#next time I swear I’ll make nice art for him
danidoesartstuff · 6 months
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Sad Astarion hour ✨🗡️ This little rogue boy can fit so much trauma in him.
\\SPOILERS for Astarion’s story\\
A little drawing of how I imagine Cazador buried young Astarion after saving him in the alley. Holding him in place with the same spell we see used in the fight in game and placing him in a lavish coffin against his will before burying him to wait for the transformation to complete. A little black dahlia symbolism thrown in there because I’m dramatic and they mean betrayal and I love giving making myself cry 😊
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meowzfordayz · 5 months
Rengoku Kyojuro x Reader
Word Count: ~600
CW: explicit language, mild sexual content
Author’s Note: starting 2024 off w/ Kyojuro❣️ Began writing this while at work… winter makes for slow days when selling ice cream. 😆 Pt 2 coming ~soon aka prob within the next 24 hrs since my shift’s almost over lol.
emphasis-on-helpless, helplessly-in-love
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Missing your boyfriend is tough… especially when he isn’t actually your boyfriend.
“He might as well be!” Mitsuri says whenever she’s with you, “I swear you check your phone at least twice as often ever since you became friends.” The tips of your ears warm, eyes glued to the newest Snap of Kyojuro’s cheerful face. “Will you at least show me?” Mitsuri huffs, head tilting to catch a glance, “Aww, he’s so cute!” “But he’s not my boyfriend,” you mutter, quickly snapping a blurry photo of your melting ice cream. Eyes gleaming, Mitsuri hums knowingly, slinging a giddy arm around you without another word. You silently thank her gesture of respecting your privacy—something your other friend, Shinobu, rarely does—hurriedly eating a spoonful of your dessert as he snaps back: You got ice cream without me?! ☹️ I fear I am mortally wounded. 💔 You appease him with a Snap of your own frown, promising him i’ll bring u next time 🥺🍦 pointedly ignoring Mitsuri’s smooching noises when Kyojuro fires back with It’s a date! 😁😋 Sooo maybe nobody respects your privacy.
You’ve never considered yourself shy, but you have resigned yourself to being perpetually friendzoned, a bit too person-next-door in a would-never-date-their-neighbor way rather than a person-next-door who also is-totally-down-to-date-their-handsome-neighbor way. Like puffing out your chest while walking on the sidewalk to convey confidence and get people out of your path, you’ve mastered the art of giving off don’t-fuck-with-me vibes — despite desperately wanting to fuck.
And therein lies the problem-not-actually-a-problem with one Rengoku Kyojuro. Also known as, Mitsuri’s favorite barista. Also known as, immediately flirted with you when Mitsuri finally took you to his cafe for brunch, writing his number on your cup and everything. Also known as, might not have been flirting with you and in fact was just being nice because he has yet to properly-not-jokingly ask you on a real-official-non-platonic date. You’ve survived a blustery autumn of pumpkin spice lattes and too many free muffins, persevered through a surprisingly snug winter of It’s my special recipe hot chocolates and ice skating with the gang (Mitsuri, Shinobu, Kyojuro, and his insufferable friend Tengen), and felt wistfully hopeful as spring came and went, having your voice compared to blossoming flowers and your smile to tender sunshine… only to dream alone, his contagious grin and addictingly cozy hugs lingering even as you woke with the sensation of tears in your eyes.
“You should tell him how you feel!” Shinobu sighs, an exasperated, endeared sound as she watches you bemoan your adoration.
“Oh yeah, because he definitely feels the same after a year of literally zero signs!”
“He called your ice cream plans last week a date,” Mitsuri chimes in, rubbing your shoulders as she exchanges a they’re-both-so-helpless look with Shinobu.
“Platonically,” you shoot back, sagging into Mitsuri’s touch, “He’s so gentlemanly and sweet, I never know whether we’re flirting or he’s simply being polite! Friendly! A friend!”
“I repeat,” Shinobu deadpans, “Tell him how you feel.”
You pout, chewing on your upper lip as you mumble, “And if he doesn’t like me?”
“Nonsense!” Mitsuri declares brightly, squeezing you—Owww—a little too hard, “He doesn’t talk to anyone else like he talks to you.”
“I talk to you differently than I talk to Shinobu. Doesn’t mean anything,” you grumble.
“I’m trying to uplift you,” Mitsuri huffs, playfully pulling on your earlobe, “Trust us. Okay? He would absolutely date you if he knew you were interested in dating.”
“Since when have I said I’m not interested?!” you wail in dismay.
“You’ve never said you are interested,” Shinobu quips.
You scowl at her as she tosses a good natured pillow at you, Mitsuri clicking her tongue as you squish the pillow against your sternum, heart aching when your phone lights up Rengoku Kyojuro sent you a Snap • 🔥.
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swiftsgirlfriend · 7 months
𝗀𝖾𝗍 𝖽𝗈𝗐𝗇 𝗍𝗈𝗇𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍.
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𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌&𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌. bradley bradshaw x reader, no use of y/n mentions of alcohol, swearing, allusions to sex, mentions of porn/pornstars, fluff, 18+ only, mdni
𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗆𝗈𝗈𝖽𝖻𝗈𝖺𝗋𝖽.
You sigh and roll your eyes as yet another cheesy fake 70s party song comes on. (a.n: yk the songs that arent from the 70s but sound sort of disco-esque so they’re on every 70s party playlist ever. those)
This was certainly not what you were expecting when you decided to go to The Hard Deck’s “70’s themed night” although you scold yourself for not knowing better. 70’s themed nights are never what you hope they’ll be.
You look around at everyone happily dancing, clad in their god-awful hippie and disco costumes and wish you were back home. At least then you could listen to some good music. But you’d already had a couple drinks, and were warm in your barstool so decided to stick it out for a bit longer.
You felt so out of place in your outfit (an actual vintage 70’s outfit) and the music was almost literally making your ears bleed. One more drink you tell yourself. Then you can call a cab to go home.
You swivel your barstool around and ask Penny for another drink.
“Hey, Penny, next time you have a decade-themed night, please let me be in charge of the music.” you tell her, only half-jokingly as she begins making your drink.
“Terrible isn’t it.” a voice says, startling you.
You turn your barstool around to see a tall, handsome man, standing behind you.
“The music I mean.” he continues “Most of it isn’t even from the 70’s.”
As you listen to him, you notice what he’s wearing. He may be the only other person who isn’t wearing a silly costume and is actually dressed like he was from the 70’s. You also notice his thick moustache, which makes you laugh a little. He really could be from the 70’s with that thing.
“I know right.” you answer. “Honestly it’s like no-one appreciates the art that is true 70’s disco.”
He smiles and chuckles, and it makes you smile too. It also makes your tummy flutter. You turn around to get your drink to avoid the embarrassment of him seeing your rosy cheeks.
“So what are you supposed to be? A… groupie for Led Zeppelin?” he asks teasingly.
You turn back around and say:
“What are you supposed to be? A pornstar from the 70’s?” you say, smirking.
That makes him laugh even louder which, consequently, makes the butterflies in your tummy flutter even harder.
“Exactly.” he replies, playing along. “The best in the business.”
“Oh really?”
“Really. I mean, are you surprised? Who wouldn’t want to see all this.” he says while gesturing up and down his body.
“Oh no, I get it” you start, standing up finally. “That moustache just really… does something to me.” you say flirtatiously, not really lying. You wouldn’t mind feeling that moustache in… places.
He smirks.
“Hey well, maybe you could be my co-star then.”
“Bold thing to say when you haven’t even told me your name yet.” you reply.
“Nice to meet you Bradley.”
“So what’s your name, baby?” he asks back.
Oh fuck. The word baby coming from his mouth made you weak behind the knees.
You tell him your name almost stuttering as you do so and he smiles his pretty smile.
“How come I’ve never seen you here before?”
“I’ve only been here a few times.” you answer honestly. “I’m sort of, new to Miramir.”
“Well, I’ll bet you’re glad you moved here. Now you can say you’ve met the best pornstar on the West Coast.”
You giggle. He likes that sound. He could get used to hearing it.
“Oh I’m extremely glad… what’s your name?”
“Forget already?” he asks, sort of disappointed.
“No I mean your pornstar name. You gotta have one.”
“Rooster.” he answers quickly.
“I feel like you’re trying to tell me something here.” you say, eyeing him suspiciously.
“No.” he laughs, “No, it’s my callsign.”
“Ohh, I see. You’re a flyboy.”
You’re honestly not surprised. Half the population of Miramir (aka Fightertown) is aviators. Plus, you could imagine him being in the Navy. Tall, broad, most likely muscular judging by the way his arms bulge out of his button up.
A silence falls between you for a moment, before Bradley speaks again.
“What do you say, me and you have a little boogie. Show them how it’s done.” he says, nodding his head in the direction of the people currently on the dance floor.
“You know, I really would, but this music is like, impossible, to dance to.” you say.
You cannot dance. And this man is basically perfection. There is no way you’re embarrassing yourself like that.
“Right, yeah fair enough. But just to be clear, if there was good music, you’d dance with me?”
“Of course I would.”
“Okay… you know what, I’ll be back in a second.” he says before hurriedly walking off.
Fuck. You think. He wanted to dance with you and you turned him down. Are you actually stupid. He’s probably not coming back.
You take a long sip of your drink, finishing it off, and just about ready to call a cab, when all of a sudden you hear the start of a familiar song.
You smile as the intricate and funky guitar solo of Get Down Tonight by KC & The Sunshine Band plays.
Then Bradley is in front of you again.
“Wanna dance?” he says, feigning nonchalance, and holding his hand out.
“Fine. But only because I really like this song.”
You take his hand and he brings you ro the dance-floor.
“Just a fair warning though, I can’t dance. Like at all.” you tell him.
“Sure you can baby. Everyone can dance. Did you not watch Dirty Dancing.”
That makes you laugh, and he swears he feels his heart melt a little.
“Just follow my lead. I’ll teach you.” he tells you reassuringly.
At first, you’re hesitant to let yourself relax, but the longer the song goes on, the longer he’s looking at you with his puppy-dog eyes, the more difficult it becomes to stay tense. After a minute or two, you’re lost in the song and the feeling of his hands on your hips goes straight to your head, making you feel more tipsy than you are.
When the song finally ends, you’re hot and sweaty but also extremely giggly and honestly impressed with your and Bradley’s dancing.
He takes you back to the bar, both of you laughing.
“Baby, I thought you said you couldn’t dance! You were amazing!” Bradley tells you.
“It was all you!” you tell him.
“Nah. You’re a stellar dancer, babe.”
“Maybe it was the song. Brings out the best dance moves in us.”
“I knew you’d like it. Honestly thank god you did because I paid that DJ $10 to put it on.”
“You paid him? Why?”
“Well, he told me he couldn’t change the setlist but I wanted to dance with you.”
“Bradley you didn’t have to-”
“Give me your number.” he interrupts.
“You know, as a thanks. Since I taught you how to dance and all.” he responds, almost shyly.
He gives you those puppy-dog eyes again, and well, how could you say no?
He smiles his gorgeous smile for the millionth time that night, and you have a feeling, a nice warm feeling and you’re sure you’ll be seeing that smile a lot from now on.
(top gun) mutuals:
@notroosterbradshaw @sunlightmurdock @floydsglasses @its-dee-lovely @tongue-like-a-razor @teacupsandtopgun @hangmans-wingman @roosterbruiser @roosterforme @southpawbitch @sebsxphia @mak-32
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fandom-monium · 7 months
Sweet Poison - Part 5
Summary: In which you avoid Zagreus, until one day you can't. "What can I say? The life of a demon is a hard one."
WC: 2.4k
TW: Zagreus (Hades Video game) x Succubus!Reader, GN!Reader, a succubus AND an artist bc sex is just work and food, au where in game Zag commissions the paintings using gems, what if boons actually affected Zagreus, slow build, strangers to friends to lovers trope, sex work, fluff, fluff and humor, mutual pining, idiots in love, mild angst, pheromones (technically it’s succubi magic aura), Zagreus is at least 6 ft convince me otherwise, eventual smut, MINOR descriptions of blood and injuries. Physical touch, affection. Just Zagreus being soft and doting and kind to you this chap
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Damn her, damn her, damn her, damn—
Teeth clenched, your vision swims as you grip the rim of the basin for balance, washing off the blood as red drops swirl and mix like watercolor paints before the water clears again. It’s days like this where you wish you can get stronger, more powerful, but there’s a limit to everyone’s full potential, and unfortunately you met yours a long time ago.
Still, it’d be nice.
Contrary to popular belief, succubi can be vicious warriors, they’re simply in their own class. Their abilities, their magic, while never measuring up to gods, could ruin an army in a master’s hand, but it has its limits. Especially amongst demonkind.
As the water calms, you grind your teeth at the sight of your reflection, assessing the damage. Blood and darkness, that’s going to bruise, that one’s definitely going to scar, and you curse the universe because your job’s about to get that much harder now that you may have to use a glamor. Oh, you swear next time you get your hands on her, you’ll—
A resounding rumble quakes the room.
Your chamber door.
You curse. But you're sluggish from the blood loss, and before you can hurl yourself out the balcony, Zagreus steps in without his usual greeting, panting and laurels slightly askew, like he rushed in knowing you’re here. Wild eyes dart to every corner of the chamber, as if he half-expects you to be hiding, until they fall on you, embarrassingly hunched over your healing fountain.
One glance at your battered face, he’s beside you in a flash.
“What happened?” His tone is surprisingly strained as his hands, clean of blood and gore, reach for you. Then something flickers across his face that makes him hover, his eyes—red and green and wide—taking in your new wounds with horror.
If only you had the energy to cower, shield your bruised face. He’s the last person you want to see right now, and your vision blurs, hating how he of all people is seeing you like this—broken, imperfect.
“I’m fine, Zagreus,” You croak, your voice quiet as you swallow your insecurity like bile. A poor attempt to put some distance between you, you try to step aside, but your knees buckle, and before you know it, you crumple like a house of cards.
Of course, Zagreus catches you—asshole—strong, lean arms gentle as he hugs you to his chest, holding you up as if you’re the most precious of gems. Hate how quick you are to relax in his hold, clay in his hands. Blood and darkness, it’s so easy, so quick, so… right.
You squirm against him, but his grip tightens slightly, mindful of your injuries.
“Sure you are,” Zagreus snorts, though he gazes down at you so soft and sweet you want to shout, wondering if he tastes the same. “Come on, I’ll patch you up.”
Unable to protest, you let him carry you like a rag doll, limp in his hands before he gently props you up on the lounge chair. You lean against the back with a groan. “Really, I'm—”
“'Fine', yes, you’ve said that,” Already, he’s rummaging through your cupboards, at least the ones he knows aren’t filled with art supplies. “Do you have bandages?”
“… Second last cabinet on your left.”
Without a word, he walks through your chamber with self assurance, maneuvering around your easel and stepping over splayed out canvas as they finish drying, careful where to leave his burning footprints. He finds what he’s looking for easily enough, a moment later pulling up a chair and plopping down in front of you. His hands are methodical as he lays everything out; two bowls of water, a small cloth, and the saddest little first aid kit.
In your defense, you hardly end up like this.
You watch his hands as he dips the towel in the water then wrings it out, before gently dragging it across your exposed arms. You flinch as he begins wiping off the grime.
“I know,” His tone is soft, terribly understanding as he continues. “Give it a minute, you’ll feel much better soon.”
You want to snort, snap at him that you’re fully aware of how it works, but the cool sting of water, the mild burn from the open gashes and cuts along your skin, is quick to clench your jaw shut. Pain ebbs across your body, and you watch him speechless, the rhythm he follows, painfully gentle as he drags the cloth across your skin, careful not to aggravate your wounds. Clean water, wring out, wipe, rinse, repeat; he even goes out of his way to change the water, and the relief that comes after would make you sink into the couch, if not for Zagreus's silence.
He's yet to say a word since he entered. He'd asked you already, yes, but you take him for someone who doesn't give up that easily. You expected more of a fight. Now, you're not so sure.
"Zagreus, I… I—" It's hoarse, hardly above a whisper, but it's a start.
You feel him pause before choosing to lay into your newfound cowardice like a wet blanket, avoiding his eyes. Who knows what you'll do if you meet his gaze.
Sensing your hesitation, Zagreus clears his throat, "Perhaps you should save your energy. We can chat when you're healed."
You shake your head, though it only makes the room spin. "No, I need to tell you this now. Before..."
"Before what? You start avoiding me again?" He resumes, wrapping gauze around your forearm, his touch ghosting your skin as he holds your arm out. There’s no malice or respite in his tone, soft and withdrawn as it comes, but you wince. If anything, it’s bittersweet, with an acceptance he long held before he approached your chamber, and it leaves your heart clenching. You don't know how to respond. Are you that obvious?
"(Your Name)... did I do something wrong?"
You blink, whirling to face him.
Zagreus bites his lip, emotions he can’t fathom threatening to spill out of him. That's always been his flaw, according to Father. He's attuned to his emotions, more than Nyx, Father, literally any of the chthonic gods. He stares as his hands tremble, attempting to knot the bandage. "Because if I did, please just tell me what it is so I can make things right between us."
"No-no, you've done nothing wrong," You assure him, sitting up through the pain even when Zagreus protests. When he raises a brow at your answer, you rush to add, "I swear! I've been busy with... work." Technically, this isn’t a lie.
"... 'Busy'. Is that how you got these?" Zagreus holds out your mangled arm by your hand, flicking his eyes over your body in the way you hate most. You'd take aura-induced desire over this: pity, disgust.
You wrench your arm away, cradling it in your lap and shrugging. "What can I say? The life of a demon is a hard one."
"(Your Name), who did this?"
You freeze. Nerves go haywire, and you squirm under his piercing gaze, burning through you as you contemplate lying to him, but you know better. At this point, you know each other too well, and—blood and darkness—he'll see right through you. There’s a defeated sigh, then a quiet, "Alecto."
Zagreus's eyes darken, but you wave him off. "Don't worry. In her defense, I kind of deserved it."
Zagreus sputters, taken aback, staring at you as if you offended him. "'Don't worry'? Don't—how can you say that? First I've seen you in days, and you're—" A sharp intake of breath, and he clenches his jaw so hard you're surprised it doesn't break.
"It's not a big deal. I disobeyed direct orders, and..." You trail off, thinking back.
Since meeting Zagreus, seeds of doubt sprout in your chest, in your lungs, suffocating you as you question the system you’ve worked under for so long. You’ve never questioned who you are and what you do, not to say you love your job, but it’s your life. Yet who’s to say there aren't poor souls sentenced to the wrong level? Genuine and kind, noble and passionate—people who don't deserve eternal damnation.
The possibility of your victims being innocent and undeserving makes you want to hurl, tortured shrieks and endless tears flashing across your memory and echoing in your ears. Your stomach clenches just thinking about it.
"(Your Name), I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry," Zagreus starts, mouth opening and closing like he can't find the words, his breaths coming quick and ragged. He just stares at you, eyes gleaming with an emotion you can't quite place—as if your virtuous act breaks his heart, crushes his soul. Then he blinks, and it's gone, shaking his stupor. “This is my fault…”
You raise an eyebrow, “How is this your fault?”
“I… I just… you shouldn’t have…” You frown as Zagreus struggles, brow furrowed, clearly pained as he thinks over his answer, like whatever he says next determines your fates. Seeming to think better of it, he shakes his head and brings your hand to his lips, and you flush, your heart skipping as his lips graze over the bandages, warmth seeping through the material and into your wounds like a healing salve. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” He rasps between each kiss, trailing up the back of your hand and up your forearm, like they’ll heal the wounds faster. Like this is the best he can do, like this is all he can do. Not that you plan to stop him.
Your face burns, but you let him apologize, though you’re not sure what for as he stops before your shoulder. At some point, he slotted himself between your thighs, and now face to face, he studies your cuts and bruises, already fading away as his eyes, soft and glistening, flick over your features. Like he’s debating if his kisses will help them heal faster too.
Gods, if he brings those lips anywhere near your face, you might combust.
You meet his gaze, “What—”
“I lied.”
It comes as a whisper, his voice dry and low that you tilt your head, urging him to continue.
“I’m not some mortal soul, dredging their way through Tartarus,” Zagreus grinds out, scanning your face as if committing you to memory one last time. Then he sits back and stares at the floor, still gripping your hand as he rubs circles over the bandage. “I mean, it’s true I intend to escape the Underworld.”
