#on the bright side nobody got in a fight about i/p!
ephemeral-winter · 2 months
seder was such a mess you guys… i ended up crying in public while reading aloud a bit about “you shall not oppress the stranger in your land” and then my grandfather tripped while helping to clear the table and seems to have bruised his chest pretty bad and i am very worried about my grandmother on the other side’s mental decline it was all Not Good
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covesdadappreciation · 2 months
Hey hey! I loved your Prom one, and now I'm hungry for more! (Sorry not sorry =P). An idea that's been knocking around in my head is, its implied Tam-Tam gets bullied in the later Steps. SO, I would like to see MC getting into a fight after someone makes Tamarack cry, and the Qiu joins in to help because, love rival or no love rival, they ain't lettin' that shit slide.
School Fight
Tamarack x Male Reader (FTM Safe!) Author's note: I’m starting to think you really like the "jealous Qiu, and in love with Tamarack" dynamic… just a feeling. 🎀 CW: A physical fight and mentions of bullying. - I will also warn you that I may have not re-edited this. 1972 words
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Ever since MC had met Tamarack, he’s doted on her. If she was a princess, he was her knight, through and through. He was at Tamarack’s defense when Oma and her argued, he was at her side when she felt isolated, he was always paying attention to her face to see if she approved or disapproved certain plans. She is his everything, and even in high school it hasn’t changed much. It certainly isn’t as obvious anymore, nor is he following her around like a lost puppy as much either. With getting older and no longer feeling out-of-place after being the new neighbor, he’s become more independent. Confident, some might say. 
MC began to climb the high school popularity ranks the older he got, along with Qiu (but Qiu wasn’t all that excited about being popular at this point). Though that never let MC feel bigger than Tamarack. Instead he always made sure to make it obvious that they were friends, that he’ll make time for her any day, that she’s just as important as any one of his friends. In a room full of people, he’ll always choose her. 
So when MC decided that he wanted to walk with Tamarack after her after school orchestra practice for the first time, he had a gut-squeezing feeling when he saw her with a small frown and tiny tears at the edges of her eyes. He quickly rushed up to her, but she squeezed her eyes when she noticed MC and smiled, the tears becoming much less notable now.
“Are you okay?” He asked, studying her face worriedly, holding himself from running his hands over the tear trails on her face. She nodded persistently, “Yeah, Orchestra was just stressful today. Rehearsal stuff, it happens.” She waved her hand dismissively. 
MC sighed understandingly, “Well if it’d help, we can go to the Diner and get milkshakes?” Tamarack perked up at the offer, and while her sadness didn’t seem to fully pass, it still made her smile.
As the week continues, MC notices that Tamarack’s been more stressed at the mention of orchestra. She’s anxious in the hallways, as if looking for someone, or trying to be aware of what people are talking about. Of course Tamarack was a little more anxious and awkward, they’re in highschool! It’s kind of a package deal. But it was way out of character for her, this was fear, and that little voice in MC’s head knew that something was wrong. All he needed to know was what the cause was. 
MC walked into the auditorium, sitting in the front row as he kept his eyes on Tamarack the whole time as she settled into her seat and pulled out her instrument. Though, nobody really seemed to notice him with the bright lights on them, and if they did, he wasn’t their main focus. They were working on playing music for one of the school musicals, but not even halfway into practice, MC already noticed plenty of red flags.
Two freshmen who sat behind Tammy were being dickheads. Notably one was blonde and the other was brunette. It started out small, but even then it took everything in MC to not get up and tell them to cut it out. Maybe accidentally spill some water on them. Who knows. The two boys went back and forth throughout their instrumental pauses or 10 minute breaks, throwing side-eyes at Tammy while whispering some surely cruel comments about her considering that in response to every whisper, Tamarack seemed to curl more and more into herself. 
MC had kept his eye on them, wishing that Tamarack could notice him and give him a signal on what to do. Scenarios and plans ran through his head, many of them revolving around the idea of revenge. On the other hand, he can hear his ma’s and Tamarack’s voice to calm down, to not get in trouble. The rest of the half hour passes and Tamarack makes her way over to MC, inhaling deeply before crashing her body onto him, pressing her weight against him so that he could hold her closely. 
“Is there a reason you haven’t told me about those two dickheads?” MC crossed his arms. Of course he wasn’t angry at her, but the fact that those two had the nerve to be mean to the nicest and adorable girl in the whole world. The audacity. 
Tamarack huffs no longer leaning on him, “No! They’re just dumb, and it’s…” she falters, rolling her eyes and no longer making eye contact with MC, “It’s nothing to worry about.” MC glances around and finds the two boys headed out, but not leaving without throwing a judgemental look towards Tamarack. It only made MC’s stomach turn and twist. 
Just say the word, Tam. Put me in the ring, coach.
“If they keep this up, I swear I’ll start a fight”
“Please don’t” Tamarack laughs softly, but they both knew that MC wasn’t strictly joking. MC only makes a small unsatisfied sound, his eyes stuck and glaring at the two boys until they were out of sight. “Earth to MC?” Tamarack waves her hand in front of his face, “Are we still gonna walk to my place?”
MC sighs before taking Tamarack’s cello case, puffing his chest for a quick second before the weight shifted comfortably in his arms,
“MC, you know you don’t have to carry it for me every time-”
“You’ll have to pry this from my cold dead hands if you expect me to let you carry this yourself”
“My hero” Tamarack sighs with a smug look, readjusting MC’s hair so that his hair is back to normal before their walk. 
“My princess” MC grins back.
The week had felt long, as if the school building itself was actively stopping the clock and hoping no one would question it. MC and Tamarack were walking down the halls in their transition period, arm in arm. Chatting away about their next class and hooked together to not lose each other to the crowd was always their excuse.
“Imagine if the crowds sucked her away and I’d never find her again!” MC huffed to Qiu long ago. 
So MC made it clear that he would never let that happen. Nor was he going to let the world see the dust of blush on his cheeks wherever they did cross arms.  
Unfortunately, the two boys from the orchestra had caught onto Tamarack’s presence on their walk down the halls. MC could see the cogs turning in their heads, which was surprising considering that MC thought there was nothing in there anyways. Defeating all logic regardless, there was a non-verbal plan being set in their minds, which made MC tense. 
He felt worse when he stole a quick look over at Tamarack, seeing her understandably more anxious than him, tears welling up in her eyes once more. This time she finally let them fall. 
The two boys pointed and whispered, judging something– and when MC looked at what they were pointing at, it was a part of a bit of high school embarrassment. Tamarack’s backpack was almost wide-open, not enough for everything to fall out. Of course, they were close enough so that you could hear the glimpses of terrible things they decided to say about her. About her intelligence and comments about her appearance. People are starting to look. 
“Guys, can you both just fucking rela-” MC was interrupted by the brunette who passed him, shoulder hitting shoulder, which caught MC off guard. 
Tamarack was quiet now, and a panicked and helpless look was all she could give as the brunette had gone up to her, let her walk away just a bit so that he could reach into her bag, pulling out whatever he could grab. It was her lunch bag. In a quick attempt of playing monkey in the middle, the brunette with the lunch bag tosses it over to the blonde boy, who’s conveniently closer to MC.
As the two boys laugh, the blonde holding the lunch bag makes eye contact with MC, almost as if expecting him to laugh too at this obnoxious act. 
There’s a moment where MC just nods, the situation finally clicking and snapping in his head. 
Almost as if it’s instinct, MC forces his body to slam the kid against the locker which takes everyone off guard. Those who knew MC from elementary especially. He wasn’t lost or trying to fit in anymore like he did back then. He wasn’t hiding behind Tamarack and hoping that everyone stays friends. It almost made MC seem bigger now. 
The blonde was almost too shocked by the reaction, but he recovered and decided that he’d fight back. They both shoved each other around, throwing a punch in there occasionally, the growing crowd of kids gave a lot of space. Phones were out, and people were cheering and commenting. In one moment MC was pinned and being pushed around by his clothes, in another moment MC had the blonde onto the floor, shoving him harshly back down on the ground.
Veronica had pulled Tamarack away while Qiu and Ren struggled against the mob of children to see what was happening. All they had heard was that MC was in a fight. All Qiu fully registered was a blonde boy on the ground, MC trying to pin the boy’s hands away, and a brunette boy about to enter to help his friend, most likely to make the situation worse or make this a 2v1 situation. Qiu quickly ran up to the brunette and redirected him, only shoving him back warningly. 
That’s all Qiu needed to see, and they knew that it probably had something to do with Tamarack. Who else would MC fight like this for?
“Are you gonna keep going?!” MC shouts at the boy, trying to be heard over the multiple kids shouting. The blonde boy kept up with the struggle before finally giving in and knowing that MC wasn’t going to let go of his wrists until they both stopped hurting one another. 
The blonde boy nods persistently, allowing MC to finally get off of him (not without "accidentally nudging this guy on the side a bit" with his foot) and take a couple steps back in case the boy was planning on starting another fight.
Not that there was time for it considering teachers finally reached the situation. The crowd quickly dispersed, leaving only Tamarack, Qiu, MC, and the two boys in that hall with the teachers.. 
Fortunately, Tamarack and Qiu didn’t get in much trouble besides whatever their parents and grandparents found to be appropriate. MC on the other hand had a 4 day suspension, and the other two boys had gotten slightly longer and worse punishments than them. MC’s mom wasn’t the happiest at the whole situation, but she also figured deep down something like this would’ve happened. Tamarack’s Opa found the whole thing a lot more amusing than Omi, of course, but they were still somewhat glad the bullying issue was done with too. 
And it wasn’t like Tamarack and MC were banned from seeing each other ever again. Tamarack and Qiu would visit MC after school to bring him homework, and study together. 
At the end of the day, no one bothered to bully or make comments about Tamarack anymore, lest they deal with MC when he comes back. At least MC promised he’d never do it again. Probably.
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SMT V liveblog update cuz nobody asked but it's my blog so I can post whatever I want here xD
Also warning for spoilers as usual, also it can be long as I didn't made any liveblog updates for more than a week xD
Okay so as you know, I'm in 4th act rn in last (Taito) area and I literally spend more than a week to frickin' grind those 14 levels (I began area at lvl 58 and had to grind to lvl 72) to be able to beat the three bosses of the area (I took down Vasuki already) and yeah,
I love how 4th act is just like scavenger hunt meets gang war XD everybody just want a piece of Naho's ass rn XD
Also I really want to meet person who designed Asakusa main street area, I almost got blind from climbing on those super shiny, moving blocks lmao they are too bright for my taste
So yeah like I said I grinded 14 lvls, took down Vasuki already and wanted to make some side quests and I was going to fight with Adramelech to fulfill one of the quests so I headed there and...
... I love how this game just throw you into cutscenes without any warning whatsoever XD
Tbh I didn't understand the cutscene very well because I was super anxious that Dazai gonna jump from that block cause he kinda looked like that and I was like "please don't jump, please don't jump" so maybe I understood half of the cutscene, I have to rewatch it later on youtube lol
But the moment he took down that hat...
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I know he just went batshit crazy but at least he got his glow up lmao
Honestly, can't wait to see what's happen next with him
So yeah, that's my random thoughts about Taito area so far XD Still 2 area bosses remained for me, this area is so time consuming :P
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A Bad Feeling Pt 1
Levi x Reader
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Part 1
Paring: Levi Ackerman x Cadet reader
Warnings: 18+ attempted rape/assault, cursing, mention of injury, violence
Summary: Reader feels uncomfortable around a overly friendly captain. Are they just over reacting? Or is there something else going on. What will Levi do when he finds out?
A.n. ok so I literally wrote this in one go, it's probably trash but I wanted to post it anyway. Please lemme know what you think in the comments! Thank you!
"Y/n! captain Oro is asking for you" you did your best to hide the discomfort Armins words made you feel.
You smiled what you hoped was a convincing one and nodded. With a deep breath you made your way to Captains Oro's office.
Ever since you had been introduced to him those few weeks ago, he had taken a special liking to you. At first you had been excited, having such a highly skilled and well known captain take notice of you was one of the best feelings. Especially since your squad leader, Levi wasn't exactly heavy on praise.
Everyone loved Captain Oro, he was known for his strength and stamina on the battle field. He was both charismatic, and charming. Your fellow cadets practically swooned over him. You couldn't help but also get caught up in his perfection. At first that is..
Over time you noticed things about your meetings that put you on edge. An unnecessary shoulder touch here, a too low pat on the back there. Something was off. And although you had done your best to distance yourself from him, it was hard when your squads often had to work together.
But it was hard to say anything against him because even your cold blooded captain seemed to enjoy his presence.
Once you brought it up to your friend Sasha, about how you felt he was being too friendly. But she waved her hand and basically said you were worrying for nothing, he was just a friendly guy. And you were being dramatic.
Maybe you were overreacting? If captain levi approved of him, surely that meant he was a decent person right? Maybe he was just being really really friendly.
You decided to give him a chance and knocked on his door when you finally arrived.
"Come in" a muffled voice came from the other side.
With a click you entered the candlelit room. It was nearing sundown after all.
"Ah cadet y/n! Perfect, I was wondering if I might ask your opinion on something?" He smiled angelically and gestured towards a parchment on his desk.
"Of course sir" you nodded and approached him, reminding yourself of what sasha said. Just relax.
From the way the parchment was positioned you had no choice but to come to his side of the desk.
"Do you see this area here?" He gestured to what you now saw was a map. "What do you think of leading a squad through here instead of what we originally planned?"
The next 30 minutes you spent completely and professionally discussing strategies. Being the member of your squad that was best at this, made him asking for you completely justified. You felt bad for ever doubting his intentions.
"Thank you y/n, I think I have a better idea of what course we should pursue on our next expedition" he smiled sincerely.
"I'm glad I could be of service" you nodded and allowed a relaxed smile to pass your features. Feeling stupid you had judged him so harshly.
" If you wouldnt mind just one more thing?" You nodded as he pulled out a stack of papers.
"If you could look over this report of the last mission before I send it out? See if theres anything else to add?"
"Sure, I'd be happy to Captain" you grabbed the stack.
"And please if you can, return them to me tonight, I'll need them for the meeting bright and early"
"Yes sir, I'll finish it asap, good evening" and with that you exused yourself.
Tonight? It was already sundown. Well whatever, hes so busy he probably doesn't know what time of day it is.
You found a quiet spot amonsgt the crowds in the common room and got to work.
"Oi brat, it's passed curfew, go to your room now, we have important work tommorow" the unmistakable voice of your captain rang through the now empty hall.
You looked up in surprise and meet his usual scowl, not even realizing how late it had gotten.
"Hai, s-sorry captain, I'll go now" you gathered the report and quickly left, not wanting to receive another scolding for taking too long.
Oh crap you still had to deliever the report. Changing routes you snuck quietly down the familiar hallways. Not particularly feeling like running into Levi again. Something about him always made you act just a little dumber and it was definitely not because of your non existent crush on him...definitely not.. he was just intimidating is all.
*knock knock*
You waited patiently but there was no answer. Crap did he already go to bed? But he knew I was coming? Ugh what should I do? He needs these reports..
With a sigh you change direction again and head for his personal chambers. There was no way you were getting in trouble for not delivering these reports on time.
You smiled when you saw dim light flood from beneath the door.
Lightly you knocked, "Captain Oro, its y/n, sorry it's so late but I have the rep-" you were cut off abruptly when the door swung open and there stood Oro.
Except he looked nothing like the Oro you were used too seeing. His hair was loose from it's normal slicked back do, and the edges were dripping slightly. His shirt was loosely thrown on revealing a decent amount of skin. He must've just bathed.. you could see why the girls were so obsessed with him. He was, platonically speaking, a very gorgeous man.
You were taken aback but reminded yourself that you did knock after hours so of course he wasnt going to be all soldiered up.
"U-um s-sorry Captain, I have the reports" you averted your eyes and shoved the reports in his direction.
"Ah y/n, thank you, would you please put them on my table? My hands are still slightly wet." He laughed holding them up innocently.
"S-sure" god why were you stuttering so much, you fight goddamn titans for a living?! But somehow you were more nervous now than when a 10meter was clawing at you.
You entered the room and tried to avoid looking around too much.
You always wondered what the inside of the higher ups rooms look-
You whipped around, alarm bells suddenly back in full force.
"Captain what are you-"
"You're such a good girl, you know that y/n?" Oros whole demeanor changed and you cursed yourself for not trusting your earlier instincts.
"U-um" you really did not know what to say or do as he took a couple steps closer.
"Always so obedient for me, I think you deserve a reward don't you?"
"That's not...that's not necessary captain, I really should be going" you tried to lunge for the door but he was quicker and much much stronger.
"I don't believe I dismissed you cadet..." he purred pinning your arms to the door in the blink of an eye.
You were by no means weak, but your struggles were useless against him.
"Let me go" it took all your strength not to stutter in fear.
"How adorable, you know I love it when you follow my orders so well, but I think..." you shivered in disgust as you felt his lips near your neck and press down.
"I'd like to see you fight me as well" you whimpered as he sucked and bit down on the soft flesh.
"S-stop it, p-please" he smirked and looked into your fearful eyes with his lustful ones. "Stop? But that's not what you really want is it? You see I know exactly how girls like you are" he chuckled darkly and moved one of his hands to grip both your arms, while the other slid lower. You gasped when he cupped your breast. "S-stop! I'll, ill scream If you don't!" You felt a tear slide down your shaking form.
"Scream?" He snickered like you had told the funniest joke.
"Go ahead and scream doll, itll be very interesting to see what happens"
"W-what?" You were utterly confused.
"Think about it, if someone walks in on us, what would they think? Seeing a cadet after hours in her superiors chambers?"
"B-but I! I was bringing the reports i wasn't-!"
"Do you honestly think theyll care what you have to say? Who do you think theyll believe y/n? You a nobody cadet who's been fighting titans for 3 seconds? Or me, a selfless hero whos saved countless of scouts lives? All I have to tell them is that you came into my room and tried to seduce me. When I tried to restrain you, you screamed. Who do you think theyll listen too? Why else would you be here so late at night?"
"Y-You're..you're insane, you're not a hero, y-you're a coward who-" he grasped your jaw harshly causing you to wince.
"I'd watch that mouth of yours y/n" he squeezed harder. I am your superior after all, and we wouldnt want any nasty rumors going around that would have you suspended from the survey corps now would we?" He bent down and to your horror pressed his lips against yours.
Fuck fuck what do I do?!? Hes blackmailing me now. I cant fight him, hes too strong, think think think.
But your mind was blank when his cold lips pressed against your lips again. "Open your mouth" he ordered in a voice laced with animilistac lust.
You abruptly turned your head away desperate to get away.
"Heh, always such a tease" he traced a finger up and down your cheek, flipping over your lips. "I'll enjoy this-"
"CAPTAIN ORO, COMMANDER ERWIN REQUESTS YOUR PRESENCE IN HIS OFFICE IMMEDIATELY" a voice shouts from the other side of the locked door.
With an annoyed sigh, Oro pulls away slightly, "Did he say why?" He lazily looks over in the direction of the door.
"guess it can't be helped... Alright tell him I'll be there shortly" he yelled out.
"Hai" the footsteps recended and you stood deathly still.
He pulled away from you and you immediately pulled your wrists to you, they were an angry red, and it scared you how much strength he had so effortlessly displayed.
"Sorry doll, it looks like we'll have to continue this another night" he stepped away and began dressing normally as if he hadn't just been assaulting you 5 second ago. You quickly make for the door but his voice falters your step, "Oh and y/n?"
You dont look at him, but fear held you in place until he finished, "If you mention our little moment to anyone, you know what will happen" you nodded quickly, anything to appease him and get out.
When the door shut behind you, you felt the flood of tears break through.
D-did, d-did that really happen?!?
You held a hand to quiet your sobs and quickly dashed through the hallways.
You're heart thumped and you felt the need to vomit. You hadn't felt this way since the first time youd encounted a titan. All you wanted to do was get to the safety of your room, just through the hall.
It felt like a bucket of cold water had been thrown on you when a cold voice shouted out and halted your movements. Please not now, oh god any time but now.
"Oi cadet y/n are you deaf as well as dumb? I asked you a question.
"Why are you out past curfew?" he sounded definitely annoyed and you gathered all your strength to hold the sobs out of your voice.
Without turning around you answered, "I-I had to deliver some r-reports..I'll head to my room now.." you stepped forward hoping he would let you go but you were not so lucky.
"Oi brat, did you hit your head? I didn't dismiss you yet. Not to mention you haven't even addressed me properly, maybe some time cleaning up horse shit will remind you how to respect your superiors" fuck he was definitely angry now.
Still you didn't turn around, you couldn't..."S-sorry Captain Levi, I'll do better in the future.." you barely could even focus on the words coming out of your mouth, your heart was beating a mile a minute. Please just leave me alone!
"Hahh" Levi uttered in disbelief and severe annoyance, even the most novice of cadets turn around when being spoken to by a superior. "Are you trying to piss me off brat?!?"
"No sir..." still you didnt turn around, but gulped in fear when you heard sharp footsteps near you.
"Cadet y/n, you have three seconds to turn around and salute me properly before I throw you into the cells for insubordination" he ordered in his dangerously calm voice, that you never thought would be directed at you.
Having no other choice you slowly turn around, hoping to god the darkness of the room would be enough to hide your current state.
You kept your head down, letting your hair fall over your face, but gave a proper salute. Hiding the Wince that came when the tender flesh of your wrist had to bend.
Your eyes were trained on the floor. And you tried to remember how to breathe normally again.
"At least you remember how to-" abruptly his harsh scolding stopped.
Why did he stop?! Fuck did he notice something. No no calm down, he probably just is coming up with another punishment...right?
Levi was far from being done with dicisplining you but he caught sight of your bruised wrist and furrowed his brows immediately. He knew for a fact the last time you spoke in the hall those had not been there. He was quick to take in the rest of your demeanor and knew immediately that the reason you were acting disrespectful was because something was wrong.
"Cadet y/n.." he said suspiciously slow and not full of anger anymore.
"Y-yes?" Please dont ask me, please dont ask me, please dont-
"Look at me"
Part 2 here
Okay so that's part 1! Please comment and lemme know what you think🥰also I'm super sensitive so please no hateful comments. Thanks for reading!
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fandom-imagines · 3 years
Sweet little darling~
Fandom: House of Wax (2005)
Pairing: Bo Sinclair X Fem!Reader
Warnings: Canon typical violence, domestic abuse (abusive relationship; not Bo) Kind of out-of-character Bo, depends on how you headcanon him for liking someone! Also not proofread yet.
Words: 2.55k 
Summary: Kindness can get you killed, but it can also get you out of a sticky situation.
Part Two!
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To anybody that saw their relationship, it was evident that the feeling wasn’t mutual. Perhaps it once had been, but it no longer was, and for good reason.
“You fucking bitch!” The scream echoed throughout the building, one body looming over a small, cowering young woman.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled, doing her best to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall.  “Please don’t hurt m-“ her pleas were cut short as a tight hand grasped her arm and tugged her onto her feet, a harsh slap hitting her cheek shortly afterwards.
“Please don’t hurt me,” he cruelly laughed, mimicking her frightened and desperate tone. “How pathetic.”
“I’m sorry,”
With one final laugh, her boyfriend tossed her to the ground.
Laughter filled the truck the group of friends were currently seated in, music blaring through the speakers of a radio one of them had brought but their drunk selves were unable to remember who.
Four of the friends engaged in conversation about anything their clouded minds could think of, whilst the final friend lay against the side of the car, desperately avoiding the demanding gaze her boyfriend was giving her and had been giving her the entire night.
It was clear what he wanted.
Eyes fixated on the green of the grass beneath her, Y/N noticed an approaching truck. Choosing not to say anything, she silently waited for somebody else to notice the vehicle.
