#or like today!! scott literally had to call someone out to tell them to stop doing some bit about owen's hoodies!
twitch chats are so exhausting 
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vulqan · 2 years
double life ep 5 (Etho & Budubs' viewpoints) reaction under the cut
Etho's video:
thinking about the spoilers i saw on reddit & the conversation about raiding the chicken farm. I Am Coming To Conclusions. i don't know if they're right and i Don't Care.
"i think we call Cleo!" "why Cleo?" "i don't know...you don't mess with Cleo!" baby. baby boy.
bloodthirsty Joel best Joel
i love Etho counting down the exploding jellies in the chat for the world to see. luv him <3
them walking around just looting and burning shit........i love them
"we could put a pile of TNT on the map and see if somebody walks up to it" Etho pls 💀
"enderpearl, TNT, enderpearl out" i am OBSESSED WITH HIM!!!!!
MARTYN ANNOUNCING TO A GROUP OF REDS WHILE TALKING TO GRIAN THAT HE'S A YELLOW NAME 😭 and then bdubs being like "...that's right 😈 i forgot" BAHAHA
"you guys are trapped, you know. there's no way out of this situation." spoilers mean i'm pretty sure there's a way out but i love this line with my whole Hort and Sole
omfg the zombies were Ren & Big B's???? BRUH LMAO
everybody IMMEDIATELY excited abt the pile of TNT lmfaooo
"we can kill Grian too to deal with [Scar]!" "just do it 😩" hELP
Etho sounding like a jealous ex talking to Bdubs about his relationship with Impulse this season is SENDING me
"i can't believe they burnt it down, we were gone for two seconds 😭" bestie you built your house out of flammable material aGAIN, please,,,
"the ship burns, everything burns" Having Feelings rn
(Grian screaming in surprise that his trap worked is killing me lmfaooo)
dead people talking in chat 🧐🧐🧐 what is "the mole"
Scar looking Directly at Etho as he says that he smells the enchanter on someone there 💀
"HE'S got the enchanter in his hand! 😡 oh my god, i just stabbed the monitor with my finger—" SCAR PLEASE
this was an excellent episode 10/10 would watch Etho & Joel burn down the whole world again
Bdubs' video:
"when he goes red, he gets feral. you need to get one of those kiddie leashes on him." "OH STOP IT 😡" "i'ma let him do his thing 😌" perfect husband Impulse at it again 😩
[muffled] "Jellie, just a moment, i'm negotiating with terrible people" god i love him
it's Very funny to me how Impulse starts setting up a trap at the front door of the midcentury modern house & Bdubs immediately announces it to all and sundry so its value is totally ruined now LMFAO
"...aaaaaany second now" pls not that being your plan lmfaoooo
man i LOVE hearing Grian's scream cut off as he dies lmfaoooooo
Budbs being more excited about the half stack of sand than he is about the diamond chest lol
i have watched the 100hrs series since watching episode four so Jimmy dying first is INFINITELY funnier now
voice activated TNT Minecraft traps are literally the funniest thing in the world, oh my GOD?
omg hi Pearl i haven't seen u all season
Bdubs why would you SHOOT AT HER I SWEAR
"i was telling him Scott had it" oh WERE YOU
"i was with him last season 🙄" SCREAM LMAO
PLS PEARL SETTING OFF THE TRAP BUT SURVIVING they absolutely just made an enemy
Grian's "i've been through a lot today" with an arrow in his face 💀 poor little lad
hello ad read laying down on a couch 👀 👀 👀
side note, it's still so weird hearing his sarcastic lil voice come out of that face lmao
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prismatic-bell · 3 years
So the other day I said a thing about how I felt like a line could be drawn between antis, and the rise of 24-hour news networks. I’ve given that thought some time to bubble to see what, exactly, my brain meant by that statement, and here’s what I’ve got:
When I was a kid (back in Ye Olde 1990s), we had three major news stations in my town: Channel 12, Channel 24, and Channel 35. These corresponded to NBC, ABC, and CBS, but I don’t remember which one was which so don’t ask me. Anyway--you had a half hour of news at 8 or 9 am (depending on which station you watched), an hourlong program at noon in which half the program was stuff like “here are today’s beach closures and some recipes and also if you’re looking for stuff to do with the kids this weekend here are local promotions,” and half an hour at either 5, 5:30, or 6 (again, depending on which channel you watched). One of the three stations also did a half-hour capper at 10pm. So unless you were watching all three stations, and picking the news every single time, the max amount of news you were going to get was like an hour and a half. If you wanted more news than that, you read the newspaper. When my mom was a kid (back in Ye Olde 1960s), this would have seemed like an inordinate amount of news--for her, it was half an hour at 6pm and ten minutes at 10pm and then the station (there was only one station that did the news) played the National Anthem and went off the air until 6am, at which time you might get like . . . the weather and a traffic report.
For anything else, you read the newspaper.
Now with only half an hour to present a whole lot of news, what are you going to do? You are going to stick to the facts. You don’t have a choice. You have a very short time to fit a whole lot of information. “Notre Dame cathedral caught on fire today. French firefighters are working to get the flames under control, and authorities in charge of the cathedral are doing their best to remove relics, paintings, and other holy objects while it’s still possible. French President Mr. Somebody addressed the nation and stated every attempt to save the building, and to rebuild the damage, will be made. In local news . . . “ And that’s it! If you want more information, you’ve got to wait for the newspaper in the morning, and you’re going to have to get a copy of the New York Times or USA Today, because the local paper will only have a blurb, and that blurb will mostly cover what you just heard!
But then the news changed.
By the time I was a teenager, the non-cable news looked like this: All three channels had a morning show that started at 5 or 6 am (depending on your station) and ran until 8 or 9 (depending on your station). The station that ended at 8am then had a half-hour morning news show. The mid-day news at 11 or 12 was still an hour. Channel 35 did a half-hour news segment at 5 and another at 5:30, back to back. The other two stations simply did an hourlong segment. And then one station did half an hour at 10:30, and the other two did hourlong segments at 10pm.
What do you do with that much time? Well, you expand. Yes, you can fit more news, but you can also fit more about the news. “Notre Dame cathedral in Paris went up in flames today. The fire began in the famous historic bell tower, and spread to the roof. At this time, portions of the roof appear to have caved in, and there are concerns about the integrity of the medieval stonework in the cathedral walls. French firefighters have been working since 8am Paris time to get the flames under control, and authorities in charge of the cathedral are doing their best to remove relics, paintings, and other holy objects while it’s still possible. Some firefighters are also helping with this project, as portions of the building have become too unsafe to enter. French President Mr. Somebody addressed the nation late this evening and stated every attempt to save the building, and to rebuild the damage, will be made. Of the cathedral itself, Somebody said, ‘Our Lady has weathered worse troubles than this. Paris as a city, and France as a nation, will overcome.’ In local news . . . ”
Still facts, but a few more facts. At this point the internet as a public thing is just past its infancy, and in theory you could go look up some stuff on, like, AOL, maybe, about what was happening.
(Nina, you were talking about antis . . . ?)
(Yes, I was. Bear with me.)
But at this point you also saw the rise of Fox News and CNN.
Now up to this point, I could trust the news. That is important to know. “Nina, American news is full of propaganda--” Listen, you’re not wrong, but the point is, if Scott Brennan told me Notre Dame cathedral was on fire and priests were trying to remove the holy relics, I could safely assume Notre Dame cathedral was on fire and priests were trying to remove the holy relics. If Channel 24 told me “the blizzard of the century” had occurred the night before, I could look out the window of my snowed-in house and go “yeah, that seems legit.”
I grew up, in other words, in a world in which facts were facts. We didn’t waffle or wring our hands over whether or not Notre Dame was on fire. And this allowed me to take a similar approach to fiction: it is a fact that murder is wrong, and knowing this, I can read a book in which someone commits murder for very good reasons, but still know they did something wrong.
But now you have 24 hours of news to fill.
No matter how you pad it, no matter how many voice clips you play or retrospectives you do, you cannot find enough news in the world to fill 24 hours, seven days a week, 365 days a year. You just can’t.
So they started adding “opinion pieces.”
Notre Dame is on fire--is it worth saving? Notre Dame is on fire--but is it as big a catastrophe as it’s made out to be? Notre Dame is on fire--but France has been steadily calling themselves a secular nation, so is this the punishment of G-d? Notre Dame is on fire--
--wait, what was that?
Yep. You saw it, I saw it, we all saw it. But as the “opinion pieces” slowly took over the regular news and stopped being called “opinion pieces” and started being called “programs,” it became less and less clear what was and wasn’t fact.
Now obviously Notre Dame is on fire. But now we have to ask ourselves: is it worth it to save it or not? Is the financial cost outweighed by the history? Will those answers change depending on how bad the damage becomes? And you, lonely elderly person in your chair whose predominant socialization these days is at church, how does this make you feel about French people? These are questions that once would have been asked of the church caretakers and the French government. Now every single person is being asked to think about them, without being provided all of the context that is available to the church caretakers and the French government. And along the way, you get these nice, nasty little bits of prejudice and slanted thinking and bias sneaked in.
I told you I’d come back to antis. And here we are.
The vast majority of antis are very young. They grew up in a world where those “programs” were the norm. They were not provided with a cultural basis of “these are the facts.” They were provided a basis of “here is what I think about the facts.” They were provided a basis of, as Mr. Banks said in Mary Poppins, “kindly do not cloud the matter with facts.”
There are no facts! Who fucking cares! An anti who’s 15 years old today was eleven years old when we were introduced to “alternative facts”! Is it wrong for a 27-year-old man to pursue a relationship with a 13-year-old girl? Depends on which news channel, and which presenter, you ask!
They literally grew up in a world in which critical thinking was discouraged. Once upon a time, you would have seen on TV that Notre Dame was on fire, and at dinner--or whatever your family did for together time--you might say things like “going to be expensive to fix that, I wonder what they’ll do,” but you wouldn’t have been hit with six presenters telling you exactly why Notre Dame should/shouldn’t be rebuilt. And don’t forget--even if you, personally, do not watch the news (or read it on the internet, which is just as bad, because everybody’s after those elusive advertising clicks, everybody needs the “scoop” two seconds before it happens), you know people who do. You hear their opinions and their hot takes and their retellings all around you. And those  opinions and hot takes and retellings will be colored by which “program” that person saw first.
Watch the first thirty seconds of this:
Walter Cronkite, a legendary news anchor, giving his opinion on Vietnam. You will notice that he states, very clearly: “it seems very clear to this reporter.” This is Cronkite’s opinion, nothing more, and he makes it clear that he is speaking only for himself.
Now skip to approximately 1:05, and watch him report the Kennedy assassination. You can see he’s emotional, but also keeping it under wraps as best he can because he has An Important Job To Do, and that job is twofold: to deliver the news accurately and concisely, and to keep the American public calm (you can see this when he hurriedly says Johnson is probably taking the oath to become President; a missing VP would be a crisis at this moment). This is a man who’s just found out the most beloved president in modern times is dead. And not just dead--murdered. It’s not like Kennedy had a heart attack, his damn head was blown off. This news is still coming in so quickly that you can see him glancing off the screen to get fresh reports. He’s one of the first to receive this absolute blow--and he’s still holding it together, barely wavering. (When I was a kid, this role would go to Dan Rather. He was no Cronkite, but he tried.)
Where is that kind of rock for today’s teens? Imagine--heaven forbid, in the state our country’s in right now--that tomorrow we get the news Biden was shot.
How would we get that message?
Would it be delivered by an even-keeled, just-the-facts reporter like Cronkite? Or would we get it from a bunch of half-hysterical articles and crisismongering “programs”? And would it be delivered to us straight, like Cronkite did, or would it be buried in three days’ worth of opinions on his “legacy” and policies and What This Means For America?
Now: how are you supposed to build any kind of strong convictions and moral compass on a world like that? Where anything can be true if enough people have an “opinion” on it? Where the facts get immediately buried in a wave of bullshit?
Antis are reacting to a world of “opinions” and “programs” being thrown at them 24/7 by trying to create a world they can control, where there are in fact things that are true, in a world that has actively refused them the opportunity to learn how to parse and process facts. And so what they’ve come up with is this grossly distorted version of facts, because gross distortions of facts are all they know. It’s all they’ve ever seen. They’re perpetuating a system they don’t even realize they’re part of, because they never experienced life before it existed.
They’re not lying when they say they were heavily influenced by fiction because the bounds between fact and fiction have been actively erased. On purpose. And it’s difficult to grok that, if you grew up in a world where you didn’t have to go seek out photographic evidence to be absolutely certain that Notre Dame was, indeed, on fire.
So what we need to be doing, first and foremost, is rebuilding that wall of facts, that line of truth. Otherwise, what we’re going to see is more of this, but getting worse daily.
We set them up for this, and now we’re paying the price for it.
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slowpoke-fics · 3 years
Scent | Mate Series
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Derek x Y/N
Summary: Derek is getting suspicious of you, you're hiding something and he wants to know what
Warnings: not really I think but just in case, as always, read at your own risk
A/N: This is Part One | Next Part
This whole thing is a whole family pack au and mate au, OC stuff in later chapters but I really loved writing this and love the idea of a family pack <3
You walked into Scott’s house, happily smiling at everyone gathered around the table, noticing that even Derek had showed this time. The wolves seemed to carry on about their business as you muttered something about dinner and moved to the kitchen. “I don’t like that ya know?” You jumped a little, turning to Derek and smiling in confusion. He sniffed the air, “All I can smell is your strawberry shortcake lotion. You use too much.” You scoffed, turning to the food, “I don’t care, go smell someone else.” He shook his head, “Why? I don’t like not being able to smell you.” You looked at him, eyebrows raised, "Derek, I know what you wolves do, it's a violation of privacy, I like my emotions being mine." Derek huffed under his breath, "Just trying to care." He turned and walked out of the kitchen.
You couldn't help but wonder if you'd been excessively hateful, but you were right. You knew better than anyone, wolves violate your privacy whenever they can by just smelling you, let alone with serious practice what they can do. You could never keep a secret around a pack of wolves, and living in Beacon Hills with the extra wolf sense going around is no different. It's better to just hide your scent all together. You of course knew how to do this very well without the nifty supernatural trick; putting lotion over your scent glands regularly, wearing tight clothes, and lots of deodorant. You sighed to yourself as you thought of how different it could be if you could come clean.
Derek hung back after the meeting, watching as you waved everyone goodbye, claiming he was cleanup help since you cooked. "What's up Derek?" Scott said once the door shut. "Y/n," Derek started, turning to Scott, hand rubbing his scruff nervously, "has she always covered her scent like that?" Scott's eyebrows furrowed, "Now that I think about it, yeah, why?" Derek shrugged, acting like it was no big deal but wanted to put the fuze out before it went to far, "Dunno, she's just the only one that does it, even Lydia with the amount of crap she wears, I can smell her," he sighed, "it's like Y/n is hiding something man, I've just never once smelled her." Derek shook his head, "I mean, it's never bothered you? Not being able to smell her?"
Scott could sense something he hadn't ever before with Derek, a sense of need, like when Stiles called to him when he almost lit himself on fire. "She just wants her privacy, she knows we can smell fear, anxiety, joy, embarrassment," he slapped Dereks shoulder, "relax man, are you really worried Y/n is out to get you?" Dereks hands fell next to him, "Something like that." Derek said his goodbyes to Scott and happily Stiles, as over the years he's grown to love the wild man, and left wondering about you.
At the next pack meeting, this time in his loft, you were the last one in again. As everyone was catching up and cutting up, Derek found his way beside you, "I don't like that one, it smells sour, what is it?" You blushed just slightly, "I don't know some cucumber mix." Derek huffed, "If all I can smell is fake shit, at least something good, citrus, sweet or somethin'," he shrugged as he made his way to the table.
You'd all been discussing new training for the supernatural creatures drawn in by the Nemeton and handling the strays that don't fall in line with the help of the argents. Derek was next to you, something you knew was no coincidence as he'd swapped places with Scott at some point. He reached over to the map in front of you, trying to rub just your shirt, but you slyly moved your arm, muttering an apology, "Oh, sorry," but Derek didn't miss the extra heartbeat, even if just for a second. What is going on with you?
A few days later you find yourself climbing in the passenger of Stiles' jeep, just leaving your house after reapplying lotion, knowing that you were going to Dereks' for pack training. "Scott needed a ride today, that okay?" Stiles quizzed you, studying you as you answered with a hum. "Everything alright?" he reiterated, turning the music up. You shrugged, "I just have a feeling something is going on." Stiles gave you a sympathetic smile as he pulled up to Scott's.
