#ok but miya twins +2 is funny
cyatzura · 7 months
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Being Inarizaki's Manager:
Atsumu Rejects Miss Manager and Regrets It
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Atsumu Miya featuring Inarizaki x Fem! Manager
Warnings: Angst to fluff, Swearing, the sting of rejection (sadness, crying, loss of appetite)
A/N: This is an Anon request! Now I'm in an angst mood and who better to fulfill all my angst dreams than my bestie Sumu 🥰
We are going to start this one a little differently 😏
Change is good people 👏🏻
You've been Inarizaki's Manager for almost 2 years now
You started your first year mainly because you were friends with the twins, Suna and Ginjima
They wanted a manager, you needed a club
It was literally a match made in heaven 😍
You've been friends with the twins for a while now, since you were kids
And you've always had a little crush on Atsumu
Honestly YN, Osamu is RIGHT THERE 🙄
But whatever 😒
Sumu was your chosen love
You had always admired him for his ability to dedicate so much time to his skills
He was a solid friend and always had your back
So when you went to high-school, it wasn't a surprise that you started to develop feelings for one of your best friends 🥰
We love a childhood friends to lovers here!
However, you vowed never to tell Atsumu of your crush for a few reasons
1) you were certain he was too good for you
Not true YN but go on
2) he was so popular and you were just the teams manager
3) he was one of your best friends and you didn't want to ruin that
Honestly I admire you YN, you sweet sweet baby 🥺
But just because you vowed never to tell Atsumu, doesn't mean a certain someone hasn't picked up on the clues
Our resident Nosy Nancy, Suna is on the case 🔍
He's known for at least 2 years that's you've liked Atsumu Yn
How you ask? Do you really need to ask YN?
He's a middle blocker and a fantastic one at that 👏🏻
Mans picks up on everything
So he takes it upon himself to be our chosen matchmaker
First, he confronts you
"If you like Atsumu say what," he says 👀
You 👉🏻👁👄👁 what-
Suna 👉🏻 got her 😏
"YN give it up I know you like idiot #1, just confess already!" Suna says as you just stare at him in shock
"Suna I can't do that! Atsumu is to popular, there is no way I'll be anything more than his friend," you say shutting your locker
"And you know this because???" Suna asks
"Because I'm not stupid Rin and I value my heart ok!" You spit as you walk away
However Suna isn't satisfied with that
Oh no no no, he's going to do more
So he casually decides to being it up with Atsumu in the club room 😃
Great, solid plan 👌🏻
"Hey what do you guys think about YN?" Suna asks 👀
"What about her?" Osamu questions
"I mean, she's super cute right? I'm surprised she doesn't have a boyfriend," Suna continues
"She gets confesses to alot but she's never gone out with any of the guys who've asked her," Ginjima chimes in
"What do you think Sumu?" Suna probes
Atsumu just laughs as Suna, Ginjima and Osamu all look at him, confused
"What's so funny?" Ginjima questions
"I mean, I guess she's cute if you like that type of girl," Atsumu responds
"What type of girl? YN is gorgeous Sumu," Osamu says, crossing his arms and defending you
"Oh don't get me wrong, YN is hot but shes just not my type plus she's one of my best friends," Atsumu says
Suna is now glaring at Atsumu because what an idiot istg 🙄
"So you're saying you'd never ask YN out?" Ginjima asks
Atsumu again laughs, "Yeah not in a million years!"
Well thank God you weren't just standing outside the club room at that exact moment to hear the ENTIRE exchange am I right 😃
Right 😃
You rn 👉🏻😐🥺 right..
Crap 😐 you heard the whole thing didn't you?
You just so happened to be walking by when you heard Suna mention your name
So naturally you had to listen
Curiosity killed the cat you know 😫
That brings us to you, standing outside the club room as tears stream down your face
You always knew you weren't good enough for Atsumu
But hearing the words come from him just stabbed you right in the heart
You're heart that was currently breaking 💔
"Hey YN, what's wrong?" Aran says coming up behind you as you try desperately to blink away the tears
Suddenly the club room door opens and Suna, Ginjima, Osamu and Atsumu come out
Suna instantly knows why you are crying but he says nothing 😶
He's just like 👉🏻😳 crap-
"Yn what's wrong? Did someone mess with ya?" Atsumu asks as he approaches you
You back away, not wanting to be near him
Atsumu stops and looks at you confused 😕
Quick YN, think of something!
"Ummm, no- I uh I didn't do so good on a math quiz, I'll be ok. See you in the gym!" You quickly say trying to combat the tears as you turn and run to the gym
Everyone but Suna is so confused
"YN's best subject is math tho," Ginjima questions
Osamu looks to Suna who is looking a bit pale
He starts to wonder what's going on 🤨
"Let's leave her alone, she just maybe needs some time," he says, quickly walking to the gym
That day, at practice, you are incredibly distant and quiet
Literally everyone notices including Kita, Omimi and Michinari
Suna is just like 😗 🎶 trying to ignore everything
Very suspicious 🙃
"Hey YN, you ok?" Omimi finally asks as you snap from your haze
"Oh yeah! Sorry, I uh failed an English quiz so I'm a bit sad but I gotta run! It looks like you guys need water!" You say, way too enthusiastic about filling water bottles
"I thought you failed a math quiz?" Aran questioned as your eyes widened
"Oh uh, yeah I failed both. Just a bad day ha ha," you say quickly grabbing the bottles and running off 🏃‍♀️
Atsumu is watching you, concerned about why you are acting this way
You see, Atsumu may have lied a teeny tiny bit earlier 👀
He really does care about you and he likes you a lot but he's nervous to confess 😬
He tries to not think about it as he goes about his serving practice
After practice, Atsumu stays later to get some more serves in while the guys head to the club room
"Alright Rin spill!" Osamu says cornering Suna
"What?" Suna asks, trying to remain aloof 👀
"We all know you know why YN is acting the way she is! So spill!" Osamu says
Suna sighs as he looks at the team who is all watching him
"YN likes Atsumu and I'm pretty sure she heard what he said about her earlier," Suna says as Ginjima and Osamu's eyes widen
"Wait, what did Atsumu say?" Kita questions
"He said YN wasn't his type and that he wouldn't date her," Ginjima answers
"Well crap, poor YN," Michinari says, sitting down on the bench
"I mean, what can we do? He doesn't like her and we can't change that," Aran interjected
"I feel bad for bringing it up but I really didn't think she would hear it," Suna says
"I think we just need to let her process it and move on. We can't force him to like her," Kita says as the guys all look down
They want to help YN but they have no clue how to so it
So they just wait and see
Unfortunately, you don't cheer up ☹️
The sting of rejection really hurts and it's affecting everything
Soon you start to withdraw from the team, only showing up to practice right before you have to and leaving as quickly as you can
Even the coach notices 🥺
Atsumu is beginning to really wordy about you
He hasn't seen you for more than a few hours all week
You look pale and like you've lost weight
He hates seeing you like this
So he decides to ask to bring it up
At the team meeting 😃
Oh sweet baby Jesus
"Does anyone have anything else to add?" Coach asks as Atsumu raises his arm
"Yeah, I'm just wondering what's up with you YN? Are you ok?" Atsumu questions
Literally the entire team rn 👉🏻👀👂🏻
He's just staring at you
And you look at him like 👉🏻👁💧👄💧👁
"I'm fine Sumu, I just haven't been doing well in school," you finally say as Atsumu scoffs
"YN that's a lie! I know you got one of the best scores in English and Math! So what's really going on? Is someone picking on ya? Did someone reject ya?" Atsumu asks as you just sit there, trying hard not to cry
"Sumu lay off ok?" Osamu says as Atsumu looks at him
"No! She's being such a downer and she's acting ridiculous. She won't talk to any of us and she's barely present!" Atsumu says as the tears start to stream down your face
"Atsumu, enough!" Kita growls as you try your hardest to not cry
"What's wrong with ya? If some guy rejected ya then he doesn't deserve ya! Move on Yn!" Atsumu says
That does it, that breaks the dam of emotions that have been building up
You stand up, tears streaming down your face as you look at Atsumu
"I was rejected Sumu and you're right, I should just move on from it but it's hard to move on from being rejected by your best friend!" You scream as Atsumu's eyes widen in shock, "but you're right, he doesn't deserve me!"
You turn, running out of the gym as the tears flow
Aran, Omimi and Michinari all get up and run after you
Kita is just standing there, his arms crossed looking hella pissed off
"Way to go idiot," Osamu says, standing up and walking out of the door
"What- what's going on?" Atsumu questions as Suna and Ginjima stands up
"YN likes you dumbass. She's been sad because she overheard us talking about her the other day," Suna says
Atsumu 👉🏻😐😳 she- she heard that?
"You couldn't just let her be could ya?" Ginjima says, turning and walking out the door as Suna follows and shakes his head
Atsumu is left on the gym, stunned and trying to process his emotions
Meanwhile, you locked yourself in the girls bathroom, bawling your eyes out as you tried to calm down
Did he really have to bring that up? Did he have to reopen the wounds you were trying to heal?
You sat in the bathroom for a while until you finally emerged, looking around to make sure nobody was left to see your state
You walked out the door, turning the corner to see Atsumu sitting on the bench
You quickly turn, trying to avoid him but it's too late
"YN wait!" He shouted as you quickly walked away
"YN stop!" He said, catching up to you and pulling your arm to turn you around
"Sumu I'm sorry I can't-" you say as the tears run down your face
Atsumu says nothing, just pulling you in for a big hug
The hug is comforting but also hurtful as you continue to cry louder
"YN I'm so sorry I hurt ya," he said as he rubs your back and you hug him back
"It's ok Sumu, I should have known you wouldn't like me," you said as Atsumu pulls you away, looking down into your eyes
"But I do like you YN," he says
You rn 👉🏻🥲 huh?
He sighs, throwing his head back and looking back at you, "I do like you YN. I've liked you since middle school. I just- I just didn't want to ruin our friendship. You're my best friend YN and I love you."
You 👉🏻😲
YN is too stunned to speak
"I guess I didn't really think you'd like me since I'm so annoying and kind of an idiot," he said laughing
You just nod
Atsumu 👉🏻😐 really YN?
"Sumu, I'm sorry I let this impact our friendship. I'm happy just being friends with you," you say as Atsumu looks at you
"I can't be friends with you anymore YN," he says
You 👉🏻🥺😔 I understand
"No! God I'm awful at this! I want you to be my girlfriend YN!" Atsumu says, panicking
"You, you- what??" You shout as your eyes widen 😳
Atsumu just smiles, pulling you closer, his forehead meeting yours
Oh god I'm about to cry 😭
"Please say you'll be mine," he says as you smile and nod
"Yes Sumu!" you say as he kisses you and lifts you up, swinging you in the air as you scream with joy
"Oh thank GOD!" Osamu says as him and the team come walking down the hallway, tears streaming down Suna's eyes as he records what just happened
"I'm so happy right now," he says wiping a tear
"Alright alright! I'm glad it all worked out but now can we please get back to practice?" Kita says ad you and Atsumu nod
He grabs your hand, interlacing your fingers as he pulls you to the gym
You are one lucky girl YN 🥰
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229zmi · 1 year
PAIRING: Miya Osamu/Reader
CONTENT: reader is VERY in love with osamu and VERY delusional about it, mentions of food
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You don’t know what prompted your brain to come up with such an awful dream. Maybe it was the horror movie you and your best friends decided to put on for this week’s Saturday movie night, or the three year old expired fortune cookie that Atsumu double-dog-dared you to eat (you couldn’t say no to that of course, even with the lacklustre protests from Osamu, aka the sanest of you three, for you to not do it) — either way, you wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, eyes wide open before your eyebrows furrow together in a relieving realisation.
