if you may not know what forces are helping you. There are many ways to divine from tarot cards to scrying; from flames to wax readings. We have such great abilities, each unique.
By using these gifts, we find our own path and can help others. Much like how the Norse and Celts did back then, and many witches today, it’s all about meeting partway and taking the steps you need to get better. Having the faith that as things change, as the seasons do, things will always cycle. There are as many new beginnings as there are goodbyes. There is always joy and grief.
There is so much that we have lost and can learn from historical sources. Just as the connections made between civilizations can be shown, it’s important to investigate our own lives and reflect on the connections that we’ve made as well. These connections can be spiritual, emotional, physical, etc. What’s important is that we remember them and evaluate how those connections and changes have affected us.
This path is hard and ever changing. Everything is connected. We see this in the veins of leaves being compared to the placenta, tree branches to lungs, and tree rings to fingerprints, etc.  As the otherworld opens, it’s a time of great change. We can learn much from those beings on the other side to help us as the changes in our own lives overwhelm us. Do not be afraid of the dark, for that is where the best changes happen.
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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Ptah Tree of Life
“Ptah the son of Kneph in the Egyptian Pantheon is the principle of Light and Life through which the creation or rather evolution took place; the Egyptian Logos and creator, the Demiurgos. A very old deity, as, according to Herodotus he had a temple erected to him by Menes, the first king of Egypt. He is giver of life and the self born and the father of Apis, the sacred bull, conceived through a ray from the Sun. Ptah is thus the prototype of Osiris, a later Deity.
“Herodote said that he is the father of Kabiri, the mystery-gods and the Targum of Jerusalem tells: the Egyptians called the Wisdom of the First Intelligence the name of Ptah.” - H. P. Blavatsky
“Ptah is Maat, the divine wisdom, though from another aspect he is Svabhavat, the self created substance. As a prayer addressed to him in the ritual of the dead says: After calling Ptah “father of all fatherhood and of all gods, generator of all the human beings produced by his substance. “Thou art without father, being, engendered by thy own will; thou art without mother, being born by the renewal of thine own substance from whom proceeds substance.” - H. P. Blavatsky
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