#one direction dirty imagine
harryxmarvel · 1 year
Can you do an angst piece where they have a 3 year old and everything has been really crazy but H is spending the most of his time working and not helping y/n? Bonus points if an ex girlfriend comes back into the picture
Summary : Harry prioritised work over his family
Pairing : famous!Harry x reader!y/n
Warning : but of angst, fluff , none of the personalities of the characters are real. Purely fictional!
A/n : not really an angsty piece tbh but hope you like it :)
My masterlist
Taking care of a three year old while being 5 months pregnant is not an easy task and while y/n had been down playing it as no hard work to everyone asking her ,it was bad. With a popstar husband busy writing the album of the year he seems to have neglected his family and was yet to realise it.
Although y/n was working from home she missed dressing up and going out and enjoying the weather or having her favourite ice cream in the park. But the most she missed was her husband who was working late yet again he couldn't join them for dinner. Their little baby daughter asking for her father before her bedtime for a kiss but how could y/n explain to a three year old that he was working, he was so busy to take some time to spend with his family.
It made her think back to the time when they decided to have a kid and Harry promised to always be there for them but now y/n was worried. Sure he always came back but she needed him here. She needed him when her morning sickness left her tired, she needed him to help her around the house and most of all she needed him to take care of Avery and her even for just a minute.
Her swollen ankles and the bump making it hard for her to do things in their house but Harry had no idea as he climbs into bed at 4 in the morning apologizing for waking her up and by the time y/n wakes up to prepare Avery's breakfast and lunch he was already long gone.
Y/n doesn't even remember the last time they had an actual conversation face to face. He sends texts every now and then to check up on them but that was it.
Y/n was in the shower, she swore off baths since she couldn't get up on her own and had a wave of mood swings had hit her so she had called crying to Harry to come help her up. It was a fond memory now they laugh about. She hears the bathroom door open sending her in high alert as to who it could be. No one has the key or the passcode to the front door except Harry but he was at the studio so who could it be?
She silently peeks through the shower curtain to find Harry with an apologetic look on his face. "Hey, what are you doing here?" Y/n asks suddenly very aware of the fact she was naked with how Harry was eating her with his eyes. The water droplets and pregnancy glow was making Harry crazy enough he was half hard but he gulps it down stammering as he speaks "wow, you are glowing baby." He says eyes running all over her body. And y/n blushes because truth was with how busy he was they hadn't had sex in weeks and Harry loved to love on her when she was pregnant knowing she has some doubts about her body changing. "I just ......I didn't know, I'm sorry. We were just there to celebrate and she just -" Harry stops mid sentence at the confused look on y/n's face as she wraps herself in a towel.
"H, what are you talking about?" She asks getting out of the shower with harry helping and walks towards their closet grabbing a pair of underwear and Harry's shirt as she takes a seat on the bed.
He looks guilty as he murmurs something trying to get away from this situation but he perks up when he sees her questioning look"Kendall...." Was all he had to say for y/n to realise he had messed up big time.
Kendall was obsessed with Harry and she was Harry's last ex-girlfriend before he found his soulmate. Y/n had nothing against her untill Kendall decided to ruin their life by constantly showing up on their dates making both of them uncomfortable. Kendall even turned her whole mass of fans against y/n when she found out they were engaged. She had been trying to sabotage their relationship from the start and against all odds y/n and Harry were truly happy and tried to deal with the situations calmly. But y/n was human too she was jealous when some other woman's hands lingered a bit long for her liking or the eyes on him as he works out or goes out for a walk but she never complained about it and accepted that this was who he was. The was a celebrity and people were always going to be curious about him and his life which she was a huge part of.
But to know he was out partying all night celebrating a song they completed with Kendall of all people broke her poor tired heart. She sits in silence as Harry looks distressed waiting for her response. Y/n never raised her voice. Even with Avery she was firm but her voice never raised so he was a bit taken aback when he hears her "How long are you going to keep doing this Harry?" She had asked anger evident in her tone.
Harry had told everything that happened how Kendall was stuck beside him all night and got really drunk enough to try to kiss him which he thankfully dodged but the pictures on the internet looks like they were kissing but Harry promised y/n that didn't happen.
"Why do you keep letting her mess up our lives? How long do I have to act like it doesn't faze me? I know you wouldn't cheat but I don't trust her. We had this conversation years ago H and you keep doing this again and again it's so hard for me to believe she just keeps coming back after so many rejections from you." With doubt in her voice y/n avoids his eyes, hers filled with tears.
"no baby, I would never do anything to intentionally hurt you. Kendall is nothing to me. You know I try to avoid her as much as possible" he says firmly making his point but that wasn't the biggest problem.
"It's not just that...." Y/n had been wanting to talk to him about his distance but with how unavailable he was they hadn't had a proper conversation in days.
"What is it?" Harry asks with worry.
"I get it, I really do. I get that people expect from you. I know you are working hard to provide for us but you are getting too involved to even spend time with us Harry. It feels like you don't care about us anymore. Of every person who expects from you, as your family don't we have the right to just expect you to be here for us?" Y/n questions her eyes meeting his stunned ones as he swallows the new information.
His heart beating rapidly as y/n doesn't wait for his reply as she walks out of their shared bedroom.
Harry stands still in his spot, seconds pass....minutes pass as y/n's words keep echoing in his mind and he sees it . How he had been neglecting his family. Harry is left with guilt as he thinks about how he hadn't been present at all to help y/n. He didn't even know her cravings or how the last ultrasound was. He didn't know if their baby was healthy and it teared him apart.
He falls on his knees as realisation hits him, he was going to lose the love of life. His glossy eyes decipher his little baby running towards him with a stuffie tucked under her arm as she hugs him tight. "missed you daddy" Avery sweetly says nuzzling her face into her father's neck as Harry hugs her tight scared he might lose her soon.
It was right then harry decides to honour his vows. Like he should have before. He vowed to always always be there for her and promised that y/n and their future family will always be his first and foremost important priority.
The next few days he stays home and takes care of Avery and helps y/n around the house. But she still wasn't convinced and wasn't talking to him. When he tucks Avery after reading her a bed time story he finds his wife cuddling under the blankets with a romcom playing on the tv.
He sits beside her and pulls her closer and y/n immediately relaxes beside him nuzzling further into his warm chest. Harry cradles her bump as he says "I'm sorry baby, I really am. I'm sorry i didn't realise it sooner. I'm going to be here from now on. You guys means the world to me and you are everything i need."
"It's okay bub, I'm glad you are here now that's all that matters" y/n says lightly kissing his jaw.
Harry cranes his neck and finally attaches his lips with hers. Their lips move in sync as harry pulls y/n onto his lap his hands roaming around her body settling on her bump.
"I love you" harry says eyes meeting hers and y/n whispers the words back and reattaches their lips.
Y/n was glad harry came back. He kept his words and promises and started working less hours, cooked breakfast for them, dropped Avery at her preschool , took care of y/n and they finally felt like a family again.
A/n: I hope this was up to its expectations anon. since most of you voted for happy ending, but some of the requests may have a sad ending.
send in any requests:)
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kilistina · 1 year
hiii just wanted to say i love ur posts so much. ur so good at writing pls never stop😫 i just finished reading punk 57 and the whole “tell me something true” line has me in a CHOKEHOLD. pls pls pls write about assholery being cold and distant with y/n out of nowhere even though they’re friends. can the reader be fem and have bunny as a nickname too? it’s been on my miiind and i just know you’ll write it to perfection <33
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i fucking ADORE this suggestion sm. whoever you are, message me pls bc i wanna rack your brain for more lmao
lmk if you wanna be tagged in part 2 when—if—it comes out <3 i hope y’all enjoy this part though bc it’s truly one of my favourites so far.
i recommend listening to these two songs while reading: wet dream - wetleg, desire - meg myers
dirty dancing. pt1
word count: 4.4k-ish
disc. nsfw content ahead. mdni. brief coke mention—in passing, includes fem! reader n harry styles, bold ass language, kinda slow burn but not really, some sexy dancing ig n aaaangst. enjoy my whores <3
Things have been weird with Harry for a while now. You’re not exactly sure how or why the rift even started, but it did. And it’s only been getting worse.
You’ve been friends for what—two years now? Never too close, but close enough to be able to communicate about any issues you’ve had with each other. You and Harry don’t really argue, he’s not the confrontational type. Not with you, anyway. And not when he’s sober.
You aren’t the biggest fan of confrontation either. When things get too heated or overwhelming, you cry. It embarrasses you—being unable to handle your emotions. You know that you’re only human, and you’d never judge someone else for crying in the middle of an argument, but because it’s you, because you know yourself so well, you judge yourself over it. Weird pattern, but hey, it’s real.
Right now, you’re out at a bar with your friends—the same group you’ve been hanging around since high school. Mitch and Sarah have been highschool sweethearts for as long as you can remember, they’re like the parents of the group. The cool parents. The parents everyone secretly wishes they could have. Niall and Lewis are attached at the hip, too—platonically. Been best friends since the day they met.
You’re the closest with Niall since you’ve been living with him through college, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. You have other girlfriends but they’re not as close to you as Niall and Sarah are. Sarah’s like a diamond you’ve always loved. They all are. They’ve always been by your side when you needed them—Harry included. You got lucky, sure. Not everybody has the luxury of picking the good ones before college and life gets in the way.
The bar is slowly coming to life. People who came for a meal are leaving, and people in the mood for a night of drinking and dancing are all piling in. You’re excited. It’s been way too long since you’ve let loose. You’ve been too stumped with work and college lately, you’ve barely had any time to breathe without someone breathing right there with you. And of course, you enjoy the company of others. But when you have to be sober for it all? Eh.
Harry’s similar to you in that sense. He loves socialising. Absolutely adores it. He’s an extrovert. But after weeks of constant company, he gets burnt out. The only thing that helps toughen the blow is alcohol. Or coke, but he’s stopped that for a while now.
You prop your elbows up on the edge of the bar and lean against it, looking around for the bartender. He has his back to you, mixing someone else’s drink. You clear your throat and he turns his head to the side, catching sight of you and nodding his head to let you know he’ll be a moment. You nod back and wait, turning to face your friends.
“Anyone wanna shot with me?” You arch a brow at your five friends, and they all smirk and nod their heads. Harry included. “We all good for a vodka?”
Everyone nods a second time in response, and you turn back to face the bartender.
“What can I do for you, gorgeous?” He shoots you a warm smile.
“Five shots of vodka, please.” You smile back at him and he nods.
“No, gay,” You murmur a witty reply and he laughs, beginning to fill five shot glasses for you. You swear you can hear Harry coughing back a laugh from behind you too, but you don’t pay him any attention.
You double tap your phone’s off switch, activating the apple pay, and you hold it up to pay for your drinks.
“No need, beautiful,” The bartender holds his hand up, “This round’s on me.”
You shrug, exhaling dramatically, “I won’t try and convince you to let me pay.”
“I wouldn’t let you try.” The attractive bartender plays along, smirking at you.
You mouth a quick thank you to him and he gives you one final wink before turning his attention to the small group of girls next to you, catering to them now. You grab the shot glasses off the counter and hand them out to everyone, and you all hold them up and clink them together before downing them in seconds.
“Fuck,” Sarah sticks her tongue out as if that’s going to help the taste in her mouth, “Never gets easier does it?”
“Doesn’t need to,” Niall grins proudly, setting his shot glass down on the counter, “You’re just weak.”
“Yeah we fuckin’ get it, you’re an Irish heavyweight. We should all bow down at your feet, you’re a king and we’re peasants who can’t handle a measly shot.” Lewis rolls his eyes and pretends to worship him.
Niall frowns in confusion, “Who you calling a heavyweight?”
Harry snorts at the two men bickering. They’re like two peas in a pod, and typically, people who are so close tend to argue every now and then.
The group has that dynamic. Sarah and Mitch, Niall and Lewis, you and Harry? You’re not sure if you and Harry count. You’re not as close as the others. You wouldn’t call him a best friend. A friend, yes. A good friend? That’s pushing it, but still, yes. A best friend? No.
It’s not that you wouldn’t like to be closer. You’ve just never really been given the chance. Harry’s always kept a safe distance from you. You’ve hardly ever spent time alone, always speaking and engaging with each other the most when others are around to witness it. Sure, a part of you wishes that Harry would pay you more attention, but the other part of you doesn’t think he deserves it. If he wanted to, he would, right?
“And aren’t you Irish too?” Niall questions Lewis, continuing on with their unserious bickering.
“Yeah like a third,” Lewis shrugs, “From my dad’s side, but you already knew th—stop deflecting. Y/N, tell him to stop deflecting from how much of a cock he is.” He points towards you and tries to get you involved.
You giggle and shrug your shoulders, “You are a bit of a cock sometimes, Ni.”
“Both of you can suck me, honestly. I’m fuckin’ great.” Niall flicks his hair dramatically and you and Lewis snicker.
“I’m with Niall,” Harry lightly nudges Niall’s chest with his elbow, joining in on the joke, “Both of you can suck him.”
“You fucking weirdos,” Mitch shakes his head at the lot of you, not surprised in the slightest by your antics, “Miss Jones and I are gonna go dance, you lot can either keep bickering or come join us. Choice is yours.”
With that, they both head for the dance floor together, holding their hands in the air and laughing.
“I’m joining those twats,” Lewis gestures to them, looking at the rest of you, “You three game?”
Niall nods, “Course. Harry, Y/N?”
“I’ll be there in a bit,” You nod towards the bar, “I feel like some more drinks.”
Everyone’s attention shifts to Harry. He clears his throat as he thinks for a moment, “Yeah, me too. Be there in a bit.”
Lewis and Niall both nod at Harry and beeline for the dance floor, already beginning to bicker again on the way. You giggle at the sight of them and shake your head, turning to face the bar again. Harry joins you, standing by your side. Neither of you look at each other, you keep your eyes in front of you at the neat array of liquor set along the counter.
“Nice night, don’t you think?” You break the awkward silence threatening to form between the two of you.
You catch sight of Harry nodding his head, “Always a nice night with this lot.”
Dry as fuck. You might not be close with Harry, but you aren’t stupid. You know the way he speaks to people, you’ve seen it. Harry could have an hour long conversation with a tree. But with you, it seems like a fucking chore.
You want to scoff. You want to scoff at how fucking childish Harry’s acting with you. Why can’t he look at you or have a normal conversation with you?
You sigh, not wanting to overreact over such a minor reply and ruin the night for yourself. Although Harry seems to be doing a decent job of that himself.
“Can’t argue with that.” You murmur.
“Mhm.” Harry murmurs and you wait a beat for him to say something else, anything else.
He doesn’t.
That’s it.
“I feel like I don’t know you.” Your words spill out before you can stop them.
Harry’s taken by surprise. He turns to face you. Now he’s looking, at least. “Sorry?”
“I feel like I don’t know you.” You sigh, repeating yourself.
“What is there to know?” He furrows his eyebrows at you, gesturing to the bartender that he wants a glass of something.
“You tell me, Harry Styles.”
He sighs, running a hand through his curly hair, “Y/N, what are you trying to get at here?”
You shrug, “I dunno, I feel like I click with everyone else. I’ve got a connection with everyone, H. Everyone but you.” Your words come out harsher than you intended. You’d feel a little guilty if they weren’t true. But they are.
“That was unnecessary.” Harry murmurs so quietly that you almost don’t hear him.
“You asked me a question and I answered it.” You stand your ground, sick of Harry’s half-assed efforts to conversing with you. You’re a catch, your friendship is amazing, and you’re great to talk to. What the hell is Harry’s problem?
He laughs, scoffing at you in disbelief, “Fuck, you’re such a bitch sometimes.”
You almost choke on your own saliva, “Excuse me?”
“You fuckin’ heard me, Y/N. I called you a bitch. Because that’s what you are half the time when shit doesn’t go your way.” Harry doesn’t know where this is all coming from, but it’s coming.
He doesn’t mean it, obviously. He’d never mean that. He doesn’t think you’re a bitch. Again, never. But he’s angry. He’s angry and you’re angry and you’re both speaking without thinking it through properly and you’re both making an absolute mess of the situation and each other—
“What the fuck?” You stare at Harry in shock, your eyes wide with disgust.
He’s confused by your offended reaction, “What, are you surprised or something? Come on, Bunny. You know better than that.”
“You don’t have to be such an ass,” You scold him, “We used to get along. We used to be closer. We’ve never been as close as the others but at least we used to speak. At least I was able to walk into a room knowing you were there and look forward to it.”
His face relaxes at your words. He knows you mean well. You’ve both been hotheaded for a moment but now you seem to be calming down. You’re bringing your point across well and he can’t fault you for it.
“But what now? What fuckin’ now, H? You never speak to me when we’re alone, and then when you finally do, it’s this. It’s an attack on my character. Does this shit get you off or something?”
Never mind.
Harry scoffs at your sudden change in tone, feeling agitated again, “Fuck you.”
You slam your hand on the counter, “Fuck you, Harry!”
He glares at you as you continue scolding him, “What the hell are we even doing here? Go spend time with your actual friends.”
“Hey, wait a second. What?” He leans his head to the side in confusion, not knowing what you mean, “We’ve known each other for years, Bunny.”
“I don’t know a single thing about you.” You point out, making him roll his eyes. “Don’t roll your—“
“Where’s my favourite place to eat?” Harry cuts you off with a question. A question that you know the answer to.

“That’s not—”
“Where do I go when I’m upset?” Again, another question you can answer.
“How did I get the scar on my chin?” That’s a special question. You gave it to him the day you met.
You sigh, knowing where he’s going with this. He’s not understanding what you’re trying to tell him and it infuriates you.
You tap the tips of your fingers on the countertop, feeling anxious, “That’s not what I—”
“You do know me, Y/N. we don’t need to speak every two seconds or braid each other’s hair to know each other well.”
Your eyes begin to prick with tears. That isn’t what you meant and he knows that.
“That’s not what I meant.” You lower your voice as it threatens to crack.
“Then what did you mean, Bunny?” He crosses his arms and stares at you, waiting on an explanation.
You groan, throwing your head in your hands.
The truth is, you can explain. You can explain everything you’re feeling well. But is that going to get you anywhere right now? Maybe. Maybe not. You have a better idea.
“Do you consider me a friend?”
Harry’s face drops. You can tell that he’s upset and borderline offended that you’re even asking that question.
Of course you’re friends. You’ve been friends for years. He adores you. Why can’t you see that he adores you?
“Bunny..” He takes a step towards you, and you take one back.
“Do you?” You insist on getting a solid answer.
“Of course I consider you a fr—”
“Don’t lie.” You cross your arms over your chest.
“I’m not—”
“Tell me something real, Harry. Please. God, please just tell me something that isn’t base level for once,” You beg, “Tell me something true.”
He raises his eyebrows slightly. He’s taken back. He wasn’t expecting that from you at all.
He stays silent.
“You can’t, can you?” You scoff at him, not knowing why you expected anything to come from this conversation. You should’ve known better than to be hopeful about how things were going to go with Harry..because it’s Harry, “I don’t know why I thought you’d—“
“I still smoke cigarettes.” Harry cuts you off, blurting out an admission. He tenses his jaw in realisation—he’s just as shocked as you are.
Your eyes widen at his confesion. Harry’s been gloating to everyone about how he so easily quit smoking three months ago. You’re all so proud of him, considering how difficult it is to quit something cold turkey the way he did. The rest of you haven’t been able to shake the bad habit. Apparently, neither has he.
“You do?” You question.
He nods, “Less. But I do.”
He almost smiles at your question, “Why do I smoke?”
“Why did you lie about it?”
He sighs, looking down as he answers you, “Everyone’s got something, right? Sarah and Mitch have their relationship, Niall has his singing, Lewis has his stand-up every Friday, you have your double degree. I just wanted something that everyone could be proud of. Felt like something small like that would’ve been manageable to keep hidden from everyone.”
You frown, “Harry..”
“No,” He shakes his head, refusing to let you feel sorry for him, “No. Seriously, no. We’re not about to do pity. That’s not what we do with each other.”
“Okay,” You clear your throat and agree to let it go, grabbing a now filled shot glass and handing it over to him, “Drink?”
He smirks at you, silently thanking you as he reaches forward and takes the shot glass from you.
“Sorry for calling you a bitch.” He murmurs, offering you a small, sincere smile.
You give him one back, “Sorry for being one.”
His small smile turns into a grin.
“To the truth.” You hold your glass up to cheers his with.
“To the fuckin’ truth.”
You both down your shots and tap them down on the counter to gesture for the bartender to refill them. He complies and neither of you waste a second to down the next ones. Over and over, shot after shot, you continue to drink until you’re buzzed.
You’re both good at handling your liquor, and you know how much you can take. By the time you’re done with your shots, you’re over the moon. Buzzed and aware. Aware of what you feel, aware of where you are, aware of who you’re with. Aware.
Harry leans down, his face dangerously close to yours. He’s never been this close, you don’t think. You’ve never seen his face so clearly, you’ve never seen his chest tattoos so well, his necklace dangling, his—
“Should we go dance with the others now, you think?” He speaks into your ear and you feel your stomach beginning to erupt with nerves.
“Yeah,” You inhale sharply, nodding, “Sure.”
Harry grabs your hand and leads you through the crowd, keeping a hold of you even when you reach where your friends are. The contact is strange but you welcome it, liking the new barrier that’s being broken between the two of you.
Over the years, you’ve noticed how touchy he can get when he’s under the influence, so you have an idea of what you’re getting into. You like being on the receiving end for once. You could get used to this side of Harry. You like being his friend. His real friend.
Once you get to where the others are, you quickly gauge what they’re all doing. Mitch and Sarah are in their own little world as usual, dancing together as if it’s their wedding night. Niall’s dancing with a random girl he’s probably going home with later tonight and Lewis is making a fool of himself in the middle of them. Ah, friendship. You love to see it.
“Nice song, yeah?” Harry leans over to your ear, speaking over the music. The song playing is one of your all time favourites—Wet Dream by WetLeg.
Anyone who knows you, knows the way you feel about this song. It’s become tradition to play it everytime you carpool. A fine tradition, you think.
“Oh, the best.” You start bopping your head to the beat of the song, singing along with the lyrics you know and love.
“I was in your wet dream driving in my caaar, saw you at the side of the road, there’s no one else around you’re touching yourself, touching yourself—“ You start yelling out the words along with everyone else on the dance floor, shaking your head side to side and dramatising every word. Harry watches you and smirks, letting you have your moment.
“You said—“
You’re about to keep singing the next part when he beats you to it, “Baby do you want to come home with me? I got Buffalo ‘66 on dvd!”
You let out a surprised laugh at the fact that Harry even knows the words to the song, loving that you’re seeing this side to him. You’d never expect to have something as simple as loving a song like this in common, but here you are.
Beam me up—beam me up!
Count me in—count me in!
Three, two, one—three, two, one!
Let's begin!
The song continues and you realise that you’ve both been staring at each other for a good ten seconds in silence, just taking in the sight of each other. Harry really is beautiful. The way his hair hangs perfectly below his shoulders. The way his dimples show at the smallest hint of a smile. The way his eyes burn into yours. You never want to see anything else. Just him. Just Harry.
“I was in your wet dream, driving in my caaaar!” Harry’s voice breaks you out of your daydream, and you laugh as he grabs your hands, dancing with you to the beat of the song.
“What makes you think you're good enough to think about me when you're touching yourself?” You continue the song and he pretends to be shocked, acting out the song with you.
“You climb onto the bonnet and you’re licking the windscreen! I’ve never seen anything so obscene!” You both sing the next part together, leaning in close to each other’s faces and practically screaming with the biggest smiles on your faces, “It’s enough! To make a girl blush! It’s enough! It’s enough to make a girl blush!”
The rest of the song plays and you both continue to scream out every word, making the most of the moment you’re having and hoping it never ends. Neither of you are sure what’s going on but neither of you are complaining. You’re both witnessing a new side to each other and you’re enjoying it. Perhaps you were made to be best friends like the others. Maybe it was meant to happen like this.
The song eventually comes to an end and you both let out a deep sigh, catching your breath for a moment as another random song plays.
Harry looks down at you with parted lips, “Nice singing, Bunny.”
“Could say the same to you, H.” You smile and wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you. The move is natural and you don’t put too much thought into it. Neither does Harry.
His hands find their way to your waist and you both sway in time with the music, singing the lyrics into each other’s faces and having the time of your lives.
“I haven’t had sex in 5 months!” His voice is just loud enough for you to hear over the music.
Your eyebrows furrow, “What?”
He leans closer to your face, “I said—I said I haven’t had—”
“No I—I heard you H,” You chuckle, “I’m just a little—”
“Surprised? Yeah me too.” He grins at you, suddenly seeming to be completely comfortable with you in a way you never expected, “I stole that chocolate bar from you last week by the way, it wasn’t Niall.”
You laugh for a moment at his strange confessions until you process what he just told you, “Wait that was you?”

“Loud ‘n proud, bunny.” He grins proudly.
“You—you fucker!” You gasp, playfully hitting his chest with one of your hands, keeping the other where it was around his neck.

He chuckles, playing along, “Did you forget what I just—”
“Shut up!”
You both laugh, continuing to move your bodies together.
“What about you? Tell me something true.”
You purse your lips together, trying to come up with something to tell Harry. There’s a million things you could tell him, but you want to catch him off guard. You want to see an honest, raw reaction from him.
“I think you’re really pretty.” You finally say, shrugging your shoulders.
Harry raises his eyebrows at you, unsure if you’re being serious. “Pretty?”
You nod.
He tilts his head for a moment, “Weird choice of words.”
“I don’t think so,” You smile at him, “You’re a pretty boy.”
He smiles back, “You’re a pretty bunny.”
“We’re pretty.”
“We are.”
You both smile at each other and share a brief moment. A moment of what—you’re not sure. Two friends being supportive of each other? Two friends suddenly becoming closer and making the most of it? Two friends two friends two friends—
The next song begins playing and your heart begins to pace more. Desire, Meg Myers.
The two of you exchange a look, knowing that you won’t move together to this song the same way you have been for the others.
You know that you won’t be singing along with this one. You’d rather feel it. Feel Harry.
You move your hands away from around Harry’s neck, and he keeps his on your waist, holding you close. You move your hands down and place them over his, feeling electric all of a sudden.
Baby, I wanna fuck you
I wanna feel you in my bones
The song is loud and the coloured lights are flashing red. The atmosphere has changed—not only in the bar and on the dance floor, but between you and Harry. The way he’s looking at you is different. The way you’re looking at him is different. The way he’s touching you is different. The way you’re touching him is different.
I’m gonna tear into your soul
You begin to sway your hips to the beat of the song, holding your eyes over Harry’s. Neither of you dare to look away. You wouldn’t dream of it.
How do you want me?
How do you want me?
You begin to turn your body in time with the music, turning your back to Harry. He leans his head down, resting his head on your shoulder and keeping his hands by your waist as you continue to move against each other. You feel a surge of confidence—you’re not sure if it’s the song, if it’s the alcohol, if it’s Harry’s random confessions, if it’s the feelings you’ve been suppressing from him for years—but it’s here. It’s here and you’re about to make the most of it.
Yeah I gotta hurt you, I gotta hear it from your mouth
Boy, I wanna taste you, I wanna skin you with my tongue
I’m gonna kill you
You lean your ass back, moving it against Harry’s crotch. He sucks in a breath, and the only way you know it is because you feel his teeth graze the skin of your bare shoulder. Your eyes close at the feeling and you grow bolder, moving the same way a second time.
He tightens his grip on your waist. You can feel the bulge of his cock against your ass and you can only imagine how much it’s straining against the band of his jenas. You almost pity him. Almost.
I wanna feel you
I want it all
I wanna feel you
I want it all
You continue moving against Harry, enjoying his little reactions to your touch. To the way you feel. He begins trailing kisses down your neck, applying pressure and sucking on your skin. You still. You can’t focus on anything but the way his lips feel against you.
What’s going on between you both? What the fuck is happening? Why the fuck has it taken so long? Why couldn’t it happen sooner?
So many questions.
“Bunny,” Harry groans against your shoulder, placing one last kiss to your neck before moving his mouth to your ear, “Tell me something true.”
You know exactly what you want to say. Again, there’s so much you want to tell him. You want to tell him how good he feels against you, how much you love the way he moves his body against yours. You want to tell him that you feel the connection now. You want to tell him that you know he can feel it too. There’s so much to say, but you settle for the most simple thing. The most important one.
“I want you.”
aaahhhh!!! i’m sososo proud of this one. idk why but this shot has a special place in my heart. the smut will be included in the second part. and believe me, it’s gonna be SMUT. i’m such a whore for angst n this friendship trope is just chef’s kiss.
anyway enough chat. i hope y'all enjoyed reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it <3 if you liked what you read then please reblog n comment. feel free to suggest ideas for new posts too.
have a good day or night wherever you are n stay safe, always <3
- k
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harrrystyles-writing · 2 months
Sweet girl
Sinopse: S/n é fã de Harry e acaba tendo uma oportunidade irrecusável.
NotaAutora: Olha acho que tô meio enferrujada pra hots então não sei se ficou tão bom assim.
Aviso: +18, muito flerte, me perdoem se tiverem erros.
Pedido: a gente bem que podia ter algo bem hotzão inspirado nessa preciosa foto 😍🥵🔥
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Sarah havia convidado sua prima para o show do Harry nesse fim de semana. S/n havia acabado de fazer 21 anos e foi presente perfeito, afinal, ela era muito fã do cantor.
— Minha prima está vindo nesse final de semana, tem problema? — A baterista questionou ao Harry que finalizava seu cabelo para o show.
— Mas você não pode ficar com ela — apontou o dedo para o cantor. — É sério, Harry.
— Nossa, eu nem sei quem ela é! Por que eu faria isso? — Colocou a mão em seu peito, fingindo estar ofendido. — Além disso, eu ainda nem a conheci, não sei por que tanta preocupação.
— Assim que você a ver, você vai querer ela, S/n é seu tipo.— Mitch entrou na conversa.
— Meu tipo? — Styles Ficou intrigado.
— Tipo a garota dos seus sonhos. — Afirmou o amigo.
— Então por que não posso ficar com ela? — Fez um biquinho. — Por quê?
— Ela é minha priminha, só tem 21 anos, Harry! Só 21 anos, ela é muito nova para você, eu não quero que fique com ela. — Ela chegou mais perto, quase encostando o dedo indicador em seu rosto. — Promete!
— Tá! Tá! — Afastou a mão da amiga. — Eu prometo.
Mas Harry nunca foi bom em manter promessas, porque no instante que S/n passou pela porta o mundo pareceu estar em câmera lenta, ela era linda, com aquele sorriso encantador nós lábios, uma saia rosa curta, bota de cowboy, regata branca justa dando a perfeita visão de um belo decote, ele sabia que estava ferrado.
— Recomponha-se. — Mitch deu um belo cutucão em Harry, o trazendo-o de volta à realidade.
Ele a queria.
— Sarah.— A linda garota pulou nos braços de sua prima. — Mitch! — Seu namorado foi o próximo.
Calorosamente ela deu um aceno a todos que estavam ali e então se virou para o popstar.
— Olá, Harry, muito prazer. — Estendeu a mão.
— Oi! Eu sou o Harry, Harry Styles, Harry. — Ele estava nervoso?
— Oi, Harry. — Riu segurando a mão dele, balançando. — Eu sou a S/n.
— Sarah falou bastante de você.
— Espero que somente coisas boas.
— Ótimas. — Ele ainda continuava segurando a pequena mão.
— Então. — Sarah puxou sua prima para mais perto, a afastando de Harry. — Está com fome?
— Faminta, foi um voo longo até aqui.
— Vem, vou pegar algo para você.
— Tchau! Harry. — A garota sorridente deu uma picadinha.
Como ele iria sobreviver essa noite?
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S/n era a própria fan girl, ela torceu e vibrou a cada música que Harry cantava, dançando e gritando como todas as outras garotas que estavam ali o venerando, mas tinha algo nela que fazia Harry se interessar ainda mais, talvez fosse o fato de Sarah proibi-lo de se quer pensar nela ou talvez seja por ela ser muito gostosa e qualquer um ficaria totalmente caidinho por seu olhar penetrante e sorriso inocente.
Pós-show, todos se reuniram no hotel onde estavam hospedados para um after. No bar, Harry estava sentado com seu segundo copo de isque na mão, seus olhos só acompanhando os movimentos de S/n, observando cada detalhe enquanto ela conversava com alguns membros da banda.
S/n podia sentir seu olhar, até porque Harry não estava nem disfarçando para olha-lá, isso a encorajou a ir ao encontro dele.
— Oi? — Com um leve sorriso, ela sentou-se ao lado dele.
— Oi! — Timidamente respondeu.
— Você está bem aí? Parece solitário.
— Estou bem. — Seu tom estava ríspido.
— Posso?— Ela pegou a bebida de sua mão. — Nunca provei uísque.
— Você não acha que é muito nova?
— Não seja puritano, Harry. — Ela sorriu, tomando um gole, olhando diretamente em seus olhos. — Não é tão ruim quanto pensava.
— Acho que já vou dormir, tenha uma ótima noite. — Foi se levantando quando a mão dela agarrou seu braço.
— Por que tem me evitado?
— Eu não tenho. — Mentiu.
Era o que Harry tem feito a noite toda, afinal ele queria ser um bom amigo para Sarah, mas S/n não facilitou nenhum um pouco para ele, então ficar longe dela e ser mal-humorado era a única opção.
— Você tem, sim, você não gostou de mim? — Fez um biquinho triste. — Eu fiz alguma coisa?
— Não, não é isso, não é nada. — Ele se atrapalhava nas palavras. — Eu gostei de você, você parece ser uma garota muito legal.
— Gostou? — O sorriso voltou a aparecer. — Se eu sou tão legal, por que você não me leva para outro lugar? — Mordeu os lábios.
— Sabe, eu e você, isso não pode acontecer.
— Direto. — Ela riu. — Calma, eu só queria me divertir um pouco, queria conhecer você melhor. — Soltou seu braço. — Sarah falou para ficar longe de mim? Por isso parece um gatinho assustado?
— Eu não estou assustado.
— Não? — Ela levantou-se aproximando-se de sua orelha, o coração de Harry começou a errar as batidas. — Relaxa, eu não vou agarrar você, só se quiser. — Sussurrou, um leve sorriso repousando em seus lábios.
— Pare de brincar comigo.
— E então, aonde vai me levar? — Continuou a provocação.
— Eu vou?
— Vai, eu sei que vai. — Pegou o copo em cima do balcão, tomando mais um gole com os olhos fixos nele.
— Se eu levasse, aonde iria querer ir?
— Me mostra seu quarto?
— Meu quarto? Acho que não é uma boa ideia. 
— Ah! Vamos, eu só quero ver o que tem no quarto de hotel de um famoso popstar. 
— Nada muito interessante, você não vai gostar.
— Me leva e aí eu te digo se gosto ou não.
— Somente ver?
— Eu prometo.
— Tudo bem — Harry disse enfim.
Ela era bem insistente e ele estava querendo saber onde isso poderia chegar. 
Ambos se entreolharam enquanto as portas do elevador se fechavam, depois que Harry apertou o botão do andar. Um calor estava se espalhando pelo local. Styles parecia nervoso, o que era raro, afinal, ele sempre tomava iniciativa em uma relação. O frio na barriga se instalou nele até as portas se abriram. Ele foi o primeiro a sair, guiando-a para fora do elevador e pelo corredor luxuoso. Logo, aproximando-se de uma porta na qual ele passou um cartão e a abriu.
— Então é isso. — Deu espaço para ela entrar. 
S/n entrou na suíte da cobertura, toda luxuosa, com grandes janelas do chão ao teto que ostentavam uma vista incrível.
— Uau! — Comentou antes de aproximar-se da janela. — Olha, está vista.— Logo depois, ela se acomodou na beira da grande cama. 
O colchão era macio, lençóis de seda, S/n aproveitou e se jogou ali.
— Está gostando? — Harry se segurou para não se juntar a ela.
— Ainda não sei. — Fingiu, sentando-se. — Serve uma dose para mim? — Indicou a bandeja com uma garrafa de uísque no quarto.
— Tem certeza? É forte e você nunca tomou antes.
— Você pode tomar comigo então, não é? Assim, você não me deixa beber demais.
Três doses depois, ambos já pareciam meio altos, risos ficaram mais frouxos, o mundo mais devagar. 
— Essa câmera é sua? — Ela ficou curiosa ao ver o objeto na cabeceira da cama.
— Sim. 
— Posso ver?
— Claro.
Era uma Polaroid retrô, branca, bem bonita, parecia ser cara. S/n mexeu nela, tirando uma foto sem querer.
— Desculpe. — A foto borrada saiu logo em seguida. — Acho que não sei nem como mexer numa dessas. 
 Mas ela começou a se aventurar, sentou-se na ponta da cama e apontou para a vista. Outro clique, tirou algumas fotos de si mesma. Harry estava sentado em uma cadeira à sua frente bebendo, era uma pose perfeita para mais uma foto.
— Diga cheese. — A garota alertou antes de apertar o botão.
Com um sorriso sonolento Styles posou para foto, assim que a foto saiu, ela guardou para si mesma. 
S/n estava determinada a provocá-lo, ela levantou a saia, tirando uma foto de sua calcinha. Assim que a fotografia saiu, ela caminhou em passos largos, indo até ele, inclinou-se, colocando a foto guardada em seu bolso.
— Para você.
— Não vai me deixar ver?— Questionou curioso.
— Você quer ver? — Mordeu os lábios, parando bem entre suas pernas.
— Sim.
S/n ergueu a saia até a cintura, deixando à mostra sua calcinha rosa. Bem na frente, estava escrito Harry Styles em vermelho.
— Gostou?
— Porra!— Engoliu em seco. 
— Toque-me. — Implorou em um sussurro.— Eu quero que você me toque.
Harry deixou sua bebida de lado, suas grandes mãos tocaram em suas coxas, apertando-a.
— Não assim. — Bufou.
— Você queria que eu tocasse em você. — Harry fingiu-se de desentendido. — Estou fazendo o que você pediu.
— Você sabe que não foi isso que eu quis dizer.— Olhou para ele desapontada.
— Mas estou me divertindo só conversando com você.— Defendeu-se. — Você já sabe o que penso sobre nós. 
— Você vai se divertir mais me fodendo, e você sabe disso.
Harry sorriu enquanto balançava a cabeça.
— Você devia parar de me provocar. — Avisou com uma intensidade em seus olhos.
— Oh! É sério? E o que acontece se eu continuar?
— Acho que você sabe o que acontece.— Ele não conseguiu esconder seu sorriso.
S/n, vagarosamente, foi descendo o zíper lateral de sua saia em frente ao Harry, até que a peça estivesse no chão.Os olhos dele a devoravam avidamente, todo seu corpo implorava por ela, uma necessidade de tê-la, mais do que qualquer outra coisa. As botas foram logo em seguida, sua blusa foi junto. Agora ela estava em sua frente somente de roupas íntimas.
Harry não conseguiu se segurar mais, passou o braço em volta de sua cintura, seus dedos longos e agarrando-a pelos quadris trazendo a para cima dele, S/n montou nele antes de unir seus lábios aos dele, ela não perdeu tempo a jogar seus braços sobre os ombros, jogando sua toca para longe agarrando seus cabelos, pressionando ainda mais lábios nos lábios macios e quentes.
Era fácil se perder naquele beijo, saboreando o gosto de isque em seus lábios, sua colônia amadeirada enchendo seus sentidos, a barba a fazer roçando em sua pele. O beijo estava tão intenso que enviava sensações de arrepios, as mãos dela serpentearam para dentro do moletom dele, puxando para cima.
— Apressadinha. — Riu, tirando a blusa, revelando seu abdômen tonificado.
— Você é muito gostoso.— Deixou escapar, enquanto seus dedos percorrem o tanquinho bronzeado.
Styles a puxou para outro beijo, desta vez mais lento, ele sugava suavemente seus lábios, descendo seus beijos desleixados em seu pescoço. Um pequeno “ai” surgiu nos lábios dela, quando Harry mordeu seu pescoço, sugando deixando algumas marcas.
A calcinha dela já estava molhada com o quão excitada estava, pelos movimentos que fazia no colo de Harry provavelmente havia uma pequena mancha de excitação em sua calça, ela só precisava um pouco de alívio, agarrou a mão dele e a empurrando entre as pernas, os dedos de Harry alcançaram seu clitóris vestido e ela não conseguiu segurar um gemido, balançando os quadris mais rápido. 
— Você tem um gemido tão gostoso. — Murmurou baixinho em seu ouvido, apertando seu quadril.
— Porra, querido, não pare. — As últimas palavras foram abafadas pela boca de Harry. 
Ele não cansava de beija-lá, senti-la se contorcendo contra ele, Harry estava com tanto tesão, ele precisava estar dentro dela. 
— Eu preciso de você agora.— murmurou em seu ouvido, dando beijos em seu pescoço.
Ele a ergueu o suficiente para baixar suas calças até o calcanhar. Harry soltou um suspiro de alívio quando finalmente libertou seu pau dolorido. A camisinha que estava no bolso de trás pousou em suas mãos rapidamente, deslizando em seu pênis. Styles sabia que tinha um pau grande, então a deixou sentar devagar, deslizando para dentro tão lentamente que o fez gemer e jogar a cabeça para trás.
Novos gemidos preenchiam o quarto, cada vez que ela rolava os quadros sobre ele. Era tão bom ouvi-los, eles ainda eram mais doces em cima de seu pau. 
Logo ela pegou o ritmo, subindo e descendo, mais rápido, foi nesse ponto que percebeu que Harry Styles não era quieto na cama. Aquela voz rouca ao pé do ouvido, implorando por mais, a estimulava a continuar. 
— Quero ouvir você gemendo meu nome.— As mãos dele capturam suas bochechas. — Quando você geme, eu fico louco.
— Harry. — Sua voz era tão manhosa, ele quase gozou só de ouvi-la. — É tão bom sentir você dentro de mim, Harry. — Fechou os olhos com força.
As pernas dela começam a tremer, o som da sua boceta escorregadia na pele dele estava ficando cada vez mais alto. 
— Desse jeito, eu não vou aguentar... Isso é tão boom. — Lagrimejou.— Quero estar olhando para você quando gozar. — Seu indicador ergueu o queixo dela, tornando quase impossível desviar o olhar. — Olhe para mim. — intimou.
Com a testa colada nele, seu olhar fixado nas grandes iris esverdeadas, S/n sentiu a euforia se aproximando, seu coração bateu mais rápido, respiração ficou ainda mais ofegante, pequenos gemidos escaparam de seus lábios trêmulo, foi difícil manter o contato visual quando seu corpo começou a se contorcer e o prazer intenso a tomou.
Ver a carinha dela de prazer acabou com ele, o orgasmo o atingiu sem nem mesmo dar tempo para segurá-lo, seu corpo trêmulo agarrou-a, os gemidos roucos em seu ouvido enquanto seu rosto estava enterrado em seus cabelos.
S/n desmoronou no peito de Harry. Ambos estavam exaustos, sonolentos, ainda tentando se recuperar.
— Eu adorei essa buceta. Você combina tão bem comigo. — Confessou, puxando para um beijo desleixado. — Acho que nunca fiquei com uma garota tão ousada como você.
— Eu só tinha uma chance, não podia desperdiçar —Seus olhos cansados sorriram para ele.
— Não se preocupe, bebê, eu vou colocar meu número no seu telefone e você me liga caso queira ter uma segunda.
— Olha, que eu ligo. — Riu ao brincar com os seus cabelos.
— Vou estar ansiosamente esperando por isso.
Muito obrigada por ler até aqui! Se gostou fav, reblogue ou deixe uma ask, isso realmente é muito importante para mim 🥺♥️
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fallingsolonely · 2 years
Heaven & Hell
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Warning: This one-shot contains dark and sexual content.
[This is an edited version of a one-shot I wrote a few years ago, I hope you enjoy!]
Theme: Demon!Harry
Word count: 12.8k
Earth. What a magnificent paradise. Created perfectly in my father's image.
I've been reading about it for years. I've been begging for almost a millennia to visit.
Aristol, my brother and also, in his words, my 'superior' has long refused. But I'm finally getting my chance.
I finally got my first assignment on Earth.
Aristol is furious about it, I know he's been going behind my back to Mariella and telling her that 'I'm just a child and can't handle a place like Earth, let alone go on this assignment'
He was adamant that it should be him.
1. I am not a child. I'm not much younger than Aristol as much as he likes to claim.
2. I have proven myself, I've done all my studies and I have trained for this my entire life.
As stunning as Earth is, I am well aware of the way it has been corrupted.
But where there is a storm, a rainbow is not far behind.
I've been on Earth for almost two weeks now. Europe. I've only seen maps, to be here is surreal.
To see how my father's creation has grown into what it is, it's amazing.
Humans are fascinating to me.
I'm not meant to interact much, but I can't help it.
Especially my assignment. A beautiful little boy by the name of Isaac.
A prophecy that came to the angels attention exactly 12 years ago, the day he was born.
I like to look at Mariella as a mother figure. She believes in me, pushes me to be strong.
Shes our link, almost like what humans would call a telephone.
She speaks directly with our father and 12 years ago, we received a message about a little boy with astounding power.
For the first 11 years of his life, he would be protected from the most awful parts of the world and the creatures who surround it. But, when he reaches 12, his presence would officially take hold and all creatures would become aware of him.
Which is incredibly dangerous.
That's where I come in. Angels have been preparing for this little boys 12th birthday for a long time and we have put as much protection on him as we can.
I've been assigned to watch over him.
I was strictly told not to interact with him. Just watch.
On my first day of observing him, he knew it.
He touched my hand and the first thing he asked me was if I wanted to get icecream with him.
It's almost like he knew. Treating me like he's known me his whole life.
I've never tried food of any kind before, but it's amazing.
Icecream, it's sweet and cold and comes in so many different flavors I feel dizzy when I have to choose.
For the last two weeks I've been meeting Isaac at the Icecream truck in the park near his house.
Power radiated off of this little boy and he seemed to have no clue about it. But I can see it in the way he talks, he's smart. He's intuitive and extremely wise for only being alive for a mere 12 years.
After trying icecream, I went and tried all the food I could. It's so amazing to me the things humans have created. I think my favourite is coffee.
It makes my body tingle in the strangest way.
So now, every day before I meet up with Isaac, I stop in this quiet little coffee shop.
I love watching them go about their day, humans.
I'm so grateful to the lady named Eileen who makes me a different kind of coffee every time I come in.
She's so sweet.
I don't understand Aristol's hatred towards them. The way he talks about them, like every single human is corrupt.
But it's not true. Not in the slightest.
Life, is beautiful.
"You're practically one of them" I jump slightly, looking up from the paper I am reading.
"I told Mariella you were to young and stupid for this assignment" He shakes his head, looking me up and down.
"You better start acting like an angel before someone snuffs you out"
Hes bitter about being pushed to the side.
"I think I blend in better like this" I smile at my brother and sip my coffee.
"I've been doing well, watching over Isaac. He's safe" He looks at me with disgust as I drink the coffee.
"We'll see"
With that, he's gone.
How Aristol doesn't see the beauty of our fathers world, is crazy to me. It's beyond incredible.
I walk along the path towards the park and to my surprise, I see Isaac.
I only see the back of his head, but he's sitting next to someone.
Hastily, I make my way over to them.
"(Y/N)!" Isaac smiles widely when I come up to them. Next to him is an unfamiliar man in a black suit.
"I made another friend" He's so happy about it. Smiling ear to ear with an icecream in his hand.
"Isaac, you should be more careful" I say it softly to him, but I can feel myself becoming more protective.
"Don't worry, pretty thing, I'm not going to hurt him"
I watch as Isaac goes to touch the man's hand, but before he can, the mystery man stands to his feet.
Already, the energy feels strange.
He stands tall, looking over me.
"Just keeping him company" The man smiles at me, scanning me with bright green eyes. In his hand, he has an icecream. As he looks over me, I watch as he licks the vanilla flavored cone.
"Enjoying this sweet little dessert" His smile turns into a smirk.
"He found me like you, (YN)" Isaac says, still smiling. Excited to be making friends.
"(Y/N), what a beautifully angelic name" He turns away from me and looks down at Isaac.
"I'll be seeing you soon, young man" He bends down to Isaac's height and smiles.
Then, he stands back up and looks at me while licking his cone. He stares me down for a moment before turning and walking away.
I can't help but feel weary as I watch him leave.
I turn to Isaac and then kneel in front of him.
I place my hand on his cheek and smile.
"I need you to be careful, Isaac" I say seriously.
"I don't want anything bad happening to you, you're special" He hugs me tightly.
"I'm sorry if I worried you, (Y/N). I'll be careful" I hug him tighter and then pull back.
"Whenever you meet someone who wants to be friends with you, I want you to touch their hand" I take his hand and hold it tightly. I know he can feel my energy through touch.
It's an ability he's unaware of even possessing.
"Okay" He agrees, holding one of my hands with both of his.
I'm still worried.
The appearance of the strange man is still haunting me. Something about him isn't right. Luckily, Isaac's house is a safe haven. Enchanted by sigils meant for protection. Not even Angels can enter through it.
But to be sure, I don't stray far from his home.
The sun has set and the city is quiet.
Sleep, a source of energy humans need. I don't quite understand it, but Isaac loves to tell me about it. About the dreams he has.
Visions of someone protecting him.
Visions of shadows that he calls nightmares.
I don't like hearing about those ones, I'd do anything to make them go away.
Emotions are something all creatures feel, including angels. It's something we have to learn to control, I'm still in the learning bit.
Aristol tried to use it as an excuse for why I was unfit for this position.
At the moment, fear is swirling through me. I've never encountered the creatures that were rumored to roam the Earth.
But as I make my way around Isaac's neighbourhood, I can feel the piercing sting of someone's eyes. Like I'm being followed.
Isaac's house is on the other street, I should find a place closer to settle for the night.
Usually, I'll explore in the hours of darkness. But tonight, I'm scared.
I peak down an alley. A shortcut.
My instinct is to teleport but I don't want unwanted attention and I can already feel eyes on me.
I step into the alley. It's not super long, thankfully and in the darkness of it I feel a little safer teleporting.
I go to close my eyes, to bring myself to Isaac's street but before I get the chance, a hand clamps down over my mouth.
"Make a sound, I clip those pretty wings"
The voice whispers in my ear.
"You try anything, that precious boy is good as dead" He warned.
My first thought is to tear him away with whatever power I can, but then he mentions Isaac.
An innocent little boy.
I stop struggling against his hold on me and suddenly everything is black.
He pulled something over my head, blinding me from seeing who he is and where he takes me.
Instantly I know he's not a creature of Earth when we teleport. Not long after, I'm pushed into a chair and cuffs are tied around my wrists against the arms of the chair.
"If you're a good girl for me, perhaps I'll takes these off. Just a little precaution for my sake" He whispers, pulling away the fabric that he had put over my head.
I open my eyes and I'm met with green.
The same green eyes I had met with Isaac in the park.
Instinct takes over me and I try to get myself loose.
But my power is gone. I look down at the straps on my wrist. Each one scribed with a dark power binding sigil.
I'm trapped.
When he chuckles, I look up at him.
"No use trying with those on, love" He smiles at me.
"W-What are you doing?" I can't help it. I'm terrified.