Scott climbed in Stiles' back seat, glancing at you, consciously aware that you only smelled like mixed berry lotion, smiling, "Hey, Y/n, how was your day?" You shrugged, "The usual, excited for some pack time." Scott listened to your steady beat, kicking himself for even listening. The ride to Dereks normal while you intently listened to Stiles ramble. It was impossible not to notice that something was bothering Scott, you just hoped it wasn't you.
Scott was the first to knock on the door, Stiles following impatiently while you stood behind the two men. Derek slid the door open, looking over the two men and directly smiling at you, welcoming you all in. You followed closely in behind Stiles, narrowly missing Derek. You sense him reaching forward, out for the small of your back, you quickly stepped out of the way and to the kitchen, hoping your heartbeat was steady. "So what am I making?"
You worked on finishing up the tacos, careful to clean up any mess you made and wash the used pans. You had Liam lay out the table who was cooling off from a tough session with Isaac. He was really slinging the plates down, you put your hand just inches from his, stopping him from laying another plate down, "Liam," his eyes connected with yours, "listen to my heart, get yours to match it." Liam shook his head, starting to lay another plate down, clearly frustrated, but you spoke again, "Liam," you sighed, "it is okay to lose control and get angry, but get it back. Take a breath, control your heart rate, ground yourself." Liam took a deep breath in as you guided him, smiling at you before gently setting the plates down. You could feel the anger dissipating from him as he did.
"Thank you for helping," you muttered as you rubbed his shoulder comfortingly, making sure your sleeve covers your bare hand, smiling at him, "I'm gonna go get them." You walked into the training room, sweat and power smacking you in the face, "Dinner's ready!" Scott and Derek let go of each other, playfully draping their arms around each other, "You wanna spar, Y/n?" Derek asked and you laughed, a sound that blessed his ears, "Uh, no thank you, I'll leave that to the big bad wolves." Scott smiled, "Come on! Even Stiles trains!" Stiles jumps at this, pointing to Scott, "Hey!" Causing everyone to erupt into laughter, you smiled, "Who else is gonna cook?" At that Stiles interjected again, heading to the meal, "Not it!"
After you all ate you helped Liam collect and wash dishes, Derek watching you dodge every corner of the tablecloth, studied your moments as you put up pates, careful to not touch them with your bare hands. He thought to himself as he watched you that he was reading way too much into it. That you were just a private polite person, but something was rubbing him the wrong way, something he was missing. As you put away the last dish, Stiles stood up, smiling, "Bye, sour wolf." Derek glared at him but turned to you who was side by side with Stiles, your arm around his waist, also heading out, "See you later, sour wolf."
Scott trailed behind, making sure you and Stiles were out of earshot. "Man, what is your problem I can literally see the fury coming off of you." Derek glared at Scott, "Y/n, she just-" Scott rolled his eyes, "You can't be serious, not with this again." Derek rubbed his face, "Man, I'm telling you," he shook his head, clearly troubled, "She won't let me touch her! At all, I'm talking not even an accidental brush," Derek spoke lower, "She wouldn't train because that causes sweat, we could smell her, won't even touch the tablecloth. She washes every dish she uses, won't touch the plates with her bare hands? The plates?" Scott could tell Derek was genuinely upset by this, "Why does this bother you so much man?" Derek sighed, "I don't know," he drug broth his hands over his face, an attempt to rub the stress away, "I don't think she'd hurt us of course, but she's definitely- Scott, there's too many questions I need answered." Scott sighed, "Okay, if it means that much to you, I'll look into it." Scott started walking and that's when you snapped back into Stiles honking the horn of the car, you giggling with him as Scott came rushing out.
How much longer could you hide your secret?
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shurisneakers · 3 years
harmless (ii)
Summary: Bucky volunteers to go stop a small time villain, but nothing can prepare him for what exactly he has to deal with. (Bucky x villain!reader, drabble series)
Warnings: cursing, stealing cultural landmarks, frustrated bucky
Word count: 1.6k
A/N: made a header 4 this fic but i couldn’t take it seriously enough <3 
if you have any ideas for future inventions/evil plans, lemme know! it’s always fun to hear from y’all. 
here’s my ko-fi if you’d like to support my writing <333
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Previous Part || Series Masterlist
It’s roughly a week before he sees you next.
Right on time too, according to the briefings he had received. Once a week you’d come up with your next batshit crazy idea and someone would be sent to make sure you didn’t execute it.
It was more of a babysitting gig than anything. Most people would do one, maybe two assignments before asking to not be sent again. 
He was not most people. He volunteers to go again. His afternoon is relatively free and he’s bored. 
Also, and more importantly, he needs to get out of the house before Sam finds out what he did.
“You’ll find her near the Statue of Liberty.”
“How do we know?”
“Oh, she tells us.”
“...she tells us where to find her?”
“Most times, yes. She says it’s time efficient.”
Absurd. He thinks you’re absurd.
Bucky finds you in line to board the ferry. You’re dressed to the nines like an obnoxious tourist, even though you were a local, topped with binoculars and a bucket hat. 
On an unrelated note, he thinks that maybe the mission today is to kill you for daring to wear sandals with socks like a suburban dad. A shudder runs through his body when he sees it.  
He’s wearing all black and a baseball cap. Somehow he’s standing out more than you are.
He boards the ferry behind you, keeping a close eye on all your movements. You take your place near the railing, a seat near the front of the boat. 
His phone rings. He answers it, expecting Sam to screech at him for painting Redwing neon pink again. He should have known it was coming after he shoved Bucky off the quinjet before he had time to strap his parachute on properly. 
“I thought I told you to bring a cape.” 
He quickly looks up at you but you’re not facing him. You have your phone held up to your ear, however.
“How did you get this number?” he asks icily.
“I knew you’d show up again.” Your head tilts to look at the statue in the distance. “Also, thanks for the door money, but I’m not sure I appreciate how you think the least creepy way to give someone money is to drop it off anonymously at their doorstep.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.” He swiftly gets up, stalking over to where you’re sitting. He was advised not to do anything aggressive. Advised was a flexible word. 
“Because I wasn’t going to answer it.” You look up at his figure looming over you. “Oh, hey.”
The phone is still pressed to the side of your face even though he’s right beside you. He cuts the call, shoving it back into his pocket.
“Allow me to introduce my pl-”
“What are you doing here?” He cuts to the chase. 
You send him a glare. “I was going to say it before you told me to. And sit down before everyone thinks you’re going to kill me.”
“Why are you going there?” He doesn’t have time for this, he thinks. He has important things to do. Like watching the reruns of Masterchef Junior. 
He sits in the seat beside you.
“Look at us.” You grin at him. “Me with the evilest outfit I could think of, you with your... Addams Family cosplay. We’re like, two peas in a po-”
“Start explaining,” he interjects. 
You roll your eyes. “I’m going to shrink the Statue of Liberty and use it as a keychain.”
“What?” It’s probably the most benign plan he’s ever heard in his life.
“I’m kidding.” Oh, good. “I’m not using it as a keychain, I’m taking it to class.” Nevermind. 
“What?” He finds himself repeating his previous question.
“I’m shrinking all the statues I can find. I want to use it in my classroom to teach the kids.”
“You’re... a teacher?” He blinks.
“You got a problem with that?” You look offended, to say the least. 
“No.” It’s not what he would peg your occupation as. He didn’t think you had one at all. “How are you planning on shrinking it?”
You rummage through the ugliest fanny pack he has ever had the misfortune of seeing. You pull out a small ring box, complete with a bow tied neatly on top. 
“I was saving this for our third anniversary, but-” you offer him a nervous laugh.
His stony expression doesn’t change, not even a blink. 
“Fine, Jesus, you’re no fun,” you huff, dropping the emotional act when he doesn’t look amused. 
You flip open the lid. Inside there are a few small disks. It looks familiar, he realises.
“Your friend Ant-Boy didn’t file a patent, so I just took his whole shtick.” He wants to defend Scott’s honour; it’s Ant-Man not boy. He doesn’t. He’s too transfixed on what you have in your hand.
“Pym particles.”
“The diet version.” You pick up one of them carefully. “A ripoff, but effective. Just gotta attach it to the thing I want to shrink and give it a few minutes.”
“You’re going to steal the Statue of Liberty,” he says, frankly a little taken aback that you were serious.
“Would you relax? I’ll put it back.”
“That’s not the point,” he damn near exclaims. “You can’t take away the Statue of Liberty just because you feel like it.”
“I literally can.” You point to the chips in your hand. “That’s the point of this, keep up.”
He feels exasperated. He didn’t sign up for this when he became an Avenger.
“Give me the box.” He makes a grab for it but you yank it away from his reach.
“What do you think you’re doing?” 
“I don’t have time for this.” His reruns would begin in an hour.
“That’s my problem, because...” you trail off. 
He rolls his eyes, makes a grab at the box again. His tactic is different this time. He stealthily pins one of your arms down so that you’re basically incapacitated.
“Hey! Stop that.” You fumble against his reach, shoving him with your elbow.
“Just give me the thing and we can all go home for the day,” he huffs, unfazed by your squirming.
“No! Over my dead bod-” 
He doesn’t immediately notice what goes wrong in the scuffle. 
Until you look at the ground near your feet. A disk lay there, undisturbed.
“Is that-” All of a sudden, either he’s getting taller or the ceiling of the boat is getting lower.
“Oops,” you say, not remorseful in the slightest. 
“Are we going to-”
“I’d give it five minutes max.” 
Great. He was stuck on a boat that was beginning to shrink. The other passengers were either oblivious or ignorant to seats that were starting to become too small for them, but Bucky’s heightened senses and extreme reflexes made it hard to skip.
He nudges the piece of tech with his foot. Maybe he can kick it off the boat.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” you warn solemnly. He wants to disagree but doesn’t know enough about the device to dispute you. 
“Fix this,” he hisses, panic slightly rising. His fingers find their way to his phone to send out an emergency text requesting backup and mass evacuation. 
“I think it’s a rather lovely day for a swim, don’t you?” You stare dreamily at the waves that were inching closer up the boat. 
Or you were inching closer to the water. Technicalities were frivolous. 
“There are other people on this boat.”
“River’s big enough for all of us, I reckon.”
“Fix it.” 
“Or what?” There’s a wicked gleam in your eye. “We both know I have the upper hand here.”
“Or I call the entirety of the Avengers here and haul your ass to prison.”
“Will they bring snacks?”
You’re insufferable. You know it. But you also are the fastest way to get out of this situation and right now, he didn’t want to be responsible for a shipwreck simulation. 
“Fine. Tell me what you want.”
“I like soy chips.”
“Soy chi-” He nearly throws his hands up in frustration. “You know what I’m talking about.” 
“I want one historical artifact so I can impress the kids. They think I’m the cool teacher and I want to keep that reputation alive.”
“What makes you think I can arrange for that?”
“You’ve been alive since goddamn dinosaurs roamed this earth, I’m sure you have some connections.” You pause to assess his face. “You know, you don’t look a day over 29. Dermatologists must hate yo-”
“I’ll get you an artifact, now fix the fuckin’ boat.”
“You promise?” You grin brightly. 
He stares at you. You are unyielding. 
The boat’s uncomfortably small and people are beginning to take notice. Worried murmurs fill the air behind him.
“Okay.” You shrug simply.
You kneel over, picking up the chip from the ground. You do nothing else for two minutes, instead turning away from him to look at the Statue of Liberty that was coming closer.
It takes him a while to realise that half his body isn’t hanging off his chair anymore. The ceiling is moving further and further away from the top of his head. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” He wants to strangle you. 
Why did he listen to you when all of this would have been over the minute he kicked it off the ship. 
“You can drop it off at my lair on Monday and pick it up on Friday.” You gather your belongings, leaving him steaming behind you. “Nice talkin’ to ya, Sergeant.” 
You step over him, flashing him a quick smile before walking off the boat with the rest of the tourists as if nothing had just taken place. When he looks down, the stupid ring box is on his lap.
He sits there, unmoving, eyes fixed on the container.
The ferry conductor asks if he’s going to get off the boat. 
He simply shakes his head.
Next part
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vannybarber · 3 years
The Prenup: Part Two
Summary: After four years of being together and finally being engaged, Chris wants you to sign a prenup.
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Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: angst, swearing, chris getting his ass handed to him, a lot of pain.
Part One
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Walking down the isle, you grab everything that looks remotely pleasing in sight. After you left the house, you were just driving nowhere. Having to refill your tank because you wasted all the gas, the crackhead at the station kept singing Mambo Number 5 and it made you feel slightly better. Now you were in the convenience store spending your feelings away.
You get to the pain pills and grab some Aleve. Your head has been thumping for hours now. You see a pink box and knock a couple of those in the basket too just because they're pink. Whipping over to the candy isle, you grab multiple bags of Starburst jelly beans just to spite Chris because you know he loves them. Moments later, your basket it full and you head to the front.
Tipping the basket, you dump all the contents on the counter. The cashier gives you this look and you don't blame her. You had 3 bags of jellybeans, 5 random candy bars, 2 pink boxes you still can't read out, a blue Mountain Dew, a dog toy and some Doritos. Absolutely random. The cashier scans all the junk food, but when she gets to the pink boxes, she look up at you and at your left hand.
You're in a daze, so you don't see her looking at you. Your mind was all over the place and frankly, you didn't want to think about any of the latest events. Not the prenup. Not the engagement. Not Chris. Snapping into reality, you pay for your groceries and take all the bags and walk out the store.
On the drive to the hotel, you pass the park where you and Chris met. That didn't help with your predicament at all.
Dodger had gotten off his leash because he was so excited to finally have a home. You were with your niece. She is so obsessed with dogs and wanted to meet every one. Dodger spotted her and pounced on her, giving infinite kisses.
Chris was freaking out. His dog just pounced on a two year old child.
You, on the other hand, were laughing your ass off. Your niece wasn't complaining either because she kissed him back.
He apologized profusely and you guaranteed him it was okay. You guys hung out for the rest of the day and decided to go on another date, without the kids. One date lead to many others and soon enough you'd met his whole family, vice versa, and started living with him. It was unreal.
And here you are infront of a hotel, with no ring or engagement and your fianceé almost an hour away. Oh, how the tables have turned.
You get out and receive your room key. You head up to your room and set everything down. You were so tired and worn out. Getting comfortable in the bed, you knock out almost immediately.
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Meanwhile, back at your house, it's pure chaos.
"Chris do you realize what the fuck you just did?"
Scott is practically screaming at his brother, pacing around the room.
"Scott can you fucking chill? You're not helping the situation" Chris snapped back at him. Scott stops and stares at him like he's an idiot.
"We wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for your stupid choices. Tell him Ma!" He looks at her to back him up. Lisa stands up from her seat and walks over to Chris.
"Now Scott, Chris is a grown man. He can handle this situation, right honey?" Her hands are on both his shoulders, looking for him to respond.
"There you go. You always do this! You always baby him up whenever he's in trouble." He rolls his eyes. Lisa draws back from Chris.
"No, I do not. I let all of you sort out your own issues, with my advice of course. Shanna, Carly, do I baby your brother?" Chris throws his head back in annoyance.
"Um, yeah kinda.."
"Sometimes...Ma, but not all the time of course"
They say at the same time. They hated to admit it but when it came to Chris, she mostly got him out his problems. He's not used to solving them on his own. Lisa utters incoherent words in disbelief.
"That's not important right now. My fianceé just called off our engagement and I don't know where she is!" Chris interrupts, getting everyone back into focus.
"Technically she's not your fianceé if she called the engagement off, but it's whatever..." Scott mumbles with his hands up. Chris shoots him a 'fuck off look'.
"Well have you tried calling her?" Carly asks him.
"Yes, but she's not picking up. She can hold quite the grudge when it comes to her feelings." And he was right. You were very protective of your feelings and anything to harm that will be shut down ASAP.
"Well we just have to hope that she is trusting her better judgment and will come back, unlike someone in the room" Scott says sarcastically turning and sitting on the couch. Chris smacks his lips.
"Scott that's enough!" Lisa snaps.
"Well he deserves everything he's getting! He put himself in this situation. Now he doesn't have a wife and he's miserable. Could never be me."
Chris had enough. He moved quickly put his chair and into the bedroom, slamming the door shut. He sat at the edge of the bed and cried.
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You had finally woken up and check your phone.
26 missed calls | 63 messages.
You text Lisa and tell her you're fine. Closing the app, you look at your homescreen. It's a picture of Chris laying on your chest asleep. His lips are parted and you're grinning in the screen. He looks like an adorable puppy. You grab your charger out your bag and plug it up.
