#nighttime prayer
walkswithmyfather · 3 months
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‭‭Psalm 91:4 (NLT‬‬). “He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.”
‭‭Psalm 91:1-4 (GNT‬‬). “Whoever goes to the Lord for safety, whoever remains under the protection of the Almighty, can say to him, “You are my defender and protector. You are my God; in you I trust.” He will keep you safe from all hidden dangers and from all deadly diseases. He will cover you with his wings; you will be safe in his care; his faithfulness will protect and defend you.”
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oldfarmhouse · 1 year
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𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭🌌 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟
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Blessed Evening Prayer | Say Goodnight To God With This Bedtime Prayer & End Your Day Right
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slythereen · 16 days
pour one out for max verstappen, who will have to learn a whole new cadence and speech pattern in order to accurate mimic charles’ radios
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cheerfullycatholic · 5 months
Who's gonna get whacked by the snowstorm? It's supposed to get me the next two days and I'm kinda excited tbh 👀
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regnantlight · 2 months
Emotional Mama Mun Talk
As I was putting Baby V to bed tonight, it dawned on me how one day—maybe even soon—we’ll hear him say, “Goodnight” and “I love you” back to us. And I may have a lump in my throat now. 😭
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Psalm V
--prompt from @nosebleedclub "holly" (4 December)
Holly grows in a place without snow-- no flakes have arrived in years, as hovering clouds retreat when the temperatures grow low enough to turn dewdrops into icicles.
In the night, i seek for them, because dawn will not arrive until much later. They hold my head in an imbalanced compromise-- put too much balance, and I will see red
not the blood red of holiness, but the dark red of death.
For one day, they will not let me see.
They will not help me balance on a fine wire between coasts, nor know when a flame reaches my hands. --Elda Mengisto
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forewerinmyheart · 1 year
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Now, because of you, Lord, I will lie down in peace and sleep comes at once, for no matter what happens, I will live unafraid! Psalms 4:8
Heavenly Father, you who knows everything and can do everything. I know that you are always with me and you always listen to me. Even in sickness and uncertainty, you have shown me your grace, reminded me of your love and granted me peace. Thank you for staying with me against all odds. For watching over me and protecting me against harm and diseases. For always giving me assurance of safety and comfort. For always guiding and providing my needs. I know I can sleep in peace tonight, knowing that You will help me fight my battles and I should never be afraid because of you. Amen.
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clairikine · 1 year
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One for Karfreitag. 🌌🏜
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beth-f15 · 2 years
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devine-acension-831 · 9 months
And when darkness seems to enclose you, look up-to the stars. They’re my prayers lighting your nights. 🌙✨
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walkswithmyfather · 1 year
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A beautiful prayer. God, we give You all the glory and praise. Amen. 🙏🕊️🙌
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brattyfairies · 2 years
ur the last thought in my mind before falling asleep each night. ur my own personal prayer that only i can recite before closing my eyes
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writethestory365 · 2 years
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rabbicreditor · 2 years
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An Evening Modeh Ani Modeh Ani, Grateful Am I Life-force of the Universe for the soul You have lent me so that I was able today to experience the grandeur of Creation. As the sun sets, as the day begins to end, as we lay our heads to rest, we ask You, Creator, for something precious: tomorrow. - Rabbi Menachem Creditor #nighttime #gratitude #prayer https://www.instagram.com/p/CfsO8wTNGia/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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amberlynnmurdock · 6 months
Neighbor Pt. 2
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Matt Murdock x Reader
Summary: Matt makes sure she gets home safe after work, then officially introduces himself the next morning.
Words: about 1.6k
A/N: Trying out third person for fics, I kind of like it better than using "you" all the time... let me know what you guys think. Thanks for all the interest in being tagged!! <3 <3 <3
Part 1
Matt couldn’t stop thinking about her prayer the next day at work. He was anxious to get home from the office and immediately change into his Daredevil gear. Matt whispered a prayer holding his cross to his lips, and then stalked up his steps to the roof. 
