#oh my god harry is so TINY a BABY
watchmegetobsessed · 6 months
A/N: oh my god??? im actually posting something??? wow!!! okay joke aside lol its been ages since i last poste anything and im not saying im back, but i've been trying to write here and there so hopefully i will be back soon. until then, here is this little something i manage to finish last month!
SUMMARY: Everyone knows Harry is crushing on Y/N, but he hasn't made any major moves. Maybe tonight, when they find themselves under the mistletoe...
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“So Styles, are you gonna man up and ask her out finally, or be a baby?” Niall laughs, bumping his shoulder against Harry’s as they are approaching the pub they spend almost every Friday night at. 
“Shut up,” he groans, but it’s impossible to miss the blush on his cheeks. Niall didn’t even drop a name, but they both knew who he was talking about.
It’s kind of an open secret that Harry has been very into Y/N. Well, all the boys know at least and they very much enjoy teasing him about it. Or maybe not about the crush, but about how long he’s been into her and he still hasn’t made any major moves. The past couple of weeks it’s been even more intense, because it seems like Y/N has been very much open towards Harry and his interest in her, but he’s been clearly waiting for him to make a move. 
As the boys arrive at the pub it’s just as buzzing as always even despite the painfully cold weather that’s been keeping everyone on campus wrapped up in their warmest clothes. A few days ago it was even snowing for a bit, though there’s nothing left from the whiteness by now.
Harry sighs happily as the warmth of the crowd inside hugs him in an instant. The bunch that’s already there, including Y/N, is sitting in the back at a table they often sit by, it’s kind of their spot at this point. 
He spots her in an instant and his cheeks warm up, but this time it’s not because of the temperature inside the pub. He saw her just the other day at lunch, but he can always feel his heart skipping a beat as if she was coming back from a months long trip. 
“You’re being obvious,” Niall bumps his shoulder against his, grinning at his friend, but Harry just rolls his eyes again as they make their way over to the table.
With only two weeks until winter break the place is decorated, there are garlands running along the walls and pipes, ornaments hanging from the corners of the framed photos, there’s a tiny christmas tree on top of the bar and if you’re not paying attention you can end up standing underneath a mistletoe here and there as well. 
“Hey! Thought you guys weren’t even gonna make it!” Jackie exclaims as she stands from the table, hugging the boys one by one. She is practically the person who brought the group together, everyone in the gang either had a lecture together with her, went to practice with her or shared a room with her. The latter is how Y/N got to meet the boys, including Harry. Though the two girls are not roommates anymore, they are still very close. 
Just as Harry wraps his arms around Jackie his eyes meet Y/N’s over her shoulder and his ming blanks for a moment. With her shy smile, simple yet flattering outfit and vibrant aura she is definitely the one who steals the show, at least in Harry’s mind. 
“Hi,” he breathes out when they are finally facing each other and she gifts him with the brightest smile as she lifts her arms to wrap them around his neck.
“Hi,” she giggles, her front pressing against his and he holds her just a bit tighter and longer than anyone else. Which she seemingly doesn’t mind. 
Of course they end up sitting next to each other. It’s no surprise to anyone. Niall is sitting across Harry and every time Harry looks his way he gives him a nudging, teasing look that screams “come on, make a move” which Harry tries to ignore as much as possible, though Niall tends to be a bit much at times.
“What are your plans for the break?” Y/N asks him, the two of them have kind of tuned out of the conversation that’s happening around the table. 
“Just going home, spending time with my family. My mum is very excited,” he chuckles softly. “What about you?”
“Pretty much the same,” she smiles. “I’m pretty sure my mum has already started cooking.”
They talk about family traditions, gifting and funny stories from past holidays, completely forgetting about the rest of the group for a while. When their glasses empty out they head over to the bar for a refill, sticking to each other’s side still.
When Y/N tries to pay for her drink Harry steps in, earning a knowing look from the bartender. 
“What a gentleman,” he murmurs under his breath with a smirk, pushing the two beers towards them. Harry’s ears turn red, while Y/N just nods in agreement. 
A guy hurries past them, pushing Y/N slightly against Harry whose hand moves to her waist out of instinct to steady her. The moment gets lost in the crowd to everyone else, but not to them. Harry’s whole body flames, the closeness of her feels exciting and calming at the same time and he doesn’t know, but she shares the same feeling. 
“You alright?” he manages to ask her, their faces way closer than ever before. She peeks up at him with a short nod.
“Yeah, thanks.”
It feels like a moment that would be perfect to finally make a move. Harry knows and as he is looking at her he also knows that she wouldn’t reject him, yet he still can’t get himself to take that step and cross the line he’s been dancing on for so long. 
The seconds pass by and the moment fades as well, disappointment bubbling in her gut as she moves back from him, his hand falling off her waist and he is already regretting being such a coward.
“Fuck,” he whispers to himself as Y/N starts to move ahead of him, back to the table and he follows her feeling like the biggest loser ever. 
Why is he so afraid of making a move? She’s all he’s been thinking about, they get along so well and everyone’s been telling him she wants him too. But still, that awful voice in the back of his head keeps reminding him there’s a chance she rejects him and everything would be ruined after that. 
Defeated, they join the rest of the table again and they both can feel a wall sitting right between them. Harry keeps replaying the moment in his head, he thinks of everything he could have done not to mess up his chance, wishing he could go back in time and man up finally.
Soon enough the group moves to the darts boards as Niall and Liam start a match, the rest enjoying the show because Niall is known to be quite competitive in any and all sports. 
Harry is standing by Y/N again, but there’s tension between them obviously and his mind is racing to find a way to ease the situation. Should he ask her to talk? Pretend like nothing happened? Or what if he just swung an arm around her right now? What if–
“Oh! You two!” Niall snaps him out of his thoughts, pointing at him and Y/N. “You’re standing under the mistletoe!”
They look up at the same time, checking that he did not lie, there really is a mistletoe hanging above them. Their gazes meet and the moment is back. Y/N is looking at him with hope tinkering in her eyes and Harry knows he can’t mess it up this time, but he needs just a few seconds to build up the courage, this is a big step and he…
He is taking too long. He sees the moment when Y/N is letting go and panic sets in, screaming at him to do something and then… he finally does. Just when Y/N turns her face in defeat he gently cups her cheek, turning it back and she sucks on her breath before he finally presses his lips to hers. 
A lot happens around them, there’s whistling and clapping and Niall shouts something but it all tunes out to Harry, she is all he can sense. Her arms are quick to snake around his neck and his hands find their way to her waist, pulling her tight into his embrace, hoping he never has to let go of her. 
All his fantasies about what kissing her would feel like vanish and he swears it’s all he has ever known, the touch of her soft lips, the way her tongue swirls against his, the warmth of her body pressed against his. 
Their mistletoe kiss stretches long and neither of them really wants to end it, but reality pushes its way back into their bubble and the noise pops it. Pulling apart they stare at each other for a while before Y/N’s lips slowly break into a smile that Harry feels like wants to own forever. He can’t bear the thought of anyone else being the reason she smiles this way. 
“Harry Styles finally grew some balls!” Niall shouts, completely stomping over the moment they just shared as they turn back to face their friends, arms still around each other. 
“A Christmas miracle!�� Jackie joins in on the teasing. 
“Okay, okay! I get it!” Harry groans, not quite enjoying being in the center of attention. 
Y/N’s arms have moved to circle around his abdomen and she gently squeezes him, grabbing his attention. The moment he looks at her smiling face he forgets about everything that’s making him uncomfortable. 
Leaning down he presses a short, lingering kiss to her lips, replacing every word he ever wanted to tell her and she understands it all, happy to be finally speaking the same language. 
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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finelinevogue · 1 year
he’s just harry
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summary - a couple of fan interactions with harry on the streets of london
word count: +1.1k
pairing: boyfriend!harry x reader
Even though the media make it out that Harry hates being out in public on his days off, you know it is actually one of his favourite things to do.
Especially with you.
Harry is known for being a private man, but he can’t help what fans secretly record and post on the internet. He would do the same for Stevie Nicks and you would do the same for Taylor Swift, so neither of you are opposed to reporting anyone for secretly filming. 
A favourite pastime of yours and Harry’s is to actually watch back story-time videos of fans, from when they have met you and Harry. Which is what you were both currently doing, after having your dinner. 
Harry is laying on the bed in your shared hotel room. You lay against his back and are held tight to him by his arm wrapped around your waist. 
He leans down to look at you every few minutes and leaves a kiss on your forehead, just because he can. His fingers around your waist snake under your Pleasing sweatshirt - the one that is actually his - and stroke tiny circles on the skin of your tummy.
With some light jazz music playing in the background, you and Harry can’t feel anything but peace. 
He has your phone in his hand whilst he scrolls through the latest videos on TikTok with the tag # harrystyles.
The next video he scrolls to after and edit of himself on stage is from a meeting of a fan in London.
“I just met Harry Styles.” The girl screams from the inside of her car. The video pans around and her boyfriend is sat there with a grin, no doubt because his girlfriend is so happy.
“I get to say that every day.” You comment, making Harry pinch the skin at your waist. You laugh and carry on.
“Can I just say, first of all, I have been waiting for this moment for years. Always in my mysterious girl era, just in case. And the one day I am wearing slouchy clothes I stumble upon him on a random back road in London. Life clearly hates me.” She begins her story.
“She looked great, I thought.” You said and Harry made no comment. Most likely because he never paid attention to looking at anyone with interest anymore - not since he had found you.
“And Y/N. Oh my God! She’s fucking stunning. Like, I understand why Harry snatched her up.”
“I did find a pretty good egg.” Harry agreed.
“I am not an egg.” 
“Whatever you say, baby.”
“But they were both so lovely. Harry was really kind and thanked me for supporting him. I asked for a photo but they politely declined, which is a little frustrating, but maybe it was for the best since I looked so bad today!” The girl continues her story.
“Fuck sake.” Harry mumbles out and you pause the video, already knowing what thoughts were relaying through his mind. 
You turned your head so you could see his whole face before speaking to him.
“You’re not a bad person for not taking a photo with them. You shouldn’t make yourself feel bad either. You’re a person, just as they are. People are allowed to close off their privacy for the day if they want. Okay?” 
“Thank you.” Is all Harry responds with. Well, that and a minutes worth of kisses. 
You move onto another video, so not to upset Harry any more with the previous one. You couldn’t know whether she might say something else bad and you weren’t prepared to make Harry sad, so the next video it was.
This came from a girl in London airport.
“Oh fuck.” Harry instantly says when he sees the girl on the screen.
“What?” You asked, confused. You hadn’t even been aware this interaction had taken place and you were with him in the airport. Now you were just curious as to what had gone down.
“This is going to be so embarrassing for me.” He wines and tries to bury his face in your neck. You kiss the tip of his nose and push him away.
The video starts by the girl looking really nervous, before Harry pans into view on the other side of the screen. It was only their chins in the view, but it was still a very lovely view of your boyfriend.
“Hi.” The girl fumbles over her words.
“Hello.” He says, removing his sunglasses from his face since he had been found.
“I just saw you from over there and had to come and say hello. I know this is probably really annoying for you and I’m going to leave so as to not be a burden to you, but I really love your music and you are an amazing human being.” The girl rambles, but that might be the nicest of things you have heard a fan say to Harry.
Before the girl can leave, Harry asks that all important question.
“Thank you so much. Would you maybe like a photo?” He asks. 
“Aw Harry.” You pout and he pinches your waist again. “Quit that, will you?” You hit elbow him in his ribs gently.
“Yes please. Wow, thank you.” The video then tilts so Harry and this girl come onto the screen. Harry smiles a small smile and holds up his fingers in a peace sign. He looks very cute.
“Have a safe flight.” Harry says and goes to hold his hand out for the fan to shake, but instead knocks her phone out of her hand and it drops to the floor. 
“Harry!” You gasp and sit up a little more attentively.
“I know.” He cringes.
Luckily the phone was alright, but Harry had to prolong the conversation with the fan and even offered her a new one. She turned that down and thankfully he didn’t have to owe anything to anyone. You can tell at the end of the video he is embarrassed though.
“You dickhead.” You laugh at him. 
He puts the phone down and joins his other hand under your sweatshirt so they are both enjoying tracing over your skin. You hum in delight and breathe in the air that is scented by him.
“I’m tired.” He says, knocking his head against yours to rest.  It had been a long day of rehearsals and meetings for him today, but he didn’t mind because he knew that it would be worth it to spend an evening of peace with you. 
“I know, baby.”  You say, reaching a hand up behind your head to stroke over his curls. “We can go to bed now, if you want?” 
You and Harry end up spending the next twenty minutes getting ready for bed and cuddle before you are both fast asleep, awaiting the first, last, ‘Love On Tour’ show tomorrow. 
