#okay those are hcs now for other tag talking things
lunarmelon · 7 months
TimeSkip!Garou Relationship Hcs! Pt.2!
This is definitely all over the place but that’s okay. This isn’t proofread lolz. Enjoy🍛🩵
Issues. This man has issues. Parental issues. Abandonment issues. I feel that aspect of him gets overlooked in fanfics.
He didn’t care what people thought about him in during his monster arc(not true) but when you told him you cared for him, that changed him. He wanted your approval, your opinions, your thoughts. Despite that, he would question why you care for someone like him. Someone with flaws like his. Again, abandonment issues. Needs reassurance from you. No one else. Well, besides Tareo and Bang.
Occasionally would find it hard to communicate nicely. Would be blunt about things, but not in a asshole way with you. He just doesn’t know how to say things sometimes.
During an argument, he would yell trying to get his point across. After an argument, he would go out and take a walk for a bit. Probably wont talk to you for a while, needs clarity. After awhile, will talk to you and figure something out together. That’s if the argument was abt something important.
Will sometimes pick up extra shifts, or work random jobs on eBay, just to do something extra for you both. Can’t say much in words, but will do things with and for you. Acts of service, and quality time.
He kinda likes to match outfits. Not like those cheesy ass Mickey/Minnie stuff(maybe king/queen lolz)
Didn’t listen to much music before since he didn’t have a phone. Now, he likes listening to music, but will still prefer silence. Will randomly send you songs that say, “listen to this!” Or “reminds me of you”
I would see him living outside but close to the city. A nice small house with the basic necessities near a woods and river. Nature is healing for him.
If he goes on a walk, he’ll return with a rock, a stick, or a flower and will give it to you and say, “For you” or “look, found this while out. Pretty cool, huh?”
He will catch himself wondering what future you and him will have. Will you both have kids? Adopt? How about pets? Will you both move? Somewhere dangerous? Somewhere nicer? Will you both have figured things out? Will you both still be together? …..duh!
Will follow you around. Going to the grocery store? He’s tagging along. Need to tend to plants outside? He’ll grab the watering can. Grabbing a snack from the kitchen? He’s right behind you. Taking the trash to the dumpster? He’ll hold the other trash bag so you don’t have to. Quality time.
He also loves ‘doing your own thing in eachothers presence’ thing. Finds it relaxing and enjoyable.
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vargskelegore · 2 years
ik you got a million requests rn but the roommate hc was TOO GOOD!! imagine bringing a GUY back to the dorm without telling shuri (to get back at her LMAO). mamas is HEATEDDDDD
author’s note: see you ate with this fren.... i swear when i saw this i just KNEW i had to write about it. wrote this while listening to inhale by bryson tiller. also, the hbcu!shuri tag is now considered popular!!! thank y’all so much for getting me to this point :) as per usual, all of this is my original work and hbcu!shuri as a concept belongs to me. thank you!
inhale. - hbcu!shuri x black!fem!reader
warnings: a bit mature, implied sexual things, semi angsty???? a very annoyed shuri.
requests: closed for now! read about why here.
word count: 1,312 words!
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another friday, another ‘time-to-get-this-day-over-with-so-you-can-hang-out-with-shuri.’ or was it? it had been a week since she brought a girl over to y’alls dorm without saying a word, and honestly, you felt like it was long overdue to get back at her.
other people would call this petty, but you called it-- well, you called it petty too, but you also called it ‘well deserved pettiness.’ shuri had apologized so many times since the incident, and you forgave her every time, but you needed her to see how much it bothered you when she did it.
there was no majorette practice today, so you decided to make your way to basketball practice to speak to a friend. a very special friend.
your earbuds loudly played the city girls- there sure as hell was sound bleeding, but you really didn’t care because they were your go-to’s for an anthem when you wanted to be petty.
‘don’t nun but this cash make this pussy talk..’
as you continued to make your way to the basketball court, your phone dinged. there was no doubt in your mind that it was shuri. you decided to ignore her for the time being. you took a long sigh, realizing that ignoring her would take a lot more effort than expected, but you still pursued.
you stopped at the door for the basketball court, looking down at the time on your phone, before looking up and opening the door. you looked around as you walked around, hands in your pockets as you looked for a friend.
you leaned on the side of the bleachers and waited for him to notice you. once he did, he raised his eyebrow at you and jogged over. “girl, what are you doing here? you don’t ever come to practice.” he questioned, crossing his arms.
“michael, i need to ask you a favor..”
“it can never be good when you’re asking me a favor.” he responded almost immediately, and it made you chuckle. “valid response.. just do this for me?”
“hook me up with either gina or marquise, then we can talk. i have no preference.” rolling your eyes, you sighed. “fine. we have a deal.”
michael smiled at those words. “bet. let me finish practice and we can talk afterwards.” you nodded in response as you sat down on the bleachers, crossing your legs and checking your phone, realizing that shuri was still texting you. a smirk curled onto your lips before you turned your phone off.
practice was over after thirty minutes, and michael walked over to you, bag across his shoulder. “alright, i’m ready, y/n.” you got up from the bleachers and led him out of the gym.
“so.. are you gonna tell me what this is all about, now?” he urged, following behind you. “i need your help in making someone jealous.” those words made him groan. “girl, you cannot be serious. who?”
“...so, y’know my roommate?”
“that lil gay girl?” his words made your jaw drop before you hit his arm. “michael! she’s got a name, y’know..”
“right, it’s shuri udaku. yeah, i know her. everyone does, she’s the princess of wakanda.” michael said in a blunt tone. “okay, well.. last week she brought this girl to our dorm and didn’t tell me.”
“who, jaz? because she’s been feening after shuri for a while.. like since she started attending the school.” that made you roll your eyes. “that’s her name?”
“yeah, her. i remember her from when she went to tryouts for the majorette team when you weren’t there and apparently she did awful.” a small scoff escaped michael’s lips.
“some girl she is.. anyways, i need you to-”
“pretend to be your new boy toy and bring me to the dorm unannounced? i’m not surprised. don’t she know you like girls, though?”
“i don’t know, we kissed a few times, and-”
“then girl, what the hell is the point of doing this? if you don’t take your ass to the dorm and tell her you love her! fuck is the point of beating around the bush, y’all both gay, just date.” michael rambled, placing a hand on his hip.
“it’s not that simple, i just.. i need her to see that what she did really hurt me.”
“this is the most toxic way of getting your point across, i hope you know that.”
“i’m gonna tell marquise that you don’t like dudes.”
“...just take me to the damn dorm.”
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shuri sat on her bed anxiously. she had been checking her phone like crazy for the last hour because you hadn’t texted back. was there a party she wasn’t aware of? did you actually end up having practice? all of these thoughts suddenly went away once she heard the door unlocking.
she immediately looked up from her phone like a dog seeing a squirrel. she couldn’t even wait anymore, she bolted to the door and opened it with a wide smile.. only to be greeted by the sight of you.. and a very, very tall man. that had his hand on your waist.
she tried to contain how shocked she looked. in fact, her heart jumped out of her chest at the sight. she cleared her throat as she stood aside, holding the door open and watching you two walk inside.
“um.. hey, y/n. i thought we had plans-- why didn’t you text back?” her voice was quite nervy, and you just looked at her and tilted your head. “you texted? oh.. i didn’t see it, phone must’ve died.” you shrugged, setting your bag down.
her heart slightly dropped. she took a swallow before opening her mouth again. “and.. who is this? i don’t think i’ve met him before.” you could hint the bitterness in her voice, and it made your heart race.
“oh.. this is michael. he’s on the basketball team.” you giggled a bit as you looked up at michael with a smile.
“wassup, lil bro.”
now that just sent shuri over the damn edge. her hand was slowly balling up into a fist, but she tried to keep it cool. “hello, michael. i’m not sure if you’re.. aware, but y/n is occupied for the night, we actually had plans tonight, right y/n?” shuri looked back at you with a soft face, but you could tell it was angry as hell behind all of that.
“but, i-”
“no, no.. we planned yesterday, correct?” there was no way you could say no to her. that smile was practically forcing you to say yes.
“..yeah. i’m sorry, michael.” was all you could manage to say. it was all going to plan, yes, but you didn’t exactly plan the outcome.
michael, playing the perfect role of a straight man, smacked his teeth and stuck his hands in his pockets. “aight. it’s cool. text me when you get a chance, y/n.” he looked back at you as he got up and walked to the door.
“yeah, we’ll see if she manages to go through with that, she just brings around so many guys.” shuri lied, a small laugh escaping her lips as she looked back at you with a wink.
your heart fluttered slightly. shuri urged him out the door, and slammed the door shut before locking it as well.
the room was silent for a moment.
“michael, huh? a basketball player? i knew you were absolutely ridiculous.” she began to laugh as you got up and tried to walk over to your desk to avoid this conversation.
