#nothing huge! just touch-ups and tweaks here and there
goshdangronpa · 3 months
Rejoice, readers of my 18+ irumatsu fanfic! Chapter 10 is ... wait (makes a few more edits) (removes entire section then adds it back in) (rewrites entire draft) finally published! Thanks a million for your patience.
Kaede's Rhapsody - Chapter 10 - goshdangronpa - New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing [Archive of Our Own]
It's a lunchtime conversation between an exhausted Kaede and an uncomfortable Miu, the first extended chat they've shared so far. The word count is close to 2000, easily the fic's longest chapter yet. But the reason it took so much time and effort to write was trying to find the right flow, so hopefully it's a smooth read. I hope it's a fun and interesting read, too!
I mentioned before that I was trying to write the next three chapters at the same time as the final draft for this one. I didn't finish them, but I've made great headway in all of them, especially Chapter 11. Let's stick with a once-every-two-weeks schedule for now so I can build that backlog. In the meantime, enjoy the ride!
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💘~Let me see you~💘
Genshin men brushing your hair away from your face.
Ft. Itto, Diluc, Xiao, Tighnari
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Tags: long-haired!reader, pre-relationship, huge crushes, fluff, meet cutes, a little gaslighting for flavor, flustered dorks, extremely PG here just sweet torturous pining.  Note: I'm back! If this looks familiar than it probably is. Other than a few tweaks, this is a repost from my old blog! I will be posting my old stuff and working on new things too! Enjoy!
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Listen…. This man’s impulse control is ZERO. So reaching out and tenderly tucking a strand of hair behind your ear was never a second thought.
Itto has always been a touchy person. You are no stranger to being included in elaborate handshakes, crushing hugs, palm aching high-fives, and the occasional holding of the hand while he leads you to the next bout of mischief the gang is getting into.
This touch tho….. was so much softer than you've ever thought the oni capable of. You'd question whose hands they were if not for the soft graze of Itto’s long pointed nails.
It's not weird unless you make it weird...... Please don't make it weird.
If you point out the gesture, he insists that he was just helping a homie out. Bro is DENSE, absolutely clueless that he has a big ol' crush.
Everyone in the Arataki gang was dying to know what would happen next in the newest adventure novel from Yea Publishing House. This volume of the popular story had just been released and if they weren’t quick enough it was bound to sell out! Sure, it was only going to take a couple days to restock but the spoilers were guaranteed to be all over the streets by then. Itto was at the forefront of the line, insisting the whole gang camp out early to snag one. It became evident that this is where the Oni’s foresight had ended. The rowdy bunch was standing in front of the seller when the realization had hit; you were all too broke to get copies. In an act of impulse desperation, you had the bright idea to ban together. One by one, members emptied each of their wallets of what little mora they had. You could hear the grumbles and complaints from other people waiting in line as you quickly added it all up. Shinobu would definitely scold you all if she there and not caught up in ‘cool ninja stuff’ as Itto calls it. You proudly announced it was enough for one volume.... and a couple snacks.  Overall, a complete success in Itto's book!
“Great going Y/N! We have the next volume of ‘I Stubbed My Toe And Became A Vampire Magical Girl In Another World’ AND we have enough tri-colored dango to go around! See? What did I tell ya? We keep nothing but the best here in the Arataki gang!” The oni bragged with the widest grin stretching from ear to ear. He laughed as he wrapped one beefy arm around you and punched the other triumphantly in the air. Itto’s energy was contagious and soon even you were also holding the book up and exclaiming with the others just how much the Arataki gang rules. 
Broke and happy, the ban of hoodlums cheered for their victory and gathered on the beach. You’ve learned a thing or two since joining the Arataki gang, like how to get comfortable almost anywhere. You handled getting the bonfire going as Mamoru was already poking sticks through lavender melons. The rest of the guys were off grabbing makeshift seats like stumps or big rocks. It didn’t take long since this was far from their first rodeo. Once the fire was big and healthy, Itto boisterously bestowed upon you the honor of storyteller. The boys eagerly sat around the fire to finally enjoy the fruits of their labor. You chuckled at his antics and dove right into the first pages. You barely registered how Itto diligently chose the closest seat and hung off your every word. Everyone was a great audience, ooo's and ahh's were always right on cue. 
The main character just discovered their newest magic vampire power and were heading into the heat of their latest battle when…. you froze. The words on the page stopped computing as soon as you felt a feather soft touch on your skin. Tentative fingers swept across your forehead and lingered for just a moment behind your ear. You must have been so caught up in the excitement that you didn't think to tie up your hair. It was spilling over your face while you were reading. When you glance over, you are met with Itto's complete and utter attention. His intensely crimson eyes are locked on only you, listening intently with a relaxed smile across his features. He looked at ease and entirely oblivious to the fact that he just made your heart skip a beat. 
"Boss you can flirt with Y/N later! The big fight is about to happen!" Genta complained loudly, followed by agreeing groans from the rest of the boys. 
"Pffft flirting?!?!? I was just looking out for my bud here! As a responsible leader of this crew its my responsibility to-... to make sure Y/N doesn't get hair in their mouth and choke! I just saved their life! It’s foresight like this that makes me qualified to be the head honcho around here!" Itto's ramblings got louder and more confident with each word, thoroughly doubling down on his point. The Oni stood at full height and began spewing his facts about the serious dangers of choking and the statistics of deaths by hair per year, most of which you were sure were untrue. 
"Ok! Ok boss! Sure, please can we get on with the novel?"  Akira groaned, not fooled for one second, but wanting so badly for it to end. 
You put the bumbling man out of his misery and cleared your throat loudly. Itto’s ego was stroked enough and took the hint to settle down. The man reclaimed his spot next you without a fuss, his dopey smile returned yet again. You attempted to cover your heated cheeks with your book and willed yourself to forget the tingling on your skin where Itto's touch had lingered. You shook your head up clear your thoughts enough to get comfortable once again. There were still the final chapters to get through and the show must go on!
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LET ME TELL YOU! This man has TOO MUCH impulse control.
Diluc is so well-versed in etiquette and would never carelessly reach into someone's personal space without permission. Unless it’s a FIGHT. 
Something about you makes all that etiquette go right out the window. He is doing it before he can think himself out of it. 
He would scold himself for overstepping and possibly making you uncomfortable. He apologies earnestly, ever the gentleman. 
Internally flustered, but hides it a little too well. Composure is this man's bread and butter after all. 
Is acutely aware of the fondness they have for you. He often busies himself with other matters to keep from dwelling on it too much.
To say you bit off more than you could chew would be an understatement. The sack of potatoes you bought from Springvale looked deceptively light before. In your rush to get back to Dawn Winery, you didn't even think to use a wagon or bring any help. You were sure Adelinde was going to be so disappointed at how late you were. 
As the newest maid, you were eager to prove yourself. Everyone at the manor was nice, but Master Diluc seemed particularly reserved with you. The master of the house was quite friendly at first, often sharing a few conversations with you as you cleaned around his office. You deliberated whether it was the vases of flowers you switched out in his office. Cecelias just seemed to brighten up the place more. Or maybe it was when you arranged his meals to resemble cute animals sometimes. But you only did that when you notice him having a particularly rough day! Ugh, he must think you're so unprofessional.
You let your thoughts wonder as you miserably carried your potato’s. Soon you felt your steps become sluggish and a slight tremble in your arms, signaling you couldn't go much further. The winery was still another half mile away but you had no choice. You slumped down in defeat on a near by rock. You were sure definitely going to be fired for this, how careless of you to not think ahead. Even if Diluc disliked you, you really enjoyed your time at the winery and getting to know everyone. You hung your head in shame, praying that you at least got to say goodbye to the rest of the staff before getting kicked out the manor. 
"Y/N? Are you hurt?" A hand cut through your curtain of hair that blocked your view of the approaching figure. Gingerly, the gloved hand guided the strands away from your face and tucked them behind your ear. Diluc was crouching in front of you, his intense gaze scanned your features for discomfort. 
"Master Diluc! No I'm alright! I'm so sorry I-" You quickly explained your situation and tried to stay focused while Diluc's gentle touch lingered on your skin. He seemed visibly relieved to learn you were unharmed. It was only then he noticed his encroachment. The man jerkily retracted his hand and leaned away to give you some space. The red haired man seemed alarmed for but a moment before clearing his throat to recompose himself.
"My apologies, I heard you gone alone to Springvale and had still not returned. This path can be dangerous when it gets late. I saw you crouched over and I thought.... Regardless I apologize for my boldness.” Diluc stated awkwardly. Despite his shyness, he still looked every part of a prince when he stood and offered you his hand. 
“Thank you for being concerned.” You smiled and took his hand. “I’m just lucky to have such a thoughtful master! There was no need to come all the way out here for me.” You lied through your teeth and turned to attempt to lift the sack once again. Diluc cleared his throat and visibly clammed up once more. Wordlessly, he lifted the potatoes in your arms and began walking back to the winery. You tried insisting that you could do it, but he stubbornly declined and refused to meet your gaze. It was quite endearing to see the confident master of the dawn winery made such a bashful gesture. Perhaps your boss didn’t dislike you as much as you think....
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Be nice. Dude doesn’t understand the intimacy of the gesture. Why are you suddenly acting so strange? 
Xiao was just annoyed that it was in the way. As a man of action, it was only natural to moved it. It is nothing more.
He wasn’t going to let a strand of hair keep him from looking at your face. Why is that such a big deal? Why are you red? He’s just telling you the truth.
Nah, it was you and your mortal reactions that is making him flustered. It was you staring at him with those big cute mortal eyes that’s causing this. It has to be, there’s no other explanation. (Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss)
Is either clueless or refuses to connect the dots that he likes you a lot. Its probably a mixture of both.
Working at the Wangshu Inn came with a few perks and stargazing after your shift was by far your favorite. The view, sounds, and atmosphere were wonderful. And it wasn’t just anywhere that you also get a quality companion to share it with. You had just settled in and laid the two plates of almond tofu next to you. It took but a few moments from when his name left your lips for Xiao to appear. The stoic man wordlessly walked over and took his usual seat nearby. Routine took over from there but getting to this point was akin to pulling teeth.
Xiao was annoyed when you initially took a liking to his vantage point. The adeptus could see all the surrounding hillychurl camps from the spot you insisted on sitting at for hours. He took no joy in intimidating humans, but his looming presence usually worked to deter mortals from he didn’t want them to be. Imposing aura or not, everyone has to share. You stubbornly stood your ground and stated the roof was plenty big enough for the two of you. Xiao would never resort to physically moving you, therefore was forced to relent. He remained out of sight but you sometimes caught glimpses of him when he would arrive there first. You couldn’t help the small inkling of guilt in your chest from forcing the other out of the spot. You really didn’t mind sharing. As a peace offering you began to leave small gifts behind. Sometimes they were small trinkets, some folded origami, or occasionally fruits and other snacks. When you saw your gifts still there, you would simply take it and replaced it with something else. It took nearly two months but when you returned to see your gift gone for the first time, you couldn’t help but smile the rest of the night. It became like a habit, not unlike befriending a crow. 
Learning Xiao took a liking to almond tofu was the real game changer. You made your best effort to cook the dish yourself, cutting no corners. When you left the meal box there you expected it to be like the other gifts that disappeared into the night. It was a shocking to see something in return the next day. It took only a few more days for the yaksha to finally cave and joined you. He primarily insisted that you didn’t have to keep making your offerings. You laughed when the realization hit you. You spent the last months quite literally making offerings to an adeptus, praying for forgiveness. 
Over time, the company became expected on the rooftop and the silence was comfortable. When conversation was sparked it flowed naturally and cemented an unlikely friendship. Although friendlier, Xiao could still be blunt and dismissive at times. It happened especially when he became frustrated with understanding mortal’s ever changing customs.
“You can’t just hold people’s faces like that!” You squeak, hiding your burning face in your hands. 
“I wasn’t holding your face. I was moving your hair away, its blowing everywhere. I can’t even see you when its this windy. You should be wearing it up so I can look at you while you’re talking.” Xiao responded defensively but his tense tone didn’t match the words leaving his mouth. It especially contrasted the way he had used both his hands to smooth down your hair on each side, pausing to look back into eyes. When his stare hadn't let up, you were the one to break away. Your heart was damn near about to beat out of your chest. 
“That’s something that.... lovers do! It’s embarrassing in this context.” You try to explain, noticing his frustration. Xiao’s eyes widened just a tad before avoiding eye contact altogether and crossing his arms.
“That doesn’t make sense. Just forget it happened then and keep telling your story about the inn guest.” The yaksha stated, grabbing his plate and turning away as he listened. The moon was just full enough for you to spot a small dusting of pink on Xiao’s ears. You decided to show him mercy and didn’t push it further. After all, it would probably take weeks of offerings for him to forgive you for teasing him.
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No sweat. Doesn’t even bat an eye at the physical contact. He’s just being practical.
It doesn’t stop there. This dude will give you a whole up-do. It’s dangerous to keep your hair loose like that in the forest. He’s seen plenty of cases.
Your safety comes first and foremost. As soon as Tighnari notices it obstructed your vision he is on it. He’s surprisingly good at styling it too. Its not unlike braiding ropes and vines.
More insistent than normal on the matter. He claims it’s because you’re still relatively new to the forest. But other forest watchers may beg to differ.
He considers you a good friend, but it does confuse him when he notices these odd waves of protectiveness. It’s something he’s going to have to research further before coming to any solid conclusions. 
There is extensive in-depth training that each forest ranger must go through before being allowed to step foot outside the marked trails of the Avidya Forest. It was grueling, but totally worth it when you saw you were finally scheduled for your first real patrol! As part of training, Forest Watcher Tighnari was assigned to accompany you and show you the ropes. You meticulously poured your lesson notes and made sure you had all necessary equipment on hand. Tighnari was the best there was and there was a part of you that really wanted to impress him. He was sure to quiz you right? There is no way he would let someone into the dangerous parts of the forest without being sure that you knew your stuff right? Nerves were definitely getting the better of you.
In hindsight it was quite silly to have worried so much. Tighnari was surprisingly easy to get along with and not afraid to get straight to the task at hand. As the week went on, you eagerly accompanied him on his routes and witnessed first hand just how brilliant the forest watcher was. 
You didn’t expect how down to earth the revered Chief Forest Watcher Tighnari turned out to be. It was common for him to go off on tangents and lectures here and there, but it never felt like he was just trying to flex his knowledge or question yours. He was kind of excitable in that way, and you couldn’t help but find it quite endearing. You picked up on the quirks that indicated that was become accustomed to rangers spacing out while he talked on and on. Tighnari even seemed surprised that you had follow up questions about the topics he was just rambling on about. His ears were always a dead giveaway that he was caught off guard. Even someone without a big ol’ stupid crush would have found it cute. 
The tall fluffy ears in question may or may not have added to your carelessness on this particular hike. Perhaps it was why a tiny little branch sent you tumbling down into a ravine. Later you would be corrected that the ravine in question would more accurately be labeled a gully, though that specific fun fact was far less welcomed. 
“Y/N?!? Are you alright? Don’t move, I’ll be right there.” Tighnari called out urgently and hurried over to you. 
“I’m okay. I don’t know how well you can treat a bruised ego though...” You called back. Attempting a joke to hide how embarrassed you felt. It wasn't your smoothest move. Tighnari was there in moments to help you sit up. His nimble fingers began untangling your hair from your face so that he could to get a better look at you.
“This isn’t a time for jokes Y/N. That could have been a serious fall.” You've heard this tone before. It was usually reserved for reckless forest visitors or rangers that didn't heed his instructions and cause trouble. This was your first time being on the receiving end and to make things worse you looked a mess with twigs and dirt covering you from head to toe.
“I know. I’ll be better next time.” You replied dejected. Tighnari managed to brush your hair back to take a look, but your eyes darted anywhere else while he examined you. 
“You're lucky enough to walk out of that with just a couple minor abrasions. Just be careful alright?” Tighnari concluded, his tone softened considerably. You braved yourself to sneak a small glance up at him and he offered you a comforting smile. “Although, I do have an inkling of what caused you to misstep in the first place.” The forest watcher continued.
“And what would that be?” You asked far too quickly. The only way you were ever going to admit to ogling over your boss’ cute fluffy fox ears was over your dead body god damn it! 
“Having your hair loose at this length can prove quite hazardous while paroling. I must have overlooked it before. Here, come sit I think I have a solution.” A careful hand guided you over to a nearby log. Next you felt the small tugs and pulls of the remaining twigs being dislodged from your hair. Tighnari was gentle but efficient while he worked behind you. 
The ambiance of the forest made the silence quite enjoyable. It became so relaxing you could fall asleep if you wanted. You probably would have too, but you became hyper-aware each time Tighnari's gloved fingers brushed past your skin. After some time he announced he was done and you reached behind your head to feel what you could only describe as an intricate braid leading down your back.
“Wow! I didn’t expect.... thank you!” You said, in awe at his handwork. 
“All in a day’s work. Come on we should be heading back before dark.” Tighnari led the way back to the trail. “And uh, watch your step.” He added with a sly grin. You rolled you eyes and chuckled at the playful sass. There’s plenty interesting specimens to learn about in the Avidya Forest and you were sure you just found your favorite. 
<A/N: Thank you for anyone still here support my little writings! Replies and feedback always appreciated as I'm starting again from scratch!>
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eddie munson touching himself headcanons:
18+ ONLY. minors do not interact.
