#one is about my teeth hurting cause I think I have cavities but I keep eating candy before bed. help.
milo-is-rambling · 8 months
Hello hello I made collages today :)
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adventuringblind · 1 month
Chin Up, Princess (2k words)
Max Verstappen x Reader
Genre: Ghoulverse Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Jos oversteps and causes a whole lot of hurt for Max and his mate, he takes things into his own hands and ends up resorting to extreme measures in order to save his lover. (Background Landoscar, Charlos, and Sewis)
Warnings: Mind control, talks of eating people and mentions of gore but nothing explicit, ghoul on ghoul violence, burning of a character, major character death (not a good guy tho), ED but like... also not an ED, soulbonds
Notes: Ironically the most tame ghoulverse fic I've done thus far. Thank you to🏍️for the amazing idea!!
Side Note: Feed my praise kink please?
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It’s raining again. The kind of rain Monaco doesn’t see often. The torrential downpour that keeps everyone hidden away inside to keep warm. 
She watches the water droplets race down the window, wondering which one will hit the edge first. It’s not productive, but she needs something to distract her from the ache in her bones. The hunger pains have gotten progressively worse over the last three weeks. Still, she’s finding ways to cope. She has to manage; the pain is what’s keeping her sane. 
 It’s nice being home and hidden behind the water covered window. It means she’s free to drop the human look. All horns and tail, long tongue and sharp teeth, dark eyes and pointed ears. It’s natural - or it used to be. 
It doesn’t quite feel like her anymore. Like somehow everything that had once been a part of her is now irritating. Her horns are heavy and her tail refuses to be anywhere but the ground. All because his words sit in her head and bounce around the cavity in her chest. 
He changed her. 
A month ago, she ran into Jos in the paddock. Even though she doesn’t like the guy, he’s still technically her king - and Max’s dad - so her father in law in a way. Max had mated with her (a heavenly feeling) but had done so without the consent of his father. 
Jos doesn’t like her one bit. Which she doesn’t care about. If Max is the prince of the demons and set to take up leadership at some point, that makes her a princess. They both dislike each other but in the essence of keeping things civil, she makes it work. 
“I didn’t expect to see you here today!” She nodded her head to show respect. Opting for that instead of bowing to this man in broad daylight. 
“I wish I hadn’t seen you at all!” Well - fuck you too - she supposes. She’d fallen into step beside him as they made their way to the Redbull garage. 
She nearly crashes into him when he stops abruptly. He grabs hold of her bicep and drags her down some alleyway between buildings. She goes with compliance, hell only knows what this man can and will do to her. 
Her back hits the wall with a disorienting force. “You’re not enough for us.” 
“I think you mean for you.” 
Jos hisses close enough to her face that she can feel his saliva hitting her. “The council decided you’re not one of us-'' He grabs her chin and she watches as his eyes fade to that deep dark color that usually means something bad is about to happen.
“You will not eat. You are not one of us. Am I clear?” 
She snaps at him. Her attempt at fighting his hold is futile. Not when the damn demon king is trying to hypnotize her. “No!” 
He clamps a hand over her mouth and pulls a lighter out of his pocket. The open flame hovers just above the healed over scar on her clavicle. She shakes, desperate to get away from the heat. “You will not eat. You are not a ghoul. You are not one of us.”
It’s a hypnotic tone that seeps through her ears and floods her veins. The heat of the flame no longer her one weakness as her mind submits itself to the will of her king. 
Her jaw snapped shut. Her vocal chords refused to work. Her throat constricts around liquids. Her teeth become glued to each other each time she tries to bite down into something of nutrients. 
A month of this torture and she can feel herself getting progressively more ravenous. Slowly they’ve exhausted all of their options. No matter how desperately she tries, she can’t get any substance into her. 
Max’s reflection appears in the window. A frown etched upon lips. It doesn’t suit him; Max was made to smile. She likes being the one to cause it. These days it feels like all he’s doing is trying to ease her slow and painful death. 
He sits opposite of her and heaves out a gust of warm air on the window. His pointer finger paints a simple picture of a stick figure. It’s - objectively - a terrible drawing, but it serves its purpose and makes her laugh. 
“I’m scared, Max.”
“I know, schat.” 
They continue to stare out the window. The bond doing the talking for them, passing their emotions back and forth. He can feel her pain and she can feel his inner rage. 
Humans don’t understand. Maybe they never will. They fear those who are different. Think this way and do this thing or you're a monster. Certainly not all of them. Lando and Charles are prime examples of this. Still - surviving amongst them gets harder each day. 
“I know what you want to do.” She turns towards him. Unbidden in the comfort of their own home. His tail flicks in uncertainty. A habit he picked up from Sebastian. “I don’t want you to regret it.” 
“It’s inevitable. Just earlier than planned.” He won’t meet her gaze. “I can’t watch you suffer when I can stop it.” 
“You have always been the chivalrous type.”
Max slides closer to her. His thumb comes to the underside of her chin and pushes it upward. Her eyes have nowhere else to go, forced to get lost in his. A never-ending sea of endless dark that she’d willingly drown in. 
“Chin up, love. There is going to be a crown on your head soon. I’d hate to see it hit the ground.”
She hates not being able to go inside. She understands why she can’t though. She already has the weight of one hypnosis spell weighing her down; she’s more susceptible to another. 
Still, waiting is nerve wracking. The sound of familiar roars fill her ears. Occasionally wincing when she feels Max’s pain. Mild compared to what it is for him. 
Lando and Charles are sitting on the ground with her. Their mates are inside with Max, along with Lewis and Sebastian. She attempts to hold close to the bonds of their tribe. They’ve been planning this for the last couple of weeks. Every hole is plastered with flexi tape. 
“Relax, chéri. They are fine.” 
She won’t open her mouth to mutter a thanks. Not when she’s already salivating and can smell exactly where their pulse points are. Not when she can hear the steady rhythm of their hearts. 
No, she can’t eat, but she’d also rather not risk it. 
“Do we have to bow to you after this whole ordeal is over?” Lando looks at her with a curious expression. “Cause like - Oscar doesn’t bend like that.”
Both her and Charles gape and the odd statement. Lando looks like he’s just stated the weather on an average Monday morning. 
“Lando, are you sure it’s not you who doesn’t bend like that?”
“I think I know how I can bend mate! How do you think we broke the table-“
Charles grimaces, his nose scrunching up and cheeks turning red. “Bleh! I don’t need to know how Oscar bends you.” 
“You asked!”
“And now I regret it…”
Another roar bellows into the night sky. It’s loud and painful. She looks to the boys beside her for confirmation that it’s not Oscar or Carlos. They nod at her, leaving only three options. 
She bolts inside. 
The roars turn to whines. The fire rages over the body of Jos Verstappen. Max has sunk to his knees, the sunset hues of the flames reflect in his eyes and illuminate the tear tracks on his cheeks. 
She falls beside him. Panicked hands search for any possible wounds; any burns in need of immediate attention. Max is crying as she does so, but he’s smiling at the same time. There are a million emotions running through the room. The large flames a mercy to the now deceased king. 
A fallen king lay before them. His body burned to ashes. They watch as he is devoured by the fire. The silence is deafening. The only noise being the roar of the flames. An irony that doesn’t go unnoticed. To feel serene with the one thing that would surely kill her if the starvation doesn’t first. 
Max is the first to approach the pile of ashes on the ground. He creeps up to it like they might reanimate. Like they might take back what they once had and reestablish their hold on her mind with no chance at her escape. 
Sebastian meets Max in the middle. He scoops handfuls of the ash and decorates Max’s skin. The Dutch looks miserable when Sebastian dumps a handful into Max’s own cupped hands. 
“Do I have too?”
“Do you want your fathers powers?” 
He groans, but doesn’t wait any longer. He tries to be serious, but there is an element of humor here despite the situation. 
“Does this mean Max is a cannibal now?!” She supposes Lando is trying to whisper, but the building they are in echoes. He chokes when he hears it. 
“Lando! I am trying to eat my father!” 
“So you are a cannibal!” 
Oscar slaps a hand over his mate's mouth. Briefly, a look of disgust flashes across his face. “If you  really think licking me will work, you are mistaken.” Muffled sounds from underneath Oscar’s hand escape, but nobody understands. 
Max is finally able to choke down the ashes of his father. Certainly not the most conventional of coronations, but she can’t picture it any other way. 
“Never thought I’d see the day where we were dropping to our knees for this guy.” Carlos chuckles from somewhere beside her as they close in on the new king. 
Not a prince anymore - a king. 
It suits him more, she thinks. Standing tall in front of his tribe, still laughing at Lando and Oscar and their odd positioning. At Carlos and his playful pride as he kneels. He exchanges a smile with Charles after years of rivalry now comes a shared respect. He turns endearingly to Sebastian and Lewis looking at him like proud parents. 
Then to her. She’s on the ground, her knees bruised already. Max pulls her up into his arms. He brings his hands to her jaw and once again she drifts into the calm of his endless eyes. 
Soft fingers massage her jaw. The one that aches with a desperate need for something she hasn’t had in so long. He’s gentle with her, like an antique porcelain doll that might break if he applies too much pressure. 
“You are worthy of every good thing. You are one of us, just as you always have been and you are deserving of your life.” 
The cement that had been fire in her veins vanishes as he speaks. Max keeps talking, but she’s too lost in the relief from these heavy feelings - the euphoria of knowing she belongs again. The cavern of her chest is beating with words of comfort. 
Her horns don’t feel like extra weights and her tail finds Max’s with immediate ease. They intertwine like they had before. 
“You are here and loved. You have a place with us.” He tilts her chin upward like he’s done since they mated. “Chin up, your highness, you’re a queen now.” 
Her body aches from a full belly instead of the hunger pains. As does the rest of their tribe, she presumes. 
Max keeps getting phone calls… and he keeps ignoring them. Instead opting to keep his attention focussed on his tribe. His love for them - for her - is radiating through his every move. 
“I think King Max sounds good on you.” She flashes her teeth at him. The others are either chatting, or if you’re Oscar then you’re using Lando as a blanket and sleeping. They are paying no attention to them. 
“You think? I’d always resented it.” 
“You’re going to change things, Max. That’s not something to resent.” They hook tails again, a comfort she’d missed dearly. “Plus, you’re stuck with me now since you saved my life. I’m going to be the most demanding queen.” She waves her hand around for dramatic flair. 
“Oh yeah? How so?” 
“First I’m going to demand that you cuddle me - and I’ll figure out the rest later!” 
“As you wish, your highness.” 
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elegantsmileo · 11 months
FAQs while choosing Brace
How do braces work?
Braces apply constant pressure to slowly correct the alignment of your teeth. As your teeth move into the proper place, your orthodontist will continue to adjust your tooth alignment until it is perfect.
What are the alternatives to metal braces?
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Metal Braces
Metal braces are still one of the most popular options for those who want straighter teeth. This is a system that we know works well for even very complicated cases. That said, there are some alternatives for those who do not think that metal braces are the best option for their needs. For example, there are ceramic and even plastic braces that use the same general system as metal braces to straighten teeth.
Perhaps the best alternative to metal braces is a system like Invisalign. This is a system of plastic aligners that gradually straightens teeth. Many prefer this system because it can actually be removed from the teeth for eating and then for cleaning the teeth and the aligners.
If you do not want metal braces or do not believe that your case is severe enough for metal braces, there are lots of alternatives you can ask your orthodontist about.
How long will I need to wear my braces?
The duration of treatment for braces depends on each patient. On average, most treatments last 12 to 15 months, but can range between 6 to 30 months.
Do braces hurt?
You may experience some tenderness for a few days as your teeth, cheeks, and lips become accustomed to the braces
Am I too old for braces?
Never! We’ve been seeing more and more adults at our practice over the years. In fact, 25% percent of all orthodontic patients are adults. Braces are a great choice for anyone looking to align their bite and straighten their teeth. We even have esthetic options including clear braces and Invisalign that tend to work well for grown-ups. Health and happiness are vitally important to adults and orthodontic treatment can increase your self-esteem at any age!
Are braces available for adults?
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Invisible Braces
This is another common questions about braces. When most people think of braces, they think of the teenage years. And while it is true that many people get their braces on while they are teenagers, it’s also true that more and more adults are getting orthodontic treatment and are getting just as many benefits from it. There are many different options available for adults, including metal braces, but also a number of more discreet options, like Invisalign.
Invisalign was actually developed first and foremost as an treatment for adults who wanted straighter teeth but did not want to get metal braces far after the time that most people believed it was acceptable to get metal braces.
Do braces do anything other than improve my smile?
Many people mistakenly believe that braces are a purely cosmetic treatment. And while there is real value in having a straighter, more confident smile, there are plenty of health-related reasons to get braces. Many patients will need not just their individual teeth straightened, but their entire bit corrected. This can make it much easier to keep your mouth clean and healthy. It will also eliminate many of the issues that can make chewing painful or that can cause long term pain in the jaw. You’ll see less gingivitis, fewer cavities, and will overall just be more pleased with how your teeth look.
How much do braces cost?
The cost of your braces treatment will depend on a number of factors including the complexity of your case, how long you’ll need to wear them, how well you follow our instructions and take care of your braces and the type of braces you choose. We’ll go over the price at your consultation and work with you to find an option that suits your needs.
Are there any foods I can’t eat with braces?
Yes. Once you kick off treatment, we’ll give you complete instructions and a comprehensive list of foods to avoid. Basically, you’ll just want to stay away from really hard or sticky foods (e.g., taffy, caramel, nuts) and eat sugary treats and beverages in moderation.
Ready to get started?
If you are ready to straighten your teeth with a caring and trusted professional. Contact Elegant Smile Orthodontics at Thane West.
How do i schedule my next appointment?
You are welcome to contact our orthodontic office at any time to schedule an appointment with the help of our front office team. Please let us know if you are a new patient or a referral so that we can provide you with all the necessary information.
We hope this information has been helpful for you. Please feel free to contact Elegant Smile Orthodontics Dental Clinic & Smile Designing Centre at Thane west to learn more about orthodontics. We look forward to hearing from you!
Visit:- https://www.elegantsmile.in/post/faqs-while-choosing-braces
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buckybarnesdiaries · 3 years
the knife
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© @jamesbrnes
bucky barnes x reader. ⎢ masterlist.
Once a week, Bucky cleans and sharpens his knives, but this time, the easy task takes another path.
word count: 1.936 words. (i know, it's long, but it worth it).
warnings/tags: nsfw, +18!!! knife!kink, sir!kink, praising!kink, foreplay (female receiving, use of a knife), language, mention of bodily fluid.
author notes: none of my stories contain reader’s body descriptions to be inclusive.
Join the tag list here.
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Who in their right mind wouldn’t feel hypnotized by the way Bucky has to dance a knife between his fingers?
Once a week it’s all he does during the day. Clean and sharpen his knives, after spending the whole morning training with them, while you can’t stop looking at him amazed. And horny. You feel like a slut, let’s be clear. You can’t help but imagine how good his hands make you feel whenever he touches you, whenever he grips your throat, whenever he pulls your hair. But, mostly, he’s too stupid to notice it. Even innocent you could say.
So, there you are, sitting on the sofa in front of him pretending to be reading a book, while his fingers grab a cloth with too much care to clean the blade of his favorite one. The one you got him for your first anniversary. A mini-machete with a black leather handle and golden ornaments all around it. When Bucky saw it for the first time, he fell in love.
As soon as he raises his oceanic eyes towards you, yours fall to the pages trying to hide the bunch of emotions within your chest and your lower belly. You can’t help but lick your lips clearing your throat, a gesture that makes him giggle putting down the machete over the table. In complete silence, Bucky stands up to stretch his arms to the ceiling, before leading his steps dangerously closer to you. Pressing your lips to contain a guilty laugh for being caught in action, you look at him through your eyelashes.
“You have something to tell me, doll?”
You shake your head swallowing greedily, about to choke on your own saliva.
“You sure?” He inquires then, keeping his hands inside the pockets of his grey sweatpants.
Fucking grey sweatpants. This time, you nod with your head, whilst he is sitting by your side. Bucky grabs the book between your hands, tossing it above his shoulder to somewhere on the floor, without putting his eyes away from yours. You gulp again, starting to feel some difficulties to breathe staring at him placing his arm made of vibranium over your shoulders. There’s no gesture on his face when he raises his left hand to your jaw, forcing you to keep looking at him.
“C'mon... Tell me what you want”.
His lips brush yours, driving you insane and racing your heart, as his firm tone of voice slides itself between them. A shiver runs down your backbone, drying your throat as the heat floods your guts. But you can’t think of a single word to say. Bucky waits patiently a couple of seconds, nodding at the end as —for him— the game has started. He puckers his lips, about to get up from the sofa pulling his hands away from you. And you stop him. Of course you do. As soon as you can react. You grab his cold wrist to push him back, almost falling on top of you.
Bucky’s laugh fills the whole room, getting comfier between your legs while your fingers get tangled in his long brown hair. Using the tip of his tongue, he licks your lips at the same time he crashes his pelvis against your needed core. You can’t hold a loud and pleased moan, closing your eyes and hearing another laugh coming from his mouth.
“Last chance, doll. Do you have something to tell me?” The soldier grunts onto your lips.
“Just… touch me, please”. You’re almost sobbing so anxiously, when Bucky starts to rock his hips between your legs, creating a very satisfying friction.
“No, doll... We’re gonna try something new”.
Your eyes widen in surprise, curiosity, and confusion, touring the length of his metallic arm until reaching the long fingers grabbing the mini-machete you gave him. You gasp uncontrollably, while his other hand snakes up your thigh to find your panties under the baggy shirt you’re wearing. One of the shirts you usually steal from his wardrobe. Bucky brings the blade to his teeth, holding it there to sit up and help you to strip. In less than a blink, you are completely exposed to his attentive and lustful blue eyes.
You spread your legs for him without the needing of being asked for, showing him in all its glory your warm cunt shining in your arousal. Bucky would give his life for digging his hard and twitching dick in your pussy right now, but he has another plan. One that you are going to enjoy anyway. Leaning over you with the machete now back to his hand, his left forefinger goes straight to your folds; wetting it with your sweet juices in a soft stroke.
“Open your mouth”. He demands with such a raspy tone of voice, bringing the handle of his knife to your lips.
You welcome it in silence, delighted, hornier than ever. Twelve inches of leather that you suck and lick pleasantly for him. You cover it with your saliva, swirling your tongue around it as he marks the rhythm inside your mouth. Meanwhile, his index finger helps you to calm your anxiety, giving enough attention to your swollen clit. You can’t think, you can’t moan, you can’t breathe. You two haven’t started and you feel already that you could cum in less than a sigh. Bucky sees it in your eyes, and he can’t hide a petty smile growing on his face. He loves to tease you.
“Have you been feeling like this all day, uh?”
Pulling away the handle from your mouth, he drags it over your skin, down by your collarbone and the small space between your breasts. Slowly, too damn slowly. You don’t know how he can control himself this good when you’re about to cry. You need him so much. All the time. But days like these… You need him twice as much.
“Yes…” You just mumble weakly as the wet handle reaches your abdomen continuing his path down.
“Tell me what you want”.
“Put it inside me, please…”
“Please, what, uh?”
“Please, sir”.
You can see your boyfriend breathing through his parted lips, catching his air at the moment he watches you whimper when the leather slightly touches your clit. You are so beautiful for him —legs opened, hard nipples and begging.
Placing his flesh arm under your waist to raise a little your ass, Bucky plays with the handle up and down your slit, making a pressure that causes you to grunt annoyed. He giggles inevitably, sliding it slowly into your wetness, and you can’t help but arch your back pleased when the knife starts to stretch your walls so torturously and deliciously. When his cool fingers touch you provoking you a soft chill, and you feel it’s completely inside you, Bucky moves back his hand with the same slow pace.
He’s driving you crazy. He knows it pretty well. He doesn’t enjoy anything more than the fact of having you under his control, under his power. Gripping his warm hand around your throat, he makes himself some space by your side on the sofa. Now, his lips can touch yours, drink your delighted sobs, look at your eyes from closer.
“Do you like it, baby doll?”
“Yes… Yes, sir… I li— like it, sir”. You utter with a broken thread of voice, nodding with your head briefly.
“I know. I can feel it. You think I don’t notice…” He whispers in a hum, sticking his forehead to yours, tightening the grip around your neck. “But the truth is… I do it on purpose. I always make sure you look at me. Anyone else, but at me”.
Oh, there it is. These insecurities he always hides masterfully, but the ones that claim your attention the whole time. Bucky needs you too. You were the first person who didn’t treat him like an assassin, nor like a monster. He lives to make you happy. He can’t think about the idea of losing you one day, just because he doesn’t give you enough. But he is. He is more than enough. And you prove him every single day since you met him.
“Please, sir… I wa— want more… faster”. You plea against his lips, placing your arms around his, softly swinging your hips at the rhythm of the knife he’s using to fuck you.
“You want it faster, uh?” He repeats playfully, placing a gentle kiss on your cheek at the end.
And Bucky pleases you. The move of his wrist makes the pace increase a little. The handle goes somewhat deeper, carefully to not hurt you. He twists it making you moan, stir, bite your tongue. Bucky is well-aware of what you like and how you like it. And he wants to make you cream his mini-machete to remember that day whenever he uses it in a mission, far away from you.
A wet, dirty noise starts to make an appearance when the thrusts into your soaked cunt are more constant, just like your satisfied vocals echo the room. Bucky spreads kisses all over your face, keeping his fingers around your neck to keep you close.
“God… you’re such a good girl taking my knife this good”. Your boyfriend can’t help but purr onto your ear, feeling how he could cum in his sweatpants just by looking at you so damn needy for him. “And I swear… it’s not gonna be the only one… I’m gonna make you fuck all my knives, doll”.
Just imagining it, you feel the tickles concentrating in your lower belly. You feel your juices spilling down your buttocks and staining the sofa. This man is going to be the death for you. But if you have to die… Is there any other better way?
“C'mon… do your magic…” He encourages you, getting closer to your lips.
Bucky doesn’t give you the chance to moan in a reply, tucking his tongue into your mouth to devour it. The pushes to your g-spot become eager, harder, and well-aimed; wanting at all cost to make you cum. And as soon as he feels your legs shivering, he goes faster. You can’t control it. The orgasm is growing inside you easily as a forest is set on fire with a match. Crying out with his tongue invading your cavity and dominating yours, you tangle a hand on his hair arching your back as you find a new position that gives you some more pleasure. But you can’t hold it anymore.
Bucky is stealing your air by gripping your throat tighter, kissing you so impatiently, and you can’t hold it anymore.
The soldier swallows the loud howl that borns in the deepest place of your soul, feeling the explosion inside your stomach as you jump inevitably into the abyss of heat. But he doesn’t stop. He continues rocking the knife inside you, wanting to hear you a little more. Wanting to hear his full name mixed with your delighted whining and your growls. It’s never enough for you, nor for him. And now you want him inside you.
“Please… Please…” You cry pushing his metallic hand away from you, making him toss the soaked knife with your juices to the floor. “Please, sir… Fuck me… I beg you… I need your dick”.
“'Course you need it, my little angel… You need it all the damn time, don’t you?” He doesn’t sound angry, but his voice is rougher than ever.
He’s upset because you have forced him to pull out his mini-machete, but soon Bucky forgets it when he is buried deep inside your cunt. His cunt. Only his.
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feedback is appreciated, please, leave a comment to let me know if you liked it.
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TAG LIST: @mystic-232 @homesicam @theresnoplatypus @i-love-scott-mccall @slutfornat @goldielocks2004 @whatrambles @spidergirla5 @fanofalltheficsx @nocturnalherb16 @valenquei @golden-hoax @hunter-of-baker-street @missusstark @vhscherry @warm-sensations @addictedtofictionalcharacters @sarahsmcu @tinylumpiaa @amelia-song-pond @heartislubbingdubbing @stolenxkissess @clean-and-claire @winchestersgirl222 @virgoroses @marvel-ousnesss @me-a-hopeless-romantic @rvgrsbrns @maccasbeard @haileygarciasunshine @lewd-alien @kait-is-always-late @mckenna @weenersoldierr @mxltifaves @soldierstucky @theboldandthebootyful @arkofblake @isabellamur @kiwisa @spider-man-lover @rosiebrands @stealapizzamyheart @koressecretidentity @asemistablehundredyearoldman @mayans-sauce @petlaufeyson @megapeacelovemusic-blog @phoenixhalliwell
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Golden Thread
Prompt: since Janus is Deceit, what if it takes a physical toll on him when he only tells the truth and doesn't manipulate anyone for a period of time? could you please write a oneshot where Janus is in a position where he really needs to to tell the truth, but he can tell he's getting close to his truth limit? - anon
 Hey! I don't know if you're still taking requests for prompts (and I apologize if you aren't), but could you do Janus-centric fluffy hurt/comfort? And maybe a polyship? (If you want to, of course). - anon
Thanks for the prompts, babes! This was supposed to go up yesterday and I’m so sorry I forgot
Read on Ao3
Warnings: sympathetic remus & janus, other than that, it’s not that bad
Pairings: LAMP, DLAMP, DLAMPR, can be platonic or romantic you decide
Word Count: 5874
There is a thread that winds through Janus’s tongue.
 Thin, golden, finely spun with lies. It tastes sweet against the back of his teeth, the back of his throat. As he talks, it colors his words with a soft gleam, spinning and spinning into the air in front of him. It coils neatly around his throat as its spool and winks.
Most of the time its taste is enough to curl the corners of his mouth upwards into a smirk, watching it wind and weave its way around the others. Sometimes he thinks he can see other threads, clasping delicately around wrists, arms, knees, necks. Sometimes he can’t resist letting his threat tug them this way and that. Come on, what good is temptation if you never give in to it? He’s grown fond of the sweetness it leaves on his tongue, in his words. Saccharine as they may be, the haze they leave behind is more than enough to make up for it.
 Sometimes the sweetness is too much. He swears he can feel cavities forming in the back of his mouth. His teeth start to ache. And sometimes…sometimes he doesn’t care. It’s too much fun to keep tugging this way and that at the others, too entertaining to let the thread unspool and unspool from his throat, filling the air with its golden light. His smile sharpens and the tangle grows, because what’s the fun of it without a little risk of hurt?
 Other times he knows to back off. He adores the others, but no matter how fun they are to play with, he knows not to push too hard. At those times, he lets the sweetness spill off of his tongue, gently winds the thread back around his own throat. It always protests, the lack of sweetness making his tongue ache, the grip on his throat just a little too tight. But the looks on their faces…the begrudging gratitude, the sincere remark, or--god forbid—the poorly disguised hope…well.
 Sometimes he wonders whether or not it’d be worth it to keep the thread fully wound.
 Not that he ever would, it’s just a thought experiment.
 It’s not like he wonders what it would feel like to have Patton be able to listen to him easily, not make it a fight to get his point across. He doesn’t want to have an engaging conversation with Logan about philosophy, ethics, science, anything just to hear the brilliant man talk. He refuses to entertain the idea of being a proper source of comfort for Virgil. He wouldn’t enjoy snarking with Remus just for fun and not because he doesn’t know how to do anything else.
 And he…
 The idea of being able to have an honest conversation with Roman makes him fill to the brim, top to toes, with hatred.
 He doesn’t have much of a choice.
 He can speak a few times with the thread coiled up, just enough when it really counts. He knows the others, he can’t just play with them all the time, he’ll get bored. And they’re not really cut out for it. And as much as he loves to see them squirm out of their comfort zones, it’s not good for Thomas. That’s his real priority.
 Janus pushes open the door to his room and sighs, taking his hat off and hanging it carefully up on its stand. He summons his cane and makes it the rest of the way to the desk, plopping himself into the chair and scrubbing his hand through his hair.
 “They’re so slow,” he mutters as his fingers go to the clasp around his throat, “how do they ever get anything done?”
