#my brother is SO GOOD at buying presents
ravenpuffheadcanons · 2 months
My brother got me one of these AMAZING book stamp devices for my birthday and I had to share it here on the book nerd website. I have already had a splendid afternoon working through all the books on my shelves (except one or two that were very fragile), and it acted as a great excuse for a big reorganisation and clear out. It’s rare to open a present and immediately think “oh yes, I shall keep this forever”. With this, though, I fully intend to keep it until either it wears out or I do. Lots of my books are second (or third, or fourth…) hand and already have multiple names written in over many decades. In some cases, there are even previous ex libris stickers or stamps. It pleases me beyond measure to add my own.
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apricotluvr · 10 months
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July 23
#1. the weather this month was horrible. how is it raining this much in the middle of summer? so annoying#2. July was a month full of having mehmaan or going to visit other peoples houses. I’m a pretty social person and I usually love spending#spending time with family but this was a bit too much#I made my version of knafeh after quite some time (without a recipe really) and it turned out good 😃#3. flowers my mum regretted buying cause after paying she saw other ones she liked more and which were cheaper lol#4. these beads I used last year to make necklace. wore it only a few times so decided to change it and make it into a phone chain. also#got this cute sticker from work. cute right. my inner child is really happy with the amount of cute stickers I can just use#5. every year there’s this group of Muslim youth from another city. and they organise a carnival type a thing for the kids in their city#2 years ago I volunteered there and decided to do it again this year. it’s not in my own city but our masjid is in that city. took my mum#+ little brother with so he could play. my aunt also came with her kids and it was a really nice day. the whole thing was organised and run#by Muslims and was free for all. i had a good time helping out and was asked if I wanna join the committee (?). I declined#bc it’s a little too far for me to be present throughout the year. I will continue to help on the day of in sha Allah. anyway they did do#catering for the volunteers and it was from one of my favourite restaurants in that city. I kinda know the owner so when I saw him when I#joked if my favourite cheesecake would also be provided today. he said unfortunately not but he’ll bring some just for me so he did 🥺#6. made a little heart w my baby bros hair#monthly recap
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roaringroa · 1 year
hate being sick fr
#hate it in general but oh god the timing is so bad#i was supposed to go buy some little presents for this kid in my family cause she's coming over with her parents (my dad's cousin + his wife#and i already planned on going to the japan town and buying these cute stationaries + a case since she likes that kinda stuff#and i was going to go and have lunch there and eat good food and dessert and have a good time on my own like i love to do#but i started feeling off during my morning classes and went back home and i have a fever#but if it was just for today whatever#BUT IN 4 DAYS IT'S CARNAVAL!!! THE FIRST SINCE BEFORE THE PANDEMIC!!! AND CONSEQUENTLY MY FIRST ONE AS AN ADULT!!!!#i absolutely cannot be sick then like i will legit cry#i've been looking forward to this so much#i've made plans with like 3 different friend groups for different days#plus on saturday my brothers my brother's girlfriend and i are supposed to party together#and i've been looking forward to it cause my oldest brother always said that when i turned 18 he'd take me and the middle brother to carnava#but then i turned 18 in the first year of the pandemic and 19 in the second and last year it was still pretty bad so no carnaval again#so like i hate being sick in general but i can't stay sick like i refuse#i think i it's tonsilitis cause my friend had it like last week and we shared drinks before she found out she had it#if that's the case it means antibiotics for like a week which means no drinking for me during carnaval#which... yeah i'm prob gonna ignore it if i feel better by saturday
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cuddlingsun · 2 years
i think one of the funniest things for no reason is keeping track of the books i own in a spreadsheet. it is not in any way needed, i do not own that many books, yet i decided for no reason to do it and it’s one of those things i haven’t stopped with
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zouisexo · 2 years
the Ability parents have to put u in a bad mood... truly remarkable
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ithebookhoarder · 1 month
Could you write an Anthony Bridgerton x wife!reader fic? They are newly weds and the reader wishes to pamper Anthony while he is bathing. He’s a bit cautious about it at first because he is not used to such affection. Thank youu I love your writing a lot especially the truth or dare fic.
In Your Hands (Anthony Bridgerton x Wife!Reader)
A/N: First of all, thank you so much! And I hope you like this. Thanks for sending this ask in, luckily I was already toying with a few Bridgerton ideas thanks to the new trailers so this came surprisingly easy.
Also, if any of you guys enjoy my work, or just feel like it, then consider buying me a cup of coffee here: https://ko-fi.com/ithebookhoarder ☕️
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Warnings: Nudity references, the start of sexy-times, alcohol 
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Anthony was someone who hated routine. After all, as much as he was devoted to the day to day duties that came with being the head of his family, if he had his way he would escape the city and the ton, choosing instead the peace and tranquility offered by the countryside, at Aubrey Hall. He dreamed of being able to be just a brother, son and - as of recently - a husband. 
Only married a few months, your new husband was keen to seize each and every opportunity to escape his duties when they appeared - whether it was sneaking off for long rides in the countryside, or making an early exit from whatever social gathering you both had been forced to attend as the new Viscount and Viscountess Bridgerton; Whatever allowed you both to be alone and back in one another’s arms (usually sans clothes) as soon as possible, was a good idea to him. 
It was no surprise then, that there was one part of his daily routine that Anthony actually relished: bathing. 
Oh, yes. There was little more in the world that could bring your fully-grown husband such child-like joy as being able to soak in a tub of steaming hot water for an hour or two. The sight always made you smile as you entered your bedroom: Anthony, half asleep, looking as if the stress had physically melted away. 
It was your favourite sight - and not just because of the exquisite view it granted you of his sculpted form - but because of how calm and peaceful he looked. It was as if he had transformed back into the mischievous and carefree boy you’d first fallen in love with all those years ago. Back when your only concerns had been not tripping on your skirt at your presentation, making sure you were actually asked to dance at a ball, and surviving the social season without embarrassing your family or getting yourself roped into some scandal. 
Whilst you knew neither you nor Anthony would ever change a single thing about your life together, you knew it came with a cost. In fact, today it had been enduring hours of talks with local tenants, the family’s book keeper, estate managers, and even several possible suitors looking to secure some kind of marriage contract with one of his younger sisters. (You’d been informed by several members of the household staff that those meetings had been remarkably swift, however, with each unfortunate man looking rather dejected as they were shown from the house). 
If you’d been able to spare him the pain or share his burden you would have, but unfortunately you’d been occupied with matters of your own. Being the lady of such a grand estate came with duties of its own, and you were quite done looking over seating arrangements, replying to correspondence, and paying social calls for one day.  
Still, at least you’d both survived to tell the tale - no wonder Anthony looked half asleep. Then again, maybe it had something to do with the open bottle of whiskey that sat on the table beside the tub. You knew without looking at the label which bottle it was, having smuggled it out of the library yourself to enjoy together. 
“Anthony Bridgerton!” A fake gasp of horror escaped your lips as you appeared in the doorway, a hand pressed to your chest. “You are a sneak and a traitor. That whiskey was for me too, you know.”
“And a good evening to you too, my love. Never fear, there’s plenty to share,” he teased, head relaxed, tipped backward as he took a sip from the glass in his hand. Your eyes were transfixed on the hollow of his throat, watching his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed. “Besides, I would apologise but I simply couldn’t wait a minute longer. Not when I couldn’t feel my back from sitting at that desk all afternoon.”
The moan that escaped his lips was almost sinful as he sank a little lower in the water.  
“Well, you’re forgiven. You look far too content for me to even dream of being mad,” you sighed, drawing close and perching on the rim of the tub. Anthony handed over the whiskey glass with a soft smile, letting you take a sip of your own before you placed it back onto the table. 
You could feel the warmth seep into your bones immediately, even if that was also likely in part to your proximity to the tub and your naked husband. 
“Do you want me to wash your hair?”
Anthony’s eyebrows rose at the question, the surprise written across his face. “What?”
“You heard me,” you teased, reaching up to run your fingers through the soft strands of hair atop his head. “I can wash your hair, and get your back for you. Unless you’d rather do it yourself, or I can ring for someone?”
“What? No, that’s uh, that’s not necessary,” he chuckled, visibly flustered - which was amusing and perplexing. After all, it wasn’t as if you two hadn’t seen and touched every single inch of the other in the weeks since your wedding. However, he looked almost confused at the idea that you would offer such a thing. “You don’t have to do that.”
“But I want to,” you soothed. “Let me take care of you, for once. Husband.”
It was probably below the belt to purr his title like that, but you knew how that one little word had the power to reduce the great Viscount Bridgerton to a puddle. That, along with the warmth of the water and the buzz of the whiskey, made him almost pliant to your every whim. Still, you knew him well enough to recognise the lingering hesitation in his eyes as he nodded in agreement. 
He very rarely let his guard down or allowed anyone to assist him in any way. You sometimes believed that had the servants not been dependant upon their work to make a living that Anthony would have dismissed them long ago and tried to run the entire estate single handedly just to prove he could. That he was worthy of the title he bore, and that he was every bit as great a man, brother, and husband as his father. 
It appeared he was the same way when it came to letting himself be taken care of and it made your heart ache for the man you loved. 
Pressing a triumphant kiss to his lips, you swiftly manoeuvred yourself, pulling up a stool and grabbing a jug from the dresser.  
“Just relax… trust me,” you murmured, waiting until he did as he was bid. The gesture alone said volumes, more so than any words ever could. 
Waiting until his eyes were shut, you reached for the soap, tilting his head against your chest as you began to massage the mixture into his scalp. Yet again, your husband seemed to transform into a cat, purring with every touch in a way that made it suddenly very difficult to resist the urge to strip off and join your husband in the water instead. 