-he loves to jerk off in the shower. in fact, he thinks it’s a lot easier to clean up there, and he doesn’t have to worry about “load socks” just lying around
-speaking of, that’s what he uses to jerk off into when he’s in his room, looking at dirty pictures or reading filthy comics. he has so many of them just all over, and he once bought a whole new pack to wear because he couldn’t find the ones he came in. he’s gross
-loves fleshlights, but doesn’t use them often. sometimes he loves how they feel, but other times, he’s content just using socks or a towel, something like that
-he’ll absolutely pull over and jerk off if he’s horny enough & is in a safe area. there have been many messes made in that van because of it, so maybe don’t touch the steering wheel or radio without wiping it down first
-he’ll taste himself, he doesn’t care. catch him licking his hand clean when he’s finished, if he cums all over it, or gathering it off his stomach to suck off of his fingers
-he prefers to jerk off completely naked, but special cases (in his van, in the school bathroom, backstage at the hideout, basically any public space) call for him to remain at least partly dressed
-is a fan of making himself cum in his pants. he thinks the friction feels kinda good, and he achieves this by rutting against something or just palming himself over his jeans
-as he is when he’s in bed with someone, he’s very vocal & interactive when he touches himself. grabs at his own throat if he’s in a subby mood, talks dirty to himself as if he’s talking to someone else, tweaks his own nipples, has a big fantasy playing in his mind. he also throws his head back against the pillows, his full lips open as he moans, dark hair a sweaty, sticking mess to his face, his nipples hard, his cock oozing precum, balls heavy & aching with the strong need to cum. he’s gonna be moaning your name A LOT, too; let’s face it, you’re his number one fantasy, and no comic book girls or magazine models could ever get him going the way you do. after he meets you, he no longer needs those materials to get off
-speaking of getting off, he cums A LOT. like I’m not kidding when I say he makes a huge mess, which is why he prefers jerking it in the shower or into a sock. less mess, less stress!
-he also absolutely fucks himself against his mattress or a pillow, too. sometimes the friction of the fabric is just so delicious to him, and it can get him off pretty quickly
-subby!eddie? fucking himself on a toy with one hand and jerking off with the other? it’s more likely than you think! i don’t see him as being subby very often, but when he is? damn
-he loves to touch himself in front of you. he especially loves it if you touch yourself with him, because he can’t get enough of watching your hands work, of your face contorted in ecstasy, watching your chest heave, hearing your moans & his name, or just admiring how you’re reacting to his own show for you. he can’t get enough of the way you look & sound as you cum, and he wants to hear it over & over & over again
-jerks off over your mouth and face as you go down on him. nothing gets him off harder than seeing you stick your tongue out, ready to gather any traces of cum that he’s going to give you
-also loves jerking off over your ass and chest. he will take polaroids of the mess he makes all over you for his own little pervy collection
-jerks off into one pair of your panties while sniffing another. also loves to cum in your bras or other lingerie, if you wear those
-going the modern!eddie route here: he sends you snaps of himself jerking off after you start dating, let’s you see & hear how riled up you’ve got him after a steamy texting session. he loves to see & hear you do the same in return—but ONLY if you’re comfortable with that. he will never, ever force or pressure you, ever. he also sends photos of his cum-soaked stomach and/or hand, and probably captions it something like “look what you do to me, baby.” usually, though, he loves sending you videos of the actual climax itself
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adobe-outdesign · 11 months
Have you reviewed the rapidash line? both regular and/or galarian?
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Ponyta is fine; in true Gen 1 fashion the concept is stupidly simple, just a horse with a fire mane, but it is a unique enough premise to still be memorable and not Just A Horse. The only other thing really notable about it is its cat-like ears, which ironically used to be more horse-like in the original Gen 1 artwork. I've heard some people complain about this, but given that it's an additional interesting element, I actually think it ads to the design rather than subtracts from it.
I do think that Ponyta and Rapidash are pretty similar to each other, so I do kind of wish Ponyta had a more drastic change compared to its evo (that isn't just the eye being brown or the lack of horn). I think one easy way to do this would've been to keep the flames more smooth—the head flame is already burning smoothly compared to the rest of the body, so just do that for all the flames. And secondly, I think Ponyta should've been lacking the flames around the legs; they're not needed at this stage, and it gaining them when it evolved would've made Rapidash much more fiery in comparison.
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Speaking of Rapidash, I don't have a lot to say about it that I didn't already say above. The change from a pony to a unicorn is a little something to give it a sense of progression, but the unicorn horn is so subtle you'd be forgiven for not even noticing it. Maybe if it were longer or black like the hooves it would've stood out a bit more. Otherwise, it's still a fine fire horse; nothing fancy but it gets the job done.
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Not gonna lie, I'm not a huge fan of the Galarian version of this line. It's not that the design is bad or anything, but more of a conceptual issue. Hear me out: having their manes be made of fire was literally the only thing the original line had going for it. So by creating a regional where they immediately give it a regular mane, it... kind of has absolutely no connection to the original line. Like, this could have 100% been its own Pokemon with a few tweaks to the anatomy and body shape. We have plenty of dog, monkey, cat, etc. Pokemon, so I don't see why two separate unicorns would've been an issue.
That aside, this design is fine enough. It's unfortunately a pretty generic unicorn due to the mane being a psychical thing instead of something elemental, but the white, blue and purple palette is really nice to look at, and it's pretty cute to boot. Said mane also lights up when it shares energy, which is a nice touch that adds some pleasant light yellows to the mix.
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I do find it weird that it already has a horn at this stage. The pony to unicorn thing the original line had going on was the only major sense of progression it had, so it now being it a unicorn all the way through feels a bit off and is another reason this would've made more sense as its own thing. That aside, if you like modern unicorns, you'll certainly like this Pokemon just fine.
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I will give Galarian Rapidash points for changing the mane from a fluffy design to a long, flowing design; it creates a visual difference between the two stages that helps compensate for the now permanent horn. I also like the horn is much more prominent here, with the black coloring matching that of the ears and hooves. Not much else to say about it that I I didn't already say with Ponyta; it's a decent unicorn, but one that doesn't really have much to do with the original line.
For the record, I think one angle they could've taken with this line would've been instead to keep the elemental mane but make the anatomy look like more old heraldic unicorns, which had features like cloven hooves, lion tales, and beards.
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This would've made sense for the Galar region, and also would have instantly differentiated the two versions while actually keeping the root concept of an intangible mane in-tact. This mane could stay fiery or it could be ethereal purple psychic energy or something; as long as that concept was kept, it would both be a more unique take on a unicorn and one that would've been justified as a regional.
(I've also heard some people suggest other types of mythical horse-like creatures, such as kelpies or pegasi. I think a pegasus/alicorn would make more sense as an evo/mega than a regional, but regardless those concepts would've also worked out well.)
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Anyway, as a whole: the original line was pretty straightforward but memorable enough, though a bit more distinction could've been used between the stages. The Galarian version is nicely designed but somewhat generic, and would've made more sense as a separate line entirely. Overall, some decent honses.
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malestransforming · 1 year
Hey! Huge fan from FA! I'm so glad you're back! I always wanted to see how I would look like in any kind of uniform. Would you be so kind to grant that wish?
Welcome, welcome, welcome. Yes, you're here. No, you're not dreaming. Yes, you can get naked. In fact I encourage you to be naked.
You want a uniform, huh? I love uniforms.
Let's get a good look at you... You're on the short side. I can fix that. Feel your body aching and stretching and cracking, as you grow up to over 6 foot. You're like 6 foot, 3 inches now. Tall. Nothing wrong with short guys, but tall guys can get it too.
Your top half is going to be bigger than your top half. Sorry, my guy, you like the gym but work is going to get in the way of going consistently. So, I think you'll have big, broad shoulders, beefy arms and some meaty legs. ... Fine, I'll give you a chest and abs to match. Feel the burn, the prickling skin as it matches to fit in your expanding muscles. Feel your blood rushing through your veins, pumping through your new muscles.
Man, you look better than I expected.
Face time! This is my favourite part. I'm going to crack your skull and face wider — big, pinch-able cheeks. With some great beard growth. Dark eyes, dark hair - it's the perfect combination. You're cute, with a big body to go along with it. Dark hair. Slicked back, dark hair! Oh, you're vaguely Italian? From New Jersey. You love your Italian roots.
Okay, take a look at yourself. Looking good! All that's missing is the uniform you asked for. Put these black dress pants on, and these black sneakers. I have a black t-shirt too — careful not to spoil your hair! You spent ages getting it perfect. And the pièce de résistance, your new Starbucks apron. Slip it on bro. You look great! You look disappointed... Why are you bummed out? It's not the uniform you wanted? Oh, I can change that too. I'll finish off with those mental changes.
You're in your twenties, working at Starbucks to save for college. You get to the gym every now and then, but you spend a lot of time slinging coffee. You played football in high school - those were the days. In your spare time you like the clubs down on the Shore, fist bumping until the wee hours.
One last touch, you have to have that one perfect thing... Give me a smile; I'll just tweak your teeth and lips and perfect. Okay now, back to work!
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cloveroctobers · 2 years
outside / EZ REYES x Black! Reader || Summer Prompts !
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A/N: I always said gaby and Ez look like siblings…freud would love my ass for saying that. Here’s me having a poke at that here in my final summer prompts. It’s nothing too serious just something to wrap up the remaining summer writing season BUT I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t take this piece someplace else right? 😉
WARNINGS: turned out much lengthy than intended for no reason! Sorry about that! + conflicting relationships? And before y’all ask there will most likely not be a part two lol. Just call me part i. Ess from now on 🤭
Plot/prompt: summer weddings + summer vacation
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some people go crazy over weddings.
you happened to fall into the trope of wanting a fairytale wedding. You wanted a marquise cut wedding ring—preferably in the shade of London blue Topaz with a pear engagement ring to match it. You didn’t think too hard on the whole proposal, you just hoped the person you wanted to ask you would execute it well. Thinking about the proposal made you nervous but thinking about the ceremony? Provided you with all the serotonin that you needed.
It was insane to your family that you didn’t fall into the wedding planning field since weddings were on your mind back when you had knockers in your pigtails. It was a hobby to watch all the shows and attend every wedding you were invited to. You had moodboards stored away in your closet and attic about the major event that was tweaked at every age. Commitment was never the issue on your end out of the handful you dated..they just never ended up being the right one or you scared them off with the intent of forever.
“Hey, are you ready to go?” Warm muscular arms wrapped around your body, snapping you out of your thoughts.
Humming you briefly caressed EZ’s, your boyfriend of one year, forearm. “Yes. I found the bracelet at the bottom of the suitcase, it must have slipped out of the pouch I had it in.”
“Here let me help you with that.” Ez unlocked his arms from around you, taking the accessory from your grasp to place around your wrist.
You watched the man before you, how he touched you so delicately and with care. His skin stayed on dewy, he trimmed down his balbo beard at your request (the friction was causing a serious rash—on your part) and it glistened with sandalwood oil that would surely shine like diamonds once you stepped out into the Mexican heat.
“You see something that you like?” Ez teased you, his honey eyes flicking up to meet yours once he was done.
You smiled as you responded turning to close your suitcase, “I see plenty, Mr. Reyes.”
“Oh me too, love.” Ez was behind you again, his hands reaching out to caress your backside before giving it a nice slap, “this dress…I don’t think I want you outside in it.”
Smirking to yourself you finished zipping the suitcase and spun to face the olive-skinned man who went back to rubbing on your stinging booty, “that’s just too damn bad, man. We got here yesterday afternoon and been in all this time up in each other’s faces, everybody out that door? about to see these legs and hips and body.”
Ez chuckled at you, playfully rolling his eyes as you had your arms around his neck, one hand now running your fingernails against his scalp.
“Fine. I guess we do have some place to be.”
You scoffed with a quirk of your brow, “now you want to change your tone when we’re actually here? It’s your cousin’s pre-wedding dinner party.”
“I know.” Ez grumbled, “I agreed to come to the wedding not the pre-events. Pop was in my ear about it being disrespectful if we didn’t go but it’s not like I give a shit what he’s got to say—
“Ezekiel!” You gripped his face, before pointing your finger at him, “we said best behavior on this trip.”
You got along quite well with Felipe. He was respectful, quiet, yet observant which made it hard for you to tell if he liked you enough to date his son in the beginning. You understood that Ez and Felipe’s relationship took a huge turn revolving around his mother’s death and his father’s past. Of course you could never tell EZ how he should feel since you were not in his position but you knew Felipe did the best that he could taking care of his boys. He tried but ultimately you knew Ez wasn’t trying to hear that anymore. It ran much deeper than you knew and you didn’t pry because once Ez went dark? He buried himself in it for awhile; you noticed how the club was changing him and you weren’t sure it was for the better.
Nonetheless this summer vacation was to leave all the stress of the club bullshit behind you…for now.
“I am, I’m just saying I don’t see him giving Angel shit for not being here.”
“Angel has a baby to cater to—
“So you’re saying I should get you—
“No!” Your eyes went wide as Ez’s began to crinkle, laughing at you, joking.
You were far from thinking about children, IUD in place, you wanted to be more financially stable before that could ever happen and if your job finally promoted you and you were married for at least two years? Then that would be the goal. Everything was plotted for you, you liked to stick to a routine and schedule. If you could help it? That’s the way it would go. Sorry.
“We’re not here for any drama just the vibrant city of Mérida, okay?” You pecked his lips.
“…okay.” Ez grumbled.
You fixed the collar of his linen beige top, getting a whiff of Egyptian musk that radiated off his skin before you reached for the space on both corners of his lips. Lifting them you said, “fix your face.”
Then you moved your hands to slap his ass in return making him grin, “yes ma’am.”
He gripped your hand, intertwining your fingers as you led him out of the room.
The restaurant was just as vibrant yet homey as the buildings even with the sun beginning to set. When you and EZ arrived most of the guests were there currently waiting on Gaby and her groom to be. You already knew a few faces which consisted of Felipe, Coco, his girlfriend Hope, and Letty.
“Finally! I thought you two wouldn’t get here until after Gaby and her dude showed up.” Letty announced, kissing the side of your cheek as you embraced.
Coco was all grins as he cradled a cigarette, “shut it leticia, this is part of their baecation so you know nothing is off limits.” He winked at you as Ez laughed, bringing him into his chest by his palm.
Letty scrunched up her nose but didn’t say anything else as she sipped at her Perrier can.
You rolled your eyes, fanning your hand at Coco before you turned to Hope, smiling at her in greeting, “how are you?”
“Pretty good!” She called over the music as you hugged briefly, “it’s nice to get away from everything.”
“Oh absolutely! Santo Padre who?” You waved to the bar tender ordering a drink before you turned back to the two, “how long are you guys staying?”
“We leave the day after tomorrow.” Letty answered in annoyance, “Coco’s gotta get back to the club! I might just get lost here instead and find me a better guy.”
“Uh oh.” You trailed letty’s eyes to see a slim boy with freshly tanned skin, dark gelled back hair, chiseled jaw, sporting heavy jewelry on his neck and fingers along with his eyes set on Letty too, “who’s that?”
“Ryan.” Hope answered, “Felipe told us he’s on the groom’s side. He’s a fighter, a boxer I think he said. Felipe’s got the scoop on everyone here, including Gaby’s fiancé’s side.”
You weren’t surprised.
“Did you talk to this Ryan guy yet?”
“What?” Letty blinked at you, “why would I do that?”
“You caught each other’s eye and you have the perfect opening as one of gaby’s friends…” you stated the obvious as you thanked the bartender for the red cup.
Letty scoffed, “if he wants to talk to me, he knows what I have on. I’m tired of chasing these assholes.”
Just as she said that the three heard his laughter from across the courtyard where he sat, talking to another girl that could possibly be Felipe’s family or not. She had her hand on his shoulder as she spoke and you didn’t miss how he occasionally kept glancing over in Letty’s area.
You shook your head as you took a sip of your drink. This all felt too familiar. Not bothering to dwell on it much longer, Ez’s hand touched your backless dress stealing you away to introduce you to a few cousins, aunts, and uncles who you communicated with most of them in their native tongue; which they seemed to appreciate. You met Gaby’s mother and little brother, her two best friends from hometown in Mexico, and a few of her best co-workers in her residency back in Santo padre.
“What’s going on, everybody!?” A voice boomed over the music, making all heads turn to the couple.
Your eyes zeroed in on Gaby who always kept a bright smile on her face. Her lips were painted plum which contrasted against her gleaming teeth, her hair was slicked back into a ponytail, and she wore a flowy cream dotted ruffle midi dress with a slit going down her chest. She looked gorgeous and extremely happier than usual.
You met Gaby back home through coco and Letty and she told you all about her life. She always suggested going out to grab a bite to eat but time always got the best of the both of you. She only had her mother and brother here until she learned that Felipe was her family too. It was also mind-blowing to know that her and Ez were also a thing way back when…until they learned they were related. So it was a little odd to try and be friends with her, it wasn’t necessarily intentional it was just the way it played out.
How could you have something against a woman you barely knew? Ez didn’t talk much about their few months together but he did tell you that when he fell, he fell hard. It wasn’t like him to not get attached to someone and he admitted he only had one (shockingly) emotionless fling after Gaby before you came along.
“Hi everyone, thank you for coming!” Gaby waved at all the cheering faces.
It wasn’t until your eyes moved to her fiancé did you find yourself choking a bit. Realizing that you had a cup in your hand, you bought the alcohol to your lips hoping to soothe your almost full-on choking fit.
“You okay?” Ez said into your ear.
Your eyes burned into the man that had a protective arm across Gaby’s shoulder’s. He was too busy laughing with one of his friend’s who repeatedly announced that he was his best man.
Swallowing you whispered, “that’s my ex.”