Remembering the stuff you bought, you grab the jellybeans and open them. Seeing the assortment of colors, you go straight for the red ones. Chris' favorite. You were gonna milk this to the bone. You reach in the bag and feel one of the pink boxes you bought. Still not knowing what it was, you pull it out and read it.
First Response Pregnancy
You bought a damn pregnancy test. 2 to be exact. You didn't know if you wanted to laugh or to smack yourself for wasting your money. Many thoughts went through your mind. Should you take the tests? Should you throw it away? What if you were pregnant? That last thought gave you shivers. Pregnant at a time like this? Were you even ready?
Looking down at the test, you decide to take it. Just for the hell of it. You knew you weren't gonna be pregnant because you take birth control. Not to mention you and Chris use condoms for extra measure. Nothing wrong with being safe.
You get up, pad to the bathroom and get down to business. You do all the steps and clean up after yourself. Now you just had to wait.
You were nervous as hell. You don't know why though. There isn't a chance you could be pregnant because you didn't allow there be one. You have been beyond careful. There would be zero possibility. Or so you thought.
After what felt like 5 minutes, your shakey hand grab the test and flip it over.
| |
You freeze and your eyes dart to the information section.
Not Pregnant- |
Pregnant- | |
You look back at the results. There were two lines. Absentmindedly, you shake your head and back up until your back hits the wall. You can't be pregnant. There's literally no freaking way. It's got to be false.
You grab the other test and take it. After 5 more minutes, you check it and there's two lines also. Now you were freaking the fuck out. Both tests are positive. You rush back in the room and dig through the bag for the other box. You grab it and take both tests at the same time. Don't ask.
After another 5 minutes, you stare at the back of the two tests. Moment of truth. You flip both the tests at the same time.
| | on each test.
This is where you fall on the floor in shock and fear. You were pregnant. With Chris' child. And you guys just had a huge fall out and you're all alone. You're not ready for a kid. Especially not now.
You bury your head in your hands and let the tears fall. How in the hell were you gonna tell him?
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@flattykawa1 @mayafatimakhan @attitude-times @shawn-youth @traceyaudette @fantasticinternetpizza @kyraroseficreblogs33 @radi0active-thoughts @youthought-iwasa-nicegirl @ohbarracuda @katelyneannxo @jennamarieee623 @nicochantez @craycraycraic @ilikeurdad @ppal3 @captainson-of-coul @joanne-stan @ilovetheeagles @cristinagronk16 @kelbabyblue @onyourgoddamnleft @jessyballet @misz-adrii @geminievans1 @saltyflowermakertaco @a-moment-captured @harrysthiccthighss @greatbatprofessordragon
i hope this part kept you guys' intrest like the first part😭 i felt the pressure today lmao
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if you're bolded, i couldn't tag you. i'll personally message you ❤ thank you guys for your support. it means so much to me 🤧
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sheepwasfound · 3 years
dnf moments caught from within the chaos (every single one)
 march 10th george alt stream
first video:
00:11:40-00:12:30 "is that george from dreamhunt?"
00:20:37-00:21:10 g:"me and dream argue about the stupidest things"
(many good sap/gogy sibling moments! and then...)
00:26:49 dream joins in secret and george tries to figure it out
00:27:26 dream gives himself away with a chuckle
00:27:55-00:29:00 "i was watching George's stream, i didn't even know you were streaming"
00:34:08-00:34:45 lil uk travel ban talk
00:36:46 g:"'late nights in the middle of june' this is true x2"
00:37:52-00:38:10 1.5 inches elephant still on george's desk
00:40:56-00:41:12 dream chuckling going "george is so salty"
00:49:04 dream hasn't paid george the $1,000 from geoguessr
00:49:50 dream tries to get george to play geoguessr
00:50:18-00:50:45 george tells dream about dreamhunt guy
00:53:37 d:"im on literally negative sleep"
00:55:57 g:"'tell dream you love him' no."
00:56:27-00:57:00 g:"'george you're the hottest piece of ass in dreamhunt' is that true dream?", d:"maybe it is" + "you're such an idiot"
00:57:14-00:57:54 dream tries to think of who in one direction each one of them are, can't choose for george
00:59:12 d:"he's like the most annoying person on the planet" (prob cus he can't focus on chess cus of gogy)
01:17:36 sapnap doesn't reply to george, dream replies immediately
01:19:26-01:19:40 + 01:21:56-01:22:50 talking about george exposing dream for the s*x tiktok
01:24:13 g:"ok i'm gonna go get water. dream, entertain my stream."
01:29:55-01:32:00 george and sapnap argue over servers, simp dream settles it w/ a "coin flip" (rigged)
01:33:40-01:34:50 sapnap waited for dream to wake up for burger day, s:"george wishes he coulda been a part of that"
01:36:12 d:"i was actually writing lyrics this morning"
01:40:37-01:42:12 stonks talk g:"what do i invest in?" d:"me"
(dreamnap moments interval here...)
01:50:14 s:"should i tweet out a picture of your girlfriend george?", d:"it's gonna be like a picture of my yt icon"
01:52:11-01:52:43 d:"'dnf arc'? yeah maybe", g:"is it a joke to you?"
01:52:57-01:53:11 sapnap and dream don't send george good morning texts & it upsets him
01:53:13-01:53:45 george didn't laugh at dream's joke, so dream calls him out for not paying attention
01:53:51 g:"'pretty privilege is real and you have it!' is this true dream?" d:"yeah. yeah"
01:54:13-01:54:55 sapnap accusing george of having a girlfriend, g:“dream, should we just tell them?”
01:59:30-01:59:50 g:“’can you say bleepbleep dream?’ no i can’t say that”, d:”just say it. george.”
02:02:00 g:“’is it true quackity and dream constantly fight for your love?’ it’s true”
02:02:10-02:03:00 d:”we were in our, like, linked arc. except for opposites …attract”
02:03:30 dream starts going through his texts with george
02:04:30 d:”my favorite number is…one second, i’m pulling up my george contact”
02:05:35-02:06:20 dream reads out their texts about waking up at the same time & having s*x
02:06:33-02:08:00 george’s “ayo muffin man” text to dream where he asked if he could make a joke about dream’s cheating drama, d:”you were being a good friend”
02:07:02 g:”we don’t text that much” d:”we text, like, everyday, but…”
02:08:36 first video ends
second video:
00:10:35 george shoots dnf on a wall, d:”you’re so dumb”, s:”what?”, d:”george”
00:14:30 g:”dream come baaaaackk”
00:16:22 dream in the bg laughing alone “this text is so funny! this text is amazing” (note: he started going through their texts, like, 20 mins ago)
00:17:25-00:17:58 george’s first text to dream: “hi loser”, sapnap asking about his first text, d:”that’s different”
00:20:38-00:21:00 s:”maybe if you were watching my stream instead of watching george’s all the time” + s:“maybe if you weren’t in your, like, dnf arc all the time”
00:22:40-00:23:15 g:“’george and dream’s brotherly relationship is so iconic’ brotherly?”, d:”someone in chat said ‘the alabama arc’”
00:26:05-00:26:30 pickle dick g:”dick-…dip his hands in the pickle jar”
00:27:05 d:”you’re an idiot george, you’re such a, you’re such a dick”
00:30:29-00:41:45 discussion about covid travel rules and george going to florida, george heatedly going through every possible trick to get there but dream being responsible about it
00:34:00 g:”dream, get me a private jet”
00:34:56 g:”i’ll just stay”, d:”for how long?”, g:”forever.”
00:36:13 gnf charity for private jet and then george will grapple down from a helicopter, d:”you’re such an idiot x2”
00:36:51 g:”i’m not actually joking” + g:”no it’s not impossible!” *checks cost of a private jet*
00:38:20 d:”you need to double it cus you have to go back” g:”i’m not going back. i’m not going back”
00:38:38 about deportation g:”dream, you can just protect me dream, just don’t let them take me away”
00:39:29 about deportation g:”then what if i never go back, what if i just never go back?”
00:40:01 g:”wait i have an idea dream. what if you just married me?” s:”you’re not allowed to marry someone to get them in the country”, g:”well that’s not the only reason”
00:41:13 g:”’sounds like dream doesn’t wanna meet you’ yeah he doesn’t”
00:43:43 g:”to be fair you are in your silly goose arc”, d:”i’m not in any goose arc” *mutual giggling*
00:44:45-00:45:25 discussion about obama escorting george on his private jet
00:47:38 dono:“you visiting dream is not a no, it’s a not yet”
00:50:21 g:”’just admit it, you’re madly in love with dream and you’re using this as an excuse to marry him’ no. this is false”, g:”i’m in my hating dream arc right now” d:”well, i mean … it’s about to be in a different arc though”
00:50:40 finishing each other’s sentences
00:50:50 s:”i wish karl was here.”, s:”at least i would have someone to be like, in love with, jesus”
00:51:29 d:”sapnap third wheel arc” s:”you guys may flirt and stuff, but me and you have physical s*x” d:”oh my goddd, what the hell?! that’s too far!”
00:54:43 sapnap teasing george about being able to cuddle dream, g:”i don’t care, i don’t care”
00:56:27 george teasing sapnap about having a gf again, s:”you have a dream”
00:56:43 g:”should i play geoguessr?” d:”oh, yes!”
00:57:07 d:”i’m exhausted and i’m laying in bed” (but he’s still staying)
(00:58:30 geoguessr starts, they’re tired and argue a lot)
01:00:48 arguing about colors g:”well you’re wrong” d:”maybe- actually maybe i think that’s- actually you’re right”
01:03:27 george was going to do geoguessr with wilbur today, but is too tired now
01:07:55 d:”if you had asked, i would’ve told you” g:”i didn’t wanna ask, i did it myself” *sassy*
01:13:55 george missed dream’s joke and he called him out for it again
01:17:00 g:”i’m not buying a maid dress” d:*silence*
01:20:10 g:“’dream we need your support to get george in a maid dress’ what do you think dream?”, d:*silence*
01:21:53 g:”you know what dream? i trust you”, d:”no, don’t trust me!”
01:22:50 dono:”when you asked dream if you should wear a maid dress, the silence was so loud” d:*silence*
01:23:23 after george makes a dumb voice d:”why are you reading like that?”, d:”i’m about to leave” (spoiler: he doesn’t leave, just stops looking for 30 secs)
01:24:10 g:”what do you mean you’re not even looking?”, g:”why, do you hate me?”, d:”you were being in your annoying arc”
01:34:28 dono:”do you have a song that makes you think of dream?”, d:”probably heat waves”, + george saying he doesn’t think of dream when listening to songs and dream not buying it
01:36:40 dream replying for him that george’s most listened to travis scott song is goosebumps (aka “their song”)
01:39:50 george confirms goosebumps is his most listened to travis scott song
01:42:26 d:”this is the last game im playing with you”, d:”cus i don’t wanna play with you anymore” (spoiler: it’s not the last one)
01:45:52 g:”alright one more”, d:”no i said i’d-…ok fine whatever one more” (spoiler: it’s not just one more)
01:48:46 dream mishears that george is gonna kiss him
01:54:24 g:”alright here’s the last game guys”, d:”you keep saying that, you keep…leading me on”
01:57:02 d:”that was the last one”, g:”no we said we were ending on a win” (no they didn’t) g:”you can’t leeeeeave, you can’t leave! it’s not allowed”
01:58:17 dono:”what is a place you’ve always wanted to go?”, g:”idk”, d:”america”
01:59:27 g:”i just, i was like…aaaaaghhhhlldududu you know?”, d:”yeah, i do know”
02:05:00 d:”alright, i’m gonna head out”, g:”wait, wait just wait”, g:”why are you in your like salty era?”, d:”why are you in your clingy era?”, d:”i think it would make sense if i left when i want to”, g:”alright, well, leave then, see what happens, you’re gonna regret it, that’s all i know”
02:05:30 dream leaves the call but then immediately starts watching george’s stream until he ends (who’s the one in their clingy era?)
02:06:10 george talks about going to bed (dream’s already in bed so they’re synced once again) 
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crimsonwolfie · 3 years
A Love Like In The Movies - Stiles Stilinski x Reader
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Prompt: You (the reader) have had a crush on Stiles, your best friend, since forever. Only...he likes the popular girl, Lydia...or so you thought.
Warnings: tinges of sadness, loneliness and a hint of heartbreak...but a ton of fluff :)
Word count: 3,071
You tug at your bag, shoving about 3 books in at once in an attempt to be out of class as soon as the bell rings. Walking with your head down and hands clasping your bag up, you harshly bump into the new kid Henry, knocking him to the floor along with all his books and your papers....clearly you never remembered why your nickname was ‘Wobbly Whittmore’.
“Oh my gosh, i’m so sorry!” You utter with one hand on your mouth and the other helping him up off the floor. He stares up at you with a dazed look and a small smirk, watching you help scramble up his papers and books.
“It’s chill, don’t worry”
You look up at him with a shy smile, clearly embarrassed for your clumsiness. “It’s not, honestly i’m so sorry. You haven’t even been here for a week and already you’ve been practically beaten up..” you shake your head “that usually happens at least 3 months in” you wink at him, laughing lightly. Henry laughs back whilst collecting more papers from the floor.
As you both sigh, your hands collide briefly. It was just for a moment...but it made you feel something. At first it was shock, but then something you’ve wanted to feel for so long...just with someone else...Stiles. Henry’s eyes dart up at you, his cheeks heating up slightly.
“I...sorry i should get going” he quickly adverts his gaze and gets up, picking up what’s in his hands “how many people can say they’ve encountered the nice Whittmore in their first week, huh?”
“Oh god you know about my brother already?” you huff, handing him his books “Some friendly advice since you’re obviously a decent guy...stay far away from him.” You laugh, once again feeling embarrassed for being related to...well...Jackson.
“Yeah he has a...well...a reputation so to speak. Thanks again, see you around, Y/N”
“Later Henry!”
Walking through the halls you can’t help but think of Stiles. He’s adorable, cute, beautiful, funny, smart, geeky but in the best way, kind, gentle...the list quite literally goes on forever. But in all the time you’ve known him...he’s always liked Lydia. The girl who your brother used to date. Since they broke up, Stiles has never been so smitten. Sure, she’s gorgeous and actually really nice...but she’s who he likes...she’s not you. I mean, you never know...he could like you. You’ve never actually mentioned it to him. But then if you do, and he turns you down, you’d be crushed... completely!
“Hey Y/N!” Stiles appears from around the corner of the lockers, making you jump a little.
“Jesus Stiles, don’t do that!” You hiss as you hold your hand over your heart. He throws his head back giggling. ‘God how cute he looks when he’s happy’ the little voice in your head says.
“You up for a movie marathon after school? I got your favourites...” he moves closer
“Harry Potter?!” You squeal, clapping your hands together 
“Only the best for the best” he smiles with all teeth showing. You silently fist pump the air as he holds his hand out for you to high five him, which you do. Your hands hover in the air, skin hot to the touch, until he breaks apart and places his hands in his pockets.
“I’ll go and find Scott and ask if he’s in. Knowing him, he’ll want to bring Allison and with Allison comes...”
“Lydia” you sigh
“Yes! She’s just so brilliant, isn’t she?” Stiles hummed, his face cheeky and merry like a child eating ice cream. You tried to hide the hurt with a faint smile, because seeing Stiles so happy just warmed your heart. You didn’t want to be the one to ruin it.
“What’s up Y/N/N?” Stiles’ smile faded into a frown, concern painted across his perfectly honeyed eyes. Seeing this, you can practically feel your heart drop.
You fiddle with the rings on your fingers as your soft Y/H/C hair slips in front of your face. “What? No...nothing. Rough day that’s all-”
“HEY Y/N” You look up to see Henry running towards you with one arm stretched out towards you, the other holding his bag strap. “You left this, when we spoke earlier” he hands you a pile of papers, all with your name on.
“Oh, my god...I’d be totally screwed if I didn’t have this for tomorrow’s math class. I’m so sorry. They must have got mixed up with your papers” you take the papers out of his hand and shove them into your bag, smiling shyly at both boys staring at you. “Thanks Henry, you saved my math grade” you laugh, causing Henry to blush and bite his lip ever so subtly, placing his hand on your arm and squeezing it playfully.
“No worries, Y/N. I’ll see you around” he winks at you, earning a frown from Stiles. 
“Who’s that geezer?” He remarks, his face furrowed with a mix of both dislike and anger. Little did you know, Stiles didn't like seeing other guys flirt with you. He began to feel this deep pit in his stomach, his blood beginning to boil. 