This wasn’t the norm for Matt’s nighttime activities. He usually stood on the corner of his rooftop and listened for any sound of trouble in the city. The sound could be anything: police sirens, a scream, the scratchy sound of a gun tucked in someone’s jacket, the soft friction of a knife in someone’s bag. This time, he knew what was out for. 
He sat on his rooftop (their rooftop) and listened as she got ready. Not too closely, but enough to know that she was about to leave for work. She sprayed perfume on—warm vanilla—and closed her drawer. He heard her keys rattle and upon this, he crouched to listen as she walked down the apartment steps and outside. 
She didn’t work far, about eight blocks downtown. But it didn’t matter if one worked a block away or ten blocks: Hell’s Kitchen wasn’t safe at night. 
When she opened the door to her work, Matt heard bells jingling and an instant waft of coffee filled his senses. It wasn’t a coffee shop she worked at, though. From the smell of paper, leather, creaking wood, and suede couches, Matt surmised she worked at a bookstore. 
“Hey!” he heard someone greet her at the counter, another young woman. “Thanks for closing tonight. I appreciate it.”
“No problem,” Matt could hear the smile in her voice. "Close at nine, right?”
9 PM. 
This meant Matt had about four hours to kill elsewhere in the Kitchen before he’d come back to make sure she made it home safely. 
The hours passed, and Matt was already waiting in the alleyway of the bookstore, listening to her close-up for the night. Closing up meant politely telling customers the store was about to close, and Matt could hear the anxiety in her voice—she was in a rush to get home, in a rush to not be walking home alone. Although she didn’t know it, she didn’t have to worry—Matt would ensure she was safe. 
“Have a great night!” She told the last customer before shutting the large door and locking it. He heard her sigh as she began to quickly close up the front counter. And Matt waited. And waited. And waited.
Soon enough, she was walking out the front door and locking it behind her. Before she sauntered off in the direction of their apartment, she took a deep breath and looked both ways on the sidewalk. Matt presumed it was to see if there would be anyone walking behind her. There wasn’t. Using his senses, he quickly scanned the surrounding area and was relieved to find it relatively quiet with no disturbances. 
“Please, God,” she prayed once more in a whisper. “Get me home safe.” 
She began to walk, and Matt followed in the shadows. Her heart was pounding in her chest the faster she walked, anxious to get home sooner than later. She held her arms tight around her chest as she fought the wind blowing in her direction. 
Finally, approaching their apartment building, Matt quickly crawled up the fire escape to the roof and listened as she opened the door with her keys, letting the heavy door shut behind her. She rushed up the steps and quickly unlocked the door to her apartment. Once inside, she locked it again.
She breathed a sigh of relief.
Matt breathed a sigh of relief. 
“Thank you, God.”
Matt smiled softly. He quietly let himself in from the roof. 
Matt was awoken by the sound of pots and pans clattering in an apartment below him. Groaning, he turned in bed, silk sheets sliding all across his chiseled body, and pressed a pillow to his ear. The pillow was even worse, though—he could hear his blood rushing tenfold. In frustration, he threw the pillow off the bed and retreated to the sounds of clattering pans. 
His senseless eyes were open and remained on the ceiling. It had to be at least an hour earlier than when he was supposed to be awake. In another apartment, the TV played the news loudly, news he didn’t particularly want to hear this early. The static from the TV sounded like popcorn popping in a microwave. 
“Crime is rising again in Hell’s Kitchen, but can Daredevil manage it all—“
Matt refrained from that apartment and moved on to the next one. He was greeted with a loud, vibrating snore. 
There were so many sounds, none pleasant to the ear. He wished he could turn off his heightened senses, from time to time…
But then he remembered her.
Was she awake?
Matt tilted his head in bed, focusing on her apartment which was only across from his. Inside, he could smell fresh lavender and honey tea. Soft baroque music was playing and Matt could hear her shift on her couch, turning the page of a book. Not many sounds came from her apartment. The only thing he wanted to listen to, however, was her heart. 