“Guys,” Lucy, a close friend of Y/N’s boyfriends, called. “Who is that?”
By now the headlights of the truck were focused on the gang who were circled around the campfire, narrowly avoiding Y/N’s figure.
“James, do something?” Y/N winced as she watched another of the girls grasp onto her boyfriends muscular arm, her blonde hair rubbing against his bare chest.
“Can we help you?” He yelled over the sound of the roaring engine, their music having been paused the second they had notice the driver. “Look dude, this isn’t funny. Just fuck off!”
James’s final sentence was one that made his girlfriend cringe, body remembering the way he had hurt her the night before using that exact same tone; it almost made her cry.
Deciding to stop him before this escalated any further, Y/N made her way towards James before placing a hand on his chest to signal him to back down. This seemed to only anger him further, something that was clear by the way his hands balled into fists. Nobody noticed, except one other person.
“Leave it,” she whispered into his ear, hand dropping from his body to hopefully ease his anger.
James’s hand reach out to her, grabbing his own with a bruising force and tugging her into him as he leaned down to her ear, ignoring the whistles from his friends who assumed he was saying something sexual.
“Just you wait till I get you alone,” James snarled in her ear, unaware of the way an unknown man glared at him before driving away.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” James spat, smashing his hand against the cars hood. “It’s busted, the fan belt is fucked.”
His anger seemed to put everybody on edge as they all fell into an uncomfortable silence, something that was uncommon for them.
“You needed a new one anyway,” Y/N mumbled, just loud enough for him to hear.
“Don’t you fucking start,” while his words were directed towards his girlfriend, the others assumed it was aimed at the car in sarcasm; ignorance is bliss after all.
“I can help y’all.” A seemingly kind voice yelled from behind them, having heard the entire conversation. “Sorry, couldn’t help but overhear ya. There’s a town not to far from here. A guy, Bo, runs a gas stop, I’m sure he’d have some.”
Before James could rudely decline this man, Y/N decided to respond. “Do you know how to get there?”
“I’ll drive ya! Truck can only fit two of you though,”
“That’d be great!” She gave the unnamed man a gentle smile, one which he gladly returned. “When are you ready?”
“Now is good,”
She simply nodded, rushing towards the car without giving James a chance to say anything, only leaving him time to follow her, but not before a “fuck sake,” left his lips.
“Thank you so much, Lester!” She grinned once again as she hopped from his truck.
“It was no bother, pleasure to meet you Y/N,” he smiled back at her, ruffling her hair slightly before realising the angered look on James’s face. “And you of course,” he nodded awkwardly whilst his hand dropped back to his side. “You two take care now,” and with those words, he drove away.
“Fucking slutting yourself out to weird men, typical,” James spat as he tugged Y/N’s hand so that she was following him into the town, ignoring how she almost tripped in the process.
“I’m sorry, I was just being nice. He was helping us!” She all but yelled, silently praying for him to loosen his grip so that she doesn’t have to use all of her concealer hiding, yet another, mark from him.
“Sure he was. He didn’t just want to get into your pants or anything, huh?”
Ignoring his hurtful words, Y/N began to look around the town.
It was quiet, too quiet. But when she began to think, it was Sunday and there was a Church up ahead at the end of the road which would make more sense, especially considering how early in the morning it was.
“There’s the garage,” James said, dropping her hand to instead point at the small garage not far from them. “Let’s go,”
Y/N followed him, quickly striding to keep up with his large legs.
“There’s nobody here,” she sighed, watching as James just barged his way into the unoccupied garage. “You can’t just go in there! That’s rude.”
“Do I give a fuck? Wait out there for all I care,”
So she chose to do just that.
“Oh, hi!” A tall man in a suit gave Y/N a bright grin, accidentally startling her slightly. “You need something?”
“O-oh, hi! Uhm, my boyfriend is in there, I’m sorry I told him not too, he needs a fan belt? I have no idea what one of them is but I-“
The man chuckled, smiling once again as he put his arm around her waist to guide her inside. “Don’t worry, darling. I got ya,” his words were somewhat calming, as though he was offering to protect her from James, despite not knowing what was going on, or perhaps he did.
“You finally grew a p-“James’s words fell short as he turned to see a man, who was significantly taller than him, stood beside his girlfriend. “Hello?”
“Hi, names Bo,” Bo’s tone was a lot blunter than the charming one he had been using previously. “You need something?” He repeated his previous words, instead this time to James and less kind. “You are in my garage after all.”
Despite knowing that Bo could easily subdue him, James chose to get angry anyway. “You got a problem with me? Don’t leave it unlocked if you don’t want people coming in,”
“James leave it,” Y/N gently pushed herself between Bo and James as James began to try get into his face. “Just ask him for what you need and let’s go.”
“Fine, we need a fan belt. Fifteen inch.”
“I might be able to do that, but you’ve already had a look so let me know what I’ve got,” Bo smirked at the angered expression on the mans face at his words.
So maybe he did have a problem with James, a problem neither of the couple knew of.
“Not a fifteen,”
“Then they’re back at the house,”
“The house? Why would they be there?”
“Deliveries are delivered there, easier for everyone really.”
Y/N watched as the two men interacted, Bo incredibly calm whilst James was boiling with anger. Part of her was scared of how he would react, his threat about ‘waiting till they’re alone’ floating around in her mind, yet some strange part of her felt safe knowing that Bo was there. Perhaps it was the fact that he could fight him with ease, or maybe that James would, most likely, never harm her in front of another person.
“Let’s just go,” She pleaded, desperation swimming in her Y/E/C orbs.
“No, I’ll stay, you go.” James seemed pleased with this idea, smirking at the way his girlfriends body tensed; he enjoyed the fear he caused her.
“That’s fine with me,” Bo chimed in, offering Y/N a smile. “That fine with you?”
“Yeah, yeah that’s fine.”
“Let me just lock up,” Bo said, leading the visitors out into the street, much to James’s dismay, before locking up. “Let’s go then.” He gave James one last sarcastic smile before leading Y/N away from him.
“Do you live with anyone here?”
Y/N and Bo had been talking for a while now, having chosen to take a slow walk instead. He was nice, to her anyway. She felt as though he understood her, despite not knowing a thing about her.
“Nah, I live with my brother,” Came his response, winking at the girl as he ran a hand through his dark hair, enjoying the way she blushed under his gaze.
She knew it was wrong, finding him both attractive and sweet. But he was both of those, and James was neither, not to her at least. Maybe it was because he was the first person to be this kind to her in a long time, or maybe it was the feeling of safety she felt around him, but she was enjoying his company more than anyone else’s.
“Oh, that must be fun!”
Bo chuckled at her enthusiasm, “I suppose so,”
The pair walked up to Bo’s home, guilt filling the girl’s chest each time she let Bo’s hand brush against her own. She simply enjoyed the sparks flying throughout her body, forgetting about the pain she would receive later as a punishment.
“We’re here,” Bo’s words pulled Y/N from her thoughts, almost tripping over a rock as she came back to reality. “Easy there,” Bo shook his head whilst smiling as he caught her, sneakily pulling her body into his own without her realising it was not an accident.
“Thank you,” she blushed, unknowingly allowing herself to melt into his touch, feeling the need to savour every kind and gentle touch she was getting from a stranger.
“No problem, darling,” he smirked, once again enjoying the way she blushed at the nickname he had given her.
Hand still around her waist, Bo guided her into his home.
“Take a seat, I need to get out of this horrible suit.” His words caused a giggle to leave Y/N’s lips, her head nodding as she took a seat on the faded leather couch, watching Bo leave the room to go change.
“Sorry to keep ya waiting, Darl.” Bo’s voice startled Y/N, her body jolting in a way that made Bo feel slightly guilty, something that he rarely felt. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”
“No, it’s okay. It was my fault,” she offered him a weak smile, twiddling with the hem of her short-sleeved t-shirt when he seated himself beside her.
“That looks painful,” his hands cautiously reached out to gently take her hand, fingers lightly running across a hand-shaped bruise that had began to form. “You shouldn’t let him treat you like that,” Bo’s spare hand reached up to her face, hand cupping one cheek which made her flinch, Bo frowning at the action.
Bo had no idea why she was apolgoising to him. It had been him that touched her, but it all made sense in his head.
“Does he hit you?”
Her lack of response was enough for him to understand to full situation.
“I’m sorry,”
“Don’t be, darling.” He sighed, hand moving from her cheek to her neck to pull her head towards his lips, planting a soft kiss on it, something that made her almost cry along with his sweet words.
“Thank you,” her own arms wrapped around his torso, grateful to be given affection without it feeling forced.
“You took your time,” James spat as Y/N walked towards him, Bo having quickly headed to the gas station for something that she couldn’t remember the name of. “Were you shagging him or something?”
“N-no,” the nervousness in her voice was something that caused Y/N to cringe, knowing that he wouldn’t believe her.
“Oh, you were.” James’s hands balled into fists as he stalked towards her, ready to attack.
“No, I had to get changed,” Bo’s deep voice startled both of them, James’s fists unclenching immediately.
“Sorry, man. Can’t be too careful with girls like these, can you?” He laughed, trying to play off his previous words as a joke.
“Can’t be too careful with men like yourself either, can you?” Bo’s words seemed innocent, despite having a deeper meaning.
“What?” James snapped. “You told him about us?” He yelled as he turned to face Y/N whose breathing was becoming laboured in fear. “You little bitch!”
As James began to march towards his girlfriend, a tight hand grabbed his fist, spinning him to face the holder only to not be able to see because of a hard punch hitting him in the jaw. The only thing he could hear was a gasp from Y/N and the ringing in his ears as he dropped to the ground.
“Not so tough now, are you?” Bo sniggered. “You can hit a woman but the second a man touches you, you’re out cold. Pathetic,”
Y/N stood frozen to the spot, unsure of how to react.
She hadn’t expected Bo to attack him. In fact, she hadn’t expected him to do anything at all to him or about her situation. Those who knew didn’t care, so why would a stranger?
“You fucking dick!” James screamed, climbing back onto his feet to throw a punch at Bo, one that he barely reacted to.
“Leave him alone!” Y/N yelled, darting between James and Bo, shoving James away from him to the best of her ability.
“You fucking whore. I should’ve known this is what would’ve happened. Actually, I guess I already did.” His words were fast, but his fist moved towards her faster.
Bo was quicker however, grabbing the man’s fist and twisting it behind his back before kicking his legs from beneath him, effectively knocking him to the ground again.
“Vincent!” Bo yelled. “Got one for ya,” both Y/N and James were confused at his words, fear filling them both as a masked man came running out into the street, knife in hand.
Bo took Y/N’s hand, pushing her behind his hand so that she couldn’t see the horror that Vincent was committing to her boyfriend in full glory.
“Y-you killed him…” Her words were quiet, watching from one eye as the man, who she assumed to be Vincent, tugged away the lifeless body. “Are you going to kill me too?”
“You’re safe here, Y/N.” Bo’s words were quiet, praying nobody else heard his true self speaking. “I’ll take care of you. Nobody will ever hurt you again, my sweet little darling.”  
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artsyhobi · 3 years
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Divine Gods!BTS x reader
series masterlist
Chapter one, Calico Cat.
characters: mortal!fem!reader, god of the moon!park jimin, god of the sun!jung hoseok, god of death and darkness!min yoongi, god of the four elements!kim namjoon, god of time!kim seokjin, god of nature and life!jeon jungkook, god of mischief!kim taehyung.
a/n: hello ! i hope you enjoy this first chapter, i actually took inspo from Goblin (which is a kdrama i absolutely loved ;;) and i'm sorry in advance for my poor writing, but english is not my first language ...
trigger warning: mentions of blood, violence and death, curse words.
tag-list: @greezenini, @fangirl125reader, @motherofbludgers
Min Yoongi sat on the throne, his legs elegantly crossed as he rested his forearms on the armrest. He slightly raised his left arm so that the tip of his index finger could lightly brush against his lower lip, his eyebrows mildly furrowed in a focused expression.
The black-haired man continued playing with his lip, then reached for something in the pocket of his silk pants and held the object in the palm of his hand: it was a vintage pocket watch entirely made out of gold, with a ruby located right at its center. The hands of the watch moved mechanically, producing a “tic” sound that resonated in his mind like an irritating echo.
Yoongi hated time. What was ironic, though, is that he had too much of it: he had an Eternity.
Yoongi glared at the antique object once more. A satisfied smirk appeared on the corner of his lips, depicting anything but an innocent smile. He stood up, adjusting his coat and grabbing his black bowler hat in a swift movement before taking some steps forward: as he walked, the dark throne room surrounding him became gradually more distant and, in a matter of seconds, the man was walking in the busy and snowy streets of Seoul. The snow crunched under the soles of his shoes, the snowflakes that landed on his coat immediately melted, and as he passed by, nobody seemed to notice his presence.
The street was crowded with people rushing to purchase the last Christmas presents, couples holding hands, and kids eating strawberry cotton candy. Disgusting, thought Yoongi as he curled his nose.
“One minute and thirty-three seconds.” He murmured to himself, turning into a deserted alley after checking the correct street name on a brick wall nearby. As he walked, the bright white snow became dirtier until there were just a few clusters of it on the side of the path. It started snowing heavier.
“Fifty-eight seconds.”
“I told you there were consequences!” A hoarse male voice shouted in the distance. Yoongi stopped hands into the pockets of his coat. “You’re a worthless bitch!”
There was a loud bang, followed by two others, and a feeble female voice asking for help. No one could hear her, and even if her cries reached someone’s ears, no one would help her since - according to Min Yoongi - humans were nothing but greedy mortal souls that enjoyed the sufferings of others. They were too occupied with spending their money on materialistic goods and developing toxic, violent, and possessive relationships. They were human beings but had no humanity left in their hearts.
He approached the poor woman laying on the ground, her hand resting on her stomach: blood was gushing out of her bullet wounds, dripping down in a pool of crimson absorbed by the snow. Tears streamed down her face as she whispered the same words over and over again, “Help me”.
He crouched down beside her and tilted his head, observing her like a detective inspected a victim. He knew that her time was up and that she was destined to die there, alone, desperately waiting for someone to find her.
“S-Sir…” She mumbled, some blood running down from the corner of her mouth. “P-please help me…” Her hand desperately clutched the hem of his coat, smearing it with her blood.
Yoongi sharply exhaled and rolled his eyes, turning his head to the side.
“Fancy seeing you follow me everywhere I go, Jungkook.” He stated, reluctantly standing up to face a man leaning against the brick wall, his arms crossed.
“Did you miss me?” Jungkook grinned.
He seemed almost like an angel since the clothes he wore were entirely white. His blond hair brushed against his shoulders, and a pair of long crystal earrings hung from his ears, sparkling as soon as they moved. Yoongi, on the contrary, was his polar opposite: his short wavy locks were as black as pitch, and although his eyes were a dull brown, they almost felt like looking into two holes, black as a night without stars.
“Seokjin sent me here to stop you from reaping her soul,” he affirmed, playing with the many rings he wore on his fingers, “It’s not her time yet.”
Yoongi scoffed, slightly amused at his statement. “Don’t you see the three holes on her stomach… Or do you need a magnifying glass? I am the one who decides if she dies today, not that Doctor Strange wannabe.” He took some steps toward him until his face was a few inches away from his, “I don’t take orders from a teenager.”
Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, the slight grin disappeared. “These are not my orders but his, and you know you must obey him.” He lightly shoved Yoongi’s shoulder without interrupting eye contact with him, trying to remain calm. He kneeled beside the woman and caressed her hair, a sad smile depicted on his pink lips, while Yoongi stared angrily at the two.
“Don’t even think about it, Jungkook, her soul is already mine.” He said through gritted teeth.
“It is, you’re right.” The blond whispered and delicately put his hand on the woman’s chest. “But not now, Yoongi, you will have to wait.”
“Wait!?” Yoongi exclaimed in disbelief, and then frantically ran a hand through his black locks, “This has to be a joke, is Taehyung with you?”
“He is not,” He responded as a gleam of light formed under the palm of his hand, turning brighter by the second, “I haven’t seen him in ages.” This time his tone was lower, and his expression had darkened. Yoongi nodded, having no interest in knowing what had happened between the two friends.
“I suppose you won’t tell me why Seokjin wants to spare her life.”
“He just told me to stop you, nothing more.”
Yoongi pinched the bridge of his nose, squeezing his eyes shut. “Lies,” he snarled, “you are his little obedient puppy, Jungkook, we all know it.”
Jungkook inhaled the sharp, cold air and smiled as the woman opened her dark eyes. “I’m not here to fight, Yoongi, so you can insult me how much you want.” The blond took the now conscious woman into his arms and glared directly at his former friend. “But nothing will change the fact that you’re on your own now.”
Yoongi turned around, ready to argue back, but there was no trace of Jungkook.
The black-haired man remained still as he watched the empty spot, sighing, a strange feeling at the pit of his stomach.
20 years later
“Chung-Ae, we’ve already talked about this!” You groaned in annoyance, sinking your face into your Pikachu plushie. “I’m happy here!”
Chung-Ae sat on the counter, her arms supporting her as she gave you a stern look. You peeked, escaping the protection of your plushie, noticing that she wore purple lenses - although her stare was as scary as it had always been -.
“You’re a twenty-two-year-old living in an old house, with your three cats, and working in a cat-café.” She emphasized the “and” as if working in such a wonderful place was something to be ashamed of.
“That’s the best life!” You exclaimed as you sat comfortably on your sofa. “I mean, why would I need to move to Seul with a bunch of horny people when I could just spend the rest of my life in peace?”
Chung-Ae sighed loudly.
“They’re not just a bunch of horny people. They are my friends.”
You parted your lips to respond, wanting to remind her about the last party you both had attended, but she cut you off.
“Y/N, you live alone in such an abandoned area, it’s dangerous; it even takes you more than an hour to reach the café.” She slid down from the counter and sat next to you, putting her hand on your shoulder. “Trust me, I know that you’re attached to this place, but it doesn’t work for you anymore.”
She was right, you loved that place. Your grandparent’s house was located in the countryside, in a small rural village that was scarcely populated. The few young people remaining had started moving to bigger cities such as Seul or Busan, but not you. You adored waking up to the sound of birds chirping in the morning and the gurgling of the river. You got used to being alone, and you didn’t mind it. You couldn’t understand why Chung-Ae tried to force you to move with her, but she was rather determined, and you knew she was going to insist.
“Chung-Ae,” you reached for her hand and squeezed it delicately, a small smile forming on your lips. “You know I can’t leave, I promised my mother I would take care of this house.”
“You have to stop living in the past, Y/N.” She firmly stated. “This house is falling apart, and so is your life. Moving to Seul with me is your best option.”
Her eyes stared into yours for a few seconds, and you felt unreasonably guilty. You knew how much she cared about you, and you were constantly giving her “no” as answers. She retracted her hand, reaching for her purse right beside her, before standing up. “You still have time to think about it. You know that, right?” Her hand was on the doorknob.
Your mind wanted to decline her offer, but your heart told you otherwise, so you just nodded.
“Take care, Y/N.” And with that, she closed the door behind her, leaving you alone once again.
You finally took a deep breath running your palms down your face in an exasperated manner. Chung-Ae was your childhood friend, and she had always been by your side. You had met her in elementary school: she was popular amongst your class since her father was a renowned lawyer who worked for big celebrities, but you - on the other hand - weren’t as popular. You weren’t a social butterfly and preferred spending your time playing with the stray cats in your neighborhood.
You stood up and walked toward the kitchen, deciding to make yourself a homemade chicken noodle soup. You put the ingredients on the counter and started to chop the carrots into strings. As you were about to grab something, you heard a strange noise coming from outside: you reminisced Chung-Ae’s words and felt a shiver run through your spine, but you shook your head, mentally reassuring yourself that it must have been a wild animal.
You grabbed the celery from the fridge, deciding that you would drink some strawberry milk while waiting for the soup to cook. However, when you closed it, you were taken aback by a calico cat sitting on the floor, right in front of you. Your eyes were wide open in surprise since your three cats were all black, and you crouched down. “Hello, little one,” you gently smiled as you observed the little creature staring at you with a pair of light blue eyes, “I wonder how you got in…”
You inspected the room looking for any open windows but soon discovered you had closed everything. When you turned your gaze back to the cat, it was gone. Puzzled, you stood back up, massaging your temples. Am I hallucinating? You asked yourself before resuming your dish.
After literally devouring your delicious meal and doing the dishes, you headed to your room, where you found the windows wide open. You didn’t remember leaving them like that, but you also didn’t mind the fresh breeze coming from outside. It was a quiet night of July, and the moon was shining vividly in the sky, its brightness being the only source of light in the room. As you approached your bed, you couldn’t help but notice the shape of a cat on the window ledge, but when you came near, it had mysteriously vanished.
"Okay, Y/N, you're probably tired." You told yourself while sitting on the bed. As you laid down, feeling the freshness of your newly washed sheets, you heard another sound and then a chorus of meows coming from the living room. You sighed, reluctantly standing up, wearing a hoodie before walking down the stairs.
"What is it, guys, did you hurt yourselves?" You asked as your three black cats, Luna, Mars, and Pluto, continued meowing toward the front door. You groaned, "Alright, I will check."
You weren't ready for what you were about to see: you expected nothing but pitch darkness or that calico cat that was apparently haunting you now. But as you opened the wooden door, you froze on the spot at the sight of a man leaning his arm on the doorframe.
Because of the darkness, you could only see his silver hair reflecting the moonlight and a pair of light blue eyes staring at you in curiosity.
"Hello, little one."
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amazingmaeve · 3 years
Neck kisses ━ p. parkinson
─ “i love it when you kiss my neck.”
summary ─ y/n loves it when pansy kisses her neck
request ─ a pansy smut requester with the numbers 22 27 29 please 🥺
warnings ─ smut (18+)
a/n ─ love writing for pansy!
word count ─
tags ─ @chokemepansy @faerabella @amourtentiaa @inglourious-imagines
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Soft kisses flutter against Y/Ns shoulder as she stares at herself in the mirror. Her hands explore Y/Ns body as she leans her head against Pansys shoulder. Y/Ns breath hitches as Pansys hands trace the top of her skirt. This wasn’t how this started with tender touches; it was much worse.
“I love it when you kiss my neck,” Y/N remembers saying to the Slytherin girl who was too preoccupied sucking and kissing her neck.
This wasn’t how it was supposed to be for Y/N and Pansy. With Pansy being a pure blood with pure blood family who didn’t like muggles, which is what Y/N Y/L/N was. Pansy believed everything her parents told her, until she met Y/N. A bright witch the same age as her that made her heart flutter. Pansy didn’t know why she was feeling like that but she did.
Y/N and Pansy hated each other when they got to Hogwarts, with Pansy being friends with Draco and his little group and Y/N being friends with the golden trio. They despised each other so much that Y/N almost casted a hex on her in their third year when they were saying some crude comments about Harry.
“God I can’t believe how pathetic Potter is,” Y/N heard Pansy say loudly to his friends as she walked down the hallway. She tried her best to ignore them but they just kept getting louder and louder.
“Yeah and his mudblood friends along with the Weasley who looks like he can’t even afford the clothes on his back,” Malfoy smugly retorted looking at Y/N who’s temper just hit ten and felt like she was about to explode at the slytherins. They crossed the line when he mentioned her and Hermiones blood status.
“I know it's too bad those dementors didn’t take them away,” Pansy faked a dreamy sigh Y/N clenched her teeth walking over to the slytherins and took her wand out and pointed Malfoy but Pansy stepped in front of him. “Are you gonna hex me,” She mockingly said.
“Don’t test me Parkinson,” Y/N hissed gripping her wand tighter but deep down she knew she wouldn’t do it and she knew she shouldn’t waste her time on them but they just make her so angry.
