#no shade to long history posts those are my favorite kind
jasper-pagan-witch · 9 months
There is no one, unified, singular kind of "paganism" and there is no "Pagan Law" or "Pagan Bible". Just in case we need the reminder without a long essay in the history of the term "paganism".
141 notes · View notes
rwbyremnants · 2 months
This is the epilogue! It's been a long, strange trip, but I finally completed this one! I'm going to get a bit sentimental and long-winded about Rooster Teeth under the cut, but (so you can skip it: just CTRL+F and search for "Chapter 60") up here I'll just say thanks so much for reading. I hope you like these last few surprises!
WARNING: ROOSTER TEETH RAMBLING. You don't have to read this, it's not about Princess And The Dragons! You have been warned.
So as everybody probably knows by now, Rooster Teeth is on death row, and the fate of RWBY is totally up in the air. If you're learning about it this way… I'm very sorry; here's an article with more details. TL:DR, Warner Bros Discovery swallowed their parent company a while back, and that led to some cool collabs like Justice League x RWBY, but…
I'll keep this rant brief. David Zaslav is a callous corporate jerk that hates art, and has no business being in charge of a content creation company when all he cares about is money. His body count is rising (Batgirl, Final Space, Adult Swim Games, etc), and I hope he generates enough hate that he gets fired and never finds work in his field again. That is all.
Anyway, because RT couldn't turn a profit in the 1.5 years since they became part of WBD, they're getting shut down in a couple months, and they're going to try to shop its various properties around to other companies. Crunchyroll is a good candidate for RWBY, since they already aired volume 9, but nothing is certain yet at all. It's entirely possible we will never see a volume 10 - or it might be in some other format, like a comic book. All we can do is wait and see.
I found RWBY through a friend in 2014, which led me to RT as a whole. It's one of several things that changed my life that year - most of them for the better. I spent a lot of time with Achievement Hunter and Rage Quit videos, the RT Podcast and Always Open… went to see Lazer Team (and RWBY volume debuts) in actual theaters. I wish I had been able to make it to RTX, but it was too far away for me to be able to get there. At one point, it was a pretty huge part of my life. Then, like with most things, I sort of gravitated away, though I kept going back for the podcasts, and kept up with RWBY of course.
But I knew RT might not last that much longer when it was announced that Always Open was cancelled for a second time, and that RWBY Volume 10 still wasn't even greenlit. There were too many controversies (we don't have to get into those). Some of the founders were already gone, I hardly ever saw the people I was most fond of onscreen. For the first time in almost a decade, I cancelled my First membership, because it felt like my favorite content wasn't coming to the platform anymore… and I'm broke. I feel a little bad, of course, but I think we all kind of knew that they might not survive the changing landscape of streaming content. The minute they became part of WBD, their lack of profitability spelled the end.
Sorry, I'm all in my feelings about it, and I don't want to make the comments or the end of this fic all about RT, but I felt like I couldn't post a new chapter of a RWBY fic without at least addressing the situation, and giving my own history and perspective on it. This is just the state of the fandom, and I'm really sad and depressed about it, and wishing that something could have been done. But at the end of the day, it's actually pretty amazing that a bunch of drunk guys created a company in their bedroom that lasted 21 years and gave us a hundred shows. Just sucks it had to end because of mergers and nonsense, but I guess nothing lasts forever.
Thanks for listening, if you did; no shade if you didn't. I'm just really going to miss those guys and that content-creation family always being there to provide amusing and comforting content, like friends you could hang out with whenever you wanted. Thanks for all the memories, RT, and for being one of my safe spaces when I needed one.
=Chapter 60
  Weiss Schnee took a deep breath, eyes closing as she let the aromas of roasting turkey and gravy fill her nostrils. This was always her favourite part about Thanksgiving. Sure, pumpkin pie and potatoes were wonderful dishes, but the centerpiece was the artfully-prepared bird, without a doubt.
Especially with Kali cooking it this year. Their chef had been lost in the family scuffles, and it made no financial sense to hire another when they could all learn to pitch in a little more instead.
Besides, Willow seemed to have turned over a new leaf. Since she had no head for business, she allowed the interim director to stay on and only asked for updates from him once a week – with Kali in attendance, naturally. That was enough to ensure that nothing unscrupulous was going on beneath her nose. Meanwhile, that left Weiss's mother with little else to do besides taking care of house and home… which suited her in a way Weiss never would have expected. Though it had begun as penance for years of absentee parenting, now it was more like a calling. A place she felt she belonged.
“Ready to head down?”
The princess leaned a little more fully against Yang as they lounged in their bed. Their bed… even this many weeks later, it still sounded strange to think of it that way. “Just about ready.”
“Why?” she insisted with a fierce grin, a hand drifting up to turn Weiss’s face up to look at her. “Careful, Schnee, or I’ll think you caught… Xiao Long Madness.”
“Xiao Long Madness?” Her hand pressed into the center of her chest as she heaved a theatrical gasp. “What on earth could that be?”
“Well… it starts out slow.” Two fingers began to tiptoe up along her thigh. “You don’t even know you’ve got it until it’s creeping up on you.” The hand smoothed along her stomach through the soft material of her party dress, and Weiss had to suppress a shiver. “Makes you a little tingly, breathe faster… heart beating louder and louder…”
“Yang, you little…” Pushing her hand away with a giggle once it reached her breast, she admonished her, “We have to get to the table! Without messing up our clothes! Just grab those earth pads so we can join the others.”
Chuckling with her, the Dragon turned and got up from the bed, snatching up two pairs of shoes from the floor. “Alright, alright. Even though both our parents know? What, they’re going to be shocked that we got a little frisky today, too?”
“That isn’t the point! I want to be presentable for our families, and the Belladonnas!” Her brief indignation subsided as Yang started lovingly putting her heels on. “Oh… I know, I’m being silly. But can we please have a lovely, respectable family dinner? Just this once, for the holiday?”
“Of course,” she promised with an earnest tone, smiling up at her before she kissed Weiss’s other foot. “Princess Toes.” Then she slid the other heel on and grabbed for her own – but Weiss snatched them away. “Hey, what gives? I mean, you actually got me into a dress and now you’re trying to keep me from-”
“Shush.” Weiss returned the favour, sliding the very un-Yang-like heels on while Yang’s cheeks went the tiniest bit pink. They always did when she was doted on since it was such an uncommon occurrence for the bruiser; Weiss adored that. And she adored being the only one trusted to be sweet to her in that way.
“Mkay, Weiss. Now I’m all dolled up for you. Like a pig wearing lipstick.”
Sighing, she swatted Yang on the arm. “Don’t be stupid. You are a beautiful woman. Being strong as an ox doesn’t change that.”
“If you see me that way, then that’s all that matters.” They shared a brief kiss, humming against each other’s lips before they broke apart and stood. “Let’s go strap the ol’ feedbag on.”
“How charming,” she deadpanned.
As they walked past Weiss’s dresser, she glanced at the framed photograph on the wall. There they were: the Dragons. Every last living member, with the youngest arranged in the front. Even if it was a little incriminating, she had decided in the end that it was much more important to the little gangster princess to have this memento than it was to “play it safe” - especially now that the only Vale citizen who would have thrown a tantrum about its existence was long dead.
Emerald and Cinder with their arms around each other. Ilia hanging off Blake despite how she was rolling her eyes. A grinning Coco who still had Velvet on her arm instead of lost to another continent – the picture had been taken with her camera, after all, set on a timer. Even Salem was smiling, albeit in an irritated and resigned way. Happiness in a wooden frame.
“You coming?” Yang asked.
“Yeah, yeah,” she sighed as she tripped after her girlfriend into the hall. “Hold your horses.”
“Who are you and what have you done with my snooty girlfriend?”
Downstairs, Blake, Ilia, and Whitley were all seated in the living room, chatting politely about the weather and other surface topics. Though her brother wasn’t thrilled terribly to know the Dragons, he had seemed to accept it – and to accept them as humans rather than foul beasts that were beneath him.
“Hey, good lookin’,” Blake bade her.
“Good evening.” Weiss actually curtsied, and Ilia giggled. “I'm excited. Is that silly?”
“Maybe a little. But I think we're allowed to be a little silly after the Autumn we've had.”
True enough. Weiss flashed a tight smile before she turned toward the kitchen.
“Watch that gravy!”
Raven's hands quickly moved toward the stove while Kali hastily crimped the edges of her pie. The latter was poised and pristine; the former, a sweating nervous wreck. But she was trying. Most of the dishes were already arranged on the counter, kept warm by potholders and waiting to be served.
“Oh my God,” Yang muttered in Weiss's ear. “Where's Rod Serling? Because I think we just entered The Twilight Zone.”
“The what?”
“Oh, it's a new show. Don't worry about it. Just meant watching Raven really cook is like science fiction.”
Meanwhile, Willow at last noticed they were standing there and waved them over to the dining room. “Hey, girls! Come help me set the table.”
They did as they were told. Mrs. Schnee was humming and cheerful, eyes full of light as she made sure all the silverware was properly placed, each napkin neatly folded.
“You're really excited, aren't you, Mother?”
“Ohhhh yes,” she told her immediately, grinning from ear to ear. “Very! It's our first big dinner with everyone together, isn't it? Our ragtag little family. And it already feels more like…”
When she didn't finish, Yang prompted, “Like?”
“Like a real Thanksgiving. Far more than the past few years.”
“I know what you mean,” Weiss said as she placed the last few forks. “You weren't yourself, and Father was… well.”
But Willow brushed it off with an elegant hand. Still no calluses forming from her sudden uptick of housework, but they would, eventually, if she didn't keep up conditioning them. Pampering herself. Honestly, Weiss had no idea if she would go one way or the other.
“All in the past. We're starting fresh, aren't we, Weiss?”
“We sure are,” she said immediately, beaming back at her mother. Proud of her progress and new outlook on life. “Annnnd… I think the table’s ready. What's next?”
“Not much.” A bell sounded throughout the house, and her eyes lifted. “Oh, could you see who that is? I think I should help Raven and Kali.”
Her daughter obeyed, moving through the living room where Whitley was just standing. She waved him back down and pulled the door wide.
And found herself face to face with such a haggard, unenthused face that she instinctively took a step back. The man's ominous eyes almost looked through her. Her fight or flight instincts were starting to kick in, but she knew she shouldn’t literally attack someone who had done nothing more than come to her front door – not without further provocation.
“Hey!” From around his back popped Ruby's cheery face, and she added a little wave. “Sorry we're so late; Grumpy Gus didn't wanna get ready.”
“I was ready,” Qrow growled as he pushed past Weiss without a word of greeting. “You didn't like what I was wearing.”
With a dramatic sigh, Ruby followed, stopping to hug Weiss. Penny was close on her heels, freckles seeming to glow with excitement as she hefted a casserole dish. Yang was next in line for hugs while Qrow seemed magnetically drawn to the wetbar in the corner.
“U-um!” came from the door as Weiss tried to close it. Pulling it wide revealed a very flustered neighbour. “Hello again!”
“Pyrrha?! What are you doing here? I thought you would be sitting down with your folks right about now!”
The athlete shrugged, cheeks rosy as she fidgeted in her lovely golden-hued frock. There was clearly an internal struggle playing out behind her bright green eyes, which remained mostly pointed down at her black pumps. “Well… I just wanted to wish you a happy Thanksgiving! Before we all dig in! So… so now I have! And, well, bye!”
However, as she turned to stride down the steps and away from the house, Weiss jogged after her. “Wait!”
“Yes?” she asked as she turned.
“There's something else, isn't there?” No immediate answer. “Come on. What's a best friend for if she can't help a girl through thick and thin?”
After a brief internal debate, the redhead let out a long sigh. “Jaune is coming to dinner.”
“Really? That's fantastic news!” Again, Pyrrha hesitated, so Weiss asked, “It's… not fantastic news?”
“Well… ordinarily, yes. But Cinder and Emerald are already there.”
“SHHHH!” she hissed at her friend, green eyes wide. “I didn't think I would get as close to him as I have since the dance, and… I had already invited them before he asked me to homecoming! Then I forgot, and they showed up with a whole ham, and it would have been so rude to turn them away…”
Weiss laid a gentle hand on her arm. “Relax, okay? I'm sure everything will be fine.”
“But you know how Cinder is around boys! She hates them! And I know she has good reason, but Jaune is very important to me, and… and I don't want anyone to have an unhappy holiday thanks to me!”
“They won't. I promise. You are the nicest host, and the sweetest friend. And Emerald and Cinder have each other now; they're much less bitter and unhappy.”
“Oh… I know you're right. Thank you. And I shouldn't get flustered every time they try to kiss me anymore, I- I have to get used to that eventually, don't I?”
“Of course!” she chirruped with a patient smile. “Just keep rebuffing those advances; they will get the message.”
At those words, her childhood friend fell silent. Seconds ticked by while she squirmed. Then she whispered, “It may be too late for that plan.”
“What? I mean… what do you mean?”
“Well, if I were to rebuff their advances, I probably shouldn't have let Cinder steal a little kiss at homecoming.” When her fellow paper-shaker only gaped, the red-faced track star’s face grew yet redder. “Or behind the malt shop last weekend. Or just before I walked over here.”
“I'm sorry! I told you, she makes me feel… swept away,” she breathed with a shy smile. “Even though I'm more attracted to Jaune, like him more and get along with him so well, I don't dislike Cinder… and she's strong, and confident, and beautiful…”
A laughing Weiss reassured her, “You don't have to explain anything to me. I have my own similar arrangement with a blonde and a brunette, so why on Earth would I throw stones in my glass house?”
“But what do I do? Poor Jaune has no idea women go around with other women as much as we do – a-and what about Emerald? Ordinarily I would be concerned about her feeling jealous, but she watches Cinder tease me – encourages it! That seems so dirty, and that's without the things they threaten to do to me if I let them!”
“Holy moley,” she breathed. “Pyrrha! You're a Dragon in sheep's clothing!”
That smile was still shy, but also a little excited. “Am not. But the kissing is… women's lips are so soft!”
“Aren't they?” Both girls sighed dreamily, then giggled. “Your secret is safe with me, but I think the sooner you explain all this to Jaune, the less bad it will be in the long run.”
“You… are probably right. But not now. I don't want to ruin the holiday for my parents.”
“Of course. You should probably get back.” As Pyrrha nodded, she tilted her head and asked, “What did you tell them about Cinder and Emerald, anyway?”
“Just that they're new friends of yours, and mine. And that they had no family to dine with. It's true, after all.”
Weiss nodded sagely. “And you wanted them to have a big slice of Pyrrha pie for dessert.”
“Mmhmm! I thought it would be… very- oh, you're so mean to me!”
“Maybe,” she cackled, leaning closer. “Or maybe I'm jealous because I want some for myself.”
And without waiting for a response, Weiss gave her a quick peck on the lips. Just a fun little tease without any deeper meaning behind it. Pyrrha was too startled to respond until Weiss's impish grin began to slip a notch – and then she laughed, loudly and freely.
“Oh Weiss! I think we both have our hands full enough as it is! But… thank you. For more than just now, for so, so much.”
Curtsying playfully, she giggled, “And thank you, madam. It is Thanksgiving, after all; we should be expressing our gratitude.”
“True!” As she skipped away, Pyrrha sang out over her shoulder, “Happy Thanksgiving!”
“You too, best friend!”
When she re-entered the living room, it was to a highly stressful scene. Qrow and Raven were seated one each upon the armchair and the couch, ranged across from each other, and if ever the phrase “glaring daggers” applied, it would be to those two siblings.
“You look good, sis,” he rumbled with a poisonous smirk. “Really got some color in your cheeks for once. What's your secret?”
“Staying away from things that are hazardous to my health. Like you.”
“Wow,” Penny breathed from Ruby's side, as surprised as anyone at how venomous they were toward each other. From her, Weiss glanced around at the various uncomfortable guests and eventually spotted Yang standing in the doorway of the kitchen, indecisive.
“Ooooh, temper temper. Still haven't figured out that's what made Taiyang ditch you, huh?” When Raven started to sit forward as if she would attack, he raised up both hands, palms out. “Easy now. Didn't come here to pick a fight, just came to eat.”
Teeth clenched hard enough to grind corn into meal, she hissed at him, “Funny way of showing it. Then again, you never did know when to quit.”
“Seems to me like I knew exactly when to quit. Before the Dragons turned into the Bulldyk-”
“Who would like a drink?” Weiss called out in a voice far too high to be natural. A few of her peers turned in her direction, but Raven and Qrow didn't budge at all. “Anyone?”
“May I have a lemonade?” Penny said in her usual oblivious-but-pleasant tone.
“Alright, look,” Yang finally sighed as she walked a little deeper into the room. “You guys hate each other; we get it. But it's Thanksgiving, and there are more people here than just you two chowderheads. So can we just… put that on the back burner until tomorrow? Please?”
Silence reigned for a long few seconds. Then Qrow heaved himself to his feet. “Think I'll take you up on that drink, Schnee.” He returned to the wet bar to refill his glass. Luckily, it seemed like the breaking of their staring contest gave Raven the right to let herself relax, and she ran her hand over her hair.
“Are they always like this?” Ilia asked in a soft murmur, mostly to Blake.
“Raven, yes. I have no idea about him, I haven't seen him more than once in my whole life before now.”
Before Ilia could form a response, an “Ahem” came from the doorway leading into the dining room. Kali stood there with a polite smile on her face, hands clasped in front of her stomach; the picture of a polite hostess.
“I believe dinner is served. If you will all come through and seat yourselves, we would love to begin.”
Raven was the first to exit, seemingly to give herself at least a few scant seconds without her brother in the same room. Then her daughter followed soon afterward, and everyone else stood and began to follow the others.
“Wheeee,” Ruby deadpanned as she led Penny inside.
The spread look amazing. Kali had definitely outdone herself, and somehow Willow and Raven had not ruined all her good work with their awkward attempts to help. Turkey, dressing, casserole, fresh hot buns, and gleaming red cranberry sauce were already weighing down the table. Weiss's beaming mother stood behind the chair at the head of the table, waiting for the others to sit before she seated herself.
“Thank you all for coming,” she said in a quiet, nervously excited voice. “I know this will probably be strange, as some of you hardly even know who I am, much less have met me. But I'm happy to meet you all and welcome you to my home.”
“I am happy to be here,” Penny replied brightly as if she were being directly addressed. But Willow only smiled right back at her, and the girl grinned from ear-to-ear.