Ez felt his brows furrow as he followed your stare settling on the curly long haired man that stood next to Gaby. He had stubble going on his angular face—which was different than what you were used to, his nose pointed from the side and crinkled as he laughed at something his best friend said. He was taller than Gaby even in her wedges but you were sure her head easily tucked underneath his chin when they embraced. He was dressed in a navy blue suit jacket with a open white undershirt underneath and sported some blue jeans with one rip in the knee.
Ez crossed his arms, “which one?”
“The one I dated for four years back in Ohio.”
“…shit.” Ez huffed knowing of this story just like you knew his story with Emily.
If you were able to have a positive outlook of your first love and heartbreak then you are one of the lucky ones.
You started just as Ez said, “I can break his fucking nose if you want?”
Laughing you gripped Ez’s bicep, “neither of us are about to act up tonight, we don’t want to ruin this for Gaby. And i don’t think getting arrested down here is the smartest move.”
“yeah I agree…” Ez watched as Gaby and her fiancé, your ex, moved together in sync as they began chatting with the guests, “but i would certainly enjoy knocking him out of those thousand dollar shoes and that tight ass jacket.”
You snorted out a laugh as you leaned into EZ who easily unfolded his arms to wrap around your body, caressing the skin of your back once more and putting his back to the couple.
“We outside.” You sung making EZ nod his head mockingly before placing a kiss on your cheek.
You breathed in Ez’s scent with the closing of your eyes before you opened them again to see Paul’s eyes set on you in shock. It was brief but you caught it as he lifted his chin and turned his gaze elsewhere.
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It was incredible, the act of avoidance. It wasn’t you doing the avoiding but you weren’t skipping to get to Gaby and Paul either. It seemed as soon as Gaby attempted to call out to at least, Ez to get his attention, Paul was off pulling her somewhere else.
Anyone oblivious would find that it was just natural to get caught up in multiple conversations. This gathering was a party of at least forty so that was surely possible but you and Ez both picked up on what Paul was doing.
Did it bother you?
No. It shouldn’t. Despite you having a lengthy history with Paul, it did catch you off guard to see him here after all these years but you were not the one acting scared of this man. If you wanted to have a word with Paul, you would.
Vacations were for the temporary erase of reality. So you sat pretty kiki-ing with everyone around you, falling into conversations with Ez’s hand comfortably resting on your thigh, to switching from the best tequila to a nice white wine, and waiting on your meal of the night while smiling at Paul every time you caught his stare. It wasn’t until he saw Ez brushing your hair back behind your shoulders and countlessly pecking your lips, making you laugh and feel silly since you were slightly tipsy.
The clinking of glass broke your attention from Ez’s but that didn’t stop him from scooting his chair even closer to you. Whenever the two of you got some liquor in your system, the touching definitely amplified. And tequila down here? Was much different than the kind you had in California, that much you knew. You hoped you made it to Gaby’s 1pm wedding and you only had one shot.
“Excuse me, groom to be is speaking.” Paul rasped, hand on his chest as he gazed at all the faces, “I just want to say before we’re all no longer able to speak by the end of the night that Gabs and I thank you for being here with us tonight.”
Some loud laughs followed by some already drunk members.
“I also wanted to propose a small toast since you may or may not be aware it’s my thing and there will be many more at the reception.” He winked, earning a cheer from Gaby while you leaned back in your chair in confusion.
He smiled down at Gabby before raising his whisky glass, “as I look at all of your faces tonight, I’m so glad I get to share this moment with you. It’s about the celebration of a emotion that is so…invigorating. It’s about fucking love! and I love this woman beside me so much that I hope you can all feel that right now and tomorrow afternoon. If we can’t lead by example for all my single friends and family out there, you all are the example.”
“To love!”
“To Brandon and Gabriela!”
“What a fucken sap.” Coco muttered from beside Ez, earning a laugh from the man while Hope pushed his shoulder with a shush.
Letty agreed from next to you still raising her glass as everyone else, “yeah a real fucking simp that one is but hey, at least Gaby’s happy!”
You watched as Paul leaned down to give Gaby a quick kiss, her hands resting on his chest for a moment before he quickly pulled away raising his glass once more then taking a seat back next to her. This time? Gaby’s eyes were in both you and Ez’s direction yet the both of you had your eyes set on the food headed your way.
The night turned out decent with coco complaining about the “fucked up prices,” before taking his exit with Hope and yelling at Letty to come on before she had to find her own way back to hotel. She was all middle fingers and giving a tight embrace to Ryan, which made you smirk as you made your way to the bathroom. When you turned around you bumped into Gaby and apologized.
“Sorry, girl.”
“It’s okay, y/n! Don’t even worry about it.”
“Do you know where the bathroom is?” You slightly bounced, “I meant to ask Letty but she got snatched up by some other kid back there?”
Gaby smiled as she glanced over your shoulder, “yes, Ryan. Brandon’s step-nephew? Nephew. I knew it would only be a matter of time, letty has a type.”
“Ah, another asshole.”
“He’s young and likes to have fun. Stupid but fun.” Gaby shared a laugh with you, “bathroom is through those doors to the right, once you get to the fountain at the end, it’s straight back.”
“Thank you!” You lightly gripped her wrist, “have a great night and I’ll see you on your big day.”
Gaby nodded as you let go of her wrist but she called out to you, “It will be a dream won’t it?”
“That’s what life is,” you shrugged, “at least that’s what the nursery rhyme says.”
Gaby began to twist her hands together looking down. You sighed bouncing a bit more but didn’t want to be rude, tonight was all about the positive yet Gaby seemed to be a bit lost in this moment.
“What’s wrong, Gaby?”
“I just—it’s nothing. Just nerves? Yes nerves. I’m about to marry a man, a brilliant man and I still have questions. Usually I’m not scared to ask those questions but when I look at you…I have them.”
Blinking you asked, “what do you mean, Gaby?”
“I know you and Brandon used to be together for a long time,” Gaby met your eyes, “I knew it from the moment I showed him a picture of you and Ez. Tonight confirmed what his mouth did not say.”
You blew out a long breath. What were you supposed to say in this moment? Gaby had suspicions but never felt the need to at least say that to Ez? They didn’t talk much besides holidays and birthdays but it was enough for her to want him to be in her wedding. When you glanced over to Ez hugging Hope goodnight, you saw Felipe looking away from your direction.
He knew.
He always knew something no one else did. That man could keep so much to himself that it made you wonder what else did he know? What did he possibly know about Paul you wondered?
“I just want to make sure I’m marrying a good man.”
“I can’t tell you that,” you strongly told, “that’s something you should have already figured out. You’re with present P-Brandon, I was with past Brandon. What versions we know of him could be different. You’re smart Gaby, what does your head say?”
Gaby dipped her head, a small smile on her lips, “you’re right. I do know Brandon and what we have, I’m just being silly and scared to make mistakes but that’s life. I trust him. It’s my last night as a engaged woman and I should enjoy it…I’m sorry I brought the mood down but thank you for listening! Now go.”
“Are you sure?” You wondered if this was a facade Gaby was putting up in that moment.
What about Paul made her have these questions? It couldn’t just be your past relationship with him could it?
“Yes! All is well. I’ll see you soon.” She waved, smiling before she spun on her feet to leave.
You shook your head, unsure about Gaby but realized your bladder was oh so close to failing you as you rushed off to the restrooms. You held the door with your foot, drying your hands with a incredibly gentle paper towel before tossing it into the garbage.
Smoothing down your dress you sniffed at your hands, the complimentary lotion smelled like cotton candy which made you want to head to a carnival soon. Just as you were going around the corner, a hand slapped over your mouth and pushed you up against the wall.
You couldn’t get to your taser in your mini bag so you went to use your elbow as a defense but your attacker slapped your arm down making you hiss. A glare was on your face now as your eyes flicked up to meet familiar dark eyes with a beauty mark by the left one.
“Hello sweetheart.”
You shoved him back making him laugh as he let his hand fall from your lips, his eyes lingering there waiting for you to speak.
“What’s your problem? You had to slither around to say something to me but can’t speak in front of everyone else?”
“Why be fake?” Paul crossed his arms, making you inwardly chuckle as the sleeves seemed to tighten.
It was your turn to scoff, “fake?!” You pointed your finger in his face which he bit at earning a slap from you, “you’re the motherfucker who left me, disappeared without a trace, leaving me with a voicemail and a gotdamn ring—
“It was to protect you! I had to! You have no idea what I had to do for your safety.” He yelled into your face, “Jesus, I thought you’d be over this by now.”
You nodded, “I see you didn’t change. It’s still all about you and fuck everybody else, huh? Everyone thought you were dead. Do your parents know where your at, Paul? I mean Brandon.”
Paul rubbed at the back of his neck, “that’s none of your concern is it? Don’t act like you care now when I reached out for you to meet me so we could discuss everything.”
“What’re you talking about?” You laughed incredulously.
“I was never too far from you, I know you know that. Know you felt that,” Paul stared into your eyes, “I sent you letters…even had Manny sneak them to you but you clearly moved on so I had to too.”
You frowned, “‘I never…Manny? You’re working together…don’t tell me you’re part of a charter out here?”
“No…something even better. I have to make bank to survive and I don’t want to scrap to do that like your loser of a boyfriend.”
You went to slap him again but Paul had your wrist with a quickness, “uh oh…look at you defending him and you don’t even know what shit he’s about to get himself into.”
“It’s not my business.” You gritted, “I don’t have time for your bullshit, I’m on vacation.”
“yeah…you keep saying that.”
That made you tilt your head to the side. Paul analyzed you as you silently pieced something together…did he have cameras in your hotel room? Your chest suddenly began to rise and fall with immense pace.
“Ah, the wheels are starting to turn now, huh?” He caressed your face, “I meant it when I said we were destined to be together. That I’d never let you go—not completely anyway.”
Swallowing you reminded the curly headed man, “You’re about to get married to Gaby.”
“And she’s great but she’s not you.”
“Not my problem.” You hissed, “life goes on so keep your shit on your side and we’ll be fine. Don’t fuck with me or Ezekiel and do right by that girl, you hear me?”
Paul clicked his tongue as you pushed by him, giving him the chance to check you out,“I hear you and see you babe but I always get what I want.”
You couldn’t get away from that man fast enough. The ego was still there but much bigger than what you knew. Paul was raised mainly by his gambling dad, originally from a reservation in Washington before his dad took him to Ohio after the divorce from Paul’s mom. Paul ended up with a half sister from his mom which contributed to the divorce and the bad drinking habit from his father. One thing you knew about Paul was that he was always hot tempered and a go-getter. You weren’t sure what he was into now but if he knew Manny from back home? And seemed to be threatened by Ezekiel…? then you definitely had bigger issues than a simple case of an ex.
You tried to brush that feeling off as you hurried back to Ez and Felipe who waited outside of the restaurant for you.
“Everything okay?” Felipe asked you, sitting in the backseat of the rental.
That gained Ez’s attention as he waited outside of the vehicle for you, texting away on his phone. He pushed off the car, reaching for your waist with one hand and pinching at your chin with the other. “I’m seeing a hint of stress and that shouldn’t be, y/n.” He wiggled you by the hip, hoping to see you smile.
“I probably shouldn’t have taken that sangria to the head…everything is much stronger here. Or it’s the bleach in the bathroom’s that’s getting to me.” You reassured Ez who tightened his eyes a little bit, studying you.
He peered over your head to see Paul exiting through the back with Gaby right behind him. Ez hummed as he led you to the passenger side, opening the door for you as you slid in.
All of this led to a horrifying day. It happened in spurts, arriving to the church arms wrapped around each other with warm smiles as you greeted the guests on your way down the aisle. The venue was basically like a arena, seats flowing in a curved shape that led down to a walkway over water where huge trees surrounded by floral bushes sat beyond two main benches where the bride and groom would be seated.
It was very tranquil and private, very Gaby.
You remembered the soft music playing as everyone waited around falling into small chatter. You remembered hearing Ez’s phone buzz in his pocket, him pulling it out before shoving it back into its spot. He sat beside you for at least another two minutes before he said he would be back. You remembered the look Felipe had in his eye as he watched his son leave before sliding over to you. You remembered turning to Hope, Coco, and Letty across the aisle.
“Anybody check on the groom?” Someone asked as the priest stood before them all at his own designated spot.
More worries than concerns began to fill the venue as guests occasionally looked over their shoulders in search of Paul. The music seemed to change after some time, to a bridal tune? With everyone getting to their feet to watch Gaby? Gaby be led down the aisle with her younger brother, which was so precious.
She looked beautiful in a dainty ivory cowl-neck satin dress that clung to her hips and flowed at the bottom. The veil was covered with pearls as she took her time, a smile on her lips as everyone cooed at her. Her brother stopped at the end of the walkway, Gaby kissing his cheek before she spoke softly to the priest and took her seat on the bench with her lily bouquet.
It was minutes after Gaby sat on the bench that something fell from the sky. It wasn’t just something, it was Paul’s body that splattered onto the now broken table that sat in front of the two benches. The priest jumped back from his pulpit eyes shooting you towards the sky as Gaby got to her feet, screams falling from lips.
“Brandon!” You wouldn’t forget those screams and the way the bride slipped on the blood the pooled from Paul’s body, staining her dress.
The gaps followed along with some screams before the guests snapped out of it and rushed to their aide. You found yourself moving from the aisle to stand in the main one, watching from the distance as Paul lay on torso, cheek resting against the ground with a badly broken nose and eyes wide open.
“Fucking Boy Scout.” You heard coco mutter, his eyes also upwards in which you whipped around to face the braided man.
He cleared his throat, hoping you didn’t hear that but all of the women: you, Hope, and Letty had their eyes on him.
“What did you say—
You started charging over to him but Felipe gripped your wrist, resting your palm against his as Coco slipped by you with Hope yelling after him. Letty shook her head in disbelief, staring hard at Felipe then she headed down the aisle to her friend.
“Listen,” Felipe started but you shook your head, “listen to me! You’re gonna leave and take Hope with you. My son is experiencing La noche oscura del alma. Look it up when you get far from him then you’ll understand. This was no accident.”
“Mr. Felipe, what else aren’t you telling me?” You breathed.
“There is no time to explain.” He looked around at the horrified faces, “coco will hold Ezekiel off long enough but you need to go. La noche oscura del alma by St. John of the cross. Remember it?”
Dipping your head, Felipe placed a kiss against your forehead and gently pushed you off waving a very confused and very frightened Hope after you.
“Shouldn’t we be calling for help instead of running off? What the hell just happened and why is Felipe encouraging you to get away from ez?” Hope panted as she kept up with you.
You ignored her, “Do you have the keys to your rental?”
Hope nodded searching her bag, “I’m sure I do and what about Letty? We can’t just leave her here.”
“The best place for Letty is with Gaby’s family right now but I know Felipe will watch over them, believe me.” You sped-walk through the parking lot as the adrenaline began to kick in.
The both of you were jogging through cars, dodging mirrors with Hope leading the way with the jingle of the rental keys. She hit the remote frowning as it did nothing until she got closer to the Subaru, having to use the key in the door.
“C’mon.” You whispered, waiting for the girl to unlock the rest of the car.
Hope did so and before she climbed into the car she gasped as she watched you get picked up in the air by a gloved Ez. Before Hope could let out a scream, a hand covered her own mouth and she just knew it belonged to Johnny’s. Her shoulders slumped in defeat as tears blurred her vision, Johnny spinning her around so she didn’t have to see this.
You jammed your heel down onto Ez’s foot, making him slightly loosen his hold on you. Your head went back next, hoping to knock Ez back some. He grunted before deciding to toss you against the car, your body bruising as you attempted to catch yourself. Briefly you saw Coco trying to console Hope for whatever reason and you turned back to ez who looked like he previously got into a fight himself.
Case closed.
“Why? What’s this all about?”
Ez sniffed, squinting a bit as he used the back of his hand to wipe at the blood from his split eyebrow. “It’s not really you, y/n. It’s all Paul-Brandon, he’s in the way of my club and unfortunately you’re connected. Like I said when we first got together I promised to keep you out of it. It’s a hard job.”
This still doesn’t make any sense.
“So you don’t love me anymore because of him?”
Ez deeply frowned at you, “I don’t think I ever said that. I got the call I needed to confirm what he was plotting…that didn’t work out in his favor either. So…”
“You’re gonna murder me too now in broad daylight because of Paul’s shit?”
You attempted to run to the left, Ez following you with a menacing smile, a gun with a silencer on it was now tucked underneath your chin. The man hated doing this but you couldn’t tell as he caressed your face with a bloody glove which evoked a shudder from you.
“No,” Ez slowly said as he glanced around, pulling the gun away, not revealing a thing about his motives, “This is hurting me a lot more than it’s gonna hurt you, believe me, my love.”
A snarl was written on your lips leaving Ez to take the opportunity and lift the butt of the gun and jam it against your eye. The action knocked you forward, Ez swiftly catching you as he eased you into the backseat of the car with Coco coaching Hope to drive.
One things for sure—as your head rested in the lap of a man you thought could be the love of your life—if you got a preview to what this day would bring?
You would have stayed your ass inside.
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Continue along with my summer anthology prompts here.
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galexis-void · 8 months
"Forcing His Hand"
A/N: I have finally finished the prequel to "Something Sweeter"! Just be aware, it's very long. Hopefully after this I won't have such bad writer's block-
Summary: Bob needs a favor and calls upon an old friend, but it seems he's not too willing to help. Unluckily for this "friend", Bob knows how to force his hand.
Trigger warnings: mentions of murder, tickle torture (apparently, didn't know until someone pointed it out to me)
Reminder: These stories are not built on logic. They're made to entertain, not to make sense. Also, be prepared if the characters here are out of character completely (again, the intention is not to be perfect).