The first thing you do is slide your hands down and up your face to somewhat wake yourself up. (You come to another realisation as you feel the water that stains your cheeks.) The second is aimlessly search for something on the nightstand beside your bed until your fingers latch onto a familiar rectangular object.
The light from your phone causes you to squint momentarily before you lower the brightness and start typing something.
YOU: hey u
YOU: osamu
YOU: osamu
YOU: samu
YOU: you
YOU: hello
YOU: are u awake
OSAMU: yeah
OSAMU: are you?
YOU: ur so funny
YOU: i just woke up from a rlly bad dream
OSAMU: lol
OSAMU: I told u not to eat that expired cookie
With a frown, you thumbs-down his message. If there’s anything you absolutely hate, it’s being proven wrong. Plus, you’d like to think that you did a morally brave thing by eating that fortune cookie. Maybe not the smartest course of action you’ve ever taken but a courageous one nonetheless.
YOU: shut 🆙 it wasnt the cookie
YOU: it was obviously because of the horror movie we watched
YOU: and that was mostly YOUR idea
OSAMU: I think you’re in denial
YOU: i think ur WRONG
OSAMU: leave your window unlocked I’m coming over
You start to smile fondly with a blazing feeling in your cheeks before snapping out of it, blinking a couple times at your bizarre-ish behaviour. You’re not sure what’s gotten into you lately or why exactly, but you’ve found that you have become more susceptible as of recent to a strange, uncomfortable warmth that first accumulates in your face and then rushes down to your chest, sending your heartbeat racing. And, you’ve noticed, it only happens whenever you’re around Osamu.
It’s gotten to the point where you’ve told Atsumu about it once, and all he did was call you the biggest idiot he’s ever known, second to Osamu of course (his words, not yours), before Osamu himself materialised out of thin air and defended both yours and his honour by slapping the back of his twin’s neck.
After he left, Atsumu clarified himself and said you were in love.
“With who?” you asked. Maybe the fake-blond was justified in calling you an idiot, but that’s besides the point.
“With ‘Samu!” Atsumu threw up his arms in exasperation. The two of you were currently basking under the sun in his backyard while Osamu had gone inside, so you weren’t concerned about his loud mouth exposing you around anyone else. “Who else are we talkin’ about other than that dumbass?”
“I dunno. You’re kind of all over the place.”
He snorted and then proceeded to shove you over with a hideous sneer on his face. “And you’re delusional. Can’t believe you’re into someone as ugly as my brother.”
You wrinkle your nose at the memory. Obviously, you weren’t gonna listen to some idiot like Atsumu at the time, but looking back now, you suppose he may be right as much as you hate to admit it.
Minutes later, you hear a muffled grunt outside, followed by the familiar rustle of someone climbing up the big elm tree right by your window and another grunt that makes you assume they’ve finally made it to the top. With a dramatic eye-roll, you flop over onto your side, reach over your bedside table, and flip the latch, and seconds after, Osamu makes his grand entrance into your room by sliding your window open and seamlessly jumping right through.
After shutting the window, he stands in the middle of your room, unsure of what to do now.
“Hello,” you greet him. You can’t help but observe his outfit of the night through narrowed eyes: a graphic t-shirt you’re sure you’ve seen him wear at least a million times, plain pyjama pants, and Ty Beanie Boo Pink Puppy Dog PRECIOUS Plush-Lined Slippers. Meanwhile, Osamu’s eyebrows pinch together, noticing that your voice sounds particularly nasally.
“Are you cryi—“ His question is interrupted when you promptly chuck a pillow at him, which he, thanks to his athletic reflexes, manages to dodge. For a second, he blinks and stares at the pillow, now laying pathetically on your rug behind him, and then stiffly turns back to you.
You sniffle with one exaggerated inhale that makes it extremely obvious your nose is clogged and plaster on a crooked smile for the effect of what you think is reassurance that you’re okay. “It’s just allergies,” you tell him.
He side-eyes you, clearly unconvinced, but regardless, he decides not to comment on your obviously tear-stained face or even say anything at all to the matter. Instead, there’s a Brobdingnagian thud! as he drops his bag onto the floor, which you frown at, before he shrugs off his jacket, slips his shoes off, and makes himself comfortable at the end of your bed, sitting with his legs sprawled out across it horizontally. You show no visible effort to make room for him, opting to instead swing your feet onto his lap and sink further into your pillows.
He leans his back against the wall, eyes scanning your face for a couple of moments as if he’s trying to read your mind until he finally speaks up.
“So,” he starts, his voice sizzling out near the end before he continues much more clearly, cutting straight to the point, “how’re you feelin’?”
For some odd reason — maybe it’s the gentle lilt of his voice as he asks you this question or how weirdly attractive he looks in the shitty lighting of your bedside lamp — you feel the urge to cry again. It starts as a lump lodged somewhere in your throat and then, much to your horror, morphs into tears pooling in your vision, threatening to spill out like a giant pimple on the verge of popping. With a grimace and yet another obnoxious inhale, you blink away the tears in a vehement manner as if your life depends on it, while Osamu fiddles with a loose thread on your sock, patiently awaiting your response.
“Like shit,” you answer after you’ve successfully pulled yourself together.
“You wanna talk about it?”
“Oh,” he says lamely, though it’s reasonable given you’re not giving him much to work with here. Then he shifts in his seat, twisting his entire body to reach into his bag on the ground and toss whatever he retrieved at you. You catch it with relative ease and open your hands to find that it’s a plastic-wrapped rice ball, at which you gasp in surprise.
“I figured you’d say that since you’re so emotionally constipated and all, so I brought some food for ya,” he explains, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he offers a small smile. “Thought it might cheer you up some.”
There may as well be hearts in your eyes right now. You can’t believe he’d go out of his way to do this for you. He’s literally so romantic, you think as delusion colonises the rational side of your brain.
“‘Samu,” you begin dramatically with a hand against your chest in preparation for the speech you’re about to give expressing how grateful you are, “anything good I’ve ever done in my life will never amount to the kindness of your heart. Thank you so much. I am forever in debt to you. I lo—“
Right as you’re getting caught up in the moment, Osamu interrupts with an awkward cough, his ears tinted red in what appears to be embarrassment.
“No need to get all sappy, [Y/N]. I’d do anything for ya anyway,” he says, scratching an itch at the side of his head. “Now, hurry up and eat that. You’re going right back to sleep after this ‘cause” — he lets out a yawn loud enough to wake the entirety of Hyogo — “I gotta help ‘Tsumu mow the lawn tomorrow mornin’.”
Aaand cue the heart eyes again. Of course you’re only focused on the first half, though the mental image of him all disgustingly sweaty with his sleeves rolled up to his shoulders while towing the yard or whatever he just said isn’t too bad either.
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For some reason, Osamu takes it upon himself to make sure you’re asleep before he leaves. Probably out of the kindness of his heart again, you figure. He’s got a lot of that when it comes to you.
“Ya good there?”
“That’s great. Me personally, I feel like I’m gonna fall.”
“Oh my god.”
You grumble and dig your elbows further into the mattress as you shift over for the millionth time. It’s a bit… cramped, to say the least. Your bed’s only intended for one person to sleep in so trying to include Osamu becomes somewhat of a challenge. Osamu, clueless and also blind in the dark, can only lay there limp as you try to manoeuvre him onto the bed in a way so that he won’t fall out the second he moves so much as a millimetre.
“I don’t think this is working.”
“It is,” you tell him.
“It’s not. Hey, how ‘bout I just—“ This time he’s the one to be doing all the annoying movements and shifting as he turns around and wraps his arms around you. Before you can even protest, he swings a leg over yours, reaches toward the foot of the bed where the blanket currently lays, and brings up to your shoulders in one swift motion so that it covers the both of you.
“There,” he declares. “Problem solved. Now no one’s falling out of the bed.”
“Hurray,” you say dryly. You totally could have thought of this on your own… eventually.
“Thanks. Now sleep.”
“Shh. Sleep.”
You roll your eyes and then sneer at him. “What am I, a dog?”
“Something like that, yeah.”
You feel him chuckle against the top of your head, and a hand comes up to stroke the back of your head, pushing you a little closer to his chest.
“I’m kidding, ya troglodyte.” Then, his voice sounds ten times nearer, his breath tickling the shell of your ear. (There’s that weird fucking feeling again. You’re literally about to explode.) “But really. Please, SLEEP.”
You smile to yourself. He’s such a romantic.
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“Man, what the hell. Where were you last night?” Atsumu blocks the doorway to the house and sharply points a finger at his brother as if it’ll automatically arise some answers out of him. To his disappointment, Osamu only responds with a slightly unamused expression, so he repeats the question in an even more domineering tone.
“[Y/N] had a bad dream so I went over for some moral support.”
“All night?” Atsumu asks suspiciously.
Osamu shrugs. “I fell asleep. Now, shove over ya pig.”
The fake blond can only gape at his brother, who pushes past him, before grumbling to himself, “I can’t wait until you two confess your undying love for each other. All this emotional baggage I’ve been keeping on your behalves has been giving me frequent bowel movements.”
Osamu suddenly turns around, eyes wide. Atsumu panics a moment too late, realising he may have just accidentally betrayed your trust and exposed something he shouldn’t have.
“What’d you just say—“
“SHUT UP! I didn’t say nothin’!”
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bunny-xoxo · 3 years
HQ Twilight Headcannons
Warnings: this is an absolute shitpost and I’m not sorry for it 🤬
a/n: lemme project my interests onto each other ok, and really this is @plutowrites fault ok we were talking about twilight and one thing led to another 🙄 this is a little niche but not really? Idk man lemme exist in peace
Character’s: Hinata, Noya, Tanaka, Daichi, Yamaguchi, Atsumu, Osamu, Kita, Kageyama, Suna, & Yachi
he just wants to watch some vampire wolf fighting, does not realize there’s a love premise and that it’s literally the main plot, but still does watch them for sure
his favorite character is Charlie and he is a MENACE about it. He constantly finds edits of him from insta or TikTok and sends them to Tanaka like 🤤 , Tanaka needs some peace from this man. He also just enjoys watching them for pure enjoyment and a good chuckle
Is lowkey a twi-hard and will debate about twilight at any given moment - he’s team Edward and Saeko is team Alice LMAO but once she said she was team Jacob and he almost blocked her number
starts it only cause you want to watch it and ends up getting invested - Seth is his favorite character and even though he’ll never admit it he definitely teared up at the ~scene in breaking dawn pt 2
he read the books when they first came out and made tsuki read them too so he could talk about them 😭 - he once planted a twilight poster in Tsukis closet and when he saw it he IMMEDIATELY threw it away like 😒 (tsukis mom saw it first though and thought he liked twilight so that year for his birthday she bought him a blu-ray collectors set of all the movies but he didn’t have the heart to tell her he didn’t want them so now he has all the books and that set under his bed that he just can’t get rid of - is still team Edward though LMAO)
This is my contribution to the Miya divide, he’s team Jacob 😐, and Osamu is team Edward. Whenever Twilight gets brought up in the Miya household, it always starts off as jokes but within a few minutes it’s a screaming match and Atsumu is crying and beating his fist against his chest like his mf life depends on proving Jacob wasn’t as bad of a guy that Osamu makes him out to be
Only talks about Twilight to piss Atsumu off and get in a fight with him cause he thinks seeing him get worked up is funny LMAO
Doesn’t like it in the slightest but never shits on someone else for having an interest like the good boy he is 🖤 would like to body slam Stephanie Meyers though
Cant read
Only watched them so he could be apart of the argument with the Miya Twins and side with who he feels like at the time to gang up on the other one, is avidly petitioning for Aran to watch them too
She ran a blog in middle school preaching how sapphic Bella and Alice’s relationship really was and how everything would’ve been solved a lot sooner if Bella was a Lesbian
She had a Rosalie appreciation side blog
thank you for listening to my nonsense, I could go on but I’ll spare you all 🖤
please let me know if you’d like me to add on or elaborate I would kill to talk about thisLMAO
taglist: @plutowrites
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ahtsumu · 4 years
cOuNtRy BoY i LoVe YoUuU–– miya atsumu.