“no no no, you don’t get to do that.” she was quick to grab your arm and spin you around. she placed a hand on your waist as she looked down at you and smiled. “what’s wrong? cat got your tongue?” you felt more than one area on your body flutter, and you managed to let out a whimper.
“i’ll make you real audible soon enough.”
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I am BEGGING for some good ol' gustav fluff. I will take absolutely anything, my bbg needs sum love. Thank you mwah<3
(hello! Thank you for your requests and I love Gustav a bunch so here ya go! Enjoy!)
Gustav Schäfer Fluff HC'S
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I feel like he could be the best boyfriend you could ever have
Probably is the guy to be big and good with communication
Like if you're upset and the type to just say "I'm fine."
He's just like "No, you're not. What's the matter?"
He just wants to hear what's going on and if you have daddy and mommy issues like me, it's absolutely shocking
He gives the best hugs I feel
Like a full on enveloping hug and a small kiss on the head
It's the hugs that sorta feel so comforting like a pillow and also one you wanna fall asleep in
He is the one to legit do anything as long as it involved being with you
You wanna go get shit faced?
He's fucking in!
You wanna prank the band?
He's down!
Sometimes being in a band gets overwhelming and being famous at such a young age
So he finds comfort in being able to go to you!
Staying up all night with this man in a hotel room is a must
When you guys were younger you would prank call so many people
Making pillow forts no matter how old you guys got
It's practically a tradition
I feel like he was very upfront when you guys confessed feelings
He didn't want to hide them and maybe miss out on his chance of being with you
Luckily, he got it!
Boy is not letting go now
You guys on the tour bus are always found sleeping somehow
You guys just nap in the weirdest positions but always look so comfortable
Like he's sleeping on his back, your back to his chest as you both have a blanket over y'all and are just passed out
Bill is like y'all's adopted child
Y'know those Tiktoks of a friend tagging along with their two friends who are dating and the audio is like "Mama e papa, Mama e papa."
That's Bill with you guys all the time!
He is very responsible I feel but also can be immature
You two are messing around with each other in interviews a lot
He's more quiet and if you're outgoing it's a cute little trope
He honestly feels though it was a perfect match if you're more quiet and reserved like him
He likes the calm sometimes but he also loves the chaos
He and you try out new restaurants a lot as dates and somehow it always is fun
You guys have gotten into it sm that you guys have had ppl staring at you guys as you die laughing
You guys laugh so hard sometimes the laughs turn silent and ppl are genuinely concerned
To stop you from talking in like interviews if you're saying something and you guys are bickering, he puts his hat on your head and covers your face with it going "shush"
He's got strong emotions so if you can handle that, great!
He would never want you to feel uncomfortable
If you're one to not really be in touch with emotions like I am, if you just find it hard due to how you grew up or shit like that, since he has such strong ones I feel like he would help you with that
Showing you it's okay to have your own emotions
He can be such a sweetheart
Literally never forgetting even the little details about you
Can remember everything to what you first said to him when you guys met all the way to present day
He stays in the back but you can always be seen trying not to burst out laughing
Because he whispering shit in your ear about anything and everything
He says the most random shit and he is somehow so passionate about that random shit you can't help but die
He says the most random and rancid things that sometimes you just have to stare for a minute
He is such a goofball
Can make you laugh at any given time of any day
Will poke you and make jokes if you're upset until you laugh
He can be so insulting without meaning to be
Especially when he just doesn't think before he says stuff
He has shocked himself sometimes with what he says
He loves the little thing, the big things, you entirely, and practically everything that comes with you!
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ayyyez · 1 year
Hcs of Kuroo and other haikyuu boys trying their Very Best to confess to their crush. Who has a whole speech planned out and fumbles it as soon as he's standing in front of his affections? Who is a stuttering mess? Who can't make eye contact and needs the crush to piece out what's going on?? (Other than Kuroo ofc, the sweetie)
Good luck on your writing spree <3
a/n: ain't nobody got meeeee like youuuu got meeeeee <3 HELLOOO sirr yes my hotmess fumbles the bag Kuroo is coming up! Along with a couple other favs for your viewing pleasure <3
Tags: confessing to crush, fluff, blushing mess characters
Characters: Kuroo Tetsurou, Iwaizumi Hajime, Bokuto Koutarou w/honourable mentions at the bottom
Kuroo Tetsurou
Wants to be the cool, calm and collected man who can smooth talk his way into your heart and have you laughing at his well thought out jokes right up until the moment he has the perfect opportunity to ask you out. All so smooth and suave.
Reality though is a harsh mistress to Kuroo. He's a mess. A hot mess. He's all blushes and outbursts when he tries talking to you. Those topics he planned on talking to you about? They come up as garbled words and strung together sentences that reach every octive in his range.
When he can manage to talk to you normally it's only to embarass himself or say something that makes you laugh at him, not with him AT HIM. Definitely the one getting hit in the face with a volleyball the second you walk up to him type embarrassment.
'You okay Kuroo?' 'Mhmm definitely.' 'It's just your face is bright red and your nose is bleeding from where the volleyball hit you.' 'Oh yeah happens all the time.' 'You get hit in the face all the time?'
Definitely not his finest play it cool moments. But it's very endearing. Along with his blurt out words just to start conversations with out because he can't bear the thought of you walking by without talking to you first.
The sweet thing is though he doesn't let the embarassment he feels stop him. He just grins, blushing cheeks and all and keeps running head first through it all because you are worth it.
Oh and when he does get to that confession after all the failed attempts before with that BIG SPEECH he has planned? It's gone now. Head empty no ones home. Only you there in front of him watching as he stands there wide eyed and panicking trying again to string a sentence together.
You have to be the one to work it out. Something along the lines of 'Alright I'll go out with you.' to make it easy on him or if you're uncertain and want to really push him through it. 'Are you asking me out?' to which HE FINALLY manages to get a 'Yes. Please um, me?' which doesn't make sense but you get it. 'Yeah, okay.'
How could you not? He's an adorable mess. A dork in love. This also kind of breaks the spell of not being able to communicate with you and you can finally have more of a normal conversation with him again.
Iwaizumi Hajime
When he's contemplating it he can't look at you. He's staring everywhere but your eyes. A little blushy too. He's a little awkward but can hold a conversation just not eye contact. There was one awkward conversation he dead ass went oh I'm just going to look up yep totally not suspicious.
Once he's decided he's going to do it though, he's going to confess to you, the fierce determination in him returns. He's no longer afraid to look you in the eye. You make a joke about him returning to normal and he's makes some deep line about 'realising what's important' to him. lol.
He won't rush it but rather wait for the right moment. That or his patience will run out and he'll be afraid someone else will swoop in and take you (he's seen one to many confrontations with Oikawa to let that happen) and pulls you aside one day.
The thing about Iwa is he likes to be prepared for anything. So he did have a mini speech prepared. Nothing concrete just more to do with his feelings--how he feels about you and what you mean to him. It's all loose but something he may or may not have practiced in his bedroom mirror a few times. Along with making sure his hair looked okay. Nice and spikey.
You know the smooth guy Kuroo wished he was? That's the guy Iwaizumi actually is and he doesn't even try, it just comes naturally. He doesn't say the speech. Its simple and sweet, he just tells you straight. 'I have feelings for you and I hope I'm right in thinking you do to. If so please go out with me.'
The only thing that gives away his nerves are those pink cheeks. He's wearing the most serious expression. He even does a little bow to show you he's serious. Just don't take to long to reply or he might panic a little (or do if you wanna be that person YOU MONSTER) but yeah. hehe.
Agreeing to date him? He's smug affff. Like he pulled you and pulled off a confession without fumbling. Nothing can bring him down. Mans is walking on air.
Bokuto Koutarou
The way he feels about you makes him feel so warm and full that he just can't wait to tell you. He's practically bursting at the seems holding in his feelings. The whole world knows about his crush without him having to even say it out loud. Aside from maybe some self doubt you probably sense it too.
The thing is that doesn't mean Bokuto is going to tell you the second he realises. He kind of wants to sit on the warmth that comes with having a crush for a hot minute. It's nice? Just hanging out without the pressure. He's a bit affraid of the pressure.
Also he's not enitrely sure you like him back, ya'know?
That doesn't last long though because before he knows it the two of you are hanging out together laughing about something when he just blurts out that he likes you. It's not planned, there's not speech, no fumbling but he's entirely serious.
There's the sofest smile on his face when you ask him to repeat what he said because honestly it's like you dreamed it. Surely he didn't just say he liked you? Not with that sweet smile and certain look in his eyes.
But he did! and he says it again. This time a little quiter but with more emphasis like he NEEDS you to understand. With an added question about dating. He holds your gaze and waits for your response. It's like the bubble around you two will break if it's not quick and if it's not yes.
Of course it is though and Bokuto's smile widens again like that brief moment of vulnerability never existed between the two of you. He's as happy as when he's been pulled from one of his emo mode moments. Maybe happier. He'd landed something better than a killer cross shot.