You turn to face Stiles, pushing your hair back behind your ear. Sheepishly you pat him on the shoulder “i’ll see you at 3? Parking lot?”
“Yeah, sure.” He replies hesitantly, fidgeting with the rim of his flannel. You notice something’s got him wound up but decide it’s probably just him nervous to spend time with Lydia and continue to walk down the hall, making your way to health class.
All throughout the rest of your classes for the day, you just felt empty. Nothing but heartbreak, emptiness, loneliness. Thoughts of him and Lydia snuggling up in blankets whilst eating popcorn and watching the movie kept bubbling around your brain. You tried to snap out of it, but nothing would work. You thought about just cancelling on the meet after school, knowing it would be way less painful. ‘They probably wouldn’t even notice I'm gone’ you thought. Your mind was like a prison that you couldn't escape...
“this must have been what Sirius Black felt like for 12 years” you mutter under your breath, not caring who heard. Sounds of faint chattering, pencils scribbling and the monotone voice of Mrs Rawlings can be heard around you, but none of it distracts your train of thoughts. Just begging for some sort of peace, you crash your head into your arms on the table.
“Hey, Y/N” you felt a gentle nudge on your forearm and look up to see Scott staring down at you, his hand on your arm. “What’s up with you dude? And who’s Sirius Black?”
You sigh with an overly dramatic eye roll, unwillingly plucking up enough strength to say once again that you’re ‘fine just a bit tired that’s all’...
“Tired.” is all you can spit out before shoving your head back into your arms. Little did you know, Scott could sense what you were feeling...I mean you didn't lie - he sensed tiredness...just mentally. Along with hurt, pain and loneliness.
“You sure? Well maybe after school you’ll feel better. Say, d’you reckon Allison likes...I don’t know...flowers? I... I was going to get her a bunch before I pick her up to go to Stiles’” You felt your tears drop into your sleeves, soaking both your jumper and your face as Scott continued. “Do girls like flowers? I’d ask Lydia but I'm closer with yo...”
“Yeah flowers whatever.” you mutter without lifting your head up. Scott scrunched his face, his brows furrowing. Usually, you were so much more supportive and excited for him - heck you were even more excited than him when you found out about him and Allison! You guys always told each other everything. ‘Something is definitely going on’ he thought to himself. He decided it was best to not say much more right now since he was already on a report in Mrs Rawlings’ class.
Just as Scott was about to hand you a note in class, the final bell rang. Instantly you popped up and grabbed your books, practically sprinting out of the door. Scott tried to stop you, but was called behind class by the teacher. You knew he was going to follow you, that's why you ran. No matter what, he couldn't see you like this, otherwise he wouldn’t drop it and would demand to know who hurt you - how could you tell him it was his own best friend?! As you’re jogging, you bump into the one person you wanted to avoid...
“Woah, slow down there cowgirl” Stiles holds your shoulders with his hands, his grip firm and comforting. He takes one look at you and notices your wet, blotchy eyes. You hang your head low in an attempt to hide your face from him...clearly it doesn't work.
“Hey, hey, hey! What’s up? Who hurt you?! his smile fades drastically upon seeing the state you were in. Obviously you weren't going to tell him, so you just decide to make up something...
“I failed my health class for the semester”
“Y/N it’s not the end of the world, you can always retake!” he sighs
You turn over to him with your hands in the air, shaking your head. “No you don’t un...you know what, Stiles? I can’t come over later. I’m sorry.” 
He steps back in surprise, both hands leaving your shoulders and grabbing his bag straps around his arms. Suddenly, you feel angry at him...though you instantly regret snapping at him. “i...I’m sorry” is all you can stutter as you run out the door, leaving Stiles standing there wondering what he did wrong, for what felt like hours, until Scott saw him.
“dude what're you doing? We got a marathon to start” he smacks Stiles on the back full pelt, leaving Stiles to stumble a bit.
“Have you spoken to Y/N today?” he asks, his voice trembly, quiet.
“Of course I have. Why, haven’t you?” The alpha replies
“No I have, it’s just...she was upset and i tried to help but she just...” he trails off   as Scott steps closer, Stiles’ eyes dull.
“She just what?” he asks, his voice calm and gentle
“She said she failed health class...”
“Wait, no that's not true - I got pulled behind class today because Mrs Rowlings wants me to have a tutor for health class and suggested Y/N since she’s acing everything!?” Scott explained. Stiles jerked his head, brows furrowing once again.
“Wait what?” his hand flew to his forehead as he leaned against the lockers beside him. “She snapped at me. I think I did something, Scotty...but I don’t know what. She’s been distant for a while now ever since Jackson and Lydia broke up, and I mean I know that her brother hates us but I just didn't think Y/N would choose her brother over us or me and i...”
“Stiles, stop.” Scott grabs both of Stiles’ shoulders and makes direct eye contact with him. “Listen, okay? I think I know what’s up”
“You do?” Stiles’ eyes brightened insantly. He knew something was wrong with his best friend and he knew he would do anything to fix that.
“She likes you, dude. Really likes you. And I thought you would have figured that out by now...she’s always doodling your name in class and covers it whenever someone passes by. Plus, she talks about you all the time.” Scott understood why you had been distant, and he didn’t blame you.
Stiles’s cheeks flushed a bright shade of red as a smile began appearing. His heart started pounding quicker than Quicksilver in the X-Men films, butterflies swarming around his stomach and ribcage. “Seriously? Then why is she distancing herself from me?”
“Because she still thinks you’re in love with Lydia...her heartbeat quickens when she’s with you, or when you guys touch in some way” Scott’s tone becomes more serious, which is unusual for Scott. Typically, he’s always goofy around Stiles so clearly he meant what he was about to say next... “But when you’re with Lydia, her mood changes. I can sense it...It’s sort of sad, lonely...” his face melts just thinking of all the times he’s felt that same pain. “You gotta tell her how you feel, Stiles. Tonight.”
“But I can’t...she’s not coming!” Stiles replies with a croaky voice.
“Then you go to her!” Scott replies, his eyes wide with hope and his hands pressing on Stiles’ back, pushing him towards the door “go now, dude!” Stiles picks up his pace and jogs to the door, one hand gripping his bag strap and the other fiddling with his keys in his pocket. “And let me know how it goes” Scott shouts as Stiles leaves the building.
As you reach your front door, you feel a tear trickle down your cheek. All you could think of was Stiles. How he would, at this moment, be snuggling and giggling with Lydia. You have nothing against her, in fact you are actually really fond of her, but it breaks your heart to know you aren't the one who can make the boy you love, fall for you. A pain runs through your chest as you slam the door shut, your breathing wheezing. Leaning against the door, you slide down...completely breaking down.
“Why doesn’t he look at me that way?” you mutter to yourself, head in arms as your cheeks soak into your sleeves. “All I've ever done is try and make him happy, try and make him realise how incredible he is...and he still doesn't see me the same way”
Nose sniffling, eyes red, head fuzzy, hands shaking and top wet...you get up. ‘You did the best thing. It was the right decision to stay home’ you think, knowing it would have just ruined your friendship if you told him how you felt. And anyway, you wanted him to be happy. And clearly, that wasn't with you...
You ran upstairs and changed into a comfy pair of joggers and an oversized top, chucking your slippers on and grabbing a blanket before heading back downstairs. If you couldn't join their movie night - you’d have your own! 
Snacks and a drink were sitting on the table beside you on the sofa, with the television on ready and curtains closed. Just as you had got yourself in a comfy position, the doorbell rang. You grunted, kicking the blanket off your legs and dragging yourself towards the front door. Opening it, you felt your breath escape you. It was Stiles, standing at the door, with a bouquet of beautiful flowers in his hands. His hair was messy as if he’d run his fingers through it a thousand times, his cheeks were flushed brighter and pinker than bubblegum, looking as if he was out of breath from rushing somewhere. You go to say something, but before you had the chance, Stiles speaks, “Hi! I uh....I didn’t know whether you were mad at me or whether you were just having a rough day but it seemed like you were mad at me so I wanted to see if you were okay and uh...I got you these” His arms stretched to give you the flowers, his face ridden with nerves. You looked down at the flowers and then back up to Stiles’ face.
“Why would you think i was mad at you?” You questioned, brows furrowing at the confusion of what was happening. “These are gorgeous, thanks Stiles” you coo with a smile on your face, taking the flowers from Stiles’ hands. As you grab them, your hands touch Stiles’, causing your cheeks to flush and your heart to flutter. Stiles’ own cheeks flushed at the touch of your hands, too.
“You seem distant with me lately. And Scott told me why...” he begins, fingers fidgeting with the rim of his checkered shirt “I like Lydia...” he trails off.
Upon hearing these words, you feel your heart drop. Mouth dry and sadness creeping into your mind, you feel clouded with emotions and thoughts. Why would Stiles come over, give you flowers and then declare his love for Lydia? “Yeah I kno...” you begin until he cuts you off,
“She’s my friend. And she’s amazing...but she doesn’t wait for me after classes. She doesn’t call me to check in once in a while. She doesn’t do anything in her power to make sure I'm happy or know I'm loved...” his beautiful brown eyes stared lovingly into yours, your heart lifting and beating faster with each sentence he says...
“She doesn’t know me, and I mean the real me...the one who suffers with anxiety, who needs a nightlight and needs constant reassurance on even the simplest things” you smirk at the mention of a nightlight because, well, you were the one who actually got it for him...because you knew he wasn't doing too good. “She is my friend, Y/N, but she isn’t my best friend. And I like her, but I don’t love her...because I love you. It’s always been you”
There’s a soft wind that blows between you both, causing you to shiver and shake with both excitement and chills. Stiles’ eyes glittered in the sunlight like an ocean surface in summer, tears welling in them. You bit your lip which trembled with an overcoming emotion of happiness as you leant forward and grabbed him, cupping his face in your soft hands and bringing your lips to his in a desperate yet passionate way. Feelings of euphoria and desire filled both of your hearts like a fire burning bright, lips moving sweetly in sync as in destined for one another. His hands wrap around your waist as you bring your hands through his hair. Nothing felt more perfect than this moment...all your worries gone and your heart fuller than ever before because the boy who holds your heart, who has held your heart for years, is finally in your arms. Stiles’ warmth radiates onto your cheeks as you smile into the kiss, earning a smile from Stiles, too. Breaking away to breathe, you both look down and giggle, hands intertwining with Stiles rubbing circles on your palm with his thumb.
You look up at him, smiling, as you speak “I...I love you too”. Stiles coos as he pulls you closer to him to break the gap now between you both, “I gathered” he laughs, kissing the top of your forehead affectionately. “So, how about that marathon?”
Hope you guys like it! x
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wisteriasxx · 3 years
a/n: had this in the drafts since tfatws finished streaming and I forgot to post it but here haha
Warnings: Weed, mentions of alcohol, mentions of sex
Smoke sesh with Marvel characters 🍃
this one is for all my stoner marvel fans💕 just my thoughts on what it would be like to smoke with some of our favs✨
Well considering Steve is a super soldier, he can’t get drunk or high..........BUT for the sake of this let’s just pretend he can ;)
It would probably take loads of convincing for him to even try the stuff
If he decides to try it, he’s only taking one hit.
High Steve is definitely just super chill, and really cuddly, he’s gonna grab you and just hold you for the rest of the night.
When it comes time for munchies he will literally eat anything, but his favorite snack when the munchies hit is Mozzarella sticks.
He’ll start talking about how things were back in the 40’s, including how crazy the youth is today with this stuff you’ve just given him.
We all know that Tony is KNOWN for being a party animal, so he’s definitely down for a lil sesh with the avengers
Tony definitely likes to drink more then he would smoking, but he’ll still smoke.
Probably owns a dab pen with indica for for his anxiety
Prefers indica but will settle for a hybrid (sativa and indica)
Gets really giggly and even more sarcastic when he’s high
Will not move from his current place of rest, someone will have to bring him food when the munchies come or he will complain the entire time
Favorite munchies food is potato chips
High tony will definitely accidentally start spilling your secrets in front of people, you might have to physically shut him up somehow
Will give you a funny look when you hand him a joint or a pen or whatever it is that your using.
He’ll understand that you smoke it, but he’ll think it’s just tobacco or something
Before you can tell him what it actually is he’s already taken a couple of big hits
Once you tell him what it is that he’s smoking and what it does, the only response you’ll get is “this tastes funny and it will have no effect on me because I am mighty”
Fast forward to ten minutes later of Thor being loud and laughing at everything and just being an absolute goofball
Will eat and drink everything in sight once the munchies hit for him
“Where can I get more of this midgaurdian herb!??!!?!!” He’ll yell from the couch
Like Steve, he’ll get grabby and just wanna hold you the entire time. If you’re standing he’s gonna stand behind you with his arms wrapped around you and his chin resting on ur head. If you’re sitting he’s putting his arm around you and pulling you close.
Definitely ends with him passed out on the floor
When she sees everyone playing “puff puff pass”, she’ll roll her eyes.
“What are you guys in high school or something?”
She will insist that she wants nothing to do with it, but after tony makes some remark about it, she decides to prove him wrong.
After a hit or two, Nat becomes more comfortable, she becomes less uptight.
Likes to shoot out more sarcastic one liners then usual
Becomes very flirty ;)
She gets smiley but in a tired way
In fact, She doesn’t stay awake very long after she’s had a hit or two in her system, she gets too tired and calls it a night
By “calls it a night” I mean she basically droops onto you and refuses to move, you’ll have to move her if you want to.
Doesn’t get the munchies because she’s asleep before she can
Clint will take a hit or two, just because why not? He could use the relaxation
He’s super chill when he’s high, he keeps to himself
He’s quiet when he’s high, but that’s just because he’s vibing, he’s taking in the music or just simply listening to the nearest conversation.
Wears sunglasses the whole time because he doesn’t want anyone to see his red eyes
He doesn’t really get munchies, he just chills the entire time
You can’t tell if he’s asleep or if he’s just vibing
Will only give one word answers if you ask him something
Not the most fun to smoke with but he’s just chilling and minding his own business so he’s welcome.
Will look at you with irritable confusion when you offer him a hit
When you tell him what it is and what it will do to him he’ll simply ask, “why would I want to do that?”
He won’t do it in front of anyone, that would mean letting his guard down and becoming vulnerable
He will definitely try it later in private though
When he’s high, he’ll want you to join him
He’s still basically loki when he’s high, he’s just more relaxed
“This is quite nice I must say.”
There will definitely be a conversation about how he can’t believe this is what mortals do for fun
He’ll become a little more open with you because he’s more relaxed
He’ll become confused when the munchies hit, but after you tell him it’s normal he’ll go with it
His favorite munchie food is definitely popcorn
I’m gonna flat out say it, high loki has a higher sex drive
Gets lost in the moment type of guy
In his opinion, the weed helps him block out everything else except for you, and that’s why he likes it
His mischief meter also skyrockets, you thought normal loki was good at pulling tricks? Just wait till you see how creative high loki can get
Bucky is gonna look at you like your crazy
Then he’ll remember that he is also crazy, and figures the weed might help ease his mind a little.
Bucky becomes more relaxed when he’s high, his guard has dropped a little, but he’s still aware of his surroundings.
He’s funnier when he’s high 
Smiles more which makes you smile because you think he doesn’t smile enough
He still does the staring thing when he’s high, but it’s not as intimidating now, there’s a softer look in his eyes and a small smile on his face
Will open up a little more about his feelings towards you
After his first time trying weed, he’ll get some cbd gummies or something on a regular basis to help relax him
When the munchies hit for him, he’ll eat anything, but his favorite munchie food is anything Italian.
He just wants to cuddle man
Wanda is surprisingly chill
She’s more open, more humorous, and even nicer.
her magic can resemble her current state of mind if she wants it to
So when she’s high, her magic becomes really pretty and elegant, like it’s in slow motion
In fact, she glows a little when she’s high
She’ll make her magic do pretty things for your entertainment
Due to her magic though, I feel that her high wouldn’t last very long
For her, smoking is just a quick little get away from her mind, something that just takes the edge off a little
Doesn’t get munchies
Prefers indica
Peter (quill)
He’s never had earth weed, but he’s definitely smoked and drank all kinds of substances through out the galaxy
Definitely likes sativa
He’s down for whatever, he likes to try new things
He’ll complain about the taste, but then love the way he’s feeling in 10 minutes
He becomes very stupid when he’s high
He’ll turn his favorite music on full volume and just start doing things, he won’t be able to sit still.