“And yes, I’m searching for my mother—”
“But I’m really—”
“My prince.”
He flinches, his eyes shooting up to meet yours. “What?”
“None of this is your fault, my prince. With or without your influence, I’d have done the same thing anyway.” He gapes at you and you smirk, using the little strength you’ve recovered to squeeze his hand reassuringly, “Or would you rather I address you as Your Highness instead?”
Zagreus shakes his head, black hair flopping out of his shocked face. “I don’t understand. You knew?”
“For a bit now, yes,” You shrug as you turn his hand over, large and calloused in yours, swiping a thumb over one of his healed blisters, probably from gripping his weapons. “Took me a while to figure it out, but I can’t say I was surprised. It explained some of your funny behavior.”
He scoffs, the corners of his lips twitching slightly, “What sort of funny behavior?”
“Pretend all you like, but you can’t suppress those noble habits,” You chuckle, eyes crinkling seeing him cheer up. “All your mannerisms screamed ‘royal’, I just didn’t realize we were talking Underworld royalty.”
“Seriously?” Zagreus gazes at you in disbelief. “I thought I did a pretty good job acting—”
“Like a commoner?”
“Like a mortal,” He shoots you a pointed look, and you snort, relaxing into the love seat.
“You were okay.” You purse your lips, “While we’re on the subject of identity reveals, you should know I’m—”
“A succubus?”
You blink before pouting, snatching your hand away to cross your arms over your chest. “You only say that because I was about to tell you…”
“Not true,” Zagreus grins, leaning over to give your thigh an affectionate squeeze. “I knew from the beginning. Succubi magic doesn't affect gods, but that doesn’t mean I can’t feel it.”
“And you still stayed? Knowing what I am and what I do?”
“And you still treated me as any other friend, knowing who I am?”
“That’s not the same, and you know it.”
“I disagree,” He coaxes your hands into his, prompting you to meet his gaze as his expression shifts into something more earnest. “We both tried—and failed miserably—to hide a huge part of ourselves in fear of what we’d think of each other, am I wrong?”
You shake your head.
“Exactly. (Your Name), I hope you know not once did I think any less of you for your work, much less your species.”
You respond in kind, “And not once did I consider bowing down to the Prince of the Underworld, especially not after seeing him stuff his face with wraps he picked off the ground.”
He guffaws. “Good, then we’re in agreement?”
“I guess...”
“Just what every man wants to hear from a beautiful creature.” Ignoring the burn in your cheeks, you roll your eyes, and he adds, “But we’re okay? You won’t avoid me anymore?”
“I wasn’t avoiding you.”
“Sure you weren’t.”
“Keep that up, you won’t be seeing me for another couple runs.”
“I was agreeing with you!”
“Your tone said otherwise.”
By the time your shared laughter dies down, the atmosphere clears, leaving a comfortable silence settling in the small space between you. In that time, he’s yet to let go of your hands, your thighs brushing as he rubs soothing circles against your hands, and while he insists on staying until he’s sure you’re better, acceptance rushes over you like the oncoming tide, because try as you might, Alecto’s punishment was nothing in comparison to Zagreus’s absence. These fleeting moments he stops by your chamber, whether to recover, commission a painting, or to simply have a chat, you appreciate each and every one of them. If that’s all you’ll ever have with Zagreus, you decide, your chest tight with a melancholic warmth, then that's okay.
This is enough.
Soon after Zagreus reluctantly leaves you once more, he enters the last chamber of Tartarus.
“Redblood! What say you—ack—hey, I wasn’t done talking!”
If he prolongs their time together, allowing him to indulge his cruelty, then consider it time well spent.
AN: One of my biggest peeves in media tropes is the betrayal and angst as a reaction from hiding identities from s/o, like in superhero media. It's overplayed, overdone.
A good, recent example of this is the new animated Superman show, My Adventures with Superman, where (SPOILERS) Lois forces the truth out of Clark, and is pissed when he confirms he is Superman. Bro, you literally said to his face how you'd reveal his identity to the public, can you blame the guy? Idgaf you think he's lying ab his feelings omfg he's protecting his idenity (its a good show tho pls watch it!!)
However, a cartoon that does the scenario right is in the old Nickelodeon cartoon, Danny Phantom (some of yall may be too young to remember), the older sister, Jaz, of the mc, Danny, quietly realizes he's the superhero of their town, and decides to patiently wait for him to tell her when HE'S READY. Like askjgdaksjhf yassss we love patience and understanding.
Which is why I like to imagine while Zag didn't outright tell you who he is, he didn't try to hide it either. The underworld's a big ass place, he's got no control over who and what ppl say and do, so however you find out, whether in passing or of your own sleuthing skills, you both wait.
Ty for coming to my ted talk :D
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ashecampos · 3 months
Part one part two
Warnings - smoking, alcohol, drugs, swearing, cheating, mentions of anxiety.
The POV switches between reader and Janis (I use — when I change the POV)
there will be more parts to this, make sure to reblog and comment and I will get the next few parts up as soon as I can, happy reading lovelies 🫶🏼
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“and where have you been?” My best friend Tess says while she sits on my bed, cross legged, her gym clothes still on. She smirks at me before throwing my pillow at me face, earning a groan from me. “Tee I feel like shit, no abusing ur token gay today please” I look over at her before falling next to her on my bed face first. “What’s wrong? Did Bea or Jason approach you again? Look when I come back to school tomorrow I’ll stick by your side to make sure they piss off yeah?” She states proudly.
Tess has been my best friend since middle school, we can’t actually remember how we became friends but our closest guess would be that we got sat together in some class, the rest is history. She got put into a different high school freshman year, however she is being transferred to Evanston for the rest of high school.
I lift up my head and smirk “oh yes my princess in shining armour please save me from this distressing part of my life” I say dramatically, rolling over to face her fully. She smiles back, shoving my shoulder a little laughing, her face lights up and she scoots forward a little “oh before I forget, this girl in my bookclub called Cady said we can sit with her and her friends at school, she’s really nice, and her friends sound amazing” she says while grabbing her tote bag off of the floor and pulling a book out, swatting me on the head with it “now read and we shall watch a movie of your choosing later” she hands me my book off of my cabinet.
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Cady walks into my basement where me and Damien are already sat down gossiping about todays events “hey guys where did you two disappear to earlier?” She says while plopping her backpack down and sitting on one of the beanbags. I look over to Damien begging him to not say anything, but let’s be real it’s Damien. “Damage control, little miss lover girl may or may not have overdosed a little” he says, earning a slap on the arm from me “for one” I look over to Cady pointing “she didn’t overdose, two she got spiked, three don’t call it damage control, im really worried about her” I say with a sad smile. Cadys phone pings a few times earning an ‘ooo’ from Damien, she picks it up and smiles “oh it’s my friend Tess, she’s just transferred to Evanston, I invited her to sit with us if that’s cool?” She says vibrating with excitement.
Great another new friend. Actually this might take my mind off of y/n, seeming though she hasn’t stopped ringing through my mind since that one gig.
“Y/n/n. Wake uppppp” I am shook awake by Tess, “cmon we fell asleep” she says, my body jolts up, how did we fall asleep? What time is it? I look over at my alarmclock, it’s only 6am. Thankgod.
I roll over to face her and she smirks “hey do you have any clothes I can steal?” She laughs before getting up out of the bed and grabbing me by the ankle and pulling me with her to my closet. “Ugh fuck you and your strong rugby arms” I curse her out half asleep as im being dragged across my room.
I sit up and she is raiding my closet. Groaning I lay back down on the floor, she walks back to my bed, clothes in hand then back to my closet. I start laughing “you’re in the closet” I say squinting up at her with a smirk. She kicks my shoulder and throws some clothes on my head “cmon goofy, get your emo ass dressed” I stand up and we get changed.
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Upon entering the school, Tessa is stared at by every man we walk by, we attend classes together, I thank every god in the sky that me and her have all of our classes together. The day is going smooth until third period art, we walk into the room, she is told to sit in front of me, that’s when Janis strides into the room, immediately noticing the blonde and freezing up.
The story is, Tess is Regina Georges cousin, she attended the same middle school, was indeed apart of the plastics. However Tess had no part of the downfall of Janis.
Tess turns around to me “is that?” She asks leaving the question open. “Mhm” I groan back to her. “As in your longtime crush Janis?” She mocks me, with a sweet smirk. I throw a pencil at her as Janis walks by, sits down next to us. “Hey Janis, y/n here has told me so much about you” she continues, making me regret being born. The class goes by, I end up drawing sketches of people in the class, while my dearest best friend talks to Janis, telling her embarrassing stories.
Walking into that art classroom was my worst mistake of the day so far. As soon as I walked through that door, I saw her. Tessa George, or as she goes by now Tess. You see the problem with Tess is that she is one of the kindest souls to walk the streets of suburban Illinois, however she is regrettably related to the one and only Regina George. In middle school, Tess was there for me when we were both plastic but when Regina ruined my life she was out of town and didn’t find out till I was long gone and expelled.
“Heyy Janis, y/n has told me so much about you” she says happily, meanwhile y/n groans a little and puts her face in her hands before slowly putting her head on her desk while Tess continues to talk about y/n, spilling secrets and telling stories. “Oh and then there was the time she tried to fight a man a foot taller than her when she was drunk” the blonde continues her rant. My eyes flicker from y/n to Tess, I never knew y/n was even friends with Tess, never mind best friends. Tess sounds really good for y/n. The bell chimes to indicate lunch has started, Tess grabs her phone and squeals causing y/n to roll her eyes, I try to ignore them, I start to pack up, grabbing my bag “Cady said meet her outside, she can’t wait to meet you” Tess said, grabbing y/n’s arm and dragging her out of the classroom. So Tess is cadys mysterious friend.
I walk to outside and find Damien, we end up sitting under our tree, I pull out my cross stitch and start sewing the rest of the eye I have been working on for this art contest. I hear leaves crunching and look up to see Cady, Tess and y/n walking over. “Oh my god, is that Tessa?” Damien starts to freak out. “Y/ns best friend Tess, Regina’s goddam cousin Tess?!” He exaggerates but shuts up just before they reach us. They all say hi and sit down. Y/n sits next to me, Tess and Cady sit on the other side of Damien.
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“So Cady tell us about this Aaron dude you cannot shut up about” Tess says while nudging Cady. to this all of us snapped our heads toward her “Samuel’s Aaron Samuel’s?” Damien asks “oh no Cady no” I continue “are you unwell?” Damien leans forward. “Wait you like my brother?” Y/n speaks up making everyone stay quiet, I look over and she shakes her head “Cady in the nicest way possible be careful, things with him and Regina ended horribly, and I don’t want him to be hurt” she says protectively “well things ended horribly with you and Bea but I don’t see Aaron sticking up for you” Cady bites back. A few seconds go by in silence before y/n stands up “sorry I have to go grab my charger from the art classroom” she says, Damien and his quick thinking blurts out “Janis can go with you, she left her needles there” which makes me look over and mouth ‘what?’ To him.
Y/n starts to walk away not waiting for me, which would be my que to get up and follow her, I stumble up and run after her. We end up in the art classroom, she grabs her charger and turns to leave but I grab her arm. “Wha..” she starts to say “what’s going on with you?” I cut her off, she looks at me as if she’s trying to analyse me to see if she can trust me. “Nothing in fine” she shrugs “no no your not now tell me what the fuck is going on” I push further, walking to the door and locking it. I walk back to her and hug her. She stumbles back a little but regardless her arms wrap around my waist. “Sorry” she mumbles into my shoulder “maybe let’s try explaining our actions instead of apologising for them” I say while rubbing her back. “Jason got his friends and beat me up, I rely on drugs to cope, my brother is in love with the queen bee of the school. Everything hurts jan” she says while tears stream down her face. I pull away from the hug and wipe her eyes. “Okay so we keep you away from Jason, we find better ways to deal with pain and we ignore the fact Regina exists mh?” I push some hair out of her eyes. She stares up at me before stepping forward a little, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling our faces together, she pulls me into a kiss. My fingers graze her hips and I use the loops of her belt to pull her closer to me. She starts to pull away to say something “this isn’t going to be awkward later right?” She questions, “no..I really don’t think so” I say pulling her in again, deepening the kiss.
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(With Damien and the girls)
“So shall we talk about the elephant in the room?” Damien says as Janis and y/n walk away.
“What the fact that those two would make an adorable yet scary power couple?” Tess quips back to the boy, in return he clicks his fingers and points at her “truth” he says smirking.
“So how do we get them together because I know Janis is as stubborn as they come and y/n well y/n is just y/n” Damien laughs.
Heyyy my gayssss, I hope you liked this chapter, it is a bit happier than the last one. The next chapter should be up in a few days, thankyou for reading.
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whumpinthepot · 2 months
Hamster Interactive Story
Chapter 12. Decision
Prev - Masterlist
Content: Giant/tiny, tiny whump, pet trope/whump, kidnapping, cages, loss of mobility aid (prosthetic leg), solitary confinement (non descriptive), manipulation, power dynamics, fear, female cast
Ashley’s Pov
Poll winner: Let Hamster decide what to do with Soap Scrub. 
A row of ideas fills your mind on what to do with this pest. Just as you’re thinking of chucking the whole jar out, you look at your little girl's face. Hamster’s eyes are full of worried tears and it dawns on you to get her input on the matter.
Placing the jar with the tiny man inside in a different room, you return to converse with Hamster. Admittedly you sway the options in your favour when speaking to her. Picking her up, you wipe her tears and brush back her curly hair. “Do you want him gone sweet pea? I can get rid of him for you,” you roll the words slowly, “Or, would you like a new friend?” A careful smile spreads across your lips while you rub her back gently. “I think he could warm up to us. He could be a new model for our blog. Who knows, if we got rid of him he could get hurt again. He would be safer with us don’t you think?” 
Hamster frowns slightly with pressed lips. You can only guess her worries and reassure her. “Don’t worry honey bunny, I would never let anyone hurt you. Ever. If he’s not nice we can make him go away after all.” 
Hamster hums and then nods her head. She smiles some, and dare you say she’s starting to get excited by the idea. You give her a little kiss on the cheek and explain that it might take some time to become his friend. She’ll have to be patient with him. You also tell Hamster that she gets her cast taken off in the next few days, giving her more to look forward to. 
Once that's settled, you go into the room where the pest was left alone. He’s there in the jar with his head slumped against the glass. He becomes alert when you get closer. 
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You rest your arms on the dresser with your face close to the jar to talk to him. “I know it was you who scared her before. Tell me what happened.”
The man reacts exactly how you want, and goes rigid. “I- I never hurt her. Ask her. When she fell off the counter a mouse was going to attack her, and I scared it off.”
“And then?” You raise a thin brow. 
“And then, what? That's all that happened,” he defends quickly. 
You watch him for a second as his eyes dart around, then break the news to him. “I’ve decided to keep you. It's that or I sell you and who knows what could happen to you then. I won’t hurt you as long as you never upset Hamster. M’kay?” 
“You have to be kidding me…” Tears well up in his eyes and he cradles his bandaged hand. “Can’t we make some soft of deal? I- I can do what ever you want if you let me go after. Then you’ll never see me again, I swear.”
Furious, you pull the jar closer just to startle him, who does he think he is trying to negotiate as if he has any leeway. “That is the deal, little boy. You’ve caused a lot of stress to my pet, and now you’ll pay it back to her with nothing but kindness. Do that and I’ll make sure you’re comfortable, well fed, and I won't hurt you. If you don’t, well… I’ll sell you and who knows where you’ll end up. Snake food? Some kids live Barbie doll? Neglected, starved, forgotten in a tiny. Little. Jar?” You tap the glass with your long nail between words. “The choice is yours.” 
The man is left speechless with his mouth gaped open and his hair sticking out everywhere. You take a second to breathe deeply to calm down. The thought that you're taking this overboard clouds over you - but he really did cause a good amount of grief for you last week. "So, tell me your name or I'll come up with one." You smile, feeling just slightly sadistic. "Maybe Rat, Pest, or maybe Hamster can choose."
“It’s Soap.” He chokes out in a tiny voice.
You snort at the strange name, but wild pets are usually an odd bunch so you don’t hound him on it. 
“It's nice to meet you, Soap.”
The next few days you set things up as a precaution. Making sure there are no other wild pets in your home, getting Hamsters cast off, setting up an escape proof cage for Soap, and isolating him just enough for him to crave the company of yourself and Hamster. On the fifth day of leaving him in the dark alone, you enter the spare room to check in. He’s sulking, hidden under a toy that you’ve given him in his cage. 
“Soap?” You use a softer tone than the last time you two spoke, “Are you ready to come out? What would you like to do?” You give him a few options to choose from and offer to give him his doll leg back if he cooperates. 
(Multiple options may be used depending on the top poll winners)
Thank you @alittlewhump for looking over my chapter <3
Tag list: @frogkingdom @verkja @whumpsday @octopus-reactivated @marvel-gt @rsitb-second-account @fallen-grace-smd @winged-wolf-s-collection-of-arts @kyp-the-spacekiwi @ilasknives @hollowgast1 @redd956 @zobodahobo @alittlewhump @blackrosesandwhump @angst-after-dark @sandygarnelle @coppercoyoti @kim-poce @mayisreallygay @smoll-stace @demondamage @vickytokio @whump-in-the-closet @sunshiline-writes @coyotehusk @cypresscove @shadowsnowdapple @whumpy-wyrms @re-whump @whumpninja
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pascalispretty · 1 year
Take The Edge Off
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Nick Amaro x F!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Wordcount: 3464
Warnings: dirty talk, discussion of sexts/sexting, swearing, car sex/sex in a semi-public place, unsafe sex, biting.
Summary: You and Nick have been trying to find the time to hook up for days. Eventually, you resort to desperate measures to take the edge off. Written for the 'I can never seem to get enough of you' square of @storiesofsvu's bingo. This one was entirely @misscharlielulu's fault. (ao3)
The first photo felt a little silly. You had gotten all dressed up and ready for Nick to come over after work - which had really involved undressing, save for some thigh-highs - only for him to cancel on you. Major case, couldn’t get away from the precinct, short staffed, the usual interruptions. In your frustration, you had wanted some sort of payback. 
Which had led to you propping your feet up on the headboard so you could take an artful shot of your legs, clad in your stockings. You know all too well how much Nick likes them, how distracting he finds it when you wear them around him. So you sent the photo off without much thought and went and had a cold shower.  
You had come back to a flurry of text messages on your phone. 
N: You can’t just send me stuff like that
N: I’m at work. 
N: Once I get done here, I’ll come over
N: You’re in so much trouble 
Smirking to yourself, you had sent a quick reply. 
I hope so.
Your hopes had been dashed again when your phone had rung less than an hour later - instead of Nick, it had been your editor. Some socialite causing havoc uptown, he needed something for the Ledger’s website. The stockings had come off, you had taken the train uptown, and Nick had gotten an apologetic text trying to reschedule for the next night. 
It had been the pattern of the last few days. You had gotten bolder in sending Nick photos - never with your face visible - and downright filthy texts, and he had responded with plenty of dirty messages of his own. Neither of you had been able to find the time to get together all week, and judging from the texts, he was feeling the frustration as keenly as you were.
Tonight, blessedly, your schedules aligned. Nick was on a late, so you spent more time than strictly necessary getting ready; picking out nice lingerie, making sure your aesthetician hadn’t missed anything when you went in for your wax last weekend, shaving and lotioning your legs. It’s going suspiciously well, and you’re beginning to wonder if your luck has finally turned when you hear a key in the door. 
Luckily you’d dressed, despite an agreement that you’d have the place to yourself for the evening. Your roommate barges into the apartment, looking as though she’s run all the way up from the subway station, her boyfriend in tow. 
“Sorry, sweetheart. I know I said I’d stay out, but Ned got the train up to see me, isn’t he so sweet?” Hannah manages, barely pausing as she passes you in the lounge. “Doesn’t your friend have his own place you can go to?” You want to argue back, but her bedroom door slams before you can get a chance. 
Not that you have much room to argue with her, since her parents pay half the rent on the apartment. Instead, you return to your bedroom to find your headphones and turn your music on as high as it’ll go before any noises start up from Hannah’s room. 