Honourable mentions:
Fumbles the confession: Atsumu Miya, Hoshiumi Korai, Yachi Hitoka
Blurts out the confession: Osamu Miya, Kunimi Akira, Kageyama Tobio, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Tanaka Ryunosuke
Short and Sweet no eye contact: Kenma Kozame, Kindaichi Yutarou, Kiyoko Shimizu
Short and Sweet with eye contact: Ushijima Wakatoshi, Daichi Sawamura, Kita Shinsuke, Yaku Morisuke
Casual smooth confession: Suna Rintarou, Sugawara Koshi
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Headcanon Time!
was just scrolling through the utmv headcanon tag so hehehehe
name color (under cut) is fave color (also hc) btw!
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The transest man you've ever met
Is super dramatic and does a lil song and dance number to keep his sanity
Likes Will Wood, Bears in Trees, Twenty-One Pilots, The Front Bottoms, 6arelyhuman.. RIProducer...
He got dragged into BiT by Red and he hates it
He's super embarrassed that he listens to vocaloid (for some reason)
He's autistic
Like. Almost all the DSM-5 symptoms to a T.
He has really intense flat affect and low empathy
He has troubles with speech and didn't start speaking until he and Dream were like 4.
Even still he pronounces the letter t as more of a d sound
Except in butterfly... catch him calling them "blubberflap" ...it feels better on his tongue, okay?
Has CWP, CFS, and POTS.
Denies this
Likes sharks
Denies this
Likes bugs
...Doesn't deny this, actually
He has a pendant of a bug trapped in amber
It's his favorite thing ever
Killer took it once and was not prepared for Nightmare's reaction
Panromantic asexual
Asexual through trauma
Has very bad social anxiety
Like. Bad.
He has had one (1) anxiety attack (that he can remember) and he hated it
Only time he's ever actively ran away from someone talking to him
Bonded with a pygmy of himself and now it's a service animal and squeaks at him when he's gonna have a fainting spell
He's an age regressor! Usually regresses around 4-6
Sleeptalks loud enough to wake up other people
Has caught himself sleeptalking (he felt himself reach up and say something as he was waking up)
English is his second language, Spanish being his first!
He learned a lot of grammar and pronunciation through the other bad guys
Because of this, he did not know "hoe" also meant farming tool and not just slut
He has a lot of allergies.. main ones being something in a specific soap scent (he can't figure out what), mildly to dogs, severely to rabbits, pollen, something in those fake pinecones, and dandelions!
Most of those make him break out in hives
He has a lot of stuffed animals and blankets
His bed's essentially a nest
Summer is his favorite season
He likes swimming.. if only he knew how
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Genderfluid, masc/andro leaning
Intersex as well! He has unusually high levels of estrogen
He usually wants to present as the opposite of his gender.. like he's an effeminate dude or a masc chick
Straight > bi-curious > pan > bi > gay
They want to garden!!... but they kill everything they touch
Cries when someone drops a stuffed animal
Teases Nightmare relentlessly for his speech impediment (in a sibling way not a bully way)
Is lactose intolerant
Has a lot of GI issues bc autism
Nightmare bullies him for this (again sibling way)
One of his legs is longer than the other!
His favorite season is winter
He learned how to swim because Nightmare read him a detailed description of what happens when you drown and he has been deathly afraid of swimming ever since
Is a complete and total caffeine addict
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Transmasc agender therian
Their theriotype is a lynx :)
Their special interests are birds, music, and Portal
Their favorite is GLaDOS and they are eternally disappointed in the simps
They don't get shifts
They also have OCD and schizo-affective disorder
They badly doodle birds on sticky notes and leave them around the castle
They're semiverbal/nonverbal and mostly communicate through ASL and little eeks
They will tell you to "go eek yourself"
This is easily misheard as "go eat yourself"
They are not telling you to kill yourself. They are telling you to eek yourself
what this means is unclear
They like playing Stardew Valley
They marry Abigail or Krobus every time
Every. Time.
He's a DM for D&D with Blue and Red and a couple others
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AMAB nonbinary!
He's deaf!
He's autistic!
He's scarily observant!
He knows your full name!
He will not tell you how!
It is surprisingly not through stalking! He would never!!
He can remember the names of every single child in all of his classes throughout school!
He still holds a grudge against Kelly from second grade!
To be fair, she was a bitch!
He plays jumprope with his war hammer! Yes! Jumprope!
He spins it and jumps over it as he does so!
This is to assert dominance!
He runs a tattoo parlor!
He plays D&D with Dust!
His character starts cults themed around himself and rakes in NPCs as followers!
This is not concerning!
be not afraid
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Their favorite color changes all the time!!
Right now it's red :3
They use kaomojis ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
And star emojis ✨⭐🪄🌟🌙💛💫
very good
His love language is penguin pebbling!
Once he knows you like something he will never stop bothering you with it
best boy
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He's nonbinary and doesn't care to explore past that
Surely the fact that he hates his gruff voice and wants to wear skirts has nothing to do with gender
He loooooves Bears in Trees and pestered Nightmare until he listened to them (he loved it)
He's autistic but has no clue
Everyone else knows
He's a lot
But he's friendly
Almost too friendly
He's very loud
But he's friendly!
He also can't spell
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Transfem bigender genderfluid demigirl
As in
She's transfemenine bigender
and those two genders are genderfluid and demigirl
She's best friends with Nightmare and makes him paint his nails (he loves it)
She makes him leave his house (he doesn't love it)
She will bring you waffles
10/10 friend
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thegnomelord · 3 months
I silently make my way to your ask box, after days of reading your content like a lurker I'm. During these days I have made an oc, CoD self insert (With Monster AU variant and today I bombed my unwilling friend with Monster AU Makarov x Self insert brainrot, because I got succumbed to all cute courting hcs etc.) and started impulse One-shot. . Krhm. But in all seriousness. I love your way of writing, In your long fic about the Mage reader, while reading, I was talking to my friend how the picturing of the magic is so good, it's ugly, hard, dirty but damn is it powerful too yet not too op. I mostly returned to the as simple scene as the shower one in chap 2, usage of words and picturing how things tasted an looked like. Being on the edge in chap 1 and even before "the janitor" comes in, something tingles in my writer head "*Something is going to happen, I can feel it.*" That fic was one of the instanses I fell in love on your way of worldbuilding too. I accidentally found your Good dog fic first, as I was trying to find something from the tags for my own unholy projects. I notice the Male reader tag and despite my hope being drained after years, I click on it. And I was so glad I did. (On a note I'm in very bad brainrot train on that man, it took the edge off.) So, out of curiosity, my mind now given water after so long for being dehydreided, I decided to take a peek. And I ended up reading a lot, finding it so refreshing to also have a top reader. And I eventually found the Trans fics. I'm Pre-transition, ftm and the first time ever, a bloody fucking nsfw fic, (besides horny), makes me happy and content *with myself and my future.* And that's most sappy I will go but I told you this that your fics has also truly imbacted in some deeper way. Okay, back to lurking, but I will be going to some recommended blogs too, because I might just go and read all of your fics again. Also about time I remember to follow you. Keep up the good work and good luck on your studies. ✌️
Yessss another one joins to the monsterloving/ monsterfucking cult lol and honestly those impulsive one shorts are some of the best things ppl write lol.
And honestly you're making me grin like a mad man while I'm writing this :Dd Not to toot my own horn but I've had the worldbuilding of the HHABF universe for years lol and I love when magic is this nitty gritty thing that's more harmful than useful if you don't know how to use it lol. It feels great when people like my work but it's even better it impacts ppl in a deeper way than just 'oh yeah fap material' you know?
If you wanna check out some other of my moots there's @lieutnt who was the reason I got into writing myself because his work was so inspiring lol, then there's @rodolfoparras has some monster141 works and his old man Price is scrumptious, @embry-garrick has some trans fics too if I remember correctly and is a talented writer @fortheb0ys did some makarov fics too and they're great lol.
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lunarfleur · 1 year
ooo can you do more xavier thorpe dating/fluff hcs? i loveyour blog btw :))
Xavier Thorpe Dating Hcs!
Tagging: @juneberrie @collieflower215
Warnings: talks of mental health and depression, slight mention of making out and hickeys, but nothing other than that
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Starting off, his top 3 love languages (from 3rd to 1st) are acts of service, physical affection, and gift giving
Doing/showing these are how he says he loves you without words
Xavier likes doing things for you, weather it be carrying your things, cleaning your room, getting you food, helping you with errands, or literally anything you can think of
Physical affection is pretty close to 1st place. He likes holding you, kissing you, having you against him. He can’t get enough of having you in his lap and/or in his arms
But I feel like it’s so easy to forget that he’s probably rich. Like his dad, although an asshole, just gives Xavier money so he doesn’t have to deal with his son. But most of the time, when he’s not buying clothes or art supplies, he’s buying things for you. Clothes, food, jewelry, blankets, and literally anything else. He buys you something whenever you need it or it reminds him of you.
