#now I just gotta work with his arthritis
Hello! How would the Mercs be with an S/O who has chronic health conditions (totally not because I’m self indulgent with a connective tissue disorder)
💕TF2 Mercs With An S/O With Chronic Health Conditions💕
Includes: all
Note: I referenced arthritis a lot for this and general connective tissue disorders. If anything is wrong, please correct me and I'll correct this!
🛠Engineer- You KNOW this man would be the most understanding. Not that it’s the same, but his hand was amputated, and even though he may have a hand now, he didn’t for a while! So he gets it. He isn’t overbearing, but he is attentive with how you are feeling. He’s willing to help out with anything, and although he knows you can handle yourself, that doesn’t stop him from going to Medic on the days you seem particuarly hurt or fatigued. He does his research and tries to see if any of the tips on there work. Most of them are emotionally based-don’t be overbearing, see what you can do, but he keeps up on the more physical ones too. Which means he likes to go for walks! Being from the country, he used to go on walks all the time. Nowadays he doesn’t have much time, but he tries to be there for you. 
🔥Pyro- “Aww he doesn’t get it so you go in the blanket pi-” NO! NO!! Just explain it, man. And if you don’t want to explain it, or if he’s embarrassed to ask, he’ll ask someone else. Pyro will get it, he’s not dull. Of course he doesn’t know most medical terms, he’s been hanging out with the same 8 people for the majority of his life, and the doctor there isn’t even licensed. At first he does think you are dying. But luckily that is cleared up before he sees you again. He can be a little overbearing at times, but he understands when you need your space. He just hates to see you hurt, and being uncared for with his own health problems (burn victim, i headcanon) has left him with the innate desire to make sure you always know your problems matter. 
⚾Scout-Scout is a goober and I’m not going to lie to you, he hears “connective tissue disorder” and thinks your bones are going to disconnect. Like, your arms are just going to be socks of butter. Eventually he is corrected, but it never leaves his head. Lucky for you, this boy is incredibly active, so there is never a dull moment. Sometimes he gets a little too caught up and you kinda gotta be like 
“Hey remember when I had chronic health conditions” 
And he’s like, “yeah :3” 
“Well they’re chronic-ing”
He is asking Medic, Engineer, Heavy, EVERYTHING. Anyone he thinks might know a thing or two is being asked questions. You might think you want to be asked, but he has so many. He listens to you the most though, since it is you he’s trying to learn about. Um..he knows what arthritus is! He..has heard of it. 
🦅Soldier-Does Soldier know what any of those words mean? Kind of! Disorder? I’m trying to give you deez orders! Har har harharharhar. Anyway. He is perplexed. On one hand, you seem up for training and you do quite well! Sometimes. Sometimes you spend time with Medic, sometimes you watch. Sometimes he wouldn’t notice you’re gone until a little ways in. He is in the ZONE of training. Eventually he’d ask a little something like, “WHY DIDN’T I SEE YOU ON THE FIELD TODAY MAGGOT?” 
And you’d say something like, “Just feelin’ a little stiff today,”, “Flarin up today”
So convince him not to crack you over his knee to get you feeling limber.
Eventually he’d understand that you have your off days and leave you be. But as soon as he’s done going bananas, he’s checking on you.
🗡Spy-He’s probably one of the most normal. He knows what’s up, he’s met people and had to act like said people, you know, spy things. He’d check on you to make sure you’re okay, staying active. He’d probably ask a little too much about your well being and to be honest, might keep a little booklet of sorts. Not that it helps a whole lot. In no way are you left out of anything, and he’s making sure of it. If you’re feeling particularly bad, you can hang out in his smoking room and get lung cancer as well. Sometimes he doesn’t smoke. His little treat
💉Medic- He is an unlicensed doctor damn you! He’s all up in those bones. He’d definitely want to take those joints and bones apart like a kid ripping apart a barbie. He loves you! Maybe he’d give you some painkillers or anesthesia. You are experimented and poked at a lot because finally, finally he can feel like a real doctor and deal with medical issues that aren’t bullets and death. He takes care of you when you need it, but it’s hard to tell if it’s because it’s fun to him or because he is genuinely worried. He gives you a lot of credit. 
💣Demoman-Alcohol is nature’s painkillers! He would be offering that up to you like no tomorrow, but it is because he cares. On a more sober note, he actually does have relatives with arthritis. I headcanon his mother to have arthritis, if alive. I don’t remember who the dead parent mercs are. So yeah, he gets it. He’s helping you with any chores you said you had to do,  a habit of his regardless of how your tissue connectivity is doing. 
🦘Sniper-Sniper is..yeah. Well he has your best interest in mind. Even though he knows what’s up, he’s not sure how to deal with it. He’ll probably have you drink some weird mix of gasoline, peyote, and rain water and tell you “it’ll work ya right up mate”. Don’t drink it. You having aches and pains almost constantly means he’s probably gonna have a shooting buddy. You’re his partner, yall are gonna be around each other anyways. It’s a little hard to get used to the days where you are around. Despite being a skilled sniper, the smallest noise makes him jump. It’s in his blood.
🐻Heavy-The most normal. Health issues? Okay. Want a sandwich or something? His love language is act of service. So if you’re feeling bad, sick, emotionally bad, aches, pains, or otherwise shabby, he’ll give you cut up fruit. Oh yeah. Watch this guy rip an apple in half! He can do more than that, but you know. He’ll ask if you’re okay and make sure you’re not strained, but for the most part everything is normal.
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karmawonders · 1 year
Zhongli brainrot incoming my lovely little ducklings
Notes: imma call god!reader also known as Creator as Divinity cuz it sounds cute aight? Aight. And it makes sense cuz we are the most divine thing, so like? It works. U can argue with me but I enjoy the name, and as a SAGAU x cult au consumer, that name would just FUEL my God complex.
🌸Also this is probably non comprehensive my adhd n more went nyooom with this one, so you have been warned🌸
Warnings: sagau. Religious themes. Reader is God/ above God. Yandere worshippers. Slight zhongli x childe Lemme know if I should add anything.
Aight bitches we know the drill
Zhongli? The loyalist of our devotees. Also the oldest of all the motherfuckers
My dude got arthritis or smth idk I like to think he goes over to baizhus pharmacy for painkillers occasionally since he is just an old old frail wee peepaw. (Jokes ofc)
Now listen. My man's Morax was an Archon. He may of left that title but the dude is still very much a God. Not like, as high of God as the creator is, but a God nevertheless.
Dude gots a whole ass teapot/ pocket dimension solely for a temple to Divinity.
It continuously is expanding as he finds more books that could be about Divinity / theories about Divinity, etc.
Rip to the poor adeptus who is managing it.
Sure he usually has Childe pay for his shit, but it's not cuz he is broke! He is farr from it
Dude just has
Tendencies to hoard
Curse his dragon nature ig man
All the Mora? Safely in a separate teapot outside of his temple one. You can swim in it scrooge Mcduck style. He probably does take naps in it sometimes in his dragon form ig.
So he has Childe buy a ton of things that He thinks Divinity may even possibly like or acknowledge
It is dangerous when he walks amongst the harbor shops.
Not for the shopkeepers, they quickly learned to put their finest goods out in front when the see the funeral consultant nearing.
Mostly for whoever is gonna be paying for it. Which is usually Childe.
Oh shit man you see that fancy ass tea set that dude is polishing? We gotta look at it.
"Don't drag your feet Childe, we must secure this purchase for Divinity."
Childe can't argue if he knows it's going to Divinity, to you. He's one of your worshippers to ya know, he owes you his life.
He just wishes
Ya know
Zhongli would haggle a little before immediately purchasing whatever it is
He still shudders at the time he spent that much mora for something known as a "Primogem". A solid 5 million.
Just to ya know
Learn that a certain blonde haired traveller basically gets them for free just for being their first vessel / connected to Divinity.
That one hurt a Lil ngl
I mean Learning that Divinity would find a single primogem absolutely useless if not insulting on its own.
Listen man's Divinity is still interacting through Teyvat through a screen at this time, you ain't nowhere near to actually being there physically atm.
Which gives Zhongli a good amount of time to figure out wtf to do with this questionable purchase
Now it's true that Zhongli is a vivid spender
But he knows when something is the real deal, and he won't just let that slip away.
If it happens that his walking wallet at the time doesn't have the cash for whatever item
He will very upsetti spahgetti
Yes he buys tons of things for himself
But when it was something he wanted to get as an offering g for you? Dudes gonna be very upset.
He will begrudgingly procure mora from his more teapot after asking the items owner to have it on hold for a bit, and buy it.
The next few days he works extra hard to replace the mora in his hoard
But on the bright side your temple is just looking so wonderful with that new vase!
He likes decorating a lot. From his own abode, to organizing the mora and gems in his "den", to making sure your personal temple / shrine is absolutely perfect
He really do be like one of those Sim youtubers who spent 30 hours just on the house
If he is to one day show you this, in person, he has to make sure it's absolutely perfect! Everything needs to be the finest of fine!
He sees the rug he bought 20 or so years ago slightly aging?
Bye bitch
Like imma just pawn this off since it's a great rug and I want my money's worth but it's not worth a God possibly walking upon it anymore.
In all his free time dude is in his personal temple to Divinity
Admiring the things he got for you, remembering their history should you ever ask,,, and uh
So much dusting
Like this temple gots TON of shit in it
I mean it's bound to when he has worshipped you for so long
Probably goes on for miles
Might as well make it a public museum at this point
If there isn't like, special anti dust adeptus magic or smthing that is
Oh I just had the funniest fucking idea
You know how in other games (worlds?) Dragons live like hundreds of thousands of years before dying of old age or shit
Zhonglis like 7 thousand I think
Aka he is a baby compared to otherworld dragons
(Yes I know he is technically not a dragon dragon but shhhhhh)
So he goes on about how Erosion will sooner then later do him in and everyone's like
Noo Rex lapis perfect geo Archon nooooo fight the erosion oawr nawr
And he like ofc full heartedly believes that this is the case
Until ofc Divinity gets down there, aka you.
And your just like
"Ya old fart
when was the last time you got proper exercise
500 years ago?
No wonder you feel like shit bro- go hit the gym smh"
If he didn't do regular spars with Childe or any other acolytes before, he definitely does so now.
And then he feels better cuz he wasn't getting enough exercise outside of the vessel commission's he went on. Dude just wasn't getting enough dopamine in his head and fr thought it was erosion like smh
Zhongli built up Liyue for you, ya know. To Be like your favorite nation etc etc.
So I think he would be supppppeer interested in the world you were in previously
Wtf is a car and a highway and wdym they are super dangerous but people are on em regularly all the time? Tf?
What the heck is air condition Divintiy you are making up words I think aksksjrdqsdfhjk
...sun...screen? Never heard of this?
Teyvat not knowing basic medical stuff would be hilarious to me
Like imagine someone is coughing on something
Let's say Itto cuz I feel like he would do that
And you just
Get behind him and heimlech him
And everyone's like
????wtf he was good as dead???
And zhonglis sitting their having war flash backs to all the people he could of saved if he JUST GAVE THEM A BIG OLD HUG FROM BEHIND?
/yes I know that's not how it works but shush aight/
Zhongli wants to know absolutely anything and EVERYTHING about Divinity
You say an off comment about liking a certain smell and dude gots like
Notebooks and sticky notes written down the very second after
And then you go back to your abode or to the shrine he has and it smells overwhelmingly like that
Imagine saying you like the smell of freshly cut grass and he just goes
??? How tf do I get that smell?"
I just realized these brainrots are very fun to write and non stressful you can expect more
Anyways I love my man's Zhongli and I will die for him without hesitiation
🌸Abrupt ending queen right here, do not be surprised akkajsks🌸 and if you are shook it ended, boo!
I think this is getting a bit long and I don't wanna like have a post that makes my thumbs scroll miles before finishing it ifykyk
Anyways hope that was somewhat readable akksksksks
🌸Consider checking out my masterlist?🌸
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quarktrinity · 6 months
quark watches star trek season 2 episode 12
wow what a conveniently expository conversation theyre having just after beaming down
no chekov dont enter the spooky building
holy shit a dead dude
yep that dude sure is dead
holy shit alive people
weirdly loud and intense music
obviously old people think theyre in their late 20s. uh oh
old guy: "elaine was so beautiful. so beautiful." kirk: :T
yes kirk we get it ur into blondes
"old friend" ok so shes his ex. how many exes does this dude have
"when my husband died" so shes single. alright
i think i realized why i find so many of the Kirk Romances boring and annoying and only some of them fun and interesting. most of them are entirely on the basis of "shes blonde and hot and likes him because hes blonde and hot," and all the interesting ones actually establish chemistry and tension and its not just showing that theyre attracted to each other, its showing WHY. and then the boring ones just assume u understand why kirk wants to bang this blonde chick of the week. i actually dont. shes boring, show me why he wants her
obviously plot relevant comet mentioned off-handedly by spock as having not been investigated
kirk having memory troubles methinks
it seems the whole crew is becoming Old
topless kirk <3 thaaaanks <3333
kirks definitely having memory troubles
kirks tummy is so good
kirk has Body Pains
mccoy has gray hairs. theyre all entering their dilf eras
mckirk sexual tension
kirk has arthritis. lmao
they tried to make kirk look like hes balding by just slicking back his hair. he looks kinda goofy
mccoy looks ancient
mccoys southern accent is coming out
whoever wrote this episode thinks aging is horrifying
off-screen lady is off-screen
ok blonde doctor lady is starting to get interesting. my favorite part of this is that kirk points out that she talks like spock. interesting of u to say abt a lady ur hot for kirk.
blonde doctor lady is into dilf kirk. aight
honestly they didnt make kirk very dilfy :/ they shouldnt have slicked his hair back like that, it looks silly
kirk calls out that blonde doctor lady is into older men
alright this is a good love interest. im cool with this
chekov is grumpy
kirks memory troubles are starting to become problematic
kirks napping <3
woah so crazy how the comet was plot relevant
kirk you gotta go take another nap or something
weird tinfoil dildo
spock says Its Too Cold
commodore guy says kirk is getting too stupid to be captain
"this isnt gonna hurt a bit" "thats what you said the last time!" "did it hurt?" "yes!"
dead lady
kirk is obviously insecure
spock were in crisis i think its fine if kirk repeats himself sometimes for a bit. give him time to fix this
mccoys napping <3
kirk is canonically 34
kirk is grounded
kirks being funny <3
kirk does make a good point that theyre wasting time they could spend fixing this problem
commodore dude immediately makes dumb decisions
kirk as a rambling old man is fun to watch
hes acting like a jilted lover with spock. i love this show
the camera is still obsessed with kirks ass
hahahaha this show thinks radiation poisoning can be treated
commodore dude forgot about the space cold war
kirk is once again in restraints
"it could cure or kill" so itll obviously work
kirk has no fear of death
camera is weirdly focused on kirks crotch
yes lets zoom on his crotch while he writhes on the bed in pain. i couldnt make this shit up if i tried
commodore dude doesnt know shit about the space cold war
kirk is Fine now. damn i almost forgot how sexy he is
kirk is so good at captaining
the romulans should know that kirk would never blow up his ship. dont they even watch star trek
mcspock banter
"well, gentlemen, all in all, an experience well remember in our old age- /stops, reaches for his back with a surprised and thoughtful expression, then adjusts so it looks like hes just holding his hand on his hip/ ...which wont be for some while, i hope" youre 34 kirk it happens
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parisian-nicole · 2 years
Criminal Minds Crossover Fic: Penny
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Title: Penny
Rating: M
Publish Date: 09/25/2022
Summary: This is a crossover fic with Criminal Minds TV series and the movie called 'No One Lives'. I love Luke Evans in 'No One Lives' he makes an otherwise blah movie enjoyable as the deliciously crazy bad guy, and what motivated him. How even a monstrous psychopath can love. And I thought why not do a crossover with one of my favorite TV Shows in celebration of its reboot, 'Criminal Minds: Evolution'. In this fic, Secrets from Garcia's past come back to haunt her.
As of this post, you can watch Luke Evans as the 'Driver' in 'No One Lives' through this URL: https://localnow.com/movies/no-one-lives
She had stood in line for nearly five minutes while she clutched the gallon of rocky road ice cream, and waited patiently for Mrs. Ling to ring up the customers in front of her. Mrs. Ling was in her early eighties and moved like every joint in her body had arthritis and the thickness of her glasses told just how blind she was. But still, she ran the little convenience store in the neighborhood, and no one had ever tried to rob it. It was as if there was some unspoken rule that you had better not mess with Mrs. Ling. Also, people who lived in the neighborhood really went out of their way to look out for the elderly lady, even the younger crowd who'd you'd think would be the ones causing the most trouble. Yes, they left Mrs. Ling alone, but anyone else was fair game.
"Damn, girl, you thick," The tallest of the three younger boys who stood just behind her spoke out. He was a black boy but his accent told her that he was Latino, and his dark complexion made her think of the Dominican Republic. He was accompanied by another black boy who didn't say anything but the way he leered at her while sucking on the cherry blow pop in his mouth spoke volumes. She didn't engage with them she just kept staring straight ahead and she shuffled forward when another patron had been checked out.
"You know I gotta thing for pretty ladies who wear glasses," The other boy, a pimply-faced white boy, who looked too scrawny and too soft to even be hanging with the other two, spoke out. He reached out and flicked one of her golden locks with his right pointer finger. Under the light of day, she probably would have turned to him and given him a piece of her mind at his audacity to touch a woman without permission. But it was 10:15 pm and she hadn't been able to talk her mind out of going out for a late-night craving. And Mrs. Ling had just finished ringing up the guy right in front of her so she rushed forward and placed the ice cream and money on the counter. When Mrs. Ling wrung her up and she saw her total, she just slid her the five and three single dollar bills, grabbed up the ice cream, spoke a soft good night, and hurried out the exit.
Once outside she took big strides to her car, as big as the hip-hugging dress and stilettos she wore would allow. She silently cursed at herself for not changing out of her work attire before she left home, but it had been a late workday and the craving for ice cream struck as soon as she had crossed the threshold of her apartment. She let out a slight sigh when she grasped the handle of her car door, but that was soon replaced with a gasp when the door was slammed shut again. She looked up in surprise to see the three younger guys now surrounding her, with the white guy right in front of her as he leaned against her car.
"Hey, can I get your number?" He asked casually as he lazily reached out his right hand and twirled her hair around his fingers.
"I have a boyfriend," She replied as she took a step back and glanced at her surroundings to determine that there was no one else in the parking lot but them. Even the streets were empty and dark. The only help she would be able to get if she had to seek it, would be from Mrs. Ling whom she knew wouldn't be any real help. "He's waiting for me to get back, so…"
"Yo, man let a fine thing like you come out this late by yourself?" The black Latino boy spoke out again. "Don't he know there are a lot of dangerous people out here at night?" He asked as he moved right up to her backside and ground himself against her ass. This made her panic and step forward and right up against the white boy, who reached up and grasped both of her bountiful breasts in both of his hands. Her unshed tears were already blurring her vision as she shivered slightly in fear of what she was sure was about to happen to her. Before she could open her mouth to scream for help a gunshot rang out, and she along with her three unwanted companions turned to where the shot emerged. They could only make out the dark silhouette of a tall, slender built figure and the gun in his right hand. "Hey, we were just trying to help the lady to her car," He added as he held his hands up to show he was no threat.
"Yeah, man," The white guy added as he opened the car door for her, but she stood rooted in her spot as she stared at the man who stood across the street, hidden in the darkness watching them. There was something familiar about him but she couldn't quite place what it was. Then he tilted his head ever so slightly and it sent a chill through her body and made her drop the ice cream. She quickly hopped into her car, started it up, and backed out of her parking space as the force of the movement slammed the door closed. The three guys had jumped back out of the way cursing as they watched her peel away. The shadow man watched her as she left.
He had first noticed her three days prior and he started stealthily following and watching her. He thought she might have been one of his beloveds from his past, the one that got away, but he hadn't been sure until that very moment. As she looked at him her eyes told him that she thought she had known him, and then right before she jumped in her car and sped off, her eyes held a look of recognition. It had been 30 years since he'd last seen her, 30 years of him searching and never finding any clues to her whereabouts. Then three days ago while passing through town he had randomly stopped for coffee, something he'd never done in the home of the FBI, and there she was. And once he saw her, he ignored all of his survival skills and survival instincts, which screamed at him to get the hell out of town. Instead, he had been so drawn to her as if she had put a compulsion and enthrallment spell over him and he had followed her discreetly. Now he was glad he had, now he was 100% sure of who she was.
"My Penny," He whispered out into the darkness and a smile curved his lips as his eyes stayed locked onto the rear lights on her car until she finally rounded a corner a block down the street.
**More to Come**
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kayoi1234 · 2 years
please tell me more about operator Reigen I love him even if I know jackshit about arknights
jhdfiugkr GLADLY
So Reigen Arataka, Codename Sagi (Which is just japanese for Scam, creative I know), is, gameplay wise, a 5-star (ish) Specialist Operator, specififcally a merchant, which means this disaster guzzles down DP like no tomorrow but does fuck up enemies by stunning them or just hitting them very hard with his sword, because those fuckers now have salt in their eyes.
Plot Wise however - this man has like seven issues and overworks himself. He was still some fraudulent dude (because why wouldn't he) from Higashi (Arknight's Japan Expy) and he's a Vulpo (Which are the Fox People). Anyways he get Oripathy (Or turbo rock cancer) because his job (Basically scamming people who think ghosts are real but it's really Orginium making them think that) basically ends up with him touching originium (source of turbo rock cancer) a bunch and his makes his wrists a bit weak like arthritis if arthritis was caused by funny black rocks growing there so he's gotta wear wrist braces to stablise them.
He's popular with kids because they find him funny in a sort of pathetic way, but also because he gives good life advice that changes the trajectory of their future forever. Also like two adult friends because he's like that: Shalem, because before becoming a full operator he used to hang around logistics a lot, and Phantom, because Phantom thinks Reigen is what a good conversationalist that doesn't have Assassin Murder Deathcult Trauma is like. Reigen isn't even aware of the Assassin Murder Deathcult even existing until Phantom told him, unprompted, and Reigen has to just...deal with that.
In the words of Reigen himself:
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Also he has the reputation of being able to solve most problems, like plumbing issues, electrical work, basic first aid. He's dragged around logistics and medical and enginnering and HR at some point until the Doctor put their foot down and made a roster so that Reigen isn't like dragged to 30 different places. he also does baby and pet sitting. Most of the time, for free.
All in all, without Mob, but with Turbo Rock Cancer, furry characteristcs, a sword, and two friends that are also theatre people, Reigen has a hell of a time in Terra.
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penname-artist · 2 years
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Can't figure out how to send an emoji
That is- that- that is many flowers, ho boy-
Despite the disbelief of my buddies, BOTH of my plants are currently still alive, those being my Lucky Bamboo and my ZZ plant
Winter is the WORST SEASON because it is FUCKING COLD and when it's FUCKING COLD my arthritis-fucked hands are FUCKING STIFF
I have a fuck ton of candles and candle waxes I still need to use. Favorite scent is still 'Enchanted forest' (God it's so amazing, I think it's some shit like blackberry patchouli but MMM)
I'm waiting on lines from a friend who has been cast as Azuro, and hopefully I'm gonna fully animate that storyboard I made of him and the possum I still have not named
Casper is sleeping like a cinnamon roll at the moment
Never leave a crystal ball uncovered in the house when you're not using it. No it's not because demons. It's because it'll start a house fire
You know the doozie that tomatoes are botanically considered fruits? Yeah, so are cucumbers. Imagine how that looks now on Veggietales. "Yes, vegetable stories, hosted by the least qualified vegetables to ever vegetable!"