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☆ y’know that kid everyone hates but all the parents love? that’s miya atsumu for you
he’s such a mama’s boy ugh
she’ll see him with mud all over his jeans and be like “miya atsumu! what’d i tell you ‘bout goin’ muddin’!?” and he’s like “sorry ma! just got too excited”
and what’s she gonna do? nothing. absolutely nothing. she just laughs and shake her head because atsumu’s boyish charm is adorable
osamu hates this !!! they’re always competing for mama miya’s heart LOL
☆ says “mornin’ ma'am how’s your day been so far” to the gas station lady and then roasts the life out of his friends
anyone older than 30 adores atsumu to death and anyone his age thinks he’s the annoying dumb hot guy LMAO
☆ plays quarterback on the football team and he’s damn good at what he does !! he’s taken the team to nationals three times already and he’s hoping to end senior year with a first place trophy
☆ teachers also love him to death bc he’s such a sweet-talker and asking questions as if he actually cares about differential equations and antiderivatives but nooo LOL bby’s just trying to make the GPA cut for travelling
it’s a 2.2
☆ on days without practice he’ll hang out around the school parking lot with the Gang™, leaning against his pick-up truck and blasting music from his car speakers to look “cool”
rlly he’s just wasting his time and even his friends think it’s stupid asf like omg no one is looking. atsumu how r u not embarrassed
☆ drives stick shift and thinks he’s hot shit 😭😭😭 he’s not wrong it is hot tho
☆ plays country trap around the boys
when “old town road” first dropped lil nas x was on repeat for 2 months
atsumu has a playlist of EVERY SINGLE REMIX and he’s like “they’re differENT juSt liSTen!!!”
out of all of the boys he has the WORST taste in country music it’s deadass just lil nas x, florida georgia line, luke combs, and morgan wallen
sometimes he’ll spice it up with a little luke bryan but that’s pushing it 😭
his guilty pleasure is that one farmer song by lil tracy and lil uzi vert 
do not trust him with the aux
someone come collect him pls
☆ atsumu’s favourite southern meal undoubtedly has meat in it–– ribs, fried chicken, pulled pork, you name it
but he’s weak for peach cobbler and a side of vanilla ice cream for dessert bc homeboy’s got a massive sweet tooth
☆ he may be helpful in helping out with farmwork but this boy cannot fish to save his life
he has a picture of him holding a MASSIVE trout on his instagram and tinder (which he downloaded illegally for his ego lmfao) but really osamu caught it for dinner one night while camping and atsumu stole it for a 30 second photo
☆ owns camouflage but ironically ! 
whips it out on days he thinks suna might pull up in camo
why? no one knows. it cracks him up tho LMFAO
☆ atsumu actually dresses quite well–– his style is the typical southern prep: 
a pair of jeans/shorts and a crisp button-up paired with double monks
loves a good leather belt
his favourite leather is BROWN leather, thank you very much !
☆ owns cowboy boots and he’s so proud of them
they’re steel-toed and decorated by a simple stitch pattern but it gets all the city folks fawning over him so it’s his most prized possession
HE USES THEM TO IMPRESS CITY FOLK LOL he’s like “howdy” and they’re like 😍🤤😍🤤😍🤤
flirts by asking if they’d like to see his horse i––
☆ like his twin, atsumu is undoubtedly great with animals
dogs love him !! like they’re just naturally attracted to him plus he gets so smiley and happy around them
he was probably a golden retriever in a past life lmfaoo
he’s a phenomenal horse-rider too
he rides the horses out at night bc he just loves the wind in his face,,, like a dog
where he differs from osamu is that he hates the actual work of taking care of an animal lmao
☆ works a summer job at six flags because he loves going on rides for free he’s so cute ugh
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☆ aside from football atsumu also starts the inarizaki high school slam poetry club, which is, coincidentally, also just the entire football team 
listen it’s rlly cute how the slam poetry club was founded ok don’t laugh
after developing a massive crush on you, atsumu realises that he’s got too much of a meathead reputation to stand a chance LOL so he goes out of his way seem more “intellectual”
basically he’s like “i’m gonna venture into poetry bc girls love sensitive guys” and convinces the entire football team to host slam poetry nights in hopes you’ll show up at the shows
he starts leaving little poems in your locker and it’s like rupi kaur shit 😭
“you’re the brightest rose
in this garden
and you 
☆ anyway you don’t even show up to the slam nights (you have ✨taste✨) but you do show up to his games!
☆ and eventually he works up the courage to actually ask you out and ofc you say yes bc he does it in such a cute way ugh
he stops you in the parking lot after a game and goes like “hey, uh, yer in my econ class and all yer comments are always so funny and..” and he’s just word-vomiting and eventually he gets to the point where he’s like “anyway i was wonderin’ if yer free friday night?”
☆ your first date is actually at an empty field near school
you’re just talking and getting to know each other better in the back of his pick-up truck under a bright moon, covered in blankets, each of you cradling a hot mug of cider
it’s kinda chilly but atsumu is literally a furnace
and atsumu just opens up the notes app on his phone and he reads you six poems and they’re all like 4 lines with weird enjambment HAHAHA
“you look. 
just like the moon. 
most of his lines are actually plagiarised from popular country songs and you definitely recognise them but he just looks so darn cute awh you can’t rlly call him out rn (but you definitely do later in your relationship)
around two hours into the date he’s like “actually i’m the president of the slam poetry club” and you’re like “oh that’s cool!” (no it’s not omg ur praying he doesn’t start slamming right then and there bc you’ve heard rumours of what horrors the club has produced)
☆ if you like driving be prepared to Not Drive once you start dating atsumu (... or at least drive Less Frequently… unless you cut him a deal of some sort...)
he LOVES picking you up for school and this is the only time he’ll change the music playing in his car !!
he puts on the little playlist he made just for you and it’s got songs like:
cruise by florida georgia line (he literally always runs up to you and randomly sings “baby you a song” 😭)
burnin’ it down by jason aldean
play it again by luke bryan
but your song is “our song” by taylor swift ugh he knows every single line and he’s been dreaming of having a relationship like the one she describes ever since it dropped
ps: he’s actually the world’s biggest swiftie and thinks her earliest albums were the best
he got osamu on board too LMAO they go to her concerts whenever she visits their state. now you do too!!
☆ always drives with one hand on your thigh bc he’s just like that 🥰
☆ tried to learn how to play the guitar to serenade you but it was a miserable fail (he just can’t do the barre chords bc they’re so hard and what for !!)
☆ he’s such a good line-dancer tho
he’ll take you out to dance and it’s just such a vibe to see him smiling under lights, spinning you around at the barn dance with the goofiest smile on his face
☆ any time you guys fight or argue he’ll head out to the pasture behind his house and brood under the moon in the back of his pick-up truck LOL he’s so dramatic but it’s so cute!!
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miyaniacs · 4 years
Exchange - Miya Atsumu & Osamu  SMAU
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smau masterlist  / masterlist 
A/N : I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING - there was just too much happening in my life. well now the route split from this chapter on. Atsumu's will be up in a few hours
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Synopsis: After coming back to Tokyo, Y/N still cut of the contact to each twin. Countless FaceTime Interventions with her best friends and her roommates, she finally made up her mind... 
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The bell rings and Osamu looks up. 
There you are, beautiful as ever. Your hands, tightly wrapped around your bag, eyes fixed on the ground, too shy to look directly in his eyes. 
“Hello and welcome - how can I help you?” Osamu’s voice shakes a bit. 
“Uhm... I’d like two of the weeks special?” 
“Anything else?”
“A hug?” 
“Sorry but I’d like to keep things professional.”
“Oh..” you whisper and look back on the ground. Some girls who heard the two of you, started grinning and looking at you - probably making fun. 
“Good thing my 2 minutes break just started.” he smirks and walks around the counter. 
Your eyes lit up and you drop your bag, jumping into his extended arms.
Your hands grab his shirt and you nuzzle your face in his chest.  Osamu rests his head on top of yours while his hands run up and down your back as he pulls you even closer. 
“Finally.” He mumbles and you sigh in response. 
“My crybaby.” You tease and look up at him. 
“Pfft. I wasn’t even crying.” He rolls his eyes. 
“Uhhhuuuu if it helps you sleep at night.” You laugh and he pulls away crossing his arms over his chest. 
“Sooo when’s my onigiri ready?” You smile brightly. 
“After I finished my break - which is now.” He looks at you with half closed eyes, “coffee?” 
“Yes please.” You say and bend down, grabbing your bad again. 
“Okay, so 2 onigiri  and two coffees - that makes... 1000 Yen.“ he smiles and tilts his head to the right. 
“Okay wow - thought I’d get a special price.” You huff and sit down on the counter, “Also why do I pay for YOUR coffee too?” 
“Oh I believe you own me way more than a coffee.” 
“Wow that hurts.” You say and dramatically put your hand right over your heart.
“I mean .. you could pay me back later after I close the shop?” He suggests and smirks. 
“Oh... wow so I’ll either give you my money or I’m forced to spend more time with you?” You repeat and tap your chin, “mhhhh.... let me find my purse real quick.” 
“Wow ok, I see y/n is back.” He laughs and placed the onigiri in front of you. 
“Missed me?” You smirk and wiggle your brows.
“Oh yes I did.” He smiles softly at you and leans over to give you a quick kiss. 
“Stop being soft.” You whine and take a bite off the onigiri, “Ok no, be whatever you want as long as I get those every day.” You mumble and take another bite. 
“Wow ok - back at using me again I see.” He playfully rolls his eyes and starts laughing as soon as he sees you looking up at him with a shocked expression. 
“That’s not funny.” You pout. 
“Well you can show me how bad you feel about it later? With Mhh a massage?” He side eyes you. 
“Ok wow I see I’m only being used too?” You drop your food and look at him with big eyes. 
“Two can play this game angel.” He smiles. 
Rolling your eyes you laugh. 
"Don’t make me regret letting you back in my life again.“ He says. 
"I won’t - I promise.“ You say sincerely. 
"Good, because we’re not together - you still got to convince me angel.“ He smirks. 
"Pff… who said you won’t have some convincing to do? I chose you over your brother. I never said I won’t leave you for the next man that walks in the shop now?“ You sass. 
As if it was meant to be, the door opens. 
Osamu bursts out laughing and you turn around.
“Have fun, helping him with his diapers.“ He whispers, “Hello and Welcome, Sir!“ He greets the probably eighty year old man.