(fic below the cut)
     “Come again soon!” the cheerful host called after the children. As soon as they were safely out of sight, Streber slumped against the pillar with a sigh. While he did love his job - almost to a fault - it really did do a number on him.
     Thankfully, he’d just finished sending off the last group of kids for the night. He knew he needed to rest, but he figured a little tweaking on this week’s project couldn’t hurt. He could never be too careful, right?
     With a dramatic swish of the cape, he retreated indoors, intending to change clothes before retrieving his mirror. He could already imagine how comfortable his pajamas would feel. That was one of the smaller pleasures of doing the haunted house every year - looking forward to getting out of that stiff, unbearably heavy vampire set.
     He slipped behind the curtain he’d set up in his room and quickly changed. Even though he shared the house with people he’d trust with his life, he wasn’t quite comfortable with being even semi-uncovered around them.
     He took a seat at his desk and set to work, and he slipped into his usual work routine so effortlessly. He almost didn’t want to retrieve the mirror he’d left outside. It could probably wait… no, he’d already sworn himself to it… what was the harm in leaving it until tomorrow… no, it was supposed to rain tonight. While Streber didn’t like the idea of abandoning his current project, he hated the idea of three months worth of work being ruined by the weather even more. With an exaggerated sigh, he hesitantly rose from his chair and trudged toward the door.
     He glanced out over the deck and observed that it was already starting to drizzle - though thankfully, the wind was blowing it away from the porch. He guessed he had about ten minutes before the rain changed direction. He started by disconnecting the cables, making sure nothing was damaged. He was sure he’d look back at the footage from the camera and curse himself for something else he could’ve touched up on, but that was for another day. All he was focused on was getting the task done so he could get back to work. At least the pajamas made the work bearable.
     After a solid eight minutes of work, he had everything set up and just had to carry the mirror frame inside. This was the part of the job he didn’t like very much, but again, it was his own fault - he was the one who had to make everything into some huge extravagant ordeal.
     But eventually, he got through it, and he retreated to his corner to resume his work. The idea of synthetic limbs had always interested him, even before the… incident. Now he had an excuse to chase his fascination - or his “obsession” as his friends referred to it. It wasn’t - they just didn’t understand how truly in depth he would consider such things. It was an entire functioning limb that you could simply attach to your person, and these days it was fairly common - back in the day, who would’ve thought that humanity would advance so far?
     He was so wrapped up in his work that he hadn’t noticed the creaking down the hall. He paused, listening intently. Did they have rats? No, that couldn’t be… his friends weren’t such neat freaks like he was, but even they wouldn’t allow vermin in the house.
     And yet… there it was again.
     Against his better judgement, Streber set down his tools and carefully rose from his workstation. He picked up a flashlight and crept to the door, not wanting to wake anybody in the other rooms. He shone the light down the hall, laser-focused on wherever the light illuminated, eyes peeled for whatever was causing a disturbance in the force.
     He saw nothing.
     He huffed in annoyance. The last thing he needed was a distraction. “Stupid rats,” he grumbled to himself, before returning to his workstation. He’d just have to bear it, unfortunately. He didn’t do well with distractions. He figured he’d just go about the night with no physical distraction.
     Blocking out all external elements actually helped tremendously, and the prototype was finished within the hour. With a huge grin, he got to work affixing the new prosthetic to his arm - or lack thereof, he should say. He’d finished his work, and with nothing to indicate that he should’ve been paying attention to anything else.
     So you can imagine his fright when he felt someone grab his shoulder. “Who’re ya callin’ a rat?”
     It wasn’t just the fact that there was someone in his room so late at night that made this situation scary - the scariest part was that Streber knew who that someone was. His voice alone was enough to make Streber’s heart stop. He froze immediately after registering the person’s voice, and in that agonizingly slow way you see someone turn around in a horror movie, he glanced over his shoulder…
     …and the question he’d asked himself mentally was answered, as he stared directly into the cold, unfeeling eyes of Bob Velseb.
     The murderer tilted his head in an almost innocent way, still wearing that mile-wide grin like he had on the night of the incident. Just seeing his face made Streber want to crawl into a hole and die of fear. He couldn’t even utter a word because his throat had clenched up.
     “Did ya miss me?” the serial killer questioned. “Looks like I took your breath away. Oops~”
     His casual tone only had Streber more on edge. What fresh hell was this? Why, of all the people Streber hated that he had to face, why him?!
     Only now did he notice the door was closed, and barred with a chair. Damn it. He was dead meat. There was no way he was getting out of this alive. Clearly the murderous freak hadn’t satiated his appetite and had come back for a second helping.
     “I’m not giving you my arm!” Streber finally managed to force out, sounding much more pathetic than he’d intended. What was his plan? Obviously he wasn’t a match for his assailant - not only did Bob have the height advantage, but he was a seasoned killer.
     Bob’s laugh sent chills down his spine. “Ya act like I need your permission. But lucky you, that ain’t why I’m here. Actually, I need a favor. I already have a backup method in mind, though if ya force my hand…”
     Bob didn’t need to finish the sentence for Streber to understand his intentions. But even so, that didn’t stop him from practically snarling his next words. “Why the hell would I help the freak who ripped my arm off and ate it in front of me?!”
     The killer was entirely unfazed by his anger, and only continued smiling. “I’ll tell ya why. Because even if ya say no to me, I have a way of… convincin’ ya, to put it one way. I would’ve said you’ve suffered enough, but given how you’re talkin’ to me, I think I changed my mind.”
     He was totally screwed now.
     “Now, I’ll give ya one last chance. And this is me being extremely generous. You can hear me out, or I can force your hand and make ya hear me out. So tell me, Streber…” he drawled, having closed what little distance there was, and forcing Streber to stand from his chair.
     “…won’t ya help an old friend?”
     This man was psychotic. There really was no other way to say it. Was there some kind of disconnect in his logic? Did he think threatening a former victim would work? It kind of did, but that was besides the point.
     “I’d rather die!” Streber shouted at him, internally cringing as he remembered who he was saying that to. Bob would probably be more than happy to help him with that.
     “I’m sure ya would, but unfortunately for you, that’d be too simple. I need ya alive. And if you’re gonna be like that, I’m afraid ya leave me no alternative.”
     Okay, maybe not.
     Streber remained wary of the knife in the killer’s hand, which he subconsciously knew had been there the whole time. What would Bob take this time? A leg? An organ? His head, perhaps? He’d said that killing him would be “too simple”, but Streber felt like he should know better than to trust the word of a monster.
     And something else that had evaded Streber until now was the fact that Bob still hadn’t let go of his shoulder.
     In a flash of movement, Bob had slammed him onto the floor, shoving him onto his back hard enough to knock the wind out of him. Streber didn’t even have time to process what happened until he was already on the floor, and entirely out of breath. He tried to stand up, but his assailant kept him pinned by holding a single hand on his chest. How could someone so bulky be so strong?!
     Bob glanced at his knife, before tucking it away somewhere under his sweater. “Don’t worry about that. I won’t be needin’ it this time.”
     Good god… what could he possibly have planned that didn’t involve a weapon? Was he going to use his bare hands?! Somehow that was scarier than him using a weapon - at least Streber was used to that!
     His train of thought - and subsequently, his fear - was quickly derailed by the embarrassingly high-pitched shriek that had just come out of him. What the hell? He was still on the ground… Bob was hovering over him…
     …and the killer’s hands had viciously grabbed his sides.
     He tried to ask what was going on, but his voice was swallowed by another squeak as Bob dug his claws in again. “WAHAHAHAIT WHAHAHA-?!”
     “I already told ya,” the serial killer chuckled. “I have a way of convincin’ ya to hear me out.”
     “Little too late for that, I’m afraid. Ya made your choice. So just relax, and try not to scream too much. Your friends are sleepin’, after all.”
     During this little snippet of dialogue, Bob’s hands were climbing higher to the incapacitated vampire’s ribs. His loud laughs quickly escalated into squeals, but thankfully nobody came running to check on him. Bob wasn’t sure what he’d do if he got caught. He had an agenda, after all - he was just here to get what he needed and leave.
     “Now listen,” he said, his tone only a tiny bit more serious than before. “Ya chose the hard route, but I still need somethin’ from ya. And if ya say no, ya already know what I’m gonna do.”
     Bob raised an eyebrow, jabbing one of his claws into one of Streber’s underarms. “Keep runnin’ your mouth and I may not stop at just ticklin’ ya.”
     “Better. Now, I need ya to make somethin’ for me. Well, me and a friend, specifically. Ya see what I’m doin’ with my claws right here?” He waved one set of digits over Streber’s flushed face, and wiggled the others into his ribs.
     “I need ya to make a sort of tool that’ll give me a way to tickle someone multiple ways all at once. Like I could be using feathers on them one minute, but the next I could zap them. Ya know, like when ya ‘tase’ someone with your fingers?”
     Streber did know - he’d been the victim of getting ‘tased’ more times than he cared to admit. Did he really want to hand over that sort of power to someone like Bob, though? He was bad enough without this tool that didn’t exist yet. “WHY WOULD YOU WANT THAHAHAT?”
     Bob sighed. “If ya want the truth, killin’ people just ain’t cuttin’ it anymore. It’s all the same tired horror script now. But this-” he scribbled at Streber’s neck, “-this is much better.”
     Streber supposed that made sense, and a small part of him was relieved that Bob had opted not to kill him. But most of him was losing his mind from being tickled like this. “FIHIHINE! I’LL DO IHIHIHIT! JUST PLEHEHEASE, STAHAHAP!”
     To his great relief, Bob released him immediately. “I could go on for hours, but ya can’t exactly build me a tool if you’re on the floor, hmm?”
     Streber managed to pull himself to his feet using his chair, gasping for air. “At least… *huff* you have some sense…”
     “Did ya miss the part where I said I can keep ticklin’ ya for hours?”
     Streber really needed to stop insulting him…
     A few hours had passed, but Streber had definitely made progress. The tool resembled a long black tube, with different colored buttons laid out in a line. So far the features involved a feather duster, a ‘tase’ tool, a paintbrush, and a special device that could imitate raspberries by vibrating. He’d customized the tool to Bob’s exact specifications, which seemed to change every fifteen minutes. Every time Streber finished adding one feature, Bob would immediately think of a new one and demand he add it.
     While Bob had been hovering over his shoulder, watching him work and suggesting new features every little while, Streber had also had the misfortune of meeting his “friend” - a sentient Happy Fella doll with the same sadistic tendencies as Bob.
     Unfortunately, they also shared the serial killer’s newfound obsession with tickling, evidenced by their first meeting when Streber had dared to make fun of their eyes. That was a mistake Streber wouldn’t make again… if anything, the doll was even more intense than Bob had been.
     “It’s done!” Streber announced, holding out the tool to Bob. “Sleek and simple, but with all the features you requested.”
     Bob examined the tool carefully, turning it over in his hands. He seemed enamored by it, as if completely taken by the fact that someone actually listened to his crazy idea and made it happen.
     “Doesn’t look like much,” the doll noted.
     Streber bit back a retort. “That’s the point. It’s meant to look simple. Makes it easier to hide, and easier to transport.”
     The doll couldn’t argue with that. Bob’s grin was bright enough to light up the whole room. “It’s perfect. This is exactly what I wanted!”
     “If you like it, then I guess I’m fine with it. But hold on… are we sure that he didn’t swindle us?”
     Streber’s heart sank. What now?
     Bob regarded his companion curiously. “What do ya mean?”
     “You saw him build it, but we don’t know if it actually works, do we?”
     Realization dawned in Bob’s eyes, and his grin stretched even wider - how that was possible, Streber couldn’t say. “You’re right, Dexter… we don’t know if this thing actually works. But luckily for us, we have someone to test it on!”
     Yeah, Streber wasn’t getting out of this one either.
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onecarat · 2 months
Discover Your Dream Antique Baguette Ring with CaratBee 🌟
Hey there! Are you on the hunt for something truly special, a piece of jewelry that whispers tales of bygone eras right into your heart? Well, you've stumbled upon the perfect spot! At CaratBee, we've got a treasure trove of antique baguette rings that are not just rings, but pieces of history wrapped in elegance and sophistication. Here's a little scoop on why folks (maybe like you!) fall head over heels for these vintage beauties.
What Makes Antique Baguette Rings a Must-Have?
A Touch of Timeless Elegance: Antique baguette rings are like time capsules of style. They carry the grace of past centuries and add a unique charm to your look that's simply irreplaceable.
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Flexibility in Design: These rings come in all sorts of designs. Whether you're into the simplicity of a solitaire or love a bit of drama with intricate patterns, there's something for everyone.
Preserve Your Piece of History
Ensuring the longevity of your antique baguette ring is crucial. It's not just about keeping a beautiful piece of jewelry in excellent condition; it's about preserving a piece of history. Regular maintenance and mindful wear can help protect your investment and ensure that your ring continues to tell its story for generations to come. We're here to provide you with all the guidance and services you need to keep your ring as timeless as the day you fell in love with it.
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Choosing an antique baguette ring is a significant decision, blending passion with an appreciation for history and artistry. At CaratBee, we understand this deeply and are committed to making your journey as enriching and fulfilling as possible. From the moment you begin your search to the instant you find your perfect ring, and beyond, we're with you every step of the way. Discover your dream piece with the confidence that comes from being supported by experts who care as much about your satisfaction as they do about preserving the beauty and legacy of antique jewelry.
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Why CaratBee Should Be Your Go-To
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Finding your antique baguette ring with CaratBee isn't just shopping, it’s launching on a quest for beauty, art, and a dash of history, all wrapped up in one perfect piece that feels like it was meant just for you. Ready to find your own sparkling treasure? We’re here, ready to guide you to your match made in history. Your dream ring is waiting, and we can't wait to help you discover it. 🌈💍
Your Journey Begins Now
In conclusion, venturing into the world of antique baguette rings with CaratBee isn't merely a purchase—it's the beginning of a captivating tale. Each ring, steeped in its unique history and exquisite craftsmanship, awaits to become a cherished piece of your own story. CaratBee promises an experience that melds the past's elegance with the present's passion, ensuring that every customer leaves not just with a ring, but with a legacy. We invite you to start your exploration with us; to uncover a piece that doesn't just complement your style but resonates with your soul. Discover your dream antique baguette ring at CaratBee, where history, beauty, and personal significance intertwine to start your next chapter. 🌟💖
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coutelier · 1 year
Irongate: B-Naturals
Little excerpt from Chapter 2. There aren’t any huge changes to this chapter from previous drafts - just dialogue and other tweaks, a little bit of extra foreshadowing when Kaya is remembering her childhood adventures in a scene after this.
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‘In an uncertain and ever changing world, one group safeguards and lights the way to the future. For decades our AI systems have guided investments across the globe and now with our partners at Stag Corp we’re looking to secure the future of our environment. The tower we are testing in Irongate contains billions of synthetic micro-organisms that feed on pollutants in our atmosphere and expel only harmless byproducts including oxygen and water. Soon this bio-technology will be deployed around the world and in time will pave the way for human conquest of worlds beyond.
We are Meridiem.
We are The Sun.’
The commercial ended with a dazzling display of dentistry, lens flare lingering as its surroundings faded into the gold clock or star of Meridiem. Kaya Cade flicked the TV to another channel and flipped one red pony tail over her shoulder, her nose and mouth crumpled as if some stranger had just themselves in her door then taken a big dump in front of her sofa. “Right,” she shook, “these numbnuts screw us over for decades using up resources without a care, but now they expect everyone to applaud them for fixing the mess they made? Won’t be long before they start claiming they own all oxygen and charge us all for breathing it. I tell ya,” she scornfully turned from the TV, hazel eyes locking on to a nearby spectator, “one of these days there’s gonna be revolution. There’ll riots, blood, guts, brains blown out and splattered all over their nice white yachts - we’ll see how the one per cent like it when its them in the red.” Leaning over the counter next to the till her T-Shirt bearing the logo B-Naturals, she sniffed, “anyway - what do you need?”
Facing Kaya a tiny girl in a cotton frock blinked back at her, needing a moment to gather herself and remember why she was here. “I-I,” she stammered, little hands holding a flute, “I’d like to buy this please.”
“Sure,” Kaya proceeded with scanning and running the transaction through the till while Neil, her supervisor, gawked. “What?”
He frowned at her from behind his little round sunglasses, “what is wrong with you?”
“Nothing wrong with me,” she tried scanning the tag hanging off the flute several times only for the machine to flash ‘error’. “It’s the damn system that’s broken.”
“It’s not so much what you say, but who you say it to. I mean she’s, what, nine?”
The girl corrected, “eight.”
“Well,” Kaya finished the sale manually, “you’re gonna to learn the harsh truths of this world sooner or later.”
Taking her flute and change the girl informed her, “you got issues, lady.”
“Yeah, well, when you’re old enough to have had all your dreams crushed and find yourself on the other side of a counter like this, you’ll have issues too.”
The girl wisely chose not to further engage, making hastily for the exit. Neil continued to glower at Kaya who pretended to be confused then remember, “oh flip yeah, I forgot. Hey!” She called after the girl, “we doing an offer on violin strings - fifty per cent off!”
The girl called back as she was pulling open the store door, “don’t play violin!”
“Well got any siblings? It’s a great murder weapon!” The girl was gone, leaving Kaya to sag behind the counter. “Rude.”
Neil exhaled slowly like a teacher whose patience was nearing its limit. He tapped, objects jingle and jangling on his hip. “See these?”