“Miss Y/L/N,” Professor McGonagall gasped out of shock at seeing one of her prime students about to hex one of her peers. “What is going on here,” She separated the two girls.
“She was gonna hex me,” Pansy faked a cry as crocodile tears cascaded down her cheeks. Professor McGonagall furrowed her eyebrows in confusion; she knew that Y/N wouldn’t have done this without reason but according to rules she had to be punished. Before Y/N could get a peep out McGonagall stopped her.
“Miss Y/L/N follow me,” McGonagall sternly said then walked away leaving Y/N to glare at the girl in anger before she swiftly followed behind the professor leaving smug slytherins.
That wasn’t their only fight. Over the years they kept making snide comments to each other which led to detention for both or one or the other, depending on the teacher. If it was Snape he would allow Pansy to walk off scott free and Y/N expected it with that teacher knowing he favored his own house.
The attraction towards Y/N didn’t start until their fifth year when she saw Y/N studying in the library. Butterflies erupted in Pansys stomach as she stared at the girl she detested for so long.
Pansy tried to shake that feeling off her since her parents would hate it if she got together with a muggle. But Pansy couldn’t stop staring at Y/N longingly as she studied in the library. The way that she bit her lip in concentration and she flipped the page and jotted notes down for the class. Pansy looked in awe but it soon turned to disgust as she thought the revolting things. She couldn’t like her. She spent these years hating her.
Y/N’s attraction towards Pansy started later that year (5th). She had just finished practice with Dumbledore's army and she caught Pansy looking at her. Once Pansy caught her a blush painted the cheeks of the girl who was starting which made Y/Ns stomach flutter. Why? Y/N thought to herself why is she feeling this way towards a girl she loathed for years.
It kept happening, Pansy staring at her and Y/N staring back which made Pansy look down in embarrassment.
“You’ll be doing this assignment in pairs,” Y/N heard Snape's cold voice which broke her concentration. Snape started to list off the pairs with his usual harsh tone. “.....Parkinson and Y/L/N,” Snape lists and Y/N’s head shot up when she heard her name being said. Of course it was with Parkinson. Once Snape stopped listing everyone went to their respective places while Y/N went to sit next to Pansy who had a sour look on her face.
“Don’t be so mad about it and let’s get this done and over with,” Y/N sneered a glare painted on her face as she got out her book and started to list some of the ingredients off while Pansy just rolled her eyes.
“Can’t believe I got paired with you,” Pansy muttered under her breath and even though under everything she knew that she was kind of happy to be working with Y/N but just didn’t want to admit it.
“You think I’m jumping for joy having to work with you,” Y/N says sarcasm dripping in her voice as she looks up to meet Pansys green eyes. “Because believe me I’d rather work with anyone but you,” She hissed.
For the first time in a while Pansy felt a pang in her heart. She knew she liked Y/N and hearing her say those words made her feel hurt. Like when she got in trouble for messing around with the golden trio but this made her feel even worse.
“Let’s just get this over with,” Pansy muttered her eyes focused on her paper as Y/N looked at her confused. It looked as if she had been sad but what would Parkinson be sad about, they’ve been squabbling ever since first year so why would this hurt her.
Over the next few days Pansy and Y/N have been meeting up for this project and Y/N felt like she was getting closer with the girl. They were joking around more often even though still making snide remarks. Y/N felt her heart race when she had to meet with Pansy.
Her friends often asked if she was okay working with Pansy and she always responded saying that she could handle her.
When the last sessions of them studying Y/N felt almost disappointment as almost though that she would miss working with Pansy. She met with Pansy at her dorm this time instead of her own. Everyone was gone at their classes or in the common room. But Y/N never got over the eerie feeling from the Slytherin common room.
She sat next to Pansy on her bed with green blankets as they finally had finished the assignment the Snape gave them.
“Finally,” Y/N yawned, stretching her arms, feeling her elbows crack. Pansy gave her a tight smile. Before a thought entered her mind this was the last she was going to see Y/N with nice formalities at least. So she decided to make the best out of this situation and lean in and kiss her.
The kiss surprised Y/N as she felt her kiss her, she didn’t respond at first which made Pansy retreat in disappointment but Y/N grabbed the back of her neck and gave her a kiss which surprised her. Of course Pansy kissed back as she put her hands on her hips tenderly massaging them.
The two of them caught for dominance as Pansy finally won and slipped her tongue to let it massage Y/N’s. Y/N moaned into her mouth feeling elated by this kiss. She has never kissed a girl and she has to say it's the best kiss of her life.
“Wow,” Pansy and Y/N said in unison shock going through their veins as they stared at each other with smiles. Pansy hid a smirk while Y/N shyly smiled. They both giggled and started to kiss each other again. That’s as far as it went for that a moment in time they just kissed.
Their first time was much more special.
Pansy and Y/N just kept sneaking around so nobody would catch them. Pansy stopped picking on Y/N and her friends but that didn’t stop Malfoy from doing it though. Even though on opposite sides of their friend group that didn’t stop the passionate moments between the two.
The first time was special to the both of them. It was one night where everyone went out to honeydukes leaving the two of them alone with a few wondering students who were minding their own business.
It was a magical night and after it all laid under the covers pleasured looks on their faces as they intertwined their hands smiles painting their lips. Y/N would never forget that night and neither would Pansy.
Which lead them to the almost the end of the year as they were cooped up in Pansys room where Y/N stood with Pansy behind her kissing her neck. Fingers tracing the hem of her skirt. A happy smile was draped onto Y/N’s as she enjoyed her touch. The tests this year were harder and which made her more stressed. So after every test was done Pansy and Y/N finally got some alone time.
“I just want to please you love,” Pansy whispered in Y/N’s ear making a shiver go down her spine as Pansys fingers finally seeped underneath the fabric of the skirt. Y/N was already soaking from all the teasing that Pansy had done and she smirked feeling her arousal.
“Can you feel what you’re doing to me,” Y/N whimpered as Pansy’s fingers began to circle her clothed clit. Pansy hummed feeling the wetness come in contact with her fingers. She trailed her fingers under the panties and began to softly circle the swollen nub.
Y/N moaned when Pansy made contact with the sensitive part. She hated the effect Pansy had on her. Pansy began to rub faster and faster as Y/N could feel her orgasmt about to approach.
But then abruptly Pansy stopped and removed her fingers from her panties bringing them to her own mouth sucking the juices off them.
“You taste so good love let me get a better one,” Pansy seductively smirked bringing herself to her knees pulling Y/Ns panties down and throwing them across the room and she smirked at Y/Ns shocked reaction. Pansy rubbed Y/Ns thighs soothingly as Y/N herself clench around nothing feeling herself get more aroused. “You ready princess,” She whispered letting her breath fan across her pussy. Her skirt was lifted so it covered Pansy’s head.
Once Pansy’s lips wrapped around the swollen nub Y/N moaned loudly grabbing the back of her head and pulling on her hair. She breathed and moaned loudly as Pansy kept sucking hard on her clit. She trailed her fingers to the inside of her thigh and circled her entrance as Y/N closed her eyes from the pleasure.
Pansy entered her fingers and curled them so they hit her g spot and Y/N almost lurched forward as her fingers came in contact with that spot. And all the while her lips still around the sensitive nub. But not for long as she released her lips and pushed her skirt higher so she could see Y/N’s reaction and what she was doing to her pussy. Y/N clenched around her fingers as she felt herself getting closer and closer.
Pansy kept thrusting her fingers in while her thumb made its way to her clit and began to massage the sensitive nerve.
“I’m gonna cum,” Y/N whined as Pansy rubbed her clit at the perfect pace while her fingers kept thrusting in harder and harder and still kept hitting her g spot.
“Cum all over my fingers like the dirty girl you are,” Pansy said with a smirk on her face while she kept thrust and removed her thumb and brought her lips back to her clit and began to suck as well. That’s all it took for Y/N to moan out Pansy’s name loudly and to see stars
Pansy lapped at her sensitive nerve as Y/N came down from her high. Y/N let out a happy sigh as she finally reached her high. Pansy kissed up her body and made her way towards her mouth.
She wrapped her hands around her cheek and leaned in and kissed. As Y/N kissed her she tasted herself on her lips which made her clench around nothing.
“Don’t worry love we’re not finished yet.”
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satansphatass · 3 years
hiiii! I love your techno fics and I was wondering if you could do one where y/n is a badass. I feel like I see a lot of soft partners for techno which is great I just want something a bit different :)
I agree - we need some more badass s/o’s. 😌
I got so distracted in the beginning (partly by p!atd 👀) so I went off in a bit of a tangent ngl- the structure is wack
Vendetta - Technoblade
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Trigger warnings: idk bro maybe beating the shit outta someone
Summary: Bruh they tough as fuck 🥶
It was time to take a break, y/n had been going at the punching bag for quite awhile now: their knuckles were battered and bruised and their arm muscles were really starting to ache. They walked over to the window and welcomed the cool breeze against their sweat slicked skin.
They could see Techno off in the distance, his bright hair and cape not doing a very good job at disguising him among the snow. He had been on a quick trip to get potions and enchanted books for the upcoming war in L’manburg. He constantly complained about how he had to stock up for more people now that them and Tommy had moved in.
Technically Tommy had just moved into his own handmade room without permission, but he claimed it was ‘brother privilege’.
Techno gave y/n a little wave and beckoned for them to come down into the kitchen and help him. Together they placed stacks of golden apples and potion materials in their proper homes while talking about attack strategies.
Looking over he noticed their bleeding hands, taking them in his own. He reached for the first aid kit, he was very protective of them - something he would never admit to anyone.
“Tech, I’m fine!” They said with a laugh.
The only response they got was a little side glare.
They had their back against Techno, stood in the middle of the community house with everyone circling them. Tommy had betrayed them, they had taken him into their care, supplying him with the golden apples that he for some reason requested to eat 24/7. A roof over his head. But as soon as he saw an opportunity to get on good terms with Tubbo again, all their actions went out the window.
They had to admit, it stung more than they expected. They had grown to love Tommy like a younger brother.
The anarchist duo had their swords at the ready, prepared to go down with a fight. Even outmatched; they had a threatening, regal aura about them. Nobody particularly wanted to fight them, but they had to do what was right for their nation.
Without warning, the pair surged forward in sync. Going for the first person in reach. Within seconds they had disarmed their opponents. They stood still, waiting to be challenged by the surrounding people.
“You have 24 hours.”
Here they were, 24 hours later. Stood over L’manburg, watching as their withers tore everything in sight apart. This was only just the beginning.
Down below them in the pit of what once was L’manburg, were their old friends fighting valiantly against the destruction; but it was too late.
They were fighting for a lost cause, L’manburg had died the moment Schlatt had become president. Why couldn’t they see that? It was a repetitive cycle, always replacing one tyrant with another.
“Techno!” Screamed Tommy, “How could you?!”
He stared down at the boy, why couldn’t he understand? How naive could one person possibly be?
“Come down and fight us like a real man!”
Haha he’s not a real man he’s a pig boi
They made their way into the pit and were greeted by lots of very pissed off looking faces.
“You betrayed us!”
He whipped around with and incredulous look on his face, “What are you talking about? I didn’t betray you. You betrayed me! I let you into my house- I let you eat my food!”
Please he sounds like my mum 🙄✋
“I would have fought anyone for you Tommy!” I protected you.”
They saw a faint flash of guilt on his face but it was soon replaced with determination once more. He was convinced that he was in the right.
They clearly weren’t going down without a fight.
They pulled out their swords as a hoard of people came charging toward them.
While the majority of people went after Techno, the others came after y/n. They weren’t going to underestimate them again.
Y/n didn’t particularly want to kill these people - they had just had their home blown up after all. They had a little bit of sympathy for them.
Landing a couple of non-fatal blows to the head of the first two people, Sapnap and Antfrost. They moved on, leaving the previous two in an unconscious heap among the rocks.
Next up was Fundy, slightly more challenging than the previous two but still no match for Techno’s infamous s/o. It was a shame that they had to fight Wilbur’s son, but they were left with no choice. And they did enjoy the adrenaline rush.
Techno was now fighting the duo of gremlin children, Tommy and Tubbo. It was fair to say that the two had become more skilled over the course of various wars. Wars that they shouldn’t have had to fight.
This repeated, twisting and turning, presenting their sword to anyone that tried to defy them.
Once more they were stood above the blown up land of L’manburg, atop of the obsidian grid rigged with explosives with Techno by their side.
At the thought of him they glanced over at his blood-stained face, whos blood it was, they never quite knew.
They scanned him over looking for any injuries and were unsurprisingly greeted with a gash along his forearm. Tutting, they reached into their deep pockets looking for something to treat it with. They found some bandages and healing potions.
He extended one arm to be wrapped up in the bandage and the other for the potion. After they finished with his arm, they quickly moved to check the rest of his body.
“Y/n, I’m fine” he said while rolling his eyes.
He was greeted by a short side glare.
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starcrossedkaiju · 3 years
Kingslayer AU: Chapter Five
If you remember that post I made about the Red Resistance you’re a real one.
Notes: this one is very short. It’s just to move the plot along and blah blah blah. Next chapter is a good one I think.
The next time Scott showed up to the Red Desert it was for a petty fight that Scar had instigated by trying to steal directly from the Renchanting base. The situation made Scott face palm, and he contemplated not even showing up. However, when Jimmy offered to go in place of him, he told him not to bother. That he would be back in less than a day and night cycle.
Scott walked into the meeting just as the Red Army crested a hill. Which they stayed on. Scar yawned exaggeratedly and trekked up to his opponent, who was wearing a bandage on his left arm.
Cleo was also there. She seemed to be focused on drawing shapes in the cracked sand with the tip of her sword. Most likely feeling bitter about her former ally, Tango, joining Dogwarts. Everyone was paying as little attention as possible while Scar fired off false promises and white lies. Grian busied himself with apologizing to the nearest members of the Red Army for Scar’s embarrassment.
Scott was nearly falling asleep on his feet when someone tapped him on the shoulder.
“Hey Major, you got a minute?” he whispered.
“So many,” Scott responded, gesturing to the desolate state of their meeting.
The two of them quietly excused themselves from the group to speak in private. Scott didn’t know why he didn’t tell Tango to just leave him alone. Maybe it was because Tango had a certain air of reluctance about him, Scott was certain he pulled his punches. Maybe it was shear boredom.
“So, nice weather,” Tango observed the arid desert sky.
“Uh huh..” Scott provided, unimpressed.
Tango stared at him blankly. Awkwardly.
He cleared his throat, “so I heard about your battle with Skiz and Ren. Impressive,” Tango said.
“What is with you people and beating around the bush? We’re not friends,” Scott pushed Tango away by the middle of his chest, “Tango,” he reminded.
Tango looked hurt for a second, “ouch Major. Fine, I wanted to ask you to join me,” he said.
Scott burst out laughing, to which Tango scolded him and shook him by the shoulders. That shut him up, it also earned Tango a slap.
“Don’t touch me,” Scott ordered.
Tango put his hands up, “no touching here! But be quiet. I brought you over here alone for a reason,” he pointed out.
Scott glanced at his allies. Blissfully unaware of the possible treason he may have been about to commit.
“Nobody knows this yet,” Tango whispered, “but I’m spying on the Red Army,” he said.
“What?” Scott asked rhetorically.
“Yeah, I have a plan. It involves you,” Tango responded.
Scott paused to consider if he was really about to entertain whatever was about to come out of Tango’s mouth.
“How do I know you’re not just trying to get close to me and then kill me on behalf of him,” Scott pointed at Ren, who was rolling his eyes at Scar and animatedly conversing with him about something Scott forgot about a long time ago.
“You remember the cow farm right?” he said.
“Yes,” Scott nodded suspiciously.
“I let you take my cow, on the promise that you and Jimmy wouldn’t tell anyone,” Tango recited.
“And we didn’t,” Scott said.
“Exactly. I know I can trust you, and I can’t trust them, Etho tried to kill me remember?” Tango pointed at Etho and Ren.
“So I want you to join me. Not the Red Army, me. Impulse is doing the same thing,” he concluded.
“Didn’t Impulse actually kill you?” Scott pointed out.
Tango waved his hand, water under the bridge.
Scott drifted off into contemplation. Everything about joining a coup against the Red Army screamed danger. More than usual. Dogwarts was a force to be reckoned with. They had superior gear, defenses, players, and alliances. Maybe Scott could cheap shot Martyn and Skizzle, but he could not promise that same luck against Etho or anyone else for that matter. The thought of even trying made his stomach turn.
And then there was Jimmy. If their plan didn’t work, what would happen to Jimmy? The Crastle? Or the Red Desert for that matter? The target on their backs was large enough. Scott had to take a step back. Since when did he get himself involved in a war?
Since he started defending himself, his mind provided.
Since he started standing up for his own freedom. For their freedom.
“Okay,” Scott said.
“Really? You’re in?” Tango’s eyes lit up, his joy was a bit loud for Scott’s new predilection for secrecy.
“Shh!” Scott put a finger in front of his face, “that’s not what I said…” he averted his eyes.
“I want to, believe me, I do,” he said, “but I can’t.”
Tango’s smile faded instantly, his red eyes grew disappointed, “Why not?” he seemed hurt.
“I have too much to lose. I can’t risk this,” Scott held the charm of his necklace up, it’s gemstone still shimmered bright green.
“Scott, I admire your devotion, I really do; but this is a bit bigger than that,” Tango said.
Scott’s expression fell into shock and reproach.
That seemed like enough of an answer for Tango, who backtracked as he realized he’d struck a nerve.
“I mean!” he corrected, “I mean nothing will happen to Jimmy. Cross my heart, he will be under the Red Resistance’s finest protection,” Tango stood up straight and crossed his heart.
Scott decided that was satisfactory. He made a face that said the opposite though, just to make sure Tango’s pride wasn’t too uplifted.
“Fine. I’ll join you Tango, but if I get even the slightest inclination of funny business, I’m out,” Scott cautioned, but he agreed.
“Terms and Conditions, I get it. The Red Resistance will not indenture any of its members,” Tango responded with a gleeful grin.
“You guys and your red themed names,” Scott teased, but held his hand out. They ought to make it official before everyone stopped snoring.
Tango shook it enthusiastically. The two called it done and Scott returned to his side, and Tango returned to the Red Army.
Scott traveled back home that day. No fighting had taken place, although Scar had decidedly talked himself into a hole and ended up giving Ren access to any sand Dogwarts and their affiliates needed for the next week. It was no skin off Scott’s back, he didn’t care. Not his sand.
Wearing so much armor and standing in place for two hours gets on ones nerves. Taking off his heavy diamond chestplate felt like enough liberation for the day. He expected to hear from Tango or Impulse at some point, preferably soon.
Jimmy asked him how the meeting went when he returned, holding out a cup of coffee.
Unsure of whether or not to tell the truth, Scott lied, he said nothing happened and made fun of Scar for running his mouth so much. He said he was tired.
“Scott? That you?” Tango’s voice came through a small door in his abandoned cow farm. It wasn’t needed anymore.
Scott pointed his torch towards the voice, illuminating a door, which Tango had crafted into the side of the underground farm.
“Yes it’s me. Why’s it so dark in here?” he asked.
“I don’t want people to know I’m still using this place, that’s why,” Tango motioned for Scott to come to him.
Tango silently listened for any sign that Scott had been followed, then pushed a stone slab in front of the hidden door with a silent thud.
On the other side of the door was a short hallway, then a very small room with some pillows on the floor and a table. A map of the server that included all the structures and members was pinned up on the wall. There was also a well loved notebook on the table.
“Where’s Impulse?” Scott asked, sitting down on one of the pillows.
“Ren needed him for something, he’ll probably be here next time,” Tango explained. He sat down and lit a candle to make more light.
“I thought we would start by going over the basics today,” Tango picked up the notebook and flipped through some of the pages absently.
Scott looked away and then back, “okay, shoot,” he said.
The “plan” centered around infiltrating the Red Army, convincing them (mainly Ren) that Scott had decided to switch sides. Then, him, Tango, and Impulse would eventually build their trust. Somewhere in there they would convince the Red Army to stop messing with people and come to an agreement with the rest of the server. Something about working together instead of against each other.
“We still have to work some stuff out,” Tango concluded with confidence.
“That’s the plan? You really think this’ll work?” Scott crossed his arms.
“If you can insult Scar convincingly enough, yes,” Tango said.
“Oh this’ll be easy!” Scott laughed, mostly to cover up his nerves.
Tango chuckled with him, then became serious once more, “I’m glad you have a sense of humor going into this. Even after what they did to you,” Tango said.
“I’m sorry about that, by the way,” he apologized.
Scott’s hands stung a bit in response, but he nodded a silent “thanks”.
They were quiet. Scott nervously fiddled with the hem of his coat, lost in thought, mostly regret.
Impulse did show up the next time. He arrived just after Scott did. Everyone sat awkwardly in the little room for a while and Scott was wrapped in nostalgia for a similar time. A time where the only threat was an obscene number of phantoms.
Over the course of their meetings, Scott observed his teammates and their actions. A far cry from who they used to be, including him. Scott’s hair had grown past his ears and turned purple at the tips, and he’d become rather paranoid about always wearing armor.
Tango spent much of their interactions lost in thought. The ghost of whatever was eating at him weighed visibly on his shoulders in the way his head was always bowed in a perpetual staring contest with the ground. He was irritable.
Impulse was a wild card to Scott, they’d never really met before; but it was clear he’d been changed as well. Illustrated by his long “mining” trips, which he only returned from to attend their weekly meetups with no resources to show for it, and a general aura of depression.
His mind was drawn back to the picture Cleo had taken of almost all his server-mates, together in front of the Vibe Machine. He’d studied everyone’s faces countless times. Mostly wondering where everything had gone wrong.
Had they ever truly been friends in the first place? Or was camaraderie a comfort when everyone else was just as weak as one another.
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charliedawn · 3 years
The other side part 1 : Imagine the Avengers as villains
(by the power invested in me, you are magically teleported to another dimension.)
Pov : You are an Avenger with the ability to shapeshift (nobody knows about your powers, not even the Avengers.) You prefer not to use them and concentrate on being a good agent for the SHIELD. However, one day, you wake up and find that some things have changed..
Tony Stark :
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You wake up in a deserted place. Everything seems so familiar, and yet so different. You seem to be in the Avengers tower but, everything is so dark and gloom. There is no light and this is when you hear footsteps walking in your direction. You try to get up and get in a defensive position, but your head is swinging. Suddenly, there is light. It takes you a moment to get used to the blinding light, but once you do, you recognize the person instantly.
" T..Tony ?"
You manage to ask as the man is now clearly in view. However, he doesn't respond. He only eyes you up and down with a stare that makes you shiver in fear. He suddenly walks towards you and his hand slides in your inner pocket to get out your identity card. He takes a glance and frowns before uttering.
" Y/N L/N.."
He then looks up at you with his eyes narrowed in suspicion.
" Who are you ? And how did you get in here ?"
You are surprised that he doesn't recognize you and you start to think that all of this is some kind of joke.
" Come on, Tony ! It's me ! I'm your friend !"
His eyes darken and he only chuckles.
" Sorry for you, sweetheart. I don't have any friends."
Suddenly, he puts on his suit that, instead of being its usual bright red and yellow color, is now black and silver. You frown in incomprehension and take a step back.
" T..Tony. You can't hurt me. You're a hero, remember ?"
But Tony only laughs from inside his suit at your words.
" Me ? A hero ? You are losing it.."
You shake your head, confused, and cry out.
" But, you are ! You saved me ! You care about people !"
He seems to think for a moment and, to your surprise, gets out of the suit to stare at you with an eyebrow raised.
"Me ? Care ? It's like you're describing a whole other man, sweetcheeks. The truth is..I don't care. The world can burn. Money is power. And if I follow that logic, I'm a God..And why would a God meddle with commoners ?"