"A little birdie told me an angel was coming to town" I look over him, he's dressed in all black, all the way down to his shoes.
"Expected more of a fight from you, angel. Never seen one give up on a fight so easily" He kneels down in front of me, our eyes level.
In a flash, I watch as each little vein in his eyes grow dark until they are black.
A demon.
Children of my fallen brother, Lucifer.
I've never met one. I never wanted to meet one. They were soulless and wicked.
"Is this your first time meeting a demon, sweetheart?" He stands up to his feet, smoothing out the suit jacket he's wearing.
The smile on his face is sickening.
"What do you want?" I want to be confident, stand my ground but my voice is quiet.
I'm so afraid.
I don't know what to do. I'm stuck.
"I'd love nothing more than to suck the sweet little soul out of your body" His smile is unwavering, his thumb running over his bottom lip as he stares at me.
"I can only imagine how it tastes-" He leans over me, biting his lip.
"So tempting, I can practically smell it" I try to push myself away from him, his hand coming up to my cheek.
His fingers are warm, burning my skin but I shiver at the feeling.
He leans down closer to me, closing his eyes and taking a breath.
"Sweet like icecream" When his eyes open again, I watch the black recede. They are green again.
"Look at you, so afraid of me. It's intoxicating" His fingers trace my jaw and then he steps away.
"So fragile" He chuckles some more.
"I'm sorry, darling. It's just amusing to me that out of all the assholes they could have sent, they sent down....you" He laughs even more.
"Sounds like a set up to me, darling. Do you really think you can protect something that everyone is looking for?" He's smiling, mocking me.
It makes me angry. I'm not weak.
I struggle against the restraints, but nothing. Not even a sliver of power.
"We know he's hidden in the area you were lurking" He reaches into his jacket and pulls out a blade. He looks it over and then back at me.
"We want the same thing, angel" His smirk makes my stomach turn.
"To see that little boy take on the world. Or more favorably, take out the world" He takes a step towards me again, twirling the blade in his hand.
"You just have to tell me his exact location" I close my eyes tightly when he begins to point the blade towards me.
"I'd hate to ruin this beautiful face" I take a deep breath when I feel the tip of the blade on my cheek.
Delicately, he moves it over my skin.
He pulls it back and I open my eyes. It's still pointed at me.
I look up at him.
"Please..." I can't do this. I can't tell him where Isaac is. I'd die to protect him.
"Please" He mocks me, rolling his eyes.
"So many things I want to do with this" He smirks and looks at the blade.
"Perhaps in another meeting, angel girl" He brings the knife down and cuts the straps binding my wrists.
"I know you aren't going to try anything, so obedient" He hums and brings his free hand up to my face. Before he can touch me, I think about breaking his hand and it does.
My power is back.
His face twists in pain for just a second before he snaps it back into place.
He glares at me, his eyes black again. He grabs me roughly, pulling me out of the chair and then grabbing my throat.
In an instant, I'm shoved against the wall.
"Try that again, I dare you" He squeezes so hard I struggle to breathe.
I want to kill him. But I can't. It will just put Isaac into more danger.
"Killing you would bring me so much joy, but no answers" He loosens his grip but his hand is still locked around my throat.
"So how about this, if you don't tell me where he is, I kill everyone on the entire block instead?" I glance around the dimly lit room. It's small. The only thing in it is the chair I was strapped to.
"Why do you want him?" You know the answer already. He's powerful.
Power is the only thing these creatures care about.
"To many questions, darling and not enough answers" I can see him getting frustrated.
"What's your name?" I reach out my hand to touch him and when I do, he drops his hand from my throat and backs away from me. He's visibly angry. The knife in his other hand is clenched in his fist.
"Tell me where he is or when I find him, I'll cut his heart out" He snapped, raising the blade at me again.
"Please, don't hurt him. I'll do anything. Just please, don't kill him" I'm desperate, I beg with the soulless man and look into his darkened eyes.
"Kill me instead, don't hurt him" His demeanor changes just slightly.
"Every angel I've met, I've never met one like you" His knife is still pointed at me, but his voice is calmer.
"So, emotional" He steps towards me again.
"My guess, you don't even know what the child is" He comes so close to me, I hold my breath.
He brings the blade up again, pushing my hair away from my face. He smiles a bit and then takes the knife away, putting it back into his jacket.
"But maybe we could think of something" He leans in even closer to me, bringing his lips to my ear.
"You'll do anything?" He pulls back to look at me, his eyes now back to green. He bites his lip.
I nod quickly, completely unaware of what's going on in his mind.
I will die to protect Isaac and if death is my fate, I will accept it.
"What is this little angel willing to give up?" He wonders, his hand coming up to my face. His finger running along my bottom lip.
I want to bite it right off, but I know it won't end well so I refrain.
"Anything, just promise me you won't hurt him"
I go to reach out to him but he grabs both my wrists and pins them against the wall.
"Sorry, angel. Demons don't make promises" He leans close to my face.
"You're just going to have to trust me, can you do that, baby?"
I know I can't. I can't trust something like him.
Hes vile and nothing good will come out of trusting him.
But what choice do I have here?
I look at him and then nod a little bit, his smirk becoming more wicked.
"What a good girl" He placed his hand on my cheek and stroked it gently.
It burns my skin like his fingers are laced with poison. But the rings on his fingers send shivers up my spine.
"Tell me, honey, just how innocent are you?" His voice is quiet and menacing.
I didn't know what he meant.
"Never got this pretty white dress dirty before?" I look at him, confused. It seemed to edge him on even more. Like he enjoyed it.
I shake my head at his question, why would I get myself all dirty?
Heaven is clean, pristine.
I miss it. Heaven is safe and pure.
"Angels, all work and no play" He leans in so close, his cheek is almost touching mine. His lips are by my ear.
"What do you do for fun, darling?" His breath is warm and I can almost feel the stubble from his face.
"I-I don't know"
Hes so close to me I feel like I'm suffocating. His scent is overwhelming.
"Would you like to know what I do?" He takes a breath, his lips touching my skin for just a split second before he steps back from me.
The blade he had put away, he takes out again.
I can't begin to imagine what a demon would do for fun.
I don't want to know.
"It depends on how I'm feeling that day, honestly"
This is it. He's going to kill me.
"Carving is fun" He brings the dull part of the blade to my cheek and out lines my jaw.
"I would have so much fun carving you-" He licks his lip.
"But that's not the fun I'm in the mood for tonight" He continues to trail the blade down my neck. I watch him.
"Call me crazy, angel. But I like you. So different from your waste of space siblings" He knicks my flesh with the blade, making me wince.
It only takes a moment before the wound heals it self.
"It just brings me so much pleasure seeing the fear in your eyes" He glances up at me.
Finally, he pulls the knife away. He puts it back into his jacket.
"Would you like to have some fun with me, baby? I'd say it's the better option"
I look away from him, still not knowing what he wants from me. What could he possibly want to do with me?
"W-What do you want to do?" I stutter on my words, avoiding his stare.
"Been with many things in my lifetime, never an angel" He smiles. But I'm still so confused.
I can't figure it out. I don't know if I want to.
"So clueless" He laughs and grabs my chin, making me look at him.
"So innocent, it makes me sick" He looks right into my eyes, holding onto my face tightly.
"Kind of hot" He glances down, looking at my lips and then back up to my eyes.
"Please, just tell me what you want" I plead with him. I'm done with his twisted games, I feel like I'm going crazy.
I have no idea what is happening.
"I want you, pretty angel. I want to taste these sweet looking lips" His thumb outlines my mouth.
"I bet they taste just as good as your soul would" He licks his lip again.
I go through the library of books in my mind, suddenly putting together what he desires.
"Copulation?" I look at him, not any less confused.
But fear rises in my stomach.
Copulation is apart of the human experience on Earth, meant for procreation. Angels can't procreate.
Even in my human form, procreating is impossible.
I've read about it, I've studied everything about the human species. I know pleasure is something humans crave and Copulation is supposed to be a joyful experience.
I know it is, it brings new life. It's amazing.
But angels are forbidden from participating in such an act. It wasn't meant for us, it's not something we crave.
I've never even thought about something like that.
For angels, it's immoral.
"So technical" He chuckles quietly.
"Have you ever felt pleasure, my darling angel?" He asks, his fingers replace the blade. They trace my skin and take the same route down along my jaw.
I can't even think about it.
There's whispers of angels who have strayed, they were never seen again.
I quickly shake my head.
"I can't. It's not meant for us" I whisper, looking at him.
"You're missing out, pretty thing" He looks at me for a moment and then backs away from me.
"Pleasure is not a sin. Why would your stupid father create something only to pick and choose who gets to enjoy themselves?" He runs his hand through his hair and smiles at me.
"W-Why do you want to do that with me?"
I look him over, he's tall. Intimidating.
"So perfect, I want ruin you" He bites his lip and stares me down.
I'd die to protect Isaac. I'd do anything.
"You won't hurt Isaac?" I ask, meeting his stare that I had tried avoiding.
He smirks.
Fear completely sinks in. If I were to be caught doing something like this, especially with a demon, I'd loose my wings.
"I just want to make you feel good, there's nothing sinful about that" His green eyes are sparkling as he looks at me.
"Why? Why haven't you just killed me?"
It's so unclear, it would be much easier for him to just get rid of me.
"Most angels I come across, usually do have that fate. Hate those arrogant fuckers" He shakes his head and rolls his eyes.
"But you, my darling, are different. Sweet little thing, innocent" He came towards me, sliding his hands up my arms.
"They all act so pure, but you should know darling, that some of your siblings are just as bad as us" He blinked, his eyes appearing black again. He brings a hand to my throat.
I take a deep breath, looking at him.
"Hm, but not you, princess" He pulls me closer, his grip getting tighter.
"You truly don't want to hurt anyone. It must be awful-" He laughs.
"Hurting people is so much fun" He squeezes hard and then let's go of me.
"So, untouched. Just the thought of putting my cock in you drives me crazy"
His words make me flinch.
Being on Earth, I've heard some of the language they use. Some words, are extremely inappropriate.
"But, I am not the type to force pleasure onto someone. I don't need to, creatures of all kinds love to throw themselves at me. I'm like, God to them" I get angry, disgusted with way he threw around my father's name.
I try to hide it, knowing he's trying to get a reaction out of me.
"What do you say, my angel? Do you want to experience pleasure you've never dreamed of?" He asks, his smile wide.
"What's your name?" I ask, my voice soft.
I vowed to die for Isaac. I will protect him no matter the cost.
"Why does it matter?" He crosses his arms.
Hes right. I don't want to hurt anyone, or anything. Not even the darkest ones. I just want to help and protect.
Most demons, were once human. If I could find that part of him, maybe this will be easier.
"Please?" I whisper, reaching up to place my hand on his cheek. His jaw clenches and he shoves my hand away from him.
"It's only fair, you know mine" I say quietly, looking up at him.
His eyes are far from innocent.
"Harry" He looks at me, his hardened state softening slightly.
"Harry..." I repeat his name under my breath. Looking down at my feet.
I wonder if that it's the name he had before he became lost.
"Isaac will be safe?" I look back up at him, his eyes now green again. I prefer the green so much more. It makes him look human.
"Perhaps" He nods just a bit.
But, he won't confirm it. He won't promise me.
Trust is the only thing I can do.
How do I trust a demon?
"You won't hurt me?" I look at my hands, they are shaking a little.
I've never even thought of doing something like this.
"So many things I want to do to you pretty girl, hurting you is not one of them. At least, for the moment. I've got other plans for you" He grabs my face and makes me look at him.
"Can't lie to you, angel. Killing you and bringing your pure little soul to hell is a dream I will be having later" He strokes my cheek.
"Maybe another day" His smirk is sinful. My breathing picks up, thinking about it. Going to hell.
"If you'd rather leave, there's the door" He backs away from me again. Giving me space.
I glance at the door. I think about teleporting away but I think of Isaac.
My mind races when I feel a pit in my stomach. Not of fear, but curiosity.
What is it about pleasure that everyone seems to desire?
"Reading people is a talent of mine, darling. I can see those pretty eyes swimming. Is this little angel feeling a sense of curiosity?"
I want to say no to him. But I can't because he's right.
My stomach turns.
I shake my head, trying to push away the feeling.
"I'm doing this to protect Isaac" I whisper, more to myself than him.
I hate it, I hate the feeling inside of me. I don't want to be curious about anything.
Never once, in my millenia have I thought about unnatural desires.
"Isn't lying a sin?" He's mocking me, I can see it.
Nothing has happened and already I feel disgraced as an angel. Thoughts I shouldn't be having are creeping into my mind and I don't know what to do.
"I-I'm not lying" I try to stand my ground, but my brain is crumbling. In his eyes, I can see the joy. I see how much he loves watching me have a moral crisis.
"Can you feel it, angel? The heat starting to burn between those cute little thighs?" He wonders, his hand sliding into my hair and pulling my face close to his.
At the mention of it, I instinctively tighten my legs together. I don't know what it is, this feeling. I don't want to feel it but I can't help it.
With each inch that he moves closer, it burns even more.
"Come on, I have a place a little more comfortable" He brushes my lips with his own, and my stomach flutters.
"Although, bending you over that chair and fucking your brains out would be very fun"
My whole body burns at his incredibly dirty words.
He smiles and grabs my hand.
In a flash, we appear in a bigger room. Against the wall is a cleanly made bed.
"Where are we?" I ask, looking around the room. The window is boarded up, preventing me from looking outside.
"Don't worry about it, darling" He says, a devilish smirk on his face.
He reaches next to my head, flicking the light on.
I try not think about the fact we could be in someone's house, what may have happened to them.
"You're so tiny" He chuckles and pushes me against the wall.
"So fucking pretty" His fingers run along my face, stopping at my lips for a brief moment before he continues down my neck.
I'm nervous, my knees feeling weak.
I'm about to throw away every rule an angel has.
But my stomach tingles when I think about his lips brushing mine.
Desire fills my consciousness and I'm scared.
I want him to do it again.
"Nervous?" He asked, pushing some of my hair behind my ear and then cupping my cheek.
He leans in, lightly pressing his lips to mine again.
The sensation of it makes me want to pull him closer.
I pull back from him, looking into his eyes.
I have no idea what I'm doing.
"I-I don't know what to do" I whisper, shyly glancing at his lips and then back at him. He smiles.
"How about-" He's so close to me, I'm getting dizzy.
"You kiss me, pretty girl?"
Our lips were almost touching. I've never been this close to someone in my entire life time.
Hesitantly, I copy him and place a hand on his cheek. Hoping he doesn't push me away again.
I look at his lips and then his eyes. I lean up towards him and close the small gap between our lips.
It lights my body up in a way I can't describe. I still haven't got a clue to what I'm doing but I try to follow his lead. I move my lips with his and I wonder if what I'm feeling is pleasure.
It doesn't feel bad. It doesn't hurt. It just makes me weak.
His hand moves slowly down my body until he reaches my thigh. He lifts it up against his hip, pulling me off the ground.
"Lift your other leg for me, baby" He mumbles and I listen to him, lifting up my other leg.
Roughly, he pushes his mouth against mine. One of his hands is holding my leg and the other slides to the back of my neck.
I find myself wrapping my hands around his neck, pulling him closer to me. The taste of him sweeter than anything I've ever tried.
He pushes his tongue into my mouth, his grip on me getting tighter with every moment.
I can't do anything about it, but an unfamiliar sound vibrates through me.
His tongue is even sweeter than his lips and I hate it. I hate how good it feels.
I can't understand why I'm feeling like this, how can something so dark make me feel so alive?
My body betrays my mind, it's craving. Desired to be touched, to soothe the ache between my legs.
My toes curl when he slides his hand under the fabric of my dress, pushing it up higher than it already is.
"I bet that cunt tastes like heaven" He pulled his lips back from me, and all I want to do is bring him back. He kisses down my neck, his prickly stubble tickling my skin.
I can't help but giggle at the feeling of it.
He pulls back to look at me.
"What are you giggling about?" He has an amused expression on his face.
My face heats up and I look away from him.
I still don't know what I'm doing.
"It tickles" I whisper and he smiles a little bit.
"Does it feel good?" He leaned back in towards my neck, kissing along my skin.
I don't want to admit it to him. I don't want him to think he's winning, but he is.
It feels amazing.
"Y-Yes" I breathe deeply, leaning my head back against the wall.
His lips continue to kiss on my skin, his other hand drawing circles on my thigh.
"Such soft skin, angel. So clean and perfect" He breathes slowly, it travels down my spine and makes me shiver.
I gasp, his teeth sinking hard into my skin. It stings but something about it makes me ache even more.
"Oh...." I grab his shoulders. My body weakening even more when he begins to suck. I bite my lip, stopping myself from letting out another noise.
It's embarrassing, the things my body is doing in response to this. I don't know how to stop it.
I don't know if I want it to stop.
"It's quite annoying that I can't leave any marks on this stunning body"
I smile a bit at that, a mini victory. It's funny that's he annoyed by how fast my body regenerates.
"You think it's funny?" I open my eyes when his teeth sink into my bottom lip.
He growls, definitely annoyed.
He leans back from me slightly and with his hand that was in my hair, he brings it to his jacket.
I think for a second that he's grabbing the blade again, but instead he pulls out a bottle.
Instantly I smell it, grimacing slightly.
Holy oil.
But there's nothing holy about it. It's a weapon used against angels. It's one of the only things that can burn our skin.
It's not permanent, but it takes much longer to heal from it.
"I wonder what would happen if I put some of this on my lips?" My eyes widen at his suggestion and he smirks.
"I like to leave my mark, darling. Have to make you remember me somehow" I watch as he opens the flask and brings it to his mouth, coating his lips and tongue. He shoves the flask back into his jacket and leans towards me.
I try to lean back from him but the wall stops me.
Just barely his lips brush over my jaw, the oil stinging my skin. I run my hands into his hair and grip it tightly, trying to pull him back.
"Harry!" I cry out when his teeth clamp down on my neck again.
This time, it burns.
The oil coating his mouth burns my flesh and I yank on his hair, trying to pull him back.
It's so unfamiliar, holy oil burns. It hurts, it's not pleasant.
But I feel pleasure and I can't comprehend how he makes it feel like this.
"Hm, that's better" He whispers in my ear, his lips coming back to mine.
Most of the oil had dissipated from his mouth, but there was a trace left.
I can feel the little needles of it against my lips.
But when he kisses me, I kiss him back eagerly. Ignoring the slight burn of it. He still tastes so good.
I'm horrified by the pleasure in my body.
I shouldn't have enjoyed it, but the feeling of his lips mixed with the burning did something to me that I can't explain.
"Would love to leave some marks all over this body, baby" He leans back into my neck, his tongue licking over the burn he created.
I fight against the sound that bubbles in my throat, still in disbelief that my body is twisting in pleasure.
My legs tighten against him, I desperately wanted to close them.
There was an ache, pulsing between my legs that I can't control. His hand that rested on my thigh made it even worse. He pushes my dress up higher and his hand comes down to my other thigh. His eyes still locked on me.
"You can't hide your desire from me, (Y/N). Those pretty little moans tell me exactly what you're feeling" He brushes my lips, his hands moving towards my inner thighs.
My breathing picks up and I look down at his hands.
My dress is pushed as far as it can go, and I know he can see my under garments.
It makes my face warm up, because he can feel the heat that's coming from them.
"Maybe I'll leave some marks on these thighs" He squeezes his hands, his lips kissing down my throat and towards my collarbone.
This time, I'm unable to keep the sound from coming out.
It's the thought of what it might feel like, his lips between my thighs coated in oil. It stings, but he makes it feel so good.
I don't know why I enjoy it. I can't even begin to think about how I'm enjoying any of this.
"You like that sound of that, baby?" He pulls back and smirks.
I shake my head, I don't want to admit it.
"Remember, angel, lying is a sin" He chuckled and moved his hands higher on the inner parts of my legs.
"You don't see me lying to you" He grabs my face with one of his hands.
"I'm going to bring you over to that bed and fuck that sweet little innocence out of you" He forces me to look at him while he says it. I bring my hands to my face, hiding from him.
I couldn't help but think about it, trying to imagine what it would possibly feel like.
"Now tell me, sweetheart, do you want me to touch you?" He rubs my thigh gently and smiles at me.
"Soothe the ache I know you're feeling" He chuckles a little bit, but I'm still covering my face. It's so warm, I feel embarrassed.
"Trying so hard to hide it from me.." He grabs my wrists and pulls them away from my face.
"Am I right, angel?"
I can't explain the emotions he's making me feel. I feel weak at how easily he sucked me into temptation but I wanted more of him.
Angels are strong, but how can I even call myself that?
I didn't put up a fight. I gave into him so quickly.
I am weak.
I pull my hands from his and bring them to his face. His skin is warm, despite his nature.
I haven't gotten the chance to really look him over. I bring my thumb to his lips, copying what he had done to me. I trace his lips, my eyes trained on them.
I can feel his stare, watching me intently.
I don't say anything to him, my voice is caught in my throat. Instead, I gently pull him to my lips. For just a moment, it's almost soft.
But quickly, he pushes his tongue into my mouth but I don't mind. It tastes sweet, like a candy.
"My little angel, you might want to ask your father to look away because I'm about to do some very bad things to you" He whispers against my lips.
He pulls us both away from the wall and grabs my hips, planting my feet back on the ground.
"So, modest" He hums and looks me up and down. I look down at what I'm wearing. A simple white dress that reached my knees. I think it's pretty. I've always loved white.
He tightens his grip on my waist and backs up until his legs reach the end of the bed. He sits on the edge of it, making us eye level to eachother.
"How about we take this off?" He slides his hands from waist up to the back of my dress.
I bite my lip, nodding at him a little.
Angels, when on earth, have a human form. It helps us blend in. It also helps us understand humans more. We don't have to worry about trivial things like sleeping, or going to the bathroom but our bodies function pretty similarly. Of course, Angels human form is much stronger than a regular human.
Harry's eyes don't leave me for a second. Hardly blinking as he pulls the zipper of my dress all the way down.
I take a deep breath. Becoming more nervous.
I've never been undressed in my life.
He slips his hand under the fabric and runs his hand up my back.
Hes so warm.
He pulls on the fabric until it falls to my ankles and suddenly I'm bare. The only thing covering me is my white under garment.
I quickly cover my chest, scared.
Hes not rough about it, but he grabs my arms and pulls them away, putting them at my sides.
"Don't be shy with me, angel. I think your body is delicious" He spreads his legs and pulls me between them. He brings his hands to the back of thighs and rubs them gently.
"So perfectly made" He bites his lip, his hands sliding higher.
I gasp when he slaps me and he laughs, his hands squeezing my behind.
"Something tells me you'd love to be bent over and whipped. I know I'd love to" He squeezes harder and I wish I could find an explanation for why it makes my body tingle so much. Not just his touch, but his words are making the heat between my legs burn.
He leans forward, his lips connecting to my skin just above my breasts. I run my hands up into his hair, lightly pulling at it.
"Been with many in my lifetime, none compare to you, angel" He squeezes the back of my thighs.
"Softest skin I've ever had the pleasure of touching" He continues with his lips on my skin, lightly biting down.
"I can only fucking imagine what it's going to feel like burying my cock in you" My legs stiffen at his words, trying to stop myself from feeling whatever it is that's raging through my stomach.
"You like it when I talk dirty to you, baby?" He pulls back and smirks at me.
"I-" I stumble on my words, trying to convince him that I don't. But my body doesn't agree. Every word, every touch makes me ache for more.
His smirk gets more wicked at my lack of words.
With a quick movement, he lifts one of my legs up onto the bed next to him, I grab his shoulders to keep myself from falling.
This position makes me feel much more vulnerable to him.
"Do you even notice how soaked you are, angel?" He laughs to himself, running his hand up my ankle until he reaches my knee.
He slows down a bit, tip toeing his fingers along my inner thigh.
He brings just the tip of his finger between my legs, pressing against where I had been dying for him touch.
"Can't wait to taste this perfect little cunt"
Just the small amount of pressure makes me buckle and I feel like I'm going to fall over. I go to pull my foot off the bed but he grabs my ankle and stops me.
"Nuh uh, honey. You're keeping your leg up for me" He warned.
"Or, I can tie you down onto the bed and have some fun with this" He pats the pocket of his jacket, referring to the oil.
My grip tightens on him.
He's hardly touched me and my body feels overwhelmed.
There's so many unfamiliar feelings swirling through me.
"Harry" I whine his name, looking at him and his sinful smirk.
"I don't play games, sweetheart. You listen to me, or you suffer the consequences" He slides his hand back up my leg, his fingers returning between my thighs.
"So sensitive, angel" He does it again, gently running his finger along me.
Instead of just once, he goes back and forth.
My leg wobbles and I try very hard to keep myself from ripping away from him.
It feels so good, I don't know how to handle it.
"Just wait until it's my tongue playing with this cute little clit" He pushes down harder and it takes all my strength to keep from falling over.
"Bet I could make you come without even taking these off"
I don't like the noises my body is making but I can't help it, I don't know how else to respond to how he's making me feel.
"Noisy little thing" He chuckles and pulls his hand away, pushing my foot off the bed and letting me plant it on the ground.
"Hm, can't get over these pretty legs" He traces his finger tips up and down the back of my thighs.
He brings his hands to my hips and hooks his fingers into my underwear.
He glances to my eyes and then begins to pull them down until they fall to my ankles.
I'm completely exposed to him now. I get nervous and close my legs tightly, trying to hide myself from him.
He stands up off the bed, suddenly much more intimidating.
"So, shy" He brings his hand to my cheek and strokes it for a moment.
"Be a good girl for me-" He taps my nose.
"Lay on the bed" He steps to the side and crosses his arms, watching me.
I listen to him and get onto the bed, laying my head on the pillows. He's still fully clothed, it feels unfair.
He stares at me for a moment before following my path and climbing onto the bed.
"Spread your legs, baby"
At the moment, they are closed tightly.
I look up at the ceiling, away from his intense eyes.
Slowly, I open them. I take a deep breath and shiver when I feel his hands on my legs.
"Such a delightful sight, angel"
I get the courage to look down at him, he's on his knees between my calfs. His hands delicately tracing my skin.
"I bet this sweet looking pussy is begging to played with" His touch is so, gentle. It's making me want more.
I can't even begin to imagine what his tongue would feel like between my legs.
I feel dirty just thinking about it.
I watch him lay down, lifting my thighs onto his shoulders.
I feel so vulnerable. I'm so nervous but I want him to touch me. My body is begging for it.
His eyes are locked on mine, his lips and teeth connecting to my thigh and making my toes curl. I don't know what to do with myself.
I shyly bring my hands down to his hair, the feeling of it soothing my nerves. I like the way his hair feels in my hands.
Without thinking, I pull on it, attempting to pull him closer between my legs.
Desperation is what I'm feeling.
He notices it right away. His eyes instantly looking up at me again.
"Is it starting to hurt, baby? Aching so bad, dripping down your thighs" I shuffle my legs, ignoring him.
I don't want him to be right. But he is, I need it.
"If you want something from me, angel-" He sinks his teeth into my flesh for a moment and then smiles.
"You've got to ask for it" He says, his face turning serious. I kick my legs in frustration, I don't want to ask him. I barely understand what's happening to me. I can't believe a demon is making me feel like this.
But in my subconscious, I'm questioning it.
Why aren't we allowed to enjoy ourselves?
Why isn't this something all creatures are allowed to experience?
He laughs at me kicking my legs, roughly gripping my thighs and stopping me from moving.
"Use your words" He kisses my thigh again, his lips going higher.
It feels like I'm on fire and the only thing that's going to cool me down is his tongue.
I don't know what to say to make him give me what I want.
"Please" I whisper, running my fingers through his hair. He smiles a bit.
"Please, what?" I get more frustrated, yanking on his hair but all it did was make him smile more. I know he's enjoying it, seeing how frustrated he can get me.
I don't want to say it out loud. I don't want to admit how badly my body is begging to be felt.
"I-I don't know what to say" I whine, trying to shuffle my legs again but he's got a tight hold on me.
"Beg me to touch you, angel, and maybe I will" He sucks lightly on my thigh.
"Or I could leave some pretty marks on your thighs" He bites down harder.
More unfamiliar sounds leave my throat, his teeth in my flesh stinging just slightly but I like it. I hate it. I hate all of the thoughts running through my head. All of them about him. His dirty words on what he wants to do with me. I don't understand it, but I want to.
"Harry, please-" I take a deep, shaky breath.
"I need you to touch me" I plead with him, hating myself for giving him the satisfaction of exactly what he wanted to hear.
"Such a good girl" He whispers, kissing even higher up my inner thigh. I watch him closely, noticing his hand letting go of my thigh and coming inbetween my legs as well.
"Is this what you want? Hm?" My whole body shudders when his fingers run along me. It's already an overwhelming sensation.
"You're so wet, baby. Smell like heaven" He breathes against my flesh and I try to move my hips closer to him. He chuckles and moves his other hand that had been holding thigh, up to my stomach and locking his arm around me tightly. Preventing me from moving.
Very much unvoluntarily, I squeal when I feel his tongue and he laughs, the sound vibrating against me.
It feels so good.
His tongue moves slowly and I try hard to kick my legs because I don't know what else to do. But his grip tightens.
"Harry" I go to pulling his hair instead, but it doesn't phase him. Every little movement of his tongue makes me moan. I can't control it. I hate it.
It truly is pleasure I've never dreamed about before.
He focuses in on the most sensitive part, my vision going blurry. I cry out, yanking on his hair with all my strength and he doesn't flinch. He continues to suck on my flesh until I'm a mess. I can't even think straight.
It's almost a relief when he pulls away for moment, but something in me wants to push him back.
"Tastes like honey, angel. Can't get enough"
This time it feels like his mouth completely engulfs me and I cry out even louder.
The pleasure, is incredible.
I've never felt this before in the millennia I've been alive.
My stomach is tightening to a point that I can't handle. It's the most intense thing I've ever felt.
I try to breath but every flick of his tongue takes my breath away.
"H-Harry" I try to pull him away, an unfamiliar knot in my stomach and all I want is relief. I can hardly breathe.
"P-Please"  I whimper, feeling like I'm going to burst. He's got such a tight hold on me, I can't move. All I can do it pull on his hair and make noise.
Which he seems to love.
His mouth and tongue make me feel like I'm floating, I can't describe it.
I don't understand it, how is he doing this?
Why does it feel so good?
"W-What is happen-" My body trembles and my thighs are shaking.
I'm struggling so much but he just holds me in place and continues to torture me with his tongue.
I close my eyes tightly, my back arching off the bed as my entire body tenses, lightly shaking as he doesn't stop his rhythmic movements.
It's so intense. The unexplainable feeling rips through me and his tongue doesn't stop. Not until my body relaxes a bit, and I'm panting. I try to catch my breath but my mind is so scattered, I can't get myself to breathe regularly.
"So fucking sweet, my little angel. Could eat this delicious cunt for days" I open my eyes, watching as he takes my thighs off his shoulders and gets onto his knees.
"Soaked the sheets, darling" He chuckles and places either hand on the top of my thighs.
I'm still trying to catch my breath, at a loss for words from the experience I just had. He rubs my thighs gently and looks down at me.
"That's what happens when you feel good, baby" He's still rubbing my thighs, helping me to calm down and relax my breathing. I attempt to close my legs a little bit, embarrassed at the mess I created on the bed.
He pins them down, pushing them further apart.
"Don't close your legs, I'm not finished" He warned, a hard grip on my thighs.
He holds down one and then brings his other hand between my legs.
I flinch when his fingers trace along my inner thigh, my body is still incredibly sensitive.
"Made you come so much, baby. Taste so good" He brushes over my nerves for just a second, making my body jolt. He smiles and brings his hand to his mouth, licking his fingers.
"I bet you're so fucking tight" His hand comes between my legs again but before he can touch me I reach down with both my hands and grab his.
He laughs at me and grabs both my wrists, he leans over me and then pins them to the bed.
"What?" He leans his face closer to me.
"Is your pussy too sensitive for me to play with?" He smirks and lifts my hands above my head, pinning them both down with just one of his.
"You think it's intense now, honey?" He uses his knee to spread my legs further apart then they already are.
"Can't wait until you feel me filling you up" He holds my hands tightly and slowly traces his fingers down my body.
His hand sneaks between my legs again and I whimper.
I groan when he pinches me lightly, a jolt of pleasure shooting into my stomach. I'm so sensitive, I hate it.
"You've got such a sensitive little clit, baby. Makes me wanna suck it until you squirt" His fingers lowers slightly and he makes little circles. I struggle in his hold, moaning more.
"Harry-" I gasp when his finger sinks into me.
"So soft" He hums. I look up at him, struggling again in his grasp. It feels really good, his finger slowly sinking into me. It's a different sensation and it amazes me. How can he make me feel like this in so many different ways?
He pulls his finger back, almost all the way before roughly pushing his finger back into me.
I groan, the pleasure coming from even deeper than when he was using his tongue.
"Does it feel good, baby?" He leans down and bites my lip.
I choke on my words when I feel him pushing a second finger into me, my toes curl in response to the pressure. My breath taken away.
"I wonder how I'm going to fit my cock in this tight little cunt, angel" I don't know what to say. His dirty words, I hated them. I hate inappropriate language of any kind but for some reason, I don't want him to stop. I like the sound of his voice.
"As much as I'd love to make you come on my fingers-" He pushes his fingers in and out of me a few more times before pulling them away.
"Wait-" I quickly bite my lip, not meaning to say anything out loud. But I liked the feeling, I didn't want him to pull away.
He smirks and brings his fingers to his lips, sucking on them.
"Don't worry, angel. Not even close to being done with you" He gets off of me and then off the bed.
I sit up and watch as he unbuttons the single button holding his suit jacket. I get up as well and crawl to the edge where he is. I get on my knees and watch him pull it off and set it on the ground. I reach out and grab his hands before he can start unbuttoning the long sleeve shirt he had on.
I pull him right up against the bed, with me on my knees we are about the same height.
Part of me just wanted to admire him. His features were perfect.
His eyes were my favorite. But only the green. I didn't like it when they'd go black.
I bring my hands to the buttons and slowly begin to undo them. His eyes are watching me closely.
I can't help but smile when I get a peak of his skin. I can already see streaks of ink.
I've seen quite a few people on Earth with beautiful designs on their skin.
I undo the last button and pull the rest of the shirt from his pants.
I pull the shirt off of him and let it fall to the floor.
Without asking, or really thinking, my hand comes to the design on his stomach. I trace it and smile even more. It resembled a butterfly and I wonder what it means to him.
Is it ties to the soul he may have had at some point?
I wish I could ask him, I could look, by holding his hand but he'd know it. He'd never let me.
I admire him for a few more moments, his body is breathtaking.
"I like these" I say softly, poking his stomach.
"Thank you, angel" It's the only genuine thing I've heard him say since we met.
The tone of his voice makes my stomach flutter.
I look down at my hands, trying to ignore his eyes when my hands reach his pants.
I bite my lip and take a deep breath.
I'm so nervous at my lack of experience. I can't imagine the amount of times he's done this.
I undo the button and bite my lip harder, unzipping them and pulling them until they also fell to the floor. He steps out of them, still allowing me to take my time. Which I'm grateful for.
I have no idea what I'm doing.
My fingers trace along the edge of the final peice of clothing on him. I also trace my fingers over the designs he has on his hips.
I think any form of art is beautiful. Some angels might disagree, but I do truly love art. And the ink humans put onto their skin, is an art form for them. I think that's amazing.
"Curious little thing" I glance up at him, my face heating up. I can't help it, I've never been this close to anyone.
"Sorry" I whisper, looking down at my hands again. I take a deep breath, copying what he had done to me earlier. I hook my fingers into his underwear and begin to pull them down. I pull them down as far as I can reach in my position. He steps out of them and I quickly look up at his face. He smirks, noticing I avoid looking between his legs.
He brings his hand up my back and slides his hand into my hair.
"Give me your hand" He said, not giving me much time to respond. Instead, he reached out with his free hand and grabbed mine.
My face goes even more red when he wraps my hand around him. It's hard. I can't bring myself to look, I'm so nervous.
"Look what you do to me, angel" He grips my hair and makes me look down. His hand is still on mine, guiding it along his length. I can feel it get even harder as I touch him.
He keeps his hand on mine for just a few more seconds, before pulling it away.
"Just like that, pretty girl" I bite my lip and continue to move my hand in the motion he showed me.
"Do you know why it's hard like that, angel?" I shake my head, unable to move my eyes now. I feel like I'm in a trance.
"All because of you" He pulls my head back so I'll look at him.
"You like stroking my cock, baby?" He smirks.
"Hm, I bet this little angel would be a perfect little cum slut. So obedient" I squeeze my hand around the tip, just a little bit of liquid oozing from it.
"How about, you do me a favour, sweetheart-" He backed up a little, roughly pulling me with him and off the bed. I fall onto the ground in front of him on my knees.
"Hm, the thought of fucking your throat just makes me even harder, angel" I look up at him, the look in his eye is wicked.
"But I want to fuck you, more than I want to do anything else. So, be a good girl for me and use this sweet looking mouth to coat my cock" He smiles down at me.
"I-I don't know what to do" I say shyly, bringing my hand to wrap around him again.
So many emotions are running through me.
"Spit on it" He instructs, pulling my face closer. I grip my hand tighter around him and push myself up higher on my knees. I glance up at him, his eyes not blinking for even a moment.
I look back down, trying to block out the fear. I don't want to mess it up. I want him to feel like I did. But I don't even know if I have the capability to do it.
I collect saliva into my mouth and then listen to his instruction, spitting on him.
"Now-" Before he tells me what to do, I use my hand to spread as much of it as I can down his length.
I've seen a world of art, with naked figures from the past. I never recognized it in a sexual way, but Harry's size is much larger than a lot of the art I've seen.
It makes my stomach flutter, wondering how this is possibly going to fit inside of me.
"You're such a good girl, angel" His tone is soft and it makes my body heat up. I like his praises. He moves his hand from my hair and brings it to my cheek, brushing it gently with his finger tips.
"Open your mouth for me" He says, his fingers touching my lips.
I listen to him and open my mouth. He places his hand on top of mine and guides himself towards my lips.
I lean forward, taking in whatever I can. It's not much, almost right away I choke.
He chuckles a little bit and I meet his gaze.
"Taking a lot in me not to shove my cock as far down your throat as I can get it" The look in his eye darkens slightly.
He pushes me, but not too much, but I choke and pull myself off of him. Saliva already dripping from my mouth.
"Hm, that's enough for now. Just wanted to get a little taste" He reaches down and grabs me, lifting me to my feet.
He pushes me onto the bed, my legs hanging over the edge.
"So many fucking things I want to do to this pretty body, angel" He places his hands on my thighs and shoves them apart before sliding them underneath my thighs and lifting them from the bed.
I wiggle around, realizing I have no control over this position. My bottom half is completely lifted from the bed.
He pulls me closer to the edge and I watch as he holds me up with one hand and the other wraps around his phallus.
My stomach tightens when his tip brushes against me.
"Tell me, angel. I want to hear you say how bad you want me to bury my cock inside of you" He looks down at me, his face is serious.
"I want it, Harry" I whisper, trying to move my hips closer. His serious expression turns into a smirk.
"Ask me to fuck you, baby" He says, watching as I struggle to try and pull him closer.
"But-" He cuts me off and digs his nails harshly into my skin.
"Do you want me to fuck you?" He asked, I look at him and nod shyly.
"Then say it" He snaps.
I've never used crude language, ever and my brain still can't understand why my body responds in pleasure to Harry's filthy words.
But I wanted him, something deep inside of me is craving to know what it's going to feel like.
"H-Harry, I-I want you to-" My face burns as I get flustered, trying to get the words out.
"I-I want you to fuck me" I'm almost in disbelief that I say it out loud. But Harry's devilish smirk grows wider.
"Such a good little angel" He hums quietly and then pushes against me.
I watch as he fixes his gaze directly into my eyes and slowly guides himself into me.
I can't describe it, how it feels. It's extremely intense.
But the way he pushes through my flesh is already making my vision go blurry.
I try to tighten my legs around him, so I can pull him closer. He stops me, roughly gripping both of my thighs.
Hes made sure he's in control.
"So soft, angel. Is this what heaven feels like?" I groan when he pulls almost out of me and then roughly drives into me while pulling me towards him at the same time.
I close my eyes, my hands holding the blanket underneath me tightly.
"Fuck" He breathes, quickly finding a pace that's making my eyes roll back. The pressure is unbelievably pleasureful. I don't know what to do with myself, I can't do anything. He has all of the power.
Every thrust of his hips gets harder and harder.
"Harry" I cry out his name, struggling in his hold. It feels so good.
Every moral I've held dear to me, is gone.
I'm finally able to catch my breath when he drops me back onto the bed, pulling out of me.
Every breath I take is shaky, my hands in fists as I try to calm myself.
"Sounds like someone enjoys getting fucked" I open my eyes and he's already starring at me.
"Hm, princess? Do like getting fucked?" I attempt to take a deep breath. I bite my lip and nod.
"Get up on the bed more" He instructs. I take another breath and then listen to him, pushing myself back onto the bed.
He followed me, grabbing me and without any effort, flips me onto my stomach.
"Now stick that pretty ass up for me, angel" Before I can respond, he grabs my hips and lifts me onto my knees. He pushes them apart, and his hands slide up my thighs until his fingers reached sensitive flesh.
My knees go weak when he rubs back and forth, I bury my face into the pillows on the bed. I grab ahold of one and hold onto it tightly.
"Harry!" I cry out his name when he pushes into me again without any warning.
"Yeah, angel? Does it feel good?" I whimper in response to him.
"Hm? I want an answer" He holds my hips tightly, thrusting into me at an overwhelming pace. I can barely breathe, let alone speak. He seemed to be getting even further inside me with this position.
I cry out when he slaps my butt, obviously getting impatient with my lack of words.
"I-It feels really good" I try to say it loud enough so he can hear me but I can't speak. My senses are completely over taken by pleasure.
"That's all I want to hear, angel. Those sweet little cries of pleasure" He slaps me again, but a bit lighter this time. It stings, but every part of it just adds to the knot forming in my stomach.
I'm a mess, if Harry wasn't holding my hips, I wouldn't be able to keep myself up.
I never understood humans who were driven by sex. Like it's a need. I never could have imagined that it would feel like this.
I feel Harry's fingers coming into my hair. He wraps it around his hand and then harshly yanks me up. I groan, feeling incredibly weak.
"Never would have thought an angel would be such a slut for cock" He wrapped his arm around my stomach and pulled my head back against his shoulder.
His thrusting decreases dramatically, but he's so deep inside of me and every little movement he makes sends pleasure through to my toes.
If he gets any deeper I feel like I might burst like a balloon.
He gently bites down against my shoulder, sucking on my skin while his hand that had been wrapped around my stomach, starts to lower.
I whine, knowing exactly what he's about to do and with both hands I grab his arm. I'm so sensitive, if he touches me, I definitely will burst from everything I'm feeling.
"Harry" I beg, trying to pull his hand away but he doesn't budge.
"You can handle it, angel" He whispers in my ear, his fingers once again touching me. But with him buried in me, the pleasure is immense.
"Harry, I-I can't" I whimper more, my nails clawing at his arm to try and pull him away.
I already feel so weak, I don't know how much more my body can take.
He ignored my weak little crys and moved his fingers in quick circles.
The knot in my stomach is so much tighter than when he used his tongue on me.
He rocked me against him and with that bit of movement, I can feel my body tensing.
"Nuh, uh, baby. You aren't coming yet" He pushed me off of him, pulling his hand away and out of me. I fall onto the bed and before I can do anything, he grabs me and turns me over.
He pushes my legs apart and gets on top of me.
He places a hand next to my head to hold himself up. Shyly, I reach my hands out to his face. I touch his cheeks for a moment before sliding my hands to his shoulders. He's so broad. I get distracted by the birds on his chest, tracing them each individually. I can't help but smile, they are very nice.
I glance up at him and bite my lip.
"Sorry, I just like these a lot" I whisper. He lifts my leg up against his hip and then leans down close to me. It's something I realize that I really like doing. I like kissing him.
I lift my other leg up against him, my hands coming back to hair and pulling him closer to me, connecting our lips.
He pulled back after a moment and with his free hand, brought it down my chest.
I jump a little when a shock of pleasure runs through me, his fingers lightly pulling on my nipple. He lowers his hand down and I watch as he wraps his hand around himself. He strokes along his length and then rubs the tip against me.
"Can't wait to fill with my cum, angel" He drives into me hard, my back arching from the bed at the feeling. My nails digging into the back of his neck.
Out of the positions he's had me in, I liked this one the best. He's warm.
He isn't gentle, but I enjoyed our closeness.
"Such a pretty little angel, now my own little slut" He whispered, leaning close to me again and brushing my lips. He doesn't kiss me, instead he moves his lips down my jaw.
I pull on his hair, moaning. I look between our bodies, watching as he pulls out just to plunge back into me.
I gently pull his hair again, guiding his lips back up to mine. I wanted to taste them again. I hold onto his cheeks, both of our moans being muffled by our kiss.
It's much messier, our tongues swirling together and making the pleasure even stronger. I hold him against my lips, refusing to let him pull them away from me.
He let's me do it for just a little longer before roughly grabbing my arms and pinning them to the bed.
He bites my lip before moving to my neck again.
He begins to quicken his pace again, sending me down a spiral of pleasure I could never imagine. Every second of it is...bliss.
I don't have to think, I just take in every feeling of it and it's incredible.
"You feel that, angel? Those little walls of your clenching against my cock?" He groans against my neck, teeth sinking into my neck.
He sucks on my skin again, before moving his lips up to my ear.
"Softest cunt I've ever fucked" He whispers before pushing himself up onto his knees and grabbing my hips.
My mind goes numb when he drives into me harder than he has all night. I'm crying in pleasure, my hands grabbing at his hands again.
It's so extreme, pleasure consuming every fibre of my being.
"Harry" I moan, the familiar feeling of my body tensing up.
"Is this sweet little angel about to come all over my cock?" His thrusts become more sloppy, but my mind is somewhere else.
I've never felt like this before.
It's pure bliss and I can't comprehend it.
It rips through me like tidal waves and I cry out his name repetitively as it washes over me.
"Fuck, fuck, angel" He swears under his breath, pushing himself as deep into me as he could possibly get and holding my hips tight. He doesn't pull out this time, he stops his thrusts suddenly.
I feel the release, my body still tightening around him.
"Sweet little pussy is taking every last drop from me, angel" He takes a breath, looking down at me before finally pulling out.
My mind is still reeling. Trying to comprehend everything that just happened.
I watch as Harry buttons up his shirt slowly.
What's going to happen now?
I pull on my dress, reaching behind me and pulling up the zipper.
It doesn't feel real and suddenly, I feel so unclean.
Why did I do this? How could I do this?
How could I betray everything I know?
It scares me even more because I enjoyed it.
I glance at Harry, watching as he pulled on his jacket.
He hasn't said anything. Just looking at me every once in a while as he got dressed.
I didn't know what to make of him and I hate myself for even thinking about the chance of this happening with him again.
"What's going to happen now?" I ask softly.
"What now?" Suddenly, he's mocking me.
I watch in fear as the green in his eyes quickly disappears into black.
"Oh, darling" He shakes his head, laughing at me.
"You really are, so naive" I back away from him, fear filling my stomach. What's happening?
"You thought you could trust me? A demon?" He steps towards me, an evil smile on his face.
"Did you truly think you were anything but a toy for me to play with?" He follows my footsteps, but I'm stopped by the wall.
"God, it was so easy manipulating you" He scoffed, standing right in front of me.
I try to will myself away but nothing happens and he chuckles even more.
His eyes seem even darker than before.
I'm so confused, I tear up, looking at him. But his expression is unphased.
He pulls the blade from his jacket and points it at me.
"I'm just doing my job, sweetheart" He reaches down and roughly grabs my left hand and turns it face up.
"No, please don't" I cry, tears falling down my cheeks.
I'm trying to will up any power I can, but it's blocked and I don't know how.
"So stupid, I never needed you to get the boy" He snaps.
He brings the blade to my palm and traces it. I fight him, as hard as I can. I know what he's doing.
Only angels know of this curse.
I've only heard whispers of it, whispers of some of the punishments angels face when they stray.
It's knowledge a demon shouldn't have.
I do everything I can, but his strength is no match.
I cry out in pain as he carves into my hand and then, everything goes dark.
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Day 17 of Kinktober: Wearing Lingerie For Louis Tomlinson
Pairing: Louis Tomlinson x fem!reader
Warning: Makkng Out, Protected Sex
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It’s been a year since I haven’t seen Louis because of his tour and everything. So I went to Victoria’s Secret to get some stuff for myself, some perfume maybe, or maybe lingerie. I got a black lace lingerie, I think Louis is going to like it.
I get back home to see Louis’s bag in the living room, I have to hide my new lingerie so he can’t see it.
“Love?” I hear Louis’ voice in the kitchen.
I drop my shopping bags on the floor, walk into the kitchen, and see Louis sitting at our kitchen table. We both came up to each other and hugged each other really tightly.
"I missed you," I say still hugging Louis.
"I missed you too." He says kissing my head.
"I got something," I say letting go of Louis.
"What is it?" Louis asks.
“New lingerie.” I smile.
“Can I see?” He says wrapping his arms around my waist.
“You want me to put it on or just show you?” I ask.
“Put it on.” He smirks.
I smile and go to my Victoria’s Secret bag and got my lingerie out and I went to our restroom and I get into the lingerie, I look good in it to be honest here, I hope Louis loves this. I walk out and found Louis sitting on our couch, he sees me, I can tell he’s in love with the lingerie.
“Do you like it?” I question.
“I love it.” He smiles.
I think I’m blushing, this is why I love him.
I walk towards him to straddle his lap, I start to kiss his neck, I can hear him moan a bit. I wrap my arms around him, he positions me on the couch and gently gets on me. I make his face get closer to my face so I can kiss him.
After being on the couch making out, Louis takes us to our bedroom and he takes my lingerie off and takes his clothes off. He gets a condom and puts it on his dick. I missed him so much. He begins to go in and out of me, I scratch his back and he goes faster which makes me scream I wrap my legs around his waist and I feel him giving me hickeys which it makes me go crazy whenever he does that.
After our love session, we’re on the bed heavy breathing.
“Louis, I missed you so much.” I look at him.
“I missed you to, that lingerie, you should wear it more often.” He smirks.
“But what if you’re not here?”
“Facetime me, that’s what I’ll do.”
I giggle. I know eventually he’ll go back on tour but I think I need to take some pictures of myself with the lingerie on so he can have them and think of me.
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narrycherries · 5 months
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Ooooohweeeee I just edited the next baby honey update to add more detail and it got a little heated 🥵 wrote a scene I’ve never done before.. 👀 hehehe coming soon! (Jan 5th)
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cinemastyles-blog · 1 year
A-hole to Everyone but You
Summary: Anon request on Wattpad - “hey i have a request for dirty harry one shots! can we get an enemies to lovers where harry totally tortures the mc, with toys and doesn't allow her to cum multiple times? tyyy”
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, asshole!harry, toy play, oral (both), fingering, unprotected sex, filth
This is a lot longer than I thought it was going to be.. enjoy!
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“Okay so you have a meeting with the agency at ten am tomorrow and then you-“ you let out a gasp as you run into the back of Harry.