The chances of me finishing a story tonight are slim to none BUT slim to none is still a chance!
I'm never gonna not be weirded out by people that replace saying the word hell or fuck with "heck". Like, no. It sounds so dumb, guys. Also it reminds me of a trauma person but that's besides the point. I accept it only in controlled amounts
SPEAKING OF controlled amounts, I'm nearing the point in Sweet Child of Mine where I have to do work and learn about - eugh - the air force. Goddamn it man, why you gotta make me. At least all I have to do is figure out how he lost his hand-
If you live in the desert part of the US, never go outside when you hear a woman screaming. Chances are it's not a woman screaming, it's a mountain lion in heat. They sound scarily similar (no really, look it up.)
The word "oceanic" can be perfectly rearranged to spell "cocaine". I learned this playing Wordscapes.
Just for you, Jackal: It is illegal in the state of Florida for men to wear strapless dresses.
This has been a field of flower thoughts with Pen
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equallyshaw · 2 years
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The Medicated Series: features OC’s with medical issues such as depression, anxiety, physical disabilities such as MS or Rheumatoid Arthritis as well as any other autoimmune disease such as Crohn’s, endometriosis, infertility, etc. (not an autoimmune but you get it) I feel, as a person with a physical disability, that there is a lack of representation and have always wanted to see myself in y/n stories.
Cale Makar Medicated Series Master Post:
Links for information regarding rheumatoid arthritis:
Original Character: Eliza Nicole James, 23 years old. Brunette Hair, Blue Eyes, short and curvy.
Word Count:
Part Six:
Eliza's POV:
Today was Tuesday, the day I would be telling Martha that I would be leaving, and that today was my last day. Also, I would be meeting with Joe Sakic after I got off of work around 3pm today. Today was a big day, even though I wasn't looking forward to it, Cale was being so sweet about it. He picked me up for work, after his morning workout and got me my favorite coffee + breakfast sandwich and told me he would be around at 3 to take me to the arena. He had been so incredibly sweet and considerate after I spent the night at his place, though we did not do anything, he still was a gentleman and made sure I was okay with staying over. It was weird for me, but getting to wake up next to him made it worth it.
I dragged my feet into Erics' office around 2pm and he knew the moment I crossed the threshold, what I was about to tell him. "Eliza, Im so happy for you!" He beamed getting out his chair and meeting me, to give me a hug. "I'm gonna miss you so so much." He said tearing up, and pulling down his mask. I frowned, pulling down mine as well. "I'm gonna miss you so much, Eric! You've been my rock these past years." I said wiping some tears from my face. "I know, but now you can reach SO many more people Chica." He mused and I nodded softly, "Guess I have an excuse to come back though." I smiled. He nodded laughing, "Yes! Martha will not allow it if you don't promise to come back every week." He joked. "Cale, said that he would visit with me if he wanted me to. Before, it was just an excuse to see me but he actually likes Martha and the other kids." I commented sitting down next to him in the two guest chairs. He nodded, "I know! He seems to want to be more hands on too. He came to talk to me last week about what or if there was anything that he could do himself. Volunteer, donate-" I cut him off. "Really?" I said with happy tears pooling into my eyes. "Yes Chica! Cale is a fucking gem. If he wasn't for team women, i'd snatch him up so quickly" He joked and I laughed, shaking my head. I rubbed the back of my neck, "It still feels weird y'know? Like this is all I had wanted for 13 years and now to leave- feels weird. Exciting and scary at the same time." I explained. "We are always here for you, we always have a spot open specifically for Eliza James. Our founding warrior." He said sweetly, rubbing my arm. I nodded, "Well, I am so glad to have your support Eric, it means the world. Now, I just gotta rip the band aid off and tell the kiddos. Today." I exclaimed. "Let's go tell them." He said stnading up and pulling me with him.
We walked into the playroom that housed many kids today, all my regulars. Eric walked in and got there attention as soon as he stepped through the glass doors. "Hi Guys! How are we today?" He questioned. They all responded chaotically and could not help but laugh. "Im glad you guys are doing well! I want you guys to listen to Eliza for a second, ok?" He said stepping out of my way for me to stand in front of them. "Auntie E!" and "Miss Eliza" all came my way, and I frowned sadly at it. I was going to miss those nicknames. "Hi guys, I have something really importnant to tell you ok?" I started off pulling a chair to the center so I could get closer to there level. I rested my elbows on my knees sighing softly, "I have some big news to tell you guys today." I paused making sure that all 12 of them heard me. "I have decided to leave Hillside Pavillion today, for good." I stated and that's when the meltdowns started. "Guys guys!" I said trying to calm them down, but nobody wanted that. Eric helped me out, and finally after a few minutes of trying to calm them- they did. I pulled some hair behind my ear and contemplated my next words, "I have enjoyed my time here with you guys. Who would of thought we'd be here two years ago? I didn't and I am so ecstatic that Eric and you guys get to continue being the pride and joy or Hillside Pavillion. I see myself in you guys so much, but I also see so much more confidence and self love than when I was your age. And I am so grateful, that I got to be a little bit of help in helping you guys reach your ever growing potential. You guys are like my kiddos, and I am going to miss you so much. And know, that this was such a difficult decision. I thought of you guys in all my thinking and conversations, and even though you may be angry or sad- both feelings are acceptable, I will be able to reach even more kids like you and others who are going through unimaginable things." I paused and smiled at few who were coming forward to burrow into my side. I wrapped my arms around them, trying to hold back the ever growing tears. "Besides, I won't be far away. I'll be working with the Colorado Avalanche, and am always a phone call away. I might also be able to invite you guys for games, wouldn't that be fun?" I questioned looking down at the two in my arms, and then to Martha who seemed to perk up at that. "I love you guys so much, and always remember that you are stronger than you appear. That you are more than just your illness, or diagnosis. You guys are warriors, and inspire me everyday." I mused looking at all of them. It was like a silent aknowledgment before the kids came up and hugged me. Eric came up behind me and joined in as well. "Im gonna miss my barbie partner!" one kid eclaimed and another said, "Im gonna miss reading with you everyday." and I softly frowned, but I smiled as Martha spoke. "Im gonna miss you coming in everyday with a smile on your face,de-despite any pain you have. Im gonna miss seeing you smile." She said and I nodded wiping back a tear. I was gonna miss them so much.
A few minutes later, I met up with Martha and sat her down in her favorite reading nook. "Do you really have to go?" She said sadly, and I nodded. "Yes, I do BUT Cale and I will both be back for different events and to see you. Besides, I have an open policy in my new office for you guys anyday. Ok? Your mom can call me whenever you need to talk." I said trying to read her face. She nodded softly, before lunging towards me and hugging me. I pulled her in, and rubbed her hair. She softly sobbed, and I wiped silent tears away. I loved this girl like my own, I saw myself in her but she also had so many traits and fierceness that I did not posess at age 8. She was such a brightlight these past two years, and having been there since the first few weeks of diagnosis- meant that we held a bond like no other. I would see her 4-5 days a week if she wasn't at ballet, theater, softball or soccer to name a few. Through all the up's and down's, and the unknowns and questions, I was there. I was there for her, like I had wished somebody was there for me. I knew her deepest darkest secrets, that she didn't even tell her mom. She trusted me and I trusted her. I pulled away, and wiped her tears from her small eyes and smiled. "Pretty as always." I mused rubbing her cheek. She smiled, before looking past me and smiling ever wider. She jumped out of my arms, and I knew who was there before I turned around and heard her squeal. I grinned turning around in my seat, and seeing Cale kneel down to the kid's level and talk to them. I looked at the front desk ladies that were looking in, and winked at them. They knew exactly what they were doing, even if the higher ups did not like it. I met Eric at the door as well, and leaned into him. Smiling sadly. Eric noticed and motioned towards the door and I nodded, before walking out.
"I know you wish that that would be you, right?" He asked softly as we moved away from the door. I nodded, "I can't help but think that it's wrong that I don't want kids. But like, it's 2022. Not every woman needs to bear children. But looking and watching him with kids ,makes me sad. And also hopeful, that because he is good with kids that it wouldn't be so bad. He's the partner that I had been hoping for." I explained and Eric nodded, pulling me back into my office. It was not 2:50 and needed to clear out my things. "Well, just by the looks of it- I don't think that having kids with him would be an issue. By the way he looks at you and talks about you, he would bend over backwards for you." Eric commented and I nodded. "When he picked you up two weeks ago, the front desk ladies let it slip that he was asking what books to read, or documentaries, or schlolary articles to read about Rheumatoid Arthritis. He wanted to know also how to take care of you if you needed it, and things he should look for regarding any flare ups and stuff. He spoke to them for about a half hour before I came and told you he was at the door." Eric paused, and I gave him wide eyes. "No way." I said smiling like an idiot, "Way!" Eric exclaimed. "And then he's been texting with me, on stuff he is finding out. Obviously, I am no expert but your teachings these past three years have helped me out in that department. When I tell you that lover boy is hooked, committed and willing to help each and every way- I am not exagerating. No man his age would even think about educating himself or comprehend what he's reading about. He literally read three books in a week after he spoke to them. And now I think he's at 6 books. Im like how the hell do you have so much time? Especially if he's spending time with you?" He joked, sending me a wink. I fake gagged and continued putting my books and plaques away in a box. I froze, thinking about what Eric had confessed. "Wow." was all I could say. No person in my life had ever done that, much research. Hell, after thirteen years my parents and sisters had never done much. It was always me being the one to educate them, and tell them shit they wouldn't even remember five minutes after. Cale was something else, he could be something more if he stayed on this path of acceptnance, understading, compassion and love. But, I guess time will tell.
Around 3:05, a knock was heard at my office door. I looked up at saw Cale, giving me a smile. "Hi!" I beamed, moving away from my box and meeting him at the door. "Hello Auntie E." He mused, pulling me in for a hug. "Awe, im gonna miss that nickname." I said softly frowning as we pulled apart. "But you'll have new ones." he said on the brightside and I nodded. "What can I take?" He questioned at the four boxed, that laid on the floor. "You can take those two, and I will have Eric take the others." I said putting my phone in my bag and zipping my purse closed. He nodded, walking out and Eric came in to grab the other two. I softly smiled grabbing the Peonies that the front desk ladies had given me this morning, and I slowly walked towards my door. I had done so much these past two years officially in this role. The late nights, and early morning coffee runs I had to make or well Eric did. The presentations that were scraped the minute Eric showed me them, because they were too colorful and the highers up would not like it. Constantly telling me that they needed a little Gay in there life, never failing to amuse me. The countless meltdowns I witnessed or the one's Eric witnessed with me, as we tried to navigate this whole thing. Though bittersweet, I was excited to move on and start putting my footprinte some place new. Cale met me at the door, and held out his hand and we walked into the hallway. "I just need one last goodbye. Ok?" I said looking up at him and he nodded, taking my purse and flowers. I walked into the playroom and all the kids stopped what they were doing and ran towards me. "Oh no! Don't run me over." I joked as they hugged me. "please come back soon!" Jess mused and that got a chorus of yes'. I nodded, taking in there faces one last time in this capacity. "I will be back soon. Maybe I will even bring some treats or some familiar faces." I grinned and they grew excited at that. "Be good for Eric, remember not to push his buttons too much." I joked causing them to laugh. They all stepped back after a few minutes, and I smiled at Martha who moved in for one last hug. "I'l always be here, Martha. I promise." I whispered and she nodded before releasing. I stepped back, to take in all the kiddos one last time in this position and I turned back around and Cale stood there waiting for me. "Ready?" he asked and I nodded, taking my bag from him.
We arrived at the arena around 3:45 pm, and I grew even more nervous. Tomorrow, would be my official first day but I wanted to speak to Joe a little more so he could understand my health and what came with it. But as Eric said before, he'd have there heads on a stick and he would dorp a lawsuit on them SO quickly if they even so much looked at me the wrong way. Hopefully, I would not have to use that card and could become apart of the team smoothly. and without issue.
Cale and I walked towards the players entrance, and I noticed that there were a lot of cars here. "Nothing special is happening, guys probably just wanted to workout and skate. That's all." he said after I asked him if anything was happening. "Okay." I responded, breathing in and out. We walked towards an elevator that was right off the door, and I mentally thanked whichever person thought to put it in such a conveniant spot. "Smells a lot nicer, than I imagined." I sacastically said as we went up to the fourth floor. Cale chuckled, understading exactly where I was coming from. We walked out into the offices area, and walked towards Joe Sakics' office. "Do I look okay?" I asked stopping halfway there and started to self doubt. "I hope he likes me." I threw out there as well, and Cale shook his head. "I promise you, he does and you look great as always. Now please, get in there so I don't have to hear how I took so long to get you here . GO!" he said softly nudging me towards the door and I softly giggled, before saluting him. I turned around and walked towards the door. I softly knocked, getting his attention. "Ms.James!" Joe Sakic said, shocking me with how much excitment her had. "Hi!" I responded as he motioned for me to sit down.
"How have you been? You excited for your first day tomorrow?" He asked and I nodded smiling. "Yes! Im very excited, but obviously nervous about meeting so many new people." I confessed and he waved me off. "Everybody in this orginization and team, are class act. They are all excited to meet you as well. They wanna meet the mastermind behind the HillSide's fieldtrip here. They enjoyed it and would love to do it again." He explained and I nodded, trying to process everything. "That's amazing!" I said, smiling. "That means a lot. I am glad, to be working with people who are excited about the intitatives that our group will be undertaking and continuing. I know that a lot of the Wags thouroughly enjoy charity work and I will continue that and hopefully make it even bigger." I commented, and Joe nodded enthusastically. "Can I ask you a question?" I asked and he nodded, giving me the floor. "Why didn't you want to interview me? Not that I am complaining by any means, but it just seemed so fast that it confused me a bit." I asked honestly, and he nodded. "Well, when you invited the team to Hillside, I was curious. I was curious to see who had ran it so well. And then after getting in contact with Eric, he explained to me that it was all you. And that it had been you for the past two years while he ran the buisness side of things. Then once I asked you to facilitate the Hillside Night- I just had a feeling that you'd be an awesome addition to our team as Head of Community Outreach. It was a no brainer. And then I asked the team what they thought of the events, and they wanted you apart of the team if possible. Especially Cale, he said that he'd never seen somebody so passionate before. And I got that from a lot of them as well like Gabe, EJ, Nazem, Nate and Mikko. So I thought, why not?" He mused and I nodded. "Well that answers my question." I said laughing and he did too. "SO what did you want to talk to me about today?" He asked and I pushed some hair behind my ear, my nervous tick.
"Well as you may know I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and I wanted to let you know a little bit about that and how it effects me. Though I know you can't legally do anything about it and I know you definetly don't want Eric coming in here and torching the place." I paused as he laughed, and I laughed too. "But I wanted to let you know that it can affect me day to day sometimes. I am at a place, where I can pretty much figure out how I will wake up the next day but sometimes I don't and it blindsides me. Sometimes you may see me with a cane and then the next day I will be without it. Others I will walk slower and others I can pretty much do a fast mom walk. Some days, I have really bad fatigue but other days I am ok. Everything is up and down, and I really hope you don't get upset if I have to call off for a day or maybe a week. It has happened and it will happen eventually. But even if I call off, I still work from home because even though I might be having a flare up, I am at home so I am more comfortable. SO yeah, again you cant technically do much but I just wanted to let you know up front." I said and he nodded thankfully. "Well thankyou for sharing that, you did not have to but am glad that you felt comfortable enough and trusted me to let me know. We actually have a few people here who have medical issues, and nobody will treat you any differently. If something comes up, let me know and I will take care if it right away. Finally, I am always here if you need anything. Bednar too, who you will meet tomorrow. Anything that comes up, we are a phone call, text or office away. We also have others here who you can speak to if something happens, god forbid it does but know that you have safety here and people that look out for one another." he finished and I nodded, extremely grateful for his attitude and compassion. Feeling safe and included, was at the top of my list.
Cale's POV:
I watched Eliza walk into the office and as soon as I heard them talking, I bolted down the stairs to the floor below to helpe the guys. It was Gabe and Andre's idea to decorate her office a bit. Welcoming her into the work family, she was probably gonna regret joining. Just joking. I walked into the office and saw the balloons all done, and they saw a orchid on her desk. They had also put up a welcome sign, decked out in Avalanche colors. "You don't think it's too much right?" Nazem asked as I walked in. I inspected everything and shook my head, "No she will love it." I said and they all cheered. "Mel, told me that she enjoys coffee and what she likes, so I am gonna stop and get that on the way as a little treat. EJ is also getting her some flowers, well Jackie is- there is no way in hell he can't tell what is what." Gabe said and EJ began bickering with him, the other guys joined in too. Mikko, Andre, Gabe and Naz were super excited to have her join the orginization that they decicded to surprise her. They all really liked her from what I said about her, as well as when they spoke at the Hillside event at the hospital and the Hillside night. Such a random group of guys, but I liked it. It was for sure chaotic trying to have them decide on the color scheme and then decide to do the avs colors to play it safe. Then one person said someting about a banner, and then another about flowers or a plant. Then it esclated from there, and now it seemed they were chipping in for a supply of coffee for a year most likely. This is what she needed coming into this role, not only staff that supports her but having some guys on the team support her as well? She was winning even before she stepped through the door. My phone buzzed, and there was a texted from Eliza, stating that she was done and that she was confused on where I was. I told her I would meet her at the elevator in five. "I gotta go." I said taking one last look around, before putting some more tape up.
Eliza' POV:
Joe Sakic left, to go meet with somebody so I stood in the hallway waiting for Cale to come meet me again. I leaned up against the wall, and looked at the floor thinking abot tomorrow and the work that I was hoping to do. I was excited, but nervous about meeting the team too. That's the part that really terrified me but I had Cale and Joe in my corner. Bednar too, but I hadn't even met the dude yet. I pulled out my phone to text Cale again when I heard footsteps. I looked up and saw a player, obvioulsy. No way in hell, that it was just a regular staff memeber. I looked down nervously and started to text Cale. "You're Eliza right?" The voice questioned, and I looked up before nodding. "Yes and you are?" I asked. He rubbed the back of his neck, "Im Nathan Mackinnon. I work with Cale." He stated and I nodded, breathing in heavily. He was the dude that didn't think Nate and I had a future together. "Listen I just wanna say-" I cut him off, "I really don't wanna hear what you have to say Nathan, I don't. You don't even know me first off and secondly, you commented on something that you probably don't know anything about. And if you had came to the Hillside event, you would have learned a bit about it." I remarked and he nodded, looking down. "You don't know me enough to comment on my life or my health ok? So please dont apologize and say that you didn't mean it. You clearly did, if you said it to Cale yourself." I finished, walking past him to the elevator. I pushed the button, and it opened revealing Cale himself. He could see the sense of relief as I saw him. I walked in, pressing the garage level and leaned agains the wall. He knew, without having me to voice it.
We pulled up to my apartment and we headed up towards my floor. Becca was out of town for the next few days, so I knew I would be alone when Cale left tomorrow evening for a away game after the home game. When we walked inside, he set the two boxes down and went to go get the other two. I pulled out my phone, letting him know I was taking a quick shower. I quickly grabbed my clothes and towel, and made my way into my shower. I turned it on, and then turned on some music, and waited for it to heat up. I sat on the toilet, looking towards the floor, and sighed. The faitgue was coming on fast, as the adrenaline was coming down from the day. I hopped in the shower and quickly washed me hair, body and face. And then stood for a few minutes, taking in the hot water before getting out. After another five minutes I stepp back out onto the rug and quickly dried myself off and wrapped myself in the towel.I slipped on my house shoes and cursed myself, I didn't grab my brush from my room. I hurriedly tried to open the bathroom without Cale noticing from the living room. That wouldn't have been an issue if he wasn't in my room tidying up for me. I froze as I caught sight of him, as he was doing so. I tried stepping back out of my room ,hoping he wouldn't catch me but he heard me and turned around. He looked down at the towel, before meeting my gaze. "Sorry I uh was trying to get my brush." I said nervoulsy walking in and grabbing it before shuffling back out. I locked myself in the bathroom and cringed. I sighed, leaning against the door and cursed myself. How could I have been so stupid? But I also did not think he'd be tidying up my room for me so I didn't have to worry about it. He knew how I liked not going to bed sometimes wiht a messy apartment and that Becca helped me but since she was not here- he had decided to help without me asking him. And ofcourse, that wouldn't have been a big issue if I wasn't you know nude under this towel. It wouldn't have been weird if we had done anything, and that's the thing we haven't. Like obviously, I had thought about it but having never done it before, it scared me. It was a big step not only as a couple but as a female. Losing it for the first time, scared me. It made me embarrsed because it's not like I could do what they did in movies, my body wouldn't allow it. And that's also partially why I stayed away from boys in college. I was embarrased about what I could and could not do. I sighed, brushing out my hair and trying to ease back into the music. I quickly changed and did my skincare, before venturing back out into the hall.
I heard Cale from the kitchen, so that mean the ghost was clear. I walked into my room that was newly cleaned, and I smiled putting my clothes in the hamper. Sweetie pie, I thought. I walked back out, going straight for the fridge to grab a water. Cale was currently putting away the dishes into the dishwater and I smiled as he did it. I re opened the fridge and began to look for the mexican food I had saved from yesterday and I tapped my foot as I searched for it. "What did you want for dinner?" Cale asked and I froze, before shutting the fridge. "Anything is fine." I respnded, but knew I would have something to say about each place he offered up. "Actually- there is a place down the street that has to die for pierogis. We can order it on doordash so we don't have to leave." I suggested and he nodded, as I pulled out my phone. I opened up the menu, handing him my phone since I knew I was gonna get my regular order. He scrolled down and back up, before figuring out what he wanted. "What are you getting?" He asked as I placed the order. "Well, I ordered a appetizer of grilled chicken and there amazing sauce. Potato and Sweet Cheese pierogis, sausage and Pączki's. Which you have to try!!! The dessert if a fan favorite." I mused and he nodded, "Will have enough for lunch tomorrow, which makes me not have to worry about it." I added as I hopped off the bar stool and walked into my room for a second, searching for a book that I wanted him to read. Now with some new knowledge, I think Cale would like the book. I walked back in and set the book down, "What's this?" he asked opening it. "Its my favorite book on arthritis. I heard that you have taken a interest to the subject." I grinned sipping some water. He nodded, skimming over the opening pages. "Ye-yeah." he said confirming it. He looked up and smiled, "Thankyou for this. Thankyou for allowing me even more into your life." He said thankfully. I nodded, "Thankyou for taking it upon yourself to research it. Eric told me about the conversations you and he have had as well as talking to the front desk ladies. It means a lot Cale, more than you know." I smiled as I rounded the counter. I put my hands on his cheeks softly, pulling him in for a kiss. He responded immediatly, pulling me in closer by my waist. I couldn't get enough of him, intoxicated by him. I moved my arm so now it was around his neck, trying to get closer if possible. His hands continued to rest on my waist, pulling me in.