Yes, Nick had his own place, but the whole point of him coming to you was because you lived closer. Less time to wait, after days of dancing around one another. In good traffic, it was barely a ten-minute drive from the precinct to your apartment. From your place to his would take over half an hour, even without accounting for traffic. Frustrated, you flop back onto the couch. 
You could text Nick and tell him about the change in plans. The last thing you want to do is reschedule. Whatever you have with Nick might be casual, but it’s still been far too long since you last had sex with him. Before you can do anything, your phone vibrates against your stomach. 
N: I’m downstairs, can you buzz me up? 
You must have missed the sound of the intercom thanks to your headphones. Instead of buzzing him into the building, you grab your bag and head downstairs, only taking your headphones off once you’re safely out of earshot of Hannah’s bedroom. 
Nick is standing right outside when you open the door of your apartment building. If he’s surprised that you came downstairs, he doesn’t show it. Instead, he crowds you back into the lobby and kisses you. Nick’s arms wrap around your waist, holding you tight to him as he kisses you with an intensity that takes your breath away. His full lips are soft against yours. When his tongue dips into your mouth, your knees nearly buckle. It’s been too long. 
“We can’t stay here,” you blurt out as soon as he breaks the kiss. You curl your fingers around the lapel of his blazer, trying to keep him close even as you tell him he has to leave. He frowns down at you. 
“I thought your roommate-”
“Her boyfriend surprised her. Can we go to yours?” Given that he’d been willing to spend the night with you, you feel safe in assuming that neither of his children are around. And despite the vague, ill-defined boundaries the two of you have tried to establish, you’ve spent entire weekends at Nick’s place before. Nick sighs deeply, bumping his forehead against yours. 
“There was an accident on FDR Drive, the traffic’ll be terrible.” He groans, arms still holding you close. You know he must be feeling as frustrated and needy as you do. 
“If it gets really bad, we could always just fuck in the car,” you say teasingly. “Take the edge off.” At least that makes him chuckle, the corner of his eyes crinkling as he smiles. Keeping one arm around your waist, he leads you back through the front door. 
“You’re a menace, kid.” Nick squeezes your waist as the two of you walk towards his car. “You cannot send me photos like that when I’m on a stakeout with Benson.” 
“Photos like what?” You ask, widening your eyes in feigned innocence as you open the car door. “You mean like the one where my tits were practically falling out of my bra and-”
“Yes, like that. I work in sex crimes, it’s a bad look if I get turned on at work.” He slides into the driver’s seat, and you don’t miss the lingering look he gives your legs as he throws his blazer into the backseat. His shirtsleeves are rolled up, and you can’t help admiring his forearms. 
“I don’t recall you complaining.” You cross your legs, letting the lace of your thigh-highs show. “In fact, shall we review the evidence?” You retrieve your phone from your bag, opening your messages from Nick. 
“You’re not funny,” Nick starts, but he’s doing a poor job of attempting to sound grumpy. You make yourself comfortable in the passenger seat as he starts to drive, scrolling back through your messages. 
“I’m not trying to be funny, Detective, I’m making my case. You said that I can’t send you photos like that when you’re at work, but here you are straight after the fabulous photo of my tits telling me ‘they’d look even better with my come on them’.” You watch gleefully as Nick’s hands tighten on the steering wheel; there’s little you enjoy more than attempting to rile Nick up like this. He’s doing a very good job of pretending to be unaffected, but you can see the faint smile playing at the corner of his mouth. 
“And at one-thirteen AM the same night, you sent me a very vivid description of what you were thinking about while you jerked off. Do you need me to refresh your memory, Detective?” You can’t even complain about the lack of photos on his part; the texts he had sent back had been plenty descriptive. 
“I was there, I remember.” Nick’s smirking now, that roguish grin that you love. The two of you seem to have hit the traffic that he warned about, but you keep going. 
“I’ll remind you anyway. That long message, telling me that you got yourself off thinking about the time you fingerfucked me under the table at that dive bar downtown. How badly you wished you’d taken me into the bathroom and fucked me in one of the stalls. It was quite the text to wake up to.” You prop your feet up on the dashboard, your skirt riding even higher around your thighs. The motion draws Nick’s eyes, and you can practically feel his gaze dragging over your skin. 
“Well, I hope it at least gave you something nice to think about while you were in your staff meeting.” 
“Oh, it did. One of the few upsides of being a woman; you can be as turned on as you like in public, nobody’ll ever know.” The traffic is inching forwards, but you feel like you could crawl out of your skin with how aroused you feel. You glance over at Nick, pleased to see he appears to be suffering as much as you are. 
The two of you have spent the better part of the week engaged in long-distance foreplay; being alone but unable to do anything has to be driving him as insane as it is you. 
“You think you’re that good at hiding it?” Nick asks, taking advantage of a red light to turn his head and look you in the eye. “If anyone would have looked twice at you in that bar, they would have known.” 
“That’s different, you were edging me. Everybody can see if a guy gets hard in public; if a girl gets wet, nobody sees.” You tilt your head, examining the cars around you. Before you can change your mind, you lift your hips up just enough to be able to hook your fingers into the waistband of your underwear and slide them off. 
“What are you doing?” Nick asks, barely blinking as you toss the damp black lace over your shoulder into the backseat. You tug your skirt back down just enough to cover yourself and give a nonchalant shrug. 
“Thinking of ways to save time when we finally get out of this car-” you start, a horn from the car behind you cutting you off. The traffic has inched forward since Nick took his eyes off the road, and he turns his attention back to it now. 
“I told you the traffic would be terrible.” 
“What would you have preferred, we stay at my place and try fucking to the sounds of Hannah and her boyfriend going at it in the next room? Or should we have gone to the precinct and done it there?” You tease, yelping when he playfully slaps your thigh. He keeps his hand on your thigh, his thumb stroking over the black lace of your stocking. 
“I hate that you have a roommate.” 
“Sorry, Detective, we don’t all make six-figure salaries. With what the paper pays me, you’re lucky it’s just the one roommate and not five. And I definitely wouldn’t live close enough to the precinct for you to come over on your lunch break when you need to take the edge off.” You cover his hand on your thigh with your own, squeezing gently. 
His skin feels burning hot against yours, even with the barrier of your stocking. You tip your head back against the seat, any clever comment dying on your tongue. His fingers are so close to where you want them, just inches away from the apex of your thighs. 
You let your eyes flutter closed, your imagination running wild. In the dark corner of a dive bar with a table obscuring his hands had been one thing; you’re not sure Nick is actually bold enough to slide his hand higher, where anybody could look through the window and see.
Still, the idea alone has your breath catching in your chest, your legs spreading subtly wider. The tension in the car is so thick, you crack your window just to let some fresh air in. 
“You get bored of reading out sexts?” Nick asks, and you don’t even have to open your eyes to know that he’s smirking at you. 
“I made my point,” you manage, hyperfocused on Nick’s thumb stroking your thigh. It’s such a light, gentle touch, but you’re so pent up that even that is driving you to distraction. In fact, it distracts you so well that it takes you a while to notice that the car is moving faster than it should be if you were still stuck in traffic. 
“Did we get past the traffic already?” You ask, opening your eyes finally. The road certainly looks clearer, but you’re not entirely sure which borough you’re even in right now. Nick’s hand is still on your thigh, but he’s focusing on driving. 
“No, I ah- I’m taking one of your suggestions.” It’s all the explanation he offers. You frown, trying to remember what you’ve said. 
“I wasn’t serious about fucking in the precinct. Not that it wouldn’t be kinda hot, but Benson seems like she could be really scary-”
“We’re not going to the precinct,” he says evenly. Your frown deepens and you glance around, searching for some clue as to where Nick is driving you. The streets are growing quieter, and you swallow thickly when you realise he’s driving somewhere that the two of you won’t be seen. Nick seems to know where he’s going; you trust him.
It’s not long before Nick pulls into a nondescript parking garage. Your heart is beating so fast that your chest aches. Neither of you speaks as Nick finds a space tucked away behind a pillar and parks, as though some sort of spell has settled over you both and a single word will shatter it. 
You can’t actually be about to do this. One of you will break. One of you has to. 
Your seatbelt clicks softly as you release it, but the sound echoes through the space like a starting pistol. Nick undoes his own, his hands finding you before you can open your mouth to ask about positioning and dragging you across the car, onto his lap. You situate yourself as best as you can in the confined space, banging your head on the roof of the car as you try and straddle him. 
Nick’s hand slides into your hair, cupping the back of your head and pulling you in for a kiss. If the kiss in the lobby was intense, then you don’t have a word to describe this one. You can’t breathe, but it doesn’t matter. You could die a happy woman, being kissed like this; Nick’s tongue licking against yours, a low sound rumbling through his chest as he pulls you closer. 
Your fingers find the buckle of Nick’s belt, your back curving awkwardly to give yourself the space to move. There’ll be no finesse here, but the two of you are long past caring. It doesn’t take you long to undo his belt and pants, and you feel his breath hitch when you slide your hand under his waistband. 
He’s already rock-hard to your touch, and Nick breaks the kiss to moan into your neck as you take him out. His breath is hot against your skin, his hands sliding down to grasp your hips. With your free hand, you clutch his shoulder as you align the tip of his cock with your entrance and slowly sink down onto him. 
You feel every inch of him stretching your soft walls. The consequences of no physical foreplay, though you’re at least wet enough that it doesn’t hurt. You bite your lip, trapping a moan in your mouth. Nick’s fingers flex on your hips. It’s rare that he lets you ride him and you can feel him itching to find a degree of control in the situation. 
You tip forward when he bottoms out inside you, burying your face against his shoulder to stifle your moan. One of your hands clutches at his bicep; the other grabs a fistful of his shirt over his free shoulder. A full-body shudder runs through Nick, and he gasps against your neck. 
“Oh fuck, baby-” he chokes out, his grip on your hips so tight you wonder if it might bruise. You’re not even moving, but that familiar heat is already radiating out through your body, lighting up your nerve endings. You keep your face pressed against Nick’s shoulder as you give a testing pull of your hips upward. 
He hisses into your neck through gritted teeth, every muscle he has held taut as he tries to cling onto a degree of restraint. 
“There’s not enough room in here, is there?” You ask in a whisper, your voice hitching as you sink back down onto him. “You can’t grab my hips and bounce me on your cock like you want to; I’d hit my head.” You feel his low groan reverberate through his chest. Knowing you need to be quick, you start to fuck yourself onto him, riding him as best as you can in the cramped space. 
Nick brings one of his hands up to cup the top of your head, keeping your face tucked against his neck. With your head still, he rolls his hips to meet your movements. The shallow thrusts make the head of his cock push up tight against your g-spot with every pass, sending pleasure lancing through you. You turn your head to moan against his shoulder, muffling the sound in his shirt. 
“That’s it, baby, ride me,” Nick manages, his voice tight. “You feel so fucking good, my perfect girl, just like that-” He knows hearing him will help you get over the edge - ever the gentleman, wanting to make sure you come first. 
He needn’t have worried. The sheer relief of being with him again after wanting him for what felt like weeks, and the illicit nature of what you’re doing gives everything a sharper edge. You’re so wet you can feel your slick halfway down your thighs. 
It’s dirty and fucked-up, and it’s so fucking perfect. 
“Oh Nick-” you pant into his shoulder. Your whole body is thrumming, like you’ve touched a live wire. “You make me feel so full, wanna feel you all the time, fuck-” You’re rambling, careening closer to that orgasmic high. Another low groan rips through Nick as your cunt clamps down around him, muffled by him nipping at your neck. The feeling of his teeth on the delicate skin is enough to send you over the edge. 
You chant his name mindlessly as you come, your face pressed so tightly against his shoulder to muffle your voice that you can’t breathe. Everything in you pulls tight and then lets go, delicious heat racing through your body until you can feel it in your toes. 
The force of it makes you sag forwards against Nick, boneless. He takes over, rocking deeper and pulling you tighter against his body. You swear you feel his cock throb inside of you, the feeling making your cunt clamp down around him in turn. 
Nick groans into your neck as he spills inside you, filling you up as he holds you as tightly as he can without hurting you. You’re both breathing raggedly; neither of you tries to move for a long moment. 
“I can’t believe we just did that,” Nick murmurs eventually. You can’t help but snicker, your head still resting against his shoulder. You hear the click as he cracks his window; you assume the glass has steamed up. You resist the urge to swipe your hand against it like Rose in Titanic. 
“Me either. Nicholas Amaro, SVU Detective, fucking a girl in public,” you tut teasingly. Your knees are starting to ache, but it’s not enough to make you move just yet; you’re enjoying being draped over Nick like this, still split open by his cock. 
“What can I say? You’re a terrible influence, kid. I can never seem to get enough of you.” 
“Oh, I’m the bad influence?” You sit up, shuddering at the feeling of him shifting inside of you. He’s giving you that smile; the one that oozes charm and shows off his dimples. Before you can object further, he kisses you. It’s softer this time, unhurried. You could stay here for hours under different circumstances. 
“The worst,” Nick murmurs when he pulls away, running his hand down your back. “You incited a cop into committing a misdemeanour.” 
“You were the one driving”, you point out. “If you wanted me to behave myself, you could have handcuffed me and ignored me ‘til we got back to your place.” 
“Oh, don’t worry. The handcuffs’ll be waiting for you when I get you home.” 
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karmic-vibes · 2 years
If I Can Dream
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16 - Too Much Rain
art credit: @lazylittledragon on tumblr/lazyjunebug on twitter
cw: mentions of divorce
Year: 1992
Pattie and John finalized their divorce in January of 1992. Per their lawyer, they had to try couples therapy, amongst a few other things, prior to their official split. When nothing took, they officially called it quits.
While John never came around quite like Pattie did, he still tried addressing everyone by their proper names and pronouns. He never stopped by or gave anyone the time of day, but when he remembered, he would send birthday gifts or vague holiday cards to try and act like he cared (mainly to spite Pattie, showing her she wasn’t the only involved grandparent).
But, Pattie didn’t care. She had finally connected with her son and her granddaughter—she couldn’t care less what her ex-husband did.
Pattie often found herself stopping by once every weekend to bring the boys a meal and a little gift for Bobby. Since tensions had been resolved, Pattie hadn’t misgendered Eddie or even slipped up on his deadname. She addressed and introduced him as her son’s husband and Bobby’s father. She earned strange looks from people who think the way she used to, but it was second nature to her at this point.
Her son was married to a man, who also fathered her granddaughter. Totally normal, right?
Ever since she left John, she could give two shits about what others perceived as “normal”—she loved her new, free life and she’d be damned if anyone took that from her. For the first time in her adult life, she was happy—she didn’t care about the rest.
One weekend when Pattie dropped by, Eddie was getting his belongings together to head over to The Hideout for his weekly gig. Corroded Coffin hadn’t performed nearly as much since Bobby was born, but his band mates didn’t mind—they all understood where Eddie’s priorities were.
“Alright, I’m heading out!” Eddie called.
“Good luck tonight, Ed,” Pattie chirped.
“Thanks, mama.”
That was a newer development—mama. Eddie had never been close with his own mother, so once Pattie started coming around more often, she very quickly took on a motherly role for her son-in-law. He called her mom or mama, and she had an array of pet names for him that she used interchangeably.
In all honesty, it made Steve sick to his stomach hearing how gushy they were towards each other, but he figured it was better that it was happening to Eddie rather than him.
“Do you have everything?” Steve asked.
“I think so. What would I be missing?”
“I don’t know, you’re forgetful,” Steve shrugged.
“Well, if I forget something, then I’ll just call you and make you come down to The Hideout. Sound good?”
“Great. Love you.”
“Hate you too, stupid.”
The two quickly kissed each other as Eddie ran out the door. Bobby was put to bed about an hour ago, so Eddie had covered all his goodnight bases for the evening.
“I should probably head out, too,” Pattie sighed as she slipped her coat on. “It was a pleasure, Stevie.”
“Always nice to see you, mom. See you next weekend?”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Later that night, when Eddie got home from his gig, he burst into his bedroom and started bouncing on the bed, urging Steve awake. Steve grumbled to himself and hesitantly turned over to face Eddie.
“For the love of god, what, Edward?” Steve mumbled.
“Guess what!”
“Steven Michael, guess!”
“No! Now shut up before you wake the beast down the hall.”
“Please, just one guess.”
“For the last time, no.”
“You’re no fun.”
Steve sighed and rolled back over, burying himself in their covers. Eddie straddled his husband and ripped the covers from his face. Steve hissed at the cool air and eventually gave up, caving to his spouse’s antics.
“How many guesses do I get?” Steve whined.
“I’m only guessing once.”
“Then why’d you ask?”
“I don’t know, Eddie, for god’s sake, I want to sleep!”
“Come on!” Eddie started bouncing up and down.
“You better behave, I swear on my life.”
“And if I don’t?”
“Regardless, I’m too tired to deal with you.”
“Come on! Guess!”
“I don’t know—you bought the bar?”
“No! We got a gig as openers at the Hoosier Dome next weekend!”
“What‽” Steve was suddenly jolted awake in excitement. “You’re bullshitting me.”
“I would never,” Eddie guffawed.
“You’re really playing at the biggest arena in the state?”
“Sure am,” he smiled proudly. “You and Bobbs get to come backstage and all that. Isn’t that exciting?”
“Won’t it be past her bed– what the fuck am I saying? Screw her bedtime—she gets to see her father perform at the dome! Ugh, I’m so proud of you, Eds! Who’re you opening for?”
“Oh, no one big—just Gun N’ Roses,” Eddie said nonchalantly.
“Eds, that’s huge!”
Steve cheered as he pulled his sweaty husband down for a kiss. Eddie held onto Steve’s face and deepened their kiss, reducing it to teeth and tongues. Eddie rutted his hips into Steve, but Steve held onto him, holding him in place.
“Sweetie, I’m sorry, but I’m so tired. Maybe tomorrow, okay?”
“But Stevie,” Eddie whined.
“What, Eds?”
“We haven’t had sex in ages… making me think you don’t find me attractive anymore.”
“Okay, first and foremost, that’s asinine. You’re literally a smoke show—always have been, always will be. Second, I know, it’s killing me too, but Bee has been running me into the ground. She’s just at that age where she has endless energy. You can understand that, can’t you?”
“Yeah, yeah… but even when she was a baby, and we were going days without sleeping, we still did stuff,” he pouted.
“Ed, ‘stuff’ was just you giving me head.”
“Yeah, and? You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
“You’re impossible.”
“Do you not like how I give head?”
“What? No, I… what?”
“It’s a simple question.”
“Eddie, there’s nothing wrong with how you suck my dick, okay?”
“So, like… can I, then?”
“Eddie, for the love of all that is holy, it is three in the morning. Please, for my sanity, let me sleep.”
“It’ll take like five minutes.”
“Hey! I don’t finish that fast.”
“Oh, Stevie,” Eddie smirked, cocking his head to the side.
“I don’t!”
“You have since we had the baby.”
“No… that can’t be true… can it?”
“It can be and it is. However, if you’re up for a challenge–”
“Okay, yeah, more so because I want to prove you wrong.”
Eddie chuckled to himself as he started shimmying Steve’s boxers down. The couple became intimate for the first time in ages and, much to Steve’s dismay, Eddie’s point had been proven right.
“Stevie, it’s okay.”
“No, it’s not. It’s infuriating. I had no idea I lost so much stamina!”
“It’s okay! Just an excuse to practice a bit more—get your times up,” Eddie teased.
“Very funny, Ed,” Steve scoffed.
“Listen, my offer with pegging still stands if you’re ever feeling lazy and just wanna lay there. Wouldn’t have to worry about anything.”
“Okay, we were talking about how I can’t last longer than five minutes. How on earth did you go from there to pegging?”
“I dunno.” Eddie shrugged as he cuddled up to Steve.
“No, you do know.”
“Didn’t you want to go to sleep?”
“Well, now I’m awake, dickhead. How long have you been thinking about this?”
“I don’t know, a few years, maybe.”
“Uh, yeah? You know how frustrating it is to be a dude without a dick? I just wanna do what you get to do. It’s not that deep.”
“Okay, well, let’s put that on the back burner for now.”
“Can we try it after my show next week?”
“Yeah, fine, whatever.”
“Oh, god, how I love you.” Eddie gently kissed Steve’s neck as he rubbed circles into his chest. “Get some sleep, big boy—it’s your morning with the beast tomorrow.”