 Well…they don’t. Not really.
 Don’t get him wrong, he loves being the one to tug and twist them into the right answer, but he doesn’t want to be there all the time. They do know what they’re doing, they’re all good at their jobs, so…trying to manage all of that is exhausting.
 The clasp at his throat falls away and he lifts his hand, craning his neck above his collar. There.
 He knows the thread isn’t real; nothing here is real. Nothing of him can ever be real. But he can still feel it sometimes. Like today.
 They’d been…talking. It wasn’t an overdue conversation, not in the slightest, and he’s had to be honest with them. Doesn’t mean he has to be honest with himself.
 And isn’t that just his saving grace?
 Janus winces as he feels the thread wind tighter and tighter around his tongue, pulling his gloves off to touch his throat, just to confirm that it’s not real. His fingers meet his scales and he sighs, missing the sweetness. It won’t be for long. This will blow over and tomorrow they’ll be back to everyone’s favorite regularly scheduled programming. He’ll make Patton blink in that adorably-confused way, Logan will be pinching the bridge of his nose trying to make everyone shut up and pay attention to Janus’s lies, Virgil will be hissing at him like a demented cat, Remus will be having the time of his life, and Roman won’t want anything to do with him.
 Janus breathes a sigh of relief as sweetness starts to coat his tongue again.
See? It’s already working.
 It doesn’t keep working, but you know.
 The effort was there.
 They’re talking again.
 The living room feels dry. Has it always been this dry? Disguising it as a roll of his eyes, Janus tilts his head toward the ceiling. Huh. He’s never noticed that light there before. Has it always been there? Probably.
 “Janus,” Patton calls, “can you—um—“
 Rolling his eyes again, he looks back down, crossing one leg over the other. He hides the lack of sweetness by pursing his lips.
 “Did you hear what I asked?”
 “Of course I did,” he drawls, idly flicking the tips of his gloves together.
 “…so what do you think?”
 “He didn’t hear you,” Logan says quietly, and thank god the other brain cell has joined the chat.
 Patton frowns. “Then why—never mind.”
  Oh, Patton.
 “I asked if you knew how to help,” Patton says, his hands clutched in his lap, “with the barrier breaking down. It’s been kind of rough from our side so…”
 There hadn’t been a barrier up until a few years ago. Something had formed in the Mindscape, an invisible wall. It wasn’t real, of course, but it made walking through the hallways unnecessarily difficult. One of them would try to walk from one side to the other and be suddenly seized with a compulsion to do anything but. Or they’d be accompanying another Side back to the room only to freeze in the middle of the corridor and have to mutter out apologies. It’s exhausting. Luckily they’d still been able to sink in and out to get from place to place, but it’s not like the barrier actually does anything.
 Janus sighs and uncrosses his legs. The thread leaps to the tip of his tongue, eager, poised.
 “I don’t know,” he says instead, feeling the sweetness recede in disappointment, “I don’t know enough about how it formed in the first place.”
 “It happened around the time of the series premiering,” Logan says thoughtfully, “perhaps it could be linked with the presentation of the Mindscape in the fanbase?”
 Virgil snorts. “Like any of that is accurate.”
 “You don’t know that, Virgil.”
 “Um, excuse me, which of us spends the most time on Tumblr?”
 “What does that have to do with anything?”
 “Where do you think most of the fanbase hangs out? ‘Cause it sure as hell ain’t Facebook.”
 “That’s a shame,” Patton sighs, “I miss it.”
 “You miss Facebook?”
 “You know it does still exist, right?”
 “Did Thomas ever even have Facebook?”
 “The color palettes were nice!”
 “You mean they were blue.”
 “Yeah, that’s what I said.”
 “…the point being I know a lot about what the fans do with the content we give them and most of that stuff is entirely made-up.”
 Logan raises an eyebrow. “As opposed to the made-up that the series is.”
 “Shut up, L.”
 “I’d rather not, actually.”
 Virgil swats Logan’s shoulder half-heartedly.
 Janus is smiling. Why is he smiling? He hasn’t lied enough for the sweetness to make him smile and it’s not like Remus has appeared with feet coming out of his head again. In fact, Remus is just…sitting next to Roman. Granted, he’s got his morning star in his lap dripping with god knows what, but there are no crazy shenanigans happening.
 He watches Logan reach out and tangle his fingers with Virgil’s as Patton starts talking again. He watches Virgil nudge Remus’s tape back over to him when he drops it halfway through rewrapping the grip on his morning star. He watches Roman cover a flinch that he’d never have noticed if he wasn’t paying attention and sees Remus take hold of Roman’s costume and grip it tight in his fist.
 The thread twitches angrily on his tongue as he tries to make sense of what’s happening.
 “Has anything happened,” Roman asks as Patton pauses, “on your side?”
 Virgil shrugs. “I haven’t noticed anything. But I normally sink straight to my room, so…”
 “You do realize that most of the thoughts that come into my head are the type that you guys would ignore anyway, right?”
 Roman rolls his eyes too, but it’s fond. Affectionate. Janus is not.
 “…Janus? What about you?”
 The thread begins to sew neat little words into his tongue, all prepared for him to say. Yes, he’s noticed something, he’s noticed that the others are so much less fun than they used to be. No, he hasn’t noticed anything, it’s not like he’s the observant one.
 Yes, he’s noticed that the barrier is fading and he hates it.
 No, he hasn’t noticed anything because he spends as little time with the others as possible.
 “I don’t know.”
 Patton nods. “That’s okay, just…maybe try keeping an eye out? See if anything changes?”
 “I will.”
 The thread takes longer to undo that night.
 Janus slumps onto his elbows and groans.
 When did he become addicted to the sweetness? When did it get so hard for him to realize when he’s the one telling the lies and when the thread is telling the lies? When did he stop caring about the words coming out of his mouth?
 The truth is, of course, that he didn’t.
 He started caring more about the others.
 The thread tightens in warning but Janus pushes it aside. He frowns, staring hard at the grooves in the desk. He started to care about them, not just as parts of Thomas’s personality that would help him do things, but as their own Sides. As them.
 He cares about how Logan’s eyes light up just a little when he starts talking about something. He cares about how warm Patton speaks when they’re all there. He cares about how bouncy Remus gets when they talk to him. He cares about when Virgil’s eyeshadow turns all purple and sparkly. He cares about how hard it’s become to genuinely make Roman smile.
 The thread groans.
 Janus curses.
 He can’t.
 “The others aren’t important,” he hisses at the mirror, “Thomas is the only important one.”
 The thread pauses.
 “I don’t care what they want,” he continues, feeling it slowly start to unwind, “it only matters that Thomas is safe. That Thomas knows what’s going on.”
 It starts to run back out along his tongue.
 “Their thoughts and feelings aren’t important.” His hands ball into fists. “I don’t care about them.”
 His tongue starts to taste sweet again.
 “I don’t care about them,” he repeats in a whisper, “they aren’t important to me.”
 The salt of the tears goes perfectly with the sweetness on his tongue.
Something is wrong.
 Something is horribly, desperately wrong and the others are panicking.
 The barrier is gone. That’s not the bad thing. The bad thing is that along with it, everything in the Mindscape is rushing out of control.
 The walls won’t hold. The doors lock and unlock more often than they stay in place. Floors disappear out of nowhere and open up into yawning black pits. The doors to the Imagination buckle and groan under the onslaught of rushing beasts from the other side. Something is fading.
 They can’t sink out anymore. They need to know where everything is in order to do that. The place is a labyrinth. Only one entrance, one exit. There’s no way that they’ll know the right path unless they run it themselves.
 Janus knows something is broken the instant his eyes open. He can feel it. Cracks wind their way through the walls, through the floor, the ceiling shakes. He’s out of his room in an instant, running through the halls, somewhere, anywhere, are they alright? Where are they? Have they faded?
 “Janus?” Virgil flies into him at breakneck speed, clutching his cape in both hands. “Are you—what’s happening? Where is everyone? Did something go wrong? What’s happening to Thomas?”
 The thread perks its end up eagerly but Janus swallows it down.
 “I don’t know what’s happening,” he says quickly, pulling Virgil closer, “and you’re the first one I’ve seen.”
 “I can’t find anyone,” Virgil pants, “I can’t—there’s no one—we’re going to fade.”
 “We won’t, I promise. We just have to find the others.”
 “Hello?” Another voice calls out from around the corner. “Hello, where the fuck is everyone? Who decided to break shit without me?”
 “That’s me, where the fuck—“ Remus barrels around the corner, almost knocking them over— “Virgil! Snake Face!”
 “Remus—“ Virgil wraps Remus in his arms, clutching him tightly. “Where were you? What’s going on?”
 “I was draining the viscera from a partially dissected sperm whale—“ of course he was— “but then everything started shaking.”
 “We can’t find the others.”
 “Then what the fuck are we waiting for?”
 They don’t even look back; Remus grabs Janus’s sleeve and Virgil still hasn’t let go of his cape, dragging him behind as they race through the halls. They can see where the barrier used to be, though with how much the place has shifted, it’s impossible to tell. Janus grits his teeth as they prepare themselves to smash through.
 Nothing happens.
 They just keep barreling down the corridor.
 “Patton! Logan! Roman!”
 “Where the fuck are you guys?”
 “Can you hear us?”
 “Re? Re, is that you?”
Remus reroutes them effortlessly, barreling through chunks of disappearing floor and leaping over cracks forming in the tiles. Virgil hangs onto Janus as they go. Janus can’t let go of either of them.
 “In here!”
 A blade flashes through a crumbling chunk of wall and a hand reaches out. Remus grabs it and vaults through the opening.
“Oh my goodness, Virgil!”
 Another hand helps to haul him through the crack. The hand he has in his cape pulls uncomfortably at Janus’s neck.
 “Where’s Janus? Did you guys see him?”
 “Yeah, he’s right here, Ja—“
 “Snake Face, get your butt in here.”
 “Don’t just stand there, help you idiots!”
 A sickening crack right above him makes him jerk his head up. His eyes widen as a massive chunk of ceiling starts to fall. Hands wrap around his arms, his clothes, even his waist and pull.
 “Janus?” He blinks through the dust to see Logan staring at him, concern written plainly all over his face. “Are you alright?”
 No, the thread sews, I am now trapped with the five people I abhor most in this world. I am the furthest from alright I could possibly be.
 “Are you all alright,” he asks instead, lifting his hand to fix Logan’s collar, “I’m not hurt.”
 “We’re fine,” Roman says, helping him to his feet, “we managed to get in here before the place really started coming down.”
 “What’s going on?”
 Patton’s shoulders slump at Virgil’s question. “We were hoping you would know.”
 Janus bites back a curse, turning to look at the opening. It’s blocked now, completely choked in dust. He glances around.
 “Where are we?”
 “Safe room,” Roman says, tapping the wall, “something Remy helped us come up with.”
 “He’s a bitch but he knows what he’s doing.”
 “Fair enough.” Janus grits his teeth. “So what do we know?”
 “Who was awake when it happened,” Logan asks, “Roman and I were not.”
 “I was also not awake,” Virgil mutters, “and I would really appreciate this not being how I wake up ever again.”
 “I agree.” Janus glances at Patton and Remus. “I was asleep too. Remus, you said you were awake?”
 “I was in the middle of an experiment!”
 Logan perks up. “An experiment?”
 “As much as I love watching you two be nerds together,” Roman breaks in, “can we do that later?”
 “Of course.”
 “Spoilsport,” Remus says fondly, “but it wasn’t me. I’ve done this experiment before, nothing I do could do…this.”
 All eyes turn to Patton.
 Patton shakes his head. “I…I don’t know. I had just gotten up to get a glass of water when it shattered in my hand.”
 “It did what?”
 “Are you hurt?”
 “Let me see.”
 “No, no, guys I’m fine,” Patton says quickly, holding up his hands, “but then the whole house started to shake. I don’t—I don’t know what’s going on.”
 Janus’s heart sinks. He’s telling the truth.
 They’re stuck.
 “Oh, god,” Virgil mutters, his hands flying to his head, “oh god, oh my god, no one knows what’s going on.”
 “V,” Logan murmurs, crouching down and reaching to take his hands, “Virgil, look at me.”
 “We’re going to mess everything up—it’s going to be so bad—what’s happing to Thomas?”
 “Virgil, look at me, come now, it’s going to be alright—“
 “How can you promise that?” Virgil’s voice starts to rise. “Have you seen what’s happening?”
 “Easy, shadow-ling,” Roman murmurs too, his hand carding through Virgil’s hair, “just listen to Logan.”
 “You’re doing well,” Logan encourages, rubbing Virgil’s arms, “just stay here, with me, alright?”
 Janus watches Patton and Remus stand a little closer to the three of them, shielding them from the debris still raining down from outside. Something in his gut clenches.
 Then he notices the tremors are slowing as the other calm Virgil down.
 And it clenches more.
 “It’s us,” he mutters quietly, almost too quietly for the others to hear, “it’s us. We have to stick together.”
 The thread on his tongue twitches angrily. There’s almost no sweetness left in his mouth now.
 Patton looks over his shoulder. “What do you mean?”
 “Look—“ Janus points at a crack in the wall— “they’re moving slower now. The closer we are together the less this place falls apart.”
 Virgil’s next inhale is almost a sob.
 “I really do just ruin everything, don’t I?”
 “No,” Roman says firmly, wrapping his arms tightly around the shaking Side, “we’ve had this conversation, shadow-ling. You’re important to us. You’re not a burden. And this certainly isn’t your fault.”
 “We need you,” Patton echoes, reaching down to rest his hand on Virgil’s shoulder, “don’t go anywhere.”
 “Don’t make us chase you.” Remus bonks his head into Virgil’s. “Not fun.”
 Virgil still looks doubtful. Which, alright, isn’t his fault. Voices in the head, not to mention the general anxiety, it’s no surprise, not really. Janus clears his throat.
 “Virgil,” he says softly, crouching down as well, “Virgil, listen to me.”
 Purple eyes stare at him.
 “You haven’t lost us,” he promises, “you won’t lose us. You’re important, not just for Thomas, but for us too. We care about you. All of you.”
 “Fuck, J,” Virgil huffs, swiping at his face, “why’d you have to make me cry?”
 The tremors keep settling.
 Patton throws his arms around Virgil. “See? We care about you, kiddo. We love you.”
 Something else twitches in Janus’s throat as he hears Patton say that. Virgil must notice it too; he looks up and squints at Patton.
 “Have we ever told you that we care about you?”
 Patton falters, his grip wavering. His smile wobbles. “W-well, no, not really, but that’s okay! I know you do.”
 Logan tilts his head. “But you enjoy hearing it said.”
 The smile slips even further. “…you don’t like saying it.”
 “That’s no excuse!” Roman reaches over Virgil to get to Patton. “If you want us to say it, we can say it!”
 Janus shifts his attention. “Patton?”
 “No one takes care of us like you do,” he says softly, “and none of us care as openly as you do.”
 Patton’s eyes widen. “Janus—“
 “You try,” he continues, not to be interrupted, not now, “and that is perhaps the most admirable thing we could ask for.”
 “He made Pat cry too,” Virgil mutters, pulling the now-sobbing side in for a hug.
 “Happy tears,” Patton manages, “I—wow.”
 A crack in the wall disappears.
 “Is that what this is?” Logan looks around. “An…emotional problem?”
 “We’re fading, the whole Mindscape is,” Janus says around the thread, “if we—if we stay, then we can fix this.”
 That tone of voice always leads somewhere good. Sure enough, as he looks around, he sees Logan adjust his glasses and take a step back.
 “And where are you going?”
 “I’m not sure I can help,” Logan says flatly. “You have the answer already.”
 “But we’re not done.”
 “And what do you expect I can lend to this problem?” He spreads his arms wide. “I’m no expert on emotions, nor am I useful in proving things that are already true.”
 “Wait, what the fuck are you talking about, L?” Virgil scrambles up. “What are we proving here?”
 “That you are important.” Logan frowns as Patton and Roman scramble up too. “What?”
 “You’re implying that you’re not important,” Remus growls, “and I’m pissed about it.”
 “No buts!” Roman points a stern finger at him. “Believing yourself to be unimportant is a falsehood!”
 “I never said I was unimportant,” Logan corrects, “I said I would not be helpful in this situation.”
 “Bullshit. You helped me calm down.”
 “So did Patton and Roman.”
 “You figured out that I like being told that you guys care about me!”
 “That was obvious.”
 “Logan,” Janus calls softly to get his attention, “Logan, if you believe that anyone knows us better than you, you are gravely mistaken.”
 Logan’s mouth drops open.
 “You claim not to know emotions,” he continues, stepping closer, “but you know us, perhaps better than we know ourselves at times. You are kind, you are wonderful, and if you ever stop teaching us things, I am sure we would never recover.”
 He slips Logan’s glasses back into position.
 “You are not just Logic,” he murmurs, “you’re Logan. Stay. Be Logan.”
 Logan swallows heavily.
 “I must ask,” he says hoarsely as a tear rolls down his cheek, “if you intend to make everyone cry today.”
 Janus chuckles. “No, I don’t, but it seems that it may be a side effect. I promise I’m not trying.”
 “You won’t make me cry,” Remus remarks casually, “not without trying. I don’t care.”
 Oh, Remus. Janus doesn’t bother to hide his smile at the indignant squawk from Virgil as Remus implies that he doesn’t care about the others.
 “I don’t need to try to make you cry,” he says, “I’ve never wanted that. I just want you to be listened to.”
 “…fuck you, Snakey.”
 Patton lunges forward as Remus sniffles.
 “Do we just like…not talk to each other, then?” Virgil wipes his nose. “Because I sure as hell don’t remember us getting this emotional about anything.”
 Then Janus realizes that his mouth tastes bitter.
 The thread has not been idle, he realizes in horror, not while he’s been spilling his guts to the others in an effort to hold them all together. It’s dragged itself over his tongue, scraping every last bit down his throat, winding tighter and tighter. His mouth tastes bitter. It’s not supposed to be bitter. It burns, scraping along the sides of his mouth until they smart. He swallows frantically. It’s not working. Nothing is working. It hurts. His tongue hurts. His throat hurts.
 The floor wobbles.
 He can’t catch his breath.
 His eyes land on Roman.
 No, no, no, he can’t stop now.
 Not here.
 Not with Roman.
 Roman just watches the others wrap their arms tightly around his brother still wiping snot from his nose. A soft smile curls at his mouth that never reaches his eyes. Behind him, massive cracks open up in the walls.
 He can’t let Roman fall.
 Not after everything.
 Roman notices he’s staring at him. He just raises an eyebrow.
 “Going to make me cry again,” he asks softly, “or are you all finished for the day?”
 The thread stabs words into his tongue until he can taste blood.
  Well, it’s not like it’s difficult to make you cry.
  If I had something that would work, I’d say it.
  Only if you were a Side worth worrying about.
 No, no, he won’t say that. He won’t.
 The thread tightens around his throat as a harsher warning. The bitterness on his tongue worsens.
 “It’s alright, Janus—“ no, it isn’t— “I know you don’t like me much anyway. Don’t force yourself.”
  At least you’re being considerate for once in your life.
  Took you this long to figure it out, hmm? No wonder you’re called the stupidest Side.
 Janus grits his teeth against the thread. It just keeps tightening. His mouth has never tasted sweet in his entire life.
 He needs to tell Roman how important he is. He needs to tell Roman that they all have to start paying attention to him. He needs Roman to know that he’s sorry, sorry he ever implied otherwise.
 All that comes out of his mouth instead is: “you need attention.”
 Roman blinks. “Well, yes, I’d say that’s true.”
 He has to tell Roman that Thomas needs him, needs him to be strong and healthy, to dream.
 What comes out instead is: “you spend so much time stuck in your head.”
 Roman frowns. “If that’s the best you can do, there’s no need to overexert yourself. I can make myself cry much easier than that.”
 Why won’t his tongue cooperate?
 The thread just tightens around him again. A warning. A threat. A promise.
 He can’t tell the truth.
 He can’t.
 He can’t.
 It doesn’t matter. Roman won’t know how important he is. He’ll think that Janus hates him and that’s fine.
 Janus struggles to breathe.
 “There are two Creativities,” he grits out, even if the ‘but only one Roman’ won’t follow.
 “Patton is the heart,” comes out next, separate from ‘but he needs you to love.’
 “We don’t need you,” hurts on the way out because it leaves behind ‘but we want you, we want you so badly.’
 The Mindscape is crumbling. Janus can’t speak. The others are going to fade. He can’t help Roman. He’s ruined everything.
 He’s forgotten what sweetness tastes like.
 Roman is frowning at him. He stands, striding across the broken floor, eyes flint chips. Janus closes his eyes and braces for the hit.
 Roman’s fingers hook into his collar and yank.
 “What the fuck is that?”
 “Why is it cutting into him?”
 “How long has that been there, this whole time?”
 “Janus—Janus can you breathe?”
 Janus opens his eyes in confusion. Roman’s still holding onto him but his eyes are fixed not on his face, but lower. Something shiny casts light onto Roman’s face.
 “Janus,” Roman asks softly, “what is this?”
 “What is what?”
 “This,” Roman says darkly, fingertips tracing across something, “around your neck.”
 No, it’s not real.
 It can’t be real.
 …can it?
 “It’s not a thread,” Janus spits out, his tongue smarting in the air, “and it doesn’t keep me from telling the truth.”
 Roman’s eyes widen in horror. He reaches forward and Janus keens as the pressure tightens.
 “Don’t stop,” he grits out, “it doesn’t hurt.”
 “The sky is green.”
 “The sky is green,” Roman repeats, still glaring hard at Janus’s neck, “the Fourth of July is in October.”
 The thread loosens.
 “Remus, get over here,” Roman barks. A second later, two more fingers slip under the thread. “Now lie.”
 “Um, ventricles are found in the liver.”
 “Blue is made of red and orange.”
 “The alphabet starts with the letter ‘m.’”
 Logan catches on next. “The sun goes around the earth,” he says, nudging Virgil.
 “Uh—“ he glances around— “Patton isn’t wearing glasses.”
 “Paris is in Canada.”
 “Books are printed on alligator skin.”
 “Water isn’t clear.”
 “Mark Zuckerberg isn’t the inventor of Facebook.”
 “Earmuffs go on your hands.”
 “Hamburgers are vegan.”
 Lies spin out of their mouths. Remus grits his teeth as he pulls at the thread. Patton looks around frantically. Janus still can’t breathe.
 The room is settling, slowly but surely, but there are still cracks snaking their way through the walls, the ceiling, the floor. Right under Janus.
 Roman looks directly at him.
 “I hate you.”
 The thread gives.
 The brothers yank, unspooling the thread from around Janus’s throat, throwing it at the walls. It freezes in mid-air, still glowing gold.
 The cracks weren’t cracks, they were threads.
 The golden thread melts seamlessly into the wall, knitting the place back together, stitch by stitch. The walls settle, glowing softly as the floor reconstitutes under them. The Mindscape breathes.
 Janus hasn’t noticed any of this. He’s too busy collapsing into Roman’s arms, sobbing his heart out.
 “Shh, shh, sweetheart,” Roman coos, “I’ve got you, you’re alright, you did it, come here…”
 “He’s gonna be cold,” he hears someone—probably Virgil?—say over his shoulder, “grab a blanket. Can we sink?”
 “Let me try.” A second later there’s another sigh of relief. “Yeah. We can. Let’s get him to the living room, I’ll get a fire going.”
 “In the fireplace, this time, Remus!”
 “Yeah, yeah!”
 “Come on, little snake,” Roman coaxes, lifting him up to a broad chest, “let’s get you warm.”
 He’s still sobbing breathlessly, draped uselessly over Roman. He feels another set of arms as they sink into the couch.
 “I’ve got him,” Patton says quietly, “hey, kiddo, can you hear me?”
 The next sob is slightly higher.
 “Shh, shh, it’s okay, kiddo, you don’t have to speak right now.” Patton rubs soothing circles into his back. “Just stay right here with me, right here, the others are just getting the nest set up.”
 “Give him to me, I’ll help him down while you slide in.”
 “Make sure to get his head, he’s having trouble right now.”
 “I understand.”
 A warm hand cups the back of his neck, leaning his nose into the crook of a warm shoulder. Books, coffee, whiteboard pen…Logan.
 “You’re freezing,” Logan murmurs, concerned, “let’s get you warmed up…no hyperthermia today, hmm?”
 Janus almost groans in relief as his scales hit something thick and soft and warm. He’s still crying, isn’t he? Why?
 “Hey, Snakey,” Remus mumbles, his hand under Janus’s head, “you gotta roll over, you’re gonna crush yourself that way. Come on—for crying out loud, you bastards, how long does it take to undo a clasp?”
 “Got it.”
 He suppresses a whine as his cape flies away, only for it quickly be replaced by a warm, warm blanket. He blinks his eyes open, straining to see through the tears. He can only see blobs. What is happening?
 “Rest,” comes another voice, is that Roman? Isn’t Roman angry at him? He can’t stop the confused whine.
 “Shh, shh, easy, little snake,” Roman soothes, running his hand through his hair, “breathe, that horrible thing was choking you.”
 The horrible thread…is it…gone?
 “Relax, come on, shh…easy,” he says earnestly when Janus whines again, “don’t work yourself up.”
 “He’s gonna hurt himself if he keeps clawing at his throat like that.”
 He’s doing what now?
 Warm hands take each of his and…oh. Well, maybe he was.
 “That’s it,” Patton whispers, “easy…”
 “What…what’s going on?”
 “You did it,” Logan says softly, stroking his thumb along the back of Janus’s hand, “you figured it out.”
 “But—“ he swallows, still not used to the freedom in his throat— “I couldn’t do it.”
 “You weren’t supposed to do it on your own, Jan-Jan. We all had to do it, remember?”
 “That’s what you said, J.”
 “So we did,” Patton finishes, smiling at him, “and it worked.”
 “But—but I—“ Janus’s eyes flash up to catch Roman’s.
 Roman, who sat there and didn’t protest when Janus couldn’t say one nice thing about him.
 Roman, whom Janus has hurt so many times.
 Roman, who pried the thread away from Janus’s throat without blinking.
 Roman, who caught him, and is still here.
 “Maybe the next time we talk,” Roman says softly, “we can do it without that thread around your throat, hmm?”
 “I’m sorry.”
 “Shh, little snake,” he murmurs, gently stroking a tear away from Janus’s cheek, “I know. But not right now, okay? You’re still crying.”
 He is?
 “Close your eyes,” he encourages, his hand still cupping Janus’s face, “rest, we all need it.”
 “Did we—“ his tongue is heavy— “did we ever figure out what happened?”
 “I believe Thomas had something of an identity crisis,” Logan remarks, “but we can figure that out later. For now…we should all try and go back to sleep.”
 “Great. Pop Star, budge.”
 “Hey! Kiddo!”
 “Ah. Much better.”
 “Pocket Protector, stop pretending you don’t wanna cuddle and get down here.”
 “In a moment, Remus, I need to take my glasses off.”
 “Ro-Bro! Get over here.”
 “Re, pulling me over Janus is not going to work.”
 “L, are you coming?”
 “Must you all be so impatient?”
 “Yes, my dear darling nerd, now come here.”
 Logan rolls his eyes and lies down, still holding Janus’s hand. On his other side, Roman leans Janus’s head into his chest and hums softly.
 “There. Now we’re all together again.”
 “Shut the fuck up, Princey, I’m trying to sleep.”
 “Shut up yourself, then.”
 “Sorry, Pat.”
 Logan chuckles. Remus shifts on the edge of the blanket nest. Roman tilts Janus’s chin up.
 “Are you alright,” he whispers as the others drift off to sleep, “not hurt?”
 Janus shakes his head. “I…was it really a lie?”
 “Was what really a lie, little snake?”
 “…you said ‘I hate you.’”
 “Oh, that.” Roman chucks him lightly under the chin. “What does your mouth taste like?”