“Enjoying yourself?” You giggled as Anthony barely managed more than a groan in reply. 
It was taking every ounce of your self control to focus your attentions solely on Anthony, and not on the way his body seemed to be reacting to your ministrations. Thankfully, you were able to last long enough to finish the job, using the jug to rinse the water through his hair, making sure to angle his head upwards so the water ran off him instead of into his eyes. 
But you were only human; the minute you were done washing the last suds from his scalp you made your move. Sliding off the stool, you knelt beside him and reached out to caress his cheek, causing him to open his eyes almost sleepily. Leaning forward you planted a soft, delicate kiss to his lips, causing him to groan in response.
Without saying a word, his hands rose, twisting their way into your hair as he deepened his kiss. It was clear what he wanted next. 
“Now, wife,” he growled, pulling back just long enough to reach down and tug teasingly at the tie of your dress-robe. You could feel the warmth of his touch as his wet body began to dampen the material. “I think it’s your turn to let me take care of you… so you’d better get in here, before I drag you in here.”
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rad-batson · 1 year
Headcanons of Tim and Damian’s Love/Hate/But-Mostly-Begrudging-Love Relationship (They’re My Babies)
They will take EVERY opportunity to be a little bitch to one another
Tim: “Don’t get too close to me. You probably have rabies.” Damian: *actually bites him*
Damian tripped Tim once, which started an all out prank war that lasted several months. It only ended when Bruce walked into a glue trap and couldn’t reach his phone to call for help. But he couldn’t figure out who put it there so they were both grounded. (It was Tim.)
Tim teaches Damian to finish his vine references when Bruce tells them they need to “bond.” They proceed to try and speak in exclusively vine references and TikTok sounds during patrol. Bruce benches them for his own sanity.
Damian: “I’m not touching you” *gets pushed down the stairs*
Tim: “I’m not in your room” *gets hit in the face with a book*
Tim calls Damian short even tho he’s only like two inches taller for quite a bit of time (and Damian never hears the end of it after Tim’s growth spurt)
Family Game Night could go in one of two ways: they’re opponents and spend the whole night one-upping each other OR they team up and wipe the floor with everyone else’s pieces
Damian: “Just trust me.” Tim: *remembering that one time Damian tried to kill him* “Okay.”
Tim: “Don’t ask questions.” Damian: *recalling the multiple genocidal Tim variants* “Whatever.”
During one Wayne Gala, they make up this game called Freestyle Checkers where they choose guests as their “pieces” then subtly manipulate them into walking to their opponent’s side of the ballroom without talking to someone from the other team or they’re out. No one can know that they’re part of a game or their opponent wins by default.
Bruce is proud of them at first for being more sociable during galas until he realizes what’s going on and immediately loses five years from his lifespan.
Both have attempted to fake their deaths to get out of the same school project
They’re both notorious for stalking people to get information instead of just…ya know…asking like a normal person. So they’re bound to team up one day.
Like maybe it’s Bruce’s birthday soon and both are like “No, I’m getting him the better present,” but then they run into each other in the vents trying to find out what he wants and they end up trading secrets. Just brotherly things
Tim: “I need you to follow this guy for me. I think he’s our culprit.” Damian: “I would rather die than take orders from you.” Tim: “I’ll buy you that fancy oil painting kit you want.” Damian: *already changing into his Robin gear* “Where is he?”
Tim makes Damian play the dumb, helpless kid in all of their covert operations, which pisses Damian off until he gets so good at it that he uses it to his advantage and annoys the hell out of Tim when they’re paired up for public appearances
“God, he’s so annoying.” “Yeah, totally.” “What the fuck did you say about my brother?”
Damian is the only person who can get Tim to actually sleep for once. No one knows how he does it, but the strongest theory so far is blackmail
Tim “I’m ignoring Bruce’s instructions because they failed the vibe check” Drake and Damian “I can totally do this mission that requires four people on my own” Wayne teaming up behind Bruce’s back and immediately getting into deep shit but somehow making it out alive with the bad guys behind bars.
During one of said missions, they thought they were going to die and said “I love you” to one another. After they survived, they silently agreed to never mention it again.
Damian gifts Tim a new board that he designed for his birthday. It took weeks. Tim cries
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milolunde · 2 months
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Always thought it was interesting. I don’t actually think I heard anything about the game before buying it, I just knew that it was a Sonic game. yippee!!!
Immediately after my initial whimsy wore off I started treating it like all my favorite media: a project to be rewritten to my liking. That was maybe five years ago, when I was gung-ho on the angst factor of the story above the Sonic factor.
After watching through the game’s Japanese dub and realizing the simple differences in word choice single-handedly enhanced the story, I started rewriting it AGAIN…. Here’s some of that <3
I’ve drawn Sonic after escaping Eggman “giving him hell,” and NOT after torture (I want to know the translator/script writer who thought that was a good idea, by the way), worse for wear, but excited to be free and stick it to the Freaks who thought they could kept him locked up and take over the world.
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After Sonic narrowly escapes the Death Egg in the Slow-Down Shoes (you can clap) and finds Gadget (or “Buddy”) they head to the Arsenal Pyramid… after a change of shoes and a bite to eat, of course.
Sonic continues through the game in a set of spare shoes which make his in-game boost gauge deplete faster. His shoes, as well as his fatigue, keep him from winning out, leading to his partial-victory against Infinite, and landing him and Silver on the sidelines. Gadget takes on missions with other resistance members at his side while Sonic recuperates with Silver.
Tails hears the news Sonic is alive and quickly arrives to the HQ to reunite with his brother. He supplies Sonic with a pair of his iconic shoes, an extra set from the supplies he was able to grab before Eggman took over his labs. Officially recuperated enough, by his standards, Sonic and Tails are officially back in it and ready to get back to the fight.
You know… I don’t think I’ve ever shared my “rewrites” anywhere but with my friends. Sometimes it gets so complicated in my head it makes it really hard to get everything on paper. A lot of my “Forces rewrite” is handing the characters differently and how that changes the story.
In general, Forces is a… fine enough idea, but SEGA has a reputation for floundering good ideas and for forgetting you can appeal to a young audience while also allowing older kids to enjoy it without making a flat story.
Hearing the difference of “they’ve been torturing Sonic,” (ENG.) and “they’ve been giving him hell,” (JAP.) and “Tails has lost it,” (ENG.), “Tails is still missing,” (JAP.) I realized a lot of what I didn’t like- what I was rewriting- was the tone. It’s one of Force’s biggest issues: it doesn’t know what it wants to be. The Japanese dub seems to have an idea, but that can’t save it from the fact Infinite is A Big Loser and Sonic actually has no reason to be afraid of him, especially if Infinite wasn’t present during his time on the Death Egg… So I’m doing it myself
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artists-ally · 3 months
{Confess Your Lust} Azriel x Reader
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You all can thank @riddlesb1tch for this. I have no regrets. It's just pure filth, but I know my whores like this 🥰 Rose this is all for you so you're the only one I care about liking it. Hope you all enjoy, title is from this song. highly suggest listening to while reading btw
Word Count: 4,682
Warnings: SMUT. Minor Dom/Sub concepts, bondage, degrading, teasing, orgasm delay/denial, overstimulation, Az is your pretty little good boy and you're gonna let him know ;)
Tagging: @riddlesb1tch @thelov3lybookworm @librafairy @needylilgal022 @bubybubsters @harrystylesfan2686 @justdreamstars @cyrygher @berryzxx @thehighladywrites @xaithings
Summary: Azriel requested a very special birthday present. And who were you to tell him no.
“Cassian, as long as I’ve known you, you’ve gotten me a dagger for my birthday.”
“Yup,” he grins. 
“You know it’ll never suffice to Truth Teller, right?”
“An Illyrian can hope,” Cassian sighs, a relaxed smile on his face. “I know they all go in a drawer at the bottom of your dresser.”
Azriel rolls his eyes, but thanks his brother anyway. He appreciates them, but they hold no candle to the pretty piece of steel sat on his thigh.
Mor had gifted him a new pair of boots and a matching belt to go with them. They were of sleek leather, polished so well he could see his distorted reflection in the curve of the toe. He might have to set them aside for a special occasion so he doesn’t ruin them with training and missions. 
Rhys and Feyre gifted him a custom made weapons display case. It had racks and shelves for all his favorites, as well as drawers for the ones Cassian constantly gifted. It was complete with a throwing pad on the side to practice different strikes as well as a sharpening stone. He’d never admit to anyone but himself, but it made the back of his throat string. 
Amren promised him a night out at Rita’s, and coming from her it was quite generous. 
Buy my gift… it was something to be shared between my mate and no one else. They didn’t need to know the secret behind the look in my eye. It was waiting at our newly constructed home, just like I promised. Just like he had asked. 
“That’s it from us, I don’t see another one here,” Cassian looked around the rubble of discarded bags and decorative paper, not finding any other boxes. “Did Yn already give you hers?”
“No,” I said, sipping my glass of wine. “It’s back at the house. But he already knows what it is.”
“He does?”
“He does?” Azriel furrowed his brows, clearly not remembering the conversation the two of us had several months ago. 
Azriel sauntered into the dining hall, hands fisted at his sides, wings tucked in close. “Can I talk to you?”
The sudden spring of worry in his eyes made me put down my book, following him to a nearby couch to sit on. 
“What’s up, my love?” I asked tenderly, locking a piece of hair behind his ear. 
“If I asked you to do something for me- to me… would you?” 
“I’m not sure I understand what you mean, Az,” I cocked my head to the side, getting a better look at his eyes. Those wicked shadows blocked some of his tan skin, so I gently nudged them out of the way.