Kaya gasped in mock awe, “The Keys of Responsibility! I thought they only existed in legend… can I touch them?”
He slapped her wriggling fingers away, “if you want to be trusted with these one day you’re going to have to knuckle down and take this job seriously.”
“Was this supposed to be a motivational thing? Because you’re actually just depressing the hell out of me right now.”
As he’d been motivating her, the same door the girl exited opened again, a balding man with what was presumably his son entering. “Why don’t you go and be helpful for a change?” Neil suggested while Kaya drummed on the counter. “Snap to it, comrade. Go!”
Kaya guessed she was being kind of a jerk. She was hardly alone in the world being stuck in a job seemingly designed to suck employees of their joy and enthusiasm to feed some Eldritch God of Capitalism. She still loved music, and if she made it through the day maybe she’d get to enjoy it again. The only other skills she had were pretty much the reason karma was now tormenting her so. So she decided to bite her tongue, put on her best fake smile, and say, “can I help you, sir?”
The elder man was of stocky build and short - not much taller than the boy who Kaya estimated to be very early teens. The elder with little beads of sweat on his head turned to her with a toothy grin. “Thirteenth birthday,” he explained, “boy wants to learn electric guitar.”
“Say no more,” Kaya interrupted, keen on not hearing their biographies, “we have some packages for beginners over here.” Wasn’t long before she was giving a demonstration. For a few blissful seconds the vibrations and waves from the amp washed over, cleansing her, the troubles of the world seeming so very distant.
The others seemed appreciative of her melody. Too appreciative. Kaya heard clapping as she put the guitar back on the stand, and then… she must have imagined it, right? There was no way the father would have slapped her butt. Guys were often too confident they could get away with stuff without consequences, but not in front of his kid, right? Must have been her imagination, and now he was asking her something about lessons. Must have been her imagination.
Before she could question that again the boy started whining, “that’s the guitar Ethan’s got. I want a better one.”
Kaya blinked her way back to lucidity, recalling she was still in the store doing her actual job for once. “I mean, there’s nothing wrong with this guitar.”
“That’s the one I want.”
Kaya stuck her tongue into her cheek. The one the boy was pointing at was truly a nice guitar - mahogany, maple neck, custom pickups. She would have liked to buy it herself, but in her current situation it would be a long time before she could afford it. It was definitely not for this entitled brat. “That’s custom built - it’s for real pros. While you’re learning you want one of these.”
“No, I want that one.”
“Yeah, well I’m not going to sell you that one.”
The father peered at her, “I mean, I have the money so I’m not sure you really have a choice.”
“Right,” Kaya bit her lip, looking like a gerbil for a second while she tried to stifle her frustrated grin. “I see what’s going on here,” she went over, putting her hands on knees so she was face to face with the boy, “listen kid - it’s not about Ethan having a better guitar than you. It’s your personality girls find repulsive.”
“Hey, you can’t talk to him like that!”
Kaya spun up and around, taking the dad by the arm to lead away so she could whisper, “listen fella - I’m trying to do you a favor here. You really want to spend all that on something he’s just going to pluck at for a few days then give up when he doesn’t already sound like Hendrix?”
“Well, I guess when you put it like-“
The boy dared to ask, “who’s Hendrix?”
Shortly after, sirens wailed in the street around B-Naturals.
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queenshelby · 3 years
The Policeman’s Daughter – Part Four
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Reader
Warning: Mention of Assault and Sexual Abuse, Mention of Suicide, Murder, Fluff, Slow Burn Smut, Drugs
Words: 2,878
Please comment, like and share. Your engagement is important to me.
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Tommy’s Residence, Birmingham, 18 September 1924
‘Mr Shelby, shall we prepare breakfast?’ Francis asked as you and Tommy stumbled into the house at around 9 o’clock in the morning, your clothes covered in mud and dirt and your hair messy.
‘What?’ Tommy said, still laughing about the incident near the pond.
‘Breakfast Mr Shelby?’ Francis asked with a smile, seeing Tommy laugh for the first time since Grace’s passing.
‘We will have breakfast at 10 o’clock, eh?’ Tommy asked, looking at you. You nodded, smiling at Tommy as you did.
‘Thank you, Francis’ Tommy said before pulling a few leaves out from your hair which had been caught there earlier.
‘You’re welcome Mr Shelby’ Francis said before informing Tommy that his sister had picked up Charles at 8 o’clock to take him to the fair as she had promised.
After your brief encounter with Francis, you and Tommy made your way upstairs and quickly undressed before you shared a bath together.
‘I am not sure if we both fit in here?’ you said as you watched Tommy sink into the bathtub.
‘We will. Common’ he grinned and you breathed deeply for a few seconds as you stepped into the tub before reclining back, easing your torso into the welcoming embrace of the lavender scented water and against Tommy’s chest.
Tommy quickly moved the hair out of your face and over to one side before gently giving your neck a kiss.
‘I never quite met anyone like you’ Tommy chuckled, taking desire in your gypsy roots and your shy beauty.
‘Nor have I met anyone quite like you Tommy’ you said as you nudged your face against his nose gently, wanting him to continue kissing your neck.
He chuckled quickly at your eagerness and continued to plant small kisses and nibs across your neck while wrapping his arms and legs around you.
His hands eventually bushed over your breasts, rubbing and kneading them and Tommy could feel your hard, bullet like nipples in the palm of his hand.
‘Hmm Tommy’ you moaned as he gently tweaked them and rolled them between his thumbs and forefingers. The pleasure was intense, and your body was crying out for more.
You were squirming back against Tommy and he released your left breast and reached down in between your legs.
His fingers parted your lips before moving to your clit, gently rubbing it.
‘Oh Tommy’ you moaned as your arousal was intense and you once again lost yourself to Tommy’s touch.
‘I want you to cum for me Love’ Tommy whispered as, suddenly he slipped two fingers into your wet entrance.
‘So fucking wet inside, eh’ Tommy smirked satisfied and it wasn’t long until you felt a huge orgasm approaching.
Your eyes were closed as you engulfed in the pleasure Tommy was giving you with his thrusting fingers, right against your g-spot.
‘Fuck, Tommy’ you moaned as, finally, you climaxed and your walls contracted around Tommy’s fingers.
‘That’s it Love, cum on my fingers’ Tommy groaned and so you did, hard and fast, legs shaking while Tommy held you in place.
After a minute or two when you finally came down from your high, you could still feel the tingling sensation everywhere while Tommy washed your body gently with a bar of soap.
‘Hmm, thank you’ you moaned, opening your eyes as your body was covered in soap which is when, suddenly, you heard a knock on the door.
‘Telephone Mr Shelby. It’s your brother Arthur. Apparently, it is urgent’ Francis said and Tommy responded with a short ‘fuck’ before getting up and out of the bath quickly.
Following Tommy’s telephone call, you met him in the dining room to have breakfast before spending the remainder of the day in the stables with the horses and reading while Tommy had to attend to some urgent business matters.
You kept pondering on about what it was that he did for work. He owned several factories in Birmingham but constantly seemed to encounter trouble of some sort.
Over the course of the day, you had also realised that he owned several guns and weapons. But why, you didn’t know.
‘I am sorry that I only got to spend half of the day with you’ Tommy said when he eventually joined you in the reading room at around 7 o’clock that day. ‘No more business for today’ he then promised you.
‘It’s fine Tommy, really’ you said as he sat down next to you and you were quick to cup his face and draw him close for a kiss.
But it wasn’t just one kiss you were sharing. You and Tommy were kissing for a good fifteen minutes, each round growing more fierce and desperate than the last. It was good, but it wasn’t enough. You wanted more, even more than the night before.
‘Tommy?’ you said quietly in between the very heated and passionate kisses.
‘Yes Love’ he whispered while caressing your face as his deep blue eyes looked deeply into yours.
‘I want to feel you. All of you’ you then said while reaching immediately for the zipper of his pants. You never felt so wanton, so eager to be with someone. As if a dam broke somewhere inside you, carrying you away with its tide.
‘Slow down Love, we’ve got time’ he said, grinning at you.
‘Let’s go upstairs, eh?’ he then suggested and you nodded eagerly before following him to the bedroom.
As soon as you reached the bedroom, Tommy walked you back to his bed, unbuttoning the shirt of his that you were wearing and then leaving you in nothing but your panties.
‘Tommy, I want you so badly’ you whispered before doing the same to the shirt that he was wearing, leaving him wearing nothing but his suit pants.
‘Nice and slow, eh’ Tommy said, slowing you down again as you both climbed onto the bed together.
Within seconds, his warm body was a comfortable weight atop yours and you wrapped your legs around his hips and held him closer to you, sighing in contentment as he kissed your neck and shoulders. Your heart felt full, almost to the point of bursting out of your chest with sheer joy.
He kissed your cheek, your jaw and then descended down to your throat. A startled gasp escaped you when he kissed a particularly sensitive region. His lips quirked into a devilish grin as he spent more time on that place, licking and nibbling and eliciting small gasps from you.
Holding your chin, he made you look up at him. His eyes sincere, full of love and understanding.
‘You’re beautiful and I am a very lucky man’ he then said simply, and just like that, a sense of peace and calm replaced your sense of nervousness.
Tommy then leaned down and kissed you once more before continuing on. ‘If anything makes you uncomfortable, tell me, and I’ll stop’ he reassured you.
You nodded gratefully and he drew another lingering kiss from your lips and then kissed your sternum, down to your cleavage and your bare breasts.
His warm hands made your breath catch as they caressed the sensitive underside, hefting your breasts and worshipping them slowly. Your insides clenched with pleasure as he rubbed your hardened nubs, rubbing and rolling them over before bringing his lips down onto them.
‘Oh’ you gasped as Tommy’s wet tongue flicked over your flesh.
Your eyelids shut down as you took in the sensory overload of your two nipples being stimulated simultaneously. You never noticed his other hand moving down onto the crotch of your panties and you jerked as his tentative fingers rubbed your slit through my moist underwear.
As Tommy was stimulating you, you finally seized the opportunity to unbuckle his belt and pull his pants and undergarments down his legs at one go before he could protest. His cock jumped up, freed at last and you held the warm throbbing flesh with your hand, marveling at its warmth and inherent pulsating beat.
‘I need you inside of me Tommy’ you whispered, caressing his face as you did.
Tommy kicked his legs to work his pants down all the way as you continued to stroke him gently and when they were down around his ankles he grabbed your legs behind the knees gently. After he pushed down your panties, throwing them onto the floor besides the bed, he lifted your legs up and spread them apart, allowing him to line himself up with your entrance.
‘Are you sure about this Love?’ Tommy asked again quietly and you nodded in the affirmative as your hips rocked up against him, teasing him.
Tommy let out a gentle groan as he felt your wetness on the tip of his cock and began to slide his length over the lips of your sex gently.
After his tip had been lubricated enough, he gently pushed inside you a little, spreading your lips, before withdrawing again.
‘Tommy’ you moaned, desperate for more, but he was determined to take it slow, pushing in a little deeper as he entered you again.  
He pushed down a little further with each thrust, wetting its length with each stroke until, finally, he was buried all the way inside you.
‘Oh god’ you moaned and Tommy could clearly feel the wet heat that was enveloping his cock as he slowly began to slide in and out of you with deep but slow thrusts.
You wrapped your arms around Tommy and pulled him up for a passionate kiss and you lay like that, joined at the hips while you furiously kissed, tongues fighting for supremacy and breathing like you had both run a race.
Tommy then began to pull out until only the head of his cock remained in you and then slowly pushed back in again. Slow deep strokes, savoring the feelings of being joined together with you. The warm, wet friction was overwhelming. As he slowly stroked in and out of you tight pussy he began to slide his hips from side to side. Each stroke in and out was a change in direction, the head of his cock sliding across different areas of your mound, stimulating you in new and different ways.
‘Yes Tommy, fuck’ you began to scream as he continued to make love to you. Bucking up your hips, you indicated for him to go faster, to take you harder.
With several loud groans, Tommy continued to pound in and out of you, picking up the pace at your urging. You felt incredibly tight around his cock and he struggled to hold back much longer, having wanted to feel you for so long.
You could tell he was close and the thought of Tommy filling you with his warm cum drove you wild, sending you closer and closer to your own orgasm.
‘Come in me Tommy. I want to feel you come inside me’ you begged and Tommy pounded deep into you and grunted with each thrust.
‘Fuck yes’ you moaned again as he picked up speed and, just as he did, you couldn’t hold back any longer.
While screaming his name for all to hear, your walls contracted around him while your legs began to shake uncontrollably.
‘Oh god yes Tommy’ you cried, tears of joy running down your face, as your orgasm washed over you hard and fast and unlike anything else you had ever felt.
Your arousal and watching you come undone beneath him caused to Tommy to groan loudly. He could feel his balls tightening and knew the end was at hand.
‘Fuck Y/N’ he groaned as he felt the first spurt of cum shooting out the end of his cock. With that, he slammed himself as deep into your pussy as he could and held himself tightly against you and rocked from side to side.
‘Tommy’ you moaned, feeling Tommy’s cum fill you as he held himself tight against you, never wanting to pull out.
‘You feel so fucking good’ Tommy groaned again as you milked the last drop from him with your tight walls.
‘I want you to stay inside me forever Tommy’ you whispered before pulling him close for another kiss and, after a little while, his cock began to soften and he pushed himself tighter still against you to delay the inevitable while continuing to kiss you deeply.
After sharing deep passionate kisses for a few minutes, his shriveled cock slid out of you and your mixed fluids began to leak from your wet slit.
It felt incredible, knowing that you had united in the way you did.
Tommy eventually rolled of you and, while laying side by side you continued to kiss and caress each other while your breathing slowly returned to normal.
Tommy then kissed across your breast and slipped your nipple into his mouth and flicked his tongue across it while he ran his hand across your body and down over your mound.
‘Oh my god Tommy’ you said in disbelieve as you reached down in between his legs as well, realising that his cock was hardening again.
‘That’s what you do to me Love’ Tommy grinned as, all of a sudden, he heard a car pull up in the driveway.
He jumped up quickly, put on his pants before reaching for the gun he left inside the chest of draws in the bedroom.
‘Tommy?’ you asked with concern but, just as you did, he put the gun back down, realising that it was his aunt Polly and her son Michael who were coming into the house.
‘Sorry Love. We will have to continue this later, eh’ Tommy said, causing you to pout.
‘I will make it up to you’ Tommy then grinned before pressing his lips onto yours once more for a quick but passionate kiss.
‘After you are done with business, you better going fuck me all night long Mr Shelby’ you said with determination just before Tommy left the bedroom.
‘That can be arranged’ he winked as he walked out of the door.
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‘We’ve got a problem’ Polly said as soon as Tommy walked into the office on the lower floor of his house where Michael and Polly were already waiting for him.
‘This better be urgent as I am fucking busy, eh’ Tommy growled as he sat down, unbothered by the fact that he was still half naked, wearing nothing but his suit pants.
‘Here are the names and addresses of the three men who went to London. They report to a said Major James Y/LN, living at 132 Downing Lane, Birmingham. He also is in London at the moment’ Polly explained.
‘Fuck’ Tommy said as he realised that the man in charge was your father.
‘Do you know what he wants?’ Tommy then asked, swallowing harshly when he did.
‘See you hang and us in jail I would say’ Polly said as she threw a stack of papers onto Tommy’s desk with file notes from a source Michael had in London.
‘We can take him out, but we need to do it tonight Tom. We have men in London who can do it’ Michael then suggested while Tommy started to look through the papers.
‘No’ Tommy then said, causing Polly to shout and argue.
‘Tommy, he will hang you, probably us too. We have the chance to take him tonight. We need to do this’ Polly argued.
‘No Pol. I will deal with it, eh’ Tommy responded angrily.
‘It’s because of her, isn’t it? You are fucking her, aren’t you? Michael has told me about the security guards at the address and the payoffs’ Polly said, causing Tommy to sigh.
‘She’s got nothing to do with any of this Pol’ Tommy growled.
‘Well, it wouldn’t be the first time you fall for a fucking spy, now would it Tommy?’ Polly growled harshly, thinking back at when Tommy got involved with Grace.
‘I said I fucking deal with it, Pol’ Tommy shouted and it was at this point that Polly got even more upset and angry.
‘If you don’t, I will and if I have to kill them both, then so be it. I am not losing my son over this. You’ve got one week Tommy’ Polly said before telling Michael that it was time to go.