He’ll try to do things to keep himself entertained, but he’ll be bad at doing them because he’s high
When later or the next day comes when he’s sober, he’ll look at the evidence of him trying to do whatever it was he was trying to do and be totally confused, but not surprised
When the munchies hit, he’ll eat anything he can find on the ship that’s edible
It will end with him passed out in some weird spot on the ship or wherever he’s at
He once got high and woke up cuddling with Drax-
Will not smoke
The designated driver
The “chaperone” of the night
Sam Wilson
When you offer him a hit, he’ll be unsure and say something like “man I haven’t done something this stupid since high school, I don’t know”
But he says “screw it” to himself and takes a couple of hits
Becomes really smiley when he’s high, like the dude won’t stop smiling. It irritates Bucky.
Definitely will start singing out of nowhere, even if there’s no music playing
He’s also gonna tell crazy stories about his past, things from high school stories to military stories
He livens up the session for sure, after a few hits in, he makes it his goal for the night to make everyone happy and vibing along with him
When the munchies hit for sam, he goes straight for pizza. This man absolutely loooovesss pizza when he’s inebriated
Is obviously familiar with the substance
Definitely used to do it all the time in college (helped with the stress of med school)
Will question if it’s the best choice for everyone to be making right now
Most likely will not do it, it wouldn’t look good if the sorcerer supreme was getting high
You’ll ask him if he knows some kind of spell that can sober you up
He’ll tell you “yes” and proceed to hand you a water bottle and roll his eyes
He’ll do the portal thing above you and a bunch of your favorite snacks will land on your lap when the munchies come
He’ll take care of you once you pass out, carrying you to your bed or your couch or whatever and setting a glass of water near you before he leaves you alone
Scott Lang
Oh yeah, he’s definitely taking a couple hits
Prefers bongs
Prefers hybrid blends (sativa and indica)
This man knows his kush okay? Would not be surprised if he had a plug, or if he was the plug
Weed makes him more productive, he’ll start doing things and multi tasking, he’ll do anything from messing around in the suit to playing rock band
Chinese take out is this mans go to munchie food, nothing brings him greater joy then inhaling wonton soup or lo mein when he’s high
He’s bringing his friends too, there’s no arguing
Like Sam, he livens the session up
Somehow become bolder, dumber and flirty at the same time when he’s high
When he comes down though, he comes down hard, and sometimes literally.
He’ll pass out or fall asleep in the weirdest places, but he’ll be enjoying it and wake up feeling well rested somehow
Bonus cuz i think it’s funny ++
John walker
Will be all cocky about taking a hit, thinking it won’t affect him or that it’ll make him cooler or something dumb
Gets scared and paranoid
Starts literally tweaking and saying stuff like “they’re coming for me”
Freaks out because he can’t handle the kush in his system
Definitely locks himself in the bathroom and cries, calls Lamar to come pick him up
Ends up becoming a hazard for everyone, so Bucky has to knock him out cold
Will probably snitch on everyone for smoking just because he had a bad time with it and he’s just jealous that he can’t vibe correctly
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plus-size-reader · 3 years
Blood pt.4
Tumblr media
Stiles Stilinski x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 2589 words
Warnings: none 
Summary: The pack finally gets to meet this mystery girl of Stiles’ but that glaring secret of theirs just keeps causing problems. 
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 
The table fell silent as you walked up to it, every single one of their attentions poised on you as if you were the most interesting thing they had ever seen in their entire lives. 
You hated it. 
For obvious reasons, werewolves made you really uncomfortable and as much as you wanted to trust that Stiles knew his friends well enough to know they weren’t going to freak out and rip you apart, you weren’t sure. 
You didn’t like them. 
Though, as Stiles became more and more aware of the fact that you were dragging your feet, his grasp on your hand tightened to help you remember that you weren’t completely alone.
“I’m going to be here the whole time, just relax” he prompted, hoping that his words were going to be enough to make you feel better about this whole thing while also knowing that wasn’t going to be. 
This was something you never wanted to do in your life, but if you wanted to live your life here, you’d have to do it. You had to find out if what he said about them was true, so that you knew that you could stay. 
It sucked. 
The only thing that made you feel any better about this situation was seeing how well your act had worked on Scott this morning. If you kept it up like that, there was a chance that they would never know what you were at all. 
Maybe you could just keep it a secret from them forever. 
You had done crazier things. 
By the time the two of you made it to the table, the entire group had shared knowing looks, shocked that the tall tale Scott had weaved about what he’d seen this morning wasn’t all one big lie. It just wasn’t something they ever thought would happen.
“Hey, there they are. I was worried you were playing hookie today” Scott grinned, addressing his words to his best friend, who only shrugged at his words. 
Not showing up at all today would have been a better idea, all things considered, but you’d have to answer the questions at some point. 
It was much better to just get it over with. 
“Could you blame me?” Stiles jokes, sitting down beside Scott at the table, taking you with him. You were stiff as you sat down, doing your best to stick in your own little bubble without drawing too much attention to yourself. 
Unfortunately, that was basically impossible given the circumstances. 
The two of them shared a laugh before Scott addressed a question to you, one that you missed completely because you were still trying to come to terms with the situation you had found yourself in. There was just too much going on at once, and you couldn’t help but be a little overwhelmed. 
You weren’t designed for this, after all. 
You should have never been afraid of anything, or had to answer to anyone but that had gone out the window when you decided to attach yourself to a teenage boy who was involved with a pack of werewolves. 
Just your luck. 
“Y/N, honey. You okay?” Stiles hummed, obviously addressing you that way for their benefit. Scott had asked you a point blank question and while he was well aware of what was going on with you, they weren’t. 
You had to get a handle on this. 
“Yeah, sorry. It’s just a lot at once” you shrugged, plastering that bubbly grin on your face that made you feel as though your cheeks could crack in two at any moment. It wasn't natural for you, but as you had previously decided, it was natural for this girl Stiles was dating. 
This girl that you were pretending to be. 
“It’s okay. We’re all friends. We’re just a little shocked at the news is all” Scott allowed, smiling at you in a way that was surprisingly genuine. It wasn’t like the werewolves you remembered from all those years ago, that were made up mostly of gnashing teeth and threats of violence. 
He didn’t look like he could hurt anything, or anyone, even if he wanted to. 
“Stiles didn’t tell you, did he? He can be so goofy sometimes” you laughed, bumping the male in question with your shoulder. The action was surprisingly natural for you, and Stiles reacted naturally as well. 
Pretending to be a couple was the easiest part of this whole thing, for both of you. 
It was real life that you were struggling with. 
“I just didn’t know how” Stiles decided, moving your two hands, that were still interlocked, onto the tabletop. It was a blatant display of the relationship the two of you were supposed to share, but you didn’t mind it. 
The more they focused on the show you were putting on, the less they could pay attention to you.
“Come on. Tell us more about it, how did you two meet?” another in the group, a redhead, prompted. She had a cheery demeanor, with eyes that held an intellect that you could have seen shining there a mile away. 
She wasn’t a wolf, but she stank like one just like Stiles did, that much you could tell. Of course, she wasn’t human either, but based on what you could get from her alone, you had no clue what sort of creature she was. 
“We sort of just ran into each other, and went to get a bite” you shrugged, not even bothering to hide the clever little nod to how you really met within your answer. 
If nothing else, knowing something they didn’t made this a little more entertaining. 
It was hardly the meet-cute that Lydia had been hoping for, but that didn’t mean she didn’t accept the answer you gave her. After all, it was clear that Stiles really had a thing for you and as long as he liked you, she liked you too. 
Contrary to what you would have thought, she wasn’t as tough a critic as Scott seemed to be. He just wanted to figure out what was going on right now, 
Stiles had never once had a girl over like that, and every time he’d ever gotten close, Scott knew about it. Sometimes, Stiles stopped talking to a girl to call him in the moment and let him know that he had talked to a cute girl. 
He just had to make sure you were legit. 
That was literally his whole job as his best friend. 
“So, you go to school here Y/N? I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before” he questioned, offering another comforting smile to you which you couldn't help but be a little tired of. Every time you looked at him, all you saw was your coven, torn apart and left for dead.
It was really putting a damper on this whole conversation. 
“I used to live here actually, a while ago, and now I’m moving back. I actually enrolled when I got here, but it's been a little difficult getting used to being back” you shrugged, not totally lying this time. 
Being around this many people, any number of whom could have walked in on you that day instead of Stiles, was hard to wrap your head around. You were so used to being alone; travelling alone, living alone. 
You were always alone. 
...But you had to do something, and if you wanted to stick around here for a little while, you knew that you had to build a life for yourself. 
“She’s gonna stay with me for a little bit while her folks get settled” he allowed, hoping that at some point, the intense line of questioning would come to an end. Even if you were just a girl he was seeing like they believed, this was a bit much. 
He’d never had this many questions for someone Scott was dating. 
Though, Stiles knew that it was just his friend's curiosity that was driving him. There is no malicious intent or suspicion behind it, that you would likely want to read into it later when it was just the two of you alone. 
This was just how Scott was sometimes. 
“Well, it’s good you two have each other then”
You expected more, more questions or pointed looks in your direction but the group seemed content with the backstory they had been given, at least for now. The more direct questions he had, Scott was just going to ask Stiles when they were alone. 
It would be easier that way, so that he didn’t make you super uncomfortable. 
There was definitely still something about the relationship you two shared that Scott didn’t fully understand but eventually, he came to the same conclusion that Lydia had. It was clear that the two of you liked each other, and for now, that was good enough for him. 
It had to be. 
After all, he had no reason to assume there was something wrong with you. You had only just met and deciding things like that took time. 
“They hate me” you decided, plopping down on Stiles’ bed as if you owned it. On the outside, your meeting them had gone fine but you just had this bad feeling about it. You hadn’t sold it hard enough, or maybe you had sold it too hard. 
In any case, it seemed clear to you that they were never going to like you. Just the way Scott looked at you told you everything you needed to know. 
They didn’t trust you, and they never would 
You were an idiot to think that you would just be accepted here, like you belonged. 
“What are you talking about? They loved you. You were great” he hummed, really not seeing where this was coming from. His friends had no reason not to like you, just like his dad was going to have no reason not to like you. 
This was all going to be just fine. 
All you had to do was trust him. 
“I’m not supposed to have to do any of this. I’ve lived lifetimes, and never had to worry about something so trivial” you grumbled, your voice muffled by the pillows and blankets of his bed, which you were still face down on. 
You didn’t want to do this, to pretend to be something you weren’t just so that you could live here but now that you were potentially in danger, you had to. 
You had to keep this up until Stiles found a way to tell Scott what you really were and even after he did, there was a chance it wouldn't go well and you'd still have to leave. There was just too much that was up in the air for you to relax. 
This wasn’t supposed to be like this.
Still, before Stiles could really get a chance to comfort you over the whole thing, your attention snapped up at the sound of a car pulling into the driveway. This time, it wasn’t accompanied by the terrible stench of dog, which meant it wasn’t Scott. 
Sheriff Stilinski must have been home. 
“Okay, this dinner is going to be a lot easier than at school. You just have to let me handle it” Stiles prompted, sure that you would be able to handle that much. If you could sit at a table full of werewolves, his dad wasn’t going to be a problem. 
In fact, he had every confidence that tonight was going to go perfectly because Noah was so easy going.
Stiles was a good kid, he did as he was told and never got into too much trouble, if you didn’t count all the supernatural business. If the most he needed to do was have a girl stay at the house for a while, he doubted his dad would mind. 
It wasn’t like he was home too often anyway. 
You nodded, not bothering to tell him that you were pretty sure you’d decided to just let him handle everything from now on and stood up, doing your best to keep calm. Though, as it seemed to be doing a lot lately, something went wrong. 
You couldn’t have dinner with his dad. 
Not only did you not eat, and wouldn’t be eating but as far as food was concerned, you were also starving. You didn’t have to feed super often but with all this stress lately, your system had just blown through the little bit of blood you’d had yesterday. 
If you didn’t get something in you soon, it wasn’t going to be pretty.
“Um, Stiles? Did you say dinner?” you clarified, though your comment served more as another gentle reminder that you weren't’ like he was. The male seemed to keep forgetting that you weren’t human like him, and that you couldn’t do the same things. 
You had other things you needed to attend to, like the hunger gnawing at your system as you spoke. 
“Oh, yeah-okay, change of plans. I’m going to have dinner with my dad and you’re going to stay here and lay low” he suggested, not really liking the idea of leaving you out. However, that was quickly remedied by the fact that you wouldn't have wanted to partake anyway. 
As much as you had enjoyed a nice hot meal when you were human, you weren’t anymore and you preferred to get your meals from a different source. 
“That sounds great, but what am I supposed to do about my dinner?” you asked, trying to be subtle about what you were going to have to do. There were some things about harboring a vampire in your home that weren’t pretty, and this was one of them. 
...but as much as you wanted to, you couldn’t just starve so that he would be more comfortable. 
He had to figure something out, or else you would have a repeat of the event that got you here in the first place, and you were pretty sure he didn’t want to deal with that again. You got blood everywhere when you did that. 
Besides, keeping you fed was in his best interest, considering you live in very close quarters with him now. 
“I’ll take care of it” he promised, pressing a kiss to your forehead and heading out before he could even think about what it was that he’d done. His glaring feelings for you could wait, because he had something much more important to take care of first. 
Thankfully, Stiles did have an idea. 
If his best friend didn't ask too many questions, there was a way that he could get some blood for you without having to hurt, or even involve, another person. He just had to hope that Scott was willing to help him. 
It was really a long shot, at this point. 
“Hey Scott, buddy. When you get this message, I need a favor” he prompted, speaking as plainly as he could into his phone and leaving a voicemail for Scott that he could only hope the other male would get and be able to be cool about. 
After all, what he was asking wasn’t exactly a normal thing best friends asked of each other, even when one of them was a werewolf. 
It was definitely going to come with a few questions. 
Stiles just had to hope that would be lucky enough to be able to lie his way out of those. He had been doing that an awful lot lately, but in his defense, he had a promise to keep.
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unsupervisedpanda · 3 years
Not according to plan
Liam Dunbar x Reader
This is a one shot where you are Scott's little sister and the pack saves you, and you bond with Liam. I know stupid but hey.
"Y/n hurry up!" Scott hollered up the stairs to his sister, you.
"I'm coming! Coming coming!" You hollered back quickly pulling your sneakers on.
Scott stated that you were coming with him to a pack meeting. Apparently you could be in danger if he left you alone. You sprinted down the stairs slipping down three before catching yourself.
"I'm ready let's go!" You hollered grabbing your backpack and sprinting out the door.
Scott quickly followed you and you both hopped into Stiles' Jeep.
Driving to Derek's didn't take as long as you thought, but his home was pretty isolated and creepy.
"Scott you have some weird friends..." You said taking in the whole houses' appearance. Scott just shrugged and walked up to the porch knocking on the door.
"Derek, it's Scott!" He hollared. A tall man came to the door glaring, and if looks could kill you would so be dead.
"Oo someone is cranky." You teased.
He growled at you. Literally growled. Before you could say or do anything Scott interjected.
"Derek, this is my little sister y/n. Y/n this is Derek." Derek had a look of understanding and then he smirked.
"So you're the little runt Scott and Stiles were talking about! The one that couldn't protect herself!" He looked smug as your face turned red.
Oh yeah you were really pissed, even so you smiled.
"And you sir must be the sour wolf I'm told about who doesn't know when to pull his head out of his ass!" You grinned smugly.
Derek looked pissed but just glared.
"Anyway let's get inside. The pack meeting needs to be started. Immediately." Scott growled a little annoyed.
"Right." Derek grunted turning and walking inside your brother, Stiles, and you following close behind.
"They're here." Derek stated leaning against one of the walls.
"Y/n! It's so nice to see you again!" Lydia shrieked.
You smiled.
"Hey Lyds. Where's Ali?" You inquired tilting your head. It took all she had not to squeal.
"She couldn't make it today but I promise I'll let her know you said hi." You were about to respond when Derek interrupted.
"Listen girls this isn't a reunion. This is serious. So stop jabbing, sit down, and listen." You growled at him your eyes changing from sweet and innocent to ready to kill.
"Look mutt I suggest you don't tell me what to do." You smiled once again and sat down.
The mood change surprised everyone in the room, including your brother, except for one. Liam. He'd seen that side of you before. When a girl was being bullied, you stood up for her. The guys had run away with piss streaming down their legs. He would've laughed had he not known why. He was terrified himself and he was pretty far away.
"Alright! Calm down guys we need to figure out this whole thing. There is something targeting out friends and families and we need to stop them." Scott interrupted Liam's thoughts.
"Right, but do you have any idea what you are looking for or are you just fishing for ideas?" You inquired.
Everyone looked to you and then down slightly shameful.