“I umm- I was thinking that we might change some things up. I’ve had a lot of thoughts about these things and I want them. And I want to see if you could want them too.”
“Okay,” I nodded, waiting for a response.
“I want to try using some toys. On me.”
Well, that is not where I thought this was going to go at all. Utterly shocked, but not opposed to the idea, I asked him to elaborate. And by the Cauldron did he. He went into detail of what he wanted, why he wanted it, how he wanted it… it sounded like a dream come true. 
“I’m so happy you told me about this. Yes, I’d be more than happy to fulfill these fantasies with you,” I smiled eagerly. “I promise I’ll make it special for you. Just like you did for me.”
Azriel still didn’t seem to get it, so I flashed a mental image down the bond, watching his brows unfurrow and raise up his face. It was almost ridiculous how far they went up. Nobody else said anything as they watched the interaction. 
“Oh… what? What did she get you?” Rhys prodded his brother, Azriel not breaking our eye contact. I just smirked, winking in his direction before turning back to the wine. Mor spared me a curious glance, but I gave away no details. The others didn’t need to know what happened behind those closed doors. 
“Just something to play with later,” Azriel swallowed, throat working down and then back up. Only I would be able to note the change in his scent. “Time for pastries?”
I giggled as he deflected the question and moved onto another topic. It was another hour or so before anyone made a move to leave, but as soon as Cassian rolled out, his hands were all over me. 
“Are you being serious?” His hands were cupping my cheeks, a desperate plea to his voice. 
“Of course, my shadow. Go on up, get yourself ready. I’ll be up in a little bit, okay? Send word when you’re ready,” I instruct, moving out of his reach to begin cleaning up some of the mess left behind from the small party. 
“Won’t you come do it for me?” His strong arms wrapped around me, the soft scent of his wings wafting in the air. “I could really use your help.”
“I thought you wanted me to take control?”
“I do, that’s why I-”
“Didn’t I give you an order?” 
“Y-Yes, I just wanted-”
“Then go. Don’t make me ask again, Azriel.” 
“Yes my lady,” he obediently replied. I watched him go up the stairs, shadows lingering behind before darting after him. Once I heard the door click softly shut, I continued my work around the living area and the kitchen. I didn’t have any desire to be cleaning, I just needed to build up some tension. For this to work as he wanted to, I needed to do the unpredictable. Which would be really fucking difficult since he is basically progammed to know every turn and corner. 
I threw out trash, packed dishes in the sink, scrubbed them clean and put them away. About five minutes ago he sent a shadow curling my way, enticing me up towards the play room. I ignored the urgency of the call, deciding I’ll go when I want to. And he’s just going to have to wait. 
Azriel isn’t the most patient creature in this world, that’s for damn sure. 
Making him wait this long would be torture. 
Precisely how I wanted it to be. 
Finally, after another ten-ish minutes of stalling, I make my way upstairs. Purposefully being as loud as I can without stomping up the stairs. My heels click gently across the hard stone. As I near the door, I am hit with a wave of arousal coming from the room. It’s thick and tastes devine on the back of my tongue.
The sight of him sitting in the chair, wings facing me, arms ready and waiting behind his back is a marvelous sight. I can’t help but smile. He looks so pretty. 
“I thought you forgot about me,” Azriel said, a smirk in his tone. “Is it time for my present yet?”
“So impatient, all of you Illyrians,” I snorted, rolling my eyes as I made my way to the wall in front of him. Hung up, there were various toys and playthings. All could be used for pleasure or pain, depending on the mood. “You’ll get it when I say you do. Give me your wrists.”
I held the bundle of rope between my palms, stalking back over to Azriel in his chair. As I pass around to where his hands are locked behind his back, I make sure to tell him he’s allowed to safeword if and whenever he needs to. 
“I know, my love, thank you. I know you’ll take care of me,” he smiles gently, offering his lips.
“You asked to be overwhelmed, so I’m not going to stop unless you give me the word. I want you begging me to stop, remember? You’ll sound so pathetic and pretty when you whimper,” I smiled sickly sweet, pecking his lips with my own. “Ready?”
He gave a firm nod, hazel eyes locking on my body as I pulled away.
Back at the wall, I open the drawer in the chest, finding those two boxes I hid away weeks ago. How he never found them, I’ll never know, but I’m so glad. One was a vibrating cuff. The other was a dildo. 
After taking them out of the box and sanitizing them, I left them there for Az to see, but not to use yet. No, I wanted the anticipation to do the work for me. Rather than giving him what he wanted, I made my way over to him and trailed my fingers around his frame. 
Every flick of my finger sent goosebumps slithering across his skin. Up his neck… down his arms. That sensitive place between his wings twitched as I trailed through it, delicately applying pressure on the muscle. 
“Fuck, baby you… you can’t tease me like that.”
“I think I can do whatever I want,” I replied. “You are tied up at my mercy, aren’t you?”
“Yes, my lady.”
“Good boy,” I smiled, threading my fingers through his thick hair, latching onto his scalp. I pulled to the side, watching his body move with the force. His chest rose and fell, I could feel his heartbeat down the bond. Wicked. Powerful. Anticipating my next move. 
I slid into his lap, feeling just how much he needed me through his pants. I leaned just far enough away that he couldn't capture my mouth with his. He tried twice to kiss me, but each time I leaned away, a sick smile on my lips. 
Azriel scoffed, “I just wanted a kiss.”
“I know you do, but I didn’t give you permission, did I?” I mocked, leaning in closer and closer. “Your pleasure belongs to me tonight. I decide when you get what you’ve earned. And all you’ve done so far is complain that I haven’t given you anything. That’s not how good boys behave is it?”
I can see the fire in his eyes, those two sides of his personality fighting each other head on. This desire inside him to be taken care of, to be set free by my control versus that blistering need to be in control of everything. 
I’ll break him free with my bare hands if I have to. 
“Don’t be shy, my shadow. You can say it, it’s okay. No one can hear you besides me. Unless you want everyone to know just how much you need me.”
“I’ll behave,” he recites quickly. “Please.”
“Look at you, begging for it already,” I smirked, standing up from my place in his lap. He groans, cock clearly straining against the fabric covering his legs. 
I circle him. Like a predator to its prey. “You look so pretty tied up, my shadow.”
“When I asked you to play with me, I didn’t expect to be tortured.”
“Tortured?” I spun around to see his hazy eyes. “Oh, my sweet love, I haven’t even touched you yet and you’re already begging? Don’t be so pathetic, Azriel. You can take more, can’t you?” I nodded his head for him, fingers fisted in his hair. “Yes you can, good boy.”
I quickly walked around to see his pink cheeks, heated with humiliation. I had no intention of going easy on him the first time. 
In a swift motion, I sheathed the blade at his thigh, cutting away his pants, leaving him just in his undershorts. He gasped, eyes going wide as roughly pulled them down his hips. “Y-Yn what are you-”
“Quiet,” I demanded. 
Azriel shut his mouth, panting heavily as I fisted his cock in my hand. His head tipped back in pleasure, and I almost let myself enjoy it for a second before I ripped my hand away. Those fierce hazel eyes were back on mine in an instant, silently begging for more. He made a wounded sound when I walked away, grabbing the vibrating cuff from the dresser. 
“Let’s play a game, okay? I put this on, and you aren’t going to cum. If you take it like the good boy I know you are, then I’ll give you something else to play with. If you cum… well, you’re just not going to stop.”
Azriel looks genuinely afraid. Like I might break him if I go through with this. I’ve never wanted to break something so badly just to put it back together again. 
I kneel in front of him, spreading his knees apart. I can see the generous amount of gel he’s used to work himself open for later. His body is glowing, vibrating with tension. I spit on his dick, enjoying the sight of him flinching as it hits his hot skin. 
Being extra agonizing, I blow some cool air on his tip to really watch him jump. I giggle, sliding the cuff over his length. The pale blue color is a stark contrast to his bright red skin. There is a button near the bass to turn it on and to switch the intensity. The gentle purr of the toy comes to life with a quick tap, and Azriel damn near falls out of the chair.
“Relax,” I say, forcing his knees down. I looked up at him, chest unmoving as he held his breath. “Breath Azriel.”
“I- I can-can’t,” he chokes. “Fuck Yn, it’s too much.”
“It’s only on the first setting, you’ll get used to it. In thirty seconds I’m going to put it on the next setting,” I warn, watching the way his body quivers slightly. 
My mates eyes are slammed shut, teeth clenched together. His cock gently pulses with the vibe, slick trickling down his shaft in a steady stream. To be a little extra mean, I run my tongue up the length.
“Oh gods Yn…” he pleads, head tossed back. His chest is on display, perfectly cut muscles constricting with every breath. 
“You’re being so good, Azriel,” I praise, relishing in the way his body relaxes into the words. “Just a little longer.”
I stand, walking to the corner of the room to the closet. I quietly wheel out the next part of his surprise, setting them aside for when I need them. When I come back, I notice the sheen of sweat lining his chest and torso. It glimmers in the low light, catching at all the right angles. 
I stroke my hands up and down his shoulders, working the tense muscles. He relaxes into my body and I travel further. Over his chest, over his abs, down his thighs. When I reach his cock, I press the next button and turn up the intensity. 
Az growls. In a way I’ve never heard him before. He curls in on himself, kicking his feet against the floor. 
“Don’t act like you don’t love it, Azriel. I know you want to be my good boy and take your birthday present so well. You’re gonna take it until I tell you you’ve had enough.”
“It feels so good,” he moans. His thighs are shaking, his cock flushed almost purple. “M-More.”