Okay now
This boy has got some issues
When something, anything, is wrong he pushes everyone away (projecting, Mick?)
It makes it so obvious that he’s not okay, but you’ll basically have to force him to talk if he bottles it up for too long
More than anything he needs someone who will listen and just be there when he needs it
He knows that loving him isn’t easy, so he needs someone who’ll be patient with him
He doesn’t cry often, so if he sheds even a few tears it’s probably serious
He really only cries over his lack of parental love and the pure exhaustion his depression can bring
When it’s get bad he just cries
Moving on
You guys spend a lot of time in his art shed
He likes having you in his lap while he paints so he can kiss you every so often
If you ask him for art lessons he will simply melt
A lot of times you two go in there to just hang out. Music might be playing and you two will either sit on the floor in each other’s arms and talk or make out or something
He won’t mind if you go in his shed without him, he just asks you to not search through his stuff
The only thing he would ever hide in there is a gift for you, but he wants to know that he can trust you to respect his privacy
Of course, he does the same for you
There’s not much to do in there, but it smells like him and there’s paintings and sketches of you and him in there
It’s peaceful
Also, Xavier just smells good
He doesn’t smell like anything in particular, other than his deodorant, but naturally he just has a nice smell
Xavier has a tendency to get carried away with affection
Like he gets so lost in loving you that he forgets about the rest of the world
Please get yourself some foundation and/or concealer because hickeys are a very common thing
Xavier has pages on pages of you in his sketchbook
There’s paintings galore, as well
You’re his muse. Anytime he struggles with art block, he draws you
He’ll show you occasionally, but he keeps those works of you to himself because he finds it embarrassing
Xavier’s a pretty fidgety guy, so he likes messing around with your hands and fingers
He kisses your knuckles as a grounding technique
Please please please please please play with his hair
Speaking of which, he cares about his hair a lot more than he lets on
He has a whole routine
He likes cuddling a lot
Just having you in his arms makes him happy
You bet your ass he’s the big spoon
Pet names are pretty minimal compared to other characters
Other than “babe,” “baby,” and occasionally “hun,” he doesn’t use them that much
Xavier insists that forehead kisses are superior to any other kind of kiss
Yes, he loves lip kisses, but getting to kiss your forehead makes him so proud of himself
He does kiss your collarbones too (and around the area)
Like he pulls you in and leans down to press a kiss there
Shoulder and shoulder blade kisses happen when he’s next to you or behind you
I’m sorry he gives off babygirl energy
He does like making fun of you but it’s all good fun
He’s apologize as soon as possible if he ever accidentally hurt your feelings
Speaking of feelings, Xavier sometimes has trouble understanding how to deal with emotions
When something is wrong, he’ll ask what you need from him because he has no way of knowing what to do
He wants you to be comfortable enough to seek comfort from him and tell him what he can do
But if you need space, he’ll understand and give you some time alone after giving you a few kisses
Everything you guys do together has you both laughing and giggling a ton
When he’s in a good mood he’s so fun
He’s adorable
He acts nonchalant about it, but when you talk about things you like or dislike he 100% takes a mental note
That just adds to the gift giving language
He does that thing where he puts his hand on the small of your back when he’s guiding you somewhere igstsyxjvlblghdhcjvlfi
Butterflies I swear
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starsurface · 3 months
I was wondering if you have any more hc's for regressor Vanitas and cg Ventus, but also cg Vanitas and regressor Ven? Like when one regresses, the other takes care of him? I'm bad at putting things into words, sorry.
You were great with your words, don't sweat it!! :D
I couldn't find gifs of them together, for some reason, so there's only one pic and it's whoever the regressor is, I'm so sorry. 😭
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Ventus w/ Regressor Vanitas Hcs
🍏 Once they get past the whole “You sure your still not evil?” “I already said yes, idiot.” “. . . You sure sure?” phase, these two are actually very close, both big and little
💀 Ventus becomes Vanitas’s main CG, that’s his ‘brother’ after all!!
🍏 Vanitas is a baby bat all the way, this man doesn’t do bright colors or such while small
💀 Speaking of him being a baby batt, Ventus got Vanitas his first regression item!! It’s a sippy cup with black wings on it
🍏 He gave it to Vanitas when Vanitas was already small, because he knew big Vanitas would make a big fuss about it, and it was definitely the right call
💀 Vanitas gave Ventus a small thank you and had a death grip on it for the rest of the day, even when it was empty, it’s his now, no one else gets to touch it
🍏 Surprisingly, Vanitas isn’t necessarily a brat
💀 If Ventus says no to something, he’ll huff and pout, but he won’t scream or hit, he just gets really upset and sulks
🍏 Now, he’ll scream and yell when he’s big, which most times ends up with him regressing small and teary-eyed, but Ventus knows how to handle these types of meltdowns
💀 Putting his foot down, but also soft words and asking if Vanitas needs some alone time, which Vanitas most times takes
🍏 When Vantias hesitantly comes back to Ventus, now small and upset about his actions, Ventus just scoops him up and tells him that no, he shouldn’t have yelled like that, but everythings okay now
💀 This doesn’t mean he isn’t a sassy little though
🍏 Ventus said no to more candy? Well he’s not going to like it!! >:( . . . But an eye roll and laying on the ground for five minutes will eventually change his mood
💀 I spoke a lot about Vanitas going to Terra and Aqua about nightmares, but I think Vanitas would also mainly go to Ventus, especially when he’s small
🍏 Sometimes Ventus will wake up to a teary-eyed toddler, other times he’ll wake up to Vanitas leaning over his bed (especially when he gives Vanitas his room key)
💀 Either way, Ventus will cuddle his baby until Vanitas falls asleep (and then talk about it in the morning)
🍏 Vanitas adores wrestling!! It’s so fun!! :D
💀 But, uh, he’s a little bit rough with wrestling, not using his strength correctly
🍏 So he’s not allowed to wrestle other littles >:\ (except for Repliku, but they have a habit of crashing into things, so that’s not allowed either)
💀 Other than some occasional wrestling, Vanitas is more of a softer, quieter regressor
🍏 He mainly regresses for comfort, and most times on the verge of breaking down (Ventus is working on it with him, he’s getting better)
💀 So activities like watching tv, or coloring, cuddles, those are his main go-to’s
🍏 Although if he’s a bit happier while small, maybe he’ll indulge in a game of tag (and act like he hates it, but Ventus knows otherwise)
💀 Ventus is a very fluent CG!!!
🍏 Sora wants to have a tea party? Of course they can blast some music! He’ll ask Aqua if they can steal some cookies
💀 Vanitas just wants to read a small sory (by shoving it into Ventus’s chest and blinking at him), well he could put on some soft background music and make it the best storytime yet!!
🍏 Ventus is helping Vanitas with a lot of things, like asking for stuff politely, or encouraging him to ask for help when he needs it
💀 Most times Ventus only knows Vanitas is small because he gets a upset toddler at his bedroom door
🍏 But sometimes Vanitas will ask for some small time, and Ventus tries very hard to make sure he has a fun time
💀 Ventus’s CG nicknames are Bubba and Ven-Ven (mostly just Ven, but tiny tiny Vanitas finds Ven-Ven funny)
🍏 Vanitas’s little nicknames are Bunny, Cookie, Tough Guy, Sweetie, Death-Destroyer, Rascal
💀 Vanitas isn’t secret secret of his regression? But very few people know, and he’d gets super defensive whenever someone new fidns out and lashes out
🍏 . . . Okay, he is super secret about his regression, but it’s not his fault!!
💀 Ventus encourages him to come to other world with him while small, but he’s really only okay with going to Disney Town
🍏 ^ And it’s really only to see Queen Minnie (I like to think they have a friendship, I dunno why) and get ice cream (loves ice cream, one of the few foods he eats while big too)
💀 It’s okay, they’ll have adventures someday, right now it’s just quiet peaceful time
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Vanitas w/ Regressor Ventus Hcs
💀 Ventus regresses from about 2-6, mostly a toddler headspace
🍏 It takes time for Vanitas to take a CG role, but he does make a pretty decent babysitter
💀 . . . Oh, did I say pretty decent? I mean he lets Regressors cause CHAOS (unless it effects him)
🍏 Except, Ventus is a pretty ‘good’ little, and doesn’t enjoy getting in trouble (Terra or Aqua always end up catching them in the end anyhow)
💀 He will push some rule boundries or ask why and whine and pout if you say no though
🍏 Vanitas tries really hard not to snap at Ventus when he gets all whiney, and he’s done a great job every time
💀 The main reason Vantas became a CG for Ventus is because little Ventus would cling to him, or play nearby him, or just ask to sit beside him
🍏 Ventus is a very clingy little, and Vanitas wll let him snuggle to his side 
💀 Plus . . . he actually really likes hanging out with Ventus, and he enjoys watching him while he’s small (You didn’t hear anything though!!)