I startled him as I began to kiss down his chin onto his neck, taking in my newfound energy. He froze for a brief moment, and I stopped and stepped back. I looked at him, trying to read his face. "Did I do something wrong?" I asked sheepishly, and he shook his head. "No, I just don't want you to do anything you don't want to that's all. I don't want you to get uncomfortable at all." He explained. I rubbed my eyes with my hand, and turned around and moved away from him. Well yeah I didn't want to have sex but I did want to make out. Was that a crime? "Im sorry." he said and I waved him off, "It's whatever." I said un enthused. "I didn't mean to upset you." he said standing up and walking over to me. I didn't move. "Liz..." He said putting a soft hand on my lower back, and I sighed shutting my eyes. I turned to face him and stared at him with a small glare. "I wanted to makeout. That is all. I would have stopped." I said and he nodded, "I just wanted to make sure." he responded and I nodded. I rubbed the back of my neck, "It's fine, thankyou though. But you realize that at some point I would like to you know have sex?" I said and he nodded. "I know, but I want it to be special and the right time." He smiled softly wrapping his arms around me. I did the same, taking in his presence. I was going to miss it, for the next few days.
The Next Day:
So Cale told me before he went home, that I would not need to worry about getting coffee or a breakfast sandwich- which he knew was a weakeness of mine. That he had it all taken care of, and I obliged much to my dismay. I pulled into my new spot at the arena with the rest of the staff, and sighed taking it all in. This is freaking crazy, how the heck did I end up here? I hopped out, and saw Cale sweetly waiting at the staff entrance for me. I smiled as I got closer, my nerves fading just a tad bit. "Good morning, you excited?" He questioned as I stepped right next to him. He opened the door and I nodded, "Yes, very. And thankyou." I responded. "You know, you don't have to come with me. You can go get ready for your morning skate. Ill be okay." I said, and he shook his head. "Nah, I can't not walk you to your office. Besides, I need to see your reaction to your surprise." He non chalantly said as the elevator opened up to the third floor. I eyed him as he allowed me to go first, I sighed and stopped to look out at the sheet of ice. It was so much bigger without people in it. "Woah." I exclaimed softly, and Cale nodded. "You get used to it, eventrually." He mused and I nodded, turning back around an walked towards my office again. I eyed the walls that held numbers outside of them, looking for room number 22- my favorite number. My old sports number before I got diagnosed. Who woulda thought that that was the very number, i'd get for my office?
As soon as we walked up to my office, I stopped seeing balloons and a banner. I looked up towards Cale and playfully slapped his arm. "Ugh, I hate you." I mused and he put his hands up in defense, "It wasn't just me." He said and I cocked my head to the side, before turning to walk into the room. That's when I saw them. Gabe, EJ, Nazem and Andre scattered throughout the room. EJ sat in my desk chair, Gabe and Nazem sat in the two in front of my desk, and Andre sat in the comfy one in the corner. They were bickering about something as I walked in, and as soon as they noticed me, they all stood up and yelled 'Surprise!'. I brought a hand to my chest and smiled, taking in all the decorations, a orchid that laid on my desk, and my coffee + breakfast combo. I turned towards Cale, taking in his smile and ever rosy cheeks. "Oh my god!" I exclaimed, setting my back down next to my desk. "Thankyou guys! This was so sweet." I mused looking down at the orchid and then to EJ who sat back down in my chair. I raised an eyebrow, and without saying anything he hopped up like he had been pricked. I softly giggled, pushing some hair behind my ear. "Thankyou guys, and thankyou to whoever got me this." I smiled pulling the coffee closer. "And you go it right!" I beamed. It was the little things that did it for me.
"Ofcourse! Once Cale let it slip that you were coming to work here we knew we wanted to surprise you." Gabe explained, "And you can thank Mel. She remembered your coffee order." He added and I grinned. She had remembered our random conversation from that dreadful game. I mentally took note, to text her and thank her. Perhaps, maybe taking her out to get some coffee. "Well, I will have to thank her today. But seariously, you did not need to do this at all." I said refercning the room and they all waved it off. "Our pleasure, and here." Andre or who I presume is Andre since the others I had seen over facetime or Nazem at the restaurant. "No, you did not!" I said taking the card from him, opening it and seeing a Starbucks giftcard that had $200 on it. "No no, this is too much!" I said giving him a look of gratefulness and mixed with a frown. "NO! Cale has told us how much coffee you need in the morning to be bearable so this saves us." He added and I playfully rolled my eyes. "Rude." I threw at Cale who only chuckled, but blushed profusley. "OH! Can't forget about these." EJ said picking up a bouquet of hidden flowers and I smiled. "Thankyou!" I said taking the bouquet of blush hydrangas- must have been a pretty penny. "My god, these are gorgeous." I mused taking a second to look at them. "Thankyou." I said again to all of them, and then Nazem pulled out a bag of expensive looking candle brand. Joan Malone it read, and beamed. "Working here, you'll need something to smell nice." He said sliding over the bag and took it, taking a quick peek in the bag. "Can never have too many candles." I mused shutting the bag. I looked around at all of them, "Thankyou again. This is all way too much but thankyou." I said gratefully and they nodded. They left a few minutes after, already on about something Andre did something stupid this morning and they were gonna run with it at practice.
I giggled, sitting at my desk and smiling. This was real. "You okay?" Cale said sitting across from my desk, and I nodded. "Yeah, just hard to think i'd ever be anywhere but Hillside and then that happens? Oh my god, I've hit the jackpot." I mused shutting my eyes for a brief second. "Ofcourse! They love and care about you, just like I do." He responded and I pretended to not look deeper into that comment. "Here." he said alerting me, and when I reopened my eyes I saw that he was holding out a bag from the giftshop. "Cale." I said in a sing song voice, pretending to be annoyed. But he knew the differance between the voices, he knew when I was annoyed. "ohmygod." I rambled looking into the bag and seeing the third jersey. My favorite jersey. I looked up at Cale, unsure of what to say or do. I set the bag on the ground after I pulled it out. I opened it up and stared at the logo, and beamed. I then turned it around, and saw the famous number 8 number and Makar. I frowned, and Cale thought I was upset. He rubbed the back of his neck and looked down. I shook my head and put it back in the bag, before rounding my desk and grabbing his hands. "Thankyou Cale, I love it. You didn't have to but I appreciate it so much. Besides, I do remember a text saying that you would be fixing my no avalanche merch problem." I smirked as he looked up at me. The fear in his eyes were washed away as he did so, a huge smile dawned his face. I bent down and gave him a kiss on the cheek, before walking back to my desk. I moved everything either to the ground or behind me at another desk. I turned around after organizing everything, to knocks at my door. Cale and I's heads shot over to the doorway and saw Joe Sakic and Coach Bednar.
"Good morning Miss James, how are you doing this morning?" Joe announced as he walked in. "Good morning, Mr.Sakic. Im doing well, you?" I asked stepping up from my seat. "Good good, I just wanted to pop in with coach Bednar to introduce you two before heading to skate." He said eyeing Cale at the last part. Cale excused himself, and headed out the door. "Yes, it is great to meet you Coach Bednar." I said walking over and extending my hand. "You as well Miss James, but please call me just Bednar." He said accepting my hand shake. I nodded, "And call me Joe." Joe added and I nodded. "What does your schedule look like this morning?" Coach Bednar asked. I looked to Joe for a brief second, "I have a meeting with some staff at 10." I explained, and Bednar looked down at his apple watch. "You still have a good 2 hours- how would you like to watch some men on skates chasing a puck?" He joked and I giggled. "Yes, let's go watch them do just that." Joe answered for me and I nodded. Bednar left first, and Joe stayed behind. I went back to my desk for a brief second, to make sure my purse was secure in my desk drawer. "Eliza, can you please be honest with me?" Joe said startling me. I shut the drawer and nodded, standing up all the way. He stepped on his feet unsure of how to start, "I just want to confirm that you and Cale are together? Just so we can make sure that when you two are at work- no funny buisness. All professionalism." He stated and I nodded. "Yes, we have been dating for a bit. I promise though, that nothing will happen. I promise." I confirmed and he nodded. "I know, just wanted to make sure." He said and ushered me to follow him down to the ice.
We sat a few rows away in the 200 section, the level the suites were on. I eyed the team, taking in all the crisp sounds and noises coming off the ice. "Have you been a fan of the team for awhile or did you grow up watching them?" Joe asked a little while later. I sighed softly, "I watched them a little bit when I was younger with my dad. Around the time I was diagnosed my dad and I would stay up late watching games to pass the time when I couldn't sleep when I was in a lot of pain. But after a few years, and finally being able to sleep I kinda stopped watching. So I watched from 2012-2015 and then stopped." I answered honestly and he nodded, "Did your dad miss having a hockey buddy to watch the games with him?" He asked curiously. I nodded my head softly, "Yeah for sure. He's never said it but I remember the first time I told him that I was going to do something other than watch the game and well yeah. I think I also outgrew the sport in general, but watching Cale and also meeting the team the first time, I got hooked again and my dad actually enjoys what I have to say about the Avs." I responded. "They are defintly the team to watch." He mused and I nodded. "Also, im not sure if you knew this but staff gets tickets to all the home games and away games if you wanted to travel with the team." He added and I looked towards him, my smile growing. "Really? Oh wow, I'll need to get my dad to a game. God knows, he deserves one. And a beer or two." I joked and Joe laughed. "I am sure he will enjoy it." He mused and I nodded looking back at the ice. "Well, Eliza- looks like it 10 am. Time to hit the ground running." Joe said alerting me. I nodded, standing up and walking back up towards the hallway.
I pulled out my phone in the elevator, opening up Cale's and I's messages.
[Eliza: I don't know how I will ever thank you enough. Thankyou thankyou thankyou, Cale. I will forever be grateful how you didn't take no for answer when we first spoke. And now I am here, and most importantly around people who may or may not like me lol. The guy's are the sweetest but Im sure it was there other half who helped them. Just overall, sweetie pies. You being the biggest one. Im the luckiest girl in the world. okay thats all.]
I hope you all enjoyed!!! Please reblog/ comment, it would mean so much. I would love the feedback. Also, how cute is the group of guys? Honestly, writing what I would love to have happen to me.
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mtnkat3 · 2 years
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Good morning my loves ... wherever... whomever... you are...
I always wake with a grin when I feel you ... like you are rubbing yourself against me to wake me up happy.. rather than a grumbly cranky kat. As much as I love sunrises.. I am not a morning person. Chuckling softly...blushing.
I've been thinking about Guidance & discipline of the mind a lot lately. Probably because of this Battlefield of the Mind book I'm reading. It makes me think of a post a few months back that really got to me. Really need to find that one so I can put it in a starred folder, not lose it again! Thinking with discipline. Not being judgmental. Remembering that control is not something for humans, really it's an illusion to help with living. Because it belongs to God. And after all the stuff of yesterday I need to focus. On getting my life right & back on track. On dealing with the misery of wh, & all the years of my life wasted. Not something I'm ok with. But it's the past. But dealing with him now to pack up & get away from him. He is like a.. stuck child safety cap. Something that wasn't necessary for me growing up. Think its about engaged minds & keeping kids thinking, rather bored. Lock away meds. I have none of them but for otc's & vitamins. Its cruel & a punishment for those of us with arthritis. I think having a locked cabinet for meds, & unfortunately one for cleaning supplies is the way it has to be now. Of course using more natural cleaning agents is the best! Why I'm always looking for DIY & life hacks for such. I have a hard time being around bleach anymore.
Well... now that I've rambled.. blushing grin. Time to get to work. I've gotta get this turkey defrosted! And then back to chores, tasks, packing, etc.
I pray you .. can feel me, know I'm thinking about you .. feel my love for you .. how much I miss you .. even when it was the old way of talking. It being just us.. meant the world to me. I miss you . And until God's Plans for us, His Will, Hands & Timing opens the barn doors.. I will miss you . Even as I work to free myself thru Him! Even as I await you on the cliffside.. ready to jump .. holding your hand.. I will jump quite happily! I love you . I will await you for eternity, if that is what God demands. I believe.
~True love never dies & true love always waits!.~
Your loving, giving, bowed to Your Wisdom, Guidance, Grace, Mercy, Strength, listening closely, quietly, carefully, daughter ..
Your complex quirky warrior queen daughter!
~Tijgeress kat Phoenix. 🌺🐾🐯✝️⚓🙏🙇‍♀️🌂🔗⛓🧰⌚⚡🌠🗝🔱⚜💝🐻🦌🧩♠️♾🕯🧭💋
Tu.11.22.2022 10.10am est.
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jhope-shi · 7 years
My 12 year old dog was diagnosed with heart worms 2 years ago, but I couldn’t go through with the surgery because it’s way too much money. The vet told me he would pretty much die with the worms without surgery. Anyways, I was doing the every 6 month shots to help lessen the heart worms, but I also started having him take vitamins and eat certain foods at home that provide extra antioxidants and what not. And he just had his checkup today and to mine and my vets surprise, he’s heart worm free!!!!! I was trying so hard to hold back my tears because I really thought he would end up passing away 2 years ago. I’m so happy for him 😭😭😭💚💚💚💖💖💖
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Looking for a Place to Happen 2
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape (series), age gap, general stupidity, some violence and threats
This is dark!biker!Sam Wilson x reader and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Series Synopsis: There’s lots happening in Birch and you find it all too amusing.
Sister series to Smalltown Bringdown, When the Weight Comes Down, Little Bones, and Fully Completely
Note: Here’s chapter two. Think I’ll probably slow down writing. Appreciate y’all.
Thanks to everyone for their patience and feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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Chapter 2: I follow every little whiff
You gave yourself a day off that week. Rather, the desolation of Birch allowed you an excuse to get away from your desk. An internet outage across the town had you up and wandering the main road just after noon. Your grandmother refused to join you so she was left to her true crime novel and the weekday droning of talk show hosts.
After a peek in the book shop where you picked out some used thrillers for your nan and a guilty splurge on one of Babs' pies to add to the surprise, you stopped by the diner and had some soup to warm up from the unrelenting cold. You played around on your phone as you blindly slurped from your spoon. With no available connection, you swapped candies to achieve a score high enough to get to the next round.
After another loss, you put your screen down and added some pepper to the tomato soup. You leaned your chin in your hand and peered across the road. The Asp was just diagonal from The Chipped Saucer and from your seat by the window you could see the comings and goings of the dingy bar.
You chuckled to yourself as you remembered the hundreds of comments on your video. You weren't entirely surprised that the internet cheered at the sight of a woman beating up a man in broad daylight, you'd seen much worse on the web. But many were curious and asked about how it started and about the small town alluded to in the caption.
You picked up your phone and flipped open the camera. You pointed it through the glass as one of the many bikers strutted out of the bar and down the street. You knew him, like most in town, he was the leader's right hand man. Steve Rogers. He had an odd gait, rigid with long strides, and you remember Kelly used to make fun of him when you walked home from school. That felt like forever ago.
You ended the video and dropped your phone again. You'd send it to Kelly when the outage was over. It would be a good laugh. Plus, you hadn't heard from her much since she moved to the city.
You finished your soup and paid. You went out into the street and cut around to the backstreets. You made your way back to your nans and found Pippin scratching at the front door. You stopped and scooped him up before you let yourself in.
"Don't like the snow, do ya?" You set him down and he whipped his tail before skittering off, "hey nan, I got you some stuff."
"You spend too much," she grumbled as you hung your coat and grabbed her treats.
"Only on you," you sang as you entered the front room, "sugarless blueberry pie, your fave, and some books about murder and all that freaky stuff you love."
"Hmm," she watched you put the pie and books down on the coffee table, "suppose the pie will go good with tea."
"Ah, and I suppose I'll be making that tea?" You returned.
"My arthritis…" she pouted but her grin came through.
"Yeah, yeah," you snickered as you went to the kitchen to put on the kettle, "we going black today or something lighter?"
"Put on some of the pekoe," she called back, "make a whole pot."
"Will do, ma'am," you trilled and basked in her annoyed mutter.
When the internet came back, you sent of an email to inform the agency of the interruption and promised to meet your deadlines. Then you puttered around and added a caption to the video before you sent it off to Kelly; 'why he walk like that tho'. She sent a series of crying emojis back and told you to post it.
'Nah, it's a dumb joke.' You typed back.
'Saw ur last vid, ppl will eat it up,' she insisted.
'Well, got nothing else to put up. The account’s dying since no one cares about my writing.'
'DO IT.' Her words sealed your resolve and you uploaded the video with some dramatic music in the background.
The response was almost instantaneous. Several comments saying they were happy to see more and others being for another video. 'We all wanna see inside this fucked up town' one added and several latched on. Ignoring the questions of where this was, you gave a thin promise of future small town thug content. 
You turned back to your work email and opened up your draft for your next gig. You couldn't help but smile as you went over your work. You might have just found your niche.
You knew your nan would lose it if she knew you were snooping around the club, so you didn’t tell her. You went down, made her breakfast, went back upstairs to do your work, then tiptoed out in the late afternoon to poke around town for something to upload. Birch was so dull when you lived there but to those outside, it was a novelty you were all too eager to provide.
You got more videos of the bikers; some revving their bikes, others arguing, but there was nothing overly usable. You were getting bored of it until the man himself walked out of the bar. You record the man’s glower expression as he marched down the sidewalk and turned off just down the way.
‘His name is Bucket… wtf?!’ you keyed in and snorted as you waited for it to load to your account.
Still, there was nothing special going on, like always in Birch, and your grandmother was bound to get suspicious if you kept sneaking around. You went back and hid your phone before she could bitch about it. You cooked her dinner and sat with her as your thoughts swung between work and your TikTok.
You went to bed but couldn’t sleep. You ended up watching YouTube on your phone as the windows shook with the night winds. It wasn’t until the darkness began to glow that you were roused from the cocoon of your comforter. You looked out and saw smoke coming from the main road.
You didn’t think before you pulled on your jeans and shoved your feet into your slipper, unconcerned about them soaking through as you barreled down the stairs, the sleeves of your hoodie only half on. The back door bounced behind you and you crunched down into the snow and clamored past the row of lifeless houses. 
You were out of breath as you got to the end of the path and rounded the diner to gape over at the burning garage. You got closer as the line of bikers stood in their leather with breath puffing before them in the frigid night. You stepped back into the shadow of the brick façade of the realty office and swiped your camera open.
Your hands shook and you struggled to steady the image on the screen as the mechanic woman raged in only her tee shirt. You didn’t quite understand what was going on; only that her garage was up in smoke and then men were doing nothing to smother it. She swung at the dark haired man and spat at several others; “cowards”... “fuck all of you!”
You gulped and held your breath as she was dragged away by the large redheaded henchman of the slender outsider. She fought for a moment before she was flung over his shoulder and the biker followed their leader back to The Asp. You sidled in between the building and hid until the voices faded into the wind.
Well, that would be a hell of a video. It might even go viral.
Your phone did not stop. You almost felt bad as you saw the screen limn the edges of your cell as you left it face down on the little table beside the couch. Your nan sat in her rocking chair talking away on her corded phone to Linette from down the road. You suspected that every other person in town was gossiping about the same thing; the fire.
You finished your coffee and rubbed your eyes as you checked the time and ignored the pulsing notifications. It was too much to keep up with.
Your grandmother hung up and sighed, “can’t believe it. You hear?”
“Hear what?” you pretended ignorance.
“That old garage burned down. The one with the lady,” she said, “pity. When I was a girl, that place was a salon. Ma used to take us there to get our hair cut. The barber would give us wrapped candies and pretend to cut himself with his scissors.”
“Oh? It burned down?” you weren’t sure you were very convincing but you also could just say you saw it happen.
“Yep, no one really can say. You know, maybe she was welding or some rag caught, but I bet my money on those bikers,” she sneered.
“Good thing you’re poor,” you kidded, “and why the bikers?”
“Oh, well, you know Kimmy, Linette’s girl, works down at the diner and she saw that mechanic arguing with one of those strangers, the ones dealing with the club men. Well, it’s no coincidence that trouble follows those leather jackets around,” she rocked as she nodded knowingly, “oh, one of the boys I knew back in the day, he was found burnt up with his bike. They said the tank blew… well, I saw it and that tank was pristine.”
“Nan,” you gasped, “you… Jesus.”
“Well, things don’t change in Birch, we just get older,” she continued, “when you’re young, everything seems new but then you age and it’s all just the same.”
“Wow, how… inspiring,” you said dryly.
“Girlie, you gotta be careful,” she intoned, “that fire, that’s a lesson to all the women in this town. To everyone. You don’t cross the Commandos.”
“I don’t think anyone--”
“That’s another thing, there has never been a shortage of stupid people, not now not then,” she girded, “those women who get tied up in that club, their lives are already done.”
You frowned and hid your phone in your pocket as you stood. You rubbed your neck and picked up your empty mug, “I should get started.”
“Mmm,” she said as she dialed the phone again, “I wonder if Fran knows yet.” 
You were being really fucking stupid but peer pressure was not a logical thing. Even through a screen, you found it hard to resist the goads. So there you were, your phone in your hand as you live-streamed your walk down to The Asp. The data costs alone would make you regret it but you were caught up in the hype of you fifteen second of internet fame.
“Alright,” you stopped across the street and gave a view of the moniker with Cleopatra sultrily looking down at you, “this is it… I just gotta play it cool…” you turned the lens towards you and smiled nervously, “hopefully that dude at the front doesn’t stop me.”
Comments flicked up the bottom of the screen so fast and smilies and hearts floated up the side around your face. You crossed the screen as you turned your phone against your coat and approached the bar door. The large biker butted out his smoke and you bared your teeth nervously. He didn’t stop you as he rolled his shoulders and coughed.
You entered to the noise of classic rock and low voices, the clink of glasses and tap of chalk on marble. You glanced around and quickly swept your phone around to give a view of the patrons. You hurried over to the bar and climbed up on a stool.
“You need a drink?” the woman behind the bar scowled. She looked worn out even with her lips painted bright pink and her eyes clouded with blue shadow.
“Uh, sure, can I… can I get one pint of everything you have on tap?” you asked as you set your phone down and shrugged out of your coat. You draped it over the next stool and reposition your phone as you flipped the cam and used the built in stand on the case to angle yourself onto the screen.
“Sure,” she narrowed her eyes and glanced past you.
You swung your feet as you waited for her to pour the five pints; some with too much foam and the others with no head at all. You took the first and held it up for the camera.
“A classic, BudLight,” you held it up to the light, “no head and…” you sipped, “flat.” You plunked it down and coughed as you grabbed the next, “this is a raddler?” you looked at the tap for confirmation, “grapefruit… smells like piss…” you had a sip, “tastes like it too.”
You chuckled to yourself and asked for a water. You made a show of swishing it around in your mouth before you moved onto the third beer.
“Had to cleanse the palate,” you joked, “now… lots of foam on this one, dark. You know, I’m pretty surprised they have Guinness here but let’s see…” you tasted it and crinkled your nose, “that’s it. Exactly like toilet water!”
You read some of the comments telling you to check the bottles for bugs and laughed. Suddenly you were yanked off the stool by the back of your shirt and your phone was swiped up by another man as the first restrained you. You struggled against his thick arm as it hooked around your neck and the leader of their crew stared at the screen of your cell.
“What the fuck are you doing?” he snarled as he hit the screen with his thumb but the stream kept going. He dropped the phone to the floor and stomped it instead.
“This is the bitch posting about us online,” the man at your back growled. It was Steve, the one with the weird walk.
“I doubt either of you know how to use a computer,” you scoffed, “hey, let me go.”