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taglist (open):  @kathya420​ ,  @cuddlesslut​ , @tchalameme , @haikyuuopalite , @socks-for-a-slytherin , @monni-dionne , @luna084​ , @captainofmanyfandoms @a-tol-baby , @ensworks  @chaelysian @dumb-chaotic-bi-energy, @shhhlikeme​, @bringmelily, @ynjimenez, @thecaptainship @90s-belladonna @laceymorganwrites @kristelmiyathot @anime-simp  @lovedanii @nekoma-hoe , @suna-allie, @imuziawi​, @oikawatooruisking​, @chisaikuki @thirsthourdemon , @akakuzumo @writingfreakk @its-me-nico @daichiforsure @apollochjld , @isthistherealifeoristhisafantasy, @gaychemicalwater  @achly @maii-flowers  @ryaaaax​ ,  @nicolemelton​ @stfucanunot​ @chromaticstudio​  @stardustanni​  @wheelzzzies @alienvarmint​ @saucysamu​
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chanswavyhair · 3 years
haikyuu boys as disney + disney channel songs
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warnings. just my stupidity at its finest
ft. bokuto, oikawa, tanaka, lev, kenma, nishinoya, kageyama, atsumu + bonus
genre. pure crack but i’m unfunny as hell i’m sorry
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BOKUTO -> cruisin’ for a bruisin’ — teen beach movie
tbh i just thought that he would be SO excited and pull a brady, dancing with a leather jacket hehe
“don’t stop, stop the music,
we ride fast like a bullet,
we do anything we want, anytime we want”
OIKAWA -> what’s my name? — the descendants 2
i mean, it’s obvious ?? this boy loves being adored and hearing people call his name
“they ain’t seen nothing yet,
tell ‘em who’s in charge so they don’t forget
what’s name, what’s my name? say it louder”
TANAKA -> falling for ya — teen beach movie
“i just can’t help myself from
falling for ya, falling for ya
can’t hold any longer”
LEV -> zero to hero — hercules
i’m truly sorry for this one ily my boi lev but he’s just IN THIS SONG
“zero to hero just like that,
when he smiled
the girls went oohs and aahs”
KENMA -> the best of both worlds — hannah montana
“you get the best of both worlds
chill it out, take it slow
then you rock out the show”
NOYA -> un poco loco — coco
this intended to be cute ok i mean he’s just <un poco loco3
“you make me un poco loco
un poquititito loco,
the way you keep me guessing”
KAGEYAMA -> keep it undercover — k.c undercover
tbh i have no major reason for this, he’s just really good at his shit and he know it
“doing my thing, gon’ make it work
know i’m the realest, baby i’m fearless
but i always got you back”
ATSUMU -> rotten to the core — the descendants
atsumu would vibe to this and feel like the BADDEST bitch change my mind
“so i’m a misfit, so i’m a flirt
i broke your heart, i made you hurt
the past is past, forgive forget”
BONUS ; MIYA TWINS -> better in stereo — liv & maddie
someone pls limit my access to internet i doubt this is even funny
“when you say yeah, i say no
when you say stop
all i wanna do is go, go, go!”
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ssatoritendou · 3 years
Backup | ii.
Backup | i.
Pairing: Bokuto/reader Atsumu /reader
Miya Atsumu, Bokuto Koutarou
Word count: 5k 
+ summary: (time skip) You have a one-sided crush on your close friend, best friend Bokuto Koutarou however you’re are being strung along after he suffers heartbreak after heartbreak with his loving heart. Atsumu is both of your friends and sees the clear problems with the situation so he plans to help you to get over Bokuto.
Genre: angst fluff
Warning: vulgar language, 18+ scenarios
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It had been 1 month since you and Atsumu have been dating. It was still new and the two of you were still testing waters. 
He made sure to keep you comfortable in public and front of your friends.
As soon as you two started dating that fleeting crush on Bokuto was gone. Atsumu filled your heart with new things every day. Looking at him, being with him brought you excitement. 
Soon Bokuto was watching the two of you closely when you were around them. You understand what Atsumu said about his body language around you. He was jealous of your boyfriend. You still wanted to be friends with him but just friends. Even when his girlfriend was around he was watching the two of you like a hawk. But you wouldn’t let his jealously or his crush on you inferiority with your relationship with Atsumu. 
“Hey, Babe! You home?” Atsumu called from your front door.
You came running from your room to the door and hopped into his arms. 
“Hi, Baby!” You squealed and kissed his cheek. “How was your day?”
“Hard. I went running this morning, met Sakusa at the gym for about 4 hours. Then we had practice from 4-8. But all of it is worth it if I get to cuddle with you all night.” 
He snuggles into you. “I can’t believe you are letting me touch you after I was sweating all day.”
You shrugged. “Doesn’t matter to me.” 
“I’m going to shower. I think I left some clothes here.”
You snorted. Left some? He leaves his old clothes here all the time. You started washing his clothes and put them in a drawer in your dresser. 
“Ok. Your clothes are in the top left drawer of my dresser. Before you go in what do you want to do for dinner?”
“Let’s order in tonight. Teriyaki chicken and vegetables.”
“Ok, I’ll call.” 
Atsumu went into your room after taking a long shower. He went to the drawer you said expecting to just find a shirt and sweatpants on top of your stuff. But he found a drawer full of his clothes. 
He laughed to himself. He came out dressed leaning on the doorframe watching you look at your sketchbook and tablet, reading over paperwork on the couch.  
He loved that you loved your job just as passionately as he loved volleyball. He moved from the doorframe to behind you on the couch his head falling into your neck. 
“How do you feel Sweetie?” You asked. 
“Much better. Nice to know I have a drawer here.” You felt him smile against your skin. “How is your work going?”
“Very well. In 2 weeks the first chapter will be out in Jump. But we are working on this arc for about 5 months. Chapters will come out weekly. But the planning process for this arc has been finished. We draw them out and we hand them in next week. And then we start the next arc and plan that out.”
“Sounds hard. But I know you can do it.”
“Yeah, I’m almost done with my share of the work.” 
He hummed against you, your body vibrating with him. He was clinging to you like a baby animal. 
Your buzzer rang for the food. “Atsumu I have to get up.” 
“Nah you stay.” He unraveled himself from you and buzzed in the food delivery. 
You removed yourself from work and moved to the counter. Atsumu was setting up the food and making your plate. 
“So I have an away game in 2 weeks on the weekend. We are playing against the Alders.”
“Is that Kageyama’s team?”
“Yeah and Ushijima.” He took a bite out of his food. “Would you like to come to the game? Samu and Akaashi are coming.”
“It’s a weekend game, right? You would be staying at a hotel?”
“Yeah. I was going to talk to the coach to see if we could share a room.”
“If it’s ok with your coach then I would love to come and watch you play. Especially if you are playing against Kageyama. I want to see his face when you do your quick attack with Hinata.” 
He laughed. “I’m sure coach will be ok with it he said yes to Bokuto.” 
You hummed never thinking about the owl. You hadn’t really spoken to him in weeks. You were so busy working and the free time you did have you were with Atsumu. 
You felt a little guilty you didn’t want to become one of those girls that were consumed by her boyfriend. Did this make you a bad friend?
It was the day before your jump chapters were being released. Atsumu was working really hard all week for his competition this weekend. You decided to treat yourself to homemade onigiri. 
“Hey, Osamu!” You cheered at the younger twin. 
“___, what are you doing here?” 
“I have a day off and I was craving your famous onigiri.” You sat at the counter. “I’m glad you aren’t coming to me because Atsumu did something bad.” 
“Trust me if Atsumu did something bad you would have to find his body.” 
The two of you laughed. 
Atsumu took you to meet his brother the second week of your dating. You saw similarities in their looks almost. But to you Atsumu was more handsome, overall he was more to you. You saw the competitive and trash talk they served each other. Osamu was way better. Atsumu was better at throwing hands. 
“Atsumu told me a series for the jump of yours comes out tomorrow. Are you nervous?”
“A little. I just hope it succeeds well. Usually, I fill in for another artist when they are on break or on maternity leave. But this is a full-time project that I get to be apart of.” You were blushing thinking about it. It wasn’t something you told Atsumu. “Can you not tell Atsumu that? I haven’t told him that detail.” 
“Why not?” He asked making you the onigiri that you liked. 
“I just know that he would blow it out of proportion during his weekend. He’s been training really hard to go up against Kageyama. You know how he feels about him.” 
“Do I ever. He would watch Karasuno games and just stare and make comments saying we could do those moves. But we couldn’t.” 
“But you guys can do that switch up to move. That is pretty amazing. He says he been working on that with Sakusa. You are going to come to the game right?”
“Yeah, I said I would be there. Atsumu said he wanted me to watch him beat Kageyama. They are friends off the court but when it comes to the court he is so competitive with him.” 
“My friend Akaashi is going to be there too.” 
“Akaashi from Fukurodani?” 
“Yeah. He doesn’t play anymore though he works as an editor at Jump with me.” You were happy to be hear that Osamu was going to be there. You were nervous to sit on the bleachers with Bokuto’s girlfriend by yourself. Since Akaashi was coming you were sure Bokuto was going to force her on him so you wouldn’t get to be with him. Osamu would be your bleacher buddy hopefully. 
“You seem eager to want me there?” 
“Bokuto who is a close friend of mine. He is dating someone new and I haven’t really spent alone time with her. He basically doesn’t let me spend any time with his new girlfriends. And when I do they always act so hostile.” 
“You have me don’t worry. I’ll even teach you about volleyball terms if you want.” 
“Yeah, that would be cool Osamu.” 
You and Atsumu arrived to the bus after you finished your dinner date. You would be driving at night and arriving late at night. 
“Atsumu what are you getting from the trunk of your car?” You said getting your bags from the back seat. 
“Just a gift for everyone and then I have a special gift for you.” He called from the back of the car. He had a bag in one hand and a box in another. “The box is for you. Open it up in the bus.” 
You looked at him suspiciously. “You are acting weird. But I’m going to assume everything is fine. And you aren’t going to be theatrical.” 
“I’m never theatrical!” He shouted. “Just very open about my emotions.” 
You hummed. “Come let's board the bus before they leave without us.”
You brought the bags to the coach underneath the bus. Atsumu was waiting patiently to lead you onto the bus. 
“Wait, kids.” The coach called you over to him. “I had this conversation with Bokuto and his girlfriend. Though I am letting you on the trip ___ I want to make it very clear that is to be no funny business in your room.” 
“Oh, the coach we haven’t um.” “We only just started dating.” You both stumble on your words together. 
“I’m sorry kids but I had to make that rule. Your excused.” 
The two of you were walking to the bus door both with red faces. “Atsumu…” 
“___ it doesn’t bother me. We haven’t reached that level of intimacy. I can wait.” He kissed the side of your face.  “Come on we have to go on the bus. Got a surprise for everyone.” 
Atsumu held your hand and brought you on the bus. “Listen up everyone!” He shouted at his teammates. 
“What’s up Tsumu-Tsumu?” Bokuto said. “And ___? I didn’t know you were coming to the game this weekend.” 
“Oh, I thought Atsumu told everyone.” You eyed Atsumu. 
“I did. 2 weeks ago when the coach told us. But that is not what this is about. Today ___’s first official full-time manga series she will be a permanent team member on. And I bought everyone a copy.” 
“Atsumu!” You hit his arm and shouted at him. “You didn’t have to do that.” 
“Uh yeah, I did. Everyone pass around the bag. Sakusa you will start because I know how you feel about dead skin cells.” Atsumu handed the neat freak the bag. “Page 247,” Atsumu said. “M’lady.” He leads you to the back of the bus. 
You sat down with the box on your lap. “Atsumu you couldn’t give it to them earlier.” You were a mess face in your hands. “I’m so embarrassed.”
“I know but I want you to be proud of your work. I know this is the first project that you get to be permanently on. I wish you would have told me that. I would have had a party or something.” 
“Again here we go with the theatrics.”
“All I’m saying is yes I would’ve liked to be that as it may I got you this gift instead.” He tapped the box. “Why don’t you open it?” 