 It’s sweet.
 Roman smiles. “Go to sleep, little snake.”
 The Sides fall asleep in the Mindscape, threads wearing them tightly together.
Taglist: @frxgprince @potereregina @reddstardust @gattonero17 @iamhereforthegayshit @thefingergunsgirl @awkwardandanxiousfander @creative-lampd-liberties @djpurple3 @winterswrandomness  @sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes  @iminyourfandom  @bullet-tothefeels  @full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @demoniccheese83  @pattonsandershugs @princeanxious  @firefinch-ember  @fandomssaremysoul  @im-an-anxious-wreck  @crazy-multifandomfangirl  @punk-academian-witch  @enby-ralsei  @unicornssunflowersandstuff  @wildhorsewolf @stubbornness-and-spite  @princedarkandstormv  @your-local-fookin-deadmeme  @angels-and-dreams  @averykedavra  @a-ghostlight-for-roman  @cricketanne  @aularei @compactdiscdraws @cecil-but-gayer  @i-am-overly-complicated   @alias290  @tranquil-space-ninja  @arxticandy  @whyiask @emilythezeldafan @frida0043 @snowyfires @oonagh2 @xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx
I’ve been trying to debug the taglist recently, so I’ve taken off some URLs that don’t seem to be working anymore. If that happens to be yours and you want back on, let me know!
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dinosaurtsukki · 3 years
dating the armed detective agency’s medic
a/n: of course i have to write one for the ADA even though i’m a biased port mafia bitch. there’s a bit more characters here so i’ll try to keep each one short but still very fluffy and sweet <3
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this man is always getting himself injured and even though agency has yosano, fukuzawa thought it would be a good idea to hire another medic who could deal with less life-threatening injuries
ofc dazai flirts with you the first chance he gets and every time he comes into your clinic
dazai: good morning my dear belladonna! the weather is beautiful today, but not as beautiful as you of course
although as much as he likes to slightly mess with you, dazai genuinely enjoys coming to the clinic and being treated by someone like you
he likes observing your hands and how careful they are when they bandage his arm or that cute little scrunch of your brows when you’re bandaging his forehead
while on a mission, atsushi and kunikida go the extra length to protect dazai because they know you’re worried about him 
and then one day dazai comes into your clinic again and instantly you think that something has happened
until he surprises you by bringing out a bouquet of flowers
‘if i get injured less on missions, would you let me take you out on a date?’
jokes on you though after you guys date dazai finds every excuse to visit you in the clinic
he’ll get papercuts on purpose just so he can get you to put a bandage on them 
kunikida is annoyed because dazai they’re just papercuts jfc also please go back to work
seeing that you’re always concerned about his health and well-being, dazai finds himself making much less attempts cause he knows the stress it puts on you when you have to bandage him up after and make sure he’s alright
thanks to you our man is able to take care of himself a bit more
even though he is your boyfriend he’s still going to mess with you in any way he can
he’ll barge into your office claiming that his chest hurts because you didn’t give him a kiss that morning
also will highkey hug you from behind even if you’re treating another patient
the first time he meets you is for a physical exam check-up because it was required at the agency and he feels embarrassed at first seeing that the agency’s medic was gorgeous
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atsushi was fresh out of the orphanage so of course he was quite malnourished and still had some injuries from his abuse
you had no idea who’d dare hurt such a sweet boy so you do your best to treat him and instructed atsushi to come in for some follow-up check-ups
although when he comes in for that check-up he talks about how he’s been healthy because he eats a lot of chazuke and you’re like ‘oh no, no, no, please eat other things too’
you end up packing him a bento box because he’s your patient so ofc you have to keep him healthy 
the two of you run into each other a lot in the morning because atsushi tends to come in way earlier than he’s supposed to so you often find him sitting in front of the locked door
thus begins your early morning chats. atsushi’s always polite and never interrupts when you talk and you love how he shows so much interest in whatever you say
atsushi began to realize that he has feelings for you but boy is he bad at concealing them also ranpo kind of busted him in front of everyone in the agency including you
but atsushi was saved by you hinting that you wouldn’t mind going on a date with him at all and he’s ecstatic until he realizes he hasn’t been on a date before
he takes you out to a nice restaurant and insists on paying for everything
nothing much changes with your routine but atsushi likes to bring you breakfast in the morning and the two of you have little dates before going into the office
he knows how worried you get when he goes out on especially dangerous missions but he does everything he can to protect the city and the new home he found with the agency and you
this guy was one of the people, other than yosano and fukuzawa, who interviewed you for the job and you can’t forget how intense he was when it came to asking questions
of course, you answered all of them well but kunikida was very serious that you knew how dangerous it could be to be involved with the agency
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there was a self-defense portion in the interview that you knew about and of course kunikida was the one who added that
to his pleasant surprise, you managed to dodge all his incoming attacks (kunikida lowkey found it hot, like that’s requirement number ten on his list checked right there)
kunikida does get injured a fair amount during missions and he doesn’t want to get dissected by yosano all the time so he goes to your clinic that’s right near the office
he likes how efficiently you work and how gentle your hands are that even when you’re stitching up his wound he almost can’t feel a thing
however, kunikida does have a bad habit of not resting for the appropriate number of days. like, even with a bullet wound he’ll still hobble over to his desk to finish his paperwork
once, he came down with a terrible case of the flu so of course you sent him home only for kunikida to sneak back into the office when he thought no one was looking
you ended up taking kunikida home but poor guy could barely do anything by himself so you took care of him too
kunikida is definitely the delirious babbling when he’s sick so he ends up talking about his list of traits for an ideal woman and how you filled out a good portion of it
when he wakes up (much more sane) he sees you reading that list on his notebook and he’s like WAIT WHAT ARE YOU DOING
he handed you the notebook personally before passing out and kunikida can’t live it down
you: well, even if i don’t match all these requirements, would you still be interested in going out?
kunikida: yes... please
everyone can tell that kunikida’s about to go on a date because of how nervous he is the entire day
he knows how tight your schedule can be and how busy he is with with work but he always makes time to have his lunchbreak with you
loves to hear about your day and even has some space in his notebook dedicated to any interesting stories you have
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the first time you met him was when he also had his physical check-up which ranpo insisted he didn’t need but fukuzawa made him so he had no choice but to follow
the entire time ranpo’s just like ‘nothing’s wrong with me, see?’ and then you do a simple dental check-up and find that he has like two cavities he didn’t want to tell anyone about it because he’s scared of the dentist *cue ranpo trying to run away and you grabbing him by the poncho*
of course fukuzawa makes him go to the dentist too but ranpo insists that you have to be the one to take him and schedule the appointment and come along
truth be told, you’ve always been pretty attracted to ranpo because you know of his skill as a detective so you were excited to have this day with him
only for you to have to physically restrain ranpo to the dentist’s chair (you even had to call kenji to help) while his teeth was getting checked
ranpo was squeezing your hand the entire time and he was fairly grumpy after the whole ordeal that he wouldn’t even talk to you until he asked if you could get ice cream
you: the dentist just told you to eat less sweets
ranpo: but i neeeeed them
you: fine, how about frozen yogurt?
after the dentist trip, you know how much of a hard time ranpo has with eating less sweets so you decide to leave fruit on his desk as a healthier alternative but he won’t TOUCH IT
after some bribery on fukuzawa’s part (’i’ll acknowledge you if you eat fruit more and also tell atsushi to give you a piggyback ride every day’) he finally concedes
he actually finds himself liking fruit so in the afternoon he’ll swing by the office just in time for you to be slicing fruit
ranpo gets over the fact that you sent him to the dentist and enjoys his time in the clinic eating fruit with you and sleeping on the cots inside
your clinic is where he hides when he doesn’t want to do work and when he pouts and asks you to say that he’s sick you can’t help but go along with it
he’s also super physically affectionate around you. will literally have his body draped over yours sometimes while you work
people start talking about how you two look good there and one time someone asked if the two of you are dating and ranpo’s like ‘of course we are!’
and you’re surprised self is about to protest when ranpo smirks at you and says ‘why? am i wrong?’
lmao ofc he’s not you’ve been struggling to keep yourself from being a flustered mess around him
he’s still clingy around you but this time he comes into the clinic every few minutes to ask for a kiss
▸ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ◂
taglist (check out my post for details on being part of my taglist): @waitforitillwritemywayout @atsumu-brainrot​ @laure-chan @goodfoodxoxoxo ​ @guardianangelswings @ah-kaashi @amberalisa​
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ilcaeryx · 4 years
Cultist [Sukuna/Reader] - NSFW
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Summary: You have one god on this earth.
Tags: Sukuna/Reader, NSFW, Smut, Humor, Size kink, Cock Warming, Body Worship,
Words: Cirka 2k
Author’s Note: What’s up, sluts? I’m back. This is NSFW, so beware.
Sukuna did regularly mention that domination and conquest were his pastime hobbies and you would tentatively add that he adhered to them with slave-like zealotry. Whenever he insulted Itadori Yuji by calling him simple-minded, your heart ached with the desire to tell him that he was not any greater regarding his obsessions with strength. However, your self-preservation kept you alive, since a bitch that talks back to Sukuna is a bitch that gets their head separated from their body, after all.
Having sex with Sukuna is somehow leagues safer than speaking to him, you thought, gaze surveying how the apex of his back muscles cast shades upon the trenches of his spine. Inhalation, the shadows grew and deepened. Exhalation, the light re-conquered its territory. You suspected he never slept, even though he physically seemed in deep slumber. His arms were splayed on his pillow, face turned away from you.
You had self-preservation to save your ass 99 percent of the time – this time was probably that one percent where he would snap.
“Sukuna,” you called out, very lightly stroking his biceps with your nails. No answer, but his arm muscles flexed subtly as he moved his arm.  “I want my side of the bed back. I can’t sleep on this side.”
You let out a shriek when his hand shot out at you, palm plastered over your lips. The sharp edge of his index nail hovered uncomfortably close to your eye, the thumb nail piercing your cheek. Out of reflex, your dug your fingertips into his upper arm and attempted to pull away from his show of force.
Sukuna turned his head to face you. His eyes glared with disinterest, though his grasp weakened slightly.
“You’ve been plenty loud during the night; why must you continue now?” he asked, squeezing your cheeks together to allow you to speak.
“I’ve slept like three hours max,” you said, ignoring his question.
“That is not my problem.” He let go of your face to return to his original position. “Go find somewhere else to sleep and I shall wake you whenever I have need of you.”
What an absolute dickhead. This was your bed, not his domination playground.
You released him and patted your face with your fingers carefully. There were no stinging scratches left behind, which was good considering his reasoning that if ‘you weren’t bleeding out, you didn’t need help’ would leave you with annoying scabs everywhere. Why you were even fucking this guy was beyond you, honestly. This was one of the top 3 worst life choices you had ever made.
You slid towards him beneath the covers and supported your upper body with your ribcage on his lower back and elbows on his upper back. His body heat intermingling with yours gave you a dull ache, from behind your breastbone flowing into a tidepool in the pit of your stomach. After pushing your hair to one side of your neck, you lowered yourself onto him. Your lips wet and breath hot across his skin, you blew softly before planting a kiss below his shoulder blade. Had it been another person under you, you would have had the gratification of seeing goosebumps forming across the area.
“Sukuna…” you said, barely audible between his skin and your lips.
The King of Curses arose from his relaxed position. “Did you not listen or are you an idiot?”
“Bit of both, to be perfectly honest.” You pinched a tuft of his hair strands between two fingers, pulling gently. “You don’t need to do anything – I just want your attention.”
He issued you a warning glare, daring you to pull some weird shit on him.
You shrugged one of your shoulders and gave him a lopsided smile. “It’s not like I can hurt you, right? I don’t have sharp claws.” To testify, you released his hair, buried your nails below his neck and dragged them down his back in one stroke. Four faint lines were left behind, a stylistic contrast to his dark markings. “I don’t have superhuman strength or speed.” You felt the muscular ridges above his ribs, your fingers travelling up and down each rib. “At my worst, I’m just very obnoxious.”
“How self-aware,” he mocked and laughed half-heartedly. He seemed to enjoy your tiny monologue, judging by the slight raise of his eyebrows. “Continue.”
His approval increased your confidence. While you scoured your brain for whatever concept that might amuse or interest him, you broke eye contact and directed your thumb to pad the black line running along his back. You followed it up to the crest of his shoulders and pulled yourself up over his torso. A low growl hummed beneath you, indicating that perhaps you were pushing your luck. When you brought your left hand down his chest the sound reverberated through your being, reminding you that you were not the apex predator in here. His eagerness showed as he willingly moved his hand into your range when you struggled to reach it.
“Look,” you said, just as eager to sate his curiosity, “at the difference.”
With his attention on your hand enveloping his, you settled your head on his shoulder, finally eye to eye with the King of Curses. You shifted so that your palms met. Even when ignoring his nails, his long fingers and thick wrist eclipsed yours. Finger pads with rough callouses created in combat, the evidence of a reign of lasting a millennium. You could feel the wisdom beneath your soft pads; you could’ve devoted your entire life to warfare and your hands would still not understand it the way his do.
“You know, I never used to consider myself a small person,” you lied, your voice perfectly stable, “but now I am not so sure anymore. It is quite overwhelming.”
Sukuna’s head tilted towards yours, almost tenderly grazing his cheek against your jawline. The movement gave you shivers, causing your toes to curl. You had no option but trusting his self-control when he dove below your jaw and put his lips to your neck. He sucked the flesh between his lips, occasionally tasting with his tongue.
You sighed, content for the brief attention you had earned. Sukuna’s heartbeat rate did not increase nor decrease beneath your hand, his chest just as firm. He detached from your neck, his saliva cooling down that particular spot. You were on the brink of complaining when the world swirled around and your back hit the mattress, your chest and stomach feeling the room’s chill without Sukuna’s body heat.
Sukuna was not playing around anymore; he aligned his forearms beside your face and blocked off whatever else existed outside with his mere presence, lips taut and eyes alert. He situated his torso on top of yours and separated your thighs with his knee. Not close enough to grind on.
“Tell me more,” he stared you down. “What does being completely outmatched feel like?”
You wondered if he meant how it physically felt or how the emotional part of being outmanned and outgunned felt like. Considering how his empathic ability was low-functioning to non-existing, you wanted to bet your money on a physical description… Yet, your tongue prepared to tell him about the terror and the uncertainty. It was not wise to divulge such details to Sukuna.
Scheherazade’s silver tongue might have saved her life a thousand and one times but not everyone’s talent was located in their mouth cavity. Like always, your hands bought you more time to think, to evaluate your words. You tentatively reached for his collarbones before changing your mind and guiding one hand to his lips. Perhaps he had meant to kiss your fingertips, perhaps he had yet another inquiry but his lower lip separated from his upper one and you cautiously pulled it downwards. A predator’s teeth greeted you.
“I can’t say it without sounding lame,” you said and crossed your arms across your chest. “Don’t laugh.”
Almost immediately, Sukuna leaned his weight on one forearm, allowing him to use the other to restrain your hand against the mattress. “I assure you,” he said, his eyes staring lazily at you, lids half-down, “you are not that funny.”
Suddenly, you wished Itadori Yuji would regain his consciousness to not have to deal with this asshole. Kind, encouraging Yuji would worship your existence. Perhaps you would eventually have learned to worship him in turn. ‘Learning’ being the key word, of course. You would fumble in the dark while attempting to appreciate him. This seemed like a good idea for about three seconds and then you returned to your occult god.
“I want to be inside you.” Sukuna, no longer interested in your thoughts, showed more interest in your body. He seldomly spoke of his wants, rousing your curiosity and – honestly – your arousal. The thigh between your leg shifted closer to your mound, touching your nether lips softly.
“You’re so demanding,” you complained, ending your sentence with a deep sigh. “You want me to be quiet, you want me to talk, you want to be inside me – will you ever be satisfied?”
You rolled your hips upwards in a slow movement, enjoying yourself as your lips parted against his flesh. It did not please you enough, so you continued to alleviate yourself.
“No.” His voice  was unusually quiet. His lower lip brushed yours as he spoke. “Do you think you deserve it?”
You moved your chin downwards, the movement nearly imperceptible for someone who was not expecting it.
“I agree… if it’ll keep you quiet,” he said, releasing your arm to steady himself above you.
And you did keep quiet. Although he remained stone-faced, Sukuna seemed attentive to the way you opened your mouth and frowned in frustration, his crimson gaze traversing across your face.
He angled his hips downwards, pressuring your clit as you ground against him. You had never been more thankful for the things he did than when he let you use his body as a tool to get off. Each upwards motion elected a pang of pleasure, a beach in ebb and flow.
You don’t know for how long he tolerated your grinding but your lower body ached and his thigh was slick with your fluid when he removed his leg from you, its absence pulsating throughout your stomach. Despite your fear that he would push you away, you grabbed onto his neck to heave yourself against him, anything to regain that comfort. The relief that accompanied the heartbeat after he brought you up with him to sit upright lightened your entire being. His hands felt excruciatingly hot, almost unbearably so, on your ribcage.
Although you felt ready for him, your grip on his neck remained hard as he lifted you up above his cock. Sukuna descended you slightly, his tip bulging at your entrance. You knew your limit and didn’t hesitate to sink onto him, a movement less gentle than you wished due to your legs being wrapped around his waist. Your breath was uneven, hitching up whenever you strained against him. Avoiding getting your insides impaled by a guy’s dick was surprisingly hard labour. Eventually you settled at his base, a sense of completion glowing off you.
There were no comforting touches or encouraging words from Sukuna, whose tranquil expression made him seem more like Yuji than himself. His eyes almost shut, jaw relaxed... This was the alternate universe version of Sukuna, a man who did not lust for domination and who would settle down with his loved ones for an eventless life. 
Hearing your dumb fantasies echo in your head, you rubbed your eyes with your knuckles until you saw stars. What idiocy. You had to cease these daydream scenarios or you’d be in deep shit in the future. You were an atrocious cultist.
I hope everyone enjoyed this. If you liked this, please give a comment/like/reblog. I listened to the Professor Tox remix of LOONA’s Girl Front and Ariana Grande’s Love Me Harder while writing this.
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harrysbluebutterfly · 3 years
Love at first cavity
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Summary- Harry is a dentist assistant and your his patient and well faith keeps putting you two together and so you listen to your gut.
A/n- hey my loves! I really need to stop starting new fics and not finishing them but i hope you enjoy this! Also I’m not a dentist but I’m in a medical program at my school so kinda know some stuff haha. Anyway hope you enjoy this. Love you!!
Warning- cursing, dentist things, love and bad writing
“Y/n?” A deep voice interrupts the silence of the waiting room of the dentist office. Y/n picks her head up at the sound of her voice eyes finding a young looking man in black scrubs and a charming warm smile. Y/n stands up to follow the young doctor to where she will be having her check up, “We’re going to take some x-rays if that’s alright with you. ” y/n nods her head before answering verbally “yeah, of course” the doctor stops at a door that says ‘x-ray’ on the door and asks “don’t take this the wrong way but are you pregnant? Not that i think that you are just that we can’t do the x-rays if you are, it can hurt you and the baby.” Harry rambles making y/n laugh a nervous laugh “no, I’m not pregnant x-ray away” Harry nods his head before opening the door and waits for the young woman to enter the room so he could follow. “If you could please take a seat on the chair there i will get all this set up and i promise we’ll be out of here in no time” Harry says noticing y/n’ slightly worried look.
Y/n takes a seat in the tall chair that looks way to big to fit her and holds her hands nervously as the doctor places a heavy blue apron like gown with a smile. Harry could smell her floral perfume as he connects the velcro to the back of her neck of the other part of the gown. He thought she was beautiful at first look but he knew he would be crossing boundaries with his job and it would be very unprofessional of him to do so.
Today was the first day of Harry’s new job as a dentist assistant. He’s waited all his life to be in this position,after years of schooling and to say that he’s dentist assistant is an achievement that he will forever cherish. Of course his first patient had to be a beautiful young woman, he wanted to talk to her get to know her and ask for her number but then he remembered that he was at work and he didn’t want to lose his job on the first day. No one ever warned him that he would get patient who was hot as fuck.
Harry looks at the gorgeous woman in front of him and smiles at her y/n returns the smile thinking of it as a kind gesture but in the inside she wished it wasn’t. When y/n saw harry for the first time she thought that anyone with the right mind and eyes would she thought he was hot as fuck and wondering what a young beautiful man was doing in a dentist office filled with people with gross teeth issues but i guess that’s what makes first dates fun. Yes she just ‘met’ this man and was already planning their first date don’t worry about it.
Harry turns and puts some hand sanitizer on before placing some gloves and picking up the plastic piece that will go in her mouth slipping a plastic sleeve and turning back to his patient. “Open please” y/n opens her mouth for the hottie- the doctor who was doing his job, places the uncomfortable spongey plastic in the back of her mouth where he could get a good picture of her molars. Harry then brings the camera to the side the wires were on putting it in place as well. Once in place he steps out of the room to the wall with a button, he presses the button making it take a picture.
Harry then comes back in the room to remove the wires in her mouth to bring them to the front “open again darling” darling the nickname and his accent made her want to drop to her knees in a love and a wanting to suck his big cock way. She opens again looking straight in man’s green eyes Harry noticed how she was looking at him and swallowed trying not to imagine her on her knees in front of him but it was hard his cock and trying not to look into her beautiful eyes.
Once the sponge was in the front of her cheek he left again to take the x- ray picture once again, he comes back in the room “open please, thank you love” Harry repeats the x-ray pictures on the other side and then moves the camera away and takes the sponge out removing the plastic sleeve and hooking it back to where it was before use. Harry then takes the heavy gown off of y/n grabbing a sensitized wipe wiping the gown down making it ready for use hooking it on the hook then throwing the wipe away. Y/n stands up while Harry grabs another wipe to wipe down the chair she was sitting in wanting to keep everything clean.
“Alrighty, now if you could follow be back in here I’ll start with the cleaning before the doctor can come in and check and then you’ll be on your way. Promise it won’t take long unless you get a cavity or something but not to worry.” Y/n follows Harry to the back room with two dental chairs, computers, sinks and some other dental equipment. Harry goes to the spiny chair and y/n goes and gently lays down in the long dental chair.
Before Harry can start the cleaning he has some manual questions he has to ask so he starts with “do you do any drugs?” Y/n shakes her head but Harry doesn’t see so he moves from the computer to look at y/n “no” with Harry not hearing the answer due to her being shy he asks “there’s some medical equipment that we use that can interfere with certain narcotics. I didn’t hear you the first time so I’ll ask again do you do any drugs?” Y/n clears her throat hoping that would make her speak louder and answers “No, i don’t do any of those bad for you health and all that.” Harry nods “awesome”
Harry smiles down at the nervous woman in the chair and pushes a button that makes the chair move up to his waist level so he can work on her. Harry then picks up a paper bib placing it around her neck and tying the back.
Once in place Harry pushes another button that tilts the head of the chair back and asks “ready?” Y/n takes a deep breath and and nods “yeah” Harry turns on turning on the light above her and moving it to her mouth the places a new pair of gloves and a mask before beginning her check up. Harry picks up the hook tool and mirror then moves back to wear y/n was laying down “open please” y/n opens her mouth Harry then starts to count and pick off anything that he finds on her teeth and wipes it on the paper bib and then continuing. After finishing harry moves and placed the tools down and picks up some floss twisting it around his fingers which y/n thought was the hottest thing besides just the way he was working.
Harry flosses y/n’s teeth being as gentle as he could but still trying to do his job. After flossing harry throws the used floss away and opens the small container of toothpaste before dipping the electric toothbrush in the gross tasting toothpaste even he hates “this is going to taste gross but i have to do it so please don’t hate me because it just doing my job” this makes y/n laugh a comfortable laugh “I’ll be sure to karen about you on Twitter and TikTok about it” y/n jokes back making Harry laugh this beautiful laugh. “I’ll be looking forward to it. Open again please” y/n opens her mouth for him preparing her tastebuds for the gross toothpaste and drill like electric toothbrush.
Harry as gently as he cans puts the toothbrush on her tooth in a circular motion going tooth to tooth making sure to grab the suction for the extra spit and toothpaste foam, after finishing the top set of teeth he asks “you doing okay?” Y/n looks at the kind man in front of her before answering “yeah, thanks for the warning that toothpaste tastes like shit” before Harry could welcome her she speaks again “fuck! I’m sorry i didn’t mean to curse. Shit i did it again and again!!” Harry laughs his beautiful laugh while picking up more toothpaste on the brush and twisting back to her “it’s alright darling relax. I do it all the time just don’t tell my boss”
This relaxes y/n about her silly mistake and her shoulders relax into the chair waiting for the command to open her mouth again. “Alright last time with this brush i promise. Open please” y/n opens her mouth allowing the doctor to do his job, after brushing her teeth harry puts the brush down and picks up the suction in one hand the the water and air tool in the other rinsing out her mouth and then sucking the water. “Alright that wasn’t so bad was it?” Harry asks trying to keep the friendly conversation hoping to get closer. “You’re really good at that”
Harry smiles although the mask not showing it “thank you I’m glad you noticed i did go to school half my life just to be good at that.” Harry jokes. “Would you like some water to wash that taste out?” Y/n nodded and Harry brought the water and dryer device to her mouth she opened but not knowing what else to do she waited for instructions “close your mouth sweetie” y/n closed her mouth as Harry washed the inside of it with water then sucked it up with the suction.
The way her lips wrapped around the suction made dirty thoughts in Harry’s mind but before he could make it noticed he continues doing his job and asks “open. Awesome, I’m going to do this new check that we’ve been trained to do. Basically I’m to put one finger in your mouth and feel around to make sure your gums are healthy and so that you don’t have anything that could be cancerous. Is that alright with you?” Y/n nods honestly wanting all of his fingers in her mouth choking her as he fucks her- “yeah that’s totally fine thank you”
“Of course” Harry turns back to y/n after putting the suction and water device back on its hook and wiggles his fingers in a joking manner causing y/n to laugh her beautiful laugh. Y/n opened her mouth and as expected a cold latex free gloves finger enters her mouth touching the top set of gums sliding his finger around making sure he got everything on the top then moving to the bottom set. Once on the bottom set he looks in her mouth seeing his finger going to the very back of her gums, due to the lubricant of her saliva his finger slips into the back of her throat making y/n gag.
Removing his finger as soon as it happened with a sorry concerned look “I’m so sorry!” Y/n laughs it off before answering the worried man “it’s okay, please don’t worry about it. It’s not your fault i have a sensitive gag reflex.” Harry laughs with her before adding in a joke to hopefully calm down any bad energy “i bet that comes in handy” y/n laughed at the inappropriate joke “yeah gets the boys cumming in a second. Works like a charm” this sets something off in Harry’s thought wanting to just kiss her and have her show him her ways with her mouth but all he did was swallow and reply “ i hope to get to know how that feels sometime he winks.
Blushing y/n says “I’ll be sure to make an appointment with you when i have time.” Harry then says “I’ll be looking forward to it. I’m going to go get the doctor and then you’ll be out of her in no time.” Harry takes off his gloves and mask before turning off the light and lifting the chair in a sitting position. Harry then smiles and leaves the room to go fetch the doctor leaving y/n to ponder in her thoughts. When Harry renters the room a doctor following he takes a seat in the chair he sat in before and the doctor following in an identical chair.
“Hello y/n, how are you doing today?” Dr. Lewis asks while putting on some gloves and a mask as Harry moves the chair back into the original position it was minutes ago. Y/n swallows nervously before answering the not as kind doctor “I’m alright. How are you?” The chair now in the correct position Harry moves the light back on her mouth with a smile that helped calm her a little bit then moved to put on some new gloves and mask. “I’m very well thanks for asking. Is Harry here treating you well?”