“And now you’re begging for it? Gods, Az you are so easy for me. I’m sure if you'd found this before tonight, I would’ve caught you with it, huh? So fucking desperate.” I can’t help but tease him, he makes it so easy. And he is being so good for me, why not give him what he wants? “You asked for more, Azriel.”
I click it up another notch, watching the way it sends shock waves through the muscles in his thighs and abs. He’s open-mouth panting now, unable to take a breath without whining. He starts shaking his head back and forth, eyes blinking rapidly. 
“You’re not allowed to cum, Azriel. I didn’t give you permission.”
My reminder makes him sob. “Please, please Yn. Fucking please let me cum. Fuck I-I can’t- Yn I can’t-”
“You’re going to,” I demand, pushing the hair out of his face. “Because I told you to. You wanna make me happy, right? I won’t be happy if you cum. You don’t wanna disappoint me, do you?”
He shakes his head no rapidly, sweat dripping down his face. 
“Then don’t cum. It’s not that hard.”
Azriel cries out, the noise coming deep within his chest. He tries to cross his legs to relieve the pressure, but I force them to stay open. He shakes and writhes, wings slanted behind his back in a mess of shadows. He cannot sit still, but I don’t reprimand him for it. 
The room is filled with the sound of his harsh breathing and the hum of the vibrator. It’s filled with the scent of his sweat and breath. 
“Yn- Yn turn it off.”
He curses, a colorful menagerie falling from his wet lips. “Please please please please please please.”
The sound of him begging, truly begging, makes me grin in a sinister way. This is exactly how I wanted him. A whimpering, desperate mess for me to play with. 
I turn it off. 
Azriel blows out a breath, body still writhing. His cock stands tall, a deep shade of maroon. I know one flick of my tongue would send him over the edge. And having that kind of power over him feels incredible. 
After letting him rest for a second, I decide it’s time for some real fun. I pluck the dildo off the dresser and stand in front of Azriel, waiting for him to look up at me. When those hazel eyes meet mine, they’re glassy and full of pleasure. Almost too much. He looks drunk with his cheeks so rosy and ears flaming red. He looks so adorable all fucked out like this. 
“Stand,” I commanded, watching the words register on his face. 
His knees tremble, but he manages, stretching his taught legs. The sight of him shaking so vividly would normally scare me. But right now it's… it's beautiful. I made him this way, and this ache between my legs couldn't be stronger. 
The cup on the end suctions to the metal chair when I place the dildo down. “Sit.”
“Sit,” I snapped, eyes hardening. Azriel swallowed, looking from me to the chair and back. “Don’t make me ask again. I told you to sit. So sit down. Now.”
He turned back around, standing above the chair. Slowly, incredibly slowly, he lowered himself to the chair. His arms were bulging against the ropes, veins running along his biceps throbbing with his pulse. But he sits. All the way down. 
With a proud smile, I drink in the way he sits. It's so rigid. His chest barely moves with his quick breaths. His eyes are screwed shut. 
“Azriel,” I taunt, my voice sickly sweet. “What's got you breathing so hard, hmm? Are you in too much pleasure? Does it feel too good?”
His mouth gapes open, but he doesn’t say anything. 
“You’re at a loss for words with how good you feel. So fucking pathetic, completely fucked out the first time you’re taking a toy?” I click on the vibrator again, starting at level two. He thrashes, then grunts, tossing his head back. “You can take it. You’ve been such a good boy. You’ve been pleasing me so much, Azriel, did you know that? You’re making me so happy. Keep being a good boy and I’ll let you cum.”
“Yn…” he breathed, head falling back to meet my eyes.
“What do you need, my shadow? More? You want more?” He shakes his head no, but remains silent. “You can do better than a pitiful shake of your head. Tell me what you want, Azriel.”
“Yn… Yn…” he chants, my name a plea of desperation. It's airy and full of need. 
“That’s it, baby. Tell me what you need, I promise I’ll give it to you.”
With bleary eyes, he looks at me. “Please let me cum.” 
The words are broken and a little slurred, but he told me what he needed. So I’ll give it to him. 
“Such a good boy, Azriel. Telling me how much you need to cum. I’ll make sure you do, baby. Just keep taking it for me. You’re doing soooo good.”
I kept talking to him, praising him for how good he’s taking everything I’ve given him. Azriel is babbling and pleading like a total whore. While he drones on and on, I wheel out the surprise I set in the corner. Three long, vertical mirrors are set around him so he can see every angle of his perfect body. 
So he can watch himself come undone without me even touching him. 
“Azriel, look at me baby,” I commanded. He settles his gaze on me, then the mirrors. “Don’t you think you look so pretty?”
The way his body slumps in the chair sent chills down my spine. He spread his legs, admitting the cuff constricting his cock. Azriel pushes on his toes lightly, bobbing up and down on the dildo. “Fuck I- Yn I look so…so-”
“I want you to keep your eyes locked on the mirror. Don’t look at anything but yourself. This is all for you, take it all in, my shadow. Enjoy watching yourself fall apart for me.”
Azriel nodded. 
I circled him slowly, amused at how… delicate he looked despite the harsh reality of his current fate. He was tied up, more vulnerable than ever. And yet he looked so sweet and simple. And devastatingly ruined. 
At the first touch to the leathery material of his wings, Azriel jumped. He shouted and swore. 
“Relax, Azriel.”
“I can’t handle it when you touch my wings, Yn. I’m not gonna be able to hold on,” Az pleads. I touch him again in the same spot. He shudders and grits his teeth. “Yn please.”
“Eyes on yourself, Azriel.”
With a deep, controlled breath, he pulls his eyes back to the mirrors. As I touch and explore the most sensitive parts of him, he twitches in every direction, effectively screwing himself further on the dildo. I take the curve of my nail and trace a vein running in his wing. Fibers in his muscles seize. 
In the mirror, I can see the cuff working nicely. His chest is coated in sweat and it takes all my strength to not run my tongue from the tip of his cock to the base of his throat. Instead, I continue to tease his wings. 
Azriel has this one specific spot right at the base of his wing that drives him insane. The moment I begin to move my hand, he begins to moan uncontrollably. He begs and whines and begs again for me to make him come. 
“Are you watching yourself, baby?” I ask, locking eyes with him in the mirror. When he nods, eyes cast down at his body, I stroke his wing. Twice. And tears spill down his face. 
“F-Fuck Yn I need to cum. I need to cum, fuck PLEASE let me cum please please please,” Azriel chants like I’m a long forgotten god. As if I would be able to grant all his wishes and desires. And it fills me with a fire I’ve never felt before. 
“You’ve been such a good boy, Azriel. Go ahead. You can cum, let go.” 
The second I gave him permission, he came. His whole body convulsed with the force. His legs and torso shivered, ecstasy pouring out of him with every whine and curse. 
“Fuuuucccckkkkk,” he mewls, watching his cum slide down his cock, spreading over his thighs. The cuff keeps vibrating, drawing out his pleasure. “Turn it off turn it off turn it off-”
“Don’t you wanna see how far you can go? You look so pretty when you cum, I could keep watching you forever, my dear. Why don’t you do it again, okay? You’ve earned it, go ahead and cum for me, just once more.”
His whole body is flush, the same beautiful color as his aching cock. He strains against the ropes and for a minute I think he’s going to break free. But he falls slack, a steady wave of whimpers as the cuff continues to drain him. The flow of it never stops. 
After a few more seconds to enjoy the show for myself, I turn off the vibrator. I gently slide it off, the majority of his seed landing on my fingers. I make a bog show of licking it off for him. 
Azriel is lost in his mind somewhere when I begin to undo the ropes. I massage his shoulders, working blood back into his extremities. 
“You did such an amazing job, my love. I am so proud of you, I hope you had as good of a time as I did.”
Azriel stayed quiet, but he nodded his head, gulping down air. He was shaking, but judging by the way the bond felt, he felt nothing but euphoria. I had done exactly what I was asked, and he loved it. 
While I kneaded his shoulders, kissing up and down his back, he recovered. While I was strong, I wasn’t strong enough to lift a fully grown Illyrian warrior and carry him to the bathroom. Currently, he’s in no condition to move under his own volition, so we’ll take our time until his strength is restored. 
“I love you so much, Az. My beautiful, strong mate. You did such a good job, such a good boy for me.”
“Mmm,” he hummed, a lazy smile on his lips. “Love being your good boy.”
“You are, you did so fucking good Azriel. It was so hot watching you cum like that,” I smiled, kissing his forehead, then his lips when he pursed them to me. “Feeling good enough to get to the bathroom? The tub is waiting, ready for you.”
My mate nodded, “Only if you’ll come in with me.”
Giggling, I slung his arm over my shoulder. “Of course I will. Stand up slowly, take your time. I’ve got you.”
With a few hisses as he stood up off the chair, wings splaying out to help him keep his balance, I guided him to the bathroom. He could stand just… not super well. We stumbled, but made it to the tub in one piece. I left him to climb in as I stripped, adding some salts to the bath. 
“I don’t care about that, just get in, my love.”
Illyrians, not known for their extended patience, but they are known for their incredible brutality and bravery.
As well as their wingspans. 
Before he could yank me in with my clothes on, I swept them away with a flick of my hand and climbed in. Azriel guided me to sit in his lap, face to face. His warm, scar-flecked hands caressed my body. It wasn’t in a particularly sexual manner, but I was far too turned on to not let a whimper slip. But he didn’t smirk or crack a teasing joke, he just continued to roam my body. 
It seemed to calm him, the edges of ecstasy fading away from the bond one strand at a time. His heart rate slowed and that glaze over his eyes faded away. 
“Feeling okay?” I asked, stroking my hands up and around the tattoos on his shoulders and chest. 