“Before we dig in, I'd like us all to go around the table and say something we are thankful for from this past year.” One or two groans sounded from the guests, but most of them were polite enough to keep their desire to eat right away to themselves. “Would anyone like to start?”
As she brought in a dish of beans, Kali said, “Go on, Willow dear. Set us an example.”
“Oh, very well.” As Whitley sat at her left, Weiss at her right, she composed herself for a moment. “I’m thankful for my family. My real family – everyone here, even if some of us are just meeting tonight. And that my eyes are open enough for me to appreciate that now.”
After a moment or two of silence, a few people nodding along, she turned to Whitley. Starting, he said, “Ah. Well, I suppose I’m thankful that all the nastiness is behind us. This year has been unpleasant but… well, looking around here, I must admit we’re coming out the other side.”
As Penny clapped for him, and a few others stifled laughter at her clapping, Kali spoke up, “I’m thankful for a certain little princess for bringing us all together. If not for her, this might have been an easier year, but a lot less interesting.” And she raised her water glass to Weiss, who waved her off – despite her cheeks tinting pink.
“Same here,” Blake agreed with a big smile. “She really shook things up in the best of ways. Still a little weird that I get to be friends with her. But thanks, Weiss.”
“And you could probably guess I’m going to say thanks for helping me finally get Blake’s attention,” Ilia sighed resignedly as the others chuckled. Hands were definitely being held under the table, and Weiss had a hard time not squealing with secondhand glee. Then they all turned to look at Qrow.
“Huh? Oh, uh… skip me.”
Ruby nudged him hard. “No skipping!”
“Fine. I’m thankful for this dumb squirt.” He ruffled her hair aggressively, and she laughed – even if she was hastily patting her hair back into place right afterward. “That A-okay, kiddo?”
“Sure.” Then she cleared her throat and said, “I’m grateful for… well, a lotta stuff. But I can’t pick between the two big things: Penny asking me out, and…” Her eyes began to water. “And getting my sister back. They’re b-both pretty outta sight.”
“Nah, you should pick Penny,” Yang said with a wistful smile. “I ain’t that special.”
“Don’t say that! You’re my sister and you’re amazing!”
“Okay, okay,” Raven interrupted them with a sigh. “Break up the happy-fight, girls. Let’s hurry this along so we can all eat. Penny?”
Blinking her huge green eyes, the freckle-faced girl chirruped, “Oh! Well, I am thankful for Ruby, of course. And her family – which seems to be all of you! And for the food we are about to eat. Amen.”
“Amen,” Whitley muttered automatically, even though everyone else was blinking in confusion. Weiss wasn’t sure at which point Penny’s thanks had turned into grace, but it was even stranger to call attention to it. So no one did.
“And I’m thankful for Yang putting up with me,” Raven said simply. “Go on.”
But Yang wasn’t about to let that slip past. “Wait, what do you mean?”
“My attitude. I’ve…” Her sigh was weary, her glare burning a hole into the table. “I’ve been a terrible mother. Nobody has to tell me,” she said over the handful of protests. “Just because I did my best, tried to make my kid tough enough the world wouldn’t eat her alive, doesn’t mean my best was very good. But I think…” Her sharp eyes flicked up to Qrow, waiting for some kind of scathing comment.
“No, no, go on,” he told her smoothly. And though his face might have been slightly smug, he didn’t goad her any more than that.
“I think Willow’s been good for me. I’ve done worse than her and she’s trying so hard to… fix what’s wrong. Have to be a real dope to not try the same thing. Guess that’s what I’m glad for this year.” Then she flung at her brother, “So you can sit on that, Jack.”
“Gladly,” he rumbled, lowering his glass of something strong-smelling and regarding her evenly. “I ain’t no prince, either, Sis. Louse everything up every day. All we can do is our best to make up for it.”
While Raven was busy blinking at the almost-nice sentiment from her estranged sibling, Yang cleared her throat and stood up. That already surprised Weiss before she even started talking – and then she surprised her even more.
“So I’m not that good at speech-making,” she chuckled, scratching the back of her neck. “Or wearing heels. But I’m gonna do both at the same time, I guess.
“Life has been pretty kooky since this princess fell in my lap. Honest, I thought she would snub me and that would be that – or that I could have a little fun before I got the cold shoulder, maybe. But this amazing, beautiful, talented, strong knock-out…” For a moment, Yang just laughed, trying to figure out what else she was saying. “She changed me. Changed my whole life in a good way, and I can’t even imagine what I would do without her now. And I don’t wanna. So yeah. Thanks, Weiss, for taming this Dragon.”
Weiss was just smiling tearily up at her proud, cocky features that were currently gazing right back at her with a megaton force of love, when most of the others began to clap. Starting, she covered her face to hide her blush, but then she felt Yang’s lips gently pushing into the back of her hand.
“I mean it,” she whispered as Weiss cooed. “On the hook for you, Schnee.”
“My sweet angel,” Willow breathed softly, beaming at both of them.
“Oh, stop it, all of you,” Weiss blustered, but the pink-cheeked grin somewhat undercut her words. Then she spoke up a little louder. “As for me… oh, I don’t have anything.”
“You don’t?” Blake asked incredulously, folding her arms over her chest and smirking. “You? Nothing comes to mind for the girl who can normally talk the hind leg off a mule?”
“Everything does. It’s everything. I mean, other than a few unpleasant things I had to witness, but… I wouldn’t trade this year for the world. I have a real family now, and some of them are even my actual blood relatives. So thank you, God, for ALL of this.”
“Amen,” Whitley said again a little more firmly than before, and this time Yang snorted a little.
“Amen!” Willow put in brightly. “And with that, let’s dig in!”
“Thank GOD for THAT!” Ruby burst out, and the others all giggled. For a tiny little slip of a girl, she had a voracious appetite.
    Dinner was everything the Schnees had desperately hoped it would be and more. Though Raven avoided speaking to Qrow at all costs, the upside of that was that she actually didn’t resist all of Kali’s attempts at conversation. They would likely never be the best of friends again, but it was a start toward reconciliation that Weiss found extremely heartening.
However, there were a couple of hiccups. Kali and Raven got into a very terse argument about the best path for Yang’s future that didn’t particularly go anywhere. Ilia spilled gravy all over Qrow, earning her a strong glare; Willow hurried him upstairs and gave him some of Jacques’s clothes to change into while they were washing his shirt, which fit at least well enough. Whitley made the mistake of casually mentioning that his sister was a “deviant” in a room full of such deviants, though he hastily apologised and insisted he did not mean any offense when he noticed all the eyes glinting with doom. Still, all in all not a bad evening.
“I couldn’t eat another bite,” Yang burped as she helped them move all the dishes to the sink. “But I want to! It’s all so good, I haven’t even tasted Kali’s food that was this good before! And hers is always the bee’s knees!”
“Flatterer.” Kali herself came in behind her and put the empty casserole dish on the counter, then pulled Yang in for a little cheek-kiss. “But keep it coming; I might save you an extra piece of pie.”
As Yang laughed nervously, her mother strode over and said, “Hey, cut that out. Stop tryin’ to be my kid’s mom. That’s my job.” And then she kissed her on the cheek, as well, leaving a very shocked Yang glancing between them. As if waiting to have to break up a fight should it flare up from nowhere.
But all Kali did was smile and say, “Good.” Then she started scrubbing a pot vigorously, humming a light little tune.
“Um, let us do those,” Yang volunteered. “You cooked, it’s the least we can do.”
“Oh, that’s alright.”
“No it’s not. You do so much, Mrs. B, and everybody takes it for granted. I’m not gonna anymore.”
As Yang moved into position in front of the sink, Kali pressed a hand to the center of her chest and fluttered her eyelashes. “My my myyyy, Weiss, you certainly have found yourself a stand-up woman. Good thing for you I’m-”
“Watch how you finish that,” Raven warned. “Talking about my daughter there.”
“That I’m… not twenty years younger,” she finished slyly. “And I will leave it at that, alright?” When Raven nodded curtly, she rolled her eyes and tittered as she moved to stand beside Weiss. “Come with me.”
Confused, she let herself be taken to the dining room again, which was mostly empty. Everyone had moved to the living room by now. “Yes?”
“I thought I should tell you sometime when we had a moment; there’s been too much going on before now.” Glancing around, Kali whispered, “Salem has agreed that we’re rebuilding Shopkeeper’s. The money will come out of a nest egg she had set aside to renovate her own home and to retire on; she won’t be able to do those things now for a while yet, but at least we’ll all have a home again.”
“That’s fantastic news!” When Kali only frowned, she asked, “Or is it? What’s wrong?”
“Well… to be frank, I’m a little disappointed you aren’t looking at my chest.”
Smirking, she whispered, “My hands were wet when I held one to my chest a moment ago, so now the top of my dress is all damp. Don’t tell me you didn’t notice! I must be losing my touch.”
Unable to help briefly glancing at the more pronounced outline of Kali’s bosom, she stamped her foot and hissed, “You stop that! I thought there was a real problem!”
“How is this not a ‘real’ problem? My looks are fading!” The back of her hand flew to her forehead as she clutched the neckline of her dress like a silent film starlet. “It won’t be long now, little Weiss; you’ll be seeing me in a casket, old and wrinkled. Past my prime and with no bevy of saucy young things surrounding me, weeping their eyes out at the loss!”
“Oh, enough!” Kali’s laugh made her smile against her will. “Your breasts are as magnetic and splendid as ever, if you must know. Just… have other breasts on my mind. And things besides breasts.”
“Of course. It’s quite alright, really.” Cupping Weiss’s cheek tenderly, stroking with her thumb, she whispered, “I just miss chasing you around my kitchen and being ogled; it was harmless fun.”
“Me, too. We’ll do it again soon, okay?”
Kali’s grin was genuine. “Please. You might be with Yang and my Blake, but that’s a game I’m not willing to give up.”
Still playing this game, were they? Well, Weiss wasn’t going to keep being a helpless target anymore. “That’s good. Neither am I.”
Nothing could have prepared Kali for Weiss reaching back to pinch her on the rear end before she walked past into the kitchen. The squeak of surprise was as flustered as she had ever heard Blake’s mother, even if it was brief and not terribly loud. Weiss had to swallow down her own giggle – and the slight thrill of how nice that pinch had felt, fleeting as it was. When Kali followed her in a few seconds later, she was markedly more composed, but grinning wolfishly and had the faintest of blushes in her cheeks.
And her chest bore the evidence of the pinch, as well. Blake, who had been dropping off the last of the plates, noticed the stiffened peaks within seconds and hurried to finish putting them down before excusing herself. This time, Kali noticed, but only seemed vaguely curious and puzzled rather than scandalised. It seemed her daughter’s secret would remain safe for a little while longer.
Once the dishes were done, Weiss cleared her throat and made an announcement to everyone congregating in the living room. “Attention! If you all would be so kind as to join us in the drawing room, Ilia Amitola and myself will be performing ‘Ave Maria’. Just a little post-dinner entertainment.”
“Ooh!” Ruby gasped, hopping up and down in her seat. “You’re gonna play something?”
“Ilia will play, I will sing.”
Qrow sighed. “I’m staying down here. Maybe Donna Reed’s on.”
“I’m game,” Raven said with a careless shrug. The others seemed to have similar opinions, and began to make their way upstairs.
On the landing, Weiss’s mother hesitated. She backtracked into the hall to ask her, “What’s wrong?”
“Unpleasant memories of that room.”
“Oh… of course.” A flash of seeing her father struck over the head with a vase filled her vision before she blinked to clear it away. “Tell you what, Mommy. Let’s start making some new memories in there, right now. Can we try that?”
Swallowing hard, her mother’s eyes flicked back and forth a little as she took up Weiss’s hand and gave it a would-be firm pat. “You’re right. I’d love to hear my angel sing again.”
Chest puffing out like a male frigatebird, Weiss turned and strode toward the piano where a clearly-nervous Ilia was playing a few scales very quietly. Blake was leaning against one wall, watching her with a genuine fondness in her amber eyes. That gave Weiss some comfort; it looked like their budding relationship was truly heading in the right direction.
So she played. And Weiss sang. The voices that were muttering seconds before fell silent. Every day of her life, she had let her father’s insistences that she needed to practice more, to make sure her instrument was honed to perfection before she displayed it to others, keep her voice caged and silent. She was through letting her past bar her way to her future.
By the time the final note wavered and faded, several hands were pressed to mouths. Kali had to sit down. Ruby and Penny were huddled close, sniffling. Even Raven’s eyes were slightly damp, though she was trying to appear her usual detached self. Everyone but Yang and her own mother were completely stunned. The issue was, several of the Dragons had heard Ilia play already and knew she had talent, but Weiss’s was brand new to most of them.
So Weiss barely had time to curtsy before they were being swarmed.
“Oh my GOD, Schnee!” Blake was gushing. “How did I not know about this?!”
“That was INCREDIBLE!” Ruby piped up, literally hopping up and down. “I’m flipping, what a gas!”
With a slight chuckle, Raven said, “How are we supposed to understand what these damn curtain climbers are saying these days?” But instead of leaving it at that, she looked Weiss dead in the eyes and added, “Nice pipes. Really.”
“Th-thanks,” she breathed. The grumpy woman only nodded and turned back to Ilia, patting her on the back too hard and making her almost fall over into the piano.
“Maybe you ought to be chasing me,” Kali told her, gripping her hands firmly. “Oh, I’m so proud of you, though. A songbird on top of everything else!”
“S-stop,” she tried again with a huge, bashful grin, but it was useless; Penny and Whitley were clapping again, and Yang was massaging her shoulders, and…
And the room was full of love, and reassurance. Camaraderie and affection. Family.
“Okay, okay!” Ilia finally cackled as Ruby gave her a big showy kiss on the cheek, causing it to change colours. “Who wants to hear something else? I could play ‘Night Train’, but it doesn’t have any words.”
“What about ‘Chances Are’?” Raven suggested with something like a grin. And Weiss had to fight down a laugh; she should have known Johnny Mathis would come up sooner or later. The woman was addicted to the crooner. “O-or ‘Misty’… doesn’t matter. Forget it.”
But Ilia was thoughtful. “I haven’t tried either before, but the piano parts are pretty simple. Weiss? You up to the vocals?” When Weiss nodded, she cracked her knuckles. “I could probably pick it out if you give me a-”
“HEY!” interrupted a gruff voice from downstairs. “Some dame’s tryin’ to break into your house!”
Stunned by that proclamation, Weiss and her mother quickly stole down the stairs to see what Qrow meant. The others were hot on their heels - and they nearly ended up in a heap, since the Schnee women had stopped dead in their tracks at the bottom of the staircase.
“Am I too late for dinner?”
It only took a few seconds of awkward smiles and heavy silence before Weiss burst out “WINTER!” and went flying across the entryway and into her big sister’s arms. Winter Schnee was several inches taller, and her trademark Schnee white-blonde hair was pulled into a taut bun. Her arms dropped the heavy duffel bag just barely inside the front door and instantly clamped around Weiss, expression melting into one of affection.
“Ohhhh, Snowball,” she whispered into her shoulder. “I’m sorry it’s been so long.”
“Winter, I don’t understand!” her mother laughed, dashing after her younger daughter and resting a hand on the elder’s shoulder. Winter looked both delighted and surprised to see her so lucid. “What are you doing here so soon? I thought Christmas…”
“Well, after I got the telegram about Father, how could I stay away?” Her brows were furrowed despite the smiles. “Are you all doing alright? I can’t imagine…”
“Oh, fine, fine,” she dismissed with a wave of her hand. Both Raven and Kali rolled their eyes in the background. “You aren’t AWOL, are you?” Winter shook her head. “Oh good. Then how did you manage to slip away? How will you finish your tour of duty if-”
“I’m not. Mother, I’m staying right here in Vale, and taking over the business.”
Their mother’s expression slackened. “Oh… oh no, dear, you mustn’t do that. You enlisted to serve our country, a-and we can get along just fine while you do. It shouldn’t mean you have to drop everyth-”
“Please,” Winter said a little more firmly, finally releasing Weiss as she straightened into a more military stance. “Let me do this. I… what Father has done…” Her voice cracked slightly, even if it was her only overt display of emotion. “I should have been here to protect you, and Weiss and Whitley. And I wasn’t.”
At the mention of his name, Whitley moved into Weiss’s spot and hugged Winter soundly. Though he let go immediately afterward. “There was nothing you could do, I’m afraid, Sister. Though it still pains me to admit his wrongdoing… our father intended to kill Weiss’s friends. It was the response of a coward, and… and he was a killer, and had to be stopped. By death, I’m not quite as sure, but he deserved some sort of justice.”
“Even more reason for me to be here,” she insisted. “I am trained in combat; I could have put his head through a wall before he so much as laid a hand on any of you.”
“Don’t worry,” Willow tried to reassure her in a gentle tone, petting her daughter’s strong jaw. “We had everything well in hand. Oh, I am so very glad to have you back, though!”
Eyes finally lifting to scan the room properly, Winter smiled very slightly and said, “Yes, I see that you have a very… full house, Mother. Who are all these people? You said ‘friends’ were helping you, but…”
“Where are my manners?” Kali chuckled gently as she strode forward, offering her hand. “Kali Belladonna. I’ve been helping your mother through the legal aspects of the divorce and the will, and trying to help clean up around the house. That’s my daughter, Blake.” On cue, Blake waved. “And… well, I’m sure this must be a surprise, such an odd assortment of-”
“Dragons.” When there were a few gasps of surprise, Winter nodded at the leather jackets hanging from the coat rack, her expression vaguely thoughtful. “I remember them well. Wandered into Shopkeeper’s by mistake when I was in my junior year at Vale High, and… well, that was a rather eye-opening experience.”
“Ohhhhhhhh,” Kali suddenly breathed. “That was you? I remember that curious little lamb now. We don’t get many strays like that.”
“Wait, wait,” Weiss found herself saying, shaking her head out. “You’ve seen the inside of Shopkeeper’s, and never mentioned it? And you’re not freaking out that there are Dragons in our house?”
The corner of her mouth did twitch upward in bemusement. “Well… I have to admit, it’s a little unusual, but if you invited them in, you must think of them as friends.”
“Oh. I guess that makes sense.”
“Are they?” Weiss nodded vaguely, and Winter folded her arms over her chest. “Are any of them more than friends?” When the only response she got was widening eyes and pinkening cheeks, Winter blinked in surprise. Clearly, she had not expected her teasing to turn up anything pertinent. “Oh.”