Y/n looks at Harry who is prepping the tools for the doctor. Harry the name struck her, what a beautiful name for a beautiful man. She is brought back to reality when she remembers that the doctor asked her a question “very well thank you” Harry looks back at y/n with a kind smile still on his face. “That’s great! You know it’s his first day right?” With this new information y/n looks at Harry now with a smile “i didn’t, he is doing an excellent job. You should promote him already” she jokes “wow okay, I’ll look into it. Thanks for you feedback.”
With a nod and a smile her nerves now coming back as she hears the metal of the tools, Harry notices her state and frowns he doesn’t want his patient and now friend- well he hoped there’re friends- to be uncomfortable. “Hey, look at me. Good. Everything is going to be okay, take a deep breath with me ready? In” the two of them take a deep breath in and hold it for a second “out” they exhale and relax y/n mouthing a quick ‘thank you’ bit before he could respond the doctor is ready to begin to check Harry’s work and if there is any cavities.
“Alrighty Harry and y/n let’s get this show on the road. Hook and mirror please and open please” Harry hands over the two tools to the doctor and y/n opens her mouth, after checking the top teeth he moves to the bottom set, Harry coming in with the suction. After half way through the bottom set Harry speaks again to the doctor “There’s a back molar i want you to check on your side that i wasn’t sure if it was an issue or not.” The doctor follows Harry’s guide and checks the molar which in-fact did have something “ah, i knew when i hired you that you would be a good one” Harry smiled.
“Y/n do you have extra time around 30 minutes or so for a cavity?” Y/n checks her Apple Watch for the time before answering nervously “y-yeah, i have time.” More time to be with harry yes please! Although this was not how she wanted to spend the rest of the day she was glad that she met such a kind man. “Great! Harry if you please set up the procedure of a cavity filling that would be awesome. And i will be right back i have to check in with another patient.” The doctor stood up took off his gloves, mask and shield before exiting the room.
Harry turns the light off and puts y/n back in the sitting position then his gloves to start prepping for the cavity filling but notices how worried y/n looks, he turns giving y/n his full attention “hey, it’s going to be alright. I know it’s not what you wanted but I’m going to be right here the whole time. If you need him or me to stop just start hitting me and we’ll stop.” Harry’s calm words calmed her down but still she wasn’t expecting a cavity. A fucking cavity. How did she even get one? She thought she was doing a great job at brushing and all of that but i guess not enough.
“Thank you. I don’t remember the last time I’ve had a cavity and i think my brain block it out so im a little- really nervous for the drills and all that.” Y/n admitted and Harry listened i want to know all of your fears so i can take them away and you can do the same for me Harry thought but actually said “of course, now i have to set this up don’t wanna be fired the first day here” Harry jokes hoping to get that laugh he now adores and he did sending flutters to his heart.
They make light but friendly conversation while Harry sets up, during that time y/n finds out that he has a sister and is originally from the UK hence the accent. Y/n feels comfortable with Harry she’s never felt this way with a doctor or really anybody she’s a kind yet shy soul but having a friend like Harry would be nice well more than nice so she decides to keep talking to him. As with Harry he may be a soft spoken man but he feels like he’s know y/n for his whole life even with his whole life was an hour or two at his new job.
After Harry is all set up and many jokes and bitching about the most random things the doctor comes back in and y/n’s nerves are back to where they were before their conversation. “Alrighty let’s get this finished so you y/n can be on your way. “ the doctor puts on some hand sanitizer and puts on his gloves and a mask and sits down in the other chair in the room as Harry moves the chair back down, turns the light on and puts his PPE on.
“Harry are we all set up?” The doctor asks Harry but already knowing the answer but he still answers “yeah, ready whenever you are. Y/n are you ready darling?” Harry asks y/n wanting to make sure that she was 100% alright. “Yeah, just kinda want to go home now” Harry giggle a nervous giggle completely understanding her, he wants to go home now or well to the little coffee shop with the lights he passed by when he drove to work. Wanting to go there with y/n even if it’s just in a friend way he still wants to go.
“Y/n, remember if it starts hurting to the point where you want me or dr. Lewis to stop just start hitting me okay” y/n looks over to see Harry looking at her with kindness in his eyes and nods.
The sound of drilling fills the room and keeps y/n on a nervous edge. Harry tries his best to watch out for her hands to see if she needs a break but with assisting and to make sure the suction in getting everything that needs to be sucked up sucked, he’s getting distracted. As Dr. Lewis is in the middle of telling the two about his very nice vacation to Italy when he his drill hits a certain spot in her tooth that makes her jump. It makes her ball her fists and lifts her lower half off the chair when the balls of her heels dig into the chair for some relief.
Without question Harry transfers the tool into his other hand and reaches for her other. Slipping his fingers through hers a love spark sparks them, she immediately squeezes him. Hard. “Sorry about that y/n” dr. Lewis apologizes as he pulls the drill away for a second to give y/n a break and for Harry to clean her mouth out of any saliva that has pooled. The two doctors both have protective goggles on which y/n envied the moment spit flew into her face, even though it was her own it was still gross.
With her eyes still closed, Harry hooks the sucking tool to the side of her mouth and gently wipes down her chin and lips with the paper bib. “Going back in, only another minute tops” Dr. Lewis assures her and Harry knows that she can handle it the way she unclenches her grip a little bit but still making sure that she is holding the kind man’s hand. She never hurts, though that’s not what he’s worried about he’s worried about y/n being in pain. Whenever dr.Lewis used the drill or picks he watches her eyebrows furrow in a painful manner making his heart hurt for her.
Once the drilling is done, Harry assists with the filling. Preparing the equipment and the water device at the hollowed tooth to clear any lingering pieces of bone, then sucking it back up again. She feels like a hot mess when it’s all over , especially when Harry releases (as much as he didn’t want to) her clammy hand and wipes the gloved hand on a clean towel “sorry”
“S’ fine, don’t worry about it really.” Harry takes off his gloves and mask and so does dr. Lewis “alrighty y/n you’re all done. You can make your next appointment at the counter and I’ll see you then. Take care!” And with that he left. Harry moves the chair back to a sitting position and gets her bag of toothpaste, toothbrush and floss ready putting an extra little dinosaur from the kids prizes just for laughs and for a hopefully conversation starter and hands it to her, y/n gives him a little ‘thank you’.
“Here, pound it. You did amazing, beat that cavity to fucking ground and took its lunch money.” Harry pulls out his fist and with a laugh y/n pounds it Harry adding an explosion sound effect a habit from training with pediatric dental care but y/n loved it. Standing up y/n collects her belongings before saying “harry or your last name i never got thank you for being so kind i really appreciate it. I hope i can see you again even if it’s outside of a dentist office but thank you again.” Harry felt his heart flutter but before he could answer his boss called his name “harry?!”
“You’re more than welcome and yes i would love to see you again but if you could excuse me for just one second my boss needs to speak with me then I’ll be right back to form a day when I’m free.” Y/n nodded and as they started walking in different directions, y/!n stood in front of the counter with a Receptionist with the name ‘ Rachel’ on her name tag. “Hello! If i could please have your name I’ll be more than happy to schedule your next appointment. “
She seemed too happy for y/n’s liking but she nodded and gave her name. “Okay you are all set. We’ll see you in 6 months for your next check up. You have a good day now.” Y/n thanked the weird lady and looked back to see Harry still talking to his boss, not wanting to interfere whatever conversation they may be having she turned and out the door to the stairs she went. When Harry was finally done talking to his boss about how well of a job he was doing on his first day he smiled walking out the door to the waiting room in search of y/n.
He looked and looked and even asked the other nurse where she went but no luck. He stopped searching when a file of his next patient was handed to him.
He had to admit as much as he didn’t want to that y/n was gone and that he had no way of finding her without losing his job.
A/n- wow after so much time i have finally finished the first part of this series. Thank you so much for all the love and support i love you so much!
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olivia200312 · 3 years
Dancing~ RID2015 Optimus x Singer! Cybertronian! Reader *Request*
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Requested by the lovely AngelRosePhoenix
Plot: I wanna have another request. It's a RID Optimus x Singer! Reader. Optimus just got home from the mission and he caught his lover singing and dancing attractively with Dua Lipa's song Levitating. He then joined her, grabbing her hips, dipping her down, and kiss her lips.
Head area: Brain: Processor / Brain Module Head: Helm Face: Face plate Ears: Audio receptors / Receptor Orifice / Audials Nose: Enstril / Olfactory Sensor Eye brow: Optical Ridge Eyes: Optics Mouth: Intake Lips: Dermas Teeth: Denta/Dentas Tongue: Glossa
Chest area: Chest: Chassis / Thoraxal Cavity Back: Hexa-Lateral Scapula Spine: Bipedalism cord / Back Strut
Chest and back armour: Chest plate Back plate Mid-section plating Neck guard Side plating
Arm area:
Arms: Arms / Restarlueus Forearms: Bitarlueus Hands: Servos Fingers: Digits
Arm armour: Gantlets Shoulder pads Arm guard
Lower area: Pelvis: Pelvis Butt: Aft / Skid-Plate Thighs: Tibulen Calves: Cadulen Feet: Pedes - the high heel bits are called Struts or Heel Struts.
Lower armour: Skirt plates Aft plate / Skid plate Thigh guard Ankle guard
General/Internal components: Muscles: Cables / Pistons - It depends on the area in question. Veins: Fual lines Stomach: Tanks Lungs: Vents - used to stop the con/bot from over heating. Heart: Spark Tattoos: D-con/A-bot Insignias and the lark T-Cog: The thing that allows all Cybertronians to transform, be that their arms or their whole body.
Penis: Spike
Vagina: Valve
Body: Frame
Note: the art goes to the owner!
It was one normal boring day in the scrapyard, located in Crown City. The scrapyard was a messy place due to being there like old destroyed cars. But however, it was not a base like you've seen in Transformers Prime or TFP for short. S, instead of a base like in Jasper Nevada, it's a damn scrapyard in Crown City. So, yeah. No Jack, Miko, Raf, June Darby, or Agent Fowler. It's actually goddamn sad if you think about it. The Autobots sadly had to leave Earth after they had to do something with the AllSpark. Ratchet, at first, decided to stay on Earth but after he got a call that Ultra Magnus got severely hurt, he had to leave Earth. Sadly, forever. Well, not like forever but after Optimus Prime sacrificed himself to bring others back, the war was finally over.
Megatron got offline by Bumblebee or Bee himself. He's a cute scout that was declared a warrior by Optimus. Like a king or queen does this to a hero with a sword. Optimus did it the same.
But when Optimus was gone, it greatly broke Y/N the most. She was his sparkmate, in fact. But deep in her spark, she greatly understood Optimus' actions and reasons.
But that was years ago. Y/N decided to live and be the very first one to stay on Earth in the scrapyard. She didn't have any contact with others for a very long time. Team Prime separated when they all returned to Cybertron. Some members like Arcee, Smokescreen, and others mysteriously disappeared. They either went missing, killed, or decided to start new chapters in their lives. Very sad when you think that they're gone. Let's just hope that they're still alive and were living happily.
But you should know the rest of the story. Bumblebee arrived on Earth with others. They ran into Y/N so Bumblebee was extremely happy.
Yadda yadda yadda.
Y/N was in fact a good dancer and singer. It was popular with humans on Earth as a hobby and fame. Think about Michael Jackson (my favorite artist) for example. So, a new song called Levitating by Dua Lipa was playing through the radio, and Y/N couldn't help but dance and sing. She didn't know that she had talents for singing and dancing.
In fact, others knew and were beware of that. Optimus secretly loved to see her dance and hear her soft angelic voice. Everyone was away on the mission or doing their stuff. Optimus actually just returned from the mission...
Y/N was moving her hips while dancing to the song. She also sang to it. But dancing and singing at the same time are extremely hard than you think. If you watched Michael Jackson, he can do it very well, even the spin and moonwalk.
If you read some fanfics about Optimus, it's a big surprise for the fans how he can lay his servos on the reader's hips. It's honestly sexy and blushing for many fans.~ *Wink*
That's actually happening to Y/N right now.
She didn't hear Optimus walk closer to her due to the music. Normally, each Autobot warrior should be aware of the noises it's important to keep the audio receptors open. Watch the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles of 2012 (best TMNT version show ever!). Some episodes show the turtles training with Master Splinter.
So while Y/N's back was turned, Optimus grabbed the chance and laid his servos on her hips, causing her to squeak and yelp in surprise. Her faceplate immediately got hot. Optimus smirked when he heard those cute noises. He then spun her, dipped her, and kisses her with passion on the dermas. Y/N moaned at the passionate kiss she felt. It just felt so good that she cupped his cheekplates.
Once the kiss was finally done, they pulled away. Optimus then pulled Y/N back up, his servos holding her hips still. "You are a good dancer and singer, sweetspark."
Y/N giggled and blushed. "T-Thank you, Oppy."
But what Optimus said next, got Y/N blushing mad. "I like to see you dance more with your hips." He smirked and purred.
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belit0 · 3 years
Madara making his s/o squ1rt + Daddy k1nk. 
Request for the anon who asked this a while ago, here you go, more of my brother. I get it, he’s hot, but damn y'all crazy for him.
Writer added daddy k1nk cause she wanted to.
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You are sitting in Madara's office, wrapping up some envelopes with documents to surprise him with the gesture. You're trying to be a good girl, you were misbehaving last week and your neck shows the marks of how he made his grip on you, it hurts to sit down and swallow is a difficult task. Helping him through his work while he's in a meeting is a way of proving you are willing to stop being a brat and start behaving.
It really is boring. Seal a paper, put it in its envelope, close it, make sure the Uchiha symbol is neat, repeat. A monotonous little routine that seems to never end. The pile of documents seems to grow as time goes by, and all you want to do is get out of that room.
You love Madara's office, it is one of his favorite places to fuck you, on his desk, on his work. Secretly, you suspect that it gives him special pleasure if he takes you over paperwork that is related to the Senju clan. His big velvet chair is the most comfortable piece of the whole house, padded and soft. The most suitable furniture for your battered thighs.
Wearing a T-shirt of him and only your underwear, you caress the material under your body, feeling the softness and comfort of sitting without experiencing pain. The Uchiha did not used to give you such severe punishments, and for that to be the case, it is because you had been out of place. As when you humiliated him in front of his brother a few days ago, describing a moment of vulnerability that had to be kept private.
The problem was that you came across a peculiar situation, something never before witnessed in your eyes, which awakened your curiosity and generated the need to ask Izuna about your man's past. It was a lazy morning, where both of you were just waking up after an intense night almost without sleep. You went into the bathroom as any person would, without noticing that he was there taking a piss. When you made yourself present, his inspiration was immediately gone, he got frustrated and threw you out in a huff. Without understanding what his problem was, you analyzed what happened, and discovered that you had never shared the bathroom simultaneously. Of course, to brush teeth and take a shower, but not to use the toilet. Did Madara have a trauma with peeing? Izuna would probably know.
After asking his younger brother, who seemed strangely happy when you told him about it and did not stop laughing throughout the story, the older Uchiha began to be harassed by the younger one every time he tried to go to the bathroom. Somehow Izuna was always behind him when he tried to pee, making him angry and forcing him to stop.
Because of the torture your man suffered thanks to your curious mind, the worst punishment ever given in the history of your relationship appeared without warning, making you endure more spankings in one night than you thought you were capable of. But his resentment continued for days, and your perverse attitude did not help the cause.
That's why you had made the decision to behave at least for as long as it took your buttocks to lose the bruises he caused. Being bratty with him is something you are passionate about, but now you only have the option to behave well and obey because technically you owe it to him.
There are still too many documents to be sealed, but you hear the front door opening and closing, and that makes your attention focus on that part of the house. You know your man has arrived, and in a apparently better mood, as you hear him whistling a tune as his footsteps echo down the hall. The first destination he visited was the bedroom, and you smile at the fact that he thought he would find you there, resting from his lesson.
He asks generally towards the house, hoping to hear your voice from somewhere to find out where you are. But to gloat and annoy him, even a little, you prefer to keep quiet and continue closing letters, completely ignoring his presence.
You feel him calling you several more times, climbing the stairs, going out to the patio, searching in several rooms. Why would he expect you to be in his office? You would have nothing to do there when he is not at home. It is the last place he checks, and when he opens the doors, there is a slight sign of concern in his features.
Of course, you can't help but smirk at this, it's the most you can play with him without provoking more punishment for your body. You watch him with narrowed eyes and without ceasing to work.
"What do you think you are doing? It's not funny."
"Was it a little, wasn't it?"
"Haven't you had enough? Do you really need more?"
"No! Of course not! Look, I'm trying to make up for it, I'm being a good girl for you daddy."
"I don't know, are you?"
Having said that, he enters his office and heads behind his desk, to where you are sitting. You know this means he wants you to sit on his lap, so you get up and let him settle into the seat before you climb onto him.
You try to kiss him, but he stops you.
"Keep working, you're not done."
Obeying, you seal a document, and when you want to take an envelope to put the paper and leave it closed, it is Madara who holds it in his hands in front of your mouth.
"Put the document in and close it with your mouth."
"Do you want to have Daddy angry?"
"Go ahead. No hands."
You insert the paper into the packet, and as the Uchiha indicated, you slide your tongue around the edge of the packaging, from one of his fingers to the other. When you reach the other end, his digit goes into your mouth without warning and smoothly. The task you were performing falls forgotten on the desk.
"Suck it well, show me what a good little girl you are.”
Pleasing your man, you stick your back to his chest, leaning your head over his shoulder while your tongue dances on his finger and fills it with saliva, giving him little sounds of approval. A second one enters your cavity, and you begin to move your head back and forth as if you were working on his cock, feeling his eyes on your lips.
"I think my baby has missed her milk bottle, hasn't she?”
Nodding on his lap, you feel like a hand is moving your underwear, and taking his wet fingers out of your mouth, he directs them towards your pussy, massaging the outside and wetting you completely.
“I'm still very sensitive..."
"Don't worry baby, I don't plan on messing with your tiny clit today. Daddy will teach you how to go to the bathroom.”
With those words, his two fingers are pushed inside you mercilessly, positioning themselves in the shape of a claw and rubbing that thin membrane on the top of your stomach that simply made you curl up and close your thighs over his arm.
"Open your legs or I'll have to spank you again, you bad girl.”
Moaning uncontrollably, with your head tilted back and sliding over his lap, your vagina makes watery noises every time Madara's knuckles hit your outer lips. Your feet are suddenly on his knees, allowing him better access, and with his arms he forces your thighs to stay apart, while his free hand runs to the side your soaked underwear.
Spasms run through your body and no coherent thought crosses your mind, you don't even care that your juices are dripping from your cunt and staining the upholstery of your man's chair, as he keeps his legs open along with yours. You're intoxicated in those digits working wonders on that magic point in your body, while the punch of his fist somehow also manages to act as a masturbation for your punished and over-stimulated clit.
You can no longer resist it.
"What's the matter girlie, do you feel like going to the restroom? Come on, do it on my hand, give all your fluids to dad."
With a final scream, a stream of liquid flows from your pussy, smoothly and strongly, hitting Madara's hand and landing on the floor. The Uchiha exerts pressure with his fingers inside you until the liquid stops pouring and your body stops shaking, leaving you exhausted over him and unable to gather strength to care about the mess left in his office.
"Oh no... what a bad girl... what a bad, bad girl... look what you did on the floor... I will have to teach you another lesson..."
"But? You said, but? You have some serious behavioral problems. Come here, Daddy will fix you up."
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oogaboogasphincter · 3 years
A Magpie, a Goose and a Sparrow Walk into a Found Family Trope (Ezra x f!reader)
Summary: A nightmare caused by trauma he endured before and on The Green haunts Ezra one night, his fear bleeding into reality. Under the fog of sleep, he hurts you, thinking you are the monster that is endangering you, Cee and himself while on your next trip. He apologizes by doing something that terrifies him: opening his heart up to another person.
Word Count: 10.7k+ (holy shit i deeply apologize for putting my readers through this agonizingly long junk)
Rating: M (mature) just to be safe (some pretty intense themes but i don’t think there’s anything too explicit)
Warnings: non-fatal manual strangulation and bruises from it, swearing, sexualization of two adults, mild references to sex, mild allusions to sexual arousal, discussion of trauma and its effects, Prospect (2018) spoilers, some argument, hair braiding, one (1) ✨neck✨ kiss, one use of (y/n), sprinkles of that sexual tension we all love, a resolved ending!
Author’s Note: first off, thank you SO much to @martinsmomo​ for this request!💜💕 this was so creative, i hope i did it justice :). second, AHHH!!!!! my first piece ever!!! i haven’t written anything on my own time for my own enjoyment since i was like 13, which may or may not be apparent by my comma splices, repetitive sentence structure/word choice and disagreeing verb tense💀. the thought of i have no idea what i'm doing never left my mind while i was writing this, but i just tried to go with it and have fun :). ALSO, i had so much fun reading all of the lore about the world that Prospect (2018) takes place in. Here is a link to a pamphlet about a lot of stuff that is featured in the movie, which i used while writing this piece. i highly recommend you check it out! i tried to stick to as much canon stuff as i could, but 🦋The Blue🦋 is something that i made up. also this is not beta’d, i just wanted to throw this into the void and see what happens✨. i also also want to point out that in no way am i trying to romanticize or sexualize domestic violence. i know that the subject matter in this piece can be triggering, and even though the violence wasn’t intentional and it’s resolved through love, i don’t want it to be misconstrued as something that it’s not. with that being said, i hope you enjoy it! :)
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gif by @anakin-skywalker​
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A grunt stirs you from your deep slumber. Your eyes open easily, a treat that you weren’t given often due to the dryness of the pod’s recirculated air. The inside of your shared galactic chamber is as dark as your mind; no illumination to shine on your thoughts and wake them up or to show you how Ezra is doing. You know the grunt had come from him, as the only other passenger was his adopted daughter, Cee. You turn in your pilot’s chair, looking over your shoulder to try and make him out through the impossible darkness.
Parcel-Class Planetary Drop Pods were designed to fit only two travelers, however the three of you had decided to embark on your next journey together. To save on costs, your partners opted for a model without cots. Being the gentleman that he is, Ezra insisted that you and Cee sleep in the pilots’ chairs. He had thrown a few blankets on the cold, flat floor and had proudly announced, “Sleeping quarters fit for a king!”, eliciting pitiful laughter from you and Cee.
Now, your eyes can’t find the sad bundle of warmth that is his sleeping figure. He is a restless sleeper, and every time he made a noise that was more than a good-natured hum or a soft swish of rearranging his blankets, you would wake and turn to make sure that he was okay. You would do the same for Cee, but she was a fantastic sleeper. Not too deep, not too light, and never made a peep. You turn back around, giving up on trying to spot Ezra in the dark, when you hear another grunt.
This one is louder than the last.
You turn back around yet again, your own blanket falling off of your chest and into your lap. Eyebrows furrowing together and eyes squinting, your pupils strain themselves to find any shred of light to let you see. The noises increase in abundance and volume. Ezra’s sleeping fit has transformed from a halfhearted rustling to an aggravated clamor in less than a minute. Your eyes stay on the dark patch of space where you know his “bed” is situated while Cee arises from her sleep. Her chair lets out the slightest creak as she follows your gaze and attempts herself to see what all of the commotion is about. She asks you, “Is he okay?” Ezra answers her with an irritated growl through his teeth. You say to her, “I don’t know, I can’t see him, should we-”
Your suggestion of waking him up is cut short as two hands wrap around your throat. The hands twist your head to face forward, and you’re greeted with Ezra’s sweat-slicken face. Instinctively, you grasp at his forearms in an effort to ease the constriction of your neck.
Cee screams, “Ezra, let go of her!” 
He defies her command and puts one of his knees in between yours on the seat of the pilot’s chair and leans closer to you. The brown eyes that you had grown to love now bore into yours with unwavering menace as the pads of his fingers press harder into the sides of your neck. His palms are flush with your larynx, threatening to crush it. You want to let out sobs of heartbreak, but are unable to. He’s restricted your actions to only being able to watch him attempt to strangle you. Your fingers aren’t able to get a grip on his limbs due to his angry sweat and your panicked claminess. Your mouth hangs open as his is shut tight, his jaw muscles stuttering with intense rage. He starts to growl through his teeth again, but a flash of light turns it into a howl.
His entire body falls back, his hands losing their purchase on your neck. You suck in a harsh breath and lean forward as Cee grabs your hand and pulls you out of the pilot’s chair. In her other hand she grips a Boscelot Frontiersman: the source of the light that had extracted Ezra’s shriek and drilled its way into his thigh. He sat on the floor in front of your chair and laced his hands just above his injury, throwing his head back and wincing. 
Cee puts some feet in between the two of you and guides you across the floor to the other side of the impossibly small pod. Hoarse coughs begin to rise from your surprised larynx, accompanied by trembling of your entire body. Cee, still holding you by your arm with one hand and the Thrower in the other, yells your thoughts at Ezra, “What the fuck was that for?!” She flicks the lights on, allowing everyone to see each other’s face for the first time all night. 
Ezra stares at the two of you in disbelief. Both brunette and blonde strands of hair are stuck to his forehead with sweat, eyes depressed from the subsiding adrenaline, his whole body drenched in distressed perspiration. You and him lock eyes, even through your flailing about as you continue to choke on air and delicately place your own hands over where his just had you in a vice grip. He knows what he’s done as soon as he sees you. He begins to cry and opens his mouth to start an apology that can never be adequate, but Cee hurls a field kit at his head. It hits him and he takes the blow without complaint. His devastated eyes keep to your bloodshot ones as he opens up the kit and starts to treat his justified wound. Cee stares at him with aggravation, and so do you, but her expression is void of confusion. 
You are confused as all hell. What could have possibly made him do that? He seemed to be having a nightmare, but that didn’t give him the excuse to nearly strangle you to death. 
Your coughs and stress start to dwindle as all of you sit there, not saying a word, the only other noise in the room being Ezra opening and closing medical supplies. He squirts a sanitizing solution over his wound, hissing, and then he takes out a Patch Gun. This sets your heart racing. The strangling was unpredicted and almost successful, would he get up once he was healed enough and try to do it again? You push yourself back against the wall and keep your widening eyes on him as he sprays the medicated foam into the hole the Thrower had burned through his trousers. He squeezes his eyes shut, winces intensely, and then fails to keep a painful wail inside his chest. You’ve seen him treat himself before, and usually his next step is to throw more than the recommended amount of pain relievers into his mouth and chew on the tablets, redirecting the pain from his injury to his mouth. He doesn’t do that this time.
Instead he throws the used Patch Gun to the side, closes the field kit and pushes it Cee’s way. He breathes your name out of his mouth, causing you to retreat further into the wall. You bring your legs to your chest and wrap your hands around the back of your neck, resting your elbows on your quaking kneecaps. Burrowing your face into the cavity you’ve created, you start bawling. Pain sears your throat, and is only intensified by your sobs, but you can’t help it. You’re absolutely terrified. Ezra says your name again, genuine with care, in an effort to get you to look at him. You shake your head once and continue to gasp into yourself. Cee startles you by touching your shoulder, and she quells your worries, “He won’t do it again.” 
Her five simple words plant a seedling of peace in your heart, but it is nowhere near close to blooming. You don’t look up as she gets up and goes over to your pilot chair and grabs your blankets. Her footsteps return to you quickly, and within moments her warm, calm hands are draping the fabric over your shoulders. She rests her chin on your shoulder, moving with your heaves. A softening tone takes over her beautiful voice as she murmurs “It’s okay”s, “I’m here”s and “You’re safe”s into your blankets. Before you know it, your body succumbs to the overwhelming desire to heal mentally, emotionally and physically with sleep. Your trust in Ezra may be broken right now, but you know that Cee will watch over you. Despite her lack of size and experience compared to Ezra, you know she has the upper hand on him intellectually. He may be full of wondrous prose, a never-ending vocabulary and sharp wit, but Cee has had him in the palm of her hand ever since they met. You can sleep knowing that she can protect you and herself, if need be.