“And why would we do that when you’re snitching to the whole world, sweetheart?” Bucky kicked your phone away as he crossed his arms.
“Actually, I’m--” you grasped Steve’s arm as it threatened to get tighter, “--promoting your trash business. I was just having a tasting, if you had just asked--”
“Shut up!” Bucky stepped closer and brought your legs up and stopped him as you planted your feet against his stomach.
“Hey,” a woman’s voice came from behind the bar as the waitress shoved aside her empty tray, “hey, she’s just a kid.”
“Bullshit,” Bucky huffed, “she looks full-grown to me.”
“So what are you gonna do?” she said, “she’s young. You can’t--”
“Don’t tell me what I can’t do,” he snapped.
“She’s right,” another voice intoned and that man, Sam, came up beside them with a pool cue in hand, “she’s just goofing around.”
“She’s a rat,” Steve insisted.
“You’re being dramatic. It’s called a meme and you do walk a little strange,” he chuckled, “no one’s gonna follow her breadcrumbs back to this shithole anyway.”
Bucky considered Sam and then looked at Steve. He poked his cheek with his tongue and sucked his teeth.
“So… you vouching for her?” Bucky asked.
“She won’t cause any more trouble, promise,” Sam said, “I’ll make sure of it.”
“You better,” Bucky snapped his fingers and you were released, “get her out of here.” 
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“Kent v The Shitty Knee Itself”- Ted Lasso
A sort-of-sequel to "Kent v Linebacker," but this can still be read on its own. Part 2 of 3 of my fics about Roy Kent's shitty knee.
Part 1 // Accompanying AU
WORDS: 1649
Roy Kent is old as shit.
His daughter is a fucking toddler. His son is in preschool.
And he has fucking arthritis.
“What the fuck do you mean I’ve got fucking arthritis?” Roy Kent explodes at the doctor, who waits patiently for his outburst to finish. “I’m in my fucking forties! I’ve got two fucking babies at home! What the fuck am I supposed to do when my fucking daughter needs to piss and we’re all sprinting into the bathroom? I can’t fucking potty train on a shit leg.”
His wife rubs his shoulders comfortingly; the news is less surprising to Keeley, who gave a damn when the doctors mentioned arthritis could develop, and who is also extremely endeared by her husband’s priorities, which apparently lie very firmly with teaching their daughter to pee in the toilet.
Roy shouldn’t be shocked either; he’s had a limp for a long time now, and progressively worsening pain. He’s been elevating his leg whenever possible, to the point where Ted pulls chairs up for him or sits down first so Roy doesn’t feel awkward (on good days, Roy scowls at Ted and stays standing, but these occurrences are increasingly few and far between). It’s been a long time coming, and as much as the great Roy Kent hates to admit weakness, his shit knee is getting shittier.
Keeley had forced him to go to the doctor when Roy scooped up both their children, one in each arm, and proceeded to fall on the floor in a heap of small limbs and curses. He again made the case that he was fine, but there’s a limit on how much Tylenol one person can take in a day, and Roy’s exceeded that limit for weeks.
He walks like he’s on a hill, wobbling as he drags his right leg behind him. Keeley remarks on how uneven his gait is, and Lily, his precious fucking baby, demonstrates just how wonky Roy is by limping around too. It makes him laugh, but then his gaze meets Keeley’s, and he realizes there’s not much he can do aside from accept his fate and ask Dr. Patel why his knee is failing him (again, the fucking thing).
Arthritis. Fucking hell.
“The majority of your symptoms can be mitigated by limiting any strain on your leg. This includes walking, lifting, twisting, standing, stairs-”
“-breathing, blinking, fucking doing any shit worthwhile-”
“We can also prescribe medication, but given the amount of pain you reported, I think the best option to look at is a walking assistant.”
“What, like a cane?” Roy snorts. He feels Keeley still behind him, then he looks up at Dr. Patel, who’s gazing back at him, entirely serious.
“A fucking cane.”
“It’ll alleviate the weight on your leg. Ideally, you won’t need it every day, but it’ll make a difference when discomfort gets too high.”
“Fuck no.” Keeley squeezes his shoulder. “Fine. Fucking hell.”
It’s an adjustment. Roy walks back to their car, cane-less for the time being, limping, and imagines a cane in his hand. Imagines being able to straighten up, and not going to bed in fucking agony after a long day.
He also imagines showing up to the football club with a cane in his hand and Jaime fucking Tartt the fucking muppet smirking at him with his stupid fucking face, and he wants to turn around and tell Dr. Patel he’ll never use a fucking cane in his fucking life. Then he imagines having a stick to beat Jaime with when he’s being a prick, and Roy grins to himself at the thought.
That’s what he tells Keeley on the way home: he’s on the fence. That there’s a stigma he doesn’t want, that he remembers this the pitiful looks he received after his first injury and after surgery. It’s fucking bullshit, that he’d be looked at differently just because of a fucking rod in his hand, or because his stupid knee is fucked.
“Since when does Roy Kent care about what other people think of him? I mean really,” Keeley tells him, patting his thigh. “Everyone decent won’t bat an eye, and anyone who does is a prat.” She shrugs. “It’s a flawless system, really. Good way to sort people out.”
Roy grunts in agreement and drums his fingers on the door. He sighs, leaning his head back.
“What if I can’t keep up with Lily and Ollie? What the fuck am I supposed to do with little kids?”
“We’ll adapt,” Keeley promises, offering her hand. Roy takes it and presses it to his lips. “They already know they can’t run from you, or bowl into you at full speed-” Roy snorts at this. “-so now we tell ‘em that they gotta be patient.”
“They’re gonna be the most patient kids on the planet,” Roy muses, but his chest feels lighter. His wife is fucking amazing.
“They’re fucking perfect, they are. And besides- they don’t love you cause you can lift them or up throw them around or run around after them.” She squeezes his hand. “They love you ‘cause you��re you, Roy. You’re their dad.”
Roy nods silently. She’s right, as always. His heart is warm, much lighter against his ribs. “Thanks, babe,” he tells her, and Keeley beams at him.
They adapt. Roy remains in awe of the resilience of children- Lily and Oliver don’t give a damn that he uses a cane, except they quickly have to delineate that it’s not a toy, so Oliver doesn’t hit anyone with it, and so that Lily doesn’t hit Oliver with it. Because of this, Roy has to be careful not to threaten anyone at Richmond with his cane while his children are around. One day, his kids will learn to do as their dad says, not as he does, but for now, his babies swear and scowl, and pick up on every bad habit Roy shows them. It’s fucking adorable.
The first month is the hardest. Roy and Keeley decide to grant him some grace- he doesn’t have to do shit like garden or mow the lawn, or anything too strenuous. It’s uneven, in the beginning, and Roy goes to bed every night feeling like a shit husband for everything that’s unloaded on Keeley. They fight about it, eventually, and Roy apologizes to Keeley with tears in his eyes. They find a balance, which involves a chair in every room in their house and somebody hired to do the lawn. Their roles have shifted, but it’s a pattern he’s familiar with by now. He’s gone through so many major changes with Keeley: switching careers and marriage and injury and parenthood twice over. And using a cane isn’t any harder than having a newborn and a toddler, so they manage. After all, they’re unstoppable together.
Nobody on the team makes a comment on the cane, except Ted leaves sticky notes on it whenever Roy isn’t paying attention, and Roy wouldn’t mind so much if they weren’t positive fucking affirmations, the corny twat. Then the rest of the team follows suit, and they sign it and put stickers on it and all sorts of supportive shit, and Roy tells only one person this, but he kind of fucking likes it (against his better judgment, of course).
Commentators and the press are not nearly as kind. There’s any number of articles written about him and how old it makes the football world seem. Roy wants to fucking kill all of them, but Keeley reminds him that all the pricks have shown their true colors, and one day he finds a picture of a particularly insensitive reporter that has been utterly defiled and left out in the locker room. Roy tucks this away in a drawer in his office, and he’s almost nicer at practice that day.
Beard and Ted match his slower pace as they walk out to every match, which isn’t subtle even from the offset, but they don’t say anything about it and neither does Roy. He also realizes that he’s never the only one sitting in a group of his friends, even if it’s just him and Ted, or Keeley, or Rebecca, or Nate.
Yoga gets much harder, then he and the yoga moms spend a night researching yoga for people with shit legs, and yoga gets easier again. If they want to do a challenge night, Roy shifts into the role of yoga instructor, which he’s fucking great at, thank you, and so what if he gets to drink more wine because of it.
And his fucking knee feels better. His medication works, but the cane helps the most. Ted and Keeley had told him ever since his initial injury to be kind to himself, to rest when needed, and to not be a stupid stubborn prick about his health. This mindset turns out to have a few merits, and maybe it’s even a good habit he can teach his kids.
It says a lot about him, this cane that accompanies a man in his forties. He needs it because he was a professional footballer who injured himself preventing a goal in one last game. Who needed surgery cause his energetic maniac of a son ran into him. Whose wife told him to use it with pride, because he’s Roy fucking Kent and his family and friends love him so screw everyone else. Whose coach used it as a tool to force positivity onto Roy, whose team and kids decorated it with messages of love and smiley faces and the two worst signatures he’s ever seen (though he credits Oliver and Lily for trying). It’s a symbol of persistence, of the pain he’s endured, of those who rallied behind him.
Roy Kent. Married to Keeley Jones. Father of Oliver and Lily. Coach at Richmond AFC.
And he happens to use a cane.
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whump-town · 3 years
November Second
It’s Hotch’s birthday and he’s trying really hard not to let it bother him that everyone seems to have forgotten. (for @therealmadblonde) WARNING: briefly mentions some domestic abuse and child abuse
November 2nd.
They’ve been preparing for a week.
It’s strangely humorous to think that they know one another inside and out and yet, can hardly manage to throw a party for one of their own.
“He’s O negative,” Emily supplies, legs tossed up onto the edge of her desk. She’s twirling a sucker around in her mouth. It’s made her tongue a deep blue and as she speaks Morgan spots it. He points to her tongue-- drawing attention to it with a surprised laugh-- and then points to his own. A silent inquiry if his own has changed color. She nods her head eagerly, “it’s green!”
Morgan nods his head with a proud smile, “cool.”
Dave rolls his eyes at the interaction-- at the idiocy of his coworkers. He loves them, of course, but sometimes he has no idea how he does this every day. “Emily,” Dave says her name with thick disappointment. “You’re the man’s friend. He trusts you and all you can think to add is that his blood is O negative?”
Emily knows more than just that. She knows how he takes his coffee and his Chinese take-out order. That he won’t sleep without a blanket but he doesn’t need a pillow. In fact, he’s more than likely to just sleep without one. He sleeps on his stomach and doesn’t snore. His favorite snack is gummy bears and she’s never once seen him refuse the offer of an oreo. However, she’s failing to see how any of these things amount to “helpful” right now.
So she rolls her eyes and thoughtfully pulls the sucker from her mouth so that she can clearly dictate the amount of sass and snark needed for a rebuttal. “Sorry, Dave.” She shakes her head and motions vaguely with the sucker. “I just thought it would be a little more important to know his blood type than what his favorite color is. Given that he runs into more medical emergencies than battles with evil kindergartens holding him at gunpoint and demanding to know if he likes blue better than green.”
Dave sits back in his chair, shaking his head and leaning his head heavily on his fist. God help them, he thinks. No, God help him.
“It’s good to see you all hard at work,” Hotch comments, dryly as he walks across the cat-walk. He’s walked the path every day for years so it’s nothing for him to keep his eyes glued to the file in his hands rather than where he’s walking. He also knows his agents, his friends, well enough to know that there can’t be any work getting done if they’re all in the bullpen together. Not that he minds. While his tone may divulge a different assumption, they know what he really means-- “please don’t be getting into any trouble”.
Emily turns herself, feet still kicked up, but head now turned so that she can see him. “Hey Hotch,” she greets, lopsided grin pulled to the side by the sucker she’s placed back into her mouth. “What’s your favorite color?”
He comes to a staggering halt on the catwalk. Dark eyebrows knitting together as he turns his attention to the bullpen, his file snapping shut at his side. He’s just come out of a meeting with Strauss-- the only reason the team had gathered in the bullpen to talk so broadly about him. After sitting with that witch of a woman for the last two hours, his brain is a little scrambled-- overworked. So it’s taking him a moment to process the question.
Emily pulls her feet down and smirks, casually caught off guard by the fact that this is so trivial to him. Surely, Jack has laid this question on him. There is nothing children aged 3-6 love more than inquiring about colors. “What is it,” she asks, growing a little more impatient each second he leaves her unanswered. “It’s gotta be green or blue or something.”
He clears his throat, right-- colors. Those are colors. What are his favorite colors?
Purple. It comes to mind first. His eyes dart to Reid the second it does. He associates his resident genius with purple. Lavender, really. Soft. It makes him think of Haley’s funeral, the scarf that Reid had wrapped over his coat. The only real color that day. Hotch’s eyes kept flickering over to it, the only thing that seemed to ground his racing mind.
The answer used to be red. When he was just a boy and naïve and because it was the same color as a fire truck. The color doesn’t associate with firetrucks anymore. He remembers his mother’s busted lip as she urgently shut him into a closet, seven years old and cowering away at the sound of his mother’s choked pleads for his father to just leave. He didn’t need to do this.
“He’ll learn,” she had begged. “He’s just a boy, Mark. Please, please--” He’d flinched when the door was thrown open, his father standing there in the doorway.
And Haley. Red reminds him of the pain. Haley always got cold so easily and he’d just wanted to hold her a little longer. Keep her warmly tucked against him and try to remember the way she used to play with the hair at the back of his head. Pushing her finger against the way it grows.
He blinks once-- twice-- “I, uh,” he shakes his head. Trying frantically to remember whatever color he’d told Jack last. Probably like… “Blue or green,” he says with a shrug, trying to play off his reaction. His hands ache with the memory of that day. He’d broken three metacarpals in his left-hand killing Foyet, set himself up for carpal tunnel and arthritis. A price he pays everyday. A handful of medicine to survive the damage of the stab wounds and another to work against the inflammation.
Shaking his head of the thoughts he keeps heading towards his office. That’s not what he needs to be thinking about right now. If he’s not careful he’s going to end up having an anxiety attack on his office floor and that’s just not something he really wants to deal with right now. Especially, here with no medicine insight and where any member of the team could walk in on that.
That’d be just his luck.
Bogged down by work, he doesn’t even think about his birthday. He gets too caught up in Halloween and the party Garcia throws for Day of the Dead and he’s exhausted. Rundown.
He doesn’t even realize how quickly his birthday is rolling in until the morning of.
November 2nd.
He’s fifty-four. Old.
Hitting snooze, he lets himself sink back into the warmth of his bed. He doesn’t want to go to work. He’d much rather stay here. Catch up on sleep and, who knows, eat something crazy for lunch. Chocolate chip pancakes or eggs and too many pieces of bacon.
But he can’t afford that. The office still needs him. There’s still a job to be done.
Birthday or not.
He’s not expecting anything but typically, by now, most of them have sent him a fond message. Nothing crazy.
Garcia bakes him macadamia nut cookies. A dozen, just for him, and takes the team their own. There aren’t any cookies on his desk when he comes in.
Derek and Dave are nowhere to be seen. JJ’s arguing loudly with someone on the phone. Emily’s ducked into her work and Reid’s spinning in his chair. No one says anything to him. He decides it doesn’t matter. Today’s just another day. Every year he tells them how much he hates celebrating his birthday. He does hate celebrating it but… he doesn’t mind it entirely. He does like Garcia’s crushing hug and having to squeeze Reid so he knows Hotch doesn’t mind their hug. He likes Morgan making jokes at his expense and Emily rising to his defense. Dave shaking his head at them all.
Then, when they’ve all left, Dave pulling him in tightly and reminding, “I’m so proud of you, kid. Happy Birthday.”
He guesses they’re not doing that this year.
He’s searching for where Reid’s ran off with the sugar when Emily Prentiss blows through the break room. “What’s the rush,” he asks. Hotch doesn’t talk all that much. He’s prone to silence and a much better listener but he’s starved for a little adult conversation. Something, even a meaningless conversation, is better than the internal monologue he’s had going since he stepped into the office.
Glancing over her shoulder at him, she shakes her head, sighing. “A case,” comes her haste reply. “They’ve got me running front for some case in Louisiana.” An obvious hit at Emily to bother her. Southern states are typically covered by Morgan or Hotch. It’s not to be presumptuous but the more southern the state the less likely they are to want to listen to a woman’s advice on the matters of their murders.
He grimaces in sympathy, “I’m sorry.”
She sighs when she sees the other coffee pot is slowly filling, meaning she’s going to have to wait for a cup.
“Here,” he offers her his own cup. The mug is one Jack had gifted him some time ago. Hand-painted. He and Haley had made it when he was only about a year-old. The colors are horrid but Hotch can’t stand to think about parting from the thing. Ugly as it is, in Haley’s fine print are the words: We Love You Daddy! Sometimes rubbing his finger against those raised letters is the only way he can get through the day.
Emily accepts the mug with a sad smile. She knows he’s partial to the mug but she needs the coffee. She slides him her mug, it suddenly hits her when she does. “Shit!”
He frowns.
“I’m so sorry,” she pours sugar into his mug. She’s clearly overwhelmed, visibly upset. “I can’t go to lunch.”
Every year on his birthday they go to lunch. It’s nothing special. They got to lunch all the time. About once a week. So, it’s not really that big of a deal but he can’t help but feel a little sad. He likes spending time with her but he doesn’t so much as let an ounce of that disappointment show.
Taking Emily’s mug, he shrugs it off. “It’s fine,” he insists, well aware that she’ll know he’s lying if he can’t meet her eyes. He makes a point of forcing his gaze on her, settling a rare smile her way. “We’ll catch up later,” he assures with a nod. “Go on, I’m sure the Louisiana PD are waiting on hand and foot to hear back from you.” She rolls her eyes and he smirks. When she turns to walk away he adds, “and, Emily? If they give you a hard time--”
She shakes her head at him, “I know....” Turning back to hurry out she shouts back to him, “happy birthday, Hotch!”
No one else says anything.
He just… sits in his office. His paperwork is done. There’s no reason for him to be here.
Haley would have remembered. She always remembered.
Every year she’d make him a cake-- something crazy and he’d never know what to expect. For three years in a row, she’d burned the hell out of the cakes and he’d come home to her sobbing on the floor. In her defense, they were both very stressed trying to get her pregnant. Things weren’t going well. Then she got pregnant and forgot about the cake and it burned. Having a toddler around the next year had not helped her case.
He’d never minded. She was also so happy to have him around.
The other side of the bed used to be warm. He’d wake up to her fingers ghosting along his back or her head on his shoulder. Now he wakes up alone and raises their son alone.
He killed her and he’ll never forgive himself for that.
Sighing, rubbing at his tired eyes, and feeling the steadily increasing pain in his back he decides he doesn’t want to celebrate his birthday anyway. What is there to celebrate? What about him is good enough to praise? On his watch, Reid had been kidnapped. JJ scooped up by the “Pentagon” and sent to war where she lost a child. Emily died. Garcia got shot outside of her home. Morgan was forced to face his abuser, again. Jason left. He didn’t help Elle.
He doesn’t even deserve it. It’s not even worth the time.
He flinches at the sudden invasion, squirting to see who it is at his door. Reading glasses askew and pen hovering in the same spot it has been for the last hour, at least he looks like he’s been busy. He forces himself to liven up a bit, sitting up straighter in his chair. “Can I help you,” he asks hopefully, a smile tugging at his lips.
JJ nods, checking the watch on her wrist. “Yeah, uh, Garcia needs you down in the lair. I don’t know-- Listen, I don’t know what it is but she’s been bugging me about it all day. Can you just go check it out?” She sighs and pushes her hair back from her face. “I’ve got to get out of here. See you later, Hotch.”
He just nods. Throat tight.
It’s stupid. This whole day.
He’d never even celebrated a birthday until he was eighteen. Haley had gotten him a cupcake, just trying to make something of the day. For the longest time, she was the only person who even cared. Then Dave and Gideon had come. On his first birthday with them, they’d gotten him a tie. It had birds on it. Then Derek had come and JJ and Garcia and Reid and then Emily. He went for almost twenty years without celebrating a freaking birthday.
This one isn’t even that important.
He’s just being stupid.
Sighing, he makes his way out of his office. No one’s in the bullpen. The place is shut down for the night.
Hands in his pockets, he’s sulking down the hall. Head down and eyes on the tiles as he walks. Vaguely, slowly he hears the unmistakable banter of Garcia. It’s hushed, quick. At the top of the hall, he can see her door is cracked open. Just enough to allow him to see Reid moving inside, his hand being swatter because it looks like… he’s got icing on his fingers. He doesn’t even look ashamed to have been caught swiping at the cake.
Too anxious now to be excited, Hotch makes his way down the hall. Thankful the motion sensor lights have been turned off now that the building should have officially closed some two hours ago. They don’t hear him coming.
Sticking his head in the room he sees Garcia’s entire lair is covered in gifts, decorations, and stuffed with the members of his team. He smirks at the sight. Morgan’s trying to light the candles on the cake, Reid observing that they’re probably going to set the fire alarm off. Emily’s sitting on the couch, fiddling with the zipper on her boot, waiting. JJ anxiously wraps her necklace around her finger.
He feels like he’s been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
When Garcia sees him, though, her lower lip starts to tremble. “Oh sir, I’m so sorry!”
He stiffens when she hugs him, completely unprepared. “Sorry,” he repeats, looking over her head to the others for some sort of direction. “What are you sorry for, Garcia?’ It’s clear they hadn’t forgotten. If they had he would easily forgive them. It’s a birthday. It doesn’t matter that much.
She hiccups sadly, pulling away to look up at him. “We made you sad,” she whispers. “It was stupid idea,” she says with a shake of her head. “We just wanted to throw you a surprise party but you don’t even like parties!” With each passing moment, she’s just getting more upset. “So, look--” she goes to the left, to a little table where she produces a plate of cookies. The macadamia nut cookies. “I even brought you cookies--”
She’s flustered enough that when he’s the one to pull her into a hug, she just melts.
“Garcia?” She holds onto him tightly. “Thank you.” He can feel her pulling in a breath to push away the words but he keeps going. “No one, other than Haley, has ever cared enough to even make me a cake. Let alone try and throw me a surprise party.”
She sniffles, “that’s so sad.”
He huffs, smirking, “I guess.”
Shifting from foot to foot, Reid really doesn’t want to break up the sweet moment but the cake has been taunting him all afternoon. “Does that mean we can cut the cake now?”
Morgan rolls his eyes, “you’ve had your fingers in the damn thing all day, pretty boy!”
Hotch nods his head and Reid smirks at Morgan, clearly pleased he’s won this argument regardless of the fact that he has been swiping a finger through the icing. But cake is cake. 
“Alright birthday boy.” Emily’s balancing the cake in her hands, bringing it to him carefully. The candles lighting up her eyes in a way that seems scarily mischievous. “Make a wish!”
He frowns at her but the look softens when Rossi places an encouraging hand on his back. He blows the candles out with a smile. 
“What’d you wish for?” Reid asks hopefully. 
Morgan pushes him, “you can’t say it out loud, doofus! It won’t come true.”
Emily rolls her eyes, obviously mentally scorning them both for their childish natures and for Morgan believing that.
