#a) a small houseplant or b) a selection of chutneys for cheese
ravenpuffheadcanons · 2 months
My brother got me one of these AMAZING book stamp devices for my birthday and I had to share it here on the book nerd website. I have already had a splendid afternoon working through all the books on my shelves (except one or two that were very fragile), and it acted as a great excuse for a big reorganisation and clear out. It’s rare to open a present and immediately think “oh yes, I shall keep this forever”. With this, though, I fully intend to keep it until either it wears out or I do. Lots of my books are second (or third, or fourth…) hand and already have multiple names written in over many decades. In some cases, there are even previous ex libris stickers or stamps. It pleases me beyond measure to add my own.
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