“I… it’s not… you probably think I’m some sort of deviant.” Whitley cringed at the use of that word, memory of being admonished still fresh. “Sorry, this isn’t how I-”
“No, no, don’t apologise. Let me show you something.”
From within her plain black purse, she withdrew a battered-looking leather wallet. Flipping past a few bills and identification cards, eventually she came up with a small photograph of a petite, dark-skinned girl in a beret. Her eyes looked clear and clever, and her lips as if she were trying to suppress a smirk.
“This… is Ciel. She’s someone very special to me. Or… was.” Her eyes were sad as she added, “Her parents are marrying her off, and she told me that we had our fun, but it was over. And honestly, I believe her; I want to say she’s just scared and I’ll ‘win her back’, but I doubt it. Once Ciel’s mind is made up, it’s set in stone.”
However, Weiss was laughing. Everyone else remained quiet, but a little at a time, Winter’s hands moved to her hips as her little sister doubled over with mirth, nearly staggering over into the umbrella stand.
“And what’s the matter with you now?”
Still giggling, she turned around and beckoned Yang closer. The blonde immediately hopped to, edging past her mother and Penny to stride over to Weiss’s side. Immediately, they locked their hands together, and Yang’s eyes widened just a bit. The elder sibling couldn’t help gasping, though she didn’t look displeased. Not in the slightest.
“Oh, Winter,” she breathed with an excited grin. “I think we have a lot to talk about.”
“Maybe we do, Weiss.” Winter leaned their foreheads together as she added, “And I would love that more than anything in the world right now.”
“Me, too. But first, come see what leftovers we have; you’re probably really hungry.”
“Yes, please!” Willow provided with a huge grin – and the fact that she also wasn’t fazed by Winter’s outing herself seemed to make the older of the sisters completely bewildered. “Come inside, dear – Whitley, can you take her bag upstairs? She must be so tired, and we have so much catching up to do!”
“Can’t one of these brutes do it? You know I have minimal upper body strength.”
“Brutes?!” Raven fired up – but Kali’s hand on her arm helped her reign it in. Through her teeth, she growled, “Sure. Anything for the Schnees.” Then she grabbed the bag with one hand, hefting it as she glared briefly at the boy before carrying it toward the bedrooms.
Meanwhile, Weiss was on cloud nine. Winter was there. Her sister was the only missing piece from her family; now it was complete. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Ruby jump up and down a little before she rushed over to her side.
“You’re a little sister, too!”
“Yes,” she chuckled quietly as she watched her mother leading Winter into the kitchen, both of them chatting easily. And Winter looked so happy to see her mother wasn’t a lush anymore; was bright-eyed and invested in the world around her. Just like she herself was happy about it. “So what?”
“So it’s really COOL! Maybe that’s why we’re friends, huh? Like, aside from you dating Yang… I always thought we had more of a bond, a-and that’s what it is! We know what it’s like to be little sisters with big strong sisters, a-and that’s neato, huh? Right?”
To stop her from jumping around, she paused to give Ruby a warm hug. “We’re friends because I like you. That’s all. But… you’re right, it’s pretty neat that we both have strong big sisters.”
After only a brief pause, Ruby squeezed her back and whispered, “Yeah. Little sister club!” Then she pulled back with a huge grin. “Go hang out with Winter. She seems so hip.”
“She is.”
As she stepped across the threshold into the dining room, she heard Yang calling out, "Announcing the arrival of Her Majesty, Princess Schnee!"
“Okay, okay!” she laughed easily, turning toward the kitchen. “You got me.”
“Yeah, I do,” Yang whispered as she pulled her in close for a hug and a kiss, ignoring the coos from the other side of the door. “Got you, Schnee. All mine forever.”
Weiss’s blue eyes sparkled with affectionate glee as she leaned heavily against the Dragon. Having so much to say, but finding in the end that she didn’t need to, anyway. All she had to do was whisper a few choice words against Yang’s smirking lips before they connected yet again.
“Hmph. What a brute.”
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owlispls · 1 year
👁 I heard you can info dump about colors
Oh yes I do 👀
So in your post here (x) you asked: "I wonder what makes things "go together" like, why do some colors look nice together and some don't? and why do they look good to others? why do we have favorite colors?" let me go over them one by one!
Important: this is an info dump. I learned a lot of this in school from my apprenticeship (Graphic Design digital and print)… though even before that it has been a special interest of mine. Though I am also a student and focussed on giving out scientific accurate information. So I linked sources and fact checked my knowledge (new information always welcome 👀✨). Also: my first language is not English and I was taught British English in school, so… please be kind.
To make the post a little less of a "do you like the colours of the sky"-long post, you can keep reading here after the keep reading-break 🧡
"why do some colors look nice together and some don't?"
First: the colour wheel(s)
I know, I know, we always have to look at the colour wheels first. Though… they are an extremely crucial part of this, so understanding them, where they come from and such, already brings you close to find your colour palettes ;W;
There are basically two different colour wheels. In colour theory history there have been a few different wheels (for more research if you like: 1704: Newton, 1810: Goethe … there are more, but these are most important) you will see both of them being used in different context.
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First: RGB colour wheel (by DanPMK on Wikipedia CC BY-SA)
Triad of Red, Green and Blue (based on Newton).
Based on the additive colour scheme.
Used in lighting, digital colours and screens.
Yellow is on the opposite of Blue.
Digital art programs use the RBG model, so those usually go with this one.
Little CMYK ramble: When you look in between of the RGB triad, you find CMY, which IS based on RGB, since this is how body/phisical colours, light and our eyes work together. The added "K" is … Key, aka Black, since in printing you can't just print 3 colours in 100% onto each other. First of all: it will be a very muddy green-brownish almost-black colour, while it also takes too long to dry, will smudge, clog up the printing machines, which then need more cleaning… and trust me… any printer will call you and tell you to change the colours, so you don't have 300% "dot gain" aka "total ink application".
Second: RYB colour wheel (by Kwamikagami on Wikipedia CC BY-SA)
Triad of Red, Yellow and Blue (based on Goethe).
Based on the subtractive colour scheme.
Used with physical colours, paintings, for artistic understanding
Yellow is on the opposite of Purple.
You find this wheel ONLY in general artistry and most sites that talk about contrasts will use this one.
source: Wikipedia (shhhh~) | I… basically described the pictures | Bauhaus
Quick vocabulary check in:
Hue — Fully saturated colour on the wheel. No white or black has been added.
Shade — adding black to a base hue (deepens the colour down to black) — it changes the Saturation.
Saturation — intensity/purity of the colour
Tint — adding white to a base hue (softens the colour to pastel up to white) — changes the Luminance.
Luminance — brightness/light in a colour
Tones — adding grey to a base hue(subtles down the colour, but can also add complexities into it) — another saturation change!
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source: Canva
Harmonies err… Colour Contrast
We finally get to talk about colour harmonies, or from now on: contrasts. Since harmonies are neatly tied to contrasts. There is no "one way" to this, there are many, and also: you can (and should) combine them.
You choose your colour and then run with it. You only add white to it. The deepest hue is usually the one you chose or you add black to it, to make it darker.
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Probably one of the contrasts that are being utilised or talked about most. You use one of the two colour wheels and basically pick one colour and then pick the colour of the opposite side.
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Split Complementary
You choose one colour, and then go to the complementary colour, to just use the two right next to that one.
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Basically you use the three or four colours on the wheel, that are equally spaced from each other.
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sources: Dulux
General Contrasting — adding harmony edition ✨
Since these where just the ABSOLUTE basics, and there is no (literal) nuance to these, those contrasts might work with each other, but the problem is: they all have the same value. They are just fully saturated hues that kind of scream at you and there can't be a harmony this way.
warm/cool and light/dark
You contrast your art with warm and cool colours. Basically, if you have a generally cool toned picture, the warm tones will pop out and these will be your eye-catcher.
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The deepest hue is the hue you choose, you basically turn down the opacity, letting the hue below shine through as well.
all sources: Bauhaus | Dulux | Canva | Wikipedia
Some things I do
No srsly. This is the part, where I am giving advice that is based on what works FOR ME. If you want to do things differently or want to get more advice from different artists, to find your ways, please go ahead and look up some more. It is important to find the way for colouring you have the most fun with. It is your art after all, I will not set "do's" and "don't-s" bullshit rules.
If you have a colour palette you are generally happy with, but the colours still seem a little "off" to you? traditional ways: -> with opaque colours: make an underpainting with a colour you'd love to pair your palette with -> with water colours/ink: a very thin colour coat over the whole painting (make sure to use masking-fluid for parts you want to keep white) digital way: -> open another layer -> set it on "overlay" -> throw a colour you like over it, that will fit the vibe — I often use some colour psychology and a colour association that fits the vibe -> turn down the opacity, until you are happy with it 👀
Using one prominent colour as an eye catcher and then use it ONLY for the exact part you want to draw (huehue) attention to -> most affective if it has a little higher saturation than the rest of your palette -> also PERFECT moment to find a complementary/warm&cool contrast to the rest of the painting
Shadow tipps
(digital) I figured, that shadows work pretty well by using a complementary colour on a multiply layer and then just turning down the opacity of that layer (you can layer those as much as you like)
10-30% for the contrast to not mix too much or become muddy.
With shading I do the same percentage "rule", while also using a complementary or warm-to-cool/cool-to-warm colour contrast, for more definition.
Have some cool (and free) tools!
PuccaNoodle — Animation/Art Ressource Sheet -> there are so so SO many more tools in this sheet. Seriously, I absolutely recommend AT LEAST looking through the different sheets
Colour Picker Tools -> Adobe Color — colour wheel/colour palette generator -> Canva — colour wheel/calculator -> Coolors — random color palette generator -> Flat UI Colors — assortmend of different UI flat-colour palettes -> Paletton — colour scheme designer
Skin tones -> by FizzyGutz on twitter — thread -> by Kupadraws on twitter — thread -> by @peachdeluxe — post
Colour theory -> by DevinKorwin on twitter — thread
Next Up: why do they look good to others? why do we have favorite colors?
Since I basically wanted to put these in here as well, but… the post is already extremely long, I will split these ;w;
There will be colour psychology involved!
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Who am I?
"I am the phoenix that was reborn From the ashes that were once my crumbling, flawless veneer." – Me
Reader. Writer. Poet.
"It's me, hi, I'm the problem it's me." – T. S.
Socially awkward. Music lover.
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." – George Santayana
History nerd.
"You see what you want, I see what is." – Me
Realistic but don't want to be. Part time pessimist.
"Have a biscuit, Mr. Potter."
"And I am. . .Iron Man."
"I can do this all day."
"Who the hell is Bucky?"
"If my life is going to mean anything, I have to live it myself."
“With great power…comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.”
"I'm not on the main family's side. And I'm not on the minor family's side. I'm on your side."
"Whoever falls in love first loses." "Deal."
Fangirl. Occasional fanfic writer.
(KinnPorsche, all Asian BLs and dramas (or at least those I have watched), PJO, MCU, Yuri!!! On Ice and more that I can't remember.)
I ship almost every ship there is (that is not straight).
Kicker of intolerant idiots.
Clumsy, kind, passionate, sarcastic.
Got a shit ton of trauma, but who doesn't.
I see life in all shades of blue 💙 (basically it's my favorite colour)
GenZ with like 🤏🏼 this much knowledge of pop culture. (Okay, maybe a little more. Just a little tho)
Desi (probably?) I'm not sure, cause I don't think I check all the boxes but eh. I'm bengali and I love sarees
When I first joined Tumblr I was a 14-year-old with depression and unrestricted access to the interenet for the first time. I've come a long way from there. I have mutuals and friends on here (I love y'all so much) and I have a passion to post about (you poeple got me hooked on BL dramas you gotta take responsibility). So a heartfelt thank you. To all of you.
If, for some reason you wanna read my works, you can find me on AO3: @ReadingTheDamStory
Header credit: cherry magic th (giffed by me)
Avatar: msp (screencapped and edited by me)
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peppermint-joys · 2 years
Headcanons for Dad Bruno Au… Pt. 3
Warnings: Encanto Spoilers?
a/n: Thinking the next chapter will be shorter. It’s finals week for me. I’d love to here some of your thoughts on the au thus far.
Calling the posts “chapters” because I want to.
prompt: My Single Dad Bruno au a continuation.
Adelita Chapters: (1) (2) 3 (4) (5) (6)
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Starting out with Adelita’s mami’s birthday:
Adelita’s abuela continued to celebrate her daughter’s birthday despite her passing. It was a small celebration.
The two would picnic beside the river, Adelita’s mother’s favorite place. Bake pan tres leches for dessert and dinner they’d have only her mother’s favorite foods.
It was late, she was supposed to be asleep, instead tiptoeing through the kitchen to retrieve the slice of cake she’d saved for Bruno.
“Mi querida hija. Feliz cincuentenario, mi amor. Oh, desearía que estuvieras aquí para ver a la maravillosa persona en la que se está convirtiendo tu hija.Estarías muy orgulloso.” - Abuela.
She couldn’t help but overhear her abuela’s prayer.
“Cariño. Es una chica tan brillante, pero solitaria.Me preocupo. No soy tan joven como antes...” - Abuela.
She just chills at the window while Bruno chats away and enjoys the pan tres leches, her mind elsewhere.
Bruno’s noticed she combs and holds on to her ponytail when something is bothering her.
“Hey, peque are you okay?” - Bruno
“Hmm?” Her grip tightened around her ponytail. “Yeah… no. Today was mami’s birthday.” - Adelita
She tells Bruno her family history, everything she remembers Abuela telling her, managing to avoid the topic of her father.
“It’s just me and Abuela now. And you… Bruni, what was your family like?” - Adelita.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to tell me. Goodnight Bruni.” - Adelita.
She didn’t sleep. Her thoughts had been consumed by the words of her abuela.
Instead, she made a plan; there were drawings.
Adelita is in a rush the next morning, speeding through breakfast.
Her lizard got upset because they didn’t get a chance to catch any crickets.
But before she’s out the door, her abuela needs one more good hug and a peck on the cheek.
Instead of taking her usual path into the village, she cut through the jungle.
One second she was looking up at the swath of green foliage overhead, the next she was back on the dirt path.
“Are you mad? You don’t just go walking in the jungle by yourself!?” - Bruno.
“Bruni! I found you! You know everything, right? Teach me to make friends! Please.” - Adelita.
Bruno tries to convince her he is not the person she wants for the task. But-
“Please. Pretty please. It’s really super important. So important I said please three times.” - Adelita.
She did say please and holy moly those eyes that pout.
How hard can it be? Making friends?
Adelita squeals like crazy. He’d forgotten how loud kids can be.
“Thank you, thank you!“ she beamed, hugging tightly around the waist. - Adelita.
Bruno is still getting used to her hugs.
Learning how to make friends, Adelita gets to spend more time with Bruno during the day.
They gather in a small oasis clearing in the jungle. Bruno doesn’t mind her being there as long as she doesn’t leave his sight.
Over the length of a week or so - Queue the cliche Disney montage.
Adelita sitting on a stump taking notes surrounded by jungle animals… Bruno trying to braid her hair as she chatters away… Adelita teaches Bruno a special handshake… the two enjoy lunch together in the shade of a ceiba tree.
Finally the day arrives when they're both sure she’s ready.
Bruno notices her gripping her hair, lingering by the foliage, watching the other children play.
“I’ve seen you, you know, watching them. You want to play with them, don’t you? So why don’t you?” - Bruno.
“What if—what if they don’t like me? What if I’m not… good enough?” - Adelita.
“Lita. There’s no need to worry. You are, without a doubt, the most awesome kid I’ve ever crossed paths with. You're one of a kind, kid. And if they don’t see that, they're going to miss out on having the coolest kid as their friend.” - Bruno.
For the first time in a long time, he’s the one to initiate a hug.
The little peanut just stood in the middle of the action. Everything she’d learned abandoned her. She garnered some confused looks and there were whispers, but most just mind their business.
“Is that an anole?”
One child in particular notices the lizard hanging on her shoulder.
“Mmhm. Their name’s Pegajoso. You can hold them, they won’t mind.” - Adelita.
Her lizard friend takes a real shine to the boy.
“Soy Adelita Guerreo.” - Adelita.
“Antonio, Antonio Madrigal.” - Antonio.
The little boy, Antonio, invited her to play rana.
Her Abuela would be so relieved, so proud.
Bruno is proud. Proud papi.
“So do you like lizards?” - Adelita.
“I like all animals, but my favorites are jaguars. Rawr!” - Antonio.
“Wow!” - Adelita.
A friend. A perfect match.
Spanish translation
*My dear daughter. Happy fiftieth birthday, my love. Oh, I wish you were here to see the wonderful person your daughter is becoming. You would be very proud.
*My darling. She is such a bright girl, but lonely. I worry. I am not as young as once was…
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swimmingleo · 3 years
Stockholm Syndrome: or Harry making us sing about kink again
For a very long time (note: my early teenage years) I hated that song. Now it’s one of my favorite Harry has written because I think he was an absolute genius with the concept: it’s a love anthem, it's about being sexually liberated and it's a massive fuck you to The Power That Be.
I got inspired to write this post after witnessing some good ole twitter drama: basically what happened is that someone made an account dedicated to Harry presenting as a sub. The response was massive backlash and bullying (from larries!), because people perceived it as gross and sexualizing. And I think that's a shame and a bit ignorant of queer history. I also vented here on anon some time ago and um saw the ask go around it didn't like blow up but still got more notes than most of my posts so it made me laugh a lil sobs
‼️DISCLAIMER‼️ By making this post, I want to highlight another form of queer expression Harry frequently uses. I am in NO WAY digging into his privacy. Everything used in this post is content that Harry chose to publicly display. I'm keeping it PG it's cool (as PG as a post about kink can be lol).
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Yeah, that song is totally about sex. And pain. (btw shoutout to this cool analysis including the boys' reaction to H saying the song's about a nympho.)
This song's concept relies on the opposition between love and oppression. A lover ("You") and the rest of the world ("They"). Though they're radically opposed, these two find a common ground with the pain they give to Harry. Pain is comforting and pleasurable when it's from You and pain is threatening when it's from They.
Who's that shadow holding me hostage, I've been here for days
Who's that whisper telling me that I'm never gonna get away
At the beginning of the song, Harry doesn't put a name on the shadow who has him tied down and subdued. You or They ? Good pain or bad pain ? Basically, it's Harry establishing the setting of the song: love and oppression operate the same way and tie him down.
Harry uses this double meaning again in Two Ghosts with "Tongue tied": are they tongue tied because they experience communication issues in their relationship or are they literally silenced by They ?