You can't believe what you are hearing..Tony seems so cold now, looking down at you as if you are an ant on his path..It scares you..But then, someone crashes through the window and stands in front of you defensively.
" Mister Stark ! You're under arrest !"
To your surprise, you recognize the voice of Peter..But why would he attack Stark ?! It doesn't make any sense ! But, Tony doesn't seem surprised. He only gets back to his suit and smiles at Peter with a wicked grin.
" We meet again, Spiderboy. You know, my offer still stands. You can join me ?"
But Peter shakes his head negatively before shouting.
" Never !"
You are shocked and finally, try to talk to Peter that doesn't seem surprised either.
" P..Peter ?"
He turns his head towards you, surprised that you would know his name. However, before you could say anything else, you black out.
Bruce Banner :
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You smile widely as you recognize Dr Banner. But the moment you take one step towards him, he cowers in fear. You instantly know that something is wrong, as he has marks of torture all over his body and wraps his arms around himself defensively.
" Who are you ?! I..I'll call them !"
You frown in incomprehension. Call who ? He seems to understand your confusion and adds.
" The..The Downfallers ! They're going to kill you if you touch me !"
You are about to ask who are the Downfallers when someone appears behind you.
" No need for that, my friend. They're all gone."
You turn around to see a man in a black suit, looking at Banner that seems to be extremely frightened by the man.
" Dr Kaecilius.."
He whispers almost painfully. You automatically put yourself in front of Dr Banner with your arms extended, ready to defend him if the man was to hurt him. The man arks an eyebrow at your action, but only asks with curiosity.
" Why are you defending him ?"
You try to see if it's a trap, but once you know he isn't joking, you answer.
" Because Dr Banner is a good man that protects lots of people ! Him and Hulk have done many good things to protect Earth and I won't let you hurt him !"
To your utter surprise, it's Dr Banner that replies spitefully.
" They caged me. They tracked me. They tortured me..Why would I ever protect them ?"
This..This can't be right. Doctor Banner loves people. He wants to help people. But then, Dr Banner screams and groans in agony. You want to kneel beside him to help, but the man suddenly tackles you to the ground as Dr Banner, now Hulk, throws a desk at you before jumping through a window. The last thing you see are the eyes of Dr Kaecilius before you black out.
Antman :
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You wake up in a room you don't recognize and see Scott by your side. You smile in relief.
" Oh my God! I'm so glad to see you, Scott! You won't believe what happened ! One moment I'm in the lounge with everyone and then suddenly, I end up here and..What are you doing ?"
You notice that he has his hands inside a nearby cupboard and he suddenly stands up with his hands in the air.
" Oh. Oops. You got me. Guilty as charge. I was going to rob you but then I noticed that..well..you don't really have anything."
You ark an eyebrow. Scott ? Stealing ? This is new..
" Thank you..I think ?"
He then starts dancing and you frown in confusion.
" Humm..What are you doing now ?"
" Keeping you busy, darling."
You don't even have the time to understand what he means when you get hit on the back of the head by someone. You hear them running out of the house by the window, followed by another set of footsteps.
" Sh*t!"
It's the last thing you hear before blacking out completely.
Dr Strange :
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You find yourself in a strange place where words seem to be floating around you. You can breathe and hear two people fighting not far from you. You get up and are shocked to see Dr Strange and Wanda..fighting ?! You don't have the time to think more about the situation when Wanda shouts.
" It's over ! Give up, Dr Strange ! I'm stronger than you will ever be !"
You crawl even closer to hear them better and try to understand the situation. Plus, who are you supposed to side with ?! However, the answer quickly comes as Strange let's out his best evil laugh before replying to Wanda in a threatening low voice.
" Maybe, but I will never tire. I can't say the same for you. I can keep dying and dying. But, there will be one time when you will be too tired to fight, and then, I'll kill you. This is how things are now, Witch ! You and me. Trapped in this moment. Endlessly."
She grits her teeths and starts shooting at him, trying to hit him. He only laughs while dodging every single one of her attacks. Suddenly, you lose your grip and fall right in the middle of the fight. They both look at you with widened eyes, surprised, as you get up and look at the both of them, unable to find your words.
" Who are you ?!"
Dr Strange finally yells and you turn towards him with an awkward smile.
" Ah ah. Funny you ask. My name is Y/N. And I come from a dimension where we are..friends ?"
He quickly checks your story and his eyes widen as he finds out that you are right. He wants to get to you, but Wanda puts herself in front of you defensively and Stephen frowns, clearly annoyed.
" Move, Witch. This has nothing to do with you."
But she refuses and Strange sighs loudly.
" Fine. I'll delay your death, for now."
He then clicks his fingers together and you find yourself on Earth. Wanda looks back at you to make sure you are alright, but you black out.
Bucky :
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You don't even have the time to understand what's going on that Bucky is standing in front of you with a slight smirk.
" Hello doll..Mind if I borrow you for a second ?"
You don't have the time to answer that he takes you by the arm and points the head of his gun against your head.
" Get out of there, Loki ! Or I kill them !"
To your surprise, Loki gets out from underneath a car and raises his hands in surrender.
" Don't do it, Bucky. Let the human go.."
But Bucky doesn't and only digs the end of his gun further against your skull, painfully.
" I don't know..Depends. Are you willing to give me what I want ?"
Loki looks at you for a second before sighing in defeat and taking out a bright blue cube from underneath his cloak.
" Give me the human, and it's yours."
You bite your lower lip. Is it a nightmare ?! Loki is actually bargaining your life for the tesseract ?! He smiles reassuringly at you and you can't help but smile back..Even though Bucky is still threatening you with a gun.
" Give me the tesseract..and I'll consider it."
Loki takes a shaky breath before walking towards him with the tesseract in his hand. Suddenly, he stops and smirks at Bucky.
" Catch."
He then throws the Tesseract in the air and Bucky pushes you forwards to catch the tesseract. Loki catches you and whispers to you.
" Hold on."
To your biggest surprise, he gets out Mjölnir and summons a portal to get out of here. You look at Bucky that catched..nothing. The tesseract was a false and he glares at Loki that only winks in response. He lets out a scream of rage and starts running towards you, but you disappear before he can reach you.
Thor :
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You smile when you recognize Thor and run towards him. However, you quickly slow down when you see his sour face. He continues to advance menacingly towards you with Stormbreaker in his hand. You quickly understand that something is wrong and throw yourself on the floor as he uses Stormbreaker to throw lightning at you. To your greatest horror, it hits some SHIELD agents behind you. You turn towards Thor with tears in your eyes as you scream.
" Thor ! What's happening to you ?!"
He doesn't answer you, he just uses his thunder to grab some SHIELD agents and throw them away. Your eyes widen as he seems to be on a murder rampage. You try to get to him, but someone does it first. You can't believe your eyes when you see Hella with tears in her eyes.
" Thor ! Brother ! Please ! Stop this nonsense at once !"
But he doesn't listen to her and grabs his axe to attack her. He isn't himself..and so isn't Hella. She just tried to save you ! And wasn't she dead ?! You are so confused and before you can really comprehend what's happening to you, you black out.
Captain America :
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You find yourself in a deserted metro station and turn around to see..
" Oh thank God ! Captain, can you explain what's going on ?!"
But Steve stays quiet and you quickly notice that something is definitely wrong..He is looking threateningly at you and the way he moves makes you shiver in fear. You take a step back and this is when he asks coldly.
" Who are you ? And how do you know me ?"
This is when you know that this is not your Steve in front of you. It can't be..But then, another man appears that you don't recognize..He has long graceful blond hair and his whole appearance screams fantasy tale. He stands in front of you defensively and Steve automatically chuckles darkly in hatred.
" Ronan..I was wondering when you would show up.."
The blond man quickly looks back at you to check that you are alright before looking back at Rogers with a frown. Ronan..You had heard that name before..but where ?
" Surrender, Captain..Or you may regret it."
But Rogers doesn't listen to him and only whistles. An helicopter appears and Captain tauntingly waves goodbye before running outside and jumping to catch a rope. Ronan quickly runs after him. You try to get after them as well, but suddenly black out.
Falcon :
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You see Falcon attacking some members of SHIELD and frown in confusion. Was there spies among your ranks ? You approach Falcon and start fighting by his side. However, at the end, he only glares at you before taking something that strangely looks like the tesseract..
" I'm taking this with me..I appreciate the help but, the tesseract is mine, cutie."
You frown..He had never called you cutie before. And if this is the tesseract, why sound so menacing when you would both bring it back to the tower ? However, you don't have the time to think more about it since you spot Zemo, looking down at Sam. You tackle Sam to the ground just in time as Zemo starts shooting at him. However, Sam suddenly pushes you out of him harshly and jumps out to fly away. You think it's like at training, you have to take his legs and you would both fly home..But when you jump and catch his legs, he seems surprised at first and then, gives you a hard glare before harshly stomping on your hands. You fall and scream. You close your eyes and try to contain your tears as the world goes black.
Hawkeye :
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You don't have the time to truly process what's going on that you see an arrow lodge right in the eye of a SHIELD agent. You would recognize that arrow anywhere..
" Oh no..Hawkeye. What have you done ?"
You run in the direction of the arrow and find him, surrounded by many dead bodies. Your hand flies to your mouth so fast and you feel nauseous as Hawkeye turns towards you. His eyes are as cold as ice and they seem to pierce right through you.
" Well..That's a first..I missed one."
You are so shocked by his sudden change in behavior that you don't react when he walks towards you menacingly. He takes his bow and suddenly shoots an arrow at you, but a bright blue light runs in front of you stops the arrow. You automatically recognize..Quicksilver ? But..But that's impossible.
" Bet you didn't see that coming.."
He gets put his infamous line and you know, it's him. However, Hawkeye only chuckles darkly.
" As a matter of fact, I did."
Suddenly, the arrow exploses and sends Quicksilver flying against a wall. You immediately run by his side to check if he is still breathing and sigh in relief as you feel a pulse. You look up to see Hawkeye walking away and stand up to yell at him.
" What happened to you, Clint ?!"
Hawkeye stops dead in his tracks at his first name and turns around to look one last time at you. He narrows his eyes, as if he couldn't recognize you before running away. You want to get back to Quicksilver..But the world turns black.
Black Widow :
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You end up in a sort of complex where you see multiple agents on the floor. You take out your own gun, wondering if an enemy had succeeded in entering..However, you are relieved to see Natasha walking towards you. You smile and want to ask if everything is alright, but she suddenly gets out two guns and starts shooting at you. You just have the time to jump out of the way. Your heartbeat quickens. Why is she shooting at you ?!
"Natasha! It's me! It's Y/N!"
But she doesn't seem to hear you..or to even recognize you. She just continues shooting until someone runs past you, avoiding all of her bullets with frightening agility. They start fighting each other and you are impressed by the other agent's fighting techniques. He is as or even better than Natasha ! His fighting skills are incredible. However, Natasha still manages to get the upper hand and throws a kick at his face that sends him flying. She then throws some kind of mini-bombs and you immediately put yourself on top of him. You didn't like using your powers, but you wouldn't let him die after he saved you life. You grow some kind of shell around you both. The bombs explode and when it's safe, you retract and get up. Natasha is gone and you have a knocked out agent on the floor..Great. However, you suddenly feel yourself blacking out and fall to the floor as well.
92 notes · View notes
zigtheeortega · 3 years
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For the past six months, @pixeljazzy​ and I have been working on a playlist we felt could top last year’s, which was so well received! 
We’ve broken it up into sections by individual love interests, multiple love interests, main character, and miscellaneous, which includes side characters, general vibes, etc. Underneath each song are lyrics we believed stood out to us along with explanations as to why we chose it. Like last year, the [p] is for PJ and [j] is for Jade.
Here’s the link to the playlist on Spotify, but we’ve individually linked the songs with each explanation as well!
We sincerely hope you enjoy our 2021 RODAW Playlist! 
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The Bay, Soft Glas. ft. Mulherin [j]
Leaving you alone is too hard (hard, hard) / I just never know where to start (with you)
I'm not used to leaving someone broken hearted / That might be what really makes this hard (It's hard) / I've never been with anyone this long / If I did it, I really miss you
The softness and apologetic tone of the song reminds me of Logan through and through. He’s so regretful for what he put MC through, both at the beginning when he was lying to her, and by the end when he thinks he’s ruined her life by simply being a criminal and dating her. And by leaving her he’s leaving the one person who’s loved him unconditionally and stuck with him through it all.
Call Me, Nav [j]
They taught me, "Don't forget where you came from" / I regret what I came from
Do you know how it feel to feel alone? / Bought myself a house, to feel like I ain't home / Driving by myself, ain't got nowhere to go / Are you really here for me, I don't know
I hope you mean everything that you told me / I'll try to come back to you, girl, I'm sorry / If you miss me, just call me
This song honestly reminded me of Logan’s backstory that we don’t know much of, besides the fact that he was thrust into a life of crime as a teen and as an adult he hates it. The other lyrics I added are kind of a glimpse into the future I think – wherever Logan is, whatever he’s doing, if he’s not with MC, the woman he loves, everything he accomplishes is gonna feel hollow. And despite him saying that he was leaving to protect her, I know in his heart he’d want her to find her way back to him.
Cold Case Love, Rihanna [p]
I’m torn apart and you know / What you did to me was a crime
We opened up a cold case love / And it got the best of us / And now prints, pictures, and white outlines / Are all that’s left at the scene of a crime / Of a cold case love
The first line reminded me of how MC probably felt after being betrayed by Logan, the one that was arguably supposed to be the closest to them, and then the second lyric is because at the time, MC left and that was the last Logan knew of them with nothing to stand for what they used to have until they eventually came back to help save the crew.
Compass, The Neighbourhood [j]
If I don't have you with me, I'm alone / You know I never know which way to go / I think I need you with me for all-time / When I need new direction for my mind
I've got something to confess / I keep you in my pocket to use / You're my only compass / I might get lost without you / (Could you tell me where to go?)
You're always there to help me when I'm down / I'm lucky you've been keeping me around / You're the star I look for every night / When it's dark, you'll stick right by my side
Like a magnet / Hard to imagine ever changing / Can't help that I'm attracted to you, I am / Could you keep on guiding me? Please
This is a quintessential Logan song – reading these lyrics, it’s like Logan spoke them himself to MC, and that’s why I included so much of the song. All of these remind me of him and his hopeless romanticism, but specifically the line about her being the star he looks for every night? Absolutely perfect. This entire song is like a love letter from Logan to MC.
Don’t Leave Me, Blackstreet [p]
I’m searching for the words to make you realize / That I really, really want you to stay
Don’t leave, don’t leave me girl
This song was giving me Logan vibes from the diamond scene where he’s like “I can’t believe I love someone” and MC is like “you don’t get to say that to me” or some shit like that because he’s trying soo so hard to explain himself to her and to make her not hate him.
Imma Dog, Ugly God ft. PnB Rock [j]
You say you love me, shawty, tell me why / 'Cause I'm a dog and I'ma probably be this way until I die / You say you always gon' be by my side / You say you trust me with your heart and I swear, I just wonder why
Okay, hear me out, I forreal have reasons for this to be tied to Logan. The only verse in this song that’s a non chorus one is related to cheating, but I’m choosing to ignore that for the sake of the chorus. I heard the chorus for the first time and it made me think of one specific moment and point in time in Ride or Die. These lyrics remind me of Logan’s attitude when he was being mean and pretending to be annoyed by MC to get her off of him – despite the facade he’s still in awe of the way she trusts him and cares about him even when he’s treating her like garbage.
Life’s a Mess, Juice WRLD ft. Halsey [p]
Uh, sometimes life’s a mess
Lookin’ for somethin’ real, then I found it
I’m too flawed to hold you down, but / Don’t wanna be here alone
Logan knows all too well how much of a mess life really is (first lyric), and the second lyric is basically what I think he feels about MC. He told MC in the beginning that he doesn’t really stay with crews or trust anyone but himself, but MC was that exception before the rest of the crew became that exception too. And then the third lyric is because Logan looks at himself as someone who probably doesn’t deserve MC, Vaughn even said he was morally obligated to tell MC that she’s too good for his cousin (yes it was a joke (was it) but it fits), but he still wants her anyway (“Look at you...then look at me. You’re going to be valedictorian. I never even went to high school...I don’t have anything, and I wasn’t anybody, and I knew that. I always knew that….Some part of me really wants you to mess things up for me.” - Logan, Ch. 3).
Unfair, 6lack [p]
Hope my mistakes don’t make me less of a man / ‘cause lately it feel like them shits really can / I’m prayin’ I don’t wake up all alone
But know I’m stuck between / What I love and who I love and / I know it’s unfair
The first lyric I feel like is pretty self-explanatory as Logan expresses remorse for his actions (him acting weird and tryna tell MC about his dishonesty in the club, him making the effort to apologize or explain in the diamond scene after the reveal) and it especially hits if your MC is romancing Logan because he doesn’t want to lose them. As for the second lyric, I was thinking about how he was probably stuck between doing what’s best for the crew and doing right by MC
While We’re Young, Jhene Aiko [j]
Baby while we're young / I think we should do something crazy / Like say, "Fuck everyone" / And just run away from the daily routine
I'm tellin' everybody you're mine and I like it / And I really hope you don't mind, I can't fight it
'Cause it's been another perfect day with ya / Wanna lay with ya / Spend the night with ya / Then spend my life with ya, alright
I'll go everywhere you go / You know I'll go, I'll go / Everywhere you go
I'm giving you my heart, please don't break it / Take it and lock it up and put me in your pocket, love
This reminds me of Logan and MC’s brand of romance that’s sweet and clumsy and a little bit reckless when it really gets going. They’re both cautious but they fantasize about throwing caution to the wind even more than they already have.
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Angel With A Shotgun, The Cab [p]
I don’t care if heaven won’t take me back / I’ll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe
Sometimes to win, you have to sin
And I want to live, not just survive
Lemme explain because I feel like people may think this song is really really out there for Colt but I was listening to this song one day and thought of him, esp the last two lines I chose: I think of how Colt came up with the kidnapping plan and how it was so crazy because it was like wow he really was ready for murder if it came down to it, but Colt was basically like we need to do something big to outsmart them or else we’ll just be doing shit for them forever (‘sometimes to win, you have to sin’).
Born 2 Be Great, Lil Tjay [p]
I was born to be great / And I won’t let nobody tell me I ain’t / And I can’t stop, won’t stop
Growin’ up, I’m gettin’ old, start settin’ goals / Tryna make more money off my business and shows / And everybody gon’ hate, I’m great, I know / Everybody can hate, I’m great, I know
These lyrics just scream COLT to me all the way. He knows and believes he’s destined for greatness no matter what path he chooses because no matter what he does, he’s gonna succeed in the end. “I can’t stop, won’t stop” reminds me of how Kaneko wanted Colt to choose for himself what he wanted to do, and even though Kaneko tried to shield Colt away from the family business, that’s where Colt wanted to be. The second lyric is essentially Colt just knowing he’s gonna make money and that he won’t be liked (hated by other crews, police, etc.), but that won’t matter because he’s great nevertheless.
Chandelier, B.o.B ft. Lauriana Mae [p]
They say life’s about choices / In the face of defeat I declined / Put your soul into everything, never back down / That’s how you leave a legacy behind
Let my blood keep pumping, my heart keep beating / Shining like a chandelier
Making something out of absolutely nothing / That’s the definition of a survivor
Colt definitely felt ‘put your soul into everything, never back down / that’s how you leave a legacy behind’ because of how much he focuses on carrying on what his family has built, and taking all the risks necessary to keep that legacy alive and make a name for himself. I put ‘shining like a chandelier’ because that’s how bright Colt shines, as I believe he’s destined for greatness and wouldn’t allow himself to achieve anything but.
Down Bad, Real Recognize Rio [j]
I've been out of my head for a couple minutes, for a couple miles / Made the hair stand up on my neck / On a knife edge, comin' at me for my crimes / Got a mind that can leave you locked inside
'Cause you got me down bad, down bad, your deep desire / Carve my name on your soul, then I walk through the fire / Your voice so clear, like you say my name / You got mе runnin' for my life like this shit was a game / Got mе down bad, down bad to feel your touch
This song reminds me of Colt specifically during the gambling scene when he got shot and the last car chase scene, because MC is put in serious danger but it does nothing to shake her love for Colt. She’s scared for her life and her future but she’s still willing to put everything on the line for him and MPC.
Forever Ever, Trippie Redd ft. Young Thug [p]
You gon’ really have to hold me fuckin’ down, babe / ‘Cause I ain’t with the fuckery, that playing ‘round, babe
We Bonnie and Clyde but except the shots
He don’t love you like he should, I can love you better
First and second lyric are because they’re a team, and Colt sees MC as his right hand. In the life he lives, the people on his team gotta be down fr because there’s always a lot at stake. The last lyric is more conditional, as I feel like this could be him if MC was also romancing Logan because in the reveal, Colt’s like you deserved to know and in the car in the chapter afterwards that’s when he’s like bro we could run this whole shit etc. etc.
Impala, O2worldwide [j]
I been watching you from a distance / Sitting back and acknowledging your existence / I made a couple songs but you'll probably never listen / Shooting my shot but i'm always fucking missing / Setting my ego aside / Me and you can go together just like Bonnie and Clyde / I've been tripping over you just like my shoes is untied / And I tried to hit you up its like my confidence died but
I see you everyday but don't past corners of eyes / I'm just gonna act like I didn't see you close to that guy / Not gonna lie you got me head over ears / I'm tryna find love because I don't know just how it feels
Anyone listening to this and reading the lyrics is going to hate me because… is this the perfect “Colt pining for MC because she’s getting close to Logan” Love Triangle song, or what? I listen to this song so casually most of the time that I forget how sad the lyrics actually are. The first couple verses (not the third verse) fit the narrative so well. A lot of my favorite “Colt” songs aren’t ones where they’re outwardly admitting any kind of affection for MC – they’re the ones where it reads as Colt struggling with their feelings for MC and how to express them.
PTSD, G Herbo ft. Juice WRLD, Lil Uzi Vert, and Chance the Rapper [p]
I don’t belong, I see my past everywhere
I got a war zone on inside of my head
A million dollars ahead, I’m still angry and seeing red
I’m too paranoid, I make sure all my opps, they bled
This song always guts me because G Herbo is talking about all the people he’s lost, and for Colt, I imagined this was probably him after losing his father. Reminded of his past when he saw the remains of the shop, reminded of his past every time after that probably when he was rebuilding the shop. As for the million dollars, it’s like he could pull off as many heists as he could but he would never be satisfied until Brotherhood paid, hence the last lyric because honestly I don’t think it’s over until Shaw is dead (ik there’s a line in ROD where he’s like if we were even, he’d be dead, I just know it).
Sun God, Trippie Redd [j]
Went out my way just to love you / Right at the top, no above you / Right off the top, know I trust you / Ready or not, here I come, boo / And baby, you're hot, like the sun, too / Not too hot for me, no I'm sun-proof / Follow your lead, I'ma come through / Just you and me, baby, one-two
I think this is Colt way farther down the line if MC had the chance to really fall in love with him. He’s the type to value trust and loyalty in a bond more than anything else because he doesn’t do either of those easily at all. And I think that the line about being sun-proof is a cute callback to a lot of the fandom comparisons of Colt and Icarus – the title too and the lyrics just scream Colt to me.
Where Does The Love Go?, Maria Isabel [j]
Nightly negotiations with the moon, whoever's listening / All the miles between us got me messed up, got me trippin'
They say lovin' is easy / But not when one of us is leaving
Back on a plane / Two different coasts / When we're alone / Where does the love go? / What if you go / Forget the way home? / Running in circles but never together / So where does the love go?