"Great! You morons were planning on just going in blind and hoping for the best! That wouldn't work and it's reckless and stupid." You exclaimed.
Honestly if they do this all the time how the hell are they still alive and not trying to kill each other?
"Look runt you are only here for your safety so shut your yipping trap." Derek growled obviously pissed you were giving an opinion.
"Okay hot shot what's your big plan then?" you crossed your arms glaring.
He opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it.
"Exactly. None of you have a plan. How do you plan to protect your friends and family like that?" You sighed.
They had no answers.
"Okay guys don't pout about it. Work on it. Let's get to work!" You smiled softly, giving everyone a little nudge in the right direction, and a light of hope.
~Le time skip to an hour later~
"Everyone got that?" Scott asked as he looked at everyone in the room.
Soon everyone agreed and knew what to do.
"Great let's hope this works. Y/n let's go." Scott grabbed your backpack handing it to you.
"K Scotty~" you sang skipping out to the Jeep.
"She's cute." Derek grunted to Scott.
"And smart." Lydia added walking out the door.
"Yeah. I'm sure she'd be a great asset to the pack Scott. Keep her safe and close." Derek stated.
Scott nodded and went outside to meet with you and Stiles.
"Let's go home guys." Scott smiled.
Once you arrived at the house it was around 9:00 so you went up to your room and watched some YouTube. Just random videos and somehow you had ended up on a how to talk to giraffes video. You laughed uncontrollably for a while until you heard something at your window making you stop. You looked at your alarm clock. 11:23pm. Where did the time go?
You walked towards the window and looked out your phone gripped tightly in your hand. A snarling something jumped at you from outside scaring you terribly. You fell backwards and your heart raced. Your breathing became labored and you quickly crawled into the hallway.
"Scott! Scott the thing is here and wants to eat me!" Your voice quaked as you slipped into your brothers room.
You looked around but didn't see him. You quickly grabbed the baseball bat in the corner and hid in his closet calling your idiot brother. Bzzz! Bzzz!
"Hello? Y/n?"
"Scotty I swear to God if you don't get your ass here now-" You were cut off by glass shattering in your room.
"Y/n oh my god are you okay? Y/n!?" Scott asked his voice full of brotherly worry.
"Does it sound like I'm okay!? Please hurry!" You trembled.
Scott was about to answer when snarls filled the house. You hung up on your brother and held your mouth trying not to cry. Everyone had agreed to stay in pairs but here you were. All alone.
"Guys! We've got to go! This thing is after y/n! This was a decoy!" Scott yelled.
Everyone looked at him and finished their fights with the decoys, then sprinted to their cars and sped to the McCall's house.
~~~Back to you~~~
The snarling thing soon came to Scott's room sniffing you out. You were terrified. You gripped the wooden bat tighter ready to swing. Soon the closet door which you locked from the inside began to shudder. This thing was trying to get in!
"Oh my god." Your voice broke.
The shuddering immediately stopped. You were tempted to step out, but you'd seen the movies and that never ended well.
"Scott, please hurry." You whispered.
Just as your heart was beginning to calm down the closet door flew off the hinges and that 'thing' stared down at you. Your throat closed, leaving you gasping for air. The creature had spikes surrounding it's body, beady red eyes, rows and rows of teeth, clawed hands, a large hunched over body with a small, boney, skeletal skull. You quickly grabbed the bat and swung. It's head went flying off into a corner of the room. You expected the creature to fall dead, instead it walked over to it's head and picked it up, and placed it back onto it's body, a cracking sound filling the room.
You screamed loudly and ran out of Scott's room, bat still in hand. You rushed down the stairs slipping down them. All of them. Your breath was taken out of your lungs, but you quickly stood up and ran outside. No, you were not going to die like this.
You turned around and looked into the house. The creature was on the roof, beady eyes never blinking at you. Your breath caught in your throat as you quickly turned and sprinted into the woods. As if your luck wasn't bad enough the creature chased after you. That being said you were thankful Scott and Stiles insisted on teaching you how to run and dodge during a chase.
"H-holy hell!" You screamed.
This thing had to be 7 or 8 feet tall. You looked for an escape but saw none except for trees and a highway up ahead. A highway. You ran faster and hoped your judgement was right. As you sped onto the road you saw headlights. The car stopped immediately, but it wasn't any car it was a Jeep.
"Y/n!? What the hell are you doing!?" Stiles exclaimed.
"Running!" You yelled back as you quickly jumped into the back seat.
"Drive. Turn this thing around and DRIVE!" You screamed as the thing came out of the woods after you.
"Holy crap!" Stiles yelled hitting the gas. Scott was sitting in front quickly turned around to face you.
"Y/n, are you okay? How the hell did you out run that!?" He exclaimed as Stiles sped away from what ever that 'thing' was.
"I just ran! It came into the house and tried eating me! I hid in your closet with your bat, and-"
Stiles cut you off.
"Seriously do any of you play baseball!?" You and Scott glared at him.
"No." You both answered with deadpan expressions.
"Anyway! The thing IS STILL FOLLOWING US!" You shrieked as you looked behind you and on to the road.
Stiles took a sharp turn and headed towards the high school.
"Y/n! Does this thing have any weaknesses you could find!?" Scott inquired.
You looked at him your e/c eyes wide in shock.
"None. I knocked it's head off and it just walked over and put it back on." You stated still watching the 7 to 8 foot tall beast follow.
Once you were at the high school you ran to the lacrosse field, Scott and Stiles close behind.
"What the hell! Y/n are you okay?" Lydia quickly checked on you and soon gasped.
"Oh my god." She whispered.
Everyone was looking and you began to panic.
"What? What is it?" You stammered.
"Y/n did the thing touch you at all?" Derek questioned glaring at your back and side.
"No. Not at all I wouldn't let it get close enough." You answered.
"Then why do you have scratches and bruises?" He asked again as if you were guilty of something.
"I-i fell down the stairs. All of them. And also ran through the woods...?" You answered hoping it would satisfy him and his prying eyes.
" Right." You soon realized why everyone was gasping.
In the little time you had fallen your whole back and your ribs were blue and purple and red.
"Ouch!" You yelped when Lydia pressed on your spine.
"Look we don't have time for this the thing is-" you were cut off by a screetching. Everyone turned and saw the spiked beast.
"Still out there." You finished your voice soft.
"Liam! Get y/n out of here! Now." Scott ordered as they all went in for the attack.
Liam grabbed your hand dragging you to the locker room.
"Are you okay? Do you need anything?" He whispered checking you over himself.
"I- I am fine. Promise." You smiled.
In all honesty your back hurt like a bitch and you were worried about your brother. You were also terrified the thing would kill everyone you cared about and then would eat you making you suffer.
"You know I can tell when you are lying." Liam smirked at you softly.
You looked at him and rushed into his arms wrapping your arms around his neck sobbing into his shoulder. He was right you were lying, but after what you had been through who wouldn't be terrified?
Soon Stiles came in for both of you but found you both asleep on the floor in Liam's lap. He reported it to Scott, but they both knew you guys had a home to be too. Scott picked you up and took you to the Jeep, and Stiles woke Liam. Everyone was just ready to go home.
Soooo whatcha think? Good? bad? Anyway I hope you enjoyed this story! Have a magnificent time you unsupervised critters! 🐾💞
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angelyuji · 3 years
how each avenger teaches you how to drive 🚗:
this account is starting to be marvel only but im not complaining 😩 anyway, ive had no yandere inspo so might as well write some more fluffy imagines!! this can be platonic or romantic :)
stephen, nat, t’challa, sam, bucky: the best teachers istg. they know how to teach and they’re super patient with you and dont scream at u. they’ll help you with directions, calm you down when you’re nervous, and makes sure you know what ur doing. they’d never raise their voice at you and you never feel more at ease driving unless its with them. you’d fucking ACE the test istg.
loki, tony, carol: screaming in panic and anger or lowkey just being mean. “I SAID TURN RIGHT OMG WHY ARE YOU TURNING LEFT” they love you, they do, but these bitches do NOT have the patience to teach. they’re not trying to scare you, but omg one wrong move and theyre literally insulting u. “YOURE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD, STOP! NOT LITERALLY STOP!” its not that they’re trying to hurt you, but someone unqualified to drive driving them makes their anxiety shoot up lol “this way, right?” “stop asking, ill tell you which way.” you’ll probably start crying and they’ll feel bad, thus ending today’s lesson.
scott, peter, bruce, thor: passes out. they’ll be holding on to the grab handle for dear life until the moment you accidentally hit a curb or go a little above the speed limit, and they’re out like a light. the windows jingle will play as they pass out. the first time this happened, you’ll pull over into a parking lot and literally panic, and probably call one of our good teachers. by the 5th and 6th time, you’ve gotten used to it. you’ve basically learned how to drive by yourself lol they’d wake up after you’ve parked, talking about how they saw God. “oMG GOD JUST SPOKE TO ME” “stfu, we’re going home”
wanda, vision, steve: theyre the back seat teachers. they’ll be in the back, supervising. they mean well, but it gets annoying trying to listen to two people at the same time. the good teachers will just roll their eyes or be like “yes, thats good advice. make sure u remember that.” but with the screamers...oh boy. “STOP INTERRUPTING ME!” “STOP YELLING AT (Y/N) ”. they’ll be yelling at each other constantly. good luck trying to learn without wanting to scream or cry. with the black-outs, you’d be glad you have them in the back. you’ll end up pulling over, moving the dead weight to the back, and just have them move to the front to teach u. they’re honestly pretty good teachers, just sometimes bothersome!
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Hii I saw ur post about short blurbs and was wondering if you could do 5 or 13 🤍🤍
Well this did not end up being short 🤦‍♀��� but here ya go! Hope you enjoy!💜
It had been 2 years since y/n had moved away from Beacon Hills and half of her friends. Kira and y/n had ended up at the same college and in the same dorm. Lydia and Stiles both ended up about a half hour from them in different directions. The group was still close, but things were definitely different for all of them. Kira and Scott had grown apart and Scott and Malia had grown closer. Lydia and y/n had grown closer than before, they were always going back and forth on the weekends visiting with each other. Although y/n and Stiles were really close before, things had simmered down right before they left for school two years ago.
All their friends had sworn that the two were going to be together, even with college coming up. They were going to school close enough where they could totally still pursue a relationship. Somewhere though, Stiles and y/n had ‘grown apart’. At least that’s what their friends thought. In reality, neither of them really knew what had happened. It was like one moment they were falling for each other and the next it was just gone. Y/n and Stiles had both tried on different occasions to talk to each other, but something always got in the way.
Y/n walked into her apartment, that Kira was decorating...for Valentine's Day. “UGHHHHHH. Kira I thought we decided not to make a big deal out of this stupid holiday.”
“No...you decided that. Just because you’re still stuck on Stiles, doesn’t mean everyone else can’t be happy about love.” Kira announced.
“That’s not-no you’re. Ugh, whatever.” y/n replied, not having a come back, because what she had said was true.
y/n was still really hung up on Stiles, she was still so confused about what had happened to them back in Beacon Hills. There had been plenty of times since then that Lydia, Kira, y/n and Stiles had gotten together to hang out, even times when Scott and the others had come down to visit. However, their interactions were always strange and confusing. She hadn’t been able to date anyone else, and was honestly just making herself super unhappy.
“Before you make yourself too depressed, this was slipped under the door for you today.” Kira handed her a note, folded up with a huge heart on one side and y/n on the other.
“What...what is this?”
“I don’t know silly, clearly I haven’t opened it...since it’s for you…”
Y/n’s eyes rolled as the note was opened. It was typed and it read:
"When love is not madness it is not love." –Pedro Calderon de la Barca.
I have felt nothing but madness from the moment I laid eyes on you.
As she read it to Kira, she let out a screech, “y/n!!!!! Omg you totally have a secret admirer! This is so EXCITING!”
However y/n was doubtful, she left Kira to go to her room. Who on Earth could have sent this to her? Was it a joke? Was it real? The next day, nothing appeared under the door and it disappointed y/n, even though they would never admit that, especially to Kira!
The next day however, when y/n got home from work Kira was waiting impatiently by the door with a note in her hands. It looked exactly like the other one. She basically threw it in my face and stood over my shoulder as she repeated ‘open it, open it, open it’ in my ear.
This one read:
“Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties.” – Jules Renard. This, I can assure you, is true. I make dumb mistakes every time I’m around you.
“I literally have no idea who could be doing this. I don’t talk to anyone, no one even notices me around here!” y/n exclaimed, confused.
“Well, you must be wrong, because someone is DEFINITELY noticing you!!!!”
“No, this is just wrong. This has got to be a joke or something. I’m telling you. Throw away any other ones, I’m serious.” With that, y/n walked into her room and slammed the door, she was done with this.
The next day was normal, but y/n wasn’t hopeful that she wouldn’t get another letter, and the next day, the 5th of February, Kira was waiting again with another note.
“You are my heart, my life, my one and only thought.” – Conan Doyle. You are the only thing I can think about lately, you’re in my every thought.
y/n didn’t know what to think anymore. Was this person a freaking psycho stalker? How did they know where I lived? We’re they stalking me?
“Kira, I know that you’re sitting here thinking this is some romantic love story...but what if this is some crazy stalker that now knows where we live? Like what if they break in and kill us in the middle of the night?”
“y/n I think you’re being a little dramatic. I feel like this is someone that has to know you in some way. This is some intense shit.”
“We’re gonna die...watch.” y/n finished, over the anxiety this was causing her.
Two days later, y/n didn’t have class. She was going back and forth from the front door, to her room. She was stuck between being excited and worried. Half of her believed that this was some kind of cruel joke, the other half thought maybe someone actually did like her. By 4 o’clock, she thought maybe that it was over, but as she made her way out of there room, there was a note by the door.
"Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back." - Plato. This one may be corny, but it’s true, I feel this with you.
This definitely sounded like someone that knew her. But how could she be so oblivious? How could there be someone this into her and she had no idea. That’s why she still believed that this could be a joke. Like clockwork, two days later she got another note.
“You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” – Dr. Seuss. I swear since I started these notes, I haven’t been able to sleep at all. I know this is probably starting to creep you out, I promise that you know me and I know you. I’m not a random person.
“I’m sure that this is supposed to make me feel better Kira, but I feel worse. How do I not know this person likes me, if they like me this much?”
“Well, I’ve been thinking from the beginning of this, do you think it could be Stiles?”
“WHAT?” y/n asked incredulously, “Come on, there’s no way. First of all, that would mean he would have to drive a half hour here and back every other day to slip these under the door? There’s no way, that would be crazy.”
“I mean, you guys definitely had something and then suddenly you guys just stopped. You’re still awkward around each other, maybe this is the only way he can get you back?”
“No. Seriously. Stop that’s, that’s. No, that's crazy.” But later that night, what Kira said had gotten the best of y/n. She did something she hadn’t done in a while, she called Stiles.
As soon as he answered, y/n regretted it, “y/n? Are you okay? Did something happen?”
“No, no nothing’s wrong. Sorry, I’m not even sure why I called…...I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologize for calling, you know.”
“Yeah, sorry- shit I mean okay. I-I gotta go talk to you later.” And she hung up, she felt so stupid why would she call him? Kira and these damn notes have gotten her head all twisted up. She should know better than to think Stiles could have done this, she was getting her hopes up just thinking about it.
Two days later, y/n could hardly think at work. Her mind was all in a swirl and she kept making mistakes and dropping shit, by the end of her shift she was exhausted. As she had expected, when she got home, Kira was sitting on the couch, holding a new note.
“Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along.” – Rumi. I haven’t known you forever, but when I met you it was like I had known you my whole life.
“There’s only three days left until Valentine's Day. What’s going to happen? Is this all leading up to something? Or are the notes just going to stop?”
“I guess that’s the fun part!” But when y/n looked at her pointedly she continued, “I know this is freaking you out and giving you anxiety, but this could be a good thing. Whoever it is, really cares about you. And I’m not getting creepy vibes from any of this, if someone was going to break in and kill us, I think they already would have.”
y/n knew that Kira was right, she shouldn’t be so freaked out about this. It didn’t seem like a creepy kind of thing, the notes were sweet and heartfelt, and they definitely, probably would have already been killed. So all y/n could do was wait.
As y/n made her way through the day before Valentine’s hazily, she could barely focus. She kept texting Kira, asking if she had found anything yet. Seeing as she was still in class, she had not. Y/n wanted nothing more than to leave her classes and go to the apartment, but she knew if the note wasn’t there yet, she would get even more impatient. So when Kira finally texted her that she got home and there was a note, y/n excused herself from her class and rushed home. Kira was waiting, almost as impatiently as y/n, with the note in her hand!