I know they'll be coming to find me soon
But I fear I'm getting used to being held by you
Here, Harry identifies the anonymous shadow as two different subjects. They are actively trying to get him and Harry knows there's no escaping them. However, he's physically with You for the whole song. Just the two of them in their own hm kink safe bubble ("in your room", "but now together we're alone"). Stockholm Syndrome is first and foremost a love song about intimacy and sex.
Now the percussion and the "OW" punctuating the chorus... It... slaps ? It's... full of imagery ?
Who's this man that's holding your hand and talking about your eyes?
Used to sing about being free but now he's changed his mind
I looove that bit. Stockholm Syndrome is a love song, right, but it's not that kind of love song. Usually, Harry sings about his lover's eyes, but Harry's not about all those pretty "summer feelings" here. I love this verse because I see it as Harry having a funny thought right in the middle of the aCTioN: "can you believe hours ago I was like, holding your hand and being all romantic ? Look at me now lmao it's like I'm a whole different person". In the same way, he makes fun of the way he usually writes about wanting to be free to love (Happily, Something Great) when he loves being tied down in bed. GET IT ? FUNNY INNIT. Sigh. If this isn't peak Harry's humour then what.
This verse is also pretty important regarding the whole song as it debunks a misconception about BDSM: that it's unhealthy, it's weird, there's no love in taking pleasure to hurt your partner or be hurt. Popular fictions like 50 Shades of Grey certainly didn't make those misconceptions go away, it even reinforced them as it depicts a toxic and pretty much abusive relationship.
However, Harry can also be romantic with his partner. They hold hands, he praises the beauty of their eyes, aka the most platonic part of the body and the one linked to the soul. They're a very loved up couple who also happen to get freaky in bed, no big deal.
TO MAKE IT SHORT Stockholm Syndrome is a song I'm sure Harry had a lot of fun with. The songwriting is one big clever wordplay. It's kinky as hell and it all comes back to love and consent: Harry chose to be tied down by You, the person he loves. They play a scene, with rules they both agreed on. If anything, Harry feels trapped because of how much he loves his significant other: he's a prisoner of love. Aww. Aaand he's literally tied down of course. On the contrary, Harry doesn't consent to be a prisoner of They. They want to get him for real, it's not an act, they don't make the rules together. It's a one-sided contract he can't put an end to.
As I said earlier, Stockholm Syndrome relies on opposition: love VS tptb. Intimacy VS Everyone else.
I think this song also showcases Harry's struggle with his public persona, especially when it comes to his sexuality: how it's presented VS how he wants to express it. To the public, Harry is a lady pleaser. To some fans, he's the ultimate sexual fantasy, a blank slate that can fill the role of the vanilla nice guy or the toxic dominant bad boy (like After). None of those representations match what Harry expresses through his artistic choices, which is what appears like a queer man signaling as a sub in BDSM practice. Literally nothing near the het expectations. And even this is pure supposition yk.
This dichotomy reminds me of George Michael's song Freedom! '90. In this song, George tackles his relationship with the music industry, his public image and his old persona. For context, George Michael was a gay man whose career ressembles a lot Harry's: he knew fame as a popstar, was part of a band and was marketed as a ladies man. In the Larry Lore, both Harry and Louis referenced him a lot in their respective works.
Some nice lyrics from Freedom! '90:
Heaven knows I was just a young boy
Didn't know what I wanted to be
I was every little hungry schoolgirl's pride and joy
Yeah, 100% Harry. A little boy (tbsl?) in his formative years trying to understand who he is, what he likes, when everyone and their mother already force their perception upon him.
There's something deep inside of me
There's someone else I've got to be
Take back your picture in a frame
Take back your singing in the rain
I just hope you understand
Sometimes the clothes do not make the man
Forget about that Hollywood sweetheart and whatever you think he's like, you're not even close. Your friendly neighborhood boyband idol may be currently tied down to another man's bed. Who knows.
All we have to see
Is that I don't belong to you
And you don't belong to me
... Okay this resonates nicely with Stockholm Syndrome. I understand these lyrics as a "Here's me: take it or leave it". George Michael wants the right to be himself and express what he wants through his art and the fans are free to stick around or not. No one owes anyone anything. Fair deal. It's not the case in Stockholm Syndrome though. The music industry, the fans, They all take and take from Harry as long as he keeps parts of himself hidden to please everyone. Not a fair deal.
Nice addition is the iconic leather jacket being an important symbol in the Freedom! '90 MV. It symbolizes the end of an era for George Michael when he burns it: he used to wear this jacket during Wham! and his first solo album Faith. In both eras, he fully embodied the het sex machine role to please the public and the music industry.
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However the leather jacket is a whole another story for Harry and here's why. nice transition
BDSM is inherently sexual but it also translates to the public through flagging, signaling, and various depictions through art: just like any queer subculture.
BDSM itself counts several subcultures, one of them being the Leather Community. Though it doesn't necessarily concern gay men only, the Leather Community has been mostly associated to the gay scene. Freddie Mercury proudly displayed it on stage, when he wore various leather costumes inspired by the clubs he frequented. Fandom certainly didn't miss the inspiration Harry took from him:
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There is something about Harry, a queer man, and leather. By choosing to wear this leather suit at the "crowning" of Fine Line (the album about knowing and embracing who he is), marking the end of the FL era, it's a strong statement. The association with the Leather Community isn't lost on some.
There is more of it, for example the Beauty Papers photoshoot: it seems to be inspired by Robert Mapplethorpe, a queer photograph who pictured BDSM a lot in his work:
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... There are even more accurate parallels but um keeping it PG remember?
The leather collars he wore for Another Man and the mag issue being captioned "Oh boy !" (slang in the BDSM community for a male sub) is also pretty evocative. Especially when the article focused on his transition from boyband to solo artist and his desire to express his own character. It's always about expression. And just like George Michael or Freddie Mercury, the desire to represent the end of an era and the beginning of another with bold queer statements, as a mean to own their sexuality.
Harry doesn't shy away from expressing his sexual preferences or the communities he feels part of. It's part of who he is, it inspires him, the same way it did for other artists and I love that for him <3
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Taylor Swift (Speak Now) - Brothers and Dateables
Lucifer - Superman
Talk dark and beautiful He's complicated, he's so irrational But I hope someday you take me away and save the day, yeah Something in his deep browns eyes has me singin' He's not as bad as his reputation
First of all, my apologies to Lucifer for comparing him to John, but it really does fit. Lucifer is a very high ranking demon with a dangerous reputation as the Avatar of Pride and Diavolo’s right hand man. MC is one of the people who can see through his mask to the real Lucifer but he’s so caught up with his own stuff that it’s impossible to get close to him. 
Mammon - Long Live
Long live the walls we crashed through I had the time of my life, with you Long, long live the walls we crashed through How the kingdom lights shined just for me and you
One of my favorite T-Swift songs and it absolutely belongs to my first man. It’s so whimsical and romantic, and I can just picture listening to it once I returned home to the human realm, remembering the times I stared over the Devildom with Mammon at my side. The reminder that even if fate pulls us apart, we had each other for a while and it was everything.
Levi - Ours
And it's not theirs to speculate If it's wrong, and your hands are tough But they are where mine belong, and I'll fight their doubt and give you faith With this song for you
I’m sure being with Levi means the brothers are going to have a lot to say. This poor demon already doubts himself to the extreme and he’s always waiting for you to realize that you could do so much better than him. This song is something I could see MC introducing him to so Levi can listen to it every time he starts feeling insecure and it officially becomes their song. 
Satan - Sparks Fly
Kiss me on the sidewalk Take away the pain 'Cause I see, sparks fly, whenever you smile Get me with those green eyes, baby As the lights go down Gimme something that'll haunt me when you're not around
I really couldn’t decide for Satan but I love this song and I think it can really call to the idea that Satan is the Avatar of Wrath and therefore is considered very dangerous to MC, hence her thinking he’s a bad idea but refusing to care about the risks because she knows falling for him is inevitable once she gets to know him.
Asmo - Better Than Revenge
She's not a saint and she's not what you think She's an actress, whoa She's better known for the things that she does On the mattress, whoa
Listen, we’re going to let ourselves have a little bit of misogyny as a treat. This is not me throwing any shade at Asmo either. I think he would have a wonderful time belting this with MC as they get ready to go out. It’s fun, it’s petty, and it’s controversial. Asmo would love it. 
Beel - Mine
Braced myself for the goodbye, 'Cause that's all I've ever known Then, you took me by surprise You said, "I'll never leave you alone"
Beel is the kind of guy who doesn’t give up on his significant other, even if they’re someone with baggage or a traumatic history or who picks fights because they’re afraid. He’s the kind of boyfriend who teaches you that there’s still love and loyalty in the world. This song was made for him. 
Belphie - Innocent
It's alright, just wait and see Your string of lights is still bright to me Oh, who you are is not where you've been You're still an innocent
The twins were so easy for this album. This is the perfect song for a post chapter 16 Belphie who regrets his choices and believes that he’ll never be able to find redemption. Luckily for him, MC is particularly gifted at finding forgiveness and seeing the best in others. 
Diavolo - Speak Now
I am not the kind of girl Who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion But you are not the kind of boy Who should be marrying the wrong girl
The vibe of this song reminds me of Diavolo. I just love the idea of Diavolo planning to marry some other royal or dignitary for the sake of the Devildom and giving them an heir but they don't love or appreciate Diavolo. So it’s up to MC (and the brothers) to stop the union, and maybe even time for MC to get the guy of their dreams.
Barbatos - Haunted
He will try to take away my pain And he just might make me smile But the whole time I'm wishing he was you instead
I picture this as MC has this thing with Barbatos. Nothing official or even clearly romantic but it’s something special just between the two of them. However, after realizing he’s begun to fall for the exchange student. Barbatos ends it because he can never be anything more than Diavolo’s trusted steward and he wants MC to be happy, maybe with one of the brothers or even Diavolo himself, but all MC wants is him. 
Solomon - Last Kiss
So I'll watch your life in pictures like I used to watch you sleep And I feel you forget me like I used to feel you breathe And I'll keep up with our old friends just to ask them how you are Hope it's nice where you are
Solomon’s story is so sad. Being able to live forever is absolutely a curse, and to bear it all alone? Unfathomable. I just imagine Solomon breaking up with MC because he wants them to get to live a normal life and he watches them from the shadows as they move on while he knows he’s going to remember this special human forever and dream about what could have been. 
Simeon - Enchanted
This is me praying that this was the very first page Not where the story line ends My thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again These are the words I held back, as I was leaving too soon I was enchanted to meet you
I was enchanted to meet Simeon. I came for the hot demon boys and was captivated by the enigmatic angel. I feel like the song spans the entire length of MC’s year in the Devildom. They’re swept into so many shenanigans that they don’t get to spend nearly as much time with Simeon as they want and every time they’re pulled away from him, they can’t help but wonder if he’s as disappointed as they are. Then MC leaves Devildom and spends her days hoping that she’ll get to see Simeon again and that they can finish their story together. 
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lokiondisneyplus · 3 years
After spending over 30 years in the world of makeup design for film and television, Douglas Noe landed in the time-defying, creative playground of Marvel Studios' Loki. Serving as the Disney+ show's makeup department head, Noe not only designed the characters' individual looks, but continued to be Tom Hiddleston's makeup artist. Noe has worked on Hiddleston's Loki since 2012's The Avengers, carefully evolving the God of Mischief's look over time.
Loki isn't the first time Noe has spearheaded a makeup department for a Marvel Cinematic Universe production. Previously, Noe served as the makeup department head for Thor: The Dark World's additional photography -- making up approximately 20% of the film's final looks. He's also no stranger to the magic of prosthetic work and the intricate details needed for Marvel's epic adventures, having a creative hand in bringing both Captain Marvel's Skrulls and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Kree to life on-screen. In the industry, Noe is also known for specializing in palettes for actors of color and has worked on stars like Jackie Chan.
In an exclusive interview with CBR, Noe discussed what it was like bringing The Avengers-era God of Mischief into Loki and his approach to doing makeup on a production stuffed with special effects. He also shared which MCU stars have graced his chair and his advice for makeup departments looking for practical ways to de-center whiteness.
Loki's Makeup Evolution
CBR: One thing that I noticed -- which I'm excited to pick your brain about -- when we first see Loki, he has a really pale complexion. His hair is greasy. As he evolves, his skin gets a warmer look. Was that an intentional progression from when we first see him as a villain-ish and how he grows within the MCU?
Douglas Noe: Yes, that's a very astute observation. Of course, at the beginning of The Avengers, he's kind of a wreck, isn't he? And as he settles and normalizes, his pallor then indeed calms down. It was very nuanced. It was only a matter of maybe one or two shades difference, but you definitely caught something most people have not.
That was 10 years ago, but it was a very minor detail we decided would be important as the narrative and the dialogue and the intellect of that character evolved into the storyline. It became important to kind of mainstream and refine his appearance.
Since Loki kicks off from that earlier version of Loki, did you think about bringing any more of that paleness to his look? How did you decide on how you wanted to show him from Loki's time period/first episode?
Oh, that's a good question. The truth is, from the end of The Avengers also shot again in Avengers: Endgame, we change nothing.
We did exactly what we did on Endgame that we did for The Avengers. And in turn, that's how we started the Loki series. It was that that look from Endgame, which, of course, is the look from The Avengers. No alterations were made, other than -- and I can already tell we're not getting anything past you -- we did warm him up. We did bring some more flesh into him... The truth is, that was Tom's idea. I get it because it was an unspoken understanding between us that there's greater accessibility to Loki if he looks more like most people. Now, those are my words. Not his. But, he definitely wanted us to warm it up just a skosh.
How Loki's SFX Affected Its Makeup Design
With Loki, there's a ton of visual effects. With makeup, it's so dependent on lighting -- it can change everything. What was the biggest challenge about working on a show like this that has so many special effects being added in post?
What you just said, it's working on a show like this. Marvel gets it and they do it right. There's almost an aspect where we lean into these kinds of things. And we change nothing to take into account the constantly evolving and changing lighting effects. The approach was to keep everybody natural, or naturally beautiful. Whatever happened happened. [We] knew Marvel is going to give it the once over once it's all done. And if there was anything to address that did happen because of lighting, it would have happened in post.
But, to my knowledge, nothing was addressed. We just accepted that. At certain times, people would be pink because of the light. They would be blue because of the light or purple and we accepted that and didn't try to make any attempts to balance it or right it in any way. We leaned into it and accepted it made it part of the story. It was its own character, if you will.
Sylvie's Makeup Was Always Meant To Be "Natural"
Building off what you said about a natural look for Loki's actors, did you always know you wanted Sylvie's makeup to have a natural look?
Absolutely, absolutely. The approach there was less is more. We didn't want to bury her in beauty makeup. It would have been very easy to do, because Sophia Di Martino is gorgeous, of course. But, the idea was let's do just enough to keep her naturally beautiful.
Practical Ways To De-Center Whiteness In Makeup Rooms
You designed Hunter B-15's look, and you're well known in the industry for specializing in makeup palettes for people of color. Since you've been in the industry for so long, what are some practical things that people within the makeup department, or its heads, can do to make it less white-centered?
That's a great question. Get out of the way. You have room for everybody, especially with today's explosion of content. But I would say to those who are going to hold tightly that they may as well just squeeze it out of their hands, "Just understand color theory." And, have it in your head that if somebody wants someone to do their makeup that closer represents how they look, get out of the way. It really is that simple. As you said, I've made it a specialty, a rite of passage to learn the ins and outs of all color tones. For me, I bring that to the table, so I don't have to get out of the way; but I know enough to know when it is time.
I have an anecdote that relates. I just did the Netflix series [True Story] with Kevin Hart and Wesley Snipes for eight episodes. And Tawny Newsome [who portrays Billie in the upcoming series] was our leading lady, a beautiful African American woman. I could have done a bang-up job, but that wasn't the right decision to make. She needed a female makeup artist because it was a modern beauty glam look we were going to do on her. Now I do get modern beauty glam very well, but I wanted somebody that would do it great. So I got out of the way.
What's one, nitty-gritty thing that helped in expanding your understanding of color theory? Any books or makeup brands?
Oh, well, I could talk about makeup brands all day long. But, again, go back to the color theory. Get a color wheel from an art store. If you don't know how to mix colors, how to make primary and secondary colors to get tertiary colors, get a color wheel and be a sponge. I'm, what, 36 years in this career? 31 in film. I've never stopped learning. I'm never closed off to garnering new info. And when I don't, again, I get out of my way. I'm not up to snuff on this contemporary modern book with the square eyebrows, so I hired somebody that was.
But, getting back to your point, there are so many books. I have countless books on this very topic. I would say, "Be patient, learn color theory. And accept that, especially now, we're in an era where you may just have to get out of the way. And let it be what the person in the chair wants it to be." Because, ultimately, that's who we're there for, the actors.
You've been working in Marvel's world for a long time. What's one Marvel character that you would love to do their makeup or prosthetics?
I've never thought about it because, to be honest with you, I feel like I won the lottery. When we started with doing Loki on The Avengers, we didn't know what was gonna happen. I'm trying to think, hmm. On Captain Marvel, I was doing Skrulls -- that was fun. I did some work on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. when they had a couple of episodes with Kree.
They were so cool.
Right? I'm trying to think -- I did mention to somebody before that on The Avengers I was given the choice:  [Jeremy] Renner or [Mark] Ruffalo or this new guy called Tom Hiddleston. The makeup was described to me and I was told that Hulk was going to beat him up a little bit and we were going to do a little something-something and they asked, "What do you want to do?" And I said, "I want to do a little something-something." So, I landed with Tom.
I'd have to really think, "Who would I like?" I've done Lizzie Olsen's makeup for the Tom Hiddleston film I Saw the Light. I've done Idris Elba's makeup a couple of times for a couple of Marvel films, but also for a movie called Takers. And I worked with him on a movie called The Reaping. He's a gem, of course... I'm really happy with who sits in my chair at the beginning of every day on these things. I've never thought past that. I garner so much pleasure and we have so much joy together. I'm happy where I'm at... I'm happy with Loki. I love Loki.
Well, Loki is coming back for Season 2, so you never know who will pop in the chair.
I've heard we're coming back, but that's all I've heard. That's all I know. And that's truly wonderful for me because ignorance is bliss. Whatever they dream up, I'm always eager to jump in and be a part of it.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer's "Hush" Monsters Were Hand-Painted
Digging way back into your history, you were once a makeup designer on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which is one of my favorite shows! What's one thing about that era of monster-makeup that you don't think gets enough credit for doing?