The more I listen to this song the more I think this song is about Colt and MC. Colt’s not a clingy type in the slightest, but there’s no doubt in my mind that deeper into the relationship, both Colt and MC would have some doubts – the reason I say this is because I’m viewing the lyrics through the lens of Colt and MC doing long distance while MC is in college on the East Coast. This whole song is long distance relationship anxiety summed up perfectly and it’s so Colt.
Yellow Lights, 24kGoldn [p]
Don’t want no yellow light / don’t want no mixed message
For the crown, ‘cause we could achieve it
Love you now, but don’t you deceive me
Second lyric resonated with me esp because of that line in the book where he’s like “But the two of us? We put our brains together, you and me could run this whole town” so he knows he could achieve an empire with MC by his side. Last lyric is because Colt definitely doesn’t trust those around him and for those that he does trust, that trust doesn’t come easy. So MC, who managed to get past that, is loved, but would automatically lose a lot if she deceived him (now imagine….snitch MC? This line would hit a lot more because she ends up deceiving him so like he had a right to be wary of her holding his heart (like if we’re looking at the pov of him saying this lyric)).
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Can’t Love, Trippie Redd [p]
She say she love me, I think she love me not / She say she love me, I know she love me not
How could you do this to me? / Yeah, yeah, I thought you, I thought you loved
Another Mona and her ex song teehee but I’m imagining this from Mona’s pov while she’s in jail like wow that girl never loved me like she said she loved me (first lyric) and how could she betray me like this (second lyric).
Favorite Mistake, Giveon [p]
Is my secret safe? / Safe with just you and me / We can’t leave a trace / This is my favorite mistake
Look in my eyes / Do you mind the lies? Do you feel alive?
Even when you’re gone / The feeling just grow stronger / Should leave it alone / But you’re getting closer
So I finally did a Mona route and GOD yes this song is about cheating (Mona and Hieron can’t relate) but we gon ignore that and just focus on these lyrics specifically because wow they really hit me like Mona for one was in denial of her feelings for MC from the jump and at some point she’s like god this is so ridiculous I can’t believe I’m feeling this way again so ofc she doesn’t want people to know she’s in love (like that time Toby is like man she is NOT happy about liking you! in the club scene) hence the beginning of the first lyric but at the same time….. she’s in love… so “this is my favorite mistake.” As for the second and third, the lies are that “I don’t like you” ra ra ra she’s only fooling herself and then it’s like yeah she knows her feelings are dumb but she can’t help but fall for MC anyway <3
Gonna Love Me, Teyana Taylor [p]
Sometimes we say things that we really don’t mean / We do things in between the lines
Please wait up for me ‘til whenever I get home / I know that you’re all alone / Thinking ‘bout what you’re gon’ do / I hope that you see it through, ooh, ooh
Why is it so hard to keep in touch
For the first lyric, I was thinking of the time MC says “Being with you makes a difference to me. It feels safer” and Mona replies that “It’s just an illusion. A blanket. And I’ve told you before not to count on me.” Yeah she said that wit her chest but ik she knows it’s more than that for the both of them. The second and third lyric both have to do with her being in jail by the end of the book (making it literally hard to keep in touch), and even though she tells MC not to wait up, a part of me thinks the vulnerable part of Mona would’ve hoped at least a smidge that MC would, and the last bit ‘thinking ‘bout what you’re gon’ do / I hope that you see it through’ reminds me of the advice in the diamond scene of driving Mona to the hospital that she gave MC which was that to move on, you just gotta keep your foot on the gas and look forward and that eventually, she’ll be somewhere better than she’s ever been.
Love or Lust, 24kGoldn [p]
It’s love or it’s lust, we just need to be clear / ‘Cause if you’re in love, then I shouldn’t be here
Would you walk eight thousand miles just to make me smile on a rainy Wednesday? / If so, then you gots to go, it ain’t mutual and I’m not pretending
Basically in the beginning stages of MC falling for Mona, Mona’s like oh hell nah (“I shouldn’t be here”) and she recognizes that MC likes her a lotttt (MC would definitely walk eight thousand miles to make her smile on a rainy Wednesday) and so she’s like fuck
PLW, Leon Thomas [j]
Left my fear right at the door (ooh) / She's an animal hunting in the wild, yeah (in the wild) / Doesn't move around or groove / But she come from the depth / That's why she's down to earth / An instrument of war
Baby ain't no beginner / I got love for my little winner / Flashing or finessing / That's why I mess with her, yeah
And you don't have to worry, yeah / 'Cause I know what's she worth / No, you don't have to save me / From my pretty little weapon
Ooh my baby smart, and she sharp, and she sharp, yeah / Pretty little weapon
I’ll never ever get over how this song fell into my lap and is absolutely perfect for Mona. This is for an MC who acknowledges that Mona’s a badass and that she loves her because of her strong personality and unwavering confidence because she knows she’s good at her job. The first verse is the best approach an MC could take – leaving her fear at the door because she knows someone like Mona could sniff it out. The line “No, you don’t have to save me / From my pretty little weapon” kills me, because it’s accurate – on Mona’s route, despite any betrayal, the MC is still in love with her and knows that Mona would never actually hurt her.
Sleeping With the Enemy, BbyMutha & Kindora [j]
Creeping around corners / I don't feel like myself / Studying your movements / It's a carousel / And I can't confirm that you / Mean what you say / And I'm pretty sure / That it's / Better that way
Why can't I trust in you / Am I slipping up / Over you / If it really turned to be the way / That I think / How bad could it be?
And I know that we could go for / Round and round like 123 / And I gotta question myself / Is it coming? / Possibly / And I gotta wonder / Am I sleeping with the enemy?
I'm watching my back / Like I got nothing left / I give you all I got / Wish I knew what was next
The first time I heard this song it was a toss up between whether or not it was a Colt and Mona song (or both) but I settled on Mona pretty quickly after a re-listen. Not only is the internal conflict in the lyrics a perfect description of Mona’s own battle, but it could be easily viewed from MC’s perspective as well. The idea of knowing it’s “wrong”, and mistrusting them but pursuing it anyways is quintessential early Mona route.
The World is a Marble Heart, AJR [p]
We could have been, we should have been / What your heart couldn’t handle
Run away, girl, ‘cause I let you / Now you found some other man, you see / I’m better off without you, ‘cause the man ain’t me!
I’m going right now / To the beginning / What you denied from the start / And now you can’t go breaking my heart
The world is a marble heart / It’s bullshit and we know it
I think the first lyric is definitely MC to Mona because Mona was afraid to allow herself to be in love, and then evidently their relationship couldn’t blossom because Mona ends up arrested (“we could have been, we should have been”). This song called out to me because Mona always comments on how MC’s heart got them into the Brotherhood mess, how MC always think the crew is something they’re not, so MC’s heart is the marble heart and the last lyric (“it’s bullshit and we know it”) is essentially Mona being like girl you know we are not what you think we are. The second lyric is because in a scene after the reveal, Mona drives MC to Riya’s house and MC goes I wish we could run off together and Mona is like just say the word and MC is like I can’t :/// and then Mona is like the only one stopping you is you, and then “I’m better off without you” is Mona being don’t call don’t write don’t text
Would You, Pink Sweat$ [p]
Would you die for me? I would die for you / Would you shoot for me? I would kill for you / Would you run up the bag if I needed you to? / Girl, all the things that I’d do for you / Would you do for me too?
I wanna know when it pops off that you gon’ be right next to me
This was giving Mona and her ex from that scene where MC got a glimpse into Mona’s past. Essentially, Mona’s ex and her were thick as thieves, and when they got arrested, Mona didn’t say anything and her ex did, so Mona was always ten toes down but her ex never had her (Mona) like she (Mona) thought she (her ex) had her (Mona)
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Both of Us, YFN Lucci [j]
Stay with me when there's no one else to call / If you got me then I'm in it for the both of us
Look, ayy, do you love me like you say you love me? / Ay, do you vow to keep it cute when everythin' get ugly? / Ay, if I ever leave, girl would you come lookin' for me?
I think that this song and these lyrics fit into the title of the book and how “ride or die” each of the love interests are for MC and vice versa. I think the softer parts of this song are MC for sure, and Logan at times, and the second bullet point is Colt and Mona. For them, it’s more of a promise of loyalty rather than love like the earlier lyric is (which is why I think that’s a bit more hopeless romantic like Logan).
C U Girl, Steve Lacy [j]
I haven't seen you in a while, you know I miss you babe / When you hear this song, feel flattered, it's about your face / And how I miss it and I wish that I could see it more / But you're in college now and I'm about to go on tour
I love this song because it makes me think of the possibility of MC and the LI having a “song” – one where any time they hear it they think of each other. And that when they hear it it makes them happy but at the same time they’re forced do think about the distance between them and how much they miss each other.
Collide, Tiana Major9 and Earthgang [j]
Everybody's got opinions on our thing / Say we're flying down a path with no ending / And if I die before I wake / Ooh, don't let me wake up from this dream / When we collide / When we collide, it's a beautiful disaster / When I crash into you, you, you
And I don't care about the future or the past / Riding slow, 'cause you know the world's moving too fast
Without you, I'm just a fraction / Closing in on my demise / And I love you religiously / With everything inside of me / As long as I'm alive
So I think it fits for all three because the relationship is taboo since they’re criminals and she’s a valedictorian getting ready for college. Their relationship is sloppy and dangerous and comes to an inevitable end, and they both know that, so this song for sure encapsulates how little both the LI and MC care about that. They don’t that it’s a trainwreck, because colliding is all that matters :)
Heaven, Clairo [j]
Alone, for the last time / You're just a loner / Give it a try / And you're hard on yourself / And your laugh, it just melts in my hands / Lonesome in the streets
I'll get by with you on my mind / I'll get by with you on my side
I love the idea of this song being viewed as MC’s perspective of her LI, because I’m sure the other LI’s haven’t been appreciated in the way that she appreciates them. For example, the line about the laugh melting in her hands makes me think about how they’d react to her saying that to them. None of the LI’s probably have never been told their laugh is cute, and I’m sure they’d be confused about it at first, so this whole song gives me a cute late night summer drive vibe. Like the MC is in the passenger seat of Mona or Logan’s car or draped around Colt and she’s just appreciating the things she loves about them.
Heaven Ain’t Hard 2 Find, Tupac [j]
Simply because you nervous, let me start off with my conversation / Hoping my information, elevates the hesitation / I can see it clearly now / Catch you smiling through your frown / I'm askin' Baby Boo are you down?
Heaven ain't hard to find / In fact you can have it just have faith / Just like a little kid, still believing in magic / It takes a lot of sacrifice / With all the lonely nights on tour / I need somebody I can trust in my life
Oh god help me identify me truest thoughts / Your hidden motives full of passion who would of thought / Come holla at me baby, love me for my thug nature / Far from a player hater, label me a money maker / Straight heart breaker
I originally added this song because it’s canon that Colt loves old West Coast Rap, so that makes me think he’s a huge Tupac fan. I can see him listening to this in his car driving down a California highway at like 2 a.m. On the other hand, though, the beginning of the song reminds me of the first meeting with Logan at the party, or the second meeting when they go to the car show – young love jitters and all that.
Keep Me Up, Charlotte Lawrence [j]
My heart starts beating and my hands start sweating / My chest starts sinking and sometimes will even start shaking / It's physical and emotional
And I don't want you all inside my head / And I can feel you running through my veins
When I say, and I say, and I say / That I want you in my life / But you stay, and you stay, and you stay / And you never leave my side / And you take, and you take, and you take / And you say you feel so nice, boy / And you keep me up all night
I think this fits with all the LI’s and MC and how they cope after the LI’s had to leave. Read it from both perspectives and it honestly fits so well for both of them – like the first couple months of restlessness staring at their ceiling while reflecting on how much they miss each other.
Kitchen, Kid Cudi [j]
Hmm, you wanna find somebody you trust and lay low / But it seems they all on the same mission / You wanna find somebody you trust and lay low / But can't stand the heat of my love, then stay out the kitchen
Oh baby here we are, I made a wish on shootin' stars / I ain't even mad at it, we made it this far
The attitude of this song reminds me of both Mona and Colt’s feelings about relationships – they both know they’re intense people and that they don’t trust or love easily, and that whoever’s interested in them needs to know that. They’re not going to apologize for it, but they appreciate anyone who sticks around and loves them despite that.
Meet Me Halfway, The Black Eyed Peas [j]
Can you meet me halfway, right at the borderline / Is where I'm gonna wait, for you / I'll be looking out, night n' day / Took my heart to the limit, and this is where I stay / I can't go any further than this / I want you so bad it's my only wish
I think of all three LI’s when I listen to this, because it fits into the idea of them struggling to maintain both of their lifestyles and have them mesh together. And it plays into the distance when MPC has to scatter.
Moonlight, Trippie Redd [j]
I can still be your man / I was tryna see your plans / 'Cause I was tryna have this dance tonight / Your body, girl, I'm a real big fan / And I cannot lose this chance / So, baby girl, grab my hand / This moment I'm waiting for, I fantasize / I just wanna be with you, I just wanna be with you tonight / Under the moonlight
This reminded me of the prom scene and how despite the chaos, all three love interests took the time to appreciate MC and soak up their last “date”.
out for the night, 21 Savage [j]
Five foot five (Five), she my ride or die (Die) / Never tell a lie (Lie), we like Bonnie and Clyde (Clyde) / Lookin' at her thigh (Thigh), like, "Do it come with rice?" (Rice) / She don't like FaceTime, she would rather Skype / But I'm out for the night (Straight up) / Out for the night (Straight up)
When I heard this song I could definitely see Colt listening to it, but I think the flirtiness of the song fits for all three love interests! Also, I mean… “she my ride or die” and “we like Bonnie and Clyde”? Self explanatory.
Part of Me, Teo [j]
I believe there's no one in your place / So much lovely / You can cure my mistakes / You reside in me no room for escape
You're my darling / You're my love / You're rocking all of your diamonds / All dressed up / And girl I lost my mind, no, I messed up / So now I'm knocking at your doors with my chest up
You're part of me / Come again and see / Diamonds make you sparkle
This reminds me of the prom scene from the LI’s perspective. And even more so than that, it reminds me of post prom/car chase where they have to say goodbye to each other the last time. It’s like a bittersweet tribute to MC about how much they mean to them and how much they’ll think about them when they’re apart.
Special, 21 Savage [j]
We got something special / I was finna text you / But I don't wanna pest you / Even if we ain't together (no matter we're forever) / I'm still coming to your rescue
Ride with me (ride with me) / Tell the truth and don't you lie to me (lie to me) / You know I need you on my side with me (side with me) / Tell the truth and don't you lie to me (lie to me) / Baby, roll with me (roll with me)
I'mma hold you down forever / You my round forever / They just want to use you, but I'm tryna help you
I think of Colt mostly with this song, but it definitely fits with all of the li’s in my opinion! Logan, Colt, and Mona would all approach their relationship with MC this way – constantly affirming that they’re there for MC no matter what, even if things go South with them, they’re always one call away. And especially the last line “they just wanna use you, but I’m tryna help you” that’s for sure an overprotective LI about the Jason Shaw situation and generally people taking advantage of MC’s kindness.
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Drunk on Love, Rihanna [p]
Take me away / I wear my heart on my sleeve / Always let love take the lead / I may be a little naive, yeah
I feel like I’ve heard MC being described as naive, and even in the book Mona is like man it’s your damn heart that got us into this mess because you thought we were more than who we are, so yeah this song reminded me of MC.
Final Goodbye, Rihanna [p]
Thought that you would stay forever with me / But the time has come to leave
Promise you our love will carry on
Final goodbye, MC saying goodbye to their LI, you catch my drift.
The Good, the Bad, and the Dirty, Panic! at the Disco [p]
If you wanna start a fight / You better throw the first punch / Make it a good one
I feel like this lyric specifically is saying that if you’re gonna stand for something, you better give it your all, and it reminded me of how MC came up with the plan to defeat the Brotherhood in the last few chapters of ROD, and to get out of it, they really had to go all out (AKA MC telling the police everything, meaning the gang had to go on the run). Also, MC just nose-dived into this life and I feel like this lyric is like ‘well sis if you gon be a criminal you might as well do your best’ (and she did when she bodied her first heist I know that’s right, my driver forever <3).
Harder We Fall, Jessie J [p]
So, whatever path we choose to take / There will be highs and there will be lows, the same / Oh, we’ll never run from our mistakes / The harder we fall the harder we try again
I just feel like this is a good song for MC to listen to in the car on her way to Langston yk crying but the windows are down and the wind is wiping your tears so you just keep it pushing because you’ll live and you’re stronger than your lows.
House of Memories, Panic! at the Disco [p]
If you’re a lover, you should know / The lonely moments just get lonelier / The longer you’re in love than if you are alone / Memories turn into daydreams, become a taboo
I think of you from time to time more than I thought I would
I just feel like this is a perfect song for MC going through the motions of leaving their lover behind and thinking about the times they shared because her life with the crew will always be so drastically different than the life she was went to have (going to Langston, being the ‘goody two shoes’, etc.).
Let It Out, Trippie Redd ft. Myiah Lynnae [p]
I need to know, before I tell you, can I trust you?
Idk man this song really just spoke to me.
Saw You in a Dream, The Japanese House [j]
I saw you in a dream / You had stayed the same / You were beckoning me / Said that I had changed / Tried to keep my eyes closed / I want you so bad / Then I awoke and it was so sad
Haven't talked to you in months / And I thought that I might cry / But I'm not that kind of girl
All good things come to an end / But I thought that this might last / But you came and left so fast
I wonder if you'll come visit me again / You're taking your time to reappear / I'm starting to believe that when I call your name / You just don't hear me anymore / And I know that I shouldn't even try / It's a waste of time
I don’t think I need to go super in depth as to why this reminded me of MC, but I do see this as MC’s defeated approach to it in the months/years after meeting the MPC.
Silent Nite, Tink [p]
I put your joy and your feelings ‘fore mine / These days I’m angry, angry inside / No words to say (oh) / One thing to do / Move on and fall back from you / It’s gonna be a silent night / No one here to hold me tight / It’s gonna be a silent night / No one here to hold me, oh, oh I’m lonely / Lost for words (lost for words)
It’s a short song so I just put the whole lyrics in here LMFAO but I feel like this could be MC during her first few nights at Langston. For Hieron at least, I know she went through a range of emotions processing this new chapter without the people she holds dear, angry at the way this is how things had to play out, but all that’s left for her to do is get over it, move on, and get used to not having that support anymore (i.e. like if MC is used to cuddling with [insert LI], they deadass gotta sleep alone now f in the chat).
Smile, Juice WRLD ft. The Weeknd [p]
I’d do anything in my power to see you just smile / I want you to prosper and come proper / Even if that means I ain’t by your side
I spent every day right beside you (‘side you), ‘side you (‘side you) / A hundred pics of me on your phone / Now you’re someone that I used to know
OKAY so I’m absolutely obsessed with this song and the first lyric was definitely giving me Logan x MC because I feel like this is something he could’ve said during his goodbye, like saying something that vulnerable and heartwrenchingly sweet is def on-brand for him, but the second lyric I feel like fits all the LIs. Like because they were part of the crew, they spent so much time with MC, and now that they’re gone, MC has all those pictures and memories that they  want to hold on to them so badly even though they can never be together again (‘now you’re someone that I used to know’)
Stuck With Me, The Neighbourhood [j]
Now I'm feeling guilty for it / Didn't wanna leave / Realized I'm less important / Than I thought I'd be, yeah / I'm not tellin' you for any certain reasons but / I just want your empathy
Our lives keep on gettin' shorter / Losin' opportunity / There might be some other ways of looking at it but / That's just what I see / I been gettin' over myself / Thinkin' about what you need / Then I realised that neither of us matter
You always end up stickin' to me / Somehow, somehow / You are stuck with me / So I guess I'll be sticking with / You are stuck with me / So I guess I'll be sticking with
So I think this song covers a lot of topics for MC. I think the vibe of the lyrics suit MC when she’s dealing with her relationship with her father, being pressured by Jason Shaw, and grappling with whether or not she’s making the right decision despite it all – homegirl was falling in love throughout all of it, too. Reading the lyrics with that lens made me think of each of the lines as a different conversation. The first part sounds like a tidbit of a conversation she could’ve had with her dad or about her dad. The next one is like a realization that despite how careful she is with her choices, nothing matters anyways, if the MC takes a nihilistic approach to it. And the last lyric is her conclusion with the LI that despite everything, she’s happy that she’s with her LI and she’s grateful for their loyalty.
worst behavior, Ariana Grande [j]
I been on my worst behavior / But, baby, I don't need no savior / I'm way outta line / But I kind of like the way I / Feel when I just don't give a fuck
This ain't no game, won't play with you / This time I know I'll stay with you / Just promise you won't say nothin' / Don't you be actin' like that, don't you be actin' like that, babe
Said baby it's just in my nature / To be a little troublemaker
Know you really like the way I / Taste when we kiss, you reminisce / But this ain't the last time / Just stay by my side
This song reminds me of rebellious MC before the gravity of the situation really hits her – the short span of time where she’s not worrying about being Valedictorian or college or her dad’s approval. She’s just living and falling in love for the first time. This could probably work for all LI’s but the specific “troublemaker” line makes me think of an MC who is trying to reassure Logan that she can make her own decisions.
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1Day, PnB Rock ft. Ugly God [j]
Momma told me that I wouldn't be shit / Told her one day / I'ma be rich (huh)
One day, I'ma buy a big ass crib  / One day, I'ma buy a big ass mansion / One day, all my fucking diamonds gon' be dancing / One day, I'ma fuck a bitch in the Hamptons / One day, I'ma eat the sushi with the salmon
Dropped out of college, everybody said I'm tripping / Told them be patient, but they ass wouldn't listen / Made it big time, now they fucking with the vision / Now I'm really rich, and my diamonds really glistening
The lyrics kind of remind me of the lifestyle that they live – whether or not they fell for the MC in the process, they all kind of have the motive of money and being successful in their own way. Even though the li’s and MC have their own shortcomings and wants and needs outside of MPC, I like to think of this song as an ego booster and probably representative of their attitudes when they joined MPC at the beginning. Reminds me of Logan especially since he joined the life so early and probably romanticized it for the longest time before it really went to shit. And to add to that, the last lyric is Colt all the way.
92 Explorer, Post Malone [p]
Ooh, baby, I see these muhfuckas’ glancin’ / When my whip stop, then my wheels keep spinnin’
Made a lot of M’s, made a lot of moves
This song is literally all about Post Malone’s precious car so I was like LMFAO why not because everyone in ROD loves their cars and then the last lyric is because they be making a lot of money with their transactions/steals.
Best Friend, Saweetie ft. Doja Cat [p]
Beep beep, is that my bessie in a Tessie?
Listen... I feel like we were robbed of the peak best friend dynamic that could’ve existed between Riya and MC so this whole song is for them (also c’mon MC could’ve snatched a Tesla if she reeaaally wanted too so yup that’s Riya’s bessie in a Tessie).
Lost It, Rich The Kid ft. Quavo and Offset [p]
The Bentley don’t cost shit / I walk out the bank rich
Okay, drank sippin’, lane switchin’ / I done brought my gang with me
Ooh, I might snatch the coupe
First one because they really could get any car they wanted, second lyric because gang always together yk, and last one because they really be stealing cars out here LMFAO.
Royal Rumble, Lil Tecca [p]
My life is a movie, you not ready for that clip
It’s a Royal Rumble
ROD really is a wild ride (‘my life is a movie’) and the ‘it’s a Royal Rumble’ just reminded me of the fact that it’s basically a showdown between two crews where one wins in the end but at what cost.