“Shit. Sorry.” You look up at him as he turns around, “Are you ever paying attention?”
You look up at him, “I wa-“
“Not paying attention, obviously.” He rolls his eyes and sighs, “At least I didn’t spill my coffee like last time.”
You chew the inside of your cheek, trying to remain calm, “I was just going through your-“
“Cancel everything tomorrow.”
“Cancel everything? Harry these meetings are important.” You cross your arms and stare at him.
He nods, “Yeah, but I said cancel them, fuck.”
He turns around and you roll your eyes as you just start sending texts and emails to the people Harry had meetings with tomorrow, making sure to look up every once in a while to not piss him off anymore than you know he already is.
You’ve been Harry’s assistant for a little over a year now. You heard from multiple people that Harry was an absolute asshole, so you know it was going to be part of the job.
But sometimes, he can be a bit dramatic. You told him that one time, and you thought you were done right then and there. As much as you want to give him a piece of your mind, you can’t afford to lose this job, so you just bite your tongue most of the time.
You seen Harry lose his shit on three different people at three different times and then you never seen them again. It made you kind of scared of him, but it also made you wonder as to why and even how you were still with him sometimes.
Little did you know, you were about to find out.
You sat in the hotel room, deleting and retyping emails. Getting more and more pissed as you tried to figure out how to explain to them as why the meetings were canceled because Harry never gave you a reason.
“Harry canceled because he’s a total ass.” You mumble as your fingers hit the lit up keys. You wanted to type that out so bad, but knowing your luck, you’d accidentally send it and then you’d be the one that Harry is losing his shit on.
You hear a knock on your hotel door and you sit your laptop down, “one second.”
You grab your sweater and throw it on quickly as you walk to the door. You look through the peep hole and let out a sigh.
“Hey, Harry.” You force a smile as you open the door, “What’s up?”
He nods towards the hallway, “Come with me.”
Shit, shit, shit, you thought to yourself as you walked down the hall to his room. This is it. He’s firing me, I’m about to lose everything, your thoughts race in your mind.
Rehearsing what exactly you’d say to him when he starts getting nasty. How exactly you’d put him in his place before you left him forever.
He pushed open his door and held it open for you to walk in first.
“Thanks.” You muttered lowly as you walked in. You looked down at your bare legs and feet and closed your eyes, this man really could make you do anything he wanted.
“I wanted to.. apologize for earlier today.”
You turn your head to look at him, laughing slightly, “Don’t worry about it, Harry. I should have been paying attention.” Your words have a slight sarcastic tone to them.
He shrugs it off, “It happens, I know I can be a little hard sometimes.”
All the time, you think but shake your head, “I get it.”
“Are you scared of me, y/n?”
His question throws you off, “No.” you shake your head, “Why would you think that?”
“The hesitation you have sometimes makes me think other wise, love.” He chuckles slightly, “I don’t want you to be scared of me.”
“I’m not, Harry.”
He walks over to you and you stand still, watching his movements. He does make you nervous, but you’re not scared of him. His anger is something else, but you know that you’d be able to take it because he secretly turns you on way more than anything.
“You don’t have to fear me, sweetheart. You’re the only person I wouldn’t ever hurt.”
At this point, you’re confused. Very lost in what he’s trying to tell you.
“What do you mean?” You tilt your head slightly and look at him.
“What I mean is..” he chuckles slightly, “I don’t ever mean to be an asshole to you on purpose. I just have to act like I don’t like you so they don’t fire you.”
“Y-you.. I’m sorry. You’re sayin-“
“I like you. A lot, y/n.”
You keep your composure, trying not to let it show that his words excite you, “I like you.”
“Do you?”
You nod, “I do.”
He chuckles slightly and brushes hair off of your shoulder.
His touch lights you on fire.
You can’t make a full sentence, “Fire me? Why wo-“
“Because you would be considered a distraction. But in my defense, I’m pretty good at hiding how I truly feel, if you haven’t noticed.”
You smile slightly and bite your lip, “Is that why you had three differ-“ he cuts you off, “They were no where near as good as you.”
You smile and look down. He lays his fingers under your chin and tilts your head up, “You’re the best assistant I’ve ever had, only one who doesn’t cock off with an attitude towards me without reason. You handle me better than anyone I’ve ever come in contact with.”
You swallow, kinda feeling guilty that you called him an ass and many other names in your time with him.
“I want to make it up to you, but you also have to do something for me?”
“Anything.” You blurt out without thinking of the consequences of your words.
“I want to pleasure you, is multiple different ways.” He leans in and presses his lips to your neck, “But you have to do something for me.”
You nod and he smirks, “you can’t cum until I tell you to.”
A shaky breathe leaves your lips, “Okay.”
He winks and nods, “Follow me.”
He leads you to the bed and has you sit down, “Go ahead and undress, get comfortable.” He slips his shirt off over his head and his body amazes you.
You have seen him shirtless multiple times, but now is the first time you can actually have a reaction and it feels so good.
“You’re so sexy.” You whisper just enough for him to catch what you say.
He smiles and walks over, placing a hand around your throat as he crashes his lips onto yours, “As are you.”
He stands up, leaving you in a slight haze, “Now undress for me, love. I want to see what you have under those clothes.”
You nod and stand up, undressing as he walks over to his suitcase, looking over his shoulder at you a few times. A smirk on his lips each time.
You reach behind you to unclip your bra but he stops you, “Mm, let me.”
He drags his fingers up your back, unhooking your bra. You close your eyes as you feel his hands touch your skin as he slides the straps down your arms.
“Turn around.”
You slowly turn to face him and a smile spreads across his lips.
He shakes his head and kneels down, sliding his hands up your legs as you stand there looking down at him. He hooks his fingers into the band of your panties and pulls them down.
You step out of them and he stands up, shoving them into the pocket of his jeans, “Lay down.”
You turn and crawl onto the bed, laying flat on your back, waiting for Harry to come back over to you.
You hear a click and buzzing sound for a moment before it goes silent. You swallow and take a deep breathe, scratching the bed with your nail anxiously.
“Alright, love.” Harry walks around and sits on the edge of the bed, “Ready?” He gently lays a hand on your leg, his thumb strokes your skin as you nod in excitement.
He bites his lip as he spreads your legs, his eyes going straight to your cunt. You start to feel a bit shy but that feeling doesn’t last long because Harry leans down and pushes his tongue between your folds, groaning as he tastes you.
“Fuck.” You gasp and arch your back up, “H-Harry.”
He shifts his body and grips your thighs, his finger nails digging into your skin, causing pain to mix with the pleasure.
You reach down and grip his hair, “Shit. Shit.” You move your hips down, trying to get more.
Harry leans up and pins your hand to the bed, “Eager little thing, aren’t we?” He smirks and twists around to grab something off the bed.
He hold it up, “What are the rules?”
“I can’t cum until you tell me to.”
He nods, “Good girl. I promise, I’ll let you cum, I just want to get to know your body first.”
His words send a thrill through you, goosebumps forming on your skin, “Okay.”
You tilt your head up, watching as he rubs the toy against your clit, “You have a beautiful pussy, y/n.”
You smile slightly, “T-thank you.”
He twists the end, turning on the vibration.
You jolt at the sudden feeling against your clit, moaning out as your head falls back onto the pillows.
“That’s it baby, tell me how good it feels.” Harry reaches down, pushing two fingers inside of you, “Fuck, you’re soaked.”
You whine as the feeling, arching your back as he thrusts his fingers in deep, curling them upward.
You already want to cum. You can feel yourself clenching around his fingers, “H-Harry.” You gasp out, “Fuck. Fuck. I- Harry I need to cum.”
“No.” He states holding his fingers still inside of you.
“Harry.” You beg, “Please.”
“I said no.” He pulls his fingers out, keeping the toy on your clit, “If you cum, we’re done for the night. Do you want to be done for the night?” He looks at you with a slight smirk.
“N-no.” You whimper, “I don’t.”
“Good.” He slides the toy down, rubbing it against your folds before slowly pushing it inside of you. You moan and grip the sheets, “Harry.”
“Does that feel good, love?” Harry asks thrusting the vibrating wand painfully slow in and out of you, “You look so beautiful.”
“Yes.” You whimper out, desperately trying to focus on not being able to cum, “So good.”
He leans down, holding the toy in you as his tongue laps up and down on your clit, humming against you.
You groan, “fuck.” You reach down, gripping on his hair as your hips start to move.
“Mm.” Harry leans up and lays an arm over your hips, “Don’t do that.”
You let out a frustrated groan, “please.”
“Not yet.”
He pulls the toy from your pussy and turns it off, grabbing a little toy specifically for the clit, “Do you like this?”
You nod, panting as you look up at him, “I love this.”
“Do you touch yourself?” He bites his lip as he stares at you.
You nod, “I do.”
“Show me.” He leans back slightly, letting his arm come up from your hips, “Please.”
You slide a hand down your stomach, gasping as your fingers rub your already sensitive clit, “Shit.”
He watches you for a few minutes, shifting around and palming himself through his jeans, “Fuck. Finger yourself.”
You slide two fingers down, slowly pushing them in and out of your achey cunt, “fuck.” You whimper and twist your body as you curl your fingers up, pushing them deep as you can get them, forgetting that Harry is even in the room.
“What do you fuck your self to? What do you think of?”
His words cause you to jump and you look at him, “You. I think of you.”
He smirks and chuckles, “I knew you were going to say that.”
A heat rises on your cheeks as he moves up, leaning down to kiss you. You moan against his lips and wrap an arm around his neck, pulling him closer.
He takes your bottom lip between his teeth and stands up, letting it snap back against your teeth, “Hang on.”
He reaches down and grabs the clit toy, pushing the button with his thumb, “Okay.” He pushes the toy to your clit, the speed of the vibration is a lot faster than the first toy.
“Oh fuck.” You gasp and arch your back, clenching around nothing, “Shit.”
“What do you think about?” He asks casually, watching your face twitch with the pleasure that’s bulldozing your body towards the orgasm you can’t have.
“F-fuck.. fucking you.” You squeal out as your body lifts, “Fuck, Harry. Please. I can- I can’t take this.”
“You can. Just talk to me. You think about fucking me?” He leans down, pressing his lips to the corner of your mouth, “How?”
“Any-any way.. fuck.” You groan and squeeze your thighs, “I-I need to c-cum.”
“I need you to answer me.” He pushes your legs apart with his free hand and squeezes your knee, “Tell me how you want to fuck me and then you can cum.”
You sigh as your body tenses, “Fuck.” You fight back your orgasm, trying to form words but you just seem to forget how to speak.
“Come on, baby. Just tell me.” He leans down and presses his lips to yours. Your lips move in a beautiful, hot rhythm for a short minute before he leans back.
“You be-“ you gasp and try to collect yourself, “Bending me over. Fu-fuck.. fucking me hard as you Ch-fuck.. choke me.”
“Yeah? Would you want me to pull out?”
“No.” You say loud and quickly, “Fuck, no. No.” Your breathing is rapid, “I want- I want you to cum inside of my pussy.”
Harry groans at your words, “Fuck, baby. I knew you were a keeper.” He leans down, biting the skin on your neck, “Let go. Cum for me.”
You let out a moan, screaming out his name as your body relaxes and tenses up as you have the most intense orgasm of your life.
Your legs start to shake and you can feel yourself gush, “Fuckfuckfuck.” Your body twists and you grab the sheets, yanking on them for leverage as you work yourself through your high.
“That’s is, love. Let go. Enjoy that feeling.” He strokes your hair as you start to come down, your body falling weakly against the bed, “So beautiful.”
He takes the toy from your clit and clicks it off, “I’ll go run a bath, we can relax in there together.” He whispers as he gently kisses your temple.
You smile weakly and nod, “Okay.”
He goes and gets everything around, coming out in just a towel around his waist. He scoops you off the bed and takes you to the bathroom, setting you down in the water that is just the way you like it.
He gets in behind you, holding you to his chest, “Did I hurt you?”
“You did not.” You tilt your head to rest your forehead against his neck, “I loved it.”
He pulls you closer and rubs your arm with his thumb as he hums tunes to his songs.
Harry really did pay attention to you. He knows a lot about you, he just likes having the power, but on top of that, he likes taking care of you more.
And you’re okay with that.
I’m so sorry this took longer than I said :/ pls don’t hate me I’ll give you a part 2 :)
As always, if you have any request -> send them here
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screampied · 6 months
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synopsis. geto's got a sweet tooth for his pretty partner in culinary arts. rumor has it gojo wants a taste too. the two chefs compete on which one can make you cream the most.
total wc. 5.8k
warnings. satosugu x fem!reader, college au, squirting, (geto) eats it from the back, double penetration, unprotected s*x, dumbfication, dirty talk, oral (fixation), overstim, them basically fighting over you.
an. wrote this bc…i'm hungry </3 random stsg brain rot lawl
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“you're a fine cook, you know?”
your eyebrows raised as both of your hands rested against the edge of the laminate-glassed counter.
taking off your toque to give geto direct eye contact, he continued to speak. “i still think your banana pudding was the best.”
“oh, thank you,” you mumbled, and geto stood tall - the size difference was truly immaculate.
broad shoulders yet a very much lean body.
he had his hands buried and dug into the holes of his pockets, flipping the apron near his white coat to the side before giving you a soft smile. “i wish i could have tried your desert, chef kept rushing everyone to clean up earlier.”
“you still can,” geto mutters, and you stare up at him. his voice was somewhat teasing but stoic.
his body language was simply suave…he leaned against the counter as he spoke before making a few inches towards you. his eyes trail down, and his thumb swiftly swipes against the side of your cheek—excess sweet cream of his infamous banana pudding. “it still has its flavor. vanilla, my personal favorite.”
he was so close to you, his body heat practically radiated against you, not literally though.
you were deep in thought as he was directly propped up beside you.
“may i…?”
he's got his dessert in hand, and it was a slice of vanilla cake—neatly decorated at the top with a cherry topping, just a good enough glance and your mouth is damn near watering. it’s decadent with sweet cream and icing, you nearly forgot how to speak.
“yeah.. yeah...yes please.”
you didn’t even realize how needy you sounded, just a few inches of your tongue and you’d be licking your lips.
geto cups a hand over your chin—his dark focused gaze, pretty lashes of his fluttering throughout each blink. he scoops a good amount from the stainless-steeled fork, and brings it towards your glimmering plump lips.
“open a little for me, pretty.”
his voice, it was a mere whisper…
as you parted your lips slightly for him to press the fork inside, the piece of cake now going onto your tongue—you couldn’t deny, just those words alone had you feeling a certain type of way. geto's eyes never left yours, in fact, the soft back of his thumb pad was continuously gently stroking the side of your mouth.
the taste of the cake, just amazing.
dramatic was a good enough word to depict for you because as soon as the icing slicked against your lips—the pure flavor, the sweet sweet vanilla mixed with a single dash of vanilla extract, the cavity-coated sugary taste, and oh… cinnamon.
you paused, feeling a heatwave of utter embarrassment wash over you. you let off the most dirtiest moan imaginable. all from a taste of cake from geto. the smile remains on his near perfect crooked lips before he hums, placing the fork aside.
“you must really enjoy it, huh?”
even his chuckle was sexy, such bass in his voice was enough to have you soaked right underneath your formal kitchen attire—directly underneath your apron, he couldn’t see but your legs were squeezed shut together, tight.
“yeah, it’s um..good.”
“just…good?” he teases, his long gorgeous dark strands of hair was down…flawlessly dancing over his broad shoulders. some strands cutely poking through his own toque top-hat. his eyes were nearly fucking you on its own.
eyes half closed, seducing.
“ah wait. you have more icing on your mouth. tsk, you’re so messy...”
geto leans in, his thumb still strokes and strokes against your mouth before he leans in—and you nearly slip out a whine from his teasing he was. you were about to open your mouth before he raises his brows.
“just say it. i don’t have to use my fingers to clean your mouth, princess.”
just from those words alone was enough to have you dripping between your thighs, your hands gripped against the back edges of the counter before you spoke in a soft shaky voice. “…kiss me, suguru. please.”
as soon as he leaned in to kiss you, you immediately moaned, feeling the slow and sensual swirly lick he made just from his tongue.
he laps up the tiny remnants of creamy icing that was just near the side of your mouth. only before focusing himself on your lips now, the kiss was tasty just like the ingredients of his cake.
geto's got one hand on your chin, another on your waist. you’re propped against the counter and he’s so warm…
you could taste the sweetness of his dessert on his tongue, he takes a few seconds to depart from your lips—dragging a tongue gently and slowly from your mouth to your neck.
“you taste so good.” he huffs out, his voice was low, creating kiss trails near your collarbone and you moaned before he went back up kiss you. geto’s strong manly cologne scent wafts against your nose as you tug on his chef cpat, desperate for more than just his sweet tongue.
“yo, suguru do we have anymore—”
the both of you broke away immensely at the sound of a familiar voice, no one another than gojo satoru.
he’s got quite the look on his face, wearing loose sweatpants. his apron was half on and he looked insanely attractive even while dressed down.
a sudden smug grin appears on his face. “oh…!” he says dramatically, hands of his going right on his hips, “pft. is this why you didn’t wanna hang after culinary suguru? you decided finally gonna get laid?”
“shut up.” geto grunts, and his entire mood was ruined. you suddenly felt embarrassed, in such heat of a moment then gojo just had to show up.
“heh,” he snickers before walking towards you, and gojo’s so tall, the both of them are but he’s equivalent to a skyscraper.
he stares you down with pretty cerulean hued eyes, doing the same motion geto did.
a swift thumb strokes against your cheek and he speaks in an almost husk yet playful tone. “hmph. i wanted you first, shame sugu got the first taste. now that’s no fair.”
“…you both can have me.”
they both share the same nonplus expression at your blurted words—you didn’t even know where that came from, but at this point you didn’t care. geto already made a mess out of you, barely even doing anything but kissing you, and oh how wet you were between your legs.
seeing them both in front of you only continued to make you pulse and yearn for more.
“really?” they both say at the same time, in sync. you were already so hot and bothered by geto, you only could have imagined what it felt like being with the both of them.
you nodded, your impatience was wearing so thin.
gojo snakes a arm around your waist before geto grabs him, nudging him lightly. “not here, idiot. we can just go back to my dorm.”
…there, you laid flat on geto’s flat-sized mattress, gojo was directly next to you—a hand cupping your chin as his lips was pressed against yours.
he tasted sweet, your tongue curled against his and the flavor that coated him made you moan in his mouth. the forms of his lips curving into a smile pressed up against you. you felt it, and you moaned again feel geto kneel down to spread your legs open for him.
he took his time, geto’s warm lengthy fingers softly carressed your legs, slowly pulling down your formal jean attire, creating multiple kisses near your inner thighs, and his tongue…
gently dragging his tongue up your leg slowly until he reached your panties, pants halfway on he pulls them down fully before giving you a three second glance.
“feel how soaked she is, satoru.” geto murmurs.
“bet she is,” gojo snickers, and you whined once you felt him trail a hand down between yours legs to give your laced undergarments that were deeply soaked, a good enough squeeze. “hm. wonder who’s makin' her this wet,” and then he hums, bringing a kiss towards your collarbone before grinning—whispering underneath his breath, it fans against your chest and makes you shudder. “…obviously me.”
“don’t get too cocky,” geto rolls his eyes in vex, and you let off a soft whimper once you look down to see the long-haired man stare at you with a relaxed smile plastered on his face. his eyebrows raise just slightly before he gives you a subtle sexy head nod. “mind putting my hair into a ponytail, sweets?”
his voice was so low and attractive, each syllable he spoke throughout his words.
his pronunciation even was just so filthy, his entire demeanor. you were drenched between your pretty thighs to even fathom anything else.
“okay.” you mumbled, taking his thin hair tie, softly pulling a good amount of his soft strands, maneuvering your hands swiftly around before securing it in a tight yet loose ponytail.
“mm….thank you.” he says, and geto leans in to give the middle part of your panties a slow lick towards your legs twitch and you moan, going back against the bed before gojo starts to unclasp your culinary coat.
running his fingers against the thick fabric, he starts planting kisses everywhere around your mouth and neck—until he starts sucking against your skin. and gojo smells so good too, the both of them wore such strong cologne, but gojo’s scent was a bit more loud.
manly and sharp, it was intoxicating. each teasing suck gojo created against your neck, the soft foreplay licks geto made towards the very print of your panties.
your head went back in rapture—pleasure, a hand making on the crown of geto’s head, giving his ponytail a light yank before whining. “just..eat me out please suguru. can’t take it anymore.”
“poor baby,” gojo fake pouts, and he makes you turn your position, lying flat on your stomach now and he towers over you. he’s pressing his knees against the bed as he’s in front with geto behind. “what, what what…?” he taunts, watching you desperately claw your fingers towards his sweats, his visible bulge looked so appetizing—you could only imagine how big this idiot was. “ya wanna occupy that mouth while sugu eats you out, yeah?”
“uh huh.”
you nodded, and gojo grows more cocky, craving it badly.
geto uses two fingers to slide your panties to the side - starting off slow with a long stripe lick towards your pre-soaked pussy and you whimpered.
geto's eyes close for a brief moment—using both hands to spread your ass just a bit, dipping his tongue between your slit, savoring the sugary taste. once he started there was no stopping, in his dirty mind, he imagined your pussy was the sweetest dessert he's ever crafted with his own two hands.
cake…cupcakes…fucking ice cream…
his saliva was practically syrupy from how much he was nearly being coated from just your mess alone. some of it runs down the side of his mouth and he’s just such a messy eater.
“…don’t gimme that look, baby,” gojo grunts, his smile—a half skittish one at that, his pants sag and droop from his waistline before you pull it down just to expose his white and blue boxers.
gojo brings your head close towards it with a swift hand around your throat lightly, rubbing your face all against his bulge, the stretchy thin fabric protected his lower half to make you whine more.
“see…feel how..how hard you fuckin' make me? put your throat to good use for me,” and he lifts your head up—making sure you keep direct eye contact. “…‘okay satoru’. say it, girl.”
you moaned, geto's so sloppy as he’s continuing to eat you out from behind, it’s devilishly nasty from how good he was at pleasing you…
figures. because he was one of the top cooks, not only would his meals would be considered s-tier, but so would his tongue. every few seconds he’d spit on your cunt just to lap it up.
with the help of two thick fingers of his already stuffed inside you to make your body twitch and shudder beneath his hold.
“o-okay, satoru.”
stuttering for him, adorable…
you mumbled, and he stares down at you with a cocksure expression, your fingers hungrily pull down his boxers…and his dick sprung out, your first initial thought was how pretty it was.
long, lengthy and a little bit veiny, such height to it that it towers. it was a faint shade of beige but with a dash mix of pink. he was well trimmed, although managed to have a few specks of white hair near his base.
his base though… he was so full, stuffed. literal breeder balls, made your mouth water at just having that stuffed down your tight throat…
you were so eager, you didn’t want to waste time. gojo watches as you slide your tongue out, swirling it around his sensitive frenulum that was splattered with sticky pre-cum all over it, earning a grunt from him.
“oh….s-shit… juuuust like that, yeah. all the way down.”
his girth was simply delicious, scrumptious even. your warm mouth opened him with open arms. sinking down slowly every few seconds, he groans from feeling you moan down his shaft because of geto continuously eating you out at the same time.
geto’s got a mouth on him, or tongue some might say. the way it flicks against your nub only to abuse it by sucking on it tenderly, savoring its sweet candied taste, your muffled moans fueled him with much desire—even he started to feel himself get hard.
the unapologetic strain in his pants, oh…it was there. just bulging and bulging.
you whimpered at the gentle scrap of geto’s nose swiping against your pussy, equivalent to a credit card as if it was checking for balance.
your eyes rolled back, although gojo wants you to keep your focus primarily on him though.
“mhm. fuckin' slob on it.” he grumbles, gripping the back of your head to lightly move you further and further against him.
his fat tip that was aching inside your mouth, pulsing with much content.
it starts to hit back against the very roof of your mouth, so sloppy, he wants you to be sloppy….you gag, drool spilling from the side of your lips and looking up at him with a cock-drunken grin. “yeahhh girl. there’s that pretty smile. keep doin' that.”
gojo’s using your throat, fingers dug into your scalp and he’s got you being such a mess, such a slut.
he tastes so good, your tongue circulates against his tip. the sweetness yet tang of bitterness of his pre-cum coats the very tip of your tongue, the tastebuds of yours tasted everything.
sweet like candy….sweet like a pastry.
“shit, been hidin' this...dirty throat from me?” he moans, trying to laugh it off but failing. he’s giving you a stare, shooting daggers and he’s kind of embarrassed. your own gaze towards him was so intimate, he’s making you go up and down, you’re breathing through your nose and he almost slips off a whine.
“she’s close, satoru,” geto mumbles, departing his lips for a split second to speak—a whimper rips from your voice at the hotly warm breath of his fanning against your clit, he drags a thumb down your pussy before giving it a light spank. “should i, excuse me….should we let her?” he teases.
you frown, the playful repetitive banter between the two of them going back and forth—long strands of geto’s hair tickles against his skin the further he shoves his face between your thighs, eating you out like a starved man, his tongue was at such temperature, it’s very warmth feeling has butterflies co-existing into the very depths of your tummy.
“you wanna cum, baby? ‘s that why you keep poutin' all stupid-like with my dick in your mouth?”
all you could do was nod your dumb head, up and down with the cutest scowl scattered across your face, pulling back up.
a singular pop leaves your lips one his twitching dick exists, and your glossed eyes stare at him. “s-satoru—”
“no, gorgeous. you’re supposed to be moaning my name.” geto grunts, giving your pussy another smack and you whimper. he’s just french kissing with your clit now, his entire technique made your toes curl, feeling such heat swell and build up inside of you, your mind raced and raced. “suguru. not fuckin' satoru. tch.”
“ahah, don’t mind him, he gets jealous when things doesn’t go his way.” gojo sneers, rubbing a hand underneath your chin.
your spit coats his fingers and he sticks his bottom lip out, fake pity as he’s toying with your mouth.
his dick grows soft inside and you’re basically nibbling on it now. your jaw ached a bit, you’re staring up at him and he gives you an abrupt head bat before groaning. “y-you’re gonna make me cum if ya keep sucking me slow like that, girl.”
you suddenly gasp, snapping out of your cock-drunken trance with a mean ass smack from geto, a snicker escaped his lips in return and you’re cumming hard, it’s unexpected and your legs twitch, practical mush.
only pathetic murmuring cacophonies of, “s-suguru,” and “o-oh my f-fucking goddd,” ‘s made its way out your throat once you stopped sucking gojo off for a few seconds.
your orgasm was rough, boisterous, just hit you like a full blown semi-truck.
his lips were still attached to your folds, dark eyebrows tugged together he’s determined on making you say his name, making you cum more than gojo ever could.
gojo rolllllls his eyes, dramatically as possible.
quite the drama queen he was. the actual epitome of it. gojo ends of concluding himself, swallowing hard as he sat on his knees. you instinctively slide your tongue out for him to spray it with many ropes and droplets of his cum.
“thaaaat’s it, clean me up baby.” he pants, his breath was shaky but he still finds time to flash geto a cheesy grin.
just…wriggling his eyebrows, so unserious. gojo turns his attention back towards you, and he watches you swallow every drop, savoring the taste.
it makes your eyes squeeze a little before you detach your lips, your own sheeny coated saliva running away from his dick.
geto stares at the both of you with a cute pique expression—gojo leans down before stroking your chin, brushing his thumb against your lips whilst observing your features, “gimme a kiss. just like ya did to suguru.”
you scooted upwards on the bed, and his smirk…
his white lashes were pretty, they lowered as he stared down at you, lingering over you even while on his knees. gojo always found a liking towards you. he didn’t mind a bit of competition against his culinary peer, geto wasn’t the only one who had a sweet tooth for you after all.
you lean into his touch—and his slender fingers ghosts against the middle part of your neck, you open your mouth for him just a bit for him to swirl his tongue against yours sensually.
his lips brushed against yours, incredibly soft and plump. he couldn’t help but suck on your tongue just a tad bit, not even minding tasting himself, his own stickiness that remained.
“how repulsive,” geto mumbles underneath his breath, pulling you away of gojo’s reach. geto stares down at you - and he’s quite handsome himself, still in a pussy drunken state, eyes half closed.
he looked gorgeous.
“satoru,” he says, raising his head before he pulls you close towards him. with a soft uttered oof, you land against his chest, and he rubs a hand caressingly down your back, brushing the tips of his fingers against the thin fabric of your tank top. “how ‘bout we compete?”
you moaned, geto brings his lips towards the side of your neck while rubbing his hand against your pussy — feeling how overly sensitive you still were, so needy and in such heat, you bit down on your lip as he continued to speak. “hmm… on who can make her cream the most?”
“me, obviously,” gojo immediately chuckles, as if that was the dumbest question imaginable. “i wanna get first dibs,” and then he pecks a kiss towards your nose. “can i, pretty? ya fine with that?”
you panted, geto’s feeling you up and he’s so toasty, so warm.
you were embarrassed enough as is with how sticky you were between your legs. your own slick stuck against the crevices of your inner thighs like glue, every few seconds you’d catch geto staring at it, swiping a tongue against his lips as if he wanted to eat you out again, and again.
“…baby.” gojo purrs, you’re pressed against your stomach.
the linen sheets rubbed off against your skin, velvet black sheets and you swallowed whatever pride you had left, glancing at the long rectangular shaped mirror that stood in front of the three of you.
“tell me, yeah,” he pauses…and you choke out a needy whine, oh he’s teasing, ghosting his achy tip against your pussy. “how do you like it? rough? soft, aggressive?”
and then he leans directly close towards you—his chest hits against your back, and he playfully grinds against you with just his throbbing cock pulsing between you making you whimper out. “i wanna get to know this pussy before i just go all in, ya know…?”
“r-rough, please. just fuck me, satoru.” you sniffled, glancing up at geto who’s got a relaxed smile—he pursed his lips against each other before starting away with a flirtatious scoff.
he was jealous.
one he started, gojo was a monster, plain and simple. his stroke game was just downright mean.
he’s got you gripping the sheet, hanging on for dear life and babbling the most ludicrous things out of your mouth, you can’t even believe the things you were whining out.
as his dick buried inside of you—your jaw is nearly dropped open at full he’s got you, his length, the girth and the fucking stretch of his cock has you drooling for more. “s-shit, shit more,” you begged, your voice trembling from his mean hits.
no remorse, your ass smacks and smacks against him loudly. it rings throughout your ears, making your teeth chatter just slightly. gojo’s hand wraps against the back of your throat. a tiny squeak comes out and surely enough, you find yourself smiling at your reflection. “not too rough am i, pretty? …she okay?”
pulling your eyebrows together in confusion, you were confused before realizing he was referring to your pussy. of course…
“n-no, i'm fine.” you choked out.
“good, gooood….”
he's sexily grunting, and his hip movements were just animalistic. his frame snaps and jerks against you to where the mattress is just singing out adlibs in harmony. creak after creak after creak, it grows out to be annoying—yet alas…your dumb little brain can barely process anything anymore.
now you knew why they called it backshots for a reason.
gojo’s weight just barely lingers against your ass, your pussy was vocal too. it’d be quite foolish for it not to be.
it squelched and cried and even spat out many other various sounds all from gojo’s mean derogatory target hits against your very core. frail arms just dangling over the bed, being stretched thin by his dick, its expanding and exploring your walls as if it was on a mission.
your pussy craved and yearned for more, pretty soon you were gonna cum again—he’s got your arms pinned behind your back, just driving and bullying his dick in and out of you. you’re speechless, lurching against the mattress your eyes roll back and gojo groans, “your back arch is so pretty, baby,” he taunts, clicking his tongue in derision. “so whiney.”
“…you’re hogging her, satoru.” geto grumbles, and he brings your body up to sit up—gojo scoffs, watching him take initiative to kiss you again. you whimper in his mouth once you felt him bring a hand between your legs. gojo pulls out with a frown, watching geto steal you now.
his warm lips clashed against yours—he tasted so rich and sweet, the flavor, his flavor was just purely appetizing. as your tongue collided against his, he’s hungrily gripping your ass now, the thin middle part of your panties lazily pushed to the side, you could taste the tiniest sugary-coated cream of his pastry still on his lips. not to mention your own slick as well, it still coated his chin, shimmery and all.
with a free hand, he pulls his hair out of a ponytail, and it flies loose. some of it tickles against your skin and you whined once he gave your ass a smack before presenting it with a good squeeze.
“you’re greedy, suguru...” gojo pouts. “you didn’t even let me finish, man.”
feeling the tips of his ears seethe with hotness, gojo didn’t wanna admit how hard it was to see you and geto make out with each other. geto’s hand placement, it was so attractive—one resting on your hip, another on your bare ass, kissing his palm against your rear with a few spanks to make you moan such salacious moans and whimpers in his mouth.
you feel geto’s lips purse into a smile at gojo being jealous now, he runs his tongue alongside yours, and he brings you closer towards him.
you hook a leg around his waist and that’s when his hands slide down your waist. “she wasn’t yours to begin with.”
he mutters, smiling at gojo—pulling away to lick down your neck and you whimpered.
“im joking, crybaby. guess i gotta share,” he pecks a kiss near your collarbone. geto stares into your eyes before relaxing his face, humming before leaning close to your ear. “think you can take both of us, gorgeous?”
you nodded without hesitation, and gojo presses up against you before you crawl on top of geto’s lap.
he slouched back against his mattress with a smug grin, whipping his dick out. he was thicker while gojo was subtly longer. he still had inches to him, every single second you took to stare made your mouth water.
“tch….should be ridin' me instead,” he snarls underneath his breath, helping you slide your way down onto geto.
“cry about it.” geto shrugs, and the white-haired male only gives him a glare. you moaned, feeling geto’s thickness insert its way inside your pussy, past your folds. barely in and his tip was so fat. it was plump and stretched your cunt out to its supreme.
gojo tsks, stroking himself before rubbing himself against your leaky hole — your arms snake around geto’s shoulders and he’s staring at you. one hand of his slipping underneath your top to brush his thumbs against your perky nipples, making you whimper even more.
his tongue slithered against your bare skin…giving it a good suck, his pearly white teeth playfully nibbles against your nipple and you whine.
“can your pussy even fit two?” gojo pants, his voice was shaky, embarrassingly so—he’s catching himself licking his lips, sinking his way inside you, now you’re just being double stuffed. you’re on geto’s lap with gojo positioned behind you.
feeling every inch, inches stuffing inside of you, gojo spanks your ass. purposely leaning up close to you — he’s warm, his entire body is, the fabric of his hoodie skims up against your back.
you hear him chuckle nervously against you, and you start to move your hips against geto. warm breath fanning against your earlobe before he playfully licks the side of your ear only to nibble on it to hide his moans.
“…mhm..baby…baby,” he grunts, grabbing your hips to rock against him. gojo moans, melodically so, he’s practically jumping against you, you’re taking both of them and you bite down on your lip. geto leans back and watches the view of you riding him while getting inches from behind. “s-still gotta finish, ‘m a little sensitive still.”
“ya think satoru should finish, princess? he looks like he’s about to cry,” geto sneers, his gaze was stoic as ever, he raises his head, a meaningless head tilt at you, locking eye contact and he’s so big.
gojo’s fingertips dig into the fat of your ass, spanking it and spanking it — the recoil turning him on even more and he just can’t shut up. babbling nonsense, his bottom lip pokes out as he feels himself grow hotter, immense pressure building up as he was rutting himself against you, geto as the same time.
tag team.
“n-no.” you giggled, being caught by surprise once gojo wraps his arms around you — body to body, his cold breath danced against your skin after each jittery pant of desperation.
geto only laughs at your answer, watching you keep up a somewhat reasonable pace with your hips, you lightly shove geto down against his back, swerving yourself against him, and he’s stretching you fully. “he’s been too bratty.”
“eh?! y-you guys are fuckin' bullies…”
he spasms, his pink-reddened lip quivers, glancing down to see your pussy getting devoured by two thick cocks. you couldn’t really talk because you were moaning just as much as gojo, he’s so close to you, his scent, his loud scent that never failed to make you dizzy, “shit, i-i can’t.”
“just kidding, you can cum,” you whimpered, feeling gojo suddenly reach down to squeeze your pussy — kissing it with a few spanks from his hand.
your legs clench and tremble, and he’s so relieved. poor baby, he’s all shaky, it’s almost like he’s the girl.
gojo’s sputtering out incoherent, “thankyouthankyou,” ‘s into your neck repeatedly, taking a moment to swallow before he’s shooting inside your clenching hole, his entire body locks and tenses.
his jaw mimickes the same and his orgasm was soooo loud.
“f-fuck, take it all for me. been savin' it for so long…”
it’s sticky and slimy — gojo’s cum spills out, and he pouts once he pauses, watching it pour out only to stuff his dick back in, plugging it in so it never leaves.
he swipes his thumb against his own created mess and moans. “phew shit... ‘m gonna have dreams about this, ‘bout your nasty pussy soakin' up my c-cum.”
it continues for hours and hours, actually let’s not exaggerate — half an hour.
a good half an hour of you being absolutely stuffed, fucked stupid with your pretty doe eyes staring into space, jaw dead open and legs feeling virtually nonexistent. they made you cum, cream…about at least a dozen times.
you were so conflicted, geto’s praising you, showering you with compliments in that sweet low voice meanwhile — gojo’s degrading you now after getting over his impactful orgasm, he’s so mean.
he grows a liking to spanking your pussy, telling you no, those single two letter words that never fails to make you pout and whine.
“this is so much better than culinary.” geto sighs, and he’s got you currently pressed up against his chest — full nelson, an arm swiftly and safely locked around your neck and your legs were all spread. you looked so stupid, eyes protruding at the position, your legs being just barely over your legs.
“she’s a good cook but an even better squirter,” gojo stares at you, taking full view of your cunt. it’s just spitting out gibberish, squelches…
geto’s got your body swinging and swaying against his own — you’re being stretched all the way out in more ways than one, you didn’t know you were this flexible. “one more, babe. show us your cute little velocity.”
“don’t be shy, you’ve made such a mess for us already,” geto eggs on, peppering your neck with kisses, your head’s spinning and everything feels so good. you can hear your heart pounding and thrashing out of your ears. “relax for me. yeah, like that. it’s okay…it’s okay gorgeous.”
geto’s words made you throb — his cock pulsed inside of you, so deep it makes you suck and kiss your teeth in envy. the curve of his dick hits and raptures against you, dragging out a sweet moan from your spit-glossed lips. “let me make you cream again. easy, girl..”
so much pressure rises and builds up, your head just smacks against geto. eyes subtlety rolling back to where you’re seeing straight black. “f-fuckkk. s-sugu.”
“give it to us, c'mon.” gojo whispers, he starts to maneuver circles against your clit, and since the position in you were in didn’t allow you to close your legs, you just jolted, panting and huffing out irregular breaths. “so sensitive, good girl. ‘s okay. be messy. i’ll clean ya up.”
once you squirt — it shoots out with such force, gojo’s in awe, a stupid grin plasters on his face before he slides a thumb inside your pussy that’s already being stuffed by geto’s lengthy dick. “ooooh.”
geto’s different when it came to his loads, it shot out hefty splotches, painting your insides white to where you’re chewing on invisible words, invisble moans.
he makes the both of you grow quiet so you can hear, himself shooting a filthy sticky load inside, he’s panting himself, sweat raced down the side of his head as he’s catching his breath. the way he used two fingers to pry your pussy open, showing gojo his own cum pour out of you — it’s racing down your folds as if it was in a contest.
“good…girl. f-fuck.” he says, his tone a bit drowsy.
“someone’s tired,” gojo teases, pulling you into a kiss. you moaned, kissing back. still on geto’s lap, he’s still got your legs spread open for him, but he takes you out of the head lock from full nelson, allowing your legs to breathe.
gojo’s tongue drags everywhere on your mouth, he was a sloppy kisser and wasn’t ashamed. he was obsessed with your saliva - moaning as you ran a finger down his toned biceps flexing underneath his tank.
you pull away after a whine, gasping for air only to fall back on geto’s chest, never in a million years thinking you’d screw your two culinary peers.
“we…we should do this again,” gojo sighs, swiping his hand across his sweaty forehead.
geto narrows his brows, still fucked out himself. “you weren’t even invited.”
“y-yeah? well i still made her cream more than you. let’s be honest, suguru. i won, heh.”
“you moan like a woman, just stop talking.”
then you remembered why, the constant bickering amongst the two of them — so damn annoying. but sexy, fighting over you and everything. gojo leans down, softly nibbling on your thighs. geto smiles, moving close to lick a stripe up your tummy as if your body was coated in nothing but sweets.
“f-fuck.” you’d pant, gojo’s tongue sliding between the crevices of your thighs now, running a finger down your sloppy pussy.
“we aren’t done with you, girl,” geto mutters, his hair strands tickle against your skin before he sits up — tapping a thumb against your cheek before smiling, poking his dick in hand against your lips, smearing it with your own spit. “open that mouth. wanna give you a treat. ‘s got so much vanilla waitin' just for you to swallow.”
maybe culinary wasn’t so bad after all..
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strawberry38 · 9 months
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Women and chess
Women and cussing
Women as harassers
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illyrianbitch · 4 months
And I'm Thinking About Your Lips
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Pairing: Reader x Cassian
Summary: You and Cassian have been best friends since you were teenagers-- just friends. But one night at Rita's changes everything and now you cant breathe when you're around him and he can't stop imagining how you'd taste.
Warnings: 18+ SMUT! like porn with plot aka: best friends to lovers, sexual tension, alcohol use, drunken handsy moments, two dummies in love, male masturbation, unprotected PIV, fingering (f receiving), oral (f & m receiving), dirty talk, sex sex sex! we love sex!!
Word Count: 19k (a biggie!)
a/n: heavily inspired by my fav song mistakes like this by prelow. give it a listen for the vibes ;) I was going to make this multiple parts but decided against it. lets imagine Rita's like a lil more modern club okay mwuah enjoy.
Part Two
✹ ✶ 𖧷 ✶✹ 
Rita's was loud.
On busy nights like these, the place was a complete sensory overload– live music with thumping bass and swirling laughter. The air was thick with the mingling scents of sweat, perfume, and the occasional waft of arousal, a delicious smell that often lingered in Rita’s. You loved nights like these, loved the energy that came with finally being able to let go. You let out a content sigh as you watched people dance across the dimly lit club, enjoying the music that vibrated through their bones.
You stood next to Cassian at the bar, leaning against the smooth surface as you awaited the drinks you had ordered. He was in the middle of telling you a story-- or at least you think it was a story. You couldn't tell.
"What?" you exclaimed loudly, leaning forward in a futile attempt to decipher his response. Frustration etched across your face, you took a step back, gazing up at Cassian. Your eyebrows furrowed, and you shook your head while gesturing emphatically to your ears. "I can't hear," you mouthed, hoping he'd understand.
Cassian's initial confusion gave way to realization, his mouth forming a distinct "Ooooh." Leaning down, he bridged the distance between you, his lips hovering above your ear  to deliver his words in a loud whisper.
And then it happened—a giggling drunk couple bumped into Cassian, disrupting his balance. His lips, which had initially hovered near your ears, now made a brief but intimate contact, running along the shell of your ear. 
Maybe it was the alcohol coursing through your veins, the warmth permeating your entire body. Or perhaps it was the pulsating energy of the crowded dancefloor. Whatever it was, you felt it—a shiver tracing a path down your neck, following the curve of your spine. Awareness dawned on you—his proximity, his breath on your ears, the almost electric closeness of your cheeks, the way his disheveled hair framed his face.
He pulled away, a smile playing on his lips. He mouthed something, but you were lost in a daze, barely registering that those plump, red lips were actually forming words.
"Y/n?" he called out, raising his voice to be heard over the music. "You got that?"
Blinking, you shook your head, dispelling the lingering traces of your thoughts. A smile curved on your lips as you replied, "Yup." 
You had no idea what he said, hadn't caught a word of what he was whispering in your ear. But at that moment, it didn't seem to matter. Internally, you chastised yourself— it's just the alcohol, that's all it is. After all, Cassian had always been attractive. You just happened to be drunk and noticed it a little bit more. Appreciating the beauty of your best friend, completely platonically. 
The bartender returned with your ordered drinks, placing them on the bar with a lingering gaze that hinted at an appreciation for more than just the cocktail he had crafted—one directed entirely at you. Your attention, however, was occupied by the lively atmosphere around you as you spared the bartender a quick glance, grabbing your drink. Cass, on the other hand, picked up on the admiration, staring at the bartender and tucking away the information in the back of his mind.
As you both turned to leave, Cassian's movements synchronized with yours and his arm rubbed against your own, sending a subtle brush of warmth through you. You paused for a beat. The warmth was still there. You hated it. A realization dawned – you needed more alcohol. 
With a silent determination, you gave Cassian a "one moment" gesture, holding up a finger. Cass watched as you turned back toward the bar, leaning forward to catch the bartender's attention. When he turned to face you, you placed your hand lightly over his. 
"Actually," you said with a smile, “Can we get two extra shots? Of your strongest." 
The bartender gave you a smile back and nodded in acknowledgment. In no time, two additional shots, robust and potent, joined the lineup, arranged neatly on the polished surface. Cassian frowned, flickering his gaze between you and the shots. You felt his presence as he leaned in and instinctively took a step back, not turning to look him in the eyes.
“We’re taking another round?” 
“Nope.” You said, popping the p. Without hesitation, you downed them both with a practiced ease. Finally, you looked up at him, making a face as the liquor made its way down your throat. “Those were for me.” Your voice came out in a croak.
Cassian raised an eyebrow in surprise, a playful smirk playing on his lips. 
“Someone is getting hammered tonight."
You simply nodded, a nonchalant "mhmm" escaping your lips. The alcohol ignited a warmth that spread through your veins, momentarily overshadowing any reservations. With the edge taken off, you were ready to rejoin your friends– with the exception of Amren, who was “too busy” to join tonight. 
Cassian led the way back to the booth, his hand finding its familiar place at the small of your back. Cass always did this when at Ritas, a gesture to ensure that you weren’t swept away by the sea of people. Yet, this time, it felt different. As he guided you through the lively crowd, you couldn't ignore the heat that radiated from his touch. Your heart quickened its pace. Its the alcohol-induced haze, you told yourself. Thats all. 
✹ ✶ 𖧷 ✶✹ 
Two hours later, Rita’s was still pulsating with energy and you were absolutely wasted. The vibrant atmosphere seemed to blend seamlessly with the warmth of your intoxication and everything around you seemed to echo with life.
You, Mor, and Feyre slowly returned to the booth for a much-needed break, hands interlaced with one another and glasses still full, waiting to be enjoyed. In your inebriated state, you teetered back and forth as you made your way to the booth, plopping down next to your best friend.
At your arrival, Cassian sat up right, waiting for you to do what you always did—lay your head on his shoulder. And, like clockwork, you fell into place, your head finding its familiar spot on Cassian's shoulder. 
"Look who decided to join the land of the living," Cassian teased as he nudged you gently. You felt him adjust his seating, his wings moving to accommodate your presence. The booths at Rita’s were large, the seats extra wide and spacious— for many reasons. You didn’t think too long about the ways people used the extra space. 
Instead, you chuckled at Cassian’s comment, the alcohol-infused haze making everything seem delightfully amusing. "Jus' exploring alternate universes on the danceflooooooor." 
The sound of your voice and the way you dragged out your words set Cassian into a small fit of laughter, a rich melody that blended with the music. The sound vibrated through his body and you felt his chest and his shoulders rise with it. The laughter resonated in your own as a result.
"Alternate universes, huh?” He asked, “That why you were grinding on Mor like a horned-up teenager?"
Craning your head slightly to look up at him, you gasped dramatically, feigning offense. He was already looking at you, his face tilted to the side to meet your eyes. There was a clear sense of amusement written into his face, the corners of his mouth turned up, a certain glow in his eyes. 
"I was not! How dare you judge me?" With a determined glint in your, now narrowed, eyes you added, "I never judge how you practically dry hump every woman you dance with."
Your best friend's lips curled into a grin, and his eyebrows lifted for a moment. There was a playful roll of his lips before he nodded, slightly chuckling. You got him there. 
"Okay, whatever."
You watched as he took a sip of his drink with his other hand, then lowered it to rest the glass on his knee. Leaning back a bit, a small giggle escaped your lips at nothing in particular. Then, you let out a laugh. 
"You're wasted." Cassian stated matter of factly, turning his head to look at where yours lay on his shoulder. Your laughter continued for a moment, ending with a sound of content. 
"Maybe." You replied as you leaned back a little, your head lolling backwards. Your eyes, framed by thick lashes, found Cassian's. You looked at him for a moment, taking in his face, his intense gaze focused on you.
"You're real attractive, Cass," you murmured, the words carrying a sincerity that caught him off guard.
Cassian didn't know why his heart leaped at your words. This wasn't something new. You had complimented him multiple times before. He knew he was attractive-- he knew you knew he was attractive. But there was something different this time, something in the way you bit your lip, gnawing at it with your teeth, the genuine look in your eyes.
"You think so?" he said. You wondered how his voice could be so soft, yet so husky. How was that possible?
You nodded lazily, not breaking the intense eye contact. "Mhm," you affirmed.
Cassian's gaze shifted, and suddenly he found himself studying your face. Your head tilted back, he took in the sight of your lips, the stunning makeup enhancing your features. You were gorgeous, he’d always known this-- everyone who saw you thought the same. But you were best friends, and the strength of your bond lessened the urge to explore thoughts of you that went farther than simple observation.
"You're not too bad yourself."
You perked up a bit.
"Yeah?" you asked eagerly.
Cassian gave a chuckle at your enthusiastic reply, noticing the way your eyes lit up behind their drunken haze. But before he could say anything more, Mor appeared, her hands outstretched, ready to pull you back onto the dancefloor.
"Y/n," She said, "Come danceeeee."
You looked up at her, your body slowly moving up right.
"But Cass and I-"
Mor whined.
"Feyre abandoned me for Rhys and Azriel is too busy being a gargoyle."
You snickered at her words, your gaze drifting over to where the Shadowsinger sat across the booth, a small grin on his mouth as he brought his cup to his lips. Then, you looked towards the dance floor, a sea of moving bodies with each person lost in the rhythm of the music. Sure enough, your gaze settled on Feyre and Rhysand, deeply entwined as they danced against one another, their bodies swaying together.
You returned your gaze to Mor, with her outstretched hands and a pouty face. You grinned, and she let out a small shriek of excitement at your wordless answer.
You placed a hand on Cassian's thigh, giving a small pat as you forced yourself up, the other hand in Mor's grasp. Cass held his hands up to stabilize you.
You turned to face him, your body slightly swaying.
"See ya later, Commander."
You gave him a drunken salute, the gesture slow and sloppy, before Mor whisked you away to the dance floor.
Cassian watched your figure as you retreated to the dance floor, unable to look away. He could still feel the lingering warmth on his thigh from where your hand had rested, as if an imprint of your touch had been left behind– he half-expected to undo his pants and find a charred handprint, a mirror image of yours. Your delicate hands, your soft skin, your slender fingers..... the thought sent a jolt of desire through him.
Stop it. Cassian's brain scolded him.