“Mhmm,” he nodded. “Just… wow. My body feels so tingly.”
“Now you know how I feel when you make me cum multiple times.”
Azriel smiled, sending my heart tumbling in my chest. “Guess I should be a bit more gracious with you, shouldn’t I? Considering now you have what you need to retaliate.”
“I think you’d like it if I retaliated,” I grin. “I’m glad you had a good time.”
“Good time? I’ve never felt so satisfied in my whole life. Thank you for giving me that experience.”
I smiled so wide it hurt. “Of course, my shadow. But the next time you want to have a ‘new experience’, don’t hesitate to wait so long to tell me.”
“I promise,” Azriel whispers, cupping both sides of my face with his hands. Our foreheads lean in together. “I love you.”
“I love you more.”
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paper-mario-wiki · 3 months
you do such a good job passing! any tips?
thank you, i appreciate that! i dont have a ton of tips since ive only been at it for a little over half a year, and im kinda flying by the seat of my pants cuz i dont have a lot of people i talk to day-to-day about presentation. pretty much everything ive figured out by myself and with youtube tutorials. regardless, heres a few i can think of:
don't be afraid to go to a makeup store and ask for advice. i brought a picture of myself i put through faceapp to give me makeup, and i showed it to the ladies at sephora, who were able to get me exactly what i was looking for. theres a world of difference between a face full of makeup, and a face full of makeup that's slightly the wrong shade, and it's good to get the opinions of experts.
try to look at the other women in your family and see how they style themselves, or do their makeup, or even how they speak or carry themselves. finding a look that works isn't somethin that you can fall into super easily, you have to go searching for it. try to model yours after the people who literally share your genes and therefore your features. (note, the opposite is equally usable for transmascs, look at your brothers, fathers, and uncles)
spend time in the mirror seeing what looks right. comb your hair in different directions, part it in a different place, put a clip in, dye it a different color, etc. put on makeup and then take it all off, then put on way too much and only take half of it off. learn the muscle memory of holding a liquid eyeliner pen in your non dominant hand and tracing it across the eyelid on the opposite side of your face without twitching your eye. nobody will see you, you're in your own bathroom. with the resources you have, treat the Bathroom Fit Check like you're customizing a character in a videogame.
look for your angles! i wish i could look good at every angle, but i don't, and vanishingly few people actually do. i spent a lot of time looking at myself in my front-facing phone camera from different directions and thinking "fuck im never going to pass, i really dont look great. is this even worth it?" and no matter how much doubt i had, in the long run the answer ended up being yes, it is worth it. that's kinda how hard things are: they suck until they don't anymore.
this one is really simple and may not apply to you, but fix your posture. seriously. when i started standing up straight for a few weeks i noticed an change in how i looked and carried myself (and my back doesnt hurt as much now)
come to terms with the fact that a lot of women look like men, and a lot of men look like women. the idea that all men look one way and all women look the other is an propagandstic invention of the state that should not be taken seriously. (note: this tip works only inwardly as a facet of self actualization. no matter what, you will always run into people who buy into the propaganda. to the best of your ability, pay them no mind.)
im sorry i cant give you anything more, but thats kind of a big question to answer, so i hope this helps!
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dreadsuitsamus · 4 months
Bleach Men Taking Your Baby to the Grocery Store Headcanons
author's note: yes the premise is random but it's also very cute and perfectly in line with my recent onslaught of baby fever. also, the banners in this post were created by the always amazing @actuallysaiyan!! thank you for the gorgeous banners, babe! 🩷🩷🩷
pairings: kensei muguruma x reader, byakuya kuchiki x reader, grimmjow jaegerjaquez x reader, renji abarai x reader, ichigo kurosaki x reader
warnings: children ages 5 and younger and grimmjow's parenting lmao this is mostly fluff and some mischief mixed in from the babies
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Kensei is definitely the tough parent of the two of you, and he relishes in that fact
But goddammit do those baby eyes make him waver
As he carries little Mila into the store, he tells her they're only there for necessities
No candy, no sugary cereals, only what you've tasked him to buy for dinner
Despite being only three and a half, however, Mila has a pretty good idea of how to get her way with Kensei
It's gotten slightly less effective since the pacifiers have been removed from her arsenal, but anything that cracks her dad's tough exterior is remarkable as is
It starts off innocently enough, though soon the way she sings her little song and bops her head around becomes rife with intent
"Daddy, can has hug?" She blinks up at him, holding her arms up
Either he's willfully choosing to fall into the trap, or Kensei is merely blind in the face of his precious girl
"Of course, baby." Kensei picks her up from the cart and kisses her wonderfully chubby cheek, leading the cart behind him as he continues through the store with Mila hooked on his hip
Mila curls up, humming as her eyes scan the shelves for something she wants
"Hold Momma's list for Daddy, okay?"
Mila's little fingers hold the list carefully, and soon Kensei is at a crossroad
"Broth. What kind of broth?" He mutters, fishing his cell phone from his pocket to call you
As usual, it turns into a bit of a squabbling match. He thinks remembering every little detail is silly, and you think you've made this dish so many times he should know you need chicken broth
Kensei is sufficiently annoyed by the time the phone call ends, and Mila strikes then
"Daddy, can has kiss?"
"Yes, baby." She gets a kiss on either cheek, and the kiss she gives his cheek right back is just about the final nail in the coffin
With Kensei holding her, she's able to reach the shelf and snag a little box of animal crackers
"Daddy, can has this?"
Played by the fucking toddler again!! That's three times this week!
"... Don't tell your brothers." Kensei sighs, hanging his head in shame
It's not all bad though; he does get another sweet kiss from his princess
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Byakuya is a strict but ultimately fair father
Little Jasmine has grown up under his watchful eye, though through that she's certainly learned just how many of his limits she can press and how to get around them
Going to the grocery store is rare, and even more so if you're not present for the journey
But it's vacation time, and you're busy setting up the cabin for your family's stay, so Byakuya has been tasked with gathering enough groceries to make it through dinner and the morning's breakfast
Byakuya holds Jasmine’s hand and they walk inside together, Byakuya using a tissue to pick up one of the small hand baskets. There's no telling the last time this thing has been sanitized!
“What would you like for dinner tonight?” Byakuya asks the five year old, and Jasmine hums thoughtfully
How can she end the first day of this vacation with a delicious banana split?
Appealing to her father's tastes will increase the likelihood of success, and her father is quite fond of spicy foods…
“Can we have curry?”
The light in his eyes isn't missed by the girl, and she can practically taste an ice cream sundae with a waffle bowl already
“You're becoming more accustomed to spices, I see.” Byakuya hums and begins to survey the store's offerings, whereas Jasmine is mentally preparing her list for dessert
“Daddy?” Jasmine dials up the sweetness in her tone while Byakuya examines the various cuts of chicken on display
“Yes?” He hums
“Can we have a treat tonight?”
“What sort of treat?”
“A surprise treat. Please, Daddy?”
Byakuya pauses. He's no fan of sweets, and in general sugar is limited in the Kuchiki household
But she did say please
“Mm… I suppose.”
Byakuya doesn't meet your eyes when he and Jasmine return from the store with more ingredients for ice cream sundaes than dinner and breakfast combined
He is such a sucker, but he's happy to be played when he receives his banana split with a chocolate syrup drawing of his beloved Wakame Taishi from his darling daughter
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Renji tries his best to be a strict father, but his determination wavers frequently. He wanted for many things as a child, and as a parent he doesn't wish to push that same feeling on his child as long as he's capable of providing a warm, loving home
Not to mention, that damn two year is old is just so cute it makes his heart melt at the mere sight of the toddler
“C’mon, honey, gotta get some soup for Mommy.” Renji murmurs as he carefully takes little Rin from his car seat, carrying him into the store on his hip
“Why?” is Rin’s favorite question right now, and Renji’s eye twitches a bit
“Because her tummy is upset.”
“... I don't know.”
“I don't know!”
Renji gently pinches his son's lips between his fingers. “Shhh… Quiet time.”
But of course, the moment he lets go, Rin is back at it again
“Because now Daddy has a headache.”
Rin, as gently as he can while simultaneously not managing much grace in the act, pats his father's sunglasses that sit atop his head
“All bedder?”
Renji's lip practically wobbles at the sweetness. “Yes, Daddy's all better. Thank you, sweetie.”
Rin rests his head against his father, playing with the Renji’s chain while he surveys all of the varieties of soup, Renji occasionally pulling the chain away from the baby's open mouth
Rin whines after his third attempt to eat the necklace, so Renji quickly grabs the first can of chicken noodle soup he sees and makes a dash for the checkout. No baby meltdowns in public, for the love of God
Renji gently bounces the baby, pleading softly with him to calm down. It's not working very well, however, and these damn checkout lines aren't moving at all!
Desperation wins and Renji's grabbing a lollipop before he knows it, tearing the wrapping off and popping the sucker into Rin’s teeny mouth
His plan to calm the baby works, and by the time he's actually able to check out and purchase the soup, the small pop is already gone and the tantrum is starting to blossom again
And just as Renji gets the baby strapped back into his carseat, he checks his phone to see a text you sent twenty minutes ago that practically sends his eyes popping out of his skull
Can you pick up a pregnancy test too?
He glances over at the toddler, and can practically see the boy as a big brother already
Even with a fussy baby in round two of the long lines, Renji's smile doesn't waver and he just kisses and coos at the hopefully soon-to-be big brother
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Grimmjow is an interesting parent. Much like how every day with a four year old is a mystery, every day with Grimmjow is a deep dive into the unknown
So when sending the man and his mini-me to the grocery store, you're not quite sure what they're going to come home with. Hopefully it at least includes the items on the list, otherwise dinner is going to be very different from what you've planned
“Oi, keep up!” Grimm looks over his shoulder, the four year old having been distracted by a vending machine
“Want snack.”