As the couple fell into a deep slumber, it was soon interrupted by their daughter screaming at the top of her lungs from the end of the hall. The boys were stirred awake, trying to gain a sense of where they were and what was going on.
“Is that Bobby?” Steve grumbled.
“Yeah,” Eddie sighed. “It’s your night.”
“I know,” Steve mumbled, sitting up in bed. He trekked down to Bobby’s bedroom where he flicked on the light and knelt next to his toddler’s bed. “What’s up, Bee?”
“There’s ghosties under the bed!” She cried.
“What do they look like?”
“They don’t have faces…”
“I, um… what are they doing?”
“They have scissors and, and, and they’re cutting up the carpet. Daddy, I’m scared!”
“Okay, uh… hold on…”
Steve’s eyes were bulged out of his head as he made his way back to his bedroom. Sweat was collecting at his brow as he stood in the doorway of his room.
“You good over there, big boy?” Eddie teased.
“Nope, this one is yours.”
Eddie rolled his eyes as he climbed out of bed to tend to his daughter. As the couple walked back down the hall, Eddie was desperately trying to figure out what was going on.
“Why was she screaming?” Eddie yawned.
“She saw ghosts under the bed. She said they were cutting up her carpet.”
“Dear lord.” Once Eddie crossed the threshold, he embraced his daughter in a warm hug, gently kissing the crown of her head. “Papa’s here, baby girl.”
“Papa, daddy! Make the ghosties go!” she sobbed.
“Okay, okay.” Eddie got down on his knees and peered under her bed. “Hey, guys? I know you’re having fun under there, but it’s late, and she’s little, so you’re scaring her. So maybe calm down on the carpet cutting for tonight.” Eddie popped his head back up and smiled at Bobby. “They said they’re sorry and they’re going to bed. You should get back to sleep too, princess.”
“But papa, I’m scared!”
“Do you want me and daddy to stay until you’re asleep? Just to make sure you’re safe?” She nodded profusely. “Okay. Do you want a lullaby or a bedtime story?”
“Both…” She said with a slight lisp, clutching her bumble gum pink comforter close to her chest.
“Okay. Stevie, do you wanna grab a book?”
“Sure. What do you want, pumpkin?”
“Goodnight Moon, please.”
“Alright. Do you want story or song first?”
“Story, please.
Steve crawled into the bed, pulling Bobby into his lap. He straightened out her strawberry printed nightgown and made sure she was cozy in his embrace. Bobby pushed her messy curls out of her face so she could get a better look at the pages. Steve began reading in a soft, calming voice, slowly easing his daughter’s nerves. By the end of the book, she was half-asleep.
Steve shimmied her over to Eddie’s lap where he held her close against his chest, similar to when she was younger. He rubbed small circles into her back, making her melt further into his touch. Eddie started out by quietly humming before he finally started singing.
“Once there was a way,” he started, but was quickly stopped.
“I don’t want Golden Slumbers, papa,” Bobby mumbled.
“Uh, okay… but I always sing it to you…”
“I want the other one,” she whispered. Steve and Eddie looked to each other, puzzled—they had never sung anything else to her.
“What other one, honey?”
“The one pop-pop always sings,” she said into his chest.
What does Wayne sing? Steve mouthed.
I don’t know! Eddie mouthed back, panicked.
“Do you know how it goes?” Eddie asked.
“I dunno...”
Then it hit Steve—it was the same song that brought him and his husband together all those years ago. He had heard Wayne sing it from time-to-time when he insisted on putting Bobby down for a nap.
“If I Can Dream,” Steve smiled. Tears brimmed at Eddie’s eyes—their first date; their song.
“I can sing that, pumpkin,” Eddie whispered. “There must be lights burning brighter somewhere… got to be birds flying higher in a sky more blue… if I can dream of a better land…”
Eddie sang the song in a slow, low voice until Bobby was fast asleep. He slipped out from under her, turned off her bedroom light, and the couple walked back to their bedroom for the night.
“How were you so calm?” Steve grit his teeth.
“Are you kidding‽ I fucking shit myself!”
The following days were filled with more or less the same. The boys would go through their morning routine, drop Bobby off with either Wayne or Pattie before heading off to work. Then, pick their little one up, have dinner as a family, put Bobby down for the night, then switch off who had to deal with her night terrors.
But then, finally, the fateful Saturday had come—Eddie was performing at the Hoosier Dome. He had to be at the arena for sound check around noon, which Steve and Bobby tagged along for. Once that was all set, it was Guns N’ Roses’ turn to take the stage and rehearse until the show that evening. Corroded Coffin was free to roam around Indianapolis until four or five—as long as they were back by six, management couldn’t care less what they were up to.
The Harrington’s roamed around the city, taking Bobby anywhere she wanted to go. Around three in the afternoon, Bobby started to get a bit tired, so she urged her dads to sit down and rest. Eddie found a quaint brick wall that he happily hopped onto, hauling Bobby up onto his lap shortly after.
The cool breeze brushed through each of their curls and Steve couldn’t help but stare at his beautiful family. All he could think was how he got so lucky. How he ended up with such a gorgeous, loving family.
As Steve was off in his own la la land, Eddie adjusted Bobby’s bright yellow puffer jacket and her pale pink skirt (which was layered on top of some thermal leggings to keep her from catching a cold). She insisted on dressing herself for this momentous occasion, but Eddie and Steve would be damned if she’d be left to freeze.
In protest of her warm outfit, Bobby demanded she’d bring along her heart-shaped sunglasses—while Steve thought it was ridiculous, Eddie fed into his daughter’s antics and brought along his black shades as well. Oh, how the two troublemakers were similar in endless ways.
By six, Eddie was back at the arena for a final run through with Corroded Coffin, while Steve took Bobby out for dinner. They weren’t going on until eight, so Steve figured they had time to kill. At seven forty-five on the dot, Steve brought Bobby back to the dressing rooms to wish her father good luck on his set.
Eddie held Bobby close in an embrace, hugging her so tight you’d think it would be the last time he’d ever see her. He pressed a kiss into her forehead before placing giant, noise-cancelling headphones over her ears to protect her from the booming chaos of the arena. The stage hands ushered Corroded Coffin to the stage-wings, with Steve and Bobby tailing closely behind.
At eight sharp, the band stormed the stage, screeching their instruments to get the crowd going. Shortly after, Eddie boomed into the microphone: “hello, Indianapolis!” The arena erupted with cheers—Eddie couldn’t help but smile.
“How’re we feeling tonight?” Everyone cheered again. “Love it, love it! You guys should know, you’re our first big gig. Make some noise for yourselves, come on!”
And they did—Steve did his best to clap for his husband as he held Bobby up on his hip. Bobby held her hands firmly against her headphones, stunned and overwhelmed by all the commotion. Steve gently bounced her up and down as he pointed to his husband on stage. Bobby eventually put two and two together and screamed at the top of her lungs.
“Papa’s on stage!” She cheered. “Daddy, look! Papa’s on stage!”
“I know, pumpkin, I see him,” he chuckled.
Corroded Coffin played their first few songs before Eddie decided to speak to the crowd again. It was when he stopped to take a sip of water, shortly chased with complimentary beer the arena provided.
“How’re we feeling, Indianapolis‽” Cheers erupted from the audience once more. “Good, good,” Eddie chuckled. “Before we sing our last few songs, I’d like to take a second to thank everyone who made tonight possible.” Eddie started rattling off names of managers, event coordinators, Guns N’ Roses themselves, and finally, his own family. “Last, but certainly not least, my own beautiful, supportive, amazing husband—and yes, you all did hear that correctly. He’s supported me since we met back in ‘85 and he hadn’t missed a gig until we had our gorgeous daughter, and even then, he told me to get back to performing as soon as I was able to. Everyone, please, give it up for my husband. None of this could’ve been possible without him.” The crowd applauded weakly. “Oh, come on, I know you can do better than that! Give it up for my husband, ladies and gents! Come on!” Cheers and applause flooded the arena. “Yeah, that’s more like it! Alright, I think you’ve earned this last song. Hit it!”
As the band closed out with their grand finale, Bobby started kicking at Steve’s stomach, wanting to be put down to dance. She ran over to the stairs leading up to the stage and eagerly jumped up and down to the beat.
When the song finished, and everyone went to go bow, Bobby slipped through the cracks of all the production coordinators (and Steve) and ran onto the stage to smother Eddie with hugs.
“Bobby, no!” Steve yelled.
But it was no use—she couldn’t hear him through the headphones. Eddie spotted the brightly colored girl out of the corner of his eye, dropped to his knees, gingerly setting down his guitar, and wrapped his daughter in a warm embrace. She tackled him to the ground, and Eddie couldn’t help but laugh.
He squeezed her tight, running his hands through her tight ringlets, and placed a million kisses all over her face. Tears prickled are Eddie’s eyes as the entire audience faded into the background.
At the end of the day, she was what made it all worth it.
“Papa, you did so good!” She yelled, not knowing the volume of her own voice.
“Thank you, sweet girl,” he beamed. He sat up, still hugging her, as the stage crew started setting up for the main act. “We should go before we get in trouble. C’mon.”
He stood up, hiking Bobby up onto his hip, as he handed his guitar to a random stage-hand. He held her close as he headed for the stairs, meeting Steve with a warm hug.
“You did so good, baby,” Steve said.
“Thank you,” Eddie whispered.
“And you!” Steve started, pointing sternly at his toddler. “Never run away from me like that again, do you understand? Scared me half to death, Bobby.”
“Sorry, daddy…”
“Oh, give her a break. She was just excited,” Eddie said. “I appreciated the hugs. I wouldn’t mind if it became a post-show tradition,” he teased.
“Let’s not get carried away.” Steve rolled his eyes, hand rubbing up and down Eddie’s sweaty back.
“So, Harrington…” Eddie leaned in to whisper in his husband’s ear. “Our deal still on?” Steve’s eyes widened as he blushed up to his ears—Eddie smirked proudly. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
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anapotatowriter · 2 years
Meet - cute
Five Hargreeves x reader
A/N: While I am working on some of my requests for Edmund Pevensie, here is a Five Hargreeves fanfiction! Feel free to request for him, or any other TUA character. Also, this is definitely because I can’t wait to see Five in Season 3 :)
Summary: Y/N is a shy book worm. But where her best friends, the Hargreeves, and her best friend (and crush) are threatened, she doesn’t seem so sweet.
Contains: Swearing, some spoilers for books, horrible knowledge of the years where these kids were still teenagers, Ben doesn’t die and Five doesn’t time travel to the apocalypse, lots of events take place in the past (written in italics), horrible story that I have a hate-love relationship with :)
Requested: All of my own bestie!
Tagging @art-junkie-13, cause she was the first person I talked to about the story :)
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"Y/N! Can you please buy some pasta sauce! We need it for dinner tonight," yelled my mother from her room. "Yes, mum," I yelled back, going to her room and taking the money she held out to me. I picked up a light sweater to protect myself against the spring breeze. I also picked up the play I had recently started reading. I strolled down the street, giggling softly at the swirling leaves and flowers in the wind, before turning down to my book, my tied-up hair keeping the small strands out of my face. Just as Romeo met Juliet at the masked ball, a boy crashed into me, sending me, sprawling backward. The book went flying from my hand, though the money remained tightly within my grasp. My now free hand went back to catch my fall, forcing my wrist to bend back. I yelped softly in pain, cradling my left hand as tears welled in my eyes. "Shit," I hear a voice mumble before someone knelt next to me. "Are you okay?" he asked, his black hair falling into his piercing green eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," I squeaked out, not wanting to bother him. "I am so sorry, you can go on, it was my fault anyway," I mumbled, trying to stand up despite the pain in my wrist. "Nonsense, I crashed into you, the least I could do is help you out," he said, helping me stand up before fetching my book. "Romeo and Juliet, huh? I never understood the big deal about them," he said, smirking at me after he glanced at the book cover. "Really? I have read all of Shakespeare, and this one was my favorite. First, because crashing into each other is the best meet-cute ever. Second, I guess it helps me understand that love is dangerous. It's not sane or straight. Love can be twisted, malicious, insane, unreasonable, and painful. But that's what makes it worth it," I said, going off on a rant before trailing off when I noticed the perplexed expression on his face. "I'm sorry, you probably don't care," I muttered, pushing a strand of hair that had escaped my hair tie behind my ear. "Oh no, I just found your perspective interesting. I never did look at it that way. Just looked at it like teenagers who just killed like, 6 people. And that way, technically we had a meet-cute, huh?" he smirked, making me glance at my shoes in embarrassment. "Anyway, I'll help you home," he said, making me protest. "Don't you have to go home?" I questioned, making him rub the back of his neck. Just as he opened his mouth to explain, I interrupted him. “Oh wait, I’m sorry, this is me,” I mumbled. “My house number is 109… come visit if you get the time, you’re nice,” I continued, and he smiled a little. “Pinky promise,” I said, sticking my pinky finger out to him. He stared at my finger before hesitatingly wrapping his pinky around mine. “Bye,” he said, sticking his hands in his pockets and walking back down where we came. “I’m Y/N, by the way,” I called after him, as I looked at his retreating figure. “Nice to meet you, Y/ N,” he called out, not bothering to turn around, just raising his hand as he walked away.
I sat on my bed, reading Pride and Prejudice, the flashlight the only form of illumination in the otherwise dark bedroom. My hair was tied up and piled on top of my head in a bun, to keep the hair out of my face as I leaned over my book. Suddenly, I heard a loud whoosh and a blue spark illuminated the corner of my room. I jumped and held my flashlight in between both my hands, staring at the corner of my room. “Ow,” a voice groaned, and I threw my flashlight while yelling, “STRANGER DANGER, STRANGER DANGER!” “Ow, what the fuck Y/N,” said the voice, making me squint in the darkness, the flashlight now off from the collision with the stranger. “Oh, it’s you! The kid I met on the street? How did you end up here?” I asked, staring at him warily. “I’m Five Hargreeves,” he said, smacking my flashlight against his palm to try to get it to start up again. I groaned and switched the bedroom lights, squinting immediately at the sudden influx of light. “How does that explain anything?” I asked, rubbing my eyes. “I’m one of the kids born with superpowers? On the news?” he said questioningly, surprised. “Wait, you’re one of those Umbrella Academy kids? You’re the teleportation kid?” I asked, making him nod. “Sorry, I don’t know much about you guys. I don’t watch the news a lot, it’s so sad. I prefer fiction,” I shrugged, and Five nodded in understanding. “Do you want something to drink? Water? Tea? I make a really good black coffee,” I offered. “Black coffee would be good,” he nodded, no expression on his face throughout the conversation. “Okay, “ I smiled and left my room to start the coffee pot, him trailing after me.
“Hey Y/N,” said Five’s voice, making me look up from my battered copy of “The Perks of Being a Wallflower”. “Oh, hey Five,” I said, wiping the tears on my cheeks and sniffling. “Wait, are you crying?” he asked, showing one of his rare emotions, concern. “Yeah, the ending of the book is really sad,” I said sadly, caressing the pages of the book as tears continued to fall. “Tell me about school,” he said, sitting on the bed, successfully distracting me from the book. Butterflies flapped in my stomach at our proximity, a lovesick smile probably gracing my features. Five always liked to talk about school, since he could understand what he was missing because of the Umbrella Academy. “Well, we did acemtodes in Maths today,” I said, immediately jumping into his favorite subjects. “I swear, 10th grade is horrible,” I groaned by the end, falling back on my pillows, the book slipping away from both my lap and thoughts. “I’m turning 15 tomorrow,” he mentioned as he lay down next to me while staring at the ceiling. “Wait, what?” I asked, immediately sitting up. “Yeah,” he said, glancing at my shocked face. “And you didn’t tell me! I don’t know what to get you,” I gasped dramatically, throwing a pillow at him. “Well, you can come over to the Academy. Dad typically leaves the house to us on our birthday, so we can do whatever we want,” he said, making me smile at the invitation. “I would love to! Now I gotta go plan 7 birthday gifts,” I explained happily, squeezing his hand for a second before running out of my room, leaving the boy to stare at the ceiling of my room.
“Hi, my name is Y/N!” I said, smiling at the six people around me, Five standing next to me. “I already know all of you, so need to introduce yourselves,” I said, instead of bringing out my large bag. “So Five only told me about y’alls birthday yesterday, so the presents aren’t that great, but whatever!” I said, holding up the gift-wrapped presents. “Luther right?” I asked, and the blonde nodded, and I handed him his gift wrapped in moon-themed wrapping paper. “And Diego, I am guessing?” I asked, turning to the brunette, and the boy replied, “Yes, that’s me.” I handed him his present, and he took it, his eyes glassing over. “And Viktor, this is for you,” I said, handing him the heavy box. He smiled softly as I handed him the box, making me smile back. “Ben?” I questioned another boy, and the boy nodded in agreement. He accepted the wrapped present I gave him with a starstruck expression. “Allison,” I said, handing the package to the grinning girl before turning to Klaus. “And Klaus. Believe me, I had no clue what to get you, but I hope you like this!” I said, handing him the box. “I spent about the same amount on all the gifts, so yeah!” I said, turning to all of them to see they were all standing where I had left them. “I’m sorry if I messed up, I can return the gifts,” I said softly, cocking my head to the side a bit when I noticed the still wrapped packages. “Thank you,” said Ben, his voice cracking, making my eyebrows furrow in confusion. “I mean, it’s not much,” I said apologetically, shrugging a bit. “Thank you so much,” said Viktor sincerely, placing his hand on my shoulder. “This is our first time getting gifts,” said Klaus, making me gasp. “First?” I asked, making all the kids nod in unison. “Ok, then it’s settled. I am officially on gift-giving duty. Five, you better deliver their presents. Christmas, birthdays, new years, accomplishments, all of it,” I said decidedly. “Well go on, open them,” I motioned to the siblings, who all started opening their presents, smiling giddily. “And Five,” I hummed, making him turn to me from his siblings. “It’s a fountain pen, I got ‘Technically we had a meet-cute, huh?” engraved in a rush order, so this is probably more expensive than the other’s gifts,” I said, handing him the final package. “Thank you… so much,” he said, and I smiled. He intertwined his pinky with mine, a reminisce of our first meeting.
"Come on, hurry up while it's still daytime, idiots," yelled Five from ahead of us, enunciating idiots. "Well... it's not fair... if we have to walk... while you just teleport," said Diego angrily while climbing up the enormous hill, the rest of us huffing and puffing behind him. Five didn't reply and just stopped moving, waiting for the rest of us to catch up. No one missed his annoyed expression by the time we all reached up. "If you tell us to hurry up one more time, I will turn you into a hat," said Luther just as Five went to speak, making Five roll his eyes and close his mouth again. "Finally, we can play," said Allison, sighing as she admired the grassy and flat field where we were going to play cricket. "You good, Y/N?" asked Five, moving closer to me. "Yeah, just tired," I said, dabbing at the sweat on my forehead. "You are a right meanie for not just teleporting with the rest of us," I said, crossing my arms. "Sorry, I just didn't wanna scatter all of you into some other universe where we end up being TV show characters," he said, shrugging while winking at the computer screen. "Let's play!" said Diego, cracking his knuckles. 
"I'm referee," said Luther, moving to the side. “And I am going to the market downtown. There’s a new book I found that I want to read,” shrugged Ben. “Oh, come on, Ben! It’s all of your birthdays! 16th! You can’t just leave family time!” I complained, making the boy sigh resignedly. “Fine, I’ll come back in 30 minutes, tops,” he promised, making me smile and nod. He walked away to the nearby market, his black jacket standing out in the otherwise bright field. "Y/N and Allison, you both are the captains," said Luther. "Oh, okay," I breathed, moving forward and looking at the rest of the academy. "Y/N, you can go ahead a pick first," said Allison, smiling at me kindly. "Five," I said immediately, and he grinned proudly before walking toward me. "Diego," said Allison, who walked towards her with a self-satisfied smirk and looked pointedly at Five, a competitive glint in his eyes. "Viktor," I whispered next, and he walked towards us as Klaus walked towards Allison and Diego. "Five minutes to plan, and then we'll have the coin toss," announced Luther, and both teams huddled up. "Diego is going to be the most aggressive. Allison is too nice to go full attack especially cause you and Viktor are too shy and nice, and Klaus is probably too high to care about the game,” said Five immediately, starting his “battle strategy”. “Or, or, or… how about we just play for fun?” I interrupted as his comments about his other sibling started getting most vengeful. “What’s the point in that Y/N?” protested Five. “Fine,” I sighed apprehensively, making him smile triumphantly and resume the plan.