You peek out underneath your arm to qualify to yourself that Ezra is in no shape to attack again. 
He sits where he landed when he fell, slouching with exhaustion. His eyes sparkle with tears of regret, his eyebrows quirked in a way that reads “There aren’t enough ways to apologize, but I’ll try every one until you forgive me.” You close your eyes, lay your head against the wall and beg the Sandman to bring you all a night of peace as you rest until the Sun comes up. 
The pale blue morning light penetrates your eyelids and alerts your brain that it is time to get up. You awake to find Cee and Ezra sound asleep, her in her pilot’s chair and him in his “bed”. You are still huddled up against the wall, opposite to Ezra, and look upon him with a wary gaze. The fear he inserted into you last night makes your nerves feel like static, but at the same time you can’t help but be relaxed by his presence. It’s obvious he didn’t cause any more damage during rest of the night, so maybe his eyebrows were telling the truth: that he is sorry.
The muted sunshine washes his complexion out and dulls the warmth that his chestnut locks hold. It makes the blonde patch in his hair and the arc scar on his cheek glisten cerulean. His expression is relaxed, eyelids fidgeting under the controls of REM sleep. 
The sound of Cee’s alarm clock distracts you, and moments later her hand reaches out and pushes the ‘stop’ button. Awakening limbs appear above the back of her chair, accompanied by a yawn. Your eyes dart to Ezra. He’s still asleep. She turns to you first and smiles, “Are you alright?” You nod once, return her smile, and you both turn to the slumbering man. She says, folding her blanket, “He’s fine. Calmed down after you fell asleep. He said he had a nightmare that you had turned against us. He said he wants to apologize but understands if you don’t want to speak to him.” You sigh through your nose, glancing over at him, “That’s okay. I think I would like some time away from him though. Just to process things, y’know?” Cee turns to face you, “That’s what I figured. I told him that.” You look at her and nod once. 
She gets up and stretches again, folded blanket still in hand. She puts it on her seat and looks up at you excitedly, “Want to come look for aurelac with me today?” 
Her face lights up with a wide smile and you mirror her reaction. Getting up and dropping your blankets to the floor, you go over to the compartment in the wall that holds your equipment. You take out what you’ll need - suit, helmet, air filter and a few Slurry Packs - and close the latch. The door slams shut harder than you intended, the resulting crash jolting Ezra awake.
A shy, apologetic smile graces his face as he meets your eyes, and you return the expression. You were still tightly wound, but were ready to start dispelling the fear, and that began by being cordial with him. His smile fades when his eyes lower to your hands and take in what you are holding. He gets up off the floor and inquires, “What do you have all that for?” His expression is neutral, but you worry that you will anger him by telling him what your plans are.
He had made it very clear since you joined him and Cee that he did not want you to prospect. He had told you that it was too dangerous of a task in itself, let alone the implications that came along with it: bartering, lying, gambling, stealing, killing. He didn’t want you or Cee to be subjected to any any of the horrors that accompanied prospecting, but Cee had been stubborn about her desires and had proven her abilities. She was great at prospecting, possessing an attention to tedium and an unwavering sense of calmness while performing the task. For a man who seeps with wisdom, Ezra wasn’t all that good of a prospector. He had the tendency to lose patience and cripple under pressure, which sometimes led to compromised digs. 
“I’m going to look for aurelac deposits with Cee.” You nudge your head in her direction and she smiles at Ezra. He waves his hand dismissively, “That’s all fine and dandy,” now pointing a lazy yet warning finger at you, “But don’t you dare let prospecting dance upon those beautiful brain waves of yours.” His comment irritated you. You had never shown any signs of true disobedience to his wishes, besides the casual sigh of boredom or the bratty roll of your eyes. The words also set your heart aflutter. As you try to hide your blush and bury your annoyance, Cee says to him, “We don’t be doing any prospecting if we can’t find any aurelac.” His head tilts in agreement. He pads over to you and gingerly puts a hand on your shoulder. He had sensed your irritation and repeats his mantra of why he doesn’t want you prospecting, “I just don’t want you to get hurt.” 
Your anger became fiery again. Shoulder jerking to flick his hand off, you jab at him, “Because I’m safe in the confines of the pod?”
He points a finger at you again, this time accusatory, “That was purely an accident. Do not take it as anything but.” 
Cee commands, “Both of you, stop, now. I’m not dealing with this all day. It was an accident. An inexcusable one, but an accident.” 
Your and Ezra’s eyebrows had shifted to take on the same irate slope, however you both decide to just let it drop. You visibly signal your concession by dropping your shoulders and Ezra reflects you. He spins on his heels to open his own equipment hatch, and you turn to the wall yours is on. You all face the walls and change into your suits, a ritual of trust and time efficiency you decided on when the three of you agreed to work as a group. 
Once dressed, you exit the pod, Ezra being first and Cee being last, and embark on your daily journey. The Sun had retreated behind some dark grey clouds. The sky was a royal blue, the ground was greige and the dark foliage that surround you drips with dew. You were stationed on the Blue Moon, an orbiting moon in the Bakhroma System. This place wasn’t highly traveled like its permanent sister (the Green Moon), due to the popular aftermath of the Aurelac Rush. Although Cee and Ezra had been there and left, many people in the galaxy still went to try and scoop up some valuable remains. Unlike The Green, The Blue wasn’t known for its abundant aurelac deposits, which is precisely why your partners chose to come here. 
Their original plan was to travel to The Blue with just themselves, but while on a stop to Puggart Bench you had entranced Ezra while Cee tried to scope out her old friends and catch up with them before she set off on another mission. Demonstrating your eagerness to explore the galaxy and your expansive knowledge of it, Ezra decided to add you to his partnership. It didn’t hurt that you also tried to express your attraction to him, complimenting the rugged floater on his impressive vocabulary. He had complimented you on your willingness to listen to his ramblings, and it had been love ever since. Neither of you had come out directly and said “I love you”, and you hadn’t partaken in any physical affection, but your yearning for each other could not be more understood. His adoration for you only deepened when he saw how you interacted with Cee. Being closer to her generation than Ezra’s, you were able to connect with her like contemporaries. However, you were far enough away from her age group to the point where Ezra couldn’t act as a father figure to you. This duality made you irresistible to him.
Back to the present, you gaze at the back of his helmet intently, waiting to see what his plan of action for the day is. The Green requires visitors to wear air-tight suits and breathe through air filtration systems at all times because of harmful spores that float in the atmosphere. The Blue’s spores are far less harmful, and helmets can be taken off for 45 minute intervals, but the three of you only took them off when the confinement of the helmets became a little too much. The glass window of Ezra’s helmet swivels to you and he asks, “Split up, hourly check-ins, reconvene for lunch?” 
As you’re thinking of your answer, you notice his eyes dart repeatedly up and down your body. You can tell by the way his mouth is slightly parted that he isn’t assessing your body language to predict your response. He’s thinking about all of the ways he would devour you for apology’s sake. 
You look to Cee in the middle of your answer, “Sure. I’ll go with Cee today.” She smiles at you and turns to him. His mouth closes and he looks down to fiddle with his radio with thick-gloved fingers, “I’ll be on channel one.” Cee says, “Okay,” and beckons you to follow her as she sets off on a worn path. You and Ezra look at each other one more time before you turn in opposite directions and begin your divergent treks.
Catching up to Cee by jogging, your steps slow to match her pace once you are by her side. There’s silence between the two of you for a little while as you weave your way through trees of varying heights, eyes keeping to the ground to spot humps in the dirt. Humps gave away the location of aurelac deposits. A couple of slips were shared between the two of you as you climbed over hills and shuffled through valleys, the forest floor littered with puddles. What The Green has in vegetation, The Blue has in water. There were multiple lakes, some touting depths that are only achievable by advanced marine technology. Rainstorms are common, but they never grow to something like a hurricane. Everything was doused in a blue hue, whether it was the air, the water or the plants. The spores in the air resembled stagnant raindrops, peculiar in the way that they seemed to stay in their place in the atmosphere. 
Cee broke the silence, “So, are you okay?” You know exactly what she is referring to and answer, “Yeah. Still a bit shaken up and confused, but other than that I guess I’m fine. I can feel bruises where his hands were.” She turns around to look at you and you lift your chin for her to see. She grimaces and says, “Yeah, you can see where each finger was and everything.” You look down, feeling disappointed that the event even happened. You ask her, “So he had a nightmare about me?” You watch the back of her helmet as she nods, “Yep. He just said that he thought you were going to endanger the three of us. He didn’t say in what way, really, just that you were a threat.” You take a moment to process the information and then fire off another question, “So, I have nightmares too, but I don’t act on them in real life. So why did he do what he did? Is there, like, an underlying feeling of distrust that he has for me, or...?” She started shaking her head halfway through your last sentence, “No, no, not at all. It’s just that The Green was so traumatic that I can understand just how vivid nightmares about it can be. And even though I don’t know much about what he went through before I met him on The Green, I’m sure prospecting was just as dangerous as it is now. I wouldn’t be surprised if at one point, or at a million points, someone that he trusted backstabbed him. But it’s nothing personal against you at all.” You nod and take in her words, trying to reassure yourself that you can trust him, even though he had done everything he could to prove you otherwise the night prior.
Cee stops and turns to you, chuckling, “If anything-”
A short sound on your radios cuts her off, and Ezra’s voice comes through the speakers, “How are you little birds coming along?” 
Cee answers, “Fine. No deposits yet. What about you?” She grins at you, not forgetting to finish her comment as soon as he leaves the two of you alone. 
“Nothing. I’ll be shocked if we stumble across any hint of a deposit today. Like every day. Over and out.” 
You look at her, eager to hear what she has to say. This only widens her smile, and she rolls her eyes as she begins, “Like I was saying.” You both laugh as she continues, “If anything, you’re the best thing that’s happened to him. I’ve never seen his eyes light up so much at anything like they do when he looks at you.” You blush and look down at your feet shyly. She gives you a playful shove and knocks you out of your butterfly-ridden trance. Her tone changes serious as she sighs, her pitch dropping a little bit lower than normal, “You really don’t have to worry about him hurting you or me. He’s just fucked up from our time on The Green. I am too, but I experienced it in a slightly different way, and deal with it differently too. I mean, I lost my father, but he killed two other people. It got us out of there, but that’s probably going to haunt him for the rest of his life. And since it was recent, he’s still trying to figure out how to handle the whole thing. I’m not making any excuses for him, because he didn’t have any reason to attack you, regardless of any dream, but he seriously wouldn’t do that under any other circumstances.” She puts an assuring hand on your shoulder and smiles. You smile back and nod once in understanding, saying, “I believe you.” She pats your back, and you both turn to continue on your walk. A few moments pass, and she lets out another laugh. You teasingly ask her with a smile on your face, “What is it now?” 
“I mean, it’s obvious that Ezra’s been through some shit, because the guy’s fucking weird as hell.” Your helmets are filled with your cackling as thoughts of the strange man play out in your head. Cee jokes, “I mean, little bird? His confusing speech pattern in general? Someone who talks in crosswords is either an ancient person who is trying to be clever in their last days because that’s the only form of strength they have left or just some asshole who finds enjoyment in verbally tricking people.” Another few moments of giggling pass before she ends with, “And what’s with the drawl?” She turns to you, the injuries in your throat burning from laughing so hard, “Have you ever heard someone else, in the entire Bakhroma System, talk like that?” You shake your head while wheezing and she says, “I haven’t either. So how did that weirdo even get here?” 
The surrounding forests may be quiet, but the inside of your suits are filled with the joyful laughter of two friends who continue on their merry way to find some aurelac.
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What yesterday lacked in aurelac, it made up for in emotional gains. You had spent the rest of the day with Cee, strengthening your tender bond, exploring the terrain that The Blue had to offer. Ezra kept to his promise and checked in on you two hourly, making sure that you hadn’t run into any other travelers or went too far off the grid. Your group hadn’t crossed paths with any other citizens of the galaxy since you landed, which didn’t surprise or disappoint any of you; the three of you needed some peacetime for regrouping. 
You start today by scanning the pod’s dashboard of lights to make sure nothing is out of order. Because of his contempt to the idea of you prospecting, Ezra had assigned you to be the pod’s programmer. Pods were cheap to rent, so they were justifiably subject to malfunctions. Given that Cee and Ezra were tasked with mapping out The Blue and harvesting aurelac, you obliged to take the responsibility of operating the astronomical vehicle. The other job you had been given was keeper of the harvested aurelac. Once in its containers, you were to check on the gems every day and make sure that none had cracked during transport. The problem is that you haven’t had any luck at finding such valuables. It has been documented that The Blue does contain aurelac, but that it is extremely difficult to find. However, the average gem on The Blue is thrice the size of that which The Green holds. So the size and abundance differences are a lawful tradeoff. 
While you’re analyzing a digital screen on the dashboard, an expressive yawn escapes a man’s mouth. You twist to see Ezra stretching his arm out, eyes and nose scrunched in delight at the wringing out of his muscles. A smile graces your face as you take in his exaggerated display of awakening, and he mirrors your smile when he opens his eyes. His arm relaxes at his side, and a raspy morning voice greets you, “Hi.” You smirk at his unadorned statement and say back, “Hi.” He holds your gaze for a moment before turning to pick his mechanical arm up off the floor next to him. After losing his arm on The Green, his prospecting abilities fell drastically. He had to take out a loan to pay for the artificial limb, but it would restore his talents, so it was a fair deal. That’s why the three of you had gone on this mission, rather than building your friendship on Puggart Bench: to harvest aurelac to repay the loan.
Cee grabs both you and Ezra’s attention as she wakes with a start. Getting up and out of her pilot’s chair, she merrily folds her blankets and marches over to her equipment hatch. You and Ezra share a look of bewilderment, and he questions, “Good morning?” She flips around to you both, forgetting that you were in the pod with her. She cheers, “Good morning!” Reading the two confused expressions that watch her, she explains, “I want to go and look at this area that we missed yesterday. It has a lot of hills, so maybe that’s an indicator of more deposits. I was going to look at it yesterday, but then we came together for lunch, and I completely forgot about it until now.” Noting that she is the only one in the pod that is anywhere near awake, she asks both you and Ezra, “Is it okay if I go by myself?”
Memories of the last 36 hours flicker in your head, discomforting your nerves. It’s not that you don’t trust Ezra, but you don’t trust Ezra. The outburst that he had the other night frightened the shit out of you, and you’ve been wary to interact with him at all, let alone without Cee present to diffuse the situation if it got too tense. The fear he had shoved upon you was still fresh, but the excitement in Cee’s face and your tiresome brain convinced you that it would be okay. Maybe during this time alone you could patch things up with him. Him and Cee had given you a general rundown of what had happened on The Green when you first met, but you could prod Ezra about the details. Hopefully you could uncover some explanations to his night terrors. 
You look over at him to gauge his reaction to her proposition, and he’s staring at you with puppy-dog eyes. His mouth is turned up in a soft smile, and you can’t help but grin at the way his hair is still unruly from his sleep. Suddenly you feel a pleasant heat between your legs, and you can’t tell if it’s just your body waking up or the overwhelming desire to pepper a million kisses over the sleepy man’s face. Refusing to admit to yourself that the latter is the true culprit of your wetness, you shake your head slightly to rock you out of your trance and say to Cee, “Yeah, that would be fine.” Ezra’s smile at you widens before he turns to Cee and inputs, “I concur. Like always, just be sure to watch your surroundings carefully. You’ll find us here when you return.” She nods once and turns to her equipment hatch, signaling you and Ezra to turn to yours as well to give her some privacy as she changes. Once changed, she closes her hatch, puts her helmet on and departs, “I’ll be on channel one. See you guys later!” You and Ezra both give halfhearted waves, still too tired to formulate any meaningful words. The door to the pod closes behind her, and you are alone with Ezra. 
The anticipation of being alone with him made you more anxious than how you feel now, letting your eyes fall to the man still on the floor. He’s already looking up at you, the lazy smile still pulling at his cheeks. The desire to invite yourself into his bed, wrap yourself in his blankets and limbs in order to match the warmth that is flooding your genitals, and doze off into a lustful nap tries to take over your mind. You fight it with everything you have and make your way over to your pilot’s chair. Positioning yourself so that you’re facing Ezra, he simply asks you, “Hungry?” You nod your head and he reaches behind himself. His hand reappears with a Bits Bar, tossing it to you. The only sounds that fill the pod are the crinkling of the wrappers and your respective chewing. Although you’re both preoccupied with eating, Ezra’s silence is deafening. He tended to drop his confusing lingo when talking to you, since he wasn’t trying to trick you. He hadn’t had the courage to reveal his true feelings to you yet, which will be so poetic and heartfelt it will make you sick to your stomach, so he stuck to simple statements. He wanted you to note the difference between his conversations with you and other people, so he made it a very clear point to forgo his prose and expansive vocabulary. He wanted you to note that he revealed his truest sentiments to you and tried his best to hide them from others. 
The peaceful nature of the morning encouraged you to bring up an irritating topic with him, “I only want to prospect because I want to help you guys.” He tries to keep his eyes on his food, knowing that looking into your eyes will ignite his possessive and protective nature, “I know that. And it doesn’t matter how many motives you come up with, birdie, there will never be a time when you’re in my care that you will prospect. That’s the extent that I will let this conversation fester to.” His dismissive demeanor infuriates you. You fire back at him, trying not to let your tension leak into your voice, “I’m not Cee. You are not my parent or my guardian, you’re my partner. So there’s no social expectation that I have to submit to your desires.” His irritation grows, entertaining his fingers by folding the wrapper, “That is technically true. But a good partner will never put their partner at risk. And I have deemed it risky for you to prospect.” His retaliation sets you off. You didn’t want this to turn into an argument, but you also don’t want to back down from this. Your eyebrows crease together in frustration, your arms cross and your mouth sets itself in a frown. 
He looks up from his distraction and becomes infuriated by your look. Now he’s pissed. He begins a verbal knife fight, “Maybe if you had experienced what it’s like to have a shitty partner, you would appreciate my efforts to protect you.”
“I’m not ungrateful.”
“In a way, you are. You abandoned everything you had on Puggart Bench once you met me and Cee. You had friends, a nice family, a stable living situation, a good education. Don’t blame me for a position that you put yourself in.”
“First of all, that’s how it looked to you. Second, a good education in prospecting! Maybe if you weren’t staring at my ass every second of every day, you would have asked me what I was studying. I can probably prospect better than you can.”
“I’d find pure, mocking enjoyment in seeing you try to harvest. I would bet my life that I can prospect better than you can, even with my impediment!” He motions to his mechanical arm.
“You wouldn’t have the impediment if you weren’t so fucking devious! And don’t even get me started on the arrogance, or the fucking pretentiousness!”
Your overheated exchange comes to a halt when the pod’s door opens. Cee climbs in, and you and Ezra try to mask your fury for each other as much as you can. She acknowledges the two of you and says, “Just need an air filter.” The atmosphere turns awkward as you watch her get what she needs out of her hatch. She’s leaving as soon as she came in, and you hold up a parting hand and say, “Be safe. Have fun.” She tilts her chin at you, and Ezra chimes in, “Be safe, Sparrow.” She exits, disappearing into The Blue.
Her interruption quelled the fire that burned between you and Ezra, subsequently drowning you in a wave of guilt over your words. Ezra’s looking down at his hands, shadows keeping his expression unreadable. You uncross your arms in defeat as you feel tears gather on your bottom eyelids. Opening your mouth to apologize, Ezra puts his hand up and directs, “Don’t apologize.” You protest, “But-” He cuts you off, “Don’t. Apologize.” You audibly sigh and sit back in your chair, not facing him anymore. You wish you could just kiss him. It would shut the both of you up and finally bring your shared, passionate feelings to the surface. Instead you opt to stare at the program board in front of you. How sexy. Such allure. You roll your eyes at your own naivety. 
Both of you sit and replay all of the moments that led you to the peak that you sit atop, questioning how to safely start the descent. You decide to break the silence with a neutral topic, “Why do you call her Sparrow?” Staying turned away from each other, Ezra answers, “Well, now that I have two little birds in my life, I have to distinguish them.” Your heart glows at his comment, but it’s not enough to wipe the somber expression off of your face. 
“Why Sparrow though?”
“She’s adaptable. She’s been able to keep a sane mind while traveling through Puggart Bench, The Green, The Ephrate, The Blue. The presence of others doesn’t deter her from her work, yet she’s not aloof to their existence.”
His musings entertain you. Your anger begins to become a thing of the past as you get off of your chair and sit down on the floor a few feet away from him. Being on a literal level playing field only increases your ease. 
“What are you?”
He smirks, “A magpie.”
“I should’ve known.”
You share a bit of laughter before he explains, “I’m intelligent in trickery. I take pride in my illusions, but that’s not all I possess. Once I find my mate, I become protective of them, sometimes to the point of absurdity. A magpie male and female share the brunt of building a nest; as all great relationships should split the responsibility of reconciliation equally.” Regarding his last sentence, he raises one eyebrow at you. You stretch your legs out so that the soles of your shoes touch his.
“Magpies mate for life.”
You break your eye contact. You have grown shy from his pointed allusions, so you playfully fiddle his feet with yours. A moment passes before he says, “You’re a snow goose.” Confused, you look up at him, “A snow goose?” He nods enthusiastically, “Yes, a snow goose.” You shake your head, giggling, “I’ve never heard of those.” He leans forward with shock, “Really?” “Yep.” He shakes his head once and stands up to open his equipment hatch above you. He pulls out a book and sits back down, this time beside you. All About Birds. You assume the birds are alphabetized as you watch him flip the book open about 4/5 of the way through, and he presents you with a page: “Snow Goose”. Amused by the fact that he wasn’t lying, you let out a laugh. He laughs with you, “My Goose needs to brush up on her avian animal knowledge.” A minute has to pass before the cackling subsides. Then he paraphrases, “Snow geese are another adaptable bird, preferring to travel in packs. They roost mainly in bodies of water: marshes, ponds, the like. Ringing true to stereotypes of the general breed, they are very territorial of their property once they claim what is theirs. Snow geese have a brilliant white coat, which I equate to your magnificent aura. They are similar to magpies in that they mate for life.”
You look up from the book and are greeted with chocolate eyes glazed in infatuation. Thighs and arms pressed together, you turn to rest your chin on Ezra’s shoulder. Flickering eyes go back and forth between his eyes and his lips, signaling to him that if he wanted to kiss you, you wouldn’t object. He inserts, “Snow geese also don’t lack in paying homage to their reputation of being loud bitches.” You gasp and lay a swat on his chest as he chuckles away at his poking. After he has had his fill of laughing, you return to your resting place on his shoulder and let out a sigh. 
A few quiet moments go by before you look up at him and admire the handsome, irritating, brave, stubborn, loving man who are you enamored with. You reach your hand up and comb your fingers through his hair once, twice. He leans into your hand as you continue to brush his locks, “Ezra?” He hums, eyes closing rapidly from the lulling pleasure you’re giving him, “Mm-hm?” You whisper, “I’m sorry.” A stark contrast from earlier, he allows your apology. He opens his eyes and they’re dripping with honest remorse and helpless romance, “I’m sorry too.”
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Yesterday didn’t amount to what you had originally planned to accomplish, but it was still a good day. Despite all of the insult hurling and badmouthing, you and Ezra ended the day on a nice note. Getting to the bottom of his nightmares could wait for another time. You both had needed a day of fun together to put aside your hostilities before you embarked on discussing trauma. Cee had returned without a problem, hands void of aurelac but filled with notes of The Blue’s landscape. 
You wake up, startled, All About Birds slipping off of your lap and onto the floor. You had sliced it out of Ezra’s dormant fingers after he had fallen asleep, your curiosity piqued from his earlier paraphrasing. Cee’s awake and bustling about in the pod, trying to find something, anything, to eat that isn’t a Bits Bar or a Slurry Pack. As you lean over to pick the book up from the floor, you catch Ezra’s eyes on you. 
He’s standing at his equipment hatch, doing some much needed cleaning up. He’s a traveler who believes in organized chaos, that putting things in their “right” place takes up too much valuable time. 
You smile up at him shyly and as you sit back upright with the book in your hands he says, “Did you find any specimens that better suit us?” You shake your head, “No, you were pretty damn spot on with your choices.” He flashes a smug grin, one that paints your face pink with amusement. Cee plops down in her chair with a huff of defeat, unwrapping a Bits Bar. Ezra hears her and says, “(Y/N) and I will take today’s assignment, Cee. You’ve warranted yourself a break after your ingenious expeditioning yesterday.” She says, “Good, because my legs feel like jelly.” The three of you laugh and you get up and rush to your equipment hatch. With your and Ezra’s friendship on its way to restoration, you were excited to find what the day would hold. The two of you get dressed in a flash, and you tell Cee before putting on your helmet, “We’ll be on channel one, like always.” She sticks a thumb up from behind her chair, and with that you and Ezra are on your way out of the pod.
The rays of the Sun today are periwinkle, streaming through small gaps in the overhanging vegetation. The air is tinted royal blue, the trees shimmer with teal sparkles, the soil a shade of navy. You inhale deeply as if you can smell the fresh air through your air filter, imagining a place where you could be with your gang without all of this clumsy equipment, without giving up the majesty that this landscape has. 
Ezra snaps you out of your daydream, “Where to today, Snow Goose?” 
You pull out a map from a pocket on your back and scan it, looking for any uncharted territory. “Let’s go west today. There’s a big chunk of land that we haven’t documented yet.” 
He nods and begins your quest by turning to the left and walking. You follow him, folding the map and keeping it in your hands. Little conversation is shared between the two of you for the first bit of the journey and the silences aren’t awkward. The majority of your time is spent looking up, admiring the scenery as the Sun comes up and illuminates more of the land. Different hues of blue are unearthed as light reaches deeper crevices: the underside of leaves show turquoise veins, the inside of a hollowed tree trunk boasts a purplish-blue hybrid. The puddles on the ground vary in shape, size, depth and color, and are scattered about the ground in an oddly methodical fashion. 
After a while of marveling at the sights, you regret getting dressed so quickly. You hadn’t brushed your hair properly, and the braid you had put it in was loose. Rubbing against your helmet with all of your head turning, the braid had fallen almost completely out of his shape and it was threatening to combine with your sweat to mold to your face. You instinctively put your hands to your helmet to try to push it out of your way, but you are met with glass resistance. Ezra, peeking over his broad shoulder to make sure he hadn’t lost you, notices your frustration, “Let me help you with that.” You furrow your eyebrows at him and wave off his help, “No, it’s okay. I’ll deal with it.” He shook his head quickly and spins on his heels, looking around and spots two conveniently placed tree stumps, one behind the other, that will accommodate te his fantasy. He gestures to them, “Have a seat, Goose.” 
You stand there, not wanting to indulge in the dream. This was just as much of a dream for you as it is for Ezra. He watched you, everyday before you went out of the pod, braid your hair and willed that one day it would be his hands that would twist your smooth locks. And everyday you braided your hair, you would envision him standing behind you, concentrating hard on his handiwork, his hot breath cascading down the back of your neck, his knuckles grazing your back. Ezra starts walking over to the stumps and motions for you to follow. 
You obey his command and sit down on the seat in front of his, scooting back so that he doesn’t have to reach very far to touch you. A depressing gasp fills the air as you detach your helmet and set it in your lap. Ezra’s gloves appear over your shoulder, “Can you hold these for me?” You were already turned on enough by the thought of him braiding your hair, now he would be braiding your hair with naked fingers and you got to hold the battered material that guarded those impossibly large hands almost everyday? Yeah, this is an illusion. You wait to wake up from your slumber. but are reminded that this situation is very real when Ezra’s fingers reach around your head to brush the sweaty hairs out of your face. His touch is gentle, unlike from the incident a few days ago. Now that you aren’t fighting for your life, you can take in the small, romantic details that you didn’t notice before. The pads of his fingers are rough but not scratchy. You see his fingernails, neatly trimmed and free from any sort of grime. How he pulls off that sorcery while being a prospector, regardless of the gloves, you will never know. 