🍏 Ventus has many favorite little activities!! But his all time favorite is coloring
💀 The problem is where he colors . . .
🍏 Papers good! Coloring books are good! But walls and floors and tables also look just like canvasas!! :D
💀 He’ll try to push the boundries time and time again, but no one lets him get his way :(  (Especially Aqua!!)
🍏 However . . . Vanitas has no idea why there’s a kitty cat and a flower on the wall in marker, he defiently didn’t see anything
💀 At first Ventus was iffy about Vantias’s Unvirse, but now they’re his playmates
🍏 Vanitas acts likes it’s a big deal summoning them, but it actually helps him too (the universe are suppose to be his bad or negative feeligns in the games and manga? Which is why it hurts him when theyre killed) (<-- Tell me if I’m inncorrect though!!)
💀 Ventus’s favorite is the Hareraiser (it’s my favorite), and Vanitas likes them too, they’ve very content with sitting on one of their laps and being treated like a stuffie
🍏 Although Ventus likes normal Floods too!! They’re great to play hide and seek with!! (even if they cheat >:\)
💀 Ventus likes games like tag or hide and seek, but Vanitas rarely lets him win :(
🍏 If it’s tag, he’ll run a bit too fast!! Or he’ll have a secret secret (almost impossible) hiding place
💀 It makes Ventus super upset, so Vanitas eventually lets his pride go and lets his baby win, he’s not terribly mean to regressors on purpose, or tries not to be
🍏 Ventus’s favorite stuffie is this froggie stuffie he owns, and only a few people are allowed to touch it
💀 Vanitas made fun of it once, and got sent to time out before of how upset Ventus was because of it (Big Vanitas doesn’t do timeouts . . . but he did that one time with little complaint)
🍏 As an apology, Vanitas got Ventus one of those froggie bucket hats so he could be like his froggie, and Ventus adores it!!
💀 Ventus will share his snacks with Vanitas, and now Vanitas really likes rainbow goldfish (one of Ventus’s main little snacks)
🍏 Vanitas’s CG nicknames are Vani (Vanny) and maybe Dada when Ventus is more on the tiny side? More leaning on Vani though
💀 Ventus’s little nicknames are Baby Boy, Venty-Wenty (when Vanitas is being mean), Squirt, Little Guy
🍏 ^ Vanitas is still getting use to calling Ventus nicknames though, so Venty and Little Guy is a big one
💀 Ventus loves going to other universes while small!! But only those who know he’s small, he's not super open about his regression either and would rather it stay a secret
🍏 Like some of the Princesses!! He adores making flower crowns with Snow White, and Vanitas is there to get the dwarfs to back off
💀 Vanitas did not cry when Ventus made him a flower crown, stop making up lies 🙄 (. . . One of y’alls a lier)
🍏 Ventus adores going to Disney Town while small
💀 There’s a bunch of cool games and stuff to do!! 
🍏 Vanitas will let him run around and get them ice cream, plus he gets more stares than Ventus does, so if he has to be the distraction so Ven can be small, that’s okay with him
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I actually love the idea of their friendship. 🥺
Like, the only reason I said Terra accepted Vanitas first was because I adore Terra. And he had the least interaction with Vanitas, and he's an extension of Ven, so there has to be some light in him.
Ventus and Aqua could totally work too!! For Ventus, that's his other half, why does he not deserve the chance and life he got? For Aqua, she was stuck in darkness for almost ten years, she knows how it is to suffer.
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 7 months
So I’m in a silly goofy wholesome mood, so take some hc’s of the states essentially being adult children :]
*gives you a cookie and some hot cocoa*
-a while ago, the regions all had a treehouse making contest (since they have the woods as a backyard) and it’s safe to say that they all won :3
-during the fall, some of the states will rake up the leaves into piles to jump in them cuz it’s fun and silly
-^*cue Alaska picking up Texas and throwing him into a pile of leaves, and Florida doing the same to Louisiana. Meanwhile Washington’s dying in the background cuz allergies are a b!tch :( *
-they will all have full on games of tag, like one state will tag another and say “Tag! You’re it!” and then literally everyone present will drop whatever they’re doing and run like their lives depended on it.
-^this usually ends with a bunch of tired out states, and that means…. MOVIE NIIIIIGHT!!
-Movie Nights are a thing and they 100% happen a couple times a week.
-every single state has a stuffed animal that is one of their favorite things ever (Even Gov. His is an eagle 🥹)
-Nerf battles. There are nerf guns LITERALLY everywhere. The statehouse has turned into a round of Call of Duty multiple times and it will happen several times more. (Poor Gov has gotten himself caught in so many nerf battles 😭 Mans just wanted his damn coffee 😭)
-Half of the fighting that happens amongst the states is actually play fighting.
-Household Hide’n’Seek is a thing and NY, RI, LA, and TX (he’s a bendy straw and has no joints okay-) are the champions.
-full on snowball battles whenever it snows a lot, and those usually end in movie nights and hot cocoa :)
Now individual (sorta) hc’s:
-Alaska and Texas play fight/wrestle on the daily, and they can be rougher with each other since they are bigger states. Though they know to stop if one actually hurts the other (Alaska is extra careful sometimes though cuz Texas bruises really easily and he’d rather not be murdered by the south in various gruesome ways-)
-New York LOVES play fighting. He will legit just come up behind someone and playfully punch, shove, or headbutt them and those that are close to him know that he wants to play 🥺 Tho sometimes it’s taken the wrong way and someone actually gets hurt- surprisingly it’s usually NY that gets hurt cuz he wasn’t expecting his opponent to ACTUALLY try to genuinely fight him 😭 And then he’s just left there to be like-"What’d I do 🥲”
-sometimes Texas will jokingly use Louisiana as an armrest when talking to somebody, which sometimes makes Loui bite him, but Loui sometimes also just deals with it or just clings to or cuddles Texas’s arm.
-Texas 100% squeals like a little girl whenever he sees a cute animal, and I DEFY you to tell me otherwise. Like- I can see him walking into the statehouse and someone will say hello and he’ll just say "Hi". Y’know, like a fvcking robot. But the moment an animal walks into the room, he’ll be like-"*le gasp* Awwwww!! Hi Mar!!! Who’s a good boy?? You are!!~” (Mar is one of NJ’s dogs btw).
-CT, MA, and NJ will all gang-cuddle their little brother, and will 100% laugh as NY tires to squirm his scrawny ass outta there
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poorxsouls · 15 days
Yandere gods HCs!!༝༚༝༚✮
TW: yanderism, torture, murder/killing, sadism, egotism, slight lewdness 4 Fumus, yanderisk behavior, He/she pronouns for Elux bc I said so, slight angst for Etihw, etc.. Liliya is excluded due to me not having much to go off his character..
Tags: reader x character, y/n x character, Siralos x reader, Elux x reader, Etihw x reader, Fumus x reader, separate x reader, gods x reader, Okegom x reader, funanusea x reader, dsp/deep sea prisnoer x reader, mogeko x reader, TGG/the gray garden x reader, x reader, x you, x y/n..
Requested by @/Fr1endWe1rdo on Wattpad, I will make more in detailed versions later on in the future.
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Yandere type: self indulgent
-Siralos, unlike most of the gods, doesn't kidnap you and instead would rather lure you into his home. He often charms you first, being kind to you for long enough for you to consider being in his home before asking if you would stay with him.
-if you say yes, he thanks you, but even if you say no, he doesn't mind it—he's willing to wait!... unlike someone... AHEM! Once you two are together, he switches a switch and stops becoming so nice (unless you beg or he feels like it) which cause you to complain about it and he just scoffs while reminding you that you came to him and he can easily just punish you.
-Siralos doesn't really care about anything when it comes to you unless it's you being disobedient towards him which can either A) get you killed or B) wished you get killed. He isn't against turning his eye on a bit of punishment, but he knows it's better to make you wish he just gave you a punishment instead.
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Yandere type: obsessive + manic
-Elux gets bored easily, losing interest in people and things with ease until he meet you of course. It's been ages since she has meet someone who doesn't bore her whenever they talk about something other than her greatness, so to have someone as amazing as you being in his life, she feels incredibly interested in every part of you to exist. Elux often clings onto you and notices every small detail about yourself.
-Depending on Elux's mood/personality, you can either have a okay or a horrible day. Either way, you end up in the god's hands no matter what. You talking to Sol? You end up pulled away by Elux. You tending to the garden? You end up being picked up by your feet and bragged to the castle by Elux. In Elux's mind (which is always right, of course), you aren't allowed to give anything or anyone your attention unless it's Elux.