It makes him smile to watch. The three of them hovering over the cake as Emily cuts it and Reid and Morgan try to fight for the first piece she cuts. Reid gets it but that’s not surprising. He smirks at Morgan but the devious look falls quickly when he sees Hotch is watching. 
Dave seems to come out of no where. He leans against the wall beside Hotch, “you good?”
Hotch nods, unsure if he can trust his voice right. Very good. 
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alpaca-writes · 3 years
Mystics, Chapter 36
84,000 words later....
I can’t thank everyone enough who sent in asks, commented, liked, and reblogged Mystics as it was being created. It meant the world to me and gave me so much inspiration to continue! Special thanks to Myst, of course. Continue to send in asks for the OCs as much as you want. A part 2 is in the works.
Enjoy Mystics’ final chapter. I hope its been as much fun to read as it was for me to write! <3
Xx -Alpaca
Taglist: @myst-in-the-mirror & @livingforthewhump
CW: captivity, blood mention, drug mention, cheesy dancing at the end.
Remember: Matter. How tiny your share of it. Time. How brief and fleeting your allotment of it. Fate. How small a role you play in it.
                              - Marcus Aurelius, Meditations.
         Shining white, pristine walls lined the hall. It didn’t take long for Hekate to catch up. Paimon didn’t know why he expected anything less. Now his arms were held behind his back by a cosmic force, unknown even to him, and the inorganic urge to continue walking by her side pushed him forward. He spoke little, and listened even less to what the old hag was saying.
         “I cannot promise you will be happy here, but at least you will not be alone in your imprisonment,” Hekate said.
         They turned around a corner through the maze of halls and landed upon a wide set of sliding doors. The whole realm was practically space-age. Hekate was clever to disguise the entryway to her realm as his own Labyrinth.
         He should never have jumped through. That was a rookie mistake. The moment Apollo was released, he should have known something was amiss. Lyrem certainly didn’t have the talents to perform such a feat.
         “This is best for you, Pan,” Hekate continued. “I know that with a little more helpful guidance, you can return to your true nature, and your true glory.”
         Hekate paused. “No, no, no, my dear. You are Pan. You always have been Pan. You will always be Pan.”
         The sliding doors opened. Inside this room there was yet another hallway, but instead of previous areas, this one was lined with clear walls. Perfect for seeing through into the cells that would hold a chosen prisoner.
         Many of them were empty. Hekate continued toward the end, until Paimon reached the last of the cells. There was a simple bed and some books on a nightstand that had been left untouched. The room was covered in a white rubber. The bed, made of wood.
         “I am not going in there,” Paimon said, his brows furrowed.
         Hekate agreed with a nod of her head.
         “You are correct. You are going into this one.”
         The cell door across from the one that had taken Paimon’s attention opened with a whirring noise. Unable to stop himself, Paimon stepped through the threshold. The door whirred shut behind him and he was released, finally, from whatever command Hekate had over him.
         “This is an abuse of power!”
         “An abuse of power is what you had for many, many years on Earth my darling dear. And quite frankly, I have had enough of your games,” Hekate observed calmly. “You will have much in common with your cellmate. Let me put it simply, Pan. The sooner you behave, the sooner you will be released.”
         Pan- no! Paimon looked around his new home as new objects formed around him out of nothingness. A simple bed, nightstand, all as white as snow on Christmas day and one thing in the corner that stood out among everything else because of its red mahogany sheen- a Pan flute.
         “If you wish to have anything more, then you will need to earn it,” Hekate stated.
         Darkly, Paimon turned around, meeting his great aunt’s eyes.
         “I will destroy you for this. I will ruin you. I will make sure no one ever knows of you. I will turn you into a forgotten relic! Just as you deserve to be!”
         Hekate raised a brow to show how meaningless Paimon’s threats truly were to her.
         “I would think it something to be admired, if you could do any one of those things, darling dear. Certainly, if even your own father could not do those things, then it would be worth true congratulation.”
         Paimon charged the clear wall and then stole a glance to the cell across from him, where someone had returned from using a restroom. The mysterious person sat on the edge of his bed. Someone vaguely familiar, with light eyes and a trimmed white beard, looking drastically different than he remembered. Paimon blinked.
         “Have you ever heard the tale of Sisyphus?”
         “It may shock you to learn I haven’t ever quite finished the Iliad, but yes, I have.” Lyrem replied to Hades’ question. “So, you’ll have repeat a meaningless, trivial task for all eternity in my afterlife as a punishment for imprisoning you as per Pan’s command. How very original. Did you think of that all on your own, or did you need your brother’s help?”
         “My brother Zeus has not been heard from for a millennia. While he had given me some inspiration, I thought it better to put my own ironic flair into your suffering.”
         Persephone interrupted with a short squeak.
         “No, uncle, please don’t be so ruthless. He’s lost so much already!”
         Artemis had switched back into her cat-like form, comforting her brother Apollo in his lap and purring. She had let out a protest of her own in Lyrem’s favour as well.
         Apollo translated. “Arty agrees. We should be kind to him. Truly uncle, I have to imagine that Pan had quite the psychological hold on this man. Perhaps it would be wise to show him a tad bit of mercy?”
         Hades looked to the naïve children and back to the human-mortal-man with growing disinterest. Then a light crossed his face, as though an idea dawned on him. He allowed himself to smile, ever so gently.
         “Well, I can see that you have created quite the positive rapport with my nieces and nephew already. I don’t know why I am so surprised.”
         Lyrem shot a quick wink to Persephone as a thank you.
         “Which is why, I shall grant you eternal life.” Hades continued.
         Lyrem looked back to him, and stammered.
         “What- what did… Did you just say what I think you said?"
         Hades nodded. Everyone looked joyful. Excited even. Lyrem could last forever- very nearly be one of them. Yes, everyone thought this to be a grand idea, except for obviously, Lyrem.
         “When you die, I will refuse to take your soul. Every time without fail. You will forever grow old, then older… then older. And you will never die.”
         “Welcome to a lifetime of arthritis and aching legs and never-ending cataract surgery,” Hades said. “Oh, yes, that is right, Thomas. I know how old you are, and how much older you will get before your cells no longer hold you together. Consider this a gift.”
         “No, please, God Hades. I need to find Ros-”
         “Goodbye ‘Lyrem’. Have yourself a wonderful life.”
         He was gone. All the mortals had left the Underworld, finally. Now, Hades could return to restoring his realm to its proper state.
         Persephone perked up, realizing she was free to create and grow everything back to the way it was in the Underworld.
         “My pond!” She cried, running out the dining room doors towards the Depths of Despair. “I swear, if Pan killed my koi, I am going to be furious!”
         “Why the hell are there empty bins in the hall?! Where are all my photos?! What on earth happened to my stereo?!”
         Arch groaned, sitting up from the floor of the living room. Their mother was already back to her old self, standing and shouting and asking questions that no one would care to answer for her.
         “I don’t know, and I don’t care,” Arthur answered. He stood to his feet and limped slowly down the hall. “I’m pouring myself a bath.”
         Charlotte rushed past her brother and her child, throwing herself through the house in a frenzy. Arch stood with their back against the wall, arms crossed. It wasn’t anything defiant. They just wanted to be held.
         “Where are all my clothes?!”
         DING DONG
         “Arch, I swear to God, you will tell me what happened while I was away, and where all my f-” ding dong “stuff is!”
         Arch removed their bloody apron from their body, moved a short few steps to the kitchen sink and rinsed their hands that were still stained red.
         Arch rubbed their temple with their hands and out of instinct, walked to the front door.
         It was Benji. Through the screen door, Arch saw him standing on the sidewalk in front of their house. He had just pressed play on his Bluetooth speaker sitting in the grass. It started playing a bizarre melody.
         “Hey! You answered! I was hoping you would! You have no idea how many texts I’ve sent!”
         Arch stepped out onto the top of the stairs, still puzzled to know what was happening. The summer heat still lingered in the air.
         “Look, I don’t know what I did to deserve the cold-shoulder, but I thought you deserved a visit at least on your birthday, okay? So, sue me.”
         “My birthday?” Arch said. “It’s… It’s August? Thirteenth?”
‘Me, my, oh, what a life So lean on my people, gon' be stepping in time’
         “Yeah, dude! Did you seriously forget?!” Benji exclaimed, bobbing his head from side to side.
‘So, thank you!
For coming to my birthday party!
I am one minute old today
And everything is going great-’
Arch sputtered a reflexive, well-needed laugh. Benji had started dancing like an absolute fool on their front lawn. He pulled out a birthday candle from the recesses of his pocket and held it forward.
“Look, I’ve been wanting you to show me that magic trick again, I can’t stop thinking about it.”
Arch placed their hands in their pockets, trying to work past their tears of both exhaustion and entertainment. They shook their head. They really didn’t want to know if they could still perform that trick.
“I… forgot how.”
Benji stared back up, crestfallen. He checked his phone and lowered the volume on his music player.
“Fine, okay. Whatever. You don’t want me around. That’s cool. I get it. I’m a big shot. Not really your type to hang with-”
Benji swallowed back his pain, and shrugged.
“It’s cool Arch. School’s over and we gotta go our separate ways. I understand.”
He started backing away. Arch leapt forward, and caught him by the elbow before he turned away completely.
“I want you to stay!” Arch admitted. “It’s totally cool if you want to hang out. Please stay... I… Honestly, I have been so lonely...”
How did the air get so thick?
“And I have missed you… so much.”
Benji’s sad, soulful eyes skeptically narrowed, and then widened with a realization.
“Dude… Have you been struggling? This whole time…? All summer? You gotta come to me with your shit! Don’t bottle it up, bud.” Benji wrapped them in a tight hug and rocked them to and fro. “Oh, I had no idea... You’re my main enby, Arch… I’ll be your Rick Astley forever… The Bernie to your Elton… Okay? Always. No doubt. No doubt.”
Arch took a moment to sob grossly into his shoulder. They pulled away before it got too squishy for their liking. If allowed, they knew Benji would let them cry on him until the end of time.
Arch took a deep breath of relief.
“Sorry, I’ve just been really stressed.”
“Yeah, hey. No kidding.” Benji said. “Look, here’s the plan, Shazia said that if I could reach you today that she’d meet us at the park with some of that fancy hash we like so that we can smoke up cakes.”
Arch scrunched their face.
“Cupcakes. Shazia would meet us in the park with cupcakes. Hey, Charlotte,” Benji cleared his throat, seeing the dark haired woman, who seemed to be hanging by a very fine thread from behind the screen door. “How are you?”
“I’m fine, Benji. Arch, just go.”
“Wait. Really?” Arch turned around, wondering how she could be serious.
“You’re eighteen now, aren’t you?” Charlotte asked. 
Arch nodded.
“Then get out.”
There wasn’t anything warm about the way Charlotte said those words. Instead of lingering too long on the nuance, Arch only nodded, watching the door to the house shut its inhabitants in.
Benji bent over to pick up his speaker. He didn’t miss a beat cutting the music.
“What was that all about?” He asked. Like Arch, he looked up at the closed door.
Arch wiped the wetness away from their face with a couple fingers.
“I… I think I was just kicked out.”
Arch cleared their throat. They turned back to Benji as the summer sun beat down on them both. 
Oh Benji. He was the most welcome sight in this world. The only good thing left that Arch had yet to ruin. Shazia would soon await them both in the park. Their life with Paimon, Lyrem, and hell, was now in the past. A future containing Arthur and Charlotte filled with shame and regret awaited them.
That didn’t matter yet. All that mattered was what was right in front of them.
And Arch really, really, really wanted to get high.
“Anyways, you said something about smoking up?”
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Janis & Jimmy
Janis: How do I win your sister ‘round ‘cept 💀💀💀 then
Jimmy: 💰💰💰?
Janis: maybe I’m not that bothered after all
Janis: soz 💁‍♀️ third job ain’t a charm
Jimmy: weren’t suggesting it had to be yours, crack on finding Ian’s new hiding spot and have a word to her where it is
Jimmy: 💰 on it only being a drawer down from where it were before
Janis: when your target thinks you’re as stupid as them 😍🤑
Jimmy: keep them 😍 to yourself if winning her over is what you’re after, unless you fancy doing it with a 🥊
Janis: Tell me it wouldn’t work
Jimmy: but at WHAT COST mate?! Be 💔😭🎻 for an athlete like you to have to let her win
Janis: You can tell her how fun losing can be, like 😘
Janis: it ain’t a terrible idea though
Jimmy: dunno what or who you mean, there
Jimmy: I reckon you might’ve had enough blows to the head if you’re rating fighting Cass as 🥇💡 though
Janis: Convenient you’re only counting your wins now
Janis: I mean a 🥇💡 for her not us being BFFs
Janis: and I mean a hobby, dickhead
Janis: don’t need to be her step mum to point that one out
Jimmy: 1. I’ve got nowt but 🏆🥇s to count, babe 😘 2. She don’t walk the 🐕 now she’s got nowt on, it won’t be your BFF no more if you go round 🗨️ that
Janis: 1. Oh, I get it! You can’t count high enough for all the 🥉🥉s 2. Yeah, and walking the 🐕 is boring ‘cos she’s the only mate she’s gonna make, DUH
Jimmy: 1. if I were counting yours I’d be fucked, yeah 2. the 🥉🥉s should be getting chucked at her if she ain’t found no bodies or no pervs are dead keen to jump out the bushes
Janis: 1. Good thing I don’t expect you to keep up, ain’t it babe 2. You can lead with that, you bragging about how killable you are will go over a treat no doubt
Jimmy: 👍
Janis: I win?
Jimmy: not if you’ve gotta stick a ? on the end of it
Janis: What then?
Jimmy: What kind of question’s that?
Janis: why you 👍ing at me
Jimmy: do you want me to 👎 @ you then or what?
Janis: seems more legit
Jimmy: why?
Janis: you tell me, you sound more 😒 than normal
Jimmy: It’s just work bollocks
Janis: customer bollocks or 👻 manager bollocks
Jimmy: what’s that matter?
Janis: If you don’t wanna swap stories I won’t tell you about the annoying kid I let struggle for a sec there OR the crazy poodle woman
Janis: OBVS your loss, mate
Jimmy: I never said that
Jimmy: OBVS go on
Janis: you don’t get the good tea for free
Janis: ☕️☕️ for 2, spill
Jimmy: so @ us your price list, no need for me to go first
Janis: GOD you’re fucking awkward
Janis: not telling you about the dog lady ‘til after you’ve told me what’s up though
Janis: don’t give away the good stuff for nothing
Janis: the kid was just being a little prick running about and kept dunking the other kid it was with even though that one had armbands on, ma doing fuck all 👀 glued to her 📱 so I waited when the bastard fell in, see if she’d notice
Jimmy: and did she?
Janis: what do you reckon? 🙄
Janis: not before Sofia dived in to save the day
Jimmy: alright, but who saved her when her massive head got stuck?
Janis: oi
Janis: don’t be commenting on the size of other bitches heads
Jimmy: come on, girl, it’s a myth that size matters, every dickhead knows that
Janis: awh, what girl told you that
Jimmy: not Sofia, that’s for sure
Janis: 😏
Jimmy: weren’t what my manager had me in his office to chat about either
Janis: so he’s got more 🧠 than Ian but not saying fuck all
Janis: what the fuck though
Jimmy: I dunno, he’s #over me and my one handed ☕️🎨
Janis: yeah but he can’t get rid of you and he knows it
Janis: so’s he trying to #gaslight you to do it yourself and quit?
Jimmy: @ him ‘cause I don’t reckon he got that memo, probably buried under all them complaints he’s had about me
Jimmy: I stopped listening when he said final straw with a right serious face
Janis: No prizes for guessing where they came from
Janis: every time I think she couldn’t stoop lower
Jimmy: Doris’ arthritis fucked her over long before I could bother and Ian only can manage his name ‘cause it’s 3 letters long so DUH
Janis: What a cunt
Janis: how are we getting back at her then
Jimmy: I’ve not 💭
Janis: I will
Janis: it’s got to be big
Janis: she can’t just nearly get you sacked
Jimmy: see if you can get her disowned by her dad then I can move in before word gets round to mine
Janis: Bet he always wanted a son
Janis: he’s the type
Jimmy: 💔 El is always the lad when they chuck the pillows to one side
Janis: SHUT UP
Janis: I nearly just 🤮
Jimmy: soz Judith, least you can aim it at Sofia’s massive head, piss easy target, that
Jimmy: AND the #fans’ll be chuffed, they’re #over us taking the car and pissing off for a bit like it were AGES ago, even if Ian ain’t
Janis: Have to get the net out, unlucky
Janis: he is #OBSESSED
Jimmy: hair net’d do wonders for her tbh
Janis: she is coming for my look
Janis: maybe it’s a clone farm 🤔
Jimmy: they wanna close if it is
Janis: plenty of ways to 💀 ‘em off at my disposal here
Janis: deal with that after I’ve thought of a way to deal with her
Jimmy: 🏆
Janis: we will sort it, don’t worry about it
Janis: could we anon lovebomb you with compliments to outweigh the complaints?
Janis: make her look like the rogue cunt of a customer she is
Jimmy: might work, but walking out before he bothers to properly sack me and 🗨️🥺 at my next round of interviews I couldn’t hack the rota and how he were treating me when I got injured would do an’ all
Janis: wouldn’t blame you
Janis: long as she knows it weren’t her who made it happen
Janis: told you before I couldn’t hack working there
Jimmy: just need to find a job that’s as #goals who’ll believe that bollocks before my notice is up, go straight into that and she’s done nowt but me a favour
Janis: and Ian won’t need to know shit
Jimmy: I’ll miss Pete DESPERATELY obvs but that 💔😭🎻’s between me and you
Janis: Write him some lyrics about it, then he’ll miss you too
Jimmy: there’s your 🥇💡
Janis: It’ll do
Jimmy: Now then, don’t keep me in suspense, what went on with the 🐩?
Janis: I really feel how hard you’re mourning Pete
Janis: not moving on immediately or nothing
Janis: BUT
Janis: she wanted me to SAVE the dog’s shit and take it back to her
Janis: or at least!!! 😤 take photos when I said no thanks
Janis: said it was a health thing but definitely a massive pervert
Jimmy: Oi, I need the distraction, dickhead!!!! And tbf you did deliver, gutted you didn’t post no 💩 through her letterbox how she asked an’ all but I get it, can’t both be getting sacked
Janis: Easy
Janis: it was before, still the best story I got from it, most of them are just boring cunts
Jimmy: you’re alright, not gonna nick your 🐕🏃💰
Janis: you gonna go for another cafe though?
Jimmy: unless my soon to be new daddy needs his own personal ☕️🎨
Jimmy: Lucas can’t afford me, it’s TOTALLY tragic but
Janis: anyones for a 💰
Janis: I get it
Jimmy: Hang on, bit busy @ing that lass with the 🐩💩 kink see how much she’ll 💰 for 📷 brb hun
Janis: You can have her
Janis: I’ll be here 💭 up reasons to go visit Pete now you ain’t cockblocking
Jimmy: I don’t want her, just her easy money while I’ve got this 🐕 hanging about who you’ve still not trained to exclusively shit in Ian’s work shoes
Jimmy: and you’re meant to be thinking up revenge
Janis: Yeah right
Janis: JUST your type
Janis: and I can think more than one thought, tah
Jimmy: Depends on the 💭
Janis: oi
Jimmy: what?
Janis: what are YOU saying about my thoughts?
Jimmy: you heard, there’d be nowt challenging about me getting your 🧠 on the one track
Janis: Ha
Jimmy: if you’re gonna bother to deny it, deny it like you mean it
Janis: oh, excuse me
Janis: HA!
Janis: how’s that?
Jimmy: 🥉
Janis: Fuck off, dickhead
Jimmy: calm down, never said I were gonna take over your 💭 just that I could do
Janis: *you reckon you could
Jimmy: *know
Janis: You are very, very annoying, you know
Jimmy: 😏
Janis: What are you doing, now you’re not being bollocked
Jimmy: 😍😍😍 at Pete while I still can, obvs
Janis: 🐷
Jimmy: not been sacked from that job
Janis: If I come in on my break are you gonna move over so I can do my own 😍 or what
Jimmy: can do what you want from your side of the counter, my dear
Janis: Not tipping you
Jimmy: DUH, you’ll be slipping your notes into his apron
Janis: Err, what we’ve got is real actually
Janis: no customer service voice necessary
Jimmy: singing voice only, I get it
Janis: 🤩 not 😁
Jimmy: be a TOP duet, that
Jimmy: sounds like I’d better crack on to his talentless girlfriend while I can an’ all far as a rebound goes, brb again
Janis: Such a busy boy, like
Jimmy: Owt but this 🥱 job search
Janis: If that don’t get her going
Janis: not the girl for you
Jimmy: just keeps showing us the jobs going here any road, not THAT thick I'm gonna let on to her there's loads of work needs doing with her well fit ex
Janis: don’t sound like the CG is gonna be about long that rate
Janis: someone should warn the gals to stock up/harass the employees whilst they can 😢🎻
Jimmy: Nor will they, already a gal down before you've even had a think
Janis: What do you thinks a decent ‘sorry I banged your brother fully on purpose’ apology present?
Janis: least she has some backbone if she sticks at it
Jimmy: I'd @ Gracie but she's obvs still waiting on hers soooooooooo
Janis: Have to be born with a backbone 💔
Jimmy: REALLY awks when you have it removed reckoning it'll make you thinner but the overlord says backless dresses are HER thing
Janis: real awks when she’s just gonna be a flabby bag of organs
Janis: she would do totally the opposite of what makes sense though
Jimmy: @ Pete instead for when he needs a new band or album name
Janis: That’s the plan 😘
Janis: How old is he anyway and does he have his own place
Jimmy: Oi, direct your Q&A to him, I’m not doing all the work for you
Janis: You wanted a new job
Janis: Bet Lucas has got a spare room
Jimmy: you’ve said where you’ll be chucking your 💰 about
Janis: Don’t worry, when I get murdered, my corpse/the blame will be chucked right at my nan only
Jimmy: Tah, gonna let Ian and Lucas 🥊 over mine, see if ruining their BFF status is the last thing I do
Janis: Die how you lived, like
Jimmy: fuming if that means I’m gonna be killed making an oat milk latte
Janis: Should’ve let me come see you
Jimmy: I never stopped you
Janis: You weren’t very enthusiastic
Janis: Only show up for 👏🌹 you know that
Jimmy: might be I can’t get round your MASSIVE enthusiasm for Pete
Janis: You started it
Janis: could be a bonding activity if you knew how to share
Jimmy: it ain’t me who can’t, it’s you and your #twinningtrauma
Janis: You wanna be her fake boyfriend too?
Janis: alright
Jimmy: weren’t what I said or meant
Janis: that’s what I thought
Jimmy: piss off, Jennifer
Janis: soz you ain’t the twin
Jimmy: I’ve got one and you said he weren’t all that, I’ll live
Janis: I’m more likely to survive if you never meet as well tah
Jimmy: bit selfish but alright
Janis: I told you you ain’t missing out
Jimmy: I am on the hand he could give me with 👶👶🐕 if nowt else
Janis: don’t think you’re born with the work ethic
Janis: weren’t the one 🦸‍♂️ after the bastard drowning
Jimmy: leave it out, you know Sofia were blocking him
Janis: Aw, even protective over your imaginary brother
Jimmy: 🤏 late with a heartbreaker like you about
Janis: If he’s anything like you, he’ll be a MASSIVE slag and getting over it just fine
Jimmy: long as he ain’t getting under 💀👑 an’ all, he’d have rather he did drown
Janis: 🍀 she’d never do that to her shit hair #thechlorine
Jimmy: can’t wait to do a poll about her hair falling out or her skin melting first
Janis: Asia’s sisters do lessons but I ain’t ever seen her, it’s always the nan bringing ‘em
Janis: gutting because with how clumsy she is I could easily knock her in
Jimmy: unless she bites hold of the side
Janis: 🤞😊🤞
Jimmy: can have your 👏🌹 if you manage it
Janis: Yeah?