Runnin’, 21 Savage and Metro Boomin [p]
Runnin’, runnin’, runnin’, runnin’
We run the motherfuckin’ city
Fuck your crew, [redacted], we’ll kill your crew
First lyric is because literally everyone has to scatter by the end of the book, and the second lyric just gave me their vibes, whether or not they truly ran the city. The last lyric makes me laugh because Colt really was about to kill the other crew, the ‘we’ is a lilll bit loose in that sense though LMFAO because I know damn well Toby was not ready to go down like that.
Stuntin’ Like My Daddy, Birdman ft. Lil Wayne [j]
What we doing? Getting money / What they doing? Hating on us, but they never cross / Cash money still a company, and, bitch, I'm the boss / And I be stuntin' like my daddy, stuntin' like my daddy
Colt and Teppei don’t get along, but I like to think that Colt not only bumps this song in his car, but secretly imagines that him and Teppei run L.A. – either together or with Colt taking the reins.
Takin’ Shots, Post Malone [p]
Drinkin’ all night, but we ain’t done yet / Waitin’ on the plug, but he ain’t come yet
Already losin’ control, this is the life that we chose
The first lyric and this song overall just give me club vibes, like the underground one they went to where MC wears that neon fit. The part in the second line that always gets me is ‘this is the life that we chose’ because being a part of this crew was a choice for most, and they knew what comes with this lifestyle.
Trouble on Central, Buddy [j]
So the entire song is pretty much the idea  “I wish life were better and I’m daydreaming about how good things could be for me”. And to be honest, I think that the vibes of that fit Logan when he was young and broke, but at the same time, I could see Colt bumping this song in a convertible.
The whole song reminds me of the gambling scene and the high stakes of it. It kind of reads like the MC trying to fit in with dangerous criminals while she’s there despite the MPC thinking she’s not ready for it
21 notes · View notes
amysteryspot · 4 years
Better With You - Thomas Shelby x Female Reader
Request: If you can could you please do one about Tommy having a sort of possessive claim over you (not in an abusive way of course) even though you’ve never looked at him in that way, and when Michael comes into the family again you two get close, which makes Tommy extremely jealous.
Requested by: Anonymous
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Female Reader
Summary: Thomas has known (Y/N) for all of her life and loved her for most part of his, always disguising his claim on her as friendly protectiveness. What happens when Michael makes his way back into the family and starts to get a little too close to her for Tommy’s liking?
Warnings: swearing, mentions of war, mild smut (?).
Word Count: 3526
A/N: I had a lot of fun writing this. Hope you all have fun reading it too. An especial thank to @the-friendly-editor​ for helping me edit this, it meant a lot to me. Tags are at the end of the post, if you want to be add send me a message. I would love to hear what you think of it, your feedback is always appreciated.
 Things you should consider before reading this:
1. I named the Shelby’s mother Anastasia because I felt like I needed to do that. Also, I know that there is a lot of discussion about Finn and the rest of the Shelbys having the same mother or not. I just assumed that they all have the same mother and she died a little after giving birth to Finn. It is not something groundbreaking for the fic but I wanted to clarify just in case.
2. The boys went to war right at the beginning of it; I just ignored the information given to us by “The Ballad of Tommy Shelby”.
3. I probably forgot to warn you about something, I’m sorry.
 (Y/N) = Your Name | (Y/N/N) = Your Nickname | (Y/L/N) = Your Last Name | (Y/E/C) = Your Eye Color
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If you asked Tommy how long he had known (Y/N) (Y/L/N), he wouldn’t know how to answer—fuck, it seemed like the woman had been in his life forever.
He remembered the day his mother had brought him to the (Y/L/N)’s house for them to meet the new baby. Four-year-old Tommy had complained all the way to their neighbor’s house, much to his older brother’s amusement, until their mother had given him a scolding. (Y/N)’s birth had been the talk of Watery Lane. They finally had a sweet little girl for the neighborhood to dote on.
With two sons, Anastasia was more than happy to welcome the little girl into their lives, not so secretly longing to have a daughter, and that was the reason for Tommy to be fussing over going to see the newborn—jealousy.
However, nothing could have prepared little Tommy for what was about to happen when his mother sat him down on the couch and Mrs. (Y/L/N) put the bundle of covers in his arms—his icy blue eyes stared down at baby (Y/N), who stopped crying instantly when she looked up at him with bright (Y/E/C) eyes of her own. From that moment on, Tommy knew that he would always love her.
And love her he did, since that day and throughout all of their lives. He would raise hell at home for his mother to bring him to the (Y/L/N)’s home so he could see (Y/N), and the three adults would all be astonished at how easily the baby would stop crying when she was in his arms. It wasn’t really a surprise that the first word she babbled was “Tom” or that when she started walking, on wobbly feet, it was Tommy she was seeking.
As they grew up, they grew closer, until it became almost impossible to have one without the other. When Ada was born, Tommy was worried about the possibility that (Y/N) would forget about him, that she would be too enchanted by having another girl around. Instead, as the time passed, he discovered that his little sister was one more reason for (Y/N) to spend more time at the Shelby home.
Even when he started messing around with the boys on the street, and she befriended other girls at school, they would still seek each other out whenever they could. They stuck together when their teenage years came, when Tommy started fooling around with girls from school and secretly scaring down most of the boys that showed any interest in (Y/N).
At least, he did until the day she came crying to him about not being good enough or pretty enough for anybody, not like the girls he would go out with, and breaking his heart; that certainly wasn’t what he had in mind when chasing down the boys. All he had wanted was to protect her, to make sure that she wouldn’t exchange him for some other boy. He wanted to ensure that she was his and his only.
That was actually the reason that led to their first kiss—her first kiss—(Y/N/N) had asked him, pleaded with him, through all the tears to just kiss her and get it done. Fifteen-year-old (Y/N) was sure that nobody would ever want her, and she wanted to experience it at least once. She told Tommy he was the only one she trusted with the task.
“It will mean nothing to you, Tom. You have kissed a million other girls already—I will just be another one for you—but it’s important to me. Please, Tom? Please, please.”
Her pleas had won him over, but (Y/N)’s words couldn’t have been further from the truth—the kiss had meant something for him. It had meant more than he predicted when he gave in to her begging, because the moment their lips touched, Tommy realized he was in love with his best friend and the worst part was that she didn’t had a fucking clue about it.
Then Tommy did what he did best; he pretended that it never happened, pushing it away and never talking to anyone about the kiss or his feelings. He stopped chasing down the boys who would show interest in (Y/N) and watched as she eventually started going out with some of them, laughing with him about how stupid she was to think that no one would ever like her.
When her first boyfriend got too handsy and she broke up with him—not before giving him a good left hook that left him with a very black eye, just like Tommy had taught her—(Y/N) had gone straight to the Shelby home, looking for comfort in his arms. Tommy pretended that the gnawing feeling in his chest was nothing but brotherly protectiveness instead of anger, jealousy and possessiveness—a destructive combination, especially on a Shelby boy.
(Y/N) had stayed with him that night, and the both of them slept together like they used to when they were kids. First thing in the morning the next day, right after he left her at her own house, he found her now ex-boyfriend and beat him up. Arthur and Freddie had to get him off of the guy, afraid of what he would end up doing if they didn’t stop him.
After that, Tommy had focused on channeling his frustrations into going out with every girl in town that wasn’t her. It wasn’t difficult, he was good looking and charming and he was very aware of it; that’s how he met Greta, and thought that he could get over his feelings for his best friend with her.
Greta’s parents were against their involvement at first, but he charmed them, so they started dating. His heart broke down when (Y/N) found out and showed genuine happiness for him having finally found somebody to settle down with.
Tommy’s plan was to end things between them. However, Greta fell ill and he didn’t have the heart to break up with her, so he stayed by her side until she passed. (Y/N) gave him support in the only way she knew how: by loving him.
Just not in the way he wanted her to.
When they thought that things would go back to normal, the War exploded and Tommy did the only thing he considered right in his eyes: he enlisted alongside his brothers. Their first fight had taken place on the night he told her he was leaving for France in two weeks. (Y/N) had hit and screamed at him until he was able to take a hold on her and then, then she cried in his arms the whole night, afraid that she would lose him forever.
They did the best they could with those two weeks. Once more, nothing could have prepared Tommy for (Y/N)’s appeal the night before he was shipping to France. She had come to him right after dinner. Her father was preparing himself to leave, too, and both of the (Y/L/N) women were enjoying whatever time they had left with him before he was gone.
As they both laid there in his bed, resting in each other’s arms and staring at the ceiling, (Y/N) made the decision that would seal his fate if he could survive the war.
“Make love to me.”
It wasn’t a question, nor a request—she was simply telling him to make love to her like this was the most logical thing in the world. His breath caught in his throat, preventing him from answering at first, and (Y/N/N) took that as a cue to reassure him.
“It will be like my first kiss, Tommy, just something I have to get over with. I want it to be you. I trust you. Let me give you at least one last good memory of me before you go.”
Again, he caved in, not needing much more convincing than the certainty in her eyes as she looked down at him, propped up on one elbow. Her hand rested unintentionally above his heart. Granting her wishes, he let himself dive into his own desires, touching her the way he had wanted since they had kissed for the first time.
He worked her body like a delicate instrument and pulled at her strings smoothly, engraving every beautiful sound that he coaxed out of her and the feel of her under his fingertips in his memory. When morning came, they were still a mess of limbs intertwined together, trying to hold on to a last thread of hope and imprint the last few hours on their memories.
In a way, (Y/N) was right. The boy that entered that train in 1914 wasn’t the same that got out of it in 1918. Yet, his love for her never faltered; it just became a tad more… dangerous.
Thomas lost count of how many letters they had exchanged during the past four years. He lost count of how many times he dreamt of her, of coming back home and telling her how he felt. However, any courage he had gathered vanished the moment he saw her waiting for him at the train station. He couldn’t condemn her to a life by his side, he had already taken enough from her.
Polly had told him in her letters how (Y/N/N) had helped her with the business, with the house, with Finn, and with any other thing she could. Especially after her mother, who had given up on life after Mr. (Y/L/N) was killed in combat, passed. A part of him felt guilty for not being there for her as much as she was for him when his mother passed and his father left.
“She’s a Shelby now.”
That’s what Polly had said when he asked her if (Y/N) had any remaining family.
Not much changed when they returned. (Y/N/N) still worked with them. She spent more time at the Shelby home and the gambling den than at her own place. The two of them still sought each other out, not talking much, but enjoying each other’s company. It was in those quiet moments with her that Tommy had a little peace.
Thomas drowned himself in work to forget it all, wanting to expand the business, unleashing his ambitions so long smothered by the war. They found the guns, in a strike of luck, he thought. Both Polly and (Y/N) advised him to let it go, but he just couldn’t. It was too good of an opportunity.
Campbell had come because of it, and with him, Grace. At the time, he didn’t know who she really was. He thought that the beautiful, blonde barmaid was just that: beautiful and innocent, everything he and his family were not. So he fooled himself, fell for her, and then she betrayed him and left for America.
Again, (Y/N) was there for him, and again, he found himself sinking into his love for her. The only good thing that came from all this mess was that the business was never better. He thought that it was time to start planning for an expansion, and with that came another thing that he hadn’t quite predicted—Michael.
He had planned to find Polly’s children for her. She had been suffering quite a lot lately. Even if people thought that his heart was as good as gone, he wanted his family to be okay. He wanted them to be happy.
Thomas found the boy and he came to Polly, making his way into the family and the business quickly. That included starting to get close to (Y/N) – too fucking close for his liking.
It was supposed to be natural, he knew that. (Y/N) kept the books at the shop. She was better with numbers than most of them, so it was natural that she would be the one to help Michael when he assumed the position of accounts clerk.
After they came back, he learned that (Y/N) had become very good at sneaking around without getting caught. It was rare to see her with any men whose last name wasn’t Shelby, or wasn’t closely related to the Peaky Blinders. That didn’t mean she didn’t have men swooning over her all the time, or that he was finally okay with that—much like when they were teenagers, he wanted to chase them all down—the only difference was now he was more deadly.
“I couldn’t have done it without you.”
It was Michael’s voice that brought him back to reality, and his gaze fell immediately on the boy. They were all gathered on the snug in the Garrison. (Y/N) was sitting between him and Michael, Tommy’s arm casually rested on her shoulders.
(Y/N) said, “Oh, no, you would totally get it... after a few more weeks.”
Everyone burst out laughing at her remark, but the only thing he could think about was the hand Michael rested on (Y/N)’s thigh. His own hand clenched around his glass before he downed the rest of its contents.
He didn’t notice Polly’s gaze on him. Despite what most people believed, Tommy had never been a good liar. He could get away with omitting information to people and redirecting the conversation, most of the time, but a direct confrontation was a completely different thing. Polly was always able to read him first, to know the things he wasn’t willing to share.
“Maybe we should just hire you instead of Michael, then.” He ignored the look (Y/N) gave him, taking another drag of his cigarette and looking away.
However, he couldn’t miss the lingering touches, or how (Y/N/N) leaned into Michael when he talked to her, and how she was just so comfortable with him. It made his blood boil.
When (Y/N/N) said she wanted to get home he offered to walk her, and was fairly surprised at how she didn’t say a word to him until they reached her front door.
Then she turned to face him, features painted with anger, and asked, “What the hell was that, Tom?”
He actually rolled his eyes. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
(Y/N) huffed, turning around to unlock the door before entering the house, leaving it open for him to follow. She went straight to the dressing room, shedding her coat and throwing it at the table with her purse as he followed her closely.
“Oh, you know exactly what I’m talking about.”
She was taking her shoes off, and Tommy took advantage of the moment to let his eyes follow her movements. God, was he in love with that woman.
“I’m talking about your attitude with Michael at the Garrison. That was completely unnecessary,” She said.
“Someone had to put that boy in his place,” Tommy said.
(Y/N) turned to him then, and he would be worried with that look if he hadn’t been at the receiving end of her anger for so many years.
“Oh, please enlighten me, Thomas. What is his place?” (Y/N) asked.
“For fucks sake, (Y/N/N), he was all over you!”
She rolled her eyes. “He is a boy, Thomas, a boy. He’s family…”
Tommy never thought that what would make him snap would be hearing her say that Michael was family, but apparently it was.
“He’s family, huh?” Thomas said. “He is fucking family! Then he should know better and stay away from you.”
She stared at him for a moment, brow furrowed, as she seemed to put the puzzle together in her head. “Why would he stay away from me, Tom?”
He turned around to face away from her for a moment, rubbing a hand over his face. “No, no. You won’t make me feel guilty for that.”
“Make you feel guilty for what, Tommy?”
He recognized the hint of annoyance on her tone and couldn’t ignore it anymore, the alcohol giving him the courage that he had lost that day on the train station, as he turned around and shouted, “For loving you!”
She held her breath, eyes widening as she stared back at him.
Tommy continued, “Michael should stay away from you because you’re fucking mine and I love you.”
“Tommy, I’m not your property, and you know that I love you…”
“No, you don’t,” he interrupted her, making her look at him with confusion, “You don’t love me the way I love you. The way I’ve loved you since the fucking day you asked me to kiss you when you were fifteen!”
He saw her flinch before murmuring his name, trying to gain his attention but he couldn’t stop now. The truth was finally out there and he just had to go on with it, let it all out before he lost his mind.
“You said to me that it would mean nothing, that it would be just another kiss for me, but you were wrong,” Tommy said, his breaths short.
She looked bewildered, and Tommy held onto a strand of hope he didn’t even know still existed.
“That kiss meant fucking everything. From that day on, I’ve never seen you in the same way as before, because I realized I was in love with you and you didn’t feel the same. So I ignored these feelings while I saw you going out with boys, and I’ve thrown myself into fucking every girl that wasn’t you because I knew I couldn’t have you, not the way I wanted.”
Tommy didn’t notice that he was walking to her until they were just a breath apart.
“Then I found Greta, and I thought that I could forget you, but it only reminded me that you are the only one I want. I was going to break up with her, but she fell ill. You stayed by my side, and just when I thought that I would have a chance to tell you everything, the war happened and I just couldn’t. I couldn’t, because there was no way in hell that I was going to risk going to fight in France and die. I couldn’t leave you here to suffer because of me, either because you felt the same or not.”
“Tommy…” (Y/N)’s voice was all but a whisper.
He couldn’t resist anymore, his hands brought her to him, his eyes observing hers from up close, not giving her time to talk or he would lose his courage.
“I was ready to go there and die, and never let you know how I felt. But you had to give me hope that night before I was shipped off to that fucking hell. You had to…”He took a deep breath, his eyes closing for a brief second, a flood of memories making his heart race faster. “You had to give yourself to me. You had to give me a taste of what I thought I could never have, to make me want to survive the fucking war, to come back to you, and to let you know about all of these stupid feelings.”
Tommy couldn’t wait anymore. He did the one thing he had wanted to since he had returned from France—he kissed her. It wasn’t gentle or patient; no, it was urgent and filled with passion and he didn’t know how to stop, not when she wasn’t pushing him away. He devoured her as a man starved, teeth clashing and hands grabbing at anything they could touch. They were both out of breath when they finally parted.
“You said that you wanted to give me one last good memory and it was that memory that kept me alive during most of the nights when I was stuck in the fucking mud,” Thomas said.
(Y/N)’s fingers were clinging to him like her life depended on it, like she was afraid to lose him to the War again.
Tommy took the moment to let the words spill out. “The memory of you and the feeling of you under my fingers, and all around me, and the way you tasted.”
His lips brushed against hers, fingers clawing at the flesh of her hips like they had done the night before he left for France.
He backed her up against the wall, hands trailing down to the back of her thighs, picking her up and trapping her with his body.
Tommy looked straight to her eyes as he spoke again, “How you writhed under me, all the beautiful sounds you made, and I just wanted to come back to you and make some new memories.”
(Y/N) shivered at his words. She gave him just a brief second to observe the rise and fall of her chest and her expanded pupils before he felt her fingers at the back of his head, forcing him to really look at her as she said, “Then let’s work on those new memories.”
Their lips clashed again, and every doubt that he ever felt vanished for a moment. That night their bodies moved together like old acquaintances, skin sliding against skin, hands gripping at each other, lips kissing every patch of skin while chanting a sinful choir of moans and curses alongside their names.
When Tommy woke up the next day, (Y/N/N) in his arms, he realized that he was finally home.
Taglist: @captivatedbycillianmurphy, @internalmess3
942 notes · View notes
Unexpected Places (Pt. 05 of 11)
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Pairing: Ivar the Boneless X Reader/Bjorn X Reader
Word count: 2.5 K
Summary: As a princess, you've lived in a golden cage all your life, always a piece on someone else's game. But everything changed when the Norsemen came crushing down on Wessex, like waves in a violent storm. Their king spared your life and decided to take you with him to his kingdom, in what felt more like a rescue than a kidnapping. There, you were not only confronted with a completely different culture and lifestyle, but also with two of his sons. The oldest one has his eyes set on you, but it's the youngest one, Ivar, who gets who claimed your attention since the first sight. And he seems to have an unnamed interest in you. Of course you hoped whatever that was would pass, but when unexpected feelings start to flow a different way, things begin to change.
<- Previous part (04)
Next part (06)->
{Vikings Masterlist}
The Crippled And The Blind
The loud voices, laughter, and yells are echoing through the house. Ragnar is with a group of wanderers that just stopped by. He seems to be getting along with them since they're all very friendly and brought good things to trade. You have no intention of interrupting the conversation, so you stay on the inside. You make your way to the hanging table, sitting on it as usual. You're still softly swinging when you hear Ivar's unmistakable footsteps, and a small smile comes to your lips. You do try to push it back, but when he comes to your sight, it's still there, in full display.
“Won't you join the party?” He asks, coming to stand next to you by the table, his free hand holding on the chains.
“No. If I show up out there, Ragnar will introduce me as an England princess and I wouldn't want to steal all the attention he's been getting.” You answer in a sassy tone, shrugging your shoulders. “What about you? I bet they'd love to meet Ivar the Boneless.”
His smile only gets bigger, and a chuckle leaves his lips. Things with Ivar have been... Different. In the last weeks, you've been chatting a lot, more and more every day. But you're keeping a distance. The stories about Ivar reached your ears quickly, and you know he's dangerous. Still, it's getting hard to see that side of him when he's been treating you so... Kindly. It got people talking too. Hvitserk said Ivar is surprising him, acting like that. But you try not to overthink, and just take one day after the other and see how it happens. So far, you're enjoying your talking.
“Let the old man have it.” He mutters, pushing the wood and making you swing again. “I was planning on taking a walk on the beach.” Speaking slow, he smirks at you. “Wanna join me?”
Biting your lower lip, you nod, jumping to the ground. “Why not?”
You both go through one of the doors on the back, and you realize Ivar can keep a fast pace despite the clutch. The cold wind makes you brace yourself by the time you reach the sand, and you lightly rub your arms.
“Should've brought a warm cloak.” He mutters, glancing at you.
“I'm alright.” Pulling a strand of hair away from your face, you stop by a small boat. “What's the reason for this?”
“Yeah.” Leaning your back against the boat, you shrug your shoulders. “You never invited me for anything like this.”
“Maybe it was because I never thought you'd accept.” Sighing, he sits on the sand, resting the clutch on his legs.
“And why would you think that?” Looking down at him, you cross your arms. “I thought we were somehow friends by now.” You're still unsure of where exactly you are with Ivar. With Hvitserk, it was almost instantly, and you've been good friends since day one. Ubbe took longer, but you have a nice relationship with him as well, even though you're not as close as you are with Hvitserk. But Ivar... It's different, you're still not quite sure why. “Or have I misread things?”
“I like to think we are friends, princess.” When you finally look at him, those blue eyes are already set on you.
With your cheeks burning, your heart starts beating faster, drumming on your ears. “We are.” You assure him, taking a deep breath and settling down beside him, looking at the ocean. The waves are strong today, loudly crashing on the sand.
“Good.” He bumps his shoulder against yours. “Not many women want to... Hang around with me.”
His statement makes you pinch your eyebrows together. “Why?” You can't imagine a reason for any girl not want to... What? Be around Ivar? Or maybe have some attention from him. Of course you can only speak for yourself, but the Vikings must be mesmerized by his strength. By the stories they tell about him. And on top of that, you're not blind. Ivar is handsome, very handsome. Any woman would love to get his eyes set on her.
“Isn't it obvious?” Ivar gestures at his legs and only then this ‘obvious’ come to your mind.
“Oh.” Staring at the metal clothed legs, you shake your head lightly. It never really got to you. It's not that you haven't noticed, but it never played an important part in your judgment of him.
“Bad news, princess. I'm a crippled.” He sing songs, his voice a lot darker.
Furrowing your eyebrows, you push your legs up, hugging your knees. “I know you're a crippled. But being honest, I don't see the problem.” It isn't hard to guess this affects him. Mostly being a Viking. You know he wishes he could rush through the battlefield, fighting, riding a strong horse. But he can't. It probably kills him inside.
“Then I'm the crippled and you're the blind.” He suddenly snaps, and when you look at him, he's shaking his head no. “Don't be stupid. Every woman here wants an Ubbe. Or a Bjorn. Standing tall and strong, well experienced by the many wars they–”
“You're tall.” Cutting him off, you elbow him. “And I know you can fight. People aren't terrified of you for no reason. So drop it, you're not less of a Viking just because you can't walk as other people can.”
He chuckles, and when his eyes meet yours, you suddenly notice the proximity. You're not that close, but you were never this close... “Are you joking?”
“No.” You honestly answer, smiling. “I get that people look at you and see the legs first. But I didn't. I...” Will you really tell him this? You've been lying and hiding so many things from people while on Wessex, and here, you want to do the exact opposite. You want to speak the truth, whatever the truth is because nobody will curse you for it. And maybe, it'll make Ivar feel better. “Actually, the first thing I noticed were your eyes.”