“Too bad. Let's go.”
The toddler’s stare is a little too lead paint-y for Grimmjow's liking
“Zen.” Grimmjow looks on, unimpressed as he fishes a coin from his pocket. “Fine, brat. You win, you get a snack. I win, I get a snack.”
That gets the boy to smile, clapping his hands as he jumps in excitement
Grimmjow smirks. “Heads I win, tails you lose.”
The coin is flipped off of Grimmjow's thumb and he catches it easily, Zen waiting with bated breath for the results. Does Daddy win or does he lose??
Grimm sucks his teeth, shaking his head and tucking the quarter back into his pocket. “Heads I win. Tough luck, kid. Maybe next time.”
Zen pouts, watching his father slip a dollar into the vending machine and press the buttons for a honey bun. “Aw man…”
“C’mon.” Grimmjow opens up the snack, taking a big bite and grabbing the front of Zen’s coat, carrying him inside of the store like a handbag
The boy can't help but giggle as he looks up at his father; he loves air jail!
“You're in jail. Stop laughing, fuckin’ psycho.” Grimm shakes his son a bit, hiding his own laughter into the next bite of his honey bun. He's a hardass, but that baby's laugh is precious and melts him like ice cream on a sunny day
Heads turn at the way Grimmjow carries Zen, but Grimm is highly unbothered by such judgment. His kid is happy and healthy, and anyone that thinks otherwise can kiss his ass, for all he cares
“You got the list?” Grimm looks down at Zen, the boy fishing out the neatly-folded post-it note you lovingly tucked into his jacket pocket
Grimmjow perks a brow as he reads off the ingredients you've listed. “Say, kid—” he looks down at his son. “Whaddya say we ditch the list and get some pizza instead?”
Zen claps happily at the idea and Grimm grins menacingly, crushing up the grocery list and tossing it on the floor as he hoists his boy over his shoulder, stuffing the last bite of the honey bun in his baby's mouth whilst flipping off a scandalized woman at the checkouts
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Growing up with two younger sisters was good for something after all, Ichigo thinks as he wrangles his twin girls through the parking lot with relative ease
The three year olds are stubborn and independent, having insisted they walk instead of having daddy carry them! But they still want to hold his hands, of course
why no he is not melting like a lava cake, why do you ask?
The girls gasp at the sight of a shopping cart with a racecar on the end that's the perfect size for two little ones!
“We don't even need a cart.” Ichigo deadpans, though it's in one ear and out the other as the babies pile into the little racecar, turning the steering wheels and beeping the (thankfully noiseless) horns
He feels like an idiot but as the dutiful father he is, Ichigo complies with his girls’ wishes and pushes the cart into the store
Chubby fingers point as little voices call out for candies and trinkets, and Ichigo's quick with each of his responses
“I said no.”
“No ma'am!”
He's definitely cleaning their ears out when they get home, because clearly they can't hear him! Why else would they ask for things a million times over, hm?
“Daddy always say no.” Indigo pouts, her sister nodding in agreement. All they want is some candy!! Why is Daddy so mean?
Ichigo sighs in frustration as the aisle he needs to go down is absolutely packed, and he's stuck with this behemoth of a shopping cart. Settling it at the end of the aisle, he kneels down to make eye contact with the girls
“Stay put; I’ll be right back.”
Ichigo quickly rushes down the aisle, weaving between people to get to the pasta section
Now… If only he could remember what shape of pasta you told him to buy
Indigo and Imani look at each other, covering their mouths to hide their mischievous giggles
Those Push Pops they were eyeing are still nearby, and Daddy isn't!
As the tag team they are, Indigo and Imani spring into action, Indigo rushing to get the candy while Imani (who turns up the cuteness to a ten!) rushes down the aisle to her father
Ichigo frowns and picks up Imani, scolding her for leaving the cart
It isn't exactly effective, however, as the baby eyes and the cooing let her off the hook easily
When they get back to the cart after Ichigo remembers which pasta you've requested, he sets Imani back into the racecar
Indigo slips a blue Push Pop into her twin's hand, the two of them sharing a conspiratorial smile
They almost get away with it too, though when Ichigo's strapping them into their car seats he notices the lollipops
“Stop stealing!!!!”
These girls will surely be the reason he takes medication for his blood pressure, and he dreads the day when they become teenagers!
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harrysfolklore · 7 months
Can we get y/n as a total book worm and Harry just finding it so adorable, like no matter what she’s doing she always has a book in her hands. Cooking, has a book. Backstage, reading a book. At a cafe for breakfast, reading a book.
Ofc you don’t have tot do this idea, it’s just an idea
here it is !! one of my favorite tropes i’ve done coming to tumblr <3
coffeeandbookss - yn’s bookstagram
yourinstagram- yn’s personal insta
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liked by emmachamberlain, gemmastyles and 15,937 others
coffeeandbookss Now reading: My policeman by Bethan Roberts ! In 1957, we meet Marion, a young woman hopelessly in love with Tom, her best friend’s brother. Tom — training to become a policeman — returns her affections, but holds a secret of his own. Will let you know my full review once done ! 💙
view all 2,986 comments
bookfan1 just added it to my list !
bookfan2 i love everything you recommend
bookfan3 started it this week !
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 3,938 others
harryupdates Harry just followed this account on instagram !
view all 846 comments
harryfan1 harry on his bookstagram era
harryfan3 she’s so pretty also
harryfan4 IM SUBSCRIBED TO HER YOUTUBE CHANNEL shes soooo good
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liked by yoursister, gemmastyles and 1,937 others
yourinstagram um harry styles follows mt bookstagram?? am i dreaming?
view all 527 comments
yoursister YOU LUCKY BITCH
gemmastyles I’d love to think I’m responsible for that, I kept talking about your account 🫣
↳ yourinstagram love you gem thanks for your constant support 💓
username1 you’re the best out there
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 3,986 others
harryupdates Harry in London today ! He carried this book with himself
view all 985 comments
harryfan1 he’s really in his books era
harryfan2 i started that book the other week omg
harryfan3 omw to buy it
harryfan4 my favorite booktuber just recommended this omg
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 4,937 others
harryupdates Harry having dinner tonight !
view all 826 comments
harryfan1 OHHH
harryfan2 is that a DATE
harryfan3 boyfriendrry?
harryfan4 respect his privacy
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liked by harrystyles, gemmastyles and 10,872 others
yourinstagram happy days :)
view all 3,983 comments
harryfan1 um why did harry like?
gemmastyles my babies 🥹
↳ harryfan2 hello are we missing something
harrystyles ❤️
↳ harryfan2 HELLO?
harryfan4 i’m so confused right now
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 201,928 others
tmz_tv Seems like Harry Styles got a new girl. More of his beach outing at the link in our bio 👀
view all 17,928 comments
harryfan1 wtffff
harryfan2 WHO IS THAT
harryfan3 man i hate tmz
↳ harryfan1 i think their privacy was disturbed enough already
↳ harryfan2 yeah we’re shouldn’t snoop around trying to dig personal information of whoever the girl with him is
harryfan6 sucks as hell that they took these without their consent but i can’t help but be all ����🥲 over the fact that they’re reading together
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 4,029 others
theharrytea okay yall so i was watching yn’s latest video because of all the rumors going around her and harry (yk he followed her and commented on her posts and harry has been seen with someone we don’t know yet) AND i swear to god i heard his voice around min 7 😭 you could clearly hear that someone opens the door and a faint “sorry” I KNOW MY MAN’S VOICE AND THAT WAS HIS
view all 108 comments
harryfan1 OH
harryfan2 omfg i can hear it now
harryfan3 y’all are tripping at this point
harryfan4 delulu
harryfan5 idk if any of this is true but they would make a cute couple like they would ready to each other and stuff :(
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liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 107,837 others
coffeeandbookss This week’s recommendation is presented by my brand new reading partner ! Love is a Mixtape is a soulful book, written as a way of understanding not only love and loss, but also the way music is can get us through those happy or sad times ! Full review this weekend 🤍
view all 43,973 comments
annetwist ❤️❤️
harryfan1 HARRYYYYY
harrystyles It is my pleasure to be featured x
gemmastyles 🥹
harryfan4 I MEAN we kinda already knew it was her who has seen kissing harry BUT I LOVE THIS HARD LAUNCH
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liked by yourinstagram, gemmastyles and 6,837,927 others
harrystyles She’s got a book for every situation x
view all 96,836 comments
harryfan1 AHHH IS THIS YN
jefezoff 🙌🏻🙌🏻
gemmastyles ❤️
harryfan3 harry is not single anymore omfg
yourinstagram 🥹💓
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 27,947 others
harryismysun Worth the shot
view all 3,097 comments
harryfan1 PLEASEEEEE
harryfan2 you're so funny
harryfan3 i love this fandom
yourinstagram 😂😂 I can confirm this is how it all went down
↳ harryfan1 I LOVE HER
↳ harryfan2 she's the best
taglist: @lightsoutstyles @willowpains @straightontilmornin n @sleutherclaw @gimsaysay @hazzassmirk @platinumbarbie143 @musicforcinemas @celesteblack08 @scntfrhs @eleanordaisy @lomlolivia @iceebabies @iloveshawn @be-with-me-so-happily @watermelonsugacry @rayisthehoe @drewrry
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bluecollarmcandtf · 6 months
Revenge Body
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The day he dumped my sister...
This is a photo of Eric the day he dumped my sister. According to him, she wasn't good enough to be with a hotshot architect like him! Eric thinks highly of his career and appearance, and he loves himself more than he could love any woman.