Jimmy: can’t promise them for every complaint 💀👑 had her put in but
Janis: fuck them, and that place
Janis: it’ll be better, wherever you end up, can’t not be
Jimmy: There she is, my ☀️
Janis: She’s still a snitch and I can fuck her up for you
Jimmy: Alright, my 😍😍😍 are back on you
Janis: Better be
Jimmy: come here, I’ll show you
Janis: okay
Janis: I might’ve- what’s a non-cringe way to say missed you, today
Janis: 🤏
Jimmy: that’ll do
Janis: alright, you’re the pig
Jimmy: [a drawing of him as a pig obvs]
Janis: beautiful
Jimmy: [draw her so she doesn’t feel left out but not as a pig thank you, probably about to get arrested by flying pigs in police hats but getting away or something lol]
Janis: Your faith in me IS inspiring
Jimmy: 💕
Janis: You get way more breaks
Janis: safety > 🚬 ???
Jimmy: *take
Jimmy: could be why I’m getting the sack, like
Janis: You taking liberties?
Janis: don’t believe it
Jimmy: don’t sound like me, does it?
Jimmy: must be some other dickhead
Janis: your clone/brother?
Jimmy: quick, ask him to do you a ☕️, get to the bottom of it
Janis: sooner be at the bottom of the pool, tah 🧱
Jimmy: UGHHHH so helpful, you
Janis: *bubbles*
Jimmy: Oi, you better 🤞 Sofia’s on it, meant to be me 💀💀💀
Janis: see how much she hates me yet
Janis: 🤞 for your sake
Jimmy: it ain’t about you, bighead, it’s about the size of hers and how much 👏🌹🏆 she’s after before she clocks out
Janis: Oh so it’s ALL about her 👌👌
Janis: 😏
Jimmy: in her massive head any road
Janis: I can intro you, it’s cool, mate
Jimmy: you’re alright, she looks nowt like you, shit clone factory, I said
Janis: Shut up
Janis: omw
Jimmy: 🤐
Janis: you’re
Jimmy: I’m ?
Janis: not getting an answer
Janis: 🤐
Jimmy: that were me, meant to be, and I’ve broke it
Janis: I don’t think I’m mad about it
Jimmy: got loads to 💭 about without that, you
Janis: you reckon you took up that much space in my 🧠
Jimmy: til your dead convincing denials
Janis: and you know I can be convincing when I want to be
Jimmy: does sound a 🤏 like you
Janis: I can remind you
Jimmy: I think you should
Janis: [time so you can get there]
Janis: Come out then
Jimmy: [get out there bab]
Janis: [the pretense you are convincing anyone of anything with this makeout is so laughable you don’t even know who’s here lmao]
Jimmy: [convincing his manager he’s a bad egg if anything but he’s having a shit day and would be feeling so bad about himself for getting this much shit 2 months in he’d be thinking Ian is right with all the negativity he brings so I’ll allow it]
Janis: [she and we know this is just a shit job and shit place and truly fuck y’all, we may as well enjoy toeing this line ‘til we walk out like bye]
Jimmy: [so glad we’re giving you a better job and not making you suffer not having one for any length of time and obvs most glad we’re stealing Pete and taking him with]
Janis: [lord knows my boo has too many pictures to lose you boy, but yes, right now we are just making out hardcore because we likewise have our own drama right now of thinking we’re forcing our presence upon him because we have nowhere else to go]
Jimmy: [that upsets me but it’s v legit, just kiss and stop yourselves having to think about anything else lads]
Janis: [it’s such a time, so mad at you lowkey Tess lol]
Jimmy: [she should know better by now #problematicfave]
Janis: [I think she should at least let Bobby see Libi soon because he’s done nothing wrong hun]
Jimmy: [agreed and that’ll be some much needed good news]
Janis: [at least the babies will stop being SO fuming at you both, that’s something]
Jimmy: [things are gonna get slowly better starting with that]
Janis: [we must because there’s plenty else to be dramatic with and about lads]
Jimmy: [are you thinking this is a quick visit and she’s gotta go back to work or is she done and putting off going anywhere else?]
Janis: [I feel like this is a midshift break because I can so I will]
Jimmy: [love that because how torturous]
Janis: [‘specially as they talked about NOTHING]
Jimmy: [she's gonna have to break up this never-ending make out sesh and leave because he will never but especially rn]
Janis: [we would definitely not want to but can’t all be getting fired rn tah, at least you can make it a Thing™ and act like you’re doing it so he misses you like you’re welcome]
Jimmy: [that’s always a mood so can’t be mad about it even if it would suck how quick that break was and how soon you’ve both gotta get back to work]
Janis: [yeah breaks if you get them are like 10-15 max so in terms of makeouts you’ve had a sesh but we know you’re insatiable like that]
Janis: least your manager has something to actually complain about now
Jimmy: He’ll be chuffed to bits
Janis: So it was him fogging up the window
Jimmy: nowt else he can do as a 👻
Janis: 💔
Janis: entering Dickens territory, watch out or Bill will be flipping over takeout cups and knocking over the wet floor signs
Jimmy: be a right laugh getting the blame for that an’ all, tah lad
Jimmy: [send her some of the ridiculous jobs you’re seeing for the #bants to cheer yourself though]
Janis: you know he’s that dickhead, can’t be tamed
Janis: they’ve made that one up, you’re 100% getting trafficked because that ain’t a real job
Jimmy: I’ll sign us both up then, can’t drag us back that time
Janis: talk about a #dreamjob 🤤
Jimmy: 🤞😁🤞 they’ll have us
Janis: look at us
Janis: well valuable slaves
Jimmy: 💪🏆🥇
Janis: Unless they want our organs, then you’re going straight in the bin
Jimmy: #fated and #blessed that we never 🚬 a bit ago, you’ll be alright
Janis: #pure #virgin #innocent
Jimmy: long as they don’t @ Lucas for your references
Janis: 😢
Jimmy: hey, don’t be 😢 I could do a decent enough impression of him by now to fool those dickheads and give them what they’re after
Jimmy: [write it for her like see]
Janis: We all know you’re a creative genius
Janis: just wish HE knew I weren’t a massive slag, you know
Jimmy: alright, I’ll use my creative genius to convince him, or failing that, get back on the roof
Janis: I pick roof
Jimmy: okay
Janis: just because I wanna see you make a twat of yourself, obviously
Jimmy: shame, I thought you were gonna say you wanted to
Janis: dunno what gave you that impression…
Jimmy: nor me
Janis: what are you doing later
Jimmy: What do you wanna do?
Janis: maybe we should get out of your sisters face for a bit
Janis: can do whatever
Jimmy: means getting out of our kid’s an’ all, count me in
Janis: yeah
Janis: turns out actually starcrossed ain’t very cute
Jimmy: hang on, ARE you saying we SHOULDN’T trust Bill as far as he can throw an empty cup??!!
Janis: maybe he HASN’T got our best interests at heart 😱😱😱
Janis: idk but just be thankful he can’t whinge as loud as Libi probably is
Jimmy: and that I can’t hear her from ours
Janis: or she’s not planned a great escape sequel 🙄
Jimmy: be a bit awks with how hard the first one bombed
Janis: fucking cheek to say she’s copying me, clearly fucking not
Jimmy: next time I’m round there I’ll leave your nan the opticians number instead of a 🌹
Janis: picking up your restraining order?
Jimmy: as you’ve not offered to give it to my shit clone
Janis: I’m not the one turning up at her window am I
Jimmy: weren’t saying that’s where we should go in a bit
Janis: plenty of other places to get barred from still
Jimmy: challenge accepted
Janis: got a list leftover from christmas
Jimmy: 👍✔️
Janis: though that was in the middle of nowhere
Janis: I’ll 🔎 the pubs near yours whilst you search for jobs
Jimmy: Deal
Janis: 🤝
Janis: just #goals like that, can’t help it
Jimmy: 🥇 or nowt baby
Janis: 😎🤠
Jimmy: but 🚭 for your sellable organs
Janis: for your 💰
Jimmy: not barred from the tip jar yet
Janis: empty it before you go
Jimmy: DUH
Janis: #DUHdatenight
Jimmy: read that as #hatenight gonna be such a letdown now
Janis: soz you have to spend all your money on me or you’re SUCH a loser
Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻
Janis: what else could you possibly have on, babe
Jimmy: ⚽️🧰🍻🥊? #justladthings
Janis: can’t wait to put up a passive-aggressive status about you never spending time with me
Janis: [does a couple goals post instead obvs]
Jimmy: [do your own back please]
Janis: 💪🏆🥇
Jimmy: How many kids drowned while you were posting that?
Janis: can’t just ask a girl questions like that 🥵
Jimmy: you can’t just not answer when that’s what’s real #goals
Janis: but the answer is disappointing and I can’t have that
Jimmy: that’ll be Sofia’s fault not yours
Janis: yeah fucking bitch
Janis: I’m doing the most to do the least here
Jimmy: if she’s not gonna look enough like you to be able to take your place so I can have you here, there’s fuck all point to her
Janis: if I’d have had 5 more minutes
Jimmy: How long have you got left?
Janis: Too long
Janis: [probably at least a couple hours though]
Jimmy: 🥺
Janis: that’s not fair
Jimmy: it’s not fair I can’t touch you for ages
Janis: you didn’t touch me enough
Jimmy: there weren’t enough time
Janis: i don’t reckon you’ll need long
Jimmy: but I want it, ages with you
Janis: you can have it
Jimmy: I can’t have it now though
Janis: I already didn’t care about anything but you just make me wanna do nothing but you
Jimmy: you’re being loads more unfair now than I were
Janis: yeah but
Janis: you deserve it
Jimmy: you do
Janis: yeah?
Jimmy: to feel how you’re making me feel, at least
Janis: I feel
Jimmy: tell me
Janis: I can’t
Jimmy: please
Janis: let me show you
Janis: [get in the bathroom/changing room moment for a sexy selfie moment gal you gotta]
Jimmy: fuck
Janis: that sums it up
Janis: yeah
Jimmy: I can’t think of a single reason not to walk out of here and in there
Janis: how many reasons can you think of to do it
Jimmy: [obviously list all the reasons aka everything you would do if you did]
Janis: Come here
Janis: and I promise you won’t be mad that you did
Jimmy: not me who’ll get pissed off if I do but
Janis: just
Jimmy: I heard you at come here, it’s alright
Janis: you’re already in trouble, yeah
Janis: I’ll get you a job, somehow
Jimmy: but you’re not and I don’t wanna do shit that’ll get you in it
Janis: I won’t, we won’t get caught
Jimmy: hang on then
Janis: it’s not all poolside
Janis: maybe I really needed to count how many floatation devices we had, idk
Janis: I don’t care
Jimmy: I’ll help you come up with a lie that don’t sound like total bollocks when I can 💭
Jimmy: but just direct me first
Janis: I’m alright with you only being able to think about me for now
Janis: [do keep him from getting lost though, we have said it’d be near the school so you’ll be okay boy lol]
Jimmy: [also near your house so you can just go back there after this if you want because you probably pulled a sickie at the CG but for now go and sneak in whatever side door won’t get you discovered by everyone haha]
Janis: [don’t have to pay to come in bahaha, not here to swim excuse me, live your dreams though kids because this hookup is gonna be intense again so excuse us]
Jimmy: [hence I like we’re doing this like this rn because you don’t need to see that boy lifeguarding and add jealousy to all the things we’re feeling and not dealing with lol, please just try and be quiet so she doesn’t get caught and lose her job thanks]
Janis: [stay well away hun, maybe you’re on front desk ‘cos at my pool it was v like the lifeguard peeps kind of did a bit of everything ‘cos at a bogstandard pool there aren’t enough people that need saving lmao, we are just living our best teen in love lives because there’s too much drama everywhere else now, well done world]
Jimmy: [soz not soz to all the haters that you’re literally bringing them closer together]
Janis: [some of y’all need to learn that this is what happens when you go too hard being anti something your kid is doing because this keeps happening babes, you’re lucky they aren’t druggies this time actually lol]
Jimmy: [if that ain’t the tea]
Janis: [the way you’ve not gone home yet and we’ve not addressed it, I can’t]
Jimmy: [I love you two so much honestly]
Janis: [hence I imagine Cass has probably been like WHEN YOU LEAVING BITCH and we’re like shh, my insecurity; but do we wanna do some more or skip or what rn]
Jimmy: [soz not soz she is also lowkey moving in gal but we swear she’s not like his ex at all, realistically he’s probably gonna have to leave after the intense hook up but I’m fine with them carrying on chatting when he gets back home, unless she’s like actually gonna hardcore do some work lol]
Janis: [clearly not because the temptation to just leave with him would’ve been VERY real but bitch you mustn’t]
Jimmy: [I can only apologise because of how tempting he’d make that by how much he clearly wants you to leave with him but instead send her a pic of your route like when people go for a run when you get back for the lols of not getting lost as it’s literally so close]
Janis: BABE!!! 🥺😖😍
Janis: I am SO proud of you
Jimmy: You might wanna keep your 🥺😖😍 for your true love
Jimmy: [pics of some havoc that Twix has caused with some of Ian’s work stuff because she’s his number 1 hater and we love to see it]
Janis: One of us had to be hard at work
Janis: 👏
Jimmy: I can’t help that you’re not hard work to be with
Janis: I like being your mate too, like
Jimmy: be rude to say owt else after all that, and a more bollocks lie than the one you told your manager
Janis: fuck lying to each other
Janis: there’s no point when I know what you want and you know what I want
Jimmy: wouldn’t make us very good mates
Janis: definitely not the best
Jimmy: can’t have that
Janis: 🚫🥉
Jimmy: ❌🥈 an’ all
Jimmy: what kind of dickhead wants near top
Janis: I’d rather fuck up spectacularly than be the first loser
Janis: 🥈s worst, actually
Jimmy: exactly
Janis: thank GOD we can’t be anything but 🥇
Jimmy: I rate that we didn’t get caught, you weren’t just flirting with me
Janis: would we call it flirting 🤔
Jimmy: not 🤓 flirting but
Janis: can if you miss it, babe
Jimmy: SO nice to me, you
Janis: I’d definitely say that
Janis: and you’d be lying again if you didn’t so
Jimmy: Again? When have I lied?
Janis: Busted 👮‍♂️🚨
Janis: I meant if you’d said you didn’t love being besties before though
Jimmy: sounded like you were trying to trip me up and catch me in a lie I’ve not said, like a proper sting operation, dunno if I’d wanna be BFFS with you then, babes
Janis: #fuckthepolice now is it
Janis: get in on the self-love movement, hun
Jimmy: you ain’t unlocked my 🎻😭💔 backstory yet, might be that 👮‍♂️🚔 weren’t what I EVER thought were #goals so UM MAYBE back off, hun
Janis: if that’s it you can keep it to yourself, don’t worry darling 🥱
Jimmy: #juicygossonly, I get it, even if they’ve still not worked out what that means
Janis: the millionth boring lad will never be groundbreaking 💔 them
Jimmy: chuffed you put that 💔 means I won’t have to
Janis: got to live up to being not hard work for a bit longer
Jimmy: Oh right, just a bit, is it? Tah for the warning, Judith
Janis: hate for you to get comfortable
Jimmy: you reckon pjs are only 🥇 when you wear them or what?
Janis: it’s not my 🥇 pick for you, no
Jimmy: go on then
Janis: 🎅🏻🍆😎
Janis: of course
Jimmy: should’ve known
Janis: oi, don’t call me predictable just ‘cos you like girls who think cutting their own fringe is a personality trait
Jimmy: I weren’t, what I were calling you were a slag for 🎅🏻
Janis: you slagged up the shithead’s look, more like
Jimmy: for you, yeah
Janis: I just like that you don’t care what dickheads reckon
Jimmy: it’d make me a bigger dickhead if I did do
Janis: Most are though
Jimmy: I’m alright with you reckoning I shouldn’t be lumped in with them
Janis: ain’t saying much so you don’t have to take it as a compliment
Jimmy: THANK GOD, might have nowt on but that don’t mean I wanna fall out with you
Janis: nowt on or nowt on 😜😜😜
Jimmy: 😉😉😉
Janis: Tease
Janis: I’m stuck here looking at dadbods and OAPs
Jimmy: [send her a pic because she did send you that hot af one earlier]
Janis: you really didn’t warn me
Jimmy: can’t be having you call me a tease again for pissing about
Janis: but now I’ve got to tell you I miss you
Janis: again
Jimmy: but I miss you more
Janis: Impossible
Jimmy: you’ve got the 👵🧓👴 and drowning kids
Janis: nothing is distracting like you
Jimmy: there’s nowt I’d rather have my head full of than you, more like
Janis: everything is shit but you
Jimmy: I can apply for jobs while you drive
Janis: can’t you just fuck me ‘til we forget about everything else
Janis: at this point, seems like the most logical solution
Jimmy: can do whatever you want but it’ll probably have to wait til you can back
Janis: Who’s idea was it to have to work for a living anyway
Janis: like to have a word rn
Jimmy: @ Mia’s dad and put a word in for me about the secretary position as we’re not pissing off
Janis: We can’t
Janis: not a challenge but there’s plenty left
Janis: squeezing yourself into a pencil skirt being one of ‘em
Jimmy: Oi
Janis: What babes? 🙂
Jimmy: the word you were looking for there is privilege, get it right, my dear
Janis: Could be a contender of a lewk
Janis: just saying
Jimmy: *would
Janis: Too bad Ian ain’t the crossdressing type
Jimmy: weren’t what you were looking for the other day, don’t mean it ain’t there
Janis: crossdressing or trophies from his victims, that’s the real question
Janis: not trying to get your DNA on evidence
Jimmy: depends
Janis: ?
Jimmy: massive scale between his fantasy of a Sharon and the reality of what he can get to follow him home, if they’re hers and need chucking on the fire would be piss easy to work out
Janis: dunno how he gets anyone to but true
Jimmy: sheer desperation of not being young or fit
Janis: I’d rather be murdered
Jimmy: not something you need to bother about
Janis: 💀💀💀 before then
Jimmy: 1. that 2. you’ll still be fitter than any of Ian’s victims after 3. if you back out you’d be a fit 👵
Janis: I won’t back out
Jimmy: sounds like what someone who is gonna would 🗨️ doubt that slag were telling him she’s going round the boat looking for exits before Leo’s 🎨 were dry
Janis: Do it now if you don’t believe me
Jimmy: Alright, hang on while I paint you from memory
Janis: If you’re saying you can’t
Jimmy: no lying you said, so what would I say that for?
Janis: now you’ve got something to focus on ‘til I get there
Jimmy: won’t take hours to 🎨 or 💀💀💀 you
Janis: it COULD take hours
Jimmy: if you want it to
Janis: well it is a challenge, how much do you remember?
Janis: and how long do you wanna compare memory to the real thing
Jimmy: dunno about that, you’re well memorable and it ain’t my clock you’re on
Janis: I’ll be all yours soon
Janis: though maybe I don’t wanna know how much you’ve really noticed 😳
Jimmy: paints are out, have to close your eyes when you get in if you don’t fancy seeing how I reckon you look
Janis: I need to know now
Janis: morbid curiosity
Jimmy: but I get it, it’s not how you’re the most keen to 💀💀💀
Janis: I’ll have to get better at art to show you how it feels
Jimmy: I like your 🎨
Janis: yeah they are well good stickmen
Jimmy: my top rated
Janis: you’re such a idiot
Jimmy: nowt to do with me that you’re SO talented
Janis: that’s you
Jimmy: you
Janis: I just have to stand there
Jimmy: you don’t reckon that’ll be a challenge?
Janis: oh
Janis: maybe
Jimmy: *undeniably
Janis: you know I can deny anything and it’ll be dead convincing
Jimmy: I know what I can do to make you not just stand there
Janis: 🥺
Janis: why are you so rude
Jimmy: might have something to do with what I’m sat here having to remember
Janis: it’s gonna be so shit when you go, you know
Jimmy: Yeah, I know
Jimmy: but don’t think about it
Janis: plenty of time for that later
Jimmy: we’ll be 💀💀💀 before it matters
Janis: 🤞
Janis: or I’ll have to fuck loads of randoms and it’ll be your fault
Jimmy: shut up, I’m not backing out either
Janis: good
Janis: I don’t want to
Jimmy: there’s no need to
Janis: okay
Jimmy: is it?
Janis: yeah
Janis: we’re not thinking about it, no point
Jimmy: I can’t stop thinking about earlier, don’t have the 🧠💭 space
Janis: know the feeling
Janis: never going to look at the changing room the same
Jimmy: it’s alright for you, I’m never gonna finish this 🎨
Janis: you have to
Janis: love to see the look on your teacher’s face if you handed it in though
Jimmy: 💰 on the look on her face being 🤩 obvs
Janis: welcome for your A⭐️
Janis: though if she looks like she’s heading towards 😍 she’s got to go
Jimmy: it ain’t her fault you’re that fit and mysterious
Janis: UM, she’s a professional, act 👏 like 👏 it 👏
Jimmy: I’ll have to knock up some stick on 👙👗👖👕🧦 just for her
Janis: Please do protect my modesty ⚔️
Jimmy: I will, baby
Jimmy: and @ your manager for you an’ all
Janis: someone watched baywatch one too many times
Jimmy: least I don’t have to now you’re #livingit
Jimmy: tah for that
Janis: I got some silicone and box dye to go before I’m looking like Pammy
Jimmy: put it on Ian’s 💳 it’d be him feeling like it were 🥇💡 far as fave makeovers go
Janis: nah, I couldn’t handle having him that buzzing about anything
Janis: never mind putting myself in the victim profile
Jimmy: he’ll be chuffed by the rejection, you know that
Janis: My presence in general has him fuming so it evens out
Jimmy: #relatable that he’s got a ⭐️ on your tripadvisor review for how piss easy his head is to do in
Janis: Are you saying I do your head in or you do mine?
Jimmy: he’s a right laugh to live with is what I said
Janis: oh
Janis: yeah, I had noticed
Jimmy: bit rude his manager ain’t got your observation skills
Janis: Next career move?
Jimmy: I get that we’ve done the changing rooms and there ain’t loads else to ✔️ off far as places not to get caught at that job but how many bloody 9-5s do you want, girl?
Janis: And I can think of plenty of places, don’t test me but do because easy
Jimmy: Distract the lass on reception for us and I’ll do it on the photocopier at school, be as easy, that
Janis: Challenge accepted 😏
Janis: she’s a bit mentally so I’ll just need to throw a load of fake symptoms out
Jimmy: 👍
Janis: don’t sound too excited, ruin the fantasy
Jimmy: you’ve not given me none of your fake symptoms or owt, I can’t be
Janis: Oh right ⛓🚑🛌⛓
Janis: can have whatever ailment you like, baby
Jimmy: and you can have as many !!!!s off me as you like
Janis: 💕
Jimmy: Where else are we not getting caught then?