I always refer to Buffy the Vampire Slayer as Buffy the Weekend Slayer because we would get off on Saturday morning as the sun was coming up and have to be back to work a couple of hours before the sun came up on Monday... What you see is what you get. You had to be on your game. We were real craftspeople back then and there was no margin for error. The words that go with CGI simply didn't exist in 1999. You really had to be on point with makeup.
I would say what's lost now is the notion that makeup always has to be perfect. We know now it doesn't have to be perfect because we can fix it in post. I think a lot of people would say that helps us, but I think it handicaps those of us that are able to deliver the product without a computer's touch.
I remember I did one of the gentlemen on Buffy's episode, "Hush." My boss, Todd McIntosh, was saying, "You got to do the back of the neck... You never know what's gonna happen. You have to make sure that the back of the neck has makeup on." And, sure enough, the camera goes by and they were supposed to leave the frame, but the camera follows them. We just had to be on point and I think now many artists who came into the business with CGI, don't understand what it's like to be grinding your teeth and clenching your fists on set, hoping it looks okay because there's nothing left to fix it for you.
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steve0discusses · 3 years
S5 Ep 15 Pt 2: Don’t Trust Anyone Who Wears a Floor Length Robe Over Their Casuals in Yugioh
Hey, it’s my birthday, so I’m gonna release this early because the rest of today I just have to work like an adult and that’s no fun.
In the first half of this episode we dunked the worlds smallest plane into a lake and so this second half of the episode involved the kids running as far away from their only responsible adults as they could.
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Which like...took whole of less than a second for them to peace out and enter mortal danger.
...I’ve never been in a jungle in India but...I have seen the Jungle book many times...and there’s like tigers and stuff in there, right? and tons of monkeys that are hella mean? And freakin snakes? They sing jazz and scat? That’s some terrifying stuff.
Like these city kids have to learn at some point to fear the woods. But they just freakin don’t. And strangely, the most dangerous thing in these woods isn’t even a snake or something, but a human man just being as suspicious as possible lying prone on the ground.
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(read more under the cut)
The card cultist happens to have a British accent, because this voice acting team freakin loves to pull out their British accents. It’s not as lowbrow as Valon, but it’s not as...well whatever Bakura is supposed to be. He’s a lot more tame than Bakura’s, but still very British.
I don’t know if this is because British English tends to be taught instead of American sounding English in many parts of India, but, most likely they just wanted to do an accent. And like...he’s an archeologist...and so the stereotype is there...but honestly, the decision of making this guy British gets weirder and weirder as this episode goes on, get ready for it. None of you are ready for what I assume is the very obvious plot twist of this freakin guy.
Catfish of the century, this freakin guy, I’m pretty sure.
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Yugi immediately believes this completely out of place white British stranger in the Indian backwoods next to this inaccessible lake and immediately thinks “yes, my Grandfather crash landed in India EXACTLY where I’m standing right now, and now I must save him.”
Thankfully, Yami exists to gently and politely tell Yugi to hella stop.
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Also, I like that Yugi has finally stopped wearing his school outfit out of school. But, he is instead wearing a jacket that is so close to his school outfit I honestly couldn’t tell until the end of this episode. It’s like...I think one shade more purple, it has white piping, and his undershirt has a center seam. It’s nice Yugi has 3 versions of the same black sleeveless undershirt, and this show cares enough to show that tiny factoid about Yugi’s closet.
So, because Yugi is a dumbass and Pharaoh has to just sit back and watch this happen so he can say “told you so” later, they follow this random cultist they found in the woods. Much like Hansel and Gretel, we snack on cake crumbs all the way to the witches house, which in this case, is an undiscovered monolith you would have easily seen from outer space.
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And so get ready for this:
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Hey guys.
Remember how Alexander the great was buried in a pyramid?
Now because they’re name dropping Alexander, that’s actually kind of helpful, because Alexander the Great’s favorite damn horse in the entire world died while he was at war with India so he named a city after it. It’s believed to be in Punjab, which is in the Northern part of India
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Which means we first of all, definitely crossed the tallest mountain range in the world to get here, and also means that we are like...in some really disputed territory of India right now, and it is crazy that these kids went here for a vacation completely unsupervised.
Another fun fact about Alexander is that when he died, it took 6 days for his body to decompose. At the time, they thought it was because he was a God (or in Yugioh’s case, Extremely Cursed) but nowadays historians think it’s because it took him 6 days to fully die. He just wasn’t dead yet. Had to give it a minute and the ancient Babylonians just got way too excited.
Anyway, Alexander super died in Babylon so I don’t know what the hell he’s doing in India. There is a fun spot in History where his body did get dragged to a couple different places, meaning we probably did lose the original Alexander and there’s a lot of people just guessing at where he ended up...but putting him clear up in India sure was a choice when one of his assumed burial sites was literally Egypt, which would be a more fitting location for a Pyramid and a more fitting location for this show.
Especially since Alexander was trying to invent a new race and culture...it seems a little strange he’d be buried in such a massive pyramid, but maybe he got a really, really good pyramid deal from the funeral home when he was like 28 and just figured he’d change it before the time he died at 32.
Which...now that I’m older than 32, how crazy is it that Alexander the Great died at freakin 32? You blink twice and you’re 32. Is history seriously trying to tell me this guy wasn’t like secretly 62? That maybe he just celebrated his 20th for like 20 years in a row as a royal mandate? I just feel like history is playing pranks on me with Alexander.
Anyway, our weird shady new archeologist guy is named Alex and so take that as you will.
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I sure hope Alexander the Great was revived to wear khakis and bother children. Guy conquered the world once and was one of history’s Freakin Worst so he does deserve it, but also...it would explain why he thinks it’s normal to wear a Darth Maul robe over your business casual.
Anyway, lets enter the obvious trap pyramid.
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Joey just wanted a nice time running around Northern India. He just wanted to eat some yummy chaat and look at some tourist destinations and maybe glance at a Bollywood star or two. But instead he’s gotta deal with spike floors because Yugi couldn’t say no to a cultist.
Also...one of those spikes clearly went through Tea’s feet, right? And she is absolutely fine? Just checking on Tea’s godlike strength and clearly it is still godlike.
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Alex gives us a very long explanation of how he went upstairs and Grandpa went downstairs, and there was a door or something so Alex turned back around and Grandpa was gone.
All of those steps were probably plot relevant and I’ll probably forget all about it in 2 episodes.
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The thing is Alex...literally thinks he evaporated. Literally thinks that. But how do you disprove it to this freakin guy who like...might have named a city after his horse once and thinks that’s a normal and acceptable thing to do?
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and so Joey immediately leaps onto the haunted playing floor.
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the way Yugi said this line was sort of hilarious to me so I may cap it. If I remember to do it (I’ve been a little busier lately, with things opening up, as you can tell because my update schedule is in the toilet.)
So, if Joey jumps in...everyone else has to, also.
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And we say good bye to Alex and enter the new forest zone, which looks a LOT like the other forest we were just in.
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Nice Protoss armor.
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We get some hijinks from the local wildlife, which are all cards but real (but not real because we’re in a board game...don’t think about it) and the off brand Sheikah tablets have helpful monsters in them if you touch em.
This season may have been better off as a video game, being honest.
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Joey has gone somewhere else, despite going onto the same game tile, and he’s too busy on a mountain range to really help anyone out. So he’s just gonna vibe up here for a bit.
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Tea got up after this point and said along the lines of “k, what’s next?” Because mortal danger does not affect her and she fears nothing.
At a beach somewhere, Tea and Tristan spend some quality time together forming a new family with whatever these creatures are.
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And Tea’s love of her winged angel comes full circle and now I will suffer this winged orb for the rest of this arc, pretty sure.
Please admire the number of belts on Tea. Her outfit is like max 00′s and I appreciate that. We’ve had a lot of questionable fashion on Yugioh, but they actually dressed Tea pretty on point this arc. Like I often feel like 00′s fashion is hard to define or describe, but it’s Tea right now. That’s it. She did it, it’s right there.
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Yugi gets a new flagship card for this arc, and this time it’s Celtic Guardian. Hell why? I feel like his defining card changes every single arc, and they need to like focus and just give him one. In fact, I’m pretty sure it’s still Dark Magician...and maybe the show forgot?
Anyway, if you just got here, this is a link to read the rest:
I think I forgot that link in the last recap because yo it’s kind of been a while since I’ve updated, I feel. (well I had a graveyard post and those don’t count really) But, we’re back, we’re still going, slowly but surely.
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corpupine · 3 years
Ooo interesting! Can I ask you something about your synesthesia? It’s just numbers? Not normal letters? Also can you see colors of numbers in different language? If you can would it be the same in every language? The example that you said 93 is gradient, did those gradient come from 9 and 3 color or it’s its own color? Like if you saw it as gradient then what would a really long numbers look like? What about base numbers? Would you know the numbers ink color?
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Oooh, these are all really great questions! I saw the replies on my original post, but I decided it might be nice to make a separate post :D And don't worry, I don't find any of this insulting, it's fun to talk about!
I have a lot to explain, so the rest of this answer will be under the cut!
First, I think I should explain something! There are several kinds of synesthesia, and several different ways that it can manifest. I have grapheme-color synesthesia. As this link explains, that means that I experience written numbers to have specific colors. Some people do actually, literally see the colors that they associate with these numbers. However, this is a fairly rare occurrence.
For me, though, this isn't the case! I only perceive that the numbers have certain colors--that is, I know that the number 3 written here is black, I can see it as black. But to me, I also just know that 3 is a very distinct shade of red! I would compare it to the way people talk about auras. Instead of seeing that 3 is red, I just feel that it is. It's kind of silly, and I have been told that it sounds like I'm on drugs when I talk about it XD but that's how I experience my synesthesia!
I see numbers in color, but not necessarily all letters. Sometimes I get a 'vibe' from certain letters, but it's nowhere near as strong as the feelings I get about numbers. If the number is written out (like neuf for 9 in French) I wouldn't get the experience of synesthesia. I also don't get that feeling when people say numbers to me out loud, unless I can visualize them in my head or write them down. The auditory experience of hearing a number doesn't impact my synesthesia.
The gradient thing is actually one of my favorite parts of having synesthesia! It's how I discovered I had it in the first place. Yes, the gradient of 93 comes from the color of 9 (maroon) and the color of 3 (red). In groups of 10 I think my synesthesia gets stronger--so 50 is a more powerful color than 5, etc.
I think my synesthesia is also stronger when the numbers are significant in some way. 4945743086695 does not strongly trigger my synesthesia (beyond a mishmash of the different colors). However, the number 1984 is one of my favorite gradients. It looks like this:
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Dates, or years in general, have a strong impact on my synesthesia. (This made history class fun, because instead of memorizing boring years I could just memorize the gradient colors behind the years and it was much faster XD)
I don't know enough about base numbers to know whether that would trigger my synesthesia! To me all I see is zeros and ones, so that's just white and black.
A lot of your questions connect to the idea that I literally see the color on the page, but I do not--I only perceive it that way. So yes, I can read any number regardless of what colored paper it's printed on or what lens I'm looking through. But as for 6 and 9 on reflected glass, those have a very different feeling--6 is the color of lavender, a light purplish color, and 9 is a rich maroon!
Thanks for being interested in my weird brain! I hope it was cool to learn a bit more about how my synesthesia works, haha.
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mangamushi · 3 years
Thoughts on Panorama of Hell
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 (HINO Hideshi, 1 volume, 1984)
(warning for spoilers and disturbing topics)
In Panorama from Hell, a painter obsessed with depicting hell takes the reader on a journey to discover his life. His work, his neighborhood, his family members and family history are presented to paint a bleak and violent picture of hell on earth.
Hideshi Hino is a very big name of horror manga. Panorama of Hell is one of Hino’s most famous and acclaimed manga, and represents in many ways the quintessence of his style. When he draw Panorama, he thought it would possibly be his last horror manga (he didnt actually stop after that, though).
It displays all his favorite themes and even blatantly recycles ideas from his previous works. It is therefore is a very good entry point for anyone interested in Hino’s stuff. One the other hand, it feels a bit redundant when you are already familiar with his work, especially if you have read Lullaby from Hell, as both manga are very similar. 
As the title suggests, Panorama takes place in a hellish setting, described in great details by the main character.  He is a painter who uses his own blood to paint, and the world he lives is horrible in many ways: from his window he sees an execution platform operating non-stop, a stream full off trash and corpses runs next to his house, he lives in the smell of burning bodies because of the next-door crematorium... 
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These first few chapters are so insistent on being as abhorrent as possible that I found it hard to take seriously. In the beginning it felt so exaggerated and lacking any subtlety  that it almost felt a bit comical at times, like the author was just stacking awful things on more awful things for shock value.
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“his daily routine”
And it keeps escalating from there. Next, his family is introduced: cruel children with a dark sense of curiosity, a beautiful wife who seems straight out of a classic japanese horror tale (pale skin and long black hair, wearing traditional clothes...), until we go back in time to witness the story of his grand-parents and parents. 
It gradually becomes more interesting, especially the part about his family which shows deeply ingrained violence and insanity getting passed down from a generation to the next. It culminates when historical events (WWII and its aftermath, the atomic bombings) are shown, intertwining with the painter’s personal story.
Different kinds of hells complete each other (ambient with initial setting and scenery of desolation, a more personal hell with the intra-familial violence, and the wider-scale historical hell of war).
Overall, I find Hino less imaginative than  fellow “horror masters” Junji ito and Kazuo Umezu. Those two can come up with the craziest ideas, whereas Hino’s scenarios and imagery are somewhat more expected/conventional for horror. 
But perhaps the most interesting part of Panorama is the way it blurs the borders between reality and fiction. First of all, the main character, an artist who specializes in depicting horror, acts as a stand-in for Hino himself. This is fairly common in his work, his other manga Lullaby from hell even has an extremely similar character overtly present himself as Hino: 
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The artist from Panorama is making his last, best painting, just like Hino who was thinking of ending his mangaka career with his strongest work.  Both the painting and the manga share the same title, “Panorama of Hell”. 
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 The similarities between Hino and his main character don’t end here, and many elements of the story are actually taken from Hino’s own life: his grandfather really was a yakuza, his brother went into a coma, his father was pig farmer with a tattoo on his back...
Just like the painter, Hino grew up in the context of the direct aftermath of WWII. Both the character and the author were born in Japanese-occupied China, and were nearly killed when their family fled back to Mainland-Japan after the country’s loss. He takes inspiration from his own life and in the traumatizing things he witnessed and lived through to draw his manga. It is hard to discern what is fiction or not in the painter’s story. Many elements are obviously fantastical and folklore-ish, like the beheaded ghosts visiting the wife’s bar (this chapter feel like a tone-shift, it is much more whimsical, with the corpses happily eating their own body parts), yet the references to real historic events like the war and Hiroshima bombing still links Panorama of Hell to reality, to our world. 
The painter’s insanity makes him an unreliable narrator. Indeed, at the end of the story, the current members of the painter’s family (his wife, his daughter and son, his brother...) are revealed to have been fake all along : the wife and children are a mannequin and puppets, the brother is a pig’s corpse...
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Moreover, by having the painter address the reader directly (”let me show you...”) Hino breaks the fourth wall that should separate the world of fiction from reality.
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 This culminates at the very end of the book, where the painter throws an axe at the reader to kill them.
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Hino’s art style is really simple and easily recognizable. The way he draws body horror and wounds isn’t very realistic, which makes the gore parts less shocking. His character’s simple, soft, deformed appearance reminds me of modeling clay or perhaps melting plastic toys.
I am even tempted to describe his style as cute. The big eyes, round features, and the way his characters are often miserable and mistreated by others...it is cute in a pitiful way.
Hino draws lots of babies, children, and baby animals which adds to both the cuteness and the horror. It also helps that I share Hino’s fondness for insects, worms and other similar crawling creatures...
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There are figures based on his works that are just too cute! 
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Hino often puts animals in his stories and even merges animals and humans. He writes stories where people transform into animals (Bug Boy) or give birth to inhuman creatures ( Unusual Fetus -My Baby ). Human bodies are more often than not hosts to parasites and maggots (Mermaid in a manhole...).
In Panorama of Hell, humans are executed one after the other like livestock in a slaughterhouse, and their bodies get dumped in a stream where they mix with other dead animals. Beheaded bodies try to put animal heads on to feel complete again, and the painter’s daughter is obsessed with animal corpses that she collects and dissects.
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He doesn’t use any screen tones, nor does he use a lot of crosshatching as a mean to create different shades of grey, so the jet black ink creates a stark contrast against  the white of the paper. Some pages are beautiful and esthetically pleasing in spite of the repulsive contents. Especially towards the end of the book, which depict strange surrealist imagery as the world is falling apart.
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His frequent use of pitch black silhouettes reminds me of shadow play theater  (which originates from China where Hino was born), as well as of Kamishibai (street theater using paper, which was very popular in post-war Japan). 
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Kamishibai originates from buddhist temples and was often used to spread buddhist teachings.
Hino makes uses of buddhist concepts and imagery in his depiction of hell. Panorama of Hell could be compared to the Hell Scroll, a famous scroll describing the Chinese Buddhist conception of hell with text and pictures. 
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↑ The “Blood Lake” and “Needle Moutain” in this panel refers to two of the different kinds of hells depicted in the Hell Scroll. The blood lake is exclusively for women.
Young women are only thing that are drawn in a conventionaly beautiful way.  However, finding beauty and fascination in the most horrendous things is a central point of Hino’s body of work. His characters are either artists or collectors obsessed with what fits their strange idea of beauty (cf. Flower of Flesh and Blood, where a woman’s dismemberment is an act of creation and a research of ideal beauty in the perpetrator’s eyes).
The contrast between the solid black shadows and the untouched white of the paper can give the impression that a strong, blinding light is hitting the world. The violent light emitted from an explosion, for example. Which is fitting, giving the importance of the Hiroshima atomic bomb in the story and its repercussions that still dawn on the characters years later. It’s like the characters are constantly bathed in the harsh light of the bombings. 
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The Hiroshima bomb is called a “gigantic emperor from hell”, it rules over the character’s lives, even years after it was dropped. As a child, the painters created a replica of the mushroom cloud that he worships like a god.
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Panorama of Hell is a very dark and pessimistic work, displaying a world where there is no hope and nothing is spared (not even the reader, who receives the painter’s axe!). In fact, the main character was already doomed before he was even born. Indeed, he is the child of the Hiroshima bomb itself: his mother got pregnant as she was hit by a beam from the explosion. 