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whitemancumslut · 1 year
summary actress!singer!reader is best friends with the one and only harry styles. many suspect romance between the two… but can you blame them? here are some of their birthday post for each other throughout the years💕 face claim, gracie abrams
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liked by yourinstagram, liampayne, and 2,626,002 others
harrystyles Happy birthday i guess…
view all 4,000 comments
yourinstagram you love me tom
harrystyles Hate to admit it
harryfan101 you don’t hate to admit it
harryfan2 you love her you know it
harryfan3 tom????
harryfan4 it’s their nicknames😭😭 she’s jerry he’s tom and they both call each other ‘stinky’
ynfan1 y’all are in love admit it
ynfan3 LITERALLY!!!
harryfan5 AWW
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liked by taylorswift, zendaya, and 3,339,000 others
yourinstagram happy birthday stinky!! i love u lots
view all 7,229 comments
harryfan2 i aspire to have a friendship like theirs
harryfan3 same tbh
harrystyles Kisses to my Jerry❤️
harryfan3 KISSES??? HES TOO CUTE
harryfan4 i know she wishes they were real kisses..
yourinstagram you’re not wrong
ynfan3 WHAT .
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liked by camilacabello, yourinstagram, and 3,993,727 others
harrystyles Congrats, you’re a big girl now! Happy birthday stinky!
view all 5,557 comments
yourinstagram Thanks big dog😊
yourinstagram my Tom so sweet
harryfan1 y’all they have a platonic relationship
harryfan2 almost siblings
ynfan4 WOAH…
ynfan5 siblings is pushing it
ynfan6 you’re in denial
harryfan4 OH MY GOSHHHH
harryfan5 i’m obsessed with you two
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liked by sabrinacarpenter, harrystyles, and 2,999,431 others
view all 4,080 comments
harrystyles Thank you, Jerry x
harryfan1 Omg the nickname still stands yall!😭
harryfan2 I KNOW MY HEART!!!
ynfan1 TOM AND JERRY😭😭
harryfan3 no because he looks rlly good here
harryfan4 the way he’s just sitting there looking so fine😩😩
ynfan4 so effortlessly
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liked by yourinstagram, louis91, and 3,007,909 others
harrystyles Throwback to one of your first rehearsals! you were small!!! Happy birthday, tiny.
yourinstagram Very wholesome of you
harryfan3 MY HEART
ynfan2 😭TINY
ynfan3 ik they are so cute irl with these nicknames
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liked by harrystyles, niallhoran, and 5,000,907 others
yourinstagram Happy birthday sexy!!😊😊😊
view all 10,007 comments
harrystyles Oh you’re too sweet angel!
yourinstagram Sense the sarcasm.
harryfan1 HAHAHA
harryfan2 SEXY??? OH GOD HERE WE GO
ynfan2 okay but you’re right he’s sexy
harryfan3 now… at this point they’re feeding into it
ynfan3 okay and we’re hungry. they’re giving us what we need
harryfan4 THE VIDEO😭😭
harryfan4 it’s just y/n saying “stinky look at the camera.” and he just turns and smiles with a thumbs up that’s it😭😭
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liked by yourinstagram, annetwist, and 5,000,999 others
harrystyles Happy birthday pretty angel❤️
view all 12,828 comments
harryfan1 y’all are in love
ynfan1 😭😭😭😭
ynfan2 I’m melting
harryfan2 GOSH SHE IMA CRY
harryfan3 NO WAYYY
harryfan4 she’s getting more attention/post then any of harry’s girlfriends ever
ynfan4 plot twist: she is the girlfriend
yourinstagram’s stories
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liked by mitchrowland, yourinstagram, and 5,992,283 others
harrystyles Missing you a little extra right now. Happy birthday, pretty.
view all 7,838 comments
harryfan1 i’m so emotional right now.
harryfan2 i can’t do this
harryfan3 ME TOO
harryfan5 what’s sad is that they hardly see each other anymore. she’s filming more and he’s touring. she posted on her story this year. NO EVEN A POST.
ynfan3 the second slide is recent though right??
harryfan5 yes. that’s when they saw each other at Sarah’s birthday party.
ynfan4 OMG THE TEXT😭
yourinstagram ma stinkyyyy❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
harryfan6 THERE IT IS OMGG
ynfan5 i’m crying i’ve missed them so much. i can only go so long without them
ynfan6 this relationship is too good to be true
harryfan7 RELATIONSHIP???
harryfan8 platonic .
ynfan7 yeah they’ve been hanging out a lot since tour came to an end… very little details hint they’re definitely more than what they’re claiming
harryfan9 they aren’t claiming ANYTHING.
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liked by harrystyles and 6,008,917 others
yourinstagram stinky is old now:( happy birthday i love you. i love you. i love you. this is your year, H x
view all 3,930 comments
harrystyles i love you.
harryfan1 okay now there’s no way that y’all rekindling ain’t make y’all realize your feelings.
harryfan2 wattpad shit for real
ynfan1 no way… WE SEE THE SAME THING RIGHT???
ynfan2 YES OH MY GOSH.
ynfan3 AWEEE
ynfan5 “your year” yeah i’m sobbing
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liked by lizzobeeting, yourinstagram, and 9,000,000 others
harrystyles My soul. My muse. My best friend. My everything. Happy birthday, my angel.
yourinstagram baby i love u
harrystyles oh how i love you
harryfan2 NO WAY.
ynfan2 BABY??
harryfan3 WE WON
ynfan4 OH MY WORD
harryfan4 😭😭😭 END ME NOW
harryfan5 MY PARENTS
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liked by harrystyles, tomholland, and 9,029,003 others
yourinstagram everyone wake up, my love—my manchild is twenty eight today
view all 14,929 comments
harryfan1 Manchild😭 MY LOVE
harrystyles ❤️❤️❤️
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madeintheniamh · 1 year
harry & y/n babymaking please
baby-making in venice
a/n: it is 3am. what on earth am i doing.
warnings: smut & sex
song: delicate- taylor swift
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“So I get two gorgeous views tonight. God, I’m a lucky man, aren’t I?” Harry walked over towards the balcony, admiring you from behind. It was a clear summer’s night, as you allowed the Italian air to fill your lungs slowly. You turned around before playfully squeezing his bum. As he leaned into kiss you, you could smell the red wine on his breath.
“I want,” he whispered, before you cut him off, feeling the bulge underneath his trousers which was brushing against your thigh grow slightly. He cupped your tiny frame in his arms and placed you onto the bed, as you felt the freshly ironed cotton sheets make contact with your bare shoulders. “I want you, my love, all of you,”
“Only if you say please,” You teased, as he ripped your lacy thong from off of your hips. He climbed on top of you, his green pools of light now staring directly into yours.
“Please,” he smirked, as you felt his finger slide playfully across your clit, which made you shudder slightly. “Let me take care of you,”
You allowed his fingers to enter you, strong but gentle, whilst he cradled your face, still staring into your eyes. You felt your toes begin to curl up as he pumped back and forth.
“Oh fuck, Harry, that’s so good,” You cried out, your head rolling backwards, sinking further into the pillows. You bit your lip, as you felt hot warm liquid begin to coat your other lips. “Fuck,”
“Are you going to take care of me, too?” He whispered, as he slid his fingers out, and you felt him enter you fully. The headboard continually bashed against the wall, as he slid back and forth inside of you, whilst massaging your clit with his free hand. “You’re being such a good girl, lovey,”
“I know,” You tried to mutter, but the feeling was so good that it came out more like a gasp. “Your good girl,”
“Yes,” he laughed, a stray piece of hair dangling across his forehead. “You’re so tight for me today, angel, now turn around,”
You did as you were told, and arched your back. Your hands were now gripping the edge of the headboard, as he entered you from behind, and you gasped at the force of it. “Fuck, Harry, that’s so good,”
“Good,” he giggled, now thrusting his whole weight into you. “God, you’re going to make me come, baby,”
He rode you backwards and forwards for a few minutes, before you felt him stiffen as the milky liquid sprayed out inside of you. “Fuck, that’s good,”
He lay down next to you for a few minutes, still partially inside of you, as he tucked your hair behind your ear.
“Harry, I have something I need to tell you,” You sighed.
“What is it, lovey,” he whispered, and you could feel his cool breath in your ear. “You can tell me anything,”
“I never,” you stammered. “I ran out of birth control pills,”
He paused for a minute, before smiling. “Is that such a bad thing?”
“Aren’t you annoyed?”
“Baby, I love you. And I want more of you,” He smiled, eyelashes fluttering. “So I wouldn’t mind a little you,”
“Are you sure, Harry? I can find a pharmacy-”
He cut you off by pecking you on the lips. “I’m sure,”
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mydearesthrry · 1 month
i loveddd the musician reader blurb 🥹🥹 would loveee to see more
a/n: I LOVED WRITING IT THANK U FOR THIS ANON. enjoy my babies <3 i have an fc for musician!yn x har and its gonna be gracie abrams :p
warnings: nonesies, fluff!!
“hey, h?” Y/N called from her spot on the sofa, her laptop on her lap as she scrolled through the files for her next project, entitled five seconds flat.
“yeah, baby?” he shouted back, his footsteps soon following his words as he walked through their house, sitting next to Y/N when he arrived. “whats wrong?”
“um, to be honest, i- i don’t even really know. i just think something’s missing from here,” she sighed, running a hand through her hair. “like, i love it so far, but it’s missing something. i think it’s missing it’s ‘overarching love’ song. which is really stupid because this album has so many love songs.”
“not really.” he replied simply, shrugging and looking at her.
“what do you mean? there’s tons!”
“really? like what? go through the tracklist, baby.”
she rolled her eyes, mumbling a ‘fine!’, before pulling up the tracklist. “see! um, all my ghosts, what a shame? kinda?”
“exactly.” he stated, giggling at his wife.
“you’re so annoying. can you help me? please?”
he scoffs playfully, “as if i didn’t produce nearly the entire thing f’you, but sure.”
“okay, so i’m thinking of a poem that i wrote a long time ago called lame, and i wanna work on that. it was right before i told you i loved you.”
after cracking open y/n’s journal and flipping through the pages, they had finally had a song.
“fucking finally, holy shit!” she shouted, clapping as she collapsed on harry who laid sprawled on the couch.
“y’still gotta record it, m’precious wife,” he giggled. “and find a feature. since we decided that’s what we’re doing, f’some reason.”
“fuck my life,” she groaned, twisting in her spot to attach her cheek to his chest, hair fanning out around her and nearly tickling his nose. “why can’t you do it with me?”
“no, dude!”
“harry,” his wife stressed, holding the ‘y’. “pretty please? i’ll do that thing you like with my mouth?” she offered, knowing he wouldn’t refuse that.
“oh my god, fine! but this is the first and last collab im doing!” he grumbled exasperatedly.
“thank you, oh my god!” she squealed, running over to him and jumping, legs wrapping around his legs and her arms crossing around his neck.
“whatever. better hold up your end of the bargain.” he rolled his eyes, his hypocritical hands coming down to rest on her waist.
she grinned, jumping down from him and placing her hands on his chest. blinking up at him owlishly, she ran her hands down his torso and murmured, “i plan to, handsome. i’ll even start right now.”
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liked by charles_leclerc, sabrinacarpenter, and 7,662,617 others
yourinstagram: took a tiny break and ended up at long pond with my beautiful producer husband <3. u have to wait to hear what we made there,,, butttt….. HATE TO BE LAME FT HARRY STYLES IS OUT NOWWWWW LOVE YOU LOVE YOU LOVE YOU
pinned yourinstagram: ps our faces when we cant figure out a chord progression 😭😭😭
comments on this post have been limited
charles_leclerc: Already streaming in the Ferrari garage!
> scuderiaferrari: charles_leclerc we can confirm 🫡
> yourinstagram: scuderiaferrari OMGGGGG MI FAMIGLIAAAAAA LOVE U
landonorris: party celebration for the surprise release when???
> yourinstagram: landonorris get podium this weekend and u can celebrate for us 🤗🤗🤗
billieeilish: crying again i love you guys
ynrrysweethearts: EEEEEK
niallhoran: Gnomeo and Juliet back and better than ever!