“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” – Lao Tzu. Meet me at Hilton tomorrow, 7PM, there’ll be a note left at the front desk.
“What? Kira, am I really supposed to just go to this random hotel and meet this random person?”
“I mean they said you know them, so they’re not that random!”
“I know a lot of people! It could be the cute barista that gets my coffee everyday! I technically know him, but would I go into a random hotel room with him? NO.”
“Okay, then I drive you there, and you keep me on the phone. If anything funky happens I’ll run up and save your ass. I think you should go. I see the look in your eyes when you read the notes, you’re excited. I haven’t seen you genuinely excited in a long time.”
Kira had saved my life multiple times, I trusted her, and it was a good plan. I was excited, she was right, I was stupid for thinking that I would get it past her. And I wasn’t exactly defenseless, I had learned to fight through many years of fighting off the supernatural. I decided it couldn't hurt, if anything it would end up a good story to tell one day.
The next day was torture waiting for 7pm. Especially since y/n had no class and only finding an outfit to distract her. y/n called Lydia in the morning, while Lydia had been pissed that she’d only just heard about this, she insisted on y/n video chatting her to pick an outfit. Together, they had decided on a blush pink dress, with a small flower design. There was a belt that tied right under the chest, that accentuated the top of y/n’s body and flowed down nicely to a little above the knee. They picked out black kitten heels, which according to Lydia, y/n should have already had. It was 4:30 when she got home, already ready to start her makeup to keep her distracted. Kira helped her do her hair nicely and put on minimal makeup, to highlight her best features. By 6, y/n was ready to get in the car, but the drive was only 15 minutes. Kira tried to distract her with finding things to fix, like an out of place hair, or too much highlight. At 6:30, she couldn’t distract her anymore and they got in the car. She drove slowly, constantly trying to hit red lights. Although, y/n had noticed, she pretended not, too.
Freaking out at 6:50, y/n got out of the car by the entrance. Looking at Kira who gave her a thumbs up, y/n walked in and to the front desk.
“Hi, um, I was told there was a note going to be left for me here?”
“Ahh, you must be y/n, yes?” The desk attendant said to me, smiling brightly.
“Yes, that is me!” I said, nervously.
“Here is the note, don’t be so nervous. I think you’ll like what is waiting for you!”
She looked at the note that looked the same as all the other ones. The note said:
Go to hotel room #33.
y/n double checked that Kira was still on the phone and went up the elevator to the correct floor. She walked up to the door, but was hesitant to knock. It took her a full minute and many deep breaths to finally knock. When the door opened, she gasped at what she saw.
“Stiles?” She asked incredulously.
“Hi, y/n. I was nervous you weren’t going to come.”
y/n looked down at her phone to see that Kira had already hung up, “I-I, the notes were you the whole time?”
“Yes, I’m sorry, I didn’t know how else to do it. I was freaking out about the whole thing. I know things got messed up before and honestly, I don’t even know why. I didn’t want to mess up again, and I just thought this was the best way to get you to see that I was sorry.”
Y/n took a minute to look around the room. There were two queen beds, both covered in rose petals. There was a small, pink and red bag on one of them. There were actually rose petals everywhere. There were small candles lit all over the room, lights turned down. There was a bottle of champagne on ice and room service on a trolley that contained y/f/flowers in a beautiful vase. It was beautiful honestly, and clearly took a lot of thought.
“y/n?” Stiles started, as she had not said anything after his confession.
“I’m sorry, it’s- I mean this is beautiful. It’s amazing honestly. I can’t believe you did all of this.”
“I’ve loved you for a long time y/n. And I don’t know how exactly we got all fucked up, but I was nervous and scared about what would come to us when school started. I’ve wanted to tell you everyday since that whatever was going on was stupid and that we should be together, but I never could get it out and I’m sorry.” Stiles was nervous, not sure y/n felt the same.
“I don’t know what happened either, if I’m being honest..I felt the same. Scared and nervous. I’ve literally made myself miserable everyday, knowing that I should have done something about what happened. I love you. I’m sorry too, that I didn’t do anything to fix whatever happened. I knew from the moment I met you, that we were meant to be more than just friends.”
Stiles couldn’t hold back after he heard y/n’s confession, his feelings had been overwhelming for so long. He walked closer to her, placed his hand on her face gently, and placed his lips on hers. At first, it was sweet and slow, but y/n moved her hands to the back of his head, pulling him closer. When they both ran out of breath, they pulled away smiling at each other.
“Can I ask you a question?” y/n spoke first.
“Of course, anything.” Stiles answered.
“Why are there two beds?” y/n wiggled her eyebrows.
Stiles face turned red and his hand went to rub his chin, “I well, I mean I didn’t want to-uh...I didn’t want to assume anything, I just, I didn’t want to mess anything else.”
“Well I don’t think we’ll be needing it.” y/n said and pulled Stiles back to her, placing her lips on his again.
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hepaidattention · 3 years
where Stiles and Lydia actually get alone time after he and the pack save her from Eichen House.
“Stiles found his eyes drifting closed, unable to resist the pull of sleep any longer. His last thoughts were of the blissful reminder that Lydia Martin was in his arms, alive, and he was never going to let anything else ever hurt her again.”
“Stiles, I’m fine,” Lydia insisted, pushing his hand back only slightly. She held onto it, tight, but she pushed it away from her just enough to show that she could stand on her own. She gave him a smile that actually reached her eyes, the tears in them causing her hazel irises to sparkle. She had been through so much, but she still managed to stand up from the table on her own. “See?” 
Stiles wasn’t letting go of her hand, “You don’t need to prove anything, Lyds, someone literally just performed trepanation to your skull,” he breathed out from his mouth, like if he didn’t he might pass out, “it’s okay to need help.”
“Stiles,” she placed a hand on his cheek, rubbing away tears stains with her thumb, “I’m okay, I promise.”
The sheriff had arrived, now talking to Lydia’s mom in the lobby of the clinic. Dr. Deaton and Scott were out there with them, all discussing the events of the night. Stiles was still in shock, he still felt like if he let go of Lydia’s hand it all would have been some big hallucination. It wouldn’t be the first time for him. Lydia could tell how concerned he still was so she nodded and said, “Okay, maybe I’m not a hundred percent.” She leaned on his arm, because in all honesty she really needed the support - she was just stubborn. “But I’m going to be fine, thanks to you.”
He scoffed a little, scratching the back of his neck as he raised his eyebrows in objection, “Lydia, trust me, I participated a pretty small part. Helping you limp out of a few hallways should hardly be categorized under ‘rescuing’.”
“Small?” She tweaked up her left brow, her right staying put. She pursed her lips and asked, “Did you make the plan?”
“Well, yeah,” he said like it was a ‘no duh’ question. He wasn’t wrong. “And it failed, miserably.”
She looked at her hand, as if it wasn’t real, then poked his chest. “Hm,”
He knew what she was doing. He sighed and said, “What?”
“Well, it sure feels like we’re alive,” she poked his cheek, “but if your plan failed, then I guess we must be dead.” She poked his cheek again. He gently grabbed her free hand (the poking one) and cracked a smile, which was her goal all along. He didn’t let go of either hand now, and she didn’t pull them away. She didn’t want to. 
“Ha, ha,” he faked a laugh, but he was still smiling down at her, “okay, so maybe like ten percent of the plan worked. The rest was purely winging it, lots of unadulterated luck.” She was still looking at him with pursed lips, which unconsciously made his gaze fall to them. “Lots.”
It got still between them, Lydia realizing what he was staring at, Stiles having trouble looking away. Ever since he found her in Eichen House all he’s wanted to do was kiss her - he knew it was just old feelings being stirred up from the detrimental, gnawing reality of possible death, but he still couldn’t help but just want nothing more than to kiss her. That feeling should have faded - but it was more strong than ever before now. It didn’t help that he was pretty sure Lydia was thinking the exact same thing - she couldn’t be, could she? She was staring at his lips too, wasn’t she? Their eyes met then, and the electricity between them was hard for even a plain old human like him to deny. This was insane, he had to snap out of it. This was purely because life and death put them into survival mode. He tore his eyes from her own - a hand running through his mess of hair. 
“Do you uh,” he cleared his throat, his mouth much drier than he expected, “do you need a ride home?”
“Stiles,” she smirked, looking behind her towards the lobby, then back at him, “I think my mom can drive me home.”
“Right! Right, yeah, right, right,” he was chewing on his bottom lip, his eyes staring down at the ground (too afraid to meet her gaze again). However, he still didn’t let go of her hands. He couldn’t. He wouldn't. He finally looked up, “Are you sure?”
“I mean,” she was looking tired again, really really tired. She leaned back into the table and yawned, “I’m highly sure my mom is here, and I’m pretty sure she’ll want to bring me home.”
He let loose one of her hands to help support her from her elbow. “Lyds, I think maybe you should sit back down,”
She nodded, surprisingly not arguing. He led her to a chair this time, rather than struggling to get her up on that table again. She sat down on the cold, black seat and let out a huff. “Who knew screaming could wear out a banshee.” She rested her hand on her fist, eyes closing. 
Stiles pushed the hair from her eyes with his thumb, now standing on his knees in front of her. “Lydia?” he shook her knee just a little, “Lyds, remember what Deaton said,” this time he tucked the hair behind her ear since it kept persistently falling back in her eyes. “Can you tell me what he said?”
She smacked her mouth like she was in need of water and she nudged her head a little, an attempt of a nod. With eyes still closed she said, “I should try to stay awake for at least eight hours.”
“Yeah, exactly,” he puffed a soft laugh from his nose, “this doesn’t look a lot like trying to stay awake.”
“What does it look like then?” Her head went from staying up on her fist to finding Stiles’ arm that was lying across the side of the chair and laying her head on it like he was her pillow. 
“Well, I’m not an expert, but it looks a lot like sleeping to me.”
“Shhh,” her pale lips pursed again, just to make the noise. God he wanted to kiss her. No, Stiles, snap out of it! You cannot and should not kiss Lydia Martin. “Stiles, I’m trying to sleep, don’t be so loud.”
He knew he needed to keep her awake, but he felt so guilty waking her. She looked so peaceful, and how could he find it in him to ask her (after everything she’d been through) to stay awake? 
However, his dad did it for him. He waltzed in the room with his booming voice, announcing both their names as if they wouldn’t respond to just a quiet tap on the shoulder. The sound made Lydia jump up immediately. She grabbed both of his arms with a death grip, nails digging into his forearms with rattled breaths. 
“Lyds, it’s okay, it's okay,” Stiles said soothingly, his hands turning up to grab her arms back in any way he could. She looked at the sheriff with wide eyes, then met Stiles' gaze. The fear in her expression melted, and her forehead fell into his. “It’s okay,” he said again, watching as she closed her eyes and slowed her breathing. “I’m right here. I’m not gonna let anything else happen to you, okay?”
She nodded against his head. Stiles reluctantly pulled his head from hers, pried a hand from her tight grasp, and looked at his dad with sigh. “Yeah?”
“Well uh,” he looked a little uncomfortable, his eyes scanning the two of them as if he was trying to put the last pieces of the puzzle together, but they just didn’t fit. He knew they weren’t together, yet he couldn’t help but feel like at this moment, they were. “Well, Lydia’s mother, she’s uh, she’s gonna need to come down to the station. She wants to make a report on Eichen House and she doesn’t seem to want to wait - can’t really say I blame her. She was wondering if you one of us could -”
“I’ll bring her home,” he was holding her hand again now, Lydia squeezing back (tight), “No problem.”
“Alright, sounds good,” he cleared his throat again, his eyes flicking to their joined hands, then back to his son. “Scott ran off somewhere, god knows where, he mumbled something about Liam needin’ him or somethin’ like that. You sure you guys will be okay? I’m sure I can call a deputy down to help -”
“We’re fine, dad,” Stiles cut off his dad’s spiel with a half smile. “We’ll be fine. Lydia’s house is only like 10 minutes down the road.”
“Okay,” he nodded, still looking weary, “well, if you need me son, if you need anything,-”
“You’ll be the first one we call,” he stood up then, helping Lydia to her feet beside him. He wrapped an arm around her waist as she walked, much more steady than before but still weak. They stopped in front of his dad and he softly smiled as he said, “I promise, okay?”
The sheriff nodded, his forehead still frowning, but honestly that was his normal expression now-in-days. He patted his son on the shoulder and said, Alright, well, be safe.”
Stiles gave him a wink and, “Always,” before they made their way out of the clinic and to his jeep. He helped Lydia in the passenger seat first, then he made his way around the car, quickly to his seat before resting his hands on the steering wheel and letting out a long exhale. 
“You okay?” Lydia asked him, the tone of concern in her voice. Stiles laughed, looking at her like she just made the funniest joke he’d heard all night (not that he’d heard very many jokes at all all night). She pouted at him, her head pressed against the headrest as she glared, “Why are you laughing?”
“Lydia, you literally almost died today, and you’re asking me if I’m okay.” He shook his head, his eyes on the steering wheel as if the car is supposed to drive itself. “You’re unbelievable.” He meant that in the highest of regards. She thinks. 
“Hate to break it to you Stilinski,” she raised her head, trying to reach his eyes, “but you almost died today, too.”
He turned then, locking eyes with her, and his breath hitched in his chest. Her hazel hues glowing in the moonlight, the soft smile on her lips. She looked like death, not that he would ever tell her that, and she still was the most beautiful creature he’s ever seen walk his earth. A sudden flood of love overcame him, which then quickly was partnered with worry. “Are we sure it’s okay to bring you home? Shouldn’t - shouldn’t Deaton want to keep you overnight for observation? Shouldn’t we make sure you’re going to be alright-”
“Stiles,” she grabbed his knee and squeezed. It stilled his bouncing leg, and stilled his racing thoughts. “Take me home,” her mouth curved up just slightly, “please. I just want to go home.”
“Okay,” He nodded and he felt tears pricking his eyes again. Why? Now was not an appropriate time to cry, dear god Stiles - just drive. “Okay.” He shook his head and let out an uneasy breath as he started the ignition, the jeep purring awake. “Let’s get you home.”
He helped Lydia in her room, waited for her as she showered, and now he was wrapping covers around her legs, propping pillows behind her back, and fidgeting around like the world was going to end if he stopped moving for two seconds. He was rambling now, going on about all the things she needed and looking around the room for something to help ease her discomfort. “Stiles,” she said, hoping he’d stop moving like a fly trapped in a jar. 
He didn’t hear her. “Do you need anything to eat? No? Drink, maybe? Water? God, I bet you’re freakin’ thirsty -” he looked at her dry lips and ran a hand through his once spiky hair. All the gel had been combed out by his own nervous hands. “When was the last time you had anything to drink? - ya know what, I’m just - I’m just gonna go get you some water.”
Before Lydia could protest, he was gone. She sighed, leaning her head back on the pillows and watching the ceiling. The mistletoe and everything else Deaton did helped, but she could still hear the voices, when there was nothing else to listen to, nothing else to keep her mind off the pain. She closed her eyes, sucked in a breath, then released it only to suddenly hate the idea of sleeping. 
“Stiles,” she shouted, the voices slowly getting louder the longer he was gone. What was taking him so long? “Stiles!” She was getting frantic. She started ripping the blankets from her legs, her feet ready to go searching for him, when he came practically falling in the room with a glass of water in his hand. 
“What? Are you okay? What happened?” he stumbled at the side of the bed, falling to his knees in an instant. He sat the glass down instinctively and immediately checked her like something was physically wrong - cupping her face with his hand and searching her eyes. 
Lydia shook her head, feeling a little guilty, “I’m fine, sorry, I just…” there was no reason to lie, this was Stiles. He’d seen her at her worst and told her she was beautiful for it. “The voices, they just get really loud when it’s quiet.”
“Right, okay,” he licked his lip top lip, then bit down, looking around her room like he would find answers. “Quiet equal bad, we can work with that.”
“Just don’t…” she held onto him tight, like he was her anchor, “don’t leave me again.”
Stiles was giving her that mouth gaped open, nodding like a speechless idiot face. “Uh, yeah, yeah you go it - no more leaving.” Then his eyes caught sight of her nightstand, three DVD’s stacked beside her lamp. “What about a movie then? Yeah? Doctor’s orders?”
Lydia wanted nothing more than to sleep, but she knew sleeping sounded like the scariest thing she would do today. She nodded, realizing then that she was crying - she wasn’t even sure what that started happening. No wonder Stiles acted like her very life was in his hands, she probably looked like a ticking time bomb. She also realized she was holding Stiles’ hand, which she needed to let go of for him to put a movie on. 