“Really?” Furrowing his eyebrows, you can tell he's not very convinced.
“Really.” You simply say.
“You're pretty stupid then.” Ivar bursts out, but, as much as you feel a little offended at first, you're quick to get the mocking tone behind it. “You see a crippled and the thing that gets your attention is the eye color.”
“I'll ignore the insult.” Nodding to yourself, you bite back a laugh, looking at the ocean again. “But if that's your opinion, I'll accept it.”
“You're both.”
“Both pretty and stupid.”
“I...” It takes a few seconds to process what he just said. You're still staring at the horizon, not brave enough to face those eyes, strong and bright, burning through your skin. Your cheeks are burning again, so you look down at your hands, hoping the hair that falls will hide your blushing face. “It goes both ways.” Taking a deep breath, you stand up, dusting off the sand from your dress. “You're as stupid as you're handsome.” Sustaining his stare for a while, watching as his face light up and a smile comes to his lips, you turn your back at him, walking away. You hear a giggle, but decide to ignore it.
“I didn't know you could be sassy.” Ivar raises his voice to make himself heard through the growing distance you're putting in between the two of you.
“You don't know me, dear.” Turning around and walking backward, you smile. “What? Do you think chatting during the meals is enough? You have no idea who I am.”
“Who knows? Maybe we can change that.”
“Maybe.” Shrugging your shoulders, you give your back at him and leave the beach.
The next hours you spend with Aslaug, as she complains about the wanderers. They're nothing like this other man who came by years ago, she says. They're too loud for her taste, too rude. And, since it's a Viking complaining about those things, she might be right. But, despite all that, she still attends to the feast Ragnar insisted on giving. You already know that people here don't really need a reason to cook insane amounts of food and invite everyone over to eat and dance and party until the sun is about to rise again. So you join them.
The celebration has been going on for quite a while now, a few hours went by since you showed up. You already ate, so now, drinking from a horn, you stand beside Helga next to the table where her husband happily tells some people his stories. “He keeps staring,” Helga mutters as you take another sip from your drink.
“Oh.” Trying to be discreet, you take a look where he's seated, slightly nodding at him when your eyes meet. “Since the horse incident, we haven't been speaking much.”
“Aslaug told me an interesting story,” Helga smirks, and you furrow your eyebrows at her. “Hvitserk and Ivar. She said you have a... Curious relationship with both of them and she has no idea who you like.”
“Hvitserk is just a friend.” You speak fast, almost choking on your drink. “We've been friends since I got here basically, but that's it.”
She raises an eyebrow, her eyes moving from you to Ivar. That's when you notice you know exactly where he is. “You explained your relationship with one of them... What about the other?”
That makes you restless because you feel like giving the same answer you gave about Hvitserk isn't completely true. But how exactly can you explain it? “Ivar and I are... Friends... Not as close as Hvitserk, Uhm... We're actually just starting to–”
“I haven't noticed this one yet.” A raspy, strong voice says, and your attention is taken by the three men who came to stand behind you.
“She's a pretty one.” The taller, with dirty blonde hair, says. Stepping back, you stand next to Helga.
“More than pretty.” The third one, with a heavy accent, adds. “Are you a servant?”
“No, I–”
“Of course she isn't. Look at her dress.” The first one, with a braided beard, cuts you off before you can say anything, coming closer and forcing you and Helga to give a step back. His eyes are evil as they travel through your body, up and down. “Her jewels...” His hand comes to touch your necklace, and the other, the blond, moves to your side, pulling the skirt of your dress.
“She's under Aslaug's protection,” Helga speaks up, pulling you to the side a little. But by the way the man smiles, it doesn't seem like they care.
“Is she?” The blond asks, but it doesn't sound like he wants an answer.
You're about to say something, anything when another figure comes from behind you. Your heart starts pounding, but you're relieved when you recognize Bjorn. He stands between you, Helga, and those men. “My friends, why don't you join me for a drink?” He says, a hand behind his back gesturing for you to leave.
Helga takes your hand and pulls you away, back to the table where you were seated before. “Don't go anywhere alone tonight.” She whispers in your ear right before walking away.
“What was that?” You're quick to feel the change in the atmosphere, and, looking around, you notice everyone you know is gone, and Ubbe is the only one on the table. “Where is–”
“C'mon.” He quickly says and gets up, and you follow him inside. Everyone is here, and they stop talking when they lay eyes on you.
“Is there a problem?” You're quick to find Ivar, and, the moment you lock eyes with him, you can see how fast his expression changes. From anger to relief. Things turned upside down quickly, and you have no idea what happened.
“The problem is that they are wanderers. They don't fear or respect our rules.” The Queen says, eyeing Ragnar with anger. “I want them gone tomorrow.”
“They will be gone.” He assures, arms crossed.
Still trying to follow, you run a hand through your hair. “Did they do something?”
“No, but they'll try.” It's Bjorn who answers, coming to join you.
Alright, nobody here wants to be clear about it, so what's the point? “I'll go back to the feast so you can solve whatever problem–”
“Those three men were eyeing you all evening.” Bjorn interrupts. “They came to me asking who you were and where you're sleeping. Then they approached you like that. Do you really need me to explain in detail what exactly they'll try to do to you?”
This makes you stop breathing. “I'll keep the door locked then.” You mutter in a low voice, looking down and moving to the hanging table to get something to drink.
“No, you can't be there tonight. Nor alone.” Aslaug speaks as you find the two jars on the table are empty.
“She can stay with me tonight.” Bjorn is quick to offer, and your eyes go wide.
“Can't I stay with Ivar?” The words come out so damn fast it takes your slow brain a while to process what just happened. It was almost involuntary, as if there was something else inside you, like a force of nature, pushing those words out. “O-or Hvitserk?” You add after seconds of silence, a little lower, feeling as your cheeks burn.
Bjorn laughs, exchanging glances with Ragnar. “Ivar can't protect you.” He sounds disgusted, mocking, a hand gesturing at where his younger brother is.
You shouldn't have said that. You're sure Aslaug would arrange for you to move to another room, or maybe even sharing her chambers tonight. But no, you had to make things weird.
“Nobody will hurt her.” When you hear Ivar's reply, your attention turns to him. His eyes are on his brother, who stands a few feet away from you. You've never seen Ivar so angry, not even when you first got here, when he hated you for being a Christian living among them. But now... It's different, it's... Fury.
“Alright. Enough, both of you.” Aslaug stands up, a putting her cup down. “(Y/N), you stay with Ivar or Hvitserk tonight. Ragnar, go tell those disgusting men I want them gone by the morning.” Without saying anything, Ragnar leaves.
Not sure what to do next, you stand by the table, a hand holding the chains. It feels like everyone is expecting something, you're not sure what. You keep staring at Aslaug, who looks like is trying to tell you something you just can't understand.
“I think it's obvious you'll stay with Ivar so I'll just go,” Hvitserk mumbles as he walks by you, giving you a look that makes you want to throw a shield at him. Is he even allowed to have fun at a moment like this? Another obvious thing is that he'll never let it go, until the end of times, Hvitserk will tease you about this night.
“Well...” Ivar says, as he takes his clutch and gets up to his feet. “I think that's it.” You can tell he's ignoring Bjorn because that one can't stop staring. Ivar is playing with his brother, but, when he's near you, it doesn't look like he's playing anymore. Maybe he just got reminded of the reason why this is happening in the first place, and so did you. It's your safety that's at risk here. “C'mon then.” He says in a lower voice, and you nod, starting to follow him.
@multific @revolution-starter @crackhead1-800 @youbloodymadgenius @clown-boyyy @kitten0394 @castielsangelx-blog @goldlion07 @midnightmystic @readsalot73 @xvxcarolinexvx @momowhoo @fangfoxy @msrawog @walkingonshunshine @alytavzla @anotherfan07 @heavenly1927
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vanillann · 3 years
the 1994 battle of the performers (luke patterson x f.reader)
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word count: 2.0k
the 1994 battle of the performers masterlist
Chapter 3: The Cool Kids Table
“Look who it is!”
I jumped when I realized how close the voice was, looking over my shoulder at a smiling Alex and Luke. I tried to see if I saw Reggie or Bobby but Alex caught on to my weird glares.
“They had to stay after class a few extra minutes, got in trouble for distraction yesterday,” Alex shrugged, speaking as if it was a casual thing but really thinking about it, it was very possible.
“Oh?” I was still slightly confused why they were at my locker, we weren’t really friends I suppose. Just five teen’s who had dreams and were doing the other a favor.
“Oh? Where is your excitement?” Luke bounced on his heel, the wild smile never left his lips as he looked at me. I said nothing, reaching for the books in my locker for the next period.
“Who has excitement during school?”
“Who wouldn’t when it’s time for lunch,” I rolled my eyes with a smile sneaking its way on my lips at the excitement that followed the group.
They truly did try to make the best out of everything.
“Nothing ever happens at lunch,” I shut my locker, turning around and letting my backrest on the cool metal that sent a shiver through me.
“Cause you’re sitting at the wrong table,” Alex smiling was changeling Luke’s, which felt like a greater competition than the Battle of the Performers.
“I sit with some old dancers, they don’t talk much.”
The dancer team was nice enough to still speak to me after the spilt, but that didn’t make it easier to watch the people I considered my friends talk about the thing you loved most without you. It wasn’t going to get easier but I couldn’t let myself dig too deep in my own head.
“Not anymore,” Luke skipped backward, letting his back hit the handle of the cafeteria door and holding his hand out for Alex and me to follow me.
“Did they say something to you?”
Easy breathing, you didn’t do anything wrong. They kicked you off the team so you found otherways to dance with.
“No, we just thought you should sit with us,” Alex wrapped a light arm around my shoulder and guided me around the different table until we spotted the one in the very corner. It was one of the smaller tables within the room, definitely pushed to the corner on accident but nobody cared enough to move it.
“Sit with you?”
“Say it nicer why don’t you,” Alex glared at me, a hit of a joke behind his eyes as I looked between him and the table.
Milo’s and dinner was one thing, but this felt like a friendship level up. The school was a harsh place where you were grouped together with the people you hung out with, not that Sunset Curve was the worst people to be grouped with. It was just a lot, my last two years in this place I would be seen as one of them or seen as the girl who was kicked from the dance team than Sunset Curve because after this battle I would be a faint history to them.
“Are you sure?”
“Yep,” Luke popped the “p”, already sitting at the table with his leg bouncing from either nerves or excitement, the two things Luke Patterson ran off of.
I didn’t even get to place my books down before he was standing up and taking them from my hand, placing them out of reach on the bench with a little smirk.
“I need to start on the Economics homework,” I tried to reach over the table but his hand rested on the top of my books, pushing them farther from my grasp.
“Lunch isn’t for homework,” his smirk was almost enchanted to watch, but my homework under his rough finger was way more important at the moment.
“You aren’t going to get those books back, I would know,” Alex spoke up from behind me, leaving a seat beside him open for me with his feet swing back and front under the table. I said nothing, giving up and taking a seat, resting my chin in my palm while looking at both boys.
“Do you not bring food to lunch?” I reached into the tote bag on my shoulder, letting the cool bottle of water freeze my warm hands.
“We got through the line but Bobby would kill us if we went without him,” Luke watched me, waiting for me to say something interested as the other two members of the band were still not here.
“You didn’t scream last night,” Luke spoke, his eyes glaring under the harsh light of the cafeteria as if he was out of an old movie.
“Cause I didn’t fall?”
He didn’t think I would actually fall, did he? I had been walking fine for a month or so now, it was the most active work like dancing and running that still gave me scares.
“(Y/N)’s sitting with us?”
I looked over my shoulder, both Reggie and Bobby stood behind me with smiles as they took their regular seats, or what I assumed, around the table. Once Reggie sat down, he held his hand out for a high five. I smiled and returned it, turning to Bobby when he sat beside me while clapping a hand on my shoulder.
“Yep, they dragged me here,” my chin pointed to Luke then Alex, earning a pout from Luke and Alex bumping his shoulder with my own.
“They aren’t house trained, sorry,” Bobby joked, earning a few stray napkins to be thrown at him from Luke.
“I am house trained, thank you very much,” he pronounced every word with sass, his pout still painted on his lips as he looked to Alex who was laughing at him.
“Let’s get in line,” Alex started to hand, pushing off the table and turning once he stood all the way. Everyone but Luke stood up, him holding his finger in the air while looking at the other members.
“I’ll sit with (Y/N) so people don’t think she’s lame with no friends,” I felt my jaw go slack, my hand feeling around for one of the napkins he had thrown at Bobby. Once I felt my finger brush one, I picked it up and threw it in his face, it going directly in his open mouth.
I covered my mouth, in shock at how perfectly it had made it in. Luke looked about as shocked as I felt, looking at me with wide eyes while removing the napkin from his mouth.
“You-” his smile was slowly forming as he held his finger out at me, pocking my hands that still covered my mouth.
“I didn’t mean to,” my words barely made it from his lips as I tried to hold my giggles back. I probably looked crazy to an outsider, watching him with a shocked smile and he scolded me.
“I thought we were friends,” he crossed his arms on the table, letting his chin rest on top of them as he looked up at through his eyelashes.
“I don’t remember signing a contract for that,” I tapped my chin, raising one eyebrow and I jokily thought over the process.
“My printer broke, I’ll get it to you next Monday.”
I rolled my eyes, resting my chin back in the palm of my hand as I watched him stare at me.
“Why did you invite me to sit here?”
I definitely was the best at ruining moments, I should do it as a career at this point.
He shook his head as if the answer was obvious, but that was the exact problem. It was apparently noticeable to everyone but me where I stood with the group but myself. As far as I knew we would be friends until the competition and then I’d be back to the few girls at the lunch table and they wouldn’t have to worry about my knee anymore.
“Look at this piece of chicken,” Reggie’s voice tore me from my thought, looking up at the almost black chicken tender Reggie held in-between his finger with a broken frown.
“That has to be against guidelines,” I reached out, taking the tender to look at for myself.
“Don’t say that too loud, Bobby said something similar and was threatened with detention,” Alex spoke up from beside me. His chicken was definitely in better shape but still incredibly over-cooked. I simply took the chicken and wrapped it in one of the napkins from the little argument earlier.
Reggie held out his hand, taking the trash and reaching over to make it in the trash can. He made the shot, his hands above his head and he looked back to the table with a proud smile.
“He’d made up for hitting Henderson with a paper ball yesterday,” I smile, remembering the encounter from the last period of the day, the only period I shared with any of the members of Sunset Curve besides lunch and study hall with Alex and Bobby.
“You what?”
Alex dropped his fork back on his cheap plate, looking up at Reggie with a slacked jaw.
“I didn’t mean to!”
I laughed, leaning back on the bench slightly was I wasn’t sitting so proper, something I still didn’t use to. WIth dancer become a secondary part of my life I was losing the posture I once had, cause some small back pain but nothing serious.
“How do you even do that?” Luke reached over and took an apple slice off Bobby’s plate, that’s when I noticed each boy had each of the options for the school menu. The thought alone that they formed their own little sharing system was adorable to me, my eyes jumping to each plate.
“What one?”
I looked up, Alex holding up a grape in-between his finger as he watched Luke and Reggie’s conversation unfold. I said nothing, picking the grape from in-between his finger and popping it in the air, leaning my head back and catching it with my mouth.
Bobby hit my shoulder when he saw the trick, smiling as he pointed to me with a giant smile on his face.
“Wait I missed it,” Luke leaned on his arms again, watching me closely with his bright green eyes. I said nothing, asking Alex for another grape but he was already holding one out for me. I did the same trick, moving slightly into Bobby’s side as the grape moved but still caught it easily.
“Wait I wanna try,” both Reggie and Luke reached for the grape at the same thing, silently fighting over the fruit.
“This will keep you entertained,” Alex whispered in my ear, pointing his chin at the two and they disused who got the grape, Alex hiding the bag with the rest under the table with a little smirk. I reached over, taking one for myself and slipping it in my mouth without the two notices.
“Is it like this all the time?” I asked both Alex and Bobby, laughing when Luke said he should get it causes he’s the lead singer.
“You’ll see,” Bobby spoke, laughing when Reggie flicked Luke in the forehead and snatched the grape from his fingers. He didn’t waste time, trying to flick it but instead started to fall on the other side of the table. I stood up slightly, moving over Alex slightly with my mouth open, once I felt the fruit hit my tongue I showed the fruit in my mouth to the table.
“How did you do that?” Reggie and Luke both sat up straighter, waiting for me to explain the trick.
“A magician never shared his tricks,” I smirked, taking a bite of the grape with a smile.
“I thought you were a dancer, oh-” Reggie stopped halfway through, pointing at me with a little smile.
“You can’t be cooler than me sorry,” Luke tilted his head at me, us all standing up with her heard the school bell ring throughout the walls.
“But I am, sorry.”
the 1994 battle of the performers taglist
@gia-kerks @notwonder-woman @poisoned-girl @phantompogues @dovesgrangers
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// Day 8 //
// Wind //
The wind swept through Marinette's hair. Her new second-hand convertible gliding, seamlessly.
She pulled up to her boutique in downtown Gotham. Business was booming and her newest line sold out almost immediately. She had to order extra fabric almost every day just to keep up with demand. Not to mention her commissions.
Luckily, her new notoriety earned her enough money to buy a second-hand car to carry any materials she finds while 'browsing' fabric and fashion stores (which is usually a lot) and to hire a few new employees to take on the floor designs, whilst she worked on commissions.
She entered the shop and flipped the open sign. Marinette sat behind the counter and pulled out her sketchbook, she could design while working the register, so she would usually be the one on 'desk duty', unless she had to actually assemble her commissions.
The bell rang and a tall man wearing all black walked in. He was about Marinette's age and definitely easy on the eyes.
"Where can I find the owner?"
Marinette smiled, "Right here."
An incredulous look passed his face, "You're MDC?"
"Is that such a shocker?"
He looked at her as if analysing her movements, "I just pictured you… Older."
She squinted her eyes, "What can I do for you?"
As it turns out Marinette was commissioned to make a dress for the man's (who she learned was named Damian) sister.
It would be her birthday in 4 months and a surprise ball organised by his family was going to be held in her honour (pfft rich people). Damian was tasked with getting her dress.
Marinette was given a picture of the girl to know what would suit her, her measurements (rich people apparently have their family members measurements on hand) and the theme of the party, 'Space', not vague at all.
Every once in awhile, Damian would come around to see her progress, make a comment or two and generally be a pest.
Soon, he started to come by once a week, then every day.
He'd play it off as being a diligent client, but none of Marinette's other clients would even stop by until the fitting. Sometimes never.
Marinette, despite her reluctance, became (dare she say it?) fond of Damian's lack of filter. It was refreshing.
What she didn't realise was that Damian was becoming quite fond of Marinette, himself.
An envelope was dropped on her desk, two months before her original deadline (she easily finished in half the time she needed, with maybe a tiny bit of Ladybug luck on her side).
"What's this?" She said picking the envelope up and carefully ripping the tab.
"An invitation."
She looked up curiously at him, before reading the contents,
Dear Miss Dupain-Cheng,
You are cordially invited to the Birthday Ball of Cassandra Cain-Wayne, as Damian Wayne's date.
As you know the dress code is black tie and the theme is 'Space'. Usually, in these invitations, a list of trusted and capable boutiques and designers would be included. But, due to your chosen profession, I assume you can make the necessary arrangements.
Please be aware that paparazzi and press will be covering this event.
We sincerely await your response,
Alfred Pennyworth,
On behalf of the Wayne family.
P. S. We have heard many brilliant things about your designs and we can't wait to see the outfits you make. We wish to make a formal request for you to be the official designer and consultant for the Wayne Family.
"You want me to be your consultant?"
Damian tutted, "And designer."
Marinette read the invitation again before a teasing grin broke out on her face, "You also, want me as your date."
He controlled his face into a composed look, "I may have gotten used to you in the past two months."
She poked his shoulder, "'Gotten used to'? Oh c'mon, Damian. You at least tolerate me, you even want me as your date, that could qualify as liking. Or dare I say it," she gasped overdramatically, "Friends."
Damian tutted, "Maybe, I want to be more than friends."
She smiled at him, "Maybe I do, too."
The night of the ball arrived and after sending Cass' dress, shoes and accessories over to the Manor with Damian, Marinette got ready.
She was careful to make her dress less extravagant looking than Cass', she didn't want to show-up the birthday girl.
Her off-the-shoulder dark blue bodice was complimented by a skirt covered in hand-embroidered constellations. She wore her hair in a low bun decorated with a star hairpiece.
Marinette also put in long chain earrings, one with a star and one with a moon, that were complemented by a choker like chain with dainty stars and planets. Her shoes were gladiator-style silver heels.
Pleased with her outfit, she walked outside her apartment to find her new boyfriend waiting by a limo.
Once he saw her, his back unconsciously straightened, "You look lovely, Marinette."
Marinette looked at Damian's tux, it looked like your average black tie outfit, except if you looked closely enough you could see tiny stars and planets embroidered into it, camouflaged subtly into the tuxedo with its perfectly matching colour, "You clean up nicely yourself, Damian," She straightened his bow tie with a smirk, "Nice tux."
Damian grinned, "Y'know, I got out from a boutique downtown. You might know it, bright colours, amazing clothes, the owner's pretty cute."
"Oh? That sounds like I have a competition, Damian. Do I need to fight a girl for your heart?" She teased.
He held her hand, "You wouldn't need to because I'm head over heels with this girl. Nothing you can do or say could change that."
She smiled softly and lightly pecked his cheek, "Not even this?"
"Hmm, actually try that, again."
She rolled her eyes, playfully, but still kissed his cheek, or at least she tried to. Instead, Damian moved his head at the very last second and captured his lips on hers.
When they pulled apart, slightly out of breath, Damian whispered as a smile tugged his lips, "You have the most convincing argument I've ever seen, Angel. I might just have to reconsider this boutique girl."
Marinette grinned, "Hmm? Well, maybe another argument or two would fully convince you."
After a few more kisses, the two realised that they should leave, lest they be late. They pulled up to the Manor courtyard, that was currently being overrun by tabloids and paparazzi.
Damian exited the car and held a hand out to Marinette. This action alone caused a gasp and whispers to ripple through the crowd, 'Damian Wayne arrived with a date?'
Marinette placed her hand in his and let him help her out. The paparazzi ooh'd at her dress before clamouring for an interview with Damian and his new amour.
"Damian, who is this lovely lady?"
With his hand in hers, he answered, "My girlfriend Marinette Dupain-Cheng."
"Marinette! Who are you wearing?"
"It's actually a dress I made myself, I own a boutique here in Gotham."
More questions came.
"How did you two meet?"
Damian answered, "Well, I actually commissioned her to make my sisters dress for this evening, which you'll see later. And I just kept bugging her until, I guess, I grew on her."
The crowd aww'd.
A brash voice broke out of the crowd, "How do you respond to the rumours about how you're the father-to-be of the product of a drunken one-night-stand?"
Marinette's face fell. She knew that voice.
Damian frowned, looking into the crowd for the speaker, "Well, I'd say those rumours are false."
"You bastard!"
A heavily pregnant, sausage haired brunette ran out and slapped him in the face.
Marinette knew this woman. The one and only, Lila Rossi.
"How could you abandon me and your child? For some hussy!"
Damian's demeanor changed from calm to extremely pissed, "Ma'am, I've never met you before in my life. I don't know who the father of your child is, but it's not me. Now, it would do you well not to speak of my girlfriend like that, she is a very respectable woman and I don't appreciate the way you speak of her."
Marinette's eyes narrowed, "You may never have met her, Damian, but I have. She's Lila Rossi. Remember that liar I told you about, from Paris?"
He nodded, suddenly with a scowl on his face, "The one who willingly got akumatized?"