> harrystyles: Rude.
madisonbeer: ur literally perfect in every way goddd i miss u guys so much
> yourinstagram: madisonbeer we miss u our precious daughter
harrystyles: We’re so cute. I love us.
harrystyles: I love you times infinity. It makes sense that you’ll probably be my first and last feature. H Xxxx
> yourinstagram: first and last but a few more right 🥹🥹
daylightyn: our parents!!!!!
alexandrasaintmleux: my beautiful angel girlllll
> yourinstagram: alex my love i miss u to bits
francisca.cgomes: we miss u on the paddock sweet bby 💞
> yourinstagram: oh my god kika i miss u so much its a problem
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liked by yourinstagram, niallhoran, and 9,266,166 others
harrystyles: HATE TO BE LAME. OUT NOW.
view all 78,189 comments
yourinstagram: 🤭🤭🤭
yourinstagram: love youuuuuuu so muchsies
> harrystyles: I love you moresies. Xx
yourinstagram: ok look at us being models
yourinstagram: am i hyping u up enough
> harrystyles: yourinstagram Yes. Fueling my ego.
yourinstagram: my precious baby angel sugar cookie muffin pie <3 <3
> harrystyles: You’re insane.
user1: MORESIES??????? WTF
user2: he just said moresies yn is influencing him too much 😭😭😭
> yourinstagram: user2 its my job!!!! 😁😁
user3: they’re both on the writing credits they prob wrote it together 😭😭😭
oscarpiastri: dad!!!!!!!!
> harrystyles: No. ❤️
user4: harry calling yn insane is so funny like hes def heard worse
user5: i love them so bad oh my god
> user7: yes!!! yn’s sister was a mechanic for ferrari and is now lando’s race engineer so they all get along really well!
yourinstagram: sorry im back here again WE R SO CUTEEEEEE
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butdaddyilovehim-hs · 10 months
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The Wedding
Y/N is stressed planning for their wedding and Harry can’t seem to do anything right.
Warnings: angst, sad ending, explicit language
Word Count: 1.2k
Y/N gazed at the bling on her finger, the stone catching in the sunlight. It had been 6 months since she had said yes and wedding planning was in full swing. Of course with Harry being CEO of one of the largest Fortune 500 companies in the world, their wedding was all any of the tabloids were talking about.
Harry and Y/N. London’s power couple. There were now less than 2 months before the big day and Y/N had everything under control. Well… she thought she did. Y/N sighed and rubbed her temples as she stared at the seating chart, a massive binder beside her. A steaming cup of coffee was placed in front of her as Harry kissed the top of her head before sitting down next to her.
“Y/N. You’ve been staring at those charts for the last two hours. Why don’t you take a break?” She raised an eyebrow before taking a deep breath.
“Take a break? Are you kidding me? Our wedding is in 2 months Harry. And the seating plan still isn’t finished. I still haven’t bought my dress, you haven’t been to get a tux and we haven’t booked the flowers. We haven’t booked the flowers Harry!” He chuckled before tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear.
“It’s going to be fine Y/N. Ok let me help. We can have our parents seated together on table 2… wait. Your mom isn’t on this list?” Y/N sighed as Harry looked up at her quizzically.
“I don’t know if I want to invite her. We still haven’t worked out all of our issues and I don’t need her coming in and running the whole show.”
“Why don’t you invite her for a visit? You need to work things out and I’m sure she would love nothing more than to be there for you on our day.” Y/N took a large sip of her coffee, shaking her head violently.
“Nope. No way Harry. I can’t deal with her right now. I’m stressed enough as it is.”
“But maybe if you tried you could-”
“I said NO Harry. Stop pushing it.” She turned her attention back to the seating chart, shutting him out completely. Harry watched her for a few moments before shaking his head and walking to the study. She’s just overwhelmed, he told himself. We’re going to be fine.
3 weeks later Y/N felt like she was drowning. She had found her dress but it was the wrong size since she had lost so much weight for the wedding. Everyone was getting on her nerves. Even Harry. Well… especially Harry. She heard the front door open then close and tore her gaze away from her planner to see Harry come in through the front door. Noticeably, without a tux. He leant down to kiss her hello, before noticing her annoyed glare.
“Everything ok hun?”
“Harry… where’s your tux?” Y/N asked coolly. His expression turned to confusion.“Y/N, what are you talking about? You told me last week to pick it up on Wednesday. It’s- he checked the date on his phone- shit. I thought it was Tuesday. Doesn’t matter, I'll just go tomorrow.” Y/N slammed her book shut before glaring at him once more.
“You can’t just “go tomorrow.” They’re closed for the next 3 weeks Harry. You won’t have time to make any adjustments if it’s wrong. God why can’t you just listen for once?!” She bit out frustrated.
Harry laughed dryly.
“Why can’t I just listen for once? Jesus Y/N, I have been listening to you for the past 6 months complain about each tiny thing that has gone wrong. Big deal. I forgot to collect it. I’ll go and get it when I can. Calm down.” Y/N stood up from the couch seething.
“Calm down? Are you fucking serious? I am so busy Harry. I have a company to run and the wedding of the year to plan. Have you seen these tabloids? I am so sick of all of them asking whether or not I’m having a baby because I seem to have ‘gained a little weight’ lately. I’m asking you to do one thing and you can’t even do that. What have you done to help me Harry? I am so sick of you.”
“Oh my god Y/N what the hell is wrong with you? It’s our wedding, it’s not the hunger games. No one is dying if it isn’t perfect. I don’t understand why you-” The doorbell rang, silencing the both of them.
Y/N stalked over to the door and wrenched it open.
“My baby!” Y/N spat out a mouthful of blonde hair as she was brought into a bone-crushing hug.
“I’ve missed you so much! And a wedding? When Harry called me last week to invite me, I just couldn’t believe it!” Y/N tugged out of the hug shooting a death glare at her fiance.
“Harry did what?” Lauren Williams beamed at her daughter, oblivious to the tension in the room.
“He invited me to the wedding honey.” She repeated patiently. Lauren moved around to give Harry a hug.
“I can’t wait to help you with everything sweetie. Have you chosen a dress? Can I see? What about flowers? Because they can be hard to-”
“Mom,” Y/N said through gritted teeth. “I just need to have a quick chat with Harry ok?”
Y/N dragged Harry to the spare bedroom down the hall to make sure Lauren couldn’t hear them.
“Ok what the fuck Harry? I specifically told you I didn’t want her here!” Harry sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
“I thought it would be better for you guys to sort out your issues before the wedding but it seems like we have some stuff to work out ourselves.” Y/N huffed before crossing her arms over her chest.
“Yeah? No kidding. This is another example of you not listening. You don’t make an effort Harry and it drives me insane since I’m here fighting for this wedding. For us.” Harry snapped.
“Well if it’s so difficult for you then maybe we should call off the wedding! This clearly isn't working for us anymore! He yelled.
Y/N’s mouth snapped shut, her anger replaced with sadness. Her eyes glistened with tears and her bottom lip trembled.
“Are you… serious?” She asked quietly. “You just want to give up on us?” Because of an argument?” Harry pinched the bridge of his nose, his frustration evident.
“One argument? All we do is argue! I haven’t had a single conversation with you that hasn’t ended with one of us screaming in the last 2 weeks. I don’t know what you want from me Y/N! I’m trying. I swear to god I’m fucking trying.”
“So is that what we’re doing then? Calling it off?”
“No Y/N I didn’t mean that. I just-”
“No, you made it pretty clear what you meant.” She let the tears fall freely now, dodging around him to get through the door, grabbing her purse off the table ignoring the confused look from her mother.
“Y/N, come back! We can work this out.”
“I have to get out of here Harry.” She rushes out onto the street, tears clouding her vision, her one goal being to get to her car. She doesn’t hear Harry screaming her name until it’s too late. The car hits her just as she looks up, but she’s unconscious before she can even feel the pain.
A/N: 🫠
@lukesaprince @intimacywithceline @styleslover-1994
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sacharinee · 1 year
cute moments i imagine with peter pt. 1!
pairing: peter parker x reader
wc: 2119
a/n: this is my first post pls be nice :( i have lots of cute n random moments i think about revolving around peter. one of them being abt him buying u a lego set only for him to build it and u to keep the finished product. i listened to new home (slowed) by austin farwell while making this and u should too! this was supposed to be a blurb thing but ig not- i hope you like it :)
“okayyy, my turn!”
you’re even more excited when it comes down to peter’s beaming smile staring right at you, and you can’t help but return his contagious smile. you find yourself sitting in a circle on the floor among your dearest and closest friends on a friday night. ned, betty, mj, harry, and peter all join you for a little gathering you held for your birthday. 
you peer down at his perfectly wrapped gift; baby pink paper with tiny red ‘happy birthday!’ messages printed across the wrapping with a large white and dramatic ribbon on top conceals what you assume will be the best gift of the night. not because of how adorable the present set in front of you looks, but because it’s from peter. you love anything and everything from peter. 
you delicately lift the big rectangular box to your ear and lightly shake it, wondering what it could be as a curious expression paints your face. peter sits directly across from you with his ankles crossed and knees to his chest as his buff arms embrace himself. 
“did you get her one of those DIY craft mug kits, peter? god forbid she gets another mug to add to her hoarder collection” ned quips with a mouthful of pizza. “shut up, dude, i didn’t” he whispers. 
peter knows you’re touchy about the stockpile on your mugs. you enjoy the witty quotes and funny faces of tv star celebrities plastered on your coffee cups. 
“actually, no he’s right. i tried getting a glass from your cupboard the other day cause i was thirsty and a fucking mug fell out and shattered right next to me. the mugs in your cabinets are overflowing, it's a safety hazard” harry shakes his head in disapproval. mj remarks “since when do you care about safety-” “that was you?!” you shriek, wide-eyed. “you owe me a new ‘worlds best boss’ cup.” “what? i could have died!-”
“okay! just open it” peter smiles. a soft crimson flush covers his cheeks, obviously flustered with you and harry’s bickering. harry roll his eyes and pouts while he crosses his arms as everyone stares back at you.  
you turn your attention back to the mysterious gift before you. hesitantly, you untie the silk ribbon as it falls flat against the ground. you find yourself failing to hold back your blushing smile, nerves rush through your body and your excitement begins to increase. you carefully peel back the pretty wrapping paper as if you’d like to keep that too. soon enough, the box revealed has you gasping, eyes widening at the sight in front of you. 
“oh my- god! oh my god!” you squeal, rushing to unveil the entire box. once finally uncovered, you hold it up in front of you in awe. some of your friends gaze at the present confused as your eyebrows furrow in an attempt not to cry and your lips turn downward slightly. 
for a second, peter thinks you’re discontent with his gift, but it quickly fades as he understands your expression. you glance back at him; you think he’s so beautiful like this. with his eyes crinkling because of his wide smile stretched across his face, he relishes the moment, proud that he’s the reason he makes you feel like this. 
you sniffle and quickly drag your knees across the carpeted floor with your large gift barely holding on in your left hand. peter brings his knees to his sides and opens his arms as you fall into him. you feel his strong arms wrap around you, yours linked around his neck and peter begins to fall backward, with you laying flat against his chest. yours and peter’s giggles fill the room and you forget that it's not just the two of you in that room. peter doesn’t even seem to struggle with the fact that your entire body weight rests on top of him. 
his gentle and loving dark eyes gaze into yours and it tells you everything you ever needed to know. you are so unconditionally in love with him as he is with you. your faces are leveled perfectly against each other and you can see everything up close; though it’s nothing you’ve never seen before. his long thick lashes, his smile lines, his funky left eyebrow, his soft freckles across his nose and cheeks; you would count every single one of them if he’d let you. peter lifts his fingers to brush a strand of hair behind your ear. 
a loud cough interrupts you two.
you’re quick to roll off of him and plop on the space beside him. “what is it?” betty questions. you quickly glance around the circle, not missing mj’s knowing small smile and raised eyebrows.
ned and harry gasp. you show your gift off to everyone, “it’s a lego set!” you excitedly beam. mj and betty give you adoring smiles. you gleam back at peter, “i’ve been wanting this for forever” you gush, “how’d you know?”
“when my laptop broke down and you let me use yours,” he begins, “i wasn’t trying to peek but you had like a million tabs open- which you really shouldn’t because it could lead to a lot of technical problems down the road with your comput-” “you wanna talk about computers breaking down?” peter squints down back at you. “that’s beside the point, anyways, you had a bunch of sites of those flower bouquet lego sets up and i figured you might’ve wanted one,” he answers. “also every time we stop by at barnes and nobles you rush to the toys section for the legos and talk about how you’ve always wanted one so…” 
you roll your eyes and continue to grin down at your present. you hold it close to your chest. “i love it.” 
ned and harry were already out the door when betty and mj began to say their goodbyes. “we’ll see you at lunch tomorrow right? to study for chem?” “sure, betty. i’ll see you guys later. thanks for coming” you smile at them. betty waves at you as she catches up with ned and harry while mj tugs down at your wrist, “so, you and peter huh?” she smirks. you hate how observant she gets sometimes. 