-Elux often doesn't give you space and/or privacy, often watching you sleep and sneaking around behind you. Elux doesn't really see her behavior as wrong, he just sees it as having interest in you and your life. He doesn't mind it when you insult him, fight back, or anything along those lines because Elux just feels amusement at your pathetic state—but he does punish you a few times whenever she's in ah—"mood" lets say? The point is, you won't be able to see him be completely "mad" over anything you do.
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Yandere type: manipulative + sadistic
-Fumus first saw you as another plaything he could use, a torture toy for his own selfish needs until he started to develop a possessive feeling over you. Now, he mostly leaves bruises and a collar on your neck as a way to mark you whenever you two go outside together which is often.
-He doesn't love you, he doesn't care for you, you hear it all which in a way is true... but, Fumus still isn't willing to let you go, he still wants you near by—mostly forcing you to sit on his lap or choking you. In general, he's a horrible choice whether he's in a bad or good mode. He just wants you.
-Sometimes he gives you "gift", often being chopped up body parts of angels that dare speak or glance over at you. But, sometimes you get moments of "peace" whenever Fumus lets you rest on his lap after you beg him (which usually ends up in him hurting you most times).
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Yandere type : Isolating + overprotective
-For starters, Etihw is more sad, she isn't really a threat when you think about it.. especially after the war. Etihw mostly was tame (compared to the others), expect for the few moments she was protective over you. So,—just imagen your surprise when one day you woke up in a cage. Not being tied up, not being chained, just sitting in a cage that was clustered as ever imaginable.
-Etihw often just watches over you, looking down at you with a blank expression with slight guilt before she leaves the room to go on with her godly duties which she doesn't actually pay attention to as much as you like to admit. Of course, Etihw's subordinates do look after you every now and then, but she quickly becomes overprotective over you, so they don't stay for long.
-After Ivlis destroyed the world Etihw worked so hard to make, she only became worst. It took her a lot not to rip that flame devil's guts out when he bared mentioned your name, but luckily, Ivlis wasn't interested in "Etihw's plaything" as he called you. Etihw put you in a more smaller place, the new cage being much more clustered due while Etihw cling onto you—often hugging you close and crying into your shoulder, finding comfort in you while not caring about yourself.
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ayo! p⭐️ steve hcs?
okay so first of all, i imagine he & eddie are really good friends. they knew each other before the industry, and they are still friends in it. they’ve done films together as well, but it hasn’t ruined their friendship at all. that’s how close they are, and how much they just love & adore one another. it’s actually so damn cute that it’s sickening.
but let’s talk about steve on his own now. we all know he’s got a hell of a good body and some amazing hair, all of which become his biggest asset in the industry. he does mostly straight & solo p**n, but does the occasional gay film as well. usually, those are only with eddie, because he trusts him more than he would any other guy, but he’s done a couple with other men, too. he has a good size dick—it isn’t eddie’s, but it’s not tiny or average, either. steve is more length than anything, and has pretty good girth, but again, it’s not like eddie’s.
as for the types of films he enjoys doing? for being a p**n star, he’s actually kinda picky! he loves the standard stuff—films with a lot of giving & receiving oral sex, light bdsm, messier sex, and masturbation are a few examples. i headcanon that eddie helped him with some of the more hardcore stuff that they wanted steve to do, because super rough & hardcore just isn’t in steve’s wheelhouse. i can see eddie coaching him, being super supportive, giving tips, and maybe even going to set that day so that steve had someone to turn to if things got to be too much for him.
for kinks & turn ons in films, i think steve would have such a huge praise kink, so he would do a lot of movies where that’s involved (giving & receiving, but mostly receiving). he also loves doing work with lots of dirty talk, fingering, breast play, ass play, and body worship. i can also see him doing a lot of voyeuristic films for some reason. but overall, he’s such a vanilla boy, so vanilla p**n is really where he’s going to be most comfortable. he doesn’t mind going harder and doing things out of the basic zone, but he would prefer the tamer side of things.
i’m not sure what his screen name would be. i can see “valentine” being in his name, though, for some reason. and he’s such a pretty boy, so something like beau valentine, maybe? i think that, unlike eddie, he won’t keep his real first name in his pseudonym. he will want to separate from that as much as possible, so he’s going to choose something way off of his real name.
i don’t see him as being heavy in the party & casual sex lifestyle like eddie, either. steve has sex on camera for a living, he goes home, he unwinds with a good movie and something else relaxing, and that’s it. drugs, booze, dating models, fucking anything that’s willing, it’s not for steve. he wants a serious relationship with one person, and he was never much for drugs and excessive alcohol use. the few parties he tagged along to with eddie, steve ended up being the designated driver for eddie after he got completely trashed. that wasn’t the bad part, though; he would get recognized, have to answer questions, hear uncomfortable comments, get men & women trying to get in his pants. so, he would rather just avoid them.
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cmkren · 1 year
“You say I want to be Your Girlfriend! It wasn’t really in my plans…”
— girlfriend; Hemlocke Springs
;Usagi Yuzuha x Fem + AFAB! Reader hcs
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Usagi relationship headcanons where you two are both silly and goofy— that’s it, that’s the post. Basically how you two get together! Romance blossoming in the Borderlands, what a strange turn of events…
a/n; i am coping rn cause i have a maths chapter test in like 9 hours and i am not prepared im so bad at math. Anyways this is just gonna be some fluff. ♥️♥️♥️ very messy post because im super tired tho,,,
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So… who’d be the first one to confess? 🤔
Read to find out !! 😋
Jk its kinda both of you but mainly Usagi
You two would probably meet early on, maybe in the tag game where the two of you catch each other’s eye and agree to travel together <3
You’d be there by Usagi’s side as you both live day by day, and when you find the sweaty lookin’ guy from the Tag game lying on the ground all depressed you two kind of take him in
You two mama birds just kinda adopt the guy
Usagi ends up taking care of most of the hunting while you do mostly everything else
You’re the one who tries to force feed Arisu even when he refused it
Usagi kept you from choking the poor guy.
Y’all are basically tied at the hip tho
Which also soon includes Arisu
(But you n Usagi are closer shh dont tell him that)
Things pretty much stay the same between you two until y’all arrive at The Beach (cue thunder strike)
With this whole sort of place that seems like it was capable of running actual electricity and shit you wanted to do smth special!!
“Do you think we can use their kitchen?!”
“Y/N we’re literally duct taped to chairs right now.”
“She’s got a point though Usagi— I’m kinda craving like… cookies.”
That was the small talk the three of you had before the whole dramatic intro of the Beach and its top goobers
After that whole shenanigan, you and Usagi insist on sharing the same room
It was just a lot more comfortable for the two of you
This place gave you the creeps ngl
That meant a lot of late night talks
Well, as many as y’all got before shit hit the fan again
You two always talked about what you’d do when you finally get to leave. Visit each other every day, maybe even get a place together? Usagi couldn’t bare to live in her old place ever since her father disappeared
You knew everything about that as well
Just from the few months you two shared together, you guys knew a lot about each other
You even promised her that you’d help her get back into climbing
Maybe indoor climbing first for you though
The more you two spent time with one another though, the more the two of you caught yourself… lingering
Whether it be longing looks or touches, it’d always be done subconsciously and end up with someone a little flustered
Arisu caught on though and asked wtf was going on
You, of course, blew him off
After the hearts game though, you two immediately ran for each other
Both battered and bruised, you clung to her as she scanned you over for anything that might have been fatal
Usagi cries out in relief to see that you’re okay
“Where were you? Where were you? What would I do with myself if I lost you too? What would I do? I can’t lose a person I love—”
That made you sit up.
“You— you love me?”
Usagi couldn’t help but let out a choked smile to see that incredulous expression on your face
Well she can’t really deny it, can she?
You could only hug her tighter with tears welling in your eyes, the pain of everyone that’d been slaughtered would only remain in all of you forever but maybe the seeds of healing had already been planted for you two as you pressed a kiss against her cheek
You two were peas in a pod.
You protected those you loved, worked together to achieve your goals
And when Usagi struggled to understand why going back to the real world would be any better than the world they were forced to fight to live in, you couldn’t understand
But you tried to
The strong woman you’d grown so used to seeing so level headed hid in your arms as she held back tears
Listening to every pained doubt, choked out words
You were there for her
And no doubt, she’d hold you taut against her whenever you needed it too.