My sister had to find that out the hard way.
What Eric doesn't know is that his ex-girlfriend comes from a family of witches. In fact, her speciality is contacting the dead, and that's exactly what she did...
My sister summoned me, her dear-old brother, from beyond the grave and spilled the tea on her ex-boyfriend. Even though I was dead, I was furious with the man, so I agreed to help with my sister's revenge scheme. It might've been petty and unethical, but I was in! Eric needed to lose what he loved most...
2 months later...
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"He's fattening right up!" I sent a selfie to my sister, cradling the bloated gut that hung from my chest.
That's right. I jumped into Eric's body and possessed his ass! In only a short time, I'd completely transformed the jerk's entire existence. I was dragging his perfect body and career down the drain!
After performing Eric's dramatic emotional breakdown at his architectural firm, I got fired and kicked out of the building. I strutted his body back to his place, and quickly sold everything he owned. I got rid of his fancy clothes, his shiny sports car, and his luxury apartment. All the money went directly to my sister. I used what was left to rent out the crappiest little apartment I could find.
It was in that seedy rat-infested motel that I gleefully began to destroy Eric's carefully maintained body. I packed his tight stomach full of beer and fast food, shaved his perfect head of hair, and donned an unwashed outfit I thrifted from a GoodWill.
Now that he was unemployed, I got him a job with a construction company. I made sure to get started with the same crew that Eric used to supervise as the architect. Needless to say, there were a lot of angry tradesmen who weren't happy to see him...
6 Months Later...
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Apparently, construction workers really don't like architects, so they were all constantly badmouthing Eric behind my back. I didn't really stop them, but I also didn't really keep them from doing it to my face either. With me in control, Eric was just a pathetic, submissive loser, and all his new coworkers knew they could push him around.
I didn't wash Eric once while wearing him. My nose eventually became numb to his ripe body odor, but I noticed the disgusted looks on everyone's face when they were near. His skin was constantly itchy with dry sweat and dirt too, but I didn't bother buying him anything else to wear. As far as I was concerned, Eric would get up, work, and sleep in the same repurposed clothes I bought for a few bucks.
By this point, the lean muscles he'd been so proud of were long gone. A heavy layer of blubber hung off his whole body, and he was practically unrecognizable with his shaved head and unkept beard. Giving his heavy beergut a jolly shake, I chuckled and knew it was finally time to move to the final phase...
Present Day...
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It was mid-afternoon when I jumped ship. I abandoned his body after a long morning of heavy lifting, leaving Eric exhausted, sweaty, and caked in mud.
Eric regained control of his senses for the first time after 6 months of being possessed by me. He stood there for a moment, all 280 lbs of him, simply staring at his surroundings in disbelief and confusion.
He didn't start yelling until he looked down and saw the state of his precious body. I doubt he had ever felt so slimy and gross before. As I said, I made sure to leave his body as disgusting as possible for him.
Don't feel bad for him though. My sister and I just made Eric as disgusting on the outside as he was on the inside...
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lyneylover · 10 months
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Yandere! Lyney royalty Au♡
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Synopsis: lyney is a street magician that you seen 3 weeks before your birthday. After your dad sees you mesmerized by his magic show he decides to buy lyney and his siblings to be your personal magicians. Little did your dad know that this would be the biggest mistake he ever made.
Word count: 569
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So picture this!
Originally lyney was just a street performer with his twin sister and sometimes his little brother as well.
But that all changed as soon as you came to one of his magic shows.
You were amazed by his tricks and enjoyed watching them. Genuinely having a good time watching his show.
It wasn't everyday that the princess of the l/n family actually seemed extremely impressed by magicians. Many have tried but failed since you were always able to tell what illusion they used.
But there was something about lyney and his sister lynette's magic that made you hypnotized.
By the time the show was officially over you seemed disappointed.
Noticing your disappointment your dad has the brilliant idea to buy the 3 magicians for your upcoming birthday as a surprise.
After that magic show everything seemed so boring but 3 weeks later you got the biggest surprise of your life.
The day of your 18th birthday arrived.
Like any other birthday you had there were lots of gifts.
But something was different this time. This time your dad presented you with something you'd never expect.
There stood the three magicians.
Standing right in front of you was lyney, lynette, and freminet.
In that moment you were frozen and bubbling with excitement. You quickly ran over to your dad hugging him and thanking.
But little did you know that lyney was smitten by you.
The second he saw you at his magic show he felt you stole his heart away. The twinkle in your eyes when he made something disappear and reappear or how he drew the exact same card that a person showed the crowd.
Usually lyney wouldn't let anyone buy him and his siblings so when your dad asked him he was going to say no but then realized that the same man he was going to decline was your father.
Lyney uses this as a way to get closer to you knowing that he's only a mere magician and you're a princess. So he automatically yes not wanting to leave his siblings he told the king that he would only go if he bought all three of them for $100 a piece.
When lyney saw you he felt giddy inside. He was mesmerized by your beautiful features your pretty eyes, your soft looking hair, your plump lips everything about you made him blush.
This didn't go unnoticed by Lynette and freminet though.
After a month of being your personal magician he finally tells his siblings about his feelings for you hoping that they would help him with the master plan he thought up.
When Lynette and freminet finally agree lyney is ecstatic.
A week later they put Lyney's plan in motion.
At dinner lynette slips something in everyone's drink that'll make them tired.
When everyone is finally asleep lyney sneaks into your room covering your mouth before waiting for freminet to appear.
When freminet gets there they all quietly bring you to the escape carriage they had prepared earlier.
They all quickly run back inside to trash your room and their rooms to make it look like a kidnapping. With the money they had gotten from the king they took you far across fontaine where he would never find you.
The next day the king was furious. He thought someone kidnapped his magicians and his precious only daughter.
The king looked for them for months but not a trace of them was ever found.
Lyney could finally be with the love of his life.
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I hope you guys enjoyed this! Sorry I haven't been posting I've had writers block but I'm finally back on track! And I'm currently completing my first hotaru haganezuka request but I thought I would post my little brainrot for you guys<3 Also should i post a part two with yan! personal detective Heizou looking for reader?
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cheriladycl01 · 6 months
I can’t do this anymore - George Russell x Wolff! Reader Part 1
Plot: You are the daughter of Toto Wolff team principle of Mercedes-AMG Petronius, you’ve worked your whole life to become an Engineer. However, your dad has other ideas for you and doesn’t want you to become a race engineer. You start to confide more in the Red Bull racing Team Principle to help you get an engineering job, and see him as a present father figure.
Credit to russellius for the GIF
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“Hey dad! Guess what!” You exclaim to you dad as you walk in to the Mercedes F1 HQ in Brackley.
“What sweetheart I’m a little busy right now” he says pointing out Lewis and George who are with him.
“Well I just got my university grade back! I got a First Class degree!” You exclaim, showing the grade on your phone to him.
“That’s really good darling but it’s not like you’ll need it for anything in life. Surely I provide for you enough” he smiles not fully listening. Lewis sends me a sympathetic nod. Lewis had been your idol in the F1 world, when you first met him you were 11 and he was 27. He basically helped raise you. You were on the road with your dad for most of you life, in between the mechanics tutoring you in maths and science and your mum helping you with English.
You managed to pass all exams at lower levels despite all the constant travelling and proceeded to ask your dad to attend university. Lewis was like your older brother, you were the first person he would always hug when he won a race. He’d take you out for dinner and make sure you ate well and he would buy you little gifts. You’d both constantly joke about how you’d become his engineer one day but little did you know that he wanted that as a reality so badly. You were and always would be his number one girl.
“But dad” you asked and he turned to look at you, and brushed you off once again. You walked out back to your apartment a little sad with your father.
This continued for the next few months, whenever you spoke to him about getting a job as a Data Analyst or a Car Designer or god forbid an engineer he quickly steered the conversation away and it was starting to frustrate you.
“I can’t do this anymore” you said to yourself sadly.
So when it came to the last race of the season, you made your way over to the RedBull garage. Looking around.
“Y/N Wolff, you can’t be in here” a voice smirks, you head turns to see the Mexican driver for RedBull, Checo.
“Erm, hi. I’ve actually come to see Christian” you admit, looking down shyly. This is when more people join the conversation, Kelly and Max have joined both looking intrigued as to why I’m in the garage of the enemy.
They observed you, you were still in your Mercedes stop which was white and made you stand out in the see of dark blue and red of the Red Bull colours. Max couldn’t put his finger on why the hell Toto Wolff their biggest competitor had sent his daughter to their garage. Or maybe they hadn’t sent her, was she here of her own accord?
“Not here to steal our data are you?” He asks, looking at you with a smirk.
You rock back and forth on your heels, a little uncomfortable with the situation you had put yourself into. Why didn’t you just message him, or not walk in in your Mercedes gear…
“No i actually have to see Christian” you say, and after cocking his head Max nods and directs you to where Christian is.
“Ahh Mini Wolff, what can I do for you?” Christian asks as you enter his office, Max left after shutting the door for the both of you, you’d kind of hoped he would stick around as a sort of buffer. But you knew Max was a busy man with a race to prepare for.
“I got my engineering degree in September, I want to work for you” you say bluntly. You take a seat at the other chair opposite him, grabbing the hair tie around your wrist slinging your hair back, trying to show how serious your facial expression was and that you weren’t here on a mere joke from your father.
“Excuse me?” He asks with a confused smile on his face.
“I want to work for RedBull, I know this is odd because your are Christian Horner Team Principle of Red Bull Racing and your probably sat there thinking why the hell is this Mercedes golden girl, here asking ME for a job of all thing. Well it’s actually a really funny story that starts like way way back in the day-“ you started by Christian coughs a little before interrupting.