“Let’s start,” bellowed Luther, making me walk towards Luther, Allison walking from the other side. The wicket was already set up, the bats held up by Luther.  Luther tossed the coin and said, “Allison, your team bats.” Before going to her team, she cheered a little, while I walked toward Five and Viktor. “Ugh, we’re bowling,” I groaned, Viktor giving me a side hug comfortingly. “We’ll do amazing, don’t worry,” said Five confidently, making me shrug. “Pinky promise,” he said, holding out his pinky. I giggled softly, intertwining my pinky with his. “Okay Five, go bowl,” I laughed, shoving the boy slightly. He chuckled as he walked backward, giving a salute before turning around. “You know, he is only like that with you,” said Viktor, making me turn away from Five’s retreating figure. “What?” I asked, confused. “He smiles more with you, he’s less touch averse. It’s nice,” he said, smiling at me. “Come on, hurry up Y/N!” yelled Diego, anxious to begin the game. “Coming, coming,” I called, running up to the meadow, prepared for the fielding. 
“Oh come on, stop running so fast,” I said exasperatedly as Diego and Allison got another run. Klaus was already out and lounging on the grass, out of range of the cricket ball. “Ben!” yelled Klaus when he noticed the boy coming back, holding a book in his hands. Ben reached us and sat down next to Klaus, opening his book. As the game continued, Five and Diego continued to get more competitive, which forced Luther to intervene, only fueling their frustration. I laughed at the story Klaus was recounting to us when the grin on my face faded. I squinted at the group of people I could see coming from the distance. 
“Ah, the great Umbrella Academy,” snickered the one in the middle once the group was within earshot. Suddenly, all the siblings seem to have grouped, competitive natures long forgotten. Five came over to me a grabbed my pinky, pulling me in with the rest of the Hargreeves and taking me near Viktor. “Five, what’s going on?” I asked as he walked away, but he didn’t reply. He placed himself on the other side of Diego, Luther on his right. In a row behind, Allison and Klaus stood on the outer edges of the group, with Ben in the middle. At the absolute last stood Viktor and me, a perplexed expression dawned on my face as the group came closer to us. “Viktor, what’s happening?” I asked, confused at the formation we stood in. “We typically stand like this when someone recognizes us in public, makes it easier to deal with fans and press,” murmured Viktor softly to not attract attention. The arrangement suddenly made sense, and I nodded in understanding. 
“Ha, I knew I recognized the nerd,” laughed the ‘leader’, making me frown as he looked at Ben, who was holding his book in his hands still. “Who are you calling a nerd,” snapped Diego, taking a step forward. “Lord, you all are no different from us. What’s so special about you bastards anyway?” asked the boy scanning over the group, glossing over me and Viktor in the back. “You seem to forget your place. We have fucking powers that help save the world, and we won’t hesitate to use it on you!” continued Diego, taking out a knife and twirling it in his hands. “Sorry to say this, but you can’t use your powers on us, idiot. We are civilians, and therefore if you harm us, we can go to the police and get your precious academy shut down,” cackled the leader manically, his four goons laughing with him. “You’ll be sorry when I shove my fist in your face,” barked Diego, walking forwards. “Diego, he’s right,” said Five calmly, although his jaw was set tightly and his eyes sparkled with silent anger. “Exactly, ‘Diego’. Listen to the half-wit,” chuckled the goon, walking over to Five, who stood his ground and raised his jaw a little higher. “What about you, scrawny bitch? Wanna fight?” mocked the guy, holding his fists up ironically. The anger that was building up snapped and I scoffed. “You’re a bully,” I said from the back, making the boy's head turn towards me. “Who the fuck said that?” he barked rhetorically, his goons cracking the knuckles. “It was me,” I said, walking forwards. “Excuse me Allison, Ben,” I said, walking between the two. “I’ll be fine, Ben,” I said to the concerned boy, smiling softly. His eyes still held fear as I continued forwards. “Five, Diego,” I said, sliding between the two when I felt someone stop me. Five held my hand, silently pleading with me to not go. “I’ll be fine,” I smiled at him, gently releasing his hold over my hand, instantly missing their presence. “Now, as I was saying, you’re a bully. My dad taught me that there was only one way to communicate with a bully,” I said confidently as I sauntered forward, pulling the hair tie out of my hair and snapping it around my wrist. My hair billowed open from the wind, H/C strands surrounding my face. 
“Oh really? And what was his advice?” asked the goon, smiling mockingly at me. I smiled sweetly, chuckled, and brought my fist back, punching him in the face. Gasps erupted from behind me as the goon touched the side of his face where I had hit him. “You fucking slut,” he growled, putting his hand up at his friends, who tried to come to his aid. I clicked my tongue and said, “Oo,” I wouldn’t call me that,” I said, glaring up at him. He brought his hand up to slap me, and I heard Five take one step forwards to try and help me. “Fuck no,” I growled, grabbing the bully’s hand mid-air and twisting it behind his back, making him groan in pain as he faced the rest of the academy, me standing right behind him facing them too. “I’m a nasty bitch darling, believe me,” I said in his ear, loud enough for the people around us to hear as well. “Now why don’t you go on and apologize,” I said, hissing the last word. “Fuck no,” he protested, making me roll my eyes. “You seem familiar, do you study in Y/S (Your School)?” I asked, and the boy nodded minutely, gritting his teeth in pain. “Ah, great! So you must know who I am! Go on, darling, take a wild guess,” I said to him, twisting his arm further to make him hiss in pain. His friends just stood, not knowing what to do. “Shit, are you… are you Y/N? Y/N L/N?” he asked, fear creeping into his voice. “Yes, correct! Jackpot, darling, ding ding ding,” I said, twisting his arm more and more with the last three words as I grit my teeth. “Now, since my reputation seems to precede me, it’s safe to assume that you know I can ruin your life brick by brick, you fucking mangy cur,” I growled. “So, if you know what’s good for you, you fucking apologize,” I finished, kicking him in the shin and making him yelp. “Okay, alright, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” he yelled, making me smile sweetly again. “See that wasn’t so hard,” I said, pushing the boy so that he was near his crew again. “If I see you bothering anyone ever again, inside or outside school, I will torture you until you wish you were dead,” I said, pushing the boy backward. “Now, bitch, why don’t you fucking leave,” I said as the boy slowly backtracked. “SCRAM!” I yelled, making him run away. “You’re fucking crazy,” said one of the others to me, his eyes wide in fear. “Yes I am, sugar. Suck my dick,” I said while flipping him off with both hands, making his eyes widen more as he ran after his leader and the rest of his friends. “FUCKING SHITS! MOTHERFUCKERS! REMEMBER MY WARNING OR YOU WILL REGRET IT!” I yelled, making them scamper away out of sight.
As soon as their figures disappeared, I turned back to the group with a real smile, clapping my hands together. “Shall we continue the game?” I asked, while the rest of the Academy just stood frozen. “... are you okay?” I asked while bringing my hands up to tie my hair again. Everyone surged forward and question me before their conversation sparked up, but Five still stood frozen. “Five?” I questioned softly, walking towards him as the rest of the siblings talked to each other. “Don’t ever do that again,” said Five as he pulled me in a hug, making me freeze in shock. “I was so fucking scared,” he said as he pulled me away and held me by the sides of my arms. “Oh please, I have beat up people much scarier than him,” I said, smiling at him. “You’re an enigma, Y/N,” he said before doing something I never thought he would do. He kissed me, and I kissed him back, my heart bursting in happiness. We split apart, a haze filling my mind when I heard wolf whistles. “Oh shut up,” I muttered, embarrassed, as the other Hargreeves goggled at us, while Five intertwined our pinkie easily. “You’re hot when you swear. And with your hair open,” he whispered in my ear, making me giggle, enjoying the contact between us. “Thank god for our meet-cute,” I thought to myself, smiling at the group around me and the brunettee I stood next to.
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mxnsxngie · 1 year
A Piece Of My heART (H.H)
Warnings: none! Pure, tooth-rotting fluff!
Word Count: 3261 (holy crap, I didn't intend for it to be this long but oh well!)
Let Me Know What You Think!
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“We totally need to get together sometime soon, I miss you so much!” your friend Aly says over the phone.
You chuckle as walk up to the door to your friends’ dorm room, knocking on the door.
“I miss you too! Is there anytime you’re available soon?” You ask her as the dorm door opens. You’re met by a smiling Jisung on the other side as he dramatically bows, gesturing you in. You laugh at his antics, whispering to him “Hey Jisung” as you walk in.
“Yeah I’m free next week! And did you just say Jisung?!” Your friend asks and you can’t help but chuckle.
“Oh awesome! And yeah I did, I’m over to visit Jinnie for a movie night. Why do you ask though?” You ask, already knowing her answer.
“Because he is so fine. I swear I would risk it all for him. You gotta set us up girl!” She says and you laugh.
“Aly you kill me” you tell her laughing as you notice a slight blush appearing on Jisung’s cheeks at the mention of your friends’ name.
“First of all, offensive. Second of all, can you blame me?!” She says over the phone.
“No I can’t. I suppose I’ll see what I can do” you tell her as you slip your shoes off. “So what are you thinking for next week?” You ask as you sit down on the couch in the living room, Jisung joining you.
You fail to notice Hyunjin starting to walk into the living room behind you due to the phone call. He smiles seeing you, excited to finally get to hang out with you again.
“How about sushi and the art museum? We haven’t been in ages” your friend suggests.
“Oooo! Sushi and the art museum? Now you’re speaking my love language! I mean, throw in coffee and a bookstore visit and I’m putty in your hands” you joke with her.
Hyunjin’s ears perk up at this. He knew you enjoyed those things as well, it’s part of why you two got along so well. But enjoying them so much that you considered it part of your love language? He didn’t realize just how much you loved the things that meant so much to him as well. He swears in that moment the crush he’s been harboring on you for a while now deepened and he knew he needed to figure out a way to ask you out.
He walks around the couch to sit by you as you finish up your phone call and begin to talk to Jisung. He smiles as you subconsciously lean against him while talking, putting his arm on the couch behind you.
“How’s Aly doing?” Jisung blushes slightly, asking you about your friend.
“She’s good! She was asking about you!” You tell him, watching his blush deepen slightly.
“She was? That’s nice! I’d love to hang out with her again sometime” he tells you, getting flustered.
“She’d love that! I’ll have to let her know!” You smile before turning to look at Hyunjin, still leaning on him. “Hi there” you say, smiling up at him.
“Hi there” he smiles, moving his arm to rest around your shoulders instead.
“And that’s my queue, catch you guys later!” Jisung says, leaving you two alone, causing you to look at him slightly confused.
“What’s with him?” You laugh, looking back to Hyunjin.
“It’s Jisung, many things are up with him” he says laughing, knowing full well that Jisung was aware of his feelings for you and always insisted that you liked him as well.
Hyunjin just had a hard time believing him, especially with being so guarded when it came to love despite being such a romantic. But he couldn’t keep his feelings to himself anymore, you were worth the risk. You two had such a strong connection and you understood him and his views better than anyone. If he was going to make that jump with anyone, it made sense it would be you. His best friend, and, as he’d recently began to realize, his possible soulmate.
“You know what, that’s fair” you laugh as you get a little more comfortable. “So movie night?” You ask him, smiling.
“Of course! But! Not without snacks” he smiles, standing and holding his hand out to help you up so you can help him in the kitchen.
“Oh obviously” you say with a giggle as you take his hand as he helps you up, leading you to the kitchen. “Popcorn and candy?” You ask him as you starting getting a bowl out.
“Whatever you want” he smiles at you, reaching for a bag of popcorn and putting it in the microwave.
“Whatever I want huh? That’s a lot of power in my hands” You joke as you sit on the counter with the bowl, swinging your legs.
“Well you deserve the best. Just don’t abuse the power” he says, watching you with a teasing smirk.
“I can’t make any promises there” you tease with a matching smirk. Watching you sitting there, tucking your hair behind you ear smiling at him like he’s the only person in the world, he has an idea for how to ask you out.
While he’s getting your favorite candy he keep a stash of out of the cabinets, he takes out his phone and places an order online quickly before putting it back away so he can focus on you.
He gets the popcorn out and moves to stand between your legs, pouring the popcorn into the bowl in your hands. He looks up as he finishes pouring it, meeting your eyes that are already looking at his face. It takes everything in him not to reach out and cup your beautiful face like he wants to. “Ready?” He asks quietly, not wanting to break the moment.
“Yeah, I’m ready” you whisper back, flushing a little. You’d gotten so distracted watching him that he startled you when he looked up, catching you. You couldn’t help it really, his tall, lean frame, long blonde hair, his gorgeous hands, and of course his perfectly beautiful face.
You’d fallen for him very quickly after you met, the both of you having much in common when it came to interests and how you viewed the world around you. You both had found it refreshing to find someone who viewed it the same way and clicked instantly, as though you’d known each other all your life and were meant I find each other.
You desperately wanted more than this friendship you had with him. You wanted to be able to cuddle him, kiss him, hold his hand, and just love him as he deserved. But, you knew how he was when it came to love, and you knew that if anything was going to happen between you two, it had to be his decision. Still, a part of you couldn’t help but wish that he could someone understand all of your feelings for him as he held your gaze. You swear you saw a hint of love and longing in his eyes, but it was fine before you could be sure.
“Lets go then” he says, carefully helping you down and guiding you back to the couch, keeping his hand on your lower back the whole time. His touch warmed you and It took all your strength not to shiver at it.
He sets everything down and sits, getting comfortable and queues up the movie as you sit beside him, leaning against his side. He reaches for a blanket and covers you both with it before placing his arm behind you. You can’t help but flush a little, but discreetly lean into him more.
The movie wraps up a little while later, the both of you laughing and making comments along the way. And of course you noticed how he kept watching you the whole time. Every time you’d turn to say something to him, you’d find him already looking at you.
“That was a really good movie!” You tell him, looking up at him from where your head rests on his shoulder.
“It was! And this was nice, I’ve missed this” he tells you, glancing down at you.
“I have too” You blush a little, looking down slightly to try to hide it from him.
He reaches over with his free hand to tuck a piece of your hair behind your ear, causing you to look up at him. “Can I talk to you about something?” He asks you quietly.
“Of course, you always can Jinnie, you know that” you tell him as you look up at him, taking his hand.
He sighs lightly as he nods, gathering his thoughts.
“I know. This is just, a little bit of uncharted territory for me. But I’ve been thinking a lot lately. About, us.” He tells you, never taking his eyes off yours.
“Us?” You ask, feeling a little nervous.
“Yeah, us. You, you mean a lot to me, and I’ve been thinking recently just how much you do. I haven’t met anyone who understands me the way that you do, and I feel truly seen when I’m with you. What I’m trying to say is-“ he cuts himself off as there’s a knock at the door.
You look at the door then back to him in confusion. He chuckles at you before saying “just on time. I think this will help clear things up. Can you get that?” He asks you.
“Uhhh yeah, sure” you say, still confused where he’s going with this and why whatever is at the door is pertinent to his point. But you get up nonetheless and move to the door.
You open it and find no one standing there, but instead, a bouquet of beautiful flowers. Sunflowers mixed with roses and alstroemerias to be exact, your favorites. Because of course Hyunjin would remember that.
You chuckle with a small smile as you reach to grab them, noticing a small note attached as you shut the door. You grab the card to see what it says. The small card reads “Roses are red, violets are blue, can we go on a date, because I really love you”.
You were so distracted by the flowers and card, that you hadn’t heard Hyunjin stand up or walk over, so you jump slightly as you feel him put his arms around you from behind, engulfing you in a back hug, pulling you close to him. You relax into him, turning to look at him where his head rests on your shoulder.
“You love me?” You ask, heart soaring at the hope that he may actually love you as much as you have loved him all this time.
“Yeah,” he smiles, looking down at you. “I do love you. And I’d really like to take you out, as your boyfriend. What do you say?” He asks quietly, not taking his eyes off of yours.
You smile harder than you ever have before, reaching up to play with his hair as he holds you in his arms “I say it’s a date” you tell him before kissing his cheek.
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As promised, Hyunjin picks you up the next morning for your date. He refused to tell you where all he was taking you, only promising that you would love what he had planned for the two of you. You don’t fail to notice his camera bag in the backseat, so you know whatever he has planned will be good if he brought it with him.
You talk and laugh the whole drive, and you can’t help but smile when he parks the car, realizing where he’s brought you.
“Sake?!” You ask turning to him excitedly, realizing he’s brought you to your favorite sushi restaurant.
“Sure is! Figured we’d get some food to fuel us before the rest of the day and I know it’s your favorite” he says, smiling back at you.
“You know me so well” you gasp lightly, putting one hand over your heart dramatically.
Hyunjin laughs at your antics, knowing he’d do the same. Just another reason he loves you.
“I do, how weird!” He gasps back, playing along with you. “Now come on, I’m starving” he says, getting out of the car and coming around to help you out.
After eating your fill of sushi, you get back into the car and he starts driving to another location.
“Where are we going now?” You ask in excitement, giving puppy eyes in hopes he’ll spill the secret.
“I can’t tell you, it’s a surprise! But we’re almost there!” He says laughing as he sees you pout from the corner of his eye. “And that’s not working on me this time” he says.
“It usually does” you quietly mutter to yourself. He laughs hearing you but chooses to let it go for now.
A couple minutes later, you start to recognize the area and you gasp in excitement as you start pulling up to a familiar building.
“The art museum?!” You ask, pure joy on your face as he parks and looks at you.
“No the zoo!” He laughs “yes the art museum you goof!” He jokes, messing your hair up as he ruffles it lightly.
“I haven’t been in so long!” You say bouncing in excitement as you realize something. “Oh my god, you totally overheard my conversation with Aly didn’t you?” You say, realizing he’s taking you to the places you mentioned on the phone with your friend.
“Guilty” he laughs as he gets out of the car, coming to help you out and then grab his camera bag. “To be fair though, you know I love all of those things as well and it felt like too perfect of an opportunity to miss out on” he says as he takes his camera out and loops it over his neck before taking your hand, leading you to the museum.
“Okay I can’t blame you there” you giggle as you lean into him while holding his hand.
Once you guys pay and get your maps, you set off downstairs together to start with the older art first. You slowly move from gallery to gallery together, pausing to talk about some of the pieces.
Every so often, on the couple of times you happen to wander slightly ahead of him to look at a piece, you hear the the soft click of his camera. You can’t help but smile to yourself, knowing he’s sneaking pictures of you admiring the art.
Once you’ve finished walking through the first floor together, you move up to the second. As you’re walking ahead of him up the stairs, you hear another click of his camera. You laugh and turn to him, a look of slight confusion on your face.
“I’m just walking up the stairs?” You say questioningly to him.
“Yeah, but look at this” he says, a soft smile on his face as he pulls up the picture on the screen to show you. You can’t help back let out a tiny gasp as you see it. The lighting and angle of the picture he’s taken of you is breathtaking, he’s managed to make it seem like you’re floating up the stairs.
“Oh that’s stunning” you say, looking back at him.
“No, you’re stunning. The picture wouldn’t be as good if you weren’t” he says, taking your hand and leading you into the next gallery. He sees the deep blush on your face but chooses not to mention it.
As you’re walking through the second floor, you still occasionally hear his camera go off as he snaps pictures of some of the pieces in the galleries and of you. While you’re looking at one piece, you can help but giggle as Hyunjin comes shuffling over, excitement clear on his face.
“Come with me, I have to show you something!” He says, taking your hand and pulling you with him to a piece just ahead.
“Okay okay!” You giggle as you both come to a stop. “Oh wow, this is beautiful” you say as you look at the piece he’s brought you to with him, resting your head on his shoulder. The piece is a Claude Monet, a beautiful landscape painting called “Water Lillies”.
“It is, I know you love paintings like this too and I just had to show you” he says, blushing a little over how excitable he got.
“Thank you, it’s beautiful” you whisper, looking up at him softly. He looks down and he’s taken aback at how beautiful you look, love and adoration in your eyes as you look at him. He reaches up, gently cupping your face as he looks at you.