You tense as his fingers glide over your bruised neck, collecting your hair and bringing it all to your back. He holds your hair in one hand while the other stutters on a bruise. He senses your unease and strangles out, “I’m sorry.” You grip his gloves a little tighter, trying to fight your tears from spilling, and shake your head slightly, “It’s okay.” You’re ready to move past it. It’s important to remember that it happened, but you’re ready to rebuild your relationship. Like he jabbed at you the other day, leaving Puggart Bench had been tough for you. You worry that your leaving left behind permanent scars that would impact the relationships you had there. Ezra and Cee feel like the only friendships that you can count on to last. You need them. 
Knocking you out of your despair, Ezra pulls your hair to one of your shoulders and rests his chin on the other. He turns his head so that his breath spills across your bare neck. He runs a finger lightly across a bruise and asks, mouth millimeters away from your skin, “May I?” You nod, and he plants an imperceptibly light kiss on your neck. You let a tear dribble down your cheek, wiping it away as quickly as it ran. 
A thought enters your mind: my god, his lips are soft as fuck. The combination of the softness with the tickling of his patchy facial hair was heavenly, if not orgasmic. You giggle at your own thoughts* (*thots), intriguing Ezra, “What is it?” You decide to be transparent, “Nothing, it’s just that your mouth is soft as fuck.” A hearty laugh erupts from his chest, “Now I don’t want to put an end to your seductive observations, Goose, but I want this to be an innocent affair.” You smile and sit up straight, letting him know that you are willing to drop the flirtation. For now.
His fingers separate your hair into three sections and he says, referencing the other day, “As a treaty to our battles, I would like to clarify that I don’t think you’re ungrateful.” A soft smile graces your face and you input your own treatise, “And I don’t think you’re arrogant or fucking pretentious. You are a little devious though.” 
He chuckles, “If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t be the scoundrel that I am, now would I?”
You shake your head no. No, he wouldn’t be the scoundrel that you are not so secretively in love with. As you sit there, enjoying the limited amount of time you are allowed with your helmet off, the details of your dreams prove to be true: you can feel Ezra’s concentrated breath warm the nape of your neck, his knuckles tap your suit when he twists your hair a certain way. You yearn for the day that you will be able to touch each other, feel each other’s true weight and texture, without the suits getting in the way.
“So, if you’re so good at prospecting, why don’t you tell me how you do it?” 
His tone is playful and your situation could not be more peaceful, so you decide to indulge him, “Well, first you have to find a deposit, which is usually indicated by a lump in the ground.”
He verifies your first step, “Uh-huh...?”
“Then you want to pour a solution into the deposit’s hole. You don’t want to pour too much though, or else it could cause an explosion.”
Ezra’s hands stop. You turn and ask him, “Is everything okay?” He nods, his eyes first staring off into the landscape and then refocusing once they land on you. He continues to involuntarily nod as he says, “That’s what permitted Cee and I to escape The Green. She threw an entire pint of solution into a deposit. Nearly blew the entire place to bits.” 
You feel rude when you realize that your mouth is hanging open in shock. You close your mouth and words about his time on The Green tumble out of his, “I am devious, indeed. But there were people--beings--there that would make me look like an angel. I take responsibility for killing Cee’s father because he tried to hijack my stash. A man’s work is no petty thing, Goose. I ended up having to kill two others there, in the end. I overestimated our luck after the first one, thinking that it would’ve been a simple escape. I killed the other mercilessly. You see now, Goose, the dangers that I encountered on The Green alone. I would never be able to forgive myself if I allowed you into harm’s way, and you became a tragedy.” 
You reach a hand out and cup his face, which he leans into. He still holds onto your hair, your braid halfway done, and you say, “I was ungrateful, and I’m sorry for that.” He shakes his head once, taking your hand from his face and kissing your palm, “Now you see why I wanted to strangle you in my nightmare. I dreamt that you were someone else, some other thing, that was threatening to drag our trio back to that wretched land.” You both breathe out a shaky laugh, trying to lighten the mood. Even though it was nervous, you are glad that the both of you are taking some steps in the right direction. 
He clears his throat and sits up straight, “Now, after you dodge an eruption, what is the next step of prospecting?” 
You face ahead and let him continue your braid as you speak, “Next you want to remove the husk from the deposit, and cut the cord that connects the two. Then you want to remove the inner membrane from the husk.” 
He quizzes you, “And what’s inside the inner membrane?”
“The aurelac gem.”
“Correct. Continue.” 
“Then you want to cut out any blisters, but if you cut too carelessly you could puncture it, which will release acid. If that happens then the gem ceases to be worth anything.” 
“That’s where my expertise usually falters.” 
“Finally you want to remove the gem from the inner membrane, douse it in fazer solution, and you have your stone.” 
He tests you again, “What is the purpose of the fazer solution?”
“To stabilize the gem and increase its clarity. Higher clarity grants higher payout.”
He pats your shoulder twice and ties your hair off with the hair tie you used for your loose braid, “Fantastic job, Goose. Couldn’t have explained it better myself.” He stands, walks around your stumps and holds a hand out to you. You take it, even though you were perfectly capable of getting up yourself. You got to hand him his gloves, and he stops you, “Wait a minute.” Both of his hands come to the sides of your face and push a few stray hairs behind your ears; the finishing touches to his masterpiece. You can tell he did a good job without having to look at it, since it didn't feel too loose or too tight, and the problem you had before was now solved. His tongue darts out and runs the edge of his bottom lip before he takes a step back, throwing his hands up, “Voila!” You giggle, eliciting a smile from Ezra wide enough to make the skin around his eyes crinkle in happiness. You hand him his gloves, which he puts on before you both secure your helmets back to your suits. 
Ezra checks in with Cee, “Everything alright, Sparrow?” 
A few seconds pass before she answers, “Yep, just listening to my music. Everything alright on your end?” 
“Affirmative. We’ll be staying outside for lunch. Over and out.” 
Ezra’s eyes gaze into yours for a brief moment before they move past your shoulder, eyebrows raised and mouth agape. You ask, “What?” before turning and following his stare. A patch of undisturbed soil, littered with lumps. In his rush by you, Ezra grabs your hand and pulls you along with him as you run to the potential aurelac deposits, laughing at his enthusiasm. He halts at the brink of the field, choosing which one he wants to dig up first. You suggest, “Why don’t we start from the outside and work our way in?” He nods, “That’s a great idea,” and drops to his knees. You stare at the mound in front of him as you sink down to the ground, pulling out your map. You mark where this field is located as he preps his harvesting tools. Once he’s prepared, he sighs and takes your hand, “Do you want to help me, Goose?” 
You nearly spring to your feet with excitement, “Would I ever!” 
He beams at your reaction and begins the process by clearing the dirt away from the mound to reveal the deposit. “How about for this first time, you just hand me the tools?” You nod, taking this as slowly as he wants to, “Whatever you’d like.” He grins as he cuts a hole in the deposit, knife already in hand. “Solution,” he requests. You hand him the bottle and he does the honor of pouring it over the deposit. A white steam emits from the hole, and he reaches in and grabs the husk. “Let me cut this cord, you can do the next one.” You agree and watch as he cuts it with his knife. He places the husk on a flat patch of land and requests his next tool, “Scalpel.” You hand him a Ralon Crusader Laser Scalpel and watch him work.
Laser scalpels are primarily used for precision work, like this step and the removal of blisters, while any generic knives will do the job when cutting the cord or opening up the deposit. 
You watch as he makes an incision in the husk, handing you back the tool once he’s done. He wrangles the inner membrane out of the husk and holds his hand out. You know that he wants the scalpel back, and you give it to him. He flashes you a smile for your readiness, but then hands you the scalpel back. You take it, confused, and he says, “I’d like you to cut the blisters off of this one.” 
Your pupils narrow and your muscles grow tense. You know the steps of prospecting backwards and forwards, but you had never carried out a lab experiment, let alone prospected aurelac in the wild. Ezra lays a gentle hand on your forearm, “I have eternal faith in you, Goose.” You move toward the membrane and turn the scalpel on. Ezra holds it steady for you as you go to remove the blister. There’s only one, which is a slight relief. You plunge the scalpel into the membrane, thinking that the skin would be thicker, and a hiss greets you. You pull back as the membrane deflates and an amber liquid seeps from it, the hissing never stopping. Your mortified eyes look up into Ezra’s and you immediately apologize, “I’m so sorry, Ezra, I thought that-” He raises a hand, “It is not a big deal in the slightest, Goose. I’ve never come across a prospector that didn’t puncture the membrane, or fail to mix the fazer solution correctly the first time.” He senses your lingering humiliation and grabs your shoulders, turning you even more towards himself, “Really, it’s fine.” You want to melt into his hands, crawl into his lap and just hide there until you feel better, but you know that you have to move on. 
He points to the mound behind you, “Let’s try that one.” You stay on the ground and move the tools with you, while Ezra stands and walks over before he squats. You hand him the knife, watch him repeat the process and hand him tools as he needs them: slice the deposit, squirt in the solution, remove the husk, sever the cord, open the husk, take the membrane out. He looks to you, “I want you to try again.” Turning the scalpel on, its vibrations feel more vigorous against your heightened nerves than they did last time. Ezra assumes his position of securing the slippery pod, and you begin cutting. Again only one blister, you circle the blemish with the blade. Once the circle is complete, Ezra reminds you, “It’s easiest to pull it off with your fingers.” You follow his directions, turning the instrument off and setting it to the side. You pull on sticky flesh, and the part that you cut comes off easily. Ezra sighs, “Incredible.” Sliding his fingers in between the membrane and the aurelac, he pulls the rock out and discards the pouch. He calls for the fazer solution, which you hand him and watch as he washes the gem with it. Another hissing sound can be heard, much quieter than the one that came when you punctured the membrane. He holds the aurelac up to the blue Sun, and both of you observe, amazed, at how the light shines through the gem. Aurelac is an amber-hued stone, sometimes with ripples in the color, encased in a foggy crystal. The blue light complements the orange shade of the gem exquisitely. 
Ezra turns to you, eyes bright with satisfaction, hands muddied with gristle, “Superb job, Goose!” He leans into you, helmet shields touching and reaches forward to kiss your glass. You smile and laugh with him in gratification. You can’t wait to harvest the rest of the mounds with your partner. 
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A warmth you have never felt before bestows itself to you this early morning. It flourishes in your heart and subsequently pumps through your body, reaching from the crown of your head all the way down to the soles of your feet. It stretches from your ribs to the ends of your fingertips, running in cycles back and forth. The cause of this pleasure was not from the large aurelac haul you had pulled yesterday, but from the man that you harvested with. Ezra’s arms encircle you, heavy with sleep. You’re swaddled in his blankets with him, the depths of sleep tempting you to fall back down to their level of subconscious. The Sun hasn’t risen yet. 
You had crawled into Ezra’s awaiting lap after Cee had fallen asleep the night before. It wasn’t that you felt like you had to hide your feelings from her, but the dynamic still made you feel a little bit awkward, even with Ezra’s reassurance and Cee’s encouragement to pursue him. You would feel more comfortable if she were to wake up and find the two of you in your designated sleeping arrangements, and not in an amorous yet innocent entanglement of limbs. 
You can practically feel a rainbow sprout from your chest as you look up at Ezra, finding delight in his relaxed expression. His hair is messy not from the tossing and turning of a restless night’s sleep, but the enamored strokes of a yearning partner’s fingers. The whirlwind of malachite butterflies in your stomach nudges you away from sleep. You press your hands into Ezra’s chest, where they have been resting, and turn to nuzzle your nose into his collarbone before you start to slip out of his embrace. Gently lifting his arms off of you in an effort to keep him asleep, you fail. He cups the side of your face and rubs his thumb back and forth against your cheek a few times before he lets his arm fall to his side. He gives you a smile of understanding, allowing you to leave him only because he will dream about holding onto you for forever once he drifts off again. You give him a playful boop on his nose before you stand and trudge over to your pilot’s chair, sinking down into your own cold blankets. You try your best to recreate the heat you just deserted by bundling yourself up tight, but it’s not the same. However uncomfortable, you quickly succumb to the temptation of sleep. 
The true morning gives rise to an energetic group of prospectors. Still joyful about yesterday’s collection, you, Cee and Ezra are enthusiastic to stroll around The Blue again and see what else could be in store for you. Stretching in your chair, Ezra grabs your raised hands and leans over the back of your seat. You look up into his eyes and he greets you, “Good morning, Goose.” You smile and tease, “Good morning, Magpie.”
Cee blurts out, “Finally, you give her a nickname too!” You and Ezra laugh as he releases your hands, and you turn to face Cee at her equipment hatch. “I like Magpie too. Very fitting,” she raises an eyebrow at Ezra and he shoots you a wink. You get up to fold your blanket, Ezra glides over to his own equipment hatch, and Cee says, “You know, I say you guys last night.” Your face instantly beats red, and Cee notices, “No, it’s fine. It makes me happy to see a couple that can get over obstacles and love each other through it all.” You still feel a bit embarrassed, but shrug it off. 
A word she chose makes you question Ezra, “Are we a couple?” 
“Of course. We’ve always been partners, haven’t we?” 
Suited up, the three of you enter The Blue. After your daily assessment of the land (beautiful, as always) you turn to Cee and wait for her direction. She had mapped out the majority of the Blue Moon the day that you and Ezra stayed inside the pod, so you trusted her guidance the most. Ezra asks, “Where to today, birdies?” Cee analyzes the map before pointing to an area, “This block was filled with hills. It didn’t look like there were many deposits, but then again I’m not the best at spotting them.” Eager to start, you ask, “Which way do we go?” Ezra glances at the map, points to the right and commences your expedition, “This is the way.” 
💘taglist: @pascalpanic​ 
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feeling-weirdy · 3 years
Prompt - Vision and Wanda have a discussion about having family and children, set during the time between CW and IW.
It was pure habit at this point.
At the end of their walks, Vision would take Wanda around the nearby playground that was just outside of the hotel they frequented.  Her face would light up seeing the children play, sometimes stopping to watch them for several minutes.  The look on her face was unmistakable.  Even as a synthezoid, he knew full well what she was thinking.
And the very knowledge of this broke his heart.
He couldn’t give her what she wanted.  She had to have known that.
Vision was sure to give her the space she needed and allowed her to enjoy the activity of what she called ‘people watching’ from the sidewalk.  From time to time, one little boy, in particular, would call her over to play and the pain that Vision felt deep within his chest cavity grew to a level he did not know existed.
He sat casually on the park bench, eyeing the love of his life with uneasiness and apprehension as she lit up in a way that he had never noticed before.  They had talked about a great many things during their short times together, very rarely actually touching on a possible future together.  Wanda had made it known that she wanted to focus on living in the moment and would quickly shrug it off were he to ever bring it up.  The action, which he was sure she meant to help ease his mind but instead sent the wheels in his mind into overdrive.
Waving at him from the middle of the playground, Wanda looked positively happy and Vision did his best to mimic her expression.  Forcing the corners of his mouth to tug into a distinct smile that was sure to fool her into thinking he was doing okay on his own.  The frown that immediately replaced her features told him that he failed.  Wanda quickly handed the ball back to the little boy and walked briskly across the playground to the exact bench that Vision had occupied.
Her head fell to the side, worry filling her eyes as she carefully watched him.
“You doin’ okay over here?”  She asked, refusing to sit so that she could watch him clearly.  Vision smiled at her, folding his hands in his lap as he leaned back against the bench.
“Of course, whatever gave you that idea?”
Wanda’s face fell, her lips tightening against her face while he responded.  “Because I know you...and you’re not a very good liar.  What’s going on?”  Vision sighed softly, a quiet chuckle escaping from his lips.  During their time together, she had become more intuitive when it came to how he responded to her.  She had become well adept at picking the small mannerisms that seemed prominent across his features.  He was unable to hide that from her, despite his wishes for more tact.
Vision’s eyes fell to the ground, the forced smile instantly disappearing as he struggled to keep himself from spilling over.  He wouldn’t be able to stay silent were she to keep prodding.  She always had a way of pulling things out of him regardless of what information that may be.
“I’d rather not ruin your afternoon with your new friend.”  He nodded back toward the boy who had instantly forgotten about Wanda and had instantly found a way to entertain himself as he played by himself.  
“Spill.”  Wanda’s eyes sharpened, reaching down to take hold of one of his hands and recapturing his attention.  “You don’t have to keep things from me, you know?”
“I-”  Vision stopped himself, nodding curtly.  He pushed himself up to his feet, wrapping her arm around his and leading her away from the screaming children.  They were going to need more privacy if they were going to have this serious of a conversation, and he was more than happy to pull her away from the source of his fear.  “Walk with me, please.”
Wanda exhaled, watching him intently as he pulled her to the side.  “Vis, you’re kind of freaking me out.  What’s bothering you all of a sudden?”
“Wanda...”  Vision started, unsure of exactly where was the best place to do so.  Surely she knew, but it had to be said.  Out loud.  “Do you ever wonder about our future?”
Relief washed over her face, squeezing his hand as she gazed up at him.  “Sometimes...but, we’ve talked about this.  Is that what’s gotten you so worried?”  The smile that graced her face was almost heavenly, a blissful happiness that was no doubt connected to the notion that they would be able to spend the rest of their lives together.  Vision could feel himself getting lost in her beauty over and over again.  She deserved far more than what he was able to give her.
“Those were always playful banters rather than serious conversations,” Vision reminded her, running a smooth finger along her forehead to pull a loose strand of hair out of her face.
“I suppose so...”  She trailed off, chuckling softly as she ran a finger along the false skin that covered his forearm.  “So what...you want to have a serious conversation right here in the park?”
“I just thought that a home...of some sort would be beneficial for us...one day.”  Vision struggled with his words, a familiar process that never seemed to go right for him.  
“I home of some sort would be great.”  She giggled, reaching up to place a small kiss along his lips.  “The Accords make things a little difficult on us, but we don’t have to have this conversation right now.”
“On the same note...”  Vision refused to let the conversation die down.  She must have immediately sensed where he was going because the smile on her face rapidly disappeared.
“Vis...”  The warning was obvious, but he was far too concerned about their future together were they to keep putting this off.
“On the same note, c-children would be...”  His words trailed, face falling at the very mention of it as allowed his fingers to trace the length of her arm.  Her warmth brought him comfort, even during his lowest moments.  
“We don’t have to talk about this right now,” Wanda bit back at him, her face growing hard while she attempted to avoid his gaze.
“No, I feel we must.”  
“Stop...”  Her teeth grit together, tucking her arms against her chest and pulling away from him slightly.  Her voice was soft and hurt as if she were worried to continue.  
“Wanda...my body is purely synthetic as you’re well aware.  Were you to wish for children...”  Vision pressed on regardless of the way her face contorted against his words.  This needed to be said and he would not back down this time.  “I would be unable to provide you with that joy were that to be what you truly desired.”
“What makes you think I want that, hm?  I’ve never said...”  Her words sounded angry, but the look in her eyes told him all he needed to know.  Tears threatened to fall, causing her eyes to turn glassy as she glared up at him.
“I’ve seen the way you look at those children out in the field.  It doesn’t take a synthezoid to figure out what’s running through your mind,” Vision explained.
“We’re not talking about this.”  Wanda turned away from him, starting her trek forward to leave their discussion at that.
“Wanda...I must speak.”  He continued, causing her to stop in one sudden motion.  “Please, just listen to me.  Your happiness means more to me than the Earth itself.  If I can’t provide you with...If I can’t...”
“Please stop...”  Wanda's voice softened, slowly closing the distance between them. Her fingers touched his chest, tracing lines along the texture of his sweater. Her eyes followed her fingers, clearly struggling to pull herself together. In hope of soothing her worries, Vision raised his hand to her cheek, gently running his thumb along her skin. “I don’t need children to be happy, Vis.  As long as I’m with you, that’s all I care about.  I don’t see any reason why we can’t just enjoy our time together and just enjoy it.”
“The future may say otherwise," he chuckled.
“Then we’ll figure it out.  I’m fine.  If I can’t get my fill at the neighborhood park, then there are many ways we can have children without actually having children.” Confusion filled his mind as she spoke, uncertain as to her meaning. “Adoption...surrogacy...we can figure that out too.  When we’re both ready and not right now.  Together.” A smile stretched across her face, reaching down to slip her hand into his grip.  
“Very well.  Together, then.”
“For now...all I want is you.  Can’t that be enough?”  Her words seemed genuine, but he couldn’t stop the worry that continued to eat in the back of his mind.  At some point in her life, she was bound to want more and there was only so much that he could provide for her.  The heaviness of that thought weighed on his mind, but if she insisted that she was happy with how things were, there was no way he could refute that fact.  
“Of course, my love.  My heart and my entire being are yours.”
Check out my other drabbles here or feel free to request some!
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can I request a David X Michael smut? if you're not comfortable then I totally understand :)
Notes: Ok, so first off: thank you so much for your request🤍. Second: this is my very first time writing a one shot about these boys, so I came up with this because I'm sure David's kink is to watch Michael hunt, so I tried my best. I don't know if this is what you were expecting, but I really really hope you like it 🤞🏻❤️. I accept feedback, writing advices, constructive criticism 😂, and more comments you want to let me know! I'm sorry you had to wait so much, btw, but I'm new on editing long posts on Tumblr.
Word Count: 1461
Warnings: NSFW, cursing, mentions of murder, mentions of blood, blowjob, handjobs, and basically just gay vampires.
Fast Learner (David x Michael)
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They were on their way back to the cave. It had been four months since his turning, so by now the things coming with being a vampire were already accepted by Michael. But the midnight killings were still hard to get used to.
"You were good tonight, Michael." David commented interrupting his moral dilemma and sliding his arm over his shoulders. He tried to smile kindly and accepted the embrace.
"He says that 'cause he wants to get in your pants!" Paul joked from behind.
Everyone laughed and David gave him the finger, only increasing the laughs from the others.
"But he's right, Mike." Dwayne's deep voice added "You were better this time." Michael only nodded.
They quickly walked down the stairs and everyone went separate ways to get ready to catch some rest. Mike had some plans to get clean and prepare to get back home, but before he could totally get away from David's grasp, the blonde applied more force to keep him in place.
"Where you think you're going?" He asked amused.
"The sun's getting out and I still need to go home." He reminded him in an obvious tone. It was hard to maintain his normal life and keep up with his nocturnal schedule.
David's eyebrows raised up "Don't you think you'll need to look more... Normal?" He said grinning referring to his blood-soaked clothes. "Mom Emerson never told you to get clean after going out to play?" He laughed a little.
Mike decided to play clown too "So that's the only reason I'll need to delay my fly back? Get decent to go out?" He snapped back and bit his lip watching the other's mouth. David's eyes sparkled in delight. Straight to the point was his thing. So It didn't took more than three seconds to place Michael between his cold body and the wall with his hungry lips ravishing him.
He kept his fists on Michael's shirt, grinding his hips against the other boy to give his cock some needed friction.
"You really did good out there tonight. Making those pricks scream..." He whispered, lightly brushing the other's lips with his words. He stucked his tongue out and marked a wet path from jaw to cheekbone, then made a trail to the lobe and bit it. "Gave me a memorable show". He would never admit it out loud, but seeing Michael participate so vividly in their huntings always turned him on.
"I think I've learned from the best." Whispered the brunette while sliding his hands from David's waist to his ass. Then he took possession of the exposed neck with his teeth and tried to place a mark. David moaned and took hold of Michael's clothed cock to control his body and switch places. Now with him in between the wall and Mike, their kissing got rapidly messy, with both nibbling and sucking any exposed area. And Michael swore if he wasn't his new self, he would now be hot all over.
"But still you make a mess of yourself" David separated his mouth from the collarboone in mid attack and yanked the blood stained shirt. Michael knew he was right; it was normal to get back from their hunting with some blood on them, but not this much. So he put some inches of separation between them to lift his shirt and tossed it aside.
"Better this way?" He asked smirking.
"Yeah." David breathed taking in sight the defined pecs and strong abdomen. Wasting no more time he took hold of Michael's right hand and pulled it to his bulge. "Your technique at sucking still needs improvement tho."
"And you're volunteering to let me practice?" Mike replied almost in awe.
Michael have him one last hot kiss, roughly biting his mate's lower lip at the end, and began his way down. His cold hands roamed David's belly underneath his shirt, sensually caressing his abdomen. The only thing the newly turned vampire hated about giving David head was the struggle with so many layers of clothes.
"Why don't you ever take this fucking coat off anyway? You're too cold?" Michael grumbled half joking, never taking his hands off.
"You're testing your luck, you know that?" If he was someone else, he would definitely be far gone by now, David thought.
But at least he was doing a great job.
Settling on his knees, he got to his target. He pressed his face to the already fat bulge and wetly kissed the thick layer of fabric. Then he slowly unzipped it and took it out of its confines, earning a low moan and two hands starting to stroke his soft curls.
Before going any further he looked up and saw David's head leaned on the wall with his eyes half closed. He grinned in contentment, feeling a mix of amusement, excitement and happiness realizing the power he had over this creature in vulnerable moments like this.
He took in one hand the cock before him and David inahled a sharp breath when it was softly squeezed at the base. This was followed by a leisure lick from the bottom to the top. As if savouring it for the first time, Michael gave it a couple of more tastes to then take the crown in his mouth, smacking his lips when he pull it out.
"Fuck, Michael" David breathed.
"That can come later" Mike answered and resumed his work putting the crown in his mouth again, this time giving it shelter a few more seconds before taking it deeper in his mouth. To cover the part left behind he moved his hand to massage it in rhythm with his mouth, and with the other hand he fondle his balls to gently roll and weigh them.
David kept moaning in appreciation, putting some pressure on Mike's skull and tugging at some strands to keep control of the pace, bobbing the head at his pleasure.
Without any more control in himself, David cradled the head with his palms pressing both cheeks and began to frantically fuck Michael's mouth.
"Shit. I love you can handle this" he praised while moving his thump to open more the wet cavity. His panting went wild as well as his movements, causing Michael to give up and just relax his throat to take as much as David gave him.
"Michael you keep it like that and I'm coming soon." David said and then stopped his fucking. He whined and pulled out dripping cock. "Get up" he ordered. Michael obligued and tried to gain some balance putting his hands on David's waist.
"You got big hands, babe." David mentioned "Why don't you work them on us." He commanded unbuckling Michael's jeans while Mike himself spitted on his palm to add slickness. When Michael's dick sprung free, he brought their hardnesses together. The touch made them both gasp, but in search for more Mike took both cocks more firmly in his right hand and changed his angle a bit to fit them correctly in the grasp.
Both moaned feeling their swelled dicks move together, and David said, controlling his tone to not sound pleading "Move."
And Michael began the strokes. At first he struggled to keep both cocks in his hand, so he adjusted his fingers to handle them better and began to catch velocity.
Michael started to feel dizzy with pleasure. With the adrenaline from the hunting still flowing through his veins, the sexual act felt even more powerful. So he put his head on David shoulders and moaned louder. "Damnit." He squeezed harder on their cocks.
"Yes. Yes. Just like that, babe." David panted in his ear. He then took hold of his neck with one hand and licked the other to lubricate it before moving it down to help make a better hold on themselves. They both began trusting in matched tempo, seeking their mutual release. They keep thrusting as brutally as they could.
Moments past before Michael whined, signaling his closeness "Oh, god. God, Im gonna come! I'm gonna-" he groaned and lost control of himself, spurting his load, getting both their hands and bellies sticky. The excitement making his body loose made his fangs come out, biting David's shoulder while spasming.