You peaked from your hands and looked at him grinning like the sly fox he was. You removed the ribbon and bow from the box abs lifted the lid to see... “Your Jackels jacket?”
“Correction this is your jacket. It’s a spare of mine. I thought you would like it. And you could wear it to the game tomorrow.” 
He was sweet. Why did he always have to be this sweet? 
“Thank you Atsumu.” You kissed the side of his cheek. “I love it very much. I love-” you caught yourself before you said it. “I love it a lot.” You said hoping to cover it up, he noticed though. 
“Let’s watch a movie on the way there.” He said pulling out his iPad and headphones. 
“Sure.” You agreed. 
The two of you sat in silence on the way to the hotel watching a movie. 
It’s not like you didn’t want to say it. You didn’t want to say it here in front of everyone. You didn’t want them to say something about you expressing your love for Atsumu for the first time. It would spoil it between you. Another thing was that you weren’t sure if Atsumu would say it back. You didn’t want to pressure him into saying it if he didn’t mean it. Or if he even knew if he felt that way about you. You wanted that moment to be private and special to you. You didn’t want to get hurt or made fun of because of your feelings. 
You know that feeling all too well and it was suffocating. Words and sobs getting stuck in your chest bad. Not knowing when to breathe. Worst of all someone on this bus has caused that feeling over and over. You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing you like that.
Your coach gave you your room keys. You were all on the same floor. You were leaning on Atsumu to stay standing up. 
Atsumu sat you down on a suitcase and wheeled you to your shared room. 
You rubbed your eyes and changed from the clothes you were wearing to pajamas. You got into bed. Soon Atsumu joined you being the big spoon. 
With the lights off and one thing on your mind, you said what needed to be said. “Atsumu on the bus I wanted to say something. But I didn’t want to say it there.”
“Which was?”
“I love you. I do love you. I didn’t want to say it there because I wanted it to be a private moment for us. I didn’t want you to be embarrassed in front of our friends. I also didn’t want to pressure you into saying it back.” You felt yourself heating up and sweat a little. “I love you and everything you do and have done for me.” 
He exhaled hard. He rolled you flat on the bed with himself hovering over you. 
“Hey ___?”
You couldn’t speak you just nodded your head. 
“I love you too.” He leaned down and started to kiss you heavily. 
This lead to a pretty heavy make-out session between you two. By the time the two of you pulled away from each other, he had left hickies all over your neck. 
“I might have left hickies all over you.” 
“Mmmm. I should be mad at you expect well you have a few on your neck.” You laughed. He hummed against you. “I’m going to get some water.” You said getting up from the bed. 
“Hurry back. I want cuddles.” He whined.  
How can someone be so whiney like a baby after making out the way you just did. 
You went down the vending machines to get a water to see Bokuto standing there getting a bunch of snacks. 
“Hey, Bo.” You said. 
“Hey, whatcha doing?”
“Getting Tsumu and I water. We are a little bit thirsty.” You chuckled. 
Bokuto was looking you up and down, you were wearing a long shirt with shorts. “I thought coach said no funny business.” He said in a low tone almost pissed. 
“We were just making out and now we are going cuddle.” You smiled happily. 
“___ I want you, to be honest, are you happy? Is he good to you?”
“Yes, Bokuto. Atsumu treats me well. He makes me happy. I love h-him.” You blushed to look at the machine. You bent down and got the waters. “I’m going back to our room. Goodnight Bo hope you do well at the game tomorrow.” 
“Akaashi!” You and Bokuto yelled at the same time. Running towards the male. 
“Who’s Akaashi?” Bokuto’s girlfriend asked. 
“He’s Bokuto’s best friend. And __’s. He is the brain, Bokuto the brawn and ___ the beauty.” Atsumu saying swooning over you. 
“Stop starring at her like she is beef hanging in the window,” Sakusa said looking at him in disgust. “It’s enough you practically branded her with your mouth and your filthily germs.” That sent chills down the germaphobes back. 
Atsumu rolled his eyes. “You think she is a sweet innocent angel when she did the exact same thing,” Atsumu argued. 
“Yeah I know that is also vile. But she tricked by her love for you so she can be excused you on the hand are vile.”
Atsumu groaned and walked away towards the gym. That’s when he noticed his twin brother Osamu walking up next to Akaashi. He noticed how you hugged his brother. He hates to say it but he felt a tinge of jealously. He always felt that way when it came to his. Brother when outsiders were viewing in they always compared the two. Forgot who was who. That is why they changed their hair color so as not to get confused. But still, people forgot. 
However, when he shared his worries that you would find Osamu more attractive or better than him you eased his mind by getting all flustered saying how you felt that Atsumu was the better brother in your eyes. He still remembers your pink cheeks and how you were fidgeting not even looking him in the eyes.  He thought it was so cute. 
“Atsumu!”  Osamu yelled to his brother to come over. 
Atsumu jogged his way over to you and him. He pulled you away from his brother. Hugging you tight to his body, head in your shoulder.
“You called brother?” He said kissing your cheek. 
“Yeah, I did. Why did you brand ___?” Osamu said pointing to your neck. 
Atsumu rolled his eyes at him using the same phrasing as Omi.
You turned around and stuffed your face into his chest. “I don’t see the problem with it. She is my girl.” Atsumu was smiling proudly. “Besides my pretty girl did the same to me.” He unzipped the top of his jacket to show off the hickies. 
They weren’t as deep a shade of red as yours were. 
“You didn’t need to brand her.” Osamu pulled you from his brother's arms. 
Atsumu pulled you back. “We’re in love.”
“Do you two mind not tearing me in half. I’m not a toy.” 
Osamu let go of you and Atsumu pulled you close to him. “Sorry baby.” Sticking his tongue to his brother. Atsumu turned his head towards the team his coach calling him over. “I gotta go guys. Love you.” He kissed you goodbye jogging to the team.   
“Are you sure you are ok? Your neck is bruised a lot.” 
Your face grew red. “Shut it Samu!”
It was already the second set, halfway through. Alders took the first set. Right now it was 19-20 Jackels. 
Right now Atsumu was intensely focused and sweating profusely. 
God when he was like this you couldn’t look away from the game. 
His love for volleyball was hot. 
Akaashi was sitting next to you and Osamu was on your other side. They were talking two each other about the game. 
“Omi said he, Bo, and Atsumu have nearly perfected them setting to Atsumu. Atsumu has been working on his spiking. It almost scary.” You added not even looking at them.
“What are the chances of them doing it?” 
“I love Bo but if Atsumu had to choose he would choose Omi. They have a bond.”
“She is right. In high school, Sakusa called him a parasitic leech of a friend. In the sense that Atsumu was always around at his side and he was afraid he was going to catch a disease from him.” 
Akaashi took this information in. “Why do say no to Bokuto.” 
You knew why he wouldn’t toss him the ball. Atsumu was mad at Bokuto. At practice Atsumu could put it aside, most of the time Atsumu put his problem with Bokuto aside. But when he was this focused he couldn’t ignore who he knew he could trust and who he couldn’t.
“Maybe he just trusts Omi more.” You said quickly looking at Akaashi. 
Akaashi could see you were lying. 
And you were. Atsumu was mad at the way Bokuto was treating you. He was mad that you put effort into your friendship. He was mad that when you were with Atsumu and Bokuto would stare at you and make faces whenever you touched Atsumu. 
20-21 Adlers. 
“Shit Kageyama is up to serve again.” You said. 
“He serves like Oikawa. We are so screwed.” Akaashi agreed.
“Waka told me that he trained with Iwaizumi.” 
“You know Ushijima?” You asked. 
“He eats too. All the Alders do.” 
Kageyama served the ball. You watch it come up and he hit it with such force. It hit the gym floor just as fast.
“come on guys.” You said under your breath. 
Kageyama did the served again. Shion went for the ball he was able to get it up. Atsumu was nowhere near where he set the ball but Sakusa was. They were going to do it. You could tell by Sakusa was looking at Atsumu. 
You felt yourself get excited standing up taller to see them do it. 
Sakusa set the ball towards Atsumu. He smashed it down over the net. 
They did it. You jumped up and down. Sakusa and Atsumu high fived. 
Sadly with valiant efforts trying to tie the matches, the Alders pulled through and won. 
As soon as the game was over you went to Atsumu. You hugged him. “You played well. You played the best you could against a hard team. I’m proud of you.” 
You knew how he gets after a game. Wanting to do better a lot better thinking he wasn’t enough for his team. 
He hugged you back and patted the back of your head. 
He whispered in your ear. “I love you and thank you.”
You had your eyes softly closed during your hug. You let go and opened your eyes noticing Bokuto starring at you. 
He quickly looked away focusing on drinking his water his cheeks burning red. 
Atsumu pulled you away from what you noticed by saying, “I think we are going to go to a bar/ arcade with the Alders. Shoyo told us he was talking with Kageyama to do it after the game no matter who won.” 
“That sounds fun. We are gonna clean upright?” 
“Yes. I can’t go out looking like this.” 
You laughed at him. “Come on pretty boy.” 
“Atsumu are you finished getting ready? Bokuto asked me to meet him in the lobby.” 
“Uh, I still have to do my hair. You can go I’ll be there in 5 minutes.” 
You walked down the hallway to the lobby. Bokuto was sitting on a bench drinking a coke. His hair was gelled up.  
“Hey, Bo. I didn’t get to tell you this today but you played well today.” 
“I and ___ broke up.”
“Oh, Bo I’m sorry. That was cruel of her to do after you lost today. Did she say why?” 
Bokuto looked at you. Usually, after he told you he broke up with someone you would be holding him and rubbing his head tell him it would be ok. But now you weren’t even touching him. 
He pouted. “I don’t want to talk about it.” 
“Ok, Bo. But don’t let this get you down tonight we are going to have fun.” You smiled at him. 
Atsumu and the rest of the team came out soon. You were at the bar. Atsumu took you to play some games. 
“Why did Bokuto asked you to come out early?”
“Apparently he and ____ broke up. I didn’t console him like I usually do.” 
“Aww, I’m proud of you baby.” 
“Atsumu I also didn’t console him because I don’t want him to think that I can ever be his. I only want to be yours.” 
“And I only want to be yours.” He said he threw a ball into 10 points. “Gonna win you all that big bear over there.”
“Oh, you better because why what type of boyfriend would you be if you didn’t?” 
“A bad one.” He laughed. 
“I’m gonna get drinks what do you want?” 
“Coke tonight not in the mood to drink.” 
You nodded you went to the bar to order drinks. You noticed Kageyama and Hinata competing at a car racing game. 
Waka, Omi, and Osamu were at the bar talking. 
 Bokuto and Akaashi were playing a shooter game 
“I don’t get it Akaashi, she didn’t comfort me as she used to.”
“Bokuto, it’s not her job to make you feel better after every single break up.”
“This was different. ____ broke up with me because of ___. She said she saw the way I looked at her, the way I talked about her. She said it’s not unfair to her that she has to be second to her.”
“Ironic,” Akaashi stated. 
“What does that mean?”
“Oh come on you can’t be that thick.” Bokuto still questioned what he was talking about. “___ has liked you from the moment she met you. But like a routine, you have a new girlfriend and then they break up with you. She comforts you you get her hopes upstart to spend time with her again. Make her feel important and just like that” Akaashi snapped his fingers. “new girlfriend. ___ gets pushed aside. You were saving her for when you got bored of that routine. That wasn’t fair to her it wasn’t healthy for her to wait for you to choose her. She was tired of being put second. Miya asked her out and she happy Bokuto. So happy. It’s nice seeing her like that.”
“Do you really think I put her second?”
“You do it to everyone. It doesn’t t bother me. Did you even know about the first official manga she gets to be apart of?”