“Can I kiss you?” He whispers, rubbing his thumb along your cheek.
“Yes” you whisper back as he leans down, gently connecting your lips with his. You reach your free hand to tangle in the hair at the nape of his neck, just holding him as he gently kisses you. You hum into the kiss, feeling the love for you that he’s putting into it. Shortly after you break apart, still close to each other.
“I love you Hyunjin” you whisper, moving a stray blonde lock out of his face.
“I love you too. You’ve stole my heart” he smiles at you as he starts leading you through the rest of the gallery.
“Oh well I’ll be rich, that’s pretty valuable you know?” You joke, causing him to roll his eyes at your antics.
“As long as you don’t lose it” he tells you as you walk out of the museum together.
“Hmmm I think I can do that” you say as you reach up to kiss his cheek. “Soooo coffee and the bookstore?” You ask as you both get back into his car, knowing those were the other things you had mentioned you love on the phone to your friend.
“Hmmmm I suppose we can, but on one condition” he says, looking over at you.
“What’s that? More kisses? “ you say laughing.
He rolls his eyes at you before responding. “Okay, two conditions. One, yes more kisses. But two, our next date has to be a double date with Jisung and Aly. I think I’ll go crazy if I have to keep hearing him talk about how much he wants to go out with her but that he’s too nervous to ask her” he says, a tone of mock exaggeration in his voice as he starts the car. “If you can do that I’ll buy you all the coffee and books you want today” he says.
“Oh deal, Aly is always asking about him and wants to go out with him so that’ll be perfect. And I get books and coffee for that? Win win for me! You do realize I would’ve said yes to another date with my boyfriend without you setting it as a condition though right?” you laugh at him.
“Oh well in that case, we can just go home then, no need to go to the bookstore if you’ll go out with me again anyway” he says with a smirk.
“No no no! We totally do! You’re so smart for thinking to ask me on another date and for more kisses that way babe! I love you!” You say quickly, knowing he likely wouldn’t turn around, but not willing to take your chances. With Hyunjin you could never be too sure.
“I love you too, you little heart stealer” he says, smiling at you fondly. He had definitely found his soulmate.
Tag List: @yxngbxkkie @channiechxn @alyszaen @l3visbby
If you want to be tagged in the future let me know! My chat and inbox are always open so feel free to come talk to me anytime!
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hannahssimblr · 4 months
Chapter Five
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After a morning of frantic creativity in the studio, I head down to the shop with a head buzzing with thoughts of Christmas motifs. Petra is comparatively calm, sitting behind the till reading a crochet magazine in her lap and drinking a hot chocolate from one of the sachets she keeps in a drawer with the excess breast shaped candles. “Oh hello.” She says serenely. “Have you come to do the window?”
“I have.” I go into the storage closet next to the employee bathroom and start yanking bits of blue roll off the holder, wrestling my way through the clutter and piles of empty postal boxes for a squeegee and a bottle of industrial window cleaner. 
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“I can’t wait to see how it turns out.” She flips the page while I start spraying the window and buffing off the dirt and streaks. It’s a smaller window than the café I worked on back home, but tenfold more intimidating, seeing that this is an actual art shop with actual artists working upstairs who will no doubt notice things like crooked ‘o’s or asymmetrical ‘m’s. Recalling the mistakes I made the last time, I first sketch an outline on the outside of the window. The sun is hot on my hair. 
The muscles in my arms ache from the gym as badly as I expected they would. As I work I silently curse Shane Healy and his wicked exercise regime, and every time I lift a paint pen to the glass and my biceps groan I curse him harder. I am tired too, my eyes feel dry and heavy after a poor night’s sleep, tossing and turning in my bed with a head whirring with thoughts of Izzy’s gig. I think about it now too. Of Jen especially, and how different she was, but of Jude too, and the strange rift between them. I can’t help but recall all of those little details like the purple skin under his eyes, the nicotine stains on his fingers. Jen’s thin body, the vacancy in her stare. It was freaky to see them both like that, to witness their distance when all I’ve ever known of them was their closeness.
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I start sketching out the lettering for ‘mezzotint’. I have a design in an open notebook at my feet, and I refer back to it again and again, trying my best to mark out the shapes as symmetrically as possible. It starts off well. I’m careful, I’m precise, and I realise that focussing as hard as I can upon the task makes it harder for me to dwell on other thoughts. I don’t notice the time passing me by, the shadows moving across the pavement, I even drown out the sound of the tram as it passes, and it’s just me and this window and these pens and…
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“Um, hello?” I get such a fright that my marker slips across the window, sending a slash of white through my meticulous lettering. “Shit.”
“Fuck, sorry.” It’s Jude. He’s reaching for a damp cloth so he can help me to erase it. I never even heard him coming. 
“Oh, God, Jude, don’t worry about it, it’s just the guide.”
He pulls the cloth over his finger and uses the flat edge of his fingernail to carefully remove the offending mark from where it cuts right through one of the Zs. “Sorry I scared you, I was trying to catch your attention from across the street for like, a minute. I thought you’d heard me.”
“It’s okay, honestly.” I take his wrist and lift the cloth out of his hand. “I’ll fix it later. Like I said, this is just the guide bit. I’ll erase it later anyway.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I’m sure, it’s fine, it’s just a stupid white line, nothing to get upset about.”
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He looks up at the window. “It’s looking good though.”
“You think?”
“I do.” He smiles at me. “Nice job. I’m glad I caught you in time for lunch.”
“It’s lunch?”
“Yeah it’s like five past one.”
“Oh.” I frown. “I swear to God, sometimes I seem to just switch my brain off when I’m working.”
“I know the feeling. Do you have time to get food? If not it’s totally fine, I probably should have texted you or something, I couldn’t remember if we actually made a plan to get lunch or if I just ended up being vague with you.”
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I smirk as I start bundling up my art supplies. “You asked me if I take lunch, and then you walked away.” After brushing my cheek with his thumb in a way that made my stomach bottom out, but I don’t bring that part up.
“Ah, sounds like me.” He holds the door for me as I carry my things into the shop. “If you’re not free it’s fine, by the way, I can get lost.”
“No, we can get lunch.” I smile at Petra who is eating a sandwich at the till, and we give each other a quick wave as I leave my supplies on the floor and head back outside. “Where’s Astrid today? Are you meeting her after lunch to do the big tourist round of Dublin?”
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“Ah.” He says as we fall into step next to each other. “She’s not feeling well. She doesn’t want to do anything today.”
“That’s a shame.”
“Do you think you’ll go tomorrow?”
“I’m not sure, she, well, she kind of wants to just go back to Berlin at the moment, I’m trying to convince her to stay for the rest of the week but-” He shrugs. “I dunno. We’ll see how it goes.”
“Not a fan of Dublin City?”
“Something like that, maybe.”
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“I don’t blame her.” The Liffey still stinks as we cross it. A man leans over the railings and hawks up a mouthful of spit to launch into it. I shudder. “It’d be a pity to cut the holiday short all the same.”
“I’d bring her back to Berlin if I could, it’s just with the things I have to do…”
“That family stuff you mentioned?”
“Yeah. My mom is away on business this week, she needs someone to take care of Ivy. Like, bring her to school, cook dinner, laundry, all of that stuff.”
“Oh, damn. Is your dad away too?”
“No.” He kicks a coke can into the road and it goes under the wheels of a passing bus. “He just won’t- can’t do it. He’s not a big fan of, uh, parenting her.”
I frown. “Like, at all?”
“At all.”
“So what does he do?”
He exhales a laugh. “He’s very busy.”
“He’s rarely home for dinner. He works a lot. Late hours, paperwork, you know the drill.” I don’t know the drill. My dad only ever worked steady, predictable hours in the medical factory, and my mam, well, hasn’t worked since she gave up her secretary job in 1993. I can’t remember a time that she wasn’t at home, potatoes boiling in the pot while she scrubbed every corner of our tiny council house. She was always there to look after me.
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Jude asks me what I want to eat, and I tell him that he can choose, so we head east along the river. “I know it’s weird,” He continues defensively, even though I haven’t said anything “that my mom would rather get her adult son to look after their child than her own husband, who like, you know, fathered her, but it’s just the way the situation is.”
“Yeah it’s not great, obviously, but I suppose this is an exceptional circumstance. One time is inconvenient but manageable.”
He gives me a sideways glance. “Yes. One time.”
The conversation shifts to Ivy as we venture into the Liberties, and he tells me about her. She’s almost thirteen now, she’s in first year of secondary school, she’s still bad at piano and has to be forced to go to her lessons. She still never practises. I like watching Jude’s face when he talks about her, he gets very animated. It’s like he’s a bit proud of her, like he finds her funny, like he genuinely likes being around her. I consider his relationship with Ivy in contrast to Shane and Kelly, siblings who would have beat each other to death with remote controls, fighting for the teddy bears with the hardest plastic eyes, the biggest battery packs so they could cause maximum damage to one another when they smashed each other across the backs with them. I often counted my blessings over the fact that I was an only child when one of them started up a battle, but now, for a brief moment, I catch myself mourning the absence of the sibling I never had. 
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He takes me to a food van that sells coffee and Italian sandwiches at the foot of an apartment complex. I grab a chicken and pesto panini, which he pays for, and we take a seat on the grass in a nearby park. Jude stretches his legs out in front of him and leans on his elbows. He’s wearing shorts and a fleece, green and white runners and tube socks that have fallen down a bit on one side to reveal a strip of pale skin right up against the deep tan of his legs. He’s away in his thoughts again, eyes turned glassy as he stares out across the park to somewhere among the young trees planted by the fence. My eyes automatically follow the lines of his profile, from his forehead over the slight roman curve of his nose and down to the long line of his throat before I realise I’m staring too much, reading his visual language like a painting at a gallery, so I examine my sandwich instead. 
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“What are you thinking about?” I ask him. 
“Oh.” He says. “Nothing, I don’t even know.”
He gives me a half smile. “Maybe I was thinking about how I’m glad we could meet for lunch today.”
He definitely wasn’t. “Of course. It’s been nice, you know, to see you again.”
“I missed talking to you.”
“Did you?”
“I did.”
I nod. “Well, I missed that too. I’m sorry-”
“No more sorrys.” He reminds me. “It’s all water under the bridge, and like I said, I have more to be sorry for than you do.”
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I smile, then he smiles, before getting distracted by a nearby dandelion. He plucks it, and instead of blowing away the seeds he rather barbarically picks them off with his fingers and flicks them into the wind. I wonder if he made a wish. “I hope everything was alright last night with Michelle.” I say, hoping my prying doesn’t seem too much like, well, prying.
“Ah, yes. It was fine she just had to tell me about something that happened.”
“Hope it was nothing bad.”
“Well, I don’t know. It was just… well, nothing.”
He isn’t going to tell me. “Is it a bit weird,” I pivot “That Michelle and Jen are friends? Like I’ve wondered before. I saw them together in a bar a couple of years ago and I was surprised that they seemed close. Do you ever feel, like, a bit put out that your best friend stayed close with your ex?”
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He shakes his head. “No, because they were friends first. They went to primary school together, and when I moved to Ireland I started hanging out with them. We were a trio of friends.”
“Really? You and Jen and Michelle?”
“And some other people here and there, on and off at times, but yeah, we were.”
“And then…”
“And then one day I ruined it and kissed Michelle.”
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He splits the stem of the dandelion with his thumbnail, opening it up to flatten against his palm. “I seem to have this weird impulse issue where I can’t stop fancying my friends and then inevitably destroying everything.”
“Harsh. Surely you’ve had a female friend that you haven’t tried to kiss.”
He thinks about it. “Sure, but not as many as I’d like to admit to. When I really get to know people it’s hard for me not to blur the lines, to think that everything about them is beautiful, or whatever.”
“But Jen?”
“Oh, don’t worry,” He rolls his eyes at himself. “I kissed Jen too. When we were thirteen. She called me a fucking freak and went off crying.” His mouth quirks up at the corner. “And then a month of no contact later she approached me in the school yard and said she was sorry, that she actually realised that it wasn’t I specifically who was disgusting, it was just that she didn’t like boys.”
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“She sort of came out because of you?”
“Yeah, well, because of my bad habits.”
I mirror him and start picking the grass. “I hope that she’s doing well.” I say. 
“Yeah, me too. Things aren’t that great between us at the moment.” 
“I’m sure it’ll get better.”
He sighs. “Friendships do this, you know, especially long ones. People kind of eclipse in and out of your life, and it’s easier for it to happen when you’re in your twenties. I guess she’s just, like, eclipsed out right now. I think I should have tried to be a bit more understanding over Pamela. I think I was a bit full on when she started confiding things to me. Jen doesn’t often get into relationships so I can see why she’s been pouring all of her time into this one, it’s just, well, I suppose it’s whatever. It’s not worth getting into it.”
“I think things always get complicated eventually.” I remark. “The longer you’re friends with someone the more likely it is that there’ll be conflict, and then when there is it’s so bad, like they know how to hurt you more than anybody else.”
“A bit vulnerable.”
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“Very.” I say. “Back in first year I had a big fight with Claire.”
“Oh yeah?”
“It was because of… well, basically I just lied to her by omission. It wasn’t very wise of me to think that she wouldn’t find out on her own, but I don’t really like conflict, in case you didn’t notice that.”
“Who, you?” He grins. 
“But I was so used to always just taking on everything, like, blaming myself for being wrong and for ruining everything, but actually, when we finally got to talk about it and try to fix things, she admitted that she felt the same. She felt like she’d been in the wrong, and that she shouldn’t have reacted the way that she did. I suppose it was healing, or something, to realise that we both hurt the other, and it was okay because our friendship was stronger than that.”
“And now?”
“Now we’re great, we’re perfect. When I fell out with Kelly I thought about it all the time. I still think about it, honestly. I think about the things I wish I’d said to her instead of the things I really did say, and I imagine scenarios where I win and I make her look so stupid. And sometimes…” I wonder if the next part is too insane to admit. “…I think about mowing her down with my bicycle or shoving her into a massive thorny hedge and she gets all scratched up and has twigs stuck in her curls that she can’t get out for hours, and maybe they’ll get so tangled that she’ll eventually have to have them cut out-”
Jude lets out a loud, surprised cackle. “Specific.” 
“-and everyone points and laughs at her, and she runs off crying, and I know it’s so stupid and those things would never actually happen, but I’ve never stopped being angry with her, or actually, angry with myself for being weak for our entire friendship.”
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“You weren’t weak.”
“No, it’s okay. I think I was.”
“And now? What about with Claire?”
“With Claire I don’t feel that way at all. I handled it so differently, it felt mature and fair, like, I was upset while the fight was happening and for the month that we didn’t speak, but after that, yeah, it was fine. We’re good. I don’t even care about the fight because we fixed it.”
He nods thoughtfully. “Well, that’s lucky then.”
“Whatever it is with Jen, I’m sure you’ll fix it too.”
He sighs. “She’s complicated. It really goes back further than just this year, there’s things I should have done the whole way along, ways I should have been there for her but wasn’t. I’m kind of coming to terms with being a bit of a shit friend.”
“It’s not like you to talk yourself down so much.”
“Hm, well I’m trying out this new thing where I’m more honest with myself.”
“How’s it going?”
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“Horribly. It feels very bad.” He smiles weakly. “I think I’ve had a lifetime of being a bastard and it’s all manifesting this year, like I turned twenty one and it decided to come and bite me.” he suddenly sits up straighter and shudders, like he’s physically shaking the self deprecating thoughts from his head. “I don’t mean to be so miserable right now, Jesus.”
“You can be miserable all you like.”
“No.” He gently tugs on the cuff of my jean leg. “I want to hear about you. Tell me about this fancy internship. It was too loud in the bar last night to really get into it.”
I grimace. “It’s really not that interesting.”
“Tell me everything.” He insists. “Don’t leave anything out. When did you apply?”
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I sigh and I lie back in the grass so that I can watch the clouds drift past. “Okay well…”
Beginning // Prev // Next
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fullfledgedemo · 10 months
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Chapter 1 / Part 3
Pairing: Rafe cameron x OC / JJ maybank x OC / JJ Maybank x sister!reader
Warnings: swearing, alcohol, drugs, typical obx stuff; (remind me if I forget something)
Summary: Skyla is JJ's older sister. Growing up together they were inseparable. A short while after going to school she met her best friend Kayla. She would convince Kay to join her and the pogues. But Skyla would be strongly invested to make her dream of going to art school come true, that she didn't notice her best friend totally falling for her brother. On the road to her dream she accidentally crosses paths with the Kook prince himself. Maybe he's not that bad after all?
Word count: 2K
AN: I needed to split this one up so there is one last part coming out soon! ~
(next day ~ rise and shine)
As I got back home that night, JJ was knocked out in his bed. So I went straight to my room, trying to get some sleep myself.
I was glad our father wasn’t around or he might yell at us for any reason. It didn’t take me too long to fall asleep. Most of all it was from the weed yesterday.
But as I woke up I soon remembered what had happened. Me chilling out with Rafe Cameron at the pier. Ok it wasn’t directly chilling out, he just came up to me and asked for papers.
Still it was a pretty great night after all. Rubbing my head, I tried to wrap my head around it and giggled.
Getting slapped back into reality I heard my brother making a smoothie in the kitchen. Now I was nervous, how should I tell him that I may be hooking up with the enemy ,as he likes to call them.
I sat up a little too fast, making my head spin a little. Better not to tell him right now. I think about something.
Grabbing some fresh clothes from my drawer, I got changed and walked to the kitchen.
JJ was pouring some green smoothie into a glass. “Morning”, I softly greeted him. He looked up from his smoothie and smiled at me “Morning sunshine”.
Pondering how I should start the conversation I just asked “Hangover smoothie?”. “Damn right, you want some?”, he cooed and looked for an extra glass.
“Gladly”, I snickered and leaned on the counter. He poured me a glass and we silently went out to sit on the front porch.
Taking a sip from my smoothie I looked a little disgusted. “Oh god, I forgot how bad this tasted”, I said, shaking my whole body because of the weird taste.
“Well it isn’t supposed to taste good, it just helps with the headache and stuff”, JJ laughed as he watched me pinch my nose while I drank.
As we sat there a few minutes in silence the urge to talk about the fight yesterday came over me. “I’m sorry..”
”I didn’t mean to..”, we said simultaneously, making us laugh at each other.
I gestured for him to go on as I took another sip.
“Sky look, I’m sorry it just made me so mad..not that you forgot but that you chose a stuck up party with some Kooks over us”, he explained, looking to the ground and I saw a little frown on his face. 
I sighed, putting down my smoothie, “It was never my intention to upset you, I just said yes to Nina because I really didn’t think about it”.
“I know, just..next time it would be kinda nice if you think of us first”, he said smiling at me.
“Of course, I know that I can be forgetful, but I hope you can forgive your dumb sis”, I nudged his shoulder and gave him a shy smile.
Laughing he embraced me in a tight hug “Of course dummy”. “After all I did a lot stupid stuff too and you still haven’t thrown me down a cliff”, he added laughing and his statement made me laugh too.
Grinning, I softly said “We dummy’s need to stick together”. JJ put his hands up to his mouth shouting “Attention kildare island the maybanks are loose again!”. Frantically laughing I cheered in and gave a warning howl.
After an hour of just chilling with my brother I asked “You know what the others are up to today?”.
He pinched a straw of grass in between his fingers and looked up. “I’ll give them a call”, he said, taking out his phone.
While JJ was dialling John B’s number I wondered if they still were mad, because I would totally understand that.
As John B. was picking up, JJ would ask him what he was doing right now. “Alright, I'll talk to the girls, see ya later”, my brother said and ended the call.
Looking at him I wished for a positive answer. “He’s out with Pope right now, but they join us later at the chateau and we should call the girls”, he answered my pondering look.
I sighed “Alright, I'll talk to them”. I took out my phone and nervously bit my lip. Staring a few minutes onto my screen, I decided that I would rather text them.
Twenty minutes later I got a text from Kayla that she would come over in an hour, and Kie answered that she would join us at a similar time like the boys.
As my brother and I sat at the chateau waiting, Kayla was first to arrive. She parked her car near the big willow tree.
Most times you didn’t notice that Kayla was born a Kook, because her parents chose a more modest way of life. Before she moved to the cut in 9th grade, she and her parents would live on the mainland and had a pretty big house.