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I'd love to see more fics exploring Noé & Domi (not necessarily in a shipping light, though I do love those two. It's the ~history~ y'know! *chef's kiss*). But I also agree, Roland & Olivier are two characters that would be really fun to explore. What are they doing when they break out of chasseur mode? I find it amusing that Olivier is so popular with the ladies but can't be bothered by all that. Heh!
Hey there! I'm so so sorry it took me forever to get to your prompt!! I loved it and fully intended to return to it...but my inspiration sort of left as soon as it came.
So I thought maybe I'd use some of these prompts for the vnc countdown since it's giving me some more! I hope that's alright!
Noé’s brow was creased, his hand to his chin,
“If you keep thinking that hard, your thoughts might decide to start walking out of your head.”
“Sorry, Teacher.”
“No need to apologize,” his teacher laughed, more than anything at Noés mundane reaction at such a strange statement, “I just thought your head might appreciate a little relief. Come now, let’s look at the options over here!“ He beckoned him to the next part of the store. “What do you think?”
Noé observed the dresses towering above him, trying not to think too hard this time. He didn’t want to say he didn’t like them till he gave them a proper think over.
Then he turned to the side…and saw it.
A dress of brilliant gold, with flowers, butterflies and bows—though nothing too terribly lavish, just perfect little accents.
Noé’s eyes became stars, and his hands became triumphant fists at his sides.
“That one.” He pointed like an explorer who’d found land.
His Teacher raised an eyebrow, lifting his head to find the object of fascination. “Ah! You have taste, my dear Noé! A fine piece!”—He called for assistance—“Our dear Dominique will look lovely in that.”
He agreed. Even with her hair like that, and her eyes all sad, she would look beautiful in this. He could only hope she would be able to see it too.
Noé sat in a chair in Dominique’s room, swinging his legs back and forth, waiting patiently, but determinedly.
Domi came in what might have been minutes, but felt like hours later. It still made him sad to see her hair so short, and her eyes ever glazed. Gold looked better when it was allowed to shine.
She was still wearing Louis’ waistcoat.
Noé shot up at her arrival and Domi’s eyes widened upon seeing him there.
“I have—!" He fumbled with the box, almost dropping it, but managed to regain composure, holding it out to her. “I have something for you!”
Domi didn’t say anything. The curiosity in her eyes was almost imperceptible beneath that glaze, but it was there. She took the lid off the box and observed the article within. Her eyes widened, and she looked from it to Noé.
“Domi, would you please join me for dinner tonight?”
“Huh? We always have dinner together.” Her voice was low and soft.
He smiled, though there was something sad in his eyes at hearing her voice. “Yes, but tonight’s special! I know this request might seem a little strange, but I would like you to meet me in the woods later!” He pulled a badly drawn map of the forest out of his pocket and pointed at an over-exaggerated X on it. “At this location!” He looked up at her, and the look in his eyes told her she couldn’t refuse. “Will you?”
Domi’s brow furrowed. “You haven’t lost it have you, Noé?”
“Please let me know if I have! Teacher says if I think too hard my thoughts might walk right out of my head!”
“He was just saying that.”
“We can only hope, but I still don’t want to chance it.”
Domi’s thoughts frayed as she looked at herself in that golden dress. Like a rope that isn’t quite sure it can hold onto anything.
It was Louis. It was supposed to be Louis.
Why did they pick her? Why? Why was he cursed, and she blessed? It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair they had to choose. Choices were for ice cream flavors, and what book you wanted to read, not for brothers and sisters.
Not for twins.
That word gummed up her mouth, even when she didn’t say it aloud.
Twins. She and Louis, twins. Part of her still couldn’t believe it, and the other part of her could only believe it.
That word had one benefit. With her hair cut, and wearing his clothes, she could pass for him.
Which was surely what everyone wanted. All as it should have been.
She could pretend to be Louis. And pretending to be Louis was…better that truly being Domi…wasn’t it?
So…why did Noé want her to wear this dress? Didn’t Noé prefer her looking like Louis?
“I like it when you have your hair long too. It feels so much like you’re Domi, then, and…I really like it.”
Or perhaps…
Would he like that? Would he really?
She looked at herself in this dress and she thought in some far-off part of her brain that, perhaps she was beautiful. And perhaps he picked this dress because he knew she would like it, and he knew she would look nice in it.
But she would have looked better in it if her hair were longer.
Noé was so glad to have Domi.
He missed Louis, and he wanted Louis back, certainly. But he was glad to have Domi, and he wanted Domi to be, well, Domi. She was no pale imitation of her brother, and didn’t deserve to be treated as such.
It made him so sad to see her cut her hair, and put herself in Louis’ clothes. It made him so sad that she thought that’s what she was, what they all wanted.
He had to show her he appreciated her.
He waited in his chair at the table with equally determined, yet barely simmering excitement.
Noé had once read a book Teacher brought from the human world in which a group of mad characters had tea in the forest. Noé thought it was rather fantastic idea, and asked Teacher if they could accomplish such a thing. The table had to be long, and the tea had to be all over it, with lots of cakes too. Teacher laughed, said What an amusing notion, and that he was sure he could set something up.
Noé wasn’t sure exactly how, but when he and Murr entered the forest, was delighted to find it almost exactly as he’d pictured. (Okay, not exactly. There was more substantial dinner food than tea, and not nearly enough desserts, but still.)
When Domi came through the forest Noé stood up, like she was a princess who deserved respect. And he wouldn’t say she didn’t look like it; he had made the right choice. The short hair looked kind of nice with it.
“You look great!” He pumped his fist at his side again.
Domi looked at the ground, but brushed her hair behind her ear.
“Why are we doing this?” She asked, but her eyes scanned the table and the dishes with that barely perceptible curiosity.
“It’s for you!”
“I mean what are we celebrating?”
“Uhh, we’re celebrating you, then, I guess!” Noé continued determinedly, pulling out a chair for Domi, as Teacher poured some blood into her goblet.
“But it’s not my birthday.” She continued looking at the setup as she sat down.
“Why does it have to be for us to want to celebrate you?” Noé sat down in another chair next to hers.
Domi’s eyes widened, and her eyes changed as she observed the table, becoming more awed, with an almost tearful shimmer to them.
When she turned back to look at Noé, for the first time since Louis’ death, he thought he really was really seeing Domi.
* Fin *
I really hope you like what I came up with! I had hoped it would be longer but I do really like the idea. And please do send me another prompt if you were hoping for something different, or else have a new idea!
Oh also, I realized after I wrote it that it's possible Noé couldn't leave the manor at that age, but I don't remember, and I didn't want to change the beginning since I realized this when I was about to post
For Roland and Olivier, I don't have something ready quite yet, but I am working on something, and I thought I'd post a snippet here for you! I'm honestly quite proud of this XD
Olivier was having a perfectly satisfactory morning. His coffee smelled just the right shade of black, and was perfectly scalding. He brought a book he’d been hoping to read for a while, but hadn’t had the time for. He lit a cigarette, and the smoke was as decadent to him as any dessert. He was just opening up said book, just bringing the cigarette to his lips when—
Oliver didn’t jump. Didn’t shout or otherwise react in surprise at the sudden disruption to his morning. Instead, very slowly, he closed the book, very carefully he set down his coffee. Very slowly, he lifted the cigarette and took a long drag, blowing out a wisp of smoke.
And he silently regretted (not for the first time) telling Roland where his favorite coffee shop was.
Question. For this Roland and Olivier fic, would you be more interested in reading about them running around trying to help someone find their lost pet, or a fic exploring them going to fly that small aircraft Roland was talking about? Or do you have another idea for what Roland might be worked up about? XD Feel free to put it in my ask box, I could always put this fic with that ask!
Thanks so much for sending me this prompt!!
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annonmaly · 3 years
Ok, It's Not Red. So What?
"Oh, It's Not Red" continuation
Welcome to the third part of my posts regarding Mochijun-sensei's official VnC artworks. This is just a continuation of the 2nd part (there will be no artworks to be discussed). I will just share some absurd ideas that I came up with after my realization (some may already be out there). If there's any chance that you stumbled to the prior post and decided to continue. I salute you brave warriors that assume I would mention anything that makes any sense. To those who have no time to read a post that only talked about Murr's eye color. Here's a summary: I realized Murr's right eye is not red.
Curious as to how did I come to this conclusion? Check it out here: Oh, It's Not Red (You may not read the first part as it isn't related to this. But if you want to, it's here: Regarding some of VnC Artwork this title is so uncreative)
As usual, a friendly reminder that best in writing is an award I never received. I'm not the person who could analyze, explain, or theorize things clearly. Please bear that in mind while reading. Photos are not mine, of course. Also, spoiler alert to be safe
Now that it's all said and done. Let's go ahead and talk about Murr.
By this time, we already know who is Murr. And I think we all agree that the cat is not just a cute mascot of the series. I bet that he would be a game-changer (yes, I'm putting Murr on a high pedestal). The question is: What do you think of Murr's role in the story?
After spending hours and hours of reading here and there, the common theories I found are:
1. Murr is Sensei (The Shapeless One)
Sensei is an observer. And where is the best place to observe? It's beside your subject of interest. Also, as his title suggests, he is shapeless, so maybe he could shapeshift into anything he wants. This sounds probable but, I do not lean on this much for two reasons.
Personal preference. If this is true, Sensei is weird, not terrifying. I mean, instead of doing scary and shady affairs during his free time, he decided to be a cat just to watch Noé.
Look at the image below closely.
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Did you found Murr? No? Take a closer look at Louis. At first, I thought he was just reading, but his book has a weird shape. Where did I see that again? Oh, right.
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Not yet satisfied? See this panel from the manga. This is after the first image's scene.
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(Grandpa obviously has his favorites)
I think the cat Louis' holding is Murr. Thus, there's a panel where Sensei and Murr are together. That's the second reason I'm skeptical about this theory, folks.
Well, we also don't know. Maybe grandpa killed the cat so he could disguise himself as one.
2. Murr is a spy camera of Grandpa De Sade
It's a simple one. The theory goes like this: Murr's right eye connects to Sensei in whatever way. This panel is what inspires this theory:
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(This cat really is suspicious, I bet he is one of the puppet masters of this arc along with Sensei)
This theory is what I'm more inclined to believe. I suppose the cat is working under/with Grandpa for their grand schemes. So, of course, he would report to Sensei the events that took place. Whether he is using his right eye or whatever means it is.
Going to my personal thoughts...
I guess that Murr was a kin of the vampire of the blue moon. He used the power too much, and thus he was rewritten from the inside. Alas, Murr became a cat! Why is he heterochromatic, tho?
Ok, kidding aside, there are two ideas I want to share.
1. Possibly Twins
Mochijun-sensei dropped the bomb in chapter 46. She gave us the idea that the theme of twins would be relevant in the story. Here is the page where Veronica mentioned the thing about twins:
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Then three chapters later when Misha forced Noé to drink his blood and reveal his memory. Mochijun-Sensei dropped another bomb.
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After seeing this, we speculated that Faustina and Luna are twins. I love that thought. Just imagine how complex the relationship it would be between the two. But if we think about it. What if this is just a misdirection? First, Mochijun-sensei makes us aware that the subject of twins is somewhat important. And while that information is still fresh in our memory, she dropped another bomb and told us that the blue vampire and the queen looked alike. Mochijun-sensei set this up so that we could connect the two easily.
All we know is that: Vampire twins are a symbol of bad luck, and Luna looks like Faustina. This is just me overthinking things, but what's life without competition. So, let's add three more names to the list that could be a set of twins.
Murr and Luna: Because why not? His left eye is blue. Also, Luna's left eye was never shown in the series. It's always hidden by her hair, maybe it's a different color.
Noé and Luna: Let's just say he is older than the series claimed him to be. Noé's memory started on the day that it snowed. I believe that Mochijun-sensei is keeping the timeline vague since it would reveal too much information. I mean, we don't know how long time passed from the day Noé was found by the old couple to the day Sensei brought him to the castle in the forest. Keep in mind that the vampire's growth differs for each person, as well.
Also, is the story the Noé and Sensei told trustworthy?
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(How kind are this kidnappers that the kid was not traumatized? Also what's with the injuries. I don't much about slave trading in VnC world. But, if you're going to sell something you don't want it to have visible damage right. Sorry if the comparison sounds offending)
As far as I could tell, Sensei is shady, like really. Noé's memory is also not reliable. After all, someone out there may have the ability to manipulate memories. What if Noé was was born ages ago and was induced to sleep for a long time for whatever reasons?
Going back to Noé and Luna. Mochijun-sensei is giving us subtle hints of his association with Luna. I only saw Luna from one chapter, but I could say they are somewhat similar aside from the hair and skin(?) color (I will make a list later if I still have of time on hand).
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(Child Noé and Luna both have similar haistyle, they have the "lid" as Mochijun-sensei called it. Their eyes are different tho')
Go on, read chapter 49, you'll see what I mean. Also, take note that at some panels (especially the ones where Noé is feeling extreme emotions), Noé's left eye was hidden by his hair or something. Who else out there that we don't see her left eye? Yup, the vampire of the blue moon (I have a weird feeling about Noe's left eye that I will share later) To conclude this, I think that Noé was not from this era. He is actually from the past and preserved in whatever way from whatever reason. And maybe he is actually the twin brother of Luna, seeing that they have a resemblance.
For now, I won't say that he's a reincarnation of Luna (I may change my mind later) as the timeline doesn't coincide. Besides, human Vani's reaction when Misha told him that there's a way to revive Luna is intense. Meaning he wants Luna to stay dead. I also believe that human Vani is hiding "something" he knows about Noé. So if Noé's a reincarnated Luna, there's no way human Vani would stay with him.
Murr and Noé
If you saw my previous post. I convinced myself that Murr's right eye's color is violet (the same shade as Noé's). That's why I decided to include them here. I have no definitive reasoning aside from their eye color and how Murr treated Noé in the series.
In the meantime, I'll write the scenario in my head. What if Murr and Noé are twins. Something happened when they were young, and so they were separated. Noé was somewhere we don't know yet, while Murr encountered Vampire Vanitas and Grandpa DeSade. Then the rest is history.
I swear I didn't expect it to be this long, at any rate, this would be to be continued here: Ok, It's Not Red. So What? (continuation)
Note: This is just a random theory, thoughts, assumptions, and/or head-canons. I wrote this to indulge my over-thinking self. Thank you for taking the time to read and understanding if I made any mistakes or post whatever it is you don’t agree on.
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miastideclock · 3 years
Highschool!AU Kim Wonpil Drabble
pilliepollie asked:
Hii! May I request a scenario where Wonpil confesses to Mia?? I'm not sure if you do aus but if you do can it be a highschool au? If you don't do those then without it is totally fine! Ty!
Of course love!! Au’s aren’t exactly my area of expertise, but I’ll do my very very best!! I tried making it a bit longer as I haven’t posted a lot the past few weeks- sorry about that.
Word count: 1781
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The ringing of the bell startled you, causing you to slam your head into the top of your locker, as you had been diving in deep looking for your calculus book. You hissed and pulled your head out of the locker, your hand instinctively making its way up to your head to rub it. You assumed no one had seen it, but the sound of laughter next to you proved you wrong. You turned and were faced with two of your favorite morons doubled over in laughter.
“The only thing getting me through mondays is you making a fool of yourself. Four years at this school, and every single week- without fail, you do something stupid.” Brian managed to get out between laughs, Wonpil laughing along. 
“Ha-ha, real funny boys.” You snarked back, shutting your locker and preparing to walk away from them, but the grabbed a hold of you. 
“Where are you going? You have a free period?” Wonpil asked. 
Monday, fourth period. An hour you rarely spent without the two boys who were currently making fun of you. So when it looked like you were walking away from them, it was destined to raise a few questions. 
“I don’t wanna spend my precious time with two ding-dongs who are just making fun of me anyways.” You said in a over-dramatic tone, signalling to the two that you were just joking around. 
“Sure you don’t.” Brian puffed and looped his arm in yours, Wonpil doing the same on the opposite side, the two of them dragging you along with them- backwards, down the hall. The other students had seen worse from you at this point, so no one really paid you any mind.
You knew exactly where you were headed, so being half-dragged backwards wasn’t as bad as it probably seemed. You even knew when the stairs started, and you were ready. After descending down the two flights, you felt gravel under your feet for a short second before it soon became softer and much more comfortable. Not even a second later, the boys dropped you onto the grass below you, landing on your back.
You let out a grunt, but soon rolled over so you were supporting yourself on your elbows, looking at the boys as they sat down next to you- all of you in the shade of a large tree that was found in the yard of the school. Wonpil had dropped your book-bag down by your head, so you grasped at it and used it as a pillow. 
“You guys remember that girl, Kayla?” Brian asked as he pulled out a bottle of water from his bag and took a swig of it.
About two weeks ago the three of you had been to a party at your friends house, a guy called Jae- something. You didn’t really know him, but Wonpil and Brian had gotten to know him at some function. While there, Brian had ended up talking to a girl, Kayla. As they had really hit it off, you and Wonpil had left them to chat and gone outside. You don’t remember details from that night, but you do remember your belly aching from laughter. 
“Sure, you guys still talking?” You asked and reached out your hand, telling Brian you wanted his water. He tossed it your way and let you know he still was. He was about to let you in on the details of their first date last week, but his phone went off just as he was about to.
“Speak of the devil, I’ll be right back- Hi, baby.” He picked up his phone and placed it against his ear. He got up and left you and Wonpil alone. 
“That’s actually kind of cute.” Wonpil admitted and went from a sitting position to laying on his back on the grass next to you. He used your book bag to support his head as well, as the bag was pretty massive. 
“It is. I wonder when I’ll get to pick up the phone all giddy like that, I can’t remember the last time someone was actually interested in me.” You chuckled at the kind of upsetting truth. Little did you know, this gave Wonpil the perfect opening.
You see, the past year or so, Wonpil had found himself thinking more and more about you, even about how it would be to hold your hand; and kiss you. He had voiced his feelings to your mutual friend, Brian- and he had told Wonpil to just go for it. As he knew you both pretty well, he could tell that there was something more than just friendship there- and it was true.
You used to have a pretty big crush on Wonpil, but had eventually put your feelings on the shelf and tried to forget them, not wanting to ruin things between the two of you. You valued your friendship too much. But no matter how hard you had tried, your feelings for him still simmered in the pit of your stomach.