Janis: There’s a staff room, storage room… the pool is the main 🎯 OBVS
Jimmy: do you wanna save it for last or do it first?
Janis: Need to be trusted with lockups and work out the 🎥 situation first
Janis: it’ll need to be last because I can’t wait
Jimmy: alright, where next?
Janis: I get it
Janis: I started it with the portrait
Jimmy: that’s not an answer
Janis: Stop being so hot you’ll make me
Jimmy: I can’t stop til I do make you
Janis: Have I ever told you how much I don’t like you?
Jimmy: 🤏?
Janis: Not enough
Jimmy: What is?
Janis: how much I don’t like you, for one
Jimmy: you’re saying you couldn’t POSSIBLY dislike me more?
Janis: nah
Jimmy: you can’t take no more though
Janis: I could try harder
Jimmy: you have still got ages to kill before your shift’s over
Janis: so make me hate you
Jimmy: [obvs gotta take her on the sauciest trip down memory lane because he's been going over it all since he started this painting so it's only fair to share all his thoughts and best bits with the bae in the most graphic detail]
Janis: Now I fucking hate you
Janis: you shouldn’t be allowed
Jimmy: What were it you said, you started it?
Janis: Maybe but you’re trying to end me so
Jimmy: but it’ll 💀💀💀 me an’ all if I try any harder
Janis: Should I pretend to be sorry?
Jimmy: no need when I can tell how properly sorry you are that you ain’t here
Janis: 🥺
Janis: Got to make sharing your bed seem worth it, like
Jimmy: 🤞 We can get a bigger bed when I empty the tip jar
Jimmy: you’ll only get a right mard on if I break the restraining order to nick yours from your nans
Janis: She deserves it rn
Janis: Shame with your back we ain’t getting that down the stairs, never mind the ladder
Jimmy: hearing nowt off you about the state of my shoulder you fixed, convenient that
Janis: call me 👩‍⚕️
Jimmy: [a voice note like we’re doing a doctor roleplay that could be a pisstake and is but we know is just also very saucy given the mood they are in lol]
Janis: OI
Janis: don’t make new kinks to unlock, dickhead
Jimmy: just doing what I’m told, dickhead
Jimmy: nowt new about that
Janis: are you as gutted as you sound
Jimmy: I’m
Janis: tell me
Jimmy: I’ll show you
Jimmy: [send her a pic of your paintbrush with blatant teeth marks in it because of this neverending sexy vibe and tension]
Janis: Jimmy
Janis: never wanted to be a paintbrush before
Jimmy: what about being the canvas for my next masterpiece, still wanna be that, don’t you?
Janis: badly
Janis: I need you to touch me
Jimmy: I’ll be there to walk you back, tell Sofia not to dive in the way
Janis: I’d kill her
Jimmy: least she’ll be knackered from all her life saving bollocks, I’m not waiting ages while you do
Janis: Not gonna break a sweat
Janis: I’m me she’s her, s’no competition
Jimmy: you’ve got none, doubt you ever have had, unless you were an ugly kid and you’re not saying
Jimmy: but there’ll be loads of time after the murder, don’t be legging it off to the gym
Janis: you scared the fake kids are gonna be REALLY fugly
Janis: not good for the ‘gram
Jimmy: be able to tell they ain’t mine and do my own runner if they are
Jimmy: TOP drama for the ‘gram
Janis: WELL EXCUSE ME 1. Not an ugly kid so there and 2. Not a fake slag
Jimmy: @sir with both them brags but don’t ‘cause then he’ll be there to pick you up an’ all
Janis: and you don’t wanna fight him
Janis: fair enough
Jimmy: I don’t wanna do nowt but kill you
Janis: Good
Janis: we’re on the same page and I like having you all to myself, even if it’s a bit selfish
Jimmy: can’t be when it’s what we both want
Janis: 👍
Jimmy: 🤞 that’ll be your review of this 🎨
Janis: I know already it’ll be better than that
Janis: I just feel
Janis: idk
Jimmy: ?
Janis: I can’t explain
Janis: or I don’t wanna
Jimmy: Alright
Janis: at least 👍 at me
Jimmy: 👍
Janis: 😁?
Jimmy: not exactly where I am on the scale rn but
Janis: I know the feeling
Janis: got this end of the scale covered 😣😖😫😩🥺
Jimmy: 😒😞😔😟😕🙁☹️ then since you’ve nicked that bit
Janis: we can #twin
Janis: your dream
Jimmy: no new kinks, you said
Janis: I didn’t mean NEVER
Janis: just don’t need to get wet when I go to see my GP, thanks
Jimmy: 💔 for them
Janis: Are you?
Jimmy: you’d be the youngest and fittest lass who’s ever given them the 🥺 they’d be well chuffed and Doris’d be FUMING
Jimmy: hot priest for 👵🧓👴 who ain’t massive slags for Jesus
Janis: I do need somewhere to get my 💊s from now
Jimmy: there you go
Janis: 🙌
Jimmy: can get a kip there when you’re fed up of here an’ all, dead comfy that paper
Janis: If he ain’t gonna take me to his fancy house
Jimmy: sod all bedside manner, eh?
Janis: Sounds about right 💔
Jimmy: I’ll take care of you, be alright
Janis: you don’t have to
Jimmy: I know
Janis: long as you do
Jimmy: you heard, Jules
Janis: then you can
Jimmy: then come here
Janis: 🏃‍♀️
Janis: My shift is nearly done though, for real
Jimmy: ⏲
Janis: I’m really glad your house isn’t far
Janis: or we’d have to do it here again
Jimmy: I get it, you reckon you’d get caught if we had another go there 🔊
Janis: I’m not wrong
Jimmy: soon as they chuck you a 🔑 we’ll have to test how right or wrong you were
Janis: Bet Sofia has one
Jimmy: *in a bit when you nick Sofia’s
Janis: She’s not using it for good
Janis: even though she thinks she’s 😇
Jimmy: ask her if she can knock up a ☕️ before you do, don’t wanna get stuck working with her if she gets the sack from bargain baywatch, tah very much
Janis: Calling me bargain
Janis: rude
Janis: and no one is ever going to replace Pete so you may as well accept that now
Jimmy: 1. her, not you 2. HOW DARE YOU implicate me in an elaborate 😈 scheme to get Pete working there after that bighead’s nicked his place from under him at the CG just ‘cause he’d look 🥇 in them 🩳 you dickheads call a uniform
Janis: 1 and ONLY point. I’m SO soz 🩳 > apron, babe
Jimmy: depends who on
Jimmy: a massive apron might do Sofia a favour
Janis: 😂
Janis: #wifeswapbutmakeitcolleague
Jimmy: Oi, don’t be spreading about that Pete won’t wife me!
Janis: You and I both know he’s already married, basically
Janis: stalked those socials
Jimmy: DUH, second wife is always fitter
Janis: someone should warn Mia’s ma
Jimmy: hang on, I’ll @ her, what were it again?
Janis: @dont@meaboutmyhusbandssecretaryiminthepriory
Janis: told her it was a bit long but gets the job done
Jimmy: @whoreforlaw must be secretary then, THANK GOD I checked, would've been SUCH an awks mistake!! OMG! 🙊🙊
Janis: Would’ve thought you were flirting with her
Janis: then daddy would have to fight you
Jimmy: fight for me, more like
Janis: 💀👑 that you?
Jimmy: 💔 for Ella if she's FINALLY admitting she fancies you AND doing your portrait
Janis: 🤢 if I have to fake date her just to kill off #2 once and for all
Jimmy: come on, babe, take one for the team
Jimmy: you'll get to destroy 💀👑 an' all with the fake break up
Janis: UGH
Janis: fine, off you fuck
Jimmy: after a proper goodbye
Janis: deal
Jimmy: but you cheating on her would do her head in
Janis: taste of her own 💊
Jimmy: gonna love playing doctor with you, her
Janis: slow and painful 💀 never sounded so shit
Jimmy: at least you'll be right where Bill wants you, begging for that poison
Janis: Bill, sure
Jimmy: 😏
Janis: I won’t beg but
Jimmy: What will you do?
Janis: Don’t have long to find out
Janis: enough to make you beg instead
Jimmy: it feels like I do
Jimmy: and that I would beg if it meant you'd get here now
Janis: You are so
Jimmy: you
Janis: [gotta let you leave because shh]
Jimmy: [cannot let him be waiting for her outside this pool because her co-workers don't need to see y'all being extra as hell]
Janis: [sneak back and surprise him because you’ve blatantly left a little early because yes we don’t need that today really lads]
Jimmy: [walk in on him being a cute little art hoe with his concentration face on]
Janis: [and fully die because that’s so adorable but also hot]
Jimmy: [at least she would easy to distract rn because forever embarrassed by the art so let's pretend this doesn't exist thank you]
Janis: [lbr, you’re definitely going to let him distract you rn because the tension but best believe we’re gonna 👀]
Jimmy: [just casually pulling her into his lap while pushing all this art stuff away with his foot at the same time like nbd nothing to see here gal]
Janis: [saying ‘hey’ but as you make contact with his lap so you can imagine how that sounds, fully 😳, like to think you have some paint/pencil/whatever on your face so we have an excuse to touch you and wipe that away boy]
Jimmy: [it’s okay, we know all too well that his reply will just fully be a NOISE anyway because we’re too deep in this tension to do anything else]
Janis: [the way we’re just sitting here like either of us has the energy to wait any longer, just LOOKING at him]
Jimmy: [maintaining the eye contact while he takes the few clothes her uniform entails off her because we don’t ever wanna break it but we also cannot wait and we all know it]
Janis: [gasping because we’re that ready but also not at all because always shooketh by you and how much we want you boy, so we’ve gotta just let him look at us and ‘so?’ like he’s gonna compare and appraise you rn]
Jimmy: [biting his lip when she gasps because he’s always shooketh by her reactions to us and always effortlessly hot, and reaching to where there are still paint brushes left on this bed because he did not have time to clean up at all obvs and taking an unused one and just running it over her skin like he’s painting her which must be so ticklish I’m soz]
Janis: [when you are gonna have to hit him with all the begging because you’re canon ticklish af and it would kill you even if you weren’t]
Jimmy: [stop torturing her and give her what she wants boy]
Janis: [at least after you can look at this art in a slightly softer less horny way ‘is this really what you see?’]
Jimmy: [a nod because we don’t know if she likes or hates it ever]
Janis: [not helping ‘cos we aren’t saying anything in response but that’s actually being speechless because lowkey thinking he’d made you look better than you are just to be nice or something]
Jimmy: [just dying inside because the longer she doesn’t say anything the more convinced he is that she hates it]
Janis: [snuggling into him in response]
Jimmy: [fixing/playing with her hair to try and distract her from how happy and relieved he is as if she was gonna storm out thinking this painting was shit]
Janis: [we can’t even attempt to say anything because emotions soz boy]
Jimmy: [likewise though so no shade]
Janis: [you gonna say anything though lads, like about anything lmao]
Jimmy: [clearly not lol, just snuggling here like he didn’t almost get sacked today and then walk out]
Janis: [and the fact we feel like an unwanted lodger atm hohaha]
Jimmy: [do ask her if she’s alright eventually though because this boy must always check in]
Janis: [just turn from what I imagine was spooning to look at him like ? ‘why wouldn’t I be?’]
Jimmy: [a look like maybe because you actually stayed at work for ages, you could be starving to death or tired rn we don’t know]
Janis: [squash his face like you so cute but we’re still terrible at accepting help or someone caring so not giving a response beyond that]
Jimmy: [a playfight happening because we know that and we know what you’re doing girl]
Janis: [fight it out but not really just anything to avoid discussion rn]
Jimmy: [gonna be rude though and interrupt you by having his phone ping with some job alert he’s set up to bring us back to the point]
Janis: [just reading that over your shoulder like 👍 or 👎?]
Jimmy: [😒 because obvs gotta be ruder and say it’s not a job worth interrupting a playfight for because I used to get such ridiculously unsuitable jobs recommended to me]
Janis: [it’s too real, they’re so random sometimes and it’s like um that’s not gonna work is it, just nudging him like oh well ‘cos it’s annoying but we’re not trying to be drama unnecessarily here]
Jimmy: [likewise not trying to be too dramatically annoyed or upset about this on day 1 so nudge her back ‘you gonna answer me or what?’ like are you okay and do you need anything or not babe!?]
Janis: [just doing an exasperated kind of lol but not at him but because we’re not trying to be annoying but we also legit do not know what to say or do ‘what do you want to do?’]
Jimmy: [he’s not an idiot so he obviously understands what’s happening here because she has literally not been home so getting up and chucking some of his clothes at her like put these on gal and putting back on whatever he was wearing to paint earlier and then pulling her up like come on, because a 🚬 break is much needed by both of you]
Janis: [the way you are always wearing his clothes lately, we love to see it, but you definitely need to go home lmao, always time for a smoke though]
Jimmy: [gonna say you have to go out the front because Cass, Bobby and Twix are all on the trampoline in the back garden having a lovely time leaving you out even though it’s definitely way past Bobby’s school night bedtime because Cass wants to start a fight with you but it’s one you cba to have tonight hence you’ve not, on the subject of clothes though, thank god you two are staying together because if you broke up he’d have to buy an entirely new wardrobe because simply could NEVER wear any of those again after she has]
Janis: [we all see you especially this bitch and you’re making things harder thank you but honestly the way y’all would not recover lol, just sit here and smoke for a bit before ‘I’m gonna go back’ said in a don’t worry about it type of way]
Jimmy: [as if Ian isn’t enough of a knob, speaking of, where are you yet again sir, put these children to bed, but the LEVELS he’d immediately wanna be like DON’T as if she’s just never gonna be seen again, so I hope it’s dark enough out there that isn’t blatantly obvious on your face]
Janis: [speaking of you sir, the way we’re like can you please leave the house because so afraid of Ian being able to retaliate but also feeling like we’re causing big problems by being here, FUN, just trying to convey that in a look but you seriously can’t gal]
Jimmy: [not helped because he won’t properly look at you rn in case he gives himself away even harder, oh lads]
Janis: [a noise of frustration as we put our head in our hands]
Jimmy: [obvs have to look at her then but it’s okay because when the ‘don’t’ slips out we can pretend we only mean don’t do that even though we 100000% do not]
Janis: [‘what should I do?’ and gesturing expansively at everything like, it can’t stay like this]
Jimmy: [‘what kind of question’s that?’ because 1. it’s blatantly obvious that he wants and thinks you should stay but also 2. How do you expect me to answer that/what am I supposed to do to make any of this any better rn 3. How is you leaving gonna make any of it any better anyway 4. What do you actually want to do all of that aside]
Janis: [‘so you’re the dickhead telling me nah but offering no solutions’ and nodding like okay but in what is meant as a bants way 😏 not 🙄 to cover how clearly neither of us are 100% on the plan here lol]
Jimmy: [‘I’m the dickhead who ain’t gonna lie’ because it’s serious when you’re expecting her to leave any second and you don’t want that for a million reasons]
Janis: [can’t just joke your way out of this forever soz hun, just staying quiet for ages like fair enough and also because we’re trying to think of something, anything, that would help, finally ‘she’s not owed a grovelling apology- but, I could ask her to stop being a dickhead and let Bobby see Libi’ like at least he’ll stop hating on you then boy because that’s all we got]
Jimmy: [‘you don’t owe me that’ it’s V important to us that she doesn’t do anything, including talking to Tess before she wants to for our or even Bobby’s benefit so we gotta say that even though it would help if Tess did stop cockblocking these bubs]
Janis: [a HA but more pfft than the drama of that ‘that’s the least’ like I keep making your life harder than it already is]
Jimmy: [shaking his head because we know what you mean and no you don’t gal, you’re actually the only good thing we’ve got going on ‘they still see each other at school and I-’ stopping himself because always but then actually forcing himself to finish a sentence that’s as important as the one he just said ‘I’d still want you here if he weren’t’ meaning Ian obvs since deep down inside we feel like she’s only here to stop that brawl and feeling sorry for us but also we don’t want her to feel like that’s the only reason we’ve still got her staying]
Janis: [immediately reaching out to squeeze his hand but choosing our words carefully because we don’t wanna say something stupid or patronizing and not show that we don’t get that that took a lot to say, especially as we’ve said so little ourself ‘okay’ ‘I don’t want you to feel like you have to have me here though, especially if it fucks shit up, I’ve got places I can go’]
Jimmy: [‘you shouldn’t feel like you have to go wherever the fuck them places are when it ain’t ever been you forcing me to do shit I don’t want or making owt worse’]
Janis: [‘I’ll go home, if I have to’ ‘I don’t want to but I don’t want to worry you more, alright’]
Jimmy: [‘if you do have to, it won’t be ‘cause of me, or nowt to do with Ian, or my dickhead of a sister’ adamantly like none of us are gonna force you to leave gal]
Janis: [‘I ain’t blaming none of you’ in a tone that’s like I know exactly where the blame goes and it’s not your fam ‘cos not trying to guilt you either at all]
Jimmy: [‘you ain’t to blame for none of us either, get that out your head, alright’ because his life is distinctly very shit separate to this JJ drama and would still be shit minus the trouble they have gotten into because Ian needs no excuse to be a dick and he’d still be trying to piss him off despite the dangers without Janis’ help or if they’d never met]
Janis: [‘I know’ ‘cos we do at least know that ‘but I told you I couldn’t just sit back and let it happen again’ this said much more quietly because can’t hack the very real possibility of Ian beating him up again]
Jimmy: [‘I know’ as quietly because that’s not something he wants to put her through again even though he knows that he realistically will and that’s not something any of us can hack ‘but I can’t just let you keep picking up shifts at a 3rd job as our referee, that’s bollocks’ cos DUH we also know it’s really unfair for her to feel this responsible for protecting us]
Janis: [‘can’t you just all come to mine?’ when you let that just come out as if it’s not as ridiculous a suggestion as running away or killing Ian because there’s no chance Cass would agree to it but we’re just that frustrated]
Jimmy: [the saddest and most genuine smile ever because 1. She’s adorable and we love 2. We wish we could just as hard]
Janis: [resting our head in our hands again but because we’re doing an embarrassed smile now like I know that won’t work]
Jimmy: [just kissing the top of her head really softly because the rest of her face is hidden away]
Janis: [get yourself together and look back up at him ‘wanna come back and get some stuff with me then?’]
Jimmy: [😍 to convey that yes we absolutely do and we’d go anywhere with you hun]
Janis: [laugh like don’t be too excited but ‘it is another place to not get caught’ cos ideally we’d like to not deal with sisters or our mother but I don’t think that’s necessarily possible but if we can make it fun and flirty we will not soz]
Jimmy: [kissing her really intensely like okay I better get this out of my system now then before we go but actually we've just got a LOT of emotions lol]
Janis: [the way the emotions are trying so hard to come out in all the ways, we nearly cried and said so much more but proud of you both for actually saying what needed to be said there, but yes fully going in on this kiss like we’ve never before, somehow that’s possible]
Jimmy: [I'm beyond proud of you both so enjoy this make out for a bit so he doesn't say ily and ruin it]
Janis: [ah the joys of avoiding saying that]
Jimmy: [we are back in that joyous period, gutted Ian has probably got the car wherever he is but go get her some stuff anyways so she'll feel less awks]
Janis: [‘bus or walk?’ ‘cos if you just finished a shift there’s feasibly a bus you could get, I think]
Jimmy: ['up to you, that' but not in his usual pisstakey way of not wanting to answer a question but genuinely knowing that she might wanna walk to clear her head and also that she might wanna be on the longest bus ride ever being coupley and let him distract her]
Janis: [just taking his hand and keeping walking in response]
Jimmy: [just walk in chill silence for a bit because even though you didn’t say much and it literally took you all day we know it was hard for you]
Janis: [you’ve earnt it lads, but when you do speak in a bit, ‘maybe I can really hook them up, get Ian to move into mine instead’]
Jimmy: [‘you just wanna one up Mia’ because she’s going around seducing people’s brothers and he’d be your brother so]
Janis: [makes a face like DISGUSTANG before we can even help ourselves ‘cos no joke in this fam lmao]
Jimmy: [can’t not lol at that face]
Janis: [😒 but not so serious]
Jimmy: [nevertheless gotta kiss her and do the pouty lip thing cos always]
Janis: [we’re definitely not mad about that ‘you think you can just unlock any kink you want’ like how dare you corrupt me tut tut]
Jimmy: [‘you’re just that inspiring’ because literally full shade to his ex it was never like this with her, we know]
Janis: [this 😈 face tbh like I know]
Jimmy: [😏 and he’s got his hands out like a pisstakey way to measure how big her head just got]
Janis: [pulling his hands further apart then down so you can put ‘em around your waist to pull yourself closer ‘you know it’s good’]
Jimmy: [pull her even closer as an answer]
Janis: [just make a noise in response ‘cos you’re not saying shit tah]
Jimmy: [kiss her neck to 1. try and get another noise because loves it 2. stop you saying shit either thanks, it’s not like you literally have places to be lol]
Janis: [or that it’s dark as hell in the middle of nowhere because it would be, at least you shouldn’t be disturbed because definitely giving you what you want rn]
Jimmy: [take what you can get lads, so much stuff going on rn is horrible and you deserve to be happy]
Janis: [at least you’re in a good place rn because yeah can everyone else just stop]
Jimmy: [thank god you are because all that Harry bs is still to happen, on that note can they please sneak into the cali gaff without any drama because y’all are going through enough]
Janis: [I know your kid has been away for how knows long but please resist the urge to come at her Ali, if anyone would as a parent at least]
Jimmy: [gonna say Grace is doing her babysitting job so you don’t have to deal with her either]
Janis: [if you’re in Billie you’re easier to avoid soz about that, just climb in the window or whatever]
Jimmy: [worth noting he’s gonna see her room again sober this time, even though he’s obvs not gonna say anything]
Janis: [ahh the depression pit, the way you’re literally in Billie and Edie’s old room and the walls and shit are lowkey their stuff not yours]
Jimmy: [that actually hurts me so much but hey at least you’ve got stuff on your walls gal because he’s living in a beige rental box thinking he’s gonna leave soon haha]
Janis: [lolity lol think again boy but yes we can skip to when you’re there because we know the vibe of this walk now]
Jimmy: [cannot wait til you get your own place because we’ve never done that but yes, focus Junie, clearly the vibe for getting her stuff is to be in and out as quick as possible so no need to linger in this sad sad bedroom]
Janis: [we’ll be fronting like we just don’t care that much, because we clearly did not before but now it’s like oh this is shaming, but throwing clothes at him like try on haul time and just generally pissing about]
Jimmy: [you two can always rely on bants and he will always cheer you by being a fool as well as actually being helpful]
Janis: [at least your clothes are tiny ‘cos you are, they’re gym clothes and a hoe never gets cold, so you can just add more to your trusty backpack, throw yourself on this bed like you’re knackered, also like to point out that by our sims cali gaff, Ali’s room and Rio/Grace’s and Edie Billie/Janis’ rooms are opposite ends of that long hallway so there’s that]
Jimmy: [I like to think he’s brought an empty one that he was carrying on his good shoulder the idea being you won’t have to come back again for ages because you can fit so many gym clothes in 2 backpacks, but ofc throw yourself down on top of her and do the ‘hey’ you couldn’t say when she showed up earlier]
Janis: [You could live on a capsule wardrobe you’re actually that bitch so we know what you’re saying with this, moving you in even harder so gonna role reversal and not have you be able to reply this time]
Jimmy: [soz Cass but I’m not actually because you’re being a bitch rn so, just moving her hair out of her face in a way we absolutely don’t need to and looking at her because that’s how they tell if each other is okay or not]
Janis: [you’ll get better and we’ll get to know each other better, baby steps lol, but rn we’re too fine and it’s terrifying but also amazing so idk what you’ll see boy haha]
Jimmy: [he’ll see happiness which is terrifying and overwhelming but we also love to see it, so we’re just getting comfy as if we’re not just lying on the bae like a creature]
Janis: [petting him like Twix ‘cos we’re amused]
Jimmy: [will lick your face because he is a nerd]
Janis: [ewwing but we are not at all grossed out lies the 😍 aren’t hidden]
Jimmy: [wiping her cheek as a shameless excuse to touch her and because we’re in love]
Janis: [doing it back and you have no excuse because we can]
Jimmy: [being like ‘what was that for?’ but he knows]
Janis: [boops his nose like who can say]
Jimmy: [must tickle you gal, I’m soz]
Janis: [get in his shirt so you don’t cackle and wake anyone]
Jimmy: [just writing on the air like he’s adding her being so ticklish to his list]
Janis: [‘s’not fair’ and pouting but also smiling ‘cos like that he likes it]
Jimmy: [gotta kiss her those are the rules]
Janis: [‘be good staying here if no one else was’ like there’s so much space to piss about, alas my fam lmao]
Jimmy: [‘they won’t be up for a bit’ like we can stay and leave before they are]
Janis: [‘wanna explore?’ and rolling him off like come on then]
Jimmy: [go have fun kids, cos he’s only been here after church I think, unless I’m forgetting another occasion since]
Janis: [I don’t think so, not this time, and you couldn’t go about then ‘cos everyone in your face including a toddler lol so go out and show him all the random shiz]
Jimmy: [I get so confused what happened which time but go live your best lives regardless]
Janis: [I’m not 100% but it doesn’t feel like you’ve spent loads of time here so it’s valid and it’ll be a mood ‘cos gonna need torches/to keep sneaking up on each other in the dark]
Jimmy: [honestly love that energy, don’t get lost though boy, know what you’re like]
Janis: [that would be quite scary tbh hen, won’t let that happen babe]
Jimmy: [question is do we wanna play the dangerous game of letting you two fall asleep here or are we doing another staying up all night/going to sleep for a bit when you get back to his vibe?]