“it’s nothing.” “uh huh” “mj!” “i’m just saying,” she shrugs. “you and peter look really cute together, and i’m happy for you two. i could tell he really likes you.”
you appreciate her comment. mj hates to show affection lots of the time, so it means a lot to you when she does. “thanks em.” you hug her goodbye, while all mj sports is a soft double pat on your back and you laugh at her “go home.” she laughs back at you and turns on her heel, “bye!”
you lock your front door and walk back into your surprisingly tidy kitchen. peter stands at your sink drying the last dish and placing it back into your cabinets as he turns around only to find you staring back at him in amusement. “what?” you shake your head at his innocent smile. the side of his hip leans against your stove and you take a few steps towards him and link your arms around his neck. he cranes his neck down for you to reach him more easily. 
you place a gentle kiss on the corner of his mouth, “you didn’t have to get me anything, pete.” his free arm wraps around your waist and turns you so your back is facing the stove, and his body cages yours. he smiles into the needy kiss he plants against your lips; one that was suppressed for your friend’s sake of finding out that the two of you are in a relationship. you and peter are still finding the right time to tell them. 
peter hums into your mouth when your hands find their way to his hair and lightly pull on it. “you don’t know how badly i wanted to get it for you. you can finally have a plant that won’t die on you” he smirks. “hey!” your hand lightly slaps his broad chest. “my plants survive.” “sure, babe.”
an idea flashes into your mind as your eyes sparkle with excitement and it piques peter’s interest in whatever you’re thinking. 
“wanna help me build it?” his eyebrows raise at your request. you know he wants to. after you, peter loves his legos. you giggle as he fervently nods his head and follows you to your room.
and that is how you and peter end up sprawled across your room with the empire strikes back playing on your tv. you’re lying stomach-down on your soft mattress with your chin resting on your laced fingers as you stare at peter on the floor, working on building your flower bouquet. 
you couldn’t care less about the movie, you’ve watched it about a hundred times with peter around already. instead, you’d rather watch your boyfriend, working so hard and determined on the lego set. you can’t even see his eyes but you can tell his brows are furrowed and see the tip of his tongue sticking out in concentration. 
when you asked him to help you build it, you did not exactly mean for him to take over it entirely. but within the first ten minutes of unpacking and assembling, you started to get overwhelmed with how many pieces there were. you tried your best starting with the daisies while peter went on to work on the lavenders but you soon got bored of building it. peter happily took over for you since he was already finished building his flower. “go rest,” he mumbled and kisses you on the side of your forehead; he moves over to your spot and finishes what you started. 
that explains your current position. the star wars movie is close to the climax and you find it funny how legos can completely distract your boyfriend from his all-time favorite movie; sometimes you struggle in capturing his full attention when this movie plays on the screen. 
“aaaand done!” he presents your gift in the air with a proud smile on his face. you take a mental picture and keep it engrained in your mind forever. peter already took the liberty of taking one of your empty vases lying around your room and filling it with your new flowers, but not before asking what happened to the plant that lived in there previously with a raised eyebrow to which you just pouted and cluelessly shrugged your shoulders at. 
you squeal in excitement as you clamber off your bed, taking the bouquet into your own hands and placing it on the cleared space on your desk. 
you stare and admire his generous gift for you and your heart bursts at the seams. you let out a content sigh, “it’s perfect.” 
you swiftly turn around to face him and he’s staring at you with a loving smile, “you are perfect,” you compliment. shuffling towards him, you stand on your tiptoes as your warm hands cover his soft cheeks, his arms around your waist. your plump lips meet his chapped ones again to which he eagerly returns. the kisses you two share are deep, held with so much emotion and affection for one another, it makes it hard for you to believe peter is really yours. 
he pulls back breathlessly, “i love you, y/n/n.” you blush and kiss him back, walking him backward until the back of his legs hit your bed frame and he sits. 
you crawl on top of him as he lays down completely against your cushy mattress. you lean down towards his face while sitting in his lap, his hands find their home on your hips gently. peter’s adoring smile grows as you pepper his face with smothering kisses. soft giggles leave his pink lips. with the way he gasps for air, it sounds like he drowning in affection from you. he squeezes your hips as he gets overwhelmed with your kisses, and you think you can feel your heart getting bigger by the second. 
you take a moment to pause and catch your breath, peter too. it’s close to the middle of the night; the movie is far along into the credits and long forgotten. you and peter start to realize how exhausted you guys are, mirroring each other's yawn. you slide down beside him with your right leg hooked around his waist, palm against his chest with your head laying in the crook of his neck. you place a feather-like kiss under his jaw, and you see him rest his eyes in peace as you mumble back, “i love you.” 
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The Quest for a Name
I hope the wait was worth it loves!
February 25, 2023.
Harry. Melbourne, Australia. 12:30 PM.
The store was rather empty, which allowed me to browse and shop peacefully; Tommy and Jeff were finishing a call while I was browsing the children’s books hoping to find some to bring back home to my girls. My girls. I smiled when I thought about three of the most important women in my life back in England waiting for me to come home.
I ended up picking three books for the girls and started making my way to where Jeff and Tommy were waiting, along the way I got distracted and picked up some finger puppets for bedtime stories when suddenly someone cleared their throat behind me, when I turned, I smiled at the girl standing there, she was using my tote bag and had a nervous smile on her face.
There was something familiar of her, but I couldn’t quite place it, she gave me a tiny wave and shakily whispered, “H-hi Harry”, I smiled, “Hello, how are you?”, she smiled, “I’m good, still recovering from last night’s concert”, and it suddenly dawned on me why I knew her.
“Oh yeah! I remember you; you were with Fauve yeah?”, her eyes were full of wonder, and she smiled while nodding her head in excitement, “Yes! That was me! Oh my God, I can’t believe you remember us!”, I smiled, “Of course I do, what’s your name love?”, she smiled, “I’m Sienna”.
I smiled, “Sienna, I love your name, might just add it to my baby’s name list”, it suddenly dawned what I had said and stood up straighter, Sienna gave me a surprised look before making a sign that her lips were sealed, “You don’t have to worry, I won’t say anything, but congratulations! That is so exciting for you and Y/N”.
I gave her an appreciative nod, “Thank you, we’re really excited to add a new member to our family, and thank you for your discretion; are you attending any other shows?”, she nodded excitedly, “I am visiting my grandma in Auckland, so I will be attending that show and Sydney night two as well, I am so excited”, I smiled, “Well then, I will look for you in the crowd”.
She nodded excitedly before reaching into her bag for a notebook and a sharpie, “Would it be okay for me to ask for an autograph and selfie? I promise I won’t post or disclose it” I nodded and placed my books and shopping to sign her notebook and pose for her selfie. While she put away her stuff, I picked up my shopping and turned to give her a smile.
“Thank you, Harry, it really means a lot, and I wish you and Y/N a healthy pregnancy and safe delivery”, I nodded and placed a hand over my heart, “Thank you Sienna, and I’ll see you in Sidney and I hope to meet you again”, she waved goodbye while making her way to the teen novels and I made my way to the cashier to pay.
February 26, 2023.
Harry. Melbourne, Australia. 9:00 PM.
The call rang for a few moments before the dial changed and my little girl appeared in the screen, she had her hair pulled back with a tiny bow and her face was full of the remnants of her breakfast; yogurt which I knew was one of her favorites right now, when she noticed me, she smiled before screaming “Dada!”, I smiled, “Good morning little love, how are you? Are you eating breakfast?”
She pulled her hands to the screen so I could see the mess she was making, I gave her a surprised look so she would know I was paying attention to her, “Look at those hands! Did you have a banana?”, my smile got bigger when I heard my baby mama outside from the screen, “Say ‘no dada, today I ate peaches!’ Can you say peaches baby?”
Pippa turned to see her mom and gave her a cheeky smile before she said “Pea!”, I smiled before cheering “There you go baby! Good job!”, a few seconds later the screen moved, and I was able to see Y/N sitting there too, I smiled when I saw her reach and caress her bump, “Hi baby, you look so beautiful!”, she smiled and looked down bashfully.
“Oh you flatterer, I feel anything but”, I gave her a sympathetic smile, “How is everything going?”, she sighed, “Nights are getting to an uncomfortable point, but the pregnancy pillow and I are dating now”, I laughed, “I hope you will want to cuddle me once I’m home”, she nodded, “I will baby, I miss you so much”
I smiled before clearing my throat, “So… I thought of another name, well actually I met a fan with this name”, she took a bite of her breakfast before speaking, “Oh really? What is it?”, I smiled, “Sienna”, she swallowed before analyzing the name I told her, “Sienna Anne Styles?”, I nodded, “Well the initials would be cool huh?”
I laughed a little and smiled while at eating her eggs, Y/N spoke up, “I also thought of another name”, I yawned and signaled for her to tell me, “Amelia, and her nickname could be Millie Anne”, I smiled, “I am liking the nickname, Pip and Millie”, she laughed, “Aww that is so sweet”, I decided to tease her.
“So… is Deborah or still off the table?”, she shook her head while she laughed, “If you love it, then we can think of using it baby”, I laughed, “Nah, she deserves a unique name, just like Pippa, and we still have a few weeks to decide, yes? Let’s not forget we decided on Pippa’s name about two days before she was born”, she laughed.
“If I remember correctly, we were set on Ophelia, you even sang the song to the belly as a way to see if the baby was a she”, I nodded before speaking, “But then I read Philippa in a novel and fell in love with it”, she took a sip of her tea while cleaning Pippa’s mouth and smiled, “I remember, when you told me her name, there was something there, like a feeling of peace, of contentment, like ‘that is her name’”
I smiled, “I felt the same way, all warm and fuzzy and excited; and truth be told, none of the names we have discussed have given me that feeling, but I know we will find the name”, she nodded while pulling Pippa out of her chair and settling her on her lap, “Say bye bye to Dada baby”, Pippa smiled before pulling the phone to her face, “Dada bye!”, I laughed, “Bye baby, I love you!”
Pippa gave the phone back to Y/N and I heard her scurry to the living room where we had settled her toys right before I left, I yawned again and Y/N gave me a smile, “You should rest baby, you still have a few crazy days to come”, I nodded, “Before I go, can I see the belly?”
She nodded and smiled setting the phone on the breakfast table before pulling back a little and pulling up her pajama shirt, my heart was beating so fast from the excitement, “Look at that beautiful belly! Oh, she’s growing up so fast!”, she laughed, “Oh yes, she is definitely, oh-wait!” She sat down and grabbed the phone again turning the camera.
After a few seconds and a couple of presses to the side of the belly I saw a knee or elbow rolling around and I smiled, “Oh I miss feeling her move so much”, she laughed, “You’ll still have about four weeks of feeling her once you’re here baby”, I nodded, “And I will have a birthday celebration to make up for”, she nodded, “Rest well baby, we love you and miss you, so so much”, I smiled, “I miss you two too baby, speak tomorrow”, she nodded while blowing a kiss to her screen while I did the same, then waved goodbye and ended the call.
Taglist @adoredeanna @alienorknight @b-reads-things @be-with-me-so-happily @behindmygreyeyes @cherrylovesblog @karenarella22 @daphnesutton @dayxoxodreamer @dirtytissuebox @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @goldenlouvr @groovychaosavenue @harrysficreblog @harryspirate @hoya122 @imaginesofdreams @i-got-the-cinema @infinitely-yellow @irelilien @itsgabbysblog @itsgigikay @itsmytimetoodream @jgoff717 @kathy522 @kaitieskidmore1 @last-saturday-night @michellekstyles @msolbesg @qualitygiantshoepsychic @sagcas-latte @seguin-styles1996 @shawnsblue @sunshinemoonsposts @tinydeskwriter @tinydestinybear @tpwkstyles1d @voosa @watercolorskyy @wherethehellhaveyoubeenharry
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gurugirl · 2 years
Omg policeman Harry and her need to have s3x on his and his wife’s bed. Like that’s so hot
A/n: OKAY!! Took it a little further, but hope you enjoy! 1k words
Warning: smut, cheating, spanking
cop!harry masterlist
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You were back in London. After Harry spent a week with you after showing up unexpectedly when he found out about your date with Evan, he promised you he’d leave his wife. That’s what you wanted. You wanted him for yourself. No more back and forth or secrets. When he asked, that’s what you told him you wanted. Him.
So, a couple of weeks later he had you fly out to see him. He still got you a hotel because he hadn’t quite yet told his wife. Which had you suspicious that he’d actually go through with it. You’d heard that statistically, married men rarely left their wives or picked the mistress over the wife. You were prepared for this to be your last visit with him. You promised yourself that if he didn’t leave his wife by the end of your trip, you’d be done with him for good.
And before you left you reached out to Evan with a huge apology. You explained everything to him. You didn’t expect him to forgive you but he was very reasonable and told you he wished things could have been different. A part of you wished the same. Things would certainly be easier for you if you hadn’t fallen for a married cop from London.
When Harry got to your hotel room he told you that you’d be staying at his house. He wanted you to see where he lived. He said his wife was going to be away and that he’d tell her about you tomorrow when she returned from her trip away with her sister.