But still, his gaze drifted to where you were lost in the lively throng of bodies. The live music pulsed around you, guiding your movements as you moved with your usual demeanor of grace. The way you swayed to the rhythm, the fluidity of your gestures, it was mesmerizing. He couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to dance with you the way you were on Mor, without the barriers of friendship. To feel your body pressed against his, to lose himself in the rhythm and the heat that seemed to radiate from both of you.
His eyes trailed your body, taking in every curve and movement, and suddenly, he began to notice the way other males and females were doing the same. 
He felt a growing anger stir within him, an emotion he had never felt before, not when it came to you. It was a possessive rage, a primal instinct that told him he needed to protect you from these observers. The bodies around you, their gazes lingering on your body, only fueled the fire within him. They shouldn't be looking at you like that. They weren't worth your time--- weren't worthy of being able to admire you the way they were. He should do some-
His musings were abruptly interrupted by a chuckle from Azriel.
The sound jolted Cassian back to the present, and he turned to find his brother looking at him with an amused expression. Annoyance crept into Cassian's features as he asked,
Az's amusement deepened, and he replied nonchalantly, "Nothing."
Although Azriel's response seemed innocent, there was a knowing glint in his eyes, a small smirk that he covered by bringing his cup to his lips. Cass was well aware that Az was hinting at something, but he was too lost in his own thoughts to care. All he could focus on was the uncomfortable heat in his stomach, feeling as if he was suffering from intense heartburn. But funnily enough, the feeling only grew heavier when he looked at you. 
Azriel down his drink before grabbing Cassian’s attention.
 "Let's get you another drink."
✹ ✶ 𖧷 ✶✹ 
The night had surrendered to the early hours of the morning, casting a dreamlike glow over the city as you and your friends stumbled out of the vibrant chaos that was Rita's. The streets, now filled with the remnants of the night's revelry, echoed with the laughter and inebriated chatter of others who were also bidding farewell to a night spent well.
You walked alongside Cas and Mor, Feyre and Rhysand a few steps ahead. Azriel had left an hour prior; a smug expression adorned his face as he escorted a striking male with brown hair and green eyes-- the very one who had generously bought him drinks throughout the night.
You looked at the mated pair ahead of you, Rhysand's arm draped casually around Feyre’s shoulder. You watched as he leaned in, whispering something in her ear. Feyre suddenly stilled and turned around, an evident blush lingering on her cheeks. Rhysand looked at her with an amused twinkle in his eyes, then he turned his gaze toward your group, mirthful mischief etched across his face.
"We're not feeling that well, so we're going to go sleep." Rhysand declared, his words dripping with a level of unseriousness that made you want to laugh. But, not even Rhys could take himself seriously, the corners of his mouth soon turning up to form a pearly-white grin. 
Feyre playfully slapped his chest, but the grin on Rhysand’s face grew even wider, brightened by a child-like glee. With a final shared glance, the mated pair left. You smiled to yourself, thinking about how evident the couple’s love was and how much it made you want something similar. 
Before you knew it, only you and Cassian were left. Mor, who had been walking side by side with you both, had halted abruptly. A smile played on her lips. "I've got somewhere I want to go," she announced cryptically, winking before disappearing.
The intoxication in your veins rendered winnowing out of the question – too drunk to focus, and Cassian couldn't fly without risking an aerial mishap that involved either vomit or an unexpected plummet. Both options were less than ideal, so you both continued walking, the cool night air beginning to clear the remnants of your alcohol-induced hazes.
Cassian watched as you moved with a certain lightness, the effects of the drinks still lingering in your movements. Suddenly, you spun around, catching him off guard. His hands flew out instinctively, prepared to catch you if you lost your balance, but you paid no attention to the movement. Instead, you looked up at him with a small frown.
"Hey," you began, your words still slightly slurred. "How come everyone's getting some tonight, and here we are, feeling left out?"
He watched you for a moment, your stature, your slow blinks, how intensely you were staring at him. Cassian grinned. His eyes, veiled by a layer of playful charm, fixated on yours.
"Well, I'm right here,” He declared, “Say the word, and I'm all yours, allll night long.”
Cassain ensured that his words were delivered with a teasing tone, a tone he prayed masked the underlying desire he felt. You didn’t notice. All you could focus on was the burning in your chest, the way your heart tugged at his response. This was nothing out of the usual, Cassian flirted with you all the time. Cassian flirted with everyone.
So you let out a laugh, the sound echoing through the quiet night.
"Oh, please. You're such a pig," you retorted playfully, adding a mockingly dramatic eye roll.  Then you swallowed, forcing your next words out. "Never. Could you imagine?”
You didn’t want to see his face as he answered the question, too worried that it would hurt you in some way if he reacted appalled and disgusted. So, you turned yourself around and began walking again, focusing on the cobblestone road underneath your feet, at the cold air starting to bite at you. 
There was a quiet pause, and then you heard the small laughter of your best friend. He wouldn’t tell you where his mind wandered, now, when he thought of you, wouldn’t acknowledge the hurt that nestled itself quietly in the recesses of his thoughts.
“No. I couldn’t.”  
Another pause. Despite being out in the open, breathing in the fresh night air, you began to feel stuffy. A sense of discomfort wrapped itself around you. 
"How come you didn't go home with anyone?" You asked. You gnawed at your lip, waiting for his response, observing his reaction from the corner of your eye.
Cassian raised an eyebrow. He stopped to look at you, and you stilled, turning slightly to face him. When he gave you no response, you let out a small sigh.
"Y’know, like that one redhead giving you eyes back at the bar." 
You did your best to disguise the subtle irritation lingered in your tone, but beneath it, you felt a sense of bubbling jealousy. How was Cass so unaware? How come you were so aware?
Cassian's eyes widened slightly as he scrambled to recall the moment. Panic briefly flickered in his eyes as he realized he hadn't even noticed anyone else, his attention consumed by you. “Ohhh, her?” He finally responded, “Nah, tonight was just about hanging out with all of you. Y’know, family time.”
You felt a smile tugging at your cheeks. Family time didn’t stop Azriel, or Feyre and Rhysand. In your gut, you knew that it hadn’t stopped Mor either, the look on her face as she left screamed of a sudden lustful advance. Cassian’s answer deeply satisfied a part of you, for reasons you couldn't decipher at the moment. Your smile widened when he gave you a fond smile of his own. 
“Big ole’ sap.” You teased, affectionately nudging him with your shoulder.
You fell into another comfortable rhythm, walking alongside each other in silence as the echoes of night behind you slowly faded. Cassian could hear you humming faintly to yourself and a warmth filled his chest. You often hummed when you walked. When you were drunk, it was always a guarantee. Cass used to use it as a meter for your sobriety, detecting how drunk you were based on how horrible your humming was. Currently, it sounded angelic. But he wasn’t sure if he could trust his own judgment, not now, not when it came to you. Even as you walked side-by-side, he felt the urge to get you closer, made the effort to ensure your hands swung next to one another— that you bumped into his bicep every now and then as you walked. What was wrong with him? And why did you smell so good?
Cass cleared his throat, tilting his head down slightly to look at you.
“So, uh, speaking of people, why didn’t you go home with the bartender?”
You stopped abruptly, caught off guard by question. Cassian, too, halted in his tracks, a subtle maneuver to avoid colliding with your shoulder. Turning to face him, your eyes sought his in the dim light. "The bartender?" Confusion furrowed your brow.
His gaze, laden with an unspoken curiosity, met yours. He chuckled softly, shaking his head.  "Don’t tell me you didn’t notice.”
You paused, your thoughts weaving through the blurred memories of the night. Every image was muddled in your mind, a fusion of moving bodies and your hands picking up new drinks. God, how many did you take? You couldn’t remember. Your memory was hazy, unfocussed. There was only one thing in your mind that shone in perfect clarity– only one person. And it wasn’t the bartender. 
“Guess I didn’t.” You shrugged.
Cassian thought back to the bartender, a handsome male with short brown hair and blue eyes. The way he had stared at you, the way he had smiled. Cass’s mind found the memory of you reaching over the bar, your hand over the bartender’s, leaning in to request another drink. A flash of your smile. He fought the urge to make a face.
"Yup,” He said, “Gave you eyes the entire night. Half surprised they didn't fall out and follow you home."
He didn’t intend to sound bitter, didn’t mean for it to drip from the words he spoke. He couldn’t help it. But, by the look on your face, you hadn’t noticed. Yet again. Cassian let out a breath. It took a moment for his words to settle into your mind, and then you let out a snicker at the image painted by them. He grinned at the sound. 
"Well then, I'm really surprised I didn't notice." 
And you were. You were usually good at these things, at recognizing advances. You picked up on lingering gazes and touches that were one second too long. If Cassian was referring to the bartender you were thinking of, then he had been very attractive. On another night, you would have definitely noticed— and definitely taken the opportunity. But not tonight. Tonight was different, felt different. 
"Can't blame him," Cassian remarked, a touch of sincerity in his voice. "You are beautiful."
You blinked, your mouth parting slightly in shock. The words sent a flutter to your chest, and you could feel heat on your cheeks. You shook it off, letting out a sound of amusement and disbelief. It came out as a quiet snort.  "Shut up."
 "Not even mentioning all the males and females that were ogling you while you danced with Mor."
You opened your mouth to say something, but nothing came out. You were sure that the blush on your cheeks was on full display and only hoped that Cassian would assume it was caused by the chilly night air. You couldn't look at him. Instead, you shook your head, your eyes looking into the distance. Then, you rolled them and scoffed. "Oh, please. Now you’re just lying.”
You felt his eyes on you, still. You slowly moved your head to look at him once more, watching as his expression subtly shifted.
"No, seriously. It's like some couldn't keep their eyes off you." 
Cassian's gaze still lingered on you, unexpectedly soft and genuine. His features bathed in a tender glow, a small smile on his lips. His disheveled hair, tousled by the night's breeze, framed his face in a way that made you itch to rake your fingers through. For a moment, time seemed to pause as you stared at your best friend, your eyes tracing the contours of his shoulders and the majestic wings that adorned his back.
You found yourself taking him in for a minute too long, staring like he wasn’t right in front of you. The realization creeped up on you and you quickly looked away, finding somewhere, anywhere other than his gaze, to focus on. 
"Well, whatever," You muttered, turning yourself around to continue walking forward. You heard Cassian’s steps pick up behind you. “I’m over being casual. I’m tired of being with lame males who never make me finish, males who are so boring and entitled, males that are so stupid I begin to question my life decisions. All of it.”
Cassian's eyes widened in surprise, his mind racing as he tried to process what you had offhandedly mentioned. "Wait, what?" he said, his voice filled with confusion. "No one has ever made you finish?"
You weren’t paying full attention to what Cassian was saying, too caught up in your own thoughts and monologue about your new aversion to casual hookups. You waved him off, continuing to walk forward. 
Cassian's mind raced with thoughts of you and the males you had been with. He pictured you together, each of them trying their best to please you, their faces contorted with effort, their bodies moving in a frenzy. He pictured some outright ignoring your experience, jackknifing again and again, rutting into you like wild animals. But in his mind's eye, you remained distant, your face bored and vacant, making noises for show.
He wanted to growl. He could do better, could give you the pleasure and satisfaction that those males had failed to provide. The thought was intoxicating, and he couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to be with you, to make you feel the way you deserved. Had they truly not taken the time to worship you? To explore your body, pray to it like it was sacred?
His mind painted a picture of you together, your bodies entwined, a room filled with the smell of sex. He saw himself looking into your eyes, his focus on your pleasure. You moaning underneath him, wrapping your arms around his neck and whispering his name. Cassian. Cassian. The image was intoxicating— he felt a stirring in his cock, a longing that settled heavy in his stomach.
But it was short lived. Quickly, a sense of guilt washed through him, flooding through his veins. Here you were, talking about your life and feelings, and he was imagining you naked, underneath him, your face contorted in pleasure. He shouldn’t be doing this. He shouldn’t be thinking of this. He should be listening to you, his best friend, and giving you advice. He aggressively shoved his thoughts away, putting a lock on the visions of you that were manifesting in his mind. With a deep breath, he told his deteriorating self-discipline that he could think of those beautiful images later, when it was just him and his hand in the solace of his room.
He found himself grateful that you were walking ahead of him, that the night air provided a distraction, a physical discomfort that could dampen his desires. It was cold out now, the breeze seemingly more nippy. It sobered him up, ridding the effects of the alcohol in his veins and his drunken feelings of lust.
It was cold out. His eyes snapped up to you walking ahead of him, rubbing your arms absentmindedly. You were cold. How had he not realized?
Because you’re a horny prick who can’t seem to remember your place in her life. His mind screamed at him. He knew it was right. 
"I just want to find someone who can connect with me on a deeper level. Someone who sees me.” You said with a defeated sigh. You stopped for a minute, looking back as Cassian caught up to you, the war general having fallen behind, distracted by his own thoughts. 
Finally reaching you, he gave you a look that you’d never seen before, and you slightly frowned from being unable to read him. But soon, his face softened, and he put his hand on your arm. The touch was tender, despite his large, rough hands, and it sent a warmth throughout your body that combated the cool air. 
"Y'know, you could get anyone you wanted." 
His voice, sincere and quiet, took the breath out of your lungs. 
Well, not anyone. The thought flitted through your mind. You ignored it. 
He smiled at you, a warmth in his gaze that set your heart on fire. “Lets get you home.”
Cassian draped his arm around you, his hand rubbing your biceps as you instinctively leaned into the comforting gesture. When his wings flared out and curled around you both, you felt the flutter in your chest again, a faint warm glow. This time, you let it sit.
✹ ✶ 𖧷 ✶✹ 
Cassian's ability to fly gradually returned with the waning effects of the alcohol, and the rest of the way home had been filled with comfortable silence. You felt the familiar comfort of home envelop you the minute you stepped foot inside, and your room called to you, to your aching body and pounding headache. 
As soon as you entered, you didn't waste a moment – walking straight to your bed and simply falling face flat, a groan escaping from your lips. You could feel the throbbing in your head, every movement causing a reaction in both your scalp and deep in your stomach, where a growing sense of nausea was brewing. 
"You're gonna be in pain in the morning." Cassian remarked with a chuckle, watching your less-than-graceful landing.
You groaned again, the sound muffled by your sheets. A moment passed, and you heard the sound of Cassian removing his shoes, soon followed by a dip in the bed as he settled in and made himself comfortable. He sighed.
"Gods. Your bed is so damn comfortable."
You lifted your head to look at him, his head leaning on your headboard as he breathed softly. He looked so peaceful, no tension in his face or his body, his eyes closed with the ghost of a content smile on his lips. 
“You can sleep here tonight,” You said, “If you’d like.” 
The offer felt charged with something you couldn’t quite name, and you felt vulnerable for proposing the idea. Sure, you and Cassian had slept in the same bed together before, but never when you were attracted to him, turned on by his lips touching your ear. Maybe it was a bad idea. You should send him on his way before he gets too comfortable... right?
Cassian's eyes opened, finding your own. "Really?"
Good ideas be damned.
You nodded. "Just don't hog the bed."
You watched as he smiled and settled himself in further, still clad in his button up and trousers. The pounding in your head had slowly calmed to a dull ache, a momentary relief that you knew was bound to end soon. Taking advantage of it, you made a move to push yourself up and get ready for bed, bracing yourself on your forearms. A wave of nausea ran through you again, and your mind began to conjure up images of every drink you had tonight. You groaned.
You let out a deep breath. “Yes?” 
Cassian could hear the discomfort in your voice, and he sat up straighter, looking at where you lay at the edge of your bed, your head hanging, slightly tilted downwards towards your bed as your forehead resting on your hands. 
“Whats going on?” He said, moving closer to you on the bed. You could feel his body next to your head, his thighs rubbing against your forearms.
“Lots of drinks.” You responded, squeezing your eyes shut. “Too many.”
Cass gave a small chuckle, his hand moving to rest on your head. You felt him run his hand through your hair, felt it settle near your neck, right by your shoulders. He moved it in circular motions. 
“Let me help you.” His voice was calm and gentle. For a second, you wondered how he was perfectly fine, but then you remembered how well he could hold his alcohol and how quickly he could sober up, if needed. You felt grateful for the latter as you nodded against your hands. 
Cassian stood up and slowly wrapped his arm around your back, settling his hand on your shoulder. Then, with the other, he gently took a hold of your forearm, guiding you up from your hunched position. 
You didn’t think much as you let Cass guide you, you could feel him next to you, his arms stabilizing you as he helped you maneuver over to the other side of your bed. The whole world felt like it was moving too fast, as if you were the only thing in slow motion. You simultaneously cursed yourself for tonight while wishing you could teleport to four hours ago when you were wasted and the world was perfect.
“You think you can get out of your dress?” He asked you, as he helped you sit down on your bed.
You nodded, looking up at him with a faint smile. “Yeah. Can you…” 
Cassian turned to the armoire your outstretched finger pointed to. He nodded. You closed your eyes for a minute, taking another deep breath as you heard him open a drawer and then close it.
“Here.” His voice was still as smooth as before, calm and gentle. It sent a shiver through your body, and you found your heartbeat quickening. Not now, you scolded yourself, you’re on the verge of vomiting. You needed to get a grip. You grabbed the soft nightgown from his hand and Cassian quickly turned around, giving you some privacy. 
Your dress was easy to peel off, the small straps sliding off your shoulders with no resistance. You felt the cool air bite at your exposed chest, and quickly pulled the night stress over your head. Then, you carefully stood up, allowing your dress to slide down your legs, and your nightgown to fall properly on your body. 
You felt a blush rise to your cheeks as you looked at Cassian, his back facing to you, his beautiful wings flared out comfortably. A part of you felt so vulnerable with him now, with the way he was touching you, how you had looked at him tonight. Cassian always helped you when you were drunk, it was nothing new, but the feeling lingered nonetheless. You cleared your throat.
“Thank you,” You said, looking at Cass as he turned back around. He couldn’t help as his eyes surveyed your body, and he gave you a small grin. 
“Oh, how cute.” 
You gave him a small glare, smacking his chest with your hand. And then you slowly crawled into your bed, taking note of how Cassian’s hand hovered over your back until you were settled. He grabbed your covers for you, placing them on you.
“I feel like I’m taking care of a child.” He joked, and you let out a little scoff. He only laughed at your response. 
“Just take off your clothes and come sleep before I kick you out.” 
You could see the restraint in his face as he stifled his laughter. You could already hear it, a joke about you wanting him naked, a tease about taking him to dinner first. But, instead, Cassian let out a quiet laugh. “Okay.” 
You burrowed yourself into your bed, closing your eyes and embracing the warmth of the covers, how nice the soft mattress felt on your aching body. Behind you, you heard the sound of pants and a belt falling to the ground, and within seconds, there was a dip in the bed. Cassian’s smell filled your nose and you welcomed it in, a scent that reminded you of peaceful nights and crackling fires. 
“Cass?” You said, slowly turning yourself over to face him. You felt him shift, getting comfortable into the bed, and then he was turning to face you as well. 
“Yeah?” He whispered, his voice low.
“Thank you.”
You closed your eyes, your nose still filled with the smell of your best friend, his heat radiating onto your skin. You were out within seconds.
✹ ✶ 𖧷 ✶✹ 
The air was charged with the metallic tang of sweat and the rhythmic sounds of swords clashing. It was a sight to behold, truly. Azriel and Cassian were both incredibly skilled in combat and their sparring matches were always your favorite to watch. Not only was it beautiful to see, with their fluid motions and strong forms, but it helped you pick up on things you wanted to practice yourself— and any weaknesses you could exploit when you practiced with them. Today, you observed Cassian with a focused intensity as he moved gracefully through his training routine, each motion deliberate and powerful. You found yourself unable to look away, suddenly feeling drymouthed and distracted, swallowing hard. You brought your hand to your mouth, your thumb wiping at your lip as you watched. 
Were you attracted to Cassian? 
No. The sudden heat you were feeling was due to the heavy sun above you, the strong rays hitting you and your slight dehydration. It had nothing to do with the sweaty, built, and beautiful body of your best friend. It definitely wasn’t the way his muscles rippled as he moved, or the way his sweat lined his abs…
"Enjoying the show, babe?"
You let out a small gasp in surprise, turning your head to the side as Mor approached you, a grin on her red-painted lips.
“You scared the fuck out of me.” You said, bringing your hand to your chest in an attempt to calm the quickened beating of your heart.
“I’ve never been able to catch you so off guard,” She mused. “Guess they’re real entertaining today, huh?”
You pursed your lips and looked back over to the two males sparring. They took a step back from one another, taking a momentary break to catch their breaths. Cassian looked over at you, his half-bun had unraveled during the intense training session, with strands of his tousled hair clinging to his forehead, glistening with sweat.
As he caught your gaze, Cassian grinned, a playful glint in his eyes. With a wave of his hand, he gestured toward Azriel, attempting to convey his strategy for the upcoming sparring match. You felt a smile pull at your cheeks as Cassian switched between hovering his hands around his neck to mimic an action of strangulation, and gesturing towards Azriel. Az stood unamused, wiping his forehead with his wrist before taking a large sip of water.
Beside you, Mor observed the scene with a raised eyebrow, a hint of suspicion crossing her features. Her gaze flickered between you and Cassian, and a look of realization slowly went through her face. She turned towards you with a slight gasp, smacking your bicep playfully.
"Y/n! Did you two…?"
You turned your head fast to look at her at a speed so fast that you swore you gave yourself whiplash. You looked at her with narrow eyes. “Did we what?”
Mor's grin widened as she leaned in conspiratorially. "Did you and Cassian have a little training of your own, off the sparring mat?" She teased with a wink.
You scoffed, waving her off with a gesture of your hand. You could feel a blush on your cheeks and you prayed that Mor didn’t notice— or if she did, that she attributed it to the sweltering heat.
"No, Mor! We didn't.” You responded, then you made a face of disgust. “We’re talking about Cassian. I could never.”
Mor raised an eyebrow playfully. "Are you sure about that? Because, darling, you've been staring at him like he's a piece of prime meat, and you're a starved vegetarian about to crumble."
Your cheeks burned brighter.
“Such a beautiful image, Mor, thank you for that,” You murmured, rolling your eyes before looking at her. “But that is not what I was doing. I was just… watching his technique. That's all."
Mor's laughter rang through the air as she nudged you. "Sureeee. Whatever you say. But you might want to consider admitting it to yourself before the starved vegetarian inside you takes over completely."
Flustered and unsure of how to respond, you excused yourself with a mumbled, "I don't know what you're talking about," before hastily leaving the training arena, leaving Mor's laughter echoing behind you as she followed.
✹ ✶ 𖧷 ✶✹ 
You and Cass hadn’t had time together within the past week and a half. You were busy running off with Mor and Feyre, and when you weren’t with them, Amren took your attention. Cassian himself had been busy, too, but he couldn’t focus recently, not as well as usual. The last time he’d been able to properly see you, as you observed him and Azriel training, you left before he had a chance to talk to you. You hadn’t felt Cassian's eyes follow you as you left, didn’t notice the way he traced your figure. His gaze had stayed trained on you until you were out of his line of sight, and only then had he felt the presence of Az behind him. But he was too slow, and the Shadowsinger quickly disarmed him, flipping him onto his back with a loud thud.
Cassian had let out a groan followed by a string of obscenities aimed at his brother, who quickly made a comment about him being too distracted. Azriel was right. He was too distracted. His mind was completely and utterly obsessed with you. 
In fact, Cassian felt like a mad man. There was a deep ache that had settled in his chest, one that weaved itself through his ribs. He’d never felt so starved, so hungry. But his delusions, the dreams he’d been having, the fantasies that manifested in his brain, they weren’t sweet enough to satiate his hunger anymore. What he wanted was you. And he couldn’t stop picturing it, couldn't stop indulging in his thoughts. Not since that night at Rita’s. 
He’d fallen asleep with you after he’d helped you get into bed, closed his eyes after you thanked him. It was the best sleep he’d gotten in months, made even better when he woke up perfectly rested, rolling over in your comfortable bed to see you. He won’t admit how long he was staring at you, at your sleeping form, your hair fanned out across your pillow. Even with your makeup slightly smeared– a fact that made him feel guilty that he had forgotten to help you wash it off– you were breathtaking. He wondered why he never really noticed it this much before.
Cassian tried his best tonight, laying in his bed after the long day. Restless, he tossed and turned. At one point he considered getting ready and flying somewhere, going to train and practice, or finding some beautiful female to replace the thoughts he had of you. Both options sounded nauseating. So, instead, he pulled himself out of bed and slowly walked around, letting out a yawn and rubbing at his eyes. The hallways were quiet, illuminated by the moon in the night sky. 
When he rounded the corner to the kitchen, he stopped in his tracks, his heart quickly jumping. He blinked, letting his eyes adjust to the low lighting, and then readily took in the sight in front of him.
There you were, a vision of beauty, leaning gracefully into the fridge. The top part of your body concealed by the door, leaving Cassian with a tantalizing view of your legs. The silk set you wore clung to you in all the right places, the fabric catching the subtle glow of flickering faelight, accentuating the curves that commanded his attention.
Fuck. He couldn’t tell if this was a dream or a nightmare for him in his current state. 
As he stood there, silently observing, you straightened up. Your hands, adorned with an elegant grace, held onto something within the fridge as you turned to close it. You turned your head slightly and your eyes met his. A wave of warmth washed over Cassian. 
"Cass?" Your voice was quiet, the surprise in your eyes quickly replaced by recognition. For a moment, time seemed to stand still. You stood tall, a small plate of mixed berries in your hand. He wasn’t surprised, though, you always had such strange midnight cravings. Still slack-jawed and captivated, Cassian tried to find the words to break the silence. He watched as your face softened and your brows pulled together. “Cant sleep?” You asked.
He blinked. And then shook his head. “Nope.” He finally replied.
You smiled, a warm and inviting expression that made Cassian's heart skip a beat, and made a motion with your head to call him closer to you. You pulled yourself onto the counter, swinging your feet as they hung. Cassian settled next to you, leaning against the counter. The cold slight touch of the cold surface on his bare back sent a chill through his body. His wings nestled comfortably behind him.
Cassian watched you as you hummed quietly, bringing the berries to your mouth. He watched the way your lips wrapped around them, the way your throat moved as you swallowed. His thoughts went straight to his cock, feeling a stirring that had him fighting to maintain his composure.
Get it together. His mind echoed. He sorted through his thoughts, then he looked up at you.  “I’ve missed you this week.” He confessed.
You paused, bringing a strawberry away from your lips. Turning to look at him, you gave him a dimpled smile. "Well, you didn’t have to wait until the dead of the night to find me,” You responded. “I’ve missed you, too.”
Cassian mirrored your smile and then let out a deep breath. Despite fighting back his intrusive thoughts about you not even minutes ago, his heart was steady and calm. He could feel a sense of relief wash through his body as he stood next to you, watching you eat. The silence was comfortable— your presence was comfortable. Something warm, something familiar, something that felt like home. 
“Want one?” You offered, holding your plate towards him. He glanced at you, then at the plate, and then at you again. His eyebrow raised.
“C’monnnn,” You said, your voice light and amused, “Every healthy male needs to eat his fruits and vegetables.”
Cassian let out a chuckle. “At three in the morning?”
You shrugged casually. “I don’t think the time matters.” You popped a blueberry in your mouth, looking at him. Then you picked one up from the plate, reaching your hand out to his face, the fruit hovering in front of his lips. “They’re nice and fresh and cold.”
He couldn’t say no to you. Not when you were looking at him like that. 
With a reluctant smile, Cassian moved to take it from your outstretched hand, but you intervened, a softness in your eyes. "Allow me," you said. He responded with a subtle nod. Holding the berry delicately between your fingers, you brought it to his mouth. For a second, your finger brushed against his lips, a small fleeting touch, the ghost of a sensation. An unexpected surge of electricity coursed through him, leaving a tingling sensation in its wake as it moved throughout his body. 
His gaze locked onto yours, your attentive eyes and your mouth slightly parted. Like many other things, you’d done this before, had given Cassian food straight to his mouth. But in the stillness of the night, with the glow on your soft skin and your silk set, Cass struggled to breathe. 
A slight grin played on your lips as Cassian, still entranced, tasted the berry you had fed him. He chewed slowly, deliberately, and then swallowed. "See?" you said in a soft, teasing tone, “And it probably tasted better with me feeding you it like some God. You’re welcome.”
Cassian, still under the spell of your touch, let out a small breath. "You're always right, aren't you?"
You met his gaze, a quiet confidence in your eyes. "It's part of my charm," you replied, the words carrying a hint of playfulness. He watched as you returned your attention to your plate, finishing the last of the berries that adorned it. You looked over at him. "It's getting late," you said, dropping down from the counter. "I should probably get some sleep."
As you stood up and stretched, Cassian's eyes followed the movement, taking in the curve of your ass as you arched your back. Your silk set rode up slightly, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of your stomach. He felt a surge of desire that made him both embarrassed and excited, like he was a 16 year old again, ready to fuck anything near him. Cassian allowed his eyes to wander back up, taking in the sight of your chest, the way the silk set clung to your breasts, the subtle rise and fall of your breaths. He felt his mouth water.
You rolled your shoulders, turning to look at him with a subtle furrow in your brow.  
“You okay?”
Cassian cleared his throat, shaking off his thoughts. If he didn’t know any better, he would think that there was a blush rising to his cheeks, a heat he was suddenly aware of on his face. 
“Yeah,” He responded, his voice huskier than intended, “Just tired.”
You shot Cassian a mildly unconvinced look with a subtle raise of your eyebrows, but gave him a half-smile, anyways. “Get some rest, Cass,” You said softly, “See you tomorrow.”
Cassian stayed still, eerily still, as he watched you walk away, watched your legs move and the way the fabric of your clothes rippled as you walked. When you were out of eyesight, he let out a deep breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. Then he titled his head and let out a groan at the ceiling. He took a minute to compose himself, to attempt to regulate the blood in his body– blood that was moving straight to the heat collecting like a pool in his chest. Rubbing his hands along his face, Cassian slowly headed for his room. The quiet of the night that once soothed him now felt like a void, one that yearned for your voice again, for you. 
By the time he made it to his room, Cassian’s mind was filled with images of you– of the silk material sliding across your skin, of the way your lips wrapped around the berries, of him bending you over the counter. Gods. Feeling the strain of his desire, Cassian reached down and started to stroke himself through his pants, the loose and thin material of his sweatpants doing little to buffer the friction from his palms. He felt a deep groan leave his mouth at the image of you in front of him, kneeling with your eyes wide and hungry, your lips parted, ready for him. 
He slid his hand into the waistband of his sweatpants, his fingers brushing against the sensitive skin of his cock. He pulled his pants and briefs down his legs, letting his throbbing length fall against his stomach as wrapped his hands around himself. Cassian worked himself in smooth strokes, swallowing every time his thumb grazed the head of his cock. He let his mouth fall open as he imagined you, imagined your body moving beneath him, your eyes locked on him as he took you. 
Closing his eyes, Cassian thought of the sound of your moans, fantasizing about how your breath would quicken, how your body would tremble with pleasure as he satisfied your desires. His hand moved faster, his grip tightening as the images in his mind grew more detailed— every sound you’ve emitted to him before, every laugh, every grunt as you trained, every soft sigh, all began to morph together into one beautiful melody. You’re moaning underneath him, desperate, all-consuming, so hungry for him that you’re forced to stifle your whimpers with the back of your hand.
Cassian felt the tension coiling in his body, the tightness in his balls, and the warmth spreading through his body. He imagined you writhing underneath him, your hips chasing his every thrust, your body arching beneath him, eyes filled with pleasure as he filled you with his seed. His orgasm hits him fast, his body trembling with the force of his release as he painted his stomach with the evidence of his desire.
Even after he’d cleaned himself off, after he’d submerged himself in a cold bath, Cassian’s mind still lingered on you, on your silk set, on your lips— on your laugh. And as he tossed and turned in bed once more, Cass realized he was completely fucked. 
✹ ✶ 𖧷 ✶✹ 
"What's got you so flustered?" Mor asked, a playful smirk dancing on her lips.
Mor knew exactly why you were so flustered. Her, Amren, and Feyre had guessed it from the beginning— the subtle touching and lingering gazes. You liked Cassian, like-liked Cassian. And until now, you had refused to admit it. 
As you remembered the moment with Cassian a mere three nights ago, a blush crept onto your cheeks. You ran your hands down your face and let out a groan. Feyre and Mor exchanged amused glances. 
“He walked in shirtless!” You exclaimed, your voice still slightly covered by your hands running down your face. “Gods, I didn’t know what to do. I just kept shoving berries in my mouth. And then I kept trying to find a reason to touch him but I couldn’t.”
Feyre, who sat next to you with her legs to the side, comfortably nestled into the crook of the couch, leaned forward, looking at you with expectant eyes. “So what did you do?” She asked.
You shifted in your seat, avoiding eye contact by focusing on a loose thread on the couch. "I gave him a berry." Your voice was quiet. You spared Feyre a glance under your brow. When you saw her face crinkle in amusement, you quickly looked away, nervously twirling the thread between your fingers. It snapped quickly. 
From in front of you, Mor stared, her brows furrowed and mouth slightly parted. “You gave him… a berry?” She leaned back, a look of intrigue on her face.
You nodded slowly, aware of how lame it sounded. “Yes. I fed him a berry.” You said, looking up at her.
"And?" Feyre asked. 
You pursed your lips and glanced at her, and then bounced your vision around the room. There was a deep sense of embarrassment that bubbled in your stomach, a feeling that made you want to hide away. You were flustered, more than you had ever been, and it was due to your best friend shirtless in the kitchen. You felt like a schoolgirl with a crush— and it was humiliating. But looking at both of your friends, so eagerly sitting, you let out a breath and word-vomited them the truth. 
“And I’ve never been so aroused by someone's lips and the faint feeling of stubble! Gods, what do I do?” You lifted your hands up in exasperation, finding yourself sinking further into the couch. Crossing your arms, you huffed in frustration. Your cheeks flushed, and you could feel the heat radiating from them.
“I know what to do.”  Mor said, matter-of-factly. She leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise. "You do?" Your hands dropped to your lap and you leaned forward.
"Yes. You need to get laid." Mor's tone was casual.
Your eyes widened. "W-What?" Your jaw dropped.
Mor only nodded her head affirmatively, jutting her chin out towards Feyre next to you. “She agrees.”
 You shot a look to Feyre, who stared at you with wide eyes. She gave you a sheepish smile. “I mean…” She trailed off, looking towards Mor for help. You followed her gaze and turned your head to the blonde once more. 
"We’re going to Ritas," Mor declared. She stood up, a confident sway to her hips as she moved towards the door.
"But we went last week," You protested. Mor stopped in her place and turned around to look at you with feigned innocence. 
"Oh, I’m sorry,” She said, bringing her delicate hand to her chest, “I didn’t realize it was illegal to go out two weekends in a row." 
You tilted your head and threw her an unamused look, but Mor only grinned at you. When you let out a defeated sigh and shook your head, she knew she had won and looked towards Feyre.
“Amren will come, too. It’ll be a girls night. Right, Fey?” 
Feyre smiled and turned to look at you, meeting your gaze. “Right.” She affirmed. She leaned forward, placing a soft hand on your bicep. “It’ll be fun.”
✹ ✶ 𖧷 ✶✹ 
When the day began winding down, Mor returned from her apartment, arms heavy with dresses. She strolled into your room, Amren in tow, with the same grin from earlier. Looking towards where you and Feyre sat on your couch, she let out an excited squeal. “Tonight is going to be great.”
You glanced at Amren, who merely gave you a small quirk of her lips before planting herself down on the seat opposite of you, watching as Mor dumped her pile of clothes on your bed. 
You casted a glance at the pile of dresses, each with their own gorgeous vibrant color and delicate fabrics. You looked over at Mor. “Couldn’t decide on what to wear?” You mused. You pulled yourself up and walked towards her, examining the dresses on your bed. You brought the fabric of one between your fingers, feeling the delicate silk. 
Mor let out a laugh, bringing her hand to your arm. She looked at you with an amused glance. “Oh babe, these aren’t for me.” 
You frowned at her, and then your face fell. “Oh, these are for me?”
She nodded excitedly. Looking behind you towards Amren and Feyre. “Tell her how beautiful these would look on her.”
You didn’t look back, instead running your hands across the pile of elegant dresses. It wasn’t that you didn’t love them. Each dress was gorgeous in its own right, and if they belonged to Mor, you knew that they would look even better on– sexy, even. But you frowned slightly at the idea of dressing up to go to Rita’s with the goal of getting noticed. Unlike times before, it didn’t seem appealing. But perhaps you were overthinking. After all, the past two weeks had left you in your head too much. 
Feyre craned her head slightly, watching as you stared at the dresses. “They are beautiful, Y/n.” 
You let out a small sigh. This was good for you. Mor was right, you needed to get laid. You hadn’t fucked in a while. With all the tension and stress you’d been feeling, the worries about Koschei and impending doom, it made sense that your desires would manifest in someone familiar like Cassian, right? You nodded to yourself at the thought and then smiled. “Tell me which to try on first.”
You eyed the first dress Mor handed you. It was a stunning creation, soft and open, with a low neckline that hinted at just the right amount of allure. The fabric shimmered in the faelight of your room. As you slipped it on, the dress clung to your figure, accentuating curves you didn't always pay attention to. But it didn’t feel right. The straps felt a bit too loose, and as you turned to check yourself in the mirror, you realized the openness that had seemed so alluring was now making you uneasy.
Amren’s eyes narrowed. “No.” 
You nodded in agreement, tugging at the neckline. "Yeah, I think I’ll pass."
Feyre chimed in with a supportive smile. "Let's try the next one. Maybe it'll capture the right feeling. Yeah?” She turned her head to the side, motioning towards some dresses that Mor stood over as she sorted through them. Each dress was a different variation of red, Mor’s beautiful statement color and one that screamed confidence and grace. Surely Mor owned more than red, you thought. Why had she decided that you both were going to adorn her signature color tonight? You didn’t think too long about it, your gaze fixed on yourself in the mirror. 
After a few more desperate tries, and Amren’s decreasing confidence in Mor’s styling abilities, the blonde reached into the pile of dresses and pulled out a final dress that had you releasing a small gasp. The fabric was a deep, rich ruby red that seemed to absorb the light around it. As you slipped into the dress, the material clung to your curves, accentuating your silhouette. The neckline dipped low, revealing just enough to be tantalizing without feeling excessive, and you appreciated how naturally your breasts fell underneath it. The open back was a work of art, adorned with delicate jewels that cascaded down like a waterfall, drawing attention to the graceful curve of your spine.
You took a moment before looking at your friends. However, it was Amren specifically that you turned to for a decision, meeting her gaze. She let her eyes run down your figure before looking at you. The corners of her mouth tilted upwards as she gave you a small nod. “This is the one, girl.” 
Feyre and Mor watched as you turned to examine yourself in the mirror. The dress opened at the hips, showcasing your thighs and legs. The overall effect was breathtaking, a harmonious blend of elegance and desire. Mor's eyes lit up with satisfaction. "Gods, you look so sexy." 
You met Mor’s gaze in the mirror.  “No ones going to be able to take their eyes off you,” She gushed, “You’ll have your fair pick of females and males.” You let your mind drift off as Mor continued to babble, feeling Feyre’s hands running through your hair as she twirled the strands between her fingers, deciding how she wanted to help you style it. You took in your appearance in the mirror, eyes roaming over the dress once more, over how well it accentuated your body. It wasn’t until your gaze was drifting up that you noticed the figure in the doorway, your heart stopping. 
With a smirk playing on her lips, Amren’s voice rang out. "Hello, Cassian."
You, Feyre, and Mor turned in unison to the doorway, where Cassian stood  wide-eyed and still. He paled slightly and swallowed. You felt a flush creep up your neck, your hand flying to your collarbone in an anxious movement. Despite the confidence the perfect dress had given you moments ago, the presence of Cassian in the doorway had thrown you off balance. His eyes roamed your body, tracing where the dress fell at your feet up to its neckline, and all the skin it revealed. His wings twitched behind him, falling slightly. You rubbed at the spot that your hand lay at. 
Cassian, still caught off guard, stammered slightly. "I... uh, was just coming to see if you wanted to hang out." You felt your face soften, giving him a smile. Before you could respond, Mor waved him off dismissively.
 "Oh, sorry. She’s busy," she said with a tight smile. You casted a quick glance at her before giving your best friend an apologetic one. His gaze lingered on you, running up your figure once more– the heat in his gaze felt like it was lighting you on fire, and you bit the inside of your cheek. 
"I can see that.” He said. He cleared his throat. “So, uh, what's going on?" His eyes darted between the dresses thrown across your bed and to the girls surrounding you, each wearing beautiful, elegant gowns of their own. He didn’t miss the way Amren looked at him in amusement, or how her gaze trailed to you as she did so. 
Feyre looked between you two before answering. “It's girls night," she explained, “We’re going to Ritas.”
Mor, however, turned around with a large grin. "Y/n is getting laid tonight!" she announced with unabashed enthusiasm.
Cassian's eyes widened, and he blinked rapidly as if trying to process the information. A sizzling sense of jealousy formed in his chest and he breathed out from his nose. The room fell silent for a moment before he finally managed to sputter out “I thought you were over casual flings?” 
You bashfully stuttered, feeling a touch of awkwardness in the tense atmosphere, a small lump in the back of your throat, "Oh, well..." Your eyes searched for the right words, and you caught Mor's gaze, her curious stare making you feel a bit more exposed than you'd anticipated. "I don't know. We'll see." You shrugged slightly, giving him a close-mouthed smile. 
Feyre and Amren exchanged glances, their eyes bouncing between you and Cassian. You didn’t catch it. Mor wanted to laugh, but instead she pressed her lips together and circled you, taking in the image of you in the dress.  "I bet she'll have to fight off people tonight," she mused, casting a sly look in Cassian's direction. "Wouldn't you agree, Cassian?" Feyre’s head swung over to Mor and she gave her a tight look, her eyes widening slightly. Unaffected, the blonde looked back at her with an innocent face. What? She mouthed. 
Cass was staring at you, unmoving and chest rising rapidly. You took in his casual wear, how his hair hung loosely, some strands in front of his face. He was looking at you with an intensity in gaze that you’d never felt before, a heat that made you feel like you were on fire. You swallowed, and then bit your lip, watching as his eyes took in those movements too. Having not fully registered Mor's question, he stammered again, "I—uh, what?"
Mor's grin widened, and she feigned innocence. "Oh, nothing. I'm just saying that she looks so beautiful. Tell her how beautiful she looks."
Cassian casted a quick glance at Morrigan, but quickly his eyes settled back to the place they were at before– your face, your body, you. You blushed at Mor's pointed comment. His eyes ran down your figure once more, seeming to trace the lines of the dress. You continued to rub nervously at your collarbone, the heightened attention making you slightly self-conscious. 
Cassian, finally finding his words, cleared his throat. "You do look... incredible," he admitted, his eyes still fixed on you. You wondered if your friends were suddenly feeling smothered too, if something in the air was making it hard for them to breathe. Your heartbeat echoed in your ears. You resisted the urge to gulp down another nervous breath. Mor let out a small sound of agreement before she looked over at the illyrian male.
"Okay, thats enough gawking, Cassian. We all know Y/n is hot. Now leave us be. Go find Az or Rhys or something," she declared. Your eyes widened slightly, and Cassian shook his head, his mouth slightly parting. Caught between embarrassment and amusement, he took Mor's words in stride. “Right.” He responded with a smile.
He turned around to leave, but before fully retreating, he stole one last glance in your direction. You noticed the subtle, lingering look on his face—an admiring gaze, accompanied by a fleeting lick of his lips. There was a certain longing in his eyes that didn't go unnoticed. Then, you watched as a different expression overcame his features. He walked out before you had a chance to examine it further. 
✹ ✶ 𖧷 ✶✹ 
You let out a small laugh as Mor continued to compliment you, talking over her shoulder as you, Feyre, and Amren followed her, approaching the main foyer. Your laughter died as Mor stopped in her tracks and frowned slightly. 
"What are you guys doing?" She asked, a mix of surprise and annoyance in her voice. As you caught up to where she stood, you were greeted with the unexpected sight of Cassian, Azriel, and Rhysand standing in front of the door, seemingly waiting for you. Dressed in impeccably tailored suits, each of them exuded a distinctive charm. The realization hit you—the look on Cassian’s face as he departed from your room earlier, the sense of determination, the lingering cue of playfulness. He had gone and convinced them both to join. 
You couldn't help but appreciate the attention to detail in how they looked, and Cassian, in particular, stood out. His wings, a symbol of his power and grace that you adored, were confidently spread, and his slicked-back hair added a touch of elegance to his rugged charm. He not only looked good, he looked absolutely delicious. You didn’t attempt to hide the look on your face as you took him in. 
Finally ripping your eyes from your best friend, you looked behind him, to where Azriel sat, his face donning its usual cool expression, but you could sense it- the hint of annoyance that laid underneath it. Meanwhile, next to him, Rhysand sported a large, confident grin. A grin that Cassian mirrored, but with a touch less confidence, his eyes flickering between you and the others. Amren, observing the situation with her usual detached demeanor, glanced at Rhysand and deadpanned, "You're coming with us."
Rhysand's grin widened, and he nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely! Girls' night, right?" He threw his mate a wink. You heard her stifle some laughter. 
Cassian, scratching the back of his head, added with a sheepish smile, "Figured we'd join the fun. Tonight’s been a bit boring." He gestured around him. Then his gaze fell on you. For what felt like the millionth time tonight, his eyes raked over you and you blinked, catching his gaze when it fell on your face. “You don’t mind, do you?”
You didn’t mind.  Not one bit, you thought. If he kept looking at you like that, with those eyes and that heated gaze, you wouldn’t mind a thing he did. He could ask you for anything right now, and you’d say yes. Yes, yes, just keep staring at me like that. Like you see me, like you want me. 
Mor scoffed, "Yes, we do mind!" She turned to you, looking for support. "Tell them it's a girls night."
All eyes turned to you, and you felt a flutter of uncertainty. There was Cassian, his eyes locked onto yours, examining you, your every feature, your every move. The heat of his eyes had started to pooled down at your thighs. You clenched everything below your waist as you hesitated for a moment, still caught in the intensity of his gaze. Mor's impatience grew, and she raised an expectant eyebrow. "Well?"
You lingered on Cassian, and despite Mor's expectant face, you found yourself saying, "No, I don't mind."
Mor's expression shifted from annoyance to resignation, and she let out a dramatic sigh. "Fine."
Cassian's face brightened with a grin, "I promise, Mor, it'll be so fun." His attention turned towards you, walking to you with a soft, but charming grin. "Allow me." He extended his elbow, and without hesitation, you interlocked your hand with his. The touch was comforting and warm, and his scent enveloped you as he guided you towards the exit. You closed your eyes with a content sigh. 
The fragrance that clung to him was intoxicating. Maybe it was a bad idea to invite him tonight, to let him join you and the girls. The dress you were wearing gave you an inflated sense of confidence that you hadn’t felt for a while, and as you walked alongside Cassian, you wondered if it would truly be so bad to indulge in your thoughts of him. To think of his hands, the some ones with you right now, and how they would trace your body the way his eyes had this evening. You felt your arousal bubbling up at the thought of it. It was all in innocent fun, right? You could think of him, enjoy this touch, fantasize about him, as long as that's all it was— thoughts in your mind, away from reality, an idea that you never let come to fruition. 
✹ ✶ 𖧷 ✶✹ 
You had to admit, Mor was right. Rita’s was definitely the move tonight. Somehow it was even more lively than last week, bustling with people and energy. You weren’t as intoxicated as last time, not anywhere near it, but you felt drunk all the same. And you weren’t ashamed to admit, now, that your drunken haze was all caused by one thing: your extremely attractive best friend. 
You and Cass had lost the rest of your group a while back, pulled into a drink off with a beautiful fae couple. Cassian and you had won every single round, leaving you standing at the bar now, celebrating with another round of shots. 
Cassian was standing next to you as you both faced the bar, your arms touching,  practically on top of one another. Cass craned his head to look at the crowd behind you, his hand wrapping around your waist as people drunkenly stumbled past you, making their way to the bar. On usual nights, Cassian’s hand would have dropped by now, returned to their position at his side, but not tonight. Instead, he kept his hand across your waist, keeping a heavy hold on you. You could feel the heat from his palm through the thin fabric of your dress, and you felt it as it moved straight to your core. You instinctively rubbed your thighs together in an attempt to ignore it, suddenly feeling grateful for the multitude of smells in Rita’s that covered your arousal. You turned your head to the side to look at Cassian, noticing that his gaze was on you, but not on your face. Instead, it seemed as if he was looking to where his hand rested on your hip.
“What?” You asked, your brows furrowing, leaning closer to him. He tilted his head slightly, and then you felt his hand lift. You felt a small tinge of disappointment, but it quickly dissipated when you felt his light touch hovering over your back, tracing where the delicate jewels of your dress cascaded down your spine like a waterfall. Your body shuddered. You watched him as his gaze deepended, as he took his lip between his teeth. His hands traced the ornate jewelry, landing at the base of your spine, where the fabric of your dress gathered. 
“I like this,” Cassian said, his voice low. His eyes flickered to yours, “Beautiful.”
Your chest fluttered at his words— was he complimenting the dress, or you? You couldn’t ask even if you wanted to, the air sucked out of your lungs with every lingering touch of his.  Your mouth parted slightly as he stared at you, as you ran your eyes along his face. You felt the brush of his fingers on your spine now. He wasn’t tracing the jewelry anymore, no, he was touching you. 
“Here you go,” A sudden voice pulled you out of the moment. Both you and Cassian turned your heads to the bartender placing two small shot glasses in front of you. You had forgotten you’d ordered another round, forgotten why you were at the bar in the first place, with your best friends hands over you. “I apologize for the wait.” The bartender said. 
You spared him a quick glance, a small graceful smile on your lips, “No worries,” you said. But then you looked at him once more, recognizing the smile he wore, the sound of his voice. This was the bartender Cassian was talking about. And from the way he looked at you, how he pushed your glass to your hand, lightly grazed your fingers, you knew Cass was right about his interest in you. 
“Thanks,” Cassian said, his voice rough. He grabbed both of the glasses in his hand, dragging them closer to your chests, his eyes trained on the bartender, whose smile faltered as he looked at your best friend. Cassian’s hand, which had fallen from your back at the interruption, found your hips again. “That’ll be it.” You didn’t need to look at the bartender to know that he shrunk away, intimated. You didn’t need to look because all you wanted to stare at was Cassian. Cassian, Cassian, Cassian. Something about his grip on you, on the way he’d pushed the bartender away, the way he’d touched your spine, all of it had you pooling at your core. 
“Here,” Cass said, pushing your glass towards you with his knuckle. He grabbed his in his hand. The other hand was still at your hip, unmoving— except for the occasional circular rub of his thumb. You tenderly took the shot, angling your body to twist slightly so you could better face him. The hand on you moved appropriately, still staying placed on your hip as you maneuvered. 
“Cheers.” You said, looking at him. You licked your lips as you held the shot up. Cassian met yours, the two glasses making a clink as they touched. “Cheers.” He responded. 
Tilting your head back, you welcomed the shot openly, letting the liquid coat your throat, feeling the warmth as it moved down. When you were done, you were met with Cassian’s gaze once more, watching you. His gaze followed the column of your throat as you swallowed. His hand moved to your face, his thumb wiping away a stray drop of whiskey on your chin. The touch itself sent a frenzy through your body, and you let out a small, quiet gasp. 