He was silent. He felt guilty. He felt like he didn’t know you. What else have you been keeping from him? 
He saw you waiting at the bar for your drinks he needed to talk to you. He stopped his game dropping his gun walking up to you. Akaashi realizes what he did but now there was no way to calm down the irrational owl. 
“___ can we talk?” 
“Sure Bo.” 
“Ok come with me.” He leads you outside of the bar. “Did you have a crush on me?”
“Uh....yeah I did for a time being. It was pretty obvious.” You said looking down moving rocks with your foot. “Why are you asking Bokuto?”
“I like you too.”
“I know you do. But you can’t say that now. I don’t feel that way anymore. It took time but Atsumu helped me.” You smiled at the thought of the bottle blonde. “You put me second a lot and you expected me to pick up your shatter the heart. I was your second girlfriend but without being your girlfriend that shattered my heart. It made me hard for me to breathe around you.”
“___ I didn’t know.”
“I know you didn’t. I soon realized you didn’t. But I couldn’t wait for you. It wasn’t fair to me I needed to live.”
“___ would you-”
“No Bokuto. You might think Atsumu is my rebound for you and I would drop him in a second, he isn’t. I love him so much. He makes me feel like I’m the only person in the room. He puts my needs before his. He knows that I care about him without me even having to say it. He respects me. I love him.” You started looking at him. “I know for a fact that he would never hurt me. Because you have hurt me. I need you to know I want to still be friends with you but you and I need space you need to figure out a way to get over your feelings for me.” 
You walked over to Bokuto and hugged him. “You mean a lot to me Bokuto. It would be hard for me not to have you in my life. But Atsumu means more to me because I love him love him.”
You had tears in your eyes and walked back to the door and saw Atsumu standing there. He wasn’t looking at you instead he was starring down Bokuto. He wanted him to know that you were his and he couldn’t get between the two of you.
He put his hand out for you to take and he brought you back inside. The door closed behind you. 
“How much did you hear?”
“Enough. I’m going to make his life a living hell at practice. But not too much. If he can be just your friend I would be fine with that. I love you so much and I shouldn’t say thank you for choosing me over him.”
“I’m sorry he even tried to ask. I love you and only you.” 
He leaned down and you wrapped your arms around his neck. You had a passion for him. A loving kiss. 
Bokuto watched from outside. Atsumu did make you happy he should forget his feelings for you because his friendship with you meant more than this. 
2 months have blown by you were at practice with the boys. Bokuto and you had a more civil talk 2 weeks ago. He said the time away from you had put your friendship into perspective. He realized when he was dating someone you were on the back burner. He didn’t talk to you. He realized he needed in his life to helping him from making really dumb decisions. But he realized if you were really happy with Atsumu and he noticed when he thought about the times you were together and you were with him you had this big smile that only Atsumu could make you that happy. He said maybe he got caught up in this fantasy with you. But he said he has moved on. You as a friend were more important than whatever fantasy. 
You were thankful that he was understanding and that he put the friendship first. 
You could gladly say that you didn’t like Bokuto anymore. You were completely consumed with love with Atsumu. 
“Hey, Hey! Atsumu, ___ let’s get sushi and then play Mario cart at your place.”
“Yeah let’s do it.” You said excitedly. 
“You two better prepared to be in the last place.” Atsumu jeered. 
“Uh Huh yeah who was crying last night when I came in 1st 3 times.” You said throwing it in his face. 
The 3 of you laughed really hard and walked to your apartment together. 
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girlbosspower · 3 years
ok ok fav haikyuu manga panels
1. timeskip oikawa :) i love him i want this happiness for him every single day
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2. the dog park. i love their antics
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3. HIS JUMP !!!!!!! lowkey i want this tattooed it’s so cool
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4. why he look like that
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5. i think this one may be a wonky translation but idc it’s so funny ?????
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6. i lose it every time i think abt the miya twins’ name shirts they wore as kids! also !! setters are so cool!!!
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7. why does he still do that dumb thing before serving as an adult? i hate him sm wtf
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8. bokuto shenanigans:)
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kaaytea · 4 years
Miya twins as dumb shit my brothers have done
Ok so I have two olders brothers and when I say they have done some stupid stuff as kids I mean it.
Let's start with a banger! Throwing rocks at eachothers heads :D
I can see this starting with Atsumu and Osamu getting into a petty fight little kids get into. Like maybe Atsumu took one of Osamu's toys
"Give it back Tsumu! It's mine!"
"No! Ya play with it all the time it's my turn! Mom says we have to shArE with each other!"
Osamu wouldn't really know what else to do other than pick up a rock and threaten his brother with it bc goddamit he is going to get his fox plushy back!! >:((
" If ya don't give me foxy back right now I'll throw this at ya!!"
" I'd like to see ya try with those noodle arms of yers!"
Osamu just chucks the rock at full force and hits Atsumu in the back of the head
Atsumu just kinda reaches up to rub his head in shock bc he honestly didn't expect Osamu to throw the rock and wtf that actually kinda hurt??
But now lil Tsumu is PISSED and going to beat up his brother
Atsumu drops the fox plush and grabs the first few rocks he sees on the ground and goes HaM
Like I'm talking one rock after the other straight at poor baby Samu's face
But Osamu doesn't back down bc Atsumu is returning the shots so this has become a full on WAR
These two won't let each other BREATHE OMG
They 100% forgot about the fox plush bc they are so focused on pummeling the other with rocks
Their mom finds them eventually and they get put in time out
The fox plush is also put on a high shelf in their room and no one is allowed to play with it till they apologize to eachother
So that means the plush probably stays there until one of them somehow gets it down by themselves
Totally wasn't by throwing balled up socks at it till it fell off the shelf  
part 2 is here  :)
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ahkaahshi · 4 years
Dear Fran, I have come with my option a request. I hope you will accept with an open heart 😃 hear me out ok #4 ♥️ scenario with Atsumu + Osamu, I'm their lil sister rooming with them (IS THIS ALLOWED, IF NOT IT'S OK, I just want to be called Wan-chan and call them Tsumu and Samu nii-chan 🥺) anyway it's a weekend night so,, COCKTAIL PARTY IN THE LIVING ROOM!! So as we're chilling and getting drunker by the minute on drinks mixed by ourselves for each other, I started rambling about [1/2]
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prompt: ♥︎ #4 -> make your own fluffy friendship scenario
roomies: the miya twins + ushijima wakatoshi as the non-roomie love interest
genre: fluff, specific reader insert
warning(s): swearing, alcohol usage
my note to you: dear wan, of course I will hear you out forever and always 😂 a cocktail party with the siblings sounds so fun lol I'm over here an only child 😭 this whole thing sounds so funny to me 😂 y-you think I have a big brain?? ty bb but it’s only bc u lend me your big brain energy ❤️
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getting drunk with the miya twins and venting about your bf ushijima [scenario]
y’all do these roomie/sibling cocktail parties at least once a week just to let off some steam. you n samu have learned thru experience not to let tsumu play bartender tho bc the man’s tolerance is thru the roof and his drinks are STRONG
like he’s got that heavy “two shots of vodka” *cookie monster falling in the background* pour
anyway, this evening ends up taking a more serious turn bc you start crying to them about how your relationship with ushijima has been a lil rocky lately
your big bros are your ride or dies and of course they wanna comfort you, but in their drunken state, their problem solving skills are a bit... less reasonable than usual (and that’s scary bc when are they're already shaky to begin with???)
seeing you cry over ushijima is making them kinda heated low key so next thing you know, they’re calling an uber and grabbing silly string that you didn’t even know you owned
“Can ya take us here?” Atsumu asks as he slides into the passenger seat of your chariot for the night in the form of a blue sedan and holds your phone towards the driver. The man nods and puts the address into his own phone before pulling away from the curb.
In the backseat, you let your head flop against the headrest while Osamu holds the cans of silly string securely. “’Tsumu nii-chan...” you groan with indignation when he plops your phone back into your palm, “This is such a stupid--” you interrupt yourself with a hiccup--“idea.”
“Ah, chill out, Wan-chan!” Atsumu complains, crossing his arms in front of his chest, “Quit bein’ such a party pooper.”
“’Sides,” Osamu pipes up from where he’s sitting beside you, “ya don’t even hafta do shit. Jus’ sit tight ‘nd let yer better thirds take care of it.”
You reach for his arm in the back of the dark car so you can smack him before doing the same to the back of Atsumu’s head when he laughs at his brother’s smart comment. “’Samu nii-chan! Usually you’re the voice of reason.”
With a small chuckle, he reaches into the pocket of his sweater and retrieves a small flask that you don’t even remember seeing him fill up. “Nah, that responsibility’s all yours, right now, Wan-chan.” You grumble with defeat as he takes a long swig of its contents before handing it over to you. In spite of being less than enthusiastic about the whole situation, you take a long drink and pass the container back, intentionally skipping over Atsumu’s outstretched hand since you both know he’ll finish it in one go.
When the apartment complex where your boyfriend resides appears in your view, you bargain, “At least lemme talk to ‘im first.”
“If you must,” Atsumu sighs.
Osamu requests that the driver waits for you all to return--which he agrees to after he shows him Atsumu’s card and offers double the fare for his troubles--before the three of you pile out of the car. Your brothers follow you as you take the familiar path to Ushijima’s front door, but hide behind a bush when you shoo them away and give it a knock.
The door slowly opening a few moments later brings you face to face with your boyfriend and makes your head spin from more than just the alcohol. “Wakatoshi...” you utter softly, (e/c) eyes finding his slightly shocked, olive gaze.
“Wan?” he murmurs, “What are you doing here?” His nose twitches at the smell of alcohol lingering on you from the drink Atsumu spilled on the sleeve of your sweater earlier. “Are you drunk?”
You wave away all of his questions and respond with an increasingly noticeable slur, “I’m here to stop my brothers from covering... yer apartment in shilly shtring.”
His eyebrows furrow in confusion, but his face quickly drains of all emotion when you see his eyes shift to something behind you. Sure enough, your troublesome siblings have emerged from their hiding place and are now standing a few feet away, silly string cans raised in a way that you can only assume is meant to be threatening.
“Wan-chan’s real broken up over these arguments ya’ve been havin’,” Atsumu pipes up. You heave a long sigh and put your hand over your face out of the embarrassment you feel towards the whole situation. As if just showing up unaccounted for hadn’t been bad enough, you were drunk, and so were your two older brothers about to turn vandals that had accompanied you.
Ushijima clicks his tongue before speaking again in that usual, authoritative tone of his. “I understand. You can go. I’ll take care of Wan and make sure they get back home safely tomorrow.” With that said, he wraps an arm around your shoulders, bringing you close to him as he allows you inside his apartment so you can sober up and talk. He sends a nod in Atsumu and Osamu’s direction before closing the door.
There’s a long moment of silence as your siblings come to terms with what’s just happened. In an instant, Atsumu lunges towards the door, finger pressed against the nozzle of the silly string can, and Osamu wraps his arms around his torso to restrain him. “Fuckin’ quit!” he grunts, trying to reach for the can, “’S gonna be fine!”
“Jus’ lemme tag the motherfucker so he knows not to mess with us.” Osamu grumbles but relinquishes his grip around Atsumu so he can go to the doorstep and paint what he knows is meant to resemble a dick on the wall in silly string. Once he’s satisfied with his work, he says, “Aight, let’s dip.”