As she was put in our class, I knew from the start I wanted to be friends with her. Maybe the way she talked, or the fact that we liked the same music proved to me that my decision was the right one.
After all, I introduced her to the pogues and she fit totally in our strange pack. 
As she made her way over to us, I smiled and waved at her. But before she could reach the porch where we were sitting JJ stood up and shouted “Kayla Lynn Prinston, I need to talk to you”, he explained in a serious manner.
Kayla looked at him caught off guard “What?..What did I do?”she asked, confused.
“Nothing Ma’m, we just need to ask you a couple of questions”, JJ said, making a dramatic pause.
“Did it come to your attention that the Maybanks are loose again?”, he continued, looking at her whilst throwing an arm around her shoulders.
She broke out in laughter and shook her head. “You’re such a goofball, I really thought you were serious”, she said chuckling, pinching his cheek.
I laughed with them, looking at my brother who made an ‘ouch’ face.
Kayla sat down next to me on the porch. “Uhm I’m getting myself a drink, you want something too?”, JJ glanced at Kayla, nervously ruffling his hair. “Yeah, a coke please”, she smiled at him.
My brother disappeared into the kitchen and for a few seconds it was silent between the two of us. Looking at each other I just blurted out “I’m sorry I wasn’t there yesterday”.
Kay sighed, but soon put on a smile. “It’s okay, did you at least have a good time?”she asked, nudging my shoulder.
I considered telling her about the whole Rafe Cameron situation but as I was about to say something I heard my brother coming out of the house again.
“Yeah, I…it wasn’t too bad”, I quickly added, looking away to hide my embarrassed face.
Kay took her drink from JJ, thanking him. She now gave me a questioning grin “Not too bad?”.
Shit she already knows something is up. I should’ve said it was boring and nothing happened the whole night. Now my brother also looked at me, taking a sip from his own drink.
I nervously rubbed my hands on my pants “Well you know, Nina kept talking to fancy people and I just knocked myself out on cocktails”, I explained, laughing to ease my anxiety a little.
“Sounds like my sis”, JJ cheered. That was close, I thought. I didn’t want to blow things up right now with my brother, nor with my friends. Not knowing how they would react, with me going to another Kook party.
This time it was the real deal also, because it was the Camerons estate. To change the topic, I asked them about what they had been up to yesterday.
“You know, the typical shenanigans”, Kayla explained, grinning at JJ.
“Hey I didn’t know you were standing there, I apologised”, JJ said, raising his hands in defence.
Kay laughed and turned to me “He poured a cup of beer over my head because he was drunk as fuck”.
My brother scratched his neck and looked extremely embarrassed.
As we chatted the others would arrive at the chateau. As everyone was now here, we would chat and goof around until it got dark and we decided to put out some candles. The boys wanted to make a little bonfire so they were gathering wood.
 I went into the kitchen to make us some popcorn. Joining the girls again outside Kiara asked me “Hey Sky? How’s the whole art school thingy going for you?” grabbing some popcorn out of the bowl I put down.
“Well I still need a bit more money for the first semester but it should work with the scholarship, I also sent the application out a few days ago”, I nervously smiled.
The University I wanted to attend was located on the mainland, that meant I would be pretty far away from my friends and JJ. I really didn’t want to leave my brother alone with my father but this was my only chance of getting somewhere better.
“I’m sure they will accept you”, Kiara smiled at me assuring. Looking up at the night sky I wished for the best. Maybe my dream will come true eventually.
(day after - skyla’s workplace) 
Today was pretty normal at work. Some tourists floated in making me run back and forth with dishes, but other than that the next hours were chill.
As I was about to take out the trash I got a text message. Throwing the nasty bag of leftover food into the container I wiped my hands off and looked around for anyone to see me.
Taking out a cigarette I lit it up and made some puffs. Looking at my phone I investigated the text I got. Glancing at the name of the person who had sent it I jumped a little.
Rafe texted me.
I opened the message and bit back a grin. “Hey Blondie, excited for the party?” he wrote. Texting him back I wrote “Yo Cameron boy, Name’s Sky if you forgot, but yeah I am~”
Chuckling I exhaled some smoke. Teasing him a little would be kind of fun.
I didn’t take long for him to respond “I know but Blondie sounds kinda cute ;) Looking forward to seeing you there” I blushed madly at his text.
I don’t know why he gets me all the time, normally I’m not that easy to fluster. “Skyla, are you outside?”I heard my manager shouting.
I hastily put out my cigarette and made my way back in. I hoped that the party would be good, but honestly I wasn't excited about it. I was excited for some certain young man.
(night of the party)
It was evening as I texted my brother that I would be staying over at Nina’s place.
I asked her the day before if she could be my backup. “To be your partner in crime? Hell yes!” she answered me.
I didn't tell her exactly where I was going, only that it was a party I didn't want my brother to know of. Packing some clothes for changing at Nina’s, I felt a little guilty for not being open with everyone.
But it was for the better, I told myself. There would be just a lot of drama about it and I didn't want to deal with it right now.
“See ya tomorrow”, I said to my brother, who was sitting outside. “Have fun Skizzle”, he waved at me and smiled.
I looked at my phone to check the time only to hear Nina arriving with her car. As I hopped into the passenger seat she smiled at me. “Hey gurl, you're bumped? “, she asked while hugging me.
I grinned buckling up my seat belt. “Kind. of, but actually actually a little nervous”, I told her.
She looked at me curiously “It's a guy, am I right?”.
“Sshhh not too loud, and maybe”, I whispered, grabbing her hand to get her to quiet down a little. She chuckled and drove us to her house. 
@madelynie @runningfrom2am
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randum-famdoms · 6 days
Hello! I'm reading one of your fic's on ao3 and was wondering when it's gonna be updated? I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the fic and wanna know how long until we get a new chapter! Love your writing! And I was so happy to see that you gave Mishima such a cool persona! I love the fic so much! I've been ranting to my friends about it nonstop (even though neither of them have ever played the game) but they both sit there and listen nonetheless! (I may even try and convince them to read it! It's a pretty interesting take on the whole game! And the part where Akira is worried that Mishima will have a problem with him being gay and Mishima just like "If I had a problem with it I would've said something back in kamoshida's palace" was amazing! I love everything about it and I can't explain in words just why I love it so much! It's just amazing! If I was better at art I would LOVE to make some fanart of it!!! Again I can't explain just how much I love it! I hope you're doing well and aren't sick!
(How was the dog sitting by the way? Hope it went well!)
Ahshdjdkjfndbdkjdl thank you??????
I just. *scream*
The idea that people can love a silly little thing I write for fun this much is kinda unreal to me. Idk how to respond???? Thanks????
I mean, I’ve reacted like this to fics I have read before but having it turned into myself is trippy. Like this is some weirdly dream or some shit. Idk man. Shit’s wild.
Every time someone tells me how happy they are about the way I’m treating mishima in my fic I am further convinced that everyone who says he’s a bad character is a fucking coward and if more people would just make Mishima positive content then the fandom would be better off. He does not get enough love and appreciation and I will gladly take on the mantle of Mishima Ambassador. He is my blorbo, my boi, and I love him dearly. He deserves better, both in game and in the fandom, so I just did it myself.
Also, I ain’t about to beg you for fanart because you reading my fic is more than enough already and then you sent me this ask and Ann bear gave me a heart attack from joy, but trust me if you think you’re a bad artist I’ve seen worse. Much, much worse. I took an art class in a very sports heavy highschool and 90% of the kids in there were teenage boys who thought it would be an easy A. The first assignment was to draw a realistic hand. You’d think that they were AI with how bad some of them looked. So yeah, any hypothetical art you make is beautiful to me, especially because I’m fairly sure that if anyone made fanart of my fic I’d cry tears of joy <3
I tried really hard to update every week and I failed miserably, so I’ve made the decision to cut back to every other week. I’m like 85% sure that I’ll get the next chapter up this Sunday. I started my summer classes today and one of them (my English class) is cramming a 14 week course into 4 weeks, but I’ve always been pretty good at English/reading/writing so I’m hoping that that won’t ruin my update schedule AGAIN. I swear I can’t go two weeks without something fucking up my writing/editing time. We’ll see how it goes. I am not sick don’t worry, Just like, super fuckin tired cause my sleep schedule is fucked. I’m pretty good otherwise tho!
Dogsitting went well! I actually finished up with that yesterday. The little demon I was taking care of had absolutely no braincells, and was very annoying, and she kept pooping in my bathroom no matter how often I tried to take her outside to shit, but at least she’s small so it was easy to clean up and she was a good size to cuddle. Overall it was a 5/10 experience that was turned into a 9/10 because of the couple hundred dollar paycheck I got for it. The family I was doing it for is uncomfortably rich lol. Pretty sure some of it is blood money because the dad is an ex-cop turned middle school teacher (neither of which make good money) and the mom is a Russian immigrant stay-at-home mom and they somehow own a huge house in a really nice neighborhood and can afford a two week trip to the Caribbean on that income. I ain’t gonna complain tho.
I’m excited to get chapter 11 written and posted, I think it’s gonna be really fun! Lots of good plot and character development is gonna be happening :) the fic is really picking up now that we’ve finally gotten over all the exposition hurdles. Only took 60k words lol (I swear I thought that it would take half as long as it did to get to this point in the fic, at this rate the things gonna end up 800k words long and I’ll be dead before it’s finished)
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dalaamclouds · 2 years
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Hidehiko “Brown” Uesugi pages from the Megami Ibunroku Persona club book (1997)
Next: Eriko Kirishima
Last: Yuka Ayase
Notes and certain translation explanations under read more -
Brown’s scribbles in case they are be hard to read:
I can’t just let you have a copy of all my secret data!
Birthday - Japan’s New Year. It’s 1/1, of course!
Sign - Asakusa France Club. My sign’s pretty old, no?
Blood Type - 4A-G. Seems like I have a car engine in me! Nah, the truth is I’m type-O.
Favorite Food - Hay. Though, I guess I also like hamburgers and curry.
Favorite Color - Brown, duh…
Fashion of Choice - I always look good no matter what I wear, unlike Mark.
Subscription - I read Bombom just to make fun of it! I swear!
Family Members - An ultra mom, dad, and king (me)
Hobby/Special Skill - Persona Wonderful Bomber
Personal Accessory - I feel I should trade the goggles out for something else soon. Though, I still love showing off my boots.
What do you do in your spare time? - I strive for world peace!
Wild how these boots neglected the tide of the times! They’ve withheld 62,000 kilometers!
I have such beautiful legs! Like that of a woman!! But that should be obvious, hmm? Hahaha!
Gotta wear a watch to make sure I don’t miss my date with a cutie!
Nothing beats my amazing style! Or should I say my good looks!!
Head: Well, I can’t lose to Mark. Bahahaha!!
Hair: You know my hair’s actually a wig, right? I gotta replace it with a new one every day. Maybe I’ll get a mohawk next.
Eyes: 200
Heart: Very healthy! Loving
Skin: My skin is so so so so so soft because I take great care of it every day! Why not give it a feel?
Body: Special Excellent Super Ultra Nice Body - Looks like I’m impossible to measure!! (Forgot to write this last part in; oops )
Height: 57 Meters
Weight: 550 Tons
Bust-Waist-Hip Measurements: 99.9/55.5/88.8 It seems I’m Fujiko Mine. Sorry… that was a lie.
Intellect: [Quick] <- crossed out
Underwear: Ah, so tight, I’m bulging out of this bikini bottom!! I’m a Calvin Klein kind of guy, could you tell? Pretty sexy, right?
Fujiko: Lupin <3
Foot Size: Jurokumon kick!!
Sock Color: Of course, they’re brown.
If it’s not brown, it doesn’t matter to the marvelous me
Super hero / Great Dangerous Cool Guy Brown-sama !!!
Star Sign Meaning: An old performing arts theater in the special wards of Tokyo. It’s mostly known for being a theater for various performances (mostly comedy) with the history of having originally been a strip theater. Brown here is making a pun in the original Japanese as the Japanese name for the theater is “浅草フランス座” which directly translated is “浅草 Asakusa (the location of the theater) フランス France (the name of the original strip club that was here; france is used a lot in various places in the world to symbolize sexuality and/or promiscuity e.g. french kissing) 座 Place”. The character 座 can mean both place or an ender for star constellations; like 天秤座 (libra). Brown is using the Toyokan theater specifically for this joke because it ends with 座 like star constellations do, while also alluding to something with a sexual comedic history.
Reading of Choice: monthly Japanese manga magazine targeted at elementary-school aged boys. Each issue was around 700+ pages. Was discontinued in 2007.
Hobby/Special Skill: a reference to “Super Ultra Great Delicious Wonderful Bomber”. A move by the character Rocky Hada from the 80’s manga The Burning Wild Man.
Foot Size: 16キック 16文キック(じゅうろくもんキック) The 16-sentence kick (Jurokumon kick) is a type of professional wrestling technique and is classified as a kicking technique. Famously used by Giant Baba. This is a joke playing with a wrestling name that involves a unit of measurement and the use of feet.
Above Name/General: Brown is writing these long titles to make him seem like a Shonen-hero, as in Japanese they often have very long exaggerated names.
[Page 2]
Koitsu/コイツ - a phrase Brown shouts in the Japanese version of the game which translated roughly to “Hey, you!” in a bit of a more vulgar, rough way.
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US Brad: I think Satomi is annoyed because Brown’s name is already in English and they could still use the same story with the Japanese “name” but they didn’t keep it.
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asmutwriter · 1 year
A True Lady (Part 3)
Anthony x Reader
From beginning / Previous / Next / Master List
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WARNINGS: time period sexism, talk of sex, character is born out of wedlock, swearing, mean gossip, walks in on someone having sex
-   This is fiction. Please always talk to your partner before doing anything and make sure they are ok with what you are doing beforehand
A few months pass when you get word about the baby. Then a few more months pass when you are invited to a weekend at the Duke’s and Duchess’ house that will end with a ball to meet the child. Making your way into the house, you are met with Eloise straight away, nose in a book. She lifts her head up as she nearly walks into you and smiles widely when she realises who it is. She hugs you tightly as you wrap your arms around her “hello my dear”
“I can’t believe it’s you again. Please tell me you are still unmarried and independent from societies roles?” you nod as she smiles and links arms with you
“Where is the child?”
“Upstairs taking a nap in the nursery. The others went for a walk but they should be ba-” as if they heard the door opened to the Bridgerton family opening the door. You smile widely as you hug Daphne, then bowing to the rest of the family. One which you do not recognise
“Who are you?”
“This is the third eldest brother, Colin” you nod
“Pleasure to meet you Sir” he nods and bows his head to you slightly. You turn to Daphne “May I meet your baby?” she nods
“I shall go get him” you nod and wait in the entrance, talking to all of the family whilst the lady of the house gets the newest addition. You smile as you see the baby. Well, a bit bigger than a baby now as you could only get to see him a few months after he’d been born. She hands him to you as you smile
“You are gorgeous. Yes. Oh look at you” the child smiles at you as you making cooing noises at him. You look at Daphne “how was the birth?”
“Honestly it was painful”
“Yeah I can imagine. Pushing a child out of your vagina can’t be easy” you notice Violet look of discomfort once again “Sorry lady Bridgerton for my language. But you must also know it can’t be easy given you’ve had eight of the little devils” she lets out a small laugh at that and nods in agreement “are you feeding him yourself or have you hired a wet nurse?”
“I have hired a wet nurse. I don’t always have the time to feed him otherwise. But I do try to when it is convenient” you nod and start talking in a baby voice
“I would offer but my chest doesn’t work like that. No it doesn’t. Oh you are just the cutest little guy around. I’d say you’re the handsomest little man in this room. Possibly even the handsomest person in this room” you smile and kiss the child’s cheek, handing him back to the mother “I’m glad you were able to have a child eventually” she nods
“So am I. And hopefully, so long as I can persuade my husband, we may have more”
“Good god don’t wear the poor man out” you smile at her. “May I walk around and admire your house?” she nods
“I need to go and attend to some things before dinner. Should be at 6 o clock” you nod
“I’ll see you then” you smile at her as you look around her house. You’ve not been here before so you wanted to see all the rooms. You walk into a room with various art on the wall. One catches your eye and you go over to it, admiring the work. You hear the door open and shut but don’t pay it much attention.
“It’s nice seeing you again” you hear Anthony say next to you
“Yes indeed it is Lord Bridgerton” you turn to him and smile. The door opens once again as Eloise almost bounds over to you and takes your arm.
“Apparently my sister has invited your friend round for the ball tomorrow. She said that apparently this may help you with your nerves of going to your first ever ball” you nod and smile
“Yes. Thank you. I think I remember she may have written it in her last letter to me” she nods and smiles at you.
“Let me show you my room!” she grins at you as she pulls you away from her brother. He chuckles slightly as you look at him. A small ‘have fun’ coming from his lips.
At dinner time you are sadly running a bit late, having lost track of time after Eloise gave you a book to read in your free time. You practically run in and then slow down as you see everyone already sat down waiting patiently for you. You nod slightly and sit down “Umm Daphne?”
“You said my friend is coming tomorrow?”
“That is the plan yes”
“Is it possible for her to stay the night?”
“I’m sorry but I don’t think we have any more rooms for guests”
“Oh that is fine, she can share my room with me. We used to do it quite often so I know it won’t bother either of us”
“Oh well yes then, so long as she turns up”
“She better be here. I may shit myself otherwise” Violet looks at you in displeasure as Benedict and Eloise hold back laughter. The younger siblings looking confused at your language “Sorry Lady Bridgerton. Sometimes I forget it’s not acceptable to use certain words” she nods slightly at you. You murmur to Eloise “I am shitting myself though” she laughs and covers her mouth
The next day you wait in your room, looking out the window in hopes of seeing your dear friend when a knock is heard at your door. “Come in”. Eloise walks in
“Oh hi” you continue to look out your window when you have a sudden thought “how did Daphne describe me to you and your family before you met me?”
“I don’t-”
“Please. Be honest. You are my friend”
“She said that you were a nice and kind girl. But that you didn’t understand social normalities and although looked proper you didn’t always act it” you nod
“Is that why your mother hates me?”
“Mother doesn’t hate you”
“She defiantly does”
“She doesn’t understand you. There’s a difference. She’s used to people like her. You aren’t like her. And there is nothing wrong with either of you, you are just different” you nod and play with your dress
“I feel so out of place here. Constantly” she nods and pats your shoulder “I-I just feel like the laughing stock of everyone. I know I am not but sometimes I just miss my old life. Don’t get me wrong, I was out of place there, but I didn’t need to remember how to play the piano or what spoon is for what meal. I wish I could go back to how it was. But if I hadn’t had that happen then I never would’ve met you and your family. And you are all so kind. Beautiful people, inside and out” you wipe your eyes, fearing tears could fall any minute. Another knock at the door “come in”. Benedict walks in
“The guests are arriving” you nod and stand up, straightening your dress.
About 30 minutes pass and there is still no sign of your friend. You stay in the corner of the room, not dancing or talking to anyone. Just enjoying the free food and music. Anthony walks over to you “You look sad”
“No shit” you eat a grape
“Whatever is the matter?”
“I feel like a duck at a chicken party” he laughs lowly but stops when you glare at him
“All the men and woman look gorgeous and I’m just here looking like a little girl playing dress up... I hate it” a couple of women walk past you
“That’s the one who inherited her father’s estate correct?”
“Yes but I wouldn’t trust her”
“No I wouldn’t either. Poor girl, a bastard to a lonesome woman”
“I heard that not even the mother wanted her”
“She must be awful to be around then”
“Not even a whore wants her, she must be bad”
You take in a shaky breath as you brush the comments off “I hate it here” you repeat as you look at the brother
“It’s fun is it not?”
“No. Definition of fun is being able to dance and sing and drink. Not sit and look pretty in the corner, waiting for a man to come and ask me for a dance” you show him your dance card “no names. No one wants to dance with the bastard who inherited the money and didn’t marry into it” you fiddle with the card around your wrist
“Would you like to dance with me?”
“Wouldn’t that be scandalous?”