“Actually,” Wonpil started, building up to confessing his feelings. It was only a few more months before summer vacation, meaning if you didn’t reciprocate his feelings, it wouldn’t be too long of avoiding each other out of pure awkwardness around school.
You tilted your head so you were now facing the boy, giving him your full, undivided attention. “I think you’re wrong. It’s not that long ago since someone was interested in you.” He spoke, his breath shaking ever so slightly. 
“Sir, do you know something I don’t?” You had a tendency of calling your boys ‘sir’ when you were messing around, which signalled to Wonpil that you had no idea he was trying to confess his undying feelings for you.
“Y/N, I have feelings for you.” Wonpil had sat up by now, looking at you with such eyes you understood he wasn’t messing around- not that he would about things like this, but still. 
You copied his actions and sat up, looking at him in disbelief. You blinked a few times, keeping quiet. You had no idea why you didn’t say anything, you really wanted to- but your body wouldn’t let you. 
Finally you managed to pry your lips apart, but that was about as far as you got before Brian returned. 
“That was Kayla, she wants to go out again on Wednesday!” He cheered as he plopped back to where he sat just minutes prior. You tore your eyes from Wonpil and turned them to Brian, faking enthusiasm for him. It wasn’t that you weren’t happy for him- but you had other things on your mind.
“We’re going to the pop-up fair in town. You guys should totally come with us! We can hang for a bit, then me and Kayla can split off when we want some us-time.” Brian suggested. 
You were unsure what or who was making your bodily actions when you nodded yes to his idea- cause it sure as hell wasn’t you. You looked over to Wonpil who was nodding along reluctantly. 
“Well, I have got to go. I need to get some notes from this guy in my AP history class. See you guys later.” Wonpil jumped to his feet and walked off before any of you could even say goodbye. You wanted to call out for him and tell him to wait, but whoever controlled your body wouldn’t let you- they only allowed you to release a deep sigh, and slump together in your seat on the grass.
Time passed, and before you knew it, it was Wednesday and you found yourself biting your nails outside the entrance to the fair. 
it had been two days, and you hadn’t seen Wonpil since he walked away from you and Brian that Monday at school. It wasn’t irregular that the three of you went a few days without seeing each other or talking- the only difference between those times and now, was that you had actually tried to contact Wonpil. 
“Y/N! You remember Kayla?” You heard someone call out for you, making you spin around and face Brian and the girl you remembered from the party. You greeted her with a hug and asked her how she was doing, masking the fact that you were so anxious you could collapse right there. 
“Wonpil just texted me and said he would be a few minutes late, and that we should just head on in without him.” Brian said and grabbed Kayla’s hand, intertwining their fingers. You smiled slightly at their actions, and then sighed. 
“I can wait from him here, you two lovebirds just go in. Meet you at the photobooths in thirty minutes?” You suggested, the two quickly agreeing. They then proceeded to leave you alone, looking over the crowded parking lot. 
You had no idea what you were gonna do when you actually saw Wonpil. Run away? It was tempting, but no. Pretend it never happened? That would probably get awkward, and you weren’t sure you wanted to pretend it never happened. Kiss him? That seemed like a pretty wild thing to do- but maybe it was the way to go. You could also do the sane thing and just confess back, sort of. Tell him you liked him too. 
Suddenly your mind blanked as you saw him approach you through the crowd. Your palms grew sweaty, and a shiver shot down your spine. He was casual as he walked to you, his hands in the pocket of his hoodie, no particular feeling in his eyes- you could tell he had settled on pretending it never happened. But again, you didn’t want that. 
“Y/N-” Wonpil started to greet you as he finally stopped a feet or two away from you. However you took a step towards him and cut him off, grabbing his face and pressing your lips against his- catching him off guard. 
You quickly pulled away when you couldn’t feel him kissing you back, but you only got about an inch or so away from his face before you were pulled back in. Wonpil had secured his hands on head side of your face, his thumb gently stroking against your left cheek.
Time stopped. You were sure of it. 
On your life, you couldn’t tell if thirty seconds, thirty minutes, or even a year had gone by when you pulled away. All you did know, was that your hands were wrapped around Wonpil’s wrists, his hands still resting on the sides of your face- and you never wanted him to let go. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t say anything the other day- it just caught me so off guard, and-” You started, but Wonpil just chuckled and shut you up by pulling you in for yet another kiss.
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I hope you like it!! Feel free to request again!
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greenbergsays · 3 years
So, you're the closest thing I have to a "friend"* in fandom, and you seem to know your fandom history and have a level take on a lot of things, so I hoped I could bother you for your opinion on something. This is a long and kind of heavy/complicated question so if you don't have the mental space for it, please feel free to disregard it entirely.
So, I absolutely adore an anime (My Hero Academia), and I really want to write for it, but I personally headcanon my favorite character (Shoto Todoroki) as having DID. I've written a lot of personal snippets for myself about it and done lots of research because it sort of became a new special interest for me, and I really want to start writing proper fics and sharing them again. However, my problem is sort of twofold.
I don't want to insult people who actually live with DID by writing a character that is inaccurate, and I know research will only get me so far. I understand that stories don't have to be perfectly realistic in fanfiction contexts (eg, the difference between posting Master of the Universe vs Fifty Shades of Grey) but I don't want to cause more harm to an already marginalized community, even if unintentionally.
The other issue is that the fandom is kind of known for being incredibly toxic in some circles, especially on platforms like tiktok and twitter. I worry that even if I openly say I want criticism on my stories so I CAN do better, I'll just get flooded with hate comments about it not being canon, or arguing about basic shit like how I portray my characters vs how they perceive them from the show, rather than getting any actual feedback that could help.
I really love this fandom, and I really want to get back in to writing. It was one of the few things that gave me joy before my entire life turned upside down, and I want to get back to doing things that make me happy. But I've had so many bad experiences with harassing comments that I'm not sure how to move forward with wanting to continue, much less when I want to touch such a delicate topic.
*I use this term incredibly loosely, I just follow you and appreciate your content and you were the first person to pop in my mind when someone said ask a friend about it, I sincerely apologize if that upsets or offends you in any way
So here’s the thing, right.
I did once read a fic where Bucky Barnes had DID because of his lifelong trauma. I thought it was a well-thought-out fic, unique and memorable, and I don’t feel like it was toxic or harmful in its portrayal, but I also don’t have DID.
I don’t know how someone living with it experiences that fic or the one you would write.
I would recommend a sensitivity reader rather than declaring open season in the comments. I would recommend getting one before you even start the fic, actually, because you don’t know whether or not the idea/plot itself will be harmful to them as a whole and you don’t want to go through that much work only to figure out you have to scrap it all.
The other thing I will say is that you’ll have to prepare yourself for the harassing comments. I hate them, I don’t agree with them, I will do everything in my power to fight them and teach better etiquette, but this is the internet and people are NOTORIOUSLY ASSHOLES on the internet.
Even with a sensitivity reader that okays a story, people are gonna try to come at you that don’t experience the issues or even know someone who does, bc they like to be Performatively Woke In Public for the kudos or whatever.
So you really gotta weigh whether or not you wanna rock that boat or if you just want to share your story with a privileged few. It might be easier that way.
I hope this helps? Even a little bit?
And good luck!
EDIT: Actually, I thought about this as soon as I hit post, so lemme add
If your story ideas are about the DID experience itself, I wouldn’t recommend writing that. Having a story with a certain type of character with a completely separate plot is inclusive and I encourage that, but when it comes to stories that are “experiences with x” exclusively, it’s one of those “own voices” things. 
Allow queer people to write queer experiences, black people to write black experiences, etc. But absolutely include these kinds of characters in your fantasy/sci-fi story where that isn’t the plot itself.
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robinrunsfiction · 4 years
Baby, You’re A Haunted House
Pairing: Gerard Way x Female Reader Rating: General (TW for blood, mentions of a suicide) Requested By: None Word Count: 6,330 Author’s Note: Here is my first story for spooky season! I had hoped to have it up sooner, but life has been busy. This story has been in my mind since this spring. I intend on writing a little bit about the location it’s set in because it’s real! It really is a seminary that was converted into apartments in my hometown. I’ll link to the post here when it’s written. And yes, that is a picture of it below!  Also!!! There is a reference to another one of my favorite bands and one of their albums, first person who can correctly point it out wins... a prize? My admiration? Not sure yet, but shout it out if you know it!
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It all seemed too good to be true.
(YN)’s roommate had let her know that she was going to be moving out of town for a new job and the thought of looking for a new apartment or roommate was overwhelming. She was dreading the process, but the next day while eating her lunch at work, she spotted an ad in the paper for Holy Name Heights. The description stated the apartments were newly renovated and located in a historic building on the edge of town, so she called right away to set up a tour.
Later that week she was touring the building that had previously been a seminary for many years. The diocese had sold the second and third floors of the sprawling building to a developer who converted the rooms into apartments, while leaving the first floor as office spaces for the diocese, a Catholic charity organization, and a small museum about the history of the church’s presence in the area.
“This place is beautiful,” (YN) marveled at the space. While being only one bedroom, it was spacious, had a washer and dryer so she wouldn't need to haul her laundry anywhere, assigned parking, not to mention a beautiful view, but a question nagged at the back of her mind. “How much is it per month?”
“$850 per month including utilities,” the agent replied with a smile.
“Oh! Ok, yes, I’d love to apply!”
A few weeks later as (YN) was moving her things into her brand new third floor apartment, she realized how quiet the building was. She paused briefly at each door as she walked by, straining to hear if anyone else was there. As she arrived at her own door with another armload of boxes, the door next to hers opened and a dark haired man stepped out. She shot him a quick smile as she fumbled for her keys. 
“Do you need some help?” He asked.
“That’d be great,” she laughed and he took the box from her so she could get her keys straightened out. “I’m (YN).”
“Gerard,” he replied as she got the door open and took the box back from him.
“Have you lived here long?”
“Just moved in last weekend. I’m glad I’m not the only one up here anymore.”
“Wait, seriously? None of these other apartments are occupied?”
“I don’t think so, I haven’t seen many people around. I guess an old seminary might be kind of a hard sell.”
“Yea, I’m not sure I would have considered it either if I wasn’t in a bind. Thanks for the help with the box,” (YN) smiled as she shifted it in her arms.
“No problem, I’ll see ya around,” he smiled before continuing down the hall.
“See ya,” she called after him. (YN) closed the door behind her and shook her head. Cool apartment, good price, cute neighbor. It all seemed too good to be true.
The next day (YN) got up, made a pot of coffee and set about unloading the box that held her mug collection. The fact that she didn’t have to share cupboards with a roommate delighted her, as she didn’t have to worry about any of her favorites getting damaged. She put on some music and made her way over to the living room window as the smell of brewing coffee filled the room. 
Her view was of the front of the building. Trees with bare branches lined the hillside that the building sat upon and a long driveway led up to the front of the building. She loved knowing that the leaves would soon be filling those branches, and then in the fall they’d turn beautiful shades of gold, red and orange. She also liked the idea of being able to see who was coming and going up the driveway. 
After enjoying her coffee, she got back to work unpacking her apartment. The hours flew by as the pile of broken down cardboard boxes piled up near her door. As she wiped her sweaty brow, she realized she had no idea what to do with the boxes and trash that had accumulated. Had the agent even shown her where the dumpsters were? Then she had an idea. Gerard.
Should she bother him? She didn’t even know for sure if he was in. She took a deep breath as she approached his door and knocked. She wondered how long she should wait if he wasn’t there, or didn’t want to answer. She’d never interacted much with the neighbors at her old apartment building, so maybe she was being totally obnoxious. (YN) was so deep in her own thoughts that she almost didn’t notice that the door was opening.
“Hey (YN), what’s up?”
“Hi, umm this is probably super dumb, but I don’t know where the recycling bins and dumpsters are. The agent never pointed them out, and I didn’t think to ask until I realized I was knee deep in broken down boxes,” she laughed nervously.
“I can help you carry boxes down,” Gerard offered with a smile.
“You don’t have to do that,” (YN) could feel herself blushing.
“It’s no problem.”
“I mean, if you insist!” (YN) laughed and he followed her back to her door. They each took an armload of boxes and Gerard led the way to the staircase that was at the end of the hallway next to his apartment. (YN) glanced over her shoulder at the dark portion of the staircase that led up to a door, most likely the attic. She quirked an eyebrow in curiosity but continued after Gerard.
“So what do you do?” (YN) asked, breaking the silence that hung between them as they headed down the stairs.
“I’m a comic book writer,” he replied almost sheepishly.
“Oh wow, that’s really cool,” (YN) replied genuinely and Gerard lit up.
“Thanks! A lot of people think it’s kinda lame, but it’s just a different type of writing, ya know?” (YN) nodded in agreement. “What do you do?”
“Boring office work,” she said shaking her head. “I wish I had time to do creative stuff like write or draw.”
“You should try, even if it’s just a little bit at a time,” he said as he opened the door leading out into the bright sunshine. “The dumpsters are back here.”
“Thanks,” (YN) smiled as she dropped her share into the recycling bin. "And maybe I'll try to find some time to write, if inspiration strikes."
"You'd be surprised how ideas can pop up when you least expect them," Gerard replied as they made their way back to their floor.
Winter started to melt into spring, and (YN) had settled into the routine of her new apartment life. Or at least she thought she was. 
It quickly became clear that she must have been a lot more absentminded than she realized, and her old roommate must have been picking up her slack. She could have sworn she had more milk left when she put the carton back in the fridge, but when she grabbed it the next morning for her cereal there was almost none left. And then there were all the things that just seemed to disappear for no reason that never reappeared, no matter how hard she looked.
One thing that didn’t seem to disappear was her crush on her neighbor Gerard. Interacting with him also became part of her routine, as it always seemed they were running into each other walking into the building or by the mailboxes.
It just happened that it was one of those lucky days, as (YN) had just walked in with her bags from grocery shopping when Gerard walked by. 
“Hey (YN),” he smiled. 
“Gerard,” (YN) started, trying to stifle a laugh. “ I’m not trying to be mean, but do you know how to cook? I feel like I’ve only ever seen you with take out, but never groceries,” she said nodding to her own bags.
“I know how to cook! I am a functional adult,” he replied with feigned offense.
“If you say so, enjoy your dinner,” (YN) replied as she entered her apartment.
“I’ll prove it to you,” he called just as she was about to shut the door.
She poked her head out the door, eyebrows raised. “Oh really?”
“Tomorrow night? 7 o’clock?”
“I’ll be there,” she replied with a smile. When the door was shut behind her, she couldn’t help but let out a squeal of delight.
The next evening (YN) was digging through her drawers looking for the sweater she wanted to wear to dinner with Gerard, but she absolutely could not find it. 
“This is crazy, I know I saw it when I was putting away laundry,” she muttered to herself. She got up and went over to the closet housing the washer and dryer, in hopes it had just fallen between the machines, or maybe was still in the dryer. She looked all around but found nothing, and trudged back to her room.
‘Wait, I didn’t turn the light off,’ she said, flipping the switch back on with a shake of her head. “I need to get more sleep.”
Giving up the search, she threw on a different top and checked the time. It was a few minutes past 7 and she hurried out the door.
“Welcome to my humble home,” Gerard said with a smile as he let (YN) in.
“Hmm, seems familiar,” (YN) giggled. “Oh dinner smells great!”
“Thank you,” Gerard smiled proudly. “We’ll be having spaghetti and meatballs. Umm, I don’t drink, so I have soda or water,” Gerard offered.
“Water is fine,” (YN) replied as she sat down at the table. “How’d you day go?”
“Good, I think I have a new story I wanna work on,” he answered as he placed plates on the table and sat down himself. “How about you.”
“Pretty boring actually. I’ll have to admit, knowing that we’re gonna be having dinner got me through my day.”
Gerard smiled and (YN) could have sworn she saw a blush creeping across his cheeks as he glanced down. "I'm glad I could help."
Conversation lulled as they dug into their meals, and The Smashing Pumpkins played softly in the background.
"Ok, I have to apologize for that dig yesterday about you not cooking, this is very good,” (YN) smiled.
"I have to admit, I bought the sauce, and the meatballs were frozen," Gerard winced.
“That’s fine! I do the same,” she laughed and Gerard looked relieved.
(YN) was having a wonderful time hanging out with Gerard and she felt like she could listen to him talk forever. He spoke with such passion and enthusiasm, it drew her in and she hung on his words. They laughed and joked and the time flew by until (YN) found herself stifling a yawn and she glanced down at her watch.
"Oh, it's late! I should get outta your hair."
“Well m’lady,” he said, affecting the same posh accent they had been joking around in earlier and bowing before her, “I do hope this evening has lived up to all your expectations.”
“It most certainly has,” she said with a laugh as she curtseyed holding out an imaginary skirt. 
Gerard reached out and took her hand in his and placed a kiss to the back of it, catching her off guard as he looked up at her from behind his lashes. "I hope we can do it again sometime soon."
(YN) nodded. "Yea," she said almost breathlessly. "I'd love that."
Gerard walked her to the door and when she glanced back at him when she reached her own door, he was leaning against his door frame.
"Night," she waved before walking into her apartment and he smiled and waved back.
(YN) could hardly sleep that night, as she was absolutely buzzing.
Weekly dinners soon became a tradition between (YN) and Gerard, with both of them taking turns hosting the other. (YN) knew she was terrible at both flirting and picking up when others were flirting with her, but she couldn't help but feel like Gerard might just like her too.There was something about the way his friendly hugs and touches started to linger longer and longer.
One night when they had been hanging out Gerard had casually mentioned going to hang out with his brother on his birthday, so (YN) took it upon herself to bring him his present before he left that day. As she stood at his door, she felt just as nervous as the first time she was at his door asking for help with her boxes. Once again she was totally lost in thought when Gerard opened the door.
"Hey (YN)!" He greeted her.
"Hi! Happy birthday!" She smiled, holding out the plate of chocolate chip cookies and the card she picked out just for him. 
"You remembered my birthday?" He asked, his eyes going wide and pink dusting his cheeks.
"Of course I did!" She laughed. “How could I forget?” She added a little more softly.
The smile grew on Gerard’s face and (YN)’s heart fluttered. “Thanks,” he finally replied, shaking his head. “Hey (YN), I was wondering, if umm, you’d like to maybe like go out on a date, like a real date some time? Don’t feel like you have to say yes just because it’s my birthday.”
(YN) laughed again, and she could feel herself blushing. “Yea, that would be really nice,” she nodded. “And I definitely would have said yes, even if it wasn’t your birthday.”