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emsvegetables · 4 years
ahh grats on 1k!! new follower but i already love ur acct~ if its ok, can i pls get a hq date? 💞 bi, i prefer guys! 5'5 girl. scorpio, intp, gryffindor or ravenclaw. near-sighted, glasses~ sensitive daydreamer- i crave affirmation/praise! anxiety, i overthink sm- super quiet/shy at 1st. im half funny/playful & half deep/awkward- i have a way w/ words, poetic? enthusiastic if its smth i love! hopeless romantic! i love teasing others~ stubborn- forgive but never forget. superiority complex- (1/4)
not innocent/naive but ppl think so at 1st! i look fine but im a big mess. vv smart n knowledgeable. vv passionate! a kid w/ my older twin sis but w/ others, mature. dramatic but rather closed off- opinionated but i try to understand. i need lots of space,,, clumsy! i like to have fun n loosen up but would also just cuddle n have long convos. socially anxious- realist but rather optimistic. great w/ technology! imaginative/creative. rather selfish, i put myself 1st. i misplace stuff a lot- (2/4) its hard to talk to others, friend ppl, n ask fr help. love language is words of affirmation/quality time- i tend to drift away n just think? i swear quite often. i love bein the best so i get competitive. sometimes i get rlly hyper n say the most random stuff? i like makin faces!! fun fact: i have vv few patience explaning- fr pda only hand-holding! i love nicknames~ i like ppl w/ a good heart + has common sense, a bestie but romantic, n accepts me for who i am. respectful n genuine~ (3/4) i tend to fall for ppl who r funny, friendly, n well-liked! affectionate one way or another-!! my ideal date would be fun but at the end, relaxing! i would prolly want to go to an amusement park in the morning, go to a park in the afternoon, stargaze while cuddling in the evening, n play video games too! smth like that ehe~ likes: gaming, affection, jokes, space, weapons, music, animals, books, writing, etc. tysm!! ahh i hope this is ok!! congrats again!!! u deserve it sm!!! stay safe~ 💞 (4/4)
hahah this was pretty long haha
ahhh!!! he’s pretty good for u hee hee
he loves how enthusiastic you get when you like something and he finds it sososososo cute!!! he will gently tap on your forehead whenever you get too stubborn about things tho!!!
laughs whenever you trip over something but always catches you in the end :)!!! he’s also definitely like you, he likes to have fun but would also feel happy cuddling you :)!!!
snorts whenever you swear bc the swears sound so funny to him for some reason AHAHA
“OH MY GOD, OSAMU,” you yell when your character dies again, “stop fuckin’ BLOCKING ME!!!!” You hear a snort coming from beside you, and you turn to glare at him before he gently knocks the remote controller out of your hand and softly presses his head on your shoulder, “but (Y/N), i didn’t do anything.” You narrow your eyes as he pouts up at you, but eventually grin at the end when he reaches out a hand to tap your forehead, “we’re replaying the match, though.”
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krisdreaming · 4 years
hi :3 i hope this isn't disruptive to your break (and i'm really glad to read that the break has been so good to you!! :D ) but i recently discovered your blog and finally got the courage to message you because i want to fangirl to you about 2 things! warning: looong fangirl post incoming 😬 sorry in advance 😅 btw i love your theme(?) idk if if thats what it's called i'm a tumblr noob but yeah your aesthetic is amazing and so pleasing to look at :D
2) your writing! im not exaggerating when i say that you're my fav haikyuu blog writer. seriously. i get sad when people mischaracterize our boys :'( but you characterize them so beautifully :") your attention to detail is amazing, your descriptions are BEAUTIFUL, and the way you write is just *chef's kiss* some of my favs are your iwaizumi's 4+1 scenario ;-; (ok honestly all of them tho) and your kuroo fluffmass scenario ;-; AH mah heart too many uwus literally melting from how soft it makes me
i actually have been slowly going through all your posts from the beginning lols (because even your responses to questions/random stuff are pleasant to read LOL im a bit weird like that 😅) and i LOVE your little tag notes too hahaha (theyre so fun/funny). maybe when im caught up with everything youve written (sad) and your asks are open i'll stop by again with a request ^^ im so glad you love writing and sharing it with us! hope you have a wonderful week~ (btw your cat is so adorbs like srsly)
whoops actually 3rd thing to gush about- inarizaki match AH!! the hype. the feels. and YES i unexpectedly fell hard for kita (darn you furudate ive already adopted so many haikyuu boys!) so excited for you to write for him because ah hes honestly so amazing?? the block hinata hated the most was a nice surprise & i literally d;lajfak when i saw __ watching the match when jogging. i have such a soft spot for that year in that team ;-; heart broke a bit when __ was the only one we didnt see tho T_T
OMG I ASDJKLFJEI I’M PUTTING OFF ORGANIZING MY BLOG TO WRITE THIS I don’t even know where to start, my insides are literally just this: 🥺🥺🥺 I am SOFT you seriously have no idea how much I was grinning reading this!!!! I don’t even know where to start really, but omg I’m so happy you found my blog and that you’re enjoying it so much, that means everything to me 🥺 Ahh ty for mentioning my theme! I am honestly such a perfectionist with themes, I always mess with them for AGES so it makes me really happy that you noticed it!
You are too sweet, omg, thank you soso much for your incredibly kind words about my writing, hearing that just honestly makes my heart soar. I also have to say that the Iwaizumi 4+1 scenario is one of my favorite pieces I’ve written for this blog!!! I’m glad you liked it too! 
I am ALWAYS spouting off in the tags, tbh if you don’t read them you’re missing out on a big chunk of my personality bc I tend to hide it there orz. But please do stop in with a request!! ^^
YES INARIZAKI MATCH my peabrain has already forgotten everything that happened in it but it was a wild ride for sure. There were so many moments that had me literally pausing from reading just to squeal about them!! Kita kinda just sneaks in there without any warning, after that one chapter it was just over for me, like, Miya twins who?? I really need to keep reading, bc now the Nekoma match is starting and things are just getting 👀👀
Ahaha but anyway! I can’t tell you how much this entire message means to me?? It just made me feel so warm and fuzzy inside, I love you so much darling!!! You can stop in here anytime hehe ❤️
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oikawa13 · 3 years
love in the time of köttbullar
Shouyou sets the bowl on the tiny table with a flourish and an itadakimasu! and this is when it hits Atsumu harder than a Skurup to the temple:He wants this. Shouyou, hip cocked against the miniature kitchen countertop, smiling shyly up at Atsumu through the amber fan of his lashes, beautiful god-boy-man somehow glowing gold even under the buzzy LED lighting. Though they’re standing in a 430,000 square foot warehouse in Tsurumachi, Atsumu’s looking at Shouyou, and he’s home.
Amid the Flärdfull and the Smörboll, Miya Atsumu falls a little more in love.
words: 3,378 | rating: T
i’ve never been inside an ikea so this fic quite literally changed me as a person. sometimes loving a person is as scary as saying that first i love you!!!! and sometimes... love is easy as saying i love you at an ikea ; ;
"Bokuto said I should bring you home. But I don’t know where you live. So I took you here.”
“To hell?”
"No, Atsumu-san. To my apartment."
words: 1,990 | rating T
i wake up in the middle of the night thinking about this fic and then go on ao3 to reread it again its just so fdjgfhdjf good. i think about this shoyo a lot. theres something!!!! very dreamy going on here. this is the first part to a series btw, you can read them all if you want since theyre probably all around 1k :-)
lord i no longer believe in anything but the way he holds my name between his teeth
The miracle of the rabbit on the moon.
“We took this photo at their seventh birthday party. His father baked a cake. But someone ate all the jellybeans off the top before they could even sing the birthday song. That’s why Atsumu cried. He used to cry a lot. It stopped when the twins found out about volleyball, but before that Atsumu would cry over everything. Spilled milk. A skinned knee. The neighbor’s dog. He was the twin that was scared of paper straws. It's funny how things have changed.
“He looks happier now. Did you do that?”
words: 10,456 | rating: T
so, this goes just a liiiiitle past 10k so its up to you if you want to read it or not, i just thought i’d include it since its so! close! lol theres this part!!!!! they are holding hands underneath the table!!!!!!!!! atsumu are you drunk?!!! no!!!!! hes just so stupidly in love with shoyo. i cant stand them!!!!!!!!!!!
wait for it, wait for it
The notifications are up at 100+ again and Hana wants to check it quickly to make sure nothing's wrong, especially because she'd just cleared them before the media scrum. The fans, she figured, must be overjoyed with the win.Congratulations MSBY Nation!!! the first reply reads. #myspiker #atsuhinaBoth tags, she finds, are currently trending in Japan.
Five times #atsuhina trended on volleyball Twitter and one time it should have (but luckily didn't), as told by the MSBY Black Jackals' junior publicist
words: 6,043 | rating: T
this fic is SOOOOO much fun!!!!!! also i love hana, idk if i ever mentioned that before but yeah. this is like... hdjkdhgjfd so much ; ; <3
south of an early summer
Warmth, then, was being wanted back. Two weeks later, Atsumu holds that warmth in by Shouyou’s waist; he watches it, how it sleeps, and wonders what the heat will become next.
words: 2,602 | rating T | tw: atsumu being atsumu about (past) kg/hn for a split second
IF i wasnt an absolute fool and gave you all these recommendations to pick and choose from id just send you this and the walking emoji bc honestly!!!!!!!!! i may not know what the heck romantic means but i see this and maybe it is romantic! maybe its not the average romantic idk?!!!! but i do know theres something beautiful here. love ?? ; ;
truths in two’s
Shouyou leaves for Brazil in two hours.
words: 8,300 | rating: T
LDR.... but like, in probably one of the easiest 2 breathe/good feeling fic for ldr!!!! idk im a baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ten reasons to break up with me: a love letter
1. It has to be you, ‘cause I won’t.
words: 4,197 | rating: T
pls....... i cant even THINK about this fic without crying okay!!!!!!!! insane. fuckign!!!! i love it so much, so much. it lives in my heart. this is the fic where i was like... i dont believe in love. yes i do. no<3 YES!!!!!!!! and cried and paced my room and finally FINALLY!!!!!! stopped feeling so hurt about hinata leaving for brazil again lmao!! like, i cant explain. this sounds crazy right???? anyway, i think... atsuhina can love each other so much it hurts when theyre apart but their love is so.... i mean......... they literally waited years to play together... so......... their love keeps them going..... GOODBYE!!!! i love listening to fka twigs cellophane & home with you and just..... being insane. 
just can’t help myself
Five times Hinata takes care of Atsumu, and one time Atsumu returns the favor.
words: 5,025 | rating: T
*think about atshn taking care of each other* *cries*
blue crush
And there’s a promise there, sewn into the easy curve of his lips: I’m not going anywhere, Atsumu-san. Glittering eyes that cut through the rain-blurry dark like a beacon when Shouyou turns back to look up at him. Even if you fuck up all of our dates.
Murphy’s Law as demonstrated by Miya Atsumu.
words: 2,297 | rating: T
atsumu trying very hard to have things perfect and romantic and even in the failures its still very lovely<3
If I’m Icarus, You Must be the Sun (Allow me Three Mistakes)
He wonders if Icarus felt like nothing was wrong with self-destructing, because he had reveled in the sun, if only for a little while.
Atsumu finds, loving Hinata is the same.
Atsumu's love over the years, and the mistakes that accompany it.
words: 4,620 | rating: T
i am...very weak to the whole icarus/sun thing with hinata and his ships. this one though......... i think about it A lot.
in your eyes, i see our future
“Yer’ a real sweetheart, Hinata Shouyou.”
Shouyou smiles brilliantly. “Only for you~”
He scoots over so Shouyou can sit next to him. He can smell the pineapple body wash Shouyou is so fond of the moment he sits down. Shouyou passes the tray over carefully before settling against the headboard comfortably.