“Y/n.” He murmured.
Your voice was barely above a whisper, your body still. He was closer to you now than a few moments ago, and it took everything in your power not to pull him even closer, to brush against him. 
“You can’t look at me like that.” Cassian finally replied. 
Your heart leaped, and you took a sharp intake of breath. How were you looking at him, you wondered? Mor’s words echoed in your mind: like he was a piece of meat and you were a starving vegetarian? She was right. Oh, so right. You wanted to taste him, to devour him, to have him ravish you in return. You swallowed and then whispered in response. 
“Like what?”
Cassian said nothing. He scanned your face and then his hand was moving again, brushing a stray strand of your hair from your face. When the hair still fell out of place, he gingerly grabbed it and tucked it behind your ear. You felt his finger trace the shell of your ear, falling as it reached your lobe, now on your cheek. You closed your eyes, leaning into the touch, pressing closer to him. His grasp at your hip tightened, and you felt as it moved up, his hands now grabbing the skin at your waist. 
When you opened your eyes, your gaze met his instantly. He was breathing heavily, his eyes filled with desire. "We should probably find our friends," he whispered, his voice hoarse. You nodded absentmindedly, feeling your chest tighten. Cassian’s palm slightly lifted from your cheek, the ghost of his touch lightly moving. His thumb found your lips, tugging at them slightly, you let your mouth fall open with the touch. He nearly let out a moan at the sight. 
“Or,” You whispered back, “We could go home.”
He nodded, the pad of his thumb still rubbing at your lip. “We could.”
You lifted your hand to grab his wrist softly, pulling it lower, to your chest. You felt the heat of his palm as it landed on your chest. “Cassian.” His cock pressed angrily against his zipper at the sound of his name falling from your lips so sensually, so softly. His hand trailed higher, and then he was wrapping it around your neck, his thumb running along your throat.  You savored the touch and bit your lip, looking at him through your lashes. The look was all he needed, any self-constraint quickly disappearing. 
“Let's go home.” He said, his thumb running alongside your lips once more. Then, he was spinning you both around, interlacing your fingers as he pulled you through the crowd. 
As Cassian led you out, you looked back, squinting at the mass of people. Your gaze landed on Feyre, who was already looking at you. You watched as she glanced between you and Cassian, and then she gave you a small smile, her brows slightly furrowed. Be careful. Her voice echoed in your brain, soft and gentle. You weren't sure what she was referring to, if she was talking about your trip home or the way you were entangled with your best friend. Either way it didn’t matter. You weren’t being careful, not now. You didn’t want to be. 
✹ ✶ 𖧷 ✶✹ 
You weren’t quite sure what to do. You’d never been in this position with someone you loved so dearly— never been in the situation where you were about to fuck your best friend. 
The way home was a blur, the cold air as you both left Rita’s in a hurry, how Cass had wrapped his arms around you, how they had wandered and explored, but nowhere too vulnerable— not yet. You had made it a few minutes before you decided to winnow back, your ability fully functioning and, at the moment, incredibly convenient. Back at the house, you both had stared at each other, breathing hard, heavy-lidded eyes with lust. You could smell it on him. You didn’t doubt that you reeked of your own arousal. But Cass has stepped away from you, for a brief moment, biting his lips as his hands curled at his sides. Whatever you want, sweetheart, is what he had said. He wanted to give you an out, a chance to change your mind, to decide that this wasn’t a line you wanted to, or were ready to, cross. The realization hit you sweetly, and it only added to your arousal, the fact that he was so aware of you. 
You had looked at him, a small nod of your head towards the hallways, towards the corridors that led to your rooms. You hadn’t said anything, a heavy silence followed you, filled with longing and desperation, a hint of anxiety. You had waited, let Cassian take the next move. If he followed, you both knew what would happen. You had given him an out, too. 
You worried when some time had passed and you were still alone in your bedroom. You walked towards your mirror, taking in your appearance, the dress on you, the evident arousal on your face, in your stature. Then you heard him. His walking. You closed your eyes, hearing his heavy footsteps enter your room. You heard your door shut, and the footsteps grew louder until you felt him behind you, the warmth of his body enveloping you completely. You let out a small breath. 
“Cass,” You whispered, your eyes opening and meeting his in the mirror.
His hands found your hips, and he pulled you back into him. You felt his hard length against you, pressing against your exposed back, the heat of it alone causing you to let out a small, shaky breath. You leaned back into him, rubbing against him as his fingers tightened around you. Craning your head to the side, Cassian took advantage of your exposed neck, running his nose along it, inhaling your scent. He nudged the sweet spot behind your ears, your knees almost giving out as his lips trailed the shell of your ear, feeling his hot breath against your skin. 
His voice, rough as gravel, sent a wave through you of something you couldn’t name, but it was heavy, hot, and made you so incredibly horny. “Sweetheart, are you…” He trailed off. 
Sure? Sober? You had a feeling that sober is what his question seemed to probe at. You nodded, nodded frantically. Every shot you had taken tonight had no effect on your body, not anymore. You’d felt the last lingering effects of your final shot as you both came home, feeling as it slipped out of your system. And if he was asking if you were sure, that answer was yes, too. You were boldly, acutely, and fully aware of the moment, of each sensation in your body— fully aware of the ache in your legs, of how good Cassian smelled. “Yes, yes.” You whispered.
“Thank god,” He groaned– a guttural, animalistic sound. 
Before you could blink, Cassian was spinning you around. You let out a gasp, your view quickly taken up by the image of his face hovering over yours. He held your face in both of his hands, his thumbs swiping across your cheeks. His eyes scanned you in desperation, as if he was searching for something within the details of your features. Whatever he was looking for he seemed to find as he brought his lips to yours, giving in entirely with a soft moan of relief. His arms moved to wrap around your waist, and you moaned into him, flinging your arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer. He kissed you harder. 
“You sure?” Cassian whispered, floating the question again. He slid his warm palm up and over your hips, to your waist, your ribs, and back down again. You let out a sigh at his touch, running your palms up to pull the hair at the nape of his neck. 
“Yes,” You said as he feathered kisses along your neck. “Are you?” 
You felt Cassian nod against you, a small breathless laugh left his lips as he came up for another kiss. “Fuck yes. I’ve been dreaming about this.” And then he placed another kiss on your lips, deep and sensual. Hunger radiated off him like a starved man. His words turned you to jelly and you swore you could feel your wetness running down your thighs. 
“This dress,” he breathed against your lips, “I wanted to rip it off you the minute I saw it.”
Before you can react, he reached out and gripped the fabric of your dress, yanking it downward with a force that left your heart racing. You gasped as the material was torn from your body, leaving you standing before him in nothing but your underwear. You watched in awe as he threw the torn fabric aside, a small sound emitting as the jewels made contact with the hard floor. The cold air immediately took the place of the warmth of your clothing, making you shiver with pleasure.
“That was Mor’s!” You managed to breathe out, looking at the discarded pile of fabric. Your words died in your throat the minute you caught Cassian’s gaze again. There was a predatory look in his eyes as he took you in, and you remembered now that you were completely naked now, save for a lacy pair of panties. Your nipples perked, hard and ready, in the cold air. Cassian, his gaze unmoving, simply grumbled back, “I’ll buy her a new one.” 
Cassian's eyes roamed over your naked body, his gaze heated as he took in the sight of you, completely at his mercy. His hands reached out, his fingers tracing a path down your arms, making you shake with anticipation. His hands moved to your hips, gripping you firmly as he pulled you closer. "You have no idea how beautiful you are," He said, "How much I've wanted this." You felt his erection, hard and ready, pressing against your stomach.
His lips found yours, his tongue plunging deep into your mouth as he kissed you with all the passion he'd been holding back. You felt the desire radiating from him, making you feel wanted and desired in a way that nothing else ever had. As he broke the kiss, his eyes locked on yours, filled with pure, unfiltered lust. "I'm going to make you come," he growled, his voice low and rough. "And when I do, you'll never forget the way I made you feel."
With that, he plunged his tongue back into your mouth, his hands gripping your hips, pulling you closer as you stand there, naked and vulnerable, your cunt throbbing with every word, every touch. Your hands gripped his hair, your fingers tangling in the strands as you pulled him closer, your bodies pressed together in a frenzy of passion.
Cassian broke away from you for a moment, his breath hot and heavy against your lips. "Jump," he murmured, his voice low and seductive. Without hesitation, you lifted yourself into his arms as he pulled you into him effortlessly. He wrapped himself around you, his hands gripping at your ass, fingers digging into your skin. You felt his erection pressing against you, underneath you, with desperate need.
He took a few steps before he carefully dropped you onto your bed with a bounce. You fell onto your back, your eyes wide with desire as you looked up at him. He took you in with his eyes, every detail of your body etched in his mind, hungrily saving the image of you for later.
Cassian's movements were hurried and frenzied as he removed his own shirt, discarding it carelessly on the floor near your--Mor's-- shredded dress. As he moved, you sat up from your supine position, your legs naturally falling to either side, finding yourself yourself in a kneeling position. You looked up at Cass. The sight of you like this, vulnerable and expectant, only intensified the hunger in his eyes, and he groaned.
You reached out to him and ran your fingertips along the waistband of his black pants, watching as his stomach muscles clenched in response to your touch. Cassian caught your wrists in his hands, looking down at you hungrily, he shook his hand. “Not yet, sweetheart. Let me savor this.”
You let out a small whimper, the sound shooting straight to his dick, causing the hardening length to throb in anticipation. But when he released your hands, you kept them at his waistband, bringing your hand to palm him through the fabric of his pants. 
“Please,” You whimpered, “I want to.”
And what kind of man would Cassian be to deny you? To say no to you as you looked up at him with those glossy eyes, your lips running along your lips? He moaned, feeling as if he could cum at the sight of you alone. This, you, were better than any of his fantasies— and he had come up with a lot within the past two weeks.  
You stared at him, at the way his muscles ripped under this golden skin, at the black tattoos curling around him, at the way his wings flared out openly, dominantly. You ached to be closer, to be able to touch the sensitive membrane. You licked your lips, taking in the curl of his biceps, the sharp dips of his hips, Gods, he was beautiful. He brought his right hand to your face, holding it tenderly before moving his hand to grab your hair at the back of your head. You took that as your invitation, leaning forward to undo his pants. With his buttons undone, you pulled the fabric down, Cassian’s hands aiding you to slide his underwear off with it. 
You let out a gasp at his length, at the girth, the veins pulsing on the underside of his cock. Red and hungry at the tip, leaking. You were watering at the sight. A deep sense of jealousy pooled into your stomach, images of every female he’d been with before, every female who had the pleasure of experiencing this before you. Mine. You thought. Mine. Pushing yourself closer to him, you kissed a line down his stomach.
You felt his muscles tense beneath your lips as you wrapped your fingers around him. He hissed as you rubbed your hands up his considerable length, the sound repeating when you spit on the head, a trail of saliva connecting your lips to his shaft.  You dragged the flat of your tongue upward, against the underside of his cock. Cassian’s reaction was instant, bucking into your grip with a breathless, raspy, moan that sent a wave of arousal down your body. You allowed your hand to follow the trail, spreading your saliva. Your mouth sunk down on him.  As you hollowed your cheeks, Cassian pushed himself harder, letting out a sinful groan as you welcomed him, taking him deeper in your throat.
“Gods,” Cassian tightened his jaw as he watched his cock disappear between your swollen lips with every bob of your head. “That pretty little mouth of yours.”
You swirled your tongue around the head of his cock, Cassian’s head falling backward as he moaned, his grip in your hair getting tighter. You moaned in response, the sound vibrating through him. You shifted on your thighs, rubbing them together in an attempt to relieve some of your own arousal.  With a wet pop, you released him from your mouth, looking directly up at him as he stared at you with naked lust. You greedily swallowed the taste of him that coated your tongue.
“Enough. My turn.” He said, his voice halfway between growl and purr, a feral sound from deep in his chest that reverberated through your core. Cassian’s hand found your chest, after a squeeze of your breasts, his palm settled above your ribs. With a soft push, you were flat on your back again. He leaned over you and you seized the opportunity to rock against his thigh, your pussy throbbing at every touch of his, desperate for friction. But he moved quickly, leaving you grasping for touch. “Cassian.” You moaned. You pulled him back up again, desperate to have him close, slotting your lips against him. 
He accepted another hungry, ravenous kiss from you before he moved down, trailing hard kisses down your jaw and across your collarbone. Your hands tugged at him,  roaming over the length of his shoulders and the plane of his back, you trailed your fingers along his wings, the sensitive and soft membrane. You felt him shudder at the touch, watched as those beautiful wings twitched. You needed more.
Cassian stopped, taking a moment to bite into the soft flesh at the base of your neck. You let out a moan, throwing your hands into his hair as he sucked on the tender skin, soothing the area with a swipe of his tongue. He removed his mouth, tilting his head to make slight eye contact with you, a cocky grin placed on his lips. 
“I’ll paint you in my marks, Y/n.”  He whispered, moving his head down to continue his trail of kisses, “Just to have evidence that I was lucky enough to be here.”
He brought one hand between your thighs, his large calloused fingers dancing over your sensitive flesh, his perfect mouth still exploring you, tasting your skin. Your moans tumbled from your mouth, outside of your control, flowing like a river. You tightened your grasp on his hair, your fingers raking his scalp, pelvis lifting into his touch. Your legs widened further to provide him better access, knees dropping to the side. 
“To feel this.” Cassian’s fingers pulled your underwear aside and ran themselves through the wetness at your core, through your sensitive folds. His finger delicately circled your clit, rubbing at it in a way that had you mewing at his touch.
You let out a gasp as one probed at your entrance, your warm core welcoming it greedily. You felt his finger curl, and then arched into him as he added another, working in and out of you. You could hear the squelch of your juices as he fingered you, could feel the way your essence dripped with each movement. 
A disappointed sigh left your lips when the warmth of his hand left you. But seconds later, as you looked down at him with your hands in his hair, he pulled himself up slightly– just enough to look at you. Just enough to make eye contact as he tilted his head and stuck his slick fingers into his mouth. He lapped at the wetness coating his fingers. 
“Fuck, you taste better than I imagined.” He said, moving down to drop to his knees at the edge of the bed, between your spread legs. You propped yourself up on your elbows to keep your gaze on him. He looked at you, heavy lidded, his mouth glistening with the remnants of your slick. “May I?”
Please, please. He didn’t need to ask, you thought. You wanted him everywhere, wanted him on you, in you, all over you. Whatever he wanted was what you wanted. You lazily nodded, your tongue darting out again to wet your lips. 
“Words, sweetheart,” Cassian murmured, placing hot and wet kissing along your thighs. His arms snaked under your thighs, hands reaching to grab your hips and pull you closer. He slowly peeled your drenched panties off your body. “I want to hear you.”
“Yes,” You finally managed to croak out. Your voice deep and needy. “Please, Cass.”
And then his tongue was on you, licking a stripe up your dripping sex. You let out a loud moan at the contact, at the feeling of his tongue. He flattened his tongue against your folds, dragging it slowly.  Your hands found his hair and gripped it roughly between your fingers, your body curling around him. Cassian’s tongue dipped into your hole, darting in, again and again.  Your legs trembled as stars began to cloud your vision. 
“Cassian,” You choked out, feeling the building pressure in your stomach. You tried bucking your hips, but Cassian kept your thighs still, steady in a position where you couldn’t escape his wicked mouth. His tongue alternated between teasing your clit and slipping into your entrance. Your spined bowed in pleasure, and you brought one hand to your breasts, rubbing them and pinching at your nipples as Cassian ravaged you.
“You’re delicious. So fucking delicious.” Cassian crooned as he pulled apart from your cunt. He took a minute to admire the sweet image of you dripping in front of him, and then he dove back in. He let out a moan, quiet but still audible, and you noticed his other hand had removed itself from your thigh, now hidden from your view. As you looked, you saw it visibly moving, frantically, desperately. Cassian was eating you out and rubbing his own cock at it, pleasuring himself as he lapped at you. You moaned at the idea alone. The noises you made were loud, loud enough that you knew your family would hear if they were home already. But you didn’t care, you had no shame. Let them hear.
Cassian was murmuring into your core; he repeated something, the words falling from him like a prayer from a dying man. You were barely able to hear his whispers over the sound of your own blood rushing through your ears. Cassian pulled back a little then, heedless of your firm hold on his hair, watching you with his jaw set, eyes dark and greedy.
“Oh, Y/n,” he said huskily. “I could feast on this beautiful pussy forever, you know that?”
As he withdrew his mouth, he replaced its presence with his fingers instead. His thumb resumed the stimulation on your clit while his fingers moved inside your. When he slid another finger into you, your hips jumped, moving to meet his fingers faster. He curled his fingers into you as you rutted down harder. He groaned as your walls clenched when he curled his fingers, hitting a spot that had you whining his name. Your face contorted in pleasure and you let your head fall back. Cassian’s hand gripped at your thigh, calling your attention back.
“Down here,” He hummed, “Keep those pretty eyes down here.”
You brought your head back up, supporting yourself with your elbows. Cassian’s eyes stayed on yours as he lowered himself to your sex again, nustling his nose against your clit before he licked a stripe up your cunt, bringing his mouth to suck on your clit. You felt his fingers enter you again– one, then two. They brushed against you as he lapped at your clit, drawing circles with his tongue. You could barely breathe, the air leaving your lungs as Cassian filled your body with sweet, suffocating ecstasy. Your right hand found itself in his hair again, grabbing, pulling. He let out a groan at the feeling, and continued to lap at you.
You felt it everywhere, felt him everywhere. Pleasure gushed through your body, every part of your body sensitive. You writhed under him, your vision of Cassian growing blurry as you felt your pleasure build, coiling deep in your belly, ready to explode. You’re weren't sure what was up or down, forgotten where you were completely. Nothing existed except you and Cassian and the way he fucked you with his fingers and his mouth, and Gods, the thought of your reality alone made you want to cum. You grinded against his mouth, feeling as he grabbed you, pulled you closer, harder, against him, completely smothering him. 
“Oh my Gods, yes, yes, yes.” The sounds you were emitting were music to his ears and Cassian continued. 
The mixture of your pleasure, of Cassian’s grunts, his smells, of the way his wings twitched with each of your moans, made it even sweeter when Cassian brought another finger to your entrance. That tight, hot, built-up coil in your stomach loosened and you shriled loudly, your back bowing off the bed beneath you. Your whole body quaked as your orgasm rippled through you.
Cassian was in heaven— he was sure of it. You were a vision, your cheeks flushed, your lips parted as you moaned out in pleasure, your hard grasp in his hair. He felt every sound from your lips, every whisper of his name falling straight to his aching cock. Cassian, fuck, Cassian. You chanted them like a prayer and he swallowed them all. You were something holy, something absolutely divine and he felt himself losing it. He wanted to worship you forever, to stay buried in your cunt and die a happy man. Every man before him hadn’t appreciated you enough. He wanted to make you his, his beautiful creature, his goddess. 
Cassian slowed his movements, but didn’t halter them completely as he let you work through the wave of your pleasure. Your hand had gone lax in his hair, and he took the opportunity to pepper kisses across your skin — across your legs, across your cunt, even the sweaty crook of your thigh, anywhere his lips could reach. The hand that once gripped your thighs so tightly softened. Cassian rubbed gentle circles around your skin. He waited, and only until your body stopped shaking and you let out a small content sigh between your ragged breaths did he remove his fingers from you. 
He gave your core a slight smack and you let out a gasp, the action sending a spark throughout your body, leaving you aching and throbbing more than you had been seconds before. Cassian gave you a smirk. 
“Holy fuck,” You breathed, looking at him with wide eyes. “Cassian…” You watched as he stood up, bringing his fingers to his mouth as he licked off your juices once more. Your gaze dropped to his chest, and then to his throbbing cock. He stroked it as he looked at you, and your core ached once more, clenching at the thought of him inside you. Cassian stared at you, lips parted, drinking the sight of you eagerly. You pushed yourself further up, scooting back enough to lie flat on the middle of your bed. 
“You are a vision. A godsdamn vision,” Cassian spoke, the words falling off his tongue in a breathless confession, “Thought about this for so long.” He walked over to you. 
You gulped at the admission, thinking back onto your own fantasies of him, of his hands, of his mouth. You blinked, watching as he braced his hands on the bed. “Yeah?” 
Cassian nodded, bringing his hand to rub alongside your legs, tracing the curves of your body. As he crawled onto the bed, he let his hands wander with every movement. “Yeah, sweetheart.” 
The nickname made your heart clench, and you felt your wetness building once again, your pussy still sensitive from your previous orgasm. “Tell me.” You whispered. He straightened himself, moving to hover over you. With one arm supporting his weight, Cassian rocked his hips against yours. He molded his other hand to your breasts, sucking in a deep, ragged breath. You arched into his touch, mewing for more. You felt your heart throb, a warmth enveloping your chest. You couldn’t breathe. All you wanted to feel was him, his hands, his skin, his touch. His touch cascaded down your body, grabbing at your thighs, pulling them closer to him. 
“Rubbed myself raw at the thought of you underneath me like this.” He placed a kiss to your chest, quickly turning it into a small love bite, sucking at the skin tenderly. He released your skin with a brush of his teeth, bringing his fingers to softly touch the bruised skin.  His fingers returned to your torso, teasing your nipples once more, bringing them between his fingers. He bent his head down and took one of your nipples into his mouth. You arched into him, letting out a sweet sound at the wet contact. Cass swirled his tongue around the hardened nub before gently tugging it with his teeth, causing you to let out a cry of pleasure that quickly turned into a whine when he lifted his head. He lightly blew on your nipple, eliciting a soft gasp of pleasure as your nipple peaked harder, responding to the contrast of his hot mouth and the cool air. He repeated the same motions with your other breast. 
You moaned as you felt him tease your entrance with the head of his cock, rubbing it against your clit and around your inner lips. You impatiently bucked your hips, trying to guide him where you wanted him, where you ached for him, but Cassian’s firm hand on your lower abdomen halted your movements.You looked up at him with frustration, frowning at the sly grin on his mouth. 
“Cass, please,” You pleaded with broken whimpers. Cassian said nothing, moving his head down to kiss alongside your neck, taking your earlobe between his teeth. He teased you more, and in a movement of exasperation, fueled by the swelling and throbbing of your heat, you pulled him towards you by his neck. You placed your forehead against his, looking at him through heavy eyes. “Cassian, please fuck me already.”
Cassian gave you a wolfish grin. “Since you asked so nicely,” he said, bringing you in for another kiss. You could taste yourself on his tongue, the kiss wet with desire and something more you couldn't place. Taking a breath and pulling apart, Cassian moved his hand to grab his cock, stroking it once, twice, before lining it up with your entrance. 
You let out a deep moan as he pushed into you, feeling yourself stretching around him. Your previous climax had left you sensitive, so sensitive that the first rock of Cassian’s hips left you gasping for air. Cass let out a guttural groan, leaning his forehead against yours as he bottomed out. His hair clung to his forehead. You looked up at him, at his mouth open in pleasure, and ran your hands alongside his face. 
“Fuck,” His breath fanned your face. He looked at you with that deep intensity in his gaze that stirred your heart. The next thrust was just as slow, Cassian pushing in as deep as your body would allow. “You, You feel fucking incredible.”
You closed your eyes, the sensations overwhelming you. But soon, Cassian’s voice snapped again, and you felt one hand grab your face, his hand holding your jaw, his thumb rubbing at your lips. “Look at me, beautiful.” He said, letting his thumb dip into your mouth. 
You spread legs spread open to the sides as he began to vigorously slam into you with no restraint, never breaking the eye contact he'd so quickly grown to love. He drank it all in: the clapping noises of flesh and your sensual screams, the sensation of your wet heat wrapped around him, the sopping sounds of your love making, and the way your nails dug into his arms as he told you how good you felt. 
You rolled your hips, pushing against his merciless rhythm of thrusts. Cassian looked down at where your bodies met, at where his cock filled you,  entranced by the way your hips subconsciously tilted at the intrusion, at how your hole welcomed him. With a growl, he lifted your legs over his shoulders, positioning you perfectly for his rough, relentless thrusts. Your breath caught in your throat as your watched him fuck you, your heart pounding in her chest. “Cass, Cassian.”
“Keep saying my name, baby.” The pet name fell from his lips so effortlessly, caressing you like another wave of heat. “Tell me how good it feels.”
As he continued to move inside you, your thoughts jumbled into a mess of pure pleasure. You let out a string of incoherent words, your mind drunk on the feeling of him stretching you, hitting spots you’d never experienced before. “S’Good.” You whimpered. You wrapped your arms tighter across his shoulders, reaching to touch the delicate membrane of his wings. They twitched under your fingertips, and you felt Cassian let out a moan before the sound registered in your ear. He snaked a hand where your bodies met, finding your swollen, aching clit, and began to rub circles around it. You gasped. 
“I wish I could be here forever,” Cassian groaned, his lips hovering over your ears, “Stay buried inside of your cunt. Fuck you like this for the rest of my life.” You didn't know if Cassian was aware of what he was saying, aware of what it implied, but you didn't care. It all felt so good, and his words made every stroke even more pleasurable. You wanted this, you wanted this for the rest of your life– you’d never experienced something this great, never known this level of pleasure could exist. 
“Please, Cass. Please.” You didn't know what you were begging for, but Cassian hushed you, peckering kisses all over you, his head fell in the crook of your shoulder, moving to bring his teeth to the sensitive skin at your neck. You moaned. “Yes, yes. Mark me. I’m yours.”
Your words seemed to hit a part of him, forcing him to pull away and stare at you with wide eyes. He stilled inside of you.  "Say that again," he commanded, his voice low and gravelly.
"I'm yours," you whispered, your voice trembling with anticipation. You brought your hands to his face, gently rubbing his cheeks. The tender, soft touch sent a shock straight to his cock, and he pulled you into a deep kiss. When you pulled apart for air, Cassian’s strokes began to pick up again, his forehead resting on yours. "Fuck me like I'm yours." You said to him, your voice filled with raw desire. 
Cassian’s mind shuffled through the past two weeks, the memories of the bartender hitting on you, of the men who never satisfied you. He felt a primal possessiveness, a need to take you faster, harder, deeper. His thrusts became more aggressive, more forceful, his wings caressing you as they wrapped around both of your bodies. You cried out in pleasure, your body arching beneath him, hands gripping the sheets as you took him deep inside you.
He watched you, admired your body sprawled on the bed before him, his hands on your hips, holding you at just the right angle. His mouth salivated at your beautiful face, flushed and red, and the way your breasts bounced in time with his thrusts. The noise of your fucking was obscene - the soft squeaks of your bed, the wet sounds of your bodies slapping together, the moans and curse words and harsh breathing. His grip on your hips tightened and his thrusts became more erratic. 
Cassian’s movements became faster than you could process– one moment, he was thrusting into you, and the next, he was picking you up, maneuvering you so that you were sitting on his thighs, looking at him as he leaned back. You gasped at the new angle, at the feeling of sinking onto him completely.  His eyes locked on yours as you straddled him and his hands guided you up and down his cock, your bodies slick with sweat and desire. 
"Fuck, you feel so good," he groaned, his hands gripping your ass, guiding you closer to him with each thrust. You could feel his cock swelling inside you, your pussy clenching around him as you rode him harder, faster, your body craving more. “Ride me just like that, sweetheart.” His voice rang in your head, making you dizzy. You arched forward towards him. One hand left your ass, going to grab one of your breasts, fondling with your nipple.  His eyes were dark with desire, his gaze never leaving yours as he watched you take him deep inside you.
As you sank down onto him, his hips bucked up to meet you, your bodies connecting with a primal force. You could feel his cock throbbing inside you, your pussy clenching around him as you moaned softly, your eyes closing in pleasure. But Cassian didn't want you to close your eyes. He wanted you to look at him, to see the raw fire in his eyes as he took you. He reached up, his hand wrapping around your throat, his fingers digging in just enough to make you gasp.
"Look at me," he growled, his voice rough like gravel. The sound itself made you clench around him as he fucked you. You opened your eyes, your breath catching in your throat as you met his gaze. His eyes were dark, filled with lust and possession, and you could feel your orgasm building as you looked at him. His hand tightened around your throat as he began to fuck you harder, his hips bucking up to meet you.
You felt his cock sliding deeper inside you, your pussy clenching around him, your body shaking with pleasure.
"Fuck, yes," he groaned, "Look at me. Let me see you fall apart on my cock."
As you felt the intensity of your orgasm building, he pulled you down, holding you to his chest, in place, as he continued to thrust into you. You moaned, your forehead resting against his, your eyes locked on his as he continued to fuck you, his cock sliding in and out of you. "Cassian, please, please, I'm so close," you whimpered, your voice hoarse. His hands gripped your ass roughly, pulling you closer to him, sliding deeper and deeper into you with each thrust. 
You felt his heart pounding beneath you, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he fucked you, his eyes never leaving yours.  He stared at you as he whispered, "I've got you, baby. I've got you."
Your body trembled, your moans grew louder, and soon your orgasm crashed over you like a tidal wave– your body shook with pleasure, your pussy clenching around him, milking him. You gasped his name, your body convulsing over him, your sensitivity consuming you completely. You felt him tense, his cock swelling even more, and you knew that he was close as well.
His thrusts were rough and hard, each one sending waves of warmth coursing through you. Your body responded to his movements, your cunt massaging him, clenching around him, making him groan in response. He increased his pace, his thrusts becoming even rougher, sloppy, and more urgent. His hips moved in a frenzy, each thrust driving him deeper into you, his cock sliding against your most sensitive spots, making you moan with pleasure. You felt his balls slapping against your ass, the sound and sensation driving you wild, your hands grasped at him, at his shoulders, at his neck, at his hair. 
You felt the tension building within him, his body tensing underneath you as he neared his climax. He gripped your hips, his fingers digging into your skin, holding you in place as he drove into you. You were certain he’d leave marks in their wake, that your hips, your thighs, your body would be bruised with the evidence of his touch. It made you feral. 
Cassian’s breaths were ragged as he bucked into you roughly, a string of curses falling from his lips. Finally, he let out a low, primal grunt, his face contorted with pleasure as he came, his cum spilling deep within you. You felt the warmth of his seed filling you, the sensation making you shiver with pleasure. His thrusts became slower, gentler, as he tried to catch his breath, his body still trembling from the intensity of his orgasm. His grip on you loosened, and his hands began to rub up and down your spine, gently, softly, lovingly. 
You both laid there for a moment, his cock still deep inside you. Pushing yourself up, you sat upright, Cassian letting out a groan at the feeling of him still inside you, your juices leaking between your legs and onto his skin. His hands rubbed at either of your thighs, both of you breathing heavily as you stared at one another— lips swollen, skin flushed, hair disheveled. You let out a deep breath and let your mouth fall open slightly. 
“You are incredible.” Cassian breathed out, looking up at you, still entranced in your beauty. He admired the marks on your body from his mouth, and felt a small smirk growing on his lips. You let out a small exhausted laugh, your hands coming to rest at his shoulders, rubbing your thumb absentmindedly on his skin. 
“So,” You said, still breathless, your voice raspy, “What now?”
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nanaslutt · 6 months
contains: fem reader, spanking, choking, manhandling, hate fucking, rough sex, dirty talk, cheating, spanking, bathroom sex, angst w/ no comfort, proceed with caution :3
Just thinking about hate sex with ex-boyfriend Geto. You received a video from an unknown number a couple months ago of your boyfriend at the club, big arms slung around two pretty girls as one ground on him under the flashing lights and blaring music of the club. The video was short, but it was all you needed to see. You forwarded the video to Geto, captioned with the words, "fuck you."
The night he went out he told you he was having a guy's night out with Gojo, so imagine your surprise when you woke up to him acting like a whore in public. You still did never find out who sent you that video. Geto spent days blowing up your phone, using your mutual friends to try and talk to you, even going as far to show up to your house, but you rejected all of his advances.
After about a month and a half, when things had calmed down and it was evident to the both of you that your relationship was well over, you finally started going out again. The reason it took you so long? The two of you were in the same friend group. There's a reason they say to date outside of your circle, for situations exactly like this.
Your big debut back into your circle of friends was a night out clubbing. Gojo, Shoko, Utahime, and Nanami were sitting on the plush cushions around you. The only reason you agreed to go out with them tonight was because Shoko had promised Geto wouldn't be there, saying he was stuck at work. Truthfully though, Shoko had missed you so much in the group outings, that she would've found a way to drag you out of the house even if Geto was going to be there.
"This is nice, I'll admit. I missed you guys." You said, working on your second cocktail of the night. Drinks always tasted better when Gojo paid. "Awww~ I don't know how you went so long without seeing me, honestly~" Gojo teased, ruffling your hair in the process. You swatted his hand away, fixing your hair while you shot him a nasty side-eye. "Us, he meant US." Utahime corrected, placing her hand on your knee while also shooting daggers at Gojo.
Gojo stuck out his tongue at Utahime, crossing his legs as he leaned back into the cushions, his arms spreading out behind you and Nanami on the top of the couch. "It's true though, it's nice having you here," Nanami added a light blush dusting on his face from how many drinks he had already downed; he must not have work tomorrow. "Thank you Nanami." you smiled at him before leaning back, crossing your legs over one another, your short black dress riding up your thighs slightly in the process.
"I've been so pent up all month, this feels so good." You giggled, tipping your head over as you directed your words to the girls. "Yeah? I know how you can feel even better." Shoko smirked, sipping on her straight vodka. Utahime smiled giddily, leaning her body forward in interest as she also waited for Shoko to speak. "Blondie over there at the bar has been eyeing you up since we got here, go talk to him." She nudged, wiggling her eyebrows at you.
You have been wound up in more ways than one since you and Geto had broken up. He always dicked you down so good, you would miss that. Who knows though, maybe blondie with the nice jawline and pretty face would give you good pipe in the bathroom. You eye him up, biting your lip as you dragged your eyes over his sturdy frame, only noticing he had been watching you oogle him like a slab of meat the whole time when you went to rake your eyes over his handsome face. He smiled, his dimples showing themselves as they dug into his cheeks, fuck he was hot. This was the perfect guy to use to get over Geto, screw that cheater.
"Oh shitt~ Look at them eye fucking each other~ Haha!" Gojo laughed, sipping on his sweet, non-alcoholic, bright pink drink. You turned your head to smirk at Gojo before you placed your hand on his shoulder and used it to push yourself off the seat. "You're really going for it?" Shoko asked incredulously, giggling behind your hand as you smoothed out your dress. "Why not? I'm horny and single, and a hot man is looking at me like I'm the hottest woman he's ever laid eyes on." You said, smiling down at your friends.
"That's because you are," Shoko added, grabbing your thigh for leverage she spun you around to face the man behind you sitting on the barstools, waiting for you to approach him. "I would be jealous If I liked men, he's a cutie." She laughed to Utahime as she watched you take a deep breath and walk off toward the man.
You walked through the club with confidence, a heartbeat already forming behind your panties as you got closer and closer, watching the way he eyed up your body as you walked. "Friends talked some sense into you, huh?" The man spoke when you got within ear shot. You took the seat next to him, plopping down on the barstool you spun the seat around to face him, your legs slotting together with one another as you placed your heel-clad feet on the bottom of his barstool.
His eyes darted down to your legs, watching you insert yourself into his space with confidence. "Too shy to come up to me yourself?" You asked, placing your hand on his knee as you rubbed circles against his pants, making him swallow the lump in his throat, feeling the heat rise to his face with how bold you were being. "You kidding? Those guys you're with are fucking repellent. Didn't know if you were with one of them or not." He laughed, taking a sip of his drink to ease his nerves.
"But you were watching me anyways?" You teased, keeping your eyes locked onto his. He took in a deep breath, pressing his lips together as before he spoke. "You have no idea what you look like, huh?" He asked, narrowing his eyes at you. "Who wouldn't be able to resist looking at someone like you?" His words sent shivers down your spine, you needed to get him in a bathroom stall with you hours ago. As the two of you continued flirting with one another, eyefucking each other as you sipped on your respective drinks, someone unexpected entered the club.
"Heyy." Geto's voice echoed into your friend's ears. The dark-haired man was half up, half down in his signature bun, one hand tucked into his pocket while his other was held up in front of him, waving to his friends. "Hey troublemaker~" Gojo smiled largely. Shoko groaned along with Utahime. "Thought you couldn't make it?" Nanami asked as he slid in next to him on the couch, spreading his long legs out on the cushions as he took Nanami's drink from him, taking a gulp.
"Got off early, thought I might come by." He responded, laughing when a drunk Nanami snatched his drink back from Geto, muttering to order his own drink. "Come by my ass, you work on the other side of town." Shoko laughed incredulously, adding that you were not going to be very happy. "She's here?" Geto asked, his demeanor immediately perking up. Shoko looked to Utahime knowingly before she looked back to Geto, hissing air in through her teeth.
"Yes cheater~ Of course she's here, and she's about to score by the looks of it." Shoko laughed, making Gojo whistle as he dragged his gaze to you, watching you pull your head back from the whispering something in the mans ear before his lips moved, head moving in tandem as you slid off of the barstool, taking his larger hand in his as you dragged him away from the seat, making him place his drink down on the bar top, abandoning it as you dragged him away to the bathroom.
Geto had just watched the entire scene unfold in front of him that the rest of them had seen. Of course, Geto had come here for you. Shoko was right, he worked almost half an hour away from the club, he was exhausted from work but when he saw you say in the group chat you were going to be here, he knew he had to make a detour. He knew he fucked up when he lied to you about going to the club, but truthfully he had done nothing more than let a couple girls fawn over him, grinding on him while they peppered kisses on his cheeks, never coming close to his mouth.
He still loved you, of course, he did, but you had been adamant about not seeing him at all for almost two months. He hadn't really given up, he would never give up on trying to get you back, he just figured maybe a little break and letting you calm down would lead you back to him. Clearly, he was wrong as he watched you maneuver your way through the crowd, dragging some man you met five minutes prior away to fuck, looking good as all hell.
He grits his teeth, pressing his feet firmly on the floor Geto was on the move in a heartbeat, no one could stop him. "Oh look what you did." Nanami huffed, looking at Shoko. "She's gonna be fucking pissed you know." Shoko's jaw was on the floor. She severely underestimated the amount of balls Suguru Geto had. "How the fuck was I supposed to know he was gonna go chase after her???" She said, looking at him with an expression that almost resembled horror, making Gojo laugh his ass off between them.
Once you made it to the secluded corner of the club just outside the bathrooms, you spun your body around, wrapping your arms around the man. "You wanna fuck me?" You whispered into his ear, feeling his large hands wrap around your waist, his knee sliding between your legs. He groaned at your words, staring between your lips and your pretty eyes as you bit your lip at him, "Fuck yeah, pretty girl." He smiled, shaking his head as he leaned in for a kiss.
You closed your eyes, waiting for a sensation against your lips that never came. Your eyes shot open when he yelled out an exasperated "Hey! What the fuck!" His lips loosened on your waist as he was dragged away from you by a strong grip on his hair. "Geto?!" You yelled, spinning your body to look at him, your body heating up with rage combined with the neglect of pleasure. "Who the fuck are you?!" The blond-haired man yelled, trying to grip Geto's wrist to make him release the hold he had on his hair.
"Her boyfriend." He deadpanned, throwing him in the direction of the club as he reached his hand over your head, pushing the door open behind you, forcing you into the small bathroom with his large frame, leaving you no time to refute. "I didn't know man, fuck!" The man's voice was cut off as the bathroom door shut behind the two of you, Geto's hand coming down to lock the door, leaving you alone in the personal bathroom.
"What the fuck are you doing?" You asked, shoving his chest back, Geto not even moving a muscle as his jaw muscles bulged out under the weight of his clenching teeth, his dark eyes watching you fume. "What the fuck were you doing?" Geto responded, walking toward you slowly, making you step back unconsciously, trying to keep some distance between the two of you. "Why is that any of your fucking business?" You spat, almost laughing at his audacity.
"We never officially broke up." Geto retorted, clenching his fists by his sides. "Oh! Oho!" You laughed, "Excuse me, allow me to make it official for you, we are fucking done." You dug your nail into his chest, squinting your eyes as you looked into his, your tall heels making you feel more confident as your height difference wasn't as dramatic now. "Thought I made it pretty fucking clear when I didn't respond to you for almost two months, but you always were pretty dense." You huffed, backing away from him once you got your point across.
"Were you just trying to get even with me? Huh? Thought fucking some random guy in the club like a slut would make you feel better about yourself?" He yelled, continuing to walk toward you until your back hit the wall, making you jolt, you hadn't even realized you were walking backward. "The fuck did you call me?" You asked, scrunching your eyebrows together. "You're such a fucking hypocrite, acting like that wasn't exactly what you did to me." You laughed again. You felt like you were going crazy, why was he acting like you were the one in the wrong here?
"I never fucked them! Never! Maybe if you answered my fucking calls or looked at my texts you would know that!" He shouted, getting in your face. You shook your head, looking at him with disdain. "Oh, because letting girls dry hump you is so much fucking better, right?" You yelled back, the ghost of a smile gracing your features, you were so done with him.
"God you really are the worst." You spat, your eyes shooting daggers into his own. "How the fuck are you gonna make up for scaring that guy off, huh?" You asked, tilting your head at him, making his eyes lock onto yours once more. Geto cocked his head at you, clearly uncomfortable with you mentioning the blonde stranger, knowing damn well you meant you were going to fuck him, and now you were left dry.
You scoffed, "What? Don't like the thought of me getting off on someone else's cock? Moaning someone else's name? Huh? That shit make you mad?" You got in his face, keeping your squinted eyes on his dark ones. Geto doesn't know what came over him, but he couldn't stand to hear you talk anymore. His lips were on yours, swallowing your surprised moans, immediately slipping his tongue into your mouth, crushing his jaw into yours, your head bumping into the wall behind you.
You were still mad as hell, but his lips felt so familiar, your arousal crept up through the cracks of your irritation and made you kiss him back harder, fighting him for dominance. His hand came to grab your throat, squeezing harshly, his fingers digging into your delicate skin, making you whine into the kiss. He was never this rough with you, and you were loving it.
He pulled back, his free hand coming down to undo his belt quickly, pulling the leather through the loops as he threw it somewhere on the floor of the filthy bathroom floor, "Don't you ever talk about someone else fucking you in front of me." He growled, squeezing your throat to emphasize his words, You smiled through the lack of oxygen, little black dots clouding your vision, but you still felt the need to fight back. "Fuck you." You whispered.
Geto spun you around in one swift movement, making you face the wall, your hands coming to brace against the brick as you felt him lift your skirt over the curve of your ass, your panties being roughly yanked down midway on your thighs. Everything was happening so quickly, the adrenaline pumping through your veins only fueling your arousal. You knew this was not a good idea, but your body was too weak to Geto.
Geto shook his head as his eyes came into contact with your dripping pussy. He bit his lip between his teeth, pulling his cock out through his pants as he gave himself a couple rough strokes, his hand sliding down to your ass as he rubbed his thumb through your folds, spreading them and rubbing your wetness around before he dipped the digit into your hole, slowly pumping in and out. He was absolutely fuming at the thought of you giving this to someone else, he wondered if you had in the time you haven't been talking.
"You this wet from that fucking loser, or from me yelling at you?" Geto asked, pulling his thumb back to leave a rough smirk on your ass, pushing his hips forward as he rubbed his tip along your folds, getting his cock slick with your juices. "You're so full of yourself, shoulda seen the way he was touching me under the table." You giggled, turning your head to the side to look at him. You kept your words vague on purpose to piss Geto off. He had been touching you under the table, but only your thigh.
"You fucking slut." Geto grit through his teeth, his hand coming to grip the back of your neck, his fingers pinching your skin with how hard he was gripping you. "And you still wanna fuck me." You laughed, the noise getting cut short when he pushed his cock into you all at once with zero warning, keeping his balls pressed to your ass as he let his cock throb inside your walls still, his back pressing agaisnt your chest as he leaned into your ear, his deep voice whispering, "That's enough out of you." His voice alone was enough to send shivers down your spine.
"Fuck!" you yelled when he pulled his hips back before he bullied his cock back into your unprepped walls, stretching you open as he meanly fucked you against the wall. "Shit- Think he could fuck you better than me? Huh?" Geto asked, leaning back as he pressed the back of your neck into the wall, his other hand holding under your hip as he held you in an arch, the pace of his hips making your knees squeeze together, bending slightly at the stimulation.
You brought one of your hands down between your thighs to rub little circles into your clit, your eyes crossing at the feeling. Geto must have felt how tight you got because he groaned through his teeth, his hand leaving your hip for a moment to come down to leave a harsh smack on your ass. "Fuck- I don't know, heh- If you didn't interrupt me I w-would've found out. He shook his head, smiling through the malice he felt coursing through his veins. "You're such a fucking brat." Smack, "Just sayin' that shit to get me worked up so I'll fuck you like the whore you are."
You wanted to hit him back every time he slapped your ass. Sure, it felt good, but you knew he was trying to put you in your place, so the action made a vein pop out on your forehead. You were so glad he couldn't see your face right now. Your words might've been sharp and snarky, but your face was flushed red and your eyes were rolling back in your head every time his fat cock thrust right against your sweet spot deep inside you, the one only he could reach. "I-I hate you-" You moaned out between his mean thrusts.
You heard him coo in response, his hand leaning the back of your neck so he could grip your waist with both hands and yank you back on his cock harder, fucking whines from your lips. "Don't talk to me like that baby, hurts my feelings~" Geto retorted, his jaw dropping in a small o when you rubbed your clit harder at his words, making your hole clench around him so tightly it felt like you were trying to milk him of all he was worth.
"Would you really be squeezing me this tight if you hated me? Hmm?" He teased, practically slamming your ass back on his pelvis, loud squelching noises bouncing off the walls. Thank god you were in this loud-ass club or everyone would know exactly what was going on, not like you really cared. "Shut up and fuck m-me." You responded curtly, closing your eyes as you tried to focus on reaching your high, timing your finger rubbing circles against your clit with his thrusts inside you.
"That's what I'm doing, dumb s-slut." Geto groaned, dropping his gaze to where the two of you were connected, feeling a warmth in his stomach bloom at the white ring of cum that had formed around the base of his dick. "Godd pussy is fucking milking me- you cant survive without me, need me- need this dick." Geto spoke between rough thrusts, his own words working himself up as he felt his high creep over him.
You grit your teeth at his words, moans spilling from your lips without your permission. He was fucking the shit out of you, you don't think he's ever been so rough before. His words, his hips, his hands, all of it, so fucking rough, and it was quickly working you up to your orgasm. You were too overwhelmed, tears started forming in your eyes with all of the stimulation and emotion you were feeling. He was hammering into your g-spot, making your legs shake uncontrollably.
"God- fuck- Gonna make me cum inside my pussy, my fucking pussy-" Geto babbled, shaking his head as he tried to get a peek at your face, noticing how you had bitten your lip between your teeth, tears streaming down your face. "Fuck, you crying? Feels that good?" He laughed. You didn't want him to know how good you were feeling, didn't want him to know his words were true; you couldn't live without him or his dick. His cock alone was literally fucking tears out of your eyes, it was so intense.
"Not gonna speak huh? Fine, stay quiet then." Your ex-boyfriend huffed, looking down at your pussy stretched around his girth as he fucked himself to his orgasm, you close behind him. "Shit- shit I'm coming- take it baby fu-ck~" Geto groaned, leaning over your back, burring his face into your neck. You felt his teeth dig into your neck when you felt the first rope of his warm seed shoot inside you, making your orgasm crash over you.
The two of you rode your highs out together, Geto's hips weakly and unceremoniously thrusting into your sopping cunt, working you through your orgasms. Geto jerked against your body, his strong hands wrapping around your torso as he kept you pressed against him, unloading his cum into your abused pussy. You whimpered into the wall, feeling his teeth leave your neck when he started coming down from his high, his face keeping its place in your neck.
The two of you stayed quiet for a while, relishing in the silence save for the dull booming of the club music echoing through the walls of the bathroom. Geto's hands were petting the skin of your hips, and for just a moment, you let yourself think everything was okay, losing yourself in the feeling; until he spoke. "I am sorry you know. So fucking sorry." He whispered into your neck, not daring to move.
You heaved out a sigh, pushing his arms off of you. You reached behind you and pushed his pelvis back, wincing in overstimulation when his softened cock slid out of your walls, his cum chasing after him, making your face scrunch at the uncomfortable feeling. "That wasn't what this was." You responded coldly. Bending down you pulled your panties up, keeping his cum snug inside you.
You turned around to watch him open your mouth, to which you held your hand up, stopping him; amazed when he actually listened. You pushed past him, bumping his shoulder in the process. Without another word, you unlocked the bathroom door and on shaky legs, left the small room and out into the nightclub to find Shoko and Utahime and get the hell out of there. Geto sighed deeply, tipping his head back as he stared at the ceiling before he closed his eyes, feeling the remorse wash over him, "fuck."
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dante-mightdie · 22 days
My heart wants angst so I’ve just been imagining the 141 as an underground fighting ring. Price is the ringleader obviously, he started it, he makes the most profit etcetera. And all his boys are his prized fighters, bringing in the big bucks. Specifically Simon, an ex-felon with a warrant out for him.
But someone ratted them to the police and mid fight between Simon and some pore sap they get raided. It’s chaos. Price is on his knees in cuffs, Kyle is pinned to the ground, yelling obscenities as he gets frisked, Soap has his cheek and chest pressed to a cop car and Simon is getting cornered by about three or four cops, ready to fight his way out, he won’t go back.
But then there’s sweet little you. You always sit in price’s lap during matches and count his cash for him, and you patch up your boys with stitches and forehead kisses when their broken and bruised. And now you’re getting caught in all the crossfire as you walk out in cuffs, head hung low.
oh absolutely yes to everything about this
c/w: criminal activity, violence, smut
price who owns a club above the literal underground fighting ring. fancy joint that no one would ever suspect was a den of iniquity. you spend most nights up on price’s vip table, dancing the night away whilst they watch you. peeking up your skirt or blowing cigarette smoke in your direction
price only reacts when the police put you in cuffs, yelling at them in that scary tone when one of them gives you a rough shove towards the exit. telling them to get their filthy fucking hands off of you, that you have nothing to do with any of this
you’re too sweet for this. you won’t last 5 minutes in an interrogation room :( you’d never rat on him but his pretty girl has no business being in nasty places like that. you should only be in boutique stores and Michelin star restaurants or his bed
simon obviously makes the dumb decision to swing at the officer escorting you off the premises, starting a brawl in which he probably would’ve won single-handedly had you not wailed for him to stop before he got hurt
best believe when they’re all out because john pays off all the right people, he’s gonna spoil you rotten. keep you all curled up and safe in his bed, making the boys do those silly face masks with you because you feel all yucky from being in that stuffy police car and dirty station :(
lets you scroll through netflix to pick what you wanna watch whilst john lays between your legs, expertly licking and sucking at your clit until you’re kicking against his back
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Sinopse: Imagine baseado na música ‘Boyfriends’ - Harry Styles
Emparelhamento: namorado!Harry Styles x Leitora.
Aviso: angústia, traição, termino, final feliz?
NotaAutora: Esse imagine retrata minha interpretação da música, espero que gostem.