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lasquadrasfuckhouse · 3 years
hello i hope it’s ok to request this, but I can’t stop thinking about that like really pure tender-emotional sex with la squadra— I was wondering if I could request that as either hc’s ( or a fic with melone or prosciutto if you get a muse for it ) I don’t know if that’s enough to go on but aa the sappy thoughts are running around my head ; v ; ) please and thank you ( unrelated but I love your blog and hope you have a wonderful day/night 💘 )
OK FIRST OF ALL THIS POST MADE IT INTO MY DREAMS i dreamt that i was answering this and one of the points i wrote for ghiaccio was 'don't worry he can handle it he's a gamer' WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN???????
and thank u sm afjglfndng i hope ur day/night is wonderful too 🥺❤️❤️❤️💕 even tho i think u sent this like maybe over a week ago time isn't real fjgkfkfj I HOPE UR CURRENT AND ALL FUTURE DAYS R GOOD. here are some hcs for u!!!!!
la squadra and lovemaking ❤️
risotto ✂️
he absolutely craves intimacy. goin hard and gettin freaky is super fun obviously but to him the best, most fulfilling and satisfying sex is when he and his partner are just close as can be in every way
he wants to open up. create a space like that for him, where he knows he's as safe with you as you are with him, and you'll really see the incredibly gentle, loving, and passionate side of risotto. he knows how he presents himself outwardly, as cold and intimidating, but the thought of everyone seeing him as just that--or worse, seeing himself as just that--makes him feel empty and he hates it.
so be his safe haven where he can express just how damn loving he is, openly acknowledge that side of him and embrace it, love it wholeheartedly, and let him know that you know he keeps you safe in turn not just with his ferocity, but his softness. he'll be so full of love he'll wonder how he ever could have felt empty.
he'll want to make love face to face, looking into each other's eyes, kissing soft and deep, and just absolutely basking in how you make each other feel. he'll want to take his time to feel every single inch of you and leave nothing untouched. he could do this for hours and hours, all day really, and he's almost achingly gentle. do the same for him, feel and love his whole self, let him know that he is precious and deserves to be treated with care; his expression will go so soft (and he is more expressive like this). the way he makes his partner cum isn't just physical, it's euphoria and love felt in every way and he'll want to carry them there as many times as they want because he just wants to make them feel as loved as they make him feel
he's just quiet by nature so he still doesn't say much, he'd rather express himself in other ways and you're connecting so deeply that you hardly need words (depeche mode enjoy the silence plays tenderly in the distance) and he loves that, he loves that intimacy. but he will, as least once, maybe while you're getting him close, whisper an i love you.
you also get him smiling with his cute dimples, because of course you do. and tell him genuinely that he's cute; he doesn't hear it often, and it makes him feel loved. he'll be head over heels.
he'll hold you very close for a long time after, just being with you. he'll stroke your back and feel your heartbeat against his, there's something so beautiful and intimate about it. you make him so happy. he's really warm too, perfect for snuggling!!!!
prosciutto 🚬
his caring nature always comes out at least at some point during sex, but especially when you make love. the tricky part for him is letting himself be cared for, too. he gets a bit nervous about it in all honesty, and that's less about guarding himself and more about guarding everyone else.
help him see there's nothing to worry about. you know you're safe and loved with him always, that doesn't change when he allows himself to be cared for, and in fact brings a whole new level of emotional safety to the table when you connect like that. remind him in no uncertain way that he deserves it, too. remind him that he's human, and show that you want to feel human with him in any way he'll share with you. and of course, he wants that with you. he trusts you completely, and once it really clicks that it's a matter of trust too, it's much easier for him to settle into.
there's something so special and unique about the connection you two make when he lets his walls down in that way. he never could have imagined how amazing it is to let go with you, it's nothing he's ever felt before and he can't get enough of it.
he loves to give, he gives wholeheartedly and unabashedly, and he'll receive your love without hesitation too
the forehead touch. always the forehead touch. it's his way of connecting and showing affection. he may also nudge your noses together and close his eyes to just soak in your presence. if you initiate it, he'll melt.
he embraces imperfection with you and it feels so damn good. he'll get a bit more vocal--not necessarily louder, but breathy whines and whimpers and soft moans. he may get playful too, give sweet little laughs about how you're making him sound and kissing the tip of your nose. you get real smiles out of him with that adorable tooth gap. tell him it's adorable and kiss his cheeks, and he'll laugh again and smile wide and genuinely in that way that ur eyes close too cause ur just so happy u kno
he feels so, so fucking loved and it's so beautiful to him. he tells you as much when you're laying there afterwards and he's admiring every inch of you, every mark, blemish or scar, everything that isn't exactly even, admiring your beautiful soul. and he basks as you do the same for him. he'll thank you for sharing this little piece of humanity with him.
pesci 🎣
soft sex is his favourite. sex as a way of feeling close with the person he loves is what vibes with him the most, as an act of emotion and of loving and being loved in return.
it's a lot easier for him to be confident with that kind of sex/perspective on sex, because he knows he can just tap into his emotions and those of his partner. he really shines here, and he may still get a bit flustered because it's sex and sex with you and you're so fucking gorgeous in every imaginable way, but you still get to see this whole other side of him where he's just so comfortable in his skin and it's both really hot and really endearing.
he stops sort of separating or thinking too hard on just the physical or the mental or anything else, and expresses his love on all levels of being in a way that just lights you both up. he thinks being with you in this way is heaven on earth and he will let you know it.
he can make love with you like this anywhere soft and quiet and private, but aside from your bed, he loves the bath. he loves bath sex in general for the warmth and wetness and intimacy, and especially when you're connecting in this way, it's like.... he wouldn't consider himself to be poetic or particularly spiritual, but there's just something special about making love in water, maybe because we're all born from water, we all need water to live, all life on earth came first from the water. it's just something he thinks about.
he'll want to be face to face; he loves watching your face because seeing you in pleasure is so beautiful to him, he'll want to see your eyes flutter closed and open and commit the look you give him to memory, soft and sort of honeyed-hazy y'know but bright because you love him, and you're loved by him, and he can see it in you. he'll want to hold hands too, and twine your fingers together.
words come a lot easier to him like this too, because he knows there's nothing to hide and nothing to worry about, so he'll just murmur throughout about how much he loves you, how good you make him feel in every way, how he wants to make you feel like that too. show him that he does; he'll kiss you so softly and with so much love that he feels like he could burst.
he's just so soft and gentle in every way. he'll want to still just hold your hand for a long time afterwards.
formaggio 🧀
he's very emotionally in tune, that connection u create with a partner no matter how casual is a huge part of his enjoyment of sex, so he absolutely loves taking all the time in the world to just feel each other in every way and be so emotionally close with you
he often likes to feel like a big macho guy taking care of his babe but he loves being taken care of too because he can experience another side of your connection (and it's just nice!!!!), so when he really makes love with his partner he can feel sort of both at the same time and he loves it. he just feels so entwined with you.
he's still playful, it's in his nature. but when y'all get really tendie he'll be especially gentle with how he plays around. he'll tweak your nose and kiss your neck to hear you giggle, he just loves to make his partner laugh and he's laughing and smiling too
he also still talks a lot, he murmurs about how much he loves you and how incredible you are, how you make him feel amazing in every way, he'll list off all the little things he notices about you that he's just so fond of. he doesn't tease as much, he just grounds himself in the moment with you. it's also really hot and sweet to hear his words trail off with little laughs or sighs or soft moans.
he also has a lot of cute pet names for his partner, and he does still use them but when you get really soft like this he'll often just murmur or moan your name more than anything and there's something so intimate about it
overall you'll see an even more genuine side of formaggio (and he's already a pretty down to earth dude) because he really just feels most at ease when he's surrounded by love
he'll snuggle and kiss you and lay around for a long time afterwards, play with your hair, stroke your back, talk about everything and nothing and how much he loves you. his wandering hands may lead to more lovemaking; he just can't get enough of you.
illuso ✨
it takes a lot for illuso to open up like that. he's extremely guarded with his emotions. he very much desires softness, and there's something about being bare (more than just physically) that really draws him in, but he'd need a lot of trust to get there.
and it's not just him trusting you that's part of the equation either; he isn't used to being trusted. show him honestly that you trust him, and treat every glimpse of genuineness from him with love, and it'll go right to his heart. he's unused to being really seen, so if you see who he is and choose to openly share your heart with him, he'll be smitten.
ask him to just be with you, and he will, he'd love nothing more. reassure him that he doesn't have to think so much; you can both just let go and feel. you'll see a side of illuso where he's just in awe and a really pure sort of wonder of what you create together, this little moment in time and space, this experience across all states of being.
you absolutely make love in the mirror world. it's illuso's safe haven, and he wants it to be yours as well, it's an entire world where there's no one and nothing but the two of you and the love you make and that's so special to him. he'll want to take his time, and with no possible interruptions, he can. you spend hours together; he goes very slow and very gentle. he just wants you to know how precious you are to him, and how much he wants to be with you.
you'll explore every single inch of each other. he'll kiss you absolutely everywhere, and not just in the obvious places; he'll kiss your palms, your fingers, your closed eyelids, every mark on your skin. when he kisses your lips, it ranges everywhere from a mere brush to open-mouthed, deep, and languid. treat him with the same slow, thorough care, and he'll melt.
he doesn't tease. he'll probably be pretty quiet, but once he whispers that he loves you, he'll find himself just telling you all his inner thoughts, everything he loves about you and everything you make him feel: truly beautiful in a way he'd hardly experienced before, safe, so genuinely loved. if you express the same to him, that you feel his love for you in every little way he shows it and cares, that you see and feel his whole self and love him in his entirety, that he makes you feel precious, he will feel precious too. he may actually cry a bit. he's just so happy with you.
he's the kind of guy who likes to watch everything, but he's not sure what to do now: see the love in your eyes or close his eyes to bask in it. he opts to just go with the flow of the moment. he's completely open and unguarded, his hair is loose (if you run your fingers through it he'll sigh sweetly), he'll give you these genuine smiles, you'll get real little laughs out of him, and every sound he makes (including the way he murmurs your name) is so soft.
he can't stop smiling after, he'll hold you and play with your hair, and eventually draw a nice bath for you to share
melone 🍈
he absolutely loves soft, emotional sex. of course he likes being kinky and stuff too, but human sexuality as a whole is so fascinating to him, sex is such a beautiful experience in his eyes and he's very eager to explore different expressions of it. it's really interesting to him how you can define making love as something different than fucking when it's all still sex.
he loves the connection it brings. it's such a deep, personal way to feel close with someone and he wants that with you, he wants to explore each other in every way. he loves to learn new things about his partner and finds it so intimate when they learn about him too, whether it's something you've always done that he's just putting his finger on or it's a new development, like the particular way you roll your hips or how your eyes squeeze shut when you cum. point out a subtle habit of his too, like how his breath stutters when you do something he really likes; it makes him feel cared for. but even if there's nothing new to notice, he loves the comfort of your familiarity, too.
he's very open with it, you don't have to wonder what he's thinking about. he'll be murmuring softly about your beauty, how much he cherishes you, how you make him feel cherished too, how good you're making him feel. he wants to know if he's making you feel good, too. tell him so--better yet, show him--and let him know that you feel his love for you, that you feel cared for and safe. he'll smile and give you a long, sweet kiss. tell him anything and everything you're thinking of, he wants to know you in mind, body and soul.
and he is spiritually open and explorative and it fascinates him to think of sex as an act of creation, and even if it isn't sex to make new life it's making love, it's making a bond, and that's a special sort of creation too. he loves to create with you. he understands how it could be viewed as sort of divine.
he loves to care for you, and being cared for in turn makes him putty. knowing that he's truly loved is one of the best feelings ever and it really just makes him wanna cover your face in kisses tbh. which he does, and he laughs hearing you laugh cause you bring him joy.
he's also still loud when he cums but that doesn't make it any less soft and tender tbh because he's just wholeheartedly falling into the bliss you give him, he'll cry out your name and how much he loves you between moans.
he'll want to do this all day if that's what you want too. eventually when you're done, he'll cuddle you, kiss you, and still murmur all his thoughts to you while you both trace patterns in each other's skin.
ghiaccio ❄️
he gets really flustered about soft, emotional sex at first. not just because he's being vulnerable with you, but you're being vulnerable with him, and it's you, and he cares about you so much.
part of him is almost kind of worried he'll never be gentle enough. help him see that's not true, because he absolutely is gentle with you; he knows he can be brash which is why he's always so careful with you, especially in softer moments. you also love him for who he is, in his entirety, and that makes his heart glow. you trust him, and he trusts you.
ghiaccio is passionate, and he can still express that fire in him softly and tenderly. he'll hold your face in both hands while he kisses you, and while he doesn't necessarily kiss hard, he's thorough, and it mellows out into something very soft and subtle before he pulls away. his pace is slowed a lot, because he wants to just feel you in every way; he really relaxes into the rhythm of something slow and gentle, but still passionate, holding your gaze with his hands never leaving your body. thinking of sex as a way to express your love for each other, he can't help but slow down and be soft, cause it's you.
he also can't help but make noise, soft as it may be, and say your name. he doesn't half ass important things, and you're so, so important to him, so he just completely wraps himself in your love and does the same for you. express that, with him, you know you're loved and safe; he'll want to kiss you again and again and again until you're both breathless.
may not talk as much, because soft words don't really come easily to him and he's sort of self-conscious about it, but once he gets really into it and he does start talking he doesn't stop: he'll say how much he loves you and how badly he just wants to show that to you, how you're so hot and gorgeous and loving, and he doesn't really think of them as flowery words because they're just truth, and his penchant for honesty is such a wonderful way to know you're loved
ghiaccio honey why on earth were u worried about not being gentle. after he's cum once or twice and he's gotten some energy out he is so, so gentle, he'll take care of you so tenderly and kiss you softly. he just wants to be close with you.
his cuddly side always comes out after sex and he'll be no different now. he'll press you against him and hook his chin over your shoulder and tangle your legs together, his cuddles are the best. you definitely get him smiling too, cause you make him happy.
sorbet and gelato 🔪🍦
they're both fucking crazy in nearly all aspects of life and that includes sex, but they're also very passionate and very in love with each other and with you; they're no strangers to tender, emotional sex and they love it because it's such a wonderful way to be so deeply close.
they have no problems being bare and open with you. they're so in their feelings all the time that it feels really natural; they'll very openly express how much they love you, all the ways they love you, how deep and powerful that love feels that they just want to surround all of you in it.
gelato is more talkative in that sense, he'll spill all his feelings in between kisses with his hands on either side of your face. sorbet will give you a long, slow, deep kiss, meet your eyes, and place your hand over his heart while your foreheads touch. you just know.
you're all tracing every inch of each other while you make love, they want to know everything because they just can't get enough of you, the entire world is the three of you. they're absolutely basking in your attention, too; kiss every scar and let them know how beautiful they are to you, that you see them and you love them, that they have your heart as much as you have theirs. they'll melt.
you're safe with them. let them know that you feel how deeply they love you and you feel their safety, and that they're safe with you too, that they're precious. having you and each other as their safe havens and being taken care of makes them feel so damn much.
they'll both still get very playful, they can never take anything too seriously and they just love you so much, they want you all to have fun together. gelato will absolutely do that thing where he kisses down ur front like he's gonna go down on u and then blow a raspberry on your tummy to make you squeak (but then he does still go down on you and doesn't break eye contact the whole time so you can see how fucking much he loves you and wants to make you feel good). if you're ticklish, sorbet will definitely sneakily tickle you, or do something really good while you're in the middle of murmuring something to hear you devolve into moans. then he'll press his loving smirk against your skin. they wanna get you both laughing and moaning, it's the best sound in the world to them, and they'll be right there with you.
gelato is still loud when he laughs and when he cums but it's so sweet and charming because that's just who he is and he's absolutely embracing how you both make him feel. sorbet is the quieter one, but he'll hum and sigh and murmur your names because he loves how they feel in his mouth. he will also whisper to both of you that he loves you because he just wants to say it in every way.
they can go all day and they'll absolutely want to. if one of you needs a break, you'll just watch the other two and kiss them and hold them, the way you all love each other is so beautiful to them. when you're all well and truly done, you'll be tangled in a heap (they are always very cuddly) and they'll both be smiling as they just lazily caress and kiss you and each other.
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clotpolesonly · 3 years
Call Me (First) Maybe
| Sterek | Gen | 6.8k | Enemy of the Week | Post Canon | Magic Stiles | Wolf Derek | Getting Together |
Stiles dropped down onto his favorite bench with a groan; he hated leg day at the gym. To be fair, he hated most days at the gym, but working out regularly was a habit he’d picked up during his brief stint as an FBI trainee and he’d made the mature decision to keep up with it despite leaving the program. And despite hating leg day.
He leaned back and stretched his sore calves, heels digging into the dirt. His traps were sore too, which he didn’t appreciate. If he didn’t have to be back at work in twenty minutes, Stiles would’ve gladly gone straight home to cram himself into his tiny bathtub and soak for an hour. Alas, capitalism.
But he still had ten minutes to chill before he needed to hop on the subway to his office. That was time for at least three songs off his post-gym cool-down playlist. He donned his headphones, booted up his iPod, and pressed shuffle. His ears were met with the sultry strains of Carly Rae Jepsen’s classic Call Me Maybe. Normally, he would welcome this. Today, though, it made him frown.
He pulled out his phone. There were no new texts or missed calls, which was mildly concerning considering he’d left Derek a message sixteen hours ago. Given, Derek wasn’t always prompt about texting him back, but that was usually memes and small talk. For something like this, Stiles had expected a timely response.
Maybe it was because Stiles hadn’t actually found anything. Derek had asked him to scry on somebody suspicious that Derek had happened upon in the course of his free-spirited werewolf vigilante pursuits—Stiles wasn’t entirely sure what Derek spent most of his time doing, honestly, just that he was rarely in one place for long—but his scrying attempts had hit a pretty strong wall. Either this guy’s wards were high quality or Stiles’ spell had failed entirely, which was a possibility. He had said as much in his voicemail.
It was probably nothing. It was so inconsequential that Derek hadn’t felt the need to respond, because he had already moved on to his next adventure. That was why Derek hadn’t called him back to update him on the investigation or his well-being or whatever. Stiles didn’t need to worry. Derek was a super strong, super durable, intermittently badass werewolf! He was fine.
Stiles stowed his phone again and winced at the twinge in his right shoulder. God, he’d really tweaked it somehow. Maybe on the subway. Stiles wasn’t big on being touched without permission, and some guy had clapped him on the shoulder on the platform and scared the life out of him. He’d probably twisted it weird when he jerked away. He dug his fingertips into the meat of his shoulder, trying to massage out the ache. Definitely taking that bath when he got home.