Janis: [I vote sleep this time ‘cos you must be especially knackered rn]
Jimmy: [that has my vote too, you two need it]
Janis: [It’ll be cute, even if you mildly panic and your ma’s probably left a note with some breakfast like let’s talk later]
Jimmy: [I love Ali so much and she deserves none of this]
Janis: [soz everyone else and the world keeps fucking you over, already not seeing Junior at this point although I do like to think he talks to his mum because not her bloody fault]
Jimmy: [Tess better fucking sort her part of this btw, letting me and yourself down bitch, but anyways proud of you two for actually talking and the fact you’ll be going to school today]
Janis: [You overreacted and we all saw it, stubborn mare lmao but we’re not gonna drag this on forever, just making the point that you two are being bad eggs and the fam is suspish of you atm Jimothy]
Jimmy: [is there any final points we wanna make here or are we good?]
Janis: [I think this is a decent place to end it, just cute vibes]
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diddlesanddoodles · 4 years
Special thanks to the forever amazing @thundering-susurrus​ for editing. 
“You should smile more.”
Farris turned his head to eye the thin figure sitting under the window. Without use of his eyes, Kent could no longer see the sunlight spilling down onto him, but the human still enjoyed the warmth of the sun’s rays nevertheless.
“What are ye on about?” Farris asked. “I smile plenty.”
Kent didn’t turn to face his Vhasshalan guardian. “I can hear it in your voice when you frown.”
“The fuck ye can.”
“See?” said the man with a knowing grin. “You did it just now.”
Farris stepped away from the pan of toasting spices to glare at his ward. “Aye, because I have a smarmy lil’ wanker tellin’ me I frown too much.”
“I believe what I said was – ”
“BAH! I know what ye said. When I have a reason to smile more, I will.”
“Seems like you have good reasons to smile now,” Kent said, turning his face to Farris at last. There was no real point in facing the giant when they spoke other than an old inclination from when he still had use of his eyes. “No one’s caught fire in a while. That should be a good enough reason to me.”
Though he clearly saw that Kent was trying to goad him into a lighter mood, Farris did not possess enough spirit at that moment to feel anything other than the same weighted guilt that always followed him day in and day out. “Gonna take a lot more than that, lad.”
Kent’s mild smile faded away. “Isn’t just… being alive enough?”
“Not everyone’s as chipper about that as ye.”
A silence fell between them. To Farris, it felt heavy and dreadful, and he had half a mind to demand the human to simply drop the topic and allow him to go on with his day. Work was numbing and was the only thing he had found that came close to alleviating the pain. The pain brought on from the memories and the knowledge of what he had done. He had his reasons, of course. He had made his choice: the lives of his boys over the scores of captured humans. He was responsible for the workers under him and the humans had been enemy combatants. But that justification only held water for so long. 
“You’ll forgive yourself one day, Farris.”
Kent’s words felt like ice in his chest. He brushed a hand across his nose as he bent to grab the pan from the fire. Tipping the now-toasted spices into a bowl, he set it aside before grabbing the next batch and tossing the raw spices into the still hot pan. Giving it a firm shake, his eyes drifted to the flames and he watched them dance for several long moments. He sat the pan down. 
“No,” he finally replied in a soft voice. “Ain’t no forgivin’ what I’ve done.”
“You’re too good a man to let his legacy ruin you.”
“Good men don’t murder in…” He stopped himself and sighed. “Ye wouldn’t understand, Kent. And I don’t expect ye to.”
“I think I do a little. Was on the other end of that mess, don’t you forget.”
“How could I?” Farris asked as he glanced over his shoulder. “Ye remind me all the time. Even though I was there.”
“And your bedside manner is as terrible as ever.”
He had to laugh at that. Walking around the table, he went to the counter where Kent was sitting and poked the man’s side. “Was there a point to this or do ye just like hearing yerself blabber on and on?”
“Hm… maybe a little of both?” Kent replied grinning. “No, I did have a point.”
“Then make it so I can get on with my work.”
“You’re a good man, Farris,” Kent said seriously. He reached out and patted Farris’s hand. “Even if you don’t think so. And there aren’t a whole lot of those left in the world. I do hope you find a reason some day to forgive yourself. Even just a little. And maybe you’ll start smiling again.”
Farris eyed him, suppressing the urge to be angry or brush away the man’s touch. Kent always confounded him. He had every right and opportunity to be a bitter wreck of a man after everything he had been through and yet, despite it all, Kent was endlessly cheery and kind. Sometimes frustratingly so. For several moments, Farris stared at the small scarred hand resting on his own. He grunted and pulled his hand away. “What’s got ye all sentimental this mornin’?”
“Hm? Oh, I dunno. Been thinkin’ about my place in the universe. Meaning of life. The usual,” Kent paused as a devious smirk crossed his face. “And of course see how long I can distract you until you catch on that your spices are burning.”
“Wha…? Ah! Ye lil’ fucker!”
Kent’s laughter filled his ears as he rushed back to the hearth to try and salvage his work. In the following years, Farris would regret not appreciating that sound more. It would be the last time he would hear Kent laugh.
The next night, he came down with a hellish fever.
And by morning, Kent was dead.
The wedding feast preparations had been a symphony of chaos: carefully planned, but executed more with stubborn will than any finesse or strategy. He had assumed the weeks of prep they had done would carry them further than they ultimately had, and by the second to last course on the last day they were scrambling to keep up. Luckily for Farris, most of the guests were happy enough to indulge in the free flowing wine and liquor between the courses. They would be too inebriated to be able to find their own feet, let alone be able to tell that the next course was late.
And then, of course, that was when Yale brought him the thief.
A human child. She was a small and pitiful creature. Dirty, skinny, and terrified, but a thief nonetheless. He was far too busy to spare her any consideration of leniency. It was her poor luck that she chose to steal from him on the single busiest day in more than a decade. She would just have to wait, he decided. Secured in one of the wooden cages left over from the delivered livestock, he placed her on the counter inside the pantry, gave her a firm warning to be quiet, and left her there. She didn’t scream at him or try to escape. In fact, the little thief barely even made a sound other than muffled weeping. If it had been any other day, he may have felt pity for her. Instead, he was annoyed to have something else dumped onto his already overloaded plate.
Several hours later, when he had a moment to even consider her again, he found that she had wedged herself in the corner and fallen asleep. He opened the cage and slipped a ramekin of water inside before closing it back up again. The human child did not stir.
Even balled up as she was, he could tell she was very young. Too young to be wandering around on her own. A suspicion began to form in his mind that she was not just some young hooligan from the Hill Tribes making trouble. He’d had plenty of those come through over the years and after threatening to toss them into a pie, each of the little troublemakers would be quick with their excuses and defenses. So, after a good scare and a lecture, they’d be sent back to Gregis for another lecture and whatever punishment the Hill Tribe leader saw fit. The war might be over, but danger still remained, even within the castle.
However, Farris could not recall ever having come across a thief so young. Her clothes were made of a rough homespun hemp and, best he could tell, seemed too small for her. She wasn’t even wearing shoes. Autumn had been mild but still chilly enough to warrant shoes. Where in the Seven Hells did this girl come from? And where were her parents?
He decided to leave the questions for later and went to help with the last big push to get the dessert course out the door and cleanup underway. There was a large tankard of dark ale waiting for him at the end of the day and he did not intend to be late. He felt as though he had earned a drink.
“So what’re ye gonna do with the Dumplin’?”
Farris had sat down to supper that night, more aware of his age than he ever had been. The arthritis in his left wrist was acting up, his joints creaked, and his back hurt. But still, he felt a deep sense of accomplishment for the work they had done. He opened his eyes, glancing towards the source of the question, and shrugged. “Notified Donal. He’ll inform the King tomorrow and then it’ll be his discretion as to what’s to be done with her.”
That seemed to surprise Saen and the rest of his staff. Yale sat up a little straighter. “Why’d ye do that? Ain’t ye just gonna send her back to Gregis? Like the others?”
Farris chuckled. “That lil’ mite ain’t from the Hill Tribes, lad. She’s feral.”
“How can ye tell? She say somethin’?” Yale asked.
“Nah. Just a hunch,” He took a long swig of ale and, as he sat it back down, sent a vague gesture towards the pantry door. “Fer one thing, Gregis wouldn’t let a child run around in that state.”
“She was pretty mangy lookin’,” Yale conceded with a chortle. “Looked like the thin’ needed a good scrubbin’.”
“Thinkin’ a keepin’ her are ye?” Saen asked, elbowing Yale in the ribs.
Yale grinned. “Crossed my mind.”
“Well,” Farris said. “first she’s gotta face the King’s justice.”
“Still. If she ain’t from Gregis’s lot,” Yale said, “where the hell she come from?”
“Who knows,” he replied. “Where do any of ‘em come from anymore?”
Beside him, Bart laughed. “Half the time it seems like they just pop out of the ground like cabbages.”
Grinning, Farris took another long pull from his ale before getting to his feet and reaching for one of the communal bread loaves. He tore off a small but still sizable piece and turned from the table.
“Well, suppose I should go feed her somethin’,” Farris said. “That one’s the skinniest dumplin’ I’ve ever seen.”
Light laughter followed him as he opened the door to the spice pantry. The hearth light fell in an illuminating column into the room and onto the cage where he could see a swathe of red. Farris froze.
The girl was awake and on her belly, clutching the rim of the water cup he had left her. Her skin was red with a distinctive rash and she was pulling in short gasping breaths all the while, laying in a small pool of her own sick.
Farris felt his stomach drop. The red reap.
He recalled the night Kent fell with the fever and how the rash soon followed. His breathing had become raspy and labored and it was not very long at all before he breathed his last breath. But Kent had been an adult, a grown man. The Dumplin’ was just a small child.
“Seven fuckin’ Hells,” he cursed. It was Kent all over again and, though he would never admit it aloud or even to himself, Farris was scared. He turned to call back over his shoulder. “Yale, get me warm water, not hot, and a few towels.”
His assistant looked up at him from his place at the table with round cheeks, unable to answer him with his mouth so full. Beside him Saen was grinning at him cheekily. “Oh aye? Be needin’ some relaxation after all that exhaustin’ spice grindin’, eh, Farris?”
He glared at the cook. “Shut yer gob Saen before I bash it in. It ain’t fer me,” he said and turned his gaze back to the sick little girl. “The human’s got the red reap.”
All of the merriment and cheer died in an instant as all eyes of his staff turned to him. Yale especially looked upset as he mechanically chewed and swallowed. “She didn’t look ill earlier.”
“They call it the reap fer a reason, boy. There’s no warnin’. It just comes. Now get off yer arse and get me what I asked fer.”
Yale was on his feet in an instant, rushing to the shelf to grab a bowl. “...right away, boss.”
He stood beside her cage, feeling the weight of his shame and harshly cursing himself for his cruelty. It was very probable that these would be her last moments and he had her put into a cage. As a joke. But no one was laughing. He opened the cage and removed the cup of water. There was sick all over it and down the side, but he did not pay it any mind. When he reached back inside for the girl, she shied away with a pained mewl. She was shaking and weeping.
He had done this to her.
“Hush now,” he murmured softly to her, resting the tips of his fingers lightly across her back. She tried to squirm away from him. “I know it hurts, lil’un. I know yer scared. Just keep breathin’...”
Yale was there with the water and towels. “Where do you want this, Farris?”
“Upstairs,” he said, considering the girl and how best to pick her up without doing her more harm. “And I’ll need the salve from the drawer there. And a Cayne leaf. Small one.”
In the end, he simply scooped her into his cupped hands. She was so small and light, but shockingly warm. The fever had well set in and he knew she may not have much longer.
Yale followed him up to his private quarters and once inside, Farris directed him to set the bowl of water on the table. His first attempts to remove her vomit-covered clothes resulted in her struggling against him and he snarled at her in frustration. “Stop that, girl. Yer covered in sick.”
He decided it best to get it all over with as quick as possible and simply yanked them off her. She showed signs of malnutrition and was so thin that he knew she wouldn’t have the strength to fight off the fever. The realization seemed to hit Yale at the same time. Once she was clean, he wrapped her in one of the towels and tucked her into the crook of his arm. He applied the salve to her eyelids, where it would help cool the raging heat of the rash. Then he slipped the Cayne leaf into her mouth, which she immediately spat out.
He didn’t blame her. Cayne leaves were rancid and vile tasting things. But it was also one of the best pain remedies known.
“Ye can go Yale,” he said. “I’ve got ‘er.”
His assistant looked at him with wide and fearful eyes. “Ye sure?”
Farris nodded. “If she makes it through the fever, she’ll live,” he said and sighed deeply. “We’ll know by morning.”
He reached out and grabbed Yale by the shoulder with his free hand. “Regardless, I need you awake and alert tomorrow. There’s too much that still needs to be done. If she lives, she’ll be seeing the King. If not, well, the reap will have made the judgment fer ‘im.”
“All right,” he said with a lingering concern in his eyes. Yale touched a finger to the girl’s head, petting her softly. “Good luck, lil’un.”
After Yale had left, Farris went to his bed and sat down. He was not sure how long he sat there, watching the human sleep. The red rash had spread along her neck and face, but she did not stir from her sleep. Her breathing remained raged and labored.
In the quiet of the night, when he knew no one was around to hear him, Farris spoke to the girl.
“Yer just a lil’ thing,” he said quietly as he ran a finger across the top of her head. “Probably all alone in the world, eh? Either that or yer folks are right shit. Don’t look like the world’s been very kind to ye, lass. Even now, it’s still tryin’ its best t’beat ye down. But yer a strong one, ain’t ye? Not gonna let a fever take ye. Nah. Too green fer it all to end so soon. Yer gonna be alright there, Dumplin’. I’ll make sure of it. One way or another. Yer gonna be just fine. Yer gonna wake up…”
His hands were shaking.
“Please. Please, wake up.”
He woke at the same time he had for the last twenty-some-odd years. It was still plenty dark, but the lamp on the wall was still lit, a minuscule amount of oil still feeding the small flame. He knew it would last until the first rays of the sun reached the castle roof and then would need to be refilled. At first, his mind automatically went to sorting out the day’s tasks, but everything stopped with a sickening jolt when he remembered the child. His arm remained curled around the bundle and he wondered, if he were to look down, would there be another face to add to the collection of the dead within his mind and nightmares? With a fortifying breath, his heart pounding, Farris dipped his head down to look at the little girl. The harsh red rash that had covered her face was gone. She had not gone stiff, and he realized with a start that she was still warm. 
She was still breathing.
She was alive.
“...ye… yer alive,” he breathed in shock, resting his free hand on the bundle. “Seven fuckin’ Hells… ye… I can’t...”
For a long moment, he sat there and watched her sleep, all the while riding the waves of varying emotions. In the end, he thought of Kent. Farris easily recalled what a pitiful and broken creature he had been when he had first laid eyes upon him. He remembered how he had made a place in his kitchen, his home, for him. He could do the same for the girl.
“...I could do that fer ye,” he said to no one in particular as he rose from the bed, careful not to wake his charge. With a warm smile on his face, he rocked her gently. “My lil’ Dumplin’.”
It took Rheil less than an hour to return to the kitchens after delivering the girl to the King. Clutched in his gloved hand, he held Farris’s note. He stepped down into the kitchen and everyone eyed him eagerly as they slowed in their work to watch and listen. 
“So?” Farris asked Rheil as he wiped his hands on a tea towel and leaned against the counter. “She give his Majesty her story then?”
“Aye,” replied the captain as he crossed the room and held out the note to Farris. He took it, but did not open it. Rheil crossed his arms and leaned up against the long table and regarded the kitchen master with neutral expression. “Orphaned.”
He nodded. “Figured that much.”
“And ye were right,” Rheil replied. “She ain’t one of Gregis’s. She ain’t even a refugee.”
Farris squinted in bemusement. “No?”
“No. She’s from the Southlands. The port,” Rheil replied. “Guess there was some big ol’ fire than killed her last living relative. She was trying to steal some food from the caravan when it was being loaded and she got stuck.”
“That’s a three day trek nonstop,” Saen butted in, eye wide in horror. “Ye mean she was stuck in that basket for three days?”
Rheil nodded. “She was. Probably too scared to ask for help. Who knows what the Beastmen would ‘a done if they caught her and once she passed the Gate… well. In fer a penny.”
Farris huffed. “No wonder half my persimmon order was gone. She probably ate three golds worth all on her own.”
Rheil made a face. “Seems awfully steep just for some fruit.”
Farris waved the comment away. “That ain’t nothin’. Them red mud boars were twelve gold a piece and one arrived dead. Weddings on the whole are expensive affairs. A royal wedding is extravagant and extravagantly expensive. But I ain’t one to tell the King how to spend his money. That’s Thame’s job.”
“Also, the lass thought Nethrin was still King,” Rheil added and Farris frowned.
“She what?”
The captain nodded, a smirk creeping along the edges of his mouth. “Aye. Thought she was gonna faint on me fer a second. Told her he was long dead, but I ain’t sure how much she believed me.”
Farris ran a hand down his face. “Where she now?”
“Lolly’s got her.”
“Well, we won’t be seein’ her fer a few hours then,” Bart laughed as he came down the steps from the courtyard. “Them ladies will be fawning over the Dumplin’ till suppertime. Mark my words.”
“True enough and just as well,” Farris conceded. “That’ll give her time enough to acclimate a bit and we can get on with our work.”
Bart gave him a questioning look. Silently, Farris handed the note to him. Bart’s eyes scanned the words before glancing back to Farris with the same questioning eye. In reply, Farris just nodded and Bart shrugged noncommittally.
“Well alright then,” he said and went back to work.
Farris opened the note again to scan the words, feeling an rising sensation in his chest, and Kent’s words came abruptly to the forefront of his mind.
“You’re a good man, Farris. Even if you don’t think so. And there aren’t a whole lot of those left in the world. I do hope you find a reason some day to forgive yourself. Even just a little. And maybe you’ll start smiling again.”
The note read:
If it comes to pass that the girl does not have any place to go, I ask his Majesty to consider that I might be granted guardianship over her. - F
And written just under his note in a much finer hand and with higher quality ink than his own, was the short answer:
Your request is granted. Take care of her, Farris. - W
Farris smiled. 
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septimore · 3 years
I dont wanna talk about it yet
Rant tw death
Back at the end of January my gma passed and we from an aneurism that shed had for years. We all knew that was gonna be the thing that got her, it's the thing that got her father too. So the whole family was prepared and she had funeral arrangements sense the 80s. But it was the 1st time someone I knew died. 2 days later my bfs brother brings up his moms 14 year old dog because she had to move out of her house and into an apartment and had too many pets. This dog was my bfs dog when he still lived at her house
I really funneled my grief into nurturing this old deaf dog and making sure she was comfortable. We took her to the vet over the last 3 months and got her cauliflower ears- not quite fixed- but better and she could hear the air kicking on and she could hear cars passing by. About a week and a half ago we asked the vet if we could put her on arthritis meds, and that really helped her. But the last 2 weeks, right before we put her on meds she wasnt really eating much, still drinking water tho.
And we were putting little pads down because she was having problems going down stairs to pee. The day before yesterday she pooped in the house and when o went to pick it up it was black. Google says that's blood in the upper digestive system and the vet was closed so yesterday morning I had my bf call the vet and ask if we needed to take her in or take her of the meds or.... what was going on. Our vet was at another animal hospital for a few days and the vet tech scheduled us to take her there today at 10.
Our dog also was kinda staring off into space and zoning out alot and breathing kinda hard starting the day before yesterday. So I was waking up every hour last night and checking on her, and she was dozing in and out but still not breathing easy, this morning I woke up and we had an hour before her appointment and I was petting her to calm her down and she died while I was petting her
Man , I'm crying writing this
So my bf started freaking out, said to call my mom (who was our ride to the appointment) and while I was talking to her he called his mom and was yelling at her about giving us a dying dog. After he calmed down a little he called our usual vet and asked what we need to do and they said bring her in to our usual place.
So my bf kinda looked at me when he was off the phone and I said I can carry her down
We went to the vet and they came out and grabbed her and asked about what we'd like to do now about cremation or burial and my bf just froze because we hadnt talked about it and he hadnt even thought of it yet
I had a little so I told her cremation and they said that we can worry about payment when we pick up her ashes but like
Guys. My dog died while I was petting her. I've been avoiding thinking about my gmas death from January because my gma and i talked on the phone like once a week and I went over to my moms where she was staying like twice a week. I am not going to be doing okay but I dont think I'll post much about it on tumblr, probably just gonna deal with it on my own
And i gotta make sure the bf is okay because that was his dog when he was like 15 and gotta check on my mom because she watched the dog twice a week while we were at work, and this is the first thing, animal or human, that's passed sense her mom
Idk guys. I feel a little better after having typed stuff out, my notes are full of lots of things like this. But idk why but I want this one is on tumblr
And my sister just messaged me so I'm sure mom told her already
Man I'm gonna have to work tonight
I didnt call out when gma passed either. I was scheduled 2 days off when that happened and my 1st week at work was brought, but I made it through my shifts
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