You helped Usagi get over her doubts and fears of returning to the living world, ensuring her that she wouldn’t be alone in dealing with her troubles
And that— not if— but when you two return, you’ll celebrate like you’ve never before
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effervescentdragon · 9 months
Hellooo could you talk about charlos lore for me pls?? 🥺 and what it is in fanon that you don't like <3
Okay so i think there is a primer on charlos somewhere, or if there isnt there should be and i will probably volunteer to make it at some point. They met in a swimming pool in singapore in 2016 or 2017 or so, which is fucking insane to me for so many reasons, and then their paths didnt really cross that much until carlos signed for ferrari after mclaren. There are some press conferences when theyre together, some momenta when they talk. There is that video of younger twinkier charles giving an interview on some red carpet, probs fia gala, and carlos just manhandles him and goes away and charles is all flustered, that ones adorable (im too tired to search for it rn and im getting a bit sick so i cant multitask well). Then they are both at ferrari and like. My fucking god idek. Theyre himbo4himbo, they manhandle each other constantly, they are just both really beautiful men and i think they should fuck to soothe the pain of being a ferrari driver. I dont know how to do hcs properly so i mostly do it through fics and ny writing, and i think if yoh search for "ferrari boys <3" tag on my blog you'll find a LOT of it in general, i usually double tag it with that when its important. Now what i dont like in fanon is how people sometimes dont give any nuance to the ship. Either its devious evil charles screwing poor carlos over or its devious mean carlos screwing poor charles over or its boring? Idk how to explain it but sometimes it feels like we are looking at two different people, me and whoever in fanon whose takes i dont like (nobody in particular, just in general). This thing happens to both carlos and charles a lot tbh, eapesh in carlando/lestappen, where charlos are just props for norstappen to look better. Some people do it w charlos too, usually giving very little nuance to charles, so that sometimes annoys me too. Mind you, this isnt often, and it isnt anything prevalent, its just things that ive picked up here and there and around. I usually just block those ppl/mute them on ao3 and move on bcs i dont need that kind of negativity in my life.
anyways ive rambled too much and im too lazy to go check what i wrote so to make up heres some pics of theirs that i adore starting with my fave pic ever i think 🥰
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berrymoos · 1 year
Yess PLEASE do agrere hc’s for Marc 🥹 - 🌱
holy hell i almost lost this post AAAAAA 🫠 3 hip-hips for tumblr imploding on itself!!! (i am This Close to losing it)
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🌙 — regressor marc headcanons!
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need i go into detail about why he regresses? i feel like you can click on literally any moon knight episode & use whatever he goes through AT ANY POINT during those ~45 minutes as a reason /hj
his regression is mostly fueled by trauma. even when he's regressed just to relax after a taxing day, it's very easy for it to turn negative in the blink of an eye if he's left alone with his thoughts for too long :(
age range is in between 1 - 4 years old, usually sticking right in the middle at 2, BUT if somebody asks, he's gonna say he's 4, no matter what. even if he's Babey, he will find a way to communicate that he's 4, he is! ... the mooncule can see right through him & his lies
speaking of — jake, steven, & layla (aka, three-fourths of "the mooncule") are his cgs, though i guess you can say the former two are his "main" considering they're always with him..? REGARDLESS, the 3 of them share the title & you BEST believe they dote on him like crazy!! he'll make a teensy noise & layla's CRASHING through the door like “what's wrong, sweetheart?!” while steven & jake r in his ears like “what do you need, love?” / “i'll beat ‘em up, kid, don't even worry about it!” ... the noise in question was unintentional
layla is “laywa”. jake is “jay” or “jay-jay”. steven is “steeben”, “stebie”, or “bubby” / “buba”. he's got a lot more for steven but it's just various shortenings of his name 💀
usually, when he actually is 3 / 4, it's either because he's been feeling particularly playful & carefree, OR his environment makes him feel too uncomfortable to allow himself to properly drop. in the case of the former, he moves around so much more; running away from layla in a game of tag, seeking for her during hide-n-seek, causing chaos with a regressed steven & jake ... he's a lot more talkative too! not as much as steven (regressed or not), but tons more than baby marc
in the case of his environment, marc retreats to the backseat until things are all okay again. usually he'll regress fully afterward if he's comfortable enough, but there r some times when he just stays at that 3 - 4 age range!
BABY moo, on the other hand? ohhh he's such a little sleepy koala (*´˘`*)♡ all he wants to do is snuggle with his stuffies & fall asleep to his show playing in the background. he's not a loud regressor to begin with, but in this smallspace he's reduced to small hums, whines, coos, n just other quieter noises in general. the sleepy-cuddles come from the main reason why he most likely dropped that far in the first place: bad triggers :(( being triggered by something is already draining to begin with, so add regression to the mix & woop, an upset baby on board ... but bad feelings such as that don't last forever <3
naptime, his beloved <3 baby moo or toddler marc, doesn't matter; if jake suggests naptime in any way he can pick up on, there's no tantrum, no stubborn “i don’ wanna...”, no hiding to avoid it, none of it. he might even suggest it himself if he gets sleepy in the middle of the day. only requirement is a bedtime story
oh yeah! the mooncule calls him moomoo (or moo, for short)! for a while, layla thought it was because marc took his stuffed cow everywhere he went after he got her, but low and behold, jake came up with it on the fly one day & steven picked it up shortly after; he's taken to calling marc by that nickname in all scenarios except when there's important information he needs to tell him now ... or when he's big, but yknow
(sometimes he slips up & calls him moo when he isnt small - results r a blushy boy fighting off a sudden impending fuzziness 🫣)
because of that, baby moo genuinely thinks that's his name 😭 layla put this to the test one day when she asked him to spell his name & he put moo. as adorable as that may be, it's also really funny
he has 3 stuffies to his name: mocha, the brown-and-white longhorn cow, miffy, the white bunny, & an eeyore plush. mocha was the product of a build-a-bear visit & miffy is a childhood gift from a cousin. eeyore came in a pack of other winnie the pooh stuffies steven had purchased — he has winnie, layla has piglet, & jake has tigger. miffy in particular gets carried around everywhere when he's regressed, so it's a key way to tell if he's dropped / starting to drop
prefers chewing on specifically steven's sweaters than using a paci?? like veeeery specifically the ones he own. they have to be his or else it doesn't feel the same – partially because steven has a knack for finding the most interesting designs & the softest ones, & partially bc steven just oozes comfort to begin with. if the body has one on, chances are marc has just abandoned his paci to chew on the sleeve. if it's not on while he's in sweater-nom mode ,,, well, he's raiding the closet to find one to nibble on
steven has caught him in the act on multiple occasions — probably more times than he can count on his fingers HFUISDHSIF ,,, he doesn't mind that much, but would prefer him just .. wearing or simply cuddling it instead of chewing on it like a teether (・_・ヾ quite unsanitary
sweaters are not the only thing unsafe from marc's nibbly tendencies!! other things include, but are not limited to (from most normal to weirdest): his thumbs, the sleeve of his own shirts, miffy's right ear, mocha's left horn, steven's knitted scarves, jake's cab hat, jake's crayons, steven's sock that matched a specific outfit, & layla's hair. the hair happened ONCE when he was Very Babey & both of them hated it
if anybody asks if he wants to watch "His Show", they mean Sailor Moon. doesn't matter what side of the spectrum his age range is at that moment; that's his show, don't take it away from him, you will feel his wrath (whining until it's turned back on)
he pretends to dislike being carried around, but when layla demonstrated how easy it was for her to prop him on her hip & go without breaking a sweat, it was impossible for her to put him down again. he doesn't ask for uppies much but layla can tell (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
marc actually pretends to dislike a lot of little things out of shame about his regression, tbh :( lots of reassurance & patience is needed for him bc he's v sensitive about this part of him as a whole (he's v sensitive when he's small in general; grab some tissues bc man, little buddy is kinda perpetually glossy-eyed /hj)
that being said, he's still a lot more honest about his feelings than big him is. while marc hides what's wrong most of the time to deal with it on his own, moo is nudging jake to co-consciousness bc he spilled juice on his shirt & he's rlly sad about it :(
constantly apologizes for the littlest things, bc he automatically thinks he's done something wrong & he's the one causing great misfortune ... when all he did was drop a plate ( ;´ - `;) he'll apologize for things that have nothing to do with him at all – exhibit a: the time steven stubbed his toe on the corner of his desk & moo automatically said “ ’m sorry!” from headspace, even tho he hadn't taken control of any body part in any way
mumbles so so much, ohhh my goodness *´ㅅ`)゙♥︎ oftentimes even the mumbles r muffled behind his sleeves bc his hands r hovering over his mouth. jake calls him mumblebee 🫶
his favorite game is pattycake (that handclapping game), especially when he's on his younger end. steven n layla love incorporating little tummy tickles at the “put it in the pan!” part (steven wiggles his fingers in the mirror hehe) – they do it every time, & it gets marc giggling like crazy without fail
marc's body doesn't always listen to him as a result of stress & PTSD in a general sense, so it definitely doesn't when he's in his smallspace — to combat that, he wears diapers for extra protection. they give him another source of warmth & security too, but he's so shy abt wearing them for the longest time. jake & steven cheered the day marc decided, on his own, that he was gonna need a dip ,,, 🥹🫶
can't pronounce his r's, l's, or v's right, but he catches himself in the midst of saying them wrong & corrects himself. for example: “hi, ’teeb– ’teevie” or “can't do it wi– right! >:[”. layla is an interesting example bc she has 2 l's in her name, but he only consciously corrects the first. the only time he doesn't correct himself at all is when he's super-duper little ... & that's primarily because he doesn't use words (-ω-;)
coffee is gross now, get it out of his face, ew, yucky, no! very stark contrast to big marc, who's canned two cups of black coffee with a straight face on multiple occasions. but no matter how much sugar & creamer & even coffee flavoring he puts in it, moo just Can Not get it down w/o wrinkling his nose n goin “bleugh”
now ... no one would say they think moo has a massive sweet tooth, but it deff grows in size significantly as if trying to compensate for the lack of coffee (/j). layla's walked in on him w his hand halfway in the cookie jar & he tried to pretend it was steven's doing by putting on a british accent (that wasnt rlly all that bad but definitely Not Steven). she "believed" him, but later in the day when steven is fronting they'll exchange a silent yet knowing glance
self-indulgent pkmn au hc: marc's lunatone doesn't need any kind of outward tell to know when marc is regressing – yknow how psychic-types are! it proves to be a rlly good companion when marc is unable to tell the others - mainly layla, given jake & steven r his headmates - he's feeling small for any reason (sick, in public, etc...). it also proves to be a rlly bad companion when marc is trying to ward off his headspace / keep it a secret, but lunatone is hovering over him w a sippy & a stuffie floating beside it hsisidiekd
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valeffelees · 5 months
Fandom asks 9, 13, and 19!