His iPod had moved on to an old Rihanna track, but it wasn’t too loud for Stiles to hear rustling in the bushes nearby. This was a less-well-trod enclave of Central Park; Stiles rarely saw more than a jogger or two whenever he stopped in here. He was expecting a squirrel or something, but what he saw when the leaves parted was a dog.
A huge fucking dog, wow. Black and shaggy, open mouth full of enormous teeth. Uncollared, no leash. Very blue eyes.
…Weirdly familiar eyes.
(read the rest and see the art on AO3!)
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thicccsimp · 3 years
The Lesson
Summary: Bucky helps coach you through a lesson in domination with Steve as your eager volunteer.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader & Steve Rogers x Reader
Word Count: 2,850
Warnings: 18+ Smut. Explicit Sexual Content. Dom/Sub Dynamics. Pet Names. Oral Sex (F Receiving). Oral Sex (M Receiving). Unprotected Vaginal Sex. Slight Possessiveness. Praise Kink. Cumshot.
A/N: This was based on a dream I had a while back that I just haven't been able to get out of my mind, so I've now put it to words for you all to hopefully enjoy! 
I’d also like to give a huge thank you to @providencia-journal for betaing this piece for me and giving me her much needed domme perspective so my subby ass could make sure this actually made sense. Any and all mistakes are completely my own. 
As always, I’d appreciate any feedback y’all would like to give me. Please feel free to like, comment, and reblog if you feel inclined to.
Tiny Tag Gang: @pepsicup @wakingbeauty @lifeofrileyp @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​ @tuiccim
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You look down, mouth agape as you take in the sight of the Captain America, on his knees for you. This isn’t a situation you ever thought you’d find yourself in, you’ve always been submissive, you’ve always been the one taking orders, not giving them. 
“C’mon Kitten.. You can do this. Look at how badly he needs you.” Bucky's smooth, husky voice whispers in your ear, his hot breath tickling the shell of your ear. 
You look back over your shoulder at him, gnawing on your bottom lip nervously. His warm calloused hand comes to caress your cheek for a moment before turning your face back to Steve, still waiting in front of you with wide eager eyes, his cock standing at full attention, weeping precum as it twitches of its own accord. 
You take a deep breath before reaching out, grabbing a fist full of Steve’s hair and pulling his head to crane back, a needy whine comes spilling out of his lips and it’s so sinful in your ears it sends a shiver up and down your spine. “I’m going to need you to listen to my words very carefully Stevie.. I will not be repeating myself. Do you understand?” 
Steve nods as much as your grasp in his hair allows him, looking up at you with lustful hooded eyes. Bucky clears his throat, pulling your gaze to him, he gives you a subtle shake of his head before tapping on his ear. You knit your eyebrows together for a moment, trying to comprehend his silent directions when it clicks. You tighten your grip on Steve’s hair, your words come out stern with a hint of derision, “What was that? I can’t hear you.”
Steve groans, his tongue darting out to lick his lips, “Yes ma’am. I understand.” 
“That’s better. Now you’re going to lay down on your back on the floor, and I’m going to take that pretty little face of yours for a ride and I’m not going to stop until I’ve had enough. Now I want your hands behind your head, I wouldn’t want you tempted to touch yourself. After all, this is all about my pleasure. Not yours. Maybe if you do a good enough job, I might actually let you cum.” Your voice is smooth like velvet and shockingly firm, you almost don’t believe it’s really coming out of your own mouth. 
“Yes ma’am.” Steve manages to croak out, his voice dry and hoarse with need. He quickly lays down on his back, his hands laced behind his head obediently. You can't help but admire the way it makes the muscles in his arms ripple, you never had considered how sexy it would be to see such a strong powerful man, on the floor at your will, needy for your touch. You come to stand with a foot planted on both sides of his head, you bring yourself to straddle his face, your knees pressing firmly into his arms, pinning them roughly to the ground below, you watch as his eyes roll back slightly at the pressure. You suddenly press your core down hard against his face, grinding your pussy against his eager mouth. 
“Fuck.. Yes.. Just like that Stevie.” You praise as you feel his tongue needily lapping against your swollen bud, occasionally trailing down to delve as deep as he can into your entrance. 
Bucky comes around from behind you and plants himself firm in front of you, his cock obviously straining against his jeans. He stares down at you, his pupils nearly swallowing his beautiful blue irises whole as he drinks in the view of his girl taking her pleasure from his best friend's mouth because he told her to. He reaches to his belt, undoing it steadily before pulling his pants down just enough to release his cock from it’s confines. 
You eagerly lean forward, wanting to feel Bucky's hard cock in your mouth, as your weight shifts you feel your knees digging deeper into Steve’s arms. He lets out a moan from deep in his chest and you feel it vibrate against your clit, your eyelids flutter and your jaw slackens at the sensation. You reach a hand out to grab Bucky's cock, but he quickly side steps just out of your reach, you can’t help but let out a small whine of frustration. He tsks his tongue at you as he shakes his head, his warm hand coming up before he slowly starts to stroke himself as he watches you. “Sorry Kitten. No reward for you until you complete your lesson with Stevie.” 
You open your mouth to protest but Bucky cuts you off before your first word even hits your tongue by shoving in two of his cold vibranium fingers. “Ah ah. No attitude. Only a yes sir,” he firmly reminds you, “If you’re frustrated, take it out on him. Don’t forget your place with me.” You try desperately to keep your eyes on his as he speaks but you can’t help but let them fall on his cock as he languidly strokes himself. He pulls his fingers from your mouth and you fight the urge to roll your eyes before letting a meek “yes sir” fall from your lips. You cast your eyes down at Steve between your legs, still eating your pussy like a man starved, you can’t help but grab a fist full of his hair and grind down harder against his mouth while your other hand comes up to tweak your sensitive nipples. You begin to buck your hips roughly against Steve’s face, feeling your release grow closer with every desperate moan that comes flooding from his mouth. You feel the tension in your stomach tightening until it feels like it’s about to burst, “C’mon Stevie.. I’m so close.. I know you can do better,” you pant out. You feel his lips wrap around your aching bud once again and he starts harshly sucking, that’s just the little bit more you had needed. Your head falls back as your eyes flutter shut and moans come pouring from your lips; your eyes shoot back open when you feel a hand grasp your jaw firmly, angling your head up to meet his eyes. 
“Eyes on me when you cum,” Bucky commands, pulling his bottom lip in between his teeth as he watches you come undone. You can’t help but to grind down a bit harder, prolonging your climax for as long as you can while you stare up into Bucky's eyes, the desire behind them nearly making your mouth water. After a moment when your heart stops pounding in your ears, Bucky releases your jaw and you finally rise from Steve’s face. He lets out a slight hiss as the pressure of your weight against his arms finally vanishes. You look down at him for a moment, admiring how flushed his face is and how your arousal glistens on his skin. His lustful eager eyes meet yours, and you just know he’s waiting for your next command. 
“Back on your knees,” you order, your voice steady and firm. Steve quickly pulls himself back up and onto his knees, his hands instinctively clasping together behind his back. You take a step closer towards him, reaching out your hand to lightly grab his chin, tilting his face up toward you as you run your thumb lightly over his lips. “Well since you did such a good job with this pretty little mouth of yours, I’m going to give you a reward Stevie. I’m going to fuck myself on your cock, while you kneel here and take it. Doesn’t that sound good, Stevie?” You coo at him, your core clenching around nothing when you see the way his eyes roll back at the praise and very thought of being inside you. You bring your eyes from Steve’s to Bucky’s for a moment, who is still standing off to the side a bit, lazily pleasuring himself to the scene unfolding before him, he gives you a small nod of approval before you drop your eyes back to Steve’s. 
“Yes ma’am, that sounds amazing. Thank you ma’am,” the words flow from his mouth obediently, the husky tone behind them indicating just how desperately he wants you. 
“Such a good boy, Stevie. So grateful for whatever I give you,” you praise him before giving him a light slap to his cheek, relishing in the moan that he lets out. You turn your back from him and drop down to your hands and knees, you back yourself up until you can feel his cock pressing against your entrance. You look over your shoulder at him, “Keep those hands behind your back, you better brace yourself and just take it,” you direct him before backing yourself fully onto his cock without further warning. Your walls flutter around him as you adjust to the new sensation of him inside you, Steve bites down on his bottom lip in response as he groans, his hands flexing in and out of fists behind his back. 
You begin to slowly rock back and forth, fucking yourself on his cock, being sure to take your time and feel every inch of him. You can hear Steve’s moans beginning to turn to whines, silently pleading with you to move faster. You cast your eyes over your shoulder once again, never ceasing the slow and steady rhythm of your hips rocking back into his, “What’s the matter Stevie? Do you want more?” You tease, slowing yourself even more, watching his face contort with a mixture of pleasure and restraint. 
“Yes ma’am.. Please. I need more. I need you to move faster,” his voice comes out strained and desperate as his hooded eyes stare longingly into your own. 
“Okay Stevie. Whatever my good boy needs, he’ll get. But you better not cum before I do, trust me you don’t want to test me on this,” you reply back soothingly, but your words gaining a sharp edge to them towards the end to punctuate how serious you are. Steve nods his head, eager to please and needy for more, without hesitation you begin slamming your hips back into his with reckless abandon. The pace you set is fast, deep, and unrelenting as you begin to lose yourself as you use his cock to chase your own release.
The sound of clothes rustling pulls your attention back to reality as you look up to see that Bucky has stripped down in front of you, stroking himself a bit more forcefully now. His signature smirk playing at the corners of his lips as he looks down at you with hunger obvious in his eyes. “You’re doing so well, Kitten. You almost have me wondering if this is really your first time domming someone like this,” he muses, as his eyes wander your body, watching you fuck yourself on Steve’s cock like he’s nothing more than a glorified sex toy. You shudder a bit at the praise, beginning to crave the domination that Bucky has forced you to dish out instead of receive, you open your mouth to respond only for Steve’s voice to cut you off. 
“Ma’am… Ma’am I’m going to… I’m going to cum s-soon,” he stutters out, his eyes squeezed shut right as he fights to hold his release back. You whip your head around to look back at him and nearly lose all your resolve when you see the sinful expression on his face, you bite down on your bottom lip for a moment to ground yourself before snapping your hips harshly to be pressed flush against his. 
“Then you better reach around and make sure I finish before you do,” you nearly growl out at him. You almost are shocked at the voice that came out of you, you’ve never heard yourself sound so demanding before, though you didn’t have too long to contemplate it before Steve’s arm wrapped under your hip. It took him no time at all to find your throbbing nub and begin to rub firm circles onto it with his slightly calloused thumb, you moan loudly as you throw your head back as the coil in your abdomen grows exponentially tighter, “Yes Stevie. Just like that.” 
You go to start gliding yourself on his cock again when you feel a firm, cool hand on your shoulder. Your eyes flutter open and you stare up at Bucky who’s planted firmly on his knees in front of you, his vibranium hand on your shoulder, keeping you in place with your hips flush to Steve’s, his perfect cock teasingly close to your face. Bucky reaches his other hand out and cups your chin, tilting your head up towards him, “Good job, Kitten. You finished your lesson. I think it’s time I give you your reward.” Bucky coos at you before bringing his attention to Steve, buried balls deep inside you but not moving a muscle, even his hurried circles on your clit have stopped as he now looks to Bucky for instruction as his chest rapidly rises and falls. 
“Hands back behind your back,” Bucky barks at Steve who immediately straightens up and clasps his hands behind his back once again. Bucky drops his eyes back to your face he’s still gently cradling in his hand, “Did you have fun trying to be like your Sir, Kitten? You really seemed like you were enjoying yourself. Almost a little too much… I just want to remind you, Kitten, you may own him, but I own you.” Bucky says, his voice thick with arousal and possessiveness. You feel yourself clench around Steve’s cock at Bucky’s words, and can feel Steve’s entire body shudder in reply, you open your mouth to answer him but Bucky quickly makes use of the opportunity and shoves his cock deep into your mouth. You can’t help but gag and sputter at the sudden intrusion into your throat as you try to adjust to the new sensation of being so full in two of your holes. “Shhh.. No need to say anything. It’s time for me to have my fun now,” Bucky hushes you before grabbing two fistfuls of hair on either side of your head. He begins to roughly guide you back and forth, your entire body rocking with the movement. Bucky sets a brutal pace, fucking you on both of their cocks as he moves your body back and forth effortlessly, treating you like a doll he can use as he pleases. 
Your eyes begin to water as you try to remind yourself to breathe through your nose, but the thought gets lost with every other jarring thrust from Bucky. Your knees start to ache as you’re bounced between the two men wildly but the pain only adds to the pleasure that’s buzzing through every inch of your body. Your walls begin to flutter around Steve as you feel yourself approaching the edge of ecstasy, your throat contracts and vibrates around Bucky as you moan, utterly blissed out from being so filled by the two super soldiers. It only takes a few more rough pumps from Bucky to send you toppling over the edge. You feel yourself clamp down around Steve as you give into the pleasure bursting all over your body, your moans come out like choked whimpers as Bucky continues to pound into your throat with no signs of slowing. Steve lets out a deep groan from inside his throat before choking out the words, “I-I’m.. I’m going to c-cum.”
“Pull out.” Bucky snarls at his friend, while continuing to chase his own release, “No one cums in her but me.” 
Steve obediently responds and pulls out of you completely, you let out another muffled cry at the sudden loss. You hear Steve mutter a few breathy curses before you feel his hot spend land in thick ropes across your lower back and the swell of your ass. Your vision starts to swim as you lose yourself in the overwhelming bliss that surges through your body like electricity. Bucky continues to fuck into your mouth wildly, his hips begin to falter a bit and you know he’s getting close. You moan out the best you can, encouraging him to finish, the vibrations are the last bit that help push him over into his own release. You feel his cock twitch in your throat as he lets out a primal moan and swears under his breath as you feel his hot cum coating your throat. He gives your mouth a few more sloppy pumps before pulling out from your mouth. 
You gasp for air as you also try to swallow down the last bits of his seed that threaten to leak from your mouth along with all your saliva. You look up at Bucky, your face covered in smeared makeup and tears, “Thank you Sir,” your voice is rough and raw but filled with pure infatuation.
Bucky stoops down beside you and holds your face gingerly in his hands as he admires your beautifully blissed out face, “Of course, Kitten. You earned it.”
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eldritchstarclan · 2 years
Eldritch Starclan AU Infodump
hello i feel like explaining the eldritch starclan au today, so here i am!!
it's sort of a fix-it, but imo, uprooting it from the beginning is boring and removes a lot of the interesting plot, so me and my friend, @catboybathwater decided to do something different~
info under the cut because this is a biggg infodump and i feel it'd be rude to totally clog y'alls dashes--
also, keep in mind these are only the concepts that are less wobbly! there's a lot more that i'll probably forget to mention or leave out because I'm just really not sure i can explain it or i just. don't remember why me and jain were talking abt it lol
(note: okay so this turned out to be SUPER LONG and i'm tired so this WILL be continued: this synopsis is up to PO3)
basically, it starts out normal, but the main difference in the very start is that Firepaw finds an interest in herbs and becomes a medicine cat under Spottedleaf's training.
Also he's not into her because let's all admit, that was weird. I'd like to say she's more of a mother figure to him, or at least an inspiration. He looks up to her greatly, and it's a huge hit when she dies.
I will not lie, I don't have much outlined for the first plot, but there's a few things I do know:
Fireheart is named Fireroot rather than Fireheart. Because... why not?
Rather than Cloud(tail) being given to Fireroot, Princess gives him two kits. These kits grow up to be Squirrelflight and Leafpool!
Rather than Tigerstar being suave, he leads by fear mostly.
Instead of TigerClan having Riverclan along with ShadowClan, Tigerstar takes advantage of the weakness of Windclan after they were driven out.
Bluestar's wavering faith in StarClan leads her to believe the Clan would be better off falling apart. Without Fireroot being her fall-back deputy, she refuses to appoint a new deputy after Tigerclaw. After being pressed, she appoints Brightheart (Lostface at the time), despite her still recovering from physical, mental, and emotional trauma. Sort of just like, 'Fine, you want a deputy? THERE. Are you happy?'
she gets to be leader because she deserves it
With everything, Fireroot is helping with the guidance of StarClan's benevolence.
Also, Brightheart(star) ends up abolishing the rule of making ALL disabled cats elders or medicine cats.
Instead, it works more like Briarlight's situation; they get to be 'campside warriors' who don't go out and do SUPER intensive/dangerous things like hunting, fighting, or anything that could get them super seriously injured-- but they are also ofc given accommodation and can help with tasks involving taking care of the camp and such. They can also help with fetching herbs and stuff if properly accompanied.
It's not like, FLAWPROOF of course, but it becomes less of a point-and-stare tragedy, and definitely keeps spirits much higher.
The second arc isn't of much mention- not many things I'm certain of, though there is plenty wrong in that arc and we all know it.
I will mention, however, that Firestar's Quest never occurs. SkyClan is not found by the four clans, for reasons I'll explain later.
The Power of Three.
This is where the fireworks begin.
The three are born to Leafpool after she has a forbidden romance with Crowfeather and Nightcloud. (yes Nightcloud is in there too, but Crowfeather and Nightcloud do not have any romantic feelings for each other.) Of course, Squirrelflight adopts the three and promises to care for them as her own.
From the beginning, their family life is filled with quite a bit of turmoil. Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw fight a lot, but they try not to be too vicious around the kits. Of course, this does nothing to keep the kits from feeling the tension of their relationship.
The powers are also tweaked:
Jayfeather has sensitivity to emotion and dreamwalking still, but cannot read thoughts.