His house was charming. Just on the outskirts of the city with a small yard in the front, a pretty garden in the back, and beautiful light from windows on all walls. It was a modern interior but the bathroom was tiny, in true UK fashion.
He poured you both a drink and you sat on his couch and chatted. It was nice and quite domestic. But as usual, you both wound up in bed together, most of your clothes on the floor, scattered from the living room to his bedroom.
You gasped as you came on his tongue and then he lifted your legs, bending them at the knee and holding your ankles before giving you a good spanking for coming before he said you could. It cut your orgasm short and you groaned in frustration.
“Didn’t say you could come. Should we try that again?” Harry smirked as he spoke, leaning over you.
You shook your head, “Fuck me. Come inside of me in the bed you sleep with your wife in.”
That was what you wanted. You hadn’t even met his wife but you didn’t care about her at all. It was quite selfish of you but you wanted Harry for yourself. You never claimed to be a good person.
Harry let out a small moan at your words, “Need my cock, then? Couldn’t wait for me to fuck you in this bed could you?” He spoke as he positioned you so he could finally relieve his aching cock. He put his hips between your thighs and pulled at your legs as he pushed them apart so he could get a good look.
“Yes. Need you for myself, Harry. In this bed.” You kept your eyes on Harry’s as he finally entered your cunt. You smiled in relief.
He pressed in deep and pulled back to his tip before slipping back into you with a hard thrust, “Yeah? Fuck… are you my little home-wrecker slut? Want me all to yourself?” He grunted his words as he fucked into you in long strokes.
Harry kept his pace as he grabbed your thighs and moved your legs to wrap around his waist, making him feel even deeper.
“Oh my god yes! I’m your little slut! Only me!” You held onto his broad back as he pounded you into the bed, the mattress squeaking under your weight, his skin slapping into yours each time his hips met yours as he bottomed out.
“Holy shit, baby…” Harry moaned into the room as he began to thrust faster and harder. He heard the front door close but it didn’t deter him.
He dipped down to press his lips to yours and pushed his tongue passed your lips, filling you with his thick cock over and over again. He didn’t know his wife would come home today but he’d be damned if he was going to stop because he could tell you were about to come, as was he.
With Harry’s lips on yours you felt your head spin and your pussy flutter as your started to come.
“Coming on my cock? You like this cock, baby?” Harry railed into you with determination as his own orgasm started to boil in his groin.
Before you could answer you heard a woman’s voice, “Harry!?”
In the haze of your orgasm you moaned and held tight to Harry as he continued fucking you, his long cock filling you deeply, slicking through your walls.
Harry gasped and trembled as he came inside of you. He looked up to see his wife in the doorway as he released himself into you. His wife knew that he was in the middle of an orgasm and could see clearly his cock was bare when he pulled back before slamming himself back inside of your drippy, soft pussy. She saw everything and she saw the way Harry removed his eyes from her as he lowered himself to kiss you.
She watched the scene in horror and heart break as the mattress slowly stopped squeaking when Harry slowed his motions as you’d both started coming down from your high. She watched as her husband kept his lips on you and licked into your mouth and you both moaned. She saw how your legs were wrapped around his hips, keeping him close and buried deep., the way his balls were wet and his dick was submerged into you.
Harry finally broke the kiss and looked back at his wife, as she stood in shock, “Was gonna tell you in a different way, but this works too I guess.”
Thank you for reading! I’d appreciate any support you can give! Whether a comment, reblog, or buying me a coffee - it’s all appreciated.
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Tags: @victoria-styles @michellekstyles @ssaama @angelqueen99 @sombrioinvernoemveneza @golden-hoax @a-strange-familiar @reveriehs @yousunshineyoutempter @the-gardener-31 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @swiftmendeshoran @luvonstyles @dancinsunflowerkiwi @tiaamberxx @lukesaprince @harrys-foxy @dirtytissuebox @closureesny @lhharrylilpumpkin @evelynlarue @chaptersleftunwritten @anothermannharry
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alittletaste · 2 years
Could you please write something about Harry going to get y/n her cravings? Thanks 🙏
The one where Harry and Jude go to get Y/n her cravings
“C’mon buddy, we need to find mama her pickles” Harry spoke, adjusting Jude, your 3 year old in his arms. On a normal Saturday at 7pm, you and your little family would be cuddled up around the TV watching some movie that was on but since you’ve gotten pregnant again, things have not been normal.
Pregnancy was a weird experience, one minute you could be chilling and the next you’re hit with cravings or random twinges of pains. It was the gift that just keeps giving. This pregnancy had been particularly worse than your first one, with your swollen feet and bad back making you more miserable and achey then normal.
“Otay daddy” Jude lisped, making Harry let out a soft chuckle as he found his way to the aisle he needed to be in. Jude’s tiny feet kicked around in his arms, his hands grasping at Harry’s shoulder.
“Can you see the pickles, bubs?” Harry asked, tickling Jude’s stomach as he nodded. “I see it daddy!” He exclaims, pointing to the shelf the pickles were on.
“Where?” Harry looks around aimlessly, pretending to not see the pickles, he avoided the shelf making Jude laugh in his arms.
“There daddy, look” Jude spoke, guiding Harry’s face with his little chubby hands, to the correct place making him gasp.
“Oh my, how did I not see that?” Harry fake gasped, walking over to the shelf and putting the jar of pickles into the basket he was holding alongside Jude.
“Silly daddy” Jude giggled, making Harry laugh and ruffle his hair that looked identical to his own.
“You’re just like your mama, huh? Making fun of daddy all the time” mumbling, Harry made his way over to the checkout but not before picking out your favourite chocolate.
“Do you want some chocolate too bubs?” Harry questioned, already knowing the answer, your little one was a chocoholic.
“Yessss thank you daddy” Jude replied, quickly reaching over to grab his favourite bar of chocolate. Jude, freshly being 2, still hasn’t mastered the arts of eating properly, so Harry was well aware that chocolate was going to be all over the place but he’d do anything for that smile on his little man’s face.
“Now let’s hurry back, mama must be very hangry right now” Harry said after paying for all the items, he buckled Jude into the back seat before getting in and driving off.
“Go on, show mama what you got her” Harry unlocked the door, setting Jude down. As soon as his little boot cladded feet hit the floor, he was off, running into the lounge to see you laying on the couch, a cup of tea in your hands.
“Hello baby, come give me a cuddle” you sat the cup down, opening up your arms for your little one who gladly came running to you. “Hi mama!” He exclaimed, still not properly understanding the pregnancy just yet, especially with you being early on so he wasn’t as gentle.
“Careful bubs, don’t want to hurt the baby” you reminded him gently and he nodded, remembering the talk you and Harry had with him just a couple nights before.
“What’s that you’ve got there?” You asked as he snuggled into you, two bars of chocolate in his hands.
“Chocolate mama! For you” he handed you, your favourite making you smile.
“Thank you very much, my darling” you smiled, kissing into his hair, grateful to call him your own.
“Where’s your da-”
“I’m sorry, the toast took a while to make” Harry said as he walked into the room with a plate, your current favourite meal on it; jam and pickles on toast.
“I’m a very spoilt lady tonight” you speak, grabbing the plate Harry handed to you, he picked up Jude as well, giving you some space to eat.
“I’ll spoil you even more once this one’s in bed” Harry promised, his hand coming over to touch your little bump.
“I’ll lik-”
“Daddy! Open please!” Jude cut you off, shoving his chocolate bar into Harry’s face making you both chuckle. God, you loved your little family.
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missmielyhoran · 1 year
Stages of love
How Harry and Y/N were before Stages of grief
[Warning- Fucked up timeline]
Face claim- Lily James
Masterlist // Series Masterlist
Late 2015
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Liked by Harryfan2, Y/NCinderella, Harryfan1 and 86,099 others
StylesUpdate 'Cinderella' actress Y/N Monet seen at Harry's concert then them leaving together.
View all comments.
Harryfan3 She was with her son and ex, they were dancing together whole time🥺
Harryfan1 Wait with her ex are they together or she's with Harry?
Harryfan3 I mean her and Harry simply could just be friends
Harryfan2 the way he's holding her? Naah
Early 2016
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Liked by Yourmom, harrystyles, Y/Nfan3 and 2,986,125 others
Yourinstagram 26 babyyy🍾
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Harryfan1 Happy birthday queen🥳
Y/Nfan3 Milfff🤤
TaylorSwift Happy birthday mon❤️
Yourinstagram Thank you Tay😘
Harryfan3 I want to be her🥺also Happy birthday babe
harrystyles Prettiest girl out there💕
Yourinstagram you flatter me baby🫣
Harryfan2 get.a.room.
harrystyles we did
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Liked by Harryfan2, Harryfan4, Y/Nfan2 and 75,008,124 others
StylesUpdate Harry at Y/N's 26th birthday party he threw for her.
View all comments.
Y/Nfan2 He was drunk out his mind💀
Harryfan1 both were😂
Harryfan3 He threw her a birthday party🥺
Y/Nfan1 I love them together😍
Harryfan4 and the way he's good with her son too and they hang out😭
Harryfan1 Mom and dad!
On twitter-
DailyMail Former One Direction member Harry Styles and Cinderella actress Y/N Monet have reportedly tied the knot in secret near french countryside after just by dating for more than a year.
1M Likes 9.1k retweets 5.2k Quote retweets 11k comments
Y/Nfan1 I never took Harry as someone who would tie down so early but oh well
Harryfan1 I'm literally shaking omg congratulations to them😭
Harryfan3 That means Harry is Em's stepdad...stepdadrryyy!!😍
Randomuser how is this relevant?
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Liked by Annetwist, Yourmom, Harris_reed and 8,252,004 others
harrystyles 25.03.2017 ❤️💍
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Harryfan1 Bet that necklace costs more than my existence
Annetwist Congratulations kids🥳
Harryfan2 I still can't wrap my head around her, not being natural blonde
Yourinstagram mon éternité❤️
Liked by harrystyles
GemmaStyles Only best decision my dumbass brother has made
harrystyles I agree
Y/Nfan4 She looks so gorgeous😍❤️
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Liked by Harryfan4, GemmaStyles, Jeffazoff and 7,92,567 others
Yourinstagram Mon bébé, mon amour, mon mari. Je vous aimerai pour toujours. 25.03.2017❤️💍
(My baby, my love, my husband. I will love you forever)
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harrystyles mon ange❤️
Harryfan1 Did you guys see the pics her best friend posted on her story😭
Y/Nfan3 omg yes😭
Harryfan1 Em was his best man I can't-
Y/Nfan3 They both ate the wedding looks🤌
Harryfan3 people- don't upstage the bride- Harry- wears white💀
Late 2018
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Liked by Yourinstagram, Annetwist, Harryfan2 and 9,259,485 others
harrystyles Behind the album. Out.Now
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Harryfan3 Petition for Harry to stop giving us heart attack
Harryfan1 I was ugly crying and I'm not ashamed of it
Y/Nfan2 I just know that baby will be gorgeous asf
Harryfan2 yeah greek god summat
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Liked by Harryfan2, Y/Nfan3, randomuser and 98,765,123 others
StylesUpdate Harry was seen out with his daughter, who was reportedly born a month ago.
View all comments.
Harryfan1 Girl dad harry supremacy!
Harryfan4 he looks so happy🥺
Harryfan3 Where is Y/N? Shouldn't she also be with him?
Y/Nfan2 Probably at home resting. Postpartum his hard and I think he's very capable of taking care of his own daughter
Harryfan2 I'm dying to know what's her name😭
Mid 2019
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Liked by harrystyles, PillowPerson, Y/Nfan3 and 9,245,897 others
Yourinstagram Amie Monet-Styles
View all comments.
Annetwist Look at her huge hat. Bless her😂❤️
Yourinstagram yeah she almost fell from the weight of it but wouldn't let us take it off
harrystyles my adorable baby
FlorencePudge Oh my gosh she's adorable
Y/Nfan2 Her tiny hands🥺
GemmaStyles @/yourbestie Our god daughter💗
Comments on this post are limited.
Taglist- @tenaciousperfectionunknown @that-daydream-look @harryspirate @tiaamberxx @jvsgnjrtpdar5stkd-tv-m @sunshinemoonsposts @lilsiz @kaverichauhan
if your name is in orange sorry I couldn't tag you
I hope this fits as an apology for making you huys weight for Stages of grief🧍🏻‍♀️❤️
I love you, drink some water
You can talk to me here♡
342 notes · View notes
watchmegetobsessed · 2 years
A/N: its been foereverrrr since i last wrote for my fac family and im also celebrating 13k followers! im so thankful for all of you, i hope to bring you many more stories!!