The reporters gasped, they all knew about the horrors of what happened in Paris. The city was under siege for 7 years and after 3, it was made into a No Man's Land. Nobody was allowed to leave or enter the city without permits, and those were only given to the initial evacuees, those who were most vulnerable, like the elderly, mothers and babies, the sick.
Nobody was allowed to leave or enter after that, except military personnel, until Hawkmoth was defeated.
The city itself was ravaged with gangs and was split into territories, wherever the military didn't have control over. It was a massacre and over 30% of Parisians who stayed died of disease, starvation or they were killed and couldn't be revived by Ladybug's Lucky Charm (including Marinette's parents). Everyone else was just killed and tortured over and over again, unable to escape the cruel cycle. Then the impossible happened, the heroes of Paris found Hawkmoth and the Final Battle began.
They say, very few Parisians were actually alive during the fight and can remember in full detail what actually happened. The only thing the world knows for sure is that Hawkmoth died that day, disintegrated by Chat Noir's Cataclysm in an insane attempt to take his miraculous while his powers were activated after the Butterfly Brooch had already been retrieved. He didn't stand a chance.
There was still another year before Martial Law was lifted and the City of Love was free, although few call it that anymore.
The dead were counted and mourned and many survivors couldn't bare to stay in their hometown after the heroes announced their sudden (albeit well deserved) retirement. Only about 40% of the city's original population still lives there. The survivors have been known across the globe to be some of the toughest, most resourceful people alive, it actually became commonplace to put 'Siege Survivor' onto resumés and CVs.
The Siege had a traumatic effect on the entire world, but especially the Parisians, and to hear that Marinette was one of those few, really put everything into perspective for the reporters. And to hear that someone willingly helped Hawkmoth was truly an insult to the dead.
Damian glared at Lila, "Miss Rossi. You are truly a disgrace. When your baby is born, I will take a paternity test to prove it's not mine and I would encourage you to grow up and stop trying to live your silly fantasies with your lies and start living in the real world. You have another person to take care of now and I hope you can realise that."
Lila smirked, "Please, I'll be putting this brat up for adoption the second it comes out."
From across the courtyard, Bruce Wayne shot up and ran over to his son.
"Did I hear 'Adoption'? Oh hello, Marinette, Cass looks lovely tonight."
Marinette grinned, "Thank you, Bruce. I hope she likes the dress."
He smiled and shook his head, "She loves it. I bet she'll insist on wearing it for the next hundred parties. Now, what's this about an adoption? Asking for a friend."
Lila stared at him in bemusement.
The newspapers and magazines certainly won't run out of things to talk about. I mean what did they expect from a Wayne party.
After escaping the drama (and Bruce) Marinette and Damian entered the Manor, so they could take their seats.
As soon as all the guests and (legitimate) reporters arrived, a young woman walked down the grand staircase, wearing a dark blue ball gown covered with stars. She wore spiralling silver heels and a simple pendant. Her dark hair was woven with a golden star hairpiece.
Cass looked absolutely stunning.
Damian nudged Marinette, "You absolutely outdid yourself."
She grinned.
Throughout the night Marinette danced with her boyfriend over and over, laughter emanating from the two of them.
Towards the end of the night, Cass got on stage to say a few words. And few it was.
"Thank you all for coming, tonight. Thank you, MDC, for this lovely gown. Have a good time."
The Waynes smiled at their family member's antics.
A few months later, Marinette sat beside a huge pile of clothes in Dicks room, while Damian sat on the couch.
"Dick, sweetie, I am the family designer and consultant, I swear to fucking God if I find one more disco outfit I will throw hands."
Damian snorted and she turned on him.
"Don't think I won't come after you, Wayne. Black on black, really?"
Bruce walked into the room. "Keep it down will you," He whispered furiously, "The babies are sleeping."
After being plastered on the cover of several magazines for the wrong reasons, Lila couldn't find anyone to adopt her baby. Luckily for her, serial adopter Bruce Wayne offered to adopt the baby, on the condition that she agreed to a closed adoption and wouldn't even think about the Wayne's and Marinette, again.
Surprisingly, the baby turned out to be babies. The twins were born 5 minutes apart on different days. Two girls.
They already had Bruce wrapped around their fingers. Although nobody was surprised.
Marinette grabbed the rubbish bag and threw all of Dicks clothes in there.
Marinette glared at him, "We're going to give these to a charity shop. And then you need a brand new wardrobe."
Bruce sighed, "I'd argue but it's true and it's not like we can't afford it."
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Thank you @18-fandoms-unite-08 for beta-reading!
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seijorhi · 4 years
A/N: As promised my (slightly late) Yandere Dabi/female reader fic 🔥
TW kidnapping, implied abuse, non-con
You’d come to like the silence in the empty house. It meant safety, peace, if only for as long as its occupants were away.
It wasn’t often. Most of the time they went out in pairs and smaller groups, all of them going at once meant that awful things were about to happen. It usually also meant that when they got back, at least one of them would drop in for a one on one visit. You tried not to think about that part too much.
In the early days, you’d spent those precious hours alone desperately trying to free yourself. The door to your room didn’t lock, there were bars on your window, yes, but they were old and badly rusted, they might be easy enough to break if you applied enough force. Hell, the front door was just wood, and not particularly strong wood at that.
But there was a reason that they hadn’t bothered to put padlocks on the door, why they didn’t worry about you alone in the big empty house - the solid iron manacle wrapped around your ankle and the heavy chain that bolted it to the floor. They hadn’t been cruel with it, or at least not as cruel as they could have been. The chain was long enough for you to access the dingy bathroom attached to the side of your room, even long enough to reach a little way down the hallway.
You’d broken your nails trying to pry yourself free, scraped up your hands working on loosening the screws that anchored the chain down. They never so much as budged. While everything else in the house was worn down and decrepit, the chain remained strong. You could still remember the fear that flooded your veins the night that Shigaraki had come back to find you frantically trying to jimmy the lock open. Your eyes had gone wide, your breath coming in short gasps as he stared at you, those bloodshot eyes flickering from your face to the shackle around your ankle, and for one awful moment, you wondered whether he’d kill you for it. Instead, he’d laughed, more of a snort really, rolled his eyes and just walked away. It’s why they didn’t bother locking you in anymore, they understood as well as you did, you weren’t going anywhere anytime soon, not unless they wanted you to.
And sometimes they dragged you out, made you sit with them in that shitty, run down living room, stuck between Toga and Jin as they drank and gambled and laughed while watching that ancient, static-y TV. The whole time, you’d sit ramrod straight, hands clenched into fists on your lap as Himiko cooed at you, fingers twirling around your hair as she whispered awful things in your ear. But as unnerving as the sadistic little psychopath was, you’d much rather be stuck with her, any of them really, instead of Dabi.
He was the one who’d found you.
You weren’t a hero, you’d never wanted the spotlight, you just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
It was cold that night, and all you remembered was the smell of burning flesh and a whimpering cry echoing out as you walked the dimly lit streets on your way home. It was a bad neighbourhood, bad things happened. Most people would have kept walking, it was safer that way. Maybe it was selfish, but it was really just self-preservation - Good Samaritans didn’t seem to last very long in places like this. Keep your head down, ignore what you weren’t supposed to see and live another day unbothered by the seedy underbelly of the city. Too many innocent people had been hurt because they’d tried to help. Nobody would have blamed you if you just kept going.
But the man sobbed again, his voice cracking as he begged for help, and you felt that twinge in your heart. If he was hurt… you could help.
Help him, and leave quickly. If you were lucky, he wouldn’t even remember your face.
Against your better instincts you crossed the road and wandered down the darkened alley. You found him lying behind a dumpster, hunched over and moaning in pain. The bile had crept up your throat at the sight of him - half of his face was badly burned, the skin, what was left of it, was a weeping mess of black, red and pink. The burns - the twisted, melted flesh- continued down his neck and spread across his right side. It looked like someone had thrown a wall of fire at him, and you had a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach as he moaned again, his one good eye rolling to look at you. The smell alone was enough to make your stomach turn.
“P-please,” he gasped. “Please help me.”
It was one thing to ignore the cries for help entirely, another to walk away after seeing the state he was in. With burns like that, he’d be lucky to survive a few agonising hours, if that. But one look, and you could guess who’d put him in that state in the first place. Blue flames always burned hotter, and you knew of only one villain with a Quirk like that on this side of the city. It was possible that he was just an innocent man who happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, but on this side of town it was just as likely that he was no saint himself.
And yet you hadn’t even paused as you dropped to your knees beside him, ignoring the grime of the asphalt as you leant over and placed one hand on his chest, the other on his cheek. Nobody deserved to suffer like that. He shivered under your touch, his gaze flickering wildly from you to the dark alleyway, as if he half expected whoever had done this to come back.
Whoever it was was likely long gone, assuming the poor man would die before anyone else actually showed up.
“It’s okay, just… try and breathe, alright?” you told him, trying your best to muster a reassuring smile. Truthfully, he was probably in that much pain that it wouldn’t have mattered what you’d said or done, he was hardly in a state to fight back. “I promise it won’t hurt for much longer.”
Your eyes fluttered shut as you reached inside yourself, tapping into that power and letting it flow through your fingers. Your hands began to glow, a soft shimmer like moonlight emanating as his flesh began to mold itself back together. You were so focused on the energy that poured from your hands into his body that you didn’t feel the weight of a cerulean eyed stare burning into your back from the fire escape above.
Most of the wounds you worked on were small, hardly life threatening. Minor cuts and burns, a few broken bones and torn muscles. Wounds like his took a hell of a lot more focus and energy. Your brows drew together, a bead of sweat slipping from your temple as you forced more energy through the tenuous bond - there was still so much damage to fix, but slowly his skin began to heal.
With a cheshire cat-like grin, your voyeur dropped silently to the ground behind you. For a moment he simply watched, watched as your Quirk healed the piece of shit he hadn’t quite finished toying with. At first he’d been pissed at the interruption, but this? Oh this was a treat he wasn’t expecting.
Loudly, he cleared his throat. “Now what have we here, hm?” he purred, chuckling as you snapped around to face him, pretty eyes going wide with such delicious fear. You didn’t even notice that your hands had slipped, or that the man on the ground had started to sob anew at the sight of the villain before you.
With his wild dark hair, bright blue eyes and swaths of rough, scarred flesh stapled across his arms, chest and face, he was unmistakable.
You could only swallow and gape as he sauntered over, ignoring his victim entirely as he studied you. “Isn’t it a bit late for a cute little thing like you to running around, sticking your nose where it don’t belong, babydoll?”
Absolute dread crawled up your spine, freezing you in place as Dabi knelt down on the ground beside the two of you. Every instinct you had was screaming at you to run as fast as you could, because you sure as hell weren’t gonna be able to fight him off if he attacked, and heroes had stopped patrolling here months ago. But even if you could move, it was pointless. You’d seen footage of Dabi’s fights before, hell, the man you’d been trying to save was a perfect, horrifying demonstration of his abilities. You could try and run, you might even make it back onto the main street, but his fire was quicker than your legs, and his Quirk far more lethal than yours.
So you just swallowed again, nervously licking your lips as Dabi leaned closer. “P-please let me go. I-I won’t-” but your words stopped in their tracks as the cremation user’s hand reached out and caught yours, the other conjuring up a ball of blue flames that flickered in the cool night breeze. You could feel the heat it gave off, licking at the bare skin of your face and fought the urge to cringe away from it.
His grin widened, his thumb brushing back and forth against the back of your palm. “You won’t what? Tell anybody?” he mocked, his eyes finally flickering down to glance at the half-healed man. A flicker of irritation passed through his eyes as he sighed. “Ah, it’s my own fault, I suppose. Never leave a job half finished.” He glanced back up at you, running his slowly up and down your shivering body and winked, “Still, not a total loss, right babe?”
“Wha-” you never finished your sentence, Dabi striking like a viper to knock you out. You never asked what happened to the man in the alley, but you could imagine well enough. Hopefully, he’d ended it quickly, but somehow you doubted it.
The next thing you remembered, you were waking up in that rundown old house, lying on a filthy mattress, a chain wrapped around your ankle. Surprisingly, it wasn’t Dabi who walked in first, but Shigaraki. You could still vividly remember the way he’d simply strolled into your room, picked up the lamp sitting on the lone night stand between four fingers, his pinky hovering in the air.
Staring right at you, his pinky made contact and you watched with a racing heart as it turned to ash before your very eyes. In a calm, detached voice he explained exactly what was going to happen: You were going to be good and you were going to be quiet. If one of them got injured, you were going to heal them, no questions asked, no fuss. In return, he wouldn’t turn your body parts to dust one by one.
Such a generous offer!
In a trembling voice you’d told him that your Quirk wasn’t limitless. You could only heal so much damage before you passed out, if they were too close to death or if they’d lost too much blood, you weren’t going to be able to bring them back from that, and you couldn’t heal sickness.
And then you’d looked him dead in the eyes and told him in a trembling voice that if any one of them so much laid a finger on you, you’d wait until the next time one of them got badly hurt, and instead of healing them you’d finish the damned job yourself.
It was a bluff, of course it was a fucking bluff, but it was all you had. Your only hope of keeping yourself unharmed.  
Tomura had just smirked, his thin, chapped lips baring across his teeth, and scoffed. “I can see why he likes you.”
Then he was gone, leaving to acquaint yourself with your new home.
For the most part, it wasn’t… awful. They mostly left you to your own devices, they made sure you were fed - you’d been surprised when the food they gave you turned out to be surprisingly edible. Oh, you never forgot that you were their prisoner, but compared to some of the other poor people they brought home…
Sometimes, they’d drag you down into the basement and make you heal their latest hostage, again and again and again and again, just so they could inflict more pain. They’d do it for hours, taking turns to hurt, to the point that whatever poor hero was trapped down there would start screaming whenever they saw you, begging through tears and snot for you to just let them die. And as awful as it was, and as terrible as it made you feel, there was some part of you that was just glad it wasn’t you tied down to the gurney.
There was also some part of you that wondered if at the end of the day, that made you complicit. Even so, when you were lying wide awake in your bed at night, that wasn’t what kept you up. No, it was the way that Dabi had stared at you, smiling like a cat that ate the canary as you did as your captors bid.
So yeah, you liked the nights when they were all off doing horrible, awful things, because it meant that you got peace.
But there was always a price when they came back.
In the eerie silence of the empty house, it was hard to miss the creak of the front door as it swung open just before. The rabble of their voices and laughter floated down the hallway - whatever they were doing, it must have gone well. Hopefully that meant that they’d have no need of your or your Quirk. Your eyes fluttered shut, your arms folded across your chest as you held your breath.
Keep walking, please keep walking.
The soft knocking at your door shattered those hopes. You opened your eyes open just in time to see Dabi slide into your room and shut the door behind him, that lazy smirk splayed across his face, but that wasn’t what caught your attention. No, it was the wide gash cut along his chest and the gruesome wet crimson stain on his white shirt.
“Aw, you stayed up for me, babydoll?”
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. “You got hurt,” you replied blandly.
Dabi just chuckled, making his way over towards the bed. You scampered up to the headboard, burrowing into your pillow as he settled himself down far too close for comfort. He shrugged, inching closer. “You know how it goes. Some bastard got a lucky shot in,” he said with a chuckle. “Don’t worry though, I took care of him.”
Bullshit. You didn’t believe it for a second. You weren’t sure how long they’d been keeping you locked up in here for - a month at least. In that entire time, Dabi had been the only one to come on an almost weekly schedule. It seemed like he wasn’t capable of going out to conduct League business without finding himself hurt in some way or other.
You’d seen him fight - with his Quirk he didn’t need to let others get close enough to even get a shot in, and yet every time, seemingly without fail, Dabi managed it. Maybe you wouldn’t have doubted the legitimacy of his injuries if it wasn’t for that stupid smug expression he wore whenever he sauntered into your room, like he was enjoying it just a little too much.
“C’mere. You can’t do it properly from all the way over there,” he crooned, wrapping one hand around your wrist and tugging. Knowing that it wasn’t worth the fight, you complied, crawling towards him as he shrugged off his jacket and shed his bloody tee, tossing it across the room.
You averted your eyes, your cheeks blushing a pretty pink that had Dabi chuckling again. “I can heal you just fine with your shirt on,” you muttered under your breath.
“Oh, I know.”
God, sometimes you just wanted to hit him in his stupid face.
He winked as if he knew exactly what you were thinking and beckoned with a single finger. “I don’t have all night, sweetheart.”
More lies, but you wanted this over quickly. Ignoring the heat of his burning gaze you crept closer still, almost sitting in his lap, rubbed your palms together just once before placing them on his chest, just below the still bleeding gash.
You could feel the pump of his heart, the steady rise of fall of his chest with every breath as your Quirk started to activate. Your hands began to glow and Dabi let out an almost pornographic moan. One of his hands reached out to clutch as yours, pressing it harder against his skin.
Your flush spread to the tips of your ears, but you ignored him (and the growing bulge in his jeans), squeezing your eyes shut and focusing instead on trying to force your Quirk to work faster.
Anything to get him out of the room. He always did it, acted like it was something gross and sexual whenever you had to heal him. You never felt good after helping any of them, but Dabi was the only one who ever made you feel dirty afterwards.
Maybe that was why you missed the heady lust that glinted in his eyes as his skin knitted itself back together.
“You really need to stop getting yourself-”
Dabi struck.
Quick as a whip he had you on your back, straddling your stomach with his thighs resting either side of you. Your hands, which had been on his chest, were both swept up in one of his and pinned to the headboard.
“Dabi, what the fuck?!” you hissed. “Let me go, you asshole!”
There was nothing but wicked intentions in his smile as he licked his lips and let his eyes roam. “Don’t be like that.” He ground his crotch against your stomach, leaning down so that his face was hovering just above yours. “Are you gonna try and fight me off, babe? Do you think it’ll do you any good?”
Shivering in repulsion, you considered his words. Would it? If you screamed loud enough, would any of the League come? And if they did, would they stop their friend or help him hold you down? Toga liked you, if her psychotic, twisted version of friendship could be considered as such, and Tomura didn’t seem to hate your presence. Twice sometimes slipped in to have a smoke and talk, but did that count for anything? You were still their captive and Dabi-
“I’m still gonna fuck you anyway,” he said with a lazy shrug.
Dabi was a fucking asshole.
“Get the hell off me,” you hissed instead, thrashing beneath him.
Dabi just laughed, “Nah. I’ve waited plenty. Y’know, I think I made a mistake bringing you here.” His lips brushed against your neck, kissing it lightly and nipping at the tender skin as he pulled away. “You remember the night we met? You were so terrified, shaking on the ground as you begged me to let you go. D’you remember, babe? You were so adorable! So damn cute,” he purred. “I wanted to fuck you right there in the alley for the whole fucking city to see, but I had other shit to deal with, so I took you with me. Figured I could keep you here if I could make ‘em think you were useful enough.”
The index finger on his free hand lit up like a match and you could only watch in horror as he slowly dragged it down it down the oversized tee they’d tossed at you. You felt the heat brush against your skin, but it didn’t burn - only the fabric did. “A healing Quirk like yours is rare, and it didn’t exactly hurt things that you such a sweet, submissive little thing. You never even tried to fight back, just like you’re not gonna fight me now, right, cutie?”
Shame flooded your core as he let go of your hands to pry the ruined scraps of fabric apart, his cyan eyes lazily trailing across your exposed chest. A bra, apparently, had not been considered necessary when they’d decided on your wardrobe. “Aw, dollface,” he tutted mockingly. ‘You’ve been holding out on me. Who knew you had such a cute, delicious pair of tits, hm?”
He leaned over again, shuffling down your body so that he could comfortably wrap his lips around one rosy, pink nipple. You stiffened at the contact, crying out in shock as his tongue swirled around the bud, alternating between licking and sucking on it. Even with his mouth occupied, Dabi grinned as you trembled beneath him, biting your lip to stifle any sounds. When he finally relented and let go, it was with a sick plopping sound that made your stomach flip and a wave of revulsion crash over you. But Dabi was far from finished, kissing, sucking  and biting a trail across to you other breast, intent on giving it the exact same treatment.
You hated yourself for the warmth you felt pooling inside you, the slick that gathered between your legs the longer Dabi lavished your tits with attention. With one hand braced on the mattress beside you, his other reached up to cup its twin, kneading the soft mound in his greedy palm, tweaking your nipple just to hear you squeak.
“Please, Dabi,” you gasped,  “Please stop.” You didn’t expect him to listen, but you begged him anyway.
But surprisingly he did, pausing in his attention for just a moment to let out an irritated huff. With one final bite, he righted himself, wiping off the excess saliva on his lips as he met your terrified gaze, his eyes hardening as they narrowed into a frown.
“It’s partially my fault, I’ll admit that, I didn’t think these idiots would get so attached.” Your shock must have shown on your face, because Dabi scoffed, “Oh don’t play dumb, doll. I’ve seen the way ol’ crusty looks at you when you’re not paying attention. He wants to fuck you,” he cut himself off, seizing your lips  in a needy kiss. His tongue swept past your bottom lip, pushing into your mouth to taste you. He groaned as his lips moved forcefully against yours and you couldn’t help but shudder at the odd feeling of his scarred skin against yours. There was nothing sweet or tender about the way he kissed you. It was primal, violent, ravenous. When he finally pulled away, biting down on your bottom lip and tugging hard enough to draw a bead of blood, his eyes were blown wide - wild and terrifying. “And he’ll do it soon, too. He might be an awkward fuckin’ virgin, but there’s only so much wanting a guy can take before he just snaps.”
Each word out of his mouth sounded more ridiculous than the last, but still they made you feel sick to your stomach. Outside of forcing you to heal him once or twice, Tomura had never laid a finger on you, he barely spared you a second glance! Hell, he seemed to just barely tolerate your presence when the others dragged you out to play.
But what if he was right? What if he was just biding his time, waiting until your guard was down to attack?
Dabi chuckled, petting your cheek in a mockery of tenderness. “No need to look so worried. I’m not gonna let that creep touch you, or any of ‘em, for that matter. Y’see, I grew up in a pretty big family, had a few younger brothers and a sister who always wanted to play with my toys, but I never did learn to share all that well. You, babydoll,” he said, reaching down to toy with the drawstring of your pyjama shorts, a truly wicked grin adorning his face. “You’re mine.”
You licked your lips, your heart rate picking up as his other hand grasped at his belt buckle, the echoing clink of the metal sending shivers down your spine. “I think it’s time we left the League behind, don’t you, Babydoll? Make our own way in the world, just you ‘n me?”
You could only watch in frozen horror as he moved onto the zipper next, sliding it down with exaggerated slowness, revealing his boxer shorts and the straining erection of his cock beneath. Oh god. Oh god, please no.
He shook his head, the fingers that were tracing patterns across your stomach heating up enough to have you squirming beneath him as he pulled himself out, not even bothering to shed his jeans entirely. Your eyes widened at the sight of it, your mouth going dry. It was bigger than you’d expected, thicker too, with a prominent vein running along the underside and a noticeable curve. Pre-cum beaded at the head as he stroked himself leisurely, preparing himself for what was about to happen.
Like a terrified rabbit you started to shake, trembling beneath him. You wanted to yell, to fight and kick and scream, but it wouldn’t do you any good. There was no way he was going to fit that thing inside of you, no way it wasn’t going to be painful! Tears of sheer terror welled in your eyes as you silently begged for somebody to stop this. As if he could read your very thoughts, Dabi just winked.
“But first,” he said with a lewd moan, sneaking his hand underneath the waistband of your shorts as he continued his languid strokes along his cock. “First, sweetheart, I’m gonna fuck you ‘til you’re begging me to let you come.”
Whatever protests you had were swallowed up in a heated kiss as he violently tugged your shorts down. “You’ll learn to love it,” he whispered between ragged breaths.
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