“What’s the occasion?"
(Or, Atsumu just really wants to marry Shouyou.)
words: 9,769 | rating: T
fhdsjjkjfdsj goes crazy stupid over marriage!!!!! listen... i do not believe in marriage!!!!! but for atsuhina, oh you bet i do!!!! :-)
breathing a hello
There’s no significance to them ending up here except that both of their lives are held in the sway of volleyball. Everything else comes second.That’s the crux of it, really.
words: 2,826 | rating: T
gjhfsjkfd shhhhhhhhh. my heart is very soft when i think of them here, please..... just!!!! pls.
if you’re out there in the cold, i’ll cover you in moonlight
My [23M] best friend and ex-boyfriend [23M] is visiting me for a week, and my current boyfriend [24M] who agreed to all of this is suddenly withdrawing from me. Can I get some advice? Please? Anyone?
words: 8335 | rating: T | chapters: 3 | tw: past kg/hn 😳
this one is optional since you wanted one shots and theres 3 chapters here. my idea of romantic is...well, i especially love when one of them is acting hurtful/mean/difficult to the other bc their own personal issues but the other loves them anyway??? and then they work on that issue!!! just!!!!! ; ;
Love in the Time of Insomnia
And anyway Hinata was sprinting out faithfully after Atsumu, who had keys to the gym like a badass, and who was going to give his spikers a few more tosses after-hours without Meian knowing like the greatest, most generous badass the Jackals had ever seen. 
words: 2,457 | rating: G
running four kilometers just so atsumu can rest. this is what romantic means!!!! hdkshjfhdj
ode to what you’d have been
5 times it’s Kageyama’s fault and the 1 time Hinata realizes it has never been.
words: 3,628 | rating: G
loving someone including their flaws PART 2!!!!!! ok.... u might be like... um... this is romantic? hfdkhjfd LISTEN!!!! to me!!! there is nothing more romantic than being in love with someone and the ugly parts of them. going, i love you, all of you. and communication!!! and understanding!!! and feeling terrible and shitty and horrible but having the one you love accept you. and trying to help ease your mind, worries. *sobs real hard* also shout out 2 ‘okaaayy.... i hate sakusa now’
a shrine for a  boy
Despite his uncertainty about how to tell Atsumu of his move to São Paulo, Hinata takes action. Things do not go according to plan.
words: 2,447 | rating: G
hinatas time 2 be romantic and fail but its ok bc!!!!!!!!!! :-) they are just dummies in love<3
the greatest distance between you and longing is defeat
(In other words: Atsumu, let go. I’m here now.)
words: 3,310 | rating: G
um... *cries* post break up.... o_o!!!! god they really thought they could????? lmao!!!!!!
the tear in this (our gentle language)
“I’m going back to Brazil.”
He isn’t asking for permission. This isn’t a consultation. Hinata Shouyou informs his boyfriend at their after-practice practice. Miya Atsumu has a volleyball in each arm, trying to pick up a third. It drops and rolls away from him. The thud resounding in an empty gymnasium.
Shouyou had tried to envision Atsumu’s reaction many times. He never expected to be met with silence.
Alternatively: an exploration of Hinata Shouyou’s return to Brazil
words: 7,204 | rating: M
ldr CAN be romantic ok!!!!!!!! it takes a lot of communication, time, and love ; ;
evening sun
Atsumu looks at Shouyou and thinks, I want to know every inch of you.
words: 1,502 rating: M
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shiro-0197 · 3 years
AHH it's okay the important thing is that you got your rest!! I'm glad you're okay now tho xD
oh my gosh YES 😭💖 I'd love that. There's just something special about the ice cream there, I swear—
Yes it was very very nice. Gordon was as cute as ever, and it was nice just hanging out with my friends on the first day of the new year.
oh I'm not sure what the fashion ones are for (probably yes, to make people look hotter grrr) but I have a few sports ones because they help with my grip, like cycling and tennis. It protects the palms, I guess, haha.
No I understand. Your school probably has different branches in other cities. Mine doesn't but I know some that do, so don't worry I'm not confused 😝😝
ahhh I'm sorry xD we use the term freely here, kinda like what you call your best friend, but okay twins with an age gap, that's cute. You're right, you two are pretty similar, at least from what I've seen. I have Aaron, who's very similar to me, so I can understand how you regard Kuro haha. But yes, it's always nice to relate to someone and have them with you. I've said this tons of times, but you guys are truly lucky to have each other.
thank you :) I hope so too. It's just something I have to work on, I suppose. But I'm really good at hiding my emotions, to the point where my friends don't know what I feel at all (besides happiness), and that's pretty scary honestly, because I wish I could be more transparent about it. Oh off topic again, but yeah just wanted to put that out there xD
I'm sure she considers you a huge help to her, and it's plain to see that you love her very much, so I hope things get easier for her!!
oh please don't worry about that at all, I completely understand! When I said that, I hope it didn't come out as me asking or anything (it was never my intention 😣😣)— I just meant that I didn't even need to know, because I still think you're cute and attractive all the same :)) and I already have a rough idea from what you've told me, so don't worry about creating an artbreeder :P (tho I've seen a bunch of anime characters on artbreeder and they're so pretty. I might just use it myself to make Oikawa or the Miya twins on it 😭😭💖)
Oh I see that's so cool!! You're mixed too :)) and yeah, it'd be so nice meeting people from other cultures as well >.< It's a shame, but that's okay! I'm sure one day, you'll be able to travel wherever you want, and bring your mom along too :))
I hope so too !! Fingers crossed, it might be the start of a beautiful new friendship ;)
aw that sounds so cute!! I'm so envious of people who have dreams, I rarely have them and it's so nice to indulge in them when you're asleep, and remember them when you wake !! do you have dreams often? And ahhh good good !! Glad they didn't lie about it or anything smh -_- I'm happy you enjoyed it :) and that's okay I'm weird too, we'll be weird together 😚💖
Intelligence is hot— 😭. And I'll probably start rambling about the history of firecrackers because I'm a show-off too (did you know they originated from China? 😍)
😃🔫 It ended an hour and a half late. I was too tired to watch anything :(( but that's okay I'll watch it tonight!! I hope you're enjoying your day. I love you more.
Ahhh so sorry for late response!! I had to go out and I left my phone because it was out of battery😭😭
Ohh, does it? I hope they have melon ice cream😝
Aww that makes me so happy??!? I hope your next hey year goes like this, too!! I'm glad you had a great time
Ohh, right, I forgot about those xD yeah, I guess it's slippery when your hands are sweaty so gloves are useful. I really have no knowledge in sports clothes😭😭
Alright alright, glad you know!! Tbh I really hoep I can visit his school as a graduate one day:D
We really are😩 it's really awesome to have someone who's like you. It's like you're talking to yourself, but people won't find you weird because you're actually talking to another person. Though their answers are actually unpredictable, but that's good😋 I'm really glad you have Aaron. He seem like a great lil guy^^
I see what you mean, to be honest I'm like that too when I really dont feel well. It's really nice that you're trying to change that for yourself! Dont worry about getting offtopic, I do so as well hehe
Me too!! I really hope so
No no no no dont worry, Kuro had the idea when he saw the trend. He knew I didnt like taking pics even though I'm not really insecure about myself, so he proposed making one so I can share. Because i want people to see that I'm pretty😡 snjrjwjdjsnfjw
About that, he likes to send me the ugliest pics from Artbreeder and says "this is you" because he thinks hes funny ( ok he is but 😭😭)
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He sent me this bad boy saying it's me and to be honest I think I'm never going on that forsaken website ever
Btw good luck with making the guys!!! Tbh I barely know how to use it and usually I get pictures like ^that one so uh it's painful really xD
I sure will!! And I will kidnap Kuro and his mom and we will go to Norway and eat cheeseburgers👍 and meet you of course hehe
Well, I do have dreams! Pretty often too, though they're nothing much? Usually I'm just there, watering plants or eating fresh pastry (which hurts when I wake up because turns out I dont actually have any)
Exactly!! Also that's great to hear, so just two weirdos chilling😋
True true, if someone says something smart with a smart look on their face trust me I'm already in love and planning our marriage😭 heheh, let's be show offs together I guess💕💕 also, I'd say I didn't but i think i subconsciously knew (is that a thing ??) about that because of Kung Fu Panda 2 XD
Awhh😭😭 well, I hope you slept well and have the energy to watch it today!! I did enjoy my day, it was pretty cool, I got a spicy&juicy hot dog and a coffee (which was fake as hell and sucked ass) during my adventure 😝 I hope yours went fun as well! I missed you, love you lots💞💞💕
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svnarintaro · 4 years
hiya!! can i pls get a matchup fr hq if its ok? tysm ♡ bi girl, prefers guys! minor, scorpio, intp, neutral good, gryffindor. 5'5, black hair, dark brown eyes, glasses! my style is simple/cute/comfy~ sensitive, clumsy, stubborn, funny, playful, deep, awkward, smart, knowledgeable, imaginative, creative. daydreamer + anxiety, i overthink too much- i crave affirmation/praise!! rlly quiet/shy at 1st. i have a way w/ words, poetic? hopeless romantic~ i love teasing others! i swear quite often. (1/3)
i look fine but im a big mess- vv enthusiastic if its smth i love!! not innocent but ppl think so at 1st. superiority complex- a kid w/ my older twin sis but w/ others, mature. vv dramatic but rather closed off- i need lots of space,,, i love to have fun but would also just cuddle. realist but rather optimistic. socially anxious- great w/ technology! its vv hard to talk to ppl, ask fr help, n friend ppl. fr pda only hand-holding. i tend to drift away n just think? fave animes r hq/bsd~ (2/3)
i love makin faces!! love language is words of affirmation/quality time~ i love bein the best so i get competitive. sometimes i get rlly hyper n say the most random stuff? ideal date would be fun/relaxing! amusement park, stargazing + cuddling, video games!! smth like that~ fave songs mostly consist of game music!! loves: gaming, affection, jokes, stars, weapons, music, animals, movies, books, math, history, fun, mythology, nature, etc. i hope this is ok!! grats on 200, u deserve it~ ♡ (3/3)
thank you !! 
i’m already half way onto 300- 
anyways i hope you like your matchup !!
i match you up with..
miya (r)atsumu !!
- being playful is probably going to save you from atsumu
- like he is on another level when it comes to riling people up
- he will use your competitiveness to his advantage 99% of the time
- one time he said that you couldn’t run to the convenience store and get his favourite snack faster than him 
- he is actually kind of smarter than people take him for 
- but if he ever needs help he always turns to you 
- he may be annoying but he has such a soft spot for you 
- he will always give you praise and affirmation 
- but this is atsumu who we are talking about
- it has to come with a price
- you gotta pepper him with kisses 
- oh snap you’re a twin too ?
- he doesn’t really have an issue with superiority complexes
- he is surprisingly submissive when it comes to demands and being told what to do sometimes
- sometimes he’s just a pure brat
- he is a jerk sometimes but he really understands when you say you can’t go out sometimes and when you need space 
- he always tells you that he can be there for you 
- he watches bsd ( his favourite character is probably kunikida :/)
- he is a pretty pessimistic person but he will be an optimist when he hangs out with you more 
- your love languages match up ngl 
- he knows he’s the best but he is just cocky so he would honestly ask you to say that he is the best and he will give you praises too 
- he is a busy guy so he values dates 
- so his ideal date idea is probably going be an ice cream parlour 
- he just wants you away from osamu
- he is a person that kinda likes hand holding but he will kiss the top of your head when he gets jealous 
- he respects you 
- overall he’s just a simp 
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