PAIRING: husband!dad!Harry X Reader
SUMMARY: Reminiscing about what your past self would say if they saw you married with four kids.
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“You have to see this! Come down!”
For a split second you consider ignoring your husband’s request that came from downstairs. You literally just settled down on the bed, opening your book you haven’t gotten to read all week. Chores are done, the twins are at Anne’s and Ellie peacefully playing in her room. You were supposed to have twenty minutes to yourself, maybe thirty if you’re lucky, but now it seems like you’ll have zero.
But then you think of the excitement you heard in Harry’s voice and you know you won’t be able to just sit and not think about what he got so worked up about.
“Coming!” you call out, placing the book back onto the nightstand where it will probably remain untouched for a couple more days.
Walking down the stairs you hear Harry’s song Satellite playing in the living room and it has you wondering what he is about to show you. But as you come around the corner the music cuts off and you find him with Leo in his arms. That little rascal is all smiles, showing all of his total of four teeth. He is the most adorable tiny gentleman with his curls and extra chubby cheeks. All your kids had cheeks that screamed to be pinched and kissed, but it seems like Leo got more of that gene.
“What’s going on here?” you ask, a smile already tugging on your lips.
“Come on, sit down. You need to see what Leo just learned!” Harry gestures towards the couch and you make yourself comfortable, watching him set the toddler down in the middle of the room. The coffee table has been pushed to the side, giving enough room to have a little dance party.
Leo watches his daddy with bright eyes as he grabs the TV remote and he starts the music again. Satellite starts playing and Leo giggles in excitement. Harry sits beside you, watching him proudly as he takes your hand in his, giving it a squeeze.
“Look, watch him now!” he points at Leo.
The song comes to the part where Harry usually does his iconic arm thrusts, the one that makes all his fans go crazy, because it gives an amazing view of his toned arms. But this time he is not the one dancing, instead, Leo is wiggling his arms that distantly resembles what Harry usually does on stage. It’s absolutely, ridiculously, whole-heartedly adorable, adding his giggles and how he bounces, your heart is bursting in your chest.
“Oh my God!” you squeak, grabbing Harry’s bicep as you lean into him, watching your son dance around to his daddy’s music.
“It’s so freaking cute, right?” Harry enthuses. Jumping to his feet he sweeps Leo back into his arms and starts dancing around, making him laugh even louder and there’s nothing sweeter than a baby’s laugh.
You watch them finish their performance and then they join you on the couch, Leo climbing over to you, settling on your lap. You brush his hair out of his forehead and kiss the crown of his head.
“Can you believe he’ll be one year old next month?” you sigh, snuggling to Harry’s side.
“Crazy, huh?”
“Mind-blowing,” you admit with a chuckle.
“You remember how it went when I told you I wanted another one?” he grins, poking Leo’s tummy playfully.
“Hey, you said you wouldn’t hold it against me!” you protest.
“I’m not, it’s just sweet how hesitant you were and now…”
“Now I couldn’t even imagine life without him,” you finish his thought, kissing Leo’s cheek.
“We’ve made some really awesome babies, huh?” he smirks, clearly so full of himself.
“Well, I did most of the work,” you purse your lips at him, not letting his head grow any bigger.
“You did,” he nods, smiling. “My awesome wife gave birth to four babies. That’s still so insane.”
“Crazy,” you hum, squeezing Leo to your chest gently. “What do you think our younger self would say if they saw us?”
“Like how young?”
“I don’t know. Maybe fourteen. What would fourteen years old Harry say if you told him you have a wife and four kids?”
“He would highfive me, because it means I’ve had sex at least four times,” he answers without missing a beat and you smack his chest as his laugh rumbles through it.
“You’re such a pig!” you tell him off, but then add: “And it’s just three times, because we have twins.”
“Damn, you’re right,” he chuckles. “But jokes aside… He would be shocked and… relieved.”
“Relieved?” you raise your eyebrows.
“I was afraid I might end up alone when I was younger,” he shrugs. “Marriage felt so distant and unattainable. But then came you,” he adds smiling and leaning closer he steals a quick kiss. “What about you?”
“She would be over the moon if she saw how hot my husband is,” you grin at him. “And she would probably ask what it looks like down there after four kids.”
Harry’s laugh roars through the room and Leo starts laughing too.
“I can assure her that you look stunning down there.”
“Oh shut up,” you poke your elbow into his side.
“What? I love your pu–”
“I swear to God if you say that word in front of our son, I’m divorcing you,” you warn him, but can’t stay serious when you look at his toothy grin.
“Oh, you wouldn’t leave the man who gave you the cutest babies,” he scoops Leo from your lap and walks back to the middle of the room. “Come on, Buddy. Let’s give mum a show,”
He turns the music back on and you watch them dance around and you could stay like this forever. You’re so loved and you have even more love to give to your family.
Yeah, your past self would be proud of you if she saw you.
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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mulledcherrywine · 2 years
stolen sweater
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a/n: okay so i am like forever attached to tiny desk harry and had to write abt this sweater bc, it’s got the STRONGEST hold on me.
Harry had habits. A lot of which he got from you over the time you’d lived together. The most useful one he’d picked up on from your highly organized ways ways laying out all the clothes you’d need for the day ahead the night before. Of course, Harry often had people preparing clothes for him for events and appearances, he tried to put them out as often as he could. Little did he know, this was a gateway for you to show a habit of your own: taking his clothes for yourself.
It was early morning still, Harry’s side of your bed still weighed down by his sleeping figure. You got out of bed and started to walk toward the en suite when you noticed the clothes he had left hanging on the closet door. His baby blue ‘Mon Petit’ sweater in particular caught your gaze. You ran both your hands down the sleeves, scrunching them up in your fists and marveling at the plushness of the garment. You wanted it so much. Sure, you had sweaters of your own, some even identical to Harry’s, but they weren’t his. It just wasn’t the same.
You peered your head around the closet door, Harry was still fast asleep. Chances are he’d be so tired he’d probably forget which one of his sweaters he had laid out, and would put on whatever was on the door. Taking another, this one a lighter yellow with no patterns or emblems on it, you swapped it out and took the ‘Mon Petit’ for yourself. On your side of the closet, you pulled out a pair of cropped, wide leg khaki pants, some chunky loafers and a white collared shirt. You got dressed, sweater and all, and skipped downstairs to get coffee.
It took about an hour of working and emails before Harry even woke up. You could hear his bustling upstairs.
“Baby?” he called suddenly, skipping downstairs, only wearing the cream-colored button up and brown trousers you remembered from the door. The blue sweater which you had on was clearly missing, “Have you seen-” 
“Seen what?” you said, not looking up from your computer.
“Do you really think i’m that dumb?” He laughed, walking over to where you were sitting. You turned your attention toward him.
“Why aren’t you ready yet? Seems a bit late in the day to be half dressed, no?” you said, dodging the obvious.
“Y/n, I can see you wearing the sweater!”
“This is mine! You laid out a yellow one!” You protested, stifling a large grin. You were now too far into your side of things it would be embarrassing to let up.
“Fine!” Harry said, tossing his hands into the air, “‘spose my memory’s gone. Now that I think of it, I don’t even remember waking up this morning.” He was pulling quite the act. Leave it to him to be as unserious as possible.
“Where am I?” He said, looking around fearfully.
“Oh my GOD, fine!” You said, taking the sweater off, leaving yourself in just a tank top, “You’re literally 5 years old”
He shot a large smile, the dimples on his face deeper than ever. Taking the sweater, he kissed you on the side of your head.
“Thank you, baby,” He said, jogging back up the steps. Now you’d have to steal something else.
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forestdeath1 · 3 months
It turned out that this microfic is 1600 words long, so if it's more convenient for someone to read on AO3, here's the link.
It's jilypad.
Sirius kisses Lily’s belly, stretched by a muggle T-shirt with Black Sabbath on it, his gift. The air's filled with the light scent of jasmine from the open window, letting in the cool June breeze. Lily isn't really into Black Sabbath, but Sirius hopes the band's symbolism might somehow influence Harry’s musical taste, since he’s got no hope with Lily and James. As Lily recently said, she wears that T-shirt solely because it features a "handsome vocalist" who reminds her of Sirius.   Sirius is quite pleased with that outcome.
They're sprawled on a wide sofa under a soft blanket, Sirius snuggled up beside Lily. The quiet of the Potter home, only interrupted by the ticking of antique clocks, always puts Sirius in a peaceful state. Lily gently strokes her rounded belly, while Sirius, with his arm around her waist, draws patterns on her skin, occasionally leaving soft kisses in response to the baby's sharp kicks. James, sitting opposite in a battered chair once favoured by Fleamont, reads the newspaper, his eyes scanning the pages gloomily.
"Oh," Lily exhales lightly. "He's been kicking all day. Extra lively today."
"Harry," Sirius murmurs softly, amazed at the depth of feeling he has for a child not yet born. "My handsome, smart boy."
"When did you get so sentimental?" James asks, not looking up from his paper.
"Since you married this incredible woman and started your own amateur production of 'Tiny Humans.' Even my frostbitten heart had to defrost for the premiere."
"Oh, my love," Lily, smiling softly, reaches out to gently ruffle Sirius's hair, "sometimes I think, what if I'd married you instead of James? How much prettier would my child be?" Lily's light, carefree laughter makes Sirius smile.
"Hey," James perks up, pretending to be offended. "There’s a lot of Blacks. And only one of me. Harry's gonna have the most unique hair in all of Magical Britain."
"And the dullest sense of humour," Sirius shoots back, still focused on the belly, speaking in a teasingly sweet tone as if talking to Harry. "Hopefully, you’ve got a better one. You got a bit short-changed on the genes from one side, but I promise to teach you."
"At least my humour doesn’t make people want to off themselves," counters James.
"You adore my jokes, don't kid yourself."
"Haven't heard one yet."
Sirius flicks his middle finger at James, who just chuckles, then removes his glasses and rubs his nose bridge in mock exasperation.
"Everything alright?" Lily asks him, concern in her voice.
"Yeah," James replies, trying to mask the worry in his voice. "Just going to make some tea."
Rising from his chair and heading to the kitchen, James leaves a trail of unspoken thoughts behind him. Sirius watches him go, and Lily, with a soft sigh, shakes her head.
"He's like this all day. Lost in thoughts about the war. Sticks to me like glue. Fancy taking him out somewhere? Hit a pub? Even stay out all night. He needs to get out more. He can't keep guarding me from God knows what," Lily adjusts a stray lock of Sirius's hair, a simple, familiar gesture.
"Alright, but not tonight," Sirius responds tenderly, kissing Lily's belly one last time before gently running his hand over her soft skin and carefully standing up from the sofa to not disturb her.
"Yeah," Sirius glances at the old wall clock, "and I'm already late."
"Why don't you move in with us?" Lily stops him with the question she poses every month.
"Don’t start," Sirius says with a light reprimand. "I'd end up covered in old people's dust here, sipping teas and reading newspapers. Tea? Seriously? When was the last time I drank tea?"
Her laughter, bright and full, fills the room, reflecting off the warm glow of the candles. She could easily shift from a pensive mood to mirth, and really, it took nothing to make her laugh. Lily was always so light, Sirius adored that about her. Like an autumn maple leaf playfully dancing with the wind – always ready to soar at the slightest breeze.
"Come here," she extends her arms, and Sirius leans in, allowing Lily to plant a tender kiss on his lips. "I love you," she looks at him, her gaze filled with care and tenderness, "Be careful."
"You too," Sirius smiles and ruffles her hair. "Look after Harry."
Stepping into the hallway, leaving Lily resting on the sofa, Sirius grabs his jacket from the coat rack and pulls it on, whistling a tune he caught in some noisy muggle café.
"James! I’m off."
James peeks out from the kitchen, holding a pack of tea.
"Not staying for tea?" he asks, knowing the answer already.
Sirius isn't much for tea, yet James has been offering it to him for years. In an attempt to make the drink more appealing, he once even started spiking the tea with Firewhisky. That gimmick worked for a while, but soon not even Firewhisky could dispel Sirius's irritation with the whole tedious, monotonous process.
"No, got patrol."
James looks slightly disappointed, tosses the tea pack onto a table cluttered with books and newspapers, and approaches Sirius.
"Lily suggested we should hit a bar," Sirius mentions.
James shrugs, adjusting his glasses absently.
"I can't leave her alone. Every time I go on patrol, you know it’s torture for me. I keep thinking something might happen, that they might attack our home, and…"
"I know," Sirius cuts him off. "That’s why I’m not inviting you. Just passing on Lily’s words."
James gives a soft smile, tilting his head slightly.
"You’ll come over on Friday?" he asks.
"And stay the night?"
"Of course."