“Great!” Gerard grinned, but the buzzing of his phone grabbed his attention. "Oh, Mikey's here."
"Have fun with him," (YN) smiled and waved as she turned to go while Gerard grabbed his jacket and keys.
"Wait," Gerard said as he locked the door and jogged over to her, just as she was reaching her door. She looked up at him expectantly and he seemed nervous again before leaning in and placing a chaste kiss on her cheek. "Thanks again for the card."
"No problem," (YN) smiled before ducking into her own apartment to swoon.
A few days later, it was finally the day of their first date. Gerard suggested they go to the art museum and grab coffee. Even though they hung out all the time, the fact that this was actually a date made things ever so slightly awkward. As they walked into the museum, their hands brushed a few times before Gerard took her hand in his. She glanced over and smiled up at him and he seemed relieved. They chatted and joked happily as they walked through the exhibits before they went down the street to the cafe.
Finding a table tucked away from the others, they settled in with their coffees. The sun that had been shining when they walked in was soon covered in dark heavy clouds, and big heavy raindrops began to beat at the windows. Something about it made a shiver run down (YN)'s spine, a feeling she’d almost grown accustomed to.
"Gerard, can I ask you something kinda weird?" She asked when there was a lull in the conversation.
"Sure," he nodded.
(YN) sighed and looked down. "This is gonna sound crazy, and maybe I'm going crazy, but sometimes things get moved in my apartment, or I feel like someone or something is watching me. I've checked every inch of it and there's nothing there, but I dunno. Have you ever felt that in your apartment?" She finally looked up and was startled by Gerard's expression.
"Yea," he said softly, a look of unease on his face. "I totally know what you mean. I notice it when I’m at your place mostly, but sometimes when you come around," he trailed off.
"But, I mean, ghosts and stuff aren’t real though, right? Like It’s probably just the vibe of it being an old building.”
“Yea,” Gerard nodded with a tight smile. “Ghosts aren’t real, vampires aren’t gonna hurt you, zombies aren’t gonna eat your brain while you’re at the mall.”
“Right! You are right. I’m sure it will pass.”
After the rain stopped, they headed back to their building and headed up to the third floor, stopping in front of her door.
“I had a lot of fun today,” (YN) smiled.
“Me too,” Gerard nodded. “I, I really like you (YN). I hope we can do this again.”
(YN) grinned and nodded. “I really like you too Gee, and yes I’d really love to go out again as well.”
Gerard’s face lit up, any nervousness alleviated. He reached up, cupping her cheek gently, as her eyelids fluttered closed. He leaned in and pressed his lips against hers softly, before pulling back just as quick.
“I can’t wait to do that again,” Gerard whispered.
“Then do it again,” she replied.
Gerard didn’t hesitate for a second longer, leaning back in and kissing her deeply as she kissed back. His hand found her waist as she clutched his jacket. When they finally pulled back, they were both breathless and smiling.
(YN) knew that it was the start of something special.
Summer arrived with warm weather and abundant sunshine, but that didn’t stop the cold drafts that would breeze through (YN)’s apartment, even when the air conditioning was off. But then the noises started. Thumps and knocks in the middle of the night, jolting her awake. Once she was convinced someone was hammering frantically on her door. In the middle of the night. She jumped out of bed and rushed to the door, checking through the peephole to see who was there. But there was no one. 
The solution that seemed to be working best was spending as much time away from the apartment, specifically out with Gerard. From picnics in the park, to going to movies, cafes, wandering around book stores or comic book shops for hours, (YN) loved every moment of it.
One evening they were watching a movie in her apartment, happily curled up on the couch together when the thumps in the wall began behind them.
“What was that?” Gerard asked, startled.
(YN) sighed. “No idea. It’s been like this for a while now. I called the maintenance guy, but he doesn't think anything is in the walls. It’s why I’ve been so tired lately, I haven’t been sleeping, like at all.”
“Do you wanna come stay over at my place tonight? Maybe you’ll sleep better,” he offered.
(YN) smiled back at him. “Ok sure,” she nodded. When the movie was over, she changed into pajamas and they made their way back over to his apartment for the night. The next morning when she woke up, she stretched and sighed happily as Gerard held her close.
“Sleep well?” Gerard asked sleepily.
“Mmhmm,” she replied, looking up at him. She reached up and brushed away the hair that was falling across his face. “Best I have in a long time.”
“You’re welcome here anytime you want, sugar,” he said leaning in and kissing her sweetly.
"I worry that I'll overstay my welcome if I’m over here that often," (YN) laughed.
"Not possible, sugar," he said with a smile. "I love getting to spend my nights with you. Days too. I guess what I’m trying to say is I love you, (YN)."
“I love you too Gerard,” she replied before leaning in and kissing him deeply.
September arrived and Gerard was going to be gone for the weekend with a few of his friends on a guy’s trip for his brother Mikey’s birthday. (YN) was a little nervous at first about being alone at night, to the point where she was considering going to visit her parents for the weekend. Surprisingly, she was able to sleep through the night without any noises or strange occurrences waking her up.
The next morning she got up and went to retrieve a mug from the cupboard for her morning coffee. Without warning, a glass flew down from the top shelf, smashing into her forehead. (YN) yelped in surprise and stumbled back, glass shards littering the floor. Tentatively she reached up and touched just above her brow and when she pulled back, her fingers were covered in blood.
"Shiiiiit," she groaned as she carefully stepped over the broken glass on the floor and made her way to the bathroom. Flipping on the light, she felt nauseous at the sight. Blood dripping from the gash landed and streaked down her cheek like tears, accenting the dark circles under her eyes that she just couldn't shake after so many nights of interrupted sleep. She looked like death.
"Gee must really love me if this is what he's looking at every day," she muttered as she dabbed away at the blood with a washcloth.
A few hours later while walking out the emergency department with a fresh set of stitches, she decided she may as well fill in Gerard.
Happy friday! guess where i just left!
From Gerard 💖: Work let you take a half day?
Hospital 😬 
She dropped her phone back into her purse as she made her way across the parking lot, but by the time she got the door unlocked, Gerard was calling her.
"What happened?!" He asked frantically as soon as she picked up.
(YN) sighed. "A glass fell out of my cupboard and I got a cut above my eyebrow. Just a couple stitches and I wanted to make sure they got all the glass out," she replied, downplaying the accident. She knew he'd be back in a few days and he'd know she wasn't telling the whole truth about the cut, but she didn't want him to worry or end his trip early.
"But you're ok? Do you want me to come back?"
"Yes, I'm ok. But no, don't cut your trip short, I'm gonna go straight over to my parents for the rest of the weekendI think. It's one thing when we're losing sleep with weird noises, it's another to be attacked like this."
"You… you think," he sighed, seeming to be choosing his words carefully. "That a ghost did it?" Gerard asked in a hushed tone.
"If the glass was off balance and simply fell out of the cupboard it would have gone straight down. This was thrown at me, Gee. There was force behind it."
"Fuck," Gerard muttered. "I'm sorry sugar."
"Don't worry, I'm ok, I promise."
(YN) was grateful that Gerard believed what she told him about the haunting of her apartment. He could have easily dismissed her or her fears as crazy and ghost her, but he didn't. He was just as concerned about the situation and her wellbeing. After that weekend they began talking about moving out as soon as their leases were up. 
It had been a couple weeks when Gerard had a meeting in the city that was going to run late into the evening, so (YN) was stuck spending the night alone in her own apartment for the first time since the attack.
As she got in bed, she wondered how long it would be before she would be woken up at night. The noises always managed to cut right through her slumber to wake her, no matter how exhausted she was when she fell asleep. And exhausted she was as her eyelids were heavy as soon as her head hit the pillow.
She wasn't sure what time it was when the noise woke her up, but she sat up in bed and looked at the ceiling. It sounded like skittering, and she wondered if it might be something as innocent as an animal stuck in the attic. 'Wouldn't it be something if it was some animal all along,' she thought as she laid back down and closed her eyes again.
What felt like only moments later she opened them again, but she was not in her room. She wasn’t even in her apartment.
He looked up from where he was sitting on the floor in front of his couch with a look of concern and fear on his face unlike any she had seen before. “(YN), are you ok?”
“No, I’m- why am I in your apartment?”
“I was asleep and some noise up in the attic woke me up, but before I could fall back asleep there was this loud bang and I went up to check what was going on because it sounded different from anything before, and you were up there on the floor like you fainted. You didn't even stir until just now when you woke up.”
(YN) shook her head. “I heard the noise too, but I went back to sleep, I didn’t even get out of bed, I went right back to sleep until I just woke up here. What could have made me faint if I wasn't even awake and can’t remember what I saw?”
Gerard ran his hand through his hair, considering her question and when he spoke, his voice shook slightly. “I… I dunno (YN). After I brought you down from the attic, I went back to your apartment so I could put you in your own bed and your door was locked.”
“But that’s not possible unless I took my keys and locked it behind me. Should we go up and look for them upstairs?”
“No!” Gerard said quickly. “I mean, I don’t want to make you stay here if you don’t want, we can call the maintenance line to let you in, but I don’t wanna go up there again. Tonight, I mean.”
(YN) climbed off the couch and sat next to him on the floor. “I’ll stay here, you know that's fine but,” she paused, taking a deep breath. “What did you see up there Gee?”
He shook his head, looking down at his hands. “We can talk about it in the morning? It’s late.”
(YN) swallowed hard and nodded. "Yea, that's a good idea."
Gerard got up, offered her a hand, helping her up. He placed a kiss to the back of her hand before leading the way to his room.
(YN) always felt safe with Gerard's arms wrapped around her holding her tight, but it was still a very poor night of sleep for both of them. The next morning (YN) and Gerard were sitting in his living room, sipping coffee in silence before (YN)'s curiosity got the best of her.
"Can you tell me what you saw up there now?" (YN) asked suddenly. 
Gerard looked up at her, the dark circles under his eyes matching hers. He sighed and ran a hand through his dark hair. "Do you really wanna know?"
(YN) nodded. "I wanna understand what happened last night. Well as much of it as I can."
Gerard drew a deep breath. "Ok. I went up there when I heard the second bang. I was kinda surprised the door was open. And then I was shining my flashlight around and," he drew in a breath and shook his head. "I thought I saw someone at the far end of the attic, but my flashlight went through him. I started to panic and that's when I realized you were on the floor. I grabbed you and carried you back down here and, well you know the rest."
"You saw the ghost?" (YN) asked, her voice cracking with fear.
Gerard nodded solemnly. "I think so."
Gerard's words kept ringing through (YN)'s mind. There was no denying it now, she was being haunted by a ghost. She was, generally speaking, freaked out about the whole situation, but also a little curious. That's when she remembered the museum on the first floor.
The space was small, no larger than an office. Shelves were filled with books and bibles, and old black and white photos lined the walls, but one picture stood out as different from the rest. An elderly woman stood before it, gazing up at the portrait of the young man.
"Excuse me, do you know any of the history of this building?"
The elderly woman tore her eyes off the photo and looked back at (YN). "Well, I should say I do. What can I help you with?"
"I don't know how to ask this delicately, but, umm, is there any reason to believe that it might be haunted?"
The elderly woman nodded slowly. "Well, yes, I suppose there would be," she replied before glancing back at the portrait. "This was my brother, Joshua. He was in the seminary and was going to become a priest when he met her."
"Elenora. She was beautiful," she paused, studying (YN) for a moment, "actually you remind me of her. But he was so conflicted, he wanted to be a priest, but he was so enchanted by her. He convinced himself, and her, that the only way they could be together was in death."
"Oh no," (YN) gasped.
She nodded. "They were to jump together from the roof. He went first, she never went."
"I'm so sorry," she replied softly.
"It was 60 years ago. I had known Elenora my whole life, so I blamed myself for introducing her into his life, but I didn't blame her! I still don't. I don't admit this to many people, but we're still friends."
"You have a very forgiving heart," (YN) smiled. "Thank you for telling me all that."
She nodded. "That is what I am here for," she replied as she walked around to a small desk and picked up a dust rag before turning back to one of the shelves.
(YN) made her way back to her apartment and shut the door. "Joshua, if that's you, please leave me alone," she said. 
Nothing happened and (YN) shrugged.
The cool fall weather settled in and October was filled with the warm glow of red, yellow, and orange leaves on the trees outside, but by Halloween, the branches were blown bare, leaving dark, imposing branches reaching toward the sky.
Gerard's friend Frank invited them to his house for a Halloween party, and to celebrate his birthday.
A night out, dressed as Bonnie and Clyde, was exactly what they both needed after all the time they spent living in a real life haunted house for almost a year now. (YN) also loved spending time with Gerard's friends. They quickly made her feel welcome and made her future with Gerard seem even better.
It wasn't too terribly late when they decided to call it a night and headed home. "I'm gonna go change and I'll be over," (YN) said before heading into her apartment. Gerard nodded and headed to his own door.
She kicked off her shoes and dropped her jacket over the back of the chair when she felt a cold rush of air blow past her. She closed her eyes as a shiver ran through her whole body. When she opened them, again the cold air was surrounding her, wind blowing her skirt around as a freezing rain started to pelt her arms and face. Frantically she looked around, realizing she was on a rooftop. Before she could get her bearings, phantom hands were on her, pushing and pulling her toward the edge.
"No! No! Get off of me! Let go!" She screamed, flailing her arms, trying to shake off the attack. She seemed to break free and started to run toward the hatch to the attic.
The hands grabbed her ankle and sent her tumbling to the rough surface of the roof. When she looked over her shoulder, a figure made of a shadowy mist was pulling her by the leg toward the edge.
"No! Stop it! No!" She screamed again, her hands scratching at the roof, trying to make purchase.
From behind her she heard a bang. She looked up and saw Gerard at the opening to the attic. "(YN)!"
"Gee! Help!"
"Let her go!" Gerard commanded as he ran to (YN), pulling her off the ground and wrapping her in his arms protectively. She buried her face against his shoulder as she clutched his shirt. "Are you ok? I got you sugar, you’re safe now."
"No, no I'm not ok," she sobbed.
"Come on, let's get inside."
Gerard helped her down the ladder and carried her down the stairs to his apartment. He set her down in the bathroom and set to work cleaning the cuts across her hands, legs, and feet.
"Gee, I don't wanna stay here tonight, I can’t stay here anymore, I have to move or I’m gonna end up dead!" (YN) cried as Gerard wiped the blood away from her palm.
"I know sugar, I'll get you cleaned up and we'll go find a hotel room tonight, ok?" (YN) sniffled and nodded in agreement. “And then in the morning we’re gonna find a new place to live, you and me.”
(YN) had been watching as he worked, but hearing him say that she looked up at him. “Together? Even after all this? What if it follows me?!"
He reached up and wiped away the tears that were rolling down her cheek. “Together. Nothing's gonna come between us, not even a ghost."
A smile finally broke across her face as he placed bandages on the worst cuts. Then she finally changed out of her soaked and bloodied Halloween costume and into a pair of Gerard's sweatpants and an old hoodie. She didn't have shoes, but she didn't care. She wasn't going back into her apartment until the day she was going back to pack it up and move out. And even then, she was considering hiring someone to do it for her.
"Ready to go?" He asked when she walked out of his room.
"Let’s get away from here," she nodded and he took her hand. They hurried through the cold rain to his car and she sighed as she sunk into the passenger seat. She finally felt free.
Gerard started down the long tree-lined drive when suddenly a large tree limb came crashing down in front of them. (YN) screamed as Gerard slammed on the breaks.
"Shit! Are you ok?" He asked breathlessly.
"Look!" She whimpered, pointing a shaking finger out the window. Gerard looked as well at the ghastly figure on the other side of the branch. Gerard put the car in park and unbuckled his seatbelt.
"Gee, what are you doing? Gee? Gerard! Stop it, get back in here!" She cried frantically as he got out of the car. Not knowing what else to do, she scrambled out as well.
"Give her to me!" The phantom wailed, striking cold terror through her. "I gave my life for my love, she belongs to me!"
"This is not your love!" Gerard shouted back.
She moved to stand next to Gerard, interlacing her fingers with his. "I'm not Elenora! I've never done you wrong!" She pleaded. "Gerard is my true love! Let us pass!"
The phantom's face contorted, snarling, teeth growing long, fingers becoming claw-like. (YN) screamed in fright as Gerard stepped in front of her. As the ghost launched at them, headlights came up the drive, shining bright in their eyes, and the phantom faded into nothing.
The other car stopped and the driver got out. "Need help moving that branch outta the way? Woah, you two look like you've seen a ghost," the man laughed.
Gerard shook his head and looked back at (YN) sympathetically. "Well, it is Halloween."
A few months later (YN) and Gerard had settled into their new place. There was nothing in the new place that (YN) would describe as too good to be true. Their commutes were longer, they had to go to the laundromat to do laundry, and they were paying more in rent, but they were together and they finally had peace. And that was worth every penny.
“Hey Gee,” (YN) said as she padded into the living room one Saturday afternoon, holding something behind her back.
“Yea sugar?”
“So I’ve been working on something. I’m not sure it’s any good, but I think it’s finally ready for you to look at.”
Gerard sat up and looked up at her curiously. “What is it?” (YN) handed him a binder. “The Haunting on Holy Name Hill."
“A long time ago, back when we first met, you said I should try writing or drawing if I’m interested in it because you never know when inspiration will strike, and since moving out of that awful place I’ve been trying to wrap my head around everything that happened. So I started writing about it," she shrugged. "I fictionalized some of the events and changed our names, but can you read it and tell me if it’s any good?”
“(YN) I’m so proud of you,” he said with a smile as he got up and wrapped her in a hug. “I’m gonna read it right now.”
“If you insist. I’m gonna go to the laundromat.”
A while later when (YN) came back, Gerard wasn’t on the couch where she’d left him. “Hey Gee, did you finish reading it yet?”
“Yep,” she heard him reply as he came back from the second bedroom they’d set up as his office. “And I have something to show you too.”
“What’s that?”
“First of all, wow, the story is so well written!” he grinned.
“Seriously, you’re a natural! And second, look,” he said handing her a stack of drawings.
“What are these?”
“I was thinking, if you want, we could pitch your story as a graphic novel and these are some drawings I did when I was reading it. This is your character, this one is me.”
“Gee, these are amazing! And you really think that it’s publishable?”
“I really do,” he nodded.
“Ok yea, let’s do it. Other than being the place where we met, there should be some kind of good that comes from that awful place. And maybe serve as a warning to everyone else about things that seem too good to be true."
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