“You’re rambling, just get to the point”
“I literally did, I said I want to work for you, and you said excuse me I thought that was you asking for a further explanation” you admit a shocked look coming onto your face, your eyebrow raised and head cocked to one side.
“Why don’t you go to your dad for a job? I’m almost positive he’d love to have you work on his team with him. You know pass the principle legacy onto you…” He asked.
“Well I tried but-“
“Are you telling me little Missy that you came to me as second choice” he exclaims and again your cheeks flush and eyes widen impossibly further.
“N-no it’s just that I have this degree and he won’t let me use it for anything and I want to be useful at something in life Yano? I love engineering and I’d love to help the current Constructors Champions out” you explain.
“Well you Little Wolff are in luck, Max’s race engineer leaves on Paternity leave soon, so we need a fill in. Then you can help with the car for next year? How’s that?”
“Are you serious?”
“Well how about we test the waters with your communication on Thursday with Max, then do a test drive on Friday with you. If it’s exceptionally shit, well we will figure something out. But I have faith in you!” He smiles, and stands up coming around the large white desk to meet you face to face, his Han chording out as to shake.
You take his hand, keeping eye contact with him, excited that you will finally be able to work.
“Oh also you’ll be needed in our uniform by Thursday I’ll put an express order out and have it sent to the hotel in Mexico for next week how’s that?” He queries tapping away on his phone rattling of stuff to his private assistant that they would need to cater for you on the next race weekend.
“Hmm, it’s Sunday today so, we’ll announce on Friday that you’ll be working with us for the remainder of the season. Hopefully that will stir up enough to get people riled up before the race” Christian gloats, his mind probably swimming with all the drama and news articles that would be floating around the paddock in a weeks time.
“I’m sure it will, especially my dad” you grunt.
“Thank you for the opportunity. I promise I won’t mess it up” you say and he nods you out of the exit, Max, Kelly and Sergio are all there waiting trying to look as if they hadn’t been snooping in on your conversation.
You gave a nod of understanding to them before exiting the garage trying to subtly make your way back to Mercedes without being noticed by anyone. However your luck wasn’t very good as none other than George, Charles, Alex and Lando rounded the corner.
“Y\N what are you doing coming out of the Red Bull garage” George questions, a confused look on his puppy dog face.
“Erm, I’m in a rush” you say before slipping past them, he goes to follow you but Lando stops him, nodding over to Max, Dani and Sergio that are all looking in their direction with smirks on their faces.
“What happened there then?” Charles asked confused.
“Why the hell was she in that garage, and alone?” George questions more to himself.
“Maybe she has a thing with one of the engineers?” Alex shrugged, easiest explanation to him.
“Surely not” George says a roughness to his voice after hearing that , that the others had failed to notice.
“Let’s go ask Max” Lando advises, starting to walk over.
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milaisreading · 5 months
Sae acts cold, arrogant, and egoistic but when the reader is around him he turns into a soft and gentle simp for her.
🌱🩷: Someone asked me to do a one shot of that one post I made abt Sae simping for Isagi's sister. So I might as well write it like this! Hope u like it!
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura ⚽️
"Sis, can we get these? Mom won't mind, right?" Yoichi wondered, pointing at the box of chocolate that he was holding. (Y/n) looked away from the list Iyo gave her earlier and at the item her brother was holding.
"Hmm I don't know. Didn't you have enough sweets already?"
"Please. I didn't indulge in them for months. Blue Lock is torture." Yoichi pleaded with her for a good minute until (Y/n) ended up sighing and nodding her head.
"Fine. Put it in." She said, showing him the basket.
"Thanks, sis. You are the best!" Yoichi cheered, causing (Y/n) to blush a little.
"Ahh~ me? No, I am not. Don't flatter me too much." She laughed a little, not noticing someone looking at them.
"Ah... You two are here?" (Y/n) and Yoichi jumped in surprise and turned to look at the familiar figure.
"Sae-san? What are you doing here?" (Y/n) wondered as Yoichi raised an eyebrow at that as well.
"Mom wanted us to visit some family friends here in Saitama. I just grew bored of her picking what to buy as a present." Sae shrugged, causing (Y/n) to laugh a little.
"Ah~ it's not easy to pick gifts."
"Wait, is Rin here, too?" Yoichi raised an eyebrow, earning a nod from Sae.
"Yeah. A few isles down." He pointed and Yoichi took off there. The two older siblings stayed rooted to their spots, blinking at each other for a moment.
"So... You are back from Spain." (Y/n) said, trying to break the awkward silence.
"Hahaha..." The girl laughed nervously at his harsh tone.
"Oh! Looks! Uhm... beans... my mom wanted some..." (Y/n) said as she noticed the cans and went to pick up a few, which wasn'tthe best idea as they were high up and she hhad to tip toe. Sae stared at her back silently.
'Why is he so cold? And what am I going to do with beans?!' She thought while sweating.
'So adorable.' He thought. He was interrupted by a sudden crash being heard to his left.
"What..." He muttered and looked back, only to find that some guy had tripped and the things he was holding fell on the ground.
'Such an idiot. How can one be so stupid to trip on nothing? Losers all around-'
"Ow!" Sae turned to look back at (Y/n), who had fallen on the ground with a can of beans next to her. The boy's heart stopped beating for a moment as he noticed her frown.
'So adorable! She is so cute.' Sae felt his cheeks dust a bright pink as he observed her face.
'That frown... literally could give anyone diabetes.' Sae thought when a boy around their age approached her, extending his hand out in the process
"Miss, are you alright? Let me help you up-"
Before the guy could finish, Sae was already there, hand grabbing onto (Y/n)'s.
"I will help you. Mind your business." The boy looked at Sae and flinched as he noticed the glare.
"S-sorry."He said back as he quickly backed away.
"That was so weird." (Y/n) muttered.
"Yeah, weird." Sae said, going back to his usual stoic face as (Y/n) got up.
"Thank you,Sae-san. Sorry for embarrassing you like this-"
"You didn't. Accidents happen." The words and much softer tone from Sae startled (Y/n) a little.
"Uh... are you sure?" She asked nervously.
"Of course. Come on now. We need to look for our brothers." Sae hummed as he dragged her away.
'Her hands are so soft.' Sae thought as he looked down at the hand he was holding.
'Why is he glaring at my hand?!' She gulped in fear.
A week later...
'This is so awkward....' (Y/n) thought as she looked out of the window, trying to distract herself by looking at the snow falling. Now, why would she be distracting herself? Easy answer! Sae Itoshi was sitting right across from her, staring/glaring into her soul.
'Oh! He is probably mad that Yoichi still didn't agree on joining Re Al! Ahhh, poor me!' She cried inwardly.
'Ahh~ she looks even cuter today! (F/c) definitely suits her! My adorable angel! How can someone so clumsy be so graceful?' Sae put his had over his chest. Heartbeat on an all time increase.
"Here you go, sir, miss. Ice tea and hot chocolate. Enjoy." A waitress said, putting down the beverages.
"Ah! Thank you." (Y/n) smiled at the woman as Sae nodded his head.
'That smile! Nobody compares to it-'
"Are you alright?" Sae turned to the couple sitting to his right,curious as to what happened.
"Yeah, it's just that I burned my tongue on the coffee. I wasn't aware how hot it was." The man answered, clearly embarrassing by it.
'Can't these people think for themselves?! It's coffee! A hot beverage, of course it will be hot-'
"Aww, hot hot hot." (Y/n) silently chanted, putting her hot chocolate away. Sae, alarmed, turned to look at her.
"Are you alright?"
"Y-yeah... I just burned my tongue on my hot chocolate." She laughed a little with a flushed face. Sae blinked at her for a moment.
'Ahh! Her cheeks look so adorable! It's alright, (Y/n). Let me help you! She is so cute, I could never be mad at her. It's the hot chocolate's fault anyways. Why was it so hot?' Sae glared at the beverage as he handed her his ice tea.
"Take a little bit of it. The cold will help your tongue."
(Y/n) blinked at it for a minute.
"But it's yours-"
"I don't care, drink it." Sae demanded.
"Ok." She said back, taking the cup and taking a few sips.
'You will be dealt with.' The pro-player thought, glaring at the abandoned hot chocolate.
"So... today's meet up wasn't about Yoichi?" (Y/n) wondered as both her and Sae walked down the street. The boy nodded for what felt like the 10th time. Usually, he would feel annoyed if he had to repeat himself, but that wasn't the case here.
'It's my fault, I should have been more clearer with my answers.' He thought, even if he said 9 times a clear 'no.'
"Oh... Then why did you invite me-" The girl cut herself off as she slipped on the ice. Closing her eyes, she was prepared to hit the ground, but instead felt two arms wrap themselves around her.
"Whew! That was close, are you hurt?" Sae thought, feeling his anxiety spike a little. Opening her eyes, (Y/n) looked up at him and shook her head.
"N-no, I am fine. Don't worry."
Sae nodded his head, keeping his arms still wrapped around her as they stood there in silence for a moment.
"Y-you can let go of me now." The girl said in embarrassment, and Sae was about to agree when something hit him.
'What if she slips again and falls for real?! What if someone pushes her to the ground?! What if she hits herself?! No! I can't let that happen!' The boy nodded to himself.
"What are you doing?!" (Y/n) exclaimed as Sae lifted her up into his arms as started carrying her.
"Just making sure."
"S-sure?! For what? S-Sae-san, this is embarrassing." (Y/n) said as her face turned a dark red.
'So adorable!!' Sae thought, ignoring the confused stares of the people around them.
'She is so soft~' He sighed, looking down at her dreamily.
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