James nods and hugs Sirius, pressing his face to his neck. Sirius leans into his ear, kissing it and breathing in the scent of earthy moss and the morning forest. James's scent always carried the notes of their moonlit adventures, as if his skin had absorbed the essence of those nights. They stand in silence for a moment until the soft hum of an old radio playing a vintage jazz tune Lily adores drifts in from the living room.
"Everything will be alright, James, hear me?" Sirius whispers, probably a bit too roughly patting James on the head as his movements have grown more abrupt lately. "I promise. Everything will be alright. With Lily, with you, with Harry."
"Yes," James says, rubbing an eye then running a hand through his hair. "Of course. It'll be alright. With you too."
"I'm not that important."
"Don't talk like that," James responds in a strained voice.
"I’d do anything for you, whatever it takes," Sirius says in a matter-of-fact tone, as if they’re discussing a Christmas dinner menu, not talking about things people usually don’t say to each other when everything’s fine.
James steps back, looks up at Sirius, and smirks, chasing away the worried shadows from his face.
"Have I mentioned you’ve become sentimental?"
"I've spent too much time around a mushy sod like you," Sirius grins, shrugging. "Bad influence."
James laughs, shoving Sirius's shoulder then pulling him in close, as if wanting to hide away in Sirius's broad embrace.
"I love you, you idiot," he kisses him, fingers threading through Sirius’s hair, tousling it. "Don’t be late on Friday. Lily’s making your favourite blueberry pie."
"I won’t," Sirius breathes out huskily.
James nods, and Sirius steps out the door. The June air hits his face, a warm breeze flicking a lock of hair from his forehead. The scent of night flowers mingles with the smell of fresh paint – someone nearby decided to give their fence a fresh coat.
Sirius moves a few meters away, casting one last glance at the Potters' house. James stands in the doorway, leaning on one shoulder against the frame. Sirius catches his worried gaze and nods subtly in response.
A moment later, Sirius apparates, but James's troubled face lingers in his mind like an echo. Usually, James's face brings peace, but this time it leaves a quiet itch, a reminder that Sirius is missing something, yet can't quite grasp what it is.
The war makes everyone nervous, anxious, and lost, and Sirius knows better than to succumb to these draining sentiments. But seeing those feelings in James – the person who made Sirius believe that even in the coldest winter, there's an unbeatable summer living inside him – Sirius realizes things are grim.
Of course, Sirius will come over on Friday. Perhaps he'll stay for the weekend, and they'll spend it together, like old times, before the threat of war knocked so clearly on their doors. They'll wake up to a late breakfast in the garden, reminiscing about school under the rustling of green leaves and birdsong, and perhaps even making plans for the future where the war is just a distant memory—a future where Sirius already knows exactly how to raise Harry and what gifts to give him from the very first months of his life.
A future where they're together.
After breakfast, they'll apparate to the lake, where James will set up broom races, beating Sirius yet again.  Lily, always rooting for Sirius, will put on a theatrical display of disappointment and spend the day cheering him up, recounting for the hundredth time the tales of James's rare Quidditch misplays at Hogwarts—as if Sirius didn't already know each one by heart.
After dinner, James will suggest a game of wizard chess, and Lily will pick out a book to read aloud by the fireplace. Soon, she will head to bed early, as has become more common since she got pregnant, and James and Sirius will go out to the garden, lie on the grass, and spend the night forgetting all worries, remembering that it's moments like these for which they're fighting and ruthlessly suppressing the hopelessness that seeks to consume their souls.
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subtlehaz · 6 days
there’s so so much still to explore s8 like I have so many thoughts oh my god
Mara !!!!! and that bitchy councilwoman
Gerard obvs 😒 sidenote: do we think he’s in cahoots with the councilwoman from hell and why did the chief do fuck all to protect the 118?? do we think the chief is also in cahoots bc he wants to run for office? the speculation is speculating
Mr. Eddie Diaz absolute menace to himself and others: still needs to accept that a) Shannon wanted a DIVORCE and B) THE WILL and C) Christopher coming back and repairing their relationship omfg pls put them in family therapy I beg I want my faves reunited D) I want him speaking more Spanish !!!!! we got a tiny little ‘dios’ this episode but still
Buck ??? pls for the love of god let this man exist outside his love interests I wanna see him succeed in life and hobbies and work and peace and NO ROMANCE FOR A MINUTE for gods sake give him a dog or something but not another LI
Bobby like,,, can we get some confirmed closure idk like man’s was suicidal one episode then almost died and now is back within the next episode has he PROCESSED HAS ATHENA HAVE I
MAY AND HARRY back together again!!!! pls expand their storylines like how was Harry??? Not home during the fire was he having a sleepover like omg
Madney. Let them live. Let them remain happy moisturized at peace. I want a goofy gossip episode of the dream team and Jee like keep them wholesome it’s the least you can do after their bs wedding
I miss captain mehta I wouldn’t mind a visit from him. or Linda in dispatch. oh my god or Josh??? we haven’t seen most of dispatch since the wedding? I’m sad
just. idk fighting actual fires lmao. I miss when they all did their actual jobs. I miss when we got the goofy 9-1-1 calls at the start of the ep and the super emosh voiceovers at the end of the episode like that’s when we were a real country
will we ever circle back to Denny’s father storyline? will Hen’s mom ever return?
is sperm donation baby gonna make a comeback? bc the top 5 recap promo before this season started brought that up and I haven’t forgotten 911 Instagram I haven’t forgotten 10 bucks says it serves to remove Tommy when Buck learns he doesn’t want kids
okay that’s it thank u for reading my brain blast
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harrysmimi · 2 years
Baby's First Dance
Synopsis: One where Harry and YN welcome their baby girl
CW: Mentions of child birth.
More of my work | Insta Promt
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When one if the most famous Hollywood celebrity goes MIA the media goes on after them for weeks and everything fizzles out eventually. But when it's two, creates a huge stir on media and internet.
YN and Harry had been very lowkey about their relationship since the very beginning. They met in Japan when he was vacationing there and YN was there to promote her new album. It did not took either of them to fall for each other.
It was very easy decision to move into her flat in London during quarantine, everything made sense.
Though it felt rushed to get married but it was to respect her culture, honestly none of them would change a thing about it. As soon as the lockdown was lifted, it was the first thing they did. Got married with just their families present at Harry's villa in Italy.
It was amazing feeling.
Especially for Harry. Not having to explain himself that people might hate her just because she is with him, not having to explain to her that they might have to be on watch for lurking cameras. She's all too aware of it all. Being in the industry her whole life, she knew exactly what came with it. She could careless about what people think of her.
Though it is not very subtle with Harry and YN liking and sharing each other's posts and going to each other's concerts. Everyone just thought they're good friends.
YN found out she was pregnant with by the end of her tour. It was the best decision she had made to pull out of touring again and taking a long break when she has been working since she was six. It was only fair for her.
Harry was ecstatic to hear YN give him that news and surprise him in New York when he was due to perform at MSG.
"Oh my god!" He exclaimed a coo as he was sat by the edge of his hotel bed, "baby!" He pulled her close by her hips.
"You're going to be Baba, Harry," she announced again.
"There is our baby in there," he mumbled resting his hand on her lower tummy, but opted to instead hug her thighs snuggle his head in her belly and trap her in between his legs. "I can't believe this!"
"Well, it is true." YN chuckled softly, "I want to keep this baby Harry."
"Of course we're keeping this baby then," he pulled back his head to look at her, "we're going straight back home after these last few shows, yeah?"
"Mhmm!" She nodded leaning down to button their mouths together, as she proceeded to straddle his lap and settle on his thighs. "We're having a baby!"
"We're having a baby!" He repeated, nudging his nose against her softly into a puppy's kiss before he pulled in a warm hug.
And god how Harry was excited to be a Girl Dad when they found out they're having a little baby girl at 20 week. He wouldn't mind having a biy either, but he wanted a girl to spoil and dress her up in all the Gucci he can get in her tiny size. Do her hair for her.
"Do you wanna know the sex of your baby?" Doctor asked as he checked for the measurements of baby.
"Yeah, we would like to know now." YN nodded.
They weren't doing a big and elaborated gender reveal but Gemma asked to get it written on a paper and she would plan a little something for them. She is an amazing aunty to the baby Styles already!
It was the same weekend when Gemma invited both their families for dinner at hers. They had an amazing night together, with loads of games and amazing food. Until Gemma pulled out a cake.
"Okay, we're not going with traditional pink and blue this time. It is going to Purple for girl and Green for boy. YN and Harry cut the cake now!" She handed a wooden knife to the couple.
YN's brother was taking a video for them on his phone. YN was rather nervous, her hands were shakey until Harry wrapped his much bigger hand around hers. He gave a assuring smile before they cut into the cake. YN gasped seeing Purple crumbs on the knife, she didn't know how harry was so calm. Cutting up a small slice he picked it up to reveal a pastel shade of purple cake.
"It's a girl!" Everyone announced.
It was then when everything became so much more real for both of them.
It was a busy day for Harry at studio. He was trying to get his new album finished as soon as he could just so he can spend time with his girls until everything is all produced. He was not going to touch work for at least six months. He was just getting few of his backing vocals test run when he recieved a call from his wife.
"Harry come home now," she spoke as soon as he answered, crying, "my water just broke."
"Hey baby," he cooed, "I'm coming home now okay? You're going to be fine. I want you sit down okay?"
"Uh-huh! Just hurry please I'm scared and I'm alone!" She cried.
"I am darling, I'll be there in five." He assured her and rushed home. Surely running a couple of red lights. He can afford to get a ticket than to have his wife and baby hurt in someway.
"Hey, hey it's okay!" He reached home the exact moment she was having an contraction. "Are you bleeding?"
"Yeah," she nodded.
"Okay, we'll go to the hospital now yeah? I'll get the hospital bag and a chage of pants for you." He ran upstairs and gathered everything in one trip. He helped her change her pants, it's been something he have been doing since she couldn't bend to pull up her pants. He also put on a pair of socks on her feet and her flippers.
"Wait, wait, wait!" She stopped him, "another contrac—" she huffed feeling another shooting pain in her belly.
"Breathe, baby breathe," he did the breathing excercise with her as he hugged her, rubbing her back gently.
"It's hurts so fucking bad," she groaned in pain.
"I know baby, you're so strong for doing this. Just 20 minutes yeah? We'll be in hospital then." He assured her.
"Uh-huh!" She nodded. She made him rush to the car before she gets another contraction halting her movement and delaying their visit to hospital.
She rather calmer than Harry expected her to be. She was freaking out not even two weeks ago getting Braxton Hicks and rushing to hospital on a false alarm. But this was clearly not false.
"Oh my god this is so weird," she chuckled.
"Why so?" Harry wondered.
"We're going to the hospital and we'll return home with a baby, it's like we're going to baby shopping." She laughed but winced when another contraction hit. "It is like baby shopping, with all the bills."
"I can't believe you can joke whilst being in so much pain." Harry laughed.
Once in the hospital, YN was hooked to iv and monitors. She was just 7 centimetres dilated whivh was not enough so they had to stay longer. It was already eight at night, none of them have eaten anything and her progress was slower than expected.
"Did you call Anne and Gemma?" YN asked.
"Just called your parents first, going to call them both now." Harry informed her before called his mum and sister.
It was nearly early morning when doctor came in to check in on her, they were up all night waiting for their baby girl to finally decide to come home. Harry and YN were nothing but giggles and smiles.
"I've never seen first time parents as calm as you in my 30 years into this field." Doctor said, "it is nice."
"I am not, I literally saw my you ger brother being born at home when I was eight. It was traumatising, but I know what to prepare for." YN answer making Harry chuckle.
"Was your mum having a home birth?"
"No, she'd had four kids, so her fifth dilevery was pretty quickly. Very quick actually." YN said. She's had an epidural at this point so she could at least drink some water without being in pain.
"It gets easier with each kid." Doctor nodded, "you're ready, we'll get the labour and delivery room ready for you, yeah?"
"Yeah." YN nodded.
"It's going to be easier for our next babies." Harry smirked.
"Oh my god Harry, let's have this one first." YN threw her head back on her pillow in defeat.
He was raving about the idea of having twins as to how fast YN started showing. But turned out Baby Styles is just a chunky baby. She weighs over eight pounds and ten ounces already on their last ultrasound.
Baby girl was born safely and everything went so smoothly. Doctor put the baby on YN's chest, she was a crying mess. Showing off her vocals chords and already challenging her dad that she could potentially sing higher notes than him.
"4.32 am. 1st of February." A nurse spoke in the room as soon as rhe baby was out.
"Hi baby," YN chuckled the gorgeous girl lied on her chest who's cried fizzled down rather quickly, "you are so gorgeous."
"Hey pretty girl!" Harry cooed.
After baby was all cleaned up, YN and Harry got her back and she was also guided how to feed the little angel. She had a first big meal and dozed off to sleep.