hey Ace, thanks for coming to hang out! 🖤
9. Best new fandom discovery of the year
best fandom discovery of the year for me was def your aromantic Carry On content. no, i'm not just saying that. i don't know how to explain, but there was something really good for me about getting to read aspec headcanons and realising, hey, i can just... do that, if i want to. i'm living in a happy little world of my own with my demiro Simon hc now and, fuck, is it ever nice here.
13. Favourite villain of the year (oh no this is about to be so long) (had to switch to my gdocu to type all this) (i'm so sorry)
Oh God, lmao.
So... It’s the Mage. BUT LISTEN, I want to defend myself here ‘cause it’s not like I read Carry On and was like, “oh man I love how commendable this guy’s actions are”, like no.
My whole thing with Davy is that I like what an absurd shitbag he is. I mean, at the end of the night, he is such a deplorable motherfucker. (And okay, sure, maybe I’m a little notorious for getting puppy-eyed over an atrocious fictional bastard or two.) (I acknowledge and accept my flaws.) I don’t think he’s a good person. But I think he’s interesting, and part of the reason I ended up getting so attached to him is because I got tired of the way he was portrayed in fanfiction like he was one top hat away from tying damsels to railroad tracks. I kept expecting Dudley Do-Right to make a cameo.
I got such a chip on my shoulder about it that I started really thinking about him as a character, y’kno? And I thought about him so much, and wrote so many personal meta essays about him, and created this whole character analysis of the way he speaks, the way he thinks—every time he’d appear in a fanfic in a way I didn’t like, I’d pause from reading to write a breakdown for myself of why I felt the portrayal didn’t align with what I expected of him—and when you spend that much time with a character, y’kno, it is hard not to get a bit attached. You start to care, and have fun. I think he’s fun. In my own fanfics, I’m very confident in my portrayal of the Mage when he’s the main antagonist per canon, but I’m also not afraid of pulling out his stitches and making him into a better character for Simon’s sake because of the perspective I have of him. It’s actually really neat to explore, creatively speaking.
I get why people don’t like to think about him very hard. I don’t blame them. He hardly deserves it. And there are plenty of characters in the series that other people really like (Fiona Pitch, for example) that I don’t care for and so don’t think about much, unless I have to for a scene. But I think it’s a shame, too, ‘cause in my weirdo opinion, he's genuinely an interesting character, he’s a great villain.
When we think of nuanced characters, we usually think of morally grey ones. Of good people on the wrong side of things, or no side of things, who make selfish choices and aren't always trustworthy and don't pretend to be otherwise, but what happens when you have a character like Davy who believes in goodness, who views himself as the absolute good, but has fundamentally failed at every opportunity? Davy’s character is plagued by his sheer capacity for making bad decisions. He’s an extremist, and he’s capable of a staggering amount of cruelty. Davy Cadwallader worships at an altar of false gods and logical fallacy.
In the tags of another post, a long while ago now, I once talked about Davy and how his mind functions on a trolley-problem-system. His moral compass, his political pursuits, they are a set of tracks, and he is at a lever: if he pulls the lever to the left, he sacrifices only a few people. If he pulls the lever to the right, he sacrifices thousands. Against all odds, Davy intrinsically values the path of least resistance: to save more people than he hurts, except the problem is that he hurts readily, there is no middle ground for him, there are no other options, he believes it is necessary and doesn’t care who those “few” people are. He doesn’t care if they are his friends. He doesn’t care if they are innocent bystanders. He doesn’t care if it is his child. Afterall, it’s all for the greater good, right? 
This is how he views the entire world, he has so much bitterness in him, so much resentment, he fuels every choice, action, decision, thought by this logic, and because of that, he feels absolved of the wrongness. 
I’ve had a post in my drafts for the last few weeks that sums it up pretty good: “the thing i love about the mage and what makes him a really great villain to me is the way he has this looney tunes logic about him, you kinda have to look at him like he's animated out of nothing but smear frames. the mage views himself as ultimately and fundamentally righteous. and it's not even that he's ignorant to his own moral failures, he feels absolved of them, he truly believes everything he does is for some greater good. he's claude frollo with a robin hood complex. i fucking love his final scenes bc it's like watching a candle that's been burning for too long start to drown in its own wax.”
And n e way, yeah, that’s the story of how Davy Cadwallader is my favourite villain of the year, fuck the Mage, here’s his theme song:
19. Fandom that made an unexpected comeback
Merlin, for sure. i've been in the Merlin fandom for years, but i go through phases with it, yk?
[questions are here, ask me things!]
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lunarfleur · 1 year
MICKEYYYYY <33 hi ilysm!!
btw you should totally write me some fulton or dwayne dating hcs because you love me 🙀🙀 (if your requests are open ofc))
I’ll write some Fulton hcs because I already have Dwayne hcs posted (go check those out if you haven’t already!!)
Fulton Reed Datings Hcs
Tagging: @juneberrie @sluggmuffin @ilovejoekeeryy @stupidratboii (I hope you don’t mind me tagging you in my content)
This is x gender neutral reader!
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Fulton is very very very excited
You can honestly barely keep him calm
He always has something to yell and shout about
So it’s best to let him go and do his own thing
Now, there have been times where Fulton has, I don’t want to say forgot about you, but got distracted and sort of left you behind?
He just gets so excited that its hard to keep up
But once he realizes his mistake and he’s calmed down, he’s all over you
I’m talking pulling you in by the waist, kissing up and down your face and neck, whispering in your ear
You name it, it’s happening
Fulton loves loves loves giving you kisses on your neck, shoulders, and collar bones
He likes being close to your heart
Literally kiss his knuckles and he melts
Run your hand through his hair and he explodes
Boom 💥
Fulton’s not one of those guys who shies away from PDA
Like hang all over him in public PLEASE
And in private
And in general
Just don’t stop loving on him
Fulton gives those hugs that are like really warm and cozy
The ones that are around the waist, his face pressed against your shoulder
He loves the way they feel
Another one who likes having you sleep on his chest
Just pass out and lay all your weight on him
He’d die a happy man
When y’all are sitting next to each other, he always has his arm around your shoulders (unless he’s eating)
Ankles hooked underneath the table YES SIR
This boy is a FLIRT
Anything that makes you relatively shy or embarrassed, he’s doing
Using cheesy (and sometimes dirty) pick up lines
Whispering things in your ear
Kissing the corner of your mouth and then pulling away without giving you a real kiss
All of it
Of course, he tries his best not to go too far
But, if he does, he’s always quick to apologize and make up for it
Okay okay
Fulton’s one of the worst to fight with, to be honest
Fulton has problems with his anger
Any problem that’s close to being big between you two will end in him shutting down
Maybe even giving you the silent treatment
He just doesn’t know what to do
Just imagine it
You’re both upset and he’s sitting at the edge of his bed
His hand is over his mouth and he’s staring off into space
It just stresses him out
And he’s rather not yell at you or potentially hurt you in any way
So he just stops working
But, when it’s all done and over with, he’s giving you one of those hugs that makes you melt and practically refusing to let go
He’s a big sweetheart, though
Literally like take all of his hoodies
All of his jackets
One of his jersies
His pants
All of it
Oh, you’re tired?
Fall asleep. He’ll carry you.
Oh, you’re cold?
Take his jacket. It’s okay, he’ll be fine.
Oh, you’re having a rough day?
Complain to him about everything, he’ll listen.
He’s just so great.
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