With Michael's hand reflexing involuntarily, and David's hand milking the last of him with hard strokes, David came too, sighing satisfied with relief. After a few recovering moments he noticed Michael's hand had fallen, breaking the contact on the now resting organs, but still felt the fangs cutting through his rough skin. Albeit not hurt, he protested the injury trying to catch his lover's attention clearing his throat. When Michael didn't respond, he tried again taking a deep breath and speaking "I still need to teach you to control those." He then smiled
Michael chuckled.
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re1d · 4 years
closure to those who need it | spencer reid
→ summary: after a tough case, all spencer needs is you. → warnings: mentions of murder, nothing too graphic, mentions of nudity, oh and cavity inducing fluff → word count: 2.3k → a/n: based on no.60 from the prompt list ; “you’re so warm.” “you’re so cold.” “mmh. that’s why i like your warmth.” // bro this fr one of my favorite things i’ve written omgg
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Spencer is desperate for this case to end. He’s been looking at pictures of the same four crime scenes for far too long, and all he wants to do now is see your face. JJ watches him as he ponders a million things at once whilst staring out of the Georgia precinct’s windows. Walking over to him, she places an affectionate hand on his shoulder, coaxing him into looking at her. She offers her best friend a small smile, and he returns it with a tired one. “Have you talked to [Y/N], lately, Spence?” His silence is the only answer she needs, and her voice is gentle as she continues, “Maybe it’s time to?”
Nodding, he reaches into his pocket and makes his way to your contact easily. JJ’s eyes are still on him as she cautiously returns back to the rest of the team. It’s obvious he’s operating on autopilot, not completely conscious of his body’s movements. The phone rings. Once, twice, three times. A pang of worry cracks open the previously unresponsive doctor, and intrusive thoughts fly through his mind. What if something happened? What if you were hurt and no one was there to—?
“Spence? What’s up? Are you on your way home?” Your voice is a calm rain. It floods him with relief while bringing him back to life. A breath he hadn’t realized he was holding falls from his lips. He can hear the confusion over the phone, and he thinks that he should probably say something, but he can’t bring himself to. The line is silent as the two of you merely soak in the presence of each other, not necessarily needing words at the moment. Eventually, Spencer breaks the silence with a simple request.
“Can you just talk to me, [Y/N]? About anything, I don’t mind—I just need to hear more of your voice.” 
The question takes you by surprise. Your boyfriend sounds exhausted, but not just physically exhausted—mentally, too. Deciding against asking about the case, you begin to talk. Moving from topic to topic aimlessly, wandering alongside Spencer in a muddled mess of everything that had happened in the week he’d been gone. “ ... I didn’t feel it, but apparently there was an earthquake not to far from the apartment. Can you believe that, Spence? I know I couldn’t. I was actually out with Izzy when it happened. Oh! While we were out, we went to this shelter and, God, I saw the cutest kitten ever to grace the face of the Earth. Like, this little thing could fit in your hand, it was that small. She was a tiny tortoiseshell, and for some reason—she made me think of you. I don’t really know, she just had this pensive look in her eyes. Just like you, you know?” 
A reluctant grin plays on his lips, and Spencer finds himself so captivated by you that he neglects the feeling of the fond stares of his teammates. Their gazes rest on him as they pack their bags and briefcases. Seeing him happy after a tough case makes their hearts swell, even if they’ll never admit it. “You’re comparing me to a cat?” His chuckle is deep as it resonates in your ear, “I don’t know how to feel about that, [Y/N].”
“Well, it was extremely adorable, so I’d encourage you to feel honored, Spencer Reid.” Your remark makes him laugh even more, and the certain warmth you feel when you’re with Spencer spreads throughout your body. However, all fun has to come to an end, and you become ten times more serious. And somehow, Spencer can feel it. “Spence ...” You trail off, unsure if his answer will be what you want to hear, “When will you be home? Do you want me to put some tea on for when you get here?” 
“We’re packing up now, love. The plane is supposedly already on the tarmac—I’ll be home in about two hours,” he pauses, the thought of seeing you again causing him to choke up, “And yes, tea sounds great. Thank you.”
Smiling at your screen, you hum happily, getting up and moving to the kitchen to start boiling the water. “Call me when you get on the road, okay? I love you, Spence.” The tone of the phrase is calm, but each time it left your mouth, you wanted to scream it from the top of Mount Everest. Putting the water on, you don’t expect a response. It had been over a year and Spencer still couldn’t bring himself to say the three words, but it didn’t bother you that much. He didn’t need to say them for you to know.
“I’ll see you when I get home, [Y/N].” He’s forever grateful that you never pressure him into saying anything he doesn’t feel ready for. But this time, when he presses the end call button, an emptiness forms in the pit of his stomach. As he’s perusing various scenarios that could play out once he got home, three soft raps against the door of the interrogation room he’s in startle him from his thoughts.
JJ’s face glows with a special endearment saved only for Spencer, and she waves him over. “Plane’s waiting, Spence. It’s time to go home.” Those five words almost send him into a fit of body-racking sobs. He’s so unbelievably thrilled to get out of Georgia that he just about forgets his sweater. JJ slings her arm over his shoulder and squeezes him into her side. Accepting the hug with a thankful glance, Spencer walks with her out to the vans and spends the entire car ride staring out the window. He wonders if he would remind you of the kitten in that moment as well.
The plane ride passes as fast as a fly stuck in molasses. Spencer tries to sleep, to forget the recent happenings, but he can’t seem to get the bodies out of his head. Each time he closes his eyes, he sees only blood and agony—everything is red. So, he decides not to close his eyes anymore.
However, as soon as the wheels touch the ground—time seems to flash before his eyes. He says his goodbyes and within minutes, it seems as if he’s at his apartment door, fumbling in his messenger bag for his keys. You beat him to it, though, opening the door to him still searching. “Don’t tell me you were in such a hurry that you left your keys in Georgia,” you laugh, leaning on the door frame. His gaze snaps up to meet yours, and instantaneously, they brim with tears. Your eyebrows rise and you grunt as he practically crashes into you.
Spencer buries his head into your shoulder, and before his arms circle around your waist, he slams the door shut—no doubt earning you both a noise complaint. He weeps into the crook of your neck, trying to pull you closer with each breath he takes in. Your hands rest on both his neck and the back of his head. Whilst rubbing gentle patterns into his scalp, you whisper sweet nothings into his ears. Eventually, you pull away to keep him at arms’ length, and a look of bewilderment crosses his features.
“Let’s get you cleaned up, yeah?” Cupping his cheeks, you brush away his tears with your thumbs. His swollen eyes bore into yours as he nods, heading towards your bedroom. 
Faintly, you hear him getting undressed and you rush to pour two cups of tea. Giggling to yourself, you heap sugar into one cup and pour a ton of milk in the other. Careful not to spill the drinks, you race into your room and see Spencer completely naked. Tonight, it’s not sexual—it’s loving, tender, kind. You head to the master bathroom and place the glasses on the counter top while reaching over to run water. Slipping out of your day clothes, you step back over the threshold and meet Spencer’s eyes with an encouraging smile. The atmosphere in the room is neither heavy nor light; you feel at home. It’s the perfect amount of pressure that moves you to hold out your hands for him to take. He follows you wordlessly to the tub and climbs in. Spencer has the urge to ball up and cry again, but once you sit down behind him, it virtually dissipates.
He allows his eyes to flutter closed when he feels you scrubbing shampoo into his hair. “[Y/N]. There’s something I need to tell you,” he attempts to control the tremor in his voice, but you notice it nonetheless. You wait patiently for what he has to say, moving your hands down to his shoulders and massaging soap into them. He can tell you’re trying to wash away the horrors he’s been put through, and although both of your know that it won’t work—it certainly helps. He inhales deeply, preparing himself mentally for what he’s about to say. Turning his body to face you, he pushes a piece of your hair from your face with wet fingers and smiles.
“[Y/N], I-I—I love you.”
All of the sudden, there’s no breath in your lungs. Spencer has stolen it for himself, along with your heart. Your mind is filled to the brim with thoughts of him—his smile, his laugh, the way that he sacrifices himself for people he doesn’t know. “Spencer ...” you break, your head plummeting into his bare chest. His hands fly to the back of your head as he cranes his neck to place a kiss to your forehead.
“I love you. I love you so much.” It’s as if once the confession finally wormed its way from his mouth, he couldn’t stop. Spencer repeats it, and long after ten times, it’s clear he’s saying it to remind himself that you’re there, in his arms—and you don’t plan on going anywhere else. He registers your lips, kissing up his body. They’re warm as they move up from his collarbones, to the column of his neck, and slower that he would’ve liked, you move to place a chaste kiss on his lips. It’s not enough, Spencer doesn’t think it’ll ever be enough, but right now—he merely wants to lie in wait for the drooling jaws of sleep.
You coax him from the now cold water, pausing for a few seconds to admire the natural beauty he radiates. His gaze is soft as it rakes over your figure with nothing but fatigued adoration. Pulling on pajamas simultaneously, the two of you finish your night routine without another hitch. You stand side by side, brushing your teeth, washing your faces. He doesn’t look at himself in the mirror, it’s almost like he can’t bring himself to—but you conclude that it’s a discussion to be had another day. Once Spencer is clad in flannel sweatpants and a loose t-shirt and you in one of his old CalTech sweaters and shorts, you stumble into bed as a tangled mess of limbs.
A sigh escapes him as he stares into your concerned eyes. He wraps his arms around you, pressing your small form into his larger one. His fingers play at the hem of the sweatshirt you’re wearing before making the plunge. The tips of his fingers dance across the expanse of your back, sending shivers down your spine. “You’re so warm.” Spencer can feel your shoulders bounce as silent giggles courses through your body.
“You’re so cold.”
Perching his forehead on your shoulder, he laughs freely for the first time tonight, “Mmh. That’s why I like you’re warmth.” Relaxation overloads his senses as you card your hands through his drying curls. He slips further into the seemingly innocent embrace of slumber, but something urges him to stay awake. Fear stirs in a deep part of himself, and he can feel tension building in his body once more. “[Y/N]?” He continues only after hearing you’re tired hum, “What time is it?”
“Almost three, why?”
“I’m scared that when I close my eyes, I’ll see them.” Immediately, you know who he’s talking about. The thoughts of the bodies he sees daily slither into your brain, ready to sink their fangs into your good night’s sleep. “I couldn’t sleep on the plane, you know? No matter how hard I try not to, I keep seeing their eyes. Cold, dead. I can’t forget.” 
Pulling his head away from your neck, you force him to look at you. “Spencer Walter Reid, you remember everything, right?” You wait for him to nod, “Tell me the names of the people you’ve brought closure to.”
“Baxter and Freida Givens, Yolanda Olsen, Kendra, Oscar, and Will Kofee, and Victor Trembly. Those are the families of the victims from this case.” He stops, his voice giving out on him momentarily, “Quinn Givens, Heidi Olsen, P-Piercen Kofee, and ... and Kara Trembly.” He doesn’t identify them, but you can tell from his tone that those are the victims. There’s no need to push him anymore, so you place his head back on your shoulder and press kisses to the side of his face you can reach.
“Spence, you just listed twelve names. That’s twelve people who have both answers and justice. Don’t think of them as bodies—think of them with their familes, happy and okay. I’m sure, although gone, they’re still here, you know? Their families will keep them from truly dying, Spence, and so will you. Their memory is ingrained in you, so remember them as they once were—not as they are now, yeah?” After a few seconds of silence, his snores echo in the quietude of your bedroom. Doing your best not to wake him, you shift to turn off the light. The darkness envelopes your oneness as well as the occurances of yesterday.
His breathing comes in steady intervals, and you find yourself slowly slipping away. Trying to navigate his features in the inky night, you allow your eyes to fall shut and your thoughts to be consumed by the one you love. Your last concious hope before you descend into blackness is that Spencer’s dreaming good dreams.
And, he is. 
He’s dreaming of you.
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crystalninjaphoenix · 3 years
Fantasy Masks AU: Chapter Three
A JSE Fanfic
Ta-da! Another chapter! :D This is the one I was talking about, with a lot of worldbuilding and new characters. It’s also one of my longer stories, and I had to cut out a scene near the end, but don’t worry, you’ll see that next time. Now that Chase is officially part of the Masked Phantoms, it’s time for him to get to know the layout of Wyvernlair, meet new people, and learn new things. So get ready for a whole lot of all that. Hope you guys enjoy!
It was clear that Jackie was eager to have someone new to show around Wyvernlair. He led the way, pointing out important features of the camp. Most of the center area was taken up by tents for people to stay in. In addition, there was an area dedicated to cooking, with campfires and stacks of pots and dishes, a wide, clear area for people to practice sword fighting and other combat, and a large space for storage.
All this was fairly normal for any camp. Or at least, that’s what Chase figured, considering he’d never been in a camp of any kind. But he was pretty sure that the massive skeleton made Wyvernlair much different than any other camp. Every bit had been planned around the bones embedded in the ground. The tents were encircled by the dragon. The cooking fires were dotted around the leg bones. The combat field was spread out along the wings that extended out from the rest of the body. And the storage was inside the oversized ribcage, canvas stretched over the gaps to keep out the weather.
Inside the ribs was the most incredible place Chase had ever been. He kept his head craned upward, following the curve of the ivory bones, each one big enough that it would take three full grown men to encircle it. The storage inside the ribcage was much less impressive in comparison, though he did have to admit he’d never seen this amount of weapons, armor, parchment, and foodstuffs in one place. Not to mention all the miscellaneous items as well, like lanterns and chests for storage.
“Oh, you need a jacket!” Jackie suddenly said, bringing Chase back to the conversation. “You can take one of the communal ones, over here.” He grabbed Chase’s hand and pulled him to the side of the ribs, where the chests were full of various clothing, each labeled with types and sizes. “Unless you’re a cloak person?”
“Uh, no, I...jackets are good,” Chase said dazedly.
“Great! What are you, a five?” Jackie waited for Chase to nod, then headed over to the appropriate chest. “We don’t have that many fives left...a lot of people have measurements around there.” He flipped open the chest lid. “Um...yeah, there’s just one. Hope you like yellow.” After a bit of rummaging, he pulled out a dull flaxen jacket and tossed it in Chase’s direction.
Chase fumbled for a bit before catching it. It was a fairly normal jacket, and he quickly pulled it on. Autumn in the mountains was not a time to walk around without one. He’d been chilly all through their walk.
“Alright, all that’s left is the skull,” Jackie said. “I don’t know how often you’ll be in there, but it’s good to—”
“I’m sorry, I’m still caught up on the fact that I’m inside a dragon skeleton,” Chase interrupted.
Henrik, who’d been following the tour quietly and letting Jackie do all the talking, suddenly burst into laughter. “I told you. It is shocking, isn’t it?”
“Well...yes!” Chase looked back up at the curve of the ribs above him, slowly shaking his head. “I heard dragons were large, but I didn’t really...picture it, before this.”
“Technically, this is not the skeleton of a full-blooded great dragon,” Henrik said.
“The dragon that most people think of, with four legs and two or more wings? That is a great dragon,” Henrik explained. “I’m sure you noticed this one only has two legs; it was likely a wyvern/great dragon crossbreed.”
“Hence the name ‘Wyvernlair,’” Jackie added.
“What’s the difference?” Chase asked.
“Wyverns only had two legs and larger wings. They walked a bit like birds do,” Henrik continued. “And they were usually much smaller. There are some accounts of humans riding them. So this was either an abnormally large wyvern, or it was a crossbreed with the great dragons. Which, yes, could grow as big as this, but that was not so common.”
“Elders,” Chase muttered. The fact that there were once creatures as large as this roaming the land, big enough to encircle half a town...it made him glad they weren’t around anymore.
“It was really lucky that we found this place,” Jackie said. “Not because of the skeleton, but because of its location. There are no trees growing near the bones, so we have room to spread out, and we have our backs to a rock wall, which makes it more defensible.” He paused. “Anyway, the last part on our tour is the skull, and then we can set you up with a tent. Oh, actually, the spare tents are kept here. Let’s grab that now.”
“I get my own?” Chase said, surprised.
“Of course, we have plenty to spare,” Jackie said casually. “We brought a whole bunch up, but recruitment has been slow.”
“Nonexistent,” Henrik muttered. He reached into one of his belt pouches and took out a small flask, taking a quick drink.
“Well...yes,” Jackie admitted. “But let’s go, we’re almost done!”
The skull was just as massive as the rest of the skeleton, with wicked sharp teeth as tall as Chase. He stared at them as Jackie and Henrik led him around to the back, where there was a slight gap where the skull met the spine. They passed through that gap and ended up inside. Much like the ribs, the skull had been converted into a room, with canvas blocking the eye sockets and nasal cavity to make a rough roof. This wasn’t as large as the storage, but it was still at least three times as large as Chase’s cottage. There were more chests in here, and a few rickety desks where people—masks always nearby—sat, reading and writing on parchment. They all glanced up as the three men entered the room, then looked away.
In the middle of the skull was a large circular table, made of solid, dark wood and surrounded by chairs. Various maps were spread out on the surface of the table, held down with weights.
Chase glanced at the largest map, and immediately recognized it as a map of the kingdom of Glasúil. A detailed one, too, covering almost all of the island. The Dragon’s Teeth mountains ran down the center, with the smaller Northaven range branching off to the east, along the northern shore. The Southern Moors were present, slowly merging into the sea. Rivers and forests he’d never heard of crossed the parchment, and each major town and city was represented by a labeled black dot. The only part of the map left blank was the area to the west of the Dragon’s Teeth, which simply had “Wyldwood” written across it.
“Oh hey, you like the maps?” Jackie asked, noticing Chase’s attention. “We use those for planning stuff. A lot of strategy and meetings happen here. This is also where we keep all our records and sort through all our messages with other Phantom locations. Since you’re part of the group now, you’ll eventually go on missions, and if that’s the case, you’ll have to write a report and deliver it here.”
“Missions?” Chase repeated. His head was starting to swim a bit with all the new information.
“Well, if you want to,” Jackie said awkwardly. “I mean, you could stay here and do medicine with Henrik, or be part of our administration—”
“Administration?” This time, Chase laughed a bit when he repeated the word.
“Organization is very important,” Schneep emphasized. “There are a lot of us, and we do a lot of things. If we have no organization then we do not know what we’re doing!”
“Yeah, and those things we do are...missions,” Jackie said.
“Alright, what kind of...missions?” Chase asked.
“Depends. We might need to investigate someplace, or something, or someone. We might need to go in and stop an act of injustice, or rescue people who’ve been hurt.” Jackie paused. “If...if we’d heard about the King’s plans for the mountain villages to burn, then we could have...shown up. In time.”
Chase felt his stomach twist at the mention of the burning villages. There was guilt in Jackie’s voice; he clearly felt awful that the Phantoms couldn’t do anything to prevent that. “Well.” Chase took a deep breath. “I guess we’ll have to make sure things like that don’t happen again.”
Jackie nodded. Henrik placed a hand on his shoulder, and that seemed to steady him. He drew himself to his full height and stiffened his posture. “Exactly. The King may think he can get away with any of this, just because of his position. But the people will not stand for it. We will not stand for it. As long as his actions cause death and damage, we will work to remove him.”
For a moment, Chase was in awe at the resolve Jackie showed. He wasn’t that physically intimidating, being almost a head shorter than Chase and a head and a half shorter than Henrik, but he had a commanding aura. Maybe the strength of his conviction was catching. “Exactly,” Chase said. “That’s—that’s what I want to do.” His simple statement sounded lame in comparison.
Jackie smiled. “And that’s why we’re so glad to have you.” He relaxed a bit, looking over at Henrik. “And if Schneep likes you, then I do, too.”
Chase couldn’t hold back a laugh. “I-I’m sorry? What did you call him?”
Henrik’s expression fell. He took his hand off Jackie’s shoulder and pushed him with his shoulder. “I told you, stop using that.”
“But it’s so fun to say,” Jackie said cheerfully. “Chase, did you know that Henrik’s surname is Schneeplestein?”
Chase fought to stifle his giggles. Now he remembered that particular fact from his first meeting with Henrik. “That’s—well, I’m sure that’s a usual surname in Alterde—”
“It is not,” Henrik said wearily. “It sounds just as ridiculous over there. Go ahead, laugh about it. Get it out of your mind now.”
“No no, I’m fine, I promise.” Chase coughed a bit, clearing his throat of laughter. “At least you have a surname.”
“Ah, it is common to have one where I am from,” Henrik waved away the comment. “I know here it is a nobility thing, but not in Alterde or its neighbors.”
“Really?” Chase said, interested.
“Really. And it is much easier than your family names,” Henrik said bluntly, turning to leave.
“Hey! Wait for us!” Jackie took Chase’s hand and the two of them followed Henrik out of the dragon’s skull.
“Chase? Are you awake?”
The first thing Chase heard when waking up was someone calling his voice. Instinctively, he rolled over and stretched his arm to the right. Only to be met with nothing but empty space. Oh. Right.
He opened his eyes to a canvas wall and ceiling. He’d gotten his tent yesterday, and Jackie had shown him how to set it up in a spot near the dragon spine. From there, the rest of the day had passed slowly. Awkwardly, too, as Chase didn’t feel up to approaching any of the masked people who were part of the Phantoms. It felt...strange. Like he was constantly intruding on something. So he just spent time in his tent, and when dinnertime rolled around, he showed up to get some stew from the cooking fires then went off to eat on his own. Eventually, the sun set, and he figured that was time to go to bed.
“Chase?” The voice called again.
“Henrik?” Chase asked, sitting up and wiggling out of the bedroll he’d been given.
“Oh, you are awake. Can I open the flap?”
“Go ahead.” It wasn’t like he was indecent or anything. He was actually still wearing his clothes from the day before. Maybe he should check out the storage, see if they had anything else he could use.
Henrik pushed open the flap of the tent and ducked inside, pushing his owl mask up onto his forehead. “Ah, good. I have something for you.” He held out a folded piece of parchment.
Puzzled, Chase took it. “What is this?” He asked as he unfolded it.
“Well, now that you are a Phantom, there are some things you need to be familiar with,” Henrik said. “Jackie put together a schedule for you for today.”
Chase silently looked at the words. He blinked. Then squinted. Then looked back up at Henrik. “Um...I’m sorry, but I...can’t read this.”
Henrik didn’t even have a response for that. “You...cannot read?”
“I can, but only a little,” Chase admitted. “I know the alphabet and numbers, but as for words, I can read what I’m familiar with. Food, animal names, archery gear. Things like that.” He trailed off into a mumble, somehow embarrassed. Reading had never been an issue before. Everyone in town knew enough to get by. But now, he wondered...was that not normal?
“That’s okay,” Henrik said, picking up on Chase’s tone. “Jackie was the same way. We had to teach him.” He chuckled a bit at the memory. “I will explain, then. After breakfast, you will meet with Nemet in the infirmary, she will give you a basic medicine check. To see what you know and fill you in on anything you need. Then you will head down to the tip of the tail, and meet a man there called Tripp. I understand you do not know that much about magic, so he will give you an overview. Then there will be lunch, and then you will head to the combat field to start training with Holly and Lukas.”
Chase started. “What was that last name?”
“Lukas,” Henrik repeated. “You will probably be working with him more, since you seem inclined with bows, and not closer combat.”
“Right.” Chase nodded. That name sounded familiar, like he’d heard it recently...
“Then come back for dinner, and I will check up on you,” Henrik continued. “And by then, hopefully you will know what you want to do most in the group. Medicine, organization, and such. And we will get you a temporary mask.”
“So, why masks?” Chase asked. “I like the idea, but...why? Who came up with it?”
“Oh, the mask concept was Jackie’s idea, but the animal part was added by—by someone else,” Henrik said. There was an odd pause there...was he going to say something else? A name, perhaps? “We wear masks so people will not recognize us. Many of us have friends and family who would be at risk if the King’s people knew we were working against him. Like, for me. You know I am a traveling doctor, yes? Well, when I met you last year, I was already working with the Phantoms. Can you imagine what would happen if someone recognized me as a rebel?”
Chase shivered. “Yea, I can.” If the King was willing to burn down the mountain villages for an unknown reason, what would he do to find one of the rebels? With that thought in mind, he slowly stood up. “So...I’ll get started, then. Meeting with all these strangers.”
“Do not be nervous, Chase,” Henrik said gently. “Everyone new we find has to go through something like this. And these are some of our best people.”
“Thanks,” Chase said. “That’s good to know.” Still, his stomach was slowly tying itself in knots as he headed towards the cooking fires, about to start the day.
After a quick breakfast of toasted bread—light, but with those stomach knots, still hard to get through—Chase headed up the gentle slope towards the infirmary cave in the rock wall. Slipping through the flap in the canvas, he found it unchanged from the day before, when he’d been discharged. Nobody was inside, except for...
“Ibis?” Chase asked.
“Hello, Chase.” Ibis smiled at him. Her mask was off, revealing her features and round, dark eyes for the first time. “It’s good to see you again. And please, my name is Nemet.”
“Oh! Oh, I’m supposed to meet with you.” That explained why she was standing near the entrance, she was waiting for him.
“Yes, yes.” Nemet nodded. “Henrik has told me to give you a basics in medicine.” She turned and headed towards the back, indicating he should follow. “Come, come. This shouldn’t take too long.”
Nemet had set three chests on top of each other, making a sort of rough chest-height table. On top of the flat surface of the chest-table were a series of bottles and bags, each one neatly labeled. “Here. These are some of our common tonics and medicines we use here. Tell me what you recognize.”
Chase considered the layout before him. There were probably about thirty in total, if he had to guess. “This is for colds, right? And fevers? And this one, too. And these dried leaves, they’re for nausea. Oh, and this will put you to sleep if you put it in water or stew. This is a salve, also for fevers. And this is a balm for sores. And this will stop infection on cuts and scrapes. And...that’s what I know.”
“Impressive,” Nemet nodded.
“Really? That’s only a fraction of the total,” Chase said doubtfully.
“Most people who join up only know redleaf, bainruish, and seedbane.” Nemet indicated each medicine as she listed them. “Fevers, cuts, and...well, I’m sure you know what seedbane is for, even if you said nothing. You are married, after all.” She laughed as Chase slowly turned red. “Ah, my apologies. The point is, you are ahead of most others.”
“Do we really need all of these?” Chase asked, quickly moving on.
“Oh, yes. You know that when people gather together that sicknesses spread easily. Many of these will help to cure a specific disease, while others are a general tonic, like redleaf.” Nemet paused, then picked up about ten of the medicines and put them on the floor. “Henrik says you are not so much caught up on magic, so we will leave these ones out of our discussion for now.”
Chase started at that. The concept of mixing medicine with magic made him...uneasy. He may not know that much about magic, but he knew it could be dangerous. “I was wondering, Nemet, what did you do before you joined the Phantoms? I know Henrik’s a traveling doctor, are you the same?”
“Not exactly.” Nemet shrugged. “I was a student of medicine back home.”
“And where was that?”
“A land called Kha’Nyphthis.” Nemet grinned a bit at Chase’s confused expression. “You would not have heard of it. It is to the south, on another continent, but not the same continent as Henrik’s Alterde. We have great schools and libraries there, the best in the world. I was learning to become a doctor, and had almost finished my schooling, but one of the final requirements was to learn the medicine of another land. I chose here, Glasúil, because you are well-known for your medicine. But then I arrived, and saw the state of things, and...ah, well.” Her expression fell for a moment.
“I’m...sorry,” Chase said awkwardly. “Do you...ever think about going back?”
Nemet nodded briefly. “Of course. I have family, friends. But I cannot just abandon things. It’s not in my nature to leave things unsettled.” She took a deep breath, and moved on. “But as for your basics in medicine, let me start by getting you familiar with the ones you didn’t know.”
It was a while later before Chase left the infirmary, his head feeling stuffed with all the new information Nemet had drilled into him. Already, some of it was starting to slip away. And he immediately knew that he could never be a doctor. If these were the basics, he couldn’t even begin to think about what would be required to complete the training to become one.