Stiles put on the movie, one of Lydia’s favorites - he didn’t even have to ask, he just knew the perfect movie she would love. It was her comfort movie, and he knew it. Then he crawled back beside her bed and leaned his body against the side. His face was on the corner of her mattress, watching the previews like he’d never seen the trailer for a chick flick before. He was so exhausted, she could tell he was doing everything in his power to stay awake. She was lying down, curling up as close to him as possible, but she felt cold and alone. Every time she closed her eyes she could see Eichen House, the doctors, the patients, the victims. She could hear the voices seeping into her mind. The only time she remembered being at peace was when she was holding Stiles’ hand. She couldn’t do that very well right now, and if she was honest she didn’t want to just hold his hand.
“Hm?” he said sleepily. He nudged his head back, looking at her with all the love he could muster (which was a lot). “Something wrong?”
“No, it’s just… you don’t have to sit on the floor you know.”
He looked so confused, his brows knitting together as he looked at her bed, then back to her eyes. “I don’t?”
“I have a king size bed, Stiles. There’s plenty of room up here for the two of us.”
“Yeah?” she didn’t waver, so he then said, “Yeah, okay, yeah,” he stood up, crawling on the bed from the end, “plenty of room, right? Not like we have to cuddle or something-” 
Once he got to the top she pulled on his arm, wrapping it around her waist and snuggling into his embrace as he settled into the bed beside her. Stiles was in shock. He knew this was purely platonic need for physical touch in he midst of a mental and emotional crisis… but he was spooning Lydia Martin, and it was her choice. “Don’t go anywhere, okay?” 
He didn’t know how to answer. He just stammered out, “Sur-sure, yeah,”
“Stiles,” she intertwined her fingers with his and looked back at him with a frown, “Promise me you won’t go anywhere?”
His face relaxed, meeting her eyes like she was the only thing that brought his mind to peace. He could have a thousand thoughts racing at once, but when she looked at him, everything was still. “I’m not going anywhere,” he tightened his arm around her, “I promise.” She smiled at him and kissed his cheek. His eyes fluttered, “What was that for?”
“A thank you,” she turned back towards the movie, snuggling further into his embrace. “For saving me.”
He whispered back, “What else was I gonna do? I couldn’t let you die. I’d lose my freakin’ mind.”
She didn’t answer, she just closed her eyes with a smile on her face. Within minutes she was sound asleep in his arms. He just watched her, terrified about what would happen if he fell asleep too. Someone drilled a hole in her beautiful freakin’ head - that had to be bad for the brain, right? He watched the movie some, but when she’d flinch or squirm his attention immediately went back to her - holding his breath every time until she showed signs of being alright. 
It had been so long since he allowed himself to think like this - so long since he’d allowed himself to even consider Lydia as anything but a friend. The thing was, he knew he still was just that for her - just a friend. Stiles was always who she went to when she was hurting, but never who she went to when she was in the mood for a good cuddle or a make-out session. That wasn’t them - he had been friend-zoned far too long now for that. 
That didn’t change the fact that he now was realizing something he didn’t want to realize. Through all the years of knowing Lydia, his feelings for her were once shallow, fragile, inexperienced - but now, her laying in his arms after almost dying, he knew what she really meant to her. It killed him that he was allowing himself to think this way, but the thing was he always knew, he just wouldn’t let himself get so far as to put words to it. It hurt too much. 
Lydia flinched, Stiles holding just a little tighter, and she relaxed back in his arms. He whispered so quietly, he could hardly hear himself even say it: “I love you, Lydia Martin.”
“Mmm,” she hummed, eyes closed, “I love you, too.” Stiles popped up, his ears having to have played a trick on him. Then in her sleep she mumbled, “No mom, I don’t need another prada bag.”
Stiles laughed to himself and fell into the bed again. The hardest part was knowing tomorrow he’d wake up with Lydia Martin in his arms, and then having to go through the rest of his day acting like it meant nothing to either of them. Like it was nothing to him but pure platonic cuddling, for emotional support only, of course. 
Stiles found his eyes drifting closed, unable to resist the pull of sleep any longer. His last thoughts were of the blissful reminder that Lydia Martin was in his arms, alive, and he was never going to let anything else ever hurt her again.
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princeescaluswords · 3 years
Magic Words
When people accuse me of being ableist about Stiles, they never actually explain what they mean. It's clear that I hold Stiles responsible for Stiles's actions, and while they think that it should, they can't point out what actions his neurodivergence should excuse him from.
But that's not the point is it? Ableist doesn't really mean anything to them; it's a magic word they're using to win arguments. They aren't interested in pointing out how my arguments are ableist; they just wish to repeat the word often enough as a sort of incantation. The person who says the most magic words wins.
Somewhere, someone is going "Isn't that what you do, PEW?"
Well, not exactly. You see, I call racist behavior racist, and I keep saying it because, well, the racist behavior keeps happening. Let me give you an example.
I saw an argument today that Scott pretending to be cowed by Gerard's torture and extortion in order to slip him the mountain ash pills so Gerard's plan of making Derek bite him wouldn't work ended up 'endangering other people's lives.' Let's pretend, of course, to ignore the fact that Scott's plan most likely saved Derek's, Isaac's, Allison's, and Chris's lives ... because these people certainly do. Who did these people think it endangered?
This is a subtle attempt to blame Scott for what happened to Stiles, Erica and Boyd. If only Scott had submitted to Derek, Derek would have known enough to ... do something. They never specify what, but Derek would have done something, because he certainly had a concrete plan against Gerard (except he didn't).
So, where's the racism?
It's right there. The problem with what happened isn't that Derek was an untrusting, untrustworthy alpha who dragged kids into danger and had one tactic -- "I know one thing, when I catch it, I'm going to kill it." The problem is that Scott didn't submit to Derek. That's as far as they get, because they don't need to get any farther. The point is to diminish Scott, not provide alternatives.
It's the same when they get all huffy about Scott not telling Allison how her mother died. Did Allison look in the mood to believe Scott or even hear him out? Considering how she acted in Fury (2x10) when he tried to talk to her ("Just stay out of my way") or in Battlefield 2x11 (when she erased his message begging for a meeting). All they know is that Derek snarled it at Scott in Season 3, though even then Derek didn't try to blame Boyd and Erica on Scott.
So where's the racism?
It's right there. Scott's priority should be exonerating Derek for biting Victoria, even though Derek did bite Victoria. Do they really believe that Angry Allison would have been less angry? Why? But all that matters to them is that Scott's emotions shouldn't be -- can't be -- just as important as Derek's.
But what about Stiles? Stiles was taken by Gerard and beaten to send a message to Scott! Scott's at fault because he tried to go it alone. Yet how would him submitting to Derek have protected Stiles from Gerard? They don't get that far. Obviously, Derek didn't give a damn about Stiles, as he literally interrupted Scott and Isaac looking for him to get their help stopping Jackson and Gerard.
But who cares?
Think about this -- if I said that Peter's savaging Lydia on the lacrosse field and his kidnapping of Stiles was Derek's fault for siding with his uncle (and, unlike Scott, meaning it) they would have a conniption, because I would be blaming Peter's decisions on Derek. They'd be right. But that's exactly what they do to Scott, blaming Scott for Gerard kidnapping Stiles because he knows how much Stiles means to Scott.
The racism lies in how much less value the autonomy and life of the Latino lead protagonist holds for them than say a white sidekick or two white villains. and it always has.
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elspethc22 · 3 years
Never Again
Sciles Week Day 2: Sleep Intimacy
Pairing: Scott/Stiles
Word Count: 1969
When Scott had asked Stiles at the school if he wanted to split up to investigate the train tracks and Stiles had responded ‘never again’ he’d meant it very literally. In the weeks since they’d defeated the Wild Hunt and its wannabe rider the Nazi, Stiles had spent a total of one night in a different bed to Scott. And that night hadn’t gone too well.
The first night, everyone had seemed to just accept that Scott and Stiles weren’t being separated so soon after getting Stiles (and everyone else) back from the Wild Hunt. With everyone suddenly back, both the Sheriff and Melissa had ended up being called back in to work as people tried to deal with, and once again try to explain away, the recent events.
Scott knew Stiles was going to want to go home, to see his house and his room and be in those familiar surroundings after so long, so it wasn’t even a question when he followed his best friend home that night. Like Stiles, he couldn’t bear to separated again so soon, not after so many months and not knowing who Stiles was, what he was missing, and then knowing and struggling to get him back.
When they reach the Stilinski household, Stiles parks the jeep and they hop out. Scott follows Stiles up to the front door, and then pauses when Stiles does, watching as Stiles just stares at the door.
‘Stiles?’ He prompted after a moment, and Stiles nodded, unlocking the door and letting them inside. Scott wondered if he should ask Stiles about eating – did things like that matter in the hunt? But he could tell from the slump in Stiles’ shoulders that he was exhausted, so he let Stiles lead them past the kitchen and up the stairs.
They changed into comfortable clothing and then settled into Stiles’ bed. At first they just lay there, side by side, just far enough apart that Scott could feel the distance.
‘Stiles, are you ok?’ He asked gently after they’d laid there in silence for a minute. Stiles turned his head, then rolled to face Scott. Scott did the same, so they lay staring at each other.
‘It’s just… I have to admit, there were a few moments there when I really wasn’t sure I was getting back here. It’s just…’ He trailed off, and Scott scooted forward, wrapping an arm around Stiles’ waist and pulling him forward, shifting his own body slightly so he could pull Stiles up next to him.
‘I get it. Right after you disappeared, Lydia was so adamant that she’d forgotten something, that there was something we were forgetting or missing, but none of us could really understand what she meant at first. Then, the more she talked about it, that feeling, the more I felt it creeping in and started noticing things. Like an empty space in a photo, little gaps in memories that just didn’t quite make sense, like why I would go looking for a body in the middle of the preserve.’ Scott paused, looking down at Stiles who had tilted his head up and was watching him.
‘Then, when I remembered you – when we heard your voice through the radio, I couldn’t understand how I ever forgot you. When we were using the machine to try and bring you back with our memories, it was so overwhelming, I couldn’t focus and now I think I know why – because you’re there in almost all of my memories, all the important moments in my life since we met. There were too many and I couldn’t focus it down, couldn’t pick just one that was important because they’re all important. Because it’s you. But I still couldn’t bring you back.’
That last bit was whispered, but Stiles clearly heard it as he suddenly sat up, holding Scott’s face between his hands to force him to look at him.
‘That’s not your fault, Scott. I don’t know everything, but I got enough from my dad to know that Lydia bringing me back has to be because she’s a banshee. He said that they never tried to come for her, the riders, and about that other town with the only person left behind being a banshee. So it’s not because you failed, Scott.’ Stiles told him, and continued to hold Scott’s face still and stare at him until Scott nodded.
Then Stiles nodded, clearly happy with Scott’s acquiescence, and laid back down, snuggling in close to Scott once again. Scott brought his arm back up around Stiles’ waist, and let himself settle in a bit more.
‘I’m so glad we got you back, Stiles.’ Scott whispered into the silence in the room after a few minutes.
‘I’m so happy you got me back too.’ Stiles whispered in return, then they both lapsed back into silence, and slowly started to drift off to sleep.
They woke the next morning when the Sheriff finally returned home from the station, popping his head into the room very briefly to check his son was really back and then tell them he was getting some sleep.
The sound of his dad woke Stiles, and he lifted a hand in acknowledgment, listening as his dad shut the door behind him. During the night, they had shifted so when they woke they were pressed Stiles’ back to Scott’s front, spooning together with Scott’s arm keeping them firmly together.
Stiles had a fleeting thought regarding his continual position as the little spoon before he pushed that aside and pressed back slightly, into the warmth of Scott’s body, feeling Scott’s arm tighten slightly in response. Stiles smiled, and let himself drift back off to sleep.
The second night, Scott had returned home to be with his mum and Stiles stayed home to spend time with his dad. When Stiles made his way up to bed, he went through the same routine as the night before, the same routine as always, getting into his pyjamas and crawling into bed.
He then proceeded to spend the rest of the night tossing and turning, waking every hour or two reaching across the bed for someone who wasn’t there, feeling cold and unable to get warm or with his heart racing as he thought he heard horses and whips. When his dad came to check on him in the morning, he was curled up on his side, staring at his phone trying to decide if it was too early to call Scott.
The decision was made for him when his phone suddenly rang, Scott calling him. He hurried to answer the call, holding the phone to his ear.
‘Scotty?’ He breathed into the phone, and heard a responding sigh.
‘Hey Stiles. Sorry if I woke you – ’
‘You didn’t. I uh, I couldn’t really sleep last night.’ Stiles admitted softly.
‘You either, huh?’ Scott asked and Stiles nodded even though Scott couldn’t see him.
‘I kept reaching for you, and you weren’t here.’ Stiles admitted in a low voice, knowing Scott would hear him.
‘Same.’ Scott whispered back, and Stiles closed his eyes.
The Sheriff stood in the doorway listening to the conversation, and was torn between being worried about Stiles’ inability to sleep apparently coming back, and being so happy to have him back and be able to listen to him talk to his best friend even if the topic wasn’t fantastic. With a silent signal to say he was heading to work, the Sheriff left his son still talking to Scott.
He wasn’t surprised when he got a text later that day from Stiles saying he was spending the night at Scott’s.
From then on, the boys alternated their nights between the Stilinski and McCall households, and either the Sheriff or Melissa lost track of the days, well if the boys weren’t at their respective houses they just made the assumption they were at the other house, and they were correct.
They both also assumed that after a few weeks, once everything started to settle again, they would slowly stop this and go back to what it had been like before. This assumption was not correct.
One month after Stiles’ return, the Sheriff went to wake his son for his graduation ceremony. After everything that had happened at Beacon Hills High School over the last few months (years) the ceremony had been slightly delayed. As the Sheriff opened the door, he bit back a sigh as he was once again greeted with the sight of Scott and his son curled up together in Stiles’ bed. He had really hoped that now that some time had passed, their shared need for each other to be able to sleep would fade, but that did not seem to be passing.
This morning, Scott was curled up on his side, facing the wall, and Stiles was curled around him, one arm slung across Scott’s midsection, holding him close. They’d often shared a bed as they’d grown up, a closeness forged from a shared grief of losing a parent (albeit in different ways), of being different from their classmates due to asthma and ADHD and being each other’s only real friends for so long. But this was different, this was a new type of closeness and the Sheriff wasn’t quite sure what to make of it.
He also worried that now that school was over, and the future upon them with college and who knew what else that this co-dependency for sleep would not end well for either boy. But he knew that saying that to them wouldn’t help, at least not saying outright. Perhaps it was time to talk to Melissa.
He cleared his throat, knocked a couple of times on the door and spoke.
‘Boys, time to wake up – graduation day.’ Stiles stirred first, surprisingly given Scott’s werewolf hearing and reflexes. He turned his head towards the door and gave his dad a smile.
‘Morning dad.’ The Sheriff smiled in returned, then nodded towards Scott.
‘Wake Scott up, get dressed and come down for breakfast. Melissa will be here to join us in half an hour.’ Stiles nodded then turned back towards Scott. The Sheriff stepped back, but then paused, watching his son gently shake Scott.
‘C’mon Scotty, time to get up. Big day today.’ He said, hand on Scott’s shoulder. Scott mumbled and then he brought his hand up to wipe at his face then turned to face Stiles without dislodging Stiles’ arm from his waist.
‘Morning.’ He said lowly, his voice still think with sleep.’ Stiles smiled at him.
‘Can you believe it, Scott? Graduation! We made it – we actuallymade it.’ Scott grinned at him, then his smiled softened slightly.
‘I couldn’t have made it without you.’ Scott told Stiles, who ducked his head. Scott lifted a hand and tilted Stiles’ head back up to look at him. ‘I mean it. No way I’d be here if it wasn’t for you.’
‘Same, Scott. You’ve saved me more times than I can count. And I wouldn’t want to be here without you.’ Stiles admitted and the Sheriff closed his eyes tight. He didn’t want to believe the sentiment but he heard the truth in his son’s voice.
‘I wouldn’t want to be here without you either.’ Scott responded, and the Sheriff heard the truth there too.
When he let his eyes open again, Scott had wrapped an arm around Stiles’ waist, and the other had worked its way up between them to hold Stiles’ cheek, and their foreheads were pressed together. Stiles’ eyes were closed, and Scott was watching him.
Maybe he did know what to make of it after all, although he did wonder if the boys had realised yet. He’d have to let Melissa know this wasn’t going to be stopping any time soon.
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