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Já era tarde no momento em que S/n começou a ouvir batidas em sua porta fazendo com que acordasse. Exausta, com seus olhos inchados pela sessão de choro que teve antes de cair no sono, ela levantou-se da cama, caminhando até sua porta verificando pelo olho mágico suspirando porque sabia que não devia cometer o erro de abri-la. Ela ouviu seu nome ser chamado algumas vezes, provavelmente os vizinhos a odiariam pela manhã. Seu estômago embrulhou e seu coração bateu forte, só com a ideia de vê-lo depois de toda a humilhação que ele lhe tinha feito passar, talvez ela soubesse que era melhor voltar para a cama naquele instante, mas era uma tola, por Harry ela sempre foi.
"Gatinha." O tom rouco da voz de Harry sempre mexia com ela.
"Será que dá para parar de incomodar? Meus vizinhos estão dormindo, eu estava dormindo."
"Eu só precisa te ver." Ele fez um beicinho. "Trouxe isto para você."
“Só flores Harry? Pelo que você fez, acho que merecia mais que isso, não é?"
"Gatinha, eu já pedi desculpas."
"Você me envergonhou na frente de toda a minha família, você tem alguma noção? Só por causa desse seu ciúme ridículo, só desculpas não basta."
"Se não agisse que nem uma vadia dando em cima do seu primo." Ele murmurou baixinho, porém alto o suficiente para a mulher enfurecida em sua frente ouvir.
"É sério isso?" Ela gritou indginada. "É assim que você vem resolver as coisas?"
"Me desculpe." Ele bufou. "Só me deixe tentar consertar isto?" Implorou. " Você não quer que algum vizinho apareça reclamando que estamos gritando aqui fora não é?"
Ela apenas cruzou os braços deixando-o entrar em seu apartamento, assim que a porta foi trancada ele deixou as flores em cima do balcão perto da entrada indo até ela, seus dedos brincaram em seu cabelo colocando atrás da orelha, depois descendo para acariciar sua bochecha, por último secando algumas lágrimas que escorriam de seus olhos.
"Eu sei que fui um completo idiota, eu não suporto ver outro cara perto de você, tocando em você, você é minha, sabe que eu acabo perdendo a cabeça, mas é só porque eu sou louco por você e você sabe disso." Ele sorriu deixando suas belas e sedutoras covinhas aparecerem. "Gatinha, eu sei que também não mereço seu perdão e tudo bem, só quero que saiba que te amo e o quanto eu me arrependo."
S/n realmente não queria cometer os mesmos erros por Harry, não era a primeira vez e não seria a última, ela sabia que isso provavelmente levaria à um desastre, mas ela sempre acabaria voltando para ele como sempre faz.
"O quanto você me ama?" Ela perguntou baixinho com um olhar de cachorrinho.
"A ponto de socar um cara por você?" Ele no fundo ainda se orgulhava disso.
"É isso é muito." Ela sorriu, se enganando como se aquilo fosse realmente um gesto de amor. "Mas promete que nunca mais fará uma coisa dessas? Eu não quero ter que passar por isso de novo Harry." Os olhos pidões dela sempre o deixava com o coração mole.
"Eu prometo." Harry a puxou para mais perto dele, começando a deixar um rastro de beijos ao longo de seu pescoço. "Tudo o que você quiser amor."
Ela tentava se convencer que desta vez suas palavras seriam reais.
"Harry, hoje não." S/n afastou-se.
"Por que não? Você sabe que quer." Ele puxou sua cintura a encurralando contra a parede. "Deixei-me te fazer sentir bem." Ele sussurrou em seu ouvido enquanto seu corpo ia cedendo cada vez mais a ele.
"Não." Ela ainda tentava se afastar, não porque ela não queria, mas sua consciência implorava para não sucumbir a todos os desejos de Harry, ele merecia ao menos não tê-la por uma noite, só para sentir-se mal com o que ele fez.
"Tem certeza disto?" Ele deu um sorriso arrogante antes de colar os lábios nos seus, suas mãos movendo-se para as costas dela decendo até a sua bunda agarrando-a. "Por favor." Ele sussurrou em seu ouvido enquanto continuou tentando, vagando seu corpo, lhe provocando, porque ele sabia exatamente como deixá-la exatamente como ele queria.
Ele sabia que S/n cederia, ela estava na palma da mão dele e era inegável o quão fácil ela voltava para ele em um estralar de dedos. Não era difícil de notar quem era o mais apaixonado nesse relacionamento. Harry se sentia mal, ele sabia que isso não era bom para ela, ele não era bom para ela, mas ele tinha suas necessidades e ela supria todas elas muito bem e talvez Harry se importasse mais em ter alguém para alimentar seu ego do que realmente nos sentimentos de S/n.
Ela foi rápida em afastar-se dele e puxá-lo para seu quarto, ela sabia que se pensasse demais provavelmente não conseguiria continuar. S/n o empurrou para cama subindo em cima dele, beijos desleixados eram deixados em todo pescoço de Harry quando ela notou um sorriso no rosto dele, enquanto olhava para ela.
"O que foi?" Perguntou um pouco ofegante e confusa.
"Eu sabia que você iria ceder." O sorriso vitorioso mais uma vez se instalou em seu rosto "Minha garota sempre cede por mim." Ele diz com convicção antes de voltar a beija-lá.
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S/n acordou já era um pouco tarde, estendendo sua a mão para encontrar Harry ela só encontrou lençóis vazios. Abrindo devidamente seus olhos, sentando-se na cama ela ainda levou alguns minutos para se recompor, puxando o cobertor para cobrir seu corpo nu. Ela tentou ignorar a dor em seu peito quando se lembrou sobre o dia anterior, relembrando as memórias difíceis, S/n percebeu que tudo o que Harry fez foi machucar seu coração e mesmo assim ele estava na sua cama no final da noite.
"Ei, dorminhoca você acordou." Harry sorriu passando pela porta carregando uma bandeja, seus olhos se arregalam quando ele se aproximou havia ovos, torradas, bacon, alguns morangos cortados e duas xícaras de chá.
"O que é isso tudo?"
"Café da manhã na cama, só para você."
Ele colocou a bandeja cuidadosamente no final da cama e lhe entregando uma xícara, logo se inclinando pressionando seus lábios contra os dela.
"Tudo para minha garota."
"Baby, não me interprete mal, mas por que isso agora?"
"Eu só queria me desculpar por ontem."
"Ah! Sim." Ela deu um sorrisofraco abaixando a cabeça.
Ela já tinha entendido tudo, ele sempre fazia isso, era típico do Styles, após uma enorme burrada, Harry mimava S/n com tudo o que ele tinha de melhor e ela deixava, era bom, ela se sentia especial, isso durava por alguns dias ou até semanas o tempo que passava com ele era agradável até o ciclo tóxico começar a se repetir.
"Você realmente não pode me impedir de te tratar bem, não é?." Enquanto ele dizia, pegou um pequeno morango, molhando no chantilly ao lado levando aos lábios dela.
Harry sorriu observando-a morder a fruta, seus lábios roçando nas pontas dos dedos dele, deixando escorrer os sucos do morango em seu dedo que rapidamente ela chupou, ele pareceu gostar muito disso, porque logo em seguida, ele tinha sua boca na dela, deslizando a mão sob sua cintura agarrando com um pouco de firmeza enquanto saboreava o sabor doce de seus lábios.
"Acho melhor tomamos o café primeiro." Ela diz um pouco sem fôlego. "Quero aproveitar o que fez para mim, antes de você se aproveitar do meu corpinho de novo." Lançou-lhe um sorriso sacana.
"Claro, só me deixe pegar uma camisa para você."
Harry, levantou-se indo até o armário dela, ele estava tão cuidadoso e naquele instante ela desejou que aquele momento nunca acabesse.
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Harry sabia que deveria parar, ele nem deveria estar fazendo isso em primeiro lugar, beijando os lábios de outra mulher, mas ele não conseguia pensar direito com as paredes macias dela apertando seu pênis. Tudo o que ele conseguia pensar era como sua pele nua se sentia bem embaixo dele. Ela era uma estranha gemendo seu nome enquanto sua namorada provavelmente estava em seu próprio apartamento esperando por ele. Harry tinha ciência que eventualmente as coisas iriam explodir bem na cara dele e ele iria perder tudo, incluindo S/n, no entanto, no momento ele não conseguia se importar, as sensações que aquela mulher estava lhe dando o deixava cada vez mais perto de seu orgasmo e mais longe de sua própria realidade.
Quem poderia culpá-lo? Ele apenas havia sido vítima de seus desejos. Era normal, ele era um humano, um homem e ele não esperava que S/n entrasse em sua casa, especialmente enquanto ele tinha uma garota loira bem embaixo dele.
"Merda! Merda! Merda!" Harry praguejou saindo o mais rápido possível da cama. "S/n! Espere!" Ele implorou com os lençóis enrolados em sua cintura.
"Harry! Acabou." Ela gritou.
"Eu posso explicar!"
S/n então parou bruscamente cruzando os braços virando para ele.
"Me diz Harry, como você explica isso?" Indagou com seu rosto queimando de lágrimas.
"Foi um erro, eu amo você."
"Vá se fuder."
"S/n por favor."
"Não! Eu estou cansada de te amar e no final receber isto." Sua voz trêmula mal saia. "Adeus Harry."
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2 meses depois.
S/n devia ter percebido, foi tão estupida, ela realmente pensou que seria diferente, mas os velhos hábitos de Harry nunca mudaram, foi só questão de tempo para eles comecarem a reaparecer, no final da noite ele já nem estava na cama ao seu lado com os braços em volta dela, muitas vezes saía e desaparecia sem dizer para onde estava indo. Ela descobriu que ele havia voltado a beber e ficou ainda mais difícil de saber o que ele estava pensando, pois eles agora mal conversavam. Talvez ele não se sentia satisfeito com sua vida, apenas talvez fosse culpa dela.
Fingir e sorrir era o que ela fazia melhor, ela se importava com ele, realmente se importava, mesmo que seu coração batesse de dor, foi por isso que simplesmente mesmo depois de tudo ainda levou seu relacionamento adiante. Mas após vê-lo na cama com outra S/n se perguntou se tudo aquilo não passou de apenas um fingimento para ele? Se seu amor em algum momento foi real.
Agora S/n tentava viver sua vida normalmente, seu dia começou às cinco da manhã, ela correu para o trabalho tentando não pensar em Harry, no horário de almoço relutou consigo mesma para não vasculhar as redes sociais e saber como ele estava, no final do dia quando seu corpo estava doendo e tudo que ela precisava era apenas relaxar, pois já teve o suficiente, no caminho de volta para casa algo a puxou para sua antiga vida.
"Me desculpe S/n." A voz bêbada de Harry saiu arrastada ao telefone. "Eu sinto tanto a sua falta."
“Quem você pensa que é? O que te dá o direito de me ligar depois de toda a dor que você me causou?" Sua voz mal consegue sair, pois seu coração estava se partindo em pedaços.
Já se passaram dois meses desde que aconteceu e Harry liga para ela sempre que está bêbado, o que acontece frequentemente, mas ela nunca atendeu, não até essa ligação.—talvez ela sentiu falta de ouvir sua voz.
"Como você pôde?"
"Eu fui um idiota." Sua voz tinha um tom de arrependimento. "Eu sinto muito."
Harry sabia que errou, ele magoou a pessoa que mais amava ele no mundo inteiro, destruiu seu coração o deixando em pedaços que provavelmente nem saberia se um dia poderia se curar novamente, ele não queria isso, ele esperava que ela nunca soubesse, ele só esperava que ela continuasse sendo sua doce e feliz namorada.
"Isso não é o suficiente."
"Eu sei." Ele fungou. "Eu sei que nada mais será o suficiente para trazer minha garota de volta."
"Foi tudo mentira? O que tivemos era fingimento?"
"Não! Eu amo você! Sabe que sempre amei."
"Então por quê?"
"Eu não sei explicar, foi um erro, eu realmente nunca quis que isso acontecesse, ela não significa nada, eu juro, você é a única com quem eu quero estar, eu te amo e isso nunca mais vai acontecer de novo eu prometo, só volta para mim, eu não sou o mesmo sem você, estou tão sozinho e sinto tanto à sua falta." Choramingou.
Ele nunca viu Harry daquela maneira, talvez ele estivesse mesmo arrependido ou talvez só estivesse sozinho e bêbado.
Houve alguns minutos de silêncio no telefone, mas no fundo Harry podia ouvi-la chorando.
"Gatinha, por favor não chore, me perdoe." Ele se sentiu tão culpado.
"Eu te odeio Harry! Eu odeio amar você."
"Eu sei."
"Eu nunca vou te perdoar por isso."
"Eu sei." Ele fungou.
"Tchau! Harry, eu não posso mais continuar com isto." Ela diz antes de desligar.
Se permitindo chorar sentada em seu carro num estacionamento qualquer, tudo o que ela mais queria no momento era ver Harry e ela foi, mas o porquê ela não sabia, talvez ela precisasse de mais respostas, talvez ela só precisasse vê-lo mais uma vez. Ela só foi em direção as ruas que eram tão familiares, entrando no pequeno condomínio de luxo onde Harry morava, tendo suas mãos trêmulas enquanto batia na porta da casa dele.
"S/n?" Seu rosto parecia tão surpreso, quanto o dela pela coragem de estar ali.
Ela não disse nada, só pulou em seu braços começando a chorar, apesar de terem terminado, apesar dele ser o causador de sua dor, ele ainda era a pessoa a quem ela procurou para a consolar. Como pode uma pessoa lhe causar tanta dor, ao mesmo tempo, ser seu conforto? Esse pensamento só lhe fez chorar ainda mais.
"Ei, vai ficar tudo bem." Ele dizia acariando o cabelo dela.
"Não vai." Ela fungou em seu peito, sentindo o cheio forte de uísque. "Nada ficará bem Harry, eu sinto sua falta, eu te odeio por me fazer te amar tanto, porque você não merece isso, não merece que eu esteja aqui agora por você."
"Eu sei que não." A culpa o consumia. "Você não merecia ser tratada assim, eu estava apenas sendo um namorado de merda sem uma boa razão, eu sinto muito por não ter percebido isso antes e se tivesse a chance, eu faria qualquer coisa para compensar você." Ele deu um beijo no topo da sua cabeça.
Harry bêbado sempre foi o mais sincero, mas ela sabia que os jogos nunca terminavam, seria estupidez acreditar mais uma vez.
"Podemos deitar? Estou cansada, já está tarde."
"Quer ir pro quarto?"
"Não!" Ela automaticamente se lembrou da última vez que esteve ali, fazendo seu estômago embrulhar.
"Quarto de hóspedes?"
Depois de S/n ter recusado que Harry preparasse algo para ela comer porque ele estava bêbado demais para qualquer coisa, logo após ela o ajudar com um banho frio para ele ficar um pouco mais sóbrio, os dois finalmente estavam naquela cama que parecia estranha, ali deitada com ele, uma parte dela se sentiu tola por estar sonhando com o futuro como ele, voltando a tudo isso mais uma vez, já Harry se sentia extremamente confortável, a sensação de tê-la ao lado dele era algo que ele não pensava que teria de novo, então ele a abraçou forte: ele tinha consciência que ainda tinha um longo caminho e coisas a se resolver antes dela voltar a ser sua doce namorada, mas por enquanto, ele estava feliz só por estarem ali.
"Nós ficaremos bem, certo?" Ele perguntou baixinho, com seu coração apertado.
"Não sei…" Ela admitiu timidamente, lágrimas ameaçando derramar de seus olhos. "Eu espero que sim."
Muito obrigado pela leitura! Se você gostou, por favor, considere deixar algum feedback, opinião, sugestão, idea AQUI isso significa muito para mim.💕
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fallingsolonely · 2 years
The Underground • Part 3 [Final]
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Sexual themes
Word count - Part 3 - 8.2k
"I'm going to grab some things" He taps my cheek lightly and then turns around. I watch him walk to a large wardrobe across the room.
He opens it and on either side of the door is an assortment of different kind of restraints.
From head to toe he is stunning.
His shoulders are broad and it's clear that he works out.
Everything about him is clean and neat. He's so masculine, but there's a touch of femininity to him in the way he does his makeup and has his nails painted. He's perfect.
If I even joke about painting my husband's nails or putting some lip gloss on him, he freaks out like it's so unnatural for him to do something like that.
He's childish. Unaware of the age we live in.
You can still be a tough guy and enjoy makeup, it doesn't make you any less masculine. If anything, it just shows how secure you are.
I see that in this man, in Harry. How secure he is with himself.
I would die for a man like that in my life.
My trance is broken by Harry closing the wardrobe.
He turns to me, in his hands are what look like handcuffs, with silver chain attached, a leather blindfold and a rod with one end being feathers and the other being a tassel of leather.
"Is this okay with you, princess?" He comes up to me and sets the items on the bed next to me.
I pick up the thing I don't recognize, I run my hand through the tassel. I have a pretty good idea of what it's used for, I'm not completely oblivious.
I set it back on the bed and then I pick up the cuffs and inspect them. They are thick leather and the inside of them are fluffy.
I've never been handcuffed before.
"If it's not, tell me" He grabs my chin and makes me look up at him.
I bite my lip and give the cuffs to him. I hold out my hands to him.
He runs his fingers through my hair and then opens the cuffs.
I watch his face as he focuses on tightening them around my wrists. He glances at me and smiles.
He wraps the small chain around his hand and pulls me forward. He leans down and kisses me. It's soft and wet, his tongue touching my lips every so often into it.
"There are many, many things I want to do to you, my darling"
He stands upright and drops the chain.
"Shuffle up on the bed for me" He says, his tone more commanding.
I listen to him and shuffle my way up the bed. The only thing on the bed was a dark red sheet.
He followed me, crawling onto the bed. He reached out and grabbed my leg, roughly pulling me down and underneath him.
I squeal a little and he laughs, kissing me.
God, does it feel good.
This man barely knows me, yet the appreciation he showed me was something I've never seen. Whether he did it to everyone or not, it still felt nice.
He pushed my cuffed hands over my head and held them there.
"Hm, I am going to blindfold you. Is that alright, sweetheart?" He kissed along my cheek to my ear.
"Not being able to see can be a little daunting, but I promise you, my love, that it makes everything I do to you, feel incredible" He pushed himself up and straddled my thighs. He reached back a bit and grabbed the strip of leather.
"Okay" I nod at him, I'm nervous. I can feel my heart pounding.
But I'm so excited. Every word, every touch that comes from him makes my stomach flutter.
"Are you nervous?" He wonders, he reaches his hand down and cups my cheek.
"A little, but I want to do it" He traces my cheek and smiles.
"Perfectly normal to be nervous, sunshine. I'll do whatever I can to make you comfortable and feel good"
He looks at me for a moment before bringing the blindfold to my eyes and fastening it tightly around my head.
"There's something about women that I can't get enough of" He says, his fingers running over my lips and down my neck.
"I'm a lover of all, but pleasing a woman such as you, my sweet Mars, is something I will never get tired of" He gets off of me and I shudder from the sudden coolness.
"Spread your legs" He orders.
I listen to him and open them. By the sound of his voice, I guess that he's at the end of the bed.
"Such a shame that you haven't been appreciated, baby" He climbs back onto the bed. He comes between my legs and I can tell he's on his knees.
"I want to play a game" He says.
I feel the tassel he brought out, being run over my stomach.
"The quiet game. I'm sure it's a game you'd be good at, considering how pathetic your husband sounds"
I bite my lip, the vulnerability of the situation, hitting me. I can't move and I can't see him. I don't know at all what he's going to do.
"Don't worry, my love, it's a simple game. All you have to do is be quiet. No matter what I do, don't make a sound. Unless, it's a safe word or anything concerning your level of comfort"
"Would you like to play?" He asks.
I shuffle a little and pull at the restraints. I'm not familiar with the state I'm in. It's nerve racking and so fucking hot at the same time.
"What happens if I make a sound?"
I jump a little when I feel a light sting against my thigh, it's not too hard but it's enough to make my skin warm up.
It's a weird sensation. Everything feels heightened.
He rubs where he hit me. I don't say anything. Not yellow, or red. I enjoyed it, the sensation. I wish I could see his face.
"And, I stop what I'm doing"
On the other end of the tassel, is a little bunch of feathers. I feel it as he runs it along my pelvis.
"I thought you wanted to prove you could make me come with your tongue?" I ask.
He chuckles and roughly lifts my legs, bending them and spreading them wider.
"Is that a hint of brattiness, Mars?"
I jump again when I feel the little strips of leather meeting my skin on the inside of my thigh. A much more sensitive area. My toes curl at the sting of it. But it's not painful, not in the sense of where I want him to stop.
"I don't need to prove anything, darling. I know what I'm capable of"
He's between my legs, his hand sliding up until it's around my throat and he's on top of me.
"Would you like to know what I do to people who question me?" His lips are at my ear and my breathing gets heavier.
He tightens his grip on my throat, not much but enough to feel it.
"Maybe" I feel the adrenaline kicking in, my confidence coming through.
He laughs, but it's quiet and controlled.
"Hm, I like you" He pushes himself back up.
"Quiet time starts now, princess" He hums to himself, his hands running up and down and the inside of my thighs.
"How good do you think my tongue is going to feel compared to how you dreamed about it, sweetheart?" He lifts my hips up until my ass his aginast his chest.
Throughout our relationship, my husband has gone down on me twice. I didn't hate him for it, but the only thing he enjoyed was penetration or me sucking his dick.
I never really got anything from it. I'm always left disappointed or unsatisfied.
It seems crazy, before we got married our sex life wasn't bad. It still wasn't the greatest, but it was something I could deal with.
Without any kind of warning, I feel it. I feel the warmth of his tongue.
It's a craving I've been wanting for so long, finally being fulfilled and for that split moment, I forget about his little game.
I moan, my body tensing at the pleasure the runs through me. As quickly as the pleasure came, it went away.
"I didn't think you'd give up that quick, sunshine" He kisses up my thigh, biting down a few times.
He drops my hips down onto the bed and I can't help but whine.
He chuckles at me, he rubs my thigh for a moment and goes quiet. In the next moment, I hear the little whoosh of the whip and feel the burning sensation of it hitting my thigh.
I've been dying for weeks, thinking about this man. Wanting him, more than anything. I'm finally getting the opportunity and here he is teasing me. I'm not used to it, being teased and used like this.
I'm enjoying every second of it, but god, do I ever fucking want him.
Daniel, never did anything like this with me. He never took his time in teasing me, working me up.
The only thing that Daniel does is when he wants to have sex, he'll rub my back. It's like his little signal to me that he was in the mood. But that was it. I get nothing else, just some basic ass sex.
"Did I say you could speak?"
He hits my other thigh, slightly harder than the first one.
I try not to make a sound but I want to beg him, I need to feel his mouth. I need his tongue. I need it all.
I shake my head, praying to every God I can thinkof that this man will give me what I want.
"Perhaps I should be lenient with you, baby" He roughly pushes my legs apart, his hands squeezing my legs hard.
"I'm not one to reward when I feel you don't deserve it" He lifts my hips up again and my stomach flutters.
"But am I safe to assume that your deadbeat of a husband doesn't cherish this beautiful body of yours?"
He brings me back to the position I was in before, lifted up against his chest. Both of his hands wrap around the top of my thighs and grip them tightly.
"Just a warning, my love. I enjoy playing games and if in the future, you loose. That's it. You disobey me, I will do with you what I please" His tone is dark.
It makes my stomach flip, thinking about the possibilities of this man.
"My heat breaks for you, sunshine. Not knowing what real pleasure feels like, poor thing" His lips touch my thigh and my heart flutters.
"How can you stay with a man who doesn't appreciate every inch of you?" He slides his hands towards my stomach and then back to my legs.
"For now, the game is over. My beautiful Mars, I'm going to make you scream"
I can feel his breath and I tense. I need it so fucking badly.
"Please" I beg, pulling on the restraints that hold my hands.
"Please, what?" I groan when the tip of his tongue slides against me, but only for a moment.
"I need you to make me come with your tongue" I breathe out, wishing I could fucking see him. He probably looks stunning.
"It would be a privilege, darling"
He grabs my hips and pulls my back tighter against him. I couldn't even imagine what this position must look like. Him on his knees, lifting me almost upside down. My legs spread wide in the air, gravity pushing them even further apart.
Fuck, I want to see it. I want to look up in the mirror above us and watch him.
My eyes roll back when he finally connects his tongue with my clit. This time, he doesn't pull away.
It's methodical, the way his tongue moves. I spiral into a world I've never known.
Pure fucking bliss.
He knows exactly what he's doing, his tongue teasing along each side of my clit and the gliding right over it.
"H-Harry, fuck" I feel the warmth of his mouth completely take me in and my legs start shaking. With this position it's almost impossible to close them.
I didn't think I would be this sensitive, but it's overwhelming.
Roughly he grabs me, holding me tightly and controlling the movements of my hips that I can't.
"Oh, fuck" I pull on the restraints on my hands, part of me wanting to push him away and also pull him even closer.
His whole mouth sucks me in and it's an out of body experience. I've never felt so high.
My stomach is in knots, the rhythm of his tongue doesn't falter in the slightest and it feels incredible.
"D-Don't stop" I beg.
I'm flying, I'm in a dream and I don't want it to end.
With every little suck and flick of his tongue I become more and more sensitive. My hips fight against his hold but he's strong.
Holding me in place and sucking my clit like his life depends on it.
"I-Im going to come" I cry out.
It's something I haven't experienced in so long and never like this.
I struggle against his grasp and the restraints. My stomach flips and turns, it feels like it's going to explode.
And then it does, the orgasm rips through me in the best way possible. From my toes to my head.
It's one, if not the best orgasm I have ever had.
He doesn't let go, his tongue takes me through it and beyond.
"H-Harry" I can hardly get it out, my breath is lost.
He finally changes his pace, slowing down until he finally pulls back.
"I could eat this sweet pussy all night, baby" He sets me down, humming in delight. He rubs both of my thighs with his hands.
"I've been between many thighs, baby. I think these are one of my favourites"
With the tone of his voice, I want to believe him. But I can't even begin to fathom the amount of people he's slept with.
He's a lover and I can tell by his personality that he wants me to feel special in this moment. He wants me to know that I'm the only thing on his mind. Even if he doesn't mean it, I appreciate it.
He's a fucking dream.
The way he acts as if we are the only two people on the planet, the way he's taking his time with me, complimenting me.
This mysterious man is going to take over my life.
"Tell me, darling. Has your husband ever made you come like that?" His lips are on my stomach, slowly making his way up my body.
He kisses upbetween my breasts and along my collar bone.
I'm still breathing hard, my body still reeling from the orgasm.
"Hm? Can't find your voice?" His lips are at my ear.
"Did I take your breath away, love?" He whispers, when he talks lowly his voice goes so deep.
"Oh Mars, there is something about you. It's dangerous, the way I haven't stopped thinking about this sexy girl who thought she could lie to me" He chuckles and then pushes himself up.
"We are definitely going to be good friends" He strokes my cheek and traces my lips.
He loves to talk and fuck, I could listen to his voice all night. It's smooth, he never falters or stumbles.
He reaches up and pulls the chain away, my hands dropping to the bed, still above my head.
He holds my hands down with one hand and his other grips my throat.
"I'm going to fuck you until your numb" I can feel how close his lips are to mine, I can taste his breath. It's sweet and minty.
"Please, I need it" I finally say, but my breath is still shaky.
"How would you like to take me, darling?" He bites my lip for a moment.
"Rubber or no?" He wonders.
I can't fucking imagine what it would feel like to have him fill me up. I'm on birth control, much to my husband's dismay.
I did that after one of our condoms 'broke'. I never brought it up to him but I still have the suspicion that it wasn't accidental.
I haven't told him I'm on it.
Harry pulls the blind fold off of me and smiles when my eyes meet his.
"I'm on birth control.." My voice is quiet, almost shy.
"It is entirely up to you, darling. I'm going to fuck you silly no matter what" He smirked and tapped his fingers against my cheek.
"I want you to fill me up" He smirks and grips my chin.
"What a filthy thing you are" He kissed me hard, but not for long.
"I wonder if your husband is aware his wife is such a slut" I bite my lip, my body is buzzing with excitment.
His dirty words making me ache.
I'd be whatever this man wants me to be.
I'd drop to my knees without a question for him.
"A sweet little slut, all tied up for me"
He pushes himself off of me and in a quick, rough motion he flips me onto my stomach.
"So many things I want to do to this stunning body"
He straddles the back of my thighs, his hands running from my shoulders down to the curve at the bottom of my back. He repeats this a few times.
He wrapped his fingers through my hair and lightly pulled my head back, bringing his lips to my ear.
"This is just a glimpse into my world, sweetheart" He took a deep breath and pulled my hair harder.
"I can promise you that my world is not short on pleasure, something you've desperately been looking for" He kissed my jaw and then dropped my head against the bed.
"Am I right, Mars?" He runs his hands down my back slowly.
"Tell me, honey. Tell me about how your useless husband doesn't know how to fuck you, can't make you come..." He pushed his knee between my thighs and spread my legs apart.
"I haven't even had the pleasure of fucking you yet, and I've made you come twice"
He tugs on my hair lightly.
"Speak, darling. I want to hear your voice"
He bites down on the side of my jaw but quickly moves his lips down my neck.
"Hm, you smell like strawberries and sex, darling" He chuckles a little and bites down again at the base of my neck.
"What a joy it would be to mark this pretty neck"
I felt my body go weak at the feeling of his tongue making circles on my skin.
"Perhaps, one day, when you come to the realization that you'll never want to go back when I'm done with you" His voice is soft, but the confidence is his statement is clear.
"I already don't" I'm trying to speak but I feel out of breath. I feel out of my body. It's so overwhelming. It's a mix of fear and excitment.
I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe this man walked into my life.
This perfect, sculpture of a man.
Treating me like what I want, actually matters to him.
How could I ever go back from this?
This man has given me more pleasure in the last 20 minutes than my husband has in our last 2 years of marriage.
"What was that, my love?" His voice is so fucking sexy.
Fuck, I wish I could touch him. I hate that I can't, I hate that he has my hands chained.
"He'll never be able to make me feel like this" I whisper, biting down on my lip.
"Is this a confirmation that I'll have the pleasure of seeing you again?"
I turn my head a little, his lips already coming up to my own.
"I don't want to leave" I say against his lips. He smiles.
"Oh Mars, my darling.." He kissed me between words.
"We are going to have so much fun" He smiles even more.
In a quick change of pace, he pushes me down hard against the bed.
I'm on my stomach, my hands tied together over my head.
His knee is shoved between my legs.
"Can't believe this sweet slut is going to let me fill her up"
His touches and movements began to get more rough. In a swift manuver, he grabbed my hips and lifted me up.
"Get on your knees" He demands. I listen to him, getting a little more comfy on my elbows and sticking my ass out for him.
My stomach is already in knots thinking about what this is going to feel like. I know it's going to be like heaven.
"Now, my sweet girl.." I moan softly when I feel his fingers slide up my thigh and gently rub against my clit.
"I'm going to fuck you until you can't think straight"
My toes curl at the delicate pleasure he's giving me, his fingers slowly going in circles.
He does this for a few moments and then he pulls his hand away. I prop myself up a little more on my forearms and attempt to look back at him.
He reaches up and shoves my head back down onto the bed.
"Stay" He orders, his hand on the back of my head and holding it against the mattress.
"Hm? You going to listen to me?" His voice is stern. I can hear the change in it, the focus that's in his voice.
"Answer me" I groan when he slaps my ass, the harshness of it surprising me.
I turn my head a little so he can hear me.
"Yes" I whisper, submitting to him.
"Good girl" He soothes the stinging with his hand, massaging my ass.
"I am a paitent man, darling, but oh my...Something about you, Mars" I can feel him getting into a more comfortable position.
"I just want to fuck you" One of his hands grabs my hip.
My knees weaken when I feel him guiding the tip of his cock against me.
"How bad do you want it, hm?"
My body shudders when he slides his cock against me, my stomach tightens. Just thinking about what it's going to feel like, could make me come.
I can't believe how turned on I am, it's euphoria.
"I need it, Harry. Please, I need you to fuck me"
"I like hearing that sweet voice beg, my darling" He slides his cock against me once more and then finally, he guides his cock into me.
Holy fuck.
"O-Oh god" I groan, enjoying every fucking inch of him.
I haven't had a good sexual experience in a what felt like forever.
Until I met this man, Harry.
He oozes sex, wealth and perfection. He's playful and warm. He's nothing short of a dream.
"Fuck" The deepness of his voice sends butterflies through me.
My stomach tightens as he buries himself inside of me. Both of his hands tighten on my hips and he holds me against me.
"You feel like heaven, darling" He pulls my hips back until he's almost all the way out of me.
"How does it feel so far, hm?" He wondered, but I could see, without even looking at him that he had a little smirk on his face.
Without even thinking about it, I tried to sink myself back down onto him and his grip got very firm. Stopping me.
Without a warning, he pulls me back. Sinking his cock as far as he could get it and I went breathless. It felt so fucking good.
"Huh, Mars? How does my cock feel buried inside of you?" I'm still breathless and lightheaded from the pleasure twisting in my stomach.
I whimper when he roughly grabs my hair by the roots and pulls me up hard against his chest.
"I asked you a question, sweetheart" He wraps an arm around my stomach and his other that was gripping my hair, wraps around my throat.
"I said-" He thrusts his hips, making my body weak. He's already so deep, I see stars in my vision.
"How does it feel, my love?" He grabs my chin and turns my head, his teeth grazing my lip and then along my cheek.
I've never felt so vulnerable than I do right now. Every emotion is pumping through me and pleasure is the greatest. I can't even think about words.
He does it again, pushing his hips against me and the only reason I'm still up is because of the hold he has on me.
With every movement his hips make, I moan and whine. With every second I don't speak, he pulls me harder down against him.
"Grace me with your sweet voice, darling. Or I stop fucking you and you can watch me all tied up while I stroke my cock until I come" I whine again and he chuckles, the laugh is low and menacing.
"P-Please don't stop" I whisper, I go to lift my hips but he tightens his hold around my stomach and pulls me roughly back down onto him.
I moan, the feeling of his cock hitting the furthest part of me is insane. I'm completely over come with pleasure, I don't know what to do with myself.
"Oh honey, I do love that word" He loosens his grip around my stomach and begins to slide his hand down.
"As a little treat for being such a good girl, I'm going to make you come while my cock is buried in this beautiful pussy" I feel his teeth against my neck, but not long enough to leave a mark. A graze.
God I wanted more.
He was so endearing. Every single thing about him pulled you in. It was supernatural to me, the way he reeled me in.
Its not what surrounded him, it wasn't the money or just the sex. It was just, him. His entire being reels you in, he's unreal. His personality was infectious.
I'm lost in all of it. I don't know how I got here and I never want to leave.
"Oh- god" My restrained hands reach for his, but his free one grabs my throat.
"Keep them still or they go behind your back" He whispers, his fingertips tracing down my hip until reaches between my legs.
He's so methodical, focused. He knows exactly what he's going to do.
"You feel so good on my cock, baby" His fingers make contact with my clit.
I struggle with my hands, not having much room to do anything with them. I'm trying so hard not to grab him, the pleasure is intense.
"You're shaking, darling" He laughs softly.
"Are you going to come for me again?" His fingers press down harder and he rocks me against him.
I groan, my head falling against his shoulder. I ball my hands into fists, my body twitching with pleasure as an orgasm builds.
He holds onto my throat, his grip tightening as his fingers speed up. I want to wiggle my hips, remove myself from the overwhelming pleasure, but every time I move, I feel his cock inside me and everything just heightens.
"Harry" I cry, I can't help it, I yank on his wrist.
In a swift movement, I'm pushed against the bed. In the process, he pulls out of me.
His fingers remain on my clit, his chest pressed against me.
In less than a few moments, he's thrusting his hips back into me. This time, he's in a position that gives him more room to pound into me.
"Harry- Fuck-" He finds a rhythm with his hips and its rough. His fingers on my clit make my eyes roll back and I can't stop it.
My hands are pinned underneath me. I tremble under him, an orgasm rippling through my body. His rhythm doesn't slow, he continues and my mind goes numb.
I cry with the amount of pleasure I feel.
He pulls his hand from my clit and pushes himself up onto his knees. He lifts my thighs up against his hips and then grabs mine, he doesn't stop.
Relentlessly he fucks me and it's more than euphoria, it's everything. I feel so good, I feel so fucking sexy even with the mess I'm sure I've turned into with his treatment.
He's so focused on his hips that he's quiet besides a few, quiet and breathy moans.
He finally pulls out of me, but I'm not given any time to breath. He gets off the bed and then grabs my leg, making me squeal as he pulled me to him and onto my back.
"Look at you all fucked, princess" He stands over me, his hands running up my thighs and then gripping them hard.
I look up at him, his hair is disheveled and he's covered in a layer of sweat.
Still, he is perfect.
He's glowing.
He lifts my hips up and teasingly guides his cock along me.
I groan and tighten my thighs around him.
"Hm, I don't know if I wanna share you, love. Want this perfectly stunning body to myself" He sinks into me slowly, holding me tight against him when he fills me up.
"Shit" He rolls my hips up and down and I'm loud again. It just feels so good.
"Such a pretty moan, baby. You can be as loud as you want" He drops my hips against the bed.
He grabs the chain that's attached to my restraints and pulls me up.
"I knew it the moment I saw you, baby" He grabs my chin and traces my lip with his thumb.
"This nervous looking thing, sitting by herself. Trying to fit in" He chuckled.
"This is a place for those who don't, a safe place for those looking for more. People like you, princess"
I wonder what it meant for him. This man who's presence just demands attention.
What is this place to him?
"People like me" He strokes my cheek and smiles at me.
He leans down and kisses me, it's so hot. His tongue is dripping like honey, It's breathtaking.
"This pretty mouth belongs to me for the night, princess" He bites my lip and then pulls back.
"I want it around my cock" He yanks on the chain and pulls me off the bed onto my knees.
His hands grips the back of my head and without a word he guides my mouth towards his cock.
I open up and try to hide my smile when his hold gets tighter and he groans.
Everything in me wants to please him, to show him what I'm capable of, but he has complete control over me.
"Fuck, Mars" He pushes himself until I gag and then pulls himself out until his tip his against my lips. I admire his cock, he's hard as rock.
His tip is glowing and I just want to suck it until it explodes.
I stick my tongue out and lick his tip.
He chuckles and pulls my head back.
"You love sucking my cock, hm?" I smile and nod at him.
"I want to suck it until you come" I say, licking my lips.
"Oh yeah?" He bit his lip and looked down at me intensely.
"Yeah" I respond, starring at him with a shy smile.
He hums and pulls me up to my feet.
"I can picture just how sexy you'd look, painted in my come" He pulls me onto my toes and brushes his lips over mine.
"Perhaps, in our next meeting" His nose brushes against mine and it's sweet.
It's a level of tenderness that I appreciate, despite the situation we are in.
"For now, my love. I want to hear those pretty little cries while I fuck you"
He shoves me onto the bed and he doesn't waste any time in sliding his hands under my thighs and lifting me up until his mouth could attach my clit.
I cried out, not expecting to feel his warm tongue again.
He slides his tongue up and down my clit for just a few moments before dropping me back down onto the bed.
"I want to tie you down to the bed and play with this pussy all night, make you come over and over again with my tongue and fingers. Maybe some other toys" He smirks down at me.
"But the thought of sending you home full of my cum-" He smirks.
"Fuck" He breathes.
"Get up" He demands, staring me down.
I quickly listen to him, struggling to get up onto my knees on the bed.
He gets on the bed and lays down.
"Sit on my cock, I want to watch my sweet girl fuck me" I shuffle my way to him and climb onto him.
He grabs one of my hips and the other wraps around the base of his cock. He helps guide himself and when he finds what he's looking for, he thrusts his hips up hard while pulling me down with the same force.
I go weak and catch my self.
Fuck, I already know how good this position is going to feel. Everything he's done so far has been fucking incredible.
I look down at him, watching as he looked at me with his bottom lip between his teeth.
I raise myself up and before I could sink back down, Harry does it for me. Pulling me down, once again, as hard as he can.
I whine, my stomach already forming knots.
As weak as I feel, I do it again, knowing that he's going to pull me back down.
He does and it feels so fucking good.
We get into a rhythm of me lifting my hips and him yanking me back down and burying himself as deep as he could.
My legs are jello as the pleasure of this position seizes them up and makes them numb.
But god, being in this position is amazing. I watch his face with every thrust, watching his seriousness falter as pleasure swims through him. The way his head goes back and his mouth opens up, low grunts and moans coming from him.
"Do you like sitting on my cock, Mars?" He stops me from lifting my hips and just rocks me back and forth for a moment.
I smile and nod, wiggling my hips in his hold.
"Look so sexy above me, baby" His smile turned into a smirk and he rolled us over, putting me beneath him.
He grabs my restrained hands and lifts them over my head and pins them down.
He pushes himself up and runs his hands threw his hair. It falls again towards his face when he looks down At me. He's gorgeous.
"Still can't believe this sexy girl hasn't been fucked properly" He runs his fingers up and down my hips. The feeling, almost ticklish.
"Never had the pleasure of having a real orgasm" He shakes his head and brings his hands up to my cheeks.
"I'm going to change that for you"
And I believe it. I don't have a doubt in my mind that this man is going to change my life.
He pushes my thighs up and then opens them wide and pushes them against the bed.
"You're so messy, darling" He let's go of one of my thighs and brings his fingers to my clit.
"Dripping all over the place" He chuckles and runs his fingers slowly up and down.
"Your husband ever manage to make you drip this much for him, baby?"
A whimper comes from me at the light pleasure. I shake my head, my hips moving against the feeling.
"Just for me?" I gasp when he pushes his finger into me, quickly adding a second.
"Sweet girl, dripping all for me"
I whine more, my hips moving to meet the movements of his fingers. It's amazing.
"I want to lick it all up for you" He pulls his fingers from me and brings them to his lips.
He bites his lip and then his eyes find mine.
He smiles.
"I don't want this time to end, darling. I want to play with you all night" He leans down and kisses along my jaw until he reaches my lips.
"I do hope that you've had fun with me, baby. Just wanted to show you what you've been missing out on" He lifts himself back up onto his knees, my legs now resting against his hips.
"I haven't felt like this in years" I say to him, I squeeze my legs around his hips and smile at him.
"I don't know how I'm ever going to have sex with him again" Harry chuckles.
"Just think about me, darling. Or better yet, get yourself out of that loveless relationship and join my world. Without fear, just pleasure" He runs his hands up my thighs and all the way up until he's hovering above me. His hands on either side of my head.
"I can change your life" He whispers against my lips and then kisses me.
How could I ever go back from this?
This night has changed my life and now I don't know what to do.
Whether I could have fixed my marriage or not, it's out the window now.
I will never not be able to think about this man. The things he has shown me, exposed me too.
I want more.
"There's a whole world out there for you, Mars" He smiles, one of his hands coming underneath my thigh and pushing it down against the bed.
His smile turns into a smirk and without a word, his cock sinks into me.
"All warmed up, taking me so easily" He teases while holding my thigh against the bed.
I groan, my vision going blurry with the unexpected pleasure and fullness.
"Fuck" He leaned over me, letting go of my leg. He held himself over me, pulling his hips away from mine and then pounding them back into me.
I looked up at him, watching as sweat dripped down his face. His once nicely made hair disheveled and hanging over his face.
I don't know what I did to deserve this gorgeous man coming into my life, but damn.
Maybe there is a God.
I want to grab him so bad, I fucking hate that I haven't been able too.
I want nothing more than to run my fingers into his hair and pull it. I just want to touch him so bad.
"You feel so good, baby" He kisses me, it's messy and hot.
The pace of his hips are sending me into a frenzy. I moan against his lips and I don't feel embarrassed about the noises that I make. I can't help it, It feels so good.
His lips and tongue against my own add to the overwhelming pleasure.
"H-Harry-" I lean my head back, closing my eyes tight and clasping my hands together above my head.
"Are you going to come with me, princess?" He grazes his teeth along my jaw and then pushes him self up onto his knees.
He firmly grabs my hips and speeds up his pace.
The pleasure is intense, everything in my body is electrified.
My thighs tremble, I can feel the orgasm clawing it's way out. It's a pleasure I can't describe.
Daniel, has never managed to make me orgasm like this. Even when our sex life was average.
This was an out of body experience kind of pleasure. It feels like I'm going to explode.
"Holy fuck" Harry's nails dig into my hips, his pace unchanging.
It's fucking heaven.
"Harry- I'm going to come" I cry out, one of his hands let's go of my hip and he reaches up to grab my throat.
"Wait" He demands, his voice is low.
"I- I can't" He doesn't let up, even with the slight change in position.
"Yes you can, sweetheart" He reassures and I groan.
I want to come so bad.
"I will tell you when you can come" He let's go of my throat when he's sure I got the message.
It's hard to control, to hold in the amount of pleasure swimming throughout my body.
I look up, looking at the way he's hunched over in the mirror above us. Watching as his cock slides in and out of me and just at the sight of it, I know there's no way I'll be able to stop myself.
"H-Harry, please" I whimper, my whole body is vibrating with pleasure and it's begging to be released.
He ignores me, pounding into me until I can't think.
"Fuck" He groans to himself, repeating the words under as his breath as he fucks me relentlessly.
He let's go of my hips and throws himself above me again.
"Come with me, Mars"
My body tenses up for a moment, the knot in my stomach reaching its breaking point and finally exploding in the most intense way.
I get so lost in my own bliss that I almost miss the look on his face as he climaxes.
But I open my eyes and see that his are closed, his mouth open a little. I watch as he enjoys the high, his body twitching in the pleasure. It's so hot to watch him come. It's a moment where he is completely vulnerable and just soaking every ounce of it up.
It's truly an unreal experience. I have never felt this before in my life.
It's a high that I desperately didn't want to come down from.
After a few moments of heavy breathing between the two of us, he pulls out of me.
He comes out of the moment and leans over me.
"That was incredible, my darling" He lightly kisses me and then gets off me and the bed.
"Come" He gestures me to go to him and I do. I sit at the edge of the bed and look up at him.
"Did you enjoy yourself?" He asks, his voice has shifted into a gentler tone.
He reaches down and grabs my restrained wrists.
"I don't like these" I say playfully, referring to the restraints.
"As in you don't like being tied up?" He asks, more serious but still soft as he began to take them off.
I shake my head.
I enjoyed being tied up. All of it, was intoxicating.
"I wanted to touch you" He smiles at that and places the restraints next to me.
He grabs my cheeks and leans down.
"Perhaps in another session, I will give you control" I smile back at him.
"You mean, like, tie you up?" I wonder, feeling excitment at the thought.
I've never really done anything like that before, but there's something about it. The thought of taking sexual control over a man. Or really anyone.
It's crazy to imagine myself in that position.
A fantasy I never thought I'd be able to explore.
He chuckled a little bit.
"If you decide to join my little world of pleasure, I want to do some exploring with you. Expose you to it before you take a full dive" He stroked my cheek and then turned around.
I watch as he walks over to his clothes.
"However, darling" He starts, pulling his boxers up his legs and turning back to face me.
"There is not much that I don't enjoy. I'm sure that I am perfectly capable of guiding you through whatever little fantasies you have. Whether it involves what you want me to do to you-" He walks back over to me, placing his hand on my jaw and then his thumb on my lips.
"Or what you want to do to me" He traces my lips for a moment and I wonder what he's thinking.
Is he picturing what I could do to him once I gain more experience?
My mind spins just thinking about it, doing things to him. Controlling him. Restraining him.
On the back of the door is a mirror. I look into it as I try zipping up my dress.
Harry notices after fixing his clothes and comes up to me, easily he zips it up.
"You shouldn't stay in a broken marriage, Mars" He's serious, his hands coming to my hips and resting there.
"It's just the beginning for you, love. You should be able to experience it freely" I sigh a bit and turn to face him.
"Are you going to marriage counsel me?" I ask. He grabbed my chin and looked at me.
"No, I'm telling you as a friend that you are clearly unhappy. Your husband doesn't even know how to please you correctly" He stated, his eyes are intense.
"I know, it's not that easy, Harry. Marriage isn't just a word. It's a contract. At least that's what this one feels like to me now. We own a home together, it's a lot more than just breaking up. It's taking down a whole world that my life is based around"
It's a weird feeling having a conversation like this with him after the situation that happened between us. But it's nice, I don't have many people who I can open up to about this.
"I'd be uprooting my entire life. I dont have much" I say after a moment of silence between us.
"Well, now you've met me, darling" His smile is warm, genuine.
"Along with some benefits, we are friends. I look out for my friends"
I didn't think this man could become anymore unreal than he already has. But there it is.
His ego is very present within his personality. He knows what he has, he knows who he is. But there's this sweetness to him. This charm that isn't fake. He's so, real.
"If I haven't made it obvious to you, Mars. I like you. I think there is much more to happen between us" He smiles.
I wish I knew what it is that he sees in me.
"You're a sweet man, Harry. Thank you" I reach up and rest my hand on his cheek.
"I don't share secrets, darling. I enjoy listening. If anything is ever on your mind, I will be here for you to open up" He kisses the palm of my hand and then steps back.
"It was a pleasure servicing you, my love" He places his hands on my hips and backs me up against the wall.
We were now in a dim hallway, a back entrance of the club.
"How do I contact you?" I ask, he smiles.
"Don't worry about that, I have my ways" He kisses me. I couldn't get enough of how they tasted.
"Going to have to be a little more sneaky for the time being. Until you rid yourself of that useless husband" He kisses me again.
"Hm, I do very much like you, Mars" He squeezes my hips.
"And I'm quite excited to see where this friendship goes" He kisses me one last time and then steps back.
"I've got a taxi out there to take you home"
He unlocks the door with the key and opens it up for me. The quietness of the moment getting penetrated by the noise of the outside world.
God, I don't want to go. I want to stay. I feel like I could just talk to this man all night.
"We shall meet again, my sweet Mars"
I look out the door, seeing the taxi parked just up the alleyway.
"I'm not about to get kidnapped, right?" He chuckled at the remark.
"I'd have to make a different call for that" He joked, he smiled and reached out to squeeze my hand.
"With me, darling. You are safe, no matter what" He reassures. I nod and before I step out the door, I kiss his cheek.
"I barely know you and I feel like a different person since I've met you. In a good way, so thank you for that" I whisper to him.
He smiles and watches as I leave and make my way towards the taxi.
My brain is reeling by the time the taxi reaches my house.
The reality of it all, hitting me.
I'd done something I can't take back. I've shredded every feeling I have towards my husband.
Part of me hates myself for it.
But now, I've had a taste of it. Freedom.
And fuck, I want more of it.
"Ma'am, before you go" The taxi driver caught my attention as I went to close the door.
He handed me a cellphone, but it clearly wasn't mine.
"Wait, this isnt-" Before I could finish, he drives off.
I watch as he does and then look down at the phone.
It's pristine, like it's brand new.
I turn the screen on and there's a text message.
I told you, Mars. I have my ways. H
Final Part.