"Are you crying Harry?" YN smiled seeing her watch the baby girl like she is made of moon dust and prettiest silver. Her cheeks were rosy and already chubby, she had a head full of hair unlike his when he was a baby but according to his wife she looks just like him. Jer lashes layed on her soft skin as she dozed off to sleep after a big first meal, puffs of soft air leaving her tiny pink lips, she lied there in her mother's arms wrapped in a green blanket and a sunflower beanie on her head.
"Don't you wanna hold her Hazza?" YN asked.
"She's so delicate, I, I don't want to hurt her." He said, like he's never seen a new born child in his entire life.
"You won't Harry, come and sit here." YN patted in front of he ron the matter of her bed, he sat there on the edge, "you just need to support her neck, she's the safest when with you."
He nodded, physically shaking away his nervousness away, as he forwarded his hands to take his baby in his arms for the first time. YN gently placed her in his arms seeing him visibly shudder and hitch. Her head perfectly placed in the crook of his elbow, she moved her head to make herself comfy in her deep sleep.
"Isn't she perfect?" YN mumbled.
"She is," Harry nodded in agreement, feeling his eyes well up with tears. "She is all ours. This is so real now." He brought her up to his face to snuggle her. The the same way he did when YN first told him she was pregnant.
"It is," YN said. She gave him a moment with their baby. Letting him soak in all of his feelings for her the best he could. YN even sneaked in a Polaroid picture of two of them for herself (she is sure he's going to steal it and put on his with a clear case). Luckily for her he posed for another one. A nurse was nice enough to take a family picture for three of them.
"Harry, it's your birthday!" YN realised. "Happy birthday!"
"This is the best birthday." Harry chuckled, looking at his baby sleeping in her cot now. "Thank you baby!" He went to hug his wife.
"I'm sorry I forgot Harry, I promise I will make upto it." She hugged him back.
"You don't have to, I wouldn't want to change a single thing now that I got a birthday twin." He mumbled, "thank you for the best present ever, she is the best thing."
"She really is." How could she not agree.
"Nurse gave us the documents to fill in, need our signatures on it." He informed her, picking up the notepad from the side table.
"Oh, can you fill it? I can't write with a needle in my hand." She suggested.
"Sure." He nodded and they filled up the documents together and wrote her name. He wrote her first and middle name which both of them settled on pretty quickly.
Juno Robin YLN-Styles.
"Harry, she is fine with just one last name." YN told him.
"She is also going to carry her mum's name with her." He said as he signed under his part.
YN didn't change her last name after getting married, she just added his after her maiden name. It was only fair for Juno to carry both their names. It warmed her heart.
"You can sign on it when they take this out yeah?" He kept the notepad aside, seeing her struggle tro grip on the pen.
Most of their families decided to go see the baby when she's at her home and safe to not overwhelm her, but only the Grandma's were going to visit the hospital as YN and Harry had so nicely asked for their help for this postpartum stage. It didn't look like it was anytime soon that they could get to go back home as YN was bleeding a little too much which doctor and nurses were taking care of. She just needed loads and loads of rest a bit was walking as her epidural wears out.
Harry leaned in to press a lingering kiss on her chapped lips, "thank you."
"For what?" YN feel him hold her free hand and lace their fingers together on her lap.
"For this." He said obviously pointing at their Juno, "my love for you only grows from here darling. I am so grateful you chose to give me a pleasure to be a dad. I always wanted that. Thank you for giving our Juno home to grow in your body for nine months. You're so strong for that."
"Harry's stop you're gonna make me cry." YN whined chuckled, he was already crying his happy tears. "I love you Harry. And it takes two to make a baby."
"Oh how I enjoyed every moment of that process," he said, his voise was low afraid Juno might hear him as he leaned in closer to nudge his nose against her softly.
"I bet you did." YN nodded. "I am hungry now. And it's starting to hurt now."
"You mum asked me to not to give you any outside food." He told her, "she's coming over with food for both of us. Apparently your confinement begins this very moment." He announces.
"No, I was going to ask you to sneak me some icecream." She pouted making a sad puppy face.
"I know, I will get you all the icecream you want baby, but after your confinement is done. It was your choice to go by the Indian Confinement for your postpartum time." He reminded her. "We're going by every word your grandma and mum says now. It seems so much better for you and out bean."
"I wanted icecream." She whined.
"I can get you ice for now, no ice cream sorry love." He felt bad turning her down but it was a better option than being killing by his mother and mother in law if she falls sick. Everyone seems to love YN a little too much for his liking.
He's a narcissist. But he loves her.
"You're lucky I love you," she huffed.
"And I love you more." He chuckled and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "Are you hurting anywhere?"
"Yeah? I just pushed a 9 pounds and 6 ounce baby out of my vagina. But my legs hurt a lot." She nodded.
"You want me massage your legs for you?" He asked.
"Yeah please, thank you." She wasn't going to turn down a nice a massage.
"Try getting in some sleep yeah? I'll be here when you wake up."
YN's mum had just left, she brought in a tons of healthy food for YN and of course Harry got to have some too. She also showed YN a few trick on how to help Juno latch on better jf she doesn't sometimes.
Doctor on the other hand recommended baby to have a skin to skin time her dad too. Harry loves cuddles so he jumped to it. Juno was halfway awake by then again. The first time was her Nani was there and she had her second meal and a diaper change.
She blinked open her big doe eyes trying to adjust to bright lights in the room. She had his big green eyes which were super dilated now but a ring of ring around her pupils was enough to tell them she has his eyes too. She is very calm so far, she slept through her first diaper change.
Harry was much more comfortable with holding her now. He held her tiny hand in between his pointer and thumb gently to see long fingernails on her tender fingers. He was afraid she is going to scratch herself for sure and they have to clip those soon. There was so much to admire of her, her tiny wrist, she was already a Michelin Man baby, her little belly full of milk, the dimples on the back of her hands as she flexed her delicate joints around his finger to grab his hand.
In that very moment he made a promise to never leave her hand no matter what.
He didn't know he was swaying slowly until his wife pointed out as she came out of the rest room, "are you two having your first dance?" She asked.
"Mhmm, we are." He nodded proudly. "Proud to say, I am her first dance."
He started humming to Just The Way You Are by Billy Joel and he swayed Juno who was blinking her eyes softly, already trying to keep up with her dad's antiques.
Don't go changing to try and please me
You never let me down before, mmm
Don't imagine you're too familiar
And I don't see you anymore
I would not leave you in times of trouble
We never could have come this far, mmm
I took the good times, I'll take the bad times
I'll take you just the way you are
And that was the truth. No matter what she chose to be when she grows up he would encourage her and lover her for who she is. Like he does in the moment. He had made an unspoken promise that he's never going to leave her hand if she needs him, even if it's in bad times to come even though he wants from all the best this universe has to offer his girl.
Don't go trying some new fashion
Don't change the color of your hair, mmm
You always have my unspoken passion
Although I might not seem to care
He's for sure going to be one those annoying dads. Who seem not to care just to get under their kids' skin. He was going to have his fun being a father. But ahe wants her to know already that she doesn't need to change herself for anyone. As soon as they start is better, because she deserves the moons and stars.
I don't want clever conversation
I never want to work that hard, mmm
I just want someone that I can talk to
I want you just the way you are
This is far away in future, but he just wants her be there for him and have a conversation about the most random thing. Sit on his porch sip on tea as he's old and grey. With her or her siblings if he decides to have anymore kids with his wife.
I need to know that you will always be
The same old someone that I knew
Oh, but what will it take till you believe in me
The way that I believe in you?
I said I love you, that's forever
And this I promise from the heart, mmm
I couldn't love you any better
I love you just the way you are, right
Now he understands why his mum says he is her baby even though he's passed his thirties. He can never imagine to see her past this phase now. Here in the moment holding onto her tiny frame, protecting her from everything wrapped up in a blanket close to his heart. He whispered every night to her when she was in her mum's womb that he loves her, and he wants her to believe that.
I don't want clever conversation
I never want to work that hard, mmm
I just want someone that I can talk to
I want you just the way you are
He hums along just for the two of them, creating his own little bubble to realise he was crying, again, and Juno was fast asleep, again. He sniffled on his tears and looked her and brought her up to press a kiss on her cheek.
"I love you so much," he mumbled. He have never felt this love before for sure. He set her down in her cot and wrap her up in her blanket again.
It was the next morning when they got to take Juno home with them. YN was feeling a lot better and could walk around good, her bleeding was controlled and she was all healthy to go back home and rest with her baby.
"Welcome home Juno," he whispered to the baby in his arms who was a bit awake for her home coming.
"We're home." YN cooed watching her baby blink at her from her dad's embrace.
"I'm gonna give you a little home tour." He said, tapping onto her tiny chin and making her squirm.
YN sat on the sofa there watch him go around the house.
"Okay, were not going to live here. We have a new home being made right now. But whilst we here. This is where we make all the good food, it's mostly your Mummy cooking because I am shit at cooking." He went on from kitchen, "this is where we wash you poopy clothes." He said making YN laugh in the living room.
"This is meant to be your room but you're going to sleep with Mummy and Papa until you're a little more big." He showed her the empty room. Her nursery was being put together at their new house so they didn't bother to do anything to this flat, "this where you will be sleeping at night. You Mummy did an amazing job at picking out this cot for you."
YN heard him talking to Juno from their room, "we're going to move this to my side eventually. Your mummy says it's going to be on her side."
"I heard that Harry." YN called out.
He just laughed, "this is our balcony. We can't go out now." He continued, "this is the bathroom, it's not going to be interesting for you for sometime now. Just don't go playing into toilet water like your Mummy when you're a little big."
"Hey!" YN whined, "I still don't know why my mum told you that story!"
"Yeah, and how she washed you three times after that." He had a great laugh.
"I was two years old!" She defend herself.
He walked around the living room, showing her little nooks and bits. He definitely tired her out that she fell back asleep.
"Can I have her for sometime?" YN asked.
"I'm gonna go take a shower. Do you need me to bring you something so you don't have to get up?" He asked.
"No, I'm fine. Doctor has advised me to be up and walking." She shook her head, "I just want some time with her."
"You have about 20 minutes, I need to shave too." He said, glanced at the watch on the wall behind her briefly, "get all the time you can before I'm back clinging beside you two."
With that left Mum and Juno alone.
"You came on your Papa's birthday," YN told her, "we missed celebrating, didn't we? We should order a cake for him."
Juno let out a sleepy sigh. She is just two days old, it's turing to plan a last minute birthday celebration for her dad. But she agrees.
YN ordered a small Lunch box cake to go as it was just going to be him and YN. He took longer than he would and that was perfect as the cake in by that time. Their lunch and dinner was already made by her mother this morning before both of them came back home. YN had placed a frosting candle on it which came along so it wouldn't ruin the cake.
Harry came back downstairs all cleaned up, clean shaved though YN was in love with his stubble but she's sure he won't be able to shave it anytime soon again. He had changed out of the dirty hospital clothes into a comfy white shirt and grey sweats.
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Juno's Papa. Happy birthday to you." YN sang to surprise him, holding the cake in one hand and Juno in other. She was still in and out of her sleep, she let put a other sigh, her small mouth shaped in a shape of O.
"Where did you get this one from?" Harry gasped taking the cake from her hand so she can hold Juno comfortably. They sat on the sofa and blew the candle making a wish. With the fork he scooped up a bite and brought it upto YN first. It was his thing since he has met her now, everything he gets she easts first, at least one bite. All the while Juno stared at both of her parents with big doe eyes as they shared the cake.
"You'll get it in a few hours through your milk." Harry chuckled looking at her, as if she wanted to have a bite or two herself.
"She has got your eyes." YN said, now her eyes appearing more and more clearer.
"She does." Harry agreed, admiring the girl they made together. Seeing her made his love for his wife grow even more, even if that was possible. "You want to go change up now?"
"Yes, please." YN agreed. "Can you change her up too, please?"
"Mhmm," he nodded, "you want me run you a bath?"
"Please. Thank you." YN agreed. "Can I have a bath though? Doctors had to put stitches up my hoohaa."
"Oh my god, you didn't had to say it like that." He shuddered.
"Hey!" She whined in defeat, "you said I can share everything with you. You're so mean."
"You can baby. But you didn't had to word it like that." He chuckled helping her stand up slowly. "Just take a shower for now, yeah? We'll as your mum or doctor tomorrow about it."
It was going to be long momth and half staying at home for YN in confinement. It was going to be fun yet annoying to stay inside. But anything for Juno.
N O T E:
1. I loved writing this.
2. Please do lemme know how you like this. Leave a vote if you can. It really helps me encourage myself to write more.
3. Honestly I was gonna quit writing fanfictions now, but I had this piece half written so I finished it.
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