But he didn’t have time to let all that new knowledge sink in. Judging by the sun’s position, it was getting close to noon, and to lunch. He still had to meet up with someone else before it was time to eat. So he hurried onward, running along the curve of the dragon’s bones, following them as they got smaller and smaller, until they eventually merged into the packed ground. Chase slowed to a stop and looked around, confused. This was the end of the tail, wasn’t it? So...where was—
“Hey you’re the new one, right?”
Chase yelped and spun around. A man was sitting between the spine bones of the dragon, almost unnoticeable in the shadow between them. “Yeah, that’s me,” he said slowly. “Are you, uh...Tripp?”
The man nodded, hopped to his feet, and walked over to Chase. Standing up, he was short, even shorter than Jackie. He wore a dark brown cloak that reached his knees, and of course, a mask. This one was shaped like a ram’s head, complete with curved horns, and the black symbol on the forehead was actually four different symbols arranged in a diamond formation. After a moment of looking at them, Chase realized they were the suits often used on playing cards. How...odd. The man reached up and took off the mask, ruffling his golden brown hair and revealing dark eyes. “Tripp, son of Seamus,” he said shortly. “And you are...?”
“Chase. Son of Brody,” Chase said automatically. “Henrik told you I was—”
“You’re not up-and-up on magic and need a course, yea,” Tripp interrupted, swinging his mask around his finger. Chase took a step back despite already being far away. If that went flying, those plaster horns would do some damage. “And he asked me to do it ‘cause I’m our second best guy.”
“You’re the—?”
“What do you know already, Brodyson?” Tripp continued. “Ever met a magic-wielder?”
“There were a handful in town—”
“Sorcerer, wizard, enchanter, oracle, witch?”
“I...what?” Chase blinked. “I...think they were all sorcerers.”
“How many?”
“Only a handful, about six or seven?”
“For a village of four hundred or so people?” Tripp laughed. “Everyone must’ve been magically impotent.”
“Could you slow down?!” Chase snapped. “I thought you were supposed to teach me about magic, not make fun of me for not knowing anything!”
Tripp paused. Then grinned. “It’s just banter, Brodyson. I didn’t mean offense. But hey, you called me out. Good on you for that. My apologies.” His grin faded. “But I’m not jokin’ about that. There should’ve been at least four times that number of magic-wielders in a town that size. What happened? Were the seekers bein’ lazy for the past few years?”
“...Seekers?” Chase repeated, puzzled.
Tripp looked up at the sky. “Oh, elders. They haven’t been showin’ up at all, have they? If you don’t even know about them—alright, we’ll start from the beginning, then.” He sat down on the ground, folding his legs under him. Slowly, Chase sat down across from him. “You know of the five branches, right? I’m pretty sure everyone in the world’s at least heard their names.”
“Yes,” Chase said, nodding. Wizards, sorcerers, enchanters, oracles, and witches. He mostly heard about them in stories, and was especially fuzzy on the details about those last three.
“A common mistake people make is thinkin’ these are all different things.” Tripp started drawing in the dirt with his finger. “When really, all magic is the same. It’s like a tree—just because each branch might look different, doesn’t mean they don’t all come from the same trunk.” And, in keeping with that metaphor, he drew a rough outline of a tree with five different branches. “All magics can work with each other, and there’s a lot of similarities in between them. For example, do you know the difference between wizardry and sorcery? They’re the two most well-known of the branches.”
“Um...if I’m being honest, I’d always been under the impression that wizardry was more powerful,” Chase said tentatively.
Tripp snorted in disbelief. “Some wizards would like to think that. But no. More varied, yes. But not more powerful. Here, it’ll be easier if I go over them all one by one.” He started to draw symbols by each of the branches, starting with a crude stick figure. “Sorcery is the most common magic besides witchcraft. It crops up in people at random. If you got twenty-five people in a room together, one would probably be a sorcerer, even if they didn’t know it. Its source is inside the person themself. And what it does is manipulate the world. Like...this.”
He pressed a flat hand against the ground next to him. After a moment, the dirt started to move. Then suddenly, pillars of rock shot through the dirt, rising from underneath the surface. Chase gaped as the solid stone started to twist, winding around each other to form a braid of rock. Then Tripp removed his hand, and the rock froze, as if it had never been moving in the first place. For a moment, Chase was stunned, then he managed to ask, “S-so you’re a sorcerer, then?”
“Exactly,” Tripp grinned. “Why d’you look so surprised? You said you knew sorcerers before.”
“Well...yes, but I hadn’t...seen their magic too much,” Chase admitted. He remembered one time when Gwen, the weaver’s daughter, had pulled water out of the well. It just streamed out of the depths and sailed right into her bucket. But occasions like that were few and far between.
“Hmm.” Tripp scrunched his face up, thinking. “Well, besides that. Each branch of magic has its strengths and weaknesses. Sorcery’s strength is that it comes from within. As long as a sorcerer doesn’t drain too much energy, they can use their magic forever. And its weakness is that you need a material to manipulate. Like just now, I reached down and pulled rock up from underground. But there’s a limit to the range where your magic can affect things.”
Chase nodded. “What about wizardry, then?”
Tripp sketched a rough outline of a necklace next to another branch of the tree. “Its strength is its variety. Wizards aren’t limited by what things are present, they can conjure out of thin air. But its weakness is in this: the ‘focus.’” He tapped the necklace drawing. “Unlike sorcery, wizardry doesn’t come from within. Wizards are channelin’ it from outside, from the layer of magic that coats the world. But to do so, they need a specially-made thing called a focus. It’s usually a necklace, ‘cause that’s handy, but it can be any shape, as long as it’s made the right way. These dragon bones, for example. They’d be real good to make focuses with.” He knocked on the nearest bone. “About one in fifty people are able to channel wizardry.”
“And now we reach the end of my knowledge,” Chase mutters. “What’s the next most common?”
Tripp paused. “Enchantment.” The image he drew in the dirt now was a misshapen lump. “Damn. That’s supposed to be a brain.”
“Ah. Right. Because enchantment is the magic of the mind, isn’t it?” Chase recalled, casting his memories back to the stories he’d heard that included enchanters.
“Hmm. Yea.” Tripp pursed his lips. “How do I explain them...Well, strengths. They’re the only magic that can work with your mind. Illusions, talking in your head, things like that. But as for their weaknesses, enchanters can’t change the world for real.”
“Is it true that enchanters can control your actions?” Chase asked. “There’s a story, the Dark Damoen—”
“The crazy old man who made Erinthold worship him as a god? That’s a famous one.” Tripp nodded. “Well, it’s true. Some could change your thoughts and make you do things you wouldn’t. But that takes a lot of power, and besides, most enchanters are decent people, like all the rest of us. It’s just that we remember the bad ones because they shock us. And only about one in a hundred people are enchanters, anyway. Don’t worry about it. There are a few Masked Phantoms who are enchanters.”
Chase nodded slowly. The thought of the old story sent shivers down his back, but he should probably trust the magic-wielder. He clearly knew more “What about...the oracles?”
Tripp drew a symbol of an eye in the dirt. “Those are the rarest one. You only get an oracle one in a thousand, if you’re lucky, and they’re not usually that powerful. You’ve probably heard that they issue prophecies of what’s to come, or that they might even be able to manipulate time itself. Well that’s all bullshit.”
“Wh—” Chase was so surprised at the frankness that he choked on his own gasp. After a few moments of coughing, he continued in a hoarse voice. “What do you mean?”
“Oracles can’t manipulate time, that’s the most insane rumor goin’ round about magic there ever was,” Tripp stated. “They get visions of what’s most likely to happen. It’s not for sure, and really, most oracles are wrong. But huge strength there, knowing the most likely future. And it comes with a big weakness. A couple, actually. One, they have to speak their visions out loud while it’s happenin’. It’s a magic...what’s the word?” He snapped his fingers for a bit. “Compulsion. That’s it. They’re literally forced to do it, can’t stop that. And two, the visions are all they can do. They have no other magic. And because of that, some say that oracles are cursed, not gifted.”
Chase thought about that. If he had the choice, would he take knowing the future for being forced to share it? Maybe. Maybe if he knew what could happen next, he could stop terrible things. Like...his heart panged, and he shied away from the thought. No, that didn’t sound too bad. People would also know what the future held, what of it? He’d take that risk.
“And the last magic,” Tripp said, snapping Chase out of his thoughts. “Witchcraft. It’s actually the most common.”
“Really?” Chase said doubtfully.
“I bet you’re goin’ by the stories, where witches are old people that stay in shacks and give out potions,” Tripp said, drawing a bottle next to the final branch. “But really, the magic of witchcraft isn’t in people, like all the others. It’s in the land. It’s part of the world’s magic. Plants with strange properties, the parts of magical animals...these can be mixed together to create amazing effects. And anyone could learn how to do it. In fact, most of us here have.”
Chase suddenly remembered earlier, how Nemet had put away some of the medicines during their meeting. It was because he didn’t know much about magic...“Wait, you mean anyone could make potions? Become a witch?”
“Well, not anyone,” Tripp muttered. “If you have magic of your own, you can’t learn witchcraft. The knowledge just slips away, and if we try anyway, nothing works, even if it should. You can’t use more than one magic. It’d be like tryin’ to hold onto every single branch of a tree.”
“If the tree was small, though?” Chase joked.
“It’s not. The magic tree is big, and the branches are the type where you need to hold on with both hands,” Tripp said firmly.
“Oh. I...see.” Chase cleared his throat. Clearly, using more than one magic wasn’t something to make light of. It was too impossible. “And...what about those seekers you mentioned earlier?”
Tripp was eager to move on. “Seekers are wizards that can sense the presence of magic. What’s supposed to happen is that these seekers are supposed to stop by every town twice every year. In practice, that’s faded away. Most towns only see them once a year, and the farther away you get from Suilthair, the less often you’ll see them. My town where I grew up, they came by every three years. But if you don’t know what they are, then...have you ever seen them?”
At that, Chase had a vague memory of a group of strangers visiting Hilltown when he was a child. They were dressed finely, and the image of an elaborate brooch one of them was wearing flashed in his mind. The next day, Hanson, an old friend of his, announced to all the kids that he was going away for ‘special school.’ “Not in years. Long enough for me to forget what they are.”
Tripp huffed. “I bet it’s not worth the effort to come all the way up here. Bunch of nambies.” He rolled his eyes. “Seekers are employed by the royal family. They find young magic-wielders and offer to give them schoolin’, to learn how to use their magic. Schoolin’ that’s funded by the crowns. It’s not required—I never went—but it’s encouraged. Otherwise you might end up having magic shootin’ out of your—”
“Is that why most wizards side with the King?” Chase asked, remembering what Henrik said about the source of the village fire.
“Part of it. But wizards especially have a reason to keep on the King’s good side.” Tripp paused. “Those focuses I told you ‘bout, that wizards need to use their magic? The crowns fund the makin’ of those, too. And the sellin’. And everything about them.”
“Oh.” Chase’s eyes widened with realization. “So...if a wizard decided to oppose the King, then there’s a chance that...they wouldn’t have access to a focus anymore? And...their magic?”
Tripp nodded. “That’s why most of us magic-wielders in the Phantoms are sorcerers and a few enchanters.”
“No oracles?”
“Oh, elders, no. You heard how hard they are to find. Wish we had some, though. That’d be helpful.” Tripp stretched his arms, then stood up. “Anyway, that’s all I have to say. You got it all?”
“I think so, yes,” Chase said slowly. He looked up to the sky, mentally reviewing everything he’d heard. Sorcery, wizardry, enchantment, oraclulary, and witchcraft. All very different, all with things they could do and limitations that slowed them down. That made sense. He nodded to himself...and then noticed the position of the sun. “Shit!” Chase shot to his feet. “It’s noon! I have—after lunch, I—”
“More meetings, huh?” Tripp raised an eyebrow, then pulled his ram mask back on. “Let me guess...Lukas and Holly? Better hurry, Brodyson. Not good to be late for those two.”
Chase swung by the cooking fires to grab some food, then hurried over to the combat fields, along the dragon’s wings. Originally, he wondered if the wing bones would get it the way, but apparently the dragon had died with its wings spread out as far as they could be, leaving ample room in between the bones. The packed dirt was lined with targets, crude dummies made of sacks of hay tied to sticks, and racks of wooden training weapons. Occasionally there were random chests or tents set up to create obstacles to fight around. As he ran out onto the fields, he passed many people, some sparring in groups, others practicing on their own. None of them paid him any mind.
Now that he was here, he wasn’t sure where to go. The fields took up all of the space cleared by the wings, which was, as it turned out, quite a lot. Maybe he should have asked Henrik for descriptions of the people he’d be meeting with. Feeling his nerves eating away at his stomach, he turned to the nearest person, and asked, quietly, “Excuse me, I’m looking for Lukas and Holly?”
The person turned around, looked down at him, and smiled. “Oh, it’s you! You’re the new one!”
“Um...yes,” Chase said slowly. It was just now occurring to him how...big this person was—this woman was, actually, judging by her voice. She towered over him, and her sleeveless tunic showed off the muscles of her tattooed arms. Strange to be wearing no sleeves in the chill mountain air, but she probably wasn’t bothered.
“I’m Holly.” Her smile widened. “Daughter of Rose.”
“Oh!” Chase blinked. That name didn’t fit her at all. But alright, he wasn’t one to say anything. “Chase, son of Brody.”
“Lovely to meet you.” Holly grabbed his hand and vigorously shook it. She wasn’t wearing her mask, but it hung around her neck. A bear. And the symbol on its forehead was the same as the one on Jackie’s wolf mask: a circle with two dots inside.  “Me and Lukas, we’re in charge of combat up in Wyvernlair. Speaking of which...” She turned around. “Luke! He’s here!”
Chase leaned around Holly to look at who she was addressing...and suddenly felt cold, despite his jacket. Now he remembered where he heard that name before. While he’d been sick with the shivering in the infirmary, he’d overheard a conversation between Jackie and a man in a fox mask. That man had wanted to throw him out of camp, but Jackie had refused...and now, Chase was staring at that very same man.
“I can see that,” Lukas said shortly. He was facing a series of targets, and didn’t turn to look at Holly and Chase. Instead he merely took another arrow from a quiver on his back, nocked it on his bow, and shot. The arrow flew straight into the center of the farthest target, which was barely the size of a hand spread wide.
“No you can’t, you didn’t even look!” Holly scowled, and turned back around. “Sorry about him, Chase. He’s been snippy.”
“Well I wouldn’t be snippy if I hadn’t been standing out here for an hour, waiting for someone who didn’t bother to show up on time,” Lukas snapped.
“I’m not an hour late,” Chase protested weakly. Even behind the fox mask, Lukas’s expression was twisted with frustration and annoyance.
“It’s a matter of principle,” Lukas said, finally turning to face Chase. When he did, Chase noticed the symbol on his mask for the first time: an X, with a dot to either side.
“Let’s just get into it,” Holly said, folding her arms. “Now, Chase. You’re a hunter, yes? So you have some experience with shortbows.”
“I can shoot, yes,” Chase agreed. “But I’ve never heard the term ‘shortbow’ before.” Lukas rolled his eyes, a motion that was partially hidden by the mask but still visible enough for Chase to catch.
“It means a smaller bow, in comparison to Lukas’s massive beast of a longbow over there.” Holly gestured towards Lukas’s bow; it was almost as tall as him. “Shortbows are better for mobility and closer range, while longbows are more suited for staying stationary and shooting long distances.”
“Ah.” Chase nodded. That made sense; bigger bows were more powerful, but also harder to draw back and move around. Amabel once tried to shoot Chase’s own bow when she was seven, and couldn’t pull the string even a little.
“I’m assuming you’re a fairly good shot,” Holly said, rubbing her chin. “So you’ll probably need to work with me more. I’m in charge of close-range combat, while Lukas handles the long range, with bows. So if we’re to—”
“Hold on a moment, Holly,” Lukas interrupted. “I want to see what he can do.”
Holly shot Lukas a dirty look. “There’s no need—”
“Of course there is. We should know what our starting point is.” Lukas turned and walked towards a nearby weapons rack, picking out a smaller shortbow and a quiver of matching arrows. He headed back to the others and thrust the tools at Chase. “Show me how well you hunt.”
“...alright. I will.” Chase took the bow and quiver slowly. He didn’t like being tested, especially not when the test was proposed by a man who clearly thought he was some sort of spy for the King and might be looking for an excuse to kick him out. Should he pretend to be worse than he actually was? No, that would just be complicated. He’d shoot normally.
He stepped up to the place Lukas had been standing, facing the targets, and strapped the quiver onto his back. For a moment, he examined the bow. Solidly built. Looked newer than the one he used back home. And had these odd curves...was this a recurve model? He’d heard of them, but never used one before.
“Soon, please!” Lukas called.
Holly promptly hit him on the back of the head. “Take your time, Chase! Don’t worry!”
Chase nodded. His mouth was suddenly very dry. But he swallowed his nerves, adjusted his stance, and nocked an arrow. He hit it against the back of his head in the process of taking it out of the quiver—not being used to wearing it on his back—and glanced back at the two watching to gauge their reactions. Holly looked supportive, but Lukas was unreadable. He looked away again.
There were ten arrows in the quiver and ten targets set up in front of him. He must need to hit all of them. So he drew back, aimed, and let loose the arrow.
Ten arrows.
Five of them hit the closest targets. Two of those hit their target’s center.
One hit the edge of one of the farther targets.
The remaining four missed.
Feeling a sinking feeling in his stomach, he turned back to Holly and Lukas.
“Wow. That was the most utterly average thing I’ve ever seen,” Lukas said bluntly.
“You hit more than I can!” Holly said positively, giving him a short round of applause. “That’s great!”
Chase nodded silently. “I...I’m not used to this bow.”
Lukas hummed. He went to collect the arrows, giving Chase a side-eyed look as he walked past. It seemed as though his suspicions hadn’t been assuaged. If anything, he looked even more wary.
Holly walked up to Chase and clapped a hand on his shoulder. Chase promptly lost his balance from the force of the contact, and Holly helped him right himself. “Sorry about that,” she said. “And sorry about Lukas. He’s just...he has a hard time trusting people. I’m sure you’ll win him over.”
“It’s fine,” Chase said distantly. “I mean, not everyone’s going to immediately welcome someone new into a group like this. You need to keep secret. There are risks.” Still, Lukas’s distrust, combined with his mediocre shooting skills, left him feeling a bit down. Like a cloud passing over the sun, everything just seemed...disappointing.
Lukas returned, arrows in hand. “Do it again,” he said.
“Elders and Sisters, Luke, we don’t have all day,” Holly protested. 
“He needs to practice,” Lukas said, stone-faced.
“He needs to start with me! You can’t handle all your problems from a distance, especially in our situation. What’s he to do if a King’s man jumps him from behind and all he has are arrows?”
“It’s fine,” Chase repeated. He rubbed his arm; they hadn’t given him an arm guard, and despite the jacket fabric, his skin still stung from the bow string. “We have until dinner.”
Holly gave him a look, but sighed and stepped back. “One hour of shooting, then it’s my turn.”
Lukas nodded. “Deal.”
Chase sighed a bit, and took the arrows from Lukas. It was turning out to be a long day.
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queenxxxsupreme · 4 years
ok ok- the reader is a very talented fighter (let me have this so many fics are about helpless peasant girls tagging along) and gets ambushed, manages to fight off a pretty hefty group, but gets a forehead cut that looks scary in the process. eskel helps wrap her up and they try to avoid eye contact but then she looks up and hes looking at her and Tension and then they kiss???? ok thank you bye
A/N: Hi babe!! I hope you liked this <3
Warnings: mentions of death, nothing outside of canon though, 
The sound of swords clashing together still rung Eskel’s ears. He stood in the edge of the woods with his sword in one hand and another man’s dagger in his opposite hand. His side hurt, the stab wound burning and stinging with every breath he took. His left fingers were numb after he grabbed the blade of a sword. Blood and sweat on his right temple caked his hair to his face, blocking some of his vision. His broad shoulders moved with every heavy breath.
Golden eyes flickered around the clearing in search of you. There were a half dozen slaughtered men scattered throughout the open space. Every one of them tried to best the witcher, and every one of them failed.
Eskel’s eyes fell on a man across the clearing. He was on his stomach, trying to drag himself into the woods with his arms. The witcher crossed the clearing and used his boot to turn the man over onto his back. The man cried out in pain, clutching a wound on his stomach. 
“Who sent you?” Eskel spoke through his teeth. When the man didn’t answer, Eskel placed his boot over the man’s hands, pressing down on his stomach. “Who fucking sent you?”
“I’ll-I’ll never tell.” He choked out. 
Eskel growled from within his chest, his eyes lingering on the man before he plunged the dagger into the man’s chest cavity and twisted, effectively putting him out of his misery. 
“Eskel!” Jaskier’s rather high-pitched cry took the witcher’s attention away from his latest victim. The bard was crossing the clearing, looking over his shoulder as he ran. “Eskel!” 
“Keep your voice down, bard.” Eskel spoke through his teeth, moving towards Jaskier.The witcher wasn’t mad at him, but moving caused a searing pain to radiate throughout his body. 
Not watching where he was going, Jaskier tripped over a severed leg and nearly hit the ground but Geralt caught him. 
“Oh thank gods!” Jaskier breathed out in relief, clutching the witcher as if his life depended on it. 
“Where are Y/N and Geralt?”
“Hell if I know. There was a big scary one chasing me-THERE HE IS!” Jaskier moved to stand behind Eskel as a large, bulky man came from the direction Jaskier was running from. Eskel twirled his sword around in his hand, readjusting his grip. 
Eske moved away from Jaskier towards the man. He was taller than Eskel by a few inches and definitely larger. As the man and Eskel crossed swords, Jaskier looked around the clearing in search of you. He cringed at the sight of the bodies laying around on the ground.
Geralt emerged from the tree line, wiping blood from his nose with the back of his hand. Jaskier was about to greet his best friend when movement behind him made his blood run cold. 
There was the glint of a sword in the moonlight as it was raised into the air to cut down the White Wolf. Jaskier opened his mouth to warn Geralt when the assailant’s eyes went wide and his head fell to the ground. 
As the dead man fell to the forest floor, you brought your sword down to your side. 
“Y/N!” Jaskier called your name, relieved that everyone was safe and accounted for. 
However, hearing your name fall from the bard’s lips took Eskel’s attention away from the man he was fighting. He looked away for a split second only to have the blade of the sword brought down on his collarbone. Eskel hissed in pain and spun around to cast aard. The man went flying back into the bushes where Eskel finished him off. 
As he returned to the clearing, his eyes immediately found you. You were standing on the edge of the clearing, eyes gazing around at the carnage. 
“We need to be moving.” Geralt said.
“Some of us are injured, Geralt.” Eskel shook his head. “Can’t travel safely until we’re all okay.”
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Jaskier asked you. 
“I'm fine.” 
“You've got a nasty cut on your head, darling. You should sit.”
You shook your head, moving to gather the items from your bag that had spilled. But your head spun as you moved too fast and you reached out for something to stabilize yourself. 
Eskel was by your side in a heartbeat, offering you a sturdy arm to grasp. 
“Sit down.” He spoke, deep voice rumbling like a quiet thunder. 
You didn't fight him, feeling the urge to vomit as you tried to open your eyes. You closed them tightly and let him guide you down onto a large rock. 
“I’ll be right back. I'm going to get a few things to patch you up.”
You watched the witcher wall away from you to his satchel. When he turned back to you, you quickly looked away. You didn't want him to catch you staring at him. 
You teetered a little where you sat, having moved too fast. 
Eskel knelt down in front of you. 
“Is…. Is it okay if I….?” He couldn't find the right words to use. You opened your eyes to meet his golden gaze. He was so close to you that you could see specks of brown and black around the outside of his irises. 
“Yes.” You answered, your voice a weak whisper. 
He used gauze to clean around the cut. His eyes focused on you, on making sure the cut wasn't too deep and that it didn't need stitches. 
With him this close, you could see all the little scars that littered his features, the ones that weren't as prominent as the one that mutilated the right side of his face. There were little freckles across the bridge of his nose and over his cheeks. You wondered if they'd be more visible if his skin wasn’t tanned from being out in the sun so much. Perhaps if he had a fairer complexion like Lambert or even Geralt, his freckles would be more noticeable. 
His eyes flickered over to you and that's when you realized you were staring at him. 
You quickly looked down, muttering out an apology. He said nothing in return. You wanted to bite your bottom lip, to mess with your fingers or something. You were a little nervous. There was a tension in the air that could be cut with a dill knife. 
Just as you were about to open your mouth and apologize for staring so rudely, he spoke. 
“Good news is you won't need stitches.” He sat back on his knees, putting a little bit of space between you two. 
“Is there…. bad news?” You hated how quiet your voice was. What if you offended him by staring? You didn't mean to. You just had never seen him so up close before, and it was like seeing the stars on a clear night. He was a handsome man, a breathtaking masterpiece of physical imperfections and a heart of pure gold. 
“You could have a concussion. Is your head hurting?”
“A little, but I think that's because one of those bastards elbowed me in the head. I knocked his sword out of his hand and he ended up tackling me before I had a chance to stop him.”
“Are your ears ringing?”
“Are you nauseous?”
“When I move too fast.”
“Can you see clearly?”
You brought your eyes back to him. As your eyes met his, your heart began to beat quickly in your chest. You forgot that he had asked you a question. You found yourself lost in his gaze. 
But something moved out of the corner of your eyes. You turned your head to see Jaskier move towards Geralt. 
“Let me, uh, finish patching you up.” Eskel muttered under his breath as he moved to sit up on his knees. 
You nodded a little. He went back to work, staying silent as he put a bandage over the cut. You kept your gaze down, unable to meet his line of sight. 
“You fought well today.” He complimented, keeping his voice low. “You handled that sword like a pro.”
“Thanks.” You tried your best not to smile but you couldn’t hide the blush on your cheeks.
When he moved to get up, your hand shot out for his arm. Your body seemed to have a mind of its own as you leaned forward to kiss him, but you stopped short of meeting his lips. 
“Can I….?” You felt your cheeks blaze as you trailed off. His golden eyes were glued to you. “Please?”
His lips moved in a yes, but no sound came out. His hand slipped around the back of your head, drawing you in for a tender kiss. His fingers tangled in your hair, drawing you closer to him. 
There was a wolf whistle that made you both pull away. You looked to Jaskier, who was clapping and wore a happy grin on his lips. 
“Magnificent! Absolutely magnificent!”
Geralt rolled his eyes. 
Eskel let out a little sigh as he stood to his feet. He held his hand out for you. You smiled and put your hand in his.
Taglist: @pressedinthepages @mishafaye @whitewolfandthefox @wolfyland07 @belalugosisdead @persephonehemingway @keira-hulmaster @dinonuggs69 @greatestauthorofmygeneration @shadow-hunters-lover @dancingwith-thesunflowers @tedi-fach-las @thecomfortofoldstorries @raspberrydreamclouds @natkowaa @disasteren @weathervanes-my-oneandlonely @onlyhenrys @wackylurker @criminaly-supernatural @magpie343 @permanently-exhausted-witcher @hina-chans-stuff @the-space-between-heartbeats @havenoffandoms @carriebee1 @ger-bearofrivia @naominami @writingawaymylife @reaganjenelle @theawkwardpedestrian @scarlettwitcher @badassspaceprincess @just-a-sad-donut @summersong69 @an--actual--human--disaster @rubyqueen819 @omgkatinka @c-a-v-a-l-r-y @vonxcon @mazakeen @bravelittlesunflower @thereagles @awkward-turtles-world @menalliha @cotton_mo @maan24 @thefirelordm @monkeymo @krenee1drful @nympha-door-a @she-wolfoftheinquisition @titaniafire
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