I hope you enjoyed my story! I had a lot of fun writing it ♡
108 notes · View notes
horangare · 8 months
lucky girl
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pairing : model!jeonghan x fem!reader
content : smut (mdni), angst, fluff, fake dating, unrequited (but not rlly) love, friends to strangers to lovers
in which : jeonghan has no interest in a relationship, however it seems that everyone else is sticking their nose into his nonexistent love life. you’ve been in love with him for as long as you can remember, but that was ages ago. he shouldn’t remember someone like you, but he does. and he wants you to be his girlfriend (just for a little while though, right?)
warnings : public sex TWICE (this mf fucks u everywhere but a BED), couch sex (see what i mean???), oral (m & f receiving), unprotected sex (be safe i’m begging), idiots in love vibes like so strongly you two are dorks fr, dirty talk, y’all want each other so bad, praise, cockiness, like one innuendo, a bunch of other idols make features in this (twice, txt, le sserafim, and svt ofc), mentions of rehab, crying, “arguing”, jealousy, pining and yearning and things of that nature
wc : 14.9K words
note : this took me so much longer than i thought it would but it’s finally here 😭😭 written from this request
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Junior year of highschool is when you first fell in love with Yoon Jeonghan.
You were the new girl. The transfer student. The awkward, hormonal, sixteen year old girl who felt oh so small in such a big school. The nobody.
Pretending like the lingering stares, the pointing, the whispering—all of it—was just a figment of your imagination was easy. You had been used to tuning things out. At acting like it didn’t phase you.
Private school was different than public school. Too different. The only reason you were in this place is because you were sent to live with your aunt because of the fact that your mother was in rehab and your dad wasn’t in the picture. Many of the public schools in the area weren’t the best, so she pulled some extra money from her savings to send you one of the nicer, private schools.
You were grateful, for her concern regarding where you went to school, but the huge contrast from transitioning to this new place was anything but easy. You may have looked just like everyone else, but you never felt like them. A bunch of self obsessed, privileged, stuck up rich kids. Yeah, you weren’t that. Not by a long shot. It’s like they could tell you didn’t belong here, but you already knew that.
All of them except for him.
Jeonghan had heard the mumbled talk of your arrival since he arrived on campus. He didn’t get what the big idea was. New kids came all the time, bought their way in with mommy and daddy’s help. Each and every other student here was one in the same. Predictable. Boring.
“Shit, look, there she is,” Joshua whispered amongst the small group of boys, his head jerking in your direction. The rest of them—Minghao, Mingyu, Soonyoung, and Jeonghan—all spared you a single glance or two.
Minghao chuckled dryly. “She’s gonna get eaten alive.”
"She's kinda hot though, don’t you think?" Soonyoung mumbled, trailing his eyes over your body. "That skirt is way too small for her."
“It’s like six in the morning. Can you not be horny right now?” Mingyu sighed, yet Soonyoung’s gaze remained on you until you disappeared from his line of sight. Jeonghan remained silent.
Joshua nudged his friend. “What? You have nothing to say?”
“What is there to say?” Jeonghan asked, swirling around his iced coffee that had been way too expensive to taste so cheap. “She’s a girl and she’s new.” Soonyoung booed him, loudly, attracting the attention of other passing students.
“You’re no fun.” He said and crossed his arms. Jeonghan gave him no response. “Whatever. How long do you think she’ll last?”
“I’ll give her until the end of the day,” Mingyu nodded. The others looked at him in disbelief, which made the boy roll his eyes. “What? I’m an optimist.”
Soonyoung hummed in thought, weighing his available options. “Four hours max.”
Minghao shook his head. “Two and a half.”
“I’m gonna say…One hour.” Joshua added. Then they all turned their heads to Jeonghan. He didn’t respond until the staring became unbearable.
“God, you’re all such pessimists, you know that?” He scoffed. “I’m not doing this with you today.”
“You have faith in her,” Minghao teased, poking the older boy in the side. “You’re so easy to read.”
“Cut that shit out.” Jeonghan hissed, pushing away Minghao’s hand. Minghao, Mingyu, and Joshua giggled. He was so easy to piss off.
“I’m gonna go talk to her,” Soonyoung cracked his knuckles with a confident—bordering on arrogant—smile.
“Seriously, don’t—” Minghao sighed, but the other boy was beyond reason. By the time he even said anything, Soonyoung was literally in your face.
The expression on your face was pensive, relaxed even. Until…
“Hey, new girl.”
You looked up, your eyes looking over him with disinterest. Soonyoung cleared his throat when you didn’t reply, running his hand through his hair in an attempt to relieve the awkward atmosphere.
“I’m Soonyoung, but you can call me Hoshi.”
“No.” You deadpanned.
His eyes widened. Were you serious? He could hear the others trying to keep in their laughter behind him.
“Is there something you need?” You asked, raising one of your eyebrows. Soonyoung stammered, only managing to speak the words “I…” or “what?” before he sighed and lowered his head.
“Hoshi, are you done making yourself look stupid yet?” Mingyu shouted, stopping between almost every word so he could laugh. By now, there was an even bigger scene being made by Mingyu’s additional comment, much to your embarrassment.
“Excuse me,” you mumbled to him as you scurried off to the bathroom, leaving not only Soonyoung shocked but also the little audience you had gathered shocked as well.
“Wow, what a smooth talker.” Joshua clapped, a wide grin on his face. “She was all over you.”
Minghao giggled. “I recorded the entire thing. Hey, who should I send this to first?”
“Oh fuck off,” Soonyoung hissed, his face flushed with embarrassment. “Nobody needs to see that shit.”
“Right, like half the school hasn’t already.” Jeonghan gestured to the multitude of people still lingering around in the hallways, huddled in groups whispering about the events that had just happened. Glancing at Joshua after you were gone, he smirked.
“So?” Joshua asked. “What’s your judgement?”
Jeonghan sipped the last of his drink, shaking it around and poking at the ice with his straw to see if there was any left. When he discovered none, he discarded the cup in the trash and crossed his arms over his chest. “I like her.”
You spent very little time in the bathroom, your visit only being to calm your nerves and steady your thoughts, but you didn’t expect to see the same boy and the rest of his friends huddled outside the bathroom waiting for you.
Wide-eyed, you stared between the five of them.“Um…hello?”
“Hi!” Mingyu smiled at you brightly, side eyeing Jeonghan when he nudged him aside. A quiet gasp slips past your lips; this boy was gorgeous.
“I assume you have a name? Or should we continue calling you new girl?”
“My name…?” You repeated, feeling your body growing warm at the proximity between the two of you. “Oh, my name. I’m [Y/n].” Jeonghan nodded, and then he smiled at you. You felt even hotter now. A little dumb, too, certain that you were embarrassing yourself.
“That’s cute,” he said, still smiling softly. Jeonghan threw one of his arms over your shoulder, keeping you close to him as he and the rest of his friends started to walk down the hallway. “So then, you’ll sit with us at lunch, right [Y/n]?” You stared at him, dumbfounded, unable to believe that he was actually being serious with you. Soonyoung, finding this funny, couldn’t help but laugh.
“Who’s stammering now?” He quipped, earning him a glare from Jeonghan. Soonyoung didn’t speak again.
“Sit with you?” You asked again, and Jeonghan nodded. “Are you sure?” Everyone’s eyes seemed to be on you as you were basically escorted down the hall with Jeonghan at your side, except this time it wasn’t your imagination. For some reason it felt like you were being stared at now more than ever.
“Of course we’re sure.” Joshua reassured you. When he looked close enough to fully take in the look on your face, he gave you a smile that was full of sympathy. “Ignore them. They’re all assholes. We’re the nice ones!”
Joshua was right, in a way. Jeonghan and his friends were the nicest group of assholes you’ve ever been associated with. It was one of those “mean to everyone except you” type of dynamics, especially with Jeonghan himself. You knew it wasn’t wise to, but you couldn’t help how your heart would beat faster whenever he was around since he only seemed to regard you as a close friend and nothing more.
You also couldn’t help but notice that he was as oblivious as he was cute. The others noticed, (Joshua was the first, obviously, then Minghao, then Mingyu, and then Soonyoung, who was heartbroken that you’d choose Jeonghan over him, and you didn’t know if he was joking or not) but he seemed like the only one who couldn’t get a hint. Even when you were being as direct and obvious as possible, Jeonghan still remained as unaffected by your affection as a white crayon did on white paper.
By senior year, you and Jeonghan started to grow apart. It was gradual, falling out of touch with one another as the last school year just passed you both by, until it seemed like Jeonghan was once again nothing but the cute boy you knew nothing about like he had been on your first day. The rest of the boys were devastated, Joshua most of all.
Aside from you, it seemed like he was the one who wanted Jeonghan to quit being dull and realize you liked him. Just tell him already, that’s what he’d always say. You always said you would, only to end up doing the opposite.
What if Jeonghan didn’t feel the same way? What if it destroyed your friendship? What if he never wanted anything to do with you after you told him? Each question seemed more unbearable than the last. It was easier to love him than to lose him.
The last time you saw him was at graduation. After the ceremony, roaming around the parking lot past all the smiling families taking pictures of their children with their brand new diplomas, looking for your aunt’s car—you ran into him.
“[Y/n]!” He called out to you, waving both of his arms in the air to draw your attention. He hugged you once you were close enough, squeezing you a little bit. “I’m sad now, we’re not going to see each other every day anymore,” he pouted, and you smiled, even though the thought of that saddened you just as much.
Having him act so naturally with you threw you for such a loop. Talking to him like this made it feel like your friendship hadn’t come to an end, like you two were old friends who had never been apart.
“Don’t be sad. I’m sure we’ll run into each other again.” You continued to smile, trying hard to make sure it didn’t look fake. You needed to believe what you were saying if you wanted him to do the same. Luckily for you it seemed effective, because Jeonghan’s face soon broke into a smile as well before he held his pinky up to you.
Now you were smiling for real. Jeonghan, at the ripe age of eighteen, still believed deeply in pinky promises. They were sacred, never to be broken, those were his words. Others may have found him childish for this, you found it noble.
Nodding, you linked your pinky with his. “Promise.”
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The promise you made with Jeonghan turned five today. Five years since senior year ended, five years since you made that promise with him, five years since you’ve seen Yoon Jeonghan’s face in person.
Now you saw him everywhere; on billboards, in ads, plastered on posters in the windows of just about every store—everywhere you went, Jeonghan’s face was sure to be there.
He was certainly doing better than you, no doubt. Odds are he wouldn’t even recognize you anymore. You worked at the local Ihop, drive your aunt’s old Toyota Camry, trying to save up enough money to move out of her house and into your own apartment.
You had wanted to attend college, even if only for a little, but your aunt only had enough money stashed away to send you to that ridiculously pricey private school, not to mention room she was already taking care of you for your mom while she was still…away, and you couldn’t afford to go into debt or pay anyone back.
So while Jeonghan walked runways in Milan and New York, you stayed in town and missed him every time his name was mentioned by one of your coworkers, forcing away the feelings you harbored for him.
Something like that was bound to happen to him, though. He was already so handsome, and his parents no doubt had the connections needed to allow something like that for their son. You were happy for him. Even after all this time, you continued to remain his biggest supporter. You’d buy every product he endorsed, watch any content he was featured in, and you’d stare at his pictures in awe, unable to believe that he just always seemed to get more and more good looking.
To Jeonghan, it was different. He enjoyed the attention. He liked being told by other people how handsome he was. He liked having people who adored him. But that was about it. Not once did he enjoy waking up early, rushing from shoot to shoot, sitting through meetings, none of it. He could live without the pressure to keep smiling, or the nagging from his parents, or—worst of all—the questions on his love life.
Jeonghan had never dated anyone since becoming a model, not even in private. There were zero scandals regarding a romantic relationship when it came to him, but the media was still unconvinced. He wondered how or why they always found the time to be so nosy. Why couldn’t they understand that’s just not what he was looking for right now?
“So Jeonghan, I think you all know the question on every one of our minds, right?” Jihyo asked with a smile, shifting around in her seat a little. Jeonghan responded with his convincing fake laughs—he had to have them mastered by now after all the invasive questions he’d constantly be asked by people like the paparazzi, or in this case, talk-show hosts. “Is there a special girl in your life that you’re hiding from us?”
The audience erupted into a fit of “ooo’s” and “aah’s” all while Jeonghan tried to hide his discomfort with the subject. “Honestly, Jihyo? There really is nobody right now. I’m just…not interested in dating.”
“Oh, come on! Are you sure you’re not seeing anyone in secret?” The sound of Jihyo’s laughter echoed through the studio as is blended with the reactions from the audience. Jeonghan laughed along with her, wondering how much longer he’d be here. He’d already had to have a long meeting with his parents and his agency this morning, then done a product endorsement for a cosmetics brand afterwards, and now he was here, entertaining Jihyo and her live studio audience. Today was relatively low maintenance for him, so after he left here there was only one thing he wanted to do before going home; eat.
Jeonghan shook his head, a small smile on his face. “If I were seeing someone, they wouldn’t be a secret.”
Jihyo’s face lit up in surprise, her mouth parting as she took in his response. “Wow! It seems like Jeonghan is that kind of boyfriend, huh?” Various reactions came from the crowd, most of them being screams of Jeonghan’s name praising him for his response. “All right, that’s all the time we have for today, but tune in tomorrow to hear Jo Yuri talk about her acting debut! That’s all for now!”
“Alright, that’s it people! Let’s wrap it up!”
Jeonghan exhaled with relief, saying a polite goodbye to Jihyo before he excused himself off the set and to his car. He cursed when he noticed how dark the sky was beginning to get. Most of the places he wanted to go would be closing by now. He thought hard to remember the places that stayed open late, then remembered that the local Ihop was always open. He wasn’t the biggest fan of the place, not by a long shot, but he’d just have to suck it up for the sake of his hunger.
Business at work had been slow today. It was only Monday, and you never got too much of a crowd during the start of the week, especially not when it was so early in the morning. Chaewon had suggested the two of you take a short break in the bathroom (though knowing her, she just wanted to gossip).
“No way, [Y/n]. You’re telling me you really knew Jeonghan in high school?” Chaewon asked you, leaning against the bathroom sink as she brushed some of her hair out of her face. “What was he like?”
You shrugged as you washed your hands. “He was nice. Well, he was nice to me.” This made Chaewon gasp and grab onto your shoulder, pressing her lips together to try and hide the smile creeping onto her face.
“Oh my gosh, he was totally into you!”
Yoon Jeonghan? Into you? You laughed dryly, really finding your friend’s enthusiasm cute, but at the same time you seriously doubted it. If what he said in those interviews were true, there was no chance. He wasn’t interested in dating; in relationships altogether.
You were just about to respond to her when the door to the bathroom flew open. Sakura, your manager, was standing in the doorway staring at the two of you like she’d caught you doing something you shouldn’t have.
“What are you two still doing in here?” She asked. “Someone is waiting to have their order taken.”
“Coming,” you sighed, patting your hands dry with three paper towels too many and rushing out behind Sakura. You approached one of the booths closer to the entrance, notepad in hand. “Welcome to Ihop, what can I—”
The person sitting in the booth lowers the menu, and time seems to stop. He looks up at you. You look down at him. It was like neither of you could believe you were seeing each other in this setting, of all places.
“Jeong…han?” You mumbled, blinking rapidly to see if he was really the person sitting there. He couldn’t really be here, could he? But then he smirked and you were convinced; he was real.
“It’s good to see you too, [Y/n].” He muses, flipping back and forth through the menu a few more times before setting in down on the table. He soaks in the dumbfounded look on your face with an overly smug smile. “Don’t just stand there, sit.”
“I’m the waitress, I can’t just—”
You slid down into the seat across from him without missing a beat. A part of you felt embarrassed for giving into him so easily, the part of you with dignity.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, which got you an amused laugh from Jeonghan.
“I’m hungry, [Y/n]. Why else do people come to Ihop?”
Well, it was good to know he was still a smart ass after all this time. Even if you were attracted to him, then and now, you still couldn’t help but roll your eyes. “Okay, you know that’s not what I mean.”
Jeonghan tilted his head to one side. “I live here too, remember?” Then he sighed and laughed weakly. “Has it really been that long?”
A frown found its way onto your lips. Maybe it has been that long, it was like Jeonghan was suddenly a stranger to you even after the time you’d spent together in school. Thinking about that made something inside of you ache.
“I guess it has.” You mumbled. Your eyes remained locked on the table and not Jeonghan, not even when he started to give you his order. Sliding out of the seat, you gave him your usual service industry smile. “I’ll be right back with that.”
You scrambled to the kitchen, handing off the order to the cooks. “Hey, Chaewon, can you go bring the customer out there his drink?”
Slightly skeptical, Chaewon glanced down at the glass in your hand yet took it anyway. “Why can’t you go bring it to him? You already took his order.”
“Just help me out, okay? Just this once?” The girl sighed, mumbling under her breath as she exited the kitchen. You try to take this moment to finally catch your breath and calm your nerves, but it’s quickly ruined when you hear a shriek, followed by Chaewon running back to the kitchen, a starstruck look on her face.
“Yoon Jeonghan is in our restaurant,” she says, her hand clutching the front of her shirt. “And he’s asking for you, [Y/n].”
Of course he’s asking for you. There was no way you’d get out of this little reunion with him so easily. Jeonghan never let things be simple, you’d learned that quickly from your time being friends with him.
“Just bring the food once it’s ready, Chae,” you muttered, walking out of the kitchen and back to the booth Jeonghan was seated at. He looked up at you, pointing to the spot across from him, and you sat. “Is there something you want from me, Jeonghan?”
“Just some company,” He replied with a faux pout. He noticed that you were still looking at him like you could see through his lie, so he shrugged and smiled. “Okay, fine. I really did come here to eat, but I do need help with something else too.”
Raising your eyebrows, you urged him to continue. “I need you to be my girlfriend.” If you had opened your eyes any wider, they probably might have popped out of your head.
“W-What?” You shouted. Jeonghan put one of his fingers to his lips to shush you, which only helped to get you quiet and not to calm your racing heart. “But you’re always saying…”
“Listen,” He held one of your hand with both of his. “I know, I know. I’m always saying I’m not looking to date right now. But that’s exactly why I need you. I’m hoping to get everyone off my fucking back even if it’s just for a little while. Once the news of our relationship dies down, we can call it quits.”
You felt like this was a really vivid dream; like your subconscious was playing an elaborate trick on you and that none of this was actually real. Jeonghan squeezed your hand and looked at you expectantly. This must’ve been really important to him, and he was counting on you. Curse your simple heart, seven years had passed and you still felt like the love struck sixteen year old you were when you first met him.
This was a bad idea. No, this was a terrible idea. You should tell him that. There is no way you should say—
“Okay, fine. But only until the news dies down.”
Jeonghan grinned, visibly pleased with your response.
“I knew I could count on you.”
Thinking with your brain was always hard for you to do whenever you even thought about him, so having him make such a large request of you was basically keeping you from acting with any sort of rationality.
But Jeonghan didn’t need to know all that. You propped your elbow up on the cool surface of the table and leaned your head into the palm of your hand, swallowing down your apprehension. “What are friends for?”
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When you woke up the next morning, the only thing on your mind was Jeonghan. Your interaction with him at your job hadn’t been a dream. He had asked you to be his (pretend) girlfriend, and you had agreed. You partly regretted the decision like you would a hangover, knowing that you still had feelings for him and telling him you’d go along with his plans could only end so many ways. You’d have to stop thinking with your heart so often.
In your moment of doubt, you received a text from Jeonghan. After he had finished his very late lunch yesterday, he tore off a piece of the receipt and scribbled down his phone number on it for you to keep, leaving you behind with a generous tip and a fuzzy feeling in your stomach. Fucking butterflies.
He’d also left you a very lovely, romantic text.
I’m picking you up at 7:45.
Ever the charmer. You checked the time; it was exactly 7. You groaned and hoped that this wouldn’t become an everyday thing, you didn’t even go into work this early.
Jeonghan ended up arriving outside your aunt’s house ten minutes later than he said he would, which only made you feel dumb for racing against the clock to make yourself look presentable.
He kept his eyes on you as you buckled up. “Good morning.” You side-eyed him, just barely making out the stupid lopsided grin on his lips.
“For you, maybe.”
“You’ll get used to it, I already have.”
So this would be an everyday thing. Great.
Accompanying Jeonghan around had given you a unique perspective on your own life. You had already thought there was a lot on your own plate, but Jeonghan, you weren’t sure how he handled it all. Sitting through meetings, fittings, hair and makeup, and photoshoot after photoshoot was tiring you out and you weren’t even the model.
You did like the rush of pride you got whenever Jeonghan introduced you as his girlfriend. Getting to see the shocked look on the faces of the people who worked beside him made you feel like you were important. If you didn’t have to get up so early all the time, maybe this was something you could get used to.
“It’s boring, right?” Jeonghan said, pulling you out of your thoughts.
“What do you mean?”
He sighed, waving away the man that was wiping off his makeup. “The sitting around, the waiting, all of it. You’re bored, aren’t you?”
You raised one of your eyebrows. “Why would you think I’m bored?” You asked. “Are you bored?”
“Obviously,” he scoffed in reply. “I would’ve rather done pretty much anything else. I mentioned being a model, like, one time and they just went with it. I didn’t wanna argue with my parents, though.” He shrugged, and that was it.
There was a sudden awkward tension in the air with Jeonghan’s overly honest confession. You glanced at the man who was in charge of removing his makeup, sharing a sheepish look with him before breaking eye contact. He was two for two on the eye opening revelations today, and you weren’t too sure you could handle a third.
Clearing your throat, you tried to think of a way to steer the conversation into a different direction. “So, uh, where to after this?”
“The gym. I would’ve gone tomorrow but Joshua said he’d meet me there.”
Finally, a break in this drag of a schedule of his. And you’d get to see Joshua. You could feel your boredom melting away like ice on a hot day as you got up and stretched.
“I’ll be in the car.”
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So, about the visit to the gym…
It was fine at first. Normal. You greeted Joshua, hugged him, expressed how good it was to see him and how much you had missed him after all this time, and he smiled and done the same.
Speaking of Joshua, he had almost screamed when Jeonghan mentioned that you and him were seeing each other, and when he looked at you to confirm that he was telling the truth, he did scream, earning him confused and concerned stares from the people around you. Lying to him warded off the happy feeling you had built up on the way over here in a heartbeat, so you stayed silent for the duration of his workout with Jeonghan.
“Shit, dude, I gotta go. Something just came up,” Joshua apologized quickly and rushed out of the building, leaving just you, Jeonghan, and a small handful of other people rich or important enough to get into this private space.
You weren’t sure why, maybe it was the hot, sticky air of the gym. Maybe it was Jeonghan sitting there, all sweaty and panting and looking at you with that stupidly sexy smirk on his face. Maybe it was a bunch of other things you couldn’t bring your mind to conjure up the words for, but something was about to happen, you could feel it.
“I should shower.” Jeonghan suddenly said, parting his sweaty body from the machine he had been occupying. His eyes flashed with something you couldn’t quite place. “Wanna join?”
That’s the short version of how you ended up pressed up against the wall gym shower, your back to Jeonghan as he took you from behind. Your head spun with desire and a dash of shame. Even though it felt really good, you hadn’t even kissed Jeonghan once since declaring your status as (fake) girlfriend and boyfriend.
“Oh, baby. If I had known you felt this good I’d have done this ages ago,” Jeonghan moaned into your ear, and you could feel your knees buckle under you. That sweet-talking mouth of his would definitely be a problem for you, you were calling it now. Hearing such vulgar comments fall from his lips so naturally made you wonder why he was so good at this.
“F-Fuck, Jeonghan. Don’t stop…” The tiles of the small shower felt cold and wet against your skin, the feeling being the only thing keeping you somewhat grounded. Jeonghan’s hands held your hips tightly when you almost slipped as he mumbled something about being careful. If you weren’t in this position you’d have slapped him. “You’re not funny.”
Jeonghan isn’t bothered by your remark in the slightest. He snaps his hips forward, loving the way you gasp and push yourself back to meet his thrusts. He really thought you looked cute like this, so easily losing your composure because of him. He knew about the effect he could have on people, but none of them mattered now that he saw how you reacted to him. “Tell me how it feels baby.”
“So good, Jeonghan. F-Feels so fucking good.” You whined, your mine tuned in on the feeling of his wet skin against yours and the sounds of both of your moans.
“That’s right, feels so good. You’re so cute, you know that?”
Your muscles clenching around his cock when he said that was the one thing that seemed to have Jeonghan lose his cool. He nestled his face in the crook of your neck, kissing and sucking at the skin there while he rubbed your clit in fast circles, urging you closer and closer to the bliss of your release.
“Gonna…I’m g-gonna—” You try to say only to be cut off by your own hoarse wail of Jeonghan’s name as your orgasm hits you. Afraid that you might fall, Jeonghan holds onto you even tighter all while continuing to fuck you through your high. He glances down, biting his lip at the sight of the white ring forming at the base of his cock and the streaks of cum streaking down your inner thighs. Never did he think a visual so filthy would get him off, but he couldn’t help but bite your shoulder and curse quietly as he felt himself cum.
The water had gone cold by now, making the realization of just how long you’d been in here weigh heavy on your mind. Jeonghan squeezed one of your hips before he pulled out of you and stepped out to find some towels. You turned off the cool water, leaning back against the same wall you’d just been fucked against and sighed.
Now you really couldn’t go back.
Out of nowhere, a hauntingly embarrassing thought crawled its way into your mind. “Oh no,” you gasped. “Jeonghan, what if someone heard us?” He just laughed at your panicked words.
“Private gym, private showers.” He explained, smiling when you visibly relaxed. “You make some pretty funny faces, has anyone ever told you that?”
You rolled your eyes, but there was a smile on your face. “Yeah, you have, back in school.” There had been many instances in your teenage years where Jeonghan had often laughed harder to your reactions to certain events more than the event itself, and he’d always tell you how “fascinating” your range of facial expressions were. History does repeat itself after all. “Has it really been that long?” Hearing the words he’d said to you the other day elicited a soft chuckle from Jeonghan as he pulled your body closer to his, wrapping one of the warm towels around your shivering frame.
You didn’t like the way your heart was beating faster at an action as simple as that as if he hadn’t just had his way with you in that little cubicle this place dared to call a shower, but you just laughed with him and hoped that he wouldn’t notice.
“I guess it has.”
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When you returned to work on Friday, you received a warm welcome from your favorite coworker and best friend.
Translation: Chaewon screaming at the top of her lungs and shaking you back and forth.
“You didn’t tell me you’re DATING YOON JEONGHAN!” Her grip was entering bruise territory. “I thought we were friends!”
“Chaewon, please,” Sakura sighed, prying you out of her arms. “You’re dating that boy that came in the other day? What’s the big deal?”
Chaewon had never looked so shocked. Well, that’s a lie, but right now that’s just how her face looked. “The big deal is him! He’s literally everywhere, Sakura. He’s YOON JEONGHAN!”
The customers could no doubt hear her frantic screaming from the kitchen despite your best efforts to make her quiet down. Unfortunately trying to get Chaewon to calm down was like trying to get a penguin to fly.
“How do you even know about that anyway?” You asked. Chaewon held up a finger, quickly pulling her phone out of her pocket and typing a few words into google and hitting search. She held it out to you and Sakura, and your jaw dropped.
Pictures of you and Jeonghan leaving the gym together, hand in hand, along with a plethora of articles inquiring about your identity as Jeonghan’s girlfriend. Your face wasn’t visible in any of them, but anyone who knew you could tell that you were the one beside him in those photos.
“Oh, wow. Yeah, that’s you alright.” Sakura hummed without even sparing you a glance. “That’s nice. He’s a handsome guy. Good for you, [Y/n].”
You smiled, feeling a little awkward with all the sudden attention. “Thanks, Kkura.” You couldn’t even prepare yourself to be grabbed by Chaewon a second time, so you just let it happen.
“Tell. Me. Everything.”
“You can talk after work,” Sakura sighed, pulling you away from Chaewon once again. “[Y/n]’s boyfriend will still be with her after her shift is over.”
You really hoped so.
For almost the entirety of your shift, you were somewhat unfocused on your actual job and more on the leaked pictures of you and Jeonghan. Never had you been used to having so much attention on you, especially over a guy. Of course, Jeonghan wasn’t just any guy, but still. All of the hype had to be because of what he’d always preached about not being interested in dating, no doubt, but other than that your sentiment was similar to that of your manager’s: what’s the big deal?
Chaewon also seemed off, though it was mostly only because she couldn’t wait to pick your brain about your relationship with the model. She kept looking at you and smiling for the entirety of your shift, and you’d just try and pretend you didn’t see her. It was working fine until you know who came back to pay you another unexpected visit.
“Hey, your boyfriend is here!” She whispered to you when you returned from a quick trip to the bathroom. You felt confused and surprised at the same time, he was supposed to be…anywhere but here right now. The stupid organ in your chest jumped when you considered the possibility that he was actually here for you.
Making your way to the front of the restaurant, Jeonghan stood there, hands in his pockets, looking pleased to see you.
“Jeonghan, what are you doing here?” He pouted at you.
“Is that the only question you know how to ask me?” You crossed your arms, not in the mood for his little games right now. “Sorry, fine. I wanted to see you. Make sure you’re handling the news well.”
“News…? Oh, that.” You weren’t too thrilled to talk about your sudden rise to fame even though it had been the only thing on your mind ever since finding out from Chaewon today. Kind of ironic. “It’s whatever, I guess. I mean, I couldn’t believe it when Chaewon showed me the pictures, but that was pretty much it.” You shrugged.
“Wow,” Jeonghan hummed. “Have you always been this blunt? Where’s the girl with the bob? I like her energy better.” He started to laugh, the sound only getting louder when you hit him on the chest. You knew didn’t hurt him, not even in the slightest, and his cute giggling only made you madder. Damn him and his smart mouth. “Just kidding, baby.”
And there he goes with the nicknames again. Seriously, damn him and his smart talking, filthy, mouth and all the words he’d speak with it to get you all flustered.
“You never answered me. Don’t you have a photo shoot or a fitting, or, I don’t know, somewhere else to be instead of Ihop on a Friday?”
Jeonghan just smiled at you. “Forgive me for wanting to just stop by and say hello to my girlfriend.”
Your eyes watched him as he tried to bite back the smile on his lips to no avail. He nodded slowly, seemingly getting the hint that you could always manage to see right through him. He didn’t know if it was a good or bad thing.
“Alright, alright. You remember that show I was on not too long ago? The one with Jiyho?” Of course you remembered. Chaewon had sent the link to the video once it was uploaded to youtube (like she did with everything involving Jeonghan) along with a bunch of incorrectly spelled words in all caps expressing her excitement and disbelief. He continued speaking once you nodded. “Yeah, so, she pretty much wants me back on the show…with you.” He puts his hands on your shoulders, waiting for you to object to the whole thing.
But you don’t object. You glance to the side once, then back at him, and shrug like you had done moments earlier. “Okay. I’m off on Wednesdays and Thursdays.” The man in front of you sighed and shook his head.
“She wants us there tomorrow. Can’t you get someone else to come in for you, or something?”
You exhaled a heavy, dramatic sigh. “Fine. But you owe me, okay? This is coming out of my paycheck.” The look of utter happiness on Jeonghan’s face whenever you give into him is something you think you’ll never get tired of seeing, like he really thought it’d take more convincing to get you to say yes. You’ve literally been wrapped around his finger since you were sixteen, it was honestly surprising that he had the nerve to explain himself to you sometimes when you damn near lacked the ability to say no to him.
“You’re the best,” he was still smiling when he pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow, okay? Wear something cute.”
You made some sort of strange yet quiet noise of acknowledgment, watching him with slightly parted lips as he walked out of the doors and back to his car. Jeonghan had just kissed you. On the forehead, yeah, but it was still a kiss. And not like he had kissed you in the shower, either, this one felt different. Tingly. You’d have probably stayed rooted to that spot if Sakura hadn’t started yelling for you to get back to work.
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Mornings always seemed to come too fast for you, especially when you were going anywhere with Jeonghan. Time had to be speeding up on purpose knowing that you were always rushing to get ready lest you make Jeonghan late to one of his unmissable and very important (that you were still shocked to discover how much he despised) events.
You were worried about wearing the “wrong thing” even though you had no idea you should wear for something like this and texted Jeonghan for help last night. He responded with a short explanation of what he’d be wearing and said that you could just wear whatever you thought would match or complement what he’d have on. And then he’d sent one more a few minutes after that. One that read:
good night [y/n] sleep thigh
You had responded with a series of question marks, expecting some kind of explanation or clarification, but he must’ve gone to sleep right after that because there was no response for the rest of the night.
So when you had settled yourself into the passenger seat of his car, you’d decide to question him about it now.
“Oh, I meant sleep tight,” Jeonghan told you. He pointed at the seatbelt, staring at you until you were buckled up and only then did the car start to move. “Were you really thinking about that all night? Even I make spelling mistakes, [Y/n].”
You could sense that he was about to start laughing even before you started talking. “No! I just…whatever, nevermind.” And you’d been right, Jeonghan laughed just like he always did whenever you seemed to make what you considered a fool of yourself in front of him. He noticed that you were frowning from the corner of his eye and placed one of his hands on your thigh. You flinched at the contact.
“What?” He asked, starting to pull it away, but you grabbed it and placed it back down.
“Nothing.” You shook your head. “It’s nothing. Your hands are just cold.” This made him smirk. He poked your cheek, your forearm, and your upper thigh, the smile on his face getting wider each time you shivered and tried to push it away. “Quit it!”
“You like it,” he was giggling now, and you were too. You didn’t even realize that you were until he had pointed to your mouth and laughed even harder. As long as Jeonghan had known you, you’d never giggled before. He joked that he was starting to rub off on you as he poked you with his cold fingers one more time. “I like that dress, by the way.” His hand found its way back to your thigh, feeling slightly less cold now. Maybe the heat of your body was warming him up, because you definitely felt hot right now.
“Thank you.”
“Mhm. You wore it just for me, didn’t you?”
Your eyes grew the slightest bit wider. That was partly the truth, yes. You’d also worn it because he’d told you to wear something nice and this dress just so happened to be one of the nicest pieces of clothing you owned that was appropriate for an event like this. The former option seemed to be the one he was more interested in though, seeing as how he was pushing up the hem of the dress and glancing at your underwear—and the wet patch on it.
“Well, yeah, you kinda told me to.” Jeonghan loved the fact that you were actively choosing to either ignore the fact that you were wet right now or pretend like it didn’t faze you. He pressed one of his (still somewhat cold) fingers on the spot and started to rub it, making you shiver and moan. “J-Jeonghan, you’re doing this now?”
“Ah, you know what? You’re right. My hands are still cold, aren’t they?” He mumbled, but his hand stayed placed firmly against your upper thigh. You hated the way you whined at his teasing and the way you craved more. “Aww, baby. I was just doing what you wanted. Are you mad at me now?”
“You’re literally the worst!” Huffing, you slapped his hand away and Jeonghan, stubborn as ever, just placed it right back down on your thigh. “Don’t touch me.” You tried sounding stern despite the way you were starting to grin, much to Jeonghan’s amusement.
“I owe you one, okay?” His voice was full of nothing but sincerity as he pulled the edges of your dress back down. “Put on a good show for Jihyo and I’ll let you cum as many times as you want later, deal?”
Your response came immediately, like you hadn’t even had to think about it. “Deal.”
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Jihyo was even prettier in person. You weren’t used to seeing her without her hair in a bob, like Chaewon, but she seemed to be in the process of growing her hair out. Her skin was a little tanner in person and she had a smile that was kind and natural, which made you feel at ease.
“So, everyone, I’m sure you’ve all seen the pictures, right? Of Jeonghan and his supposed girlfriend?” Jihyo turned so that she faced the audience, nodding along at their responses. “I know, I saw them too, and when I tell you my jaw literally dropped. I was like, I’ve gotta get him back on the show. Well here he is, everyone! And with his mystery girl too!” She held one of her arms out and the audience erupted into applause seeing you and Jeonghan hand in hand walk onto the set. Jihyo clapped as well, watching the two of you the whole time while you took your seats beside each other.
“It’s good to be back, Jihyo. Thanks for having me.” Jeonghan was as polite as ever, his fingers still interlaced with your own. The woman just scoffed and shook her head.
“Oh, it’s nothing! You know how much of a joy you are to have on set.” Then she turned to you, eyebrows shooting up. “And you! What’s your name, sweetie?”
“I’m [Y/n].” The smile on your face was a little awkward, but the audience still received the interaction positively and applauded once more.
“Well [Y/n], aren’t you a lucky girl?” She leaned a little forward in her seat. “You’re doing what a lot of other girls could literally only dream of. How does it feel to be dating Jeonghan?”
It’s everything I’ve ever wanted. It’s like a dream come true. It’s perfect, in every sense of the word. And it’s all one big lie.
“It’s…it’s really crazy to think about it, you know? Like, I’m just a normal girl, but I’m dating him?” You ended your reply by gesturing to Jeonghan, both of you smiling. More clapping came from the audience. It seemed to be going well.
“That’s totally understandable. If I were you, I would’ve lost it. You probably did lose it a little, I would imagine, right?” You nodded at her question, recalling the day he had proposed the whole idea to you. Thinking about how you managed to keep your nerves under control in that situation amazed you, followed by a surge of pride for being able to keep up your act on nonchalance so well when in Jeonghan’s presence. So in Jihyo’s words, yeah, you did lose it just a little.
“Right, right. And you, mister, how long has this been going on?” Jihyo pointed one of her neatly manicured fingers right at Jeonghan. “I remember you saying you’d never keep that special someone a secret.”
Jeonghan leaned back and rested his hands flat on the arms of his chair. “[Y/n] wasn’t ready to be in the public eye. She was just nervous, and I’d never make her do something she didn’t want to. Forgive me.” Seeing the fake pout on his lips caused one to form on Jihyo’s face as well. He was pretty good at this lying on the spot stuff. Maybe a little too good.
“You sweet thing. What a considerate boyfriend. Anyone else feeling a little bit jealous right now?” Jihyo glanced at the audience, responding as eagerly as ever. “I’m definitely feeling a little envious. Like just a pinch. No, but seriously, I wanna know everything. Oh, tell us this: who fell in love first? I’m really curious.”
You sat up in your seat a little straighter. Should you answer? Should you tell the truth? Would Jeonghan finally get the hint you just confessed right now, or would he think you’re just playing along?
“I did.” You snapped your head in Jeonghan’s direction, and you felt tingly again. It didn’t help that he winked at you either, insinuating that this was yet another lie and that you should continue to act naturally. The audience was eating this up.
Jihyo held her hands over her open mouth, looking between you and the crowd. “Wow! I…just wow! I’m so shocked! I was expecting you to be the one who…” She couldn’t even finish speaking given her exasperation, but you could read between the lines. Jihyo wasn’t the only one thrown for a loop with his answer, you genuinely had no idea he would say that. “[Y/n], sweetie, did you know he was the one who liked you first?”
“No,” you were being honest for the first time. “I’m just as shocked as you are.” You look at Jeonghan once again, your eyes immediately noticing the smug look written all over his face. You didn’t like it.
A few more questions later, Jihyo announced that there was “no more time, sorry, i know,” and started to dismiss everyone on the set. You and Jeonghan gave her one last round of polite smiling and goodbyes before you let Jeonghan escort you back to his car. The difference in your moods was stark; Jeonghan seemed to be on cloud nine while you were still hung up over what he had told Jihyo earlier.
“Um, Jeonghan, about what you said back there…”
“I know, right! Did you see the faces of the people in the audience?” He looked so happy, sounded so happy. Anyone could tell he was enjoying the attention. You weren’t. You wanted answers.
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, I saw them. They really just eat up anything you say, even if you’re lying.”
For the first time in a while, you noticed a dramatic change in Jeonghan’s expression. It was only for a second, maybe less, but it happened. Something like nervousness mixed with a dash of sadness and a pinch of guilt mixed together and slapped right onto the canvas of his face to create the masterpiece of his composure being lost. And then just as quickly as he let it fall, he slapped the mask back onto his face in the form of that carefree grin.
“I know, and I’m sorry baby. I’ll drop you off and then we’ll talk all about it.”
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Jeonghan was good at keeping his promises. He kept the one you made at graduation to see you again—which was probably just dumb luck, but it counted. He kept the one he made to you after you left the gym and brought you to your favorite coffee place so you could a drink and a cake pop. He even kept the one he made to you in Junior year when you dropped Minghao’s phone in the pool (you both blamed it on Mingyu). He had not kept his promise to talk to you about what he said in the interview with Jihyo. You were too occupied with his other promise (technically, it was a deal) you’d made with him before that.
“You’re a natural on camera, baby,” He whispered into your ear, running his hands up and down your sides. Jeonghan had his hand down your underwear the whole drive back to your aunt’s house, and when he finally pulled into the driveway, you were scrambling into his lap. Seeing you so worked up made Jeonghan feel good. He leaned back the drivers seat and let you grind against his erection, flooding the inside of your mind until you could think of nothing but him. “I can tell they just loved you.”
“You really talk too much sometimes,” You mumbled. Jeonghan loved nothing more than when you talked back to him, it only made things more fun when he watched you fall apart on his cock in the moments that would follow. “You and your filthy mouth.”
“Shut me up then.”
Jeonghan licked his lips, and you watched him do so with bated breath. He was challenging you. Up until now, you had never kissed each other. You were afraid that if you did, some kind of invisible, imaginary line would be crossed and then it’d be that much harder to let him go. But what the hell, you’d already had him balls deep inside of you, what was a kiss compared to that?
His perfect, pink, lips were calling out to you like a siren does a sailor. There was no resistance when you finally kissed him, finally feeling the softness of his lips against your own. Jeonghan pulls you closer, the sudden friction between your bare core and his clothed cock making the two of you moan into the other’s mouth.
“Ride me,” He whispered with need. Need, you thought, Jeonghan needed this from you. This would’ve been the ideal time to tease him back considering his current state. But fuck, you needed him too.
Jeonghan helped you unbutton his pants and slide them down along with his boxers just enough for you to sink down onto his aching cock. It felt different, but not in a bad way. He felt so much deeper, so much better, so much closer.
He let a chuckle slip past his lips. “Your heart…it’s beating fast.” His ability to be snarky and annoying never seemed to escape him.
“Is yours not?” You asked him while you rocked your hips back and forth lazily. The last thing you wanted to do was rush this moment, this might be the last time you got to have him like this, you wanted it to last. Jeonghan wrapped his hand around one of your wrists and placed it flat against his chest.
His heart was beating just as fast as yours.
There was probably a word out there somewhere to properly convey the emotions you were feeling, not that you could think of it right now with the way Jeonghan was scrambling not only your insides—but your mind, too.
Neither of you spoke again after that. You became caught up in the moment, in the way each other felt. Jeonghan’s eyes fluttered closed when the motions of your hips became faster, the obscene sound of his moaning overpowering your own gasps and whines of pleasure. He looked a fucked out mess; swollen lips, dark eyes, messy hair, the whole nine yards. If your eyes could take pictures, you’d want a million of him in this moment.
Jeonghan couldn’t stop kissing you. He’d been waiting for you to take the initiative, to let go of your hesitation. And now he was addicted to you and the way you kissed him and slipped your tongue into his mouth like you just couldn’t get enough.
“‘M gonna fucking cum, baby,” he breathed, thrusting up into you without warning. You wrapped your arms around his neck, panting, feeling yourself get close too. He kissed you, sloppily, his dick bruising the spongy spot inside you until you were seeing white. No less than a few seconds later Jeonghan was doing the same, your sloppy cunt milking him dry. You stayed like that for a while, his forehead pressed to yours, until the speed and sound of your breathing fell into the same rhythm.
“I’ve gotta go,” is how he chose to break the silence, kissing you to silence your whine of protest. “I know, I’m sorry. But hey, my family is having a party in a few weeks. Some business shit, probably for publicity. I don’t know all the details, but they told me to bring you so they could finally meet you in person.”
You couldn’t muster any other response aside from a sigh. “I’ll be there.”
He kissed you one last time. “That’s my girl.”
One promise kept, another one broken.
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“You know, that day you asked me to cover your shift, I didn’t expect it was because you were running off with your boyfriend to go on some talk show,” Yeonjun mumbled, taking the somewhat heavy box labeled “bathroom” out of your hands and walking it to that room. “It must be nice, right?” His voice echoed through the empty space of your new apartment.
“Why, you jealous?” You could hear him scoff all the way from the bathroom, making you and Chaewon laugh.
It’s been two weeks since you’ve heard from Jeonghan. His schedule has gotten increasingly busier ever since his reappearance on Jihyo’s show (which only made the news of your relationship more popular) , and you missed him for a multitude of reasons. One of them being that talk you never had about what he’d said that day. Every time you’d try to bring it up with him there was always a way he managed to weasel his way out of giving you an answer, so you’d given up trying at this point.
In better news, you’d finally managed to save up enough money to move out of your aunts house and into a decent little apartment downtown. It was kind of small, but it was just you, so you were fine with it. Today you’d finally started to move in most of your things. Joshua, Mingyu, and Soonyoung would come over tomorrow to help you set up your bed and shelves and other things that required the ability to decipher Ikea instructions. Minghao would come too, but not to help put anything together. He just wanted to scope out the place and advise you on the best way to decorate it.
So for now it was just you, your coworkers, and a couple of boxes containing the few things that you owned.
“What was it like seeing Jihyo in person?” Chaewon asked, taking a seat on the edge of the kitchen counter.
“She was nice. And pretty. She’s also more tan in person.” You replied. “I really need to go to the store, I’ve barely got any real furniture.” You stared into your box labeled “kitchen” and felt taunted by the plastic cutlery that rested inside.
There was a sudden knock at the door. You looked at Chaewon and she shrugged, just as clueless as you. You padded to the door, unlocking it and opening it just a crack. It was Jeonghan. Chaewon gasped, and you could hear her jump off of the counter and shuffle over to the doorway. He looked tired and a little annoyed standing there with his hands buried in his pockets. Today must’ve been one of his off days because he was dressed way more casually than he normally was.
“Hey baby. Hi Chaewon.” His voice sounded slightly deeper than you were used to hearing it. Chaewon waved tentatively from her position behind you. “Can I come in?” You took a step to the side, enough to let him come in, and he looked around the mostly empty space with an unreadable expression. “You never told me you moved out of your aunt’s place.”
“Right, yeah, sorry,” You shrugged. “You were just so busy, I didn’t want to bother you. It just slipped my mind.” Jeonghan just shook his head and leaned against the counter.
“It’s fine, I would’ve made time to stop by and help if I’d known. Would’ve been better than all the shit I’ve been doing.”
Chaewon stood awkwardly to the side, soon accompanied by a clueless Yeonjun who had just gotten over the initial shock of seeing Jeonghan inside your apartment. “Um…we should get going right now actually. We’ll come back another day, okay [Y/n]?” She smiled at you and waved to Jeonghan with a bit more confidence this time and yanked Yeonjun out of the apartment behind her by his wrist, shutting the door behind her with a kick of her foot.
The air suddenly felt a lot thicker.
“Do you think you could do me a favor?”
You hummed questioningly, watching Jeonghan’s head drop down and his gaze lower. You followed his eyes all the way down to the bulge in his pants. He frowned when you started laughing.
“This is funny to you?” You only laughed harder, one of your hands hovering over your mouth. “I don’t find anything funny about this.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you spoke through your laughs. “How did this even happen?”
He leans his head back and sighs. “I was thinking about you.” Your laughter immediately stops.
You’ve just come to two realizations.
1. Jeonghan admits he gets hard at the mere thought of you.
2. He came running here during one of his few days off because he wants your help dealing with it.
You felt a mix of things right now. Horny—obviously—but also proud, and kind of special. Weirdly enough, you liked the idea of Jeonghan running to you to find some sort of release. Or maybe you just really missed him in the wrong way.
“Come here.” Jeonghan beckons you closer, cupping your face in his hands and rubbing his thumb along your bottom lip. “You’re so pretty…”
“You too,” came your mumbled reply. You reached down to palm him through his sweatpants, eliciting a drawn-out groan from Jeonghan. His hips bucked into your hand, one of his hands wrapped firmly around your wrist similarly to the way he’d done in the car. You slowly sank to your knees, never once breaking eye contact with him.
The sight of you on your knees, looking up at him through your eyelashes and your bottom lip between your teeth, Jeonghan could’ve blown a fucking load right then and there.
“Did you miss me, Hannie?”
Jeonghan sucked in a sharp breath when you yanked down his pants and boxers at the same time, exposing his cock to the cool air of your apartment. “I always miss you, baby.”
You paused for a moment and wondered if he really meant that, but with his dick literally in your face you came to the conclusion that maybe it wasn’t the best time to mull things over. You peppered his tip with kisses and ran your hands up and down the base. You’d almost forgotten how much you love it when he moans for you.
“S-so good…you’re so good to me,” he rested his hands on the top of your head, breathing shakily when you finally closed your lips around him. Just when he thought he couldn’t become any more addicted to you, you went and proved him wrong.
You choked and dug your fingers into his thighs at an unexpected show of force from Jeonghan, pushing his cock deeper down your throat with a thrust of his hips. A loud gag shot out of your mouth when it hit the back of your throat, tears starting to well up inside of your eyes. He would’ve apologized if he didn’t think you didn’t like the sight of you like this. “You’re fucking perfect,” he said it without thinking, too caught up in the moment.
A single tear trailed down your cheek. You moaned around him and he copied the sound, the vibrations making him shiver with pleasure. Your jaw was starting to hurt, just a little, but Jeonghan seemed too far gone go notice anything but his own need to cum down your throat. You whined as loudly as you could, and that’s when he finally seemed to get the memo.
His grip became the slightest bit looser, letting you wrap your hands around whatever you couldn’t fit in your mouth. You feel kind of gross when you notice that there’s spit dripping down your chin, but Jeonghan thought it was one of the hottest things he’d ever seen. He literally couldn’t take his eyes off of you, big brown eyes now dark with arousal.
“Will you be good and swallow for me, pretty girl?” He asked, though the question seemed entirely unnecessary given that you would’ve done so anyway. Nevertheless, you hummed in agreement, which was all he needed before the warmth of his cum spilled into your mouth. His body went limp once you tore yourself away from him and he leaned back against the countertop.
“I’ve never actually done that before, by the way,” you mentioned all too casually. Jeonghan stared at you, completely dumbfounded, like you hadn’t just sucked the soul out of him. Your face felt hot when you noticed his face. “What?”
“It’s kind of hard for me to believe that after what you just did, but okay.” He shook his head. “Oh, by the way, the party my parents are having is on a Thursday. Totally random, I know, but at lease you won’t have to call off and miss work. You can still make it, right?”
He really remembered that?
“Yeah…I can still come.” Jeonghan smiled and kissed the tip of your nose. It made you giggle. Maybe he really was rubbing off on you after all.
“Perfect.” You expected that to be it and for him to leave you, but instead he picked up one of the boxes on the floor and began unpacking the contents inside. “Do you like it here?”
“Huh?” You pushed aside the shock you felt by him still being here to give a proper answer. “Oh, yeah. It’s nice. The people upstairs are kind of loud at night, though.”
Now he was giggling. You groaned and rolled your eyes. “Not that kind of loud, Jeonghan. You’re so gross.” He was smiling at you, totally unbothered.
“You love me.”
Oh, if only he knew.
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Thursday has never come so fast. Time definitely had something against you, and this was the proof.
The venue for the party—some building as fancy as it was big located in the heart of the city—was hot with dim lights and hallways that were way too long. Dozens of people were lined up around the entrance with cameras and microphones. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from them, even from the passengers seat of Jeonghan’s car, and he grumbled.
“The fucking press is still out here?”