And so, he did. The gentle beating paired with the sound of paper being turned lulled him back to sleep.
After an extra hour of sleep, Matt got ready for work. He changed into his usual gray suit and black tie. As he was in the kitchen pouring himself a glass of orange juice, he was shocked to hear her getting ready for—something—as well. In a leap of curiosity and anticipation, Matt drank his OJ in one gulp and grabbed his suitcase just in time to “run into” her on his way out. 
She sprayed her perfume and headed out the door, at the same time as Matt.
She was mildly curious about her neighbor, the one who lived across the hall from her. She only saw him occasionally. When she did see him, she made it a point to say hello, at the very least.
“Good morning,” she said softly. Good morning was all she ever said. Maybe she would say more if she weren’t so shy. 
“Morning,” he replied with a smile. When she did run into him, she was always reminded of how handsome he was. Always donned in a well-pressed gray suit and a briefcase. Dark red glasses to hide whatever color his eyes were. Light stubble on a sharp jawline. Chocolate brown hair. She’d read enough books to know he had to be a businessman or lawyer. 
“Early start to your day?” He asked while she still faced her door to lock it. She paused holding her keys in her hand. 
She was caught off guard by the follow-up question—their interactions never lasted more than a greeting, but still, she was gladly roped into conversation. At least he was the one to initiate it. 
“Yeah,” she said, “luckily I have the earlier shift today. Get to leave early and beat the dark.”
“I hear you,” he said softly. “I’m—I’m Matt, by the way. I don’t think I’ve ever introduced myself.” Matt held his hand out for her to shake, which she did. She quickly switched her keys into her other hand and took Matt’s, which felt soft and cold. She slowly pulled her hand back as she introduced herself, suddenly feeling very self-conscious. A moment of silence filled the space between them. He stood with one hand in his pocket, one hand holding his cane. He smiled in a friendly way. 
“So uh, what do you do?” He asked. 
“I work at a bookstore a few blocks down,” she nervously pushed a hair behind her ear and felt her cheeks heat in a blush. “What about you?”
“I’m a defense attorney,” he said sheepishly. “A bookstore?” He changed the subject off from himself. “What kind of books do you carry?”
She smiled at his question, resisting the urge to giggle. “A lot of books. Fiction, non-fiction, fantasy. What do you like?” 
Matt huffed his chest, shrugged his shoulders, and spun his cane around as he thought about it. “Anything. It’s been a long time since I’ve read for pleasure. I think the past few years have been dedicated to my law books,” he laughed. She mirrored his reaction and laughed as well. “Do you—carry any books in braille?”
For some reason, his question made her demeanor soften a bit. She bit her lip, thinking if her store carried any. She had a feeling they might have a small section but wasn’t sure. She’d be glad to order something special—just for him, if not.
“I’ll check today. If we do, I’ll drop a book off for you. It’ll be a surprise.” 
“I’d love that.” 
“Great,” she smiled. “Well, I better get on my way so I’m not late.”
“I’ll walk you out,” Matt offered. She nodded her head, then quickly spoke again, realizing her mistake of nodding. 
“Sure, that’d be nice.”
Just as they were about to walk down, Matt suddenly stopped in his steps. “Oh, I think you forgot to lock your door.”
“Oh!” She gasped nervously, not even realizing she walked away without locking it. She quickly slid the key in the lock and locked it, then met Matt again at the stairs. 
He began to walk down them with his cane hitting each step in front of him. She watched as he carefully held onto the railing and slowly took each step. Normally, she zipped down the stairs, but today, she took her time to walk with him. She half wanted to offer her arm for him to hold onto but didn’t know if that was appropriate.
Outside was overcast, meaning the bookstore would be busier than usual. After a slightly awkward goodbye from Matt, and her promising him again about the book in braille, she walked in the direction of the bookstore, but not before glancing once more behind her to watch as Matt made his way down to his job. 
TAGS: @mattmurdocksstarlight @yentroucnagol @danzer8705 @allllium @i-marvel-bitch @mattsgirlsworld
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