“Then no. My reputation is already shit, I don’t want to ruin yours as well” he nods and you both sit in the comfortable air around you. You hear a familiar voice near you
“Hello, I’m looking for Emily?” you turn and see Lily. Tears prick at your eyes as you wave at her to join you. She comes over and hugs you
“You have no idea how happy I am that you’re here” you link your arm with her. She looks at the man next to you
“Have you not danced with her?” he shakes his head
“She turned me down. Pretty much broke my heart” he mocks as you roll your eyes
“Take her to dance. Even if she refuses and threatens to murder you, it’d be worth it to see her dance” she wiggles her eyebrows at you as she meets his gaze once again “she’s been practicing her dance skills” you elbow her slightly. “If you don’t go I will embarrass you in front of all your posh friends” you shake your head as she unlinks her arms “Oh my you would like to dance. Oh it’d be my pleasure sir” she starts swaying in the corner, exaggerating each step until you turn to Anthony
“I’d like to dance now actually” he nods and smiles as your friend stops and waves goodbye at you. “Shit I’ve forgotten everything...”
“It’s ok. Just look at me and I’ll count you through it ok?” you nod as you look into his eyes. He smiles as he starts counting the steps for you. Telling you when he’s going to spin you or something similar. Once the dance is over you bow to each other and you both go back to your friend who is trying (and failing) to talk to one of the men.
“The blokes here really have no taste. He just turned down my lovely offer”
“What was your lovely offer?”
“I said I’d give him a blowie for a fifty. When he turned it down I said how about a twenty and he walked away”
“You can’t just say you’ll gave a men that and then ask him to pay. He’ll either pay you or ask if you get payed or do it for free”
“I thought rich people just didn’t have sex though. To busy looking prim and proper. I thought I’d be doing him a favour. Plus he was hot so it was a win win situation” she looks at you “do you think I should ask him if he’ll do it for free?” you grab her hand
“No. I think you should leave the poor gentlemen alone” she looks at Anthony who is standing awkwardly next to you
“Do you want a blowie for a fifty?”
“No. I’ll pass on the offer” she looks him up and down
“What about for free?” you both turn to look at him. He clears his throat and avoids eye contact with both of you. Your friend smiles before she looks around at the various people and meets the gaze of a young man who quickly averts his eyes. She smiles and turns to the brother “two questions. One, who is that gentleman over there?” he looks
“I think he’s one of the various lord’s sons”
“Cool. How do my tits look?” he looks down then back up quickly
“They look... they look like a chest?” she rolls her eyes
“Hopeless” she turns to you “boob check” you look and nod
“Looking very nice. That dress does wonders to them not going to lie”
“Oh thanks. It’s a new dress. I would say I made it myself but we both know I’d be lying” you chuckle as she kisses your forehead before she heads over to the man. “We probably won’t see her again until like 1am. We should probably also keep your sister away from any and all bedrooms just to be safe”
“I seriously wish I was brave enough to just walk up to someone and ask them such personal questions” he says before Eloise walks over to you both
“Brother do help me. Mother is trying to get me to dance with a man”
“Oh you poor dear” you exclaim, smiling at her and offering her your hand “may I have the honour of joining you for this dance? But in the corner where no one can see us dance because I’m awful at it” she laughs and nods, taking your hand “shit how do I be the man in this situation” Anthony moves your hands to where they are needed for you to be the one taking the lead as you dance in the corner, falling over each other and laughing. The song finishes and you bow to each other.
“Hopefully mother cannot see me over here” she looks around “where did your friend go?”
“Umm, she needed a nap so has gone upstairs to my room” you look slightly disgusted as you look at the male near you “she’s probably gone to my room, right?”
“I mean, even if she has I am going to change those bedsheets. I can’t can I because I don’t have a reason to in someone else’s house”
“Why would you need to change the sheets if your friend is only taking a nap?”
“What if she’s not in my room? Like I’d be alright if she was cause I could just sleep on the floor. But if she’s not and someone else where to go to bed”
“We should probably go find her. I can help you navigate the house” you nod
“Can I come?” the sister asks. You look at her brother, he shakes his head slightly
“I’m sorry love, she sometimes sleeps naked and I know how embarrassed shed be if she thought you’d seen her that way”
“But my brother can go?” you go closer to her
“She values your opinion more. If she has a hair out of place for him its ok, a hair out of place in front of you she’d practically die on the spot just thinking about it” she nods and smiles to herself slightly “We’ll be as quick as we can” you start to make your way upstairs with Anthony. The two of you making sure no one sees you sneak off together. You get up there and listen. Hearing the slight moan coming from one of the rooms you walk towards it. “Do I knock? What if it’s not her?” he shrugs
“Just, knock and walk in” you nod slightly and knock on the door. After a few seconds you open it. Seeing your friend riding the man she saw earlier, both completely naked. You grab Anthony into the room and shut the door. The man hearing the noise and quickly moving out of your friend and grabbing his clothes, hurriedly putting them on as he goes to exit but you grab his arm before he does.
“Fucks sake Lily”
“What? A girl can’t have a little fun”
“Look. If you are to do it, can you do it in my room please? You’ll be less likely to be interrupted there. Also I have the key to that room” you hand her the key “Lock the door behind you. Don’t make a mess. If you do I will actually murder you. I’m looking at both of you” you let go of the man’s arm “it’s two along from this one, on the left. It has a dress hanging up over the full length mirror that’s pink with butterflies” they both nod and hurry off to your room. “And now my room is going to look awful”
“Why do you say that?”
“I know how… active she can get” you rub your eyebrows slightly “I might just sleep in the bath actually. Might be the cleanest place tonight. Or I can at least make it the cleanest” he chuckles as he watches you.
“I’m glad they left. This is the room I’m staying in”
“Oh god I’m so sorry. I’ll get you some clean sheets” he shakes his head
“It’s ok. Honestly”
“Are you sure? It’s no hassle to me” he shakes his head “So long as you’re sure” he nods and smiles at you. You look at the four poster bed. Going over and gently touching the woodwork. 
“I want to apologise for how I acted”
“What do you mean?”
“I’ve been thinking about that night in the garden. I took you for granted and I apologise” you look at him confused
“But we just chatted, did we not?” he shakes his head slightly
“I’ve been thinking over the events of what happened… I shouldn’t have kissed you” so it wasn’t a dream
“Hardly the worst thing in the world” he nods slightly and averts his gaze
“I am still sorry about it. It has been bothering me since. You are a lady and I did not treat you like one. I apologise for my actions”
“Well apology is certainly not needed but I will accept it if that will make you happy” he smiles slightly as he looks at you
“We should head back to the party” you nod, both sneaking back into the room. Just as Eloise walks up to you
“There you are!” she turns to you “I was just about to come and find you. Now you missed mother making me dance. No thanks to you two who just abandoned me. But I found Col so it’s not fully the end of the world” the third child turns to face you both. You smile at him
“I don’t know if we have spoken properly but I’m Emily” Eloise looks at you
“Did you manage to find your friend?”
“Umm yes. She hadn’t gone to my room so it’s a good thing we went up. Otherwise I think it may have been a nasty shock to whoever’s room she was in”
“Whose room was she in?”
“Umm, Lord Bridgeton’s rooms actually” you pat the man’s hand as he smiles next to you. Catching the glance of his younger brother though
“Why was she in your room?” the younger boy asks
“She was having a nap. Do keep up” Eloise rolls her eyes at him
“She is now in my room napping. I do hope she wakes up before I go to bed, otherwise I will be without a bed for the night”
“I thought you said you shared a bed with her a lot though?” the girl looks puzzled
“I do... But where the bed is bigger she is more likely to take up the whole bed despite my efforts to stop her”
“Man coming this way” Eloise says. You turn just as a very handsome man steps near you and bows his head
“Hello M’lady” he takes your hand and kisses it “You look-” he glances at your body, making you feel uncomfortable “exquisite. Why have you not been on the dancefloor yet?”
“Oh I have. Lord Bridgerton and I went on earlier”
“Would you want to dance with me?” he holds his hand out. You laugh and cover your mouth
“I’m sorry sir, I think if I dance with anyone I don’t know I may actually piss myself with embarrassment” he looks shocked at your words as the three siblings try not to laugh. “But thank you for th-”
“What she meant to say” you here Colin speak up “is that she’d be delighted to” you glare at him as the man takes your hand and leads you to the dance. After you’re pretty sure you apologised more times then you actually stepped on him you go back to the three siblings
“I thought you were meant to be the nice brother” he laughs
“Whoever told you that was very wrong” you glare at him but notice your friend walking down the stairs. She walks over to you, dress and hair completely out of place. 
“Jesus Christ...”
“So I have good news. He is much more experienced then he looks so that was very nice and I had an excellent time” she motions at you “I would say you can give him a go but I think I wore him out” 
“I’m so glad you shared that piece of knowledge with us” you straighten her dress for her “God who taught you how to dress?”
“Hey. When a man starts snoring and farting after your 3rd time you just get out of the room before he starts to stink up the place”
“Great, a random man is now sleeping in my bed” you try and sort her hair out. You cringe as you feel wetness in her hair, moving your hand away “Actually, I’m going to let you sort out your hair” you look disgusted at your own hand. “Oh, this is my friend Lily. Lily this is Colin, one of Eloise’s brothers” she looks him up and down and goes to say something “No” you say as you grab a napkin and wipe your hand on it
“How do you know what I was going to say?”
“Because I’ve known you for 10 years. No you cannot ask the young man that question”
“You’re no fun”
“You will break your wrist again if you have more than one in the hour” she rolls her eyes as you watch confusion hit the siblings. You smile at them all “Sorry. We have had a very... active life”
“How did you break your wrist?” Eloise asks and Anthony speaks up 
“I don’t think we should be asking her. It seems like a troublesome time of her life”
“I agree with our brother. We should let her have her own private stories”
“Oh but it’s a fun story...” she pouts and starts picking her nails when the handsome man from earlier walks back over to you. Your friend notices him and very unsubtly pushes her dress up to help expose her chest. He takes no notice of her as he smiles at you
“Would you like to dance again? You are much better then you said you were”
“I’m sorry but I’ve already promised my friend here-” you grab Colin’s arm “to a dance. But I’m sure my friend” you look over at Lily “would be happy to dance with you” before anyone can object you drag the brother to the dancefloor “I am awful at dancing just so you know” he laughs
“I’ll lead don’t worry” he smiles at you as he takes your hand in his to do the dance. Thankfully the song is relatively short so you don’t have dance for long. Lily comes back over to you
“Would you object to me trying to bang the hot guy?”
“Yes. 100% yes. Why do you want to bang him? All that I got from when I danced with him is that he’s a misogynistic prick”
“Oh I defiantly wasn’t listening”
“Yeah I can tell what you were thinking with. But no you can’t. I value your worth too much. Plus surely you hurt down there”
“Nope I’m as loose as a wild horse” 
“Disgusting” that’s when you remember the party and you slowly turn to see the 2 brothers just not looking at either of you due to politeness, the sister just looking confused “God. Spends her whole life being an innocent human and one night with me and it just all goes out the window. I need another drink”
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Ribbons and Rainstorms
Chapter 3 : Ribbons Between Friends
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“Ma, I’m going out!” Roman called over his shoulder, opening the door and wincing at the already drizzling rain in the darkening sky. It had been a few weeks since the last storm had graced their skies and during that time he’d managed to accumulate a small selection of gifts he had collected and made for Vi in return for the handkerchief and the… pin. 
Roman didn’t know if Gods valued hair accessories like mortals did. Part of him doubted it, since Vi didn’t wear anything in their hair aside from the circlet — which Roman was pretty sure was just jewellery, not a gifted accessory in the way he viewed them — and of course, he’d gifted Roman the pin, which was… something. 
He didn’t wear it, though he felt awful about it. He didn’t know what Vi meant when he gifted it, because normally for Roman gifting such a thing came with… implications that he didn’t want to think about. 
Instead, he had obtained a plain purple ribbon onto which he had embroidered a simple pattern (it was nothing like what Vi seemed to be capable of, but Roman was only just beginning to learn the art), to give Vi in return, hopefully to be understood as a declaration of friendship. 
He really hoped that Vi would know what it meant. He was worried it would be… frankly embarrassing for him and very awkward for both of them if he had to explain. Roman thought he might pass out if he had to explain that he was more or less asking to be closer friends with Vi. The ribbons were a nice gesture but… the whole point of them was avoiding that embarrassment, after all.
“Where are you off to in this weather?” His Ma called, coming around the corner with a hand on her hip, “You’ll catch a chill in this rain! And it looks like it’s going to be a nasty storm, I don’t want you outside during storms, you know that, Roman.”
“I know I know,” Roman placated, raising his hands— he had to adjust the basket he held on one arm, “I’m going up to the storm temple, um, I found out that it’s safe there, and I’ll make sure to light a fire and I won’t go a foot outside while it’s actually storming, I swear.”
She considered for a moment, before taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly before asking: “Will you be out all night again?”
Roman hesitated, “I… don’t know— last time I fell asleep, so…”
“Alright,” She said, shooing him towards the door, “If you’re not back by the time the sun’s up tomorrow I’m sending the knights after you.”
“Got it, Ma,” Roman said with a grateful smile as he headed out of the door, “Goodbye!”
“Goodbye sweetheart,” she called, waving him off and closing the door behind him
“Vi?” Roman called, entering the temple and walking a few steps inside just as the first roll of thunder was heard in the distance. He winced, but powered forward until he reached the altar and placed down his basket, “Are you here? I brought muffins!”
Roman wondered if bribing a God to come out and talk to him could be considered quite sad, but when he felt a strong gust of wind that was enough to billow out his cloak and turned to see Vi standing behind him, he found he didn’t actually care that much.
“Muffins?” Vi asked, walking over to stand next to him.
Roman hummed, lifting the bundle wrapped in brown paper out of his basket and unwrapping it to reveal a couple of muffins he had been able to swipe from his Ma’s last batch, and placed them down before gesturing towards them, “Yep, they’re blackberry.”
“Oh, lovely,” Vi said, taking one and biting into it, “This is good, did you make it?”
“No,” Roman admitted, cheeks flushing in embarrassment, “I am not allowed to even attempt to cook since I accidentally set our kitchen on fire one time, but, um, my Ma did.”
“I see,” Vi said, taking another bite, “Did you… get my gifts last time?”
He couldn’t help the redness of his cheeks getting even stronger as he thought about the pin, suddenly getting a little worried that — whether Vi understood the implications or not — he would have upset them by not wearing it, but he had to say something.
“I did,” Roman said eventually, “Thank you— um— they were beautiful, and I appreciate it, my name is Roman, by the way.”
Smiling properly now, Vi reached for him. Roman stiffened as Vi’s hand brushed his cheek, staring wide eyed a little at the way the light touch made his skin feel hot, tingling like Vi was still touching him even when he pulled his hand away, looking a little worried. 
“My apologies,” Vi said, frowning now.
“What are you apologising for?” Roman asked, trying to subtly brush his cheek as if he could brush away the feeling, “I think that I should be sorry, here.”
“I assumed you were alright with touch,” Vi said, frowning even more, “Because of— um— last time we met.”
Roman covered his face this time as he felt his cheeks burn, he had tried very hard to forget basically everything that happened that night, 
“I’m sorry about that too,” Roman said through his hands, “I didn’t intend to fall asleep, like that.”
“Why are you apologising?”
“Well— because I fell asleep on you?” Roman said, confused, “That— um— must have been uncomfortable for you?”
“Not really,” Vi shook his head, “you gave me an excuse to work on my embroidery, at least— I didn’t mind.”
“You didn’t?” Roman tried very hard not to squeak.
“I didn’t,” Vi said, “but if you were uncomfortable I will make sure it doesn’t happen again?”
“No I um— wasn’t uncomfortable,” Roman said, looking down and spotting his basket as he did and remembering, thank goodness for a distraction, “Oh, I have things for you! I almost forgot!”
“Things?” Vi said, raising an eyebrow in Roman’s direction as he leant back on the altar, they seemed to relax a little with the change in topic.
“Mhm, it’s not much, but I uh— made you a ribbon?” Roman said, lifting it carefully out of the basket and offering it over with both hands. The purple of the fabric wasn’t the exact colour Roman had wanted for it, a lot of the purple shades had been too expensive for him to buy even despite his family’s wealth (his mother wouldn’t let him spend so much on ribbon), so it had come out a little more of a pink-ish shade than he would have liked. He knew the embroidery he had done was messy and the pattern simple and now that he was offering it to the God he felt like cringing, it was an awful present— especially after the embroidery Vi had given him. 
Nonetheless Vi took it, holding it carefully and looked at it with an expression on his face that Roman thought looked so uncharacteristically soft, especially when he glanced up at the tapestry that depicted Vi with all sharp points and scornful expression. Roman wondered how whoever made it had gotten it so wrong.
“Did you do the embroidery yourself?” Vi asked eventually, Roman couldn’t help but slump a little, of course Vi had noticed how bad it was.
“Yeah I um, I don’t have much practice, sorry it’s bad.”
“That’s not what I meant,” Vi said immediately, mouth twisting in a frown as he reached for Roman again, hesitating at the last moment and taking his hand back, “I like it very much.”
“But— it’s not… good?” Roman said, confused, “Especially compared to yours—"
“Roman,” Vi said and oh that was a feeling, Vi said his name as though it was the most wonderful thing he’d ever said, “You can’t compare yourself to me, I’ve been doing embroidery since it was first invented, it’s completely unfair to compare your own skills to mine.”
“I— right,” Roman said, trying to recover from that weird burning feeling he’d felt in his chest when Vi had said his name, what on earth was that about? “I’ve never made a ribbon for someone before, so, I’ve never had to learn…”
“If you’d like, I’d be happy to teach you?” Vi said, still holding the ribbon. He looked… hopeful? But surely someone so powerful surely had something better to do than try and teach Roman — an insignificant mortal — how to embroider.
“I would like that,” Roman said anyway, because he had always been a little selfish. Vi smiled, before lifting the ribbon again and narrowing his eyes at it.
“What do I do with it?” Vi asked, looking from the ribbon up at Roman and, well great, Vi didn’t understand. Roman took a deep breath, well at least Roman now knew that he didn’t mean anything by the hairpin either, probably. 
“You don’t have to do anything with it,” Roman said, putting a hand up to rub at the back of his neck, “Not if you don’t want to, but, um, in our culture, we put them in our hair — it’s sort of a way to show… our relationships with people? Like mine, see?”
Roman turned to his head and gestured to one of the two braids that wrapped around the sides of his head, the one he gestured to hosting a green ribbon that looked so old and worn that it should have fallen apart years ago, “That one’s from my brother.”
“I see,” Vi nodded, “And your other two?”
“From my mother and father,” Roman said, turning again to show the two ribbons — red and blue — twined into a single braid, enough to look almost like one ribbon.
“So um, what does this one mean?” Vi asked, glancing away from Roman, who thought he seemed a little embarrassed. Roman knew that the blush was back in full force on his own face. 
“Well um, patterned ribbons represent friendships…” Roman said, “So, um, me giving you that one is… I suppose I'm asking if you would like to be friends?”
“And how do I accept?” Vi asked without hesitation, making Roman’s heart do a flip in his chest.
“Usually just wearing the ribbon is enough, most people will give one back too,” Roman shrugged, “But you really don’t have to, I assume it’s not really a thing Gods do?”
Vi considered for a second, before nodding, “It isn’t, but I would like to wear it, do you have any particular style? Or…”
“Whatever you want to do, really,” Roman explained, “I braid mine in because I don’t like them getting in the way and I don’t have many, some people just tie them in at the top and let them hang down loose, it’s really up to you, on that one.”
Vi was silent for a long moment, staring at the ribbon with a considering look, before nodding to himself and turning to Roman, "Could you braid it into my hair?"
"I— well, yes, I could—" Roman said, a little taken aback by the request, "But I will warn you I haven't braided another person's hair in years…" 
Vi's facial expression barely changed, but when he spoke his tone had a new air of hesitation about it, "It's alright if you don't want to, you are welcome to say no to me."  
"No— no I want to!" Roman protested, raising his hands as if he were able to physically stop Vi from speaking, "I suppose I'm just worried you won't be happy with the result, is all." 
There was an uncomfortable second where they both simply stared at each other, before Vi turned and lifted himself to sit down on top of the altar, using it as some kind of table.
Carefully, they removed the circlet they wore and placed it next to them before offering the ribbon back to Roman, who was still standing there, stunned. 
"I've never really cared much about quality anyway," Vi said simply, Roman huffed, a small smile already creeping onto his face, and stepped forward to take the ribbon. 
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