It’s late in the evening. The sun is setting. They’ve been camping out here for days. These people are nothing if not devoted.
“You did say this was a publicity event,” you squeezed his hand. “We’ll just walk fast and smile.”
A smile broke onto his face. “I’ve only done that, like, three times.”
“I remember it being more than that, actually.”
He pouted at you, making you giggle. He was so cute it was almost unbelievable.
“Are you nervous?”
“Well, maybe just a little.” It wasn’t the party or the public that scared you, but the idea of meeting Jeonghan’s parents made your stomach churn. He eased your worries with a kiss, then another, and another.
“You’ll be fine. I promise.”
You wanted to believe him. You don’t know if you really do. There’s no fooling your brain, but your heart is much more easily swayed by his words. He holds your hand tightly as he leads you past the hundreds of cameras and people crying out your name followed by some of the strangest questions you’ve probably ever been asked—no, definitely ever been asked. You squint your eyes, allowing them to adjust to the low interior lighting, and you can see two people approaching. Jeonghan’s thumb rubs the back of your hand to soothe you.
“Ready?” He mumbles. You smile and nod.
“Not like I have a choice.”
“Jeonghan! [Y/n]! So happy you could make it.” His father greets you warmly, paired with a smile and a firm handshake. His mom is a bit less reserved with her affection, immediately pulling you into a hug.
“You look lovely, dear. Absolutely stunning.” You smile at the compliment. “It’s so good to finally meet you in person.”
“I feel the same. I’m still a little shaky.” You laughed and it seemed to ease the tension, given the way his parents laughed along with you. His father handed you a skinny glass of champagne which you eagerly accepted, sipping down the bubbly liquid. Jeonghan let go of your hand, now holding a glass of his own.
“I hope Jeonghan doesn’t give you too much trouble. We know he can be a bit of a handful at times.” The woman said, getting another laugh out of his father and you.
“Mom, please.”
“No, it’s okay. He’s really such a great guy. Our time together has been…” You sucked in a breath and glanced up at Jeonghan. He looked down at you, smirking. “…special.”
“Jeonghan? Oh, it really is him! Jeonghannie!”
You and Jeonghan both turned your heads to search for the source of the voice, both of your eyes landing on a girl with dark hair and plump lips waving at Jeonghan.
“Momo,” he smiled at her. “Good to see you. I didn’t know you’d be here.”
Momo smiled back. “We would’ve been here earlier, but Sana couldn’t decide on what to wear and Mina wasn’t being any help.” She huffed at the memory and shook her head. “But we’re here now. Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t even see you.”
You smiled tightly, trying to remain polite. “It’s fine.” It wasn’t fine. It was the exact opposite of fucking fine. Not only was this Momo girl interrupting your moment with Jeonghan and his parents, but she was also acting as if you were invisible. And worst of all, Jeonghan seemed less bored with her sudden appearance and was paying more attention to her than you.
You paused. Were you getting jealous?
“Hey, you don’t mind if Jeonghan takes some pictures with me and my friends, right?” She put a hand on your arm and squeezed lightly, snapping you out of your daze.
“No, it’s okay.” Momo smiled again, and you couldn’t help but notice just how pretty she was. With your approval, Momo linked her arm with Jeonghan’s, leading him to the opposite end of the room where two other girls stood waiting, their faces lighting up at the sight of the male model she had managed to drag along with her.
“Come on [Y/n] dear, he’ll be back. Oh, there are some people we’d like you to meet. Have you met Kang Seulgi? She’s a very talented designer.” Jeonghan’s mom rambled on, guiding you towards an expectant looking crowd of people.
Shockingly (well, it was shocking to you), your attention is the one thing that the majority of the other guests seem to be after. Many of them gather around you and Jeonghan’s parents, hanging off every word you say and looking at you like you’re one of the most precious things they’ve ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on. The topic of the evening is, of course, your relationship with Jeonghan.
"It's..." You search for him in the somewhat dark expanse of space, but you couldn't find him anywhere. He probably ran off somewhere with Joshua, no doubt.
Jeonghan had fucked you over. He’d brought you here just to abandon you. He made you feel special just so you’d make him look good in front of his parents. You felt like some kind of broken toy, so easily thrown to the side once he no longer wanted to play with you.
"I don't know. It's a lot of things. I'm happy though, you know? He's good to me." You smiled, the lie stinging your throat and burning your tongue. There was only so much more of all this attention you could take.
“You’re so lovely, [Y/n].”
“Isn’t she just a dear?”
“She’s the sweetest! Don’t you just love her?”
And there it was; your breaking point. One of your hands flew over your mouth, keeping the pathetic sob from escaping. Concern flashed across the faces of the guests, and you apologized as best as you could as you pushed your way through the mass of bodies and out to the hallway. None of them followed you, probably still confused as to why you had even run away in the first place, but it didn’t matter. None of this mattered.
Jeonghan’s friends loved you. The media loved you. His parents loved you. All these guests whose names you didn’t even know loved you. Everyone loved you but Jeonghan, so in the end none of it even mattered. He had no problem discarding you when you were no longer of use to him, like you were nothing, because he didn’t love you.
You finally cried. The regret, the guilt, it consumed you. You slid down to the floor, your face covered by your hands, crying on the floor like a child.
You could recognize Jeonghan’s voice in a heartbeat. He stared down at you, worry written all over his pretty face, but you gave him no response.
“Why are you crying?”
He knelt down beside you, trying to get you to at least look at him. You wiped away the last of your tears and sighed.
“I think we need to end this, Jeonghan.”
“What?” He seemed genuinely shocked that you said that. “[Y/n], we’re more popular than ever. That wasn’t the deal.”
You picked yourself up off of the floor, suddenly overcome with anger. "Is that seriously all you care about? How popular you are? What about me?”
His silence was painful.
“God, of course. I don’t even know why I bothered asking. You only care about yourself.”
“That’s not true. I care about you, [Y/n]. You know that.” Jeonghan frowned.
Under different circumstances you might’ve believed him, let him sway you with his sweet words and sad little expression.
“Do you? It feels like you only care about me when you want your dick sucked or when you want someone to clap for you.”
The look on his face changed in an instant. Jeonghan’s patience was wearing thin, you could tell, but there was a part of him that was holding back.
“If that’s how you really feel, why didn’t you say anything? Why even agree to do this in the first place?”
The words came flying out before you could stop them. “Because I love you, Jeonghan! I’ve always loved you!”
A heavy silence enveloped the hallway. It was tense—suffocatingly so. You could hardly make out how his face changed once more in the low lighting that enveloped you.
“I’m not done!” You’re not sure when you started crying again, but you arely registered the wet droplets streaming down your cheeks. “I don’t even know why I’ve tried so hard to get you to notice the fact that I love you when it’s obvious the only person you love is yourself. You’re nothing but a selfish asshole. I hate you.”
Your vision was blurred with your tears, but you could just barely make out the dejection painted on his face. It didn’t suit him. You hoped that he would say something, anything, but Jeonghan did nothing but stand there. You couldn’t do anything but laugh pitifully.
“I’m going home. Have fun at your party.”
“Wait, [Y/n], please don’t go. Let’s talk about this.” He held onto your hand when you tried to walk away. You tried to get him to let go, but he wasn’t ready to let go.
“What else is there to say, Jeonghan? We’re over, now leave me alone. Why don’t you go ask Momo to be your fake girlfriend, I’m sure she’d be more than happy to.”
You snatched your hand out of his grasp, fooling yourself with the last bit of hope you had that maybe he would chase after you. He made you a promise, after all.
It’s a shame he couldn’t keep it.
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You didn’t go into work on Friday. Or Saturday. Or Sunday. After you got home last night, you buried yourself beneath the covers of your bed, too exhausted to do anything other than lie there in the darkness until you fell asleep. When morning came, you couldn’t even muster up the strength to move, so you called Sakura and said that you were sick and wouldn’t be able to come in for the next few days.
Jeonghan had left you an unbelievable amount of texts and calls, none of which you bothered to respond to. Chaewon and Joshua also texted you to ask about the party and if you’d heard anything from Jeonghan; apparently no one had heard from him since the party. As if you’d know.
On Sunday, you’d managed to tear yourself away from your bed—for longer than a trip to the kitchen or the bathroom—and out onto the couch. A rerun episode of Jihyo’s talk show was playing on the TV, the one that featured you and Jeonghan. You watched with a heavy heart as the two of you walked hand in hand, smiling, waving to the studio audience.
How could you ever fall in love with him? He was just another self serving rich boy who used you for his own personal gain. It didn’t matter that he was charming or funny or cute or—
Fuck, even when you were mad at him you found it impossible to ignore the beating of your own heart when you remembered just how nice it felt to be with him, even if it was all just for show.
Someone was knocking. You sighed, not wanting to get up, but the knocking only grew louder and more urgent.
“Okay, I’m coming! Damn…” You shouted, lifting yourself from the couch and over to the door, frowning at the person standing on the other side.
Jeonghan’s state of being didn’t seem to be any better than yours. His eyes had bags under them, his hair was in desperate need of a brush, and he was still in his pajamas. Even so, he smiled weakly at the sight of you. “I was worried you wouldn’t answer. I’m happy to see you’re doing okay.”
You scoffed. “I’m not.” You missed the way his smile dropped at that. “What do you want?”
“I want to apologize to you.”
Shaking your head, you started to shut the door, almost closing it on Jeonghan’s arm in the process.
“Wait, please! I really mean it, just give me a few minutes and then I’ll be gone, I swear.”
There was no way you were in your right mind, because you actually let him in. He smiled and followed you to the couch, sitting at a distance to keep you from getting uncomfortable.
“I thought about what you said at the party. The stuff you said about me wasn’t wrong. I was being selfish. I did only care about my image. You had every right to be upset with me.”
“I’m still upset with you.”
“And that’s perfectly fine, but just hear me out,” His voice was frantic. “Those two weeks I didn’t talk to you were the worst two weeks of my life. I wasn’t lying when I said I missed you. I really missed you, [Y/n]. And the more I thought about you, the more I realized that I was falling in love. I’m so in love with you, [Y/n].”
You weren’t buying it. “You could’ve texted me. Or called. Or something.”
Jeonghan turned to face you, eyes flickering over your face. “I wanted to, and I should’ve, but…”
“…But what?”
His cheeks were growing pinker by the second.
“But what, Jeonghan?”
“But I didn’t want you to leave me. I didn’t tell you how I felt because I thought it would overwhelm you. If you start to feel real feelings in a fake relationship, what are you supposed to do?” He sounded so…sad.
When the reality of his words finally sunk in, clarity followed. Jeonghan was in love with you. Jeonghan was scared that you would want things to be over. Jeonghan was worried about how you would react to him.
You breathed out a laugh.
“You’re such a dummy, Jeonghan. Why would I ever leave you?”
His sadness evaporated, now replaced with relief and joy and love. He pulled you into a hug and sighed happily when you returned it.
“I’m so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. My heart literally fucking broke when you cried because of me and my shitty attitude.”
“Oh, but I love your shitty attitude. Just not when it’s making me cry.”
“Good. Pretty girls shouldn’t cry.” He whispered against your lips before kissing you. You felt giddy at the way his lips moved against yours, smiling into the kiss. He gently pushed you so you were lying on your back, breaking away to look down at you.
“My pretty girl…” He said again, voice sweeter than sugar, fingers trailing up your legs. They felt cold against your burning hot skin, and it made you shiver. “Gonna let me make you feel good like you deserve?”
“Yes, Hannie, please.”
Jeonghan groaned, pausing the movement of his fingers to bask in the sound of you begging for him. You had no idea what you did to him and it made his dick that much harder. “Good girl. I’ll take care of you.”
“Hurry up, your hands are cold,” You whined. His eyes flashed with mischief, pressing his fingers down into the flesh of your inner thigh, watching you shiver and moan.
“I don’t know, I think that you like it, am I right?”
“If you don’t hurry up and touch me, I’ll do it myself.” To prove your point, you slipped your shorts off and tossed them somewhere onto the floor. Jeonghan touched you before you could even think about sliding off your underwear, cupping your leaking cunt with his hand.
“The only one who gets to play with this pretty pussy is me, baby. Don’t ever forget it.” You moaned at how fast his demeanor seemed to change, nodding furiously as you tried to grind into his hand to relieve the ache he was making you feel.
Pouting and panting, you looked up at him. “Hannie, don’t be mean…”
He found it insane how he didn’t realize how whipped he was for you earlier. Like really, he was totally wrapped around your finger. This must’ve been how you felt for all those years.
“Whatever you want, baby,” He lifted your legs a little higher, situating himself so he was lying flat on his stomach, face only a few inches away from your cunt. He pushed your underwear to the side, gasping at the sight of how wet you were. “Shit, baby, you’re fucking dripping.”
“Just for you.”
He seemed pleased with that. “Better be.”
Jeonghan buried his face in between your legs, groaning when the taste of you hits his mouth. He’s making an even bigger mess of you, licking at you greedily and sloppily, drowning himself in the wetness between your thighs.
You’re moaning louder than you think you ever have in your life. Shaky fingers slide into his soft dark hair, gripping tightly. He doesn’t seem to mind though, already too caught up in you to register the little bit of pain. You grind into his face, staining the lower half of his face with your arousal.
“Hannie, fuck,” You manage to say despite your fucked out state. Jeonghan hums, and the sensation makes your thighs close around his head. If you could speak, you would apologize, but Jeonghan seems to grow impossibly more aroused by the act.
He slips two of his fingers inside of you, it’s easy given how wet you are and keep getting, while he occupies his tongue on your clit. Your eyes roll into the back of your head, any and all coherent thoughts having escaped you in that moment. The only thing you could focus on was Jeonghan, his lips, and his fingers.
You could feel yourself getting close, a familiar feeling blooming in your stomach. Jeonghan could feel it too with the way you were tightening around his fingers and arching your back to stay as close to him as you can. He circles your clit with his tongue before starting to suck on it, your legs shaking with the force of your orgasm.
“You taste so good,” Jeonghan says, licking his lips clean of every last drop of you. He presses one last long, lingering kiss to your pussy before gathering the strength to pull away and wipe his mouth clean.
“We could’ve kept going.” The look you gave him was so innocent and sweet, a contrast to the way your legs were still spread open with your juices staining your inner thighs. You almost convinced him. Almost.
“Don’t look at me like that,” He spoke slowly and softly, as if he was in no rush to give you more despite the painfully obvious tent in his pants.
“Well then hurry up and fuck me already.”
Jeonghan doesn’t want to keep you waiting, but he can’t help but tease you just a little bit more. He sheds his clothes with little urgency, and he smirks like the little cocky shit he is when he sees the way you’re looking at him, like you could just devour him here and now. It’s like you were seeing him naked for the first time all over again, astonished by the sight of him. He was just so pretty all over.
He slides the tip of his cock up and down your slit, teasing your entrance until you were squirming. “Hannie, please,” you whined, steadying your hands on his shoulders. Clearly he was just as desperate as you were, because he pushed into with a groan no more than a moment later.
“So tight, baby, shit. Are you trying to make me cum already?”
His strokes are slow and deep, and you can feel every single inch of him inside of you as he drags himself all the way out before slamming back inside. Whenever you clench around him, he falters and lets himself moan something unintelligible about how good you feel or how pretty you are.
“F-Faster, Hannie, I want—” Jeonghan cut you off with a sloppy kiss, swallowing each and every one of your noises.
He cooed at you and shook his head with fake disapproval. “When did you get so demanding?” Your words turned into whimpers when he increased both the pace and the force of his thrusts, rendering your ability to speak useless. “You know I’ve got you baby, I know what you need.”
“Stop talking like that.” Your nails dragged down his back, streaking his unblemished skin with thin red lines.
“What are you gonna do if I don’t? You gonna cum and make a mess of yourself all over my cock, huh baby?”
You whimpered again, leaving Jeonghan to assume that he was correct and giving him yet another ego boost. With one hand, he pushed your shirt up to reveal your braless chest, kissing and sucking at the supple skin of your tits.
There was no way you weren’t going to be getting a noise complaint. The sounds coming from Jeonghan’s hips snapping against yours paired with the steady stream of sounds coming from both you and Jeonghan were sure to have them making a fuss. Not that any of that mattered at the moment, well, not to either of you.
His hand snakes between your bodies, rubbing feverishly at your abused bundle of nerves, whispering so sweetly into your ear the words “cum for me” which is all you needed before doing just that. Jeonghan watches your face as you cum, and he thinks that you’ve never looked more beautiful than you do now, letting yourself fall apart underneath him like this.
“I love you so much,” He says in between his strained grunts of pleasure. “So fucking much, baby.” Even after you had already cum, Jeonghan’s hips never once stopped moving against yours.
“I love you too, Hannie, fuck.” The overstimulation was starting to hit you, and you whimpered because of it.
“I know, baby. I’m almost there.”
His tip is bruising your sweet spot with each of his thrusts, making you squeeze around him impossibly tighter, and the feeling makes him so dizzy, reminding him of the fact that he is truly and utterly yours. “Want me to cum inside you, pretty girl? Use your words and tell me.”
“Yes, yes, please, Hannie! Need your cum inside of me!” Your mouth and body are reacting on their own, saying and doing what they want as you feel yourself cum a second time. He doesn’t hold back anymore, the warm sensation of his cum being fucked deeper and deeper into you overtaking all of your senses, leaving you feeling fuzzy and lightheaded.
Jeonghan’s head rests on your chest, breathing in your scent and listening to the sound of your heart. He’s too lazy and too tired to pull out, but you don’t mind. “Can you be my girlfriend for real now?” Even as you work to catch your breath, he still manages to make you laugh.
“Hm, I don’t know, nobody was around to hear you say that, should we go find you an audience?” You tease, and Jeonghan whines loudly and shakes his head.
“In that case, yes. I’d love to be your girlfriend.”
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tinyarsonist · 4 months
Volume: Up
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"I bet I can make you scream in Korean."
Summary: In which heart throb K-Pop Idol, Bangchan, just shows you how 'Christopher' he can really be.
MDNI 18+ Only
TW: idol!Chan, IdolTrainee!Y/N(fem!), drinking, piv, unprotected sex (wrap it up), smut in general, dirty talk, swearing, masturbation, dumification, nipple play (fem!), cum on stomach, PleasureDom!Chan, switch!reader (fem!), pull out, cum on stomach, let me know if I missed anything!
Italics are in Korean. Bold is in Spanish. Rest in English.
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You were still in awe.
You started your career as an idol fairly late in the game, making you older than most. But, when you entered the world of K-pop, you knew this was what you were meant to do. You were already creating music since you were young, and how hard could it be?
There were days as a trainee when you felt like giving up. You left your friends and family back home to pursue your dream, and after years, you still felt like you were right back at the same spot you started. Never moving. Stagnant.
That's when you discovered Stray Kids. Watching their debut to where they are now. It motivated you.
Then, one day, your company announces that they want you to lead a team. They presented you with suitable candidates for your girl group, but something in you felt like something wasn't right. "Sorry," you apologize to your board. "But, if I may be so bold as to recruit my own members?"
You wanted a family. Craved friendship beyond just another gig. And, well, let's say it worked out very well for you.
This brings you to the present day--standing in DIV studio, surrounded by its members, to do an interview. Your group was just starting out and already doing well. You've posted a couple of dance practices and some ballad covers you performed as a group, tracking some major views across all social media. DIV wanted to be the first to be a part of the soon-to-be international hype.
"You ready?" Eric smiled at you as the crew set up your microphone. You nodded happily. The rest of your group couldn't make it due to schedule. It felt weird not having the rest of your girls around you, but knew this wasn't an opportunity you just passed up.
Time passes, and so far, the interview is going great. It was amazing being around like-minded people. And, it was also nice being able to curse and not have to worry about your 'imagine' among them. They were free to be who they wanted. They wanted to break the mold; conformity was not in their dictionary. It took a while to let your company agree to the interview in the first place, but this was the direction you wanted to take the group. To be yourself and just produce music.
"Okay, so next up is the heart rate challenge." Eric smiled. You were divided into teams; you and Eric vs. Peniel and BM. The winner would be dubbed by the lowest combined heart rate.
"You're going down!" BM teased as Peniel hyped him up in the back. You grin brightly.
"Considering you boys are literally jumping around before the monitor is even placed, I think it's safe to say we'll win."
"Oh okay, that's how it's gonna be??" Peniel laughed. "Then let's make a bet; the loser buys everyone barbeque!"
Eric and you agreed in a heartbeat. You were already craving galbi and rice. Peniel essentially just bought the dinner you were going to buy tonight anyway.
As the heart monitors are placed, you try your best to stay calm. You were an anxious person in general, but when push comes to shove, you always had a way of relaxing yourself.
Peniel and BM went first. Eric and you teased them relentlessly during their time duration of 5 minutes. Peniel started blushing during his time up when you started throwing winks and kisses his way. Their combined score was 250.
"That's not far!" Peniel groaned as the video crew asked for a short break to recalibrate their equipment. "She's too cute, like how does someone not get flustered?"
"It's all fun and games in love and war," you winked at him. Everyone laughed except Peniel, who just took out his phone and pouted. His fingers typed furiously on his keyboard. Once it was time to get the cameras rolling again, Peniel had a knowing smirk on his face. You couldn't help but wonder what he was concocting. You just knew he was plotting his revenge against you.
Eric went first. Despite the constant harassment Peniel and BM gave him, you couldn't help but laugh at their jabs. "You're supposed to be on my team!" Eric roared at you at his last 10 seconds on the clock. Despite everything, his heart rate totaled to 120. All you had to do was ignore the comments for a minute. You got this. You sat down in the middle of the floor and crossed your legs, getting in an almost meditative position. The rest followed. Then the buzzer started.
"So," Peniel started as soon as the timer started going. "You learned Korean by yourself, right?"
You shot him a distrusting glance. "Yes..."
Peniel and BM nodded their heads slowly. "Interesting"/"Yes, yes, very interesting." Eric shot you a glance. He could feel it, too. Based on how the two acted Eric's turn was completely different, they were calm. Too calm. They were up to something.
"One might say," Peniel feigned thoughtfulness by stroking his chin. "You had an interest in learning Korean before you even had thought of becoming a trainee."
Crap. He saw the clip.
Before your group days, you would do little lives here and there. Just want to document your early days and interact with anyone who wants to chat. During that time, you mentioned the real reason you learned Korean was to easily watch interviews without the need for subtitles. Then you casually mentioned how much of a fan you were for a certain boy group. Your fans, which was very little back then, took those clips and circulated them online. Which was fine. It gained some traction that you were a STAY and helped grow your platform. It was a bit embarrassing, essentially admitting that you only learned the language to watch their episodes and lives to get full context. But, hey, it also helped you get to where you are today.
Getting bullied by two idols so they don't have to pay for your dinner.
"Yes, Peniel. I learned Korean so I can watch Stray Kids' interviews live." You roll your eyes but keep track of where your monitor is. 95bpm. Not bad. So long as you stayed below 130, that galbi was yours.
Peniel and BM continued to stroke their chins. "Interesting"/"Yes, yes, very... Stray Kids fan. Very cool"
Peniel held up a finger before leaving the room. You looked around at the crew, confused. Eric laughed and peered after him; "Where is he going?"
His question was answered as Peniel stepped back into the room with a shorter figure behind him. You moved around to peer behind Peniel, and when you locked eyes with the guest, your heart rate shot up. 110bpm.
Eric and BM rose to give a small bow when Chan said his hellos. You stayed still in your place. Embarrassment immediately washed over you. But you took a deep breath in and out, 3 minutes until you can freak out. 3 minutes, and you can process every single emotion you are feeling.
Chan gave you a little wave, his dimples showing as he smiled. Ugh, he might as well shoot you in the heart right now.
"You're not gonna stand up?" Peniel teased. You immediately shook your head. As much as you wanted to say hi, dinner was calling your name. Seeing Chan in the flesh was amazing. But Galbi beat everything at this moment. BM smiled brightly and motioned for Chan to take a seat next to you. How sweet.
2 minutes. 115bpm.
You bowed your head slightly to say hello, still a bit too stunned to speak. Chan gave a small head bow back. "Sorry about this," he chuckled. You told him it was okay, but still unable to make eye contact. Despite that, you knew he looked incredible. He always did.
Focus! You tried to snap yourself out of it and took deep breaths. In and out. In and out.
"So... you learned Korean to watch us live? That's sweet," Chan felt awkward all of a sudden. When Peniel texted him, this wasn't what he expected to be doing during the interview. "How many languages do you know?"
You close your eyes and focus back on the game. Here you were making casual conversation, while 3 other idols were jabbing at you, trying to get your heart rate back up. "Four; English, Korean, Japanese, and Spanish."
"Holy crap, how is it going down?!" Eric looked at the monitor and backed up at you. You kept your eyes closed, trying to maintain a steady rhythm. Everyone but Chan was losing their shit.
You could hear BM jump to his feet. The impending doom of a very large bill drove his heart rate up. "Chan, do something!" He exclaimed in Korean. Chan giggled next to you; "What? What do I do?"
"Hit on her!" Peniel got up as well. All attention is now on Chan. Eric stood up and pointed at the two competitors; "Hey! Hey! You leave her alone!"
You couldn't help but chuckle; "I was subscribed to his bubble. I was in the trenches with the rest of STAY. There's nothing he can say that I haven't heard."
Chan clicked his teeth with his tongue. His eyes narrowed. A challenge. He looked at you, with your eyes still closed, before casting his gaze over at Eric. "Anyway, we can mute our mics for a sec?"
Your eyes shot open.
1 minute. 120bpm.
BM ran over to mute your mic. As soon as he backed up, Chan leaned in close to your ear. His breath tickled your cheek, and you had to close your eyes again. 125 bpm. 30 seconds.
"I bet I can make you scream in Korean."
Chan wasn't expecting you to turn your head so quickly towards him. The way your face flushed. Your eyes wide. Everything about you was making his heart race. You locked eyes with him and felt like you couldn't breathe. This was it. That free galbi was gone.
The buzzer went off.
Everyone turned to the monitor.
You shot up from your seat and hugged Eric. Peniel and BM groaned at their loss. Chan laughed as he watched the two of you jumping around, singing about free barbeque.
He took a moment to sneak a look at you, his gaze traveling up and down. The way your hair bounced with you and how your outfit was snuggling your curves just right. He stood up as Eric said their sign-off. Once the cameras were shut off, the teasing started between the four. Peniel placed his arm around the younger idol and pulled him in a side hug. "It's okay," he reassured Chan. "It's not entirely your fault. A good majority of it. But, not fully."
Chan laughed and rolled his eyes. Everyone came up to thank him for coming over. That's when he locked eyes with you again, giving him a bright smile.
You gave the bow you weren't able to give before, formally introducing yourself. You all talked for a bit until you felt your hunger start to spike up; "Okay, so when are we getting dinner?"
The group settled for a time later tonight so everyone could get ready. BM invites Chan to tag along.
"No no," Chan shook his head, not wanting to impose. Peniel tickled his stomach as the rest of the group tried to get him to agree. You couldn't help but chime in. Part of you being selfish and wanting to spend more time with him and also wanting to get a jab in at Peniel and BM; "Come on, it'll be fun. And free!"
Chan looked at you. It was subtle, but his cheeks turned a bit red. "Y-yea, okay."
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Chan made his way back to his dorm. The rest of the members who share the space are away on their own schedules. It was rare for Chan to spend the night alone.
He groaned as he plopped on the couch. He was still a bit jet lagged from flying from NYC back home. Laying his head on the back of the couch, he tried to take a nap before having to get ready to head out for dinner with you and the rest of the group.
His mind was restless, and for some reason, they kept fluttering back to you. No matter how much he tried to push them out, he couldn't stop thinking about your big doe eyes. The way your breath hitched as he leaned in. The perfume you were wearing.
Was it Channel? Gucci? Whatever it was, it was flowery like a spring day. He could still smell it on his clothes oh so slightly.
Biting his lower lip, he got up from his seat and headed to the shower. The warm water was welcoming as he tried to clear his head. Unfortunately, it seemed there was only one thing to rid him of these thoughts.
The amount of guilt he felt once he stroked his cock to the thought of you was soon discarded as his mind wandered even more.
What were you like? Did you relinquish control or demand it? Were your lips as soft as he can imagine? Your mouth--oh God. How would it feel to have it wrapped around him? Were you a moaner? A screamer? Could he scramble your brain so much that you scream for him in Korean? Would you come in multiple languages?
He sped up his pace even faster. Water cascaded down his back as he faced the tile bathroom wall. One hand on the structure to ground him as he lost himself at the thought of you. He leaned his head back as he felt himself building and building. The warm water was a comforting feeling on his scalp.
The way he would take you as soon as you entered the dorm. No words, just a clash of flesh as he stripped you of your clothes and bent you over the couch. He wouldn't waste any time and would just thrust into your--oh God. How would you feel around his dick? How tight--
He muffled a moan as he came on his hand. The shower washed away any evidence of his inappropriate thoughts of you. He panted heavily and stood under the water for a couple of moments, pleasure rippling through him soon to be replaced with an abundant amount of guilt for getting off to someone he barely knew.
Maybe that was the thrill of it. Maybe the thought of having someone who didn't know his ups and downs is what did it for him.
Chan didn't have time to dwell on the thought as the time to meet up was fast approaching. And he hated to admit, but the thought of seeing you made his now softening cock twitch.
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By the time Chan arrived at the restaurant, platters and drinks were spread across the shared table. BM and Peniel bought out a room so they could enjoy their meal without prying eyes. Chan could hear them hollering in the room before he even opened the door. His ears rang as they all loudly greeted him.
"Look who finally made it!" Peniel laughed as Chan took a seat across from them. Eric and BM were putting meat on the grill as they said their greetings. Chan couldn't help but scan the room, taking note that you weren't there. He tried to play it cool as he asked if you were running late.
"She texted us saying there was something she needed to finish up at home," BM answered him. Eric couldn't help but wiggle his eyebrows at Chan.
"Why? Scared she might not come?"
"No, no." Chan chuckled awkwardly while looking off to the side. "Was just wondering, is all."
The boys all made cooing noises. A flush of embarrassment washed over Chan at their teasing. Peniel smirked; "Wouldn't blame you, she's gorgeous!"
Chan poured himself a shot of soju, trying his best to drown out their teasing and take the stress away. The three men quit their teasing and talked about mundane things; schedules, new music coming out, and how big the bags under Chan's eyes were.
"I just flew back from New York!"
"Doesn't matter! Ever heard of eye cream!"
They were laughing at one another by the time you entered the room. Everyone stood up to greet you with a bow, and you bowed back. Gesturing for them to take their seats again. "Sounds like a party in here," you smiled as you took a seat next to Chan. He took note of how you wore your hair up in a messy bun, showing off your silver necklace. That flowery smell radiated off of you, and he had to lean a bit to the side so it didn't flood his senses in all the right ways.
"Is that soju or vodka?" You spot a filled shot glass from across the table. "Actually, it doesn't matter. Hand me it."
Chan watched you down the shot with a smile and motioned for Eric to pour you another one. "Hard day?"
The second shot went down a bit smoother and you gave him a grin. "You can say that."
He didn't need to know that the line he whispered in your ear had stressed you out to your core. It was possibly the hottest thing any man has ever said to you. It was all you could think about by the time you reached your dorm. His voice echoed in the back of your mind causing your body to feel hot.
He didn't need to know the real reason why you were late to dinner.
That you were squirming on your bed, rubbing yourself furiously between your legs. Trying to get all the tension out of your body before having to see him again.
And now you were sitting next to him. The man responsible for one of the best solo sessions in your life.
"I mean, I did have to spend half the day with these three." You gestured to the rest of the group who just booed at you. Eric rolled up a napkin and threw it your way, causing you to laugh.
As you and the group ate and drank, the room was beginning to get louder and louder. It wasn't long until everyone became tipsy.
You just finished cooking up your Galbi and offered it to the rest of the group who everyone, except Chan, declined. You used the tongs to bring it over to his plate before attempting to cut it. "Damn things," you huffed under your breath. The scissors were dull and worn out. Trying to cut through the meat was as effective as slicing a rib-eye with a spoon.
"Here," Chan grabbed the tongs and scissors from your hand. Despite the very brief time that his fingers brushed yours, you couldn't help but blush a bit as he gave you your half. You didn't have time to feel embarrassed as you caught Eric eyeing the two of you. He had his fingers interlaced and resting his head on them.
"You two look cute together~"
"Shut up," you mumble and grab some kimchi to add to your plate.
Chan sat quietly next to you. He plopped some food in his mouth, the best excuse he had to not comment. BM chuckled before pouring another round of drinks. "What did you say to her anyway? Peniel was screaming so loud I couldn't even hear it."
The two of you were sitting so close to one another, that you could feel Chan stiffen next to you. No doubt, wanting to avoid another round of ridicule from his colleagues.
"Awe, jealous he wasn't whispering in your ear instead?"
That snarky reply was all it took for the other two boys to holler and tease the living crap out of him. As the night progressed, soon talk of continuing the party commenced. Chan mentioned he had a free dorm tonight.
"You in?"  Eric asked you. You looked up from your plate of Galbi and rice. You were so distracted by your plate that you didn't realize they were all waiting for your answer. You hesitated. You obviously had this attraction to Chan since the interview. Hell since even before you became a trainee. The frustration of him being so near, mixed with alcohol, might just be the equation for something disastrous.
Chan bit his lower lip while sneaking a glance at you. He knew it was stupid to invite everyone over. To invite you over. He was already feeling the effects of drinking so much, trying to keep pace with everyone. What if he slipped up? Did something that made you hate him?
But then a wonderful thought popped into his mind: What if something amazing happened?
"It'll be fun," Chan gave you his shy grin. Your heart raced as you two locked eyes. How could you say no to that face?
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"You got this," you whispered to yourself as you stood in front of Chan's door. It wasn't every day you're invited to a celebrity's apartment. Especially one that you've imagined in bed with when you're stressed out after work. Everyone left in their own taxi after dinner, planning to meet up at Chan's. You stayed a bit behind to make some phone calls to your family overseas, promising that you would be there soon. "Totally normal get-together. Nothing to worry about."
After a couple of seconds, you gather enough courage to knock on the door. A moment or two the door swings open and Chan stands there. God, he looked great with his messy hair, black tee, and joggers. Giving him that ready-for-bed look--
"Wait, were you asleep?"
Chan's face turned red. He was in bed. But he definitely wasn't sleeping.
"They didn't text you? They got a call on the way over, their schedule moved up earlier in the morning so they headed back home."
You pull out your phone and groan. "Batteries dead." You just had to make those calls? You knew your mom could talk your ear off.
"Sorry," you put the phone back in your pocket. Taking a step back, you start to head out. "Have a good night."
"Wait!" He couldn't just let you leave. It could be from all the alcohol, but watching you saunter away felt wrong. He wanted you near him. To stay. "It's late... You can charge your phone and call a cab here if you want."
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You didn't fight it. You know you should've. Chan was right, it was late. The responsible thing to do would be to go home. But that didn't stop you from sitting on his couch waiting for your phone to charge enough to call your ride. The two of you scrolled through YouTube on his TV, chatting about anything that came to mind as you both sipped on some mixed drinks Chan concocted when you first entered the apartment.
It was weird. Without the others, conversation flowed almost naturally between you two.
"You mean to tell me, you've never watched any of your own fan cams?!" You exclaimed. Chan shook his head and laughed shyly.
"No, it felt weird watching close-ups of myself if that makes sense?"
"You really should, they always look phenomenal!"
You grabbed the remote to scroll through the recommended videos to watch. Chan took the opportunity took look you over for the umpteenth time tonight. Here he was just in joggers and an oversized shirt while you sported a cute long-sleeved crop top and tight jeans. He had to grab the pillow next to him to cover up the bulge he was sporting.
You settled on a music video by RenMakesMusic.  The strum of the guitar had Chan bobbing his head along to the beat. The lyrics were a bit dark but meaningful. "This is good," Chan mused. "Turn it up a bit."
You gladly obliged with a smile, pressing the remote's volume button so his subwoofers would have to do some heavy lifting. Music filled the apartment as the two of you watched the video. You didn't realize it initially, but your shoulder pressed against his. You slowly shifted to your right, to create distance not trying to give him the wrong impression, but were surprised when he leaned back into you. It was comforting.
It was right.
"Everything okay?"
Chan's question broke through your mind wandering. You felt your cheeks heat up a bit. "Y-yea, um. Where's the bathroom?"
"Down the hall, to the right."
Chan watched as you made your way to the guest bathroom. He couldn't help but keep his eyes on your backside. Once you disappeared, he leaned further back into the couch and groaned.
What was he doing? Letting you in this late, checking you out when you weren't looking, trying to get any physical contact no matter how little it was. It was stress, it had to be. His schedule has been so hectic lately his body was trying to find relief since his mind was almost running amock. Chan was so lost in thought that he let YouTube play on in the background. Not paying much attention to what was playing.
When you exited the bathroom, you were greeted with bongos and macarenas bouncing through the dorm. Peaking around the corner you spotted Chan leaning against the couch. He had his head back against the rest, his eyes closed. But despite his worn-down posture, he was still tapping his foot to the beat. "Aw, come on--you call that dancing?"
Your voice brought back his focus. His side smile gave you butterflies and you couldn't help but wear your own when he quipped; "Like you know how to dance to this?"
"Alright, Christopher. Get up." You grabbed the remote next to him and turned up the stereo even more. Hopefully, anyone living above or below the apartment wouldn't be able to hear how the bass shook the walls.
His grin widened at the name change. Almost nobody called him that anymore. There was a fine line between 'Chan' and 'Christopher', one that you seemed to be willing to cross.
What else were you willing to do?
Your hand was extended to him as you stood above him from his seat. The gleam in your eye was bright, almost playful. There was this weird feeling in the pit of his stomach. Bubbly and light. How the light casts around your silhouette made him realize why he felt the way he did when his eyes locked on you.
You were a goddess.
"You just gonna sit there? Come on, get up."
He didn't know what you said, but by the way, you grabbed onto his hand and pulled him from his seat, he knew he was in no position to argue.
You were a tough dance instructor. You corrected almost every misstep in Spanish. He couldn't comprehend your scolding, but he'll be damned to admit that at this point, he was doing it on purpose. There was something incredibly hot about being reprimanded in an unknown language.
"Dear all that is mighty," you sighed. "You're too stiff, loosen up a bit. Here, why don't you take the lead instead."
That caused his brain to malfunction a bit. He stuttered like a middle school kid being asked to dance for the first time. Without waiting for a reply, you grab his hands in yours and guide them on your body.  His hold on your waist was firm, but not too tough. He didn't want to scare you away. Not when he was so close to you he could smell your shampoo. Especially, not when you wrapped your arms around his neck and those eyes of yours were peering into his soul as you two stepped to the fast beat.
"Feel how my hips are moving?"
Oh, you bet he does.
Pushing those thoughts away, Chan tried to mimic your movement. "That's better!" You praised it, and it took everything in him not to press his body flush against yours right at that moment. He hated to admit it, but as the next song played, something with a slower tempo, every step you took with him around the living room, he somehow magically ended up closer to you.
This is the part where both of you could blame the alcohol.
You both were too inebriated to notice the fact that your phone was fully charged, that your fingers started to play with the bottom of his hair, or the fact that your faces were so close together. Chan's forehead rested on yours as the playlist finally died down to a softer ballad. YouTube ironically telling you two to slow down. But neither showing signs of listening.
"We...are going down a path you might regret." Chan closed his eyes to help steady his breathing. How were you able to do this earlier today? He felt like his heart was going to combust on the spot.
"That I might regret?" You whispered. Being this close to him felt surreal. You were sure you were about to wake up in your bed feeling very frustrated. "You won't?"
The feel of the pressure of your body was draining all his excitement from his chest to his dick. Another form of pressure was beginning to press against his underwear. A flood of penance sprung as quickly as his blood flowed to his quickening erection. "We just barely met. We don't know each other."
You pull away slightly so you can look up at him.
"Then, get to know me."
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Chan knew this wasn't what you meant. But, it was too late to turn back now.
You were half-naked, a trail of clothes leading to his room.
For every question he asked, an article of your outfit was essentially ripped off you. Every question you answered, you returned the favor.
"Favorite food?" Whoops, there goes that necklace.
"Beef jerky with sticky rice." Goodbye, Chan's shirt!
He kissed you deeply and backed you up towards his bed. A brief pause as you fell into the soft cushions and he stared down at you. Your lips were puffy, chest rising and falling as you were trying to catch your breath. As much as he reveled in the thought of you being a goddess, there was something about bringing down a higher power that made him absolutely feral. Breaking you down bit by bit with every question. 
He climbed on the bed to hover over you, that stupid side smile making another appearance for the night. "That's not exactly a 'food', more of a meal."
"Sorry if I'm--ah. A bit distracted." You close your eyes as he attaches his lips right below your ear. Sucking on your soft skin, not hard enough to leave bruising, but a temporary mark just for his eyes. 
Biting your lower lip, you happily extended your neck a bit to give him more access. Mind all fuzzy and unable to think as he littered your neck with small kisses. Chan gripped your thigh and pulled it up a bit, lifting your hips just enough to hold you close to his pelvis,  kneading your thighs through your tights.
"Need you to focus." He nipped softly at your skin. "How else am I going to learn everything about you?
"Favorite position?" His fingers went under the hem of your tights and helped you shed the last outer part of your outfit. Once it was thrown somewhere across his room, you wrapped the leg he was holding up around his back and used what momentum you could gather to push his back on the bed. His hands instinctively grabbed onto your hips as you straddled him.
Your lips were soft and gentle as you leaned in for a kiss, the complete opposite of the intensity shared just moments before. "Don't care, so long as I'm full."
Chan wasted no time by stripping himself of his joggers and boxers on your behalf. Stifling a moan as best as he could once he felt your clothed core perfectly placed on his growing erection.  Guiding your hips to grind against him, he grinned as you threw your head back and sighed in content. Chan rocked his hips perfectly to the rhythm he set against you, providing the much-needed friction you craved.
You were starting to think he was tanking at dancing salsa on purpose.
"Anything off limits?" You couldn't even register that his hands snuck up to undo your bra clasp. He took a second to appreciate the view. Chan couldn’t stop himself from using his forearms to prop himself up to latch onto one of your nipples. Licking and sucking at anything he could grab. The mewls coming from your mouth sounded like a song he never wanted to end. Your hand caressed the back of his head, pressing him closer. 
“Just--mmm. Just don’t stop even if I say so.”
Leaving your breast with a wet ‘plop’, he stared up at you. You could see the usual gleam in his eyes disappear. They became dark, almost predatory. Chan lifted you off so he could be above you again. He traced your skin from the collarbone down to the hem of your underwear. You arched your back at his touch; “Luckily for you--I like begging.”
Your breath hitched. Surely, he could see the wet stain on your underwear by now.
“Any safe words then?”
Last question.
Chan finger slipped underneath the cloth and played with your folds. The way you squirmed underneath him made him want to ruin you more. The chuckle he let out when you tried to squeeze your thighs together made you feel warm all the way down to your core. Chan was quick to use his body to keep you nice and spread. All for him.
“Sorry, couldn’t hear you.” Chan slipped the tip of his middle finger in you. “Could you speak up a bit?”
“Pendej--mmmphhh” You couldn’t finish your quip. Chan pushed in further until he was knuckle-deep. His lips hovered over yours as he slowly worked in and out of you. You kept arching and writhing as he continued his ministrations, mouth wide open as you let out silent moans.
“Ah, ah--I wanna hear you.” Once he added in a second finger, you couldn't contain yourself. Moans were spilling out of you like a pornstar. Even when he kissed you, there was nothing to stop the volume you were outputting. “Good job, baby.”
“Oh?” He chuckled as he felt your walls clamp down on him. “Did you like that?”
You couldn't speak as he kept pressing into you, wiggling his fingers against your walls. “C-chan…please…”
“Sorry, what was that?” He teased as he kissed around your collarbone.
The bastard kept pretending not to hear you. As if he couldn't feel you practically leaking around his fingers and clenching around him like there was no tomorrow. 
You finally had enough.
Grabbing ahold of his face with one hand, you forced him to look at you. His cheeks smashed between your fingers. “Christopher, I swear to God--if you don't fuck me right now I'm taking over.”
Ah, so you did like to be in charge.
With a grin, he gladly ripped off your panties. He pulled away just a bit, taking in your appearance. Wanting to embed it into his brain for any future sessions he might have with himself later on.
He knew he should've grabbed a condom, but the alcohol was still flowing through him and he couldn’t stop himself as he slowly pushed into you. You tried finding words; how big he felt, how full he made you, but all that could come out were whimpers as he groaned and leaned in for another kiss to ease any pain you felt.
The two of you grind against one another. Chan never fully pulled out, keeping himself nice and snug in your warmth. Stretching you out, oh so sweetly.
Chan wasted no time in picking up his thrust as you tapped his shoulder, indicating that he was okay to move. You squeaked as he hooked your knees on his shoulders and leaned down to essentially bend you in half. He was hitting a spot you never felt before; not with previous boyfriends and definitely not with your own toys at home.
“So fucking tight…” Chan hissed as his pace sped up to the point he was jackhammering into you. His lips found their way back to your neck and kept mumbling about how you felt around him. So tight, so warm, just right. His teeth nipped your ear lobe, desperate to grab onto something but knowing he couldn’t mark you up too much. “Is this good, baby? Need it harder, faster?”
When you didn’t respond to him, he slowed down a bit and leaned back to stare down at you. His cock twitched when he realized what was happening.
You laid on the bed; eyes glazed over, mouth wide open, cheeks completely flushed. You knew he was asking you a question in Korean, but the words weren’t forming in your head like they usually do. “Aw,” Chan laughed. “Does it feel that good that you forgot Korean?”
Chan let up on the pressure so his hand can snake its way to your lips. You instantly latch on to his fingers and suck. Your tongue brushes around his tips, tasting the leftover residue of yourself from earlier. Your knees unhook from his shoulder and fall on either side of his waist. A whimper leaves you as he removes his fingers from your mouth and travels down to rub your clit. Still keeping his thrust with his brutal pace.
“Ahhh…wait…” You squirmed and your hand went to grab his wrist. Chan noticed how you didn’t pull his hand away despite your pleas. “Chan, p-please--too much.”
He kept using your body. Chan could feel you clamping down around his length. “Sorry,” he breathed out as he felt the pressure in his balls rising. “You’re just, hmmmph, too perfect.”
That’s what did it for you. The fact that he listened to what you mentioned earlier, and his talk. The crash of pleasure that overcame you was intense. Chan shuddered as he felt your wave around him. “Fuck, fuck fuck,” you came with a cry. Your arms wrapped around his neck, trying to ground yourself in any way that you could. You were loud. Nothing could stop the curses that flowed out of you as you held him close against you. Chan wasn’t far behind; “Oh, I-I’m gonna--”
He pulled out and stroked his cock rapidly around his head, painting your stomach with his warm cum. Of all the art museums he visited around the world--this was by far his favorite piece of work.
The room was filled with both of your heavy pants as he laid in your arms. Once he was able to catch his breath, Chan pulled away from your embrace placing the gentlest kiss on your lips. Humming as you kissed him back. He tried to get up, but you were quick to stop him.
“Don’t go…” You pouted. Part of you knew this would be a one-time thing, but another part never wanted this to end. Chan smiled down at you and gave your cheek a quick peck.
“I’m just grabbing a towel to clean you off.”
As he walked off to the bathroom you stared down at the mess on your abdomen. The remnants of the best sex of your life were starting to cake on your skin. It took everything in you to not scoop some up and taste him in your mouth. When Chan returned with a wet cloth, he cleaned you up before plopping onto the bed beside you.
Once you caught your breath, reality set in.
Here you were, all fucked out with a colleague in the same industry. Everything told you to leave. It wasn’t like the two of you were in a relationship. It was a rash decision based on a lot of alcohol and dancing. You started to get up, but Chan was quick to wrap his hand in yours.
“You…you don’t have to go…” Chan shifted to lay on his side and stared down to not meet your eyes. Acting all shy as if he didn’t fuck the lights out of you just moments before. Your heart melted at the sight.
Slinking back into bed, his arms wrapped around you and pulled you into his chest. His cheek pressed against the top of your forehead. You could feel his heartbeat against you and closed your eyes.
“You know,” you sighed. “This was something I definitely didn’t regret.”
“Me ‘neither.”
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As the morning rolled around you woke up to Chan still wrapped around you. His soft snores made you smile. There was something surreal about seeing him so at peace that made your heart flutter. Placing a small kiss on his cheek, Chan shifted slightly and groaned as he stretched a bit.
“Mornin’,” He grumbled but held a smile as soon as his eyes landed on you. Chan wasted no time in pulling you into a kiss. His hands sneaking towards your ass to knead your flesh. His excitement is present against your thigh.
"Somebody's eager," You giggle as he pressed closer to you. Chan smirked as he gently rubbed his morning wood against you.
"You can say that."
Chan grumbled and hid his face in the crook of your neck. "No, don't say that."
"I was just going to say, that I need some water first." It was true. After all the drinks last night, your head was pounding like never before.
"Okay," Chan smiled and got up from bed to put a pair of boxers on. "Stay put, I'll grab you something to eat too."
Minutes passed as you waited in bed. Surprise overtook you as you heard a pan sizzling and the welcoming smell of home-cooking started to flood the dorm. Dawning one of his shirts, you made your way to the kitchen. Chan's back was to you as he manned the stove. You could see how his back rippled with every movement he made.
You couldn't see it, but a smile crept on Chan's face as he felt you wrap your arms around his midriff. "I thought I told you to stay put?"
"I'm not one for taking orders." You laugh as you hook your chin on his shoulder to peer over him. "Besides," Chan stiffened a bit as he felt your lips hover over his ear. "There's something sexy about a man cooking."
"Oh?" He quickly turned off the stove and turned around to face you. Your arms wrap around his neck as he leaned down closer to your face. "And what about your water?"
It was a frenzy of passion as your lips locked with his yet again. Both of you eager to relive last night in the light of sobriety. "Water can wait," you whisper in between kisses.
Chan easily lifted you, placing you on an open counter. Your legs spread to allow him access to be closer to you. The both of you started to mold into one another as the intensity grows. "I should cook for you more often," He grins as he breaks away from the kiss to catch his breath. He lifted his shirt on you slightly so your cunt was exposed.
"Promise?" You teased as he lowered himself down slightly to bring his lips level to your core. Chan enjoyed the way your head leaned back slightly as you felt his hot breath against you.
The both of you were so entranced with what was about to happen, that you didn't hear the door opening. Only the shrilly scream that bounced around the dorm broke you two apart.
You instantly jumped down from the counter as Chan stood upright, finding protection from behind him. Chan tried using his body to shield your half-naked body from the view of a very frightened Felix.
Not that he really needed too.
The younger member held both hands over his eyes. Groceries bags around him, spilling its contents around the floor.
"Felix?" Chan stuttered as he grabbed a kitchen rag to cover up his erection. "W-what are you doing here?"
Chan gestured for you to run back to the room as Felix was still covering his eyes. You had no hesitation, wanting to escape from the embarrassment. AKA your own personal hell.
"I didn't want you eating alone... I was gonna make breakfast."
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Author's Note: Here it is! Please let me know what you think. I'm also open to requests, I really want to get back into writing and interacting more on here. If you'd like to be added to my taglist please interact with this post (linked). Bye~
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