Lionblaze has immunity to natural damage-- like, if a tree falls on him, or he touches fire, he's fine.
later on, Dovewing has a power of naturally causing people to love her, as well as a similar hyperempathy to Jayfeather.
The three experience a verrrrry different relationship with their emotions than their clanmates, and it makes it harder for them to fully relate to others. hollypaw is NOT exempt: her being such a stickler for the rules draws a lot of irritation from other apprentices-- she has a particular way things have to work in her mind, and when people don't get it, it's very hard for her to cope with that.
Jaypaw is pushed to become a medicine cat due to his memory, and even though he would rather be a campside warrior, Leafpool often asks him to help with herbs. He eventually gets used to it.
I will mention: Fireroot is very tense throughout this entire arc, and StarClan is acting unusual to a visible degree. They're very controlling, and much more involved with the three. Jaypaw is even pulled away from the stick by StarClan's interference.
Hollyleaf has the most faith, of course, but Lionblaze is pretty close behind in matters of trusting them. Jayfeather is deeply unsettled by StarClan from the beginning, however.
Then, there's the famous fire scene.
I think Mapleshade approaches Ashfur with the idea before he's fully pulled into depravity, but he doesn't set the forest on fire: no, he does something much worse.
He tells Squirrelflight and the three to meet him at the gathering island, and that he has something to show them. Then, he uses some help (likely from mapleshade at the least) to set the island on fire around him.
He threatens Squirrelflight, and as he is standing on the log bridge, he's going to be high and dry while Squirrel and the three have to swim back. Once they go back, they'll still be wet-- or they'd have to be out all night drying up.
But no one is going to just let the burning of a sacred place go unpunished. Someone will be the culprit. She and the Three would be the the perfect scapegoats either way.
She tries to pull the 'adoption' card on him, but he's not STUPID. It doesn't matter if they're her children by blood; she loved them like her own, and so he wants to destroy them.
After a while of her being frozen, Lion makes the decision for her and leaps into the water, calling the others to follow as he clears a way out. The other follow, and they let Ashfur have his little victory.
However, the next day, Ashfur turns up dead. This incites even more anger and gossip. Cats are mistrustful, fighting-- not thinking.
Leafpool and Firestar, much to their dismay, are the ones who think it over the most, and as the medicine cats, they find plenty of evidence.
Golden fur is caught between Ashfur's paws. They don't tell a soul-- instead, they silently discard the evidence.
Of course, when everyone sees the gathering island almost completely ruined, an emergency gathering is called. Gossip is spreading fast, and interclan investigation is being conducted. Slowly, evidence is piling against the three.
In the meantime, Hollyleaf's already over-loaded mind is hit by something she wasn't meant to hear: she hears Crowfeather, Leafpool, and Nightcloud talking, and the truth slips out.
They're being blamed for the fire, gossip is circling around them like vultures, and the rumor that they could have killed Ashfur is spreading.
Suddenly, everything is just too much, and before she can even think, everything is spilling out. Ashfur started the fire, and Leafpool broke the code, and everything is WRONG.
Then comes the question that gives her a far too big dose of lucidity:
Who killed Ashfur?
When she sees Lionblaze flinch, she doesn't expect anything about him to come--
But then, their own father is saying that Lionblaze killed him in a blind bloodlust, like some sort of mindless monster, despite the hurt in his eyes.
Hollyleaf lies, and she's suddenly the criminal before she knows it
The clans burst into chaos, and some cats are hunting her down, others are staying away, others are trying to stop the violent mob.
She's chased into the tunnels, and then, the tunnels cave in around her, and everything is gone.
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retvenkos · 3 years
“would it be terribly cheesy if i said ‘it was always you’?”
so first of all, you and ej knew each other long before you ran into each other in high school. because, you see, you went to junior high together, and in those days, both you and ej were on dance company 
(you can pry dance company! ej from my cold, dead fingers)
you were arguably the better dancer, and seventh grade ej really wanted to prove himself. a baby competition sprouted between the two of you, but it was nothing big.
you both liked to show off in order to taunt the other, and you both got a kick out of trying to one up each other.
but at the same time, you were teammates. you did everything together.
so the bond between you and ej was strong. it was a competition, yes, but it was friendly competition and you both actually hyped each other a lot. 
plus, dance company does a lot of things as a group, so it was unavoidable. you were going to end up liking each other at some point. luckily, it happened sooner rather than later, and the two of you built up a nice rapport with one another - a closeness forged in friendly competition and last minute studying parties.
but all that changed when you went to north high and ej went to east high
now, since north high is completely fictional, i get to create the dynamic between the schools, so listen up everyone!
north high clearly has the better arts department, and they also have the better tennis and softball team.
east high has the better stem department as well as a better swim team and any other swim related sports.
west high has the better sport teams overall - basketball, football, volleyball, etc.
(that's why we never see any uber jocks at east high—)
now, clearly you have your boundary school, but people get on special permit all the time, and when you say you’re going to north high ej is like ???? but why ???
“they have a better arts department, ej, you know that!”
“well, yeah, but east high is the best. we always said we were going to be wildcats!”
“ej.... they’re actually leopards.”
it wasn’t a super emotional goodbye. you promised to stay in touch, and it wasn’t like it was hard. you still saw each other around the mall, you still followed each other on instagram and what not but.... time just got between you.
you slowly stop texting, you see each other less, when you see each other in public you do that thing where you give a smile but then don’t go over to say hi, because you’re wrapped up in other people. it’s not pointed things, you just... stop talking.
and you still like each others photos on instagram but you’re just... there. 
all of that changes, however, when carlos asks you to help him choreograph hsm.
at the time, the rivalry between schools wasn’t big, it was just a low simmer, and the reason carlos approached you was because once upon a time, you, ej, and him had all been in dance company together for one (1) year (it all comes full cIRCLE) and for one of your performances, you had done something hsm related.
carlos wanted to know if you remembered the routine and could help him come up with something slightly more advanced.
and while you and carlos hadn’t really kept up with one another, he jokingly brought up a time where he did something for you, and how you always said you’d pay him back one day and maybe now it was time to cash it in??
you decided why not? you’ve done a lot of stuff for north high’s dance company, but you’ve never helped out in a musical before (and as you can imagine, north high is very competitive in their arts)
so you joined the hsm cast as co-choreographer.
now, because you had your own north high dance company stuff to deal with, you end up missing a lot of rehearsals. you mostly brainstorm with carlos and add tweaks to the choreo. carlos is the one to really ~teach~ things.
which means that while you are present for ~the drama~ that was ej-nini-ricky, you actually miss a lot of it. you feel the tension, but exactly why it’s Like That is beyond you.
you tried to ask carlos once but he said he wasn’t going to get into that, thank you.
and honestly, you have competitions to keep up with, so you’re not fixated on it. you’re just hoping that they’re not still pissed at each other on opening night, when ej has to strap ricky in for “getcha head in the game”
and while you’ve chatted with ej a couple of times, you haven’t had much time to catch up.
you actually bond a lot with gina, who is on the same level as you in terms of dance. you end up talking and mention how ej was once on dance company, and that rocks her world because ej???
and that’s when you show her all of the old videos you archived on your instagram from your junior high days. carlos, ej, and you all in dance company. they’re precious.
and when ej’s friendships are strained and he doesn’t have anyone to turn to, he sees you and gina laughing and crowding over your phone, and he comes to say hi.
and thus, the friendship begins again.
it is, of course, slow going because so much time has come between you, and gina and carlos (the two you hang with the most) are not on great terms with ej, but you guys grow really close all over again. ej is glad to have another senior to talk to about college, and you’re glad you have an old friend to talk to because it’s easy to feel out of place in this school that isn’t yours.
and on opening night, you know ej gifts you something - maybe it’s a jacket or beanie with the wildcats emblem on it.
“it’s kinda stupid, but we always said we were going to be wildcats together, and we did it.”
“huh, i guess we did.”
and for some reason, you chest is really warm, and you can feel the heat sneak up to your cheeks.
“this is really sweet, ej.”
“well, you know me.”
“yeah, i guess i do.”
and then it’s his cue to get ready to go on stage.
“oh! and there should be another surprise coming, don’t hate me for not telling you!”
and you’re ??? but it turns out to be gina.
you all clearly go to denny's afterward to celebrate, and if ej feels his heart seize in his chest everytime you laugh or steal one of gina’s fries, it’s not an unfamiliar feeling. because really, it had always been like that, with you. you never cease to amaze him.
and once you’re on the east high theatre group chat, you never get taken off of it, so you know everything that’s going on with your theatre buddies, after hsm has finished.
and this is where a conflict of interest really comes in...
because, you see, once hsm is a hit, some of the theatre kids at north high think you’re a traitor. you gave east high their secrets, and now east high is an actual contender. uncool, (y/n).
so you kind of get iced out by a lot of north high kids. like i said. competition there is  s t e e p  and you’ve been accused of fraternizing with the enemy..
but when zach roy shows up and he hears about the drama surrounding one (y/n) (l/n), he gets an idea... so he approaches you one day after dance company practice...
“he asked you to do wHAT?”
you’re texting ej, carlos, and gina in a group chat
“he asked me to co-choreograph their show.”
“are you going to do it?” - carlos
“of course they are! do you think opportunities like this just fall out of the sky?” - gina
“i don’t know, though, i feel like he’s working some angle with me. there’s something about him that doesn’t feel genuine.”
“it’s those piercing blue eyes.” - carlos
“i have piercing blue eyes!”
“and you’ve never done anything underhanded?” - gina
“we did that together!”
“what should i do?”
“accept, clearly!” - gina
“i’d be careful, if i were you. miss jenn doesn’t trust him for a reason.” - carlos
“it’s up to you, (y/n). you’ll do great, and it’s a great opportunity.”
and everyone can feel the pause - the conflict where ej doesn’t know what to say.
“but nothing! this is a HUGE opportunity! he’s dancer extraordinaire derek hough zach roy! i’d be the villain of your eventual documentary if i were to try to hold you back.”
“okay... i think i’ll do it. you know how competitive things are, here. this could really give me a boost.”
“hell yeah, (y/n)!” - gina
“spy on their production for us?” - carlos
“anything for you <3″
i imagine you clash a lot with lily, but you actually become really good friends with howie and antoine. but that’s beside the point.
and while things are on good terms at first, your bond with your wildcats stays strong, and you’re carving out a place in north high rehearsals, lily is quick to find out that you’re on the east high group chat.
and because this is hsmtmts, i get to have some fun with this premise.
lily gets some kind of tech nerd on her side, and she gets him to make it so that somehow, the text that you get from the theatre group also send to her phone, for maximum stalking of the competition. that’s how she always gets one step ahead of east high.
and as north high seemingly continues to have insider info on east high, someone suspects there’s a leak.... which leads to you. who else has access to north high? so they send a fake text and wait to see if north high takes the bait.
they do. so now east high thinks it’s you.
but at this same time, you keep noticing that suspiciously, whenever you get a text from east high theatre department, lily’s phone goes off to. literally at the same moment, you’re doing your own test to see if somehow she hacked your phone.
(you had your suspicions because lily is actually terribly bad at hiding her hand and constantly makes remarks that make you Think™.)
you confirm lily to have hacked your phone, and so you go old school and show up to east high, hoping to tell them what happened and find some fix (since east high is the mother of all tech schools in this universe.)
but when you walk into the auditorium, the cast is being really passive aggressive toward you? and you’re so confused? what happened?
of course, ricky is the only to confront you because these days, it seems like he’s always one (1) moment away from blowing up.
and you explain that you were played just as much as they were - it was never your intention to betray them. east high is your family.
“oh, yeah? i’ve never known an east high leopard to go to north high.”
and so now we’re in shambles! we’re divided! 
you leave, upset, and ej catches you in the hall. he tries to explain that ricky’s been on one, recently, that none of his anger was really meant for you, and that he believes you - truly. he knows you’re the last person to ever betray them. you’re not like that. that’s more him than it is you.
and you just give him the world’s biggest  h u g .
now you’re probably wondering why i insisted on this particular plot line, but let me tell you - ej never really understood completely what a complete breach of trust it was for him to steak nini’s phone and violate her privacy like that. now he can see how deeply it affects you - how it can really ruin people in ways you never intend. it’s about the learning curve.
anyway, it takes you a while to build up trust with east high again, but you say “hey, why don’t you guys continue to send false leads to this group chat? make another for yourselves, and continue to spread misinformation to me.
ej is like... do you really want to sabotage your own show? but you tell him something along the lines of “our show is still going to have superior choreography, lily is just going to waste her time doing pointless side missions. it has nothing to do with the quality of my work.”
and ej loves this competitive and devious side of you so much. but he’s also deathly terrified of telling you how much he cares about you, because he always manages to screw things up.
and gina finds hilariously endearing because of all people to be self conscious... ej caswell? the ej caswell? she would be his hype woman if she wasn’t so busy finding this all too Good to be true.
eventually, lily will find out, but when she confronts you and threatens to tell the cast that you’re the reason they’re so behind in their production, you tell her that to do that, she’d have to confess to stealing your phone, hacking into it, and using it to spy on you which breaks like 23 different school rules. but sure! tell everyone! you’d love to see how the principal reacts when you film it and show it to them on monday.
(this is getting really long, let me see if i can wrap it up, quick)
clearly, ej is an Idiot when he’s in love, and even though he’s deathly afraid of telling you his feelings, that doesn’t stop him from expressing them.
both of you are in your respective musicals, and your rehearsal schedules align really nicely, so a lot of the time, ej will drive up to north high afterward so he can give you a ride home. (you don’t have a car, okay?) you guys always stop to get fast food or a drink at starbucks or something, and you have little “dates” where ej parks the car and the two of you eat in his car, just chatting about your day.
or on weekends, you and ej go and drive up to the state college that ej was admitted to, and you walk around campus, trying to envision him there. and if you’re also going to a school nearby, you do the same for you. (bonus points if you’re going to the same college, so you walk around and pick out the places where you’ll chill together.)
and if these little excursions of yours are the highlight of your week, and all you want to do is hold ej’s hand forever, singing in the car with the windows down and driving into the sunset... well, you just hope that ej wants the same.
and since ej is in av club, and he’s really trying to dig in and figure out what his story is, he’s always got a camera of some kind out, and some of his best work, he swears, are pictures and videos of you.
anyway, at some point, you confess to ej that you have a crush on him (howie probably pushed you to do it because he was tired of seeing you pine).
it’s a weekend and the two of you are procrastinating on your respective school assignments (study sessions being interrupted with senioritis? sounds about right) so instead you’re just sitting on the floor, staring at the ceiling, talking about whatever. and i think it just slips out, and when you realize what you’ve said, you’re vvv embarrassed, and you don’t even want to look at see how ej reacts, but he calls your name and you turn to him, a deadly mixture of dread and hope rooted in your stomach and shaking you to your core, but ej is smiling and in his eyes is something brighter than the sun, and when he tells you he’s feels the same, it’s like that dread in your stomach blooms into pure joy and when he tells you he’s had a crush on you since you were eighth graders and you were a better dancer than him, you can’t help but laugh until all of that warmth in your stomach has escaped into the air and hangs around the two of you like low hanging stars - so close, you can reach out and touch them.
anyway, cue lots of sneaking around north high - not because it’s a secret but because it’s fun hiding in the back of the auditorium and sneaking into the empty dance room.
cue cheering for each other at the menkies and congratulating each other when east high gets best musical, and north high gets best choreography (amongst others).
cue going to denny’s to celebrate and laughing until your sides hurt, stealing each other’s fries, and holding hands under the table.
(also... ej 100% would kiss your fingers when your hands are intertwined and that’s truly a blessing)
cue going to pool parties together for no other reason than i want all of the east high kids to do an impromptu rendition of “all for one” and ej gets to hit ricky with one of those blow up beach balls “for revenge” on the basketball moment in season 1.
plus, a pool party would do wonders for destressing, don’t lie.
taglist: @maybanksslut, @theletterhart, @brokenandheadoverheels, @neelia-thedaughtherof-athena @kitsdeadwife, @amortensie // add yourself to the taglist here!
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thecreatorseye · 3 years
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Yeah, so this happened today XD I have so many rigs projects to do DDDD: Curse of an artist -_-' an easily diverted artist lol.
Sooo just finished playing Psychonauts 2 a few day ago. Played the first game a few weeks ago, (yeah I never played it until now, weird huh? go figure lol.) and I quite enjoyed it.
That said, I didn't initially click with DR Loboto until Rhombas or Ruin - no spoilers here, but I'm a soft touch for the sad sack villain. I'm not a huge fan of his design though. Nothing wrong with it, just doesn't do it for me. *shrugs* I do however enjoy shipping him with Couch Orlander (guilty pleasure, don't judge me) and I got to thinking, what if the two were fellow agents? Hell what if Dr L never ended up with the 'insanity of a Manatee' in the first place? XD
And thus I did what I usually do. Modded some rigs XD
I say heavily modded in this case. This was built entirely from existing rigs in Psychonauts 2 and Psychonauts the Rhombas of Ruins. Helps to keep everything looking canon, and saves me a heck of a lot of time with rigging weights.
So I started off with First Mate Loboto's rig, removed some clothing and replaced it with DR Loboto originals pants. Took and modified his hair from young Loboto's rig. Used Raz's jacket arms and Sasha's coat, all be in heavily modded, and cleaned up the textures to remove his stitches and give his skin a lighter shade closer to his young version.
As with anything, I'm gonna be tweaking stuff because I'm never satisfied with the result.
So yeah, behold Agent Dr Loboto XD
Models used from Psychonauts 2 and Psychonauts Rhombas of ruin. Just for fun X3
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